A ~... .....,,.. . : F,.., , , , -7:2- -- , ~-.. , , ,• . , , 146.111,ATa1.• " - . PA , sp Atifh# B. o 4llll ,4g°r l ,,,,),,',"`:3 A ,7, A*4. o Y 4 o l rfiirf4NßlKWl,-__ P 0414 0 ,61)% gwo /16*.i 11:04tVg.ktistp044,1491111: ' - 'i,ArIM•4 I WFV/4314-i""k , ',..ivektbiaiia: ; 4. .43 4 " " 4- "13g4= 2 ): :1114g11/1"0"r." . ••?.."'"-:::46,0 4 06i 0 6; `l4 l /MittalM„ ar:01 .4 414C1 , ' 2 4 iAO." i i wz7iiiinve, oniiiiii; Emaults., I t: q#ol , oo.usi,tiott, 4 , , .., 4 I. , i , g` 41- Vii'Z'At.g"---`•••=1 -, lils:4l4iplp.""rdt,w;:::: m 4 o ll • 4 etik r. Vt- ' 4411 . 11 1 43 I . e.V.4 4, . XAY 0 itakil:M . lsl•4 l lleGA. l .7, ~ , ,2 - A Z: •:"., ft4 4.4411 -r atrV ' :..:::,llls7 ` iin..... )011111 V ***i te1 at itV 4 V0rtV4....,..4.. 1 47 48 ' .k ... '' '''t t' . N r . l°l 'rri 'W,A7tilelailt•4"...r.... ~. awn' ,Itmir- , ff:•••• Boitoe v umpool . ......4-uxca ."4 , .. ,, : 7 4 11 4110 - 4461,....Nturi5r1'141; q 1 -,ol, 2lizzifizx.kt•=ioi.,x..i... 1] ;11re • iiryne. 4.4 1,11716.1..14.4 - . 4 20 ; - Cr 01 Ifst • tr i ,r o cri A 'A l ex si l fta•Ai '•i ) V l* iiirtik2::BOitart • ' ' s Nil kY ,7, e' 311 .-- CVig, '' ' . .:43litsirlir:6l , llW YOL . - -,4 • • '" •••• ri a7 iS , is' ..-'''' ' :.' " ll.* ~. .pfk,,Now Ytwk " ' tia at 11"tk5;1;.11.6111i"r gn i. : 1 .WI t trk 1., . ..! . ...Moll 44 . ilt i alt i g4PrAmpool. So* York'•• ". " K m.% 31 1 ~, , i ii ~ , "..tivarpod,Airew York :-...••-•-•-, % - 1 TatriVanginttkilhit4n..Neir:Tiorlt i.. i ,+i i i . Sal i t, ?M* th.lo 4 l :l• l4 sw ir ," l " . " 17,8 *AP. tiOair .., ai :g.t , n f LAaiti e0,,..4 _ ... oh ; After,l4k., 14 ""P" L • B " t " " ... tip& 28 loft," illb.thjvi4t 4 l4.lo7 : /ez ti"'*** -,,, I , ~, iirlis Awash' MAU etsimoil o tidl - r ota , / 1 w , 'l64 6 , o 4ll 4 l =p 9 truVi e strii i eit 1r o ik at, the 'l4 7111,32thiliksandrith or alai weft, and wi."o - tatatlimiths4th . Bod? tits mielmexe ,1, X144 / .0 tito u t e . l4lo " o "i m i l i , ll o4 stm Orleans, i rt _ . filitfortorrsio,i- 1113T11 .. 1 0 ............. flU g !115 1 9.41 1, • - - - „ • insivaablialslairlisi-CkYpet. 20 hiSure boffi 'New Brt itivous,4 olueNAi 'depj from: ; goilbv, biatrArmmemolistt :ezbamt, 43M, ;epic i!Megory 4; go. - - ta ttarr ei !, Sainete;iiiil64 - 640,041ilishi' • 4_l;•*tfif dayM,Nike to rottlklitartiii&,{lo.ii „ - r.BebrilfrHateri 2 ,d 1 7 1 0 16 74 Ofseprl,t, *Ult Ash, *6” from ItimkPort, Id* gam Lom4saromProvictrose ,,, f' ; Ztkf- oktirto;-.NalinderifroaclWOloirme: kdroauswifitathis.-troar.Providene.. fietriderti ranfr,S.,oad'idroarliewYork.. • _ , - - lettßath laeleerflmeto,ttrtai Neer York. BahY patimoitaiiihrdek Itialbriew , "Vorkt 'Bobapstaion,..ldboes , kna New.rork, , Deb} fon t New York. Soba,Dorgare, Dillott, Dow „Itortury. "- - ; - 01610 INetinsoa, Wheaton,' froor•DIANDT• Sebr '0 V Wilinimons, Godfrey. from Oltelora, - 800 Ribbiatt Thomploas ,Llloyd, Com Bolton. GNierdaiseitet, from Beaton. , NOV we Vorter B , llndoon, , tewmisy.mokl. • - Skip Ifiltori Antesbury, Cape Tows, Oalt, *Oriental 1-ap-,001 - • "- Bak inlietbr;ClouberticspenariCoo:NOttien &Co: , Bak Aaron I WsnwpMiller, ilarbodose, Win pont , '‘` 4-HawkMerida - , M on day, Aepinviall.-Workerint &Co Inkrtrartintgeni, Crapo, Sledfords &Mr*. Mirgitssilall'itirelsowLyan,...NAturterant &(.70 Vol" Vfoidervehase. armload.- ' t • • giitow,4l7, do; • - . .."Wdro,llllteg NoWDWIPOIti; ' `, cohe gartobdo = I , . 3 eat "Pat" 1114 , 3*•M50114 - .Besitolii do' SeiteldAy Itattelbrilitwv, , DWooriicika*Orid* Co. • ; Itehr asow , PlaheliWiater, 1110. Behr S M ribeddiek. WilUmnu, E larittord,- sou Neal May; Cleadaalelirßoaton. euraln: = • ~ t ., M tartVero. Terry, DattirOors, Thos Webster, Ilotr,VM lodloott; Leeds; Provident*, plealokzon e ( Patill" O Tiverton ds Co • - albeit IA 'V tharnerillantleb Provident*, Tiverton _iresehl'En , l4looo lo : 8 ostocir &Co I a arrnlizrar;Prael,dentle, Tao Doren, Nor lanAVir- _ `ll44K4lolll4llSeelisbi - . MINA Salem, _t- - do inoiti4oool,nek, Risley. Hartford ' , , e , 3• 1 -Ado • ad* 011,2roWnirws. Sooklaint,q; I",r."'"S do wato'Eteergia, Abten, 4stiebaryi ;do 011ow,lamidera. New London, tette Cosc x ritkerilttli Matblehiad, C AHetikebes qlkairitipOtte*Plifkri;DOmiporty 31)111100 & Co • Peke AT, Wi Simmons,t Ogle . - --= SohlrDi 0 #1 1 19 140 ") Val , Do,/ l!dr'' Z-taa • • ' :43obec14.11kiwinclai..11nneoen, Xeiteni illswdobson & :(Slayer. " • • " 6011 . ltioll6.*Vbfa,jltltio; hfiner & Co. Tobilla4 1 1 , 7f .- Atal,k , Wa r Fl; l : 4o r • ik4harmet ..L".;`;• • tiobrYolttr,'Cile,..DiftWirbor .do R 1 1 ,11144 Cloylikitellearaitiot,k,arOtta, Jr. Cflairrediailleelow,ef VliCerlde.) - 01401, Map18;180. !• Phe4:KedZ lett bar*Caw autroing , altb 41. beau ',,Witistr y 'D consigned as follower , ; ; earrimMildjiWliberlio Malona & 7arsylort &11,1mpsr, it Carolyn; lumber to Sergio*, is I.lllbtatta; andikaper to A 0 Cattail & Clo; to WWW: Crooke% Col 11. "tempos, ratims4 troit to Reevea;Abbott & Coi Col • UsPor.,ldav" phogill*Viokli° 0 0 41 1,1 * City. (Pigdiff#,*4 o , ll NF 4 ' YW P / 112 . 111a r° Dal Way 17,- h imitomid abase, so oaf? , • The tairk , lmairidor;tot ..Pirehalhaeo, 'eat ,tdoes fez , terda". , 'Thefollowlat !astainangg tip number not IraL fore epoortedr,,SlOrfro Jai _111140, - Wwelll Amy. Rue , gleams& it Laitpun f lahro te*Witli 48 moan) E.", l'ihforokr:.DiAlSrOws% ea* B arofn.laAr Antrim l Con. TSlS4Naarietii, Ninbittpo; Austin. Adele, ' ' foist), Buena 1/10.4,0 P Binns. t t::-.l:i3ailrostworth; Pella* Plath;laeralemi t tiet. P Btoaktda.'l - ,Bllar. Pletati; ' , Davd/stk. , 06. Wli ' Rose, ame.l7ani,ldates. Motzenty,V,lmar, o °ludo, • - Dior, lit, ,04 116 11 /111aAteatleaa, Z ftittOtt. Yankee moadteton Mar7Prloe,"ll-1, Craftier, and Copt of the 'OAT Tidy' Antri*.neaortm kat PtOr *Pod aline lnifekreinn aims. I. the„emalikaote oem the; brit advanoo.'of I - • -;-241ASIoei palaVaapt aftraettLizt the piano Cele saw ea. ...ingrat.stessa.f,,aratel roaCzneimeast elm reassi , had gone , i;its 1 1 4 04 -' O O 4 1 0 44 , 10121""L Ortt• ebusesthograga ' Ditio• s• tn &Von lor.zon, mails, PM. ;:=1...} A • 10,4 p alimeetience Imo:sot homissomfoild, and the bark Frederick Lesshf, from, thiCOrlossi, ' dent in to. ',urge „Asa* rrtnains at Um Brea kwater, and Ikbaitittyltattaf phoononchotiod tor northernposte, 2 0re.bi,Colta.t4ax too ( 44 0,4 % Wind freak Apri the amt. " - i, • tmordi—mostimi NWT, kat.i , • ^ • - ' _ • phsoe, Mo,,amer.'tek:„LlreigaioliAzored at Ss- TaMoshs4lhll b lie itotton. „.; - , InsosvW Darts,. Now. for„ , „Liverrertl, cleared at fit- , ,‘"• ,- ;7 111 no4 Wink 2278 ides - tor lliet#Noti ,oleared at Bal. z: Ammo • h Kir% f f9tE4ittpßri at St Retina lionApld , MOM* for Mazatlan, Allot; from Ad*POlehtfi r h alt. , Ithaladt 'dour gdr . 0 1 4 061 . geared at Ara' • we datisat , Barit-Dl uA hly,;,Paaplag. mord% horn. , Franolata, alert April 26:', .ir.,x , lmmov Wald, for Ciampi cleared at .Vilaraaaina lOth`lnat; • ~` 461 gem, lansteas, trent rorsomsnoo 18th mt, ar. • 'lmplant HMO%•Vat Loyal. ?Aram. inn!loddiad. Cardenas, 6th toot, *Oohs; oleafedat Bealton 17th lost. for • zallner,jtatcl.o.. - • - ' Bark•Witsilieth;;T,cTonitkis, - issiiedNtn o . Aalneiara sith na.,for Trahree - - doh*, "lions., from ~Oloofrogym for Phiholiol7 ',..cv,. , " -- 5,p, , 113 ire oposesush Mkt; to fui CS; beg 7i 46 := -,• ' ="l.lt Dlggs,forr,„ St -Ptozosi la 6 day*;' ..3, 3 34:: - ..11111111-61,10021srarli 24th Mt. Asehmes:4ll,4mlM. ohisred a 6 laiinialo biet, s tor ip,huadopbtai_orttili 86 Wed •Arotton. 412. Fataht , ,rleoi4 balm mmr, 41.904 outc•,;and 28,102 feet Umber, • ' ; , -I'l'ol,ll'44U Sharp 1PP4 4 7: 1 4 Pereiniall 'l 4lllast: train' • , ;6,4 eteir;fii at Imitiviors ilia, tot liamlepl4.l • tairstranalto•-10.1511,7,iir)441.1froui!f.Trs, 17)3tnill I• 0 • _ re W.400.._ , e, it _ Olsetig Lake t rsugaesat, OtoOlowillCAP litawNeKamon. Mountain ; t:f 7• iiiiittemoilittioAntaftieoldatt; . K.R.balGy, soft, 1 1 1-ManiAdligelfito l ; Er Otimosi Cobb, ' -. 4 • lista% ckkoark, Mom rottmli rra.114., „, omproteilli, - Andionoh,,l4 Jlastio OUR nun , ", • • • llirtamostiteteDil,..•_", • 744,110'11•4214gri11. Sep% 1 0T I)?lmiivi eit7, 1- '; • . t4i ll ;er t Th°olll, Fr st fat Etv4llo3* . • , Phalli Mr , * arriV" N ew ‘,ll -1 !- , '110 11 4, 40104 1 4 . 1 0/ 13 e, aid 0 9 Aigery ago , Imam ' , antral SAVOrandzialk.k44, 444,1 *Mtiilfilkitt*4 l) l l4 o 3 l , p4' ( kliethriCtiiiiiiiii4 l 47 4, 44,;i l D l4 / 41 4 1 ( • th l _RAM , tl • 204 Six pityilv on aad Atter Ale , lath% hut. WilleAkeriikta3 .***- 4110 !At, 0440 bruit %sit eertilicatifit • for Oiiesotittateos;C i iW4 44_40 . 0APIPHIt; e' -- - - .1 1 , 4121) :+iti,t4=4 , 6 - 4 C , ,- 7 .: 4 , ()ashler. 454 ._ .. -- it - x' , - --- T -, i;vgiotkitnb.„qop!.: 4. --.7.-....:;.---..,.._,--.4.,1.,,,i,,,,,,,,..,,0: ----_,,,,,..„,,,....... :. : ii:‘,4k oE i m i T . -..,-4.„-y-,--,-,rq'fif4l.-4: ~:- „„rt- AtimießOtriscaam—iii—.4tiwito•P ,o ,-. ..--,,,,1 lgoitli-101:16rEtinis sgic - 4. , ' ,,,,, -V ,- .. •. , ..:'4,•.•• •.6 - ii tiiitillt:B746., bllef'10•11: .. r ~I ', " - - , i v:., - :.- !,.'( Tr-. . .::: - P:th.7:. •:- - .:-.%;7.4,1:4; Atm. ' it , e reo ttptthrt. food trhuri-ritt 'i:',....tte.-,,,:4,,,.1a11114, us di t •,,, ,F,-; , ,,A[47,4kaliritat, 6 2lt i iTrao,Mik* - ~ ,„t igraatiois, bb Am. '• r'?l%--AiA,'--/-1,-,,=',41110. 1' ..i, ithivortawfa. rr esung,! - o f nate ..-.1-''''•••-.,f,k,,..51- . •:rigibilijuirl-i*d",i dear -';'):-.Z2.-...,•--';3,•-•=.,, '.., .. !..,,1,,7,,./.?.,.. . ''',---AWAt -,,,,......,-.*,,, x-s"'--I`.-z ' 'f=i-N;97.,',4-f":-`"!: . , - • • ma ;No Noricum. K 10•} A, idatits I•lio•OOGir v•,14 . 7 bt• • 16 titiams - U 'lf TRIMI4 I4I/1 ;- : A ND Rix . ow etuvApstravot - 'PFT.'I*/''""it•t?,,,11...;°,-;-14;r7;*-,•164r-,11. lavosErm„ .1. - ,tomymroTity:E•i4ab o ve9B pm 1141110;001"7 aa.4 3 3lo.o}nammr..Boiiwrir.vaiat vm:044, 14 44 ateroheed4e, -- Buck Notes', zed Ifpeole;either. by iteelleabase, ;•riein'i. ooiineotion :with other Impress Obri teteo IS ooleekto 811480/1"elpOlowne • Wad attles of the troillB 161 , •: 13; 8: OAN IOR D, '"lf ' • •—• - - ;AttIigNICCO WUI pixotioe iri Weiinaraland,; Apriricorit In - ssoltraCom Ti x; - Irlaaadio4l. o firititlOVATlg.fitaaat , ; Wry 9trileb:ritti :ArtikA,l•44.turie.ANTAND, rind LIRE INSUBANiII I &ion; att,61.14i000 1 -Bat .in_ isopongiblCOSOet, '.freernto,oo44,4!, :Ipk22:gaC: latrinilr; 7a•azlvia,67aßitrr, ' ,3 l•Teeteit,liettete 'et Otedit4cos:Tr,tmegerts, 11 11 ,11 0/e in illiteetiref the *Olt, through the Meow,. netball 'l, • - er-Fiele;boAdoit - clfrielthett, Nekplee, Het 'tape I F thefr Uprreirpon4aikti,l, 4 ;- , „ • .BLT~s'~a7'lgi ,190 l: a,. tag ::~.-i i)1~-... l~l`~tt~se~,` Y NEE SCOTICS.SVALED' 'ritotoseLs for Iteptice to tbertleddingtoe AtibOOrtforiet4'..'l.ivelitemirtb-Bention.,,- will be - ie eAvatb* Utolitilifool-wttl Sar oanaY, Moyne, ,litbkilt Thar -speoldeetiosoi Of the work tObelimegroiiibe meg 'et the office of ControVers of Polak Echo.% Sobtheast eerner enadiCtL -2.41,13tre0te. • o , tie, Committee ort Property, „„, • - , 'ROBES? I. HEMPHILL, geerettry Controlle,s of Peelle ffebeole: ie. hereby- given, thsst I tliiiilNEON• BANK OIf.PLULADEIL -11114; Ott a renewal or Canniest. No. 328, WO Bop, 3104.r11 1 th, 3869 ; lined to , tan for. , Twenty. S hares of AkelopitatOtOek o book; satd , Fertidosto, lowing 'ben lost; - [snyll.6t . ll - A. H. Kooloollll. lorriow ccir-SHOOND•AND THIRD - iTIMETSTAISINGER - :NAZWAT COMPANY VitiqUIDAVELNAIev=23B , WALNIIT West. PILILADDLP/lIL, May 14,1869. :iNSPIPO4 I OI I O extol:olas the Vomit of the Second Aall'Aita:streeti Railway, zfrena Allegheny avenue to BritiiibikVinU: be rieetved at - thia Offifte anti/ FBI VS.T: tha,2offf that, Nooa. - lUna sxrpeoUlaationtome be even at the 0M 30 atter 1iUooli." ' - MIRO 719alunt,' - fitiTATZ 'WHISKEY •INSPROTORS' 0.7 'Zola for 'the, Poreof Philadelphia, No. 234 llorth WAA-Tttlidi between Pace and Vine streets. f z :analog - arias®:. : , , , Soffit ' iliOtAirfOlof - Of tibia Oharrretreets kOIIT7IIIIIBN OitPtoll, •_ HOLlliktortitf_rantit'est; abed* Walnut, side.) "'lkt hied" Oaf tlist'Alikeseoilibeireeripittent - Deputies ate yoidY ; at*.ait times to; eiecuta orders with despatch: She list; glires:the loirchaiers' of-donwelle liquors, whalket for been Onstorption or. exportation, a right to* demand'dertificate;rohich- We will' tarnish free of charge; 'Of ill all iniipeatta by oar - department, eetting,forth.the forearm:4 gauge, which should AC6003- lintlY.OSteh Pm, of. s idle, se se the purchasers may know ,ill,ttda thetirt!cle is`selas g oalie represented: , petwoni gaugin or inspecting domestic , distilled splithi; who: ari:ook .tir , leptdepatier; will bis prose. Wad, an irtChiterul hereafter to , folly enforce she law Inepeetoni, are" prioted heading, end *of wee* Arnie Jiii htate of PennSylrenia Chafer', c;-)vt14.41f1". ' • E 0 VA ' - The ,:.1(011010: BUSQUE tor EaffEDATTIIiiitNORTII and WEST MANOR, ,TNIANHATH CO kilPAllVAtiki opened an Affiaa lA.tpp nOU4 sit oliespluT far et; go isna Aimer - yo '4O; protryity end efficiently, 46(as:direst einaintialaation ,tiritat ftia 'great •o 4 and ‘gon 'Wafts otr anhia'lSags; theaillay of thelafgna. banal,: and lentb,btaneheti eneneistinettith tellable Imes Atiottigt Nerthersi• 'kid' W estern Nee Yorlq the Out. dalloin4 14.00i,149rialitatee:7.-:• mya-laaa W . „,r/SCIULLNOTIOSI. Dealeya GintdYeat's, 'l l / 4 7 Patent for Vulcanised- Robber 80spendori,_11rnidt, ~lfetoxiaintaltailberlatitimannd articles otadeby conibln /ISmai tartskidis with zthriada aot Agate of miaow - 'aiablieraratiotillad that =deem tho same s t re properly Aitatilbekroe tebbllad id% my mimesand by my antbort tyi- they cannot toi, 14idly disposd' of -in the Mated Illtntint..:Metettanto lndlintlota aro invited to examine ramoli A9. l r:ltt got, end ,to their - orlon for the Ong; Ereda ihe EXCLUSIVE OWN. RBO7 THE , TITLES - --EXCIANIV II BIGHTS INlllE'PATANTirorikese'gooda, wide& sailintoe all attdeelesitetolone litanidestionVe of,-Itarrtad, emo =VI/ *them. WO, IJOBESES TO NANUTAUTUES AND SELL —and the Terms-44110 obtalued on appliontiola to Jae at NM IS GMTIANDT btreot,N. - 04-I.lt- 4:- . 1.- , lloAnal H. RAY. ~wksrd: R •AtBAI, ESTATZ BODILItX" . AND CONI/IYAN DIONSY UPArizi - ON GOO u AtOuPGAGIB. • COLL XOT/Orle 4.1t0 riIPPLY MADB. mlOlB-81:9.- , — VOURIATOWN PA. 8‘.2,14PPp229„D0P/C. Stiifet;above , walinti sreatifcciamts, ivad dealers to Ma. 'eaatlke.tß_ lhaer , Wet .seearttles general,. Attend the 'Braltersl;Bdatededlt; ASV air teen 'rim - the, pu elraafer ails-of S74OCISS, BONDS, &O. jalay 179 . g0,1718E'. & 00. z irsoia,,ooonr.oxuatem manatan, - *0.40 /south TRIED &tree, - 71,4Ari!tf t "07-u`A!!ric 20 tia Piwohtlida. irentovists. ItEMOVALLIE -PENNSYLVANIA 0031PANtIORTNSUBANON8 ON LIVNO AND: GHANTINEVANNMINS twos removed their °Mee, tompormity, to No. .nt NAANT7 ., ,l;Nrottilliot door tiefork , Thttd,atrietA • ". • -0105.4r0 33c1t)it,q1 wirgt..uPat & WILSON ;18nprrior to it 4 other' for general lye, and tor 'WET 'PIELORA DHESEOLAKIIRE' N 4. Fr LEORLY,Y.T.FTY DOLLARS. - - omen; N 2 Oboltenteteeet, Philadelphia. P , ":jrla r ettlitatailltesetarenton, N. 7. ; ;Over' John- Pitnes illore r Easton, Penns. '• 7 !mil ti,a,r)ltisei, West Chester. • " • 4 BUB MONTS ; EDWIN WEER. Ca; Moorest own, N. J. :::' , :w.tursm_ramrsaeolfir lern, N. J. Eirtnialtent operind shortly, by msi in Reading, Allentown, 11124. Lancaster. Penna. • . „ ,HENRY COY, Agent. iiiy7=4m 4 , H4XXIWP,BOXIDOIX SIM/NG XA OWit9OI QtP* l 4, ittelike riblia ae tlin =Wm 41 14 4 Xeohltie in nee. >tSiUell from Ain far,lttyrelitekee be- an , ,bseb, os al; Wads of goOkfient ecointo43 the Welt cambric". It without , eneeptioni the, pimpled in IleMechanical ,aciattnetton ever made, &edema be run and kept 001113 MineOt tweit % e.yadrf of larke.'":?tt4lnnefsister of thin aninhlne,.and the ovum , " or me wean, are wec , 4inted Its speed ranioa tiontibreic hnodredAa t filteep hundred etitehlic per ml-" , note. CI - 61 , U tined IS iekeildfreetly front the spools ; Arninowtranninoannn,o7;naniminxo. In hot It is 6 mashing that h wanted by "Tory family In thi /and s and the lew pier tif! ;- ' •-,-TUPTY,D9L.LABO, • 11.1wItieli they ikieaplailairign th eta witlslatils reacliol aimed D. BARBS, Agent, r .48146121 . 14-irow-I{ia 720 /ROI( HTRu T. Ontatitiniti. SOHO • litEitlOAl3 SOHO )L INSTiTIITE Al - 11. - plkeirkatehtsvlth Oitantexe, of the beat My and COM:WY 134A.611' oupplLes Teachers - with posltioae, and 064iollt*It6 Teachexe ,. OMITH i WOODMAN 100.,, -,,my14- ‘ lott, ‘.; 011B9ritrr fittest, ENGTAIStf:I;NDICL4SI3I94I+ BOARD INe4OIIOOII t4;in 84510., iennevliania, - Oltrzeterances given. 7/&*ixtligilani kind for , np26.lm* ilpelitANT -4 :STAATTON'o NATIONAL M3IIIIOANTII4-COLLZGIEI •Loaatea at Phil.: cornet? SEVENTH and CHZETZiIIYrj ..Nwer - Totlyitntraloo:lleveland, and Oblcusgo.. !WI rcinizsgonosaker bapfl Tot Catalogue, , , fe9-tf soos LEIRY- 7 -JA.B. M..: LEIDY, riiheipilti of t1C1D,41102111118 , atOADEBI7, See/148 and 150 SIXTH 'Bllll3Wr i 'mear Bede, where a keowledge of , WRlCrlfiff,--BOOKIIIIISPINGt, sad ABITHIIIITIO rewllWeerteht to evert pupil the! may enter, AClADhfilrepew dear ash evening., - pianos. .AE if, BACON', &' Co. , s ; Olaik Ifalleti; CO sad,A. H. Gals fc Co.', superior PI ta4ool Als,o Ms: MICLODZONB !sod HAIL: .psoNllMPipo,sliusirsylejor , Obluctifs and Lecture , ;eirrA I IKOI 4OI I/9 0 drull Rent,. *T3O7„ • "OXIINTO zategliltir - 43TEINWAr , : , &, , SON'S GRAND, - and Nunn PIANOS, - noir, universally led, teemumended by the beet Artists, pror.s. stead sad sunatonpartorineziq of thin noruitry. A.iota viarlson with , the best other makers wilt easily eatiary the their `enperlirrity; ee thily apealt,"for alutemeiree,.ead are them money and trouble. • ' BLeszus 88,08 , - - ; :qan " *Val '' i 11 %, :1 *- 'l 4 1006 Chestnut 'street) SUPRRIDEV PIANOS.: - ' WILLIAM INABN de CO. PIANO•104111 - MANIIPAOTITitilla Nod. 1,8, 6, and-I North stiror street , en d No. 207 BALTlAlONMPAsset,.betireenNh a iies and Light Meets; l • Rafe sisralf - on _kind 'a largs„seirtotent qt their superior Plana , reeenttnendikriiy- 41.111chtes sae 8. Thalberg. tittakoackand other eelehritted.ferforineri to Iv soma; if not Stifeiriori to any made in:aus country. : , ..glurdnnt.billty of their Pianos will be Warranted for 8,1 years, and a 'prielleva of exchange granted, within eft .riwntha, should' they not Vise entire: Indigestion, Menufastwing 'Wray,v . s, wi ll , soli wholesale, And re tail, sttlis moat ressdeehisiniess. - WILLIAM /NAME et 00: Kea": LIN N.7.1114,L71.61101,1. ( - 43 OHNBTNUT Wttest: Philadelphia,' ate our Authvitsed Agents, and SIN i - sniy_amptnall,yon, hand and sell our Pianos at Pr.66 6 .c.. " mh6-6ak , . • . ~,,,,,V , : ;, (X .#I ID -402'01114.01P : , .., ' -''' . . ,1 104 Cti NPJAKIIYAB-AND l e ngigt .' . , .. - , „ ,_,,. , e , PLANO-ROLISES. --• , .- - --, iwAtilLoolitglaerollzBllll:lS, NATTIXIT. tilirlii ad* almtcotiibr, °tour BiItITIFITS, ntid tralQvAtIXD illentreteNTEl,- , Me hive been ittit.:ijitt;thii iiireienbiltr.hibition in thin country` and , 7 trii,WßaildAtfiklitrirpt, ipyrr43 l / 1 1.118 kiiiiimi, 4 f /Y.-,-„,, , ,i,;,..; - -d: - -1. . . ; .1 11. , , - !+ 7 )ltilnltbl7o; - Ingq. ~ • ':- ,'. ~ ~ _ . SA:TA JIL.DAItOr : LINE.— 'it VA isamer44o(rif %motto iiiilletive TtliOnt ritalL'it; , aneatt annalaysi .."Paltim ' Wm* 011 y, Rom thstli, ranasarnltt ' 4111404 I!lainciat7 4 ,elceic ,iif SM waloak ritCr Reiumbigilaates - A .M. ili:r iftat for Woodstawn and Bridgeton meet this Magi , , .- - _', - s37/o.lm, '," 70hitttner'lleGorto. OHIO ,W,HITH, §O11", 47R SPR INGS.. Jf AiNO6 O6 T I ILI 4 4 O O 6 A E:ONA P 1 a 0 t . 1;10R, YOU • - .„-TOBOUIPIVIL)TE StfhlititiltllPßlNOSare Mims ted In Delaware county, 18 toilet north' fi eta Oelatibia, (the capital of Ohio) on the,Solotcl river,4o miles from Delaware, 10 mile,' from the White Sulphur station, on; 1 the t minefield, Mt 7l'Vernou,' sod. L'lttelsorg Railroad, and 10miles Mtn ?lament Tolley Or .Btriagal Ostler', on the„Oviumputt; Piqua, and Indiana railroad.. These - Sprinpwilibe open tor the recePtion:of Malta's ‘• , ON THR PIEST DAT OF /ONE. - The improvernentinf, 1859 hive been large,' enabling, the proprietor to aetliintroodate from five to' six hundred guests, Among thaseimptstementi may mentioned a large aul - argent hotel, neW cottage rows, additional buildings for amtiseMetto,' and,",recreatiou, exteosive bath-houses, 6 steam lattiviry,'&o.rite: ' • • • -" ,13pOntto estate There are five Splinga all within the lawn, fear of Which; the 'White' euiplior the 0111) 4 beide, the fdagneatatt, and the - Ofilybeate, - are decidedly medicinal, whilat the fifth 1 re arkable - for • the purity Of its water., THE; HiSH SULPHUR is beautiful -Artesian - fonntain, - altdated near . the reeky bank - of the Scioto river.' 'At' the depth of lee feet below the level of the Scioto,. Rowe the remarkable *ream orsulptin which Aeneas's , this, Fori ng. ' Thin atreatOwini discovered stionolio sausage; by a- gentle: mini The Wag berhig.tor salt, - The Water when reached, at onto woes to the stirfsee, and -has e'er since: rou tine-ad to flow, during alt seasons, without change or abatement, either In quality or volume. MEDICINAL" PROPERTIES. . -• Ifor-Yeare theee,Springa haSe been highly eineentsd for their medicinal proportion. During tie past season their repntatlonin,thie respect has been eingOlarly con.' firmed: ,They weniedminlatered by - a physician, Judi- - closely as to quantity, time rf drinking, continuance, ito., cud utterer this Systenuitio plan the, cures were ntunerons and grelitying• - „ THE WHTIE SULPHUR WATER, , is peculiarly Servioeable In those disorders isT the Llve and Stomata which soof ten afflict gentle,.--en who have, 'been too closely conned to business, and porpoise Of sedentary habits. •• - • - THE OHALTBEATB SPRINGS are ermanent- tonics. - Their •effeota uon - broken downp and debilitated conetitutiOne have be p en emt Iran: elent but listing, giving to the blood A new vitality, and to the penal) new life and vigor - THE IdkallitilLAN WATER • . to a gentle aperient. •- • r • „, I Invelide may rely upon every faellitybeing furnisha%: - them which tan enutribute tp health and comfort. , 'As a delightfial retort "twin the summer month's, the Ohio White Sulphur Spring; have no ?trot in the Vi l est, and but few in the United Staten, : The lop,ticia is pe culiarly healthy f.the %dote „here is •a rapid. rocky stream; The I , Cliff Limestone a formation hundreds of feet in thickness, through which the river onto its way, is everywhere. sitter at or near the aurface; the grenade of the estate are beantifully undulated, - and ioterspersed with tumorous ravines which carry off all the superfluous water, thug rendering the soli dry ;and the atmosphere free from theflonaldity to preltidlolal to health j these clicuopiteuees, taken in commotion with the altitude of the plante,whout 1,009 feet above thelorel or the ociesniruales 'the looalitr ae free from nialarlone lailuenoen as a mentitein region. '1 he Spring property cenobite of 820 acres. of land; one hundred of -which le covered by one of the moat beautiful grim, in Ohio. This woodland is handsomely 'laid off Into wells suni'drivee, one of the latter' being two tape in extent. I3ATIIB. Bathing here, by "the; plan adopted, le firelight into - .feirconipetition ;with that at naturally Warm and Hot 'Spitfire, 'water is heated in - the bath tub by steam ,pipes ; the heat ant being rated high enough to preolpi. tato Mesita, itie by this 'fitting applied to the surface of the bather witbont the Inas of Its saline ingredients. TELEGRAPH OFFICIO. A Telegraph Office, communicating with all parts of tlie country, has been established at the Sonora. To be thus in connection with distant points, will be a great cotiventenoti to gentlemen who can hear from and direct their business Whirs daily. - All the accessories necessary to health, pleasure and amuiement, vision` may expect to fled at the Ohio Waite Bobber Sprier, ae the proprietor Is determined to mate it, in every particular, tirete:daes watering place. Gratified with the libe ral patronage extended last year, nor effort - will be 'Tared to merit ext enders eon, tinuenee. • ' •' - • A livery, well stocked with herself and tiarrlagee,. is attached to The Springs . , • For farther info.mation, arrangements for address - • - • - ANDBSW WILSON, White Sulphur P. 0., - _Delaware ,Co layl74w IMICE4 nOARDING,t—The MlNEttAti, SPRING GCVO., GROVE, has re, oatOly been reAtted mut refurnidted throughout, Iliad 18 wow open for penueueut and tranolont bkerderB: . The advantages of this 'piece for Bqnonsx 40ordInth are its large•end- wiry rooniii•epaetons grottads,.4cLe4 *hada walka, and extensive grovel, with opting water; phiuseand sho w er battle, and oonvadent egress to tb,o ally i four daily lines of coaches connect with the north .Pennsylvanle Railroad at Abingtowlitstion. • Zoo further partleulerm, inquire of H. G. OTRISLING, tlen. 090 and 241 North erEflliD Street, or • *ALBERT'BUOICAIA.N, Proprietor, Willow Grove Post (Mee, •••• myl7.2w* • " •if optgomery County, Penna. - , IFIYHRATA. MOUNTA Bg4jims -- ; triatO &BUM COUNTY; PENNA.; ,L 'This iavorate establish nent will be opened by . the but of Eituated on the Ephrata Bldg*, 59 =files wen t Philadelphia, 18 month or Reading, 18 north tf Lanolitir s :4o 'sot of Harrisburg, and having the advantage of the linnet molt 'star, every variety of batlui(the aria elevated to 1,200 feet; above 'water level, with graied and shady walks in dense forests,- and the mootdater:tides land,espe scenery lathe Union, it is not surpassed as a summer resident*. Aiiionnuodationa for4oo persons, improved stabling, and good easnags gegen.• ateo a good stook or livery horses and owned's, win ; ; arppeements. A good band bllllarittables; ten inn Utley. It, is easy of mewl from ell the above points byrailread'ar.l roaches The propel/tor sparea nothing to , make it ic kola pima, tor comfort and health. Por farther particulars, ,Bee elecuitre, to' ,be 'had bby applying to Joseph gi.lgyers, Third and :Vine Meets; ;amen 8, Earle, 816 Okestnut Street; or to the proprie tor, aosepEc liteifltisfAortsit, ptirata Bout ce, myll3Bm Lauciater County, pow*. - • -- CXLEPONI,A`: -SPRINGS.—The under signed takes pleasure itiainnonnoing that She has rented. from the proprietors _these Celebrated Spriogc, and tingle that, from her long ezperiencs, and having ensured the services or Mr. J. W. ROYSTON; and with prompt attention - to the wishes of her goes* She will sible.to reader amplasatiatactien tq 41i who Ivor her with their Pat:Puska: Her terhts are vary low ; and, In thus reducing the price pt boarding, she homedo place it within the, owei et every sumo er-resorter To again Indulge in their usuel recreation. Persons leayjog the city by the moralpg trains - will be enabled to arrive at the Springs the same day; by the way of Gettysburg or Ohambereburg, where Wallies will be in attendance to convey. passengers to the Springs. The meaSon•will oointrienos on`..the Ist ,ot June: The terms are as fol. 'owe; • Board per day '' ' ' ' 1 ' is - *eels' ' 500 Children tinder 12 years, end cerise% halt puce All communications' addressed to the ungersigued, at Ohasobarsburg. will meet with prompt attention. any 12 thstatisl4..' HANSOM. M. COOPS% A TL A N T IC CITYI ATLANTIC PITY! ' • NATIONAL -HOTEL I • AND , cianllON_ L reotral.l. }Wier 00 , Proprietors. Thiel:law ties skanza¢hatda, anduill be obisand on the 20th °flit/Cr. for the accommodation of Boarders and 'Excursionists. It is rofurnished in the . peet w.th new If =dare, Bedding &a. The National is admirably Moat d on Atlantis ars. nue, durum ends a 'fine view of the Ocean; and but one agnare from the beat Bathing Ground on the Wand. ' A opiendld Ball Boom and Dining Boom being at. taoheCt to this house, mskev It patticalarly dedrAblo for Blrenralone: mylo.ltarn L . LOHENHE HEIGHTS ;HOTEL, Flo— MOO, The enbsoribere, haring-leased the above named popular Home fora tom of Yenta. Intend opening about June Ist. The former' patrons of the bocce, and others, - may be &seared that no' efforts on the. part of the - proprietors shall be wanting to. ten. der it a truly attractive summer retort.. Bathe,'Bilitard !Tables, Tan Phi Allays. and Stabling . te the piomteee , ROBBINEI & 'WILL &RD. fEr Items eeenred frees a diagraie of the Honee, by application at the effloe 'or W. WILLARD, 439 orugvniur_ Street, second lloor. • rey(3.lm • . - propooalo. D POgA L S ^ FOR. 1317116iINOUg proposals will be received - at the office of the PHILADBLPHIA. 'CUB WORICS, Ho. 20 Fouts. SIVENTIC Street, until peon of FRIDAY, Jaws 10, 1859. for any part or the whole of filly thtimand lons of Xitualincue Outs, suitable for the manufacture of Gas, to ba delivered 'it 'the One Works, on the Boiroyl kill river, In such monthly qualities u may be speci fied to The first deliveries to sommetwo In the month of August next. - • - The coats mug he fresh, clean, and dry. and of a qua lity to be approved by the Engineer. The proposals must state the particular vailety of coat ft is Inter:dad to furnish; and Lief a kind not before sued at theseworks, samples fortrial Will be required previous to the of opening the proposals. The gross ton of 2,240 pounds wine considered as the weight intended in the propo sals, unless otherwise expressly stated ; and If it be pre. feriedto deliver by measure the struck bushel of 2 USW cubic Inches will be need. In ease of failure to deliver the coal wording to agreement, the Trustees of the Ciao Works zeeem the right to purchase wherever they may deem beet, and charge to the contractors any lose or damage consequent on such failure. The payments will bimade in two equal Instalments, at four and ala -months after the specified- periods of delivery, the 15th of each month to be taken as the average of the monthly dollyerlea ; or, at the option of the Trustees, payments will be made in cult, with In terest-deducted. idbottlikthe contractors prefer to deliver the coal ear lier than it may be received, If convenient to ntore. but payment, will be made to date from the time npecided. •-• • Setiafectoryseenrltifor_the fidalment of the contract Will be required: JONN 0 (AMNION. -" - - Saulueer Philadelphia Gee Wor ks. May 18;1850. , mylB-dij 810 ,l~Extiii;axs, pAumEas t FARMERS'!! FARMERS 111 .e: • STIPSKIOII,TO 'OHEMICAL'PIILVNISIZED BONDS. The annals or Boxes is so well known to ail farmers, ' and all its merits Co generally acknowledged, that it Is .net stall thlrkrthliffir to and the 01111111OLL PULTZMIEBD Bowan; manufacture., by Mews.; TIERS 'ea OD., ion saparseding all atlyerfartilisers.'' By their sueeessful disedvery and preparation, the °tax Objection lupine, the satiate has been removed, (via: lra Wow results.) Farmers and others now gat a Manure , g. Whit& they eau uuderstand,r alwaya pure, always reliable. It will at , owe enariehthe sea, puab forward the *reps, and at the sauna Late be LaSTINO. TISIte& 004 ' ' • SUPER , PIIOSPEATII Or LIMN, Awe. deservedly popular, Yerillieer In Prepared by Messrs. Tune & C 0.,. at their Oarbon Works, and is pronottneed Superior to Por Lime Stone Land, it Is invaluable. - - Its -elect upon the land and cone quick and 10410 w—with all the benefits arising Iroio guano, It has none of lie exhausting effeetW. It In used In shout the same quautitlee and for the same pur poses, as the Chemical Pulverised hones. . • Theoa popular Fertllliere are put up la biro sod bar. eels, convenient forhandling. Every attention paid to farmers( and others wlehlag information. The latest papers and pamphlets always to be found at our (date.— Needs delivered free of expense to any part of the city or railroad:depots. UJ' A call Is solicited: TWBLLS dr.' 00., 10 andl2 Sonth Wharves, below Market ht., , .. Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—To avoid the bustle and delay on the 'Wharf Or on Water:divot, wagons will load in allay adjoining, mhl2-tutbedm W2na glortable Oas tamps , . , . . G' ' Al 3 LIGHT INBARITANT OH . TOWN On COUNTRY. MACE'S PORTABLE GAS GBNIERATOL and Cirri:ran, mochas OHANDIILI MSS PasnanTS, soda/ARDS, in endless varlet; or else and at.le s may , intropueeg Into owl" aWs*Lisia, cilionOn,llALG, - WOlMEinor,_and sedroay In the city or countryw tenon tlintiaLlif and at MILL =Patna, It la Inialasa to intilalply Words in pralie of this 'truly veluabla,iarention. It mot be glean to be Appreciated. • Every,peraOlotdesirout to Obtain *superior. 'GAS LIGHT AT A ',MIS OORT THAN ONE CENT • - • • ?BR HOUR. either toi'elty Or Country, eheald call before pardon. In other lights, and satisfy themselves of Its great 2.41114 , , etionearol operation, and entire euperiority over all other Portable Gee Lights. (MONTT MOUTH TOR BALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAL AGENCY, 88 South SHOOED Street, - PHILADELPHIA. B. E SOUTHLAND, Agent. . My 4.2.thstalro . , 'llO THOSE , who are about to purChaso ft. brims ; Pante, White Lead, and Window Wm, , trediratt theirWttention to att:ttnattrpaened and soieot stock of soh goods, which are to be fount at the store of ZINGLEB SMITH, - ap26•tf corner of 13390 ND sad *BM Otago% rrHr, iges,l3l Natituf ThE DISTRICT WHET- FOR THE I. CITY AND COCN'IIt OrPHILADDI,PDIA. JAMB LANG3TB.OIII vs. - WADDINGTON PAY- ;BO - mid OATff AR - INV It..CAlf nabi k owners, arid liatiffiSdlTON PArttal.N:Contrachce ,z ~ ' ,evertnelas _ • Dee ,ff ern', 1869,' No 14 0 1. The audltoi appointed by the hald."Cifiiie to_ report distribation of 'he fund In Court, arising from the Sheriff'm Bale r finder the above writ, of; the 'following oral:Maas' to wit: all that certain two-and-a half-story . hiidh bonne', thirteen and a half feet frontbyrthitty feet In depth, and one-story frame' kitchen fatlobed. thir teen aed a half inat by alevota feat in depth. situate on the licrthweaterlY silo of tfitlnee 'athirst, in the Tweedy- Inconel word, of city ofrbiladelphis ; and let er piece of IrouudO3ontatiiing - thirty feet' front :by - tiro ' hundred feet in depth;lieunded on.the northeast ;by, greund, of Nlizaboth all‘ligan, ..'on the, northiscat by ,afechaide atraetion the, aouthirect by n ground of Margaret A.. Fiii. , ley, and on the sontheast byfielnes street aforesaid, will meet the Dailies Interested, foilbe - purpose of his tip-, I .pointocent, on TtIIgHDAY May-24,1: all, it,_ 4, &d o o r ., l'. M. at his office,No 81 1 .68.011fitreet, Philadelphia,' atithealz time and plots all persona intonate , 'aro arose gutted to' present: their, °barns, .er be debarred . trout! coming noot said fund. „ Jolssra P. iffty..NTON ~. ,'. f mYl24.ot* ~, • , ' . -.. . - --,' - - Atictitot... -,. TiIE.DISTRIOT . COURT .F,Oll, THE CI tY. AND 'COUNTY OF FRILADELPITIA. ' JAMB F. LANORTE L OTEI vs..ANTRONY' FdALEY and - MARGARET A. - rs.Aiwy (Owners), and • 4t . Tlltatir FRALEY (Contractor). Lev Ari Fel:41'8;1/0C Term, 1808, NU. 1400. ha supine; appointed by the said court to ?apart diatribe ion of the fund fnt emirt; erielog from the Rheriffia male under the above writ alike following pre% misea, to wit : " All that certain two and an half storj tickle hereto, thirteen arid afrbalf feet front 'by thirty feet in depth, and one .story frame kitchen attached - , thirteen and an half feet by eleven feet hi depth, Inn. ate on the northwesterly tilde of Relate street' Id the Treenty.aecort ward of Jite, city of Philadelphia., and lot or piece of ground, - containlog thirty feet front by one hundred teat In depth, pounded on the nortbealt by ground of Catharine Fayrari, on the northwest by grtypni of Thomas kfullinempr i • on the , sonthwea ground of Samuel. Tannin, and go the poutlicapt by Reines street, Neat the rerties bir tell:dad for tb.epurposes of hin appointment on Tl7BB- DAy. May gt, 18§q, • at 4. °woo; rag., at, hit 408 No. 811 Arch otreet.PlNlndelphki, when 41;21,wliers a lt persons- intereeted are required to present thp (anima, or be debarred troth owning upon mold fund. i myl2.lot* 708.EFILP BRINTON, Auditor. At• T. N at. ns. THE NORTH., wEsiiißN RAIL 0.. 41 4MrAti:f rk,t. tilr IN THE 8UP1015,113 COURT OF TOE D rEnsyI.VANzA: •IN AND :FOR TIM - ,8119T14N DISTRIQT. % Tannery Term, 1859, No 10. In Tognity. Under and by virtue or a deereg ef thn 'Bgpreme Court of the Btate of Pennsylvania, made - In:the alma case, on the 28.5 day of april, 1859 will be Mir - teed at public sale; by public. voodoo Or Outcry, nisn DAY, the fifth day of lair, A‘ D. 1859, at 12 o , olock, noon, at the PHILADELPHIA RXIMANGIO tat' city of Philadelphia, by MOAB' THOMAS* BONI3, Anotioneera, the following described railroad , and nio• pony, upon the ternm and conditions hereinafter idated; to .wit film NOI2TS 1 ;1730TEIIN Ranalcial>, from ite ter mlnus inNeWatistie, in the county of Laurence,' Peen. sylvan's., to lts eontheastern terminus, et or nearßiers villA,'lndlana county, Pennsylvania, and , all. the dor: porate rights, franchises, filid, priviDgee thereto , •be= longlog, together with the lealde.dipoth depot grenade, and real, estate. belonging 'to Said North Western Railroad Company. ' • ANDREW Td. EANTWICIV, ", RDWARD 0. RNICHT; PBTER A. KRIONft. • Tritteee: - - N. D.—lt appears from the rapid of the 'Aimiter, toot the route or said railroad extends a distance of IRS miles, or thereabouts, that &A rienseoutive mites Of eild road have being graded, and the bridge masonry thereon completed, and the superstructure of the 'bridges in part, but not wholly made,- That that portion or eta road is, for the moat. part, ballested, but the "• - tantielit, upon that part of cold road have not been 'arched, Nod that two milts, orthereabouts;, of the User have , been laid. Of the' remaining, portion' of the road,: three mites only have been graded; 'that mince the work aroFementioped has been done, many fifths tunnels, • Omar:4010 hakilalten to; that the cuts• O neyerel m:wales° bewailed by elides of earth and gruel, 1144 the ballast in several places destroyed, - TElltdll OP SALE. - " • • The geld land*, railrol4l, fraodhlseh and, prprinees, abase mentioned, will bp eXimeed to Ws sPtliff and IP one lot, and the following terms and 0024104113;r wilt lie observed In the making or the , said eale, In aoctordsona with thidecree of the cond.. In eases., of the holders of the bonds or othpone due end payable upon 'the , said bends Ofkltexald fi The North Western Railroad 0ci.•,1 1 and secured by the mortgage spouted by the An. drew K. Eastwiek, Eduard 0. Knight, and Peter geyser; Trustees, shall beeinne purchasers by them• aolyea op with otherp of the said prendeer at the geld gale, Doen - the said holders of the mild bonds 'or °imports ind they Srg hpf.eby, authored to' nutte pay ment of ,the price or parables rininelld'hylheliti at the said pale. own , 'in Whole op in iitketeptleff Vg sum of -o,o°o lhortgaafter tpentlOoe,,. h`„ aria ja i t :i f and delivering to the said Audreg Ad, - .Jjaa yr oh. it war 0. Knight, and Peter A.. Keyser.: irrusteros, 'Wiese , the • bonds or minpons the said ottrohaser thaythen bold Or by reaelptlng upon the same for the atiotuit that rimy be so bid by; him or them in whole or la 'part' at the said purchase money, the said bonds add tonpone to be oat," rented at such rate Per cent.pf the par value thereof, as thilhollieto at the bonds or coupons stparchas tog maybe respeetivefOrrititled ',,.r,'naive out of the whole price or awn for which the prebilses Shill ha sold to aforesaid, after PaYthent of annexing ',end °Minnie stone, for which Cum or abildeod the said delivery and tranpfer of a receipt upon the said bonds and coupons thall be 4.eemad and takeu I. be a discharge and acuult• tam to Pia- 79Usteepi , 07.1 the belst3 R a of the said purchase money net 7 nal4' in UOlkis WASTipOns pa elate , soldehall be paid by the geld - party tio purohaelet. In cash, cash, within sweets days after the day - Or nate, - the eall Trustees, And if the said premises shall be pur chased at the said sale by parties other thin the- hold -ete or 031118111 of the esid bonds'. or coupons, as before Vientloupd than the whole of the said parchsum money shall be geldllt PieUg till.Nrne of the said Sale ce within neatly days thereenet;3o n ra gel d . Andrew U. ..thetwiok, Ildward. 0. Knight. a Pete A:Veyeer, Trustees aforesaid; Red upon each sale being co made and effected as before mentioned, and aeon the terms them! being tally complied with, thystd Andrew SI. lainwiet; Awls a. Knfght, and relent.. Keyser, Trustees store. Aid 001 Eiecate highest bidder, being the Ruralise/1r thereof, or Iridateif‘ tierault within twenty ear , thereafter, to the nett ittalloat 1 0461'0 thovremer a proper dig ',sr AWN for the panting 5 7 4- G 9rwirm unto hue or them of rtie- afereseld Undo. reamedi, franchise°, Improvemerds, and psi to him or 'them upon the sokriewledgincoi j this said oo4'rt:to have., hold. receive, and enjoy 010 same according to lair - 'and the dutif of A eerohlY, of this Commonwealth relating to the mime, for eue4Selelisand Estate' as the said a, NORTH WRIITERN RATIdielrAD oomeANY) , had' thet On, lea that the said biddel.titl eald sale shall pay down, at the truant signing the Qom. &stens of kale. the nun of (ttl.gup) one thousand dol. , lars, Per farther partlenlare. tinkly tO 1110010118 Y, Oalloitor or Olimplalcante, ap23-th&m.6ol 4io SPBUOS Etreet. • COAL under. proceedings In escheat of the 4atate of THOMAS PHARKBY, peewee, by order or the Auditor Canaille( the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania MITWItEbt SIPTH ,AND SIXTH STRUTS HauirdwAy,/inEftb, Mfg at VII O'ohieS In the evening, will be toll at Public Sale, at the Pbollael, phis lichens°, All that lot or niece of ground, with ic frame idled thereon erected situate on the north' Bide of Snipped street, between Ptah and Blxth etreete. In the township of lloyanieneing, In the county of Philadelphia, begin ning at the northeast corner of a certain twelve feet wide street, ogled Rays street, containing in Trait on kbiplien utregt twenty leer, ,and extending in depth northwardid between Lapps evellel with the eatd: thus strect sixty-two feet nix team, THCIeIAB & IllONS,'Auotioneere, my 6 12 10 20 JeT 189 and 1 4.1 Eolith POUR, rEc et.- simES'o PTIRS 00D•LIVRE OIL, ' PIOULICTLY - 13W8LT ACID PALATAILLII, Menu-. faStared ot, Newf.:manes:A for the ,Proprietors, from fresh and heathy infer?, by steam, at; a low tempera tore, thus preserving the sweetness end 'purity of the 011, while the 'natural nehy flavor is perfectly covered, end the 011 rendered palatable and amoebic, to the taste, The Proprlelors of title Oil spare no 'expense lo basing their Oil properly prepared at Newfoundland, the only place where the Gaddy merrhos re forind in abnadanoe., The true 011,Is frequently Impaired by admixtures with 01l from other; epodes of the Pedal, family, and only that coming from' the a Duke ran be rered - uposiae the genuine." , " • • • Our. 011 hal been analysed, and pronounced to Ire pyre and the perfection of fine quality—ohamoteristleri which enable it to maintain fie anperlerity 'aver all other kb:l4s. Prepared and for sale, Wholesale and Retail, by tummy & 00., mhlCl•tf TWELTTII and OLIEBTNUT, NEURALGJA. /1, 'ode following testimony is from s well-known citizen of Philadelphia, in re(sregee to TEOEELL'S NEURALGIA SALVIA. here been sffilotod with Mara Neuralgia for air. Wards of twenty years, - Have tried Allopatido add Do o and every other remedy that was suggested, andeould get no relief.' I was indseed to try this noire. and alter nail/ . JOSS than one box, I found immediate relief. The pa all lett one, and pave had no return of it. • I voluntarily and ohserfully recommend it, rant have done so,) to them similarly afflicted, that they may know where to fled ,'relief. It is the only and Kars remedy, for / have toted it. ;AIRS ITTTRIO, Master Drityrkri, k" •No. 927 North VIM street , Phila.)) Par sale, E. W. ,corner"stETE and PARRISH Streets. st.ol.tf C • A.RD.--31.11.REIJIL—SITR-104 (cal?- PAONE), JANUARY le, 1450.—1 n tonmequerice of the frequent Invitations received by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to the States, I bog leave hereby to inform' my fennot"nos. toeless, and the public in ststral. that I hive ap• pointed /dears. Y. 0. BROUWER/AMUR; it CO., Bole Agents in the Malted States, , for ;the sale army Champagne Muse, Afy Mae, have beenpoloogand favorably known In the tinned Staten, It will be un neceseary to comment on their quality; further than to say that my new shipments will in nO way be round in tartest° the former ones. BILLSOART SALMON'S OHASIPAGNE WINES, both CABINET and YEIFIZENKY, tor rale awl eon atantly oa hard, in lota to salt pa.obassrs, by. ' F. 0. BBOVSY.IDR, ANOW/11, /o'oo Ed BEAVER Street, NeliYßrk. CfiESTNUT GROVE musfcgr,:--4. de, sire to lemon the tioneamption of lawns aoirito, knowing their injorions effects upon the conetltation, boss hpreeed the offering to thf public at en article which the alielyeatian of Praffigeor (Milton, Aaarytical Chemlet, of New York, and Pleura. .Pooth, Garrett, & 0813331,0, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the mostpareandooneequently leutinjailoun spirits ever offered the American public , . • ORRTIVICATE 0.1? DR. JAB. B orathoN. I bare ank l yeed a simple et Chestnut -grave Whiskey, received from htr. GRARLDS WHARTON, la.. or Philadelphia, kpd havjog carefully tented .It, I ltll pleated to elate that it le entirely free film polsonow or deleterious substumees. It le en. uousuallfpure and doe snored quality of Whiakey. :AMU New York, Oept..2s N. C A R seI TTON IO s m D t . s t. Sept, 0, PM. Dims :We have careliallY tuned the temple tri gbsetapt-Qrove 'Whiskey 'kick Ysti Sept idy end Bpd Slott It sontaina none of the poisonous aubitscioe known las Fuels OIL whioh is the characteristic end injaileur Ingredient of the Whiskeys ingeneril use. Very respectfully, • BOOTH, (tABNITT, A OAMAO, ' Analytical Oheoxists. To CIIASILIS Wnelllol, Tl., No 110 WALNUT Bt., Philadelphia, 0522-dtJil. reIOWING AND REArING. ' We ere enle agents r PIisNOOK'S 0110 RBRATBD IRON rtgamsaTEte. OOPWB DDOZ-IVN &tong AND REIPRR. DANN & INPROVII9 ADARER AND MOWN& itymorlDwa Ofilt•EIOR811 IdOWER. Apia, tor , . MANNY'S, R.STOHiiII3, and ALLItiVi combined Idarrhinee. • We have the forgoer and beat o.sortreent of Mowing and Reaping lischtnee in fhia market, , nuati Pooling, 893 AtAltllWo Btrect, - Fhtledelplato. rayl4.6t* ECHIBP 6 ONE-HORSE` MOWER, !or Am: en all Parme, Letroe,Arata•Plote, tco.' ,Thle to considered the beet ene•hOree Atom now in gee. ;It hes beep thoronhiy tested. and hued to unite all the liquidise to a good and reliable gfoohine, In ww: Racy:icy, Ourabilitg , leg knee of Management. - EMLEN & PASEIMORR, Bole 'Agents, s/114.00 , 038 ittABAJOT fitroot o philodelphiA GEteaicidal. COlnes antr itittnots. BILLBOAUT SALMON Qlgpatlttrral ,„ Crll"tri ` M A Y - 4 . l.imuuty',., . . 911 E PENIsigYtVANIA 0 Eli ' • " • .RAILROAD: ; • ' • 1859. - ,A_Agv- - ' • " '185% iroi.ois , AoiTy„ow.,)l3lLitoin - is ANY IN TRU COUNTRY,- - TIIBDIa . THB.OtGI F'AIIBENGEItTRAINS BETWEEN - PIIILADELPRIA • 4I4.II • :-PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York and all points east, and at the UfilnirDenot" at Pittsbilrg with Through Trail:slot Oirt blanati, St: Louis. Cleviand, Chicago, Burlington, St. Indianapolisi mNe Orleans, snail) intermediate - points in' Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ken ttickh Michigan; Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, sari, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities, for. the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. • - 131 press. ands Fut , Lines „run , through. to Fittsbniti - withottchange of Cars or Conductors. - Singling Oars are attached to each Train ; Woodruff's Sleeping Ears to Express and Fast Tabu - . ,The EX .PREB6 RUNS DAILY : Mail and Pant Lines, exottpted. Mall Trail leaves _Philadelphia at A. M. , 'HAM Line i• • . ti - 11.60 A., M. Express Train leaves into p, N. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOWS: • ' Parkeebturg Accommodation at 11 A. M. Merril:burg Aitteramodation via Columbia, 2.00 P. Si Columbia 9.80 P. M. • - , :Passengers for West Chester will take the Parkilsbarg, and Lauccator Trains, at the Patillaylife• nia It t allroad Pulling.' Stetter!. Puleagers for Banbury Williamsport, Elmira, But -fele, Niagara' Palls, and.intertnedlate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. and 2.00 P. N. go directly Tie ets Westward may - be obtained at the Office of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the import ant Railroad Offing in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Reamers on the Illimiseippi or Ohio Rivers. Mare olif , l ll' safow as any other Route. ' e completion of the Western connections of, the Pennsylvania Rellroo toChicego, mikes this the DIREOT,LINE BETWEEN TRH EAST AND TU E Tie conneeting 4 of AT Om va t w Railroadßridge at Pittrbufg, I Wielding all slrayaga or ferelsere,oflreight, toga her with the saving of time, are adtantspa reed-ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling Public. - - PREIGRTS WESTWARD: - Ay thin Route /freights of all desoriptions oan be for• warded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston er Nati. razta,Zr al point ein the Railroads of Ohio, Nentnoky, • Wifeenala. or Dflosonrii•• by Railroad direst". ' • The Penneylvanta lialiroei also connecte et Pittsburg wit Magmere, by, which (*cods can be forwarded to any ported the Ohio, Fenteeky Tennessee, .ifamberland, Ililaoia, Mtaeiaaippi , Wisconsin, 3 0 1,011 / 1 1 Kansas. Arkansas and bed Rivera; and at Olexalead, Elauduthy, and Chicago with Steamers to all, ports en the liorthwastemLehts. Mend:tante „arid Shippers entreating the transports• tine of their Freight to this Company, can oily with oonp.denee on its speedy transit. Tale RATIS, OP PAPIONT to any point in the West by tike Pennsylvaniaitailroed are et all times ae fevorable ~are ohergad by ol.her Oqm• illprrlie.ga,st . tenlar to mash outages «eta Penna. • • • .".Aferchantelin the West orderinrgoods from the Nast, well to direst them to be chipped by this &MU. Por Pt et;ht Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following: agents of the Company; , . , . • D.A. STEWART Pittsburg) Doyle & Co., Steubenville, 0. ; Pierce & Co. Banes+ J.J.Johnston, Ripley, ;B. McNeely, Vag l e ° Ti . 9 ,l t o il igon c vfi t ite int l at n2 : 44 2.' " v . i ; .Breirn C 0.,& Cincinnati, 0.; Athem & lliobert, cinnati, 0.; It: 0. Meldrum; Indi r ,• Williare 'Bingham; Louisville, Hy.; P. ft 00.1111ey & Co., In f N.; W. Graham & 00.. Cairo, 111. ,• P. Saes, Bt..Loms, Mo.; ;oho Harrie,Nashville, Tenn ; Marrindc Hunt, Pdeniphie,,Teitu.; Pirko & Co., sago, 111 W. Amite . Alton, III.; Murphy & -Valle, Dubuque, •, or to Preigtlt .Ansitti OE4IO- -roads at different points in the'SPest. Parties attending to their own shipments from the Past, will find it to their iutereet to call on the Agents. otthe Company at the following plum before shipping; or letters addressed to either of them on the sublorn 'or ffights, will meet with milt atfe4t on. - - - - CillAm '& 400WS, Sp 04; gtreets Baltimore. LIMON &'oo.4lAertor House, orlB. Williaro it., N. 1.P.E011 & 00. 54 Kilby etreet, Boston. 11 , 0111310 N, 44e21 . ii Ifright 4,gtntA L. L , LIOUPT,Gaiti Ticket Agent, Phila. !je11.1.'1196. , !SOOTT, Suet, Altoona, Fa. -ly • Met NEW YORE LINES. 2 , fpa (wont; Joip • Ampoir AND PHILADBLVA ' 4.N1) '20301•80N rembßoku qo Latin, 2.lloM , PHlpArtautlitivaNz)P your ANP W4T'PLOES , PACK 'w4.1.41p4.0watx4 WL►ltaggßSlNum 'es; At • • .11 e A. M. vie Camden and Amboy, 0. k A. Ae tnes. oommedatton $2 25 At e A. M. mia Camden and Jersey City, (New Jersey) , Aecommodatton 2 26 At 9 A. M. via - Camden and Jersey City, Morning Matt • • 000 Ii A. LI., bil3ttiarnboat, via Taoony and Jersey City, , Morning"Mappos 2 P. Ed.., vtaCloali4erand'en4..oy; C+.V. ft gx4 00 - t ma pu m, P m., by Steamboat, via Tim and ,T Bop er- 8 00 err City,Birenioz.Vxproen , , 3i p.v.,l 4 istedopoer; .T i k • T•eop r sod pr- :V: g it idrgulo T atl iggy - lik . l; Sveitiog 4 ~ Mail 800 II F. M. i Tia,Man4en and' Jersey City; Hight Moll , 2 28 • ' At 2,11 P. 19., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Passenger)—let Class Ticket.... 2 25 gclace Ticket 1 '69 , ij A M., vla Ilamden an mpoy, Aiwa= o4sticg • (hreight and Ramenger)— let Class Ticket s .. ' 2 26 2d Olsen Tloket...' 1 76 The 6 P. M. Mail Line rune daily. The II Plight Mall. Saturdays excepted ' BOrr Expreas Lines stop at Pripolpal Station only. x`e: Politlerc..l6relon, Plemlngton, .Ico., at 6 A. M. cla UV. V. /PM Sistlatit•miceerkhag ! for gap; BCentidilmre,doiiinn, labarva, ,Idontroae, Wad Pisa* •&a & 4.11 Didavarg, Lackawanna; and Western Balboa& , For Freehold, at 9 A. M. and 2 P. Mt For Mount Holly, ate and 9 A. M., and 26( , 41( and 6 P. M. WAT-lINEB - To, N 9., et BM and 4% P. M. front Iffalcatngeet, Whiff." • Yor' Palmyra, lialanoo Bergrip WQ neaten:a.2,li _P. tri Pteellosl Richard, litOoiton, ter Bofdegtoem_ and interro late'plasee atpu atecolboat .fohn ] gall eon, for 'Moto'. Burlington and intermediate places, at 12 IL and P. M. Bitty pounds of baggage only allowed each paMenger. Passengere are prohibited irom,taking anything as bag , gage bat their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to - be paid for extra. The company limit their .respoieibility.for baggage to one dollar per ponnd,and 'Will not 'b. liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept bropkitli - Jinni /t. bail. 4. e4turßlt,-.4g04. -43 .• NOTIOE.-11ESTER flifintamenYALLlCY RAILROAD —PAS' !DINGED iltelNB NOB DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMED/ATE STATIONS.—On and after at Janu ary. 1859, the Pawner Train" for DOWNINGTOWN, wilt *start from the' Passenger Depot of the Phtladel 'phis and Beading Railroad Oompaey. corner of BROAD and VINE streets • Mr . 21471N9. TR-4TM for poltninitoirn, lettv at 74 •AITHIANCION MIN for Downingtown, leaver a .45 P M. DAILY (Sundays excepted ), By order of -the Board of Managers of the Naiads r is sod Beading Railroad Company. d2O W u. rviontroutarr. Bsorstsri. gamins Imam FIVE FE/L CENT. SAVIIM FUND, • PITILADELPHIB. MEGA AND LOAN COMPANY N. comer or arms mar and TENTH Streak. ' ' PHILADELPHIA. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. ' " 'AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,OOO 000. MONEY' IR RECEIVED DAILY, " " In stuns from Ons' Dollar ripwarda. • — FIVE PER CENT. INTEREar • .. Ie ppid from the day of depoalt, until withdrawn. 41 4. y. cia'k iy p 111Q4.1wft gofgand, bi fit}Q46 or othariti.m. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, Prom 9 to 4; and on TUESDAY EVENINGO, from 8 to 9. • This Company Ns a largo paid np Capital as a Nativity to Dapoolima. This Institution pßid all its Dentssids in full During the Bank 811Spemsion. • j9i l N4 - 1 4 / I , ER,'Preistannt. . JoB. W. tOUDBB, Vice Preet. J. BUTOiIiNOON, &eery. mh26.dBm h little, but often, elle the Puree." VRAfiKLIN SATING' FUND ' x- - N 0.130 &lath FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays ell deposits on deraeud. , • Depositor* , money secured 'by; Oosemmant, State, and City Loans,. around Rents, Mort-. ga raf:l ' o e inpany deems meaty better than large prate, consequently will mix no risk with de positors' money, but have it et all times ready to return with 6 per cent. interestto the owner, is they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or Angle, and Moors can deposit in their own right, and snob deposits can be withdrawn OM by Utah. (*inept • Charter perpetual. incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to resets& mo ney from trustees and executors. - • LABOR AND SMALL RUMS RRODIVDD.- . . Ohlea open daily hone 9 to 8 &albeit, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 &elk. DIRECTORS . . Taeob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, ,lohn George Hugel!, MaMehl W. Sloan, , Edward. T. Hyatt, Litwin Itrumbhaar, Henry Delany, richolas Rittenhouse Nathan Smedley, Joe. H. Liathorthwalte: Ephraim Blahohard, ' Joseph W. Llpoineott. 34.00.0 B. SHANNON, Prefildent, Clingt Okuyal.cansa, Treasurer. dlB-y "AD,9IIF seyeg ie tyke 4> Q - ._ . AVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TR nsBT—NarroNAL SAPATY TRUST COM PANY. WALNUT Street, Southwest corner of THIRD, PhUsdelptifil. INCOHPOILLTEn By THE STATE or PENEETLTANIA. 'Wm, is received In goy sum, large or small, and in. tweet paid from the day of deposit to Hip day of with. drone} The °glut is open every day from ft otalock in thp morning till 4 O'cloolt to the evening, and On Monday end Thursday eveninge till ft n'o/oPs• BON. HENRY L. BENNXII,, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President, WY. 7 BEAL, &oratory. inuttOrOite. Han Hang To Bppner, , 'Aaron Brewster, Bdosetd L. Center, Joseph B. Barr, Robert &Bridge, " Prawn. Lou, Bawl. R. Ashton, , .7oaaph Yerkes, U Landreth Munro, Henry Dlitenderfier. Blaney Is Tecelv,d and payments made daily. The Investments are made, in conformity with the prbrielons of the Charter, in Real Batts Mortgages, Ground Rents, and tools tiret•olass leenrities as will always insure ported warily to the depositors, and which cannot fall to give permanency and stability ' to this Institution. • QA.VING FUND.—IINITED STATES ImusT COMPANY; corner of TILTED and CREST IT &mita.. and mnsil myna re(l.BiVo3, and paid book on de. tn without rfttice,lib FIVE .PER 0 INT. lE. TER AST from the day Of deposit to the day of with. drawn]. 01Roe ;marg. from 9 until 5 o'olook, every day, and On 510EAK9 ,Ii9.IININC3 from 7 antilil PRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland from .51 upwards. Preildent—STE9BEN R. ORAWRCIRP Tre4purer—PLTNY ' Teller-,341/1118 UTINTEE. Q,LIOULDEBS.-80 hhda Dry Salt Shoal. dm just received end for wile by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., AROR Btrcet, .2d door above Front. TANNER'S OIL.-220 bbla of Straits and Itpak Olt. In store end for saloby E, 8, HUOBARD ? 80N, • 108 South Wham, ei V s ALT PB TR E-600 Bags for, salt! .by WITIMILL Boa, Cr and Barth lIMOOND @trs•t. slyIT Tap, WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE IlsTsuit.A.T.To3a, coucpAasrsz- FARQUHAR BUILDINGS, No. ' 230 WALNUT STREET, PRILADELpfIIL, incorporate in isvf, under the General Insurance Law of Pennsylvania. • - ' Authorised elipitid Subscribed Capital' Pal 4 uliOspitia " fil/ESTED VOLLOWS : Bond Biortgsgei, first lien '102,110 Bank, Ran : raid, and other Stocks sad Becuritieg (bah 64.000 ' 8,630 Insures oniv againsit LOSS OIL DA.MAGB BY Put* tolf BUILDI bI eB, bIwRORABDISB, 1101:18BHOLP .Vl7aNivattn, &a. Also. on 0AR00.148 and I O IIIIIGHT to and from alf parts of the world, and Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, on favorable terms. CHABLIS G. IMLAY, President, - WM. WIGHT, Vice President, O. G. ,BITTLES, Becretary, RAMBORGER, Assistant aeoretary: - • DIREOTOB9• William William Wright, r. Torrey, Joe. Tonner, Wtn. B; Grubb, Charles G. Jai . per Harding, O. o:Butler, lienry K. dtrong, D. Jones, Alonso Butler, J. Beyes, `ruurlB4l FIRE INSURANCE. zicria INSURANCE COMPANY, of Rartford. Oath Assotfi, Zen. 1, 1869 $1,867,920 00 DIAXIIIATTAN ,NI E INBITRANOIA OOMPARY. of Now York. • 'OmarAwaits, .1421. 1,1860 .... OPRINGPOLD PIMP' AND MARJNI INSURANCE COMPANY. Cash Meets. Jait. 1,1859 410,764 04 NORTH' AMERICAN FIRE INBU.. DANON COMPANY,' of Hertford. Caah Avesta, Jan. 1, 1860 , FIRE 4813IIRANOR cog . i'4liy, Of New yorlf. Cult Aseete, 4ou. 1, 185.0 241,064 181 maitpuAßra , F;aa noiniANox C005P.4117' ' of Hartford . • • tloaliAeeeta, Jan. 1,1869 , 2'1%079 83 isatied, and. Imes equitably adjusted and proluptly paid, at bie Ageney, Ity BOSWELL 4 WILSON, Agents, . No. 216 WALNUT STREET. ENTERPRISE rziercrit.Asercows' coma. , - - , This Company insures Buildings, Parnitur, and merchandise generally, against lose or damage by tare . The polioise of %le ()timpani eiPreirely provide that vbed cArliciterl as collateral warily, they shall not be APPKOTIM Dr 'Air Aar of the owner of the property in. eared. , Entire escnrity is time extended to the holdere Of GROUND ifeirs and floaroions, notwithstanding re peat decisions of the Clowns of law. Ground, Rents, Mortgagee, Mechanics' Men and other Beouittiee on Ertl Eglata, ‘4ll also he'speotally piaurit.4 M denied" DIItIOTOBB W. Ratchford Mare, lifordecal L. Davao; Wllitam BVICee, • George IL Stuart, , Prater, John H. Brown, , Johnll. Atiyood, 31. A. Tthuestjick, 4'. 14W OF, AzSdrtyv A. oast', - Bang Wharkt, _ d. Livivitton "arbor. T. RATOHYORD STARE, President OBARLES W. 00X21, Secretary. ' TEEPORAIIT 07710 K: , 162 SOUTH,,FOyRTEt STREET. febl7.Bri THE ROBERT MORRIS E:IWE /NEU.: BANc111(11M I:PAN • • - , • ',, oa enitann•RAta, . . ••• ; 40R WALLNIIT OVBEIIT. Tltte Ogmpsnyingures against Loss or liamage by Fire op•Pohlio and Private Anildinffil. Pelntitnrei /Stock!' of 'tint:de, ewl•Merehandise generally, - ''the - following provision In the Policies of this Ooze• pony guarantees their smutty when assigned as a col lateral: , i Thls policy alma not be Invalidated, or In any whit: affected, after its assignment as a collateral security to a g•000d-rent , or mortgage, and the approval of inch assignment by the office, by any transfer or conveyance or the mortgaged premises, by the owner of the 'Ante." TPIPACITO.ABI, • Ratd.-T,, Jona, , • ..Femis‘t M. Broctke, Ma Yohh lta*, Veit w Aril, Must B:lFaterroan, gild Salomon. r oira Q Tams, Williank yinde p repr, or, esppg Jlq4usi Theodore euyier, c "P ul, ' rAter 't Z .'r 'lelei aOt lo WK. VaNDNlavz ea, Vice President. - . oatinser S. 811111,1110, Secretary. , m.)741 ill °WARD FIRE AND MARINE INSII -11. lIANOII COMPANY , No. 412 WARIVT Skoet, Yhtleilelehisi. • 1)112MOTORS. • Thos. L. Tadao, , Wm, 7. Leeoh, , 'I. Edgar Then:non, , Robt. W. D. Truitt, - M. W. Baldwin, Will. H. Hamlin, John 0. ;omen, H. H. Shillingfor4, . A. J. Bnelcoor, • 0.7. Spengler, _ John W.'Bexten, : . If. 11. lionstan, yqr libtirne/i Ng: ff. Unit, in' ilanitli Wiaries2. Norton, lona Qamloon, Immo Myer. ' ' H. B. Wsrne, - • . , President—THOMAS L. LIIDBES. ° DfS E.B. ' wm Seeretary—CHAßLES A. r eelltr IDFR9 O but ~tatj}eq. w.V.rO;r4liek.ii - , ao, nwiv YoRX AND CIALDPoRNIA EXPRESS AND EXCIIANOE COMPANY may. $600,000. 400 CHESTNUT STREET ALJNomil 4 834:1 , 405.179 lone ou the 6tb Ind 20 th 9yesqlk 8.C4710 —mast Express, we. per lb 1 Blow Expres', 160. p.m lb . . ISLAND OD CODA. DZPHESSES leave by all the regular steamers -22y 24, 12th, 17th, And 27th of each month. oorAmoTiotra mode on HAVANA with prompt re turn:l. We eonerga to our friends, P. O. Bomb D er 00., lintrmi.. 192C0 HANOI OD SAN rattm.Ngo, 6,4w00tt, SANDWIOII Ist.usno aid Thiy,tria lot Wein sums to salt. 441« CALI/WENT& COLLECTION& 0:3.- Oar BAN. PRANOI.BOO home gives especial at tention to colleotiona on all points in thiliforida and Oregon, with' prompt returns. Manufacturers and merchents making miles for California or Oregon, can transmit their bills of lading through oar home, and Aare the Involves paid for on arrival of the goads them, thee giving purchseers fall benefited time on Jules, and yet the tellers inalntal n§. centord thflir property until pa resr i g.sra id fpr, 411. AL, Agent. • NININ.MM ADAMS EXPRES COMPANY. eBBAT- BOCTREDN AND BOUTIIWBBTBRN AS • •PREBB. NEW ABRANGBEiIiNTB .... The ADAMS EXPII.ESEI 00 hating completed ar rangements with the Norfolk and PeterebargTetere burg and' Lynchburg, But Tenn., and Virgi nia roads, he., .are now prepared to give win DESPATCH; at much REDIVErI RATUS; to goods deettned for planet, in VIRNINIA, NORTH end SOUTH OAROLINA, GEORGIA., ALABAMA., and EAST and WEST TENNESSEE. The establishment of a THROUGH YNLAND ROUTB from PHILADBLPHIA. to IdBIiPIIGI, Tenu, secures to Southern and Southwestern buyers a safe and reliable means of transportation at very reousen%ble setae, gad &role the rielpo of ocßitti noykittlqn. Mrs .protevring this Inland Route are requested to raga goods " VIA ItIOIMOND ) 1 Those selecting the route via OhesaPeake Bay, at a Lowla lATC ON iltlllollT, will mark packages a VIA NORFOLK." ID' Dry Goode, QlOthing, Boots and Shoes, Books, Ace., or merchandise generally, measttring eta feet to the 100 pounds, will be deemed and taken aa Heavy Freight. Losur and Botxr (/nova taken at a reasonable advance on Warr FABIGUT RATES. jp.. The long-entabLiebed Line of Hiprese to the blab and Southwest, by Steamers to Chsrleston and naTennsh, will be catAiropti Afmtotore. Sp CHESTNUT Err Nor farther infor*bon apply the Office, No. Striot. mb'f.dm ADAMS N PEWS CO. liEllipping FOR THE bOUTH—OHARLES " TON, SAVANNAH, mdII4.I7ANA STRAIN ea . X.IIYSTONE SPATS, Captain 0. P. Marahman. BTATI OY 0808.014, Captain aohu J, °Arvin. ISIBBL; Captain Wm. Hollins. 808, Off APIESTON, 8. 0. Tho U. 5.10da1l Steamship KRYSTON.II STAPP, Captain Marshman ' is withdrawn to receive new boll. ere Will sail again on Wedosolay, Jane - 16, at 10 A. M. )OR SAVANNAH, Qa The U. O. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Os t. John .1 Garvin, will sail on Saturday, May Met et 10 A 1.1 • The splendid flat-olaas side-wheel Steamships I EY 13T01{10 liTAlikraha STATE OF GEORGIA now ma sod above every ten &lye, thin, forming a flye-day com munication with the Booth and Southwest. . . . . irr Got* reeeirsd And Mlle of lading a!gzaed every At both Charleston and Savannah t#Sss eklDa Con. nest With steamers for rioridi, and with railroads, ,to., for ill Oise's In the Booth analtiouthweet, and with the Ettsainship ISABEL, for Hanna, on the 4th and /nth Cr every month. • PRBIOLIT ItEDIIOIID. Hoary Freight at an average of NS per emit. below New York steamship rates. INBUTUNCIN. I night and ll:nuisance on a large proportion of Cords Chipped South will be found to be lower by those skips than by sailing vessels. M. 13..—.7nsurance on 01; Railroad Preight la entirely watlscersory, further than Ohs!lesion and Savannah, the gailrot4 Companies taking all risks fr om t h en pOirits. Dubin Passage to Charleston mid /Jamul* 815 00 Steerage " if 8 00 lescursion Tiokets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Tickets to faun,. 56 00 Through Tickets to. New Orleans 89 75 Do Mobile 35 00. Do Montgomery • 20 00 Albany, Os 24 00 Do Columbus, Go 28 00 Do Atlantis, Ga...... ........ .... 28 00 Do Naomi, Gia 31 00 Do Palatka, Fla 23 00 Do Plcolata, Pln 23 00 Do - - Zack-Domino, Fla. 21 00 Do ' Perusndina, Fla. 7100 No bills of lading signed atter the able has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. Pox freight or passage apply to _ d. HERON, Boat/meal corner YOUrril and 01t48TNUT Undo to Obarbeton, T. El. 6 T. 41. :0000. " - 0. .0 annum A 00. - E . • GLASGOW AND NEW YORK BTMAIIIBIIIP COMPANY. —BTEkISI TO OltedttoW, LIVisBPOOL, BEINABT, DUBLIN, AND LONDOZIDEBRY—for PO. gir4sGow, Thotos t or, Ba N tt w r47,lith ?PT, 012 Com EOM BD RGH, µmining, Wethosidah /At tine, " QL4BGOW, Todapson, dth 3q17, 2DINRORGII, Otimming, " 2lth Jtai, " attOit QTABSOW RDINROROK, Cumming, Saturday, 7th May. GLASGOW, Th.:mason " 11th June. BDINBURGII. (lemming, " 6d July. Bates of Passage from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Londonderry, Stet oleo, $76. Steerage, found with an abundance of properly cooked provielons, S3O. An experienced Surgeon attached to each steamer No charge for medicines. For freight or plumage, apply to WORKMAN kOO., No. 125 WALNUT Street, Phila. BODERT °HAIG, apPA•tt No, 23 MAD WAY, Now York, Mit .THOMAS it ifliijii:' xeAl rr Pres.lB9 and la soutarrourra orNuq' . " frormertirNee. eland tIPJ , unix SALE OP THREW IMPORTANT •- - AND , THRY ALIISLBLII PRIVATN LIBRARIRB —WCate how peeper*. catalogues of throe very velhablellbrarles; to , be sold on the 240 26th and' 28th Militant, the Me embodying an Manually rich, °Utas t -and select lectlon or rare and vslutblehcdtsitn almost MI the T doits brairohis or literature; together with apleadld. nminated and Illustrated worts, boots sof, very Choice I gratings from the bast insiders. Ao. - - • . . ; , .. il I fIALD 01" INOPERIOB' RWO • ROMS - WOOD PIANO-FORTEB,I4II4II AND laUelEDIO7.* ' 'MN VEOOP, EIIPDRIOR-' BAGATELLE TAW AS, EOOKOABBg, O A/I'Di Our gale ' this morning, at the anoton, atom, will 'coMpelse, besides 000 lots or exeellent im pend heed fronitare, 2 - elegant rosewood' pieno.fortee,' large and niperlor tire-proof late, made by Herrieg; 2 bagatelle tables; bookcases beds and bedding, Ohins and glassware, carpe I r, fra , ceman an attractive snort ment worthy the attention of ladles and others deeirone of nirchasing. ' ' - Ostalognee now ready and the articles arranged for easmituttion. - ' $500;000 200,000 114,000 , BTOOIIB. LOANS, ke. -, - . , On Tumidity Evening. " 24th inst. 'at o'clock, at the' Philadelphia - En. change, will be sold, without reserve, for account of whom t may concern -65 shares,Coneolidated Insurance Company, par 8 50 .- fall paid • : Also, for of whom it May concern— -2 B.par cent. enup'on bonds. $1 Ote each (Not. 18 and 174 Lee county, Iowa; (llaoku lt , Mount Pleasant; and Unecatine Railroad Company: ' • • Also, for other ECCollbtil— / Aare Philadelphia Library Company, ' SIXTEENTH SPRING SALE—MAY 24th. WM include— Outing , Coact Sale7lplate_uf irneatLticiunbcrgei: • deceased. UAL ItSVATE, RIBING BIIN.—TWo lota. with frame messnages, stable 113 d shop, on esetwardly side of (imam:down' (Rising Son), together 40 by 200 feet. VALUABLE 'CLAY WV, OVER erx emcee. west bide of Long lane s and Intersected by Twentr fourth and Tweaty-fitth street's, Viral ward. ][Cr Sale . absolute - 3730)39 'O9 Same Estate —VALLIBLE LOT, "OVER THREE MHOS, east aide of Oreenideh' Point road, and inter, seated by Swanson and lififlitta streets, Pint ward, - Bale absolute. Same Estate—VALUABLE LOT, southeast corner of Reed and Swanson tirade, 138 by 187 feet, Punt. ward. fp" Sale absolute. LARGE AND HANDSOME RESIDENCE, ARCH STREET.—The enemies three•story brick residence , with back buildings. and all modern Converstensee,'No ' 1029 Arch street, above Tenth street; 25 feet front, 185 feet deep to Academy street. Two fronts. Triodes's! Peremptory Sale. "with - .• 'LARGE AND ELEGANT -RESIDENOE, i stone stable, end lot of. two, sores, Darby, road, west of Mill creek, tiVest Philadelpbia. Bale absolute Slone Iletste.‘—LAßGE AND ELEGANT HEST DENIM, southwest corner of Locust street and Chest: nut avenue„West Philadelphia, 185 by 200 feet. 'lrr Sale absolute. .- name -Estate —LARGE AND -VALUABLE. LOT,_ southwest corner of Spruce street and Chestnut avenue,. West Pbilatelphie, 185 by 100 feet. Bald absolute. Same Bstate.—LAßGE AND ytuilaßcF, LOT, elf tending from Spence to Locust street, and fronting on Mill ore," Wee; 'Philadelphia, 400 feet front 871 feet I dealt.' 11.: Elie absolute. RESIDENCE", WASHINGTON LANE, Asantlftil country. residence, with handsome improvements, Washington lane, 2g miles north. of Germantown. 11/ miles south of lenkentown. and 10 minutes from ()bat ten Hill station on the North-Penosylveola Eallsood. RES'DENOE, WILLOW GROVE T.IIENPIRE. 11andeome conntry ultimo etßhoarnrkertown, within two .minutes wal.ll of thd York road station on the North PoonsylEanla Railroad. 1T.7- Immediate possession ,may be load of both the above places. Trustee's Side.—VALITABLE CORNER LOT, OVER TOUR ACRES, sontherat corner of Second. street and Keeler's lane, intersected by ADMIn nicest, lfirat;ward.- Peremptory Sale —HANCOCK STREET -...Tw0 three story brick dwellings, Hancock guest , month of Phinnlx. street, late4...ensionstor k . Eismator'o Bale—Eatato of Dorothy and Snean Davis, 366,860 06 NORTH THIRTICRVIH. - STABAT.—Nwst dwelling, No. 18 North Thirteenth street, above Market street. Peremptory 13sle —NORTH BOTTA= SWINT Two three-story brick dwellings, Nos. 108.8 and 1025 North ?mirth street, south of itirorge street, with eighty dwellings to the rear. TIVO BIIPINEBI3 STANDS.—True ulory Mei afore and dwelling, eoutheast eo- i ner q ( See and Diamond streets, with three story - Erich a fore adjoining oIS Ea* cpeqk street, Afins'emith ward. , ykWABLV, MAIMING LCIP, soutiweet (1011141 t Thirti.earenth andEridge areas, liwor,b, fourth ward, IIA feet by 8b feet dent: - TQBED DWELLINGS OAMIII4N —Tkra:e. reedent, thrmetory brlok dwellings, Nos. 41, 48, and 48 Slareiliti street, between Third and Nourth, etreete, Camden, N. .7., year Walnut street ferry. • DWELLING, PEANKEORD.—Neat frame dweillogi Adame street, between the railway and the torapikei Yrantford. • WALNUT BTIVRET. trandaome new four-elprr brown-stone residence, Walnut street, ggtiq bowie west of Twentieth street, Alp, tugs annai dwelfings in , the rear • COLVIADIA AVAVOR.—Pirge and vabajdal lot, north eldiaof Cloinmhia avenue, went of Dread street s 188 feet frog:. „, „. „ BUMMIT HORAN -"Alta large sad yalalible hotel, with four sere, of gronod, known as the" Summit tiouse s t , on the Darby Passenger Railway, font .mill, from City, „ . . . MARSHALL STREET —Neat modern reeldenes, Ng: 816 Marshall Innen, between Pariah and Poplar iltneete. VIENNA ATRIUM. —.Three.sterx I;cri olik 'dwelling, Vienna streetoiesond beast zliztlia OF ll i tealkliallSB 6 6B, late Kensington, „ , ... - , •, . Rale sr Nos. 180 sea 143. Sontb Pointh aim*. • SUPERIOR PURNITURE, PRENOR PLAT" AIM ROES, PIANO-PORTZ, BRUSSIWS OLUPITS. This Morning,", At 0 &Meek, at the auction 'atm, an assortment of excellent ascend-hand familiars 'elegant ;piano., testae, fine tolmms,' ohipHats, eta., from families de.; dining Isonselieeping, removed to the store for - aon'; Teaser* ef sae: - - - , - lOAM=I Able, by order of the exoeuters; a large Ind superior fire proof safe, made by Herring. • ' •.• Also, 2 Reporter plateliose ehow‘easas, sultatile, segar store. - - male°, a Eine-toned 'Violin. 'IVY sod ;Me, - Ab 4/ several C9PuteVs, :Wes, valatit' bar, shelving, ka - nine ca (depot rosewood drawlnvieieli far nitv,re, emoted with etttiti de lain.. • " .lixectitriVe Bala. • LIBRARY OF Tfra LAT, GIiNBE4L PZltlilifoa F., SMITH On Friday livening, Slay SO, at the Auction Store, will be gold the;private, library of the late Geo. FeraVor iiiretth; a in elndea many rare aniVinteawating works in %Snare' literature, tugetber with valuable autbora,ou the Art gt Wbrinol Military Science. wir rocuitm ate cataloging. •• • . TURNING 'LATIIII, DAGURRRNOTYPE , AMPARA--. TEM, GUNS, PISTOLS, , RIPLBB•• &o. On Saturday Morning, 71st instant, at 10 o'clock, will hi cold at the atietion, store, No 188 and 14l Boot'P.:oath street, by order of executors, A lot or 'tellable tools, lathe, workbenches, ?co. Aloe. 'vary fine guns, pistols, rifle, muskets; awards, saddles sod bridles, &o. Also, a theodolite and case, and centre lineade. 'Err WILLIAM H. BTEMR, GENERAL AUCTION AND OONAUPPLION NIERCHANTB i No. 46 North EIGHTE Minot. below Arab. J. A. ALISON. Artationoor. . Oexudgwerwela or new and sectomi-Oleod borlos hold Wafture, piano-fortes, emote, ` 4 slildllChJeweVi fro., reapeottrilly' libaral_oash mimes will N0=314 34 lt 4 , 41. m. tr.r. Olit-door maim attended to promptly. Charliet an moderate as aay other Anse hi Ulm altr. MOSES NATEAM AUOTiONEERI AND ooktmizatori ussquANT, 6. I. eorncY simt,andltALON Streids MONEY TO LOAN. . . Money to loan, in largo or small amounts, ou tan. ehandlee generally, and on all articlv odAralue. Alf sums over one hundred deittirs kise per rent. per Month, including stor4o, ere , at Methane , Principal Xstabllelunot, U. E. earner of SIXTH and RAOI Ste. GREAT PUBLIC ACIOOIdidODATION. MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY.! ! ! Money liberally advanced In large or small amounts:, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and olive: Iplute, diamonds, watcher, jewelry; fowling,pieges, reunite' Instrumente, furniture, dry geode, olotluug, groeerhas, cigars, hardware -v outlery, lioolD, homes, vehicles, hat , nesh, aud *Alden of alue i - for any langthrof time weed qn, at Nabinas , Principal Raab/tamest, eoutheastennter of Math and Yarn streets; RATEB RIDI7OED PROMIBBORT NOTEB, with a:diatom( iiileoluited ht the lowest market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. JlWNltilti, ko. AT PRIVATE SALE, at NATFIANEP PRINCIPAL kSTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner of SIXTH and RAOR Streets,—The following articles will be sold for lege than half the naval store prices Vine gold English patent full jeweled and Vain, of the most approved and best make, in 'hunting oases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement lever and lapin° watches, In hunting rase and open (KM, LIMO of them eztra (unleveled and beet make. Silver English patent lever watches, es. ospement lever and lemnee, lanntlog Gem and open faee, some very suparlar : English, Swhis, 'Preach, and Quartier watches , One gold vent, fob, neck; and children's Opine; fine gold - pencil sues sad pens, branieis, breastpins, finger-rings car-rice, etude, me 'u jewelry generally. inpe4or Havana cigars at $l5 rth d ousand, in bozos of 200 each; will be sold by single box or griantitias to salt ?usableness, Nn. morons raw *Melee, he., he.. etc. • - - - . AT PRIVATE &AUL • MiSIZAM== Alio, watch mad jewelry of everidesoriOtou, THE MANSION ROUSE, AIE /LAING, IefRNNA. W. L. RR BOURBON, Proprietor. Thief well-known establishment, the favorite retort of citizene and visitera, has lately undergone eXten. else repalr e , and is now one of the most commodious, elegant, adthorougb hotels In the Uniou ; beautifully located at the corner of FIFTH and lIHNN Strests, Readlog. Its areommodatie,oe are first-class ; the rooms spacious and airy ; and the table constantly sip. plle4 with all the luxuries of the season: Persons de eironsof spending a few weeks In the summer in an agreeable and economical manner, could not do better than make a trial of ROURBON , B MANSION ROUSE at Beading. ap22.11 FILENOR's HOTEL, ON THE NUTIODBAN PLAN, OITV WORN ENINthE ROO M S N SO E OT S . PER DAY. OltY Bail Square, corner Drankfort street, (opposite my lila) =oas t as they may be ordered In the sisolous Bel factory. There Is a Barber's Shop and Bath Booms attached to the Hotel. N.B.—Beware of Runners and Ifaokmen who say we are fall. B. PRELIO.II, Proprietor. . fe22.2m JONES HOUSN, ELLBRUIBIIRG, PA., f a a. kedaltd 1551. BLIGANTLY TIIIINT ROW OnIN TO VisITOBI ray2o-Y WWLia 001711MLY. Prinriator PrBE Spring business at ZEIGLER & SMITH'S, corner of SECOND and GREVE Streets, is opened with a superior stock of Drugs, White Lead, Zino Paints, Window (Hass, cud sal taker articles usually Sound in a Wholeeeli latug, Paint, end elan establishment ap2B-tf rpH/11 GALS o pop Lir tavor is blowing towards the old established store Occupied by ZEIGLER & ShIITH, corner of bACIOND and GRHION Streets, where may be found 11 choice aasuriment of Dray of tine quality, as well as White Lead, Zips Paints, and Window Glee% aU of which are unrivalled. ap2B.lf PLIBIBERS' MATERIALS.—A largo and Varied assortment constantly In Store, to whieh cell the attention of tho Trade. Prisms as low as those of any house in New York. CHARLES biI:ILLIKII4, 6951atTN9A Fittwlt ==l 311. K . E .r f e ' i B I L I:i . whot l e 5 la b st b v i en . a l : r 2 B q . tt l e,itti 2 r i b a lsr ti r d eie 3 Original pankagen, 0. 0. BADLF.II o 00., nasof A ILO Er Strank. In.noral door above 'rout, ILLUMINATING COAL OlL—Wirranted opal to any for brilliancy end durability, and in non-ex.ploalire. Also Lubricating Coal Oil: R. B. HUBBARD A. uON,• 108 Booth Wharrea. COFFEE. -260 bags prime Laguayra in etbre sat for sale by • JAMES GRAIIAIII & 00., /100. 20 aml 241 4 / 7 114. artnit. Salts . b t ticn.; Triiste!aPvre!yibiir Bile, Rxecutore , Sale , Optcle aißt Ilestaniantg IaBREELTi & 'FIELD; IittoTIONEEIIS, - No. -808. maszsr.Brazzly Apr,' Matra 1:1:77 Ws most respectfully - inform - our filende,,aicl the pliblla - generally...o4 we have, removed, " our store is the epselous wareroomsi. No- 80t fillatSWV MEWL% • Atiivil: itiktit.#", Where we will "eosttlone to lzaneset the gantqalano• eon and commission bailees: . - ..'---- :,,-.. , : (Er Fall pestle:oos of Our drat seltflO-ii o fro :, v . • ' - ____--- FURNESS, BEINLXI';'&I3i):,, Na. 4 29 VARRIRTITRUT. -ALLA ' or xmlurim.llooDB.- - .1 - ' , On Ilridity Mosning, „ Idax ed aslOikt, at 10 Wolock, toY catalogue, on Bmontha , 400; pasksgas and jots. af + -farm and staple Franck dry soods, comprising aireindalassortoumt.- - tr.r."- Samples _and catilognes early on morannir,of FORD,. , ':/110T/ONEiIER",.t •fio. ' 3O Malan" SUM', 'between on= d strar. moth Bide NOTION tWe hare'now Arranged for examinatioth with catalogue', to be sold ~ .this morning:a - eelemild sesortment or WWI and , boys , Leghorn.. Panama, and - trimmed . traw hetet ladles , and mimes? Leghorn fists, trimmed bloomers,- ko., also boatai:abobs. gaiteret slippers, , to., to Welt the early attention of -buyers Li invited. - • , - - , PEADUPTODY BALE 088000A1018 BOOTSAHODS. BROGANS, GAIT-DaB, Aa ; • 11133 , 8 AND ••BOYO' 1 4 TRAW , HATD.LADIDS , AND UMW BLINNBTB i STRAW- IMDI3I . • . : •,• Th.lo-Ifrjoralsg.;, • _• • • ,• 31ay10thiat 10 o.'Aroak pr4alpo7. wi ll to by oats -70100,.00 Mar. InOlitbs end% s Lugo ,assortasszt.,ot area's and boys'- bootee- gaiterc4hoes,. brogsair,•&o4 dadiea'.sad alleAshe sh•ritc , ,gaitere, ties, BHppre, Lte. , Also. men's and_boyaf dirot,leghora and.Planiunsi beta; Did 110• And [aloe& shwa : bonnet& bloomerioto• Om. The iittenthmofDayits is paOtentle . mly revashd. Fe SOOTWir., - ADOT/ORENIC; No." 481 o •- - Dfilatifl7l , STRAIT( onnosite - the A:lnstant Rouse. between TOWNE and RIPPIT Streets - LARGE DALE Or 800 OADINSIOTRAW-GOODE - • Oa TritrAY:llolintug;\ •••• - • Hay 20thi by:eitalolue- be - roll a moat desirable lOt'of rich netiriprlog style of atm. bonnets, Bloomer!, and hate:- lilatir'eterunenoing at 10 o'clock. ; • •;: - -•'•• ''; ‘`]`-• • whenCatalogue ready earl tho u eniog or eitte, when the trade will dad it to interest to attend. Toolnded in eat. wiii be 'fond, Tint •'>edar and floe braid and Leghorn bonnets. Do ' • do— lase andiltkr bonnets. - To do . PrenetCand (tipsy bonisis. Do " do co'ored'attisS bonnets. - Da -do colored sad. white braldlonzeta.. To and colored and whttebloomers - Riding hate gyiales. - BIDN'B ADD BOYS , EATS j horn, Also a nd Palm , losn's and boys , thuitosi, zo_dea Abuja, Leg. - • : " ARTIFICIAIk.gLowns.. .. Also. included in vale t '4O woes spring *vie s lol lies' naivete. - - r • • „.. ~... _ . trir-11.14PREDL'A. qir.EßlENgssi'llln,A- Ali DuLp riLcuoluw.AND - 00.ntitaz w ßizaka, $. eet' m: corner a NINTH And PANSOII. l3PlitUTP,..bs• t Ohetmt and Walnut ;street'. Rua ox 110R8$8 0141413135 Na, - ,etanolt3; &e. AT PRANII0111). •- ,On Tlauredav, ' . ~ , _, , . 'Mix lust , connatmelsig punctually at 1 o'clock, P. PI , at the stabler on Main Week Pratiliford:will ba sold, without rwrire. - the entire etticrot hoist'', &e., tot-. Inerly owned by Merrill. Borer tc. O'Brien. _ _ . BALE OP HORSES, OARDIAGEB, AND MAENWSB. On Saturday Morning. , -- At 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar, trillhesioeld— Horses, 011171111(1)11; sad Union. -- -: -: - Lieluded ,iq the eatalogio Will be nearly' 60 heroes, installed end single, some very =parlor. - - • - -.•- • AD- IVI - pattisalara - at tale. _, -• : , ~ —., ... . . * - Also. ' , - •.. r,- - -_ - - -At tb e - commencement of the sale,4lllbe esti OM* collection of desirable new and second-hair ouriages, , heroes*, saddles, Etc. '•-• • - -•- , --.- . , .. - I M. 'GUMMY! 6,W 6 - ' /18T,83111' AUOTRO1811.18.:. ' " ' lk2o Wirntr, Mt, - • " 41RVIINTEI 81.1811141-' - This Mel 'l9,th, „at 8 o'clock, at the.Phitadelphia"Er change. for amount of whoa it taiir, comeen One S6COIO per cent Cerincr. Bond-nf the Wsahlele• too MY- 4841 - 9 0, 88, 1 i.Y ot‘the Stisteent, giniseed Chalfont's. Tire 111,001/7-814M morteigh" 'One ioadi= tlui ,wertern ".s,,entinky, Coal Thirty, ithariest' ' rif - rthriph4terairlllltteter#Cent Company, par,BB9/1.,„ .fzlheroihrrtalif . ~ 141- iget0.118:1011 - 11Wriniiitorily, ":enthent reserrersr • Lot , „Ple; 12 reeetto041- s Ullgitereittisa t ' RAkiDg o B o XPlwith three .E 4181 P 4, .)j; - iihreeintOry, ' • tditit tauk alt uti;:w4t4ipktil.st - v_rok two fo am , aneekangAnietto.i.., " ; 4 *winos 1,0 .papa, - 3. 1 ", - -0310;_ well= Mtlt 419 Nadi - itrisrArifiVliptar.4triet laiTr4iit rroit by 104 iimbtrOtirtg*Nakitriplitt.„;.„ Our wiDAN ilatalir4l4l4l .0,60L-Igo 1121 Natrtbir .„ 'The ' hones , thrnisbell Emden! coneeniene A. and ha fmnd rotr; pot 11 fast !host _ lel, feet- AV looken deep to,l'erth street - _ , There also ,entooted 'Ott the Perth 'ireitellrosst aft* lot a double three:storl brioledwitlidng, filiatielied with the modern toiprorements:oomateing Ida PerempiorY.oa4.- • Two-noRyBRIOIf-Dwitairrg, sad lotSl sionwt, entithelB,B4‘ OM)* streekl2,449Ketwilit from Thin. it-mewls"- Mirka; :::-DtiataintitC gior Phe bowie Weevil It 4434,14 order. - and krei an. &violent T,vrait :Ids et; ,;104- /4 fees flout f.e 1 . 14.004, _ -- •e. . — TILlinl4-817011,Y .1318311 11 - ,, with two ritorW terifilied 'irlth - all the modern o No rmeinteleiterre4 thrOnghimt,and he gaol order, '1280-" r, ;:.*, , 4o.reet -east of la•teentla se, eta mwth 88 - 4141/Wakitte;/ot 10 feet front ey 48 feet - 10311- stomri s inuog ,- Dwzidmio., - '..-viub Ater: beck ?buildings: tarnished with , a11:"= - 1.16, modem 00nT66166666 Mered , throughont omit good order, altwite No. 2'223 Stile. street, lot 1.4 Meat trout by Oa 1:7011 ‘ LO' P- Per. o.9 * --M a 010 8 :11 6 ; - wit% _taro fronts, on twe main streets, situate on the east tido of Freak lin street, lableet 9 matins north Kona Muter street, 23 feet 4 /Doles front on 'Twinkle.- street by 149. feet; todkeetieep, rdaning through to Eersantit street _ . ,Peremptory Bale - 1. -• • 1 -- init . /141'0NX MIME P.NBIDRIP3II, See tow. ell street, between Spruce and: Pine strew. - Lot lb feet 8 below front' bY 89 - feet incline deep to back outlet, =eject et , toe yearly ground rant of 943.33, - . - • Perso topthemmly, LOX' OH GRODNIIo satirli side of Pepsins etreet, 150 feet eo3ttwaat of Lebigh eveone, Nineteenth wands 1.11445 t by 400 feet deep to a'tweedy-Teet wide atzmd, Awcrtivarea of the - Sewed and Third, streets Piaseaser.hallway , TWO. THRIE:EITOBT:BaICX 1)9f111i1108. ono story t raiding. Nod as Ilk 1440 shop), end lot of ground, with two if 01144 Uco., .N4* - Azad lot /8 1 feet front bp /GA feet deep to Alder street-.- NIGHTIE , i 1211.1 1 ,1- THII Inman& PII.II.EISPTOBV HASH Olf - 0310dANTOWH LOTd. :Oa Saturday afternoon, May, Met, et 434 Oeioek, rill be sold: at publle sale, without reserve, on the premises.- 911111 Ilditkatir 111311,D1H0. UM,- situate on the southeasterly aide or Oeurch, Lane-or atta 'treat (h r. Maracay, one-tfoortoi of a mile cut from the railroad. The lots ere 100 feet front by 'MO . feet (Joni, pleated with evergreen and other aka& trees; and are in a high, beautiful iodation, between the bendeoaawreetlenoes aI Horatio 0. Wood and 0. D'lmillere, SaAre q and Withira five minute(' walk of the'rtilioad to.tion.• V. - Put ratty remain oh sieound-rent. NINTH BpliWG - PALP—ON THE PP, fig, PINNAIPTORY_ BALE OP GHahrmrowzr LOTS. On saurday,Afteric o en, May 28th.it ohilook, will be add at path° sale, without reaerve, oaths •- - A number oreledant BUILDING BIM on Queen, Pulaski, and Penn at-eata, German•own. Then iota are cleanable,l,,,ing heantibilly located, aid within a short distano ""eviral station s on the railroad. /Kr Perms of abe Dad, and lithographic plaza MOM at the 'Zona:asp , - - Oh fluiroaey & Boos, auationeers, plit hold regular gales of Beal 3lstate, Meeks, &a. Mass, household furniture at dwallituta. ANAL JIBTAT9 AT Pluv.an asia. • Er On oar PAM* Ws, Regiater will slime be found a - my largo an onnt of, real orate istaladtea Hay domption of oitrond OetlEtry NO . - • I. x ".413A1M21.L I E H ota, Notate ikrolueo, HO WAY UT Stre4t A below SLIM ilarittrare. , EVE Is ADE L FRIA WARMING i'LMIANTING WAN 1110116.1 ., r - ANAQLPA,,W/1410Q, 80006asona. re B. A. gAimice. We have removed from oar old stand in Walwpt stmet to LUNN STORM, No. 1010 OriNIA , NOT street, a few doom below the Bt. Lawrence Raid, whim our Old Wanda and the pall° are regeottiNy invited to examine our extensive stook of warn Ai x yoroccoe. Cooking Bulges. Bath Nonerai Iteiristen, Ynameled Btone Mantels; • Parlor Coal Grates, &a. , 01,0. we. era now mannfactrming OWLINON'S ONLZartd.TED PA'r- INT NNW:000 QAB OONSTININO PIIIINAOII, the most powerful sad economical Heater ever invented, and spited to all Obent6 of buntline. . Also, new .and twantiNd . pattern et Low De Grates, aad Parlor Coat Grates of Claim* and patterna. ENWe have also commenced the menulactere et AMELED ' STONE MANTELS "ram Pea*. syhostio Siam. • These lam:dela, mere. awarded a SPECIAL ritEltl7l7ll at *hi lata.Psor sad N.-rhi - Mims of the .Frasallia Iskisitats of this city. Thai represent tittle nomad bemitlial Axripde lerateLaa• are not Ininns2 IT Smears, Coal Gas, Ohl or doidal and art Gold Wholaatle and Retail, at much less prise viusaltissits.. Cali mid ass assn. ARNOLD & WILSON. irrirAwma.,, Enperintandent. Philadelphia. Arall.lSfiti—an24 .1, § - k NOMOLZ & JAZIENTZKY,, - lit South EIGHTH Street, below Chestnut, DIPORTARS AND DEALERS DI ARTISTS , MA TERIAL% lteeounnend to A.rtleta and She publie In general their large stook of Juvenile Paint Boxes, Wthaor A New ton and Deo. Downey S Oo , a Oil and Water Oolong Brushes, English and- German 'puma," Drawing Papers, Oolored Oravone, Studies, OA:flora& Pietoree tor ftaming, &G., &a. Dlaeounta given na Teachers and Serolueries, Coat Daalara_enpolted at trsda urines. , tana.ar” Zalamtintrzr - S3aea.- InSALAMANDER HAYES. A Urge aatiutment of 'EVANS a WAndlen DCANUIPAOTI33IIIII SALAMANDER 8± 9, V.Mr DOOMS, Per Ilanka es d Stoma. BAU Loma, itqr.4l to Any now in ass. • uppiti DOORS, SRUTTRRE„ On eta good tams is any other eateblialunent la Malted States % by EVAZ:S a WATSON, - No. 26 *BM FOURTH fittest, Philadelphia. PLIABB GIVE; I:Fit ant - anlS-tt TDEO. D. EMORY - Fs CO." °MON No. 182 South Pol3itTli 'Pt, Phila.,. - Bole Agents of ONO. C. PoTTS St CO, Miners and Pitippers of the LOGIISPDALB COAL L Prom the Locust Mountain, - Near Ash apt -6m] 8011IIPI,RILI, nOTINTY, 14,„, W. GT aROOME & 00., Dealers and 81112pv.),QA Lk11142111, 80111I'LLKILL, ar.411,40AD , TOP alil , ll.- BITUMINOUS. COAL. Office No. 192 Sotni .20178. TH Stmt. Yard, BROAD Street, Istilot Bats. ap2-Om PEUTADELPIIift. IRON, VOtiNDRY CASTINGS, of all (11;- 4 rgansionz. each as °Wars, 'Railroad Muting& eitiet7hirnidateAßN"47B7,,,, , On ti t tb_ be . , ;ifila te r . CITa:S-stAt Ooases fot sal e by WETRE. RILL & KO: 47'4192 49 210, 4- MOM inivet, 51717
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