fri,:. ; - ,4: la l ifig:'_. 'nr ‘4, 1 , - h , •gerld , ? , , - ,, ,,,„ 4 , - ;.:i.. -,...-:„:„.:-.-.., . . -.• - -- ;. 444 ,- -",-" 7 ' ' - ''' ; ~ '0410130 - AY - 001'08E14:4,15a - ,1859; ~-, , eirbioii* I b,* t eor Stoire;' - of ll6e:YbOt Pontiff-. Tto'colFils:,:tyiektilteiteiekil the Thlialielpbbi - 4C4 PPti(aPM Y iicsnit i Mit, we mast 'sincerely , are.proud Ao say thitt the t ecine Whidy ceetklinliewltCorir t on hiridit?,"efettld`:net:POlOltily,,liiiyiii`eOn',"toleil; ted iii Philadelplita , and; eveohadso.ocoar redVne„telite'etz4e: joutrailin-this'elq,wortid ,;hoo PlaYed the-rjni ,terikina On the oecAitod.' -We refer - to - the:wedding of tr rich CulaolL4- , One - on sr Ends Arta a 4 ' - 0 t 4 2 V 1400 0 r ' tritiiitiretty, PenalleieditneeliaMedFaancas -Aftvaa: Baltrigrr:. ' Ttje Aetv :',lrerk`newifiapers , have Made great deal et thithevent.- That such publi. cathni'ne the Ifitiact,y44)oll, pomesseo the ori glaali,!,‘,Jenkluell devote' three and a' 1 . 44 - o:damns Offen:dill; t 314 to!' the hiatery 4,,itentidois not i surpitse us÷fot the /lira:4 hatt get.Ml, intluimorld'bi : tininitigated' flunk , eyhon, hitt that such `respectable, eurrials as - the, rribusiarar Timis dd the sank; r@allidees not a little astonish us. it is apity that "ft,DoeStfeks Was: not at- , the' wedding, (bOwatc,,,dellghttng Philadel phians,that _evening,-by , the delivery of h is racy poem upon for he,' no doubt, Woalkhaire:langhed do'iri tho4hOle- , , Allots man takes alaney to a well-looking yoy~tg'sbbinsu, and ailMhei to mbrity,hivit,!—ln ordittary:Phriseology; he 'A; hiyS ;his,haid end fertiitiesk het feet.” Weeks betbre the knot %Oil:41:01m 'newepaperit paragraph the event as ;:lie of. immense importance. Jenkins-77w0 meld the penny-a-liner of the Heratd-Lspreads biro:mit. on a deieriptlett,Wilie - finery.. It is a sieciding, 4 .-:-thit: is, the . slinigitti; dollar:18in the a scendant.n boas BARTMIT,T is held tip to adiniratlon <and. owl-) because lbe enamored nilddlettged swain was represented .to _be...a , perfectObleitii,' bellterally rolling . in riches: ll® Was *ported to have-wade 141i= bents end' to the faifbrideL—siVerid `sets of diamonds, , wardrobe containing sixty Of -seventy4r,erfees, "end ,§ther ,thinge, too, name. -. roni, "mention, the value of the whole intOUntlng'to 'betticen rseveutl: and - eighty . thhilsand .dolreis.• aimie,„74l/4, said to - have' cost'' the bridegroom :n oo* two -;" thousand.' The; ,*wrie,ge took place at the Rotnan ditikolic Oathedrali precisely at'. noon, • adniittahee - hry' ticket only just as if, instead. of being the :most solemn - event . in human. life; the.sacrament of ono Church Eindan'histitulieu ip ail, it was rnerely, a show of jewels arid_ hibeulashert hum szartrinOlires, Alundieds of Wiles, re- . port 4, au _holm:ale& to. respectable- society, valniy ,besieged, the ,house_ of • Archbishop I4onsp, astlug for tickets::;:' Had they never iesase lumina? Of cotise they had; but, Jeukiriessys;•cthey' were - 'all • ittiriety to see thehrlile;lo note how - ehe;:loekea, how she, sided; but, itbaim ell, hip she spiss'ds•esiS4l,'!, The Cathedr a l bad ice 'etipioaeiles, earrouncl 7 :defendia by,an, army.; of i)eLievel!o,. ,Cro . wda, of, well4reasett olainiing• to belong to fifth avenue—that long etreet of Aotnbro'-brown•atono bouses—oceupiedideked seats. - All, in fact, ns , like the crush' at theatre, on the 'Opt night of a iloxis Lint it ato:r." ''" " ' ' The names of half-a-denen brkieemaidi and as many groomsmen figure in, small capitals, each name - 6 ;d. „10 . _The bride's arose in frilly catalogued—not a shred of hice, not a foot of crinoline, not an inch 'of 'moire: antique;not a sparkle of diamends; not agleam or pearl :bit is enthusiastically chronicled. Eveit' the bride:amide-White tarleton dressea, ((with double skirt, fritime . d'With three-oifonr rows of puffing °lithe-upper and- lower jape," are noticed witk-the'parfierilariti whiCh - ffilsa tlitiamin's youngest apprentice would delight in. '-•Zven Archbishop)Trininala described ,- Jenkins . - iolemnly assuring, society`thid, he *wore.ide , mitre= on his head"--1-4a , if -it were, aometimeo customary to wear .it elsewhere The Whole niarriagc Ceremony„byway of no copied; tient the AYathielleVritYer-beoli intitheltire/d. Vethis:islikpeaded itrather, singider "ddress'fkciin the Archbishop_Ao"-:Mari anal wife, with, somewhat question able taate,"was oddly rounded of with a disopitatlon on) the ~impropriety diverce. The Bight fiev,erend Doctor:Monza to a - vory'able than, but we submit that he 'might bayo selected a, better subject - than Diegree Tor Lis . B.4Llress to nmely-married , - r .••• At last; the abinmn cerenionial - ended, which the Priblie made' as:theatrical :as, possible; the brideleitted. thitOatnedral: ''.ltinkins;. Who is Poetic:al;,sayi, ((the bride 'floated to r her 'carriage _led the sea .of matrimony?) 'Colton:ed. byrber train of attendant divinities." Teo; actually w floated " env, and; - Jenkins tolls us, the:blinds of the carriage - were 'down.. Here follows a fhll column about _the . - post '" 'Eth - Auptia recop on at the house o e bride a fd ther;= a &Mitotic', it is renerded;Preilented to Lim' by the rich pen Esrr.B.iN S*wrA - .C.i4tri, •Oyispo, (111 m the-'Vicar of Wakefield), we like to -give,-iffi the naives: f The bride was aelf-Pobsessed—such: scenes are enough to banish every reLic.,4 lastifilliiess— and'the.adroiring visitors', tsiill we quotn-Jon kino,)4( were expected to -greet, the bride and groom, pass round to •tho- other cial of the romp, taking a lo olc at the gorgeous and prince ly Wedding proaents',:tund pass:mit through the thintroom, stopping take a look at or a bite of thd - tvell.surrounded eollation." Jenkins, we suspect; *OM the'•flOriCulturel display in zawit,liavO taken " a sup" as well s w bite,"- - theugh - he is too 'modest to - admit {t. - The pre'aents-,by the way, was it not gild ing :refined: geld to Mike Presents .to the Wife of a - -.flan worth 'five' Million dollars 7—the presents, are described 'ltery. hilly. Jenkins notes doWls every thing with the minute ,exact riess'of inctioneer's catalogue. We are told that tt Molars. C. V. - . & no. pre sented itheautiftil pair of Partin marble * vases, inlaid with gold; Messrs. SALL, 13146 K, & , C 0.,, and'" g: • C 0.,. -presented a silver hou-, 41mi-holder;ilower.Vase ; Mr. Jona N. GaAs, a. Satin :1;0i for'the &easing:table; om hioldered . with sold. 1 ! - ; Considering that, the bridegroom, • had imrehased . . largely; from Mattiitiwour • Ik :,* ()O. , ;:. from Bir.i , BLlspx; 'do.; and front Gsirisr, and thatiliehine-• setts were the best possible 4vertisemeties Of their reipeCtive shops, they Showed na ainall degree of tact Milne making show of libe rality, to an Czaellent customer--'the best they lave had for along tithe,, no' doubt. ' :.,lasATF*rs. Jaxsff ,Gonixis i lkorpaFrr , pre. sented'a pair of ft diliciona bouquets ! " happy bidder to boa° bemired by sue/Ca Queen of raglibli and Or Baulk. irtfAsaeriously elainathat,here in Vhiladel phia,; a: Toting woman like : Miss Jtairtarr Might -have boon married 'to a middle-aged, saffivri•OoMploiliMed Cuban -Without crowds. attending the nuptials=witltout the newspapers making more than mere' mention Hof the event. Whit hatihappenedhs dreadfully N ew'Yorkish. it IS ractY , Of that ranksort. - . , Jog Alle , x, Aoitx, , Dentodiatic candidate for Sn I'Ve,O,r General, is ,now. in, this city, stop ping at the - iferebanti , fiotei. At the cern inericaMent ot the t whieli'llas resulted loi-1310"deleirt, as'iell,`as, liken like sub'secitient Stages of it; :ire • cheerfully., itore, testimony to high character, and regretted that he bad bionplacad'upon a platform odious 'a ofilirWir thit ire" could not ,aupPort him:, If bla,o,tinae,Li ,had preyalled, and, thy views which Ite.An- 'Common rani the'great Masa of "the Democracy, pl'th,e state• entertained:hid tion idaptedrbir.the ConveatiOn of: lie .16th obilii6li;'66lestiM ibit late etietion would ridely:dgrfront; 461 kt, _et ftttlipi Rows rutty be, pre.; 'tii* people' or Peiinsylvania under better d and - ailba,,rePtesentatlie l of a OrlS',DOioittitt4 - ,1)110.,k0rpf.,',.', ' - • t ilk .fie , thD 0 Re g R r.• n • oiXwroAD, Demattrati4 - tiiidianle stogy in the OtnikbOrtsuri, PeTrierma vriuit iciatr4i,'bok.eloolie'br *law ,npiority. Irtull4rOlna 1 1 44 the Icadiiiig ,- tyi,use of his triumphithristoto in the titct `p kaOat , tea'rieoili, sAisivi*:6'biniitt h'ufaielt,..toi4l4 . :o: l ol9oloA Ot Bte,*4e thi; Onited : 640; 'o 6 l4tN*l4 o. ::: fi g nk P t A le°4' Wt9 / t h4 `, • 8 4 04 0 41 P m 9e r4 4 . ° Ui'eatt8 7 1v614. . 71q, Er t 's.flovenue I`tittei. Ariiet vote: t 6 ito d t,' a; atiAiatty alifitithilidiing pe l r uiikeT , City (1W nVkton) in 14 POn. Letter *rein Oceaslotral. 44 (Correspondence of The Press.) Wasintorolf„Ootober 14,409. ~ The leading ambition of AttiiineV GenetalDiack Ai to he appointed one of tlie;,lestleee of.the. 14.eme Court - of the United EiMter:. Ho bee ''been :preparing this with wonderful-, industry ever 'slue he was appointed into the Cabinht. Although there are many distinguhithed rata in - the judicial district of Pennsylvania and A* Jersey wife as pire to this important position, the Attorney Gene ; rill occupies the ground here, and Is most assiduous in depreciating them in the eyes of the Executive, eqnd )h keeping them away from the royal presence. Judge Walt you* hie expeetation,of the first Vil• 'ea lacy nieol donsideratiens: He has gone lartheriu - personal ' , calumny of-honest Democrats, in his own and,otherStates, 'rho resisted the Terri - tprief policy of the Administration, than any other martin the Cabinet.' Although one Of the most ur. ,:goiriadrocrates the'rigbts of the' people of the Terilteries, !Olio forming and regulation of their dopioslillwiti(itiAiis, before he became apart of the Administration, he is now violently offensive on the other side. Ile lathe especial advocate of a slave code • in, the Territories; for MI his late articles mean this, or they...mean 'nothing. ,He, would go upon the hermit of_ , Supreme Cour a ; perfect Jeffrey publicly !' committed. to , a theory which not one of the' pupa, and upright men on that bench has ever oondemended to endorse. 'Shall !mob a partisan be permitted to reireeent Pennsylvania and New Jet.- trey , in , the highest tribunal known to our laws? L• till • the. President so far Insult public opinion as to confer upon Judge Black a place which ought to be ,ocemiled, by the most patriotlo and the wisest Citizen:7 . If the President is himself, willing, to yield to the importunities of _Black, I demand to kno* whether' the - Setiato „wetild confirm such a nomination?' It ,ls 'We.ll:to take time by the fetc h:n*ln such matters, in order that the Pnblio may be protected amainst,snapjudgmumts, and may pre pare'themeelveft 'to' take ground against a newly contemplated outrage. • The, refusal of the, New York' capitalists, in the Demoiriatinparti, to contribute any more money fot the purpose of electing a sot of candidates nom inated under the corrupt auspices Of the managers ef Memoir! Itell, indidates that the reign of the Office..holders of the federal Government is nearly Over.- When inch men as August Belmont, Watt Sherman, James Lee, S. L. W. BarloW; Schuyler Livingston, Royal Phelps, &0., who have hereto fore contributed largely, to pay the expenses of elections, withhold their subsidies, the consequence mutt be either that good nominations will be made, of , that bad ones Will be defeated at the polls. It is an example that desema i m it a ti on • in ell part's of the countrjf;': ; • , , . The; appointment of the various assistant mar abate to lake 'the cantina willtroW shortly le an• pounced in the different Stater They will consti tute* vast addition' .to the army of janissaries scat tered al(ovtir.tito Country, and aro expected to do all, intheir power to defeat public sentiment in re gard to the Preeldeney, and also fot the purpose of enitithling'the errors of the, General Administra tion. leis asserted that in a number of the coon ties of your State, one of these deputy marshalstdps :bat frequently boon 'promised to a dozen persons. There. ,Will 'a'vitry rigid overhauling of fhb) WhOle tieteral,hy,,the next Congress, when the ap propriation Comes to be Made: The work cf taking The senses has not begun, and those who are trying to 'turn it into a mere party machine must take °IMO - hist:their operations should be so revised and corrected as to take the matter entirely Out of their hands. ' Many experienced persons now in this city from California giro it as their opinion that Dr. Uwin wits neverbe re-elected to the United States Senate from that State. The popular revulsion growing out of the murder of Broderick is so great, that it is,Predieted that no member of the Legislature will have the hardihood to vote for any man who is sus. peeted of having had the slightest participation in .the preparations to that melancholy event. The vote thrown by the State-Rights Democrats of Confer• nia at the last election, under all the circumstances, wee a' iry large one., All that is now necessary to make the,.movensent irresistible is, for the men Who stood eottare in the recent conflict. to Continuo their organisation; and to - refuse all association with thiirepireser4tiltes of the cicraeral 'Administration ',"( 1 7 1 ./ 0 P*F* 440, I imvery sorry to be (misspelled to re-assure you that kir. , l3nehanan's. ill - teapot Increases 'aPaoe.' 'WhY *hada he Writhe stint being criticised in re-' gard to the Broderick murder? If his nerves are steady, andlis coneelenee clean and clear, ho need not +apprehend the' appearance of ' 4 bloody Ban 'quo" at ,the beards; nor tremble at the anticipated arrival' f the gland of, the slaughtered Man. You ,reeollect, of:eoirse, in 1855,:when Bennett accused him of having been the cause •of the death 'of a vori aicellont young lady,' with what su 'intliffereboi he ' passed by the charge, only demanding, somebody should go 'to.New,York,:and•take the ears from the head of refined and pickle editor of the Herald. When 'his present friend, Brands J. GrAnd, was defaming tuns in - the Streets - Of 'Washington' in a manner so alreetons !hit men stood appalled atlas callunnies, , Mr, Buchanan passed , ' by the censure with bora •paratlie imilllerenoe;" and 'we have seen that, as neon is hlS'evin, Ideation' was over, be seater the 3, virtuous (hand, arid look him affeetianately ,to his, warm and palpitating beton. Why, then, should his Majesty .writhe, , mules, your porpments, and threaten allaOrts.`vengeauee .upon pair deVeted head? ' • OCCA6IOSAb. 'the'rentkiylvania -Election One of' the eleven Democratic candidates for State Senate et the late election,Dr. CRAW. roan, in the Cumberland district, having been elected, it' is' probable that body will contain twolie Democratic and, twenty-one Oppositjon members. ; the 'Assembly the Opposition majority,l3,yerY Dario*: ,The ; official majorities or the Opposition State Ticket in Philadelphia tit, larger then the majorities 'reported in the Mat returnm; hid, although • the vote in some fof the stroneSePublican counties of the State e very light; re: see no reason to doubt the general eerrectnese" of our Ara estimate of the majority of the Opposition State, Ticket. Public Amusements• The next novelty, at Arch-street Mentos will be Dot," a dramatis adaptation of Mekong' Cihrist, mac story,...The Cricket on the Mearth." At the Winter Garden of New nick; It r has been ex. tremoly successful, Agnes Robertson personating D6t antl , ,birs. John - Wood taking the character of Tilty,Slotebay:' At Walriut-street Thetitre, Mr. Derry Sullivan concludes a Wort but very suooessful engagement oa this evening. Ile is one of the very best Otero on the Stage, and has made himself an assured and welcome favorite In Philadelphia. Miss Jean M. Davenport's engagement, at Wal nut-street Theatre, commences on Monday even ing, and will not extend beyond the week. This accomplished and gifted lady will play some of her vary boat ram, among which we may mention Ad rienne Licourreur, Peg rtro,ffington, in Masks and Faoes,", 111edea, as well as the heroine in She- Aden Knowles' play if "The Maid of Marten dorpt.'? • Mona,Couarxermrs.—The semi-monthly num ber or . ,Peteison'a •Detedor, to bo Issued to -day, iontaine • partioulare of ono ,hundrod end twenty new counterfeits actually put Into circulation in tut ritoath"ouding , oototter 15th. Our ongraTing is the beet in the world. and the counterfeits the meet nuniereus. 'Aq extra, appended to the pre sent number of Abe Detector, commnnioates the fact that a new counterfeit $1; on the Merchants' Dante, Nevi, York,: extremely well executed, bee juit: beoh detected,; ' „ . Tde litilt;n,TtinisATlM third number of this new,rePgiens Weekly is before as, and confirms our opinion th'etlt is muiselentiously as well m ably conducted: There Ise groat deal of misoelltmeous In. formation in Its columnsrelative to religions topics, as will Ic peveral , well•irrltten leaders. - It Is pub• liehed, arisen as edited, by the Rev. T. IL Stock• ton, the able writer and eloquent divine. To 01,11T4LISTA; &C.--IMPORTANT HALES BRAG EsTATZ—ToinaB do Soup' sale, at 12 o'olook, noon, oultteindaY next, 18th instant, will comprise a very large amount of first-class property, Including the Bank , of Pennsylvania and the Philosophical .1141, by order of the ;Unite i l Motes Government; dnuntbst, of ,valuable business stands,, dwellings, farm, Germantown property, is. Peremptory sales, by order of Orpheus' Court,, executors, an» others. Also, the elegant Walnut-street residence, to be`sold peremptorily.' They have another very large sale at 7 to the evening, by order of the Or phans' Court, rte. • Bee catalogues of both sales, burned today. • Emsosat *NO' VALUMME EXOLTSII BOORIL—A consignment, direct from tendon, to be sold on Wednesday wonting, litth inst. Catalogues now ready. - • TamTv 0441 . 44 LlVEttpoOt. WARE, to be 601(1 4 the auction store, Monday, 17th knot. BLIWANT Pansrrans.—The collection of choice paintings 'imported from Europe by TA A. Talmon aro new open for exhibition at No. 807 Chestnut street; 'They *ill be sold on lsfouday morning at publio sale by Biroh 4S; flon,- auctioneers. Call and examine them with.catalogue before the sale. Sale etbousebold furniture, piano forte, &a., at No: 25 Smith Tenth Street, - this morning at ten §eR Birch k, Eon's inivertisenient. To FERRLERS, CARRIAGE iIILDERG, &O.—AUC- Oon GRIR:Of,SOO buffalo robes: B. Scott, 'Jr., aue , Omer, boa now arranged for examination with o'o4oo, athis gales room, 431 Chestnut streci, a largo . assOrtment rana, to be sold on Monday morning, October 17th, commencing at half past 10 • 4 , • „ Attottser,Loo.liitina Vigilance ; (jommit. • tee I(istatilehed." . , ikrpv, Oats; A NA, ()et; /4.—AVlgilance , Conunitteo him boon I'm mod At Markey Ile, a., to aid tiro potion in ar resting dangerous onarnotern. ' , " . , The Iffiiied , ,Staten Sleop•of-War ": 14 rAbltiffotolv,-Ocb. 14.—The offlobra barb tigea ord o na t o t h e united mates einoto oi-war Mohicitii i the ArricAn otauadroo: enturnaiirier Cimino, limits. 14000501 b 3, P;Jonev;Art4j putuilllgtort Purser Abbott, este! , Abbr.: rk , eteetnein and ENtinebrAKierated, At kW, Farmer, an THE LATEST NEWS BY 'IIELEPMAPI-1. TWO DAYS LATER PROM ;EUROPE THE STIAMSHIP AFRICA "AT NEW YORK ITALIAN IttIIORS THREATENING; Napoleon Repudiatds any Desire to Place Prince Napoleon on the Italian Throne. Austria and Sardinia Making Warlike Preparations. The yrenoh Army of bectipation to be Reinforced TUB DUKE 4 OF MODENA AND TOSCANI' PREPARING TO ATTACK TUE ARMY OF CIINTRAL ITALY. Minister Ward Nominally a Prisoner at Pekin DECLINE. IN COTTON CONSOLS 9534 NRAV YORK. October 14.—The royal mail ateamship Attlee, from Liverpool on Saturday, the lot instant, ar iived at this port this evening, with two days later advises from Europe .than were furnished by the steamer City of Washington, The Africa peered the steamship Europa on the 2il. abreast of the Giant's Causeway, bound to Liverpool, The Africa has one hundred and fifty-five passengers. The steamers Bavaria and Arago had arrived Out. English polities are unimportant. Prince Napoleon had left Zurich without an inter view with the pleniptitentlaries. The Zurich Conferences continued, hut nothing fur ther hail transpired since Prince Napoleon visited Zurich. The Italian rumors look threatening. The Paris Noniteur repudiates the idea that the one. Em peror desires to place a Preach prince on the Italian thr It is asserted that the King of Belgium's visit to Biar ritz referred simply to Belgium's debt to Franco, the parrnent of which had been demanded. The rumors of active preparations for naval acme ninety and fortifications in b ranee continue. The Paris Bourse closed quint, at 69126 c. It was vaguely reported that Austria was seeking to nevotiate a loan in London. The Ration rumors aro very conflicting. It was reported that Austria and Sardinia are making warlike preparations. and that the French army of oc cupation is to be reintomed. The Dukes of Modena and Tuscany are reported to have organised a large force in order to attack the army of Ce' tral Italy. Another authority says the Duke of Tuscany will re gain his throne by an appeal to universal suffrage. Humors of disturbances in Naples are current, but they are contradicted. Movements of the troops were taking place. The Spanish Government has &alined the offer of Endued to mediate with Moreau, The Paris Pays says Minister Ward and the Ameriean legation wee conveyed to Pekin, In a huge travelling box, from which only the sky was visible, They we'e welt treated but were not allowed to se+ anything, be ing confined to the house at Pokin, while awaiting at interview with the Emperor; after which they wilt re turn to the frontier in the same rnanpor as they came. GREAT BRITAIN A rumor was current that Dr. Smethurst, the convict ed poisoner of Miss Bankes, and WllOBO sentence of death had been respited, is involved in two other oases of suspected poisoning. which ooeurred some years ago. A. meeting had been held at Cork for the purpose of prosecuting the claims of cork harbor as a naval and packet station, and for nicking it a port of call for the transatlantic steamers. Mopes wore held out of tlio Cunard Company being induced to make Cork a port of cell for their steamers. The revenue returns for the quarter ending Septem ber 90th had been published, and were quite satis factory. The gross increase from the principal sources of revenue was about A:800,000, but this was rather more than counterbalanced by the reduction rn the in come tax,&a.. and the non-operation of the incronsed income t ax of the last seasion. PlThe London builders' strike remains in a very unsatis factory State.' Negotiations extending over two days between the master builders and a deputation from the operative masons had been brought to a close without any favorable result, and the breaoh between the em ployers and employed was booming wider than before, The Great Eastern remained at Portland. and if she is removed from that port before going to Doty head, the directors have determined that she shall go to South mutest FRANCE A despatch from Zurich states that Prince Napoleon left there on the Stith for Pans. Be did not have any interviews with the plenipotentiaries. The Emperor was not expected to return from Biar ritz until the 13th of October. The Pane Patric contains the following: The number of vessels and troops which are to form the French ex pedition to China has not let been decided on. pp to ,the commencement of August last no ;Testy had been signed between France and China. The Paris Aroniterr contains the following paragraph "Bonne foreign journals have Mated that the solution o f the affairs or laly vomit be impeded by the desire of the Emperor of the French to found a Kingdom in Italy f.w amines of own House. These rumors do not need refutation. Pe deprive them of all value it euttices,__without speaking of the Mar emAnts entered into at Ville Franca, to tiring to recollection the nets nod words o the Empemr Napoleon before and since that epoch" The Pans correspondent of the London Herald con firms. in the inostpositive manner. the statement that the King of the Belgians visit to the Emperor at Biar ritz WM 'wholly on account of the debt due by Belgium to France7-amonnting to 42,00,000-6 pressing claim for immediate prnent having been pot forward. It Is announce that several regiments of the coma d'armes, under t e commando t' bmneral Castellano, in the Lyons district, had received orders to hold them selves ready to march. SPAIN. . . . . .A.semi-afficlal ion real of Megkid denies that any °pa rentless, exists between Vranee and lf pain relative in Morocco, anti Nigeria that Spain will souk her ewe gantlets wsth Morocco. TIMES. The dates by mail from Constantinople are to Sept. 24th. A colmniesion had been appointed to investigate the jets conspiracy, and is rioinposed of the 0 0ranst Vizier. the Sheek-al-Islatm the Minister of War, the Ministerof Police, the President of the Grand Council, and the President of the jauzernat. Twogenerals, several colonels, and other officers and priests, hail been arrested. , 'offer .1/agile Of "aerie, one of, the ronsejrators, drowned hitria l e e lf t Ll;triff e tt , e n trextort b c&tt , i r e . r i r f tsoli esi trs i gnarl, 4lie pude:ton by apex eru n y ntnun C 4 OPlrellatill_p the affair d beeirproldb nod. Junking J subs, ibiuttptny of,lostute. had tenanting departure for Egypt one speotal Telegraptdo adoleeson antimpation of the strive) of the e, uralian mail, slut that tile WNW Mesmer Ad unit from Adalsde, was totally lost on, the ti or August, near Cape Northumberland..Eighty-ievee lives were losbonlv 26 out of the whole nu fi ber on board being saved. There was great outcry evilest mfr.- inters for notsending relief to the Adelina, fie details ale furnished., • T fut Tasmania submarine cable had boon suocessfullr la A:e shim : nests of sold irom Melbourne since the July roVi and up to Augurs leth. aintruMed to £760,000 in five Colonel Neill. Deputy Adutant General, was billod by Is fall from h 7 horse. , The yield o gold was very satisfactory. At Melbourne on the tech n August, ham near was dull. Tallow and hides were scarce and prices high., Groat speculation prevailed in the new mining companies. The steamer floret Charter, from Liverpool, arrived at Kis; l l,Kuirne in 67 days. -There is'-no later peep, hut the Paris Pops fur nishes the following in regent. to the movements of Mr. Ward, the AMOrICAII minister: The tart news from Shanghais esteblishes, beyond a doubt, the' arr, vat of Mr. Ward, the American envoy, at Pekin. This di plmnstist ascended the i-Tcheon-Yan-ho. one of the bfailebes Turbo, accompanied by all the members The t i lfp a alin corvette whiloh Gad brought Mr. Ward wail detained in port . The fasts rope of the legation were placed to a huge boa. Omit Roam by three broad, which wits closed everywhere blit SbOVer so as to prevent those it onatedned front seeing the This 'boa or 'travelling ohambeir. provided with all things neememry to the comfort or the travel ler'', mats placed on a roft, and taken first up the river, and then up the Imperial canal as far as the gate of the capital. Here it was placed oa a large truck drawn by ozen, i ned this way the minister of the United States an d lie inetalwrehis legation entered the cite pf Pekin. They were perfeetty well treated by the Chinese, but Teem Rot allowed lo gee anything. The Mak was drawn Welke toort yard of a. TO which w" t° the residence of tee Amens a e OW avgy, hat they were not to be allowed to go out. At the last dates they wore awaiting their inter view with the Power°. They had not boon rdlowed to have any communication wit), the outer weld, but were permitted to send a despetc Mr. Fish, the Ame rican consul at Sheathe°, in mining him of their safety. After the interview, the American minister was to ho raconducted to the frontier in the same way as that in whieh he game. ITALY. The Times' Perla epyresmindent nays: Tire latest and most Roar? led, report respecting Italy, in that the Grand Duke o 'Pavony will regent his throne. not by forcible memo. but by s it appeal to uni versal suffrage, accompanied by the grant of a comelte tion and by a general amnesty; that the Duchess of Pet ma will leave Modena and that Parma will remain n nexqd toyledinont. The warmest and most sanguine partisans have now i l riv,?n all hopes of being manta "TV! f liarin a l l a r ge e Corresenndent says, Tho Duke of Modena is at the head of 14.000 troops, beetled by AMR more under tire Grand Duke orfuscanv. Kultiermat. ten has collected seine 111 000, of whom, about one-third are Grants, and the rainaimier Swim, and he has gone to Vienna, it is sold, to organize a plan of attack against Yantis . ' are of Central Italy, now enneentratad round Rimini, whiled the Area Dukes would operate from the north. Pitalmont Is also eagerly preparing for the fray," It is stated that the reports of dude rbancris in Naples are unfounded. Nit that some agitation prevailed, and that the Gent had taken precaut hear. , m ohieg rex. Late letters as m sert that Aquilla, in the Abruzzi, was in open revolt. Orders had been givea to place Capita and other for tified places on a war footing. MA movement of troops was , taking lace at Naples, end important oommande are said to have already been be stowed, -• Reiner says that the Pone contemplates atimulanlng Nl fi tePe il s ol l l .4YoTo n j u li g e 77 1 1 1 4 1 ,7 g tT ' rlifii 15 OW would hit been sent attic frontier. and that 10.000 Men would fo ow. , LONDON MONEY MAREET.—Oreat dullness con tinued to prevail on the Stock Exchange. but the feede were generally steady in once. On the Seth the market closed for Consols at Wave.% for money, tU}d for account. An increased demand for money had sprung np 9WieR to the close of the quarter, and few transactions took place under 23 , d per cent, Messrs. Baring Brothers & Co. quote Bar Silver at as Ind. Mexican Dollars, 54 Md. American EatleS,7oa Tuz LIATZeT.—LoNDoN, Saturday,-110 Daffy titres' rity article says, under date Friday : In the Stook Exchange this haa been the dullest day to o uni versally dull seamen. Prices are unaltered. Phi, being the last day of the Quarter, the money market was %tory active. Scarcely any bills were discounted below it% perm; nt,, and the demand at the bank wae rather heavy, The sumaf.t:4oooo in . f ale erns sent into the hank to day, making a total of J. 165,000 since the dare of last reAT, f l o 't r S; t e g d n rie e i= ge. were 4 'With little varia tion. The Times' oity erttele thys The trialish !wide opened rather gat, hut there was ultimately an imurdt ed tone—the large arrivals of gold effectually counteract ing Tie 1111171117 1 26:1Vi e e n tll y lt will be taken by the next In_dia and Chinn mail 3s only about £lOOOO. The price of console 'abbe ohne of the month inexactly the same as at the commencement, although the inter vening period }lllll been signalized by thepoininencenient of a Chinese war, and the continuance Int I fpree of the perplexities of' the Italian question, A rapid Incteasc in the of the Banks offention, flngland and France fur nishes the reason for thin steadiness, AIItEgICAN HECURITIEB ht (Isere, B. Bell. doe. & an., report as follows: "There in no change worthy of notice in the market for Ameri can Securities. During_ the past week there has been a steady demand for the Federal, and various State stoat; at previous quotations, as elan for some of the railing.' securities, but more especially for the shares or (no Illinois Central and New York Central, which have been dealt in at improved prince. United States 6 clout, lnlidA, / 8 6 8 •••• • • Tip SIN . 8 ' tttti Alabama 5 err cent. hood. en 77 tentUCky 6 .(Ir cont. bonds, 1868-72., t? aP4 isteend 5 4f/ cont. str. bonds i assitelmetts 6 Ve t. e str. bonds I I en 103 Miasissigpi Ve' cen Union Bank bones..l4 et le Ohio 6 cent.' 'stock, 1888, 0100 reitnsy ensue te: cent. St 82 aB4 •11 , cent. bonds. 3877, a as Rothn Carolina ' cent. bonds 1858 4.5 a 67 Tennessee if cent, bond.. ill ve re 101 e Virginia 64P' cent, kends. 11941 ...... a an 6 cent. ................81 Boston,' 4,54 cent. St bonds .............a9 an ill / 0 9ntreal, oentit. 1e26-45. Illinois Cent I. I 41v Gent , 16 75 ••• •• •• -ex n 0 710 '•6 gent. 1970. *.•. ....ex 76 0 78 T Of cent. free Intel., 85 ehnree..... .. . . 31 no 3.5 We Minn Central, 8 {lr neat. 1869..........FU to V{ Oaten ....... . . ........... ... • or 42 N Y Centre!, 6 4f° cent. not cone. 11381) ...66 go 87 7V" centi not cony. 1961...... ..... 83 a 96 eherea 71 0 73 ' Nov Y & F.rie, 740 cent. 3d mon 1833..X0 a 62 , ear , ..... ..„ . ...... 3 0 6 Panama 7 4 g , cent. let mart 1269 101 0107 1866 ~ Oa alia . 2nd molt 1874. ..... 98 95 Penn Cen,B cent at inert .. . . 88%es 884 The Times of 'Pinto says Amerman *mutates there was a decline In the mimes of the New York Cen tral and the third mortsase of the New ]'ark and Elie, and an advance in the first :endgame bones of the Penn sylvania Central," end maples sales i Iliroou Central nieceawl sevens e,7 ditto shares, 58 du. New York Central, shares 72 3 4. New York , and Erie, 4d mod. 87 no. rOlinaylvanift Central, let mart. 89. • I,ONDON MONEY M ARKET—Fainas P. M.—Con ante closed at 95. q. The humane of bullion hi the Bank of England ler the week Meanie hi Ste 000. The 4 is an increased demand for money. American mantles are without chimp, THE PitESS.—PHiLADELPHAp SATiIItDAY,. OCTonEtt iii, 1859. LIVERPOOL DREAMT LIPPS MARKET. The Breadstuff's market generally hag an advancing ten tenor, with the exception of Corn, whieh it storidY. - Messrs. Richardtou & Oriente report Float advanc ing, and Wheat girgd higher for /Trona. Corn dull but Lead, st vERrooL FRoyunQ NB MAR FiT.--Mesers. Jam McHenry k Co., Malan& & Richardson. Spence, & Co., and other authorities. report the Prov en ne market gaueraily dull. Pork heavy. Reece dull. Lard ditto. LIVERPOOL rßon t:CE IttAßKET.—ffugar heav l y. 4 g: . ,ir i a d e . o 4 lo . s it ar. C o a f r T ol u in r a pe l Ir i a n % st ile:4ll m l t s t LONDON MARKETS.—Barings report Breadstuffs very dull. Huger bean , and declined Wets. Oahe Meath. Rine firm. 'Reads of Turpentine dull at 365. 6d. Official Election Returns. BY Fuca:oBoh. • The following oftlinal returns of the State eleotion we reoeived by telegraph, last (maxims t Auditor Oen. Surveyor Gen. COCHRAN, WRIOIIT, KRIM, ROWS. Union.,.. 1561 P IA .D 7 1 1 1; ,O l7rh De rB'2 . 1 Centre • • ~ 2443 2233 2444. 2233 )linnt~o.nery 4535 tro flit Elf Nnntour ....... 5 1! 1104 6. 1.3 2142 Cumberland ..... ...„.. 2921 — 3224 2913 3234 Perry • Val .2053 249 , 20.4 i Clinton Ino ICAO 1235 1680 vtitivbin 3002 5207 355/ 334 ,cdumbia., . • •,•• •• • ..... 2 0 ,..,`,4 • !Na 11E2 W. ... ... . .. . ..... Weetmoreland 4169 Fiji . 4'1112 HUntlngdoll 224 1714 SIM - 1778 _ E 4 . 1 . e .1 4046 ;3l ail 1441 6461 titi§ ... tnl.l4s nittj. l i d 0 r nin.j. 636 : 1 i i t, c i h n r 4" . A korthainpron inn). MU 11181. 17A4 Munroe inn), 1365 nl5l. 1365 Schuylkill .. 487 P 4534 4 0 05 4469 Lucerne... _.............. cop _ _ 6933 6112 8,4 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Ceumat,n, Oct. 14.—The following are the ollioiel re turns for this county: For Senator—lrwin (Opp.), 3,119; Crawfonl (Dem): 3,035. .9 , st/e3/it—Church (Dem.t, 3.078; Power( Dem.), 3 ,110; McCurdy (Opp,), 3.179; Allison (Opp.), 2,901. The Opposition e'eot Troasntor and Commissioner. The balance of the ticket In Democratic,. BUCKS COUNTY. Esarow, Oct. 14.—For the Assembly—Barnsley, Op , position, and Kni, Dom.. are eleoted. MO TOOI4ERY COUNTY. None nrrowp, Oct.o 14.—The Democratic, oandidates for Asseaphly were elected, one receiving only 187 ma jority. The Democratic majority for District Attorney is 246, NO R.TTIUM BERLAND COUNTY. Susgunv, Oct. 14.—For Assembly—Daniel, Opp ,2,889 1 Case, Dem., 1,621 UNION COUNTY. . , The official Assembly yawns are m follows: Hayes PAP - Itig,;D W erg!,°N. H "' Upp" 3,265; alder, Dam. - . aIIERNSBURO, Oct.l4.—Offiatal assembly yetnres are as follows: Coulter, Dam. 181; Hawk, Dem.. 4,143; Robison. Dem.. 4 078• MoUonlartl. Opp.. 3.626; Taylor, Opp., 3.674; CIIII4, Opp., 3.406. For shorin, Laudon, ➢am., wee elected by 43 rnatority. HUNTINGDON COUNTY. • HUNTINODON. Oct 14.—The official returns for As sembly aro : AfricadDem.,) 2,129; Wigton. (Bopun.,) 1,924. For Sheriff, Watson (American) has 64 majority over Sheer, ( Dem. CHESTBR COUNTY. WERT CHESTER, Oot. 14.—The officiel returns for As sembly are: Slimier (Opp.) had 821 majority 'once. (Opp.,) 419 majory, and Acker. (Opp.. 1733 - majority. F ANICI. IN COUN?. The majority o Alex. McClure. (Cop..) for Senator, in this county, is 621, and in the district 407. For the Assembly. Awittn and Brewster (Opp.) ate elected from ti m e county, TEE REPORTED LIBEL OF COL. FORNEY BY TEE PIIEBIDENT. WAISTUNGTON, Oot. I.f.—The President authorizes the emphatic denial of the truth of the despatch from Philadelphia, that Col. Forney has received a notifies.: nett from him of hie intent ion to 'cantata a profording for libel, on account of the article in The Press of Mon day, in relation to the death of Senator Broderick. CISNEItAt. TWltlart UNABLE nu AID BROWNSVII.taI.... CREATION OP 'VOLUNTEER COMPANIES. Now ORLEANS Oct. 14.—Advioes from an Antonio, Texas, say that General Twiggs had respondedto the call for aid from th e citizens of Brownsville. that he has not enough men at hie disposal to dive the Indians from the frontier, and, can do nothinn for them. The ranches tin the Tonna side of the Rio Grande have been abandoned on account of Indian dopredations. The citizens of Ban Antonio were raising two compa nine of rangers, and some other places were inking volunteore, on account of General Tiniggie inability to protect the country. New Yong, Oct. 14.—Considerable interest Ravin g been expressed to learn the intentions of the Associated Frew in relation to the Congressional reports of the ale - Pronoliing wanton at Washington, we are authorized , to ear that the proceedings of both Houses will be re ported by telegraph with all possible care and saintly as heretofore embracing a clear nod accurate statement of nil the 'husinesa of publio interest transacted. to tether with a concise and unprejudiced statement of he points of all importrug messages, resolutions, de bates, ko., Ac. • Injunction Granted against a Massa chusetts Insurance Company. Roston, October IC—An injunction has been gran ted against the Rhawmtit Insurance CompanY. by the Supreme Court of, this State. at the instance of the In swamp Cominiestonere, on the ground that the further proceeding of the company would be hazardous to the pubho. ROSToN, October S.An arrival furnishes fldvioes from Hayti to Sept. 2Sth. Arrests continue to be mode in MI parts of the island. except the south, of persons engaged in the late conspiracy. It was not believed 'that many will be exeoutod. NEW YORE. October 14.—Adviees fmm Hayti fur nished by the brig African, report tho capture of the agsassumf President Oeffrard's daughter. . THE CITY. MIKATCAN ACAMINC Or htniw, Broad and hood.- " Cloonan at"—" • Le llinhlo A Quit t ro" —" Your .Loraru." WAL:tirr-91 . 46111TTHICATAR. comer Walnut had Ninth streata.—" Niohnrd 111."—" Wandering Min- Wititratity do CLAltit's Arkell-tiTelear Ti 1147111, fireohaaltigintrigCdt.ttiti:.--, "Way to (101. Married"... co llt t lgyaL Gettirtr ,, e, f.ta • Ate street, below Tlard.l - lines. It torment street, libutv Wear , . , ACAURMY or Ftmt Awn.. 1026 Chestnut otiettt.— Exhibition of Paintioto,Bta t tuary, &a. Consar lIAU. Chaqtnut sbovo.Twolftli.—Aforoho Juvonflo Comedittoo , Crick*); Maid?, for the nonefir of the Elorol4 of England. NORTH MIAMI' SOUTWO? ENOLAWP. The miserable, penurinusneas or vareleasneen of the committee in charge of the arrangimentl for this match; in not advertising it fully, prevented a larger at tendance from witnessing the limit play that hiss bean made since the Englishmen came here. So far did thin two-peony feeling of money-saving go, that the re• ender of The Bows, yrltri gave this very match each a. first - rata notice in yesterday's paper, was attempted to ho excluded from the ground, buena° be would net Pay fifty cents—the nlssurd price fixed for admission—mad wee only admitted because personally known to one of the ante -keepers. The attendance, In consequence of the above mismanagement, was exeeedingly dim, and while there were theueauds in the cite who would have been delighted to have seen the Englishmen play ageinst each other, and pay twenty-five cents—a con tinuum stint—for that pleasure, yet they were loft In Corlett, innorrinco of foie fact, and were further ro pe let! by the price of ndfitiesic,n, he North and South of the pavan of rigland were pitted against emelt other in friendly eMiteit yesterday, taking ins isvoral members of th, Philadelphia and Der unworn clubs to make me thel eleven oi taph aide. The ono of jlrah,ed won t toss, anti, with true erieket collytepy r led piety orinopte to, the bet, end, willew in bond, Cafftu Cid n Lillypthil took th eir clung at the wieketp. ' ro binLl:Sofiya!, la fealttt: hide Jeckpenand Womb t r Der iv yi ein how Id out Owl kit alter he made a my pretty !snorer of ip, co elating of three singles, rep lve, and a brilltant hit under the ropes for three. Iritlywinte. who had bun play mg very :steadily. and bed rnade a thereof IN, ppm rusting of a eplendid dnve for three. and three minsfelo had him timbers also found by Grundy. I,ockyer—the remelts Tom—inn Stephenson aucceedeil Callyn and Litlywhite, and sonde acute very beautiful Pl Ste ar• phenson was rather unfortunate. lining caught out Delliq. eler etilendid. o'er-out for three. while the invincible Tom de encied wicket and bronchi down the bold t.iy two ail eiplid 4 Ivey 1‘,4 Ilhoe each, follow iit Other. and was' a ittlrabir b by Jackson t lone lob wltulo sunifing'the hall o abi)ther three. one took hie defeat Omit- huntore4ly, pretty vial! Oaths ed that no one else woul4 NT' 11 1' 1) 0 - nines, while he added nine in the core. Wts 6,11 very elegant and itangereue 1110ile bawler, mut Is evil) now took the wicket., and Heyward took Jackion'e place es bowler. There is nothing yerk thimbles about Wisden an a bat, hieforte evidently in prowling. but he le a very safe and cautious player. Axe bawler hie play i* r earlier. , Ile plays - Ma balls apparently very slow, Ming them , be gives them a sort of Ants reknilot Ving,vritich malice them exteeilingly trou blesome to the ms tt6 nrege. Wleden made nine, and wise oleyerly natigili roiSY 34.1D3 six. DM re mained to during severe change,' a dyne nal;y caught ay Carpenter at point. after nirs. acti X eight and making n very pretty three. • • Jahn Wister awl pretty three. and the former ) after come veil tleellent play, apd a seem of five, half a "row in 416 trlniwt tarot rtt t Op 47 0, moll-directed hall from ricundy. if ovens, a) - rya couple of' eingles, was caught by Cementer. whp, a point br We slips. is nor/knelled. The ruagnifitient Diu Will he a hided to tater. Mi'tr ' e and J0)11180)1 were next tig4f while the former was billeted out by runner Irmo ayWard without Infljorm a worn, the latter OPP:lnflect tila wipket wins remarkable pertinerrty, entt map at met caught by i n c eon et long-log. Wring need live to th l, F 'core by singes. Decree Newhall was t o tut ef the nettle, and although quite a thuntster. coil adding nob nog to the score. displayed mime of the gestate' which trivernade bin elder brother. Walter, distinguished among erleket ors ; The mime of the South wag now 50 for the first innings, and their chances looked and proved very bine, with Buell terrific hitters as Hayward. Carpenterotpd Newhall, coining in. The first sent to the bat of the North, were Jackson and Diver. with Imckyer and NV te• den towhee. Jackson was very neatly caught at inid wicket stovons, without scoring one. Diver unite a bilauliful square-km lilt for 3, and two mingles, but he was put hers de combat by one er Ws don's deceptive Bowe. They were followed by Ilnywerd and Carpenter, perimpe the two beet Patter. In the world, and who together made the splendid some of 04, Hayward making RI in the most dashing and brilliant style, consisting of six hits, for three each. and the Wore oft ips and singles. This young man,. erre gouty pot own ie the ecoounts pu Libellee' of hum in this rountrY as 4 ' YONNI of age, 15 only Just turned of St. and mnitn in England in play of tips v Clpb ery year—play ongetioge score 2 1 2;, l as e r r nfermation Mee, hits ; paver been .400 e red Dy apt e n e, flop 'style ie tlethint in the extreme, Miu . as gentleman on thin stand happityand ncturdtely (moped to mt. "when lie bile a bell tft ;ravel. It would occupy too much apace to else a 1 hie luta in de - toil. It will no sufficient to any that his play onothat or Carpenter afforded a superb treat to the lovers of oriek cling. and was loudly applauded. 110 ward wee very well might nut he Stevens, who quite dud ingelebod himself in this partiepler ; and Carpenter was stomped nut by Stephenson , Who wns adinira Die as wicket keeper. Greedy, a formidrible bowler and very good trowel Na/Pr,nilded fourteen hate score, haVing made a very everjaphlt for three,._was MUM out. to thoinevi table eteeehe. Wry to .ttnwhersustained hie reputation by a brillinnt out frir three off de find boll. and wee de fending his wicket bravely Unlit/or n e arth[ es to put WI end the loathe. Almond 111 . 711f117 MIMI table am a fielder, and a lone stop will compete faehreley with Ilia beet of the blnglielonen. Barclay, blow, wieket-keeping yesterday was the subject of eeneral praise, was caught by Winder' at point, ridding only elm Inflict score, Barlow then took the willow. but le did not thoothe repro than n ball or two when the rain bit an end to the gams, The score of the North then stood 120, with five winkete to go Ora, heath eiulnae dies, thug far, by di, or ine're then 41,1141110. The Mae W 1111 1 ,4 lie resumed, as the Engliehmeo leave et thre# o'clock to-day, to play M 1 match at Itoebester DA{ilbn dee. Hee The umpires in the inateh of yeaterderwere Ju Cease, and William E. Weiler, for a part of the d a y' The general fliagille44 of this latter gentleman. dame the 'match of the ("tilted States against the Emits!' eleven. Wan the eubiect Of Minns! universal comment. and several of the players complained that hie west/int orders and directions 'undo them 101 nervous arpt lin comfortnble , and caused theni to play badly. Hiouill they contemplate another match, it in their nitentioh, we have heard, to smut another cumin, na they feel sub/dean, anxious Rhea the malt. without lowing nupereilitecl the distraction of it querulous chief. We shell othbahlY gi ve genie reemleetions. in a stay or two of the celebrated player'. In thane matches. and clone our present account by expressing our regret that there wee nut a larger number of our citizen; re emit to witness the splendid play of yesterday. rho a t to as follow); form. Coffin b. Grundy........ lo J. Wistere. Carpenter 11. .1. Lillywhite b. (handy . 8 Grundy 2 Loakyear a. Jackson h. ravens h. Grundy Hay ward ...... ... . 9 lowa b. flay Ward.... •'g H. ff. Stephenson cr. Col- ohnson a. Jackson b, i t s c. Grandy ....... ..,. 4 Hayward s Wtsden 0. Hla arclay h. H. Newhall not opt a Grundy --_, Danis a. Carpenter b. J T0ta1.......• • ... •. " (handy .._ 91 . Piney insides. ottin. 1 Jackson c. Stephens b, Barelay c. Wind en b Dkocto , or •••• • • •—• • • .... 0 Lockyer er b. ll' Wan .....,•• , 0 Harlow, not out Hayward c. Stevens b. Kuhn Call lil ........... ...... to Carpenter st•Stophenson C9lbs b. tAllywhite Grundy c. Stevens b. Cstryn 141 Total .. IV Newhall, not out 41 SERIOUS A eciDEVT.—Yestonlay morning a work man engaged at Pairniont Park. named Daniel Davis. had his right thigh broken by a log rolling on him He was taken to tho hospital, Foreign Commercial. WESyMORE!,OD COUNTY Ftom Washington• The, Difficulties in Texas. Congressional Reports. From Hayti. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING The Veto of Phtladelphot Complete. . , TRH OFFICIAL RETURNS. Tho Return lull tee of the conaolnlnted city toot Yeater dey inottunq, In the Dietrtet Court Mom, for the purports of intrklne their °lnsist return of the. eleotion. held on Tuesday lest 1 ) 0 , 14 4 , : b orrrAzed by. d le t t , esmg c o k trA o,re.ullruf gyai,irrtbr.Ln.x..., olowit T.cit, ....k., it il LIII/EI: en _ _, ... ...,.. I . . doorkeeper ;,.... .. =ler. InassenEer. The TO illlniP"rgibann9 lll l 2 V filtkur. auditor Oen. , kturveyor Oen. WARDS. WRIGHT, COG/IRAN, Rows, BRIM, Dein. Opp. , Dem. Opp First. •••.1496 1113 1488 1491 Setiond 1667 1498 1669 1191 Third 1127 896 1126 901 Fourth- ....... ...- .1293 784 1282 760 Fifth ....1076 893 ........ 1068 893 Sixth. ...... • • ...... SW 867 . ...... 826 889 tivrinth• •••i • ... i• ~ ..1088 1471 ........ , „aped. 1 608 . .ghtli ~,..709 ' 977 701 981 inth..•..... ......... 80 0 1014.-- 806 1019 Tenth ..,..........,••••• 781 1110 .—... 778 1617, Eleventh .. ..... 877 760 883 762 Twelfth 936 1003 917 3013 Thirteenth • ..874 1419 862 1435 Fourteenth 866 1069 839, 1506 Fifteenth.-- .........1319 1739 1309 1783 Sixteenth ~......1170 1199 1172 1194 Seventeenth " '1482 729 1179 733 Eighteenth.-.......... 831 1386 . ~. 825 1393 Nineteenth-- ......1594 1663 ..__. 159/1 1568 Twentieth— 1324 178.9 . 1317 1780 Twenty-first ........ 007 1116 ...... 903 1121 Twenty second.— . 811 1298........ 838 1301 Twenty•third.—.....l3B9 1492..._......1593 .1518 Twenty-fourtli-- -10.18 1175..........1032 1185 , Total 26,360 29. 26, Bzs 26,203 21 098 26,363 203 CITY TICKET. 3,19. their. Attorney. Prothon'y C. Plena IVlsionty • ... . kNHASS, MANS. MCGRATH, KNIH_HT. Dom. Opp. Dern. Op. Fast .. • • 1488 1399 1491 1413 Second 1707 1485 1092 1469 Third ....1133 878 ... ..... 1141 884 Fourth 1253 781 1286 774 1043 908 . .. ..... 1071 889 Sign' ........ 817 853 ... ..... Rl2 853 Seventh 1007 1481 1096 1487 Eighth... ......... ..„ 733 840 720 963 Ninth 853 28018.........8711001......... 1010 Tenth. T 72 1480 781 1.417 Eleventh 789 8513 830 702 1 w01fth..,....... ..... 841 1038. ... ..... 921 093 Thirteenth 832 1116 881 1844 F0urteenth........... 845 1500 857 1518 Fifteenth 1327 1775..........1303 1745 Sixteenth. .............1100 1193 114) 1197 Seven teen 1b... ..... ~..7438 7118 ... ..... 1449 748 Vialteeralt NM 1307.........883 1307......... 1397 Nineteenth .1580 1559 1578 1578 wontiet h.., ......... 1208 1773 13. M 1148 Twenty-firet 906 1101 890 1130 Twonty• second ...... 839 1299..........896 1903 Twenty-third ..... ... .1407 14339..........1308 1517 Twenty-f0urt1i........1075 • 1101 1043 1188 - - - notal 28,094 20588, .......316.343 23,021 23 000 74,383 Majority MAI Aroma (instill A t—Maj. for Cochran, Opp., 3,159 Sultrayst (innlSHAL—Aini. for Kenn, Opp., 8.495 F!STRICT Arronsay—Maj, for Mann, Opp., SAI ROT/Ir. PLEAR—Ilted. fo SENATORS. pp., 3,253 THE VOTE FOR 1 . H. Dob N nert. 2 CLI,) O. H. EIWI, (Opp.) Ayres, (Opp 9th WA K 64 oth " 815 1274 164 1311 i " 11.98 1260 81 11th " 912 1293 167 eth " 1118 1661 71.1 . Tot d, 4960 6111 . - 613 ' Majority for flmith, 1381 s Vo1:111 . 11 WeiAlci. J. Holman. (D.l Oeo. Connell, (Opp. 19th 15 , Attd • •••••••1991 27.% 41st 1321 .17.% 41st " ..... ........01t; 11(19 2 41 :: ..... 8,37 1211 1433 1482 ' CormelFs majority . 902 'THE VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVES. FIRST DISTRICT. NINTH DISTRICT. John Caldwell:ill)._ 2,932 hoary Dunlap. I D.)... 3,602 P. Edmunds. (.0..) .....1,372 i Nathan Sparing, (0.1 1,434 F.,Zerman y (0.1 ....,.._, b 5.9 Dunlop's mai 161. Caldwell sllllO-1.660. TENTH DISTRICT. ;WORD DISTRICT. ,John C. Keller, (D.)....1,663 TiMethY4 4 le6ll, (D.). 1.621 8.0. Fantasist, (0.1.. " .1 965 Wm. B. urner,(0.)...1,665 Panconst'a inej MI. Turner's maj. 31, ELEVENTH DISTRICT. THIRD DISTRICT. John 8 Kiehl, (D.)......1,693 P. McDonough, ( 0. ) ...1.699 limo A. Shepparcl,lo./1,700 Charles II one, (0.)....1,M1 Shepperd's mat .2. MoDoneugh'a mat .293. RWHLET/1 DISTRICT. FOURTH DISTRICT. Edward Buckley; ID.). 933 T. A. Timmins. (D.)...1.511 Richard Wildey, (0.) .1,734 Henry K. Strong, (0./..1705 Wildey's ma) tut oitrong's maj..191. I THIRTIES:SMR lust nivr. FIFTH uIsTRICT. 1 Wm. D. Monism].) D.)1,603 .s. A. Jackson,( D.). • ...I.3s6lJanies liolgate.lo.). .1 543 Joseph M00re,(0.1.....1,683 ftlorrison's inaj..6o Moore's maj...216. FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. SIXTH DISTRICT. llamas Donnelly,( 0.L.2,114 C. L. Wolf. (1) 1 1 330 J. B. Allen. (0.) 1,431 Charles O'Neill,(o.l -1,430 Dennelly's me) .aw o'Neiii a HISJ..'../00 VIF TRENT!! DISTRICT. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Philip M. Hagner,l D. 1.1,977 Chas. A. Yeager,(D.),..1.103 J. F. f'reston.(o.). ..1,866 J. IL 5e1tzer,,(0.),...1,621 Freston's mob. 439. B. A. shoemager,lse.)... 394 sigritimiu DISTRICT. Seltzer's plurality.. 399 T. W. MAMA D.)-1,462 RlOlllll DISTRICT. George Wiley, (0 1....1.435 I Joe. B. Vankirk, (0.)..1.317 Dullield'e RUH .27. J. E. Ridgway. (0. •...,2,247 A/MINTER:MR DISTRICT. Henry L. Elder (O.) ....191 Win. 81. Leech. f D.)...1,603 8 i di,,,,,,,e e h i ,,,), ma 10. V. Abbott, (0,) -.3,601 Abbott's maj..(l3 The Philadelphia delegation in the next Legislature will stand as foIIows: SENATORS. 1. N. Merolla. D. r i ieorge R. Smith. Op. IL John Varker,op. Gnome Connell, Op. REPRESE, TATIVF:S. r. Aleph C.aldwell, D. Ito. S. S. Panommt. Op. Z. WilliaM 13. Turner 0y .'li. Isaac A. Sheppard. Op. 3. patriek McDonouip,ll. 12. Richard Wilde'', Op. 4. ,(enry K. Strong, p. 11. Win. IL Morrison. D. 5. Jo' ph hiore, Jr., Op. 14. James Donnell), D. 6. clunks' O 'Neill, Op. 15. I. 1., l'reston. Op. 7. J. 11. Seltzer, Op. 19. Thomas W. Duffield. D. 8. Jacob E. Ridgway. Op. 17. Char,es F. Abbott, Op. • 9. Henry, Dunlo D. Opposition; I p, l t Democrats. 6. WIIARF•RATS IX CUSTODY.-On Thursday morn.' mg the officers of the Second police district arrested a party of German mendicants who have been Infesting the wharves In the lower part of the city. They stole whatever they could lay hands on, such as suear and engem After being arrested they were taken before Al -1 dermas Danes. The alderman gave them a hearing on the specific charge of stealing a lot of coffee during the day from a store-houso, while a vessel was unloading at Shispan-street wharf. 111 r. Fields, the weighmaster, testified outlast them. Ile stated that. by these women and others. some emegiu worth of coffee was stolen on audit)] - They were all held in the sum of 8600 to answer. A (beim PA,R will bo held at Suffolk Park next week. commencing oreonday and continuing until -Wednesday evening. Ile prominent Mature in this fair, which promises to one of national will intermit, the 04 Al of speed between horses of great is own itar.oers. , On osiday there will be a race for aBl 000 premium. ' he particulate of the display are set forth In en advertisement which appears its. another column, and to thin igareitil scrutiny or which Ire commend our readers. '''' , . A Haw 4 Vonarturew.-A. counterfeit 310 bill on Ib e Rordentowt Banking Company. New Jersey, was passed at 'llie'La Jerre House last evening. The note is deserihed as I lloWs: lf to of Jotter A; vignette. a steam ;Mena and earn; on NM right margie a reaper with a amide, embracing a female: on the left margin it canal scene. Tim letter Bin the word TWO glown i s too near the margin to be genuine. The police were notified. and started in pursuit of the parties who passed the note. VISITING FflaymEN.-The Constitution Fire Com pany. No. 7, of Brooklyn, will arrive in this city on Tuesday morning . , on a visit to the Hibernia. They will make a boot stay among us , and during that slay truly Will inks occasion to circulate extensively among the sights worth Imolog, both inside end outside of the Foo Department. A liesurieur, Nona ov An7.-Wo wore shown )naterday a beautifulprint of the engine house of the Flibenlia, executed by alr. lluval. the lithographer. Tho print 'represents the hand engine in front of the house, for by the members of the company equipped for parade. 'I he Samos of sonic of the most distinguish ed mood re are very distinct and Moor. We noticed nnumg i them the venerable form of Col. James Page, which s remarkably nocarate. The print is intended Jura partor orneinout, and is especially appropriate for knoll a 9iflpo4O: • -' . Rattan': OP TiiE ritflpyli pt. Test e g ir oNow.-The ninth'itonuel parade of 'the Lolled Order of Soidete of ToMperaueo. coneisting of about thirty-two :actions. pin take p eon Monday, October 17th. xr. B. N. rim tun b: .nn 4pllollll PI 81 . 14 lklarq WO, rtn4 /1 13 A SEIRry: leek cdter rid Herne , . 1 Intent' an Sec o id Aids. Anu liner t/ VIIIIIIIIT PORPOTIS ere expected 1 9 1 0 i'MPPYtilkii p 0 i n Ms P!'rN/Q.. Q 1,4 IlitAdlEnil desiring superior articles at Tea notable wieris willdir well to pall on E. R. Hunt & Co., P corner ath nod Chestnut. Where min bo found the finest kande of oiler., au/Muer mousing and chstving tobacco, an extensive assortment of meerschaum and other piped. cigar tubes, & ii.; also. plain and ornamental tobieco boxes, oiler and (donna cases port monnaies, cutlery. pia] log cards, and a general collection of em otes HI the variety line. We advise all to give plain a .11. SODOMY pedirtt. -Yesterday morning, about tame rieloor,'li 'lianas' nerd Margaret Mahan died ], ory suldenly. at nlmuie I p ladle street, near Twenty. finirth r eel, 1410 pifleep !!' Ward. 'The eßtorter held DTI Inli ii pa. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADRLPIIIA, Oct. a, 1969. Rodut,t Railroad stock continues depreesed, under ltlo " hear" influences. A few shares were sold be tween toasts to•flay at )9)i, but only 193 wee obtained nt the ?tdcOlitt board. The total of the boeigese at the board le vary light, and chiefly confioed to truoifers or equiillps'eurities. Sine P the completion of the passenger railway to Ger it.Qltoup. are have lied several inquiries as to nut hinuitt of Its itiicif arid liciods. as an investment. We nive ito lietillethin h set thot we look upon it as ono id the lost of ail the rondo in the atty. It le the longest land of nil. buret eighteen miles in length, with two depute neatly soulsCl ate , one at Ailment! street, and the other, rat the tonnIMIS in tiermantown- They are Pow fanning Owl , -two core. hpA O travel and mu phi hove a- far acceded Os eSpeetations of the friends o ltho rendre" they have been compelled to hire and borrow cars or rho present. Until the new oues ordered are " Co a ri t fa d il . is oily and acmionlinallY Managed, and the fittention ot the president not only promises well for the future. hut his efficieney Is attested by the lo nrito 01 the road and its arrangements. It wee (oared that tram the len Allt, it would not be able to accommodate the business en ; but the trial hose proved the control' , as the room m int tinie from the doom in neradintown to Walnut street Is fifty-file minutes, achlch Is to advance iii the steam-road. The semi-mouthli number of Prierson't Counterfeit D,trttor to day. The steady ins of the business of minute rfeiting mikes it nocessiti for every wine bustnees men to have this reliable protector and guide oonstently at his command. One bunched and twenty new counterteits have made their, appearance wit,in A month. The following the deseription of the last And perillya most dangerons of these frauds: A Item spurious hank note of the denomination of 91, ! s pti*ri r V e li i tig to Tiled /iTilie Aterehantes' Bank, y. dome t o awn anee yesterday and is ca e ptolly executed. rani wand (waive and peraod ant weingsperienred in sinah matters. It to ad ifs der, with the single exception atilt' State frioter4 sic attire ; nod it is nainrha thilachry old hem s fade todetect its ditretl. Do a few o the bills the name o F. Verinii)ea is wiltta as flashier instead of J. F. B Thin foilowint is went went of the earnings of the Noun Now Wool% Railroad Company In Septeinia3r, lean -••..- In tan months, to Sept. ZOtli, 1869 Snap? rime )onr Tlio iinnont al CO over the and Brand Top Railroad for 1110 week eudlelf 1,1 ' 0 4.0 1 4'rY, Oct. 12 wrie.... 620 Zane. Amount elopped ' , remtely Vas year. ponce janwury Jet, 10011 Total amoilnt shippoil this >oar Waal AtWant slopped to woo data last yor 75,4341 " Ino r0n; . 19 Mfg " PHILUIDELI'iIIti swim( EXCHANGE BALE', October N. 149. i REPORTED BY ENULIBII & HIJr TRH. N0..121 Walnut street. F (DST BOARD. I 4 Mies 14 Dot Cn' 7d H. Cam k limb ¢v, 01 1 Penn It 2d in On ! , fi 11 . I 2 biorris Cnl pftl gwn.lo3li I west rh.ln 7 Eepna R , ,_ca4ll.FH _ _ at/ fill 14 4 i t 04,, do 14. I I( N Penn. it MV Bolt 'B2 it2Wll.6 lqqb au 41 . 1 8. 31 5 ' ,Wij ' 2 it, w6..v)i.1257‘ ~..... ........ calth.o.„ it i'fLil , r o rtion One SI tio Loboth.Paii "14 r 5 GitArdl o link tif 14! 7 do . ill 8 do fBl POARIM. 25 Penne R..... ..... BOARD. it E . !' WEE NO Sung Canal G+ SECOND se° Rich k Selt 7 Id anti Sil t R • . IDs Readins R. •.. • . d 0........ ..... 19N WO / r ung aq lOn lid It IW 4 40 ,CLostrio PRI , Bid. Asked, 11 States 0.1 '7l ..,14 ts iv .-- 9 17. y IM j 1I J falloffs s 3 9314 — IP /7 , 1 : room o 0e 41 1 19 t l 3 Penns : v4 gr.: Morrie Can Ol al Coil . , 4111.!;.: HoVyiiiltV 4 7 1 r IT 8o u) 100 Long 1313nd R.. . , .1014 6 itacp 34, VIRO-11l 11..3i 43 Lodosh scrip... ... . 23 21 Corn Y'' 11 .. • .. • ' t 2 Ponnk i k • •• • ir., 3 8 do .... 9,',1 CES—STEADY. Bid. Asked. BLq 1181' stook... ~ (Al i i'l'ltii'rh P ki:i.' ii : IL )! 36 ;1 „ K. 141 ma 4814 43 t:r,rgl,"Ponallit,--..12" Igi N Pponn, R..... •• • 6% . 6% 1 . 61. —6l 6'4 /OW ....... Si I.l4townian ft / J "bast bde,3o rib Ird t i all la 1 4," ....:. i) / 7 ,70 i Race Or, vwe titii A ..14) Di CITY ITEMS. ilerlt AT E. W. EAFLIITI, d Co.'B.—Attracted by a very brilliant display of Silver-plated Ware, of ex quisite finish and unique design, in passing the exten sive house-furnishing establishment of Means. E. W. Carryl dr, Co., No. Tit Chestnut street, we entered the store more from curiosity to see than any desire to buy, and from what we saw we have no hesitation in saying that, as a representative house, in this branch of trade, it is at once an ornament to the street and credit to our oily. Being devoted to both the wholesale and retail branches. and keeping, as they do, one of the largest and most varied stocks to be found my where, the an nual operations of Messrs. N. W. C. & Co. are very ex tensive, as they are also steadily increasing. Three speeialties of this house may here properly claim our attention as a matter of interest to the reader: These are Japanery, Silver-plated Ware, and Cutlery. - Under the first head, Japanery, the present stock exhibited in this house is really a curiosity to all who admire the perfections of this class of artionnship. Some idea of their variety in these goods may be gleaned from their having trays and waiter of this beautiful ware ranging in prices (min one dime to'thirty dollars per set, in which are embraced every conceivable style and design that taste could desire or ingenuity execute. These goods we learn were made in Wolverhampton find Birmingham, England, expressly to the order of this firm. Some of the more expensive waiters are truly magnificent, being ornamented with fine gold gilt, bur niehed, and embellished with handsome oil-palntings richly enamelled. The new method of making flowers by the introduction of various shades of gold is a won- dean' achievement of art. Their new style waiters with plated handles and Might metallic, border', which aro executed in every shade of coloring, aro also a no velty. Nor must we leave the Japanery department without a passing reference to the plate-warmers, bird cages, toilet-ware, and coat vase■, which it includes. In connection with the latter, a glance at their fine as- wirtment of hiahly-ppliehed open-fire furniture, such as full steel hie-seta, bronzed-iron fenders, andirons, standards. etc., may also he taken with advantage to purehan re, as tho prices of Messrs. Carry) Br. Co. ore Proverldalll moderate. In, the department of Silver-plated Ware, we are al most at a loss, in a short paragraph, how to describe the superior elegance of this stock. Tea-sets, salvers, tir ream entree dishes, pitchers, goblets, castors, in great est variety of pattern and made in the most durable manner, literally dazzle the eye on one side of their spacious salesroom. Several full sets. one more espe cially, which we examined, are really magnificent, and evince. In the Missing. the highest order of talent for that class of art. This is accounted for by the fact that these gentlemen employ only the most skilful and ac complished artisans in their manufactory. Their Ware has the reputation of being of the finest quality of me tal, and the heaviest plated made. Their ornamental work le hardly excelled in any country, certainly not in this. The remaining specialty ie their Cutlery department, In which everything included under the head of house hold cutlery may he found in great variety, as may be inferred, from the feet that their tots range from twain five cents up to one hundred dollars! The latter, and many at intermediate price', are neatly arranged in rosewood cases. The blades in these seta are both in stool and plated But we must desist. To enumerate all or the half of what we aawwould fill columns, and we would therefore recommend our readers to call and ex amine for themselves. SPLENDID COVRAE OP LITERARY LECTURE/3. We have carefully examined the bill of intellectual fare provided for our colleens donna the approaching lee tore-season, by did People's Literary Institute, and, upon the whole, regard it as possessing unusual merit. such eminent names as those of Henry Ward Beecher, George W. Curtis, Bayard Taylor, Rev. John Lord, and Rev. T. Starr King, would in themselves be sufficient to warrant this conclusion, but upon closer,inspeotion— I the result of which we may give to our readers in greater detail at some future time)—it Is found that the Course is really composed of inch an array of rearms that the most epicurean and feinidious cannot fail to find something in it adapted to his special idiosynoracy— should he be troubled with such en affection—whilst the main bulk of the repast is at once feeding and luxuri cot, and wills° be regarded by the lialstlis of our people. Benson tickets for the course—of Eight Leoturen—ere now selling rapidly, and should be early secured. Mr. Beecher will inaugurate the course on next Thursday evening. INDIA—rTE RACES, LANGUAGE, AND RELIGION. Among the popular names already announced for the leoture season, wo notice that of Henry Al. Scudder. D. D., who is to appear, for the first and only time, as a lecturer here on Tuesday evening twat. From the well-known talents of this eminent missionary, the ex tensive knowledge he possesses of Ids subject, AO the fervor of his eloquence, a rich Intellectual treat may be antioipated. Philadelphia will, we think. exhibit her appreciation of true worth by filling Musical Fund Hall, on Tuesday evening, to its utmost capacity. Ton BLACK Swan" CONCART.—By reference to an advertisement elsewhere, it will be seen that a "grand concert" is to be given at the Hall, Eighth and Spring Garden greets, on Monday evening, the lith instant, by Min E. T. Greenfield, otherwise known as the "Black Swan," assisted by Mrs. Brown, Signor Maki. and Professor 0. King. The 'programme an nounced for the occasion is an attractive out., which, with the enviable reputation of the "Swan" ought to enure a large audience. The tiokets of admission have been placed at the low price of twenty-five cents, and fifty cents for reserved seats. SUPERIOR CONFECTIONS.—To our readorm who are fond of choice preparations for the palate, we can hardly impart a more useful item of information than by telling them that the finest confections to he had in this country are manufactured and sold by Mr. Stephen F, Whitman, No. lila Market street. The almost infinite variety of preparations, of the most tempting and lus cious character, which we saw recently on 'e visit to this Sugar-Plum Palace, gave us a new idea of the import ance of this branch of our manufactures. The supe rior. excellence of Mr. Whitman'. confections has be come proverbial throughout the Union. Connoisseurs, And lovers of good things generally, should , remember this. STOVES POIt THE MILLION.—We desire to call the attention of our readers to the splendid stock of moves offered by Mr. John .8, Clerk; et Ma More, No. IMO Market rarest. Now la the time to Bemire these 'necessary articles for winter, and Clerk's is emptutticat. ly the place Om dicreo. , Ills-bighly_msproved Silver's 'fiaa-consuinine Parlor Stove is certainly a model of completeness, whether for Parlor, Dining-room, Chem. ber, or Office purposes: at is economic, ornamental. end convenient, and, mode as they aro in all sizes, we re- Ord them an the moat desirable stove out. Mr. Clack, it will be remembered, received several premiums for - valuable intorovementa on this Stove, at the recent State Fair. Et err one in want of a stove should call and examine them. A Ltvnt.t SCENE.—This is the met live epithet we are able to apply to the well-known con footman establishment of Messrs. E. O. Whitman & Co., Rodbell street, below Chestnut. Throughout the }oar this bonne seems to ho thronged with customers. The cause, we presume, is this: In the first place, the goods they make and sell are inturally in con slant de mand, es the wants of the palate are never satisfied: Secondly, the people are appreciating the fact that 'Whitman & Co.'s is, of all others, the place to obtain the best articles and thirdly, they hare had the good wife to let the world know what they are prepared to do through the columns of The Press, TERMINAL NEATNEEIL—It has boon said that "cleanliness is next to godliness ;" and the next thing in iniportance to personal cleanbeess is neatness of attire. Pre-eminently is it important that a gentleman - Would Ire gracefully rigged about the neck. The appendages of collar, cravat, stock, neck-tie; ',to.. though small in bulk, are effective in their taste, and should therefore be haught only at the eelebrated Central Cravat Store of 4lr. J. A. Eshleman, No. tPI Chestnut strciet, entrance in Yoyne's Hall. Give him a call. A YOUNG LADY remarked to a fop, the tither day, that his penknife in one respect resembled him. The Moe in the room commenced guessing what it could lie. At lest a smart-looking little boy, who, until now, pat in ono corner silent, wee asked to geese. After ex amine the knife close's'. he turned round, and, in a cun ning manner, said, "Well, I don't know, unless be cause it is dull." Dull people are to be found every uhere—but the very dullest are those who neglect our ad vioe to buy their clothing at the Palatial Store of Orem/ilk) Stokes, No. Cur Chestnut street. AN EMI:WaII REVIEW remarks of Cockney books on America: " iroacara in America repent the same thing Aver and over wit). We are rather tired of hearing tlnd t h e h 91019 1170 Of 0110IWOUX ; that you Can 1111113 ) o aches waklied by steam ; that the lobe ateamere are the most luxurious lu the wory ; that the ladies dross 111 an exaggerated atyte of fashion, and that moat nersone eat in a tremendous hurry." and wear only the becoming styles of R. P. M. Estrada, the Fashionable Clothier, No. 21 South Seventh street. "CET b RAT YOU CAS .110NESTa, UBll tl RAT TOE Gni. Fat - GALL , / ." and you will have a surplus left, hieh.depotited in the Frankliq Saving Fund, No. .13e youth Fourthstreet, below Chestnut, will bear five per cent. interest, and can lie withdrawn a; mu time with, gut notice. Investments arc made only in the most re , liable securing', and the precepts of h'rankh n, to '• hp an careful of the property of others as you are of your man," is strictly satiated to and preobsed by the mana gers of this old apil reliable &wins Fund, which never anapended and 41W4)11 Mitt on demand. See navel t ise want in another column. Joel tincEtvno, it splendid assortment of .111 - Inlnsted Groupe and Views, the finest ever mooned to this country. For sole at the International Stereo aoopio Emporium, Id South Eighth street. CLose OP THE CRICKET MATCII.—The Cricket meta closed on Thursday afternoon. The Philadelphia cricketers came of second best, na was expected under the circuinstancee. The English players declare that they have Leon greatly aetonizhed at much they hove aeon since their arrival in the United States; but at nothing so much as at the elegance of the garments made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wil son, Non. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, above Sixth. ON vein let ult. the tomb of Chorine XII. wee 'opened in the presence of the King of Sweden. Prince pacer and others, by Prof. Fryxelt, the Swedish hala tion. This was dope to set at rest the stance which have boon afloat aNut the manner of hie death, especially .that qf 'nevassinetion. From an examination of the body, it was determined that death was caused by a large pro- Motile, which entered the left tomglg, and came out through the right. The dream worn by the &AWA hem is said to resemble somewhat the present styles said at .E. It. Eldridge & Co.'s "Continental Clothing Rouse," northeast corner of Chestnut and Eighth streets. u 77107 24.316 83 ells COMMITTEE OT THE FRANKLIN INNTITRTE. In Lbw report on Reims Machines. say " The Will cox. i y 0100, Seining Machine , (alls, nearer than any other, all the requirements rif a Family Afachine." Prole till For sale nt 710 Chestnut street. 87.30.814 0/ 219.136 1 PINE J4D411:4:1) TEA TRAYS AND IP Atrzits:—E. W. Cam St Co.. No. 711 Chestnut et., linve now in store their entire 101 l importation of Ten Tray* and Waiters. Their stook embraces more thin ;one taMdfed diet inet Patterns et the most desirable styles, varyins in Moo from 10 cents each to vp per set. In order to secure the beet possible quality and etyles adapted to the Philadel phia market. their Trars are made expressly to their owl order la the beet makers of Birmingham and Wolverhampton, whq are eoknowleilsed to be the hear Japannore iq the world. Common Oblons Waiters, 10 to W ets. Common 0411.1 Walton, lbc. to $l.OO. Common Oblong Ten 'from aye to St 23 Common Oial Tea Trays, 5.0 e to 9175. Fine Routul Watters, Rene Round IN MIMIC Gold Oth, Common Tea Trays in note, Fine Tea Traya in sale, Fine Tea Trays in sets. Fine Tea 'roue in PO, Moo To Trays in nets. Fine Tea Trays iii WS, Fins Tea Trays in rots, Finn Gold Gilt Ten Trete in Bete. 5380 Fine Gold Gilt Tea Trays in sots. $9OO Fine Gold Gilt Toa Trays in sets. 510.00 rite Gold Gilt Ten TM,' in lets, $ll en Finp Gold Gilt Tea Trays in sets, 8 1 2 00 Fine Gold Gilt Tea Trays In nets, 1113 80 Fine Gold Gilt Tea Trays In sets, slti.W Fine Gold Gilt Tea Trays in anti, 1 31 , 1 60 Fine Gold Gilt Tea Trays In sets, 818.00 Fine Gold Gilt Ten 'Prays in sets, 55009 Fine Gold Gilt Tea Trays in sets, rz2.o Fine Gold Gilt Tea Trays in sots, $28.°0 Fine Gold Gilt To Trays in lute, g27,pp Fine Gold Gilt Ton Trays in sets, • 8300 e Fine Gold Gilt n• d Enamel Tea Trays of all rotors, since , qUaiitiel, st/lee, and prieos, Fold nt nliolomle or retail:, E. w. CramlL & Co., 7) i Oltaiptuut NI. Staler; fklacursas of all grades. deeigns. quali ties, and prices are now being offered to the public, es.d moat of thorn are not without merit; but in our judg meet, for Family vse, the celebrated "Harris Boudoir," for execution of work.. cheapness, Grooms t„ and eeriest simplicity. is unequalled. Mr. EN D. Baker, No. 720 Arch street, is the sole agent for the sale of these ad. mirable metalline' in this city. •souseuateras who intend to augment their stock of Ilovesimbn ARTICLIII, as well as those who contemplate Furniehing, should remember that a lull and complete stock of everything in this bee, and at low prices, may be found at Messrs. E. S. Farson Co.'s., S. W. corner of Second and Dock streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. MATRIMONY doNTlxtrED.—Prof. 0. S. FOWLER LECTURES TO.NIOHT, SATURDAY. 11th. on " COURT9IIIP AND MARRIED LIFE," at HANDEL and HAYDN HALL. This very important and inltructive lecture com mence' at iN o'clock, and cloaca with PUBLIC EX AMINATIONS. Tickets 25 cents. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS-Daily, fora short time only, at 922 CHESTNUT Street. REMOVAL. EVANS & WATSON have removed their SALA MANDER SAFE STORE from No. SO South Fourth street go No. 304 CRESTNUT Street, where may be found the largest assortment of Sahtmandsr Safes in the country. The public are requested to call and examine for themselvee. oclS-6t Am. ACKNOWLEDGE the great superiority of McCLEES' PHOTOGRAPHS. Now that the pries is quite as low as at other Galleries, who will hentate to ito to No. MI CHESTNUT Street, opposite Jayne's THIS IS TIIB LAST DAT OF EXHIBITION of the Elegant Collection of OIL PAINTINGS. et No. Off CHESTNUT Street—over Chickenng & Sone• new Plano-Forte Were-loom. The Sret sale will commence on MONDAY next, (MI4I et 10 o'clock A. M. It JUST OPENED—WHITE FRENCH CEIINA Di MIER Says, at the unprecedented price of sls—oorn plete to dine twelve Persons. Also, 100 Dozen WHITE FRENCH China Dinner Plates, full size and best quality. for OLEO per dozen. Also, 100 Dozen WHITE FRENCH China Breakfast Plates, extra rise, for el per dozen (usual price $1.75) Also, for Economical Families, White English Stone-ware Dinner Bets for $l2. Likewise fine White Tea Beta, complete in de pieces, for $3.50. These bargains, for cash only, at the old OIIINA HALL, CHESTNUT Street, directly opposite Old Independence Hall. o12•It W. J. HERR dr. CO. TRH STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY have awarded the FIRST PREMIUM to the Sewing Ms chines of LADD, WE NITER, & CO. New styles, with recent impmvements may be seen at their rooms. RV CRESTNUT Street. oot-tuthalm TUB CROWNING GLORY." —A flowing, soft, luxuriant bead of hair is considered the crowning glory of either sex, but particularly of woman. JULES HAUEL'S EAU ATHENIENNE HAIR RESTORER will produce this. even where baldneu has existed from age or dueue. It also reetoree the hair to Its original life-color, black, brown, or auburn. and yet is not a dye. Sold by ell Druggists, and by JULES HAUEL CO.. No. 704 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 1100PLAND'S GRItitAR BrITRIt9 Will posi tively cure Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. tie IROUB De bility, &c., &o. H 00FLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough &0., &o. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for gale by Druggists and dealers generally. Price Ta cents per bottle. segt-tf TEE BEST 850 FAMILY HEWING MACHINE alma MEII.I4IACTITSMD. W. H. JACKSON & Co., 724 CHESTNUT Smelt. Agents wanted. oe4-12t* To 7111: LADIES.—W. H. Jackson & Co. respectfully invite the ladies of Philadelphia and vicini ty to call and examine their new and improved 860 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Their Machines use the Straight Needle, and make the lock stitch alike on both sides of the cloth. Office, 724 CHESTNUT Street, over Hasanrs Book Store GROVES & Beisa's CELEBRATED NOISELESS FAMILY Ilawima-31Acems- AT 11141VCID PRICES. . Temporarily at No. & Broadway. WW return to No. 106 in a few week& Tuz Plum OP BINGER'S SEWING MACHINES BAWL! BXEMi! RBOVCID::: al-3m GAS-LIMP DEPOT—bIXTU AND AItell• 104-3 m ONA PRIOR CLOTHING OP TUN LATEST STTLES. Made lo the best manner, °sprout! for RE TAIL SALER. LOWEST selling Micas marked in Plain Figures. An goods made to order warranted satis factory. Oar ONE-PRICE System is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair wa ALA.." • All Ire thereby treated Wall. ' seg-tf - SM MARKET Eltrea SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAM= TRUST COKPA NY.--Clartered by the State of Penneylirsabi. RULES. t I. Mosey is yesemed every day' sad to smr pgrarap4 arge or small f. FIVE PER, CRlCLinterest is said for mosey fonsi the day it Is mat tn. 3. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever It le called for, and without notiee. L Money is received from Rxecuteri. AdaninisiVetteri, Geardiaes, and other Trustees, in lan. or small mums, to remain a long or short period. I The money received from Desostton Is Invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other ann. elms ',marines. O. Ojos oven errery day—WALNUT fltros4 itouthiresj ooruer Third street. Philadelphia. Mtn BBAY9H'B BAYING FriTß--NORTECWISS Coanan Sammy and Waratur Btreets.—Deposite re ceived in small and large ammints.from allolamesof the community, and allows interest at the rate of Me per rent. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without leas of In terest Office open daily, from 9 untils o'eloak, and on Mon day and Saturday until 99n the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL ; Tnexarer and {34wretary t elf-A9 E. MORRIS. : ' SALAMANDER Plai-PROOF very toga assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able prim!. No. 21 South FOURTH Street, nasal.- phis. an3ttf EVANS & WATSON • WHEELER Wiisom SE —Philadelphia Office. 6 CHESTNUT Street. • Marchanta' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Branch offices in Trenton. New Jersey, and Easton and Westchester. Pa. TtuntraoN—LOSS.—On the 13th Instant. at (Imre Church. by the Roy. William Suddards. Henry C. Thompson to Jane Chapman, eldest daughter of the late Cherie* Lou, all or this c to • COX—EVARP.—On the 12th instant, by Rey. E. - Y. Buchanan, Mr. T. Ellwood Coof Cheltenham town ship, Montgomery county, to Miss Mary J. Evart'. of Abington township, in the same county. SMILEV.—At Germantown, on the 11,1 net., Sarah, IL fe of Thomas T. Smiley. M. . aged years. The relatives end friends of the fsmi y are invited to attend her funeral. from the residence of her hoe land, N 0.9011 tine street, Oct Monday. the rfth lost at 2 &Monk P. P. M. ( 313 AW . —Suddenly. on the 13th instant, Deborah, wife of James Robert Shaw. Funeral from the reridenea of her husband. in Spruce street. between Third and Fourth. South Camden, this (Saturday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. • WISE.—On the 13th inst, Leah hum, infant deughter of Samuel S. and Alwibta Jane Wise. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Lancaster avenue, below Till street. Twenty-fourth ward, tins (Saturday I afternoon. at 3 o'clnek. WEIODE...—On the lath instant. Richard H, WCllOi. son of Frederick and Elisabeth 'Weigel, in the sth tear of his are. . . BOGGS.—At Salem, N. Phi Mrs. Margaret, relict of the bite David Bow, of Philadelphia, in the Oath year of her age. 1. liners] from the residence or Rev. F. A. Hummer, No. 1222 North Thirteenth street, thin (Saturday) ai ter nous, at V unlock. G RI NN A 0 E.—On the 11th instant, Culotta Grinner., In the Milt year of his ace. Funeral (rain Mutate residence. N 0.718 Fallon egreet. on Suedes afternoon. at 2 o'clock. C A.LROUN.—On the 12th instant. hire Mary Ann Calhoun. relict of the late Adam Calhoun, in the 931 year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. 1904 Naudain street, (late Melluffie,) botween Lombard and South, on Sen der afternoon, at 2 o'clock. . . • • HENRY.—On the 13th instant. Mrt. Mary Henry, in the 89th 'ear of her age. Funeral horn the residence of her eon-in-law, Mr. William Allen. Allen's lane, Mount Airy, on huntty motions. at in o'clock. • • • I,E M M IN o.—On the 13th Instant, Mr. Samuel Flem mos. o.7Pfi 3d years. Funeral from his late reeidenee, Front street, below the canal, or Moore street, on Sunday afternoon, a m t 1 o'clock FROBOATT.—On the 13th met.. Ann Mary, deuehtar of Benjamin and F.llen Frogged, In the Ilth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Hare, 13)2 Bouth street, this (Saturday i afternoon. at t o'clock. • CRIS 11.—On the 17th instant. Honey Chin, wife of Hiteh Chjem, in the 36th year of her age. butter's! from the resulenm) of her husband.l73o Rod man street. at 4 o'clock this (B.rtunlay ) afternoon. • HUM MF.L.—On the 111 h instant. Ann Catharine, wife of Jacob Hummel. in the 6311, year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. J. M. Hummel, No. 1006 Marshall street. below Girerd avenue this (Saturday I afternoon, at 1 o'clock. • PIN INEY.—SuddenlY. on the 13th instant, Mary, Wife of John Dininey. aged 67 yeare. Funeral from the residence of her huehand, Factory and Willow streets. between Spruce and Pine. Service at hit. Patrick's Church, on Monday morning, , a 9 o'clock. • • K I LPAT R IC K.—On the 13th Instant. Catharine. eldest danghter of Francis and Mary Kilpatrick. riser! 6 tears. Fnnernt from the reeidence ea her parent . N. W. Corner of Ninth and Lafayette streets, this (Saturday) afternoon. it 3 o'clock. lIABBIDCF..-00 the 13th instant. Hannah dens hter of the late Allen M. and Hannah Babbidee. of Venzir. Me., and adopted daughter of William and Re becca Heise, aged 16 years. MOTTRNING Pant , aos OHESTNUT went ni" Bleck Velour Rens, do. hloussehned'Lainee.: In. Cashmeres, u. MeTinooe. do. Resin de Chines, do. Bombazines, do. 'remises. do. Paranuittne, do. Mnhair Laut.r.m., dn. Thibat long Bliairls,l i B nek erne Second Mournmk Gonwl ii r, et.. to six° slow to woo to $6OO 85fq GREEN -STREET METHODIST EPIS COPAL CHURCH. Tenth and Oreen.--Presch lig.the Rev. 0. COOK. D. D., of Delaware, at half past 10 o'clock A. hl. At halfryst 3 o'clock an interest m; meshes will he hold. Rev. Worcester Willer. of the Cherokee Indian nation Rev. Henry Cox, D. D.. of _ l ' o o l , 3 lld. Blaine . will deliver addresses ..Revs. D. 'W. With no nod J. II Torrence will take part in the services. The Bible for the World. and the World to be Given to Christ. its UNION TENT OF THE YOUNG MEN'S chnstiart Association. Eichth and Girard Avenne —Sobbath Serrices.—Enriv morning meeting at ?o'clock. Union prayer meetiout AN P. M. Prenching at 4 P.M. I, Rev ft IMP CAR InF.N and at 7)4 P. M. by Rev. T.A. FERNLEY. Great Children's meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Wilder, Itliseionary from India, Intl addrais this Children. it` GEO. S. MINGINS, Superintendent.- " lON SERMONS TO YOUNG MEN." t / The ninth sermon or the course. under theatr- Ciarea of toe Younc Men's Christian Association Of the Nortli Presbyterian Church SIXTH St.. atsave Green, si in be preaehed TO-MORROW EVENING. by the REV. E. E. ADAMS. lino Secretary of the American and Foreign Malian Union. oclo.6td/cItW MARRIED. E! BESSON & SON, Street, have • full tutsort- IBlaok Gros Grain Silks, do. Pooh de Soles, do. Venetiennes, do. Oros d'Eensse. o. Patent boded o. Irish Poplins. o. English Crapes, do. Crape Collars. do. Sleeves, ;On, &0., ke. n lA(lry vnnety. 07-ti TO-YORRLIWat the .fl °Pros Sonar SPILL - Garden aad Ninth atreett. at (ecioth MORN ING. and 7).c. ETENING. Subjects: fit The Lona of the Sold"—Chriat's taclohcai ,16"thaurante' Brown— , The Resurrection the oar Ilarme Farm.. and Ltarnal Lae." The pubic; are SERMON TO YOUNG M - Elf.—By RE v q uest of the Yonne Men's Chrtetien AssoeisVen. the v. ALFRED ODGLMAN will pre.ya a G o mm to Yonne Men. bp . Divine permission. en BABBATII EVENING. 16th inst.. at Lull past 7 o'clock, in the UNION M. E. CIIIIRCH. Fourth. below Ara. Seats reserved for l'onas It* ErCHURCH OF THE INTERCERSOR, MELON, above Tyelfag.—lfiviae "amp saki ru iralfttlett y ee ni aT. m Ot a l l ab l o l" ZOM e r: Oct. 18th—n eorraot op '• The Couirerriort Qf our Unarm ve rted Relatives",EV k: KG—. Joseph*/ Dying Charge.' Altars graleome. rfrLECTPRE TO YOUNG MEN —NET. TREOPHILIIS FISKE sreseh at the Cora rninioner's NO; SPRING GARDEN. TO-310AROR• MOANING, upon "13rotherlyEusdaeme' In the EVE NING he trill deliver en address to Trams Men. "Seats free. The while are respectfully invited to attend. 11 VPRESBYTERIAN ENTERPRISE., —Broadway HMI, southeast' corner of Broad and 11 , Carden etreeu. Preaching TO-MORROW Matt bath) MORNING at 10% &do-A. by Rer. E. E. ADAMS. and EVENING at 7% o'clock br Rev. L. IL CHRIS TIAN. of North Presbyterian Church. I r s -- " DEATH—AND AFTER DEATH THE Judrrneut."—finbiect of &iron br Rev. - Mr. KA - RORER, et HANDEL and !lAA DN MALL. Eisbtk and Spins Garden streets. TO-MORROW iSondsr) EVENING, at IN o'siock. Services at 10 A. IL Seats free. REV. ALFRED COOHRIAN WILL preach TO MORROW Sabbath) Nolorryo at 10 o'clock, and EVENINii at IM &dark, in tha Union M. March, FOURTH Street, below Arch- The scab aI E. l free.- tigCHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT T. H. STOCKTON. Pastor—nartharest corner r . nrd avenue and Thirteenth street. entran ce on Thirteenth st.—Serriee et IQ A . H. See Nan •Ritiite Times." Just net this moron's. irrTHE MORNING COMETIL—RE?. A. A WILLITS 'nil ontsch oa this subfect be whoa tar request. TO-HOR ROW tlletbbeah tArTERNOON. the A M &RICAN MECHANICS' HAI.J., comer rosrtk and George etreete, at hi before 4 o'clock. FOR SALE—PEW NO. 95. WEST AISLE. middle black. " Arelt•st. Freabyterila Rev Dr. WADSWORTH. Passer. /Lastly at No. O MARKET Street. It• TUE WOMEN OF THE BIBLE—THE r i'7 ' pert sermon Thi rd is pour. will be preartaid in Pt. PA17128 CHURCH.. below Walnut. TO-MOR ROW EVENING. Semen tiointoonees at 73 o'hipek. • rrrCHEM CHOP EPIPHANY. FIFTEENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets.—Theina scrcioo nut SUNDAY MORNING at lON o'clock, and 7N is tjtc EVENING. e t i ß t f a tt i tTl T TE; a r i fi r R P l it! YT ER lAN 'nee Berrieo TO- MOR R OW. =1.41"D-- 754 o'clock P. M. A. a 24 TrUNITARIAN. CHURCH. TENTH AND I.orust streets—R ev. W. ILFURN n—Sem - lees TO-MORROW. BM, at /03i A. 31., and Di P. M. It" SPIRITUALISM.—MRS. F. 0. in- ZER,_of Vermont, twill Malaita and mac at HAN SOM-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY. at Idle S. M. and at pi P.M. Admiuion, 5 cents. It" GEORGE WM. CURTIN. AUTHOR OF " Vottphar Nears." eta.. arid deliver a NEW Lecture at CONCERT HALL, MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 17th. at 8 o'clock Inc the Mutat Temperan•e gape. Sublest--" Modern foadehty." Tickets. Z cents: for ■ole at the Bookstores. _ SEAT CHEST OF THE ITSION BANE C 3 as instated tn , the Second Seetket One Aet of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of OCTOBER. A. D. Issf Amount of Loans and Diesounts....... ..... CMOS SI Do. Speme. - SI EE9 Do. Doe from other Bantu - (Pets Pi Do. of Notes in circulation 93,710 CO Do. Deposits. meleding balances doe to other Bents 246,33, CO PIM4DZI.PHI A. Gerber 14.1x59 CIT 1 OF PHILADELPRIA. sa.-1. JAMES 1,y3 LET. Cashier of the LNION BANK of Plots., beta; sworn. dept se and say that the abore Statement is mot mot, to the Art of MI imcrwled.s and belief. , JAMES LEY. Ca 4 rier• Sworn before me. this lith day of Octo ES e L r. A. D. eel, It' P. C. ELL:MAKER. Noun , Pubbe. ficrCITY OF WHEELING. VA.—HOLDER% of the City &suds, alined to the " Hemelkid."' the " Marietta arid Cincinn.sti," land the Maldendi' and Pittshurr" Railroad Companion. are . requested to toes. at the Panions Foam or WINSLOW. LANIER. & CO.. No. SS WALL Street: New Turk. Oa TUESDAY. the lath hut., at I o'clook P. M. A foil attendance is re quested, MI important quest:cuss touching their interfete will be considered. •3.7. PHI L'A. LIBRARY CO'S, • 6TH MEM- It 3 VERSARY.—FREDERICK DOUGLASS driitver his crest lecture on "Sell made Hen." tprerinta to to. departure for Euntro.i before the Philadelphia Library Colman,. on TrESDAY EYENING., October lath. 1459. at 8 o'ilook. at NATIONAL .HALL. Market street, above Twelfth. Ticket* of selmenon..ll cent;• which may be had at Parry & cone! Prank and Chestnut, and IL If. Heade mon , Ro. Cl Amite/rein. ols 93 (FIXTO YOUNG "lEIC—GREAT FACILI TIES are afforded for acquitter • BUSINESS ATION' et BRYANT STRATTON'S MER CANTILE COLLEGE. S. S corner Seventh and Chest nut streets. Br purchase of e /Scholarship the bolder a LIFE MEMBER. and ssay 'prosecute his studies at his convenience. Call for Cireuotra.' TrCONSOLIDATION DANIL—PHILADEL. PHIA. October 11. 711. • .• -- -• . An election or Thirteen Directors. to serve the en suing' sear, will be held et the RANTING ROUSE On MONDAY, November 21st. between the boors of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. JOB. N. PICLREIOL Cashier. 0..12-whito2l . . " The annual meeting of the Stoekholders ►AI he bed at the same place on TUESDAY, November o'clock M. or-w& a tra NIFi. N. PtIRSOL. Cashier PEOPLE'S LITERARV ESSTITETE.— SEVENTH COURSE OF LECTURHY. °PEKIN° LECTrRE TT REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. AT CONCERT HALL. THURSDAY EVENINS. 0,-tohor7oi.h. - - TICKETS FOn TEE CQFILSZ OF HICH,KECTEIIii, - AdMI : t : IIII/ avien oste person FOR SALE Br -- Pk & hletEllan. Fourtk and Chkamat. Bowe. Sixth sad eodorlop.a. Arch street. • ‘Preabyte non Book Store. Mt Ortateolbt- .o1)-Ttif . 117 HOMOEOPATHIC COLUVRE PPENN SYLVANIA. Filbert The intmdactory Lectures=t a reeredlethe kt• I ° W.IVWAR D, idozrzkeisactxr, :thh.r. C. 7. TITIMPTL.' TV BDAI, uut,'s 01* - , Prot. J. R. COIEL,Js.,TrETINESDATORk.gats...k._ crentng. Prof. THOS:MODR.R. THURSDAY', WA. II o'ciceell. erecutic_ CO: - TiERCI, I 44,V I TY4rA b I ii , rreeteg. • Prot. SEWER: MONDAY i 171 k. &o'clock P.M. Medina end Sartiaal Clget, WRDMDAY SATURDAY, 12 ethielt.M. 08-7 t. J. BRA twai. rY"7"=.. A MEETING OF THE STOCEROLD- I. 3 FRS of the GRERN AND COATES-ST. PAS- S g - NO R RAILWAY COMPANY wilt be balk At the office of the Company. = WALNUT Street. on Trini- PAY, October 12th. at 11 noon, to consider the question runtune the ears on the Green am! Contanstreot hearten of the Comikanea road on Satahr. : Be order of the board. 012 et DINDY SEARWOOD. Secretary. ITTrtAirESLLA.NGUAGE. AND RELIGION.—The Rev. HRNRY M. SCUD DER. of India. will lecture on this subject on TT ES DA.4 'EVENING. the 18th inst.. at 3 o'clock, in the :N.II.BICAL FUND Tickets. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. To be had at hlesias. Taus McMillan Wm. 5..4 A. Darden, Presbyterian Board Tract HC:41114, sad at ,the Rooms of the locus Men's Christian Association, 1011 Chestnut-. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANk Pmaaatarnta, Cktaber 3d, lea ,13 7 ) 0;.oe m hereby riven that an electron - for Thirteen _Minatory will he 'held at the Banking Roam on MON DAY, November 7lst,l263,between the Imo re of 9 ceolock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.; and a general meeting of the Srockho!dera will be held on TUESDAY. November let. at 4 o'clock P. M., at the Banking Roam.- otAtn3l W. 11.114RTON.II„DgehMr. r. r s t o A u Mi o a r t i It i If w. BANIE7PUILADEL- Notice is hereby 'riven that an election for 'Thirteen Direct°, will be held at the Ban - lung House *a MON DAY, November flat. IH9,_ between the hours of Id o'clock A. N. sod !o'clock P. AI.; an a mineral mart ins of the Stockholders will be held oa TUESDAY. No vember let, at U o'clock H. of-dtz2.l F. P. STEEL, Cashier. EDUCATIONAL. yOUlia LADIES' SEMINARY; The a. next Qeulo2 or COTTAGESSMINART will com mence tee first Tilt:9l)AT in November. Thts bourn t ion is located at Pottstown, two hours ride from MI, • • The P.inciyal. Rev. R. CRIEKSHANK. can be weft At NA. este CLiEsTNUT Street, from 9 to 12 o'clock. tat WEDNESDAY. 12 M..19t11 Met. 01340 AA SHTON'S COMMERCIAL AGENuY, Pois CHEST)irT BYrPet.—One large sad several letter Rooms to let, in the eteond atom of the boildtrg. Apply to JOHN ASHTO. Ja.. at the Mrice. pASHIONABLE DANCING AND CAL'S -e• THENIC EXERCISES.-W. J. DUFF reenact fulls notifies that he will resume his Chums. in the ASSEMBLY BUILDINO. TENTH and CHNSTIVT Streets. on TUESDAY. the 13th October. Hoots of Tutooo-d till a o'clock. and 8 to 10 oclock. P. Jd. Onsa-Tnesdats and Fridays. Residence-711caRsr- NUT Street. .alt-st• SEWING MACIIMES. I..;\VING MACHINES!—SEWING MA CHINES!—We etill keep on band the T. X. L. Ma chin, Silk. which for quality, atrength, and weight. to unequalled by any. Also the best makes of Twist on I na od is or Spools. The celebrated Willienintic and Orr & Marano chts Cotton'. and three-cord Linen Threaus. and Maohine Oil of best quality. Machine Needles at reduced prices. . The above in lobe had, in treat variety of N 0... colors, and kinds, wholesale laud retail. at N 0.30 North THIR Street. It' LAING & MaGINNIS. LEGAL. IS THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PH t A.—No. LI of September Term. LW. Divorces Crm. CAROM?' M SIETZGKER. by her nest Oland GOT:C -PR IE SEUBE KT. vs. EDWARD SIETZUKEtt. Edward Aletssker. the Fespoadent in shore ease, will tale notice that LEO:YARD B. FLETCHER. Eves the Exlmi ner appointed by the Ccurt to take the testemony of the witnesses of the Libellant an above ease: has ap pointed the seventh day of November. lee& at 3t o'clock P SL. to like ssid testimony at the Wetherell Hons.. nausea on the north aide of SANSOM Street. shove Berth Street, to the arty df Philadelphia- GEORGE H. %ABLE. Attorney for the Labeihuit- RAILROAD LLYES. • FTAI L ARRANGE= AIENT. PHILADELPHIA. WI 0T024, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On GEEfter AIONDAY. October Hui. 16:01. PASSEN TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.15 A. AL, noon, Express.) sad 11.10 P. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M.. 'Saone. a and 8.10 P. M. For Wilmington at 4.15 A. M.,11.4. and 1110 P. M. For New Caste at 8.16 A. AL. and 4 P. Al. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M., and 4 P. M. For Dover atB.lsAl_, and I P. AL For 'Milford at 8.1.3 A. 51, and 4 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M., and 4 P M. For Laurel at 8 15 A. Al. and 4 P.M. TRAINS POR'PHILLADBLPHIA Leave Baltimore at 630 A. M., (Express.) 1613 A. Al., and 5.21 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5.55 A.M. and 11.30- M.,1 45 and 8.40 P. AI. Learn Laurel at 615 A. M.. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Seaford at 645 A. AL, and 405 P. M, are Milford at LW • AI.. and 4.06 P. M, are Dover at 905 A. M.. and 5.40 P. M. save Middletown at 10 A. AL and 13.82 P. M. Leave New Castle at 10.36 A. M.. Mid 6 P.M. Le.aro Chester at 7.44,14 A. M.. and.9.lsP,_ ~M Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Rwthoad at /O.LS A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M.. 12.83 and GAO P. 51 Leave Vliilmusston at 9.73 A. N., Ms P. AL, and 1.1...% A. M. BUNDAYB OWI at 11.10 P. AI., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. OM! at 5..% P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAIN. with PASSENGER CAR attacked. enll run as follows: Leave Philadelptua for Perrjville and intermediate places at 5.45 P. 51. Leave Wilma:arm for Perryville and intermediate places at 130 P. M. Leave Ilaltimpre for Stimumer's Run, Chase's, and Haretrood at 541 P. M. oil S. M. FELTON, President. ITOU WANT LIFE-SIZE PIIO T 0 graphs in 0 11 for Your Parlors, and Nitni.ture Photographs and Ambrotypes for your friends. ou tan re ay . omniodated with ail nine and lane teoturea R EIM ER'S Gallery. SECOND etreet, above Green. PEARS, PEARS.— A large lot of very ,opor 01 , 047 DlZPhene nsnuletue for stir in its to suit; also. a t erten.) ra. nr Fruit and Contertioners. C. N. RR tOfiri. olltt3t* Strr'et. GUAM?.—DAZZLE GUANO in More and for wile in lots to suit earchseere. Farmers will do well to examine it before purehlwo r t else where. Price VD per 200 pounds. - W114.0W - !trio ° B. N , aCIEICO.I4I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers