see -"iO4-0 .4:3;--1,,. • .....,--- 701.0-40-0#,F9#45:4,,g-4t,' ~-.c.,"11,11)1„ -1:::14,1,......,he 7, t k'St } Es ;',,A".,olb'cliTellt„li, ' ,tdlailt7lt”, .:,• --. , - Akar, 41,- ' 4260; it•itt" 777,13,-101,0... --0,4tt0 •,7 - . - ‘-igiew.ww„.l2l-4`07- pilltiWi, k 1 .. ...., -,#,. ' ' ''44Ar._..,„,,,„.104.76-;•igAiiiiirl Pt.& mato 9,11- -,* -..,,,,,,."' ' ' e-, , ' ..,#r• sys , .4_o tia, :": 'Z'',..•=l-!-*---4,' ' ' j oitilkiThisl a f 6 "` tit ailibrYbiu" - ' -,i_ s 4ll . t *lt- -:, ',i t , -....!'. ~,,,,-,,,,, v4„-iiiiirz,voi v v ti " ATC414641 6314 Tliar".„“.**,,, 7' Vitl,.7) -106•444413"? - ciiVo.wrim`'' - ' -Willumai.' 'ticithiattr? !--',,- . , li:*s4 o*.-.!!x!ftlfratogy-6-6,i, .. , ~,.., .- iit'lit - 4,.., „. -ti,..*2r.Z.,,,1 ',..--4''Z'''.l.''''4:l4-Nia, „,,,,,,' - its N0'91°5,4,, '."' ~ ' l -, ', . •?,_....„*._,T iipties).„l-,..-,,,..-,4..,011, _31k.4. - liteltaplsis__,_.stikit4,l47,4,444, ...,,, ovsiat ~,_- -477.-4,--rit 0.14 0 ~I * 7-,-, - citt“,,,,o,:r.tiork ..-2,?..„f0miwt1itvi0t0i1,t1)14,46,**...2 4,1 ~,:.4.,. .4 041 iiit,...-o*- -. iii. 0 , * ~---........ — ,--' 2''7 •4 . - , i''''' L". " 't 'IW. , 725 .,*'-'lZ , el' 4 - it, T it 4; ,-,;....,-,vnl*.o • - ~,.,.,... , kotk 0, * n o : l c rt'„,;;o V, , - 0 • 'I. . iitliOftliwatial.,. .Ffil,l4,?,,thy. ' ",-'- l's 3. - 1400,0 * -440 „,,.-.-...t.,- - rfii.'4gogema-wmLt --• -..,z'--A.-. liiiiiimiat itel4.47.;Wide;wif illitoar, * '• •` .-`,•'`-V•IO4*IN tosvii.l424iiik.l4lttl4,7=' .•'; El'.7l,irrc .-'' ,-111i,eqricLiii#V-1:-.`; :- ~1-11 1740,01, 11 7tu ..ik504.-41444111 1,44,k)" t, i g:iiist r OlOt---luis k t i o 4 to 3. rtt '4,'4-11ovi4t , - Xiii.,16041,,,,,,,,,,A,'•fivrd**"41- 1a ,., , : :t*aiiiiiiiiklile-t•hookitßiP 44 11i.1,11,0 '',,'"flitelltletulcitiraligt,-,4!` 4 gi4,71 0", k ! 1,,,,' '-,-,:,;.4Arti ,i , -,,, 414',1iii471:4,_,,,, f, , T it ,„ Ap t ft. ~ ~,4.1,,,,.f.,:tAiik,- , ft-ill. t......*.,1.1.-0:-.N=Aruidm,-.,174-1,71-thw ~w ~-;443ifer e n . 47: ::iiitoootit.,* , l tY '._, di.ii-,4,01,,,5,,i,tipt Itiligifitlidol4.l4l; ~..#1.457-74V'Mnat4:14-4*,7rtiodntt til,:phig =AI. 1-- - it -?-_44'„„t, off;',:d.,,,t'aal r ',..,,,,....f.t. fieWlNegq4- li s bll.--7.L:, , * e . 'l4 4,10t41-14*4.41111.1,..,,,Yin0040000",tAiTair, In ~,,.041rAllo ' s li ft#44",7-Nr.,i' -, ipillOrlti' ”14, olon - wa • r,o03"1"1.41.- ,litimilli t lilllK lTl-kl4. .t-t7alt''llss4l!.. '!7'.-4 :" ‘ _ P' ' ';':' ' t ! titheliftfi ) iiiillll% y.l-N.A, • ' 41;4 dispil.7l 0 , CiLl4' - /Of tilikr,.ti...','"" Maki' •`-- , yinithki, 00 4 1, ,X,,11,.. _;'-nr.,,rietrOADAY'oad ~ " -mo3 t.r.tinpjf. -'l .4lll!'4 "k ltlrtie dl7l- 41041141127'10=.67 rol‘t r-l-t*K-1 . - -7/ , :30044. r..,.tp‘;_ ..,,,,1060,44* .. n.I E - P . • cit i e f-' ..14401.4_411,r,04404 -1:141,1.....4i hut ~.10*41..4x' iditiTti.",.iiii#';',ftkotiiiimai ...---,,..1.1410.r, ‘4,10.-44•140"-- ' .;,41,-,."..,.(1, i 4. • . :- Aid-iffili#ll 44,146* `M'...:.44iitili/11/14' Niti_ re.,,, ......,...*,,.,=',,,z,D,,, ~,,„,,,..,...,,,,„,,-,,,,,„, .... ~inir.,ktuA,,,,r:;„,,J.a,t,s >,,,, - -..{;lfsarq'f', ? '''"li6o-4• 1 • •; I ' . ° , z - 1414, - ',R' t •,- f S .: l,lj n ielker4.,;2l,, ,4'll'.,,a'“tiaikiikkjt.l,,,,•-,•;s ,• 1 •;-- 1144tifiiivikt,iii*,485,- co 9,;intia We ,;li.,74;yistiin,mwyeuirrgeolrlt4l4.4,l)l4r,...,j,l.`4, , P"AtiroLwa...'"illiakei,k).titrlitiih•blltteil 1 , ,-A 1,!1 6 11147,.M0-6-INE-*—ititiiiiiscllly , 7? -4:1-= :41iiifi P " ,),14:00_,ti 1119 —,....--weingitis7 ' ~ .ifitottk_.;,-,totipones!-,T,74-1d 'oiiiiiiip, •n 4. „ti tilil!4,-',m,„ „ iiikirtt, - t 4-ilr4p,twatii'44lll -_.,4l*HrwliaritoliPll ,„„‘,44illeigeLa ,-pihtiilmios, . " - in \ ,F: -'---i 'c. sitiqiie..l4,4ll.**,,-,..4,-- lif, - apt - „ ,Ntiiird u tr'- , ,,i-A-foe3--tti_tilorws'il, -., ';' .3 .---.;17 - 7i ' iig.,47' ;9 9 r fe-i",-1)-**. ~r. k , 4L,igigy*,-Eir4,1,1." -itiiift4 Cu, - mid At_,,c,..11411 .)t!' : -, 474- • ./47.617447,. I:" Afilitft il If' ...-V7 l i t illtol74:*litt -=',` -4, 1 , to, '114*,...,_ 14,44;0e tivi!abidked7ol°.!, tfinio:, '',..r4,4igi ; Vi11ik,'"7„.;44: 1 0 *0 tw,,- 10,4 1 4 , • ''' i, ' - *gag bek,oi vir-s--- liqt4-,%A`T'1t1M.,1111446 " ti."." 1810-11114.,tif,iifla rely 4 'alga! 411-Vllirg -'*'-.W/040‘440147AbottliWilli - ~., .‘, .114,4"11*.11)!. ' I:67Fic r.,'11-16- ~,,,,,,INN 4 ~,c,' . f , „,. , .-tvo'k,.!-T , '„ ' ktiLT+4 ' s „'OrZre*, *** - 41. 4 : • ; • ,Y A ..s. -', ,f aq,l) -eft r ''', ~ , ,t or , if.„ --,-...=- Thus...,. Attiovitt.ElWii4o,..?iew -..' owi , f 1 0 0" L.,, .1114,-„A*2,s,rit. I . -AV .'•,,f4,0 V,i,0it.1., -,- ,---44.-,00,14, -r ......t-16.4-- -zi.00.4-ploii,llo ---'''' --maii,!,,,...--... ,ikaiit:o*ibit•PVl7 ' '''' '.,rl-4.6 p laip,lTtir±4,4%; Ithi"l3,ll': 5 1.3 ,.Yawitfrit 4•44ifF , , ....44 -:..4r.,.'--7,‘,Er 41;,?4,1,i,i Ctetkl to '', e•:, -%:4l4winst oiiiiiio,itst,!=----ii-kwiti *in' Ilt '• ? -1 :4 1 1" W44:, ' iiiiiaol,AVA747736loli*rizi. ,43.1644,4140.49401/414-iii iii-gitiftif' . tt.._.„Aelititaimit ._.,..tqw4-caritil! ..t.j.,.,--, , ,'!f",•-•' illit-i44-.1.R. ' zwiiton'igt iit iiiki4opj, ...... 04 • cwilloV110,1q.s•11,411010,,t4, • '' -: ~"t•.-Ptiok4.-,„feal,,m glom,. 4 7'l,*.ivikrae'- . ~ c.,, trk,p,,bito 10,1.1...414 ..-tidoylteTr'f,,j*iifsh.:l '"7111441VV-111149.40W1/7k, 44 , 4, ‘... ,r.."•'' l iii"l 6 - , • ITiiitlegklei .4ea littlit, eV,ltiii, ~;_lititt4' - `"--1,5f ii#l4e4Vithirsji,trip 1 . ' 21/1014,4104010.1kh- uiti bikiii, ki ,... , . 44,74**-36,02,44,ii.0ri45t taa 51- S t atig i trit l ; ,- s " i t kh an , : P. ' * kaki it riold4 takettiktr'„iii .... ,4'..1114,44,41 1 2 1 7 Z 0.- 4uuritiir i t .i.4l: );:,::‘ , ~i4=oelnt.,,-.ool,,oill...'''?lltpict,j It 4, ---, , ,:,., ri .`- 4 - i -goiffoici,of — 0 ... -, ,-- ,- , r , „,,, 1• , .. ...„.„,.... "tr., fktliiii, k!!'4l-”rki ,`: ' iiiz, Pi :1 1 ,0 f f1eki),.....116"4-" • :0:4 _it!, ,-'.. • - "7-4 ' , o'sitiblii-skr` ;P°tailin - ' ,•‘. :j' .• • ow** Pfra11.,...'",-Andl (14w41, ,-,•,l..lain t aii-taritit• 4 % uala w iiitC.b.t.takwith .- ..,-;•• 1 . - - ti of &to > itatou•-t ~ .. ..11001106-hia boak%- t6 r boost t 4 l ':41414441 t11161‘.4 the Asioitel"litiokigd4s. 1 0 ' 64 ~,,:,--: . tht/Pl4.ofrer#l,7iiimmatiwliasfe. 1 :4 - 1 -01 •111:17441=ili-- ''4N - a lit Il' l i t& -Fallei brill" itrilibi t e ll itjtefflY ~..,,..! Iry jota iliumu 0 dirt,. , Thu ii * Ild'l4)*Wil elk Air t igion - , '' ,''rtsio '', ettuivbiatt taUke I oft' till' , i'-,-,"',--, hiyailantos_gmik!„..birosabot."...•thwilvi ''.--' '- h 4 tbd- -- 4meg"—aa4oolk3ll" "4:444105*111- ~'"V ":"Aarii*V io lt i o tA‘ir :404.ftt4110.0 oe, *v4 iittk.L.,,. Jul *0.4,..4 4,„„,rfi r: , -,,. - 4440 - $l, 4,---r13.14 IViskelmtklot . ,Atfa. 4.4.01,* *0 1 4 .wi1i1uaV44A Ur k•-•----T....16., 1 ri11.....„..tAta. . irWri " -*Cif .. - ';‘, l ?---• 4- .- ?-9,luc--,--"••,l4l(,Adir !b.!. at. ---f , 4", , . 1 44,r, 041 Nq .44- 144 . , ~-4 .- , ~., ~, 3......, ,f, . o.q, 0,,,, kat. '.. '4 • 00.10/6.1 `2l44tlrCatAlligrti ''' liel lit "kr.1,47 %an I li .':.4* ' t.'N- A - - 00 , 1„ .„,,,,,, II: ..e4t, -- —446tAmnit .Pg ~---„;,.w0..4,-.44l4.iriviTi auo4.: trattsei,ft **l ' ' - ';'-,i '...> ' ' 11,•+ -,.,-.'-: ' ' 4 .7,*--416,41,4" 14n ,_,....- .+441110t5., - V tru. *Z s. `.;:q -iii•odskis•••, ealr•,',""t-/ ..5.; '_ , 'lf".„,-4 1 .4.,h 1 4,4, ,W:-1 -' '' fiksbilliird, '....' .lal -Y',4•3lP-';'X‘r 'At4l,trteeiWlL'eniltded: :.....I,3A4iitzit/Tgi', &row_ tot trovillthjet ,1-27-4,4,4loticutallnitaw aki. , ' 744114 Toh.,-**.vbo4.-, ~.„.....4"%bil r45111.W r *Z•7.. _. „ . 1 r- .J.~ _ _ .. , .i4iL i. . -a, -,-.!111111111131,DIECt.).011;:lity.W#10. ripliss'AelhirOM thisMoridaff 014:111 in *Mot ismodpiedaa •• • (dirrafs_whist 1.) Pleallap; ;LW errant i'oorn arid, !„ffitspalgloh,Otal Varktollstserata - No; Difsa ,p Ma to W ots orriettws;:ffalet•-hroW irj ! !WtriXdim: ito,t4 Ii Croaker PAO*, kffl'iNioo7o ilisit!VW liffs:Soal to Ashmore rj? t • • , • v.:7•1 facflrreillo9466oi d : 4 e- my '/AostadriMailtodisdouVerial , pMaidisio fallattto-daditarait, td Phliadelphia, raotaMotertish.followso - • - .1 •-• 'iLtoddiaslidlerp Momirtuilterflumber to Kddelthoria - I'Budd thoemsatar, - lumber to Malone isiTorlort r.Xorffhall' drain' tollutuddiries, Hoffman 1 - 41 pg; lnrntopr_ to Simi-Bolt,*-40. - - ,lP oll iba! , o:di. o 4 l `hliedela lt ia •-• • ••:.' • tiirffl. , oo44,hlidd. ram alaop:LarMastre meat to era yeaterday 8 v•Pahity Prirteßarafirlif Acetate aW still frdatlifet:ffort;leadet'tho I:proceed - o%lra last or anlogi4bil bilge atirr, tor at elm': 4111,, W Ratter, for, T-Wotalr .rt Riff MOW idi46 Xiiffilr,'WOMMilth, Dresden; toil alPtha vimadsrepottld ha our lilt, want to Imo - Teatordoy zeorilog. IhrWite 4V:thistle' _ hit •Vaihriw was/11,414'h moi r e lt,„ dad dittil3heitaklq: NlV4liikalal • 4is!- SlotreiposeepOs of ;the Philadelphia litelitsioA ,;•• •- .-'14 0 11 1141 P,•4 0 )Y -29, 7 00 P P lot rooN.VOi/n Wire l t(tnt/i7,but 00 PerslIntb roof *Otto saa,„l - Whil , e arl - 41tiktbsr Soo Tours • • !• THOB. B. . • "-YAW liffhiffilladl !Olio ralait.L„. • , • ' ••• = „•••• I' mut, 3 - 011,09- iiii4k - ctocs,iiikei frosiltiola 4rmairol *MfrrbiorlarelpXrialihtrl Pobi. , •- ; 29 •: • lat4`. priga, Dl •;Vaisirsu; trout Adfiliffli'Wo4Xol4,l4 from • 01,0 0 10 11 0 1 1, 4iY Sod, harioS;,,avViVott at n New 40.1ir*, •,` ,verailattillit*firWathis ' aton) istre;oiroired, at" yaitirdiy far Liirerpool; : ". ' Steamship Ariali.WlLoon,..for Sotqfunipton 114.0PHEstliontitotk•o0oninlay.- • :••••••-,.--'••, • . -• beam ? arrival at - VU.0111008141108P4A,r;<;014 = • hfi.)Bl4:olluv , ltanklin, - *Bolti orwOrOd at Liverporl rliffadas, -•• , ••• •"4414thilidstoideiree,`"adwieti for 'Valparaiso, altered ra •‘• •-•' , . pdltPatried, year, eloarod at Liverpool 'lath. lost for hfloPolplits. L" ' 4IIIP ;am srootividesbeTt, Penni...l4w rork-for Ban Piraneloopewiw "oltorilth ult. lit 85 N, long 88 WS • 114*-SANOS..OCrint4fOr2P/11w 101 $ 0 0iqWpar ItlielOpet Dlek '1!'? David Lsisday;Disliop, /tenet, arrived , at Oardfll' hat /Alt lest tr.w•-• I,' • ; • - „ft , " • FA , * Agiarleas,#mitneri hermi, arrived at Oarile• Ouddlt ‘1.7.••:„ • •-• WasUMatilliaarmso;drom -draw Orleans , arrived at. • OrOns tpoot Inimenj < , B.L I X Mints WOO .X 1110 8 1,014 1,A 000 0 for Ne st P9ft, ? Id floa/dolmas! attdostith s••,•••, , Copra L , Bany. - Wealsr raid ffirsalse, yostsi, likistAlissedids; Owloodot BoOtod 28th tost.... - - z • ',Bohm iati-dismms. Lake.-Toyokantw,'llokotoon, TM- , ; vat* 01607,414 Turno4ll4owanitii bane*, Arr ‘ Oviofint Bottom With, /mt. - - •••••,, •-•••••1• . t•Xrillir;Dasdel,•Tasrusieli'lleiatMr, fiam--Temila Diver, ;311(0•100aylii , dna. fob! <174/ - intinell Mat Any; w7tkordatt !affair York. '8011431 at New XVII - fiehrdeg at WilinisidirffOlifffg 28th lent. with 1211 -bile rosin 189 On opts totpuritaociio 1111/21 eondrlee. r i , 10 4 : 1 11:441 • 114ologiot&p!liss, Jones; hence, -Bohr, iffaria,ffiewileg,,bhaw.;:tovNew••ffOrh and New J1011044,:iolled PWWllllllmlngton, Del, dßth "bilm s dfamilik,Vassia, from Havana, at Maternal Sehrro - - • weaver, A, Omnmorid,.. Paine, Btu.- lab ; he May4kr•Oorderr;••• Botwook. A 'ltidelotooiffloommuodi,Aritotoa r Owroont X*. Tlltos, Tll Gilt'ltatallitOrt-7,110900burg., ''41•4 4 -' l9 laMi - jr; L atoitmarp - Clastptos, from Alimaadtla, vrrt uagi, PIVIY S sYti CARA StsoSdes; at-iloston :;-,,:lcittra,jimis :Ws% Rath, sad al , Dievemdi ShadiVYJ for PluMdelptiloZolimosdavitostotillth '.A< • • 1..1 1 110100,:annoC-181010ikoji . litobbliorgalltd'Ironi - River WIWI'S - FL:far Philadelphia`. ;phial sailed from, - Paltitiver 27th last` -." •••• •-•-• - • ••••,-; 1. Crock ,ilr,ProaDvey, frota,Thoutort fed Thu g - ; ) dsilpldi,stilliwp - ort lON lost. 'r • I,..qtabrAlleitowiNallimtnet from pteipcor . th 'not:" foiPhilidelpittia..e. ~,,,, • • • --- r• - • • 41,fettr• llefradiV, stikeevrreniOalsfeibiPhllsolopiptd4, - airsiorrawlsitahlslaud Harbor 44th twit. ' , ' Dowlitek; Waviv r iali` - Steelman, 27th loWlof-Pkifige... - Bohr. MOE; ilifont, - ,autL P num, 0r err, henre:aldaltot r 2111" , 51.4 - • arta'Addaid*,llMittri 7lUJbhaeoa, and II *nit"- mond, CattiimArmi from Baku( 27th load- for phtlad I ,,Rostosi BiO li rer,enocht trtt:',ret, mat : 211 loot, P 11, Mamma armies Why W dirt about`eigat miles, passed a rookatt - sokoioarj apparent; fy about too _toes burthilWvrith - for 1 : 001 C 11,800 , -011101 r• ,were pttedadillaitayab.bak On toot eat of waterfall tails •,' , OoLvoxid-00:40poloto mika:7lffokaa off '&dart two' AstirbsSibsiSid - OU.Sks mkastE6 ssd appear-. lariaar blind &Naar denalvearatr• °apt Brawls **pa! , rievtoall yard heavy Jima of whit the idea *Ai Art S bs stmet4oll , , -• litraumir, • • I for friomAjsusdrls 11th last: - - • - .! Wilt .:'-110i41; Oitaitew I t tikeAsfri:pbsllsildiidarKise 24#/0 - 18181n r .•PbtrW,: ClFllAlle,toe.:touvitnir do , for' — 4 lls.slAstr*Jilist iddiss7,l.ll,9; IBOM - ff•thiPhilad. 218/ =Alwi talus-MISS Iliddlitoif;dr. 4 Bipplii;Slimidi 7 - .toSrai'DD; for raisins; Ohallengo.,PoddloWA: Si 11 114:' /WV Llonty: • loBiitt PowlorOVUloticnntrlyali%.oootors )iv fordo ;. Xosaf,l/114:11110:: ;saki P Rai tar find Prank' PlegoainigglniT do woe 41twaw‘ Weaver, do for 4111" 4 I T, sisty• ar5t: , 44 , 101 , Nantucket t - , Alt dustai; Rabid. aac - diesiytiAl.folt do; Romeo /Vlloll,ldhlto, doffor noo•q/o, 810ikowi 'VW logo,O, „ma - ' - Woodsuff 81aroilt000n,"ifofor 1145- :Wittilifiror. `,"Xontift, Plymouth l'Offfetiwitnwo pity:Aluatla ford mee Pasiess 4110L'PSIStdolpleig' Mazy Pip,u `, 154116 4, 11 4001f0t. 41 4 4 : 11.0 0 0 A - ' 4 ,F,,A 41 J 2-r- - ink; , v 8 ti e om x .os b kti tom O4s6pldll4lssPli4e ei,ohno!zrstiiCre-iliiiP.'4lll,Bv4oe l iaatolitkiilltifffoati X W orldilditrorJ Rallid•Rilirt,ittma4a4 Lade *el; ifith:ogir t enn/ b v." „ idath4arriedirs'Altim - VraiAliseait'irositOrcdoc AilphialcWai*Hoiremedi Mitt; NM,* lcr do. ; ,- 4 , ,zobrit4itkiallli Whit -or; beite , ! , :-,Re1i.e04104 fifilotres;,' patinterlistaillaill, Nark, Idle -DreaTiir.d4;o4,3l.t.,;yl.l;',greittlltl4,- Nit AustbEAKirt _ Patt ers on ,. a1',' ,414414,- / - ; 4llo 4V;iii - •amid,Wariltamemnia 41 Amai0)014$1putipT4Iilimm _Op:•211 - .0 , 11511'0h00111 , 111TIo5110111 . . 4 • • ;• • 5 01 •1..kig,,Ii0Pliii„*Pli?0 1 1t: ,a`,4 4 Xcht foitigrNieeleteiVe, ; 66641: aitteelliXemisat6Vs 4 .laT,stenit,'lnaperter „ Ttiiiilll4l46l4siat:"Laner'; •?Cf.W.Deilik.ll;ooltneb,iit''''o"ll,3ol•llae,k, TP-:•; , • Aunt 61406.01 t ;410.116,1,1116V uievetine 01 *66tlFilliart;'B X ~ V.•_'.; , Norqt " ,, MDIOD/Oft , L01. 1 0:`?; ;ire St Psieph, I IdkSt - tiifiO- :.: - ,' , 7666.11100;111 Costar , ' •••, 11 111„PeObles: Ali;: :3111"tlaai,Xitoe.11664ii italool!l4,,ihatti Ire& imocuir, !fa:* _ 1 1 1 Ctlm,rl, Oln, 165411: .14 3 telikiltcr . '.15114`15 , • - • 411rvertiw6466;',ALL.• ' • 41 1 •11o1bfarg,N060; ' ' 1 - I rit-lbkA IF•ll4"Alki'.;' Mite At 1 raealffief I , mar ' , mow arta& rd: 7 ;, , r94. ll c.4lsta'lli )1166;06,16e,,016.... ; , '''•'•,olfutabings; Arc .` 3 ii` iiloshingo;rnfiA rf:l Lsolomato, Beaten - :0016661,66, XasSon - :- - ; - :S1161 clot:erns. llasave • 11116661araiiSsithiare "T.,2/ 1 - o • l 9lolMOtt*ts D Daa,sltaltiotie 1 , 01•0011,' Xis& • .1111;1941atevia10,„: ; "„:.• Mtn OMI Witmer, 111 'MAT .1111..V1Iteasi, 5 latbart: "51050r;kAog: .;SA - Ilisiskritorittnisy II A - s m ith, 21(.,Vi Phil. ;-• rX 1 4 611 4 1 1 , 1144•11014eli„ . - -4 , i 11 Taller, Boston • A-41iates, Via lavaiseK.T Willhevais New *loop, ‘-/L - Ear,e(tralr, 1, RlOOO, Anferilearla c ; ILtatiraglifte, 5 ,- ir_ , =.' , llll•oll6 - eateef i T.'•, '5 , :-'4,4sertoirOlgqktis* te o dua- pry, , .5•11012440111111 r, etsietir . t; Mpg ' Ceo P Whitalor,lll4A-"" ,v,';•. , A16,0:016,6611 , -'Xd •".• 1010101611.460a.,00114 , TA Jr. beviir_k of, C 1,,, 0 11111, IX*ll,•llosliaviii6l4,ll , Y - :,11 16,16" Mrs YlwAievii. Milaillatitzlv,9l2; 0, 41 , 7111111 , 111 , 0114 .0 -•;.-• 511;617 . 4 01b;0, .516,04tortsw:45cotoikr,Y7! e,'15(1141 Per cy, N Y , " AP instal; Tiovii ; Xl-se o , olnithrihttelinive Rtevtal.- Taylor, N Y (1 0 (Mari an; Nashville:. Janes girt, N Y , -•••lifeet 0 Gosling. Nll T II Witter; .Woahlagtpn L Beer, o „ zoiltreithirslre , 80 Mr ftittli,'6llss - FRoweti * 013012 - 11 PmOriartard,10,46*•,, , `,!IP, WiisiipteaSidtiey. 'Yuri :,10,1trimiderop'04; W:74 . '4.4%60'5 Ppaileton, , Robiviceig- ,14-Briaghtoe, Norf9lki , "Ariii A: winos, Khis roatlYAmmir; Was V 0,66616, 1/.16a f Pkillaltotisorilevonto R Tolloao, Its 'Atob4liarrittt - ,460t0e 11: iiiitthomekar; Silt W. Vratio*4-, M Mr Clements , lit 4 • • 11sultai ; • ,vrfi crown- nowto , • 40NialkatiPaL, - -4Butatantorma; t;airiare Hliil. i 1 AJ. - Poatathiattioatata,"o44';:viw 1 s Wiattax4l.o tr , • - / Matiaithead,;7% ;- 7.10 tt")1+;,0*B•••, Inidallia; kW' ld'aci•T ipilita;',BsiL,' •! Dr W Battotatstki - Tblia *Tit Basta; Boni ; , 0:11 eptiogirtrilaitr- P - Amon; Btexmatiiewit scull Lucia; Bait". • : W Bianett:ti - ' ' • alkatitoo. - -:vic • - 0' - 0 P Y : • - 111 A 7 /000:010/0101'01:41Iiitkefi*it,iiboae efictik, , Ilitainiad,Atiatittaißitr?,4 Bleaßinitatryg 0 Wtoldli 011,30 01404 ft Daltbast,Pritamittaa, lifOtint,: ttutoung earia3t Louie t' Xi* LOOMOLuttion, ctiew L PUN Jrattlabutti tt Elfehiteurrii in;kwatior,;llMlloo44-.11 G.Groys, Horriabing KoolloKl •7 • TJaatisoth Raidipg„, „ Alt Ufa: Obarliabiia; y IrPritutiliatrflitteibutt , ';: , R.Blp4i column' : Pt Dia° ISati4P, ;•- - • " • D • -... ::• 4`'iriaDt'l43olc - - armed ••• J Nalaatt4 Wait Oktitar,,;- , !-D Mimi ' West Ohostoi' pittatmtliaatttfiji ;.? iltattbtltilEaktodi t, 104 Pittuipoo;'ZiiittouilLV-Wrolihtstar uton,Md i d 8 0.00 11 ,4410rolpmt:,‘ ,04moituNiwyloatopn '0 Poitta. , lyhourS it,;;;;;.' Notalatil,;;Bibtiry. T,W,44„aliOttittiabaxg - - - Waltaaii, Not:Britalti, 1 Obalßoattgarilia Southampton ; ; IM9, 9 lllrflot , !lt, 4 ir, ll4 ,7l4Praii Gilman; PLIM7 kiMOS l 4,k,a,terigkrnatou r pt: , 7•BiaiiN 4iiiiiiilayA•Wort-Haitry; Aibursi ' „10,,,,0AW4,11 1 1AtialiittB . Y , ,;.;11 '" 14.7 n e tinq . Z.V" -, ' , t: ' 1 , f44:14100111111011111 , rY. O $ 4, 1 1 t; litt4; , 4C-.:4 1 .0141430; Pa: 4.41 P4lei . .4tattitelltlVOL W &Auk 16y. ltr* IStrarty,„'t „,1 /Mier Wothaltdoth 7.lsEPaitek44oarritoto-"„ P ' il(l ll l. 4 3ltjititon,4,lo!Asi,?i, , ,lttiaWoulto i a 11404aoroloti, - Pa Wagner, *Mamma' , t 4K.N,kinrai_AlLottoita'. - .,-*:.z.....;..,_11.,V Oatioilottilyttie j6l7loo:lllNoqiptaW4l4o4talmiatUtiviAidil. X S Laois:4a rgcm..ioNt *mob !.;:!-T, sittrokap t p tt. , • , t.: .Bliatitteavitc 1 a Manic ; lit•DO-Dinvstx D Detikadakallim OltiaOlottluten., o.ooiblu;phua • ' 'Satan - -•zt! - - 'f-'l,;NAlliataimiirse..'F' •.; 0 111 1 021 i 0/ 1 0It 'r • ; „illANtELTN . ROlMilL4wprtipnYtt Third. *JR NoviOl4 Riattiittipt!:•LM, isioapn, Itoo tear i • 14 If Bindery; N Y - "6"k'71:11.:?, -;'VC;)" 3 17 / 5 4 1 n, Salem, N . OWAlAttaitti etnink; J - Javan 0 Brown, Del .- fl ollo Nativri DrooPlig, h atimphrey N DieW, jreof,o'-- - ,.-4 iscObsaweii,,D l / 4 0,90 . , L Cot, Nldildamt Natuttohot "glut Dmp,.Arasi 01004r;;Witt Taylor & la,Ohestat at"; 0 OltalitamittiOaltiMbti,Pot biro jest!. Namtatuttn 'W. , P-.V.lptlcharstitOlstry Poi Writ - Bea, Obesieriio, *plot Ripli,mtltre„ - ft. - T Dow, !Wort Ohaa - lori ' ti 1!f ,„OfaiiilVatirit:;"ol'oa/1"1110, 'Bub 40 ( • ao, 1111411.1untpLAiiiithit.laVIL NlMokinbitelliPa lonotatoploptireollei'llUst9lttiktilS9 l ooiP* low* Ifvoi-ousra-llait 4ri 'Debi 0 - Diectiiia o allitt"; AID00oni"Palo Applabaak, Pa hlia Nee - DEO go h • Awl regal 414:6000' Alm* to 04 - 10 , 14±/tOrt'llo 1, id t. 1400- ....,..;2:41g - 4- - to*;i' 'lifictoo, ex tf IE : Ol i 1.0 1 • 44 t .0¥ *Ol • Wit 701,4 ;* ol4 "t t: iii;,o4, , Irois' 144 ;~,~. .Ml=M . . . . . 1 , ... , , • k `l , i, '''fig. ,; - 1-- I , i . . l'-'4V, ,- 4';'' , . i,..i:?f!, l p '' 'sl -' NAI t OA 'e 1.. ' i," - 1 - t. gelet - 4-:. c, .I ~ ? ?,.._ 4..., 1;-..i, i- 4 , , t P - --'" .'" ''. $ ' t f- ~ ,: i .i. 40, 4 , ,, , ,,,,, , , ,,,,,, y, .: , „,, m- 44 - 6 *, ,,, , ~:ii, . 7 .it , _,A4I, IttillZMllii- '- -, SATUADAY;` - ',,`MT,714:71. ffitt:,..::-, ~, r. , -- ll~ili IW-2 , 40111110114 7,4 7 ' Wpflankle;ol l o. Tat simth. Tenn: , A•Hrandige kV ) Riy• Mail =‘,- 4 •'•Blfilslitirl, *Ilk! 40_61490c1it i 4•• r•,' a wtist.: • 4 / t .11411; Atka ' 8 09frey. ~„ ,• ; h;44 10 `;•T IP•TAtoisAllooitinglo,llt" Jiff ?owell„Texam 1 .•;; ae Ittlusalt, HolAlo4' I• ‘, 8 AldrOge; fr Eloowdeo, plttsbnet, 'OirnitHowtotti , PHtigniti • w , H D Instor. LetvonWor tit ' B l , A o borty. Dpyleatowtuil ; BeY TO WI Wryly! Ot ',lmam, l)iiiibar;ltAlii co • ; V/ lisuier.l9, Dm, Del Cortilli•lsmbestVlei NI- Ohl RiAmrtmc 'MHO ; - HA MoGrooloy; Wes :; • s. 71 T Blimp, Ohio: , - • • - 41101SLOAN,UOTI414,1hootnat *boll WNW , „ Walton. Boston , ~ Mies Watson, Boston '.."lltoknolf,Oolumbno,Mloo N 010111111, Oolumbus,-illeitL(B.l3ll4 Elprlogfloldi Mao, Di B L Loamil; Woshiti Alton N Lest, Jr. N Y 4 llCTeodgoxiAlaltlmoio' 7asN tebrailk, Balitoibro .W D Loa mt, .r Propoott;Daltlmbre stu t y atackiaore J B Yonne,' Philo atloor,tiel Patildifelht N Y Wrp fifOkkroy N Y, s, J Poloton, Loodoo,ll,Tenn - Dr i(toiy,l3olt time B Culp, Milbelbarrit 11,-1113Mintrii Oolte; Cona gto kiabo,T'N Vt. L &Ow,' Norfolk, Yp tfeitiory,litor , Yo Blse'l'ownsend; NY , , -"hos Wsitiber,M Y , , ; ; • y.)l Bois, prorklonee, "4: 3 *INUMMIL 4 I - 0 011 etirt, aixtve l'h itoeil'ilk ' o4lll6l*?r,Oac; 0 Rena. Lsaiel o Ind] '9V ht Matt It, Pe: • • - I'D '131114 ffer, Reading • -111itheWi Hattott, , N k IBN•J¢ile,Winelow,N7 Was I Bug - /sll6ll4Alis b. Trlfei; N Y ICSalinbar ' ger, 'Alton; XII Jt "tunas,. ic ,Plttattlg Wm Major,--Pottsville , - 0 J 13 1 ,11 Obanibersharg - • " Oiletial,NottcfP. atilt lloillifilt;"—WiiiCh in the greatest the one leas esplOred the'almoit in lonntseiltle,,invtitain regions of South Atgarloa,E and lidded !Sagely to onrsprograi b leeiirnoivirilge,;the other evert his attention .to the y 'mitigation of human • Miffed* and fri'hle int eaten of the !among lierinelf Bitters, in We ',country as ".1100,14NL4 onnferred an invelnable 'Linn upon mankind. • DYsiegsia, Liver complaint, and kiaridifeLiebliitYjirgirienitlYAnd permanently cured by , ?this ridtedf.,' • ' ." ' • 7ThisejBlttartf oils by, all druggieti ; and deniers in I n ! dio!api k every *here, at 76,eente per,bottle.' itleo,by,fhe Prsprlitire, 9. M. JACKSON C0., - ' tilt 'Allen street; Thilerdelphia." , , Far , Softenlog Abe Skfn, .Itanderlng It Fati ; 04 4 B l Ps"ntoe+ tott, , Mtlui,t)lthbalmrkeaktes, and mita.. nevus .eatiptioue „that., eo -ultan„uir, fenude beauty. :711L11,3 o.l3laLli ZAI:7 , 72,4170, OB Bye 4 Old lige 71alda to, IttiOtanibyl4ad made radiant with ilialdalleate - Wm 'at yotitb: Sold. by nil !Irony!, and. ??Y: 4l 7PB:.g&t r Y4 l4 & Ilk , 104 lLa.fra'NUT Bfreot; PAlladelrbla. - - jy2B•Bt fleataten+i , Saving Fond—Northwest Corner of iw t COND nod.WALlTCT)iltioeto.Depoilto iecelTe d in *all and largo aracgu4si o lviln tU . chinas of tlie community act allono Interest at ; the rote of are per gent. perahotio • • „ , drawn by altialca wlthoit lima of InT fared. Orboopen'dolly, from,9 witil 6 o'elook, and on Moo: 40r , 006 Oatnr4 until, Bln the, evening. President, VranEtiO 101 l I,- Trelieuror and Hoorotary, Ohorle . o E. btaillor. , Bead—Natimist Safety Trust Vent. pLffit.-41,14ofteff3 b 7 tam Iftste of Roansylvinla.,' to voi*44l Oita/ dal; Oaf be any Amami!, - = 2:1111f11.11811 - 08N , r; Asia:oar hi 'Paid • 'to's Money , from the !loth IA put 3, , 8. The money le always pal& bik* GOAD vase:l4.f it 1'146110 toy and. without , . Mioili,ediroM'Execatdis, ' Admisis ro - t3, 15fiserdieissi end - other Trueitiroe; is Uri of small some, to iifinsto o; loos of shiirt'periodl; • , • 41. ylkomfolospivoll from{ Depositors U inveite4 Be and "ex,lliet elieidaoarttltd. • " ' otienii:MY did LWALPDT ONO, 'intik.' mu" cornai Tiara streot,"Phuialplaa.- • • ' oat illpayor, lc, Bather's, pelobrited - va.tiGttßs l lAlsilt WI E m&o4,11110. nuo OIMITIFATT P.Okpio tiuree prominent tbfebkleee now before the plblAco We- PrOult4. " ) ) 1., " rui . 01, 044 wetoked the world* of thertatar, and, lioniatli beliefs ctgaviga di BJ.K1111,1! tdie' ' th e' Teri tiii . Ciriteire , 1 :ieen o &.. -,,tvet "Os iltite Itepertr. , ' ,i9lllonr,fige:Olathlog et the, Lutes; allies, and , !n the beet,. wenugr,.,expreuly for 'NUM I!ALSEIc ire t4irk oar toweet'ealltag prees,la,PLAts,ey,l.banal ea eseVaitlidei ;All iinoe - r . 14 make to o t h er ere wiirented eatlefeeteri,arid Gfl otivrikrirs'eferiiit etrtinly adr, bOdote, ,We belleed.bide to be Abe obit feir desting t as 'Ono tres4*ll9llco, solEli* :1104edellanit Berl.* :~.~r " 4`this iallo? t j Aief.ll:,, 11 9RP: I I ' ' ' $ - `On' #: oditOltk; in' t!infai4 "I•nr,otlite owl - - Tiot-relsfless and fsleade of the foratly.sre telij seated • to' otterid funeral , this' rffsterdliri feetahhillinth Afklalarceddenee,,loolt. 'of',9J - 4 1 ;.• motitTeinon'Msomak Od tbilfth • thst ,'Mrs •LObtßA'rlfAkltldBDN~`wife, orJobQ IfentT4Torrtheem. „ - „ • The; s fetidly' soidlstaads.of the th irdly pre zeopech folly Invited to attend the funefoli' from her hlthotid's dense. Cedar, PrOtis , on ila O rrOor ofternobnt - Oa the,d9th Inst., Talita Dithfi Tkn relhtlfot endfrthode ot the; foratlY sr4 re.kpot.' Mt, invited to OttauCthe fantod, &cable lots TAAL, th hea. IsrAidtmonfe otreet, IflatteOntlr*ord, na s r . d.„Tarter4oon, at 4 : -• „ - Osk tfie AtilPßEffi surf 14 & 01Mind sad Mae -11thlolord. Shed I ear.'-y • •• The Month( of, the. famil y . ore • ftsbeetfally 'fed to - *Nom! ;ht. latiOtelf- /thin tlwreeideties' of hls . y1;1**,11'1444 otthet,oliridesburs, oalansalsj - atter. coons at f&elook. , „ , - •, * ;Vic • the - 1801 troth: LBNNIOMIN dlottlit'D :MO; KONG-. son of fdro 'Mhos fdorong,nied•ll monthe and 4 smoke. ' - - • relothredand Meads of fhb tool* iiirdtheet. fullyAnTitekto,stteprithe &atria, iron theresident* of fits Metter; flo,:- Tr Oh tiostefi skeet , !otoloci this 4l`stuTain toonstor.r , _ r• Onthe 28th of istly; 'F,REfaithOlf. ,}I.IIITT, in the aeth'yeirld' kn. " -;' , ,111.8 iehtfletessarlindOose reinSeatullYfafieeil to attend his rowel, cook the reel or hla son: • Oitiolds segos,' das Aft& threat; this (didnr, "dor morals's. 80th foultsali at 9.14',V0100k:: *lnterment oflaurel . . IM=I , OBTXII&RIVOLidcat Betti-Aiiia-dierfnesi Orr the lota of- Atty, - 18161, Mr, 7. BROOKX sBOOKB, , in, the „ 28211year.o!hti sigeC , TAtidesth of Ibis fnestitnible yonot Matt has badge& 000siderrebio owlet among those with frbont bewes 148.: elated In buebteak ' and by the ties dt rrohio Lbd deblt, errs! ,kinedottollanote Ass At .(feolod , tke,..tunity otrale There, Ned- , psroots, brothare,, and Meters mouth M e - 100, soft' t attune 'folk' the 'fi heerth: ,stoste shows the meat ebals,neirer to be 4aoltplett pi him again. Mr. Boone bad gone to the Syringe laborlrig iind4 a .dboattele' - 'at - ohloge' , . - of alr- - Inte 'thought 'oeeentlal to Siesta a:ruction in Me sYstena., the 'Mors of tile spring were to hint Buteent, Lithe. for they closed hLi ofetits the tpgey of deallhand allwith btm wu sight, , -B eon, .biother„,and trlondildr.oone lebit„ toripg and afreolteUato ; 1118 . 16 teen or`builaau t his poll• Ceti In tititikotfett Of Boker &Biothere.,ot this oity; bore nor teetintony, sod the Both 'ea regard. lag busleost ihterseViid - tirceontideneii et all who knew and - ,hoititdettilogc,,with lebked firoakerone and', briebt. ~But deathsteyeed in, tore :weeder ail the use ,thetr,thute eirressble, sod took him hens,: The olOdd of the valley cover Ms body,his 'mortal form lies thers,irettirning, to its retire dOet grain by , his pplltthea pound "wailo. realms where aorrotriotne a not and 'dela/ells -unknown. =lt is tot his pertottsi• hie brothers sitters, "ad friends, to mourn One *hoe, veers Oyer, Yet ,-. .dumeotoraße Brutus he. le cut off from earth, for death -hoe cm respect, for age, sax, rank, Or. Condition, — "th&h . and tit dite , resper- - , Tahoe .Lite Isere that are heavy; , ,„ But thejoloo• : - Mane meabood in ' 0. 0.! • ,rnii.ales4rnra, I,nly 203,1869. „ Mitioi'reat:of Young Manta Club- TIAN - WRIT aTIO AAA' Waited at _BROAD, ape (IRENE Streetis 1 -opaninghty4sa., July Blat. Illarly-.PiAjerliaativg At 7'6'alook.,- Malan Pripet- Mastlag at"! p. Prelablaa - aa4t.g. by Tot O.III3D,PA.'or Caplarati r ,and 8 P.M. by Rev. ALYSIIIITaVTQL Sabrina Prayer Mao tinge during the ireakfroai Ala ct orolank le St. Ohlklean'a rusting aveilry lVednendliy Aid flittudiyetterpo p. ri e oqt4,li (14:11, -end let to ilorehip to gether . . •, - lto, • MIXOINS, Fuptl ty (Orden - Via:oNp Oburch.4—Re. rE3 AlkfoWil sofvlikkeit ELVIDNIALG; Slghtb *ad B pilileahrdstiotre'lit,o43-110RBOW (Sun• daYlliVktil..ll; at 8 &cloak; WR•vOlii , ROIO4IIIR, Psstor:. Seate - fres NO Orvieto dutinir Ckaretz.,ex -- ttie, • C O E LIn a :tI - -- atoo e v i a l gr a dtt /treat, - AMAMI' StIgDAY ♦t 1O) 'atni 8 P; HeataBtaft. ' - " , • .Itac Ittieptist mg of the Valrery - Presbyterian 0« , lia.oll his Wank will be , roeysreia for Pnalo Worship on .13ABBAT.11 - next. Mit Juty..,54 , .. 'twat ltig oiebtelt tiOtad'ot 8P M. "g:r. Rev- E. E'Adanief3vlll preach In Brand 'lLlGY‘,ll aoinet.of prowl int Bonnie Arden:00018, TO4IOBIOW (Ilibbatb) 8I 8 o t ollick, and, et,iny. 84,8bnIn, ,esening, until , twiner ' '"' • John Chambers on the Chinas of the -Ththbath-trote the Seventh to the Pint der of the, ,vtaok. 707 MOBSOW AISTSIRS9OI4I at P.II. Church, rDaSiaretblNlßSOtf Streets. - - , Ito; , I:o o l:fai s lattli:lfolifeiehees will be held !1T ; ...8.ti1411,?n,111:/NRAY, et 10 , 4:. ,- 81.:and 8 P: - extlect—A PBllOlOO4 - 01 STEW' " • • 'Aiuttaatatt,frovitoo — • - - • ' ' ' It* Vy ta h im ne e eo n n t a B t e h o l h u s -o onß e e nAot he 'regGen4 Aaaeabfpof Oda Oommonwealth, approved the 13th day of October, A. D- 1857 • ' • • Ainount of Loans and /Melanie ' $366,418 17 ...Alheetel.d.... o `16,486.0& ; • 110 . frogs otVer . Was , . .... . . 69,18243 Do, ,to•otheolation. .. • . 04,105.00 • " DoPoettehineituillhatanose dtte - td otter Ya + 260,428 21 Patbabaarirs*, 110 59:1869. . CITY 07 ,PIIILADDLPILI6,• :Mate LeeleY,' Oaehler'of the trenei Batik; befog worn; depooe'thet map that • tbe ekolt atitement Ls corteet., i f the best of koohriedgheehkbelitt:`; , ' • • • 7Aisuss Limn; Bworoleforo me thhe Mk day of Idly, A. • D.•l -". - Wll.ttahte Qabe, ,Motrollett•• 'l5 oillh - Tpratith Cdhil The S'oottoldorn or um North , 80001 l (lima otoPooY.nfe bereky notlflod, that by 67010100 D of the /loud of ' lituakere in: lostahnept of. TWO AND A 111.1,11,10L1A8A, per shirelcaeoutsed to be bald to the Treileetik , nr at.= ossfatonti. , et :their, aloe, In WTAKRISUAItabIi by the 16th- septembor next, and ff not Odd within thlfty days after that date the stook wilt be forfolted:'—, " - . 0 - HOl=W HOLLIINDAtiIc, Treisurer. W:G:Sei,illl,lll6, Andetant Treasurer, 211,1860, t icro Notice to Stockholders.--Ati Buono' .beld for. Officers. or the ALTAUUNNY tiOUNTAIit.IINALTEI INSTITUT.% et ORRILION oo the dint MONDAY In Auwurt o'oloOk. - sie.ue 0 - - 3i21-49v • • _ Neoretary. intuit OfflOi Yittley hrid Putlsetlte -nmin f at, 00i-200,10AhNoT fitreet,rPrtrial, oirmitay July MI; ,:—Ttie 00172020 One Atoput Ist, upon the Hind Mortgage Donde of the paitansr,.• Ma, AND BuNBuRY, 4 4xL.4O4l.D,spo., - ant b 6 paid Oil 'OM after-AMA date.' oit pikedtation at , thy iittfoo, liettretorthohoura of 10 atod 2 dialtatk, T • 10(122 26.4tA8 Jour; L. cimmtn, 00oretarg, A - . AMMETER :DEBIONSTRA.TIOM THA PAOPLII! OW PHITAMILREIIK' THE (TARS - RUNNING'. ON SUNDAY; REPEAL OP ALL'iRWS ' RESTRICT PUBLIC' THAV.6I,, 4- , ; ; WILL NS BALD IN ' I N_DD . RE E'N - -s•QAT A - - . , . 7 - Ls% eterytallill, 1010 balleveo toot ALL WIN - AIX LIABA.L.AIp AQUAE, ' end endowed by the Creator with certain, - Among wittottiie • •" • - • --• • ' :AND, 1 , I ' • Pak:PU[opr; ‘1)11, 04F.PMEgs; Let every ran wtie,eileves iQ the , oerfenr of the world; that THE SABBATH' WAE MADE EON MAN!' !" Let every itaa *14101440t ir, OLVIL i,teD SALTA-lOW, LIB1111,1nr; THH CONBTlT i ttiO t il ;Jo .Or' PING'oe AtmoBiPING TO -,• • ' THE DTJTA AOY coNeoriNap : • - Let every mitt who betikrrea that the tiliestitge of Go. vernment t Bke thi de*el oI Heevisa; should deeaiiile • 1.6.1,11C11 ON - THE, POOR 4,N.T? IEII .Aud,that there ahottl.d he , ,• . • NO unti)r.pv,;.rtnittpy Bxerafeed over , , - • THE iIINDEI 05F MEN;" Let &I( who are opposed Co :,RELIGIOUS INTOZERAHOH, = ,PH?aRIBAIO2.I, PRIDE, AND , BEETAHIAH IHROTItTy dome 'forth `,, - • " TR 00f,t8110140TED GgOI3PD OF •'PRHEMI And renewtheir fidelity to • ' 00N8T/TIITTONAL LIBERTY , ' • s ;AND. • " EQiJAL 11146 I9BSOT 7llaTlO6l„To.4,iaufai , TOE BIGHT Id WITH 1381 GOD ID w.ita.vax BIGI{C) : ' AND VICTORY WrEtt. 0061 ,-Apatigums yir,n,L BB DBLIVBBIAD By, , ,31 1 06t6t Jtistkros was, -non. J. O. KNOX. nom 0. BROWN, JAY., SOBNIZ , kAiIBBLY, ' W. B. RIFLE, Dr: - Dr, 011ILD3, • , ' • - Dr. ISAIAH BOND, I - J. MOB mum • BBONBR; ~ 4. W. B THOMMI, G. B, 00,1111% , And others. 'Change or Habits: • 'TIM BAND 0, TOrlft HAUL . Welts a word for elorrreeder ; - - • 1 `We wonld be all iiiteree,der t And creitlital. earnest pleader , TA qut 1141014.-. -, • ' Far. with yen best ibtention,, • :'1 And annealing A PreOention, - • - We would here &folly *notion ". ' •, '- - Of the times.' • , Thiniiiri some thernieivie ditielaing r By their lolly In belidsitin • • -. 'That the wholthy,are .• - Mie bolo* - Ali the hoppineneitnd Plelnlilitti" • ' ' As the fruits of 'golden treasure, ' Wbioh The poor in Any Meerut. - ' ' knot. , , ;Those Whalen in Those who labor in theditobee, , And the (stored bleat with riaken t l • - Are the tarps °round nun splirpleS) • As their tennis are erer yearning • itoi • aattletblrig. here ao,lourninn, . Ihey, would. reUdh, • • Ori m alltliAnii la shining. _ ••• And In 711111 will be repining; To s reader thus inclining • , - We would asp," pantt gnu lot (OM be riming,. l atm ever tt up and dolnet 111 Ji !Whits all eaolienion; - Dny c ; , .- : bin kin be presented 1 , • :tgtikfthe pits trecinted; ' jfe,',k4l ) Wei thankial and tlotitented, Aat yotir park.. Audi be *tiling' B_Y.thlS 011uth etkry trill/fon t • —• "- - With Jay tbaig put e telling, Tor endi helirt:" ' A nuirai dertAn l / 4 : - " ; 2 ' '- Ann oh 116Yer, be'4oll,llitilyr • , , ' then it bebiti jiiti are Wieling •bpaarrice or.httearien, 'Veil (*laming, or elikropniling, t• tu " Seel-the plsbetwhetroirCry *Want, noefry pagnidni, - biota 'a diming& ni - ToyaR•IIAT A L - ,. • • Ara' bbatiaa is 14.6)4 to' ill *No.iliild get ht of bad naive, rd bib M4Bk fT Street, biAIiIIaNETIV Se' 004 ir6 oat _ ittlll' 1104 ut led kibil6 at 'aLtalkaittbarlit'w ' ;" TA:TXT ADVO arSti4l;.—TfiE ',11TAT1 . A011141314134A1. skiatlisvotipoeit teettlekee templet 'Era.' the pirPore 'et jeltleiV.setreet lefoxiirsehee.tit if etict thee'.eptirecitiogill4EUSl- N . TIO to U be; In iillintelphie, On htit.rol7l4. 0-tcop Estltstt.•. r Tireiltitelge te blab) a large 41tion3oete Ortiz% Jetid =one that* oleic, of ,periiihi front sibroad s I hit the 'ordinary( Mt , eitteenients' remit'. bud who. will be likely to he induced to. attend the Yale, if the , greet 'faelllthis for the traokportettoo rf softies and Tor shetindontiite made tit the palatial end gl3fi }ln: litneeed. billebet , of-dlodsee iteen titbit rerelein Litti and - the other Meant/gem nerer b afore en 'led ler Vial , bitlone or Vinitere, are fairly' laid bettire the uttblin - Theldltionerlll not be lengthen 100 ,Cqd COfild, to' be circulated Vend ander the direction of theßoolety,. both before and drislog the coottotuuree of the jahl,Bl. 7 • . peenlierigratitegfelet , rite irieditibrk , lag mitt be eepreerated , beltdeertiaste.-lf they redeet that thib ,pataphiet win , he a nanletad inaletylereengat Male who will prirbabte melt the City daring tbr libr• The WholaWill lie irate o¢eo an to hienlefi intereit; lot reettei tit h helatbilr; end nrrtet glid e to Stria gereoialting leeti„ - Olicitlarerated teiria'obtafriert oton apnlicatioft lit proem air by letter, to • • ' ' - • • A. 0. 3IESTIM. deo's, Oi to DAVID W ILLIAPSB, • jyBo 81 . •. ,tit:Learronot was MANY- ORDERS REORIVED''AT, .asrottlit >II 'GAUP:CT, fiVID fittest, Ali ots Ouse, Life , eits• Photo/ le Is An eeiderlos tlist"the habil* Apt state the siiperlority or She Plotariis. it* - AN HAAGEN' '& ..ffo - KEoNEIB OE~E 7- . DRTEMIVIS 10 AP is deolds4lpitis• twat over msao. One panne or It is equal to threcstf noun loon 1109. respeotable voters keep It. . TRAIN ktifolitOßE, , ; ; 22 s° ,rati V.flukre),l PRO II T' u CELEBRATED"I,4O/o)oHtt 131WIMIZfic • • agility it More eteentlei in a Mei effreeh than IA soy other 'Pellet argot*.' PROC . /. , a 13litiollti6. waverer introduced, have at once taken " precedence for gelidity of materieleand for sofenttflo oonetructloo.'„ fflei Mils BrailheS,,oombialut a peculiar elasticity:lllth the ib ,qulatte linonees i . are foiled to pegs itulforealt and euioMbly.ettaolide the' Halt; rather 'than rotiqb y sad 'Movably Weenie, thus *defog the , proper ettentlue and eonsequent freedom from dandruff to the pulp elan without injuring it, sod'thus; trio, Insuring I naturally glom, bealtby condition to "the, hair Mho , NAIL, and COMB Batman are equally de a lrableulco for : their.rerpective Uses, all eiombirileg s in a tonniticable degtee, completed peefainrecttlth txtritor4llllll bUlty. A lull aisnytment of raouvo superior geode, .ittoluding tome "entirely new , patterns .logetber nab' a large stook of tUlapi'S delrable Mira end •PAil.' Jnet imported dlreat,Museu and mowing: Poreatei wholesale and retail, by' , 110184 RD-& CO. hpotheeartse. Jy2B , tf • 'cluierNwr , or: of Tirelfth VARD.---41.931,X111L-8111.—Ar, _(OftAlf- PAGNB), JANUARY 10, 1 8 t Oinniegninee of the frequen t intitatione reaelted by me toVenew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to' the United States; I beg leave hereby' , to inform my 'former OAP tome and , . and, the publia An general, that I have ap pointed Ileeers. O. PROUWMR, ANOUVB, &MO., Bole Einstein the - United /hater; far the gale of MY Champagne Wines._MY Mina Have been gm long and favorably known,in e United Statile, it will be nn. neemeary to comment on their quell ty, norther than to ray that mymoir ehipmentg will in no Vey bey finizol ln feriar to the former ones. • , r . • ' • BILLICART VATAIONI BILIIIOART BALBION , B 011APIPAGINA W1V4191" both OABIPHIT and VERZENAY, for - ale'ind gok= "tautly on head, iniote to snit miniboom, by'. V. O. NtOUWBB., ac 00., apt,-0m - al DMA V ifitt littwl. Wow P.,* • ,IA-11,811..m littlBlo 4TORV, ' ft N 0.1102 011.113PNUT Street, Philadelphia, Where all the late,* and popular Dela can , be ob. Woad from any catalogoe la the Nutted States. In. etruetion Hooke, Set Pieces, oOngs, Ballads,lea New Catalogues ,wlll be forwarded to any one, poet.pnid, Mande will be sent, post-paid, on - reoelpt of the pries milked on eitalogue. PubliehLog and ieoelving- new ?Oslo dally, , Mules! lustros:teats and runglaal mor• 'oltioratie of every description at Importers , !bud nkne. - actuate tares, ' • '• 'MAWR, jpSo.lm , 1102 01IN8DN'UT Street. jr 'ADS OURTAINS.-- , A lamb assortmoift 1-4, of 1)13W and elegant designeaud Bunt quality, from Sti.hts tof4o piur. Tassels, Loops, Gilt Cornices, Ssods,. 110. 5 k5,' Binge. /co.—everything required for turatenthic -I,INDQIYB. Gilt harder Shades eta (moo Vataras,' 7sa.. $l, and 51.26 each, and Goan IlOrderShadee,St 2. to $lll 40e/telt. Nature Cord sod Tugela i Tableand Plano Corers; Curtain Materials of all kinds, from the lowest prlee to the Most expensive.' W. U. OAASYf, k. 11110,; • jyld tf If Gartman Stere, 710,011;8111Ur fattest.' rhlSßOLUTlON.—ThoOopartnorablp here.' toture extatjug ander. tho 'Am ot,NTATie, 8EW0621/111 (Ilotel•keepars) is 211113 DAXAmolved. by Mutaslconsout: XVAN EVANS' ,•,' UPTON„ 8. tuOconflin.' NAWOOlifilll having parbbased thelntefeat Ot IVAN,IVaNS in Tall UNION , ABOattswit, 1401111 Third', will AM continue the bonsai, anti - hopes, bj atflot stbentlon to the wants of Ma; &kids ancl'the traveling 'public, to keep "TAX UNION " with gook 'diameter as wain:era popniar favor. Irt-suet , RILLS & SHEET.MGIS rOR EXPOI 3T bnowl1; nbacabb, & num:blau,% • 1/11ANY & mem SHEarilliGO, • - 8014010 for UNA, tar side • ' PIIOTIIINGEL&M & WELH, , n r outlli 'F4O/112' Bb It SI. • - aolba NAVAL STORES.--085 bble. Bland g N' Roth_ bblo. this ' lAndog from Achr Geo, W,. 000. 210 I ble. Mapping Bonin 0 bbla. Bptd. Tudipeutioo, landing from ache. J. Q. Stine. 101 f OM. by- ROWLYIIYi 4110BIttraNilli, da 1126• , „No. lb HMI% wiumv,ne. jy2T.Ot . 16TIOE.—On 'and after THURSDAY, ftt Ind., the Om of the Becloud and Third strobt Petienger hallway Otespecy will rue rpm 111011AIOND to DRIDEBSIDISG every le oloites. VAie, IS 'Gent*. —Jy2.B alloB LOGAN, eeoretary. ALT AFLOAT. --; MOO busbelg • Tlitiss Wand, landing Ingo brig tanning Welait Fol.' pale, in tote to cost, by ALEX eNDSR KARR, ji2,9•llbb ' 184 801:1111 and 92114: WllAlll7llB.' 111)to of, Bp - 'oito,on Bank 011, In itoofimaldt B. 11. LINBOABD k SON, NB South Minim TO-IICAIT „ EL'AIIIOII44 • LOVE. 14 °V— r E ' YOUNG Lo - mg AND DllBBANDlli `...l.Yurthonnore, we here even the book thorough pxamlnatton, reeding Inoet of it aloud. and ,now 011 C• fleetly reromulend War general study (tor It lea book to learn from) •To young biters, or rather young bus+ bands, we espeolally, reournmeod ,lt."—Nowatk Daily Adrertleer. ' ” ' J. 123,821 C)31614.11E,R8's BIiOYOLOPEDIA; ; . (To ba tu eighty monthly parte', 35 coats ezeb) • - /insularly dupplied to any &limn, by 30ait 50V4814/4, Agent • '• Per ArritioN'd Nu w AMERIOAN 01040PiDIA, .AROdOS 1101911 L ,, OLTBSTNUT, stare Sixth. jyl44/ **IP Mailed fr'd anywhere—lf pad in advaucte. LOVE. IL'AMOUB .1 ~ !. 8 .11111.4fiG LIHI9 EatillAD " A Yeribitld book, end Ito bothers' to its beauty . , for _ Is the baldness of obsetity, of a lofty and tender mo. natty. The demand for the wort in Earle wasnow oedented it mold itte bread, and was in the hands of ererybody.i'—new York Home Jolllllja.. Sy23 skt A NEARNEST' AND THOUGHTFUL ROOK. . !MMUS ON TR FIRST TWO VISIONS Ol THE DOOR UT DANIEL. By hart. William Not ton. Wegata. someone OP TNI4 PANBEI ; • - Theis le- a warmth of tone and "feeling 'about Nils book which will make It not unacceptable to • a large clan of readers. Its practical earnestness and revs reace'ot spirit are high recommendatioue.—Banner of the Crosa: - • - • „ The volume contains elneere and earmiet napoeltions of prophecies, The Author's views are, 'ln sbnio re. elte r te stion , e xea w:r:. 4 l . d . f . attention and eon ' The' book to the product of a calm, thoughtful, ear. nest, end reverential soh d, and may. be eeneulted with proht.-I.reabytenan Banner and Advocate. • Inat published by • • WILLIAM 0, & AMU' MAIITIBN, ' No, 006 OWISTNUT btreet LOVE, [L'AMOUR.] "TUN bIIOIIIDITNN 11001 t.", • L'Amour has Jest been translated, by Dr. Palmer, from the Ironton or that moat erudite awl enthuninetio writer, idinhatet. To begin with, the Semen Conarega • lion of the•lndex,i bed goo ttted it, than rlgnallelog for it ri moot Niger Red general pernsil.”—Ne! York At lie. jr28.84t Chid) BOOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS. et. 7 The undoreighed states that ho has frequently for eale boots printed between the ream 1010 and 1500 ; testy editions of the /fathers of the Beroimers and or the Puritan Divines; In Law', Braaten, Lyttleton,,Puf fendorff, Gnotina, Covet, Coke, lisle, the „Year Books, lieporte, 80., are often to be found upon hie delves ; Oyelopedias, Toe:loons, OlassioAuthors, flietory, Poetry, Philosophy, Science ; Politioal Economy, ,Qovernment, Architecture, littered Itistory. - Treatises upon these and othoritindred subjeots ere being, oontlnually.dealt in . by biro. Pocks, In large end midi quantities, pm aimed at the ceestem-flonee avenue Bookstall, OfilißT: NAT Street, above Youth, Philadelphia. ncylB-6m " - 70IIN•OABIPBBILL t°". [YAM° VR.] 20 000 , to' SO 000 COPIES _4 , 4 book ogled , Love and Marriage,' of 'think Alloheitit le the author, hat gained atilt wore renown: ,Twenty to thirty thousand oopies have been laid within AMR months. Most of the women of .fashienable so olety blot. reed it through.--'Paris oorzetpoadeet or the .flew York Observer.. t JOS alt :L °vs In translating biletrelet's eryorigloal sod inter. sauce treatise on Love, Dr. Palmer hie doe a bold thing, whiott in the oyes of mans noteover-lestithotis ereopi, wilt imam we doubt no, too boll. hut those . wtiO will road this book, with a just and catholic appre ciation or kis •objewto. wtll, flud. to It a treasury of thoughts, equally elevated and "profound.'.—New York I)+llrTimes.." , 1 - J;23 sat UMBEL-150,000 feet ouperior 54 - and ,C.J alobiliPloorlog'llosrds. 690,000 Whitt Me Boards end Plank, Mommsed, and In thlognee.syarying from X to fioloohes. 200 000 Plastering Lathe . 60,000 feet:prime .Ash-Plank, 64 to 8 Indies thlak, 200 000 flprua. Joists aod Baftore, and 2-tuan Plank, Spruce sod White Pine Pickets, 4$ and 6 feet long, pointed and plain, Together with a general assortment of well.sealionad Lumbar for handles purposes or cabinet makerd. -For mop at moderate prices by Jy2l,4ltetul2t* 1 RQEttT, DA.iIO, do CO. • "2400110 T and TW,iNTP.POIJILTII Btrests,' B . 1;CIARIlt. BODA.-100 kegs for sale by wkrinutird, k BILOVIEB, NM 47 pad 49 N. 0100/ip amt. to ,1134bk.cojitrtuti ; I.` THEjrE.' B:0.0 KB - . • . ~.• 4; • ? ' " L' • 6BARIEB Ing A I.O,cOIfOTIVIII i Or, ;Me and 3 ' ' Liberty In Barone. By the anttor or " 40119•• Brittonic Lettere:” - • s' • - 51:CO AO.tBIA ; • Or. A.McninAmopn the:Blue NOnee. , : Cossene, authdx Yowl/rale Papers." -• ' ' • 11/0 VIEWS AND OPINIONS 4./t. 119.1e10,r8 BUB • in . volume Of /Mai p apers Si l the Rev. Beniy Wart , Beecher' ' • , PI A .1%, AND PLEASANT TALI{ ABOUT , 811.01T8. TBOWIIREI, AND PAAMINIB; By ' - the Rev R.;57, Beecher , -. ' 1 1 25 FOR IssiM MATO ranwovrimes; • TEN Y. 0113 cir pulAcni* Ohap- • • fora of ait'AntbblOtraphy. by. the Rev. W. • R. Mtlbluo, author of o'lllllo, AzArand Bed.' • • die bale." ' ~, 1 00 MISB BTIMAIIINUI WINDOW. ',Uniform with - , , „'f Widoel,Bedott.ii Ilumordim'ilinettSticue. 12mo ~ „ FROM DAWN TO DAYBIREII: Simple 8G xy, of A:Wedeln Hone a blioletoris Wife I'oB SYLVIA% WOBLD: or; Oilroea which theta* doeenot Beech.' Bylift e. Ring 'of Obsrlesten,, - , hotbox of V/Iney Moments of en, 'Bo .. I. SO IN Raises: - 'A NNW lioVistr,. • BY MARION HARLAND, An- ' mot_ of Ridden Path, , i ace 125 A MAW_ NOV/IL ;Br , A. 8.• DON Author of - ".lameslllintjnv, o tem, 12m0,_,, 1. 25 A , VOLUMR OP baRKOI/8 by Rev -Henry Ward Beecher cloth. ,„. , , , , : BOMANOR Of WiII3TBRIT . XIBfORY, BY the 1'23 Rev , Henry Ul:buen. 12mo' 1 25 _ .A.,volcone of „Wjtty ,Para. 3 • 'graphs by the Editor of the Leiniil.lllo sour. ~ Illustrated :-, 12mo „ - ' 1.85 JUDITH BINBADDIa, s Or, The Oontarted sew. 3 018.;'by Henri Ruirosi,D: D' 1 00 BRBOURIVB LBOTURBi.IO , YOUNG . 51BN: - ; Revised sad ealaroed. litoon .1 3315 snooliva ion 08 QUALITY: Edite d by 111dgeley • - • • • ' - - '1,25 nAlit.Booll BY unmeTtgui., By, Afillia, 0. 'Botts. Lleco, f foaic'”' ' - - 118 pIiBBY k JAOEB9II, 3,y/104t „ , , t Publishers, MeerT,ork ‘' G. ,EVAIISI 1 t(501C.- ILA Rotate are Cold atlhe Icareet prlotio, qui heir.' tome , OM, worth 'front :60 cents to VA bereft with , Sash book at the thne.of purehare. • • •LICITURNS NOR TEIR PEOPLE. by the Rei.lllo Stowell- Brown, of - the Myttle4treat Chsper,'Llyer-, , pool. litrat aeries, with ablographloal introduottouby Dr: RA:MAWS' Meeker es.' One volume Irmo, clOth; Pride $l. CO ' •'• • 1 ' • ITALY AND TAN WAR Or 16590r1th many graphical Sketches, Aur a Elleorrof the Camas of 'the , War. By Madame Julia de plargnerlttes, ,One columa Price RIL:2S '• • • • • " RAr WO,Olll lIIPPORT OP ALL, lIRLIGIONP gtritle S atetembot or the; Origin, Deretopmeu.‘,Doe. Woes and Government of the Religion!' ReeMralna. Rom' throughout the United St tee ymalßiropr, frith IBAraPhreal notices volthimt tr.vines, Edited and owoplled by,Samuel !Stnuoker,'LL. D.- 'Otte volume' 1:dmo. loth Price $1 CO . - • • AIIIcA OLAYTOR . , Olt TOO IdotiliAll,TßlAL; Tale olllest Life', by , Mrs. ' 11.3. Moore. ' Ono 'coining Irmo, cloth. Price SI 03. • • •• TOR THOPSOM4OIIOIINTAIO, Or Jettleti trete the ,Toira Pumpi A eollewion Of leraperauce Taloa One volume Irmo, sloth., Prise $ l O O 'ALL TUB LATEST PUBLICATIONS; and a GIST vyrra SACII/1100.$, at ' BHT BOOK 'RSTiBLISHIBBNT, j739-9t - No. 439 Oheatout afteet, Philo •e NEW SUMMER' BOOKS, Translated flomlotalotlo groat. lionoh 'work: ThofinpreoldOoted anoitadol Ole hat book; kj the - oolalgatod, Ifilohelat, to alirpriatag e , ttditiort. after Alit- Hon is called for. Booktottors tkninskout the ootiotr7 are re;Oderiog It la R.V.411! of some; and odadoioned by' °third,' It !Statill;: bookOfout of the day , k 'A. third edition ion` ode Tolume, Ilino; Muslin, Pried sf. noixiiiipEorox;tA of THE ErforAntioN, 'A Donteetle Diati of tire aottial eidnts ;ablek bemired animus colony °tribe inhabitants tithe neighborhood of !few York sad Long laiondi.duriog the War of the AM./lean ReSolutlon, together wildi'Yersonol Wend* . soendes of Neathiogtonleattafayette; never beforelith, &dated Jig thodaughter of * plergyeaso, and keparad Wont retard* • now the 'poosellelon of' the fimilydrAhe ?Athos% Edited by.lilduoy 13arolay',.- 1 - One of over moot distinguished historhanaremssks'34 this Toldeell that it le thiViday Mabry 'or private home eTe OlB Pabilehed, awl le intereitiogonthis misount—all prOirloniirprke Wog more or Imo statistical sad gene ral: 'This 'mitten Mitts Mono et erect/sting the oemir: „settees ens inoldents which zeekted fu Op, nelghbOt. Mod: 'l2noosuidln;prioted in "wahine: Prise $l. , 14 ° 1 ;MAaNT': " A sieli'noiel; of fieOness ant welLdnurn chub ttta'," bdtridly ebnesived, and palided with groat truth: o detail." Ay Alloa Hampden. 'OtelYolunie;.flinti. „ These Books sent by OWL POSTAGN 1 , 8521 t0 soy part of the, United h tate*, on the. reeetpt 'yf , the' price, ' RUDD ibIIARLETON; " Publishers SUdßeoksellerd.. IllreaCitnipt ) near proarleey, .1411-th&str • - 1,0 1 1E;' itt'AMollll.l "LOPE.' X/ flO CSOMADIOTION-ABD DlSoolll3.'f Oh I, for ,Book - wort* of Women I :Where eboll tt -' A holy boot-:=a Wider kook s Mit one *kink 40 not be enervating; boot to etrelistkenitithput battening; irlthont blunting ker which shell of troUblb her' with bile Amuse t a book whfoli - eßelf not lead ltbr into the sadness sett Weidman:* of the, flitelz loin the,thonia of tiontrediblion and discord-4 book full of the Pease Of Giod b-LbflokelethridAinOur':US 21; WILTA I TEA lEY" NOYELS,'..AND "STIt• : TN , WALTIE SCOTT% COMMIT' PROBE ABA . • , - 7 , POBTIGA ;'OE ~ RS, ... , -„. • , ; • i 'r6bllkhat 'and for isle by '," ' • ' ..- ; ; -,-', -; •'; .-i; T.D. T. , 11. , ri E rEENON & ROTEIERS; _ No. 904 OHLAITEn Attest, ' . 'We'Sillaii" NbiELS lifilir Walter attim. ,ir h oh 1 mssriaosotzr prison of :01r. *alter Scott, engraved from Ow VII Portrait for_whlch he ofFErdtat Abbottai oyd, With hii AtitfltreiA nudes' it; - - " . -_" - • P.ls2lBsol4lleilienliespiatAnd only einnpleia'at:; rim - uf,i/te fur-figuieft'iroks.:,o,, , S* WAtill:; s4ol 4 , pubtithui 4 n the - rxiiiit Staiel. • ; PST IMMO Sid edition ot the WAVERLIt NOVAt.O li reprinted ford til l , pyisloni Edinburg Millen. that' ifaci Mailed In Flirty-eight Fortunes, at rroorit of $l2, nod corny:lsm the felloaPpkworpor, , ,v,-. - Neart of kid Lothiati:'" The Attionsiery. , - Bride Of Laurrubrmnor ;. The' Betrothed, , ;The&leaft Diraif.. - - , • Red Ganntlet. . Oily M.nobrieg.' ' ' The Tanis:mu; :The Aullijosry. . ~' 'Woodfitioet, L: ' . '.- ' - OW , Meriliuti• ,- • - - The Abbot. ~, ' Itinilairortli. " ' - The Sdrgeonii Paitglitili.' ,:', Tbe.Pirato. V' .., Aunt Margaretis Mirror. . Weyerley. , , The, lair Mild of Perth franked. • ' " " • Codut Itaert'of Periii • pitob Ito; , . . ~, 'Tile Misbrand 'Widow. A Legend of Montrose, Tape/tried Cate-whet. ; ' ne Fortunes of 'Nigel: Mine of Geleretein. f 'Peron! of the Peak , Castle Dangerous. Qtientin Dar , iiird' ' ' The Laird's /oak. : ht. Roorm'a Well. ~ ; - Thti,Drowera,; , ' ; - ~ Qlossiry tel the Noire% „ "Ail 'of the 'store worka arta polliGAld 'Soropfdle hf twenty: lid .papescover Nolcorhere, and sold et Me tor prise of 26 tents for each volarno,or $5 a met. • - - : T. D. PETERSON & BROTHER also publish' the' Whole of the above, complete In five large octavo mantras, Ardor* cass handsomely 'Mound to. Varions Styles, Bangins ; he price .faroM,ROto $l6, Rooordlugro style end finality of binding. •.; i - - RIR W.ALTEIVSOOTTifi ; • - CIONPLarIi AND ONT/NN ,- . ..- . . . ' ''- li/10101' AND POPITICIAL WOBBS. '• • • This edition is coulpiete in• ten large 'Ottawa Tolima' or over 7,090 cages, MA it contains, the whole. or tits maxilla NOVELS; (described above, which only form live of 'Na ten tolunier,l on weil al the whole of. lits rEosE, yorrEos.L,auti . DRAMATIC. WORNSI together with his LILL°, NAPOLEON, and ell IN ' 1119T0112103 and 111SvAail ; with the MIIMOIRS 0 SIR`WALTER SCOTT'S LIVE. by I. G. LOONHAAT, Esq.., and thitATITHORTIAST COBILEIOTIONS AND ADDITIONS . Ocanpriaing over Eaves Tamaaand pages, and bound in likteeta &Forint otitis. from TWELVA, , DIILIAMS TO 'PGIRTY , DOLLARS'A OfT. , . T 8., PETERSON , & HBO MFRS, jy29 St " ' No 306 OHISPNUT Street, Philo, - tVAILOTTRA: "A 1104 D DOOR," Netts - thiblitatieftpr: 1120 ft, prEW-,.O9ITATERIPEITS.,—PETEiIt. tour 'lO , B Dial osos fqr Atigesqe Jiro is firtir, 'II)IIiETEREON'S' BOBNTEREEIT WETZEL: ) !TOR for Atrepoii•ysi is moth ienctg, Get - 0 cit . 04 ,1 ft • :ti ; ET,.THE BEST DETEBTOR- - PETER.: IL?! EQAI , B 14 bias. ona.„ Righty Reto TOREKEEPERB..I3HOULD 41En-w1 it . t TssBo4l DITEOTOR ilimysat,their Atifik4 1011MTERSOICS DETAOTOR MEOW twice • ;do t pifitagointa, • . 1).4.11 the let heCl.6th; , . riußxEms-- vOUNTERPEIT ttiV, TgOTOR , BOB' , AUGURVid ' dti. Etioe j lo ANAL! e DETERSON'S , COUNTERFEIT DETEp - TOE l'Olt ALIQUOT ifi refedy this US ; ,Pllceit -ILI TOR ;rokt Attintsr !X„,rei.l,#` dit:y. Prat., 10 moslte. • ," [ - o",tri • ETERSONiS 'OOTINTERFEIT DETEO2: r TOR ROR RROORT 7 IA .ritoly , thlerdiky. .PA•Riss 10 oepta. . , • . 416L'el -.9OUNTERFEIT, ,11:.lsoCkvatibr imwthte day.lac . .10'o - into. IC 'id nob li chad and for aaWilt Eirtrir: EON , EI,BOB-0111a8TNITT Street. Ocordogar a.,Jear,• &Ilk., Ong abd ; ",bly Si ~ „.. dEL.IB TE,.BO.IOI'iTE epiusae, 9utaistar,,& aceciNex, su,vmah.:• , • " '"'' %.—= r . 1 • The ,pries of •ttolut Inr . the remainder or the Vexed% this delightfinSemmer Eeleit, wilt be:ST to SS low Week. 4 Siettrefe leattnt?idleeelplas oualthnoro;th the niorelng train, atrlyeAt the herisam'et 8;. ;• jy2B.Bw , OVlNningni;* 01/, RIGANT/la HOVSS; , . BlllltY Mtn, 2roinletnr, • fit/MARTI/1g Blacur,lii ~-; . ~ ,Thins a ingot, delightful resort rail togrilles... Mut ,Bstiiing et this paint Is unexcelled anywhere. , A laze sate ; thiItBIGANT/RIV11017011,• , had bee:Wiesen y . - -The:lunation fennel itial deli . ghthili being al - jun between,the Say and the Owen, ' glue habiag. g througlinntrthe'searionv., : „Torn per week. L,,, • • . Captain Tritner's nirei boa s t , s the_.” Be i Itint.' l ' rialts, *passengers it the Inlet "On the •titrivil, of:tlen morn: INT tridu at, Atlantio funs whieh,tbe TINA' HOWIE - is sltcated i'dtatstate - at thisatintlsty beingdaplessant Inland sail. :Passengers wilt risidAtPt Ttirner at Bodloe's . Hotel, where they ;wilt !Aye 011 e cars Poet Cabe addresii, Athintio City: je-80:4414, ATE? II 0 1:J1311 • L '''' 4 WM - ' Thla _POPULAR and. 1/AVQRITII UOUBI having Dean ENLABIIrIi AND R,lll/13itifIBUBD,' 'is now. thrown ,open /or the Its Itdoms kin and aiscirevi,r roe rilSAND . ,. with ivory convenience and nominrt vor'sojourners at hand. •- , This Bow- adjoins ”Bangoaiti,”on MALsoldniu.‘ SETT/3 ATODWY; Within, convenient. dietaries -of thy. sal, to reach whlotkbot.ed And eadid'graiel Wilks have been laid mit, is adjsaent to - Um Lightliona,dtilind: commands a fine oldie Ot the °aim' and ' - Permanent And Transient Boarders micommodated on' liberal terms, children and Somata half-prise.-.. je26.2m . JOHN ElarlOff, TrOrtetor, • „ , El:Ji.svliNg , 'OB.& BA.THING: - , , : -DszAwejtE souB*, o. F eTsl d , it.;, this faiotably arid lad.Writorsitotel 'avow open ike recelitio . n - itait•OF, J . 411.18 MYOIiAY , Pfiopriotpr. , . 185 01110:1TIVTX:sui f gainz • ,019551x0 yrsixsias 8111KING;011 AL2IIOiPLAIA; 81181, 'ROA JUN 2 Asp 20 002,01111 ! ; quoatitignsptAto i 3 0R604 210I2110.11. 4 : . - oluoluitri troLPIIME WRINGS Lii oittMi fed io Delaware eousty, , adleo.porth o 8 Clohisobort, (the capital of Ohio, ) onthe&tote xiiir; ltrMlles - from Delarirei 6 mflee:from . „ the White Balpiraratiahth i pit the Porlowiteld, Mt. Tema, ood- Pittabord „Railroad; rod 10 MUM) from Pleaaant Talley or. dpriago eat* olkthd Cablathaaßlaus, atalltalltaa :Railroad, ~, The", reecttainat ytualitite of these tbriatta, are' Muir totted - theta' ar *of Woteri In the erothiOnt‘rviii_ _ ad drew • ANosivri wirasort, •e1.r.i4 1 1,0,4 1 ,0ter fiptinite, 1 1 1 17131T.r 8171M.111 , ORAI;T. II V t - _-111"01 SPB.ll4GriorebtlueritNitCGAtc are nerropear, ma are , easy, of AWN= Ti*J./anillbntgi' theara o n the Cam * 't berley* Vaload ; threes e twAriteteeloic,to..thel BPliehe. where Tee R: rive et 0.$:111. mate day. „Elyory arraagement id am:. plate for Vlatieta', *ant per woar ; $8; pereatrr Reduction for itarolgoo. - ..iteferenoes4.lae. Meat, goi: ton 4-etfi t es l44 - , 'lte2M2e to 00.,"/!.' S. Jamie" Pr.- BefereVea: f..0_4 - -Aselifill , er tee Weeerei Peet Bootb,,Analy . tical PK:tenor of 'B. Mkt. Addreat • : 8002$WOOTtilli ; ; jal-ameg ; ',-ProprAeforii •-! :UNITED STATES. HOTELIO-N,G R8A.2011, N. d:--Thio entreeriber, table thfa teothodrof infcirmieg hII filet& sod Oh, public, that on • and attar atrfis 204 h bit . Item. 0/ 1 be tOPtu for t h. ‘reeestloti of hihette; *hen ern, effort pliestithode Ithoeciay been esatiY Patt,t 4,4 OP, aft it bigirrifft lawn '111)11$04: viiiiiotthetosea:ltoottletaiitabliheittiVMat It se etirestir•sia stozholuse, is the eounta. teentiiattest, Is swimmable by We daily Aries frotektett'at itialtext-etteet tie; 0 A:l4.j siel 2 P.• " Itoterrhoo743tateW Vihrilea, , Moan,. ett:set, B. A. 211014111ANgli - I - E:JA B TN I'NG ."2- - -TEIN MANSION; 4.." ti Wen, loot of Veniisyiviailiihrenuit; ATLANTIC vilialt,f)Pllll•forluestii.i. Tar aorpronlenskot Fronamenti;contlgiN7 Nad OM of ibeadjactat troundkobla TO *Mato! has Applied . pins spAl c tryi, MI; NOT on that OAK kl WM! bryiid • - VP111404. BrAINAS . , Laturiatir codifttremetsk.- - J• • Thu fermate 61tab11eboient will: be .tene47bi• 06. Dolt of JUNI. Oftusted Aril the illobrste Wage; 69 toffee weer'of Philidelphle,' 19 m rit tt* O'eading, - -19; wait of LeottosfAr, 40; east of lialligatt, end, hislig, the dd9ontege Of the purest soft water; eve id` bathe, WC-elevated to 1,900 feat 'Om; iThter 16Yel, with tre666 And Otis walks dense !mitt, and t he moot extensive Luallattifre ziedatir in the Union It isnot enipolied siiatimflbr reibledee,l -. _ , Accommodatiosm for 4% persona, improved . atatithig, and good carriage houses ; also a good stoat of usury home and detriments, with- inimaemento. A: Raid band of music, billiard WWI, len inai alley.. ft' le map of amnia from ail the abate polati by ralhaad and coach** The'-proprietoilaparat nothing to' make it • home pliant for comfort and health.,,, If& farther, patients" , see airellere;bi be Itei ‘ hy applying to Joempla B. Niers; aad' Wine streets a Tauten B. „lab, 1110 Okeetant greet; or to the Pr e prle. tor,' ; - '"JOSEPH 101TIONAONSit; •, - , • Iphrat•Poet Once, , , Zainewater Monty, Penns; T". Itlikti3.lolfragErea, • - • • ppi7tia,l • A,` BOURBox,qltltiebi: ' ' ; • This well-known establishment, -the Carotin newt of °Montt aid cieltere, bee lately tzadergone• eaten elve repass, sad 111,Dolf one of the, roost thmtnedloua, °Weak, said thorciugh hotela In the Union; eautifully located at.the owner of and PAWN -Streets, Betiding Its aothuircadations ere Ord-oleo ; the 'rooms dp;thiatie and airy and the table tionstantly sup. plied with all the binaries of- the sewn. - Persona di strove+ of speadteg ',few wootut lathe summer, In tin agreeable and ethnontioal manner, could not better than make s trial of BOBABON'eIIANSIOIVITOtteIe at Beadttor. , , , anll4f - • HOUSTOIV 6 • • lIRITJAD BTATSS UOTJL,• ,: • • ' " OAPZ MAT, This spacious and_ Worn. resort of ateliers to Calm Nay has paused into the hands of „ - • - COL, 8A11(1111. T. 'HOUSTON, , (latent Barnuot's Oity /total ) ) and will be thrown onen to the gnbllo on "MONDAY, the 20th lost. The long experience of the Colonel lo this songs-^ Con peoeliarly Ate him for the enceeesfal oonductingnt Bush a hotteCithile he WM he vlsOgertad' by the very best aide, in every department, ;that ,can be procured: 'The Nouse has been entlielyretiorited, and decorated in the Notgeousmenner, and arrangements made for tke s upply i ng of the larder and the wine Whirs with all embt seed in the terms substantial and luxuries. We. tan bad] , advise visitors to give the Colonel a call, end 'predict that his host of friends will be • in. creased before the season In ovir. ' • jy6.l,m • • QEA BATHING. NATIONAL WALD, OAPI IdLAX.I), Ohall MAY. N. fine, Urge', and airy holm is NOW 101'N for vielterc. it la dlatioirojahed for comfort, locality, and ouperlor acommoodatiocc, with &topic room for 300 per -600. !Roma moderate.' • ' : ja2B.dw -„ AWN OARBBracal,,Proprist9r; BEDLOE'a..HOTEL, • AITANTIO OTrif, HAW , At, the foirmirina of the Railroad, on the left, beyond the Depot. This Howie is NOW OPIN for Board* and Tranalent , Wieners, and- offers acoommodatloba avid to any Hotel in 2411,0ti0 City. . - dime last season, the ohambers Mari bSeniCrY mita, improved, iyod ren dered more oomfortable by Vonation bliuda hating been pal* at the windows. • Charges moderate. • • - F . Children and Catmint/I, holf.orieS„ , f Pe itios should keep their seats - until the oars setrre in front of the Hotel. The signs are iop one. , Jaffa •ffa, SEA BATIIINAir•-• •AiLANTIO .OITY. dONORSBB MIA, is eiciw open for the 11110.11 P. 'PION OP , 110A$D11118; and the- subssriber will-'be happy' to see hie Mends who mey ram him with their patronage daring the sexton: Je26.13m , TEIOB. O. GAItIOITT. „ R . 0. WA.L.ISOIt,N - 64 CO (Noo) NW. 6 sitet 7 NORTH SIXTH OVUM?, MARUFAOTIMEdia 10118T13, WILLPPETIB, DBIBB amia; Ant. Deniers in every aridele roltottte to the WOWS FOVNIBILINQ BUBMIM. msn-Stelt Cirfiog GuARDIA.NS Or THEO°gni St Worth SllVENTEl'hirest. t ' RIitIPOSSI.I3 FOR 111011 9 AND MOT TONI" flops-. rate sealed proposala,endorned proposal* for supplying TIBBP sod MUTTON for the PFITLeDIILPHIL ALM'S . .1101J$13, fore one year, will be , reileilled by the gears eery, at hie office,, until MONDAT,..IO oielcsok A. AL/ AUIEWIt 1, Mao The quantity of Heat rot:pitted will he about 200,000 ported', and must be from well-fed cattle; welshing not Mu than 800 pounds—the meat to be alit up, sad the.neek, shine; sod legs excluded:, About the mime' amount of Mutton will be required, and must be from well•fattehed sheep. Bound and good msthet table meat • will be required, to be delivered at ..eueb times earl (month', II may be ordered; th be love*. ted and Weighed upon delivery. The (insrdiene reserve the right to reject each meld s s, in the opinion' of the steward and storekeeper, is not equal to thootillty to qulred by the letter of the contract. A failure upon tee part Onto oontractor to supply the quantity ordered, will give the privilege to the Boardorpurobasiug, sad the dif toren* It soy, sill be' dednoted from the succeedieg payment: Rsymepte to be Made monthly, and no pro proposal will be reoogalsed unless from reliable sod re. eponelble Persons. Jy 28.8 t , , CALHOUN M. DICHING.Eft, Fee. CURTAIN 'MATERIALS AND" lERTZ' ILI BUNGS of every desoription, Ladepirdliin Our , trios, Gold and Gilt Border Window 111 If litorn $1 to 512.150 eseb, With good strode flittire - Strangers - are respectfully . Invited to exstrupe our g 11, Wholesale and Betsil. Curtains made and arrat d so as t 9 bt pat up at windows without any ditilaulty. . p. B A . YL & lilto., ~. . r C u ore Miumnio Gall, 710 ogioriTNllT Street: IiktNNAtIA'A.NIA , PAII4V ,13Z9RE 1 ..11.• • ZIECILVIt' te•BM LTA, torabf •BBL'altD and ti REM Billets. This Istll-knosto anelent eatablieh• men% stilt retains the reputation of selling the beet articles at extraordinary lea prises, ji2e•tf EitUtttttCriteetitte. ~ , xroyrsator: • 1 -, " flilf • nn•A•,"...A. I',N?O-4 VVANTICI:-Is7 -yinuigAtan; iartidtt otOrit*iden , s Chiniatenisl 41011440,A10 , “ btleiliteJet'Boolc.lceepei *ryalegman We, Nrb€9 sale fgeroi Ate Jereaataatet Thtemt-de ehDtbsiLbW-r•-far" , len Agleam. Addrees We. A- , 'Mee The? ifse -1, V-- Q Ti , , rII , T VAti aldltS.t;-- - WxclAc."4 tiete .giiipl -AL ) ,, ,„ , -.44604 , v 01 iwave-liit thivatiktilownzi isnitnasoCi"• oylmols, itir wise tatloi" Proluy: - 1%444 ram ttotttebod tbillotbikttyoAiforo'opportunii WM b. grated to pritlH4sper, or ii.ooipotest:T•spii4 wbo'majr debits 10 - timt; "ititits" - " Tesebr of TIM t -, ; 09:214 'A'TOUNG .- MAI 4- IfATING ' - '2l.';';SlTtr.e. --.., TlON , ,wlll4" , ,ittlowebrlta oitoiilotitiikibit. :opted, for tbo tiokt t tireProrolorott^lo4o, l o lll 7) # lO -4 1 lo tottiorobargeo t ortoOkerfOr "Atm oi,eoro flow, at in any ni - ' .that wttl ere ktitil adaptations. ,Adttrooo 4 ra. ,, coax box 712,,Painio Thltiolphic;, ~ t, ..,;• ;,j, , ,,1 - 1 . ,, ,r ~0 ~zit., , r,,. lop; . an:terniafigiorie•t•Deir,-tcliet go-- !via utiNOrpeake,(o,7.-40#0,-.Addruo tits (mos. : 37/9 2 ' tArANT - ED==:A. fI4.XASSIASMI v* Waseitoui nutria. maw" wiLltbeiror@r. %Addreed g 4 8i111MVP,06134 thia PIPV. - : 1 Ze < 7 ll7tritubl.T.F4D-4By;r,&/yotnig-311an;ta eittlattoNi • in. as 190PoillicArApaseirltet, hltdielf itr thiv Ciogathrit Wm. `Adategirl , ki• 7.?? !it ate aliae: ,t.:,•l:`-'3)194111t,i': WANTED-4N* DST : GOODS:2'OS It; aitlividittiallatitl4o iestn ihq Addaan t ha bodwritlng of 801 4 1 mat, Kith fotoronoW , 8.173.” box 1151kbridolpida PostiMos.; • -t 'i-)/7441t, VITVATIONTMLNTAD=4.Ikr atr*fitpifr? ta, ; depeed.6ALICSIVAN, I I4 11 . Wholesale Bei: ( kW grobbinglibuin." Undoubted tentimoniall Addfeng igleOngui," 014 of tbbf .40.4211,41 t i a ilitaittOn:aa P A.OKIBR , or; POSTRX 1u e Whideasle rity. Good': or Eltrow.gcm“„ Bed or cAtT, reriience irltl furzplied ." 4ddrem ,rstittis IVAN TED - , -By -lad' , 16 = yeaiii - Of lae,ta • _7, 7,,,:attwaton• u..14316.1(13, ta,re:or 11, Putbri, Can' toroisb good 4. commlnita.l (jibe of riga sPreis.4.lli2M4t* I/PAN thb adrertiset, A'sittici,tl4n v i tab inivar.ounut izi*whoussi. Dry' ladodd acme fiyF orAwho Um had Vr icr ,ysary. e9eipience.., Ad. 00415 , . 31. 2, , ahem. iy4l4lV . , , VitANTElS:,—*.youDis Miti - pmts a efituji "ttori, is -, aiLy ldeihl 'woad aomiland; a fair abuiptleastiob.. list of r.. foremoCean t . cientake44, Acittprip .I'4rsafeigloofit, VITANTEIY, 6:EXOttstNGE airy irapirriyifria froli . inealiztalica;26olOlia ofiasardlairCßAßy f.6tildi loottadid Gloorater:o4, x. link Saisay., no Railroad frogLOalmisra to Reidgetos, idiortly to be laid, iniiitlaitßW•alort Cattalo - or f+. hod. 'For rattan. parßoulara!addrelt-J, - N.:, Ole of 44 TheIPromo.”, ; • . • Jar Oak .atta aro let. • staittz - -T4. 0 .7 31115 T.-C-The lute and IrtaNgatotlrioslioUroM . 'Stop§ No 124 North Tkirdstrtot alk l 9l B Area, !unable: for Yobblvg or Notivy 'Riolvige Trade s . - Terms' set laisotory to is responsible tenant., •Apply onlbs mop-, ogre, ,or 0,0[0,427 Yjnoitr,ot.,, ,j 700.7" -42 43"114°* " 4 qTallNotdWfi inat BROM lbe , - APO? to 7 • • gitin • &AAR ZipalAstate,Agen. B63 DRAFTS-r:On,the Arnim - -Bank:Aot,Loti don, and lioyaljtandc.. or /MAO .In smite ult. - ,Yor gabby' , _ 'WII.IO. 0 10:; - taylB44no - miSTßT.llltreit. „ _ „ iltqaoitrio'; . _ k'c,goioz, OF - F1VE 1741,31,GE 11.003113, . with' B4rdliiiicii Vaudlles tid_ Sipe, Gegtie, Anon; &WOO WALNUT Stielitg'r3' ''"l/231601i . iPt4ll{' b_SERABLE MUTAT _ or ‘ utiiknes r and "nittfrooziieteinnuatieitldr, hisubsooOly Purest larga:ianiten attia)46.!. Be 8. rel 4 ". M Ul F ett l 44 9 iq 1 31, 1 1 11 t^! .894111NG---El,egivnt„ and ry.: , -Rovrigi S sain- eambiiiie with isigwaisis Dowd tor *Ole:lit:ler it Islfi , iVAL , lll:fr SI'RUT.I 10.1103T—OLASS BOARDINOry- cllO4 I. • sPAlOX,.4treet. —nous, ,Vies‘mitl7..,Sitiatid4' rixactic airy mid immixaMk; VeMmmilfirgml. thil 'Muth 4Da Itwa icsieeidolCulaasi.! 2 Winassmint and framdopt Boarder. sommtmod.Med.,7 ..rjr28.14M334t4P. _ _ _ ritit s itAltAiitSifiktit -1 . - 4 ''.iiln'tbeiefibiegibiiitill 'tiptiOiti f ritAfbilaiiitibi' WiliNUTi , latt . W.o l 4s 2 , l *o4o44 belkatiVfortar ' big or iiauisottoii of a Minor megabit. of . yo - Aselod1014;,: Para* to altioarbeilenbt tatitoliallx4rfiewAltrie-t (mid _.l..eirropsior.o...D: Olesuriagedi Protedmpair ' amic mmit..l.lrottiorD.'D.; Nev. Itrai B. atky• : D. DI AirerlLP-icillilmstpp lEANifacjuicieid , auut,lt. 0 - 4 - lin z lirl4, Ec...#l4yaio, D.,,D.,arLoth .t '.... , iraditai '---, '-, .'-- 4,41nf1.r. ,1111141 . • DELL= & STRATT I : T r24/192141, dojo* 8, alteotateaurvE *accusal Mr; itturocoMariguad. C 114,41 1 1.0 far tants#6o., . • -, 0111 i lila qpiv , lbbobs- obb o. .• ' , , 883 WAR ET ; • . -• I. Bon now open and ready for Nolo , - , ;81;$ Plil)B,:da,:011,T)11,91:4T - NTE W. - SI E.IC • AND iIT.DR Y. - 4;5? o D,g, • in their oixifiioicertatl;pi fiemovitW. REMOVAL. J. - W. .G113)38 & moist, NO. ' 531 MARIKE r- ST.,f THIRD, BOOR BELOW .SIXTH-EITHERT. ' 4,26 Ot REMOVA'L. - RIDLEY, MOLTEN & WOODRUFF, HAVE REMOVED TO THEM • • '. NEW STORE, 110, 531 MARKET STREET, TWO DOOB9 BELOW BIXTH, , BT.; NORTH BIDE ii2atatatL•6l. ; '':::*ft.iigioofo,..l - , WINSPISPB ',P.ATENT .BELE-VEISTILATING. 10/YRIORRATOIIB.i TEM. (intr. THOROII4SLT'`VRNTILATIII•'AID 111161411 - RiItRIGARATOZ Ilf 4HI " MID WITH Lzuw, AND THIt OABIN6 RIMED • WITH OHARCIOAL. Prod idillimanju bin resent work on Natural PkHMO: ph, noel drawings of tide 'Refrigerator to Illustrate the oircellatten Of air by Om combined - effect,' of cold aid heat, and he eels of--its operation, ,‘ it is In haentifid accordatice with Natural Lams, havinca motive f orm or cis a tergo,.toi establish and sialutaln' an oOtira*d comical cement of air, and consequent ventiletiOn The Refrigerator has Wien need, and is highly recom mended, by Professore Silliman, Porter, and Thatcher, of Yale College; prof Mapes, of New York ; Prof. Ohm, Of Providence Commodore Gregory, 11. B. N ; Dr. H. G. Cluk, (110 Pbysician,.ol BostOir, and runt Mir prominent scientific men.. - D B. feniald,Pniptietei of Union Market:, Broeliayii, mud: /12 IA experience or twelve yearn, d have use d ei been koalas with every style of Aehigerator, softpf Which will compare with Winship's: , I and It flistlistes.yerfeotly, u economical in , im, and pre. emu meats splendidly"" averybonseteeper who 'while' apureilcsalthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, aboola purchaee one Of Winablp's. Clause cull and examine them. • i Hot soli by 1401C111, - 011ASIC is NORT - 1,4 , = N 0.209 girth RIOOND STAniT,, And ARNOLD' di wrraki' lel-2m ii No; 1010 0111,141111 r .fit esitutte rIVO LUMBER ISEIT ANDIPAR,MERZ. j BALI Or IritIIABLI TIMM LANDS, • lii WAIIWIOIB 00IINTY 1 1111.181NIA-.• '- By virtoe of a decree, of the pintail flout for the oounty eforseatd, proommeed On the 25th of uareh, 109, is the chantseryenit of Qembtill re Whitteads. the undersigned, sating as genuniesionere under the "add,- srons;will. sell before Pehrtleiiftlitentite door of eetd ooet:- ty 0/, the SNOON ThfiligtfilAW AttellfiT, next; that leloo county entuid*Alatt *nab, le tiaet ; land Moult/id to said deoiee 4 9,ite4P .I%ittivitifee, - pah eel,. or • tract of land,•2 - And_. hi the sonny pr WI/X*110k; and 'known !Oa g gaitht the s ktich Neal ; Troth,' oontaining missal ahtairstigr4lebt Wenn, (1,0B5,) more or leek heti* glut, ot oonreyed by Augustine Klatubrlll illitralitgatet his wile, by deed dated 28th Jenrii•l9s,2V,ani-rieoided • in • the olerk's Mao* of. Warwick cosnotr,asolgt.T, The above. land !every ralogble mid 'mow of lOW, left locahist on the pensions rlyinghetwomianini and York rivere,sad 'bent lutlf 11113 bet pen 4 and', -11smstnatg There '* upon th, - steam - haw mill with angtoe of 60-horse tie) Ertil*Pifaing In thorough • TIMMS OYU < pa innOt in each ea will pay, oda, la in ilio : 4 1 1, 0 4 mentioned snit and the expenses of and Nom the realdtte ahredlt of 'twelve months yin Olean ; the purohaser to Fro -bond with good, itaativity.lor thy de." fared payment, with interact Ltrom . tiled 'emu. , -L2h11331L 3. BOWMIN, 011A81.14*. . ocinnbinfonern. Of the aboie laude,4Bo eerie are in . data enltiTation:' heaths* heavily thnisned with superior whttesiak - (for ship boilding,) and piste; thh 'pine wook befog worth s2.76pir cord on the boa 1., any sonotutB cam Pe treated for, Tot the 4.ien York market. Any information in reference to the matter eel bated hddreetinif Newcomer A Otonebraker, Bettlmere, ~' only applying to 9. Patrick. adjolidng_tha _bogy Wantlek °mut 3lonee, Werelokeountriyininii. „jel-opti, ; . • %. i. -"ST IC OF WINDEOT,ViIi 8, ontrOND PAINTS 01 . g1 Potpie: - and 'WRITN te rm), whloh PISGLAR 4.9 ara. WkoloweletProg wiete,-coroar of AnOOND and SWIM Strada, adder foe ,poVloapprotalon to prhwane ,prellts,lnwrrototeelledi Those wko oonenh their own Interests will examine their assortment, and porthole of there a imperil)r quality of goods at a 10110 prloe then on be bed else- whore. 1724-ti 1 • ,`,•••• ......, ',' Illiaiii iimp - - „ ir =kr, •••, • 4111 400 Z : ' : . , , 1 . .., w , ^l4 - *u ~ ir i4l,f, 1 _Manse 0,0(4 '- duillificUlf 71 1 1Siiielii0Witi ' l - .7..r.. AdilimiNtialt -arpeklisioiritaiwa' ' -- 1, - . lVip - f., liassitipagoirliinotaiiimp- , ,c? IlLitliseeinutlrOpiasilli• ' ' . .:, :3, vriwzz,tig•k AUK. • _, - ---••• ;Irmo a. -- - 2:2 - . -smaa.:l-, •- 1 --, V-- -- ''''-..- '', 'f ,, '-' , i I.' 4 . 1. • Vetittilthtli. V *14,44- 4 :ft'f ,- -- ' 7 ' 2':: - ------ -----. -,- ; ,45,0, i 4F0/11 MIAM411AT:! -.-' '' '- - ';" '•'' - j-, - 11*Li. --- - ; -ii i . . l -. ' -' -, I - i.z. :. OrEr,iegifit . - -- = -, A.,- I _- ,- s'-' . - - !,a - ' - i:i3/) , 4 ~i flgr, -i3llO, VA'al*- - - :.,'-':' 4,,,t, ,BACIC.,:r114.10111 .... ' q"' r e;c; I' ipliattaidtlCWOOlist le n t will'io lihtLigiment-iglaitlOlNHYdat 4 4 - - ---- .- ''''': 4141 ! 11 " :7 MTIlaT i 4 - 4411iii*iffl: .1*; ,IV s4,lllootiAna:Mll4 - illiil ; , PkI#ini%Ill'iAili:11:01:100 - -:: f •";& )14,r,thwilho itishingSOnt el -, - r- ;:,i - ' - --', 3 • —,- . riffi l AWMV - NniCil , itTiVt ; . ' •Egritelf .Whatf .iit 41- .ia . :4: - 10._ AS - GheitsnitairetSfilltait• I . - 3mitreir IlloWie Wharf . 1 . 1,440 1 0 14 1,- 4 :- W`:ftlift' 4.4' .l74sattf:dC: 0- - - 1 VIII' , Ilite2o.4,pa , .44kfiarififif siiikii_llooo4 II - ~.:- 1 owookP IL - : -, —,:-..,- = - ... -- 1--- - -.--'4 , „,..._ ..4-.' , .1 . ., Esouttlontoti!itaido_t_ to biociitu %Walton- - - _ 1 .. - itm<2 r-at -In73,titOnite_ ~..'- - -- t t-2,51, -, :ii::- -- - - 4 to suit thompotly_epteolage utwoi. rt_oe Outio4=l, '4 iithltatibiAie= krftiOlyr. int beint will NV falba . 'frs j 7 / 4 7Et. OhNUPPW - J401 111 0,1.40101111146111•A - -' - 5 t,i. 1 *Tr - 'cit Abe' Amur - .'iltganit: - arkilet;:far - ...,- ; 1 . '.t Idly orriplClml, l '.4V... , - ,- , ,A: Hri l treal " r - 40 6 4% - ---;-- iiith B a it, .-..,- -3_, ~.- z' .... , g.--.; - : xi - .44 ..o.7,:_tt - y ,',' , ”-A . - -- , ':1 ~. ar.Ottri s igf i - ihe ilaingralo,a- 4ik iv . '..i , ",,,-.2, - ,.• ~. .--,,, • , ,' , ,..:- - '0,, , 11 tiot.Ll ~._-_ , , ,- • ,lALtvik' .- , ._ ~ • , VR ~4•4'-] 11. EIRAITA - .IOI:TNTWEN, vl 'I . 4 , 4;1, f!T.O7:i•-,4_ Fit, .+_ j1.114.0111141C1111,3,014). mitmemcf,e4r.,..-;41.1.:44.4,44;4*-004 -0hmairmt.46.6064 , 1*4444 w Avit., suut prbOodbilt0 11 eibiElegieOki,1001W4 • :40e thyar,hteppliistitof Dept4t, .4! ,7 *WWI trol, _ 11: . TIM IMNNEITTIONte 10AVAILabgirlilirT ;7- L L "' L ? .. 4C ; "t!' LZAUtiRSIOWITCIEV.VO _i - }A , ,,WI-1, - .;q1.i :.. 4 t , I'Al* T 0 NA.U.&IO3*- : tOtiilitit , ATF. l 4leMeagi . • - - 7,) ,Vrtm Y•`-- • ' - Pri o 4 o MMaligle...4 NidowoOrlzA 4 4.ll34 - • seiggpt oflika• ins - r?'o , !**VlTUTlONcint.o4thiri . 11 1 , 1F - 4. 1 , 1 .4 11 Ak-r-i • 4 4 .4 is urstilifi with- *tele* " ' et- : a thot lijuglat f ea b 1,4 1 4 1 . 0 sny map of imetwd su - .4141111114.11101di • - , ;471X , ainflitiii*OXlntrAkie _ „, „.„ 71hi ' ''.- 114.1:0_rtP.43117-11-0 .111 Nut . , , IPIKM*IIII,4rAand,M, ; : , tibia Mitialer-11101111Wit• rare !7.1.711414W47,72-fiX7..riitis=. ';;1 4 ' 1 4 14 trAtt 4 i4 4 1 1 40.4*, - :*-' - ', - , OuthivikittissircuiciAiiitaCANAb l e rots. , 1014111ErritilfliL - , . ' .4 t . .0191TAr , r 1 tolleoldo.s4 - _ SAUL meg,towatit MALAN lunar& , lkol. 1 then:al InotAwAss;thqpias " - BoOr031.00141• 1611 ii iro - es A DistlyziwtAisft jakeeitylo* 'klelr- TWIG 'at gm -' on guNDAIWur Iv *el* 011ptifily:datfj; ' ' , rareloNew York 0010, ' 11•016:7. .1 ' le rut WON? Xay, 211 ?. • t , liuttec.:4 ' IMPAI zoomilgeZ" . " ... Of. • rielAii Totii doeliZMATMlanr rate,- Jlooda 4eatined boyeed ger YealCitar bike :warde4 witlyttapatak, fretot l eipookVpoisa . . • ' - • s zikmgelAramsisires.tim PfitsULDIUWAsi 4011 - C/API • Oaring the " amour %Aga* Ida utu* lot mope Aity,lonaighdayil, at . B ow** souxig. is crapOuro *may ibaratem ithnts fittb,Eicwg• p 1 - ,li*X: f It I..L L OlteAnikc*-14.v..- Da -VIINDOICAr.- - 100., aPSIOLAX, - 111A111011. lriis s'usrialts Pvite Alp - Dianna Wm; front the Vineyard of ketetblaba - Veseirqb Cog whose estate Iles is - e esstmer champAros qf Milifiat:FTtadie to She best tables of Istgleatt sad the Coatlaasnasell bsse only very isoistlf beeillitabdused into thts sobstry where its ram itaamriiiombiheit'withUtempllsesti; prim at whleh iE it affered,lc.alreadY liektsling* gees ssel*pahlrltyittlpeeesidested In the lamb et Ile Who Igrae' ; 4 Hold in .this 'city by 111111115 _MAL, le. ItH bT Ittilltilnat take Pftneinel Kee* MA by all the 100 igrieslersrist IMO sweater. • IT. , 1111,11" Omer 474 140ADWArlist*1001411RptiN. I.o9,i*lotitut • , 4%—_1,J 3 . 1 L 7 41 t HATINGAMII - DIAWN from As arm ot:4. Maar& A. Iturdup.' 0 r itothelli; hemmer Jut Inn et:JAW/44 Rini AIM.: Areli-tooth sia hislar COGNAO,willbeelfppets aeturasi; to Lel LOIIG -0111141P, 34.401.4. aminitim 11,11kUlt. Laltaliells Saito 20th 1569. - jyttets iDoansus BRANDYr—I:QUAR xer. TEM and Blettbsdnop agiAtiop-ailo. Per Bala bp 14 - IiONGIONANP. :Ant D0ed6,2110111.1 Malan. >~lc.Dici~Ait=: • QandruttoVitivittp. A 7. DIBICABIi TITTJUV - SOADD: of the, Skin amusedly. , lesyseitSes of the llonl srii:II4IWIMI lionifi'ii,4a!utobr the celebrated _ , Digumerzys. .I.t. Yea been ii-;-very tiopartsit smith -the Mize of OhNOIROI7I3 DlillatilikbytDrjmutalonny Chd.itor A number of yeses past end US esedloaine In the ears of Canaan .ernb'andssily'sstiblisliod by': the nosy cam effected lay it.' In BOROM017(1 nen:4*in ititentirtableniitatlrs anal lissome hinfiCtilSllllC` ItatHetie MOO Ob" TBTTI S,IIOALD t3DSD; and all kriptions of the .1111ba,ramilty yield to e.nsodsratti mum at *hi Ntsdkine. Wirt - 171 "ro P".g.• . 1 ...1 1111 14!et#k • olio ew bottles. ' . ' Propicadysed '' ' 114 tdilollollTh..olto,l4ste Lonneberry & Afe.,) • • • No. fed brarth-TOTEI Btxeeti bebsiebte h . For r&e by the following Drogglate Louis & Co. lestieneter D. W.lip Baser, ' Memel 1- 111 T. It J. bleollntesk,..Etistos; Jae; Gina • p fir.ter; - Staldet,2lloirbdosii Sham Den.;DeAlthe bent ; Dr. Idiessy - ,. r Dr: lailiklltistol; Schmidt & Co., ll entown L.lllllic & Idesiptalt, Ps.l Z. D. Joimns: Trenton '•' De - la Cons. Cunha ; Beefeater er: tifhi riiggaato.e; Bobartectitle Salem, N. J. ; Mclnall, Wilmington f,j.;,8... Wilmington; T. T. Unanneinty r iffilierevDeleinpres. mid Demi* Et* t".njeu.stalk bast AMC", , Ore , • , i4O )3Q,M . ILOWt thatitt, offers far • ode, - des - 006 4, theiallowiss favorite Brands of_Eigusz, Ntefic Barg* Nuns Ookaliak, I,lokl GiiiiiCastre Actor, Loadat*'Prabidsh dad, 34, 24,1iud ads P 1111111440, 'Obi -Lots1001; Cs:pitols ConAaa, ressiikarifignisells. p u b* DO vffiltrAiLcadrtiti X 1 Aka I,aa Mao, fiaattik: dm; heaven, .11E4.,Mi. Opelika, trawls Low, LOSdan NinoiPlr!.>l ll bilill OkeroObJ. J011.1t .. _ • iIri.VAX4WAIGARS ,offerede to Yielder* /LAa fillnAPOs o, ViedOUS slaw asill bawds, Inalna*Paitlift4 Cabin's. 2160, - ![oho; 11 W, ZlO - revtlaijitis "IV iiiirtrosttes. ',411a Plytet Mists trr MINCER P11G1714. 402421... *Ufa*: • -• • = CHESTNUT' ''SPitliioEf• for ttN tesatetatist sli - thrtilds *at Oto "itii&solgotoolo., Thioloiiitottroho*OPithieharVi oflaWier a mostoug OkilleFFfiFalaso, fa noY ooa 1 " 4 f f otA l ar-" 1-4 " Imost imoomotal bytropoildi NU snout 1 the - ' - - t , Rirosia&a.- 1 -Fire *OF, Voftrl494 &la TwrAttb.,oooot.;4olorlow aiglah and o.lkootant.streolor peon" _final -11fortos -stei4l ; ihrittitten, 'Foo.:00111 ' paw horn, & Co. For other reforimoraintioottoutioW NDSrsll &Wo , ol DB. JO!" A. ___ BARDINT 11111110LiK OP i 08.11111111WINUeli. 3•941ai1t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers