;t O -e-r9 4l *' Xtt , 14-At 15. ITA t ttoth ern ory, o r lv. • "-BOO:Aber i18.5§. heaused Of:thit`ni,tudo; ; of Jewel; - Jetuison; slut who essaped, front this city, i'.l.lii•(,:ri‘;'ettlitirdst "by ''Sheritlllat ten in Weber •Sliftlit 44/Ihiciri wriC•diekeddlit ; 'woriieri's clothes katid mounted on a splendid animal. He is, now in .in „this 'pity, - where hp will, probably remain, a to timu; the' prospect, appears utterly hope less af :the :courts accomplishing anything worth of teaching 'the - administration of mattes. to',Odjourrfor weeks"' keeping prison ore-in Init. : an unnecessary, length of time, when and. -reasonably 4 ey-should have ',. - o,',,lipeedy: -. 4tioliorid If when' the - courts do meet, they WlLStit their lisle - in endeavoring to try 'casco otionretanding,.with little or no testimony to sus . tninAltdin;vikbave nothing to expeethat an alarm - itiernaad of unpunished crime- - and an instil). • porta Oto burden of taxation.. . „-; Judge Eekles, on opening his , court at Nophi,' '' - `trin'tilfeliteif disposition- to expedite business And_ do something. -lint disregarding tho Territorial regelite the formation of; juries, he look with, hint, Camp Floyd, about two-thirds of ' Ms-Wr 'rern en jury,' composed ,of camp, followers, • t - Thoremainder of:the pannel , was made up chiefly ,of citizens. They eat five days and wore then die - charged. What they accomplished bee not trans., •-pired,•farther than thee - indictment of Mckenzie for forgery,, It is worth noticirtiliere ; that one of the Stitel evidence"' agairet - hint actually sat On the grand jury and indieteu It ". - „It id said that. litaKenele.- has been sentenced to pay fifty dollars fine and to be imprisoned. for two • • years. Some of the Mormons, allege that when the whole mystery of the fOrgery for which Mc conVieted is revealed to the publics it will be shown to, have'been the result of a plan to get hold of certain -persons who yet go free. and •- Moat likely over will go free, for that the bait did not tulle„ It'is also alleged that McKenzie is a • iotoiing and inexperienced, nian,, easily deceived, and that at the time of his arrest ;Marshal Dotson ; Male 4way from his 'shop engraved plates, paper, ,rjbge,'ailvor 131:19inlii, belonging to private' parties, many of thu articles having been aunt there to be repaired or engraved. that a seal for the - Xorint,y. of .Green - River was abstracted, which righttaljy,balonged, to a private parson. Oa} city papers will have given you some par - ''- ",tiedarsef the' Indian dithohlties in our northern abinititi. The troept; : led by a citizen guide; came upon. the Didion mickeups at Devil's Gate, Box - .„ - 4Elder`Xunjron, about daybreak, while 'the Indians were isleop: A male Indian and a squaw Were •• wPurgied3 ,some Indian- ponies taken • several ••- - -=soldiers wounded; soldiers rotroafea: hour or after,When they hod returned from the Kenyon ••. --andi.'reitehed the- open, valley ~the troops Caine heroes Piede boy,' who had been raison froni babe' in the' family of Mr. Ifunsaher, a citizen, and • • •,,raho was stilt in his employ.. Whim discovered the •boy - wasestiket.wlion the soldiers loiliedi -o:atelk.oreparodto -fire' on him. Perceiving their intentions, and speaking and writing English, the - -boytold them ha was not an enemy. , lie was only twelve' years old: fie beadught them not to fire, hut 4p.Otnglhexn determined, he turned his horse to' told - them the boy wee it) 0111*.ettploi, , and was innooent ; but ell of no (Mil; -fellow was, shot and fatally wounded, •,:V r diinglahhoitt sin hours.: This is a proper case for ti grand Jury to consider., • ,-, .' , ._EfenfeakiitGay, commanding, complains of being Anstinti4n'ambuseado. • An ambtiseade ! March-- Ing-jnio Ai citia_p, where_ men, squaws, and, poroseslay lialeop! Fudge • ~ oitleS"lho aiUreaffOyilbe troops,have been in netife, doing nothing - to protect . the, emigrants or tholettlera i .or their , property.. The 'lndians joy .. that anitizen piloted the 'troops to their vickeups, and haVo,oposemiontly, made a desoent upon the settlenients in Cacho Valley, killing or stealing • hor.VeS, Cattle , to ply for it. , ' This foolish' tra. and , dallying conduct of the troops promises to Indict, untold loss on the citizens and .- 'emigrants ;- noises the , Inditros. are promptly decisively46ldt With, And made to respect the they, .gro,w mere' tuck more daring, trOublesome,.endinsolanti t r. 771 -"-IlitYheaVy 'trays of, merchandise; and`the large .1. :rnknl:ber orPikO'f Peak .emigrants who have passed 'through here on their,waY - to California, and who • ' ilistradiappaed 'largely of their suppliee to the Sid , ' • . : zens, have Mimed the prices of 'goodsto an unpre -• eedentedly figure, Ten that formerly sold at $3 , per ponnd now rolls in the same places as low as X 1.25 i ,coffee, 'that rated et 'from sixty to seventy Oats per ponnlnoW.hrings thirtyrfiVe °pate; sugar 'and dried fruit that sold,for sixty-five and, seventy ':centa"per rtaitunl now 'sell' et:thirty,cents; soap "whicliabld tie high is seVeniy-ilve and eighty cords - par noundisnow disposed of at twehty-five cents!, In dry, geode the change of -prices has been quell); Anoleltains of. goods, have'been offered' -in the city 'at cast and fteight.—thatis, fifteen cents peryounil in advance of oast. ;Unbleached muslin: • thathas been' commonly'sold ' at' thirty-flie and , _forty eeuts,per, yard, is now, selling at fourteen and eighteen cents ; best calico' at fourteen cents, and s , lawns aCtirenty' cents per yard: The emigrants ' ' have Said for - whatever they could get, and a large portion of the citizens have Obtiined their euppliee which has compelled the metchants to ihd!!‘prlopg - - „ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, • . lffk,Ko 12 WoLoor T.Ol. NICE?. - GIftARX; 110U8F,-Cheetnnt et., below Nintb* It Marvin 64 tit:Pittsburg. A Easton. Pittsburg Mr Cuibsrtann ; Ind - Mrs 0 Ensiles. VA Mister, Paurilla T D Iluratoa & It,Wash'a J It Simpson - M Lead - los Etputlansl. NC . -- NF. 4.ll9yrity,Narthvige 7.aiw;;;;;:: ' kew.,;.110 vv - i1;;;;;ieirly,;;;;;;a jt.R n p A . • vrDinctester ,-; Mies hi die r. Roc heater, N Y. A Lid hrop, N.O `l;lmA:hi It Morgan, BO A .7 T. Elsherr, Mantey.), la Jav I.Oliccr. Idourg't, Ai* li W Jones. •..r ln §hre'Ve.'Mirts - .1 Thomas & jA, Richmond „MAWR 'Thomas, Richmond M nohow. Richin'd Thames. fUohinond C W Wortham, Richmond C Worthom, Richmond Milts M Wortlinm, Ribland Miss B Alarm. Richmond it B Mors eatichmond „ .Rror Pr . Carswel l, N B John' Ng, Chuleston. S - Bhi Raider* al Lynn, Ms Mina Butner. Lynn, lion, IP l PlfitgAl 7 .egni c4Yr j Ttl '` ei l icAnT[lt t g:ll.7,, ,m !'" ,hiss ,Mary Ward. N J —.l Few Smith. It ,:1 .1, ,t,.h. c- G Gaines, 16 4 n i'rti ennedr% Ni ? Elleochrop, litisai..3 . 4p man, 'Fenn VT N YCC II Do • Belfrnstoln. Pa . , . Bmi tn. Masa W Ocully: Chicago , Rev 31 Storrs, Cm; 0 0 B. l g. '. ik(frin' Cm, ohn Y C Brisson'. Boston ..W,3lolonniga & la, NY W Cm. 0 .Nott„R Yates.lll , H lor, On. 0 Jnles }Ulcer. N Y C Walk] nshaw. N , W Bolton k , la,_NJ: Miss Sampson, N Y Itr'A'A Sampson, Troy; N COIL' crettins & in, Did W Puni sh , , A A Bonignischer, Pa .; 0 C Smith, Chicago B Parensfiroth, New York J Avon & la, Lowell Woharles, 31ra Charles. 8 C - TDrnttnn&wGS _ ft WTlibble & In, New York Mrs That Now York- I T.Parks & la, St John A Molanney. Pa i., „Biggar**. New York!. Ptekens Boston „4 - Alslaokt t li • ..F,„,;(l,lnteter,',„l,>. York N Taylor & ln. Washitiston Miss Taylor. Washington .o,li.,Sonett do In, WIUSiet(MI W B Brown, La, „ ii N TranY 1, Middleton, Mold le I T Troldoo NO W White, Vinton .Tepuoilla.Mr.oso . chila G L filtavr, Sip_ 0 C L%age? Y I& N 6 ' Wilson, Ctn. 0 .1 3 ,3 Dla:C r a i r , d i . 4 l 4 3ostoa • /4 5 nrsonr Ga. • - Jos HL Mo est4r, Gls DI Muobler, US A , W BFerauson, N Y W Hubbard: 81^ : John H Stover, Va yy 4-Wilson. Vs W T Tnlittferro, N Y F .vt- Eui., Y dkintcHANTs , HOTEL—Fourth et., below Arab, C 111:cronlees. aT,Y JD Fisher,. Philo -•;1 1 111 - 4 1 1 1 d i t e t a stra 14 1 1 C e ° stre rn , etnnavrh ill A leslie. , Polanal • V Tia ' rtlina. ash, ra , Wbite. Pittsburg 8 Thompson, Brownsville R Altoona Lovett, Ind WR Lookwoo& Ind A Shaffer. Poland. 0 Tn.t,Mt Ja,kson 44 T McCandlass, Mt inch w 0 Howland. Roston P Pettebone,Wyomulg. Ps Srmdlay. Tenn It Kant. Minersvillo ' Rood, Mt Boni Sponge A Colhartson,lll ,-- les Onlbertaon At me, 111 J L Reed, Pa 8 H . hTnwrold, %M Tows Rim Rosamond. Ohio A Pant Tfaliak, yrna'. 0 7 Barrage. B nab= "N B tud, B Pmc tor, MI M _ isks:no. wcatherby C 11 Northam, Hartford . — lrrotror. .13 A RobinPori, Ya ••J = Stsbon,,Boaltetrier. Y • All Van Cleve, Trenton Isbarri. N Y mirkpair y w Rovev, Newark, N Y ••• lahintior, Mass ' A 0 Vnit,a Jas Orol&. " Wn4dell. Ohio 'Halliday. 0 L B Mowry, Masa O , Bt)TZL—Oboatnut'st., above Fifth. Vl'lilipe:New Maas' W B Letyriat Now Albany AI Wheaton, Balt I, jj Johns, N ,T litt•ghaq: pa r • • • Fr M Heathy:a, Jr, Phila -3 }I Lyona,2l %Bel TLonrr,finmmitfill ,NYanta - amcßt. Duck, Vs 11 H! ketae.7y Cpunk i r V t .Tagga rt. Ind en, etth,NH C Way* tipnwtfiald, Maw B, Wells Muse BA'CooloY, Masa ' ay Win W Dunker - Amt. NY - Bastin N Y - .11L.Strait. Va - Mtge Straitli, R fti nTir k Ch. Vn VW - 07641'Vwf, Poston ht N Bmith Ec wf L IV J N .1 Ooranah. kftl .tc.f.Dekushrriutt, iNfri 8 TT Smith. NY - -.143 McCreary, ni Chunk J W smith, Bnn Francine Atter, V. • Alex Melrinney & 1. Pa Randeinh & In. N Y yulti Flkterlft. 'Vitirlovnot:Dnaktniry- W W Fitirbankft, glerntld Y R N Ronnkett .... iltrlirenele.llA , • "Nee rnsmatth 'rhos J Fr.uoll, 'Form riOntioss chaffel, Lee, Mane Aims T Criddle, Tenn PICANBLIN .HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Third. ftlinbart.! . Perks ' Sex REeminimd, 110 l • /4 Odendlutll,& la, Belt C pnttAr. j r , R titre Tinvttt, tthio W W,Wright Del ' C Taylor, Vs, C Alexander & la. Albany Cnshreen, R I - C W Leeds, Trenton, N J D R Parts. Ny. • • WM M*llol7, N J E Rockwood.-Mass Mrs Gsllogher dild, Pa , ' •It .Thseeldi N CY. • ..- Younslove, Jr, Y •JelyWhite•kitt,ldd ' H AW Anderson. 10d rebter..N y - F Pleshmann, , NT • -F .Coxf Phila. • - • 0 W Welter, Plata jeWitak tkrfEl.,- . -Chestnui street. abrive 3 - 13 Rose, B A smith * Ye B Kansa Ver -0 W Parker CI i o Ira; " y 11 t m ar "14 • VIM Clay & . , BE Potter, Augusta, Me Craig illWVa. Geo Davie Va Dime Thom_peen, t3coW T kccncley Va Kimball:Boston. M A Hoye, Zanetville. 0 W Dewier'. Pittsburg W C Wright. St Johns NS , Mrs P Hollmers, St touts R Bidde. NNY ' Haws ; Alba ‘ ly Dr Win Johnson ;Jr, U N aas SJohnson, lel E A Rythor, was.hington J Attdrews,'N ' W P . Browri.N Y J Vnriek, Jr, - - , .1 Ryerson, N Y- W P R) omen, N Y HBJones, N Y T Jones, D C " C Wakefield & .1 II Heald, N Nen B Btringfield, NY S Hutchison. Waahinston N W Brown Prey, R I .4St3 DIM'. Batt' J P Brows, alontg'y, II Decal, moat &omen', W McKean, N y r.-Y,"MKimberling Va _)I Ley, ESTraii; ' • Dr F Schley, Mil Jae Dotlardy l'a • , THE UNION HOTEL—Areli greet, above Third, ....:11f.tilinedge ‘ NY J 13 Zereudoe, N J J_A Danner, York Benno D Renteh, v H litorrliraber k hld S B Dehrer. Mit , Blunt area, NJ .IJB Conkling, IN .1 ' , W4l routes & Md Debt Orahaiu. Ohio 'TV Arnientivut. (Ago Joe Harvey. Pa '0 A Jones. Ohio JTomlinsol6,NC W Wilson, C Alngrant . 14 C Clements, NC Sohnßetij uaywood.Pottsvine Sohn Herter ,flaston J K Crum.baker. Ohio, Mr, Paige'', N , Tho Busk,* & Is, Mica Procktor, , ,hlles $ My, Alliance, 0 Orltdren, Inwa, city Mrs Stewart & non N Y '- y . p Fraugh, Bor.;ick ' Blienner. Hawley, Pa ,O Women,lVJ r R 6 Boyd. Upton • NATiONAI,,, HOTEL—Bade streoi, above third. TO W eaver Jr, Danvitle„ T.O Laurence, Millersville c v lis,Schovt CO - , ae ITATAN,i,I'bi, wren &a „t,.4 ... 4,311.?gentaT r tm ,- , , , „, , • hi ye, y,imire, l y Win , Y lifigaill t tirli t riltown - Heed. Po, J Vmideroloot, Phi% 'Jacob Holman, I.,iverVliPaW C Dover; Pottsville Chas Sloan, Plat , §TA43,'qIJNION-41.arket 4., above Sixth, - - - T fi tair " : 14iiii r,l if. i 4ienitOwkWilii' Del Ym,- - „Per o ! '. 1 F.' . 1 / T' , :?: „. i . ,W W set - , Paulin' rg benstitidiei, , Patliburi -, Min i Fl Peru se, Es . 1 taltonn., l 4o 0 ming ea, Pa. mL1313 riemmins. It Y ' - '7 .... lVClltteri rrar..lt F•, _. Henri Prosti Boston ,:-,...,ir. 1 , 1 9 5 --,:yo.tozembndke .. W JonblGTrov , qt: l .1,3,4146.hi14:114i.ig91:13i.;--Hixthat.,tibovo Chestnut. ,-341 - tiilitillef.l.-Cheiter ao , -- *WC Nobelbon:Newark -- _i -- E - 13 , rwir. - t o sno ccf WB. Brawn; L!trl eo .- r,trrl Os -E - oirmen, PK. ,', , ' -%1 7 eylot.`GreetteAo, Pa_ . j ' ; . Y l l - ' 'l7 53VllO4KATt ! !kr t ?' tigi b i l e i AVlAZ l nlrr.! t t -t_ ''' '., I ..... ‘,,,,0f 0 d rAf.erUii ' l. it* E Tustin, Chas r Ott' , -",t'E Leib. Potter co 'N P Brower & wife. a - .- r; Wit nottisos, I's ' ti csUsiltsn k Is, ,13100 BO a*.ta~vme~76m.o.9s~- , ..~, MOBNT VERNON HOTElA—Beeimil et.. above ATOili ,1 like, liitsten, Ph, ..I•Ee E & ldred * fa. N P Beet i Imetou Mmohler, Beaton ' "Mlle Celle Nay • Mine 4i Corson. Cape May .I'l%ollll4lmi N Y , C Vanhorn e NJ QA3uterson,'ltiverten J Menus,lteverton, N Iv Denali.; Dublin ()up, C &route, Phila Shouts. Carbon co-^ •'A Trout', Certain no ' Monroe. co .1 Frantoi blouroe co' . MINI Frantz, Monroe no Master Frantz, Monroe F Mussolman, Whiteman, Reading. Mrs Whitesell, Reading • Mies Whitesell, Reading blaster Whites 1L Reading A U Hay & la, Easton R A Smith. N Y Thom Frankenfield, Pa INNArr: .1 Zerbe, tilausellon, 0 Lane, Del W Moore. Wilm,cel J B Moore. Del Miss Sanderson, Lancaster J Fisher. Bucks co Mrs Fisher Bucks co Mine Fisher, Bucks co J D Moser, boranton, Pa C D Moore, Scranton , Pa Alt Weiler, Wilkesbarre Win South, Went Chester •• : EAGLE HOTEL—Third street. above Race. II 0 St4arte 11Id Jos Shenk, Leismen G Wilkensham, Chester co Hlt Bays. Chester co Shindle, Lebanon 0 Price, Chester co F Z Fritz Pa It T Cary, Chester co S MoWilliams, Chester co 0 B Fisher, Pa J Leslie, West Bradford A k,et, Chester co A V Smith, Del co J Anderson, Chester co .1 Mosteller , Benj Fry R Mott, Chester no ' G• Ring, Chester no •R CTairhank, Del co C 011 Levis. Chester Griffitt, Chester co 'Milos, Uniontown, Pei Yarnall,Del CO BARLEY BrEAR itopEL—Second et.. below Vine JTaTrison,_Rpston Wm P „Brewer. Trenton lit ROM'S, Bristol 8 Phillips, Newtown AI Linton & In, Rucks co ..1 Watson, Doylestown R. Wntson. Doylestown ..i 0 Montgomery, Del C Beeler, Cheltenham J 8 Heston, Newtown GI Samuel; Phila Wm West, Trenton, N 3 A Corson, Pa W It Semington, Pa Miai2MM ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware, Copes. 21 hours from Now York, with milao and passengers to Jae AlMardian. Passed Mr Reedy Island an unknown bark with a stertin-Ind alongside, and about six 801.0011015 in the Pay and river, hound up. Brig Alfred Exall, Brook, 3 days from New York, with salt to A Kerr. - ' . Sehr It aliment, Walmaley. 9 days from Georgetown, Md. with wheat to Jas L Bowleg k Co. Behr Andrew 911'11810p.Bloxnin, 2 da)s from Magno lia. Del. with tooter to J 1t McCulley, Behr Farmer, Salmons, 2 dale front Milford, Del, with lumber to I H Ale Colley. RI TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of The Press,) CHARLESTON, Oa 5. Arrived, ship Hortensia. from Boston. Phis ship has since been purchased here for 5'73.000. In the Mug, ship Mackinaw, Liverpool. tif),MORANDA. Steamship Virginia, Kelly, sailed from Richmond 4th Mot. for Philadelphia. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Cahawha, Smith. from New Orleans, via Havana 30th ult, arrived at New York yesterday. Stearnalnes Baltic, Gray, and Northern Light, nkle pouch, for Aspinwall, sailed from New York yesterday. Bark Leiden. Jarman. from Cardenas for Philadelphia, was spoken 4th lost, tat sv 28, long 74 et Bark Florida, Monday, for Aspurstall, cleared at New York yesterday. Brig Cygnet, Barnard, hence, arrived at 9t John, NB, 30th • Brig Sarah Elisabeth, Raynea, fur Philadelphia, sailed from Unlit 23d ult. _BricCondavit.Ryder, hence, arrived at Banror 2d inst. Brig Everglade: Watts, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 4th inst. Salts White Squall, Spra y. r W Bsrtlett, A Tirol], Mort FittglitltT,trrri . ;rei'd iti°l4 and J Bohr, J: arrive Shadier, and Washington, Town send, hence, arrived at Providonce Rh inst. Behr F Merwm.'Avery, for Philadelphia, sailed from Provideme 4th Inst. Behr Cititutrine Rogers, Brett, for Philadelphia, sailed frotr,,Calins 27th_ult, -Behr 14 'Scribner, Carlisle, from' Mayport. Fla, ar rived at Portland gd inst. Schr—A leanings, Laktr, hence, arrived nt Quincy 19th ult. ` • Behr Pequonnook, Burroughs, hence, arrived at Dor chester 28th ult. • Scars M Alontion. Brewster, Time. Tyler. and Bru nette, Johnson. hence. arrived at Richmond 4th met. • Behr Fame, Ketcham. for Philadelphia, sailed from Newlin yr port 3d inst. Behr £3 1 Rogers, Langley, hence, arrived at New bu rvort 3d inst. , Schr nos Potter, Glover, from Delaware City, at New Bedford 4th inst. Propeller Mars, Nichols, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. . COLE4i3iIRY— s -BAILIE.—On the 4th instant, oy the Rev, C. U. Cooper, Alexander P. Cotesbuty to 'Mary A.. eldest &emitter of the late Semi. Bailie, of Pittsburg.. McCLUNG—MORAD.—On the ad instant. by get.. .1". H. Castle, Mr. Robert- McClung._ of Williamsburg, N. Y.. to Miss Annie E. Mond, of West Philadelphia. • MORGAN—BRIGGS.—On the rith ult., byy Rev. Daniel B. Miller. Mr. Charles W. Morgan to Mice Bettie L. Briggs. all of Phtlader. • MANSFIELD—WA D.—ln this city, on the 4th ifint., by Rev. Mr. Jeffr,, A. Mansfield, of. Ohio, to Miss Kate E. Ward, of New York city. OFOWARD.- . -Onthe sth instant, N. G. Howard, in the th year of Lis ago. he relatives and male friends are respectfully invited attend the funeral, from hie late residence, N 0.1829 Pine street. on Pride! afternoon, at 9 o'clock. • • SLACKBUBNE. , —On the morning of the 3d instant, 0 hristoplier J, Blackburn°. , - His friends and relatives areparticularly invited to attend hie funeral, on Siatii-day (Friday 1 afternoon, 7th instant, at a o'clock from his late residence, No. 15 'loath Thirteenth street.. To proceed to Friends' We n t-. ' ern around. BIJRNSIDE.—On. the afternoon of the ith instant, Mnrr. wife of William Burnside. • - The remains will ho canvas nil, thie (Thursday) even ins. to Bellefonte. Centre county, Pa., for interment. . FREDERICK.—On the 3d instant, Mrs. Elizabeth 'Frederick. In the 0001 year of her ale. The telatives and friends of this Tamil y are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence yf he r husband. William S. Froderiek, No. 92/ Callowhill at rest, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. To no coed to Laurel Hill Cemetllll'. , .LEONARD.—On the 3d instant. William A. Leonard, ared 42 yenta.. Funnral from his late residence, Washington avenue. 1 below Third street, bite Southwark. this morning, nt.p.; o'clock. ERPMAM—On the 4th instant. Willie, infant son of Francis P. and Ruth Erdman, aged 1 year and 7 menthe. .Funeral.from the residence of hie parents. Ni, 315 Wiltley (Into Bedford street, above Marlborough, Eigh 7 teenth ward, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. PORTER —OO the nth instant, James F. Porter. in fant son of John and Anna Porter, aged s months and 3 weeks, - Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. late Carpenter street, above Tenth street, this allernoon. at no'ri ock FOLEY.—On the 411. instant, Eliza Pidgeon, daughter John F. and Sarah Ann Foley, in the 21111 tear of her 3 V;meral from the ieeitlenee of her brother-in-law, C. F. Crap. t his l, above Market street, Twenty fourth ward, t afternoon, et 0 o'clock. . illeCOßAlfgen the 3d instant. Margaret liicenr 000k, osugh and the htte_.cath.nee mecet-_ wick. in me year co liar sea. Funeral from.the residence of her parents. No. 921 tilimtb Sixth street, below Spruce. this (Thursday)roorn ilaii3lrtklCi3il ettuit. Mary A., wife of John B. Butith, in the 93d year of her age. N antral from her Sate 'residents, No. 2110 Hummer street, this afternoon. at 3 o'clock. ~sow B' LACK IRISH PORTANT, all .qualities. -0 Plain Grey Trish Poplins. Black Velour Rees. lack Antennas. Black Satin de Chines. Blank Winter Gloves and Gauntlets, Mourning Brocade Mohair,. Black Mein Cloaks for Fall. Mourning BMnieral Skirts. Black Gros Grain and Fault de Boie Just received hi BESSON & HON, Mournitiature. No. sea CHEBTNUT Street. ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PEN NSY I. VA N I A.—Prelimiyinry lectures in this institution aro now delivered every clay et 9 A. M., and 3 P. M. Also, every MON DAY. TUESDAY, WED NESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, at the College, SIXTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. ,Tlr r ifulsr lec tures of the session - will commence t of Oct., and, will continue until shout the let a tell, ISO. Fees for the entire coarse, Including clinical tickets. 11 . 65. For further_narticulare inquire of W. PAINE, M. Dean of the Faculty, No. IM North Fifth street, above Arch, Philadsirdlia. WE TENDER OUR SINCERE AND hearty thanks to tho Piro Companies, the Police,CT; Neighbors, for their prompt /Old Judicious ef forts in extinguishing the fire at our Mill on the even ing of the 4th inst., and thereby preventing its exten sion to our other buildings. It* ROSENGARTEN & SONS. SPIRITUALISM—MR. 3. V. MANS primp. of Boston,witing teat-modium, through whom over eighty thousand onMlllunießtiutis have been received, has taken Rooms at N 0.109 North SEVENTH Street. 'whore lie may ho found daily. from 9 to 6 o'cloe k. 05.3t* tr G DELEATES TO TILE BOARD ON 3 FOREIGN MISSIONS vieitiog the city should ere(' the celebrated Fteturo of the" Marts rdom of John Lessimf, -now ealubame et the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS Open, from 9A. ,_ tos P. M., mid 7 to 10 P. M. Admitenon, 25 cants. 05-4 t PROF. 0. S. FOWLER'S LECTURES ON MAN, at MUSICAL FUND RALL.—TUES.. EVENING Oct.-M.'. Self-Culture and Chili:ran." THURSDAY EirENING, Oct. eth,_ , ' Analysis of the Mental Faculties." SATURDAY EV - MI:NIG, 00t. Bth, .Intellect and Memory, and their Culture." Com mencing quarter before 8 o'clock, and closing with public examinations. These lectures walla) found highly interacting and in structive. Tickets to the Course of II Lectures—Gents, ells; ',Nue., 76 edits; single tickets. 25 cants. Professional Examinations datly, and on venipge not appropriated to leetur.'e , at the Phrenological Rooms, No. 922 CHESTNUT Street. See Programmes, frI*REV. WM EV. PETER CARTRIIT, TILE Old pioneer Preacher of the West, will Lecture in CONCLRT RAU.. 'THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENING ,of this week.' Tickets 00 cents for Bale by Parry k Beck k Lawton. Perkennine kr Hig gins. the Methodist Tract Depository, and at the Hall on the days or the lectures. Vocal and instrumental Munie will be furnished by troupe encored for the occasion. Doors open at 6% o'clock. 01-3 t if dddixnn 0 Fox, Ya Err FARMERS' AND MIECIIANIWB — ATOi. 1 111LADELPOIA. October 3d, 1851). "lee hereby given that an election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 21et.1869, between the hours ofe o'clock A, M. and 3 o'clock P. Itl.; and a tonerel meeting of the Stockholders will bo holden TUESDAY, November let, at 4 o'clock P. N,, at the Banking Beim. ol dt.n2l : • W. RUSHTON, ia., Cashier, ZNOTICE.—GREEN AND COATES-ST. PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. third tnstalment or FIVE DOLLARS per share, on the stook of the Green and Coates-street Passenger Railroad Company, will be due and ay able on the 11{th dayof °debar 1869 attho office of the Company, No. tr',Vihrldrd. sl3th.tuto,4 HARRY CONNELLY. Treasurer. [T SOUTHWARK BANK—PHILADEL IVIIA, Octobey 3d, nis9. otioe s hereby given that en election for Thirteen Dlmytoni will be held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 21st, ISSO, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. end 2 o'clock P. M. ,• and genernl meet ing of the Stookholders will be held on TUESDAY, No vember let, at 12 o'clock M: of-dln2l F. F. STEEL. Cashier . FItEE LECTURES ,EACH MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EYE:NINO& by Professor 17 CALEINSt Al. V" EiCbECTIC COLLEO_E, Sixth And Callowhill. Subject for tins evening And Wednea- SW eveninv, •• Diaaasee of the Liver." Medical Othee, 1111 CHESTNUT St. 003-3 t. Lr. THIRTEENTH STREETS PASSEN Y. Lottore patent having been the capital stook-of the Thirt Passenger Rail Compani the said sub are n WALNUT titre hiledell toner, 1869, at • clock A. Pliny. and elect a resident a other officers as may he dem Edward Grata, Emanuel G. Kromer. , John P. Yerrem Robert Armstrong. - I; . M6s.g fi Cro k mberser, Joseph Woott r ' Secret+ Magee, Thos. Watson, if. R. Cleggehall n e filir t i= a • Willi nm Deal, Coo.imone, M. Bouvier. g -- PROF. 0. S. FOWLER WILL Mil- MERCY: a COMBO of LECTURES ON LIFE, its Organs, Functions and Improvement, as taught by Phrenology and Pliyeiologn_at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING. Sept. 29th, and sire professional °plutons and advice daily at his rooms. 'or particulars see bills and papers of the dar. slil•lin TO GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS.-500 Camel Saponifier or Concentrated Lye. in one pound air-tiiiht iron bous, (the only well-estaldished and re liable ordain.) ittanufactured by the Peurint Wanda Snit Manufacturing Company, and for male to the trade as follows:G Canes. 130. per pound ; 10 to 25 Canon. 3/210.321 J. N. IiRAVES, Soap Manufacturer, oUdin No. 9 North FRONf Street. 17411 E FIRST PREMIUM AT THE LATE 4 ESTATE FAIR was awarded to ALLMAN A ZEHNDER. for the best Rxtra Family Flour and In dian Meal, all of whorl, are for sale at lowest cash ideal,, at their Flour Depot, FOURTH and VINE.' n6-6t.f . NEW YORK SYRUP-300 bbls, assorted, ' Lam - for We by TAMPA GRAHAM & CO.. LETITIA Street. IIBBSE.-320 Boxes Herkimer-County ohe - ess, in store and for sale by C. C. BADLET. & CO. 01. Altoß 'treat, limo door obovo Front. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ➢TARRIED. DIEU. AND FIFTEENTH OBR RAILWAY COM e issued to the evhsoribers to teenth and Fifteenth-streets y of the city of Philadelphia, notified to meet at No. 327 plan, vn the 10th day of On . ht. to organize said ooin nd Five Directors, and such iliedvas . evi w oatpedient. D. D. Jane& Alfred C. Rmer, George Williams, J. W. Forney, ht. hieMiehael, John damn, Edkrd. C. Fenian, • Y. R. Freae, Henry Haines, James Dennors% knephen Hill, C .Colket, and rl C M One a. c . s u o t rge O A. CAI?. POLITICAL: CHARGE AGAIN! UP GUARDS; AND AT THEM! , • - ANOTHER RALLY FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE AGAINST THE VANDALS! ONE MORE BLAST OF THE BUGLE! AND TURN TO VICTORY! The citizens of Philadelphia who are opposed to the existing National Administration, and its swindling Lecompton policy, and who are in favor of the people governing themselves by laws enacted by their own Representatives, and who are opposed to the corrup tions of the miscalled * Demooratio'PortY, and who are opposed to the rule of the 'Killer tribe in the criminal courts of our county., and who are in favor of the purity of the ballot box, and the election of honest men to office, will hold a GRAND .MASS DEMONSTRATION INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER Brn, AT 8 O'CLOCK. Conte with your Banners waving—Come With iour Mu sio—oome from your Btores—oomo from )onr Dwellings end your Workshops—and show to the people of your State and Country that Philadelphia, the HOME OF LIBERTY, is still determined to primary(' the glorious Institutions bequeathed to us from the Fathers of the Revolution. Lot there be A GRAND RALLY FOR COCHRAN: A GRAND RALLY FOR KRIM! A GRAND RALLY FOR MANN ! A GRAND RALLY FOR KNIGHT ! A GRAND RALLY FOR SMITH: A GRAND RALLY FOR CONNELL ! A GRAND RALLY FOR THE WHOLE LEGIS ME TICKET OF THE PEOPLE! Remember, Philadelphians, that " He who would be free himself must flanks the blow." Addresses will bo delivered by 110 N. E. JOY MORRIS, HON. WM. D. KELLEY. HON. CHARLES GILPIN. HON. A. G. CURTIN. HON. HENRY M. FULLER. HON. JAMES COOPER, HON. HENRY D. MOORE. THOMAS K. FINLETTER, DA. GEORGE A. COFFEY, Esq. WM. B. MANN, Esq. PHILIP EL WHITE, Esq. JOSEPH R. FLANIGEN, Esq. LEONARD R. FLETCHER, Esq. WM. MORAN, Esq. EDWARD GRATZ, E. MORTON M'MICIIAEL, Esq. FRED. M. ADAMS, Esq. WM. D. BAKER, Esq. S. J. REA, Esq. JOHN M. BUTLER, Esq. GEORGE CONNELL, Esq. WM. F. SMALL, Esq. LEONARD MEYERS, Esq., And others. oel-St INDEPENDENT • PEOPLE'S TICKET. SECOND SENATORrAL DISTRICT, HIRAibI AItRES. THIRTEENTH 16RD. oe6-6t INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S TICKET. EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICIT. HENRY L. ELDER, TENTH WARD. m6-rot TENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT JOHN C. KELLER, - DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. This District It composed of the FIFTEENTH WARD, acid the SECOND and socrir DIVISIONS of the FOURTEENTH WARD. oc4-7t. PEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, THOMAS E. COCHRAN, FOR 61IRVEYOR GENERAL, WILLIAM H. KEIM, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM B. MANN FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, CHARLES D. KNIGHT. FOR STATE SENATOR—Second District, ll EORGE It. S Id I 4 T 11. FOR STATE SENATOR—Fourth Dultriot GEORGE CONNELL. FOR ASSEPAIR,Y First District—PAßSON EDMONDS. Second District—WlLLlAM B. TURNER Third Distriot—CHAßLEB lIORTZ Fourth Diatriot—HENßY K. STRONG. Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE. Sixth Distriot—CHAßLES O'NEILL. 'Seventh District—J. IL SELTZER. Eighth Distriot—JACOß E. RIDGWAY. Ninth Distriet—NATHAN SPERINO. Tenth Distriot—S. S. PANOOAST. Eleventh Dietriet—lSAAC A. SHEPPARD Twelfth District—RlCHAßD Thirteenth District—TAMES HOLGATE. Fourteenth District—J. B. ALLEN. Fifteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. Sixteenth District—GEOßGE WILEY. Seventeenth District—CHAS, R. ABBOTT se2d-tlloo MILLINERY GOODS. MILLINERY OPENING. LINCOLN, WOOD, - & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL HAVE THEIR WINTER OPENING OF BONNETS, ho., &c , ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER OTR. This dienlay, in varlet), htyle, and quality, is Intended to ho THE OPENING Of the Beason, and is especially commended to the no tice of the Wien of this city and vicinity. eB-tnll CURTAIN MATERIALS. 630 WINDOW SHADES, 6 30 CURTAINS, AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS. GILT CORNICES AND CURTAIN OR At prices that will not admit of competition, W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 630 CHESTNUT STREET. 630 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. The Copartnership heretofore exietine under the name nod etyle of MANLEY, BROWN, & CO., is CMS DAY dtesolved by mutual consent. .A.ll persons indebted to or loonng claims against said fi rm wilt apply at No. uufr WALNUT Street, Second floor. CHARLEH MANLEY, WM. 11. DISOWN, a -at• R. MANLEY, MARSH'S MUSIC STORE, No. 1102 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where the best make of PIANOS, MELODEONS, and MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Can be obtained at the lowest Manufacturers' Priem,. Constantly publishing the latest Choice Comptenhous and Popular Muate of the day. Alen, Teeeeetne New Music daily _from all the catalogues in the United States. Dealers, Teachers, Seminaries, and Olotin melt will he supplied at the lowest wholesale rates. Orders by mad will he promptly filled. Catalosues of Music or Preto List will be forwarded free of charge when ordered. 06-lin J. MARSH, Agent. THE PittSS.--PRILAtIELPA-DA, THURSDAY, OCTODE.R ' 6,61859. NEW PUBLICATIONS: THE RUSH IS COMING! THE LONG EXPECTED lIAS COME AT LAST I THE NUMBER OF THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, ALL OVER THE UNITED BTATIO3 AND THE FIRST CHAPTERS MRS. HOLMES' NEW STORY, MARIAN G REY; THE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE HALL It is with the greatest pleasure that tho publishers lay before their numerous and appreciative refuters THIS, THE LART AND REST EFFORT BRILLIANT AND POPULAR AUTHORESS, MRS. MARY J. HOLMES; HER EXCLUSIVE LABORS FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, SURPASS ALL, HER FORMER PRODUCTIONS, Which have won for her well nn enviable fame in the World of Letters. The publishers have not been disappointed in perusip; the first chapters of MARIAN GREY. They are what their knowledge of the abilities of the authoress led them to expect of the writer of " Lena River'," " Tempest end thoishine," " Maggio Miller," " Dora Deane," " Cousin Maude," " English Or phans," " Homeeteltd on the Dillsitle," " Mekilow Brook; or, Rosa Lee," " Rosamond; or the Youthful Error," and numerous other works of rare merit. end almost unbounded popularity. Had she never written aught but these opening chapters, they would stamp her as one of the very beet novelists of the age. They aro certain that Will stand at the head of all that has gone before, from the pen of the fair and gifted authoress, and will take the front rank among the romances of the day. THE ORDERS FOR THIS STORY HAVE BEEN ALMOST OirERIVIIIILMINO! STILL THEY COME! The publishers have been obliged to greatly extend their facilities for publication, and to put their edition, containing the beginning of the new story, to press severed days earlier than usual, in order to be prepared to meet the UNPRECEDENTED DEMAND But they aro eatiefied that u STILL FURTHER EXTENSION of their facilities It WILL BE .PORCED UPON THEM INCREASED DEMAND That will follow the appearance of the first chapters of MARIAN GREY. The exeittneent 'everywhere in 'WITHOUT A PA RALLEL in the history of nownpaper Ittetnture. GREAT AS RAS BEEN TILN SUCCESS of the publishers, they have no hesitation in saying that their engagetnent of MRS. HOLMES is the GREATEST SUCCESS OF ALL As a story paper and faun!) Journal, THE NEW YORK TVEEKLY STAATIA AT THE BEAD or Al.l. ITS COTEAII,OIIARIF:A, ITS CIRCULATION BECOND TO NO /'Aran PONLIBIIND JA - sTio WoR141) To their bait of readere .vaalanitatious, knowing that they war be extremely gratified with the perusal of M.YRIAN GREY; OR THE lIRIRESS OF REDSTONE UALL, READY ON THURSDAY, OCT. 6ru Mr' PRICE FOUR CENTS I'ER COPY. oc46frAlWlt CARD.- SAMUEL HAZARD. JR.. 724 CIIESTNUT STREET, Iles the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the public, that having succeeded to the business of HAZARD BROTHERS, Ile has made extensive and beautiful alterations in ho Store hitherto occupied by them. Tho Store having been lengthened and more light introduced, it will now compare favorably with any similar establishment in the counts. TEE ARRANGEMENT OE THE STORE AND STOCK Has boon made to resemble, as smith as poasiblo, that of a LARGE PUBLIC LIBRARY, The Books having boon arranged in divisions accord ing to the character of their contents, and over each division is lettered the cabinet, thus offering nn easy owl pleasant method for TtCricoult to select at their Jeanine tacit book* an they may wish to mann° or outwit. TON LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK or BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITE RATURE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS IN EVERY STYLE OF BINDINOS, Is kept conetentli on hand. Ravinit Gonnectione With the principal Pu bhuhmg llonitee in the United States, THE NEW BOOK'S Aro received an font as iinded, and THE NEW ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS Will bo roceir•ed by over) otottinor. A otook of BIBLES, PR3YER ✓IND HYMN BOOKS Is always kept on band. ungurnabsed in the vAnianr 07 nig EDIZIONIi AND 7115 ntcuNhnt OF THE 111.10)1A0a, At the request of many customers, A STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, Under the charge of a ataxia' clerk, lova boon added All the now styles of reran and ENVY:IOIIGS RIWATS unt hand, and the latest novelties will be toceived front London and Fans. INITIALS, CIMITS, CORPORATION and COMPANY SEALS stamped on Paper without extra charge. Wanotho and VISITING CARDS written, printed, or engraved. On which will he found the Doily Papery, Foreign find Literary Periodicals and Magazines, hay been fitted up for the benefit of customers and their friends, and mat uially for those trout out of town, who are frequently at a lees, while in the city, how to pa es an hour, THE SCHOOL BOORS MUSS in the different Schools can alwros be had, and a LIDSRAL DISCOUNT IS invariably made to CLERGVNISS and TEACDDII Haying Connected with the establishment, Particular lawn tion wilt be paid to the Binding of Books, Music, &c., in the beet and cheapest manner. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the current IVlngnehieN, Engi oh and American Will ha as low as thono of ant• house in Ilia oil), from which a liberal discount will ho rondo to Thus ()flaring to purchasers the advantages of the LARGEST ASSORTMENT LOWEST Every effort will he made, not only to uuuntnm, but to increase the well-known reputation of this house for ELEGANT EDITIONS AND BINDINGS BEST AUTHORS, And to make it no well THE METROPOLITAN BOOR: STORE Ai A PLEASANT LITERARY RESORT oc3-6t BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Wild, BI READY IN Awn TWENTY DAYS, AMERICAN REVOLUTION, From Newspspers and Origins! Documents, by A gentti wanted for every county, and for flannan Apply to JOHN ARTA 'MAN, Area& Hotel, 0. W. rAIRMAN, Agent for Philadelphia 612-iiillilill WHICH WILL BE READY I=l CANAD 18! WILL CONTAIN THE I=lll EC= MARIAN OREY AND THE CRY 1$ WILL SHORTLY BE 4 RE4DING TABLE, A BINDERY THE PRICES CASIE BUYERS. PRICES MEE= FRANK MOORE 021 CHESTNUT Street NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE GREATEST BOOK of the SEASON, Jost oublirdled, by GEORGE G. FA ANS, GIFT-BOOK PUBLISHER, No. 439 OILESTNUT and rocolleut that a handrema Present, worth from 60 CENTS TO 8 11 ? 0, Is GIVEN WITH EACH BOOK. NOW READY. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN, hIEMOIRS OF RODERT.HOUDIN, MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. AMBASSADOR. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. AMBASSADOR, AMBASSADOR , AMBASSADOR, AUTHOR, AUTHOR, AUTHOR, AUTHOR. CONJUROR, CONJUROR COJIJunoE. CONJUROR, WIZARD. WIZARD. W IZARD, WIZAR D. NECROMANCER. NECROMANCER, NECROMANCER, NECROMAN N CER., MAGICIA, • MAGICIAN MAGICIAN, MAGICIAN. FROFF,II:IOR OF NJ,EIGHT - F -it AN D etc. , etc., 010. W noon Ly ~I mealf i „___ lw~ihc _, DR. 11. t;IIEM.6SIIACKENZIti. Index, Junvnas,.4...-. With a et.PlOll. carefully arranged. This hook ix full of Interesting end entertaining anecdote. of the tntervieao of the groat Wizard with the most tlintinguished personages of the present dein and given descriptions of the manner of performing loony of his moat curious trick. and transformation. Bound in ono t oluwo of Sid pages, 12m0., cloth. Brice. ( Front tbn London Times.l " It is admitted that Robert-Houdin did obtain great eminence 111 tin 00 , 1(i1)11, for he ti as emit tip tiro French Unborn lent on a sort of political Milllsloll, to astnineh the Arabs and connteract the influence of their Mara bouts. lie was thus All Emlirowador among Conjurors, and a Conjuror NIIIOII, Einbassnilors. He now adds the triple trek at authorship to hie professional pages and personal transforiiiiitione, • From the Vi estminster Review.] " Without any semiotic intention. wn might show that the Conjuror wan really a men of ;treater aliditY than many a succoloilni author. tin the a hole, we Cllll recommend thew, • Memo'. of Robert Houdin' as Pi lyrr . l l .4ll. n t( " )oKB AT EVANS' GIFT-BOOK ESTA 111,1811MENT, allure ou can sot 424) CHESTNUT Street, y BOOTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE, nod A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from ISO cents to eloo, ia given with each hooksold. Ott in, nail one trial. teilt assure you that the only place In the city where to pm ehtete Bora , hi , t. IiEOROE U EVANS' MET-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. No. 4M) CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Two doors below Fifth, on the Upper side. ft?' Strangers. Visiting the city, are respectfully in cited to will and examine the large collection of Books, end seteaLdogue. oS-2t A HISTORY OF ALL RELIGIONS, Containing A Statement of their Orient, Development, Doctrines, and Discipline. By SAMUEL M. SMUCKER. LT,. D. This work presents in a condensed form the most minable information in reference to the eutuect which could Ito (Vetted. It contains. also, select Biographical Notices of Eminent Di feriae and Theologians. 12m0., 3.13 pesos, Price Cr I DUANE RULIBOII. Publisher. No. 33 South THIRD Street. WILLIS' POEMS ILLUSTRATED.— Poems. richly illustrated by more than one hundred engravings. from original designs. In tur !co nub quo. and other styles. PRE LoOfC OF POLITICAL ECONOMY and other Papers. Ilv De (Lowey. lamo. Monts. ALMOST A HEROINE. lip the author of Charles Auohoster. 12ino. BAYARD TAYLOR'S TRAYELB IN GREECE AND RUSSIA, with two steel illustrattous. 12mo. 8 D 1.25, ICK AND HIS FRIEND FIDUS. By the author of Edward Clifford. lamo. 45 c EL LIE RANDOLPH; or, The Good Part. Now. 75 cent, • LITTLE WILLIE, By the author or Union. 12mo 25 ante. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 05 N 0.606 CHESTNUT Street. RE AIL DRY GOODS MOURNING GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS , & CO. Would respectfully will attention to their well selected stock of the best makes of BOMBAZINES, 'TAMISE C LOTUS, MEE I NOES AND CASHMERES, SILK SrAEP CAS MAIER ES, MO US DELA INES, POPLINS, POULA le DS, With it. full assortment of all Goods suitable for MOURNING-. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. oe4-3t. WINTER STOCK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE 8e LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, Me otopared Wenn families with thoit WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAK monis. , WIDE SILK VELVETS, DROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, W.* .0401.6. - I , crt/TllOl Do. PLAID SILKS, SrPERTOR BLACK SILKS, UNSIIRINKING FLANNELS, • FANCY SACK FLANNELS. FINE STOZK • OF BLANKETS, CASSIMERES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. s.—Thenlxwo Goods era all et Om low ruler the eeason. ae..34033 NINO or SPLENDID FANCY GOODS. L. J. LEVY & CO. INVITE THE INSPECTION OF llllt PUBLIC TO THE EXHIBITION Wu thou second Room OF THE CHOICEST SIAN UFACTI 7 RES OF THE FRENCH LOOMS OF Titim YEAR. TIIE courcrioN ENUIRACE9 EVENING, DINNER, .INII PROMENADE DRESSES, All el which aro offered at very reammahlo prices. The r ery largo Importations of the ',resent Fall hare enablod L.J. L. S. Co. to purchase many ohotco &hoods at labs than the Coat of Importation ; their caktomere will receive the benefit artstag therefrom. SO9 AND SII CHESTNUT STREET. s-tf CLOTHS ! I CLOTHS !! ! SNODGRASS & STEELMAN, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSISIERES, VESTINGS, NO. 52 SOUTH. SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Are daily receiving additions to their already large etook of FALL GOODS. Compttood In part of BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS, " BEAVERS, '• CASSIMERES AND DOESKINS, PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERPB, SILK, VELVET, AND CASHMERE VESTINOS, N. 5.—A . ..allot) of Clotho and Denvors imitable for LADIES' CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, all of which mr.ll to sold at reasonable pnces : t sh-if SILKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! TROBNLEY & CHISM OFFER 'VMS DAY Very rich fano Silks for 78 and 87 cents. Exceedingly rich for el. worth ze. Black Bp adores and Plain color Silks, & c., A.o. THE BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED ! ! ! Over $l,OOO worth of 13104:1110Fl Shawls. Stella Shawls, in black and colored centres. French. Scotch, and American Woollen Shawls. Plain and embroidered Crape Shawls. New art les or Cloaks opening clad). All the above goods hem BOUBBT CLOvE FOR ASH. VIE CANNOT Bl' I:NDLRSOI.D. Our store. boom centrally located, it IN easy of access frolic all parts of the city and count r). N. E. corner and SPRING GARDEN. ocl THORN LEY & (.11118M. RAPSON's, CORNER OP EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS., Have now open a fine assortment of BERLIN ZEPII YR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from the celebrated tnenufacturere, hertz & Wegeber, in Heron. Our ougoinerS can deposit on getting the hest article ever offered at retail in Phila delphia, et the lowest prizes. A SPLENDID AFAMITAIENT EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. A VARIETY oe BLACK CLOAK TAsssLi. 11•Ntrroun CRoCIIET CLOAK FRINGI 4. Now AND BEAUTIFUL. DitEss WOOLLEN KNITTING YAIINA. ALL COLoall. Kr.pitylt KNIT TALNIWAND CABS. ZEPHYR KNIT GAITER, AND SLEEVES. A FuLL STOCK OF STAPLE TRIMMINGA. AT RA PSON '8 LADIES' TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE. w it or. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS. TEN'S TRAVELLING SHAWLS— In II stoat viuioty of designs and mixtures, in cludoui the finest goodn m tho oinrkm. Bon Shawls and Reillta‘ Wrapper. 811ARP14:1 4 .4 BROTIIF.IIO. of 011EBTNUT and BRUIT% - _ BLACK CLOAK VELVETS—AII widths, of the boat 1,l one (Mods, just !wok oil, carefully ordered for customer trade, being smooth pile mid bright color. Also, Black and Colored Bonnet Velvets. HIIARPLESS lIROTHBRS. ofCHEBTNUT and BIWITII dtreets. B°YS'WEAR. MEN'S WEAR. Cnnonnereseaperially for hose. Coalinga for ISO M' tall and winter wear. (lanlillninTS or extra weight at el crate; Finer grades in Fanny. C 1,,,,, and Black, Black Doetiltipa, extra quality and rhea p. Auetton lota Blank Cloths 51.60 up. !Atha Light Colored Cloaking. COOPER & CONARD. NINTH and MARK N. 8 ,- 11nlauentento to the Tailoring trade. lor) RETAIL DRY GOOD S. DRESS GOODS AND SIIAW LS FR ( J3I NEW YORK. Will be rammed this morning— Printed French Merinos, lush calm Printed French Merinos Polka n rota. Printed French Merinos, .Figures, Printed French Cashmeres. Printed TIM - Wien Cashmeres. All Wool Plaids, S. Travers. All Wool Mous de Lain's, Poise d In great variety of styles, and loony other kinds of Di ors Goods. Also, a full line of Buy State and. Washington Blanket, Long, and Square Shawls, o f entirely new do "Assiia,nedelivneerZuVy'tlieerWvffieristnobFlereae fh ; igniTtStianwklei Shawls, of entirely new dextgne. Blank and Brown Centre Stella MU tats, from Sits to std each. Broche Long unil Square Shawls. A new stock or Gaeta` Neekties. Bayou's dark Kid Gloves. he. C ARLES ADAMS, 019-them Efoirr and ARCH Streets • BLACK FIGURED SILKS. LYONS BLACK SIKLS, in all the new designs of neat Ilsuron anal llovanlonos. BLACK FLOUrNOBLI AND 31.7P8 ILOBES, of theilium anal Broca& &mac . . . . . BLACK °LOBBY OROS DE RID NEB, of all widtlui and eotebtre. Boron:L - 8 BLACK . TAFFETA:I:. from medulla to the moetenperb qualities. Theee good, have been ealacted•itith great care, for our beet cat! trade. CD BMW nn at eat& - WALL SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. JL.' Auction lots Shawls. at 8 1 -00,42.01),112N), to $l.OO Finer grades S Shawls, at coat and lees. FALL CLOAKS. Ladies' French Cloth Chalks of L oth t and Dark filmdom Italot Cloths. p r een ranee from to 8840. Cloika made to order, at one day's notice, COOPFH b. CUNARD, NINT I II and MARKET. • DRY.OOODS JOBBERS DRY GOODS NOTICE. JOSHUA L. BALLY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA': In% !tee special attention to one of the largest and choicest assortments of WINTER DRY GOODS IN THIS MARKET, EAIIARACINO ALL THE NO VELTIES IN FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS. A superb assortment BROCIIE, STELLA, AND BLANKET SHAWLS, Of the newest rind choloost styles. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BLANKETS, All sizes and qualities. WHITE, SCARLET, YELLOW, OREEN, AND BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. WELCH FLANNELS A GENERAL ASSORTMENT CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATINETS AND VESTINGS The newest Printings in MANCRESTER DE I.A.LiVES IMIEET Standard in%kos SHEETINGS AND 8111RTINDS. CHECKS, TICKINGS. ♦ND 8 ritIPES, Aau CANTON FLANNELS. A FULL LINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, AND THE LAROEST ASSORTMENT OF MERRIMACK PRINTS UNITED STATES JOSHUA L. BAILY, NORTH MK OF MARKET STREET, ABOVE BECONP, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. W a beg leave to call special attention to uor etoek of DRESS GOODS, Now expoaoll for sale EVERY RETAILER Who may visit NEW YORK will he amply repaid the °spew.° of hie trip, by selecting out of our splendid 'va riety styles different from those to be found in other markets. WE ARE NOW OPENING 00 CASES DEL/it:NES, new and really beautiful 200 " VirAMBI.7TTA FEIN rs, new style& 100 " WARREN PRINIS. 1,000 CLOAKS,SACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly fur us We have a rich supply of DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, But to the above we sok your notice in particular. We shall nut quote prices, but twines it to say. that by this advertisement we mann to arrest your attention, and the ()mle and prices will enable you to arrest, the at tention of your customers the country round, DE FOREST,. ARMSTRONG, & CO., Se AND 82 CHAMBERS STREET, J PROCTOR & CO., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S' CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADBLPHIA, Invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To their Stook. oomPn.ng EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES In medium and first-olaea Goode, including FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS. lIANDSOMR BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSF.B' CLOAKS. NEW STRIPED BOURNOUB, BOURNOI WITH. PLAITS. &0., ko., All of which will be offered at Low Prices TO CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS J. W. PROCTOR & Co.. THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET SPECIAL NOTICE. For the AOCOMlllatktioll of ninny of our tin et,TO - NH/ who cannot tome their otoren during the usual business illlllll/ at thin HBll5Oll. an wall ILK to FLOCOMIIIOI.IIIt6 COE' NTRY NEINCIIANPI WllO Winil to economize time, the store trill be open during the month of OCTOBER, Every week day evening except Saluda). The ealeameu will be in attendance to show but ors through the stook until 10 o'clock P. M. JOSHUA E. DAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOON, e. 13 AIARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA ued -,--,......._"..„_ WANTEIn a Grocery House. abort commnce blesine.. a competent Salesman with a oreei tad Must he able te Rive unexception, ble re lenitive. Address '' A. W. Cleltun," Box 2ts,l, I.lllladelphin Bost Office. .• - . WANTED -By the Ist of November, a How,. with all the inodorn improvements. rated between Vino and Brown. nod F a i l and Twelfth Add resa " Box =10." Philadelphia Post Wfiee. oG-7t • WANTED -13y a Young Girl; employ ment as a Domestic in a private faintly...where there are no children. Apply to 811 TOLBLILj Jr. It • WANTED 610,000.—A person with from 000 to 812 tglo tu take Boote of a retiring partner in a well established and Shoe Jobbing Bonne, now doing a good hinnies& Satisfactory refe rence ~.iven and required. Address "A. 8.," this office. a3-at• A YOUNG MAN who is thsengaged eve ningx, and frequently afternoon& would like to ern ploy his leisure hours in some way that would war rant a lair compensation. Addreas" A. I. K.," this Of fice. os-h• V . NTED—In a Ilousejust starting bu 1/11Vslnees. an active and ere reel c teen, thorou;hly nequ 'tinted with CIO and near trade. To the /3jlit sort ore roan, n frill opportunity for advancement would he. riven. Address, with name and references, " Pry Goods," at The Prete Office. pant- WANTED.—The Advertiser wishes to obtain a Situation in a 'Wholesale House in this city. Ruin a good acquaintance South arid West. Best Matti' and Pittsburg references can be given, Address J. Al.;' Chestnut street. 04-3 t • WANTED—By Married— Mau, a Situation as Salesman. City references. Pro vision or Grocery bus'ne•s preferred. Addrers " Panne'," this office. o bat. COMM 0 3 0 (X). CI A A S L AGENCY. MI CHESTNUT Street.—A Partner is wanted to jars a competent and experienced Man in the conducting of the Kactianze hod Hankins business. An opportunity is now offered by nn opening pronneinz large results. An eclat e capital of from .515 OW to 52000 may ho safely and pro- ELcalY invested. othL .firgßT ED—By a Young Man, a situation w an, mercantile establichment where ho can Make hinieqf generally useful, either in the counting room or store. Address" IL L. A.," at this of oa-3t • WANTED—By a middle-aged %lan, Sitnsiton Al Penes inn wholesale Grocery or Dry Good, House. Best of eery references can be urcn. Address Wffilatn, "Prerr office. cd It WANTED --By a Young Man 19 years of axe. a Situation in a 'Wholesale Store. Is in telligent and writes a fair hand. Compensation not so mach nn &next ob t ain emplottnent in bush stablishii.en where hin can obtain a 'mewled:o of ess. • Best of reference men. Address P.." at this office. c6fit• WANTED—A Situation as Assistant married a Wholesale bonne nr Factory, by young man. who can tarnish rho bent of test.- menials as Cu character. Merest " name of this Darer. 0340 FOR SALE AND TO LET. ($lO,OOO —Best Farming Land;, 10. • ented in the Old Quaker Settlement, in Keokuk aml Mahaakit countier, lowa. and part eash. in erehaneo for u good 'dock of Dry Goods, Arc. Cnlf goon, nt Room No. 72 Mount Vernon Hotel, SECOND Street. akire Arch. It* ra FOR SALE-1024 CHESTNUT Street, tuttt it.tidsome Four-story DereMoe in complete or der. Immediate poseension. Three-store Double Beck 'Madmen. lot 216 feet deep to Sermon street feet front; 2 Heelers: Ges in every Room; Hot and Cold Water, with nil modern improvements. Terms ease. Apply to :Beene. ti11. 1 .131P.1. SuN, WALNI T Street. 04 APERSONAL CIIANCE—Tho Store to rent and Fixtures for sale. nfi. 8..4 S. A. LOVE'S splendid Fancy Grou.ryStore.SEVENTH and BROWN Streets. Impure on the pro truces, or at thou. Tea Store, Fourth and Chestnut. m-at gm A NEAT AND CONVENIENT stanwailing to root, No. 811 North SIXTH Street. SOU Der annum. Apply at No 1% rket street. a -St CN--, t ADMINISTRATOR'S SA I, E.—A sik,—)..very superior Trotting Mare dad 'Patchett Colt av,ll lie sold at Public sale, at the lion,' of STACY B. CAM PION. Mount Rolla. Bu rlington coo his , N.J., on SATURDAY, Oct. S. at The al.ore Mare is oars olib.sonnil and Lind to all harness ; has trotted in Public 2 HOU. 45 see. The Colt is 2 months old. and in pronounced In competent tuthtes to be one of the Aloe PrOrUISIDC MArei Colts ever si red by "O. 111. Pstslien " Sale positis e, to close the Estate nf late D. B. PEA COCK. THO3IAB H. MOOR, 0.1 Pt' Administrator. al FOR SALE OR RE.N T—A large Ski Mantle Brick HOUSE, with all the modern irn. movements ; hot and cold water, gnu, heaters. he.. al in complete order, Yo. 96 Union street. Burlington. N.J. Apply to P..MI.taILETON. AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, Oct 22.1839. on the premises "A Valley Fe rm." in Chester county. adjoining Cain Station. on Penn sylvania Railroad, three miles west of Downingtown. containing 1S Acres of excellent quality of Land. with good Bird limes. and poesening men/ _adventWe rd Water, roads, and ether eonventencria .or further par ticulars call upon .INO. E. FOX. ni Executor, set-I` No. n South THIRD Street. Phila. PO LET—A Second-story Room, conve ment to the State HORN,. nimble for a Lewyer's Office. Apply 431 ell ESTNUT Street. el 6 og FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— Ma The subscriber, in concentrating his business on Chestnut street. west of Tenth street,offers for sale, upon rearanable terms, Malmo, manufactory, with out buildtng and large lot of ground Denting on Sixth, hl ar snail. anti Master streets, suitable for almost any large manufacturing business For partmaLarn inquire of ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, No.al N. SIXTH Street, or to the subscriber, N 0.1009 CH ESTIYUT 515-Ina WM. D. ROGERS. - POE SALE. -A; The Subscriber will dievose of the entire Stook of FINE A 1141151 FATS. STATUARY, HEAD AND' FOOT STONES. &c.,, ATTHE MONUMENT MARBLE ARD, • No. ISM ARCH Street. West of Eighteeeth street el-2m WM. HII.I. MOORE. PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC SALE ON THIRTY-SIX I__._3..VALUABLE STALLIONS, BROOD MARES, AND COLTS. On Thursday. The 2lth October. et lets o'clock A. M.. at Mile Hill Farm, the residence of A. Mail liar 1, Es q.. oPnosite the Bonaparte grounds, Bordentown, A. J., will be soid—. 315 I:mumble stallions brood times, end colts consist. I'm or bred half brpil, and trotting stook. Arcane 120 stn n.... 0 - 171911.2. [lle ollanriat; no•-• cope_ cii y recommended to the notice of breeders: Hermes.l sears old, by Manner, out of the eue!n of tho turf, Fasluon. Joseph, 2 years old. by Hermes. out of nosey Antony. New Jima). 4 ) ears old. by (Morel, H. Petehen. out of Psteey Antony. A magnificent colt. It hinds high. well broken. and prounstn t great speed and bottom. frir Catalmtues, containing full earneulars, low ready at the Bazaar. ocs 3tsf ALFRED M. HERKNESS. Auctioneer. NEW BOARDING lIOUSE,—A few Gen -L • tlemen can be neeommodated with Baird ; also, a few Day-Boarders,nt I Eat t. NIER Itreet. oi,-3t• BoARDING._ One large Second-story Front Room va•nnt. 1213 CHESTNUT Street. Also, one Thud-story, eu a Able for a family. 110ARDING.—Elegant and aim. Rooms, A—. male and in suites, can be had with first-0115e ftoard, for the Summer, Fan, and Winter, at 1.113 WAL NUT Street, att9•Zn UST.--On 3lunday afternoon, in TENTH L between Shippey end Race. a Ivan CA MI,4) BREASTPIN. with a Go den Lapped Border. view of a Villue. A suitable reward be given on its restoration to No. tiM South TENTH Street. above Shippen. 04 3t EDUCATIONAL. NIVERSITY OILPENNSYLVANIA. MEDICAL' DEPARTMENT. THE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES To the COUREE of 15.38.60 will no delivered t the following order: MONDAY, Ootober 10th, at 12 M., Dr. CARSON. MONDAY. " 10th, nt 1 P. M., Dr. SMITH. TUESDAY, " 11th. at 12 ALI), IIO.IEIII I . TUESDAY, " 11th, nt 1 P. M., Dr. LEIDY. WEDNESDAY. " 12th, ),:,‘ ! 1 :,V,1 1 1 5P, 3 ,, i ,°.1 2 i . 1 . 1 . t . THURSDAY, " 13th, at 12 M., Dr. WOOD. THURSDA . " 13th. at I P. 21., Dr. JACKSON. FRIDAY, " 11th, at 3K, F. M., 131. HOWIE. TILE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. troOtoel4 NEW YORK YOUNG LADY will (as a Toneharl giro instructions in Composition. Rhe torte. the Rudiments of Latin, and in Ornriniar. whieli she tenches h 1 n rICW. pleasant. and expeditpins Owes, Address ' h.,' Hog bouth Lion onth street. 045-3 t • CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, BAILy & BROTHER, NO. 0.20 OIIESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TODAY A LOT OF ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS. OF NEW PATTERN'S, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, AND ENGLISH INGRAINS AT SEVENTY-FIVE OFNTS All-dtdeTif TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. I3LABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We taytte the attention of dealers toper large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, in beautiful article for slmdes. The largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at prices which defy competition. au3l-.2m 'LITE ORPHANS' COURT OF MONT GONIMIX . . At nu Orphans' Court In and for the County of Mont gomery. held at Norristown, on the:loth Jan of Septem ber, A. D. P.S9, in the matter of 'the Crirtiti ol or Valua tion of the Heal Estate of ELCZABLTH WHITE, lute 01 the toisinslu of Gwy need. in said county. deceased on 'notion of B . MAR KI.EY BOYElt.Eeq.,Attoraey for CHARLES WHITE, one of the heirs of said dece dent, the Court grant a rule directed to Sarsh Krupp, Elizabeth Edwards. Abraham White. Sylvester White, Melinda Nichols, Thomas .1 White, Elizabeth Danne how et, Benjamin Wllxm, Manetta Balzell. Hester Bo dolman, Margaret Jones, John White. Charles White, John M. Jones. Guardian 01 Howard lienry . Drale. and Thomas Hood. linardian of Sarah Jane Brown, heirs and persona interested m gaol Estate. and all other per eons interested. to be end appear betofe the Honorable, th e j e th ,e , of the sold Court at a Court to be held nt hometown, on and for sant County, on THURSDAY, the 27th lii of ()etcher, A. D. 1059. at lit o'clock A. St.. t hen and there to accept or refuse the real eative of Said decedent. nt the appraised coluntion put upon it to the I,,, t est duo. returned. or show enticeohms the e‘ulßeal Estate vhould not be sold. Ac. lip the Court. E. R. MOORE. rm-t hit* Clerk of Orphans' Court. IQAMUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase F? and Sale ur Real Estate, and the entleetton of Rents. 0.5 215 WAINER ::!tseet. WANTS. 5 N. FROST Street. or to TI NIAS DVODALE_, BURIAAGTON.N.J SALES BY AUCTION. JJOAUDING. LOST AND FOUND. LEGAL. JATIONAL TBEEATRE, WA LNI•T Pt reelhetoreen Eislah and Math LAST NIGHT fit 7 TWO OP THE CELEBRATED M A Eztil '8 JUVENILE COMEDIANS THIS t TitURSDAI') EVENING,OcL 6, mg, Will Le presented THE MA VER Michael Erie. Master LOUIS;ap d'Arrille. Misr. L.nisa; Mary. Mina Helen. To conclude wor; BF:A rTY AND TILE BEAST. Belutr.lll.4 Helen ; Beast, Mae hart/lie 7 John Qurt. Master lie, ree W. Marsh. 1 ) ,, 0rs °Fen at 7o'clock .; Performance to commen ce m . E's• Admomon 2sceora; Parquet and Dress Circle.= Le4the,;,,Pr.o;h:aat7 Boars. red 51: Orchestra chairs, 73 cents; rsi secu dar:rtt tha day. 30 east"- WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Hole Lew.— ...M. A. GARRETTISON. THIS (TM:RS D . AY) EVENIN(i, Oct. 6, THE YOUNG PRINCE. l'rince Fredertek u I Pruiiiiis Miiis Margie hlttehelL TIIELITTLE SAVAGE.A Rata Dalrymple. Miss Margie Mitchell. WLLI TEL L. fierier. Mr. Youffi ng l ; AM 'LAI, Mr. Perry; Emma( Mrs. Duffield. &ALA or Pe:cu.—Dress Circle, (Seats secured int/r -unt extra charge.' 60 cents; Parquet. Seats VICUMA ft 60 cents,63Thi ; 'Second Tier and Fiatuly Circle. and Thlad Tier. Z cents; Private ROSES. according to their Socials, C 5 and 83; Single Seam in Orchestra and ?nista itaxes.7s cents. Rua o .Tce open daily. from 10 until 2 o'cL3c.k. when sego, can he secured in ads mace. A"ERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. RAVELS AM) MABITINETTI FAMILY. Tlll.l (711CRSDA.Y1 EVENINO October ff. TERPSICHORR OR. PETE OP 'THE MrCSF.S. Terpsichore. Mlle 3lnria Hennecart. THE. THREE 1 3LADIATORS. By Messrs. .1 Mien. Philip and la nacio Martinetti. JOCK(); Rav el ;E BRAZILIAN AYE. Joel., Gabriel - Francois RSTti. T I i•HT ROPE, by Marietta Zs nfretta. Yonne America. C l 4; - Parquet . Parquet Circle and Balcony...soas; Family nre.., anti Amptu theatre..Z rents. Box Office open (mu:llO.A. M. lin P. • • Th6a Beata el., be seeered without extra chute. Doors open at? Performance to commence at 7.4 VVIIRATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH STREET TRF.AT RP. THIS (THURSDAY) ENT"....ING. Oct BORN TO 13000 LUCK. Faudeen ()Tanen.' Mr-Collins. 1 4 LA s T Fel , O'CH n. Colahs Mr. l!leg. To conclude with A :YABOB FOR AN HOUR. Scots se Pxice 4 .—Adretscon.23 cents ; BectLrees bests in Drees Cgr.de..ng ; Parguet..3o cents. Loots stun at 7 o'ckmi; Istringuago to oemootwo at ni o'clock prec.sely. .1.1.11-cDONOUG ITS GAIETIES-RACE ST.. below THIRD. GREAT SrCCESS OF T R IC ORIGINAL " MICROW.'OW HERNANTEZ THE WOVIVR. EVERY VARIETY OP EVTERTAINMENT N.I , ILV GirrT. BEST COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA. 13 csnrs. TIDE MARTYRDOM OF HUSS is now exlphitsnr. rohother Pfflintinee of the DUS SELDORF COLLECTIO. to the Southeast Gallery of the ACADEMY OP PINE ARTS. Open detly, from II A. M. flu S P. M., aoo 7 to 10 P.M. Admumnn Za, t al-ft cgANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, 17 ELEVENTH street. between Chest:int sad Eadot. Open for the &aeon. SANFORD' STAR TROUPE. thelareest Company in the world. In their excellencies every eVeliair• SANFORD Even' evenine Bis ereat Role of Charsonna p.m! °Pen at 'Ht. Commence sta. Admission 35 reran Chuldran 13 omits. SPORTING. CRICKET.—TIIII GRAND INTERNA TIONAL CRICKET MATCH between the beet Eleven Dim erg of all En:land. end Twenty.two at the United 1 4 tatesiwill take place on the St. George's at the Northern terminus of the Tenth and EtrZ mi tti street Railroad. en MOND AY. October testi, and (Wow ing dais. commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. DECK'zi , BAND has been en,a.ed for the measles. Comfortable seats wilt be provided tot the tmecitannada bon of Indira. PR FC'Ev. te V Dx l s•loN.—Day tickets SO cents; &Hum tickets. 111. To to had at the gate, or of the Bearetszy. Bl order of the Committee. CHARLbS 11. T. COLMS. Sel'k sia 627 'Retain N. B.—Ca:6ll;es will set down heads North on street. 03-Tt. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subscriber biving REMOVED TO 255 MARKET STREET, (The store formerly' occupied by J. B. Ellison & Sous.) Would call the attention of buyers to his Lane and vrell• selected stock or CLOTHS, OV)HCOATINGS. CASSIMEREI, SATINETTS, VESTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, And all other goods adapted to slen and ROW Tear JOHN V. TERRY. oc3-tot 233 MARKET STREET. -R EM OVA L. —.MARTIN WOLFF have Removed to No. 334 MARKET Street. South side. behrar Fourth. waere they offer choice assortment of Fall and Winter Goode at very low prices. .1.143 a MEDICILYA.L. D R. GLENTWORTII'S PILE REMEDY, -a- , For the Cure of Hemorrhoids or Piles, Dossaps ton, Fistula in Ano, Hiceratiane of the Anna, Protapens of the Rectum. Fissures, 'Excoriation. Ulcerations In ternal Find External to the Anus, Pruritus, and all Dia ea- wa peculiar to the Rectum. The great and uniform success which thur Remedy has attained for the cure of the abrow ihseases is unroomt dented in the annals of medicine. The rapidity of its curative qualities and the durability of its.curea are equalled by no other Remedy of the age. .timety-nine canes out of en hundred are alleviated and cured of this tbstrceares complaint and are restored to comfort here tofore unknown. Full and asphalt Dirm-tions sworn pans each Box. One Box is aurucient to perform acute. Prepared only by DR. DbENTWORT a. No. fttt RACE Street. Price R. Can be sent by Adams' Express, o6 -lm DRFgt. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIF E . PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS Miss been thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for dmesnm, flltulenci, heart-tern and andarhe, costiveness. thank:ea, fevers of all hands, rheumatism. Rout, Snivel. worm. scurrY, ulcers , eiliatTe corn' y!eints, salt Menlo, m7mpeL.m, common colds and Ll tinent.l, mast:dant) and al t deran;ement of the female stem.yities.and varinninother &seams to softlieb the human frame is liable. For sale by the prpprietor, Dr. W.ll. MOFFAT, .135 BROADWAI. New loth-and by Drussists genera& all over the countn. al-a&wiy SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD BEAD, Eruptions of the Skin generally. and all Humors and Impurities of the Blood. are radically and permanently _mixed by the oelebrated IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. It has been a very important agent in the cure of CANCEROUS DISEASEn by Dr.Lounsberry & Co., for a number of yearn Mal, and its great value in the cure of Cancers is abundantly estabLshed by the litany cures eTected In it. In SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable elect has never been equalled. It ewes the moat titiela nate eases. TErildl. SCALD READ. sad all Eruptions of the Skin, readily yield to s moderate yes of tins Iledbidne. Malignant Eirers and Sores are reaAly oared by Disuse of a Less bottles. . _ . Prepared and sold by hIacNICHOL & DRO..ante Loaneborry & C 0.,) No. to North FIFTH Street, below Ara. For We by the followmg Drugetata: J. F. Long & Co.. Lancaster; C. W. Epting, Pottamlltg; J. H. Eater, 4eadieg t Stevens. Readom ; T. & J. McClintock, Easton; Jan. Given, West Chester; Wm. Rattle r. Norristown; Simon Rau, Bethlehem. Dr. Isge seg. New ; Dr. Leahe. Bnatol ; Schmidt & Co, Allentown ; & Bell. Mansyunk, Pa : J. D. ilibt4, Trenton.; De La Cour, Camden; Brewster & Co., Brut teton ; Robertson & lapsineotk Salem. N. J 41.1- Inall, Wilmington; L. 8. Hoopes Wilmmutton• T. F. Itammemly. Milford, DaL: and Drogsists A NOTIIER PROOF OF THE WONDER :LA- FUL EFFF.CTB OF TRONFT NEURALGIL itALVE. PHYLA., Intl 111. MILL Mr. E. W. Tittixatt —Dear Sir r--1 have been troubled with the " NEURALGIA" for the last 14 years, and have suffered the most exerneintint pain, eampelbag me at times to gyre up my buainaisontirehf. I could eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eye& I sure more than tongues can tell. I had the advice and aid, ',lnoue physicians. and need other remedies. but o ' no avail. Having noticed your advertisement in the papers, I concluded to call on a person whom I bad a, rued was cured 'of a case of S 1 y ears standing'. He applied the "SALVE" tout once. and 1 felt immediate relict es second application removed the pain entirely. and I now feel like a different man. Since then I hare slept 11 - 011—somatb ing that I have not done for month* being obh get! to at all night in a ohs: r. My appetite has returned, and I feel grateful to you for the metoni- Lon of my health. CHARLES H. RAKER, Tobacconist, CARROL Street, above WOOD. Kertainoe For sale. actulesale and retail. at S. W. eorner SIX T H and PARRISH Streeta, and at T. R. CA 1 . 1 .1.10 & Co.'s. N. W. corner Third and Walnut ste. apW•tf IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED, - 111 Dr. LEADER has been more successful. and CrIED ft create r'number of re,sns of inveterate. bray-ettn.dins Dummies than an) other Phancint in this cr y. for the last six months. Decent caeca are Cr Lep iiiPeed/V.,..P [lees unable to TREATIOD et their homes LAM gultatlonx daily at the riffire 713 RACE Street. after 13 A. N Cern ninn•sations attended to. and Medicines far any form ni e1t0 , 136 6011 r 'wherever desired. ahNetrithlt E . NEW LAND & 00.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FROM MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An ex tennve stock of OIL PAINTINfiEI, ete. very Low Pr.caa. 604 ARCH Street, &bore SIRT ladelphoo. JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY GEORGE WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wine, Ste., US SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for nal°, in bond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. a Tam EY E AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCHZISSER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. V. gives his exclusive attention to the medical and surriell treatment of the Es E and EAR. 1 , 1 - : a FNFSS 01 the longest standing removed both by merhcal and surgical operations en the latestactentifio princ , ple , , Dr. 41. world he pleased to receive mem ol t h e medical faculty who wish to sitcom his method of operating for tho removal of Deafness, or any oyerntion on the E*E and EAR. ARTIFICI at, EVES I NSERTED. Office 264 Pouch NINTH Street. above SPRUCE. Office hours from 9 A. AL to 1 r 3L., and from 4 to P. M. W ARAI AIR FURNACE. THE NEW 00yE FURNACE • - - GAS CONSUMER - - Will thoroughly Warm your house with oat-moan Lass coo.. thin is required by any other Furnace. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. 'Swift:3 Warmed and Ventilated by RNOLI)Sr WILSON, Into CHESTNUT Street. ATE MANTELS. The Richest and most ResutHul Specimen or rnetnelled Slate Msntels, ever offered for sale in this couutri . msnufectured be us, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very law. ARNOW/ & WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COOKING RANGES. All in want of the Best Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do w ARNOLD t A. WILSON'S. 1010 CHESTNUT Street 10-Sma_ $50,000 TO LOAN, WN SUMS TO SUITAPPLICANTS, upon Diamonds. Watches. Jerclr7, Guns. Mer chandise, Clothing, &e., on moderate terms. by JONES CO.. Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and GAB KILL SOMA, below Lombard. Fstablislwal for the len ge yearn. Office hours from 7A. 7,1. to 7P. M. Bei:end-hand Gold and er V. atehee, by eminent make.w. warranted genuine. for sale cheap, at one-hell the original taut. angfezt-af THE PRICES OF MeCLEFS' COLORED and I'Lvn 1110T0dRAP1ISz and DAGI-ERREO TYPF:S. so .on .1 known for their superior Mush end hdehts "re now reduced to those of the second class Gnilenes. I tam lhotostarhs for el. oel-tit No. Ci CHESTNUT Sn;eret. r OVERING'S SYRUP, in hhds. and bble., at [educed Prioe J . tot Polo co JAZUES GRA Tir
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