fUBMSHBD DAII.Y.,(ft!N#A^S : BXCRPTBJ)i' , KYjoHWW. BOHNEy, .- . ! ,Ompß,;No..«y ‘ Twkivs Ogsw i»*' W*M,-j.T»to. fo the Carrier.. . ’ Mftiled to Subeeribe remit of tbs (Stjr »t tt* Botuu PSK Asirfrcjtf. FoDs vox Bioht Montvi.; Tuxes Votikiiio* Six Woim-lanrMlr inod vanoeforthetims ordered* ■ TRt.'WKKKLT FRESS. ‘ Mailed to juibeerlboreoct of the City at Thsb Cot* iwt'-np sStWinir'in'iaftuioS. V , l"y-' ; •- .. .BQOffq.AMk SHOES. ]^AZE^^:a;AiIMER, '. , .YUNUF&CTORBRB " , .'.irdlfiVto. ■ • WHOLES ALB DEALERS JBOOTS AND SHOES. NO.UB tamn&TKBSC, A full uumnuit of City mods Boots add BboosOoo- ... «e*!-tf ‘ B, P. WILLIAMS & 00, lib, is BOOTH FOBRTH STRRBT, WHbIiESALB BOOT A!>S'tHOB WARHHOUBE,) Jpaye now' pa haadatoß assortment of Baitora and ~ ywiodaln^aifdrWtairhiobtlwiyipyUathaattaalloa <4 Bouthera and Western Merchant*.' . . . *ulJ-im . : JJXEWS, STERLING, * FRANKS, WJaOI^AI^DEABimS BOOmA^SHO^S, ' tio.'iia AH(onij(^KV , Fatataran vteltini tto «ltg trill rioeratiiiH asdiwe , theitltiy!. . t . . sdll-Jin J t & M. SAUNDJERSi i 5 HO. 34 NORTH FOURTBT&REIT I ,j ■I ’ (Now MsnAwitf HdtW.) * Osd the attMtiim of bdrsnt of Tothei r B*ock, arid eh embrooee s general nristr cC « , fSILAEBIJHIA ANONEW KNOLANP . Moni&otocsdfoods. ouHioß W. HoOVfiDI & SON, an CHESTNUT STREET, (Id FLOOR.) MIBSBB’, AND CHILDHHN’S BOOTS, SHOB*. AND OAiTBRS. Manufactured eipreeety for the Retail Trade, soil Am ypjmuAii & do, WHOUKSALH DIALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 013 MARKET STREET. JpAIiB STOCK BOOTSAND SHOES. JOSEPH'H.THOM SON * 00. ' - i 04 KARKBT BVAB&9, HaTtnovoa lumd atookol BOOTS AND SHOPS v •9 . EVERY VARIETY, BABTBRN AND CITY MADE* Purohaeer* vbdtini thenity will *lmm «aU and ax* .amine their atook. * IrM-tf BASIN. &GO., boot and Shoe warehouse 'ab» I HANTTJ? AOTOBT, No* *o* MARKET BTKBBT, PUkdolstlA We hire cow on hand on exteneive Stock of Boots sad Shoos, ol oil dswHptfoßS, of oWotv* shd Esdrnn Mshnfsetor*. to will eh we Invite tissttsbUonof Sooth ora sndWMtshi boxer*. ■■ ' snMm J'AfICY BHY GOOOS JOBBJEKS. & CO.. Nos. M ud la NORTH FOURTH STREET, An nor reo«lvus, by wunmiva srrivsi. train Barnra. THEIH FALL IMPORTATIONS ' 1 -.• . .i: ■■ 7 , ■ ENGLISH AND SHUMAN H OS I E R Y . GLOVES, AND SMALL WABftS, - ! WOOLLEN YARNS, MACHINE SEWING BILK AND THREAD, AaAtoUoit *n m>p4ctiQQ of their oompletthed rrell , MWrtedutioeS.., • . Jjli-am BBPBCIALLYADAPTEDTO ' SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. & ROBERTS. 7 429 MARKET STRBET, . • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS . HOSIERY, GLOVES, : - ■ ■ SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, •BRMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, ■ • • • • ato ; ” " i TAILORS*. TRIMMINGS, nMm JgPBNBXT, OTXTON, & SWEARINGEN, Atiow FOURTH. Nor Julie, , m^EiTitWoV FANCY . DRY GOODS. OV THXIU OWTI im^oktatjoh' Md MUotlog. which, the jrbffer (ortale to buyer* from all pertsof th* United States, oa *m snort yeaaonahte term*. MMm jUJARTINS, PEDDLE. & HA.MRJOK, Im#orter*xnd dealer* in HOeiBRY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS* NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STBBBT, ' Pit'* doors below 1 the HerohAßts* Hotel* Offer (or sole the most oompleU stock oi Good* In their ttb« tejn fouod la the uiutxd Statu, consisting of 'fMfeffe. JJ|qCAULEY, BROTHER, A BREWSTER, S 3 HORTH FOURTHBTBHBT We hew » Res Meek of Ipeorted nod Doaeetla dooie. BartWnaerSr eieytei to,: ; H 0 STHBBfI TRADJ, To.irkioh ire Invite the' attenQea or UnLoUw bßrew, - eai-hm ■_ ■ ~ ~- . CLOTHING; jJAPHAEL P. M. ESTRADA, MERCHANT TAILOR. 7* fine Fashionable R JSABV%M ADEOLOT HIN G, 77j'r7 i ' '' AKO '7' BUPERIOR FABRICS FOR CUSTOMER WORK, NO. SI BOtiTfil SEVENTH BTBKBT, PHILADELPHIA, (leieof Orenriue atokeey re.peotralfjr fnvitM the »t -"lleWoo'hand ochoiw .election of Pnbrlei wpi»|jl. . faYSteatii* attention of buyers. Each article warranted to rf?6 entire satisfaction. „ Trtl T rVinortM , ' 11 JOHN HOBSON, Artist, HUNTER, A SCOTT, , MANUFACTURERS AND IOBBBHS . or COMMON, MEDIUM, AND FINE' CLOTHING. We tovitevpboto etientionto odr complete tin* of maohine*manufactvebd owes. NOS. 4«4 MARKET, As 419 MERCHANT STS* •OMin rjLOTHINGI - AT WHOLESALE. o[. HAB,KITES* fc SON, "7‘' *»MARKET STIUfBT, , 7 ehVrkse’v CHiiitn or rointTn anur, ' Offer tjreele.on the tnoht - : EIAE;;#E'R'M S. ! 7;';' :; -:V' a : " l A|whr«iArafraMwAfd'ekftf 7 ' ‘ »Al* AHi>; wnrrßß. oiwranie, AitITTID TO IK» ! | 'wctbekn AND WKBTEBN TRAD*, i ‘ifi- • ’ ' ,VW”,7. '• TO WHICH ' •; TWSfTHnmTHB ATTENTION OF RinfRRS. jTIURB-STREET JOIIRINQ HOUSES. 1859. FALL TRADE. 1859. Bunn, raiguel. & oo„ IHPORTBRS AND JOBSBRS IN FANCY DRY GOODS. 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, • Ate nrenated- to exhibit at their ealeefooina the most pompUtertooh of gcwls ever offered by them, present ing unusual attractions to the. trade generally. ’ . The tteckdttnpritiHt a complete ftasortment of every variety of v.^; SfIKS, ; i .y': RIBBONS, i.? * L DRESS OOODB, WHITS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS, OABBIMSRS9 ASD VESTINGS, .. . HOISBRY, OLOYEB, AND TRIMMINOB, Also* a fUU and general anortment of Pall and Winter BHA.WLSi,;' 1 To all of Whloh they Invite the attention of tCAfIH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYJBRS'I jSa-m., stnjN, ■ v. o. flufit, '‘K TLRAiCgifBL, - W. W, KURTZ, M-tm ; -H. f. BUNN: MOORE & CO.. t IMfOETBSg AID, WHOLRBALB DBALBRS ut DRY GOODS. nob. seo and aos north gHISD STREET. ABOVB RACE, WEST SIOR. We have nov/opea toe Labqbst and Most Oom plvtb Sxocs of Goom y« have ever odhred to the Trade. The attention of CASH AND SIX-MONTHS BUYERS is solicited. s7-im JAMES. KENT. SANTEE. & 00.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS .09 DBY GOOPS, Noe.DST ft 841 NORTH THIRD Sr., Ahorx RAOH, , Would now inform their oustomere and the trade gena i*Uy »that thelr etook; this ceaaoa will be UNUSUALLY ATTRAOTIVB. ane-toi., • , CHAMBERS & CATTEEE. NO. M NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA, , , IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF SKINS. AS» MANDPAOTURERS OP Om .CAIiI ASB KIP SKINS, Moftwsos sad Liainn, Osk sad Red Sols Lasttin. sas-tocS YAhd, GILMOHB, & CO.. 'HOB. 40 AND 49 NORTH THIRD STREEP, IMPORTERS AND DHALERB IN SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS. LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac. HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND SHAWLS. enS*3m , FALLTBAD B‘IBS9. J; T. WAY & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS . or DBY GOODS. NEW MARBLE BUILDING, NO. 28 NORTH THIRD STREET. We offer, hr the psokaie or trlttn, to CASH OR PROMPT BIX-MONTHB BUYERS, ■ A verr larre and attraoti w Siook of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS. Porch ere win Sni onr .took veil aMorted »t ell ml •one or no rear. >■ J. 1‘ WAY, JAB. H DUNLAP, WM.P.WAY, leoi-tm] GEO. P.WAY. LAING & MAGINNIS. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS. FRBNCH AND HNGLISH LABTINOS, AND BHOE-MANUFAOTNRERB' ARTICLES,' ■ Sevier Mwhine Silk, Thread end Need lee, . NO. JO NORTH THIRD ST., PATENT BOOT-TREES. ' eut-Snt JUNGERIOH & SMITH. WHOLESALE grocers, NO. 48 NORTH THIRD STREET WHenar. and Lowrlnc’e Srrnp elver, on hied, MS‘-2m go WEB. BARNES. & CO.. PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL, AND ' BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NO. St NORTH THIRD STREET, BELOW AROH, PHbU.h.r.^oten'.Sjondld^rlno^ OR, BMMONS* MANUAL OP Renders* New Keadors. Gmanlaaf/j end,Brooki > Aritbmebee. Jt9. Blank Books* Wrianff, Wrapmn*. PartMiw and Wall Paper*. aua-Sm jijENDRY & HARRIS, manupagpurbrs and wholesale dealers M BOOTS AND SHOES. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND AROH STS., Sn*4m PHILADELPHIA. npHOS. MELLOR & GO.. NO. S NORTH THIRD STREBT, IMPORTERS or ENGLISH; FRENCH, AND GERMAN HOSIERY. GLOVES, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, *o MdUm P»t«b Snronh, Wk. B. B/u»b, Joan Wiwt, Jacob Rieou, D. B« BaviK. JJIEGED, BAIRD. & CO.. (Late Sieger, Lamb* & Co.*) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 0? DBY GOODS, No. 4t North THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OUR FALL ©TOOK la Aew complete in all ite department!, and ready for Bayers. Prompt paying Merohaiits from all parts of the Union are respectfully aolloited to o»ll and examine for themaelvee'. . , ‘ auS-9ra HOUGM-FirmaSHING GOODS. JJOUSEKEEPEHS, AND THOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING, WIU find hr fer the l>rse« rad nmt nmihl .took of hMWkeeMW end luefhl ertielM m the eitr, oomprlrin, Jneerneveheda.jiut reeeiwd from Europe, of e land nernhefne for eel# in FbUedtlphie, et the verereom, et JOHN A. MUEPHEY & CO„ ; 922 OHESTNUT STREET,. Irtr-fm v tf ABOVE NINTH. T ABD.—I3O No. 1 Leaf lard for sale bjr J-i 0. C. SADLER A CG„ t llf AROH Street, Moond door above Front, MILLINERY GOODS. QPENING. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 735 OHESTNET STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF MASONIC TEMPLH, WILL HiVS THBIE FALL OPENINO OF BONNETS, Ao., THIS DAY. THURSDAY, THE Bra INST. sAtnll THOMPSON & JENKINS. DEALERS IN SILK, OABBIMER, AND WOOL HATS, CAPS, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, FEATHERS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, Ac. NO. 538 MARKET STREET, s«.ow sixth, HOCTJI eraa. The attention of barer, ie invited to an examination ofourStook. tu-im MAKKJST STREET. RIBBONS. Of every kind, in immense variety t NBW BONNBT MATKRIALB* BONNKT.VELVETS, BATINS, <JRQ DE NAPS, LINING SILKS* HNOLISH ORAPES, of the best makes, FRENCH ft AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FBATHBKB, RUOHBS, fto Also, newest Fell stylee of OTRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, And STRAW GOODS, of every desonption, Now open, and presenting Altogether the most com plete stock of MILLINERY GOODS in this market. Merchants and Milliners from every section of the oountry are oordially invited to oaU and examine our stock, wfaioh we offer at tho CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, ft 00.„ aolO-tnovlO 431 MARKET STREET. 1859. FALL TRADE - 1859. AGARD & 00., 303 MARKET STREET. WHOLESALE DEALERS in BATS. CAPS* FURS, BONNETS, RUCHES, FLOWERS, Ac., Have now in store a fall etook of Goods, to whioh they invite the attention of first-class buyers, aulfl-fen* J HILLBORN JONES. Importer and Manufaoturer of FANCY SILK AKO STRAW BONNETS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWBSW, PBATHERB, RXJOHES, Ao Th« sttsoMon of Citj sad Country Dealer, is invited to s larse sad varied .took of tho atwve good., st 433 MARKET STREET, aal*3m Relov FIFTH. 1 COMMISSION HOIISMS. gHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, NO. 11S CHESTNUT BT.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THU BALK OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. sS-fiin _ Y.B- GARSED Be 00.. ' *CBNKRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SPERM, LARD, AND WHALE OILB, FLOUR, DRUGS, Ac Itr Tbs attention of Matmfsoturers ie tirtciolly osllodtooor SPERM OILS. No. 88 W. FRONT STREET, PHIL A, §MITH, MURPHY. & CO. SST MARKET BT„ AND 4IM CHURCH ALLEY.' Are now opening their PADIi AND WINTER STOCK OF STAPLE AND PANCY DRY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of OABH ANB PROMPT SHORT-TIME BUYERS. Phil&pju* August, 1359. aufi-3a YJTEST.FOBES & DDOYD, *1» CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of the trade to their fltoek, oon lUting of varioo* make* and grade# of pßS*s- Woollen and Cotton QbNABURQ '* JWNBEYS, CEjft'RK VILLE BAOB.I SHAWLS* Ao., &0. Also, agent* for the WINNIPAUK COMPANY'S JIM 0 ™- liW» In fuU iaeorliaentof grade* and oolora a-tf COFFIN, & COMPANY, 116 EBTNUT BTIUSET, AGENTS FOE THE SALE OF A. k W. SPRAGUE’S PRINTS. In great variety, including Chocolate*, Turkey Rod* Croon*, Blae*, Shirtings, and Fanoy Style*. BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. Loaadale* MaaonviUo, Blater*vil!o, Hope. Washington Union Mills, Blackstond* Cohanoet, Johnston, BolTldere* Phonis, BmithviQe. BROWN SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS* AND OSNABURGB. Matoaoa, Virginia Family* Groton* Bttriok, Eagle, Manoheeter, Iffeo'a A Farm’* Black Hawk, Mercer A* Warren A* Farmer*', Rivorcide, Carr’s River, ElwelL OLOTHB. Bottomlay'a, Pomeroy'*, Olenham Co.'s, and other make* of Black and Fanoy aU wool and cotton warp doth* in great rariatye DOESKINS AND CASBIMERES. Greenfield Co., Saxtons River, Lewiston Balls, Steam’* Id, Gay A Son*, Olendale, Berkshire 00., and other*. SATINETS. Steam’* • Ayres & Aldrioh* TsR k Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Crystal Spring*, Swift River, Carpenter*’, Floronoe Mills, Carroll’*, Dnhrlng’e, Conversville, &o. SlLEBlAJB.—Lonsdale Co.’s, Smith’s, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all oolors. Fanoy Negro Stripe* and Plaids. Jewett city and Irene Btripes, Dentins, apd Tloklngs. Rhode reiandandPhiiadeiphiaUnsfly*. Apron Ofaeoks, and Pantaloon Staffs. Shepard’s and Slater’* Canton Flannel*, FisherviUe Oo.'s Corset Jeans, Ao. auS-dUepl—eepl-fmfcwtf LINENS. BAXTER'S DUOKS, BDWABD’B OANVAB, GILROY’S BURLAPS. THOMPSON'S HEMP CARPETS, RAVEN DUOKS. HBAVY CANVAS, DIAPERS, TOWELS. SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, LOWEST PRICES. OONRAD & SERRILL, HO. SOO OHESTHUT BTRBET. ooi-tm UMBIIELLAS. {BLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS or UMBRELLAS AND PARABOLS, 336 MARKET STREET, PHILA., •took.TrhiohmoJudM K.si novßLxm, »«l fe mu wlh ihwkert. * uMlB gIMON HEITER. WHOLESAX.B MANUFAOTUKER OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR KET STREETS. My *took le now very complete In every department and will be found to offer inducements to buyer* unsur passed br anr other Jhnuse, aulLlm "PERSONAL,—A. D. ANCONA Gives a PHILADELPHIA, IIAT8» CAPS v Ao. g| t T. MOOKRIDGE & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS H AT S, CAPS, AND STRAW 00008. FLOWERS, RUOHBS, AND FARCY FURS, NOB. as AND 31 NORTH FOURTH BT.. (Nearly opeoelte Merchants’ Hotel.) aitf-lm PHILADELPHIA. 1859. FALL O. H. GARDEN & , CO.. ' Manufacturer* of and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS. FURS. SILK BONNETS, •; ARTI nIATiIER^?R r uc l lfte, Ac., Ao., NOS. 800 AND 003 MARKET STREET, EXTENSIVE^S'f^'A®? 1 LOWEBT auld-3m PRICES. IJOOPEB & DAVIS, NOS. 19 AND 31 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Mttßaftolarenasil Wholerale Dealenbi' WOOL, PDE, AND SILK HATS, LADIES' FURS, RUOHIffI, 30,i*A0., . now open for inipeotloa a new and elegant itook* to whioh the attention of buyers Is Invited, anS-Sm Hardware package houses. JJANDY & BRENNER. NOS, 93, SS, AND 8T NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of all ldndc of AMBWOAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, AMD IMPORTERS OV GERMAN, DELQIAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH , HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Keep oonstantly on hand a large etook of Goods to sup ply Hardware Dealers. BUTCHER’S PILES* By the cask or otherwise. BUTCHER’S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER’S STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, SHIP CHAIN, And other kinds in every variety* SOLH AOSKTB YOB HARP’S REPEATER PISTQL, WEIGHING ONLY 8* OUNCES, SHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS. BDWIRD 0, HAWDT. B<o.o. BRBNHBH. C. ?. BBXNNKC. aul9-tf PACKAGE HAHDWARE HOUSE.—Wb would reapecWuUy oaU the attention of the Gene ral HardVare Trade toour extenaive Block of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we offer at a email advance by the package. Order* for direct importation solicited, and Good* de livered either in this oily, New \ork, or New Orleans. W. G, Lfewiß ft Bon, 4H COMMERCE Street, x . . Importing and Commission Merchant*. And Agents for Foreign and Domestic WATCHES, JEWEtIIY, &o. IJAILEY & 00., VOMCXUT BAILEY ft KITCHEN! lave removed to the new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET! NORTH BIDE, URLOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their Fall Btook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES* AND FANCY GOODS, To whioh they Invite the attention of the publle* SILVER-WAJtK, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, A* WSOLIgJiLB AMD ftSVAU, —lf-lftf Js. JAHDEN & BKO.* •MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTBRS OF SILVER-PLATED WARE No. 994 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, (up etairt,. Philadelphia. FORKS, la! >.BB, Ao., Ao, giMing and plating on all hjadi of metal. eeS-Iy t TO BUT CHEAP WATCHES. 00 toNorthwe.t oorn.r of SECOND ud NEW St.., ». |»plAni| J, FRIES. gOSTON CRACKERS. BOND’S EXTRA CRACKERS FOB FAMILIES. WWOKERB, |p^BIBCUI^. dMwPIC NIO " ” WATBR m PRIBIDENT •• mfiT BISOUIT ” GRAHAM WAPHHS. EXTRA PILOT BREAD. We are constantly receiving this oeiebrated make of Oraokert, .reth from the Baae In barrels, boxes, and tins, SHOE FINDINGS. \yM. JOHNS & SON. IMPORTBRB, AND DRALHRS IN BOOT, SHOE, AND GAITER MATERIALS* ACTINGS, GALLOONS, SHEETINGS, PATENT LEATHER, RENOH KIDS, SLIPPER UPPERS, LAOETB, &c. H. H. OORNfiR FOURTH AND ARCH STS. aus-3m STOCK BROKERS. TIIERS & PETERSON, STOCK BROKERS. NO. 89 SOUTH THIRD STREET, STOCK AND BONDS OF ALL THE LEADING PASSENGER RAILWAYS IN PHILADELPHIA, to vrhioh tliEi, invite the hUeutlon of oA,Ueliat«. Stooka, Bond,, and Corporation Loan, bought and .old on commiuion at the Board of Brokers. «el-2m IVf RS. WINSLOW, HA AN EXPERIENCED NURSE AND FEMALE gtratjb moth.™ hat FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, reducing a^oflarainatJonTwil^allay “ SURIf TO I ’ffKau£As^ D 'tHE SoWELS. Depend upon it, mother*, it will give rest to yonrselves “ItBLIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have pukup and soldi * this artiole for over.tpi rear*,and can *Ay, in con mh fidenoe and truth of, it, what we have never been t> able to say of any other diwllwS ± flm«ly used* Never did (w we know an instAnoe oi dissatisfaction by any one whou?ed it. On theoon trary, aU are dengbted w witli it* operations, ar\a spear In terras of lncho« rK oommendatioaofiumagj oal effect* and medioaiYir tue*. We apeak in thi* matter “what we dofc know,'Naft«r ten year?’ oxpenenoe.anopledgeour rj reputation for the fulnl- K ant of what we hprede rj plare. In almost .every stanoe where the infant K ib suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will lie e_, found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the Byrup i* zl adiiiiniatered. , Swsk'HfflHP o iaMTartejs-w NURSES in New England _ and ha* been used writ “ wi “¥aW!«"o F CASES. It not only relieves the ohilu from pain, but .in vigorates tho stomach and bowels, correoti acidity, nq gives tone and energy fe to the whole system. II will almost Instantiv. re ueve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND WiND O COLIC ami overoome con* vuUionSj which, if not speedily remedied,end(t death. Wo believe it tho lT Imst anu surest remedy in Uie world, in all oosos of W DYSENTERYpnd DDR r!S(BA IN CHILDREN, br whetheMt arise* Iran teething or from any other 72 ean»e. We would say to every mother who has a r 1 ctnldsufferingfroinAnyjf the foregoing eoMiplaint*. fe donotletyourprejuaioei, nor ttfe prejudices of o thers> stand betweei W use of this medioine, ii timely used. Full aireo Sons for using will acqom « panv eaoh boU e. Ptoni genuiue unless the, foot 2d simile of CURT/SirER KINS. New York, is on tho ouUide wrapper., , ia%_ Sold by DrugaUt* throughout the world. Pnnoi* *uD&oe,No. IS CEDAR Street, New York. 4fS*-ly PriAA *■ oeuta a hotti*. q o^AiToTrT! to., to., to. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIC COAL OIL WOIKS BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Manufaetnreil And for «»l» b/ HELME, MORRIS, 8t 00., THIRTIETH, NORTH OP MARKET BTRKKJ. 0-Sm WEDNESDAY* SEPTEMBER 2s, 1859. (*f sTAni,) PHILADELPHIA, CKACKKUB. H. H. TRENOR, Aaxn, 1M SOUTH WHAR) PHILADELPHIA, mvi voa bilb MEDICINAL. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. j JAS. K. OAMPBELJL, & 00. IMPOKTKHS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS in DRY GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERKS, BLANKETS, &c NO. 304 MARKET STREET. aus-fm §ITER, PRICE, & CO.. importers and jobbers FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 816 MARKET STREET, J. W. GIBBS & SONS. NO. S3I MARKET STREET, Are bow opening their FALL It WINTER STOCK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO MEN'S WEAR, In which win be found a toll auortment of CLOTHS, ’DGKBICINS, VESTINGS, TRIMMINGS* fto» aus-3m \Y. G. OHITTICK & CO.. . IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 MARKET, AND 433 MERCHANT STREETS, Are aovr receiving from Europe their FALL IMPORTATIONS, Embraoing a full aeaortraent of gooda adapted to the preeent eeaeon. Theee, with their homo purchase,, in AMERICAN FABRIOB, will enable them to offisr to the Trade one of the moet attractive itook* in the market CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS Are reepeotfuliy solicited to examino this stock before purohsemg. ons-fm w 2m JJ'ALXi IMPORT, 1859. HERRING Be OTT. , Have now in Store their utual SPLENDID STOCK ow SILKS. RIUOUNS. TRIMMINGS. EMBROIDKRIKS.AHb FANCY GOODS. N. W. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STS. aug-Zra i 859r FAL ltra SHORTRIDGE & BRO., (lUCCK-80H* TO UAMMAn, aKTKXX, ft C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOSSERS ' ov DRY GOODS. 490 MARKET STREET, Have in atore a oomplete line of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Selected expreatly with a view to the interest* of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT DEALERS, To whtoh they reipeotfuiiy invite the attention of the N. B.—A full »took oonatantiy on hand, and orders will be executed promptly, at the aaf-Sra] LOWEST MARKET RATES. jy|cCI.INIOCK, GRANT, * CO.’ IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN UjLOTHS, OASSIMEREB, VESTINGS, TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. NO. 333 MARKET STREET, fUp Stairs.) tsH* PHILADELPHIA. -»..y... ~ ■■.. j——-.— , . LITTLE & 00., SILK GOODS. • NO. 335 MARKET BT. auS-9m gH APLEIGH, RUE, & CO., IMPOBTERB OV unbn Vhite goods, Lacks, usd EMBROIDERIES. HO. 3«0 MARKET STREET. Oar Stook, selected la the best European market* by oortelree, is large and oomplete. auft-Sm JOHNES & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS o* SILKS AJtD FANCY DBY GOODS, NOfl W MARKET, AND 334 COMMERCE STS, BILOW StXtff, Hsving Just removed to the above location, are now opening a new and very desirabte Stock of Goods, em bracing every variety in their line, which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates, for oash or ap prsved oredit au#-Jm pRICE, FERRIS, & CO.. IMPORTERS OP WHITE GOODS. MNEHB. MITTS, EMBROIDERIES. LA &A(ItIELAB, tc. 808.898 MARKET ST„ AND 899 COMMERCE ST. Ouf Stock is selected by a member of the firm, in k® BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS. auo-3m g WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS A!fD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. NO. 309 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Fall and Winter Stock bow oomplete and ready for buyers. aufi-Sm j$| # WILLIAMSON & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, NO. 43 5 MARKET STREET, (And 414 Commeroe street,) BBTWBBN FOURTH AND FIFTH, HOBTIt SIPI, Our atook, especially adapted to Southern and West ern trade, is now Urge and oomplete in every parti cular. aus-tf 1859 FAIL IMPORTATIONS. ]gs9 DALE. ROSS & WITHERS, 891 MARKET, AND 818 COMMERCE STKKETB, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or SILK AMP FANCY GOODS, Hav. now a oomplete .took, to vhioh tlior invito the at tention of barer.. eus-Sm MARBLE WORKS. MARBLE WORKS. Has constantly on hand a very large assortment o MONUMENTS, ENCLOSURES, and GRAVE-STONES, Of various designs, made of the finest ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLES, Which he will sell at greatly reduoed prices. Is also prepared to execute orders upon the most favorable terms, and respectfully invites the publia generally to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ADAM STEINMETZ, Monumental Marble Works, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh street, aplß-ra w Mm I’hilndelohio. CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac. MEBINO, 140 SOUTH FRONT BTKEST, Hoe In store and bond, and Offers for Sale, a Large Assortment ef CIGARS, Keoeived direct from Havana, of ohoioe and favorite Brandi. aus-tf DRY-&OODS JOBBERS. gPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call ipeoi&lattention to our itock of DRESS Or O O DS, Now exposed for sale. EVERY RETAILER Who may visit NSW YORK will be amply repaid the expenM of hi* trip, by selecting out of our epleudul va riety etyle* different from those to be found in other markets. WE ARE NOW OPENING 60 CASES DELAINES, new and really beautiful. 900 WAMSUTTA PRINTS, newatylea. 100 “ WARREN PRINTS. 1,000 CLOAKS,BACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 SHAWLS, Imported expressly for us. We have a rich supply of DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, OF POPULAR BRANDS, But to the above we ask your notice in particular. We shall Cot cuote prices, but suffice it toaay,that by this advertisement we mean to arrest your attention, and the Goods and prices will enable you to arrest the at tention of your customers the country round. DEFOREST. ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 AND 82 CHAMBERS STREET, s. STEWART & 00., JOBBERS OF AUCTION GOODS, 305 MARKET STREET, ABOVE THIRD. Have now m Store a full line of BLACK AND FANCY 81LKS, BROCHE AND OTHER SHAWLS, SILK MANTILLA VELVETS, Of all grades, and all the new fabrics in Dress Goods, to which we invite the attention of CASH AND FROMPT BIX-MONTH BUYERS. *9-3m gPEOIAL NOTICE. RECEIVED, PER LATE ARIVALS, A LARGE AND FULL ASSORTMENT OF BLUE, BROWN, AND BLACK CLOTHS, of the most desirable makes and finish. BLUE CLOTHS, medium and heavy. BROWN do., do. do. BROWN do., superior do. BLACK do., plain, twilled, medium* and heavy weight. ALSO, DOESKINS AND OVERCOATINGS FOR SALE BY FARRELL & MORRIS, 939 CHESTNUT STREET, sZ4-dtnos Importer* and Commission Merchants J # W. PROCTOR & CO., IMPORTERS, MANUPAOTUREKS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S’ CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To their Stock, comprising EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES in medium and first-claw Goods, including FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES’.CLOAKS. &0., Ac. NEW STRIPED BOURNOUB, BOURNOUS WITH PLAITS, Ac., Ao>, All of which will be offered at Low Prioes TO CASH AND BHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. 1859 FALL IMPORTATION. J 859 JOEL J. 3BAILY & CO., No. 319 MARKET STREET, AND 308 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Have received by recent arrivals, aad will continue to receive during the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in pArt of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’, MISSES’, GENTS', xnu BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Black and Fanoy Silk Scarfs, Ties, and Cravats. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Hdkfs. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS. Ac. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE,and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety. “JOUVIN’S SYSTEMS.” BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colon and sizes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS, JACKETS. NUBIAS, ko Together with a Urge assortment of CLARK'S supe penor fix-cord “ Silk-Fini*hod” and “Enamelled” SPOOL COTTON. Also, thoir Sewing Machine Cotton, put up on spools of 2,t00 yards each, to which the atten tion of Shirt Makers ami Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to examine our Stock, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade. sMin CHINA. AND QU EE NSW ARE. SMITH, & CO.. CHINA, CLASS, AND QUEENS WARE. PITTSBURG- AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, *o„ dolivoredrromtlieFaoloiT AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 8 North FIFTH Street, . PHILADELPHIA. aut-fm&.'wtf rjiURNBULL, ALLEN. & CO., NOS, 90 AND 35 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Dealere in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WAKE. PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. supplied with Glasiat Manufacturer’* prices. gOYD & STROUD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Gave now on hand a oomplete nook of QUEEN S W ARE, GLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Olp Stand, No. 33 NORTH FOURTH BT., four doors below Merchants' Hotel, to which they invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS, OF* Agbkts fox PiTTßßcao Glass. aus-9m %\ t |P rl 3 3 . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1859. Euglish and French Konted in China. Ono of the late Mias Edgesvokth’s mode! and moral stories is entitled “Jtnrad the Unlncky,” and relates the adventures of a certain man who was perpetually getting into trouble—one of the sort, we may say, who appeared not to have been bom with a silver spoon in his mouths Maria Edgeworth, smallest and least imaginative of moral and model writers, shows, as clearly as the nose upon an infant’s iace, that the ill luck of Murad, with the disastrous sobriquet, was alto gether caused by misconduct of his own—that Fate, whom he upbraided, had nothing to do with it—that his own particular misfortunes were caused by his own especial ill-doings— and that, in this « wale of tears,** aa Sarah Gamp would say when she became sentimen tally maudlin over her gin, every person’s misfortunes arise from his or her own particu* lar misdeeds* We are inclined to think that Mabia Emewobth, as aforesaid, was correct in her conclusion, and even (though that would needlessly start a serious theological question,) that she was pretty correct, also, In believing, with Lord Bison, that in this life wrong-doing is its own avenger. Surely, the had that we do here meets with heavy punishment here ? England, it seems to ns, is a sort of political Murad tbo Unlucky. The wrongs of commis sion and omission, of what she did and what she left undone in India, came back upon her like an avenging Nemesis, causing the revolt of 3857-8, which cost her an immensity of blood and treasure, and weakened that prestige of her invincibility which constituted her great strength in tho East. Just so in China. In 1856-7, it pleased Lord Palmerston to fasten a quarrel upon the pig t died, small-eyed, tea-drinking, dog-devouring natives, because of a pretended ff insult to the British flag,” when hoisted, on false pretences, on a native boat, at Canton, which led to a Chinese War, in which France partici pated, (just as, in “ Oliver Twist,” amia ble Bill Sykes was assisted in his burglary near Chqrsey, by that expert pat, flashy Toby Crackit,) and the result was that after nearly a couple of years fighting the Emperor of China had to give in—making friendly treaties with Russia and the United States, and com pulsory treaties with England and France— promising to pay $16,000,000 to England and $6,000,000 to France, for the expenses of the war—and granting various concessions to fo reigners, Including permission for Ministers from those with whom the Treaties were made, to reside near Pekin, and occasionally see tho Emperor, who modestly styles himself the “Brother of the Sun and Moon”—with, in all probability, a collateral relationship to the fixed stars and comets. Tho treaties referred to were executed in June and July, 1858. The American Minis ter, it is said, has quietly been admitted to Pe kin. So, in all likelihood, the Russian—for tho United States and Russia had been friendly to China. The English ami French Ambassadors did not attempt to visit Pekin until tho 17th of last June, or nearly a year after tho Treaty was made. We have given tho details, in full, of tho attempt and its result. Tho French and English, attempting to go up tho river Pelho as tho easiest way to Pekin, wero resisted by the Chinese with great force, and had to return to Shanghao with the loss of five British gun-boats; the French losing four teen men ont of sixty, and the British having 464 killed and'wounded. Some o t the, wounds were inflicted by Minie balls, and it is said that many Russians wero actively aiding the'Chincso in tho fight. The fortifications, it is added, were evidently of European designing. The English and French Secretaries of Lega tion had returned to Europe. Henceforth it will be « War to tho Knife” between the Anglo- French army and the Chinese. Nearly a year, it is said, must elapse before a sufficiently powerful armament can be fitted out against China. But the intelligence by the Vander bilt, which arrived on Monday, is that France m\\ immediately send 12,000 troops to China, and that, with equal expedition, England will despatch a great naval and military force, to act in concert with France. Where England will obtain that force may become a question. If, as is believed, Russia is at the back of this business, China may, for years, be the scene of ranch European fighting. Poor Eng land i But for Palmerston’s avidity in picking up a quarrel with China in 1856-7,Mi* disastrous result would have been avoided. NEW YORK. By the first article In tho treaty negotiated by Mr. Reed, between the United States and China, In June, 1858, China claims the good offices of the United States in any case of col lision with other Powers. Thns it is possible that Americana and Russians may be found, one flno day ere long, fighting together to help John Chinaman against John Bull and Jean CrapPAii. TYho knows ? Rosa Bonbeur contemplates a visit to the United State' at a not very distant date. Sheridan Knowles, the gifted dramatist and worthy preacher, has entirely recovered from his recent indisposition. Roaiiter, the New York artist, has commenced building a studio in the Hudson Highlands. * Mrs. Segnin will not appear again in public, but will continue to give singing lessons in private- We learn from the Schenectady Star that Rev Dr. Nott attended prayers in the chapel of the oollege last Thursday evening. He expressed him self glad to again meet the students, after so long and painful a separation. He said he should officiate no more in chapel at present, since he was soon to leave to spend the fall and winter in Phila delphia, and he would impress upon them the im portance of always doing their duty, as his parting counsel, and perhaps the last they would reccire from him, for age and infirmity had bowed him near the grave. He said ho often met with graduates of Union, under his presiding, who were sixty, soventy, and one eighty years of age, and he hoped the presant students would attain to a good old age, and become equally ripe in the ser vice of troth. Dr. Nott leaves in search of health. Samuel Fisher, a worthy meebanio in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Harris burg, died on Saturday. Thedoconsed was a mem ber of Captain Walker’s company of celebrated Texas Rangors, and bore a noblo part in the tattlo of lluamantla, where the intrepid Walker was killed by his Bide. Miss Florence Nightingale, who read a paper on the “ Management of Hospitals," at the last meet ing of tho Social Science Association in Liverpool, has presented tho MSS. of the paper to the corpora tion of that town. At the meeting of the Liver pool Town Couuoil recently, the Mayor was re quested to acknowledge Miss Nightingale’s gift, and to inform her that it would bo carefully pre served amongst the corporate archives. Miss Juliana May, tho accomplished singer, is giving concerts at Washington, D. C. General Jcsup, Ordnance Master General of the United States army, is lying very ill in New York. Major General Frederick Hambright, formerly of Lancaster, Fa., and of late a resident of Fittsburg. arrived at Lancaster on Saturday last. The old gcnoral, albeit he is now about seventy four years of Bgo, looks remarkably well, and appears to bo enjoying a remarkable vigor of constitution for one of hia yours. There are few men better known, aud mere highly respected, than Major Hambright, und ho will recoive a hearty welcome from bis re giment of frionds in Lancaster. W. W. Corcoran, Eeq., o'f Washington, D. C., has subscribed $lOO to increase tho premium list of the Agricultural Society of Montgomery county. Md-, next year, and given $lOO to aid in defraying tho oxpensos of tho society’s late exhibition. Hon. Walter R. Danforth delivered a lecturo last Monday evening, at Pro\ideuce, K. I . npou tho romlmsconcos suggested by tho old piotureof Providences. Uraco Greenwood is announced as ono of the lec turers in Boston tho ooming winter. Like all cul tivated women, Grace can talk eloquently, aa well as write brilliantly. ~ , John M. Adams, Esq., of the Portland (Maine) Argus, passed through New York on Saturday last on bis return from Washington, whither he had been sent by tho city authorities of Portland to invite President Buchanan to be present at the reception of the Great Eastern steamer on her arrival. TWO CENTS. PERSONAL. the weekly press. Wrrxit Pwii vrill be not to Subscriber? by niajl (per 4an am, in advanoe,) at « ; $lOO Three Oopiei, » « - Fire Copie*, »• «. p_og Ten Copies, «• « _* Twenty Copies,« '* (to one address) UOO Twenty Copies, or over ** (to address of each Subscriber.) ***•>> For aCinb of Twenty-one or orer, vs will sends extra copy to the setter bp of the Cinb. Postmasters ve requested to act as agents ?-» Tbs WsaciY Ptm. CALIFORNIA PRESS. Issued Bemi-Monthly in time for the Cahfoniia Steamers. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE 3IOSES TAYLOR THE BRITISH BOUNDARY DISPUTE. Letters et Geo. llarney and Gst. Dott-lau. $2,000,000 IK TOLD. The l/nited Statu mail steamship Moses Tsylor. J. McGowan Commander, from AspinvaU on the 13th, and Key West on tho 23d, arrived at New York yester day mommy. The Moots Taylor landed one hundred sad thirty-five passengers at Key West, and brings five hundred and sixty passengers and 21-LO in treasure for New York. The liyht at Whitehead Point, Key West, was oom - pletely extinyuished from ItoJJO A.M., of the 2Jd. Two hours from Key West passed ship Harvey Birch, hound to tne eastward. *«.. Inn*.7Sd«f. ™\’,!r&~?*®* T4,l< » rcam * ,a collision with nennoii* booed to Jackeoimlto. Eiut *t e £ r £? o{ lion, aid damacedths jUrboari *h»,l hadlr, airrjin* I*ll Mrt or th. ott« '2'p h *2» •«*»*«< Of >B. arm*. Laj bi nnia UO P. M. t Mpairiu th» vhtel uutoni sloirtr. The bnc *»mM »w»j boTranl, »yd milit. hud *e»r. h.id ol fnremut,jn«»twr, »iej oftha rijtpnj.udrwirid »om« damage to rail ana plank shear, on port eida. hat did not leak «y. fill® would put into Chailefouor Sa **aaaa* »m do. person on board the fcrir a-ho f^4 I £* bn* the accident happened. The captain stated the officer of the witch, the second male, m aa 4 tb® manat the helm said be did not tea the steamer tiU the collision occurred. The fcn* hedao H%ht “she Roanoke end store-ih pin wall. ip Relief were lying at As- . ~ . SPECIE LIST. Am. Ex. Bank #I79JO>iJ. B. Newton kCo *10,896 Seth Adame....... S-jOOQ EL Patrick.. *3*o Aurust Belraoat.... 144.60) J. G. Parker k Son. «au T. H. 4 J.B. Baeoa SJQO J. Ptwlan Ki£ ButeherA 8ra.... 33,740 A. Rich k Bro U.CW W.T.Colemaa* Co 65 660 Robert*. Morrison. c.w.Cro*br u.iflo &Co is oa» yofffoj kO'Conß*r 10,000 A- Roseohsan>& Co 34 OCO J. H. Coehill. 10.® 8. O. Reed k O . 5.00 . Ccrtj* 4 Ca.... A 337 Row.FeJeoper.iCo 13 9DI l. Coho 4Co 54 000 ScboUe 4t 8r0... . JtffO riuncxn.SW.ScCo Ml AH LSireott, Br. t'Co H.ttO «»®0 W.Sfhcman Ik Co, 40 ivo DeWitt, Kettle, k Twine, McCabil), k F.pwoMr.ScCo .... ROW fi. Tilton kCo tVi Z. Einstein & Bro . 7.M0 A. E. Tilton... -. . 3JCO FrMman i C 0..... 51390 Tamer A Bro 3 f<*» pr. Forchmmer.... 6380 Treadwell kCo 22CGU u r 4Co * &*» T b ‘ >ni tt. * Cornell 5<W H. E. Giffin... 10 OOt Jon*. Wnle. 4Co . 70 000 Win. Horn t C 0... EiOO ft. R W»de-.._:.: 6%sT ri. Hamburger ««BJ.B.Wjer »,£r * Aipm’l 8.09 Weßi. y»rio. 4Co S^ogo t H S"S r 13 MS J. Patrick 4 Ca... 77xai jy- Hallar i C 0.... 20000 Order Vt 3a» T. J. Hand &Co .. .(TO'Ribon 4 Co-. JtoQ Imn* Bank 12,000,J. Dak. jjoo Jramaja S. Brerra’r 10000 M. Fucher. sw .Tanvin. Bond 4Co » OOP Galaraj.CaaiadoiT 700 E. ftoU.r 4: C 0.... 77Xno S. L Itarva 700 Kirby. Brrna 4Co 3MO Fit««rald.B.4 Co 3so Metropolitan Bank 75547 William* A Potter. 63d Meader A Adams.. H6oo!Fischer k Sent.... igo Peter Naylor . lo.*»i ■ NeestadterAßro . 17.0(0' Total slo*2 30 Our date* from California are to September sth. We do not notice m oar files any near* of importance except that relating to the San Jnan irabnmta. The latosi news eonrerninr that difficulty is u follows: _ THE OCCITATION OF BA.V JUaK _The date* from Victoria are to the **th of Auras' The Victoria Gozijie publishes the loUomnt eorre*- pondence between Geo. Harney and Gor. Bootless: LETTS* THOM ORX. KASXST TO GOV. DO Cv LASS. Headquarter*. Denartmeot of Ore*on. _ _ „ Fort Vancouver. W.T..Aut. 0. To fits Kxtellency Jan t« Dougltut.C. R.. Governs cf tanefurtr I*la*4, fc. Vice-Admiral of the same. Sis; I have the honor to inform yon of the receipt of an official copy of a protest made hr you to the occupa tion of San Juan Island, in Puget Sound, tw a company oftmted Bta|ni troop* under mi command. .The aforesaid copy rnufamished blCaptaia Hombc. of her Majesty's ship Tribone, to the Tnited StatA* offi cer in command at San Jean island, Pastaia Geene Pickett,of Uie9tb iufwitr» of the American anoT, to gether with a eoramuuicatton threatening a bMnt wn pstion of the San Juan inland l»T the force* of her Mft ; Jesty » ships Tnl/uue, Plnciper, ami Satellite, now in tbe harbor of that island by your orders. As the military commander of the department of Ore son., assigned to that command by the orders of tbe President of the United States, I hare the honor ta state, for your information, that by cneh authontr in vested in me. I placed a military command neon the is land of can Juan to protect the American citizens re&i dinr on that ular.a from the insnlU and isdiynttie* which the British authorities of Vancouver IsiAnd *«iA tiieeBtablieb*Dent of the Hadson Bay Company have re centiroffered them, bv sendiny a Bntisnship-cfwar from Vancouver Island, tn convey the chief factor of the Hudson Bay Company to San Juan, for tbe purpose of seixmc an American citizen and forribJv transport ing turn to Vancouver Island, to be tried bv British laws. I hate reported this attempted outrage to my Govern ment, and they will, doubtless, seek the proper redress from the British Government Tn the meantime,! h*v* the honor to inform your Excellency I shell not permit a repetition of that insult, and shall retain a command on San Juan island, to protect Us citizens in the name of the Imted States, on Ul I receive further orders from mv Government. I have the honor tn be. r»rr r»se»«ct fully. your obedient servant. W. S. HARNEV. Brigadier General, United States snny. commanding. BKPLT or GOTESXOR DOrCLAAA, Govebxxext Horsr. Victoeu, Vancouver Island, Uhh Aug.’, 1353. To BriiOtlur General TTm. S. Harney, Commanding it.' Troops in tke Department of Oregon. Bis: On the eveninr of the Khh inxt. I bad the honor of receiving your despatch dated Fort Vancouver, Aug. 7th, IW. In reply thereto ,1 most thank yon for the frank and straignUonr&rd manner in which you communicate to me your reasons for occupying the island of San Jnan in the Haro Archipelago with » portion of th* mibtary forces oi the Unitei) Stare* tttider your corouisfld. I am glad to find that you have done so under yhur reaera! instructions from the Preatdent of the United States as military commander of the Department of Oreron. andnex by direct authority emaanUng from the Cabinet at Washington. 1 ou state that tire reaaone which rodeoed yco to tak • that conn** are the iQdtrnitiee which the jjhiiahwniNU itiw of Tapeoeyvr Ist aid «wd the esuh b*hmtißtofthe Hcrisaß Bay have rceentiy offered to “Amencao cihxeas midiss os tbs Idaml of Baa Joan," by seodiny a Bntiia *• from Vancouv*T Island to eonrey the eetef foeior of the Huciaon Bay Company to San Jma. for the purpose of sminran American eitisen, and forcitdy traas>->rc.T\y him to Vancouver Island, to bp tried by Bntuh la«e' I will explain, fcryonr information, that the wants of the Hudaoa Bay Company bold no official position -,n Vancouver Island, nor exercts* any official power n r ao ibomy, and are as entirely d’Stmct from the officer* of the Executive Government as nre soy of tbe other in habitant* of Vancouver Island. To the reported out are * □ aa American citizen I be* •ogivethe most unhesitating and unqualified denial None of her Majesty's ships have ever heea »ntto convey the chief factor, or any officer of tho Had«r>a Bay Company, to San Juan, for the purpose ofseizing an American citizen, nor has any attempt ever been made to seize any American citizen and to transport him forcibly to Vancouver Island for trial, os represent ed by you. Up to a very recent period hot one American citizen baa been resident on San Joan. A boot the commence ment of the present year a few American citizen* berna to “squat” upon the ielaod.and upon one occasion a complaint was made to me by a British subject, of kdo wronrcommittedarainst his property by an American citizen. No attention was paid to that complaint, out of consideration and respect to the fnendlv Government to which the alleged offender belonged, and whose citizens, I think. Ucsnnot lie denied, hare always been treated with marked attention by all the British authorities m these parts. With reference to San Juan io particular, I have alwavs acted with the utmost caution to prevent, so far as roicht lie in mypower. any ill feehucs *m.n< from collisions between British subjects and American citizens, and bare in that respeet cordially endeavored to carry out the views of the United States Government, «e expressed in a despatch from Mr. Marcv. dated Urh of July. 1&5, to her Moiest*’* minister at Washington, a copyofwnirh I herewith enclose for your informa tion. ni I presume the document cannot pa in year pos session. Fojiowrn' the dignified policy recommended by thit despatch, 1 should in any well-grounded ease of com plaint against an American citizen, have referred lbs milter to the Federal authorities in Waahmrton Terri tory. welt assured that if wrong had been committed, reparation would have followed. I deeply regret that you dirt not communicate with ms for information upon the snbieel of the alloyed mev ance ; you would then have learned how unfounded was the complaint, and the crave action yon have adopted micbt have been avoided. 1 also deeply regret that vou did not mention the matter verbally to me when l had t’ie pleasure of seem? you at Victoria lost month-for a i«»w words from me weald. lam sure, have removed from to ir mind any erroneous impressions, and von womd have ascertained personalis from me how anxious I bar over been to co-operate to the utmost of my power v\th the officers of the United States Government m aqy measure which might be mutually beneficial to the citi zens of the two countries. Having riven yon a distinct and emphatic denial of the circumstances which you allece induced you to oc cupy the island of San Jnan with United States troops— paving shown tou that the reasons you assign do not exist, and having endeavored to assure yon of my readi ness on all occasions to act for the protection of Ameri can citizens.and for the promotion of tneir wettnra, l mist call upon yon. sir. if not as s matter of neht. a: least os a matter of justice and humamtv, to withdraw the troops now quartered opon the island of . a sn luan for those troops are not required for the protection of American citizens oaainst British aothonties. and their continuance upon an island the soTereirntj of which is m dispate, not oulv is a marked discourtesy to a friendly Power, but complicates to an undue dezre* the settlement m an amice We manner of the queer on of sovereignty, and is also calculated to provoke a collision between the military forces of two friendly nations in a distant part of the world. I have the honor to be. sir. Your most obedient servant. JAMES DOUGIJLS3. (Correspondence of the Aha California.! Our war excitement bos all cooled down—Governor Douglasshaving barked down entirely from carrying out his bellicose message, which course he was doabt'.es-. induced to pursue through the wise counsel* of Admiral Barnes. But for the opportune arrival ot the latter there is bnt little doubt-that the two nations would have l*en plunged into a war, and the thanks of the two countries would have been due to the blunder* of Gov. Douglas* and the machinations of tho Hudson Bay Com pany. The latest advices (per steamer Roneer from Bellevue yesterday) show that.tho American force*., consisting of five companies of infantry and four of ar tillery, are in undisputed possession of the disputed ter ntorv. Her Majesty’**<hip Satellite. Captain Prevost, remains at anchor in the harbor of San Juan, or Bellevue, and the American* are liu-olt enxived in bmldfni; Itftrr&cVsand in fortifying the plsce. That island i« the roost important one in the whole Woshmetou arebtpe- Kxo. ami mutt iielonz to the Atnericau!i. a* it is icoreto their interest in this quarter h* posKes&it than it is to the British. There need be tm nclitinz about it: a lutle fi mneas shown bT oar Administration at headquarters will do all the bosmesx. In the meantime, mntters re main all quiet until the home Governments are heard from. The American* solely occupy Bellevue, and Van couver Island and British Columbia, together with Queen Charlotto Island, are Jointly and neacefullr oc cupied by the American socereigns and her Majegt*’* suoj<efs. “Hail Columbia! Yankee Doodle! and God Save the Queen!” THE COURTS. TESTEBDAT’S P&001XDIH4I. (Reported for The Press.) ScpRKUB Court—lx Eovitr. —Clark t\r. The Williamsport nnd Elmira Railroad Company. Tie counsel on !>ebalfof Klhs Lewis and others, firrt mort gage holders of the Williamsport and F.lmira Railroad CompMiv, moved yesterday that the court mo.!«fy the order heretofore made in this case as to a receiver, b, strikmi out the words m said order, as follows—‘an.! also all the sums now due or maturing to theemplojces upon the said railroad” aa also tbo words imme diately following the foregoing, to wit: “due ami nia tunuqaud,” ami that the following danse be added to the said order— ’* Provided that noth.nz herein con tained shill in any wise affect or prejudice at Ivw or in equity of the first mortgage NindLoider3. or any of them.” The matter will be argued on i turday. Judge Stront yesterday granted the prayer of ih« flret inortsaaoUindholderaol the Williamsport nnd El mira Railroad Company, for the appointment of a c»- truatee. Nopers4mwas named as svd trustee. Quarter Bessioxs— Judge Liidlow.—tdwarit Carr was tried on the charge of forcible entry and de tainer, in violently ana forcibly entering a certain renin in a certain stone house, at the Falls of Schuylkill, in which Mararetta Corrosion W&a in peaceable posses sum. Verdict not gniity. John J. Dixey. ayount man* wn* pot on his trial on the charso »'f perjurv. It is alleged that the deferdant apjKJared before Alderman Ptankinton, sod in order to bo received m bail in a suit of trover and conversion.m which housohold Furniture to the amount of sixdods-s and twenty -five cents was invot' ed, swore that 1 f was the owner of a brick house, at No. 12 Woodoiae s-ree.. valued at $3 000, when, in fact, he was not the jjwner ot the said house, nor of any house i" the end s.reer. Teatimony was adduced to show that Pixe 7 the house at No. 1J Woodbine street. -Ad*. errn« P 1 an kinton testified that he swore the defcrKiaßt. who an ewerud that l:o was a w Wood street, and that ha was.owner of house No. 12 Woodbine street. He was not mtoxicatej atii.e time testimony for the Commonwealth had been nitnutMd. tha cmin«.l for the ilsf.iuKnt asked >»''•» w'tMrnwlhe ,!ea of not auiltf. and to enter tbenV* of aotVt,. to wnicb the court aaaented. Jnd.e Ludlov. After aome pertinent remark, untniha freguencr »nd •iionnity of the offence, sentenced Dixey wan jmrrison fneaWthe Kaitartt Femwnttarj of ei,Meen month.- It is charitable t» supixiaa shat the accused was drunk st the time ho committed the perjury.though the alderman dirt not think so. The court adjourned at an early hour,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers