M<wjeAtnMdJ>—- AnSe* B^^ I?fe%#fafe A X s i ," ropm.llrtoe«»-■ - »T' Mr fi‘™#f'4-c..«^ l |:^V mlmer Doroflut * ■‘Horror -PrattSusaTf T;< •-« . Bacon KWrhtpptf GWMre Baker FanufeH* * B *ho* Jol*an*a FoMer B‘d <ley Elixi r' AHieUy * Blokeroan Sarah • . Bladen Bird lucksnan A -1 -BreirMer MnfeeJVHoft-MtfcH;*! ».*'■: g'tSSJ.fV’i.ma 1 .Brook* M*rrSi*»t»dolr ftteSTiMfifiSSSSP^ B nraMir'ireti;'.T(^ph,itir''e* 2 NcotvMriC A Chinee KlTza 4^lko»TOrifc.^B^-@iJ*!giJ. msßUsmmmKS^ gfe Cannin-Bridget-. JCfndwSarah;* >'\ Smfcth-Kyiintary? sysrtfisr~fsasaa®A/j Clair Mrs (iXorton Miiry Jj' -'St Clair Minnie {-% Cennera ieeiiheater E 2 J. Hi«*liTeKH» 1' ssstfoKS^ Dsvjney i&kisk - ’McFornn; W A*- J--v_? «■ '■*■■■& -,-'- Pew Mn Eltliv.. MctloeEl.W', WBrninTMVa W - jjolwor MiiaiJ'' WcKernn MYt Mj^WSfete \ BeGiyot mMetafVr Mr*.; Bill ‘ i;. Bftn'iia MieeESlji'MeretoirMw^MA^elVlsiwt^ Bevlla MrAO c Pewini Ptiete 1 •fca?diS*#ais®§§ #sss££& te#aW;3SsßW6i-plSfe^. |»t™n Ouinn Mni M3l - . ' fex^r^g^P^tej.v;, Brooch gl«.S--.vA. Fitrserakl Mr.J, Montgomery jtfro, Zook Mrt.H M ' '' — ;-.- i/ vA. ~ Aiken Jomo B»‘ ---JMOiifinJfca' jLiKeWnMAjj > 1 ;. '^iiia^iS'Sh 01 . :>. k, Altcorn Jflhit;',^ 5 --Sinner-., > /.i«an^daU r Viir<lL Ayros Geo Oept* BlUot A.Co fe-,.■ LendiePeterTAj ..-, Archibald. r EdwaTdjJVV r iit -, JiLabdeil JoeL . . Vonng. the X»an* -n~ lon / ’ - '-'Athemcuro* v JUinxstrotnirjß Arnold Oscar B ~ EvaoG; „ +JiJ / - ArmBlron*■ Hugb. r .Ewhank GTE,. , w X^afHobart AkArman Geo. i.BrsmJ Forbes ::.E&XJ "'.' . , Applerate J Vfc JEvona Wm\ r•, l /X>eriin,Ejldriase , AuxeorSj..., .-Exton Joint,.,-• . -LeiandHF., •• AyrcslletifyK.’ Evr.y Marten ' , ‘- ; , Atrooto Wm .... , EriCMotfj?ropol- .iie , W'|B'l{ J-, ApplQr‘JobuJjl^c^lo! , forßolfun , rel»ew}*Frrtnciß . \- Andes Moma|t<>^AsrentaCi';'-,; XodgnTd 51N ;. An ustuß&.« -%4' .Hmtjr *.. - ' Koeno ►'^“ , .-EpfflUJnfc'CQ?G Anderson 1c .' •■ ErfleJ R'P ' ’ f t'\ Xapnineott J - 1 , Dnnlnp EnelishM ' - -.- H.ndf ayl)r Jm- 1 Atkins .Tohn V , I Tearen-& Bro. LintOTtGeo . , Ayros Wiq ./ . '|iloird;Btacey • AyresJß' FaiVoy'Thbß ljloydPD ’ ,- Adams EE.;> Farrand'Darir. , ; Lyons , llalmev John - ' Fairman-Mr' - •Loorms WH3 Bates .TosquU -’ —'Ffvwcfitt Ohas LukjnsG ■ Bates -|indkgr'B4ohd-- -• v FarrolLJphn LfiwEdw . Barbel John M “ Ftsher?T-A W i linden Jno W , Bailey Sami-' Burkes Abraham-,Fitzwntor John , Lower Jno .. Barnes Chak' Fla^aEH r - : • LloirdChas - b^Ch ? B S ff " - 1 BarrT-Jobtt.'. t LyonajM.- v ■ .■ i Bartlett JGFiemule Silos 'Lynch CoptTT J Barbeock E"W FinfrorkE •*<- /tLOOOEstoor Baldwin 2B . v , Batchelor vCaptX Fife John J - . Bi>iBpect’lo7 --- y Usi-.i.i Flne* i Co Mein Crystal Fount 110 Bartholomew JVU Frazier Hy . ft G Saranac S» Bartlett Ciuis 1 1 , Frink Aft -,. v r 90 • BnvtUlv Hejirr-v .FosterSami.-. f Fhua,Nottonal,,-; • Bennett JaaStv.VFreemanU VT : Star of America v . & Co, ;;,Excelßlm;4B.-; ; / Bonveltte wi FmghJolmS, , Benton & jCo J B -Fryer GEd -, •- . VVelcotne 5529 BenordictJaitlj 29 " Bennett JasF • ], T4st” . ’: .Crrstol Fount H, & . lJ J>fysqm Of,T Berke Dr JW - Frawer win r• - hifeCrenJno - • , .MW ‘ I • Bird Wilson*'" G enmy-Prank,'--.nlqlntoßb Jno Beokom A ,’G eti Ja#.. “McGuttifmijlt- Siprlye 8 *l3 bb tc fo>nß.C, :Mclnnte. A»rt>n Bliss, Brufo to “G . Douriass ' • Goiiblns TluW:. • ■* SlajustonHß Gofrde fc Cfr.Cv A . McGnireJntS' ’" *• Blair J W f'jSoodiif tMoGtnnisJitS’" V JbsVs^s^sks; Bourdman 0H v Godin Louts' -<\fj jfoxra Biinhiii ill llliVfl/Xfr iV2\ _J* l VnmU Uni(\ ~ Boeromßimwi . Grey Wra Chair-,;,; • ’ Bowpn Geo^W-’ Grobag Henry ; “igjiohonachj M- ' 1 M"m jMeUoy Mr - *Grpr-Tho*. .-. .MatooerJ&< - V ijowdtm T ktfc G■. - Gfiffiit John -'V'Mftrtm Fnv' T-M; Bootnfii* -•- Grpvn A - ' .MarafflSpohl Brown John * Gn/Bth,Hyatt AMATkg'Jpo : y '! V . BBrown8 Brown AVm 8-, , 'Co;,. • - -* .Alarß»yffleoo.3 £ BrownN YfJ ;A-Grah«ro/arft dMiwtweU Jnb"*; •< Brown Ja* - GreonWm . 5 , JtarefcHewHlW. , ..jmscol RG£>*Ki Gwpu-JB> '' BnntonDanl C - Gutterten Jttaiw .$1 ax wall David JfrobaC*- Clark i dOnSml =■ I J ’~- Ko*in»MH H tciejra'm •-. • . w % Cora«Uu«, /IjaltovrainiO* , M IPerA’ ° |»«o»A ■ llnydook* Fid- Mij&rlUvi : fCanoorWm' •' Hart Geo - Molly-W**- •-<*, --• '»sdmB^P^- . IfcwrftLrani,' . ' •Carter ' cSch* J 'T Slm w A ' . CE*neo»nlido C •■ A sl»y CTt r -'' Mu?aSh3a« E- ?•' Cpnent Jumea' J r«t ifeSStfo® : j Cooper James, i J oiersine JnO . : Nort<M;Jn(>X- 'r 5 GomtuiJonathan.'l areVhmp NuttwiUonJ;- -•- IfesJ^SiPfeS Caxton Sytmia^w'lrpjt —-—Klooli Wnv •' v • CQnnin<Jmrrf jtio 3iritfh&r<jGfcut A • pifnoi; i CrawlSrtf W U JfflltorifAaAiiß/' £rAnd%yJd,y ;• layeHeneayH JO^- ■WML-::. iE?l M - Sn £™ s ’Vr*ig #., r - JjJiilliiHtiaarn j.p ISb^KiSffi&^SbSS^': ick joreimeh - , Jones Pnnl r , t' terwi^ mp& ‘ioJonesJdartinP,; • Co; -.v '". PiniMrr iSiiWi r i ® C c -•>' £5-;: * -A ->J? ; Prsttßsn! Slattery ■ Capt W I frimo Battav - - Smith Pater C >•' (rco_ t ■ PtoMottjiM II SmjthJacah.lj-.. Wsiltijenl F. ; PugfißWi ■ .Sm ttiCW - WdfoJsS}. ' Purser of JJ S A Sroth&Baker • VVdUidrtfcßro. , V CtUSldef i ■- : -Smith John '. . , ■ S.dnlboltVT)J • Ponoo Bo'Leon SinithJad--- • h«io l. :VS!3!a!SV fSffifcj; • WiV 11 H&tV. r .mlwnrthlev Mil]??'® i»F? - -v: T&tom.Mr: Randall Herbert Smith SSeednm Smith Satnl R Walsh Nichpls -• Sw'" ■ «l™,rd 3 :‘WWv ®. ipfct Jfeltfe' 'Roger* JolmHl ,SfW«f'DJ AA, OS. KorfvVm StfiWohM JvhmfiSloFera ReftnsThhs fitont Cftpt D - . Whitinan Clias pErteifs,:;.StnoilaaaCapt WipolerAiox Robbins John w.Vi'"-. White M.X -Dtp -Bobbins. RaycOiv Streeter Qhns . Wn?oler Ma« A Tifcttnldi Stuart Smith .-•..-WlntfrMßlpr „ ;Struthors Col IS Whltefieuftbrß .BotmJtmi I) 8 • steelman Jere’h K .-Scott Chas Y, ■ v SWinookor Samb-WhU:man Jot ScottSß- - -• . Solomon R - < StmtwMn-.jacob Wilson HO; | S,, frtKrdJuo'W RtoylvinsonTlioß WilUamßCavtiE '. Mfeiias "ssasas |is u Issfe ir«ari c:| fj&v t$t ch ““ ■ 'Saunders H HtabraMonesA tv ifipn-M ■ ■ , sohuffuf J’J - < Vfitookdal9Mr '_; vWßeDhasM i RnnttergrvtdfcCo StogienKonJ.W 2W BohMtG&A Sickle" Oh-wi • W leoh Adam- XnaahfliAM m Stroud G 1) Weston Rtchd . -SsarlMr- • > St£ise J A'' ~ ‘TV ImmaJCT' RermtimGeo d > ItroSa GR- W liwnsonTM 86rh?Ssk:Mr RqnderlandJohn W -SoUw«Hi„ .. . WsOttThoa,. ; ;SaTiftOnbWm .W ffnE, . ■ fen£Sf E£ Co RupfeaJKJ wjwenvJolm V '•- 'J* -SAtfieldßrltM Woddell Jm j 'BeHert**Sitera &Tavlor Jfy 2 -Woodruff T T & ' RSKOii ' ; ' r .?a?tor n i,T b ' tt ’K&ChaaH, 'fflJSraSm”" ? Tar lor ST - - Woodruff EC : IfiS^^Ssgg'-' w r? : WWW L \rWM*' Shota Chna K“ T loropsonG G ; Qmn=’)oT-JR« f( ' -KoT? A ci. j ■ Shaimertiaao Q,-Trump ?no%V;. VoihJF , flh%4t’PhHst , r TmveraTß. ..Simmon*; Jacob’ Townsend-Sim-n louuk Wm • - Slnunons’Aaroff Zook 1 n M - • i flinmmrJhhn Tumor Jos? n , Kilenze er Snml Simmoha Wmß fumhelson-Homl .YounsSnml t>i . ISSMImb fetMr - touzloxhenyCoal '. ;Si,Jnp*on Wm yrdUVldeob G ,• Co /i; , r • W.B.BROyJiE.J.M- '^ ,^TOS' ra / A ’ B0ARI)0F TRAI,E ' : : ■;! , .LETTER BAGS , : AT TKK MgßCHAtfTa’ BICHASOBf PnitASEiraiA. ' gnawMida.Ji|liui. ...Livotpool, Auit 85 srEArle.Burhga.... Bio do Janeiro, aoon Mph Maxwell, pavia....t.. Laguajr»,ote, aeon rindeer, Franklin'. - Ft Croix. Boon. Baric* AArebert.HeVit. ............ .Bt. Barta. i»n BarkMinneaota-Vonoock. mode Janeiro.. Aux 11 BtisSiilovitGtoslo. B»rji»iio.vv •>• • ..Brawl, anon Bnljdarj I|. MillQcanl, Warden....Wnnzas, *o,to<ra Sohr Bikeont/Br) I.dnthorn.... .Pondon* goon Sehr Morrow...Barlydooa, a«>h : MARINE INTELLIGENCE. IF, PHILADELPHIA, Ang.>B, 1859. -‘ > , . ARRIVED. ; „ ‘ / Boston, Sellew. 1 24 hours from New York, ViaCrtifcM«y.7>i hours; with mdse and passengers to Jo* Alwflfdice. •- „ _ , -j Bark John Carver jßowden, from Nevr OrlennsJuiy 1 -IC, with cotton, Mdwrrfco. to Bishop: Simons tc Co. « BehrrG9otg?l„T»ttlo, Adams, Nays from. Jackson-. ville« r -sa,with itmilierto captain* * , < , . • Behr-KoxAnna Burley, J&rrstiuom Roxbary. .■ - < i. SchrS A Hammond. Paine, from Hoxhury. > Bohr John CadwnMor, Naylor,'torn Maurice Riv*?r. SeftiVUlago Gem. Hinckley, from Boston. i'lsfeff^EaS!^!KiJS!srK2&fSffes^«. • :Schr Henrietta Smith, Dill, from Titarwiok. i ■- • r Htlhr:Außtin,PftrBonji.fromPlynsouth. / ;*> ,ficnrL B Lovering, Corson, from Wilmington. : 3 Bohr Empire, Marshall, from Wilmington. fiohrSa<jo,grefe«,fromMiUon._' *~SohrM«nr Patterson. Somers, from WcTmouth. Bohr JR McFoa, Townsend, from Suffolk,.V a, Bohr Froomnson. Furman. 3 days from Indian River, Del, vrithcom to JasLßewlejr & Co,: _ '■ CLEARED; • - __ - • Steamship Delaware, ork, via Capo May, ,- Bhlp OtSo. GroOnhnVfc, Chnriestou. Jainis Baker. , Bark Isaac R. Davis, Hand; New Orleans, Pettit, Mar* Morrill, Sowder, Savannah,® 8 Stetson &Co. > - *•" • * * . . SchrE Flower. Rayner.-Bridgeport, D Cooper. , - ,Brhr 8 Mince. Weaver, N York,Bancroft, Lewis As Co. • SchrOoenn Herald, Clifford. Portland. WII Johns. , ‘ Bch'rriSaco, Groen, Gloucester, Noble, Hammett As Caldwell.:: *. • „ -'SehrCfm«AGreiner,’Weaver,Boston, . do, „ SchrMarrHaley, Halejr.Boston, Brown, Hewitt Sc Co. -.BohrBA Hammopd.rame, do ' - 'do ■. fichr Austin'. Tarsdns,' - ,do do SchrH Smith, Dill, NeWport.' . % 'do Schr Moderator, Lott, Norfolk, L Audenned & Co. ■ Schr Onward, Stoddard- Itichmond, . do Sehr EmelineiUck&v, Tice, Pawtucket, do . SchrVilhwe Gem. Hinckley, Boston, do • Schr'Greomn, Matthows, Portsmouth. ' do MMepserole,-Brown, Pawtucket. Po Mr Mark Patterson. Somers. Boston,- C Miller As Co. t AtaWna.. Van -rildg p, .firmt-nri r Van Dusen, Norton *flch’rWra Johns, Miller,New Haven, ~ - SchrJßJohnnon.Johnson.Salem*• * do . - -- Bohr Emilv Ann. Gnrnwji, Washington, do RelirJ3hiiß GaskiU. Gnsktll, do --. dp ; Scbr;il‘. Burley, Barrett, Hjngharo, C A HeckseUer • StrJ Jerome, Jerome, Alesandria/etCtT Webster, Jr. Str CC AUer.Sl orerAlexandria.etc,D Cooper. , StrHLG&w, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. - “ (Correepondehbe of Tlie Preps.) • _ *.> ; '• IUYREDB GRACE. August C. 1559. -The Wyoming left , here-this morning with 6 boats in tow, laaenirodeoftmgnoaae follows: . . - „ Main Mills, lumlier.to C/Jc !) 8 Csdwalader; Frank Barrows.dotoßT Filbert,Lone Star, andLC RBuckalcw, coal to Delaware City,- ' I V , BV.TEtBOIIApm iii .■ ii d7>w’gOmg,in,nodshipßoufdwest going out in tow of a atoam-tug.^ 11 - ’■ •. : '-^aniw« , ' Ti rK‘nlS®^^ , ™ v,d a ‘ Bi< *' “stolSahip” Jura, Jtoodfo/fo^™'' l ' 00 '' o ' c,liea * tN t °Kl'ifp l y FArnnbj^ 1 ® 8 ’ »l“™4 Now ’ Vork 6th inst. ffg^^jj^^^^craWjclcarcdat Boston l at yffark Ahn Rio do Janeiro, arrived in «h iniL for order*. - - ‘ • Hawltpnf, Wass, and Lamplighter, n£rd?, frOnrHiodt JaheiroifttNew Yorkfilhinst. A*g* T k Aaelia, PpWßr. ftomßio de Janeiro for Phitadel phiai puilntoPeniampuco 25th Jots of fore- i •mast.- to bedamapiad. | • Rirk F^ing/mud;;BeaucliamP, sailed from Rloh jnend 4th inßt. Air Pernambuco Rn <\ ft market. . r J Rfo de Janelro, with flour, sailed Wfttte, Bavffl, cleared ht Boston flth FiJingwood, honoo/arrivedat East- Gilkojr. cteiited ot St John, Jfß, Julr/0?r Philadelphia. * - - cleared at New. York 6th -Jy) l " ! k S n s) ir *' Rogersj from Jacksonville (arrived' r ot New \ ofk 6th4nfit» - • 1 . at^tM'SthloBt ,Glo^r, - roi^l^ lftWar6 .Sohrs TJAkp.BeuH, EH Atwood, Smith! Alert. Cbm chn,,op"or Loc ' er -- ! 'i&SflSf'&SVto' Do»*e, and Sarah Clark, Griffin, honae at Saigm Htn inst, Cr ? m C® r Pniladelphitt,’sailed from. fri>ra for PW‘»d«lfhia, Bailed 1 fot rhlla ™?' am Oharlratondth. in»t,“fe?^ l fforoEaat Greenwich'4th 'btswjmCity?* Atrantaj at FhU lnst.from «u c /a'tjs2J y iS?i's'' l ' e ’. f jY PhiMaipliia or Bak from Ml B.y«r,3d inek. (3f*j p|i laV a t.K^w "po rt ’ rom t' rovl^Sllce for Phiik Sarah j Bright, lnStant- 0 . Bo«ton .for-Phiiidellrhla, at Newport 4th. arrived at I>ort- Harding, Aniotm. Boekhill, hence,' vTdlsnoodS^SltP’Yj*“ nt air ’''fawflfoUat-ltro- ' MILL- SgSfeSjSpg&lfe a \J.he option of the party making the proposal. • « 'tfftSgfiJßSra K«c^ffiy MoßElS fiRK 12fS * !■ Ihe following urovUiM In tho Polioles ofthi« (W ffiOf'?? 1 '" •j* 1 ®” o . r *fa ius(rniAeiit;M > A collateral security to mortgage, and tuo approval olsiioHm- K» 0 " f 7gfe 7- " jfß'OnqE.—Utters teiitamcntiuy, on the *i! of the. Rev; John C.'BakervD.D.,lftte a f thn :s^ess«^w-as dEc’aatfAfiS ;-»i»l mrtf -y « Worth Bi»th rtrflCt.l'hlladKU. CHEESE;—32S boxes Herkimer county 0 w . ; ... -;■ /■ ~- : , AR£H fitreet.«ai’Qr,<i (Lh)T nbcr.-fi !-'fnnf J3f tierces. extra-. S.uger-cnred ' Ull/iw&JL ! C. 0, HApVBK if CO,, | ,ocon< * door stove Front, l , Excursions# BSW.'*wit-^.¥yr»Ks T n-E’ s E-A. I sH 0 R E IN TWO AND A PALP lIOUR3. TRAINS LEAVE VINH-STREET PERRY DAILY AT7MA.M. ANDir.M. RETURNING AT 0 A. M. AND 4,10 T. M. SUNDAY TRAIN TO ATLANTIC LEAVES T A. M., AND RETURNS AT P I>. Jt. mi6-tr ' SEE advertisement. Mm camigrrrm PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. EXCURSION TICKETS. , . ' Excursion Tickets to Thu -followm; places will bo is- '.sag. 3’ottstown do ' . , rhGDmxviilo do i ft Lebanon do. ........... Pottsvillo ( do 375 S6“i r^ tOft ' ,0l!0 wl-H. McILHKNNY, Secretary! ; FOK CAP^ IAY > 1 •*! j ‘Hi 1 ' '' ' ■ ANI) NEW YORK# Steamerla RBLAwAk, Captain Copes, |?ItI?EBEc! CapUinHa’nd. ' ' “o? SUNDAYS, for CAI'F. MAY_onlr,at 8 o’clock. A. M.v l r • ■ RETURNING. , . _ f jervve NeW York, {Sundays excepted,) at f P. ftt Cape May. daily,, at 8 A.M. Fare to Cape May, including Carriage Hire. • Jg «» “ - . Servants/.-.* *® ♦« \ mt - g©B»on Ticket, Carnage Hite extrw.;'. 8 00 m 1 « State R©6ms, extra .......... 100 Freishta for. New York and Capo May taken at low rate?,-Oeo4s destined beyond New. York will Re for warded-with itepTql Axent. . .'.;n ! 8H and 318 South DELAWARE A VENUE. FOR CAPE MAYVON SUNDAYS. - Doting the “ Season,” a,steamer will loave for Cape IVSy.pn SundayS, at 8 Velock A. M. Rpturninx, leave Cape Mai, Monday morninx, at'a o’olook. )e»-tf THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY SOW ISSUES EXCURSION TICKfiTS • TO ALTOONA AND CRESSON OS TBB aLleoheny mountains,- ■ GOOD FOE FOURTEEN DAYS. - Persons, wishina to breathe pure MOUNTAIN AIR. seekers of pleasare, and all who desire relaxation from ■ trasaneas, humid take advantage of this great t r REDUCTIONOF PARE, • TO VISIT . ' ' ALTOONA AND CRESSON. Pat# to Altoona end Return •—■ • J 5 “ . Cresson- “ ...... BEDFoSfTIpRINGS PAS3E'NT3IiRS' are 'likewise fornuhed.with tickets toHopeweU-the terminus of the HunHnxdon and Broad Topßailrond—where two daily lines of stages and hacks oonneet for tho npnnsa. lJylO-fm, LEWIS L. HOUPT, 1 <W. Ticket Agent. DAILY. SOB CAPE MAY.- SaSaSaSkiThp fins steamer BALLOON, Captain W. Whilidin, or ARIEL, Captain Taggart, leaves Arch* street wharf every .mormngV at 9# (Sundays ext by THIS line arrive at the Island in time to se ed re accommodation* at the hotouj.. . Emigrants are not boats. Fare to the Island, Carnage Hire inclndeU.; 31.00 H , Carriage’ l£iVo / extra. 800 Carriages, Horses, and Freight taken, at the owial rates. ■ Wl9-2l* BREAD. PUBE AND CHEAP BREAD, ’ MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAS BE OBTAINED AT TUB POtLOWIXO . * PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. oomer of Broad and Vine streets. . _ J. GRAVENSTINE.. ■.B, Vf. corner of Twelfth and Wallace streets. O.M. CLARK,..~-.— .....Poplar streot, below Tenth. . - 11. M0RE1L....-.—.8. E. oorner Sixth and Coates street. MRS. S.BEGK..—. No. 406 CallowhlU street. „ • 8. PANCOAST......,- No. 810 Spring Garden street. - JOHN G. MOXEY..~- «.No. 1223 Vine street, T. P, SMITH... No. 115 North Fifth T. C. HORNER.... S. E. co^'J^ th streets. W. W. MATHEWS..•w*w-*'* J, j[^ s^2treet l 8 a_XNtoirr.TT;i77n~. Broad street, bolow Wal- GEORGE GARVIN. —~... .No. J4IB Lombard street, B. COURTNEY.. N. W. corner Sixteenth and Pine streets. S. R. MASON.. Germantown S. R.'WANAMAKER. Pcjlciiv 1 Mr«et, ehoye Sixttt .. _ t Z. LENTZ Corner South Fourth and /onnston streets. L. HOLLAND * Ogdon streets. DAVID SADDLER ?-*g£!*!§2£sSiit J, WEIGfITMAN a - «• .S. r,' Seventh B *RS.„ TUIr- teenth street. ... srfiL B.W.con** iFranklmaad r . CoAlOf. oou. F. MORRIS N. W. miner Tenth and - ‘ fihippen streets. _ E. B. No. 1316 South Front _ street. J. BIuJSTER W-.-.S. W, corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEST.-..-.... Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. 8. BOWN. W.-..N. E. corner Ninth and FederaUtreeta. . J. McINTYmE .Twenty .second street, ab. Coates. E. W. HUNTER, street? abo%*a Se , - 1 - • __ vonteenth. ALEN. FULLERTON..w.w. Copier of Fifth and Chris- J. L. HICKS.... -.-. Camden, N. J,,-sbre ljB C. H. RAINIER;, i -... West Philadelphia, Mth Bt „ _ . ob. Haverford road. R- L. YARNELLn Lemu,Penna. - JOIOfBARNDT...^.Tteniont and FineGrovei H.,8. BOX. fieoJSqg, Fepiia. GEO. B. TOWNSEND. - . West Cheater, Fcona GEO. L. BECKER.....«. AtUntio City, N. J. , jambs Garland cape May, n. j, D. HORTON. Florence, N. J. JOHN 80DD..... Wilmington,Del. -TIfECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. Corner X mT’ I :?? < lA i l and VIKK Btreeta, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment Is now in successful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully, invited to call and soe £>» bread-making for. themselves. ' si.f3 e undersigned takes the.hborty of swing that fur thirty-five years he has Men a practical »kori-Ave a 6 apprentice, and five as journeyman m ono of the first nw»iu Scotland,pnd t twenty-five;aa master—during .whichdime he ha* had the opportujiity of.|n»kiug many experimenti.and Ateening on the improvements whio have bpeq made dunn? that period, - In thi*o.Btablh»hrnont,of wqieh he fcas nowthe mon fiemgpnrostrained in the purchase of flour, none but he soundest and beet shall evar be used ; and he has no tesitation m saying .that Broad of alfkinqa eon beds i verod, unsurpassed in Quality and weigbtby that msds >y the ordinary protest, •' > - - • Families in wMohrthe Bread mad? by the Mechanical Bakorr hatrnot been tried, or in whtch it hhs boen tri« only at its oommenesment, before the machinery was in perfeat woridng order, are respectfully anked to give it a triai now, the undersigned beiiovhu it would lead to mutual advantage. • • ■ JOHN G. MOXEY. ' -,ayX4-tr . . Superintendent. ' EDUCATIONAL. |?DEN HALL (LATE PARADISE) F. SEMINARY * Bituated in theriltageof Taradisp,' i r !pk®i ..turnpike, fifty-throe, p »»i.NBl,Phia, nine miles east of Lancaster Conritertabta .accommodation .is thus provided for thirty boarding pupils, and the trustees wjUJ spare no expense to ltmderuie school worthy of public favor. - -A? 1 ?” 1 ®?® 9l an yto the conductors of this school ralghtr raier t they are, nermittod particularly to name Jh* Al g n *° Potter and De Lanoey. nild the ReV. Dr. w. Hagnn Stevens, of Philadelphia. They S* o w y? tf tctftim.ooinl, kindly tendered ' /hf Scmidary for young ladies at Paradise, Lanoas i?fi'n gOl L 0 u rAI eupfrjntendonce of Dr. JT.jfo MiM.Chamborlain. ns tho Tmmedi- PUPCtpnl.isonethat, I think, may be te uea ojt to ffo faithfully,all that it promises. The situa- Oifd, ( Daeilr accoitejble by the r, ,L had largo'ox- Sfi2 e ?Sj the education ofyoung la inMwtß,oMlvi?it ’> oonfiilenco or Uio jrablio, and i aui-Bw; .Foradtee, Lancaster county, Pa., 'EP2&&&*****. p»inceton; snm'«nl h «^H U |fjs* ,rU ? tU> '’ ln ®«t™* S&lUiemßtlM. nlriSJl«*th -L a i ld mo r ß t influence# are made to £ *^TP? 1 Rrft spared to render it SMlt?KS[d?em’“' i^1 "‘ ,r,) ' bc !.-!?. For term* and ; .u,i-n,t«rtSA MKS K l"-™”*, Principal. r FHE HEMANB, INSTITUTE. K?,.l r t e ? uoA JL 01 * S f > limited number of Yonnn I,adieu, J?KS(C.!°7' f Sf >, R h R,“ oot penmnnlS known are referred s?LeroyMsOr.o. D. Cjenveland. Professor Charles Short, Wn Wm ' lL *“">“■ B ; FIMiE MISSES CASEY’AND-MBS. BEE- RBYANT & STRATTON’S NATIONAL XJTACKLED HEMP.—Just an «■“»• a,ld ana ‘ : a^ Vatel at.andre’ffwHiu&W a ERRING.—7SO bbls. Herring, assorted brands, in store and for salehr W ; w M>W v/jmr%s, the hist j HWMSfER BESPITS. . r ■■;... 1859. OHIO WHITE SULPIHJR SPRINGS, . ACCOMMODATION Pdtt'uti VISITP.RH. Sprinefield.Mt. Vernon. »nd Pitlstmr* Riilrond.'nnd 10 TOilea fromVloeslinl Vnllpy of Sp.mp «ntlpn,'on th. Co iuinbue, Piuua,’’nndlndiana Railroad. 1 f ;Se a dT l Vre , 2F’.;r P iti lb &T n^ l^ . Fo?ffi?,w other jeB-2m* - ™ - - White Sulphur .Spniign, Ohio. jgRIGANTINE'HOUSE, ’ . ' lIENRY SMITH, Tiopriotor, BRIGANTINE BEACH, N. J. This i» n most delixhlful resort for fnmilies. The ms 4 “fi built. Tho loontion is cool end deh.htful, Iwinx situated betweon tho Bey nniltlio Oeeen. lino fishing nnd gun nine throughout the meson. “ boat, th,**‘Sea Bird,”, eweits PBSseneerßat the Inlet on the wrival of tho moraine at Atlantic City, from whi,h the BRIGANTINE HOUSE is aitnated adistanoo efthree m lea, twine a pleasant inland sail., Foasengers jnU find Capt. Turner at Bedloe’a Hoteli wherolher will leave the care. Tost Office address, Atlantic City- ' JaaotAH' UIPIIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, IEI LANCASTER QOUNTY, JENNA. • ; ■ , - Thia favorite establislimcnt wiU be opened by the Brat of.TUNE. Situated on tho Ephrnta Rideo. H 9 milea woat of Philadelphia, 18 sou.th of Roo ting,,l3 north of Lnn cistor, 40 eaat of Harrisburg, Mil havme the advantme of the pbrest soft water, every wriotjr ofliatlis, the site elevated to 1,200 foot abovo water level; with graded and ehadywalks in dense forests,Bid?llo.mo»t extensive landscape scenery iu the-Union,it ra not surpassed aa a summer residence. , ; ... Accommodaliona for-400 porwmj, improvod stabling, and good carriage houses} nlsc a good stock or livery horses and wirriogoe. wnth amteemonta. A good banq of music, billiard tables, ten-vif, alley. It is easy or ac cess from all tho above points by railroad and coaches. The proprietor spares nothing to make it a home-rlace fbr comfort and health. '• \ ' For further particulars, boo odculars, to be and by ap plying to Joseph B. Myers, Thitfd and Vine streets; Jaa, fi. Earle, 810 . • (Ephrata Post Office, mvlS-Sm , Lancaster Penna, L ' UNITED STATES HOTEL# , CAP? M£Y. ‘ This spacious and favorite resort of visitert to Cape May has Jf| O U 3 TON, • » , , «* (Lite oflarnum’s City Hotel,) and will be m M, f on The long experience of the. .Colonel iq this connection peculiarly fits him for tha successful conducting of such a house, while ho will bo supported by the very best aids, • in every department, that can he procured. The house has been entirely renovated, andideooraied bi tho moat gorgeous manner,'and arrangements made for the supplying of the larder, and the wine cedars With all orabmcea iq tho terms substantial nnd ,We can safely: adviso visiters to give tno Colonel a call, and predict that his host of frieiuiszwill be vastly 1 inoroased before the season is overt ‘. • ‘ ' < JyC-lm gED.LOE-’S HOTEL, - ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, At the termirjua of tho .RaUroaS, on the loft, tayonil the Depot. This House is NOW OPEN for Sctflrdors and Transient visitors, and offers aeoommodaunns eaual toany-Hotel in Atlantio City., . * ’ , Binoo lost seoaon.-the chambers have been vgTy mi|oli improved, and rendered-more comfortable by Venetian blinds haring boen put up flt tho windows, ChsTsresinod&rate. Children and Servants half pnoe. . ’ j&r parties shouliQteep their seats until tho oars ar rive in Front of the Hotel. -Tho signs are conspicuous, Je2s-2m ‘ - • •- riIHK MANSION HOUSE., W.L.S| A li5 < URBON ! , f r?< ) Mi«or. This well-known establishment, the favorite resort of oltigena and visiters, has .lately undoriono extenoivo repays, and is.now,'one, of tho' most 'commodious, die kMhVrn^ fng. Its accommodations ajp‘fir*ticlniu;\the rooms spacious and alry.j &ad tho table. constantlj, supehed with ftll the luiuries of tfie sonson.' Persons dosfrous of spending® feW.wdekSin the summer in an ftgroo,- Reading., ' • ' ' ' ap?2-tr. ; T\TDFTUNE house, - • ! ATLANTIC CITY. and FAVORITE HOUSE having been ENLARGED and REFURNlSHED,isnpwthrownopen 'for the season; Its Robins are lasou, and eleoantly pirn.vieuEPr with every convenience and comfort torso- J -3HE House adjoins “ BEM.OB*B;* , Oil MASSACHU SETTS Avenue, within convenient distsnco of the surf, to reach which broad and solid gravol touts have been laid out. It is adjacent to the Lighthouse, and commands a fino view of the Ocean arid Inlet. • Permanent and Transient Boardors accommodated on liberal terms. Children andßervnnta half price... ,e26-2in JOHN BMIOK, Propnetor. WHITE SULPIiUn AND CHALY BEATE SPRINGS, «t DOUBLING GAP. PA., are now open, and are easy ofaocoM via Harrisburg-,- thence on the Cumberland 7nll*y road to NevrviUo; thence 8 miles staging to thejpnnga, where you arrive atop, M. same day. Evorr arrangement u cmnplote' for visitor*. Board per week, 'sB; por day, £1.25. Re duction for fhmiheg. IlofeiDncee—Jas. Steel, Atorton McMichncl, Bunerort, k. S. Jennney, Jr., fc Co. Roferenco to tho Analysis of the waters, Japios C. Booth, Analytical Profeusor of U. 8. Mint. Newvilio P. 0., SOOTT k COYLE, Je7-3m* . _ • , Propnetor. SE ABAT n IN G.—THE MANSION HOUSE, foot nr Pennsylvantaavenuo, ATLANTIC CITY, is NOW OPEN for guests* For convenience of arrnugoment, contiguity to tha bench, and attrcptivonpss to the adjacent grcuindis this housewU vmrivaile«l. The proprietor has spared no pains in m&king tlus lfotel all be desired hririsiters. -. > . we)-3m ' - r E. LEE. CARLISLE WHITE .SULPHUR SPRINGS, CUMBERLAND COtSiTY, PENN Bl liVAHIAt TM ",U'i o .? r , for tbe romsimW of fco eon son, at this deliebtful giimmor Resort, will be ■© to SS per weok. Visiters, leavins Philadelpiiia or Vl/iinoreio the morning train, arrive at the SprinvatSP, Jr, js»*3w. * OWEN, X 00. OEA BATHING. This fine, larirp, and airy house is NOW OPEN for song. TermsmivUwfttftyf»-v»AitKETBON, Proprietor. ;— . «EA BATHING -13 ATLANTIC CITY. CONGRESS HALL is now open for the RECEPTION OF BOARDERS, and the subscriber will lie liappy to see.liiß friends wise may fevnr Ism with their wtfunaso during the season. ' : • *. ' - je2s-3ra . TIIO3. G. GARRETT. SEA BATHING. t PELAWAIIE HOUSE, Capo Island, N. J, , This favorably and well-known Hotol ie now open for the reception of visiter*. Tormß 88 per week, je23-flw „ JAMES MEDlUYryropriefor; rfIHE SURE HOUSE, ‘ATLANTIC 1 CltY. -*♦ We havo received the fpllowinr' card s' !a report is m ciyctitation that the Proprietor of the SurLHouse, Atlantic City, hep raised the price'of Board to Sl7 BO per week, if the portieaald ant regain for two Weeks- is incorrect, ns in all cuos roe prise mjayrod has been but. $lO per week. The house.has l>eeo- fijjeu witu gaosts, who have, .in general, expressed themsolvosbor- satisfied with its arrangements. There is uow room fora number of visiters, uotwitlwUmliug reports to the'contrary. A hAti.ee that tfjo terras would be as stated, waa ,poft6di?Pi]mtfiiwujgthat such terfns were unusual,it was immediately WUUrayroj ■ : . au3-6t • fi? 8. yyppnetoy. CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT.'IN KS TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, W ALNDT 6troe), Southwest comer of THIRD, nta • - ° P * tt * Money is received In any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day. oi dopoait to the day.of wuh drftwaf,. . The office ia open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning till 5 o elocx in the evening, and om Monday and Thursday QvomnM tilltfe’olohk. •,{ _ . w ; iilwfe^aife- YYiiluji J. Riibd, fiiipjelafy,. r \ ’ Robert Solfrid sc,. * • Vvhnc\toLee y : Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Y'orkee.l . C. Landroth Mmrna, llonrr Diflbndoffor. „ Money is recoived and payments made daily; Thpmveatmonta are madb,-m conforraUj'with tbe ways rosure perfect'security to the Wepngitnr]?, and which cannot Tail to give permanency and stability to this Institution, aul-iy GATING FUND.—-UNITED STATES £7 TRUST COMPANY, cornor THIRD omICUEST- IyIJT Stroeta. , . , IjUruQsni) <mnU mnureeoiyod. ond mid tack cmda mSn'lvnlKriU noUpO.JVilh FIVE PKR CENT. I.VTE KMT/W. givw of q;wt ja thn <j«y ar.vritMmvrnl. mW4 WO, 7 smh&w- a#d fin upwards. WW”!?* a f!||Bcf,(lon(l, ftosidont-sfEPIIEN H. CRAWFORD. ■'< Treamrar-PI.TNY FISK. i Talor-JAMBS R. HUNTER, ° qftei | CIRANKLIN SAVING FUffD— * JSO South' FOURTH Street, betwein Chestnut And Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits on domand. I Depositors’ money scoured by Government »i)d .City Loans, Grqijnii Hofits, Mortgages, fete Gompfiny doama .afety beftor than larra profits. eonsecuontly will mifno riV&WGfi.irapMG (ora mono,, but,havo jt at nil tjiiiaa resiljtb to turn-with 6 per cent, interest to the ovnorr a* they have always done. - Phis Company jneYer ForniUea, married qr single, and Minors can deposit m their own right..and such deposits can be withdrawn om.t by their consent. ■« Charter porpotual. Incorporated by the State syffisyter^sstsa:* ifyafe sf i *isw Oatij^y r ' DIRECTORS; , Sa?" 01 ” gMsatjr^ Malnehj W. flfoan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis KrnmbhMr, Honry Polnny, , - - •• iX 9X,* I '-® Cadwallauxr, Treasurer. d!8-y “ A fc#iMayefl iff tyicp earned,**" SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIOTY op I'litt.AtiF.M'iriA. • Office, No, Ml North TlUIil) Street OFPHfif - Rsmsltf, reeolvwl In su/ns oi' One Dollnr and unwards. ■ zb* n S RS P r ?,*'? or^f *nizinx and locating it, adosire to the buai noss intflrost and wants oi the wry ar*o nrul ciiterori «mg population by which it s surrounded. : P „ ' • OfP/CK 01‘KN DAILv, ; From oto 2, l *o clock: abo, on. Mondpj and- Thursday from 6 until 8 o’clock in the' evening. * . ' _• , , , MANAOEIH. isfpi,. wm*---- Frands ftart, Joseph P. feOlero. rS!in.?n B^» J » r ’’ Oeorgo Knoelit/ James S. Fnngle. Jacob Dock, • junph At. Crowell, Hon. Wm. Milliard. &«,&-. „• ssafeCr T*^n^,£aymilohK , ; CABINET WAKE. CASS/ypimrdNb'Billiard jVfOORE 4- CAMPION, Ko. 231 SOITTH BTRISET: • - m opnuop/ipu wifh tholr extensive Cabinet Business, are nowmannfactur bynll who thomTola Union, who are fnfiiiUar with the character if their , ii?d-6is i SAVING FUNDS. h.-fiUs the Purse.” RAILROAP'iTOB, Sstn PHILADELPHIA AND MLr " /-.l i. i i« For Elmira, Niagara .Falls. BußaJck Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,.Rock island, Galena, Bt. Paul’s, Burlington, *nrt St. NIOHT EXPRESS.. ' For Elmira, Nias/ira Falls, Buffalo, RetrbiL CliiMyo, .Milwaukee, Rocklsland, Galena, St. Paul’s, Burlington, and St. Ijoliis. . . , The 7*lo A. M.and 3.30 P. -M. trams run through to H ARKiSBU R G, stopping at-all Stations on'the Lebanon Yalleyßtiinch. . . t The7.3o A. .fit. Warn connects At Rupert for Wilkes-: bar re, Piltuton. fccrnnton, aud all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOaiSBUKO RAILROAD. • ' - Baggftgeiclioeketl to-Elmira, Buffalo r and Suspension Bridge, i BgL Tickets oan be procured nt the Philadelphia and' FabUM-s-Railroad Line’s Ticket Office,’Northwest ofBIXTII and CHESTNUT Streets, and at tho Passen ger Depot! cornor BROAD and < - -• THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Loaves tho Depot, Broad street, below.Vino, daily. (Sun day excepied,) for all point*. West and North, of O P. AL■ Freights must be delivered betoro 3 r/M.to iurare l going the Snmo day. F° r Mow Vl*. °N.V. ccnOTSjiXTIUnd OILEBTSIIT'sISa, ocl-tf . Philadelphia. f>S n'oenn PHILADELPHIA, GER rfasfrjs&gggpagga mantown.and nor rib* TOWNRAILR6AD—iIJ.MMER arrangements-- forth.. notes. pi «•, Leave iGenunnlown 0,7 m ia, 8,8)*, 9,10, Hi A. M., 12,V, Leave Philadelphia 0.00 min. A. M., 2, 3,3, 7}{, and 10}*- P. M. ! ' . Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4,6 K» ““ dWi P .fgiIEB T NUT inLL RAILROAB. Leavo Philadelphia 6 ( 8,8,’i, II A. M., a, 3K, 4, «<, 8,8, ’’lieaVecUstnutHiUMO, f.n. 8.10, 8,10, H.» A. M„ 12.40,3.40,3.40,7.10, P. M. w ’ I ! ' ON SUNDAYS, „ Leave Philadelphia U.Ofl min. A. M., 2,3, aud Vi P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.50 A. M., 12.5 Q, 6.10, .and 8.35 F- FOR OONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. ' Leave Philadelphia 6, 8.06 min., 10A5, min., 113£ A. M., 1.05ndn..3.05min.»4}4,8?4:,6k,1DfP.M. Leave mrristowa 6, f, 9, H A. M., 1, 3>i, 4%, 6,7 K, P. M. ! -q N SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A.M.,3and4P.M» teuvo M. - 'Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 mip.* '8.05 niin., 9W. 10.06 rotn.,ll)* A.M.,1.U5nun.,2.05imn., 8.03 uun., *%, #*, Manayunk 6 Ht 7)s, BM, 9}*, 3M min., 4,5, iii, 8, Leave Philadelphia 9. A. M., 3.4 PM. 0 M “ n^!M T fe7liSfew; si o& 'r PENKSYL- A ' U] ■ „ •; fi Washington, (Accommodation,) at 2.13 P. M. and 6.30 INB FOR PHILADELPHIA i , Bethlohom, (Exprosa,)atB A. ftf. and 4.10 P, M, - Leave Doylestown, (Acoofnraodation,) at A. M. (Accommodation,) at &80 A. M.and P.M. \ s ... ON SPKOAiS! > Philhdelphift,/or Doyloatown. at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Doylestown. for Phifads., at 6JOA. M. ana 3.46 P. M. Fare to Bethlohom, to Mauoh Chunk, $2.60; to, Easton, $1.60; to Doylestown. 80fle»M; toWiikoebarre,' $4AO.' All Pasienger Trains (except Sunday Trains,) con nect at‘ Berks street with JPiun and Sixth-streets, and BecondßndThlrd-streetsPaMenger-Rnilroadsi \\i , , for Wilkesbarre take A. M. Tram, and arrivedn Wilkeabarre at 7.P. JL, . , . t ; myl3 - 1 , , . 1 : hiLLIS CLAIIK, Agent. NOTICE.—CHESTER start fromtho passenger Depot of the PhiwdeJphm and- RendiM Railroad Corpp a ny> Mtmor of RROAP and TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 7.20 APTEIiNOON TRAIN-for Downingtown, leaves at 4.43 P.'M.. DAlLY.(Bnndays.exoepto<l.) >, t By order of tho Board or Managers of the Philadelphia nncf Reading Railroad Company. dM 5 W. H. McILHENNk, Secretary. IfWirSp ’fA’^PfOTmWGSMSST., On and aflor May 29th, 1860, the trains will ladolphia, from the Station. N. E., comer of EIGII TEENTH and MARKET Btreelß, at 7 and U A. M„ an from tho Station, on EAST MARKET Stroot.at and 6.45 P. M. ■ - ~ ON BDNDAyS-rLeave Philadelphia at 8 A. M..nnd 2 r.TiU Leave West Cheater at 7.30 A. M., nnd 5.35 P, M. . HENRY WOOD, my 28-tf General Superii^toudept. RSni;PHILADELPHIA Loaves the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Btr«,t«.nt 7M A.M„ f>AlLY.<Bundays exoeptod,j for POTTSVILLB, HARRISBURG, nnd nil. lntermijdlato pointn, oonnoctlivi at IlairinburKVith tminn running to P.tt.b»r,,Chainta^g.g.g fi 8»1»,,,*.. - • H l, e nvnnt.MllC%„ flA|l.f, nild . At 4™. M.,l)All.Y,(%mdny,6xpopteiUfor READ ING, nnrt interipQdinte pomtn. nplB .. W. il, AIcILIIENN\ , Sonretnrr. 3859. Mmm&m '1859. RBOM W’AL’IDT-SldF.ltT WUAhP, Will leavo as . ' . „ , tares. At BA. 31., vm Cnp>don a, ld P* & A- „ Accqmmodatipn;s..... v • • • 82 25 At G A. M„ via Cnrnden and Jersey City, (New imp y, |rnn , ' , " I, ' ,u * T^T ««— 1 rim . | n Vn ~ At n A, St., by Stoajniioati via, Tacony and* je'ntey City, Momm* Exproes.. S 0Q At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. Sc A. Ex ' press 3 oo At 3,*a P. M.» by Steamboat, viq Taoony and Jer sey Citr, Evening Expr055..,........ 3 00 At 3?< 1’.A1.. by Steamboat, via Tacony.anct Jer sey City,2d Class Ticket ’ •2 25 At 6 P. M.» Via Caniddu *n4 Pitjr, * “ At lIP, itVvIV Mail ......'....77....3 25 At£»i F.M,viaCamdendntf Ambfty,Acofln»od»tiop, • - (Freight ami Passenger—let Claw T)cket, 225 . 2d Class Ticket. • 130 At 3P. M., via Camaonand Amboy, Accommodation, ' • 2 35 Safel/i £P! xW gK Express Lines stop at Principal Stations only. . : For Bolvidere,Eagtfln, Flepungtoiit Ap>> at 8 A. M, and 3)41, hi. _ Fflr Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scrnntqn, Wilkesbarre, For Mount Hoily,>t3lindU At. M., and 2}tf, 4Ht, aud 3 P. M, - „ WAY LINES' . • , For Bristol, Trenton,-4co, at 3)* and 4% I\ M., from Walnut-stroet wharf. For Palmyra, Delarieo, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, AcJ, at 1 and 2ji P. M. ' Steamboat John Noiluoh for Tacony, nt‘BJi A. M.‘, and for Bristol, Burlington, and intermediate places, at 12 M.and4)s P. M. -Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each nftssenger.' passengers are prohibited from taking anything fis Mg .vul nnt be lmblo Tor any nmount bojond 9100, except by unooint contract,,, ; , ~ ; > . , ' : , June 1. [ f WM, H. QaTzMER, Agent. S i PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ■ ” RAILROAD. Corinoptlng direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains and Nebraska—thus furni*h(n< the trans nortatipif 6f Passengers unsurpassed for spaed and com fort by any nthor route. . i Express and Fast Lines run through 'to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are. attached to each Train; Woodruff*# days excepted. , , ■ |}h il Train Philsdolpliia at 743 A- JT. ' loaves faJrt p.‘ a*! . ;WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOli,o , Vv% i Parkesburg Aqoommodaticn at 11 A. M» , Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P.M.' Mninbi* • '! •• ; ~30F.m! PMsoncor, .for West Cheatqr will teke tie Mall. Fnrkeaburc.’ftnd Lencnster Tr«m>, at the Fenmylyania Railroad Passenger Station. ' , " ,r o l &“of h the Corapany.ui Fbilndelohin,New York,-Boston, or Bal. timoro! ami Tickets Eastward at’any of tho important Railroad Offices in the West; also on beard any of the rc/iulnr Lino qf Steaipore on thfl‘Migalß#lppi or Ohio always as low aaany other Route. TR6 coniplehqn qf tf|Q TvoMqi'ji 'cqnMeoltona of tho , Thecpnneotiori or tracks by the, Railroad Bridge at PlUftburg, avoiding all draynge or ferriage ofFreisht. tosethor with the saving of time, nro edvaritopeß readilv Shippers oi Freight and the Travelling FREIGHTS WESTWARD. B/this Route. t roUhta of all dWprrpttona pan ha fnr warjlcrt from HeW'k^rWl^anrArßafH more.tq R«y poWton tfie.JU Iroads of Ohio.'Kehtuoky, Jndiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa,or Missouri, by RaU- Th« Pennsylvftnlallajjroftd Also connoets i\t Pittsburg with gteamora, |iy which .Good* can be forwarded to any port on iho Ohio, .Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee. Cumberland, Illinois, Missis* ppi/ wktfi'nß n. Miiohrl Kansas. Arkansafi. *rd K|«\ Hirers Bnwinifky, nnd pHlaago, Will Steamer* to all ports on the Northwesiorn Lakes. , , Merchants and Shttmera entr\Utm* the transportation of their rreiKhtto thia Company, onn rely wfthconfi donee on it* speedy transit. ‘ w i iPifi- i O *A?P. !q IJT tonny point in the Weijt IRk, Be particular to mark paokagea “via J’onna. Hail road. a - t 1 s * , MeffhnntainJtho Went ordering jroods from the Knot,' wUrdo well to direct them to bo shipped by this Route ForFrolyht Contrafeis'Qr ShipjJms Directions, rtbply to, or Rddrcaa either of tho following Agonts oflhe Com r’! ‘ . „ !>• A. STEWART. Tittibure! A Co.,Hleubcmllle,o.; ll.B.Piercci Co.. Zanea njfe, O.; i.X. Jolmaton. Ripley, p.: R. iWoNeoly, Maya- H. Harrie, NnabvillOfTonn.i Harris & Hunt. Memphis, TR ,nM iS ta s“ c 2-k,Pti°»{?d ll “W,H.k Koonte. r roißht tlio Company at tho following nlaoea Wore ahipping: p C ±{t°a.ten" lh ° ‘“T ?41 1 KW s &®ljf^ I feh B£r eet.BaUi mn re ' IJIBB £ 88:: - iq« A. SCOTT, Gen'l Sup’t, Altoona, Pa, o^ Q SI2|I? P|:RS RAILROAD COMPAkY are now prepared to receive and forward freieht to Hib fol. *ol n 5 po nl9 °“ ,ho centhal Kaul: WshlZ, plfP'l-wl. fc?"' Trevorton Intersection . , ‘VfiP.fSOtQWn, " • ' jyillmjnspprt, * taorstown,^ MjilW., Halifax, ’ Wntsonlown f Yorjr, -flßllfln, 41,80 *^ VQr p * lon ; KA?iiilOAlf ’ * n<l flll intermediate points on HANOVER n Freight Station, THIRTEENTH MARKE J, Streets, will be DrqmptljF forwarded. , PiJ.BNfiEHEß.FrQishtAg^t, . is; IST rmMfaan FOR THE |3EA SHORE. ARRANGEMENT. oamden actAtlantiorailroad. .. ONLY.-TWO AND A "HALF HOURS TO-TJIE SEA *‘’ - ' , SHORE. - , _ J ", , - ~ On tmd nfter SATURDAY, May 3lst, and until furlW notice* three daily trains toAttanUoand return. - - -On SUNDAYS, the Mail Train only win run. - ' ' First, Mail-Train, leaves Vine-Street Fcrry; r. 7.30 A. At. Second, Express. -v/ ji. \ . ~4.00 P. M, ■ , _ (Stopping only for wood nnd water.) , „ Freight Train (with Passenger C&r attached>.4.Bs A. M.‘ Accommodation.Train,-(Egg Jlubor,)'leaves - Vine street*.*........ ;,.,t440 P.M. Leaves Atlantic city. First, Express Tram, loaves ,6.00 A. M' Second, Mail,.. “ . 4.40 P.M' Freight. : “ 12.10 A. M* Accommodation-Train leaves Egg Harbor 6,(0 ’A .Mj 1 ’* SUNDAY TRAIN. Leaves? Vine-street Ferry At; : ‘. 7 A. M. Returning, loaves Atlantic at... X T. AL- This train will stop only at .Waterford, Egg Harbor,- anaAoseoom. , . >. , r , k - .■ 1 ; • HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. ,eaves go«»Ws Point. H.oo A. AT. leavesHiulddliheld. ; j.no p.M. jeaves Cooper s Pomt 2 oo p.jw. leaves Hadddnfield 8.00 P All Fare.to Atlantic, Vhej) Tickets are purchased before en tering the pars...; ffl 80 Round Trip -Tickets, good for two dajs, on any regular' train.... »2 60 ■ On mid nfter July 2d, mill every Saturdov tliroimh Ilia Summer, the jisg Harbor Accommodation Train will ran tlirough to Atlautlo, and return early <m Monday mora ine. . • ?reig|it must bo delivered at Cooper’s Point by IP, M. he Company will not be responaiblefor any goodsun til received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at the Point. . ■ , . , * m> 19-daepl JOHN .G. BRYANT, Agent. MiW mI^ ier arkange - PHILADHLI’HIA, WILMINGTON,, AND BALTI _ : MORE. RAILROAD. _ - i ■ .On and niter MONDAY, Julyith. 1859. ' passenger .trains leave pi£i£adelphia, llioi’ M tlm0 ‘ re StB ' l ° *'^ , i 17 noon,(Expre«a,> ana For Cheater at 8.15 X M„ 12 noon. .AO, aid 11.10 P. M. • E or .piltainston at 8,15 A. M„ 10,480. and 11.10 P. M. ■ For-New pa«tle at 8.15 A. M„ and 480 P. M. tor Middletowit at 8.16 A..M., and 480 P, SL For Dorer at 8.15 A.'At., and 480 F. M. or oa or|M amfsi? ?tl l,n r “* 8 - 30 : A - M ->, <HltprMa,)3.4o A. M., at 880 AIM. and 9JO A. M., 1.10 and 7 |Ajavet>oiyrat6XOA..M. land8.25P.M. • . Leave Seaford atfi.JS A. AL 1 , and 2.45 JR. M. , --- j TRAINS for Baltimore Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.28 and 11.40 P. M. "Leave Wilinmgton,at 9JK) A. M„ 12.55 £, M., and 1240 Only a i IUWP. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. - fi 45 a *" or . intend sdiate p ffoavoi Wilmmzton for Perryvilia and intermediate placee at 746 P..M„ - r • , • .. , ......... AO 1 "A M °* ace and intermediate. 9nd ‘“‘^Fmerlinto p^co^at^jo? o^! oll Philadelphia and intermediate ' ' s. M. FELTON, Pw.ident. BUSINESS CARDS. •yHEO. D. EMOBY & CO.. OFFICE No 148 South FOURTH St., Fhllada., . .Foie AKenta of •■’. ! CEO. C. POTTS k CO., , Miners and Shippora of the * ; LOCUST DALE COAL, Prom the Locust Mountain, Near Ashland, ap,-6m] SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. JOHN BINNS, • ~, , HOUSE'and OFFICE, " No. 115 South South SIXTH Street, . , Heha., bylatr, M to odnuhlster Oaths and Affirmations, and taitnTestimony to bs reod in Eridanco in any Court of the Commonwealth of Penneyivania.”. . ?&l™1, C!1 ' !UIU, 4S? 8r j 0 f !he United and also, nOommiiuionerof Deeds and fot the Probate of Ac .couate.for .nearly au the State, in the Union. '' Oomnussions to take Teetimuay,-from-any of the Courts, in thia.state, or any of the.Courteln the United States or Perntonea, promptly and carefully executed. ■ l j -■ -■ -I f-..,.-. JyWrtY., OKIE & CAPP, 223 DOCK Street, above Walnut, STOCK BROKERS, and dealers in Mer canttio Paper and. securities generally.. Attend tho Brokers'Boon! dally, and nil nil orders toy the'puroh&ss or sale of STOCKS. BONDS, Sc o. ja7-ly 1 1FPICE OF TJHETEENTH and fif r Room No. 4, FALLON’S BUILDINGS, 520 WALNUT Street- ; . . twll-tf. ffUIE ADAMS EXPRESS CO.. OFFICE I S- 82ft CHESTNUT Street, forwards Pareela, Pack ages. Morqhandiue, Rank Notes, and Spocie, either by its own LmoSb or In connection with other Express Com- ® B .d>M 1116 prinoill? aul-tf , . *•• General Saperinteodeot. a lex. McKinney, J?- ATTORNEY AT- LAW. . (JREENSBUSG, PA, ~Wt(* praotme lft Westmarelaiut, Armstrong, nnd In diotta CRntitias. aell-tf. August belmont, ' . BANKER. 76 BEAVER STREET. Issues Letters of Credit for Trui'eMers, available in all parts of the world, through the Ale Mrs. Rothehilds, of Pnnßf London, Frankfort, Naples, and Vienna, end their Correspondents;‘ , *. • NOTICES, 7VOTIOE. Sealed Proposals, endorsed .Lx “TrowSsals for furnUhitig the Public Schools of the 21st, ad, 23d, and 2tth sections".with Lehigh' and Schuylkill Coal, will be received by the undersigned at the Controller’s Office. 8. E, corner SIXTH and AI)EL PHI Streets, until MONDAY, August 15. 'The 1 Pr«po gali] will to received for said wardi, ar each school, aepa -3 he;© will to two sßfbs reouired. Egg amt Stove, inn the ton to to 24*8 Poumbj. Proposals will be ye petved at the aame: time, for Charooal ana Kiqdhng Wood, \hnt mayto reqQired. Proposals to to endorsed .with the name of the ward proposed to Ornish.'.. -h A^rofHtu qnO-Ili- —' - CaAt-O « flli fNSUBANCE COMPANY OF. THE STATE 9E,f •BNNSYLVANIAr-PnitAnEtrau, Auguat I. Direotora have. THIS DAY declared aDivfl hWblf^k%e 0, «,» hddeyr . TVOTIOE.—j\h upplicatifln trill (ye made ofiM£leUi^ E 8 WK.tpbu H^left'jtjaoity gPEG{AL }n Good o°f r^.isrswMsss&'Sss are property «bunpod or labene/Wth ray.aujhorny, they canimt be-lelalir dißpoMa oi' ia thi united Merchant, anddeatata ava invited ta ox klQim th?se ySSs, embrAee aQ the styles heretofore manufactured or im ported, hnd many others. - , u •ALSO, LICENBHB TO MANUPACTUkE and SELL ■SHI. -i • ■ • VKpRAfiEH.PAY, aiOTiPE.—Persons having'business with ivihS h S. F W i L INS P? c TOIt will call at No. 5< ?*K E Ja r , <>6t ti.* )81 “' < !f5 #. »?«r» of S o’clspk and 3 ?: fcniE&W wIU ra,M' y ’ lelT ; ‘ jliflWßWOgtor. copartnership notices. rpilE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ox ,A. istin between the subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm wul be July ig, IMS. ItWtjjjp •JOSEPH B. HANSON will cMitinue the Toberoo Com •miKSion ttusmoM, and Agency for tb.e wale of Sombroro uuhno, As herotoforb. ; ami lV» Avenue. GEORGE BOIiHIN, 1 i» North WATER Street NORWOOD PENROSE,' 1M North DELAWARE Avenne. NORWOOD PENROSE slate of the firm of Joseph B» Hineon & Co.) is thia day associated BOLDIN, under the style and &TeN- I\OSE,% cf >'Tobocro, Oil, Q<d\eml Comralsslon Busineasi - /. July 1,185?. ' ' • ' Jyl-tf FJISSOLCTION OE COPARTNERSHIP. m&mmif partner, under tho same sty le and firin of Pbiiadojphia. August jilSagf* . , Th IS [SOLUTION, —The Copartnership Muder tho .firm of EVANS i tmvoUin/ Public, to keep "THE UNION” with such character as will merltpopuiar favdr. iyT : m'6t Dissolution op copartnership. herptoforo existing under the ’’Fr i i iiROTHERS was diasoh'od qij the let « WTLLI3 P. HAZARD. In thua retiring from the above firm, takes the Opportunity of tliankin* tno public for tha pattonavo »o liberally bestowed on him, ana solioita for hia Brother a continuance of the same. Philadelphia, Aamißt 2,18K>. TVOTfCH IS HEREBY GIVEN," that the T™ Ann or WAnNICK, CHADWICK, k BRO. Io this d»v ilimolvwl. The Hf.ntor, Kanro, anil Stove busineaa SUL" 8 continued under (ho name ofcHADWICK' Sc s,? 4 lhe Noril,oiut i'NK. w Philadelphia, July 11,18W,^ INSURANCE COMPANIES. F 4 M JO; INSURANCE COMPANY. No. HI Streot. rfI!MWI,?IIu. inoOtipok tiie state of CONFINED TO FIHE AND INLAND RISKS. mkpjjmk!-: jtSfc&u*: .: BarcimY Lifpikcott.. . liippinoott, Hunter. &. Spoil. Jacob W. Stoct. 6h*ireos, Stout, & On. Uksry Lewis, Jr Lewis. Jlma., & Co. .5* D .Jh BtRJiRY |>avis Allirney. ■A. H. Hi>BMnhrim Rosenheim, Brooks, tc Co. Joibt 13. Klllhok John 13. Ellison ft Sons. . JonN W.Evkhmas...... John W, Kveniißn Jc Co. Thomas S. Martin...,:. Savage A Martin. oj-ORGE W. DAY. I’reEident. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, Ylpe Proa’t. WILLIAMS I. BI,ANPIIAIiP, Ko i ,’y, 1 ’ ' Vut-fr , WASHING AND IRONING. CASHING AND IRONING DONE v» rr"A ATNESS and Di^)’AT\ ; l!, Ipr Single oporatU-oai 0 , wtl6aa ‘Wott? jy ffHr , Buperindencfedt. *THVINES,—A well-assorted stock.of-mi bf perior B ?'' aa<l #&fER ne rim r g “p>i r % »oip W* , ;VN.W»tsnrtreel,'MjdM§'w( ) ajve, l ’.-"•.■.l’ ■ SHIPPING.; ■A/VWvAAewwwVA'V'^WWWVAAAAAAAA^AA/ GLASGOWS AND' NEW YORK Sf?AHG^9!J|, Cu h‘“'h6fsalurd«'',7thMar. fcMtassK,;' NoShS P e 6r fornl¥d^n r |. e . otl For freiglit or passage, y - ap26rtf,' ' ' No. a ■ ,FOR THE SOUTH—PHIL A* 2S £Em& DELPHI A TONEWORLEANB AND IN TERMEDIATE POINTS. - CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH ROUTE. Goods received every day, And bills of lading signet! ■- , The V. S. Mail Steamehip KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Marslniiau, will sail on Friday, August 5, at 10 o’clock, A. ou • • , The. U f 8. GEORGIA, Captain Garvin) will sail on Wednesday, August „ firat-clasa side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE SPATE aud oTATK OF GEORGIA now run as above evmy ten days, thus, forming a five-day commu nication with the South and Southwest, connecting with steamers for FUmda.-aTu} with railroad 3 for New Or leans and intermediate points. • - , ’ w . FREIGHTS REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average or 15 per cent, below New York Bteamsh,p j§g^^ C g • Freight'nnd Iniuranee on a large proportion of Good, shipped Smith will to found to be lower by these ships than by saumg-vesaels. • - Ji 1 ■ ■ Ineuranpe on all Railroad Freight is entirely unneces sary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad . ■.'. Fare by this route 25.tp40 per cent, cheaper.than by the Inland Rente, as wiU;be seen by hm following sche dule. Throuxh-tiekots from Philadebhia via Chariee ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on nah to^oiitgdtae'^ o^ ISayan-, 1 Sayan-, To Charleston.. M . 915 00 Charleston. - ~52350 Savannah -16 00 Savannah.;.- -3100- 2O 00 Augusta- 26 00 • Macon.'. 2100 Macon..r.-r 5276 Atlanta,.. 23 00 Atlanta....-.'..W.... 31 OO Columbus. 23 00 C010mb0*.........-.. 9600 Albany*..; 24 00- ’Albany.'.....'. 8100 Montgomery..., 2800 ’Montgomery 3900 Mobile../...;.. 3500 M0bi1e*.............. 46 90 New Orleans.... '39,75 'New Orleans-....... oi 00 • N. B.—Pnssongors by thU route connect with the In land Rente to South Carolina and Georgia, travelling by the same conveyances thence tor New Orleans. ’" - ’ No bills of lading signed after thejhip )ut* sailed. Nofreightreoeivedonthedaypisaiung. - ; For freight or passage apply SouthwestcomerFOUTH • Agents in Charleston, T.S.A’T. GTBuDD,' • ' 6-“‘ Savannah,C. A, GREINERStCO. Jy23 U. s.-M: STEAMERS -.. ' i 7 to?., B iuX T Mit JM, »!’Sapl«rol>er 1 ? U < EtSn,Captain VfoUon, will sail August 20, Octo ber 15,December 10, : * -a.. 'First CobiapdMage. „. ,i M . SWO. - Second .Cabin passage,... 75- ■ * At the Warehousing Company’s Philadelphia Offioe, Tobacco Warebouae.TDQCK Btreet, Phila- jc23-6m . <&&&%■ THE BRITISH AND NORTH gjBSpiAMERIOAN ROYAL- MAIL STEAM ’'FUOMkSW TORk TO LIVEBTOOL. Chief QamnFaas&xe. Second Cabin Passage. .... 76 . - - FROM BOSTWt TO LtVXaroOL, - Chlof Cabin Passage.. ijuo ' Second Cabin Passage; 8} - Tho ships from Boston oaU at Halifax. PERSIA, Cap*. Judkins, r -} AMERICA,- OapL MiUer* . ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, I NIAGARA,' Capt. Adder- Biannon, l Ciptl lMeL : These carfy*a olear white light at mast-heAd j' MA'tt^vUlioWiajdag.JuJplL TOSEttof • : AFRICA, Shannon, - N York, Wednesday. Aug.'3.- EUROPAaLeitch,- , Boston,' Wednesday, Aug. 10. PERSIAPJTudIpn*, . • N York, Aug, 17. ARABIA, Stone, - ‘ Boston,' Wednesday, Aug. 24. Berths nqt secured until paid for. •- r .■ • Ap experienced Surgeon on board.” y • The ownarsof-thaseshlps-wHI .not .be aocountable Coy Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie,:Jewelry,Preciou* Stonei or Metals'* unless bills brlaflmg are signed therefor aiK PIANOS. e££3&gi< R 4 YEN, BACON, ft Co.'s. f Tf *Nu»»b A OlarVi,Hsheß,-Bam, h Coa’s, MONIUMB, so for.,Churches and Lecture -Rooms* - • - -•- -c' - Pianos and Melodeons to Rent* mjU-ir - . SEVENTH ■ggata SUPERIOR ?lANOS, 207 BAETIMORK Bireet r Charles and Have always on band a targe assortment of their eupe rior rianoa, lecommendoo by oortihcAtos fj<\m 8. Thattorg, Strnkosch, and to to enual, if not superior .to made ip this country. The durability of thetr’Pianpy to 'warranted for five years and a pnvmge ftf axchaosa. 'Titwn A “• r* tMB T l ’t ßt mLlAN KNABE A CO., Maura. LEE k 'WALKER, No. 722 CHEBTWIIT Street, Philadelphia, are our authorized Agents; and will keep constantly on hand and sell opr Pianos a{ ma nufacturers’ prices. •* • jphHbn • fC==3te* CIIIORERING * ' *’granp, jSSd Upright PIANO-FORTES. WAREROOMB 807 CHESTNUT STREET, awnrdait. at thaftiUMOß* ip tula «uuitt]r aua TIfARSH’S MUSIC STORE,, J-IJL No. 1!02 CHESTNVT Street, pilhnfelphia, ' Where a[l the Utii.t awl j!bpujsr Music oan he ob tainod ffom w catalogue m thp United State./ liC rtruottw BookE, Bet Tieoea, Son*., JSltadj, Ac. .New Sn.T.'.'ffiff X. 1 " k? » aw.oao, pct-pß'd. WiU be saajp receipt of the price M^f^»^}ir Oat AT° gp ®V end receiving uew Music daily. Musical Instruments and rnuMcal mer- every dasonptioa at.importers’ sad mami-- tapturer8 > prices. . - :£. MABBH, IK» CHESTNUT Street.-'. machinery and iron. SAMUKt Y. MKiRICK, . n VAVOBAN DinutlCZ, eouTHiv^f' ,^MSS?*‘ , FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRBHTB, MEffifftHS,' „ , engineers ANDMACHINISTS, . ofSlp.?l!?h ra e B r io ’ I ®"*K fM ’Work Show, Rail ir»o^C^. w!,ißonr of ' U * ***”*' »“• ■•«*- 'ft£H f fcj? o . ni flSS-?QjCNS ,i « II MtpWnam each a. Sole Agents for N. Rimeux'a Patent Suker Boiling HARDWARE. T° THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The the follßwing popde.at lowp.t rates: Law ip’ euperior g Chains ol all hiud«, ; including traps,■ ,\al|w, t fth, t,yaton, toorue.ooil.ahip, ptlpe, arS nffiHr Chains,- riaht a pateilt acd oih(ir AhvT& andVToeii “h" > i rpsw jnd avatHtß pane j short and lona a Fry Farai Eloobior BaTsty f'uso for hja.tina l Bed Screwsl American aiatear.BlaoWoard Cra- “T * t Chedel Serewas*T!qier tfn MWW Mahotstty-Kaobe: Wbites* firaeea: dheveH and Spades, all kinds; Hay and Manure |Vru t jlajcos, and Hoes; Southgate’s patent wrenches; lK»cka and Latches J-‘Poor and Shutter Soluj Hand, Slodre. and Stone Hamm era t spooks and Hm res: .Taolu, Bntds, Shoe. Clout, and Flhumn? ffidlsr WrouiitMaiE Stonoa andßißaa; DaiaSi'TfSSpS. and RamajAlor iMaes BatoE, Axe». Hiit ®tiSw«e' W>a “''^ “*» “ r * ■ ' WoSSmEßclmreet. BRUSHES. rriHE CHEAPEST BRUSU BOUSE IN ’ O°.J. gknhtE'. CJVperdoMn. {{o.B, (3 knots, 75- * k < No. 3, 66 knots, 87 “ No. 4, gn knots. 10 O |o°:||»|: ■ 2- No. f, 1M knots, iS ■ m a W C- 1 ECKSTBIN, 6> North THTRI) Street, below Arch, . ■ •■ V . - Philadelphia. PR OUT’S CELEBRATED LONDON BRUSHES. introduced, have at oooe taken prooedeace for quality s ?> materials and fnr eqienlinc.constnwtion. 'Hi* Hair peculiar elasticity with the re- lfnnnesa, are- found to paea uniformly, and smoothly; ffHßouon the hair rather than roughly and harshly over it, thus sivins the proper atimnms cqnsoqaent freedom from dandruff fo the scalp-akin without injuring it, and. thus. too. tasunne a saturtlly uUwy, - tf, the hatr. - Hiij TEETH, NAIL and COMB ere equally desirable also VWthou TORpfeCHVo vsea, all eorabimnr,in a remarkable cbsnnlotesi usefulness with extraordinary dura- Iklttr.. A ibil assortment ofPHOUT’S superior goods, ra o “V®iM 9 |OT ■wr «*.**“»• . ii wr : COAL. C W. GROQME & CO., LE “ IOH ’ TOP SEMl ofr,ceßß%ifsb.l: ■ ap2-gm . ■ - . . FHn.ADEI.PHIA. W o wood’ COAL > AND KINDJJNG ' JaNXEY A YEAGER. COATks-STitKET WHARF, greatly to their ailvanlage to pnrohaao Kmdliiig WocH m " 8 • ieg^m ' LUMBER. LXTMBER. —150,000 feet superior 5-4 and thP™™¥i^ n ft.S i on 4too , ii C hM k ' 80880 “ d in a *. pnn ¥ ) A B, » -Plank. <k4 to e inches thick. - SITwW l 8 and 2-inchPbvnk.t poiStSd sSSpwl!! 10 *><> ?■■*<>(*, <* «"4 » ft»» ions, r & a *®*erol assortment of veil-seasoned Lumber lpr-bUsinoga purpoaoa or cabinet makers, roit aa(e at moderate urines by Jills' anp sheetings for ex- SI South riIONT St., autt3s -LExITiA Street 0015-ly - , PENNSYLVANIA PAINT STORE.— wsa&sss&ismj& £!&««$? of “ %tT M THOMAS ft SONS. .5 . • Nos. 139 ana 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. . •; (Formerly Nns.67and©.) ’' • REAL ESTATE* SToCiS, *e< • . • PuWic Sales «t, tin* rhtladeJphiaExchinie. every, Tuesday*.®! noon. danng the business seagon. - . IGT liandbito df eaChTYoperty issnsd ifeparately, ii\ addition » which we, pubhehon the totunforpTeYfoos to each sale, one thousand catalogues m paniphiet form, xivina foU 'description of Ml_the Propertytotosoidon FURnSuIU^SALES AT THE'AUCTION SALE. “ , , - #SF“ We have alargeanipunt ofßealEstate at Private Sale,' inclndingt every .description of city and country property ; Printed lirigmay 1 fa had nt the suotion stem.. . . ' PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ' . Estate entered on oar Private Sale Register, anoadvertised occasionally in our Public Bale (of which I.QOQ copies are printed weekly;) free ot . r - .CARD.—The Trade Sale toßooksallers will commence bn Tnesday, September 23. I3U Catalogues now ready. CARD.—In August-only occasional sales, as hereto fore—not every, week, as in tho business season.. Bale of Nob. 339 and 142 South Fourth Street.. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE MIR RORS, riANO-FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS. . ' '• .OnTlrarsday Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, an assortment of excellent second-hand, furniture, elegant piano-fortes, tine mirrors, carpets,ete.^fromfamiliesdeeunmx&ocse* keeping, removed to the store for convenience of sale. REAL ESTATE SALE, August ldtli» at 12 o’clock, at°ihe Philadelphia Ex change. . Llegant country .seat,' lSKaciea.with extewive im provements, nneshade trees, superior fruit trees, groen house, grapery, Ae., &c.'. on the Haverford road, Dela ware county, witbia’holf & mile oTtoe depot of thaPhir ladelphisana Darby Passenger Railway, at Dftrhy. and H mile fro nr, a station pn the Philidelpbia and west Cheater. Railroad.’Tße owner sells on aco<*unt of.re wving from-the State. t.Ths stock, Ao., wilt to sold a ft ’^ r o W BToßys ?^D? p^flSLjSNGSl—Two' three story brick storesand dwellings. Nos. 1003and1005 Beach otreet,-northofL*urelstre6t. Termscaab*' Immediate possession. They will to sold separately. -ROOMS ON; HARMONY COURT TO RENT.-Ap ply at the auotion store. AT PRIVATE SALE.—Shares in the -PUUadelphia ) I Fifth aiul .Adeiphiatreets, below WamttCtogemrTok iQlldins and lot, 34 by 99K~feat. Two fronts. - - OHICIP' FORD, AUCTIONEER, No; 530 -l MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SlXTH,wouthsid*. SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES GAITERS, BRO . - . GANS, Ac. On Thnnday Morninr, . , August 12, at 30 o’clock precisely, wfil be sold by eeta oxne, on four months’ credit, 500 oases man’s and toy** x»ta, shoes gaiters, brpgans. Ac.; ladies’ audmissee* boot*, ehoer, gaiter*, ties, Ac. t of city and Eastern manufacture, cfropniins "fresh invoices of seasonable goods suitable for the fall trade. , HSk. Goods open for examination early 90 tha raom itu of-sale, when miyers prill find it tetneir interest to attend, y,, , t , ~t - •rr' ' ' On Thuraday Morning, Aagost 11th, will to sold— -76 do*, super' hoavy goat and kid skins, suitable for custom work. l rr 7.' Xj’UBNESS. BBINLEr, ft CO., ■- „ ..«o. 4» JIAEKET STEEET. • L - On Inesdar Mornmg,- ffth f at 10 o’clock, by catalogue* bneut momto 500 paokages and lots of Imtorfod dry goods, Just re ceived.- Samples and cataloguea early bn mcraingof sale. T\ SCOTT. Jp,, AUCTIONEER, No. 409 JR OUMMEY £ SONS/ • - REAL hold furniture at dwaliin-fc ■ ft»Op our Private BeJe Remitter will ihraji be found *3ejT Urge Kuouut ofreal estate, iaeta&BS ercry <W ’ No. fWALl^yßStfjgfeti. Uf OSES NATHANS. .AUOTIQNSEH - • ...money to loan. =' •, »0M« oas . PROM2BBGRY NOTES, witheollftteraL diaconited al thejowost market “ macowea ai males, iphuntm* catos and double totfooed, FmegoU • escapementleYeraadtopmewatchee.mhantingcaSeaßd - opeo fape>A acflvew. toem are extra fall jeweled, ul ben Buyer »n*n«h patent lever watches, mant lever andi fomnss, -in hunting toae and open food, Some .very suwnor l SwiaaTPiench. and Quartior watc/bs; fine gold,To«, Seb. neck, and «lkP fine sold totoiioasesandpeas, toaeeJet), breastpins,; finger-ringL; sat-nw, atraa, medalhcue, auitiiewefry csMraUy., aqperior Havana €i*an.at#is Kr thausaud, m boxes of each, wilfto sold bf slngfo xor quantities, to suit purchaSers. Numerous fooox articles, sc.f&o.. Ac. 1 • , * . ‘ . AT MIYATE SALK. - Amw;nrS'»-P r «>/chert,, feat high b? Steel orate. .'AUe, vatchee, and jewelrr of ever, ftMaviotiom. BTvIIiUIS, NO. TSTILHAMS'A; BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS Meaara. Myerg,-Ctaghoni * Cb M Pbibdelphui,) oflbr advances made on receipt of gohsla. BeUlements-made three day* aibax sale. - „- - ' < ' i XKFKKBXCS*. Messrs. Myers, Clog horn, A Co;, Philo, '** • Stuart k Brother* Phila. . - ■ “.. *"5 v«». MEDICINAL. Mrs. 'winslow AN experienc* fliyiioiMt presents to Uifi■ . SOOTHIJ ED NURSE AND FB.IULE «.tenb § Ygo & ,„ bw . FOB CHILDKj which greatly feciHtalsi tl <>nm* thßimziß, reducing A r , » n^ p gf o tf upon it, mothers 8 JIELIEP AND HEAL' We hare put up and sold rearsiana csS snjr, m con what ye bare never been SMM hmoljr p*ed, f&Tot id dissatisfaction hy a nr one IWL.SU . defc.gMed •Wlialerm of highest cal effect ajyJipedioal vjr matter- "what : we do experience ,and pledge our 1 jnent of .what we here de 1 induce where the infant exhaustion; relief wm be never-fiuunxaacpeM in i ! Itnot^lWf- the stomach and ' aim Vivos toneaqgeneMFT [ aaffijl: teethtQfqrfromanxothert' who has a' the fore*cans complaints, nor tae ,prejudices of UW « UUS. tpedicipQ. n ttons.for nsmx will acoom SHTiflS!* Pnco 25 centsa bottle^ ES; TEETttnm, taathinj, brjoU-’ IS au inflammation; will alter HOWELB. a,-H wiU give r«Bt to goaraofro. jTH-TO YO.tK LNFANT& ' _ -it hi*. or U et» lor or»r tom 1 7* P^, 6Bo ®' aad truth of %u Btas&sg tei jwe ■ knowax» jastafeee of m» fen£W®d it.. ©n the ocm- - V [with .its operation*, and reiiasf speak Jj kapata t i o^Ioa*?bo ®Sj! r: glare-- .In ahnoet every' «t fo auffennr/rott- pain airf. tfcmod m fifteen or treSf *Wvdimnlfltere<i* -*? ?WW F f a tout b&o been used witi •pfeu;*.*- Uawata, correct. ooiditr, OOldc and averoome ««£ weedilr'remedied, end m whether it- arisee from came. We woaldeayfci QaildeaSennc from any of do not let your prejudices, p there. stand between the reUet’ thatwrtl bp LY SUR&-*to folio# the * timely used. Foil panj each bottle. wmOeoraUßTtife $3l? the oatsidamfgM', 12 i ;«! 1 - t Jirou. Btre< A MOTHER. PBQOPttf'-fHE WONBER- W«?CT3 Of.TROXSIiI’S NEimilOU •&&aMife^«Has!to/Tsara- Wtism sleep wits a ittUatf to» my ©yea,- iidSaim CMJjSS, 1 H"d tSe advice an3ah?of S P assi r jKSfi*'£s c4Ber .remedies. but aU of s?*.**? i v » a i s*dioed t your adrertisament in the' wU’ona person, whom I bad years standing. Ha SnA a r removed the pa n entirely. s&t «££&&& a *Fei*nt man- Sinoe then I £& l ?/fi! , i n8 W V fe*® not done Tor months. o i«taw£3r w<«m a chair. -My appeute KSaS&IK 1 *•* «" t w l ? ,ou "SSSS • - ' ‘ .oiJffISSaKSPBaiSGSSfek °g- »• .«• "• ~nier Third and Waihat i£V ; arta-tT-. D^mI COTT ’ S eEL 2BHATED TAR Weatoott * Tar Cordial cores Qooronmtioa* ' WmiJSJ’S ferv^i* 5 ) r 6? Bronchifia. 3£ ? JwJ a ) °°ros gwuffli and CoWs. H g»: Wmioo*. Tar Cordial cure. Blind and Bltodina 'xSWS&Si?"'®"'*"- 1 "*-' diseases, free f-t.vC?^H.n? £ oasa ]Sfd on the ab©r® T’HE stock of window-glass 4»««Braa»#i,s!4Sg Ss«iiS«« v n? consult their own interests wul examine thoir assortment, and purchase nr them ■ «< efsewhere.- tr ° f sooa “’ l>t 1 >?“ Price than can ho lyii ENCAUSTIC TILES .for ooMas "' fiSaSwi &°for r «te i, bJ 8n ‘ 1 Tr,,,r co "‘ , " o, °' loro CllßOT'kWltreSf. IWIAOKEREL AND ALEWIYES. —9O r -T ,"r, bbla. and fiO half bbla new* No. 2; 200 bbla. anil rsa half bbla. new lar<e No. 3 .Mackerel; 100 bblsTAlevi va* for aale b> WM. J. *AYLOS iCO, ’ Jy ]9 . las south wiußm TIAVANA CIGARS offered to dealers , je2 4m . 21g South FRONT Street. HI MP t~ sfanil » ; America, and Jute Hemp, in lotsto suit purchasers, bj ■ 1.18 «N-WATK , B-au.irt P g^'.wiTsß (^s rrUNNER’S 01L.—220 bbls. of Straits and Bank Oil, in store and for sala by- R. 8. HUBBARD & BON. No. 1(R South TT-4MS AND SHOULDERS.— 2.000 pieces 068 extra V»«*- »W» Amh fSXu J?PP A —loo kegs for sale by UROTHEH, Noa. 47 ami 49 S'. T° ASTERN AND SOUTHERN MKR * a .CIWrS.-A Ureo Btoek of MAMLAROPE, as §?Jlsv 8l ? 08% . Manufactured, and-/or sale at the lowest isew » oys j)riCpBi by eil» B Jf. WAl^R^T^’d^K'wHAßiyfe. BAT RUM.—S puneheons yerjr superior- B»J Rum, 1® »kere ana for sale by - «M 'A MERINO, Jtt South FRONT Sttse},.
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