• Zr ' s , .....-....... ~ .• 1: : ,,, ~....-e la,;z2i.:,„ _ _ E,.:;,,,1,;,;.:,,i-,?-:.. . - i ' V :-V; -"I_ 'O, "...-,- i. g --'," .7 :".., `.. '',. - ; : .',.. a4.) - , - ,-:, , ''-' ':-., -- ',';: , •:' , . - - --, ' - -.4' , , - . - g„,::::41:1T;',1 - ,_ -- ,..::::, ; .., '' : , ,---: ~. , --- ----- ' , 4,., . ~,rtipil, ,; (Mkt, l :6 -. :A8 59. -K,, ,, r • NIER , SORTS' P/000. .t P l a t;; t :L7Xgl4";:ma g 'M t . h ' t*l2" ‘ 1 4. 6 1 1 ,,i,t.b .6014. 0 141 ; ai t t u"7-14,1*•,' masa, ytoisitiow;ailiq!Pit 4 .?* ( VIA!. teli(l.l4+' 1014 111#4,01:a1,44#1# 6114 if*Twili ali ‘ • -` c, s , ,Iteettelee 1-1 04; 1 1.,0 01 • 1 4 1 ,0*?7, 14 :. W: l4 • = TM Oefiloel Nettie. Attaatte:ltsYs.Pw 7 **Y. , : . N*ll44o.lteuse4 , l,tbottql l ST,:mora fteo .y . RAW* ttitalditlissil+OitY?*_ew 3erwT,'" • • city: low JAN,. • Col firstsirstri;fdswiwitlii,(2 l “. /or** filtAuffent souse;ithibtl9 itrloetiC o OCTß,diAr T re i m it Ceeeil.leid; Rev , Oondr,t nalk,o4trow 3,l 7.ol o Alingoir , miner. DorowitiA:o 44- 1 0 .0 was. New zsms,y„ , ads: sisia; zsisr - #lQlB4isk,i•lsgo;r. Lore Ibsweb, NOV o.lo iregg *MIL rifir hre•YA iliiffrOVAAßOJWoiillei , lerotiOisitßasati Nea.loser. /AMR WWI Nc.64;.l4eikketlen,'ner4 doesey„ii , • Trensfewealin, - tbarTltteeMew 4 rnstlß — , ) giohle ibus; 9# 0 4 1, 0 1 "00010W0,4 4 joi!§' , 0 10 Tisc,s,'l s iisil-Ttittlwakirlitiiii Ministry , ; • Pak 'Plose:liktfitbi =R I n t iistbiOl. ellieenco; Vice e is o ore Items idllacsign. News ;, General eciedion, ' Poverib Paus.-1 he pulpit; WisAcly• Mildew the SOlidelphia 'Markets; ,Staltne'lns c- telllgtiOs •11, T Pei". • sqe `new iCavaalrConetifgli,ieal ponvantiow b hots In Winton Wyead4lte, Katmai' Tie: 004 , titbit-ten td- Ohio tin been , adoptakas tbe barb of • r "I = r • m the flonstitut on t proposes !SOM. re it• NloX4orvionievokighto 4 11 4 401nstodetil is•isduississky Ao_iirsysnt the Mineral , - tionsfreuf tn:ltiost m ypoiltioit attention on so collat of ilii:!ll,lii,',,Eteir'orite'rifo'lawi nf the,State The; following merebete4",„Reptlldiosstmembera,,lt;,. Demograliol 17; I.l6ifliaSiArX:iffiAi-Orofig:Ad*Sablii*'4- Thai pie , In the oWavasetbet far:rim, 20 ittiks saYit 111, 9 mitelibuti, 3 temorifsettuirsill aleleaaf land • web,: me'ohahltu,`baron, jeers: nalkot Igagintee,,,l eseis,-:",srMartfedi 1 , 8 sinee;', and threw widower,. Nat West of 0h10,'14‘ . ;,. Vein. syliamiss, ;' , leStana, 6 _; ••litestaallasetts,' ; Kern, 4;‘,Maine; 3; Mew l ; 44441* Via; England; 1; Scotland, Irilded;ied,fiermany,'; suott,, The late version of the Administration dootrtee In' roweled talbe rights - sof naturelisod Wines, published' 7.4 c.p c iritios,ixottes-nceoh rids enpepy fttlinipsehrens, witlf,the original position aatuned la. thi - zWisiejletter,`. ;Oarriilors„ le eteadotioating Ski` lions for psrpetnai allegiatos., bawls greink gentle as snakier deism in thetri as dovidac ~ ,,Thai•triki Too *lto subplot te tea personages, at Abe head Of the Oileirtnesto are up eruption tri 'dee - The , 1110011 is• in a constant pro. con 'Omega, ant the moon is iertaiely, so far mithe'earth'isionieritid. 4 'Mist r enaPeetable'isy of 'NM' :044* Is 'Often whole tomi —what should we wail( of 6 0 lapP4er, isiikesif the - merectry In the.thennomitar,Wilre airs,* al • sidely:lwal ' , Tit...President and Seerstary Sod thal:te , thilr Ilia the; : Power': of foreign liiiiernmeisi ewer their former who hive balamii - oldaiss,of Abe United Stitai, they bawl tette Atfo position,' and they are coming dead 'task 'is they , oat. Mr: Otis' sought t, quallfyilif doubts* he Arit'adiranond by stating b' a little, more geises4lY in bfkletter to Mr. .Hofer ; of ,the 14 la•of Just.' Aide: Pugh, hi. friend, , tat • Ohio Senator, did the Administrition theffavor I'o bring it doWn a little rower. The resideS s one pissed • the otheeday at Tammany MO may, perhaps, *erded is another in the descent; andiron, have dCratieht, published yeaterday'. - Aorgaii, of the, Aditlnistration whiet el 'espy to-day; II the shape of a despateli gent_ as:the preient month Wilke Amer. san minister it Bsrltn,le wldott in attempt is bud, to exitatn away th e 'deo lane altogether , Whit ; began libLitlfie , ends In %neat. * '* , The itlirr -- dey Adidriistratfoe'.iald to ithOe. new.of,(lirrkatt'alrit(sitati, applied , for pirepotts If4eit !Ogre militaij pot lets fieralit.Y; end.go.'tbiSiter, egaii, you; may b. obifird.to:se siwilt•the anoy: and we will not pro. tees yea "Now it oidielyi !It you were draft talt,rrciititirbt , ;4l.,Witoyeind'sWa' , Wieiy ? of,lf jot, sitteridAir,;arety;iiid dee:titled. jett'speat tali'. ti;• tieli,:pf4eigarinit.thispropetloWietti of ;your 'coo: duet If you go baok:llifilfl'-'7',Tbatwopo 6l tlone art 'as aidespais as Now York and,ltiermag , PrisOniltiog, from somi, Jun. 25; Stockton,,United 441 i tatfit.erseirretet!_rtlesentee Ick.pbtsidnitg iattsfac torn ist - Patititooli_liabalf. of., a Alegi respeotablt Asitiotbian'otttsapi' stbo:Staltip'Partita"at-tiro time of tbe , eeititol; by wLteti be war a`titasie'r it - oott olderabba ;:lktr:Et;patit Neytcit Yezkiiii; of Bpston, who , hi thetui foruknete teem. trim-Some; en,.whh 'of 11'1 1 45 Bit op of 3Zed Tteief, aik!igbio.;thesiento, Arid whe - ilh_Olhiiiibejle.qet,tl tirehee"(ietth the into*llOttpf.lieikhigloi.a villa 3, • sea Alive O hltioh is te' afteilloon Of the 20 thi titter thr tiihorti' ti*itiMi, - •Peilcies - rad' ', , hhil),,i*bid,d4,-*lwi le Metier,' s',beod of 001-: 'diere foie a iri,tl the', ho!il;:ipihett "hie the , :4h** -room led killed waiter-before:the eyes'of ,thri y honifik,ml ladies,"ebet the mullet. Of ibioltotel ; 'aticl..frOOißmUA tirdelitro" • I °Call that vise vsiaableattd4oftiibleMr.Per•! hf::4o4lpg : idol: . Of:',114; - ; adjieent 64;rooik,:eio04titsiii *MeV asd !aim& ed bld-forl ' fourteen 'boors.- itt. tbe end of tbat time , tray; rifiebyed mbh dismay the *leeki letl - lip therio lit , tittatneirs: 4mon - git- , the booty obey ortried best part of and Aro, loggesie j , 'militated 01 oven Amnia end esti aaipat bags, and eantaini Inc rortnit ietriable property, irstehef . , j4welrej and objanit oferl3*lviifehifettin.;llt6l2°' losti`stadeaia: to shout -$2 4.OtY ''••, b. roptiktilk: :no fiit itikorettihii kotin:oolosoitted ~brltto" ,Own - midterm; in sold 'Mr; Perfthisis tbrinid protest i renders the Gileireekeit it, led It is to be pro; Screed, ibectio . will itOCltetittate to' mote "i'solit; 'yortitjtifitift*.iit rste;lthie , gilrebiiiht.' it rbo . •-•itortivit.: - 'lO the 14iti - 014 weir* Almil o 4;. and foilewlet . day for, Titeste: t. Oar endangers , mittens to•ifuridsh'emrovints of • destenettve`riviiimi.of !the itorni on Wednesday "emit* lilt `i The Volpe, - Of Themes tr. -Woodrort,' Lmisii:faseibir,e,':Olotisettiev tenni-f t ' If 14 1 limit; _,b!otin rifroiietr Tbi:greet• ledle'rrOtber. =W etßaises , it:rts7 - a. It.r.TAisttalmsn'onthe Uolted Btstsi 9fit. loPsirt:ltittaltitiore, *bleb -,baelotinpfed de' ;istidiffoiAtte", pisr tirienrinitie, dermlontedlestei., John:Rjtitio - b• *Os the''Olodog 11,14011: it 'ilia • til'e r il 4 Pierilied; array of - - kg4Aftlittt siegsged t heyierested-generil:lnte• Toff feeling pi Agreet siaini:deer sib throughout the!einentir She rook, si.tkioto the .ibi4Ptisitra; trifroblei - of °aim, before itdi*to the `Su p remefionif the'Unitiid-, ' •• ii- rt Theo44o fitid herlfeen itfeesia.: - Ye - a al : ego iSftei`4i:o;sAyiott took place yretordly,teorphrg Jo-41RO Caroline. Yr. Aylett ebot at Mr. - Wise without ,effeet, and thi -, letter,lartd-fete't the. air. , Mr. : AyJitt,iben whb dreir, ble darn/A, and;naked for it reeoneWation, = 411,10A,Jdr. „Wise Woad— The diffleblty grew "arit.nr; Rime- eontroweray on Oa iubjeot of inter. ; - :'ihnitlitk:stif tiolpintmottioit.'4 .:c, - ' - ~. -'''-- ''''c'rtfitilibinfili of tbiAtiotvey general in the ease `of Phifii,Kii*liplec in tbilNLatha 4 chanted by, the 'ieorillaqtteno,Oompiny s , hi, OtArine i, 'l,,tbat the,' . eon . :Imw . ,:ni — tie to one that ado3tirflbe e 'carafes of ' ;the dhartitipayry,4orreihf the President oanferred 1 4 4 OShiEWf PeOgreeh.4 Af4itiet '1,1;1 2 # 6 ; , ati r d; 2 , ~ =Thai di; 14 4 2.0 ,0i5i00:= 4 Z°14"7 -18. o,4 k , Pr ) ",,r' larty itigliwihOwnd ik4sited by th a t' sof; ;.: ' - A meeting a,f 1114- - oitilt Bow trill be hold , to-day ti'...hyif,C !hit; ItOitit - we titre. ' of' respeea to the ,neitery,,:nfrhe'llifil ito'n.'ltrogii Obpsfe, There w i t rya" . boom", ot,4l2kooll'o'* l lifei"of Jliti. , ObostiC , ,,: ),,,, :: :, ~.; 0,-; f ;-,,... ' ,; : Itbirenifriiisrl4ender of the yeneenget train on I:;: s iiiiitetig*A ' Ciitisi at,slieOsia raiiafr the treek at -; ~,Niip,, , .Potadorpti-:Yeeierileii *ll4kint° broken t° k.-. , 14W144.--.-..,Thelitentei 'end hemdeditaistei,Were !Rs' z -:).oiiit'• '21.-7.. -. -', *.'- ~, :i ,-2 , c ~,... • ,:- -:_", '., ' :`. aooicor,Pliilitt his 'appilittik; IliA-410esi` ~' r daiithfri^46l4er,.iiienitoir ; Ot,d - bilie*,fratillike"Orga.: , fs 64 thiifiii - itithiiii;liditil' tit. plies ' or Noli Lowillpitsidopildeedritiotd: §<i.t-_,,,, , -- - .7 , ‘ ,L ~- • :"; -', tli ii')1,011, Etsit, - EklitTAm . JiTeitti hacagailt with" I %aiiiiii 7 Tri*;' . Ttiai , = , o2 s 4Wititqlt:Ostitlitt in :the .: JA . 1k Atigiew, *ig, ,locifii - - 7 0n mlndei. ;,, ; (,)I*Alfla,"tini,,:', prate**, 4 the Cobalt ,irid:„lliabet ,4111 1 iP,5,44iiii,; 4 !,-I. I A - T' Os fillider'oilopliziat: .., -f6M - 1 li , #),i,kt - :i . t -14 4 4 t ( itli' - -' , ialdWe'r 0 4 . ;alla, '--, 0 ,o&. 1 4 404,FAC-1ffi,4 1 :442f6'034.1 - 141ophIght, , `lf, opok , holkio4o/:,:k4k;# 4 lititottiti.ti , l' ve t , - .—alfV3i#l4lo,* , 06 4, :, _ 'wad --...:,:irabieki'llirrestiii4Mitaiiii*Stl i iii: " -'aisijaitsi -11'1014*Zre*:84,-*1164444.4111-,*4044- Z/Sfilifid:l4 4 FlVViit4o4ollltiiinabr of 4-tii,JWlfY!itig: 'At ,Pthi r ,,larrAiiiidon: eerie' 4.49 — All'Altotiti'' of **Xtrelttf,ieriatieels 7 , -'4 1 104‘44 0 11,1W0W-'%,.''' , - -,!!_._-,-,-;,-;,7::-..-4„,.. .1-430t* ottintioo to on iitioittsomoot `..,ool.l4p4l, T ioitsfOrotak t ot how. wasted. ° • Once a W0k, , ,? '„ , -)ftich curiosity prevailiteardong 'reading ait to the literary aaccesior to 1-br9'se 'Old: Words, ostentatiortelY. b y - , Baanntrav &enclon, the late pub. 'bikers and partners 'ot ,l Creautiati "DiOKICAIS. f The brit number was Issued on- July 21, and, ,we are unible , to say much in its, favor. It is ",iiinstratediai far as our knowkedge of the sr-. eitablia, us' to:judge, by Lases, Tassiat; , :aivd , .l4tiutte. The-wood cuts by theAW,V,lirst are in the manner of their designs, for„PUNA.. - Mi.,..,,Muttats; the great Pre !atthaellte palidetc'tiontribritee - One sketch, whigh le. an oatentations feature: ' -Xt illus. TAiLeei 'entitled it -Magenta ; " and represents a,stont ,and, great ! , .fpicitiolined female, who exhibits one tre- Insialoint' feet 'lll4 l stupendous' gaiter; dying _detvirin a.clumsy manner, (clumsiness caused by.the mageitude of her hooPS,S with whit ' Seems: to-be a newspaper ,in her ,I;ands., To .alluppearance, something in th e ieroadetteet infs - set hCr crying or put her fast' asleep. To , ideatifY ,Wbat , „this,sarnething IS, a dim shadow ,ora map, insotibed ii Magenta" Is eas thoWsill •.Thus it would See* that the poor young woman, gifted .with itieciniVaight, bad 'tide "Magenta' thapqlieferehattd,_ In, anticipation, of bearing 'Atesystrous_ news , from th e place through 64' neiripsper t , The'. design, unsatis. itself,, is made more so by ' engraved arid _ so, badly blit#l*,;#4ol,lpriating;:'"ato _to be nearly oh• tiet,ir t. 4'4Vitiliterstry department has hot much noielik:'"tafitst , Bitiogs; the editor, opens with, a ; peat worn and things *Once a ,Week." - - - ,,There is a page or anti- ulties-4-alsopelbiaie legend by pr.:l/One ; is account of snake-killing in Africa"; a abort ali - Pet - 4'On English' piejectilete; the' poem by' row Javon, - , already _named ; ~a lot of path-, ral--history, hy G. H..tewes ;- and, sketch hailed srl'he'Originall3tin House." For the moat part, these • are respectable mediocrities of Composition.'..ooo • exaeptioa hr the cam reacement ,of .."! a tale by . casatate ?flitch opens well. The tune is that of toms Xfrind'the - in'Holland The size of Ehemihlleafioa is Octavo, as Household Wosds 30 - Us, ihe Year Round ie. But, instead hf., 24-pages, each number contains only 20, and;-while 411 the Year Roundis republished hera at five cents, the" price at which Once 'a , ;_tVeek, not 'republished , here, is sold; is ten thise-eircumettutces, a large ;Areeilcaiiclictilation,Utilli latter is not hibe 't4iltieted'i -- -If - thts" , ..fciturif numbers are not better."tbap the ` flist, Till be a splendid fall- Sure ere long. Travolling in Railroad .Care on Sunday It is "apparent thattbia question is certain t4i.oreatenonsidinable,exeitement in,thia city. ir s hereis scarcely rin a rworkshop which it is übt iseir,iii!ijOisettesed. - • Thera .is_ not are= Itigions society-in which it, is net a subject 'of `agitation.' , Outside of the prejudices enter= ititined ittnetui hand and,mit the other, we Ifeet. boned nonsider: it as ,s.".great qtiestion—One - Which'- should not be debated either; by Mete ,religierdits .on the One, band, orty/whature , properly nailed proletaires on tbe:other;., • clasee,onsidersi it ,in re.. feienee.tO religionstiellef, the other because of•itsielition to its own •interests.. Our own lidgMent On this' citieetioit bee already been folly expressed. We belleie in the doctrine of tbegreatesticiod to the' greatest number; ;,y,d, yet, wbilo,llilels.se; we think the difficul ties' between. the, contending parties may be airangedipon a basis', that Should be agreeable to both: , I ,Let the direntorsof the different !Ali ened pinpestles meet and settleupon a plan by MAO. ther.'enrs eheald yen on the Sabbath day So kinetic) interfere with the ex eicisea of the' different religious denomina tion-1:- This, it seethe to' tie, would boa con 4ndonwhich the one aide would be willing to ,grant;,and the other aide should be willing to , Ruttish Pont:clans. ' -Our old. friend Punch awakens,, now W and thenoci, show that .he-still lives—like the in• ilignant lieak)Xentioned In Tou Neoax's i tong ahout the harp which once n Tara'e "halls,* esisia. ' 4 l'hitteceatliolitlcal battle in Snead hes „ &Meted little 'of the lively antichback'e ,attention. However, hada two' last - lumbere there_ are, a couple of cats--, wood ! ents--Whiat not' to be laighed at. One of these, entitled "Balm for the Wound ed " regiresetittithe Earl of Dauer, sortiewhat - ittdicrously attired as a ctliid In frlll,lacket, and Short petticoats. His Lordship fa in'evi dent pafn, 'far 'the big tears ran down his cheeks., :He , is supported and solacedliz hie friend , Jr. • Punch. Around his neck hangs' . u gorgeous . rof the Order of the; His , left foot reposes upon &stool. Queen Vororir.4 assisted by - Prince ALBERT., Sion( egad batik as a Beef-eater at the Tower, tenttera , hie 'Lordship the Garter, to bind mind' the suffering leg, and kindly , says, Poor little man. Did he have a nasty tam= ble? Here's something to make him all right again I" ; The. Other design:, in the last number of Pesch; fe called u Turn and , Turn-about," ind regirepente the Palnierston, Ministry riding on ,whit fe ': dellen a Reund•about, while tbo ei ! Ministere, rather dleconsolate, are looking Oti . ,...Theporireite:ef • PALXIMOT ON and Rua iltLL, 'Dalai and bISRAELt, GLA.MITONp and ivairntatorf,'are admirable likenesses. Trade Rook Sales. Thiel Is not the season for new boOks. Pue chi-sera go into the country, taking books with and seldom, rent' Much while out of town.- In August the 'publishing season re curompunpVend,hniers, returning irom rural ,tiornide 'enjOynicitt,," eagerly tall into a 'Oeuree-: : of reading all the novelties. By the ,waY,,enilyieit month; the astute Bostonians, Wbo are ambitions—=in their way=-will have a ITrada,pale of books, in emulation of Phila 4004:and:lite* York. Their catalogue is a portly' Octave. , We untie.° that the leading -. mablieltera of this city have contributed,large itiVeleita to this itostonsale. '9nr omniscient tt little bird "-has whispered to us that , the Boa .ton publishers have by, no meansreciprcicated; ;I ' ll cegsMs tlia i'itiladelphiti Trade ,Sale, whioi 'will beheld, as usuali'by Messrs. !somas, in SeptOniier.. ;nits hi Au, odd 'sort of recipro -GUY ali op one Oda, in fact. If it be as we have liari, we oan only assure Boston that ctice'et:tbie sort can scarcely take plane twice.;- ; , • Douglrmo. ~ Fornythf- and the Cincinnati - - - "-Platform. lii, , Poroyth, late minister to Mexico, has writ ten enother,Politioll latter to the Mobile fregistir, of Which lie le the eater: It la made a 'grave 'ohargeAgainethini•thathe is not opposed Ito the, 'netriination' or - Dotigtu forth'? Presidency in 1810, and JIM( does not insist'upini slave' legislation tir,,the.Territories. - In' his answer, width is im' , 'portant Jost now, in view of the Areteatirig aute etedents of therwriteri and his great control of an lonvairitialliouthern prese - he lays . • ' ‘." solemn - conviction is, that the' Southern mind has: been ' led "astray, , on' this - question, and ihatlas leaders are hurrylog Icon to's point where Par: vital " intermit' in - the Viten are to be jeer. periled, „Anil ,our honor-compromised: I ask you, as .! w men, if:, baring there oonviotions, eliauld.',M4 be ,a,political and moral coward, unworthy of "my post' on the watoh-tower of the pries,„tild I,Wi to raise my voice against Book a oareerof Suicidal Madness henna* to do so Le un popular, and, as you say, ewill Nara my paper in the country?' , ; „ 4 '2".“ The (thief tisk Iran in assuming my position is froth' the clam or . r would oald 'be rais id ogainst. Me of befog a 4 lioness, man; and bid advocate .for the,Preoldenoy; lam in favorer the nominee of the Charleston' Convention, and I am in favor of the harmonious action of.that Convention. The ilemoeratle poky is now the ontr barrier to the designs of theltholition 'party, , Break that down, bed we sow stoat sea, and good and patriotic men will notAniter where to' turn' tor succor and the stabile safety. A:throb race - for' the Presidenoy. its. Anil fileelsion by the Rouse of Represents. rives ,Of.Conerette mitt - the election of. an Abell tionitt..,wikles 'the sequel. ' I am unwilling thisjetifed:hiture for+ an abstraetion. if 1$ ' that this - - abstraction is a •prineiple,, arid' hnted to staid on it, I - rintWer, grantatilliat it lirooL" but it is a principle jflifehlbeVeiselirsey of the Northwest claims that :ml agrited itithe Obioinneti platform to yield up, theithite'er" harmony and, the patine+ good, and Tor sfirduable eonsiderstion faith - lolly laid down bythine; end that ''eansideratirat was the yielding up.of Mother prinolpie on the pait of the 'North, to wit; that Congress had the power to intervene ind:inittlelliti 'question of eleven , in the Terri. .10,rtee; _end,* unite. with - us of the South in pMieleling Blaok"Republions from: enforn. „Mg:that 'prin'ciple, in the prohibition of sia. Very - Ait -- Territeries - And,- I - answer . fur lisiiri-thiC if ;everys_depaiteatint of • the Govern stiont,liiid'ihi:urienionnottiolse of the North, were our principle; it would not ',Poses the'iaine`oraliin, for it would-not make ...nee rule. moth 'or IMO of slave or free territory. M 'Pe(theseeionti apt fir fiver of standing on the Otheinneld - pletleinf, end of readopting it et the • Chatlettou'llonvitition, ,, tutd2 : ,of leaving the quest Ahm, or, slivery,: in the Territories where 'we Agreed to Italie it-t4civelt, to thi laws of climate indliograPhy,; to the Judielal tribunate of the labd.abd' to the Executive. authority to enforce ,theirleehhinit, end to the political communitles'of A.Mert itieprople - wini are to be offeeted -by' it, )Psoollt''..N. (MX' 00 1 :1110: see ne'esospe from the geektest , paltietit ellamlUN, sad in this course I am utterly nisablec.to perceive how the South is to Suffer even an infinitesimal loss, either in honor or prat. - JORX Poitsyrx.' Judge Douglas in, Wilforula The,followimg extract, from a speech made by thetenlyiorary'chairman of the Democratic State Donventien" which ' ,assembled' at Sa cramento, California, On_ the 15th of June, Andicateliihe future'of Califatitis refe,rence to the Presidential queation, and _showe s 4he hold that STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS p6I3BCBEBS upon the people of that State : t‘ We have - seen that wh;oltaffords no little4on". eolatlon,•the,patriote of the land struggliog ' for great prinelples, who have been oolleoted together from time to and n ..ur own recllection, (In 1850. aid ti at s o b bseqU withi ent Periode,) for • o the pity, pose of asserting those prinelples—prinolples which sheuld acre' peace, harmony, and'happittees to the `Whele.Ettion,,not a single section alone, but from the most remote boundary on the North to the farthest limit On the South, ,We saw, them there assembled- announcing _Democratic doctrines, which, ,to use _the language, of : a gentleman whose name is not entirely unknown—Prefer' to Stephen A. -- Douglas; of thinole,-Ttremen dous ' cheering and . applause]— uttered , When struggiing,. as heJuts ever done. for the main• tenanoe ,of the 'principles of Denincraoy—the `Prinolplee which sustain and' protect the rights of man- , -in Virginia. during the campaign, resulting -in the election of "Pierce—' were like Somme holding on to the,piliars of the temple, not, how. ever, for its destruction, bat its support. ' Since thaetimewe hatte seen that gallant champion go ing to the struagle We hid hoped when we met _here lest year in Convention ,that a lesson, bad been taught - the Administration. -We had. rep posed-it was utterlyimpassible for an Adthintstra- Son which had been stewed to rak:3'6e' sen timents of 'the Demooratio party, to have so tar forgotten its duty' as to attempt to ride over the rights of 'the people. • Bat for• these attempts harmony might have, existed. The Government carried on by Proper" rule, no party would have been compelled to organism for the purpose of de feating every position having a tendency in throw down the institutions of our country. ~We have seen the struggle rebirth was carried on In some of the Staten of the Dnion. .We have seen the gal lant 'Little Giant' robeeralfighting agalnit the entire' Federal opposition and power, most po tential;, but .- we. 'look in vain to dine ttes, the ..Cypress that weave above the po- Mittel, grave of Stephen A. Douglas, of [Great applause , and. olteeringlOh, gentlemen, it our proud boast to-day that - the laurele of victory have crowned the brow of the hero. [Cheers ] We are assembled here for the purpose of tsnitoolating those,prinelples by:which, aloes the rights of all Amertesn Mame may be maintained throughout the length and breadth of our land ; for the purpose of placing men in 'nomi nation Who wilt take the stripes and stars' as the standard of the party, significant of the whole Union, and not a section. I believe, gentlemen, that with the Constitution as our 'guide, PoPular Sovereignty as our sentiment, there is no question is the world but victory mutt inevitably be the result." Y MIDNIGHT MAIL Letter Stein " OCCa810111$1." [Oorroopondiroo of The Prece.J ' WAinizarrox, July 16,1.659 The arrest of. Charles JOhn, Gardiner, the brother of Dr. Gardiner, whose name was disre putably , connected with the so.oalled Gardiner read, and who, when convioted, committed sutoide in the presence of the officers of the law, 'resells the reeollection of one of the most sucoesstut rob beries of the Treasary that history records. The inoeption of this fraud ; the manner in :which it was prepered in Megloo ; , the skill of the forgeries, .aud the ingenuity of the main parly were only surpassed by the, boldness and perseverance of those who ferreted it out and exposed it to eon: dainnation and .punishment. By means of these ,forgerlei Goole A Gardiner went before a board of oominiesionere, organised under' the treaty of dandalnpe Hidalgo for the Purpose of adjudicating all the °tabus_ against our Government, and re covered the enormous sum' of $581,975 from that oommissioo, -end obtained It front the Treasury of the United Stites.' This was linuacilately after the war with Mexico. Subseriuent events led to 'he belief that the claim was originally false and simulated, and the. Proceedings of Congress, and the notion of the condo, finally proved it to be so. His claim consisted In this, that under the Mexi can law be bad, to use a technical expression, .denounced certain mines near Lagunillos, which io one of the departments of the State of San Luis Pottrid. He claimed, furthermore, that on the breaking out of the war between Mexico and the United states, ho had engaged in mining opera. None, employing hundreds of men, _thousands of ;tattle, and investing ,Coormons sums of money. Not being a citizen of Mexico, he alleged that on the breaking out of the war he was driven away from his Mines, that his people were scattered, that his property went to waste, and that not one cent of eompensation was - furnished Mai by the State of San' Leis Potosi, or by the Federal Go yernment of Mexico. The claim, as stated, was one which , came within the provisions of the agreement entered into between the high cpn tracking, parties at the close of the war, and, as such - , and upon the testimony upon which it wee considered and adjedloated, the award already stated was allowed. The whote-ntory of the inception of this 'fraud, the venality of the, officers of the' 'Mexican mint and of the officials of the Stole of Tamsulipse; of San Luis Potosi, and probably of Nueva Leon, would make up a thrilling romance., Philip 11. Fopdall, Esq', the worthy Distriot Attorney of the District 'of Columbia, appointed under the Administration of President Fillmore, and holding ever -under the Adminietration of Pietident Pierce, was so pressed with wonderful derelopments of the testimony *which could not possibly be brought before the court, together with the evidenee acir drieed In the ortse, - that he : difirdoined to collect all the facts and give them to the public; in the form of a book. Ido not think he has done so as yet; bat hie speech' on the trial has been pub. 'fished, with Many - cppeodixes, in a volume now currant la this city. If tistihoolp is ever published, it will constitute a most interesting page in the romance of crime. Let me, state, one or two facts; Manuel Vera step!, who held a high,oftioe in the &ate - where the. ines were falsely saidto be boated, in con sideration- of a 'certain sum, some 827,000, to be paid him when the award wee made, certified to' falso papers and to a false book, pretending to give items of expense limiting into hundreds of thousands' of dollars,' items of expense for the daily and weekly carrying on of the operations at the minds. When ibis man heard that the fraud had - been exposed by one of the clerks of the state Dipaitment'whose duty it was to filo away the_ papers, and who, having lived in Mexico for seventeen years, saw 'the informalities of some of the papers, Which Judaea& him to closely so rutiabse them, be immediately gave orders to his guerillas (for he was not only an officer of the Government, bat the captain of a' band.of robbers), that no American agent should be allowed' to some anywhere within the State. Captain Barry, an American officer in the Mexican war, was paid a largesum per day to go to Lamm:alias and ascer tain whether or not Were were any mines, as alleged, and all the information bearing upon the case that he could proem. Purchasing a mule and a' lot of tin ears, he peddled his way throrigh a rugged and mountainous district, besot by snares on all sides, and through hie courage and his knowledge of the Spanish and Indian , lan guages lie successfully twittered the object of hie mission. Afterwards, - when a commission went out under Henry May, Esq., one of the most in domitable and fearless lawyers on earth, a 'con ference was held with Verastegui, and he, on a Pledge being given by thb representatives of the ;Oohed Stites Government that he should not be Prosecuted, ' entail's!' the facts that • had been practised at Gardiner's instigation His written aonfesion is sow in the aroltivee of the State De partment. Verastegui was not the only Govern; Merit otßoial- concerned. Gttiterrez, tine- of the Seeretaries of Silted one of the States of Mexico, also fora consideration - paid bins, gave the seals and certificates of his department !to the proofs sent on to' this city to go before the board of dome missioners. It is interesting to gate' how one or two forge- Atte were detested," When liaptain Barry Mit called at the alcalde's office la Leann'llas; be found among the papers there ao • denouhcement of these pretended mines ; but when Henry May, Big., went out on the next misslon i end after the dist trial, which' terminated lea hung lam they saw a paper amongst the files, regular and legal Iu its phraseology and oertifloation, hut, after in spection; they discovered thafit had been but re cently piaoed'there. On bending the book back they, saw that the thread with which the Gardiner title was sewed in wee in some 'places perfectly white and new, and also that a large stain upon the paper, immediately preceding it, exactly fitted a stain upon the paper which followed it. Some of the paper, as well as gloms of the thread, escaped the attempt to stain them. • These facts went to show that the paper had been surreptitiously placed there. Again, when taking a piece of tissue Pa per and tracing the signatures and•rudrscaa. rubies being a Sourish to a signature, and which, under the • Mexican law, is enough without the name being written, while the barns without the rsthrsca Is not a legal signature,) it was made pal- pable that those to one paper, - aonstituting the nutting title, were, in reference to their position to one another, and the size of the writing, precisely similar topmost of each of the other pages. In twenty or thirty pages, no six or seven men ooald sign their names, so that the tracing of those to one paper would be a perfect oopy, in every way, of those to a dozen other papers. The certificates Were thus shown to be forgeries. 'When this ease , came before our courts the most heroulesn efforts were made to suppress in reiligation into the facie. Mr. George A. Gard'. ner was engaged to be married to a beautiful lady of wealthy donneotione in this vloinity, and the Oharles,,l Gardiner arrested on Wednesday bad married into's most influential family. craftily had the scheme been devised,' and eo widely ex tended had the 'metal inflame been by which it was to be maintained, that, for a long time, it Wasimpoesible to 'reach - the'-truth. Court* and Juries Were alike ettspeoted.' A public opinion was treated such as had never before, imen,known in Washington. Newspapers were encoessfully ap preached, not only-here bur. elsewharat and the beet men in Washington -*serer ,sedtpsed to believe that the war upon the Gerdinere was a mere personal perepoution. Henry May, Esq., of Baltimore, to whom I have al THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY; JULY 16; 1859: ready alluded in this letter, a mast made himselfodious to the *curt by the pertinacity and courage with which he pushed the prosecution ; and Philip R. Feudal', Esq , won for hicalblf tem porarily great discredit among tha misinformed people, but finally immense reputation, by his ln• tegiity and perseveranee In this base. To henry May, however, is to be accorded the full credit of this final discovery. He was regarded•in some quarters as almest insane on this subject. Feel lag that the whole community had been impreg nated in ftivor of Gardiner, knowing Gardiner's, social qualities, fully appreciating the enormous • advantages secured' to him by the money which he bed deposited in ourlooal banks, be seemed to be inspired by the sublime idea of risking every thing upon bringing these criminals to Justice. I knew very well that even Marshal Rooier, vigilant. and ineorruptible as he was and is, was for. a time regarded by Mr.' May 'as somewhat too lenient in reference to the Gardiners, and every name placed in the " Jury wheel" was closely scrutinised by this inoompara , ble laWyer and patriot. AU interests were ap piestelied, and partieularly the newspaper Drees and' those connected with it. But through the vigilanee of Pendell, the integrity of hoover, and' the energy and •eloquence of May, the whole plot was uoravelled,'and the criminals brought to jus tice. I have thought this a proper mumalon to refer to one of the moat peculiar oases ever presented to any of the courts in the United States. Nothiisg whatever is doing, in this city, In the theatrical line. A report got out, not long since, that Measrs. ,Wheatley Or:Clarke had abandoned the ArCh.etriset Theatre This on dit is Incorrect. The theatre will operiV at the usual time, with a good stook company.' We have not learned Whether the new performer, (" the beautiful horse Edwin Booth,") introduced on the stage ,at Mr. 3. B. Clarko's last benefit, is engaged among the regular,company, or is only to npp'bar, send! occasionally; lie - a •f i star." - - Mrs. Garreteon has engaged t he greater part of her company, we are informed, and - :tie Wainnt .atreet Theatre. There will become nesv.,,,aoes— aid some of the old ones, which it would not break the heart of the'padent public rot to see again. One ofshe earliest pieces-to be brought out here, we believe, will be the melodramatic speotarde of Panat'and Magaret, with Mies Cruise as Margaret. This spectacle was produced by Charles Kean, In London, with brillianoy and success; and Mr. J. B. Roberta, who will perform in it, brought over the models and the scenery from the Princess's Theatre. Both houses will agree, we hope, de g the coming season, to prohibit any performer having more than a single benefit. The practise of dip• pliaation, or triplication, on this pelotas a nul -1 sance,whioh may advantegeoualy be abated. At MaDonough's Gaieties, Race street, the wea ther 'has not yet canoed a drawback in the "pep formances or receipts. The respectable •manner in which Mr. McDonough has conflicted this establishment since it came into his hands some six months ago, merits, the public approbation which has crowned his exertions with success. Mechanics in the Household. Twenty years ago, any one who started the idea of sewing by means of a manillas would be very' mush ridiculed by all matter of. faot people.' These, however, would have thought nothing More feasible than to wash linen by machinery , Yet, the sewing machine was invented over ten years ago, and the washing machine has been perfected only the other day. • We allude to the maohine patented by Messrs. Rohr and Davis, of Charlestown, Virginia, last May, the cabinets , ' right of making and selling which has been put; chased by Plowman .t Monads; of this pity, and is called The Rioelelor;" as a labor saving ittaohlne. The works are so simple that they can scarcely getout of order. The ma ohine is getting well known In this oily. In Bar yliberg it has .quite run already. In the State Lunatic .q.ayluta there, it has been In use, to the saving of labor and expanse (it le, worked by Steam), niece April. Also, in the County Pelson in that city. It is in use, also, at Jones' House, where it turns out linen in a state of whiteness which mere manirn teflon ettauot offset. Less soap is oonstuned, end there is scarcely any wear and tear, for rwbbing is wholly dispensed with. The saving of time, feel, soap, bother, and temper le vary remarka ble. The last qualification is that the pzeeleior IS SO cheap that it saves its own coat in a short time. Where there is a large family, the saving of a ser vent may be safely calculated on. Mr. Hood will give his Seventh Floral Matinee, at the Academy, this afternoon. A. twernitur en.' tertainment, to commence at fear in the after* _noors,Assut_unoutalatul asJi-essblits_braaktartsaA , seven at night," mentioned in the song. It will, enable parents and children to avoid the meridian' heat, and therefore the ohange is advantageonr,i A splendid programme is before the public. A new troupe of 200 children will appear. .A new ballet of notion, called " Sprites of Fairy Land ; or the Miller and his Peughter," a ballet diver tissement on whfoh Cite army or little opes wilt, dance ; a new Celestial Empire roams called" Lt ! Okiluois," and, to wind up, our old nursery-tale; "Jack and the Sean Stalk," made into a' befirt traction. This is something like a programme to draw a crowd.' DECLINE OF REAL ESTATE IN TOR LOWER PART OF TUE CITY,: TENDENCY OP BUSINESS OP•TOD'N., WARD—PROGRAMME OP THE ALL ENGLAND ELI/ YEN CRICKETERS—TES STRAWBERRY TRADE or 1.859-811NoTRULEB—WALL STREET—NEW MOVII 4 RENT AMONG THE TORACC IIBALERS—EXTENSIOI O CITY RAILROADS—DEATH OP FANNY D.ANII HABSET'S DABORTER—IISTROPOLITAN THEATRE : CHARLES KHAN—TRAVEL ON VIE lII' ToRK AND NEW EATEN RAILROAD—LARGE unman . .? of WOOL—DEMOCRATIC STATE 0./MITTEL (Ootreelortdertoe of The Press] New YORE Inly 15.18'9. Real estate holders la the lower part of the city-1 may in all the region lying below the dark—begin to have serious apprehension,: about the depredation -0f their property, in consequence of the np-town ward movement of balms. In Cedar, Liberty, and Pine streets. which, tea years ego, were deemed the moat desirable locat'oes for trade, rents have coma to so lost a point as to be eomparativoly nominal. Importers and jobbers are rushing to Broadwey from the Bark nn to Niblo's, nod to the aide 'Beate between them paints. The fiabtonable Broadway afternoon down Ward prom*: node stops now at Canal street. while the upward car rent eaten Of at Ireton enure into Tlfth avenue. Central rack le fully in the pribilo eye as tbo future great play and display ground of the Oothamitea I and in a couple of year' or so, Its maple grounds, walk., drlyes, ponds. ravines, dells, And dales, will b' free u air to the town's overworked mosses of hu vaulty. The great Cricket centeste, between The All-England Eleven against America are arranged to come off as follows The first of the eerie/ will be Alf-England Eleven vs. Twenty-two, at Montreal. The Ruud match will be Tbp All-England Elena ve. Twenty.' two, selected by the et fieorgeds Club, and . vill be played at 'Hoboken on the new ground, which is now being la'd oath). Mt Stevens near the New York Tao ht Olob Huse. The third match will be The 41-Eng: land Eleven vs Twenty•two selected by the Philedel; phis Clubs, and will be played at phtladelphisi. Tho concluding match will be The 411-England Mayen yeti Waxen, selected by the Montreal Club, and Eleven mar looted by the St. George's Club, to take place Mqn , : treat. Now that the strawberry trees la olosed for the eersi eon, let me glee you a few Spree on that frultral wait, feet, The comber of baskets that have been rpeetre4 here dorm the season is so large as to seem eino.t lair credible In several of the neighboring menthol of New Jersey the strawberry Is one of the leading it commie, oisl ataplea In Bergen ceunty.alode it le Istimelad that the crop reached 1 000 - 060 ballets.. The tieit York and Erie Beamed Ma brought to market 8,263,400' Whet*, mostly from a little place called Ramsey fa Station. Plow Heyp'rt. N. J , two rissole hare brought 1760,000 baekete. The Northern New Jersey Railroad , stud Long Leland Railroad brought d16,0J0 more,, while . the aggregate brought from Betoken and 9 thin. placed I' along shire* , le aimed nninherleirs. The value of these berries, at the wholesale rice, pould not have' been lees than two hundred and tiny thoutend dollars, Five owe of sunstroke monrred yesterday during the heated part of the any, Wall street is just now comparatively depopulated of the benevolent Individuele whose Indifference to money.: making is one or their Striking peculiarities. The htilla and the bears have simultaneously rutted to the woods and the water, there to harrow and bathe during the eery weather. Liminess men say beelines is dell. The bstike, Insurance compentee, and a few—eery few— railroad mm 1,1131811 hare paid their dividends Money iD plentler than usual. and large some are floating Idly ' , on the market unemployed, nor is It expected any ma terial revival will take plane until Augnet. The o la a now movement on foot among the tobaome men In this city, accelerated probably by the great trade elle now going on at Boston. Tee hearted dell-, ere hive arranged to held periodical palf.io Wee lariCei a year—lu the sae= and opting—something sites the (Ashton of the periodical vendee miles of eoffeer held in Holland, and of wool In London. As theme to. Woo dealers are mild olive, the prof tot will not be Maly to end in smoke. Cheap aiding, and peaty of it, seems to be the order of the day with our city railroads The Third•avenue company yesterday commenced running their eve from the Actor Home to Harlem, eight miles, for six cents.' The stook of title eompavy le understood to be the beet of any in the oily, and the me i wity of it le owned by a Jew, who lives in the vicinity of 0 hathaut street. Another match Is talked of between Ethan Allan and Yttiohen tooome off In the autumn. The Infant daughter of the late Yanny Dean Rainey, whore violent death is still eriveldped in mystery, died yesterday after an Illness of five days. The Metropolitan Theatre cloud for the swarms but; evening. The new lessees, Stuart & Dourolnsult, Gen.', moue alterations forthwith, and in a few weeks will present to the public a much more agreeable plains of amusement than the too opinion one now closed. The new imagers are rotloeut as tothelr plan of campaign, but it in rumored behind the curtain, that Mr. and tiro Charles Hein are to be among their early attractions, During the 21. 4th, and 6th of the present month" UNE passengers were carried over the New York and New Haven Railroad—the largest number that hie paned over the road in a orreeponding time eine° it. has been in operation. The receipts of the new °lipped wrol are enormously heavy. The arrivals per Erie Railroad alone have In. ereased 2,000 bales for the past week. The Demoeratio State Committee are lulled to meet oaths ad August, to designate the day for holding the 6tate Convention. Ooossiowet Public Amusements. Academy of Music. Letter from New York. l'ilE LATEST NEW;3 BY TELEGRAPH. The C r at India..itabber Trial. Mitatuotta, Julyls —ln the United States Cir- - olt Court, before Hon. Judie Giles. the oases of Ilorace H. Day a al. vs John Stellman et al ', which have occupied the esurt for the past two wens, terminated today. Hon. John H. La trobe. of this pity, made the closing• argument for the plaintiff The magnitude of the question at issue, (the exclusive right of the plaintiff to manu facture, import, and sell every description of woven elastic india•rubber goods.) and the (Mtn gobbed array of legal talent engaged, have (tre ated general interest here, and a feeling of great anxiety among dealers throughout the country 'oonderning the result, re this is the final hearing In this elate of oases before going to the Supreme Court of the United States. The Wise and Aylett Dnel. A BLOODLESS ASTRAY. Ittonmoun, July, 15 —Messrs 0. Tannings Wise and Y. .11. Aylett met this morning.. In North :Carolina. Mr. Aylett shot at Mr. Wise without effect, and the latter Bred into the air.. -Mr. Aylett, withdrew his challenge 'and asked for a recionoillation, %ILIA Mr. Wise refused. The difficulty grew out of a late controversy be tween the *Engraver and Examiner, on the sub jest- of intervention and non-intervention. The Death of Mr. Cheate. - Bohm!, July 1b —A meeting of the bar 'of Me oity will be held tomorrow, t 6 take' the proper meahuree of reaping for the memory of the late Mr. Choate. There was an Insurance of $25,000 on the life of Mr. Ohoate. ' Georgia Polities. SAVANNAH, Ga., July 15.—The Democratic Oon Hressionat Convention hag nominated Peter B Love se candidate for Congress, in place of lion James L. Seward. Railroad Accident. WIIITN RIVER JUNCTION. VT ,Jetty 15.—Tbe en ging and. tender of the passenger train on the Ver mont Central Railroad ran 6ff the track at New Randolph to-day, and was broken to pieces. The fireman and baggage-masters were injured. There Was no damage done to the passenger oars. . Appointment of Hort: James Gamble. HARMIIiORG, July 15 —The Governor this day appointed Ho •. James Gamble, former member of ;Congress from the Centre district, presiding judge, in the place of Hon. 'Tames Burnside, &mused. " Non-Arrival of the Steamer Indian. FATHER Naar,ly 15—Midnight.—There are no tigne of the eteatnebio Indian, now due with Liverpool advioee to the sth inst.' THE CITY. Twe Ogirtial, SoltoOn.—As will be Seen' by an WNW announcement in the nroper otaninu, the new class of scholars from the Grace. mar Schools will be admitted into the High School this morning. The class will number 134'pupile, the largest number of boys ever admitted into. this institution at one time. The number of gra duates at the Commencement on Thursday is the largest that ever graduated at one time When the new class is admitted there will be 556 pupils In the school, the largest number ever in the school. The following gentlemen constitute the fanni ty Nicholas H. Maguire, A. M., prinelpal; Vogdee, LL. D , professor of practical ma thematies; Henry Molliurtrie, M. D.. professor of anatomy and physiology, and natural history ; James Rhoads, A H. protestor of belleedettres and history ; James McCune, A. M , professor of theoretical mathematics and astronomy; Zepha rush Hopper, &.M' , professor of mathematics; . I enry Haveratiok, professor of the Latin 'and Greek languages ; James A Kirkpatrick, A M profeeior , of civil engineering and phono graphy; Alexander Jay MeoNeill, A. M., protest :Nor .of drawing, writing, and book-keeping; Ed ward W. Togefes, M D , professor of moral. men• tal, and polltioal science • George Gerard. A. Id , nrofesser of the Fraud: language B. Howard Rand, M. D. professor of natural p hilosophy and oh•rnistry ; Bombs, Lujesne, professor of the German language ; Daniel W 'Howard and Win. H. Williams, assistants. Of these gentlemen, Messrs. Hopper, Kirkpatrick, Mac Neill, E W. Vogdee, and Howard are graduates of the reboot. They are ail eminent in their various depart mer is of inatruotion. OP the graduates in the faculty we know Mr. Hopper. As an assistant in grammar trobool, afterwards as prinetpal, and finally as a professor in the nigh &hoot, be hes deservedly won the esteem net only of the Board of Control, but of the public. A free academy has been reoently established in Now York city. in imitation of the Central High Behool, and the wealthy merchants and oiti- Sone of that OW, have spent large sums in an on / .a.'Or to eleyatO It to the rank of the High School. Medals and premiums are brought and given to the scholars as an incentive to stpdy, yet the High School remains unexeeiled. The mere pub. Matto' of tt scholar's name Id, the list of med. tortans or distinguished induces the beet efforts of the pupils, and it is an honor, however °light it may appear to be, that is valued by their friends beyond tinsel' or gold. PHILADELPRIAN MURDERED IN NORTU DARO LD:A.—In the town of Charlotte, N, 0 , on the inst. a tragical occurrence touk piece, resulting in the 'death of a 'Philadelphian Charles Titter. 'nary MSS _at a hotel in that piece, on the night in phon.ha gotinto an alternation with the barkeeper, a man named Owen - Ifortneet. The difflenity was Al2lBii'r arianged between thatwe. as Tittermary supposed, and he arose .from a chair for the purpose of leaving the bar-room. when Nnrment; It is alleged, took up a rifle, and fired at and mortally wounded him. The barkeeper then fled, and he bee not since been beard of, although the sheriff of Charlotte immediately published a hand.hill giving a description of the persen of the fugitive. The load from the rifle entered the left , breast 'of the victim. He lingered until Sunday night, when be died. The deceased was a bricklayer by trade, and thlrty4wo years of age. He was a native of the old dietriot of Foutbwark, and was well known in the Eiecond, ward, where tig resided for 4 long time. Mr. TitfirmariWas a told tar In the bi.zioan war. Aleut nine months tinge ho went to Charlotte, where he established himself in business as the proprietor' of a hotel. He was a steady and industrious man, and was mush esteemed by his Mende. He left a wife and two children to mourn his loss. They reside in the old district of Southwark. Mr Robert 0 Tittermary, alderman of the Second ward, to the father of the deceased. Al• derman Tittermary offers a reward of one hundred deflate for the allelic gf the alleged tptirderot and hie commitment to any prison where be can be emuted by the anthoritleo of North Carolina tform^nt le thus desorlhed in the handbill pub lished by the sheriff of Charlotte : Aged about 25 years ; ei feet high ; weighs about 160 or 770 vunde ; bag black hair, eyes and pyobrolTa ;. arid epeahe hurfiedly when in conversation. THE PERSEVERANCE ON HER TRAVEns.— From all accounts, the Perseverance Rose" Ccm penv are creating - a senaation on their jnirney. The New Yorkers are making as much of them as possible, and what with cannon, feasting, talking, parading, and bussalog. they are hay. ing ari - eggiiing time. They arrived in Dupla on Tuesday, and were salutsid by the thunder of artillery and the dieobarge of pyroteohnics. The Taylor, Neptune, and Eagle Hoge Companies reoeived them. and the Washington and bia Engine Companies also formed thenyelves into line pt • procession, the rear being Brought up by the Ainerlean pitons§ gomminyis wagon, drawn by big splendid bays, gaily osparisoned. Rt about nine o'clock,' the procession 'darted from the railroad depot,' amid the greatest de monstratious of enthusiasm,. A number of Corea and private residences were illuminated, and the houses of the different engine' compatieS were hung with brilliant transparencies. When the Peraeveranee reached the Mansion gentle they were formally received by It cnapp in a lengths , speech, wnieb was responded to, briefly, by Major lid% marshal cr the company. The company remained la the city during Wed newlay, and were escorted about town by their Buffalo friends. In the evening there was a ban quet, at which there wee any quantity of good eating, good drinking, and good speaking. yes terday morning they - started to age the groat Ni agara, and were to have returned in the evening There areas yet eq signs of their returning home. We advise them to stay away until the weather gets cooler. MOONLIOWD E 4013 111110 N TO ATLANTIQ °ITT. evenieg, at. eight olplook, a Imolai train will leaps (looper's Point for the purpose of making an warden to the " famed City by the sea " The arrangements are In the hands of Mr. Olendening, asentleosan amply qualified to superintend what tirominea 10 be the best exourelon of the Beason. The advantages of - this delightful trip cannot be too highly appreciated The exoureleniste will bare an opportunity of remaining at Atlantic Oity awn an early hour, on' Monday 'morning, when they return to Philadelphia, in order that all may be here by sin o'clock ,4 vielt,to 014 neeeß at thin tima of the year is one of the greatest lox UtieS that the denizen of a orowded and hewed city can enjoy, and we would advise all to embrace this most fiverable obanoe to take a pleasant ride, an invigorating dip 1n " old Rep ," and an " halation" of strengthening breezes, that are far more eilloaolons than apy artifloial preepription that we know of forinvalid or i' used•up" people. Dst all take our advice, and we will make them our debtors by requiring their thanks. HD ARRESTED.— Thomas Armstrong, the Ferran who' accidentally shot and killed Patrick M-Glll, on Sunday night, 10th inst., and who was sub•lituently amplited by the coroner's jury, was re :irlested on Thursday evening on the charge of threatening to take the life of Jelin Divinney, the men whom it is escorted bad previously threatened to kill Armstrong, and, for the purpose of de fending himself agairst which attack, be (Arm :strong) he e d armed himself wilh the pistol, whose, occidental discharge caused the death of McGill. Armstrong was token before Alderman Moore, who hold him in $6OO bail for a further hearing. YAOI7IT 11A0E.—On'Wedn0Sday next there will be an Lira ing yacht rimardown the Delaware between the pastas George fd Hill" and the "M. R iyston " The Taoists are twenty-two feet long, had will compete for the championship There is a purse of $4OO depending on the race The yaohts start from the Remington Water- Works wharf at 9 o'clock, and will run to °heater buoy and b wk. There is a great de4 of ezolmnient in aquatio oinks about the result. RELEASED.—Tbe treasure-seekers, whose operations were noticed at some length in this column, had a final hearing before Aldermen Butler yesterday. The alderman, in delivering ids decision, said there was nothing oriminal in the proceedings of the gold thirsty, and sword logly It,, would diseharge them from custody The defendants loft the magisterial pretense, rejoicing in the prospect of their being permitted to exca vate the gold, unmolested by incredulous officers ACCIDENT.—Abont noon, yesterday, a girl named 14001:10111Soawetara, tan years of age, was run over by a wagon at Fourth and Branch streets, and seriously Injured. She was taken to the re sidence of her parents, in Dillwyn street, above Willow. APPOINTMENTS OF THE lIIIIHWAY DEPART /TENT —Liaanre Olerk—W. W Paul, Fourth ward; Mieoellaneous . Clerk—A. W. Green, Eighteenth ward; idesienger—Jacob Singuet, Twentg•firet ward. 'Num , CITY Diedterotty.—A new directory for pm is announced by Mr. S E Cohen, who flotillas the pnblio that on Monday he will placp a corps of oailyossera oa drily, for the meows Al taking the names attd ;wideness of our eitilmng, OPPOSITION TO BONDI'S' TILAVND —Spring Garden Hall was again crowded, last evening, to its utmost capacity, by a meeting of citizens, to hear the report framed by the committee appointed at a previous meeting, relative to the running of city patsenger railroad oars on Sunday. - The meeting was called to order at eight o'olook, and in the absentia of Mr. Henderson, Mr. John Welborn' was appointed aeoretary. The secretary read the report of the committee of fifteen. The report is a voluminous document, and dis cusses the subject very fully. It was accompanied by the following resolutions: Whereas, on iunday last certain passenger railway companies of this oily caused their cars to pea along certain portions of their roads during ,to day, in direst and open violation of the Jews of God and of this Commonwealth, we, the oftl zene of Philadelphia. In this piano manner con— vened, do hereby give expression to the views and sentiments we entertain ton thing this gross outrage of our rights as citizens of this metropolis : There fore. • Resolved. As Arm adherents to the Bible as the binds of our common Ohrietianity. and which the Bapreme Matt has decided to be a pait'or the common leer or Peoneylvania, we regard the Deaslogue or Ten Clow rnandmente as pre.emtnently'r , the higher law's pro mulgated ander the molt solemn ambition of Divine an. therity, and as snob challenges universal- respect and obvii fence. Resolved, That the commend to ti Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy,'e gas ll y bindles with tve commend it Thou ebalt not delay , and upon a due regard for and a proper observance of, 1110118 Mora prtcepte depend the maintenance and perpetuity of pub• tic and private virtue ' Resolved, That the history or the world attests what the Yerlpturea tesoh. that the observance of the dab bath le vitally connected with the civil and religions well-befog of any community. • , Resolves], That the actuation from labor of nee day in /even is a law founded in the went.; and necessities of our being, and dates Its origin at the dawn of erea= . lion and liaa had the election of all civilized nations, from the 'wanton antigun,. Resolved. That Pennsylvania hae,to a peculiar man. nor, distiognialied herself by reengoleing and enforcing this low. from the early reed of the digoDrila bia•nry. by atU pate d and enforced for the anpnrondon of vice and immorality in the years 1705, 1779, 1786, and 1794. Resolved. That the abrogation of this law would be a relepes towards heathenism, and would be a disgrace to the civilization end mentiment - of the Woe. teentb cestury, and a reproach upon the memori , of our p reds et alore. who have adhered to its enforcement with • perelstent legislation of more than a century and a half. Resolved, That this Bunday travel. by the note• which it ocearleng , sertenaly interferes with our oberlobrd , ight to worship God to quietness end pesos li•eolved, That the =enter of atm through our streets on the `Sabbath must 'scot a disas.reus Win sme upon the mo•ele of our community. and is a gross and grievous departarit fronittis laudable example set as by our ferelatwe•a, Wenh•d, 'flat the practice of renclog the ear* on Rtmiter for the reerestion of the peop'e to fraudulent In rant and Wee In plecicle. as it involrea the needs. alts of both men and beam!. working on that day, who.e to •apnea and tion feu cared u the rights of those for whose alleged recreation they are made bouts Of burden Resolved. That we 'Vs - decidedly opposed to the mo oing of oars on &today. became. In our jldnnent. it will create a greater. omeand for the mannisoture and este of int ottioitlrg ltquors se e bsysrege. and thus the lloodgatesof intemperance will be thrown wider open. and the earthly hopes of multitudes of otherwise hap. py families be blestrd forever. neenived. That we regard the running of core on Sunday es holding out a Woos temptation to the la boring classes to rqu.nder a large tuition of trete herd :earrings. which Amid Who/isles be employed in Nip plying the nemetiles of their dermodent fernillse Reso'ved. That we &Dramas this gnoday travel be cause it fernlehee en additional • facility to the diem.: daily portion of our community to rob and pleader our rural distrfote and otherwise dintirb tht Poona end good order which his hitherto prevailed ammig them, Resolved, That we minuet maid with indifferseee the fact that there are within the city limits wore than ton thousand youth of both oozes strove the are of Of. taco years who. to some Went. have thrown off caress tel restralot sod: authority, and are in the procaine of assembile g with their teachers on the Pabbath for Bible &sae instruction ; to say nothing of the fitly-fine thousand of a youoger growth connected with our Sabbath Fannie We have reason to fear that their former good habits' in trimly inataeose would be abeu. droned, to seek supposed enjoyment by moaned Sabbath. desecrating ears. Resolved, 11 cannot be denied that the mists which has come utou as demands of those in authority over na the utmost firmosas, and deolsion ' and we shall rejoice in any fixed determination evinced by them In the caseation of law, in the hope and expectation that they will d i scharge their duties !Carlini, and faith. fully. Resolved, That It is the duty of every friend of,law and order, of morale end religion. at this verticals• mi. to moony no equivosal position. but to be willing on all yapsr oessadons to give fall and- decided expres sion to his sentiments on this mocnentone question, In. rowing interests dear In every patclot and Ohrlstlan. Resolved. Teat the pastors of the city be vesseettna. ly rocinested to preach on the sables% of Sabbath dos, oration at their earliest rotrentenorn, and that time resolniiime wh'oh as now adopt be published In all the Morsels of the cite.. Resolved. and Really, That we hereby pledge one. 'Avec in mqtoal end humble dependence on Almighty God. imparatety end oollrativelv to bend &gather, shoulder to she older, to use Al /awful mesas and mo• rat leeneimes within our reach, ao that the eternal prinelpiee of right and justiee may predominate over the unhallowed hitMimeos of Memnon end selfishness. On motion of Mr Robert Adair, the report was laid on the table for the present, in order to con• alder a farther series of resolutions, to thaereot that a delegate convention be celled to consider this entire question, and that nine delegates be appointed to. represent this meeting in that con vention. Mr 'Thomas Potter hoped that the report of the committee would be adopted ananimonely. Rev George DnMeld thought it would be better to inquire inro the. law on this subj-et, and veer tain the views of the oily authorities in regard to it, before adopting the entire resolutions. Mr. Adair was also in favor of delibera tion, and thought that every one should have a fair opportunity of expressing his opinions on the sub,jeot. _ _ - - Mr Patin. agettitirged-61..-.1. 1 p , :-... 4-tner — re - - port of the committee.and their resolutions. Mesars Whitaker ' Prise,. Adair, and others spoke on the general question, of er which the re port of the committee was adopted. Mr. Geo. P. Gordon then offered q substitute for the first resolution of the series called up by Mr. Adair. The substitute provides for the organlea. Von of Sunday, union assooiations in all the wards, end Mr Gordon supported it in a long speech - Several gentlemen spoke for and against the sub stitute, and five or six diem , erly persons tried to raise a disturbanoe. The snbatitute was finally adopted on a show of bands - - The emlond resolution of the series was then adopted- A third resolution was then adopted, direoting the chair to appoint a oommittee to 'any out the objects of the resolutions, after which the meeting adjourned. PArrirtm Acarmcwr.—A. young man, named Josiah Chapman, had his right foot most borr bly crashed and mutilated Rhone six o'olook last even ing, by being run over by oar No 17 of the Raise and Vlne-streets Railroad. in the vicinity of Elev.; ventb and Vine streets. It uppeatc he was riding on the ear, and when it reached the above place be /tanned off while it was in motion. in order to catch the gleventh-street ear. In doing so he slipped an fell on the track. The oar was crowded with passengers at the time, and passed over his Soot, meshing it in the most shocking manner. e was oarrted to 11 drug store in the 1 161 flitY , and after bis wounds were dressed was conveyed to his residenoe, in Wallace street, be low Twelfth. HOSPITAL °APTS.—A. colored man, named Adam Craig, aged thirty-seven years, bad his right thigh frao - ured, yesterday afternoon, by failing through the hatchway of Van Brunt & Clo 'a curing establishment, at 1%35 Market street Mary Botf ty, a colored woman, had bar heed aadly cut, yesterday afternoon, while engaged In a controversy with some colored females In St. Mary's street William Mack bad his left foot badly crushed, yesterday afternaon. by .having it caught In a botsting maobine at Pr. Jayne'sbuilding, in Car ter street, east of Third. The above oases were taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. LABOICHY.—Jacob Lakert was bold to an swer the charge of larceny yesterday morning. He had in his possession when arrested a number of articles, of which he could give no reasonable account. There were s number of handkerchiefs marked "Mary Edwards," " ;awry," "0. W. ," and W. F," together wish several shirts, coats, and a great variety of gloves. Fias is CAMpEN.—Yesterday morning, about halflast six o'clock. an outbuilding of the Make] and Cobalt works of Messrs Potts Klett, situated on Cooper's oreek, about one mile from the Market street landing, was entirely destroyed by gm. The origin of the conflagration is un lcnown. The loss is estimated at 82 500. FATAL ilooinstme.—A. little girl three year's Ofere named I.nolea Belberoar, whose parents re side at No. 317 North Third street, was run over yesterday afternoon bye furniture oar. The wheels passed over her breast and crushed her to death. The coroner was notified to attend to hold an ittenest, hinitowno.—Mrs. Wingate, the lady who was ao badly burned on Wednesday evening by the explosion of a fluid lamp in Faulkner street, is improving.' Yesterday a change for the better took place in her condition, and hopes are now en tertained of her ultimate recovery. Bliss Haywood is mush better. ExotrastoN.—Brotherly Love seotion No. 5 9. of 'T. will make their annual excursion on the .Vet to Media Clamp Grounds. The young teeto talers will, weather permitting, have a glorious time. ANOTHER AOOIXENT from burning fluid took plane on Thursday evenirg ; a colored girl, in a house on Carpenter street, being burned by the explosion of a fluid lamp. THE COURTS YEBTXRDAY'II PROOMBDIXON [Reported for The Pron.] QUARTER Susmorts--Intige Allison.—“ Do sertion day" attracted & large number of spouts. tors to the court-room yesterday. The Jarmo were dbebarged until Monday awning- Mr. Alm P. fianderapn appeared on behalf of the Com monwealth, Several oases were disposed of; but as they relate entirely to matters connected with domestic dissensions, we de not feel disposed to place them upon public record. 000 party, but recently married, wore in court with their mutual oomplaintr, and after explanations and concessions on' both sides, the lodge lout them homeward re joining in the prospeot of many years of conjugal Reconciliation followei in two other canoe, and in .another one the husband was com pelled to pay 52 50 weekly far the support of hie deserted wife Today *ill also be (coupled in the hearing of them oases. Elisabeth Bradley, colored, wee sentenced to six months' imprisonment for keeping a 'dis orderly bawdy bowie. Sykes," the men implicated in the obarge of attemoting to tamper with the witnesset in tbp Murphy case, was yesterday arrested and brought into court. entered bail in the sum of $l,OOO for his appearance this morning The jury in this case on leaving the box stood eleven for acquittal and one for conviction. John F. Charmer, whose conneation as juror with the Cunningham trial has ocoasioned some outside re— mart, was the last ono to yield his cow:Joliette that a verdict of Manslaughter should be rendered in the McCrory ease l against the alleged mur derer. None of the Civil Courts were in session. The United States Admiralty Court, judge Cad• walader, met, but transacted no business of public importanoe. gIT Is said that Jefferon Davis Is preparing a bill to bring forwa.d doting the nest avelon of Congreer o to repeal the laws against the elm trade. On/01:113 PaOPRIPOV, KILLIED.—Mr, Leonard, one of the proprietors of H. Bookley tk co,'ll aims, was killed on the let inst., at White Spring, Fla., by Lewla Sagami. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Thos ROBBY' "Bilittitat, Puthingiaol7.t. July 16, 1869. The attention of the whole trading community is so centred upon the Boston trade site that we have no fears of offending oar readers by laying before them all the Information our lases will allow us to print re.- orating it. The experiment has already proved itself a sueeess,aralal to that of the book trade sales so long pomPar in that breech of baldness, and we have no doubt that the example get by the Now Zealand =sou frotnrere io this movement will be followel in the other large elites. The slues advaatsge of being able to ohmage the Siena when their `pads ;hail be ‘ told And the prioes - received for them be payabli,•,whie.h the msenfeatne rare under the old sydom have had pritotaelly denied to them, is of so much importance to the mandie. ' threat that we eloald "diem it eonelembrat In favor of the tradoesale system There is another foot connected with these sales worthy nf notiie. It LI that the Prices brought by goods at those sales become virtually the market prices for those goods. The market may be regaled with hoods ind prices fall, blathers will be considerable difileilt? In, putOsts the plass of any standard kind of goods up above the Prices - which the whole eouatry wilt know they told for In palate at the Boston trade sales. . _ In this feet alone ii fend a reason why the prices at these sales will not be aliowed to fall below a fair price. This gives *nether advantage lb the manufae _ hirer, while the bay., bag • tho' benefit ; of the largest assortment and the faded styles and pstterzuf of goods to select from. Any 'system of business that is betted aid at once to buyers end HUN* is • good: system, and wilt not fall into dloreiitti.` ' The merchants who are lasudinie the Boston sales are there from all parts of the oentit it 'andln large numbers. We notice among:ate names St_ prominent buyers some of the largest firms In Nei 'York and the Western cities, while eke name, of the Meteors, Smith Williams 1 Co., T. T. Way, Tadao, Tillinghad, ,and others, show that Philadelphia enterprise is well repro • seated there., he boots and shoe. brought fair pram. Borne three thousand castle well, sold, the Urea being Cash for bills under $6OO, over $lOO glir,nionths , credit or four per cant: discount for auk. Theshospest goods brought the best trio's. ' — " • With the &saran the buyers and sallies were both well satisfied with the day's translations, the litddirig befog spirited throughout. ..Among .the 447 good. Offered were 0,090 chose and- bale. brown and bleached @hostage and shirtless of 'orlon% grades.- 2,003 bales brown. bleated, lied blue drills. elleelae, and corset jeans. 8 000 bales drains,' diirtings, 'tries', 'Baking,. pant checks, eankini,, and ; coatings: 1,000 bales red blue, orange, whito,•and printed,-all wool and Janet flannel. 400 NUM Hamilton cotioatt•nuel. 800 ewe Hamilton cotton Atonal, variou s mills. - 1 000 bale.. hotting.- I,ooo' cases eatinets, 'auleineereo, sad other woollens 1 000 „pada Velvet and tapestry carpets from the Roxbury Carpet Company. 10 000 &nen boa and half hole, shirt', and. drawers. SO eases rubber seats. The prides are said by dealers to have been quite good. Many of the lota Were duplicated, so that tze quantity of goods ;old neatly doubled Hui catalogue. More than a million and a half of dollars' worth of dry 'goods were thus disposal er. Ws annex the prices of some of the staple sitieles for the inforeatiOn of our own Insenfadarers and Inordinate : A. I A.. 1: eirrenise k ,On., ,brown' ehestings. Law reed Mills, brought Slittpitr yard'; 6111.014m0 mills 9X c • f orty - inch domain,. - 90. Tremont Mills sheet inse,7 Ifo ; do shirting* 6)(e. Medford brown sheet lags, 7%0 Boott hleachel bineAo. 10 we; tin. 'lone cloth. 6Me to lie. Blatt brown 'beatings BX eto lOis ; three. quarter' etirldoite. 6Xo S oak Company .oft bleached twtils. - BMe to 83(e; do blue and white aliecks, 110 ; Marseilles cheeks, 14Mis ; Dee- I kin., 10340 to 113(, ; Ashland cheeks. Ito ; do. denies 18M a,• 123 to 15 Xo ; •mmokoag denies, 140 ; blasehe•ter dr. toe; 0. L. Belmar. 181(e; Poem Blear do 15e, and Alamitos; drillings, iXo Upham. Tucker, W,. Oo --Nashua extra meetings sold far 8o; Amory heavy do, 850; Nadiaebeatiose, 71(e ; Na s hua shirtiest', elia • /eels drills. BMa ; denies, 123 ( e; Batmen ' Pails 'brdwn drills. fiXo ;do shootings 8% s; do flannels. 90: Coobetio prate, 9x4; Amaranth prints. IlMe to 9s; jeans, le to Mlle - ; Union drills, 174 u to Bjao ; Belvidere scarlet 221(a Is S.Sge ;, Talbot do, 250; -Belvidere orange do: 98 to ; Talbot orange, 22a; Belvidere extra. 28Mo to Ma; Gould flannel., l3l(B to 270; Talbot extra twills. lie; Kentucky Pans, 1410 • "Poo drsiegets. - 800 ; Oxford tatineta. 878; super ' do, 44e lo 4114; • tinioe oaesimers. 62%0; printed ',dads. /9e to 99X reas simerss. 850 to 60e satinete. 28Xe to 41o; ladles' moral hose, ; m'ssea l do. $1 501 women's marine mode hose, $185; white skirt*, 87,g; - 4mi/fn. - ST ribbed mixed. $ 6 12M ; w,aollsn Vitiirte. , s 1 ; drawer", 810; napson bleached ddiliege , 1687ji ; ,white p ne. ; long shawls. : 167 82j(t plaid 'do, $3123( ; gentlemen's travelling do. 14 60 to 3482% taste ravers, $ t to $ 2 50 ; whits twill domeeta flannels 12e; white, flannels, super. 1 1 33( to 2te ; all wool India mixed flannels, 23Ma to 21a ; indigo blue mixed liseuele. 206 to 22s,a_; scarlet twilled do 25e • blue twilled do. 23e to 250; seiriet whited do; 20310 • Canton flannels, 86 to 83o; printed cleakings, six. to luxe ; battles. 94e; Tiogs wiekingt - 76%e; do twine, 17M a; brown jeans. Olga; twilled (footings. 105; checks. 6Ma to fix; Buckeye easelmeme, 21Mo; Tiger do. 260; Washiag , on sheets, 9%0 to lie; Timm's duck. 143(e; Deck Company's denies, 13Me to 10Mo; printed satinets, 17Xo to 10a ; steel mixed do 24e ; ins ire coats. 11.11734 to $2 40 ; do plata, $1; Ballard Vale bleached action: tio to Ylifo,. ilmihsttau ticks; 8x e to 105; black dosekins, 785 to !Mgt; and white and mixed yarn, 67e to 94e. Reading Railroad share. were better at the stook board to-day, advanaing to 92. A ado of 1 000 Oates/11ra seven, was 'dated at 44 ' ScheyAill Navigation sixes sold to eiteet of 16,600 et Mi.' "North Pennsylvania ten Br cede brought 8934, and the six rip' cents 63%, Psnorylvania Railroad shares sold at 853(. Oily and State loans are steady at melon, quotations. Imlay 9• Eicknell'f ,Reporter. comes tone with Its o•usl_neeeeeTur - titrorreation rerpecting counterfeits broken bank Issas', tre.--asa_toesioess community can rely upon the accuracy of its gaLlittorraaa..a.,,,,,d,.... tines. The return from the Bock of Rutland for the week ending the 29th of Arne, given the folleraing - results. when compared with the previous week : Public dep0di5....19,882 967.'...Tecreue....352t,831 Other deposits ..... 12 279.840 ee.Derresse....l,oB9 118 Rest 8,178 541....1130mm.-- 7,475 On the other side of thalecount t - - • • Glovit 5eenett1e5... same as before. Other seaurities . 18 485,897....1ibarea5e......272,66 1 Noise nnuriploy ed. 10 841,665.... Decrease ....606,016 The animal of note. In elrentstiop is 121 16ft 00' being en inereme of 1817.815, and the stack of be. lion la both departments is 11l 821.838, 'showing an in: crease of 3210,939 when compared with the preoedine return. The deerease 1n the eerningit of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for nine months of the present fiscal. Tear, Ix 8108 uct, the total reutelpts for the nine month■ befog $3,445,728. The following is a statement of the earairgs of the Pittsburg, Tart Wayne, and Okleagn Railroad, for tune, compared with the came month fast year, via: , From 1859. . 1857. Tne Deo, Freight 261 098 IT 841,908 91 818 061 96 Pasaeageis.... 66.710 87 61 884 21 6 128 la Mails 7,826 00 4 982 29 8 .341 71 Miscellaneous. 87 17 T0ta1....5182 664 24 107 920 58 24.648 66 Mr Cisco, the Assistant Treasurer or the United States, at New York, is negotiating 5 per cents at par• The detailed etsteraent of the June business of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad le as follows: ' Wash'n Ili. W. Ta, hlaln stem. Branch. Branch. Total. Snuo, '59.2.3t9,461 72 2 1 4,•43 74 $l4 918 68 $359.079 01 14 '6B. 811,670 62 83 COO 81 20,090 17 400,780 00 Desresea.,6B2,o3 80 $3 4t6 57 66,080 62 $41,700 08 Ths shipments of coal over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, for the week *adios Wednesday, July 18,1859, amounted t 0.... 2.267 ton. Previously this year 61,882 Total since /MI. I 03,4320 To same time last year-_ 46,001. The (alloying tia tho,amount of ooal transported or the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad doling the week ending Thnradeg, J 0171,1, 1869 Prom Port Carbon Pottsville " Schuylkill Haven." " Auburn a Port Clinton Total for the week - • 89,079 18 Previously thla year 840,209 15 805.280 08 Total To some timo lent tear.. The following ia the amount of ockal transported or the Schuylkill Navigation, for the week ending There• day, July 14,1869 Toni. Cwt 8,051 00 666 02 .... 24,164 10 1,447 00 Prom Port Carbon 4 . Pottsville 4 . Schuylkill Raven.. 44 Port Clinton Total for-weak Previously this year.... Total. 601,04110 To tame tiros last year 481,480 12 The earnings of the Me lisilrogil for the month at Joao, 1869, were ~$BBO 657 22 === .568,721 7 PHILADELPEII& BTOOE BXOHANCLE 13411113, :sly 16, 1e69 lillolTlD NT NAIILI4. NtOWN. 100. E ZANI-NOlll, BTOCIN AND aZONANOI 111011110, NOITNWUN DOENNI ?NISI AND ONBENNOT RYIEITO. BOARD. 60 Reading R D 6 23 10 do .easb 16) 200 do b 5 22 203 do .... ....b5 22 .00 do ...1;6 22 100 do ........b5 26 50 do • Own 22 110 do iden 22 100 do 22 100 do .... bb&lnt 21 110 L loAnd R ....b5 10% 10 Penne R SO% 20 do . 1313 N 25 Norrintwo R. lots 00 2 BM Ide•dcw 8.. 56 1 1000 Nay..eash BOARDS. NIREIT 1000 Oily 61 cash 999( 16500 Bah NO 084 Its b 668 160 do - 092( 2001 Oatawie 1.1 m Ts. 44 8000 16 l'wnos R 62.... 09,14 4 Pbllada Ric .tots 114 160 leditgh Zoo .... 1 1 liarrleburg It 561 f 100 lteallog .... 11% 100 do 21% 10 d 0...... 100 do ouh 211( 100 do ..,,,CS2II 019( 10,9 do R cub 21% 100 do cub 11% 6 do % BETWEIS 8:00,Ohe6 t Del Canal 65.. BEOO3D 3100 Penns 364 cernOs b 77 BOARD. 2000 0 item , 78* 1 7 1 88 SO Penns R B•y e SO Reading R....b15 21 k 210 L Wend R 1.0% 308-BTRADY. awn P9X 2100 N Pa 111011.3 dye 893( 6:0 Obes.B3).lonl CI 77 °LOSING PBS Sid. Asked. Phll . 9.8 x 98% .1 2 1 " 98x 98X " New ...102 Penne 6e..1n off 00 Needing R..... 2 Yi 22 1)&10.. 79X 803 L If intesl4 F 9 91 dolll , n off 69X 70 Penns B IS 38 2 m 65.... 86 87 3 Moe Oen.l Con. 11 84x pref.....102X 102 Fehl Nev 90 '82.98 183 E Inop 6e... 72 Bi 4. Asksa todatia, Stook. 8 , 8.4 " PreT 17 17,ig Wmsp't ecilm II 4 5 . 981st mtg.. 55 67 1 .Ts 94 mfg. .. 80 86 Long MIMI 8... log' lox LeltOosl & Nay. 48 Ei Penns )8 83 "es... ...... .60i 64 1 tc 10 90 °maxim 8....2x " Id mt .41 46 r &South It diva' 60 ' 2i & 84 81s 11.. : 48 IlsoaVine 81111. 40 45 Markets by Telegraph DLL? MOM July 16 —lPonr Is steady; salsa of old floward.errest brands at E 8.75, and new OPY Mlle at Ee Wheat is buoyant; sales of 17 000 bushels at an advantni of 8050 ; white Is quoted 81 8500 66. and red at Et 8001 88 Corn galas bat unchanged ; *hi a and yellow call at 840800 Proaislor so 'orally are steady; Bw m—sides 9Xo. Mess Pork $l6 76 Whiskey dull at 270. BAVAvN All, July 14 —The Ootton market closed quiet ano unchained ; 1 350 balsa hive been sold dutiii the week ; ■trios miedltogs ate quoted at nme, and good mlddlingii to middling Gar ; av 11X • 120, The reeingte of the week here been TAM bales. The Ito* on hard amount* to 81 000 balm. - - --- 01fAlL181321: July 14 - ialei ot-'tec-iiiirak.'" 3,000 bales. The quotatloia for _raidOltort rah alas at 13..10120. . 01 w 432 " 428 1 Julyl4 --Cotton la dull ; "sales of 300' bales at a divans et 1111 a The, Tobago% market le dreier ; 3 600 hhda wove !gold' tacky, incdadlig 8 400 bade a t a alegle sale the jagged attar morta'. change of New York it firmer. July 16 —9lour le latetive, Jed privet drooping; riles at 34 80e$5. Whiskey ash at 24. r. pravid ena are stead• and anthretged. Mos ma, /tar 16 - --Ootteraly 110 testes werseobf td•dey; taiddlitera beteg quoted atllolllo. Bales of the week.. Wet, Reeepte ii i - 410 Reviip , s of the same week alert year-910 t. St* k In port 8,000 Prelghte on Cotton to Liverpool ate quoted at T-164 ; to Liverpool - it PORN.= - - : - - Stern'; Wsehange Own 4, sent, pretideno- FEW MILIAN); lair 10 --Colton—The selea • l'Ootton to day amounted to 1 800 bales, the merrot eloaLeg Erm, hat the recta tisiettle4. - Bates *Ethel week 4800 beise__ Itaealpte To at exports of the ne.son 1 107 000 Seeelote she''', of tut year at all Southern ports 000,000 iltook. inport ' -88,0e0 - Coirfe aloud etl.o,sy orle;, 6 0 0 balentoorn biro:eal 4 1 the week, and there te a afoot of 29 000 bags on hand. Tobacco-5,400 khalif of Spatial,* wets aol4 to•rloy. New York Stook summon 1100017 8 6i. 1 74 Rag 10000 Virgf.nla fai 160 Mt 10000 - do ; _ .94,1( .4000 Mlarortri titbit OP% 1 1 0 Comolooir , th - Bair 96 200 De ar-Had On bBO 90 IEO Paelde Mail 8 8 681 250 do eBO 68.4 100 Mara & Tol ft bin Oak, 50 do 2581 50 N Y Central B eb 1 41( ZS do 144 eo: -do- 7 bBo 14V 100 do • • 030 73X 200 • to , - -- Is'-;_it. - . 4 03 78y 100 Hanna Itall:oad 10 12 Panama P. - 119 Tall stitunrea • bases are doll at $5 2S for Pota and isalg • for Yowls., . _ _ _ /Lois —Stet. sod Western Stour is very heivy; un settled. sod illis.loe Thwer..w.th Ilsbt moiptt. susd a ales of 8,800 blast $Sa 40 for tuyerilme Stat.; 85 45 4015 75 for errs do ; Stab 46 for superfles•Weetem 15.404a6..t0e. extra, do ;..$5.60a5 13030r„els!prina, brand; At old extra rottod•koop Ohl*, and 1006 S 6 for ! real grotaid. , , 1.00.11tan0,711 , %Erie heavy aid towel'. with taloa or 1.600bl:11s at $5 soeBlo for mixed to rod, sod $6 2588 26 for extribrmds GRATIS -=Wheattsdull and 2et6e lower. with no fain of moment. Corn Is eery WPCS end Sotto better, with emill ..les of old Western mixed, in store, at 55a, sod -Yellow Jorsarst Ole. Bye le quiet: Oats are doll at 82041 a for Southard ;Penuoytroals, sod ,Tertey . , sud4B Otto for Slots, Canada, and Western. Paortazois —Pork is dull, with sales of 100 bbia at 115 50 for men, and $l2 40 for prima. The market for ,Beaf is noeba• pad. with vales of 150 IbLUAU gnota.- • um' ailment for sows lois bask Cat 51.L - likand.opoon are doll Lard is brain, with est., of 100 bbliO4,lo,ii olio. Putter and Chem - Ora ' Ss doll at 100. CITY_ ITEMS: "G. P. R. C."—those who' are' familiar with the great " Central Cravat Stars," kept by kir. Pahl e rasa, at No 631 Cheetnut strut, under Jaynes Hall, 'will not fall to rewind/a these Mahar.' "O. P.N. C. , Oar reason for referring to this alphabetic motto new le, that gotta • control's - I.g bee sprang up between cer tain partita uto what these lottery really signify, "I, 0. 0. P." -and O. an hieroglyphs pretty generally naderitord, - and zo ore would ever bare thought of "0. P. E C." standuna for anything else than " Ga Purchase Ishisman , a Cravats," hid not "'- rival instated upon their signifying " Gents , Patent Enamelled Collars " The control-err - 5y nith r4gard to this matter is at this time seeumiog a degree of nubile 121terfet /1312.1141 a im portance only to tke war between the IT/eters and nee dless, which, in: its results; bide fair to transfer the Bing•of-beieta-ebip from-..Tohn eneign_ to the Emperor of the French Whether, therefore, the afore gild lettere are an abbreviiiinn of "Go Purchasi Fair_ 'mania Oravite?- or of the phrase. 'Lamb , Petent InameledCallars,”, it eta wake but little d' Huanee to the community 'Web both the CYLLTATS and thi COL- Liss east be bad Et better style, and in greatesearleiy, at I. ♦._jsb'aman'a, No. 031 Chastest atreeti than ad any other , isttbilehmentiti Christendom. - - Tan Hoi WaArtins : artis - ConniQuitscria.— The hOt weather or the present wir4 - will, of moss; be granted without mush pleading. .4 word Ewes to lls consequences bee wilted Cart collars bj hun dreds, and brought fans into use by thouinds ; it has elated the exodus of our einem, to cool watering treat!, end, peresteetpunce, ailed their hotels; it bee male eierydedj feel like taking a salt•water:dip and; as a prueouldte, Vke buying a Bathing Putt of the in. Imitable caterer to this important class of public. wants, Mr Mtn P. Sloan, No OS Market street, and at his establishment at Cape platoel!Of fashion, on Market street, is a peat beim:ref this. caws of apparel, and has beau literally thronged all thee week. Ells auk of Bathing Robes Is without a issat/ LS in the United Boise, and the vigorous efforts Mr- B. has made for years put to present tattle Dahlia *house of this kind worthy of our metropolis, we think entitle hint to the mod liberal patonage of our anise= Sin extraordliaii facilities for nneaufaaturing areenrineed ia ,he superiortryof his stock, in point of styles and texture, no tun than Is the remarkably low pritats.at which be sells. - BOASTILD ALILOWDIL—Mr. Stephen P. Whitish fro. 1910 Market street, the . celebrated Philadelphia a-morltil-ue.donfletionery, has prodass4_ a nevi article kith's way of toarred — altitoas, — !bitto yo.ncrastlog • iteceation amoog the genakm, lovers of - y_ coed things. Mr. Whitmants great variety of pupate,: Lions for the warm_ weather, which ws have already taken ootaaloo to ootles, - are worthy of general atten tion. His cur fectiotui of all Mods are unrivalled. Whtt• malt is now mowing aa wide a swath asnoottlie lovers of *West:artery as fifaibildl is to the ranks ot the Aus trians. ?HZ HARRIS BOI7OOIEI EZWIII6I MACHIN'S, for *bleb Mr 8 D. Enke No 720 lan street, is the. Ag•nt in this olty, we bare used, and eon recommend it to the pnblo - se being fully as-good as its proprietor otedent It to be. For beatify, site of roansaino, sad eSespness, we believe the ""Boudoir tt to be notivelled, And advise our friends who hare Cot yet doze so, to Be mire one without delay. , One month's use In a family wat renter it indispentsb:e for the fatara. &mime Itonsa. - --Buy yew Bathing Robes for Wise, Gude, and Children, at Moan's; 808 lidarket street, or at hie ewe, Clme Island, N. FOR ATLANTIC CITY TO DAY —We *mite the at - teams' of onr leaden to the advertisement of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad he mother column. To acusammodate the Immense travel to that detightfat stammer resort, ell - trains will leave -for Atlantic to• day. "HE WHO SPARES SOMETHING TO-DAT WILL RATH SOMeTHING To MORROW," which, properly Invest el. will soon enable him to pay for and noby all the cectmaitles, and many of the luxuries of life and haws. balance left to depoeit %Annie's - sots &mum Yuan No. IBd month Iforurth street, below Chastaut,Phila! delphis, where It can Da - withdrawn, on SUMO. with lye per cent. interest. Open daily from 9 till S and OM Wednesdays sod Saturdays until S o'clock. This Com— pany innate only In Gaunt:cent, State. and City Louie, Ground Rents, Mortgages &a., pap on de mand, and never atiapeaded. _Farmers, Mtatenits, and all closets of the coromanity, here bona an opportunity far investing without risk. eta advertise m.ut in another column EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITT.--Shawasse As looleticn, No. 8,1. 0 R. If., will meth their arson/ mod excurcion to At,lentla City on Wednesday. July 90:h. It promises to be be one of the moat successful excineforts of the season. Pot particulars we adver tisement. 11,629 i I flosaansn.—Much Ie said and written in this world worthy or no other name than Newsom ! airy nothings, baseleis Myles, ate:_ . A.tthe prelims 'tate of ths thermometer, we are inclined t 6 the belief Mat nobody bat a fool would write or talk nonsense_ We, out of the liquid state Into which we are fiat dis solving, solmenly protest against any approaches to terity, and would simply employ ',hat Is load as in Toni. Owt .. 11 .. 8 891 04 .. 14 818 OS .. 2 808 041 ... 8 216 OL 'editing to cue readers, as our fare's. II address pro tarn., •• Bay your olathea at A H. Eldridge's 4 ' Old Irenhitn 11101 Clothing Emporium No. au Chestnut street_ ask for Mark T. Wlllll, &nabs wilr"ptityen through " Cinveznr.—Aftointo bittliof Sol feria° the Em. peror Nap •loon rode to Cay.iana, where beloved In the some room whleh the Emperor /flume Joseph had emu pted the night before. Os bis way thither, with seve ral of his staff, be saw an Austrian In:utebant dyli gby _oho road. Vie poor tan was oat shot, but he was dying of envy at the a gbt of en Amerlesu gentleman in att elegant esut from the Brown Stone Olothieg tau of Hoohhlli& Wilson, No 608 sod 605 Chestnut street, above 6izth. Napoleon gallantly promisid the Aus trian a similar snit, and he recovered Immediately., 609 03A OD ~.. st OW 12 .... 620,763 19 FOE onsip and good Job Printing, gg id lung_ Walt & Co % 34 south Third street, Diu. Co 'a Banking Hones, 884 VI ii, A ROMANTIC Anvitzsinatre.-How Wolin TBATIL TO Mini PTAS —One 0( the lOGITII coaches which we net a,day or two Mute, contained i young woman from, Indiana. dreaded In male habiliments, who had been spending two or three months at the mines, and was now returning home. She attempted to pa slur a boy, rout her salt and yoke bvaying her, able - finalfy con fessed that the had run away teem her parents, who `NOM In good olttumstanees, merely firm agirlich fond_ read for adventure. the wu Intehlgent and m 8116411 acted ; and In reply to a qamolon, said she bad pur chased her clothing at the palatial 'tore of Granvtlle Stokes, No. COT Chastain !Arent. JOB PRINTING neatly executed at no press Offioo. • • A GOOD CHANCE.—It will be £l,Ollll by refacing to our adrettiaing columns that the e‘ lowa Bock Rooms " are offered for sale. Thin it • good opportunity for a person witblng to embark Ina tale end profitable boar ;nes e. Davenport, lota, at which phut the beaming it located, 00104 40 a large population, and is admir.bly tutuatedjet AP tltOrelre trade with the surrounding ourtntrY: FUR Mae, and good Job Printing, go to Bing ♦ait & 84 Bohth Third Firma; over Drexel & Oo 'e Banking Home, DSelr MADX TO HEAR.—lnstruments 0 &MST the hearing in every variety, and of the moat approved evnetraotioa, at P. Mseleiril laratatratnent depot s So 115 south Tenth street, below 9heathat street. igll et JoB PRINTING neatly executed at. no Press uffiee. MATrnsir MoDownia, has been, MT - toted at Memphis of murder in the second degree, for kill log W. H Johnson. THE vessel containing the statue of Henry Olay is expected to arrive at Richmond, Va., in September or Wahl.. Tem late English papers speak of severe thunderstorms as having occurred all over Enk land. Malang:Mame, the veritable Jessie Morton. White, has gone to Italy as the enema' concept nst ant of the London Daily News. G.1 . 1)17.5.81) BMW, Esq., and lady, of York, P 0111111„ sailed for }AtirJpe fiathe steamer Arabta,, from Boston. OR several mornings oi last week there were. quite heavy frosts in Augusta mut% Va., but no, great Injury MAW dose. =hang,. July 15. 110111 D. 601111:001seet115 teo 04% 260 Mow t R I 010 61. 1100 do 8130 81, 100 'do - gig 150 Harlem R Prof 811( 'lOO _do _ 1 85( do - - 361; 100 *LC 100 Reading./1.60 48% 1200 do - 40 - 000 do ,d 10441— 160 111th Cleland 43.1( -60 = 160 43 60 do 43k, I 19 Gnu 60 do 140 26%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers