. .CBBi-,si TeiiawA ■ x ik' - <^--J **-■- 'i‘iSv~ :&»-.j | tir J .-i.^-V4^£^^£ y ±. 'f '- ::, .szisfj?h . ■, ';;tf,'?WSOUESABB^ItANOTACTCBE{Ir!uv;}r SLEEPEU & PENNE1 { , ■4 fffSfe?/, «WP /CKptiifeW T4^^?y^ ; ?4| v; ‘'" i'*x f -&*sir-<it -«s^, MitC,{*'*£l; _ ~ v ’ v<y * >( :^^/; I " >i^ i Wr^‘* >wr^ j:; ~ *** ;v |f *> r . T; SVs a>ni«(!tl«il'.lM|Hiw>mrud •U«A«t etooh, .' 1 -ah -si. .«jW"rtSafr3,>;<u. i- *#;? ibr-s «,-?(&*<;%;$ ;-R^gj=MQQ^jp>QE^-CC>^ ' r-n ti .:■,?«• -a ; • •- wss^ffl!m& i &!; V ’ M&- -;Fnj^; Si sr^i«;soTOa ;^HT!:si»Hßrji-:viV ■ ;/(7 K'fti J ..- aN;-- ’_' ■:■■[•: 1! ?; >'*t? ,^'- ;1 %% *.v-i*C / • : :>i»iaj«dBM»iM^ ■ * a«M«fat>»>i ww.ai>-«>ijfcriig, *;>eJ !jWi« • •-- -4<tf-ysW{l£ (}&?,'ii\-fo*&9&-y , l&2:tHtt:'■ :. xm# ■'-■&. .-.■»jtfffi; •'i*iws-#jffl6i , jio<ibfii; ; ’te»^ '•’i^Ukt^^'i ■ *Ity*«;WAIHS>t^TC!HES l lil4l<oND9v*«fl< !»«#• •; «>i£i>jasfSf<d»Sfr'<' , gIOSTOH* '•tJUS !ryh-<;J • Vyf, . 3l •»tia>S£i(^^fflwA':»i«e®St' ; SfSBi wsi-.i»it»*fes 7 a;?«r#g«ff»y»^i#jwi^i«iacs«»;ji«i!»N,)i»Mw-««:. :*'li&tSS«#«i», , :| 'iSgMMWMKgasj w f i’yf.TTTgjjii.d l^ *<i;- t £ vi. M->t}.t rw-r..,?-, f • bmwses; -, .\-- ; * u- iK?'«i 4 ?.»»rti ■ . \: te&lßlfeMm?' ,<Kj& tlO '4&«;CO* <; »<», JiKt |j'^ar-T i ,<*>*. ->.• x* ierrte Utfce> xMswßMimWTitJtm' mf^^mMvtjmAWMm:»w'-iim i f3jj^otM^KißMJ^(BWM^K\(-4-Siiirf,itosT; F*Kdr*Wt*FwOOt,LBNSBO!M)B|! WHrttr/MI COfcOHKDSHETLANDYARN'iS’J £>(-'! ’“> **-'■ iW-* f**STKRN *M»UP AOTURIIitf CO tfFA NY*B <>Max-. /■• -, WALLACR k‘ 80N81 BTCKIbBPMNGSKIRTS. iti-fo l Ut>7t-,i}ti: iv£*‘ljr* ,‘r,-<-; V> J:: mifAMfE-vH iMmni' >w®*4-. v ,: P» •OOMTAHT’S : JOSHINO : fciHßstft'AHl) ; fIRAWAIU!;,T--.‘;U:- l :'.;;,o. r ux: ■ .'■• . : ;.v ho wßooMPAHjpat spins. - i> spaJ’S (fl'.'-Wi . WJJ i si-.. 1 ~ - ’- ! ■ '■ .-i:. .«(!;«>ii* & ,c-r>-.v ,!ij~;>.ie;>.f'.s£ '!•j -fam*■!<>%! rl - ako 'hW'Ajlkqi.-i'J . • jNi! -irf-A'ir S/sS"' - <,'» iV-'T- w? / .'t ': i:..-i;i ./i:.■"- :i -r is'’.''Ss... IJI/X. .;s. Y i.: -i . s , ■\Ss3-sStS TIiAOKSfAND JOIKED-BIiONMi ii!»;i\';;»ifti*si;'t'j’ ;iK ; fv:»<f*F!.^"J--a ■ V ;.s -r'V.- JuuwoiDßHuWiis > *fef-v««-,9 a--. ; -4:’fcS4 .•/.M^SWpi”4i';' V '>'. ■ v'-i'.;>'^>.» 1 >“ "'- ■. X r X^ : ~J;: '- V.-. 'Si.-':’. " - -; t jaWiniilAari^'to'ijuildni'sHlf ; ’ V ' _i I.?!-;«'i>lot(ii,-;.>'MS«;w»-' ,'4Up?ae'-T|«t s.-f.} _.-t -. i m-'- »»«BRraTAN BROTHERS; ■'-£'« r r- ,' ''’- r *»*'_* ,_ T I*o* J 1i r m s*J f , : v>;ii i'}*id sWjl£o£iUi &&■-!*- K i'"'- *'•' ’ 7 :-trV'JV'sj i./ r-V J *TU“" -L-' , 1 - • .■>-’- ; '^ T .t,frtiivrf4 t,-* 5 j'yjrAr' 'COiaafieWKrIIHHCHASTO^ :■: --»/ • : >&fllPllA^ ‘MKfi’-l ■-• ■■ ■liWjß'flfWpr '■• 1 « ’ ’sHreToroai ;jlKi fjysssHri^iiii^iiit^&ffliEa'Kraii,*--''’''' -. * \i .:pottii^?«i%Ppailti«Ty>:attilikn4lWp r -iaa>-<Bli«r ■wkMnCJßaek'MdTPMer ifli wo# «id«oH<niw»n> 'v.«csi'r. -.■-> i>, r ■SsI^SHPSWW j >^ , t5 l '* r !iK i SWWVs; ! I immm ~BtfßBUl4-I)QM<Wfa«oo.'».3xiuth'«, md aUurißakw, i jJ»fi|Ai»*lfiUed t -<»fAar»ti)*a2-s-i-., -Jili b?. -Vf.vcl.s.; ; jgHmy W»BfttWt,W<'>BWABgUjSi.!£S i>3 !f-‘n ■! ,J*ir»tt«itJ.i«t Stripe*, Iw&tm, nd Tickiß«». ; ,.Hted».l)S|Bd»iupiitaiJ»l»tu»i«*»i*,'ArrDii Cheek*,' tiAV , .:-a.-.;..i;.i 1 *.1 !^/Aj.-.-_l .';?l • »_. M. . . • ' m'v i'jr ..I—>■—-in. —— * :<oa r -;': (fcNKBJI/WMMttisfO# MROHAKTC,»- <MW?iW'TAIUIB» 1 V‘ yi -. ; » 1 is foumA■iim A*«y tf.' ! S\ *ff»*£MS** 'FLOUR/B£lJo9< *c; to >w*fa/f* ; t*?K^K^*'kJ.Tf3^V.i7trcvj:i) : ziv ■r' > I : C^M^^;^Wo;*«^FRbNTBTRfcKT # FHIUI. ; ■jfrl'Vt *?•> -jj-U -. >V;*;- ’r~ *: • ‘ GOODS. iy-iP- --- - :? .-»u ' i: *WO.*SKBTMK»4WifIRU.IB,: ; »k ,' ;j |,l ie- 'i 1 V : CBBBTimfimBaTiU, - H ’> r > hi-'-t & f! ;tmV - -4ttMrWlJ»i«Miwa£ EMBMIDEHIM, !(< _ >i( , ' -.Ar a liACR<KKMW,Ao<, 2*V J&l l jw’nnf : MgsWSlj iitNErts/ V; T\ rT 3 ' '--V----’' --‘m ,j '' C ij s'£ A;! i- ; canvas,; .:;, ’ % : >j fs»'wv.'> rfs.; r-.-u'if i. < H,r J- i ■' s ! :■! THOMSON’S 1 HEMP CARPETS. ' ! HiM.it ,;( r ‘v)»’x !- ■■ ] :s l-in&n 2 y .S-AV* ; ■.=>:• :o\j. },.;* • -. . ,i--.j,! -Mi ,!i .f.-M ‘t'.h i Ke: ■ ViW W , r '‘ '••'-> -■• * tf?. T :-r .** :•«'*■ ': - - ; ’'-'■ ' LOWEST PRICES. ' ' " ’ , p?tsBf *J* Wm itri'f .xl ,' ••- - '-'-'I: fcwhtsti. 208 OHSStNCT .STREET. '■‘ ' !1 '; *ssgS»rl-v/TTc." -.,r. r Pw|k'.., «... -,!■• ■: nr,, M* - -A> MERINO, 149 South PRONT Streot. 1 : } JOBOEBS./ t , ,K «MftawNawwMWg ; NOS. SI3 J£AHKBT, *nd 410 COMMEROE BTS.: X] ; 'WelniTentnn«»d*-ftniH*toekof i AMERICAN’ ANl> ; EUROPE AN’FABRICS, -XU- !s,i-,« 1 tk.-~.fj df£,ti!/i ~~<; M.-lU ~;: ! ..' . OUR OWN IMPORTATION} ~. > Asahwtohtffireetrwtt4htfM**flf»6&r«hfc» -. • ! ", jVe I' ! Maiiolfc«Vise<i :} for, T 0 , aoa-ftpylw S^S^r®dki;.do4 r ii' IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE BBALERS' J \ [ . ' rt!sif'//C2<f inj.jp V,l-:X-J ,<C ■! ’li-'-'i: ! ■ FORMON ■. iND iitIMBSTICDRY; GOODS,^!: ;4kB'MAkET;'4b I 433rMERC'ANT''si'RHETS,. Are now rooilving th»ir ; : ‘ ' • ;-,,,,~<r .T’tiMe.vith ti»lr hoejapnreksww, in., | ; A M E RIC AN; ; E : ABRX 0 B, will enable thenfi to olfer lo tbe TrH<l»‘ ono of the moat ntttmetieee^ekaiaUtenierkht; .l ■ T -- /’> i" !l ' ‘“oyy'kto'sridiT^TiiiiitEßuYEjs;;;,,,';;'!;' PALL i GOODS. ; 4,V, / ;b ,a r c & d 6 ~ :' .sftbß’.'ioS ’Affif idi mASkeT'stßßßTi’i ■ I !H*«raiB»T«fl!76SSir*To» I .Soiii&^Mt!isoiSaM r !sRyiQb6l>B. ; ;: 5 Stock row oompl«to~snd‘fe*dy TiTt Boyar*. fans*Sot i I MP-O.E-T E R-S-- OB' ; MraNs^iTE: wb6|4 KO - u - f - i-i-i .-.,-a r.HpPmmW •t..«. n -m m wtom ?ww** ..?- /. •arour Stock, ecteoted in the beet Hnrope&n marked' tjroamrrMflalerfeewCooinpletai/- ' ' nofi^m IMPORTKftH , AWI»;-WHOb‘I®AI,EjDEALBRB : IS *.'-. *M,.„ ***?,>.. ..*.**« , r -..** * ' :: :, .' ~-;.:-NO.'333 MARKET STREET, ~,- . • ,T ,' ■:t! ( ,■>. : -i- i: 4-' C ■,. ■■■ ‘WMa* - A' WtfiMZ&'b&S, ?; ;.= *Ah<x iw-;.S4r*_:.; f-r/rr ,-, --'if.S «-i -v, SI OD S, : ; t r >': ."i,'\v <„.ti Ih l* (i x -: •'. v L 1 A ‘ ttyi NO. 355 MAEKET ST. ;. ■ >' n •;.- % • -naWtaifi' auu] ;>-;l-& z,.-i i'< ,\ ' - -.•: :,-.>f’.*i t-ihPa A»A^w>o».iW»j»Ate-‘;, >'.i.„; „'.«-.': MEN ANl>r WBAB k "'.i'!: -.' i-NO.'AkS MARKKT-BTRHET,: . .: -, i,.1-.h-.r. Ar»reo,l,in*iheiri .sii * C-’ic i i>*,i%+rMiii iirßOttv-Aaiiojrß<,»: 1 *•-,' To erkieh theyinvite th* attention of porolm aera of moh ;goddtii,* ,i,i.n ;,.:» oL»v,t.;-‘iv>o <.,« a .’ -1 nuA-Xm . .ji»£B^4G)3E^i^ro’>;V;. ,rt : ;^, ! ;'T-y y "*[-.!:'‘ :'■' ?*r “- 4vr A-IL^« L ■:-. 7>>43Ra -•<!<• ;:..'i;i '-a.T' f V : ;'.; ■■” ' XMoszSl&l 'X-W v :: • v L, 1 !:■; j ", ’ j ».-"'7l';,-'- .--vi OASeiMhRESi HLANKETB.Ac, NQ.- 304;MABJCM-ST^BT,;'‘. Aiuu <-:y'i '-’v ,\ .*., - , NO; 031 r - Art »<rw their •»: -• ; ..; :PAll.^.Wlfira* : sTdG^pl'.o(»^ADAl , T»jTO t J ; ''lnwhiclinill bafqimriafutl nwci Inapt of } ’■ j CLOTHS, -DQBBKINB,; VBBTIKfiNB) 1 MIMMINGSI OO'.i IMPOftT,EEB-r AND' ,30BBHR8 "> vV,' 1 1 •'„ , | .;. ;■ ■•/ -vj .urn.' .' i.j ■ ' jpANpY.; ,131%' ppcxpa, i; . jios' iar. MARKET, Atm 48* pOMfiBRCB BTK are. liriY opaninganair, end Yory'detirebia'suwk of Goods, am bracing every vrvriaty in uieir lino, lrblcli Uiey offer to thatrada si trie lowoit mortal retea, fcr caah or ap proredcredi t. ' o ' i -' s q'" - - aiiS-fto ►B- '1859. fKS !PMBMjicjHa.pUM A<&Jm9na;—™i - ali-Wool ■mjCmutinmi- ! 1., ~IMPORTERS OF ‘ '•«* ' ■' , A SANTILLAS, Au?.' Npe.jJSS MAIIKiT ST.;. AND 483 COMMERCE BT. */ *' BUST EtIRpREANr'MXRItBTSI " 1 - ■ ' anS-tm' - 1 ■••• i ■ ■ '»*-«•> t. o 4-4. •' t - ■: .■ IHBBTRtT Bb^t. j£ " wood, MARSH, *' KAriy^ED, ■•' ■ ■ '■ *••' ; r ‘Urn • . •WItOIiKBALEDK ALKRB IN 'DltY* aOOB’B.'ASB OLOTBfIWGJ - , 1 ' NOiSoaMARKET STREET. •-!, " 1 ‘ • FHILADBLPHIA. Fall and.Wlnter Block noyr complete arid readyfor Japan. '"' • •■■' 1 /' y l -' '* V anS-Sm, ;AMSON v ' &• GQ.. ■WHOLESALE DEALERS AKB JOBBERS IN . ; }l/ : [ - NOl 425 'MAKEM &T UB B Ti: ! (Arid 414 Commerceatreetj , ' i aiDe," ; , On ratork,oapccial’p adapted, l toSoutJmrn and ’West, em trade, to noyr lane and complete in. every, eertr ■,, ; ~aae-tf t ,.|_^pl'itLL;ikiPoKTAaibN s : X>AUS, & WITHEIHS, ‘ ; importers and jobbers ’ •.s ; ■ Iv> ‘ viis •fOFii/,,; ~4 . s, IL K ■/ ,-L . v r!,'i. f y FANCY'GOODS; K Have now a cproplate ftook» to whlob tiajr inv ito the at- t>o#»raa t > .'-r/l; i , ;/ aus-sro [Si op, ” SST MARKET BT4 : AND BSS CrtUIVCH ALLEY, ■ ' '■ : i‘;Airo now opening thdir f - '••• l! '' 'FALIiiAKB, WINSm;«jiOOK , ; Dfi ¥ GO O DBi •; To which they mrite the atteetfdw of ’ •; *’'*• < CA&K'tifo TR.QKPT fIHGJWWTIME BUYERUd • Philada.,Ausnut.iaW. ■ . \ttus*3m : Gd&JDB. o The snbseriben rilpSotftaUj aidf «|i d attention of their fncnja, and all, ■ ■ . ■* CASH AND SKOIW-TIJJJ i EUYBES : ‘' e - y ' : B’io ok’ o*:;so\:q db, , 1 ; r* 04 * .. ;i s-^o/o,»)'«;?,s;»r &'.» tj;:.P E», ..'... JOpOMi--; - [ll> •; ■,! FiIANCIS ER Sa’CfQ.r auJIIK 33S MARKET' BTJSJ ;ET. . jASCr-PHY' BOOBS JOBBEBS.tf 'TOUrnS^^Xton^&sWearS^Nj; ; v - a > , : . i ..I ■ -s; Alwve.ROVßTif, North aide, - . - r p ' ; NEW* FALLsgTYi, r ES OP o . i, ''FANCY" : RKY GOODS, .- i; 0...i»4- -'/' and wlileH they offer- foriairi to bu^era,from' All parts of toe united States, on the jiic*t, reasonable terms. f • « • ‘ ’" ‘ aus-2ni r ''- L..ij<.,4:..'. 18(0 O : X IMPORTERS ; ‘ '■--:', z } -..-:- -J>i,-i. -v ii l r’l •»*' r • ! "t i'i , •• ■■; WH(!ILE3ALE''-DEAI,EItS lN‘ r I •'= 1 ■ hosiery. gm'veb; panoy l goods,-etc;, - No. 433 MARKET STRBET;; •>’ ’-- !■ auA-lrn., .; ;AWo FpU;ii.TH, PHltAtiP^pHlA. gCHAFFE^&'^O^E-RTS. iu t,iMPORTERS AifibiJOß^BM^4 ‘ :! , 1 ...v ; ' ;.iOP j-. ' '••X[ . -t ~. ~'i‘',.' ,- - HOSIERY.iOLOYES,,,.;.; ...i,; ,;/,/*. >■',■■■• ; SMALL -WARES, QOMB#, ~ .;; ;,‘ ~ , BRUBHEO,-LOOKtNtJ-Ot/ASSSS, - ’ GERMAN aritf PRENCtt PANCY GOODS,' - •■':*' .".-’ASD-'i ■”■ '■ •.'.. TAILORS* TRIMMINGS. - ' i AuA-Sia: - ." ■4-*-v../ :„,r. ;s .-,-, , n ~. ..;;.. , ~) NORTH Fqijß.TKffj , R]raT,; '; Are oov. reoaiWnKt by raooewive. Vrriynla from *dh>pei , ’;,JrilEiß'FAL4lH?b?®^®^' ’ J.’- s*. *’- >■-»-- 1‘ ' 7 , r '-| „’r -.' ' 'i EriGtlfi/HA'ND GlfikMAK. , ’ ; tl' 'O;- S- I':E;,R. Y. ~..: . " GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, ' .v:,^b,,OIidJEKr ; 4Y4RNS,-:.; ...MACHINE ’raREADi. * And aoliolt an inaiestion lof 'tlisir oompiete aid wall-' - , w -'• * * assorted stock/ • ' * ‘ i JjlMni EBPBGtALtY ADAI!TBD TO ... :■ . SOUTIiRRN'ANb SOUTHWESTERN TRADE.'.' . ,m,.W.,ZtmUiZ! 'ft M.,:;—i, V -? V ff„,-i I- - ~~| ■ ,. r '[i ; :v. V-; V KOSIBRYIpLOViaJ?AN(?Y^O7if6NB; l ' J ? ' ;' m.so fourth street,'’ ‘ pM¥ Ntrs Ps?£?£?f of<:... 1 •• T ' l Gtßinla. , *.rJ f ,-n; .': ' - §Sij LAR R. : ■ _ f.% ■ tfrtl)* n»ir •'desjxntf, with. »n, end lew yerlejy of 5 HO**; FI&IT-c£A8S h s?|^^^ a jsSfiTHEM^I BOOTS AND SHOES. . v ~-■ J /W . M c C.URD J;7 & SON,r K'-.f f ; -J 'J- t- 1> if IfTt 4 ? r(i :.’{!-' ijiiltfi J tjv.s.l i.ajt l i!?. <i i 331 .CHESTNUT FLOOR.) ; e i x-’j.jr-;.,,; ■? r.‘< k iJx _l 4i L LADIES’,'; MISSE3V. AND ;C|tILDREN’3, : BOOTS, * • '• • ;• SHOES* * ~i.. , v espr«s]y for the Retail 0< fiujl-gro jpiAtit. STOOK : ':'';r’y;.44;;; ? ;;'i r-- --■ •..a.4'". ' fei . or ; .M'-- -. {/1 , -.."‘;-' l --\..i .4-;;:r'','4 iv ;^^'4''.i' i . _.y i BpQTS4^O;S^CES.r| 7 ,| ; vm.ouP iWf o|^* [VV ;';'. M 4 MARKET STREET,* •' : ’i-- 'f*.’); d v •' ' Haveno'wop;ha«i<lale«e;*tockof l / ’; I . ' ,OP *-_ *’- - 1 * j HyERY VARIETY, EASTERN j'AND . CITY MADE, ' Purotuuera viaitins the oitj trill pleftao ball and ex aminaitlioir atooY • '' ■ r ’■ ’ i>23- f I & do:;' . ■-' i WHOLEBALK-DBALERB BOOTS AN D SBCOE S, ~, ,NO. 813 MARKET STREET. auß-Sm‘ ( 1 . ■- ' !>•: BASIN. & CO., . , BOOT AND BHOE WAREHOUSE AKD,’ ' 'Si A.NUF.ACT.ORY, 1 - '■ No'. eoa MARKET STREET, Philetdelpliia. WaKdronW ort Haiitfim ektinsiye Stock of Boots nod Shoei,of glldpeeriptiona; Of an HO’.vs find Eastsrn M&ntifaoftireito which vre invite tho attention of South ern and Western buyere, ' eus-3ra & M. SAUNDERS,, ’ * NO. 34 NOKTp FOURTH STREET, - ■ ..(Neftrtjjtorcfcaqta* Hotel,> Call tha Attention at buyort of BOOTS AND SHOES To iU.it gfaok, which omfimoes a general variety of PHILADELPHIA AND NEW.ENGLAND Mannfactnred goods.-r ■ : - *i» if' WHOLESALE ciOTHING. HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS and jobbers or ■ r COMMON,. MEDIUM, AND ] FINE CT,OTHING. We invito rponinl nUsntion.to our.complete lino ot maohine-manufacturbd GOODS. „ NOS.’ 434 MARKEX, A 419-MERCHANT,STS. ‘r'-" ■ , (QLOTHINia! . 0. H ARK NESS. & SON, ; .. ~$3B; MARKET STREET, • 60VTHSABT COHKBH OF SPUKTK fIIHBST, ‘ offor for sale, on the molt LI.B EE All TE RM S, r A now and extciieive itock of - .0 .TALL 'AND> WINTER CLOTHING, ADAPTED 10 TKB ' • BOU’EHKRN AND WESTERN TRADE, ■ ■ TO "WHICH THBTIN yiTB TJIB: ATTENTION OF BUYERB. jyZS-Tm ■ f. ■ IADI E»*DREBS TRIMMINGS. fjio THE JQ.BBING TRADE. W. H, HO It S' TMAN N & SONS,/. FIFTH AND CIIKRrV STREETS, ADJOINING THE' .; factory;, ; • (Formerly tho Friends’ Meeting House,) Invito tho attention of ji>MVers to their Btook of Ladles* DIMS, Cloak, and. Mantllli* Trimmings, of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, ooreiprislng Plain fringes from X to Sin jjroraponette Trimmings, fettoyhead d0...1K,t00 . . Velvet hmd Dlnges. |Stlk Buttona. ■ KSoreiaoc. SkWßreids Ac, Ac Imitation 11 , ’ /.*. . . , ALSO, . , BERLIN ZEPirrm’ WORSTED AND SHETLAND ' ■; . . WvUlfs ,;" i - ladies 1 ’ And. ciiildren-s skirts, fOl Sti.o Agents for KYLE'S Spool Silk. ' auB-18t ' MARBJ.E WORKS. MARBLE, WORKS. Han constantly ;dh hand a very Urge assortment of itpNUMBNT3;; j ! ■ •• • ' ENCLOOTRES, and. . GRAVK-STONKS, 5 ' ' Of- various designs* made of tho finest . ITALIAN ANBAhIEhUeAN MARBLES, which ho will sell xit greatly reduced prices. Is also ersesrod to exdodte orders dipon tho moat favorable farms, and roohOotfitlly invittis the public generally to examine Uls stock l>efi>ro purchasing elsewhere. ■ j- ' 7 iMmlilo WorliE. RIDOB, AyENPE,(, t»W £4ovantti atreot. #vl&.fn w Mm ’ Philadelphia. : I rTS . npi ; Br. _Go(i r i?o,-EliQt,, aitho^i^ScMies^^SrSS^fe. 1 One volume, l2md. * Prion ar.-- 'r-* ‘-.V. -t :iipaisptescs,'; :y RlENr ig j. OrfAPfiep.into Hyraen’eKjruulorai' . r j ; • :- book.- ■ a^inS o rrf|^ r r wnsFTOi^'ol? .- JtfM ~. LECTURES fOR TME REOPI.E. '. atChatal. LiVartpdl.Eniland.' • ■ Vno vpjiima, J2riK>.-:Triro Sl, _v . -; lafttff Mapt fma «jr^y m < tndntfiljoPniitijj Ith' their-issue in E<i!nlnirgK.‘ ?}ateiu upcm.the tatapaimlity V>fpWwjLAwl ex- Jverj patticulftr In £h&;tahie> sty W ta tH4 E<Mn ion. • The.Whble tohe boro^ii^a'}if<f or 7vtf? am^itt»pppit£iiee''t<s> r ChA^btiefA f /^lnfdrnuw i - jjfflfoca ' " ' About/B? bfßov.iE, N;Kirk, J>;D., Liftj|it Aurit Heatorbp 'Bjr'tba' r .~Mlt.}. »-■■ ..; ;:;S;Mp. WCHKayyU.failOet.,. ltfHS'.''PAR r fING(ION’B. HEWBOOK; - ; t .mwin&'Worr /*w4b'*rf-ia«i)^oitun>». auk. ft • WW6 -OF TRE KING. By .Tennyson.. iisino.'TG nSSSSSPS'if-SIS 11 ?? 8 ’' OM4m'i(<iw«.t«.Y«hios, . ; .s’WjffE^ i |'-SB^kßi^'iSXlllllAi,Dl.' > Writs ®FOT«a!i'4r ' ‘ ! ‘'•• ;, 4lfcl l *"<’ am - ... t No. 606CHEBTNUT Street. . CmBSCRIPTIONS REOMVED AT THE : ( - OtfOPBR > s' K 0 V E 18; Or the. Agent win-call uroMhow-who n;tify him of theirdegire the fflotk, g au4-18t* f|ED BOOKS-OM) BOOKB-OEDBOOKS, Vf l’Ka.6ail,sr«i*ned:it3ia<i tiat ha ha* fmmnltrfor A*»»waaw mtertefe.WMtss; ad/fhreoftebtq bo fouoaoa -hicuheiyesV Cycjppedfae* Ch«lo authors,^iittoty,_Poct?y v philosophri Sften»?Tp&tic&l l Kcbnbmyt Go verb men*, Arohiteohirei NAtui«j ,Tyeat}*e* unontheM and other kindred -■ ‘ .*. :.. n'■ ‘ JOHN-CAMPBBLL;;- ..lirala -winslowv -vr-'-.v •■ - -■< SKSSB ATTO FEMALE . FOR chiedkeh; teething, TrfcioU greatly fiwilitatesih© orpcgßßbf teathingVlnL*qft- ; the-BtanSt 1 reducing au .inflammations wiipiuay ’ tKe ioWEtS. ' r V it; mother*, it will give tost toyourwlyea, t6%YO'UR INEANTB. T ‘V>Ve have put ap and Bold article, for over.ten. -JtV*»fVh4oan *wr, moon P«< fide,jice ana trnthof tt,i -WOityrehavoßQver been K' J’hle^td-fftyipf.aliy.Wher; rtf &QT A, eti&*-witri Never-did jw WB : )cnow att'Jxutanao.of dj*M&*fjwitip» pjr aijy one £ who usad it. On tlis.con ‘expenenoe,aud pledge nur ment of wfot we here de ■ instance where the infant! exhaustion* relief will be : ‘ minutes after the Syrup is This Valuable preparation Wfcfi&SWi, never-fajbJ^sudMMjui . It not wily reliiivee the vigoreteetheitomaoh and", anq give. tone and energy > .will aUirOet fnjtantLrrn JT, bowblLand iyitra O vuleiom. .which, If not J death. We behove it the the world, in all oases ol VJ ’KHiBAdk .CHILDREN, fe teetbinsorirora any other .. every mother who hfta a 7/ the foregoing domuaints. fe nor. the .prejiutiiwip of: sesdasriMiain use of this. medioin©, it tions for using wil aooom genuine, jinlera-.the foot jg KfrtS. New York,:is on Mangold byßWfgistaUirou paToftica. No- 38 j3troi j?rico 25 oouts a bottle. tuea. wo speakyui tbJST reputation, for the fulfil-’ oiard: 1 In almost every) ta auflerinjcfrorn pam and 1 found tn.fmeen.or twenty ndmitnstered. * •-i and has been used with OP cares.- . ; ; child from’ pmn.bht m bawels* corrects, acidity, to the whole-Bystem.' It Ueva.QRmNU IN THE COLIC and overcome con speedily remedied, end |n best and surest remedy in DYSENTERY and DIAR whetherMt arises, from cause. We would say, to child Battering from nhy of do not lot your prejudices, Elgpp Emile ofOURTISA PER the outmdo-wrapper. Uhout the world. Pnnel iet, New York.,. jy2s-ly , CHINA ANI) QUEENSWAUE. SMITH, & CO., CHINA. GLASS. AND QUEENSWARE. • PITTSBURG 1 AGENCY, GLASS; NAILS. irc.i dulivorod from thoFnetory ' at' MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 8 North FIFTH Stroot, r ‘ PHILADELPHIA. •AUS-fm&'wtf , ' gOYD & STROUD, ■v i ;* IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, , Have bow on hand a complete stock of QUEENSWARE, ' ' GLASSWARE, ahil V u • ' FRENCH AND F.NGLISH CUIN'A, At UioifOr.tr Stand, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., four door, holow Atorchunts’ llotol. to jfbioh they invite tho Attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS, Kf Aoent» t on PiTTummo Glass. nvJj-.un rpURNBULL, ALLEN,. & CO., NOS. S 3 AND SS SOUTH FOURTH STRBET, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Beaters in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. • PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. supplied with Glass at Manufacturer's prices,.-.* , . ’ AUS-2m HdUSE-FURNISHINO GOODS. JJOTJSEKEEPERS, . AND THOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING, Will find by, far the largest and roost useful Btook of houeoke'epmß and .usoful articles in the city, comprising many new goods, just received from Europe, of a kind nover before for sale in Philadelphia, at the warerooma of • JOHN A.MURPUEY&CO., ~ 922 CHESTNUT STREET, fySf-fraVtf ' ' ' , ABOVE NINTH.' HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. WHOLESALE GUN HOUSE..- - We offer to Uie attention uf.tht) Wholesale » LARORST e ABSORTMBNT n OF AND Being Agents forsomo of the paincipal mancfa ctu bbbs o» atoißln London, Bmmnghnm, LiCgo, and St. Etienne, wo are prepared to ovver' itrom stock, or to Knn ran(SMiMlf]|'ik?lSAU?{kT,Blocks, cafs, Plßfiki#'Horns, Pouches, Triggers, Stc„ in large variety. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO. 81 North FIFTH Street, Plulndolphm. 84 CLIFF Street, New York. nus-lm TRACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE. hythe^Fftolmnor^OSTENliOL^S^BAßNESL^an^ HENRY 0. BOOTH CUTLERY, CAMMBLL & CO.’»“ CYCLOPS” FILLS. HABENOLKVER’S SCISSORS AND HARDWARE ’ GOODS. ■ • , r T °*°SIRMI?i3ffIi n BHELFIfARDWARE. ’ . PHILIP S. JUSTICE * CO. ’ • 21 NorthTIFTH Street, Philnilelphin, . 84 CLIFF Streot, New York. • nnB-lm HOTELS. rpilE UNION, . , 1 ARCH STREET, ’ ' UPTON 8. NEWCOMER. , J • ‘ t (. Tho situation'of, this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business lulihc? and to those in search of Passenger Railroads, Which now. run past, auu in close proximity, afford a cheap anil pleasant rule to &U places onnterest In or about too eity. ]r MAiti tif'A RA 0 AIB 0 COFFEE.-—3,200 Bags A” ‘ » r ™*' ‘“ diß * l r & %'S" Ifl . l.Blltjft atfAAt. REFINED BORAX.--SO cases for sale by WETHERILL A BROTHER, No», 47 »»4J! Nsrth BECONDBtreet, ■ • /•» •ftu'* V, \ -Vi ;'Egn>AY;-■ATTQ^By;j^lB»; ; < Interesting '■ Letter ’• front ehibutiihUdfl j-L ■' - ■ .’Mexico,;. :[CcnsBpondonco of The Press.]" . >-^V' •• STATB r CniHtrAntJAj MBXico.Jane 27/1859/ ;Afto'r,tearing® Boaoi Itravellod the ( ‘Ofeat Bnt- ItoriieldOrerlnfid Route ioSt. Ipuis; ,, “tJieneU book jatlho""XympiaMpuhtothsi” CPpxtJft^jja^n''coiD ? , .uiandof Col. Sowell,{of thp EightlOnWiitfy.l. ;My {trip over thogroat mnilrouto oftho woridwaaone; ithatlshall always consider themost pliant, * {Tpo Imuoh praise and credit cannot bogifon' this'com i pajiy. WOAti sk-'i 'but fbplipb^g, short-i,’Odds can be -eonsi<l ordd tiioigreat prsif Une.tTftfid whole .worid, '.with rfohnrßatterfleii at! :theipaad'- ' o:i‘ .-v’n■•.>.<w<,%stis>>&s ! Srbm'Tort Batfibwh travelled fbthh'Rfo [ atßrejidja dpi STfrt^ ipiodenUngamost;Oxceilent..viow, J both ! pf! jeW, ; and' Mexico.' e We’ found -this place, btit email,''with' '-sinii '*hb# iSsu'jipOgrd- they-srorkpd 'ah^Pxtehtiic^iu^fich' ! sliver mine, whiohnp io-tho present day'-is jodkod ; for. Thopopulntion'oboui ( flfjoeiii)rhpdrei[,|n^ltiding San Cor]is'/three" thousand. One dr tWbmdieantile honpos is ( atjout tjUo, .exttpi.isflhttsfnS'^fi'it^i^ 5 farinipg 'and'-agridaituroi o’otigiry surrounds, bnt i itsfeijuitM hdyd.'nqt that SMbittgnln 1 10. ; Chibuahiia. tbo ncxt stopping pomt, is' iuii'eaV. • pitH l /? the Sfite. and id njosVbnndsomoly i °S ' v i bailkß ,- ® ( f ,tj>OiQi(iKu|ijua'''rivbr“ laid 1 bUiß'irith' jjrpaV, teste dpd' ;'^i.%rSf,V,oi rt -ei*M'.resiwf/;fr9m{“o(Ko?;iSicxlean towns or eitrcs. Ji is, also, of an ancient dote,' and imbng tni>,fipt'in r il}o Jjofmbifc; ‘ Her&lfik%sojti and the Bpahifinls are dcserving.of { groat Credit,' (or thocons(fuotipn of the greatest'-Crnaiboht in tliaciiy—tljocdun'cli'—tiniitonoiiuniiral nndnihooit of ! gr l eatl^o|gu ( t !l fti§r.s9ei£ Sells,' t yi^i'once , . ! , Thjkb#uis tngis 1 It. woniS.p is■QrQots<£ r &‘ tajrge, fountain, pyptlucmg suflialant !?<*¥& ’,’<S t »P«! .wi^Mtoneti^eyiha^e 'WPS <%nmb'h* ghjgj pf.tho A!amoa,,with..runniog ctream6 ; of ; w«torca l ' making eyeiythingyerypool.-., ; q;hiiplaoe ts.the of (W eveiifngfc seat? finplj.pjectedpf ptone all .carriages, Hero tho .fashions rive soenof afe'uaday :evoning, and greoftho curiosities. ;- 'flic stranger -visiter from.a foroignsoil can heropatch,, the fashion sand customs. Tho ladies, or rather thofcmole sex, are gonorally rof a dark , comploxipn,. d.ark hair and : pyes.rsther.iawkirarjUysliappd, either.yoiy.lsrge,' do not bayerthatgratefulandiov- Ing'ioijitntrajMoedthatr bur in the j .IJnlicd-State* {.Many .dress.withefwme'littlotasto,' ibuti more srithWiliayiTh u}evcr.. - Hoops s are 1 .some iitlio-iriirn, no homiets’: -sl miliinpr, ip; this country woulnhavc to tarn liorsteps. Ashfttrlor .robosp Is VdlSJigon tho bead; i)ut a short thno tho j ‘-iihawis rtavenjooo ir. fashion; ; miraylWear oniy ilio: skirt of their dressesthe re bo sa3>.ns we r' fo r eovet-f ingof waist; tiiisr.nujng ib o fashionable etyleof dress. 'Rroni'ihiaasupposition can be'formed of the fhshion-' " ’* lit the residence of some a strong wiaurgonfmvlta 4 . -'Upbu'cntoringyonanicQnduoted through into a yard,-wherbou. entrance'into‘the'room'is found; this.ls a fashionablc-stylo building—door entering behind, ;large windows, with iron grates outside (no glass), small door-opening, for light ta nppdar,—blit. a' small: spaed is required,' Affording an nbuuilanco of light. ’ The “ adobo” walls refloct •very much; .one would almost bo astonished to find Airoo'm so very light/from so small a space. ‘ You nro conducted- through along room, to fho’ono end or other;'boro you will find one-half with'edrpet, a dozett chairs or wooden benches, with perhaps a table; tba'room well decorated with their Saints, and many other grand displays of the Crttoifixfon, surrounded with’flowers. Tbes&'aro the “ parlor paintingsa library is not known. At the table, tboy are behind the. age, many not knowing what vegetables are'used.for, with tho exceptlonof onions, and bosides, unacquainted with cooking— a continual change of plates,’ and bnt little pro-1 Vidod;ncvorfholosa,.tholr “fcijoles,” “chila^’and “tortillas,” nvoliroaghfforwnril. Theflrstwoiorm, in civilization, boas*; accond; red-popper. Tortillas aroinanufactured fromborn washed, and then rubbed or ground on a Mono by women; madevery thin; and baked on a thin ehodt iron for thopurposo. Now, . those throe artioles constitute ‘ the living of tho , laboring elans, and many, of the wealthy, oosting t about tbreo bits a troek; Laboring mon work for two to five* dollars’a month, gamble half away at the monte bank or cock-fight,’ and thou support a family-front three, four, and fire in number. From this you can form some idea how people live in the 1 Republio. Many are tborohoro who own land a hun dred ratios square, with merely enough to live on.. No enterprise, industry, of' judgment about, any. Tho greater tho rogue tho greater his riches, and tho moro thought of. Yon will find justico.from tbeir courts, attorneys, alkaldes, prefects, fib., hard ' to be had. lam told whon n ease is. tried.before the Oouris the decision goes with the most money, A foolish idea, the thought of law In thls oountry/ A person, especially an American citizen, has but poor show for his hoad, and much loss for ills poekot, iu any difficulty. Our consuls ftro per fectly ignorant, and a sot of men deeply engaged In , mercantile or ether trade's,' connected perhaps by marriage' with the Mexicans,'will take no stops, r fearful, os was said of tho Maine liquor law. This will not suit ray constitution, i We are badly re presented In the Republic' fts far as tameable to judge. Mado the acquaintance of his Excellency, Don Soiior Juan Ooboa; found him a perfeet 'gen-- tlemnn, wotl infonnod, and takos great delight to , talk with n foreigner In regard to affairs in the ; United States. The Governor longs to' seo the day j that tho Amorioan eagle may soar' In tho skleß, . and the national flAg of ilborty 'fly ont upon the breeze and waft ofor the State of Chihuahua. God speed tho day!—this is tho sentiment of two thirds, yes, noarly the** whole population of Chi huahua. 1 1A few who have madetheir living by: stealings from tho Govorjiment wauld'undoubtedly opposo it; : but who aro they ? A few petty prefects, alkaldes, and Jews! Their number is small; conse quently, opposition but trifling; even the priesthood acknowledge themsolves in favor of an annexation. What action will be taken ? Will the Cabinet form a treaty with the Juarez Government 1' If : sb, will Congress ratify It ? Would to Godttfat even this day I might listen to Gabriotis trumpet, saying submit and surrender youraelvos to tbo United States. 1 One great unanimous' '-shout of the glad tidings Would be given; that would open almost the mountains; pouring out* its gold-nnd : silver:, Wo will leave Chihuahua, better ploaaod with the. Mexican• citizens th’un the 'Americans.' 'Travel twenty loagues to Siinta Cruz, where Genovat Prlee j played so gallantly in tho- Moxioah war. - Good, water privileges;' farming carried oh quite oxten-* sivelyl Sixty leagues, wo aro'ntPnrral, tho great mining town, situated botween mountains,'the Rio ihirral passing Us silent waters through it, affording a grpat pWnty of the needful . About B.OOQ inhabi tants, among tho nnrabor perhaps one hnndrod fo- TOigners, represented from tho United States, up land, England, Scotland, and Fronde. Business is carried oh oxtensivoly. A large number of mor-. cauttlc houses, nil doing a good, brisk' business. Goods principally purchased at Guadalajara, Mon torey, Matnraoroß, and city or Mexico. Many you will find almost as cheap ns In tho United States, those from Europe especially. Mining is not cnrricJ ern'very oxtonstvely atpre-- sent. ' Two smoUing'nmchines aro in oporiitipn with thirty furnaces,'yielding Rnnuatly upwards .of hyortiillions dollars.* These mines, eight in num ber, aro worked by Frenchhten. I am Informed v that upwards of one lumdrcd good silver mines' are within thrCo'looguos a|uaro bf this town, all aban doned in consequence of water'ttftdiiug in. Ono minoißsaidtobo a]most pure metal.*-Hero again they lhoktimt industry or, investment' to get and . put tho force pump In operation.' " What changes and how different would i,fc bo if American in dustry hnd this in hamU’ At a futuro day, if that long-expcotod treaty or annexation occurs, my aq:' » T j co would he to thoCqptialists toinvestho’re atP&D \ ral, or oven if tho annexation docs not succeed, 1 * come any ho\y. Opoh onterprifio atid industry. - ihow to tho .sort of material! the United States capital is'founded ’ on. l7 Mohoy ahd wealth are hero; a olimata superior'to any other (t would use tho expression) in tho world ; no morning or evonipg dew \ a person dobs not suffer With the heat qs much ns in the States; and then the great advantage that no other country can af- ; n V" TWO CENTSi - >j'iu laborer _ me whaut „ a ?^-.®^ 6 .P. f , /ofsi him; ho ia 'iiot. Vlfio -plagued .with, ft®, /moMnlfcX-yeVelftel^;^ (Ugad-. itho '‘farming* l ebilimiiilnfty‘ 7 ' suffer ■ of ■ 'rain/ which bcoufti bst^ouie W <'y e ii^ iftnd'sbifletimM not : ii} ; Wo yeaVsirt’All^rop# iimdlii 'iJoiralsed:by fcrignttngSrfi 'varynWiS 'inf, fb&tfai ;litUef morn’ WbordreqistMilv, It w an iffhenlonrd'W.Mtern ?aradiaa w.aa,i*pßtto^o, r s?g> iU<J(I,; ttsli immigrant ,diffl9ulty ¥ dj4 : aiU( in ,n;«^C inhere. American eivilkatiQnn'ent ,Qod Aiinigbty -jhis, proyod ; itHoif correct, 'Such'trill tbe'fHe oMe"in tins'! counfryl “Wood'is notjilehty, ibutonoiigh; fjr fuel; 'lrith : - coal ' thirty' i Magdas; (hbEngl/sh'wninutand'aiamo foi-ailoiher IpniposoS/' s!so c filbli. ''‘Lct'daS ssk/ WKat-ddes-this; icoOntryiaokj+Bitii iti.'goidj Silysrj'iiaopporJileddi. ; iron,, and coal in' ftbundsnoo;:>vix>d;fctid,,tkjn«;fqr jMHKiif pßcposaa ?;i -Ufltynjfi at gdljhjit j'Hs^nfiSfodiAfflprinaii.Jydnstty^it^^a'jCisßifiiljj ; tfrfncr, Jtnd;thq laboring class, : i r odtob OOP ui o ; iceal thy, 'ijii o' fa niio r.c inrai sc /hlioigEljjfo ninety Wsbols or.cQro,'tithe’ acre' with' heir the 1 atoji*-'ept thosinne “,' tioHbir thstf rn.the iteibeU’Hls 1 * «tdeV“ (Alfttra; similar., to ><rar,slprsri eeyjifo I allmpr nail o ‘ J ifi3S^ia"iieii|iiief'la®. & ;For i mares; -at * oostofilfejJhilart rsaph-p- t»nt Uiii:jdn. cah.aUbo endration pf,thr^.ys»y« < .,hiijfftoefi.n tfc ; c(dtl»rii f «Sj9®|lw 1 : dollar*. ; After' caic'uihtrng Rll'cxiKiniios'id^^fijtee*' . tlo'n/her i dingj : 'intereaiß ) ' , &S. ! (‘’s'lir|^e ; .i>6rleenta‘gi»'lr i galnidi iio'sldc< : sMck ; oltiiandi. Whe»';fi}stijeoin-; i mohoingiWff got .■proJwrtysiiiiowi'UiisqjtepßflyihaS : imfiroyed, the stpek p|sq, et, JeMt,tyetrty.’tiT_e oi>9rcent:, 0 i>9r cent:, ; ,Take ,Bhoep orcattle--ei{jwi:— all tire samel" .' Sevenleapt*. lam now atthe ValiaAljeqdaSan Barlold, knojrnas the, .Valley..of Snint 'liarihdio-'' mew/'itWtoliidg ‘many. dhtant'nlilc3 : sides of 1 the Rio l'aianiShiis I]l < ’ Vai!a J ' ihe' toif if; \vss : huiifc by tlie snoiahfe Spaniard!' liatKefrprivAte yesidsnee,' Ifithgardstis :and;Jrar<lteffhi!t.i’- ’Vfhlf#. w(aking.;.'tfiojninos!jat ; -Pairhlp:thah ittettiati. litf this; heantiful.iand,;So T nell:atranged,tayn,d with ,its-^.»?>l;<)?no^fies.;V l i‘; i& Tffflflfc <ft*r i»ya,jU^.', ;^,ordB; t of,.oiiQ T miUion.hoa<i .of Mee|' x ;«i4^i ott«f| |{ocscJJih propoir’Uon. ■ B! JIo1!no; s Jsfott ;thij i nib Lp- | ; ; o4i cot^nman^dct:o^,7ihklnrfg ; 4he' : MbntaV'i&i'balled; (UiA jb ihusl in - tKitty^foar l ihilxeaCwldb/),; aanie height ius ihat.of Iho-lndiffc | twoUandxedaiul eighty glyingr-employment, toone hundred.lajbbrsi? Libia \ was ;fl>tfne;rjy ui)iler 7 f P9xter*of \ Danforlh. ; Cw»k, ! S; j it abotit! hi orbbr&-raV^a' ;< e9ia6liaUzi^it'of,li!B.<^ > i^>^ii^rib) > i to l Uie v Hia Bb WelV known'jitffthe Patent hesitate tQiheHeVehiame? ■chnhioaVskUl ; canjien^rp^ftflpn^Oajs l flcqqaintanco of, JoiqaJn Pomthgac*,t .the, trorfcby ioL pook ’and, i^i, j It roaVly i 8! .to' I and misery ’those’. iien ‘Wefe iti/' He 'would allow thet oharge topufthe; •Colonel-and hieofficorflih'jlfisbn.?-Clothiiig,prs-? efisibng, anbfloy/.and’all things woraTfct their-dto-l fposal.-" dlo .wßii' anxiqtiSotfa hayer ; escape v; saddififfVp/oyi-l ; gionß r »ml all.noco^ary 7 ouifit.. -Much.orwiitdue| :Am?ncan pitfseiis, '.oen.> .Iriqz r -Berihin,. ahdf ’ Col t ,. r aW the 'actualhtaneb wlth the ‘Colonel At jSI la *nianfwit&‘ a J ! head. : A Report Vi in cireulalibn,ihiffmorh-i 'lhg;i&atho had of -150,000 - norea in' r tho. Stafo' oX^nrabgo; oihera tbathe exl . pects to;go' Jpin a large» p&rty -pfj nndj unttc wSth tbe, my;Qpipipa; iR bo has jnining sehomo in Yipw. { . v 4,, close copversatforj bos Jjoen k’cpfc up for threo dkys, ’ Tn con'versatioii with the Q‘eneralj heVaid, “would to(3oft the Unitifid Stito3 The (ichoral is on his fetara from tho States eii rovtti for' Mr. C. is very popularthroiighout the Republic,• is received 'witbra wamr.receptioii wherovpr he goes. .The OldKeystopo may fool proud she is well represented, with so popular a per son oa the Colonel., AYhat part oft he. State he h&iH Jfromi.do not know. T shall 'draw plose;. will ‘ write sdon.from Ceiro Oordoi’ SbaTl .We nq't hare an J If not,T shall Teturh to my fbnner homo in ' Wyoming.' Excuse thia 1 hastily'WriUcn letter.- ' Tho,' Now Martinis pf Wateriord* Tho atud of the into Marquis of WAXERFOBD was up for sale on. Friday, and Juno 24tU ,and 25{h ? atjCuiraghmore. The dotal apiouut realiz<Kl r Wfts XX3,ICQ. ; , Some of tho racers brought high figures.,. Gemma di Yergy,-by Sir-Hercnies,-\vas bought for 050.; £ ; 4 _ - i . * j; - r „ i V Yhe late Marqtiis died'without and Jus, titles. (Marquik of WATERFORD, Earl of Tyrone, Viscount TynoNE/BarbnfenESFoßp, Baroii De-ea-Poeb,. Baron'Tyrone, ami- a baronetcy,) .vrcnt to iiis’ brother ? Lord' John. a clergynian, born in 1814/and a ' very diftierehtman. , 1 ; The following sfinging > article, in Bell’s Life in London, shows whut nianner‘o/iitah the hew Marqins’ls:. ‘ ’ / • Attracted by the'' announcement' .that, of. the ontiro stud of tho late- Lord Waterford,*tne whole would be disposed.pfewithput’-reserve,.-I went, to . Curraghmore. Uuutera. with, me ,were rthe chief attraction;’biit the : catalogue,'so' meagre in infoir matlon'j ‘contained ’neither" condition. of. f salo, hot. any, • intimation; when the first- .ffouid he completed,* .while,’tbo hounds were wholly omit ted. <»tud groom,-received us (my friend^and self) in an'English fashion,‘And showed ‘US round tho stablo,' affording witiL -inuCh courtesy dvbiy explanation. >r The < hunters*, consid ering to whom they had belonged, Voto the worst I ■oversaw, And deservedly wero -termed “ a stud of rorowa.” • . • r . > 4 -- - , - "Waterford was cranuned with stranigqrs, and,tho boats'and train’s hourly irioreased the Beds roaejto a high premiunt, .the Irirircar-boyH wero proportionably, extortionate, and. on-tho rona their iyi)u crios and recklefcs driying asfonlshed'qot' a few ouiOt-going EngUahmen:-’ Ourrhghmore <is one of tno most lovely spots in Ireland orEngtadd. Nature ha? moro r than played her part in the Work of beauty," and art ‘completed' tho Whole. - : In the centre of the large hourt-yarda' space; tiks a’bst ting-ring had been enolosod, ond break ticiily unnouaced itself as tfip auctioneer’s ros trum. ' ■ ’ ' ’ 1 1- *’ s r ‘**' ; ' ‘ About bn'Friday* a portly figure in clergyman’s costumb'mountcd the <sphchman*s. box,, and the 'auctioneer behind'then' 1 stated’JtiB coDditione of cale. Xt was 'fkwa'smioabefkb'that , the • personage'so Carefully noting; down the prioes/ Aud'’a6tmg’' : aa ! a : oheck 1 on due a no ,tioneer’a clerk, was tho new. Lord WAterfbril; and with'all' the-princoly lnnds'ahdl brodd do malna a.mnn. pompous, antUhow.dare we commont on his, good itasto in directing the, ‘grooms when. Icadiog the horses'aud showing them off to thb beat advantage 1 ? : H«Ahc not an‘incercst in the saleT oDcii’t tcu me .that the. late MjwqiitS' was so universally beloved and respected. tYaat care I for.bis liberality imd-hid luneheooST ' llaa i not tho present inah just nnuouuoed that/ <m pr- : riving ( o; a certain! lot, ; u those.,who.,hove pur-, ohaspd will bo admitted tojuuchcqn” aqd Task why th 6 hbcesßityof adoh a rdih- and crush' towards thb p&E3ago ; loiiuing xo ‘the ddiry ;• will not his; lordship ■ pronounce the ft Open Sesame,’ 1 and shall wo not, on iho approach, of that haughty face, be ndmitied?' How pleasantly ontheear resound* the-rich intonationa of fcisi voiceJ “No person don bo admitted until, I,and my friondahave ontered/ 5 And what a look bf benign generosity ho throwi over the' assembledWultituue; as still further throw .lng back 7 hiaheadhfe “.Who’s-here ?” body being anybody, nobody answered, but I heqr, tbo ory^^vMako'wfty! way there! for thoMOrquia of Watorford/*' tC X‘shall 1 not' enter until-evcry person has oleured' out of thc.,passagq.” Passage .cleared,- and in ho went. t « ■' In fifteen minutes ovcryjmrtiolo of food, oxcepfc A -vory Small modicum of bread and cheese, with-a ■ limited supply l pfbeer, was conairmed., .-Thosq aristocrats who declined [’to. fight their way; in surely wore deservedly served'; one '.frieze-oonted purchaser, in the. bitterness of his hunger, hnd: tfiirst, seized on an empty, wjno-glass. and turning to his friend, with .characteristic' wit,* skid, os ho turned it upside down,* “ Tsay, Pat, lookhero! this is what.CuTraghmoro wtilhe for,the future ” —a most unjustifiable;suggestion! 1 ' On the second day’s’ Bate,' (Saturday.) the auc tioneer repeated his conditions ‘of salo. ' The last, “AH horsed not, removed by Monday will bo charged at tho rate of ton shillings a day, and dogs threo shtilihgs a day,” was received with .chOliug derision, and answered by the largest purchaser there, . (Mr.' Hamilton,' of' Queen s county:)' “Ahy-gehtlofiiftn'Who cnnnbt eenvoni entfy.remove his horse?* maysond them to my sta ble; and I'lLkoep them a week,,for nothing, Affd; givo him A botilo of ddrot every day ue likes to dine With ino.” ‘ [lmmense oheenUtf.j , During tho day tho nohlo MuiqnM Mil himsolf for several lota, nod announced “ lYhen I hid I wish no ohb will hid fcr-I «ant to huv tho horao whonl do Wd,’! and freotiently whan his bid tromhledin tho balance he “Knock it down, knock It down.” He proclaimed himself Sir ” if r fiispnto arises ■tv jWjs'ilS' ill-’- < "ir.-jasii s«£ .; i # tiyeCopie. « - !« T*n Ccjpiw, •;_ "„: _ „ ~~ : ’^~“vta\ w»£awf;.vsiir®^*«::- •{ .%f .f .-■; ; * or V01ob:of Twentj-ome or oT»r,n> wiHm*Ami .’ •*tre I copy to Urn *<H*r"U» pf tte-.{»ij),'(Vy J£, ciiwoHuftitiam.- B U» 'Miforafc Wter4d tiitf-ring/' toff tiro - bo^aortrta'wrtSiM-i .Woft«r(.on«da mtiM.Hrmtl ihiiot rornttbSTta ' •fteantral.wdp.tßrt.t JSFiSsHaty audwtoFJha£Q^panenJj>arte ox mJSmib/’" - S* S-h: I)iroffier , « : i4T6fitJtoj»Ja?iotbgf\‘‘ti'»t'Sa ■ •-' i“ u ~2^ n '* ’rntm -dotM, FiPS!...Jiß?otd«M«il’i ftom off the carnage-whoei; imiyyjnlno hka yon stretched in the ehnroh- . gPHpraMSHp: tswMkmtsmmfC: jweim# aSifiiif Wiai^c: theboaVby- steitdtnr4Wtrtfc* ' then mat Mbti»jje»riHwStfraiifc. •crtetoHgKH^-iS^SSy^Eg^ »* to i «•}“•“ Tt'y atni. l?MoUn<fi»)SiS ‘•” S^B®%3®smt£@^£S, gfwitorigHiik'NtJutt *»«a»te%?schS f- Mftiutfmrttwii&yiß&uii&iqatii tettfed t'llife-wortiitfittfltt&kS t'.akilHfriaßitS ra: -=' they.Mmrtoifiitar.'f/p. ~ * 's? Col., lie®stte» fOolowsir ',■ M«jariCr»fcfoM,7 W«t&4«ha-j0o)pd*lj!;; v / noon, andehowu. dome of the'ljriysUrMttiSKililfcJ-rh nnmher .of brerWidef }n {ho•; Thoyjifpdaeod' lrat ~ «>mm'o ß ;Seer!;Trh'ieh>i?« , par barrel for Iho .former, and *d'ar <htf(Hll«ia ' .amqnnte to ’ 14™ s ■ :1 ;rfr ''' . -'i" I IKWWSf/.Bey,. h ionaan i -.. pjuod of raurdenogßU>}ft with : ,BtrjsbmnAwa3,oon«liiaedJaiBe?CireaKeo«StS' , CrawtbrduvitM, Tnilfaaa/fliFtfio Sflth'till?, tod"it : ■ ■ sHltedinJaveWiet otjaatu>udt\ aiKinrfiroijo«rfi. r , rjie:venliotJia«rirejt;itiei£dl«- '. sler. New'Tork:’ The •lobsterf}; j aad:effaU T'-nbiish rfrflfr ~ throWjlj>T«TbpBrd - * M*** plMfr particularly attractiY£to these Tprafitoua" - V * >*'\‘T' ****>■ ~ v * -;• ; IWttterhtßtfrtfdrtf'Coriii./ &s He laige quantity of religions tracts from a elewVtftan of his acquaintance, with tha xequest’ttat he-WouM distribute.them, wherever hewant.JThls -Ban c haa been faitljfnlijdoing, .as'he ,oa?/beea giring the trantstoeye^genuemaii *' 'V ~ ‘"' v '■' HEBfttewg . IN iTifE - AifirraiXs' : Jowtsh Cfiro)iicte'mys ; tHaVtherelare 25,&60’ j‘ew9 in' tbe*A\isltiih army ftf'ltaly t -and a c«ptaln ! 6f the? Jewbtfttpersuhslon;'ln>lhe .late; engagement, most herQiqwJy rescued the colors of the regiment fxomthe.l’rericn, who had J -Thebe are hundretl lodges .of Odd I*ellqws thousand'-five • hund red-' and; forty'-tw con tributlng members. The receipts: of 'the- order for the year . endihgVtnie 30 Were and the amount paid for relief $110,070. • j . - A.dat- or two" since a female' on- theKome ana' Watertown (N. TTi) - Bailroai- dcliborotelr threw*lidr little infant,' about eleren’months eta, out of tho car window, klUing' it -instantly, Bb> was arrested. ' '- . ta-.S.s ■ The two candidates ‘.'for. G'Qvernbr of Ohio, WilliamDennitfon andR.P. Ranher, have inadd &p -poistmenta-to discuss polities! topics befora toa peoples • Mrs. ’ Stowe -is tho name given to a fhmona racing mare-in England,',which .was recently, an- ‘ teredfor thcGoqdwqodraces.,. .*. , v . ■ y . A man named Bickford has been convicted ~ at ‘Windsor, Vt.,ef fraud in procuring houuty-land warrants from uie U.'S. Government!. J ' ' t r -TS STBRU.A,T’ 8 -PROCRSD INQ fl; (rteported . . -- . • Quarter Sessions—Jndgei trial of prison oasos was reßamodyestertlay morn ing., JotmP. O’NeUl; Esq., in the obsonpepf DLs trwt Attorney appeared as proseoutinglat torney for the Commonwealth. .AfterAevejal pUu had been received, the first cose c&Hed'waSjOhe 'ln which;a colored man 'was charged, with having committed, an assault bat tery on his; wife Henrietta. -Tho old soene'of a wronged woman mahifeßtipga doaire to shield l*rom the persona from' who3c violence ad suffered, was again oxhibitod.. When Hen riettawoa called (o the witness stand! she'testified that herhnsbnnd had heatei\ ;her, Tbut'-that' ih* freely .forgave h\m,>> quote her. own?‘lan guage,.“ if I; do not forgive him? God w!R?nbt .for give me, ‘ Jndgo Lndlow inquired wh'offieif John was in the habit of drinking intoxicating -liquors. The wlfe answeredtbat ho ÜBoAtb driuk.hut 'had not lately, and that ho was in th'e haoH of treating her better when he was in,liquor than whoujieyra* sober. -This reply 1 , produced , oohsidorablc Tho judgo. romarked that it was certainly A strange disposition on the part of the husbandj »nd- thatJt£o wife .was to,bo pitied. The jury.* rendered.a'Tor dictof guilty, notwithstanding the -wife’s .gjarbe&t desire tohaveher liege lord released from custody. - A colored man nameil Ephraim'Boieej,?.was Charged with the larcony of sixteen'yarils.df jag carpet, valued at four dollars.' The ownerof tin* property testified as to the theft? huhflid hoyppsi* tively connect, tho dofondnnt with it, although ‘the carpet.was subsequently, foand in. Doraoy’a posses sion. Tho pfisoner.stated that he did hot steal the corpqt, r but had sold it for another poraon/ Yor dict; .guUty. 'Sehtoiided to nine months -in the County Prison.*, ‘ , Thomas ;o,’Keofe pleaded iguilty; to a charge of larcony. Tho* defendant, A.pqrtbrin tho em ploy 1 of Messrs. Abbott, -’Jones'« r Ob'.> of Market •sthaetC Deteative OfficorSohteinttt testified, that a piQoe of yory r valuable,black together with articles of & similar in the trunk' of the'prisoner. He’ admitted- that he hod stolen ahiimbcr :o£ dress patterns, ihqt.refvised ;to give any information relativo to, the .disposition which ne had ‘mado 'of thorn* JadgoLudtoW sus pended sen'tenco for the'- present/ in brderthati the prisoner might r give .the officars-the whereabouts of the missing articles.- -/ 0 , Henry Lehman pleaded guilty to an indictment charging htni with the lArcony or several ahirtarH* 'was sontimoe'd to Bit, months iu tiio Prison. John Walters was seAtoncecLto twenty-four hours imprifioumcnt, find'required to find Mu in the Sam of §lO0 r tO'koep the peace toWardshiswifo. ■ -Hen rietta appeared to be, delighted at the moderate punishment. ✓ , f ' ,' • Judge Ludlow’ announced that there would bb no m6re jury, trials until tho 22d inst. To-day desor tion cases will bo heard, and acted upon v and to morrow, tho court will bo adjournfed Until Saturday woek. : '-Let tho lawyers rejoice that-' cbtnrnOndablo promptitude 1 during ,tho past two-weeks in , the • transaction of business, will now afford thorn ah op portunity of escaping from' town,to where the green of the ground and the btiie of the Sky. contrast so healthfully with tho great legal oven at Sixth and Chestnut streets, end where tno murmurs ofbalmy zephyrs, and the sweet’music of Winged choristers are rather different from tiro perpetual t ; .on of noise that accompanies tiio .admimstraaon of justice in the vicinity of thb bakery aforesaid. For our part,'wo hope to be able to reaoh.iu safety that famous watering-place, Smith’s juvenile aquatics excel Leander breasting tho bll lows’of tho Hellespont, and which,-although not quite as renowned as » • . , t ,>‘The troubled Tiber, clmQng with horaliorea," has boen and is, as cclebratedfor youthful exploit. s : of valor ns was the rivet whence the daring Ciw siub rescued the'sihkfng Cmsar. • Here we will take our daily,dip—rWO nadalmost sqld .“nip”— nnd amid beauties of the place on joy qur vacation in a* deep anil proflfahlo'Btiidy of Nature.* i,c FreBh'ftlr for tne poor man”-is a favor ite expression on tho tongue and on various flaming posters,-and wo say to aU that any quantity of thot commodity is fo bo’obtained at this poor man’s Gape May. - WA bavo no desire to puff the place of .Captain, John Smith, nor do we_ expect to secure a free passage to the island by this notice. . The romainder ofthe session yesterday was con sumed in ascertaining the parentage of. certain lit tle responsibilities, or, as ShakspoAte terms them, “changoliog” children. Various orders WoroAiacla compelling tho patet faniilia to sdppoii their off spring, after which the court adjourned. Jury trials in the Eastern Pistriot Court will cojnmeMf on Monday neitti THEe ousts:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers