B=== ifOtatethUttitc%Ciattkjilf Qhlooliailton,riernee Grat i tY of the Nit York,l'intivillteturetiri this etlY 3.4144 1 2.9-eip o rtl .I„Mr.:,thddingt bead yerY, mut idt Piet gay and Bontritti het* al" IAtA y dolvemdle pa 64 experience Ai Cowles , ' alono l life. Webb' eve he will looime on filename heme' in this city, and from the 'reception towered- him by gar lin4erti friends, he may look for a Writes 'Welcome to ppbilndelphia, , The subjeotof Mr. Greeley's mature. r ° Will be eiPepences In California and the 1 tormen country. Great interest hat been felt as to thertotelt of Mr. Grooley'atravelc and es he is a man of fine Parts and shrewdneseefebservation. his conclu cepa in relation to thettnyrderinuo and regular habits Or the foliowero hf the Maranoatreed will.be looked for W nap people with exceeding interest: ' DP. Johtt Lord will dellVerrktoArso - of lectures this winter, on favorite themes. lila' tmooess as a lecturer List year will insure him rood-audiences. Dr. Lord will deliver a single lecture vrevions to his course,. under tho auspices of some "Literary Institute" of our city. 'Clianrialibb oAmor.—A ficiral, musical, and fruit feetioaljor tho' benefit of the alck end poor of the Catholio denomination will he held'at thearounde of the St. John'ir cirphrin, Ao ham, on next'f hursday. The dis play will be of a .most attractive character, and as the OIVpOC to an exceedingly proisewmtby one, we commend it to the attention of our citizens. ELECTION AT WILLS HOSPITAL.—Dr: ;Thee. George Morton, 'erns festerday elected by the Board of managers of thisinetttution, to the office of Attendin Bar eon; in thine of-Dr: Edward Hartshorne. reetsued. Dr. Morton is n son of the late distinguished Dr. Samuel George Morton, of tide city. ,liIARINE INTELLIGENCE. MS FOUR= MOS • = ARRIVED. Bohr Emma., Brooka, 2 days from Now Castle, Del, with slain to Jawilarratt & Bon. Behr Anita Maria. Hillyard, 2 days from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jos Barratt & 80n. - "Bohr 8 A Hannnond. Paine, days from Boston, lit ballast to L Audenrted & Co. Behr, Mary, MoSards. A day from Camden, Del, with rye end osis to J L Bewley & Co. Schr, 'chit D hithr Henderson, 1 day, front Odessa, Delwith corn to Jl,p.wley & co. yo'lir P McColl!, nputy. 2 dare from Milford, Del, with corn end yeto Jll McCnlley. Bohr BaraL av inia, Crowell,e 4 days front Camden, w, th slllllCollo Behr Crime, Renear, a days from Leesburg, in ballast. „ 14-7E4BoRAPH. - (Corresmondenoe of The Press.) Naw YORK, Oct 3. Arrivadfst;ip W P Storer, from Liverpool, Below ? ship Annal)eoatur, from Sunderland. BOSTOR, °Ct.& Arrived. steamer Delta, from Halifax; ship Dublin, Love, from New York. , . Below, bark Hazard, from the Coast of Africa. - BALKIRtoRX, Oot 3. Arrived,-schr,Flying Scud, from New York. Also arrived. ship Jnniata. from New Orleans; brigs ?PO°, from tho West Indian: Ocean Wave, from Warr Orkj harks Amazon and - Anon, from Deinerara, Sept Left - ,brig 3 H Lee. from New York. Just err; brig Harwich, from Rio; spoke Pith tilt a Oorinan hark, ;mule not 'given; from 'Santos for Philadohia; Mb, brig Ocean Bird, from Montevideo for New York. Below brig Peter C Warwick, from Rio. Drip Henry A Didier. hence for Pernambuco. has put back. She enouuntered a hurricane on the stli ult. in lataS3o. long 6.9.and,avas obliged to out away her foro to Sliealso lost her main too. The goos imbin llood and Wandenng Jew, from C,n11,4, in Hampton - Roads, harp been - ordered to Dal , tIIIIOTO. • • . Bohr Etatly Kerr, from New York for Rio Grande, n , nays ont, put into Rio Rio de Janeiro Aug 21. disabled in the gale ulnae Bth, „ , - . • Natv raestis. Oct 3. Arrieed.ship Lancashire. front Ittarseal!ton Pioayune, from Bremen. D Arctic, lalnhos. Congress, and ALasourr; from Boston; Lorenzo, from Neer York. MEMORANDA. -fftearnship City ..of Richmond. Mitchell, sailed from Richmond lit inst. for Philadelphia. , i ltd&Tli 6 oe Wattson, Laprelle, was waiting orders at 6. 4ips " Nrcr th af t ilMg Worth, and Prima Donoa, pray, cleared at New h orl; yesterday for San Franciseo Ship Ocean Traveller, Boardman, cleated at N . York yeaterdo for Valparaiso. Brag Samuel Churchman, Ankara, cleared at N York yesterday for Montevideo. Behr lahlor, Betts, Primrose, honor. for 111,13111 013, was spoken 20tn ult, let V6O, long 7630. Sebre Lady Lake, Whin•,_hence for Pawtucket and !babel. Taylor, do for New - Bedford, arrived at N York yesterday. Behr Rebecca. of Philadelphia. Beekman. was spoken fat inst, Int 36, bound south, by steamship hlontimmorr. at Now York. • Bohr Margaret Ann, Reinhart, from Richmond, ar rived at Now York y °studs'''. Bohr Alai m Anna, Gibla, cleared at Now York 3 ester day lon Phi Sdelph. bohr Ida, 'ander. Jr, Ellingsworth, cleared at N York yesterday for Philadelphia. ROMs Belle COnway,lielitnay, Hickman, Dickerson, and A Falkonburg, Rogers, hence, arrived at Railamond Ist inst. , . &:hr W Morahan, Cole, from Nei York, at Mobile 29th al.. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, VP TO 12 o'oLocx wary TIGHT GUARD ROUSE--.Chestnut et., below Ninth. Dr A 11. Inekson. Conn GWilzlar, Vs, 8 H Wilson, Baltr, Jae J Day, N Y Mr McLean, l's Joe it Staffbr,d Bait Jaa McClelland, Glasgow ' Joe Veen, V CC Gary, Vs • • • 8 L Rountree, Tenn W S Campbell, N 0 D 11. Andersen, N Y B B Wilson de lady ' Non W N Wnt ABrott. Me _ • - M Richards, Reading Mr Wolff' -& In, Miss -• Roach, Miss Cant Brackett, U C Scudder, Boston T J Yorke, N J E CJordz, \O W Wright, Pa M G Hart, N Y II A Wade, Laneaster Gen J H Cooke. Va B Cooke ; Nen John B Blake, Washington TRlske,Washington Mrs Walwortn, N Y E HStore, Athens, Gn. Mrs Col Prankliny (is Miss Franklin, Athens, Ga T Griffin &la N 1, TV - Philips, Columbus, Ga J gl liarott, N Thompeon, Ala _ J IlLarier Mobile E Indy. . Pe .1 I, Webster & la, N 0 Miss .WAnlagnae, Oa 'W M D'Antignae, Ga titles of kin, Os Miss Dugan, Oa W M D'Aitturnac,-Jr, GaG it Tann W &Is, Balt 1.) N race, N Y Br C P Russell, N Y: Mrs Stribling. Vs nliss,casb, Va Copt 8 H Jelfords, 0 Mel/ionic ,r Havana, - Miss trignien havens • tiet•West, N y, - r Eddy. Wilmington Antonia CaranoonXiibe, . 1 Ywer & brother, Cubs R Baena - ' Warren Tinker It Ranker. Mobile Miss Banker & eis, Mobile „James Raselhorst s N Y .P Brown, Pottsville W Hollister & La, N 0' Miss Rorer, N C .1 P!team, Texas Miss M South, N Y Basil Johnson 4 Is, halt L J Polk, 'Penn A•Bovd, Vzl. . J.M Gordon, Boston Br I'i2troen, Worcester 'A Huntington & In, N Y W HTurpin, Ga ' A 0 Metter. Hornsby r; 11r A Davie , Louisville;ly 1) P W McMullen, hi Clianter, 8C , , Alt Horns tr; Ito 15 It Itngslei, N Y. Q 8 Bhennan, Conn 1, Thompgen,-Mass L Wingert, N • J MAI Dor; N Y W.Steele,N Y Ii L Jenkins, - ' ' r Adams, Ya HT4ylor,Lar hliss Lovas, N.Y • - - §.1: 1 Prime, Washington ' N Cheney &Iti,'N Y hismicsten, Albion L NeliwartzeN Y J Buono , halt ' Tl, Preston. Vs R - Mu Mys F Murray & oh, .lid Tic en, IN G - J hlattltewa, Belt Oil Jackson, Ya - ' Duunington; Va • Muster, Ira: John lusrarn, Pa. C W Rurbert, Memphis STA'rESIINION —Marko; s!.. slgve Sixth, J B Rhoades do)orton F R Brunel:43o% erton A P Cluuriboittn, N y M B Weaver, Cumb co B F Roller, la - Miss Douglas. Pa • Kaufman, Pa', ' jes Wilson. Bucks co, Pa, W Bowers, N J .1 Spam', Milton, Pa 4 P Tyafgor Es la; Ind J Bpangler, Parry co. Pa an Markol, - Jr, Ceder Run James L Ihven,_Lentlisb' g % " erl V: i g g n a d n ; Pill" no o ' 3%lL v far il e i gi u , I N Sr li l' Dun oar, httsburs, Pa COMMERCIAL HOTlM—dixth st..above Chestnut. T Coates. Lane co - J Trayney. Latin no J II llamas: Lana co Scott. Chen co A Kuehl°, Chester.co Kimble, Chester co .J Kirk, Chester co I), i., Ethane, Pottstown Goo IJ Hodasm. Chester no Jninen K)le. Jacksonville mßiskaleE Pinta ' Nov H A Clove Land, Plots i ines B Kennedy, Lime oo Geo W Hensel Lone co 'Join t ' paw, Ohio W L Jamas , West Chester I IV W Witkossoi J i Mosier eh .7 W Ste vonson, Juniata W ii. Chelan), Pa , L Hooper. Wilmington 40NE8' HOTlZ—Chestnat street. above etxte. C Wentworth,' Phl.le, [Condon, Jr Md .1 Lewis Ritter Chesnut Hill K Randall, i‘lotslo J Potniar,..Newark, NJ Mrs Pointer, Newark, N J Miss Jones, Pa Bias Burner, .Pa Kem won, Mt aolly.Bpr's Mies B James, Charleston C ., .$ rue Cleveland, N Y W Vanreghter, Oa• JRooker_,Prtnonton,N T J B Norris, tja 'Ales Bird{ Ca • F B Bterrett,Lewislown Annus, Pa • 'Moe A Richardson, It I It B Short, N C J Burke, Cahforma 0 Dare k la.Pa D W Colmar, ' N Y C II Brinokerholt N Y tl Olney, N 1 W Bostaor,k; Conn' 8*41,10114 Conn JE Northrop, Conn N J Farber, Balt B F Willie, Salt - II P Forks, Del JR Wilson Del D McDowall, S C 0 B Potter, N Y I . ll.Al4l{Lrig. HOUSE--Chestnut street, above Third. C A Ingalls, C W Feet, Mess .1 Lake, 6el J ,3 Conner, Ashland I. h' Garner, Ashland 'A 13 Fiverson, ht real .1 1./ Capron, Albany A J AVerell & la, Chicago 1311 Griswold, V t i llrl Y t,it! e i r t;t x' . l t o , Balt - ' 'Yll i a ll er: iti 'l l'°l4 li r roaidyAUttnvillo„p,, Tenn ‘V . Mannlol4lllinois J Darius ., ' "i 'I lii Alec, N Y WBA4_wth, A Y J 11Taylor, Mt! WW Wright. D elon, I'a G M Bahr Jiredford ce,f.a. MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et.. below Arch. Ve3 WOW, Tenn GW Harem, !Helmond Chas Garretson. York co John Babson. Niagara A C Phaeton, Tenn . R F Brown, Reading, Pa R .11 Harter, Pittsburg T R Harley, Pittsburg B It Et-lent, Valparaiso T T Manley, Valparaiso Hagan K to, Orion & en co B Greenawalt wf. Pa Juan Ellen t.larke,Dauphin Bye K C Wines & son.Pa C W incei,Wagh, rft, -CL Brodhead, Munroe co as Krergo, Monroe en It 0 Savior, Bhoenersville W B Prager, Fayette J city F-Thounigon, Easton A Robison, Va A Hosteller, Shlppeumburg Y. F Coo, ihiston - C L Murray,. Mercerslairs tenon 8 - Harder, N Y Joan Long,Flenalacton,Pa .19)3 B Purcr,Cedar Springs Chas Shoemaker; Pa Montgomery, ra John Senttißutler co. Pa Jno Factoring, N F IL Bluer, Perrysburg, 0 I l l. l llflVaitTuVe_, 'Pe?!„ - B ift',', l , l l,gitt'?,.., , f 'Wet I{,ilex„tV3l,‘'''eun J J B Van Ctereolefferson en, Va AIkIERICAN HOTEL--Chestnut et., above Fifth. B A Corneim, 111, E P Bowen, 151 d Nv watts, Kent co. Md. J 0 Crooluianks, Ald WU Afeeteer, DM Joe 111 Lean. Burnout Hill It .3 Wintersteen, Buil Ilill ft A Abbott. Summit Hill N NlcAlurtier, Summit lint D Berteeb, Al Chunk B.P Kittle. N I' I) At .I,yer & le, Marietta Isi 0 WesoOtt. Md AI H. MeEweli. Ocrniant'n Aloe, Washington Miss Lee, 'Weshington ' Mrs Lee, Vaehin.ton J P Pepper. Wayettshingn W P hlychrott & fn. N C Alias II I) Mych, N to C Emil T Gashes, N C Jos McCulloch & la A D Budder. Gettysburg 13 W Averett. 08 N D P Peters.,NJ , Al Abbott, Bethlehem (i W Salkeld, AI Plumb, , . Jacob _Horn. AI Chunk ~,V 44--grot, Z flui.J: ' 111111runtridi7"b°" on 0 F Br ady. r Del City, ' wet J C White. Pottsville J H Winteristeen, Pt Carbon 11 Oarter.Tamasua ' rR" ° N., 4 ' U . Null H WaAers k in, Tamales ein Pen..i47. 1 15:‘.. Wit IitIVPI3 4 ktri.llL, /4... Ire P 0 Aflderson, N 1" C A Plitt, Gs, W M Bkussooynuh, 9 0 Coo Dell thrautt. pld W H Walsh. Balt C Jolutson, 1U AI 0 Smith, Ohio ' ' •"' NATIONAL HOTEL--Etta street, above Third. P 0 Brian. !tierces Book PS Moon onfiaaharg G Barrister, Plum I C King, Kittannin ST Guth, Al Motown W DBouth & ion, I d a .I Laub/tan. Pa W Rube, 11l ' W H 'Borer, Pottsville J 0 Harper. Pottsville 0 Grottier, Tilsearora C H Boyer, Pottsville J It Beidol, Lebanon .0 Brunner & eon, Pit , JR Nom:, Berke co F It Bpong, Berks co It Ilßtees. PH .1 N Smith, Annville (I At Rhonda, Pa_. J Whittrikoh Mt Clair N H 'Look, Lune co, Pa B B Levan, Lehigh on n Miss Bloom. Pa T Willette, Pa It. W_ Rein, Pa A Reim:oho, Lime co, Pa W B Nannity.lecno co, Pa W Moore, Lycoming co 0 P Yield. Clearfield ~AJ Hurnberger t N 1 ' 13 Cho inun..N„ , l jr Reifsnyder, I ottsville .‘,.IN trendier Pottsville W Furor. Eine Grove TT. Benoit) 'Pine Grove PW Xelingor, Lebanon co , ,_. BALD EAOLE--Third street, above CallowlnD. :, Wiavrrerr-Phila J Zion, Lansdale, Pa '- 0 Amman, Carbon co ••• .0 Bowman j Carbon co, Pa It nyder, Lehigh no, Pa PI Surder.,bobith no. Pa r . - maert,N.iitenvtown - IN P Unbar, Pa ( • w 'Darner .es son, Pa Alien El)ornev. Lehigh - co 31 1 1 3 sn i g,glit 7 , 4 il antQw ti l :s ' l l leTtt n n ; P a u Ohio rnionu.b, Pa' --- -II I"frurnbower, Docks co i ,es E Shonnan,, 'Lehigh no B Young, Pa - _ - hr Sherif, Dauphin no A Stoner, MierstrOwn 11Strapbrartsr., Mtn : D Jl,lrlosser,_behrgh co -,. C Snyder, Wentavott ,- ' C Walton, Easton, Pa . . , ' ' , . • ~..._ '...:! MOUNT VERHOH ITOTEIc—SOOOnd et., above Arch. - , W Smith, Weet Chaster , TC Prioe, Del DAtoot - ,llothletteni. •, . R q ar v er , xj. 4-yorigs Lel)enen ' " i flater Roarliag C K Inimical, Clairlestoili R K Wh'it,a. Clinton Co G W °wooer Deposit, N• Y- la Hann, Bethlehem ,?; vp Preomant MiSKettn co 0 Poreheo, Wert Charter e , - , III,ERCHANTB'. " BRUSH--Third Third ill, above Callowhill. M Gillman, ap_en;pw - r, ..Tho.lo tiroocer,Baou r y . I f fo NI Tr a y Vrritrittrrip'n coTi r ril lr act; " „grel i to.r . ~ i L BF,l 3 r:Leoltiton en ' t Oho T Dapprrmonnon co ' A W Mentalr L berio co _ , 01)0'1111410mo co 0 H Ackland, iptianon .' H Bwartz,.Lano. no i., Jahit Philica, t s nlon. PA eo ,P . Kohler. BolkOrlkill co ' . i 6 4fir4.; . :Ted,roi tYm I rlgirricietb,altZdin g A TO ' !" l ' - 4-n9 "' - I Vr i u r ntr B , l Erteral t9 " E. grill k 8 Oljrl i tlit CV f Rui, K fla`Vigttglifol. -- it:, IL rlllO/triri 'moco - .111:3 . 0earhert,tunbary, , wlettl4.oevirlyert, Banbury 'r4B. a nertac,l3onbury lilatitariat; at iddic byre' Jacobr ney, IMO ?lemma . deetrAeranthillichlleberg 'John me, Mt Pleasant , 1 74: 1 a7A"nrgrA P 92 . 6 ' '-' i t ha lir grk r .Atinan P ! ' I .c.ia ... flakiP r i ' LlightaVllll. '''' it a - pa 09 6 ' Z / 7 1'130E10/14 V4lO st", .. .. ~ _.,_... .84.11. titi,Y,l5llllAP IDPPEL--,Bricond et., below ;Vme. -- "Weal.rThoilita, Port Clam" -. NY 1 , Phelan. Pa" ' evi D eillro n riMP l " k'' ' if i rdiß l l ' lli' ' a l i - - P C i Miliv.. YlWil!M,ll l l . l,.i' ' .. ' zl l u 'r e t a olp.Mis rpoylestotrn' vg, ,, , c ja ", , : , NNlYingth,t`ot. = Irit ./fwllliftilleNclWar. gibet WM441114 --cake ; 10 It Alti Mir MA% OA it- sYktr4 LI J - - ' . .THE ,UNION HOTE L tr-Arch street, above Third. W T Clawson la la, N J 0 VReeler, Balt , F, Everett. Bo t o = f . 'CA I NE ;Wheeler, Hancock Gilbert Hall; ,ash, N C - 0.1 Airdlis, Hancock, N Y P -Brubaker. ancestor to ' J'Jfihnebn:olno d M Ford, Troy. X y ! Chen Hampshire. Pa ,1 , 8. Calderwood. N Y W P Emery, N J M.Y Bennett, N J nen Wigaan. Tamaqua Thee. Johnson. Tamaqua II Neuman, St Clair. Pa T Sint nitin. Pottsville J Beacham, Tuscarora Jas Y Mansfield. Boston .• 0 H Steinmetz & In. Pa Id T iittithenar. Litiz, Pa Jos King, Clinton, N J E. P Boyer, Pottsville .1 K Mentzer, Lancaster co Harrison Carver, NJ Mrs Worrell, Dat City Miss Worrell, Del City H W Gray, Deerfield, 0 1) Tette, Waynesboro, Pa A Collins, Lancaster, Pa J D Scott, Bridgeport. Pa ' BLACK DEAR HOTEL—Third et.. above Callowhill Btemskey, Barks co OID Mud, Reading Jos Eisenhart, Pa John Conrad, Northampt W K Grim. Bolerstown J B Mast. Reading Peter A Kline, Pa Jos Bowman, Lebanon .bit Millar. E Lebanon Joshua S Bakal*, Pa. D X Engle nglesville G Bttenger, 3,nglesvitte Wi Roith. !jerks co BonLR 13uokler. Lane co D - Leidy dr, la. Boyertovnt Jos Bowman. Lebanon Mrs }ible , Povortown Miss Kepler, Boyennown W D Smith, Frandenvllle Mrs Ottli, Lebanon Mies Lomb, Lebanon Jos Rose, Bob co EAGLE HOTEL—Third groat, above Nam A Kalov, Vermont 11 Dinkel, Jonestown. F noodle, Fa Jos Younz,N Y Q Tappan, Boston A Homes, N y L Lawson, Ala Thep Jones, N Y gag .. . . IllAttltlED. OLPENBEROII—RRODEB.-0n Tuesday mommy, September 27th, at the Church of the Advent, by the Rev. Philips Brooke. Ch•rles W. Oldenbergh to Mary, donator ot Samuel Rhodes. Elm,. FURNES€—KAY.—On the Id instant. by the Rev. Pr. Fernesa, William H. Furness, Jr., to Hannah, daughter 01 tlin lam James Hoy t HOLMES—LUKENS. the 29th ult., by Rev. Mo ans Halloo, of New York. Mr. John 8. Holmes to Miss Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Ephraim Lukens, EV., of this city. WA DDAMS—PAIII.:On Aucust 261)1. by the Rev, 3. F. Ronne. Mr. Wm. Waddams to Mrs. Elizabeth Paul, both of this city. SMITH—KEDWARO.—On the 28th ult.. in Brides burs, by Rey. 8. WWI°. Mr. Albert Smith, of New York. to Mica. Mosaie Redvmrd• STACKITOUSE—WAULIN.—On the let instant, by Joseph B. Ponninston, Esq.. Mr. Amos Stockholm. of Falls toe-m.llin. Bucks county, to Mies Mary Louisa Waulin. of Philadelphia. DIED. BACON.—On the meriting of the 34, inst., John Bacon, in the Mat year of his age. Ms friendlier() invited to attend his feneral, from hie late residence, N 0.923 Green street. on Fourth.day af ternoon, 9th inst., at 3 o'clock. Interment at Friends' Western ground. • ** PANCOAST.—On Seventh -day afternoon. the let inst., Georg* A. Pnriaonet, son of Dr. Joseph ?encomia, in the 2dth year of his ace. ' Funeral from bin father's residence, Nn. 1032 Chest nut street, this I Third-day) moriling, at 10 o'clock. To Proceed to Laurel Hill. • YERGER.—On the Ist inetnnt, after a lingering ill ness, Ann year of wife of Willow' Yorger. in the 83d year of her ago. [Reading and Lancaster papers please cny.) The relatives end friends of the family are respect • fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. northwest corner of Franklin and Wood Sta. this (Tuesday) afternoon. 4 th Instant. nt 2 o'clock, without further notice, ro proceed to St. John's Luthe ran Church, Race street, below Sixth, where the fune ral nerviees will take place. LETFORD.—On the 90th ult., Myrie V. Marna', aged 23Mire. Funeral from the residence of her father. Mr. wa n= Letford, No 1008 Anita street, above Federal, this (Tuesday) afternoon. at 2 o'elook. LAWTON.—On the let Inst., at Fraukford, Mrs. Ann Lawton. in the Md year of her nee. Funeral from the residence of her husbrind. Welter Lawton, Seller street, above Leiner, thin (Tuesday) afternoon. nt 2 o'clock. COST ELLO.—On the Ist instant, John Costillo, in the 81st year of hie age, Funernl from his late residence, No. 12 Hemlock Place, South street, between Broad end Fifteenth streets. this ( Tuesday morning. at 9 o'clock. DOONOR.—On the Ist indent, Mrs. Ann Doonor, in the 92d year of her are. Funeral from her late residence, Sixteenth street. between Wood and Callowhill streets, this afternoon. at 2 o'clock. RIFFORD.—On the :hi !net., Joseph Raforil, aged 09 onre. Funeral from hie Into residence. Allen erect, below Marlborough, Eighteenth Nvaid, this afternoon. nt 3 evinek. • . DISNEY—On tho let inst.. Elizabeth Dionev, wifo of Edward Disney, aced 20 years. 1 month. aril 1 an. * Funeral from the residence of her hoaband , idward Disney. No. 144 North Front street, thin afternoon. at 4 o'clock. BRADLEY.—On the 2d inst., Bernard Bradley, in the 74th year of his ace. Funeral from the residence of his son, IN - illiarn Brad lee. No. 12H Snippet" street, tine afternoon at 1 o'clock.* McCOOL.--On the let inst., Joseph R. ItlcCool, in the 26th year of his nee. Funeral from No. 811 North Second street, below Pop lar. this morning, Mg o'clock. ROB.—On the let instant, Mr. Samuel Roe, in the Slot year of his ate' Funerel from his tats residence, Darby, on Wednes day afternoon. at 2 o'clock. DR ry ER.—On the 2d instant, Betty D. Driver, dauth ter of Samuel And Ann IL Driver, aged 12 years and 11 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 226 Primo street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. BLACK IRISH POPLINS, all qualities Plain any watt Poplin'. Black Velour Reps. Black Arnelines. Blank Satin de Chines. Black Winter Gloves andasuntlete. Mourning Brocade Mohair'. Black cloth Cloaka for Fall. Mourning Balmoral Skirts. Black Gros Grain and Poult do Solo Silks. lust received by BESSON & SON, Warning Store. s!1-Iv No. 803 CHESTNUT Street. TO JERSEYMEN.—GENERAL E. R. V. WRWIIT, the Centhdate for Governor of New Jamey. will deliver an address at MOUNT 1101,LY. on TUESDAY, the lth Met Every Jerson - min ;Mould go sod hear him. for ho 0 :affright, elw7tvehrtis iW)right, and if the people do right, they will make him Governor Wright. lt* LO. AMERICAN 110AltD.—THE ANNUAL sermon before thq Ame Henn Board of Commis sioners for Fore's!' Missions will ho dellvered by Rev. Dr. PATTERSON. of Chicago, THIS EVENING, in the First Presbyterian Church, on Washinaton &mem The meetince of the Board will ho continued on Wed nesday and Thursday, and will clots on Friday morn- y7s- -,, PROF. 0. R. , FOWLE%t'S LECTURF.S ON MAN, et 51USICA I, FUND lIALL.—TUES TIAY EVENING. Oct. 4th. "Imre and chilertin.'' THURSDAY EVENING. Oct. ath, " naivete or the Mental Faculties." SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. Rth. Intellect and 'Memory., and their Culture." Cont emning quarter before 8 o'clock, and closing with public) examinntions. • These lectures will be found highly interegting and in structive. Tickets to the COtlTlft Or II Lectures—Gents, 8125 ; Lndine. 76 cents; simile tickets. cents. Poitesslonal Examinations dally. and on evenings not nnaropriated to lecturce, at the 'Phrenological Rooms, Nn: 423 CHESMUT Street. Soo Programme& 01-Rt _I7.REV. PETER CARTWRIGHT. THE 01d Pioneer Preacher of the West, will prtiirA in CONCERT HALL. THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENING of thu, week. Tickets Is cents ; for onto t, Parry & Beck & Lawton, Pert:ermine & The rum the Methodist Tract Depository, and at the Hall on the dais of Use lectures. . Doors open at o'clock. _ . FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK —PRILADELPIIIA, OCCOliClqd. 1859. Notice is hereby riven that an election for Thirteon Dlrsotors will be held et the Banking . House on MON DAY, November2lst,lB69, between the hours''' . 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.; and n ceneral meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November ht. at 8 o'clock P. 85., at the Dankinr Flom. ot-iltn2l W. RUSHTON. Je., Cashier, SOUTHWARK BANK—PHILADEL . PIRA, °Maher ad, 1859. Notice is hereby given that an election for Thirteen Directors will be held nt the Banking House on MON DAY. November Met, 1809. between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M.; and a general moot. ;no of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, No vember Ist, nt 12 o'clock M. tit.dto2l F. P. BTEEL. Cashier. [TWESTERN BANK OF PHILADELPHIA —October Ist. 1859. ama! election for Directors of this Bank will be hold at the Banking House. on MONDAY. November 21st between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P- The minuet meeting of Stockholders will he held nt the same place on TUESDAY. Novelnber let. 4t 12 o'clock M. O. M. TROUTMAN, ot-tuikft-t ra) Cashier. C — ",s-- 0 THE INSTALLATION OF REV. JOHN .+.3 K.II.CDER over the "Spring Garden Unita. ruin Society" will take place at Handel & Ijardn Hall, Eighth and Spring Garden streets on Wednesday eve ning, October sth, at 111 . o'clock. The Bev. 0. B. Fro thingham, of New Yori Bev. Samuel Longfellow, of Brooklyn. and Bev. W.ll. Vurnctis,ll. D.,of this city, will participate in the occasional services. The public aro cordially invited. LrirFREE LECTURES EACH MONDAY ANT) WEDNESDAY EVENING, %11 Professor t3AbKINS, M. D., ECLECTIC COLI,101 , „: Sixth rod Celina:hill. Subject for this oventlig Wettnes ,;,l3, molt, 1 , ..! Disonses of the Liver. M that ankh. ho. MESTA UT St. oeS.St. APPRENTICES' MIIRARY COMPANY. —A enamel meeting' will bo held at the Library. t•orner FIFTH and ARCH Streets, on THIRD DAY EVENING next, Qctober Ith. at 8 o'clock. for tho V/1110101 Or considonnA The propriety of extending the nod Of the Library, and of applying to the Court of L'om mon Plane for authority Co to do. By order of the President, THOS. RIDGWAY, e3O-IC` THOS. FIRST LECTURE OF THE SEASON.— PAR BENJAMIN, Paq., l deliver his new a morous and Satirical Poem on lit ATCONCERT I ALL, On Tt'ESDAY EVEN!. (4, October 4. This Poem le said to be the bestproduction of this very popular Lecturer. Previous to the Lecture Mr. Benja min will read a splendid Poetical Tribute to the Into Dr. Kane. Tickets can be had at all of the principal Book and Music Stores, and at the office of the Ball dada; the tiny. Doors open at 7.; Lecture quarter to o'clock. Tiekete M cents. rirLECTURES ON MAN—HY PROFESSOR ORI9. S. FOWLER. At 'MUSICAL FUND RAIZ. LIF E, ITS LAWS. ORGANS, PITNCTIONS, AND IMPROVEhIENT, AS TAUGHT BY PERE NDLOOY AND PHYSIOLOGY. On Evenings and thiblecta 1111 fol lowa : THURSDAY, Sept ge—" Health, Signe of Character and Phrenology, its Proofs and Doctrines." SATURDAY. Oct. I—" Self-improvement t Or, Good Heads and Bodice, and how to tinprov.e both." TUESDAY, Oct.!—" Children, their Diet, Exercise, Regimen, Schooling, and. Moral Training arldpiovern rnent." . THURSDAY Oct. 6—" Analysorof the Propensities, and Grouping and Location of their Organs." SATURDAY. Oat. 6—" The bail I leotua I Faculties and i thq reatlor Culture. c." Memory, Mental Diseiplino, Schooling, F.Aln. /c For halence of the Courdergeo programme and subse quent advertisements. Commencng at quarter before 8 o'elock, and closing with PUBLIC F.X.A.MINAVONS. Seats, ZS cents. Connie Tickets Ito Eleven Lectures ' ) Lady, 79 cents. Gentleman. 1).251 with Lady, $l. Professional Delineations and Charts, with full written opinions and mime an to health. avocations, self-im- Movement, manasentent of ohltdroo,ko.,ko., Daily, and Evenings not appropriated to Lectures, at Phreno logical Rooms, No, 922 CHESTNUT Street, s2B-6t =TIIIIiTEENTH STREETS RAMER Letters' petent bar' mr been the eaeltal dealt of the Thirty aseenier Radway Company the said eubeoribere are m WALNUT Street, Phibuiely tober. 1859, at 11 o'clock A. Paler, and elect a President m other officers no maybe dean 1, t dward Gratz, / .mannel 0. Kromer, ohn P. Verret., abort Artnetrong, ffitos.S,Cromberger, Lfeitt Wa r teorge ga tson ges, hos. 'Ma. l. R. Cossetted, toady Sherwood, IL W. Fitzgerald, 'William Deal, One. W. moan. M. Bouvi Sa er. • 1 AND FIFTEENTH GER RAILWAY COM issued to the subscribers to teenth and Fifteenth-streets y of the city or Philadelphia, totified to meet at No. 327 Iphi a, on the lath day of'oo - N.. to organize said com and Fire Directors. and such ined necessary or expedient. W. A. Edwards. D. D. Jonee. Alfred C. Aariner, °Gorge Williams, J. W. Forney, JohncMichael, Bteel, Edwd. C. Yeehin, P. It Prone, Henry Hainee, fitoplam F. Hill, C.Colket, and 14 ?..ricii A. Coffey. WM Ist Holiittilimiimeni, (TrNOTITE.—GREEN AND COATES-ST. PANSENOER RAILWAY COMPANY, The third inetalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share, on the stook of the Green and Coates.atreet Pnasonger Railroad Company, will be due and payable on the 15t h day or oct, 180 at the ewe of the Company, No, 423 WALNU Strad. By order 0 the Board. 1116-thatntoll HARRY CONXELI,Y, Trenaurer. PROF. 0. S. FOWLER WILL COM. MENCE a Course of LECTURES ON LIFE, its Laws. Organs, Funationainnd Improvement, as taught by Phrenolocy_ and Physinlosy. at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, Sopt. 29 th, and give professional opinions and advice daily at his rooms. For particulars see lulls and papers of the dor. 0124 m THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered Into Copartnership as WOOL BROKERS, under the firm of E F. ITI TISS & CO., and have taken a atom 107 CIIESTN UT Street, where they be pleased to see their friends. E. F. P.R.NTIss. IL A PETTIBONE. October I. lel9. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN TIRE triaußAxaß COMPANY. PitILADELPIIIA, Oct of TI I II C I PIA ° 6 g E h tj'Y for Tl 4 tiltcilego'7i,„,aw l h i bil 3 W 9 e'lli d l ho paid to the Btonlchnlders or their legal representa tives on and after the /2tb instant, of Stele Ton' o4•Wlhe6t • rime. It. MARIE. Secretary. MARTIN & QUAYLE'S -Stationery, Toy, end Fancy Goods Emporium, 1035 WALNUT Street, below Eleventh, Philadelphia, ConstanGY on hand Perfuthery and Toilet articles. ut-lm GRAHAM, EmLEN. PASSMORE, No. _ or MARKET Street. Bole Mew ip fhttettelellie for rowlocks celebratett IROpi sodp.v.f.,Szsg, tt• NEW PUBLICATIONS. MOSIgaMI THE LONG EX.PECTED lIAS COME AT LAST! THE NUMBER OF THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, WHICH WILL DE READY ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, I=l ALL OVER TILE UNITED STATES AND TILE CANADAB! WILL CONTAIN THE FIRST CHAPTERS MRS. HOLMES' NEW STORY, MEM MARIAN GREY; VIE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE HALL It is with the greatest pleasure that the publishers is before thou numerous and appreciative readers THTEL THE LAST AND BEST EFFORT BRILLIANT AND POPULAR AUTHORESS, MRS. MARY J. lIOLMES; =l3 HER EXCLUSIVE LABORS FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, SURPASS ALL HER FORMER PRODUCTION'S Which have won for her such an enviable fame in the World of Lottery. The publishers have not been disappointed in lionising he first obapters of MARIAN GREY. They are what their knowledge of the abilitiea of the nuthoress led them to expeot.of the writer of " Lana Itivora," " Tempest and Sunshine," " Maggie Miller," " Dora Deane," " Cousin Maude," " English Or- Plms," " Homestead on the Hillside," " Meadow Brook; or. Rosa Lee," "Rosamond; or the Youthful Error," and numerous other work. of rare merit, and almost unbounded popularity. Had she never written aught but these opening chapter., they would stamp her as one of the very best novelists of the age. They nre certain that . MARIAN GREY Will stand at the head of all that has gene before, from the nen of the fair and gifted authoress, and will take the front rank among the romances of the dal. THE ORDERS FOR TIM STORY RAVE BEEN ALMOST OVERWHELMING! AND THE CRY IS STILL THEY COME! The publishers have boon obliged to greatly extend their facilities for publication, and to put their edition, containing the beginning of the new etorY, to prose several days earlier than usual, in order to be prepared to meet the uNpRECEDENTED I)7 AND But they are satisfied that a STILL FURTHER EXTENSION of their facilities WILL BE FORCED UPON THE.II INCREASED DEMAND I !at will follow the appearance of the firht chapters of MARIAN GREY. The exoltement everywhere is WITHOUT A PA RALLEL iu tho history of newspaper literature, (MEAT AS BAB BEEN THE SUCCEBB f the publiehe re. they }MVO lin heeitation in easing that heir engagement of MRS. HOLMES is the GREATEST SUCCESS OF Mali As a story papar and calmly journal, THE NE IV YORK WEEKLY BTANDs AT TILE HEAD OF ALL ITS COMM/DARIUS, ITS CIRCULATION WILL SUORTIX DE BRROND TO Pam. PROLISUED IN TOR WORLD To their host of renders they extend their warmest friendship and ennzratuktinna, knowing that they will be extremely gratified with the perusal of M4RI4N GREY; THE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE HALL, li=l3 READY ON TUURSDAY, OCT. Ern I:CP - PRICE FOUR CENTS PER COPY. - ta oct *WWII to TUE ➢SORE WE USE IT THE Such is the unlearnt testimony borne to the publish em by all who base tried ORIOLA; A New and Complete Hymn and Tune Book for Sunday Schools, BY WILLIAM B. BRADBURY, The pannier author of " The Sabbath School Clem," " Sabbath School Melodies," and other Juvenile Melo Hooke: also, author of" The Shawm," "Jubilee," eto, BRADBURY'S ORIOLA Containe one•third inore matter than any of his former Books at the same price, and is really cheaper than any hook before the public. 251 pages, Moo. Or"' It is full of Ocins." rrir Superintendents and all intereated in Sunday 80h00111 should give it an early examinetten. It con tains some 200 tunes, one-fourth of which were never beer° published, and over 300 choice Hymns. For sale everywhere, Sent by mail for 12 letter stamps, B. 11. BUTLER ,1; CO, PU1111181141119, 137 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, oei-tuth& a] PRILADIII,FHIA, RENOUARD'S (of Paris) HISTORY OF MEDICINE. vol. Bye., pp. 72(). Sheep. Price $3.50. No student of Medieine canpursue hie studies with genuine zeal, without the ,information conveyed to renders of English only in this volume. livery Physician rind Student of Medicine should be acquainted with the history of his solonco. • • • A compendious, well-arranged treatise by Dr. Ron ouard. etc.—l Prof JACK.ON. UlliV. of POlOl. • It lea work of groat erudition, accuracy, and phi lo• sophioal faatinien.-IHanyzy LniooLky, M. D., Waal , - ilgton City. Phis work of Renouard in one of groat merit, well calculated to fill a vont in thin department of medical literature.—l Prof. Otiose, Jefferson Med. Col., Flub. Wile best history of Medicine extant.—[Am. Jour. of Pharmacy. From its paces a very accurate acquaintance with the History of Medullae may be obtaineilc-iliety ea Am. Jour, of Mod, Sconce. We are sure that the work will he received with the favor which it no truly deserves.—( Boston Med. and Sure. Journal. It is a work which is greatly needed. home such wor it ought to form part of every liberal and extendo, course of Medical education, • " • • - 110 similar modern work in our IMaguage.—[London Mod.' Times and fiat ette... MOORE. WII.STACIE KEYS. & CO, Pubbehers. For sale by all Slydienlßooksellers in iFliiledelpliin o ANDSAY & BIAIOSTON, sirrit Street; J. B. LIP INCOTT & CO., FOURTH &rem, eth. al-tu&sit GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST.- ;Huy yonr BOOKS at MRG E EVANS' (bit- Book Store. No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, whore you pet a GIFT. worth from SO cents to $lOO, with any Book Hutt you buy. You can get any Bonk you want if it is in print. NEW BOO& CHAMBERS' INFORMATION FOR THEPEOPLE. A now and complete edition. Two volume, bro., slump, with over MO engravings, and a handsome Oift. Price only GRACE TRUNIAN, nr Love and Principle. By Sallie Roolireter Ford. One volume. 121,10.. cloth, Price $l. LOVE lI:AMOUR/. By Michelet. One volume,l2mo., cloth. Price Eel. RECOLLECTIONS OF A SOUTHERN MATRON, and a New England Bride. One volume, 12ut0., cloth. Price $1.25. MESIOIRS OF VIDOCQ, the celebrated French Po liceman. One volume. 12mo. Price $1.25. LIFE OF COLONEL DAVID CROCKETT. Written by himself. Owing full accounts of his perilous citron- Itires,4 c. One vol., 12mn. Price 81, BAYARD TAYLOR'S TRAVELS IN GREECE AND 1111SSIA.--One volume,l2inn. Price 81.25. SYLVIA'S WORLD. Crimea which the Law does not Reach. B y the Author of "Buoy Moments of an title Woman. One vol., 12m0., cloth. Price al. MIeS LESLIE'S BEHAVIOR BOOK FOR LA • DIES. One volutne,l2mo.. cloth. with a gift. Price $l. THE WORLD IN A POCKET BOOK. One volume. 12 A n l b % cloth. o p T y i f i t Price It I rVirros, and &hand some gift witKetteh . . Price I. TILE. WAY ERLEY NOVELS, and a gift. 81 each. cooPF.R'S NOVELB.and a gift. 81 each MARRYATT'S NOVELS, and a rift. 531 each. HUMOROUS ROOKS, and a gift, $1 each. MAYNE REID'S NOVELS, and a gift. 81.25 each. ALL THE NEW BOOKS, in every department of Literature, and A HANDSOME PRESENT, with each book, at Worth from to cents to 8100, is given GEORGE 1.1 EVANa' GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, _ 01-St N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, COUNTRY ADYERTISING.—TIIE AME RICAN RERUBLICAN and CIL F,HT ER COUNTY DEMOCRAT, established in ItOJ, and psiblished at West Chaster. Pa.. is 101 , stested to the Mergiiants and busi ness man of Philadelphia, its a firat-crlasog luadium for rolvertitong. In the county of Chester. whore mainly circulates, there Me four tailrond,terminnti•K at Phila delphia, and these roads annually carry to that city hu n tl reds and thousands of persons, all of whom go thorn to make purchases. Advertising solicited. GEO. W. PEARCE, 03-at Proprietor. A HISTORY OF ALL RELIGIONS, Containing A Statement of their Oman. Development, Doctrines, and Discipline. BY SAMUEL M. SMUCKER, LI,. D. This work presents m a col:Jamul form the most valuable information in reference to the submit which could be desired. It contains, elisn, select Biograpideal Notices of Eminent Divines eivj Theologians Thnu., 133 pages. Price $l. DUANE RCLISON. Publisher. v27-tutheet* N0.33 South THIRD Street. OLD BOOKS—OLD BOU4S—OLD BOOKS The undersigned Mates that he has frequently for sale books printed between the yeere 147061241600; early editions of the Fathers of the Reformers and of the Pit et a , Divines; in Law, Braeton, Littleton, Purendorff °retitle. Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Rooks, Reports &a., are often to be found op hie ehelvee; Cyclopedias LexioonsClassio authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, B_pienee, deal _Foonomy, ffovernment, Architecture, Velure! utory. Treativesupon these and other kindred subjects are being continually deli' by him. Books, in large and em 11l quanpties,Ani a t the House avenue QOUTAII. CABO Fourth, Ptulade mylitAnt JONA CAMPBELL, THE PRESS.-PMItADELPMA, TUESfIAY,' OCTOBER 4, 1850. RETAIL DRY GOODS. DOUBLE SKIRT SEOOND MOURNING VALENCIA ROBES, OPEN TO-DAY. PURPLE AVON PLAIDS ONLY 25 CENTS A YARD LUPIN'S BUR FRENCH MERINOES, GO CTS LUPIN'S; 8t.% & WHITE 3101:89ELINE8, 3734 CT& T ENTH. REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT JOHN C. KELLER, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. Tina Diatnet ix aomposed of tho FIFTEENTH. WARD, and the SECOND and SIXTH DIVISIONS of the FOURTEENTH WARD. ee4-7t. MOURNING STORE, I P EOPLE'S TICKET. BLACK A. WHITE EINGLIBB DE LAINEB,I3 CT? BESSON & SON, NO. 808 CHESTNUT STREET SPECIAL SALE. THOS. W. EVANS A: CO. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER A LARGE ASSORTMENT NEW SILKS. PURCHASED AT THE RECENT AUCTION SALES, AT DEPRECIATED PRICES, EXTREMELY Low, RETAIL PRICE BEM; LEH'S THAN COST OF IMPORTATION 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET oc3-9L WINTER STOCK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared tomtit families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSIIRINKINO FLANNELS, FANCY BACK FLANNELS, FINE STOOK OP BLANKETS, CASSIMERES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.—The above Goode are all at the low rates of the eenson. 0c.34020 0 I) .E 'NING FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, W. I'. CAMPBELL'S, 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER srn of-It OPENING SPLENDID FANCY GOODS L. J. LEVY & CO. JNVITI TIII INSPECTION OF 'THE PUBLIC EXHIBITION 1011 their second floor) OF THE CHOICEST MANUFACTURES OF THE FRENCH LOOMS OF THIS YEAR TIIR COLLECTION EMBRACES RVE,YIND, DINNER, AND Pi omENADE DRESSES, All of wlooli are °Hared at very reaaonablo pricer The very large importations of the protein Fall hate enabled L.. 1. L. & Co. to ptireloote mon> twods at lean than the Cost of Importation ; their Cuntemera will receive tho benefit arising therefrom. SOD AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET ai.tr CLOTHS !! CLOTHS !! I SNODGRASS & STEELMAN, lAIDORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSJMERES, VESTINGS, rice., NO. 53 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Are doll) taco% ing aiklitiona to their airtime]) largo stook of FALL GOODS. Continued in part of SLACK AND COLORED CLOTIIN, a " lIPAVERS, " CASSIMERES AND DOESKINS, PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMIIRPA, SILK, VELVET, AND CASILMERE VENTINON, N. D.--A variety of Cloths and Demers suitable for LADIES' CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. s24.tf SILKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS ! I ! THOIINLEY & CIIISM OFFFR THIS DAY Very rich fano' Saga for 76 and 87 verde. Exceedingly rich for &t. worth et ga. Black Bayaderea and Plain rotor Silks. &c.,&c. TIM BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED ' ! ! Over 81.000 worth of Brochen Shawls. Stella Shawls, in black and colored centres. French. Scotch, and American Woollen Shawl,. Plain End embroidered Crave Shawls. New att lea of Cloaks °penult; daily. All the above good. being BOUGHT CLOSE FOR CASH. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Our afore, being centrally located. LL is (may of accetu from all parte of the city and country, N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. out THORNLEY & ClllBht. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF }WIRTH AND CHERRY 8113., Have now open a line assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. _ . The whole from the celebrated manufacturers, Hertz & Wagoner. in Berlin. Our customers can depend on getting the best article over allayed at Mail In Phila delphia, at tno lowest prices. A •PLESDID ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. • A VARIETY OP BLACK CLOAK TASAKLI. iIgMO4OAO CROCIIET CLOAK FRINGES. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DEES% TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS. ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAA AND CAPS. ZEPILICII KNIT IJAITEE, AND SLEEVES. A MI. STOCK op STAPLE TRIMMINGS. AT it APSON '8 LADIES' PRIMIGINGB AND 'ZEPHYR STORE. Cor. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY EITB. el6-3m MEN'S TRAVELLING SHAWLS— In a 'rent variety of designs and mixtures, In cluding the finest goods in the market. Boys' Shawla and Hallway Wrappers. SHKRPLESS. BROTHERS. ol CHESTNUT and IHUHTII. MACK CLOAK VELVETS •—AII widths, of the heat Lyons Hoods. just loco carefully ordered for cuatosner trade, being smooth vile and bright color. Also, Blaog and Colored Bonnet Velveta. CRAIBIELtEBB_.ERI)TH} R 9 M yl• and EIfiHTII Streets. AUCTION LOTES OF FOR SALE BY WILL °MIN, RETAIL .I)RY GOODS. BQYS'WEAR. INLEWS .ffi'EAR. Casainieres espeeialls for bore. Contiaga for Dora' fell arid wider POST. Cr o oorneree of extra ereishanasl ,entsi Finer grades in Panay, Pim/welt Blaok. Dina Doeskins, extra quiljty I 0/1011.9. Auction lots Black Cloths I , ‘f. •o• Ladies' Light Colored Cloak, 1.49. CO}OPi. in IJONARA, 'MET. N. B.—lnducements to the Tmlor antic+. AßK 1100 _ _ BLACK FIGURED SILICF,. LYONS BLACK 131XLS, in all the new designs of neat Same. and Bev adores. ji a rtOK FLOUNCED AND DUPE ROBES,ofmedium DLANITIZMROS DE BRINES, of all widths and en/intim BONNET'S BLACK TAFFETAS, from medium to the most superb qualates. These goods have been selected with great care, for our beet city trade. 01 SHARSLESS BROTHERS. CHESTNUT nnd RIGHTS' Streets. ISLIM TLS AND CLOAKS. Auction lota Shawls. at 141$0, $7.00.8269, to 81.00. Fluor parks Stella allawla, at coat and • FALL CLOAKS. Ladies' French Cloth Cloaks of Light and Dark Shades Habit Clothe. Prices ran a from aa to $8 no. Cluaka made to o rtl er o at !Al az 'a c to t t i n, ee2o NINI'H and 24AR)&11.. POLITICAL. FOR AUDITOR UINERAL, THOMAS E. COCHRAN, 9K YORK COUNTY FOR VRVEYOR GENERAL, WILLIAM E. KEIM, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. WILLIAM 11. MANN FOR PROTHOSOTARY OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, HARIABS D. KNI(IIIT. FOR STATE SENATOR—Second lltstriet. 0 E 0 R, 0 E It. SMITII. FOR BTATE HENATOR—Fourth District OEOROE CONNELL. FOR ASSEMBLY Fail lltetrict—PAßSON EDNION DS. tlocond District—WlLLlAM B. TURNER Third District—CHAßLES HORTZ. Fourth District—HENßY K. STRONG. Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE. Sixth District—CHAßLES O'NEILL. Bevonth District—J. H. SELTZER Eighth Dnitrict—JACOll E. RIDGWAY Ninth Thetrict—NATHAN SPERING. Tenth District—S. S. I'ANCOAST. Eleventh District—lSAAC A. SHEPPARD Twelfth District—RlCHAßD WILDEY. Thirteenth District—JAMES lIOLOATE. Fourteenth District—J. B. ALLEN. Fifteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. Sixteenth District—GEOßGE WILEY. Seventeenth District—CHAS. R. ABBOTT 6025-tune CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. BAILY & BROTHER. NO. 020 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TO-DAY A LOT OF ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS, OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, AND ENGLISH INGRAINS AT SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. 122-titdeit ► JI O 'MERCHANTS -BUYING OIL cLonis AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTIIS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZED 014 CAMBRIC, beautiful article fur shades. The largest stook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market. at prices which defy competition. au3l-2m M'CALLUM & CO.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GI:IMAMOWN. Also, Importers and Desists in OARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING. RUGS. &O. WAREHOUSE 009 CHESTNUT ST., (Comae the State House.) Southern and Western buyers are respeetfully invited to oath. nu4.2m . _ p lIILADELPCIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. dab AT AN ADJOURNED MEETINg OF..TIIE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, HELD A? NO. U MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., Hoptetnl43r 7th, IS3O, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors of the Company, viz: 1,11:0110.E IL STUART, S. moititirs WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The DOWN of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK. of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persons favorable to the enter prise are respectfully invited to latent be. 88-tt G ROCERIES. • R. S. REED d'a II'ROLES.4LE GROCERS, No. 115 ARCH STREET, DELOW. SECOND STREET, On hand. Al all times, strictly Primo Itiu Coffee; Love n nes, Pennsylvania, and Now York Syrup and Honey, Sarreln. Cl-6 t CAUTION.--We hereby caution ell per• ROlOl Hot to plirelltlSO our COOIOII, Stove or 4tOVOS with Hollow Contree or Hollow Cross Pioves nn, exrepr Mout made by u.. as wo are the oxclinnvo owners of the Potent for inakine Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross heroes, nod w•o shall aroeueuto ell VOCIMII6 who infringe on our retold, to the 101 l extent of the law. STUART .4 IiI.ITERSOII. Iron Founders, WILLOW Street, above Thirteenth. CONTINENTAL, HOTEL COMPANY.- 10 noeordance with a Reaohition of the Board of Merriam of "The Continental - Dotal Company." a Fifth Instalment or TWENTY PER CENT. or ONE HUNDRED. DOLLARS upon ea.+ Share of the new Block anbaerdied M ill be pat able oniir before WED NESDAY. the sth duty of Oetober. 15.11, at the Office of 'he Treasurer, No, 813 ARCH Street above 1.4104 tree!. J. SEROFANT_ UANO—GUANO.-100 tons of Guano iu store end for solo at B',S) par 2020 vound2 ; Jull MeiJANEY, 013 N WILLOW street, below Second. TAR —Just received, a large invoice of TAR 'Par, in 6uporior ordor and larva I,arrelii, sad for Bala to WEAVER, FITLE___,R & CO., ol No. zi N. WATER sad 22 N. P Ei.AwA RE Av. 'MENTON LEMONS.-250 boxes Menton Lemon., mound and m VTI MO order for Hobe lir eV A. MERINO. 14080,101 FRONT Street. nfIEESE.-320 Boxes lierkimer•County Cheene, in store and for sale by C. C. SADLER & CO. of ARCH etrent. second door above Front. M ACKEREL AND ALEWIVES. -90 bile. and no half bile new No. 2 ; Mile. and 180 hall' bbla. new large No.B Mackerel • 100 bble. Alewives, for gale by WM. J. tAYLOYg & v 1,11 1 tay ;YOUTH' NV }I AR an. ATEmr Nos. 1 Y 3 MACKEREL--A small i lIVOiCt3 of mmorted packages, lauding from steamer Kensington, and for sale by WRi. J . 'r&YLOtt pp Itun smITH WiLa & RvI,S. COVERING'S SYRUP, in hhds. and IUL, at reduced prines, (or sale by JAMES GRAHAM & CO., s.le LETITIA £4tTest. NEWYORK SYRUP-300 bids. assorted, for ?We 11 JAMES 011411AA1 A: CO.. e3O lATITIA street. MISS M. M. HART, No. 206 PINE N i ttarlv l4 :4947t e li n . and Winter I%hilivive. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. DRY GOODS NOTICE. e JOSHUA L. BAILY. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, 213 MARKET STREET, Invites special attention to ono of the largest and oboicest assortments of WIN TER DRY GOODS IN THIS MARKET, EMBRACING ALL TILE NO vELTIEs IN FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS. BROOM, STELLA., AND BLANKET SHAWLS. Of the newest and choiceit. styles. ENOLISII AND AMERICAN BLANKETS. All sizes and qualities. WHITE, SCARLET, YELLOW, GREEN, AND BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. WELCH FLANNELS A GENERAL ASSORTMENT CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS AND VESTINGS. The newest Printings in MANdIIESTEU DE LAINES HIIRETINGS AND BIIIRTINGS, CHECKS, TICKINGS, AND STRIPES, AND CANTON FLANNELS. A FULL LINE ENGLISH' AND AMERICAN PRINTS, AND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF MERRIMACK PRINTS 91 TILE UNITED STATES. JOSHUA L. BAILY, NORTH SIDE OF MARKET STREET, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call erecial attention to our stook of DRESS GOODS, Now exposed for sale EVERY RETAILER Who limy visit NUM YORK will be amply repaid the expense of hie trip, by selectins out of our splendid vs riety Si) les different from those to be found in other markets. GO CASES DEL AINES. now and really beautiful 200 " WAMSUTTA PAIN TS, new styles. 100 " WARREN PRINTS, 1,000 CLOAKS, SACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for us. We have a rich xupply of DRESS 'GOODS AND DOMESTICS, 01 , POPL'LAR BRANDS, But to the above wo auk your notice in particular. We shall nut quote prices, but autftee it toga,. that by this tots ertisement we menu to arrest your attention, and the ttooda and Prices will enable on to arrest the at tention of your customers the country round. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 AND $2 CHAMBERS STREET, W. S. STEWART & CO., JOBBERS OF AUCTION COODB, 303 MARKET STREET, ABOVE THIRD, Lore now m Store a full lino of BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, BROCIIE ANI) OTHER SHAWLS, SILK MANTILLA VELVETS, Of all grade., and all the new fabric, in Drees Geode, to which we invite the !Mention of CASH AND FROMI"D SIX-MONTH BUYERS. e9-9m SPECIAL NOTICE. RECEIVED, PER LATE ARIVALS, A LARGE AND FULL ASSORTMENT OP BLUE, BROWN, AND BLACK CLOTHS, of the most desirable makes and finish. BLUE CLOTHS, nednun and heavy. BROWN do., do. do. BROWN do., superior do. BLACK do., plain, twilled, niedinin. and heavy weight. WO, DOESKINS AND OVERCOATINGS FOR SALE BY PARRE LL cL MORRIS. U 3.2 CHESTNUT STREET, a2l-dtno) Imortern and Corn 'Dimon Merchants INV. PROCTOR (K: CO.. IMPORTERS. MANUFACT UR ERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S' CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To thou. Stock. comproong EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES In medium and taut-class (louder, including PINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, BEAVER CLOAKS, MINES' CLOAKS. &c., &o. NEW !STRIPED BOWRNOUS, Mt= 1301/SNOL'S WITH PLAITS, AU of which will be offered et Luw Prices TO CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS J. W. PROCTOR & CO., TILE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. PRICE, FERRIS, & CO.. IMPORTERS OP GO WHITE ODS, LINENS ,MITTS, EMBROIDERIES. LACES, MANTILLAS, &c. NOS. 626 MARKET ST., AND 622 COMMERCE ST. ser Our Stock is seleoted by a member of the firm, in the BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS. MANILA ROPE.—A largo stock of Ma IT-R. tote Rem est sizes. manufactured and for sale at the lowest New Yorl t prc, by W IA _FITT.Eft a _2I, Q O .. 01 kfct. ;3 WATS az tel SSI.AwARS Av. PHILADELPHIA, %I A superb assortment ESTEEM Standard makes ABOVE SECOND, PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK HANDSOME DRY GOODS JOBBERS. SPECIAL NOTICE. For the accommodation of many of our cm' norm als:its who cannot leave their stores during the usu.!: busi nese hours at this sewn, as well CO to accommodate eottvrar :4811CIIAN7S who wish to economize time, the store'bvill be open during the month of OCTOBER, Every meek day evening except Saturday. The salesmen will he in attendance to show buyers through the stock until 10 o'clock P. M. JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTER, AND JOBBER Or FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, 2t3 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. oc3 tf 185 0 , FALL IMPORTATION. 1859 JOEL J. BAILY & CO., No. 219 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, nave received by recent arrivals, and will continue to receive during the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND Wr. , ,iTER GOODS, Consisting in part of 'HOSIERY, ()LOVES, MITTS. AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES', MISSES', GENTS'. AND DOl5 LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, BILE AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Black and Fancy Silk Scarfs. Ttes, and Cravats. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Ildkfs. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, &c. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and ' MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety. "JOUVIN'S SYS lEEE," BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sizes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS, JACKETS, NUBIAS, Re Together with a large assortment of CLARK'S nye parlor sir-card " Silk-Finiehed " and " Enamelled " SPOOL COTTON. Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, put up on spools of 2,400 yards each, to which the atten tion of Shirt Makers and Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIR MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine our Stock, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade. s7-2m R. WOOD, MARSH, do HAY WARD, IMPORTERS A:eD WHOLESALE DHALERSIN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. N 0.309 ALUIRET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Pall it Winter Stook Awe oomplete and ready for buyers. aub-3m WANTS. WANTED.—The Advertiser wishes to obtain a Situation in Wholesale House in this city. Has a good acquaintance South and West. Best °felts and Pittsburg references can be given. Address "J. M.." 432 Chestnut Street. WANTED—By a Young Manied Man. a Situation as Salesman. City references. Pro vision or Grocery lifisinem Preferred. Address " Samuel," this office. c4.3t* P .l 5,000 —ASHTON'S COMMER CIAL AGENCY, 505 CHESTNUT ....treet.—A Partner Is wanted to Join a competent and experienced man in 'he conducting of the Exalisnee and Banking business. An ouportunitt is now offered by en opening promising huge results. An settee e. plta I 01 from $,15,000 to $20,000 may be safely and pro fitably invested. of-3t* WANTED—By a Young Man, a situation In env mercantile establiahment where he can make himairgenerally ueefut, either in the counting room or Core. Addrees "R. L. A.," at thin office. WANTEB— By a middle-aged Man, a ihta‘tina an Porter in a wholesale Grocery or Dry Goods House Beet of clot reterences can be elven. Address •• William. "Preset office. 03-4 t IVANTED—An experienced Salesman in a Wholesale Dry Hoods House. doing a large Southern trade. To a competent person who can fur nish trade a literal salary will liwgiven. Address W. & mice. C 0.." this oce. 0.3-3 t• WANTED—By a Young Man 19 years of are. a Situation in a Wholesale Store. fe in• tell and writes a fur halal. Compensation not F. moth en object as emplo‘ meet in en estililtahinent where hi can obtain n knob - 11%1,e of businegg. Best of reference given. Addresa P.," at this afire. WANTED—A ituation as Assistant Clerk in n 'Wholesale Louse or Factory. by a %minx married man. who can furnish the Peet tir mon tals as to character. Morels "office Pb,"L" e orris paper. $5OO WANTED—By a gentleman who hss fent patented an invention of 'treat merit and utility. To one forniYhinr the amount an ettudl trit4rext will he given. Address for three days, 111. thorn " Bloddly filyryth.h. 03-3 t• AYOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO OR TAIN a Ilituation to do llntiegerork in a amen fa te a good Cook and Ironer. Apply to 721 Morris stree'. 03.21* FOR SALE AND TO LET. fn FOR SALE-1924 CHESTNUT Street. Handsome Foor•story Dwell:nit in complete or der. 'lmmediate pos.casion. Three-story Double Rack nuildimis. Lot 23.3 feet deep to Name-ma-street; t..! feet front; 2 Heaters; Gee in every Rom; Hot and Cold Water, with ell modern improvements. Terms ese, Apply to Meters. GDIIMt y St SON, IVO WALNt T Street. o t St APER,SOI , ZAL CHANCE—The Store to rentpnd Fixtures for sale. ofJ. 11 .k et. A. LOVF,'S Splendid }nivel , tracery Store. SEVENTH and BROWN treets. Inquire on the 'amine, or at their Ten Store, Fourth and Chestnut. 04-fit T DRUGGISTS.—FOR SALE —A firbt class Fru: Store. well located and handsomely fitted op. Numhnr of Prescriptions compounded last )ear, 10.50. AVOTA.ZA buxiness annually for the last seven 'ears over ecopu. The Proprietor has sneered In another business. For particulars inquire of Bullock & Crenshaw. Sixth and Arch, or Ziegler & Smith. cog. Second and theen of St' rti- A NEAT AND CONVENIENT LaDwellin: to rent, No. &It North SIXTH Street. 8 tuo per annum. Apply at No. 430 Market street. of-6t ADMINIsTRAToR , S SALE.—A ..141161A very superior Trotting Mare and Patehen Co't a - di he sold nt rehire Sale, at the house of ST.kCY K. CA NI PION. Mount Holly. Burlington county. N. J., on SATURDAY. Oct. s, at 10 o'clock. The above Mare is P years old, sound and kind in all harness; has trotted in puhlte 2 Intn.42 see. The Colt is 2 months old. and is prono maid by competent jud.;es to be one of the moat Hronasina Mare Colts ever Eared by "G. M. Patehen " ale postti ve, to aloes the Estate of late D. B. PEA COCK. TROMAS H. MOOR. 6t• Administrator. 11QUORS.—An ohl•establisited Wine and Liquor Store for sale. Situated on MARKET Street. For further particulars, address " A. B. C.." Press Office. 01-30 fn. FOR SALE—That large House and Lot, southwest corner of EIGHTH. and LOCtST Streets. Apply ANWS MURTON, 1.T.) la. SEVENTH Street. corner of Walnut. ocl-31. gm FOR SALE OR RENT—A large Nlastie Brick iroriln, with all the modern im proventente hot and cold water, ens, heaters. ace., al in complete order, :Co. 96 Union erect. Burlington, N.J. Apply to E. I'. Ni I IiEIIiETON, 5 N. PHONT Street.or'm THUM AS Dn:DALE. n521-t f BURLINGTON. N. J. AT PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, ay. Oct. 22, 155.9, on the premises A Valley Farm," in Chester count). admitting Coln Station, gin Pens.- Ivanin Railroad. three Mies west of Downingtown. containing 125 Acres of excellent quality or Land. with good Building.. and pee...sing ninny advantage. (.1 'hater. roads, and other conveniences. Vo, further par. ticulars call upon JNO. E FOX. Executor, No. 11 South THIRD Street. Phila. Fro LET—A Second-story Room, conve nientA. to the State House. eultable for a Law) e Hake. Ayttl) 31t CHESTNUT Street. elo frm FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.- MEL The subscriber, in concentrating his business on Chestnut street, west of Tenth street.offers for sale, t tiPigt ngs reasonablesea „ te „ e ln u a i s • r ' n ' u r fni u n ff. - „T. r L u til! ' ?g r shoji, anti injector streets, suitable for almost any large tininufncturing business For partici:Gus inquire lif ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, 7go nt N. SI NT II Street, or to the subsariber, ho. 100 CHESTNUT Out. WM. D. ROGERS. r i t OR SALE. .2. The Bulmenher will dispose of the entire Stock of FINE 3IONUMENTS. STATUARY, 111.1A.1) ANT) FOOT STONES, &e., AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE YARD, No. 1823 ARCH Street, West of Eighteenth street sl.2m W:11 4 HILL MOORE. TO LET—The first-class Retail Grocery Stand. with fixture, hoietinr: machine. countine house. s a d etnrare rooter complete. No 2.Y) North SF.- CONS Street. For ken, apply to M. WATSON. Bu ie), Sheaf Hotel, next door below. I=-thetudt. $50,000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, I upon Diamonds, 'Watches. Jewelry. Gum Mer chandise, Clothing. &0., on moderate terms. by JONES & CO.. Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and GAS KILL Streets, below Lombard. Established for the &w -art nears. Office boors from 7A. M. to 7 P. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale oheap. at one-hall the ormittal coat. latt4 am-if BOARDING BOARDING.—EIegant and airy Rooms, do N ie and in suites. can be hed with first-elate Board. for the Summar, Fall. and Wintor, at 1315 WAL NUT Street. ea-2m LOST AND FOUND. .OST.—On Monday afternoon, in TENTH 1...2 Street between Shipren and Rare. a larze CA 31E0 BREASTPIN, With It GOTtlen 1,p;.! Border. view of A Fultable, reward wdl be given on its restoration to N 0.622 South TENTH Street, above l_ 4 hippen. 04 3t E . NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WIIOLL"ALI AND RETAIL. An extensive tteek of OIL PAINTINGS, etc, All nt veil Low Prices. bll4 ARCH Street, above SIXTH, PhilltftPlphin. 00-4:Ma THE PRICES OF McCLEES' COLORED end Plain PHOTOGRAPHS and DAGUERREO TYPES, so lieu known for their superior finish and ere now reduced to those of the second class Galleries. Plain Phntoosphs for o i l kir so. rai CHESTNUT Street. YERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS. &e.-1U per rant. off for enah, at PARKER'S Factory and Depot, 117 N. SIXTH Street. eel a.l 6 10 116 V SPIRITS TURPENTINE —75 bbls, Spts Turpentine, in store and for We hr ROIVLEV ASHBURNER, & CU., No. to South WHARVES. tA WHISKEY.'— 125 puncheons James Stewart & Co 'a Paiabre Malt, In bond and fnr sale hi' g.EORI4I WIRITELEy. .21-3 m SPTS. TURPENTINE. —5O bbls opts Turpentine, in store anti for male by ROWLEY. A9}l9 URYRR.A CO. yer at. IMSoatl, ARV-V:3 fIITILDIt EN'S CLOTHING—Latest Styles J In grent vanety. Patters always on hand. MI RACE StroM, first dorlralwww}.lxlith. KV 41r I'ONEY.-20 tierceg prime Cuban Honat, of very anperior quality. in storei and for WC low. by sa.U•lot 33)131141.MTTESTtrage.t.'' AMUSEMENTS. WHEATLEY 4, CLARKE'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Taw atiESDAEi EVENTNG. Oct- 4. NERVOL 8 MAN. McShane. Mr. Col'ios Aspen. John Gilbert. TEDDY '. HE TILER. Todd , allowney. Mr. Collins. To conclude with DOCTOR DILWORTH. BcsLir 0 v Pee_ N.A.—AI:W.Bmo,, :Scents; Skewed Beata in Dieu Ctrele. SIM cents; Psr4oet. 40 calls- Donn ones at 7 o'clock; certormancto to commence It 736 o'clock misuser. WALNUT-STREET THEA'I RE. &Me Ltssee M. A. GARR ETTBOII. TRIP Tti ES DAY EVEN lb tr. Oct. 4. THE I,VErT WIP.II-10:11-WIeR. Narramattak, Mite Mir bell. Katty O'Rheal M ies teBl4'l,jekL.:ll. MR, ANP 111•08._ Mr. Peter White. Mr. Vint= Roxtrs. &eta Ur PRlCHe.—Dreee Circle beat,eacured irate out extra tired 50 tette ; peee,e;. tlt,sta elicur 50 cents. /37 ; Second Tier and F..c-.lr Guile , nd Tier. 25 cants ; Private Boxes, ac.. :ins to their ' &5 and $3: Strije /Seats to -estra and ?nests 805ea.75 cents. Box Office open daily, from 30 sail s o'clock, rh u o seats nun he Bemired to adcance AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. R AvELS AND 3IARTINETTI rAMILIL THIB UFB DA Y / EVENING, October tiODENaKI LOr. The tkaters • Gndeuski, Gabriel Revel; Eta:males. Francois Ravel ; Lodoviska. Line Wendel. RIM-KA; Or THE ADVENTURES OF AN AERONAUT. Ventilator, Gabriel Ravel: Kim-ka, Frcnoois Ravel ; Pretti Hu- bil-ru-she, Miss Frances. PRlCES.—Parquet. Parquet Circle and Balcony, te eta ; Family Circle and Amphitheatre.23 cents. Box Office oven from Id A. M. till 4 P. M., when State eon be secured without extra charge. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at Da' o'clock. of THE MARTYRDOM OF HUSS is now exhibitinc, with other Faintiers of the DUS SELDORF COLLECTION.n Southeast GaLlet7 of the ACADEMY 01 , FINE ARTS. Oven dimly, from 9 A. M. *ll 5 P. M., and 7 to IC P. M. kimuspoon 55 comic 01-9 t SAIsIFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, P 4 - 7 ELEVENTH street. between Cheetnet and Market. Open for the Beason. SANFORD'S STAR TROUPE , the largest Companyin the world. In their excellencies extz7 evening. • BANFORD se ..rs Every evening in Hu great Role of Chamber& Doors open at 13i. Commence MS Admission X cents. Maldive 13 contr. it.-cDONOUGH'S GAIETIES-RACE ST., below THIRD. THIS EVENING. THE GREAT PANTOMIME or BLANCO'S MAGIC SWORD, With New Scenery, New Dreeaer, and :few Appoint ments. WONDERFUL TRICK! GREAT SCENIC TRANSFORMATIONS! MECHANICAL EFFECTS! Price of Admission I 0 and BS cents. Private Bozos 25 cants. SPORTING. CRICKET.—THE GRAND LNTERNA TIONAT. CRICKET MATCH between the best. Kleeenplayers of all Enybsnd. end Twenty-two of the Crated State take piece on the St. George's °runlet, at the 'Northern ternunue of the Tenth and kleeenth street Railroad. on MONDAY, October loth, and follow- I r dais. commenemc at 10 o'clock A. 31. BECK'S BAND bag been enraged for the oeession. Comfortable seats will be provided for the accommoda tion of Mids. Yu is es o • Aostrv‘ro , r.—Day tickets SO cents; Season tiokets, I. To be had at the gate, or of the Secretary. By order of t he Committee. CHARLES H. T. LI COLS. Be'ey. 6.27 Walnut eireet. N. B.—Carriages w Meet down heads North on Twelfth Erect. 03-7 t REmovams. REMOVAL. Tho Bubserabcr having REMOVED TO ?55 MARKET STREET. (The store formerly occupied by J. B. Ellison do Sow.) Would gall the attention of buyers to his large and well • selected stock of CLOTRS.OVFRCOATINGS, CASSIMEREN, SATINETTS, VESTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, And all other goods adapted to Men and Boys' me JOHN V. TERRY. 2A.5 MARKET STREET. •••• a, EMOVA L. — . MARTIN & WOLFF have Removed to No. 334 MARKET Street. South side. below Fourth, where they oiler n, ehmue assortment Of Fall and Winter Goode. n.t. vets low meta. ,13-1910 IRE D It 'MAL. SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING HIP DISEASE. TRITER, SCALD READ. Eruptions tf the Skin ,enerallv. and all Humors and Impurites he Blood, are radmillY cad peretteentiJ eared hl the oe!ellated IMPERIAL DEPIIRAII . . It has been a eery important sent in the cure of CANCEROUS DISEASES b 3 Dr. Lounsberry k Co.. for a number of 3 ears matt and its great value in the curs of Cancers is abundantly established by the many cum effected. b y it. In SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable curative effect has never been equalled. It curse the most ototi nate ranee. TETTER, SCALD READ, and all Rruptiolui of the Skin. readily yield to a moderate nee of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are readily cured by the use el' a few kitties. • Precared and sold by MauNICHOL & B RO.. (Late I.canssberry & C 0../ N 0.60 North Ft Fill Street, below Arch., For sale by the followin. Drat:elms: J. F. Lon. & Co.. Lancaster; C. W. Entine, Pettey-illy J. H. Reser. Readiar • S. S. Stevens. Reading ; T. k 7. McClintock. Eamon; Jaa. Given. West Chester Stable,. Norris:Am . - a; Simon Ran, Bethlehem ; D r. Lima. zey. New Hope - Dr. Leslie. Bristol; Sebandt & Co.. Allentown tk.lliS & M link, Pa; J. D. James. Trenton ; De La Cour, C aen; Brewster & Bri,ieton ; Robertson & larrineott. Salem. N. Taal!, Wilauurton ; L. S. Hooves. Wilminston Remorersl). Milford, Del.; and Drasusts severally. iell.sentbanif PPOR'rANT TO TIIE AFFLICTED, Dr. LEADER has been more successful, and croup creat erfininther of persons of lons -standing Diseases than any o th er ril ) lan in this cry. for th; last six months. Recent cases are Otitsn speedily. Ps- LIMITS UIIIIAI9 to cad are TELHATBD at Met, homes CAM sultations daily at the office 719 DACE Ntreet. after 70 A. M. Communise .tons attended to. and Medicines for any form of disease sent wherever desired. sdoistnth4t CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. A MERINO, • 140 SOUTH FRONT STRUT, Has in store and bond. and Orem for Sale, a Large Assortment at CIGARS, Renewed dirsot from Havana. of choice and f►vorite Brands. ann-tf JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT 'WHISKEY GEORGE 'WHITELEY, Importer or Brandy, Wine, Sc., 135 SOUTH FRONT street, offers for sale, in bond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQ.CALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. sTr -3m EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCIEZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. gi% e.. hie explosive attention to the medical and burgh - . II treatment of the E 1 E and EAR. 1.E4 EN F . :SS of the longest standine removed both 1,5 medical and surgical operations on the latest ementifie ples. Dr_ at. would be pleased to receive Inepa i:ei;nd' the tnetheal Inanity who wish to wit.e4s tve tliettlNl of operating for the removal of Deafness, or any operation on the ES E and EAR. ARTIFICI EYES INSERTED. Office and South NINTH Street. above SPRUCE. Office bourn from 9 A. M. to I P Al., and from 4 to I P. M. ittcAL LISTER'S IL /111- LOG 17E. LUSTRATED CATA- !eventh edition of OUT priced Optical. Mathematical, sad We has e just issued the el and illustrated Catalotue of Philosophical inatrunients CONTENTS. Mathemstical Instruments. Microscopes. Astrorionneal Telescopes, Microscopic Objects, it elk aril° Batteries. Stereoscopes, Maxie Lanterns. Pols ornmas, Sark eyors' Compasses, Barometers, Survet ine Chains, i Camera Obscures, Rain Gauges. Kaleidoscopse. 'rklasne it Ini, ti1a,3(41. ; Prisms, ape Measures. !Sun Putts. Watchmakers' (Basses. i Thermometers. Vistula points, i lit dryometers. Air Ihmers• i .{airs. Landscape Mirrors, . (joggles. Electra-Masnetio Na- , Spectacles. chines, 1E) e Glasses, Pocket Compasses, I Aa., .tic., ete., .40. Spa Glasses. This Catalogue 1116 panel. :CO illustrations.l is far niched 111,t1P. on application. and mailed free of charge to all parts of the United Ftates. AIcALLIt? fER a. BROTHER, (Est , (dished en 175 5 . l 72d CILESTNT:T Street, Philadelphia. 'MOUNT VERNON PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS. Two of the Houne, rear and front. •ml two of the TC,3111 OF WASHINGTON Size, 13x10. Price of Sot .$5 00 Smile View, Tomb or House...-. —• • . 150 The profits troin the sale of these Views are to he de voted towards bultilinz a Parsonage in Gracie Parish, Tipton, Cedureount). lowa. and St. Luke's Perish, Ro chn,tvr. in same count) and State, For sale at itiwAUneNT & CO.'S, Et CHEST NUN Street. F.yyiacoln'al Book DOPOSI tO c. 12 9 .. t CHEST:sitO Street. BURNS & SIEG. St:OCR - EST:O2T Street. A. 8. ROBERSON. 910 CHEK: NUT Street. E. NEITLAN CO., all ARCH Street International Stereotcopto Company. 15 8. EIGHTH Street. and wholeoale at T. B. LIPPINCOTT Sr. CO.. 22 Nnrth FOURTH Street G EORGE WIIITELEY. No. Ida Soath FRONT Street. importer of Brandy, Wines. Ao.. oilers for ribs, in bond only, the following, amono other standard breads of hr 'tidy: net. Costillon. k Co., Thos. lii nos & into,. Robin, & Co., Omni. Dupuy, a. Co., A. Simonetta, Alorett. Cameos. Pellevoi Ms. C. Do Font & Co., Union Propnetors, J k k. Mortelle. Jos. Hennes y. Also Stuart's Paisley Molt Witiskos, and the choicest Toilettes of Madoira. Sherry. Fort. Rar.undy. and Rhine Winos. Point Tree Gin. Jamaica Rum Santa Cruz Rum. Bordeaux OJ, &e.. &e. 112 SOLT TII FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR —great Emporium for Stereoscopes mid Stereoscopic, Vie ws.A .mencan, French and Enzlish. Opera dlasses Microscopes. and improved ectacles, correct!t suited to the errs. at M. J. F RANKL IN'S. Optician, 112 South FOURTH Street. below Chestnut. Art , firml mg Ineortod - - WARM AIR FURNACE. THE YEW FOIFE FURNACE GAS CONSCMhR Will thoroughly \Vann 7011 r hOll3B with OVH-TIIII.II Lt.; coat th is required by env other Furnace. getnati,tion mall caves guaranteed. Buildings Warmed sad Ventilated by A RNOLD & WILSON, Mu CH ESTNIIT Street :L ATE The Rmheet and most Res tdal Specimens 91 Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever reared for mile in this countii . manufactured by um, from l'enrimy trams Slate stone, and for wile very low. ARNOLD S , WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COOKING RANGES. •-/ Ail in want of the Be i et om E c le:t s e: N Dou rr blo stre Ol et. on Cooking Range, do well to onll at ARNOLD & Wn.,Boys. es 10-Ina lIICKoRY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. prepared arab care, for sale en beet terms. Apply at hNOITLEN'S Depot, NINTH - a r NILLOW Street., tf ,AV NA CIGARS.—A large and hand -, some assortment of the most celebrated brands, **pally espestad and fur sale low, CIUELES TETE. sZt-10t 130 WALNUT Butt:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers