MM!EMIM=MIBI - ""`"A"' ' l %o l AsnkleriirSyrifinsttlOtititl' V: sabtQK 1;a:t.44A7-j'v. • 14 yeale,, , ago f tinasltbitiy after Igtleitirture `of OOP' triidericit i .Nr l calltWrile P. 4 11411 1c0S . tiftrisobled in • pOriaiet t mostly,residenta of theßightb.and • ,#intii-Wurdii, held a Mielifi op Satarday evening, dOinPertyNo. , 3,4; in Christe :Adier,street..,,Thontaa O. DOS fieoupied,the Ohair, VindVilliain:Dodge.,ociedps - sobritaryMr ! 1,. B. OEUrrl, on hehalt*Ji:OotarnitOe appointed; at a previous meeting, reported ie.:series of' resolutions,. • 2' ; Witree4 Our , bas; damned it • At .to remoeck - ,,fgern ,airtlt our friend and2distin - gutelita fellow-citizen Bnplorlek,,,pos .J seised at thrilitne' of his 'assassination oft fall share of dile world', golden: treasures, At gigantic- intel - higit,posttion, bet lth'ind wealth end; best --of all these,dld-he possess - the t - tappet a nd regard of there who loibit him best : therefore, - That Sre mournfully smite with oar 'Ration in deploring the loss of one c.f . our country's :ruet - distinguielnal- Senators, David C. Broderic k. ills life nrd - senibsee were by hinj devoted to his 0011A„try,' and , upon . her altar he yielded np all ositi^lne honor;'whic k to him - was a-precious jewel. • -Riiolved; That, ire 'cannot' fcirget, in dwelling wen our country'lloss f tbat wo'are called upon by iihjpeneation of Providence to mourn a ;,donble loss. • With_ our.countrymen, wo aro sor mired at the oarifiee: of: an American statesman and Senator. Ate MeMbers of the Broderick - Guard we are afflicted tri the • lose of one Who to tea wee "all in,: one' friend , brother; monitor, leader. In bins were. happily ,bleilpa all those rare ortalitlealkat constitute a Media In 80 , , :0344y an. ornament, - business prompt, and of artless I,niiipnivr,at heart , gen e rous , in mind giant. - • Re.o/oivi i -gpit we hope to see Upon ;the as yet unwritten pages of oar eo,untres record fait Justice I rendered to the manly worth of the late - lamentod David 0. Bt.:A.1110r. In his death oar nation lost ' a champion,. her! peopy. a , stateemet, "mid we a friend indeed: ", • • the adoption of the r esolutions the meeting ;Times— • • Itearnivis - Pitarri.—:-The' village, or rather :rtawn,' known as Harper's Fern!, relocated in a ro-' inaritio,Mentitainfgorge,7ltt' the ow:Mumma Of the - • rivers Potomac and Eihenandeah, being serontY•sla Inifee from Baltimere,, en the Baltimore_ and Ohio ltaitroid. 'The Wilson each , side of the Potomac) rise to the height of about twlve hundred (opt, in some - plugs presentint-preolpleati alined perpen dieular, of nearly, that atiltude,' the hate of, Whieh the river seems to have forded a passage in' ,the early ages of, creation. - The fOrmation of the -- --read along the rooks was', stupendous in ito daring - aride#4, eplug In its day, the.mott, expensive aver aelstruttad tnany oottutry,: , -as it reautred cutting and blasting at severs! points to t6e 'depth of a I hnftred-feet along the face- of mountain, and through Solid masses or ratherbllle of the hardest stele. The scenery, le sublime, and 'the works' of , man. 'Whioh;rtre' Viet and gigantic' in, this - ``deep anCgrand - canon, are, quite in : har mony with the.' mas sive, beautiful objects of Nature everywhere atoned.' The scenery , indeed. is in ~ t he itigheat' degree romantio and picturesque, and -Theresa Jefferson considered thie "passage of Potoreae . through the Mee Ridge well worth " Voyage across tho:Atiantle to , witness. The -, place : was; -originally, -called 'Shenandoah Palle; Its. preheat nauiellederived- from it - ferry lung since established by ;oitellarper across the Po-, which is. spanned by fine bridge about eight _hitadred feet in length. 'The village Is compactly but 'irregularly built around the "'base 'of a and is the centre of considerable trade. It' contains five churehea, several mann ', factories and nouriormillsi , a` United, States ar mory, in which , about two hundred and fay herds are-aropleyed, , -prodeolngi among other sr tithe, ten Allousand muskets annually. There is also anational arsenal, Ito/Neil icinetylltontand • , stead'ef arms are stored, and amagatine, which bi tten filled with gunpowder and other ammunition.' = :The Otaciand'Ohetapeake Canal passes thing the oppositeaido of the Potomao, and adds - mach to the cheerful and pleasing"aspeet of 'the vicinity. The'goneral appearance and 'position of Ilarper's Ferry may be likened. in some measure, to that of Mauch Ohrink, on the Lehigh, only the mountains are more lofty, and the scenery in general some ' ',";:what -fir' revolutionary,timos it was fre. ' quaistlYs/nueleus and'eamping ground for the Ainericsif forems that formed part , of Washiligton's army, and it Wei Athie haunt and rendezvous of the blickinilth,' who acted' on the American tide 'as and bad alargo,number of adventurous= and "not over-tOrnputons euiti ander TxE 0;1,017AT S. • • • , s ritoasarnxii i tiorted Ibr iliU - ibiss.) - The,basiness - traniaoted • vesterdaV m, the several. fralArigi.znbeiVitMagY4pu,Lbrll:tir reTVITA pa up hi r.'llarber-fone of the bpsta.vos. and polite -ty save - hini /t - permit: which estleatheliolder to a per manent- reindeivat, in- the Oellso We ;munition whether_theie was not," meth in her madness.'. 'ln the Pignut Court, before Smite Strand, -the beat portion of-the setelonlyas noensied. in the trial of a 11 1 4% b uttlinTe u ett l gt a d domaseit in e haviog gi .rnaintaine en .:otiorodmougtooo; F. C. Fitelrstrr sod nr._Bhokburn Sur • defonoe.Old D. W. Othforrie for plaintiff: Ori Comte* PcitAn,-:- - Judo Allison.,--Snmoel Leidy vllf),??."4•llliTga.ri:atulinirt"Ve'r'di recover n - r for work per and Sto ke for-, ulsititill; and S. 0. , Thumper' for Wlll4min • m n ny nr An on for ).` 413 ~1 0 Am and neeavntion : Verd fonnaintiff for /woo.' T. 42.11filith - ror ninintdr., and Jeteher for defence. tiebertL. Curry vs.Sohn llamtnan.. An action to re ; .-,noyer,for.;wkirk and labor dlprie Defence,. set 4L J. - Cooke Lodtatroth for plaintiff', and George c. Collins for dateline. On triAl.. - _ f L-SseilloafP=.7tidgei '',Thonitisod,—The - -second Period of the Oelelief tern, commenced yesterday nforntnr. , `A number ot tesusent,furoni•sumrannoa de !•,ellitti he etonsed; enttuf trolled of a Pres" of huaineee. wont fractured ercrcros for the tern,, and set - arra for Week , "liras Mare. directed lobe fined fifty dollars hrtoOrtatre_e LwrOmmt...Ml Alerwaa tried tot ,the larceny of we_nrina apparel otner• artistes. the proPerty of ater war ; Itr.' , The attendant te a Widow , nee it. is , pi eced that the - clothes were JIM: misband's,. The prosecutor says - that be bought the clothes; frrnn itr....which the defence eafbe; There ig,razw:rgi.:4l I ra. Soho Warner, as c lore n the Visttiet Attorney abandoned theorise. Verdant not Mary Mitres was triedon the altarge of stealini 8 1 24, -t e Property of aervin ,named hieDonrild. It was testy. fled to that the defendant admitted. the 14 1 :leg por tion otthe mosey. lint in court dm said It was Myen her. Verdict platy. - . Sentenced to eight months in the " 1 3 n l itt r il P gtoath a :Prfaierlok GihnOre were on - •• ' i tt r ' s! ) ,Chttir!t r ire IliaVatfA i t n irrhli n ro ' gr• n 't: ll • proved that ,tarometsa were ipipomd 17 tpe witted; who L,•. were in omspesin.and thatthey admitted to in t e em. - 10 - defence; raid' that he had - bourt • the notes from,a meat he met; care him $5 for M ,f domed a linorrledire of the character of he money. Verdict Snifty. Sentenced ro ARUM menthe ',. "each MOO , • , mazaaaar 'Flynn was aoquitteil of c.cherge of assault hatteudiut ordered to pay the costs. settiamln Turnetwas acquitted of a. charge of assault . and linttary,.with intent to ravish. - - - John Deanneoraa - Itoqultted 'ore charge of forcible entry and detainer: And the' proseetdor ordered to pay ~11:608. fol;the defence. otuned. , . . : ARRIVALS..AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, rtra,vi o'cLoolc ia ofmaar, ' (mutt") HOUSE—Cheatmo it.. below Ninth: If ,W lt it i 4l:4lt r om rt io . lt • , , ge: 2 l Barret', b p i"! t • , . ro E.O Donut-11,JB - Ake Pi mien, ncoil, ft - TrApets , - '. ,A It ones. Philo • ' Wyk% tit ..o&rasto . B 'Randal k 10, Donning • - Oito - Do Kelm On, Ptev',le )1 Dennieon, Oa • . if •W c rtoo ioa - • I, 0 Cirmootoml, T.TS,AL• . , p Ttztgit ir tl t , ',4, A ~ .1-,e,. % ik.c gt r i i, A ,,....l !! el rnum 4 .lloAt 4 , , - , ..9. 4 11 140:tio. ft . wleo, Pi Y' - 0 onus , m nonester 114 Brown,Wooslown = • Bodlres, Belt i n Wood,N Y • , . • . -A Fowler ,k, Wife, ft I ' I v -, 1 l', ft wonJ: I Y Y, _ , • Moßvoy, Yla . ~ 0 lion Malt - • Chas Ittorsholl. BAD ,-,,,1tt, o one. - ra• t ; i i • James Evans i la ..- --- ern 8 173 3 47x;d k- ;1;e0 - j- .- ' - 9ri1,F..7. 1 (4.14;:i r 5Z, . , n Bolero( y , - -, Wll Mighty k Is, Yet 1. trillips fr., la: NX - B Cook le. Is. N Y , J kl, oloomb to la - . • • John W Corlies, 14,,y -'- Ms it ;Jr e?fg. d it'rfpat i ! , i - - _ 1 1 .....R0b0Tcp°,41, 4 , rs Y .! 0 H vtork. A V ' . Bffamykine. Nit , .ThosN•Brlon elrerson,Os Wiltons.9ll. - , . A 0 011dreth. Boston • AL Hominelleo St , Wf, O. J Ellison, Pi Y . vapig4,fr”.. :- - Miss Rek. Pa 1 . Vg -, b et e e tas, York, Pa it. JC:::or l e , , I, Yvk, Pa , ~ • : l*l i t tl_ re arioi l ii l . ' N ' Y] -. ' -'- r! - ( Phinfin, f1e .. " '% 1 5;...,,,. 0 amov r +,l.l O' .- ,- 2 . Jfilooffiro n e aorrolgton N Y ~,.,... Jim nyYro •• , • •.• . flirrdan,VA.- ,_ . 14 nestr_.-ya, .. . - B. F.Jannogon. Ya -- t ito. 0 - a; •,..• •. - C a nasnueo Gs '',..'„ tgz; Y wood, Ala 71P_V.t51;;P: • S tf iri4 Ono Trutt. t • t* ;p3kfitr i.l 4 Is N t C MO (hark A Y Ign hflthrnli• r John Neehitt, NY • --.'-'-'-'. AMPS:IIOUL .-. Obtaniit. street. above Sixth, ' -',:tl' lettitTlfulevi d ottr - , ijoI co NTI , l i lt:T h .6ld , : . . leterli t lc Vacilou, bay Cat Wor t hing tan & lady, - - Vo i Del - . - " Hudson city ' .../ - Wet% lEL'W-T • - td M Clark. I.‘nocatater • ' " It' - Miners, Pa -. , - - ' B Stratton & ta,"Nataltex , '';:-,t: - , vre.n.en N y ~, , , , , -„.,atd , ,, , . 'VS , sa t ee i t;llY a r p,4 , : ~-; _ ' mittrg e t4M d r. ' ~.,, i ,: 0,0-47 6 - emmi 0 ~ , yy_ ?Am. '4+l ra. • : --, .404 , . iiilm , te...n , : , - I , v , p1,7414;,,1i T,111,r. i i -'' a llP r i :St lA '. ' ' R'4l , Klhneie li Y- - jetli k ro.B. ? ..., • N Hartb, e iat • , ~ .W. - -um. pl ~,,,, -, , ' - C Cam dal pm. , - 4' cliqtlaw,, &la --.- • -' ." J .1-feiga t Phlia - A.M01,0,./iii,fiCa*44-Ctnutii.: itluivo Fi ft h. , ~, : tpgrultlii , • , Gat, it J - , * ; kyrigili?Phili ' -". }1341406 -- Aldtlatid, May : -E' kir, - ivutrfrdi mu tilga " Mgle t4s - ;;44 ' aVS :114 ` /TY .. 4 t rtityrl4o.thiorc ~. • g•FNdwii iv, l Lon I T40 ' 1: 1 N - ' -:: ir '' ' 11121 . 1 1 :0 " .t. '' h i .d . ; 2': , r 4ll. 1 ' sprifi:! ..l, • tIk4I7II;W ii Y - :; : to} - i - : At . o g i t tk l n n, , , S,ll y, • , - po privmo...nd 94,1 r Y / 1 yort mano, ritY. , ,'' Anic vast,t - ,-- il I. n,y.. ' , - -.. AA on - tw&lndy; pi -; J r ,, feept*vpi t N_lt, • ',: . • ..... C i r n toitionil , , , 41 4Lttiler%, - ''- " -1 A t.."..i v . : , - -', 1" -- ,,,e. , 10,-H y... n ." . lA n itionyoson*lrf,' ti' Y i •''' -.--' R hot tei nuta andig ivta op e n . (4441 .8 a n a n y s e cm s ,#. wf, it :.. l 1 ~tplre2ottvillery t :i ‘ , ' tliZ UNION , 1101"Eb-Aroli _atielif, above Third, - ' f - - - :',l -.lll , rlyheipi , -1 :': '._ L ,W F 8611ais.'Pci ' ; - 1 4„ 0 , i cao;. ink - , '' --' - ,_J Fitambaupir, P a ..,, 0 - - - a matandr -.flittebuttt:, R 0 ;fifth & la- X . 1 , , - -,,,,,-,, .1' awart &-v 00 - ns. .c, , . ~ mitu, ioniing.! Y , - -, --vr Mason & tart ~.- --- PO . *hareem, Pa e,,,. Stitower &is, h onlrote A Jitankht, Pa, - JHBlontok.Pa•l 7 -.l ':i Itill g err',Vl ketP"s° In=rAtaxß ding '-': ilgßlirgir , '„, N 1 . I. &Wilk.' itildw,,,, O ' • ;;;., Cart 0 Ree.aahrille ' ; .-:- -- t,'_-, 1 ! Sh Pq i , . 4- ,.7' ', A';'.`i , ', ,- :2P . PattoPi/I'Y' ~ ~. MBRO.4 I Mr:ROTA 4.I !orirth'IN. belay. Arch. ",. J e4tpsroni.).siglivic -3 "-.-*z.7." ," WA - M1.4 Omy". Pi, - fIIITI NA7.4 l fregift ' 'ii i, olll7 d rltv - Pa - ,uthor Ws oattla. i ta ,_ ,„I .P.,40 A &, -. , ' Ifrln Di itv ..P. - 4 Vino" P ort Matilda It gi 4W l4 2 4° hi P si a il tilT-a' ' 0 iiipt, 4.:1i, , 0i,iti,„ :„. ameil ...,...:19,tii ..ew Lisbon - ..- -...... -___.-. - - 4 /li s egtp 1 1210D8E-Chestiktit street, sh6"re 'Third - " Mt rho, ,:, D 0 4111tItiill. PM% % '.. ' ' -.1 , '' N ' - Ills ie..° I I " kAlt ri "fit rid it ,i z Collin s . it- ,6 v ''.....,: VT,I . ,,NV ng °- ' , 11.„_,,...,. NT : ~ -',-... crii. ten.nsnotto;rii< in rizlier i a -. • i i44. 1 , 1 ?1,., ::_,.e: .' II V 124114 & Itt :Phil& .-- , 3-i mesh* VIVi- . - _ EtrQ. ;In or trawir,ifbli -. ~:??.', 2 ,,,5 1 514V1.1. -,_ ~,, ,-, ~ .. 1 7A - + 0 41P111.10w4... . - ..o''-,iiii.G . SY-EargAt`,/fo7 . sL4Sii.oii4 et.; below It Ine. --,, ..:- . ,.zpeistv.eltaxixid, ht .1 2 - ...,,,--- Nryookitr la & 118t7. Pev he latifoi . 4 --- i. , 14 Clint Neyi Huila YAIP' C ili-r t;; A :.--' '-', ?;;IJ 1 - -' . ;VT q a - '.' ' ' ' ',3V. 4 o4i i r i t i . l ll3 - lati). h a L ,ii.. - ..,:', E..&gmlltislglnsrlk* - ../- Pi t :fri.rokll,li a in! 1;1 ' .5 '4 l4ol7lldlii '' ' b i; ', 6lltt, Mi. ' -NATIONAL,ROTPI-dtann street, above Third. P $ PotesnoPtdrayra,'Pa , BrOW2I. Vtl • W 3"M"°4 ' A"" 'T n 44 4 1 1t 3 lite l a u l l ithi a Va 13 4P1 ,1 :ii t lW 18 0 R P- 7 ' tiZM Retr A Kaneda I'au t, ettielico, r rd a i r g t - • C aThnnkpOon; Eichuyl ohp But abanon. Jonetthtto mad, Lebanon 'Mfg Nionds.-hitnerstqlto E W Wiee,Shiremanocwn, Hotholomew, N C C Meredith, Dauplim co I , Lowdart Bunks go • t .1118 nutatuneon,Lowtsburg jtobt Wilson, Wit sestuirts H. J Rend le ti W Medie9; lsethle he in P 0 Myers, oMttirtsan ' in Ttsubst, Csbmass, Jos Anthony', Pottsville. Muhlenburg Geo liinarich, Lebanon -'J 0 hillier, Lebanon W M Low, Lime Ridge 'Levi Rittman, Lebanon R W Oat • - Jos Gibson, Montour man N Moony, Pa, ' W N Poters,htsrshall's EAGLE . 110TEL—Vdrd street, above Mute. P kinokonhsgen N 3 . 6Spenkroar, Bel Co Peturson,N J Sol Stoutort, Pottstown Nen N 0 Cropper, -' • 0 If Rolm_ J Buokmnn • - Tooker. Vtt, C ttherg, NJ, „ Kitoblin, RubyttqWe JI . P Simla). J 0 South, Wel exitst cheater m rehall saml Ba ay rie N i, j T er eitnn er E 4j " - ini -36 ""' 1111/4 COMMERCIAL ROTEl,7 , 9 l ith at.. above Chestnut . rs Thompson, Chester go T cloote4, Dino ao ' l 4:§ r a l e t o g i s e te t r e L CO ' EirVirelStre r o 'A Kimble, heater no J &Ott. Chester oo P WEwift, Lane 00 J Swift, Jr, Lazio on - If 0 Greonield, Pa E B Patterson, Pa W P Rainesi Coulson, W E Davenport. N T James Conner, Del W B Lou., Bhurlersharg W Brewster Pa John Lotz , Bhurlersburg C Brewster. Ito .1 A MeConkelt,LanO co 0 G Baker, W Moore, Pa M Pennook, Wilmington S Pennock, Kennett square W L Junes West Chester 8 W Nylon, Pa D Scott, Ma BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at, above Callowhill. I. Aaron Erdman; MM Behalf, Treglertown R_USR. Trexlertown M Smack, Reading elms Boling gOlithanlPtoll Alias Roads, Southampton Jacob Koch!, Carbon co , Pa Mrs Koch tz oh, Carbon no B Helfrich, Loqz Swamp Owen B Collins Bernvdle .WEberhard, Dining° ray's" Rev T Shantz,teading W Joehmiin , Hamburg Jakob 0 arks oo Daniel Loose, Reading Saint W Barnvine Mrs Miller, Bernal lle John 9 Wenneh.l3ernville A S Stouffer, Rendin ' g C Brunne r Reston, Pa W 0 Newman, N J • . S Fritz, Weisenburg .P Price, Reading . --" , BALD EiliLE—Third above Callowhill, A B Hallman, Lehigh co 8 0 Helipna. Lehigh T ow. 71 8 3 t= e Po w w% Aran. &Tr Mebrkent. Little Dap J 11901) MPG'. LATIMIRIO 1) Koehler. Heektown n Bauman. Carton no E Psalm, Bethlehem D Bbwis, Lebanon co I Eurenhuth, Centre po v Mrs Etsenh r uth a & eon, P a g IV; rg , Allentown "birtiTe„,Tolegtok ht Miler, Lehighton, Pa DWasser:Montgomery oo F. Id Kuntz, Lehigh no H Soheidy, Lehigh no GATES UNION HOTEL—Market street.above Sixth. Iltitherford.Snnbury.Pa S Colwell, Clarksburg, Pe Seymour. Pottstown Pa Danl Small & la, Pa Miss A Small. Sehuylk Hav hltuder F R Small, Pa B P Hall. Plain W Glenn, Plain A W Grad; Miboy, H Brower, , inborn. Pa H W Graham, I.nd dela Derr, Belierente Pa Z Pannabaker, Lime, a H Forely, Clearfield P It Bradley. Philo 8 Monhing, Va WS T l h l o r mp Ku n zo MA 1 Mo nd n r on'B o av es c ow n Ti Burnett, Harrisburg J Patohin. Clearfield BSE FatnerH PAGE ARRIVED. Steamship 'Phloem Spregue,Matthewa.So bourn from Boston, with mdse and posaengers to Henry Winsor. Famed olf the Buoy on the Brown bark Rowena, from lantana , and a agnate-rigged brig, name unknown. Sawa brigantine at anchor off Bombay Hook; also a bolero English bark. name unknown, bound out. Brig ,Elizabeth Watts. Bryant, 7 days from Boston, in ballast to .7 W & J P Starr. Bahr. Spencer,7 days (Wm Portsmouth, 'Va, lumber to Gaskill & Galvin. Bohr C M Neal. Henderson, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Noble; Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr V Sharp. Sharp. 4 days from Salem, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Samuel, Crofts: Arrante, 2 days from Chesapeake City, with grain to Christina & Curran. Bohr Henry Wolfe. Atkins, days from Milton, Del, with eon; to Christian ar. Curran. Bohr Olivia. Fox, I day from Odessa , Del, with wheat to Christian & Cur , I Bohr. Annie, Spicer, I day from Port Penn, Del, with oats troChristian & Curran. Bohr Vandalia. Cooper. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat and corn to Its Bewley & Co. Behr Meoloinlo, Hendrickson. I day from Odeon, Del, With wheat to Ina L Bewley & Co: 'Bohr Pearl. Deputy, - I day from Milford, Del, with gram to Jas I, Bewley & Co. Bohr Ladies' Choice. String. 2 day, from New Castle, Del, with onto to Jea Dirtatt Is Son. CLEARED. Steamahlpßeystene State, Marahman, Charleston, A Heron, Yr, . , M m lta i ttgg,kl7lol.l l ils=l2= ! I R, ;mos Watson & Sono. g4C,Pfv,i ' l., r tilk ,k , e aßg i , s figg:::Ra ' g i il l ivit. ad . So C Heouereon, vharlestown. do. [well. Bohr Harmonio, Maloney. Boston, contain. • Behr M Howell. Covell. Boston, L Audenried & Co. Bohr 0 Audenried, Hewitt, do, do. Seer rry, Hendenion. do Behr Neptune. Portsmouth. N H, do. Bohr W P ?billies. Smith. Chelsea. It R Corson & Co. Str I Shnver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. IT TELEGRAM TO THE MOM New Yong Oot 24. Aved. bark Overman, from St .Tago fro m Trinidad WoAlden. from Havana; bark Harr, de Cuba sohr A-Canale, from Nassau. The ghip Rachel. ashore on the Wed Bank, will come 'MT during the high tides of this week. Boma. Oat. 21. Arrived, ship ITnion. from Calcutta; brig 0 F Wil liams, from Turks' Island. •Naw ()Titian. Oot 21. Arrived, ship Lucinda, from Soden : ships Clara Wheeler. Gulf Stream, 8 C Grant, and John M Wood, from Liverpool. Iitt.MORANDA. Steamship ponnerlyania, Teal, for Philadelphia, sailed from Richmond 22d inst. Steamship Butte of Oeoreis, Garvin, hence at Savan nah yesterday P Mr All well. Ship Oswego. Stevens, for Liverpool, cleared at Mo bile lath unit with 2/abates cotton, veined at 3153.212 Bark Amelia. liti.Gueval,clenred at New York yester day for Philadelphia./ ,r Bark Amy Nickerson, hence, arrived at Boston 23d Instant. W ' - I Brig 0 Barter, Gelchrist, hence, arrived at Savan nah 19th inst. Brig J Nickerson, Baker, hence, wan telegraphed be low Boston 2111 inst. • Brig Burmah, Ober, for Philadelphia, Bailed from Nbw Bedford 22d inst. Brig ReystoneState. Ifenraty, cleared' at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. &Mrs 10 0 Floyd, Racket`. from Fall River. and D 0 Bowen, Paine from New Haven for Philadelphia ar rived at New York yesterday. Bohm J C Baiter. Babcock, and A 111 MayO, Ward, for 'Jacksonville. cleared at Charleston 224 inst. thr J W Drlako, cleared at Boston 224 inst for PHs- Rand Sarah Clark, Grn ; .1 Williamson. Jr. Nyleismore Saadi George Edward. Bakeri w Saulsbury. 'Axon r • Prs_hilWarde : Fiebsockl w Dillon, Barton' W heskin George I, Green, Green • Lady Suffolk. Baker, W Bartlett, Connelly RoDert Corson, Corium. and Debo. rah Jones. TatelTl. enoe, arrived at Boston 23,3 Fichte ,B Wheeler, I/ 8 Mershon, end R S hence, arrived at Salem 211 d inst. Bohr P A Sanders, Somers, hence, arrived at Marble head 23d inst. FOROES , -TUDOIL—On the lith inst., by Rev. T. S. Johnston. Mr. Jesse V. Forbes to Miss Susan E. Tudor. MI of this city. ealitßLE;-LEVER.TRO.—On the 12th of May, by Rev. F. L. Kress', by. James thimble to Miss Anniejo Leverimr, both or jilts ear. CALROU—FifLI..—On the Dith inst.. by Rev. nem"' IL Stuart, Win. Calhoun' to Margery Rill, both or this city. BRINGHVREIT.-41eithe 24th inst., Mary Bringburet. relict of the late Thos. Bringhurst, in the 79th year of her age. • The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully layited to _ attend her funeraL lanhall street,- .from her late rem ttrfeeertiiiT; notice. Funeral to proceed to St. Luke's Church, man'own. COCHRAN.—On the 22d inst.. Mrs. Susan rocihren. in the Mm gear of her ace, at her late residence, No. 916 North Fifteenth street. Intermeat at Forg's Manor Church. Chester county, at 121t' rook thin day, (Tuesday.) the 26th inst. • SCHWARTZ.—On the 23t1 inst., Samuel R. Schwartz, Sr.. in the 72d tekt of hie ace. Funeral from insist', resident:4), No. 847 Randolph tit. , this ( Tuesday) afternoon, ate o'clock. MlLLARB.—Ontliegitut met. Sarah Elizabeth. daugh ter of Mortimer and Jane Millard, aged 7 years, I mu., and 18 dare. Funeral front the residence of her parents. Bedford street, above Palmer. Eighteenth ward, this iTneadriy) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. •-131.1130191.—0 n the rid Philip Dubois, a native of Switzerland, in the 01)th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. Aberdeen street. be tween Second and Third, south of Spruce, on We.d neutdriymomine. at lo O r stook. DAYtl9.—On the 224 inst., Mrs. Eh zabetliDevis, eldest daughter of the late Geo. Scott, in the 60th sear of her age: Fuming from liar late residence, No. 102 Arch street, thisiTuesdar) afternoon. at 2 o'olook. BIIRNS.—On the 23d inst., Mrs. Ellen Burns, wife of Thotnas Barns, aged 40 y sire. Funeral from tee residence of her hushand,o27Chaties street. Smith, above Fonnh, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'oloolr. • CAULLET.--On the VA inst., MM. Sarah A. Cannot, in the 66th year of her age. Filiforal from the reeldenoe of Mr. Benj. Staff. 1210 South Sixth street, on Wednesday afternoon, at o'clk. HARDINO.—On the 224 inst., Emma L. Harding. danehter of lame and Fiances Harding, aged 19 years and months. Funeral from the residence of her Parents. No. 1219 North__Tweifth street. thuilTuesday ) afternoon, at 1 o'k. EDWARDS.—Oa the 23d Inst., Margaret Emma, daughter ofJaeob And Ellen Edwenle. - Funeral from the residence of her parents, Church street, hider Frankford street, this (Tuesday) after noon. et o STINEBECK.—On the 23d Met.. Adam Stinebeek , in the 110th year of his age. Funeral front the residence of his son-in-law, Ches. Ramsey, Ninth at., above Parrish, this (Tueed.ay) after neon. at 9 o'clock. • r BARKINI3.—On the 23d inst., Mrs. Margaret Har kins. aged 70 'okra. Funeral from the residence her sister L Mra. Mary Moblinamin. 1249 Brinton 'tract. between Twelfth and Thirteenth, below Shippen, this (Tuesday) morning at 9 o'clock ÜbLIN.--On the 291 inst.. Thos." Mullin, infant eon of Patnelc and Elizabeth Mullin. need a years. Funeral from the residence of hu arente, rear of 1010 Chrietian street, above Tenth, this (Tuesday) after noon: at 2 &Mock. YOUNG.—Ou the 234 inst.. Mre. Martha Young. daughter of liennetta and the late Jessie Reading, in the 29th year or her age. ' • • • Funeral (role the residence of her mother, Jerusalem place, Pearl- street. above Twelfth, this (Tumidity) moronic. at 10 oclock.' LOGAN.—On the 23d inst., Joseph Logan, in the Ott, year of los age. Funeral front 'debate residdipm. No, 911 North Nine teenth ad.reet, this (Tuesday ) eltemoo,n. at 9 o'olook. a BRIPIPL—On Sunday morning. 234 Inst.. Ann Shinn, relict of the tete F,nrieh lihinn, of Medford. N. I. Her relatives and friends Ste invited to attend her funeral. without further notice,- from the residence of Edward Smith. 712 Chestnut street, this (Timely) 1 N1P.7 1 / 6 6$ 1 .=heili inst.. near Pittstown N Thome Peacock, in the With year ot hie ace, "" y 7 ]{ $ Bi>we , Roston W B kel; Ala CB. oorhf.~ . 4 J.ex, 1 IIitrOVANING STORE! BESSON & SON 41.11. No. aos CHESTNUT Street, have a foil snort mentor Black Velour Repo t - Bloch Gron Grain {inn, do, Monneelinedilednee, do. r_oult do Boies, do. irtehmetes; do. Venetivnes, do, , tetinoes, do, atin de,Chines, t. reg hgre l d 6 i , nein do. Hombessnes, o. is Poplins. do. .14111i11811. 40e nFligh Crape', do, ammattae, .... do. OuweCollays, do, ohairtustres, do, SieeVen. do. Thibet nnni E Shawls, v • leo grze elle, aco., &e. 0 Bsoned Meunier s in every vino'''. dl-tr MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SIARRIED. WHEELER' a 5. WILSON SEWING MACHINES. — Philmle'Phis. °Moe. 6.18 CHESTNUT Street. Iderohante , orders tilled at the SAME DISCOUNT as hY the Compatr.: Brag.* ortioele In Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton and Weetolieder, Pa. ' UOOPTAND I K',GARNAN. BITTARS will posi tively mire Dynopsie. Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, &o. COPLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL 'eure Cough', - Colds, Whooping Cough &0., &o. Prepared by Do, C. M. 'JACKSON /c 00., 418 ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists and dealers; genera/. Price 70 Gentle per, bottle. ,segt-tt SAVING rttiti—NATIONAL SAM!' TRUST pompAtne-Otiortiimyr State of rimming& LES. Money is received ever? day, and in any amount, arse or small S. FIVE PHILO/3NT. Interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. b. The money is alwayi paid hack in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from treeuroro, Administrator:, Guardians, and other Trustees, In large or email sums, to remain a Ling or abort period.' 6. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real l'aite," Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other tint class witiee: ". 6. 4D6166 open every day—WALNUT Street, Southwest oorner Thitd street. Philadelphia. . apLs - ON2 PRIOR (ILOWISTO OF TII LATBST BTTLIII, made in the been manner, expressly for TA 11., • OALV.O. LOWEST selling proms Marken in Plain Ofgares.' All goods made to order warranted satis factory... Oar ONE-PRICE fiyatem is strictly adhered 'to, aa,WIS believe this to be the only fair way of dealinf• All are thereby treated alike. • JONES ar.. CO., ON MARKET Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. Love. COURTSHIP. AND MARRIAGD. PROFESSOR 0. 8. FOWLER repeats hie vent LECTURE. on MATRIMONY TO-NIORT, nt 'VAST PHILADELPHIA HALL. and he will continue to she Phrenological Examinations, at 9211oRmiltrT &see, the balinoo of this wed; man. ' ' , tltlg VITAL PRINOIPLE is restored to de woe hair, and a healthy tone given to the scalp, by the nee orJULEB HAUEL'S EAU ATHENIENNE HAIR RESVIRER, thus preventing baldneec, where it exists through ago or sickness; it renews ite growth, restoring gray hairs and whiskers to the soft, glossy, original oolor of life. It is not a dye. Bold by all Druggists, and by JULES HAUEL & CO., No, HS CHESTNUT, Street, Philadelphia. • ozd.etd<W THE STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETE' have awarded the FIRST PREMIUM di the Sewing Ma chinos of LADD, WEBSTER, ac, CO. New styles, with reoent iMprovemente may be seen at their rooms. BYO CHESTNUT Street. oot-tutbrilm TRH WILLCOX AND GIBBS SEWING MA cum, 715 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. cie2l-tf SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able prloolb No. KR CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. WS tt EVANS I 'WATSON GROVBR & BM WS OELII➢HATSD NOIMELEBB FAllifILI 811WIN0-IAOOIIIIIII, AT TIISMICED PRICES. Temporarily at No. ael Broadway. PIM retint to No. 400 in a few weelca GAB-LAMP DRPM-411ITH AND ARCH. ae24-31A SNANBN 0 - SAVING FUND—NORTEWEST CONNED EECOND and WALNUT Btreete.—Deposits ref °eyed in wall and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Money may be drawn by dente without loss °M erest. Offioe oven daily, from 9 until 9 o'clock. and on Mon day and Saturday until D In the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, OLIADI IL MORRIS. THE iltlolllB OF SINGER'S BP.WING MAOHINSEI TUVE! BXEN !! RIRDOCIID !!! dl-3m LOUISVILLE, OCTOBER In, 109. MR.. WM. CUNARD—Logan Sin lam grieved to ie compelled at last to give you the information that I cannot at present come to Philadelphia, lam sud denly visited with the symptoms of an old malady that afflicted me terribly a year ago, and I dare not go fmm home at present. I have infinite regard for your com munity, and I hog that you will make my apology to them. Very truly, your, 01.0. D. PRENTICE. As the illness of Br. Prentice will prevent his lectu ring before the Prescott Literary Association. those per who have purchased tickets for that lecture will have their money refunded. It* LECTURE.—TIRE REV. DR. FRANCIS VINTON, of New York, on WSJ:OI'4EBOAV evening, October 28th,_itt 8 o'clockovill deliver ajecture on PUBLIC OPINION, at' CONCERT NALL, Cheat nut street. Tioketa 80 canto; for Bale at most of the Book and Muaio stores, and by the Janitor of the ED..- royal Academy, nor. Logue and Juniper etreets.o24-3t PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— The Second Looter° of the -Coerce will be de livered at CONCERT H ALL. on THURSDAY evening... On tohe r 27th,_ by 0. W. CURTIS, Esq. Subieet—"GOLD AND GILT IN YOUNG AMERICA." Tiekete I r the CoUree: Bingle Tickets, ndalittlnc one, 25 can)! ; Admitting one gentleman and two ladme, 60 canto ; pr sale tho bookstores. RTDAVID PAUL BROWN, ESQ., WILL lecture holm tho Philadelphia Literary Insti tute. et the MUSICAL FUND VALI,. on THUMAY EVENING, Oct. 27th. at 8 o'clock. Subject—THE PAS SIONS. A Portion of the proceeds mill be applied to charitable purposes. Tickets 25 cents, to be had at all the bookstores, end from the members of the Insti tute. Me 7V GIRARD BANK—PIIILADELPHIA, 00- toy 18,1359. neotice iereby given, that an election for thirteen directors, o serve for the eninie year. will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY,November 2tet. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. The annual meeting of the nteekholders will be held at the mine plaoo, on TURSDAYWovember let, at 12 o'clock M. oelB-tn2l W. L. SCHAFFER, Clothier. i'cr UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— Department of MINER. ART and hl AN UFAO- T EB.—Course of 1869-40. The course of Lectures in this Department will commence on MONDAY, Novem ber slat, 1g69, and will be continued as follow/: Mechanics and Dhernistr.r.—Prof. John F. Fraser, Monday and Thursday at 4 P. M. Geology and Mineralogy.—Prof. Menke B. Trego, Cinl Tuesday and Friday at 4 P. M. Engineering—Conetruction.—Prof. Fairman Ro gers. Monday and 'I hursday at tiy. M. Applied Mathematice—Surveying.—Prof.E. Otis Nen dull. Friday at 5 P. M- Mining.—Prot. J. Peter Lesley, Tuesday at 5 P. M. A course of Mathematics may be followed by those who desire to do so_. under the &motion of the Professor of Mathematics , The oouree may be attended either singly or together, The Lectures will be continued until the end of March. For Tekets apply to Frederick Dick. Janitor, at the niversity—North Building. And for information re epeoting the studies, to FAIRMAN ROGERS, Bean of the Faculty. ocIA. let No. 24112 West Rittenhouse KIWITe. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK ILADELPHIA, 00t0 1301 M. once le hereby given that an election for Thjrteen Directors wiU he held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 215t,1959, between the hours of 9 o'clook A. M. and 9 o'clock/P. M.•, and &senora' meeting of the Stookholdere will be held on TUESDAY. November let, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the ll&neing Rouse. of dtant W. Rusarros, JE., Cashier. 4 : WESTERN BANK OF PHILADELPHIA —Out her 14.1459. tnnual election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking ROM, on MONDAY, November 218, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. hI. and 2 o'clock P. M. The annual meeting of Stockholders will be held at the earne place on TUESDAY, November Ist at 12 o'clock M. TROUTMAN, o 4 -tuktr-t n2O Cashier. WSOUTHWARK BANK--PIItiLADEL. PHIA, Clotober 3d,1 1159, ee is hereby g iven that an °Notion for Thlrtemt Plreetore will be hed at the Banking House on MON- November slat, bstweett the hours of 10 tieloolt A. M. soda o'cdoeirst H.: and &s In enora) niff t aor the BLOokhOld ere will held on TuEADAY, No vember Ist, at 12 o'clock ht. - 04-dtall T. P. STEEL. Culler. COMMISSION HOUSES. SUPERIOR OVEROOATIISGS. BIBLE TRAVERS, MARENGO, I BROWN MELIRT, Asp NEORETTE VELOURS AND TRICOTS. SLACK BEAVERS AND TRICOTS. Aran. A FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND MEDIUM CLOTHS. DOESKINS, AND CASSIIHER ES. To which we particularly invite the attention of the Trtulo. RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & CO., IMPORTERS, 02.5-tutha-M1 206 CHESTNUT STREET. C A II D . SOMERS & SNODGRASS 34 S. SECOND, AND 0 STRAWBERRY STS., have in store a largo 'nook of CHINCHILLA, ESKIMO, FROSTED TRICOT, AND SATIN-FACED BEAVER CLOTHS. SATIN-PACED DOESKINS. ♦:(D !WAVY PATENT FINISHED CLOTHB. FOR LADIES' CLOAKS AND MANTLES, ' AND GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATINGS 0254 C di." R M THE SMALLEST TO THE largest sized Phptographs or Ambrotypes. Photo graphs. lice size in oil, unsurpasuad fortuttatio finish_ by any in the world. REIMER'S GALLERY, SECOND Street. above GREEN. it' AIMS M. MUNSON, CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN. • No. 127 Bouth•TENTH Street, May be consulted for a feu , uremia. Prior to her departure to California,on the 17th of November. 022-0 t" 'NEW PLANING MACHINE, Embracing The Andrew,, Patent of late, with mittchhag works for dressing bloardselank, ow Priam* of ceding. Great Saving of Power. aobines of oar ova sizes, 34 to 20 incilies wide, for single or double surfacielog, with or without niatohing heads, for sale at No.= North SIXTH Stteot, Phila. Call and examine. sta-tbsturrn • OEO. W. COLBY & CO. I AM PREPARED TO RECEIVE EVERY &striation of Fondly and Domestic goods, having Wring Machines of the best manufacturers, as also the most approved,nnd skilful operators. artleles finished with neatness and delicate' and at man prices that defy comPati• Mise Id SIXTHTHIMAN, B. B. corner of L aundry PRUNE. srf Int Laundry Offiee. 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET: - 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR.—Greet Emporium for Sterposoopesand Stereoscopic Veal, American, French and English, Opera Glasses, Mic roscopea, and Improved kliwitaolom, correctly' muted tb thoeyee. at M. J. FRANKLIN'S, Optician, 112 Reath FOURTH Street , below Chestnut. V' ArtifiaMl Homan Ryes iesertod. 15 , 000Agi o c il E4 IN .tr o d v fr o t T IAJAN T AND approved brands, and of every stse and sur t ig — ty, hemoat for oily and•ountry trade. at proem antonishingt6low. RTlg t your ol Mere to ZIEGLER & &MUM, rug, arrush Dealers, corner BECON nod liftEEN , Btrtte V , sts-tf 0,000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, 11. upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cone, Mer chandise, Clothing, kg., on moderato term, by JONES & Brokers, nortrest corner of THIRD and EMS RILL Streets, below Lum bar Esmblishod for the las -5.5 years. Office houre ro Si l ver .to7P. M. second-hand' Oold andWatvbes, by Min makers, warranted genuine, for saleo heap, atone-4 0 the eriginel ono _ ant .as - !ILI/ COGNAC BRANDY, WV 4l ' s lo l '.. Pdatt Do. • do. Benneeny. In bond, and &reale lay A. NIP:RIND. _ 020 140 South FRONT Street PAPER, CARDS, AND ENVELOPES. PAPER. CARDS, AND ENVELOPES. PAPER, CARDS, AND I.:Nvp,hopEs. 405 COMMERCE Street. CHOICE PUEE TEA.-LOVE, FOTTRTU and CHESTNUT, her reduced Ida Dollar Blank and Oven Teaa to 75 cants per pound—A Bargain. egg VITRIFIED FIRE.CLAY PIPES For • sewerage and drainage, Prom the most oelebrated manufaeturers of England and Scotland. t,LIAM DROWN, ota-tuthset. Ste CHURCH Alley. Jul AM S AND SHOULDERS.-1,700 Places City Smoked Hama mad Shoulders. Alpo, 90 0..Vonee extra Burg, Cured Hams, for sale by C C. EAIABR & 00., ARCH Street, second door above LARD. --155 bbla. No. 1 Leaf Lard, for sale by C. C. RADLER& CO., ARCH Street, second door above Front G 5 PUNCHEONS YOUNG'S PATENT PARAFINN 014. WILLIAM BROWN, Imp_orter, 210 CHURCH. Alto 9. 018-tothet. R,UPERIOR ARTICLE (IF COTTON - 7 TWINE. for sale by ROBERT E. EVANS, ela•lmif 21110HERTNIIT wet. NEW YORK SYRUP-L , 300 bbla. assorted for sal, by , , JAIdEt3,OII 4 4}IAN & xTITIAStrut. THE PRESS,'-fIidiADELPHIA; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1859. RETAIL PRY GOODY. BESSON & SON. MOURNING STORE. 808 CHESTNUT STREET, Have - reduced two omen of beat tstollity IllacVand TO 10 ORNTO A YARD A LOT OF BLACK AND WHITE DELAINEB TO 16 CTS, A:CASE OF PURPLE AVON PLAIDS TO IS OTS. A' LOT OF SECOND-MOURNINO SHAWLS TO .16. A LOT OF BLACK FRENCH MERI NOES TONI OTB A LOT OF BLACK ALPACAS TO IS CTS. BESSON & SON HAVE .IN STORE A FULL STOCK OF BLACK BOMBAZINES AND ALPACAS. BLACK MOUSSELTNES AND TAMIBER. BLACK CASHMERES AND MERINOER BLACK VELOUR REPS AND SATIN DE CHINES. BLACK ALPACAS AND MOHAIR. BLACK PARAMATTAS AND DELAINES. BLACK REAL IRISH POPLINS. BLACK GROS GRAIN AND POULT DR SOW. SILKS. BLACK BEAVER CLOTH CLOAKS. BLACK ENGLISH CRAPES AND VEILS. BLACK THIBET LONG SHAWLS. BLACK RID BILK AND CLOTH GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. BLACK BORDERED HANDKERCUIEFEI. BLACK GRAPE COLLARS AND SLEEVES And ell other goods requisite for MOURNING ATTIRE, SECOND MOURNING GOODS It IN EVERY VARIETY REAL CAMELS•IIAIR SHAWLS. L. J. LEVY & CO. Invite attention to their assortment of LONG AND SQUARE REAL INDIA CASHMERE SHAWLS, All of repent Importation, and offered nt a very small advance on the COST. ALSO, NEW CLOTHE AND - VELVET CLOAKS, RECEIVED THIS DAY, With a very choice variety of NEW EVENING DRESSES. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. • 025-St CLOAKS I CLOAKS!! WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY, AND DURING THE WERE, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF VELVET AND CLOTH C L 0A KS EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS CITY. WM. P. CAMPBELL. 02541 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. " HAMMONIA." : JUST RECEIVED, ,. PER ABOVE STEAMER. or OUR OWN DIRECT IMPORTATION, A 'LARGE AND HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP PARIS POPLINS,. VELOUTINES, Whioh ws will offer at VERT REASONABLE PRICES. THOS. W. EVANS & CO.. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET, 024-31 AUCTION PRICES. THOS. W. EVANS & 00. ARE NOW REI,LINO THEIR FALL ASSORTMENT OF NEW SILKS. Compneing ell the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES IMPORTED TUN BEACON, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. 024-3 t EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared toted families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS. BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKINO FLANNELS, • FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCK OP BLANKETS. CASSINERES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. Tl.—The above Goode are all at the low rates o theseason. %TM FWOW*. Green Baize/ and Crumb Cloths, Buff, Green. Rnd.Blue Hellands. All widths o r bright Cloths. Worsted Damask(' and Moreene. Teble and rialto Covers. Blankets of the best sorts, and Quilts, rortatn Stuffs and Reps. ' welunts, Meetings. Irish Linens. able Linens, Irish and Beoteh. BHA RP1.4,88 BROTHERB, olerp CHEBTN II t ' and EIGHTH Btreets. V"ALL ANC WINTER CLOAKS. Newest Patterns Pall Cloak,. Wince t Cloaks daily opening. Black Beaver Cloaks. Blank Tricot Cloaks. Black French Cloth Cloaks. Kr Cloaks Made to ord -r day's nutlet,. ole Prises ith to 0/5. COgrAlt wroutu, [NTH and MARKET. (lASSLMERES, CLOTHS. Thiel( Plain Caesimeres Heavy Black Calumnies. Htout Fancy Styles. Rugged Mixtures. Plaids and Stripes. Euid 64 First-tate Black Doeskins. sok Broadelottui 111.80 to OM les' Cloaking Clo s tbdOCPBR endON ARIL_ 010 Nairill MARK ST SILKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! THORNLEY & CHISAS OFFER 717181 DAY Very rich fancy PACs for 76 and 87 cents. Eaceedingly rich for i r worth $1 2s. Bleak Bayirderes and sin color ko., /co. THE DEBT BLACK B LKB IMPORTED!! ! Over 871,000 worth of Broehea Stella shwl., in black anitcolood centres. French, Scotch,end American Woellen tfhawls. end amArniklared Crepe BhpVill. New styles of Cloaks opening daily. All the abooeiroode Win BOUGHT CL(3I,E FOR CAB% AVE CANNOT E UNDERSOLD. Our store, hems centrally located, It Is easy of ancess from all, outs of re oitiond country. N, E, owner WORTH And SPRING 9ARDEN. eel TRORNLEI Whitt% 1:1141111% 011INTZI.18 ALSO, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. ALSO, NEW PUBLICATIONS. CIIAMBERS , ENOYOLO PEDI A JEDINumot Enriio:l.) A DICTIONARY: KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE. Illustrated with numerous Mope and Wood Engravings. IN MONTIILY PARTS OF Ci PAGES EACH', Published by spacial arrangement with the Messrs. CRAM HERS. Printed from the 5:11p0 plated, upon the l ar t rl l ,,Ar„.,,r u m, ,, ,fa i imelectited tit even' particular The whole work to he comprised in six or seven volumes Pro. Parts I to VI, inolueive, already issued. Price II cents each. For sale by Booksellers generally, or will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the olice by the nubliebere. J. D. LrePiNcotr h co.. 02 ,., r 22 AND 24 NORTH FOURTH. STREET, PIITLADRLPIIIA. SOIENOE OF EDUCATION Axn ART OF TRACIIINU BY JOHN OGDEN, A. M A very elaborate, kidlogovbical, and thorough work Ann great subject. too much overlooked by thinking men. * * Must he immensely valuable to every parent and teacher.—New York Observer, Sep tember 27. OGDEN ON EDUCATION Contains, to a single volume. a midden) of valuable material. The whole futon of human culture is laid before the reader. and treated in simple yet compre hensive language. * * * Parents and tenches should be Induced to study this excellent work.—Mase. Teacher, Sept.* _ OGDEN ON EDUCATION _lna runny featuree, both novel and ingenious, which entide it to conaideration na an original work.—New York Century. OGDEN ON TEACHING Enters very fully and closely into the philosophy of teaching,—Philndelphia Neer. DP.N ON EDUCATION le Joel the han OG dhool; foe teachers who Intend to be tho relish and Ceramist in their profession. Intelligent Pa rente would find it an intereating and valuable aid, in the home when they" ponder in their hearts" how to bring UP children.—Torn le (C. WO Colonist. OGDEN ON EDUCATION la emery Coll and ayateniat le work on the general nub- Jour of education, full of surgeative thoughts, tomb. , expressed. They deserve and dernandproper conside ration, seasoned by 1114 confidence i n their author which his evident carefulness ilnd experience beget.-- Rhode Island Roboolomater. OGDEN ON EDUCATION Ts n rioundJuiltrions. Find original work. It does not deal in commonly-reeeived 00400,. hut really enters into the profound themes upon which it treats with unlit strength nt thought.lmenness of proreption and Practical ) OGDEN ON EDUCATION The ideas arWrilearly. !acidly: and . oft . on eloquently presented, and the lush importance of careful moral culture is ever kept in view.—New York Evanyelist. Rarely have we seen a honk calculated to do more real and permanent trond.-11 EDUCATIONrier. onDEN ON by far the beet work with which I nm errnotinted.— ()Trite Knowlton, Prineipril of Hughes High School, Cincinnati. It should find a place in the literary of every family es the mow valuable contribution yet made in our bin melte for the advancement of education —A, J. Kickoff, ~,,, . ...... .... --„, ........ to Superintendent athe Cincinnati yobbo Schools. One Yolumo.l2inn.. 450 plume. ,rice 81.25. MOORE, WILSTACII, KEYS & CO., Pnblishcrs, Cincinnati. For sale by OMIT k VOLKMAR, 604 cIiKEEITNUT Street ; J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 02.5-tue-2t VOLIBIE SIXTH OF 'SPURGEON'S SERMONS. • . Sermons Preached and Revised by Rev. C. R. Spur genn. Sixth Series. 12mn. 81. The Tears of Jesus of Nazareth. By Wm. C. Dunotm, D. D. 12mo, 76 cents. Art Recreations ; Wines. complete Fulda to Drawing, Falsities. Shell Work, Wax Work, &o. Illustrated, 12mo. 81.00. The Minister's Wooing. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. 12mo. 81.15. Poem, Br Roe. T. Hempstead. 12mo. 81. Pink sod his Friend Fidus. temo. 46 cents. For sole by WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 025 No. 600 CHESTNUT Street. 1860. DIARIES. 1860. MOSS. BROTHER. & CO. have Rig onliliaked their mayoral editions of DESK AND POCKET DIARIES for the coming year. They are made of the beat gun, lily raper. in a neat and superior 'winner, in every va riety of size. shun.. and lending, decidedly the beet edi tions of Dinries in the market. For onto wbolarale and HMO at No. CO MARKET Street. Memorandum and Blank Honks in great variety on hand or mode to order at abort notice. 02.5-tutheat NOW READY: T E ATLANTIC MONTHLY P 0 H N.O VEII B E R CONTRXTS.—E. Felice Potash • Lamle; The Minis ter's Wooing; Lion Llewellyn • 'Nut hune's First Ap pearance in America: Trial 'Trip of the " Flying Cloud 1" Drlg 2 rllik • The Reckoning; A T ri p to c a b s The First and the !:flat; The Professor at the Break fast Table; Art: Nevi owa and Literary Notices; Re cent American Publications. Talit4ol.—Three Dollars per annum,or twenty-five cents a number. Upon the reretpt al the sztberelpttan Price, the PabliAhers with mail the work to any part of United States, pre-Paid. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE, In assuming the control of the "Atlantic Monthly," htellarg• TICK NOR & FIELD 4 would say to its TOndertl. that the Magazine will be nominated apart the nitrite moral plan its heretofore. It will be their aim that. tinder its new management. the Mngezine shall not fall short of its mount high standard of excellence • and they would bespeak is continuance of the 1f0{134.? bleb has hitherto been acceded to it. apd which is the best proof of the public appreciation of lie merits. All communications upon the business of the Masa gine 'Wild, in future, be addressed to TICENOR d. FIRI;DS. BOSTON, Oct. 18.1F,'). HANTJAL OF GEOLOGY. lIVITONth FOR TRZ USN or COLLEGES AND ACADb'AITES, EUF,NEZER EMMONS, State Onoloiriot of North Carolina; late State Geologist of New York ; Professor of Natural Nistory and be ologp in Williams College; Corresponding Afembor of the Aoaderny of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, &0., dce. Thisjsanentirelyynew work. and it le American in all its astute/. Altnost All our elementary treatises on thin subject being reprints or compilations of loreign works, arid illustrated with outs of foreign fossils, In each chapter treating upon the eysteme of rooks. a general history of the period to which they Wong In sty, n, to which is added a description of the rocks, nod their order of sequence. Each system is beautifully il lustrated by the organisms and fossils which it is known to oontaln. Thu stud,' of Geology in this coibitry must be per sued anions American rocks. But few European foestis ad specimens are found on the American continent. This work will contain EIGHT HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS. ORAWV ANT DRAIGNIP ALNIGIIT EXCLIAGyFLY THOU ORIGINAL AMIIRIt AN roloolLs A r NI, BPISCIMINg. •• This is truly an oririnal fenturo, and its importance eau hardly be over-estimated. Profesear Emmons, the eminent author of this Work, stands in the front rank of American geoleguits. The work is beautifully printodi on fine white paper, and substantially bound in fnll moth. for private ries, or in half leather with cloth aides, for floe as a ulnas-book. Price 1.25. SOWER, BARNES, & CO., PUBLTSHERS, NO. 37 NORTH THIRD STREET. 018-tnos GEORGE (1. EVANS' BOOK LIST.-- 7A40.14 BOOKS are sold at the poldishers' lowest vireo." ou can get all the latest publications, and recollect that A HANDROSTE PHF3ENT. Worth frorn 150 cents to Ono Hundred Dollars, is given with each book. A LIFE FOR A LIFENE. BOOKS. A LIFE FOR A LIFE. A LIFE FOR A LIFE A LIFE FOR A LIFE, by the Author of "John Halifss. , Ac. One volume, 12.m0., cloth, 391 pages, Itrth a gift Prlce AIINIRTER'S WOOING. THE MINIsTEWS ISMOING. Tin , : MINISTER'S WOOING, by Mfg. Harriet "Beecher Stowe. One volume.l2mo.. cloth, 575 pagow. Price $1.25. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIDUDIN. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-lIODDIN. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-1101:DIN. PR EBTIDIGITEUR. "• Edited by Dr.R. Shelton Mackenzie. One i01.,12in0., cloth,4lspage.. with a ••i ft, Price Si. OUT OF TILE DEPTHS. The Story of a Woman's pre. One volume .12100., cloth. with a gift. Price $l. o f i b i gNar 111115 GeorQa Elliot, author of " Bernee Price4l. COUNTERPARTS. or the Prose of Love. Ono co lume. gvn. cloth, with n gift, Price $l. WHAT 'WILL HE DO WITH IT. Br . Sir E. L. &l aver. Ono volume. 8g 0.. cloth. with a gift. Price 4,1. LOVE I L'Ah101.171,7 By Mi o hetet. One volume, 12m0., cloth. with a Kitt. Price ALMOST A HEROINL, Ili the author of Countiir parts. Ono volume. 12in0., cloth, with a gift. Price $l. LOST AND FOUND: or Life among the Poor. By S. B. Halliday. One volume, 12m0., cloth, with a gift. Price $l. THE PRINCE OF TILE HOUSE OF DAVID. By the Rev. 3. IL Ingraham. One volume num., cloth, with a gift. Price 41.25 ALL OF DOESTICKS'S BOOKS,and a gift with each, Price $l. ALL OF T. S. ARTHUR'S WRITINGS, and a imml come gift with each. Price sl.' MRS, KENTrg NOVELS. and a gift. $1.25 each. MRS. BOUTHWORTH% NOVELS, and a gift. $1.25 each, BUY YOUR NOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT BoOK ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Where you can cot RATUR BOOKS E IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OP LITE AND A HANDSOME PRESENT. Worth from Filly Conte to Ono Hundred Dollars, it given with each Book sold. Call in, and ono trial will assure you that the only th place in o city where to purchaso Pectin at in GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, No. 431 CHESTNUT Street. on-at Two doors below Firth, o n the upper aide. POEMS BY SUSAN A. TALLEY. Just Published, A Volume of Aliseellsneous Poetry. by the obtwe we known Southern Authoress. time. Elegantly bound muslin. Price 76 cents. Bold hy ail Booksellers. and tient by mail, postage fre on receipt of the_priee. by RUDD & CARL ETON, Publiehere. otit-etutliet Me GRAND Street, New York, nE,D BOOKS—OLD BOOKS--OLD BOOKS The undersigned states that he has frequently for sate books ennted between tho y ears 1470 and WO; early L editions of the Fathers of the Reformer/rand of the Pu ritan Divine.; In aw, , Branton L_yttleton, Yu Tendon!' ius, Hewitt, Coke, Hale, the Year Books. Hermits /to. ore often to be found on ins shelves; Oyclopediss Lexicons, °lmola nuthors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, Science, Political Economy, government. Architecture, Natural History . Treatises upon these and other kindred sWeds are being continually dealt in by him. Books, i large and small quantitieCustom oweased at the Custom owe avenue SOO lota% CHESTNUT Street, above earth, Fluladelplna. mvlß-Sin JOHN flAkflgiELL. ------ - E. NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive stook or 01j, PAINTINGS, Mo. All at very Low Prices, 604 ARCH Street, above SIXT H, Philadelphia. WARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW CONE FURNACE GAS CONSUMER WilLtheroughly Warm your house with Otra THIRD L'ESIVCOAL than in Toollll3d by our COO( FtirtutOn. Satisfaction in all oases guaranteed. Muildings Wormed and Ventilated by A RNOLD W I LSON, IMO CEES7'NU'r Street. S LATE MANTELS, The Rieheat and moat Beautiful Speolinvna nl Enamelled State Mantels, ever oilo red for wile in this (*until, manufactured by tie, from Poune)lvauia Slate atone, and for gala very low. ARNOLD k WILSON, loin CHESTNUT Street. COOE.ING RANGES. All in want of the Beet levnted Durable Oren Cooking Range, will do well to cnllat ARNOLD it WILRON'S. Into cif ERTNIIT Strent._ ex In. smif ITALIAN HEMP ROPE.—ltalian Hemp Rope. White and Tarred, for Icelined Plan "' Ma nu faaturrd and for man by WE FITLER & ca. 23N,030 WATER EL, and 22N, Whines. DRY•GOODS JOBBERS. MERRIMAOK PRINTS. ELEVEN NEW STYLES, 0 I'F, NE•D MONDAY, OCTOBER 17. FOR HALE Int JOSHUA L. BAILY. 213 DIARKET STRUT, PHILADELPHIA, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call speoial attention to our stook of DRESS GOODS, Now exposed for vale. EVERY RETAILER Who may visit RPM YORK will be amply repaid the expense of hie trip, by selecting out of our uplondid va riety styles different from thrum to be found in other markets. WE ARE NOW OPENING SO CARD DELAINES, new and really beautiful 1/00 " WAMBUTTA PRINTB, new at)leiri 100 " WARREN MINTS. ,000 CLOAKS, BACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for 1111. We have s rich supply of DRESS DODDS AND DOMESTICS, OF POPULAR BRANDS, Itut to the above we milt your notice In particular. We shall not quote prices, but suffice it to Bay, that by this advertisement we mean to arrest your attention, and the Goode and prices will enable you to arrest the at tention of your customers the country round. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 AND 82 CHAMBERS STREET, MILLINERY GOODS. NOTHING CHEAPER ! NOTHING BET. TER!! Having the very best facilities, we nre determined to &rajah, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, the best and most seasonable goods in BONNETS, trimmed or untrimmed, A113110:18, FLOWERS. Rix ES, Ste., tee. We have now a splendid stock of WINTER BONNETS. in variety of style andquality, sure to please the most simple or the most fashionable. Also, a most complete assortment of Children's Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Beavers, Flute, etc, Beautiful Cloth and Velvet Caps for small boys. LINCOLN, WOOD, 6r. NIOHOLti, 725 ,CIIIESTNUT STREET, 019-tf NORTH SIDE. WARBURTON, 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, 300 S. SECOND ST., BROW SPRUCE ST, Has just received a beautiful supply or COIFFURES, CACREPEIGNES, CROWN• PIECES, AND BARBS, n real and imitation, of the newest Paris Faainone WARI3URTON, 306 SOUTH SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE. TENT'S 0a74141 CANPETEWS, - OIL CLOTHS, Atc. BAILY 4%; _BROTHER. NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TO-DAY A 1.01. Or tlrroLzsn T.A.pEsTRy CARPETS, OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, AND ENGLISH INGRAINS AT SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. PUBLIC/ SALE OF A VALUABLE TAVERN STAND.—WiII be sold at Publto Sale. un THEBSDAV, November 10th, A. D. 1029, at 2 o'clock P.M., on the Premises—All that Old established Tavern Property' "SIGN /IF THE RED LION." situate on the Frankfort! any Brtstol rn pike road, near rogues sing creek. at the junction of the Byberry road. about ono mile from Toi whittle, and in Bensalem township, Bucks eon ROY, Ventre. The House is large and commo dious, and is considered one of the hest stands on the road. There is a Barn, extensive Stabling. Carriage House, Ice House... Sheds. and all other necessary Out Buildings on the ' , realises. all of which are in gotid re pair ; together with 13 acres and 015, perches of land. in a high state of cultivation ; bounded by rocuessing creek aforesaid, laud of Ferdinand etrrn lento and others. This 'ta valuable and desirable Tavern property. and fur ier comment is deemed unnecessary, as any person wishing to purchase will undoubtedly call and examine fir themselves, previous to the sale. The sale will he positive, and without reserve; title indisputable; one third of the purchase-inuney will he secured on the pre inmes ; possession given on the first day of April neat. Further conditions on the day of Sale. By order of the Beira of JACOB 11Mili, Late of Bensalem town ship. Bucks county, deceased. ELIAS T. BALL, Agent for the liens. and residing on the premises, 011-fuiSt • JESSE ill WEBSTER. Auctioneer. (4ENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. FLOUR MILLS, sAir miLLS. TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW BHADEB. BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OP OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We Invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMDRIC, a beautiful article for shades. The largest etook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF lIOLLANDS in the market. at prioes which defy competition. augl-km R . C. WALBOLIN ikCO., (NOW) NOS. 5 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, havo now a very superior assortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to • 6 ENTLENIEN'S WRAPPERS, of Arbioll n fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. NICHOLSON, J • Manufacturer of SHIRTS, LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS. A large and choice aaaortment. and WELL. MADE, altva9e on hand, unto which I particularly invite the at tention °Comm and prompt -pa) ing MIORT-Tlllll NIT ere. S. E. corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets, PIIILADELPIIIA• 013./111• REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subsori be r having REMOVED TO 255 MARKET STREET, (The store formerly °twined by J. B. Ellison & Sone.) Would call the attention of buyers to hie large and well. selected stock of CLOTHS, OVERCOATINGS, CABSIMERES, SATINETTS, VESTINOB. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. And all other goode adapted to Men and Bops' wear JOHN V. TERRY. • 3/33 MARKET STREET. LADIES' DEPOSITORY, Itetooml to N 0.114 South ELEVENTH street. Orders waived as heretofore. 015-ettlthlm REMOVAL. -MARTIN & WOLFF have Removed to No. 334 MARKET Street, Booth mois t Wow Fourth. whore they oilerchoice rianortnient of Fall and Winter Goode. at very low prices. 413.2 m CIIINA AND QUEENSWARIL BOYD Jo STROUD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stook of QUEENSWARE. , GLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their OLD &ratio, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH four doors below Merchants' Hotel to whveh they invite the attention of 'WHOLESALE BUYERS. ARINTF von PrTTRPRRO GLANR. 11113-ST BRUSHES, THE CHEAPEST BRUSH -HOUSE Hi 1 PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the following list of noes for limulsorubs, and compare them with thaw nought elsewh ere : NO. I, 63 knots, ing per dozen. No. z, 63 knots, 73 No. 3, 66 knots, 87 No. 4, 80 knots, 100 N 0.5, 133 knots, 113 Igo. 6,100 knots, 176 No. 7,101 " No. 8, 100 knotx. 175 " BY U. ECKST'EIIt. $1 North THIRD Street, below Arei. Philadelphia, COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA PROTIO OVAL OIL WORKS. BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OIL/3 Manufactured and for sale by BELME, MORRIS, SE CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH OF MARKET IiTEXET DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE -1---F RIM." }lnsincere and Areliiteota' Stationery. rireelen Fainting Materials , Petichotuanta Deafens and Valet. Paint Boxes for Clitldren, and also for Artists and Students. Picture, and Picture Frames. as PlaYl,llg Cards, American and Frenth. Catalogues gratis to the trade. SCHOZ k JaIIF,NTZKY, N RET AIL EWHTII !went. WROLMALE AND 029-3M TO DRUGGISTS.—Wanted n situation by a younz man in a Wholatale Drug House. Has a therougb Anowtedge of the retail business. Address Leinad, bog 1778 P. O. PnnauET.pu u. 101.11 in°. 24.18:9, WANTED—A situation as Salesman in Dry Goods Iniportine House, by a cowls man thoroughly acquainted with the trade in this and other ottietc,Addrese J. IL" at this office. 025-3tL . noti WANTED—In v 'l l )r t 3; l• Go t oits Jobbing ii write a ttoodl e ittn a d n . I be e 'ectire4 ge al l fiSttrell. .4e1 1 2111. the first y etr, e. 50. with referenees. at the Store. No. 213 MARKVI Street, between the hours of 4 and 13 o'cloc Is P. 111. 022 St WANTBD—By' a Practical Bookkeeper, a situation aa Bookkeeper, Collector of rouge Rents, :co. Best of eity references will be elven. A.l,ll,ass'• J. :41„" satins office. oV 6t• WANTED—By a middle-aged man, a situation R s Packer or Porter in a Wholersle store. Good references will be given. itddreGs "If," office of this paper. o= St• W ANTED—A Lad in a Ribbon Store. Address 4.R," this odic°. n7Ldt• WANTND—A Partner in a pleasant and profitable "Cash" busmen, on CHESTNUT Street, with a Capital of $lO 000 to $l6OOO. This Is a rue opportunity to make a profitable investment. Best references given nad required. Address, with real name," Partner," Box 1734 Poet Office. 021 PO %iTANTED—By nn efficient Young Man, ir with a thorough knowledge of City and Penn- Weenie, and Jersey trade, a Situation with a Jobber or Importer cm Notions. Millinery. or Fancy Goode, to sell goods from Samples on Commission. Best of references Veen. Address L. 15.," office of The Press. 021-Et• IVANTED—A Partner, with from $5,004 to 810,000. in a Manufacturing Business. There is nn unlimited demand for the article to tio made, and will be an exclusive right in the Grin to its manufacture. Market price Iron' two to four times its cost. To a per son with mechanical and commercial knowledge.suifi cieut for the hnsineas, it can be easily shown to be a good and real opportunity to do a large and profitable bow ness. For address apply at the Press office for eight days. 022 ht-s to th• $20,000 • o ß we'rßedEto ° an P a P c2 T bu t s r i - - ness man who can invest 4 4 1000 m $3l 000 in a safe and cars profitabM business. already established, and where a similar amount is now invested. Pr, per manmement must insure success. Inv/nor.). G. Will W. Esc., Commercial A. eucy, Po. 12 North THIRD Etreet. Office hours from Btoo A. M., and sto6P. M. ci2l-Gt` FOR SALE AND TO LET. f ra •TO RENT—A store on Chestnut, ELIAWye EIGHTH. Street, smith side. possession given January 1. ltian. Inquiin of P. D 3IYERS, north east corner of SEVENTH and SAlilsol , l Streets. o2nduttiCit. . i r m . TO LET—A centrally located pro- Lawlor suitablo for residence or business. Apply on the prenwies. No. 210 south FOURTH Street It* - e n PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE LthiLMERCHANT .41ND GRIST MILL. • Will be sold at Public Sale, on WEDNESDAY, Otto bar 23th. 1859, at o'clock P M. a YALU ARIAL MILL PROPERTY, situated in NEWPORTVIt,I.E. Bucks county. Pa., 3 miles from Bryant, and 1 3; miles from Scheack's Station on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. about 15 milea from Philadelphia; comprising a STONE MILL LOUSE. 45 by CO feet, four stories Mali, ill four run of atones—three of them burs and one country stone; water wheel 11 feet Mph by 15.34 feet widd,tail s feet bend and fall t brenatwheel, with seven airs of elevators, and two double merchant bolts 16 . . . . . , . oat long, with 'wen dusters R a n c hed • corn meal bolts and Bittern on an improved plan; two double r. •i_t bolts, with smut macluno„ rolling screen. corn kiln. and every don e complete and in first-rate order. , A STONE HOUSE, $0 by 32 feet. kitchen, 11 by 9 ft.; four rooms and an entry on the first floor, five on the se cond. mid three on the third. Piazza front end back. Pump under corer near the door. ice house and smoke house, all now and coniplive. A nice lawn around the house, with shrubbery and fruit of cartons kinds. A horn, 29 by 39 feet, alone stable high, with ten stalls and a large entry; a well of good water at the doSr, with pump-house, hog-pens, 'wagon-houses and sheds, all in good order. bis property is considered one of the best in the county, having a grist custom 01 between twelve and fourteen thousand bushels a year, and situated in a first rate neighborhood for grain, which can be had at nil seasons of the Year ; A man of the right stripe can pity for this property in three years—it hiss paid me Meer rent. upon my purchase ; but I have little or no family. and my health line failed me, so I an; hound to sell for Just what it willibring. The Improvements alone have cost eighteen to twenty thousand dollars; but 1 shah sell it if it don't bring half or re. The conditions will be accoinmolPiting. and made known, by i022•31..] DAVID JONES. NEW YORE TOSTOVE DEALERS AND OTHERS FOR SALE—An interest in the manufacture and sale of an art ohs for Heat= Rooms by Gas, by an en tiro new process. Small investment required to realize fair profits. Apply to H. A. CLIFFORD, 4.19 CHEST NUT Street, twond floor. 022-34 ittl TO LET—Dwelling No. 824 North LELSIXTH street, above Brown. Apply at 00 J%t A Ft- K BT Btloet 022-tt GREAT SALE OF VALU.IBLE HORSES, WAGONS, qARRIAGES, AND HARNESS Will be sold at MIMIC AUCTION, at the BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER .25, IRSP, At half past 10 o'clock A. M., the entire travelling Pharaphernalia of DAN RICE'S GRE4T SHOW. Consisting of superior Draught Horses. Matched Carriage 'Horses. Ladies' Saddle Horses. Allin .excellent condition. Also, a large lot of WAtiONS, suitable for teaming or farming purposes. Also, a number of carriages and n grant quantity of Single, Two and Four-Bored Harness. Tne whole of which will be .old in lots to suit purchasers AV' This Bale will afford a rare own, runttr for those wialung to purchase Horses, Welton,. Camoses.- Or Hotness et a great reduction from their real value, and one such as seldom occurs. Catalogues, specifying the Propisst y in detsil. will be reedy for delivery et the Bog Office of the National Thearro, Walnut street. on Monday morning. Oct and also at the Bull's Head. Terris made known or Me wnt and place of r are. olg-et Fin SALE. The Subsori bar will dispesess the entire Stook of FINE MONUMENIS, STATUARY, HEAD AND FOOT STONES &n. Ste, AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE. YARD. No. MS ARCH Street. Went of Eighteenth street sl-tm WM. HILL MOORE. TO LET—A Second-story Room, co nve nient to tlie State Hooke. suitable for a Lawyer's Moe. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. ‘l6 rrii RENT—The 3d, 4th. and sth Story Rooms and Basement of N o. es South TRIM) Street. lhe Riving are well lighted, with gee, water, and water closets. Inquire within. on.tuthstf FARMS, ate. As I cannot attend to them, I olfor for sale the follow ing properties. viz A superior Flour Mill. with 3 run of stones, and ampto water power. The profits of the mill, well managed, would soon pay fur it. There is a Store and several hun dred acres of good land connected with it Also, another water-power, with Saw and Gnat Mill, situated two miles from the beautiful and healthy town of Btulthfield, Isle el Wight comity, Yuri inns. Also, adjoinins the town, a verb superior estate of and acres, one-hall under culttl anon. situated immediate!, on the water; with a largo brick dwelling, la room., and every requisite out-budding, all in perfect order. 10,0, n beautilul farm of ever 300 acres. good land. tin mediately on Nensemend river, near village of Chuck stuck, le unties from Smithfield_Orators, crabs, and fish abundant' Will be sold together or in parts to suit purchasers Terms easy. If the Flour Mill is not sold soon. I wish to get a gen Roman, 'wen e)perrenced, to take chugs of it. For further particulars. address MAJ. S. JUNIUS WILSON. Smithfield. • late of Wight Co., VA. Reference—LIPPINCOTT & PARRY. S. W. corner :%Lirket and Second streets. oS-atuth•lnt Philadelpfra, nESIR ABLE BOARD IN A PRIVATV tenni! for aentlernan and Intro and mingle gentle man, No. 2 west I'ENN t....ntlare, below MARKLT o23-2t* 9 - 1 IV Fine Communicating Rooms; also -I- one solnll one vnonnt. A pßti et 152.1 WALNUT Street. ofl-nt • DR. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE SILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have been thoroughly tested. nod pronounced a sovereign remedy for df 'magma. tiatuleneY, heart-burn and headache, costiveness. d ion lra, fevers of all kinds, rheumatism, gout, gravel 'worms, floury'', ulcers, eruptive rem plaints, salt r 'heum, ep si reins, common colds and in fluenza, irregularity and all-derancoment 01 the female system, dos, nod various other diseases to which the human roma is liable. For sale ro hy the proprietor-11r. W. B. OFFAT, 335 BROA DWAI , New York. and by Druggists renerally all over the country. 524-dA.WIy DR' GLE VTll'OEl'll%9 PILE REMEDY, For the cure of Reinerrhuida or Piles. Consti pa tidn, Fistula in Ano, L.Tceratons of the Anus, Prolapsus of the Rectum. Fissures, Excoriation. Ulcerations In ternal told External to the Anus, Pruritus, and all Ns eases peculiar to the Rectum. The great anti uniform success which this Remedy has attained for the cure el the :Owe Diseases is unprece dented in the annals or Medicine. The rapidity of its curative qualities and the durability of its cores 11111 equalled be no other Remedy of the ago. Ninety-nine oases out of an hundred are alleviated and cured of thus distressing complaint and are restored to comfort here tofore unknown. Full and explicit Directions accom pany each flux. One Box is sufficient to perform a cure. Prepared only by DR. GLENTWORTII, No.BIT RACE Street. Prise 81. Can be sent by Adams' xPress. SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HEAD, Eruption of the Skin generally, and all Humors and Imporibes of the Blood are reubeslly and permanently oured by the oelobratod IMPERIAL DEP DILATIVE. It has been a very itnpOriant agent in the cure of CANCEROUS DIdbASES by Ni. Lounsberry & Co., Int a number of years past, and its great value in the cure of Cancers is abundantly established 1,1 the many cures effected by it. In SCROPULOUS affectione its remarkable curative &loot has never been equalled. It cures the most WAD nate rases. TETTER, SCALD HEAD. and all Eruptions of the Skirt, readilyy told to a moderate use of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are readily oured by the use of a few bottles. Prepared and sold by MacNICHOL & BRO.,(Late Lounslestry & C 0..) No. to North FIbTH Street, below Arch. For sale by the following Druggists: J. F. Long & Co.. Lamgestar; C. W.Epting, Pottsville; J. H. Rarer, Reeding Stevens. Reading : T. & .1. MoClintock. Easton ; Jas. Owen, West Chester ; Wm. Stablr. NorristOwn; Simon Ran,Bethletiem ; Dr. Lii rep, New hope; Dr: Leslie, Bristol; Schmidt k Co.. Allentown Lll.llis & Bell, Mana)unk, Pa ; J. 1). James, Trenton; De La Cour, Camden ; Brewster & Bridgeton; Robertson & Lippincott Salem, N. J.: Me- Wilmniton• L. S. Hoopes, Vilinnusgtoo T. F. Hammersly, ; s' Del.; and Druggists general'. Ma.EDTHATED VAPOR BATHS. SULPHUR. HOT-AIR, end STEAM BATHS Under the care 'of Dr. T. H. RlDri ELY. 1121 SPRUCE Street. Hlghlr recommended la all the winch.' ;Arai cuing in the city for Rheumatism, Skin Messes, ,S - phills, Coughs and Colds, female Moe:uses, Sc., Sc. Especial accommodations for Lathes, ni GRAIN MILLS GRAIN MILLS For the Farm and Plantation. The IRON-BURR MILL has no equal for Grinding Pine Meal, Feed, corm Sei nes, eto., by hand or power. Price 88, s2s, and 848. Now in one raton at SR South SECOND Street. Agent,' wanted in every county and State, by enl7-11.n R. 'FARREL A . CO. RREFINED SUGAR.-500 barrels vario,s grade,. 140 bbla orushed, sifted Andpowde-3 for sal, by JAMES ORM - I,AM & CO., sow 14EalTLA Street. WAI4ITS. BOARDING. RIEDICIPIAL. AMUSERLENTS, ItI USICAL SOIREE AND BALL OF THE Id/GNNERCHOR VOCAL 800IISTYsen THURSDAY EVENING, November 3.-mO. at 06 MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST Street. nti whieh oceksion Schiller's Poem. the LAv OF THB musts by Ramberg, will he performed. with a tugs Chorus and Orchestra. under Carl Gaertner. Esq. - Tickets One Dollar, admitting n Gentlemen And two Ladies, maybe bad at the Piano Stine of A B bacti.l= Chestnut street; Col- NI. B. Mackie., Lister Buildints: O. Gebel. northeast comer Fourth and Cherry streets; N. P. Schmidt. 113 North Third arrest; Itraft k Teubner,Ms Arch Onset, and the Committee of Arran-aments— . A . JOHN A. NOLTES. B. Sant iDT, H. G. TEUBNER. G. GOEBE T L . . R.E.SAG., 0025 • ":729A•N123 WALNUT -STREET TiIEATRE. Role Lease?, Mrs. M. A. OARRETTSOH. THIS (TITES DAVI EVENING. OM 2 2. lES LL. Matthew Bates,T MME r. Perry ; Lora Lemma, Min Ds ve p oft. THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH. John Peetybincle. Mr. Perry; Tectlaton. ?dr. Joha nn;y Caleb Plummer. Mr. Thayer ; Dot, )lira Dutra:L- W-1; Bertha. Mrs. CosselL SCALE or Pit icr.4.—Dress Means sacusadvith out extra charse.) 50 rents; ?armlet. (Seats secortat Sp eeors,Lsyli ; Second Tier and Fannly Csrelit.and Tier, 25 cents L • Pnvate Doze', acc o rd ing to , t h e i r l Uire t e , PS ,t 3; Single Seats in Orchestra and Phrase , Suxes.7s cents. B ox oc ce open daily, from 10 until 2 o'clock. when sent, can he secured in advance. WHEATLEY Fc - CLARKE'S ARCH STREET TREATER. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, Oot, 215, DOT. Dot. Mrs. Sohn Drew; Mrs. Fielding, Mrs. John eu. bert ; Tilly Slowboy. Mr. J. rr. Clarke. Performance la r3nirirtenen with T.H.E YOI7NG SCAMP. General BOMITOIB. Mr. Wolff a SCALA Or PR EL E%.—Adml saton..2s mints; Seamed Seats in Dress Circle. Ceuta; Fallinst.H coots. Doors open at Quarter to 7 o'clock; performance to coo. nip so. at Vi o'clock precisely. A"LI'ICAN ACADIMY OF MUSIC. RAVF.I,S AND MARTIN - ETV FAMILY. BENEFIT OF FRANCOIS RAVEL,. T iris l TUESDAVr EVENING, Goober 25. THE on THE TIGHT ROPE. VOL-AU-VENT., Francois Ravel. TA. VIP AN:THERE. .ISAZT'LNI. Marion, Gabnel Ravel; Mariana. Dime. 'Hartnett. Rtorsr..—Patlinet. Parquet Circle and BakonTad et& I Family Circle and Amplittbeatra.t'decuta. 13.. x Office open from .10 A. 31. rill 4 P. M.. when Basta can be secured without extra charge. Doors open att o'clock. Performance to commoner at I'M o'clock. NIVA LINT - Sg T E R F I T C A T R I D JEA TRE. • The management 'here ereit ple7i-seee in armatineMg that, in accordant.. with s. orsally expressed desire from the public of this cite, they have made arrange mente for the production of the GREAT PLAY OF THE AGE, (JERALDINE. written by Mrs Bateman, am/brought outunder the ex press supervising of H. L.• Bateman. Esq., from wham the right to produce this play hos b e en- secur ed so l e ly for tea Walnut-street Thest e, with new and aPPropfte seenory, properties, dresses, ate. The guests and inteitsctusi iimmatie aunt, AIRB. WA LLER. Ims been eneaced fora brief period, and will make her first appearance as • ftFRAI,DINE,_ - THE HUNCHBACK - BRIDE, supd by a co of gti ee rretmensosontio createdrtixillient .AIERICAN PLAV, among every close of thestre-goers, both Mew York and Boston. In which cities it has bad an anexisannled run of MEM CROWDED with the BEAUTY, FASHION, AND INTELLECT ff the community, and the encomiums it bus reosieeti rom the RIPEST ?min./gest OF THIS cs,Nrrtarr. wnrrent them in the belief that its initial covets/intention will be greeted by the mon CROWDED and APPRECIALTIIIB u ever auembled waffle the walla of Apimaf xtheatre, TILE SCENERY. hinted by ITEISTER. a not only beautiful and novel. but STRIC CORRECT, beret.) rendering the erne,. a . . STUDY OF TUE FEUDAL AGES. The costumes and probertieg hwe been earefttlic go ored from the rare eivrayin.e..ntl cornid ee to, render hn mire tn ecerie ee remark:Ode for its claaaleal tutegri yto truthful deteit for the GLORGEOUS GNIFICEIGE or TB^ COUP ?VCR! r, The united voice of New " Yo . ric and Boston ma ham given each laudatory oxpresyino•ofopinion um the play !melt'. that the mans em-nt feels tt you'd be a work of mtherennetion to dwell upon the pnette beauty Or drarnatio Intensity of a trazeor eo aeureregli fie 'lloWletlSed to be unrivollert on the MODERN STA GR. And with so accorn . ”l , ;tied and refined an artist as the role of MRS. WALLER, in GERALDINE. A character so admirably calculated to des fhll KoDe to her TIIVILLING DRAMATIC. lilovrEn And wonderful intensity nr PASSIONATE MOTION. There can Fe no question that this perfonuanas aiU he the pre , sirsor of the GREATEeT DRAMATIC REVIVAL Ever known in Phil , delvhis. • - WEDNESDAY EVENING. Get. W. ISM Will he Rresented. for the first time In this city, the tragedy in ion acts, entitled GERA LDEVE, • LOVE'S V oe ICTORY, With the ronolslng dlltrilv!iort of char-500.ra t f; erlld inn. the Aanrhtmck nride........ Bars. draper TlAvid, of Rothm, Welsh bird r. It A PenT A omOrno. Prior of Pt . Werbur S 1.1 1. r. L. R Rhawell HuVx thA (Ironed PT ........ •Itl r. F• Esr.en. t'vmbe. the Earl's Je•tPr....... Vining Soarers J.1)111 de L•sev. Port of Chester Mr. Dtthela Hugo do 13foire h. Fail of 1 1 1,1 meow . ) , ..... Mr. l yeartg rase AStewat d •• . . hns . er Faith ;Lucy. slater of de raleo . o.....Alnie mar} ?Adler Jovri, a enree ..._ Mrs. Thal , : Crusaders, Retainers Kni?hts. Ladies, Vassals, Bards, /ce.. Sir PRICES AS USUAL.IiIi No sdranee. c a r at N. 'ATIONAL HALL..'—MARKET Street, iv N . (' ell TITO MI and Tbirteenth. SIGNOR DONNETTL C 1.• Ir WOOD. THREE DAYS LGICOPR. DONNETTI & COL. WOO RCUD'SS. GREAT BURLESQUE CI PANTONLIAIIO AND ACROBATIC TROUPE, Composed or DOGS. EONE(vYS. AND GOATS! COMPBRiPse FORTY GREAT ART/STil Also. Poll he InttpdPeed, MoNt. WONDERFUL KALEIDOSCOPICAL VIEWS. rot. , 'ATAGICI IDLUSIONS MONDAY, TUESDAY. AND V. EDNESDAT, October 24th, 22th, and Muth. Cards al" Aeraissien, 2$ tact children, lSrantig; * A Grand 7ilatinae aria be given on WEDNES DAY AFTERNOON, for the ancommodation of Ladies apd Chthlten. Doorsopen to Er ening - Envarteentannta, at MC cann =noes at 73in'elock. Doors clean to Afternoon Entertainments at 2; eon mencos at 3 o'chiok. oni st MAI. 131.7RNELL, Basinger. Anent. riIIEIPLE OF IVONDIRS. 11 Northeast corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT strs....—Secord r 4 torY. SIGNOR BLITZ'S NEW AND WONDERFM, DR AWING-ROOll ENT ERTA MrNTS of IIAGI CAL IMETs MORPHOSES. VENTRILO9I ISM. and rho LEARNED e • NARY BIRD: , • t hin NEW HAI. L. EVERY EVENING- durir.r. the WEEK, coraerAtteir at 73 ,- i o'rk,k. and on W.EDNIEDAN ar..d GARAY . a F 9 ERNoONS at 3. Admission 25 cent.. Chtldren 23 eente ERIANTA ORCITESTRA USLIC, Rehenrsats evert F ATURPAY at MUSICAL FUND HALL, et 5.k. 0 oloolr P. M. A pnekage of el,tht tickets. nue ea 'r. 9m. le tt,kets. 25 cents. To be bad Andre's. entt..Deck S Lamten's 31uste Stores. and et the 0 00 r eld 3m A s It T L oc I xys OLFSOUN and CARL HOILN Sp RI tA OF SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES. At tho Fesjer or the AC JWMY OF hIL'SIC. Subsenptions vitt he resolved at tho :Susie a r oma of G. Andre A Cn.. Chestnut street; Leek 122 CnPFtnut street; leech fr. Lawton, ember of frovsoth. and Chestnut streets; A. Shundt. 23 South Eighltt street, where the proapactus and programmes efts len seen. oeblm T LIE 3IARTYB.DO'M OF BUSS is note exhibiting. with other Paintings of the DUSSRI, PORE COLLECTION. in the Southeast Gallery of the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Opo•t (Indy, from 9 A. M. 1111.5 P. M., and 7 to 19 P. M. Adruiraion2.s cents. S ‘NFORE'S OPERA HOUSE, BLEVENTH . ntreet. between Chestnut and Market Oren int the Season. SANFORD'S STAR TROUPE. the harem Conway in [be weed. In their exeellencnee every erenite. SANFORD arrows • Every eTetanz in by t Area« Rola of CDs:l43O.N_ Door, open nll%. Commence at S. Adnosaton 23 cents. Chit Wren 13 cents. 001-101 SCALES. FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES For este by FAIR I; 0 , 1, 7 NS & EWING. 715 Cll ES T'NCT Strs F FAIRBANKS' HAY COAL, AND •"•'•-• CATTLE SCALES. r r Bela br F E... N. MING, C II CT Strfet.phlN. 3fANCIIESTER SCALES. fSINTII Street may be found a ?O B T AIN, ?OBTAIN, I i A'FFORM ALEg, DORMANT WAR £.llollits VANI) COAL :::^ALEA. Also. RA( 1.110A9 TRACK: e ' Al.tsv.lutritshed at elwrt no ttco. An Wilirontatl to nlic-ito standlrs/ weir lit, a CCU. rato and darable. Thu stn and finish of the &boy& goods beat kdown by exatninntlon. EIS-Mato:4'a GEO. W. COLEY .4 CO. -„Z'HOWES STANDARD SCALES.- -- STRONG & ROSS PATENT.—Cad. Cattle. and Ifro Bolles require no mt. Phtforru and Counter Scales of every description. Thew receive all Prtetion and Wear on Salim inste.ol or Knife Edges. as on other &Alec Cali and examine before purchasing elsewhere, and sea the improvement PENNINGTON GREEN. Aent. 112 South SE irENTH Ptra,t, Ph tlxdelphrt. SAVING FUNDS SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OF Pill L.kDELPII lA. Office, N 0.331 North Tlll RD Street owe datlon liens Budding I OILARTERTD BY ' THE L tIE liG lA ISLAT OPPMCV SYLVAIN . Deposits received in rums of One Dollar and tipsr P atd,s, and repaid in Gold, without notice. with FIITE Elt CENT. INTER.FST Item the cl.s.y or deposit till with drawn. A respOpmble and rehnbieli.WlLles 17v:tilt:Von by been needed to the Northern Fart of the city , and •• Ti:a Sprint Garden Sevin:at Fund tmc ty " one chartered by the Lee istattire of Pennsylvania to siipp:y this necessity. The Mane:era. in oreacomn. and Itvabr..; it. hove becyt governed vetrotty by a desire to accommodate the tam nese interest and wants of the very lerue and enterpii sing popalatme Ity talus+ It rs surrounded. Olt.V. OPEN DAILY, Front 9to Vs' o'etoc • alpzr on MondaY and Thursd ,7 from anti aNeaaek in the ever..inK. MatitaValte• ~ • Frederick Klett, .t.tphen. Smith. John I'. Levy. Thmiel Undetkoffer, K. Strout". reda tick Starks. Francis Hatt, Jeve•en: P. L.:Clone John Ktraar, Jr., G surse Knecht, James S. Pringle, Jacob Dock. Joseph Al, Crowell, Don. Wm. Milltrard.' Deor K e V, iielpper, Geo. T. Thorn ; Peter C. JAMES S. oRrNt iBEIXIreeU.e nt FE•NCIP //war, Seorctarv• VYE. AND "EA_l-1. _g_j DEAFNESS. • OR. VON MOSCR7.ISEER, OCULIST AND AIIRIST. Dr. M. gives his eaclusive attention. to the medical and slimiest treatment of the Es E and EAR. DE FN et the lonneat standin-t removed filth by medical and gutsiest operations on the latest merinos principles. Or. N1.11'01141 be plessad to receive MeM bets of the inedicsktaeulto vho wish to seittless his toothed of operating for the ro nioest of Deafness, or any operation en the F • E and EAR. ARTI Fl CI - L EYES INSERTED. Office 1101 South :NINTH Street, shove SPRUCE. Office hours from 9A.M. to M.. and [nen to 5 T. M. 111 VILA ROPE.—A large stock of Na- IV nth, Rope. all sixes.,manufactured and for seta, at the lowest hew York prices. he WEAVER PITLER te. CO.. 01 kb , is ST WATG s u < , •S. Dv) . Avy, 1 7-AGON GREASE.-240 b 10.3. 200 half bbi,, Apo Qt.o U. I,CA) cans nape r SSa;4n Gzcded. manufactured and for slie by HAMLET. ARII HUHN k co., NQ jiV~ ; B 4041, WiLARTLH,
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