••" - 'Or wOr giogA ,. 4 lIM Ve , ';,,, ,, i, , 1L,V01V, -f ,, `, ---"-- =,'" ',.,'',,. -,-• ~ 1,47.^- 4 ...i . 4,..,' , .:. n', r o,, Vii-:`:"'? , -,',.. , , P7'62,4 , i , - '-'' - ' '-` • - "' - . '''. 7-''''!'' ' - ' ' . ' :-'. -:- i'Nt:Ofit:iti.7* - ;;fiiiiliiitspitiitit,? ,, , , : - -:- -- t.. , i,1e ~ ', ',-,:.--,-- -", --:-: -- '• , 40006onatnos oi:wriss , ?....*44; l i . - , .I - eartAx .1. , ,,L;, ,,, ,: - .;,::; 4 : torF.M . sfc , , 0 _ , - 1 -, c4fOrtiriiii , iiiioteriilOi l irai i r‘'..'snritx , . Sofl, ,, fro l i t n 44 - e - tal 1114-7plottouolvim-Jakiabbill.Dqa_nlpyilt .____ - _ vre; itattel-tqatifronxlivirpio f9,Fy,r1'.7!.." , .. -'-- Alta ',,,•, -.-:-';. •I'S''o 4. ` - ` - 's* - .7;:n!!'%'.;il ~ '. ' r -" ''"',,,,„,'13;;',, : n 7: „*. : •.. - 0 4 z - t 4 Ti l t4iiiatilif l Wrrlled,-°3911t 1 "th ,_-'l,`,4r9iiiotqot,Piwv.p i 4 O -1 ' "'',', '''''''• - ' ' . i . . 724I n stlytvoltiArpity t -olijr)d_l4l,l( Yes' Yelt apitt,a,alaiTytily',4enttetisrll4.l ikyre*rOtlemtrts A - iteititdiyi', -4 , , • ••=,, ,--' • ,'''' ..'' ' ' '''' . : 7 '. -ii 66;1 Bits. - itt., , ,-,-,,amit,Einrbal,ftikar,'fatPtnle , ell:this, sat ~ ~ , - ', topd IllthOatv,• ,,- , .., 1 . , - alith , - ,*': , , , anitTtoo 3201r:AVVimmonh Bens, arriyett, att.i „ , 4 • r - 4 , 74lttit ' S,;:tia inarti;ertiltild frnSit Calais 90th ult. for --Plaladelplat. ' ',- MU . -4frigio st&Ellsattstb,-Paltatey, Boat New York, i; J on es, Ti o ' tow DC, at ,-,•-,. - litter , Cl B Carstatrs, from 80 , 40.. tit - v - `'srArillaathill". -- -i ,r , Briskt, ii4.lt, Ow, srr ve _AV I, l g g Nit : CP140 1 1;6;111411;lienO';; a r rived ae - balms. ---- far I itit.iliitkaMatdiiigiiilea'red at Biotin litti. mit.- .'' • .Iti - 114 1114 Mo , , . : : ~. - , , a-; i hr...Y ii- Fanner, Maser ', fop Wilmington, NC. C. aid , ~ t . „,,i„„,‘ '_ ,,,, . , Bohr a;7l;;74lidrii,i,lliviiirrved at Taunton rOD/iioto9lOrdiN9yl*ooOle lledP.FI4! YorkYPi --i xaiy Par;Rladelests,. ,- . i.t , t„ ~;-, ; , ~ --:—.....,—,s____, ------ -----, ~ "- , .-- 4 116, 1 1,1V,A14- A TlftE:kllll4i 6 ibilt. , iioll F ;to, ,--, , ,,,,-4.1-4 , „1-41*-lirp tr swabs iiiiisi-inGiii.' 4 - -...... -, . , '. ,-, r-. .--.... ,• , 7 , t, ; ft u '1 0 4 ,. 1 .1 1 - 1 -..: tc ^ , ;— . 1 EETC 1171 4 . ,.._ 701 , 1.. it,dtira ti t.: bplo t tr i Ninth'„' • ,';,. SI ClienaleiV:tloaii;: , '':; J''• : 41,ii 0111Trinan l ic ti n ' l'4 t ' 'i 4 -, i -, vlo g rpr t 'trtyait's'.:: - Y3 ZilitNe.st,tt" ' .:-.- .. :•i, 0.t:19.: ~.-., ".i'--VI li are lie swooe,'N l'' t ..,, ;,-El-ra. a watt - , i - rs• - • ,:. - , .':',John 8 Stewart, 'Vs ~• -:- ...et , iatt, toe', - ."..:- MO Garretti tons'Bos InPA:t.Rt..,' .:,` ; • ...1,13 Paril9n; tr 0 -,. , 5tui..,..1x1,..,:.:,_. , . ~-.,j , -;.,„, ,111011 Forsyth , 7stifillr,l l lV -.': - PrOggily7igi t . " . l CI j 4 Volviller, ,, V...WE!ufron ' J Atwood, Pottsville :.- • . ~ i ' 4 , 47- . Prir...ti ue . '! -! •? -1 - - •:- •' -, illg i llgl2Vti l ' t 11- -'. -`, ;`,.L. /to,' '.l '---.';.`: -.''' , ' Gen At sieiramil: Pa - J , ~ , J a atoffea & vrfr NQ:i _ '-I D Se.wisteiekw. le.,'N Y -:•.?:lll6RlVA l tifais t ' o a o r a l, 1 . • :1 1 W Illi l l vi t i ,,, , , E l i; - ?1 0 . - 10 , 11.„nd %'.,,i,...." 7 : pr i fork Richt,' '' to ‘: . '„i_ .btt Ilk ii,,,rriaelasti:2 Irlrell..n.toAluiter, ° Cal - „'- . §.tr i gli, ' l l i t l v ivereirihi , i - -'liVillikiTl,'llll.ll l A, 9 k” m..,„ miir0 1y,t , ..#.,...4i: ~ 0,, - ; ~qty. 0 pihery;Nk - ——2 o.7set. - !:- -,.n.!•_ 1 .' 4 15,D5u.110:4,... nj. ,wiz spatikifii, frit sgtois tar Delano Is, y • ,w , txerttit_Nusa • .ti' Fittnlai r ia ru.... . ...... * , /,'. 3. , • •,',..,;.. • byrotpilkit:•.,,i , .., •,, ~ ,k-W.. ROW 702 Y-, s t r t.rarevY.!! l . 9 . ') . ', - . ..st st ryslelshalf,llsBton , t - ofi - i fileij/1t5.....'; -- ---.. A. tiero l it N . r • e i. ~ r : pit.• b "y;l4 Y '-,--- "--,' 'C . f4,ampueii, Va . - - f- 4 fir ° 1 4 9 41 4 i:i, -F tl a Y'' ' ' I l if TD P oli s otr in * . ' • .°:•"-• tiro° g i nirtri BA s -' • "- ', ; ', - S A Spencer •! la, N X 1 , ,,,1timiiv,r,,.. , .; , .,.;. 3 1 .11 1 1Pir i N fit:i%folif)o , .1 ~''''',:, 13, kirtirrieri 'Oland, Pa , 0 Scalier &la ', , f• - •• - it Boystda, seV, _ ;.... •-/ it Molder, .00napotis r e. -.Esitigood.' Y ;. ,• Ralph Al y de, N.Y, , • oho liWitterN, " " ':B Caro - , ;7 , • • . .f"-' - MBllleCornliok;Chfetigo,oolVD tohet, Bt Until ~,',.iti• Halsted, NX,-,, , ~ , Rlt Wygk,c, .r 4 r :'i-?1-1 4. " 4 "41147'; : - ilviii• l i , :eogio -"' ~ %., r ug,...',,D0l ^' Ai A goe„gran, Del • t 41 , , test , lt. ondaiu. , el:. es wank Nandatu, DAVI -; t0.541- 14 14V.1 D4,1' - ' Eti u rVs k iifk i r et 'V , i '- r i , -.. , nhoosszi","- ; ,,, ".".- ••' . I:einern aeokuk , ; ",rin Bgerisi k nir -- • .WmT Sp att', Eng _ : .'::llSarlitTfiCili ~ 11 - 7154014t0 Revjae Otrattoth Notches , BWISrIBSTEL-Fourth eh: belo'w fah. 41 , ,1 1 io tririrleit eYleg l; he illi rs bUtif bitie lr , , T tal lUes iliVl3 lt ri i i i la e l' d, t4 N l c 461;11Ribe"'g Dahlia Y-'! ,•,—,, 3 X 'Marsh, Ind - ' ' i ;::' n Welle:/illiiiii3Obto ' ; jrßor,' drf 1:',.9a 4 i' th'Mudatai runswirile, touch ire ei, fl' Y L V - aßsidire, - ,Wash k D C , .ti ill White, Mil ' .• . W e tithi r tfereo - ' '' • 1 ' 73- I Mrali'ittsburg - W :Board, Clea r ,rnld •`P J Sinegfr, kr co _.:. r ., J Curormws, Pa , T , '- W G Sheldon, Detroit '''• ammolel-01mi „ -. Mims 8 Unix, Ohio • , ' • <-, arths•Ffey t - Easton . ' W _g_l3iieLtind, Pittsburg • ;',.-; .1 bl'ltratser, Clearfield, r 6 Dr w 1 Trout, pa i,,,.,.. : j...0atti0_rg, tbilorni 3 Olito ,;i„, Jno OJ/rower, Me r . ' r •l ' '' ' 'jft i ll.E y s e vig l 4YD3iliSetilr'_ ' - ' l ', 3l t.t i b l i e itri.ji, r i, " .l,l;t.. ' ••,•• en olltiolk .bompey'hville,;l..e;cher, w coit„ 1 ,Irferi..llll,lifit l V:i': 4 ; ?''y to g ' MI i be'llteurE .. • •,•-••;.: ' - .9 Turner, P.suoitti - - . G veal:Pit4g ' no - . ,Litt Rattler. Pittsburg . li French k la. Mao , L i i ' - iiin i e ' rTititil k t „.4 \' Ida "_ ' ; . , i n t. till ° , Ter' eft ,shards , .,. Eictsou.,onornilia., , ~ J G (Into, Lancaster - , • .•.•," -AMERICAN H OTEL - Chestnut shot bove Fifth, ::,W 0 Smith; Old' . -,,- ~, . L . A Carroll, Md - : - - il , ' , li C tllll l , n li e og o idiSielfg T.F a r F J l dabiZA,lrtig '-r,'-, A 7 v.t ßi u t t itsp,V 4N ark.'D 8 u ." . 3:. 'f A litsji li t ig.ll l l . . b i r DU- , ',i , . l lSW.Rildoill ; NO • ''' i,.. WWFiddemait. Del ru st e i t ouT i D e el- 3 ~. -,..-.' .. .•J•--Mteeptitterlif i ld. Del ".. ~ i A - Borbien,N,ll •, 1 ' "-' 'i Hg Brown. lii% Y . • -:' ' JI. oy, hianoliester. Conn Joe Fronts, Lancaster Ito I ¢W;hl errs, C i learby , ~.4amr c liebrane,Olniirfield ' t7l l ;de e a r if 1 r4 B , ' vmniiipetr 1 sa e lli Blue, De ' -'' ~. , ;,( 7 , ., . 171. x.. l icp u i t 4v.t i t l LLt a i Y o o r c, ..1 ..t.'d t qa o:2 °T d icre . . p ar l „Carboa io ~ ,...4 ,, ,,'4; d u e t e t inN Y . Cit .p r innont Pa , 1 23-..:F s -Vi , -o,Pu'rnel Aril '. -'' ' Yoine biltortr, Mt', - ' Tr. yitti, was nuton,l) cEI B Stephens BC ,' • : C''i , R OD tei erlild''s-' --' W•A Clement' N 0 ; , .-' , A,lEWllliteltiorkiiiiii iti.P Butte a, wirWR I) '. ..• J - . - ,, i+itit'HiNit.)ol.n3k,-.114,rd Ile; 4b.tallowlull. : •:- : f.ii ls iirigttPori=i; 'l' :. NI Ett r alit i t P."°. r.4i .-- '"..:',. - situo ciisikpo, - „ . - ~ •,•' DG Ritter, itetroic : ' - ': , ':',c - . T e ffSPOkte4 , ~. 1s Amor , tSrig qr co „ . - ..,:ti, A, 114,4,111.,7, ..-._ , , ,•. ~- las Serer, ash, - i Egisuentaticer.•Ye, ,„,_,' WI Sei Derse 01 ' p i : eow, West Choroter" _ J DIM,. °Rheingau-04, f-,' - :•T - Sosaer,Tiottlintliberbiad JI , ohlesonitleaelt Ballo ,''?ifl i S iiltfeatit4ii.lia . 7 ' - 4 14 k 7 01 ;1 &trlo ' '' ' '' t 1 , „„;;-!.? .Ptants.4.4otenr , Pft ,-.: ~ oho' Wuxi' Nortird O : •: ~ 43 , 44,67 t rat iic4-P,". - - , J 10,1311,North'ino i - .0 is_goote. pls clitti,v ,,,, ,,f , A. an lckNorth d iso •--,-, -0/ 1 6•Mitlik. SI d ct . ',":lo 101310 1 5 Rink.' Lebanort .",., 0 colewAi etul tit.J. , ?:',il Hain istein.'Currivtall.; -; '. .""4 , .. EisTint.4stilstitollikto . '- ~ 13 sieni r, Bilittincrove , i ttor iN- tte: ilt , :k","l. --,,, :„3 -,.i`i, , honer_ -1/01churl go', -.v it - - arturiistoripaesio ,c 43 - 4 . tsizso li o n m a s , ,s,-. _ .--•:,-,- . r. volt oam,pw9 • ....-, - , ~, A ,_.ic!Atorri..l4l4mok! 4 4. ,reerasn,24ttoniPit. , .j, , .. -, ,., 4 11. T5.,„;.....„4"),',4-A- , 4 , ii , -; , .....i: - 7 T. , " , .: 4 - - - 4- , ....<,.- --, , , , , ; - ... , ..- • ~, . -.-,.., - - - - -,;1-.,?...„, - ...... , ,,, , : , - , -, 4,.:2::: 1 --' 1 ; : . _::i:l4:44PVilt4ir*•%:_lesiriitil*Ai44, , .. ; . ~-„. . .i .- ,,,, , ,,,,, , A .- .:i :,, :- , ~ , :•1 ; ;;,- , ., . .,-rt - ,;11,:ve n e ,. . u 4110 . 1 "ut , rF.-7" . .. , :' , - , 1- ,. . , , Fs , - 'Tap , : "ir''.4` ••••";•-ir , , - ~, , ,‘7.sil,..,''''C : , ' ' 'ilti. - , - ,V.iSW4LTIOrin,, Lil - e'r: ' t oo ';,,...:if - xx.' f • , •tt , ahetiatet'fi - ,`,f+f y•xs, aßliss.ssemsisar.'"--rf•• '- -- 11 J-Xfitee ; flie;•'`,, , ''. - ft,' cloven, r,lierseastey' i ••-• -A , .!..t' , 21 i0.41, 64 .9 0 ii . ,.' , . 5 .. - 5-• ': , 3 ti&A)4o!!licao •,. !IC l ° 6: 1 1i l't,"t ? '•` - it ti t a. retiaili 0 1 r z' , . • VI 1. , ...1w6ir,- , , - . r z,. , ........, .., f ,..., ~. Jost. eranben -- T oed,'Allentown , ',:. , ' I *Ba et,,44. eatown„ , - Deo Mr, tilholt,.ketaland,B . iti , ••- 1/Ori-Brixl Havins.,;;Et A , Ctrairvi i meadtriE -,: , -,*S. . ` . ,juntry ano4tox,;l , lf ,, gli t n T ritildlii lathe. Po 3 L I :' I Itoi l ullafr PO . ills' :" . :Virlif lit a i r it i tr it° , Sa l e: I . • , - „ i . . oriBbindoll•ItlfillIt9! =. _'',- XVI_ .1•1 49 7 4 , !4Ca11tat • . , '' ' :it Aillta;Artir,'ls.;. , ...,.' t b tft‘r.EVAL'i: nisei, ' S i', ~ _:.);* - no/tiger -- ri. :,,-,,, B thrar,,lstersoo,Pit ... . k .; k soes,Alleiatoern : • - :r f ' 'll-4tift i g e ßh i lli '-- , ' "illi v liil j it.T4 l 4. ' ' ” '':') 4 ~. , e_ •. .. -211 s 13 48 1* m,: ".. ga rri nting qt d ' O g ri * "", - 'hi l les im. ,XV l SV - std hj i sta n gifi lli :d : i 1 1 "'.°1! , .. .- , ; - .41' % . ..g/4,4llloN.R h fiti'EL-o-broiket atreet.above Smith ... , ,i- , ,, x..troateev_i e- ,--, "it Ipeskinan, Cootesvala , . - '4f.._ ; : eittitoisof,• ..„'' --,, ' pi. ,Nixon, Del i, .c,ti , i'. p,,,' ,i ~ .. • filt:pit i Chunk -.. ; i i t t ~ , 'thaw, Cleoefield - : ~..1 B. Mu r at., Centro co , ...4..,.. 14 B- 6 .l'e r r it Ea tc rT co - , .j, J v r i tt l lnsp, Juniata Co l i r 7, ' , ' Y 4411. le, craigoat • Illtiyes, &nannies Joined,. Pai .- "' •-• , -,'' '-`.ro James. Po 3 , •Prie.gui Meoneusiceottri tE, Petsler, Mechsnicsh , g plurre tt4h4, liana c 0 ,„,„ eve Currep, Lana co • -". clines erten. Cituidi co , - ' T Wood, Middletown , - ORoonet•Astrielnies-1- ----.1.0el Mgler; Lane ,Fo • - . g....1,42,mi,1 , ,t0 ; -,- ' s s , ,l',firnle:,r,valr,roN,- , _..rta e ~- , -. 'ijo 4.,Brituer... Lesko Co ,'; I '- ,- Jas roster, Balona,'AJ Lone 4 - tAktrx , RewPost ..- .• ', "fit Vi , Wass'er,,Pa , • -,, -414B,Rniri-_ROTills- f Arah - atinet, above Third. .. , .i..-i r wwel , • ork "Pa • p -- II Liohtinbetser, - York to ~ - i ,';‘• thtti ei Moa t, eiLtavi -t•-.'.. los' resgewair. ril , - '2. ,-• .MlllllSliteenwalt, PO L ' r , . -, d.sitiDeotit fa; Cininthereb'sll.A Mason. Del ' - 1 trial,, l N A , ,-" - : ' • l'ill':',A-` 4 . Del City ~,,,,t,tv,vt, nor -Pa -- :;,:., - i n K c ri c tU Fayette on, P, .ii , lno'llttli , djiihuris .• - ,:' - R Dente., . Plowman, - , •"g•S , eron,,' el - '' "--, De nowise, Phoenixville -limpltogsr . Pottsville • W McManus, Chester co . ;; ,, :lo re floele b , cheater 44.. W_43 c Beker. Ohio 0..-t4Berraiollari Puking co. Ps .1 w Oreathesd Pa • ~ - W B , Rolni t llzer t : s end la,_Poli:-M tv lic 3 lcletiB lus, Ohio , r. " l A t t ' i i - 1 4: NiA .Pal . t Jabotrts . g 2ile " ciol - . .oc, • qi- '• • .-. f• .• y... 404 , ,41: piitv,„l,,_ ,, , ,: RAE re; Bedford no, Pa - ' , ' , lfti r AMR/. inbsitrint?,„ miss ,A Green, Easton ~ .. 3 - Onsens 4 /c.. Ili, Conn - • Mrs other Goon o. • H = Hotoeji LS 1 , -.. ,; - ' - fht J &Bailey, Waynesboro "- if , eStover,ew.irramphoro - ',. WD Dixon ;Pa ''', e sPittrionvirr; pc , -• J G Reeding; N J 1 / 2 : -. •'•• , , :JONESkILOTEL ,, CiIisstnot street. above Sixth. H-B LilliZtlfe. , VW ' , SLineks Sr wf, Cockeyov , 6 .;glill"df. N. - , ' - .3' zlitarrison & la. New'k '',' Ktga n tnlN 6 l4 i iris - • 14.211 1 01'.11 9 . 1 1',A.:. 6 ~vrit .. 4 :iv, - , - •g c Mobney, Net .pld=rsi - Y - ..• „,- ",, ~ , j o. Stewart, •liiri.,.. , ',. ifill. ,rumbilS Itt4 ' , = ' / , i•-it l triteit,kla„. •_ y • 1 ~,.. v!tirteollurs,, A t.).; ,.. 1, -, , , N.. y '-• ~-, , _afjfitenee, M , ,,, la i N ef Y Geo Daniels, prJ .13 4.4iiEtAtt" airliair.fir - • r rat mit'ei dr s : :,' : -- if fr f ia l it:Oe i ' d -r ,"Ao bu s 1 ' - NypentiAir, ;,:...... lArgimaniN 'l, . ,swor ' NJ B liltichmong, Phil's ' - • 0 Cod°, • - 3 8 Roodks, Nvitealmg • -,„ 434. ,411414, A d .- -Wm MaKentley, Pad ' ', ' Cal - 0 3031 3.,. 311 If" . • • San • W Carlton. Boston . 1. -., yarsrp v. . Xoo -• B Phipips, New York - . ‘. --- ,.;:•., LA _- . • •—:.! ' - - , ' g. 431408; BB , - 130VEL-77iied et. above Cellowhill. .s. : . g_hrilikr. jotriot- - - - J B 13mhleraa -< . _ r ..wMI:MOW duo; 1 , *.. , W. B Joneg, Jenkintown - %SS(' 13m - ON, ~1V.,.--,- -..- 3.1. Bomb; 31.• • ~- : I Inrilgthigil 0643% = - .'- N' I) liaitzeklyler's Port ~•,= itcoulq, 0 _ ,•.,, • -,,..• ~ • - .. ,8 10101. r, rt -' - f 41111 114,0 - ' •_.-- ~-, •P•ffigne Bending - •• .. . . ' 04.%1* tiiWi' ;.• tkilgrAiVill r e T - "" / wititial au l o t r a . - i ti h t t li a tf hni iub li . d . 9,3_ 2 a : • , u , tNy, Is_ tor ., getowq .. : - - .'BALD EAGLE—Third -at .)tlxwo Carlowiatll. ".-..• 3040041101.*.DWit.fiiii cui 0 Briliiiiic, Li3barviat td" Lir ttaifek. ti, 4- 3 f, ' . •f IA n e;ti l it„: && .• ', it e llgrj.“ , ll , 4ll l switawl . t„' , .:- ha Bmis; mohmond NI i i Viihibrdrimbi2ivn .!:.--6V2rnowrAttrzon 1, 0 1 1 4 cOk•- • -..-"• Alfa llll eriderin lie ' • • ; tifir. Ketati s tit4fie'A la F# - 1;•11:11.T . N: - • untat, t e fit,Bmns,, , timinp..,.. 4...t.tte, Alts4•o6ll: * ' It 6 a--C P ri if j .«; - -I,ll,:tri' s i F Tthhi"n"lP° ~‘4 ,. : Adria Nii.: - ..rao,iii- 'ft_ifflli t y s et 4 C l4l3 , ll :' - 1 1,- A i min i v. , ' .....I,',....ertoivit' ' -4.04 DJ.B; surfeb,-to .-. ~: - ..,7 • ~ '- • • -, - '' ' ' __. - , Jo_ .. 144-11czetv5E.79,./earlict B ay l o r 6.'iter'ird : , ', l '-' ri u,la l ifi.4, - paVer, po ~ u, . or. 1 0 ,hilei --' ' n t o C i es gy r , i i & 1 1 1111; i i !,. - ,-' i t r_jc :JP) fr o l al i rtil i i ifir i fil.T4i, - 61 - i - firtii, ;-:t . ,.4 Y 0 11:11:ii , Y:L. , ...: . : ~ ~-.-..,., lifj 44it•ty; ',WI Willie; DI Y•.: „- , ' 4,..45,TJ',.. 1 Z% 4 4 , 7 ~.. ; . ''.. il H. 213,,be0ck, At_,..., , • , - - c ..<*, - IA ITX pil l Y,.. _ .. P JOilk.lrm,kl#,Ziy '' '':i , ° • . 11 1 rck AL li c t, l 7 , , rit h 81 7.11121t e eilOater 1 - ‘r; ' ;' Ai . , tiz4414, - .. - a - , -.• g Tll g Ertf,ltl,rpliza. : li, -, -: i/_:: , titti', : -- ,•,-i:-:,., ttrtian tioNf iL mi , , , raTM6ifitithir ,E,lrot ountAih 14 1$041f.tvlikXE Prevost, n I te ' it fii . ,:**-£ '-' 4;,iii " it. t. _'l4§ltrii - Vine. rte ; ay; 41••..•-- - ••,••, - ";,l.'Zotk iicellpille . ritttiolliVoy_t s it -- ,..,. ; kw,flut L 014 , 1151 , - ':,- .• . ' VO, t, .1 0„ • , __,,,,, oi e, ;, ; , , -',- • , - 1 .4 H' Mei liobrio" ' •; ', ; - ';' , "-i '. i'il. ' l i7l6l4l4l 4 is ' ''N' I _i4 ii VITSLItga in; NY : Mils, it , i ki l i V ' -,Aittler c o r it l ik,lll o , 9 .! ,!- If - frkg.!- .-..!?!" • i,;i:W.1 4 5,..11. ,01, , --: , Y m o'_ 6 s oo' piraf: -,.1 -_,! - ;,. - ; .:,..i...y i z.,rti $0.174..t(QM7:151 , rd 'xitt• 0670 4 1 . 44.., ''-', i'; ;, -:• : 2 ,V.4 - 64.143iii r ri0,',1 , ‘! -' ,' ,-,'- 14crottiodel:*1;116;fri -...,.,:, ..,:,„.. - it•T -- 0 , w•..., , ~,froodiliesdio,, .=- 7- ,- ; . .i Atar ia deßl4drord ~ ~ .I,4ltlkwel)s .I ,, soiu - otd , :„ -,,...,.,---„--......., - &mi.,. t mautord ,Widt,e, __,r, rit i c;,:" " ,- - , .. ; `,-i-'•i•, lOW ';:ri C'' , .. IRmiin.,,,--. ; , :-P-!" - - . ,: ,- Ar ive...stat,--_ , _ Fos., rt. ..,., ~,,, ,-,,,, --i l / 4 ,5,A,,.-.-::- ._,.....,,.._- _-_,,-•.,.-:::_ , I-z---. ,; , 4--) , 04* 4 -att0tif3,41,3„,1101-Ach,.... :::;:4::,?.::. 4 , o , riisi-I , oo.AFl , znimitt ~._ r „....,:.5.,,,, .. ih ,,,,- P e r f r i e fl .,:;; , •;,- 04816;inund,fiPti_ :4::li - .1;4", I+ l L 'ArritOwli; . l :, - ' -,' ,, , AS,A 1 ,05 -,11 4. 1 ?" " r i :. - ' '';';**:,-.• t - .4 9 ),"r!"l'a) . ;: r ? , S''',Fi ,.- ' -- _ -" ": ,, V.• .'-,'' i_ ... - ... 4, , , ,,,,, J.ri, - - -, ' , ---" , '''':-• - - r- ~---- ' .:- - - -, -,t1.2.4,'-i'4,4§6lltitst:4,T,A - 0.4 , 0rr Ritrik*FßAM l S' .',l' -- , - ,Afft , , , 91, - A,gvit: ,-- ,4ll4tfvkliftrrult,l4o.' :i l 4 : t - )C'.1,t0 4 .1.0/110 0 1$4 41 4 ItAl AI I.' '„. -:' 2 , ;• :' . r;,.. Wirt-liitt%W-44'8W'ilitAt z0..k . 4 - t ~, , - T z.., _ „..i.-..,.:.., -,!1 , . -.--_,-• . • - • ,•.. -_ . . iNt, - -.7, , Tpet,vii., - ..y.y. , c_,_'.:-_, - . -•• .. : , ..;' - ... _ -_ . _ 4 It!MEME :MITMM Watbawm , %.‘P jimmfr•-• Pittow SPEOLkti NOTICES: Loy); and hear 'Prof. PO s'l6 OVE and MATRI 11,10Nr , TO•NigHVAIILTESDAY, Ootolmr 13th, at, HANDEL and HMO* HALL, 'commen e ag a t t u o'clock. ana oloallti ivitlt 19.1331,ie EXAMINATIONS: A ribh treat may lio'ekboiACl Single rickets'= coati. IlinErzoLoolom , EXAMINATIONS dgily,and for a short time only, at h 22 CHESTNUT street. - A Tuk , OPV,N&D,7--)VIIITE FRtNCI/ CHINA !Impart Bwre, at the unprecedented price of 825--conl plate to dine twelve pereone. . • ~ Also, , lOQ Dozon WHITE FRENCH Chinn Dinner Platei t full size and beat quality, for 511.60p0r dozen. 5.'.A.15ti.100 Dozen' WHITE FRENCH Chins - Breakfast Plate.s t eztrarnze, for S 1 per dozen (natal priori 81.'f6) AIM, for Economical Erma* WhiteEnalish Stone ware Dinner Sete for 512. Likeicile fine White Tea Seth, complete in 46 pieces, .for $3.50. These bargains. for wish only, at the old ,CHINA HALL, CHESTNUT Street, directly unveil° Old. Independence Hall. °VAL • • W. .T. KERR k CO. TII•E CROWNING GLOSY.”—A flowing, mitt, hixiiiiant head of hair is considered the crowning 'glory of either sex, hut particularly of, woman. .1111,ES HAVEL'S EAll ATHENIENNE HAIR RESTORER willProduee this; Oven whore baldness has existed from 'age or disease. It also restores the hair to'its original life-color, bleak, brown, or auburn, sod yet is not a dye. sold by all Druggiotth and by JULES HAUL di CO.. No. 700 CHESTNUT StreatiPhilidelphlc HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTISIU3 wiu' posi tively care Dyepopsin. Liver 'Complaint, Nervous De bility, 5t0., COPLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough &0., &o. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., 418' ARCH Street, end for solo by Druggists and dealers genersidr. Price 75 omits per bottle. ge24-11 , Titz-Biar $5O FAMILY SEWING MACHINE W. B. JACKSON & CO., 724 CHESTNUT Street. Agents wanted. ' • 004.120. . To THE Jackson & Co. respectfully invite the ladiesof Philadelphia and vicini ty to call and examine their new andimproved arFAMILy, SEWING MACIUNES. Their blachir.eS use the Straight Needle; and make the look stitch alike on both sides of the cloth:' Offiee, TN CHESTNUT Street, over Hazard's Book Store. oot•12t. Gaovma & BAK:ia's OSIJUIRATIM Noteuzse FAMILY Bzwirm-MAxainis, AT lISDIICED PRICER. • ,Tonapontrily at No. M Broadway., WEB return to No; OS in a raw week. Tus PRIORS OF SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES , NAVY ! IiEBN ! ! ItantrcaD sn-Sra .GAS,LAMP DEPOT—SIXTII AND ABOII• set!-9m FACTS FOR THE FEESLE.—DP.. /SOW'S aLtIiYOPIAZIC Pmts.—The only preparation of Medi.. omit Iron sanctioned by the Medical Faculty, and pre scribed in their practice. , The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron onn, for a moment, bo compared with it. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has hitherto been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in numer ous cases of each of the following complaints, via: In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation. Mann , - ma, Constipation,Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption,Elerofuloue Tuburoulosis, Balt Rheum; Sc urvy, Miemenstruation, Whites, Chlomais. Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Mercurial Consequences, Chronle - Headaches. Rheumatism, Inter mittent Fevers, Ito., ko., fie. Debility,. Impurity of, the Blood, Depreesto of Vital Energy, Pale and otherwjee Sickly Complexions, mdi oats its necessity in almost every conceivable case. In nil eases of Female Debility its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole History of Medicine which exerts such prompt, happy. and fully restorative °Soots. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own immediate neighborhoods, have, after a few trials of this Restorative, suddenly appeared in the busy world, as if Just returned from protnioted travel in a distant land. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisi tion of strength, With an anusesl disposition for notice and cheat:Ll exercise, immediately follow ita one. For sale by all Druggists in town and country. Price, fifty coots per box, containing fifty pills, sent free by mail to any part of the United States, on the reoeipt of the price. PrinciperOMee, 359 BROADWAY. - R.-B. LOCKE, General Agent. Wholesale and retail in Philadelphia, by DYOTT SONS, 218 North SECOND Street. au2s.ths&triam ' TM; STATEI Aoltioutalmti , &MISTY have awarded the. FIRST _PREMIUM to the Sewing Me Opines of:LADD, WEBSTER, Ar CO. New etyles, with lettgart4vigturtit4 may 6a 19611, et their ONO "WS bI.OTIIWEI OP Tine ''LATREIT ersairs, made la the best .roartuar. expressly for RE. ,TAIL. SALEM LOWEST-mailing Prtees marker' in goods diode to order warranted satis factory. Oar ONE-PRICE System is strictly mama' to, ais lee beltit a this td bathe °ray 'fair way of dealing, AIL arc therebi treated odIM. - • ...TONES & C()., , • .; Sat MARKET Street, -4** Tauter Oomximibatteyed by the State Di Parmsykranbh titeliterli _every in guar, a : nitwit, eitte.tiiioesez ; • .TlVllVER'OENZintsteetie vela for atones from thedasAt to put , • - _ Al;lrbt *mite aitnsr jois gook in opLi). irkeiavit Ma called torAtiii without notioe. - - Mamie rectelved froet,Eureteri, Administrators. .atordie 44 ,, atiCathei Trustees, in lake or email nuns, to remain's long or short period. - S. The money reoelved from Depositors is Invested in Regai Bateto,lloilieete,pround Renta,"and other Ant. elessPaar' Die*, ,111.'0111eit open OVOry dew—WUXI:7T Street, soutbirest Dotter Third street:ifitleasiehfs.l seta , . RA* If SAVING FUND—NORTHWEST Goat . = ;11gOorm and' Wammr .Btreeht—Deemite re °need ja areal! and large amounta, from an dames of the Oommumtg A and 61101 TX intermit at the rate of fro per Gent. per annum. • - Money may be drawn by "oheoke without for of in oirlve onen daily. from 9 until a o'clock, and on Mon day, and Saturday until 5 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL: Treasurer and Beeretorr. VITAS B. MORRIS. 'Sawaus - DER Puta-Pnoor Sesss.—A very tirßeassortmont of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able Na at Booth /WATS Street, Phlladel. olds. . . -au23 tf EVANS & WATSON WassLxx &' WILSON SSWING MACHINES. Philadelphia Moe, 828 CHESTNUT Street. - Merchants' orders filled at. the SAME DISCOUNT es by the Consbany. Brandt offices In Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton end Westchester. Pe. • seliam MARRIED. .HART—STONES.—On thr . , mornina of the Ittl?lnat., by the Rev. Dr. Ducaehet, Theodore R. Hart and Car rie 8., daughter. of Ramat Stones, ht. D., both of tide city , • Hiro--MIDDLETON.—On the 29th of Sept., by Rev.D. Bettina, Mr. Opera* X . Essig. to Mice Sallie E. MI ditto% daughter of Wm: H. Middleton, Egg., atlof this atty. RIC.R.--OILLESPLE..I4)n the 79th incl., by Rev. W. Cathcart, Mr. Henry If tee to Mrs. Margaret Virgtia. Otttearae, both of thteottY. DIED. NORMAN.—Snditenle on the evening of the llth in stant, Lewis William :Norman, in the 234 year of hie ac ts friends and the friends of' his family, are invited to attend his funeral, tom him late residenee,No. Re mentor alley, on Friday afternoon ~at 2 o clock, without blether invitation. Interment at Monument Cemetery. The Columbia Firs Engine CompanY, of which he was formerly a member. are invited to attend the funeral. ** BURNS —On the 10th inst., Efenger L., son of Even and Caroline Barns, ageu 6 years, p months, and 10 Jae. • • CORE,—Ori tl 9th instant. Samuel Core, Jr. son of Aebizry B. and the We Sarah J. Core, in the 7th year of his age. • • , , • }Nears!' (remit,. „residence of his grandfather. &t -inned Core, Sen., Enntst.reet, above Church, Ode (Thurs. star 1 aranurn. at thelook, WA TOlk.—On 10th instant, after a short illness, Dante Walton. Funeral from the residence of big brother-In-law. Meaty Walla, N. E. corner. of Eleventh and Ideton et t r lVi l kit i ll)Ti Vett' I n p;t7ig, g 3:l t urie e a e l I t " E'oodh ill Smith, in the agif year of maitre. PosrLY.Y.--on Twnoart 11th inst., nr consumption. Amelia A.. vire of Washington M. Postley, and second daughter of th e lasit James Kale. • Funeral, this fTlinrsday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence ot Mr. James Darnell, No, 632 five street. FLYNN.—On the 11th instant, Thomas Flynn, aged 30 years. -' Funeral from his late rpsidence,No.ll2llAdilton easel, }Seventh, below Christian street, Mkt (Thursday) at. ternoon. at 1 o'clock. • CLENDANIEL..—On the 11th inat.. Not M. Cicada- Mel. eon of the late Capt. Watson and Eim 2 Clotidani al, aged a veers. • - • MECCE.—On :Glider morning.lotlt instant, Joseph Henry'. eldest son of John and Catharine Menke, aged 18 rears. - Funeral from the residence of tile _parents, No. 120 81argaiette levet. above Front, Ow (Thursday at ter nooniat go'c ock. BO D.—ln Cainden. N. on the 11th inst., Adelaide Frailties, daughter of Mhrgaret and the late Samuel Boyd. aged lamonths. STEWART.—On the 10th inst., George Stewart, futile 90th year of his ace. Funeral from his late residener,44llSouth Sixth street, thigabirrsday)afternoon, at,2 p eltrok. ' BARRETT:An the 10th met, in her 23d year, Mug 'Mary Ana Sterrett, - daughtai- of James and Catharine Barrett. •• • • Nadoral from`the residence of her Patents. in Grape ettllet, Mantiyunk, this (Thursday) afternoon, at fo.ur mi. • ITTETARY.—Suilderily. on the indent, Ald. Robert 0, ittermary, in the 60th rata of his age. Feneral roe, his late residence, 1017 South Sixth " VlTt v r d .— e ivernwalit ' s •c 4,3 l ; ' ,..if. of Edward flandr i in nor, satn ) ear, pf hernortatige.__ Her renew wilt take place at the houseof Mr . • -corner of Sixteenth and Soy bert streets. liar relatit ea and friends arn invited Ma (Thursday) morning, Pl.th 410 o clock. INNOIL—On the lithe instant, Wilton •Lyneh, aged , fromuner leaqarM theresidenceof his father, Edward LFaah,Tia . o Whartonst etaboveSixth,this (Thula t,„l4 k . de giltefiNi i ii - the iithinstant,Charles G. Harms, -salon con of Gebhard and Maria Harms. aged 26 rears. .Minerat from the residence of lug father, northwest corner of Catharses end Tenth streets, this (There") Afternoon; et 2 o'elook. L•MANstr•ELD.—On the Bth inst., Alra. Ann, wife.of Thep nß . W, Mansfield. ovECIK.—On the 10th bit. Mr. Henry R. Over be. in tit 40tn er• ofe, fromai e ew e tats residence M. 1 Callowhill at., ihild e Thursayi motions, at 10 o'clock. D RNEY.—On the 9th, inst., after a lingering ittnella. Alm Eve M. Darner, in the fieth_year of her nee, 1 - r Patient' from her residence. N 0.230 Franklin street. thia (Tlittraday) atterttam, 13th. inat., at l o'elook. MOURNING STORK! BESSON & SON, Itil. : No. 608 CILESTNUT Etreet,have a full almost- Tridot of_ , Black velour Rese t - Black Gros Grain flke, - /o.; Mousseline d Lainee, ~ 4: -.0„:1.r . - ' di Po .. Point i : n e tt d t ''' :n c7s 8 : ' 5 0 . e..sylg:ll"°' do., fi11."1.11,11.6"kN' do. aces. ... do. bn is idish rapeo, — Om , ramattits, ' do. OffPc ps e l e sf!l. i t 1 3., ftattrirc , Is do. i VON, ''' Bilre l leale 'lei% &0., &o. 4Pcolid Montoya Goc •in every variety. ":-...#..**-- - ----..m. !.."imon•! ; ,a '".' "• . ij " " ott '' .'• * . 0 P TO LOAN, In••'0 . 1Y148: TO NU ll' ..A2P1.1 ()ANT 8, -, . Aeon .10taintrads s Watches " Jewelry, Guns. NW . 0 .4. S ndOteiChStNuti tho,on, moderste terms. by JONFA. r ., ilroVrthlreet owner of. THlkp and eAll , L Btreeg i, lowlbard,,t i tsbus z i§ or the lit "out 4:1 '___Lloogoi-hao , letudlllev t iir Wgdirei, by etaigem laltanaug 44441411; for saleo lay, 4% 044-TY 4 au444l- A LikcitrUptquiTiito,/iieuT.iFiI,MENT !tr . OF _Tact' iCY—unlort MbETINCI.—The Rev. 8. BONHOMmI - wiii deli verlr lecttire al Market Square Preshywth Church r .Gerntptowno Rev.. hlr. Ilelffenetein's,lT I, rflutrittal 1 EVENINCI,ICIct. 13th, at S i Vi l e . Cri 7 TO k iiilinient itirrniphooy, with special reference to the lewe,and the rapid progress of the I T I N. pet among them." ErrPEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE.- SEVENTH COURSE OF LECTURES. OPENIG. LECTWRIt REV, HENRy WARD 151,hCHER, AT CONCERT HALL. THURSDAY EVENING, October 20th. 11CILVIS PM 'TIM 'COIM.BII OP BIGOT • LECTlREgrAdnitP : ' d n- il__ ' BiVlan I : .....260 " nentleinan Oand $ tALwo 300 FR E BY Ferry & McMillan. Fourth and Chestnut. Bower, Sixtand Vine. Henderson, 223 Arch street. Presbyterian Book Store, 1331 Chestnut et. nl3-7tif BrHOMEOPATHIC COLLEGE OF PENN SYLVANIA,,PiIhert street. hoveA Eleventh. introdnotory Leoturoe will be delivered in the fol lowing order : • Pro f./. WARD, MONDAY, 10th, 8 o'olook, even mr• C. 3 . HEMP/L. TUESDAY, 11th, 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. J. R. COXE,Jn., WEDNESDAY, Oth,Bo'olook, evening. MOORE, THURSDAY, nth, 8 p'olook, eviming: Prof. W. A. REED, FRIDAY.I4th. 8 o'olook, evening. Prof. J. DEAKLEY, SATURDAY, /6th, 8 o'olook. evening. • Prof. H. SEMPLE, MONDAY, MN 80 ' 0100 k P. AL Medical and Surgical Clinics, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, /2 o'clock M. 06-7 t. J. BEAKLEY. M. D.. Dean. Lcr E A R SISIT IN GREEN OF F O O S A T TI C K "P.") - S-ST. PAS- MieTi / ill tOrp l W:4`.Ntti r Afr i rirr w l i S l t l rllt. h :n l qrN i g DAY, October Mth. at It noon, to consider the question of running the cars on the Omen and Contoe•etreet branott of the Company's toad on Sunday. By order of the board. 02.0 DENDY BIiARWOOD, Secretary. 0010-6td<W ErMIT HELL LODGE, NO. 296, A. Y. M. —Germantown members intending to participate dedication of the Now Hall at Chestnut Hill. will meeton THURSDAY MORNING, 13th inst..at 8 o'olocic, at tho Lodge Room. Full black suit, white gloves, white apron. 13y order of Committee, - WILLIAM F. SMITH. GEORGE FLING, F. W. BOOKIIIB. JOHN A. FLYNN, Seeretay. 012-2t ' SAMUI , ,I, B. HENRY, W. M. RACES, LANGUAGE, AND RELIGION.—The Rev. HENRY M. SCUDDER, rr, of India. will lecture on this subject on TUES. DAY'EVENING, the 18th inst., at 8 o'olook, tho MUSICAL FUND HALL. Tickets. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. To he bad at Messrs. Parry & 11loMdlen, Wm. S. & A. Madsen, Fresh' terian Board Tract House, nod at the Rboms of tho Young Men's Christian Association, 1011 Chestnut. oil-St' CONCERT ALL—NEW LECTURE.— Ba. HALL—NEW Rev. WM. H. MILBURN. " THE BLIND MAN ELOQUENT," will rive hie NEW LECTURE, CLUTH/AY EVENING, October 13th. The kubjeot le a novel one, 'ENT ITLED " WHAT A BLIND SAW IN ENGLAND." It was delivered at the Cooper Institute, Now York, for the first time, to an IhIMENSE AUDIENCE, Tickets 28 cents, or five for $l. For sale at all the usual places. Lecture. Quarter to mat o'clock. onaN rfrJEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE.— Hesston of 3839-80.—Order of Introductory Leo tures. rrof. Dunglison. Monday, October 10, at 7 P. M. Prof. Mitchell, Tuesday, October U. at 7 P.M. Prof. Gross. Tuesday, October 11. at 8 P.M. Medical and Swam! Clinic, Wednesday, Octoberl2, at It M. Prof. Dickson, Thursday. October 13, at 7 P. M. Prof. Meisel, Thursday. Octobor, 13. at 8 P. M. Prof. Bootie, Friday, October 14, at 7 P. M, Prof. Pancoast, Friday. October '4, at 8 P. AL Medtoaland Bursteal Chain. liaturday,_ October le, at /2M. ROBLEY DUNGLIBON, M. D., Dean. {ITPENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE—MEDI. cal Department, Ninth street, below Locust The introductory Lectures will be delivered as follows. Prof. Hartshorn. Monday. October 10th, at 4 P. M. Prof. Palma, Monday, October loth, at 6 P.M. Prof. Gobrecht, Tuesday, October 11th, at 4 P. M. Prof. Meigs. Tuesday, October 11th, at 6 p. iI _Prof. Harlow. Thursday, October 13th at 4 P. M. Prof. Rand, Thursday, October 13th, at 5 P. M. Prof. Halsey. Friday. October 14th, a; 5 P. M. Medical and Surgical clinics on Wednesday and Sat urday at noon. The nubile is invited to attend. 07-7 t. LEWIS D. HARLOW, M. D., Dean. --- NOTICE.—GREEN AND COATES-ST. PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. third instalment et PIVR DOLLARS vs? share, on the gook of the Green and Coaleaatreet Passenser Railroad Company. Will be due andiasyable on the 14th a' of October. MO, at the offsse of the company, No. WALNUT Street. Y order of the Board. swthatutOlt HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. Org:A. P. A.—TitARMONY LODGE, AO. 40 will hold their second annual festival at the ME -1;108' HAM,. Fourth and George streets, on THURSDAY EVENINO.I.IO, inst. Doors open at 7) o'clock. Tickets. to cents, to be had at the door. .1. BOYD. Chairman of Committee. WM. THOMPSON, Secretary, ofl-at* rPARdIERS• AND MECHANICS' BANK FIIILADIMPIIIA,. October 3d, DM otice is hereby riven that an election for Thirteen Directors will he held tit the Banking 'Pause On MON DAY, November23st,3B69, between the hours of go'elnek A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.; and a general meeting of the Stockholder' will be held on 11E8DA It; November Ist, at o'clock P. Bt., at theme n tog_ House. 04 dtat ItUdaTON, JR., Cashier, WotiUBOUTWARK BAPIK—PIIIILADEL YRIA. October 3d,1823. tie le herebygisen that an election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 21st, 1809, between the hours c,f 10 o'clock A. Al. and 3 &cloak r. m.. 4 and a general meet ing of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, No comber let, at in, o'clock N. oklte2l P. P. STEEL, Cashier. M==l=2=l BALLY iTc . BRUTHER. • NO. OgO OILESTNUT STRUT, *ILL OPEN TODAY tOT Or • ENGLISH ; T-Argg.TßT 0? tiEVir ' PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, Ant ENGLISH INGRAINS AT REVINTY.E.IVE - CENTS. id2.dtdaif TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR. TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shade,. The largest stook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at prices which defy oompetition. anSl-2m RO usE.runmsuirour GOODS. PP C. WALBORN & CO., /NOW) NOS. 3 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very superior eursortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves, 'Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, of which a fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. 010-3ini THE "FIERY STAR," GAS-CON .. MATING AND RADIATING AIR-TIGHT , STOVE, far Parlors, Halls, Offices. Stores, ice. he most economical, cheerful, and health, clove in the markot. All who wieli a heating stove that will give entire satisfaction are invited to tall and see ono of the FIERY STARS In operation nt our Warerooms. Every variety of Stoves Both Plain and OAS.BURNING. for Parlors, Kitchens, Chamixirs, Haller Ac., may he found in our assortment. Our celebrated ROYAL, SEA-SHELL, and Cooking Stoves are DOUBLE-OVEN WARRANTED, and. for excellence in operation, they CHALLENGE all com Petition• NORTH, CITASE, AND NORTH, 013.1 m No. 209 North SECOND &met. WILLIAM lIODGSON, Chemist and Druggist, being deprived. by siokness of phy sioal ability for the usual active attention to imsiness, has, for the present. committed the personal rare end sapersisiou of his store (still under bin own &mica and directionf to THOMAS A. LANCASTER. whin hoe been in lila employ between four and five yearn, and has oortipletsd a thorough course of pharinaceutioal educa• tlon, and graduated in the Philadelphia College of Phar macy. By thin arrangement. he trusts to secure. during big absence, it careful and prompt attention to the - wishes and interests of hie customers, and he respect fully counts the continued confidence and kindness of his friends and the public. yg E. corner of ARCII and TENTH Streets.'' Philadelphia, 10th month 10th, ISM eta-et NICHOLSON, ir• • DlRlllefletUTOr of SHIRTS. LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS. A largo and choice assortnier4, and watt. NrAbO9 olwhys on hand, unto which I particularly invite the at . Of CABO and OrOmOt-rMIyIOK nowr-Tikin NUM. "fi ld n . E. corner of SECOND and ARCH &roes. POILADOLPOIA. 013-1111• Jr would be a great folly to employ any other then the sunbeam to paint volt Pieter° ; therefore get Life-size Photographs, tn oil, and minia tures. Photographs, plain or in watercolons, at REIMER'S Gallery. SECOND Street. above Green. It* DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Lollies. all branches fought. A few more yeipde received in 141181 C. EVENING Beliool for Adult Leoles. Beer Reference given. Apply et No. CO North THIRTEENTH Street. 013-3 t TPERSONS who wish to present - 11 - their friends with a handsome flat, inconern tulation of tits, result of the Election. are invited to make the allt a useful one, by selectins one of CII,ENIV3 Fall Styles of Dres If t d s a now Tea y 11" Nor Invest owner of ZIGHTH and HACK. ALL KNOW TILE SUPERIORITY OF McCI.BES' Photographs. The price is now as low as at other galleries. Pholograilis for %one dollar; Daguerreotypes, el: Ambrocyl ! No. al En kill Street, It • Pesuitermlwnlinll. GERMANTOWN 0 PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY —On and after • October nth, the carp of this Company will leave the Diamond-street elation, for Germantown. as follows: At 6, W o und 7 A. M., and every twenty minutes until o'clock P. M.; and every fifteen minutes until 8 P. M. ; n every half hour until 12 OCIOGIC M.—at which time the last oar will leave the depot. Leave the Germantown station, for Philadelphia, at 6.58,0.48, 7.08, 7.18, 7.88, 7.38, 7,48, 7.M, and 8.18; then every twenty minutes until BP.M., and then every half hour time until 11 P. M. Quarterly School t'asses to and from the city. and Packages of School 'Pickets, through Germantown, for sale at depots at Germantown or Diamond street, and (+nice, we) Dock street. 13,12y_ -41 t W. order of the Preside M nt. 0. SiNGERLY, Secretary. DEFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.- C. DONOGHUE, In &Alta WATER Street, oWers for sale, at the lowest cash prices, a fresh stook of Re fined Rums and Syrups, of venous grades. 017-gt*. VIIEAREST WINDOW GLASS in town, et DICK'S, 8, W. corner of SEVENTH and SOUTH. oil Do* 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 ETEREOSCOPIO BAZAAR.—Great Emporium for Etereosoopea and atereoscoplo ylewe, Americ an, F renoh and Englieh, Opera Oleasee,Microsoopos, and improved Speotsolesoorrectly bolted to_the e_ree. at M. J. YILANKI.FN'S, opticin, HelSlouth FOURTH Street, below Cheerily& Mgr Artificial Unman Fr RA inearted. 011-Imif PEARS—Five barrels very choice Du ohosse d'Angoutome, Douro Pita, Louisa Bonne de Jereer,luatreoeivad and for Bele in lots to suit. OjI,ItRIGOS, 011-3t* 20 South MATE atom. iT,HE :-PRaSS.44=PERADELP4Uk TIIIJItSDAYi,"tiOCTOBER','I3IBS6. gTRAUSS' CRITICAL, EXAMINATIONK, OF THE LIFE OF JESUS. Translated from tho fourth German edition,Ly Msnisn Paha. In two royal octavo. volumes, pip VOI With a Spa steel por trait, $4.60. • THE POSITIVE PHILOSOPHY OF AUGUSTE comT.E. Translated by HARRIET MAnTltiltAtr. In one elegant royal octavo volume, pa. BA With a, fine elect portrait. p 3 ., TH FJ3SEN_OE OF CHRISTIANITY. By Leowro Fitugnnson. Translated from the second German edi tion.lg MARIAN totrge Ulna, 41.60. • TFI CREED OF CHRISTENDOM: Its Founds.- [lone and Superetruoture. 137 WILLIAM Rallisorot Onso. 12mo. $1.24. Sold by all Booksellers, or sent by mail, together With full pataloguas (12 pages octavo),postare Iraq. by the publisher, C. BLANCHARD, • • °Mat N 0.76 NASSAU Street, New York. A BOUT'S NEW BOOK.-4ERMAJNE,' Br Edmond About. 12mo. et LIFE'S MORNING ; or, Counsel and Frim acose mods for Youthful Chriattans. By the author of Life's qig g EilliTEEN camsTIAN CENTURIES. By Rev. Jamas White. 12100. 5125. HODOE ON SECOND CORINTHIANS, 12mo. el. A new DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS from Greek, Latin and Modern Lansaw& dvo. 150. BROOK FARM ; or, Amusing and Memorable In cidents of American Country Life. CO omits. For sale by WILLIAM B. lc ALFRED CHE S TNU T 013 No: 606 CHESTNUT Street. MEDICAL MEN , Will do well to procure the following imtwrtant and very tlesirnble. New Boolfs k which will be sent by mail for price: received: THE AMERICAN DISPENSATORY, By Prof. .7. Ring. Ore. 1.476 twin $6 00 KING'S AMERICAN OBSTETRICS. five„ pares 1 JONES & SHERWOOD'S AMERibitN . P.C.F.O , TIC PRACTICE. Now edition, revised. 2 vole. Ben. lilool pages SCUDDER ON DISEASES OF WOMEN: Illus trated„ . 3 ROST'S MATERIA MEDICA AND' I'IIERA PF,IITICS. Numerous Illuetratlons RI BEACH 'S IMPROVED SYSTEM OF MID> ' WIFERY. New and revised edition, with nu- tneroull Colored Plates. Qua to Pitt F. SYMP2S(EDINEURCII)SUROERY: histrated. 906 proms bOO ' RENOUARD'S Paris/ HISTORY OF MEDI CINE. 720 razes May be'had of Medical and GenOri;l Booksellers, itty.ll cities, or direot from the Publishers. MOORE, WILSTACH KEYS Co. Fnr i bis. sabi by all Medieal Booloiellorelln Ol LINDSAY & BI,AKIRTON. SIXTH Street* J. B. LIP PINCOTT & CO., FOURTH Street, etc. 0113111&11-71 MERCHANTS • On their wny up town from business will find TYIE NEW BOOKS, , Ae well ne n large Stock of BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, AT TIIE METROPOLIT.4I , I BOOK STORK OF SAMUEL R.AZARO, JILL o 1 24t. 724 CHESTNUT STICEWL HENRY WARD BEECHER'S THE INDEPENDENT. In addition to the interesting matter contained In' every succeeriive number of The Independent, the pub- ItEther is happy to announce that the Sunday Morning Sermons of Rev. Hamar 'Mato BEEentut will appear exclusively in the columns every week. They are the only reports given to the prase which receive revi sion from the Author's own band. Among other epeeist contributor, aro the following well-known writers : Timms—TWO DOLLARS a. year, maths in advanoo , Addrela JOSEPH 11. RICHARDS, PUBLISHER, No. 5 REEKAIAN Mallet. New York FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS AOENTS. 821.1111'1m W SUBSCRIPTION ONLY WILL DE READY IN ABOUT TWENTY DAM AMERICAN REVOLUTION,' From Newspaper" and Original Document', by Agents wanted for ovary county, and for Canada Apply to JOHN IttcPARLAN, Arcade Hotel, 6/1 CHESTNUT Street. 0, W, FAIRMAN, Agent for Philadelphia. 1119-tnthlm THE AMERICAN LEADER AND A. WORKINGMEN'S ADVOCATE "alit be leaned on Saturday next. 011-40 CALLENDER & CO. will supply the city end tnute with Mr. Fiske's new 11orAins men's Advocate. 250 q) copies of the first edition will he published this week. TIIEOPHILUS FISKE &. CO. will issue 00 Saturday next, at the Northeast corner of IST RD and CIiEBTNUT Streets, the largest and hand somest vapor ever devoted to the 00010) of labor. oll.dt, e : LE OY'S PHILADELPHIA CITY DI- -LTA: AtiCTORY, MO. Experienced mid enonotaux,Ansisno conyassOrs are now triceps) in malting on entirely neer and specie!, onnease for.the above work. - Thlcalins and. rablielhing of 00 , 411 efoltit will been lee to -the persona enciervision of tin under mane , en Mr" name wil be carefully ree and cone_ plied, so t et the Directory for Hun will he ort pared' without resort to previously publishew,iirontories, or reinrd CO oMmint of labor or exTse. The subseribor nfldentll 'levee that; with the yell efficient trld hehit; rots ne . nnd bieown perennel exporienee of Dr yearn,. he wi ll he able to present to the public hlcElroy's ph lindelphin City Directory for 1330.1u1 entirely worthy ail,* 'patronage heretofore enjended toot. A. Jar:Mini:A . ll4t-if 33 South BtXTE.Itt Wk.or..- .. 90.000 imiSto 90,000 CELEBEATED 'COLLEGE BOOK. WE BBALt s runiSiii ON krultuAy emutection with Mr. James Blae mid, the iltidon Publisher, from whom we have J wit received the et eree- VE I VIISPitt i reS OP MR. VERDANT I.7.RERN. nl . •. 2 . 41 Throe volumes ono. with near Y haymow, illus trations. elegantly printed. and bound in muslin. 12mo. Price $l. • Thin popularity of this humorous work of College andlifs adventure is immense. The English Publisher. in s hotter to us, sooompany ing theplates, writes: 1 Imvo eotd nearly ninety thou sand of lrginnaNg (Wiwi in Enlianit, nod _you will do volt with it. " JANE 4 BLACKWOOD." Now Editions now reedy of LOVE (L'AMOUR). alicuncup's great work. The "Sensation' book of the day. 20th edition. One vol. Price iki. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. A. popular Llte and Travels of this celebrated moon!. with introduction by BAWL!) Tel Loll. One vol. Steel portrait. Price $1 800 25. K OP TIPP. CRESS CONGRESS. A complete Encyclopaidin on this auttlect The Euclid of Chess." Ono large volume. Prieo two. Those Books will ho sent by mail, postage free, to any part of the United States, on tho receipt of the poor, 11 RUDD k CARLETON, Publishers and Booksellers. olo4lusstf N 0.130 GRAND Bt., near Brotulway. N Y. GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' OIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, 439 CHESTNUT Street, wh 811078 " In V g9 E I RY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA• TURK, and A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from 10 cents to glee, ia given with each tx)oksold. coil to, and wig Wei/ trill assure you that the only place in the city where repurchase Books at. is • GEORGE 0. EVANS. GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. No. 139 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. Two doors Wog Fifth, on the upper side. Wlr Strangers, visitlng the onyore respectfully in vited to cell and examine the large eolleatten at 13ookii, and get a Catalogue. TEE GREATEST 11001 C yP THE SEASON MEMOIRS OF ROBLRT-lIOUDIN. Ambassador, Ambassador , Ambaaaadur, Author,Author, Wizard, ‘ tii i il i Z ' r r ti . Wizard, Conjurer. Conjurer, Conjurer, Magician, Mazioien, Magician, Necromancer, Neeromancer, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Beehnnter, _ It nchenter, Enchanter, rRoFEssoK OF 8 LEIUBT-OF-HAND, eta., etc., etc. Written by Himself ; _r.d,y,,i. by With a commis Index ; carefully arranved. The book in full of interesting and entertainins anecdotes of the interviews of the great Wizard with the most distinguished personages of the present day, and gives descriptions of the manner of performing many of his mont curious tricke end transformations. Bound in one volume 01411 pages, 12m0,, cloth. Trice, SI , LECTURES FOB PIE PEOPLE, By the Rev, Hugh Stowell Brown. Baptist Chapel. Liverpool. One volume, 1S m., cloth. with sift. Prom SI. ITALY AND THE WAR OF DA.9. Br Manama Julie de Marguerlttes. One volume, limo., cloth, with a gift. Price 4116. Buy YOUR ROOKS AT EVANS' GIFT WOK -ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Whereon set get RATURE BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OP LITE AND A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth front Fifty Cents to One Hundred DOlittre. is given with each Book sold. Call in, and one trial will assure you that the only phials in the city where to R purchase lion ks th at IR 0 E E GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, No. 431 CHESTNUT Street, ,„„ Two doors below VILIA, en the upper side. Stransere visiting the city are respeetfulls Invited to call and °ammo° the large collection of Books, and get a catalogue. NEW BOOKS • For Halo by GA UT ar VOLKM AR, Successors to ILEowportlivait k No. 6O CHESTNUT I:Sfect. shove Sixth, North stile. BREAK? AST, DINNER, and TEA. Viewed claw sally, Poetically. and practically. Containins nume rous curious dishes and feasts of all times and coon trfflE WHEAT PLANT: its orisio, culture. A c. ,rroth deVelopment, composition, varieties, diseases, , &e. By J. 11. Rlippart. SCIENCL OP EDUCATION, and Art of Tenehins. By John (Won, A. M. DE QUINCY—THE LOGIC OF POLITICAL ECO- D miy; and nons.r.y 1 8. THE CRICKET F or, the History and Sci ence of Crinket. PRESIDENTIAL sketches, Biographic, Personal, and Political. of.pro ininent Candida t es for the Presidency in DM. By D. W. Bartlett, BORDER wan. A tale of Disunion. By J. B. Jones: THEMISSISSIPPI BUI3BLE. A memoir of JOHN LAW, By Adolph Worn. To Which are added au thentio accounts of the Darien -Expedition, and the South Sea. Scheme. Translated a.Kd edited by Frank 8. Fiske. thrLVIA'S WORLD. Crtinen which the Law 4106/1 not reach, DEULAIL Ry Auguntn J. F.vann. MISS SLIMMENIt WINDOW, end other ya wn. By Mr.. .Mark Peabody. WWI lIUMOTOU3 trationn. AOIJECEEEX. Sketchea of Fore,An TreveL KNITTING WORK. A Web ol many Tex hires, wrought by Ruth Partin:tom RECOLLECTIONS OP SAMUEL RODGERS. ALMOST A REROINE. By the author of Charlet/ At:wheaten Au. SMOOTH STONES, taken from Ancient Brooks. RV Rev. C. IL Spurgeon. Wilts a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint sayings, from the works of that renowned Puritan, Thomne Brooks. A BEACTIOAI, TREATISE ON STREET OR HORSE-POWER RAILWAYS: Their loontien.cont. etruotion and management , with general plans and mien for their organization and operation, Are., &0., inclu dißyng coexander pies of Municipal Ordinances relating therete, Al Bastin, C. E. .Aiso, a very large assortment of Books of every de ion in plain Fijian! $1 of binding. " EN t OLlftli rtud AMERICAN RTA'PRGYBRY. BIBLES, PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS, of every oarinty anci OtIR TABLE, containing all the daily Onion, with many MIIMIZIRBII and Periodicals, offers an advantage forapondini apart) hour. N. B. TEACHERS will do well to call at the TEAQIIERS HOME. N 0.609 CHESTNUT Street, and examine our large and oomplete easortment of School Bootie, . 9011 NEW ,PUBLICATIONS SERMONS, PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN Ma. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, Rev. OEO. B. CILEEVER, and :JOHN G. WHITTIER. =SEEM FRANK MOORE 09 OXFORD UNITZIOTT. BY CUTHBERT BEBE. B. A. NINSTIETH THOUSAND. 711141 f DR. R. tillEVYANiii/tCKENZtE. D4Y-GOODS JOBBERS. LAM AND EMBROIDERIES. A PULL ASSORTMENT ON LACE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES NOW OPEN, OF TIIIS'SEASON'S IMPORTATION. SLEEVES, SETS, COLLARS, ,LADES BY THE YARD, • EMBROIDERIES OF ALL KINDS, VEILS, ()LOVES, MITTS, RDICFS, Am. With an entire stock of WHITE GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. 013-3 t CLOAKS. 'THOS. W. EVANS 45c CO. }SAVE NaW OPEN, OF THEIR OWN IMPORT47'ION AND MANUFACTURE, AiLARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, BOURNOUS, En3binurvig all tLe LATEST P.IIIISMN NOVELTIES, ' AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. fßti ANTI•MI CHESTNUT STREET. w3u GOOD - NOTICE. JOSHUA L. BAILY, ~ .I,SEPTRTER AND JOBBER, 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invites modal attention to one of the largest and Ooioost utortments of WINTER DRY GOODS IN THU MARKET, EMBRACING ALL THE NO IiESM3EI FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS. A superb assortment BROCHE, STELLA, AND BLANKET SHAWLS. Of,the newest and choicest styles. ENG.LIBR AND AMERICAN BLANKETS. AU sizes and qualities. WRITE. SCARLET, YELLOW, GREEN, Ala BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. WELCH FLANNELS A OENERAL ASSORTMENT CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS AND VESTING. The newest Printings in MANCHESTER DE DAMES ElE2l^2 Standard makes 811NETiriOs AND SKIRTINGS, CHECKS, TICKING% AND STRIPES, AND CANTON FLANNELS. A FULL LINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN . p 411;AND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF '.'24EBRIMACIC PRINTS UNITED STATES. - JOSHUA L. BAILY. MITI SIRE OE MARKET BTRIZT, ---4stevst SECOND, PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL NOTIOE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call special attention to our *took of DRESS GOODS, Now exposed for sole EVERY RETAILER Who may visit NEW YllEtff will be amply repaid the ayeao of his trip, by selecting out of our splendid va riety styles different from those to be found in other markets. WE ARE NOW OPENING eo CABEB DELAINEB, new and really beautiful 200 " WAIRSUTTA PRINTS, new styles. 100 " WARREN PRINTS. 1,000 CLOAKS, SACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for us. We have a rich 'supply of DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, Op rOPULAR BRANDS, But to the above we ask your notice in particular. We shall not quote price'. but Bunko it to say, that by this advertisement we mean to arrest your attention, and. the (Mode and price, will enable you to arrest the at tention of your cusionurs the country round. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 ANA 82 CHAMBERS STREET, II AItDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. .11ANDY & 13RENNER, /Kos. 51S, 284 AND 27 NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE 'COMMISSION MEROHANIE, For the sale of all kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, AND /XPORTERS OP GERMAN, DELDIAN, FRENCH, AND ENGLISH HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Rees condo oar oo bend a large stook of Goode to soy At Hardware Dealers. BUTCHER'S TILES, By the reek or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOLLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, 81111' CHAIN. And other kinde in every verietl. HARP'S REPEATER PISTOL, WEIGHING ONLY SH OUNCES. SHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS. IIDWAYO S. HANDY. BW, B. EIRENNIX. C. P. HBENlfille aalt-tf PACKAGE lIARDIVARE HOUSE.—We weld reskeatfully call the attention of the Gene ral HariMare Trade to our extensive Stock of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, who:lh we offer at a small advance by the package, Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goods de livered either in this city, New York or New Orleans. W. 0. I.PWIB & COMMERCE Street, Importing and Commission Merehants. And Agents for Foreign and Domestic) hardware. augg-tf TBIORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE. FOR 1101111E8i! FOR COWS!! FOR IttIFFP !! FOR Prue i! Try it once ; you will use it always ; facts overcome preiddirei. For Ronne, it le Indlananeabla in nrunlotinn and sustaining ill the animal (neither', in health and vigor. For cowed is invaluable, Worsening the quantity and improving the q uality of milk. For Sheep and Pine the anon, produced in' one month will exceed all ex- PI FI-1 11 tr 8 FOOD FOR CAT' Ilneleerm awarded a DiP,COMA by tie PellllStjVallii% State Agricultural S oc iety at the Exhibition at rowelton,lBo. Depot. p 2 DooK Street, PRILADEIRHIA, la. ALD BOOKS--OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS Theundersigned states that he has freguently for sae books printed between the_yeamll7o and lIeu: early editions of the rathere of the Reformers and of the Tana., Pu- Divines; in Low, Braaten, Lzttletnn. Puffendorff rot iuS,Doweit, Coke, Hale, lbe Year Books, Repnyts are o ft en to be found on his shelves; oy:doped:as LeAloone,Classie authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, Science,Political Economy, blevernment, Aschitenture, rieit.ural History. Treatises UyOti. these and other kindred irtaseets are being contlgotaly dealt in by him, Books, In large and small puantitata, Durotoulad et the Custom dah,sartleftpt OTHSTNUT Street, above Fou MI/i4lO JOHN OAMPDBLII. RAILROAD LINES. THE PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL " RAILROAD: - 1859. 6_ r 1§59. THE CAPACPYY RO ,D — TH EQ AL TO ANY IN THE COU ' TRY. THREE THROUGH PAPSEI AND TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Conneoting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boatan, New York, and all runts East, and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cin cinnati, St. Louis. Cleveland, Chicago, Burlington, Bt. Paul's, Indianapplis, Npw Orleans, and all intermediate points in Ohio, Indiana,_llllnois Rentue hi,. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota,Misisouri,Ko.llll3, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and coin fort by any other route. Express and Fast Linea run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attaohed to each Train_; Woodruff's Sleeping Cars to Exress and Fast Train& The EXPRSS RUNS DAI LY: Mail and Peet Lines, Sun days excepted. Mail Tyam leaves Philadelphia at 7.13 A, M. Fast Line " " , 3130 A. M. Raven Train leaves " _10.50 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkeaburg Accommodation at 1700 A. M. Harrisburg Accommeation, via Colundua,2.oo P. M. Columbia ' 4.30 P. N. Passengers for Went Cheater will,r.ake the Mail, Parkesburg, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylv ania ßailroad Passenger Station. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Bun lo Niagara Falls , and intermediate points , leaving Phila. des . ph a. at 7.4 113., and 2P. M., 1 2 direg through. a a Cosign . ; ?II %II:411T: Yord at k, Bostondlcoroffil ti more ; and Tickets Esatarard at any of the important Railroad Muse in the West; alto on board any of the regular na of Steamers on the 'hfississippi or Ohio Rivers. U • Lm Fare always allow tly other Route. The completion o the weetern connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago,make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GRFAT NORTHWEST. The eonnection ofjyaoks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding I drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantaree readily appreeiated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling Pultho. FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freights of all descriptions can he for warded from Philadelphia aiew York Buxton, or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads ol i Ghio. Kentitokr, Indian:L road direct. . . Tlin Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at. Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goode can be forwarded to any port on the Ohio. Muskingum. Kentucky, Tennessee. Cumberland, Illinois, Mimi/wpm, Wisconsin, Moionn, Kansas, Arkansas, and Red Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky and Chicago, with Steamers to all ports on the tiiiithweslarn Lakes. erchauts and Shigpers entrusting th ransportariqo of heir Freight to MIS Company, 1:12111 re ly with Oond dlPWAVeltrOlP In ° 4 %ET to any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at BR times ell favors.- bio as are oharged by other Railroad C ompanies. , n e.. nartleidef td math Packages ' via NUM. Rail- Merchants in the West ordering goads gm the East, will do well to direct them to be shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Corn natty : D. A. BTRWART, Pittsburg; Doyle A 00., Steubenville,O.; H. B.Pi erce & Co., Zanes ville, O.; J.. 1. Johnston, Ripley, O.; R. McNeely. Mays ville, Ky.; Ormsby* Cropper,Portamouth, O.; Paddock Co., Jedersonville, Intna; 11. W. Hump & Co., Cincinnati, O.; Athern A ibbert, Cinc i nnati 04 R. C. fileldrum,, Madison, Ind.; ahem Bingham, .ouisville, Ky.; P. G. O'Riley & Co.. Evansville, Ind.; .W. Gra ham & 00., Cairo, 114 R. F. StissOlL Louis, Mo.; John H. Harris, Naahville, Penn,: Harris& Tenn.; Clarke fr. Co. Chicano, DI.; W. H. oonts. Alton, III.; Murphy A W alls, Dubuque, Ili.; orb t reight Agents of Railroads at different points In the est. Parties attending to their own shipments om the East. will find it to their interest to call on the Agentsof the Company at the following places before slopping I fr letters addressed to either of them on the subject of reights, w dl mnet with prompt attention: E. J. SPIEEDER, Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, 80 North Street, r altiriore. LEECH & CO., 2 Astor flange, or 18. Witham st..N.Y. LEECH & CO., 04 Kilby street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gang Ticket Agent, Phila. TIIOB. A. SCOTT, Gen Saul. Altoona, Pa. 'eta. NOTICE TO SIIIPPERS OP LOCAL FREIGHT. The i RNIMIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and fomard_freight to Om fol lowing points on the NORTREM CENTRAL RAIL ROAD • acne Raven, Lewisburg, Northumberland, twse7Chore, Suldniry, inden, Treverton Intersection, ewbury,town, Williamsport, Zile g ritown, Manny, Halifax, WatsontoWn i ork, Milton, Lan , over inflation. ALS Gettysburg, and all interme ' volution HANOVER RAILROAD. All_ goods sent to Freight Station, THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets will be_prom_pill forwarded. lvtl-dm IC, .8N }tit DE R. Freisht Agent. 1859. SRAM 1859. FALL ARRANOEMENi—NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TREN'f ON R AILROAD CO'S LINES, PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES, PROM WALNI:I , 6IItEICT musts, Will )1 , 11,V0 as follows, viz RAZE. At 6 A. AL, via Camden and Amboy, Cam. it Am. Accommodation $2 25 At A. M., via Camden and Jersey City,l New Jersey /Acoommodation..,, -2 25 At ti A. M., ma Camden and Jersey City, Morning 3 l 00 At Mai II A. SI, by Steamboat, via Tacony and Jersey City, Western Express 3 00 At 12}4 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Acconlmo dation.. . . .... - 223 At 2P. AL, via Camden .......... 6:ac. A. Ex press 600 At 4 P. M. by Steamboat , via TeLoony and Jer- • sey City, .Evening Express 3 00 At 4 P. M.. by_ Steamboat, via Tsoorty and Jer sey Ctty,2tl Class Ticket.................. 206 AtMall 6P. M., via Camden and Jersey City E vemng 00 At 11. p. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Soothe nt Amain 2 22 At 6 P. M.vm Camden and Arnboy,Accommodati on, (Freight told Puseenger)-Ist Class Ticket ....... 225 2,1 Class Ticket...... . 60 The 6p. M. Mail Line rune daily. The U P.M. South ern Saturday, excepted. A PMar 214 Flenungten, /so., at 6 A. M. zirti ti gi t n,y ;ili tle z = a nd Bethlehem, at 6 fidn_ ' ll7t te lg i gelifiri sbu o Laos - swimme r _and Western . ztalltpd. For-Mount at StAnd94l- grid. a ant 4P. AL For Freehold, a . . At,Y. 1.11; Brigtol t Trenion, ao, at 14 and 4 P. AL. from Por ' Palmyra. ha t ' rnly, Burlington, Borden town. Ao.. at Mg, 43 r. M. - tfteambotjohn elleen, or Borientow.n and interme diate places, at P, NJ, Steamboat , Tarot:Ai, foi Bristol, Burlington, and in teLmediate place.. at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only thawed each mumenser. Pri,esengers are prohibited from taking any thing as Ml gess but t veering apparel. All 'baggage over No Sounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responeibility tar baggage to one dollar per pound , and will not be liable for any amount beyond 15/00, except by specisl enntraot. Oct. 7. WM. H. UATZMER. Agent. PHILADELPHIA, GER .... MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOW A L AD—fIUMM ER ARRANGEMENTS— On and alter Mood. Maff 9th 1389. until further notice. F() GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 13, BX, min,, 10, 11; 12, A M.,1,2,2. 330 M.,1, 4.6, 5)4 78, 9, 10, andll3iy. AL Le ave Germantown 6. 7, 731,g, Bei. 9, /0, 11, A. AL. 12 4, 1, 1 1,3, 4, A, 0, 6.34 731. 8,9, 10% .M. ON SUNDAYS, P Leave Philadelphia 9.03 nun. A. AL, 8, 3. 5, 7 X, and 10 . .34 AL . Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4. 634 and 91( P. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 874,11 A. M., 11, Hi, 4, 8X.6, 0 , 11!: P. Al. heave Chestnut 111117.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11.16 A. AL, 17.40, 3.10, 6.40, 7.10, 8.40, 10.10 P. Al. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.03 min. A. M., 9.3. and 734 P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111 7.60 A. AL, 12.60, 6.10, and 8.65 P. M. . FOR CONMOHOCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave riffirtdelrhia o, 8.05 min.. 19.1 ; 5, 1 T au., 11X A. M., m ailliTtig:;nl l l, l ,l, ' l t /t il ht., 1, W, IX. ON SUNDAYB, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. 3 and 4 P. M Leave Norrietown 7 A. M.. 'and 6 P. M. • -• . • • • FOR MANAP UNK. Leave Philadelphia 6. 7.03 min., /MA min., 74 . , 7 0 .1)3 min.. 11.4 A. M. 1.06 min., 2.05 min., 3.08 min.. 4.). 6X, . 71St P. M.' DLeave anay el( 84. 73.4.8. q, ., 94,104,114 A. M., 14, 5.05 min., 4,5, 8, 9.08 nun. F. Al. ON SUNDAYM, Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M., 3, 4 P M. Leave Mannyunk 7%A. M., 04 , Mt P. M. IL K. 81111 PH. General tiuperinlendeet, mu DEPOT. NINTH and URELI9 &zee& SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEASE, 'FETTER, SCALD HEAD, Eruptions of the Skin generally. and all Rumors and Imamate.' et the Blood, are radically and permanently cured by the celebrated IMPERIAL - DEP URATIVE. Ulm been a very Important agent in the sate of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr.Louneberty & Co., for a number of years past. and its great value in the curs of Cancers is abundantly established by the many cures effected by it. In SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable curative elect line never been equalled. It cures the most obsti riate,cases. Tk.TTLYt. SCALD HEAD, and all Eruption, of the Skin, readily yield to a moderate use of thin Medicine, Malignant liken and Sores are readily cured by the use of a few bottles. Prepared and sold by hIacNICROL, & BRO., (Late Louneberry,& C0 . .,k No. 60 North FIFTH ytroet , below Aron. For sale by the following Dniersts _ J. F. Long & Co., Laneaster; W.Epting. Pelts & J. H. Rneer, Heeding' B. /3„ Stevens Heeding T. J. McClintock, Easton; Je.w. Given,west Chester; Win. Stabler, Norristown; Simon pir,Ti r g l thleji . e h iu m; % l D . soy, Now Hope,: Dr. Leslie, Br is tol ; Allentown ;_ Mho Bell, Memel unk, J. D r . .Jam_os „ , Trenton; De La Cour, ,g 611 1a 611 ,t, Bridgeton; Robertson & i f tdott r ineotlL. , 9 hall, Wilintirston; L. H. ttoo_ ',Z.: a...a t: T.l7 T . X. Hantinerely. Milford, Del.; and rug i 1611-etuthetruf NEW YORK nit. 31OFFAUS VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX. BITTERS have been thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia. flatulency, heart-bora and headache, costiveness. tharrlicea, fevers of alt kinds. rheu =tient, gont, grnvel, worm, scurvy, unions, eruptive com plaints, salt rheum, erysipelas, common colds and in fluenza. irregularity and all derangement of the female system. pile.. and various other diseases to which the humeri frame is liable. For elle by the proprietor, Dr. W. B. MOFYAT . eta BROADWAY . New York. en d by Druggists generally all over the country. d4-d&Wly DOINGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR 1859. SIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Best Furnace for Warming Buildings. Tn MINOLD ec WILSON. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. PIRsT PREMIUM. BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. T., ARAOLD SC. WILsON. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. FIRST PREMIUM. BEST COOKING RANGE. To AnsoLn & WILRON. CHILSON'S DOUBLE•OV FN COOKING RANGE. FIRST PRHMIUM. BEST PARLOR COAT. ORATES. To Atoicirds & WILSON. LOW DOWN and BASKET GRATES, ENAMEL[ PREMIUM. BEST ENABIELLED SLATE MANTELS. To ARNOLD SC WitsoN. For is very handsome display of Enamelled Slate Man tels, very highly finished, and of superior workmanship. FIRST PREMIUM. ABNOLD & WILSON. IMO CHESTNUT street.' B. M. PELTWELL. Supt. oS-If EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCI(ZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. given his tr.:chime attention to the medical and aurgical treatment of the El E and EAR. IIEeFIYhBS of the longest standing removed both by midi eat and surgical operntions on the latest smentifio principles. Dr. Si. would be pleased to receive mein hers of the medical faculty who wine to WaLless bus method of operating for the removal of Deafness, or any operat inn on the EYE and EAR. EYES INeERTED. Office 204 South NINTH Street, above SPRUCE. Mee hours from 9 A. 31. to t and from 4 to P. hl. WARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW COXSUMER FURNACE OAS Will thoroughly Warm your house with rig a•guinn Less COAL MAO is reunited by any other Furnace, Satisfaction in all 0.111011 guaranteed. Buildings Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOLD k WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Streak SLATE MANTELS, The Richest and molt Beautiful Specimens of Enamelled Blase irlointete, ever offered for sale in this aeuntrY, manureor lased by us, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street- COOKING RANGES. All in want of he Beet Elevated Double MO Cooklng Range, will do well to nail at ARNOLD & wimorms. ee 10-3mlt 1010 CHESTNUT Street, MEDICINAL. WANTS. A. MEDIBER OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS CAR obtain the esnieee of a quiet tmluetrious women. A rood home more deeirtj tt l iga m gre n n i gtleith brelertllrd n elVy7el:4Te 6 d."ol % ! exceptum7Ole marshal' given. Adgeas "Gertrude." Blood's Dispatoh. ort-3t. AyouNG MAN-is desirous of obtain ing: emilnytheizt la tins Wholesale House. where he can make himself intent either to .the Counting Room or Store. No compensation required. Address "S. 5.," at this are. 013-tit• $2,000 G TO' AN'IED-A ood Business Man as Partner in a business 'dreads established and paying thirty per cent. One that to well aceustnted with the Wholesale Notion Goods Trade preferred. Address D. SCOTT. at this office. 013-31 A YOUNG MARRIED MAN, who is a good, rapid penman, and who has a knowledas of amounts. Wants employment in any capacity. Ad dress " Honesty," office or this paper. 01241.* A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, who writes 4 . 31 - a fair hand and is good at figures. and has som e knowledge of keetongaccounts. desires a situation in a Whnie"Te Stare 9r tmtnr,, as Storekeeper or Porter. Address •"." o ce of The Press. 01141* WANTk.D—By an active man, of good addreas. a situation as nut-door salesman; would be reciting to accept a commission. Address Perseverance, office of The Press. IVVANTED—A young Man as Assistant Bookkeeper in a Wholesale lirt Goods ouse. Go references required. Address • is Co., 'this &Bee. WANTED—By the Ist of November, a Rouse with blithe toodens improvements, Lo- anted between Vine apd &men, 4nd Fifth and Twelfth. Address" Box 23-11." Philadelphia Post Office. 06-7 t, FOE SALE AND TO LET. 91 1 0 DRUGGISTS.—For sale, a large and well-arranged tints and Prescription Bore. Pio a rp,D4 cash busing% For particular*. stidrsee C. J, 0., Blood 'e Diepsteh. 013-2 t. TO LET—Brick Dwelling, 417 11A11- ita. MOM' Street, north of Catharine, east of Firth Street. Five moms, :arid yard, &c. Apply . from Bto Id A. M., 6W VINE Street. It' drA, TO RENT—The Store and Dwell inst Howe No. ZS CHESTNUT Street. It is a firet.rate plug oP teurineea. Apply lit the ttore, from 11 to t 2. or at No. 620 ARCH Street. It. L 1 61.-.. FOR SALE—A Pair of Northern-Bred BLACK HORSES. Id hands bleb, 6 years old. Warranted sound and kind. Fries amo: Apply at HUNT'S Stables, 612-3 t CHERRY Street, above Eighth. TO RENT A handsome Cottage, with 11116 lawn. three minutes from depot. eleven rooms, gat water, and heater. Inquire on the meatuses. 8. E. corner of lElck; aed HA/W.OCH duvets. tier tnantown. u1241* at VALUABLE FARM Al' PUBLIC Lm. SALE. RICHARD R. CORSON. Real Estate Broker, will gen, on pATURDAY. October 15. IRV, on the Frannie., in Worcester Township, Montgomery county, a handsome, and highly-cultivated FARM of cIIFTY acres. more or less. bounded be hinds of A. M °u ean. rge Harman. Henty Winkle, and others, quite an the Germantown Yike. five miles from Nor ristown. quarter of a mile above Fair View. The im provements are a new STONE DWELLING HOUSE, two and a half stories high. with 13 room, well adapt ed for it store or tavern or both, built of good materiel. and highly finished . Withspring of water at the door and pump therein, a frame barn, steno stable high, and neariy new, built of good material. two waggon house*, noyd-onb, and other necessary outbuildings. There is a hde Hone hat n end SMALL DWELLING on the lower end ol the !arta. Would make two handrome Properties if disideil.. and wilt :ICI she whole together or separately. Thus is a very desirable property. being beautifully located. in a good neighborhood ?OA tOlDre. mo nt to churches. boarding schools, stores. de. The propnetor being advanced in year. if determined to sell. Persons wishing to view the premises will call on the pro_prietor. residing thereon, or to the under signed, at Norristown. Sale to commence at I o'clock I'. M. Conditions made known on the day of sale. Carriages will be provided for 'transmit from the city by calling at my office, before It o'clock . , on day of ule. R. R. CORSON, Arent. oil—lt For Abraham Hendrick?. CATAWISSA First-Mortgage Bonds will be taken in pa went fur a neat desirable regidence in a good locality, clear of Incuebrance,anctta the Nl mustier of a good paying tmonnt. For particulars ap ply at No 12n8 CALLOWHILL t 4 treat. ott-3t` AreCOUNTRY SEAT WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC BAI,E. the lath inst.. at ONE o'clock. in b .town. Hatfield Towpshtp, Monl o omery county, Pa., near hoe Lextnetnn Railroad Station. It contains 14 aeree fine improved land. The Improvements are all gond. and nearly new. The lonation healthy and tett desirable. For further particulars. inentre of IiVID BRU2iBli, 010-et° HI North THIRD Street. Phila. POR SALE OR EXCHANG E.—A liana -. Ville Cottnse and groundsoq y i ttT Street, between Mary and Wiiimin titres's. West P la. hill tm exchanzed for a pleasant and convenient city ilvretltris. Lot seby 166t0 aback street. stable minas. The house has all modern eouvenisroe-s, and is In portent order. Possession given tmmedifirely. Apply to ROBERT REID, on Premises. NS-et ` or N. W. corner RACE and JI;NIPEIt. S6OOO—SIX WELL-SECURED • Ground Renis.o M N f each. for sale et it discount. Apply to JOHN B. AHA, 08-ituthat * , 142 South EIG ami Street. $ 1 1 111 :K* M l e N rehrl e ndte S . li rci l j !i l lo p snjo i n st r!t N y. Address &x 614. Philadelphia Post. Office. isals•- FOR SALE—A medium size Fire-proof low jt t S ig e 'sDre it H igrit n e ß rlr i g VLAETT. No. kW North FRONT Street. 07-6t*lf pOR SALE. A. The Buhecriber will diglose ante eAtire Stook of FINE MONUMENTS, BTh i I , 'UANY L, BEAD MONUMENT EIIM% AT THE MA ktail, 4fo. ISSEARCH Street. oat of .bightee nth Urea . ; el.tm WM. MILL MOORE. T O LET-TO LET-.TO LET-TO LET. A farce Second-story Room. Northeast corner CH geTNUTeed SIOHTti Streets, 100 by Zs feet. suita ble fors Wholesale Boot end Shoe. or Strew business. A150...111,m0 Third-story Room, in the same build • nit lso: A Lime %send- to s Room, St by Vitett,S. corner BROAD end WALNUT. Alan A Lerge Two-story Store,ln BROAD Street. eboire Sine, 23 by 790 feet. Apply to J. R. EDWARDS, s9ll-m&thlm • 633 WALNUT Street.- git AT PUBLIC S A LR---On SATURDAY, -a. Oct. fl, lean, on the premises Valley Form," in Cheater county, adjoining Cala Station. on Penn sylvania Railroad, three miles west of Downingtown. containing MD Aorta of excellent %wady of Land. with good Buildings. and possessing many advantages et water. roads, and other conveniences, For further par ticulars call upon JNO. E. FOX. Exeoutor, No. U Smith THIRD Street, Phil a. ►ro LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the State Moose, imitable for a Lawyer's Offioe. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. alb mg FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE-- ma. The subscriber, in goncentrating,hie business on Chestnut street. pest of Tenth street,ofrem for tale, upon reasonable terms, Wahine manufactory, with out buildings and large lota ground fronting on Sixth, Mar shall, and Master streets, suitable for almost ans large manufacturing business. For Sinaloabus Inquire of ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, No. St N. FIXTEI Street, or to the subsenber, No. 1009 CHESTNUT St. std-Ins WM. D. ROGRILS. BOARDING. To fine oommanicatmg Rooms; also one emelt nne extant. II Apply at tatta WALNUT etreet. 013-6 t• CLOAKS AND FUKS. FOR LADIES' COSTUMES. FURS OF ALL NATIONS, THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, IN A ROOM SPECIALLY SET APART FOR THEIR EX HIBITION, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA AND CLO.,IK EMPORIUM, 708 ourerNur STREET J. W. PROCTOR & CO. on.tuths-6c PAPER HANGINGS, &c. PAPER HANGINGS. NOW IS TUN TIMM TO PAPER YOUR ROUSES. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., O. 322 CHESTNUT STREET, Have for male every variety of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, &C,, Which will be acid at the lowest rates, and R ut up by careful workmen. 00-dtpolo WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. HOWELL & BOURKE, 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (111CLOW MARKET) AND OPPOSITE MEECH/01T STREET. Have on band a large and splendid assortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS, To which they invite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. auto-tra MILLINERY GOODS. WARBURTON, 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, 300 S. SECOND ST,, DE Low SPRUCE ST It.. just received n beautriul supply of COIFFURES, CACIIEPEIGNEs, CROWN PIECES, AND BARBS, In real and imitation, of the newest Paris Fashions WARBURTON, 300 SOITTIT SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH ocT-tr-if AIRS. M. A. KING will open Winter Mil. linea l on THURSDAY. Octobor nth, at N 0.21 8 SECOND street, above Chestnut. octl-(Ft• ANUffElMrrii. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S a STREET THEATRE. THIS THURSDAY ANING. A 4 0. THE _PRIDE. DE_ THE M BRET. Mantua de Wallis. ktr. etedilait Chevalier de &tame. Mr. Po7maa Panne. Mr. 8. Clarke; Marten. Min: Jobs Drew. '1 ritE dkattol:B FAMILY. bl, Aminidab air. Jahn Gilbert. aax Ps iszA.—ittlmisrmon.Se cents ; Seecred Beals re Dress Circle, 375{ tests; Parquet. LO 4**411- Door. Ores at s p atter to 7 o'clock: Perronosoo• to flint...a • 41 7ti n Ark preeiaalf • WALNUT-STREET THEATRE,. Sole Leesee.. .M. A. GARREITSON. THIS (THURADAYI EVENT/W. Oct. IA WONDER; OR, WOMAN KEEPS A SECRET Doe Fe is, Dlr. Barry Sullivan; Donna Vicdantn. Anna Cowell. To conclude with TRE MILLER'S MAID. Scat' ow PR ICES . -- Dress Circle. I ISlMASSeellnia 'nth :Kt; extra etre!) CO cents; ( raj Seell .L A g SO can ; gond Tier and Family trete, Tsar, 26 cent, ncate Bows , SemOrdinag to th eir 1 and *3; Single Seats to Orchestra. and Willa; goaes.7s cents. SOX Men open &dlr. from 10 until I o'clock. idiots seats can be secured in advance. AblliftlCAN ACADEMY OF idIISIO ATELs AND MARTINETTI FAMILY. . THIS (THURSDAY) EVF.NING. October 13, SOLDIER pop. LowE. Joint& Francois Ravel; Charles, Mona. Patti/oat ; Janitn, Miss Frances. GYMNASTIC BRMICISES. By the Martinotti Brother., Messrs. A Lehman, and Alexandre. BLANCO; OR. THE MAGIC SWORD. Bianco. Hnbriel Ravel; DO. Albino. K. Mathieu. Pat crs.—Parmse t, remota Circle and Balcony, co eta.; Family Circle and Amphitheatre,26cents. Box Often open from 10 A. M. till 4 P.M.. when Boats can be seemed anthont extra charge. Nam oven at T o'clock. PST Immance to commence at 7) o'clock. TAKE TOE GERMANTOWN CARS and to to nee SIGNOR BLITZ, at TOWN usu.,. Germantown. FRIDAY and SATURDAY afteraooss and Bramante, October It and IS. Tickets IS emits. ("ZRAND LNTERNATIONAL CRICKET HATCH SUPPER to the "ELEVEN OP ENG LAND. at the GIRARD MOUSE, on FRIDAY EVENING, October Ink, at 7P.M. Tickets, can be prom:tree dear Member of the Match Committrs, or at the Girard tiou a. 013-21 %IDE MARTYRDOM OF HUES is now -a- exhibiting'. with other Feinting" of the DLI3SYL TIORP COLLECTION. to the &natheeat Osliery of the ACADEMY 00 PINE ARTS. igp daily, from g tate P. IL, and Itoia Y. hi. Athhigeion2.3 rents. ott-la D OESTICKS ! DOESTICILS ! ! DOE MINPVI.MER TKOMPIit, ESQ. I" DOEBTICSirI, wilt demi his Itinumes Pang us PLCK!' . ..... before the Irving Lite /Mitibrite. 011 MYEFD.:ek t Y , EVENING, Ort.ll, V 359, at 3113EICAL PTND 1I commencing a 8 o'elecir. Admiasion.26 cents. Tiekets for sae at the pest* Itookstorea; also at Ilazartl. a. N. W. goner Tv end Chestnut ; Callender & C 0.% Third and 'Walt; Geo. C. Bower's, Sixth and Vine; E. A. Boveem. &al& and Green. 011-14.• CONCERT HAM- LA FETE DES MEM& GRAND MELANGE f/F__ DANCING, BINDING. AND bTAGE ZrY.ECTS• 3T MT 211 AR SH'S JUVENILE COMEDIANS. Who hove removed from the NATIONAL TREATRE, TO THE CONCERT HALL. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, Grand Performs:Ace We the accommodation of Ctuktsen, a F n iu d F il e A tn y th e e n a. d c s o A min u en ß e D inkatß a 'll . k. The Doom will be open at 7 o'clock. Ft commence at 7H. ADMISSION, 2:5 can Ts. maDONOUGIVS GAIETIES-RAM ST., below " GHAT SOMERS OP T O. RICE_ ORIGINAL " JIM CROW." H! Alf r(DEZ TAE WOwTIEN,_ EVERY VARIETY OF ENTELTALIKaNT BEST COMPA lb FAILAIMSBIL IQ. 15 .x 0 13 cxxls. QANFORD'S OPERA ROUSE, ELEvErrraxtreet. between klitesb end Ks*M. Oiea for t S he Beason. BANFORDI3 TAR TACO% the leaved. Company in the world. in their antenna even mains. 84,470}1D appears Every evening m 'creme Rote of Chereetemn Doors open at FE. Commence at & Monistion *emu. Chuldran 13 eat& oae-lm RETAIL DRY GOODS. SILKS ! SILKS !!SILKS ! JOHN KIEHL k SON are °stains. eysry tity, new fancy Dress Silks, direct from the tesportots, whlgh we will sell eta small advance. Also, a ler e stook of YAVET AND CLOTR CT OAKS. §RAW PRIN T .EWS. RICH DESI6,NS IN D CASIOSHILES, EMBROI DELHI; AND I. 4 CE We also hare a lar4e deck of SILK ROBES that east forts dollars to import, selhnr et ems** *list eta C. ESTNI:T meet. below Teeth. WINTER STOCK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE & LANpEr,r,, POURTII AND ARCH, Are prepared tostut families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERSNOES. - LADIES' CLOAK CL0173. WIDE SILK YELYEM }TROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., • 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIN. - FASHIONABLE DB LAMES, --' Do. PLAID BILKS. SUPERIOR BLACK ELM, C•NSFIEINETNO rtiAVINELai FANCY SACK FL/4.'003L5. FINE STOCK OF BLANKETS, CASSIXBRE&FOR BOYS. • SLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. 8.---Thembove Goode ass all at the low rate of the season. cie34,0110 FALL AND WINTFB, CLOAKS. Newest Patterns Fall Clotlat. - winter Cloaks daily osonint. Black Beaver Cleats. Black Tricot Cloaks. Black French Cloth Cloaks. lisi" Cloaks made to ord r at one day 'a notice. 010 Prices 05 to 315. COOPER & 0314 MA X 41% .7 . NINTH sad CASSDIERES, CLOTHS. Thick Plain Cassiuntres Heavy Black Cusitneres. Swot Fancy Stiles. Raged Mixtures. Plaids and Stripes. arid d-4 Finn-rate Black Deakins. bark Broadcloths Sleet° sa. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths. COOPER it CON A M oil NINTH and kI CLOTILS' CASS!MERES, AND VEST. INGS. Faney Erminh Cass;meree for wits. Gray do. do. for Soya. French, German, and American Cashmeres, ht VMS variety. Fine Black French Cloths and Doeskins. fldk Cashmere and Velvet Vestiers. SHARPLvuit BR o 7 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Swath. SHARPLV SS BROTHERS are offering for Pall and Winter St7/eri— IRISH POPLINS. FANCY SILKS. RICH DE urns POPLIN/3 Yr...OHRS. SILK ROBES. PRINTED CASHMERES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, EMIIIIIMDERIES AND GLOVES.. o 7 CH and EIGHTH Strom. ntass tioops AN]) StiAIVLS YROM -L.' . NEW YORK. -WM be arranged this mentos— Printed French Mentos, bish colon. Panted French Manna, Folks Spots. Panted Preach Menne., Mutts. Figures. Panted French Cashmeres. Panted hnrtation Cashmeres. All Wool Plaids. Satin Travers. All Wool Mous de Dunes. Printed in great variety' of stylea. and many other kinds of Dress Opoda Also. a fall line m Bay State and Washuiston Villa Blanket, . and Square Shawls. of entirely new do tting and fins quahn 'anal to French BLtaltat Also, several style. Ras-losable sod Stella Blankst Shawls, of entirely new designs. Slack and Brown Centre Stella Tbibam, from S 3 to m each. Brooke Long sad Scalise Shawls. A new stock of Gents' Neckties. BIYOU'II dark Kid Gloves. dr o. CHARLES ADA EIGHTH and ARCH StMS.reets._ SILKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! THORNLEY & CHISM OFPVR Twig DAV Very rich fancy Silks for IA and CT cants. Erceedruttr nch for 81. worth 81 U. Black Baraderes and Plain color fhlks. &c,„ ko. TBE BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED ! ! ! Over a MP worth of Brorhem Shawl. Btelbt Shawls, in black and cokqed centres. French. Scotch. and Amerman Woollen Shawls. Plant and embroidered Crape Shawls. New sales of Cloaks °toning dilly. All the above roads Nun: BOUGHT CLOBE FOR CASA. VIE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Our store. betas centrally toeuktad. it Is easy of soots* from all parts of the car and country. N. E. oorcor EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. out THORN - LEY k CB ISM. RAPSON'S, CORNEA OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS., Have now open a fine assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND BPLIT. The whole from the nee nrated manufacturers. Hertz .t Wesiiiier. in Benin. Our customer's= depend on Setting the best miracle ever °dared at retail in Phila delphia, at the lowest prices. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT EmEisoIDEIED SLIPPERS. A IMILMET oa %Act CLoix T asstis. RANl:moms CEMDET CLOAK Fs INGEs. NEW AND 2E4V:IMM DEEss TRIXMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YAINs. ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT TALIIAD AND CAPS. Hernia KNIT Gertias GPM S•envirs. A /Me sTOCIE 01 STAPLE TM-VYING,* A T RAPSON'S LADIES' Tr-nth! INGS _IOID ZEPHYR STORE. Cur. OF EIGHTH AHD CHERRY STS. al6-Sin SAVING FUNDS. A 51ERWAN BAVLNG FUND COMPA NN F'S BUILDING, S. E. corner of WALNUT and FOURTH street..--Open Muir. from 9 till 3 o'clock. and on Monday till 8 in the evening. This old institution has always INTERESTp n demand. without notice. FIVE PER CENT. AM sums paid back on demand. an Gold or Silver. TRUSTEES: ALEXANDER WH'LLDtN. President. SAMUEL WORN., ItteiatelLett. John C. Farr. T E. Harper, George Nurent, Louis A. Crodey, Thos. Sergeant, Albt. C. Roberta, John P. Simons, Jonas Bowman. H. Wm. J. Howard. JOHN C. Saxe. Sec. JOHN S. WILSON. Tress's. 08-at if RPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETI' OF PHILADELPHIA. Office. No. 331 North THIRD Street _Consolidation Rant Roilding4 CHARTERED IW THE LEGISLATURE OFPENN SYLVANIA. Deposits received in soma of One Dollar and onward& and repaid in Gold, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTERFAT from the day of deposit tall with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has been needed in the Northern part of the city, and" Spring Garden Savings Fund Society " was eluuteredV the Leuselature of Pennsylvania to supply Owe The Managers. in organism and tonanntit. have been, governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the taws neui tab:treat and wants of the very large and enterer , lint population b whin!, it le eurrourvicd. OFICE OPEN , Front to 234 o'cloc F k; slay, en Monday and Thep from • until I o'clock is the evening. msnasszs. rederink Klett. finrepbon tfinith. oho P. Levy. pm e r i f i . c f .g t Ztg. ft.inel Underkoffsr. Joseph crag. TRAMS But, ohn Beals!, Jr., Geom. okt. lenx)b_Dm amen &hunts,. boson M. Cronren, lion. Wan. 'llward. no. T. Thorn, =it one Woolnrer. Peterßobert B. Ds C. Ell ' auer JAMBB 8. PRDIOLIK.74INrb FILLMCIII HAI?. floorstarr. 17ln- IVIVAL STORES.-50 Bbls. Spirits Tar- Pontine. in Store.. NO blda do, and I bbla sh"'" "m ittit i n; A P IA ItI a RIZER OJO N 0.13 &nth witaraim
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