}'p: innnti' •; ,'WH , N(fflaH»VOfa^nn»ti 8 Bmjijr. yrb«» nf[,:VH " 'Ji |LHsnl*e, Snvannnh i - SOWflKmWiSfci^SCholfrmiiM,BO, • , : EBe»ordi Columbin, Bp. W l Wiljon, y». g.o Huston,,V* _v. ii- rl JMnetSTomElniii.G» RCBrothortom W H*njsmin, N y Jan»aSp«lra*i».JWifsx; i C»pt'l>nipl!Ston I Hii!jfß,x ttrmit. betow Anli. !»^ , Philadelphia;* H P VTert«TilMin &1, 111 ■'*. *•-. iß»akri; p» fenboni* E H WilliUD*,-WLr ftmrtd, 8tJoseph,M*.MM-Dimmiolr,MChunk . JMQeiOrr, Whenhng: ■,; ; , • , AMERIOAN it/ittoW Fifth. V aawwtmor*. t(,V : ; y.OAn)Ug;»Y „ ; HHenderhon, Boston - T J Berni, Snurni*, Del ' JRFulJtir.O-'iford.NC £WBtirran,Nc _ , ; ' I#®;OTc r * viU '’' r * ; c^ma^r 1 - r : ; Vi - -’.JQmBb HorEL-ChMtnnt»t.. »bof« Bilth. • JBTMniimt'ifiilA >*. -<-w; MT.feTdiMiui tl>)W J - .5-v-Ti.r^HX^wwm.JMiiU-•• ffte«SS-*p::3: m A S(om» p Oriaana .. - , EJfcurtJstt, ftuuis, - Mfete-Tv !«lATM;tJni<»ia*^ibikit l i(^,t. : iioiii Sixth. fete, - ' > ; (kyrMinetU 1 • /J Mamma* Marietta nmner,LMrob4 / O'WRothrook.tMiJlertto^a srsiHfevo 0 ■«., aboT* ChMtnut. iffiastifiasaEg r C»U6whilU nii.' ;.T SttnowVfltiMiaSr no IHPOKTATIOWB. :.; [Reported forTheTrew.] /I--- * . .. , ■' .. MABINJE INTELLIGENCE. v*’* krTUtonm 1 -,., > r qgtau Webb, fntoLiW^l*iSieW mbs tine and place. rJfofurther particulars have been mewed.,': -> W Brjg Fmno«i» i»ne CartS) from*Portoificcf boundto Baltimore, landed thacfcptainVwifo to-day at Old-rant very sick* «ul then promdedojrtkeMy to Baltimore.-•• ’■^ ii ■' . Bteemehip Del»trere,Cop««, henoe, arrived at . York f Jrothiiiehemi Stoteon, bom Hem; airrited BhipHnrneZ IVOtcfceH, forNewYork, eaQed from Hitt Hell, «*iled from BoetonSdinjt. for from Tam; amredatNYork yeeterdar' »<mtthrmiihthe N “S fiwlNoW? Bedfortf *Bd lJfe.^«! n «n^dSSel , te‘'lfeylc.r, henoa from Howl York. at WiV- K£W FVBUCATIONS...' / • gHE W B Y MEMO RIA I* S: .; FROM AITTHBimO BOTRCBS;;, I KDITteBT. ; WHICH Tf Alfrta 'AN BSSAT ON CHfiISTIANITy; 1 ' PERCY BYSBHE SHELLEY IToLMmo.... TRn aditreaaofthe abovsyotairie ia tha wjfa of Sir Faror roa of tba Port., BHa baa prepared thl* maiH to oorreotnriartatemdcU and erronenn* imprei ■OOP iptiieh have prerailed toa'ard.SbaUer. Tba raa tarialahereueed ore- familydocnnienta,' for tbo mcot »*rt new to the poblio.Theie bomprisa,unbar other aotttor nov Bratp«bUah»d; the •• En> on Chriatrani tT,”-.and the eloa»ent “lUubr to laird EUanl»roacli<!' from tteUafbi'ojna i>en t inn», eorreej*n«ent>e it. BfceS- Jer wftorWiOlMi.Ooclln*, Kanta,' Hordbe Smith. Otter, H» nbUbher,and oUanrj and eSttriieta freuthe Frias nU Jbttnui of Mra. Bhelleraftei'the daub, of tor htta ban4.; AU WSbdaairalo etotkeroUt; djaeeUed, ißwhioh ■iaratnaantatioa and dHoanf tore ofc>nde4U>e uemo- * n afStalley.ahoaM read tMeroliii^'' TIOKiflo.E fc RIB U, j} 0 , HOSTON. '• H|BW BOOKS. " littwSkls*'4'Jr--<- 3y”'’' VfiL-vV''."' i i'i '•*- . COTp^C^). ' PROVEiKiV i****^ for ffi* Pv^ r <9 '®*4®9 n * m M TMU&init ap Kt&tiuays %f*i TKS) a ,IB B ; ON-TIU3IBMi »nd WtMrModirt TnuitmTXa a-: joa Collfl*e. 2T(rf,, ljnio, Frio« <fl*». . i’v-' .TBEBSILIAN Alrtifla PMErn>B. By *. BlwltoH 1 " iit» NEW BOOK. ; ISSfligiitfi |l wk * —ij,r rf'i IMP OR T*E H V AMD /XQri£ft SJt s" '-)■; ■ 3E4 a "-•' ’’ : ■"'' ' v ‘4'S j. -V*/ V . / : V •_• .iITD • ~’) y ; ■ • NOS dST.MARXET, and 4!MCQMMERCE sis, ■ .mow. saint. : :; r ’'' ’Haying Jii*t removed to tie above location, *te now opening a new and very desirable Stock of Ooode,ein breoiag every variety in their linefwluch they offer to tite trade at the loweet market ratal, for oaih or ap proved credit/ '• anSrSm’ HALLO WELL & 00., ■: ' 888 MARKET ' ' J H»v» dqw open, and readr foreale. A SUPERB ASSORTMENT NEW SILKS FANCY.DRY GOODS, ' v { ' ‘ 1 •- • Of their own imtortation. |gS9PALL IMPORTATIONS. ]_Bs9 DALE. ROSS & WITHERS, : Ml MARKET, AND. SIS COMMERCE STREETS, j PHILADELPHIA. V' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 0»' SILK ' ' 1 -■'• ,'.AJTD PANOV GOODS, * Hava now a complete stook, to which they invite the at tention of buyers. J ; ‘ aus-3m IMPORT, ~ 18 5 9 . HERRING & OTT, * Have now in Store their nnal SPLENDID STO OK ~W *' - or ■ 1 . RiBBON|j iiMM j Nos^ , . . .. EMBkoiDESl^^g N. W. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STS. rHHa-. -•--•• GOODS. PALL ’59, SIBLEY, MOLTEN,* WOODRUFF, 4 ; . NO. 631 MARKET STREET, * . (North Side,) , '. Ikvitf the attemioa of Barer* to their ohoioe sad oam pleteitook of - 'SILK, DUSKS, AND FANCY GOODS. aus-lm 1 Y. a - OHITTICK & QO., and wholesale dealers FOREIGN ‘ AN9 DOMESTIC, DRY GOODS, 438 MARX £l', AND 433 MERCHANT STREETS, At* noer reoeieinr from Europe their ; FALL IMPORTATIONS, Embraeta* * a fall assortment of goods adapted to the present esereon. These, with their home purehaees, in AJT E 810 AN- E A B RIOS, iHu enable them .to offer to the. Trade one of the meet •, attractive ytookein themarket# if ' -1 ; CAsk AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS A**' tetpeotftjly eoUoited to examine this stock before purehnstap.-- anfi-fm w ?m 1§59. *all trade. 1859. SMITH, WILLIAMS & CO., NOS. 413 MARKET, end 310 COMMERCE STS. Wftfjava now resAjr a full stock of • AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN FABRICS, Y.* ;WUR OWN IMPORTATION, ’ " And liroorihtdirect from the Manufacturers. Wo harenumr style; of STAPLE GOODS, aepeoially adapted to the ;. SQtJTHERT'i TRADE, MaaeßCactured for, and oonfined sxokvixvxly to otmaKLl/ss« . auS-fmwlra 1859. PALL TRADE. 18 59. SHORTEIDGE & 880., (BUCCKSSOXS TO HAIdMAN* SXYXKX* & C 0.,) IMPORTERS ANDJQBBERS DRY GOODS, 421 MARKET, STREET, ■ l_ : ' . Havein etoreacom plate line of TOKBIG N- ANDDO MB 8 TIC GOODS, Setectodaxpresalywith & view to the interest* of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT DEALERS, Tt^whioh r they reapeetfally invite Die attention of the r fall aitook constantly on hand, and orders will b* executed promptly, at the • . . » W*rij; LQWESTMARKETR ATEB. JgLWJHED AND BROWN ■^■H'SETINGS. - A TVr.IJ.IXS OF ; the MOBTAPPROVED BRANDS. •’ SOX SALT ; y by the piece or package JOSHUA L. BAILY, 1 *U MARKET STREET, aul-«f ; • •: PHILADELPHIA. JpIRST OPENING MBRRIMAOKPRINXB, ,F A L L ST YtE S r THIS DAY, AUGUST X. JOSHUA L. BAILY, >U MARKET STRBBT, nnl-tf PHILADELPHIA: gMITH. & 00. 9irMARKETST.,AND 226. CHURCH ALLEY, Arenew openlngtheir . FALL AND WINTER STOCK I -’f'-.ot: . 1 ■ WAtoirAMD FANCY DRY 000 DS. To which they invite the attention of - I 'CASH AND PROMPT-SHORT-TIME BUYERS. ? PKU.AJU./Anfnat, IMP, ; ■ aus-3m PALL GOODS. . The subscribers reapeotfollyaek the attention of their friends* and ail CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS r ‘-'v*' • TO THSIIt ■ - ; actpps F , Believing it td be. onatiTpaaetd.by any in this market. They are constantly receiving desirable styles of . y\ / DRESS STUPES ProtnNew Yorkandothir'sooroes.- 5 FRANCIS DASHER & CO., aw-wt.,. 234 Market street. JAS. R. OAMPBELL & CO.. ... ' IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE. DEALERS >N ’ ' ' y: .DR 1800 ps , ' ' LINENa's WHITE OOODS, CLOTHS, !,; ?: y;, ... cassimEres, blankets, to NO: 304 MARKET STREET. ; Hft4m i i. :} ;'j',, „ i_;' - THOMAS. : SVHOLEBALE dealer .... .. , . IS. , fV. ’ AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN DRY GOO D Now opening A f»U And ■ ■y- V FALL AND WINTER! STOCK, To which the attention of the tradie is invited. ao*4t-Wlm \ ' : - jj f W. GIBBS & < SONS.’ : . . NO.4lji .MARKETJ3I ’REST, AraMWopenlnrthair: V. -I'. i FALL 4c WINTER STOCK OF GO ODB ADAPTED-TO - V . Uttautfn Moment of „. , CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VENTINGS, TRIMMIN/USi ««, • md- 27 N. FOURTH STREET* DHY-GOOBS jobbers. TJECOURSEY, LAEOUROADE, &, CO., ■ ! IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP CLCfTHS.OASSIMERRS,, VESTINGS, : • And Goodi adapted to MEN ANP BOYS’ WEA^, “ ' ■ NO. ass MARKET STREET, ’ , : ; Are receiving their-" „ ; pall importations,;; To which they invite the attention of purchasers of such goods. . < m , . auS-lm pALL GOODS. BA R C R OPT & 0,0 NOS. 40« AND 40T MARKET STREET, . IMPOBTXBB AND JOBBB&g OF FOREIGN; AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Stock now complete and ready for buyers. [aus-Btt HJ t WILLIAMSON So 00., - WHOLESALE DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, NO. 455 MARKET' STREET, (And 414 Commoroe street,) • BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, NORTH SIDB, PHILADELPHIA. M. WILLIAMSON, 8. M. ANDERSON,! 0. ,H. WILSON, H. C. POTTER. . aus-tf . RUE. & CO., IMPORTERS OF LINENS, • - ■ WHITE GOODS,. „„„ . LACES, and EMBROIDERIES. NO. 339 MARKET STREET. W3P Our Stook, selected in the beat European markets by ourselves, is large and complete. auJS-Sm jyjcOLINTOCK, GRANT, & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VESTINGS, * AND TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. NO. 333 MARKET STREET, (Ub Stairs.) auß-Sm ; PHILADELPHIA. pRIOE, FERRIS, & CO., IMPORTERS OP WHITE GOODS. LINENS. MTTTS. •• EMBROIDERIES. LACES. • MANTILLAS, Ac. NOS. 525 MARKET ST., AND 632 COMMERCE ST. WOnr Stook i> mlecwd bjr a mombar of tho firm, In the BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS. aus-2m D WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, -* IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. NO. 309 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Pal! and Winter Stook now complete and ready for buyers. auß-Sm A W. LITTLE & CO., 'silk goods, NO. 335 MARKET ST. FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. MARTINS, PEDDLE, &s HAMRICK, Importers and dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, ' NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Five doom below the Merchants*. Hotel, Offer for sale the most complete stook of Goods in their line to be found in the Unitkd Statbs, consisting of HOSIERY, of every grade. . , GLOVES, in three hundred varieties. ’ E™?M^TS A MILABB. - ts_.iv h«w designs, with an endless yanetj of NO- Dt/HRING & GO., Not 36 and af NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now teo»ivi»*,*,«««•*» MrivnUftmnßnrop,. THEIR PALL IMPORTATIONS OH ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOS!I E B Y , GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, Andnoßoit ,n tnn«oU<"> of tbair oerartata ud well . uaortad atoak,' ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO .SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. jyU-3m ' ’ jyjRNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, • Above FOURTH, North aide, FANCY DRY GOODS, 0» TH»m OWN INPOSTA.TION Mid selection, whjoh-they offer for *ale to buyer* from *\Y parte of the United State*, on the moat reasonable term*. ■ auB ' ?m aCHAFFER & ROBERTS. ” 420 MARKET STREET. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOBHaRY, gloves, “ dmall wares, combs; BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN and FRENCH.FANCY GOODS, jun> TAILORS* TRIMMINGS. aug-3m BANCROFT & Co importers AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, AND ENGLISH FANCY GOODS, NO. 33 0 MARKET STREET, auS-lt-WSm PHILADELPHIA ri ALL, 18 5 9. • am®, VAN GULIN, & GLASS, , IMPORTERS AND -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY. GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, Etc., Vp. 423 MARKET STREET, AuWm Abets FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA boots and shoes. JPALL STOCK 0» ’ BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOM? SON A Co., 914 MARKET BWBm . Him aow oa hunt & laps stock of I'eooTs and shoes 0, EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND OITY MADE. Puroheser. ,*i*ftlHg the oltywill sleaoo oill end ex amine their eio, tk* l7&~ 1 & 00., WHOLESALE DEALERS v IN BOOTS AND SHOES, / NO. 413 -MARKET STREET. • aufl-Zm TEVIOK. RASIN. & 00., BOOT AND RHOE -WAREHOUSE , AKD MANtfPAOTOBT, No. 404 MARKET STREET, Philedelpliia. Wo have now on hand »h extenaive Stock of Boot. *nd Shoe., of ell demripthene, of oo» own nnd Eabtxik Mennfaoturo, to whloh w» invito the attention of South ern and Wontomburen. : au»-3m J& M. SAUiNDEBS? , “* NO. 34 NORTH.FOURTH STREET, (Near Merehamts* Hotel,) Call the attention of buyer*©f boots and shoes To their Stock, which embraewa a general variety of - PHILADELPHIA ANIP.NEW ENGLAND Manufactured gooda. , , * euß-3in QLNUINE G. D. GAPS, at rxduoed FRSCES, FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES, „ ERASMUS 0, PRATT «e BRO., nal-tu tl*ji-lm PitE^s. , jtrifeiiiX y, '; "5 THiT WHOLESALE CLOTHING. C. HAR KNE 3S & SOM, ‘ 8» MARKET STREET, iOUTHKAIT COBSnn 0, FOURTH iTEHST, Offer for .ala, on tho most 1 LI B ERAL TERMS. A haw and extansiv, .took of PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING; ADAPTSD TO TBS ;■ ■ SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OP BUYERS. Jy23-Sm HUNTER, & SCOTT, * MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS ' FINE CLOTHING. We invite speoial attention to oar complete line of MACHINE-MANUFACTURED GOODS.' NOS. 434 MARKET, A 419 MERCHANT STS. aus-3m HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE. Wo offer to the trade, at a small advance. by the Package. WOSTENItOLM'S. BARNES’, and WOODHEAD’S POCKET CUTLERY. WADE & WOSTENHOLM’S HENRY C. BOOTH A CO.’e TABLE CUTLERY. CAMMELL Sc CO.’s “ CYCLOPS’* FILES. HASENCLEVER’S SCISSORS AND HARDWARE ‘ • ; GOODS. TO '‘ e BfRMINGHAM n 8 0 HELF HARDWARE. FHILiIF S. JUSTICE & CO. 21 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. 54 CLIFF Street, New York. auMm WHOLESALE gun house. » T We offer to the attention, of the Wholesale tSe" AND Being Agonta for aome of the principal mancpactxt rerb op odns in London, Birmingham, Liege, and St. Stienne, we are prepared to offer from stock, or to ' mPO OI^PEI?ULIAnLYFAVOItABLETERMS. MANUFACTURING OUR OWN RIFLES, we gun rantee them aa reliable and well made. GUN TRIMMINGS, BARRELS, LOCKS, CAPS, Fl&aka, Horns, Pouches,. Triggers, fro., m large variety. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO. . S 4 CLIFF S K°&® SI '“ t ' llli, t!a JUOORE,HENSZEY&CO.> HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE. NO. 4ST MARKET, AND 416 COMMERCE STS.. aUS-3m PHILADELPHIA. IJIRUITT, BRO., & CO . IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS is HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, &0., 529 MARKET STREET. 5Q9 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, aut-Sra PHILADELPHIA. CHINA AND QUEENS WAKE. gOYD 6a STROUD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Huts now on hand & oomplete stock of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, and PRENCH AK6 ENGLISH CHINA, . At their Ojld Stand, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., four doors .below Merchants* Hotel, to which they invite theattention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. mr Aobwts pok Pittsboko Glass. au3*3m SMITH, & CO., CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEBNSWARE. PITTSBURG AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, &©., delivered from the Factory AT MANUFACTURERS* PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. # North FIFTH Stoat, PHILADELPHIA. anS-fm&wtf 7JIURNBULL. ALLEN, & CO., NOS. SS AND as SOUTH FOURTBBTKEET, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Dealers in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. supplied with Glass at Manufacturer’s prioes. > aus-2m JJOOPES & DAVIS, NOB. 19 AND 21 BOOTH FOURTH STREET, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers,', WOOL, FDR, AND SILK HATS, LADIES' FURS, ROCHES, Ac., Ac., Have now open for inspection a new nml eiefAnt .took, to-whioh the attention of buyers la invited. aul»2m T. MOOKBIDGE & 00.. WHOLESALE DEALERS H A*T S. CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, FLOWERS, RUCHES, AND FANCY FURS, NOS. 29 AND 31 NORTH FOURTH ST., (Nearly opp „,ite Merchants’ Hotel,) au9-Jm PHILADELPHIB. LADIES’ DRESS TRIMtMWGS. 1859. FALL GOODS - 1859. The early attention of boyere is invited to our new and beautiful atock of Ladies* dress, mantilla,and cloak Tbimmings. FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASONS. Rioh Velvet Head, Cmdonette. and Crochet Frincei; Velvets, Bindings, Girdlea, Coraa, Buttons, and all the LATEST EUROPEAN NOVELTIES. SHETLAND WOOL. , Par ‘ OTi'&teMb tADIJEa’ U SK!Rm nt of Aauperblmoof Pabis Hbap Nxts. EVANS & HASSAEE. aud-bn hi 8. FOURTH ST., d doors ab. CHESTNUT. gLEEFER & FENNER, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OP UMBRELLAS AND PARABOLB, 3&6 MARKET STREET, PHILA., Are now r making more than vivx hundred difvbkbnt VAxißTirs of Umbrellae, of every size, from 33 to 40 inches. . Buyer? who have not had 8. k F»*a make of goods wilt find thetr time well spent m looking over this well-made •took, which includes many novelties, not to be met with, elsewhere. aus-Sm GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Q.ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AKD TAILORS’ TBIMMINGS. LONGCOPE & PEARCE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Hava now in .tor. a full assortment in their line, to whioh they invito tho attention of their customers and buyers of suoh goods. au6-2m £ . WALBOEN & 00.. (New) Nos. 4 and 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, v OF —^ BHIRTB, WRAPPERS, DRESS STOCKS, ETC. Dealers in every article relating to the . GENT’S FURNISHING BUSINESS myl7*3mif , CARPETINGS, . Oil, CEOTHS, Ac. JH’OALLUM & GO.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. -Also, Importers and Dealers in CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS. MATTING. RUGS. &0. WAREHOUSE 80S CHESTNUT 8T„ (Opposite the State House.) Southern »nd Weetem buyers ho respsotfuily iavi(,4 »call, 3S BANK STREET. AT WHOLESALE. COMMON, MEDIUM, AND RIFLES IN THE COUNTRY! HARDWARE, HATS, CAPS, &e. (or trails,) PHILADELPHIA, UMBRELLAS. MANUFACTURERS COMMISSION HOUSES. JELLING, dOFFIN, & COMPANY, 110 'CHESTNUT StfHEET, AGENTS : FOB THE 1 SALE. OF A. * ,W. SPRAGUE’S PRINTS. In great variety, including Chocolato*,'Turkey Red* Green*, Bluei, Shirtings, and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. Lonsdale, Masonville, giateraville,' Hope, Washington Union Mill*, Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston, • Belvidpre, Phonix, Smithville. BROWN SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, AND - OSNABURGS. Matoaoa, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettriok, Eagle, Manchester, Meo’s Sc Farm’s, Blaok Hawk, Mercer A, Wairan A,‘ Farmers’, -Riverside, Catr’s River, Elwell. CLOTHS. Bottomley’a, Pomeroy’s, Glenhara Co.'*, and other makes of Blaok and Fanoy all wool and ootton warp Cloths in great variety. ’ DOESKINS AND CABSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Saxtons River, Lewiston Falls, Steam’s M« Gay Sc Sons, Glendale, Berkshire Co., and others. ' ' . SATINETS. Steam’s , Ayres Sc Aldrich, Taft Sc Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, - Crystal Spring*, Swift River, Carpenters’, Florenoa Mills, Carroll)*, Duhring’s, Converavillo, Sc o, SILESIAS.—Lonsdale Co.’*. Smith’s, and other makes, plain and twilled, of aU colors. - Fancy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett City and Irene Stripes, Denims, and Tickings. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Linseys, Apron Checks, and Pantaloon Stuffs. ShepaTd’s and Slater’s Canton Flannels. Fisherville Co.’s Corset Jeans, &o. aufi-dtsepl—sepl-ftn&wtf JOSEPH LEA, NO. 188 AND STREET, Offers to the PAL L TRADE Avery desirable'aflaortment of Cotton, Woollen, Linen, and printed fabrieB now on sample. ) Chotoe styles of Madder Printe, ■ ) trade. Purples, Lavenders, and Grays m great variety. Standard *tvles Blacks and Whites, and Em -1 bossed Moire Antique Mourn ing*. Shepherd and, Baxonr MrTcS 0 - AMERICAN LINEN CO. 110-4 Sheetings, Shirtings, Napkins, Crashes, Sc o. PHILADELPHIA-MADE DENIMS, Stripes, Tiok ings, fco. WOOLLENS. NEW ; ENGLAND 00. j Slotol ROCK MANUFACTURING.CO. Fanoy Cassimeres. GLENDALE CO. Fancy Casaimeres. BROOKDALE 00. Fanoy Caseimeres. OXFORD'MILLS Blaok Doeskins, various grades. HARRISVILLE UNION Casnmere* in great variety. Cotton warp Cloths, Tweeds, &o. SATINETTS—Low, Medium, and Fine staple and fanoy Mixtures of popular makes. aus*tf SCOTCH LINENS, BAXTER’S DUCKS, EDWARD’S CANVAS, GILROY’S BURLAPS. THOMPSON’S HEMP CARPETS, RAVEN’S DUCKS. HEAVY CANVAS, DIAPERS, TOWELS, SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, &c., &0., Ac. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. CONRAD & SERRILL. NO. 306 CHESTNUT STREET. aufi-3m JJOSIERY IGOOODS. f. v. KRUG & co„ 826 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention or Wholeaal. Buyer, to their large and varied stoob.for FALL AND WINTER TRADE, consisting in part of MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAW ERS, iteoLLEN HOSIERY, GERMANTOWN FAN OY JCNIT WOOLLEN 1 GOODS, *o., *o. SOLE AGENTS IN PHILADELPHIA FOR WATERBURY KNITTING COMPANY’B MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. WATBRVLEIT HOSIERY MILLS MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS AND HOSE, HALP-HOBE AND WOOLLEN ELASTIC SKIRTS. PROVIDENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY’S FANCY KNIT WOOLLEN GOODS, WHITE AND COLORED SHETLAND YARN EASTERN MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS. WALLACE & SONS’ STEEL-SPRING SKIRTS. AGENTS FOR OTIS MANUFACT URING COMPANY’S MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. ABSANPINK MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. AMERICAN AND HOWE COMPANIES’ PINS. jr3)-wf&in2m iJVROY HOSIERY CO.’S MERINO SHIRTS AMD DRAWERS. ROBERT E. EVANS, AGENT, 216 CHESTNUT STBEET. je!s wffcraJtm HEUSSNER, & CO., IMPORTERS CLOTHS, DOESKINS, AND CASSIMERES. SOLE AGENTS Of the followinseelebrated Manufwturere i «MB^!!sEBgi , r 4, Tiok6 * i> GIVERS fc SCHMIDT,JS. k M. Cloths;) t ZAMB°NA B Ht)T H |R|, (? nd,n ¥M jO TI he^ EE T. gENAT BROTHERS & CO. 238 CHESTNUT STREET, IMPORTERS OP. WHITE GOOD S, EMBROIDERIES, AND L. O.HDKFS., Inrite the attention of vholoiiale bnyara to their pre aent season', importation and atook, oomprising every desirable variety of the above-named goods, aul-lm-if PARRELL & MORRIS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IMPORTERS op CLOTHS, DOESKINS, &°. 238 CHESTNUT STREET, aut-Sm PHILADELPHIA. 1859. FALL TRADE. 1859. C. MAY A CO.’s iix-coul colored Spool Cottons. HACK BROTHERS’Patent Hoop Skirts, GUIDO BETTINT Black Silk Hewing* . . J. CLENDENNING & CO.'s Gotten Damask Napkins and Towelings, LINSEYB. TROY Hosiery, Merino Shirtu and Drawers. Do. Black Twilled Shirtings, extra fine. J. LEAVENS k SON'S,Cotton Diapers, (infants’.) DoL_ Do, 23-inoh Blch’d Tabic Diapers. FRANKLIN MILLS Fanoy All-Wool Coasimerea. CHERRY VALLEY do. . do. do. _ TWENTY-EIGHT INCH Union Twoeds, all-Wool §LACK mTS>RAB COTTON VELVETS, Silk Bnish. BAMJJE MARSEi£lEs|6’. kJs°i HB - CLOTHS. BRITISH PURPLE PRINTS, 3-4 and 4-4, BROWN SHEETINGS. CNBLEAOHEB COTTON FLANNELS. ROBERT E. EVANS. aus-lm-fmw 200 CHESTNUT Street. M’KEE & CO.. NOS. 23 SOUTH FRONT STREET, arm S 3 LETITIA STREET, IMPORTERS OF IRISH AND SCOTCH LINENS, Of most approved makes. BRITISH GOODS, oomprising " ITALIAN CLOTHS, ALPACAS, CORDS, BEAVERTEENB, VELVETS, RED PADDINGS, PATER MUSLINS, «eo„ &o. , 185$. COMMISSION HOUSES. GlB BONS & OANTADOE, 240 CHESTNUT SfftEET, Have received end offer for sale by the paoteie, on liberal terms, A FULL ASSORTMENT OP WOOLLENS, Adapted for Fall UU. SOLE AGENTS IN THIS MARKET FOR THE ' CELEBRATED MAKES OF F. & EL, P. s. & s.. SNOEOKS*. ARO BISOHOFF’S OLtTHS & DOESKINS. aul-lQt T. R - G ARSED & CO., ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SPERM, LARD, AND WHALE OILS, FLOUR, DRUGS, Ac •7* The attention of Manufacturers is espteially called to our SPERM OILS. aufi-Sm No. 22 N. FRONT STREET, PHILA. WEST, FOBES & LLOYD, 21# CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of the trade to their Stock, con sisting of various makes and grades of • WL S 4 Cotion Sfe ST^S- s±;»' to?.™ baoB -> Also, agents for the WINNIPAUK COMPANY’S ?M? THS - ffifflßiS: In full assortment of grades and oolors. au3-w s-tf PHILADELPHIA MADE GOODS. SHIPLEY. HAZARD, A HUTCHINSON,. IB CHESTNUT Street, Offer to the trade the following well-known makes of goods: BLUE DENIMS, Omega, Sioux, and Lmwdod. „ ~ 7-8 and4-4TICKINGS, Om„a,Ll OT o^ k T ag nd T lg». p b ix| Blup Radge Jsan River. Fair HiU, Manoheater, Wa«h rngton, Red River, Franklin, Tallahassee, Ana- Brown, Bleached, and Printed, of various „ . KENTUCKY JEA&B AND LINSEYS, Settee Ho-ard^dco. of Southern and Eastern makes—viz: Eocknsh. Ben yar Creek, Web«t.r, Railroad, MaaaiU Co., booker, Oxford, and Pioneer. ' To all of wluoh the attention of buyers is invitede JylAlm & BEARE, 23# CHESTNUT STREET, Are now offering their Fall importation of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, &0., To the Jobbing Trade, on the most liberal terms, aul-lm QINGHAMS. SOLID CHK LOW TO BUPER AND DARK FANCY’S, JUST OPENED, RIDGWAY & FLING, 210 CHESTNUT STREET. J i AMBS WOOL SHIRTS AND PANTS, BRITISH HOSIERY, OLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, LACES AND JOINED BLONDS, EMBROIDERIES. Buyers are invited to examine our NEW FALL STOCK BRITTAN BROTHERS, 4 MURRAY STREET, oul-m w Mot REMOVALS. jJEMOVAL. MOSS, BRO., & CO BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Have removed to 430 MARKET STREET, anl-Ut-if SOUTH SIDE. SHOE FINDINGS. JOHNS & SON, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN BOOT, SHOE, AND GAITER MATERIALS, LASTINGS, GALLOONS. SHEETINGS, PATENT LEATHER, FRENCH KIDS, SLIPPER UPPERS, LACETS, Ac.* N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND ARCH STS. aus-3m HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. JJOUSEKEEPERS, AND THOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING, Will find by far the largest and moat useful atook of housekeeping and useful articles in the city, comprising many new goods, just received from Europe, of a kind never before for sale in Philadelphia, at the warerooma of JOHN A. MURPHEY&CO., 922 CHESTNUT STREET, JyW-fmvtf ABOVE NINTH. BROKERS. & SMITH, BILL, NOTE, AND STOCK BROKERS, NO. 3 NORTH S.TREET, BALTIMORE, MD. GRY GOODS AND GROCERS’ PAPER WANTED. „ Also, other descriptions of Paper aold on Commission at lowest rates. , * aufi-tf CIGARS, TOBACCO, &o. MERINO. 140 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Hu in .tor. and bond, and OJf.rs for Sale, a Large Assortment] of CIGARS, Reoeiveddireot from Havana, of choice anil favorite Brands. auS-tf HYDROPATHIC. OHESTNUT SPRINGS. WATER-CURE. At CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA County, Pa., for the treatment of all Chronio and obstinate diseases. This institution, under the charge or an experienced ana skilful Physician, is now confessedly the leading and most successful hydropathio establishment in this ‘jpVlrtENCils.-Mre., Mery Cot*ringer,„ 134 North Twelfth street; Charles. L. Sha*p)eestEsq., corner Eighth and Chestnut streets {George Grant, Esq., 333 Market street; H. Farrington, Evj., of My era, Clagnorn, AOo. For other j RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, CHESTNUT HILL. je9«3mif / AMUSEIffENTS. CANFOBD’S OPEFiA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, 'between Chestnut and Market, the* largest , .Company 3n the world. In their eiosUsamet every evening. Every evening of Characters. Doors open atra*/Copimenoe at A Admission 26 cents,, Chiildrea 13 cents. augS-lm i t rpUE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TH STREET, £,r n A&iiM^ pripe. , Shares cf Stock, entkJing the holder’s family to ad mission to tne Academy- at all times, $3O, HASSLER’S o/rohestra.—m. hass- LER at BROTSIER r«.p6otfully snnouno. tha] tu«l havelncited tb, lr Offio. ot their residence, 1203 MJUBT STREET,j, eDiog.monM ow THIRD-STREET JOBBING HOUSES. 1859. FALL TRADE -1859. J. T. WAY & CO., IMPORTERS AND .JOBBERS or DBY GOODS, NEW MARBLE BUILDING, NO. 38 NORTH THIRD STREET. We offer, by the package or pieee, to CASH OR PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS, . A very large and attractive Stook of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS. Furchaeera will find our stock veil assorted at ail sea sons of the year.' J. T. WAY, JAS. H DUNLAP, WM. P. WAY, (attMinl GEO. P. WAY. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DBY GOODS, Nos. 83T Sc 241 NORTH THIRD St., above RACE, Wonld now inform their customers and the trade gene rally* that their itook this season will be UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE. aus-2m Pstbr Sieger, War. S. Baird, John Wiest, Jacob Hiegkl, D, B. Ebvxn. JJIEGEL, BAIRD, & CO., (Late Sieger* Lamb* & C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, No. 4T North THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OUR FALL STOCK Is now complete in all its department** and ready for Buyers. Prompt paying Merchants from all parts of the Union are respectfully solicited to call and examine for themselves. , aufi-3m YARD, GILMORE, & CO.i NOS. 40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac. HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND SHAWLS. ana-Sm jjAIGUEL, MOORE & CO., (Late Raiguel A Co.) IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX dhy a o o r> s. Nos. 220 AND 222 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, (west side,) auWt PHILADELPHIA. OF 1859. LUDWIG, KNEEDLER, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP BRITISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, NO. 36 NORTH THIRD ST., ABOVE MARKET, aah-13t west sum. fJ»HOS. MELLOR, & CO., NO. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, *0 aus-3m CHAMBERS & CATTELL, NO. 32 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, AXS 0 MANUFACTURERS OF CITY CALF AND KIPSKINS, Moroccos and Linings, Oak and Red Sole Leather. auS-lm LAINQ & MAG-INNIS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN* ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH LABTINGS, AND SHOB-MANUFACTURER.a.LARTICLES; Sewing Machine Bilk, Thread andlTO&aio£ '— *— NO. 30 NORTH THIRD ST., Agents for UPFIELD’g PATENT BOOT-TREES. aus-3m JUNGERIOH & SMITH. WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO. 48 NORTH THIRD STREET ■ST Honey, and Lov.ring'e Syrup always on hand. auo-2m Nsw Yobx. JJENDKY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STS., gJOWER, BARNES, & CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL, AND BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NO. 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH, Publishers of Felton’s Spendid Series of OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS. DR. EMMERSON’S NEW AMERICAN MANUAL OF , GEOLOGY. Sanders’ New Readers. Greenleaf’s and Brooks* Arithmetics, &c. Blank Books, Writing, Wrapping, Curtain, and Wall Papers. aufi-3m EDUCATIONAL. Law school of the university at CAMBRIDGE, MASS. WS TKBTUCTOBR IX THIS SCHOOL JLSE: Hon. JOEL PARKER, LL. D., Royall Professor. „ Hon. THEOPHILUS PARSONS, LL. D., Dan. Pro- Hqn'EMORY WASHBURN, LL.D., Univetaity Pro- THB r COUHSE OF INSTRUCTION embraces )ha venous branches of the Common Law; and of Equity, Admiralty, Commercial, International, nnd Constitu tional Law: and the Jurisprudeno® of the United States. The Law Library consists of about 14,000 volumes, and as new works appear they are added, and every effort a made to it complete. . - Instruction is given by oral lectures and expositions, fond by recitations and examinations in connection with hem.) of which there aretes every week. Two Moot Courts are also holden m each, week, at each-of which, a oause previously given out is argued by four students, and an opinion delivered by the Presiding Instructor, [looms and other facilities are also provided for the Club Courts, and an Assembly is held weekly for praotice in debate, and acquiring a knowledge of parliamentary law and proceedings. . . 4 , . Students may enter the Sohool in any stage of their professional studies or mercantile pursuits, and at the commencement of either term, or in the middle, or other part of the term. , ...... ' •„ They are at liberty to eleot what .studies they will pursue, according to their view of their own wants and attainments. . .. , _ The Academical year, whioh commences on Thurs day, six weak* after the thiiM .Wednesday in July, is divided into two torms of twenty-weeks eaoh, with a vacation of six weeks at the and of eaoh term. ‘" , During the winter vacation, the Library is opened, panned, and lightod, for the .use of the members of the Tha exercises of the next Term will commence on MONDAY, BeptemtK>rMh, 1889. , Applications for Admission, or for catalogues, or any further information, may be made to either of tha Pro fessors at Cambridge. t . . Cxmb&idob, Mass., July 25,1359. aus-law-Cw rjIHE PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., X OF HARTFORD, CONN., haa capitalized about half of its surplus of §230,000, and, also palled in a eash instalment oi $5O per share, making its oash capital §400,000. It issues a new share of stock to every one or the old ones, but requires a cash payment of. .860 lor eaoh share, so tfiat the stockholders have their shares doubled, by paying 860 each for toe new shares. The Company has a surplus of upwards of $lOO,OOO, thus making capital and surplus over half a ffliMiW $647,712.36. Its investments are of the most reliable character, and the success of the Company is the best evidence of its careful and prudent management. The agenoyofthe PHCENIX in this city, is inthe hands of A. F. SABINE, who representa through this and toe other oompanioß, fqr which be is the Agent, an INSUR ANCE CAPITAL, in whioh perfoot confidence enn be nWed, to the extent of TWO MIIiIJONS OF DOL- TVTOTICE. Scaled Proposals, endorsed « Proposal* for iiirnishlns the Pnblio Schools o ' the 21st, 224, 23d, end Stth aoot]ons” with Lehigh end BchuyUnll Coal, wfil be received by the nndemgned «t the Controller's Offloe, 8. E. corner SIXTH end DEL PHI StreeU, until MONDAY, August 15. The Propo sals will be reoelved for said wards, or each school,.sepa rately. There wiU be two siaes required - , Egg and Stove, and the ton to- bo 2,210 pounds. Proposale will .be re ceived at the same time for Charcoal and Kindling 'Wood, that may be required. Proposals to.be endorsed with the name of tho ward proposed to famish. ®y ° hhs CoI “ ro &i® d J !» HILL, fleo’r Controllers of Public Schools. INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE JL OP PENNSYLVANIA.— PuiLAI»ItI,PHIA, August I, IMO.-Tbe Directors havo THIS PAY deoloreda Divi- TVOTlCE.—Letters testamentary on the i 1 estateof the. Rev. John C.Baker,P-IMete iof.the city of Philadetpha, deceased, having h»angr«nt«j “ the sttbsoriber, Hi Mrsons indebted are »«UBS"?-E make payment, analthose brong.JPJJ3? mBn “* oy.ln.fS. ..me to o ftughm7t*° nl, H Worth Blxthi tint Philadelphia. TNOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT JP op COMMON PLEAS, JOSEPH C. COSTELLO, Of the Second 'Ward, «y«uhj»?t to Democratic rules. ausl-tM PHILADELPHIA. NOTICES. POLITICAL. WANTS# uglri&ff mat b* A respectable girl wants* a A £olored MAN WISHES TO-OB- ANTED— a person who understands 7 7 ,» f k? Packing' of Shirt*/and is williiut towmka T™^ o ,^™* 0 UBeful - Wraw “MuriSfflSSj \/irANTED—An intelligent r and Ectiva -v v LAD in an importing. House. Addrew, wiib nameand reference,inhandwritingof >wlif«nt. >H l.” • at tins office. ' • - jgy •> ■MTANTED—A Boy in a Wholesale Cloth -2Z •• J& Bmdtoas-' * haadirTitin » WANTED —By a Lady, a situation as * TEACHER in a School or Private Family. Ad drew »* nl; C.” Germantown Port Office. - - - it* . YMfANTED — A second-story Room for J* v light Manufacturing purpoees-Addrets “ S-H.” Prgfj office, stating terms ana looation. . snO-tt* ' BOARD WANTED —From. August 18th, by a Gentleman and Wife in a private family. The western part of the 'citrprefenred. Addrese',wit* lull particulars, “ Taunton, Blood’s Despatch. aqMt* ■f^ANTED —An active young Man. about vv 18-years of ace, as ENTRY CLERK in a Whole sale Cloth House. Mast be well recommended.* Salary* 9100 for first year. Address “K. B. u Press oaoe/is handwriting of applicant. Aleo, & young Sum* about same age* to take chore# Salesroom. aut-Jt^ YSfANTED—A good Tin. and Sheet Iron 7 7 "Worker, one accustomed to Stove-work, by the week, month, or year. Inquire, at yM. HOFKufP* MAIN Street, four doors below the Railroad, German fanra. ; ■- • ■ A SITUATION WANTED—By a young Mas. in a Wfaolnial. or Retail Wall Paper, Wim dow Shade, or Book and Stationery Store. aft# had several years experience in all of these bruin omit. mad can give satisfactory reference..No objection to ur other city. Address “A.A” at this office. aul tt* • "MTANTED A Loan of 8300 for*sfcr J * months. Good interest and Real Estate Beea nty will be given.. Address «♦ B. Q." this ottos. >m» WANTED— By a young Man from, the , country, a situation to attend in a Retail Gto & Store. Has some expenenoe. Address BOYD, ’» Despatch. . wMt* A SITUATION WANTED—By an expe . rienoed BOOK-KEEPER, in a Wholesale Com mission or Dry Goods House.' Good references can be given. Address ** P. D.” Press office. • , apg-#t* WANTED —A situation as BOOK KEEPER in a Wholesaled tore or Manufactu ring Establishment. The best of references given. Ad dress << HaU, ,, officeofthispaper. . aul-4£* ’VV'ANTED—By a young married Man, a player as reference. Address “T. L.” once of The Press. •* atf-Of* TVfANTED —A Salesman in a Wholesale » * Boot and Shoe Store. To one that can influence a good Ohio or Pennsylvania trade, a liberal salary wilt be given. Address A. B. C., office of this paper. augl-6t* . WANTED— By a Young Man, a situation as Assistant in a packing room or Light Porter. Can givegood referenoe. Address J. F., Press office. Active canvassers wanted— For a new periodical, at which good wages may b# earned. Address Books, at this office. oagl-ct*- , TO CLOCK MAKERS.—A SITUATION wanted, by a young man. at clook work, or any other similarbusineis; a good shop and steady employ ment is the principal object: has no objection to aoy part of toe ooontry. Address J., at this offioo. aogl-K SITUATION. -WANTED—By an expe rienced SALESMAN* in a .'Wholesale Dry Good# Jobbing House. Undoubted testimonials will be given. Address ** Leonard,” office of this paper. jyflg-Mt* \irANTED TO RENT—A Dwelling Horn v v within the boundaries of Arch, Walnut. Tenth, and Fifteenth streets. Rent not to exceed Eight Hun dred Dollars. Addre* “B. D.” Blood's Despatch, FM- Hrtelnhr*. aoa-tnth&sat WANTED TO EXCHANGE for improv ed oity property, free from incumbrance, MD acres of excellent FARM. LAND, located in Gloucester Co., New Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to Bndgetcsu shortly to be laid, passes within a short distance of the land. For farther particulars address J. X., ©me# of The Press* !«*• FOR SALE AND TO LET. mHE HESTONVTLLE. MANTUA, AND X FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAILROAD COM PANY.—Two Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock of the Hestonville, Mantua, and Farmount PagOßier Railroad for sale. J. W. DERICKSON, Stock Exchange and Colleotion Broker* 31 South THIRD Street^ FOR SALE—A handsome - three-story . COTTAGE, with Stable and .out’buildings,, and about two acres of Ground, inth Fruit Trees, ana sites-v; ted on the mam street of Haddonfield, The salubrity of, the country and facility of acoess by rail gives-it greet USSF* E ° iUi E°WALN.7MWALWTTT BtltM. '• MTO LET—A furnished HOUSE cen trall}- located, to » re.psctableUmant. A wrtlo, of the rent will be taken out inboard. .FprMrnoMlara address, with real name, ELLIOTT, at true office. aul-6t* - LAND IN EXCHANGE;—One hundred and sixty acres of good TIMBER LAND in New Jersey, will be exchanged for improved City Property, Address K, office of The Press.. • aal 1 *t A VALUABLE EARM AND COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE, two miles from the Chelten hiU Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, containing 130 acres of highly improved land, with an abundance of fruit and shade trees: The improvements are a fine stone mansion, containing fourteen rooms, tenant-house, ice-house, large barn, carnage-house, ana all necessary out buildings. A fine building site ,<m thp. premises, Could easily be divided into two beautiful country seats. For further particulars inquire of Johnv, C. Rarvey,- on the premises. - - aogl-lm 'WTiotesale House, do ing chiefly a Southern package business, to Brompt dealers in cities, desires to sell out. Bad health m reason for retiring. The business of twelve/fan standing. The stock is/ail new, and mostly in ongiwtf packages. The Terms wiU be Liberal Nolandst»k»in ewohanee. Address flttl'New York Post Office. : augl-liw SUPERIOR NORTH THLRD STORE TO. HENT.-The large and well-behtad granite .front Store, No. VU North Third street, above Aroh, ewtabte for Jobbing or Heavy Package Trade. Terma eetufee torv to a raeponsibl. tenant* Apply on the premteen. or et No. at Vine itTent. JyW-Tt* DRAFTS —On the Union Banlf of London, and Eoyal Bank of Ireland, in «nn» to emt. For aale by WELLS, FARGO & CO., mylB-3ra* No. 400 Chestnut street. ■ BOARDING. BOARDING— Two single Gentlemen de eiro BOARD in a social and cheerful family.pa ner at 4 o’olock. Address “ T.” office of thia , Desirable private boarding for families i large and small rooms commnni»tmg. handsomely fixrnished: large'garden attached., **»er enoes required. M29BritUCE Straflt Jyl9»lm -J7IIRST - CLASS BOARDING AT 110* X 1 SPRtJCE Street. House oentral and plsasanUy nitustod ; rooms airy and handsomely furnished. Sonth eraers anil find it an agreeable piano. aug-tuUut^ PERSONAL. PERSONAL. —The colored Porter who took a TRUNK at the foot of Walnut Hreet yes terday, without receiving instructions as Mom Place of delivery, will plea™ call and giveJVM to the thereabouts of the Trunk, at a jjt. Take NOTICE.—JENKINS,- 108 South SIXTH Street, will open, Street, on BATURPAY, 6th of Auguat._ SOMMER RESORTS. Atlantic city—ashland house. The tunny improvements in the make it now the post comrortable on tho Mer.d. Ke furnished throughout* and an excellent Table. Term* reasonable, aus-3t* CERTAIN MATERIALS. /CURTAIN MATERIALS AND TRIM MINGS of every description. Lake and Muslin Cur tains, Gold and Gilt Border Window $12.50 eaoh; with Rood strong fixture*. respectfully invited to examine our good*. Wholesale and retail. Curtains made and arranged so aa to be pot up at window. witho a t<m>?d.fflcul & B LACE CURTAINS.—a large assortment of now and elorant design* and finest anolitr, from 83J0 t 05405 pair. Tassels, Ix>ops, Gilt CormeM,J>amii, Hooks, Rings, «o.—everything required for funuidtwc wffiows. Gilt Border Shades “d ooo© 750., ®l. and $1.25 eaoh, and Gold larder Bhadas» slJ* toSlf-fiOeach. Pioture Cord Jwl a >. T %2* Piano Cover*; Curtain Materials of all lands, from the lowort price to the met iBRO., jy!4-tf if CQrtainBtore>n9_CHHST£{^r|St^et. MONEY. ~ $50,000 TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, 'Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mer ohondise. Clothing, &0., on moderate toijnn,by JONES fc CO., Brokers, northwest comer of THIRD and GAS KILL Streets, below Lombard. Estabuehed for the las* 36 years. Office hours from 7A. hLto 7P. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale oheap, at one-half the original coat. aua-Siu-u Lancaster county normal BCHOOL.—The Trustees of this Institution have given notice that they will apply for ifc recognition as » STATE NORMAL SCHOOL m October next, and the School will open as auoh on the second MONDAY, the 10th. of that month. ' _ ... The School is open to students from any section of the C °insttuction is given in all branehes taught in Acade mics and College*. _ . : _ . A limited number of Children, from nine to tourtean years age, will be received as pupils in the Model provisions of the Pennsylvania Normal Sohool law are peculiarly, liberal. . , ~ .. In maxing application, or for circulars, address the -assr* st AS A TRUTHFUL LIKENESS OR AS a Superior Picture, there is.nothing to snipus tha LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS m Ojlmade M KEI MER’S Photographio Gallery, SECOND StrMt, above Green. K CLARET.— 100 cases Barton £ Gues tier’s St. Julienj SOO do. St. Eatephe; S» do. Washing ton Morton St. julien; 100 do. do. TalencejPints; 80 do. Chateau La Rose; 60 do. do.Leoviile :Soojoh Afoul stone and glass; s.TaUnrk Brown Stout and .tS^Mg^treat. HACKLED BEMP.--Just received, an invoice of Hackled Hemp of superior quality, and for .ale, in iota , b f IT LER & CO, aus a N. WALTER St., and 83 N. WHARVES. 0 SOUTHERN MER- of MANILA ROPE, as sorted and for sale at the lowest N :: PORT WlNE.—lOqrs. Wallis Port Wine; 6 hlfs. "WaUia Port TOne, in .tore and br Ml. br aus A. MERINO. MB Botlth FRONT Strait. OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKE|.%-100 bbla Old Rye ; 109 half hbla do. Juat tmmd ud foriiaUby A MERINO,UPSoathFRONTBttot. T»AY RUM.—S puncheons reiy superior O Bay H^ A , st^t . TTERRING.—7SO bbls. Herring, assorted 11 ’>«”■»'* * tot « A CO. jyU 134 SOUTH WHARVES, ierly of El ARCH anS-St* ' M. A. SAVAGE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers