*". • • - _ iiati+l4l,lllitin4lX6l1 0 /341) ' ;,:l4; l 4VititAlOitielti l lithtNEt; 4 ,24 ; ° 411 4 1 - 's 424 e iil : -. 1.4 7e e t !. . : C:f!7 1°5141 , 04.t1041101Vrat,03094.1an it'EmariltonsE 114rki, tamo r lol . 9l4l4 _,__ _ l O 'K c Zi..WA.llo4ol.lrAzgiA' aIW clitf :Ai' rm. 01:1011 -:- • 7' - ' ' ;';: i ; 74,-* ** - 1 1 *.** 41i bK* -80 *fi li fi ll :* '** o 4l: ll iiiM4' 4l tdii;', 42 - 06 , 0416,0100114_. rS'" .. . I COO ", - GO addr• 4B l—lli o . o Vit oo ..* Brim& • orriert 190 WM' wool Is •- • trr ,portraoriistuam)titi ar.Agiriti for • il4-00ititiftplkof*thelP,eansiy1, , , I.lls tpo«iNt lV9 4 .4.lP,RPlTippi..Cejlk, " ef t LaJOY.VitftMtk,AtPest , of 310...00110. - • ”Voort of-Low:Wm VON forth. "Aftts44,rhnidrflAilittottiillMll:thqt,tetßtiok ihatirastio qz4uvairLdijsf bialabialil . 6440 (mit 04 is. berosi - ' sheolOtillily; I.lls4,.Aharilid2 4p4: 4 111 bit% eilkikaiidißdilie - casPa , ratiasTiceotilurviiii .„ - ily-„ticlo,r uh• 'lnlet); iila• •-• :Nati ockatars. PTO .aTIO.--E.t , 404N4" fAi.furiat:lquctew..eol44l4.4o.l4 - zettli Lettisb idegikrok , AerswirovikatottittixEßV Ornoir $ 71 . age liweetio IttifvfigoosiakaxiihstioroO Who DIM; vg mut •be fo r, ,Zeeie k tiitet lettiesi; I. follows ' lit DI 4,10, : sem= ) 71114 lti Da. triat4l/ti '4414.' et Die etbVl4OlM: jfkCted. 4 The, 4th; 10* 1 4 1 iLiette — rwesoiflrikdo,'-V4 Obi district, ideti;l73k7,o4 4111:- be two veo itilietraoo - `,.iektleVirg;:eit. th. - .SWislo, be AO - 0044111"%'04,011,4* '7 ) 6, ii*tr - 1.0 .1 4,Q0a;V0t 'OW / I ,AS.. c, ,, x 1 am!: e Pr!‘",-;!*,-q1MI) W4S" °L i . palms% Its ell opiditot.. - 4 rablikiSs , . , • - - - krzlis 'oar:: - =:-, 011111114WW P" m641z, e 3 V / O OMPA*Y''&I4 , • ..., 2 , 44, - - vii. , :talti t trab ill, ,EU 6, o_o _ to . ts • . now pi-0,-- -....aa a moaTa lad... L e n t r m a r d nmm ir V iavaAL . - . toboviale - 1 0114, !'; Oil' 111 . -- f"'"'t=7" -.* 7w o r klirt iai lik il , r. : a ,::ll., , :.?::;:, „ ; :, : lirti v a i sbul th nov isas i., u, t2A: rie,„,.. di ,, ii = om:: : A lirillogaspcti,?,i:7.:-.,C,.4“ .. ,y , k Lni'4l7n t,., , : • litgiddr, , ' • `;. . • • 17 1 ,, ••,' .. -, ~,,:: - . ,-- Vidatu.oo 4 i*- - --•;' , 1" ',----'' - laioiyidiiitoliai, ~ - --- iiiii ,: ii.b.ii ' 1 1, -. liiill 1 ? 1 lii- - . t. - 4! 1 . - t, 1 1.!.*....# 8. # 11 A, Ii PYta: ,'... A B rO od a ' se i tli : WHOA et. ",*-,. ._ .,,._„ . - . " 4 - , antl4 44117Attatai*1ta.Pl"141"1:7„1 4'-sot- , , -,_l6' f. iiillolllll g tlt nt., 11111040/80%.4rersiins 4 having ltWitterviti;OUM:itibelErroaPirUl 'Vblll.***s; kotwiNACitt. hotioof**tiatik, watt .8 iloilytbajmOst - whisDasstyi, 41% 11110/Alai . rani Potoiyor•roi ' woßytto*./4 1 9, 1 10.14doomotortiolos unidebyeasbW. - ,t10"1" Ilitoeti °in** 12 ^ taut Villtworitoontiolthitit tholililo - Si* prolitly itiostotsY lab ttea with tor.oooovoisciir way outbott- Vi 4 ll%; o o 4l 9 l .bol i Zolly_ Campo op wok., maw woo_ ;fitoookikoll, Otolopt oto Invite:aft nottlisto lanp si ;iee*ltOwtliktOkooktolitiotutriiiierigloilki Mob ittikollipiOwil?sXOLlllllVß OWN'. , Imilia‘AZD I WAR* , -T. foe Vow goolloondigt ombto+4,Bll W m !: 4" fforet l imansipTh ('0 itAitt;ll:dirtritl r 'MILL . ^. 41,1 014.40nc0..-omy' bo oltairiot mAto gp tios to itairst- tio. 284191ATLIANDT ittteet.M. - it 5471.4 ' -'-.ll qMT l 'f r • -PAY- Zi***oo. lll l 4l4 ':Po4 l o rekiPs -,- - , Arinig is`: it,gB.r.arreitke-W=1441( 'llem ArAilts AE: , k• BOA, sii dardtasolir3t4 A - Mbiaiiiikterygasicglictsltrabetel: : wiaimut lositaikostriasOr Vitt amigo"- Of 0114D1r/Or ERG IX; lir 6.414 '151030t4D,50411 11140111" i?j°,lollK AntAkowiogr, , ° - , /11„.ap, qoit: f t' , 4 ISt 'T OE (70PARTVER,811IPiheit toWer ;la Oxus 67 - 4111siolird' mattatriwr Thirtristaia,athipi jital , settled tefiosities: - -T'aXpvcite. who is . whoelietil ye; 1194 Wiliqaiditiowf , s'' - • • _.O,,,;O6XPH , BAtiNEON, ' 441 -j'AIN 0.911K00D - RattriaaN. - • lke., Tobacco Comr.ti•OfilrtelovsoOtackaW,T#. t he orii ' .:•ffio , lolll North WATltll4l6trook - - . - 140tii-4011 41 . 0eth 1414344.0 'loon* GE916.01314 11,0 • '3:110 0 iropi;:waiiii Lk: -:- !•• 14 -f: ' § - tt- 4404 D 04 1.,;94,e , ' I-- -4 4 A44***.theatii.:014#14 ',1501,14^41.4.i.*:#.74,i - 4Cifi4lPries ‘InAPSOi 110P,A4TiER4HIP_ • etnroaktfout4 - 044-4.wiT tbish a bforib.ri, toiler die Arai: it 'l4 fu,issowN itUgiOs Ufa OP/ 4 44141104:b.f. inatad *GAN.% TaoljurloOkiv-Ebilliniiwitt,bo.o4le4 by ifoltSib; LI UII - JZOSARIPO,ItD:OO A:l*May: LUEZ; wheats atibbbgb: . bobibuLA "Anti _far I.b*PitPt' 1 1 0,Yi t;Vi: ' n-rmwm— cowl p s2 , Bß „. n i oni i ir „ .. ., - • LOTZ.,;* - - r ''LluighlinOadasets.": 1 i 901at," 33 ` t: ' Now 'extegidv• "f, 41 !!!" "N" Mat e r *IA 0X I X (th 1.443 stftsimiasatara7 pawn% sac! a r t 1"4.711 ' 1 " " !'. , Wtheisiiiiciil4l/1 7 u1f,"10,, , ,,401,?mPti114 - woxißrxt l ettigs : B4 liararr...l:'-ieiatiatstili. auxin& - _ w • # sev:i ,r 2 J s !", vel • 111 , 1) 7 111 14i,*011,AAT_Aso1A4ALM07' bum_ >eguA#l2,m/i.. , .its , v-anb piolEtoN4-Bl.oo*a.f&a. 04.1 3 ' & - 'O, O • 14:1 1 °R 211 rVotiri/A STSXMITs DStkittlin -4 4.4 e^ X.. ^"' - t gi l d loob i tilr, • =l. or tor sowarnios *we* , 001111111414DO1Ailanitinti!,f - 700(4 , 1119= 7 zugriton, , A roo ; mop - L spar o:E[Aftca4mipid 4 'A'Afal'Fi I ppg,tot I*i" ms o W 4 PPEO ,II6 % 43 . 4 Os: ` T r gP!;, 'tholiktafigAPT , 14 '-"alliilliclioCAO"OLOCI ,45O]AInO1kp1e4, 600. 4 ;WATEri - R i tIWEJO • rrr wa:gj c t t r ;',., TWWY **int -10:1•Alis4.4010/firt,ttralariolie . .. .. ;au ~. If OAt ,••• ,..-f't oiktia l . „l"..", - ;. - ,, , .:. j i..4114 - 7t .'"7' .i ~, ...4,,,r::514. 4*lst4g.festoUra.lll . . ~.., , • -,• ..-.'r:'".. --ir-4031,1i-i-ficet442.!,.- , ',- 1- S ti- .. ,- *Fit- i f t aik: . 4 4 r ogfe: y' , ,:,:,, f,±f luso -.,.. ito; , -.•,--•:-: -,,,,,•-•,4;;406111111144114.01101,ii55in,.,. -. ' • ; ---cf,'-f?i: 0111-011,-..• 4erteirdr.!-:.-- , _ • , :.--, Arts iiikabk 4•00,10,.:,-,-k!..5, ~,.... imia -.. ' ls ..i. Wolf- - 1.-- c fat...mett. .g...nriiixt"llw...- ili*,•-• ' . , ',. -.1-., iZellirt4l7--. A.PK-40t.,--i-7--7. fates' indzsoolV!, 7rtrttaill; familia.* tg.4"?.;:c. / .. -4 '• .44 3 9 64-J'''L' "ii;ii:6 "s".l4kbttrw A B ur ;-,vi etm!!;04.1 4 ,,A.. mo-iquitoi titT.i.coi t tint tivf4 orYlk t il lit'ef 0 ,-.ffs...t m. " sui% A °' ' itliAt ii krePOAL' aallt 1"7 ,Itilriliit...iletiakfilt:4oo,kciii, : 1 fR6.7‘ `:-'lo4llgillita f;':. ,~;~:giiii;ll~ cat .~' ' ;1 - , Arc • 6-4-1i4,4 • "'" Virifiiir;EVlA , A* 4 - ~ • w 0 -.- 104,wsitiorampluwcroc! ,-;4ww- L , " CI A' N.A.* "vita .A: -Attiv igtr." 47.1 „• _ . - - ~......,, .- . • /. 4 - .."'” - -.--- • Vii , v i .. ,- N. /,,, ,: 0 -. - • -4, -, , ~. 1 .., - , ~. A . ~ , , • -- ' ' ' - ~.... - ..„.,.....".:,, o pfr,...„ ~ .....-- ...,.c- ..!_ A- ~ visit 'J ail -.,;-," -.. L.,. • •. . _____-- - LI; .. J . . r‘ • _ .,.. _ ~ : - ---. rg4 , %k ,,,,,ci ...-,..,-. . z,..,. . ?.-„, ~.. ~,,., _ ' , - 0 - 4. ,.. 41 1 - -.,,!... UV* , k 4 r - r .6 " • ... AMY ":.Z. . '' '"lttl 'I . Pal f: ' ' '''' '. I LI 1 ,- t , ,_ ,q• 0 Ir. •,+ ~`, ••`* - 7 ~"',.. :;..,'• - PAit' , , ,, ", 1. ' l4 ''' '-• • ' :'./‘ . •.;/,. P' ' ' • .- - - ' . , . ' . )i , - e,', ,'z' r 1 ..4 - ,-K...117,-/ -, ~. • • 1 - • .., i •-••• •• :..., . ~; - • ----... --.--..... ~, _ -• . , .. - .....- , , • .-.,...:. •,- • • . ...... , ~. ~• ~ .., • . . . . . • . . ~„ VQI: I 2 NO '3 ' - ,".E.job':VOtyig_.__ W - JOB": PRIM ING OFPIOE• a•s oily, cheaply and expedillously TTTTT lissom:mu or TEAIN.AND °AN/MENTAL PAINTING., 11.0°)TE ' , • „1-PAMPII6II7B, - rams soolEa; 01.14011LARs, itSbilL§ Oit EVERY DtSORIPTION, POPT22O, HANDBLak _ , - , ;lABBLS Printing for iTIOTi6IIII3BB, LiWiSitB, Bii,OB'AIIiTB,IIEANyfA9TII:IIN , 7 'ing:oiteint,s; - lILIGROAD AND /NEITIBANOI 67, MI ardent left 'lithe P0)100100 OM. 9r. Tke Pteis - Ha 11LOHIIbTNOTS1H88T, Will be proeiptly I,biended bo.t !'• ' • ' JAIG•M' Prt t;,q - sos' commits' on *aloes. irtoy HosIE4 - x . co.'s MERINO :SHIRTS D EA WEBS. itiDBERT E 1 tVANS, 03. 216 - 01IZSTNUT STREET. ==llll v ;fanip Gabe Jobbers. ' , . -- 15131-litiOo ,CO:. • 41..26 and 28 N O R TH FOURTH non: lanai/ anao ark fromEampo, 71.114. - IMISTATIONB- • C;1034•1 4 1* - :OD 081 , , •Y_ I.;j2WYElV:i4 o :s l o l 4.o l vAtits,'. pniik)ni twilpieti; and- weU ' fib - 60 "naBN Ain?' soun#,E4:rior fl?afV Vas,'i ? ,ros cl t g," RA_ LEY & "' Ca; =EI _ . , =,' ', 1 ;' , ■ BAILEY & KITCHEN, ' , ilialatt,ii!)iiir 'infoixik:et-ir, Wilts garble ',, tf •,•--=:;-• •::1,, '• , : - 7 ' fitok , s; •, 4 • • • • " ' 1 4.9 . i',. ‘ ,-.. ailt***M l ,t , ., il#liii. ~ *oolo GIRAiD1101:11111, ; - . ! _"!,(:l . ffriAhlisig *L. ipil St«ar. of' . . ' :iiiivOinWilinbti7PLlSitti r w; ® _.:.,,...., ,•,,,,, ,#C7 ' , 40 9 01, , , - ro - roink Om te, Oss oitteatton of.tke,publie. , lirßiatlmp, ,wAvotwa; _DIAMONDS, AND , ate, - 1111FAtin. • jr4VIE§-N I S*TibON•• zairOaTEß PTATOIIOI . , ',/EWE4RIr, its ktaattrtirlaum. Clostoti4!ly.or:owl,sts4 amo;tmosit of Vookaron tal•eni B•TJAROWK,A URN; • ity• sukilur•crattp.sas AND IMPOirtintal 01 - : ____Stbveak•PLlT.Ho WASH,' ;i4l tl ,4 24CEl3llSTlAtlr,fitreitt.fabovo •Tle (op uoirmaulon bead And for, solo to th - TB kETA, - COUSIUtIION Bliasiton forma, maNs, DUNA WAY - INTO 'parrots, RNIVESi SPOONS, ' LADLES; /co . too.- - 'eNlOita 'fall plating on All kinds of motor: ..24 W4P-AELPAC •XLSON • sEwrNa- MACHINE'S ! /opal's to alrotloota foe worst o;Ood tot' iT ifi9EJUIC TAP.DNat AND DaDIN II AN , WITY:6I3IO.Ifa — 'I 7 IFTY DOLLARS. •r,l • ,01111013111•• •.• • 'Etti.Chiiiasetrefti,PbUatisiPlas. ' Wad Stott.Street, Treatite, N. J. , , - • = Over Alm ,TltagViJiltore Ituton, sass. lot esy 4tarist Wset, l okeitnir. -• • • • 2 SUB AGIN*I3: • XDWIN BOBER 011, Olooreotown,N. J. , PATTERN:di; Milan, , N. Z. • •.., tititiatiat apinmid by 1 . 1,1 ,4 - Puiemter: Pains. • • " "" - 11E**Y COT, Agar,: .-4 ''' . o.o4 l 49efOrsintjellitui siboari: IVIViNgILESTER; & QQ.,;(iENTLIBIZN'A 2 T. IV lozipzeggpie*cutie . - " dOOOLDEPARAY- MOT iliwnreo- At the Old Mud, No. 701 C IPPNII'd litres , rrppo -- eats the Wsibizigtonlionee, • „ WINCHISTIR ,wlll ea heretofore, Ms per eriperrLelon re the_ Cutting sod bleartfeereriep deperhaeold e • Caere for has iselebrated Axle of Shirts dlrrSelltre Wed at the thortertrlotioe. Wholesale terms." • i. 114 , 41 . itsktigielMOSEitEP4S, AT . • MoAI4I.4I.STER'S 2 , - 723' ORESTNIIT STREET.. HE BOLE •AGeNOY:I O O,. THE -.DE14.13 B. A- B D - r : - cbsTzsmut 0 .F , -EE POT - ; „xe ao.l4,llimuko-iinlsblog 9toe, & 00. .vas s : ; /10/00P4IS!LBR, ' trpromaerr ,A.zrzr .igtxrittesT; 'ca.' 1,004t0s on ot **WC sod SAS Atityr AOlticle Wo 925 .W 11111.0 W UNTIL Ajer:Axiirtati. *tie Flamm „dm ttllkkitlrEg Aim BILLIARD , TABUN. ' MOORE ben , IDAMPiONi 7 : s •=ft; sourk. 4RooND 8 PICOT; • at, sagmetps tiwir"oirteseite ,Oabloot Dubow, eow,irpthiotartaty hesperlotertiele or , pnuARD uttme. AM - *QOM' aildPlol93 Ikea° iesp otrainotio, 1818811' prwionneel by all who kin 'toed them to be ,3 111 1 , 1 1 ,te tallosbort. p, v. , _ apyii (4.141040,2'46s !As Ram- Ail*Okr We/to-A*4' atiskiims Alum:lewd , the tlehabiyho!opefesiutoy 3040,4011tet of their puio 441 D ~ 0)14 BI.EID, MECAIAN'ICiAia BAKERY, OAS is °intim AT Tin FOLLOWING 011011A1•110.11L BdAPAY, H . W. corner of Broad and Vine stream J. 0•11/a9.300TINI, - W wiener or Twelfth , and Wallace streets • O. M:OLdBW,' Poplar street .6 elo xa Tanta. W., afoltßdra, • - •B. >c corns Birth and . Goatee emote MRS S.B.101( No. 493 Oallowlell/ street S. PANOO4BT, - No. 910 Spring Garden etr.et. ".0313N G. morerr, No. 1993 Vine street. BILL MUDS . T. P. SMITH , , No. I.lo' North -TM !trees. T. 0. HoittMi, . B. H earner , Tlfth and Bprice street!: 'W. W. MATH:SWS, . 8. B owner Blerenth and Lout streets. D. "KN I GHT, , . Broad street below 1 141- not. , GIORGI GAMIN, No. 14 1 9 Lombard etmet. . N. W corner !gluon% D. 0 - OUHTNIT, and Pine civets 8. B. 41480 H, . /mirth and Germantown Road. B. IL WANSMAHIS, rodent a tree t abets Oletb. . - Z. Laitive,, - Corner Sonib 'Fourth sod Johnston Wee% ~ 4 . HOLLAND, + 8. W. corner 81tPent.h and otiirnritEs Ogden ntreete. 'DAVID FIADDL.IB, ' No 280 Meth Eletenth 'treat. - I, 19:EIGHTUAN /3. E aorntr Blowenth grid - . Jeffers it otreetn. 8 . "81P4LNS J t No. .1.040 North Yron . . street. ' • H. BROOKS, , 'B. W corner of Besenth and Plneitreeba - /Oil 11Y - 888, - poetee street below Thu, • • .1- teenta street. P. M.- WOOD, • -a, IV airoer rrent.The sod P. Centel' streets., isoluua, N. SY corner Tenth and Shiypen etreeter D. ITTENIRI Zto. 1216 eolith Profit J. , 811138TEIS, Partial atreeto raos: T. BLS CiOrltte NI. atom:kVA street B t N. ,BOWN, J. Mo;NI'YRI, goatee S. W. HUNPIa, Mates sheet aboie Bevan " 471,Liatom, corner of COX and. Cldris• Om. I; L, BIOKO • Oftmdenfa staxe.ll9 . Arch street. RAl24lllt, ' Wes,Pewiltailpids,}l6th above Ilivertord road. L. YABNILL, Lem', Penna. JOHN BARIUM : Tremont Ana Pin* Grove, PODDS. N: H. mos, Beading, Penns. O*o. B. TOWNSEND, WeffEDheeter, Perms 3io. iisossa, Atleatie Olty, N.l. (ANNE OAKLAND,, ‘,. Deis May, N. J.. D.HONTON, _ Elor6ol, /DUN BODDY, Wilmington, Del. j42.tr _ - VIEOFIANIOAL BAKERY', EL W.:corner LTA, BROAD ind'Vliell Streets, Philadelphia. Phis eotabliehment le gow 1n egooseefal openitiondit sad aught , .d wev raioli/illy failure to / ind /led and the whole pkwoli or brtad maths - for them. valves. - Thrimderegned tatos the libirtY of saying that toe thirty ibre.years he has been a practical baker=-Dire striatentirie, end tire astiourneystmo in one of the drat huge in aeration& and twenty lies ee tneeter--during Irtiltlithde he babel the spbortanity 'of making ataus flpetiteentesed olaserting all the icriproiementa which have been made - deribi that period , ?<b this setsolistiment, Of which he bu now the nine. raiment, in "addition to the o'noplete labor-saving ma lifters-, he tab bow far:Millen of Mall kinds nbt here- Being ticireatuiniut In the purchaser°, dour, none bet he soandett it but phial ever be used i and be has no beesitatlon In saying that bread of kinds can be de lirored,"nnenrposeen, in finality end welgit to Shit made ca the ordinany process • - ~ - familSee in which the breed mate by the MechaOical Eibliefl Us' nor'beear - tried or in which it bee been 'itibi,otar its ocuramenument,_ Wore the machinery sew in peewit working order,ate reeputfuily sited to ;ire it a trial now—the undersigned belleruag it would mail to milted advantage • rayg442 „ , , - G. MOXIOT, Benet. , 410Z - #4 4 LRFAVoLAPitS:',',.t . : , . foi herabi gibes' to the °levers ot the proper., ties reeatioaed in 'the &herded ntemoiseds R Obt!tot, that wrlte•or. ache will be famed thereon. In ttvothionUnt Isom-.lra, 404--1011(lAc-11.01.1 are paid on or before that time. - • WILLIAM D. 11111ARYI • , , - Atharrier for Claimants, 411 OfitaThUP Btreet.: Prtritrei,rnte, Jung 2,g, AL9, nerds mom. or comfort PLO 48 ; TOO THE OITY AND OvIONTY uY kIIIL ADEL 11/ t. The City . of 'Philmtedahlia to the ufie ,of zioob liar ettolomew ye Lay "k Broth r. owners or repet•d owners, or Whoever may be O.'nere; - Common Pleas. - 'l)v oemner Term Isle: -No. :OS Faring, $18199. Lot On the west side of; Chats& et set. 87 feet 8 Inches etnrh of Franklin etreetoos fort by 104 feet. - In the 'Filet want. . , issois,ri,John4ilexesider, owner or repotsd wwner or Tlioe'rei me , ' be owner. 0 moron Plows Moab Term 11152 tto 'l7l P Thig $BO 83 Lot on th- neat side, ut Obo. ch' , tree*.tBB het 10 ineheis notth of Moors street. Litlie first ws , d " did:wire iSeOrge P tobneon;olrner or repined owner; ok phosver may- be Owner: Simpson Plass. Marne 'teens, .860 - No. in' Paying, $llB 16 -. Lot on the eonthwest corner of Church end loped stoats. in the rust wlud , - - - J49-wint itOTIOS IS lIEREBY GIVEN thit Pauo a boa, Nam m de .tor a re Den• at Stieltreato N0.:166 of ORM • N rOWN GAS ATM S., 'Me to the no of Dr "T. IF PNTTON,A , ted Jimmy 221, 1860, the sluts having been lost Cr misl id J. , G BOUNDS. 61.11 N, Attorney for Dr Bottou Phtlsdelpbt►, June 28.1869 J. 29 all in - - IN THE ORPHANS' , COURT FOR THE 00 4- 17 T Y Olt Trost Uetate of aOEf. .LA.Pt LIT recessed. - The etditor appointed .to- matt. settle, and Minot the &cementer h • 7 , 41.51", now decesied True. tee, se died by 7081.4 WELSH. Administrator of the said rt&VID LAPSLI V, end to make dlitnhation. will attend to the &Mee 'of hie appointment, on •fi&TIN D ty. be lad day of July, at 11 A. ht., at his 0 1208, Ho 271 .oath 7112111 Street, Ptillsdelphh. jell.ntwaSt - 'llO LUMBER' NEN'ANb;FARMERS. eAts'or VAL131:,1,11 TIMBLR. LANDS, IN WARWItIa OJUNTY By virtue Of a decree of the C ircuit Court for the County aforesaid . pronounosd on the 26th of March, 1869, io the chancery snit of Gambrlll va Whitbeek. the coderiallned• aCtlngelOocominaloners under the said de gree, will sell before. the Court Rouse door of said coun ty on the 01,00c8D TIIWRODAY OB AU(IUoT nest, that being county court day, that Valuable trattAt r d u dmbed in maid deems -• as all bat/mule pi 'tot,' or treat' of land, lying:and •in the enmity of Warwick, and known ae being pert of the Rich Neck Tract; containing one thumb& and eighty-olcht acres (1,086.) more or less, being part of toe reset of land conveyed by Augusta, Gambrlll and Margaret his wife, by deed dared 28th June" 1858, mini recorded' In the clerk's rase Watirlak ' county court. ll The above land Donny valuable and easy of amen, being located on the peninsula lying between the Jima and ,York 'rivers, and about half way between liampton and Wil liansbarg There are upon the premises. steam maw 01111 With engine of 611. hove power, and good tabstan. tiallirink Dwelling to borough repair. • _ _ _TYBMB OP BALD.. • • - . • .. Do mustin 040 as wilt pay the costs of the above mentioned shitand the &sperms of male, and upon, the residue *credit of twelve mouths will be given, the pnrchaser to pre-bond with good 'security for the do. fared payment, with interest from the daY of tale. • lASI 1:101‘ J. BOWDEN,— OlistRIMS K. human*, Commissionere, Of the above lands, teeters.. are In, ewe oultivation, balance heavily timbaied with superior white oak (for ship bullding,) andpiest the pine wook being, worth /an per cord no the banks any amount can be con. traeted for, for the New York market. . Any information in Meranoe to the matter can be had by addressing Newcomer & Stonebraker, Baltimore, Md., or tiy applying to 8 Patrick. ad) doleg the lands at Warwick Court House, Warwick county, egirglida. 1e1.60t ' • pdILADELPRIA MADE GOODS. EIAE &BD. & lIIIToDINBON, U 2 OIL iieTNII I' street, Offer to the trade the following well known rashes of goods:, • 1L1:111 DENIUS, Omega, Von; and Ltorodd. - 7.8 and 4 4 TIDE INGO, Omega Linwood. Tolwko, and t retngtuit. oaTarING STRIPES, Aetu7ol - a7 ; Menem'. lmon Drool:, Toledo, nod, Erle. .„..040 ,11 2.11. r DIPED, AND Pr,af. OsNA,Kni in, 01 ,_ue RIOSe, Dan River. Nei? - Hitt fdanelmter, Wish /Egon, Red Myer, Franklin.' Tailnanisee, Awed. ' tan tiLla , Thantyre. and 04 De rolefon. - CANTON FLANNELS AND DOESKINS, Bleachen, Oolori'd- -and, Printed, of Tarlotut SeNTIIOB.II rDAN, AND LINBRYI3.. Emanate, Humboldt. Frank On, Ifo enotl, ho , &o. AL BO 86 'BICTINes AND DIIILIIB, of Entithern and Eiat,rn makes lto.kfleh, Deaver Creek: w ender, itidlroid, Mandl! Oo , Entekerboaker, Osro,d, and Pioneer-. - - To eat of 'whit& the attention of buyers to Invited. jrniken Lir D. RIILITIVSMAOHINERY DitPOT 108 WAL.III3I‘ Stre t.—Door, Sash. 'Mina sod otter Wool Working Mach Me.,, ; Patent Poirot nor th; op Macblesi, Wee e zeta. me extra *'hole; Pwe .t Struldltrg edict:lines thine Ms a. to work three ai dee at came. or tor stetting Saab 'A WWI impeller TO3OIIOO I / 1 Machine on a new p'sn; Surface Planer, onnweniens sad eel:alma; for shop Ive 'pee above anobiove are knit entirely of Iron and keel, and baae always taken the Bret prim rriaela exhib ted fn competition with other ntiehMery .Osll and examine. 21. tt. PftSWPON. jylealdaVrtith - 110 WAND FIRE AND MADINEINSD ALA RANO/ COMPANY, No. ON WALNUT atter' Rhil a d elPh 1 NIREOTORS. Wm. t. Leta, , . 1 2. . 11. .11 °4 4nr .L l eheamo *' ni Robt. W. D. Tmltt, - - K W.1111141#164 - Win. K. Ramlln, 7611110. lame", H. R. ShUllogford, 0. W. Spangler, john WL Saxton, 11. R. Houetoni - William. lialtmel, Wm. Lora, • - Rdarin Booth, Charles,. Norton, TAM Ganieon,boo Myer. , .S. Warne, , - President—THOMAS L.'LUNIFAII Vim President.-R. B. WARN., ' is re tai7 , 4IIHABLEB A. DDS, dlfki Jkiad. MANBIACITWISD BY TRH MMMI sad Wogs aveotte.- N. B. corner Noah and Pedoral etreote. Twenty aextbnd itttei Le§to'l46ll,re9; tied IXiitate PHILADELPHIA, WE PNEBPA.Y. AiLY 29; New publicatione. B ENET WARD DEEORER'S "STAR PAPERS" AI'TSAR IN THE INDEPENDENT. EVERY WEEK. Among the numerone other Contributors tone column, ANN Hrs. EIaBRINT fiNitOttnt BTOWN, Bey. OXO. B. OHNHVER, and JOHN G. WHITTINR. terme—Tvo DoHare a year, payable la advance. YnbNehed at No. 5 BM/MAN STUMM, and for - PIIIO by ALb 1.151V13 AGEN2B. jell-tudenam VHAMBER 6' 5 ENOYULoPEDIA, 1.1 (ro bo u Welty monthly parts: lb onto °sob) Rogu'orlr ouppliort to coy *V rees, by JOHN • oral% oN, Agent For APPLDItheil Nit* MISBICIAIt 03 OLOPMA, AllO ODE 110 V.WL, OtIONFOI UP *Dove 811.1 h jyl4 tf *** Mailed fr a sbywhorealf paid iff adranem IVEW BOOItS. • Writ&IGHT FORWAIth ; or. Walking in Ma & ;tor• for echo' give or all agia. By Lao) , .11 Gummy; anchor of 4. Irish-Amy." &o &o. 16010. Ilia abated T 6 coats. flAirttell LEE; or, Beet for the Wry/. Illustra ted. 45 •eota • • . • -• TUN .14 GXL OB TAR 10D.Q4'F.G l eud other teL L.lustrettr g greet morel truths. Deolemed chiefly for the rotteg. Br Joon Todd lgmo. 76 Gents BLIND TOM or The Loot 'cond. 16m. 60 tents r • . B NW( Ta . AND HUGH; or, Belf — Mastery.. By oAnieto IC de. 16mo. 76 tents . . , TUN WM 8 OB THE iiO.II4E3J ot, itorles ot the Strop;le of York and Lanasater. By J. B ICdgar, !aerated, 16 no 60 cants, TVIIIitTIN OW TRW e4ONE2IENT. Translated By Willson. 12mo. 60 cents. Nor sale by ' " WILLIAM B. & Al FRED MARTIIM, - Yl2 ao 600 011163TCMIT !Itteet. AN EARNEST AND TROI3OIITPITL BOOR. , 'iMotußvil ON THE 8113 T TWO 'PHONE OW THE &ratOT DANIEL. By Beir.,Vflillam Newton. 12mo. 76 cerita„ nOriOlie or. toe roue: There it h warmth of tirne aua ferline about Shia book which will Make It riot unacceptable to a large ohm of readers. Ite practical error-Inelie and rote mad of spirit are high reeturanenastiona —Banner of the Oboes • • The volume nonfatal sincere tied earleeit eltpoeitiotto of peophemea. The author , * 'mere are. in hone re sperm, standar, and rob croftbp bf knehßoti gild Cob. aideration --Bindles!) pfhebytki.o. Tbb bOok is toe wallet of a coin, thoughtful, ear nest, sea reverential ml. d,hnd bay be onotolted with profit —Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. - Just pubilitked by wrazus.a. k. ALPE= MARTYIir, No. 606 OBIOSTNUT street. 'LD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS. The uncletatipiett states that he, has t,eguently for sale books printed between the 'nate 1410 and 11100• early eattleas of the Pothers or the Beformerk and bf the radian Mosel An Lair, Braetoo, Littleton, Put. feaSorff, Clcottus, Deirat i !lake, Bale, the Year Books, Deports rte., are erten to be touch - open his sbeites; OyelepAlaa i 'Lelncook Classic Authore, Ilistory, Poetry, Philosophy, balance, Pillitlcal loonomy, Utotorninent, Architectese, Nattual Watery', 'treatises ,upon these and other kindled ellbjects ere ballot oostlianally dealt lb by Mos. Booksok large and sm all quaotatlea, chased at the Oeatom-aouae avenue Bookstall, OBIBY KIT attest, shove Yearth, Philadelhia. snylk Gar JO I N OkbIYBKIJA. ,03tris S antrfocal.: LA "PERLE Just , RUBIS CHAMPAGNES. The undereigned have been appotrited sole, agente for tte United' Ststee awl Cahada, fok the axle ht the Champagne Wines -ot- Meed.i4. AO:0*8 , GOB/Cii4 09 at Ohhloae.enr.Msrae, Frantic' We present their *ince to the pithlto dotter two branda,,tutmety:' - , Lt IERILS AO) - 'rho " tBILUN " Willa ra Or eietribilte devoid:id fruity taste, and la yr artatileti to compare favorably with sooty Wine to the American market. The `A RUBIS" lea fine , Cabinet Ohampagie; of ik beautiful Baby oolor, which ft; natural to the wine, Thus who, le undoubtedly' one of the &met Oabluet Champagnes produced in Prawns and le made from gripes of the ahotpset peleetiona. , ' - . 'rook the long gigot:4*e, extenilve poi!aeselopt and large wearer of the hnora hems. °"Aqq_,Yl/1 GORR(' & aid their deteiminatioi to (arab& whim whin shall mootirftlt the approval of eorumukeri, we feel Itinstrated that a trial will filly gegaihalial) we ahem for the eiaellence of these wines. Oitesaß, `AI3ZGG, MoCLol3lo(7 r , ' N o , - 10 aitaa33.stalhct,maw • ThisAbotlii*lnakukr ii;hielst the toiroilDs Nees la Philadelphia: - Joao 0.111111113011 & CO ,U 4 Waltalt At. ; titOICAB H. fkoone & Co , 0.28 Doak at • Jima: IR Christ— Met ,* Joe. P. Testae &' Co.. 266 BO:front et. i Me came& dex.em. 8140, therit nt.r Parrinisoiri Ooemis i re eur -rie almond E LAWSON Selliikt, rlO7 Mar ket, it' Tito:Mon BLkiik, come. Chestnut and Broad stn.; Wx . Pain a, Jr . Twelfth and Oheitont tier; °LOMAS, & [Lem inn, In Market et ; SIMON 001.701, nor Broad and Walnut; ARNOLD & Woke. 120 Walnut street: Wm L NIADDOet & Co., US South Third at. •s, Ala. at the following Hotels: Gm OM MAW eiLissagivi STIRS, & to.; WAISBItto, TO Roooa. ♦ P. (}Laps; 151.. LawalskON 8 OsmraiLLL & Co.; HoTaL, 0. &MOB:, 81$ & fell mut. thn . 15oiriitLfittnieoing trobe. 11OUSL•FURN1SEII/i G GOODS: Jest received froin' Earope by ships Eloise, Jane Uender o,4 l and WYo.sibit, q large reapply of note and itietal Wage's, easy of which bat never before been offend for sale In this rosrket. JOHN A. MURPHEY & 00., 922 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE Nnf rm J)l•fmkwU . Qrabiltet-Ware. DESK DEPOT. THE LAROEET IN THE UNION. Suitable for Banks, 001ces, and Schools, In Oak, Wal • nut, and Mahogany, of handsome stylo and pattern. A. li. ADAMS' IMPROVED DESK ItAOK, '• MXOOIII73EIT er. ZeralroD4 l (rooosssoas Toy J. T. HAMMITT, No. 259 SOUTH TRIED STREET apld-9m Marble Works. MONUMENTAL . MARBLE WORKS flea oonstantly on hand • very large ueortment o 1 MONUMENTS, - ENGLOSUKES, and GRAVE-STONES, 0! various dealgue, made ot the &lest ITALIAN AND AbIIntIOAN DL lueL~a, Which he will cell at greatly reduced prices. Is sine prepared to eremite orders upon the moat favorable terms, sud respectfully invites the public generally to examine his stook before perobasing elsewhere. ADAM !STEINMETZ. Monumental Marble Works, 11100 E ANZNIIII, below Xleventh street, • AM.= w tOin Philadelp.hla ILLIMA.NTIC LINEN 00 ! ?N 'PATENT SILK•FINISH SPOOL COTTON, Unequalled in SidOOTEINEBI3, 6TIONGITE4 and Flryen, and warranted 290 pada. rou SALE TO THE TRADE BY TUB AMMO, BILLINGS, HOOP, & WASHINGTON, 24 and 20 BANK sTußnr jyl6.lmW w-lm DITILYWOB GLEN COVE STAMM IItiNULtOTORY, QTABN COVE, LONG IBLAND, CELEBRATED • For Its purity, whiteness, and strength, and admitted by both the trade and the public to, be redly superior to any other ETAII,OIf now in market. ge an evidence of which, it bits taken the premium at the Fair of the American institute, New "York ally; New York Mato Emir New Jersey Etats Fair, end many 'other pieces where it bee been exhibited. Owing t r the parity of this rattails, it is particularly adopted to fabrics of the Gnat passible texture, it being free from all theme Dub minces an common to 'Enroll in ordinary WO that are de tractive to at titles to which they ore applied. For all damage arising from disoreprooles between the real and alleged merits of thte 13TAR011, we will in- damnify parties favoring no with their orders. GLEN COVE MaNUFAOTURING 00. JOSEPH H. TAYLOR, 104 WALNUT isTEEET., WHOLESALE AGENT FOR PIIIL4DELPNIA. WILLIAM DURYEA, General Agent, 166 FULTON IFFIINET, NEW YORK, sp2s tow.k.seowtfy2o NIAEAOAIBO COFFEE.-200 bags Coffee 'TB or superior quitlity, just remised. per bask Inns owl for este low, by CHARLES TETE, jg18;10' 180 SPALT:IT Street; lu AILSObiBO HIDES.-800 Dry BHee r jut waived per bark Irma• arid io• sale low by °UAW 148 T RTE, iylB-10t 180 WALNUT Btreet. ILLAUMINAI'IIiTG COAL OIL--"-Warranted AL equal to any for brillieuey and durability, and la mgli.wg-nloalve, Also Lubricating Coal 011 11 8 • 111311BABD & gON, •ne TeIINER'S OIL.-2'20 Obis of Straits and Bank 911 1 1 p Ntoro sad for sale by B. USSISBABD & BON, /OS goon. Whorroo. i ~ ,t. oE4t rtss. WEDNESDAY, MIX 20. 1869. • , • -;Abatement of Crinoline. ' The, word Canetfisi. has not yet. fentid its way - ieto' Wiuistait's Dictionary., -We have lookid* it them*. and found' it . not: ;.Assu redly,' it mint not lid* onaittOdi any future edition: „ Originally the ,riaro 'of Parisian utediso-- , :one Madame Otrucizruis, * Whit kept a set obi dressmaking penis' fa tfie, Rea de la Paix7ie.eventually,ctuzie into use, to'dentite the 4tiele moat in repute ,at ilkeetabilah pient4.:3he it, was who,,bithe'inventfori of luirsoNair wester': Into ' ;a :Sort* cloth,* ; and manufaqtoreddrito pettieeals,'enattled, the fair acs toldispense with that ,ay abO l uil4atior, WhichViiistaye placed them, if notixa:lietd. long certainly in—a*ints/fe::, 14'13(4° of the' 15 tticoat Was given ,frem:,ilint, orthe inventer4. as 'has frequently hapPeried 'the crinottbi f .ithe petticoat, was 'derived from Ottincitil, the dress-maker.* Veri speedily, her invention was shelved, 'to a conifilerable extent. _ Other, Vet:apse lest expen*materials, than those Of which the efpansideeiiatitine was Made, were' adopted. Of- these, the inest abotainable , ate cane. I Nothing 'eau, be more ungraceful thart.pettl: 'emits spread out, in one circle of undeviating retro:l4k*" by 'a circle . circles of cane. - They int& a woman appear ti . ti if she bad got into ti Orions centre of wicker work, over which her garments were spread. The sate beeps, applied to female attire, never did look well; and, Bever can. They have chiefly'beeo need, frpret, their eheapiesa, by servant girls and 'the pobrer order of womankind, Considerable ingenuity has been eternised, toe UonfCts; Upon the manufacture of hoops : ingentilt - in adapting them to the person; ingetinitklit !baking .thein at little etiMbront, as poseible:;*ingenuity in ' , l,Onntriinti4g, them of flexible ":materials. The most successful have bectithe. !mope which are made of metal „ , —of' steel or brass; for example.. Thismate:- rial, prOpoily (‘ fixed," accommodates itself to the person and is the most graceful adap tation of a iery ungraceful and absurd lath ion e There are * other materials in use, It:eluding ropes made of twisted cotton, but these make the hoop') Very heavy. Indeed, this is the general fault of' the whide genes: The Weight hangs heavily on arm from the hipt. We are surprisairthat no inediste has adopted the, .virilti plan of supporting the hoops by suspen ders finch *as gentlemen usually wear,. which would pass over the shoulders from the hips, relieving ;the latter of tits weight: • What can be Ines° *.nnbecomlog 'than an undersized, dumpy Woman made broader than her knell by - 02panded dresses, 'and staggering' under the weight," like an overladen vessel at sea, tinder an Ogees anima It is belbitted that Crinoline first came into faihlon, beneath the auspices of, the Empress Eitansiz. the fair Spaniard did not be. Cerise a wife Until the beginning of 1808, and as bilholinb -was lit veva°, iii England, as tar back as 1887, , this chronology is erroneous. Lritely ,looking eves-suet of Outaxananx's Comte Al. mantek, whieh ntakes enough of fun to keep a henselloldAil.sulileit for ever,, we met with ah engraving, (dated• 1337, we think,) which re presented a lady with exaggerated- dress, the ll:Mum of which were in the act of being air blown by befisoubrette, in order to give them an tdequatexinount of enormous expsnsfoo: Such hoops Its - females = now wear may be of, more reeenC,lnvention - , but the exaggeration' 'clif:ofputitte Icae, b Mons Of thscsinoline, 114 dsd'f' • othingla More absurd, in female attire, thiaia the waht of cowmen sense in adopting a ?plunder fashion. ThuB, the pretty Spanish hats now to frequently seen, are moat irate. Uritainately worn—whereas; they aro adapted 'obly foi young people—for lasses' in their teens, for example. , Yet we see them worn by all ages, and more particularly uffoctedby Old Naldisca;• which should rather conceal the face by close bonnet and veil,"than exhibit it by the Spanish bat. In like. manner, a particular color gets in voge, and the fair sex make a rush at it—as if It were' a law of nature that the same thing Must become every person who wears it. If a lady . have a fine complexion, and knows anything of the raitiaetics of dress (and prac tice makes the sex philosophers in this.) will not kill the bloom damask of her cheeks by iVearirig a red gown, or red-ribbons. A brunette will wear yellow, if she wants to make a harmonious contrast between her skin and her hem A pure, fresh complexion will be set off by white or light-tinted ' attire. A blonde Is always becoming a blue, while a brunette will carefully avoid it. But, how often do women• forget what becomes them, and, simply because it is the fashion of the moment adopt a color 'or a material which doesnot suit them ? Fashion is not so exact leg as to demand this., may be is not ty rannic, though she ay be capricious. Fashion does not command that people .shall wear. unbecoming girmonts or ornaments. Fashion does not countenance middle-aged Spinsters cutting about in Spanish hats, Meant only for girls in their teens. And so, Fashion never Intended that stout and short women should be exactly as much hooped and crime 'fined as those of tall stature and good figure For example, the Empress EUGENIE. who is tall and graceffil, may "oar hoops, as she does, without being muclidistigured by them : latterly, it is said, She has greatly abated their circumference. But Queen VICTORIA, winq is round-faced and rotund, commitslyeat ids take in wearing as much hoopVter Impe rial, and fairer, and younger sister of France. What becomes one makes the other'durnpy. This aphorism, be it observed, may bo applied to all ladies of unequal stature and size. No thing looks more ludicrous than a little woman laterally extended by an excess of hoops. Sagacious people, who have lived long be fore the present generation were thought of, are fond o 1 tracing,back the antiquity, of the' hoop to the time of GEONGIE the Third, whoa it formed part of the Court costume, and even to. the preceding reign, described by FIELDING, in " Teat Jones " and (‘ Amelia," when it was part of the ordinary dress of fashionable folks. But the antiquity of the hoop is greater yet than this. Exactly ono hundred and fifty years ago, ADDISON commented, in The Tattler, on the enormities of the hoop, declaring that to wear it was almost a libel on virtuous females, and that lie was (‘ very much disposed to be offend ed with such a now and unaccountable fashion " Subsequently, in The Spectator, he was witty as well as satirical on the new fashion. We noticed the extenuating remark, often made in the present time, that the expanded gar ments we'o very airy, and therefore proper for the summer season, and finally arrived at the conclusion that his own sox had of late years been very saucy, and that the hoop petticoat was made use of to keep them at a distance.. (‘ A female who is thus invested in whalebone," ho says, (+ is sufficiently secured against the approaches of an ill-bred follow, who might as welltffink of Sir Gum:ma ETHER imaa's way of making love in a tub as lathe midst 0180 many hoops." Anticipating what has been repeatedly said in these later times, A DI)l130N ' adds 4 ( should this fashion get among the cal nary peoplo,our public ways would be so crowd ed that we should want street-room." Does not Crinoline, at this day, drive us into a corner everywhere 1 In the bathroom, on the prome nade, in railroad-cars and omnibuses, in churches and theatres, at ath places and at all times does not. Crinoline overpower us ? Does it not crush us off the pavement and crush us in the care 7 Every Where, It occupies twice and thrice the space Its wearers are legiti mately entitled, to fr and it is most unjust to the male species that the other sex are not charged for the . spaee they occupy. There Is liveliness in ADDISON'S concluding remark, "It is recorded of ADENA.NDES. the ' Great, that in his Indian expedition he buried several suits of armor, which by his direc tlons were made much too big for any of his e solellereetri order to give posterity an extra- - The Fourth ;of '.ltety " iti irate &Pis' ordititeiyedeti of hire, and,Mnite them belie** treom"the rioneanTim* 'eseseeetY , Istiehad - oommanded arrarmete of giants. lam - . The edglity.thfreaneiveriery: ;of the Beelteeatien Poisiended that if en() of the preserit petticoats - 'of the •Independeneei of Abel:rifted States, wee ea. happens to be hung up la any repository of lebrated • hut 'night by- a publics dinner at tat. PP ,Tamee'e Halle- Gen. Bobt. ,B Campbell ; ll purl - 01E1es, it will lead into the same error the obtand - Lendon, Presided lan the ,oeostiso; * an% gonerotions, that. be selne e retneyeel from us; was supportedion his Agile •by his • Exoelleticy . unless we eau, believe , oar posterity wail think Mr. Dallas, and on his tote. by Mr . Bright, M, P. Among the guests, _who were upwards of 170 in so dlsrospoctfully of their grandmothers, tuat reenter, we'Perticularly'neetoed -Mr Derby Sep mour, 11: P. I) .ptalts' V*01,011'614: Mr Philip N: they mallet trumetrourelo' appear , secretary °Me A nierieen Legation, Judge anilableee' When lienarVeyltds now.fashioned areal, of Tema, Mr I 11-oroskey. Geneva Van rotund° in. all its pare - tell:satinet tontethiok Of dente:trete Mr Thornton Mean - Octane, T. L. Cheater,: Dr. W: R. Ballard; Mrs: le S. Dodge: thit'oid'philtsOpitee,Whoeafter hie*, entered ! into 'an Pity:MUM temple, and lookedeabeatt i MS he i ple a r l,-B ea s iTt h a e in el° r ' el Ek i lu T e i r e ß k t e e r,Tr b . 4l o' l y'rt W.T;L 1 I for the idol• el the place, atlength'diteoiveied 'I tell, Mr: 0' G itte hietorian of the Adidi niparandians, Mr Itarayn,Mr , 'Alpheus Billingse a little black " monkey ' enshrined in i thentidet et e, .1_ et, Oropsey, and Dr BrOwning . The hall of it ; tietoteWhich be could net ihrbeir e eryee ite sellete r the batquet" seas bald was decotated lag out (to Itiegreat scandal of thelWorehipe• eloaCtsiteftelyerith etas, among Which ' the; eters 'pets), s What'd Magnificent pelitite le here for equirelPetiessadeeletell 'bole %flit, prominent,. At e °warm:4,4oe room the portraits of Geseeral 'U t ah a ridiculous Inhabitant •' "e• ' : lielyeeWeibleigton'e Painted' by ReMbrandt As hoopti Mace got out of fibblen, sO they • ,eleeieteAtioarieen artest e were hung, well° rettila pentritp ef., pm Queen, which was mast will regilii 'fall into 'distils - 0e "Thal:Meet reek; yAI bee by fertheolicasion i 'over- • fiens'iMlietlii Nita 'Parts; ethieh e ethitifts arid` agebir `eft' v resident 1 -1 he' gesileries deiteribte'the 'moilis for' Jiiiyelintietitrice,s two 14 r i ki l : i e di pg ''h Plea e wide ladittli me - Carlow( mile:Aid dresteseddee great 'facts,' highly intermitting to the initiate PottiOn • iieney and iniination-te'tbe son'tte;`"` - 'of isecletie - The doetbleeskiit to be [seethe' the ohnirmen, Met:reposing the irst least, said t4py'day eighty-tbroc leers ,ago ; tined censer:tance of the Change ant - ode. er 7l " . 'sir 4 On ejiirteetr States and 3 00$4000'people; just beginniege. whieh...pnlye-Permits -great sattelio6refea foreign Albite' but- beferri the ,sun had,eet these 'anejeots- metesind deetereelethe 'Width to thiloweee part Of the' dross, thereby' • dependence of the Artieeioan colenies, and left , diminishing the 'propOrilate - of Aim upper: George 111 not one sitiejset in Attie - riot frets the' rt Perhaps "'the reporter midg e t' thiseniodife whter meadows of Florida-to the Inmate; of the fite lhat tim lewretere. Moms ethe :United States hadcation may already be leeked upon Min isetteef otheracivanmete at, pace unparalleled in the annals, of Menden on the rights of the long-triureptient . nations; they had grown with mere than a e d e eel ee. .o ; "pe e fe e t h e the impress lient,"e growth - ,and mere Matta giant's poston..- 1 , ponier rwhich .he, was prond to say bad never been /qui, who rifles' the fashions in Earle has set $ alluseal, but unee for the Most b en ends bee fa'ceevery ileolde'dWagaiiist the excesses While, then, the firmness 'aiid 'declaim of their of 'crinoline andeif Hiniei in to be credited a t e:meters wass,SOutee of pride to All AMerlearia, , , ' ; ..e a tsy g o 4 aght also, on the othr band , not to forget Intends having the on aboliihed Materk modwr from 'whom they sprang. the time the nett ieason l COratitinetes. It He oonoluded by proposing, et The Day we Oaten brate,". which was received with loud and pro. Is her manifestation 'against' the doable-skiit which has already inbstitided floueces , , 01 I°bg kr " li ti a P l P le h tiNtl e retnrning'lfiaAti, said: This is /1 which three or font; are to be ermin e . fait not day peculiarly regarded by' the citizens of the above theltree.' IndeedeEnogicre seems In: United States. Wherever they maybee-whotber thearowded-capeale of Europe, aboardtheir clued 'to' bring back the feriae * fashions 'of .yeasela on the boundlesseea,"in the iiientisolitndes the early part of the first Empire, When : Joss- 01 ;woods and prairies, Or at the heartbs of their! - homes—its recurrence will cause , tiztotione of itartitE was the autocrat of dress, and restore exulting patriotiam to swell in every bOllOlll At „ -.1 the figtite to its natural shape.. The impres- this moment yonder' beneath our setting—their sion Whelei 'all' things run IMO'ox. yet meridian—eon are ' 30 000.000 delight.: tremor , ' ale that even 'Short waists Will 'be lets ing na ti onal's,the- eeneblinie °hareem-befog eor eke nniversary'. That is BM dontteitie valved. 'Think of gate Master'Entioires! Think hive, and there they , are, our i biitifig; 'evens - . of ladles' waists ' directly tinder; their inns.' sytopatheing ,brothren, plastering in 'meatball tot this %vas the fashion Warn - in e. 864, hy' pvI3.2E:IT vaaveys—to-anainegwo? e to " tl)l B l; r l e a v i e v r o y a Jensen/a the Graeetnleatey e M d badanie 'De twit shoats. Bat on -what part of-'the the eartb's Binailltilt, then the ackieowledged 'Queen of 'lettuce may not our countrymen be found? Beent',lt. And how inspeing it is to know arid feel, ,that while we are here pledging to the proud poet arid The abort,, 'stumpy ' wolnett will cling the the glorious future of ouenative landetbat pledge Is .sicaultaneousy uttered ty millions 'of, beetle most'tenacionely; We predict, to extraordin ar yenoircling the globe! Wen, gentlemen, without crinoline, reniarkible . doebleeskirts, multifa- indulging in a word. of einkind retrospeotion; we „ . :ions &nukes; , and Woederfrilly long waists. hteite just. cause for perpetuating the celebration of They do not know what beet, becomes them; the 4 - h of July 1716 It was the blre day f g free nation, which, in Seyears—the meas ure d of a, and fancy that because a certain shape, style, single human 'life—with unexampled, celerity of and quality of dress suits their neighbors, who pretreat:, has placed herself, in all the attributes of intellect, morals, religion, power and , honor On happenl to be tall and graceful; this" must also acknowledged equality with the Moat ancient snit themselves, who are 'only dumpy. If the most olvillsed It watean epoch signelited by little ladies cettld only Comprehen d how netich a rate, if not unsurpassed, combination, upon the , e scope of platelet action , of virtue, wisdom, and valor. crinoline shortens an d widensthem, them, it would It was that era, "in the course of human event** , immediately be abated. Meanwhile, ifEuee- which drow,,together and permanently clustered' train infant and tellely separated communities each are really does abolish Crinoline, or even towering models for ,universal reverence as Width abridge, lt; she' w i ll thereby Yitidleate her ington; Vrauktio; Jeffereonellancaok; and' dams. claim to be ton Aeieeree A ' mistreee Of the - yiodes: It*as the sering dine, and the spring foitiotaln, too; of great principles of social and,political amediore tioa—la feat 'of an entire governiiiental, system abase expansion 'attestelts excellence, and of whom quiet, deep, widening, and onward current, May be pardoned for saying, ..lalaturet Wetur its omni volubilt cevo P' There is, sir, a repute. I relive - stimulus - . for homogeneous populations in the:tory word "Independence Pi It it at present' infusing fresh lite, and rekindling energies which have lain torpid for centuries in ona'of Earope"a fairest and most Interesting regions. The sound. harmonises with, inward and !reward aspirations,: end. is therefore 'almost magical in its efeets. Where identity a race, of langunge,t - ef literitnre, of dentiment,,ef thought, of 'manners, of faith, of. traditions, of nustoms, is-the product of ages. there union and'indeperidenori Ought to bey must be, ir repremiblir.bopes:: Slob was nor- me In '7B, end suoh iq Italy's now I Avoid allusion to too moray. of this recent war, or of its origin prof ita wore, , ,refierriteeeteeitemite-a.e...resemiotng:-our.eolonlal eonl,cat 'silts ' , fundamental' andraoul. renovating swish for national 'independence Many and mournful differences in the two altiatioos may druhtlesa be shown, bat' among these difference* let ,Ul3 not rank the seemingly ,Thoonsiatent -and dangerous aid accepted from an arbitrary monarch, for America can never ditclaite the gratitude sate owes to the same France, under the rule of a War hen, whose sum - turn in blood and treasures are now.' nndei the rule of a Binaparte, being simitaily la vished in the pining of Limbardy: Independence, than, has lost -none of its - attraetioes since SOY, 1770. Why should it net be frankly recognised as still; f. r Incipient nationalities, hovriiver weak or how ever strong, the - chief neeeesiey and blessing? Fortunately, too, in the order of Providence, it ,never fails to be, like Mercy,' " twice bleseed, blessieg him that gives end him that takes." It is unmixed good. Who nor doubts that this vest empire of Great Britain hattemmensely bent fired by ,thei'converelort of bar' western - colonies Into' sovereign, confederated States? Who' double that, since the fieree pessions of revolutionary strife have died away, a keen yet generous competition in the' pursuits of commerce, of solenoe,.of aft, and of renown has enrialled and elevated the'pen plea' of both countries.? Yea! the Country in which we are enjoying communion and hospitality, and the country to which we give our allegiance and' love, may well einitein gr want•auk gy alba Dee (duration of Amorie in Independence. In the •pirit of these desultory remarks I Misr in conchs. sion this sentiment: National Independence! success to it, whenever and wherever naturally desired and honestly pursued ! [Reiterated cheers ] tiles chairman next proposed, e The health of the President of the United States," it man who in every empleity- r and they were many—in which he had been employed bad been 'always found 'par nouotiis.' [Sheers 1 Th. chairman was sure that the next toast would be received with pleasure anti respect by all those `who were tooted at this board. The toast pleat . , he vies at eit to propo'e was the health of the arra lady of England In whom prosperity and elevated taut!, which placed her shwa all human responsi bility, have not developed a etugle vice or blemish ; whose high merits have enshrined her la the hearts of all her subjects, end have gained her the ap phone of all undone, Planed to the exalted sta• tion which she cmonpied, she had been the " cyno sure of neighboring eyes," end bad eat an crimple as a daughter, wife and mother worthy of naivete sal imitation. [Load and enthualastio cheers, the whole audience retiree while the band played "land save the Queen."j The next toast was to the "Memory of 'Wash• ingten," the light of whose fame, the °ha-Irma° said, was more pure and brilliant than any shed by any other individual either in sacred or profane story. '/he toast wait drunk in solemn silence, the bond pitying the " Dead Marsh in Saul " Mr. Dallas then briefly returned 'thanks for 'be toast of "Tho plomatlo . Service and the Health of bin Exoellenoy, Mn. Dallas," whieh was proposed by the altuirmen in a highly oomph]. mentary speech. The chairman, in propoaing • the subsequent Mist of tt Non-interventionola the true Policy of Flee Governments," coupled with it in highly, en logistic terms the name of Mr Bright. [sheers.] - nr. Bright, who was received with loud and pro= longed cheering, proceeded to Acknowledge .the toast. He said thathe felt grateful for the way in which they lied reoeived . the name of one who was almost a stranger to all in the room. , forfeit of t• No, no."] Ile wan here this evening because be felt profound sympathy and profound admiration for those broad fausoiples of equality and human right on which the Amoriaan Osostitution is founded. [Cheers He was a eititen of a country in which monarchy had endured for centuries, and in which it bad never bean more respected than at the pre sent moment—a country in whioh a mixed consti tution extinct], bat which he took the liberty to think was not quite equally mixed ; a conn i re in wheal:. were laid the found atone of 'hat freedom of which they, the American pooplo, ware aojstatly proud [Cheers . 1 In connexion with the boost with which hip name bad been coupled, he gave it his heartiest and his strongest assent That toast pramically meant that non-intervention was the true polioy of the U 3ted States and of England, for tbere were few Govornnients in the world ehleh were free, except the Governmentof the United States and that of the Untied leiegdom. To the people of America the dootrlne,of non-interven tion was not new- It was as old as their indepen dence, and took its origin on the same day. A le gaoy which the prosoleat noted of Wa s hington b a d bequeathed to thorn, was never to entangle them selves in allianotta with foreign States But that which has been a nettled faith in America, has, unhappily, been repudiated es foolish, •on this ails of the Atlantic, and the results of the dif- ferent policy pursued by the two oanntries, was visible to rho foot that' oar Chancel lor of Gm Exchequer would noon have to sell far the snenoial want~ or this +aonntly five MUM as much as the finanolal minister will ask of the peo ple of the United Mates. iLtaid obeers I On this great question of policy the people of this country were as children, to whom 'at -length, a ray of light had been given after baring been the via tints of a phantom fraught with the greatest dan ger. Mr Bright then proceeded to. contrast the different politico of the Executives of the two countries, and said that there was no fear of the President, between the sessions of .oongrev, plunging the country into an expensive and tits as, rime war. There was no tradition in the Uni. ted States that it was necessary to keep no a large fleet to make their weight and counsels felt in the various European courts. Had-the same policy. which Washington enunciated eighty years ago, been pursued in this eguntryietat'iman would bo now speoulating on the probabilities of Lord Der by, or Lord Palmerston, or. any other minister, dragging England into - the straggle in Italy. Cheers Tne.whole question was one of senti ment, and sentiment atone He was glad to be lieve that an increasing feeling of the folly of snok and rapidly a nas p i o m l nage spr itself ing England, thel tnelleunegglenind, the 'United States Tho prineiple 'of smell armaments was eexeellent, for if the principle of having a email . but a offoient navy were carried one there would besinalt ind wet:lent for rushing into strife.. Large armaments' besides, were antsgonistio to liberty. for, supposi ng one man in England was entrusted with the command of 400,000 or 500,000, where A Breeze frc;in Old Ocefin. lorielpoziacitoo 'of The >ireeeJ , ' Rocitaiiey; L, fury 17 , 1859 Would you like' to rceeive a Word'of capsulation in yOur oven•like sanctum'? Would poi be grati fied to bear a wbisper ofgoad °beer, while • ibo inn le blazing abovelonr great Babel, the mercers evincing a fervent oonstanoy for Oe nineties; the perspiration triekling down your digitaluto'tho editorial ink, and the prospect from the sanctum window, a desert of, hot and dusty,stgesta? , Bet me °arty:four fanny for isnoment to. tttild - Iroog Idendie Sea-girt shore . 7he broad and elopitig heitob of limohatiay dretebee ascot , ripen - eithotalde, with the plumed breakers rueltiox_ttogn ibjd, antriffnaing the, foam, to oar feet. Par se/ay. where theihy and-waterit meet; slowly glides shado'wy es% mote like Abe dim GoVarafton Of a' dresm than a life freighted redlity. - be great orb' of day, is pouring floods of light over land and sea. , hut his beams are tempered by the 000 l breath of the oaten, which a woe pa woo nd trawl th the re fresh- Ing and invigorating, power of the waves them eelves It is the bething bone of the morning, and "fair women and brave men," transformed into gapeolored males and gleeful barlegnineby their motley bathing-dresses, are walking on the sande or revelling among the breakers., There is no mirth so hearts. so frolicsome, and an tintokly eon cordons, as that of a mtactsilaneous party outfits sea beach at this hour. The ninst incorrigible grum bler that ever cursed the waiters and _sneered at the edibles at - a watering place is irresistibly thawed into a laugh and stimulated to romp. The waves Annear to be sharing in the revels, and hur rying hither and thither, tripping 1 1P belles with e-.ergy, kneeking over. beaux who are at tempting to be witty end tender, and tinging age Into the arms of youth. as if they would dispel the swny of the-wrinkling years and make no all young terra , het . This is a tribrions place for genuine recreation. The rtylendid end ever-shifting scenerY of Jamaica Bty and the nitrify Atlantic—the unsurpassed Dower of the breakers—the moonlit walks—the meentng drives—the lively sailing—the sports man's own chef°, of fishing and gunning—oombine to cheer the mind and strengthen the body: The, bathing is perfectly safe for everybody except these Tackles death defying ehteraetere who cats• not partake of ;demure unless it is spiced With danger One of these individuals—a member of tbeiTITITIMOTAbIe tribe of Braith—made 11 , 7e17 w weep° from a wa•orygrave, on the day before yesterday Ile swam out beyond the breakers But he misealoulated . hie strength,' and bad not remained in that dangerous position more than five mtnnles before be called out for help, adding. ee welt an ho could that he was exbau , ted. Mr. 3No Cheater a son of Lewis Chester, of your city, who it a bold and„skilful ewimmlr , hastened to the ais'etande of the foolhardy Smith, and encored 0.1 in keeplrg Maimed above water until the life boat °ante to the relief of them both. Mr. C. was nearly exhausted by Ms exertions. Smith wee both pitiid and Minuted- Ile is of the firm of Smith' Blob, tlt On. New York. - We have a number of charming representatives of Quaker City beauty and accomplie`unente hero fast now, ,as welt as a few fascinating Southern feniininee in expeotation. The society is refined and intellectual, but without ultra pretension to fashion. Can you not throw away that everted- • lug pen, and inn down to lteekeway, to bear "what the wild waves are saying?" That you maw, is the hope of one who responds with arnasing rapidity and en incredible appetite to that gang which calls us to dine. -Yount, G. W. J. Convention of Young rilen's Christian Associations at Troy. fOorreepondenee of The Preu ] TROY, N. Y., Julyl4, 1859 A few words about the Convention now in ear sten here will probably be acceptable to many of your readers. The sle.th annual Convention of the Confederation of Young ?dente Christian Associations of North America convened the First Presbyterian Church of Troy, (Rev. Dr. D einan'e,) on Wednesday afternoon, July 13th. As a Philadelphian, I feel proud of the -fact that the largest delegation (eighteen in number) is from the City of Brotherly Lave; and the assn• elation there may also congratulate itself in bay ing their worthy president, George 11. Stuart. E.q ,chosen by a unanimous vote as presidenCof this Convention. Oar journey hither was of the most delightful character. An entire oar was —eve.e, 4 to the d a l e : gates by the Camden and Amboy Railroad Com pany. At New York, we were j deed by delega• dons from that oily, and. at six o'clock, on the splendid steamboat Frannie J Kiddy. started again Troysea.rd.. It was a beautiful night, and our ride up the noble Hudson was most delightful. There are present at the Convention upwards of two hondeed delegates, who represent immolations in every part of our land, from Maine to Califor nia, and from the Atlantio to the Prosiflo, Inoln ding some of the most talented young men in our Country. We are all nicely quartered in the homes of the hospitable Trojans, and every arrangement that oonid be made for our comfort and convenience hes been carefully attended to by the Troy Com Witco. There is no doubt but that the usefulness of the two hundred mutations. now organized in the United States, will be largely promoted by the de liberations and remit+ of this Convention. hleamres are being considered which will cer tainly more permanently establish these useful In stitutions. - J. W. Tun flex GOODS TRAMS opens for the week with mob activity, and a large business will undoubtedly be done in nearly all branohes of this trade. There is much difference of opinion as to the effect of the result of the Boston sale ; we bear it said that the goods sold would have breuxbt bettor prices if they bad been well handled by auctioneers familiar with the dry goods trade Great quantities of goods were sold there on Saturday for future delivery; but on the whole those , houses and manufacturers who have br m.hee and , agencies in New York have been betteated rather than injured The aide• walks in Park Pleas, and, streets adjoining; were piled up yesterday with boxes and. bales of goods In the process of delivery—these extending in many cases, nearly to the middle of, the street. Xs is expected, the greatest aotivi!y is now with the domestic, oommission liothois —N. Y. Courier. PERSEVERANCE HOSE COMPANY AT ALBANY. The members ,a the company arcieed in, Alta. y at 8 eVosk on Saturday evening. They were handsomely reaelved. On Tuesday mornincthey leave for Now York. . TFIE Independents of Brescia states that sever., young girls hays made vows not to marry anyb dy but wounded soldiers of the army of Italian independenoe. TWO :CENTS., HaffliES r vim'- ~6aNrti4~`rn~ceasssrnrw~~.-~;~ , COMPOOMMIIIiII,* u"UN 11111:0 0 . 0 i /ft El Wed the -t -' Every evrenteslestkoe reit M eaterepli EyUra imam, of tl I n9Ks.. In neler innitiiinerinlans is tian typarapitir,but ese aide"ortl n v We sliall be greatly Whoa to ratkruill 1, 'go", t vants, oilier Stater. far Osoatif 114* pareutnerP:ot 01e4171n tb.lr Partlealettall#*i fhe rettofiraioi tae on ::anroltaalpf cr popubition, or spy lattricimidat *at will*, be tsirreetw ' ta.to +Am geatirelleader. - - , would y. e M. tom-, 1 t 1" mentlpg on the present Seavaittege and glorious fattvo of the Stites, he Stipatiesed'lds Conclusion, that a ternamirottsgederatioso Of En glishmen had mesa away, the aatatackailind pier"- ' purity of the Vatted Stela; Would be - s , hleettlas' to countless IbIllione; and an example to- freemeni in every part..oflhe world. - Mond. _ahrteringv: Which was repeatedrover, and over egale,,the d fence rlttnittwice Jails eathastesm to do honor to- Mr. Bright 1 - Among the tOeite'weirithe re.trice of the 'United States, ,and the'Health Of General Campbell," " the ?raw," "England - and - the United Stater of America—this butirarks of Man and religions litterly, l l and several others, After nomenifis santlnieMi and rather lOtig _ speeches, the company broke up at aboat midnight- GENERAL NEWS. ]Norfolk- sorra attendant writer that the United Stater steamer Fulton, late-of- QC Paraguay fleat,-har been' st - :last completed-for service, and that shrwill go,* commie:thin at ones She wilt artiart - sitling enders': - to arotteld to the Galt of life:leo. A dermehmistt of U. S. marines forler attired, at Nerfellti and were put on beard at once - .The Faltdn'a 'Aram ment, on the present occasion, consists of low short 32-pound bros. of 'the new.pettertt,- and...one.f.Z; , pound howitzer. Übr " shipl 'company Nerittila-' 7 ' about 150, all told. — The - steamer Water Wit oil - 'will not be ready for tome weeksyet. although - several hands ere employed on- her_, - Tim reeelvt, tog ship Pennsylvania is tolerably filledwrith (traits, stiMisof whom will - soon bis detaelsetV64 'saliva: service. Theiteemer DlA:petal' is tit" be taken. in , band immediately,: for the pumone biting lengthened, and otherwlmtimprovael,,,The new steam gun-boat Bimetal was pat, hit° the dry-dock on the 12th inst , to azimut, ttw 144 operations neoesSirit for her .00mpletIon. Pihrisi• deeeribed as being , an- bmssedingly pretty craft:- Tbe - authorities have submitted to the Navy Dr 'pertinent a report of thrtrial of *mew. submarine lantern, which took Piece there lately. The reset ace supposed to be sattifantory.; Bo muela for Nor - - The U. S. steamer .Virett - ',mute an taller ' T. Brooklyn navy yard on S She boa been to-. • Pensacola, where, she .reports naval relaters . ,being generally satire. The Seminole '-wee being fitted out, a.ti preparations to.launoh,the Pena, cols: wore Ramon. ' _ A Desintriow, Etttintwur,AWD portrixatic ' ad 'eielting" attar . ooinyred .down - train of thelderietta railroad en_Thursdai morn-"= toil test. At the short stoppage at Ciresntield,-04 :while the pamwesers were tswaltlng patiently the' - resorption of tbeirjourney; they were Somewhat startled by the entrant. of a - Man imompanted - w man, who. hind atipaarancei;was hut Partner - Om a trip to some other. melon: of thestountrY. — ltt this There was nothing very antontaideclusi;ft 'tot bean that Theitwahrwerrilientiettteltfoi-1 lowed' by another' ininiati, - wFt5 n'iofent-ohitd', and Wive pitbliedY•tinnotutittkiet,'-'f", hi man was her im<bend, and his emarmaied bid 'seduced him from bin honfenand.innstedfritelyketiX(' - on.onalstight ,itteAetter,,,Freeklebisorsoshing and pulling 'kair.fernied.tbi Piti4plK-feeterea..;- the 4sitimmt then' left the 01; 'MO she men and' his new partner sol - Untied Their viiyage to' Mein , - = - iNGRO: 001thrthauT oliritesarg (Y 4 l Rareixter. - •17. 15. -save; " A ne;row man belonging; 10 . of. this County, gave informatiott.ort .14edneedtme last that there was a combination - simonte ; the - ”greres'., • or the neighborhcind of tahluiettin:for the laterite': of running off; and defending thenieslves In so der; log. She - ,states that some of _the'negroeil about ' 011srksiturg.aro,engsged,with them : , th4Cihelt.sra supplied with fi , e4rme, - de. 'Tan of the ~nie gross suspected were arrested on Weluesday. snd are now this!' ; - the aegro wounin - eying ibeifax ' forination_le also in leil..;She.further states .that , : - these negroos wore supplied with poisen,;whinh was distributed amen; them. Itt" convention of them held at Shit:nion not long gins, and that — , their intention was to - poison their masters? fi k ml; Hee " • HAtIBMIG•AMERIOdi Pdthritt Uoiirtßir -0 wing, to the great pressmss of Roadster ihipitient:- - to the Uaited ,States, the , , Themburg-Adierieart-: Paaket Company have resolved to trend oink a re 4 s e rve steamer. in ..orier to Coantah Abe import: . t ra d e the additional futilities ..rtqulred at this t' partedfirm stein:Alp Teutonia eousequingy- !ease Rembarg on the 15th or Jury theripant,.- nionia as an extra boat, on the 231 of. Jell-stud the, Sedan's; as drool,- Os - tbi , OLAteast, Insitnq 'three' departures from, IlernbtuVi Seven- -" teen days. • - - . Raciness or C/MinCtsiti.—The aver age , • tei?siiper innuM to the , membe-a of, - the diLfeinnt— dertnolnathine . throtighauCthe - .llnited' States for' the: support of their different church services Is_ - estihtatedto be, about as follows: A Biptiafend - Methodist about Sii 90 ;. Presbyterian: $6; PoccregotionalbiC S PY; a Roman' OathollO115; a Reformed Dutch, $213 and a Rolle:via?", ' - man paseed'overthe dmerloaia if ail of-Niagara int • o boat and was lost- The. name of .the unfertu .nate man we did not lane. Howse a blarkstuith e _ and. had been Up the river- in, a skiff foriion. When returning his craft got too- fir from the ' shore. b ees " u nrnanaweabie, and was taken over the Yells —Rochalter Unitm,July 16-` Was ON THE LA PLATA.—BV advices from the river La Plata, to the 213th of May; received by-; th e way- of Betina, ft appears • that the knit t. threatened War, between Buenos Ayres and the - . Argentine republic bee at l last been f formally pro claimed on both sides Buenos Arres;;as If 'to - Owe that As did not fearlhe result, took the int- ' ' tiativb. - . • . . SPEOIE Paritsava.—The Chicago .Piess end Dawns continues 'to advoot.e vigorous specie • payment on the part of the Illinois banks; and says that it is not surprised that " snrh of-the atockseourity barikers as have not the cepttal granite for' conducting a legitimate banhing busi ness" are decidedly averse to tho course pursued by that journal. . _ Niomonas LONGITOSTR, the Cincinnati-mil- Moshe, while seated in the door of a drinking - saloon, on Wednesday, With his hat _between his knobs, having on a seedrettit of clothes,- wainilst taken ,foie beggar. pm:obese of nitaim emigre - grata - in the violnitytecdva; benevolent gentlemen dropped a quarter Intolsis hat'" - , Tits Annual "Pic4fie •of the SPiritualists 4 eok plow' , on Monday, at Valiant Valley, on the'' , Unison River. EaVeral hundred persons were pre , ont. Buoy AT A Pm-Mo.—At a festival being held in Jones's Woods, near- lifeW4 t lntk airy, a fight occurred, which resulted in - Bel/If persons being seriousl y injured. TUE emigration to Wisconsin and Mince entails said.io be larger than for three years poet. A considerable portion of the emigrants are Nor wegians. Tits exemption of Ifew'Orleans 'thin yel low ,fever this year,"• thee far, 'it is believed, is due to the long-continued overdoes of the Mb- IN Ansrats no one can receive a license to marry wilco he is able to Rube:ram his name with his own hand to the eertifloatt. - lin. A. D. Hiewaseson, the. Hansa aortas nuid..t of the Re4ton Journal. who , orsoamanied Mr Greeley to P,lle'e Peak, is at Cincinnati. ?,La. WALKER, merchant of Columba., Ky., fell from the window of the Masonic, Hall, on Tuesday, and was Upwanna of one hundred and fifty light loaves of bread were se std in Toronto, on BADAr day, and given to various }Olio charities. ACCORDING to the American Gan Light ,Tournal, ihere are no. four hundred • gas works In this oonutry, with $5O 000 000 capital. The Plymouth Rack thinks' that Hon. Stephen A Douglas will be present at the moan mental celebration on the 2d of August. Tntr, Handels &Hung states that.the capital employed in the Sr. Louis beer breweries is nearly $20,000,000. EGG'S are selling in Minnesota atVe cents par down, and potatoes at forty cents per bushel. THE hog cholera has made its appearance In Wheeling. THE COURTS. bSt`iiIIDAY'O P11007113D13G% anyorted for The Pros.] QUARTZ?. Buenos:re--Judge Allieen.—Yes feeds) , was the last of the July term. The fol lowing criminal business W. 16 disposed of:_ „ • _ Randall Cole was tried on the charge of stealing live gallons of Irish whiskey. The:ovidenoe did not show a case of felonious taking. and, under the direction of the court, the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. Bridget MoMeth wee put on her trial on the charge of stealing some articles of wearing ap parel, the property of George Johnson. The ells• Ration woe that the property, was stolen- from a line. Vordtotnot guilty. - - The same defendant was tried en the °Urgent' assaulting Mary Ann Johnson. Verdict not guilty. The bill of indictment charging Beulah Zell, and others, with keeping a disorderly house, in II moots street, was laid before the jury without avidenos, and a verdict of not guilty rendered: Also ono charging John On with assaulting his wife. Also, in the cave of • Ittrs. Baynes, charged with an assault and battery: „ Mt Capewolt was put upon his trial on the obarge of assaulting Charles Austin with a hat chet.. 'An 'agreement bad been entered into be• tween the procesiater, and defendant in reference to a etore• and contents, In Minor street, and on an,afterroon in May Mr.- apewell entered arid; Walked to the back of the atone. and got a hatchet._ - Mr. Austin followed and asked him what be Was going to do with it. He replied to break the drawer open. Mr Austin said he ahou.d. not. Mr. Cape well then struck Mr. Austin on the head with it, infliothigaSevere , wound. Mr Capewel was then thrown down by Mr. Austin and an offi cer sent for. Th 6 bill of indictment 'charged as sault and battery with intent to kill. The jury rendered sa verdict of guilty as to the assault and battery only. • • , , - John- S'eeart, policeman, was tried ,on the charge of falsely arresting and imprisoning'-Peter Smith. The jury were. out when the-court ei journed. The next tette of this court wpl corn , ' mimeo the diet Mondayin Aug*, Ctrittor, or , Stevaarmiti.:—.Tho , isoccind . mete of the bainuelebite Wing,.aad two ,others-were before 'Untied • States Commissioner- Besslitt en the charge of smuggling cadres from 011::board the vessel- A customhouse officer testified. that t°- saw thaeoffee taken,from on board in the evening, t;ha.detendanta being the persona engaged In-get ting it ashore and taking it away.' .The ease went over for a fOrther horins today.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers