ARRIVAIS AT Urg,litllipiPAVll9lll+B, ' vp:tit.:t2ocLook'LesT GIRARD NODBE—Chestnnt et. below Ninth. J C Bird, - Dover, Del - E Lowo, Camden, Del W ggllambo,PaA 1; Curtin, Pa W B whltney & Is. Ohio A.Leisenring, Pa Ti- Betioh & eon, halt Watts, Ala Miss V.'atto, Ala Mien Wishall. Ala .1 Shillito, Conn Nisler. N Mrs liialer, Nl3 • Mrs {Morn, Nll A D Inslc_e, Delaware 11, Lee, England A 1 - 11 4{,-Bngland ,F M Crook & son, Balt W Thompson, Balt S N Fieldin, Va. 1' Waterman & in, Boston J R Mail. Orrard,,Pa A Crayit. Chicago' - N C Watts. Carlisle W H &wrens & In, Mich J 1) Hunt. Ira A Dortioas, T htßudd, Vida P W Cornwell, Ga .11. V Mane. NO Sir 1111olland. England W T Henderson & wf, S C 1{ 11 Doty, VaW T Lee & la, Hartford FL Barney N ' A .1 Incersoll. Mobile .1 I) Hollm , ann..Tersey City Miss J Deusolier, C James McMackin & In, S p Mrs I A Skiver, Balt Mrs Pigman. Balt .1, Britt:le ar, la, Ald Jamas S Bringle & In. Md Mrs Darragh & son, Pa N I' Miller, Altoona, Pa Alias N J Bell. Pa - Dr & Mrs S'Pase,Valparaiso W (r Delano. Valparaiso Thomas Tyler, N 11 Schenck, Parts James Brand. N 1 J W Morrisson. San Fran Atnes, Fla E p Gokithwait, Mine i,overing & In. Mass Mra James, Prot , ' It 1 Mies James, Prov, ft 1 , Geo A Freeman, N. Y FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Third , F R Thurston, Petersburg .1 Lawlor t .Phila J Wynne, Chicago, 11l . 1. G Kee. l. L A_FAie, Ky JP Minqr,r+ ashport. 0 P W Harris, Elkton, Md W Sharp, Elkton, Aid R W Pendexter. WaslwDC I B Neal, Mans E Blank, Burlington. N .1" G W Mornson. La .1 A Moore, N J A Holcombe, New York Copt BE Ciirtini Lynn. Mae A F Parrott, 1400, Mesa T J•Mailey, ' do '8 H Williams, do .1 0 htarstinll, ' " do C A Johnson, do N T Molter, do S A Stone, do CNV Walker. -/ do C E Rand. do ..E A Chandler, do .1 . W Bindle. do .A Needham. do 0 Hammond. do C Hammond, do 8 Flint. do cCarroll, do I; Chamberlin, do - nand*,.. m .A Riehardnon, do A Curtin, do Wm F Sumner, do A Y Frenoh. do John Roundy, do Shim Adams, do Charles Learn, do Frank Char, tin 8. W Read, do Alfred Rills. tin Y M Marston, do Min f} Elder, do ... Carroll, .f Low, man,Chap Wm Mathews, Veal Alfons, Moses Vane, John Martin, If Jewett, John Chandler, Ituaae Pater pox, 0,0 IN 'open, 13 Prom,. .. .6h - i't3:1;;;!. Abbott, yin 1T:v.14-7 do ... W Miaow, . do M tunrgin. do B N Alley, do Oen Hodson, do OW Felt, ' - do John Breeder, do W N Parrott, " do Wm Nichole, do Beni 'hitt. do .1 A !motile, do 0 H Ingnils. do OW Ingalls, do 0 F Ingalls, do W KIK,. . do M Foleom , fill W W Kimb all, do L Chaim ' tin .linnj Duper. do WChemberlin, _ tin .Tolui_chnmberlin, tin Win K Chase. do Jos W Goodwin, do Wm Mammy, do 3ohn Midge, do N Snow, do Wm S King, do Charles Pelt, do W F Breed. do M enslirrom, tin Win Hawker. do W Woolen, do Foster, do N 0 Brown, do WTi Chamberlin, do ()sear litrriden. do W it_Clark, do Rind, nineteen inen do W C,NoTle, do MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Nintrth at,. Wow, Arch, F Brodriek, Wiliceitherre A Shaman, St Lome H 3 .1 Maguire, untingdon P Bey, Pittsburg }!Sari, Po _ .. _ P BWilson"BelleTonto . . . . . M Waddle, Bellefonte A Hoopes, West Cheater Jl, Bailer. West Chester 13 .1 Hunpen, West Chester J 11 Kerr. Wash co .1 H Carson, Tenu N 'Ward. Harrisburg 8 Warlhatna. Plymouth 'P H Band. Jr. & Is, Wash Mrs W B Mnselv. Phila 1' Start/pule, Salem, 0 Ft A Mr:Moulin, VA J W Dniiisy. Vn H 13 Neal in. Va Y. D Cleaver. Del Mtn Del Than McComb. Del Oen Gelniok & la,l'a . 1) 0 Warta & la. Columbia John Patton. Pa F. T Peeler, M Chunk Hort C Mi.tranb. Pa Rioli'd Pear, Minersvillo D Aiken. Jr, Pittsburg Ms Mill ji. donee, Pittsburg W Harrison. Pittsburg It W Means, Pittsburs W 13 llow..Balt J Spalding, Wilm, Del F. I. Burton, N Y AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at. above Fin, ONron 11 Wiley, Pa, .1 K. llnde. Pa .1 C Waddle. Va .ISinvlie. Jr Easton R Moasup, Married W Nelson, In .1 . 8 Couch, V% W Tucker, Va N I, Wade. Va Then R Ifynson. IN Jnn W Collins, Mil oen W Ciimmins, Del .1 N.Benoook, Tenn L Dalin rust. N I" .1.1 Palmer & la. Ohio E M Allen, Min M Chaniberlin, Milton.l F Barker. Mane T E Stevens. N V , E W Chapin. Milton, Pa E B Britt, Suffolk. Va D 3 Justice, Min Beni F Mebane, N C ;Tull Nielsolson. Fla A C Whitmore, MraS A D Lenslngh, N Y Chas ISayee, Novrark ~ JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. Sea Winter, Phila TB Hawkins, Boston E A Rvtlien Wash. DC' S Conley. Balt Mona Blond in. Cennibt A It Joey & In. Cal J M Winchester, Belt It Steiner, Augusta, Ga H II Doty lease 'l' Mail', Vs, D Fallings. Ohio Geo Davis. Pa T Oakley, Pa V4Bwieshelm. Pittsburg .T Al Moore, N J E B Bowen. Boston Jna It Lewis. Ala 8 G Pike & la Tirulle & la, Pa THE UNION HOTELrqt A Co'thrust, Ohio Wm I. Zane. Enaton. Pa N Minich. Atm:36'lld. 0 Chug Pt John, Port Jarvis Chao Alathers. Ohio C Mulford, Salem, PeJ J B Hay N J E Belden. N Y Win Ewing. Wheeling J W M Gent, Lane:Lister reb street. above Third. F H Loan ire r: Mt Joy, Pa W B natter, Bt LOUIS F MNilieeler,Bancock.NY B fa la, Ti A B Stimann. lioncock,NY C Cieirar. Lancaster Wm Underwood. Ps Firing Morris. ir, Pottsville 01,to STATES UNlON—Market at.. above Sixth. P Jones. Chester co S Redseeker. Marietta. W I, Pvam, Bedford, Pa.l Thee, Elhottsburir .1 Woodburn. Newville S Windoe. Lane on Mulltson,Col, Pa S King. Bedford co It Bridge, .Pa C Shenk. Lancaster 0 Wittier, Ashland, 0 L H Nowniveet. Perry en Stitser, Driresbara Mr H Watt. Latrobe .1 Denwiddle,Pilistairg .1 FPants. Muenster W C McKeown, Lancaster D MeFadden, Columbia Miss Kline, Marietta, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race Attlee. Om Third. W Metz, %mirk P 3 Try on, Hamburir 11 W &motion. Say Maven Col Freese, gloonuiburg J !Import. Annville Hll Miller:Bloomsburg Minn V Pancost, Blom - tub; I) L Esterley. Pottsville Taylor. Po .1 A IveCilol. Pottsville II J Handler, Pottsville A.l Heilnitin,lCin. 0 TI Wolf, Altoona, Pa A E Wetzel, Lewisburg H 0 Wolf, Po COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Singh st.. above Chestnut. Rl3 Chambers. Cheater co I. K Baldwin. Del ti B Mnateller. Chester no J Chapman. Mt Holly, N J D Dunn, Huntingdon. Pa B Shaw k la, Pa W Stinson. N Cantle en, Del SKinser°. N Cantle co.Dei F Pass. N Castle en, Del E Lloyd, N Castle en, Del Geo D Hodgson, Chester on S J Torbert, Chanter co R I. Fell. Del W A hleCnrkle. Pa Gray, Pa A. Bailey, Chester co BALD E AGLE—Third strnet, above Callewhill. 0 Ritter. Allentown A Dreishaek, Easton Laulnicla. Pa A F Seltzer. Pa Thou Kresge, Lucerne on II Krone', Lucerne en Jos Adams. Lucerne en T E Whi'aker. Wayne an C Riellion,Bucks . .7 Banedhisrt, Rending' t. II %leg r, Reading M Ernientnint. Rending W Spilt . Bucks Co Thou Morrow, Lane no Beni Beans, Pa :; • SLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at.. RIM Callnwhill. Thou H Wolf. Danboro John Geiger, Reading Den hlarklv. Milltown F Ronde, Southampton C Ronda, Brherry L Clemmune, Doylestown Lonna. 'Southampton /3 Roads. Southaniptriti .1 Schrmicker, Reading Peter Sclimiieker, Rend's R V R Iligh. Rending 0 Clemons. Charter Vary Win Black, Barks co, Pa Levi O Coleman, Reading MOUNT 'VERNON HOTEl.—Seeend A L. above Arotk. E H Control. Sing Sing .4 Taylor, Dever„Bed M L Moen. Ball's Eddy F Perkins. Masa 18 Leo. Powelton 18 Davis, Pottiville II Yoder. Germantown E Moyers. Bethlehem waalMum, Fall Giver 3 , 7 J Taylor k le, N J .1B Cole, Bethlehem Peter Best. Easton ft TA !Imam, Holmoahum Mr Mann, Bethlehem °lnith, Harrisburg EAGLE HOTEL—Third street. above lhoe. W A Johmon &h. Wash Mrs Itt. A Loland. Wash C Ayers, Into en ,liillounst, Chester en B William. Chester en 0 C Illitnno. Pluentx rills N Fimktux. &Wino.l %via. Chester en H En pp. Chester co 3 Tanactr. Chester cn H Brown, Pa H P Griffin, Pa MHECILANTR. at., above' Chdlowhill C L Bowman & In, Pa Wm Yoons, Pa - Jos H. Weber. Pa QTDan.PI I" it TreVer Alleatmra Josiah J Transoe, Pa " IMPORTATIONS. t Resorted /or The Press.l TURICI 4 ISLAND—Brig J Nickerson-7RO bushels salt Wilhatn Bunny]. CHARI.ES'CON—Schr Luny L Sharp-150 000 ft, floor ing boards I) S Stetson & Co. MARINE. INTELLIVENCE. 888 FOURTH PAVE, (Correspondence T_he Press.) mar Yong. ktept : so, Arrived. bark Genesee, from Iftsvre; sohr Louisa A Johnson, from Cette, &mu, Berkt.M. Arrived, ship Richmond, from Glasgow; Br brig Ex emplar, from do. Erosrevost RoNts, NM. from Arrived, ships Rood and Wandering Jew, from Callao. Nsxv 001. ES N.. Sept. 30. Arrived. &lips Grapeshot. front Rio de Janeiro' Eliza beth Ellen. from Bordeaux; Globe, from llnvre• Martha J Ward. from New York; Addle Snow end BO State, from Boston. ANDA Steamship Penneylvania, Teal, aailed from Richmond MB) ul Finla n dadelphia, Ship Jones, from Liverpool, arrived at NOW York yesterday. Ship Irene, Merrill, from Leghorn, was below N York yesterday. Steamship Boston, &Bow, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. Sterinahip New York, Van Buten, for Liverpool. old at Now York yesterday. Brig Ormus, Baker, hence, arrived nt New Bedford 28th ult. Behr A Townsend. Townsend, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Schi If Blackman. Cone, from Georgetown, SC, ar rived at New York yeaterdar. Bohm Lizzie ?,,anl, Lake. and t. Audonried, Bartlett, hence, arrived at Boston 29th tilt. Schr Damon, Pitcher, hence for Rockland, arrived at Salem 29th it t.. Schra Perot' ffe: 4 er,ntly. and Shenzindonli, Ewing, hence, arrived nt Pro once 29th ult. Behr Juliet. Ch ailed from Providence 29th ult. for Philadelphia Rehr Many Nowell. Cnvill. from Sandwich for Phila delphia. sailed from New Bedford 29th ult. Schr W Cummings, Weldln, honor,. armed at New Bedford 23th tilt. McALLTSTER'S IL 0011 g. We h l. ove lust sewed the of nod illuetrated Catolozue of Philosophical iastrumants . . LIISTRATED CATA- nventh edition prim!' priced Optical, Mathematical, and Mlcscope e &tw m osom Objects, litereesocces. Polmams, Barometers, Camera Obscures, gajeidoccopes, noels, T un Dials, Thermometers, Ilvdryomet ors. filches. OMlas t &lemmas. Kyp °lassos, &c., &a., Zers., So. • CODiTI Mathematical instruments, Astronomical Te!enemies, Galvanic Batteries, Magic, Lanterns, Surveyors' Compasses, Surveying Chains, Rain Gauge:. Magnifsing Glasses, Watchmakers' . Glasses, Fianna Points, Air Pumps, LandseapeMirrors, Electra-3fagnetlc Ma chines. Pocket Compasses. Spy Glasses. • This Catalogue We page nishad gratis. on applicatim to all parts of the 'Jotted St: MeALLISTI (Baal no, 200 illiustrattons,l In fur 0. nod mulled fro of charge ntos. hliehed R & BROTHER, ' CHF:STRUT Stre elet, Philadphia THE PRICES OF ItIeCLEES' COLORED and Plain PHOTOGRAPIIM and DAGVERRIO 'TYPES, so long known for their superior finish mid fidelity, are now reduced to those of We second Plus Onlleries, Plain Phologre_rhis for - onl-dt if N 0.626 CHESTNUT lit met. SKILFUL AND EXPERIENCED PER SONS. as well every'other Itdventaxe, induce von to resort to )11EIMER'S ettenewe Photosrapine SECOND Street, above Green, for a. Photograph or Arnbrotree. lt • aENTLEMEN WOULD DO WELL BY i-ffig • call' ng MI & Xt.1.1131L,139 7.1. NINTH st., above Cherry, and Here their old Garments made to look equal to new, by cleansing or dyeing and repairing. 001-2 t," pEIWUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, re.-10 LL per rent. nirfor Cash, at : PARKED% FartneY sad Depot, ply,fil\Pll Rtreet.__ not B 4 . 639 11-60_ LIQUORS.—An olil•estabAisherl Wino LLA end Liquor Stem far sale." Situated on MARKET, Millet, For lur!her primulas, address "A. B. C., Press o ffi ce, oun4 lIAKO-611AN0.:--100 lons of Guano IPt_ is store and for sale at $2O nerl,olo voun Y ds, by JOHN AtcCANE, 040 WILLOW 'greet, below Second. IjAMS AND'SIIbiII;DERS-1,700 Plea; City-Smoked Hams and Shoulders, forOrn. sale by 0. D .01 , A 17111110tvii.k. C. H A rine LER whom w whnom Prit VHEESE.-320 BoxeB Ilerkimer-County Ortasie, In atoro and' for sale by • - AliOn.troet..ZZSetUnßvFCrgUtt. ,r4R`. , - , 4l.nkt receiteri. a large invoice of Jr:'Tar, in MI perior order and bin!e barrels, and far' sale by WEAVER, & co.. 91 Nn , 23 N. WATER snd'a 11. DELAWARE Av. NEW, EUELICATIONS: W . 0 - R CEJ T E I.l'S NEW DICTIONARY. ROYAL QUARTO EDITION We shall publish this great Work of Dr. WORCES TER'S In November next: ft will compriee ISM pages. with more than MO ILLUSTRATIONS, and a full treat ment of Synomons, Both Synonyms and Illustrations are in the hotly of the text. Tho following aro among the many Testimonials we have received front eminent splinters and literary men. TESTIMONIALS. S. Austin Allibono says: "The invaluable recom mendations of this noble volume appear to be: great typographical beauty and neatness; the incorporation of many terms hereto'ore recorded as entirely technical, but within the last few )eareuf considerable currency in consequence of the multiplication of scientific hand books and public leeturos on Omni topics of ooßniology, ethnology, natural history. tic.: n remarkable affluence in the etmologlcal and defining departments; the ex treme care observed in guiding the inquirer to a cor rect pronunciation; and the position of sun (minis and illustrations in the body of the text Having all trouble of reference." Prof. Charles D. Cleveland, in the " Compendium of American Literature," Ws: " It is at length announc ed that the great and long-promised Dictionary of that learned and veteran lexicogtneher, J. E. Worcester. L.L. D., will he ready in October, 1819. It will be em bellished with pictorial Illustrations, and, no a whole, will in fullness, in consistent orthography, and in cor rect orthoepy, be in advance, doubtless, of anything of the kind we now have." Prof. Geo. Allen says : "The familiar use for many yearn of two of Dr.liVomester's Dictionarieshne made me more and more disposed to put any confidence in him as a sure and safe guide in the domain of English Lexicography. Ha has always remained true to the conservative prin ciples which guided him in his first publication—the edition rf Johnson and Walker combined, in la—. Din works everywhere exhibit competent learning, a con scientious love of accuracy. systematic, uni'ormity without extravagant innovation, end never-failing gocel sense and sobriety of judgment. The specimen sheep: of hia new Dictionary give satisfactory assurance that the mature results of Dr. Worcester's life-long labors in lexicography are to he exhibited in the most perfect form, in combination with the advantages of an illus trated technological vocabulary. ripe, ALLEN. Professor of Greek and Latin in the Cniversity of Pennsylvania. September 29, 1859. I concur in the opinion of Prof. Allen as expressed above. Wx. H. ALLEY. President Girard College. Rev. Dr. Boardman says: Worcester's Dictionary is one of my indispensable table books. I particularly IRe it-1. Because of its very comprehensive character. 2. Because it adheres to the accepted orthography of our not language; and, t. Because in the department of pronunciation it is greatly superior to any other Dic tionary with which I am acquainted. The new quarto edition promiaoa to he all that could he desired in a work of thin kind. HENRI' A. BOARDMAN. BIIMADELMA, Sept. 27,1P5P. Hon. Edward Everett on " I have made constant use of Mr. Worcester's Dictionaries since their fiat publication. His orthography and pronunciation repre sent, so far no r am aware, the most approval usage of our language. His definitions seldom leave anything to desire." Hon. Geo. Danoroft, LL. D, says: "On questions of orthography I shall make it 11W standard, allowing my self rare deviations, or, perhaps, no deviations what ever." THE LIBRARY EDITION will bo ready in Novem ber, and will be sold only to 8 IRSCRIBERB. It will be printed on extra fine paper, and bound in half Tur key morocco. The price will be e 7.50 per copy. Speci men copies and subscription lists may be seen at the Bookstore of J. .T.P.B?ININGTON & SON, Booth SEVENTH. Street HICKLING, SWAN, & BREWER, Boston A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK JUST PUBLISHED: THE PURITANS; THE CDVECII, COURT. AND PAULIAMENT DP ENDLAND DURING lIIE REIGNS OP EDWARD 81NT11 AND ELIZA/MTH. BY SAMUEL HOPKINS. Vol. T. $2.150 Royal Byo. The Pentane have at last found a historian adequate for his work. Mr. Hophins unites thoroughness of re search to a style of singular fascination.; and his dra matic narrative and life-like portraitures of the preach ers, courtiers, and popular leaders of ono of the most stirring periods of English history will secure a multi tude of admiring readers. The book has all the charm of n romance, while develoPing with groat clearness and force the origin and growth of Puritanism. " hap he a most valuable as it ten needed, addition to the history of the great Puritan movement in Eng land-which a so vitally connected with the religious and civil history of our own country. No wore on the siNciat brings out so faithfully the cameo and *orange of these great events ; and they ore depicted mooch lucid and graphic order es to interest renders of nil elasses."—Hirignv 11. Salim. D. D., Union Theol. Seminary, N. Y. "In my Judgment the work possessee alt the qualities requisite to insure, if published, #1 wide circulation; apil. when completed. will furnish, I doubt not, the meet vivid and valuablejepregentation of the early Puritans In our Language. —Ai.van HOVEY, D. D., Newton Theol. Seminary. Hopkins lumbsought to his work the spirit of high appreciation, of candor. and of.consoien tiousness. He hen been patient of that laborious research and keen scrutiny of plantar views and accepted relations which alone can dissever and rectify any current errors, As his work is one of the fruite innate possible for us by the seal with which annals of these pest have been re corded in various places, so its faith' ul digestion of nit existing materials will largely help to the writing' of General History for the time batten"' , 1 can lipeek moat heartily or Este work , and ecanntelal it earnestly to public patronage. (IXOROX E. Eta.m, D. • (10ULD it LINCOLN, orl-swth 69 WASHINGTON St., Boston. ALMOST A HEROINE! ON WIIDNR9DAY, SEPTEMBER NTH, TICKNOR & FIELDS WILL PUBLISH PROM EARLY PROOF-SHEETS, ALMOST 9 HEROINE, A NOVEL. By the Author of " °BAUM AUCURSTER," " COUN IIMPARTA," Ac., &o. One hanihome Itmo. volume, cloth. Piice • AL.O, • ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER Isl.. VCR , LOGIC OP POLITICAL P.COA'OIIII', AND OTHER PAPERS. • A NUW VOLVME BY THOMAS DE QUINCEY. CONTHX7B.—The Lexie of Political Economy. Tho Life of Milton. The Sullotes. Tho Fatal Marksman. The Incognito, The Dice. The King of Hot ti. One volume, 16mo. Price 75 cents. Air Copier, mailed on receipt or publication price. 023.2twke GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST.— IBuy your BOOKS at EWA 1: G. EVANS' Gift - Book Store, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, where you get a (AFT. worth Irom 20 cents to $lOO, with any Book that you buy. You can get anylhrau s m o n o n x te it is in print. CHAMBERS' INFORMATION FOR 111 E PEOPLE. A new and complete edition. Two volume, aro., slieoD. with over aIS) engravings, and a handsome Gilt. Price only $4. GRACE TRUMAN, or Love and Principle. By Sallie Rochester Ford. One volume, Moo" cloth. Price SI. LOVE (L'AMOURI. By kliclielet. One volume, 12m0., cloth Price el. RECOLLECTIONS OF A SOUTHERN MATRON, and a New England Bride. One volume, 12m0., cloth. Price 81.25. MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, the celebrated French Po liceman. One volume. 12mo. Pane 1'1.25. LIFE OF COLONEL. DAVID CROCKETT. Written by himself. (riving full accounts of his perilous adven tures &c. One rot.. 12mo. Price el. BAYARD TAYLOR'S TRAVELS IN GREECE AND RUSSIA.—One 'volume, 12mo. Prtto SYLVIA'S WORLD. Crimea which the law does not Reach. jay the author of " IMP)" Moments of an Idle Woman?' One vol., 12m0.. cloth. Price Al. MibB LESLIE'S BEHAVIOR BOOK FOR LA DIES. cm. volumemmo., Huth. with A gil uce el. THE WORLD IN POCKET BOOK. O n e volume. 12m0.. cloth. with a Rift. Price .0g125. ALL OFT. S. ARTHUR'S WHITINOB, and a hand some _gift withrh. Prise 81. THE WAVE LEV NOVELS, and a gift. $1 each. COOPER'S OVELS.and »gift. $1 each COOPER'S NOVELS, and a gift. $ t enoh. HUMOROUS BOOKS. and a gift, el each. MAYNE REID'S NOVELS, and a gift. 111.25 each. AI,L THE NEW BOOKS, in Amery e_partmopt otLiterature and A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from /50 cents to eioo, is given with each book, at OEORA O. EVANg' GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. 01-St N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. lIELDON & COMPANY, --- L No. 116 NASSAU Street NEW YORK, Publish this Cal,: LIFE IN TUSCANY. By MAIIIO., SITAR:4AM CHAWTORD. I vol 12mo. Price, 91. (Extract from the Introthictien.l " At the present moment, when Italy is the central Point of attraction, no apology, it in hoped, will be ne cessary for the contribution of any intornintion tending to throw a light upon the character, condition, and ideas of the people of toot land. • • • * Avoiding topics to which little that can now possibly attach. I ven ture to hope that these Im/088101W of the aspects of Life I n TesoanY.! derived Loma ten months' solourn in that country, will prove neither trite 110 T unaccepta ble " oci-dgt&lP it A liiStOitY OF ALL, RELMONS, A Statement of their RigNefvelopment, Doctrines and Discipline. SAMUEL M. EIM NV lICKER, Thia werlr presents in a condensed form the Milk, valuable information in reference to the snidest whirl could be desired. It emitainm, also, select klios ;Indium Notices of Eminent Divines heolog &ans. 12m0., 3tatiTheil. a 14, Publisher. 327-tutheet* No. 31Routh THIRD Street. Now READY,. SEPT, 17TH NUMBER OP THE ILIcIJS/EATED.NEWS OF THE WORLD. With Pwha,t of WM. POWn/. Ftt7T3l, ES ( I.. R.A. fi(ceen cents, postpaid to anppart tho U. H. The " Mitstrizted Noy, of the World." with Supple ment gratis, will poolnin the following Portraits: September 24th—Madenicuselle Titienp. October Ist—ltiotnas Wright, Al. A., F. S. A. October at li—Hon. Edward Everett (Boehm, Yenriy, $1.54, postpaid: Quarterly. y e s. }EV A. BRON 639.31 14 KANOVER Street,Boston. PART VI, CHAMB A ERS'S ENCYCLO- P 13 D . A DICTIONARY OF UNIVERBAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE. Illustrated with Maps and Wood Engraving... Published in Monthly Parts of OS each Yontea from the same platen, upon the dame q uality of pew, Idutunnercecuted in every particular like the Edinburgh l . Parts I to VI ready, pries 15 cents, mob. and 24 I, tPPINcorr & CO., 227-5 t 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street MACKEREL..-430 Nos. 1,2, and 3 Xiiekerel. in oseorho) widow% of the !Meat midi, ibt asie ftree C. n B C O S I A d DLoEr R b & v CO. NEW PUBLICATIONS. DIM AND lIIS FRIEND FIDUS. THIS DAY PUBLISHED. DICK AND HIS FRIEND FIDUS. BY Catharine M. Trowbridge, author of " Edward Clifford," As., with illustrations. unno. ati cents. I hoar sums young reader of this little story eXCIMILII "What a way fellow that Dick was! how I wish I Wench n friend as I• uha. to whisper in my ear what ought to do to become gopd and happy I" You have such a friend you know hint well, but you have always known him by another name. Published by wra. 8, Itt, ALFRED MARTIRN, of No. 606 CHF,EiTNUT titreet. BOHN'S LIBRARIES.—Jtuit Received, a complete assortment of Bohn's Standard,Scien tific, Pictorial, Antiquarian, end Classical Libraries, comprising over SOO volumes at the hest authors, uni- MTM in size and style. Having made arrangements for a constant supply of the above beautiful and well-known editions of standard works, purchasers will always find the different volumes in stook. Any volume gold separately. J. SABIN, Bookseller and Importer, of-It No. 27 South PI XTB. St., below Chestnut. CURTAIN MATERIALS. yv H. CARRY', Be BRO. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR PALL IMPORTATION CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS. FURNITURE COVERINGS, CURTAIN TRIMMINGS, SUITABLE FOR THE PALL RETAIL, TRADE, To which we would invite the attention of our many friends, customers, and the public generally. As we are engaged exclusively in this lino of business, we nee con fident we can please the moat fastidious as to price, style, and quality. Our stock is larger than ever, and has been selected with great CAN. We hare in store, at NO. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EJOHTIL NORTH BIDE, MASONIC HALL. TAPESTRIES. MOQUETTES, J✓IP.RNESE CLOTHS, SILK TERRY, FRENCH AND ENGLISH REPS, TURKISH CLOTHS, LaSTINGS - .' PLUSHES, all colors. WIDE FRENCH BROCA.TELLES, ALL COLORS FRENCH SATIN DEL.RINES, WIDE SATINS, EMBROIDERED CLOTH CURTAINS, IN VAR/ETV. EMICOIDERED AND PRINTED PIANO CO VERS, TABU: COVERS WINE AND PRINT CLOTILY, WINDOW COILNICES,X„ ROSEWOOD.COR NICES, GILT CORNICES, VELVET CORNICES CURTAIN TRIMMINGS SILT TASSELS, all rolarA WORSTED AND SILK TASSELS GIMPS, all colors FRINGES AND GALLOONS, 011:7' 1141VDS, CURTAIN PINN, 4.r PICTURE TABRIS AND CORK CHEAP WHITE CURTAINS EMBROIDERED LACE CUIt7'AINS, TAMBOUR, APPLIQUE, JACQUARD, MUSLIN CURTAINS, Of every &Ole and price, from S3:A a pair up to VA A FULL LINE, All prices. and in groat variety of patterns, VESTIBULE LACES WINDOW SHADES Of every ogle, from qt up to en 0401, with good sub Mantis' fixtures. OUR STORE T 8 IN THE MASONIC, HALL. CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, NORTH MDI W. H. CARRYL 8c BRO 8.30-2 t GROCERIES R. S. REED & CO., II'HOLES4LE GROCERS, No. 114 ARCH STREET, BELOW SECOND STREET On hand. at all ti Ines, strictly Primo flin Cone; Lova nng's, Pennsylvania, and Hew York Byrup and Honey, 111 barrels. ad4-6t E. NEWLAND & CO.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive stook of OIL PAINTINGS, ote, AU et very Low Prices. 604 ARCH Street, above SIXTU.. 1,19-0111 CbRONOKO n SMOKING TOBACCO, "`-'• Just introduced into Philadelphia. A NEW YORK FAVORITE. "Pinion of the" Emolo no Editor" of Forney's Pree.g : " Verdict—not to be treelled—itx,finvor and miltlaels ore in charming rombination.—lt. S. M." The complaint arainst pipes is obviated by the use of tiro OR,ONORO." When smoked in rs meerschaum t .111111 N n O il Kli o R r ISTAKIPITII I ' l areg i .F' a! ;:s got her willi fiance brands of CIGARS and largest assortment of 11EI RHCIIAUDIR. Por rilo at RUSTED'S. Wholesale and Retail Dealer. se2l-sit* N. E. 'DI IRD and ettEsTrav sta. MISS M. MUNSON, Clairvoyant Physi cian, has returned to tier Rooms, No. 127 South TENTH Eitreet, where else may he consulted daily from ii to 2 o'clock, for a few week, prior to her departure tor Cal)fornin, Mies AI. has had an extensive and successful expo rienop in Boaton,and hue no Wits tion in „Prqpiising satisuiction to thaw who may require her RIO. erms, tor each eir aininatioo, if the person is present. 61. sZlstu6o SILVER 80AP—A simple preparation for cleansing dilrer Plate. Jewell/. Mirror.. Ma, &c.. far more convenient and (inactive than any other. One hall the labor of House cleaning may to eared by using this Hoop. which cannot possibly ninire the finest Zinc white, and as no , scrabbina in required, the saving in the wear of the paint is much greater than the cost of the Soap. It leaves the surface as pure and white es when new. Manufactured only by the Roam, Indexical Sol Company, and sold by, their nppoipted Agents, HAS, ARD & CO.. Apothecaries , TWEI,FTH and CHESTI4 JT. 90.000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watohes, Jewelry, Ounc, Mer ()Mediae, Clothing, ,ko., on moderate terms, by JONES fr.. CO., Brokers, northwest corner or T i ll Ittl and QAB KILL Streets, below Lombard. Eatablis ed ror the Mr Kt years. Offer* hours from 7A. IS, to 7 . Booond.hand (hold and Silver Watches, by emit?) makers, warranted genuine. for sale oheap, at one-I the original Coil. aug-Ilm• REMOVAL.—MARTIN & WOLFF have -w-w. Removed to No. aat MARKET Street. South .tae below Fourth. where they oiler a oliaMe aesortrYent , Fall and Winter time. nt very low armee. tl3 2e) "ILIONEY.-20 tierces prime. I 41Crin -11- of very superior quality. is store and flu sale tow, by 111 . 10 I, 11 T s2SLUt 14 WALNUT tttreet. THE PRESS.-41-11141YELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1859. RETAIL DRY GOODS CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!'! SPLENDID CLOAKS, MONDAY, OCTOBER to, 1859 LA CoNIPAONIE FRANCAIbE Invite the inspection of lite Ptiblio to 1110 FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, Comprising nll t tie latest novelties of the Germs in nrcrr BOUHNOM Do. do. with Plaits OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION The TOLEDO CLOAK. The L PER INO CLOAK. 7%e IBRONDELLE CLOAK. The PSYCIIE CLOAK. Th. EUGENIE CLOAK. The MARGUERITTA CLOAK. The ELEGANT CLOAK. 2%e PERNAND CLOAK. The POLONAISE CLOAK. I The ITORTE.NSIA CLOAK. The SYLPIIIDE CLOAK The) have 11150 on hand upward of 350 CLOAKS THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, winch they are offering at prices before uncounted PURNER & CO., OPENING PALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, W. P. CAMPBELL'S, 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER brn ol•1t DRESS SILKS, From the Into Auction 11.11031 in NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Invite the attention of hn707,1 to s Stock of FALL AND WINTER Which, for extent and variety is unrivalled. The above have all 'wen bought at the late boles, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, And will be mold et close with, MERCIIANTS wilt find in our Mock unity desirable Goodo not to be met with °Nowhere. 430, 432. Alin 431 NORTH SECOND STREET, (Auovi WILLOW.) u;0 3c PIIILADY.LPIIIA. SPECIAL OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS! FROM TIIH LATH AUCTION SALES AT PRICES UNPRECEDENTED, AT OPENING OP SPLENDID GOODS. E. 3. LEV Y 6," CO. INVITP 91(1: INscrriamoss GP THE_ I.l.!laLlt , TO TIIF EXUIB I T 1 O N (On their wend floor) OF TILE CHOICEST MANUFACTURES OF THE. FRENCH . LOOMS OF THIS YEAR. TILE COLLYVTION EMBRACE® EVENING, GINNER, AND PROMENADE DRESSES. All of which aro offered at very reasonable prices. The very large Importations of the present Fall have enabled 1,. J. L. & Co. to purchase ninny choice Ooods at legs than the Cost of Importation; their customers will receive the benefit arising therefrom. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. 821-tf CLOTHS ! I CLOTHS 1! ! SNODGRASS & STEELMAN, ITIPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., NO. 52 Boum SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Are daily receiving additions to their already large stock or PALL GOODS. • CompriseEl in put of BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS • '• MAYERS, " CABSIMBREB AND DOEIIKINS I PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERISS, SILK. VELVET, AND CASHMERE VESTINGS, N. 13.—A variety of Cloths and Sensors suitable for LADIES' CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, all or 'Ada tin bold at reasonable prises. EYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. 1859. DRY GOODS FOR AUTUMN. THE WHOLE STOCK OF SILK GOODS. FULL STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS. FULL STOCK OF FANCY GOODS. FASHIONABLE FALL SHAWLS. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. AND VESTINOS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, 'FABLE LINENS, &c, N. IL—Black Saks, Wholeuale, at Lnw Rale,. BARGAINS DAILY FROM NEW YORK AUCTIONS e.20,1in ieLKS. SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! THORNLEY & CHISIt OFFER. THIN DAY Very rich fancy Mika for7B and 87 canto. Exceedingly rich for worth OA 74 Black Bayaderee and Plain color . ilks. N.c.. kn. THE REST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED!! ! - • . . • over 83.000 worth of Broohea Shawl/. Mona Shawls, In black and colored contra.. Eisnah, Scotoh, and American Woollen :limed,. Plain and ombroidoted Crape Shawls. :;ow styles of Cloaks opening All the above ods being WICANNOTOSE FOR CASH. RE UNDERSOLD. Our store, hOillg centrally located, it is easy of access f ro m all parts of the city and country. oat N. E. °inner EIGIITIL an T d l OR SPRING EY R DEN. NL HAPS ON'S. CORNER OP EIGIITIt AND CHERRY WM., Hoye now open n fine neaorlment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, BINDLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whet.) Pram the celtibratell tnenlifscturern. Hertz & Wegener, in Berlin. Our (inclement can depend an getting the Nut article aver offered at retail in Phan dolehlet. at the lowent prices. A *PLENDID AAAoRTN.KNT Buretote. A VAIIIRTY 01 , BLICIC Croon TANsfcLia. /IA_NDAOMH C110(1'117 Croon FRINaXA. /IMP AND DRAUTIVIII, DIZFkR TDiNimiNog. Wont.I.PN KNITUND YkRNI, AI, COLOR .I. KNIT TALAIAA AND CApq, ZEPIITU KNIT IiAITICIt% AND Shentivii.' A PULL STOCK tip BTAPLIS THIAINIINII%, AT HAPEON'S LADIES' TRIMMINGS CHERRYR uoßn. Car.OF AND en+. slO-Par I3°"'WEAR. MEN'S WEAR. Ct./111161VA enporinlly ha bo)v. "Coating. for 13of n' lan Mod V. inter WO it.. enienmeres nl oytra weight al ti 7 vents; Pinar u radon in Finley. Finn, nod 11l tek, Black fioesklhe, extrairaldt and cheap. m Ancto lots Blrch Clot $1 4f lip. 1•3111011' bight C(110T011 COOPdo IJONAH 1, 11/SITH and 111 A liK ET. N, I—inducements to the Tailoring trade, se2o OPENING Ij%HIDITION =MEM PARIS STYLES NEW STYLES, 810 CHESTNUT STREET STYLE'S OP Silk's, THIS DAV, W. 11. SLIELMIRE, 23 NORTH . EIGHTH STREET RETAIL DRY GOODS. BLACK FMUltEli SILKS. LYONS BLACK 811(1.8, In ell the now demos or tient 11.1tres and Beraderes. BLACK FLOUNCED AND JIVE ROBES, of medium rind Brocade BLACK GLOrrSY GROB DE RUINS:B, of all widths BLACK TAFFETAS, from medium to the mast import, qualities, These steels hero been ',elected with great cote, for our be n t cit) trade. ol SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and RTII Streets. MEWS TRAVELLING SHAWLS— In a crept varieti mil ilehigns and iiiixtures, in eliding the finest goods in the market. lle hitting and Hadunk Wrnilpere. of B LACK ULOAK. S N ief ' Al l l l l \ ll: E Nl TC UBT S' ij i li A d° l ri l lif l u v El i ßr d lB' t i l f i . s, of th best I.)nnu Good Just eceived, carefully orderesl lor e customer trade, s, being r smooth pile anti bright color. Alpo,(leek and Colored Bonnet Velvets. oi itd lIROTAEIIB. C itEBTN UT and EIGHTH Istreets. F [NE 'WOOLLEN SHAWLS. Em:1680010i, and American in new and choice de4igne BLANKET SHAWLS, W BTOD PART & BRO., 4W. Oland at North riI.:COND ritreet a:10-3t chore W dlow glee RROCHE LONG SHAWLS, in Viennese and Pena Fabrics. in new colorings and patterns. From the late Aneldon Mlles, an immense and varied Meek, which I, ft Otter at REDVCED PRICES. CURWEN STOODART & BRO.. 4W, 452, and 4.54 North Second Street above Willow. um, L AND WINTER GOODS FOR Mon and Boy learear. CUR WEN S , IORDART & BROTHER Have now, and are Indio!) receipt 01 BROA veLants, OVERCOATINGS, CASSIMER VESTINGS, & from Auction, tchich we are pro pared . t? sell low. Nos. 460, 4t2, and 454 North BELOND Stre et, shore Willow RICH FIGURED BLACK SILKS, loon the bite Anet inn ;Wen. OURWEN STODDART k BRO.. 4,50, 452. and 454 North SECOND Street, an 3t ItiioV6 NV I 111011 TWO-FLOUNCED BROCADE ROBES. OURWEN STODDA RT & BRO., Nos. 460, 02, and 451 North SECOND Street. Wio t above Willow. BLACK AND COLORED (MOUND 'FOULARDS, in new designs. CURWF.N STODDART k BRO., 450, =rind al North SECOND Street. above Winos.- street SL A SIIA LS, B, J Additional lots, - • • • in Black and Colored Centres, nt less than fernier prices. CI:101'FX STODDART & BRO., 4.50, 452, and 45l North SECOND Street, 3.30 , 3 t above Willow. CHILDREN'S SHAWLS. STELLA SHAWLS, LONG and SrtUA RE BLANKET SHAWI.II CHM EN STODDART & BRO., 450,452, and 451 North SECOND Street, e.111.3t above Willow TALL SHAWLS AND ULOAKS. Auction lola Shaul& nt $1.01,12.00,82.50. to $l.OO. Enter g ratios Stella Nhawla, at cost and leas. FA LL CLOAKS. Ladies' French Cloth Cloak!, of LiOit and Dark Shades Habit Clothe. Prices maze from iSS to $560. Cloaks wade to order, at Conle dog's notice, 4exo N O NTH & dAA mu I t r . DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS FROM NEW VORK. Will he arranged this morning— Printed French Merinos, lush colors. Printed French Merinos, Polka Spots. Printed French lorinris, Chintz I"l4Jires, Printed French Cashmeres. Fruited 1111 . 113110 n Cashmeres, All Wool Heals. Satin Travers. All Wool Mous de Lames, Printed in crest variety of styles, end loon' other kinds of Drees Goods. Also. a full line of Bay State and Washing ton Mills Ranker. Lone. and Square Shawls, of entirely new de signs and fine qualities, equal to French Blanket Shawls. Also, several styles Roversable and Stella Blanket Skew Is, of enfold' . now designs. Black and Brown Centre Stella Thibets, from $3.50 to $lB each. Brecht, Lens' and Square Shawls. A now stock of Gents' Neckties. Bajuite dark Kid (Hoses C &o. IIARLES ADAMS, al9-tlism EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. POLITICAL. PEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENF:RAI,. THOMAS E. COCHRAN, FOR SURVEYOR OEN ER Alo WILLIAM U. KEIM, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM B. MANN roR PIitaIIONOTAIIV t/1"VIIV. COURT 01. COMMON PI, EAS, CHAR 1., I.: 8 11. K N (I II T FOR KrATE srNAToß—Seroml 1h gEtlltillE It. SMITH. FOR STATE 81:NATOR—rourth 111,Inet 1) I) ROE GONNE FOR AsSENIBLy Forst MAI ict—PARBON EDMONDS. ;34g.nno 0 ...A.....t—W11.1.1AN1 B. TURNER Third Pietriet—CHAßLES lIORT'/.. Pourth Dantrtct—HENltli K. STR(ING. Piltik llintrict—JOSElMl MOORE Sixth Distil et—CHA 'ILES O'NEILL. Seventh District—J. H. SELTZER. Eighth District—JACOß E. RIDGWA) Ninth District—NATHAN SPER 'tenth District—S. S. PANCOAST. Eleventh Di strict—lSAAC A. ttli EPPA ED Twelfth )intact—ltlCll ICIIAII I) WII.DEI Thirteenth Ihntriet—JAM F.B lIOLGAT Fourteenth Phitnet—J. 11. ALLEN. Fttleenth F. PRERTON. %Meant]) District—GF.OßGE WILEY Seventeenth Dietriet—CHAS. R. AIII3OTT sett-Ulna RAILROAD LINES. 1859. Ow. 1859. FALL ARRANOEMENT—NEW s ORE LINES, THE CAMDEN AND AMUOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTos RAILROAD oces LINES, FROM PIEILA DP:1.1'111A TO NEW YZ./RK AND WAY-PLACES, VRIVA Will leave as follows, viz: TAR e. it 6A. M. via Camden and Amboy, Cam. & An:. Accommodation 52 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, ( New Jersey )Acoommodation At 9 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 300 At 11 A. 31., by Steamboat, via l'acony and Jorge/ City. Western Expeess S 00 At 12j: P. id., via Camden and Aniboy Acconuuo daUun..........-... At 2 P. 31., via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Ex press 3 OU At 4 P. 31.,.by - Etteamboat, via Tammy e and Jer s y ifty, L veiling Express 3 00 At 4 P i L. Steamboat. via Tammy one Jer sey P . AL.. Class Ticket... . Ate A 1..1 via Camden and Jersey City If Ironing Mail S 51 At 11 P. AL, via Camden and Jersey City,Southern Mail 2 25 At 6 P. M, Via Caindelland Amboy„Acconimodation, Freight and Passenger)—let I,lass 2 23 Velum 1 60 The 61'. AI. Mail Line rune daily. The 11 P.M. South ern Ma il. Saturday s °guested. For Belvidere , Easton, Flemington, &c., at 6 A. M. and 214 P. M. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, end Bethlehem, at 6 A. M.. via Lehigh Valle) Railroad. ior Water flap. Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilkesbarre, lontrose, Greet Bend, An., at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna, mid Western Rathil m. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A. ' 31.. and 254 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, ate WAY A.M. Ind I P. M. INES For Bristol, Trenton, An, at 21; and 4 I'. Al., from Walnut-strat whorl. For Palmyra, Delumm. Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Au. at 1211 1. and N. P. M. Steanilit:atJohn'Neil.n,lor Bordentown and interme diate places, at 214 P. Al. Steamboat Trenton, lor Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate places, at 11 A. M. mid 4 P. M. Fatty pound. of baggage only chewed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited Irvin taking an) thug na bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fiRY pounds to be mud for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond *WU, except by special marmot. Oct. 1, 1850. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent pHILADELPHIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT AN ADJOURNRDMRETTN(/ MUM , : ABOVII NAMED CORPORATION, RKI.D AT NO. 0 MERCHANTS' EXCIIANOH, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 7th, "(CVO, the follow ing gentlemen were tinanimonaly clouted Directors of the Company, viz: OEOROE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, AND JOHN EDUAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION a the CAPITAL STOCK el sand COMPANY are now open at the ntswe mimed Office, whore till persons fiworalite to the enter price ere rcarpeetfull, invited to gabgeribe. AY tl COAL 0 . 1. L. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIC COAL OIL WORKS. BURIN(' AND Lumuunno3 COAL 01 " Manufactured and for eale by 114 ME, MORRIS, Sr. CO., NOICTII OF MARKET STREET. 0.1,, SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 1 1 2 sTuuuuu.7ol.)o BAZAAR Ettipottuptlor ct ,oo pahandPtet,oo,4,ll,4o VieN, a. Alllettel!.ll.. re I. I}ll4l 1‘11,1.11 . 111. 01)(MI.I.411,0400.MicroyclIpeli. anti moro n CU nyeetitelne.ClllleC4ll !111 1011 , 0 eV PA. at M. I. 112 Anal f I Street, hnlow Chestnut. Air Artificial Haitian Et on insetted. Id Witt DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 34 SOUTH VitONT AND 35 LETITIA STREET. Are AGENTS for the Wen(' (;11119 Menufeetureil by the following Cotoprne.i. 111A4:41 CCU,. I,AI k, (ilt:'“ PAN a, 1.1 %IA V. Onnor, 1111'I IIIT, FY Ft KIN, BAuti.FT Mown, Blenched, and Colored BlieetinKe, Shatinfs Jeam, and MIN. ROBESON'S BLUE PRINTS, lIAMPOI.N COMPAN Y' 3 TWEEDS AND COTTONADES in great vanotr. wAsHINDTON VI 1.1. S I formerly Bay Stated Shnw•lg, Piano and Tah a Covnrw. Printod Minim Finnne.g. Alt-Wrnol and Cotton Warn Cloths, heavy Mh and blue Beavers. Cainiirno red. nod Tricot a. Also, Kt,. auto, Satinets, and atuth-6m % - 1 0 AWLS ! SHAWLS ! ! A FULL LINF STELLA SHAWLS, BLACK AND coLo It ED CENTRES, NEW DESIGNS, FIFTY PER CENT UNDER REaULAR PRICE.B A JOB LOT REVERSIBLE SHA WLS THIS D A Y, JOSHUA L. BA.T.LY. Ela MARKET STREET, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call special attention to our stock of DRESS GOODS, Now exposed for sale EVERY RETAILER Who may viva NIINV YORK will be amply repaid the expense of his trip. by seleetinx out of our splendid I a piety styles different from those to he found in other mar Lets. WE ARE NOW OPENING 60 CASES DELAINES, new and really beauttful 200 " WAMBUTTA PRINTS, new styles. 100 " WARREN PRINIB. 1,000 CLOAKS, SACKS, AND MANTLES, 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for us. We have a neli save!) , of DttESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, ‘,, OF POPULAR BRANDS, But to the above we ask vour notice in particular. We shall not quote prices, but suffice it to say, that by thin advertisement we mean to arrest your attention, nod the Goods and prince will enable you to attest the at tention of your customers the country round. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 AND 82 CUAMBERS STREET, W. S. STEWART & CO., JOBBERS OF AUCTION GOODS, 305 MARKET STREET. ABOVE THIRD, Rare now in Stnre n full Eno of BLACK AND FANCY BILKS, BROCHE AND OTHER SHAWLS, FMK MANTILLA VELVETS, Of nil rrndel, and nit the new Clbiltl in Irene Goods, in Which we invite the attention of CAHN AND PROMPT SIX-MONTH BUYERS. .9 thin i I I i PECIAL NOTICE. RECEIVED, PER LATE ARIVALS, A LARGE AND FULL ASSORTM EN r op BLUE, BROWN, Avn BLACK. CLOTHS. 01 the most desirafile mnires and finish. BLUE CLOTIN, medium and henry. BROWN do., do. do. BROWN do., superior do. BLACK do., plain, twilled, meamm, and hear, weight. AL.O. DOM (N:l AND OFERCOATiNGB FOR BALE BY FARRELL. & MORRIS. aLli: CHESTNUT STREET, s 2 Importersand Commission Merchants IW. PROCTOR & CO., IMPURTERS. MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S' CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 703 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To their Stock, comprising EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES In medium and firat•etase Ouode, maim/int FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES' CLOAKS NEW STRIPED BOURNOUB, BOURNOU'S WITH PLAirs, &e., &0., All of which will be offered et Low Prices TU CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W. PROCTOR fit; CO.. THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. 1859 PALL IMPORTATION. 1859 JOEL J. BAIL" Y & CO., No. 210 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, nave received by recent uncut& and will continue to receive during the neusou a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER UOODS, Consteting in part or HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES', MISSES', GENTS', • ND BON'S LAMM-WOOL, MERINO, SILK AID COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS GENTS' FURNISIIINU GOODS. Black and renal Silk Scarfs. Tiea, and Cravats. Liken, Canthie. and Silk Ildkris. 811 TI WOOL zEiltvits, dr Also, a handsome stock of WHITE. LACE,nmI MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, COWON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, n large and cheap vtotelY. "JOUVIN'S SYSTEME." HEST Qt`ALITY KID GLOVES, A splendid assortment al colors and sizes. WOOL COMFORTS,II O OI)B,JACKETS,NUBIAS,Ac Together with 3 large assortment of CLARE'S sups eerier 1,-rord " Finished " and " Enamelled" SPOOL COTTON, Also, their Sowing Machine Cotton. pot up on spools of 2,00 ) aria each, to which the atten tion of :thin Makers and Manufacturers is particularly renuebted. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS aro invited to examine our Stock, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade. a 7-2111 EATI Wit -Liu'rum- LE ATII ER. - Oal, and Hemlock Sole, Shoe Band 01MI, American and French Calhiking, Kipn. lyhtx. Fmk &. 0 .. Also, dammed HO Ntr Leather, at low prices. 'wholes sin or retail. American ttiontie arid Leather 01 all kook bone ht loi cash or sold 011 CIIIIIMIFI3IOII. N% Al. R. NENVIIOj,I), N i p, 334 North SF:CUND Street MRS. M. S. BISHOP I,VALNIA-STitEET THEATRE. r sotf. Lamaes . M. A. GARRETTSON. TRIS ISATIII DAY; 1. - .VE.atiNi, Oat. I. RiioP. TIIE POULTRY DEALER. alar;.ot. Mos Maca; hlitchelt. AN'PON V AND 11 ..FOPATRA. CiaoPatta.Mtsi al3szie aVILLIA %I TELL. heater. Mr. Tcmla: TrA. Mr. Perry. :4,1(.r0 PRlCF..—Ortia out extra ehartr, 50 c,nts ; Parquet. (Salts lar.araral at 50 cc nt , ; ! , recad er am; Fa rnlr Ul rat. and Thar.l TI-r, ; r- to !loxes. accordtaa m tha.r Ikoate, gg and eeata in Orchrstra. sad PIII.II/1 rants. 11,4 o:fiCe 0011 Jutl . front 10 art..a _ semi can`,. socure.l ed, art,. TO MILLINERS. AlEltt'llANTS. AND IN WILT. OPEN AIILLINERY, ON THURSDAr. PF.PTEMDF.9 29th. 11109, AN No. 9I CHIISTNI"P ST., PHILADELPHIA F 29 3t dr iPENIN(;, TO-t)AY—A choire a:sort ent of FRENCII FLOWERS. FEATHERS. ILEA 0-DRESSE S , BRIDAL Wit F.ATH Es, RI :.,IAN nt,vvv, and MILLINERY GOODS. K FINZIEDY St BRO. I,N-et • 720 CIIESTNIV St..and ft South SECO. D We Imo now in stock. of our own imp:1113110n end Ireni the LARUE AFCTION SALES OF NEW YORK. HONNET SI I.WS. JOINED BLOND'', ORo ArritiquEs. VELvErB. FANCY RoNNF.T ttTE RIM N 1;RO DE NA PLES, I„AcEs, FEATHERS, ILLUSIONS. FLOWERS, RUCHES, NETS, CRA PEN. BONNET RIBBONS. VELVET RIBBONS, PLAIN RIBBON. The above are the newest and moat fashionable gamin, and will be °tiered at a small advance on the cost. 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE. TENTH. 306 SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW SPRUCI »17-if pit J. HANIBERGER, No. 116 North SECOND Street, ix prepared to exhibit the moat complete stock of Milliners Goods, comprising lMons• Him era, Feathers. Blonds, Laces, Ruches. Velvets, and other Bonnet Materials. Also. a handsome assort ment of Pattern Bonnets, to all of which he would in vite the attention of Merchants and Milliners. 4 •N 8.--4 ;nod, daily receiued bob Auction, and said at the lowest price,. rim MISSES O'BRYAN, 914 CHESTNUT lif. 4 lll6,Street. will open Paris Millinery for the Fall. on THItsIDAY, the ZAIT init. KM Cr • k m SOUTHERN AND WESTERN 'MER was, CHANTS will and a splendld assortment of Fall Millinery. at Mrs. M.S. BISHOP'.l.No.lita CHESTNUT PHILADELPHIA. I llueer• aun-lm IN°- 21. Now open, the cheapest assortment of MILLINERY GOODS ,n this city, .old for cash, or on short nine, at wholesale only. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, VELVETS. SATINS, BONNET MATERIALS, and STRAW GOODS, To which we call the attenton of the trade, as we are closing out our FALL IMPORTATIONS AT UNUSUAL LOW PRICES. No. 21. M. BERNIIEDI & CO., No. 21. sn-lm NO. 71 SOllll SECOND STREET. CAHPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. BALLY & BROTHER. NO. 1120 CHESTNUT STREET, ENGLISH TAPESTR Y AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, ENGLISH INGRAINS sZ2 tde7if 13110111 TO MERCHANTS BUYING OI L CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH. MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers moor large Steck of FLOUR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS. GREEN GLAZED OIL OAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. The largest stuck of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, at prices which defy competition. att3l-3m M•CALLIJM & CO.. CARPET MANUNACTUREItti, GLEN ECHO MILLS. GERMANTOWN. Also, Imposters and !halm is CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING. RUGS. &C. WAREHOUSE 609 CHESTNUT ST.. (Opposite the State House.) Southern and Western buyers are respeotfully Invite.) to WI sus let GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS FINE SHIRT, WRAPPER, !ID DRESS STOCK 31.4 NUF.WTOR W. W. KNIGHT. DRESSING GOWNS Of the nearest Styles. The best assortment in the city fllwa)s on hula, HEAVY UNDER CLOTHING .n-c, OP ALL KINDS. G ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, LONOOOPE & PEARCE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store a full assortment in their line, to which they invite the attention of their customers and buyers of such goods. au3-2m JW. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win • cheater a. Scott—GENTLEMEN'S FU.RNISII ING STORE and 'HIRT MANUFACTORY. 81 CHESTNUT Street, nearly opposite the tiirard House Philedelphia. J. W. . 8, would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to ton new Clore, and me pre pared to fill orders for BHIII.TS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. Wholegate Trade supplied with tine S hi rts and Collars. JY.7I-le I(NIT JAcKETs. the Cheapest in the A- 3, city, at the Manuf,t4tor). from ele per dozen up, a auperlor.artiole of Ribbed Berlin and Lined Jackets. Also, HOSICIT, Shirts, Drawers. Comforts, S.e. JOrLN & SONS. a..-12t • No.lo FETTER Lane. Third, above Arch. NICHOLSON, IP • Manufacturer of SHIRTS. I,INTHg and MARSEILLES BOSOMS a - nd(I,LA A large and choice assortment. and WELL MAIM, al ways on hand. unto which I particularly Invite the la 0111t101101 LASH and prompt-pa) rag %HURT-TIME bU) are S. B. corner at SECOND and ARCH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. 1110411 l• PAPER HANGINGS, dc. PAPER HANGINGS. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAPER YOUR ROUSES. HART, MONTGOMERY, & NO. 322 CJEESTNUT STREET, Ifs e for rale every variety of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, &C., Which will be soil at the lowe,t rates. and put up by caret ul workmen. aYMdtnolu WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. HOWELL, & BOURKE, 17 suurn FOURTH STREET, (BELow hlAsgrr ANn OPYII , tIT. SIERPH ‘TRYAT t ;lave on hind a large and snienaidatisoitment of %VALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS. To which they invite the attention of WESTERN A:41) BOUTIfkiRN BUYERS, nu3s 2in JAMES STEWART A: CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY Imparter of Brandy. Wine. Sr., 1.15 SouTir FRONT street, otters for male, in I,n/I only, STI: WA HT'S CELF.BRATED AND UNEtzI'AI,I.F.D I'AINLEV MALT WHISKEY. C A R It lAGES OF THE MANUFACTUN OF WILLIAM I). ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1000 CHESTNUT STREET. 1011 616.2,n INILA ROPE. -- A large stook of 31a gopo, all auto,, 111.11111fACIUted acid ler at Ike lowest New N't,: . r l. E xf i lirl ii, 17,ITLI:s. ,t po., of N 0,235, WATER stAl N. DELAWARE Av. MILLINERY GOODS. 0 T II E IL S \VARB URTON, WILL OPEN TO-DAY CARPETS, OF NEW PATTERNS, SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS 606 ARCH STREF:T. SI7PERH GEORUE WHITELEY AMTSEMENTS. .I'l' It/N.l 'Ft EAI'RE. WALNUT Strort. , ..tx - e4n I'..ehsh and MARSH'S it'VFNII,E COMEDIAN 4. 'llllB tsATI RDAI tAF TYRNovA.Hrt. 1.144. For the .ee , titth.o.l‘t r/ o 1 Chl , Ltree at. 1.3r..1 Cl. 1, beptetented tqe :SALAD centi. Htk.r. rq„an ! yertormance to r.kumence at 2 4 , rie.,e.V. AT NifißT. RICHARD 111.—Rirnati, Als,ter Lon.s M5l Alter is Inett.Castmeh, In Chirlotee end Annette. "7.. , tut t, Ignellible Dare at YAK, Till: Ittnrli FUR CHI A, - —Nnn. Little George Doors open at 7 o'clock Perforrnan:rt to eognmen.-• at 75. Admission Itteeutl; Parquet and Dress ea:rte.:4 rents: Private Boxes. SI: Orchrt•tra ehtt.r.. :s Uretestnehvn, secured &inn, the day..9,rests. it '&TII EA LF. Y k CLARKE'S ARvri. RT R TH P:AT R Tills qATURDAri EVENING. Ork AN' ER WAN COI - SIS. Ass Treneltsrd. .Mr. DMA.; lord Dundresr7. Mr Wheatley; Florence Trenchsrd. Mrs. .I.lln Dresr. THE FRENCH SPV. Mathilde de 3leric, M tot Angels Kelton. RcsLtor Palrl.. — Adattottort.ncents; Seemed Sects in Dress Cl/018.3734 cents; Parquet. 50 cents. Door' open at 7 o'clock; performance to commence at o'clock prectsel". AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUST( 1.7" I Ai•T IND,IIT OF THE. SE. ASON. 'NA air' LAST NIGHT OF GREAT - Val • • • • • COMPANY'. Admission to all pars of the Iff.ase 23 OE\ TSJ zs cEriTs! 2 cENT:i! SPLENDID FAR %WELL BILL. TRAGEDY. CuMF.DY. ANIt BALLET. ALL THE GREAT ARTIST, WILL APPEAR LI CRETIA BORGIA—With all the Greed Open lI.J and ette,ts, imptiorted by Messrs, V. J. Tailor. J. J. Prior Broiss. It ,, ers. Anders,— BrygiZe3, Collier: lira. P. Miss West. & e. THE NEW GRAND BALLET. trigs the enoraded D sneers SIGNORINE OALETTI srst PRATE.; 4 I. To conelade with the crest Crinisids of THE 110:'‘EYHOON—En rirhicii Messrs. J. H. Tan - tor. A. W. Fenno. Rorer', W. D.M . k!sre. Fletcher. Rossitey, Anderson. Lance. Miss . A. Cameron. Miss Kest. nod Mrs. D. P. Rowers trill appear. Admission ffi cents secured Seats tin cents. Seats mar be secured from Faaht A.M. until Fire P. M.—TICE OFFICE Id NOW OPEN. Doom open at ti to 7 o'clock. Performances to com m ince at 7ls o'clock. of THE MARTYRDOM OF HUSS is now exlubittne. "rah other Pail:them of the DP/2- SFILDORP COLLECTION. m , ottut.u.: ot the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Open daily, from 9 A. A. tam s P. M.. and 7 to 10 P. M. Admission 25 eepts. THE PENNSYLVAMA ACADEMY OF -1 1 - THE FINE ARTS. NOTICE TO STUDENTS. The Evening Studies by gaa-brbt frrna ii,. cub of Anon.. Stntn , r3, commence on SATURDAY, October I ,t, at 7 P. M. The Life Class commences its stud:ea on MONDAY Evening, October 3d, at 7 P. M. JOHN SARTAIN. Chl!nriri or Committee on ins:rue...w.f. DR. VALENTINE, The most D'eminz of aL Lecturers will give aIrait.SifthiShATITTINMENTe. CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT xtree.l Commencing MONDAY ening. the Vdh. ard con tinuing ever, et en tg Janne the week- lint citron.: is Please have net er failed to draw large and fashioned audiences. The Doctor will introduce at least. FIFTY cHARACTERCi each evening. making tats rue mast pleasing entaq. meat la the cite. TICKETS 25 CELTS; OR FIVE FOR 61. To commence at a quarter to Eight o'eloeti. SANFORD'S OPERA LEOLTSE, P ,7 ELEVENTH . street. between Magnet s.nd Market Own for the Sewer,. SANFORD'S bTAR TROUPE. the largest Company the world. In their excellencies every evening. SANFORD appears Every evening in Eis great Role of Characters. Doors open at 714. Commence at a. Admission 26 cents. 13 cacti. auen-:m cDONOLIGIIS GAIETIES--RAVE ST., ILL below THIRD. THIS EVENING. TILE GREAT PANTOMIME BLANCO'S MAGIC SWORD, • With New Scenery, New Dresses, and New Appoint ments. WoNDERFFL TRICK: GREAT SCENIC TRANSFORMATIONS! MECHANICAL EFFECTS! Price of Admission /0 and 13 cents. Private Penes :Scents. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. O. RUSYELL. 22 NORTH SIXTH ST FINE WATCHES, FINE. WATCHES. A larce invoice or Fine F.nslish and hon. Watches, just received, 311.1 for sale by LEWIS EADOI\IUS & CO.. ei3EBT.N Street. Fer,ins destrine; to purchase Watches. Jeweler. or Silver Ware, will do well LI , callins and essrainan; cur stoic's. witch is well selected and tuade of ties hneed pla ten:O. All Silver quArlrdeed pure tern. .: . 111.11. and Moore Bunn. In Crest variety. Datil lOrzar„ LF.WP 4 LADO3II:3 A CO , 32:-.St • Stt CIIES rNuT Street. Pittladelphs. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON S SON Invite normal attention to their .rock at SlLlttit WAR E. which is now annually large. affording ti m rlety of rittern and drain unstingss4d Ly any tizutsa the United .Matra, and of tine( quality thin to lattinufe.: - tired for to Me use in any Part or tha wand. Our Standard of Silver is 935-ItYde parts pars The English Sterling ...... _925-100 American and French Titus itwillliellee.n that we give thirty-five parra parer than the American end French corn. and OP parts puree than the Enelign titerhug. We melt ail our tiara Saver. and our Foreman hein,e connected with the Rename - punt - tent of the United States \lint for several 'ware. we guanntee the enality ae shove (nat. the !iv.; era le role .-rn - •ns:e, and all roust the action of acids mem, Letter tale tat or.liaort Srtru raaavfda mend. WM. WILSON & SON, S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY sr fineneta or :Myer manatacteraS as . 4{tibtl lIP(.11. kit POSilt rely name inferior to Frencik ma/ Arlen - ran standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard as uud re our retail department. Fine Silver Bars, 992-Idai parts pure, co-wants on hand. tu2l-dria SALES BY AUCTION. BAZAAR. NINTH AND SANSUM AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, se. On Saturday Moraine, At 10 o't eoinproona A northern bred lots horse. 16 hands high. A 10.3 horse, hands hi,ll.lill year, dtd. A lay horse, S sears o'd. has trotted in: tz. A Germ in town wanon. harness. saddle. 5.e. A lobtail bay horse. IS hands high. 9 ears rid. An open aunt Watson rockawar. eon A northern bred brown tract uglio•se, •• Ned Duff. The trotting horse Duke." a ehestnnt sorrel. A sorrel horse, 16 hands his b. S sears A dun borne. 8 sears oat. 10 hands A lone tail northern bred bar horse. A Luse bay horse.: years Uhl. 17 hands tor.ll. A black Cariltille sons„neon old. A bliss stallion, 6 sears old, 16 hands A dark bay colt. 4 nears old. 16 Lauds hint. A chestnut sorrel umare,s years old. A northern bred Leo horse. 5 Stara old. Ab U horse, 3 ears old. 15 t ...hands lush. A chestnut sorrel mare. e) ell, old. An Iron gray horse, 4 )ears old. A ot handsome lots carnage I orses. WatsonW A three-seated carriage and harness. A st) likh bobtail brown horse. a. aeon, and 1, omen A bay mare, 1/ 3 ears old. 15 handy lit ;it A brokrn hor•te, denrborn wa,on. and barren;. A 1.1 mare, 6 sears old. 16 bands huh. A ban mare. 5 3 ears old, 151, bands huh. A Lay-day bas colt. Id hands cosh. A bay horse, ti sears old. 15 hands his!, - A dun borne. 15 hands Ind, 193 ears - old. A eras horse, 8 )ears old. hands Inch. A light los horse. 9 ears old Isla hands hash. A brown horse. b sears old. E. 34 hands hi; h. A lons-tall eras horse. 9 3 ears old. A buckskin mare, 6 ears old. long tail. A sorrel horse. 7) ears old. is baud. lush. A r ras ruare.9 3 ears old. 16 hand s A dark bay horse. 8) oars old. la hands high. A Jersey bred John Merry" tans cod. A brown mare. 9 ears old, 1314 Lauda bot h . A bay borne. 15Khands high. A brown horse, 8 3 ears old. la hands huh A sorrel horse. ti 3 oars old, 16 hands high. A blooded sorrel mare. 4 years old. A 1.“3 bor.. 101 hands high. long tali. A roan mare, 9 years old. 15ti hands 111..1i. A sorrel mare. 6 ears old. tit s hands high. A Ins) mare, o years old 15 isne6 1.1411. A black Canadian you), 6 sears old. A too horso, pedlar's wane!, and harness. A blank horse 9 s oars old. A long-tail gray horse, 16 bands high. Also, other horses. . . ALSO, At the conunencemert of the sale. mall be sold a lan e collection of deelrable new and second-hand carol wagons, A a, inclutfinz an • Elegant light Clarendon coach, made ti) Wood, Ton nsim. a. Co.. N. V., coat $1 ULM - . A huht.Germ sutoun wauon..o tat p ie. by Wau.on• A three-re ited Leder. Au elegant two-horse coach, superl,l) finished. ntide. LILO. No nistponement on account of the ve.ither. ie :tit ALFRED M. HERRN EN.q. Auctioreer. MEDICINAL. CI - I.OFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DIdEASE. TrrrEit, SCALD HEAD. Erniiiii , ol of the Sion general!). and all Huinors anti linpuritteg td the Blood. are radically and permanently toured br the celebrated IMPFIRIAL DEPFRATIVE. it has been a m ery iniportnnt agentin the cure of CANCEROUS DISF.ASES 1.) Dr. Louhmherri Co.. iva iimint , er of 3e ins past. and its steam vaine in the to,. 01 Cancers is ataindatitl) established by the man) rates elfectq_by In 5t,1101•1 1.018 affections its reinarka i iie ellen lots never bean equalled. It mass the most - nate cores TErrER. SCAL HEAD. and all Eruption% of the Skin, reithlt telt! to D a moderate 0 1 tius m e d icine. Malignant Uleers and ewes are readily cuied b) th e of Slew bottles. Prepared anti sold by Mgt Al !CHOI. A KKU..I Late Lounsherrr A Co No. go North Firm street. below Melt. For sale I.) the loilowlng Drugpiitai J. Lone A Lan mater; C. W. Ent:n.7. Potisv,lle. J. 11. ft tmer. Houdin.: S. S. stem ens. Bending T. A Meelintocli. Easton; Jas. Given, West Cheoel : Wm, Stahler. Norrimdown ; Simon Han, Bet Ideltem ; Or. Lim e rn). New Hope: Dr. Lobe. & Alie g hovn Lila A- Bell, Manamuni.. Pa: .1. D. Jame.. Trenton; Da La blur. Camden: Brew,ter Dridge.n 1 Roberlsnu A litnancott. p dein. N. J.: Me [nail, Wilmincton: 1,5. Hoopes. Wilonnstto ;• T. . Hanirnertly. Milford, Del.; d 11:11.31.5ta 1611-xhith6ntif IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED, Dr. LEADER h•ts been owe suecesiful, and t t,. a ereaterbturnbar 01 LerSansnt iri , eterate•Ving. Diseases than any outer rti , ,eoin in this etiN • for In - last titX months, Recent else. arei. r RED:Tee.I,I). tients unable to call are TB,: Tip at their homes rot. sultations daily at the elllce 719 RACE Street. slier Ir A. M. Communications attended to, and an) form el ch.felse sent wherever de.are.t. afU6nn 6.c ST.EPISCOP.IL At'A 111-'IIV i.ocvsi. Street. we riCttttxteetttlt.uttt It. ,r t MON DA v. s,oeno,e. ,„ .1 A , 11 . A 1,01,010115 1,4 .1,111t1,1.01. I,to, ning 01 the IerIII. 01,113 DREW:, ttte ,lie J. RAF:Ws.. A %I It2tel.r.t.tett auipptkrult
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