r*?„ 46*--44Wk ', 4 , , —, - ‘,,1---- - •,,.. •~.. 4'; :ii-' I ' . i" , ~ ; " 0 4 " i, .4: `liiiti all4 4. 4olll4 4, , . .., dk,,,wr.ev, ithille"iti:1010.11-4,114',Qa,lisuit ':l°l3*lll iet 4 . 4ticiiiiii , zthoocriaii-fo rd z!ketwi iil l w --- ~,....-.„. ,fi ev i j . o w fit 4 sliaaketut 0 _,,,* -,-:A-triritilis-Wii--"li'-1"--... iiik ,,4 l4.ll : ,l4 i't: th l : 4 -441 A "11- '7 , r,- -1 " 7 -4- -::,,voir"sirl IskIRAHAYILV--, ~n 1,,, ' i 'hail k l'4-1- r„,,, Y1 11 , 1 1 -1 1TAR .;, -.- - --;"4.4r.r., ,- <• ' uttenvinenon 0... ''',' Slolo** - ' ,1 4 vo r, a, filla, stiowiae.iloatifilti iff w ir . ." Rivu„, ‘4., ,, , ,, -• , i-,,4.41, , t3 ..,.. i" Irt - - 4,... ,, , L. -‘64v..,,,- 4 0: 4- ......- , ,k 1 -144: , ,,4, fr ' 1 :;" v 4 l 4:Witif i - Vi i - 1 .1.- •,-. V" • -"aiddiciid mONMilloidsi.itisaltMtlx lilligiudiomilk i'-' , '_acir-to'liattliitsttforimitibm, tiiim- di Mimlutd , Co -,-• '-':`. -vim 'PM vit. - Ai. 11:0110;itla ImAtoistimirMismilemi ma' 'k`, ,,,, i4M4ll4Mint:iir,:tlMatamisamiLs.tolko illibtiOand-lii. ..Yr,, ,- ,-41101kkaid' f .Vdiiihi ilii4i!Vell'ACS*4o;2lol4.4olWvii: .; , k`-'*;;;44ldi --- ,I I MAa.. , _ 4?- 431 1Aioftlitii-iti.t_tb!:l44, ,' I'l T, ~.T4t 0,17- ifIOVVINOCTOP2I%"'Airati,, ---,....-7- , - ,; - ;:(;, - , ,, 2'.Nr.f . . 4. .rialyttilia&Atig„,& - Vnve-v-Av..# ~. %--, -' = '' . ..2;`-'f-tri W., 0 ':„ *" .", W., (1 4 1 6 0 1 9 the. 1;a: , 'I :, j ,,, - 4 - a . , 4 1 4 101 tAirra i rn.ttlf:YiZ bii e n a lp": ":', V,P —‘o '‘"", :' ati41044 , --' ' " 'A.A.106 1 1h144100,": , 4 rtml, Y A =4fothi - orliii)il• 1 4 44 7 -.. : •- 11 . ' , ii 7 1 4, 7 *i.tirt+1. : !..i * . • Afla '' ' l4l **. , wts: utter) l 4 l ol4 rSmrabebt ~.101.04,the,100,matiewigt, or , no 2 010 zwist‘Vddiri" 1.50,1421.1 b e, tolls tedimbd , M , ~ , 1111,i iiiMrlYMititiir#C, B lit!,47-2 1 4 , a* 04,....vag-,J< , ..' , .1 , -: .-. _ -1".,.i Itiatvokiwilkate s :Akcikka: a er , m5011.0 . 14 'lt alia. — iitii,;4l,oo4 - 3 - ioliiiisoot ot 1......* -- firg.l" ,1--,1--,;!ei,iir otliiiit&liiiikii*ii,*4 to` 'WON elbfr iiiol:e., ito c i las 11#0iiiiii ottitienikautriaritilithie Willi , Will , . ',AimiugintilidViii*lMllladd CoulpAiy on rmre)bht - Ar.lind i1iV•10X44*":01.14 , -WilliilllllpOttAlla ;' X wins ~ 1 1 . F.ilidrmilitiMisi,i4imil&Ma'..tiov_Saidoinit sod .° Bile : - ,-:,;" 110 ,„ 1 , 1 2# -Pintowanedbosi bey ttpliUtb•liad claw sal, -- • • --41rvipt.. - Brilleusoulinoubsmii , mulct Canal Om ' - `,''L., ,- 1, , joutrimm,MartigUifbloi *IA iimmid tally mid. - ..ikiiiiiiir:MMOOMidl.Mdiirideto';imr".,Ab• iimm-- - i --- 21 4=-0 - 14 ‘ .0640,1 k 0 Z7,1. 1 1i a-611 4 .2 .! 0 ."C' '-:; : : , '•;rh . t 3 horca3row , ' 11.1" - .;40' 1 -1--A'ak - 4*.et , .-rj. i, Ai Ott oil l —a , ,Al4lteg.W-u=Relkuirl'' -- 141 - 01iC*pociffeitt4PrikablemkTjiiia, -, • :-.,-,i-Notoinoo4:lll,4oblcaralitm, `''''''' , l'',-,.., - 111 , 1.4 0 ' 01 1 - 4=ii ot ig - aa,..t=iittrAm - .4 , ,,1a.,43 , -iiilitaiairtillsibinilauit;rithi 4 tliiiiWiiikti ( '' - 14 , 011ribiiWtiiiiiirMadis,Mdtmli-iiPX4;O4'-i*l‘ ' A f f4.tii o Sri.# l . l & 4 4/r 11 1 4 :4 0 1 ,1 *, _, .. . ~, , Ito 141" ,_ . 4rot x• if_ _ ~, lasturayed*OPlPM 2 Md2211000,111••.w . :- ;•= s v =iti ital io 1 ,61 ,e -f, - tl-rilekk.,l*.i44 ~,C,.,04- ~. asi dau_vdtp:74-;-:4T-I. bl.ll 4=A i ri i v '?,, 1 ..e.4 4 ,, 4 1 4rie,-Watr2M-ei, :AriiiireailaYpir e lleolie b Tokl I : M:t - If.M/Yailit:iii'mid'ilik\r42. Ondldfmilm.• ~,,'.4Fligatrinifliii*kiviatil4asies!aripi Jim's, . 7. -‘ , - ,. ".:`,!4f.if , ,,....,.,Wi15*Aft5!MA i 5 t r.,000 , 401,*014 bq bill iii•s a I i, , V , 41.- ~,,, Fri ii‘ , 4 oxqup ItateVayMeolu,lumOr Ileek 1 103 4 004 r 41 tlletimtkidletisesta 111.- i ,''' ilit i l " Pel l'4. gaisiti'ls ' r ----"''Xil,L, - , '`•• vl bt,' r il t t a ,` ~ c''''-, , , , ' • .1141.'1-!r,fazurliitaliitlalliAlfe2, - -.ll.444tigodstioll).l! 7 - ri ~ i i ammo ,TM '. ' 44* ~, migtior fa •IFV4 ', xinit i l i th b eet _ViiiiiSift) al 1 1':-pirro - AVGA . 4.f.ni k, : 4 . • •' • ' pot" *ln ~ ,-U,.'kys*o,kt*l.l.:/*.447,0141tift,'"A 4-704 i, litirmt ; ' C-"tt,Wtitifltel 4,4, oflott,r 0,01-..oeuttegi . ‘`'*,* 71"..,61X-IV.l,'',lfttd'hAtil4t'4l7.l. -I N '"#-"kti: 10***1614-aikiwt-L#Tl4 it ,rnfpwalbif-,xiiii.iiromm , ' " ,, 4'''',. .440 e, ~.--•,. - I. ' ,- , - :-.•• "Cpvtaftt ,t w:., 1 4.11-2, 414" I l t 'siottili rat' :-r% ,--00 '' -*imp 1 4 •74, 41 ‘ " vgb ' ` . .a•%. "1 , • ' i'lr)4o4 -••- ta t btittlic eSt Clic - i ~, 11., %WIMP Aiimian' t 11l fiefaiterint ;, `., ',,V4pifirtf4 , S 467l t' *4' eaktirsonto iiAt r A is* 'ioiritAitliii**s*)'A4l2l-14°`"1„,..-:41.-Zik twito4 17 , 7,az.- 4 44,..4,00.1ti1tt,76 -- b ' e 'f :7': ,N - ',4,-;;,riii 0, ~ft,#140:41: '.., ,A,-,..vity,4,-',1.6,1.1....... sik.am, .r .$ 3 , 't- 'r „ • _,,,, ' - 's - ....i i i im fa our """', ' f gain" , Np li t4 " ' tr .l : l Y .' $ Ir l. '"'Lllit all'ill"*, ._:4llll4";‘47Bl7:46lt4"ilethet ` +4: .= itt'l.e )7,,crofeiblia oloo:'077fIt 0,141040A - -I..7;fivePOlte*l'' ' `.,• , I.,,i,untilol:"„ YrrAtrriihis Armle t mow " ' • 44 ' , 'lot taf li%.,lwitiet7T--" ,bithiAgiritt: - ,4 - 01 aii* so:z . t ,-- ,' t -of ifle.ol,‘lfPk, -- - Iff*". 5i4 , 440n *LIM) .. - isloirlirier il.i -- , t ovie ~ wo o ~...I„,„airkig.ilw ol t F l L L - - - t i s k"' AO , . r ~.a (o.*,,,iiiiwolaueri---a!mvdroi toe** *41,447af01iv *tows 3b.,' %Law zirmad 4tu • ~__._/°/: -, t iir - DrEl****o,, .h.- j,,,,,,,„4 sun' attl4 - - mw...5.14,„„--itatasobtrAl L T' wistsol 4(4,2 , - - iria,ftfit ,§4-4„kiriisWviim. ***--1-,-„,,w, sorx au '1C904-90#0.,..A.u. iiii****.i.,ll% tos on tAst 0 0- ' iiti4oll4''.**"*iftt."l—"-P----6A4d4 -.' .; ~',.- ---ti f igiiikiii:At4l°"!; ,huha cow'. '- ' - •:fiAttirii - , itoirciiii* or ifot ley.' - -- - Is. 4 ,. _. ..o„,m - ii,, by * i '•, ~ iii,i .... that ' . '. ''' **AM ill urn: lifir I ' ~ aits :1.J,=11010 P V: . Ilmitia witlailf"r' , ~.,?1-11,400t*IIHn....tat$I'm' AllfiSE Pi 0°41,1a whi le d . ;,'Z ',.....,#/.°lla,ftt";ilia".; =3.=:i‘i-sei4ririlitAili *lli .- ''....&ii' -trit*liilittiir'-,.ndorelliorl ito'r, ' Li . " ' lifiefffigA*4,,,thor tr adlititte liwth. teade - '• ' Tab '7l.oii.a6P;/.1*,.... o°l - ' - jp.7.l'fii,bq =l,,,vhis oulta.l/4-'ws.!.., . : 1 .1 ! 4 1*11"Villikhk."4441"11107 ill ' - - -,-445 ' 1 6.thit0. , 41, ....- ' • 44iStlikiAlt. di-,-itYlO6O tit U/W1i174.4',,da1=f1ir7.1)4,Tiii.4..t ,-2.„ _1 14 4', 0 - i " , w y ~, , stim,„,,. 4,441. 1 =',4".'iatitortneViitts:-too. afkor *vent in r ritiiitiritr jya?-adatribl4.4.lalr 4'kb. fijoaffitl.:6o4ol4 - :,/orfifida't*tetz -;7**lk.4eart roo4Att i„,..--'40:11 lb . =the of . , I CI stir4r Tlai,,,,,k I" ii61411122.k ' • " :--..Aliiiiriiil2*.. fra . w .A*lsl.4-44-410004taldiel oti ,„' : 4-.l.':ootltttf M.firooliel*-1 8 V.-61,1=i10110 II 1444 reaTisiiiiiniej, V A,' ' ,Aicr#o444_*itilj ', : ***4:-,tocjwcl Nl MUs t iotor 4""T" ` :°r- iostreigeors-*4ll-4-.4-- ' `"lkrift iv * IT-- ..iith"-ttqlkir# s ~0611,, s ii,,,, 4 isiourt t'h' -,-,;„,,440,4400,-**Wilkikitibt*,*?f,Pl', I,f 1,-.g.T40;...0,4fi5ti iIA• itik4,o*4.r. 2414"tai rmiskfy til It c:itW4, : 41aviiii;i410111" 144,' -':,1;--i-i-iit**,4.(4,v4,4;14.7,,,,,,.,,,, h ii ,A. ','.'/A'illetA aMii*fiftilalgOSig, soisideii?rbig:, ~,Z4, ; 3 IS F, - 'it, , 54, 4 1r -J.,---i-a--,;,..kiailPrth!. Ve-tY, "MI iiia r .. . , ..,7--!,;:t I_,„, Aimam*Arlig'tzgtf,T '--44-wrxiiiel'' "114, ,,t et si?' '` k.L .,. ii -, t, , , • , 0 at Etid ora4lb" tot - litem ply 0 " 10Ir, is t "lT , WAS •"' .4 1 / 1 14, f t" oaiti f ' ' 1 1 4 0 t. 1, 0 1 04*m P 17**1."-16' iue:uncia -:yoll fiohi; bliiddlj pro 'AV otdoilirit like, e jkaosgehals, , , , ,,goto " at Oloolentti, ;15601d potb• leg ot okot,mrp,oo Ohottom like a7kii ltotti iti iit pis** to rtt 'at had 11.440 t gOld huni :1000-41#11irii'141**1110dig Osiunt °UPI* hor t*#s,olktiki'ailiadliiiii,,(PitkP:l44ol°lo togiSti iiid - pitrotitii of flow ti0411:44 , for: dto,-,tod 14gitto ; "*lticrot4tOitollitilitE:latiatitystid , Aiwa totYltthlY Atii• !Wiwi ) hid it tto Ny e* 4 Ait he *l4P✓a;otd , Mraokuulap Clothin g sat oilirtsatiiriems Ei4addik*Ti, properbi ts as • • .','lltatietaldp Pity of4takkaall, Mitchell, holies, arrived tot ittoito6o& P,, t . • • • ~ , " Stesimatip alogoo , Tutor. IkaGowae, for AspLuvall, 'cleared unfelt YOrkloßerdlaY. • •• - ' Ilammekip_Delaarrara, copse, arrlyed at iter. reek yoatirday.„ , • 91044,0tkr0f Irak rootor.' Aor,rofoyficrokkod4,k4,,, , ,-, • Oblobrat;sroviokolr reiortala ashore st Hoot= Otri sot =TWA It iktoolo*L .4;41 Itottordsol, 'ltatik.,Gropooks,Rommr4o4:fei , llloits Tatiefro;;rlui • Aroritto H. from Va. °Amu 26 ta alt. Lodi „Molly, pliipin, trim- RaEs, arrived at N Hiroo 000 taILY -= - Br* Moitkollo, liopklns,troutitto de ;amok* April 22,•wU qiiermattei,laltlesore, yesterday. Britirotto„ & ALM, bele; for Baltimore, domed .'at • - NV - Bohr 0 Moreton; oliered at Item York j ester. oorr oar ik Mobi 10. Ar us, obsoo,ettOi4 Tork'rrletertoy for Iteitj 14et;'Dottotiiii;:elir ..#llllBkolpliktO, foot moo PriMollejaifte Eislt; from pihraitt,'eni* A t'ET -York yestariet, , ' ii,i4oici`olosild at Arm York peter. fcahltodOto;, ,, • " A4- 1 4wi AT 111 WPRINCIYAls HOTELS, of :0 aft war.oos rsis 'man. Mrs' below-Math. , W Royeoldoi.a4M.rout• _ Iltio.l Nteltela, <• - A 1111•Pallaali,..U.11811 .JlCOBBllBlB,Maliti • 7,18 Ward &a. %/V • Ortlei;Patalsal, Ms , O.P Baer & la, Tad • 1 M Dir Dr it M W, , ,adraft, B • I 8 Bateau! & la, Win _AV It Arotteri salon, . L I N B N Field ' - 1160°180Am 0 Win ,7 Swoon klll. 9 . 0 I idob Pataam & Bala, Sliver Als Bales. loaZtuabrago, Ms Dune. N Y - W,:WW4l_o4ask; Mug Seam N P Tboo - MX,ogyLic..M lo & troolat t iVaahlag , n 4 1 3Agatataa*,Baw.Ifi. 7 8•14 k-N, - • ciur-Vitiatet:tt y* NcOnt *; imaillitifurti:MP* ? `-',.1, irlothkoros. gam& )6,•R j ,N7..-0, 4 440rry.1.c00d0040f Mr VeGlaaista, ?Warw. l OW lall4 OlwahaeOiket`:. • Wca WO Pumps A 0100 Goalf,•Worguss:,,,M l o‘ ,Duril:0110 mUni • • 'W ' (I 1140,1 1 / a mlilagtaa • Oaai NN*Dae4t. Bait it nosey: me.' Wbitran, Masa Timothy oaric.ilrom -,4"1 04sidoiikcou,Mouiptko W.ati & la. Boston Wright.W II 918,: - qe• S:T ,W4rl,locito* , :Joie a o.egarr. Prank atagami T- • • Itlrlaistoiat:f 3 - a goiwtt, N.Y • 43 '6%doe , 01001by.Aiiiu7,,Mos./ososo. Wit TAROS, N...P.. k 5v. — ,NBettlifidugur. BoMots t. • :Olio N'Y, g ° g ig " l4,ll A ' , • ' • Anitaggaggiv g44,ir Arih. -L AMM lukuur-Pu - 0 Rom*. firrocharir :Potir Mborly.okrosliutrr- , , , :i.,Bl.BBabalaekar, Atreatori •caomp,T4,44,lo.tion4l)4:mr•si Weflonews Natoli • Dr,B Sttlio,W - 0 . 4 55 ' 1311 7,81 (Munk *olbt igtoti , 3l (MUD& 40:mogroser:-Ilasicft , •N'untNeto &/ 11 3. 111- - -7, WArato 'O jretn, . dlso Ircrrnurf ilalUdayalnoi• Mem Praltb., , Bollfdeiyabiric ltri-Babaabe, WellldaßOt W BIWA. Wealth:loa, Pa -Eon Walsh, Torlc, Pa & Li. = 11 1 . N ' rx,Oitiriboat, ,%• AttuMetco llDpirdedyiNdoMoro u;tWouskisig.! Wok 0.0 Weaver. OM; 'A'tkr,afs (1111 b0i' Priotoe, bove Pltti At-Wheelat,illesira Doilustrin , P-DmAsitart. Lock Oootosholl. 0 % • Mos Tuosidisters; Bar: Chia IltOZl*. Bait; , Morkilt Dimon & 11410 „Audit Toot!, lit I a . ropiri:Dparki•Daria.l NIA Wore; 111a.blek018 0 saes, Balt • Wooldridge. Mtrblelmod TltssimkNesitosis 7 , lricy.:.Pittsburr ,• , 1311111 thrio*Mforterk.N.44.7 A K itioltardroni Del I,olll,oomorrimOkuok M riounroo, M P. ,- I 'llNrarBololl l oltaliberrilla,o Jr 88011 pi, B g i. latiftloterlibtotrille, , , Dr I Tootosors Lc' , ; AVOW' , ishiar„ m y .4rEtMooditsiek . ._.-Va Mr Orlawo18& la, Va ritrio toda:porsassosith,N II 8 011.18604a1a A• la, Gs; 14 1N - NkOdoo. Moo • - • - AL Murdock. Boston 410'utiam5o1i, Jur r. • • • -—— • . DoDeig—ol, Kim rtAld 4014 Att*: F atgi Jai; gtfOst UN, miteist -7 , 0,1r00mp00n. , Moo 7 B,lleorollio. X 7 • 37,77. X otitoin.Xfoit. Obrotor IA Mllies, treat Chitttor 710• ',,, 'Woo X, Lizoin, Tropt* , r 0fwer;y. 61, 7_ 4 11104 4 1, NY• - • 'Thwrid Tott.r.ll - ..71104 II BAUM, X r -3Adi NW, 1 1 - 1 .•.% MBlseitAilrir;) , _;•, , 53:51 - -401.t. Y' G.,-Yon ; tlsritir; Jirsej9l ‘ ty,,P.Weed.lleitallY (XV Irobart, .• Itoover, , A3 ~:, ,- ;- - - ; ;lN....arx-hhesient " Oro*, Att D..abodes. - ,va: • • Oiaitaila, ~::sloalC,ftoiSii tillti 41444 goes slgm., •Ooniton.. - Jt.: KC"- Woott :sk•pftterionar 7 -; thoropoon, BorOontoim Colt Out, Votolottos Noma; EvaurrtUe; Ind .• 11 17 111 ,, octi•wlntlinnton ;.• BIN:Meld; Al. • , :A otro-n-17 X,X wpo ff MIMI° 0/irk, Wk. OsoP, WSILLIt"ri Md ,•> JO-Ain*, NY Hoot, Uobirt. Jr, Mete - JI. Robot. Mist • '• We' L 1116 4 M'st.o coo. tava , Ar! Lim*, !JAR' • •• - - 001111XXXIA6111**41tint ittttit. Wive OisealiA 4-7dortneor,lt Ittienr, .!4.; D Ximblit...okontortto, , .r/kAtenbls, Obottorod-P,' .1711drolontihrotor oe•- y•II:WOodiii;ftvoloi; tirj r.osynoatilro, b 0 0.9,040.0r..000. V & Jtnbto, rt it 7 ‘ , L* 0 9141 0 00 , 9 1 441 1 4. ;:iLiittri. • ita,titionhef i ltionitar'Z 0ji1t... - 11 , Motto end, plas -" ,'SI) IlLotlltlinod, ; 'seta.l.24b ..14441.gt0ik Ilkiikroon, pal er or..ek . .. •Wm Witter. Jonas,H I 1 ltontiotniniti, B •XA.a,r , Pa '-• -Trawan,Cos Laagdo` Yrai, 840 44 4. 0 4 - 'John A - 1414410blitalbtsv Jan*, Devort,Wort Oiostor *del* 10 - 01* , , , :Thirl IL: Omni Bioe. 1011 , 11001101000.-Pa - J Senn', N J - 11.10001441301,1,-W Mostarlt Peotes: W Okesta ,J W Ovate:lol'44w: oo It 114 - ot, 01100 00 • Bbitk, Pbuion- :14 18004,1tooreet000, Pa .k.11.11*001; Oho - r•-•100 . 00rter, tone J NsitioPa - -liiis - Attanoddilioo bo J'.l*, Bab% H. 414 - Alits - -.0;001100, 1 1, 401008.170'1 - ONAt rtatualbstuim. Doebnl• '1,0014;i00, ..,: 1 :1• ; '• 0111 , 00000, Nnattni . • L`GI. 010 - 100. Psi s takilettor thit4ibtifir, B Dram. rittaboot , ..• Ni7o 6l ooi' - ' xalioac 131 1 40 IV I Paste r Wiabistit tt OWN', Cherigi Pabitsr(W.ooostd, 1.00-00;40210-7641149- lIITIBO 411110 Moira. ir4fl4 it,, above OalloSbill. *am troikas:Wrap fame D Cummlage, gifrommopir; psyleArtava Prolnobetmer. 4Uant 7 st liflos Daylasstows A 8 411ammtage, Pa e* *l . Miser. Vrasslitiosburw Jon E. Iliebter, Pe Olio Stratb. Plismatisablg Prink Look, 8911nie ilrota P Weldor. Irtemisablim A iliterbetilog. Pa , D 4 AlbsiabL - Stedfog 14•411APP*. Pa It %gang,pli e d, ea 8N Sehereark, 841 col pa lord pliett44444 snow ow la a vravreas Ps , Aug Mete, blostssrvilLe Sawa Stapler. Ortrfigibant , AlteLYo4lo6lLP4**aa ea A grixasker, Lana co, Pa NatbriCl***a Ileatawlt *l4 Tbetadoea, Ps dall4Blllillsg r Ps L T Boatel, Pa ViRPION NNPIG ? -Bieojtt etreet, above Arab. 44-varizey,lg Btorsefog, N easily a Grim., wiliktaport AL IltLita,l4,lllaraspori N toboans, Williamsport Gartman= Di GiNs, Cobs DI L Ratlipoak, N Goimvold;l4l • J NOD mail X MIN, Nalwea 10114trison, New Nivea J L Puils , q, /wow. `; - .' J s , •6.mat, Pa PIE 1,1404 Oa**. papal% WY a r1 :174 • 4 „ tr. 5,' " 4-' v r ol a grix!h r eobi.,, m Y -13( owe Yphyt --18,v1.0•4A11,•ntow. FATtOllnt.llarAL-4144.0,; above Third Thos1)111oRn. Plittloirg kakilletenttn t 6ellon'lleeri. John Sheltie, 7oneetoln PlteiCneeldin.„ Winepot . 11, - Thompson; 19.allapart llit-Plfer;;PaTboO Tlaribtla: ,Pa ' ;. , lo.Wltitaer t . Cleeo • John I N swerli; Lebooon Pe Berl Thwarle. -1 4114 Delbt. Roccreb i dg .Lena Antoci Allentown • ..-11311o0IntilieMlnantville "l'llenalton j 1466060, PA: J . _ - MenolteCti',.4banon i ,WATo6„ifltToß'HOi'lll.••-etartintiittent; 466681ith. W Nonni: Md • .•%, liteOtteinerieolttototo• *Menu & la; Pbtln„, -Lewin Trensennti-Oolutible nrubtlter;-Leve coZtcller f Woacillon,t Milli 0 Zliller.itualtliitt3C Rd:- Week &' le, Col omblii 76.4Tillalbert i Corliel•?4 - fq , llll riatea:Pittaburg Brain; Reenact. Pe Stare' Is, Reenact /akin Ropey. Iterrle6stig •.,•• Weßrecet. ..WattleVey, Rerclebarit ' 'Jae Destwlddle, -. itLit JAiILII- - -Thlrddole Oellowkth i ,- - „ Hilloweci3Otneesqinc, (ho lloweri - Allentewa • IV Rawer. 'Allentown • R H - LOwl7l White liditetlehi - Allentown '• ••';',..Rie 6 °pp, Allentown • 511.1 Pei.tlitten-,• tripoli - 'lltinretotar:Allent6ein pug Hempe n ; Beth- Pa :_• , ff ententeillnette 6o; Pe lbos Witstler: Lehigh X-P. Otitedr, loci* ao; Pa Ir Bleeel4, TO* "AP& ; 00 UNION 110P1114.- - ;&eat wat'sfihiarer, , Pittetillif ;Aire Olei&soo & T Welter Ileigw46. - 016 ••• .06n g Gaioweller, Pe • ,Ront.Becnstik.ltl• - . • - Robe Volt. - ; • ' 1:161A - Cot p.13. , ete311T, Temple - • 110111tr-Tkird Tooliieetnee • 1 Loiter, Ba 014.4 t o *, WA, Reillnindlli Q 8 Plaza*, Blabber° Todoei Bette no, Pa ifte Yoder, Berke eo, Ps 14, - ti iiirfetiAYSOVlL-11icetti its losiinirMsio— tgailajiiiitol, Ps Gerhismeepairtnllllos li=aTtr„r" , r 4 '7,7l.l7t7Zaufv . °° 9 M P 9 TA V FM•1 . 4911 , 4 PIM .:7~P,'F«`'"~.=.4'y':T 4 si'.ff 'UT~ :P.'r'4".:-a•.` ,~_s'/esG:Ta"S~a:sf~E.T•l3 L-•'.>- • ;•!•?i,43oCo4l,:atattol., ~ • „ P • Win mill • Hanoi s:—:ikliete'inerneriiii! * .. snored oes pat of Preaubm2 phydedau mar hi her I ; , Uu4 thi`witoiri' L istrotovistirip.4rp - esel•iii'Gtimitajr,: i - thiliesure 7tse for„grawe been" fpxoUter lionieirold*rd,! -;;sadelberr'orrinit few to otir own emitioant who Milli Voganperidireed the -termini Or 'great inetliesi isod! esler~G~dp'st;pilntnaate_, 81e o-Pebrated einisitini,DvapaPSta, Norroni Preittoo - of the griatesg:merit, and gives - Us Wimbit I t is prepared, in: 0, M.' , Ate, owl tit., Plinadtipida, ender thealma Of HtibiLhlitois WA.; 14444.8LTTg59,.aad cistibe had. of any- druggist or aftsiari,i'mie•iteinist • • - • It-d&W instrate Hair lietlevatei Iliai4jaciffe4l;;:airtlele; :for; the 'toilet ever offered: ••;94,,elribillifOtistrAng health. sue liaauiital the hair ;tie orai,iwill prove:tit or, rosmoro_shiciolies or- ISM' bravo; ,:aiiitrigneel*e half gloney,-Uud beautiful, mid ink to airvi. `IC it frit from 01 "dideferiounfiro.: lierusa. Sold bialedriigliprii."md- by 4 1 7428 & VO4 NO:114. 011eeiriggetgatt,Philadelphia jeo.gt - ; .471 41 144 11 4 ArlitiOWNW AtO• pn 101 U °Wilily Otlll llrpuis ill" 4.4”%.49 0 sont'liOt.oo4 - I°' 4 40* 600 66 , iwt4l6 4 1 ilAmt #l* incora.#l.,/ )114444 1 ;1 44 4 - Porigoad %lA* fir 4iiitealW 11 ,4 A : (Vm;SCANviei'M Lsv uielf: aid; is tan,* Of4nlts: 1,16,11a1re iomigpewi „ , , obwridomiluatai iftj ii 1 0 1 0 A ” kis* thio: stoaitti. 411kt!tf i—Great , Isidecedleasii rTrnibe 911,usd during JUMIIt doe lay ekten= Ave spring stoei; of Bareni Sem & 00., limas & 01ark,` , orao - k . 00 Ysignit Itilbl; Died*, & 'OO. Pfwo pirtfid.:'7:E:o l sll7 l,o ,l!leva,rit& and Oheatnnt., Jelata `Wbeit- • yew - ask 'for • KlneterdYs Starch, Ben r tiuit ynigyt,it: • - r Yt tithe bat il!iroik In di , Irond-41ational. SafetY Trio coos. PAIIIIL-47bistored by the State of Pinasylsonli: . Emmy hi readved every day, And la any amount, Vral PI& OtipiT,.intfirfint, U paid for mousy [rotiithediijitle,putln..'.; 8. The money is filwilfinifd biSk in GOLD,whensier it is culled for, and without mem ' be tribeividlreiii Rxsentors, `Aclnfittisfra euaiiifoolkall4'ottke; Tribities, in laiB4 of onion 'iniuto i , tor:waft it long of abort period. , The money remind Irani Denositnrs is inresind in Nest fratiffs(linilisSor, Ground tioentsirkfid piker first-. girekit, licrath wird coma Third atreei,-, Philadelphia. ' apm Stageekgewtia-Mae/ine.—,The great pep* led 67 el thaw eiselde4 seiy.reettly be Understood, o rlon this tootle known, past soy" good female operetnr oistinsroOritaliiiirof tkem, ONll.Tliottairtio , pOLLise / TEAR. To Overt Tailor, Booniaffooo, Dreonnokeo, add mei IsirrifotiOi In t4ifootntly, one of Wise aluminium would belsmagible." " I: M. 00.,"602 OHIBTIIIII aired. • synn-Oni,- •—: .• - ; O. 1. DA.III, . . Oiever .41 . 4 iittiker , e Vetebrated ' .. , 1110113111.11.11014AM1LY- ShiVING MAORINIB. MOW .1114L111114, ESDINUID MUMS. ' TOO ogisystrz paiLempatit. vita* Ifachlnee now before the inublifq We :hit`ye,' haktwo, and catandly watched the working of the , third, and honestly believe OROVAII. the Iraq beet we have ,sedzi.p-Deli, waieiltatellipoitepnr' , " ep29-ly' - ttas.PAtee'elatptisi offal° . latest Stylex, and . 'inithi Uwe Diet: minuet, Aleut% tr SALIM j**lli in PLAIN Piatn!lS on .aaatiztlala.! All 'goods mats to °tiler are itartaatot sattsfactotry, sad our oatt.ddttom' "yen& Is strictly ad id:; We: boll. a idle to it/ ,the drily fair irk idolLei f iiy anus treated alike. .01.40 w geoston , o Saving Fend—Northwest Csrnor of 13111001iD and WALNUT Streets. Deposits reoeived, 1.0 small ,00d large,111101111141; from all slime of the amiuninith end allows Intorort at tae rate or aro por tut. per*sam: ' Mimes drain 97 ,ehrics withont loot of Mt. oMokopon datlyj horn 9 until 6 O'Olo*, uld on Mom• diq and Eintedg nntll9 in the evening. :Prondon lionklin Pall; V rostra and ' , Bed:totals Obsoloi . , Monis. - • • , Elegant - Apilitt". , cleithlng, at 11011$1hr ' it% ADAMS', illeatheitat isomer lieteatil and Mutat stieets, embrahlrer *eery variety of filaments Method to the Neese% eat in all the latent etylea, made equal ,to ehatetaterieork EXPRIOBEILY BOA RJWL BALM tO "sat at the; molt iessoiable prices. ' my264f = - • On Wedneedu, let bet., by Bei, K. Newton, D. D., 'Kr. THOMAS D formerty et Yolk, Pe.; to Klee &Prat*. PARK 011, of Ttlaterhin. N.J. • * oft.; - by tier.- t. Welter .DAVID S. BLIOIIIIAN, neet. of totnovllle, New Sereey. - to h}re. JOSIIPAINI 141.111}0, of Leeds ?oint, - - - On theSd }not.; by - .lllldot Elamtiel }turban, Sir.' J. S. EOBItSSON to ?Stet ILltd SIMPAON, both of this !IV* „ On'tfonday afternoon, tlth tOfilltd M. DORAN' la Una Sgth year *tido - • t - • Hle rebating and, friends , ere Invited to attend big 'funeral:from big late rasidenna, 519 South Third street, `on Wednord afternoon. at'4 o'clock. „ - no Oa tha 41It inst.;BElo,4llllf 11,141,001C, - Sr , the , tlB4 year ckt Wogs.- = The nokstivos nfai tioin‘.ll:teplis ottite'ramily, moo the members ,of.,qounreirolal. Boooa Assoalatlon, and the St. Otoffe 410atety, Are horned to attendabe funeral-0,1th., out forthsr• motifs) on Medneseay, , 10.311kielt. 711 . 0 1 , 4 4 011 / 4 fiat* 'Ms Unit ' , teettlanati f . 10.16111,-Aroltatraat. tck - . pioco ,eit Ston!uneto Oeutottry_. - . On Oundsynttirsoon t Inge IS, Mrs . ISTRIL wife of Ttunons, Hmlte ) sr e , &god 7q.yeara: , r - ' - ' - 'The relstiTon - Irlionfo of. 100 fiellly are respoot. -ft lll 7-1 1 rfited , te snood the funeral from her late real denee,Bl7 ...TAnhard''street: on Wednesday aftarnooll, at 4 Woloalr,erttlenut_forttopr infitlelh, To proieed to tr. !vette Oinnittont: - -.oo.the 4th tnet.iira, Ort.TOttIONS N411,18,-apd The ,reiativisand friends or.the laially are roved iivitod to attend, the funeral, from the rooldonoo 'othatit, scat, John' Nellie, TirearyArst strest,,opposite touicer, - -islaw lioe, on , Wednesday Itiornfogy - at o!oloolt; without' further notiae. -To prbSeed to Orate-- drat Cemetery. -' - 01-tho morning of the btk bust., atkir $6 abort Illness, Oa AVM, its of William and Sarah hickiablia, It the lath yearof hinge. , - The ceierieee : end friends or the family are raspy:t rolly Invited, to stteadthe funeral, from the residence of MA moots. No. 411ifforth fifth street ' on Wednesday _mornlng, at 10 o'alOtki without fartherpettee, - On tlya .9flLtrialt cOIVD3N, add The relatives and,,friondiUr the imidly are rbspeit • tally invited to iittona the Attest . room, kb lite to+ donee, in Ash stiet, betoff Mike on Wednesday after :lAM; at Deem*, Without' farther *Moo. Qatas 6th bat, Mlas BRIDGOT ItOONDTBEII. Mends 1 toe „Went are invited to lifted the, 0 .-7,:orig, resi d ents tOf ber paean% 1 .1 0; olfelia-titta prolog s at 8 o'olook. Inter !teat attbathab.mi Cemetery. - %bay* "bird orßeiMolit Park A.ssoolation.—The Books ' toe sale of Stook in ids enllolk Peek Awelotion lei be opene4 et the sr Lawnstion ROTEL. No, 1018 Chestnut stroet, on MEDNXBDAY, inns Bth, at 12 O'elook M. Bp oiler °T -1 4*. ~. __,..._ Itl fi, CttaPikti.t., 'hair, 112 We. rya, Tire ViitrehorsinistemkiaisV of 1 t,3 PR & r. Meeting ot the Stockholders of lisia Goolystay; Wllolloll* gentlemen *ere this day eleoted to eerie aa ntraptooll fOr, At yeast PaViett Grad ) ,- • - - E. R. Orswkrd, '6lO. Heaaryi _ Geo. 1.. Burlaps. 7. -_ . _Hari S. faiths, -; CANAL IV. Pub sato • . - - Arel*!irChl . - itisk BON, Secrets, Tobaseo Warebonee,- Dock elsiwt. triLlloPe b '4The - reittes '.ctiwtontd in the mese et thtl fAllob, at ON rirrati,Vta fated %At our eitisent are not in tide trt e lof true entterlng. The claims or the Dan. drunkard have been hearkened to.' and relief Is at hand. The Philadelphia Band. No 2, again gene. rentely aid the &bore in discoursing popular Cud excel lent outdo. Hopi !-* The people morel Admindon only 18 seats ' her EfLeetiltri ler the Ilene tit the toned NEWS OfIRVITIaft ASSOOIATION, of Weat iLph,.. , .0.7,, vac Litman, U. B. , omit Mangier Of the U. 43:Ripeditton to Me Dead Sea wig Ladino at OA We'd Philadelphia Xpetitste, 'WILLIAM abeire Market, do PatlltaDitY EVENING, Pipe filth; 11159, et B &Stook. -The Market Street care go within bee teases of the Institute.: Tioltete for este at Party k Idol:11111We, Meath Suit= 0 tettt ilitseetel, and at the door Oa the effeleg of the Acetate. 7,07 Pt* Tr:. A stars Meeting St the Janter Anti. rifift9AßY SOSISTY :vitt Whale In Malcom EAU, 001111 NY Street, above' Sixth, on - TURSDAY AlVlSNltitt l lthipetaat, at 8 o'oloon. - " • ' ANNA 0 DAVIS Seoretary • birtf•ticei;4-Vbe "Mimd • - Meting ' of the 2 OW:IMO Ofthe 0 aktrisMAND ATIANTIO Pat ilteAM COMPANY *III be held on Timm bay, Jane esd o . teet); between 'the teen or io A. M. sod 2 P. M at the Oleo 'of the aorepaoY Cfooperle Potht, Cameee, New Jersey, tO sleet 'Ulf ootors of aid Cot- pony to aorta for the wade* year. , pane ' . ROBE'. YRAZER, Fooretary. fcrWater Care. —Chestnut Springs Wa. ter Ooze' at onzanqu'r LULL, •Philadelphia emorety, for the treatment of all abrogate and obstinate Th'S institution hes no rival he beauty, non- TealeaCle, and healtbinees of 'pastime, In the parity of tN nUluerous springs of aster sod all lama advantages, Sale now aontessedly the leading and most anacersful bittrilathie fueutute fa - the cowry. Jet U. DH. JID3aPa'A. WEDEE, Resident Pbyslehen, g:lta Peeples State .- tienveittsen:—The Oltl- sons of Philadelphia, and "of thkaeveral cam. ee of this Commonwealth, attached to the PEOPLE'S PARTY, and 11l voters who are opposed to the unjant, unwise. and entssragant measures of the National Ad. entalstrathsn, are requested to send DDLIGATII3, equal la number to their several renreeentations to the ti one ralAnsembly, to * CONVENTION to be held at DAB, /1111BtlEfi, on Wednesday, Jane fith, 1859, at 10 M. to neminete Candidates for AUDITOR GENERAL and BURYAYOR'O,I6NPRAL, to be voted for at the general eleetion !anent October. ' • _ artiNa - r.m. PULLER, Oheitinen. ' *Zit:l:m B. *lmre, fieeratary. apt-if COffice PolarlaylViilltra Railroad Company, PSILAMILPHIL, April /6th, 1369 —The Board of arton ham this day deolared a sead.annual Dividend of TIINNW rmft ONWT. on the Capital Stock of the Compaily, elear of State Tax, payable on and after Hay 16th, 1869.• , --POusrs * of dttormlf for oolleetton of Dlrldeods can be had on application at tho Moo of the Company, No. 124 South THIRD Street.. • , apl6-dttel.-, THOS. T. TIRTAI. Treasurer. 44 WONDERS NEVER OEA.SE."—The v v most ternarhable Tenant discovery In Photo. •graphy Is to snake Rhotopaphe,Lite4se, and ening' them in 011, wherein on have the advantages of an 011 Painting awl a Photograph Visit SEDISIVI3 00,111 RY. imam) street, efieee ore., Its REPINED` SUGARS AND ,STRUPS.— O. DONOGHUE, 15 @Oath WATER Street, offers tor este 8.(00 Ms warted gualitlee, at reduced prime, Atio,l.ooo bags Coffee. • - 4,800 11013LEN'" WEESP ANOEfOR GIN— B-P, 264 pions now lauding, at Booth bide of Bprnoe• attest - Wharf, from on board the brig 06austero, from Amsterdam. Imported and for sale br HENRY BOHLEN -& 00., jeg.dat , - 221 and 228 Ponth FOURTH street. Vij 00 D 00AL, AND, KINDLIN G IF V WOOD. . . . ' - JANWEY.& YBLOVR,.' ' ;00ATZS.WHILIDIT WHARF. Have oonalantly on hand a large an 4 superior article 'of PINE. OM and WYOKORY WOOD; and, baring eompisted our arramements, are now prepared to eaw the WOOD By Billeld POWZI- -We have also on hand ainiperior quality of L.E1111:1/1 GOAL, of all slams, seleated wlta oar*. • Dealers and Oonenuners will ea it WM'S tQ gait wirontisso to purcaus Rilnlll4 ligis at ;!e, 00.04 ".`, t c"`" , :` " I - PRESS. , -PHLLADELPIIIA; -TUESDAW. JONES & 001, - 604 SUREST Street tOtathe. i ;, publitatiptia,"- ALFORD! I : , GREktmIESTAMENT:--: ~. , 611111111 TEEMAIRINT, with ; o i t " • r , 8A.1164 Teat ; a Dlpit of Violcaarx.eadinas; Ilaratral " ,NoritOtoot lorpot .051.40010tit40. 7 4!04- gam 47 *WA TIMATPIN. 744,111tiq- ,ougpps? d,ottrittiolibtAxopttoot:dointoostary,.ily ata i a lg tr, ( !IN i rNllPlptt 11010002440A08 tit o?±«;:ni ,iimiaTfo? ' .: Tu° l47o *to iougaosit yE , 01! /sTrJOtttt.- ' • •-••-•—•-• • "- I N/N2o' COMNlntivolltlB - ON TIM LAWS OF - THE, NEW YORK .MERDUitY;; '; " TaN Al-I°L " r ' nE " lffs ' latatth .534°4 ' 8". yea * - :"gIONS ecolitktEti WORKS. 8,011 . . Oro. $8.76: (Which bio rosersksii the no a'aioiaai 'at4' book: WILLIAM IL.IIIII6:triASTIIi; stores, this week s end riot week - either;Riok seysi = • • ' ooa ORISTNIIT Otaroat.. , FENIMORE COOPER , " NOVELS.—'II% bat newt week), Will - • oontainDte epilog ohiptere DR. 411, Mob, • int riL A TIBTRATID.' Omni= DESIGN," 11010108 new' story, entitled- -•- 8010 '.4got:o / y - :l l t ° rizrzrail, o ,-P A: T ACV: • • •• • - - 031,:Tira .I%,tOTJT•TT.A.T.INT OMMX.,A.%ire . , A TALI OP THE nolimmitt YRAPPIN4 01t0tni113. . _ IDLIII3TRATBD BY YELIX 0. 0. DARLEY , , -- Dr. Robinson hes engaged to write, in future, only tot the 1111,W YORK MDROURY A. WINCH. . 820 CHESTNUT STREET, WHOLRBALD Jo,l4td&W ' MEW PICTORIAL EDITION WEBSTER'S lINABB,IDGUD DIOTIONARt. We kayo Jug 14444 d 4 new edition of Webetes'a Doe. IdgedDlotioneiy, containing, to alditlen to All TUN MAT,21:41,11 ON PRAVIOVO BDITIONS: , . , ' I —1,500 .PIOIOBIAL II,LII9TEATIoNS, being: fully'executed. • • ' 11.-01,0 m 9,000 50,10.000 NNW WORDS iN Tll, E ‘VOOMMILIIIIY, witli eopipos,defialtions. ,1 .. : , ..-_ lIL —A.' PAULI OP' BTIiONYBIB, by Prof. 6000. WOO, bl whisk biota than Two In OM words We carefully diseriminited, rondos a faller work, on to 11. k ilynonymi, of itself, than any other imenot, beside Orsbb, and b•lievad in silvans, of that TABLE IRVIN% TUN Paintnarknett OP NSIIIB OP 8000 DyTINTJUITUID PSEBONBOI MODISN Truuts. • .-- • „ • V..psorriaan USE OP *mpg 410) sults IN PUB BUM& ' • ' With other Mow featitees, oonitUtutini DIEM' the mot COMPLETE AND conteßzOwerva WORICON TB SIND ZViR 089111.11 D TO MB PUBLIO IN• ONE VOLUATE 0E1750 PAGES. PAWS, so ad. Nor Oils b 7 s 8 Booksellers. - S. B. LIPPINCIOTT & ' ' PRILMALPIIIA, 'G. & C. MERRIAM. SPRINGFIELD, 40' a=il:l - Zrzor.w;xiixts. Jet tuthatiat , • sPtimartoN's SERMONS, sptißotofTs SERMONS, SPURGEON'S SERMONS, WILL 31VVRY WllllB, . WILL APPBAIt HVEIBY WEEK, WILL ABP/DAB Filax Pkoaagrspblesll7 Aspested, sad Climeotad, sad nortood brlapintar, up:430,4 end exolatively for THE NEW YORK WAYERLEY, `TEE NEW YORK. WAVERLEY, , Tem NEW YORK WAVERLEY, . TIN 01101131114 TWILIT PAPAR; Tiill OiIOIORST VAMILY noti . published In the United iitatea—high in Hi =vial tone, iinekseationable In its Itteratime, and numbering anions its contributors some bt the most diztinglthihed. writers of t 146 age. , BMW - EON'S LATEST SERMONS, Beeeives by the Steamer evert week , , si appeir in th YOREW.A.VNITIMAIrt. 52 0012PL.11TE BERNONB FOR, ONLY 62. utaLpDONI OFFILVP' p. Waft aim O.P THE,Nif ‘ W TDRIC AND , EIOSTON PULPITS MINA? WARD BERO/111R:D10. R. 11. 011APIN DU&BIN, BTARR KING, tte ,&0 , iflis • 4%lfir'lltomti Ow No tE*TRB;q ND TACVNI2 111. 40I,: NEW-TOIIKWA.4(ARLNi. 9PIANSON , B 0)111MOTIO,„ Which are electrifying' Ingland, and ate, greedily sought after by - a4mlrirg thoneands In sleety Chrilitlen Javd. will henoeforth ep. pear Nib every week in the NNW YORK WAVJRLEY, phonographically reported exolficively for this paper, at greet expenee, and forwarded by every eleanser,' The Ant number. conteining a faithful portzeit at this greet Ovine, will appear In the tio; dated. , , JUNK 11, isoo., NOW - MOT. With an Ontetear. 81001UPITIOAL ViNToffaireptrikl roc, gouge's for our columns , by the her: De.-.Tisatei or . oeOn . • - • . hibierlhay.teretieltese 'Teri pet ounten, elnglo, or $1 tO le oink, will get tart TWO lhasitoet of' ale great titles, blondes - 3h* Ileitis of the ?anday Sermons dt N. Ward Beeeiher, • Sall. Okuda, - DM. Nada and Tine; sod tattle n kites gt Aloof tHrtitea I. o l B * * :Zi k tt- l i`je w ,t e tle i r; drat:4l'6%r, notTOOlides, l i teeele, Sketches, Poeir ' g, Ifuetor,illogre. yhy, Wit, snit Whinom. le short , all that MO be gook, 'grad to mike the finest literary Asper of this ildrisag age, by the best American and earopein "Mem and orators. Editorielly, it will he' ehtlrely neutral to poll. 'llea sod rah( Ou. •- —= 'newer tiers era 'Miro printit tliey famish you Ile& conies at four mote *wit number. containing at heat one of them 'Meat Sermons complete. Now to THE TIME TO BOOTOlrilli Single enbecriptions, $2. Club or tee, to ore address. Si SO. Club or Sweaty at 51.25, Allersymen complies at $l. ' , , Addreoe JONZEI ivory, gunman to It Bair & Co No. 16 11BArttt 611041 1 ,..8042015411.180., h - ham Sint SerreOn,,thie week, Dated :Tune lltk • OPpRGION ON TWO WAR !, • WAR! ' ylght tko pAnNII tttles!!-12 atm:, =lit. ) if Dellitired at RAW Shively iiiirdons, May 1,1859. : " atCOND SIMON, DATRD JUNRIStb, ig Aid I will put my spirit within You "—Ezekiel, xxxo., 27. Delivered in Landon, Mey B*, 1889.' FOR BALM BY ALL RIM AGENTS Aek for the first Dumber of the New 'York Wa r/ries' with Portrait end Bleirspideal Sketch of Spar , von dated tune 11,1651 x. Bast numbers supplied. All settled Clergymen tax Poetiusiteri are is. 4riegied to ant as ciente, Lid :eon ve and forward inb iirlylitlos no 116. • • Jet.4l.tiVit IiARTLETTig DiONONARt OF - AIVihRIdANISA/S. THIN DLY DCBLIBILZD, Br LITTLE, 338.0W5T, CO.„ In WASHINGTON STENET, BOSTON. • Aer.o/1341tY ON WOAD& AND PURABIS 1171111ALM Rs- OARDID 1I P 1091,1111 00 TRN LIMBO EITAINS. Bartlett. bond .11' Mika. (heath Itairovti Owl Nalarged, 1 vol Svo., Oloth. Price 8245. nib 114111bn, frhfeh bee beei in reparation by the *ether Mace the jabtlattlon of the tint edttlou, whioh appeared ten yeaii ago, is greatly entleiged, not only by additional wlhda and 'phreaaa, but by eitenelee adltfone to the examplei, Notated from well•known writing, new ktymologles, and hiaterles of the origin of words. jetatuhtle If . , CILEVRt. AND" /Ini 'OOMPEND OP . AMNEIOAN' LIU/NATURE — , •4I.IIRBOTTPI „ EDITION. • ' - ;. AL.adt. Dibiti, Pb. doe MIND Stria. rub. IDA; I D 3 DAT. • lid, elltkm• of "TIONTION.; DIM/ OP /LIDERIOAN LITIRATDRIIm chronologt-, *ally Wankel, with blegtaphlcal eketebee of the au; thou. By Prof. 0. D. Wantland. pars* pages- In this edlittoo, as competed with the Hut, the lhei of author, has been mush enlityd, the amount of matter In the volume cousldersb y increhased, anti the whole work carefully revised an! amendid. This reams °omelets, the Stereotype Series of Ocorrentorme or Bulimic AID A.VISIOrtf Linea, TIM, by Pam Ortermetio, irttlerhomptleee the three frolowine es•oed works I. A COMPBNi OP BNOLIPIIIXPIRATIIBB; from the Fourteenth to the (does of the Bigliteenth Century. Oecaleting of Biographical Pliotehea of the Authore, and Beloolong born iffeir„Worke, together with Baplanatory and Illustrative Rotes, Large 1200,, pp. Tad Terantpseened thousand. 2 11BGLTSIC LITBRATUBB OP TISK NIB,. 01INTVAY„ Oa the sem plan so Mean times Compendium of English Idtcrature,” and de signed as a Sequel to It Statist of anthers oonigsrlses dtetingotehad ]English authors now living, and thous who have died insthe present - (mainly. Large 12in0., pp 78. 1 8, A .00MPENDItlid OP AliffilltlOAN LiT821,6, TtIRE. On the same lean as the authoen Oompen• dinm of Inglish Literature • The price of each volume is $1.20 ; the nostsga 25 asst.!. - , JeUtt NEW , BOOKS. _ NSW BOOKS 808 131111$11111. BALDING. THE RAMA PAPIRS: Epistles of Mahomed Pasha, Bur Admiral of the Tartish Bevy. $l. TtGllll LIFFORD. A novel et. IGABASIG; or, the Tree of Beldame. • By Junta Ohallen. $l. - RAMBLES AMONG WORDS: their Poetry, His tory and Wisdom By Wm. Swinton $1 TO OUBA AND BACK: a Vacation 'gouge. By Richard Henry Dana. Jr. 15 eenta,, THI LAIRD OP NOBLA3I7. A Scottleh story. By the author or Margaret' Maitland, Ac Ao. $l. ROMANCE 'AND ITB 111110. By the anther of Magdalen Stafford. SI- • THE OONVALIIBOENT. Br N. P. Willis. $1 I& HOPE MARSHALL; ov. Gorevoinent and Ha 0111oel. By Mrs. N P. /missile. St 00. THE Had PER OR, LOVE ANDLoamy% By B. B. Preabury. Si. MEMOIRS OS ITALIAN PAIS TBRS. 'Blue sod Gold, By NW Jamison. 76 cents. - THE REOGLLEOTIoNs up Gtompay BAKLygr. By Henry Kingsley. $1 25. LIMITS OR REM OUS THOUGHT EXAMINED. By Henry Lougueville Hansel, R. D. 51 26 Travelers sod Zook buyers generally. pill do well to call and examine our very extensive end eomplete stook of Books in every detartment of Literature. oompriaing STANDARD AND LIGHT READING In every style and rut ty of Binding, AT THE LOWEST ,OAIII PRIM, AT THE TRAORIIRIs HOME. GAUT & TOYAMA% 9000888088 TO U. 00WPIRTWAIIIT & On., No. 602 ORESTNUT /Wet, above Sixth, North side fed 0% Philadelphia. A — LARGE assortment of MISCELLANE• 4'l OM BOOKS, oultable for summer rowllog,BßLL. nlO./40W1 PRARYI, 1017 ME pit Rol) dace-u 4 • , ••• • TNT z RIONVER, :BARNES._ & 004 PS 7 . ,- - • PUBLIIIINtiti•AND DIALLSNI IN. • -• 1411411Liotnotra. - BomOOL Auio'Buo.EX' BOONS • '; -, , AND STATIONIST, - • •-' - . No. IT North TENDS Street, below Arch, - . . , . PhUadelphll.- • . - - - • - --Pullthete,of tbe s itithinkth itopnlai. ltheol Booth; which are seknoirl god Itt t all. g Intelligent tauten VraTtizratratret‘hempinitztritia, , • NANDIIIB, l. NNW 8.118188 OP Itqhf.DXSP I , ' • ' Ooseh4ll4 of ' . ewers' New 'Relater,' - " ' First Semler, ' • " Third lleades, - . " ' lifth Reader, , ' . a • aa ' 'Speaker, !It ,it Speller' ' - • l ' " Seoend keader, '. O -.- " Pourth Beeler, ' ' 1 " Nisb School Bea4er, . . ' a Young Ladles' Reader. . . ' OHOOKIP NORMAL PRIMARY AND MENTAL AoProetRTIOO, . tr,Prot B. Brooke, of Latioaater Normal &Stool. , PALTON'POPLENDID !Mini OP OUTLINE MAPS. 'ffhot are' **eclair adapted to Ahem begtining, ia wen. to those more atreneed In the atntira 000ftra• ph,y; se they Naive from them a deem and more ed. rest toneeption of the character and rethtlya else and poeittoo of eyeth Optima sod lelitioal feature, Wei eenke obtained from soy other Kea SitaUt. " •• AN the - priblientions of . - , ' reldON & PllllOlll2, , ua ' * A. B. NIMBI k BURR,' ' " " NEW TOE, Mew be foaled on hand at N. Y. IMblialterai Prides. ' , ''lpti•ii tr grarliett!tge. C.A.NTON: MATTING& „ ea E. . ettriastesoka To " • J. 8. - OfiNE, othaszr*Erm ,sZtiamisT. mom, THC 01/11.1011811, If: A. Vl4 NOW OPE N P 11. /NG '/11 PONT A T ON 11 di cIAIIPETINGS. 41,30, 1,000 MOBS t a-passrroir AttAt.;xxx.rcia, OP ALL TSn DESIRAIILI NITILIN ! - aT LOW' PRICES. starle.Bm If 'AUSTIN BROWN. WICOLNILLB DEALER IN '.F.ILOOR OIL-CLOTHS. *MI ,Leitton MOE IN PHILA Noi 164 NORTH THIRD STREET, my26•l2t B. W. comer of Rue, up gain. Wines attb tiquorg. “pig Non IMPERIAL.” The undersigned having bean aPpalntsd Bole .1 plata for the abort/ brand of SUPERIOR CHAMPAGNE WINE, ire noir prepared to eutpply it In - any quantities to nit parolaseni REEVES ez DEAL, 204 MARKET picture ,frames. E NEWLAND 8.1 co.. ' LDOHINQ•6LA69 AND PIOTUBE•7RAMII MANIINAVTURERS, WOOIO3I3ALN AND 1t TAIL. ea.- 411 at Tory Low Priam 60A MICA Moot above 13=11, Pi 110411 1 ,1 11,, ap16.2.1111' EXE ANI) , -s,e) .. , ;DR. VON MOSOHZISKEII, ci65.jii4.1342, .ozbiro Van nOw be ooeinated on Deerme and sit Distaste of the Ira or BAB, winch notate either faecal or flea. elm TRICITYBST. 'DR. TON SIOSONZISHER the only LEMMATA 11IIROPILN °au - Liar AND ANOINT that has ever *lilted the United States Testimonialb fKom. the limp Senator Pugh, ledge Me. Gean, of the Bopreme _ Court , roßsior Muth, of Oharteston, and ;jitter well•kneern Oxidation. Patients 'Oho islet fa Saaaalt gin? It dealtWi , 4 l aecompanied either by their fa= y physteiest sr mantel Mead, • El 7. PITIVIOLAL EYIII Than Two. za Er CONSULTING BOONS No. 925 WALNUT BURNT, BILOW UNTIL, ricutas SIMI Hoary frdm 9 A. b 2. to 11'. M., and from a to AK P. Zit NEW GAS- - CONSitEIN COOKINer RAlddE. EST* * . Eaglet's: They are guaranteed to saie at taut 'him Per Oeni; la reel, will bake quicker and. more iniform than any other Pattern of Range ever introdnoed in this market .FOR BALE WILDLEBALI AND EMIL. CHARLES WILLIAMS. 1182 MAILE2I I ET, (LATE DAKAR & WILLIAMS.) sw at FOR CARE MAY. The Sabaoribera reepaettelly Inform their Mende sod 'WWI that Gill Will ran' t*o swift and ettbstantlal steseme, forming a daill" line to and ftom OAP) MANZ, the eonslog reason. - The first trip (of wirier due notice will be Wen) will be made about the 16th blatant. wuakos wuntsdri, ppivotv.Akt.h. CAL' TAGGART. • :,IDERRYm 'STATIONERY ESTABLISH 'IL !VINT, VOIMTH And 114011.—Illoas about own. osondlog business aim And, on our She vas. a good as. roortmoot of Unit/IE A0001:1NT HOMO, Poloaloootlf NOW and Erisftx, Letter, Cap sn4 Note Papers, sod Ens 'vel6pes, vr,th a gineral assortment of Stationery adapt. ad to Counting• house use. Our stook is bought is lugs quistities, exclusively for OAHU, giving no opportuni ties of selling goods at VARY LOW PRIDES to OASR BUYERS. Orders by mall promptly attended to. Address W. G. PERRY, Agent, VOURTII and RAGE. lm 'EWERS Y, STATIONER, FOURTH and RAON.-3,000 Hearne awned Papua, inoludEng 1121016 Tel doe qualities of Note, Gap, and Letter Pa. peen, which we are cloaing out VERY LOW. WM G PERRY. Agent, POORTO and 11A08. J 0-lm pINKLE & LYON' B SEWING 31A. CHINES for natty nee, Tailoring purposes, gadlary. Warranted to wire batter satisfaction than imprinter Matinee in market, or money refunded. Wanted—An AGENT in this city. Address WINKLE & LYON, jeo•tt 613 BROADWAY, New York. Hennessy'' Cognac and " Salley* tai Rochelle Brandy, now landing from on board the bask Irma, at Lombard•atreet Wharf. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOLUIRCI k. 00., jea.dat Mead 223 Fon* FOURTH Street. CANDLES. - 400 boxes Sporm, Hydrae and Adamantine Clandien, In Moro and for ogle by ROWLSY. ABII3IIRMAIb & 00 1.6 Igo. 16 BOUTS IdiIARV.EB. NAVAL STORES.-160 bbls. Spirits Tur aohntili IrtaVrialVultonuoilaild 800 do. 35 do No. 1 Ehip Varnish, to store and for sale br ROWLEY, ABEIBURNIOR & 00. jes - No. 18 SOUTII Tdrun LI AN S AND SHOULDER S.,— 2,800 1-1. pieces pity-smoked Ham end Stroaldere elso COO places extra Sager. Oared Hew, for sale by 0., 0 1 . SeDLBE, & 00., ARON Street, mood leer above grant. fea HORSE RAKES, HORSE HAY FORKS, with Bitot. end Bop; Ploughs and Oultiratora, of the cost approved Patterns, for We by . . _ 0. B. MOEN% No, MM➢K&t Street ROWING MACHINES; of the most op prored Patterns, for sale by O. B. ROGERS,. je4 - NO. 111 bILBRIIT Street. CHE &P TRUNKS, VALISES, and OAR PET RAGB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. L. k A. P. lIIPTON, No. in North BROOND fitroot, my2BArtutham* Rae, Bide, shove, Arch. PLUMBERS' FURBISHING. HOUSE.— New York Lead Pipe, end Beset Lead, a full as sortment always on hand ; Bath Tabs. Paulin.. Rams, and all altioles in the Plumbing line, at the lowest tykes: No. 248 locul! Billet) below Third it., Plans, ,10340 , , , JAII4IB INENOLL '' • ‘1 ac:tait _ R :I,lf Y rltib Vir: OkNia C 04; uvriza um's complus/4i' REDUCTION IN THE, PRICES, Cl= s'LLKS; would "aosisetroily pall fitteuttom to:tkoir huge - and handsome sesortment of this description of Goods. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT ST. BEST QIIALI'I'Y CHINTZ OOLOBBD ORGANDIES REDUCED TO 1,.2 OZN T 3 . THOS. W. EVANS & CO.; 81$ and 820 CHESTNUT. STREET. saast GREAT REDUCTION ELEGANT MANTILLAS. THE WHOLE OF OUR STOOK ELEGANT SPRING CLOAKS, WC AN TX X. 1. .A. iEI I 8 TUIS DAY REDUCED IN PRICE TWENTY TO TWENTY-FIVE FEB CENT, 17 TEI PARIS bIAITTIIILA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. LACE MANTILLAS, POINTS AND BOURNOUS. 'PUN LitnOtatt nni zionasT, and TIM WIEAPBST STOIC LACE MANTILLA IN THE CITY PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, fog dilbsnitT Bt. ALTINOON LAO) IL&NTELLAB, ClattIMAY likOß MANTILLAS, ONANTJ:LLT LION thiNTittitS, POINTS AND DNItILIPOLITS, BOV7INOILS AND MANTILLAS, *tin ONN, TAO, AND THREE PLOUNONH, IN ItNI9 AMPLXO EBOYUSION, EOONOMIOAL PRICES, PARIS IViANTILLA 33 litCP 0 R I u 7at , 708 CHESTNUT ST. J. W. PROCI 3 C;I ed CO. eCit tf TIIISTER AND MANTILLA °PEN- A-. ING.—S. V. N. =WYNN •will opera,' THIS NAY, at his NNW 15TORN. No 40 Booth MOUND Street, a great variety of new•at)le BILE AND LAON fdaNTILLAS. LANK POINTS, from 13.50 to 3135. N IL—A largo sisortdient of Vifidte Mereellles bad li infant BASQUES and Wigan% for Mem, to Whkeb. hd Inettes the Attention of the Ladles. tieo 601 ESTI GS AND CASSINI: aS. , A MI line of Ingmar Stela, hfarseliles and 81'k Vsatinvi, Ltefit and Desk thin Ossainessoe, Thin Hablia and Ysno Omani* White and Nancy spa t Linen Drills. ' PLEBS MlB, Jed OffifBTN:l3 and EIGHTS Streets. SUMMER COVERINGS. • Breach T willed Bright Stripes, Wide Glesed Striped Chlntaes, 4 4 Slate Limos, Taraltureond Carriage Slip Linings BHABPLISS BROTMIGUI, 3e9CHISTNCT and BIGHT"' Streeta CHEAP ORGANDY ROBES. Just reoelted, &mann Jawed i lee at.l2. Bloh Double Jape Organdy, $2.60. New Style do /mast, $260. Bun guilty do Laws, $2 Id. suaznatis BROTEDEB, jag OELII3TNOT arid BIGHTS streets i 4 AR EG E IdAPOLEOI(S, DOUBLE 1.1 DADECIB, TABIASPINI3,. OISAPH AIkaSTZ, SAMSON ANGLAIB. Orodiellas, Poll de Ohevree, Baguio and (Midas, Beregas and limp Robes. Brillianti, Percales, and Organdies. Boymiere 'Mobilo and itrarelling•Drem Nefertiti. new Mlles. 2,500 yards new.style Pine Layne. in Browne, Lilacs, Ardarenthe, Pinks, and Blues, at 12)( cents—the hest goods offered. Hosiery, e a One aMortreent. Imbrolderi e, do Meant, and Linen Cambric Harstkerehlefs. Shawls, in the shial.roota, in great variety. Black LUG POWS, Borneo*, and Idealise, 15 to $B5. Black Silks for Olroulars and Dresses Wide White and Sleek flames for Oirentars, Ac. Patent Hoop Berta for Ladies and Misses, from 70 cents to 118—a fall line. CHADLES ADAMS, my2B NIGHTIE and AllOll Streets. VINE FRENCH MANTLES. 11' line 'French Lace Pointes, $6 69. Preneh Lane Pointe,' from ;OM to $10.50. Yrenob ttel Mantles $7 BO to $ll. Hlgla.esat French Laos Elhawle. ' Oesatiily Lsoe Mantles, $8 to $2/. Chantilly Shawls, with deep mate. Silk Mantles, shawl pattern. Empress shape, all silk. Bilk Dusters and Somme. Genteel styles Bilk Mantles. Cloth Demeans and Menges. Cheap and Fine Dusters. Oar own superior make of Mantled,. Some cheap Auction Lots Laos Mantles. special attention given to our own make N. B. Note.—Styler, the newest and most elegant; material, the hest.; workmanship. none better. .11ntire Garment pleasing, and prima moderate. COOPNR CONARD, mySS S. M. oomer NINTH and MARHST. REAL THREAD LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTS. Ind received, sod will be opened On THURSDAY, MAY 26, REAL OHANTILLY idANTLIS AND POINTS. ALSO. • RIM. BRI7BEE At LB T TEIBILD POINTS, IM Pi= MLNTILLI. 108 01118TNIIT Street, zny2e J. W. PROOTOB.k. 00. INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT!!! c+Rnav OPINING OP LACE HOODS!! PRZO/111 RANGE PEON 110 TO 880111 TUN ONEAPIIAT GOODS IN PHILADELPHIA I VERY MOH AND ELEGANT ATTLEE! DODGEM NOB O&M PROM THE IMPORTER! - 'Wrench Lan Bkawls. Prey* Lace Pointe". Preach Lace Talmas. Preach Laos Of "AMA. Very Rion Mantilla Mantling. Plan Silk Dunn, Quill* Trimming, tee. Bilk Mantillae, 8110 ara law De., 40. kg. Also, a Large Lot of BLADE SILKS—VARY OPIUM PANOY SILKS, DUMPS, LAWNS, fro., Ace., at THORNLEY A OR/SM'S, ye IC Omer 111811TH 1 SPRING , GARDEN. .11-11,INEN8 FOR MEWS . .WEAK. Maeriesal Linen Oeinpany's ittipsziot style Brow Linen go&URA and Vatimui siadoil . Brawn and Amuse Linen Ducke, various s tyles; Brown Linen DAN. A choice suortasst of the abase Goods new on maple, and for sale by JOBlll4l Lad, (116-ti /28104 . 10 ORNITHUT Street. • ~t t..? Cploo. kllol— , • , 0 -7 ostretaesefrikaCialThieff 0)441 Adam 40w. oclorkifidapits , Pl , • ,4-,lo,lllt*v MEM 112.114109,41)8N. -- In-4iehingo ; orv4 - 141.:fmio AD etnwt—at 26,1110rtb 'BIND 411.....rhe ElOman - to now ope 4 Vi foe an,lNGAGEMllllriiiilialesomika with aritalase• DrY.Goadi, ;Mine 4014140 ,- - Iris a - gad Cask AP4'tlll3%'lnoaths.mer , Tnet_ . - Maras "ALB; Ote,i otrociftss;' , ,,Climr - stvw Vix,ftr - boat - ot - Tc , femme, ;- "WE ''4IWERTIFIER-desirtio z-,10 `..TION Book-ki4pitt,''Alsk4ll,l4 l 4ll l l ' Oorrorpootioectolk; •or 'Private' vii*lak.: 5 otroatioojskore Wootton' to , bootiollf 'rated mitt mid foe. , Clan forma. Addrao 1d, ) , ) NEUMAN HOME. I)l7ANTgp+—illook-keelier ;01 . 444 T Tibor the hooke end eonsepoisteeee of • Ifbillads flothin Flonoe,:will be 'open for so merogeekeit - toner ,TuteJtt. italerieteetoipronat innpivym mist- Awn; Addicts B9OEII, tale OMNI • - -,teh•ets 19r . Gate • fig TO RENT—The - fi rer•storY • ,,stibitsu; .11E134ally.tnillt 13‘03931017111; Side et mitscantis fitri•t; id* AMA; hams: diat•l la. tie nix of No. AO Marla Etna. - 1165; the E T of Oil limiter* on 11111.1ULIT Heed; . SON.I jet tit - 090,WiLiatIT Strette ripa RENT--,With Bdaid,". tvio — lirgoi,; air* - Communicating Boom: Also, ,Book Pirkii, it 1815 WALNUT Atzeot. - 24 /2tOr. 2 "WOE RENT—To a PHYSICIAN 'or' DEN. , TEITt s Proof Parlor of a ROlWW, , wititritUTawil pleassatly leaded. with thwood•wtory *cont, , and Board, If tiquired. .44dir•ea “J. M. ii.)!?111°°01 Dlapateat, - - Ja7.2laf a • FOR SALR—Oheap, a corner STORE Ma. and IMBUING.. near Om alto of Um proposed itteetitli.vratd artatikowes, TWISTY-1111PD sad BRANDTWINS Indaive 01101114 11. 111,1111.1841 MGM Avowal, above Wallace; ' js4.llt* 'lllll &TENT • FOR SALE.--The American Ois Cooklog sod Floating Oompsay. offer their TATUM , foe We for Pooneylvaato, sad tho, . floakisess aadlWeatinn Mates., This is the haat :043,88088 aro lavented,m34 the osif. droi that 8411 moult sad Weil.: The demsad for the Moira is so gnat that the "manaraetarera are male to supply it, sod thaes'or• offer part of the Patent for, sale. t firstais wishing to pereaaa• Pearity or 044 riliate temetattereee for three mixt 8 T., 11110DOUGALL; Hotel, 011.118TAIIT *ant* op JOY, k 00., 4110-01118.8. NUT Arad, vim* qui Stow MS be assa Awe- QIIPEBB BOOMS TO LET-4411 LOBS on the Plot /Hoe, * Phiesbern perblr Ambito& Also, ELMS= for an.oeoo, ,eo UPI:* et SG. loath SIXTH Street, opposite the Eipare. 4 (.'HEAP FAKES FOR SALE'lli KENT V Omar, Delaware", On the Philadelphia e 4 Dela ware Italleoad, srltidn foot horns , ride of Philadelphia -11/1001 of Orr to 663 &tiara brim of tits, boa hum' In any Onto, lot We aalbe "18w Weft 9f ;filly Shirty dollars par WO. :AMPAIIIII - • prurassrt4.oa., jetem: ' _ No. MABZWE 6.4%1104 Td LIIT=The BUSINESS IMANP; NHL D. W. comet of 111./TS aist . .ASCH Straits Ap— ly from 9 2 M.. tin 2P. ht., to r, -JACKSON, • Ps4.3t* Qor. 111111 b and 24 story." HANDSOME 'OBESTNUT—STREET DWIhLINe 105 82L12.-720. MS, first !icor !tan of Dr. Rash's nanndon.. Lot Is 285 fist distr. and 22 fat front. - The Home tonz , story, and throe atory doinde hack kWh*, Sat , ;ballt Vat best mane. and math, with .000ry .saio44es scravanionas. Gas, hot sad °old Tater, whits stattls nomitak may room thrones:mt.: The yard IS lumisosnebr sof with huntress, sluremtmoy, flowers, Sams," ftd. The . hew lain emulate order. Paraandon son ,shad trimalata ly. 214,000 may remain oa the protects., .oan he omen sonic a any tim m m e b o y app ou lyin sis g ronTr stmto W. t.; - - MATZ, is the its- TO LET.--The commi3diontstore; , N,o. Str•ei, bylaw /earth stiist, Apply SO 493 ?tiff ISts•el between 2 sad 10 utak& A. 13., and 2 and 3 °Wont IS, Id. - )514.210 . . , • gm TO LET-Lk Fuftdebid - Cottage, Enda: lid ow tko Eisiwaittown Santos& Os wart from Tloga Station, maser 'twenty. JIM street, with *it iiad oddwater holth, Pg. winitelohowto, Paha& 11210 wise, with aver,_ kind of viwatabisi,i thit grostd; papas, strawberriew, , ha. ocaustudatthiso with the dt tires*" thew a thly; Apply int the prwmitse. inFOR HAW OR ;12.ENIToro large sadocinvisuatiriatie yam 116170X11i now, 'WM all Ms owlets - improwimeaty wirrounded with shade sad etwiewatal laretwi, No. 9. WOO DIXON Street BURLINGTON, N.J. —lusty to ; - S. li. !MOUTON, &North. "LOOT sums, _ • • • Or, THOMAS INSIDAU; • toylo.4t • BUSLINNTON:N.,-,7. 411 COVRTRIt RESIDINCM TO LET.--- a obit and renew st OHILTOX BILIS, near Sotto, Penneylfanta $. reilet boa' the eitr. Apply et 434 T Meet - :Ipl4-tt VIDZEIT=CLASS PENA= BOARDING, atllo4 SPRTICIII Skeet. Imp ant Atiyitcioaut. HMO just opened:' Cali and sat. KM* BOARD can be had,for TWO GENTLE i3 MEN sit 249 North TVOTICE:We lierebl give eotlee that we L hare no *rot sititoriOad to on rolobroted Itir•Ook whlto.iolt Coal. Alt ortoft for the ota taw n=141412,0 to B tollaid. Witfrolord JO or. A ,1111A.TAI &' 004 ' • , 14744 , XVIABATILIA I; Ps: UM. K. HOP : INS lan refitted; and 111 open hie NNW SLIM* et the caner" of THIRD and 'HA.IIIIOIIY Ocent, DAY. Hie Mende (end they are Meer) are invited to pea' this • ehozxon —• ItAlkOtt 0411bonerrenttneenitioltio41001SA.M _ itRY.llE'r -EITZATION 0 NATIOSAL .N., AINACIANTILB, OOLLiellai - loofa at rills &lAN, S. IL eormiellirE4TH- mid 01138211171; Now York, B. 10, 014milsed, sad 11*ose.ter he. tonntiks, oat awad far ClaWagite.. -'llOl-12 - 1011PDEIC LISIDIAfI: - LXIDY; 14.36 tit_Mar BAOTNNWP Na.o US and ININUITZ Omit swig itsAel , wlters • Imovlodg• WRITING, BOOLKIESIING, sod AintIONIO Is mods entail" lama . issAlikst assi AWN& • ANANNNY spat day asidiwrime. , ; CON'OIiE f SB' HALE, a.A.P3a xsx..A.rtifY; THIS wgmallowit FIRST-OLASS HOTEL FOR THE REMOTION OF GUESTS WEDNESDAY, 1112 16th DAN OP ZDN2. WEST & THOMTSON, WHITE SULPHUR AND DIMLY. BBdTB BPRING3, at DOUBLING GAP, PA , ate now open, and are easy of *OOlll aL Itsuisbnrg; thense on the Cumberland Valley Road to Neweille thence 8 miles staging to the Springs. *here yoa ar. rive at 6P. M. same day. Beery arrangement is emu. atn. for Walsers. Board per week, dB per day, EIS rum for families. References—Jae. Steel, Nor ton fdeldichael, Bancroft & Co., B. 8 Janney, Jr:, & Co Reference to the Analyst* of Om Waters, Jas. 0 Booth, Analytical Professor of U B. Mint. Address Newrille P. 0., SCOTT & COYLE, je7 , l3ma 'Proprietors. PIG IRON, BLOOMS, &O. OABEEN & CO., Ne. 209 NORTH WATER STREET, LID No. US NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PEILADELPIIIA, MN; POlll OALI - ASIBIOAN TOIINDRY AND roam PIG IRON Of TUN fOLLODISO IMANDO, hat CORNWALL, CONAOLOORN, 1000, PIONEER, GLENDON, ELAMPTON, ILITI3TONB. ALSO, COLD BLAST CHARCOAL PIG IRON, FOR OAR•WHEEL PURPOSES. BOILIR AND 'WIRD BLOODS, BOILER AND 111711 IRON ; WATER & GAS PIPES, AMERICAN BLISTER STEEL, de., do., NOB BALI LOW, TO OLOBI A OONBIGNILINT. 500 WATER PIPES, MINI WIT LANG AND - opee-em TWENTY =OHM DIAERTBR, ElrAgents for Watson , , Amboy rfra Make. JUST RECEIVED. A trash assortment of BTER4OBpOP/O,:rXgWS, onrirrn importation, installing INGLISII, IBISIi, GARMAN, BW/88, NEMPTIAN, AND,'NOLIt LAND Boraisar. .4110,1 - , • - _ _ COLORED AND ILLUMINATED" GROUPS, In tarlety. EDWARD PARRISH. m 714 st&th•l3t SOO Auk street. PIOE.-80 tierces prime Rice; in store and 111,for sale by ROWLIY, ABIIDURNER. & Co affi, l 0 89Tr8 witAitym, • r Boarbing. somd. tbitraiWid. 13nin*er littunts. OAPS MAY, N, J PROPRIETORS. anb iron. fitertostopes. maKkaantsmbmwram • raluasimumital DasitatitOlosse iiiir r Ril ia a i llkr a gMatz ir : NM 111 4MOV:railaWC - 11431(iiikiii Mang: OflOYSII•anotel *WI 14Nr*iiik4 tits stems eVatehfiakteOls seem raorlii, wAs 4aresiosm itrotti ow "pm iat elattaft4ll6o.46.l.6lCA qhs' 4t-1ivatetE01411214; , ,;3,- , .. , ''.:Vramesiolv_ llo lllaTalriplileriamollik: l 11951116 - Plffair;llll/D 11/101M111111 1 11 _IatteISMILI! 4 . I 9rIXPIIMIN444/41Wr Ispnamplaeal et • •ke 11111 1,00 aram, Alia alairrlataplAL ;IV Tall Wan* • • :.• Aratcp;l4isures cawa;mat'. 'AMAMI* iirandinmCsar- Si* - ; 0 9 11 1 6-401 % 0110 40 1 2 vl" pro movie Avery synia/qt_ .4 4 1. 1 t irramme - ot loab Boonropii - atT Aholaao l .P. 6 1,- WOW! 25 e4toi.6 4•641 . .* —2 ORAL A. „ noporroviiit* THE Aresmiettiiforiiiis ittevY • NUB Imstr- tonna. Jar o.,agortary, lia111.1," • NOD ElLiermuo,r intr. Tama, 1111314 BILLY BLoolllllll4mn,r,olar r ie Balm op suituratiT.-1. AlPtiThArl4, ." - ACIADINTOP -TRamint An* WINQW'OPMCIMITLY to ~et 1011 s • - essli;: 117' • nocutimiaskse vat losetTs Ad e Mob Vgar -4140 4 1 0, 34 ViAgfkitfa, 1 ' p m , :(}BAIL ozglitiaNadltialzhYV data, ltroodllataialtadLiwta,./ elidsl mow * Also; Wall et apostiy vall•kaiwi fast held at tlatfrzaudglN_Noir,CElNlMPt.NlLT.-Af/111-' OCILTUZAL WOUITY; as TNINPATVWZDNINDAY, - mad THIMODZYL INVlNdAftes. - LA^,stalr Lop atY slotiiilollMOM Vas, - - ive" aineopiii'fiwarterlayr ibi Ilotestairtiollecialtertiatown, sad lONA eflimat to Savism-stfoot Mat. _Roma asbnlichr:l4,l).,lol Allah, all °theta. $l. ,„OtltsfiNw:• - , - Prandial. W:.MaIUdINNI:44OIOII. Cimpalttae ! -Calllan NUM. BANS .11: 1111 , wrighlilfl" • " • - 31DICAZIE8 = kn PighiadSliat - WE CZALION,. , caudal z. Searabuy— NZz. ,11./Alliro 4 ',llHatazom Trasauzaa-424/Mli ` 4#. 311illItalta`tarmitPludiq., . , . GREAT VESTallUrall - liiiD - TWIT, - thole brkassii, Wit tii• ANIS ,lie arm -. • 'GIZA =' ',2"" • llatilkiNOlvAlii , TlCM/Vilefftl - • Mee so, - an.itudarrifter,, -= . - Witt a conableba Mattel as 4 svidlak -• • - AWN os bruited km the Wet prtiin. 1111 1 1 #001 1 —" 11111 0Mt. - °Am, tiadoir per Niti.l netJry 00PITIallmo• pert,. worth ismuloiwasimutt . 71KBA /11111.11/rANT, Takes OS FI!. l a staic ip o,r Almada - _ = o :l l slaTri - - - r t fiwmg ' 1 " 11° . # • Ai nOrPralligit; ' um= irstoirr; atriont. , Amd.s ISlMUNsiliessl :alea4W -hA100110M010Wililk144: Ailatitioluri izrowtroaan!ll,. rio-a,:_,K44112144. 1 , 171711L,-; - ; ,, r li-fl st.. us wAupiti,lig:l4.iiimg,lo,4 - hdipiviic , ii=rma gs Ar e jihr is 7 lams on etonni Vo _ umsa noohl In Pert oni , VNIR AMIAW.rMMINOt 1. 1, 1 1 11 7. ‘, (linens John in* hosofiNlJO*Noo namnel 0. korto• - , Mono& , Palidokhradsy ObooW. , Poullamor, . :•• • 01.0305 ANIWTE, !i11011.16 iiesas..awswv .-Awsqlr orMID-rin liANdl - 0610'!?! pmiatialpi!ics - ' 1.11c"1451.111 ''41K j rfai s ,""! l ?- set • _Jan O. Mow. -A. Bataamilt, 'John 17 wtlli=-- - . 44ig amm ,_„„ , Idvia 'Bo° Tr-- ions 1111,y - :Au 6112,15: Irma: - - ' :‘; WRING GARDEN:a& 4 Srezr -011111" OP - 01100 - 19149199116 18115-1.119. ; Ve..4.- '19**19 . 9994199111111111910900-1909111499199:t4 ad road' hOloWlyillootAl~tilivilliEM; Plooptior A rappOwpol•_ !mums switikli la Os Nati= 10,9919,11A409,:05t- Woe Oudot liirboelloollkolot9M 7 99l4llor- , ..-. - ;arid Try likkorlthalro 0fit9090991 - Dacoosity. firootors, to- 91199thlee it, woo toopigortotoo whoa" ors Norm oorsomoo dot* the badassoistortillt ai Testi et 16•1991*p In a latrit ta Into 9to tioNioritt_idot, NOASAT.tioi 97.9. - skt.9 froo I Wit 1 ohisitit 0r.14919t. John !Awry, Moo siLA-1101.*: -Damao' Thotoriterra - .10/111 E hoods Hort ostor , , Jr.,- As* --- t . Zam 11 a .10,9111 - - ,Respo Y., -31011.1113 W 1 _ Otiorge Woelpper i Gt.. It. Peter o. - aseort is Barfir~ • - • rAluip . Pima& itivramas. lauroug Norm lkoretary. - -91, aigbititiaL SOROFULA,Vita — t-11.WALO tlfer. 4 ,T21,10A1a aanttl sil=etlass et au illittaire eleeeitteettllteellia T 1:10111141, 130B01111L& ATM win sittinnsgli, Tun& obatimite eat itultliore i crrommai all ONDIVAZT 1311CMDIIIi 40 set SW VA* Hs uuequailed curative sad Imam attlis MUM DIM one or two bOttleo will emetwee the met TITTIR heaproved the greatest ateialtiaer a = l is the ordinary reinedleo of the -day. Loot aggileatime ohm do no gam, and dim de - surow _IMP. The iY we mist bs allmhated Onwouglior hose tie systoso la order to effeot a complete me i mil itla tblßrrdkai notion of the well-known news& DIPVIATITJ hi expelling all vitiated matter lees the bleedithat bee tainaed so =ay to prooonaaa is tl. a d iaa for Tarns, to. - - - T11111111 , 3111.AL nitsrasTrrs - BlLLMirlik end all dieseses orlginaUsgla - - I]lP ills OP TIM now: • - Tar Ora Banta. Prepared ea 4 mold by'' - st - iosioisim & sic Lets s.o - ds., - sto. so Nola Firm roblll•stath litre 7kileddia"Ast. DAILY . Ana POl CAPE MA ' NEW .YORK; AT ON IPOLOOK A. rt. airman or NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, WILL 00141/INCIE THEM DAUM SNIPS ON TUESDAY NEXT, 7th init. JAMES ALDERDIGE, AGENT, 314 and 316 liontb. DILAWAIUI .4711117/. jelllt sagigt SALE 111 - DAILY LINE.— Steamer MAJOR RITBOLD lot" uton-erzstrr WITh.B DULY, extroyt ilaadsys, for Wets, Delaware City, Maw thistle Pessagorty, sad Chester, at 1 M Woloor P. 31. mg, isarai Salem at 7 o'clook A. M. 117' Eines for Woodstown and Ittlfgokot itkia;t hu boat. inlo4ine "OLD DOMINION." Old Dominion Coffee Pohl Old Dominion Tee pea. Old Dominion coresu:se. Old Dominions Tor Betels Old _Dominions _ Per &waft ROMs. Old Dominions Porkedearsate. Old Doniiniono ha Itestabosie„ Old Dominions Per the latllioa. Over forty dlihreat verlasi and IN, of the oestrated " OLD Dominos" Coffee sad Tea Tots an now moufaerture4. Mau beeed, ae Dr mak of rho ,r okm at of Ream saye, on 1111111111110 sad commas zense," they are rep ri t weedei_ rata us, sad co s dee tined- root to sups e Ohne. They ma he ola tabled from, or _olderild *mesh say rtorehere, Or dealer In housokeeplop a:WM. - , i:D'lderthentir who hive Mt »Hived oar Toads Otroulea. eying prioae,tecos. beintatediately tapped oa spplicatlon, by letter ) o - ARMS, 11171WHAM:111 11? sad 110 Death Tam Meet, Pldledelphla, Bole /Isaafsetarer, artier the Patent. me , also msradardarare, ender the Patent, of Mt. THOwc oiliamiwzgo Am-T i girt ,51104tw.u. IND PRIIIT OM* AND JABS. - ialet.thruerro HERBING.-250 Wm - Plokted Herring;a l.o, afto, 260 - boxer eraoked Iletniug for rte br 0. 0. BADLYS & 0,0., owe Prost, Nona door Om 0.00, , .„ Jti M=M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers