N , 4.. , 2, ,, ',,1 . :'-'7- 4 ' - - -;*+.?: ntt4lo ' ' ' tOP* 4 ) O , ,r 4 atitttatr I "1 1.1 401=5 11 t..- ' ... -.- /1 ' ; ' - - ' ' ,-„., , .., .., -2- , -,, Iri t tlmiteitliot i i i iiiet:?ttkg • , ' ' • -..• c,' , ,''' " , ,,AVI4It,R*O, I O ,' •'. :- 1 /40;ililek4 1 414.illtilelvdtell*" ,140 . 1 , 0 " ,• , .61troiclislioirilak$lit,i'tm.0 1 : 1 0.00 0 ; . '--, elliitifif4l444,itiffraii.l47.stped task • . ' - 22; ic; -,#) ;, - ,o44:s!iialtdm , staid& ?adititit ' , Raft:Ai-4mA tip Trete 1 '24 -te 294 ' ttkdon• , 4044160'0i 41,tikAil'p(tl l iii.:,; brottilst' ,-, - ; , 11:121-i fell' of 4 Ltliietietalirdritii. , Per.itent. ,, bonds ", 'geld, filOit'Atriii:,t ,',7 l4 4;iiiilirkr : 4 243t1:0iik edcble, lloitte - egstrlesa r siti4,to4a,y, edx./A01; • orsteNebiteedirsiWAtpl, send,faty_#sele Itt„ . a 44 ,1' ;1b4"t ii7g."-NOillitoi#V,*44,o4A -04,, eliceiilislitilsfiliaiiiry epon-..;tii% receipt of the ' , tteAt'Ortie lirettitliershee-ieisti - tpler the, PeeveliiktirWieki/11.00 4( - :; t r i i" , *" ll / nterele4lOellatitpt-A -.gala; for I reenwas@iiVAir.Olilltaitllityr and the bolts "10 4 0.*KAirAft,4ele 7 4henerkett 1 hewetetkleikeT: 3, ,A - "!rne"tteeit - fithd Jo' n - genti: weaditletrefOrilt !i/ . .*i 1 1/ I ‘*. tilin ' we r een4 whekpioolol4 - einite, 4414;41'0 ittelinpertel, tie* itri:stltent fte - ;_berablitriiiitelig‘lo yrudstat /o )l6 ; ll o 4.ll ol l , l'474. !***etefig - Prllie AiliNalf: of go )dtertialkiittlatrireearesei,Ard of the•'peels shippektaittitOielyef eatortilaterest far iOneied , men thih I titiee :whiihatAitnatele.'lnt.-.thaltitttle: - ' ,1144 ,, ,eilioictieshieidds of.,iassia/. The anionat - effeteii4*l#4e 41*Itted there; diirtiiithe pia; neck imaig,sitit 77.0 . ::404t af,679,o9iSip. we" lilt , year, , 'lreid 84,3711,697 - Nine ifeele"'Of 1857 _ '; 1:14tt* . .314 - 204:ItitibrOtittlpoi‘at titi'lleeds_ for Om: ' ,spidai iefietol 4i5ti0r:567;672,956 easiest A 27159 e ll to eatifiditi,liatiettOod $5911411,12 . to ssmeslafieflB4.'," - ' - - -,. ',' /, ° - 1 ' Tfie ,fairiskliimeitethietilllod, forl!nratte, took spathe, to thW.ateettitt 'of. 'Et,100,004N4: so_larch; by hie* et.ritaM'atitaltara isiarosserN'ii 'en, faitieVi . V - 4-fts'-, T '*:l , . -.,,--,': ``--..' : --, -, ~, ' --, :" . ;es Ao c iliVeroir3A 44;iiiiii:igooi ii‘it'a de , ire INeleseretheristlimol•thes Nistomidtkillish'-ells insipekiiii-t* 10;114,':, afar - Initaliy.,,Niciiig o'er , itsincliel feepotweraf lbw the -large= receipts 4 , ,,f . • troodetreiOtirtiedliehhi iiir lionleitio,thritighont the seasetitilimi,t4itest* ilignaiitortpx tai' s here , for wkioitthe4Borea,ntanntactieltetttehtlid, Aid no other?i4tktit; 44"31witioli,thii ; weild rather naorillea` la, ear':, enetions, than retain at hi,e. - - The Borah! says :,,.., .„ , '..,,'' ..':', 4 :::,, r *.,`,,..'„" '..'-'• '''' " Sittee,the weriotioneneekle-Italy;,-the Ault, Hewes bees sent oift 'comptietwely few, bed*ra and the promatisi,of.lmportations within a- few metals" sostbeatessitemiseektoAeoralderable ex.' teat; by the desire ottasaufachorers abroad to All and shtp, toads to "ktiterliki reirloatif contracted for before ehr,ll4,lesor Out „Sopa& has been , the „ecententitleil'or,gbode Waiting' shipment -itt • ItAmburig that tho,ftenes of thentritent steamship, ' line hare ileemeCtt ,neteseary ,to nit oti • another; steinter,4 Vnieels /rein Ilene and 'Botithatitpton' , also tater Nticsid &argotic ' • Brit wi,do not ,look, , for s'ohntlistudder,Mtkesyy,lsaportallois to4he 1 eht4er - Ithi.i reses , - - ,As soon Me maturiar contra* have:aeon A led; and In the atience of fresh or ders Niki'',.4tettortinee.. there VW ao , doebt`L he it alatketA.Allintlea,..?' ,, • `":':' ''" " '', '' ' . o ,:,; . The 1 1 3 4.0*W10:" .311 44".; ~- ''. -'_,- ~ . . ~ ,fterriet ine,eieee tite ,Terone, , tend,T;oolt, titivate - , '''f ', Reltiel# 04 4 , 14. , wPie11ite.) 11 eeenmitiee' ,lo 0 0 1- '" the;St*** Ali -,vouipani,, end otherwise terry leakliiiPis*4ololstriVoiit for thYtiotilP!'s,tkile .. , of- WI riOtiliNV,•:ig 110 * - arkiiiiitail,,, , i4,.Reittrid , ' ' - Beel4 C l " //111 4 , ele l l e g 'got -`leMlieeetble == ecies ' hielle4;Aill riiiiiig" l .4 , * et . t o 4;!riiiiiie , 400 4.e, liesisttientiiite - ,otei tank . Hires tiltrossA Cain-' otenfoihoser road ntnefrout,ficilisleyslenrg to the Bantki4 hltd'ATie allyos4.' Tiiii' allltectlttee of the , OtasfrisCßsick:oisbpear-N leave led the railroad , l l o o l ll 4° le*L'efroc ,-46 ebtgin here In the l 4e.ir s , ,- I,Xtiritteirketotheiii they peen takii in and IQ tot , +miffs traitor_ hiiit firmieeedia. aedording - 6 0tt.'" , 1 1 7,4.- 14 ~ ,Villf titait.# 2 oa;oo o of the notei of the Bons Bantrof Georgla...ereeeeset, that his 'Nen for,make tittle entirely theorrdtts4- . In eieltantra for iIISO 000, of their bend* ;Amor& log or' tho,follacri az dealt 'of the ',Mir, hathe ires' "Ore A:arenas - NO emanate ere dtffereent :,. .. " Oi,744,AT:tbro!* yesOptletta ated:ages ntrym ea etlitteatt4 lititilte finclety of, Friends front,Pet! • .11.1411461;41ntlito;titie, rate o. husinerre. , linfor , - Innately drer;thent, thee All ,in milk a nese of ' - Wellatreetsbarporairlo. Inlets" reprosintettonr anti .urntual sestets of retereneee. wellitnewn, to, -Note leott.: , 'lhatterii, 'lledoiled;f 7 the' • 7- adfarteituSee Q saber. TlT'erell'er rirs - teith - EOM 61W IR, ,•lint; mortgages bordsof AYstineylyesalis , Tailroad.at 85, • ttough the l lt,lisde,are wortV.par,,tiltioltie en abling° hills no a worthless Beathera,banit t falsely , represented bra frendolent.entehination or„the 'now loorsiti oral ' fraternity' of, - odistreis? Or ,res - , deentsb'e. -The Qiudiere eubsequentlf d*overed ~ that thee had been Arita; the hills they nreseitted, i is exchange far their Vends not being worth,One cent off the &diem ',-. Ttie managers ot the railroad emaNny err emienvorlair to get the hoods back. Isndialy.orpeated , thaf pe wbole stnir will lead, „ttr ll.7, ititertie 14el lievestiSetiort. , l4The times of the Th ar err ere-z Re' etkr the name( or the railroad 81 14'1 41 A "Thestlierre In- thi disketteable trent* . .tlon ; bat; for obvious reasons, they ses takiressed for the, preatitit, to:awilt farther devetopmenis •,' ~ A briaMb oestrialin thkBtogretsbrata itaiskili at, the Nude?! illatanandloleal end abindiereles failimatimEibi. pleas, on Sande, enalawlast:„Etti, . eiroiewailasidth ilosi thettilialf-ielhialivei:, ing4A*l4o liTnevirotioN, &um .th,:roqow ,- ; log leloeltdet`the bank or tow** , pith aptiti tate Teray,i'lietiter':iieting 'end” pittliti,,,estayi„ta • : 'Atteltret4it - kiiiigi,lh'inaleterefilitistediateii - pit , t r f'"itt tit.,#to bre"hit $ 3 4, 0 4, ' 0 4- ,4) . 4/401t,' , *. paired le-d ay: •..-- - -" " ..,_-",' -' -7 jz, , • xeli Wotittleyingthe tails - track-0i tiiiirmii: 'bite and Ohio; itsitsroad; hes beenjattioitidThe' •• eentreator ice, etrread itt:lie the irentO,Oltelana. ' Mire, by th e 4.llteijiPiietatln ind If hot' completes • It before the stipaleted tiate iii le to receive - it ,150, - ,fOr OA Alit.thrit 10 10. 4 ) 1 ; 4 , 1 4 iiiteli:' - Hie; diO,' of its eatliplithiiietad the 'first Noyeatbit - Ki'''' 4--- '' - ' ~, , , "• The eirtl,shipotents this weelt, , , and/or the see* eee;.*OVlY* "I tk th iii• ; Of 'lhesoiresilopding iiini • hut ilarfils'onrri;&'- , ‘ .- - ~ ..- " - - -- relle , - ", '', - :• - ''' . ..**ele. -- l'i'i.l:, w..k. , Tof.i. - ' antltri . ette _ ..: '.:.170 0 2' o.,e'a ray, ins NM • 3,9J4 164 "ad;AOlnleiti , 114 0 1 :, , 1iT ,814 7487 ,- , 273,9i6 - tote - itkill4 , 2,7i7,/(9 V* as 84t8300 - - : ',:•" , , ",, '•1. _ , • • ..- /88 460 2.71;100 _4 ; 1...028 e i coo PRILADII41(4)lidOriX0111110 . ' - beviantimritatiai%iiitam&oo,,inic•itrAS AID iticaisas , aitozaisi, Mininrsof. *mum rem Alito ODMITIT !SEW: - , _ , -,'":4'Y';'4ll-AsItIOARD: IMO 1'Mmaj1e. 4 4.... s 4i 0 as - . , St 1000 do 91 ' IMOD <"40.i:.a.. •91 (00 My .....•• . 102 N •600 de ' 1023/ 2) 0, —do '10'1( la tok 2900 Petma R. 2d So at, . 21:k0 Pitts** spie r pa; ,• iOOO 01 irk Cant tla of -, 4000 Liblektlior Oo tOO do.. pax r 1103 lloadtogligitYo 10 1 4 4 . 31 1 a. .f9A BP , ' 2000011 r iltifotr, .r 1122 fIS City Thank --42 M 1000 Sam &Am kill SC I •• • - c;•/1"biladelibia „' • Joss flitro If dlkhe 110 export , demand for floor 4 sod • ths xtmixt Motkotes del!, holdMipaerally beteg , free 41 1 1 ! :aa ,r4 2 ' loped ,tad flak! Mod • P6.14/5a5.7.0 rest grotikk,iiputlnoL.tho Jotter made from . new Wheat:•lota thi.4rootogtro oiout the oa'y barn* at Obese liorooi2orlo - 10;66'0110 tor:extra and • illII• or 100/(iteordfit'fo 'frOsbotit# ,1110 ,gesoralli• held at St per tottri - isald isflePortsd,to day it $3 EITX. I Caro Nal le ilea 401, im141,P1411171r outs ha radii netted at St 'kV liol,7wlttiorr Ondlog to sou Ittiltidologto•day Within* k not so moot over; _ toe sod holder* Ma rather leiter ` /a their 'lows; ab.mt 000 bad ,rtere dirposad of, -to lots; at 120•126 e tor aommoo - .to ism Soathora r sad sPd•Meyi. "_cants ra t ,ie4 Stellika foto ' , Milk; ,Inalodleg, 600 bxe ;shoe lead wap ;fns ; 'latter 'utter- redo Bye to lortotiit4 011 *Aver d 'Ol4 :Psassylvizik 10 olultriest . lloel lll /1: ail ra s was- sibs:wink. Made-es ktpt Corn la WM tometttid and droop.' kg, sad. doped at 13/13, Sikh ito bid". Sti;_ars . dott, aod'obouS i SASSOltelkele sold at isii,t4aliiiaro.. - :for Oioirikrlissies; oloooporltkOttstobito ed.tormeilmpt Prlvate' Bora.— . ?biro 1/4 - itiooty ,ilorristr4 _tor gtoroltrOo ,it $111i . " grtOri for ifrtlottottriti Is aftif-4.- er aad IXIO2II roily., and ptaFaCSlS'Sales . hav*o - a1t5t1aa..9 1 ,*4 113 .4 korrmtAratee GrasirTedr—rfki: pisrkat6slrparan4 rater more tatice"forPugara ir th. Id iv win; isiffe`of:tlie 'Poairlalons retos'a galoi.tiiiirlt4ol,otg, 4 l o sot* Wigs. / key la In ready dam Mat ; 160 bbla Peons sold alto P. ken. Sfyiellter_lklitdobtof at 41kisad dredge at 2ijici Ws; ariVeavett it - per gothic- New - Va l k, is , ! ne,k ' ' • ' • WOO T innik - 3i00: ; t?,-T90 40 sox SOO trfigials et Sbn og 0 ottikapiiii 0:4" _ 10(01 Mjso , 4.ltkitiissO , S 3: 4 0 00 " 'do 001 St 70 Nis t'lo 1001 arAittlfr Off telOoa ]69011;1 Oen 8 Bt-Ds 1000 (1,06 Chni tt• iv. , 300 3604 Mt Ll} B,IIA-,.., la if • • SO 01d Steatite& 144.04 r 'lO ist " 9r .1 ", • • 4ktk in silky Jo c0.991094;ait.f0r • • 09911:104).*: - • _ . 10 tO: 0 9.4 • 4 - /; - 99ji • "9 "0 11- 4 4 3 101 V 11 9§ 9014 -, .: ,0 /11 4110 ,i 1 ,40 1°. •• 69 W Al • ' Yrs Pilot 000. Co 864 • ' 74$ . • • if et tr Toi :39r...,cz10tt0.5t -4110 14 I so • :1110' 14 00 , c.`;116 kif lex' 'RAW Sir 5341 100.11atisia • 30- 'lo9it-#lk/“..(012:-.Vg9i , ,4A.2.rtavAz" , it IC 7 il 114 ttieportedfoiThe Pima J:1'; -1 ... •. ; -. . , , ,••• '''' 3 THElllitiSrfON-; 0 0- OVAlikt - TRANT,L. -,;.f . !", , PAppstditnr"..innital inomrson. • ~PlPltitatle Coosa..kr:#oll, ,Pnine.--41 - one . At'elook-on Saturday aftersteon; in iSoroWded. pre senecK;and ":,,timid!' breathless attention,' Judge Thin:4ton itiedlhri following opinion, on . the Otie 'llenittStirlday:triv'et' We anted the,ninnitsslpt ektlie tearnmi•intlet,eroijMist,isonfess that it was realty' a moitAilatiult , opittation: - Fora qebilditm , 43tpei the chlirogyaphiyile net In heeping with the fegibilliiihargenersill; diatinguishes the writing of•the . oraft; . litlrentattirepte- to fignite out one Atthi iiithirifriWfdrit'of 'ltkeigoetadinsrly -painful 4i,iiiiiiltitt;z,;lfy_ the, eiiistanee of the Judge, lOW. . overt, wo finally succeeded in tranaotibing the' • .1 ...-- lA' i z•tn-ir ,,, drittinW. : ' '' ' '-' ' " . ..1, . . ~.01 , -,, , i t'l . . - ~.. The psi/iner, Yesiidellai, was arrested on the 17th. -fact,. by Ofticer.Bergiant Orr, on histruotions from, '',the ?by o r too li lle , 1 iil bi sot era - riving 'one of' the 'Cita, of, the ,fireen.apd.Onates.streets Passenger Aiiirkilt I hitaPPPY.-„file4,wittO passengers, at 400elea an Twenty second, streets. The arroac tooli rdeee_abont,' one. o t oloch P. 111., of the, day, 'lnd ehortii`efter,the stertingif , the oar: He was `one f - the ordlintrY drivers - Of that line, and it is ad itteti wee it the time driving for hire for the emu inyi iwthebtuliness of ootsveying passengers ,one furl -along , tbei,lipe of the 0023:Tony's road, for the isnesal‘wmili.iiiay I fare.' It appears 'from the letter •Of the president of ^ the company to the 44 ayor „that : , M it. wee the- intention of the consp any 'to man their rs on the 'ay mentioned under oar 'thin regulations as to the rate of speed in,perising churches,, and, br - ehangini; their bells for others sm-41IiniflitfOleitte., 'The jrtayor, haying received the notioe,.theitzlit Whir dity to.direetthe arrest ~ otthotle Aneroid la' driving. the ears, upon , the , groand,of,st breaeb of_ the peace, -. . - The - evidenest diseased that thiroer was full of Atitrileseteati, , nold It was testitied that there was eon eitiexable noise and discussion reithe'enbjeat'of the rumored errest„, and thelighVof ' this line to run ,titairttlills on Sruiday. It also anneers that a pretty large onnenirse.ofpeople.were collected at the de ,pot ofthe compan y _and:at.tbe place of the arrest, end thar,afterthe driver-and oonduntor were ar rested„tberA wisaingingin the out. ' il:Vide1100 WWI heard withoet objection:on' both sides, se to and 'hp& the ' ' /intuition of, the alleged hresoh of the petite, and as to th'e;nolvemudle by those in the bar, and of the noise and dishabille° made by the ear itielf:' 'lt appeared that ears bad been run on and along .this' line the, preceding , Sunday._ mini several irittieseesteitiller Wit Wve-Atli dislurbed this prattle WbraltiP innente Of Itte,ohnrobsl alon s the fine, se well turnriiisteeitlaens. The evidence was pre r ` is &Malice the extent of •the' disturbance, which, as far as the ear had gone.wastooldent , to the rempimron the day Of the arrant, and what thesx tent would have been ifinittimied” The witnesses for the ,Commonwealth were' generally of opinion that the ruAnineof ears was 'a great disturbance of ,the peaciaidlqiiietof the Sabbath. , • , • . On the othersidett wad-claimed , that tile noise 'Made by the oar was only such as was Incident to :that mode of,Conveyanoeoand was not a disturb :linch to any ineenvententattenC - And to this ef lent they examined several witnesses. 1,- The - gu‘strim flii"detairininstlin now irt; whether i yhe'eprisoner is guiltynfli breech - of the pence, or Me* answerable for the penalty Inflioted by the lot 'of 22di April, 1794 for performing worldly em hloYment on the It - Lord's day. , oonsmonly milled Handay." If the latter; -be must be discharged i hotif guilty-of the former. he,mtist'answer In the . tarter Sessions tits neXt term.. , - 4 , `.ll`hat'ditvitig 4 p,nbile eonieyttn - ,for hire' is do. lifg - Worldli, employment wlthin,,the provisions of 'this itatn'e imenot be donhted, tenee the decision of %a opui.t, in-the ease of The Commonwealth vi. •Johnston, , ,lo....,,Piar. - lilt ilt was • similar ogee against en omnibus driver, on'aline between Pit's bareand Lawranneville,•and driving for Pay for thee:lanes of tteAtiel sintrit,Wag determined, by it ni•joiltY of this eisurt. - that.this wee' a violation Of the-lot of ilarrembly of. 1794. This etatute was toCtlie first in Pennsylvania on the subject of Sun day; The statutes:of 1.705' and. 1786 had prior **retch: but were An most particulars sup pitekl• bY • the 'attrorl794l - ' The pre - visions of all 'of theni 'deem to have. bed in view the same obj.iet;:Alits;prohlbition:.ef„doitig.",or perforndhe worldlY..-hellesis on -the , ; Sebbath • day, and' ratabilthlng. and ;maintaining ‘ it; by positive civil :enaetesent -se , a day of - rest , and TIMM: The penalty Imposed by the-not' , of 1790 for a hieousb of iteprovislians,ll the sum of four dollars for each - and every offence," and in default of pay— ment. imprisonment for six days. -If I were de fteratining the liability of ;this defendant under 'theievidenoe, - to tlie,pensity of the edit could no., '.Hesitate a moment, to sty hatted incurred It ; :but 1,141D1 130 . :". 'l4. djfibrent question arising out of this .asetifithe "olliet of Atli Inquiry ; , and that is, whe-, titer the defendant, in. doing an hot prohibited by taw, did it igen:tinier tit disturb the public pence ' 'Tht exiettomp ef ihrt:pertilty in_ the act, as a eon , acquence of,worldly einnlaymsnt on. the Sabbath. :is to - be takertas a prohibition of the sot 8 Watts 483, Oarthew p. 252...11 . !sabres ileolded that one i;parosity savors the continued infractions of a whole t. rt menet be contend ed tbat every ' , violation of that a t sute is - neces•arily a breach of the peso*, .:' Work, stelselessly and' quietly done MO disturb no one; - end still the performer of it, 1 if proceeded against, Maybave to pay the penalty, but would be answerable ,no further. • - z - .:-.lltit When worldly employment is carried on in :„euolaa manner and -snob ,pls wee as -to disturb the ,pease and theyeliginnaixerelses of the community, eititetat hemeor, in oburches or places of public )Itership; led limey trot or cannot be restrained by r the impreitlon of,thellefined penalty in the act, -do cuoa such a rtireumistecees , constltutwts breach or public peace of the Sabbath: and may not the offeuder °rah° Minders' tie-held to bail to keep the peseeti .• • That , work, itbus'i'pobliely ; ' .performer;Slight eritnitittifilebreih , of the ' paste, seems : to have beitillse'imittion`ot Chief Inetleo Tilghman. , In eitie of ChM' We: Eyre; IS: end R., SW, he said; '.`-The vinlatiorinf - the' Flebboth, is. a crime , which Alleserveipuhishmeet. Bat "when the workdone rillitnut.noiecoradfrorefse -, there le nothing in it like *Anal See„aoh.ot-tba',nesoe" Simltar lingnagejsras held, by Justine Y ates.a in -the &emitting—, - • - The,oonverse "of tie propmatimi is clearly 'dean. otble fqou'lltaststementof it in the term. need. Tn DannYirs 'Onnimonwealth, Br. Rep 44. Ken ,undjt T, sitting at Nisi_Prina sold that doing no. -neeessaryiworl4,B - 4.: iss 'to - disturb the worektp of 'others; is' tad hstable " If - arrested and bald to _answer for this, tho prisoner won'dbe bald to good behaviour, in: die automatic:a— So in T.emon us 0011103012Wiletb, 1 Phil Rep. 460. It was en attempt to hold to, bail a news vender fer:arYlug auks/alien his papers- on Sunday On the bearing, Judge Thompsonsaid : The crying of newspapers in the publie streets on Sunday it a briiaeh, of .thepeaat As well might the oysterman ~ 11 his oysters. or the charm:Ml man ring his bell. lee rietiees of Stindey may= be distill:led by sale - whish7.oll ether day,s_canvot be complained of— stitch-ROO es interfereiwith the righte which the law `renamed* Mahe public *rho desite to observe that 'AO as a period,of religions observance and rest .from worldly business ". , • - In regard to this qiiestion; onsoar in the doe. •trine that the law elves to the public the, right of erjoying the - Sabbath as a day of- rest and of re ligious eternises, free and °tear of all disturbance from,merely.unneoessitry and- nnallowed worldly employment ••= - That 'where the law is contravened in such a 'manner :disturb that enjoyment by noise or 'atilt:whence rteeempinying it, or inoident to it, it -is a breach - of the pesos,. a The prisoner was discharged, and the reason gated by the learned judge in the remark that "If it. had [appeared that any - person oomrdained of being disturbed aV the defendant, or that any one was accosted by him for thit purpose of Felling hi 4 papers, etch a complaint we uld have, rendered thi defendant liable to the charge now made"— enmity Oftho peace; gut under stand the owe, , • These opinions show, as for as they go, the in• elinetion, of, the minds of judges of learning and experience that ii may be, treated as a breach of the peace.-- In this I °mno. Ide net mean the dliturbanee of oonseleneeffeonstruotive disturb anee—bu t ingest , li - omitting So long or so fie quently, and In inch a'place; as'to amount to ,a publio 0- ,40 - epee. -The rerun:mike law holds it to be such 1k09.004w i n riuiliolt 40 11.9 , 4giusi A 10ta...... 49 _ . 10 - do- :8 9 % 61- • --do lots ;..-.. •-• , BtJ 8: . do,: .. . .esititigg 11 Uiek It-N Ant .• . .129% 10 r &YID & illoeh Bk:. 1.7--- 10,4testetna Gut:: : OS 4444 t i '9 1114eibill It' ' 189% - 4141 Bd.sts,l3,',Liomr. II g ' l itoiticiocall,g,Gai. ; ;, 9x, 160 (Tartord It - ' - 6jc P li Ptqlli Ai! PT,f,-,-, 17 x, , . ~.. 11.3hat - thefiscoorren tie cannot be prevented other rise Ibsen by treatinglt as snob, and it bee treated to !prevent violent remedies to redress a wrong If we must wait until breaches of the poem in' the ordinary and week day reuse of 'the term, Nme, Were we interpose ,a preventative remedy: then is ,the MU - Chiefdom and the breach of the public peace iiggtafated: If the mining of oars on psesenger railroads if a disfurbanoe.of the public pesos of the dtbath and the rights of worship and of brrearen of the noise accompanying them, and therare not - restrainable - by' reason of the ineffielenoy of existing lawsi and - must "be per• mitted to continue beacons they have pot produced actual resistande and' Collision on the part of or 'wftli those who oppowt *nth a coarse, the reason 'will not. in all probability,long bo wanting, and we may have the realisation of what the unlawful cot has a tendency to produee—breaohes of the , rietose of A M;re unmistakable oheraoter It wee the duty ebbs conservators of the pease to prevent .this ottmee. The history of mankind shows that 'there is nothing about w. lab they-wilt move more 'eselonsly, andliebiety struggle, than against en- Arciaohment on rights of eonsolenee Or conecten -tians exeroises Tbs. 'defendant here noted in 'driving the eer loignestion, by direction of his em ployers, who well knew :that they ware vie/sting an'aot of Assembly. for the law was plain and the doeision, reeent.q They slated in violation of it— liet, through any principle of neceselty, or imp poled necessity, but - simply for gain, ea the evi• 4eitee clearly shows; and - the prisoner was bound to know the law, and 'does not deny that he knew th 4 purpose: Ills driving the oar at the time of 1 hie arrest-WAS accompanied by noise; enffielenti as thi testimony ebowe, at the time, and by the ex portents. of the'preeeding Sabbath, to greatly in terfere with eublie worship., and disturb the pub. lioisiong &lOW, 00 *se aocompanted by a crowd ,of :perions. and soMo disorderly conduct, if the 'witnesses see Mbe believed. I think this clonal- I ;)stsllftiali' . B,ffuly 23. , idlitif: 2'{00.61ar•P;114.,- - ; 180 sgg two ' do _ 85 450 - "-do- ' . • 8141 800 *adios. ji:, :;.e.-_e'343(• 11100 •• , doi ~..„- .446 46. iti,i --, do .- ' ~, .. _: , .;:po:44‘g 00,41, a ik•iiii'l!!. ,t,-.. , -... rlg-,' ...ao - l - i.dgiolli3Oey A . '- 1 .3141 2 - %. : 60 • 'dc4,-.. ' 100: ' ',do - • ~',... - ,46-,1 101 - 5,, , k do - ,- - ..."- - 010:41461.. "&d. 'Silo - . , -- ' '090.'42 1001ilali l'Ac It rgaii dog , 160 ;. , ,do••-•..,4.,,,,,..:',,L 20m: I 1610 1. ;• do ~, ' ' - • - •4B ' 20,1 i ,do ~, . ..r•- d o: ',. ' --- 1,50,9034-; 100_ -'.do '•-• -'' 05 - . 2 , g , ..iiv.....i-No - -.. ,- ; '.-, C!, #60.;0K,': -14 •,- , •-dii,, , -- ,:=:.,-,--..,,.. _,,20 6041 06011; , ..", --, • 11. 14' 1 00;, -An • -•, ....1110. 63 : .- $0,740.1*, Piet 3: - ~:,....! 64 -= , 0, 1: , 4 19': , f_ - , 4 - 4 0 Mg So C do .#3l tili 1 5 V: ‘ 1 4,,. ' . 113i0i0::''' :•451 '81h0.„ , ad - if”'6,o 10):',;=3O:" og . ' ' iitii*goVi "281( 100' , '::.- - do',,' . _ - - 23 g 1100,-7's- fti) , : - , : -:- 0.60.14 09,00.1 La Ile' '.110 10 % - 200'44 dis== , -. --','" -vr= - V e 44-, , ,54„, , ,_ --., t , :-... - ,•tito WIC 160 - ,-- : - do-r.!-- ,- ',"blo et us i; - .-.4.2..•;‹ , :;--.b69 6 4 ..4.10,:-..f0 ..,:.:271 ,- ,r'issiiic. , -...z4i - i-1 , 4. -,...:, ;:•i 3--..- ~ • inglikii(:•,3 ,l- ! , ': ., : , -: . '_:' - fitted a breach of the peace of the Sabbath. as or dained and established by the let of 1T94, and - that, tutderthe alreuntitances, an *treat was pro-, pet. - Tr:evening or riding , for_reoretttion even is not a breach of the Sabbath, and parsons may, not be 'arrested ,for' &pig the ,etreets for such - Purpose." The' diaturbsnoe, if any, ocassielled bi t the rabble, would be huh for an instant, end not be soon,rectirring. That is very -un like in charaeter 'the. marrying of passengers int a "vehicle. along the some route every, is'ot. mi- Dnbe at was intended',.by the company on the .day the arrest War made; nor do I believe in tho right to arrest- for'any Worldly business, unless in oases where,thelinabieas done does actually die ,furb the peace of the 'neighborhood..- alien It tiolounta to a different offends from that for which the penalty in the not of 1794 is provided ; and this is, ail that it may be necessary to say in an ewer to: . the attemg 1809 to the case in and. application of the sot of TtimeCt provides that, 'where a'statnte enjoins lanjthletto be done, in st particular way, Or affixes penalty , , AO the ;doing of an' eat • the remedy of the statute should bifollowed, and no other. The peha4y imposed , by the not of 1794 later the per- Z4OlllOOO of *Orldle' employment—a punishment for the' adt.' The offence complained of here is the disturbance of tho public peace; and the worldly , employment, , the. kind and manner of it, to only evidence of the ofttnoe charged. It in not cover adj the eat of-1 . 794 t , Althotigh - Cticiaatot Of all denominations look upon the -Initittl lon .01 the Sabbath as of Divine ot!Sils, yet It Tellitirett ttellVet to protect toe °beer. Vino*, and the ,aitteef 1194, so often referred to, 4fits,nodenbtedly passed .or that purpose , It es .l4bliebrd:whit-.lnight,- be called the peace of the ;,The; public have a tight to.the bentstit of,thiitaii."lf actually 'disturbed, they can only ,reditauted by Arrestins thn - dieturbanoe • -oom lettiatioit foi 'Attie not restive the no' 11001,4 b*.sitits tor the diikub. 1 4 44 , 1 44#101. 0 . = - 4-:,'A-irkw..t, • br,droirilkigaloi of 9,030 ,for QTV lCTlrl4lllsifitt :for 110 , 34:4,211 for PO Wasik IPA If etilArt.oooeBl4."' faU irstat.' - ‘1 1 ,; : ;; at; latfiCtogralifi l ,“,ar 3 tot i:**AV-04 Or oovered by the worldly pursuits ot Individuals, then it will follow that "whenciror it itrUlolll pro.. Amble to carry on business by paying the penalty of.four 4allara than to ahetain from it, there will bo'foand persons luta° community ready, publicly, and regardless of the r 4,40., of society, to engage in it. it , • • • . , In short, four' hollers will be a lioense ftli for the right to carry on the most noisy employment, it may be in the most piddle places, on thellabbith 'day; instead of a penalty to assure its observance. If our railway companteamay run by paying the penalty, all may run, •and all the omnibuses, drays and carts in the city,• on the same terms. Whets would be the peace and quiet of the Sab bath in such an event as this?. These views do not mike the law ; they illustrate the reasonable ness and preorlety oftbe remedy applied. This ; city has for one hundred and fifty years Obeyed the law faithfully in its-observance of the Sabbath day, and it not perceptible wherein 'either its prosperity or its eharacter-has suffered.' Zit is likely to - do so, those moat interested must 'apply to ,the law,making.' power of the Common wealth, if they vfleh to exercise privileges at pre sent withheld :and' ,prohibited. Railway corps-. rations have wonted their Charters Mader the law as well ss other - laws of the land, and should not ' be the drat to , grasp at powers not given them in' the enrolee of these highly profitable and betted- Mai:franchises bettewed en them by the, liberality .of the State ' That the prisoner is in Custody on and-by instigation of the passenger rail way com pany ft:4.4MA he was driving, is not denied.- He was.their Servant pro hoe vim and the discussion of his - rights- was greatly made to, depend on the rights of his employers. They were not ignorantly_ violating the lairs in directing the running of their ears; nor is it in. slated that the prisoner wae, nor was it insisted that the violation was to be but a solitary trip. or day ; it was rather to 'be the inaugnration of a new era, resting itself not so mush on the laws of our happy land. but the examples of "progress," "a liberal sentiment," tt modifisations to snit the wants of the age, " of other countries posse.sing neither our moraity, ,virtts, freedom, or inde pendence. There consideration' were no more reasons ope rating npOn ray mind, In looking to conclusions, than any extreme sentiments upon the other side, whiohlronid regard all the peaceful recreations On the Sabbath day as violations of God's law, and. therefore, neoessarily of man's The conolusion I hive some to fa to refuse the discharge of this man. I no further decide upon his case than to refuse his, disobarge. and let the law hand him over to' the 'proper judges at the proper time They will decide what is best to be done when they shall have beard all' the testimony in the ease; they have ample powers to hold him if he is a. disturber of the peace, to give security to keep it, and to be of good behavior, as they shall think right. lam satisfied that the (tonsil:t alons I have arrived at are sustained by law, and are conducive to the peace and best interests of this community. T- have so far taken no notice of the foot that the prisoner commenced running the oar at or about one o'clock of the day, and that be was in struated to move slowly by the ohurrhes upon the route The right of - the people to the (inlet of the entirelay must not be made dependent upon the 'caution with which it Is 'violated . . . If it amounts to a disturbance, it is a breach of themene, and if the.publio are entitled to an un ,disturbed portion of the day, they are to the whole of it. Nor was It the right of the prisoner or hie employers to assume that the people will perform their religious exercises before one o'clock P. M., or risk disturbance. ' They are neither to be constrained in the form 'of worship, time of worship, nor to engage in it at all by any power, much lees by conventional regu lations to -which they are no parties. _ Freedom on this part is a guarantee of the Constitution. .Discharge refused, and'the prisoner remanded, but he may now enter into reeognisance with ee• ourity.to appear at the next Quarter Sessions. - Some alight applause followed the concluding 'sentence, braves protoptly suppressed. The court room was speedily cleared, bat the vast crowd re mained for some time in front of State Reuse, a majority of whom freely expressed sentiments adverse to those which they had just beard. A number of the members of thebar also engaged in earnest dispute as to the merits of the decision, and many of them spoke of Was entirely unex pected. - fa the Court of Quarter Sessions, before Judge Allison, a cage was heard, on a writ of habeas cor ona; in which Mrs.; Webster, colored, residing in Nei York. asked to have the custody of her two sons, one 11' and the other 19 years old, now under the protection of Mr Samuel M Smith. barber, Sans an street. The father of the boys died some years ego, and the mother married a second time. In consequence, it is alleged, of cruel treatment, they left home and came to Philadelphia. The Court said that the mother bad the natu ral' and legal right to the custody of the boys. and unties it could be shown that she was not a proper per on to have - charge of them* or that - they ware .not restrained of their liberty, she was entitled to them.' The Court; however, had no power to com ri,tbem to live wt•h her. - • The return to the'writ mode answer that the boys were not restrained of their liberty; and, as there was not anything to show that they were, the Court therefore diambeed the case. Commonwealth, at the relation of William Byle. This ease Web heard on a writ of habeas corpus, the relator being charged with arson. James Byte kept a grocery, in Front street. below Spruce. Tee store took fire recently, and wad discovered before it bad made mush progress. In the (mune of the investigation made by Fire Detective Blackburn, he beoame satisfied that the fire had been the work of design. Matches wore strewed over the place. The piece wag found to be fastened up by those who tint reached it after the fire broke out. The attendee of Mr. Byle was called to the. feet that matches were found-about - the place, and he said, he thought Oat his boy Could explain it, but the examined. n -of .this boy , was snot` permitted. The ,trek wee -very small; Mr. Byle estimated it at $1 , 500. - but theohief did not. think it worth half the amount. •In the burnt material taken from the Mai in' the store, matches *ire•fotlod lit great quantity. Mr: Byle, at first, expressed himself willing to antiwar any question, but afterwards refaced, say ing he was aoting under the advtoe of oouasel.• it wee shown that there was an insurance of $2 000 upon the stook alone, and that the whole amount hod been claimed, theugh - the defendant refused to furnish any bills or invoices of goods recently putuhased, or to take 'part in the arpraisement. The judge refused to discharge the prisoner. Several unimportant oases were thee disposed• IX. after which Judge Allison sentenced the Fog iteh recently convicted. as , follows : Jobeson,.to five years in the Eastern Penitentiary ; Kitchen, foUr years ; end Robinson to two years Toe prisoners evidently did not execet euoh a -heavtAntenoe. and seamed to be greatly affedted. A few days siuoo one °filo court reporters stop ped in a well-known stationery store in Chestnut street for the purpose' of purchasing a note-book; Tee price asked was twenty-five cents, ' when the following eonversatioa ensued : Reporter. I have been in the habit of getting these books in Eighth street for three lips. Dealer. Aar usual price is a quarter. Reporter. Well , lt makes no great difference. I have to take . some notes of a case to day, and 'l'd take the book. Dealer. Why, are you 'connected with the preeir Reporter. 'fee ! I nut one of the preee•gang. Dealer. My dear etr you eau have the book et your own pqe; far you ere tbeiret reporter that I ever knew toefer 'any money fdr 'these wernl artiolee . , . Oar "ctilp mild the rema r k was "not had," and shortly afterward made his appearance among his , brothers la arms, to whom he narrated this affeeting inpidant, PASSENGERS ARRIVED In bark Rower's. fro Lagnara—General Jose Paes, ex President rf Pentanele; Pedro &man Oar.. meek, M A Eat ye. J Y Orr prsa. Pedro Toledo, Damon Pass, Eamon Peres itabirth. Charles Adams 11W Him ace family fire penman, via; lady, three children. and 4 perianth a Murdock, M's 8 Oarnockt, trio children, and two servants; W Ross, Osrmebtto Pars, servants of Gen Pees; Oonceseton Parmieste. Jlttelligettre. U3' m NOUATU PAW' rDY yiLisazinj ' Ilitreesrnottomee , sr The Prem.) PORRIGN MARISE INVIILLIGENN Per rtearnehip rir rth Briton 1 Arrived from N•+. York—M.7 13th, ;Noel, Bell, at Hong Hung; lath ikauern State and H £llgor. to the straits of Suede; Protection. of Elfagatore. iaae 99th. Laaretia. at Madeira; °greet Teneritte July Ttla, Chrittiaaa, at Pllmoutai Mb ; Resolutlan, at Bristol. - lirrivea from New Orleauv—inly 9th, Picayune, off Doter; 11th, L 8 Heeler, at Liverpool; 12th, Advance, it do Arrived from filmzleeton--laly 10th, Bamp4ea, at Liverpool. --Arrived from Revannab—lnly 9th, Gleba, at Queens town. -. Vatted for New 17thit—May 4th. Eger be t froza W. leer; 12th, Bowies from Poo-chow too; 24t4 Nepttine , a Oar, trout Penang; July 10th °Sty or New 9045, O►m. den New 'York, Lier.sm, and Ant.ratio, all frorp Liver pool. Batted for Baltimore—July 00th, Ellen Stewart, from Liverpool Sailed for Boston —May 4th, Arthur. from Wooeunti 14th, SCA. Wu, from Penang; July 10th, Boa King, fro Liverpool. MINOR/MD& . . eteamblp Meese Apriume. Matthew*, cleared at Boston 23d loot. for Phll..detphla, AtenTssiP VlMinis, Belly, hence, arrived at Itteh rooid 221 foist Ship Prquot. Davis, for Ilarro. - oloorod .t Mobile 19th • at. with 1017 boles cotton wattled •t 9177,622. Bhto- Arcola. Hardi for lyerpool, cleared at V° Ile 39 th fort vi •b 4679 sates cotton. valuml at $335 662 Bblp 101.1Abeth TAIT. Weston, from Bristol, 111, ar .ed at AL.-x.o6a 221 Inst. Ship Guy Men• ering, D Aland, from Liverpool 231 nit, arrived at New York TM inst. Ship blovntrig Light', Thome, for Elan VranchlOo ) old at Boston 2811 net. • Ship II B Wright, Park, for Bristol channel, Haled from Nantport 19 h twit. Bark Nabob, Lewis, from Baltimore, arrlvod it 8011. ton 2.11 boat Birk T St house, Sprague, from Galveston, at Boston 231 Bark 'het! , Ranee, from Sumatra, via Pernambuco for Trieet4, sailed from Qikr►ltar oth att. Birk R G Gamble, Powell, from Neer York's at ff Matte 80th nit. Brig Titenia, Appleby, hones, arrived at St Rain, N 18th Deg'Daniellony, Steelman, from Mobile, arrived at New York 231 lost. . . Bahr Problem, MoNsmara, bent*, earned at Illoh mood 224 met. Behr W A Min, frnm Paxton for Philadelphia, aftiled from Prov'Denton , '" 18th hitt Bare ,N W Benton, Taylor. Aid, Eyelid:, ar4 llar- Hey, Young. bonen at post.. %wind Bohr Vtilsge G. 14 Hinckley, cleared at Boston 20 inst. for Philadelphia. Behr ito Woe, Gave, hernia, arrived at Eastport 18th liaßtaot. Bohr Alvarado, Manley, sailed from BmitportlAth hat for Phradelphia, Bare IMO Cohen, Berta, Harbinger, Norton, and Ann, Blake; hence, arrived At flemburyport 83d tact. gobr Adel Ade., amlth, henna at Salem 82d Out. Bohr Wien Mph", Emma, sailed from Salem 2 Zd that. fbr - veer Bolivar, Bunker, hence, arrived at Providence 221 Inst. Bohr Tesbel, Taylor, for Philadelphia, milled from aartford 991 ivet. &bre W p Will 1M15,11 , 1101, Ida Ponder, Elllogowortb, Pain) , hallow., Gandy, W, W Entineld. Porrailoh. 8 8 %ghetto. Thompson. henc, and A L Patter Ilemmlrgr way. from Delaware Olty, arrived at ProVidettoe 22n (not, nobr d A Vinton, Waeblzron, hence, grand at Nor, folk 231 Mot Btaaraor Thomas liparko. Gramley, celled from gat. ford 2e4 Inat Inr Ptdiadelptda. - Wainer Medgie, Grumbly, hello, arrive 4 at IS irtford Brhe NI al Freiman, Nickerson, hence, arrived a Porttand 21st War- NOTIOIi TO MAMMON Relief Light Vessel left Wood. Hole this morning on. ,der rail, aeo.mpanied ,by tender Mlles, to take her station off Shovelful Shoal. The Manedlal Lied Vend 1011 be removed lamed"- '1 1 ,1 4 1,1'="05., Qatom sOw,, Boon, 447 g T H E ralpB.:- . . IiMAPELPILIA; MONDAY; NU 25; 1859; &RRIVALB AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, •Vrt pN.II Ce.411.001e TRIB MORNING . • , • ~" ISIRARD Ho l7Bll—Cheednut Street, below Ninth; A W Pitzes, Kansas A Wolf, oin 0 ' 'A Leech, Leeehbnra H T Helms, Chicago B. 7 Morrow, St Lords D P_Oolburn• Bristo k 2 AL Praroble. Cin, 0 D Dykons, Ald ' ' Rev R. Gatmiood. Norfolk A Bradley & son, Nettles OA Stillman N Y T Bonistagsr, N 0 T L TAMS. N 0 E L X Bonnet. N 0 Dr ffenry & la, try A L Liebman, MI I II Witherspoon. 80 MI. Witberepoon, 80 - M , ...M0A11103r. ii 0 H II Barnes, Ala D 11 Baldwin. Savannsh,qm GAII Neer:zero Venezuela P J Bops. Venezuela _ Ramon Pars Yew stole It Pam Venezuela . 9 0-apes;. Venezuela , -P To'eda Vetwzoola '. Dr Rehm, ltsir's2slis 0 Adam. Veto note - W A King, D a T Remorh, e; y - . r...., w Miler. Oblearo a S Skagraw, taneaster,Pa ar McKee, Lancaster. Pa T B tro-witz Baltimore Thee Ohalowee .10 Z r . , NY _ J A Anylan, ithon, 0 Job.. King. NY, . - 0 8 If miner to la, Memphis 3 B Bellthamdon, Miss A Diastend, Lancaster A Hart N'7: ' 0 ri!rgheherle. Dayton, 0 Nlt Stout. Olen, 0 77 OonehN T - ' II H LOCI34I. Naelivllle W A Grubint,'Nashville ' P Plere, Charleston, BO Misr Piers. Charleston. 8 0 A King & la, Va 1 J T Cray. Richmond, Va 11 0 Parker. Ala , . A M Thigpen, N 0 . II 0 'Bulger, Miss' P W Sheerer, !dim It B 'An attn. Mtge 11. II Reodereou, Ali 'W Ti lisederSolo 'Ala ,' Mr Phelps Jr la, Wanh' ' H V Niemeyer. Vs ~' ,A J ltiekoff & la, Ole, 0 lt. Noises, New Haven W craig. Mmma, 06 , yt. p Tardy. N Y W M flaldwed, Va - J P Bothwell, Ca A W Pariloirtori,-Nivitatt W Mathews. (41 Mrs Zarb, l'ew Orleans B W Tones, Waabington W Newf. N Y T 0 PatTlek, 7 a Tilt Albertme, Phil. II ono's. Liverpool , Al Mores, (Ma G Krsmelberg, Bet B P Verner halt WI Ystersberim, N Y L 7 Welch, N I' H L Foote, St Int , , 3 P Pomeroy Mo. Ohio S T Baldwin, New York 4 de B Heim, Pottsville _ 41 11 1 (11 TANT0l ROTRL—Pourtb otreat. below Are.. S W Wall , klarrlquirg lien 11 . b Foster. /11tOeurblg A R McClure. Pa .Hon 0 Reott, Outawfaca Mt.* Carceoter. N Y IP R Coin .. Oakland. IN & Burr. Oakland. /11 M Causally A. la. Pitteb l g R Worminideq. Pbila $ wetherill, Bethlelitin W W Ph•pard,N Y ' A it ?eater. Phut : Tae ,Ak Ntmmo. US A T 0 Crawford. Obto 1 . 1 A; &toren. Memphis .7' W Robtoeoe. Fulton co 1 Faocl4. Exton F R Fritz, Pottarille .. - • . Mier A. Zotto.oo, Momp'Olt ,L 0 Johnson & la, Tern W 0 RIO & 10. Altoona, Pa ri 'Collor, At Lou , s Jto Witterbonso, Mato Oboe A. Nolingfc, N G W Darter. Atlanta. GA Gordon Smith. LA - - . • . Elsltlmora R 0 Illtaben. lltankste, Mtn Jon M LfloPr. N Y 748 Faelrnev, ill • Tlt Martin, 11l Hon P. Wricht. W Blood. Loulrrille, Rt ' T w lllclree. Jr. Plitibing W B } osely, Nail% J Id Banderson, N Y, , . tf HUNT vzaiwtir 007111,-Peeond West. above Arab 0 pogo., Strourlebarg 1 V Peoderbelt. M Chunk J liirrivra. fle. s•eaaa WH troxvosh, Reston H Meer E..eton -e , N‘e.tes, lesaton (1 Clomanr. Easton : W H Rutli.r. Pimet, W A TYPOttIII). Pluton A A Peddle, Emton a A. Peterson, Eaton P M Brno+. Reston G n Bruce, N Y - WIT Nagle, Restln G $ MI ler, Buten G Pomp. Easton J Pittenger, Eaton J Jenne Reston ".. a M Rimini, Reston W rieiberlivr. N It Wll Pomp. Nut= . . N Miller, R•etnn . 3 Rupp. Raittnn W Hrorch N Y 0 Tremph H. Yo•k, Ps W Gihherd, York, Ps 3 A 0..en0. Phi e G 13 lierree. N.ston rt , W Wilson. Phila Mrs Bond, Phila J Welts, Phil's Mre Lord, Phlla Mrs Meyers, Pelle ' JONIIB , EMYEL—A3l:natont street, stove RBIS Jo. Conine. Baltimore W 0 Bran.. & tam Balt A N Bennis h. rem, Ben J Inner &lc Baltimore L o,Drawall, Bt Lraule 11 - Orreg,Mareliell, TIMIS A Thou:moo, N J' 0 Mott, N I . il rat Boner, NI - P Eit.'oera. Aurammte, Oa J TtlMuurraraut e la Baltimore- T W Mulford, Cal TJ.raer Statii.e. NY P 8 Leach, Enabled V Dribble, N 0 ' " JArt Colter. Paris, Kr dobn Heves. Tint " ' - R FJOIII.Oo, Clmw. Me Varlet: N Y ' Tho. Dunlap. N 1* Jss Phillips. Mere W EI Sanders. N Y 8 Young NY Mums bizran. Pr 1r Adam Duncan N Y Mr Slinger, Phlli 'aT &Tin UNION ROPlL:—Market street. above talife. Jahn Feeland, N Y Jae Arantrovg. Goiamb% P Thompson. Pittsburg Joe Mi's'er, Johnstown ,T & Ptemd. Genital Point JDT I Clyde, Harrisburg Griffith. N Y J 8 Griffith, N Y 8 Houston, Kittanning, Pa A KIN, VA R G Gmn•. Harrisburg Gen A Fuller. Fayette no Peter Wright, Bordentown Satuttel Gump, Bordentown Tae aheorer, Pa COMMKROLLT.IIO7II%--131xtk West. above ineetteut. Ml•e R - beet., 11l ootg'y co Hugh Jim*eon, Obeeter ao' Davie Kimble, Delon Hon J Tboon•oa. Paterson Geo Clark. Paterson L 11 Davis. Paterson A B D•v. Pa ' - • H R Dickson. Phllada W H Rhodes, Phtlada 3 Sanderson, Batt NATIONAL HOTEL—Bats et,. ahoy* Third. /as Wa•ariy, Wyoutiog.Pa T R Marshall. Pittsburg MaDonnelly, Pittsburg 0 P Harris, Pine Grove IT Zing & Is. Lassustor Ii Graingsr. Dauphin, Pa D V Balsa'. Brnsl Mt, Pa Jaa Boyd, Broad Mt, Pa H Da•ie Broad hit, Pa A Rutogardser. Pam Marsalman, Pa J G V&A,. & Is. 'Erg Af. Leopold, Port Clinton 0 w Schram, Betbi•hem II if Rant, Atlantic City B Babinec% Atlantic City UNION UOTZL—Leah street. above Third. 0 1# Lochor..Baltimore Iss MeMeese. Ind Babrosk. Ind , 0 Lober. Ltnosstsr., Pa It BW4 1(e. Winohester,lta M Hrshell. Wort Wayne A Osrpniter & la. Boston Allred o•rpent•r, Boston Thom It Bartow. NJ. Wm Underwo , d.Ohes.or oo 0 7 Wsldroo, N Y B Newkirk, N Y B Sititstwalt, Philo Jag L Irodell, Phila B &BLIT BinilAr HOTBL—Becona billow Vial. Watson, Boylcittowu J smith. Warminster G W Allen. Bags no W Bostor. N R Gad , Wedet, Rake no .1' Willman% :111.41r1dge. N P 11R 8 flapper, Penns Priced Whitlock. N J B Mord*. Boyietlown W Thomas, Wschicition J Haleee. N Y Brink. DM, ' ii Y O Cbutothla N r MBennett, TennH Conger, i3tarttit Falls FRANKLIN 110171011-obestnnt at.. above Third. Plehel; oin, Obio I D Peet, NY . at Wein; Err Mr Bak*, & le, Pa Jobb P Alger. N Y blPe rc Geerbart, Danville Ivo Dorian & 1 , 11. Briar*, 1 0 M Gibecit. Idlee Beymbur, kidM Jaeobe, N Y , - ASIBBIOAN 110TIL—Insstnut et., itlove If .41,1 t. Irr I T Fiord. Ink - T B MOMlllen, Ps - , J L , Bll , smr. Pi , J tholth, Jr, Ps • ' G Bok.r & Is, Belt ' Isiss Beksr, Belt .7no,P Gordon. Phlls A SI Oartle, Nowsrle, Del B SiLonis Gls, Lanosstor Obits lobrion N Y FT W.Blam., N Y J 11 Romans, Plants% WiS D M0D05...11 W 0 Maloy, Mt) J Donors, Boston T 8 Barren, 80 BAGLITIOMIL—TkIrd xt.. above Boos. D P . yes. T.) (e W 11 , bbard, W Monter 0 Hampbill, W °heater BP Lost'', Dploo, Pa W Bonet, Cheater co M Brook, Del co M t horpleaa Del oo 7 Tornat, Del co A. Eltetawa. Del co . , BALD A GLl—Third at. &boys 01'11010111 A Ills.ingar Md A Dayoull. AVAntla City H Ettposimao. Atlantic city 8 Samar, Bethlehem Smith, klootg 00, Ps L Bleralnq. Ano , rBh, 8 Kolas, Bpriosiowo, Book, BLACK DRAB nomx..—TlM it— alio' Ts Oallowblll A L Nanb. Ilarrlsbarg I. Temple, Martarille B Lutz, Philo David D 'aria, Pa J B Boop, Newtown " A Nommen, Northampton MOUNTBi nom. Third it, above Oaliaerldn JasTtson, Ybile. G W Bears & ion, Beam' G B Halter & Is, ICABeravl y Kilburn, IL'iket4n 54grial Natuts. Precrastinution.—Why put off your cure y If you are suffering with the Dyepepsia, Liver COM. plelot, or Weakness of the Digestive Organs, do not de lay; but resort at onee to the use of HOOPLAND'a OS MAN BITTSDIS. We positively sod unhesitatingly say, they will cure you, as they have done with thou sands before you Por sale by all druggists and dealers la medicines at 75 cents per bottle. jl2s.dfc wit For Softening the Skin, Rendering It Fair and Dleomirg, removing surt.burri, freckita and cute. WM'S eru pti o no that co often tore female beauty, J 01. Ed HATIBL 9 .i EMI DIVINE DE VENUS, OA NYRE% SOAP, has no rival. Even old age yields to Its potency ; and the complexion is mode radiant with the delicate bloom of perennial youth. So:d by all Erugglets, and by JULE.) ES.OMIL /c. 00., No. 704 Chestnut street, fbiladelpbla. 3/215.1t Great Reduction in Prices of Summer Cloth- TN I AT WM FE RILL —seep cool, by dressing coot in garments suited to the present hot weather. Do not waste money on extravagant, high.prloe Sumner Cloth tog; but go to W at rig HAIL, where goods we always sold at low prices, bit particularly now the prices are all greatly redaced..ln order to dose the pro ent with the easel A. The 'educed p lee is marked in plain figures on each garment. Ono pries, but that a low pric.-4 spawn that stilts all and deceives none. The lowest asking, taking, and rolling price is named at the outset AT TUE ¢6l.llaT WRITE HALL, 2t 8. W. corner Fourth and Market streets'. Grover & Baker's Celebrated NOISELEgei FAMILY 8111WIll BIACIIIINXIL SSW EMILIA AT lEDUMID PllO2B. 780 OrIIiSTNIIT or RIET, PIIILADIILPHIIk. of the three prominent Machines now before the public, we hams used two, and carefully watched the working of the third, and housefly believe °HOVER & BAIL B timi to be the very beet we hare seen."—[Dela ware State Reporter. ap29..1y Seamen's filaTtog Fond—Northwest Ginner of PECOND and W&LNUT Streete.—Deposite reeeireil In small arid large &Inept!, from all plasm of the oommuotty, and allows Interest et the Tate of are per Coot. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without Ices of in. tenet. Oahe open daily, from 9 until 6 ohdook , and on Mon day and tiatnrday until 9ln the evening. President. Franklin 8 ell i Treasurer and Secretary, Oharlee E. Morris. Saying Fund—National Safety Trust Cain- PANY.—Ohartered by the Mate of Poway hoofs, . Mousy Is received every day, and In any amount, large or small. FINS nal CNN?. Interest le laid for money from the day it Is put In. 8. The money Is always paid back In (tOLD whenever It le called for, and Without nodes. 4. galley Is received from Szscutors, tore, Guardians, and other Trustees, Is large or email sums, to remains long or short poled. 6 The money received from Depositors is Invested Real Estate, Mortgagee, (}round Dente, and other drat. doss aeonritles. 6. Oldoe open every day—WALNUT Street, 'oath treat corner Third street, Philadelphia. apib Singer's Sewing great popu larity of these machines may reslly be understood, when the fact Jr lanown, that coy good female operator can earn, with ens of them, ONA THOUSAND DOLLAfI A YEAR To every Tailor, Beamstreer, Drernisker t and each large fatally irt the country, one of these retainer' would be invaluable. I. M. BINGE & 00, 002 OHIBTIOIIT Steed. ipBo-13ta O. D. lAMB, Agent Jules Annelle Rose Tooth Paste is one of the most delightful aosmetles we ever saw, imparting to the teeth a pearly whiteness, and removing all eitrane One matter from around their roots; it keeps the game smund and healthy, and adds a balmy fragrance to the breath. No lady or gentleman should be without it. Sold by all druggists, and by JIIf,P.B HAUEL dr. CO , No. 704 011itnNUP Street, Philadelphia, ly/B.ot One•Priee Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made in the bast manner, expressly for ANSAIL BALMS. We mark our lowest selling prices in PLAIN 711117155 on each article. All goads make to order are warranted satisfactory, and bur oNN•PRION 51851 K is strictly ad tiered to. We believe this to be the only fair we dealing, an thereby all are treated gibe. JONEO & 00., ' apall•taaVT ,@4b SAT Martiages, On the oventog or ttio 20th Inst. by the Bev. A. G MoAttloy. Mr. &MIKA WILSON to Mae MAIM 0 IR 80t1,, both of thto nth. . _ MAT 2d, by the Rev. Dr. Warner, Mr. WILLIAM LOONRY. of Janesville,' Wisconsin, to Wen MARY DOI? oTtiti. of Ode city. lk On the 20th .Ttioe, by Rev, Mr. Mullen, Mr. AIY RIM) TOTHILL to Mies PLITLIPPIt J. MARTIN, both of thin city. By Cderronn 0 Brwr, on Tbnrinisy,,tbs 2let, Mr PAIWODWARD MAYER DB VORIBB to Mies MABGIABBT WOLYBR both of this any, llDentbo. Ou Saturday morning. the 231 lout , WM. DINES, non of Robert and Elise Gr. On. aged 21 yeas The relstiTes and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the ttineral, from the residence of his father, 610 Booth 141gath street, at 4 cooloot t. Tuesday, the oth. Interment at Bt. 4..ndreles °demob. - O 4 the 2let Instant, Mrs. THERM 0., wife of Di. Adolphus Lippe. - Her funeral. will-take Place from the reeldence of her husband, No. 7224 Walnut street, ties (Atonday) morning, at half•paet 6 Welook. To proceed to Read ing ,Pa. , On the 22d inst., FIRM S BIINTRIt. fon of Win. and Lydia Blealensey, aged 4 yawn, 8 menthe, and 6 dam • The relatives and friende are 'invited to attend the funeral, frun the reenleace of hie Wilde, No. 783 South Twelfth et , Ole (Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock, with out further notice. * Oa the 2'd lost , Mrs. JANE wife of Walter linchan• en egad 60 Jeers The relatives and friends of the family are respect• fully invited to‘attend the funeral, from the residence of her bueband, northwest corner or Beyootoeolh and Carver streets. this (Monday) morning, at 9 °Woolf, without further notice. Oa the 231 iost. , JA dES REILLY, in the 79th year of hie ago. The relatives sod friends of the family aro Teapot folly Invited to attend the Inconel, from hie late reet • denoe, 610 Thirteenth street. below South, on Tuns. day mormog, at 8 o'clock Funeral service at St. The exa's Church. - Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. * Health Report. OFFIOL, Judy 28 /Mimesis in City of PAiladelptita from (h. the 28d of JulytlBB9. Anewlam 13nrne.... Encapbalitie Fever,ilone Puerperal,. - Typhoid ... [Jamie Flemorrhege •, Liver ,Osocer of Stomach Coop da 8011e1.... ()asp ILIUM Croup CongeoVn of Drain Lunge Cholera Infautnin . Ohelera Korbno.... Clonsturen of Lunn Convulsions Oinnosis Diabetes Dflrrtoet Dropsy, Brain ." °hest Lungs u B. Dowels Inanition. M.ala•a•pot¢ blaraamqs V1P111,106 Old Age Palsy Btill-born. rebel. Mesenteric,. Nettling Disease of Erato.. •• Heart.. Drowned Dysentery ..... Debility !Tetion4 Unkn0wn........ Effusion on Brain Eryalpolas :OTE THESE WYEN -719 I From 40 to 60, ..37 16 50 to• 60. .. 9 16 80 to 70.... 4 7O to 80.... .. 8 66 80 to 00.... 2 11 90 to 100.... .14 1 .39 Total , 13 ; People of Color, 111 Boys 116[Girlo of Health. UR HIMMEL Health °facer. Ender 1year........ Brom 1 to 2 2 to 6 5 to 10 10 tol6 " 16 to 20....... " 20 to 80 , g BO to 40 From tile Almeho Aisles Remain By order or the B nThe Young, itlen , s Christian Association ow PHILO 'ampule. The stated Monthly Meeting of this dissociation will be held ou AISND a Y I:TIMING. July 25th, at 8 (Mock In the PIPPiI BAPTIST 01111e011, Pan.om street, below Ninth. In. Le:eating statements will be rend* In relation to the proceedings of the late Convention at Troy. Ji general attendance of the members is requested. Galleries reserved for Ladles JOHN WANAMAKER, Oor. Secretary on. Green and Coates-Street Philadelphia PAaSSNGISS RAILWAY UOMPANY. TIMIETI3 00i1D POB. 4!. ItWB'O4 THE ROAD of this Oconpany are ter sale at the r Mee of the noimmoy, 423 W aLNUP etreet ; at the Receiver's Moe, Pair. mount; at the Gies; d House, sad at the Depot of the Gsrroentown sod Norristown Railroad, st Nfeth and Green. Price One Dollar for a Pitches' of Twenty five, }ANDY SRAHWOOD, 302 at ' Secretary. Walrent.street Land Cornonny.—The an nual meeting will be held et DILIGENV HALL, (Tenth and Filbert streets) TtflarDAY ItVhINING, With inat ,at 5 °Weak. Election of officers will take rime. Polio open from Bto 9 o'clock. Dana also received daring the evening. A general attendance of the membere reqmeted 1122 3t' 11 B. TIIVMPBOW. Pree'dent. DTNotice to Stockhold•ra.—An Election will be held for Officers of the ALTAGIIRNY etOIiNTAIN lIBALTEI INbT/TOTle, at ultikßON, on the first MONDAY in Augnet, at 2 o•elrak. T. BLAIR Secretary. trrOfficeof the West Philadelphia Pas. BENOER RAILWAY COMPANY, N W. corner of LLAYSESPOUD Road and LOGAN Street. Twenty fourth Ward, Pim ADleLrata, JnlylB, 1659 —The Board of Directors of geld Clow pally has declared a Semi An nual D vldeed of POUR DoLLA.II4 per Oars on the Capital Stook of the Company, payable to the Stock holders or their legal representatives, on and after the 26th hut The Transfer Cooke will be dared on and after the 11th Inatent, and remain closed until the 26th Instant. jyl4.tiy2s ri LOMBABitT, Secretary. Tr°Woo Dbautok`iiValleY and Pot svtile ItAILEWAD ea_ 800 WALNUT Street—Puma ruLparA, July 1.0, 1889.—thi COUPONn dun Argu•t tat upon ilia Pint Hortg•no Illo”du of the PHILADEL PHIA AND 813NDHEY HAILHOAD OD., will LA ted. on and OW that Cate. on presentation at tide Office, between the hours 010 Ind 2 Wain*, JOHN L HODDARD, Secretary. 3,11.2225 dt,AB orßentonville, Meutun, and Fairmount PASOISNGDR RAILROAD COMPANY The Eltooon lusiolinrot of FIND DOLLAR. per Mona on the Capital El ook of this Comp toy will be due cod payable on or before she 26th of July. isee.that 14 at 2117.101 T. Ratrstarr Q. Om.. of Second and Tblrd-Streete Pets- MOHR RAILWAY COMPANY OP PUPA. DsbeßlA. 228 WALNUT Street, PIIIL.DBLPIII/, altos 23,' 1859 —6 ?bird Ingralorent of JIM DOL LARS on each Share of Root, SOMA hens, win be tine and payable on 25th July next, ie2t•frm&wfjy2s ROBERT KELTON, Tresenree tagi: a/ EPHRATA MOUNTAIN tel.4 4 x.a` . SPRINGS. BUOaTEBT AND 01133APE87 EOLITH • PHILADELPIIIA AND READING RAILROAD PARE THROUGH $2.24. Peutengere leave by 7 30 Mathlns Mill Train dilly (Sondeye excepted), ardvlng at heading at 10 A, M., and proceeding at once by stage to the SPRINGS. For Molests apply at the Beating Bellroid Passenger Depot BROAD and VI3II Stkeete. G. A. NIOOLLS, Geueral Saparintendent MARS. WINSLOW, MI AN IXPERIENOEDII9I6 AND ITICHAL/11 Physician, presents to Th. attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly (aellitatem the proaraa of teething, by soft. flog this midi:ming all inflammation will allay ALL P 4 IN and spaarnorito action, And to 80122 TO RISGULI.TH TUN BOWeLit - • - • - Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves and ARUM; AND lINALTII TO YOUR INBANTS. We hare cutup android'Dole art Ole Or over ten yearn, and can nay, in coo r ,_, * Minos and trwli of it, whet we hays never been Et able to nay of any o her Medietne, NAY oft IlAtiP IT RtILLD. in a BIN. (Me INST &NOB, TO r.grti Ml' A °URN, when timely need Never did we know an' instance of disunite ction by any one oo who need it. On the con trary, all are del glued N vr.th Its operalone, and sneak in termer( f highest ci.minendation of lie magi- cal effects and medical vir toes. We plink in thin matter "what we do , j know i tt after ten years , experience ' and pledge our reputation for the fulfil ment of wh at we here de,_, Mare In almost evey instance where the Wont', le en ft•rn g from palo and exhaustion. relief will betel found in htteen or twenty miuntee after the Byrnp E. l ad min etered. This valuable preparation r, Is the prescription of one of the most IOXPBRI SINOND aid bRILYUL NUReIOB in New alovand, 0 and has been need with never-Idling success in Ca TLIOUSAND3 OP OASES. It not only relieves Ikechild tram pain, but in vigorates the stomach and r: bowels, corrects aoldity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almat Instantly rep ileve GRIPPitt IN TIM DOW ILB AND WIND," ()OLIO and overtime con. vulsions, which, it not speedily remealed, end in death. We believe it the beat and norest moony in the world, in all twee of 11 DYBiNTICRY and DI aR DOOR IN 011 Ii Bagel. whether it brine* from teething or from any +Aber Aimee We would say to every mother who hoe a ^ child stifferitg from any of the foregoing or umlainte, do not let your cretonnes, nor the prejonees of others, stand between your tottering child sod the relief that will be sting—yes, ADSOLUTIS •LY hURIV—to follow the use of thin tnedloine, Ifm timely used. Yell dlrto tone for net,. g wrll ecoom fIl pony each bottle. Noon genuine unions the fart. bindle of OUSTId it PAR KIN C. New York, is on the outside wrapper. iiEr Bold by Druggists th•oughout the world. Prin. olpat Mae, No. it OBDAR Street, New Volt. ,Iy7B-1y MAUCH CHUNK, JUNE 28d, 1859.—Mr. It J. B. IUanIr.LANO —Deer Fir: 7 bo•e Garment Patterns which you sold rue wben you were in our plooo hare tarried out all right, and I use your syetera for cutting all together. Respectfully, • D iSSIEL lIERTFCfr. Ofihe for the sale of Patterns, fir., WA ORE +T NUT Street, third atoll. /925.1t* 'VOLT WILL PoSSESS A VALUABLE Picture if you have a liferarae Photograph in Oil meth. at ItiOMDR'S Photographic Gallery, tiDOOND garret. above GOEPIN. Poituree made from Life, or from Daguerreotypee or gmbrotypeo. Jr2ft Ito 1'A.M.8.--116 tierces extra sugar-cured F-A- covered Hams. polled by lierdaer, Phipps, & Oo , henry John Bhey, Beatty & Torero% Heiatt & Wood, Quigley, and others For sera by 0 0 &tonna a. 00.. iy2t Aft OH Ht., second door above FRONT. VitskAt. 1111,911 DY.-10 bbls. puro Con noutiout Older Brandy; also, a bble do. old extra qublity. On consignment and for B ale by 0. 0. bADIA.O. & 00 FFVF Aftell Ft, second dror above FRObh. IWAWKES'Is srEAH PL9llGrizl.--The only apportrenity of reeleg this novel and useful invent on In practical opmatlon, which p'ougha ~ t the rate of four sores per hour. wlll ba at OX POAA PARK, commando; JULY 2tlthl on 4 Notloutog four dein jy2s-30, NAVAL STORES.-150 bbis Spirits Tor t . 1 1 patina 4100 btkls Wilmington (N.O ) Tar, (es. tva large bble;) bble Pita°. In More and or sale by nowLEY, AsittrUttrusß., & ou., Ne. le Reath Wharves .1924 HAMS-114 TIERCES EXTRA SUGAR as crongn 1141.M.0, pecked by Gardner, Pbttilpe & 00., Henry Lewis, Jo/12'812u, Heistt& Wood, Beatty & Tepsoott, Qtaigly, end others. 0. 0. O&DIM & 00.,' )7/0 Molt Ottesti boonddeor above /mat Mut publications. POSTPON'E ITENT Lea N•—•N •—• TUN PUBLIBUEOB OF '"' E_B;, FA ETI'DT4TON43:` , : , :Z. NEW BOOK, I; KNITTING WORK. Are obuii;ift; delay itspnbliostloa till WEDNBODAY, AUGUST 8. This oeuree boa been rendered neeeemary by the large orders reoetved from the trade from all parts of the United Stales, completely exhausting , our drat edition, and rendering necessary the printing of a second edition before the work can be presented to the public. Our advance orders at the present Ume amount to nearly 10,000 001311138, and orders are being received by every mail. de en evidence of the opinion of the Booksellers in different parte of the country relative to this book, we present the following from among the wary order', re ceived: PHILAMILPHIA, July 14, 1859 Meuse. BROWN, TAOGARD, & CHM : Gentlemen Please fiend as, an Boon as ready, 600 Copies of gra Partington , e new book, and oblige lowa, ace., J B. LIPPINOGTT & CO. Nsw Toni, Jaly 13, 1859 NOM! BROWN, TAOOAED, dc CHASM : Gentler= : Please Nevus out order for Ws. Pertington's Knitting Work to 600 COMM. Our order from our customers for the book come In quite feet. Truly yours, 1311aLDON & Co. bevriaionn, .I'nly 16, 1859 Mourn. BROWS, TAGOARD, & CRUSE : QADLIRMOR We shall want 100 apples of your new book by Mrs. Par tington, when ready. Send per steamer, and oblige Yours respectfully, UMW TAYLOR. Commus, Julyl6, 1819 GENTLIVOSS : YOU may send us. just as soon as ready, 100 Corrss of ides. Partington , s new book. Its sale promises to be quite large with tl. Yours truly, FOLLI/71 . , HOSTAS, ib CO. We ehall be able to publith by the date now specified —august 3—when we shall be ready to furnish the nu. MUMS ordere reaelred, and any other that we may re ceive by that time, wlthoutrtarther delay. BROWN; TAGGARD, & CHASE, jy2l mett-2t rpistaness Boma. L IGHT, BRIGHT AND SPICY, POD BUMMAII MARINO. COL. FULLNIVEI NEW B..)01i NOW SHUT: SPARKS FROM A. I...OOOIvIOTLVE.; oft LIFE AND WIMPY' IN BIIIIOPEL By Author of Bello Dritt•nlo Leiters." Neat 12 no. Prloo A Soriee of Lettere from Liverpool, Rdinbursh. Lou. don. Paris. Florence, P epics, Rome, et. ' e t a , gtvtna p (tient and middy offhand sketches of Alen, Women, end Things, In the leadiog - Capitale of Nniope. • A new book from the my and brilliant pen of •• MILLI ERMA'S " Itr ,. ertato or a warm weloome from the publics The Fret volume (Belle's Lettere) was Int. mediate'' , exhausted, and to now out of print • The publiebere believe that the present volume will be received with eqn.l, ir not molter. favor. - ZXVILIO7,9 7.13031 TIM MMUS: A Pleasant Party Lord Derby. ' First Glimpse of Europe. Roe) Peereases. Green Erin. The Ducheseo , Nalairrif. The Ladles. The lit &gni Scent Oat Coal. Chtmbermalds. Splendid Paintings 7.m.11 hiallenry. Route and Soles for Dinner. 'I ha Memory of Burns. A Word about the Women. A Visit to Abbotsford. Feminine Peet, " All Pail Inside " Buxom Beauty. Edinburgh- A Bonnie Lassie. Msdelice Smith. - English Hospitality. A Drive with a Butcher. Sir Buiwer Lytton. Melrose Abbey. Kind Feelings toward Madame Tusenwre Rooms. America. Rtertling R•semblaneeS. Lord Lyons. The Chamber of Horrors. An Evening with Leigh President BriohaPan. Runt. The Queen and Prince. Tom Taylor. Royal Jealousy. • liVaeblngt Inis Birthday. Victoria as Wife. The Crown and the Bever- Baty Thousand Dollar Ear- eign de The Romanee'of Death. The London Police The Pa•theon of Perin Eighty Thousand Trayfatas Abelard sod Eloise. Babies and Ladies Med.'s , / of Parisian Vices. Onid 'ink before Polka. The New Vance Pal maique. The Pope Riding in • Chair. The Empress Eugenie. Gathering for the War. The Prince In penal 4 .11y Soldiers Louie Napoleon on Home. Popular Enthusiasm for the back. Emperor. The Carnival. The Pope between two The* Sunday Amusements. The Dream of Liberty. Parlaien Women. Departure of Louis Na- The Benign Reign of Na. noise°. poleon. The Great Cattle Begun. The Emperor at the Thee- The Allies Viotorions. tre The Deluge to Coro., The Paris Verdict A Tonic hor the Victims. A Beautiful Revelation. Goy Reward in London Prince Albert. Eta , eto , eta. DEBBY tc J408;801.7. pubilabere, No. 119 NASSAU Street, N. T. 001:11PS sent by mall, postage pald,"ou reoeipt of price iy2b•lt ROME AND THE POPE. NOW READY THE ROMAN QUESTION E. ABOUT. TreteWed from the Trenoh by 11. 0 Coupe (fuoprepeed In Trance)., 1 •01. 12 mo. Olotb. Price CO cony.. Thom the Loudon Orl'la The translator has done hie task as well as puislble. Ile boa entered heartily Into his original. and the reader will scow understand why the writer desired to be be yond the reach of • the long arm of the Pope. , Prom The Lond n 'Motels gl one of the moll. Kingtot votao!lpne of the day.” Prom the r io'ectenDstly Nene. "Intolerably witty and merolleasly truthful." _ om the Atheneum M. About demo& Into the <mimeo), and Babies upon the Vulture of thee Nat•oogd Prommaso. D. AP ME row; & CO., Put:Mame, jils•Pt Nos 845 and 848 RR OADWAY. TEE BOOK FO THE TIMES. MIT MUSE= LzaTutt.mte • FOB THRI PROPLII. or vt e Reverend DIME Rf ttellßLL BROWN, of the Myr tleaireet Chapel, I. veroool. MIST same: With a Bingrenhlosi lntroduotion by Dr. R. BRIM TOW 1WA013.6e 209. Pnbliehed under a special arrangement with de author. With a splendid Portrait engraved on Steel, by Ear. One volume 1200 , cloth. Price. El. Mom the Livervool Heronry 3 f. Mr Brown's Leoturee fill an imoortant plaea, for which we bare no other book. The etyis fa clear the ep rit is kiod the rewarder careful and the argument on and although Batmen they are nut sac. TAB% la. but are such that would luaus° many penmen to attend please of worehip. We are persuaded teat this book wilt render more Deed than any book of Per , MOOR or lectures that hire been published In this Nice. teenilt tletnury," ALL THE NEW BOORS, AND A GIFT GIVEN WITH Hem BOOK, at G. G RV %NB'S GIG Book Beteblishoent jy , 23 et No. 930 CIIRBTNIIT it., Philadelphia. NOW READY, TIM ATL lain° MONTHLY NOR AUGUST. Corral:ire —The Dramatio Blement In the Bible; The Ring Setter; The lilrd of Birds of the bliest; A Trip to Cuba; Daniel Gray ; The klinistaris Woo leg; Raba di Roma; Enceledna ; The Zonarea; My Psalm; The Professor at the Breakfast Table; The Italian War • Reviews and Literary Noticing; Recent American Publications. Tatuss.—Tbree Dollars per annum, or Twenty-Ore cents a number. Upon the receipt of the subscription price the Publishers will mail the work to any part of the United Buttes, prepaid. OLUDS.—Por Ten Dollars the Publishers wilt send CVO copies of the Arusarto for one year, the sub scribers to pay their own postage. Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmastere will receive the work for Two Dollars a year. Booksellers and Newsmen will obtain the terms by the hundred, ,to., upon application to the Publivhers. PLLILLIPB. PAMPSON, & CO., 112 1 It l3 WINTER, Street, lilisPoti. METE SABBATH QUESTION. ology in Harmony with the Bible, respecting the Tame and Bight Observance of the Sabbath. By 7A51E3 MILLEIB, hi D. 13 cents. The Christian Sabbath considered in 14 'Various Aspects The People's Edition. 12roo. 83 cents. The Light of the Week or the Temporal Advantagee of the Eabbath eemOdeved in relation to the Working Olsetivs, By 7MN TOUNGWEL. 18mo. 36 tents. -Heaven's Antidote to the Cause of Labor. By a Working Mao 18mo. 25 rents. The Pearl of Days By a Laborer's Daughter. 18mo. 16 cents. Por sale by WM. B. & AT YEW) IIIARTIEN. jv23 elo 208 onnTsur Street '9IAMBERS'n ENOYOLuREDIA, ‘.l (10 be , n eighty monthly parts, cents each) Regu'arly supplied to any ud'reas, by JOHN crorAILLAN, Agent Per APPLIIION'S New Amenlemo Or Otoesull, ABOADE 1101.141,, CIIIitTNUE above Sixth. jyt4.l *** Mailed fr e enywhere—il paid In advanoA. r'VEVir BOOKS. • AT/tail/13T IfORWAUD; or, Walking In tha Ugh!, A atom for cahoot mrle of all ages. By Lucy Guernsey, aUthor of Irish Amy," ?to r ho. Illnetrated. 7f, fonts, lIANNaIi LKE; or, Beet for the Weary. Illrostra tee. 45 rests THei ANGEL OH THE 10E0ERG ; and other stories. tinstrating great morel truths. Designed chiefly for the young. By John Todd. lemo, •76 cents BLIND TOM or, The Lost bound. 18mo. 80 cents HANNISTD. AND WIT 611; or, Self Blistery. By Donato Rite. 16mo. 96 cents TEED WARS Of Till BOSSE; or, F turf's" of the Struggle of York and Lancaster. By J. B. Itigar. lustrated. 1.6n0 60 coots. _ . . TrlllitnTiN ON Trld ArONEMINT. Translated By n7iLeon. 12mo. 60 aeon'. For We by WILLIAM B. & AMNON! MARTIRM, jyl2 No 608 OIIEBTNUT Street. A N EARNEST AND THOUGHTFUL BOON. LNOTDRIO ON THIS PIM TWO VIAIONII OP THN NOOK OT DANIEL. By Rev. William Newton. 12mo. 16 cents. NOTIOSS Or 122 Ponle : There le a warmth of tone and feeling about this book which will make it not unacceptable to a large class of readers. Its practical earnestness and reve rence of spirit are high recommendations —Kanner of the Oross The volume contains sincere and earnest expositione of prophecies. The author's' views are, lh some re spests, peaullsr, cud we worthy of attention and con emeration.—Amerioan Presbyterian. The book to the product of a calm, thoughtful, ear nest, and reverential rol,d, and may be °moulted with profit..—Preseyteman Banner and Advocate. Jut published by WIM,TAgg 0. dr. ALFRED MARTON, Jell No. 600 OLINSTNUT hired. grILD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS ' l .-7 The undersigned states that he has frequently tor sale books printed between the yeari 100 and 1600; early editions of the Fatten! of the Reformers and of the Puritan Divines; in Law, Braxton, Lyttlaton, Pot fendortf, Grottos, Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Reports, be., are often to be found upon his shelves; Oyolopediae, Lexicons, (Musk Authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, Soienee, Political Economy, Government, Are!Mentors, Natural History. Treatises upon these and other kindred aohjeate are being oostionally dealt In by him, florae, to large and small quantities, poi. obitsad at the Gostont-Houre &MIRO Bookiltall, 01d BT NUT Street, above Fourth, PhtledelphLa. mylll.6in doigN OAMPIVIST.L. QHOULDERS.-90 hhds. dry salt Shwa,- den. Just reeerved and for tale by O. CI, BA➢LIR & CO., iY 26 Mital Pt., isooatt door Om ritota. New publication& A SUMMER NUMBER. ' HARPER'. NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE pOR AIIGIIBT. Coznitm: THE 01111188 08 Tr ii 113 i&X. 1 ) Ilbastrotod by Eleven Etrailtitse. A PORIPAT STORY.—VIIE BISNTING•Oltd171111 ON THIS SPIHATIAO, By T. Addison Blokards„ Tilastrated by Thirteen iinstravEngi• THE MUSICIANS OP OUR WOOO3. Illuatrated by Twenty-nine Eagravinga. MY WIFE WHAT'LL. lOU /MINH? , .. A BALI AD. . . TIPIToBr. ' . ELPEAKETERA AT JAMESTOWN. IPABOL BEELHAILDiS LE.SON. - - LEGAL WIT. ,_- • MARGaRST STUART. . , .. . THE V . ROINIANS. ,Be W. M. Thaekerst. • . - ILtuaraanoss.—The Patron; Idilea'e Whistle; Fear Read -Pipe.. . „ ()HAMM LXXX. Pocahontas. . CHArrilit I XXXC. Res Augusta Dom!. • Cirs ?TSB LXXXIT. Massie Atoldore, OnAprea IXXXIII Treabl.aandOonsolatiOna. MONTHLY Bzoonu OF CURRENT EVENTS. LITERARE_IiOTIOBS. HOME'S TABLE. - IDlTOftili ROY erupt. ‘ . . ORB FOREMN BUREAU. , '. . • - EDITOR% DRAWER., . . MARTER OHARLEY'S FOURTH OF JUI.V. ILLUSTRATIONS —Master Charley at Washlogtori; The aosident; The Remus; Warlike; Triumph; Reward of Valor; The Pattie of Banker's Hill; Personal Combat; A Gallant Charge; Siring Ornekers; An lkspbuien; finis, FASHIONS POE AUGUST. 7 1 .LINITHATIoNs.—Itoroi.g Goa - tame ant Child's Drees; Burnous; Boy's Root& Oap. We must refer in terms of eulogy to the Mich tone and varied excellences or Harper's Vlarsaine, • Nulls' with a monthly circulation of shoat 170 000 ooplea, in whose pages are to be found come of the eholovst light and general reeler of the day. -We speak of this work cc an evidence of the American people, and the posit. Inito it has acquired Is merited. Zeck number contains fully 141 pages of feetrectlve matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood emits; and it combines 'n it self the rimy monthly and the more philosophies] quar terly, blended with the best features of the daily jour nal. It ban great power in the creation and dissemina tion of a love of pure literature —Trubiserts Guide so dm•rieon Literature, London IttO tircroestlonably It le toe nest auetelned work of the kind in the language ; that is to nay, In the world. The splendid monthly essays moor thallditorie T.ble ere above pries. The pree•nt number Is equal t 3 any yet Issued and there is no reason to doubt a long career of prosprrity to the work —N. Y. Christian Advocate and, JoUrnat Whoever has had occasion to commit the past volumes of the Magazine must have been struck with the Multi plicity of papers embo lying important geographical, tones!, and 'latent fin ratite, to that, apart :from its merits as a storehouse of entertaining reading. It is of no smelt value as a wort of general sefereace. and on greet varility of anblects. •The Monthly Record of Current Events ' ' , in particular. though promist sr little immediate interest st the date of its publication, in. creases i n importance from year to year., and now for tides a core of ohronolog oat tiummary, the eons* silence and satisfactory character of which will be the most highly appreciated by those who have the roost frequent ottmeloryto commit Its columns.—N. Y. .Tra-' butte Bargees Mersin. le, emphatically, the Ametican penple ) e22ll6. f mind Sae religion, aenserva'ive In politics, elegant in tote, varied In matter, °Terrill:twirl with sympottly and burner, and guided &lithe time by a sturdy iminon amen, it bike no rival. Per will it neve Fenn. We rat Ilse in it* proaperity.-,New , Orleans Christian Advocate. TEROIB. - • One Copy for One Year' WOO - Two Copies for One Yes: 5 00- Three or more Copies fer . Ove Year (each) 2 00 And an Extra Copy, gratis; for ovary Club ,of Tss 131789081111i68. Harper'e a agaaine end Harper , ' Weekly,togethire, (190 year, '-t 00 The Postage upon to HUM'S MlGAZilill" moat ba WC! at the °Tile to here it is received. The Postage is Thirty-six r•nis a year. j 125 It ' tOlioretalt Mrp tEkras, THOMAS & MARTIN, 217 OBESTNITr STREET, RAVE NOW OPEN, FOR THE PALL TRADE, A 1A11319 AABOSTMENT O PRINTS. OR THB RoLLowirie WBLL•HBOWN MAHN I RICHMOND'S, MIRROP, ICHODD ISLANDS, COMPRISING OVER 15 0 STYLES. KEW WORK CONSTANTLY RECEIVING, AND FOR SALE ON THE MOST FAVORABLE JOSEPH LEA, 128 and 180 CHESTNUT Street, offers to the fall trade a domable assort) meet of °nu... Woollen, Linen, and printed fabrics now on sample. B . MAT Ea 80Ns. 1 Oholoe styles of Maddernints, SOT CON MTG CO , including all the lateat n oval- MONTEBELLO 00. tine adeptei to the Autumn Purple., Lavenders, and Grays in great varlet, Standard *Wee ATLANTIO 00. Slack. and Whites, and Embos- NtAGAItA. 00. Bed Moire Antique Moarninga, Shepherd and. balcony Plaids and Stripes Improved. Plain shade% and Caments. AMERICAN LINEN CO.-10 4 Shootings, PM:tinge,' Napkins, °ragbag. At. PRILaDELPIIIA MADE DENIES, Stripes, Tlok ings, An WOOLLENS. NEW ENGLAND CO. i fine Doe eking, rimy eon& mores. and Melton Olathe. ROCK M. ANUF &TUBING CO. Fancy Owlnures, GLENDALE, 00 nosy easelmeres, DROORDALE CO. fancy Casstroorsa 08VOR0 MILLS Black Doesklas, 'Taylor's grades B Altair. VILLE UNION Caselmre* in great variety. Cotton 'warp Cloths, Tweeds. &o. DAV NEETE.—Low, Medium. and Pine staple and lam Mixtures of popular makes. 3/204f £llebirinal. LIFE DROPS TIM GtRE&T REMEDY 808 DIAMP:IE I I, intames OR PAINS or Taw STOMAOH OR BO WaLP, OftoLairtA MORBOR, INOIPZ INT kiTACIPB OP canian., ORO LII AND KINDRED 14.811A81/8. Thin to no new med nine. It has been thoroughly tried sod tested for 10 years. sod proved to be the only este end perfectly reliable medunne for these diem/tree now before the public. It does not constipate the bowels, but effects a radical and immediate care in these severe eases that other remedies do not reach Severe erampe and pains in the stomach or bowels cared by one or two dome of 20 drops in 20 minute. It is equally efficacious in all stomach or bowel difficulties. Tne following is a sample of the testimony we are daily receiving Coitrirous, Msg., klay 15, 1559 I have used the Life Drops put up by Trail & stow, for Diarrbres, Cholio, &e., and consider it the most valuable medicine in these oases I have ever known. Last year I would have been willing, several times, to have given $2O for a vial of your Life Drops. Please let me hear from you immediately, and do not fail to send me some of the Life Drops JOHN HALL, M. D. Portlier abundant proofs are in the hands of all agents. Prepared by TR SU. & 810 W, 48 BOWERY, New York, and sold everrwh•re at 25 cents a bottle. P. . OLIVR. OH SSTNUT Street, corner BROAD, General Agent for Philadelphia. ,n 50 if•mwf 2111 DR.° a CELEBRATED LONDON BRUSH ES quality is more essential in a Bair Brush than in any other :Toilet article. PROUVA BRIJ:WM tehe•ever introduced, have at ones taken precedence for quality of mete] late and fir solent , fin eoaatrnotion. His Hair Brushes, combining a peculiar elstitieity with the re• qutette &more.. are found to pus uniformly and amoottly ruanooe the hair rather than roughly and harshly oven it, thus girl, g the proper stimulus and oon•equent freedom from ilandrcif to the scalp akin nittout injuring it, aid thee, too, insuring a nattitel , y gluey, besitby Condition to the heir Ilia TEETH. HAIL. and OOHS Dausina are equally desirable also for their re puttee hue, all combining, in a remarkable degree, complereet usetulusee with extraordinary dura bility A full AIM o intent ol•PROU lid superior goods, including ionse entirely new patterns together with a lone stock of Lutaaos desirable 80aP8 and PER SUMMIT. jest imported direct, rang and ciserron. Yor sale, wholesale sod retail, by LIASSARD & 00., Apothecaries, CHESTNUT 8t , cor of Twelfth Bt. frill': UNION, AROR STREET, ABOVE TlllttD, PHIL aDELPIIII. UPTON B. NAM. COSIER —The situation of time HOPI!. Is superiorly adapted to the wants of .the Basineas Pnbiio• and to those its search of pleasure, Passenger Railroad ' s, which now run past, and In close sffard a cheap end pleasant tide to all places of interest in or about the city. j,23 6m PETER D. MYERS, REAL ESTATE Agent. and Collector of House and Ground Hints. Has to let—Tee Store, On Chestnut street; Cleo, three Office. in No kt. 4 South 611th street; alto, an Office and third•etory Room, corner of Seventh and gamin etreets. }3 , 20 St* - VIDE, AND INLAND itilitiS.--kANE; J. GASUALNOD COMPANY Capital 1100,010. (Organised under the AM of Assembly relative to In- Mumma Companies, passed April 2d, 1850.) Moe ill OIIISTITUT BC, Philadelphia. DIAXOTOBS. Samuel Wright, Henry Lewis, Jr., William W. IValtars, D. B. Birpsy, (Merles Richardson, John W. Sven:man, Jacob W. Stout, A. 11. Rosenholm, Barclay Lippinoott, John B Mims, George A. West, W. W. Knight. GEORGIC W. DAY, President. W I. MANOR AR% Boororary. )al2-y THE Spring business at ZEIGLER & 1 SMITH'S, earner of SECOND hod GRIMM Mentes le opened with a superior stook of Drop, White Lead, Zino Paiute, Window Glean, and all other articles usually found in a Wholeialei Drug, rgut, and Cobs, ertablimbroort su2B-tf V. S. WHELNN & CO., 309 WALNUT 11 :-A• Street, percher° and sell obt 001,11illiSSION Sidcka and Loans hi nits teak.,nd the principal atlas or the United States, end &drawee 012 1111/110. Loam on Collateral negotiated , A. e. W. B. Llidaß, T. WIIIIILAN. 1029-wfmllim I, ACE CURTAINS.—A large assortment, 31 - 1 of new and elegant de/amend tt est quality, from $3.60 to gee a pair. Tassels. Loops Qat °braless, Binds, Moore Maga, to —everything required for furnielite g WIND.OWS. Gilt gorier gw.des and GOOD F.:tures, 76e...6i. and $1.26 each, and Coin Border Shades. it 26 to $l2 60 each. /nature Cord and Taasala; Table and Piano Coven ; Curtain Materials of all kinds, from the lowan pride to the moat airwave. W. it. er, BRO., 1714. tr Store, UV talcilliUT /West. »:~ WANTED.—Three smart;'activis Lida; s Wholesale Silk genes. - Addr '. 4 hiso‘4l. at this office - - 106 Ettik- WANTED-;-By' a "Wholesale - My "Goop , T v house, a PALISMAN of abillti And isdieDea, Ileddulded 'references rnisdia., Addilse lan k Philadelphia Post °Mee. • .1/2-1P • W ANTED —An engagement as Book. keeper or Ladder by a that-ease aild anima rieneed Book•keeDer. Has an 'Vanden and rdinable _ nioratntlie angusistsace In the ..near sad 86uthena 17nexeepttonable refuel:Lee glean. 'Aldose "W. L !, at this calve;' ITUATION- WANTED As' Travelling a - Wholepiler .Importing Wino and Liqtior.Efones. The advert - Mar' - I* bad number". of, I Yeare experience - I n - the aboie ospaeity. andPla,a.' tenets' hnonladre or the Metter trade. Can irrodanC:i the heat of .refereneea Hae -ohhatiork to, Rett l 4:.• Bonth. Addiese, with bane, and 'have Interviaw . can be hid' D 04 - Post omes, Pidladelpitia 0.214.,10‘4, AVANT.Ep TO , EXCRANGE for Impioirrn . city proeorty,`ftee Awn lacusebrazion;lBo terti of excellent SABM Wit, located in Eilodeeetex On New Jersey. The Ballnnul - frinnValnden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid. plains within a abaft di/Estonia thia land. An fnither pa_ rticalara iddresa It. , °Mena "The Pres* Jagl for .041 i anb- aQ, Wit. VOR SALE OREM' FOE , p.s.sarcho - - lint . idred &eras of est:Sliest faint, Land. 'in . the:, fitits of Naw Jersey, 13 miles below ifoisibiter „Tbli egll iff Onsmisiled for. fertility, - and fn a rtpidiy Improving section. Ifor pacticalata s "ipply a stay: otHee. " . jyl.9-sto : $50,000 LO A N, aQppllliernti; aeon DiA-WCUXIS to ewelry, ,' &0., o lV n,,tiod i re j rate terms, by JONSEI & CO., Brokers, N.W. - turner THIRD cad OiSICILL Streets, below Lombard. Ss. tabllshed for the bat 'Si years. Office hour" from r A. to 7 P H. Seeond.hand Gold and Silver Watellea,nby eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale °bean, at ens half, the original eoat. , - • • a.p2S-Inelf fIBAFIB- 1 4in the Union Bank .01 Lon -IL! don. and Royal Bank of Ireland. in annuli wit. for aaleby WILLS, 1,630-0 & inllB4lnift 400 oniseNtir sweat. Doarbirig VIRST—OLASS BOARDING, ',A,T 1104 I 13PR13011' Street: Howie pleasantly slinatsd, rooms airy and handsomely turnished Perrone from the south will find st an agreeable phi*, Permanent and transient Boarders arcommodated. • Jr2S•lkindift • , ritSIRABLE PRIVATE BOARDING for '_ILJr, famfliee ; lar g e and ainall - n;oinir coilinuarreattsis,' homely furnietted ; la , ge gardee attached.; repos reutirod. /529 SPRUOI gtraet Ls'gregitit ' , vmd Hooing,,_ Ls, Megle and in Banta, can be had with erg -thus Board for the Sommer at 1816 WaLsl:ll' SIBJIIIIB. • ' iYA-bn 44utnettnento. ARCEI.I.• TI EE BAPURN qP Tag PAYORItieB NOR ONI WoRK ONLY.: - _ - - _ Commecalrg MONDAY RilletlNG. July 26.1660. imams BR.OTDBAS. PALL .1" TBGtY BnIDMIrd, - MINSTREL% AND COW.BELL-0 starer% amen - rs.rosaiall.' • '; Prank Brower, Punt Wawa. B Carroll, Atilibrosa- ,, A., Thayer, Mester Ren*s,• Hen Von Witelloontar, and-' all tae Nonpareils appear. - - Par fall pArciculArc eel protramtues cantlaur ADMIBBIO Tel areTLITVE 011145. • Secured seals in Drone Circle, IM elate; Onmeetra - Bugle, 60 cents; Beata In Private Bones, 10-miszi Gallery-10 cents; (lottery for colercd persons, 26 o.w!!!' Private Bonin Gallery for adored persons, AS cents. =• - Box °Mee optic from 10 A. AL to 8 P. M. • Doors open at 7,%; to commence es sx o'clock. = lON idollate an.meas efeemyer.- - °DARLA!! A. Kona's, agent.;, • (VI oDoool7Gans (;d DITIEar-Back fAs 11.1 below - • - Ttli OBIAT Hiliel/LIDEZ, eltßor lielßes.NDeZ - • WORLD-EUIROWIeID EBRYORAIRE, - . WORLD.RIINOWNED PERFORISCR,:. EVERY NIGHT, xvzoot IMSEAT IMPALEMENT PEST. - jeS2 ANREAT IMP SiBMISA,T - r9PENNSYLVANIA ioADExt 1 3 1111 FINE ULM - No. -1095 OHNNYNNT STRINT, le open daily; (Sundays excepted,) from 9 A31.. s tin - 5,5.11 .Admlosion .25 Ca. , Children nicliir - I2 rani " half price. Sharon of Stoeki entitling the holderin family to . o/5. zoinoton to' the Academy at all lamas, $29. • -[.."AgSLER'S ORCHESTRA.M.--BASS LBR h BBOTRItit - respectfully easocutei, thet they hare Misted their likhirriat tbeirnisidartee; 2268 LOGUBT OTBSBY, where exerageciects can bemmills am. iawer itefrigrrators. WINSHIP'S • PATENT BELP-VEMLATIN4 REFRIGERATORS. WM ONLY THOUOIIONLY YNNTILATID.TAIID SULTRY ItEdRIGNOATOR IN TEO ARBIT. • IMOD WITH, ZINOi AND - 21111 OMITITO BILLID WITH OHAROOAL Prof 81111man,ln his resent work on Nehrtal Philoso phy, new drawings of this Refrigerator to a/nitrate the circulation of air by the combined effects of on d end - heat, and he nye or its operation, is in boanttfai socordsoce vita Natural Laws, harlog a moth* forms or cis a largo. , to establish . - assi maintain art outlining constant current of atr. and consequent sentilatiba."- . - The hefrigerator hest been need, and is highly reclean.- - mended, by Professors 8 Ihman:Porter, and Theta:her, of - Pate College ;..Prof. Mopes, of New Pork; Prof. C ha s e, -- of Providence; Conunodow Gregory ,- lI N i Dc.-11“ , G. Clark, City Phirtelan, of - Seldom,- and many otitis prominentsolentidc - i , D S. Fernald, Proprietor °Melon AlarimtaTiooklyn, '- says .la an experience of twelve yearn, I base awl -and been familiar eyery -style or, Refrigerater, - - ndtar of which will compare with Winship's. Iliad' , it ventilates perfectly, so econordleal in ice, and pre- - Sorrel meats !splendidly." livery housekeeper lam wishes aware, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, shoal& purchase on* - Winship'e. , please colt and e xamine them For rale by ' NORTH, CEASE, & 1701014 - . so. 2C9 NvatbPLIOOND STISSBP s - Alugor.n jet-3m it ?to. 1010 011.11oTItIIT STREET rrHE CHEAPEST BEIISH,_ HOUSE-1N 8111.6ADELPHIs —Look et the following Hsi of ptioes for Heedsorubs sod °ampere them with thteilt bought elsewhere' No. I, takeofs, 023 p dozen. - • No 2, 62 snots, 75 '• No. 8, 02 knots, 87 ,4 No. 4 80 %note, 100 . No 5, f 8 knots, 112 No 6, 100 kook', 126 ,“ ..814. 7, 104 knots: 160 0 . No, 8,162 knots, 176 it stiletitY U. NOEBTNIN, ' 02 Nortk TILIRD attest, below aro),' - Philadelphia. CHESTNUT SPRINGS WATER-OURE. At 011118TNUT BILL. PEILADSIPSIA Countj, tqr the treatuent or an Chronic anti obennate disuses.- This institution. under the charge of an esperumeed and atiltal Phyabsian, is noir confessedly the leading and most "merged hydropethia establishment In tlinl country. ESPUBISOILS.—=Mrs. Mary Oottriceer, lat nage Twelfth at set; Charles L. eharplace, nag , sown - 'eighth and Chestnut etreeta; George Grant, deg Market street l U. Farrington. Esq., of Myers, _Olag , horn, h Co. Par other rePre DOW, partimvare address DE JOSEPH WRDER L ItESIDANT PIiTECIAI2,;OII.IISTNIIT FILL. lac:Omit it . 0. WALBORN & 00., (Now) Noo. T NORTH BESTICOTIMIrO MANUFACTURERa irEURTB, WRAPPERS, D 83123 VZOONE, Dealers in every article roasting to the GENT'S FURNISRING 81181Nt1313. myl74mlf V A. NTERPRIBE INSURNOE COMPA.- JUI NY. PRISBNT OAPPPAL, $lOO,OOO. - All Paid In and Instated. This Company Insure BUILDINUS, TURNITIID.W, and SISINNIANDIsiI morally, against loss or damage by lire. Ground Rants, Mortgages, Steolumlea , Liana, and other Beenrltiee on Beal Estate, will also be spiedally insured, If desired, DIRLOYOIB. Mordecai L. Davreori, George H - Stuart, John H Brown, B A Bahn•atotb, Andrew D. Cult. - d. Livingston Sir - ringer. ORD STARA, Pre,Jdent. enretarr oath FOURTH Street, until pany's Building ra AND WALNUT STS. Ratchford Btu; William Wiles, Nalbre Frasier, Jobe M. Atwnod, Berl T. Tredick, Henry Wharton, If. BATOR 011ARL78 W. COX; Tecarmy Office. 162 the complexion of the Com. W C082~E4 1017.11 , mylB-2m W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of Wrxm c•• onaarsa Soon. ) ra'gNTLESIRPtIs aroftlel and SHIRT idarrIIPeCTORY, t , 14 oiteantre (Street, nearly opposite the Girard Homed Philadelphia. J. W .15 would respectfully call the attention of Iris former patrons and friends tohis new store and (a pre pared to MI o. dery for SHIRTS at short roller, 8 per fect tit guarantied Wholesale Trade supplies; with. tine Shirts and Collars. bgIAY L IIMBER.-160,000 feet enperlor AA alid 4-0 Rtobtle Plooring Bnirds. 50) 000 White Pine tldards and Plitikoiesiened, and In thickness varylug from % to 0 huhu. 200 000 Plastering Laths. 50 COO feet prime seh Plank, li-4'to 6 babel tbhek. 200 COD Spruce /data and Ratters, and 0-mob Plank. Spruce and White Pine Pickets, and 6 feet long, pointed and Tog-deer with a gamma assortment of welfacasoned Lumbar for building porpoculur cabinet Makers. ' Yor eale at moderate pliantly &Bogy T. Piivla. & CO. LOCUST and TWBNTY•YOCSTB Str,ete. MARSEPs MUSIC STORE, No. 1102 OftlfirSin street, Shiladelphie, Where all the latest and popular t am can be ob. tow r r , m any cattiogle in the Unitet states. In strnetion Books, pat Pitney Songs, Ballets, aci New °Meiosese will be forwarded to any one, pog-paid. Music sill be sent, post-paid, on receipt of the price malted on catalogue Pablithing and reoelviog new UCU4I O daily. Statical Intamments sod musical sec chandifie of every daticription at importers' sad menu faCtUrere prices. 101 ORNEINIIT street, O . IIRTAIN MATERIALS AND TRIM IL/ MINGS of every desoriptiou, Late sad Muslin Cur tains Qold and Gilt Border Window Shades from *lto *14.50 each. with good strong Simms Strangers are respectfully invited to examine our OM's. %holesale and Retail. Curtains suede and arreeted so as to be pat up at windows without any difficult?. W.B CARRYh& BRO., Curtain Store. Idneorte jyl4-ti if 719 ORS sTNITT Street. QTEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSO3PIO .. rictan 0 , 4 In great Talety 'rein fee London •t 4 Puts Sttrecna - Tie Con .of latest Imp-and-on vo hot, nate and rated, at the F toren enpje jim t ar, 11% .deittla 1.01 'TIL Btieet 4 below Chestnut. jy23 M. J. TR A.WHI.Iff, aptielsa. VALT AFLOAT.-1,200 socks Ashton's 1 , 0 sae; 600 M allik.tra do ; n 0 0 0' :verOlicA Grotnd e streir,d pat itip Nortlzarnm, • — ns • • 2 1 - 6 V 4 - 131 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers