-- .Of 1 , ,,,, 11,01! 1 .IttetieliliMiCtiel l , 'll/03ritto r;-ill'igeri.e qbst.,"o44lgatiC ,w4., 4.,:' , ' .5- t , r* - , t torkio ' t .7, w , ' ,4 ! '''• - ed laic lxliiiitOXillutYPril? SO.• 0.1f4r449,* 4 . - ---***,,Tiftol '' 417iiiiiii,tholOtr, • - 401 4 a:01W - :--1„F 4 ! --u%,4i-, ltilir,, Aviiisynt As•o. „a. .14twviitti-4.F7,-, -4 - #l4. ,_ 81 )(4, r.,--tht , , ,- , limbo* ..,, i , .4ir 'h e high; ' ..V- *111610 ,t5 , I,l' i ' ii , 1' -, t he '. ' l l o 74'Wriefl eking4l6 l 4lote, A ll . '1:=1W41010_ ~,,,,V lie l "itietoiir „tit*, ,1111 ''''a.4 ,ef ,-igilii4tikel,i,stP-1.1.q7. - - ' 4 1 . c'''4. ' light/ Ablieklr. :', ~ ' Atlitrailti GlNeitlit;il4.l/IPl' qj'AitY..: 14te•kl,""ttita44-6 I . 4nl ” i ii . f ur " I*V .-,,,..,,tlT:iiiiiii,ol4(o,4tiiiloPlll7:°,l,lll ip" 4 -,,,4 ;lilt iiiWirii4o494lii:Vbetber' o t • ''. : U' '''', '!"1 '-"' iiat'i, ite`Preatdeney t Vp% .:i i l ia, trieuiP g a,...3,t1 , :giti 000 itriak * , riv*Kaikii,),ivitflitii.7 .--' tLI ? 1 3 " ' tt* Akt t , , litiliCliiit AK u 7 71121, l k : ,4,-‘ 0 5} . --r - ;tici,,iiiici***`,oTiPTlT; i ' r '„A"..w., - Zr i s liiim *Ali *47 ' Ant awl, "Ant ,145.1 4 ,1611,12:tdihat defeeM 1 ' * l O A's 1 -"' -- 'iiitiet'abair 'f'rF--V'',7,112 „...- - - 4.4 nerhl4'ltd"/114' ' -"14.g. " -.lll ' - - nay .Ik,e,e4 be 4l'4ll'4lY - - deeed:l4,,O r e ' imis , / - )d - - alarild etritinete!icie 41.4031/"U Il'aYhAetwar:-, The . lti 6 t .0 - 12i,1,,dritivignilintl' 111 ! 4)( --:. .),.-' t,.3.'sfl *liii*e iim,....._____l44'-110.,....4-41"-ur,d.!'',i-ejatre)311qiineid*Sf° 4! , ;it* ....:,... ".) -,`,..letha,-,;'o,sen made --..,,, , 7liisiiiert4o, fc 145 " , - 4 , 64: ' iidigt**o 4 --tti ~b,reinitior:-,3..initfeVelhiP-oLE'lfp c,444i, : Okt:,4, - Chief , d 72 ,ailft agenteea. - land ClPs°l'milklllgie:liglited,, nerreteu° ` - ,`• 4.lWt* tailkiktroAle^ .1 0 1,06,,.1 they , ktelte,h ' ; ._7i* , .01 Wri-,:•-: lever ti i .- , . ..-:b *Tipp( the ig. " f " cot,-*-I.ohoitl.'-V4-fi,,°, f,'.',',,,iiiifiti,im. Nu; , 440 W, fPfPla,:rbt;464ol-t•dir,iii?l4 -,f-',' ~imeoniviug.."*F4,,ih.e-batity4 info ,4 #olll - 4501T0514-74 1 4 - , ,,v, it i s ;:;, ?lima 4 1i44114 , kiiiitZ , MAP ii'll.'° ;1-rcalitratilsaii, , '- '- ' ', 4ene:icatid - heee*(` 4, - lt, ' s , ' - i s this 4%.1 0 0111131 1_.." I. ji 'pea S'at er Y:. A uppnAlv,howdenk ~` Awsilitartilanifilift-, - thewitfon must Cl ivl b 's6B_4l.lll,lini:illia46l,l lik i ti i feliii , d4iw g4i - " , - -a3o,,Fatititlike: 7 ' -, , m j xiiiAiti' ii;niiiit ki?e-le-Fleirci; iii;illti-1 " - t : • , "? a 4A - iiillitvithiiir' cm., , - - iii.hoi, ..._.*Fogott..- : ,, ~ ,:r4.=.. itliaty pi thaw ,r , , 1 t 0 ; ;',.,:,iiiitii4111.4,.14*-°"9 , i ,,,,i ~. , - '_,;' ~. , e 441 46 d o n- _;-; .... , _... 0 i,, A, ,,4 1 ,1, i4 ' o , i ll . I 6. IT4EIi PMilii* 2.l "qtr‘ u ri i i - fir retrP*s :$64'441,*1 1. • 6505wij?), : th e Allie4 - eilti ',relit ieulirdri Nirr".4lifiliiitieitur' '.l *.(401-tig.4l4,tiesetyel""74l* , - ittrel44ll/11*""" --2 ` - w' 'o ,a:A asg`itrainented-hl;eoimitt, -,- ,-, --,- ----,.--- - , - ' iirsl43c - inntl Sonmot o ti1440411.4t',41-4-9.8- e id , htig`'l tit be advised; iiiii 41 '4; ' 144 '`" 2-5 ` , ". , by timi , 'mg - gi 6 4 , :iimtl e7 ogna, and 4 hadintitallaw ti tt liinantl -L..t..-a o " ' -in &fir ' of "nationality. itt tettlil'i'-'""""Y ''' 'laid- ih,Wei T - ,-grApotnoititeitrOdligl'l ea from s i e :o e .. , tdiuiivii.. it inutb ad !.),°° :.! dr i - a t „ - toki ,'lmeelhie"' :-rb st is r 111,- • -,"••• , i.t)i,:ild gi or near ik4Woll'o4ll lerl'iiiilkiiik`theAiii;- vikailiSum,tl-iii‘faiaili tiiiillieli!. - ‘iikaissidsito, - , , L -, i t i -, iiiv iniii- limit itiioidten k 'on <the 1 3 3 _ ; , : . f - '44,oo,Aort` --: IQ itoi*Apitrian: de i tiffieuX: lo o l lo#,Vl —. - ..;i i i &be ; limbed sigiitotitk****-t I , Wiiii its ,* ; Or** to`thelhin eA lia ,"':# l ll,, .+,,..iy iiiihtiltaW i ' 'to - ltiaL I° PPffl l ere, :/*P .. 547. - ' * R u mors ,Of ,ii a rm i sti c e ` 1 , t ''' MP* soldiers . ' ' 'et "RA the °-,i )co67‘'° stAolt)-b4t'it w ' sul- r d. ;= ll ' i Inaerta; to end The - ' f°ll4—cg 4(44h-' '' -11 ' 0- 2 , °r il i i" , ti, return-,to - Paris , - - war '-"w'''-',14.444- -natcts'idlitstietP 4 80 8 iltel4o6*llit'T•• -' O - : "defesta. ' l, - ' laie.fe_r_ielkelit*Auk sailed / "" Tit "!"-- ~.}..L.' --,. :yrikEritio'filt consent - - 1 .imas - t lutee-r-rn- - . b a d` to and lb I '7 -- ,- , 1--;,4--04,;:. , refired; ,., - o ?..legvelinlete' 5' , -trance. 4t -le blizoto iiii*OTAl r ' .111talf lII PT 4 '4W -' -''' - fir - initintint-," ..- ..,, said *Ai ...oreert'f. P 4...41,0,ii ,thet, i 14talvltifrit> 'u 4.9. -,z. • ' reirmal9PA ~. l'' me' lignyki tan 4fiteteri. NrlgeOr'inFPom a i r c t i iiio Wii lei**, it.'llagjoh.oll,,tti. ;64triii:Siiql"' agarri5t,,q*,9....,,,,,,...19"'i, fitiowrfA,4;-.?..4,--i:-!''; w ill iiiit, it ie.wei"`-,1,1,.,41, .. -, 4 - Ir...daii m f 0 6 , 'amp 18109901%1117UfiCiii;one Kb* iligll2looo4/141k ne,,,Aliyiiit,,i;ftii?, , ;iliaixsritai: azitrot •4 . fic e . - ‘.;x b,v,-Pr° ,'''".• -.' ight&WtreirciaL 401316, d4ADikiaulbl'44' , rpi.:s-41431,:f0'48.' 0 44 10 / 1 , 5 lire .Pt.%, i , 3 =4„,-oti: tlik,fehee--; iter4(ll4"l.lll(:nrrtadtakif n44091646' And 11161:,11043"'-x/y . ' if., thw be ' true; 'the materielti, ehesten ' `P: w it h i di to'ne'Vellei . yowl ` Kln g:4, , i liiiiiVujisnity:,, ,;r,, T : ...• ' - Ulifili rawly° ae ire The OrieatitallooirVittillari' In another eoluittwill* . tol, acvAnP4o.. 41041, 2 1, tOramAioary,balloon vey, fito artiatfi *rot ' 4 44 1 4 !ollkLl4''Xo° lo P. -41 2 .4 1 Henderson;- Jefferilon P . • lailii*4o . 'i ' vOyage of 2,160,n0n1ia inAighteett hour's. =The balloon ists encountered solorq Mu") bl #Pi t *PV stlioess fulit 'Peti°"°° 4 r# 4 1, 1 11: 14 te#1 , 4 t j ot ballooning on IttvgCT Virat#44:4l4o,l4* b 3" tbree Engll.hm.uy ; Mho, In3.Ballimade voj'- agelitiOoitilißlikeiglitiiiii:;fon*A*l4it=i tempts hivelnani; made loltifilyi-ba6orii9i i to some 3ot*s3t lh vegikki . tiftditorep - 1 'efforts. r4 IOO PPYr7I ITfolc,l lo 44 4l i'On 'the lability of lie iteronatitt t 9 con , tertitt'tol4ls- Ifr• Wiss; boalver , claims , to be = able ; to surmount; this Ainleulty/lky s •great , dtsootery` hopes made western 10rb51,1306',.«,10.4.C9#1 lain alder d t e; tblemzreat.,.ac aniagallithatho age ibundahtlip4biairitat tenlik'Of and is",ibbl:Teidf °o4 akiefaitzlitY , to•tuider . take! . ,:yoyage &or, tkijtitentio - as soon" as ho tiCibibbil'i*ii°ll thee:pollees of proiorontlit.: Tke• United. •Statealteent :screw' vessel WX9Plintillkget*ettOßthie: inS,rin*Afthi four r 4f - Xfi(oiiiiis alongside ortie.:lttitii,;l4;-114-61,477 , 1r i trd;' The W4,b,teriyefii:' (*Petrick*, by Yew. • texemX - Ik : .Efoosi tbietitn'im: , o , -baye ItemiCttr-)llltettllfie itio , ,atighOeiait:otitof tit , the Ni f t - 114 ; rait'eiteembij - , :hie", #Pfeties ephili4). Agit*" iiltUctielleisti*oietiexleen:eslik :134 # 4 , o4ll6 9 l .4q i iit i eo o,; fii Y 6 / 7 - 416i #; 4 itt,bil :-`l7lO - United StifeelrigehrOoniresiwlll be "147,f4i, - . 44 , •11k 1 00144,0-0 1 0*(iikit'. Am Boob As the, NOR tei tivprftper'ootiditios4 to re:: tend44l,, '.t4Na 0 :401 1 4 - ",P-Flit 4 : 39 ki‘?": °". 6 ,4 of theliziesijemi.thieitt**** li Lneorig; ' To 4 :mo44 4 # o ,o,7oopOi,gro:soifoi , 'will be • dochild,iB44Z.-•,,n, . - • .„ ttui Iltin.Aero lbpAtmx --learn :that .ev_qn ; ttte.t„ - *, 0;P t4lacOP th* ' 6 :indfilimiho*!Trj r r7 tert'l • SaigsskObilsoitatitii tbt Mii4 lll6 l4:o ll ' f ikkilk 6llo Mi Henry ' J . . . . li #l 3 .,4 6( l4:'rrekr4o J . - . ' 040 4it1y;;;1139 . -, 10ti; , • -, TsnOilmozulli, , '..,***Sz**atestiorpuis;lio !aOszi ihe re: , • MK , Eisitolll;‘,',siipishilrilaiii - Aiiii , : 1 14400'4 , fist i 4 this , the approval p! Cotitrof i 41 (40'4,44i' other t pi Gent tf~ be publio~i~aitioeEbi been' yet to eer the m comp i.lu - #:4 4 1 1 * hi on the lepOTiot*OrdiSil hi , is b_lSimoarit `. bni we, wieb • tJi morn. more tiLe him—man of solid, mo- 46fit o .. .-au rfil; 'OO A r -11471191.111110t'lidlithicitdf,•-. ti.lficipkilittrpaitor , fltaillipiali4. , 4inti r ,:o - 4.o4ololl43jliMliiiier 41E1. • 44 0 r • ts 4 . -111414 bisis,foristd4 , 4 .„4,1 141 , 1 , th 01 0 pep a.71 'sOlistibkitse4 • „4,44,104-vo•avattel at 4 sis Ass •-- • r. ' 4 0'* . 0 4 IWO - ' • TeC al, • tit. , 14, 8 14 t!s' . • = - . - ' B, MIDNIGHT MAIL. • - •• Letter 11601 76 _4 Occanfisiltilel iderreeporideneent Th e • • • rely The great - Dialectic iltil4,witssrealWan Lion toffenator Albert Igallatlii-ftteirt•-,Of.'Bitools sippl, near Jack in elp - Afgai,ecirie days ago, it Isoemputedivisiittended by2fromtwelVe to fifteen thousand persons.. Senator Brown was the lion of fh - e",neturion: • Th demonstration was intended as the formaLbeginaing • et.if movement hooking to o t toiltrietheri,.et s the,tioliiir - of 31isilifisipPi in thithikdabf the friends of the Senator, who does ,iiSkjliSittAtikklVOlDife,to.thibigheetheriors of. the Biftetitio,'And to place himself in semewhateignif ,- #1,001440409:1 3 ti0n• 7 0',000 1 4vi ii . , '4 l id may tie the Othr section n the Demo , eiesktia,party,trigissisolppl„, A geed deal of bitter= nets .is niaisifisted Am-the:friends • of these rival StaneesalicezoiOapilet - and , ,- Orsini the- fends, 1610 'ietitrialahadV4heli'aenieifliat bloody titian; regiuled;:iill; the Models ~ uptiti lent:est' MiOilostPl4 to now :,,hatitileciiidietfed:' l , Arena*, r . tro - kinkiezi , 4 JW,4,4ctia: i efriff :te'ree'oniel.the - . eon Salerno 'of 'their `etsjeleetleiviiiilike.„earetioccUpy the extremest grtdnd'on the slavery question.: , 21;feneral Davis early-iilvoeste , of , Oortjtieselorial intervene tionAorltheffnetiethai of alaverilnlhe Territo.. - rile, and Mr. Brown 1148;followed fast and furious ikhle otepeionlhe 'same side, - -Herein ie the Omit peril of.the South and the great danger of the De ttioafatiii lartfif the Ninth: - No Demooratio stateamen.lit,Mtssissippi l hari.yet come forward to take ground: against' the: violent and intolerant uliestrinis,bet Op by the , loaders of the - Democratic party, there. A, consolidated -sentiment IS thus orWated'fiv.the'S'oilitkittioh hiefOr its basis sitar: : • row and repulsive idea; and , one not only. haprao nimble in. itself, but,indrilting and degrading to Mimi than half of the people of the The • South is thus pushed into the cerner, and behomes a Ixty.-to _diseanslinii, the moot distressing and dim:stratus oharinter: Such politicians look simply to thetiiiebrelitOking enly,that position 'which will -iiva . th - Mileatingiii, by cultivating unthinking pre , jediek . oad ,refusing to Yield anything to the eat getiolea Ind appeals of those With whom they have' heretofore acted in. the -free State's. - The 'friends. of'Jefferser -profess tortriat the movement to advance Senator Nova with contempt. One of them; now inthis: city, told me yesterday, that after Brown's supporters had laid their ropes and "Made their - errangeMents, Davie would blow the :whole eitibiern ititofhiOair by a Single speeoh: But we shilkSeevrhatmelehall ewe. , • . ttie4rOneu, ot'eminpalling the:. subordinates in the departments-40 subscribe to - the Constitution neriupiper E l. Curious, though not entirely novel, _During "the . Adtateistrition; ef John ,Tyler it-was A ,common ,prOctiee tit probeilioe-holdere, to sup portthe*Art iournalo At that day very few 'worsts could be induced to take offioe, , the Admi.: - eistradosi being reginded'as a j eort . g heratapfiroi raid tottti4 , t - fortuneitin,oontact with it.: Miyi Minh than'Pyler the present Adult ' nistration felt reqicires no casuistry to determine. - Itiepiee thifWiskest of the - Chartioterietiosof its predecessor, unblushingly, and resorts to , -, prao; flee; WhiehiroiddliWaken' indignation, if they, did ,nOtinspire:ridiestle end ,Contempt. General Bow .e -heiretefer Accustomed to collect from the farmers it:Bedford county Small stibsoriptions to extends,tii'dbiitll wets ly " piper , now himself upon • A iitrifetki,itio,"*ttid 're• enacts , Jones, of the Ma - tfositiia4;'with'i i fainite ' gusto and grandeur The Getteral,eA*6ll ire aware, to iSgreat military Objeftitin,:,^ Vaud - Of 'Shining in "optinlet and, ohs, peett,',Aed :^:prOd_d adorning thigh,' with a 1-I^l4":dreAY.o2...r-ch,iio-te,"lookrfiercieiy from 'S holiday re gimentals,: his *oink. 'apparition 'hair heretathie been , confined-to Bedford and to Cif& counties 'iwyetii!B tite,'Vrhite le.wes 401- , cant ,t47l:4l,sficbei Francis „rs at now; erraid4ith the baron of power, ltd outshines Gen. :fioott ; itiaself, :^ As it booted ' and spurred," and „apangied.and%swiirdee with the authority of the, General ::AdminietrAtion, bc,-issues his bulletins, torininiiiidinithiffilerki In the different buicene:of 06viriniiiitt Subicribe to the - Constitution. Midi&'Aismisti4l: A good deal of in, kdigeattoic - ic expressed against' Ibis attempt by ' the iiiidejiindini 'Men` in - the deparinenti ; but what issireethe,Glenereklif only-the ditties are put into !lite Cidient.rriZtomeitiMe agoz.bifore the court ir spentitisibriitetiedibe Consietettimi•i-tbit TZnio'n, ,5011(eiiiiii, `Of ;the *dMinistration,, dea ou to sd 'the 0f6,30-liiiidenilere'iaaiio many scavengers, the mere ,dregs-,of:ioiltityr-ibloh_ denunciation was sae Tirreated by their indifference tt;tlie 'Success of that most unequalled* - ime • fieria'pei;.'b'ut it Was, reserved lcii : Aa,:doif',martired editor of the Censiitettion to jiyakoPientlealilltienp.tion of his approval of this eontplintent: ,- Vo - ,linatterbow 'Much the coarse Of his rpermay be 'di - spited; woe to .tbo clerk who irefriscatikaubrifribe for it, acid totiiire itleana and Make it;the,riarkpAl*Ftypilitalt,h. His every 'lst,Obeg94SitOlkbepitention - treek;^:hie 14:willlie as *foutitilt.)jfered4l•4l:llo,,;, ein4ibseßrst:,ittfig Itou q4l: , Ottia47kns;F:ile ' hillt , liktiroliild reeding The, 4 pi,* rer lidding a; ‘enVinkan- - Einclekt this ;fimetrittn dedititteixt;..irbiOS - I ref stifir6 , Viat ",‘ooeafia*l4ll:zot , ver,ilPoinitar Art Ad mintatra Lion'-circles, bikallusione toMr: I Ifo 1 4 011 ; 41 Od the printing fund dieb - ureed • unifir the eeye acid dtrio9:4 of the Dreildent,;• It .apetiareptat my , intimation, a few days ago, that ifr:;Wendelb bad in , hls passel:Won A certain letter 4Dresidertrilitehaiaaft , s,, , ,r"ohiting out to whom lies excited - new the AtitAtiori - ekthe Bxemultve end- last' week:no lent than,thisti idceipitches , front this city and two , tenors r--werc .pent--off to Mr W.t (then in New Yeriejliiiplorlikhini c ome out in a • letter• denying tha t hti:iltudienin knew anything about tliwdietilhittiotx of , mOpoy , to ' certain Adminietra tibnnewripapere,4l4l4' muph . , eillitetneat, Mr,- in ctinieqnditteCtibe'repOrted refusal,of Mr.,Weri• dell fo'inakeaitYfiiffiteMerit iu ocritradfotten of the - notirloia.,OridVidnoitted-fects: ilt is further be: liaveld'jhitf Appleton,'donbtless at tbo, 'eug getting ortlie -Piefident, hie asked Mr. Wendell Cameron, and to beg the m' , to, deeiet 'from his threatened investigation `atVihe - ' neat sessioi, Alia that Mr. Wendell bee dope so," but, what Siamese I, am unable to Another, JAMer in ^ the town tr. that Colitioter,,Btfitie is in a mese' of won. der that 4 .oiicastoiai° should know: 86 'much' of. that Which takes place • itr the penetrafia. of itie Administration.. It ribexpected that Judge ojeek is the:l:A#*l644 tad' timetheee grave Gobi.' net il.k9k4a SOine of his Shaltipearlan sproNitintfiilolloal quotations, And are oingh t .up‘by etiMio.fif.My many friends who are always on -- - - the, qui., ' cooked sears and retentive • meMories... The President It determined to order 5 111 '.thcan, 12 ffi" investigation ; and it is supposed that .the persons who *ill be Billed account wilt be the .Attoinify.•Gerieral, and the Secretary of the , Treasury, :wife are tneee to lienenstant readers of ,The• - Piers,4 and especially of my pair Itonbra. - -ttoAe: , , , --..-iVirhitCr. renders the 'Collector mostly, ierriMkielMit; it, ;le a , seddin apprehezudop • - hini that-some of hie mitt- Alves, of X most signilloant 'character, relative to .the ='distribution' bf, ' the - printing fund; 4°121(1'14 thtlight of day., Now let me do. Mr. Weddell justimi, ; :X..liave never spiken to him on' ,thlieittleot.;•l frequently meet him at. Willard's , brief-hare never yet-taken Advantage of this fact, proferr g • pp ; my inco gn it a at all times and'inell. Places. - -.oitt After another of. the Demooratio papers is repidiatingtho doctrine of the*AdMinistrat ion in reference' to the protection iiihirilleed citizens AY.axoellent friend, Major Heirs, of Due States," will over-his egotiangee :now, think' he will ;find , that; North and South, the (maniple of The Prais; 'which Wee the first journal in Amerida to :44pouncii*,d004ifsi . fi being followed. • E:steitrit.'Mtir!tet.Hottse. A¢ 9 - A: M. OnMonday, , "the gloifous ~-- a goodly-aomppay aselited Mayor Henry in laying 41te 'pert ar-SkinePt - ,this Radorn market house, at Fiftkand Merehint streets: - Henry Made' a =short " address on the occasion; itt Which he de -elated Maltase% etffiretttret as that now commenced Brits latilbinisre Pe the advance of the pity and the tpublkispirjePfthelnhitbitante. •In the cavity of 'the Porner ; storie,wis placed a copy of the charter thelampistry, earth daily'and weekly paper in the 94; coins Sof ligtof the officers of the Oompiany,",the Minisirof the aniiiitiet and contract brej.arid, parabateit,upOn which was written the 'fp - Soling *spreads% and explanatory record . : -- 74Feitspararde bf onn4ulidietil yearn the groat highway; heir ballad Market street, bri t ' originally dignitledley the founder of thid city , with the more .appropriate titlebf Higlittreet;hie'lmon disfigured ;and Obitrupted-by 1:1‘ range of low and unsightly, inerkeektembles eitendinirthrough its midst. The . -anisette havinefrissolved'to abate - and remove this .inefimbraneit; the Eastern Market . Company; oharr 'tered 'V.' , the State of• Pennsylvania, on the 18th :day of lrebtuary,lBs9, for this express purpose, hams e'reitted this edifioetts an appropriate and so .perlor enbelitute... ' = The eornier - etbrieffitereof was laid by the Don. Alex.. Henry; IhireMayor 'of the Consolidated City of Phlladelphia,lhie • .4/otrit4il,DAY'CF JULY, A. D. 1859." 'ive 'to thfi3Oli. the, criur teey of, fdr..Henry lid .'ertle'y, -- .4ti`Sitoreiary; for a ; eitpy of this In -4624i00rt,r -„ , .The Worirof Menelaying done, the Direotorifasil seorotery . 901:11. Company tplurned to the _Com. IneeitiaLlicitel,'Ellitketreet,,opprisita Minor, and lavel a jerY.ltincloortte collation to a numerous ponipany:Xtf :invited:guests, -A fest toasts were Annie, apd.hdrailre9S apaPolute made, 'A good deal o 111 9 ''PLaii.b1+ 4 . 0 4 1 40a..whioli a light and Ideirettn(2ihaip , oxi9i l .9 ,Bl 4(44 to a drjeandr as a ldnBh, was disporredofi and the company separated ilrebouS ooze ' • "r, SSheen . D teyivite d. . 0 . 14111 45 De. OhloJ":libr 5,—A exibleoat couthlnlitg terenti•eiglitysireens, , alille enjoying - en exeursion yes told# orreltai TAkerludtanacwid dapgized, and nix; We 'Pinned ":. , Thilr heroes bate lot been ester. *R441170417 iiiiriiloostijr *onion 'and obllArein, THE CITY. eitunininei TER IffiARIHQ. IdoDosouair , o Oiurrum-4,14d0n0 from Plays, Gams from Opor„ ar, Pantomimist DMio. ama inneolt. - 111 P ,11711111111 AIITBo—NI - of .Paintings mid fitatumi.' • -..WALIRIT Boliggethre—Bone:. raids-11111401, de THE FOURTH; OF JULY. ROW IT= WAS CELEBRATED. Meeting or the Young Men's Christian Association. lIEETINti IN JEFFEItSON SQUARE. Demoeratic Mass , Cdebration. GUNPOWDER AND PYROTECHNICS THE' Di*,;.N,,'T4E,S'lJll:lliiiB, PRESENTATIONS AND 'BANQUETS ikoolirw.x%7TS, Monday, the Eighty-third Anirdreroary or the Signing of, the Deolaratiors`of , Independence, was aa generally and " gloriously Celebrated as we anticipated. ffiery thing conspired to make it so', The.weather,Weiscooler than July westher generally ie, and the,day wise dear and brisbt. Prom midnighton Sunday to midnight on Monday, the display psi kept tip without sassing. The belt hod hardly told the hour of twelve, before themid; night's& was veinal with pistol and gun shots, and or• ploding fireworks A number of snienadiCg parties were ont,diiturbingqrilet sleepers with their patriotic musks. When the day dawned, - a number of salutes ware tired; and the stets and stkipes run up from• thousand bons.- tops. .Every one seemed enimated by,* single desire— to teetlfy in the moot congenial manner hie devotion to the principles of Ameriesn exletencoaand Abe memory of the men who gave those nrinelples toehe world. - A prominent feature wee the great influx of strangers, from other Statee, and other portions of the tioromon wealth. To Philadelphia as the depoittory of all the 'glorious relive of the days of Independence, With its Carpenter's Ball, where Congress first' met; with its State Hones:where the Penlaratton eras signed and Pro• mulgsted; to its iationoseementoes of the men prinid pally "ensued in that time-honored enterprise—to philidelphia, the heart of the American moat mater ially turns as the moat fitting place to commeinnrate the day of our National birth. Added to this, the beautiful scenery that lies along the rivers Bowing along our borders, and the Mr access afforded to it by our admirahlisysteni of Mt, transportation, afforded tedipt log induoemonts to these of our Ate% slid sister State* to join with WI in commemorating the Great Anniver sary. There was a smaller amount of rowdylem than usual, as will be seen by a perusal of - this coluten. While we OongrXtulate 'our, 01,ty- sod 10 pollee' on this state of things, vet - air only regret that so many dreg and ISCOI. dints oaiirred:, The fires were not oft serious Claret. ter. it is tine: yet the aggregate toss's something. As we said before in this column, the nee of Oath terrible playtitiege as "donble•headed butchmen, ,, "serpents," and oltasern,t , is al,waye attended with mischief; and, while we cannot repair what has been done, lotus hope that the experience -tarnished will not be lost upon parents and dealers in, fireworks Oil the ensuing sant• versariee of the Fourth of July. ' The Celebratten at 4aynevs - SPEPOTIEB OP RievEnizinii DAVID DRAINEhD. b D., ',JOHN 0.. , LY0P, - JOHIF CHAIPOOES, .OHO LOYPURg . , D D.,-.I.3VEINATON'ONITO, HR. MODOS, leo. Among the numerous patriotic demonstrationi in this city oa Morntay,, that et Jaynes Hall, under the attrplose of the Young hffen , e Christian Assoolation, held a con spicuous' place, lxith in point of numbers and interests The orlon, deli - alone atmosphere, whicluhad seelitiogly been provided with epeotal reference th the °Diminoe of that Oay of deye in the history,of our nation, had lb. effect of:intleing everybody oat into the open air, and of theMultithdes - Of both sixes who thus entered into the apirifef the day, a very large - number of our ehttrelogoing citizens very niteirelly turned their &et• steps toward Jayne's Ha 11.., The ierelt Was ah menee gathering in thet minions edifies. The decorations of the halt were neat but imposing In their stiriplielty., Prom the stagagalleries were eat., vended a large number of appropriate printed mottoes, and aver the speakers , desk, on the platform, wag ,erected a mignltleeni imitatioas Marble AMA. The !Doric nolarone with which it ids Inetained were richly - draped with4Mirleen bege, , rind 'on the front of the areh-wse presented . to the view of the audience to open Bible, the whole being Surmounted with a spread eagle of enormous rim. ; The audience. when the ehemins hornmeneed, en tirely filled the , main floor, the greater portion of the liret gallery,the platform, ami thegalleriesturrounding the Coats on the pletform having been chiefly acco rded by ministers of the Gospel of different denomins- Gouge. At the appointed hour, Mr William Getty eainb forward, and, in the absence of George It Stuart, Etg who bad been selected to I:petite over the meotlbg, but -wavpieVented by phyalial IndispOettion=proposed that 8 Gliturniuge itaelate In the capacity of cliairmin: The eaerchiei were then .commenced by slngitig the' first hymn on the pregramide: beginning him : hoer native Lend!,, eftar,whieh the Boriptures were read by the ne*•.. 1. 11. Wes, the , aBC.Psalirt heVitig-been , ssieeted for' . 9 1111 mi 7 , -410 . 0 1Wrii(rli prayer was the's offired by the Murray._ - : ) At the oboe of theprisyerAi !pollee wen reed br Mr enciminse - Oster h lineeinee history of the• origin of this-mode of itelebrating' the - spoiversary of our Ns goes' Indepeparime in the, eourse of which It wee 'fated that. deer to every, American Wart es we. the Rail or Ineepeodeime for', its noble - assoestions, he d ,- ,tilktrd mot thet.leywe'sVell stood next to It In the 'aiteotions of irtanilabeart in this demtnuoity in roues. ggetlee of Ilse 'Canoe it bad witr steed d Mind the last yeir, The'obalriner; concluded hie PePer and subee• onset remarks' by Introduclog to the audience Bev. , Br. iirainerd se the first speaker of the coorntog.... . • ' Lie said, en coming sorirerd, that he doibted it there 'wee st heart - befrae. , him that 'Wan nut , Mooted with gratitude to God. Ne bed beau , thinking of Abe grand objeat 'bleb hist lea our fathers to strike for, liberty 'The reagon why thej had not 'Hotly In (tenth Amerlee, Promera, Cud elsewhere. wan beelines the liberty conteoded for in thole ,eo4otries Wee the' liberty of agrerfacdem—a lihkrty for - Mb ,our end the idie to sp. oropriate to timid/elves . the pnsatuolorei of the rich Not soiled been the Inoentivee which led to our !Mar. ilia Alums , °brie' .bad been the ; great egemplar to which our fathers bowed in their memorable struggle, sad to proof of this, a man" oke , Hasitiogton bad been selebted, La the most peefeet of human models, to inspire the hearts of the Amerioan trorPs. "Washington, of all MOD known in hietbty, had moat peculiarly immured the nnalitire requisite for hie ;boo bad cirer reported a witticism 9f Washington's tie is d been - the hero of no brilliant strokes or daring sots of chivalry Bat there wee 41.8.1 which he thought had hitherfe, been too much overlooked. and that wreathe common soldiers in the arm, of the ItevolittiOn', To this chilli wlehed to build an OM , then end there. [Loud spotlit:tee.) He bed recently mad a running record from the New Lon don GaOetfe. of the noble self.sacrifieee which bad been. made - by the -. people' in behalf 'of that army, of whisk acme very.intereating particulars were given by ih'e spanker. At the oloae of this *dare's another piece wee sung, after whfoh a speech was made by mar down 0 - brart, , of the Methodist Church. Ile opened •by slaying that he need not refer to the smottors straitened by the first tap of that old Mate Fianna tell. not Far distant, which 83 years ago had proclaimed 'liberty tbroushotat the land; that had already been done more 'eleottently, he maid. than he eetild do it. with hie germ an tontine in a hundrei glare , tLaughtsr.] He loved the day had eaeambled,tn celebrate, and be always expect. ed to, for it was the der In which a nation had been b - rn in a day, and baptized the same day on which It was born. Manghter.] _He felt himself to be an AMdricani. Like the Irish peddler, he felt tbat he had lived in this country long enough to be a Native. (Renewed' laughter ] He bad now • word to ear about' Union. He hid been a Germs n miselon• sty for the Tut thirty 'oft" and bad 'seined to 8* balls. There was, be said, still a tyranny rgantst iwhich we bad to battle, and that was the ty rant Bigotry He always 'expeated to be called a Me. Monet, but he had felt himself just as happy in the Pulpits, of other denominations, and what he wished now was, that, on this 4th day of July, 1359, all Mona sectarian labels might be barn off, and thrown away Uereosuamended th at ell bands should alt 'lnto tbe same oldi e and co divide the jolting, between them (Laughter Hia effort was BOW ' throaghout, and elicited Yr/Vomit' et,planse After another hymn had beep sung, the audienea woe addressed by the PAY, SONN 011/118HRS . . He addressed his manacled (elude and fellow citizens by eurirleting the lunation ao .to what tonal tuted the quelilleations of a true patriot. The two great requisites he dogtrotted ,to be ilrot. an bonen, sod unyielding , deferenbe to the open Bi ble, and secondly. a firm sod Unwavering oitprort of the Constadthin of - our country. Bo hilly was he convicted of this that hone more believed in the patriotiaiii or a man foil/ions these two requisites. then hb believed in the holinetis of the devil, rarest laughter ) He believed In carrying out the spirit of Union..He wouldn't 'give a rub for the religion of soy man that didn't tend to cement his heart to his brethren. There must be union end love in our reli gion if we w cold ever get to heaven by it, ends religion that would pet tats us heaton touted nothlrg to do frith. Theis was, he was lorry to know. b cut ineohnt of infidelity and orpoaltion to the open Bible in our land, and alas! he bad to gay, In the presence of tboeo belutifni colors—Noll:din to the entinnl—that there were men profesaing to be Ohrlstians Who hesi tated not to blaspheme the Constitution of our Country, But he MA °tont drummed his ten minutes, And there were others to follow him, and, for one, be did abr. ht. Mere in any man ' s making a gourmand of ounce] t, by eating the whole 'oaf, when there woes three or four hungry men waiting Another hymn wee lung, after whieh the mutterer, was addressed by the JOHN LITDDRH, D D. . He comierneed by saying that he had not come before them to make a sensation 'peach, having, he geld, at- tempted to do that on bee or two former oceasions and co failed that be had gone home very ninth maimed of himself for baring dove et; He thought the scene be)dro him Wee ernineetljdtted for a 4th of .Ttily celebration. Our brethren down in New linglind were very mink addicted to calling their Fauteuil Hall ), the orsdle of liberty.) , Now, he did not with to detract Inv from the honor* of New Bag land, but he Must be permitted to say that we had also here in Philadelphia a cradle of liberty. Aye, it had not been merely the cradle of a concrete idea. Mat of thirteen baby States; and he wee glad to know that theee thirteen babies had since then grown Into 111 many stalwart men and women. He belonged to the ), Old Dominion. )) . They could see that he was but a little man, but be woe proud of his prolific mother, eo often called the S!, Maier of States sod etateamen. ,, , His comments upon Union— ecelestaidlcal and natlonal—were exceedingly happy, and kept the audience in one continuane roar or laugh ter,' The inscription upon our banner—""TlPluribua Unutri' , --as we all knew, meant one in many pares, sod tide was the idea be Jabbed to lee lografted in the Mauch • Let us said be.presove our distinctive ohs moterietios of 'opinion, lent let them be kept it home where they belong. Be did notinalet on them ell being fused together in one heterogeneous mace as that would bo •• Hoorn , ' without the “.111 ;Antibes » What he'vranted wee, not oentrallzatlon, either in Church or tiltata,'but a glorious, peaceful 'confederacy, where each le willing to work for the good of - all, and where a uni versal love will pervade and animate the whole, The next speaker was the WHIUTON EIKI7/1 Ile opened with an eloquent reference to the pert Alton by Benjamin 'Fr:while in introducing opening prayers into the Contention Which formed the Oonititn tion, fn Philacialphigiltt 1787, atirecorded in the follow. leg extract " in the beginning , of the oontest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of our danger, we bad dally proyero for our protection. Oar prayers, sir, were heard and Answered Ar d hitire,we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assists tme ? I have lived. str, lo •gi time,i and the longer I I.ve the more oonvincleg. proofs I see of this truth", that)Elcul governs the antra of men. And, if a sparrow earinot fall to the ground without His notice. le it probable that au empire can rise without Gls aid? I therefore: beg leave to move that, hereafter, prayers, imploring She assistance of Ole Wastage on one done Patton?, bit held In this Assembly every morning, be fore we tvoaeod to business, and that oto or mere or THE PRESS.LPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1859. the clergy of this city be requested in oMblatit serrloe.ii • The piotttrefliEwn by Mr Smith, of Washington in prayer It Walley: Iforge;Was it' area graphic and Iliereferinie urn stern tritely:lVOt the men of. the Revelation arse - oleo fdreible,indelicited Much Flamm. 'ln Minding to th e noble tiendettt-ef flee e ra .Totteph Reed,-wbu retook), the profferedbrl4e of Ambit' etating-that be wee not worth pure ohm s be t e,. -poet ae be woe, tlineting at ilit , eat Britain - wee 'not deac on, ag/ili_bnyliimMi-lie &eked his heareri IoW many GODirnil Nude they 'thought there were in one butte. glelatnreat Ilarristurg?-• [Laughter 1-'tom the' nth esquerit rematlrs of Mr. Smith'. hitiestlmate of thatbody of nter.roaltere 111 certalely not very flattering. mie wo• elusion was eloquent - with oentimoots of devotion to We country and love for the tithes of Christianity. - - Rey. tin 4 . of .the Noleeopril Church', Wss the ,mpenter. fitt entered upon ~t. tick, he'deld, with Consoions or -hiss ability t*. participate acceptably in the scene in which they were then - engaged. He charged hie brethren nevetto rem vitiflieg the glorlque,ptincl• pies, in the poesesnon of which our fa - there trlumphed -It bed been Well said that-ti the pride of 111pety to sieeplees The enemy against which we bad to contend wee Setae; whose captives were the veriest of slaves indeed The Obnroh of the living God weanow. oarryoag on &conflict against this enemy: the church to which he bed'the hnror to - belong was marehing up,hot le - deed a very onmeions bend. hot - well dleedrilitted -and wee ,teeethog the wieareere ant too, thrt•Treabs dittiplined and - officered In - their own way, Were coming gran the Contest, and so tie believed all the where. of whatever MOON ,were doing effective Aervice in tide righteousWerfere. independence and "religion were' united to alt : -he eald 4 and the - pereetui; - ' tinn of one wee considered as essential to the prospe- , 'thy of the other '• 2 ' After another hymn, the benediction wee, pronounced by the Ref. N: W. Nutter; of the New. etreetiotheran De the time the congregation had greatlyfooreseedi so'that several hundred persons *ere bofebeled to stand in the stelae. An had been previously announced, the meetlng,tots at this Point merged into the Noonday Milan liten , s Prayer Tileeting,'whleh was then nom mewled sod oontlon•ii -until 1 &cloak, the +noises having 6.m conducted by P P 8111M101111, Deo , The meeting was or a highly spiritual 'character; sat WO 'Alfo largely imbued with the national epirit ao eminently pervaded the meeting of the morning. , DZINODBATIO NESTING IN INDNPENDNNOD In Accordarme with the usual cuatoen, the Demociaoy of the city had a meeting in Independence ?queue • A large number of people were in „attodanee, more than is generally attendant on these Melting";' - The aesseablege AU called to order at nine OlclOU by the lion, Themes 13, Florence,. ebairrean of the lied an- Murray meeting, who. in a neat end forcible speceh, introduced the Don. Henry keeldene. Ur:Phillips after efipreseine his ilianke for the boiler of being cheese prebident or the meeting, Poke or the agreeable teeolleclione always brought by the recur. tenth or the disk they were then celebrating. After eneakieg of the associations thet .eleeter around 'the Fourth of July, he said While tee Domnerate of 1713 declared the' snip. pendence el the United linatee, their sueriererni lure preerrved that independence by an adhrelon to the true prinelplee of the Democratic; faith We eave .10Sern. b ed bore to, renew the pledges and again, te plight faith to unite as Democratic, brethren in the rood canoe of Dewberries and liberty It was the work for" Die money to snake the ernerloon Union, and-It le the n Ise on of Dr mberaey to preserve it, and the eiremeiri of the men of 16, who, forgetting ell Minor differeeereli witted tilather for the • Ogee Beige . meet' elot 'be forgotten. We babe keen thirteen infant colonies grow Ante thirty.three mighty !fates; there ere millions of miled of territory belonglog to no which are to dwell the mambor, end on one can doubt that the area of freedom is to be furtker Inereand by honorable acquisition' cad acieeselenr Progress tel & leading feature of the Demo• cretin creed, andwhiliethp ' , tuxedos stops of the pike' may sometimes seem too rapid. t‘r, , the vacillating e rand the timid. tee sober Booed -thought shelve r the **dont of the movement, and. brings renetrerl energy,to the; task. We west hnite, its brethren, in the gond work and preserve „Inilelate the defining* and principles o f the Deoheration or Independence Though there may be flottirg diode which darken the politieel atineaspeern, brilliant light dinalpete the resets and willeahed its ppm the trittelPhe of the Demeeritio party. & large timber of vice presidenta and secretaries Were announced . Stephen , Benton, Esq., the chairman of the Qom= mites on Resolution, submitted the following whieh were unaritmonaly adopted; 1. Resolved, Teat la us - ambling here to celebrate the return ote another annivereary of our National In, dependence. oar first and highest daty ie to offer thiniut' to that Supreme Ruler who matareed and sustained' the America° Colonies In their 'patriotic "toggle for independence; Inspired with wisdom marl endowed 'With an uneelfieh devotion to conntrys the founder' of our f•ee institutions. and the framers of oirr Oopetitution ; and who, n Ale benignant providence, bee crowned the - Descant' i ndusti7 and wide-spread intelligemie of the land with abundeneo. prosperity, and general bapplifes. - Z. Reeolved, That next to the favor and proteotipg ears • of that good Providence whieh bra controlled. the des tiny of this natears , we should continually recall, with gratitude and admiration, the energy and rattle%) ea• orifices of lbo - re who, in the Reid, and the Wisdom and foresight theca *ha, in early eortnelle, , alike cartel tinted to thi independence and greatness of this nation, the freedom and permanence of its inatitntions, and the coulequeet intelligence and happinees of Its people. - 3 Resolved, That the Union of the arlaieal colonies, brought athletes it au by common sniffling and imitee action in those glOrtnusechlevements which was them free and independent Steles, was mainly, atoomptlehed by, I spirit of fintelfigh . and. patriotleconeeision, and atendonment of interests, merely lout for the general god ; Abet thie Union bag been the bond of peace. the foundational' the national strength and greatness, and is the osier hope or the ;mom mere* and spread of our free institutions; and that on occasions like The preleut, It Is especially becom ag for a boss assembled within meta miffed preeleeteeto renew their yews of estate:ln to a cowman and united country, and to pledge themselves. to oppose every effort, from whatever cau tion ft may come. to weaken the bond. of this paternal and political Union 4 Resolved. That es thorn:don of the States was only rendored poeeible by the wise and conelliatory prima ries of governmenticoutaned SA per Federal Doestitd lon, sti the perpetuity an d coati/tiled freedom of cur Ipstittatfone oho only be guarantied by aitriet (Oben/Poe to Its nempromilfes end limitations, awl by a' reveres!. ttol eetechment to its pro-redoes ; and that it in peeve 'tarty obligatory no no to unhold heresy and /malted nullificition those interpretetioni of eta niesteng wire% have been declared by the Supeame JA diolal Tribunal' f the land, . 6 Itesolved..That by' no political organisation have' the true principles of the ConstitntiOn, and, the' }debut interests of the Union boon eo wisely and consioteotly expounded. and so uniformly premotel, ar by abet party wheth • lise smug from 'the Ilepubliceniem of le Jefferipap, ane-thei, Dettateer of I laokdon t and whleis ip Ito thee and itiemetreires jets meat enbiseefally ttitteethe virturi and given erotical snaps' end nee" to the wisdom which" founded. add, hitherto here oars"' babied the happy experiment of a free repreeeetatere government 6: Resolved, -That the.preaent Nationel-Adadattera: - ,tion he. entitled itself to thin desfi4enEe and or amide, of the American people 'and it wilttenet's the 'woe val of tin impartial peaterity for lb enteeserni eft irta to maintain unimpaired the guerantess of the Onnotitne lion end e . the renal rights of the. etates &intent' the aleriulte or potions) ant feliettosi oweluions ; by lei whole& and 'lrma's@ it has ;piloted the m oat dangerous' agitation that his obey threats, ed the peace •or exiet once or the Union, end in lie treatment of the d street-, Mg and exalting (mutters 'of Turn 'real government has not only rescuedtheelootrine of popular a owreign fp from baiter wide, the pretext of either. eneeobe or op. preesion bait hoe recomiled it with tilt* . reoereed not constitutional rights and privileges of the people of all , tither eel:Alone of - the Union. 7. Resolved, That we regard with unabated pride the, career of James Deobaueu, our present Chief tdaglee trate; who in the purity of his persona! cheracter hie eminent and valuable public terries". and in the states; meraship and win policy of his administretiora of our national hoe established a lasting claim upon the gratitude of the country at large 8. Resolved, Tbat we 'do hereby pledge oureelyee, no tar peter or reaponitbilite , ream opEa tiv e te, fos ter and trenemit a reverential ittachmenr to their non, and to that °mutant opal compact out of Which it sprang Into existence. and under which it lie. con tinued ; all to countenance no peaty or political creed that won't seek to establish the wealth. political ire aartance. pr potter; of one arieirn of otir ceuotry by dferegard of the teenage hitareets, or legal rights of the rest; aid that while we would enitracio nutlrog feu than the whole count.y in oar ;affections and our duties, we would welcome the oppressed of all lands to & com mon eitizonaltip in tide, without abjection as to religion or birthplace. Henry It. Deohart,llleq wag then Introduced and read the Deolaratfon of Independence In a clear and diettnot 1124011 Fr. James Otterson, Jr., Erg , the orator of the dry, then delivered the oration. It was a carefully prepared and lengtby addrese, and was frequently greeted with ap planate ' 111118 TIN% OF THE VETERAN'S. An unntstleily getheithg of the 91d Foldiers Viols DUO at the County tiourt Boise. The ffon i B Sutherland, preeideff, gestated by Oohs, J. S Warder and William Bider as, vice presidents After a feW elc orient and appropriate remarks by the president, the following resolutions were offered and unanlmously , , adopted : • Resolved, That we tender our warmest thanks to the gersatoia and Rheredentattrea In Congresa, who op posed the passage of the "Homestead 11111, 1, and bereby,enter our polemo rotelit to behalf' .ot,!1:10 men of the Enema War of ludep ndanoe, and the widows of mole we era dead, throughout the Union; against the pavane of the Homestead Bill, for the following reasons : lat ~dtecanse It would virtually repeal the Cot grant ing bounty lands to the soldiers and fillers of the war of 1812, especially u far as widows are concerned ; they generally Bell their warrants, and as they canton go oat west and settle upon thew, and do one ;would' be willing to purchase a land. warrant, when; en under "the ilomeeteadßilyt he could get the land for no thing 24 Further, that it would be A fraud upon all who had purchased land warrants at the usual price. to find illoveroment rendering their warrant* of no value, by giving Okay the public domain to each as might enter upon it, Si. The pilblic domain bao been Mid for ardor the various hutted Vali the Indians ; Nelda, the penses 'steamed by the (dosonament In earveying the pnblie land., and keeping open /mural farveyor Generally offices, with a large Imdy of clerk,, and the payment of the ntimerhne land Moore thronghntit !he new Staten, makt amount to a very largo sum of money. 6th. Moreover, it Is illgratitly Undue after thou sande, we might nay millione, of settler! to the Went and Smith, have paid one dollar and twenty five cente per acre, that chore whnirpay enure into the country under a-" homeitead bill" receive nubile lavid without pay. leg anything therefor, and that, too after the earlier paying settlers have Improved the value of the land adjoining them, which the homestead claimant may ultra for his residence, without giving a cent to the Government. sth, Again, if the homestead bill should p.m the almost rountiess host of rettlers who have paid $125 per acre for their land would certainly mak the Govern. moot to refund the SI 25 per acre. wbtoh, with interest, would amount to many milliotte of dollars. Oth.liesidee. it is a mistake to suppose the homestead bill would be well reasived by the men who hers pad for the land ; on the contrary, it would render those who may vote f..tr it exceedingly napal:los at the polls. 7th Because every acre of lend held by the Govern ment in 507 of the western or eenthwentern *twee has coat the Government at least SI 25 per sore when in terest and other expenses are added; and if thin be doubted, let the Lend Office be called upon to report upon thin eubjent 'Bth. Bat there is Mill another objeotion to the home. steed bill. and that le the pauper character of the bill. Inman of this day ithetild. like other freemen of _the country, purchase his freehold • . oth Resolved, That after liquidating the motional debt of the War of 1812 of 8100 000 000 betides paying 'for a large share of the public domain and handing the Government beer to the present generation free from any inctnbrance, we think we are exceedingly mode rate in our teenage when we ask that the feeble and aged men and women who felt the severity of the war. and ore now enable to support that:analyse, should receive a small pension from the Government; and lu the event of the coming Congress overlooking their °MIMI, we have received upon making it en Nine to the next election, with the view of tryinc what effect the vote of 250,000 pennons directly concerned in hav ing jostioo done to oar poor and eget Mende ran have at the polls. • Resolved, That, froteed of giving away the `p ublic domain, under a homestead bill. tha nook lands be told, and the proceeds thereof be.epproprlated to pay pen. alone to the poor old Men of the Second 'war of Inde pendence, and their widows many of whom, to the die - grams of the nation, are in the altnehouses of the country. - After the regular toasts had been drunk, amid greet enthuelawm; the efficient of the last year were nutlet. atouely re-elected. and 00l P. 11, Eisler was chosen one of the vice preeidente, to 011 the vacancy canted ,by the death of General Adam Diller The meeting then ad journed to the 13.11 of Independence,'where the Decla ration of Independence Iran read by Peter Ray, Req., and an eloquent address delivered by the Ron Joel ll Etwherland, and setnr thanking Mr. Day for his rled table reedlog of the Declaration. the meeting adjourned with thirteen heart.* cheers in honor of the day. The vossele-of-arar at the itaiy Yard were 'gaily deoked with flags and (mops preeenting a, very hand. lione and lively 'Appearance. number of ealutae were?' fired. ' EQUAIta TILE NAVY YARD LITERARY OELEBROIOI4B. ' :number of the literary ehelatlea Of :the city ale brilted the day with appropriate 'ceremonies. Thellatilson LiterarYlneiltatOted their ciiiliomery herine! and oilebretiiin at their riom in htechOoa , ‘1.1a14 , 1 . 1 B. corner of .Fourth and streets. The institute eat down to a wol'..pror,ded• table, at tan, and perloci or the eatables, before them -with rub! gusto, Army the Wont 'WA ran need, Alexander Ervin, Jr., the president, made a raw eloquent remarks, and introduced ie. 0 , Ilerbincer; who read top Declaration of Indopera , dance in, a clear and excellent style 0 The Day we 'Celebrate" was drunk with all the honor' and fittingly responded to by Joseph U. Ferguson "The Frees" wan answived by John It Young " The Dar," br Ohm IlloOlintook I The ychecerc er the Cerrito 1," by John at Carson i" Penner Itania,ll by George J. Her The ,iteriAs PM," by Herman ; Vogelbcoh "T h e , Oily of Philcdslebia. ,l by Diehard J Bangs ; 0 The Literary geoletle of Philadelphia " by John F. Conaway; ,and '+‘ The Laillei," by Jame!' Whittington The speeches, es general thing, were well dell,- need, efRI all of them loudly , spplandei. The eompany separated dually atter noon , much pleased with the entertainment The Livingston Litrrary Snottily celebrated the day in their hell on thilloWhill street. The rob n WSx tilled with a large number of Mitt and gentlemen n oration WWI delivered by lames Oolvllle, and the Declaration V Independence rest by James' alcOorkle. Short and eloquent speeches were made by several of ths members. .The ktOlirillw - Litorary Footety paid a 'lett to the country aeat of ono of Its members, a few miles above Brldeaborg. There wee the ueuat amount of speaking and feasting attendant on snob °root as. The Mem bers returned in the evening, much pleated with theii 'entertainment and rees ption. The Catholic. Phllopatrian Institute eelebraiell the day In their hail et Tenth and Chentout streets, at ten o'clock In the morning. The Deola•at on of lode. pp:Aetna wen read, nod an oration delteered by J. D. 'Bryant, 111. b. There were two militacy compen el in attendance The Rannekat Literary Association celebrated the day in Praoklln Ball, on Sixth street, below Arch, at -half pant three o'clock in the afternoon A large want • bar of people were in attendance The Declaration of indepordence wee reed, and an oration deliv ered by William-11. dohneon. which wee frignently in terrupted w.th applause Addreaae■ were made by eeverrl f the membrra A tand of mus , c was in at. tentnnoe, dlecourelog moot eloquent mule. PUNDAY•gCBOOL °SLUR nTION. The Sabbath sehoola cohnelited with the Alexander Presbyterian Oherob (Rev. Alfred Resin, D. D., vector) Celebrated the anniversary of the nation's birth in a becoming manner. The large Peri rooms wets crowded with 'children,. t'eaohere, and Meech or the Sebbath goh. of owe ?atilt the , singing of a hymn. Re?. W Latts read a portion of Scripture and Trey. it A. Oar. den mrde a very impressive and fervent prayer The Declaration of Independent), was reed by liir 8. W Mcßride and A. London 8 untie n delivered an oration, Mr r , mith sang the Mar- Ppangled. Ranner, ,, the Schwan joining in the chaotic Matter Theodore Nevin made an address, which wan Paternity prepared and ad mirably delivered The extralegal closed with short addressee by Rey W W Latta, Col. J. Ross Snowden, and the superintendent 11. R. Shlllingrord, and the benediction by the peeler. THE TOURTd AT - GIR&RD COLLEGE., There was multi a celebration at Girard College, in honor of the dal , . It was altogether it sponianeoill affair, no preparatlbd hailog been made previtina to the day. The scholars moth the main hall of the eA. lege at 11 /Mock, Profeeenr Lemuel Stevens delivered a very pertinent and patriotic speech after which the Deelanation of Independence wee read in flue etyle by Harry B Prentice. Spa ;aches were also made by James McNamee. Pamuil Edgar, end Edward Malone. and were greeted with much epplause The addresses of thee* lads would have done credit to many ,older orators. A peculiarity' about the caleb•ation of the Fourth 'in Girard College, is the Snot that all the firework; are made in the College. The bore haring a practical •knoteledeli dhenzistry. pre fully capable of making these prrotachnice. There was a quiet interest about the celebration In the College that wan In contract with the busy scenes without ; though It wee as aPproprifite a method of spending the day as any indulged in by the non boisterous Inhabitants of the city We were at the College in the afternoon, and noticed that the in Pout or stoners was unto - ashy treat. Credit is doe to Mr ,Tones, the gardener, for the manifestations or his skill, Which greet you on all sides Within the walls of this noble educational institution. Till MiLITARY. Although there wsetno general demonstration of the military, a fact exceedingly to be regretted, pet there Were several oompanles out. The election for kiejor. General of the Philadelphia divielon of Pennsylvania; which teok place during the day, absorbed a great deaf of attention. 1111Weee'r: dere were a number of compa nies patriotic, enough to forget these things, and odd by their example and bearing to the interest of the day The Rate Penclblen, Colonel Pegs, - and Waehineton Blues, o.pt Patterson, paraded In the morning They were accompanied by the Pennsylvania clime! Baud The Washt.gton Grape, Cant. Parry, alto turned out with an excellent hind. After pass ng through a tram = her of streets, they proceeded to Broad street and Girard airannejsibere they deed thirteen ronedi of blank der. tridgee. The itedhenla Blflee, °apt !datum, also Bred thirteen rounds, alter poising through our thorough. fares. They were accompanied bye full band. At noon. the Notional Artillery, under command of Col John K. Ilidephy, Bred A national Wats at Broad and Market etreete. The fieoond Regiment of the Seeped Brigade, having b.en celled out by Col Conroy. six compaules resPooded to the &der, They paraded dilring the morn ing, 'eche:Tented the Wilted State* Oornbt Bend. • A MILIrAIIY The Philadelphia Greys saluted the anniversary at about 3 o'clock 'in the morning, by discharging bar of rounds of muaketry from then. armory er !neon The compels y then proceeded to the residence of one of their mein bete std were treated to a very excellent breatfa.t. It to onneceimary to .ay thetthe aforesaid breakfost wan demolished In the moat gallant style. SALUTES . . An fin:Unlit+ numb n. of salutes were fret durlog the day, by mllit cry compsnles, firemen, cod others It would be almost iturowslble to otamber tb•m att. The Demi:lands of the Te rteenth Ward dr..d.a saldte of di gape. one for eanh Mato, at snorts°, and an oars gun for the Proaideut. TIM /txnastort • The reiloes fire sonipaniel of the city celebrated the ea" .wi th the usual earnestness and good feeling. ro cbaracterletlo of that noble. frank, and much' .abused clews. Dy special permire'On of the Chief Jett" sitieer, all the dre belle to the olty wore ring during the flf.x. The iltigent Bimin i ! Company displayed • new flag Fromo their bottom. at Tenth *MI Filbert attests T.. - or aleo fired a swivel hoot their cupola daring the d r, 414 at nlittit titer had a grand d , tp ay of artwork* :Thiughiroailown Qom (loropeoy,lired • cannon front untilaix o'clock in the morning The Inds. psalms Hoge Company having obtained the r trw strem eppete had It beau.lfol:y decorated. sod paraded through ple streets In the morning, aceompaoted by a band of 10 , 0110. A very auccelafal trial wire made In the afternoon, in front of the Amerlean Martial:as Rail. . . = The Southwark Mae ae Company exhibited theirn e w Steem.pvepalling engine. it is Quite a novelty, sod et. treated a good deal or attention. The teed-in4lend Fire Company. in Ninth strent, above Pooler, also Bred a unbolt de Zing the day, and displayed fireworke in the evening . , The Schuylkill Nose Company housed their new book and ladder truck The company have , five !eiders maleng 120 feet The truck bac two rule, one at each ehd. to tarry forting bone for deem urgings. The Columbia Regina Compaq Celebrated the day bye display of fi•eworke end bunting. end &inn rff a women The Fronklin Engine Company alto had seve ral patriotic ceremonies solog on in the course of the day. The Friendship Fire Oompacy were presented wit* a met or inuoificent than by the Wise of the Rieventh ward fir William Dunn unreel/tared the ladles In an elognent epee-h, which was responded to by Cue's' Were on behalf or the company. The main bail of the bolidnng won filled with a great number of ladies and a few, gentlemen. After the rpeeking wan ov . r the Wire were tr.ated toe light collation of Ice-Dream, cake end wine, while the geotlemeti adieut ed to a more sub sten tal en'ertaniment A nu-ober of toasti were given by the gentlemen and responded to by invt , ed guests There wee a display of fireworks in tee even. ing, and a patriotic time generally during the day., A Net rt Oats *ere pretended to the Franklin Hose Company for their auction engine by the United Aa. sernbly—a party of young men in the eouthiveatern part of the city The wheels were presented on behalf of ,the Assembly by the Hon. Oeo. T Thorne and received ,on behalf of the company by the Non Jo hn Al. Batter, after which the company eat down to a collation re. pared by the company. Tee nimbi are of. excellent workmanehip, and a credit both to their maker and the Assembly presenting them. HE SOUTHWARK OBLXBRATIONr. The great celebration of the Fourth was that under the anspleas of the citizens of the &cold ward, or the Did it sit lot of Southwark. There was a band of music statioced in Jefferson Sdnare, which was filled during the day with crowds of Mlles and gentlemen At the hour- hf coop, precticely, smith:lost mitts of twenty-one gone wee fired, and the assemblage was formally or ganiaed into a grand nations: meeting Jam Johnson, Beg , Was dalled upon to preside, and &large number of vita presidents and secretaries Were appointed. - Mr. Johnston, In taking the chair; made a very brief and eloquent aidrees. iThe lleolaraticin of Independence wee then read by poster George W. &flinger; In a distinct and graceful :Annum. immediately after, which the band piers' the idepirtog air of Hall Colombia." Colonel P. ft White delivered the oration. Atter speaking at some length oq the blessings of American liberty, sod of the want of gratitude to the illustrious dead felt by the people of thin country Colonel White sold: AI education gives ne mind to appreciate our free. dom. no Inter mans no muscle to dePod it. With tern perance Wintry, and patriotism, then we alien have no, fear from foreign wroogs. Let de then be more and mere Intensely American, (I do not mean it in a patty manes ) Let Americanism, next to religion monopol se cur thoughts, our Mislay. our constant's , ' our devoil , m Add when the scenes of ilre are growing dim in the hour cf ouch a natriotis death, the drearinees of it , twat tuonieuta will tie cheered by the reflect'on that their happy America, the moving star of nations, Is to biked its mellow rays upon bit children's children The orator zoncvided amid general manifestatione of applause innieg the ufeeramin ant evening, the band in the Square performed admirab'y. and the proreedinge t r• minated about 10 o'clock P M , with a grand oiepl .y of litcencrks. Not an Incident occurred. AP are - hi lay to mar the festivity, which will long be remem berrd with pleaante. De-ore the meeting in tile Fonare adjourned, the fol- lowing resolutions were unanin ouely adopted: It solved, That the thanks cf this meeting be fen. dered to Dr. Geo W Keener for reading Ve Declare. Von of Independence, and to Philip S White, 11:q . for hisentreirsble address, and that a copy of the same be raked for poblaation. • F wined, That when Ibis meeting adjourn, it be to moor again. at the tame time and plane, on the fourth day July, 1860, end that the r Mums of this meeting be &committee of arrangemeute for carrying out this resolution. DBMOCHATIO ODLHBRATION. Yrung Men'e Democratic Association of the Vigil sante. ward assembled on the morning 0 , the Fou h , at Franklin Hall, southeast corner of Bizet., rough street and Uirard ISTODOIi, an, organized by cell inglalr William Bildt, Jr., to the obair ; Samuel Ole thief, was chosen vice pteaident, and George - Po'ly oemetery. The Deolvatton of Independence waa read by J4ntoe Dyoh, end en oration delivered by Henry 11Angbesn, Ent. After the oration, the quartette clah attached to the noels tot enlivened the company by sevet'il of their national glees. INDEPENDENCE HALL. After all, the greet and never-Hein; alraotion of tha clay on the Fourth of July, 'a the Bell of lode pendepce, where the immortal document of oar free dom MU presented, discussed. peened, enrolled, and eigned, Au n.ttal, the old Hall was thronged with people during the day—i great many of them etrangera The old rafts were dwelt on with avidity, ano many lrok of patriotic pride and severer! ce wee cam at the mutilated boll that raug out the glorious tiding., and the honorable fame decking the walla of those who did no much to perpetuate the fabric eetablialted by the °oath:motel Congress A DISAPPOINTMENT. The l pitleens of the Northwestern portion of the city went tb some expense for the purpose of haying a di& play of fireworks at the lot on this corner of Twentieth and Green streets An order for constructing the' fire works was given to Prof. Samuel aeration, the oelebrated pyrnteeihnist Fevers! pierce lbw' been made by P.O. Joann, and were ready for Oliver:, when the Weir enrage :oontis.ratlon took plaAte OR Sunda, last. that destroyed hie whole establishment. Panamint to the di notice st lied been given, ho lever, a large on ~b er r.l nit rend assembled at webtl ith and Green streets to witness the exhibition, but, asleo exhibition was forth amine they went born dleaphointod ME CONTINWTAL pirianant to the retoleth* art pled amid ID 11:1110b taint goalie a few ereoke ago the new hotel at the eel per or Ninth and Chestnut itreets reealvad Pe new 1101.16 on' the 4'h The .40130-Icum flag was Welted en the Nintbeetreet trot t, end' a flag, ttearteg the name •• (P.n• tlnental to en the.Ohnetnut•itreet front. No other Oetemor, 05 tee 0% We Were able to learp, attended the bap m OABIAO'S WOODS At Clamae , s Woods, at the terminus of the Tenth and Eleventh-street r illway, there was a Urge number of people Induigieg in lager, dimming and promenedieg. TherOwere a great many roirdies on the ground, .ad a degree of ladr.ito dieer 4 er prevailed. A number cf bands discounted Boma very tine mist°. but ai therein& so mark disorder it woe impo eible to duns, ,Thete vete no police on the ground „ An extra lumber of Bre &lame oharacteriged the day Most of there BM are to be attributed to a negligent take firewor)s. Am a general thing the damage in sures& was very slight. scarcely more than. nominal We give a bet of the principal tires that happened i The roofs Of five (Welling hedges, Hallowell street, oboye Sixth, between five and elx oidloak, Were de troyed by fire. Originated from a , c double headed Hotelman.” , - - - The root 'of a house on Third otreet, near New, was also destroyed about NU o'tlook in the &Hermon about eleven o choir at eight, the roof of a NO 484 North Third street near Sane, wag oomewhat damaged. "- Half pest twelve ololeek 'Weida) morning, the roof of J• Hrovreeriedwelling,49l Borth Fourth area, woe slightly damaged. Abut four &desk in the afternoon. a house in eleventh atraet:obois lbomblVd. Was Heed by flreirorim. and demsgad to the Went of $6OO. , The dwelling of D. Y. Carpenter, 2848 Poplar etreet, damaged to the eatent of ;20.. _ At half cast nine m the evening, the of a hones no (lamb ate.et above Twelfth, destroyed. About el: root at, the roof i fa frame hones on Apple street, below G. ergo street, wee partly destroyed. &toot one o , cl , ok the note( a dwelling at sonthe3st corner of Praniford road and Girard avenue was destroyed. At two o'clock, a dwalliog In lfrankford road s abate (Mar, was slightly dalhaged At two &carrot In the afternoon, the roof or a house iu Eleventh street, above torust. Damage 'td At ore o'clock yesterday moroisg the basement of Mr. Coorob's surgical lost umant factory, at X' gatli and Bennett streets, was somewhat damaged by fire Originated accidentally. Cirier , e Mill, at Pine and Twentieth 'treats, woe slightly damaged in the roof by ■ 6 . donble•headed About nine o'elook, at night, the roofs or several homes in Seventh street above Market, and at the same time the roofs of three more houses In Breed's oreari t near Hese and Eighth streets, were destroyed by lire There were Reveal other Alight fires in different parts of the olt, that *ere ettinguishei without the aid of fire ooMpaniee A donble.sie..ed Ontehman eat fire to the roof of b use r o 918 Wirneek street Tee prope•ty was no; copied by T Winters, and owned by W. Hawkinson. Roof destroyed ' About ten oielnov, at night the roof of W.elay co lored °Have, L mbard above Fifth, .rd the Septet • Ohnich, on Spruce, above Fifth were sllghty damaged by Ore o,lgiparet 'row fir-works. The home No. 1339 Ridge avenue was set on fire by the wad of a pistol The dwelling of Mr Itinwelfter. In front street, be. low Master, was I Joe •d In the roef The dwelling of Mr Jaentr Cramp, at the corner of elotimond and Wood streets, was set en lire and duns. gid, The gantlet lllittriih in lignite street below riftbi took dr....sod a largelele wag burned in thy, roof About 2 o'clock the grocery store. of iffr. Bley, In Front arrest, below Spruce. was burned out (Me aleftit. $BOO. The flames er gloated ins de the store. On Molder afternoon the roof of the dwelling of Mr N L. Rosenthal, No 816 New street wag destroyed by Ere, and the houge was deluged with water The hours at' thing No 886 was orinalderably damaged by are and water rho steamer of the P*ll4delphis Hose O•on. pony twisted off one of her axle, at Fah and Arch streets, while proceeding to thin fire The dwelling of Mr Widetera No KB Warnock street, Twentieth word w s net on Ore in stas morning by a dotible•headed Dolehmsn,te and danieged about the roof At two cdolock In the monolog the frame 'genet ter.honee of 2rbardt 'Weigle. In 'Virginia street. be. tiresn -Tir.nty-third , and TWenty ftintb, Fifteenth ward, Wes destroyed by are; two adjoining dwelling. Were dimmed. The roof of the dwelling of Mr Feud, Beater Wed, below St John. was damaged " The dwelling, No 408 South fifth street,' Wm de. m^gei • ' Th. dwelling. No. 425 South Twentieth street, was slightly damaged The dwelling, No 1102 Walnut street, wee slightly damaged in the roof. In the evening a alight Ore «warred In Blair , . drug store, at the southwest corner of Eighth and Wal- nut streets A ,drtellitr in Warren street, bele*Tweifth, Seventh ward, wki damaged The dwelling No. Tr Passyunk road, less dm•ged. A dwelling at the northwest corner of Ninth and Klippen streets was damaged: 0 IIiIIALTIII9 Whenever there is an extraordinary damage to pro perty, there is a corresponding Injury to persona. While there was math injury to persons yesterday, we are glad that none or the accidents resulted fatally as far es we °quid learn, the following are the accidents tbet tranerdred i A lad, resl , ting in the Nineteenth wa,d. named hut. Woad. had his band badly shattered by the premature disobarge of a pistol. He was taken to the Episcopal Hospital, A lad named Jaeob Shaeffer had the first Joint of Mk right thumb blown oil by the premature disobarge of a' motel, in the neighborhood of Twelfth and Spring Gar den streets. • Mari hjeLaughlin, aced IS, badly Dined by the es 'plosion of e, fluid lamp on Eridej het, near Marcus Hook, died on Monday evening. John Bre.n. geed IS. right hand badly lacerated by the premature dierbargo of a pistol. William Berns, aged 24, arm fractured by falling off an exp , eus w, gun at Third and Tine streets John MoOann, aged 6.9 ler! arm fractured by falling down the stairway at Valrm ant: Thome Rioter, aged lb, left thumb blown off by the discharge of a pistol at Eleventh and Shippen streets Patrick Smith, aged 19, hand lacerated by the Totems tore diecha , ge tif n olefel 11,b, rt Seare. aged It left band ldcerated by the die. °barge of a pistol, at gitirmonnt. Patrick bletinrmuni, aged 16, left thumb abet off with a pletol. John afaCourt, aged 18, left hand hesitated by a ph. tot dl.oharge Pranele Larking, left arm fractured by falling off the roof of a hoagie, at the the, near Christ Church in the afternoon AlidtClung. left band b dlq Irjeeed by the die ebarge Of a 'Ado', at Itineteenlii and Pi bert 'tree , / Metaled Slee t aged 20, left band Wily injured from saws eatum' at Tbirteanth and Loosest streets Frederick Atlmmel, vgvd 25, left bead lacerated from 11411030 canoe rbsrles l!tfcGlnee, aged 21, left shoulder dliCiVnited, tallier off aeoach..at eeenth and ederlist.strentr, Bt•pheu Loweiey, aged la five and eyes Wares] with - Powder, by a bny Mug a pistol le bla fees, at Blghlb and lilts water streets • Juba Gallagher, iged 21, 'tabbed with a - Okla.!, by Geo iltagibbon, at Fitairater street and Paayank roil& Yeeob _ltereman, aced • 0, left leg fr.otared, to. befog at, nee by the toogu• of the lltnplre Stook MO Ladder. - Nathan Eel. seed 22 lett hand lacerated. by the ex pdeaton of a el , tol, at Penn and Pleventhitreata - liennob Odlleni aged b 7, head out, by felling down In the street. A man mauled Robert Pottage* was brongla to the bow phal nn Monday reentow with onmenme cute abut bis brad and bade wild to have been initiated at Wirth and °boatel:at street, .He could give no seem:int of Mewl, The 100,0-1311TMO email were admlUed to the Pena- Wean!' Roselle!. There wer. e number of other ap plicants, *hope wound. were attended to, and thdlodl rio.ua • aPerward. diedb,weed. Tabu Breese°. nerd fifteen. had Ida !lager blcwn off by the prematu•e 111..eesii4a et a pistol - Campbell, 'ajar., d in the min by the fip'o rt a piatAl in bla pocket, while etendlng . at Twentieth nod ongten i.tt:ePte Charles Rmhardt. bend lacerated by the exp!oalon of a pistol at Ga' , roantotra. Josepb Idetatdre aged 10. wse run ore by the tender of the 13^3d Will Steam-engine Company, at Thirteenth awl Rena atlePta • J.septi Ovary, thoisto shot off at Elgllth sod Oaths ri. w streets John Carnahan. Nand hesitated by the exp mon of a pistol. at &wild and Loisbdre *Deets A ,on a at td.j r Plomerfalt. of the firdend ward, hat his right band iblared by the exploison of a pistol SCHNEE INCIDENTS. ito , The day was. ea • general thing. VOff quiet—there being. but little disturbanne apart frottiMe Ensral sad tit intairiipted aplosion of prowler be streets. and paqicularly Ohestatit street, presented • tnoet enimated amino. Crowds •after. cro*da throe - gal that beautiful thoroughfare the ladies wrrd•rfatlo glev. lying few and far betwsen We can only attribute their abiertre, when such an excellent , opportunity wee presented for exbibiling tb sir bewitching faros and fashions to that itilierent dislike of gunpowder, as much a part of woman's compositionse r , sr cheeks end crinoline. Around the moues, and part'enierly wooed ITU peedence riper., greet number. alueterrd There were feet young . men and slow old fogies, tinerant me'. ithente rod speculates peanut boys, Inds with embers and yrting men with pistols stray sold e•s In shining ePagl I god roger deems • on the nto for the ever•r'ourring a'arm, the roll of drums and sound' of torisio from operating boa's of soldiers. societiee and grotesque altibs. heavy-loaded passenger oar•, creeyong ae they never before, under burdens they never carried before. with here and there a timid. TentUreSOMS woman hurrrivg along at a feightened pace from the flying poeder that Clime In all directloes. There wee a large business done oy the dealer" in re fieshrneute of alt clams. from the Drat Ova bar room to the lernmcsde eland ou the corner. sod front the large con'actionary saloon to the vendor of cakes and candy in a well-worn basket. There was every conceiv-ble device for making money by ingenious men, either swab aor too liar to dc an hour's work Me. obtuse of all kind; sat character were in emaeog ere fus to n—welshing rr nob in es, blowing machines, testing your strength machinee, thtunpmg me Woes, blood messurina meohinee, and all on'y was con.. a shawls t , 800, Platens who limpid be skonideeing the muskets of Victor Humanwl instead of a ereatin, hand organ. and bottom Italian maids, who Pamela be urging their brathren to the field indeed of their tambourine for stray pennlee. ware ati plenty is bloat berries in Anyaet In the event , g the crane was indeed munificent Thus who have beheld a Fourth of July salt ap COMA at night will hardly thank us for a deuriotion ; and Monday night win ant an exception to Its pretleoeseere. Prom early twilight to the small hours of the mornior the Wee weee. bright with •• the rockets' red glare " and the beautiful falling stars that human skill seeds onwards for an instant to chow how poorly it can conn ty trait the great originals beyond he observance of the patrio•te Aatibeth of the year yea marked and universe', and though there *Whams • x lessee incident to its commemoration, yet there was a pervading spirit of thank ravens and contentment that the Wood bought liberties of the Republic are vouttheafed to those who are proud to be named timed eta 011iFeht, and who can enjoy them until the last fourth of July in celebrated by a free andaidependent world IN TRH MINIM In the suburbs of the city there was a more heart felt, though more quiet. eel yawn , of the day Tean in the noisy preolnent If the city. In the Twenty-third aard. a number of the citisans celebrated the day in Thompsonfa Grove, at eixth and Venaegn streets An o - ation war delivered by .1' Wagner Jarman. Esc and •hort addressee made by Rev T J Davie, Mr Logs .d P. E Thompson. Notwithetanding the large DlM bar congregated at that pleas cot a aegie instance of lawlensuess or rowdyism was observed—a circumstance which vary be attributed to the ebfence of intoxicative drinks. an Immunity we can only regret was not more generally erj - ved To Wise Idokno. Maneyunk, Literal Rill, and the Palle, thourende retreated away fin m the noise and to mult of o owded thororighfaree and villainous powder The boats on the river and the pasoenger care of the fl reed Ooliege Railway were crowded with travelleri of every age aril sex. Fathers, mothers huabands, micro. and children whiled may the paw ing home of the anniversary on the banks of the river, or to the .6 ady grovel that lay in eight ; and a merrier or hap pier eight mild not really be imagined There was the inevitable amount of rowdyism, but not to much an generally &Wall there occasion.. In West Philadelphia Ringsesslng, and Derby, num • o.ra of families spent the time in the pleasantest man ner. There wee not extols a crowd there as on the Ile. oer Schuylkill, but there was none the leas real enjoy ment The people of Germattown. Norristown. p•ankford, sod around about. also shared in the geeeral ; nitrifies There were several private displays of fireworks. while the firemen, sold , e•s and milseris expended their pa trioitem in ringing the belle, displaying the bunting, and exploding the powder, in a most eatiefsetore man ner We are stud to see by the pellete reports; that there was tomparatively little disturbance In these portions of the euberhan atty. AMU TILE MIER Ammo the ' , yin, to goody and Wean New Jersey, thounands retired. though, owing to the aoolne!e of the weather, the number was not as g•est as has been here. •otore. Red Batik. owing to the late reduction of fare. distanced her Jere ey neighbors in the rate for numerical •uperiority We are glad 10 say, that with Berl Bank en with manly portions of our auhurbe ?WWI de noted themreives to a most orderly manner As an ..tae pie of the Intga number or pa coopers visiting this rienutifni epnt, we have be.n to ormrd that in fon trips the No nrr boat three thousand Ore hundred parser• gem ware tel en fr.m thin oily At if itionneld, N.irr Jnreer . a few miles above Cam 1-o th-re was au •nqamproent in whet wee ca.li d Coup Grace. TA. me-t' .8 wee amble the direetten of the .01 It Tabernante, nod was very naraPtaaillY at tended b .th by rhileCilehians and Now lerseyinen At U Rev D. Bai Wm, of Philadelphia, preached as elm (mot sermon, gloat was listened to with profound attention. IN TUE 001INTIIV In the villageswithlo the reline of a hundred miter, the Tourth -paeged od:ratber quietly. One reason .4' title in, that most of - the'farinere ware dattalied in hard vestiog• andeould cot Well saerifl .3(1 Boob a fine day reY lab e - to the "glortftoation of their ante tore. In the larger totem however. patriotism prevailed. and in &Won Heading, TottAville, Lsocaeter, West Chaste-, and other toffee, the calibrations were on quite a Mi. °TIP' r'Shaihl 'Mt* 'Venetia a scale tut in the mearopmtS In West Chester, the great attraction of the day wan the monster gathering of Sooday.sehool elbitd•en at the Methodist Episcopal Church That in West (the, ter, the Grove children from Chester Valley, and they. Media and Orosleaville schools from Delaware coun ty were all present In one gathering. The dleVey It sell to have been exceedingly eredi table. In the eren• log there were many exhibitions of nreworks, and great' rejoicing generally. • ORGABItATION OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL -I..sad —The gourd of School Controllers lately elected sow mbled in the hail of the hoard on Woodsy morningi at 10 Waimea., Twenty-bye potions Were present,. - Themeeting witslemporarilf orgsniiii by errnointing Stephen rarrand president, and B. M. Ddenibery se.- oretary, Heinous. Jackson, Holllogeworth and Martin were ap.. voluted a conimittee to watt upon Mayor Usury, and rev. 11,01.4 him to qualify the members The Mayor was introduced, sod administered the oath to the Monitore. The election of president being next in order. Mr. Ivies nominated Henry ntimm, of the Eighteenth ward, who wee chosen by amlaMation,. Upon rating the chair Mr Bumm delivered the fol lowing address ' Galleriamor : In taking the chair of the president allow me to ecknowledse my appreciation of the high borer you have conferred upon me. to preside over your deliberations I feel the ; position is one of great re. sponalbility. as well as honor.'ned I eliall depend 01 voor cordial support, In n- der that oar labors may tend to the solvandeutent of our noble system of education, and the honor Of niir city The selection of a secretory Tpr next In order. rfollingsw , rth nominated R. Y.: Georphill. • Mr. Tanned nominated Boole) A Allison ti soh the roll being galled the vote stool se follows : liemphill.ve 17 I Allison 4 White • Mr:lfemphi I tra. deolared 'cleated. zed on motion of Ate Pa.rand the election war made unanimous . . • Mr, U acknowledged the compliment in the follow language: Gentlemen: I return you my sincere' thanks 'for agetin• ,looting me to the Positino I have en long peon pied. Thla morning lam en'sring on tee 20th yens in your aerie°, end I hope be stint attention to the dutfila of the ott . te to merit your cautioned esteem and epißienee A com-nrualeation Wes facetted . fenm 'Sheers U. P. Lowlerb,cle John Pi lite and W U llett. a committee aponinted by the prinwpals of the 11 aye' Geammer Schools ln examine foto alleged fords in the Nay - nine. tine of oardlda ea for adm 11000 'ln , the Centre' II•gh School Ihe anmmul faction Reba the opco•ntment oe II 8 • 01•1 comnePtee of isveetigation, and elates thee, eheuld the request be granted evidence will be pro doped to estabsiela the feat +hat the queations , n The tory. Geography, Corset tutinn of the United St-tea r Prinelples of Arithmetic, D-doltione of Worde, Gen,. graphy. and Peeping wane to the knowledge of A AlDA her of candidates a short time prior to the examination in mob of these edible/It/. On motion of Mr Won, a epeeist committee of five wde eppointed to layeetigata the °bargee. , The Com mittie coin:lsla of Messrs. /rens, Farratid, Annoy. Blynn, Ind Jackson A resolution, suspending the present examination notil for Per instruations from the board, won submit ted, and, after considerable debate, weasel plod. . A eommardcation wee received from the Fifth tee• Von aveerming the aotion of the - ter Opel of the South• ale hart. grammar cahoot in wttbd.awine hie aloe from examination ooscconut of the alleged %awls Nit. hared to the weld committee &dimmed,. LAYING OP A COIINER•STONS.—Testerday "fiancee the eorner'stone of a building designed for the use or the Western Provident Society for a dill. Breda home, located at Logan and if enango streets', Wait Philadelphia, wee Isod with arproyiate cetera.- flee. The stmlety has been in eglatence for eight years, and ditrieg that tithe Itte encattd, 'clothed. and fed s large number of Children. it addition to furnish fog employment to many, indigent didoet„ ~The, Are' four years Its object was principally the relieving Of tie immediate wads of the poor of that vieinity; einee then, however, a regular system has been adopted, and over •se hundred children have boenme %mites of the institution received moral and reigtoos instruction. and bate been enabled to earn their own tiring At reaeut the school conelete of some forty rhildeen, of of lt mime ringing from gin to thirteen veers of age Charter was e Inserted from the Sate_ Legialatnre a short time since, *hid gifes tlient all the privileges enjoyed by the Northern Borne fur leriendiees Children and other charitable indltutions in cif atty.. The building about tobe constructed is Arty feet vinare, will be four stories high. with all the tandem emcee nieneas and will cod, when completed &Vint $1,600 The lot upon which it is located exert $5 000 The en terprise le being carried on by private rubicript , ons and le serta'nly deserving of the tonsideration of the humane and benevolent of our oily. The armistice were opened with prayer be the Bey. Mr Boberts. Col. litigereld, of the.Csry Item. made a brief and eloquent addrees t *lidding to the differert charitable !Asti tationd,of oar city. and the gond resune achieved by th quiet related aerated in graining whete yellows who sad &belied fife benefited juet seek inetitntions as that shieth *no being erected there, had deem to eminent positions In Society end been an honor to themeelvee and their country." It tau a nrble work In vhich they were engaged. and one that meet enlist the beet feelings of humanity. One of the staled forks that Weld be performed was to tate a poor Delta.* being sad rear it up to beautiful manhood or womanhood, and flodis blessing must attend the 'dint - Bev. Mr Butler followed, and spoke of the importance of the work In which they were engaged Be alluded to enteral eminent men who bad been reared in the orphan's asylum at Brooklyn, New Tort, which Is eon ducted on the acme princip'e. They were not only pro. tiding for the temporal welfare of the children en. trusted to theft - care and teaching them how to become rueful men and woolen. but were Inatrucring them In thing. pArtaining to their epiritual welfare. And Coen. bleating would dentate' crown their efforts with Mumma ..... Mr, N B Browne. the president of the moiety, made shoit eteteolt after sebiett he proceeded *Rh the oere• monY of laying the Comer stone. The following arti cles wets deposited In the Vx : Ooplos of the 104 rapers the - sot of Incorporation of _the Western Provi dent Society, the names& the absent of the institution. also t the ambiteo , and builder, a list of the charitable Institutions of "ha city of Philadelphia and the diffareot eotne of the United States Af•er the csremooy had been performed, the Rev Mcßoberts made a short ad• dre•a and the exercises closed. ' • BEL? -raogELincaSTmear PitivaitOttas wiletr. —7 he new steam fire-engine lionthatark s which woe seem .tly received by the Foothwark Hire Company, and poser seem the pgaulise tenuity of propelling herfirlf, was tried yesterday afternoon. Steam was generated 'in about ten minutes, at the bouts of the company, ia Third street, below Lombard, Where a large crowd as sembled to witness the operetdon Ater everythlog wee prepared, Fire Detective Blackburn, and neveral,of the members of the company numbering Wean per.' eons, mounted the machine. and sbe surfed Om and k availed over the folio- fog route, at the rate or tar miles an hour; tip I..ombard to, Fifth. up With to ghestunt: tin Obeetntr. to Broad, down Broad to youth, therm,* to Demure 110P1211; and fU ally up Lombard atreet bill, (acknettledged to be one of the steepest In our city) and thence to the hence of the company. The power for propelling and throwing Water is woe. derful. being three r four tines greater then an• of the r rdiusry eteam flre.englnes now In use in the city It Is estimated that she can readily .th ow 1 600 gallons of water per minute. The only quest , on at It.eaent, hoeevor,tn whetiter.tbit &Matte. for depot fog water are auffi -tent for her capacity' the majority et the wafer mains In this city beteg only sis-Inch, espe cially those In the strange ramie% east sod welt white, In order to furnish her vr,th an adequate supply, a twelve inch main would be rtliutted pc,ttera t o lion hove been fully tested to the e.tisfaction f all portion. and we have no doubt ebe will prove bertelf fully 'quid to any emergency. another trial viii pro bable be made to-day. GERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMINARY —lt WAS our pleasure, on Wednesday lett, to be present at the drat semi-annual examination of the penile of the all ire named inatitation The exeroves were of a highly interestmg character. consisting of examina tions in the various branches taught in the Paulin ry, re tiling of original onmpottitiont and several begat f po-tie recitals, The perfoeman•es oectipi.d some four hours ; and, notwithetentling the Waage heat, the teems sod friends of the school who were present, moot hated the livelicat toter. et through - tit, and at the olose exto eased their high appreciation of the profieleoey of the pupils, end the thoroughness of their instruction - Am for ourselves, and we eposk advisedly. Ta were es paoial y gratified at the evident attention p.ld to the study of the Nnglish language B• glebe , utposition, and mathematic ; and that too, in a ea col to which-the ornemental brattebet receive the largestencontagement Prom the high reputation enjoyed ray the Principal, in the ,outh an, West, both as dwatplitarlan sod teacher. aid from Ile mewl• acquired incitation to OUT midi. we yen ore to predict a merge and denoting iglu 'Rion to the seminary to the fall The c.bs a- of Germantown have reason to congratulate themselves that they have, in their midst, the sapiens of a ti -at class female isatitetnn, • and that it in st,der the di-ection of two cu-h accomplished to cohere ea Professors Fortascue and Ladry. Professor Fortune as we are informed. Ls a distin guished geminate of the Velverrity of POLIU.JIVaDIa e member of the clans of ID, and has,• from •he hour of hie gradustion, been enthusiastically devoted to the profe•eirn of teaching. ORGARINATION OF THE BOARD OF GUARDIANS cot gall Foos —The new Board of Guardians organised at the Alrethonee on Morday morning Mr."'Pobblos was called to the chair. The Toll wee called and tea reambers,answered to their mess The meeting then proceeeed to an election for c Meese. which remelted in the uUNUiMotte choice of Mr B. W -your 'or proni dent. and Mr. P A. Server for treasurer. The presi dent was then duly sworn Into The further consideration of the rules far 1858 'or the government cf the body was postionsd, on motion of me Marts Mr D`ckluson moved that the vulva governing 'heed boards be adopted, as far ea practioable, to govern the pr•.ent organtant'o On motion of Mr. Marks. the nave were f sten up by seat'orui, and, after . erime alight 'lteration. adopted Menne. end Bebe, were appoint. ed on the Howe Committee and Messrs. Svelte, Mn ha and Se ver on the Support Committee. 0 a motloa of Mr. Marks, it was speed that when the Board edj urns It edinurca to meet on Friday Lent, at 5 o'clock at the Almeb• use, for the purpose of electing a tearetery clerk, and steward Mr D Odium° then 'lre , ed the following raolutlo• Resolved That a committee or three be appointed, tor the purpose of ascertaining and repotting to the itoa d the amount of approoriaton foe each item for 18th, yet unexpended—the quantity of supplies on hand, and the amount of debts due by the institution at this time. Agreed to • Messrs. Dickinson, ®reason, and Stover were sr. pointed a committee. On motion cf Mr Bober. aejournet. Col:tom:Vs szs.—Joseph Kappol, a white boy, 10 years of age, residMg in Dana street near Se cond 101 l into the Delaware. neer Nobla•street wharf, on Monday, and was drowned. Pie body was recovered In about twenty 111/1111teft, and an inquest bell yesterday morning Verdict, acclieotal drorrnmg John McKinney. aged 32 years a married man, died in the Eleventh•ward s'ation.honsa on Monday night 11a wag a man of Intemperate habits Verdict, basin. pram,. Robert Glenn. aged 35 peers. a single man. raiding in Pontb, above Ternt 4 etb street, was toned &meant In a emelt brick pond at Tw.ety-dist and Ovharine streets. at a INte hour on Monday night He wee a 11111GlOt intemperate habits. Verdict, accidental drown ing HOSPITAL Cents.—Jamen McCausland, aged 26 j eers, had his foot badly injured by a hey.catting machine,' yeaterdsy afternoon, in the vicinity of Sigh teenth and Market streets Andrew Everson, aged 88 years, a brakeman on the Peneeyiv•uin Itsilroedo , nelved a compciand freatcre of hie right arm, about two o'clock yesterday afternoon, while noconpling ears in West Philadelphia His in juries are of a serious nature, and it is feared =Ws lion will be necessary. He was taken to the Pennsyl• van's. Hospital. A boy, named Thomas McCormick. egad 13 years, felt from a cherry tree last evening and ul.located his shoulter. He was conveyed to the Spinosa' Hos pital BADLY BURNED.—EIIen Babbit, a little girl, was severely injured on Monday afternoon by her clothes catching fire Dom a piece of exploded fire cracker When she first discovered that her clothes were on fire eke tubed into the air, which aeon pro duced a flame. &vent persona were atttaoted to the spot, and wrapped her in a piece of • art st, which sub dued the flames Ear rode is severely, though, It is thought. not dargelouely injured The accident hap pened on Front street, near Greenwich FOUND DEAD.—A. man was found dead in coal yard in the Fleventh bar! on Monday ♦vening. The boda was removed to the Sleveeth.ward etatloa home The Ooroeer held en inquest. OAVGAT.—Alderman Moore on Monday *riming hold to ball .lono Tobia, elms Totbr. to An egret the charge of Flaking the pocket of . Elliateth Bone. nit Niaioiiini , W4 7 lll.croa G4m4luz. The eleettoio fee • Midi , Ganeral of the Pb l / B r . billabr DJvfeSeb of Pitaireylvaole VOlantee4i ere'ettm W°6 " ' • day, at thethßtetyCoureiloisif , ' irbiebiotore wereall _ oo.ontieeloned , or gal rare ontitle4 ta" . elarnoesbi• aloe, Mdeb sae temeraf orteCterill - WOlitiriVrele B 14. - relation to the reeedti , Stare WM really oety eae eau.. didate in the dale. the person of Gen -Robert Pat.", the ;meant intranibent - 'A nisiu'm of lessen' General gledwalarbre`e I...brote - wore arlitaftliat that .gentleman should enattr the oterfase, lantry obstiltiortelia74 the Zildrei ind.rgratfilialy be - salted, aft He otaiarr to,„the °fifes. sad enentetly re. - oneated that airitilld be oonelde,ed - ai feeling retired ' to favor of Malor - Generaltrattarecial,;Tbe ideation ra molted at follows?: Por eta. Patterson, 82 votes; for Geo. Cadeabuteri 82,rotee . - 11ret_brigede,4601artend do GI; Third do. B—tor Gen. Penmen k ; :first lei rade sa; Second dd. 4. - ; and Third do: 26 for Gamma Cladwalader.. 'er General-Patterson. 20 The re.eleetiraofGeneral Patte ri On t' the pord, , he tan {0 lees Oiled w ih so much boast to himself, and those under hie command, - te a el eonietaraa at,ese,t-alr gratifying tO'his Mende es staling the teeetietly high eatnnaterphaead upon hie service bylberoGttary officers of: Oar city brigadev.' „- • Stinoo.C:lflosave ELZOTED.—The Section organized on Monday e elcdtton of etas. eanegran; President, end U. L. Itenilies'.thleritazy Fondle 4 tation:—;AidntirJ:,Osilinil, Preeldpet, d Seerr.W - 11e•el ~ E lecretary - ' Tenth 81 , ction leireil,rrotieentr%" - -'r;7/' burn. Elecretarr And aware E. Bee4all ~___ Twentictifgeation ,-Georglit W `gnill, iteAldsnl, and G 11 •blitebelli Foorotsry. SetiOOL DIRICToite oa Flan The Echoed Moots» of Brat ;wird 11,1;4' ay a:omin by electici-Thomeir it , :Barlow, Democrat, as president. Re received the - follonriqrsofei - ! d•"ln'a- Fra,ton, Herto.. Cosesiui,- itlehirde, Bhider, and ehe.sitne-1. The Opereit'on candidate was voted for by idoaev .11 _a /Attu Oinggi , Welton, Ohara. and Wdloge - b WU= D_ConsecliPeopiete party, Ire! eyotal seeretary, , _ AN OuTaaos.-Ati a aamberof little: boys were engaged fa d fog eft clacker/. at:Twelfth isrud Ldmthird streets; on Mande* evanlhg,a 4Res, named Mensgbad. 'Ward one of the WI, and 'throw Win Into the sir Ha fell on the netretromt_ and wee Jared - Movagban eta arrested and takenbefore,eldar men Swift, who committed hint to anaweri to await the ' " . .. - .. . .. , ALLEGED LARCSNY.--OftiCer Taggetrtir. , day arreerd • young man - ktonvis -- bj tat rum* nrialnes . Poenute,Pn Me oluirge'd J ohnrobbtnit ItcYtOtito; air bwd ogilkOf •It. oft. panamog•r <we . abort a - 40;M slum "1r w.tch was .übsactuonnir fouid at •uann, b=nter , s •luno - . nes nt. was taken berme llotorier liia.o ant committed to answer. • • ORGANIZATION OP TIM - 110A1VD - 08 no new boa d siamblii o'2o IgeDxlr. on Mrnetty rteng. stMath A. 4 Osamu strteic and wrap*, as follow*: Dr Pau) O. Bid9ard ws , chosen `A•A5re... 4 4.11, and Dr - Tamed McOres as kocietaTy A raphrtlmo ion .dopted to r.taln for the present, all the Rubino:trustee holding (Mee under the hoard. di A am named Snaan,Qaigley,'Aged thirteen years, was Inn over, on - IPsday evening - tr u ths Nor ristown cars, by whieb one fooiend knee were mashed. The accident happened at Ninth sod Thompson streets. phe t•kma to Br. Joseph's licapital. Prioress's - Franr. - -=A - nnieber of firemen and adherents of 'various companies engaged in a riot, at PeeOnd and Queen stree'e, on idondey - afternoon. during aphids the pollee Interfered, and arrested ri dna.n of the ringlealere.- The]; Vera Jaen before an aNlsrman, and held to answer . STABBED.—A: man name d -Jobe Bane was &'bed on Monday afterocon. Jobs D oo ms was rube,- quently &mot don the cherge,of traria eineneltled the died. and taken berm* Alderman Warren Vs. , bold him to &tomer Rua Ovica.—d little girl, name unknown, was run orarb, a wagon at Bar avenue and Eluvialls street,no Monday - m. 1421- and Odtioide-ably Weird g , a WRY taken to tbe misaldene• of bit limo I#loB,,tkerge 14;44 - above Sidra :mane • 4 --' , Joaxra MaGyms was , run: otter by 'the Good WIG 'Even* at lidrkrontk and - fßao• nag, about 6 o'clock on Monday •Tooirg, mod badly Injured. rHE LATEST__NEWS BY TELEGRAPH: - FOUR DAYS LATER FROM, CALIFORNIA STATES POLITICS—BSPUBLieiN 740111NATIONII—MTBV PESB INACTIVE—CANT sroira's raithr Dfityrs OPT PEo3f somsith;—ttevor:i OP INDZASI lil 60P0• EA—ciameer anissninsfertox. : - • (Si Orseautt Ifsit.)• Er. Lows. : Jair d —Till avarhil -lan; (rain Fen Freedom on the 10tb iienr/Yeo here Nee Weir. The venire tore[o& the [Movies hitell , rnee s The eelfornis likrealitloss etstiviloinsettan had no. Welted the foilowleir esedidatio ' For Govsznor—Lelred otinford of tifieragemato.'" for Llentemat Govereor. `F,:- Seminar; ot! Facts , Clare. „ Th. following noniinattens keys alma bsen'issiiii for Caramel , : V, 11. Biker, of eau Frouoteao. - - P. IL Sibley, of Wooer Ihisicasa eentioned losettreit gin rent Showell's Saab:eine Freeditfou tistreishott %Valuer's riser The rants trirersialisk Oast - 111,mikaa' thertena the diatom* from Camp Plort,to..ecifivlaiiir; hons,ed miles.' • - . The Aria miss. of the - eat CepY.'. Stone's part] bed arrtrel at Fort lisahmisu, boon driran oat ofloubre ,- tor Seirernir:Tailisinim Cant Stone proatelikto IRcoblagto., The revolt of ' the °pate/ova Tutu! Tedloss was ousting great epaqeralition - .loinlit . l4* hthabitaitkof From Pika!a. Peak. , - rAVonAgros RSPOSTS S I/606 TH6 DIGOVIGS—DEY sTntrOTtva Yvan ROAR. onsooars ny4antris—, , TWENTY totirn MITES LOST: -"- ST Louis July 4 ;--The Laaveoworth Timis of the 2,1 Inst. pobilshis • emiuMateation !Mee the gold:aeon, dated Juno 11th, whlah Is coos-dared. bur than pre .l.llB &ivy*/ ; Also, a. ftoc private /404 x. :7, 4 ltTrot-aric . tirrelry who iota' that there to Po *Wail abort the - rx7e erre of sold, in pores quantitiev, - - It ie eatentatisi that dr* totearitilateapi trill Who Operation by - August Ist 14aw and riot obooveries are mating Mere'illy. as terse prospeoting puttee are h.fos organised fort,g tbo , rough 'semblance. or the roeuntale diatelot.aa roe as Medicine Doe. on the North Greet Basis. - Great sotivitY Mantled at Denver Mir. nhPre '4O effects of the late prostration had eettreir,dlieppetredt:: Diseoveries or rich solid geld-beerier' gOirte" hare been made. - „ The express. - - which - left here tii•day fiir - themboes. Tat vowd .1 with vassevgers. I saysweroave. July 4°—The ciprry from Mower' elty, tilt dates to the 221 nit., arriund here yesterday - A large eo flegialieu ie mender in the yteteles on the WIWI.. between Gregory's and Jaelteenhr eta• ips and 'meaty- dye lives are repotted to have been lost The tomes of the unfortunate men bad eel been weer- Gor.lderablo gold duet is milting oddment at Den ver oily irketteeptele la in g eat demand-to cooks par- The Matins had defeated the GOIMCMIII3I Mop. In f.var gagement•. and were areovbfas ow •Onaymaa_ TV. re • tan 'residialls at °etyma' vete taking refuge or boar, their nattoosl ire* els - . •-_ , - • Bylvattar Maury tiae toTtY:ed at La Melilla FrPm Havana. ?Caw Volts Zoiy 13.--+bs stoma, Qu.ker.Clity bas arrtw•d. fm .. Hs. ans. sAll dates to In.-. INIA. No asneral o. we of interest fa finale:Wt. Fagan ire advasolng The Osamor Or moms , wat to Isar for Philadelphia on the next day, the Ist trust The North Ameriea at Quebec. TIM SHIP STALWAIIT, OP NEW YORK, }MIMED AT BSA Quips(' -icily 5 —The .tumor Worth Amortea. pore Liverpool ea the 211+1 nit has a1dr55,../15r•Va"la advice, bevel 'twee tottolvitett. , „. , . • The able Rtalwartt Owned le New Irak - er'd 'rote Nos (Munn to Ltverpeot wee eompletetr burned at sea. rbe eaptato a , ,d crew bad anived QM...11- •0w ,, , Abe Ii•cl s cargo of 9 FO5 hale• of elms • , Tee vessel wee folly t eared In New York.; Phtledelphta: acd ew Orleans t these • - - _ , TRIS OOTT4X 1111111(iT. Jure 20 —The rnttou ma to ill buoyist : sales of the week 10 060. bales. The teeeket alotool - arm - et 1021 ror Orleans , Mock** port 102 000 bales Later Foreign. Newt at Tiaed. A STEAMER. KGINALLVD Ott St 116CILTILLE. N tl . /We 6. 10 P —IL .teems- hap been eignalbsel betel: Bt J bnty end !Imp owe to be the esemer Adelaide, which cane from Ociwev on the 25th ult. Her .advicsa will be three den fitter ie con•Nnonco otorlog of tbo Nmro Fitotts Tolograpb C••mp.nt'a offices tbo riovet•d to be treeived for WednisSay 'morning's g►pars Wm bgdn de• isyed j Celebr , ql...n Abroad. AT WASHINGTOX WABITIN6SOII, rally 15.—" The dui , Iree celebrated by the customerr firing of paints*, and ringing ()Theis. The onivtots to the pealtantlary alO emisaed in patri eve o• seri/emcee—the readier or the Declaration of Independence. the esliverleg of an oration de In the eyentee there met a grand Government display of pyrotetebrdeg. I.7aulindly good order -eras, preeened during the day. Al lIALTINORIII. EEMi/i/U1;121 Numerous fires le vre atueed by fireworks. and la one ease fifteen small dWalllrgs !Me burnt. The temente were all absent from the city- The new tire alarm telegraph and the ateaM,l/k -euelies wtee kept busy during the entire day; and operated to great adnaotego AT BRTIILBIIEU PA: PAIGUATURI ➢I3CKA , GB 01 41' C/83.21-1118111f YOUNG Butuzswww, P•.. All, s—de s-aterday mnrolog tbroo young men were trjured by the prem•tare dis charge of a cannon tbey were obont &tog, If One, named Prltohroon. lost a eater. and the other two, 0-earbard end Toot were badly - burnt to the fete and They hare all rectelrel medical attendane• end arr doing well. The Way.. Artillery, of Norristown, - have bola speneirg • The Fourth" here. They are the priests of the Wa.blestoi Greys and Bethlehem Artillery lobo bare sumptuously en tertain.d them The - Wort w t company leave bere to day at 4 o'clock, highly pleased with their visit. They are I' Eine looking and Wel. drilled body of men AT ALTOONA 1, . A LToo3l. July t.—The anniversUY of our Indepen dence day vae paned here very p 1 isently. We were entertained In the evening with a !Militia dtepla or Ilreiro he stJhe -Logan Howie. Ihiire are already a number of venters here and the weather le delightful. Professor Wise, the Aerovant, at Lan RE IS ANXIOUS TO CROSS TIES ATLARTIC IN. A LANOMiTiEI, Ira] b.—Professor Wise relieved to Ala city hie+ evening. He publiehea a . foil account of the late voyses in the balloon I; Atlai3tie. , r In this eve. oires Express Ile conolabee the, stele). with the remark tliMphO is vow Willitut and anxious to attempt a voyage solves the orelni:' with en outfit 'bat • 11l not nest more than $6 00, end will do so as soon as he can raise the means The Balloon ca Atiantie"—Another Voy age to be Made. , Warsatown. N. Y July 4 --Ls Mountain arrlreB here thin morning with the balloon 1, AVantle Es sononneed that as soon as the helicon in repaired, he will make another yoyage from Wog° esetwezd Capsizing of Barges on Lake Erie— Eleven Pers - ons Drowned. Ciatt - statte, July 4.—The barge Sunshine espeitte& on Sautrday afternoon off Feinrct The captain, fiat mate, tour of. the crew, sad three children, were loot. The captain's wife, second _mate, and MX of the crew were pieked up on Sunday morning The barge B. A. Standard, from Buffalo to Chicago, also °intoned on the north chore, onyetturdly, end the two mates were drowned. Georgia. Polities. - OVATION TO HON ALEX U iIiTZPRON3 . . AUGUSTA, Qa , July grand ovat.on wart given to Hai, el, a ft Etephans on datn•day, on the mouton of his revrem fit from Congrees by hie politi.al friends. Th. affair was oonduated with the ntnitet enthusiasm. Mr. Stephen ep•ke i. r too lifers in reply t a mot. Re regarded the long agitation of the *neat en as bovine resulted tienefic,ally to the rights or he Booth Re favored the anat.:slim of Cub>, the repeal 811 , Papeton of th. neutrality laws, and the tnereese• of .1 .very. }tut repudiated the Idea of erestopit more slave States, finless the number of ?lases really to. rzeiong.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers