■aaflggßigsilißSfe «■ «88^»^^g8!S^B^!B^SS3^ j &&Mßiam **l ams^l^eral^S^W* ll^^^®?'. iuthci rcffortetotAko. EHst. i-crald.'; lilowaworo struck, ami there #ere wjdpy proserairhtjWorce unSorXiouteusnt floHej'^K» ptl39neref:;*iU»: thcit.fneads,' of Jijr prap hr*o‘'prolon;;(xl* tho faring. tiyj ftp feißibJirtti ebrjlutcly, waited raa meaningless o«m MoB3fffsodr > P l^n7J^BTW|nee.< «^ii«M siblo rpmarWabbaTUrt aKaraciar. of PMlapelpbij. It was a common ptaouco among some attornosa to talkof*« ,, wai;(^rWT>"f^dCW-Otteir; ! crifadj , '*^ioc^itnty,Uiit3 i tistiee , .wfil^hj , ) dHet-. ly Sgpndertjag«dpstlh« .laW... 1 . Two Boms ' escape ;- but this, only theoffi66W 6f tKe Commonwealth artitapoeednpon ■ by bsi«“aifd{desigynif!men^^^-]»^:.'W^- and tlioy are PfOmpiy Hiadeto meet.lho reqaire montaof«iotaU>4.law.i;;Noarly;:eTeiy-4ay.nqw,U, occnpi^^n^h^a^ai^qpj^w^rfmiMnm^oo-* proportion tbdter jiso and coDtams.nwr&lawr«bidiJiff oitiieM'taaa'My, oior oity < ia : the-l7xuoii.' l i6oweam®^te J- .A«- > thora.£^,^^«ttt§d,»woimt«,offlrißiia»tw»afcC; . tioas <*** truth andat some Irtgtli in tlrifl ;reply to a retnwlt',tbatoambftpmpnepf-U»eowui««l’for!toe defBaa^^P^eraaf«blqran4--^p*r^d;-' charge a'nlfu>tf *A'O“l j 1... ... '"'pjltl'a Vt, '- Joseph; Johnson- plead igniUy 'to' tbe. obaigti of 1 n rceoy.'Edward htpnroe pleadgnilty ; tothc sterns ohargeii'O..'! -/v t't'r/ , .'V-,.? ,b i l '.', LoaiJißeitihaWt,' theOennOntarTestedaftw' days agd-’byUOfflotna Sommers and CalUnsai -was : oonrioted, of larceny. ,, !T6a 'defepdao t jhadifot: aO-. : oessrtetiie dwelling committed' nairciV UiloraV. atre^tg; a wofilffllV y^vK o,— r . jy* morf lag qu (be'charge of fn\ sire <oo* of ardonlspintffjaia that MmWt'kMW of oiUrgedwith therlareenyof some yaluoble/eiU'erwai'O'froni Hood.’-Th‘aAbfendant-was employed as a don|iMjlC“ by ilrs* fl.j-:ta:wßos?' service aha went6nftKs day. roowoecnpled by Maivaref.: Officer Jicqbv'.wh’o^hi^eltl^'w^^teatlfiea'tliafc, the dofdddadib&d found inthehouse. ;IheDistnot •AttoraeyJthwghV that a elert gaUChad:.&ot J>e&&J4ada~tti'K- not/guilty.wa# rendered' by the jury/ under the suggestion of-thecourt. ’ ■ -'-V'£»Vs v an., elderly’ colored man,- was' charged with fc&vingcommlited'nh indecent aftault upon alittlo'girl. ' Thddetails of the eaaoani unfit for publication;' 'A verdict of guilty of assaoltonly; was rendered, . Many were pleased with this Ver dict, ‘as an opinion that ' the obfirge Was trumped up. ' The* Judge imposed the nominal sen tence, thatthc jprisoifer shouldpay, th«tc,osts. ThoMtlowirig Sentences Were passed :- - -' Joseph Johnson, sis, moths in the County Prison. E. Monroe, six months in the-County-Prison: ‘ ‘: Louis Reinhart, joins months in the CounlyJPri ton. •< ■-- <•—?■*- ‘ -'. t ' -■ " • Jesse Et&ub, who'was employed on, a, canal as boatman, pleaded guilty totbo * charge of passing a counterfeit* Bank. Ho stated that' he. bought .twenty dollars’: worth;of the ‘.‘stuff”, for fire.dollars. Sentenced to fifteen months in County. Prison. ' •; U. S; CoxHisaiox£n*s Office—Commis sioner Borchard;—Another! hcariDg wns hadyes t orday momiogin thecaso- of. Georgian* "Whelan, . charged withpasslngoountorfcit; coin of the United. States. the charge -prefcrretfl.tho’defeDdautwas -discharged.” The, August term of .tho.u. S. EasteraListrict Court wiUTbegmron; Monday.next; -.ltwili -be of brief duniUidnT' t PHILADELPHIA BOABttOFTBADE. WM, B. THOMAS. )_ „ . LEXT£H BAGS AT,Xms s !OItKC?UirTt*3XCJU3O3!;>»ICX%»ftIi;? - r Ship TonWandaVJulfus.'. 1 .. .V.-J.. .Liverpool, Auk 25 Shin Grey ,BoaWEujrtiea* *, t s ;VRlo de Jansiro, soon ■Bark Joseph Maxwell, DsVi*.. . :La#u»rr»;etc, soon Park Reindeer^Fnmkiin*,.v.fStCroix,acoa Bark A A4>rcb©rt. l He-witi u .. ...v.. vSt fiart*. soon park mgsppta; .Veaoook. Jtio da Janeiro, AuffU Png Seunrofcre..... *,, v \. t .Brazil; soon Bn* .Matanzas, ste. aoon Schr Pis6oh»7Srl Lapthom London, noon fachr G Morrov... .Jtorbadoefc, «oon . SJTF^UKOCEAN STEASIERS, STATES. •? - j Z i '£- - siura , />< •>. ‘-sh£x%YKs£&'-<*-'4r6k*~ - Ernopa... *,SV* -i. .Boston. .Liverpool.:.!/. vi./vAtuc li' 1 Kangaroo.. •>*.., ,New-York. .Liverpool* .yAUff 33 Ocean Q.ueed.': ."rNew York.,Havre,' .. r .......... Aug IS Persia-.- New York. .Liverpool.'...Aug IT SHIM, U<rV&KVßi' 'K.’fa'imS's'‘~' '< JU ti ' Haramom^;.,Southampton..New Y0rk...,; Jo y* Falton/. 4* *. -Southamptou./New York../...;.;. ;Ju r S 7 Glaaiow.;.GJaJ«p'w» -New-York-. —V... i.ZJn rJT' City oCManefcoster Beuut:<iNeir York. .... ..,Ju y-S7 ATabia. * o.*• • >J.L vefpoot/Boeton.•-../.• JnlrSO .-v« J ambo«.;New Yerk.';.-„„y., .Aajr-i N America. Au,y.L veipoot<;Quebec f . w.......... Aug 3 Cofßalttm<tfpi:L verpoof-=-Neir;YiMrk.v. ;.....,,Aur S' Vanderbilt*. ..Southampton. .NewYor*.....;.’;Aug' 3' Asia vv.. .Liverpool.*.Ne# .,Ang 3 Bremen.. -.. Bremen. ;New York:. Hungarian,,.... .Liverpool.,Quebec.. ..a M ~.Att*W Canada f..., , v , .Xlyerpool^Boitoo,,..... ..r» * <Aug 13 Indian a » ,1, Liverpool/.Quebec, .Attf 17 ontho4thejuHStb.^-•>.. v,-, .... Whan thff'above'dfttds feu on Sunday, theirteamera will soilonTdftpflay,esoept frpm New Qileanf.; *; z i* ; MAW^B-INTEKiMOIEKpK'.-'; rORTOyPm^APELPjaJA^Aw.;g t /18W t , U Small ssimsT)fpJtate oljleoriiia, Garvin,os hoars from Saysn£kb,MS4tmiTkl*Bftnd passengers to Alexander. Heron, Jr. Saturday,at7P M»3o:nuu« southo£~C*p«. Hatteras, passed steamship Keystone State, bound 8: at lO milos S.of Hatters*,pqeeed a; steamship* supposed to be. the.Mrge’a Ortelf? alaqboond •ooihi.’v §5U©JO '2l4oura.lnMriiNast-sork;K via OapeMnyiStinotirt, wnh mdse and Maaeiuren io _Kchr.Ummoijd,Towji«Wdv3ttM| I .from,rndimii-JUv,r; Bei.witli com;to3.M lijowlej* Ca- «•>;.*;) <“£'4 Bohr VSSSEP |M, 2 , '4 d»r WmOdWr V»U -■ .Brig Ahddrrr,Otis,Wiscas*et,jf Sturtovant Jt> Co.'>v Bt«BmerJ<r ; WjJUitg,oiaywlir»tJt4n©re,A Groves, dr. (CorrdipohdenceofTodPresa.) ,„ L -i *< j The 7 "*'l l'l and consigned as tolfoww, Gen Cameron anu Blazing Star. Iron, ore to JE&G ?r&4® ‘rri^«^jsii^ssss&« Tho one Fairy, Capt Welsh, from. Bahia, loaded with - sugar and' dry hides, anchored Off this place -yesterday, ana will be detained a day*or two forventiUtFon. ( Correspondence of the - Tho following vossolslofi the harborjeat*rdar*st; Bng Susan lndepeu-. dence, Sarah J wiUette,;BVW BirnramlsTcß. Vickery, . h Warren, Paragon, add ten fiswng.acbM. .Bric Cloud,, f rnrn p ( ,.n-, 7 .)...,.0, come .to jiarbor onThnrsdaruotia having received orders, left for New. York, MrTieiir* ,i>uu..u .^ . and bark Cordelia as baying passed to sea yesterday . Some of .thelewes people caught aVhale this mots- ' nYTELROHAph*K \' * (CorresDQndonca^oyi^l'MU^el^hitt^toh.n^.^^ The ketoh Commerce! for Jtio/pneiio, went to ectT kat evening, -Ifaa steamshiw ITn&eas? Bb»*u*: from - Boston, went in ibis Boyd/with lumber, passed in last night. * Ship XJtheUOi fpr ton, ‘wont to sea at 7 o’clock this mcmfeS.' Wind south* • Weather very pleasant, 4 £-; ’ - Yours, *; ;. jCHOS.;B<i HUGHES. : : ‘ ' . . -MEJfOiaNDA.v : ; Steamelup Helawnro,.Copes,bencerarrived at, York' 7thiftst. - ' , v . * 4 11--, _’ 1 ' Ship Western OceaaLGWilionit frbml/ohucd ■ for -Col- Ctttui, was spoken Mifttti, lat'4oSi loft WK, - - -- ~ . j?th® lr to,?s^f ’ ,s^b ' lrlei,to ® SW. SV-JUtM- 4 >r-: ? '- ■••: Anived Ybrk SM,'Glide rsice>'e. at 'Jkir,/ : -'v deauxf24tuio AWs?terV^ Watliivetpool; wh.Kw-’ 4 S2di Plf i a.n t, t - isfSraAß BtIiLDINSS,;; ■' ;' ! ■STHBBT, Incorporated in 1887, under ilioGeneral liuuranoo Law ; ofP«uv»rlv»iii», ' ■ 9800,000* . 200,000 114,800 Authorised Capital. Subscribed Capita* • • jFaid up Capital -••■••••• v. ■ . invested as follows ; .Bond ami firttlfen 1. 1 983$ Wfl Bank, Sailroodi and ofcbpr.Stockff and Be-, * c«nU6S.^*-"i.l.v.iV*>, I WiwO ''CAsiiin3J«jk«<vv«*s«>*>w^.,«^ v ;....-•. B|®P • , 4 ~ ~ . i _ \ --■ 91}4^Aq P»rt»'of‘tVi«SH('"Ss2 nl !iai) ; Jla v ls»- fcVttrtMUerlM.' ', ' ■ "': ; -%<ifeT]ra nrnMX^Pre.rjeiit. 5 . . . .: j ) .JM<WRjOHX'iVl'jßfrffidtnt. :■ •, ?lV o\KAMBOKUKR e , Awnstant yecrfltarr. I '. ‘• '3)IjRECT.O£B; . ~ ~ gijryj,K.‘Bercinr> ■■ , T^rUrtef, NORTHERN ASSOTANCE COMPANY, ' ! ' USTABUSHED.isi 185. ;-j FIRE AND UFE., INSURANCE, i<; ;')iead' ' offices •.' LONDOU',“'ABERBEKN',TED IN ? wftQ R> GI ' AS ' ifj v “ Gpwjp)nsApELPgr4. ; ; ' ••• ■;j !cAapicr^r J , se,Q9B,Boa , ANNuADjiiioMi: upwAkus of #iflooA». folioiM «uar«v»iti*<i:;bT*.tb® unlimited jieWUtiee o . aiirlrl,M>Shareholder* • r -' ' A;.'* >W promptly edfoated end raid rofareiwe toXondon,by «, 71 *a ¥ ' . ;;COESTT%--J j ' rUILAIJEVI’HJA. ... - \ jf KEFBKBWCES. Man. feTUAIvi & BROTHER, U Benlt etrwit,,: . .v ;»‘i MYERS,eJUOHOBN.fcCO.,*BNwket»i. U* ,- ; ,-WM,N«KEE AiCO,i»'-floi<)» Front: eWeet, . ii ittoUTCHEN fc COLMNS,3Kb3RCebiau 'i i" SMlWiflfSfcitSWriMi M«M «t., :,V. • »t. JogEPE,'ai'MV?W^^'?^>sPf*W«>t.Wwb»nl«’ ‘ Banker* .* •• ■i : A!n»'4liSlSyE^iEPtto«ni’tJ(U<ia ! Beivlt.' , -Hon. etroet; Me b 'f ‘ Jodftg Supreme jgodrfc JriErtgthfcetfy ymfewS&KANQE: ;' ■ '^BWA^9PK*MpE«psDp*inrrBJ —; ' c>>Hkrifbrd. ♦*'-*-"* • i.; ;r.T,;ciai si;Bot,«bo off .F{fiB.!fji3UlUNCß rIIOOMPANY of Sow . VorlO '•'v,. ■; II ! , Cosh AM<jts,'Jan.l.lS»—-••. SPRmOPIELD'I?IRE AND MARINE •>! insurance;coMpany, ; ■ Cosh Ajadta, dan. J,1809:>.... 4<4,T34 83 North AMEBrcAN.F|Rgj?(Bt7-. ; or Hartford. . r_i i --' Cash Assets.Xan. 1,1854...... 404,800 00 IRVING FIRE INSURANCE COM - PASY.of NEVf YORK ■' : : i Cash'AjwetayJah. 1,1360...... MERCHANTS' •FIRE-ftfSCRANCE - COMpANYj of llartford.;- ;'. r s , Cash Assets, 1889,....: 030,010 83 . FoUotes issue<V*mt losses-equitably adjusted and promptly paid,at his Agency, by 'BOSTTBLIi & WILSON, Agents, fabas-tf WALNUT Street. THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, P*u FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. «S WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ,. . ..;. . 5200,000 jTreTm arine AND'fN'LANii rNsufuNcS'. 000 'Fire Xn#uranee, Umited.and perpetual, oaßuudiugs and -Merchandueof aUdeeonptoonj.'. /Mantie Itwflranee,inlanct and Ocean. on Vepaela, Freight and Cargo to and fromail part* or the Worlds ' " ' 1 "OPPJCBRS. : 1 gEORGE.HsKAB.T, Fresident 'f.V.'ltoUey, Androw K. Chamber?* Charles Q. Iroioy, , §on.~H? Bf"]Rukr. • aul A.C.C«tWU, Sorters. PerVm*, amnelJonea, MUTUAL! SAFETY IN- OF OFFICE s. eT WALNUT •• o N j!,sAa},ob MSf&X |To aU wrta of the World, . --!’INLAND INSURANCE, On Goods, by River. Canals. Lakes, and Lana Carriage ■■ ' On MerchandiaosengraJly. ~ ■ _ - On Stores. Rroluiiir Houses,'&s.* -- ' * • • ASSETS OP THE COMPANY* P/ir ’ November 1,1898. 1 .. f y„t v , *103,030; Philadelphia OO 8110,000, Pennsylvania State Loans 1<M,428 00 u. 8. Treasury 4K tf’eeitt.’Notee.... 30,112 90 : f 90#00/Pcnnsyh-nnta Pajlroftd2<tMortgage - • _ - 1 !. ■ ./gjFeent. i v-r t. 43,379 00 «. 4poioooi Nortu Pennsylvania Railroad Mort ta^xeSSoa t ; Company, interest and priacin&i *! u,™oo .100.^harea-Penneylvanis-Railroad - ,k i Company 4,33760 89,dw, l<w shares ’ ■ - L road Company, v,.... 1 ° fl£6o, Sundry snares Philadelphia- - Ice ' - j wU,'CotapMy»liav»de Graee -• > Bteem Tow Boat Company. So* ' i sssmsmsssssf r. •, - Company. ................., 2,w000 1#540j7d0 •' "j' ‘’' r ■ <c “ ' J ' ? ' ‘ .Simwoo fewajimiMortgages, and;Real:Estate,Of- • -^*eaßuUdiM.:;.. v VT_ 71,3035 Biua receivable Jprlq«iraßceemade *01,668 39 •Balatfoedue at Agencies—Premiums oa Mo --rinei-PouciM-recenUy -issued-and other • debtadiin the,Company 'Scrip jumJ stock of sundry Insurance Corapa- CmU ouDepoaiV in Bin£.‘.7.,' i ,Vi' V DIRECTORS. Sgmn T«wuair. Jotfrua F/Ey rV, BamuM^ftqk<g t ' Albert Burton, * i sT.'MAtfTra7'l i iwriaVnt. '. .HAI'rD.-Vicff President. . TeUrr,. O- »-- 1 -mM»Hltf' *, Martin, JoMph I£. Seal, ■ r / Edrannd A. Souder. • iobnC.Dfcvi#, Jptm'JLFearQm*,,,' - - •r Jiff,?* Al 7 Huston, l Vmuun;c. Ludwif* .‘KOf 1| Kn'?-ry f ~ ; i fSSSaWSiSi,V v '.v: / vaeobP.Jonw, TTHE ROBERT-;JiIORRISi FIRE INSET-, :.R ;RAWoe company „ * : „• <o'»"w!A'ifW ! tfT* C |s' t K'Ei:T. FurnitarelstoclJ ofGooda.and McrohßiidißQgonerallfr ', a <- Th# following provision In the Policisg’of this Com jgjjjpwl*l" MitoTJhiitaM texfcH&fod, 1 or'ln any wiw 1 -i-.feM®i<h.M:Bro<iln.,- ■ Robfrt Clarke, , '«K?2l3'V*rni*iy: btyjA-Biitmton, c: lcXsl?»:f*zis^*' • 3?»Ui<wn Vanderveer, IJIAkE INSURANCE COMPANY, |No. ;A 6tWj, PHIIZADELPIUA. > , op T 'i cpttFINED TQFIRE AND INLANBrIUBKB. **&*&!&** fcCo, ' '{ a HH John-filMiton & Bona, ;_yiLIiAMS ?. Aal'chEW^.^ 8 8 -! 1 ? ~ "oojvAßy fjbe Amt MjCmmrmsu- Np.Aia -WALNUT Street, •••'•■•• KdsaiTlioto'on, RoM, wTu.TniUti .7 ' K . •Sgorafaity- ' A MERICAN 'rFniE,: INSURANCE, CO., l6^o— CHARTER PERFET- S«««t,,ibote Third,'Phliadeluhiiv, t- UAvtog niatfapaid-up ClMnta!’ Stock and Sn w>lnj* in - avßUftblp KeeßtftW ftdntiniS to !5- *£sSsi4 and otber, rewonal •EfWipfi A'|ipBfli>sJib«r*iiy^mdpiompUf^djuste4i— ; inHnT, Levi#. - T'.TFKINStJRA'NCE'A'ND'TRUST:"COM furfihctrt :tenra;or for the whole traFor ffSr-SHffili firnmmm «d, epdowiMnfo-Biir, ohSMauferntdristiinMUitrijitofii, nod mnkegiiU iaa -tfttdta depenpifcltkffl' th'o'cdltfinitenoied of Liw. tcwl&ffiffl&qirti 10 ™' AommJ«tr»tora,:iAasisn«4J, ; 4sstend, ; yjanuAy'j.'ftoiktk^itoT! ...EiirnimdA-Oow- Daniel L-HutohL fehM WvHvner*. Buis B. Archer* Samuel J. Cimjrtiftti» . Vofeph M,,Thomas, .rJobno; Brenner, /iiJfe. President. BtSTOKEBf.ViCe Frea’t* jefov;, a jv > aulS-ly EXCKBSioNS. • t Mg^ag |IOR T HiE.-*. SEA.-SHORE. IN TWO AND A HALE HOURS. TRAINS LEAVE VIN'E-STREET FEBIIY DAILY AT 755 A. M. AND 4 P. M. RETURNING AT 6 A. ALAND 4.40 P. M. SUNDAY TRAIN TO ATLANTIC LEAVES TA. At.,.AND RETURNS AT'6 P. M. aii6-tr SEE ADVERTISEMENT. Sinnw PHILADELPHIA ;Excuraion Tiokets Ut tho folloYTins? places wulbe is sued at the Depot, Broad and Vino streets, on the SA TURDAY of each-week, to, return on the MONDAY : „ ’ Pottatown do. IN) ! PlußmxviUoi do lip J/ebanon do 3a) ’ Fottsvjllo do, ..... 376 ~r.r,hoßoa ? L ir McII , HENNYi Becrctary . ■ FOR CAPE MAY, AND NEW YORK, . • • ReWeßßc; Captain Rand. „ • Form & Daily Lino between- this city, Capo May, and leaving from First Pier below Spruoe street, a o’etoeh. j«avo New York, (Sundays excepted,) at -5 T. M* **! Cape May.daily,at-.. 1 ..i ......8 A. M. Pare to New Yorx, Cabin. 8? 00 Pare to Cipd May,lneluding Carnage Hire 7ft M 5ervant*...*.....,.,......... 73 : n geaaoii Ticket, Carnage Hire extra, «... 800 ** . H' State Rooms, extra . 100 ■ Freight* for-New York and Capo May taken at low rates. Goodade«tinedJ>eyond-Now., York will ■be for warfedwith '' ’ ... ! 514 and^^^RliW'A^RE’NSWuß. i FORCAPE MAY; ON SUNDAYS.' „ During the “ Season,” arteamor vnli leave, for Cape tea THE PENNSYLVANIA BATLHOAD COMPANY . j ' . SOW ISSUES ' ' EXCURSION TICKETS TO ALTOONA. AND CRESSON OWTMI . , ’ alleoheny Mountains, ■ • OOOD EOR.EOURTEEN DAYS. i Person* wishing to hreathe pure MOUNTAIN AIR, foeiira of pleasure, and all wlio desire relaxation from MAlaeMr snouQuk# advantage of* thi* great ./, ! « ’ REDUCTION OP FAKE, ' * TO YIBIT . - f ALTOONA AND CRBSSON. Fare to Altoona ..u» n.*. 16 ' ’'*?< Crasson,., .•* 7 CO BEDP®B‘a?RINOS rA'aSENiitl'Rij' are ,'ui'owwf fumi&hedwHh. ticket* to_HopeweU~)he terminus of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad—whore two daily imps of stages and hacks connect for the seringa. to.bo-had aVtb*. omca of Vbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company; southeast corner Eleventh and Mar*' feet street*. * * THOMAS MOORE. Agent. - 'LEWIS L; HOUFT, Goa: Tioket Agdht. / , 373,339 09 wL*EEK DAILY FOR cape may.— ■Will The fine steamer BALLOON, Captain W. Wftilldln, qt Captain Tajrgart.leave* Arch* street whArfevorymornittg, at 9« ircloek, (Bu«day* ox* . Passengers by THIS line arrive at the Island in time tojfeoure accommodations at the hotels. M Emigrant* are not carried in THESE boats, rare'to the Island, Carriage Hire included $l.OO , ’** u Servants, 76 ‘ < M ■ Season .Tickets, Carriage Hire extra 800 Carriages, Horses, and,Freight taken at the nsua rates. 1 • ' irl9-24* 041,804 81 pURE AND CHEAP BREAD, ' ; ; MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN BE .BTAINHD AT THE VOWOWIKII PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, B.W. comer of Bread and • m me ctTfl pin J.QRAYENSTINE .8. W/WSr Of T*elfth * r_and Wallace streets. C. CLARK..^*—^««....P / opiar street, belbw H. street. MRS. S.B£GKm MM « No. 406 Callowhill 8. .No. mo Spring Garden JOHN G. MOXEY.—. -... N0'1223 Vine street. T. P. SMITH..— No. 115 North Fifth street T. C. HORNER..-. S.E. corner Fifth and W. W. MATHEWS.™ S. fe. corner Eleventh and ,D. KNIGHT Bn^itmf> a tolow Wal* GEORGE GARVIN - No!*lil0 Lombard fttreet. D. COURTNEY.W..corner Sixteenth „ _ „ and pme etreoia. 8. R. MASON..Fourth and Germantown S. R. WANAMAKER. F street,' nboro Z. LENTZ.. Comer South Fourth and L. HOLLAND.. S/^'jcortiertfnftoenthand _ Ogden streets.. DAVID SADDLER —.No. 230 North Eleventh i . street. J. WEIGHTMAN. - 8. E. comer ElOvehth add 8. 8. TOMKINS— RrUnt H» w! corner of Seventh ~ and Pine street*. JANE MYERS, Coates streetf below Thir teenth street. r F, M« «... S.W.eorn* iFranklinand F. MORRIS....— N. and „ ..Slupeenstreots. E. B. No. JSI6 South Front J.SHUSTER.... Brood and THOS. T. BLEST.^-.Comer Nineteenth street B.S. BOWN and r I, J. McINTk RE Twenty-second street, ab* _ • Coates. H* W. Coates street, above 8s- ALEX. FULLERTON.—. ComorofFifth and Chris- JVL, HICKS N. J., trtoro 119 Arch street. 0. Jf. RA1N1ER........ West Philadelphia, 36thst. R. L-YfIINELL.,..- L?®^ d JOHN B ARNDT....... Tremont and Pino Grove* penna. M. B. BOX - .....Reading, Penno. GEO. B. TOWNSEND—.. West Chester, Penns ,GEQ, L. BECKER. Atlantk, Citr, N.J. JAMES OARLAND Cay. May, N, J. D. HORTON;.... —.Florence,N. J. JOHN BODD.~. IVihnihytoh, Del. JeS-If ' “81,28811 ' 3,320 00 B5 $698,004 70 TWjECHANICAL- BAKERY. S. W. Comer "R BROAD. *d VINE Street., fEILADELPHIA.- Thl* establishment is now in. sucpeesful operation, day and night,' and Eitaro reepectuUiy invited to call ana see the whole process of bread-making for themselves. undersigned takes tho Jibertv of swing tbit fcr thirty-fiyeyears he has been a practical AVer-five as apprentice, amd-fiy* wjournoyman in one of the first “ < K*s*.i n Bp°H s nd, and twenty-five as maater--durmg whioh time he hu had the opportunity or making many experiments, and observing all the improvements whioh have been made during that period. lnthisestabjuhjnent, of w'lioh he bos now the man agement, ip addition to.the complete labor-saving ma chinery, he has how faetlities of many kinds npt hereto- Tore possessed. • • • B- *»Befn* unrestrained in the purohase of flour, none but idest and best shall over be used; and ho has no )n in saying .that Bread of all kinds can be de unsurpassed in quality and weight by that made rduiary process:' " [Win which the Bread made by the Mechanical has not been tried, or in whioh it has been tried ts w>mmencemsnt,'bflfore thefnachinery was in periect working order, i»m respectfully asked to give it sa^4ite <l,r " % i )Yii n |?M?||vJ* a d t to EDUCATIONAL. WDEN" HALL (LATE PARADISE). F. ■R-A SEMINARY; «lhutad In ,th» vilßLce »f P*r«dUe; fmwsiKm £Wh repair, a Mow WririKMeif lortformifot/e., imo walon-water will be Introduced, and-bathattached. Oomfonable accommodation I* time provided for thirty no exte “ e -.A®®®".? 5? an y to whom the conductors of this school SSp@SP*«*»»ew " The Betnmeryfor yohh* UdieiatParadiee.L&nca,-, ifrn?fJWi , Ll , i l aS; ,I SS ®*'!S. n ' 1 inPWntttldSnMo? Dy. uS»n?’hs£ Ef“ Mlm Clw.mborliin, wattle immedi ate and active Wine palcia one,thatT l think, may be ro- Pfb®h»s. The altua bon Ie healthy, beautiful,’and ,eaaiijr acocesibie by the penenee Jn superintending the education of young la «**• hhd %MCiMimberisnrbrings td the institution the wcU;Mrnea reputation of a most competent and Sue- So^wfS* 1 iv?it” confldonce of the publio, and 1 , bvR.TERMSi, w'hich_are’ very moderate, please ad drera Uio Rev. Dr. KILLIKKLLY, Alctor, aui-flw Paradise, Lancaster county, Pa. fIMIEIIIEMANS INSTITUTE. ' Mtftey education of a limited number ol Young Ladle., Rev. H. J. Morton,D. jj., Kov. Wjn. B. Stevens, D, I). A s * V£ev,l-A. Boardmon,T)! ,D., Key. VYhi. H. Furness, D. D., anil otiiere. Jral-fm : ■ JAMKB 1. HELM. npilE : MISSES CASEY AND MRS, BEE tarabgrTth,, ) au2-2m IIByANT & STRATTONS NATIONAL cf?ESTslf!^i New York, Buffalo, Cleveland* and Chicago. For in formation, oaU or scad for Catalogue, ; CABINET WAItE. riABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD v 7 TABLI®. MOOEE & CAMPION, Ifo. 30i 80VT11 SECOND STREET, in connection with theirextensive Cabinet Business, are , which Qrei> renounced by all who hftvouHod them to be sqperiotto all others.' ' ror the quality and finish of these Tables the manu facturers refer.to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who ate familiar with the -character of their work, - i jy2G-6m IjJASjfc-1 85 tierces extra Sugar-cured cbveredttarae, packed by Garder, Phipps, & Co., Henry Lewis, jJno. shay, Beatty & Tapscott, Heiatt fc wood; (iuiglej and others. For sale by ' - :c. C. SADLER & CO., - aufi ; r ARCH Street, second door above Front. THE FRESSe-PHILABELDmA, • i_ , » - 1 . < - BREAD. , SUMMER RESORTS, 1859. _ I V OHIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, . ACCOMMODATION FOR MO VISITERS, TIIEOHIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS orositua te4 in Delaware county, 18 miles north of Columbus, (th dapitalof Ohio, lob the Scioto river, 10 miles from Dela ware, 5 miles from the l White, Sulphur,station, on-the SpnngfioldtMt. "Vernon, aiid PUtgbnrff Railroad, find 10 milesiromTlessant VAlley or eprmtt station, on the Co lumbus, Pious, and Indiana Railroad. ' 'The medicinal qualities of thaw* Spring* are unsur passed oy those of any other Miberal Waters in the United States, . . ~ : rorßoom > oroth,rl^rm»Ho^r L ™ N> jeB-lra* -White Sulphur Springs, Ohio. JJRIGANTINE HOUSE, HENRY SMITH, Proprietor, BRIGANTINE BE A Oil, N, J. This is a moßt delightfel resort for families. The Bathing at Oils point is u&expoHed anywhere. Ataree Hotel, tho BRIGANTINE HOUSE, has been recently. built. .Thelocation isopolhnudenejmuM>siiigsituated between the Bay and the Ocean. Fine fishing and gun nmtf throughout the raftsOu; Terms Sapflr Wdek. % w .. Captain Turner’s rtdVr-Wftt* the y oea Bird,” awaits paMedgersat thojnlet on,the arrival of the morning tain at Atlantic City, front which the BRIGANTINE a OGEE is situated a distance of three miles, being a easant inland sail. Passengers will find Capt. Turner at Bedloe's Hdtol, Vrhdre they Will leave the oars.. Post Jflice address, Atlantic City. ' j63MAI4 ATLANTIC CITY—ASHLAND HOUSE. xjM Tha inahy imprdvefnenU ih thd abbvo .House make it now the moat comfortable on the island. Re dmuhed throughout, andna excellent Table. Terms teaeonable, ans-3t* ) M. A. SAVAGE. MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER-COUNTY, PENNA. t t „ This favorite establishment will bo opened by the first of JUNE. Situated, on the Ephrata Riaee, 69 miles west of Philadelphia. 18 south-of Read]ng..l3 north of Lan caster, 40 east of Hama burg, and bavin? the advantage of the purest soft water, every variety of.lwithu, the site elevhted to feeVnbove wator level, With graded and Bhaurwalks in dopse, fonwto.apu.the most extditsivo anascape scenery ill the union, it is not surpassed ns a summer residence. * ; ’ t . . « Accommodations for 400 improved stabling, tod good carriage. honses;ialso,it good slock of livery inrses and carriages, with itnugemeuts. A good hand ofimhsio, billiard table®, tetr-pm alley. ltis easy of ac cess from all the above points by railroad and ooaohos. The proprietor spares notiusg to make it a holne-plaoo c For further parttonjars, sefiofraulariu to be had by ap slying to Joseph B. Myers. Thlrdailti Vine streols; Jas. Ooi 6) W 6 cw»ks|| AMi&t 1 - ' EphrataPoetOmoe, itiTl3-3m lancaater County, Pcnna. HOUSTON’S i ' UNITED STATES lIOTELi ',.., ' cape may. _ This spacious and favorite resort of visitors to Cape “? , . 4 (Late ofßarhum’s City Hotel,) and will be thrown Open to the public on The long experience oftiw Cdiormfin thiß oonnoction peculiarly fits him for the successful conducting of such ohouse, white he will be supported by the very best aids, in department, that oar. bo procured. The house has been entirely renovated, and decorated Ut.thS must gorgebiw mannei, add arrangements made .for. the supplying of the larder, and the'Wjije cellars with all embraced in the terma.iuibitahtJil arid liliuri&s, 'We oaneafoly advise visitera trtgivo.the CoTdhdl a eall, and prediet that his host or frlefloS WillW Vastly ihcr&aaed before the seaSdtt id ttV&f. ; •* jyfi-lm' jJEHLOE’S HOTEL, ' • ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, and Tjr&ftSiettt,Visitors, arhi offers accommodations equal to 4ny Hotel irt Atlantic City. , - - - ■ Since last seoadh, the chambers have boen very mqoh improved, and rendered more Comfortable by Venetian bUtvdshavingbeertpatupaUaeWinctows. ’ jftjrett'SStl tferVaiibJ half price. Rhqaldjcesplhoir seats until the care ar rive in Front of the Hotel: The signs are conspicuous. Jeah2m npHE MANSION HOUSE. ; ‘ w I Thih weU-khtiwh eelaWiahmeht; tWfavorite resort of oitißphs aha visiters, has-lately undergono extensive repairs, and is-nowona of the moat commodious.,ele gant. and, thorough hoiels In the Union: beautifully lo cated at the corner of FlfTfl and PENN fitreet*,Ko<u2‘ ing. Its accommodations are, first-clmw ; the rooms spacious and airy; and the.table constantly fiuppUw with all jtho luxuries of-tbe season. Persons desirous of spending a few weeks in the summer in an agree able and economical manner, could not do belter than make *a trial of BOUBBOaN’B MANSION HOUSE at Reading. ap22-tf I\TEPTUNE HOUSE, ' ATI ANTIC CITY T.ThisPOPULARfInd FAVQRITKHOUSE having beon ENLARGED and RKFURNlSHED.isnowthrownopen for the season. Its Rooms are laxoh, and smxjasti.y fcbmiiied. with every convenience and comfort for so journers at hand. • , w TWs House ndjo.nw.” Bllt>r.q2 , (^ ,, on MASSACHU SETTS Aveijupkwithin equvetuent distance of tho surf, to reach .Wmcn.brdaa alm swia gfayel Walk? have been laid out. It ift adjacent to tHaliieHthoule, alfd commands a fine yiowof the Ocean anrilmet, . , . „ rerninnent and Trntiftierit Bdamerft aepbhilnddaled on bbemlJtemrt, Ohifoteh Ona norvanb half price. jeW-Siil JOHN SMlCK,Proprietor. WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALY BEATE ftI'KINOS. at, DOUm.IHG OAP.rA., are now open, and are eany df.Aooess via Harrisburg; thence on tho CumherlatiU Valley road tti Nem-illo; thqtteO 8 hules staeihg w the SprirtfiS, Wh®o you arrive ftt OP, M. samo day. Every arrangement is complete for miters. Board per week, $8; per day, 8125, Re nuction for families, Steel,-Morton MoMjohael, Bancroft. & Co., B. S. Jeanney, Jr._, 8c Co. _Reference tq the Analysis of the Waters, James C. Booth, Analytical ProfeMoPof U« S. Mint. Address NewviUo P. 0., SCOTT & COYLE, Jo7-3m* Proprietor. SEA BATKIN G.—THE MANSION HOUSE, foot of Pennsylvania avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, is NOW OPEN for guests. For convenience of arrangement,coutigUity to the bench. aHd attrafctiVAHeifs to tHo adjacent grttutulo, this htnue Is imrivalfod. The iIM Hotel •" jel-3m CARLISLE WHItE SULPHUR 8 .VASIA O8 ’ CUMfiEkLAi<D COUNT?, PENN ,Tb 4 price Of, Board (br tha remainder df the saaaon, at ,thul delightful Summer Reitjrt, will be $7 to 98 per Wees. vißitera, leaving Philadelphia or Baltimore in tliß morning train, arrive at the Bvnns nt 3 P. M, Jy2B-3w OWEN, CLENDBNIN, * CO. OEA BATHING. ” CAPEIWM&Ix . Tina fid©, Jarge, ahd airy hbuso.is ISbW OPEN for visitdrg. 11 is Uistmeuished for comfort, locality, and Superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 per sons. Terms moderate. je2d-6w AARON GARRETSON, Proprietor. CI3A BA TIUNO VA ATLANTIC CITY. CONGnESfi IIALL is now open for tin? RECEPTION Of BOARDERS, jtiitl Clio mibscrlher will pa happy to ado Ills friends who may favor him with thoir patronogo during the season. je2s*3m SEA BATHING. DELAWARE HOUSE, Capo (aland, N. J. This favpraWy and well-known Hotel ia now open for the reception of visiters. Terms gg nor week. jc23-6w JAMES MECKAY. Proprietor. rpHE SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. .*% Woliavereeeivod the following card: A report is in circulation that the Proprietor ni the Surf House, Atlantic City, has raised the prtcoof Boardto $1? coper wqek, if the parties did not remain tor two weeks; Ttys is incorrect, as mall cases the pnpo charged has been but £l5 per week. The house has been Shod with guests, wholtave.in general, expressed thoniselvps per fectly satisfied ,with ife arrangements. Thore is now room for a number of visiters, notwithstanding reports to the contrary. • > A notice that the terms would be $l7 SO, os stated, was posted up, butijudinr thot such terms were unusual, it vros immediately withdr&wu. _ • nu3-et . H. 8. BENSON, Proprietor, , SAVING FUNDS. CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT, IN kJterest.-national safety trust com- PAHY. WALiMj r Street, Southwest corner ot'THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by tho State ol Fennaylva'- nta. ; Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in terest said from tho day of deposirto the day of with drawal. „ The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning till 5 o clock in tho evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. - w >Wr N sYLki«e r «l William J. Rebd, Secretary. - directors, - Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Cartoll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, • Joseph B, Barr, Robert Solfridge,* Francis Leo, Samaol K. Ashton, Josoph Yorkee, - C. Landreth Munns, Henry Diifonderfer. Money is received and payments made daily. Tho investments are mado, m conformity with the S revisions of the Charter, in Real Batnto Mortgages, round Rents, and such first-class securities as will al ways insure perfect security to tho depositors, and which oannot fail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. ' aul-iy SAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, writer THIM> and CHEST HUT Streets. Largo and small auma received, and said hock on de- WSSfDrithout notioo, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. .Qffiophours.from 9 until 6 o'clock everyday.and on f r pm 7 untif9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale onEnaland, Ireland, and Scotland, CRAWFORD. ** A little, but often, fiUa the Purse.” CIRANKUN SAVING FUND— *!• No. 133 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits oi) demand, : • • V sKKasaAte! “fill's Company deems safety bettor Hhan large profits, consequently will run no risk with dopow tora’ mpnoy, but have jt at ail times ready to ro turn with finer cent, interest to the burner, as they have, always done, This Company never suspended. , Females, married or single, nnd Minors can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be withdraws ojav by their consent, . Charter Pdrcetual. Incorporated bytheßtato of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ney from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. » Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until So’clk. , u« o. DIRECTORS. Jacob B, Shannon, Cyrus CndwnUader, John Shindler. George Russollf Alnlaolii W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Knimbhaar, Henry Delnnr,' Nicholas luttcnhoitse, Nathan Sniedlejr, Joe, K. Sntherthwaite, Ephraim Blananaril, „ „AW Prudent. Cyrus Cadwallapkr, Treasurer. 1 __dXB-y_ 11 A Dollar saved is twice earned.’*. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CUTTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - Office, N 0.331 North THIRD Street, (Consolidation Bank Building.) ■ f CHARTERED BY TIIE LEGISLATURE tfFPENN- , , SYLVANIA. Deposits received in sums of One Doltar and upwnrds, Fallout nuticc, with FIVK PER CENT. INrLRivBT from the day or deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed m the. Northern part of the city, and “ The Spring Qarden Savings Fund Bnuioty ” was chartered by the Legislature pi Pennsylvania tosupplj thisnoeessity. The managers. in organizing and locating it, have boon governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the Imai ness interest and wants of the very large and onterpri sins ’ From 9 to2>£ o'clock; also, on Monday and Thursday lrom fi until 8 o'clock in the evening. ~ ’ ... MA.NAfIF.RS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, r John P. Levy, Hon. H. K. Htrong, , £ame| Underkoiver, Frederick Slacke. Prnnois Hart. Joseph V. LeClerc,. • John Kcsslar, Jit, George Kneciit, SB. Pringle. Jacob Dock, s[• Crowell, Hon. Win. Millward, I Woolpner, Goo. T. Thom. < r Peter C. Lllmaker, Robert 1). Davidson. „ „ James S. PRINGLE, President. ■ Francis Hart, Secretary. isao-tfif JIXAOKLED HEMP. Just received/, an T-TAVANA CIGARS ' offered to dealers *7 at favorable rates, of various sizes and brands, In* eluding Partagas, Cabana, Figaro, Nono, Bird, Fioren turn, fm PI r. ani Fgljjgftjh ioHro* «!« SontU FRONT Street. TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1859. UAILBOADXINES. PHUjADELPHIA and (BBMHgBwjWELMIIiAJIAILROAI) LINE— Wukosbarre. Buffalo, Qbicago, Rock Island, Niagara. Falls,Milwaukee, Bar- Montreal, St. Paul’a, Detroit, DunUeth, and St. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia andßead ing Railroad Depot, oomer BROAD and VINE Streets, dIiV- < s “” a.’Suful'y express. ~ Frtr Elmira.Niiwara Falls. Buffalo.. Detroit, Cluoago, Milwaukee,. Rocklflland, Galena, St. Paul’s, Burlington, •art St. Bourn. p jjm Tl YpHESS. Fd* Elmira. Niagara tails, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook: Island, Galena,St. Paul’s, Burlington, and St. Louis. The 7.30 A. M. and 3,30 P. M. trains rllh through to HARRISBURG, stopping tU all Stations on the Lobaabn Valley Branch. . . The f .30 A. M. tram conueots at Rupert for Wilkes barre, PUtßoh, Beranton, and all stations on the LACK- AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggageoheoked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and. Elimra Railroad Line's Ticket Ofiloe, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHEBTNUT Streets, and at the Passen ger Depot, corner BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, (Sun day excepted,; for all points west and North, at o I*. M. Freights'mu4t be delivered before 3 P. M. to insure going the s/une day. For further information, apply at Freight Dopot. BROAD, below Vine, Or to CHAS. S. TAPPEN, General Agent. N. W. corner SIXTH mid OHEBTNIITBIrofi., ocl*tf Philadelphia. RS xa asssssasß PHILADELPHIA, GER- JfANTOtWJY AND NORRIS- ARRANGEMENTS- On and after Mondoj- 1 furtho ' r notice. 'ieavb Philadelphia 6,. 7,0, 6k, min,, 10. Ilk, 12, A Lo l ivo , Gor!nM!own ’of/* V,£, 8, l'ofll, A. M., UK, Leave Philadelphia 9.85 mm; A; M., 3, 3, 5,7&, add It>k Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M-, l.io ifiiii.i 4,6 k, and?.yr.M. ££ , BTNuT RAILROAD. ‘ Leave Philadelphia, 6 f B,B}i, 11 A. M.»2,3k, 4,5 k» 6,9, U {fe?voChestnut Hill 7.10,. 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11A5 A. M., Leave Philadelphia 0.05 min. A. M., 2,6. and 7?* P. M. * Leayo Chestnut Ilill 7.60 Ai Al., 12.00, 6.10, and 8.65 p ‘ FOR OoNBkOHOCKKN AND NORRISTOWN. . Leayo Philadelphia 6, 8.05 mitt,. 10.05, min., Ilk A. M., «. a, % Leavo NdtriswMj A. dP. M. FORMANAVUNK, . _ _ Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 mifto 8-05. mm., 9k, 10.05 min., 1.05 nun., 2.05 mid., 3.05 min., 4k, Wi» Jlartayunk 6k. 7k, Bk, 9k, 10k, Ilk A. M., fk, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.,3, <P Iff. . Leave Menayunk 7k A. Jtl.% VAi 6k, 8k P. Iff. % 11. K. BMJTjf,, Gerferpl Superintendent, . 'my7 DEPOT, NINTH add GREEN Streets. lodelplUa, DAILY, (Sundays oxoeptedi) For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mhuch Chunk, Wllkes borre, Hazelton, Ac., (Express.)at 9JO A. M. (Express;) at 4 p.M. , __ , or Fort Washington, (Aoooftiinodatfoil,) at P. Iff. and 6.23 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Aocoraraodatitfh,) at (Mu A. M, Washington, (Aoeofnmodatlon,) at 6JO A. M.and3.35 P.M. ™ ONsUnDATiOi Philadelphia, for Doylestown, ot 0 A. M. add 3 P. Iff, Doylestown. for Phifada., atOJOA. M, Add 5.45 P. M* Fare to Bethlehem. §1.60) to Mauch Chunk, 82.60; to Easton, §1,60; to Doyle6towh,Boceuis; to Wilkosbarre, 3uiiday. .Trains,) con nect at Borks street with Fifth, attfl Oixih-styeeta, and Second and Third-streets passenger JlaUtbaui. ~ Passengers for Wilkesbarro take 9.30 a. M. Train, and arrive in ffilkesbarro at 7 P.M. , roylO ELLIS CLARK, Agent. NEW WEST CUES- aaSSTER AND PHILADELPHIA • On and after May SMIi, 1869. the trains will lenve PW- a't’l'nnd II A. SI., & m t.m P'liiladejpliia at 4 A. lit., and ! P. M. Leave West Chester at 7JO M. my23-tf General Superintendent. S 3 ns? PHILADELPHIA « n .lyifj.- Mas7ml SoTIM, frr,KffiramiiS,HlSAD. ING nnd HAitliiSBUHU.' . a Leaves the Depot, nt corner of BROAD ana y/.y'l Streets, nt 7.50 A. M.. DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) for POTTSVILLE, HARRISBURG, and.all. intermediate points, connecting nt Harrisburg with trams running to Pittsburg, ClmmWbiugjCarJ.jle.Svuaiory, Ac. Leavo at 3.30 P. M„ DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and HARRISBURG At 4.45 p. 31., DAILY, (Sundays excepted,)for READ ING, and intermediate points. _ aplB , W. H. McILHENNY. Beoretary. 1859. Mmmm 1859. JSIIOM • Wifi leave as follows,Tii: . - . , parks. At OA. M.. via Camden and AmbOy, and C. k A. Accdnimouatidd - - $2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camtleii aild Jerfley City, (New Jersey! Accommodation. .. v •. ••• • 225 At 0 A.M., via Camden add Jorioy City»3lornihg Mail...! 3 60 At 11 A. M., by Steamboat, via Tacbny nh(l JdrSey City, MorHinjt Expross ; •...•...• ;• • • •?• 300 At 2 y.St., via Cabmen arid Amboy, 0. ocA. Ex *l3? P. M./by StVa&bijaiV via atid/er ee\ City, Evening Express. 300 At3)b P. Al„ by Steamboat, via Tacony*.ftnd Jer sey City, 2d Class Ticket 2 25 Ate P.M,, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 00 At HP. 31., via Camden and Jersey City, Night Mail 2 25 At 23£ P.M, viaOamdenand Amlioy,Accomodation, (Freightand Passenger—lst Class Ticket. 225 2d Class Ticket. I 50 At 5 P. M„ via Camdon and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Paasonger)—lst Class Ticket........ 225 2d ClaesTicket 1 76 The 6P, M. Mail Line runs daily. Tito 11 Night Mail, Baturda) s excepted. . , Pk, Express,Lines stop at Principal Stations only. ■For Belvidere, Easton, Flemtngton, Ac., at o A. M. Vator Gap- Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose', Great fiend, Ac., at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna. and Western Railroad. For Freehold, atd A. M. and 2 P. M. ForMounfrHolly, at 6 and 9 A. M., and 2H, 4)#, and 5 F ' M " WAY LINES , ,„ „ r For Bristol, Tronton, &o, at 3>*and4>a P, M., From Walnut-street wharf. _ . For Palmyra, iielanco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ac., at 1 and 23$ P. M. „ Steamboat Richardßtockton for Taoony nt II A. M.. tor Bordontown and intermediate places ut 3>* Steamboat John Neilson for Tecony nt B>* A. M., nnd for Bristol, Burlington, nnd intermediate places, at 12 3!.atid&T.M. , „ • Fifty poundaoCbaggage only allowed each .passenger. Pasßongersare prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. AH baggage over fifty pounds $o be paid, for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one'dollar pot pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. June 3. , WM. H. OATZMER, Agent. THOS. C. GARRETT. np HE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X RAILROAD. 1859. Mm 1859. THE CAPACIfOp EQUAL TO THRKK^mtom3f| I PASSEf?GER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trams Jrom Boston, Now York, and all points East, and at the Union Depot at Pittahurg with Through Trains for Cin cinnati, Bt. Louis. Cleveland. Chicago. Burlington, gt. Paul’s, Jqdianapolis, Louisville, New Octets, and all intermediate points in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentuc ky i Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus famishing facilities for tiro trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for a pood eud coin fort by any other route.. , • Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cara or Conductors. . „„ , _ Smoking Cars are attached to each Train; Woodm/Ts Stooping Cars to Kxproes and Fast .Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY; Mail and Fast Linos, Sun- leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A.M. Fast Lino “ “ 11 AO A.M. Express Train loaves “ _ 10A0 I*. At. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkosburg Aeoommodation at 11 A, M., _ Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P. M. Columbia , “ ~ 4.501*. M. Passengers for-West Chester wilt* take the Mail, Parkeeburg, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. , « - Passengers for Sunhury, Williamsport,'Elmira, Buffa lo, Nifigara Foils, and intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 7.16 A. M., and 2 P. M.,,g0 directly through. Tickets Westward may bo obtained at theomce of the Company in Philadelphia, Now York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in tho West; also on board any of the regular Lina or Steamers on tho Mississippi or Ohio Rivers. , . _ DSL Faro always a« low as any other Route. The completion of tho Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicaio,makQ this tho _ DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THfe EAST \ND THE GREAT NORTHWEST. . The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Froight, togetherwrith the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and tho Travelling fU “ • FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Routo Froightsof all doeenptions can bo for warded fromPhilndolphia.New York, Boston,or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by Rail road direct. ' The Pennsylvania Railroad nlso connects at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods enn bo forwnrdod to nny port on the Ohio, .Muskingum, Kentucky, Ton&cssee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Misouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Red Rivers; and at Clovoland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamers to alt ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can roly with confi dence on its speedy transit. _ THE RATES OF FREIGHT to nny point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad aro at nil times ns favora ble as are charged by other Railroad Companies. R&. Bo particular to mark packages' 1 via Penna, Rail roadT Merchants in tho Wost ordering goods from tho East, will do well todiroct them to bo shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address eithor of the following Agents of tho Cum- Pan, ‘ J). A. STR'WA'RT, l’lttnlmrfi; Doyle A CO|.SteubcnVTllpio.; H.S.Pioroe A Co., Znneß vijfo, O.j J. J, Johnston, Ripley, O.j R. AloNeely, Mays villo, Ky.j OrmsbyA Cropper, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock A Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana; 11. W. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, 0.; Atbom A Ilibbert, Cincinnati, O.i R. C. Mcldrum, Mfluison, Ind.j William Binphnm.Loufsville, Ky.j P. G. (PHiloy A Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W, Gra ham fit Co., Cairo, 111.: R. F. Rasa, St. I*o\iib, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tonn.; Harris A Hunt, Alomphis, Tonn.; Clarke fit Co., Chicago, ill.; W. H. 11. Koonts, Alton, UljMurphy Sc Walls, Dtibmiue, Jll.: or to Freight Agents ofßailroads at dmerent points in tho Wnst.- Parties attending to their own shipments front tho East, will find it to their interest to call on the Agentsof tho Company at the following plnces before shipping; or letters addressed, to eithor of them on the subject of freights, will meet with prompt attention: (5; J 7 7'hilnilelulim. MAGRAW A KOONS, fclQ North Rtreet, Baltimore. tiEKCII A CO., 2AstorHouso,orlB. William at., N.Y. LEECH a CO.» M Kilby streot, Boßton. THOS. A. SCOTT, Gan’lSup't. Altoona, Fa. fjj? m rY.y*»»ii|y tn NOTICE TO SHIPPERS 0F i jO CAf, FREIGHT. TheTENNSyi.TANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receivontni forward freight to the fol lowing points on the NORTHERN CENTRAL RaIL- Lock Haven, LewUburg, , " Wayne,. Northumberland, . Jersey Shore, Sunbury, Linden, Trevorton Intersection* Newbury, Georgetown, • Williamsport, Anllerstowii, Muncy, Halifax, Watsontnwn, Vork, Milton, Junction. all intermediate points on HANOVER goods sent to Freight Station, THIRTEENTH and MARKET Btreetk. wiU he promptly forwarded, . jyB*3m E- J. ONEEDER, Freight Agent, , Mm cii i ri"s|WM|jiTi FOR THE SEA SHORE. AftftANGEMENT. ' CAMDEN .AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND A HALF HOURS TO THE SEA SHORE. On Slid after SATURDAY, May 21st, and until further notice, three daily trains toAtlantio and return* , On SUNDAYS, the Mail Train only will run, m _ First, Mail Train, leaves Vine-Street Ferry.. .7.30 A. M. Second,Express,* „ , • 1 ‘ • ..,4.90 P.M. „ 4 (Stopping only for wood rind water.) Freight Tram (with Passenger Car attached).4.3s A. M. Accommodation Train, (Egg Htibor,) leaves Vino street 4.50 P. M. LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. First, Express Train, leaves. -. 0.00 A. M. Beetind, Mail, 4.40 P.M Freight, , . “ 12.10 A. M* Accommodation,Train leaves Egg Harbor.... A. 09 A.M SUNDAY TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry nt. -.7A.M. Returning, loaves Atiantio at -.. .6 P. M. This'train will stop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor, andAbsecom. : HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. .eaves Cooler's Point .11.00 A. M. jeavesHautlotifiolU. 1.00 P. M. ,eavos Odqoer’i Point . 2.00 P. M. ,eavo« Haudenfieht.<. i a.oo V. M. •'are to Atlantic, when Tickets are purchased before en tering. Die oars }V ff) Round Trip Tickets, good for two days, on any regftlar VlirOnrb the Bummer, tup Egg Harbot Accommodation Train will run thrdugk td Atlantic, and return early on Monday morn ing. Freight must bo delivered at Cotfper’s Point'by I P. M, The Compaify Will Hot bo responsible for any goridsun til recoiveu arid receipted fb'f oy (heir Freight Agent at the, I’oitit. myl9 : dsepl JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. JlllljgPllS arrange- AND BALTL : JMartd afiof IMoMfejtd?itli, 1 MoMfejtd? itli, ls». passenger, trains leave Philadelphia, For i&tlutfi6fo atff.ls A. M., 12 n6bn>{Expross,) arid 11.10 F, 31, , , , , , For Chester at 6.15 A. M„ lsribbm 430, arid it.fo P. M. For Wilmington at tin A, M., 13,4J0. and 11.10 P. M. For Castlo at 8.15 A. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M.,"ana P. M. For Dover at 8.16 A. Al., and 4AO P. M. For Beaford at 8.15 A. M., and 4.30 P. AT. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at ff. 36 A. Mi,'(Express,) 9.40 A. M., and I. Nl. Leave Wilmlngtou at 6.55 A.M. add 9.20 A. M*, 1.10 and 8.40 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.45 A. M., and 7.40 P. M. Leave Middletown at 7.60 A. 31. arid 0.34 p, 31, Leave Dover at 6AO A. M., and P. JVi. Leave Bedford at 6.16 A. M., and 2.45 P. M. Leave chestdf at A. M. f 1.45 and 9.15 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Beaford and Delaware Railroad at 6.30 and 9.40 A.M. ■ - TRAINS FOR BALTI3IORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., and 11.40 P. M. Leave Wilmingtonat9JDA.M.,i2AsP.M„ and 32J0 A- ' , SUNDAYS Orily at IUO P. M.,-frdm Pbitadelphiato BtUtimoTe, FRilaHVl'f-/fe t r wi^RlfSsßeM^i^ e ittoShod. . will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryvilb arid' Intermediate places at 6.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7.2 s P. M. Ldave Havre-de-Grace for Baltimore andinterraedlate places at 6.40 A.M. Loavo Baltimore fo'rHavte.dtf-Gfaaeandlniermedi&te plncos at 5.40 P. M. „ laces V atT4oP n M° nfor aafl intermediate * 8* M. FELTON; President. Wmo. D. EMORY & CO. x . OFFIGE No 1« South FOURTH Gt, Thiiada., fide Agents of OEC. C. POTTS & CO., Miners and Shippers of the - From the Locust Mountain, Near Ashland, Sp2-oriiJ B&tUYljfttLL COVnTY, Pa. TOHNBINNS, v HOCSE and OFFICE, . No. 116 South South SIXTH Street, (Nearly County Court House,) HehaS, by U'ir. “uhpttWffr fO adminijrter Oaths and Affirmations, aria take Testimony tribe rood iri Evidence in any Court of thp Commonwealth ofPeririSylvonia.” Ho is a Commissioner of the yriitod States, and also, aCotoriiissioriorof Deeds and for the Probate of Ac counts, (or nearly aU the States in the union. CbtnmiMiOhflJb, take Testimony, from any of the Con’rts, irUhuffiCato, 6V arif Of tho. Courts in the united States or Territories, promptly aria carefully exejout^d. OKIE & OAPP, 231 DOCK Street, above Walnut, .Troon; BROKERS,>rial. dealer, lit Mer pantile Paper and securities' generally. Attend the Brokers’ Board daily, and fill an orders for the purohase or sale of STOCKS, BONDS, ko. ja7-ly OFFICE OF “THIRTEENTH AND FIF TEENTH STREETS PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.’* _ Room No. 4, FALLON’S BUILDINGB,S2O WALNUT Street. myl4*tf. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack ages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, nnd Specie, either by its own Lines, or in connection with other Express Com panies, J« all the principle towns and citioa of the Unitpq States. „ E. B, SANDFORD, , aul-u General Sapenntendent, ALEX. McKINNES. A A SOSSk,%!’ Will practise in Wosttnbrol&rid, Armstrong, and In diana counties. sell-tf. August belmont" Jf*. . UANRER, 76 BEAVER STREET. Isiuea tel&rs if tUeflit jpr.TraveTlera, available jii «U parta of tbe world, throliglj the Mefjfj. Rothohiltta, of pane, London, Frankfort, Naplee, ana Viobna, atfd their Correspondent., .. nlru-Oni. TVOTICE. Sealed Proposals, endorsod J* * “ Proposals for erecting outside Stairways to (ircen Lann School House, Twenty-first section," will lie fdcflivou hythounclorsignfld until SATURDAY, Au gust will itfst., 1860, at lof* o’clock A. M. The Spetinea tiohft for (hd wdrk to be tIQHd oah M seen of tho Official the Cd/itrollora bfPdtmo SchObls. Si ii. crirriorof BIATH * ar i t ?iar du9-3t . . . Befc’y Coritrbllera o‘i Phuiic Schools. NOTICE. Sealed Proposals, endorsed '‘Prripo'sala Ib'r fiirhifiHifa? the Public School* of the 2IBt,ZM, 23d, and 2Uft eoctTwie I ’.'frith Lonigh and Schuylkill Coal* will be received by the t'ft'aermKrted at the cbntrotier’* Qffioe, S. E. obr&er SIXTH apd Avhb- PHI Streots.uftUl MOHPAY, August 1& The Propd sals will bb received for said wards, dr each scbooVsepa rawly. There will be two slieS required,'Egg ana Btove, arid trie tori, to be 2,2$ pdurids...Proposals will,be re ceived at ,the Satne time for CUarodal arid Kiwmng 'Wood, that may be rocjulroQ. Proposals id bo endorsed with trie name.pl the ward proposed to furnish. * ffrd.r of Iff. Bcb’y Controllers of Public Sohools. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE A OF PENNSYLVANIA.— PuiIadkIphia, August 1, 1359.—The Directors have THIS pAY deolored a Divi dend of Six per Cent., or Twelve Dollars por Share, on tho Capital Stock of the Company, payable to the Stock llo»r &Bit OPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers m Good- Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by combining fibrous substances with threads or sheets or vulcanised rubber, are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed, of in the United States. Merchants and dealers afe invited to ex amine specimens now in store, and to give their orders for theriprihit Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF THE • TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE ■RIGHTS IN THE.PAItJNT for these goods, which embrace aTI thfi styles heretofore manufactured or im- P ALs6?!!iCeS&ES TO MANUFACTURE and SELIi —Rnd the Torma—mur be obtained on application to ma at No. W COIURTLANDT Street, N. V. nJt-ly ■ HORACE H. DAT. TVOTICE. —Persons having business with 11 the FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No. 14 VINE Street, between the hours of 9 o'clock and 3 P. M., whero they will find tho Inspector or hie Deputy, F. M. HIESTEfL &. M. LAUMAN, jel7 Flour Inspector. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ox ietlnis botween the subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by JOSEPH B. HANSON, who Is authorised to uao,honamoofthofiiminli f«Wc«\ JOSEPH B. HANSON will oontinue tho Tobeoeo Com mission business) end Agency for the s&ls of Sombroro Guano, a* heretofore. No, 105 North WATER Street, and No. 106 North DELAWARE Avenue. GEORGE BOLDIN, - Ifgjjfg JOS North WATER Street, NORWOOD PENROSE, NORWOOD PENROSE (Utd of the firm of Joseph B. Hanson Sc Co.) ia this day associated with GEORGE BOLDIN, under the style and firm of BOLDIN Sc PEN ROSE, for the purpose of oonduoting a Tobacco, Oil and General Commission Business. July 1,1639. TVSSOIrfUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— JL' The Partnership heretofore) existingjbotwoen SA MUEL BUBBLE* WILLIAM C. LA WSON, and JOHN M. FIBHBR, undor the firm of Shoble, Lawson, * Fisher, is this day dissolved by iputunl consont. AU persons claims against or indebted to said firm will mako settlement with Samuel Sheblo or John M. Fisher. who are alone authorized to mako settlements. The business will bo continued by Samuel Shomo and John. M»'FUher under the firm of BHEBLL * FIQHBR, at No. 3 North FIFTH Street. OTaVM-som, JOHN M. FIBHKR. Philadelphia* August 5, 1833. ftuMt* TAISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. X-Jr The Copartnership formerly existing between J. W. PROCTOR & JAMES ALdRED was diseolvwf on tho 11th of April by tho death of JAMBS aLDRED. The businoßß will bo continued ns heretofore, by the re maining partner* unaor the same. style and firm of i J. W. PROCTOR * CO. Philadelphia. August 1, 1659, j auA-Gt Dissolution of copartnership. The Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of HAZAiU) BROTHERS wee dissolved on the Ist of July test. BA.MUEir HAZARD. Jr., having pur chased the interest-of wILJjIS P. HAZARD m said firm, he will oontmuo the business under his own name at the old stand, 7* Street. SAMUEL HAZARD, Jr. WILLIB P. HAZARD, in thus retiring from the above firm, takos the opportunity of thanking the public for the pntronrvco so liborpuy bestowed on him, and solicits for his Brother a eontinuanoo of the same. 'Philadelphia, August 2,1859. TVOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the firm of WARWICK, CHADWICK, A BRO. itt thiß day dissolved,. Tbo ileator, Hahge, and Stove busmens uill bo continued under tbo nainoof CHADWICK & BilO., at the Northeast corner of SECOND and RACE Streets. ! ' JOHN K. CHADWICK. Ir , FRANCIS A, CHADWICK. - Philadelphia, July 11.1859. • , jyis tf J&k WASHING AND IRONING DONE ffi{B3 With NEATNESS 4ml DESPATCH, for Single .. . , r *- Inwtiee amt Gentlemen, Faimtiofl. Board,ok Softools, Hotels,. Bta&mtaata. &0., at DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. South SIXTH Street, corner of Prune. 'Family Shirt* and Collars patent polished. Everything washed by hand, oil the coin* mon wash-boara.- Tho whole business is striotly attended to by female operatives. Mrs. DONOVAN, jy 20-ly Suponndeiuledt. ENGINEER’S DEPARTMENT, MILL VILLE AND GLASSBORO’ RAILROAD. **Notick to Contractors,—Sealed proposals will bo received until WEDNESDAY. August the 24th, for the •GRADUATION and MASONRY ol the Millville and Glasalioro’ Railroad,extending from the villago of Glnea buro* to Millville, in the State of New Jersey, about 22 miles. Proposals will be received for sections of one or more miles. . . . , , , . Payments to be made m cash, or part cash and part m the Stock of the Company. Should the Company issue Mortgage Bonds, they may bo substituted for the Stock, ut the option of, the party making the proposal. * Plans and spefcUlcotions may bo soon at tho Engineer's office m Glassboro’* op aud after the 17th Inst. Proposals to l»o nudressod to “ GEO. B. ROBERTS, ChierKngineer, Glasawro’, Gloucester City, N. J.” By order of the Board. . _ T. TI. WHITNEY, Pi esident. Gro. B. RoBRRTS, Chief Engineer. GlaBBborQ’,Augustl r 11j69.- BSTThe Presib Inquirer, and Lodgor, of Philadelphia; Railroad Journal. New York; Railroad and Mining Re gister, Philadelphia; Gazette* fronton: Newark Dally Advortiaer; and HarrisbureUmon, yrlH insert tho above until the 24th mat., and send bills to tho office of the Com ' pauy,GlaMborQ’»N*Y» • - - au§*t2i RAILROAD LINES. BUSINESS CARDS. LOCUST SALE COAL. NOTICES. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. Julrlat, 16W. 103 North DELAWARE Avenue. WASHING AND IRONING. GLASGOW AND NSW. YORK AflßLOjd/OHDEHJIY-for «SO. GLASGOW, Thomson! &flK?aay', August 2Sth, at 13 _ o’clock, nooa. vßAti OLAiaow. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, July 2fth/ Rates of Passage from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Lon donderry, first class, 979. steerage, found with an abun dance of properly cooked provisions, 930. An experienced Surgeon attached to each steamer. No charge fof medicines. For freight or passage, apply to No. W No. SI BROAD WAY .New York. FOft SOUTH.—PHILA- 1 SS&M&i, DELPHIA TO SB'S? OiU.EA«O AND IN TBKMIARti;OTOONANI> SAVANNAH HOtjTE. Goods reoeived every day, and bills or lading signed at second wharf street. HThe U. S. Mail Steamship YaTON E STATE,Cap tain Mara liman, will sail on Monday, August la, at M The H. 8. Mn™teamshfp N B'&'FE'OF GEORGIA. Captain Garvin, will sail on Wednesday, August j The splendid flrst-ejas? Steamships KEY STONBbTATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every teh days, thus forming a five-day, commu nication with the South and Southwest, connecting with steamers for Florida, and with railroads for Plow Or ana ir.lt ’ * Heavy Freight at an average of 15 per cent, below NoWyor l eta ™ hiP lffB?)*ilANCE. Freight and Insurance oil a large proportion of Goods Smith will be found to be lower by these ships Than by sailing vessels. - . , Insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unneces sary, farther than Charleston or Savaana{i?tng Railroad Fare by-this route 25 to 40 por cent, cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will, be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charles ton arid SavaSftsft steamships, INCLUUING MEALS on the whole route, except Irena Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: inixrtu bouts. ToCharlestoh Qfc 00 Charlestons „$23» SatvarTneh.* 15 00 SpvanAStt.... A 3 00 Augusta.* 2j) 1)5 Atigtirau 56 SS 6 Macon n 0$ 32 7A Atlanta 2300 Jmaftta 3)00 Columbus 23 00 cM|bt» ,• MOO Albany 24 00 Albany.. 37 00 Montgomery,... 2d DO MomkWntftt/. 8800 M0bi1e......... 35 00 Mobile 4690 New Orleans..., 3975 New Orleans.... —.,51 00 Nr B.—Passengers by this route connect with ,we Is - Route to South Carolina and Georgia, travelling by the same conveyances thence to New Orleans..; • No bills ol lading* signed after the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. . : f Southwest comer FOTJTH and CHESTNUT. Agents in Charleston, T.S. ic , ■. Savannah. C. A. GREINER ic CO. ly 23 U- S. M. STEAMERS _ ir uT CaptAift Wotfoa/iwH sail Augusta), Ooto bsjrtf.DegemberlCf. _ _ First Cabin pa55age.......... . «-BWO Second Caum pa55age.......................... 7o At tfre-WaWftdntfnt CawpanjPs VqwaOfyhi* Omo*, Totabcft Warehouse, uOCKstreet, Praia.JeC-drO THE BMTiSH iND NORTH 3@£®&AMEIUCAN ROY At MAlh STEAM - 1 • PROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. ..... Second Cabin Passage... * : > 'IBOM SQ6TOX TO LIVERPOOL. ' Chief Cabin Passage SIW Second Cabin Pa55age................ CO P»™fe?.“ U g#k,C. P t. Un, ARABIA* Cant. /.Atone, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander AFKl%A?lhpti Shannon, E?fi?bPA, Capt J. Laltch. CANADA, Capt. Lang, ~ These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; Sreeft on starboard bow; red on portbow.. ~ „ •* m:ssas:?s.s KUROPA. teitch, *‘ Iwon, Wednesday, Aug. 10. PERSIA, Jodluns, •* NYorlr, Wednesday, Aug. 17. ARABIA, Stone, 44 „ Boston, Wednesday, Aug.M. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on tx»rd. A .. , The owners of these ships wiU not be accountable for Gold. Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stone; or Metals, unless bills or lading ora signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed.- For freight or pas sage to 33. CUNAIUJ, 4 BoWlii^rj3r<^n,^ PIANOS. reus** RAVEN, BACON, & Co.'s, Tl iTV Nunns & Clark’s, Hallett,-lhvtfrf, Sc {&% and AH. Gale* Co.’s superior PIANOS. Awn Ma son & .HattiUn’s unrivaUetiMßLoDEOTfS and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churohes and Leo tore Kogra Pianos and Melodeotffl lb Rent. qoUIT) myl4-ly ' SEVENTH an£ C&E3TN&T. esgsafaj SUPERIOR PIANOS, Nos. 1. a, 6. and 7 North BUTAW Street, and No. 207 BALTIMORE Street, between Charles and Light Streets, Baltimore, Haya always on hand a large assortment of their supe rior PiatfOß, recommended by. certificates from S. Thalborg, BfrakdSbh, asd other cetebrated performers to'be euual.if tfot srfponw.td afly-mwe in tine county. s The durability of thtfir Pianos WiD be warrantedl for five je’arflancta privilege of exchange. Kraatedwithin six mdfflhs. should they riot, give entire satisfaction. Manufacturing largely, We WillsoU, wholesale and retail, v. the moat rdMonate. kwaßß & CO., Meisra. I,EE A 'WABKBH, 1»0.>4 OKBBISUT Street, Philadelphia, are our authorized Aseate, and wiu heap eouataotlr on hand and aeU our Piano, at ma miWeittftr.’ prison. rohs^m f*x3*si CHICRERING & SONS, "^RAN D ,TOS| g fe»T MUSIC. MARSH’S MUSIC STORE, , No. IIM CHESTNUT Street, Fbilndeipliia. ■Where all the latent and jopnlar Mnno can be ob tained from any catalogue m the •i&ited State*, in struction Books, Bet Pieces. Songs, Ballads, Ac. New Catalogues will be forwarded to any. one, post-pam. Mustc-ViU be sent, post-paid, on receipt of the price mathefi efi catalogue. Publishing and receiving new MUsl6 daily.- Masfcal Instruments and musical mer chwiUiVo ffvery description at importer*’andmanu irSO-lm *" eM ‘ 11(B CHESTNUT Street. MACHINERY AND IRON. SAMUEL V.MBBBICi, „ J. yAUOUAff MBBKICX. WILLIAM If. WWKICt. OOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. ►3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STJIBBfS, MER^icfe EI & K SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. , ; Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marino service, „ ’ . ' * Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Castingg ofall kinds, either Iron or Bras**, w , Iron Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Station*. Ae. # ~ Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im j pr £vflrt S&Bonplion of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters,' Fumping Engines. Ac., , Sole Agents for N. RilUcux’s Patent Sugar BoihnK Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; and Aspmwall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. aufi-y HARDWARE. TO THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The enlworibera. AGENTB FOR THE SALE OF FO REIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, offer for ealo the foUpwink poods at lowest ratesLewie’ aoponor Chains of all kindeV including trace, log, halter, fifth, brunet, wagon, tongue, coil, ship, mine, and other Chains; P.Wnrto’s patent and other Anvils and Vices; **L” Horeo Nails: round and oval Bake Fa»s; short aod u?ng handlo Fry Pans; Excelsior Safety-Fuse for blasting rooks; Bed Screws J American o kites, Blackboard Cra yons and Carpenters’ Chalk; Table And Pocket Cutlery: Cast. Steel Files and Rasps; Cost and Wrought Butt Hitvtee: Strapend"T"Hinfe;i GimletSerewaiEmer gs RdzorStrops; Hodeeß’ Mahogahy Knobs; Whites* cesrShovels and Qpadea,all kinds; Hay and Manure ks, lUkos,andHoe**> Southgate’s patent Wrcnchoe; ks and Latches; Door and Shutter Dolts,; liana, [ge, and Stone Hammers: Hooks ana Hinges; Tacks, du, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails; Wrought Neuw; King’s Stocks and Dies; Hatch’s Tea and Counter Beales; Curry Combs. American and. English; Scythes, Scythe stones and Rines, Douglass’ Pumps and Rams; Mo usses Gates, Faucets, Baws of ah kinds; Axes, Hat ehets, Hammers, &0., with a•general assortment of Hardware. W. G.°LfeWts & 801 S, - op9-dtf 411 COMMERCE Street. ' BROSHES. rriHE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN A PHILADELPHIA.—Loek nt the follow!™ lift of prices for Hnndaorube, and compare them with those bouaht elsewhere i No. 2, 62knota, 75 “ No. 3, 63 knots, 87 ‘‘ N 0.., SO knots, 100 " No. 6, 83 Knots, 113 " No. 6,100 knots, 125 “ No. 7,101 knots, 150 “ No. 8, B 0 knots. 175 “ HENRY C. ECKBTEIN/ . S 2 North THIRD Street, twlow Arcp, Philadelphia. P ROUT’S CELEBRATED LONDON Quality ismoro essential ms Hair Bnish than in any other Toilet article. PROUT’S BRUSHES, wherever introduced, have at onoe taken procedepce for quality of materials and for eoientifio construction. His Hair Brushes, combining a peculiar elasticity l with the re quisite firmness, are found to pass - uniformly and smoothly through the hair rather than roughly and harshly over it, thus giving tho proper atiroulus aijd consequent freedom from dandruff to the scalp-skm without injuring U» and thus, too, inwring a naturally elorst, healthy" condition to tho hair. Hi? TEETH, NALL and COMB BRUSHES are equally desirablo also for tneir respective uses, au combining, in & remarkable riegroe, completeat usefulness with extraordinary tram lality. A full assortment ofPROUT’B superior goods, including some entirely new patterns, together with a, lareo stock of LUBIN 8 desirable SOAPS andPBR FUMERY, just importod direct, brush and grsui.hb. For swo, wholesale qud rotail, by HASSARD « CO., Apothocama. CHESTNUT Street, comer of Twelfth. COAL. C< w. GROOME & CO., Dealers and Shippers of LEJUGH, 3 CH & Y T^fLL6 » n d |OAD TOP SEMI- O/fioe. No. 146 Shuth FOURTH Street. BROAD Street, below Race, PHILADELPHIA. WOOD. COAL, AND KINDLING WOOD. JANNEY k YEAGER. COATES-STREET WHARF, inml ft superior article of LEHIGH COAL, of nil sizes, selected with care. Dealers and Consumers will find it greatly to their advantage to purchase Kindling Wood of us. v JeQ-3m LUMBER. LTJMBKR.— 150,000 feet superior 5-4 and -4-4 Mobile Flooring Boards. . ~ 600,000 White Pino Boards and Blank, seaso ed, and in thickness varying from X to G inches. 200,000 Plastering Laths. 60.000 feet prime Ash Plank, 6*4 to 6 inches thick. 200,000 Spruce Joists and Raders, and 2-inch rlanki Spruce and White Piue Pickets, Hi and 5 feet long, pointed and plain. „ Together with a general assortment of well-seasoned Lumber for business purposes or cabinet makers. For sale at moderate prices _ _ Drills and sheetings for en- PORT 24 South FRONT St., and S 5 LETLTIA Street.- ooIS-ly __ _________ PENNSYLVANIA PAINT STORE.— ZIEGLER fc SMITH, corner of SECOND -and GREENStreeta. Xhiawefl-IrnoiraanciontMtabUshnjent Still rota ins the reputation of gelling tile beet article, at extraoroiiiarj low price,, JiVdf -jfcf WOMA3 A SONS, . lTie Ml SOOTHJ'OURTH STREET. . Public Safes at the, Philadelphia Exchange rrery Tuesday, at riocm, daring the busmen Reason, ' : Bar- Handbills or each Propertyissued separately, m addition to which we publish cm the Saturday prtoffoas to es<h nip,pm thousand oatakrffaes in ponjphlet form, elviflr full (fikorirtitm of all the Property to be aoidoa SALES AT THE AUCTION tOr We have A firge amount of Heal Estate at Pnrat* Bale, including every description of city and country t ro„ rt y »x Real Estate entered on oar Priyete Sale Renator. amTauvertlsed occasionally id our Public Sale Abstracts* {of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly, > baa of charge. . CARD.—The Trade Sale to Booksellers willooramence. mi Tuesday, September 13. Catalogues now ready - CARD.—In August only occasional sales, as hereto loro—not every 'week, as in the business season. STOCKS. LOANS, Ac. On Tuesday, * 16th iirst., at M o’clock, noon, at the Philadelphia tx change, will l>e hokJ. for account of \rUoni it may concern— -6 shares Canton Oas Ligi’t aud Cose Company, Can tom Ohio. Tar, $5O. Also, for other accounts— #s3l)elawaro Mutual Insurance CtfUJPnny scrip. 5 shares American Academy of MusiA -1 8 mre Point Breeai Park Association.. 1 s mre Oxford Lane and Park Association.- 1 share Philadelphia Athentcum. 1 s iara Mercantile Library. - SWIe of Nos. 130 and 141 South Fourth Street. On Thursday Morning,! • ' * . At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, an aseortnvwrto* e xcellent second-hand furniture, elegint piano-fortes,, ine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families declining bouee iceping, removed to the store for convenience of sue. RE ALKSTATEBALE, August 16th, at 12 o’efortf ttt°tbe Fnikidelphia Rx • Elegant country seat, }9H acres, with exterwpy inr iroyeirtonts, fine shade trees, »upfrourfiyittre9*»iiw» umse, grapery, Ac., Ac., on the roacL'Dw irflro county, within half a mile ofwie tpexa^- ladwTOiaana Darby. Passenger Kaywaff . ; H' rotm from tv station on the'jpbiutdelphja*»»d,^Weeti Cheated Railroad. The owner sells on ocwwt of ny Stoviar from the State. The stock, &0., vnß £*,***& ® ar or twoafter the sale ofthe place. - * - TWO STORES AND story Wick stores and dwellings. Nos. l&SS&adJOQoPfmjS* street, north of Lanrel street. - Tonus cosh.' immaaMt* pdksefflioft. They will be sold separately. •; ROOMS ON: HARMONY COURT TO RENT.—Ap- P Aff fefvjpffi^SAtE.— Shares in the Philadelphia and MfWteAflte Libraries and Athenaeum. AT PKfVATI SALE.-The ivsluetMeproperly, comer ofFifth and Aatffbi streets, below Walnut* large book building and lot, us Wfi fqst» Two lrqftU. - PHILIP FORD; AUCTIONEER, No. 530 ■A' MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SIX &ALB SHOES 3AITKR3. BRO - fsANS*'Jlre. - OnThursdayiMonunfff.. ■ ... - August 1L at 3d o’clock precisely, will oesold by cat*- losne, on four months' credit; nu*3 s and boys' boots, shoos, gaiters; brogons. Ac.; ladies aflajulwr boots, shoes, gaiters, ties. Ac; t of aity’Mia £wMm uianofocture, comprising *fresh‘ invoices of sewosablß goods suitable for the fall trade. ga. Goods open for examination early on the room ingoi stile, when buj ere will find it to their interest to attend. On Thursday Morning, August 11th, will be sold— ' lt - 76 cog. super, heavy goat and kid skins, suitable for custom work. PUJRNESS; BRINLEY, & CO.. • Os Tuesday Morning, . August 10th, fit 19o’clock,by catalogue, cm six month* ‘paokagesand of imported dry goods, just tw . Samples and catalogues e&tT <*n morning of sole. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 409 * CHESTNUT STREET, opjxt'jfe tb® OMtom Houm, between FOURTH rad FIFTH aftwtf-- T ‘M. GUMMEY& SONS, J. REAE fcW^SHSfpfc™. CARD.—J. M. Summer A Bonn, auefloneen, will hold regular sales of Real Estate, Stocks, AtW Also house hold furniture at dwellings. R&» On our Private Sole Register will always be found a very large smointofreal estate, including eveT/de "”*"•**•* "tKffiBBSr j ■ „ Real Estate Brokers; . No. 620 WALNUT Street, below Sixth. Moses Nathans, auctioneer and COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. B. eornM BIXTH.adHACES^^^ Moxst .TO LOAN, Iff LABOR Ott SMALL AMOUST*. 0«l merchandize generally, and on all articles of value. All SUMS OYBR ONE HUSUBSP DOLLARS TWO PBX CUT. fU Money, liberally ad maced la large or email amounts# S-om one dollar to thousands, m gold.acd silver piste* inmonds, watches, Jewelry, fowhng-saewM.PHMieel uj~ Btrtfrtwsrts, furniture, dry goods, clothing, trooene* ci gars, hartHmre, cutlery, btx>k*, horses, mhjefos. hames^- and afi article# dfjrajus, for any length of tune ssiMo on, atNATHAws’ rttipiTAi* Establishment, sqotn—st C °#KOMlBBosY l NOTl&, e S?S<»tiaterftl. discounted at the lowest market rates. , <r ... ■ L SAUE^It PAI. ESTABLISHMENT, 8. E. ooraer, of SIXTH wS RACE Streets.—The following articles will Waqid wrle« than half the usual store pnoea i.Fine gold Lngneb patent full jewelled and plain, of the most approved JBw heft make,in hunting eaaeaanddouble bottomed. Fineloid escapement lever and lepme watches, in hunting oemtaa open face, some bf them are extra full jeweled, and best make. Silver'English patent lever watches,’ eeeap*- ment lever and-ispmes, in annttng case and open face,some very superior; English. Swiss, Frenoh,and Quartier watches; fine gold vest, fob, neok» and chil drdn’s chains; fine gold pencil oases and pane# braoOfots, breastpins, finger-rings; ear-rings. studfeflßlsliiqns* and Jewelry generally. Superior Bavsna <A#lfi per tnousfl/j£r t in boxes of 3oo each, will be angle box or quantities, to suit purchasers. NtnTrtWHß fancy articles, Ao., Ac.. Ac. kr PRIVATE SALE. . ’ A superior fire-proof chest, 4 feet high by 3 feet wide* Auto, watches, and jewelry of every description. ST. LOUIS, MO. “WILLIAMS & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS f f ANT) COMNrsa/ON MERCHANTS. No. ,10. North MAIN BTREBT, St. Ito Via, Mo v (ferSpriy with Messrs. Myers, Claghorn A Co., Philadelphia,) oner their services td the merchants, raanufactarers, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, oarpets, boots, shoes, hardware. Jewelry, Ac.* Ae. Ba. Cosh advances made on receipt of goods. Settlements made three days alter tale. BBFXBBffCXS. a.,.AA*,VAO. ' Messrs. Myers, Ctagborn, A Co., Philo* - “ Stuart A Brother* Phiia. ___ “ Van Wyck*Towniend, A Warrens, New York* L. AB. Curtis A Co.*, , • « “ ■ Wood, Christy, A Co., St. Lotus* Mo. ** Crow, McCreary, A Co., ** Mr. D. E. Wood, No. S 3 North Third street* will ad vise with parties confflgomg frem Philadelphia. uH-fmw-ly LEGAL. IN CHANCERY OF NET Joshua Rawnaley and others, ) , _ Complainants, and 1 Ihe Trenton Mutual Life and V On Bill, fco, Fire Insurance Company, I . JDefts. , J Inptiftdarwe of an order made by the Chancellor in • the anovQ-Smwd.eat«e, dated the-thirdday of Decem ber, A. D. l&W, creditors or the above-named insu rance Company are hereby notified that they-axe re quired to present to thd «Üb»cnber, residinj-at Trentofl, New Jersey,aau prove before ,bira. mider oath or aft r •motion, or otherwise, as ho s.'dJ* direct, their several claims anti demauds against'said i-ompany. within sue months from the date of said order, they will be excluded from the benefits of such dividend# as may be made and declared by said Court. JAMES WILSOtf, Master in Chancery. fa22-tudm MEDICINAX. A NOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER ■f*- FUL EFFECTS OF TROXELL'S NEURALGIA SALVE, u . PfilLA,, July 7th, 1888. Mr. E. W, TagxcfcL--13ear Sir.*—l have been troubled with the “ NEURALGIA* for the last 74 years, end have suflereuthe juost excruciating, pain , compelling me at times to give up 01/ business entirely. I could not eat, and sloepwas a stranger to my eyes, * I suffered than tcnxuos can tell. I had the So nee and aid of various physicians, and used other remedies, bat all of no nvaiL Havine noticed yottt advertise meat in the papers, I concluded to osll on ft whop I had learned waa cured of a case of 20 reattf standing. Ha applied the SALVE” but once, and I refiof— aseeoad application removed the paine&ul**f« and I now foellilco a different man. Since thenlEßW* slept wed— something that \ have not dene for moatht,' being obuxed to sit up all night in a chair. Myappotfto has returned, and I feol grateful to you for the rector*-' tion of my hoalth. . _ _ .• • «.^S?ARLKSH.BAKER,ToNwioomst/ CARROL Street, above WOOD, Sensin', too, Forsnle, wholesale and retail, at S. w, Qprne/SXTH and PARRISH Streets, and at T. R. CALLENDER* Co.’s.N.W. oomer Third and Walnut sts. ■ apao-tf jQR. WESTCOTT’S CELEBRATED TAR We.tooH’s Vm coriial cures Consumption. Wostoott s Tar Cordial cures Bronohitis. Weatoott a Tar Cordial cures Coughs and Colds, • Westoott.a Tar Cordial cures Sore Throat and JBraaaL Westcott s Tar Cordial cures Palpitation of tS Heart. westoott a Tar Cordial cures Nervous Debility. westooU s Tar Cordial cures General Debility. Westcott s Tor Cordial cures Diseases ot the Kidneys* Strangury* and Gravel. - Westoott’s Tor Cordial cures Blind and Bleeding Westcbtt’s Tar Cordial cures Female Weaknesses n, Br \ l W <: 2“,V r ' lr Coni'*! Depot, Wo? aSAROH Street, Philadelphia. . .... Also,Principal Depot for Dr. Westcott** Antt-Scroru lous Syrup and Cholera Mixture. Dr. £2. R, WEBTCOTT can be eonsulted on the above of charge, at bis Consulting Rooms, No. CO ARCH Street, from 10 A. M. to 4P. M. Jylftf- rpilE STOCK OF mtmOW-GLASS, GROUND PAINTS of all Colors, and WHITE LEAD, which2IEGLER Sc SMITH, WholesaleDrUir siats, corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, offer for public approval, as to price arid quality* are une qualled. Those who consult their owrf interests will, examine their assortment, and purchase of them.a'su porior quality of goods,at a less price than canoe had elsewhere. . jygg.tf-' ENCAUSTIC TILES : for Ornamental Chimney Tops for cottages, Garden Vases and Fountains. fl»3M&£Ste“ . loio c ivks¥sNjstolit. TMA.CKEREL AND ALEWIVES.—9O nnt l w knit bbls new No. 2 ; 200 bbls' sad iso bnir Milo, new large In o. 3 Mackerel: yoo bbta. Alowive?, for sale by WM. J. f AYLOR t®!, rri» laa SOOM WHARV& nrWVINES.—A well-assorted stock of su •** perior Ball and Hank Twine? in Ptoro and for sale tyeayer. *ttler l & go., s&N. water strftAt' and 23 Nwharviw. TTEMP.—Manila, America, and Juto Hemp, in lotsto miit purchasers, br , ; WEAVER, FITTER, & CO,, Mt M N. -WATKR St., and 22 N. WHARVES TANNER’S 01L.—220 bills, of Straits and Bank Oil, in store and for sale br R. S. HUBBARD & SON, No. 108 South Wharves, HAMS AND SHOULDERS.—2,OOO pieces City Smoked Hams and Shoulders. Also, a» pie ces extra Sugar Cured Hams, for sale by , , . • C. C. SADLER & CO., ansi Aron street, second door above Front 81-CARB SODA.—IOO kegs for sale by nSSIK?? ILL * BROTHER, Nos. 47 and ON. Street. ]ea TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER CHANTS.—A large Stock of MANILA ROPU, M sorted men.. Manufactured, and for sale at the lowest New* kork prices, by . - ans 23 N. W ATER’slfaiid 22 17.‘ wit Altvfe. BAY RUM.—S puncheons very superior Bay Rum. in store and for mle br ant A. MERINO.ua South FRONT Street, £ 'IHEESE.—32S boxes Herkimer county Cheese, in store and for sale by C.C.SADLBR'A CO., AKCIi Street, second door above Front. STEREOSCOPIC VlEWS.—Fresh arrival TIIIB pAY at the Stereoacopio Bazaar, 113 South FOURTH Street* below Chestnut. „ an4-6t-if „ W. .1. FRANKLIN. Optician, / DAVID P. MOORE,UNDER* » TAKER* No. 829 VI ffK St TSTAVAL STORES—IB9 bbls Spts. Tur pentine; 1271 bbls Shipping Rosin* and various far* aus ISSouttwharTM. IV JERSEY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers