t4 s . •-• - _ &etr* ehtiltlekettlithetionrollt Lleottmoll bitke . 0 04 1 1 1 1 arrlfti- 0 4 Mefffißbeloplo, • tee !Impalas: "' 140. 1 4554 4 0 gag "414 tie. elitMitior;llo,l4Minti i . ,mMorlobelet• • I:Moir tae, trotkohtel, April, ~.11W4elreie taeoheathrespo tem Mho ore* wo uel, the Wrist ro by_ otro oonhholheMhbotreitteiere hiborrittoohle ermuterrod to the rler fruieem, from Mario, itaiLblijrAW:o6 "91. A :4421N 44 ' a • (•h , - ; , , VESOBABDA. _ , - Steitnaltlp .411•1, FaessiOirArtiiiiii.ijaiiieg N_Berk • - tram lietilieemil - • 1111p - -414riewitislib4i ilMnd at Ntiriirork , IVMAeliol4l, , onteetot llotrAteek yeleardq. t Mira hrt 4448 8, lose Salk opiilotaloplloridar Wu, for : •hoetoos* , ' , > -41 m, p Maw, Diell;Ares lleappook, mend at snore yitteedier: e. Batt Chia. Uri 11.wriBiat'llom Feloambnea, trae the holawimilmaseeemisitoother morolet. , •• Mir Wistsit BMW amt./Owl, from riv•CsitelerOdertileM4eP„.• '4l 41 1 , 70, 911 k soul Lilo, Mem aro., Blarallayak New York, 4,t r) , Baiirt-Dmetlis- Ilamalliliassa Win, VIA Wilielni tosi'Veolloll.onualma;ro-;Feloo,lkit lat so et, Dart ' fte, NowTork, at mad 16th loot.' - ' BrltAlfrei BIMI4IIOi, l'or - Bomedloe;mmalietr at Homer "80th , •.` Brig .1/ Waal, Partridge, for illigeeilllermid at Emits • so - Bilk M- Breet..loylo, for • omit daji Wu tit 111 ,- • Brig Nolle,frosa Heielaii, woo .bokor Baltimore yee= 'HOT from Niiw Work, snived:af , Wilkolottosi NOv , r • 1 &dm Alata7 Nitarlialioodamsad•llaiy maw*, fectnthwootiwskihria si Jnktioutts4 MINE 9,114/40 1, 441W"~ AtAger,x9;k - siok, totA 6 rApi *of ‘100,14.1i shimadmi Am thaaw , 4 • ,! mkrilflutiNim4 4 ,* Bo o' 44l . l , 4m e ee., kwaLAtlapl9lECIPMi KOTEL§; MZGIMM AMID ROITINeXtist Maw% below Ninth. W4'llll.4o2Voilsit •• , • "a.* NOwNli 2 .40 11 , 4 90., N Y • DAIWA, • Dsorsi ll a 1 9 VEN'ONj ou ps74 4l 4 .o .. MasabaNs ttsburg ,; game. Pio ; Bost* Mit &l ass, UI A 0 KOnnew, , KT:, W K Mark, Brownsville ; • tl Inwilite, XY, 1gna,..100,12 bliantillea, N V" Mr U 1 2 ,"; 4 11-1...‘ ;,11 • Rallt Xislimend, Vu BN NA Pass Naolo.k+ 4 , - 4 -Me sausata;,Pa Geo, w Dobbins, Balt N Mime, Pa O Xibbar4 Albany - , isr,W D Woods*" N.' ls, NI. J T tterinny „Lyman Ikon, NT • ttlf Molter& "Kr Ontinbigkam Ms Winchester, Baton Alex N DAV, N , „ Doff Omen, Nubia/en N a 4 - I [FinAtiOldelyto _ MPlainsist ladiassa Or Ilebardson & 11;ii x Mtr Liebaral I,Albert ,41 over, Boston P Irdwaxii, tin.; 0•&14 - Wm t Kinfoxia,, tiottlog, Buttes r ; ; Hld 11,101110;11 Y , Olart; aro% o;orstia W Tliebolinn, Ili John W,• .limiley, N I' • ~, ..10bn Parker, NY. ins H2Oata rt,N Y Noma, Valtiloar• T.D „II I •-; 1 B Bond, N,Y „ him), Blethay• N T I< tl Alvard, - Bedbma EL I {NIT Tbs. J Brown, NY• -, WMAslia .1/ 4 ; J InWroam & la, KO Nraillth ; N111;,` filswe i N AA?* ..K.4,16,_,X0ti4a1l AgPoirstfogr, X'; , w,,,140wia Jelmaton, sed JimClieCtie* - 1141ktas,.11: Mn't It A Taylor & son,NY Okisittlettersily - T ;at B Wilson &la Albasi " ISem X , '1" -r aß ßMyymrar, N •-• N.KIC(CIALN\ -114.14 N ':,J.4) Wittig x „7- Xxim Nteli6lioa; as ras N B P nano '& Ntsppee,'," WY; INpa nriegaboiqs; 110Ylintristriet,ihois - 111ith.'• '- EU Permute, Ny - : . • 242 .0itsintalk. 210 4.' - -Wm Waits, K 2 Kin WolthlavKlott A> 0 .; 211 2.r .. 1 . 4'61. "; i1l /,`• P,111 1 000rte,,,„ • , E soieliort • Bat ' . _ J J leller,•Pa' . 7 X 011101r41# B O . John MurilaY, Eat J.W Warner &la, Ohio ' , NW Jails Baliayi Ohio Men Panama, log , , Wm Bogara,Nals- P Ittaar, N Y M W fliaon,Nrd Akumpa i Aram 4 - ; Mao W T *Ol/11 . 1, H Biels, San ,;• NNW HoPtogns u,,t/ia• Amway .aol'int-Sth.l4l,Lat Pt,rtlxre 2 A rathsc L ill T ~ A lisz *Wright, N,Y urc-ldt . sßobs W Passe; ram , Masio P otikokto ••-• • AllilClolX4ei ..T f tNi= , Crs Iretero, • SILT Brown; al i t Hook lON • Jaeottgense;-Pri • •II 0 Jamee, Pa Al It ••-• Geo Parson, Boston theilletuterleM& iiMa , .'BendUnsleß;Me Wm ileadersos, N iter W ,I. Thompson. N I" alt Brogue&,a N •• J L Pase,, Lowell;Msas Jae X Bg•lnfileepokgro W ehalssr,M • ' .omst J Odassi- 3, •• Web ter & led • ••• 0 XDal •,7 M NUMI. llama ,John Nfthallf Beaten „.0 Pasco; N Y H It litedemso„ Del D Corry, Del - 0 W-Mereal-LeP:, BMW" BliegY,llQTALL,4liwouil it, below Tine. D' Itrewetir Bole, N r .leemps Whit.. BEeklimbato • W Olkiverjiloweer• Oartiyloyinnown 2 Jobiene, Nubs es. • A,ollsg,•..BesKneo Palk, Baas Go _ lA** idasorws,,ruficscp Athirume;ByetniS W D talt• ,Pc ; „a lues,le olas ftraNsiliti 7, X X XO/o;lrsta'oo .-- :•;' 7 01016111ANOW , :n•W- 11 - 1 **4 66 ; 11 0 411 e'0 J" PiknYt'2 l ßuiut, anigsiltiet & sor, l 40: HO:, t ga iMisram, ;DotosiNors, , 0. 4 4_ rovitwok _ 31 Issi Son X' INnouilhies to • PoniNaiii, exinlg,.l Altiesloyi "aka co • Tig•Of •JAPAA,AbAIUO4 colmewt,ll,l,*i.,.;/, • Wybilook; imatgauun: L B Molt, maul Sofa**, Raddouterg M Almatosh, • 9 ACidwittha,ilattolosalold • Iss • BitioN.jlo/11inth ..„ 0 AlUgwo,.01)0too. co: 0 1 0 1 •4 L'Otehol.. PluwWi-ohl. o 1 ZWAsatior, QOlll - - 1bh111 . 414...CA1p-140;111!, M 61111411110A.LN: . Mtn BZ.W•ity OW, 0 , ;WW 2 PlistiF;o ll ';'o..:.- - 'n.Hitiry Hobo, timpani ; Ail A *tidal* k 'two' , Joint D'Iostoo; '!J 1 14,141 61 .4 P PP 4 ).to,- 11 ! MINoHAMPa~ HQl'l Ir-loarfh c t ," low 'A ol.` • 1, A IlLiOditoi, , ,tittotrarg, Kettlook:PlOwborg - Jolts.Dowo, - • (Win Witiwtythirktitokars' -His Tony* At Aow,:Po, • Ilifoluaill;'l4l9wtott- , ,- , :- , -Wm A,TWatopoon, &Won; aeldlitiWooduati; Blissehata N.Y .! ,zsid‘fiusAk. io Tam Hopkins, Ohio „. e - , . Iln, Atolunond, 111 t. 4411istsit,ipoiowistoo • W Itowl,ll Y=, Etttoourg Illaßti4,:la- CLOMeOlollastl. _ 1' 0 Loots.. oleo field : - -3 Witoobuty, /Ott so - , A Bad(ww, , VA'j , is - • • /.froo rtivon;Tiii , _ - • 3 t irwitroawriblitleort, 0 % H McCawPAP: Whaley, N.Y s. , • %,:„ Yea 01.., • 0 allaii:EW Hamm Po % 61021wo‘Isnik 1 ie.:014&1141; AlttinirCHtottaitot9l r T4o, Allopint v,fe - Betspotediti'Lobaawe Oolotw •Boloit, tbattra, 9'e JTiloaw ' J R Otitis Jc la, Lewisburg - Lito*Bos, Pottsville X D.lbirk ifslifox,es ,:ll.Sokty; licaßord, , W warm; _ 2: • •Si IJ - BI;Jr*W,I.I, - MIBOBABIWHOUSII, TAW irW skull OollowllU. ' Shaeffer, ti Bowdon -Wm Atttkatrot, Pitts B=9 - BLACIBIHIAB, HOBWlTlatttt it.. above OallowhllL Hwatiepdowtto eo,- P. Costar Roods, Byborry , --L Oidounowv-Doylootoww Goo Httas • - W.Bessobook, Bum • ' a Iloodo, omobiled Jobs It asHowilii,:fo. - I.i !Soil Idlonuus, Exeter :-, , Lori fowolo; Hanavillo 0101641ea11, Okostor Lome iloodooktltw e -'t P 6 *!!tla;Ffirilb t oppritowo OARap abovtosuowltin; lEk . ololoo6tlll 0 0, 44 Jogai; 4posolog oo,P* Yai Ratko goi,pl Jaw; • 011idiamwo;Buido..05; r { ' , 4580.11u011w010, , Boots e 9 WW - 10w,1 1 1,e0 4,0 *ma; *rook, • ~:.".1 ; h4 11 tql k !k 4o - iti:;„ miti. • ..7..wriiiiaritddiad, P. J It in iee; ;. %-% . * Rit tilaip.,ol•4lloll4 JCS Wok, &wow, Dititwolt 14•44 - 4ii;,-:'-if fwap„Pixikif44l9,,Al r,. Y„ 1 4 1 . 41°4 ' "' ;' • - - BIOL. RoTaLrpktid ot„,ibot* !odes 'Ol l O,WoRt .9161* - 3 , Ptdator, oheigio soak, it Itijot • . 110,,Pkplow, Po ton - W BatispWlo4l4. : .11 orWo, Autost" - P.liortai.:Obto "Otoker. IrtA, WLovklioio "Took ' I °tapir %./.0/qa W • / mrwoooau.4.ol, ; w wow:0mo , AMohltr, 1111Woli I - Jae it itotayssorni Rts w nisitir) elm! 404 A jaw, waillost Rood a• ItCinhlrotk,loi •• J itcoustool .ft la, Itiodtos' Allridaillpoksitar . IPitnwelwkw, rum; EA " - ", ••11 "PlftAtiPkw*i; 1"..B.OwOb•,1114;::: 1 Law* )14 - Rowor 4 0 R'Adosooduoioor — ":: Olovddy, Baltlmito BOttwe, V. .1; • , &Bra .111Woon. Rot City - ; :-A-Caklisrp,Isbattikile,*1 Iradist ,L;foseir Yalta, ; ._01)11owsp,, _,.1111124 ;IW 11LoghWt • ti "7•IST! %,',27-40111?1P-144UT , ''11et*.4410200 , 0, , Dil so; Mai bo -',1104tr10tt9 , .1 4 : 8 1" 00 "; 4Amlth.e Cheater _ A Attagftotil- 'Win Prinow; YA.lll44Ohostai.oo r, , Lothr'Possides, Oheator'eo ,9160 YO.'-,: ..:-Q-yrtharet, ometwoo ; AO ktwoltdpOoliWwww,4o);ill7 B Battik Dot out A 9,WOwdloti4i'..oilsotot T,Hdir , Moser oo lonst ), - .1,1*.Wr0w.;,...4. [Kinn ib LtrwisAllowlir off 0011.4- !; `misakwaits t" riAWN 40111114. ;#O ll . - 04A i L YTPUBAPPI., of this • -04014,01 nit R•v: Giori• sisawsr; QiColtaz-;0594LP 1 4 1 01- 4#4 Uwe. oUglatiktbiteittl. - arittrigaVq l 44ll l 4l::=Att -eisibtet ° ,lrpuiy;,Sog j'entieritc ULU bir-AtiriWiirmitigaic AMIN, 0.- 10"00.0.tirtay.01Wriltitt,"sitte "lil_Otf' ti` , ~ ~,i- r - . • ~ •,,,,-v-qu-x--ineesei;;;, , '„' , ,- .'•-:,-.,%,, ~ &1144,_ ivit: D-4 10 ,0!!!'r" ,v-,11-5.-4'''-;,',,,- -I.,,eitilil lT *#-- , l''c ail ids ~,,qrtosit.r--,, - -- ~ , i,A wit, ..., 1,, yr& Si •E, _...lifiallf. 031„111:01710010111= ..,jlitic,l:ll-Wogit'ilaid" it 8 0141,414-. IL * 4,toimmr"l74 . ) Un- of / ' 6' .^- AG: ,A 44:4, ;'. oi the'lit4"444ii r oci,tiA.44.lfit'Altii _ 1.,5, Wimajlow, yine , 4fteia„ii,,,ktioto , ~ir ad te 111400.1., '''. • ozsblik“ 4 . Hid -111CI".“1.4idrrti7i0-113*-11"1-1117441 r "I":sktfo ittithli"Fin . j...triv-44karlirM.T.,,f ,-- 1. - : _., ~,,, alit „atinfeestobk,'l,'4"plic Ofialtid in , , 00. ' , lallifire'furtish ,tiqiit m din I '....,,.." , - ltiAlau„.ol4*jf skiitfilitrAiWwp A' toe 11,g. bort; ~,.,1 .1,111 tair i ~...- .vi „ it k r ort " Gr iir p tifik s , 11 NM( . tOl s t. , * A- - • - r ' ~..•15,41 ..., • It".AjoaemillinVieott., ctht, ':.tovoiso4... - , A,..„ ~., . ...7.- , . - '''- .T - ,W P ArSITT,FI,I, `i' - -a-m.,—..4" 'tiny 16.16§4 Atli' ', -,0,7r, 4 4 001 '.- • -- - 4/0,77,1%,,,,,*,,,at2 31.--,, 14 ilk** 044, Aw i IIL "1"",':-..- , ~ .:- '''''-'''''''' ' . • 0:y . Searle itheelheartor4ll, bejteld to the - BROA WAT - ItAIL; elinthetethorset of Broad aa Iptiod - Vardas -. sheath TO-MORSOW (thibbeth) MOBBING, by Borarand _MARRY seasza.of the 71 t . Ptesbytertam Otnireht`at I occo.oiciok, , tod ft - the iv NINO. at a qa,setat Wow Setgook' by Mar. NIN NY: 44101.1181 , tt;;;---, cf ~ .:,•• 7. '1 A 1; .5 .:, f, A it* , 1E.3 -a 'fist Ohara% :wilkopiall in Mao Annum/Or micaroxest neragzeonk,k,ct 04' aeon.) 'lol4eisi T 040118,01 I rettpabiooN, at. - iniksta "O'clock, Babjeet : g• Ged)o Rfgatoottiniu, or the wly bl irklalo394 W. 4 .1 JustitT,th. Pinner " - • - Churph et the ItifilltsityWisi• of Chest" Nut lad. Ottestir—This Church 4 wiit bei oppssd foilirstssilstitee,Siriti SUNDAY:MO.IIIV INGi'st,logigetesti,slB - evoii a utipq.pfstilNgi 'st 8 Welook,iiiittt Uhl lit 0-Ostobsr.' Omit* nett snail) , " ( rune loth) it lot A. M.. and at fl P: M. - - . - It* MChurch *I .the New.Ttlottiment—T..li. ITOOKTON,Pastor.—Woreltio, Preakhiorilusa tat Ormintioted, I (D' - -aVN 4110N/4.i, HALE, am ket,-aboire. Titrighle,v bABBATEUMORNING, lit 20X Volook.- Sesta me. . , ' Il*' , , ftem Bannon to ;if ens& Ladles.—The Eighth , of the Bourse of ..13ormona to the Young," hi ..wm , An, -BortttPreebyterinn Churn ;SIXTH, ebove RlF:eon, TOJACLILOW,TathbatItY Wil/NINB, pit 8. o'olook, by the Bev. KINGSTON ~ GODDABD, DX , " or the Obuteb ot; the Atonement, &dammed to Young Lytton. ll* ' preach , BktoAD Strait, below (c the Shit Spruoe, TO•110,nuv ed i w n (8 1 leooaul, MORNktiti, it log o'clock; sued, the hey, kir. GIB SON ,or,Balluat„ tko,'Al2lllloolll,kt four o'clock,•, ~-.•- i „- , lt* Street Preachin lq Baker Sireett below Sereatk,on SABBASS AFTSSNOON, at three by,ii Stother goopel t _tetio need to Ile _ in Id theae 'veg . 'Atreetiitt'aoor, drunken loafer.' 'Come nd I:a f ar:lqm: ; ..11SridAtiftN. T. ERWEtt,; ;IPr, _ " " ktieeloaary. Orr, norm's to Young Men. —By „regain , the , Youog ,Mon's °bristles Aegatation; the itivl OklibtOW *each & iennon to Yoilig Moo, by De, permitgoot fIABBATII -11101N1NG,406, tistinit; it bolt out Seven Wolock, 'theJ TIUNITYMITOODIST-11P1KICIPAI. (MU ROffi 110EtTU:st ibovi-ftsiol..Seats reserved Tor-Yourig M. N.l'abea -Inrarch—Fearthy below 11,3 ll 'WOW street:—Renreaa A- - COORIdAti. Puler, ariu , preseh- TOMORROW' (Sabbath), MORNING , at /06add iIIYRNINIE at. 7X o'el6ek.. The public) are wapeettally Invited. ItR fiTre Church of th • - C ‘ eyen'aut.—feeirvitees:lie • —OONOIART,IIALL,Oheetent, *hove Tejlfth.it.,, everi.IIINDLY; at itox , A. M., and 11,R.1.M., by the eter. - Oldleie PRATT, liecbv: - - /tit- The YOUR, Mantis Chrt Max Association PIIIIILDELPIII4..—An Meeting tot this As'enMattosSisUrbe , hidd 'in the ifIPTH HAP t ()BMW flankkon street: below Ninth, on NON NI-it IVAINING, May I. to consider 'matters of groat mOrtitint - in' cOnnentiod - with the Firemen's Meetings. It is Igo* thit every member who feels any interest nllO4lOl in the rapport and extension or thle impor• tailt:wnriSTlll nab faillo attend. , The Ohairmist of each COmmittee sod all the, volun tee'e are expected to be:, present: , 'Apimintuient of Ideleptais to 'hiyl; -.kinVistiosOtad other Imp:gloat boilnitii wits illo-b d iittended to. - WiSNAMATBR, ' my'i4tr - ' • lior: Secretary. ' iy*; The 'Tenet Mai's - dietitian . Asseclatteas OP-PHILAD&LPHIA.—The Members of fill Association, awl jae public gine:oily, are earnestly In vited to attend a Ptayirlleatlng to be held early on SABBATH MORNING ; from' 7 to 8 o'clock, In the pnlon Tent, irv!zwira and PITZWATBB Streets. -•- JOHN:HATIAMAEBB, myT4ti • • - Con. Seeretary. • Historical Siciety.—A Stated Meeting U. 3 • will be'beld on 'hIONDAY SVENING, - May. D J ass ohrioek.t - An original Papar entitled The Tres. 'non of General Oharles Lee? , wi ll be reed by Mr GIG. HANSI' MOORIi Librarian of the tHietorleal Soetoty of • • •JORN JORDAN, Ja mi7dlC Recordigi Secretary. L. f{ttt/eiri lisp LL. will Deliver Lecture, in 00NONRY HALL, on MONDAY 'D aHI9O -Hoy 9,1869,4 n eld dike fa. VintonVe Hone for Itionaleno Children. finbJeot— ,l ohristisn Bowe the Patrol:tea of Hnowleaao. l, - wyl.2t* Us'l3lgbin Anniveiniiry the Ironic Men's -ABSUOLATION OF OIDAR4TnISTPREBBY- Inn' .0111731011. 1011141,..sbaes. Xlirrenth, TO. monow.rniniNG. - Sermon by Iner.,AOGIIBTO3 lt*. Lodge: No: 16, 0 F. ' •!-Ifrieadi, we are going to celebrate onr Thlr tietn , lionivorsoay -by an Exonrelon to ATLANTIO CITY, Jal~ 18th, 3869. r -I"ll 3l. it C h re/ i tiOWILL, It*„ , , Eleoretyy of Committee. MElTBistoess Edisoa.les.—tly the Purchases of r Soholarship in hRYANT & STRATTON'S lOANTILII , OOLLIGS, the holder , Ireeomee a We lieribilrof the same sad le entitled to all its privileges for an unlimited time. Oall and examine course of in. stntritioesiadpesiounis Penmanship , 8. B. corner SIMMS= arid OILBSTNIIT litrests.- my7.2t _ rviimarotice.—The Members of American 11,3 BUSDAT 00HOOL,MOON ,* will hold then. Amaral Meeting nnTUESDAT, Hay 10, at 4 o'clock P. M', Ilia inconinnal wilt Allele II of the by-lawel at the toddy's bail4log, 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Yhils delpkla, for the eleettou of Twelve Managers, to sup ply the pima _pf twelve, Whose term ,of -office expires at that, thus, ,; . reo...arw tr Leatitre eii 'Positive 11 AND 114AT/VM lONOBB, will be given at BA .8911-BTRILIIP HALL, ea STINDA'F, at 10N A. AI., and at 8 P 'lli,' DARN 4111, lestare at the same plane. .Adideolon'llOa ciente.' - it* woe. Vs limitation Orie The Armrest: 113; dry Abe sPINNSYLVAIird - 00LONIZa- TIQN CTIITY will be told ie CON OMIT EALL. on tnUllBDAY;l2th lost.;Abe 8 o'cloalle , P. Ms • P. In -8811•887, GOVOIDOT - PAOffilt, writ preelde. The /lon. JOHN H.-B. AkTROBII President. 01 the *merlon Cilbrolaittoti 60014147;4ttl deltirertibi Oration, lately re. Torrid with great woe ptiiiitellwlilialibigton City, New Torlr, , aodeler:plartee. • - .' , Phui•rpublle . ftre:.brertri, tO, rittood. - . - 140 taker' re. he-Higee Miunt - AtleartalCi‘Ceimetery'.—The large s.7s:tmandtatitilteriontleterattere to :Iweirmr - thir re. maini:olctlndr.-relattees and Mande froinather Undid :plates terlenaa'llollNC"NOßlAll are 're aniseed tart' name? ahould , -be attended to THIS -attnaTtl, m Mier, tn• let of Jane no permit will be by-the - Dmitri ot•Realth for that purpose. -. , Pairenger Con now. an, via - Market-street, every half hour to the Cemetery - ' ONO: CONNILL, Secretary. OffilliatOrr dff B. 11(GUTENNTII Street.. ,- myttta CricketeiiiAtieallei.::—The St. °corset; - • CRIOSIt OLUB , of Philadelphia , latead opeo pg•Sheir,new. 'woad. at 0611,110 , 8 WOOD, =MON- Day, mare. The Sleyeattoetreet Oars take plasm. seri Wain two squires of. the_itrotold. . toy 7 201 1 1 , WAART XIBROBER, Beefetal7. qr. ilette hteithig:—Bisinesi Metes llillraND held DULY, at 12 o'clock, the • IIAbIEOM-131SJUIT ObIIIBOB, below Ninth at. mentunts, Olerka, and all others cordially incited. Come, wed brims of fiend with you. - snye•tr MRedlentles.—Tlte - New llnten Tent of UM. YOUNG 'WIN* CHRISTIAN. ASSOOLt. ItP17:4111 - be to the WORSHIP OP GOD, nit '11A.7 TISDAT and . SABBATH. May 7th nod Sth s on 10 let poinee . of Twaytte and,PITZ RATAK - flerriene will be as , : • , , ~ . ' ilet.'W. T. lINANTINt. D D., will preach on ElAvuo- Dir novo noon, at_ SK o'clock. R4W. JNO. °HAM.' Bilitai BATIIEDIT - _III7IININiI i at $ 0'111081e: ' .i.,:ner.'lP.4l: JACKSON rill ppm% on, HAB13111( Ar irsiutdok: It 0!0b501e,...t• , - —, . . - Bev: J. M., D80W1144 will preach on SABBATH . - Imringei at 8 ' , T. Devotional NIONNIMEN of suds genies will be eon , dusted same is last year, by Ministers of the several avangelieal -Churches, thee rendering-the services highly Interesting, The Tent has been pitched In dole progimily to Bedford and Baker attests. After remaining there a abort time, will its piled. mugs Dorn place to place, to scatter broadcaat the pre, Moos truths of the Gospel to the masses of this city. •AfolleoUon will be taken at each curios to aid in supporting and - extending this work, so wonderfully blessed during the last year • By order of the damnation. • 010.- 8 EITUABT, President. JOHN NIANN AAAAAA 00r: elOratily. ' • - inyB4t irr,reeede , a State. C•nventten.—The ieris of-Philadelphia, and of the several noon: ea alibis Oomulonwealthiattanbed to the 1419PLE , 11 "PARTY, and all 'rotors who are opposed to the, ARIDA; ' nimbi.; and extraiewitnieeinuin of-the iklational Ad.. snlaistratlon, 'are requested to DELEGATES, equal Bt number la Wilt several reereaentatione In the Gene. val.Areerobly,lo &CONVENTION tolmi' held at HAR• STSBUItti, on Wednesday, June 8th,1959, at 10 A. B. to nominate Candidates for AUDITOR GENERAL' and SURIIIITOR OEN to be voted for at the general Wootton In next October: • - , RINEY M. lIIILLME, Chairman. WILLIAX B. Misr, Bearetary.' •p&tf OrThe- Meetainville, Mantua, and Fair- MiIiIINT ,Itei3SBNORS. RAILROAD COMPANY. —Notice -iv hereby given to the Stockholders of the Redo vville,Mentue,. and . .Pairmount , Passenger Rail. Odsife in sikribst Letters Patent have been granted, and that pnrinanoe of the Act of Anent*, the an& earthen! IO thCOapital Stook. of said Company are re toweettit 01131BWII_DROYAI YARD HOTEL, 114111710 - of, iiisieurtar, avenue sad Haverford street, Twenty:4oll , th Wardon WIDNBSDAY, the 18th day !Willy, }Moat being the time and place appointedkby abs -00132/014411111140 organise said Compeayoind at pal than sad place en election for a Piesident and Siva Director's will' tis belt , socovilLog to Aihrri.S.Achtecad,Oharlee lifolhalla, R. Bar ash, Charles B. Troitt, , Win. Patterson , R. I/been. Aleob &Toot, Robert R Morrie, Samuel L. Sinsilley;',ltodb; Ziegler/. Wane' Mitchinson, Wm. DAWN/. dames Minter, Imams Wilton, Thomas amnia, lotoi R. Vogdes,lohn 0 Rear, D. B. Peal, H. A"," River '.Nebeiatala Ivens, ROC Selfridge, Tam A. lirownLte 0. limmitlioos, IL Bardwvll, R. R. Miller, B. Morton 'Rollou t D. D. Jones, John Iltiphim P. 111111, Immo M. Ash. tot, WM, D. McCalla,' John P.. Beoty., - Xw. Our, ! later Parkar, - lad Rill, Oorgedilialdnerc mip,toiylll , - , CrirtNlV rie Railroad UomPaki• —Ii R NALRD EGIOVOSALS will be reeelved at the Odra/ of the, Ccormanyv:, in - Philadelphia and at Loot Haven. until 8 o'clock P. BI:, on MONDAY, the 16th` Aunty for theRNADING,NIASONIVV, and BRIDGING of the MIDDLE DIVISION of the ROAD, extending from thernunittrof.the - Driftwood, In Zit notinty the Driftwood, West ereeki and Bt. Mary% to Ridge- Ivey• and front Itidowav, for two_rotitesito a point 20 mites , sandmen' froin4.Warren, - -One via Mill creek; Coon creek, and south branch of the Tioneeta; and the .other, , iris the West Clarion and_ Tup-Sllle run, The 'Sad BO miles in length, divided into con venient abalone- Propotale are inellnd ' tot separate notions , for di. visions' "embracing' several' ,inliscer' for 'llse whole, line; seittnidLettaotlila tie' prorate, the proynytic,i , Of- atm* that; wilt be reeelv44 , eyatent, Titer cosh portion of thedwymente flue mune wilthe Piddle Monthly deiimetu - sr . - • i Anted isreparee mot Ainikinete the period at which the entire work :proposed for will be finished ready for the waperatimmture, under a penalty of forfeiture of one per cent, of the retained percentage for each day that eirepaeri after the irpechled time, t until the Real comple r flop of the work, .• Wens and tpeeificatious of the work may be seen at 'the Woe, at Look Haven, on and atter Tuesday, the 10th init. Wlf. et. NOORIID dB, President, Philadelptita, Rey ,1860. my 44.14 °INCA' el th i — Northwestora, Coal- peen. PANT, No. IN Bout" POURTH SU - est.—Pmts. DIMPIII4. April 24,1059.—ii, Opectial Mooting of the 14toeitholdero 'of 'the Northwisteri coal Oomptoy will 14 hold "at the °Noe pt the Ootopatty, on, , MONDAY, MM . 15th , at AP. Id., to etd*pt be reject supplototnt to Gm Olubtot of Abe -ctoniptaj, bygotod April 7th, ' -t• lASS *- - • N. ' BURROUGHS, ~ „ , aplh-Sot , - The Northern Hare for Friendless-CM -11„3 . -Dll,lllotiee is hereby given that the Annual ,Steatlon,,byjnentbers or. the, said , Corporation, for six Managesand tour Trnetsva to mina for four years, and to fill lay iseineyar vagnoialei that may exiet,'wlll be held at the Building, Northeast corner - of ARo n and , - 1111V/INTR.Strester on TIIIIBDAY..May /0,1869, be- Own the boors of 8 god 6 o'clock .le. B r aid e r of . the Board ot ,Trusteee, , aiiBoskutah2 • - , f Soereury. ,MThe lbilledelpleta - ,Clity Xtiltsieleis Hall; ryAy coldrAlf y';,...liottia to hereby item* to ,the Ilethltholdar* of the 3 , , Phlladel phis 'Oil Peasants leiftway Neiblttihtl.that.UlTTElll3 PA 'INT here been granted, end tilt Inirentnee of the Act of to.s.. I *stably* the Ihibisidbers to the CAPITAL 820012: of etfd Vompany are revue* , to ....ment it No. 928 BOON ittiet, wood floor, °alit:Ml:4lf, th4leth day of Nay, 180, at 12 o'clock A.H., he thefdete end place ap points by the , Oooimiteloftere - to organise 911fel Otn henf. And en *id time and plate sn 40843110 n for a fteddeed Ind el: ;Dlreotore *lll be , held aoseNtlaz to law. • „ W. W. 4litenol - cherlee Llarlen, .• . Joseph dinner - .pews 13000, , , Alharlealtfebfir,- Conrad (MSC . 0 1 011te Ely; e_ - 21. Anth-Potriken, -IC V. gelley, MlNWillwfvlll WNOIiCI3.-A. Meeting af. .the Stackheoldera of the OLOOM2R* ICON COMPANY will be et IMI the Cootpa.yle °Mee, at 'gondol°, Columbia County, Pa ~,ont clocusDAY; the 12th &tot. Mew,. 18159, for the pn•pope of electing Nine Directors to eerre the naming year, and for transeethig other bueineu. April MI, 1861. WM. N. O. BARB% 424-1201 , Tramper and fiseretary. p . „ Or lice Pennsylvania Railroad Coni 7PHILADELPHIA, April 16th, 1859 —The Board of ore have this day declared a muol-annual Dividend of TOREB PIE MINT. on the Capital Stook of the Company, clear of S tate Tax, payable on and after Nay 46th, 1869. Powered Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application at the °Noe of -the Company, Set south THIRD !Street.- 'apl64ltlall THO R. T.-71Ni*. Treasurer. ,ye-. A' et 'the !Necktie dere at the 11,3c-PHILADBLIIIIA GUANO COMPANY be held at the Ocoee of the Company, No. 220 WALNUT Street, on TUBEIDAY; May 10 1869, between the hour* of 12 and 2 &elm*, to elect 21ve Directors - to serve tor U" ensuing year.. ' • • • • • my . 2.7t A. E. BROOKS, Secretary. BrFtreitten4 land ether tinten Prayer MEETINGS, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN •ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH ASTERNOONS, trotted States Engine, Wood, below. Crown ot, from 4 to 6 P. M. United States Male, - Buttonwood below Fifth tig to 4,44 P. M. United Hose, Brown et., below Twelfth, from 4K to ON P. M. Perseverarcie Rose, Quarry street, 4 to 6 P. M. Pennsylvania Hose , Eighth at ., below Green, from 8N to 4,N P. M. • %Mark Engine, Race, below Second street, eK to 4 P. M. ON SABBATH, at 7K P. M . , *Diligent Engine, corner of Tehth and Filbert ate. Delaware Engine , South et., above Nineteenth et. Vigilant Nok i a ` 2 , _ghth street, above Wharton. ON TIFEHDAY, at li t , P: M. • America Engine, Buttonwood, below Third at. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut, 'Robert Morrie - Hose, Lombard at., above Eighth st. Schuylkill Hose, Leensest., below Thirteenth. 'Hoyamensidg House of 'lndustry. ON WEDNESAY at P. ;Humane Hose:Wood stree D t, , below T.hird. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24th it. 'Bulletin Building 5 P. M. ' ON 7111138pAY, , a!, 74 . P. Et, Southwark engine, Third, below Carpenter. • Greenway School Rouse, Rtogseseing, Darby road. N. Liberty Hose, New Market, &bore Costae at. - Naval Asylum, Gray's Ferry road. Fairmount Engine, Ridge *venue, - above Wood at. Fairmountßose, Pleasant street , above Eleventh, . Good Will Hose, Wood at , below Twenty-third. Diligent Hose, Madison, above Ramat, Western.Bngine,.Callowhill, above Sixteenth at. Independence Hose, George, below Twenty-third at. ON FRIDAY at Tj f P. M. Western Rose, Twentieth et above Lombard at. Warreilloae, - Barker, above Eighteenth at. ; Sprint/Garden Hose; Parrish, near Bleventh Lafayette Hose Pourth;.near_Brown'at. Bulletin Building, 6 P. M. Printers' Prayer Pleating, Saturday , evening, at 7,41 n'olookoat Biligentilall, Tenth and Elbert streets. &sudsy afternoon, at 4 °Week, at Mechanics' Engine Hall, Brown and Pifteenth streets: • c , = DAILY.; • * Diligent Sogine,s P. M. • Medical' Students, at 1009 Oheatoutl 8 A. N. - Ladles and Christian friends are affectionately invited to attend. " ; By order of the Executive Committee of Young Men's Christian decoolation. • jals-eat tf or Dr. Wader's Chestnut Springs Water OUSI, at Obeetsut NW, Philadelphiaminty, Was EVERETT'S ORATION WASHINGTON. At the regneet of the Ladles of the Mennt ',amen Assoof►tion, the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT will de- Ifier his address on the Life and Oharaoter of WASH -1144T0N, for the benefit of the MOUNT VERNON FUND, sAt the Academy of Maelo, on THURSDAY, May 12th, at 8 &dock P. H. Tlekeis will be 'for sale on sod after FRIDAY, May 6th, at the Booketoru of ' ' Messrs. Parry & liteilillan. • g , W. S. & A. Martian. Willie P. Hazard. - 1, borne &, Seig. Thiele to all parts of the Mouse PIPTY SENTO each. soye-tf Ortning Alarliinea. WEI.EEILER & WILSON ASSoiloras!sa co.'s SEWING MACHINES ! Ilnpoilor to all °thens for general we, and for SalaT MAIMS, TAILORS, AND DRISRMAKIRS, NEW STYLE ONLY PIETY DOLLARS • - . 0141028: 628 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Wert,Eltate Street, Trenton, N. .1. - Oyer John Titu , s More; Buten, rune 7 But any Street. Wert Wieder. SUB AGNINTN: EDWIN RODENCii, Moorestown, N. 3 WILLIAM PATTHINON, Salem, N. J Pernienent Offices will be °robed shortly, by ins, In Reading, Allentown, and Lanoseter. Penna. HENRY- COY, Agent. MILLINERY'. JUST OPENED, SUMMER STYLES FANCY AND TRIMMED BONNET& STRAW" C*0031:181. 04 every deseriptlou and ot , Latest Patterns, always on LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICITOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, (TWO DOORS ABOTO MABOWIO TRUPLIL) myT•lat R. 0. .WAL BORN & .00. • (Now) Noe. 6 and 7 NORTH SIMI STRUT, - MANUFACTURERS or SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, DRUB /WINKS, &TO. Dealers in every article relating to the GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS; my 7-8133, MISS M.- MUNSON," ALRDICAt - CLAIRVOYANT A' ELROTRIOLiN, No. 127 Eolith TENTH Br., abort WALNUT BT., - May be consulted daily from 9 A. M. to 8 P.-Id. Terms for examination or preacription 81.00, by Hair 53 00. myl.Bt* STBREOBOOPIO BAZAAR TIM WONDERS O THE STEREOSCOPE. Large assortment, by recent Importation, at the Lowest Prices. M. J. FRANKLIN, Optician, No. 112 SOUTH FOURTH arsz.s.r LOST OR MlSLAlD—Oertifloate of Stook No. SS for three shares in the 2d Bt. George Benefit Bulldog Balmy, issued in the name of Thomas S. White. All persons ars otutioned against nagotis- Mng for the same, as ft has been cancelled on the books of said soolety. - WM. POW'LIaR, President. - 110 p EI ME B Photographic Gallery, 116 SUCOND Street, above Omen, le one of the moat extensive sad complete in the city; all pin had else Photographs and Ambrotypes are made. • it* BOWERS_' CLOTHES-RENOVATING BoTABLIBUICINT, No. 60 North NlAVint= Itstiet. below ARCM Olothi wade to look road to 00Wbr Oleioung or Nrelag wltboat . -taking.. f epart, Mao, 910thea monad sad altered to the lateatfashlool. Nearly' all kinds of Mine, Paint, and Tar eztrooted. Plario r nad Tokio Covers cleaned loth* best manner. ; oiy7-It*. • gs FLO $9 Ea 888 DS.—T WENTY-FIVE „„W. Choice Varieties, including Germ in Asters, Bel. Larkepqrs, Oondyeaft, Mignonette, Lupin's Phiov. Drummondit Porto!emend other desirable free blooming sorts, giving s eoestust bloom from June to November. Neatly put up in bogey, with directions for planting eea ouithatiog, tor.Ooe Lollar, 11,4 Dii3l4 m 7 .7.8va abed Warehouse, 827 ougortirt r Et. gig THE "Bwlrr-suRE HARVESTER" lifa - coinbtned Mower sad Reaper of Superior Ex. colenoo., Strength, Simpllolty god, Nee of Maume e:tent are among its good qualities.— All who want' a First rate Machine wiE call at the War/hones of Qv Maottfooterere, "' D. lANDBRTII & BON, Noe. 21 swi 211 South SIXTH Street, Philattell,tds, Sole Agents for KIRBY'S PATENT MOM. 111.NETI MOWEN 414 MeI&PSII. will *thud the purchase tf either of the ►troq it* ma DELANO'S INDEk a ENDENT TOOTS =FRAY • BARS, SELINADJUSTING .110113TIble, !MARS, ANTI•TRIOTIO,T111.00118. Theabove great ildmr-aaving machluet elautad be In the peaseaston of army farmer. Roc NO oby C..IOANDICATTL & SON, • Noe. 21 and 28 South BIXTII Street. Together with a moat Complete Stook of Agricultural and HOriloultaral Implements. ltve SEED ()WM.—Adam's Early, Early ..,W e Canada, Sweet or Sugar Stoiellfs Evergreen *sweet, Pennsylvania Yellow, La rge Yellow Stint White Pilot or Homing, Taw:wore so., of the best quality. For ads hy LANDRETH & BON, Arlen Hurst WarehOtue and Peedators, lt4t Nos. 21 sed 28 South arra Eltreet,,Phlla. MAOKEREL.-445 bblo. Noe. 1,2, and 8 LT-IL Maekerel, In whole, halved, and quarter barrels, Original packages. - 0. 0. BADLIIR & 00., my 7. • „ 'ARON Street, second door above Trent. il ANS AND SHOULDERD.- 7 2,000 pli3ceB A.A. cityrifinke4 Rams and' 13houlders. Alio, 900 pleeee extra eugar.oured llama For sale by 0.0. BADLBA Se 00., ~., . . . . my 7 • AMOK Street,2d door *bore Front - HI<RRING.-80 bble New Pickled Her ' nog. Afro, 52.0 boxes -Bmoked Herring.- For rile by - 0. 0. NADLER. & soy 1 Anil Street, 2.1d00r Owe Front, rr P. DAVIS & 00., Lumber oommle. lAN idert BlerebAMA, No. We BROAD Street, otpave Rwai Plmilidelpl4l4, , , ' STATiONERY ) TOlri AND FANCY_ GoOlyti_jtlAPOi . t . itiM, • ! 1036 W ~iAR do 4 4.UA'YL Pi Hare now opened • choice aseknameat of floods, 'nein& ing Pant 1i Silk ; Wisps Linen, Palm Leaf eta,' Also, Wr/tlng.Deek4 Port - faker, Portemonnales, damp Books. glernarinme, Perfumery, and Toilet Artistes,MMUS Bate, Balls, and Wielrets, with a - large' ,saiorment of Dolls and toys . " - ' - ' inyfo.l3t* "Ai EN' $ TINE OALFSK/N BOOTS; LU, oorgress, °mom ae. Bid Oar jaikaufadilre. Low Olt*, wholiwals kid rata% at , Du TTOWS.i • - pro., III ,NOWFXiMir St, Otait;ided &b Arab, -- trlatovtivisir* '— • Ms so 4 SO Rod Boot THE PRESE4-PHILAP,ELPMA.,.. ;S.A.TURDA.Y. , MAY, 7. 1859. Retail ¢►rfn erratto. PA Ms , • - ,„‘, MANTILLA Eaiioiilil4, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. J. W. PJEK).OTOR & 09 ELEGANT -msrptlLLA.4 SPRING AND SUMMER THE L.4HOEST ST,OCH' THE CITY, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. NEW MANTILLAS OPIBINTSZTGI. EVERY MORWI'NO PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. ALL•SILH MANTILLAS EVERY DESIRABLE NOVELTY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. SILK MANTILLAS, PINE LACE PLOUNOINGS THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. 708 CHESTNUT STREET MOURNING MANTILLAS, BILK AND' ORAN; ito THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, PARIS MANTILLA IMPORIVM, SPitING CLOAKS, "OHESTERVIE LDS; IN LIGHT OVOTHS, THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. Tos CHESTNUT STREET FINE PRENOII LACE MANTILLAS, BCWItIiOUS AND POINTS THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. ENGLISH OHAATILLY LACE MANTILLAS AND. POINTS VIE LARGESZ STOCK IN 211 E CITY, PARIS &!ANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. 706 CHESTNUT STREET NEW MANTILLAS OUR WORK-ROOMS lIVERY bIeRNING, PROM PARIS EVERY S T EJIM.II R. TSB PARIS MhatTILLA EMPORITY' ,24 Ftecommends Itself to the coolikdeses of the Publle; Ai ben A MOM:TT with• the enbeeribet. Tke)•• ere enabled to devote %bake whale time and ittetitlOn to Itii sonic*. AND STRICTAY MODERATE, J. W. PrROCTOR. No. 708 0 1 / 1 18TNUT iSTEEMT. IN BILK, Retail prp as L tE.DUOT ION. THOS: W. EVANS & OQ., reetteed the grin of a large Jot of RICH PRINTED ORGANDIES TO 44 MINTS PSR ICARD, • USUAL PRIDE 02} CENTS. - ALSO, NEW STYLE RICH GI?..EIVADIATP.. TO 70 AND erg CIONTIi, - FORMER PRICE $1 00 AND $1.12i, 838 and 821) CHESTNUT ST. Algot - H S,IE RY. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. .Would respectfully call attention to their large and comriete assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER HOSIERY, Of their own importation, manufactured to order, for • TUE BEFIT CITY RETAIL TRADE. VALIUM:MAN, INCILIBII, AND SWISS HOBIBUY, ' ; UNDERSIIIRTS AND DRAWERS, to GAUZE SILK, LIMB THREAD, AIDBINO, and ciATON, with a full stook of goods in this line. also, SILH SUN UMBRELLAS, &a., &a, 818 and 820 CHESTNUT ST INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT!! ! 'GREAT OPENING OP LACE GOODS ! ! ! PRIOIIB RANGE FROM TO StO! H THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN PHILADELPHIA! ,VERY 111011 AND ELEGANT STYLES! tAtovaaT POE CASH PROM THE IMPORTER! French Lase Shawls. . 0 , French Lace - Palates. French Laos Telma. ' French Laos Mantlliat. Very.Blish Mantilla Mantillas. t. Plaid Silk Dusters, Quills Trimming, Ac. Silk Mantillas s pllk aud Ac. &a. Alec, a Large Lot of BLACK BILKS—VERY CHEAP ! NANCY BILKS, BaltEla&S, LAWNS, Ac., ho., at THORNLEY OHISM'S, nig O. B. Corner EIGHTH R. ___ SPRING °BADMEN. FRIENDS' OENTR4Lo DRY GOODS STORE% Corner or EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. OffARUM; ADAMS Offers Ms usual supply of . . PLAIN AND MEDIUM STYLE DRESS MATERIALS. Bound Thibet and Caehinere Shawls. White Barege Shawls!. Wide White, Mode sod Black Dame, for Squaree and Mantles). - White, Black, and Colored Stella - Eh' ' plata Style Mobiles it'd Luekee. Do. Mona de lalnes. - Do. Tamartlnes and Crape Mara". ' Sow Black Silks Neat Style Gingham', Ohinlees, and Lawn". Irhh MODS, Flannels, Table Linens, Damask Clothe, awl FAMILY FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY. Patent Skeleton Skirts In variety. my7-etuth , m _ANTILLA OPENING. B. Y. B. HUNTSR, !1 ow open, at his new store, No -40 SOUTH BEOOND MEET, A. vent variety of new styles • sitar AHD LlO6 niy7-St* MANTILLAS To which he incites the attention of the Ladles MAP . frETA SILK MANTILLAS. - ..lllillack Silk Bornoile. Blast Bilk Circlei. • Light Oloth Mantles. • Heir Oloth Gangues.. Habit Cloth 0011100.1. • LACE MANTLES. thench Laos Mantle.. • - antllly Inas Mantles. endgame Laos Circulars. Rome cheap auction iota. BAnzaz HODES. • Chintz Colors Berne Robes. Gay Mints Colors Eames. -Two flounced Barege Robe.. Berne Bobee Whs. Napoleon Bareges. B.—Mantles made to order. COOPER ec CON ARC. apBo 8. N. corner NINTH sod MARKET TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Gray Va'endow. Ohene Poplinee. - Mixed Papillae Crepes and Buqulnea. Plaid Othello and Lay. Oonasdines, Oleopstrae,, and Canvas. Clementines, Moolee, and Argentine'. Figured India Maine. strong and cool. lIHARPLEBEI BROTHERS, oty4 OUBSTNIIT and BIGHTS Streets VIOLET DES ALPES. Just resolved a small lot of Boat gaallty Jsoonat Lomat of this •• New ant *h coloring. •• •BLIABPLIIBB BROTEINUS, i 4 • , - 08,888/488,504 EIGHTH Streets .Ctial,_ Notices: ESATE OF H E NRY WANT ~De. tettirs of Athnleistratlon on said Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate' will please make payment, and theee basins claims will present the nine, without delay, to FRANKLIN QUANTIN, Administrator, 2721 bIASIIIIT Street. 0 • , Itle Attorney,. ' T.O BEINWILII, N. E. eornet of SEVENTH & SANSONE Streets. mr7-eadt* aDistiotatutng anti Covartnerobips. DiSSOLUT/ON OF COPARTNERSHIP. —New YORK. blay 2 1839 —The Copartnership heretofore extstiag between T. B. BUNTING and B. 8 BUNTING, No 93 BEATIOR Street, Is We day die. solved by mutual consent. The badinage of the firm will be Petted by either of the late members. T. B. BUNTING, B. 8. BUNTING. GOPAIMAAMBUO Norion.—The undersigned have thin day formed s Copartnership for the tratomotton of the Iron and metal Brokerage holiness, under the style or Arm name of BUNTING, LYMAN, to 00. T. B. BUNTING QllO. T. LYMAN, B. B. BUNTING No. SS BISA.VBIt Street, New York, May let, 1819. RIVERENOES Masers Hendricks & Broe. W. A. Sale &Co , Nay. lar & Co., J. W. Schmidt & 'Co., Spofford, Tileaton & 06,, °rooter & Warren , T. B. Co/Minton & Co., Mar e/WI, Lefferts. &Afro., Bruce & Cook, Smith, Hine. wan, & Co , Pierson & 00., New York ; Revere Copper Oeropany, Bay Mato Iron Company, Memo. Curtis & Plibody, Taxrar, Follett, & Oo.,Appleton & Buten. - - my74t DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. L. The Oopartnerehip heretofore exteting between WILLIAM DEEMER and T. EDWIN RIDGWAY, under the firm of DEFORM k RIDGWAY, le this day dimolved by mutual consent. T IRDWIN RIDGWAY having purchased all of molows Interest in the concern, will attend to the settlement of the same, and continue the busi ness on his own account, at No. 337 AROEf. Street, 2d door below Fourth etreet. Signed WU. MOILER, T. RD WIN RIDGWAY. Philo , May 2, 1819. my6.3t* ,3nourattre Exmwanies MEE ROBERT MORRIS INSURANCE .11. COMPANY OF POUADILPHIA, 409 WALNUT STREET. - This Companyinenres against Loss or Damage by Tire an Putilie and, Private Buildings, Barnlture, Stooks of (Nods, and hierchandine generally. The following provision in the Policies of this COM• ray inarantees their security when assigned as a &al ' Is This polloy shall not be Invalidated. or In any wise effected after Its assignment as a collateral security to a gionna•rent, or mortgage, and the approval of such of by th by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged pr e e mies, by the owner of the same.” DIBEOTOBB: Pant T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Httlme, Robert Clark, - Isaac B. Waterman, David Salomon, Edward 0 Jones, William Vanderveer, Joseph Janney, Theodore Ouyler, Joinph IL ()oiling, Gilbert B. Bterling. .., PSEL T._JONES. President. GILBERT B. BTE KLING, Vice President. • Wm. URzeunit, Secretary. ' my 7 tt k resw- ENGRAVINGS. 1I JAMES EL EARLE et, SON, 818 Chestnut street, are Just In receipt of s large assortment of entirely new 'lmpart:fp. among which may be found the following • The Horse Pair, Bose Bonhenr 520 00 The Great Ball—Nlasara, B. E Otinrott . 36 08 ' Boas Bonham, Dubufe 10 03 The Canal of the Gladness, St. Anfield 30 00 The Cantle , tle of Isenberg, Richardson 7 60 The Wetterhorn, Richardson ' 7 60 Ohrist in the , Garden of Olives, Dela Rothe.... 760 'This Virgin at the V oot of the Cross, Dela Roche 60 37pses in the littirtiebes, Dela Roche 00 Beeriest Cenci led to Execution, Dela Roche:... 00 Raphael Sand°, Jalabert 00 ,litembotadt Von Ryn, Boux 00 Nicholas Pottesin, Benonwell 00 Nitehital Angelo, Oabanel 00 Chamohi Hunting, Home Vernet 00 The Image of Mamma, Schlesinger 00 The Measure for the Wedding Ring, Halliday... 00 The Bouquet of Beauty, Baxter oo Morning, Bodmer 00 Evening, Bodmer ' 00 ' Jacob and Rachel, Ary Schiffer so Both and Naomi, An Scheirer 00 ••Oropsey'a American Scenery," set of eight each 00 Pramual Love, Bourtnesu 03 Saturday Night, Erskine Nichol 00 Sunday Morning, Erskine Nichol 00 The Infancy of Virginia, Muller 00 The Motherless, Barry 00 This Grandmother's sarling, Meyer, of Bremen 00 0r1it03431 75 A few emotes of Evangeline left, at 60 Thorwaidnen's Night and Morning, reduced to.. 00 Thorwaldrenis Seasons,uced red to 00 EARLE'S GALLERIES, myl.St if 810 Chestnut Urea . ^I BEATSALE OF DEVON OATTLE.— Will be sold at Public Bale, on TIIESDAY; May ,as o'olock el, at the residence of tha late Morris Lcingstreth, .Palley Green, Whitemarsh Towmihip, Nontgotnery eontity, Penna., the well•known herd ,of DOVON OATTIaI, Comprising over Sixty, head of oows, and Reiter., many of them being premium /took. A large proper/leg Of the animals' av been bred on the place, and the rent seleated with greet care, 'epeeist attention haying been given to obtain those of superior m: thing qualities. - The p'eoe of sale is on the Bethlehem Tornplits,l2 Chestro the Railr o a d mile. from the terndstrus of the ut Bill , and one mile from the Stott Washington and Whitemarsh MUM on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. LONGSTRZTIT, my" Std • Administrator,' • jaILUMBERS' MATERIALB.--Alarge and .1L varied meortment deruitantly in Btore;to 'which I eall the attention of the Trade. Prima ad low as those, of any kenos In New York. °Henze araimair, rob 144 re Oa MINOR Street, APURE .ARTICLE OF CIDER-L-111e twat artudeaome and pleasant &Int for dinner ; also, pare Older Mega-, at W. P. MINRY93, nol4-4tl 148 MaRXET Street , near 2d, north aide. 8/IRONIC & EARNEST's LIND AND PLASTIIII DPIPOti ' S. W. earner 11113411 Avenue and WILLOW Street; Philadelphia. Wood•brtrut Lime; Chicaned, aalltigg, aud , Deatietni and Land Planter; Demerit, Plaaterhig' 'Nair, and White soda doltdered to order, or, carefully put ny for OkiPPIDS. larklin* New ichiblicatiatts: • ruolsr READY ) VOL. VU, HOMEHOLD,LIBIWY, LINN OF ISAHOMDT. , Elf ZDWAith 01BliON. i • With Notes by Dean Millman and Dr. William Smith. AND A 1.1711 OP THE AIITUOR. -12 mo: O1oth:60 Gents. Any ecoleshultioal bias of Gibbon is fully corrected by Dean Mihmus's Notes., We reprint from the last London edition, (not re.lesued this eountry) which alone contains Me very valuable Notes of Dr. Smith. Who would obscure one hue of that gorgeona color ing it which Gibbon has invested the dying forme of Paganism, or darken one paragraph In hie :splendid view of the rise Cud progress of Blahometaniim? "Attile, biahomet, and Tamerlane are each .intro duted upon the scene, almost with dramatic: animation —their prevent releted in a full, complete and unbroken marrative."—Dean DELI3SER & PROOTER. ' 608 BROADWAY. WOODSTOC -BY SIR WALTER SCOTT. PETERSO''e CHEAP EDITION OB THE WAVERLEY NOVELS WOODSTOCK le now reedy being the tenth number of.PETERPONI4 °HEAP EDITION of SLR WALTER SCOTT'S NOVELS: • The following have already been published : IVANHOE, THE ABBOT, GUY &UNSEEING, I THE AN CIQUABY, ROB ROY WAVERLIIY, KENILWORTH, OLD MORTALITY, QUENTIN DURWARD PRICE 26 CENTS PAGEL The whole. to be empleted in TWENTY-SIE. VO LUMES. ,TS.R.AIS 01 SUBSCRIPTION TO THE TWENTY SIX VOLUMES, One complete eat, twenty-six volumes in all, will be sent to any one, as feat as published, for five dollars. Single numbers 25 CENTS. T. B PETERSON tc BROTHERS, No ROC CHESTNUT Street LUST PUBLISHED, EOGEEUPS GEOLOGY OP PENNSYLVANIA, A GOVERNMENT SWIVEL WITH A General View, nf the Geology of th 6 United States, Essays on the Coal Formation and Ito Fossils, and a Description of the Coal Fields of North Amarica and Greet Britain. IN TWO VOLS4VoI 11. bound in . two parte.) ACHICIMPANIRD or A GEOLOGICAL hi AP OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND A Geological and Topographical Map of the Anthracite Wielde of Pennsylvania • BY PROF. HENRY DARWIN ROGERS, State Geologist. - PRICE M. Aim. A NEW MAP OF IDE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA. Constructed from original Surveys and the most re cent authorities, under the superintendence of Prof. H. D. ROGERS. PRIOE, MOUNTED ON ROLLERS, $B. tEr This le the moat complete • and elegant Map of Pennsylvania ever published. . 7. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO, Publishers; myl-trtnthat 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. ny THE LAST ARRIVAL. BURNS A BIRO. S. W. earner CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, Have received a freah supply of the following Devo tional and Parochial Hooka. axed in England: A Plain Commentary on the Gospele, 7 vole ' S 8 00 Traata for Parodbial Ifee, 7 vole 7 00 Tracts for the Chrlatlim Seasons, 8 vols. ...... 800 Sermons for the Obviation Seasons, 8 vo le 8 00 A Plain Commentary on the Puims, 2 vole • 2 80 Armstrong , . (late Bishop) Life, 1 vol P. 00 Armstrong's iiiermemi 1 60 Armstrong on the Yestivabi 1 60 Sermons, by the late Rev. 0 Marriott, 2 v 015..... 4 00 D'Oyly and Mant'e Commentary, 4 vole . 7 60 Lenten Sermons at Oxford, 1857-8 3 vole 60 Beautiful Oxford Edithins of Vsnotional Hooke, late Theological Works, and New Editions of Standard Church Authors Orders from a distance for any book lu the market executed at lowest cash rate, by my7.2t BMWS & SISG, Philadelphia. SOWERBBA A RNE AMM,& CO., MISOILLANKOM. 80HOOL, AND BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, No. 87 North THIRD Street below Arch, Philadelphia,. Publishers of tbo following popular School Books, which are acknowledged by all intelligent teethes who have given them a °metal examination to be unri valled in their adaptation to the purporee Intended SANDERS , NEW SERIES OP READERS, ' Cone Ming of Sanders , New Primer, " " first Reader, " Third Reader, " " Dinh Reader, " " Speaker, " Speller, Seeonßeader, Fourth Reader, " High Bohoorßeader, " Young Ladled Rea der. BROOKS' NORMAL PR(MARY AND MENTAL AItITHMITIOI4, By Prof. B. Brook., of Lancaster Normal &tool PAILTONIII3PLV.NDID BE3OB OP OOTLINE MAPS. "They are especially adapted to those beginning, u well as to those more advanced in the etndy of Geogra phy, as they receive from them *clearer and more an rent conception of the character and relative else and position of every ph3relesl and political future, than can be obtained frond any other Maps extant." All the publications of IVIBON & PLUMMY?, AND A. O. BLURBS & BURL 1411,1 YORE, May be found on hand at N. Y. Publishers , Prim. ape4n it parasol!), &r. • pARAISOLIS', Of MOH and BRAUTIVUL ISTYLIB and FINISH. SUN UMBs,-E,LL1413, 2 IiTRONG t ANDIXQUIBITELY IBOUNTID, POR BALI AT LOW PRIOEB, DL WM. A. DROWN & CO., 246 MARKET MEET. my3-1m New Pork Tarp tti , oobs Jobbers. APRIL, 1859. WE HAVE NOW OPEN FOR SALE OUR NEW AND ELD4ANT PRINTS. TQI • .WAMSUTTAS. TO WHICH WE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION of the TRADE. The beet designers and printers are engaged in producing these CALICOES, and the great success which has attended the sale of our WARREN PRINTS will be followed up by giving the WABIBUTTA PRINT)] to the public. The COLORS are WARR&NT ND FAST, the STYLES BAMITIIIIL, and THE PRICE JOST MOM We shill sell these Mote by the PACKAGE or PIECE, for OA.BII OR ON TIME. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 and 82 CHAMBERS STREET, • ap29•lm NEW YORK. glillinerp 4/isoobs LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, _ No.72SOUESTNUTSTREHL BRTWEIVA 1/19NNTH AIID ITOUTM, STRAW AND FANOY BONNETS, MISSES' sod OFFILDRIN , S PLATS, BLOOMIRS, JOOKIEB, OAPB FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ROCHES, LAM, tco., STRAW HATS I STRAW HATS The Subscribers invite the attention of HAT BUY ERS to their SPLENDID STOUR OW STRAW HATS, Which enibraoea a toll line of all the desirable styles of the season LINCOLN, WOOD, . NICHOLS. 725 CHESTNUT STREET, BETWEEN SEVEN= AND EICIETE, NORTH EIDE. apto-tt ,HOSIERY. 30,000 DOZEN Just recelrod DIRECT from the beat GERMAN AND ENGLISH bIANUPAOTUREPA. auto, LADIES , LISLE TWA GLOVES GAUNTLETS, Ac THOS. MELLOR & CO.. • . 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, mar2S-2ee PHILADELPHIA. tUbolegate graters IUNGERICH & SMITH, waeLEasia GROCERS, No. 4113 NORTH THIRD STREET, marl.2m PHILADELPHIA. OF GUARDIANS _OF -THE mi.." POOR—No. 80 North ONVENTS Street. PROPOSALS /OR GOAL.—healed propoerie will be received at this office until IdONDAY the 9th day of Mar next, it 9 o'clock P. Id., for supplying the PUNA DELPHIA ALMSUOUSE, Blockley, with two thou sand live hundred tone White Ash Anthracite Coal to be delivered on the Almehouse Wharf, Schuylk ill. The Coal to be free from elate, duet, and all - other im purities • to be one-half Broiren, and ono-half Egg ; screened ' and prepared for immediate use, and weighed under the Jumper:clop of the Steward. Three hundred tone to be delivered on or bolero the let day of July next, and the balance on or before [the let day of October next ensuing. • By order of the Board. ROBERT W, SENSILL, President. ISRAEL R. DEAOON, Secretary. I' EC I Ali NOTIOE.—Tho SIISQUE- A, FIANNA RIVER and NORTH and WEN)* BRSNOT.I TELEGRAPH 001:WANE has opened an Office In the BRANKUN HOUS, 817 CHESTNUT" Brest, and le now ready to do business promptly and efficiently, haying direct a ide' with the great coal and iron regione or Penntyle the valley ot the Surgue henna, and both branches connecting with tellable Imes through Northern sod Western New York, the Omni. des, and Northwesterp States. , ' my6.lm* IRAN FOUNDRY CASTINGS, of all (D- A mensions, oath as Girders, Railroad Outings. Ma 'binary, Grate Bora, &0., on the beet terms. G. OAR- Pa t examtANTOWN NON othii-do4 ViIIkjANTED—A COOK, who - can Wash and Iron. Mpat mum ratommentied. Apply at 918 LOCUST Street: ' mr7•tr QITUATION WANTED.—A Gentleman Of successful experience in Teaching desires an immediate situation In a Anhotli Or ROOMY. Be is a graduate of College and 'a member of the Presbyt erian Church. N. objection t* the Smith, :The beet refer ewes and testimonials given. Address Oxford,. Chester county, Pa. ,_ _ me:At-Wit SITIIATION young mar 7 sled gentlemen, who is • thilihed iekolar and expo. shinned Bookkeeper,deeires a situation as 'Mak or Bookkeeper. The most tinguestionsbWreforenevilven LI to obarsoter and capacity. Andreas ALIMINDBIt, BIBITHRIBLD,Blood)s Dlipatek. , my &et WANTED—By a young Man; a Situation "hi a Conioyahcer's office to learn the badness . . No compenet4on uhtd. , Addreas 4. 8., Bleod's Dis patch. ' mytt6t* flaat:Ztipg. fIERMANTOWN BOARDING.,=—Oom kJ' fortable rooms; pleasant gronedi;-;ltedd'ealadd; first-OWN table; bath, IM, dto. aim WHITS, Main street, two doors below Johnson. street: Aeints mode rata. ' A N AGREEABLE private family having several handsome room/Venom:it, dears to rent them, with Board, to person of reopeotabllity. -Dadra ble howl° sod location. Address It R., Bloods De• *stab.. . my7.Btie SELEOT PRIVATE BOARDING, at No 228 North TNNTR Knot. Roforialoos exohlogod my7,Btt ►llo' LET, with BOARD, in a Private _a. Ramey, a Beoceathetory Front ROODS, to • Men and Wife ' or Two Gentlemen, foe $7 per Week, with Ciseand Beth, within tame squares of the sw obano. Address "P. Q this Office. its: .for Oat; nub .Cet DIIBLIO 'SALE—By order orthe United States —THOMAS & 8055. Auctioneers. - VETO!. VALUABLO REAL SISTATX, formerly the BANK OS PNNNSYLVANIA, SROOND Street, and the Hail of the PHIWSOPHIOAL SOOIRTY, PIPPO Street, Indspendehdi Senate On TUISDAY, May 17, 1119, at 7,4 i o'clock in the evening, will be sold - 1t public sale, at the Phila. delphis ..Exchange, , by order of the United Stahel Government, the following described p.operty, vis.: The elegant marble edifice, formerly thiBANIC OP PSNNSYLPANIA, and lot of ,fironad, having four fronts', via : On Serwakstreet, IVA : street,.(Mollie the Bachange,) on Odd meet, and. on Bodge 94• 19 4 - between Chestnut and Walnut street, - All that valuable lot of ground and the mashie - bank.' ing house thereon erected, situate on the west aide of Second street, between Oheetnnt and, Walnut streets; containing in front on Second street 73 feet S inches, extending to depth westward 291 feet to Dot* ernes, be the same dimensions more or lees. Bounded on the south by Gold atreet, and on the north by Lodge st reet, homing four fronts, and these Is a small str eet -leading from Doak and Lodge !street Into lihisdant.. • . lE7° A Lithographic plan of the lot end - handing, from a survey, Nov, 1831, by D. H. Skedeker, may be had at the *notion rooms. The ban — Sing . house fronts on Second street, leaving a large 'vacant lot fronting on Doak street, - Lodge and Gold streets, nearly opposite the Philadel phia Exchange, which might be advantageously im proved, being a first-rate location for Insurance Com panies, Bankers, Broker's Offices, Iteacauranta, &o. The Oorn Exchange In immediately south of it, on Second street. Terms—One-fourth cash, balance In thrtmi equal pay ments, at three, mix, and nine months, satisfactorily secured, with Interest. . VALLIABLE.,PitOPNBTII, thIDEPINDBNOI BQUABB, Fifth street, Routh ot Ohestont, formerly owned and occupied by theAItieRIOANPIfILOSOPEI CAL /MOIETY, opposite the Philadelphia Library. Ail that valuable lot of ground and the brink build ing thereon erected, eltnate on the west side of Fifth street, 98 feet houth of Obeetnut street : containing in front on Fifth street 70 feet, extending in depth west wardly of the width on Independence Square, 60 feet, being the same property which the Philosophical 80. Met) , granted and conveyed to the United Statel, to be used for the purposes and business of courts of justice, and emcee and officers oonneeted therewith. A copy of the deed of conveyance, dco., may be *en; Stthe auidlon rooms. By order of the United States of Ainslie". It - 11. THOIIiAB it EONS, Auctioneers. is HOUSE, TO LET,, AND -FUE,NI - TURN 808. SALE, In the moat dealrible'poillon or Borth Sixth street. Terms scoomotodsthag and not low. Address BOK 723, Pldledelphts,P 0. - m37-4t* AN THE ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT BEL Olt THE LATE RIDGE 'RANA AT PRIVATE BALE, known as , g PERN ROOR," situate on Green Lane, near Braaehtown, four hundredyards 'from the ORDEN LAND STATION on the NOR TH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD, In the immediate efeinity of the elegant country seats or Harry Ingersoll, George Ba bette Smith, Mules Henry Risher, Charlie P. lox, sun Pierce Butler, Esquires. IT,:r For fall :particulars Inquire at the Auction Rooms, Nos. 139 and 141 South POURTII Street. my7-stuthBl , , Id. TROMMI la SONS. PICT IRON, BLOOMS, &C. - - - A.BEEN &00 . No. 209 NORTH WATER, STREET, No. 208 NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE, 11,11ILADELPHIA, - MIR POR sAL• AMIRICAN FOUNDRY AND NMI • PIG IRON , „OP Vllll DOLLOWING 114AXpl, MI - - CORNWALL, DONAORHODB,---, • - 1 , 090, PIONIBR, 1 • - OLINDOM HAMPTON, ' RI9B9ONR. ALSO, COLD , OFIA.II,COAI, PIG IRON, FOR OAR-WHEEL -PURPOSER. •: HOILNR AND WIWI BLOOMS, BOILER AND PLUM IRON, • WATER & GAS PIPES, ' _ AMERICAN BLISTER STEEL, s'o., ao., YOR 'MLR LOW, TO OLOSI A n OONSIGNAINNT, 500 WATER PIPES., NINN PBBT LON% AND ap'22-8m TWIIINTY 6101.14 nj'Agents for Watson's Amboy Fire Bricks. IHILADELKHIA, GE' MANTOWN, AND NORBIEITOWN RAILROAD—SOMME, ARRANGEBINNTB —On and alter Monday, May 9th, 1869, until further notice, YOB. OHRBIANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8,8%, min., 10, 11, 12, A. M., 1, 2;3, 8,16, 4,6, 614, 6,7, 8,9, 10, and .11)fi P. M. . . . . Leave Germantown 8,7, IX 8 81{, 9, 10, 11, A. M., 12X,1, 2,8. 4, a, 6, ON UN ag, S 7g, DAY b. log P. M. , Leave PhUtdaphia 9.06 min. A. M., 2,8, 5, TX and 10 P. IR. • Leave Germintown 8.10 min. A. _ld., 1.10 Wu., 4, BX, and 9x P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 0,8, BN, 11, A. M. , 2, BN, 4, 6,8, 9,11 N P. M. Leave Oheetant Hill 7.10, 7.40,8.10, 0.40,11,65 A.M., 12 40, 8 40, 6 40, 7.10 A 8 40,10 10 P.M. ON BUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.06 min. A. M., 2,5, and TX P.M Leave Cheatnnt ma 7.60 A. M.,12.60, 6.10 and 8 65 P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 0, 8.05 min., 10 06 min., 11% A. 61.,1 068.C6 min., 4N, 6%, 8%, 115( P. M. Leave Morrlctoini 6,7, 9, 11 A. M.,1, ON, 4g, 0, 7 g P.M. . . . ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., S and 4 P.M ,Learn Norristown 7 A. M., 1 and 8 P. M. FOR MANAYUNR. • - • Leave Phadelpbis 8, 7.15 min., 8 05 min , 911,10 011 min 31316 A. M., 1.05 min., 203 min. 0306 min , 4316, 6g, tiN, 8, 113( P. N. Leave Manaynnk 8316, 71, ag, 9g, log 773( A. M., lg, 8.05 min 01,6, 014, B.9oDmin.P. hl. ON BIINDAYB, ' Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 8, 4 P. M. " Maya Haus,' unh 7N A. NON, 6). ON P. M. H. H. SMITH, General Superintendent. my 7 DEPOT, NINTH and GRIM Ste Q — GIME IN'S ANNIHILATING POW DE R.—The only remedy in the whole world. Sure to exterminate itoaches, Bed-bugs, 'Mosquitoes, Plies, Ante, Pleas, etudes), bassets. &c. Also, Pillager the destruction Of Rata and Mice. M. BOHWIRIN, for meriy Powder were acknowledged in the most flattering man ner by the President of Girard College, Directors of the Home of Refuge, Pennsylvania Hoepital, and other prominent' public 'natal:Mons of Philadelphia; also, United States Jsil, Washington, D 0 The original certificates can be seen at his office, 304 WIDE street. To satisfy the nubile, and for the greater conveni ence of the inhabitante of Philadelphia, M BOEIWZ. BIN ie ready to parity theirdwellingebf Coaches, Bed buns, Ants, &oand if satisfaction Is not given, pay will not be desired. Depot, 804 HACH street. Price 25 cents per bottle. ap9-a to th-lmif QOROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, TET TEB„ 80ALD HEAD, , And MI Eraptioes of the akin are radically and perma nently curet by THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE 00ROPULA. AND WHITS SWELLING, though obstinate and atubtorn diseases and resisting all despiser , IIIeMSDIIII3, do not fail to yield under the unegdAtled carati vePEßlAL and hDEPURATIVB. ealing ereperiteaot the IM - One or two bottles will oonvlnoe the moat skeptical. TETTER has proved the greatest stumbling block to the ordinary remedies of the day. Local applications alone do no good, and often do Moos Elul. The &s -eams moat be eliminated thorongh.y from the system in order to effect a complete cure, and it is this radical notion of the woil•known IMPBBILL DISPUBA.TIVII in upelling all vitiated matter from the blood that hu induced on luny. to pronounce it the GRILL? eractino for Tartan, &o. TUB IMPERIAL DITIOLILTIVE WILL OWSE TITTBR, and all diseases originating in IMPOSITLICS OF TIM BtOOD. TRY ORB Boras. Prepared end sold bj MAONLOHOL k BRO., Late Lonnebery k 00., No. 50' North SlrTi Street, mblg-stath Muir ' Philadelphia. COLLECTION AGENCY FOR THE WEST. WM. GWYNN NEILSON . , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NO: 4 Wert THIRD Street, CINCINNATI, Ohlo, Attend' personslty to Colleotlng Ed Seaming Otalmt. Refer/ to Hon. Bellamy Stoner, Cincinnati, Ohio. M. H. Tilden, A& ' Hog. Waah. Van Mom, U R. B. Hari, Oily liol.citor, cc W. Taylor & Co., Own. Merchants, MIL ap29 12t $50,000 TO LOAN, in sums to suit applicants, utonnlsmosids, Watches, Jewelry, QUO, Merck:mike', Clothing, eco., on mode rate terms,by JONES & *otters, N. W. corner THIRD and GAMMA Streets; below Lombard. Xs tablisbed for' the last WI years. Office hones from 7 A.A7.to7P M. - Seem:id-hind Gold and Biker Watches, by eminent makersivrarranted genuine, for sale cheap, at one half the original Goat. - ap2B-builf OD. TOM LONDON CORDIAL. GIN, pronounced by the Medical College of London the beet epeciflo for Consumption, Gravel, Dyspepsia, Oout, Rheumatism, Chills, yever, Sro. Tor Bele by all the leading Drug gists and Grooere of Philadelphia. The OLD TOMis imported exclusively by F. D. LONOOFIAMP, Importer of Trench Wines and Bran dies, Gin, fto., &a., MT Booth FRONT street, Phila delphia. DEUCE OF CARDS. REDIJOBp.—OaII or JIL send fors use Lin of Prises N. 8. LAWBENOII, 012.4318 iO4 COUNIIIKIN MrIA. -Cl A . MERiefilf AoADEEVOrifinni3i :' - TUN OR AND COMBINATION WHIRR. THIS (Saturday) ATTIRNOON, DOoricHlNArtit , ! GRAND COMBINATION MATINU. NORMA and IL TILOYATOI43I. .• In witch followleig &ditto 1.111 , ligynar OAZDANIOA, LABORDB, Awl MW PRILLIPB;, r great Tenor STBSANI, _SLOBANZ/L a Ltd DARE lORICIB. , , This will be the ONLY liATlblii& of the season, as Co ne=t week ' s Battuday the Grand Oratorio will take place: . • - • • The MATIIIEB will assist of .the following fedora, MINS. -Talent-Ire Opera of . - - NOBVA, - By the following combination LABORDE as NOR MA 1= the celebrated - Tatar ETBIANI as POLLIO ; OHIONI-out ADALGIOA. To sake the east ocaplea in erery.patissalar, OABL TORklai hie kindly coxo anted to steg, the drat time in America the -ado of MOVES°. - The opera Of -Norma w-di followod by . - IL =OUTWIT, Including the celebrated by GAZZA NIGA, Afite ITILLIP/3,I3TIOUNI,IfLORIRIZA - -- • Tiokete 11.' No liewerved Beate. To- be .bad at all the Hotel", Mealy Biota, , and et Medway. - TO TIM. - • public are cespeetfulig li:crowned that the Nub* poilowdy clone next week; end Vent It in now finally and Irrevocably decided - tbat.blodente. GAZZANIO InHORDII,. and FORIIIIII will female" lumps mitt* Bret of June. No Open can „therefor. be repeated... on mozfoiky; stir o, stis; ONLY NIGHT. OY • - - - LA PATOBITA: _ •.. With the tollowieg_powerfel east maDahlie o.A.ZANIGA.; ' (Who will inks keeled appearissee bat threitrier to kerdepartirreforEniope,) SIGNOR EiTICIANI. YLOSINZAL,,TIVAREIIL. SALLY' BAL op imps foe - LA - FAVOSITAL com mences THIS monuma, st the , at Bask Lawton'a. _ . . ON TlDlflinT, MAT , IO, - ' - 'ONLY NIGHT Of BONNABIBULL, - In whieh LABOBDI will nuke her inn 'marines so whited by . - - BBRLGLIA and.11.0)1111Z1. in 7 WIBATLEY- & CLARKE' I _ - ARCH-ST: RISTRYL—rine =VIt IMQ I MiT 7 r IU9 • - - 111161117 - • King Henry IV, Mr Prederleks l ate John Pitetat, Hr. John Hilbert ; 'LAI/ 'Percy, - Mrs: - John Drier ; Dame Qmlckly , Mrs. John Gilbert. ' • • - A THUMPINWLEGAOIf. , ' Jerre Ominous, Mr: J: 8: Clarke; Restate, lass Emma Taylor. Admhution,l6 *mtg. - Beamed Seats in Dress Obeli 873; cents .; OrchestraDtalls 60 tents ; _ .Beats In Peirati Boxes, 76 cents ; ..Osneser, la edits; Gellerrfor Coldred. - Persons, 26 Sae; "Plissier 'Bot in Offithoenoioolored- , Demons, ap cents; _Whole Priori Box; ' Door. opens - at 7, O'clock; coninzencs - it kale pant 7, ' preeisely. _ „ . E W WALNUTrSTRENT - TIIZATEE, 'OOlll4lll NINTH - AND WALSIIOI. THIS BVINTN% may 7, 11169. Othello, Barry ilintlinn Lego, Mr. L. It://3heweli; Deedemona, Mrs. Duffield ; Emilia Moe J. it.laoonard. TSB RIINTIR ON ALPO. - Peltzdl Roaalvi, Mr B. P. Heade; 'Ferdinand di no -2'1,1, Mr. 6hawall ; Malabo di Rocalvi, ' " Priam of Admtalion—limood Tier sod /pally Uinta, and Third Tior, 26 ante; Ponca, 87J &PIM ; Drams Oircia, 50 canto; _Private. Boars, socordiag to their locale, $6 and $3; Biagio Botta In Orchestra nand Private Boles, 76 cents. Doors open at guitar to 7 o'olook. Curtain rums at -7,V o'clock. • SATE L 0 H'S NATIONAL THEATIIE, -WALNUT etremy above AIGHTM. - "Luau VW Mineola Warn - 01.1,11111. OPENING BIGHT, - - ithisDAY MIMING, MAT fith i ,__ 2 When Arill be intrOduced.the suoesadlti ORIGINAL, AMMRIOAN COMEDY, written rear/wily .4or Mr. ()twine, while Imam or Marton.4.-Thestre; New.Tork, by Charles (Taylor, Mg., entitled - .• - • OUR MEALS AMBRICIAN OGUBIN, Which achieved a mum unequalled by any Ameri can production.- • . The popular 'American Comedienne and Vocalist, MISS JULIA - The original and only representstireof OUMPIMAL AMEGIOaII COUSIN, Is engaged to regiment the hes Girl, in which the entire pram or New York _pro nounoe her Lolled . Nor eat , Am muesli bills 'PO PUBAB PRIOSEI —Tun Wade mid Parquet, Mai.; Family Circle, Mo. - Bemire you suis.a during the day.. THE GRAND • ORATORIO OF- DAVID Composed by BIGIBMOND, been in diligent and zetlyek reburial far wend monthe, wilt be - produced by the 'HANDEL' AND "HAYDN • SO CIETY of PHILADELPHIA on TIIESD&Y EVENING; 10th Instant, at the MUSICAL FUND litELL.TIale Oratorio 'bounder , fn _the molt - beentifeit Solna -aid Ohonisee. and bekinet with - lbe greatest omen in Its reoentprisaittatiote bytbe RiaNDEli end HAYDN SIN OISTY of BOSTON. To add to the Whet - otthtS re nowned composition; "the entire GERMANIA OZ. CHESTRA has been engaged, eibleh; together with the falletrengthef the Society, will'eombine a Vocal and Instrumental Entertainment nnsurpeteed briar which has hitherto been presented to the public • - Tickets Nifty Cents each; maybe bad• at the" Miele Shires of Beek h • Lawton, Seventh- anif Streets, and Win. W. Clenlitotr, No. 14f 'North' Eighth Street. Doom open at T o'clock. - Oriltorioiffil tameness:ls at 8 o'clock. • mylB4t ANFORD'S OPERL'HOITSE. • - - betwaia Market - anti Obeatnat. - S. 8. SANFORD ' - Proprietor.: J. T.*MUNTLEr eitIND 1111-OPENING.' - WEDNESDAY IVENING, May 4th,__ _lBlOl, • sod EVERY EVENING ( iandayeeEe, opted) DURING THE ' •• • SEASON., - HUNTLEY'S MINSTRELS Mr. J. T.* Huntley', Mr. David . IL' Wambold, • Mr. James F. Wambold, Mr. Jan Driley,•Maater Wlllte Rooms, Mr. Johniterolds, Mr. Chador yard; Shroade, Morand, Ohara, approw.„ ‘ "Tha per formaneeowlll emblems - •- MUSIC. MIRTH. mad FAROIOi,L tallatoss. ' conoindin with the ludiaroaa FestiesiErawa, - • 1011NNYBOAllii, --= In which eha_whole etreagth 01 ;$ 1111, :1 3 04/44, Tickete, *omits. Oillidjoa r Oradea teas tairsOMlf Dant 00001 01 o'ol 0, "_101,000103•800 at 8 preoiaelY., et*:- fli/IoDONOUGH*, GALK'I'IES--rititixt St., JAR. beam: .24114. " ,Beheld the altie,atioa' for tie - . , Benefit of , _ F. B. lOBRIBTY, The celebratedchiisoter. miss PANNY /OBERST. the most' ehermlng 'Boor. etreekin the oonntrr,.and Arwood appeeraime of Wm 0. MORLEY, who will. en/ in ooldrime elottelAteme from the Daughter' Of .the Regiment. "Mlllir MARIE, the imegnitipant NW PRIOR in a werietrof gunge. *biotite beet Irish Ooreedien xi , the diy: BDRIAEM BERRY, BILLY. TIMERS, 808 `IMP. PARD, B. B. 013BISTY, - ind BILL BLOOMS/4 fear Ynonieet Men alive. J. CONRAD, MONS. TICIEDOE, J. WILLIAMS. Come earl* and Neil* Meta. my( OOMEAD, Stage Mineatt., I%IERCIIRY, CUPID, - A,ND - -VENUS.— LUI. Pronounced bi the Pnblio to be the most splen did Picture ever brought to this country. Now on exhibition at alt CUBSTNUT Street, a abort time only. Subscriptions for Photographs, framed and glued, with interest In the Original Picture, Three Dollars and. . , upwards. -' Open from 9 A.'. It. until 10 P. IL THE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL -EX HIEBITION . . PENNSYLVANIA AOAOEIdi ARTS, No. 1026 CHESTNUT STILIOlt ) • IR NOW OPIN-DAILY (Sunday. eieepted) trout 9 A. M. to 6.P. 21.,.2.22 from 7M 0110 P M. • Adtalsafoo 26 mite. Seam Tickets MI osnfi. 01111- oron 14 neat' • • • STOCIKHOLDIIIA will moire their Waste on application at the °Moe or the Academy. apdati rifIUSIOAL FUND RALL.—THN GER JUL MANIA OROMISTRA- give' Subtle 11111XLI8. ALS avers SATURDAY. •The last will ba given on the 28th of May. Stogie Slake& 28 casts; a pack• see of Dakota for n, whin& auks be obtained at Andre's, Chsatnut street •; Seek & Lawton% corner of &with and Chestnut, and at the door of the Raft. The performanan itommosseas at gtf tOelnek P. W. 1111.111 NEWARK ROSENDALE CALCINED PLASTER. witmaisALt AND RETAIL, BY J. CRESSON BRADFORD; 930 SOUTH was.avas op2l-1m E . NEWEA.ND & CO.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PIOTORN•YRAINI MANUFACTURERS, - WHOLYSALN AND RINAIL. An extensive 'took or OIL PAINTINGS, eta. Alt et veq Low Prima. 604 ARON Street above =TB, Phiradelphis. api6-8m II sO SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND DIRTY OP PHILADELPHIA - . Office, No. 88.1. North THIRD Street, (Oonsoltdatten Bank Building ) OHARTMOD BY THE utoutragnits , Of MINN. ...SYLVANIA Deposits received in sumaof One Do - Huang upwards and repaid in Geld, without notice, with - VIVI PER OBNT. INTIRILITY from the day cd` deposit MI with drawn.' „ , A responsible and reliable Savings Institution hu long been needed in the Northern pert of the ennead t , The Ppring Garden Baying lured Society , r was char. tend by the Legislature of Pennsyliraell to supply this neoeseetty. The Managers, organising -and locating it, have been governed wholly bye desire to setoommo date the business interests anti went' of- the very large and enterprising imputation by which It is surrounded. 0111.0.1 OVIN DAILY, FM= 9 to 276' o'cloctr.,_• also, on MOIDAY and 111171 M• MIT from 6 until 8 &cloak in the NANAGHRS. - - Frederiok Klett, - Stephen Smith, Jbhu P. Levy, Hon H. K Atm% Daniel Undershot's?, rederlek StUke, Yranele Hart, - Joseph P. LeOlere, John Kessler, Jr., George James 8 Pringle, Jacob Doak, Joseph H. Howell, - 'Non. Wm. 'Mtwara, George Woelpper, T. Thorn Peter Bllmaker, Robert B. Dairldsia.; JABLAB 8. PRINGLI, President. UMW'. 841aretArY. 11120-tf If THE PHRENQLOGIOAL CABINET, qt r . IBIABLIBRBD BY FOWLER, 10.,I 0., WELLS, & l k le open day and seeming, for the male of Boots on Yhrenokley,Physiolegy, Water-Onte, &.o.; and PHRESOLOGIOAL EXLMINATIONS. ' The importance of Phrenology in the training of the young, the selection of occupations and companions, and lo every department of active life, is felt and an. knowledged by ill intelligent persona who are ac quainted with its fade Written descriptions from dagnerreetypesnill be lint by mall for two dollars. catalogues of Books sent gratis Addrese—. JOHN L. CAPIN, =k99-1r ut&W9m • No. 922 Mutant street, FllO THOSE who are about to purchase Druge, Paints, White Lead, and . Window Gloss, we aired their attention to an onsarpaaser and seteot stook of such goods, which are to be fount at the scot e of, 21201.111 SMITH, ap2o3-tf corner of BROOM/ and 6RyIN Streets. A, TO 4137 01113A.r,WATOITES; go to Northweat corner of 8800 ND iiiiii ti; ataintr. e 42 • . 11204.-.2*1- . , . 3. 1 / 1 1113Z9 - ILLUMINATING GOAL 0111-Warranted 1 equal to any. for 'brilliancy and daribility, atd In non-ex-plosive. , Also Lubricating Coal 011 ' r A. B. IlLlßßaltork BON, 108 Routh Wharves. TANNER'S 01L.-220 bbls of atraita and Bonk Oil, in store and for sale by R. S. BUBBARD do EON. 108 moth Whervea. QUGAR.-250 hhde. low grade to, , prime IC New Orleans 13agar to store said for sale by JAMBS itaLlidil PPG ' Hoc >p aa4 Win& Meet, BEMS DEMENT,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers