'V,-"C-• • i.: fIOTELS vS“n' paH *i'j# JMEatloujbar,Balt 7 \ S la, Pa V J Fttta**-: f * ;*;■: :. i w?9yi sn, ' l i • t Wvv £« f Di>lotan, N 0 r - T '-i y Kaantwyi K.y • / ■, :r . ;JTpEwrn , . , JMACfimes.[Meroplu's ;/8 Baade/*, Jr, HY •_ , .Stacyßro-jmfcwf. Pa Mr*PKorriwn;Sc Louis , As lfcNi»hnll©;w& Knowles* Nashville iisw4fcao : BSCimeWttiutwwiTr;; • GPWhUater.Md = 1 3£|j ■ ■ ■WAAlMandonVa -V ftMortop. NY. - * ThoiSßtiddi§_o “ ''. .; NljßaJßdtft.Cljarleßtori.S 0 SJr llmuj»n,N Y- 1 . . IIT W"ftoMttll« n .N Y t John Nj; - v ThfcoJPolhemua kwf,ft Y. /A .T Howell&t>r«. JVC : HSIotaVNY ' ; . - i: ■ K^&% r ' Ba,t . ; .:, Mtetnd, Va.-•' -,- : '• TVHafttr.Vwia' ~.'-> ' fefffiss.vs: - .G Tt^nlter,Baltimore - HE Brown,'Baltimore.- • 3f JHatoiivJi Yr ; r 'C3S’Yn»*"»S« n »' ' - BBareM^Bcwtop.-^- it.; feelo* Areh. Jnnia»oot P*.A 0 Morjtap Ark . WJSGlatk.Md- '■ - <*WM!in«r,Ky . ■ E B zelimyejvHarmburff ; WRemplin. Harrisburg , •»ft IMtrowra Reading - ft HFiekardt, Ohio • B B*ir; Lancaster . JBair, Laocaoter • Mrs OL Pickardki'QWo 'r. 4 J Johnson. Jr P* . £N6&ali«aberrer AbuPftf JFGa»ger»Milton n Ofibnv Chfanbersmirg ~ WLee.Easton ' > EL9j.t)L: Barton 4 • "••, JCJnmei. Wooster. 0 , N 0-Pylg*» r Jackson, Toon PB Kennedy k da. N J , ' .BCWoC!ln*i*hau»X9ttn>,'' D Bmt*an3tl», Md'- < : : Pa ' ' * -fto**ATGeisseohabw*NJM KLemnttTlHtnois - •» -- WQimrtlehl. Easton'r v:'' JRichardson, Phila • ' wiMkjlh Shippeusburg v §'A ' .Mi**Benm ft nnt - ?. , JSMartin.Pa / v Oyf&WffCwmfcrtTOfrr.SG Frr & la, frnppe, Pa V 'ipaejrmsfft - V Clendeoin:- Washington -. lttlw*Hrsehdenm, Wash’ta-ACTYnndt. Tllmoia fe4F n w*L*ljasptftor -Milton, Pa JrNosraomef, ns \«. - BHLloyd. Pa - Hpn~ATackcr,''M Clmnk A J FrankliH, Syracuse i'■ G-WIMv; Wooster. 0 k - W C l.ewi*. LeJmmn, 0 ■ .CPortoniWinchester, Ky J FBntt/Noriolk, va A.t Coffman. Norfoli r Va L L Moore, Ala . ‘ "T" V' A Forerth; . ’ H JVnnet,RuevroS» 0 ‘ Jos (VBrirht Pottenlle ■ liorrea. ChnjlßS’on, SCR M Welch.Charleston,BC Tji^X^Ss"ri“ n ’ BG f*,w.T^|n M : ■jMB-siVrHc, ' ‘ - ,' M.M Kirts, Wilra'n, N G :^«sc ; vf W«M,rer. hfnntoursville HJFw»k& la. OMn -v * PfJayoee, PitUbur*Jobn.WilUarai,Balt’ ! V ‘^3iMttftiOAX •iVabeve Fifth; -B'PSimth'MjSN; ' ODWoHIi/Phlla ■ . - 'rWFJ)y«^.ya^f :; - JLHoff.-Va' . . . Bl?myflr, IjewnrtowTi,, T .6£s»flnoer L*nca#r ...MiwMHendnokMn.XJ. * rJPßharp. Mrnbra, Bel ~ r ,Camdon» Bel T.C3HiaerfeJa,NY -: . O O Killon}, Easton , - - Nm*. Easton y*i ■ MA'Grear^pel. BAbel./York ep\ ;F BRj ley. Balt, , Wm-Ari>otd,Ajox. Va. i .65 Turner, Va , i«*G i-oh*. WA*h»D G„ white;Ga. -- - Afiju Watson.Oa r ':■■ •.■ ■ - Mrsfiharp, U Y , - POReilerAln.Pa - , HL Wel»k«X-Y '■ -• KRliftrp,Eckler.Pa B Webeter-Potifnlia i yariey A la, Pottavilla . :™'fe v « n . 0 ■ •-■ ; 'ismsittfffir, H|??uter.s r , NY, . RJSimt-vOB. Kaßrtekenhsro.Ny- , w , /RHCannlnthira, ill ,• BAProWn.lifxlnfton, Ky PRHw.ViM^Va ; 'J R Rufford. Balt' . WEWaile*,N Ov- - ; -WJTS»mm?ton. WO . . . f L Va Jm H Hstdep. Ala --, .. J 8 Mofiatt,Troy, Term «IXHaokettiUBX FRANfCLXIV atreet, above Third. .T Boston- Sami Maxwell. ,Tr, Va E Pels, N-Y - r ft A Hodges, Ohio . • J MITod |- e>, Ohio PHnrhrook.'lridintia ’ Jt KOrljroi'k, Ohio - C W Fowls, Norfolk. Va' ' wßuddfc'la.Ciocinnnit.. W Rtillman. Wotterly.Rl •. C & la* Batmlle * M ITodve- N_Aaam*, Mas* Wm oAllleon. NY .. T NY T ' 1 Goddard, Alans • *• -BBernn*NY -•'AWRadner, Jr.NY- LKLjoq.NY GBHod-’eAn^NY wJfßnrr.Dal _ r '•• . J 8 pie^tfa. Wjlminyttfn, Del TB. Bfoekman. Va - ; Jolitt i ßfliid. 5 ■ A'Sk Oeorse,-Washington '• AUyuatua Carry,Fa - ■ ' - •-i ,• '•, ~' JONEB* HOTEL—Cheitnnt street, above Sixth* LBaa'on.Baß WHMcCaderty, Balt , •WvA Stanley; Balt -L Ritter, Chestnut Hill J 'LMoLeon.Easton. W-H Cheeamani Memphis j Flower*, Nashvillo Riunl B l.oarh, N,Y T JShan.nou.lU imj .' , DrjW R Letterman, Phlla Pr Connickjk, son, US N ft BWilitin«on,S6n’& Fells TTlbbelo* B«U • F Hanna, Balt 1 . ABnjmrneKßalti-. Geo W Smith, Hartford ,LH Happolehi Charlestoa. F Koldewef, Chsrlestoh ;Thoe Jenntß's<Mals ' WBrovrninr.N Y - msssfc*: ■' E’obnSfm.NY , „ .* .&*J£Tu-k6r ; Pano WCSrott.lnti ' R MoNamee, NY 1 , - - -W Robb, Charleston .TCPatteraotf/Va ■ RP Pierce, NY P WEvan*. NY, - WHUwnay H Dayton. NY' - ■ Walter Buryess, N Y Jns n_Rnnl. N y . JTIImwn.N Y. W H Olcott, Savannah; Ga- Thos Wlmlle- N Y W Christian. Va joe C Smith. Balt John W Hotir. Bil, • Col Matore A< H. V* ' , Mra 8 E Mead, Va, , F H Talbot, N Y V TUE UNION HOTEL-Arohstreet, above Third. C Wesener. Cim 0 . . Wm-Dnilenvood. Centre oo : W C Lawyer- Carlisle, Pa T R Rtovenson, paiinym •• HSEberl;.Lenooator v J W Hare, Williamsport ■ rJ RHiraor, Northampton ro SB Poulterer Phlla » O H .lotms, Tsmaqua, I'a •ft Mollev At lady,’ Ptnna • R H_Cudtipr>; N Y 'r JBPr,arson,Rendms , fl . RW MarehwU. Phda ’•• - i,KWhit©-Gettr»%rc • . . WnißThomiwon, N J . a . RftvXTaley,NJ MiVEHHarrnßTtr,Boston JirHannanr.Ponna -?'R;WJVta*huvb, Kv ; ■, T S Ba*lov, Orovon r . FW Run,Pa GW Miller, Tn OEvatu-Ncwurk.Del JgsPhelan «la,Pittsbnrg; . RRflaorsan. WHaven - w 3 Paulhemus & la, Pa Ben) Haywood, PottaviUe " ' OTATES UNlON—Market st.above Sixth". ; JJ F Jones, Pittsburg ' GW Thorium, Va H H .Tnnmr.Va ’ JF. Koch. Ohio w V Wilkinson. N Y J RThotnp*rin,Pa ' WBMertWmhatl,Cheaco DM. Reading ‘ W GAfi. fiMdine - ■ EMiJ^teAr . AlounfJoy A S - jHltter.Pft ' J - - - JWilliamson*Pine. Grove-• -' iMentnjloe.T,*ueco, Pa - IHvisN Sira. Phil*- \ vBM Kelley. Phila', ; M Creswell* Mt Vernon ’ QPhita r; - JD Gortos,Carlisle ißaShearer, Carlisle .lEbv.F*,. . J'Willittins. !>ee«bor* , L Strom*, Leesburv H Finney,. Atlnntin City J o•Walker. Gao. Pa 1 ' Mi* Smith* PottsviUo'. Smith. Pottanlle ;• Carlisle . BE Jameson. York, Pa -t 3 KffmaU-fc V- W-Botxs. Allentown J- WJ Croasdate. DH . •• yv Blair; Parry eo, Pa - G G L*nman. Burhnft'n, 1 -'NATIONAL HOTRIr-jGee street, above Third. Ge«X/JftC6br f York.-Pa H Stnckler. York. Pa ft Yorte Jr. PotUmilo .A P Remolds, .Allentown John Wncers; Hartfield . R Dvhnfton. CoateaviUe WmXerper. Reading, RW Gilbert. Reading Rjyidlns ’ TV Campbell. Ohio J Rotiwtyld, Wmsnort , Wm BmHn & la. F.aaton Bethlehem,. j M Frjrniyor, Snyder co, Pa n WiHisms. Pa -A Gnpld, Boston r sHi/onf*.'Allentown. .8 Felix, MteereHlfe > ; IW Smith, Mlddlebarg .jRM Kuntsinirer.Pa t Clark. Lancaster — tw G Rhoads; Allentown kt^n,Allentown gK VM«*k f \Aehland. P* .GPisher.RtrnudiWa, DXrapf,Haaleton,Pa Kunor, Hazleton.Pa ; r •/ .. ‘ JHOUNT YERNOJf—Seobnd street. above Arch. ' W T Tarlor.PH ila, ;A P Hallihoch & la. Phila -H Hamilton. Bristol 1 ; * HJlKbeman. Chicago Ml**F Barett. Jf J flol P j .Tone*. N J W MnTaffee. Klk'co, fa F B Shelters, Tteadlnc Joel Ritter. Reading . ■/.. . Lew T Beekel, Bfthlcbom H rvirney,' Bocks crt ,■ , L Corbey, Bucks on . F , A Lsmbart, New Hope - RohtYoiwk.Pe, .* , h* Kansas A H*«*. Harriabarg . WmPhoff.'NY -- 51T, ; - ChsaLefloli.N.r /. - . F EHubor.Bethlchom ~ - Wm.C Peipor. Bethlehem COMMERCI AL HOTEL—Sixth st., above .Chestnut. P* IReoß..Chestereo' A Kirabj*; Chester rn Jl Kimble. Chaster co . J CrnwelkNjwark, N J - M MefAtxe, Reading J Simmon^,Penna RRmumns, Petina . 05 Hartshorn.Tenna JBtake *v, Phita Reading ’ 5 M Heller, Perma ■ TW Ludwig* Pcntnv . Wrn 0 Hanter, Perm* 'W.w Atidrewg. Cheater eo ' ft Hilton. Dauphin eo. Fa Jos T*ist. Jiaunhto eo. Pa E Elton, "West Chester ft y/jyinpjllorw Chester C O H*ldem*n. Columbia H fl.waitoß, Cheater co .. JM Heller, Beading MERCHANTS'HOirsE-Third #t>boV« CallowhiU. g p. p.. “ H'Batr*u. BusUeton, D A Albrisht. Reading v Reeding Wmß.Rath: Berks co Pa • flVTP^hs'LAhaaon liHondle/Adeinstown • CSmUfiAwifaPal, ;RGeii. PotUvjll»j.P» R R Znnmerman, PA • Bamael Stewart, Pa ; aar c.;^Vffl w 4« n JfBtelft.AUsntown,Pa / PHBrelnig, Pa ,BARLEY SHEAP—Seoond atreet. below-Vine, ? Jrmes Pa - KjiSotHday, New Hope 'J H MttmyvN«wHope - wn Clnoaon.Pa MPattereoff, Illinois 1 -■ Chas F Steel, Pliila Thos IT- Bed!cr». H Jersey . ‘ Lewi* Janes. Pa' B T-Johnson. PMU- -• ,' Miss X Pennypaeksr, Pa John Frits,Sfln Francisco J BALT) EAGLE HOTEL-Thlrd st., ab. Callowhill. JYotinsjHa NorifHwnptn eo ’Jos Hoerle, Nnrtliamptn oo r Mrs Kraow. Allentown Mis' Gonnoie. AllentoWn a«ob Zepp. Landsdam RobtGoodiiloylsstow n:BLACK:BEAß HOTEL—Third st, above Callowhlll. MahjofiS HahUnr.'Rnekted'.lae ETeileV. Meeun®ie .David Peter. Wwihmiton ’ ; N*tJi*n Peter* Washington djlßgiUhrSnfflnjivtown .. .JFBnrlchnrt.Bhrnville EAOLE HOTEL— Third street, above Race. 1 ' P* The rush of BtraDgers. to our cily hotels is very a great.: : Tho ttdoof fallbwitieM is at its flood.®; r.’ ' mipoktaWoms. v " f • f lH«»br»,dfofTh«flrei».l *- -\i,l ; r ItAUPAX, N3-;Scbr SultM, Por-SOO bbli.htrring J Y. ntS’HMOTD—Stioraihip Vittinls, K.HV-M tixj 20 cs • ■" .■ Thos webeteryJrrtf bxs JOcsdo.Werdle A Bte-. > -,.. reniog; 7Q bxs doMe rccr A Antelo; *32 bxs2cs doßnek s MMWPSSn2.ttN Hellinoi » ' , 7 : fbale* domestics;TrediokrAtokes « ,Cp;'43do Shinley, '♦ 1 fUxftrd & ,Hatolnn4on? wbolTbWs wax Jo b*** , - ■ ; Jpnesj Wbl)l»mi»nes»»Csrter A lead 0 J:Adams kCm b boxes uuv* i sW»ts«v®liW€®*CMtittse M tikes Sundries Pettit. Msr- Comply casks li c* tobacco . ;'tooTflßr,- ; '• : T k -• ■* •:> ■ ; f/T: Bmiier}. Order j Shales waste ; ” mief domsstlc Hay and MoOeritt i a vVf*. A-VVhl Idro tjtt erajrtvWrela En*el&Wolf j V^' ulaeg»g|SpßerSman j' f.fy- Gf«iU r l boa 1 BMartmsale t * U? " Weirhtniftn f I box tv V; J-vraaete &Co \l bnxTEißclaifdtf J B T.ippiMOtt ' vr jHebßistOn^rf.rollsleather Myers. Wmt?WEham. & Sons j IT - Mm'wjmwn|j,lbox'EC&eßm«rtrt box 1 IrnnkMiisM Hatton j - ■+ ■\~ ■ i bftnd® MmStluman j andas.pkgs to order,; ~.. i- laths GaskiU- "’ W > tejwiwSr'' c-t'.- ; .A Ssti.JJS~V:'; wd ,oos Marine iNmUfiMCE. ! PORT OF PHILAPELPHU; Sept. 13, 1889.; ARRIVED U S Mait steamship Keystone State, Marshman, 49 hours from Charleston, SO, with cotton, rice, and pas- Bengere to Alex Heron. Jr. At 7.30 PM on Bumlay, 30 miles south of Capo Hatferas, sigtiahbed steamship State of Georgia, nenoe for Savannah. 09* Bombay Hook- saw the new steamship Champion, going down in fine style.' Steamship Virginia. Kelly, from Richmond, via Nor folk, 2fi hour*, with mdse and passengers to Thos Web- Bark Jeddo, Wheeler, IQ days front Doboy, Ga* with lumber to order. l ri * t r W."> Atherton, from Portin'}. .. . , • §ulten, Day, 0 days from Halifax, with fish to - Bohr Swan, Collins, 10 days from Jacksonville, with lumber to captain. . - „ , Sohr Goldea Gate, Hammond, 8 days from Savannah, i from Charleston, with lumber to captain. On Friday night last run iwronnd on Brandywine Shoal, sprang aleak, and was obliged to throw ovorboard part of deck lead. Was towed up to Kaitfhn'a Point. > « •, Bchr /RiaUnsas,. Crocker, 5 days from Providenoe, W Bchr 4 days from Fall River, in ballast to Nevins k Sawyer. /Bchr Leesburg. Swift, 4 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell k Collins , , . Sohr Geo Henry, Smith, 3 days from Richmond, with 4000 bushels bran to Twells A Coi ' ' „ . Sohr Kedron, Garrison. 3 days from Bridgeton, NJ, in bAllast to Chas Miller A Co. Jas W Early, Sipplo, 1 day from Frederioa, Del, with rye to J L Bewley & Co. Sohr Ann C Gray, Kelly, I day from Smyrna,Del, with wheat to J L Bewfey k Co. ‘Sohr Sarah Wnrren. Hollingsworth, 1 day from Cam den, Del. with oats to J L Bawlev A Co. „ , - Sohr Cropper A Bro. Smith. 3 clays from Fredencks burg, Md. with bark to J L Bewlcy A Co. , _ Sohr Bohemia, .Clark, 9 clays from Chesapeake City, .with graiu to Christian A Curran. _ . . , ochr Amanda, Mattson, 2 days from Smyrna, Del, with gram to Jas A Son. ' Schr Geo A Tittle, Adams, from Boston. • J°, hr YL9 Audenned, Hewitt; from Boston. Bchr J Clark, Scull, from Boston. Schr Wood ruff Sima, Mnsen. from-Boston. HchrJH Moore, Incersoll, from Boston. . Bohr Borrows C, Clark, from Boston, Schr J.R Plater, Gandy, from Boston. - Sohr Paugnaset, Waples, from Boston. Rohr J HRisley. Boyre. from Boston. 'feclu JonSthen May, Cobh, from Boston. Rnhr 0 ti Mershon. Allen, from Boston. SchrßH Wilson,Davis, fromßoston. , . . Schr Rallie T,Chartre, Cliartre, from Pawtucket. Rohr F C Smith, Smith, from Salem. , Schr Lamot Dupont- Corson, from Salem, Schr M B Mshouv. Lake, from Newlmryport. Schr J L White, Gandy. from Erg Harbor, Bclir Jacob A William. Matthews, from Portsmouth. RohtSarah Lmiisa.Cruse,from Providence. Schr Shonandoah, Hewitt, from Providence. Bchr t Benedict. Goldsmith, from Providence. - . Sohr H W Benedict, Ellis, from New Haven, Behr Jas English, Neal, from New York. Sohr J L Heverin, Pearce, 2 days from Dover, Del, with grain to Jas Barratt A Son. „ „ , . _ . • Sohr Mantua, Maxon, 2 days from Frederica, Del, with groin to Jas Barrart A Sou. CLEARED. Brig .T Means, Wells, Boston, Van Dusen. Ndrton A Co. Sohr Star, Crowell, Laetiayra, W G Boulton A Co. Boh WmL Springs, Baotaloo, Wilmington, NC, D S Stetson A Co. ... W G Audenned, Hewitt, Boston, L Audenned Schr JL White, Gandy, Providence, do Bchr Sarah l*omsa. Crass. Pawtuekot, do Sohr John Price, Bears. Boston, do Schr Charity, Barratt. Boston, do Sohr Mntanzas. Crocker, Portsmouth, do • Tattle, Mayo, Proviucetown, do Schr M H Mifflin, MelvmtWaahington,. do Sohr Henry Curtis, Reed. Boston, captain. _ . ’ Schr J CUrk, Scull, Boston, Tyler, Stone A Co. ‘ Rohr WcMdruffBim«, Mason. Boston, do Schr H W Benedict; Ellis, Providence, do . J H Moore,Yngersoll, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr MB Mahony, Lake, Boston, Binni&kson A Glover •- gear J H RisloT.ttoyce, Boston, - „ do Rohr Paugasset, Woples.Boston, Brown, HewlttA Co. Sour Jonathan May, Cobb, Boston, do ' SchrD L Mnrshon, Allen. Boston. C Miller A Co. . Schr R H Wilson, Davis, Boston, Haves A Godshall. Sohr FC Smith, Smith, Providence, Baum. Ogle A Co. -Shenandoah, Hewitt, Providence, Blakiaton A Schr T Benedict, Goldsmith, Providenoe, Noble, Ham met -A Caldwelh - - Bchr Jacob A William. Matthews, Portsmouth, do . Sc ir Burrows C, Clark, Salem. C A Heoksohor A Co. • So irL Dupont, Corson, Salem, Nevlus A Sawyer. Be irLacon, Bearse, Boston, „ do Schr Jas English, Neal, New Haven, Reopher A Bro. So ir AdelTno. Howes. Portland. J H MoColley.; . -So ir Maria Roxana, Cox, Portland, Galloway,Moms A Co. p - i Schr Caspian, Meynthlin, Braintree, N Bturtevant A Co Str H L Gaw, ller, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. , The Kingston'left here this morning with 14 boats, laden and consigned as follows: • , „ „ B F Judkins, nails to Fisher, .Morgan A Co; E 0 Humes, bar iron to Robert Valentine: B F Bond, True American, J 8 Williams, and John Cline, lumber WNor oross A Sheet*:-Bald Eagle, do to John Crair; Sarah Long and EC Gramfn. coal to New York; Dr L 8 Fil bert, Judge Higgins, Hope, Two Sisters, and Rebecca Ann, do to Delaware City, ' (Conwpondenca of the rhMalphl* 2 The brfjf Anne Tjlor smmS in Iwt nl*M, with ,e»oml light schrs. The bark Mary Edson, for Boston, went to sea yesterday. The brig May Queen (t) and steam-tug Arnenoa are the only vessels at hArbor. Wind south— weather very pleasant. . \6urs, WM. M, HICKMAN. - _ By TKLBonapR, . (Correspondence ortho PhiladelphiaExohange.) mi , • CAPE ISLAND, Sent 12,11 AM. bark Jeddo went in last evening. • Tho, schr Mary D Lane, for Mobile, went to sea at l P Myesterday. “ Sept if. 8 P M-Theiron steamship Champion-lmilt at Wilmington. Del, for Com Vanderbilt— for N \ork, where she will be placed oa the California line, went to sea at 6JO this evening. Several light schooners went jn to-day* Wind southwost. Theamometer 76 degrees m the shade at 3 F M. . -' Your*, . THOS. B, HUGHES. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE PHBSS, * . ALBXAXtmtA, Va, Sept 12. Arrived yesterday, ship Plymouth, from Cardiff; • * .. Nobpoli. Sept 12. Arrirod, sohr Eldridge, from St-Barts ana Antigua. There were full sapplies of American produce, but the saleswere dull, ■ . .’f Baltimouk, Sept 12, 1869. The brig Ocean Wave, from Leghorn for this port, is ashore on Hie Msn'O*-war Shoals, at the mouth ot the Patapsco river. She wiUhave to discharge. 9 Arrived from N York 26th, Gan Eden, at Mareeilles; tb. Republic and Bremen, at BremerhaventMth, wv haiuo.at Helvoet; American Congress, at Deal; SOth, Wheeler, for New Orleans; August 23th; ship 8 E Grant, for do. Sailed for New.Yorlc— 23th, Jane Lovett, from Atdros- Mni.Pursuit, from' Cardiff; 27th, Waltham, from Port TMiwts29th,Lucy Thompson, from Liverpool. .' Sailed for Savannah 27th, Kalos f from Liverpool. ' . ' MEMORANDA. , , , ~ „ . Steamship Delaware, Cope., hone., arrived at New York lltlnnet. , „ 1 Steamship Btar of the West, Gray, from Aspmwall, ar rived at New Yorn yesterday. . . , . , r Smith, for Havana, cleared at N :Mth lllt - Ship 'Gallejro,''Washburn, from London for Shonghae, sailed from Pemambuoo So nit , Ship AH Stevens, from Mobile,-arrived at Liverpool 80th ult. Slap Wm Penn, Mead, from Baltimore, arrived at Li* Verppol abontSOth nit Snip Vicksburg, Ward, from New Orleans, at Mar seilles 2Sth nit. , . Steamship Be Soto, Bullock, from Now York, arrived at New Orleans Ist mat. • Ship Prosnaro, Leach, from Boston, at Valparaiso previous to July. SJ. 'Ship Screamer, Snow, from Melbourne, arrived at CnllßoAugl. • Ship Normandy, Tyler, from Liverpool, arrived at N York yesterday. . . Bark Nimrod, Lake, from Savannah, arrived at Liver pool 30th till. ' BjßarkWm H Newm*n, Gavet. from Rio de Janeiro 20tli July,with coiree.atßaltimoreHthinst. _ L u A'Bark Gambia, Keene, hence at Key nit &rk Crusader, Moore, from Sydney, NSW, was at VAlparaiso July 31. Bark Crusoe. Woiton, from New York, at Valparaiso KarkAlbenlina, ‘puendav, hence at Beal BKb nit Brig Sea Belle, from Havana for Philadelphia, with mtxar,wae totally li»t 23d ult. on Brown Water Rock, Bahamas. Hercanowaaaavedary,and takontoNas- M BcliJ j e |? Hou*ton. Ruiaelf, sailed Bom Key WesMth inst. for Philadelphia. - Schr Pocahontae, Sparrow, was at Sesua 2lit ult.ro porteq for Baltimore} was previously reported loading for tbiaport. , . Prop«§«r Sarab cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. Steamer SSeymour, Meredith,sailed from Alexandria °Atßombay Minnehaha, Beauchamp,to load for China—bad been chartered at Macao for Bom hAvandMekforthe roondsutnof 818,000,90. laydays: Wizanl King, Cone, London, Ids at 17a 6d to £l per ton: Francis P Sage. Ingersoll, for China, Idg at 11 rnpees per ton; Chas Suck, Smalley, for Liverpool, has. 800 tons cocoa nut oil engaged at *1 Ids per ton, and MObalesbot ton at'Ue pgr toni Meteor, Porter, fpr do, ldg| Lion, Coopor. and Wisconsin, Scott, wtgs Lombard, Eastman. SusanHowUnd, Adams, Southampton. Austin, and Cla rissa Bird, Btrd.dischg; North American, Collier, about discharged} bark Helen Mar, Low, dlsohg. SPECIAL NOTICES. Hoofland’s Gbruan Bittbrs Will post' lively cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Ac. Read what is said of it by the Rev. J.H. Tur ner, Pastor of Redding M. E, Church J . - Philadelphia, April 20,1850. flu. Jacmok— Dear Sir: Raving used your “GER MAN BITTER&’ In my family frequently, lam pre pared to say that U has been of great service. I believe that in most'cam of general debility of, the system, It is the safest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Yours, respectfully, • . . J. H. TURNER, 726 north Nineteenth street. Por sale by Druggists and Dealers in Medioines everywhere, at 75 - oents per ‘ bottle. Also by the proprietors, Dr. 0. M. Jxcesoh & Co., 418 Arch street, Philadelphia, • eeW-tf THE LADIK3 AT.L BEA.E TE9TIMONT, TO ITS IVoSTH.-Jin.ES lIAUEL’S EAU ATHENIENME, OR HAIR RESTORER reclaims harsh, dry and wiry hair, and gives it a soft, glossy, wavy appearance, ex ceedingly beautiful. It strengthens the roots, prevents its falling off, keeps it from turning gray, or restores it when gray to alt the soil luxuriance and Ufa color ot youth. Sold by *ll Druggists, and by JULES HAVEL A CO., No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, sll-tit •Notice to Consumptives.—Dr. Schknce will be aloent from his oSioe on WEDNESDAY, the 14th instant, having nude arrangements to be in Reading, Pa., on that day, tor the purpose of seeing patients that are laboring under pulmonary affections. It is necessary to give this notice to prevent as Many as possible from calling at his office for the purpose of having their lungs examined, that they, may not be disappointed. He will bo happy to see all who may see proper to oall on him on that day, at the Mansion House, Reading. sl2-2t On* Price Clothing op thb Latest Stylis, made in the best mazfner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. AU goods made to order warranted satii foctory.. Our ONE-PRICE System is strictly adhered to, as we beUevo this to be the only fair way of dealing. AU are thereby treated alike. JONES tc CO., .. sos-tf 804 MARKET Street. -‘Giuiybr & Baker’s OXLXIKITXD Noisxisss Faxilt Sewdjo-Machjxxs, ■j „ at xxtmoxn raiexs'. . TemporarJlyntNo. 601 Broadway. Will return to No, 496 in a few weiks. " Savino Fund—National Safety Teost ConriMr.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. . RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, large or small. ' r . 2., FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. ' ft. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is eaUed for, and without notice, 4. Money U received Bom Exeevtor* f Adm4*ittratort t Chtardians, and other Trustees, in large or smaU sums, to remain a long or short period. ; -_ft. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real -Estate, Mortgages, Ground Renta, and other llrst olass s*earitie#. • Og, office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest eomtr.Third street, Philadelphia. kplft ' Salamandee Fiee-Pboof Safes.—Avery »r*e Msortraent of SALAMANDERS for «010 st xesson >U, orioeD, No. X Booth FOURTH Street, PhllsdeL ■hi a, : iiX tf ; EVANS & WATSON .Seamen b Savjno Fund—Northwest Coxkxe Sxcoxn and Walsut streets^ Deposits re received in small and large amounts, fgpm all classes of tM community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent,' peranimth. ■]} " Money may be drawn by oheoks without lose ofin terest, VVf , Office open daily, from t until I o'clock, and on Mon* day oud Satnrdaf until 9 in the evening, President, e!mojEw? Treasurer and Secretary* CHAS THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1859. ' MARRIED.' JUDOE-MrMULLAN.-Cn the 6lh instant, by Bov. Jnnies l'rJUt, Mr. J.mps luilgo to Mm Marsaret Anno the «h ijuUint, by nov. ,M;jf|Sn‘ ofeff ny. to Mrs. Florinda E. Knowles, or Philadelphia. * inftont, Dy Roy.D. Stuart, Mr. Charies J. Field to Misb Lizzie P. Beagary, In Branford, Conn,, on the 7th instant, by Rev. A. C. Wheat, Dr. J. Walter Rowe, ot jtouadelphia, to Miss Maria P. Wheat, of Louisville, DIED. STEPHENS.—On the 10th instant, George W. Ste phens, formerly of Cecil county, Maryland, in the 34th year of his age. [Kent Ntvoa and Ceoil Whig please The rektiveg and friends, of the family are respect fully mvjted to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence. No. 1311 Poplar street, above Thirteenth, this (Tuesday) afternoon, 13th instant, at 3 o'clock. To pro ceed to. Germantown., * NEALL,—On the 9th instant, Rev. Thomas Neall, of the New Jersey Conference, m the 79th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, St. Mary f s, street, Burimaton. N. J M this (Tuesday! morning, 13th instant, at 10 o'dock. * BWlLKEY.—Suddenly, on the 10th Instant, Mrs Ca tharine 8., wife of Charles F. Swilkoy, in the 72d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son. No. 1729 North Third street, above Columbia, this (Tuesday) afternoon, WOOL^IAN.—In Burlington, N. J.,onthelltlimst., Mrs. JuliaA. Woolman, aged 68 years. . . „ Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. S 3 Staoy street, on Wednesday morning, 14th instant, &H 0 ° fISsTEJI.- On the llth instant, William A., youngest son of William A. and Susan E.Naster. . ■ Funeral from the residence orhts ipawnts, first toll gatecm Germantown road, this (Tuesday) afternoon.^at C^ARK.—Suddenly, on the lltli instant, Eliza Clark, intheSfithyearof her age. Funeral from the residence of herlmsbaud. No. 324 Soutji Nineteenth street, this (Tuesday) afternoon,^at On the Uth instant, Jane Forbes, in the 23d yoar of her age. ~ „, ... Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 2045 Lombard street, this(Tuesday)afternoon, at 1 o’clock. LITTLE.—On the 10th instant, Lizzie, daughter of Margaret Ann and the late Andrew Little, In the 20th year of her age. Funeral from [he residence of her mother, No. 1606 Samom street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * McALLISTER.—On the 10th instant, James MoAllis* tor, aged 66 rears. Funeral from his late residence. No. IMS Ogdon street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. • LAMBERT.—Suddenly, on the 10th instant, Mrs Anna Lambert, in the 83d year of her age, - Funeral from her late residence, Till street, above Market. West Philadelphia, on Wednesday afternoon, ot 2k«. o’olock. * BOYER.—On the 10th instant, Mrs. Letitia Boyer, in tho 06th year of her age. * LUPIN’S BLACK GOODS. Lupin’* Blaok MouaseUnd do Laines, double widths. Bjaok Mouiseline de Lames* single widths. Black Bombazines. Black French Merinos. Blaok Taouses. Black Cashmeres. Black Satin de Chines. Blaok Thibeu for makrnr shawls. Black Cashmere Square Shawls. Blaok Thibet Lodz and Square Shawls, Ac. BESSON « RON, Mpurnipjr Store. No. 808 CHESTNUT Street IY3* »R. PAINE’S FREE LECTURE IS I kjf. THIS EVENING, At the Hftll of the Eclactio Medical College, at 8 o'olook. The public are invited to attend. j it* ffpMEETING OF THE AMERICAN ' BOARD.—The Committee to make arrangements ibrthe meeting of the Ameriean Board of Commission* era for Foreign Missions, to he hetdjn this cltv October 4th, will meet at the PRESBYTERIAN ROUSE, 13*4 Chestnut street, THIS DJ*, (Tuesday.l&Uo’elook P. M„ to devise plans for extending Christian hospitalities to the large number of strangers—friends of missions— who will be present from all parts of the United States. Albert Fames, M,W» Baldwin, Thomas Brsinerd, G. J. Boyd, J. H. A. Boraberger, A. Campbell, Geo. Chandler, w. G. Crowell, Jaoob Helfenstein, John C. Farr, John Jenkins, John Gulliver, T.S Johnston, 8. H. Perkins, David Mnlin, Thomas Potter, John Patton,. johnSparhawk, T. J. Shepherd, William Strong, JobnM’Ceod, Geo. H. Stuart, IsaaoAflbmead, B. D. Stewart, Joseph Allison, Samuel Work. H* J. McLEOP, Seoretaty. rrs 55 * pkof/o. s. . IL? MEWGE * Course oi Laws. Organs, Functionsift rive professional opinions an Forpartieulars see billsand OWLKR WILL COM fLECTUREBON LIFE, its And Improvement, a* tausht >lo«r, at MUSICAL FUND EVENING. Sept. 29th, And md advice daily at his rooms. papers of the day. 512»1m3 PTS** NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE HESTON £UL,yji<I'B ,v and pas senger RAILROAD CO.—The third instalment of FIVE DOLLARS on each snare or the stock of this Company will be due and payable at the Office of the Coranany on WEDNESDAY, the 21st of Sept., 1&». *-I*t 8. M. ZULICKi Secretary. ry3=» THIRTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH STREETS PASSENGER RAILWAY COM , At a meeting of the Commissioners namod'in the act incorporatingthe Thirteenth and Fifteenth-streets Pas senger Railway Company of Philadelphia, held Sept. Ist, 1859. at No. 327 Walnut street.it was resolved that the Books for subscriptions to the capital stock of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth-streets Passenger Railway Company be opened on THURSDAY. Bapf. 22d. 1859, at 9 o’clock A. M., at No. 4 South SEVENTH Street. „ t , * v DENDY BHARWQOI), Secretary. Notico is hereby given, that Books for receiving sub scriptions to the stock of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth streets Passenger Railway Company will be opened at the time and place above mentioned. COFFIN COLKET, JOHN K VERREE, DKNDY SHARWOOD, , HENRY R. COGGSHALL. sa-dt32 , Committee. fY"S» OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY CO., August frothe Stockholders of the Philadelphia City Paisen cer Railway Company.—An instalment of FIVE DOL LARS per shaTe, on each share of Stock of this Com pany, wiilbe due and payable totho Treasurer, E. B. EDWARDS, at the office of the Company. No. 152 South FOURTH Street, second story, on THURSDAY, Sep tember 15,1559. By order of the Board of Directors. au3l-t«els W. M. SINUERLY, Seorotary. NOTICES. JJIOHMOND AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD, VIA GIURD AVENUE THIS ROAD WILL OPEN THIS D*V PROM RIDGE AVENUEITO EAGLE9FIELP* ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BOttUYLKILL. PASSENGERS FOR THE G R A.N D MUSICAL FESTIVAL AT SCHUYLKILL HEIGHTS Will take this Road, which EXCHANGES with tho RIDGE AVENUE AND GIRARD COLLEGE ROAD. FARE ON BOTH ROADS EIGHT CENTS. SAMUEL OGDEN, SUPERINTENDENT. PHILADELPHIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. Mm. . Mm AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.THE ABOVE HAMED CORPORATION, HELD AT NO. O MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, At 10 o'olookA. M.,S9ptember Tth,1859, tlm follov;- in, sentlemsn were munimouiljr tlmtwl Direotnre of th. Company, viz: GEORGE H. STDART, B. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, OHAB. MAOALEBTER, and JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. Th. BOOKS of BUBSCBIPTION to tho CAPITAL STOCK of .aid COMPANY are noyr open .t the abova reuned Oifica, wh.ra all persons favorable to tho enter prise are ro.peotfully invited to autaoribe. aS-tf COAL OJL. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIC 00AL OIL WORKS. BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS Manufactured and for sate by HELME, MORRIS, & CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH OP MARKET' STREET. sB-8m QLARK’S . SPOOL COTTON, Just received. A FULL ASSORTMENT IN WHITE, BLACK, AND COLORS, For sate by CHARLES FIELD, NO. 20 NORTH SIXTH STREET, AGENT FOR PHILADELPHIA, «2-fm* ISOftO BOXES AMERICAN AND WINDOW GLASS—The most approved brands, and of every use and quality required lor city and i oantry trade, at pnoes astonishingly low. §«nd yonr order, to ZIEGLER & SMITH." Dreg, qnd'o’REEN BUeata. rnlll tom “ Sfe .?s°F & SMITH, corner SECOND rr* “Pfi GREEN, have acquired a great reputation by the wise and prudent course they have pursued sinoe their commencement in business, by seUing a first-rate article at a low figure. sIS-tf Removal.— maetin & wolff have Bomovod to No. SSi MARKET Street. South aido. Miow Fourth, where they offer a ohoioo Miortmontof Fall and Winter Goods, ot very low price.. .13-Zni WHILE A LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPH * v in Oil is the most saitaUe for parlors, a small i~J.UANO, GUANO.—ISO tona of Guano UT ta .tow and for »10, »t <^ y WUJdOW Street, neiow Second. TjU-EPHANT 01L.—9,084 gallons extra No; M South WHARVES. «I£_ riOOKING RANGES. \J All in ■want of the Best Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to call at ARNOLD Sc WILSON’S, slO-tf , 1010 CHESTNUT Street WE HAVE DETERMINED TO ADD the HOUSE PAPERING and RETAILING OF PAPER HANGINGS to our business, and solicit from ell who are desirous of decorating their houses an ex amination of our stook, selected from the best factors, foreign and domestic, and at the right prices. Paper hanging in any or &' l sjro* ruSQ-r tn th lm» l,fi?rtl™llßD Street. RNIT JACKETS, the Cheapest in the otty, at .the Manufactory, from $lO per dozen up, ft superior artiole of Ribbed Berlin and Lined Jackets. Al*o, Hosiery, Shirts, Drawers, Comforts. Ac. ■DEFINED SUGAR.—6OO barrels various Sot* iw bW ' jasfriiiMHjw 1 ftUSO LETITIA Street, MILLINERY GOODS. OPENING. LINCOLN, WOOD, Sc NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, ■ TWO DOORS WEST OP MASONIC TEMPLE, WILL HAVE THEIR FALL OPENING OF BONNETS, &c, THIS DAY, THURSDAY, THE Bth INST. 83-tnll JJIALL MILLINERY GOODS. & SONS, 805 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now open a oomplote assortment of FLOWERS, RIBBONO, FEATHBRS, VELVETS, CRAPES, LACES, AND BONNET MATERIALS, To which thoy invite the attention of the trade, au26-lm MARKET STREET. RIBBONS, Of every kind, in immense variety; NEW BONNET MATERIALS, BONNET VELVETS, SATINS, GAO BE NAPS, LINING SILKS, ENGLISH CRAPES, of the best makes, FRENCH & AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ac Also, newest Fall styles of STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, And STRAW QOODS, of every deionption. Now open, and presenting altogether the most oom plete stock of MILLINERY GOOBS in this market. Merchants and Milliners from evory section oi the country are cordially invited to o&ll and examine.onr stock, wkioh we offer at the CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, A 00., 431 MARKET STREET. anlo-tnovl 1859. ™ trade, 185 a AGARD & CO., 353 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE BEALERS IN HATS. CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, RUCHES, FLOWBRS, Ac., Haije now in store a full itook of Goods, to wkioh the) inviteUie attention of first-class buyers. auls-2m* J # HILLBOEN JONES. Importer and M&nnfaoturer of FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWBRS, FEATHERS,. RUCHES, Ai The attention of City and Country Beelers is invitee to a large and varied stook of the above goods, at 433 MARKET STREET, au9-3m Below FIFTH. CHINA AND QUEENS WARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN. & CO., NOS. 83 AND 35 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Dealers in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUKENSWARB. PITTBBURO GLASS AGENCY, supplied with Clou at prices. au6-fci gOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Hare now on hand a oom,let. .took of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their Old Stand. No. 3# NORTH FOURTH OT. four doors below Merchants’ Hotel, to which they lttvit* the attention of WHOLESALE BUY ERR Aobnts vo& Pittsburg Glass. auß-Sm NEW PUBLICATIONS. jyEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! - THE NAPOLEON DYNASTY; Or, The History of. the Bonaparte Family, brought down to the prese*< time.. By the Berkloy Men. Witii-tarna I *-^*® 8 RU ' thentio Portraits. Bvo. 42AQ«' W,'. m r LESSONS FROM JESII»iOr, The Tesohinye or Dl vine Love, By w,,!*. iialfarn. IGrno. 75 pent*. Smooth STONES TAKEN FROM ANCIENT BROOKS. By Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. IGmo. 00 cents. THE ROMAN QUESTION. By Edmund About 12mo. CO aents. _ ESSAYS, LKCTUREB, Etc. UPON.BELECT TO PICS IN REVEALED THEOLOGY. By Nathaniel W. Taylor. D.D. Bvp. ft 1.60. FORTY YEARS INTHK WILDERNESS OF PILLS AND POWDERS. SI. For sate by WM7 M. A ALFRED MARTIEN, 813 N0.<06 CHESTNUT Street. PATHCART’S SERMONS ON THE SAB- V/ BATH, reviewing the arguments of Rev. Dr.Berr, lev. John Chnintters, and others,to be had at PETER SON’S. CHESTNUT Street, and LOGAN'S, SECOND and BUTTONWOOD. Price. 10 cents. ■ 13-fit* NOW READY, THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OP THE WOULD, of Auxunt Mi, with steel-plate portrait of Hon. JOSEPH WARNER HENLEY. M. P. . Price 15 oente, post-paid to any part of the U. 8.. Pecu iar Advantage* are offered sulwcnbera to THE ILLUS TRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, yearly. 87 80: halt fflfemSKSfcff ”■ A - bM * *#*” PAUL THE PREACHER: or, A Populai and Practical Exposition of his Discourses anc 1 Speeches, os recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. B) J ]fuOK OF RHYMES 16mo, 30 cents. MAGDALA AND BETHANY. By Rev. 8. C. Natan M. A. 18mo. to cent*. . . .. UNICA; A Story for Girls. By the author of “ Uncle Jack.” temp. 25 cents. JESUS ONLY. By J. Oswald Jackson. Wmo. 25ots SIX SOUNDINGS. By Rov. J.B. Ripley. 18ino. 2t cents. . LIFE AND LABORS. OF REV. DANIEL BAKER. 12mo. 81.25. For sale by WILLIAM S. Sc ALFRED MARTIEN, eS No. COBCHEBTNUT Street. Fourteen thousand sujbsori- BER 8! APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA Volume Seventh will lie out on the 25th. It Is not too late to commence takinxthls work, whicl it now established in the category of fhmous literar* successes. New subscribers can have a volume ft month till they overtake the issue. Tho enormous subscription list has been mainly in ireased by the subscribers themselves, who havi irought their fyends and neighbors tosubsenbo, as soot as they had satisfied themsolves of the surpassino EX CELLENCE AND VALUE OP THE WORK. JOHN McFARLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania, Arcade Hotel, 621 CHESTNUT Street. Agent, also, ro; Benton’s Debates of Congress and Frank Moore’s Diary of the American Revolution. s3-s tuth-9t 1 {CHAMBERS’S ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Vy (To be in 85 monbly parts, 16 cents each,) supplied to any address, free of postage, by JOHN MoFAHLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania, For Apnleton’s New American Cycloptcdia, and Bep ton’s Debates of Congress. ARCADE HOTEL, 621 CHESTNUT Street. Agents wanted to oanvasa in evory county. au27-lm OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS The undersigned states that he has frequently foi sale books printed betweon the years 1470 and lfipo: earl) editions of the Fathers of the Reformers anuof the Pu ritan Divines; in Law,Braeton,LyUloton, PufTendorfl, Grotius,Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Reports, Ao., are often to bo found on his shelves; Cyofopediai, Lexicons, Classio authors, History; Poetry, Philosophy, Soienoe, Political Economy, Government. Arohitecture, Natural History. Treatises upon those and other kindred subjects are being continually dealt in by him. Books, in large and small quantities.jpurohaaed at the Custom- House avenue Bookstall, CHEBTNUT Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. mrlS-Am JOHN CAMPBELL, WOaUET & HUTTON, M.M. manufacturers of DESKS AND CABINET FURNITURE, NO. 239 80UTH THIRD STREET. s . Office, Bank, and School Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookcases, Wardrobes, etc. sO-im Fresh fruit jars. Those who wish to avoid the uncioanliness at tendant upon putting up fruit, Ac., by the use of tho old style Jars with metal covert amt cement, will be pleased to learn that the whole operation of Preserving can bf performed in less than one half the usual time by the use of HARTELL’B ALL-GLASS PRESERVING JARS, pronounoed by physicians aud aciontino ineu to he the safest and most reliable Jar ever made. A smelt inspection will satisfy any one of their incomparable superiority overall others. Manufacturers under tho Patent, KARTELL & LKTCHWpRTII, No. 18 North FIFTH Btreet, s3-12t* General Glass Dnnot. 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAR—Great Emporium, for BterepsoopesandStorooscofSo Views, American, Frond) and Engtish. Opera Glasses, Microscopes, and improved Bpeotaoles, correctly suited to the ores, at M; T. FRANKLIW. Optioian, 112 South FOURTH Btreet, below Chestnut. Artificial Human Eyea inserted. sg-lmlf HPAR AND PITCH.—I3B bbls. Black and J- Yellow Rooemakern’ Tar, 600 kegs North Carolina Tar, 300 Large Wilmington bbls. Pitch, 60 bbls »Bright Ship Varnish, for sale by ROWLEY, ABHBURNER, At.CO. No. 16 Bouth WHARVES. si $50,000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jowolry, Guns, Mer chandise, Clothing, Ac., on moderate terms, by JONES k CO., Brokers, northwest corner of THIRD and GAP KILL Streots, below Lombard. Established for the lar Bfi rears. Office hours from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. Second-hand Gold mid Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sola cheap, at one-half the nrislnal coat aiU Hvi-if Havana cigars —or the following celebrated brands t Cabanas, Figaro, HnJasdeOro, Gloria, Espnnola, Upmann, Neptuno, Pruebese, Verdad, Vegas, Ac., Ao., fto. Qf all sixes and qualities, on hand and constantly re ceiving from Havana, and for sate low by a.ul6«lm CHARLES TETE, 130 WALNUT. Drills and sheetings for ex. PORT. BR ™WPrfH\ N »a LLBI ~ aa’ifratoS. 14 South FRONT Bt, and to LETITIA Street, oolft-ly HERRING. —275 bbls Pickled Honing, also, 326 boxes Synokeil Herring, for sale by * „ C. 0. BIDLEH & OG„ slO ARCH Street, aenond door above Front. fMW"Nos. 1& 2 MACKEREL—A small 1 » invoice of assorted packages, landing from steamer Kenaington, and for , R mft IffIBOUTH WHARVES. Economy mess shad— nos. 1 and 2 ft prime artiole, in store and for sale br non 1M SoMff^HARTiiS, KETAU, DItY GOODS. AND ELEGANT PALL STOCK. L. 3. LEVY & CO. Aro daily rocelvins additiona to their new and very choice assortment of PALL AND WINTER GOODS, which comprises at this time one of the largest as well ns the most select assortments of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, which can be found in this country# Every now fabrio which has been manufactured for Fall and Winter wear, ns woll as their usual assortment of STAPLE GOODS of superior qualities, will be found in variety, and at prices us low as similar goods can be purchased elsowhere. L. J. L. k Co., have effected arrnngcm ut in Paris by which thoy will be In constant receipt uu Ing the sea son of small quantities of every approved » ew article which may be prosonted to the fashionable trad© of that city. The selections will bo made from the houses in Paris most oelebrated for their good tasto. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. sl2-3t ("JASSIMEKES, CLOTHS, VESTINGS. Heavy dark mixtures Cassiraeres. _Do. with and without Sidebands. B ook Cassimeres and Doeskins. B|£ck Broadcloths. *1 60 upwards. Light-colored Cloakings, $1 26 up. i nil and Winter Vestings. ee, TVEW PALL ULOAKS. TV The Subscribers NEW FALL CI,OAKS, opening PLOMBIERTs STRIPE CLOAKS, CHESTERFIELDS, CASACIUES, to which thpy respectfully invite the attention of Ladies. . , The Pari. Mantilla Emporium, . 1 708 CHESTNUT Street. auSO J, W. PROCTOR k CO. TVBW FALL GOODS!!! & CHISM, corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN greets. ..Have just received a lot of BEAUTIFUL SATIN PLAID POPLINS. Rich Foulard Silks. Handsome Fall lie T-nines. New Fall Chintzes. &p., Ac. IrAieA are very desirable and very cheap. BLACK SILKS AND FANCY 8ILK8! IJ light Cloth Raglans Inr fall weather. Bkawls, Dusters, Ac., in, treat varietjr* Good Family and Fronting Linens. Alargeitoc cpfDomestio Muslins. Great quant tiesofFlaijnels. Clothe.Cnss meres. Satmetts, &o.» Ac, MUCH,BELOW COSTi Leoe Mantillas. Bareges, Organdies. Lawns, to., Ac. _ All Bummer Goods of every description, ByTHORNLEY A CHISM, EIGHTHand SPRING au2(Mf“ WE BtIY AND SELL FOR CABH *” EUPIN’S fine merinos. Oue hundred pieces or extra quality and desirable colon at 81 uo. One hundred piece* of fine quality and of same colors at 75 eeuts. These goods have the moat value of any (hat we have offered. SHARPLEB3 BHOTHKRB, s* CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Btreet*. I\EW AUTUMN SILKS. ’ * ' Just opened ten oases of seleoted Bilks of our own importation. Plain Poult da Soics, from the lowest prices to the 6rest.|oodj. Rich Lyons Silks of the newest designs. Plain Black Bilks. gloMy and heavy. Neat figures and Brocade Blacks. WkanJF.no,, ‘"fcftlfih.MS BROTHERS. *3 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street*. SHIRTINGS. *-* Just reooivod a choice lot Of iwnt ant} medium style* English Shirtincs. Prints* New designs, good colors. . BHARPLEBS BROTHERS. sfi EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Dress goods. Rich Bouquot'pattern "Wool Delaines, Lupin’s Fro.noh Merinoes, 75 cents up. Cheap Delamesand Plaids. Fall Poplins, Chintzes. ire. BLACK WOOL DELAINES. Lupin's Blaok Wool Delaines, 37 and 48 cents, , Lupin e finest quality do., 30 and 66£ents. Black Bombazines, Alpaca*. Silks. Ac. COOPER A CONARp. rel NINTHand MARKET. BOOTS AND SHOES. fJAZELL & HAEMEE, MANUFACTURERS AXO WHOLESALE DEALERS IX BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 138 NORTH THIRD STREET. A full assortment of City made Boots and Shoes con etantly on band. sio-tf J & M. SAUNDERS. NO. 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Near Merchant*' Hotel,) Call the attention of buyers of BOOTS AND SHOES To their Stock, which-mbrkees a general variety of PHILADELPHIA AND NEW ENGLAND Manufactured goods. «u5-tocB J If. MoOURDY & SON, 381 CHESTNUT STREET, (3d FLOOR.) LADIES’, NIBSKB-, AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS, BIIOEB, AND GAITER 6, Manufactured expressly for the Retail Trade. aull-3m g P. WILLIAMS & GO-, NO. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, WHOLESALE BOOT AND BHOE WAREHOUSE,) Have now on hand a full assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to wliioh they invite the attention ol Southern and Western Merchants. aul2-2ro g\EENE, STERLING, & FRANKS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 413 ARCH STREET. l’urohMsm viaitim the oitr will pleua oall and ex» mice their stock. etiU-lm & 00, WHOLESALE DEALERS IB BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. ,13 MAR RET STRBET. vjU PALL STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOM 80N . 0o. ( 114 MARKET ST ABET* Have now on hand a huge stock oi BOOTS AND SHOES EVERY VARIETY. EASTERN AND CITY MADE. Farohoiere vieitinc the oitr will pieeee oall and ex- amine their etock. RASIN. & GO.. BOOT AND BHOE WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTORY, No. 60S MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We have now on hand an extensive Btock of Boote and Shoes, of all dosoriptiona, of ovkowm and Eastern Manufacture, to whioh we invite the attention of South ern and Western buyers. au6-3m WHOLESALE CLOTHING. JMPPINOOTT, HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS or COMMON, MEDIUM, AND FINE CLOTHING. We invite epeoial attention to our oomplete line of MAOHINE-MANUFACTURBD GOODS. NOB. 484 MARKET, ft 419 MERCHANT STS. aufl-3m OLOTHINGI . AT WHOLESALE. 0. HARKNESS h SON, 838 MARKET STREET, • IOVTHSAST CORNER OP POCRTH STREET, Offer for sale, on tbs most LIBERAL TERMS, A new and extensive stook of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADft TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS. WASHING AND IIIONING. Ak WASHING AND IRONING DONE €5P* Y“h NEATNESS i,nd DESrATgH, for Sinjtla /■ , Ladle. and Gentlemen, Famihna, Boarding &’ 1 . o !’iss. H P l ?lv.^!fA lr,l ' n »t«[ *O., at DONOVAN’S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. iSs South SIXTH Street, oof.ner or rruna. Family Shirts and Collars patent polished. Everythin* washed by hand, on the oom* mon wash-board. The whole business is striotly attended to by female operatives, Mr®. DONOVAN. IT SM? Bueerind«nifedL PORK. —2CO bills. Mess Pork, of New Jersey, Ohio, and Philadelphia packing, for sal© by C. 0. SADLER ft CU., sift ARCH Street. woond door alwive Front. CUGAR-HOUSE MOLASSES.—ISO Mids. K? barrels, for aale by M JAMES GRAIIAM & CO., nv» LETITIA Btreet. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. J, W. PROCTOR & CO.. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS, L A D I E S’ CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To their Stock, comprising EVERY VARIETY OF STYLES In medium and first-ohus Goode, including FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES’ CLOAKS, NEW STRIPED BOURNOUS, BOURNOUS WITH PLAITS. Ac., Ac., AU of whioh will bo offered at Low Prioe* TO CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, S. STEWART & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, 303 MARKET STREET. Are now daily receiving from the Large Auntion Sales, and other sources, & full assortment of desirable FALL GOODS, purchased FOR CASH, to which they invite the attention of Cash and prompt Six-months buyers. Full lines of Black and Fancy Silks, and all the new fabrics in Dress Goods, constantly ou hand. s9-3m J. 859 FALLIMPORTATION * 1859 JOEL J. BAILY & CO., No. 319 MARKET STREET, AND 208 CHURCH ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA, Have received by reoent arrivals, aad will continue to receive during the season a full and complete assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES’, MIBSEB’, GENTS’, and BOYS LAMBS-WOOL, MERINO, - SILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Blaok*and Fancy Silk Scarfs, Ties, and Cravats. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Hdkfe. SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, Ac. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety. “JOUVIN’S BYBTEME.” BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES. A splendid assortment of colors and sixes. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS, JACKETS, NUBIAB, Ao Together with a large assortment of CLARK’S supe perior six-cord “Silk-Finished” and “Enamelled” SPOOL COTTON. Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, put up on spools 01'3,400 yards each, to which the atten tion of Shirt Makers and Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS are invited to exam*»* •«» otock, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade, s7-2m FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. DUHEING & CO.. Mo,. M and M NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by suooeuive arrivals from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS or ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSI E R Y . GLOVES, AND SMALL WAREB, WOOLLEN YARNS. MACHINE SEWINQ SILK AND THREAD, Asdiolioit an Inspection of their complete and well- OMortea .took, JjH-Sni ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO • SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE.' gOHAFFRK & ROBERTS. 489 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOBIKRY, GLOVES, SMALL WAREB, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLABBEB, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODB, AND TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. aus-Sin gURNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, Are now opening at their Rt«r*. NO. 409 MARKET STREET, Above FOURTH, Nor h side, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF NEW FALL STYLES OF FANCY DRY GOODS. OF TIIBIR OWN IMPORTATION and selection, which they offer for sale to buyers from all parts of the United States, on the most reasonable terms. aufl-Sui HJARTINS. PEDDLE. & HAMRICK. Importers and dealers m JIOBIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET. Five doors below the Merchants'. Hotel, Offer (or sale the moat oomplete stock of Goods tn their line to be found in the United Btatks, consisting of HOSIERY, of evory grade. GLOVES, *n three hundred varieties. JNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. ..INEN-BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC HPKFB. A SHIRT FRONTS. LADIES’ ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of en tirelv new designs, with an endless variety of NO TIONS, to wlnoh they invito the attention of FIR6T-OLABB WESTERN AND 80UTHERN *. BUYERS. auS-Srn jgoOAULHY, BROTHER, & BREWSTER, S 3 NORTH FOURTH STREET. HOSIERY. „„„ GLOVHB, and FANCY GOODS. Wo have a fine stock of Imported and Doineatio Goods, particularly adapted to SOUTHERN TRADE, To which we invite the attention of first-olaes buyers. auS-Zm * GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. QENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS* LONGOOPE & PEAROE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOUKTH STREET, Have now in store a full assortment in their line, to which they invite the attention of their customers and buyers of suoh goods. aufl-Im JW. SCOTT—lato of the firm of Win • cheater fc Bcott—GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH INO STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 81 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the QirardHouse Philadelphia. „ „ „ , .... J.W.S. would reapeotfully call the attention of his former PAtrons and friends to his new store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS.at short notice. ,A perfeot fit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with fine Shirts and CoHar*. __ Jy»l-ly WINES AND LHIUORS. pRINOE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE. PS VENOGE k CO,EPERNAY,FRANCE. Tins is a perfectly Fobr and Delicate Wine, from the Vineyard of Messrs. De Venoge k. Co., whose estate lies in the eentn of Me far-famed Ckatnpatm District of France. It has hitherto been confined to the best tables of England and the Continent, and has only very recently been introduced into this country, where its rare quality, combined with the moderate price at which it is offered, is already achieving a success and popularity unprecedented in the annals of the nine Mil'in thi. city by REEVES k DEAL, No. »M MAR KET STREET, cod ot the Prinoipal Hotola, and by all the leading dealers throughout tho country. E. V. HAUGnWOUT, Comer of BROADWAY and BROOME BTREETS NEW YORK. Jyl9 tmhAiiroif MACIIINEKY AND IRON. SAMUEL V. MBRBXCK, J. VAUOHAN MX&SICK. WILLIAM H. MfHEICI, COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, ►3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High am! Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine semoe, Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, fto.; Castings olall kinds, either Iron or Brags, _ , ni _ Iron Frjvme Roofs for Gas works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, &o. ~ „ t , , , Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Im proved oonstruotjon. , „ .. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. Rillieujfs Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer: and Aspinwab A Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. auß-y SI-OARB SODA.—IOO kegs for sale by WETHERILL A BROTHER, Nos. 47 and 4S N, SECOND Street. I*l WANTED —By a Young Man. 19 years of ago, a Situation in a Wholesale Store "as As sistant Clerk, or in any department where his service* might be required. Salary no* so much an object as an opportunity of learning a urem l W«nch of trade. Best of reference will be given. Address “J. P.,” this ofiioe. sia-6t* "VyANTED—A Competent Salesman in a v* Wholesale Dry Goods House. To one who can influence a lair amount of trade, a good compensation will be given. Address “P. A C..” this office. aIS-3t* WANTED —A Purchaser for a Patent Right of great value, of an article of every day use, and largely consumed. This offers a good opportu nity to any person having 83,0 W in cash. Address “ Woodhon, Blood's Dispatcn. <l3-3t* WANTED —To dispose of ono-half in terest in a safe snd profitable Manufacturing business, already established and doing a good trade, which is constantly increasing. $4,000 in cash will be required. Address, for particulars, “Factory,” office of this paper. b!3 3t* WANTED TO BORROW, $l,OOO FOR ” ; Bl * months. Good interest and real eststo se curity will be given. Address “ C. K.” office or this paper. s!3-4t* A LAD WISHES A SITUATION IN A C r to learn the business. Can assist at a set of books and would be willing to mate himself nse ful. Address “ D. t ” at this office.” *l3-2 1* A YOUNG MAN, who can write a fair t X».hftnd W i*hes a Situation as Light Porter or Runner Jo a Wholesale Store or Factory. Good testimonials will b» given as to character, Ac. Address “Robert,” office of The PrtAi, »13-3t* A COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER having two to four hours snare time, every day, would be witling to take charge of a set of Books, at'a moderate “8. .T. T/’Hox 4A Poet Office. *l3-3t* WANTED— A Partner with Capital to engage in the 'Banking and Exchange Business. The writer lias had tor a number of year* practical ex pe nenee in the butiness, on Third street, and is at pre- NAnt'a member of the Board of Brokers of this city. Please address “ Money,” Box No. 278 Philadelphia Post Office. slO-St* q&C Ofif) —WANTED, FIVE THOU l|5y«UUve SAND Dollars on First Mortgage on a Farm. 26 miles from Philadelphia, m the State of Pennsylvania. The security is more than double the amount. A bonus of $260 will be allowed. The interest will be naid qutarterly if wanted. Address BOX 717, Post Offioe. Philadelphia. *9-6t* "WANTED TO EXCHANGE for iraprov »" ed oity property, free from incumbrance, 180 acres of excellent FARM LAND, located in Gloucester Co., New Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, passes within a short distance bf the land. For farther particulars address J, K., office of Tkt Prtts. jefl. FOR SALE AND TO LET. L AST CHANCE.—The Stock and Fix e GROCERY STORE, Southwest corner rx/LLFTHond FUZWATLR S*reeU,is offered for sale on the most favorable terms, to a cosh purchaser. If not &old at once it will be closed out at Auotion this week, as the proprietor is about leaving the city. sls-st* ATTENTION, JOBBERS.-Toßent, the best arranged Chambers and Basement in Phila delphia, provided with line front and baok entrance*, hoiitway, water closet*, baiins.eto. These rooms are beautifully finished and are well lithted bv *ky-li<bts. The second story oontams wareroom 12SJeetx25 feet, and an office 39 feet square. The third story contain* wareroom 100 feetx2sfeet, and two office* 2s feet square. The fourth story contain* two fine room* 2ft O. square. Apply on theoremisM, to CHIOKERING A SONS, 607 CKEBTNUT Street. alOrtuthet TO LET—Tlio Office lately occupied by Okie A Capp. Brokers, 2Z3 DOCK Btreel. Com pletely furn'shea w<th water, ga«, counters- desks, fire proofin wall t 40., Ac., well suited for a Broker. Insu rance,or Railroad Office. Will be let with or without the furniture. Apply to J. M. GUMMEY SO MS. 620 WALNUT Street. *e3-»tuthlot MFOR SALE—The well-known and old established Hotel, at Woodbury. N. J . with larfe stabling attached; cue vf the most desirable **and« In West Jersey. Terms easy. Apply to E. P. MIDDLE TON A BRQ..9North FRONT Street. *l3-6t TO LET Two Largo Rooms in the Building Northwest comer of FIFTH and CHEST NUT Streets, they are nearly one hundred feet lour, snd well lighted with eight large windows. Apply to P. HERST A CO., on the premises. sl3-Bt* fSj FOR SALE—The neat, well-built AhxHouse, with all modern conveniences, 879 MAR- Street. Apply on the premises. slO-61* M'l'U LET—A Convenient House, with all the modern improvements, hot and cola baths, N0.,6 UNION J j&At • No. 9 North FRONT Street FOK SALK. The Subscriber will dispose of the entire Stock of PINE MONUMENTS. STATUARY. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, Ac., 40. AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE YARD, No. 1825 ARCH Btreet, W..t of moor£ w FOR SALE—A FARM of over 200 3Z Amt, wall fanoe<fand *at«rad, in a food itata of cultivation, admirably adapted to the growth ot mm, erase, vegetables, and fruif of all kinds, particnlarlj peaches, tne trees of which live to agreatMe. Situate within two miles of a Railroad Station; Kent Countr, Delaware; comfortable buildings. For particulars, ad* dress Box 33, Chester, Pennsylvania. au3o-lm* TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS.—Roxbo rouyh Cott&fe Lot* for tala, admirably located on and near Ridge Avenue, above the Sii-mile Store. Paasenser Railway Can now running near, and wiU loon run by them. Apply to JOHN FRASER. Architect, No. 112 South FOURTH Street 90/1 WEST WASHINGTON SQUARE, Becond-storjr Communicating Rooms, fur nished ai parlor nnd bedroom, or separately. Also, •ingle R.<y>m» with Board. *l44t Vacant, with board, handsome Communicating and Single. Rooms-. No. 41 South SIXTKKNTII Street, four doors above Chestnut. BOARDING. —Elegant and airy Rooms, single and in suites, can be had with firatHdus Board, for the Summer, Fall, and Winter, at 1315 WAL* NUTBtreet. tsoS-tm TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.—A Clergyman of tho city of New York, who baa travelled extensively in the Old World, being about Jo visit Europe again this Autumn, is willing to lake m company one o'piore young gentlemen, and give them the oinefit of his experience and oversight. Besides insurrms, cnytiwnWwa „■« J »■’ bin companions special advantages of a literary amlscienr tifio character, in a tour through Europe and »ery pos sibly also through Egypt and the Holy Land Refers to Hon. G. C. Verplanck, Robert B. Mtnturn, Es«i. t John A. Appleton. Esq.. Rev. l>r. Hawks, and many others. Address “ D. D.,” Madison Square Tost Office, new York. >11) stnth3l PERSONAL.— A. D. ANCONA GIVES A hub price for Ladies* and Gents’Cast off Cloth mg. Address, 330 SOUTH Street. sl3-6t* MUSIC.—A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of LTj Singing and Piano, 676 North TWELFTH Street, lielow Contes. >I3-Jm EUSTON’S WRITING ACADEMY. 8. E. corner EIGHTH and BAN6OM Streets, Open daily lrom9 A. M. to 9 P. M. . To Gentlemen a rapid ond •legnut business hand is imparted. To Ladies a neat and graceful epistolary stile. CM'sci Private. Cards written, and everyde senption of Penmanship neatly executed. al3-3m POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Puiladexpuia. Inorporated 1833, and organized with a lull Faculty on thi plan of the Industrial Colleges of Pans and Ger many: comprises a Preparatory Department and rocs i xciiMCAL Schools. \ iz * %'S lc°K of PRACTICAL CHKMTSTRY. The School of CIVIL ENGINEERING. The School of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Architecture, and Topographical and Mechanical f raw in care inr'ailed in the Engineering Course, and the most exter ’ Field and Laboratory Tract ice is ° T?hi Sovenlh An*. si Session will begin on MONDAY, September mh. 18W. For Catalogues »nd further mfor REMOVAL. TltE OFFICE OF THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANT OF LONDON Has been removed to tbs NEW BUILDING of the Phi ladelphia Bank, CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE FOURTH STREET. ,1-la WM. GETTY. Agent. JJEMOYAL. DAVIS & BIRNEY HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE TO NO. 37 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ■i-m TVOTICE.—The Copartnership heretofore -t existing between the Subscribers is dissolved bj mutualconsent, THISDAY. , , _„.,, Tt , 0 THOMAS T. MASON havmir purchased CHARLES I?. RuBINSON’S entire interest in the Concern, is alone authorized to.ettl. the bu..ne» f( of MASON Ktt^ c. K, ROBINSON. Puilada., Sept. 7, Y69 N.D.—The DRY GOODS JOBBING Business will be ron'imied St No. 4St MARKbT under th. ™ra, nsme, bj THOMAS T. MASON. Pi!U.ADA.. Sept. 7,IMS. TtfOTIOB IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 11 firm of WARNICK, CHADWICK, & BRO. is this day dissolved. The Heater, Range, Stove business will Le continued under the name of CHADWICK. A imo et ts. O.S«.t oornf SECOND AnJ kAOE BtießU ' FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia. July 11. ISW. HU-tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. gILYEB WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite apeoial Attention to their etock of SILVER WARE.whioh is now unusually large, aflonling a va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by an) house the United States, and of finer quality than is manufac tured for table use in any part of the world. Our Standard of Silver is 935-1000 parts pure. The English Sterling 925-1000 “ American and French. Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-five parts purer than the American and French com, and ten parts purer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being connected with the Rofinmg De partment of the United States Mint for several years,we guarantee the quality as above (936), which is the finest that can be. made to be serviceable, and will resist the action of nStds much better Maa the ordinary Silver manufactured. SOLEIMORTBR, S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STS. N. B.—Any fineness of Silver manufactured as agreed upon, but positively none inferior to trench ami Ameri can standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard m used in Our retail department. Fine Silver Bars, 999-1000 parts pure, constantly on hsnd. AuM-flm J NICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of SHIRTS, LINEN and MARRF-ILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS. A large and choice assortment.ami welt, wvde,al ways on hand, unto which 1 particularly inv»ta the at tention of cash and prompt-paying i»hort-timk buyeis. S, E. corner oi BECONO ana ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. sliHm* WANTS. BOARDING. PERSONAL. EDUCATIONAL. REMOVALS. COPARTNERSHIPS. ...909-1000 WM. WILSON & SON, AMUSEMENTS* ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THIB KVRNINO. TUESDAY Biis.mh.rtMl. TER NATIONAL 4 . WILL VISIT ThJs ACADEMY, On the occasion of the ’ PRESENTATION TO THEN or THX NATIONAL STANDARD _ , ladies of Philadelphia, Who have selected MRS. D. P. BOWERS To m&fce the presentation address. vn ▼bicb occasion -will be presented, by „ . _ SPECIAL I>EBIRE, Buhrer*ifineplev of THE LADY OP LYOX3, WITH _ .. AN VNTRECEDENTED OAST! Tnrether with OTHER ENTERTAINMENTS. EMBRACING THE ENTIRE BTRENGTBOF „ THE GREAT COMPANY OP ARTIBTB» Mr*. D. P.'LOWERS. LUCY EBCOTT.SIGNORINA PRATESKfiIGNORINA OALBTTI. andMii nScE, Mi«s WEBT, Mr. J. W. WALLACE. Jr. MrTJ h! TAYLOR, Mr. A. W. FENNO. Mr. J. J. PRlofe, M?. RUPUB ADAMS. Mr. ROBBITER, Mr. BRIGGS, Mr P. A. ANDERSON, Mr. ROGERS, Ac., Ac. Aftor the Play. THE PRESENTATION ADDRESS BY MBS. D. P. BOWERS. _ „ . THE BTAH SPANGLED BANNER Will be eunr by m , LUCY ESCOTT. To conclude with a NEW GRAND BALLET DIVERTISEMBNT, elGNOHlNAsYiSrasFiuid GALBTTI, AXD TTTE ENTIRE CORPS DE BALLET IN NEW DANCES. preparation, and will speedily be produced, for the _ , ISIDORA OFSYLVANIA. With entirely New Music, Scenery, Costumes, and Decorations. ADMISSION PIFTY AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Scats mar be seared daily from Eight A. M. until Sue P.M.—THE OFFICE 18 NOW OPEN. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Performances to commence at }j hcforw 3. WHEATLEY & CLABKE’S ABCH STRKET THEATRE. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. September 13- HAMLET.—Hanuet, Edwin Booth: King. Mr. Brad ley; Queen, Mrs. John Drew; Ophelia, Miss Emma Taylor. To conclude with the Coroed»*tt* of FORTY AND FIFTY. . Bcsxaor Pates*.— Admission. Seeata; Securedßeata in Dress Circle. S7H cents ; Parquet, CO cents. Doors open at 7o’clock; performance to oommanae at 1H o’clock nreeiaelv. Novel attraction at fair- across the bottom OF THE SCHUYLKIM.. Mr. WM. W. WILSON, who has. for a number of years, been engaged as a Diver in raising sunken ves sels and seeking for lo*t treasure at the hottom of Lakes Ene.and Alichi-*n will «fve %Fr»e Exhibition of a new and improved SUBMARINE ARMOR, at Falnnoont, On THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Sept. 15, 1689. In order to sire the pnbJto an opportunity to wituee* the workings of a SUBMARINE ARMOR. nlr. Wilson will give an exhibition of its powers and advantages by walkios across th* bottom of the Schuylkill, below the Wire Bridge, on the shore-named afternoon, between the hours of 3 and 5 o’clock Theochbnited GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL SENTZ, Leader, performs in Fairaoont Park every afternoon. . 0 The CARS of the ARCH, and RACE AND VINE STREETS RAILWAYS will convey persons to the ground every three minutes. ee!3-3t 111 cDONOUGH'S GAIETIES—RACE ST., If A below THIRD. . THIB EVENING. THE GREAT PANTOMIME BL AN CO’ 8 M°AGIC 8 WORD , With New Scenery, New Dresses, and New Appoint* roenti. WONDERFUL TRICK* great boemc tran ! forot^l Bi Price of Admission 10 and U eenta. Pmate noise 25 cents. theatre. “ T 8o»e Lessee—Mrs. M. A. GARRETTBOW. State Manager —.Mr. E. F. REACH. Business AgecL....Mr. JOB. P. MuRPHT* THIRD WEEK"oF J. B. ROBERTS. THIRD WEEK OF J. B. ROBERTS TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS. TRIUMPHANT BUCCESS. Second Week of the Great Hit Second Week or the Great Hit. Commencing MONDAY EVENING. Sept. tth. Commencing MONDAY EVENING. Bent. m£. The Grand Spectacular DriM, The Grand Spectacular Draft*. FAUST AND MARGUERITE!! FAUST AND MARGUERITE!! Witnessed last week Witnessed last week By over 12 COO auditors. By over 12,000 auditors. TV aUArhed attention The absorbed attention And intense emotion And intense emotion Mtcifested by the tboofhtfo], Manifested bj the thooghtraU Hucbly j»*eilectn*l intellectual And admirjnc e«Uie« And admiring pttlaic* Who crowd the theatre njithtly* Who crowd the theatre nightly, Is the very beet teat Is the rerT best test Of its great merit. Of its great merit It will lie repeated nirfctlr. , It mu be repeated nightly. With tta new Scenery, With its new scenery, Magnificent The—M. „ Magnificent Preset* Beautiful Music, _ Beautiful Music, # Characteristic Tianeec, Characteristic Paneet, Magical Effects, Magical Effects, Sublime Apotheosis, Sublime Apotheosis, Grand Knsemble Grand Ensemble GreatCasL tireat Cast. J. B. ROBERTS a* MepMstephile*. tr , J.B. ROBERTS as MepMstoJßifa. H. A. PERRY at Faust H. A. PERRY u Faust. L. R. SHEWKLL as Valentine. L-.R. SHE WELL as Valentine. I TIDING BOWERS a* Siebel. VINING BOWFR3 as Sitbel. » MRS. ANNA COWELL as Marguerite. _ MRS. ANNA COWELL as Marguerite. MRB. THAYER as Martha. MRS. THAYER as Martha. Previous to the Prams A POPULAR FARCE Each Evening. W'thout extra charge! Without extra charge! ter PBJHESLES- ~1-Z.KAIMJ iILAJUIUIIi iILSIUAIi fLOTI- — U VAL AT SCHUYLKILL HEIGHTS, MONDAY and TUESDAY, Sept- 12 f h and 13tb.br a combtnaaoa nf all the Resident Ml'rtlClANSof Philadelpbia. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE MUSI CIANS WILL ACTUALLY PERFORM. _ The Concert will be directed bv Profs. A. SARTOR!. C. HKNKEROTH and C. GAERTNER. The Mammoth Band will be under the direction of Prof. dARTORI. The Orchestra for Daneinr will be conducted by Trofs. A. TATZEL, G. KAPPES, J. BAUMAN, and A. GREINER. _ PROGRAMME OF THE FESTIVAL. The Mammoth Band trill meet at the National Guards’ Hall, in RACE Street- at 7 o’clock A. M., and proceed over a route, which will be published, and amve at the HeithU o'clock. After3o minutes’ intermission, theiewillbe selections of music performed by the 15- spectiveßrass Bands; Dancing from 11 till 1 O clock: mternisaftm for dinner a la carte; Dancing from 8 to 3 o’cleek. i % ___ MAMMOTH CONCERT. programme; 1. Overture, Egmond—By Beethoven, directed by Cart. Henkcroth. 2. Overture, Fest— Composed and directed by A-Sir ton* 3. Overture. JubiJ—By C. M. Von Weber, directed by Cart. Gaertner. INTERMISSION f t FIFTEEN MIXCTII. PART SECOND- L Potpouri, from Don Juan, by Mozart, arranged by Kufner, directed by A- Sarton. 5. National Potpouri, arranged and direeted-oy A- Sarton. , To conclude with Dancing, which will terminate at 8 o'clock—of the first day’s Festival. SECOND DAY’S FESTIVAL. To commence at 9 o’clock A. M. Grand Promenade March by the Mammoth. Band; Dancing from 10 till 12 o’clock; Selections of Murio performed hr the respective Brass Bends; Ihnnfr a fa curie; Dancing from 2to 3 o’clock. .MAMMOTH CONCERT. FBOOrimme: . 1. Overture de Concert—By C. H. Becht, directed by _ Car! Henkcroth. „ _ 2. Finale, from Lohengrin—By R. Wegner, directed by Carl Henkeroth. . . 3. Overture. Fest—By J. H. Bonnewitx, directed bf Carl Gaertner. _ INTERMISSION OF yirTEENMJNCTIS. 1. Potpouri, from Don Juan—By Mosart, arranged by Kufoer, and directed by Cerl Gaertner. , 6* National P^tpoun—Arranged and directed by A. Sarton. , , „ Dancing till 6 o’clock. . To conclude with a grand Triumphal Promenade* , Committee of Arrangements. Jo*. Tivtwwa* John Ritter. J. C. Heim. R. Willie, C. Sander, H. Fin), C. A. Brown, H. Fehling, and C. F. Eecber. Price of admission 25 cent*. , . . . The Green and Coates, Race and N ine, and Arch streets Passenger Railroads, connected with the Fair mount Steamboat Company, will take Passenger* to the HewhU for deem*. ... .. , Also, the Market-street Can and Mantoavtlle Otsut* buses, will take passengers for 8 cents to the ground. selo-31* __ Return of the FAVORITES, COMM*!; NCI N §‘Yl *EVE NIN 0, SEPTEMBER I2.and Every Evemn* dunngthe Week. The World-Renowned. Ori, inal and Only GFORGE CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS. GEORGE CHRISTY A R. M. HOOLEY, PROPRIETORS. S. C. CAMPBELL. Musical Director. 9 QT Admission 25 cents. Tor further particular* tea small and large bills. Doors open at 7. Commenoe at 8 o’clock. LEW IS A. ZWI3IAa, s7*tf _ Agent. SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, between Chestnut and Market. Open for the Season, SANFORD'S STAR TROUPE, the largest Company in the world. In their excellencies every evening, SANFOBB appears Every evening m Bis great Role of Character*, Door* open at Vi. Commence at 3. Admission S oenta. Chiildrea 13 cents. 4Uf3-2m Free concert at fairmount.— This AFTERNOON and EVENING the HARMONY CORNET BAND Will play the most popular raniie of the day, nfv the new fountains on the NORTH SLDE OF FAIK MOUNT. The Cara of the Green and Coates. Fourth and EuthtV street company pass alonj Runtn and Coates streets every fiEfrinmutea to convey passengers to the (round. Fare FIVE CENTS. i*ul9-fAtutf npHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP X THE FINE ARTS. No. ia» chestnut street. Is open daily, ( Sundays excepted,; from 9 A. M. HQ • r. M. Admuston 25 ecu ts. Children under U years beg 5 Bartholomews Statue of EVE REPENTANT now on exhibition for a short time. HASSLER’S ORCHESTRA.—M. HASS LEE A BROTHER respectfully announce that they have located their Office at their residence. UOS LOCUST STREET,where engagements eaa be made as scat wU4si MEDICINAL. CCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HEAP. Eruption* of the Skm generally, and all Humors and Imparities oi the Blood, are radically and permanently cured by the celebrated IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. It has Iwa a very important agent ut the cure of CANCERS,® DISEASES by Dr.Looniberry A Co., for anumberoTyears past, and its great value m the cure of Cancers ie abundantly established by the many curve “’l'nSCjfcpm.OUS affections ita remarkable curative effect hawnever been emailed. It cures the most obsti nate cases. TETTER. SCALD HEAD, and aD Eruptions of the Skin, readily yield to a moderate use of this hledtoine. Malignant Ulcere and Korea are readily cored by the use of a few bottles. MMfulmfHffc BRa/fUt. Loti na berry k Co-.I „ No. SO North FIFTH Btreet, below Arch. For sale by the followiefiDwtsists: J. F. Long A Co., Lan3i*SMV W.Eptmg, PottsviUej J.H. Rjuer, Reading ;S.f£BfceT*a*.Ke»dpg‘. T. 4 J. MeCliniock, Easton: Chester; Wnu Stabler, Norristown { gunßglSftifoftlshfm ; Dr. Lito eey, New Hope; Dr. k Co« Allentown sEUis A BeUTdESSfflik* P»I[LD. Juki, Trenton; Da La Coer, iCaitftgt Brewster 4 Co* Bndceton; Robertson A llpptchott. Salem, N.J.ififr* fnaiCWilrainetonj L.S. W^mmgtoa: T. F. Hammenly, Milford, Dei; and Druggists generally. Jell-stnthweif JUTE BALE ROPE—Manufactured and BAY KUM.—S puncheons very superior lay R um. in store and for sale by Ml A, MERINO, 1(0 South FRONT Street, Secure jour Seats! Secure jour Seats! WILLIAM READ, Superintend eat.
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