4-• • .. ,-] ;'''.:ii-4 - ,:- - - : ';',„-'7','',7, -,.,,-," • - vr,' rStWS, .1 . - -:„.•,--:,'.1:1 . 1%yrjrVLILIRI44Ato,„7 - ='; 7,- ;'JI ',tar- rIXI&.-- „,, v•iill : l4 #l ,- 4” -r4 " -re,'''. •,,,, ; ,,,,, A -2-,, ~.:;:f..,4. ' ....'t,14:0 -1, :. )7• C - ::::. -- . 1, M , Vi5 - Piv,--,., -'',- ',:--,','"ri; '11115;4:4•.i1_,..., _,..., , _--„, , , ~ ,-,r; ~,,"---- -,,,t.,',l?"*"'''4'f''''''' '--.. - 644- • -'rt,e'' ;34Til 1-:,- - -' , 1 , -- - ,1:•:- i -, .„,-_,..,- -,,-,;---..,,ir. , 41,„‘/4:. , ~ • ~ --j)-iti ',-- ::' • 16::.:, --e,,,',;,:iiliiiiil4A*; 7o- natot4o4ot:Al. pahc : . :,-:: itotigr*altli,t2lo4oo4- 4 0. 1 ,: ~(414014°- -=ktt:kt - , 114140"' .` _ 5; :- ;: '7 ' l'i it -1 4 1 410 4 . 6 .4 1 ‘ --Ititapili4 7I,FIMOVIitat ....r.•,,f , .:.__:. , Tbe:Pooy k o ! ,.. v . ikaceit. ,.. tri“,j,,a ~ _ ~.; ' ,24till a i liu ld ) r dill.iiir - '' ' 10.4.161,alii.;iiViiiiii: ‘r -.!!",n:,/ •,:',:-°:,fk;it!C.44lolloo44r4*ll trjifWri t 7 fg l r 4Y " .: 1 1 -- I'Y-i7Lihinr**4o,ll,rl::iltifiligilig ~.-,, ,liiiii aiolltbil'4;‘i,j4,llthiliV tia ", a .,. , ~- , : _4 a: v -- :, P:M-':lfDra-turgi%siii-4131:1Xillrilrik,' -"" T r r- t47444 1 041 .•." . -3--"--- ""1-6700,-1410.6*-tikt,t6.-. , 1-,2, , 4,!i..K51; •sif'-j 10 the laidroUltilfti,litilAi t rvi6V,ditaii . u TIN Xiote-D.4 •• - rroopie,,lxtmr 'WO i late Mc.ll),.**l4lfrnamotilitor;*-41k.AZ,11,•,, 1 - - Await:ll _Mkllsoliyo4k Asituoo-44;itoltAffildr, ,:,--:-.: ~,_„••.I,A PlillitalritivairmiNMlMl,4.7; ---- --,- „•tti ' ' ; tr ' '' li - 6 4 7/11- .c l il a k 4lo otict-' l ;tl4- - S;,i •-.,, ~ - 1 vi f l - ~,i i ` 4 -• - ' 4 ' 2: : : ' t,'Art•".4,ltiAiiiff:. .. ~-.-• ' .4L.tek . l. us ' _f - . T. ' --- ~-414.:4,0•4;11'.',;4°J,110160141' IM., us 1 '''- : '--.''''''W'4ll"'l4,o dAtraniffiii .4- sit 4 •o*,9P,,„ , Motto .; „ lc ; ~... ~,,,.„.. Tams ir, a.,01 tw 1.9 th; is t in,- Utt_ e ldri c kd - oilatilli AR, PrrP: i , ; Amorlooko mh o -- ,, , ,wy,,,,,f. 4'„ ~- -K ,„ __, i _-,.. q ' , eutfoA,44l!/.,wiktt,ve.i,, l i iii i iai* Whist - .`,.' Sati*Able**s.P.„"7,-- ~....%....- , ,..,-6- ---,.::'. '..', t ' .-. •I': 7: tifo(ft4:o444,3„,";lait:Ai, ili.OLk.,-**-"P!.;, 1 . 2 ... 1 - ~ .. t, aimir.t - Pfek--.. 7 1, __, (~. ~ ,:k, ,s t 7 . -1?:-..4 , 7--; - ':- ." 4 "'"" r ` e! " 3 "4:11 . 4 it' o *l**4l:;""4** ' '' ' ' -It '" 114 kt-- spit w ...; . ... - , .., - .: , 7 „. ,-.--,--- ii*;irlitiiiy.cidbiiteli_4ol4--= -,_ .- 31114 " . "9" - - , 'Thitiimsoiitigt </aro t _ ~,, , _- s io il: it" 11-fr k. ~ isloo;.,,Aoilinatik P ' _7:: volt---Jklitail.ArMliPliiilord OilitlV-htCrkit -, -.,:-,- Abril*,‘ll4l,ll2L‘-,;,,abc7odiilllllidf **l.-, ,t, i '.:-' '-'" tt6lllP44'';"..=-6111=Atitfilthii66.,11,tv, mitortIJIVI L ,,,,,4 O --imori-Aatuookrififf,- ,•:'.,-; ,_:,'--44040w5'A,,1N1F.,,z47.-A4e,V.1;1;,-4-4',ti,.:Ziv;77,4l,;'•,_Tc-';',l, 1 fZ t il tfteiftA f f, 4!'4' -' , ' '-*' '- - ' iiiii*siA';:'; 't 1.-- ' ''--,'!ri-itifie::#l,l*-KF`t.FATlt,4.tite iois; :: -,',._ :',114iM0.444_WP1-Vettiti - ti 'i '. ---_ •:".', ROA' ;•911,01k...t•..._„47-11,'",,,,f, ',...tzia,cialoorillunqtrz-,= i'`j,r,;' - : AII ilm -10 # 110-1 " ,,, 5 -7 171 - h a tt la ilitz la lit29fM,loo •: - - , ~, „; 04,011,11-11444-'.r,,c, !4,,,,:. -r; ~i .!...:4.4?, :: :1; !.' ' - ''...`. ;al ii,katilfiftl kOtl,t , A.- '' .. , 7 '''' L. .' ..r. ';,..., V., :\ : :'4:1;I a 1 itAii iii Oil ii li ii:10141.4 4 . 42..ii.,;,,i;.-;,: ri r.„ ir k i i I . s: . ' ----- ''''' 'Xiks•*.whiliii)orioil: from. lt;lst tl r e e s ixi n:t .t4 i_ Lti n pmitil:' , Orti lviniad 'ofll , o l, ol;Nbl4:: 1 . , : :' New -., -d--eiric-IIII).1100:4114 -., -• 'J, : ;'' - , t ' , --,-, 8 ititioriotAklY.elr•,, '- ' ,'", ! ', -, ;•-, ; :._7-llll*lfefl,-liitilif,..4tiii ; ehtro At -- i . I" -' '' '''-'l4*-11*91ItirT I.ofifirlig.oo 6E34 ilflr ` r ' -' ' 1 gan allitirris i i iitied:At i-li gr7 1 !: 1 ",a• -:: ';--,Det' 40110f1:11,„;01-194- ..-!td-!1-,-:-,W..;., „ : '-#lll4-,'"''',, ~•---,..- - "` ,,r tli'riiii . iii.'tisillre* ..' -•;,,, Oirtiree.:Foi . Plll,-, : - t- ,tt ..,•:it' EF.4 , , • 1.,, ,c4t00:41140 f i • , ' '' : .' : -- ' : -. . ,-:-1 .=.' 5...i-.4.i' oliit r-fl liq : i 21 T ~.,.I...bte.4totk, V l ,5 1ii:10 , : . . 4 ' . „. 0 ' : - 1 i _ :: foriioir b I I -1Wif • :1 4 4 1 it 1. ; ,,,, ik-OOROK ;__ - 05ttni to idriiiii je' 4yt47AmAlloonar", . ' AU MO 4 0 Ili: - - ", , , = : , ,qfp:' , A- f , ' l % . ‘' -",•,`• 'ii '- ~.....,..„,...,,..0, - R,,:, - ;.-..:-_:.-7:-..„. 4 7 0,00,,,,4-„CO)iiri*Sroxi k .,,t 7l bo:ilor dtr ...,. iitiiior:Ot;l.l;e4liew,..rditala , :for.;`-thir-Watiat'r*os. - '•Pilibytirtilili (Mini* iris jil4:ol#olAttlipli*".ll.. -of Ibliliaitabli4k-oid !'irakdit : 4414: t, - - -, ' ritivrelill.'.o 114#2.,INgstal11011A , Ths;i:irill . 1. a' ,large 'ibrabai , it--.ladias ii , l' , . - .'aiistloated pr it...td - - ',limier , the oatejaptiOeritdif, WO plakivco'6lol( thir,7**Oses - vAiiisiv_e4C-WIL'.; eittir,:iiddiyiiiii , ' 'ilkielt:::rikalall*imlcUli.V Avf. - 4 4911 fric,i ( alinittc -. ~ ';Set: lit;,4iro, (id* a)ro',asailerii vietrea-quoat aiD ' -' l. - ,- 4 4 ‘cii.',. 1 ,11`0 1 011 ,1 citleddloi , tbizids - ii *pranging; • =,., a matt taair ir bilititilliV,Olit; .#101 . C4143 0 114:41tf ---*;.- - -Virt'oisio'idiritoot/tifat , jraireldirKgOad ; dwell-, -',. loaq; cod gorgeous ' asidiiiiiiii , :it-ratille, 'Milt:oz, . : ' n aaoidriay ,attragit di' the alit ot..otirlialanaa , til '' "•_ ...161‘114* . aiDat)iiiiVitdicrif.401(901lailltilittaaa , -, ' jorsa r liisPikyds4, - ottac.llviagAld The mares& dood,tk-tirolitailz-illidattaAkfatiaOts4l,rhate klairaitialikthesowaoardrir.oiromdelihs wire, ifo, • . „- - ttaiiit, to their 6110m:the. raosaaisital Pholtify': • werealmait'tirriiikirol - itif 'iiiiiik,ffi" their d l dt4yii2ll; - ~,- ; ;- a ufrfMta** 0 Ibi!W, * .fefoontif MO: kt.b.rOgy - 4b."0.44: 0010,fred-hypti?rogi.kllkevi..o9lkAr ''-." •"; ' 7 ' lllll /of 4 0. 1ia 1 0045 0 40.4..i40 , . ~.,,z-- , z-- - 'iltiiy.:.l - : mbieVl4o9lo;,l).-.ArLatioPOltivroiC- 47. fromigditiWWlls44l,6ol4l4dilltasittrilpialiq,for. -- - r '-- = Oonivitoliii.OV:kl+Olid-liallitlieltagy Astlil It Via,: - 0 11 1 qtr* :41 grjhanib!tOtiTtedal.4:9 1 *C-1Y: 4 .0 ,- ;..-';'-ory Ori`irailirrabaisoiri. - I *dilielka; bending b e. - W4l l o' , ltliKittilift... 4 ho l ,4* , ktiverlk - --, '-'.*T4: 64 Oilkkatlgn . J . -.47 6111"ni..0111111.;:c -'. ..:. rairibitwo;44 , !..4oo4l , o; : st,a valve oP, sormadloir lirofirtfid‘a4aryiatirailatiaarner.,:4o-,o4lraArla: .; ' .. - , ebutelli,lbe7.lksi's l 4iiiit. tri'rej liiie:foKilk a loatit:' 1'...... - -4.4.43alliaro‘m:otinta , .toWat:lottv . a.ldi-aitilitaid , t _. ; . -`atiratal Mai . buixdaltVlieito SAW' iti.vslue br ~ - ~_ the 4'. 'reoriirdr4tarr,44lo„ilWApilii - 4 , 411 6 ,4 9.1 4- . 5- iviniorrp- Itaker;!.llOrt'i pio,ll4iiiitif ~thojio' lid ! ' ':::::'',of kilisters,dr_ thdrodiroastioni - rood: aMt treld;- [' , -, - ;., - artforttlait - -rironi."o.pOidtlie.Tk;ilki'efirsiiilliodd- : He idso: - &air "iii - ioomilt, cie:the *sib , ;history- of , - - ; th‘gitlfdlik'ilial , 4,olo';olioiriatoic'Ofaiii.b 11fdliire r -, -' - '3lautliatt,tdr4C'VOotodfATAiOoOlki:Oblitai'itehP '• - - leatiats - Jitifitaill'A oas - rodeol . - "aci - W -2111- -ez-ii WIWI' - "ff"" 1 or, tali. building idlf WO i elijiatlOloc ; [ - : - ‘ll - 00 , ,;44907_,1iiiiy.012•..0tia,18644!_0t - 4,07,tkv, -and*biokOwii*OlocA l ool*aibitit TO 1 0; 1.. 110: - . 6 .'" , :'lhe"yaaal-arlillfir , t60 -- build i ng r will - *p i Ibropi - -aaajwilalliriko,lo! . .lo:.lorriddirttirkoophit ; „, ]-: ol .uti*lTALMOllA**4otisiiti imoollmn,Miii, I-' ':aPProWitttilbcsoplo6m..4;othlw.:„ inav . -,--,-., sots.rii*fiii.tif, *V irriatittraWoraaamaratifi rritik i : ,-,- Oikrolloo.,,lattittalta-iitilt• Ilio`aslolliii44t ~ ,- - milli eoi tt io l d, 'l l d st , „! . sio ll i tiogf- 161 ' ai 0 0 4 i W , " eilffig latii'aioitaz:-,3101n atidr-ITIO 41•4044,rP,; k inii•Yofi'ilmf-'ll4etkilf 4 :ialth - feltedilat'alaU2 - 41* I - `- ~.,. Olimilit - niiiii g ;.”;,iiii - _fidit7:Ntik,fatiliiiiiii , '- I- -.- - will larottastat,i,akAttorisl :plaii,'idtit , o/oirstidt: i ; -sboitlialk , ftso*.Vabriiitl.kor- loot:0411c sadliaad;, , " 2 !odfd: , ;•7ka adialealfirttOPW - glatiCiiithtfelalfe„ •.-atorriadloit arig.*)lo . i,er.ilipaillifis .31fed_rfOOY-. - - - aild MOO*: tatiWiyeatlit tiPlai . :4odiplafad ;In i ;-: -.-• ciiiilikl4-AltiLdattiltir,--4.o(o7lo4WPO:dfr,r, I '-' ".- 'Wf - ihre . "' ,44 uKukal44,4o l, 4_o o .firrogli 1 9 - 1 , - ', - - 4•ol.l4oPair lip lii -, the' 41orserdlOs0,itkilt,th*: r-': : , I - --A°T.4-fl=l.o**,:din!)6.Y.,l4.ll:.'t*Pl4-Ormtri',Wi z, . . , :irairmt.GailiVerrnas_onithe eloterp i thie,, - ;--.-i , s-' 1 ,-,, , ~,."- li-/rtiZAiroo4***alat*ll;lso , ,b oldorri4o,*_ :.,;., I r.. OtArA t t,.lo l f.kfßOOP.r - 540M1 1 0 1 011 , A 1 01,r,4 ,- „ t ~ -,.'-. I.l:l4oo , o•4;Thrialrirlialtt:4l*ittifOr O. g ''i ' - '- -”, ia.4l4l4loitzl4ltiraciffiaAtirtii_lWri - this",-adir, (.?;21 , 110trilati itiON - liti:4l**2o6Goof,t* ~:' • : , f '::' , O.itit, 41 1 00.1.pilitiliFirikaitiWiftrorefk . 1 , - ' - - - 2 - :sfrot#.4o-..0r , goi4oo4LikalbOiNisic ; ,lllisi , ',,=-.' , 1-111rOANdlordro Win liajtimiketl',atalortnisiviikdoxik 1 - " ; - - -/ 411 0;VAdodFdid'alo"*• - "rifialaliiitiiritial ,- -laiti,ir• - i .., ' : -- :;;dri prtit. - iantaabik of takviaW iaEdid.;lll , 4lar:, i ,- s - Molt 44- Vial #49o*it' 7 . ,,peinoilicleot theoir . aosiamillasa- - -',.,5 ~,- c'.. , '--7, -, ,",- y . ~..:0 . , . .:,:: '.. -, i , - - :.„--4 Saatioettllr • lii4oWiiii;ll;;;k4Ctat, ilite,NlALAtie 6 at listattattiorravaiihr-41 , "-:yiarry'mili!ile , :atieg lif - - i.e.. yffii orloadr - refifiiesid,riatroattaliloot Ilatr.- or, : bid* 24111 , ;14 - fate14.114_16Cilii, , *IWO L;1111114014.10,. -, gout* aoraittaigt.l*AdiladititoC*l: - oleofolol fidio - - - Mao !or*, ;Or 1 1 0 0 ,, C.7:- 4,04 4.#** -- **Oi , -0 1 0 1 104 r : groriii.Z . l6l=r;e4l,4=4„ . ,;r it tiV ~ :sieln*ijoi•slkkgimioliffc - tat t o w s - ''' - f ili ." 47 4 .;-- r i - 2 1,1 95 61 1, 11,4 101i.* aplOrt torViroi: "%bawl_ , ...,"1" , 'molt , ' s ' Ordaak*Skirtatildratti,crvidi'lifieh -V ll,4 9trearttlat a ." oninr„or,,,tnnnintoainniiinser 4c=inpionisionpoi3inli•r , %sada os dffrodlotr, - oarll polio, aidadeoaroolodliaf tro- , . f - , 60444 itnalsont4,.,.neernt non eir4 e tlit 411!':itt , dirermilffiCibnnattoCwltaelt,Miti,iftee ~. t_ r t44- i- tf:AV(*jMff:'':ipralilfny,,T4wq , , ~, t ,- r..kfi., : ~p , F , r ' R ffsikX,Lair *O-1100 . 0t'orilyikimi.c;AIIiiii'sip 1 1%! :.- -,artlaribi-siiir:iairrattttoridod OftialWatqfPW,ltaw - lent.' fkolitink:abilitfr . int itbikli;ianornObtimonsla lo? -1 * w t i , 444 9 4 .4.,_ d1i1it t0 4 11 - 4 4. .te - '°., ' ''**- ? 4 ,l it lort !'44l k . tVii i ttl i pi• ~. -. -" - rii; bin ir, inb " vor d lii=iirionad, lb. corn. atm ariaitofrpt#lo 4 looedlor Aids netkiinil..P ,, ,,-;' , ..'' --,- - - - ~ In' ainienliel':loll4-.lll* -- nottilaring, '110' 7 ;14 ;Wei; '--- - veins Af-01400.40.tfirc - 111k0411 egildiltifiddi. WOW bdair*llliefaitayfaikr , fflarauaaasjagaaktkapf*: -!- ',', , lhair aptiVitwoaralVl.id!" , -..' :, ,- ''. '-, t ! 4- -;,, , -",.. , :'%='!:s 4 , ' t 1 *l,*4-# ll ftatil*- 1 54444 ,4111 4 X!lS;ioi . Ciocakii 1 .- '',. - i'4 , t'i r ellit,=' ,, i4l . 4 a dir.. ! rit 4 41 :4 1 , - 4V. -... soesia. boitto4mtomiiiivktog.44pettol of toad: aatiorat - itiolne , itiVar - Ihradsl.lol.l*Atilegis,.olr• taireatiattallowaala , aatiaiatuat.ornatadoont-shyr soikk - 44:11arli la 0 , ma eitiri-olookii inlenbY ,•111 , 11nr• - 'Ai id, lidioktoroorov'et ' , llko-uoimou of *lt city: to I ' '.-' 10, liko,:"o9 4lo oldiAtt- stittattriar",:tbarifor i _sad 4+0 , 1- - ".--.--: s4o•ol,nl:,ooi ci Arlfr - tfalloPl Of 110-00,01)I41..;; 4 :-..lMlZZ=7,emei piti . ZAM P. ~.,,, roosikailaif , "ilifi' - to I ' limr'.ol•/It t g ....., - ,„,-,vbfkor Apt liiiiikli iihit.-4 , 7 IlliTt'OilikfilAiWo '--,- , Ord ba4040,,,,710201111•4_,„_,V#410,01,000:1.1.1 .- .( -"1 r 1! " 777 ,, t -- 7:4liiiii, --4„ 4.i444. 0 40ft .= , -,,ilete..i.ifssii.i.4 , 4.:o4, o ll**aiibihdri.o.io, i, , , ~.0 . ......,-Naidl ie wov .. , 1115,irdi0n04,114-404:#AriiiiP; „,,,„. un awar e - Jtorjarnoil: ~ 111 10 1 ;o 0 a,W , v11 1 -44 i t ott -,- -- Lim ors Aretote:o4 , 4 i=-'' Awl sot ,16Cilr lijiti t. ' 41 - 4/101#, 4,, lirit ; -,„: ::, - instridit,_,- 01 - .t. - 1,4 - 11tiAll 1144/10if ...'eat-lide -, b . eriffial iitalf4 - Itie/irtaiouWaarlto,arroarre 1 --: *aloes aoilli**ll',iiii4eddrie:i'afard,',446l.l.lo, '; "--= : -, eoryitiets - ,'aid h .lfik,....„ rn '..oll,4•CrartatatLik - aad:rag i d . , rbt, , i,oit.4;til.Pttme . :7,-,7. ( ./ ,, ,!. - xxlv , A . 74,aftti4rcfitit *.kw o r,tiyio t ..0.“,,,, 01 , --i- 4t e:ri,_ oury,,e i: i -,_ - „1.-Ilif 0111044, , :fees iii . '':;,=.Jrisbraitiltiliiimi IC 1 eogfidQiiiiiia. - ' . '• - iiifilit- , :liil - ig;PitijilikriliAllpi#llllo7infwi ' • : , '.iiitlid,4lWilllivAlK-, „coolois. l .;` - 4004, L. .itfot-'O4; t: .- , :, , ii•tok - ,... -.. - ii,... ,igsvota - s ill. i ! lu4or f i .g07.1!r tii=llf.c't.idr=miavao4l , f 2 •: , lei - - * ..-, io.tlik*?..T.ivriptirk m,, ,, , Thu, l'”, aidlitaitooliOni' ifikui -4 . - 4ohout rim iiittotlii I"--:;the pa get. - thlliniittital non.l6‘, -- - iiitli , -tikii _ ,:r - 4000*.i.;40..411018. i" - *ini*riiiilt lii " it; kliq,4twa ,rog,Pt f!.1.1_ et -.., ----40,0140 - willow/le - iliHkatoo. - tkll4,Alf,„ ibukitTli I , Bll'l,llcomiritAtioeito , oiklipsdi..s iiifi 4o oo - wiltiloatwtlProf i ,-,4 iirourewtoiam , _. ~ , ,, , ,, , ::....., : i ~,, I :: , , - rcitiorim --. --- 40 - i**4ooo. I - 4 - 40,004..iattr ,-I `;iiiiarpouttitworthoo _li , oillik tiffigayt t . :.„- - :,<„: , ~ ."7 ' I.' , - - 41460151ifOofutatilirOirciffivt iv - , '; - ;.ditt efirblik - - 0140 ,- .17 - ao4 o r - *4loltder, 1.-:, ~ ..,"- - advi, AeogrAtivoi • Aq - ,;..1)14,41011#. .4hrr.aulariti,- , -aik ti '' '' • •`OO-widalsitttf! ~. roargifir .04,4 at 1 ..1 : - .P- otrolVdirtra#ol;; "u.:***.ifillel':io4l.tiolt ~,,-:,, ow wr;v44peti. ii#44V.191M14# 1 11717-#3.! 4, r..., 1 101 v1r. ap ipil , tr.z 2- ,..,; --- ,:. ,,,- ;'' . '-‘,..----!,•-$1;--i --.1tiiiiihirtiartqatilit4itt.tfOiti ir I ' l ''' -- ' l ' - ' - ' "'''' ' ' " ` - ', .ziiist;tiii- v--- -- -- ... ... MMll== ' '''l i lai tlii et'l7 ';', /tIiIUPWAINOW " ft a ' af ° °°n ' 'abeist iiiili"aldill, a bid • iartied Okada • Vaiskliki waailla playlet, ttniffreniefordz.road, - near Dau. ilia' tre the Iles of the Beemid.. and:fflibtd. streets 1 ff,“eiter lenetsy, winitMarif run eyes by`the, gaup the toed:" Hi was okewsked' down Mad, . soltir,Alat:ed by hOrICIIICthf. oar' war tito r w'd-nnil' and '*7 , flanged. by , a 'anti ifoidatetoOntaa* ,, .;... , 4,1 . -.. . , .. f 2 !_;t4iit ' Bl.oll,-. 4 Thii dice between' the riehts l!Gtibert'Aand '' Mann,'' that !Ai ,announoed, to 4 ; 1. 0 44 Votitail"T 'rnorning,:wite not completed. .714,tioats started sa thou. th e ,Witeimorke, P' o .. Sead. i'll 40.W1S the Ater - no d th e ;buoy, ,the Namur'f-"laattlirined.,,ldasthe.return they both 1 gotlasheis At Red Bank. ~A t bur last Insioalkta Sher *ere still Short „ ~ -.fa lianOstAx. 0 . o on osu ea of .4) .ffitittil ' ir ' th ' 'hi t ,pron AttielpliiiAllineet , in city on' the 6th AtfiliNaair.'witarpaaeoatattm ate ezpototed boil - Most Of, the priioni In the different States, Ind It is 631 0satad-thal a Milt of :thiledeliberations, mookialitible bafotkintiOn,adit be oommunleated j i'leitard to the treatment of prlioners generally. 1, Idnisitra" . .ffeernalUr-L-4 hod of 41r. Henry 'ellWWlrkailfd * Jai issAininioldint, on Weanee. day tv l ealag,tity being caught between the bump. -eni o two sail: on: th e Pennsylvania Rallroftd, at 'RIO talk and Market streets,, whereby pre; of :M il er nni a-° - 0 / 4 41 1 ;t:n ien g /(4 . I" to Ir,,b.dal:4lil' flitif dilligelleary; • l4 - —ST°P,Rqskgifr"7.4l:ll/1112, :named Samuel 'watt*, wan- Otatted - ,ffesterday: inOrning, near. Feaukford. an ltie'littarge of tobbtoff the stable of i Mrs..f boudenslager of a quintlty of harness will** . tiblad ist his poseeselon. The harness• was - Hens. Ated,l MaClks ,tb let 'committed by Alderman 1 2 11 1 k.. 1 ....' . - ;Siwir'iliti PAnz ...4bO r y,nantel 'Jneoblies. ;Mi. about six years of agi,was very badly brirt by falling out ef o ralvindow in alimotrok greet,' below (Ward "UtenstiV - ii'-Weidneeday,.' Several of- bir sibecerisehroirep., and be,'Vell ta severely injured, ahat Malik iff stalkOfi.' - ' , ." - -;'. , , -- ', : fliikatt-Itisatio.—The ...aplie of,. the • -new it i ntotrof 81.13tiptids. at •Twitinttoth and-Cherry struts, was eneewtsfuliy relied to [6f:fashion yes. Urdu .afteroooo,,,,'Xiiii Opeitittoi wan *aeons. Tahiti bY i • ;veg pie*, pleoe - ot , epglnetiring, and was wiwimed bye large orowd of , people:, ,‘..311.7( 0y 4;,. .ik.--Yesteiday„Toorning,' between nine aft-t io '"ithk;:liratt a!laidi...r4otaaa Coffin, .abOut one:lure of BPI *ea din doer hr *lager ,biar wagon.: Jiw,wia pleked up , and.iontslisa to his home at Fifth and Oarpenter streets. ; ' s log -Biomer.r..A. teen named' John Colter; iv loyed In a;:pinynns-framo meaufUtery, near ~o f il i fif‘iiid ,t (tbbtio4Stsito; bad his 'arm broken , lestar.4flYmeraldgt;,ll4'irte. caught in' the ~ ma: niduuywhili - eigaged s kitils'oeoupation. , . itt„lntsolleitted tnati. fell into ' cellar 'yester-, dug moiotokcin Titbit', • striet, ' below Sue. Ills 1 name was Michael Sullivan. He was pretty badly , • WOrilider.evehiTig; OLsilee dliopeirithWar fined 1115.btfor violating the city or- Abaco atieloal disekergisg s cart-lost of coat on I.lfisgewalk; !FiPIANdiIL'AiP, j tOPERCLIL )- ' Till'Ol "Efillit.frithrSOL ' I , • '., ,-• Zonsisnoravits, July2l,lBsV. • The 'Min from EttroPe by the AMA& bad only , 'the' adhot _of, making _the Moak atarket today In'orivsenoteadys 01 , 4)11 than loi the =pa st `week, pad thi rOltird Of I,lM,tramoilelions hhoiranii , that"ner• Tointftlitt'lla,i9/,' , Whick • einiritoteiiiii , th e;, Markel' whin ntaltbar the - bialli - nOI the ' beari'feel that . &it hayti thiidyantage, and ; are strong enough to' own it to. accoun t .. Reading Nitro rose to 221, , ~, , ' oo d lan off' again to 22k Pennsylvania Railroad , soidloorifriely 414, the closing price of yea i teittlaY 4 (Bank•kooks, Weis - du% Two shams of Itbli Cotainnifirialthiotd - sil '2o} ; fourteen • of Me. Abanics'itt 261; Oity,as advanced'}: 7 Oitiwiesi, I woken per cent. bOndesold ik4o, Mid ,the chattels mit tgoge_los at 46; liiitigh Beat 25 ; North Pone titionW:l2o. it 8a1,711a7631; Pennsylvania Ball ' -I '..isid nevota mortgage 6i it Si; and „Little 150bnyf ~,-.:, • tl7„ 4 ,485„ :- r• ; : - , , -_. • •2 ke,iinneY -,,,„ 11'0106;0 ,very 'eteady. its chief :feature is A want •of oonfidimae in the fature,'re ' stialnifx?olders of capital from any 'operation' 10,ifirlitg' eilek; ltiiirevee slight. The limited stmOinimtlistio dont at ibisiseason Argdor the de i,Minalm -be light 4 and•thongh the banks ars very `Akita": Mid Prudsnifliniri ll' AnaPParent anxiety 1 0 0 4 4; inii7 a 40,4 b s evAppii _mei: Zie great ~. iosjilty oCkbem. bows made nitheir anoonnta for slionti•'weekiraltiad and ,gone away- from care and thit counting bones their bodily powers. iLlftlei native illeinem Oen be looked for until - the ;middleof Anrilltt,'"Pt fliere w il l„bard l 7b o a 9.7 ohlagior intiOrtantio 1.17 tie money m a r k et' prior to fiat ifirie'..: . '." i 7, ~ :, --, ' ' 7 ," ,_ , Tha principal skeet of =the foreign can. appears 4.1$ ;have lieel l,, qp# l4 lVid,hi the cotton dealers; that artlalohiyingelitimidi e ately ad trauma. _I he sisdienee,in consols and -Prartekt and Austria, re1kih . ',40 4 4.P4i'. 4 . 0 4; 90010 : '- ti'ac Pt t i. o ifliPiaiimdir • Ibi elireinuetatieee, and will doittstless be followc4 litis lintel, itiaudinsPAlMEAMion 7 Tibias, of July lith, glreoli• parlienlirsAi follow.: - "..'4 , JIM AT Bromistc—Thii bIUP keen. liettlitg.day itainasolo,VMOCelfmt,,Ottbitontldennem of the ratiothas- bin biellliitimoialnary. ' The opening tr asoetipas wart Mit Am Of Iller ;Maki And the nmyartnno**9,..llitinaglatelYvaatits,forther pro grons..,,, Them•waa thin a thoodolo,'but the latest oritittrie wer•at warty tikblatiao quotatioa of thirAsy.„ 4 „Tois lirst Ole* wee 941 th l' from which - theywent to 25f Tbafeirwbedi •opeedad to'the thipatik'nf the Emperor, in thedifoniteur,"leell fellriAbe airmlolles smie:likely a relaxation of hos ,utittes," then eansed_q p&p. to WC but the i'ffeet, was only momentary ,' and the botieluding quotationwas MU) f. the reasons for the fermi-a toms suggeded by_ the life,siteur being obvious.- lint "Stoat 1.0'0_022Q t0 4 222,` Realised And ; nqw,Taree p_ot ,Veritei 934 ;Jodie Stook, 2la to 'III :,- - India Raw Lotos,ll4lto 1 ;:f.adia Ronds,lot, setasdissonal; and Exchequer bill', 23s to 270 •,, ,,, PAltus 7 ,'°-Frideiv,`Tsly'B-4.5 P., lit-- , Benbta are „iffersdnat . , 65f. 25n: , g.1, , P.d.k10t-Oroat' agitation prevails on the Bourse, and it is ,almnak IMpossible.to transaot litil'osol.. ifteotel 86i 089 e, ~s., __• ' , • „ iris4 , e - s.—Th•-rigiwaleususs. , Meta - are 2 20, P. M • • ••A. further klee'of a' r helf boa *tee 1 17 , 17r -,-..- v ico ti 4 3:6 ll)°l l4or.. 1 .141 be:le ry fitr n ese n ei :il l ici t :4l,6l, .11,eiTseqr,•10e 'for money and, 05 t 600. for 1 '0904. hernia file of 21 per cot. slums Yee „, R' way_littaite Are front' ,10f. to $Ol. , higher. 4319 t 710 , ritt! 9 7 ehatei 4.0y0 aim Ill” 0PAdd1ta ,b11.,'73.:"..-YL7.- ovit .7. rOvionn i t*lttli B:4lUtrlait ,Metallias hive Alsnikfi• Ply .0 0 _, 9 '..; : I : • , `-' The New:is/leans Rimini's , * of July 113th rays Of 111'441 affithrs, therskthat " there is but little liolnifiquidaYartuteitt; and such will continue , :411144' the condition of tlangal for the next six wank"- Money; filo:toad' demand, . and although Itratiolem paper eau canbe paned to u ltmltad extent at pittper erekr;' , yet the hulk of offerings, ,is 1400 4 • 4 44 .9 0 9 :, 190 14.00 1'7, 99 liood,',whiolt cannot be'dosst under 14,112-,per omit, , The dim. tniiienginidiriA2 n , by: - the Rtitropsa way_ seems ra lbOr to., *stand ,litai:dhsiinielt; an - ispitalists leykumtrisillsialrliiilaffY la, making their 'sweet. `made altar - Li - fa lcireir diderilti in - ido *liking aceornioodations outside of oortain leading sileandelvireTWClllCAlle int o79o t of Ow would f i11 , P 09 r.,,t0 be t. 0.109 101• 39 47 i. 99 . 19000 74b1* end ' :deer Al pOffiblls: Thera it noth ing doing in stooks, And the market Is keoreptite'blrelk.r - The Alba ;Journal staiii• that the Boise and Wittertown Railroad Company bate taken format 'possession of the 4 Waleitnuit)muLPOtlidam road, is anderserof •the istter,4 Cot inertpage bonds M. the amount of some 489.1,006 4 . , itti Jilottride has bilimlAppoisited , msporinhindspti of the ?MOM= hicilon. _,,,, , - . s. * ''' ",,'. '''f' r- ' .." ..; • Ito Are Mielidtisid solo lite ability of ' the 'witertoWar-,end atim#,.comp.iny to meet it. .4„...ttriesililinifttlitgo ;1414'3'1k:11 Elli,be, emilY iir raided- • Certain it, hi that, if it geto full posseo Ann of the Wahirtolvi And '',PattoilaM" • had for $6OOOB, 4 win iti , ,ll. ..1101,111111 :`for ,the dionalone la worth , . great doal Uniselbirkthat intni:l'''' ' " ' jlifliffil: ,,, OrOVl s k i k 150 :'Aurksi lia lit " 1 4 - .41 ,4 e llottsk'of.. l 4 _overlong' Ave dollar note of• the &us' il+riMigll l 9 -, lf 1 40 0 11 4 4 191 altered from a "hollteetEraideriUAlk,ims a'iignette'pf a 'Mom:- loWititrkipaaititit of •Wialsiogton on thuirtglilA 1112 14,4 dll..iriliOli felt . , •-Xtic,',Aiii{hle the ge; 134111 4;i 1-4 04A l #9; 4J41 S w iT t .** tOO-444 note 'Vw tisiiklinlyal #14017, of - 1114141047r5t, Vonneeti ,watOiltiliatttrh4;itisitokekTeintiiiein'oneken, Vlth, 904 /044 SiilfsififAitli` 61 Ihe distance: 41 14 " n ' m rI K bitllliall it 4101140•4.-: f. p, 1- ~ ~ Ind iiitisiit'' frtM7 7- 1 7 keeliAideof,l2k#M7.' foi thi 'wet* • ending on the 6th of : July giros tia follow. MO resultit , wl64lx'honspAred with thaluestlOtts eak" 1 ..,, -. 7 -, -<, -• fpottileeepoiliii,a4A4 1)14.4 Deetiosoa...,AtiMi 971, - ether tlepoeito,4,- - 414 15440131...:, fuming. ... 60-2;191 12iist,e.A i4i1. 4 .; • , SAWN.- , ; , r-umas....- 0 , 961 7 Clit t he other spa °flail imottat I , '-- • owteeesiiltliV,All.73o.olls..:.lrerriquir.,...o96l9 Tattlir s4l4rillitlill :10 Nos, . ,:. recreate • :.. ?ASA 4 Botpe,onstrfivO*l?,9l2,,,Cso...i.Decress*, - ..`..1189 096 ~ •,.., the atispen t i,knotml.ini olsonlatforilit'd2l.,4ls",- L'410,,` being as istateaiss Of 'hi1_6,77,0, and the' stook -0 Mite 1 9, , botli ` lfiOrtiliiitl` l a s lB,oss,sos, Om locitr deiti5i0i , 41:d7.32,468 when compared ; i Wit Ahl, pleordlig return.? , :: ' '-', • ThetlelloWitiiiilshitotoal tonnage' of tlui fikaMo - end Pottsville RailrOid likliiipulorl 4 " .4 4 r , _ -.'"'"-` , "`""4 - • Wolk. ' - - 7. "jr4toT, , formosiknilliiiii.o o 2 , V; iMt 'O6 ''' ‘, ' ' 72 ma le, 'al' UlleMi.s-9"f•'•%4;:_-`,c.?,4,61 CO-'• , '.."'Ter 034 00 ' thrlage•{l: ~•.e!i. . t , 4 , / , /g 06 ,- ; ,81,720 OT, The ibipmeals of stellper Palawarelinti galleon I/dal; tot .10Vo r e :',''':. .1= ,‘• '''' ' "`", '•,• ', ,-',;•-`'`;,"' , ' 4 :Del & us, - `Pial. Co. ...„. i ~' ,',.."7. 1 :. - 5 , 4 • - -, 4.l.:Liek4Warm '.. Rit&4t*O. , WP 4 I II, ardiviillialf l 6.,.,‘ ' - •19 917 ' ' 98,615 Pin'imilietlrtosate ' 126 , 770. s 278,289 ,- -q" Nt6l this for roiron.V -, ... .416,603 , ' • 295,903 Mai* p0t10414401 . -011r:da.A.....109,0306 . --•- 262 666 'l , I ~• e. f.. 41.1 7, . '.. • '................., u. ~ ...,........—, ;. Aim, ; ' is twos of -IBM" 106,0%, ,„, _ 041ST .''' EltelOilhirine ale` "tile entrivnit ittotationi for teitt,fe - iniotio eiebenae, -Ae., -ea y 01131164 11 '-' ' teirS VE - Ifiekritit'No' 40 ecirttlrtiltra iireet L l< flt . ..,,.. - ,r., r, 4 0 :- o i i r. ~...••,, ii ..,, .. ~,-...4 .:, .,....:171tIt t ;Itif 101447,=.11461 nr in `o l. ** Ws --I, m Itspolemsr lex reer.B NI -:- Pti4llC 6 7/44.4.• -30 T ~ Tea Thelon, , 785 _ =bid "I,rmlAt;, - *:.113,_0$ ~. Tee ItiatiMilniel.r B'o ~, g t _ i'erbk..if - s-f•oolf 7 tia•finnoloor , - -., 8, 08 , 6' 0144V,116,411 11.. 0 01114141 k Doablocasas AL I ' riii*At,....,..1 ID, Patriot": . ; '5- v.i1 1 e .66, L,..,„Tork -11x,:i140.0111. Pittsburg lixek xtelfdis, 10444•13 X. :41,57.. 4140 Olt Olaasnitt , do ~ J lg allot is I , 511,1211440.11,it0g.:-li dtl, Latblitfill 2 •40" NOW i 7 .7 .11telviatossin/11004•Oho Obsess° ..:.- de exisl i g u - •fiassiettemo4a4Swit , alo" 01106irtml , t.derL , 5.11- x.ri, 'l'llfautudrk ' td7 fi di)/ air emeeine do ,-- igig ' 4144"..., .ro'jg•t_ Mi.( Kempf& - do ~... ; 1,10„ 418 1 7, 1 4 ,41 1 .e04444 . 1 1 1•17,,: Ja , :I I 4 - '- t. 2 _i% _ . _,1L.4 ' .. -, ..z.aisp,•sixanno .-'A ' • • I'' ''''' '," -. • 141,41/0 , .4.4 i, 4. ...±. • ' 'l. '..= 'Salim le , : librel*-4 - ‘4, ?. .0113 .10isiszelulhal:... . .._. . or V Wittlllttliia , lo ° l - tir..it i, : - X: 1 ,11, 1 .. - 0, 4.4. 4440,;6314 ai-de a' et,,ktirig: '" BALAS. , .P1111.1D1021.1,11 .8208 74 1 7 2 JIMPOISIMPTIIIIII,I7.IIOII/ AND iliza3Aloll 139.011118, •0' 1050 002.0 n .P,R 00 ' 8001: do „New 108 .800 • ;do New.loB , 100 , do 108 45(0 /BB N el 452 —B5 59x 6890 L'8614 R 644w# 86 - SOON Pecos $4. 1000 do 69J4 'lOOO Penal - 00 53, di 87 1000. do 87:' 40 Penns B • 988 —BB • do 888 - _ OBOOPD" 2000 014 i• Os 92,8 1.000 ' • - tdig doo' ' do do • -- 998 ' • ;140000 d doo'9oX ;100 qo ' 92X 0000 Td Pv001.11.105.. 84)51 1000 ; do SAW 1000 Beltieh 1284 *Own 95, 2800 do : sswO, 05 j OLOMENG -P11,74778 ; tra,446.d 0115;61.. ...... 09 4 t • IMB , • '90(1 ."" .c Noy ~.,1.02%, 103 x, Penni 6e:.la od 90 i 4 Beading 27X 22 00070...10 81 -, Ths ea 44 F 9 01 do- , 86;neff4215‘ -10 , Pa% B 8816 -84 g I !•', 28 E 2 87 le j !tor Ossul 'Con flg 64g I Prof 109 130 titiv 85 012. 58x69 i f Xrai 8.:..'78 ; . & ooi, sAirs:4thira, ; movra&m , ooms - stun BOARD. 82PenneR 10ra as% 100 Beading B 27% 00 , - do ....... • 22N 103 ; d0..,...115Vint,2 9 % 14 Meobaniars', Bk.. • ; 2e4 Onmntooweslthßk 20)4 Saul! Nom 8 ; 88 do ; 8 i( 4 21, & 81..sts it 4;•• ", • 43 ,k . 2 Norristown 8.. • • 60 ;L. do_ - .. -00 2, rki s: weak je‘sv. ' - - Java Leh4ol3 N 6a., 94,1 j 600 ()Mains Chat lOs 46 MOON*!awls lit m To 40 11000 do 40 :530 P enns o a k : N 2 s 't6 3 ,1 96 'Norris esnal..l. '64 it 65 , do 54)( lINBETTLID fitd. /Owl Bak 14ef "1.73( 11% iwrgl,Lt4t.B. 4N 11 50 94 'tafg .. 80 - 85 - Long Island 0X 8... 1 Loh Oosl NO. , 48 ,Ponir, - 8X 8X "e........... 68% 04 los 89X Cambia fl et Ist Int UV 40 43 Y&Sontb B diyoff 60 21 & 84 au B. . 48X 434( 9 Ranek:Vine atilt 44g Phipidelkhla Maiktts. Amy 21—Inning Tie foreign advice! by the Africa have had'but ilitie effect upon the breadstuff! market, Supplies .of Flour coins .forward very :.lowly, but there is a total ahsenea of any eldiplig demand,' and old stook is offered'at $5 25' per bbl and fteshlround it $6 25 witnonyleding buyers. , Small F 5116.1 to ,tie borne trade at from our lowest quotations up to $7 25 for' ooMilitin' and fancy lots, as 1n quality. Rye Pious lie 'held - ,,at $4 25; 'and' Corn . Meat 75 per bbl.; Wbeat—the demand continues li mited,,nod,we reduce oar quotations 5; , Tier bus. Sales of ,1 500-bui new 'red In lots 12841800, chiefly at the latter, rate, and 'a smaillot of white :i01450.2,200 bus datriagad and musty sold at 800. .Ryir it steady-.—further: sales of - Palma were made, 850. Cork, Ili dull and has deolined 'Per' plea- Of,' 2:066 bus YelloW 85d afloat, and a let of damaged white st 803, in Cate are dull; 1,500,. hue Penns sold at 38.iper bun; new Oats are dull at 850. Bark Is suichanged; sales Of 84 hide No. 1 Queroitton Wail cold! at s2li per tin. Gcoeeries—We hear of a sale by Datilh, Cook, .k Co; of .2,706 bags Rio - p6fri . e at .10alifo, 'average, $10.64, at '6O and po dais and 4• nic;totte credit: , Provisions—There is little or nothing doing, and no change in quota ifohs. Beeds—Oloverased comes in slowly, and commands $5 50a6 75, per 64 lbs. - , Whiskey I! un changed; sales 00140 bbl! at 280; Perna at 270 Molest 268.25/3, aid d rudge at 25625'3 pehalion. xchange, July 21. 13 0 MID. New York &oft . 131101 SID 1 1 . 11000 17 El 58 14 ,- - 1013 100 Beading 11. , b 1045 26000 Idissonol Bt Bo b 81( 200 ' do • ' 189 4454 ' 2000 061 at 111 Ode • 81% 100 61/oh Coot It MO 42% `6OOO N Cirolins Bo 96x 50 tdlot 0& Nlad , 7.14 10000 liorlooo it 8d rat 72 100 -do - - HO- 8 N lOOO 11l Central We 84- 20 Minh Blt gust ' 2241 - 6 Ain BY Back •, • .101 100 OM & Rock I_ 110611( &Book of NY 100 N 50' '=do - • • 81 % -. 6 Eliot' Commoroo- 98 800 ,-; -do ; -• 115 81% 120 Pia° Mail Co 68J 1 100 , • do • • 81x 00. •°-. do - -_-'lOO 69 • 82 Oa & Ohleaso B , 04% 200 N Y Control 3. 180 761( 5 Panama it -111• 100 -, — do = ''., -. , ....75N1100 .- , •,- do --' AO 116 - SOO Olov lc Toledo 2441 IMMiMSIIG2= /tOns—The market for /tate and Western Is' heavy', and 160810 lower, 'With Mr medals ; Pales 1,400 bbls et 54.5004 Op for,4oPills ,6 $40 4 4Q fq , extra do, $4 40 0 4 90 fos introine Western, $4 410ep5 for extre - do, 156,515 or shipping b made of Old eVra round hne;rolito, and , $4.8044610 for frith paned do. Poulhern Plouris doll and Mimi.; vales of 800 Molt at 0,2506 60 for mixed to good ; and $5 75418 f r extra PitoriStoBB.-4ork is teary and lower, with Sales of 2 090 bbt* for Hem - and $ll 6034 for prima Goireroment eoutraot, for 000 bets wan taken at $lO Bret-ter quiet, with sales 'OO 100 bble at $6OO 75 for country prime, 2809 lortnimorer mere; $250618 for ra nsack Ohleago, mid 504 50015 for sake mete. Bacon and Cot Meats KM' Lard hi steady, with said of 100 bbla at 10,4811,V0. -- Butter linkOheese Me Gaels —Wheat Is dull and 2000 lower,"with salee or Mileage timing at 50i;-sew white Southern at 2t.8501:45`;' new red do st $1.22%0183; new white Keehn*. at $1,50.- -Cern is dull sod lower, with - small ridge at 856890 torrid and nnw Western d sod 90a for round yelloW.-, -16 • doll. 'Bats are dell at 'oooe ,4110 for !Ingham, Pennsylvania, and,..ierSej, and 410 443 for Ppd., Meads, ind Western. WAtßrmi lb lower, with Wee of gio bblii et 203(02pe. < • . Birtirkttii by Telegripl. vAtingcnin, rot. .-21 our Atka for netellow • ent etreet breads' -Wbeit hu's 'deetteirg tende.ey. see the market Is hem ; white $llBOl 41, red St /0 also_ Can dull but. uoehieged Bexe—sides eXe. Veik^:•teele i1t,25, - Witietey neohanied. - Ctaorksarf /10 21.-The laws by the' etymon Africk .ciaied tem Almeiliss in Mohr; meths market eteredvlttettlet ''Whlektylki - sleadk at 241eV ^Previa lane cloyed gates.' Nothing was dome after the receipt of the it and Deppihrqk lital Irtmd f.!!!gdi. tAalsuLLY.O3O*Pf lAD ram 01711.417,111178141 CIOLIMAS PENNBYLVANI,A. CENTRAL' 11. - 111.4171551111`AND MARKET BTREBTS. STIOI Vein PriTellat.. 6 2 p. To—Leaves at 1' I.‘ . P.Ant Line • „ /O. - 11 60 ' a.m. ..10 21/ a,. in.. -.1 10 tft p. Ilidrab'ede'm .. 980 p. m.. " 9.0 p. Lancaster .. 1 05,.p.311.. .‘ 480 p. rq. PArVg, seen" 890 P z O .• P m. WeatObeater Trains lam Eleventh andldezaat at 1 15 and 11 00 a aft. And 48,0 p: OIiftWKItOWN, AND NORM& „ TOWN HAAB,f,tafi.. DEPOT—NINTH AAR OATEN OTHHITB. Noirlatown teats' for Norristown - leare at 5 801, 1008, liM a. ro. ; I 05. 8 05, 404,53 k SX, 8X,11.i p. in. Gernantown traps Air Gernmatown'leave at 7, p, 11X, 10.11;12 aM. 11, 2,13;gg; f, g; 0141 p,'7, p, 9, V IC ilepn A - il l • • traini for Chestnut Hill Inns at 9,8, 11X.11 a. in ; 2; 8964, 6g,6. 9, 1.11/ p m. auldart balms for Norristown bare at 9 a. in., and I and 4y. m ; far Germantown leave at 9 05 , 11:m , and 2, 8 9.7 and /9 P.m. - liar Obestnnt Hill, leave at 05 a. tzt.; and T, in.; for Hansynnkileara at 9 a. xn ; and 8,4; aid 8 9. in. • 0.614 DEX ADD ATLANTIC DAIT I DDAD. VINE.DTREBT WARP., ghat Train arrives at... 2 16 a. nr..Leatiea at T 89 a, m Second Train, ...6 p.,m t . " 4.5 p. • NORTH P&NNOYLNANIA itnuatoiD. TRONT - AND WILLOW 13TRNIT8. ' • lior Dettdeltim, Radon, Allintown; idol:tett Chunk, Hazleton, the, at 980 s. ta and 4p. m Aeoommo• dation for Doylestown at B.l¢ a.m. and 6 p m. i do. lori Fort Waablogton at 2I p. m and Sundaya—Philadelphia for Doylestown, 911. m. and L- - ,wmar-pucorta, TT. zaDrk. EIERTEENTII AED /212.11.111 STREETS. - T 33133 3,33130 it... 11 : 110 a,.•33....1Aams at 1 9,9 ty it ..at 80 a. , s lO ED a. 4c 8 80 go FRP p. m. 1 1- " 80 p, m.... p. 8133 days arrive 01a. , "8 cp a. zo .... 8 93y. m..:.,-„- ,s 2 00p. m . W aT 72.1t533T-821411DAD 001dPANY, - (between Dippden end Woodtcary.) ' .X.seßbff.detpbte v ieluodepe excepted.) froui Wet ire% 'treat Wharf, at sad 1115 a. In., tad 242 and 0 p. m. ,irked tins (ti) 'nut on flundays (f) Astnr days smeeptot. ; . - , • • pkiPOBTATIONB CiHdßLß47oll.;9ohr..liontletts-68 boles cotton IT .13Ioon d, Sao; 20 woo old Iron Pt co ill ran Oa; 72 easlik doe 12 plcgi radio 80_0011 roan 18 balm bast *row. marirtettt3cufgence. :d27 , ,..411111 • YOUJITH: P,M,3111 11141111Mitalpt , (Clorrispon4snee of the Prue.) 130erokr, - .luly 21. A lettor tte,W4'lloitteildeo, Ifu St, rays it vete then bloyfog library pie, sod that the star Prescott, from Boston, bed out away her treats to Forest Ur, soles tubers No oomtualastion could he bed with the The• tie/iOwiAtt tttl,tte elolentse'of the rile. ' - , OAXPIOII itoihit.:ittly 21. Arrived, beg .0 .0 " Mine. from,The catibbiati -withpan°. large'rutober of pouters, "rind botioT', ore prig:Org. The Bind 111 east loud the us hoary. - Alto wired, Lehr ..hP.T.bur.r, from Pieuiri, with kill of rout sal rigging, and 1'01141461y. 112110BAKDA. • ' Sreernship Delaware, Copes, keno*, snivel at tf soh as lterday. • .... rite reehip Europe, from Doiton, airtrod at Liverpool lith hat • , giesmshk Afries.l3bannoo,'from,Llyerpool Jay 9, • arrived athew Iforkyseterdsy tith . hut. petsrd 'A me- tlO4ll ships Ofty or Ne York and Sea King, towing nut, ladlar.olip flentsood,.bonnd la, .18th 4818, -long 8 to, passed prlark Mari 138'111111a, bound 001110,110 OPMMIrOII. Poo' kferana r was Jolory 51111- Mem testerder verities u 9 !trebled: , 'Doeberus, Oottreiti from Ostootta, at /pupa Ship ?rumba!!, Dratt,Miloi from Liverpool fah Inst. for VW, Tarit. T. ably alhor Stewart, ;le go, for Baltimore, was to the at Liverpoid Sib Inst. outward bowed • - so3ldp Indpmlon, Hallett, from Liverpool, at N +York Teetezda)• - nip ratite, - Idersball, for Savannah, titled 'boot Liverpool atk t00t.,-_ , . itareloytoo, Nay°, from- Oronstadt, at New York yesterday. - - Bark Virginia Ann, teorkam, for Buenos A 1,., - old at New T°!!!-YqUifils•T• Birk Brillisot, Bigaboe, !geared at Now griming 14th 'Met for VMS Oros - - . Berhaek, MMus. tones,- was below Boston SPA Ind. Birk. aioniomilroce. Now-York for ism *ken filth lost, 1 t , 40 64. loos 14'90. Brig ,Ocean Wore, litottop",,,for 411q1a4oiphhh 916404 'it Nese York yesterday. - , Bog 7i,V Niobolo, iStrolA honor arrived:at Balom aOth insight Brig bebkao Btairstt, GrilgOry, froin Palermo , at Niw York yodel day Bair Kingfisher, Portin„from Malaga, at New York yesterday. - - PM' Nero; TorrY;hopoi, Melted at Baltimore yor - 5 loin KOloo;flooltial, 01,00160, amitli, 'Aalborg, altntra - And, Wetmore, and Jolts : Boggier Show. henoe'Ot'BOotOO 68th lost. , ' Balm it A, lkoooro,, 4Oimos..hompi arrlyed it galena tett( Astir" B T 361Otecor Jobn*m, and ; J Spencer; Lame. trek tor Pkiladelptia, salted from Belem 90th - inet solos D b noyd, aftewil,' Wiggle, Strati= Or o ; Madre/ell. sod B J Mater, ItAhmon, honor. ILi• riVAA at Now Bedford-WM ' "- 0010 A Bayard Mahe, kenos, arrived at Wilmfasr. W 0 Mershon, Colo; oloirod &t Mobile lAo;. i NM 'York, .flopellor Iforolfipliolii cleated at New York pots& dpi .ter PAUsielplOo. - 0.,0 $ 1 954, 9100 .BOtlirori from Barbadope,, vr ved toeaa the Mow; of 'the ship' Balsas Wpm, of BostoncWll46,n, ream; ad to oßie port; whiek reimil-WidiOroyed"bs are t :at ANIL oh the aad bf ;rigor in hat 4$ 49 IL loot 2818 W. %no At woo Antlt In HOMO ;111440,1m11 leild'Ate s e Wayof r . ..rotod 4 6 1 , aw and ad 'g oinisd.b ysoo,44l9 Pink' dog of "Um 4919, S, *ood at . - THE iiiiSie4ii* f inii,l4l& : iiiiii A:ii -I ,:itliiii 22,' jig*: CITY ITEMS. ' Piaci!! Paaori , that the. high-eon fileting Powers in Europe are about to . take &blowing spell, and that it le probable that peana grow out of the armistice Rome think that the Emperor of Austria has got enough of the war, and that be wants • decent ex use to bank down, We have received • pct. ',ate despatch from a welt. knewn European correepon-, dent, who informs us that the reil object of the armlet- Me le, to afford time for the, officers on both eidee to se cure for themselves new outflts at the B.own atone Clothing Nall of Rookhill es Wilson, Noe. 6 . 0 end 606 Chestnut greet, Wore Sixth, Philadelphia, • . • lon-,(after a panse)=Yes ! have asked that dreadful question of the hills , ,That look eternal; of the flowing streams' That lucid flow former; of the stars, Amid whose fields or enure any - Weed *hit Bath trod in glory; all were - dumb ;lout now -.While I thus gaze upon thy living face,- - • I feel the love that kindles through its beauty • --Can never wholly perish; we shall meet Again, Olemanthe, at the palatial Clothing Store of gitrwiilleltokfa, 10. NIT Chestnut street. IBEIVALB AT THE, PRINOrPAI.I HOTELS, -VP ZO 02411 IVOLOOL S&I8 MOUNLia GIRARD HOUSE—Ohestnut Street. below, Ninth. A 'Boyd, Lebanon' ' ' 7 Watson. N Y - Wm J Oanzw.ll, St Louie Il Prate. Ohloago 3 Porter, N Y . - 7 0 Ward. Memphis Geo M GUI, Memphis W A Polrdtxter, Len, Ky It And•reou. Boston 0 II Itabbell, Oini J,S 8 Drivrr to ill, 0113 W Prolbet, St Lents ' ODu Pre. Teen • W H Eels, Tenn W II Morrow, Tenn R 13 Armstrong, tit Louie I W Allison. Riobronod - - S B Spenldlng, Boston. , :Henry!' Lonadale, WO 1 4 aerobe, Ga M Levy. Oa . W I Eve & la. Augueta,Ga W Phillfee, Augneta. Ga W a Chase. Ca, Jelin Id Tiernan, Pittsburg Mr Swift. Male W V SOMAS As la, Malts Mice Powers, Mobile Thai Willem Mobile , D Straus _ 8 A Ailvn, N. 7 ' T I Pastel.; Mempisti, Ten Mies I. Foster, Tenn ' Jae D Pans, New Henn W N Coleman it la, Pa 0 Outh & la. N Y 7 Henry, Ga ' W S Royal. Augusta, Ga 0 "el Hall, Ooltimbits. 0 .7 8 gall & la, Ohio flifedlim ntwion _ Jr B Kirkland, !Hemphill Cortes . Wif Murphy. Lexington W H Wallace, N Y W W Ward, Louisville, Hy, BN filer , ' T Hoot; Va er G , P Whitaker, hid J 0 IPla' W K Ohre NY W Welch, N Y 19 B Reynolds. Denville ' MMerldells, Phila. Mayhew A lA, 11, Y W L Illtebeock. N Y P Norton. LonlarLity J L Oarlbrell, Mn • ' S Mo ALEBIONie,NY L Minder, Galena, 111 P Formsn.Naabsolle G G O'Bryan. , T D2gener, N Y • H Morrison. N Y J Taroatte & la. N 0 Donivan N Y • it Drummond. P.ters'g, VA BT, Baker; N.Y - oif Penman. Md - O W Alexander, Memphis A Matinee.. Pa - Hoy. West Troy " J OrosaPy, Nashville ' J Tacker, Ala A R Taft. Oharlealn, Dr Johnson Zr la, Texas htPs Bsiley, N 0 ,G A Allen, Ky Gen Moron, Md • Mies Balizsil, hid • K Ridgely, Delaware W A Bradford, St Lonfs Dr Bradford, California -D I Oodiziston, N Y J D Mane, 11 y O P Timor& Zr la, Balt 0 hi conrad, N II P Holcomb Mobile 111BONANTIP HOTEL—ronrih divest. hew Arch. • M P Lanosster, 'Hy , If tee- Pittsburg A A Plumy. touted:lle 0 MeEibbln, /e. Mr , A p Gillis, Mercer T W Prsgo & la, Galen* A- 11 'nommen. Texas T W Simon, T,exas . W L'Pehaeffor Aid 8 A Cllrt, Texts W W lieNsal, Texas . iDI Hanlon, Tens* , 'Rep JL Willi; Elk ' 0 B Gillis, Elk I. nitteroamp, 8k Louis , " Wft I:intim:L. Washington .1d W Baer. Boston D H Beryl's, Atueterdetn I A Dials, Louisville; Ky., 'W Higgins & WI, D 0 , Geo Wuteon & Bon, Melee Elm A Watson, Milne 0 A Bowen, Clanton, Ohio W Gawthron & la, Pa Bobt Wilson. Pa , J E McClure, Peoria A , ex. 0 Seigel. N Y W, D ghepberd,Washlngton 0 a Berratt, PhDs ' Debt T Bose, Phil* , 7 Johnston, Allegheny City , , " '311N38 1 HOTEL—Obssinnt street, above Sixth, L 11 Bldway, Chicago , Wm a Stewart, Phil . 1. Norelluger, Ala J Saltzman, Ala J 11 Wasbinetnn. Bait ,AG Thera: Milt Orleans 0 D PdcOor. larbile - . 0 Geffltb,ll.l- i P Green, II It W Wlemr. N Y 3 Green, N V - 3 Tome. Port Depo'lt 'W It Wlttaine. Phits - TEI McMahon, Galveston sirs 0 Brenard, Galveston 1111.* J Brenard. Galveston E 8 Wood, Galveston , T W Hons. & Otos, Galva Was 3 Gen" & elm) Gait' T Brown. NY . . , - .11 /Rabat Y , o.Buroside, N Y 0 Dloalok, Mass - 3 Nootw, Providence P libber, - Provldinoe , . . ANIIIBIOAN N0T,11,--47110eNcet at., acre ank Clio Gore, Burton 7 Aron. Began - - - M T Cooper, Fittsburg . L Young, ?Milberg Thos 7 Mabry, 8 0 • 1 T Boyd, 8 0 I A Brigelow pi - B L Reinoide, $ 0 Oeo W L Crook. Tenn 3 Grant. Plithill6 J tdoOarty. Bending J A Porteor, N Y Ala el Prevost. Trenton • T W Reid, Boidentrom Joe Wthon N I • J Tindall, Is/ton - B Pleat A, Is N J B 0 Sanyo, N Baleen' .11 A Peolter,'N . Y Win ollohrlat,'Phili .A Et Wilson; 03nn . J 11 McNeill, ti Y FRANKLIN 11016131—Ohestone at,. above Third. /no Wynne, Ohtpego 8 A Monroe. N 0 A Maya., Richmond J M Fairbanks, l'ltelbtag J T Bird, PhDs J ffi Moore, N J ' • D W Meer.; N J A 0 Pecivan;N ffire Conrad, I children, Zu Mtee M Tackery, Pa servant, Pa • Thu Miry, Oa-ade i.e Doherty, Bch Haven J H Outeliman, Dalt 0 A ',gaup, Mum It Stearn/I.llam • D R Baylor, Trenton NATIONAL HOTEL—RUM it,, WO. B V Wbittey;Phila, Tll WHosp. Willistesburg Ales Si Lone, Hatfield A Wad* garribqrs - J Beckley , Lebanon, Pa Paml W Walla, Balt , T R evit. Lembertrille A ffeedricks. Dr, Schmidt, Washingten D 0 Wilson, Washington D Deal, N 3 P Point. Philliptburg , ' D Reek, Phillipeburg Ohas'ldellanotts„ pa 'P Hilfaback Lateral:en P Wes, N Y - W Bight, Emden STAFFS UNION HlPPNL.—Market street. above Muth. ass Heland. Canada Woit E gaud's!. Laneastar, Laveigood lc la. Lane • It H Lang, Lancaster ,O if Mumma, Lancaster 0 q would, Lanosatei J D Moores. Perry en Z 'Weever. Jr, Pa IF Heir, Baltimore W Janney'. Jr, Phil* lone Bereeniy, W Cheater Hee If Winkel., Plnle Jai 8 Rae. Pa James 8 Kerr, Pa Dtpoberland, Grays N J John Hipp. Pa Gym, Williams, Pa Cleo Plat, Harrisburg, • Cant J Kelm la, Pa H McKeever J ZstiDy 8 Q Orono Harrisburg PIL biley , N Y 00ffiffiliROIALHOVIL-41inth skeet, atlutliheatout. .1 Reynolds, Warhington W Beaman, Ifirfetts P J ulmstead. Germant , n W D Oimatead. Phil% lenges, Phtla I Thompson, Pottstown les Mintzer, Pottstown L H Davis L. II 11 Thomsa,N 0 - W tritotsir, Yottatowa H Clarke, Potteolfa I B aptoami, W Chester J P Walton jc la, Oh.' eo D Written, Ohio oo Ohu C Bishop lc la, N 1 C Lehman, Phil, : , J Devoe, W Chester NAOMI NOTlG—Thlixl it.. &bore *me. B Minehip, Roston . I Nyuklnertn, kid 0 lt Stewart. Qhlo 0 Oliver, hied's, pet .1 Brown, Del . W Miller, Pa I Thompson, Chester eo J Planter, West Chester B Reynolds ' A Brooks. Summit; Ps J Phillips, Summit 4 AD0..., gui,,mit , El Tembly, Pa Wm Goghs, Montour so Win Berlin, Spading SI Bertmen. lloston , pfldiloo7. Vlsolloglon A groves, Blaney Mullaney, Ps • ' X Carson . • ' Mies Wilkinson, N V Wm Nahum ,lt RI HANLEY BRIAN HOTlLV—Beeond below Vine. T Titesiromon, Pottsville PBe nwright. NY• 4 Natter, Larabertv , ii D shepherd, H•aville Wm Crook, New Hope - Henoneh. New Dope T. Wright. Pa A Raskin. N Y G ant. Hernastittu ' John Dilworth; Basics eo ' Mark N gmilk. Buckingham d 13 Can bill. Buckingham Wm Y Cooley, N J H A Tyler, N Y N 8 Ntrcroes, Pa ; . BALD MAGlA—Third it., above aellowbill. ' S Shull. Martin?* Omit jos Martin, Mertln , e Orel* SJ ttoeenberg, Arkatmaa Joe ge.k.i, M on ne, co D Moeer, Montgomery no Semi Money, Imams no 'Amon Edema, ioakertowo BLAOUI37IAU /lOWA—Third et.. above Oallowhlll. 7 Taylor, Deeding W D /fruiter Doylestown W Low% Belts co 0 Morrison, Yeisterville ' •W Darling, Amityville A Backman, ressrerville MN Brady, Bu rlington . T U Wolf , Danboro 'ONION 110T111.--Arati street. siria Ylagitag. Hsgerators _A 18. Hay. Y , H 8 Boatdatan. atlantic city A U Bolabel, Nastrath N Stone, fritabbarg, !dui , H Ussars. Pittsburg U 11. UptUal, littltaidiN - Barn! NI Higgins; mutonewral nomm. Third at, above claHowhill B. Rinser. Ms B AM, N Y T H Bloookir, Beth, Pa, P Tarr, PA B4anstan. PA B hooey. Btabmoa d lipetol', Names, Fort Dridger.—Colonel Itrldger, the Rropele. tor of Wort srldger,ii eo famous la connection with the history of the gorocon diaturbancee, settled in the Titbit" of Salt Lake in 185 d, and has Made greatly die tinguishe4 himself as bunter, trepperOrader, • d guide. In an Inttryiesi Kith - Gov. Onmosing, on the advance of the army 4 131t4, he eteted whim, that Immo years - since, while pursuing the buffalo, be had discovered an immense rock of pure ends!, through which the mil are were redvoled with all the gotgeouanem of the sod magolgoent rainbow, but that he bed lost the plane; and bad never been able to rediscover It. 11005- likdIDIO GERMAN BITTERS, which can be discovered In the Aire of any drigglat or deter to Medicine, will WitiTtviii.: OAS, Ilyepapala s Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, &o , and will almost restore to the old all the vigor of their youthful days. gar sale also by the proprietors, Dr 0. td. JACKSON & 00„ ele , All Off 'Street; Philadelphia. It drover tr, lltatterlp Celebrated lionunasis PAMUX BBWING M&0111N29. iiw Byrtais at , atirnMan 'man. • 780 ORIBINUT STRIST, PHILADILPHIn. it Of the three prominent Meehinee now before the pnbllo, we bare need two, and earefalli watched the 'irking of the third, and honeetlyhelleio 48OYID8 & Beiczal to be the Teri pelt we haze seen."—[pela wyr~ SePtirtor• ar2p.ly flearnerrte Baying Sand Northwest perner bt CSOUND and WALNUT Streeta.—Depoatte received 'fa small end 'large amounts, from ill ,Oitssee of the Commatity, and allows interest at the rate of fire per cont. per annunt. • • ' -. Money may be drawn by eheeks without lose of in. Odle° open dolly, from 0 until 6 ololook, and on Mon day and flatuniaj until 9in the evening. Pre/Merit. Vradkltu /ell Treasurer and Elearetary, Oharles E. Morita. Saving Fund—fgationsi Safety Com. PSNY.--Ohartereg by the State or Pennsylvania. . gooey ill tredve& fiery 4►7r era in ear iunonnt, _lnge or mall, 2. RINI! PIE OINT. Intermit in paid for money from the day. t>a pit fn. ,- .8, 'The money le always paid bat* QUAD whenever It toloalled for, and withoni rotten. 4. Money Is rsesited from Executers, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trusties, In largo or email EMU, to mouton long or abort period. St Tice money retelTed from Depositors Id invested in Beal Xootel IrtOrtgVieli P T 'i mll 4 / I° l 4 / 'l d 011 or ant- Oltla seeniities. - Y 6. OSA open even' SIY—WALNUT Street, 'south. wes t emu Third etreet, Philadelphia, old Steger's Seals, Machions.—The great paper.; Wit, or theta fatiebtiek easy readily be 'understood ; *lkea the fiat bi itaart,Altat ani good rentals operator Can eitet; with eite,of them, - , ONE TWOOSAND DOLLARS A YEAR. sleep,' Tailor; ifeatnatiaes,' Dreeatasker, and eaeb, large riting7 inthwrintr7 , on• of thane nusablnee would be Invaluable. = •• - •• • • BiNera,tis ..904.50 trait wrien bso. spa!: eat " cir.'DAva, Agent. i3accial Telles HausPs !tome Tooth Paste Is one of the meet delightful cosmetics we ewer saw, Imparting to the teeth a pearly whiterteas, sad removing alt came • am matter from around their roots ; it keeps the gums Wind and healthy, and adds abalmy fragrance to the biesth. 'lgo lady or gentleman should be without it. gold by all drugglstsi and by JULES HAUEL, in CO , 170. 704 OLIEBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 3013-13 t One•Prlee Clethtng at the Latest Styles - , and made in the beet .menner, expresslyfor anTsit Baum We mark our lowest selling pries', In ?AAUP nonage or oaoh iirtiole. , All-goats make to order are warranted entletiotory, and our oes-rntoe ererni is, strictly ad hared to.. We beileie this to be the only fair we defairig, no thereby all are treated alike. =E3 Elegant Spring . and :Slimmer Clothing, at BOBER'S H. ADAI118 ) , Sci - ntheluit corner Seventh and Market atreets, Habit Cloth, Oaadmern, /apses, Linen, and Gaon' Oloth Coate, in all the latest Ityles. Pante and 'Vesta; la groat :varlety, all MADE AND TRIMMED ITU!. TO CUSTOMER WORE, AND BILLING AT TON MOST EVAsoYABLE PIITMIII. ,tS 1fig4)1122 Stlarriagge. On the 81 Instant, by Rev. X. R. Kennard, Mr HENRY n ELIVELI, to Allen CORNELIA. 8. bIGN , InetOr thin nits On the Bth Junt. 1858. by Rev J U. ITennokrtt. Mr EDWARD A NABBAR to Alias EVELINE F. MITRE RILL all of tam city. - On the 21et Indent by the Rev. George A. Doeboroer, ROBERT C. B LIND to MARCELLA JOSEPHINE; olt daughter of the late Anthony Gram, Erg., all of this y , , 'At 'Baltimore, on the l9th ieetant, by Rev. Mr . Illldt, Captain JOHN Z. BRAZIER to Mee BARAII JANE, seor e. cond daughter of George Mann, Erg., all of Balta. ~eatys. WINLIAM DONALDSON. Niey.Pretident of the Anthracite Bank, of Tamaqua, died at his residence about 4 (Mock on Wednesday, the 20th. He bad been severely burnt in the mine about ten days ago, and died from the injurlett thenthen received. On Thursday mommg, 21d, instant, 011ABLVS DISWEY, eon of A. T. and A. D. Goodman, aged 4 month, and 20 days. -/a Geneva Now York. on Saturday. July 76 , h, AIII , GAIL TAYLOR, formerly of this city, In the 79th year of her ate - * On the 20th instant, Mr, WILLIAM TGOMPEON. to the Slit year of hI age " • "Flip reletivee and 'Monde of the family are reepeot• fully invited to attend the funeral, from bis late reel dunce, this (Friday) ,atternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notion On the 20th lestiet, in' the 4Tth year of her ego, Mrs ANN PAOHER, xlfe of Joel Packer, - The relatives And friends of the family are respect fully Invited to Attend the Comore!, from the residence of her husband, near 'oa , pentees Brings,Glonerster county, N. .7., this (Friday) morning, a t 10 &Week, ',rigout further notice On the 20:h instaht, EMELINIS,--wife or on Giles, In the 891 h year of her age. , ' The relatirecand fraeudd of the family are reepoct• fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. Marshall street, above Girard matte, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 &stock • Oa the 20th In‘tant, JOHN eon of Joreph and Ellen m Pet-re, aged 3 years , 10 ode Audi./ days. -,The relatives and Wends of the family an respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the rseldenee of Ms parents. 820,11intith straet, below Catharine, this (1414ay)aftsrn000, at 3 oto'ock, without further halm Interment at tit It try's' etary On the 2.oth Instant, BERNARD MITCHELL, aged 60 years The reletives end friends of the family are respect. fails Invited to attend the funeral, fr vas the reatdence of his o ltiobard Brady. NO. 828 Buff dt street, above Eighth and below Carpenter, this (friday) a , ter. neon. at 1 o'cloek. Fonerrl larvae at St. Paell'e Onurch. Interment at. Cathedral 0-rontery sR On the 20th instant, 3IARY, dodghter of Oeoree F. and Arnie Powell, aged 1 year, 10 MO the, and 20 der& The relatives and blends of the family era reepntral• ly Invitee, to attend the funeral, from the residence of her por.ntt. No. 1821 Booth Second street below What. ton. this (Friday) morning, at 8 o'clock, wlthont fur ther notice On the 1 911 instant, WILLIAM DAVID, Infant eon of oho and Ann Jane (Bedded, aged 11 months. The xela.lves and friends of the family ate mind fully Invited to attend the tuners', from the residence of hia parent., front street. above Itaoe, this (Priday) morning, half.past 9 o'clock. 'lnterment at Lafayette Cemetery. , On the 19th foetid, MAD 'MIND H., 4streltter of Pamnel N. and Patah A. Mcßride, egad 11 months end 4 do's. , The relatives and frtends'of the faintly are reaped- Ailly Invited to attend the faceral. from the resideoce of her pinnate, Spruce street above fifth, tido (friday) at'erno nq at 1 o'clock. *Moot further notice * On the 50th imPant, THOMAS OW.BE:AVON, in the 80th year of hie age. - The relatives and friends of the family, also the mem. bare of Montgomery Lodge, No Id. A. P. A , are re. erectfally Invited to attend the funeral, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from hie late residence, Rope street. above &taster. To proceed to Franklin Come. ter7. . On the Roth !natant. CHARLES 11., son of James B. and Hannah Ann Itodder aged 14 years. The relatives and Mende of the family are reeneet fully invited to attend the funeral, from back of No. .14 Tamarind et-eet, above Green, this irriday) after- noon, at 4 o'clock. Ta proceed to BLechantett Ceme tery. tr 3,. riinio„ to litochltold•rfi.—An Election will be held toe 0214 eta o! the ALVEIIII4NU 110tINT API RSALTE INWPITUTI3. at uilltzSON, on the Atilt )3.03DAX,E1 Azimut, at 2 &al, ck. ,T. DIAIR MOORE, ejr21.419t - 13ace..ttry. (ry. Office of the,Weet rhtlade.lphtn Pei. DYMOND 114p$WAY COMPANY, N W. corner of - MAYORPORD Road 'and' TOG di threat Twenty. fourth Ward, PuIIiADRLPSIA.JuIyI3,IBS9 —The Boord of 'Directors of sild On., pony has declared Penal An nhal Tlde-d oi'll/01311 D per Aare on the °spite' Stock or the Conicity, payable to the -Stook heldite or their legal repreaantattres, on awl atter the Ath inst. - I . • ThterenillrerilOntririn -olored on Mt Ann' the 11th (silent, and iittodia closed until the 26th instant. J714.tty21 - n LCITBAN tT, Peoretarr. OT" lUstoiyillte,, Miran% and Fairmount PABBEN(ignatAILIIOAD COMPANY Second ruatohnent of,SLYJI DOLLAR% per Shore on the Capital B oak of Mb Coreptny etill beaus And pueblo on'or before the 26th opnly. • iena.eme ZTILTIIir. Ritaroterr ocr. Office of &Toad and Third-Streets Pas- SENGEFt RAILWAY COMPANY OW PHILA. MORRILL 226 WALNUT Street, PanAnst.ears, Jame 23, 1859 —4 Third In.talreent of SIVE DOL. 14KER on exalt Shire of Stook, second issue, ndll be due and Ireyable on 39th quiz' ne4t. RODKET KELTON, • is24.fnottwily26, Treasure.. New 'publicationo. G. EVANS'a poog. Cr, Boors, Fe sal *A the lolTest prites. an 4 shawl. some gUt 1 given with each book at the time or pur chase. TIMOTHY TITOOMWS LBTTBRS to young people, single and roamed, Prism $ 1 ITALY AND MB WAR OF 1859—8 y Madame Julie de atarguerrittee P , ltest 26, TUN SCOURING OP THIO WHITS 110118 D, or the lone vacation Amble of s Lehdon 'Clerk, by the author of Tom Br •wo , e Pohool Daye Pelee $l. THE HAND WI MOUT TAB 118A.ItT, or the Life Tilde of Yews Loring, by T 8 Arthur. Price $l. ' TUE LIFE OF GENDRAL GARAI eALDI, written by hireneif ; tranalst dby Theodore Dwight Frina*l.. PADHIONAIILE DfdPIPATION. Pr ea *I. 411 the leteat Publication pan be round et q. O. EVANI3 , II Oft Book ktore, .1720.3 t. No. 480 011E8 rNI3T Street. VHAMBERS's ENOYOLOPEDIA, (To be to eighty monthly parts. lb canto eaob) Regularly . supplied to any forums, by .70EIN koPARLAN, Agent • Hof APPrarott'is Pea 4 G 61170.0 010LOPIDIA, AROAUS'-flOPffib, oulanNuf above Bluth. ,Iyl4•tf 44* ELesled fr. a eik'ywhere—lt jmid lu %avant), NEW BOOBS. 3. BTRAIGBI, lit/MAUD ; or, Walking In the Light. A, store for eehooi girls oT all sow By liney anerneey, artthor or Trieh Amy," too., &o. lOmo. Xlin YS COI*. If &IMO& LEE I or, Beet for the Weary. Illnetre, to& 4l mite TIES A N CEBIL OF T DM IIERG ; end other 'stork's. I.lnetratiog mat morel truth's. Deplaned chiefly for the Young,lf Joan Todd. 16mo. 75 cents BLAND TO or, The Loot round. limo. 60 cent's BBNI+IItTEI ANTO PUGH; or, Belt Mastery. By Cousin Mate. Hato. ?Sewn THE WARS Or TUN ROSES; or, 'torte!' qt the Ohwale of York and tansketer. By 4'. B. Rdgar. 1.1. lastrated.ddoni AO pants. TIIIIMMTIN ON TEEN MONBUINT. Translated. By Willson.. 12.m0. CO cents. • • ' Rot eats by •- WILLIAM B. 0 ALIBED MARTIBM, ..171 2 • 80. 600 01lX8TNIUT Street. A N EARNEST AND T4OUGELTITIA SOUS. LBOTURUS ON THI PIREIT TWO VISIONB OP THE BO , Hi OP DANIEL. By Rey. William Newton. 19mo. To cents. 90T1068 OD 'TarPERES: There is Warmth Of tone end-feeling about this book which will make It not unacceptable to a large elan of reader... Its prectioal earcestnees and rev.- route of spirit are high tecrunrcendations —Banner of The voltage Confilins sincere und earned expositions of prophecies. The anthor l s clew Ire, in tame re• coeds, peenlier, Cud, are worthy of attention end OOn sideratlon.—Ainerlcao Preatrytpriath The book le the product of a calm, thoughtful, ear. nest, and reverential mil d, end may be consulted with profit —Presbyterian. Banner and Advocate. Just pnbashen by WILLIAM 13. ALFRED hlicaTINN, , 1e25 ogiFOO (1111103TBUT Street. - d -ILD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS. The anderslgned motets that he has frequently for sale hooks printed between the years 1470 end 1500; early editions of the Yotheni of the Reformers and of the Portion Divines; In Law, Braaten ' Lyttlaton, Po& feridorit, Grottos, Dowat, Coke Dale , the Year Books, Reports, ho., aye often to be found upon his shelves; Oyolopedlu, Lexicons, °lassie Anthora, history, Poetry, Philosophy, heience, Political Economy, Government, Architecture, Natural History. Trestle's upon these and pther kindred subjeots are being entitlnually dealt In by hlm. Books, In large and small quaztitlee, put oh lured at the Onstom•House sellouts Bookstall, OHM NOT HMOS, aboyi //multi, Philadelphia. mylB.om YORE clitmenat. Notices. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENN SYLVANIA /OR THE RAATERN DIRTRIOT, MALONE and °Owe. vs TUB NORTRWRATERN , RAILROAD nO sad cam. '.fautrary Term A D. 1859. No. 10 In Agility. Report having been made to the °curt of lie sale of the Nortbwe , dorn ,Ballroad, and cf all the corporate righte. reusable's and prirllages belonging to told Com. pony, tcgother with the Jamie depots and depot grounds be!onging to the laid ruclrostl, lu pursuance of adcoree of gild 000rt,,meAO the Sid day of April A D./889 for the twee of slateen thousand dullars—it la ordered (July 12 Itch) that It be referrpd to Joel .fonee, Baq , as Muter, to and and report (l) whittler the purchasers c o o r o li pt e n s e o Pe:n o re r rb l y tohte themm otga ft el o b f a t 1 13 4 0 "- e l et o d f 0 b 441.7, 404 the let of hpy, 1§62, and if Po, then (21 whet amount of cold bonds or cpupons go hold, shall be pod and reoehred on account of geld purchase money, and in what manner raid bonds and coupons sball be paid and resolved. Also (3) what pert of the paid pnrobase Emily shall be paid In cash In conformity with Said decree (4) and also to report the application or distribution of the 'ILA paptheas Money or considera tion. whether the game be received. In cash or partly in such bondsor eoupong In poreanance of the foregoing order of reference, I anpotot 11QNDAY, the Iwerity-ninth dap or August next. ex 11 Moloch to the forenoon, at my ale& No. WALNU P B , reetp la the' city of Philedelithia, to eooltdet the matteremented to toe as efotesstO, at which time mat place all pergola., eonoerned are notified to attend.- . JOBIt /ONES, MAW, ho July 201b..11369. - • In 72 fit It'PE' Miniatare•size Photographs, plain , 04, or eratereartere,Arebrotypee, ait ?m a pt•••,•?.....t0 i• • ,upertor =inner at -.ll.EndElani Gallery, IigOOND street, above {fem. Its SYRUP WOLASSES,r-250 Ude and bbll. New York - end Pbtloctelpbto Rynip for Nolo by JAILER anaeam It 00.. VITIVTA !freak fall T0r.14.-80 cafali4Priran Retailing Rice in 41SO 4 ,V9 4, 10A r tg l ii b igaTir' "B" Hie "Ir_TOLDZKOM'o. HOUSE, on B 'TINE fl &OM le now open for the reception of vigilant. The gnonlog end Aching are good. Captain holds tom's boat always waitiog at the inlet on the Cr. rival or the care, to convey pee,ongere to the house they can go in about forty mintatee, ?vas or Board, FT per Reek „iyl2.l2tit N. B —The cars mart from Vine Week at 7% IP Y 1 LWOUSTON'e UNITED STATER HOTEL,' CAPE MAY. • This spaolone and favorite resort of visitors to Cape May has passed Into the hands of COL. SAMUEL T, HOUSTON, ' (Late of paintunla City - HOtel,) - and will be thrown oven to the oubllo on ' - MONDAY, the 20th inst. The long experience of the Colonel in this connec tion peonliarly die Wes for the ancoessful conducting of such a house, while he will be supported by the very beet aide, in every department, that can be procured. The house has been entirely renovated, end decorated in the matt 'gorgeous moaner; and 'arrangements made for the supplying of the larder - and the wine cellars with all embraced in the terms enbstential and luxuries. We can safely adTisealsiters to give the Colonel a. call, and redid that his boat of friends will be vastly in creased before the season is over. JONES & 603 MAW 111.1at9 SBA BATHING. BALL, 061411 !NAND, OAPN M&Y. N. J. Tbie fine, large, and airy hones le NOW lONIN for slattern, It in dlitinpilehed for comfort, locality, and superior aCCommOdaticmel, with ample room for 200 per. eons. Terms moderate. je28.13w AARON GA.RILEPSON, Proprietor. THE PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, ATLANTIC OITY, Ia NOW OP.MN for the reception of Visitors, The Rouse has been thoroughly renovated and Improved, and great care will be taken that all who may patronise Ws Hotel shall be well taken care of. OOLLINfi k BIRTSON. Wm. Counts, of Reading. Roar. SIIIPLION, of Philadelphia... 3026-Im B EDLOE?? HOTEL; At the terminus or the }Unread. no the left, beyond the Depot. This House is NOW OPEN for Bearden and' Transient Winners and offers accommodations equal to any Hotel In Atlantis City. dinae last season, the chambers have been very mush improved, and rendered more comfortable by Venetian blinds having been puttm at the windows. Charles moderate. Obl , dren and Servants, half arise. it Partiea should keep their seats until the ears arrive in front of the Hotel. The aligns are aonspiou7 cam. a je26-em EA , BATHING ATLANTIC CITY. CONGRESS HALL is now open for the USURP TION OV HO AhDERS. end the subscriber will be happy to see his Irteods who may favor him with their patronage during the season. je2s am - THOS. 0. GARRETT. QBA BATHING. 1.3 CONGRESS HALL, LONG BRANCH, N. J. Will be apes for the reception of visitors, JULY 4th. The Hammond Furniture are entirely new, with all tho modern improvements cod oonyoubmot, and loon. tad on a lice with the Nations' House, with floe lawn in front, and within one hundred yards of the beach. There will not be any bar kept ; in every other re spent the above house Will be Iltabolasa, and the pro. prietor hopes by strict attention to business, to receive a continuance of that very, liberal patrwnege extended to him through the last seven yews. Persons wishing to engage rooms can do an by a& drafting WOOLPIAN EPOHRS, jel3o.lin Proprietor. I3RIGANTINE HOUSE, • This is a most delightful retort for families. The Bathing at this point it nnegeelled anywhere. A large fetal, the IIItEGANTINg 11013813,- has been recently built. The iodation Is cool and delightful, being Mau ated between the Bay and the Ocean. Fine fishing and gunning throughout the season. Terme SBper week. Captain Turner's new boat. the " Sea Bird 1, awaits passengers at the' Inlet on the animal of the. morn. ing train at Atlantis City. from which the BBIGA TINE HOTEIE is situated a dlatanoe of three miles, being •pleasint Inland mil. Passengers will find Cant. Turner at Bedieele Hotel, where they will leave - the oars Post ofilo address, Atlantic atty. j.. 804.4.14 NASD[ SPRINGS, SITUATE AT TUE U OE WAR BIER RION MOUNTAIN. . Thin romwatle ee watering nl -- -6, MihM north of HIINT.f.NGTOG, Penns., se been newly fitted and for oldie, ready for the reception of vieltors, at the fol lowing rates : per week, $llO per day Gentlemen wtehiag to keep horsea can be accommodated with good cool stabling, attentive and trait, heathme, at low rates. A daily ]fns of hash' will run front the railroad eta. Doe, in Renal:Won. to the Springy, leaving on the arrival or each passenger train. j,BO imef JOHN R. HERD. NEPTUNE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. This POPULAR and nvoturs 110U81 having been RNIADOND AND RDWURNISORD, la now thrown open for the damn Its Booms ALI 1111.0 X, end [LUG AMY 001018010, With elrOryoollTeniellCKl MCI comfort for acdournere at hand. This Rouse Kleine " on IdABSAORTI SEITTS Avenue, within convenient distance of the atrf, to reach which broad and 80111 gravel walks have been laid out. It is adjacent to the Lighthouse, and torounande a doe Tiew.of the Ocean and Inlet. - • . Permanent and Tracelent Boardere accommodated on liberal terms. Oltildreu and Servants balf.prioe. 4e20.9m Joan Proprietor. WHITE 11017 SE, Lower end of MASSACHII9ETTA Avenge. ATLANTIC ()ITT. This If ogee fe boated immediately on the Beset., and presents eVery noamantodation for 'lettere. Terme moderate. . W/LLIAMMIIITTIHOMN, je2B-Im Proprietor. • SEA BATFIINd. DaTANVAIIE HOUSE, (Jape Inland, N. J. Thin fovorably and weltkeown Hotel le now open for the reception of vlators. Tonna $3 p..r we.k. Jet - 6 wJAMBS 7dP.URAY, Proprietor. rIONGSESS BALL, O&PE ISLAND, GAPE MAY, N, This well-koown Ant-class REITTIN, will De opened for the reception of guests on IYEDNBEIDAY, the 16th day of TUNE. MOP to THOMPSON, • Proprietors. 1859. 01110 WHITE StfLPEGTR SPRINGS. OPEN TO TIBITBRR MIRING MULTI' OR PLIA BtraB, IRO* .11;INE UT TO uorcata 1B?. AOOOSIIIODATIONB - NOR OVBR 600 VIBIT.IRS. THE OHIO WRITE EHILPHUR SPRINGS are Situa ted to Delaware county, 18 miles north of Columbus, (the capital of Ohio,) on the Scioto river, 10 miles from Delaware, 6 miles from the White Sulphur elation, on the epringdeld, Mt. Vernon, and PitteMits Railroad, and 10 miles from Pleasant Valley or Springs statlan,, on the COumbel, Piqua, and Indians Railroad. The medicinal qualities of these Springs are unsur passed -by those of any other Mineral Watere in the United States. - - For Room, or other InformationOgren &Ninusw' WILSON, .12., JeB.2mil; White tialphar Spring's, Ohio Vi o rillTE SULPHUR AND CRALY— BRAVE EIPHINGB, at DOUBLING , GAP, PA , are now open, and are easy of access its Harrisburg; theose ou tbe Cumberland 'Piney Hood to Newrille ; thena 8 miles staging to the Syringe. where you sr. Hre at 5 P. Al. same day. livery arrangement to oom plete for Vielters. Board per week, $8; per day, $1.25. Reduction for fautllles. Referencsa—Jm. Steel, Mor. ton fdeMlokaol, Barman & 00., B. 8. Janney, Jr., O. Heference to the Analysis of the waters, Jai. 0. Booth, Analytical Professor of 17 8. Mint. Address Reveille P. 0 , , 800 Pr & OCYLN, je7•Sm* Proprietors. UNITED STATES ROTEL, LONG IIIiATIOU, N. J.—The enhaerlber tdree this method of informing hie friends and the public, that on and after JIINIA 20th his house will be open for the reception of vane, when every effort will be made to please those who may favor him. The home is plea. mostly 'situated on a lloe bluff, with lawn in front. A 'full whew of the ocean. good roads, stabling, .to., make it 66 Wm/We its 4 6 .1 house in the oottotry. The COW. munication is accessible by two daily lines from foot of Walnut-street wharf, viz: 6A. M., and 2 P M. Iteferenco—Grandy, Warden, k . Co , 229 Chestnut street. • B. A. 8110.111MAILEB, QSA BATING .—TIEIS MANSION A. 7 Ii01:181, foot of Penneylvenia avenue, Angulo OITY, In NOW OPEN for guests. Woe convenience of arrangement, contiguity to the beech, and attractive. nen of the adjacent grounds, We holm is unrivalled. The proprietor has spared no peke in mekir.g thin Hotel all that could be desired by Welters. B. I,ltll. VPRRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANO aBT DR 00UNTY, PENNA. This tavorate establishoent will be opened by the drat of JIINIS. bitnated on the I llipinate. Bilge, 69 miles west of Philadelphia, 18 south or Reading. 18 north of Lancaster, 40 cut of Harrisburg, and having the eAvintage of the purest soft water, every variety of baths, the site elevated to 1,200 feet above water level, with graded and shady welts in dense forests„ and the most extensive Unclasp° scenery In the,Unlon, it is not surpassed as a summer residence. Accommodatione for 400 persons, improved stabling, and good earrings houses ; also a, good stock or livery horses and carriages, with amnsentents. A good band of music, billiard tables, teripin alley. it is easy of access from all the above points by railroad and oosohes The proprietor spares nothing to make it a home• plane for comfort and health. For farther particulars, see circulars, to be bad ,by applying to Joseph B. Myers, Third and Vine streets; James 8. Marie, 6/0 Chestnut street; or to the Proprio• tar, JOSEPH EONIOSIACHISE, Ephrata Post 081ce, etyliWim Lancaster County, Penna. frELE MANSION HOUSE, READING, MINNA. - W. L. PP BOURBON, Proprietor: nig well-known establiahment, the favorite resort of eltleene and clatters, hue lately undergone erten sive repairs, and le now one of the meet commodious, elegant, and thorough hotels In the Union beautifully located at the corner of PISTE{ and PENN Streets, Reading. Its aecommodations are drat-alma ; the toome epaulette and airy,• and the table conatantly fop piled with all the bullies of the season. Penang de. shortief spending a taw weeks In ‘ the mummer In an agreeable and economical manner, could not do better than make a trial of BOURBON'S MANSION ROtiall at Reading. an 223/ y W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of WIN IN • 01letTett & toorr ) GENTLEMENti, IIRNIBII - alTiftit and BiIIRT ItIehIIPACTORY, 814 OFICBTh U T (Street, nearly opposite the taitard Houle, Philadelphia. j. W. 8 would respectfully call the attention of Ws former patrons and Mends to hie new stem, and is pre. pared to 111 orders for aIURTB at short notlee. A per feat fit guarantied "Whblesale Trade eupplied with floe Shirts and Collars Jy2l,ly J . lIMBER.-160,000 feet superior 6.4 and ILA 4-4 Mobile Flooring. Bonne. 600 000 White Pine Ootrils and Plank, seasoned, and in thickneestarying from X to 6 image. 200 000 Plastering Laths. 00,000 feet prime Ash Plank, 04 to 6 inches thick. 20Q 600 Brune Taints and Rafters. and 2.tnetr Plank. Barnes and White Pine Pickets, 4X and 6 feet long, pointed and plain. • Togoher with a general assortment of well.leasoned Lumber for building primness or cabinet makers. TOP 010 at moderate priest by 53 , 21.thatul2tir & CO, LOCUST and TWIINTY-YOUB,TU *gyrate. itilAßSH's M.CFSTO STORE, N 0.11.02 OUSISTaiIV Street, YhilaielPhla, -. Where all the latest sod .pcpoler le wee eeh be fibs, tamed ft.= any osteloges In Niel:lotted States. In-, o t rt imf o n Beebe, Bet Please, Songe t Ballads ; ...bet- New Catalogues will be forwarded to say one, post•ppld Mode will be seat, post-paid, on receipt of-the ;prise marked on ostalorte. , publishing and reoet•ieg new Musts daily.. Masked Inatruments and Eltudeel mer• chearlise of every - deSeriptlOa at iinportera' and mann feettwersi, prices. - - • '-. MARSH, ' jy2o-11;4 1102 OMIOTNUT Street. 3ilmmer tiesarts. w. uouszsom ATLANTIO °ITT, MAW JNIIEBY, MINIM smirk, Proprietor, BRIGANTINE! BRACH, N. J Proprietor Wards. QITUATION WANTED as Tray/Alit - 4 ealeaman for a ,WhOlevale Importing Whale and Liquor Rouse. The advertiser has had a number of years experience in the above nal:amity. and has a genera knowledge of the Liquor trade. ofm prodeee the beet of referencia - Has no objnition to going South. address with name. and *here an interrlew can be had D D., Poet Office:Philadelphia. heSt 6at CANDY -HAKES WANTED,—A. Bret-rate bend. immediately, on common Oandlie ; a permit. neot eitnatlon sod the kighestwagee given. A. aged man preferred ; to go to the enantay. .Addreaa OONVIIOTIONIIII., Oommerelm Hotel, SIXCH St*est, opposite Minor. ' • • -‘ . AtiP4t* la/ANTED—Pailding water:4ls And,Hard .v v ware In tr.de for a mall goose. Aildrers BOX non, Poet office. —11248 ts s3,ooo.—..l%.l.Latrz.bt,!irt.u.ani:4taubtliTiyviii gentlemsn of °bander and ability who will Invest this amount or more Address. confidentially, with Or florilsro. H. OOnvIILIT.IB, Press office. y2l.Bt* v v ANTIID—A Salesman in.a Wholesale Dry Goods Store. traexeeptionable 'references required. Address T. at the ;Moe of The jyl9 ittalt - WANTED TO EXCHANGE for improved el tY property, frie from tocumbrorme, 160 aerea of excellent 7&BM LAND, located In Gloucester Co.', New Jersey. The Railroad! from Oamden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, passes wlttiln is abort distance of the hod, For further particulars address J. K., office of “The Press .7) Ja2l. „ Sin Oak aria Ola Let. ea 70 LET—The Hous Own!.ore, N. W m.a. corner Amu and FIRTH lnquire of 11 JacKnorr, N. W. oor. THIRD and WILLING '' A/lefq - J 721 Bt* - - flooond story. front. CR SALE CHEAP FOR OASH.L—One Hundred hates of extelleet Pam Lis& In the Etste of New Jersey, 18 mites below .Woodbury. The soil is annulled for 'fertility, and in a rapidly Improving motion. Tor particulars; apply at this office. 3,10.61* dm TO LET FOR THREE -MONTHS. Parnhibed Gottage,'altuated On the Germantown Railroad, with live ehant'oers, two sitting room, dining-I'OOM, kitchen, wide entry, bat and cold water, range, bath; gee,' etable, coecb•honse, large garden, with every kind or vegetables in the around, everything farniehed but bed•linen. Oeumunications 90 Unica a day with thinity Apply to J. IC tathltilir & 80144, 690 WALNUT Street le2B-ittY WEST CHESTER PROPERTY FOR SENT-A. large and deldrable reendenee in /la° bo rough of West Oho titer,Pa.eontemiog allthe modern im• pro►amente, with flee. airy parlors and oho ober'. le of. feted tor rent. It is situated nearly opposite the Court Bodge, adjoining the Bant of Cheater county, and is wo•tby of epeeist attention se a Country reqilenoe ring the summer. Apply to • Plan MICOOPRRY; .High street, West °beater, Pa. jilt-Muth CA VOR S ALE .=THE "lOWA 800/1- ROOMS, PAV.IINPORP, rue chinos for a parson frith a rooters% capital, to obtain so old established Part idloal, Book. Stationery, and Wall Pa per bariness, in one of the handsomest. most thriving and healthy eitiee on the Upper MAatnlppi. Oduheo tion direct by Railway from all the Eastern atlas. Apply, by letter or par/Quell', to CHARLES Aroma, EIGHTH - and AROEI Streets, " Philadelphia. jlle.aadtw2w TO LOAN, in sums to nit 50, TO pooDismonds, Watches, /Wry, 000 Nuns, kierohandleo, Olothlog; dto., on mode; rate terms; by JONW3 de GO., Brokers, N. W. °Dram THIRD and OnJ3KILL Streets, below Lombard. Ba tablished for the last U yoam. Office hours from 7 M to 7 P H. Second. hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genntne, for sale cheap, at one hall the original eon. ap2ll.Bmll DRAFTS—On the Union Bank of Lon den, and p.oyai Bank or Ireland, in miner* snit, Nor eale by - ' MILLS,AB 4 3O k , 80., in_tlB.Bm* 400 OnESPN t I r Street: lioarbing: 11081RABLE PRIVATE BOARDING for families; large sad email rooms counnunteatieg Saiideomely Inrsdated; le.ge garden attached. Bate, recces required. 1629 SPEWS* Street . • jyl9.lm*, - BOKBDING- r -Elegant and airy Rooms • Single sad in &nem can be had with drat-cdaa; Board for the 8 winner 1816 WeLNIIr BTBBBT. i/i•Ard ' • tidal Mg ebooto SUMMER IsILKS. rolling oat the stook of Summer attire of Drees Stlke at low priori, to make room for The Autumn Itooortatione. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, • 3921 OHISTNIIT and RIGHTH Streets BkREGE ROBES. A law good elyibPrezotirdng of Bsrege Robes In Flounces sad Japes, mellow at very reduced * prices. saline GBBB Ottoranws, 3y21 ORREITNIIX mod EIGU Streets. lATIDR NETTING 3. T VI DO to 108 inches W bite, Pink, and Blue Notting Of good gailitiee - ' EILURPLIFB BROTHIBS, 10/ OHBITnIIT and BIGOT.II Btreete, JULY, 1869111 Sine French Drees Good. at ball' prise 1 I I We have AM doled out, from an importer, FOR GARR, /leveret, iota of exoellent goods, Which we will sell at leas than 0111.13ALT' THRIR IaRGEGAR PRIORI Also, the balauee of our regular stook of, NANOIt e 11.11.13, BkREG.IIB, &b.;' ' Prenah lace Plesolomimes. Pamela Lea, Pointee and Mantillas. Mantilla Leas Goode, in great variety. • Riot Bleak gilt Rotors, verfekesP • - Travelling Dnate a, in differeet materials. Roamer Goods. for Men's and toys' wear. Linens, Linen Handkerchiefs, Ba.h..tola ell. &0., &o Plano.covers, Tahleoovers,htand.ooyen,"&e., and a full stock of Domestic Hoods. T.I4OIiOLHI a 011.1826,_ A. A. Horner 3117.11711 & eiutvati. ir9 Nvm amt exp. fiEILL 7011 mum. psE sOR LACE BOURNOUS WITH Mapes, Points and Mantillas, (Alencon,) all a reduced prirra,to close the eeason. at the rAms MANTILLA AMPORIUM, MiISKTNITT Street. . . . . DIIRNOU LAPIN 11013RNOUS 'WITH °APRS, Pointe end frientlau, (Oeminsyj in greet profusion, at re. dosed prices, to close the segmen t at the PARIS MAN eILLA ILAIPORIUM 708 mein nu+ BLACK AND WHITS) RAMROD CLOAKS. AND Dusters, at reduced prices, to close the season, at the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 0/111STNUT Street. SUMMNR CLOAKS AND DUsTERS, in en Infinite variety of fabric, et reduced priwe et the rem) MANTILLA litiPOßlUtt, 708 ORRRTNUT Street. The whole of our stook Is now cffering at reduoed prices, preparatory to the close of the season. J. W. PBUOTOIL k. 00. jyl - 708 OEIESPNUT Street. CHEAP AND DES tßatilliE DRY GOODS as ADAMS' OB NV it AL Brom, EIGaTil and ADOII Streets. Harare Babes, all reduced to price. Printed Lawns and Organdy. Burgs Napoleons, and Double Baregee. Printed 11.111lants and Marseilles. Travelling Dress Materials. Moue Detainee and OLaille. Plain Tamartines and Crape Mares. Black Lees Manilee and Pr iota. Wide W kite and Blaok Biceps, ter Shaw% Militia, Zoe Elegant Black ens. Famishing Goods in vatlety. Bates or Vitae's Qnlits. Lancaster and Allendale do. Angola 'flannels, Twilled and Plain. Bagardvale do, Irian Mime, Bosoms, &a. • Bittrul, in great variety. All bummer Goods of Bed out low. Coot's Travelling Bbawls, jylo ea in th.tr CIAIINTLETS, GAUNTLETS, GAUNT LETS very large assortment of Gauntlets to WI& and Misses' wear, for sale at HOPIVI ANN'S HO +JEST IS rORI9, 9 North EIGHTH Street. Hosiery for Ladies , and Misses , wars. foolery for Grate' and Youths , wear. For sale at 110911IANNII. - . BOSOMY STORS 0 North if IGHTEC Street. Game Merino undergarments of every variety, For Who, Children, and Centavos.; for eats at 11.0211.+NN , 8 110811211 Y aroma, . my2o.frotr-tt No. 0 North BIGHTLI Street SEASONABLE— Busy. at Brat cod, $B. Bemire Bobscat $5. lineßent, 25 cents. Black Bongos, 81 cent& Bleak °rope Manta worth 88.• Thin Bross Qoodn all minced. COOPIIR & OONARD, le2B 8. R. corner NINTH anti MARKET SERVIOEABLE 7 -- Traveling ticasnGoode redueed. • Plaids, Oboelie, Mixtures, Stripes, Bayaderes, Browns, Obese rimed, &e. Pirst•rate 18% cent lamellas for 14 cant. , Excellent Black ?dentine Silts. •• ' 88 styles best neat and gar 12)i cent I:ine. COUPES & 00N je28 8. X. mak NINTH and MAME? BUTIFI7I4-- Bond Bleak Bilk Mantillas. Real good genteel styles. 154.26. Bennet% sail Chantilly Lane Mantles. , Laos Pointe. Berege Boaters. 000PBB & CONAR.D je2B B. E. corner NINTH and AT B I W. MELIZET & CO., No. 812 CHESTNUT STREET, Agency of THIRION HULL CAD & 00., PRINTED AND PLAIN MERINOS BroMOUSSE LAINES, BOMBiZINXI/, TAIL BAREGIN. BROOHE AND STELLA SHAWLS ao., PHILIPPI KID OLOYIS, JOSEPH LEA, 128 and 180 CH ESTNUT '8 lent. offern to lb. J.ll tradt a des.rable meat• meat of Cotton, Woollen, Llnen, and printed Melo*, now on ample. - A. HATER. & soNs. Choke 'Olen of Madder Prints, anuoTsmu, ,,, cio ss. - tiest in ra e d l a adapteded 11 to h e i l h a e t e A s t u n t o: nin e 1 - Purple*, Lavenders, and Grays in great vadaty. Standard ,tutee Slack and Whites, and limbos- ATLANTAIO CO. sett Metre Antique Mourning*, NlMban 00. Shepherd and barony Platda and Stripes 'lmproved Plain Shade.. and Cambria& AMKEtIO AN UNION 00.-10 4 skeatte g a, amino, Napkins, Crashes, he. PHILADELPHIA. MAD/114N1518, StriPea) Tiat" bagel, &o WOOLLENS. NEW StiGialtrk ,i;l6 P° " ki". 7.1" Y 111".* 'Mares and Helton Clothe. ROOK IVId NtIV tarn NG 00 Yana/ Ilaaalinaret. GLRND4I.II CO , Itanor o.aldniores. DROORDALI 00. Palley Oustmvtell ORFORD MILLS Black Theaktaa, varionatrad, -13 $ EIRIS 'FILLS UNION Oansinieres In groat Tglatii, Cotton w4rp Oloths, Two. de siers,ErTe—Lemg, Medium, and 'lna staple I d-1 fanny:Matures of popular makes. - JJ2o.tr EB. WHELEN & CO., 809 WALNUT • street, parohsto and sell ON CONL6IIB3ION all Moots sad Luaus la thie elty,..and-the placing,' cities of the United States, and mad advances on tha OM: Loan,' on Collateral negotiated. . ' - • 1 1 .11; WilnliN, W. IL mu; , •n T, WILILBN. je29.ox=ik aluneentett, riEW WALNITV-STEltriT • Mg PRANK DCLW, • • And only Apocarance for hix *lnns. - • aLTURDAT:HVENING, July'Zlagfie; Oa which °caul= a. number of volunteers Will ati:. peat. 'amoopt which arc - the following ,wall-kaOrs , Arthrten: , r - :- • gra. JOIN MOW, Pim THUMB: MiIIV.WILKS, Mr. BD:DWELL, Me:" TR &TER Mr. , DOALWINi rf, ko. Petit, Comedy. ID TWO The p•rforminoe Will'oommenee with thellelebis* +ate 'entitled • • : THg /OLDIES ° Of '&111913T: Dake.do Chart/or - ' Da Dragenarcogi s t. - • ' Mr: Thayer —I Pie ee Palbst. - Mr Prank Dreer.".:- Dachas de Ohatias ' 4.lars Jail - Arm . •• • . The Perfonnande will conclude with the Gland : 14 " TendulT Drtuadn4Wo Anti, enured N. 17 'VAN. ITIN81:11: Yen Whale - 1; .. .. :4, - ,.- adecTeenkTherw, _ _ . For particular*, 'VI ODONOUGWa - GAngT/E_S7-1144, - Bf.,`• 1.71. Wow, THE Ginn: 1111111CalloRZ, • - - - T®l GREAT IiRRoANDI2 WORLD-RINOWNIAD.PIH7OHAWrI - WORLD•HINOWBRD PBBFORICEEez EVART NIGHT, HVBRY . RIOIII%: ‘ , - • " GREAT IMPALIMINT /RAT: jets ' GILIGLT - THPALIYUIRT `lll AT: - ' Tins PENNSYLVANIA: tOADMILT OF VIA PINE ANTS,:. - 1096 0/1192NtlfT Tai . Is open daily, ( Sundays eneepted,) from 9 - A. 11., tm -0 Y.M. Adminlon .25 eta. °Michela under 12 MO half price. - . - Shares of Stook, entitling the holder's 'mall,* 24. mission to the Academy at ail limes, =O. LIASSLER'S ORCHESTRA.-M. I BABB.. EA LER* BROTHER respectfully arciounee Hurt they have loaned their Mee at that ireatdence,l2oB, LOOIIBT STERN?, where eagageraeata ema be male anal. jel44crs .f ebitutaL WEStO O STT's OBI.EDF.A.T.ED Weatoottaa Tar Cordial caret Concuription. Weatoonas Tar Cordial curse Bronchitis: - -; Weateetra Tar Cordial care. Conga.* and Colds. Westoottaa Tar Cordial owes Bore Timm. end-Broast. - Witatoottaa Tar- Cordial oyes Palpitation of • -thir Neut. wettoott's Tar Cordial cum Neribui = • Weetoottaa Tae Coraial soros General Wosteattas Tar Cordial entai'Dlesoutas of, fp! SirablitirT, and Gravel. - Mail • - Weetoottla Tar Cordial !tires Disedlie 7 Plies • -_ - _ - Wealrottla Tar Clordiallitired Pettish, Weakriairmit. Dr 19.seteett , a Tar Ooothat Depotilto.:o:9"A=l:Z.••• Street Philadelphia.- • 7 Also, Penal pair spot far Di. -Virotoott'a 1- - lone Syrup and ()balers maws. - - Dr. I. IL W.lle2OOlT can be : Aioissaltad on . thei`.. - % abore diaessee: tree of - thane,-at his Conweitiatieef;;;. Room. No. 629 AMR Otreet, tonal° A. ht. to 4 r. M. frlO•tf _ SWESW - - • 001:41T1111OIL.- - - Plllll9lCiralt .tovnirr AND PALATnumn,mollo; factored at Senfonialand for the Prepriatonk, bow fresh and healthy hvers, by Mum, at slow tempera. :., tare, thus preserving the aweetnees and purity ot .the Oil, chile the natural ashy flavor Ls perfectly eavered,, and the 011 rendered palatable and agreeable to the. - bate. The Proprietors of this Oil Mere- 5o: expense' taring their Olt properly prepared at Newteandlead;, , ..„ the only place whom the Gado, atiorrhita •as ficandin-4,`.; abundance. :The tans 011 by frequently itepalred brrz;. admixtures with oil from other apeates of Um diadtte - .. family, and only that coming from the it I . 4inkor ana be relied upon retake genuine . : • -..-• Our 011 has been analyzed, and pronanneed to be; pure and the perfection of Sae smality--ehirosteniffitleil whit& enable it -to maintain its sapartectty era all •_• other kinds. Prepared and for - sale, Wholeade and Nita, by . • HA85A8D4.,0 • 7: rflbl24f Tillifflrit and OHISTNUT, Philsd4.7, aCROFUL/4 . ' WHITE SWELLING,, HIP= 148E.a88, TETTE% 'SCALD - of the Skin generally, and - all Burnout WA of the Blood are radically and pershilnastly sued Ity'e. the celebrated ' - /N2.1/RIKL DRYMIATIIETV It has beau a very Important agent in" thiretuu of -- 04Naltit0136 DIBMASIS by Dr. Draseberry& 's number (gyms' part, and- tegreat value in thiketare-:" , of Cancers , a'abusdaaelly established by the chary cares effected byfC In SCROTlthitra affeiitione itareteistaleliattuavik-1 effects has never been equaled. - It ease tlaa atinate asses. - TATTIMS, !MAID HEAD, and al Minytious crib, r:w lan, readily yield to &mamas use oraLlSModietver. ,, Malignant Meal and Some are reedit) eurat btatet" , Nl [viola s low bottles. Prepared and twilit by bIaoIIICHOL &BRO.,lLateLonnaberry & "-,`" no £0 North - VIRTU Street, balmy-AOC - Tor sale by the following Druggists J. T. Long & Co., Lancaster ; C. W P MOE. rills J. J. H. Racer, Reading; 8. 8. ltirens,lteaslingi r..tc .7. aleOlintook, Marton; Jas. arreni-elreat GUM ter; Wm. Stabler, Norristown; Almon Rat, Bothiso" 1 , OM ; Dr. Moiety, New Rope; Dr. Leslie, Bristol'' , &haat & On., Airsotown • -Dille & Ball, sfannycnki Pe.; J. D. issues. Trentrin ; De Lt. Cone, Caniten firewater & Co.. Bridgeton; Robertson & Lippincott, dalem, N J ; Wthningten ; L B. - doopes, Wilmington; T . 2: • Hammiirtly, Miitord,:liwilwars; - and Druggists generally. jell;appi Sniff Mint 9_ anb .Liquors PRINCE /..IIP.,ERIA, CHAMPAGNE;:::: DD TANGO'S & Cd.,',IIPERNW NUNN) Trlta to Ar 1711tritOTLY PITON AVE. 7rem the Vineyard of OtelittO. Do Voitito & Co ;Itktio, 'ovate use In she centre of the forlamoct astricrrf ini - oce: It hoe Inteerao_been emdatti to the beet - tables of Snead and the.o4utintintjand only very reeent.y bans intrtdueed into this ow:MtJr,'" where its rare 'utility, combined with the moderato• pribe at which it to offoed, is atieady aoh.terlag a new' • : oxen and topahrity unpreoaddated in the annals of Um- Wine Trade. Bold ia this city by if:mewls re Dili:G.- No. : 20 SI&BICAT PTLthlt r s and at the Principal Rote% by all the leading dealer! throughout the tountry. M. 'V%, Corner of BROADWAY and BROOMBIBTRIZTB. Jyl9 tutherram if liefrigtrawra. WINSFLIP'g ':PATENT BELF-VENT;LAT4I4 RKFRIGIAATOIW. , THII ONLY THOZOHNIILT ViNTILATND AND ILIALTITT KNPNIONRATON IN Tin GINND WITH ZINO, AND VIZ owicrxilip WITH CHARCOAL - Prof Blllitnen,ln his recent work on Natural phi, uses drawings of this Refrigerator to illustrate the irculattori of sir by the combined grotto of eo d and heat, and he love of its operation, .t It beantsfel; accordance wan Natural Laws, having a mot/.e [ono or cis a Serge, to establish and maintain an Guinea constant current of car, and consequent thintilatien.u , The hefrtgerstor has been need, and is higuly tenpin mended, by Professors 8 lliman Porter, and Thatcher, of , Pale College; Prof. Mayes, of New York; Prof.Vbase,, of Providence; Commodore Gregol7,o n. vta Dr• G. Clark, City Physician, of Boaton,-and many other prOminent indentifle men. D 8. leaned , Proprietor of Union kariet. BrOOk/yo;,_ 'Aye "In an experience of twelve years, I have naafi and been familiar with every style of ..twirigerstroy, none of which rein compare with Winship's. I find' It ventilates perfectly, is economical hi ow, and pre lierne meats splendidiv.” Beery hongekeeper who addles Apure, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, iihonid parasite one of Winablp'e. Please call and examine them, For Bale by NORTH, CHASE, 4; NORTH, N 0.209 North SECOND STRUT ) , And ARNOLD A WILSON,, Jel.2ai It No. 1010 OILSbTNIIT GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND • TRUST COMPANY, Office, No. 403 19.1t.LNIPT etrest, _ (Company's BMJUNO •..• tlaviag .00nPolfdated the baainePa of the PANMIRIP ONION INSUBANON COMPANY OP fieNSIMI, will bereafter contact the same wasp a oontetned °apt tal and availabic - MIMS 01-OVER 8 30 0, 0 0 0 , Invelted, for the moat part, In Pinto BOWS AHD Year Ganes, bearing six per cent. interest, on approval pro. - party, worth double the amount. PM, INLAND. AND MARINE °ASO° ItIBK3. Taken on the moat favorable term*. • DINEOTOBB. Charles 0. Lathrop, William Darling, Alexander Whillna, it. Tracy, .Toha 0. Hunter, - "James B. thasida, • 4 LIMO Harishumt, 0. N.131010n. n, Oblast:01. 3. B. If - Pm. Ti, yle Waverly, 14. Y. Thomas L. Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jona th an J. pipping. ' --. C. 0. LATHROP, President; -- WK. DARLING, Vies President: ,- .TAIREB WRIGHT, Etheratary and Treasurer. 0. S. RIIBRILL. As/aslant Bearsta7 alisrza&wst 91HE CHEAPEST BRUSH ROUSE IN PBILADELPHIA --Look at the follOWlog - list of prices for Handeorabs and compare loam WAD *Me bought elsewhere: , _ No, 1, 83 hoots, 62)( per liceses. No. 5. 82 knots, 75 4 . - No. 8, 08 knots, 87 it No, 4 80 boots, 100 . 1 No 6. FS knots, 11,2 K • No 6,100 knots, 1.28 No. 7,105 knots, 160 c. - No. 8, 160 knots, 176 4 g - • HANBY b, 110181.1111, • 08 North THIRD atm% below drab, - Philadelphia.' CHESTNUT SPRINGS WATER-CURE, At 01/118TPUT HILL, PRILADALPHIA CoOnty, for the treatment of all Chronic and obstinate Causes. Tide institution. ruder the charge of an esiyperleneed and skate' Physician, le now confessedly the leading - and most pacceseful hydropatisio eetablisdurient be this tawdry. Rersaalass —lll re. ' Nary .Cottringer, 134 Forth Twelfth areas; °hole, I f. Sharpie's, - Zen, woes Algtith and Ohesiatut streets;` flange °rant, gas , 3.38 Menet street l H. Farrington. Esq., of Myers, 014 k. horn, & Co. TOT other 2111 , 1144:14 and partial:out address DR JOSEPH A. WRRER, - RSSIDINT PHlHOisrt, OHISTfi CT aux. R • 0. WALBORN' & (Now) SaL f and 7 NORTH SIXTH STRAIT, DIANUIPAOTIaMUI SHOTS, WBAPPEIIB, DRIBS STOOKS, lITQ. Dealers in every artiehireilathig to the EtENT's PURN/SHING BUSINESS mirbitmlf L,Aoki CURTAINS.—A large aasortment, , • 3.-1 of near sad elogsot &salvo and oseetnality,' trims- - 83.60 tol4o a pale.' TaueN. Loop', Gilt Cornices, - - Hooke, Mom ho —eoegthlag reoaLred for torehhiog-- WINDOWzI. Gilt Border Mader, and WOOD PiXttlti ea - ibe.,Bt.andBl.26eaoh,aadOoLDHorderdhadas,it26to- $l2 IlOollat. Wotan L'ord itod Numb , Title aid Plaza ~" Vovors 1 Onatiiin Motefisill Of On IdO4O, un til the lowott to the most upenice. , W. H. OARRYI. - If Btore. - 719 °HUTH Hl' Street _ Otettl'AlN , r _NATERrAL4 AND TRLY.. ' 1 ../ Nina ote•foridatoriptlow. Ltdierusd Marlin Car-. • tains Gold mid Gilt tlorder W.ndow Mario. from Elio - etch with good, stravg lstarea flirsorsi -aror moopootfully_inTltad_to emmtimo out goods—Whet...Alt, and Curtains made •orauktd p ukat wb?,dowileith.A tot ,ox - 47144 f MEM BOLE IMPORTER,_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers