„,:,,,,,,,,•,I,k,* 1,- -.,Vt.„,,t\ 41' ~11,-44FaVilt- ilf,4:l,T'B? .'t4 ,i(-6w im 14.000 ---**l4.”? leapjtw kotratif- I ,' l ',.-t.L.,1.v-.1,4-046i.-In . „ Ar4lF-,,„ A4,-,,,,-4,„„ ' • - ~ : ~.-10.44n.,..- .T 4- -, ~,A f .;;;;;L:, -..,<<`.- ~-.P.,-. --- -, • .- ti•-co , „Tr.,- . ,- A - 4 , :' . ., - 7: 1 „ .._ ., t , <-,-, ~..- ..1, <l-.„ ~.,„,,, tro t ...i.„,„„, / fl...iiiirt <-1.4ziar,..., o,.*:Tit4.i'Al:,! : ''" ' - X,Witi43.o,pen: :;:.:.i• -, :4.,:.93a4-tr--^Ol4-1 'L" - ' .t.t° - -;-A1:f.,04,...,,,,',4"6-40 4.-...,-.0 : 1 3 . 4 - *„.k. v .. 4 . _,,u, i i :.-2:740, 1 4,,-,,,,,r,.- i r , • .5 • i I<y4 iii ite,.wk Ana, , : ,tiiktite ..`..,',.‘,..A.4,*.-Altrl4i 04,7 t isv ':',",;,•',.,;').`,1A,P4 -. illz,, ; - ild4l.z. ititallol-1.4 l ''''' ' 7409k"' lit, -C, —**4111414140,11r "I L.::',:jW ' ' 1,1 14 ......v ariu, „rit4aLt"'VArtrit [ t-'-‘';':,',R7:o-414:41tiat--'' - '.A.77fifiV4P-r-cl, M I"; 4.....-*..-3`00041.77iW*4K------tit :dat 17 P'• , :-.",4:1 -iis,..o':ii*ahh-W- '' r''"..14101141f, ivoloktoloo V4'--.-.7- -•,;:f''' ' l:lll',"7-00ftlett "1 "-*Itk i hr-r-4-40Pit ''':::,',l;4'::'WligiAtirnlie-ii°4l4:irelt,!'4l,ii .0".4.4, im.ll,l,#liiiie,thipt!qPii; 61-:? 10001....,filkdai-Q-,-,41 • „-r -'lt ' W.414' -'''''' 2l "--7;0441*. re,..,- '9mo - • f e,ra ~,wo t .. 1 - L . "*.: ..: --•:`'•:,-,•,-, v At i - I, d , ~, I` - :1.17:44- 74jeto.-47,,<:kai1:t13:44:nr::: ' < -''- ': -, ji-•,- t„-,•; , : „ , , ~ ,< t riv, kh nar - 1 ifielt"' , -. 4 _, ‘, < .<- • 1., :- <,.,', . , • -.' g 4,., ~, t,- _._ i1t5 ,, ,.. zi =o;-!,,,.. b7:::41;.,,„ Et.'4 7, •=" , i;%. - ':2 - ': s;:i - , , ,- - -%, , ,5 ,:r .-,,,,ii , i , ,- --ieriJ,vt , ' - ,--- t.,,, .;..--,, ~. 'l,V,•ig i ., $0 . 4 . 2 - #.•Y,' '..;s_l'44'- • ''' --. iictia. EtOr ' filtiV AO *1".044:#1!°14 It 40/414 taroxiimrlo,,„" rn,,,,yam",773:7?-1.1.1., ,-...-,-;iikaw.Por ~./slt-''•; -';'3.tilt ll) 44 1 ' ti.....', ''' ' ;oths p u t! _.„ --;e4 ~...a--.'r'vialiftm!m 11.1',,r4'144r,4.,...- v„llirtrlX, , fe-i-.;-•,••;,.14'z''44r 144440t5ittisti'' iittin6l inuki riA'-, -T., ,#b041.-,4,.. , 0i 3 / 4 11,1t, ink . ett,llFolll4lloo,le7 6 tar' -ini &1“.44,4! ki3alvio•- i k “, . i,, ."iiii-'4117.41r( !t Iti:(ois'l -- Irlii"-. :,-, ;:it,;ivalrea 311 , h'47artit"lntd,44l (0 ''' ' '.• ' 4 111 f .Thl. 4i*. iFf“ iibilit.l,.,„. inivir*,-,4 , ' P'r_-;3, ~'..4...____-'-__ tisit,Lro!,,,,,.-34-.it:?--- k,,,,5,0.1..'5-:. ''7,..mtiotiliktiootriritcy,,,,i44l,,,Gliwiwyort. dr_44ol,At -,,Th0l ~",..—Ad,..ntrAll.The --1- -,..;.;.5.,...7 _.w",,..,r,-,-,...:-,:,-,..--,;;....d: ,-,, Ataf 4, - , ,,,„,, 4, ,iii- ,ota; 12 ' 1k43/ftiiiiket:M.. 3*„151.11,4,Apte of: 44,1 - - i.-:-.";1;". 4,40...,,. ,go*,-itiwsti*"s7l:_.„ im•yit- - *A.IP-,- -'• ' 717-iyistszf, ~'_ pie - 'XII *",,--Alc.), -- 1,40 e: -i - ."."'"--- . ----,455m. ""''44-v. • " - - ' „11, ,, .kll: -.VO-: ''3,.7-6*l-: ,Fesoxv-to, 1„0„ iv , 1 tip, :11! :-;,,,:r4"•Y-- i -,t, A' -, -Ihi- ' '`• . ft --- :,.'„: 2, . n . l %", frti iirijoiliN, ,i../74-: Z -- . 4 . -1 ' •k.t.'l-','"-"Niti.(041,.,1P-thi' - -1 - tiduitis'& 4 . A' t 6 .-:.--..-- 4,04,,.5..--v„---itti**l t44 - i -, VS,ci-a.5.,. , -` kW . A ,2r. ;:: , ' .." 4- ..' ~ i iiarriiiineiliA*44,__AhoPtiair, 4 Ile ___►Hi*'' o,e'i* lif.,thet'lliiii,CWltt.4.llll..'"iPitlr, 6.7:, 40111 iiiVi;)4 4141 4**Ikitibill ',.. ftlt: (itliytialitiiiiolo4".lo,l4l,Ai e Vt, , 7, ~t ~..' `,l44hilion 444 lialt, 7 , ,5.4. =-' t ' ' Vait# ll V- a, 41 31 4; -i?4l-94 ./f3" g t L ' , 4 •4 . AV ,. mi s s elk mitikiv: A 1,44,! RiitiA,wlitoti-t'•?s,,a-!:,,, . rlss aiirSionilde-7 041 ! 419iiirik 5ii(4, 4 10 tiatlV *WO rto 01X ,4a, ,fosliktij,Vit. IiZAIZR :ii -% tat. 'intill,, , X.I. -0rt,•_ , , , , Ztai , t''' Vettalii tat. darisTA4iti;:, Yaie.l -3 ,4-g. 1-.:tr5t,t,7 1.F,4% --4; fftittA W t.i,.' IA drekid-with_ nit Vith - in , Al .ilgit , ' O f ri *Vl l4, •.-40....,.. r .:.., ..,,..„.i. if:2 - P,liT3i, , LOD. 1199. ~, I,= ,_ = , •;.:'=- 4 1 i. ‘ =,...`-- -, --.tr!.-74f#444.-T;44I347IWgig,4IO:NLIL ' ` =.• = , Fl,lkl=iflit'4o4ll4Cs/"...07:muT*1. 71: --- g- , ,'s'.;•-.2 - 1 - -, ,, e. t 41 - 4-'4wr, , -..1554 . . 4-.3-Vxiiiliati lits,,i4o;nulin re',..;l,---=krniVin"" tl ii' . - . 0' ki--,- -,- t'-...v ' ma y ~,.,,.... --- I.s *llll,st m. 6.41 all_ r - C 1— 4 i',„'.--„i-v,-.Xti. N. r ., f 4 ,07r ~,Abiumi. 14....x i .7- :.....4.__ rionkear_ ~ 1 -- • Neivefiimmoiwid , Uili ',4IR • t '''' 441siltilelir: qfilibAiliAl v.,,., 0 - 1,4, r i , :v-sft- - i4O , ir io i c. tt..7, , , , ny -41 i 1— v; 02 ,1':,.;401 pouf Aq410.3 _,#:4, sit ,t.,.4 ictritf vc-.4ii. ...,*.... reiellpr lOW TiPkoe 41 4tA „ f r. ~.„, , .,, ' ,•,,f4 - :-, 4; '''.f, r ,,,,,,, , ;:;1:.', : i'- -7:At .':.,',-,,,:,,,,,2, PINEM '.-Inominated' for elietive offices, they mast be An 1;46 , 3a , fir take Idefeided'bithe creaturep'of tite President. iDompaatively little • The Dwane policy Of '1858; 1 1;0 the Presi, 01teinint=-Mtiste te - lt;und although 1 dental proscription of that year, did much to Alt regret poll• introduce discord into the . Domooratic party t,tolaisterrsOlh4n.fiimuinitliiinselftiChearsa by." , and to overthrow-Win every Northern State. 6011114011:10..TY 11 appeals; if , Instead of being abandoned riow, it has teen F : 0, 00 IrseilifilO*o-400,,tri',..calraly::and,dis-,:serived.inn,stillmere offensive form; to cre. palifenatili'Oonaidei,thO•persenal merits' mid 'ate tihOw - prOp"Oi Aiifslitteitions`ptheTeludidateS * nominated to.t.',7,ttii litOktity`.. arrogance of the few ;thousand s eParate 919 - gOod " men itaniteein ; Ilan* inattempting oversbiugh 4roMl.tJie,(hdeFst , rapablir 1 - tbe :"cimonorirti : Inglomf,who led , their; pliant ,f:i#*l-r.lhahaneat.,:aiioricapable;-;on the chief- Mlle Victory late:cerdest, si4owa 'welfare-or Philadet:' rief ide'of the Worst phases 'oftyrannical Pro phia'4ritil': be batter',„ , ndynh,, ' b _nny tOptiqi aben t o . be exhibited . 'rho Demo :eithei Ole, "It Is a mok,i)f Totttni*.filtnnnistince that an unusually, largO upon this:insane movement- sanIMIO iraPtertiMi'efe44olo,fitiairMiiievilmen Muni,- - other end' than to .saurift co, the ,DOMocratie, rit, 0 f ,I,4llo.eetiOY'lb7.thertereneratie •Par, 1,1; party lel the' country upon 104e:sitar of the been . broken : by the fatal' , pride - and' vitidietliM' "spirit of- our ruler. a't ' ' : lo l l4j o t t kt, elt n tle spirit bld nilr,&*tiletrationnnd by -Washington f; „and. ,:there can', be' no' tione for t,llb':ipinwptst r *f AeWlOadarslii'Cimmit to• Deinocratic victory While'the',,Adriainistration nottiDetacicratiodoitrinei,Wikilijnildhaireyery: whielt originated it IS tchoretedand,sostaliMd. 41,416.'delahr:eutho - o4oUniP of 014 ,- Traket ' and Most of its , Ward tickets to-morrow; for eve tonliefe:tbat ainnieritrof the people of 401tikihiAftrethithe Democratic party '* ~),!YO'iliePP'sre-'irilling",to -support the pr , ;to' itself, p%tgsralg`planttied flpou a just and honest plat 'Y • ,;,`,. -2 , 0 e iMinocratic s ioniineen Citifireasti 406imVOity, tiomtiOsioner-,Pr. dAicis Mb timiliodielinetimiineSijlovi- ,- arQ men intelligence, capacity. and --good - character. `.oll4..theYerdliiirrY,'entitted to the-support of ':*pifitietiitkolniitiP - :,[4t,.."0:/**(kof?e.c.plia wards, the Popular Svie*lgOtii:DehtOnifiti.have:noMineted: fill, 319404 , ..„0.49,04- 'oi*OoYrtt all; ',Umother,waide x „hut 'Democratic , ticket 115kbiseniimninafed but we repegeise among 'th`e i ri:Oinitieetiminy excellent men u who enter n*fp.gb:Olterept-ihr the National *d- MfiSletraYort•;iind.wiVi.are:WalinlYtattached to. thetifie . ; Priniiplee:, of. the -Democratic party. jifiyiOnbet,Kinetinces the 'People's party liaatilicnii.glitid:Candidates in noMination, and ..byothieligoio#tidtiqrinittiition,the voters of Philadelphia can easily select , from the noini- Etietiot thediFicylitioriiticitf*M?b l , 3, 44ei llo d9 ~-, c estiesilmen.Atianj have , eiet c hosen *,eritet.erei'lre Ire not legnOrero,:ee'qutilet ",ed"With,4W:the-;noininees.,to. closely -analyze theteehiii4cler,'nbe have we the , disposition to ~ to aokiqbhit'we hope this "teak be'effect „performed by the voters - of the 'several *gird's. tistiathisi. It iteall993#B l l4wmg ii:41041,g, elk -I:'4Cis;:4 ATc ,-, ALI *.Nra; Yakirits7. #09* 1 4 meou66.4(t; in‘the Third ward we recognise the mantes 'Oi,ioeral very good men upon the Demoora lie 4101riii., "In , the;Fifth; Seventh, eighth, Nitb~iTenth wards,the Democratic Conn- Acfhlitk.it4,OO,lNtosod of _meubf tin; very highest charaiter. • Our citizens „carnet err , 14:eleitteg:suittlneit Dv:rros, o;f4ons; .tosapit A. Wit PINST;PI GURIlbi Serum b. PERKniS) R. T. KAax; Wit. -11. — Fostsit: JAM'S Mania' and,Tuouatt 3: The other Den:lo - for Alto -oouncile_in ,those arOtot:se#eit 10tiainted with, but ei the, :Nominating' Oanyantlone:, 'Kett ' evi- OentirliitPoktd to act honestly with the peo. we' presum e :they 'formed good tickets throughout, _ln Am Twelfth and 'l'hitteenth !riardailtbe Derneeratte'tlehets are excellent, ind..ontahr the games :fit Rome of one best citlAnee . : - In the lonrtsenth ward, the` Peo .i4S,Vii#,Vii#'4l*cd some well-known" and 4141141,1,1V"eitiftinif'U-Pon their ticket. In the ' able '414 j!cosap t i.‘o:: BMW's, ex4ellent WV, ItheVenloolraticikkett rlim• -- - - O / ,. ••••• -, (ffettnalet e tbe l t i egi tki n g I * if t et..46 ial a t e, 'Veldt* t Chtril !I.l4l,4V6tifigOtildoi falba 6iiiiii 'of tt . ie DOWS, . 0112 4 lictimi'd. that State, end thus! 4001121111kft,baitdintur*draintstration oft]. t 0: .., fr ' Ifielri/Yrnitathicera who made etre ' ili exertions to defeat Judge Douatas itt . We hid attppttsed, after the resnit of that olio ' Lion had been officially announced, and tho , fact demonstrated that those factienista were , as, contemptible in number as in character, tibia they would qtajetly sink into oblivion, 'as v itpOlitiCal orgattiO46ll, Mid 'the country would be# of them no Ma* '- Mienki• address indl- Citim II different iniPiitle, itiid we: presume, from Its Character, that the Daulteg intend to elect a delegation to the Charleston Conven tion and that they are; now endeavoring 'to • , prettellf,ll 7 adVince, the, theory upon which 1 thee*plo#Yo,oo , i,eltet, Claim to admission , Alga 11,1WiOdgVietireleenetbe Democracy of • niftleili: , , '-' tile tone of the address mitY be gathered . - . (rem the following, extracts : 2 . " ti iiliP:;iAtie National Domooracy we mean ' timatiikbetd that the members of the party are IftoYgigeiiis In whatever oeurse Mel learttt eusg*oskoiiriitit'eft, thfrtidanie of its rept. ifiefinteleinulliaritiere to pursue, without :relgetirkto lead prejudiee,es personal osprioe• - As *Wilk bet - idthetewhe disobeys thie.law , ishrielef, ants, - Nolo ant can be SI goad De mount wbe - Altielly'or:rebele egalnet #t itb.ossfrior t iisiziv•c t ,i, i* ,, , 4t .% ~ : 4 , let it row Itedniteelsnee, ar for any other, I, l o lll 4'o o 7 o grak*Arfa4 to ( dolt the iimet mattock or 0p polio the measures of the party, emirs; Member may avail himself of t.ble privilage,,astit Awe is an end to ail •fileisenlY or, power in the ;part?:„ If a minority may, urdecany pies, unite illtiliharemsontie of•the party sad, defeat lie per. fp* thai , essue thiag may be repestedAndidaltely mgr. tie , pertv is dutroyed. „If ~Iti ',sot for the° ttevepressionaleggao am or a National Couvention. to decide merely Wel peados:lt. "Melt do met Street th• party generidly; neither Is•itthe privinee of , Btato Cooveutiona or legislative emptiest to as: Fume jotittliodem Oyer striotty national queettons, and meke,deotsions without regard to .the judg e:met of . the'netional tribunals thereupdn. _., "No men is ebligi_ml to be a membir of , the, areessooratio party me ass unite aria' it or not, wa he ettemes, and if, at , any time. he deeirse to ithdies: Item ft, be ran do to without liindselioe• 11, bread °tea joined the Path', he ermewflde gads anything' is its, principle' or its workuoge to 'which boo:tenet cants:A i it if his duty to wit,b &Kw.' 'lf, be doee not do to, bst continues tilt coti noitiOd with the party and vhdates its laws, end rap* to submit to lie dmislont, the party ffili/li strietethina frars su ramie, if it would retain Its ,Josterilty. The parry man piste at penalty of Ow Democratic law uponall offenders, tf se troth( SW Ateve tr.:wore. aftti rebellion an sfj raud-s,ile every ?so et" the U/51441. 'Said' is ties *desirable organisation and disci plias •of • the Democratic party. It oommeeds itself to 08Jc:do:lent of every lover able corm trY, as the only svetem which ono proteot the eountry from stawfse memaren-esoure In the ad- Inioistretton of the CloVerisment the greatest good, of the 'animist nomber, aid which on destroy the Dzeut tree'ef seetionelient,'root and branoh. :lb* trete WI of Diiime ,, raoy fe sulimslon•to the „lfeemeeMtle - plitemesbak t i 06edierem Sc th e .De• I 41weemie outhortamfawlth these preentses ad- Mdtted, , It, 'mild ;pot 'fie difficult to determine eielber ths.Dougiae s patist or the Nftional.Dtan mobraccorlitingss4p,to be rteognistaessFd JUIN faieitof ,:.01,.0 4, ,PcsiMers:ne , . of "thr Uhyts.4, - 4 7 -:, Orliii DOM) boltdia anted • tiiO4btatt the wholtr , eiker, 'Of :1858 dived', untie's, (Le sutdotoe-.4) ;.4.0104:#4 1 f0i5 1 ,; Adni4otaikerf• kwvloc-mompoPt 7* nia!iagec( bi itiArtiath• N:b!,,. ° -topt4A4 bet 34014gton.Union tiii , :ei , ' ",:tputo Oiiifited to the annihilation ol 1 , g.lo:,‘,;kit. ir iectiialded sum% leading libelee_ ioinite movement ttuihnbDEl idbiOsittabieittev;-We preentne thattbe Ad ifldl474=ehlrred to has also beeWlitgitten itt -1 1* ' "..-.. the wishes of theAtitalnis , ltatitthe \OW ' °can, Iherefore,•see from t i er eitOiefialitsiltive quoted, that the Le , 'crtitpton toof 'ltobile disavowed •it present po t s i l o -fi still "actively ,enforced i l t ;t0; ; , Z - - e.;Octrinp ism 1 110,1vt: that \i , -,Uough te , r reeiWPiniaAntio l'adhere` td - , - ktional-Plat i party, to ~ . Democrat, ,tituted so `• es, or, In other rte Prost •tust be implicitly In all b , • ds, however unjust leeYtt44 o - ' this Is not done, the : , ettlilllg• oisil ,to be ostracised. If pliffci . , molgel • ‘ i; ,; must be removed. If , '''' , `l':::`."...•.Z4C.:,,et • ' #4. 4*- Aboes,, , i ll i A 11 1 1 ; Y 4 5 g, 60 ;47.71. 2 !- 4 7, 4 ' isit Ali: * 1" 1114#: AV VOt 42 . , '.....7 4 1 41 ' -I' '• 4''::,....,.;..... - -_',. -- ) , .:„...,-,_ ;., .',. - r_."...f•---.• ''1... , •; : ;_ = ~.:_,_ 75:7777; ie •Democratto The'rftteburg Despatch:, One' of the most in , . jonteele : in the country, and a palish of , imiaepeoeirchlationinWestern :ItenneyiteiMiiiiiitillitibee the following article ''stadatlite. editorial head, on the 28th of April : It ii - tinilerifiiod, that' a'resointien calling for a National Conbention of.delegates representing the - 4 i Opposition" throughout the severed.StatesOf the Union, , wlltbe introduced .intorthe' dinning ,Otate _Convention of the in P,onntylvenia: The object of the, ovement is to 'get 'rid of the .name of ; the Itepribliosn' party, ac at She same 'time to'itink the slavery question, for, the ete'.henellt of it set. of eorrniitoffioe hunters. , ,lat it be. tried, and _The-Dernoeratio, party will most certainty I:noes:id-again lx:1860. ;The trials made of "Opposition". partieo[lineseuliited of prin ciple for temporary ;Meows, have quits:lettstied an honest independent men in thereountry, and if this lebenie b 6 tried, the I te nitidiesse etand'aloof and indifferent. r , " • '• . • The Miseinble• creatures, whose ambition - Is to aware °Mee, and 'that ,obtained, to , plunder. the people or sell themselves to the highest bidders-- ouch men can ieadily.ignoriall Denali:plot° team a temporary triumph ; bat, the' mass of the POople, fortunately, are, neither eorrupt nor silly enough to lower the 'standard , of opposltlen to slavery ex ilor can It be dOubted , that it - is , the only, ,ylial element Armin:lmin a ?residential struggle. hire it away, and_the two groat parties have,no, Issue worth a fig between thorn, _ , . . . , „Pttpliv....kmuiennteutri. , Tklit evening, - Mri-..tlinen. enurienees; ri.altert Simeon Of 4tallan Opera ' -6algh:t nights, we tinder stab& , The company is, well oonstituted, end oeir aids of Madame ..Gaszintiga, -Who .f.layet a Waits" taking engagement previous to her return to En ripe; Mad. Laborde and Oarl'Porrnes;whe are also said td be on the eve of returning to the old world; Miss Adelaide Phillips', a native singer, who bow occupies s hiremost rank; .Mad: tierkell, Morelli, Plorenia, and ..13teffimi arid /Aligns. - These two last are new tit' it Both are 'tenors.: Mr. AliohnlzAiraotis the - orallastra and chorus, brought from the !few York Aissdeniy of Mi 1,810., Aliqopos or ao:, otorti lt we should like-to know why the alvklinidestof,inerCand Ilia ugliest of warden invariably , form the :great majortty, in this interesting nolleetlen:of singers - ' - The prices of adosission'are,- low enough, in all imnsolenee., Secured seeds teen dollar and a half; unsecured ditto only a dollar;" 'amphitheatre, Atli ciente.' Title everting, Yerdt's TiaAitti,!t- ..be. performe4; the .I.welettdf*Cperts by Cliselimigti, and Starant,. * lt' • lady' Tbest. • boo ease • roost dramatio; 04Z:inn:toms. There will be the pleasures of memory as rigardS her,-the pleasures of hope . , As respects the iteie tenor. Wednesday even. Flotiow's 'Alarthar• will. be played . (the Italian ver pion), in whioli Mesdames Laborde and Bartel; with Carl Formes, and—Apor 8l nIgIIa, will appear, • _ The Wailers closed their _engageraent' at the Walnut street Theatre, on Saturday evening, With, " Macbeth," - In 'this , play, :hirs: Waller is -un itueitionably the very best Lady Maobeth on the stage. 'She has . high' intelleatual capacity, great intural ability; a good 'and manageable voice, a line preience, and - a most thciropgh 'and apPriola• tiye 'understanding of the idiosynorioy of the whole 0111'4101.V', ' ',_•,.','',' ' , • :- , , Mr:, Vara Sulliva nd cominenotis n'eliert engage • men ~/01'4„ o,oonik: playing 4i0.01 , r ~ , start vslib.: , lhe,'Oest is, soffioletitly-Abed .I'4- 1 1drei: ,Ditf -4414,-,iwej/tfitril,Dii,..,lllautirat'.l4 , btr:'Sbeivoil 7 4#.0#; , ..00/4 1 . r:P.4 4 0 1 /0 0,10 4 11 4taifilbowlz 'kklioar,. , ,4ol Prfo.rmer i'-`,-Prig)les4 4 ,:lhe'44g -6 ,bY:. eo4.o.i*Ati! , :-Lo4loiCi.liiid:..ro:flo, 4 :_ipka -11*4 - tii 14 z 41 4 1 -e - "Mit0gi5t4 . 01 1 0447i;V0,V4) , ' , 4 5i 1t. 11,. t . .. 5 4Ikee#7 * ,Y-4„04, ' - **:iiit i rittli 4 it *lO t y O **PC , 'LqicTllt a- Zo t t 1 2 - . .. . ."*.iiff.'::, •;- - *Pikii. AR ~,, 1 4 ,04 - ey ..)61**, 314100,.. - - • .7:: - •to . igair!,lcotosiii.oo4 , . #0.11011057004,ii.044(cit0rtd,4 ,10 `.0 r4 : iihott4:l(lo;44 - 4 1 0 6 :;'' - Are;il -0 ,t 146., i1kit• 34.4**4***04 Oallaterif advints4so,f* • limtienety;a,ftractitre.bill'. - -,ller'prtgrataine pro:,, rliseVihe r 'griallioeile, frMii: !PPM, ,Diefehant ''cf Ankle ;''_. the third Aot Of "London hist:wince ;" 'the gdreen•menifeTlL“ Thei Soltool for Sind: dal ;'!. 'the foutilt•Aot,of "The Jealous ,Wila.i" and ii 'now - faree;in iskioh - Idr. - J. S. Clarke'will appear. '• ' - " - '-ii r elearngtrom yesterday's 'Dispatch, Snit Mr.. 7.'01 Clarke has If gime - and Alone - it," 4 B'e has - ass, "OMNI 'the matrimonial. sceptre, add was Mai ',.rit4l,,latt - •;Thirtidi4 - 4 -`at" , •Maltiinore; to Miss Aida ateth, youngest 'daughter of:the lite Junius Ctn.. • - kirßootti: - ktr.-'Clarke is.aaainiable ientliman T IAIIVISH, as,; a„ good, actor , - and we' conimtelate 'him eir:lkia . ehange of ,cotiltion. ' - L ,„xt Would appear, fret in antionecemetit, by Mi.:, WAygo ,blwpoo,nittat there "i 04013111 .. itityllttclro di neming ,tbe If ational ,Theatie Ofelnut . 'Area t, es a summer resort. With yanderilles,and each ilea plecesi there 'ill money to be made tilde—per ,- By the way, what has, keen done; or is 'io' be done, respecting the new Theatre, to be built on dial , ground;' in - Chestnut , street, one. knoWn as Parkinson's? The situation is very : gbod:: ,Ilia State f,egislaiiiTe,,in their last session, passed an hot; we believe; authorising the construction of omit 4 Theatre; bye corporation Of shareholders. lithat authorization to beacone adead letter? ,•. = :.-We know what is•verY lei frosit'a deed letter' A fait , months ago, when - 11 fr: John B. McDonough' assumad the 'proprietorship', and management Of Whit is adw knowin"ser MoDenotiglet Gaieties," (Baca, below Third stiest,) - miiny 'predicted failure: Meot.to work with a will; and altered, remodelled,' in4 - regenerated the 'Whole - establishment: It is - nosrireiy respectably conducted, a good company. performing every evening, and hir.ifolfoncugh - is probably - making as much money, with as little risk, ill any theairloal mishagei in the ell*. . This week, several new performers will make their ,first !IPPeariPti'lietis..... .- - • • • - •v• , -• •At,4l444 4 itt i n Varieties,APiith.ami Chestnut street;,)' fa _addition to..tbe, steak company, which - krnuineronsi ~ the Original = Vattmeldinstrais via Po'7fOrfpAlio joyropiikg: - Singing; dittoing, and act. Ityi,, , to soy, -,oafinit,,cailtitate the main pertbrm litiette here.: ::;4•J ? ~i ,:-.., . ., : -";... '•, - , 1 , : ;''' .: 4 Plitt seeempliebtal' gentle mast suesessful and °claimant* laa tgsiisa;lss ais announcement in The ,Prese today, 61.1010 b, we dgidre to draw iotlie. He 'is open io engagement', .to deliver. Leeiures and Poems, 'during the coming lemon. of Anniversary Oelebrs• Otis ofOeliegit Societies, Educational Institutions, ;La.',; fete arc: not extravagant, bathe is above Inalamit,of giving , his, time and talents .lor antbing;' , - • Whi itisuntoainieol !minus- . tion against this road as 414 iiisaitifpr,traxel, "Vie Perfeot order and smoothness of the track is PrOvirblsl. It is a.fset, verified almost every day, that a ease three-fourtlu fitted with water Will ride on the windoWaill et any passenger oar ripon tbe:road, from Altoona to Ifarrlsburg, with:. out bidet spilled one time' in ten. We htviiany% selveelsen apples placed In a eimilar. 01110oll; upon a wager, and ride one hundred 'ad Spy miles on the Pennsylvania Central, without being jarred off " , . LASCIE SAL* TO•IIOIIPOW"EViNINCI=VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ASTOCILIS, Sons' 'to anlidilik 414talogaes and .advertleamento, coup prislag viert4iltitbli; (Ali and count Or. rasiden tea, by clidiF.aCtiiphiOis' Conit,'execa!ta, and ta" Tho Oat mug. Bons sell regularly every week.' .reiniiphilit taidortes every Sitlurday. V&A of khotortholOgiipitleo-311, 10th, 17th; rod 24th amount 9f. ko• ?0447 . CT10N'61/ 014 PAINTIIIOII , 4-3 1 /0 invite the Ili mitten of lhp pablio to the choice colleetlen of o tt l ottottoi c o, to be void this morning at baltpost ten o'clock, by ,);1„ . . &Ott, Sc., auctioneer, 491 ,Ohsatottt , street. it. wiII conipr4e Apao , ohOloe piatrithes, , Ao bo pesttirely sold, and filliyeall repay , reoilettiatlon. • : • .)11; • • • .•.DltVtabsulsto' To ..tr;iirr, ilin.--Thii !Detroit . (fdloh.)„..Pree - 3 5. f6.1.1 esp thee lodeoii girl, 'Whoio 'elopement from Pontiac with, the negro 'Joe 'l4oillo . time Ilickos oansed.oonilderible tlilh, to now In ,oa. nada living. with , :blro t harigOld deserted bee Mtn. and , ftlends. On the._ , o ; of her toren& elopement, her father , arid:,UO *Y'-I•nininled her it with great difficulty, . and,o4E: .i,,10 Indiana, where a' divorce was: olotelnial i ir' tirent home with them: and. remained. uht ) ink, when she again left, with or without ttih tit of hor - parents, and. went to DetrOlt. 'Orli ' qtii river, ate found Joei and. they ware aneedili . piarrbid fer the second time,and are how, Itvitig in Ile esil9 . merit of.,oonnublet happli t r Toe having eol hIB boils, quiddsert; tted„bo I_ Omit fornituro with the pthottedn. . --'."' 'A ertooiiika ortiiiCie blutal treattribut hie , came 10 light in Nate ßritllll:' 'As'daughler , or.P. Ryan, of that village, had been taken by a family named Whalen, living near Winne& who whip. pad it almost to death. A SHIPMENT Of "moss Wel," lately arrived at Son Francisco from Australia, hal prima on SISMICCIOD tv be paled kangaroo t ; THE ~,:f•gtiti t itrt,Ai*tiinA, ,MONDAY BY ALIDNIGRT All 3, Letter flora." Occasion's feerreapoidenee of The Pram] I iVISHINOTON, May 1,11339. Every now and thole some of the aorrespondents front this point, for want of facts, indalgeinioet tain apeculations as t o 11M 'Outshoot Judge Doe-, gla.,=.; tad, within the last week *e hsve hid DM : usual supply= sent-,forward; varlotislgewlerls and PhiladolPhia journals It is; now charged ' that JudgeDouglaeliac repudiated. the Movement Of the fitatas-Itights,llemooraoy of TimnsYlynnii, and the articles of , The States are quoted as iii6e• mien% of this assertion. Nobody, I presume,*lio knows Judge Douglas will venture to hold him re sponsible for ',the' °aurae of The States. That paper has repeatedly and explicitly depleted that it does not speak for judge Douglas. And itwould ba paying but a Berry compliment to the men who Met at IlarrisbUrg, ontlidl3th of - April, lb make them tbe eoheeti of any than 01W4111.) , Set of Men. Now, it notorious that Judge Dangles - , doss agree with the prlnelples as. laid down In your' platform, viz ;• that •he manila -11 n) whole ground of non.interVention by .°(agrees, in the Territories, and advocates the exclusiVe control of the People oventheir domestic Institutions, slave ry int:laded, in the ,Territories. If I understand the Statei Rights Democrats a t . all--and I had op portunities, as wall at the• Convention, assubse. quontly, to sound their , purposes-rthey elk no thing more 'at the hands of • any matwori at 'the hands of any Convention. , If, 30(1gal:icing las 'sgreei with them; is he doios, thou thaV they not inharmony, leaving each side lb take its own course :to tiring abbtit the triumph of , :neamtnon NtdgeDduglas may have hie itay to ri gor° the Dein ooratio party to Its former viler end virtue, and ydnin' Pennsylvania, may have yours —so that you agree:unon essentials, and upon the determination to resist every departure from theta essentials.',-The mere differences as to the means by =which the right doctrine to to be aPpliad amount to nothing. • - What bedeme of Montan; emphatically the sink man of the North Amerlotonenntinellt?, The last political earthquake there =shown. that that unfortunate people `are not only incapable ' governing themselves, but that it would be an test; of almost protdehtial humanity if - they (Auld be Controlled, to • their , own •bapplims, - by another Power. Meifoo bids fair to:be thegreat question of _the day, far -mores interesting than Culfa;thtid intensely mere so than Central Atnetiolt. 1 7, VerY revolution that takes place Within.lter borders se riouslyaffelota American plan, rirxin be, boinpeliad to • move .for the - salvationo whether we will or Ir.' MoLane,, the new Ainerioan minister, has, a field of _xtehle ambition before 121 m, and, as he le unqueationatily an able and accomplished diplomatist, we hope he will net be slow to take advantage of It.. The The various Southern Administration meetings aro boldly taking ground against the oonstruotion of the Sansaaliebreska bill, to the effect flit they never intended that non-interventlon should mean anything else than that the Teriltorfal Legisla ture should protest, eleverY. Thole in Mississippi are modally positive on this point.,. I.mark the fast as another of the evidences of , the deter notaation of• the Administratiorion this important question. It appears that 'I was mistaken in regard to Mr. Browne, the new editor of .the offlotal organ. US is not anllnglieliman, but an:lrishman by birth, a'relative, it is said,: of one of the noble families of Ireland, 'and , an ,ntmatitralised ZOLI • „ „ GroVernor outrining; who'hae‘gotfittevAtteriel with General aohnaten in Dalt,' is t, Georgian by, birth, and is said to, be a , titan efleitraordintry ability and nerve. Semo of' the 'paws 'demand his removal on the ground that hole too favorable to the Mormons. Whatever the'irne ',smile day be, however, of, the difilinity,.Vetivein himself and the leader of the array ) it Is certain that Governor Cumming has obtained the conddence'of the-Mor mons:l; which is a great point in the game: I be lieve he is the only Ofilotal ever sent to the Terri tory who haistioceeded in this. The news frold glides indicates ,that the mire; meat „heeded byMon. Frederick Stanton will, in all probability, Succeed, and the State be ready for admission Rein early period of next irear. A gentleman from, the Territory; now in fidelity, in formed tee, that is every probability of the election of Mr: Dtauttqf the flonefe7byMie &stature efltineas. ' .The,rertmril.4 Ais:,D`piyam; tiie - pealanaster at, 010 litrAzDettryMLl. 140btii44 4 Mifeiciiiffi, *tit 11,; 4 1,40kiviet)joy • .*"' iftohin 416 1741 ,0 4. 4 .4etr*: Myr; Art -4',4 1 4**4; ;eeit; ; , : ‘ v. 4 5, • tifitrilki r ip:ivi . .zinl BtsElfit liiipteP,,lookr fiti tro,beweann. PelliC 6 -**o 6l l l t lAioi4 o o 4 ii'ettlsz oistnia . f gatitXo4lo4dilied'ipieltitirienial ; tannitsina*Mileinen, to` trole fo seopps A- b et ofko Of postmeeley: at, a . r e forMei'memb'er 'ovOtiogress from the pucka 41striof: „.". ;The Louisville , OlesisOard. bearer in Kentuoliy, boldly dielares 'as followi in its issue of the 27th of April : "It is for the Demooraoy of , the Booth to deter mine whether they will insist on aPplyta; to Ter ritories theßrittsh doctriae of intervention against Which the .people of Ainerios rebelled—to wbioh their descendents will seareetyprevemiire *ohm's• siva—and twhieh • led ' to 'the dbmnioli' , ' between Great Britain and'hereolonies ;', Owl:Aber they will Maintain, as hitherto, the Amethsitolootrhao of non•lnterventlon—freedom .ofthe people from the interference of Federal .power lq the menage meat of their domestic affairs— , the principle lipcin which oter GoveMizants rest. AND UPON 190101 ALONN TONY COMMUN. TO • Nxtor." We trust, at anY rate, that we have suseeeded Wallow." log that no excuse can be found, in the (onion of 'the Supreme Court, for relutrodtming tinto this country the ocdonJal system which was repudiatml by tho jteicaution." . - - The Democrat not only denies thi.fthelinpeeme Court boa mad, any iealrion egeinii popular So vereignty in the lerritorlos,, -bat, prover the re-' verse. • • O.OOAB ONAL. TH,E'LATESYNEWS ONE- DAY; LATER pox BMW% ARRIVAL, OF VIIE BREAM. New , Topc.lity 1 —The ateitmehilt Brame', front Bremen sod BouthampiOn, bring . dates to - the 19,h ult.i one day later thin previoneadvfore. - In both houses Of Partiatiseat, on ..Monday. tie 18th. explanation. of the foreigololioy of Nogisod won made by the Ministry, and the I.ond on Times congr4niates the country that 1.5.11 led frankvxpositionla boon made of oor relation. with the Oontinental Porten, and that all puttee - strap ae to fire great ,fetViarati if the oueetionOlnd ae to the pallet Thiel' it behoovevareat Britain toadopt - , , • The Times poet onto' pay that.' adulterer mimr dif fer/tides may be evoked 14 future disetteldool• tie el. planation last night show ,that sl4 pestles in 211#1aild are at Meat agreed to take Thar atand epaim the taatietl ot• 1815 and to require 'et Austria' to keep .Hotly within the Mollie! Bram treaties. The Times bas the following dorpalohes: • Talsecli, April S The Austrian ()overman has 'Wed atz of the Analitan.Lloydia steamers - hlessart,Lers, April 11—Several hitters from Moira aorounto that that the King holpg n aver) autbring condillon, the Royal Pricoeti bee men aummomd in haste to Arvada, • ' • ' The London Timis city article, of the 10th, sayi the funds commenced thla.tnoltang (Ifo day ) at a dedine :of X, but owlog to the receipt of otter prices !root Paris there was sobisqiumtly a alht fotproveive.t. The first quotation of console' for nonsy, was. OSX m 94X; but It left off at 94 X . at atr m l:otir thersi.was a teodeoey tti Increased firomess... The Moles says that Pinata le te contrast a loan eget' to between eight acid ologuallhoo pencils. Pledmand arid Protioe require solgrarßtys week* of actlre effort for them fall s4iii 3 PletlaOror war. - -'• • Parliament to be. prorogued the 19:6 Tues. attlinlaSibsolutely Tornio,. to die naleci admitted to the emigreee. but 'geese bower not to gall out her rein-Tem or mobilise her army or, 4.41 W troops'frOM their purely defenalre position. - The English Minirterfor state t eiprrows4 lbe opinion of the' eirgromeat that ,here /boat be morel. difiermineot previous tobo Congress . ; and ',bought that the point shortie be Omitted to a rem • mission, 80 that the Congress ehotk only bare political questlone to deal with. . • . •—The french. advtces, of Patruly.seerned further eorroborate the. mp edition thilthe kmperor re more time, the middle of being ment , oned settle earliest period for •isomplity readineste. It Is stated also that-an immediate armament wee'ex. , . petted la the dfostseur to the t that everything las teen smoothed 'for the' inde gof the Congress, and the non-fulfilment of ibis anti pation was a chief cause of the Woe's attbe opening( the market. Commercial Intelligence. • • LIVERPOOL. AP,II Ig—Hales ofiottoo for two days', 11,000 hale., Including. 1,070 bale far speculation and .14711stmerket . closed dull and steay, buyere demanding Tpie • reduction. - • Breadetofro mid ProvlsionS werreadY• Sugar. steady ; ,Booln steady. a, dailies for all qua. (pies; common misquoted steno:ll2d; Spirits urpen tine 42/014e torsos', Apel6l3.—Consola islOd at 91,Urb9.S. . • Washington . ' • Wsentiorou, Aril .30 Lotrusda hen beep. recognised by the President se titter consul for hisses ohneette and Rhode Lltbd. to nsde atßoston.• . . '• Thomas 8. Batter ., of New Jeff, has been appointed public gardener, sloe slither. domed. Owns Owns Gideon, Burros Nano{ Andrei, Lawton,and John Farron have bloc appoloteOhler engineers In the nary. . . oeadifth B p his been: . lpolated peetinuter at . . Ithaca • , Messrs Bile* it Batton hiribeari awarded the'oon• treat for making ;he Wray of re western boundary of 61 innerota Cornelius CI • Flynn hew beed.moved as postmaster of Detroit. and Henry N. Millar la been appointed to fill the wecaboy The Poet Offlaii.ipartment hew hat this Me toiler comilderetrog for ace time Wieutnirrorr, May 1:—.1.1r ishigi, the president of p„ ak ,„ mot at esme hroolany. Is One <if the bid der/I for eanying the : matt* f aed William Oheaellareey.bal put bet" propoiltloae for the same sierras) ell Nicaragua abdifTerent routes. The Aompe titio ult eara lobe arilated. and there tea pro. beblilty th at t will} performed at a price lower than the 'amount oftoete.• •is not koown whether:arsd B Greenwood. late member of .oortipeaa hoot Aabefte, will accept the ,appolutment of Comtnliebinittbt indica ..A.Beirs, re. oeuttrtienderad tO • 'Thm • Vailailltiri Pitillriktit-=-A. Govern .- ai 'mint Illeaitirtiefented. spilt • . , A u.rrerament wae de th 6 Ver Done, the topple mania/ ilefiniated being throw rut, , Thin result wee in nonsequebee of the diffieultglah effete bet Weil Up per arid Lower Canada cn rem ittiti seat of Closer.. moot to gashed 8T Loam, April 80 —Oa OP Ins tant • battle Rea fought near Zuni, between atillTiV end Apulia In dium, In which ton of the laf Cud eight or the rut MGT Rate killed. BY TELEGRAP# !ME= An Indiaglittle. F' ~~. '~.;The,llEerlaan Neies. W.Viiintirell,'May;,-I.;•Atne New Orkin's' I p aper - Ch f' V nisdiy.leet, received mailiteefain ',the olettallitfit the Ifeklesuradvicile by the r stauner Teoixestsite-, s The dates • from the City. of Mexico ira to thii#lli lilt. General Miranien , mataeed lo'reeke his'esespe, from the 00ortItIlt modiste by forcing the line of Bravo. coniz, and arrived on the 11th, with two aide-ds.camp, Just to time to oongretniate General Margueee on his victory Oyer general Degollado. nig army oath. In the Aszt day or tiro, moat of the troops in goal condition ' t!Generar.liflienaciefe **Msge of the Ountbeie was ef, 'footed duly - ifter hard - Bottler. .Terna,several times .did this redden eozomanderiesenit tl4b epee:tete almost impregnable posit ton. sod three times wee beiserbsek.- On the inehtof the 77th enoreeaed in turning La wing; took Ufa more difficult' mountain pass whibli that general commanded, and from -, thet time forth the way we; dear.: ' ' General Datrollado arrived Mari the eitYof Mexico on the 224 of lamb mid might bays then ea , ily enteredilealty, brit he suffered himself to' be deceived by the millimetre Bseanden, at,wliese place. in Taoubaule, he ,yres'llvieut. -Madrid, and ,otherit of the Robles peril', midliDegollefehelleve that tie heti %large piety the wane' Of-the - City, nini•that his greet permoil popularity would be damaged by any violentmessuree• - On Sunday night. the lttb of April, prersiteliona were made for an attack nponDerolladols head onerters by a force of 5 040 man, tinder 'General Idargoene.. During „that 'night' they were snowed to flick the enemy's position. end on Monday morning and the fal len/cc day, the fore's of Begolls'o, though fighting Tho tigers, were made: to feel the superiority in number, and efficiency of thatyeryartillery and those very men whomtheir staphinhtif had allowed to come unmolested to the eh( of the - It is said that the traitor' end elmarde of the chief fled early in the tight, mid left their brava goldierC, to make what feeble resistance there:Wild efterwerds. The Malt was. of course, a total ,rant. ,After the action" and upon the field deeds of Sorror were committed, Noah Ms can hardly be believed butiableti can nevertWees be time. - Thieneyalry of Mugabe°, urged on by several pride Suntinid themselvai bp' lancing the wounded, 'with "bleb '.the Feld wan covered, none of whom were Pnered. A sivtira 'hat mob deeds of blOod and ninr -der were not approved by All the reeinbere of Idiramon's „ Goverpment., , - Mr. Black, the amerliiiii" consul - has -had hie paee fe-te sent s hlin • Me applied- to Lord Olney, the En slink minister..:,to, take American citizens soil their property under his proteation to thCabseuee‘of spy representitiZe of our Goiernment, in the iniplfil,'hut hie rionset wail denied. - ' ••• • • Diirine Mar slay- of the , Federaltiria in Tacubya not :the aUghteitt &hoofer wag remitted. Everything want on 'tights of evtiqbedy were respected, but ail moonas the Centralists entered the scene changed ; private;bouses without number were sacked - .by: the drunken eoldiere finites Were outraged and murdered; and theta mho ireeeicaped the' tempest - of religiou! fury 'still almdd r &tithe atrocities which they here been coninelled to witness. The there is coodeneed front - the correspondence - of 'the New Orleane 'Fief puns.' ' •• The Oircitilar of Lord Otway, the Biltish, dated April 411 i, liddreesed to Frederick iirennie. Corer menus as follows: rrglr,Yrom,idtepatek which I re halved Mon Earl, atilmealyary •by 'the- loot ft , would appear • that her Britannia - MO fieveroment, wearied out .by, the fruitless` exertions to' obtain -from the. Government caning ' itself the Central. Government'- of Mexico, • settlement of the outstanding- glairit or BAWD subjects, and being unable to bring to historian that Government the In fluence of the-British' naval fovea now off Vera Orin, hive date veinal upon holdier.Vl whole Government indifferently responsible fort he ..:olervaace of all inter., • national obligatione,mi cuss EDN1,404 is concerned. It is therefore the intention of ,ber Maiestyle Geternment to take advantage of -the ripieeee of the fieet in the Orin, and to hold Vera Ornz, by wheteverparty it le no copied, be es it were the treiumry of Mexico, and en force there, as far as possible the payment of all oat etstidlog claims of British subjects in Mesta° ti Lord Otway'required-Mri tilelltde 'to , draw him IV a clear and distfoot statement ef all these claims which he considerate junco and equity ought to be protected and maintained by her Ms jesty's Onvernment, and Nn en- 'able him tonotemonieste od the subject with the officer efunnianding the Britishweval force in the Gulf, and en carry out the .instructions which Lord Otway had •rtV • mitred from the British principal fieoretazy of &Ate for retake Affairs... 'A:protest of the reactionary Government, that ef &I lona and Miramon, is against the recognition of the COtiatltOttonal Juarez_ Government by Mr McLane, the U. minister. Also, against all the treaties, con. ventions: erreingemeetsand (footnote ;Made by the, same. - It begins' with a recital of thederfjefoll of the Oomonfort Government,' tee ascension of the' Mileage, 'and the recognition of his Government by Mr. Forsyth. who united with his colleagues In felieltating the new President on his socesdon. • - It proceeds •to state how the Ameriesn minister opened • negotiation - fin. the ptirposiof aelielltater treat', conceding to the' 'United State's • considerable portion- of the,•ratiocul territory, and ,the right of 'Melt lotierpetnity enrage the Isthmus of -Tehuante pec.-- Theme prepositioncheing at oucetreiected, it is eliargedlhat the United States et once atuanged their *447, enroyhtg Cod Mobs:hashing the Government by provoklog die igreeable attentions wounding the nation al honor, and professing Unfounded Teelamattons, a piney - which resulted In the withdrawal of the lega tion.- From the Pacific. TRUE DAYS Waft FROM CALIFORNIA—VOLCANO ON TER NARDW/OR • ISLANDS—Dzocor.mar , OP CYAN° IPLANDO ST. Loom, April SO —The overland mail, which left Ban Pear deco on the Btb inst:i has arrived here.' , The advises furnished are three days utter, 'Ships were allying freely at San if malaise°. - •The market was still orerstosked, and the dtolinelo , plea continues. , The ship Moonlight, which 'milted at San Pauline tom • New, Torii, reports having met a buroing ship, feriprilsed bike the kfaultou,'. from New 'York.) in the Atlantis; Id tat. Id, P.n, 85 Several ships were armed her at the aims, and it was supposed Shat all handawere 'ssved,, , ' - ,The Montfort was bitilt in Praliwtsinkie'severat years slneii: • llut 'new 'belongs _to a 'tzert..-Terk-"rnerehant , The Teasel and cargo ere valued at lit2o 000. Phe bleared from lieW York for fan franolsoo.int the 24th of 00. ~ o thejwoliano"on the Bandwiekillstid* Rites/{!il - Very slob iManci, Wade ,Lad been ,disc cor ed ninth 'west.of:the Seidwiek" 10l m nda Foamer/ ia kedsbeen , letaalty,fhe:Stiriintander .or' Nie government Wainer' eQiseor. , Vtineirtiq7;lll6Airli3e rog4b#l36l4lo§Pitilf:4lolllMcp itacii••df:the .PstrAgtisj ntriedltion, , errlWX-kere . nt insab r tilktr aL ,. , Tao Okla** icilietibintiglit Wheal* Weil. like • left „ lioistorldeo'na the 171/1 of Moab; and . three dips out shipptd alieetry tea and lost one - of herquarter boats. irks Matey - Witch which; smiled in company with the Nulty:is: wag considerably demised' in her upper works by the saris stoma. - „ The p4ltop•arrlied at' St . listbarines on the 23d!of efa•ch,' and met there the steamer Werkington, from New for},boaad - tt San Branches.% The Salton and Mater Witch left Darhadoesln com rainy an the '234. and enommtered heavy weather off °apeatterie t ,", !the 14. Imittenee, ealled for Boston about the 11th (if March. ' - The Sabine was to laiie Montevideo on the!2let of . March with' commliteioner Servile, and the rest of the 1 Suit was soda to follow., •AU the vessels of the fleet were to return to the States to the same ports from whence they started: , The above facts are furnished by the Assistant Noe. neer Barrow - Indian At&lre- in Utah. 4 - - WASIIINPTOST, April 80 —Dr Forney, the merlin. handout of Indian affairs for Utah, writes to the Zoltan Doreen, ender Pate of North .18th, that he is In pos. S 02310310? such reliable informat'on As leases no doubt of the courplioity of the Mormons in the Mountain bliadow massacre, and that a few days after it there WAS distributed to each of the leading Ohureh Muni tines EBO worth of property. The seventeen children who wormed were in his care, and arrangements bad been made to restore them to their friends in Arkansas. ConvietionofffinAl Robbers in Canada . _ Sentence of Death. BRANTIORD, 0. W., April 30 - -;-Two wreak idoo-e and User who bare been on trial for robbing the mail And plundering the carrier neer.thie -city, about' ten days ego 'wore ronedunilty to day, and sentenced to tic bung on the 7th of /nne After sentence wan pro nounced they folly confecnied their guilt - - • The Norfolk Nevi Yard. the command 9 —Commander Dornin retired from the comman4 of the navy yard , yeaterlay, and is euo• needed by cant. Bell. A large number of additional hands are to be put to work Immediately, probably to raise the frigate Co. lumbla or Barnet' •Plke , B Peak Emigrants for &mom. and Arizona.', 8r Louts , April So—Th e emlgresite_at the Pike's Peek nif nes ;at d those atom the route, are enrolling then:melee/ into companies for balqione and Sonora. .. _ „ the North Brieitta below geelive. gusece. Mar 2 —The steamer Noah Britain passed the RlVar del:cve etetlOn this morning. but owing to en so; dent her (Wenatchee were not received. ller date,' from Liverpool are to the 201 alt. . '. _ The Steamer United Kingdom, Oman, Aptll 30 —A steamer supposed to be the tinted Ristsdom, which from 4tugo• on the 16th inatant, passed River de Loupe this afternoon. - Fire at the 'Washington Navy Yard. W•I3II , NGTON, ble,y —One of the boller:.bolimes at the miry yard. wad &graven by fire this morning. The lase is from $2 000 toli3 : 000 . ATiejoihCr wee not hdttred. From licivana. New Ontat NS, April 80.—The eteamshlp Philadelphia like arrived Trot. Havana, with dates to the 28th. She brings no news of importance. Fire At Perrymnnsintne. Atc muttony Mar 1.--The residence or tho Iron ,Jacob A. Prestman Pirruntortille, Hattori county WM burned on Eldiirday. -tomitB.ooo. - ' Arrival' of the, Clinatleitlil. Nsw YORK, May I —llia atelmsbip Oiloassian, from galwpy, yip Bt. Sepal, N. V- arrived this afternoon:, •lilnrkets by TA - omph. '110,010.. Ainil 80 =-Cottol'.-.B4tles of 1.100 bolos, to !lay at 10m, for middlings tho market Ooslng firm •• • AUGUSTA, April BQ.—The Vonetttationalist's ton) sums up to+ totnt receip ts of cotton, at all the eoutheint forts, at 8,477,0r0 Wes, being '784 400 bolos ahead of hot rum The 'to* In earth MAUS boleti Now Co LoA NS; 4 pelt SO ...Cotton ,partnt twobluned ; oohs of .4 000 its,les. ilio*oseso 85ge. Gnunlos 10 0 . Pork doll, • , rpttan frelgbte to Liverpool Xeo-321. Cmistrivr - April 39 4-Flour - cicala with au' initan• eirg tendsno 7 ; . ales at '2O 2006 25: Whiskey 243. bie , e Pork glint Bacon quiet, but le held at 7e90. WOMB April 20 —Cotton—Sales today 1 ; 5;10 bales . Fates of the week 5,606 bales. Reseipre durin g the same time, 6 503 bales. Stook in port, 175 000 Wee. Freights on Cotton to Liverpbel, Wd. Sterling Biohange is quoted at Pegg yer tint pr..roium. CLUILIATON, April 29.—Cotton unclip:led ; Wes or 1 900 beim , New'York Stook E x changer Airy!, 3 0., r , 00000 D BOARD. 1000 11 854 1 75 reg 201)0000 N Y Conk R ~. 73% • 11,01 Mleeourl es , 87% 100 do , 73% 10000 Teen 04'00 , :91,% 100 - do . e3O 72% .. 5' 0 111 Con ,It We 88 110 do ' 73% WO tl B k 2 4 1 0 : 1 ; 3 1 tlO% 50 Ack .•• , ilea 73 3000 TA 0 dr, Mlg b• 18% 411 Erie 11.' ' 8% 1000 Well 8ol1'Orb" Cl' 203. Renew R firer 3874 50 Mt it Wee R ' 6% 1 00 Re,ading Ft WI% 60. do ,• -, 6% 200 Id Po do N.IO g 2; 83 100 Pae "St 88 00 b3O 78 200 Panama R i 122 101, do , 77 100 QM oVelil R eOO 04 100 - 'do sfso 76 460 •do ' 041 , 1 300 N Y Oeu It ell 7214 1.00 do , 04% 103 do • 73% 100 Chi &11 Inld R 5e% 100 do .. , a° 72% 101 do , ow 587{, MO do . , .230' 73% 00 ' do ' 080 58 .... TNN RIOT AMONG TON BRIOILMAKERS AT ST; 4,otris, .5.10 —On Saturday night week a demon stration was made by. the; brickmakers at St. Louie. hip., with, music and banners, on a strike for higher waged. And 'ob.Priday last, leaving mud° and bat:meta at,home, some 'two hundred rioters again assembled, "armed themselves with olubt,"rheke; and briekbets ,; and proceeded south ward, attacking - SneedesivelY the brisk yards on their route: . The yards of ut leftist six Arm:lime lovaded,,the fences broken down, the tables upset, the moulds broken, did mush other injury In- Meted. , The course of the,party is deed:ll,Bd as a wild and swift rush, :Which left no time for those *bode property 'was Manada- to prepare for its de fence. At lath this-distitrlianea wasmielled by the police for:the thmeheing, by the police 'arresting several, and by using theitrevolvera! The damage done to the property of theliarlotts brick yards is estimated et not lees than $G,OOO' Vargo ; ties of freshly -coat hr olewdre'brokeei up, and the fixtures ,generally demolished, We understand thatllteretilkti, Whleh wee peacusebly anti properly begun, and which has thus resulted, was sum• mowed among the briok.moulders, whose pay is now $45 per month, and who irtelstupon $5O. They are joined by tamperers," "wheelers," and " off bearers," who demanded a proportional increase of their Wagers, iii' : :,' . : : .:,r.-''',TRE . CITY. ,:;'.:-,:::.:-.:7.,'.--,: , ,:eitukoripwra sviNING I SItNSYLYAIQrL AoAorstr 010 Tun Ping .4.ari.-24i...; LtbitlDa of , Peintinge Ond.Statuary., 915 astern OISTRERI.:—IIMemory, Cdptd, and Ventf,"2 by Oorreglo.t , WHIIAILICT & A 80147111111/ TEIIIII.-• " Senor Vellente"—" Scan . Mag." ' NW' WALNuf•STRitiT THIA L TIL "lifobellen " " Tae Sentinel " - , AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MOSto: "Ta trAYMIS " AICIDONOODOVI-- GAIIATIRS,-811OOLIMM ft O A4 - PPG% Gems from, peras, Pautorairdes, 'beating, eaft7Mnstaft Tooksor , s,Tinsrins:—Gems from Operas, repo Nooentrioitlei Barone, Sloglig, and Trtz ILHOTION.=—TO4I3OITOW, the first Trieeda* in htiyOS the day set apart for the election of a Lumber of our -munioipal Whams. We •print_:below the names the candidates to to voted for. 'Ae • generattliing bithtwotickete have been po- Initiated—OM representing NM D01111:1011410 party and thous-representing the Opposition or People's Party. Tit the First and Beicend words's Popular Sovereignty Whet te nominated, and in the itifteentb • " Idealttudo and Workingmen's tioket " The Mumma - athat - closing hes been somewhat animated. though on - the'* it has been quieter than Is natal on these ;exciting open_,: , ~ • Tani strain —Dr. 71m41,1001112t00k, Demoatat, and Bmiamin H. Binvn. " • • CITY' Condom Oran . —Haturylll.- Biala Democrat, and °Barbra Ist, w!3al, Simplon • , • wear). Popular Sovereignty Denton,' ti —Select Oonnall— MoFdeeel:Oall a . Connell—Jamas .Wright, William Carlin, John Murphy. and Penn. - Summar*. Bobool Diroo'ont—George A. Johocon, William Duff, Edward Barton. Aseassor—John Bradley. Aldermen— Hobart MoCullooh. . Donotratic Counell--Stept en Hanlon. Boso n:lock Ooancll—O►teb Pierce, Genres W. Leech, Peter Sheets: WilllimWeetenberger:- Reboot Directors—John Ohamhera..Demid W. hierrie„George W. itickenle. dernionebri B Whitney. Aeseinie—Thomas Gelf. t/. Oonielltehord kt. Berry. Com -4rioni,Cornl9ll,7-,Obikrles A. • ljoniternon, Jacob' Stinger, Sr."; Abraham Btiweit'Alderronti—Thii man Dallis. Assessor—Charles Mink. Botool. Dire e. tors—Robert Bethel. Win„Bldininf. W:11' Comm. `'" eroonn WARD. ropulzi Sovereignty Democrnss.--octomon co-mcn =-Jared J. Cireentleid.mPhonias Wilson, Wm Laughlin ItlegoMaylorfilogb MoOlein • Aohool Dlreotore—Min. rice Hortfluttote, Daniel Keefe. Prewar ~!,7.Thop,lh-htendirtield. Deniperatio."-ClominOn OoinieO-117ni . O. Keller Blob. V:Brenan. Wm: LanghllnSsobt.. IdeOay, , John Moilarlky Bebool ,lOrqotoril norlonlia 4 . John liaised. John lifearibid , Aisetior--linnea W. Wade. PdaPia t r,--Common Connoil—alliab ;Ward, M. D., Xenn, Reach, Miller N. 11110 y, Jan K - Tyson, Oliver P: Aseeneor—Thomze 11. Lesburn. Pabool• DiTOOLOriI —Charles M. Pro:Wean,' William Copeland, Samuel M. Moores , „ „ Democratic —Select Donnell—Thames P. Pomen. Common Cotwoll—Andrew BMW, Edward 0. Quinn, rtol. John T%ompson. A sssss or—lohn Welsh. Eohool Directors—Wm. Hammen,. John Alexander, John P. MoVedten. Peopiets.--Selset Oom moo Onnocal—Berdimain *ldea, Georg* }tansy, J. H. MaFetedo', Affliegeor—narles Psnlia. &tool Die reatore-L4itirpemor peanlan, Willjant Stodmm, Heavy Smith • " • 1 , 0011 . 78 WAND, ' Demme% iie.—Bohool Direotork 7 Wlllism Wooi „Wl'. Um Bradley, Patrick Papa. 9oenoott Coattail—George Mob, _Alen: kforDsh:Diricl AloOlski, John D. Duel. Ammar—Levi Fort. Peopie's.—Oommon Connell—H. 0 Oorfield, clay Harding. Adam Hill. Bohool,Dlreoto e—John D. Harty, Bashrod W, Knigl e tt, Thongs! Thompson, pessor—liyttle J. Hint. ,wl*D. - :Thmeeratic.-Beleot Connoll--Wm.H.Dzsy , on. Qom. man Uonnell—Willtim M. Baird, John Casein, William Layer. School Direotora—D • A. Relly, H. B. Hadry, John White. itgessor--WilthemDOlghegy. Nopiet.--Belsot Chnsuell—Hearra etroeg. mon Oo Email—Chariot Abby, -lames Lenart,' John Bar nard, Asseesor—lolm. Yranklin. School Direetorti- - - Bdward J. Kenney t D;P.. Brady, Henry 8. Hilbert. IMEICEII Dont:wean —Oommon annull—John R. Blekette, Thomaa Vidor, B. B Auesior—lfilee N. Carnanier,, Directors—P.". Wolbert, W. P. TO - tor:Sohn Galinener. , • People's —annum, Conneil—Philip B. Mingle, O. born Oonran, Samnal,o.-Oooper...huessor—Barriaou Dula. • SolaoorDireetord—telae (I , Batra„ L MarsinaL . Alenandorß, Johmion. „ OtirliNTlX Demoe ra tie. lieleat„Conno.l—Willlam _Bradford, Chminon Connell.—Joseph 1L Mat; A; J Pleasanton, Henry D Banmel.o, Perklne. &boot Three to re—firlotou 00i. Macau Anion Mauler 0 IlleS. pee. • 'Cotastalils—Willlara Lerma: Leessor—Thomas Yonlty, Common Corintll—Wlllistis • A.' Xngltim, Lurie .8:111riro ," Peter Bobb, - Er., Jobh - 'Asseasor:4rosenh,Moore, Pr: School Direptoni—;Leeil.l46, Paniose Pell, Ohm. Conittableoliri Sherrard.:- Democratic —Oominan Donnoll=4,obtra P. Hans, David Solomon, Daly: School 'Dtriotora-:-0. J . Mills, lossph }Janacek' I. Oehlsohlager, Thomas Pathosoat. Aseeseoz - jobp EL Brady, ' Peoplet —Common Connell—Alexander Hoadofic A.. Z. Ilarper,d/fm, Summers.. Deluca Dirac tor a—T hot. 9 . • Dollingawarth, Zdnard phippin, Aram' Willa, Fmk Demo . lratic.—Select Onanell—Wllliamell, Yoder, Jr Common' Ootwall—Joseph-Watarman. - 4smes Ottoman .7k."; nomad W. Yanx.... , Aeleppl!--434mgel,P. Thicken. Direetors--9 J. Praetor. , Copt. , Zoe. Amhara .banit, Richard, LudVer. ' • Peopfic , A —1361,tt ljonail—d Piles STetherlll. Qom- Mon Council—Mum Randolph, .Danlel G. Timone, Samdel Aesexiloi-414torial Copeland, Sr. SebOd'Dlreetors—Jonnealr,!Opnif.Wlllbun D Yrleb moth, Francis Newland. . E=XEMI :;D:r;nociaite "-.4omizinn A:Martell-Faroe* Mairoo. Al- - itod Al. llorknaia; Thomaol, Ammar-40bn Smith. School Dlieefora-41.1rini - 11:' Yeager. William Neely, Henri 8, Gaged Wfl~l4m , s -00/13i1X41 Counell-WlLlom L Pli 1 41 1 ; Flookar...Blamuel -j Creswell; Sobti M. In 7. ••AllessSils , 44B 7 ATT - . ....7.•Shokart ,-- setnnitt „lArt-Tboinali RftwaTt.Gbilitri . C. Darla, .78bn .agnev!,' Damocra tie .434flidit , Oeitiad144$2141,-Atelilensin:; Common - Counall-Wilsoit Igor. teals C. NW. and Rickard G. Lthellft.: , ..tebeirClarecloro:-.Baniuet. Ohilda, Robed, Id - . Asitght;Ohini: = Anstln. - Peoples CLunell-Abraham Inulteh. nom. mon Ocianall-George M. Hensler, Fort Ihrio. - 11 - . , V. Hoffman-Ammer-, Jame P. Connor. School phn aeto -Hobert Parker, George P. Pion% P.' °lading. " • ii&ini Dtmocratie.—Common Council—Thomas - Wilmer Thomas B. Bitting, nod Wm. M. Levlett. School, DI rectors--Pater liar, T. 0. Jamliv. vitt B. Nicbcdson Aseeesorrhos James. ' .. • People's —common Counett—i'esnets B Warner Brock Watson, Watson Melons Menumr=.Tob W Rickards &hod Directors—ollaried Bird, Wm. Andrus, PeterD Keyser: Donetable."-dacob Boat., Democratic:436l6ot Council—John T. Smith, - Oom moo Cantlail—Wm:-.Esr-neat; Jetui B Bloat,-Benj. Aodges. Bohool Directwa--John , 'Hager Joba T. Hoopes, A. Sallower. Araamor—Allsart Law- Peoples Council—Wllllam Neel., Common Courloll—George W. Gamble, George R. Oat. Thomas S. Starr. Jcnatban Bnßook.Assessor—Obarles Win ton School -Directors-3Thu 4 Alburghor, Junco Gibbs, Lewis Bitting. VOIIRTRRNIR WARD . . Democratic —Common Connell—J. Nettie, William U. Keithline, Andrew Morgan, Wm..lnglish. Saco 'Directors—Jacob Dowler, Mini N. Gross, John - 0. Asseseor—;Robert Wilson. l'eople's.—Comriiota Coutthil—Ohisiem B. Tres°. Wil 'Aim H. Thoth's. Isaiah Stratton, Jonathon ll:Pugh: Aseethor—Jacob H &hider. School Directors— r hies" O. P. Ruthann, ;oho A. MoDowell, Dll3lOl ROWltd.' " • - , , ' ' /17TIUNTII = WARD= , Democratic ,—Poleat Connoil—Wm. W. Burnell, if. D. Common tiouncil—Gua'avus Rama, JAM.O John son, Charles Vanhoin, Obsess P. Bower. Robert' 0. Brodie. Alderrnao-Llfrederick William Binder. ds. senor—Martin , Tierney: School -Directors—Joseph If.lfannook,J-A.Smith, jogephli,Piersol, Menu Melts ''"" "" Pc'ople , s —Palest OmuMil—Henry Dav3s. Oorimon Osunall—Tbamas Potter. Jahn. D Ninestoel. George F. Gordon, Morrie Davis, Robert Portion. Alderman— Robert - Mitchinson - asseasor—Banlvmin'll nOOTen 00116011 Directors—Amor Walker, Thomas Wood, T. K. Oolltne ' Mechanics'' and Workingmen's Tickee.—Oommon Coanoil , --Bobert4). Brodie. Morrie Davie, Robert Boy lan, Hoary Conn, Charles Yenhorn ' Aldermen--Hugh ilionderson. Assessor—Beni. B. Hoover School Di. rectors—Thomas Wood, T K. Colitis Joe. N : Elersol FTI . . Democratic —common Council—Alexi T. Diction, Dr. Icimph Sitio, Dr. JoaPph P. Piller. School DI-. imeors—J . acnb B. Ellen, J. ho Robbins, Jr., Daniel Whetham. Assentor—Henry Rapp Peoptels.—Oommon Council—Mahlon Dickinson, Jame. Foust. James Beeknnin. School Directors— Rph: Wilson, Wm. L. Donahugh E. Remick. Ames. G clothier. szvinrsarrn RAID. Democragic.-433tret Connell—John 11.1 mon. Coin. iron Coopoll—jbooph Jno. Bonier, P. ,0 , 11411;:Pntrioll Moßride. ' aseasor—Cornalini gaily. School Direotors—Joseph Hooker, - -John , Crawford, James Sherry Constable-Anthem' Barna Petiples --Seleat Connell—lsmen Bell. Common Conned—ltartin Boreal', James Irwin, Dasjamirt Balt. car, Wm. J. Smith School Directors -Joseph W. Hall, J Lewis Orew; - Joe. Allen. Assessor—Ohas. Wright. Constable—deSee Dettio. - 4411TRRNTW WARD Deniocratic =-.oommen Connell—David Davis, Ben jamin More, Daniel Dover, Elsmnel Memitchecn. As- Panioke. &boat Directord—Thomas T. Vaughan, - John W. Smith, Wm Bernard Poop/Oz.—Common Connoil—Abah Hunter, Andrew Zane, Jr , Joseph B. Dye. John Dorian. 'Assessor— Joseph Garay. ilehool Directors—Gee. W. Vaughn, Obas. E. Cady, J. G. Wainwright. , NINRTBRITEI WARD' Democratic. Went; Council George ; Schofield' Common Coupon—John Harvey, P. J. Moorelebrge Meagher:J. noltaman, N. Gelder. Constables—Joseph Lenria, , lirsorf.YetterrE. r' Peopies. Baled Council-Thomas fir Bartolet, 'Cayman Courioll—John Doerr,"jerendah D. Eldridge, John Graham, James Hence, Montgomery Johnson. • sew/or—George - D•luvren, Jr.- Rehool _Directory—Eph raim Allen. Wll2. Adamson, Pommel McCaully, John U. - Constables—J wept' Lewis, Henry Yettere ). ••. TWaNTISTH wanD. , Denioeratie.--Bolest Comicll=Morris N. Amore. °°° " 4o,l cdriudil—James linnet], L. Martin., James Ordith, Wm Henry. and Oharlea Engle School Direc tors-41101es 'Peters; George Smith, andJ Gridith. Aeadisor--Joseph biennials„ Peoples —2eleot Connell -gained Pelee. Gammen Oatmoll-4obn Crag, willism J Howard ; Geolte Btmoa William Ecideldt Joseph Manuel, Jr- Adage. , aorlelDhrey Heritage eobool Directors—William 0. -Haines;George W Stall, George II Mitchell. - .Democratic.—Select Coanoil—ltobert 11.Oftrils Common Conaell—Frederick Vandegrift, Wm, Steven SMI, WM Brost. People's—Select Counell—Charles Thomson Jones Common Comoril—john Dowker, jolfst Dyer, Adam Iner. Assessor—John ISI Freed, 'MINTY' SISCO&'D WARD • .Demoerntic —Co nmon Council—John Belton, Br., 0. Johg, 0. Bnttitt Alderman—Enoch Rex. ABReesnr—Samt. Comegle. Managers of , the Poor— Matthias Miller, Chas, R. Rockily., Wm Cox, Albertis King Auditors—Win Burnbeater, Geo • R Booking, (word T. TOdeg, Joe. Bendel:lm.y. Behool Director— R. William Becalm Constable—Joe. D Mortar. Town Olerk—Jos. Nelrey.. Purple's.—Oommon O. Harmer, William R Wieter, Matthias Haas. Alderman—John Stallirian. Ameeenr—William Ilergerlihelmer Managers of Poor 0. B. Engle, Jeeeph Meets, James Ballinger, Jacob Knopp, Br, Auditors—A. 0. Rooker, John R Water hones, flannel Bentham George W Bell. School Di. rectors—Ohmlee E. Iden, James Ash, kf 'D Condo. ble—John Toner TowaOlerk-ljneepti Brooker. " • • • TWENTY TRIAD Wi11,1),.„ Democratic.—}3e get Cbunell—ndwiird. B. Dandy. Common Chunoll—Oharles W. Dealiii, - AMaker, George W. Bowerman. People's,-9810ot Connell—Wm W. Bmedly. Com mon uouncil—Darld• F.. Thompeon; Jonathan Brooks, George Adler Joseph Mille. Snood .Direotorii. , —Ns. than fillies John Adler, George W. Raughn, Thomas Bhallerolls, ‘ 4ohwitobalts, , • - ' Detpocratic.—Common Connell—John F. Knorr, John C. Keller , D. P. Kereheir Aseeesors—Wm. G. Rohl, Adorn Clamber. Alderman—ll L. West. People's —Commue Connell—lien. 11..11Ilier, A. G. Clattellqaseph B. Rlley,Jr. Aid put; puraywnce r of ordinance paned ,y (donnedle, the'faimere ou ataiket street, west of Twelfth, will be compelled to remove to•dey. A nub accordingly will be tide by their:mat merchants, for places east of Twelfth attest during file day. This in the 'mica stet; In the irork of nleerinellerket West: Ale, Months, and farmers, sheds and• all will have taken their departure. annh le improvement. POLK:SUES PAin.—At the CitiTieasurer's Mace, on Saturday, nearly all the pollee officers or the city were paid their last mouth's salary. he payment commenced at aloe o'clock sad costumed throughout tlet sty. ..-, AF, , ,, ,_ MST Wag ~ on & yOll - GONl.Col l aiiiiHititil gt~lr ' oll';' fieliiiiiititiOe '' 't : ' IN '''' gitliil3 tllfda ' ills _ beliFFl: ;smelt lifoiliory. si ' cobietonha, Mut had been wilt OfllitaintislareibeeClitztollialli" afeitthill in killed_thedaYykitilions bi Gfilcer Sunset 11. Cunning... - left but a man Of mortar' Ariake Mitalifea'n'ik: W47l° , ham; of the Mayor% Pollute, The eireumstaneas of the removing • nortiestUf Ake ikftsgs, ett latandar thtt = affray have been nannited'hy ris. After thejory bad strecterafell,endt,feite worinneti,ilthe 70 70, 0 0 -UM t°lP -4-IThen emparinelled" they proceeded to the Impala, ~weribitriidte'ttas; anigi,- -- ralsay irsilaraiGhtly - lina. I• Viewed the body. and proceeded with the examination., 1'L1t.11 44 ,_tin .1 4 4 mine fiidelitimed" r iAlua lefiredt-rli it , The eubstanee of the tmtimony is as follows : lft H Lennox Hodge wee the fleet witness celled.' iirv:rtoray`. -Th l Th e r e eP at " ree " Pp r res ti rii ' t h s 4 'a tird stuutM liirldn ,tho be:l , - 8 9 h1 - _ Ifs testified ss follows: I Attended the dreamed ; lie a nobler lupeati now thst the ghamelee ere gozia.( - K• .• came into the inatitntionhetween Band to'clookyaster- ,Sggja3CjirligiilWOll :. , Sit itid ay morning day afternoon; be, had - a wound ha the - Windplpg rhisi "-- -_, .*. . ..f . ,I- -,z , - -,,- „,.. F , - heart wee stilltgiatingt '',Ve could db but little for him • -.ell Flawing , a ' fear - ye abliska o WW7 felt - fro mareall'afill;: he soon died ; we made a poet-morteneetetrihistlon tit a third•story immicarAit. lietalz street. albolit Viiirels tile' Body , thiimorniog; the , balliwas-Ausit-in• the and so,lnjured herself Gather itftoyezy is doubtful. mnieles at the Dicke theneete, [ball drown] ;it paesedi .. - ,,,r 7 `'' ''- ' ' - '' ' -" .. '— - -' 'l` In is slightly dowriwardllfrOtton, paszing through the " windpipe,. smelters sad - vie ente. - After Dr, ,ITodgerme examined. the:lnquisitwae ad.. jouened te ille coroner's ofileilulffelant streat,'Where' the following evidence was elicited : , ‘ : Mary McCrory. a girl of-about fifteen Years of age, was sworn • She cold : I was present when the *M oor amain ; fitherwat standing behind the counter: doing nothing'; 'Just' bMfri- he bad' thrown s pitcher out upon the payentent L mamma ailed the ,polfees: man in ; hi eutmelsil later was standing - 14a in the tore; the policeman mid killed an arrest for Mat; tither said if he tieminear tint bi would - aft MO i tea policemen pulled nut • pistol end we all CM"' debit ',hoot iffin ;?' father_teine monist as thongbb(' wee tI7- tilt to get away from the doolleeman whisethe (liihriltig.' beta) fired ; the policettadaiisteiding attisediek'pert of the shop. against the windoit, Wifen lie iirtfirrl• day to knife asfather'll - hied) onlyi beard him mythst if he came monad be would cat him f after the policentan et of him he (Cunningham)- taid lit rinitilf danger, of my life," and be got indef the back way; he wantdown the alleyiand mane map caught itimi,nobody - was intim store bat Tether and me whentheoilleirichiag in ; mo ther wee standing at the frdrit'drar•, father and the policeman were In opiosasi side of the store when he fired; he (Careningbani). wee in no danger when he , fired; the doom wore all open ; father said , before the shooting, ,!. let me leave-do you want lo heap roe in pigeon all the timer' when pap threatened to cut the policeman sal he would sheet if be did . Officer /awes Craig,. N0.,235, sworn ---I went with Mr Cunningham to arrest Mr. McCrory, yesterday af ternoon, between three and four *'cloth ; .Mr, Cunning ham celled et my house and requested me , to go with him to assist to arrest James McCrory; be said Me- Crory had been drinking( that he was veryefolent, and was destroying the furniture in life bodes; I kuew Mr. McCrory was very violent when drunk, and that Mr. Couto ham was not a unable man to arrest him. and I would rather have declined go'ng; !went out with him ; I live near Mr. McCrory's, and when going there I saw Mr. McCrory Minding oe the pavement and throw something Soto dhe street; I suggested to cafe, Clanningliam do ; let rea r so irehild try him. it would cave trouble, as I knew him wall ; I went In first; M. and Mrs. McCrory wore behind the counter with their deughter ," I spoke to Mn. s Me. Crory 'jest otter I natant ; Cninirieham came in and passed by me ; I was near the door ; he weep towards the far end of the counter. near to where Mr: McCrory ,was and told him that he had a warrant for his arre st: Mr - McCrory salted to See the war. rant; Cunningham produced the warrant. and I saw a change in kielrory; Met) went and picked no a knife' anti went to go armed towards Cunningham •, Cunning. ham tried to get out of hie way, and McCrory still came towards him ; I had no onportunity to get betweea them; Canniogham was taming, towards the front door, with his fees trims& Metleori ; when MeafolP was near,Cueningham I sow the latter pull out the pis tol ; I cried out ', Don't 'Moot. but retreat mat the front door pr,Ortentr ghee' Grad, and MoOrmy fell least:any ; I was not aware that timapinghamWashrrned whets' went in ; MoOrory Wen folleieleg Ottenhigham when the lat ter fired ; the front door Wuopen, and Ounninghsm Could ;have got ;oral whoa .onaninghem fined be was about Tony or five feet' off I 'we the 'imndie of the knife. but not the blade ;i t appeared to be a shoema kerie knife McCrory had in his. hand ; Oneningham sp. peered rh get exalted when lifoOhTn9 tbreetee,o to ou t him; McCrory appeared to be wild and ideated, as 'I have rein him before when he had been drinking; I had no taros, or d( hadut• apprehension of danger, es I knew • • him intimately. Charles Brown. coloud t mom ..--.I live in St. Mary's street, between Seventh and Eighth ;'lwu standing at the corner of Ilt.Maryitandlieventizatuals ; I sawOnn ningham and Craig-going elovg,alid-I 'thought' they were going to take lieltory; l' Vent big Cunningham went in Sect arid •farilig,• atter him ;Citantriebam stool near the front door, near the eigar_esse, and Orate went back ; Cunninghami put his hand in his briest; McCrory started to 'some around"tbe 'admiter towarde Cunning ham, and Cunningham fieed and McCrory fell ; the shot was fired about a minute mid Algal after 01E7 entered; I' wee en the opposite aide-,of tlairstrestf Plverli nothing said ; I raw no „knife is and ; roe ilidetirory wee akviarkirig about halfit ia limar e shooting he I was not drunk, - but lie- lap ed,,been drink ing; after tbe sialedting I Mded unkinghmit and he pointed_ the pletni it, ms dj "pangteerilt b called ant toeed lam eat 14y - brother stencils*. - Samuel Drilliams. 0010114,151110111 -I live ep- Omits WO cry's ; I was studies- in my door] directly opposite MeOroryls door ; l'aavtle 9,Mdefeconelng up; I had hoard that McCrory was going to r ftearrlated ; Ounninglikm• went AU first, :arid *Craig :followed ard passed him in the store ; I saw liedftery start trial= around the reenter, and I emu Ceceia kam pull some thing out of „Mahatma ;,j. then last sight of the men, Hi and I heard e explosion of the pistol; Cunningham tried to close the door after !NAM MeOrery t Dry Baer wont -t.arreeted-Ounningham ; I was sitting in myhoure and board a conirriorrin ; I went out into the 'street land taw- a, min. tame along, perfectly pale ,• I beard that the ram had ernertted a wader ; I took hold of him, and healed to polloway GOO me t I caught him by.the throat and collar, and -raised my i'libk i ,I did not know teems an enter d'reithriged him to gO Milt 'me to the Mayor's lefties ;lie wanted to tell me about the affair, but. I 'recommended-hint to keen quiet; we a ft erward* met: iii Maher; andTChusisinghem gave hithself np tti hinaj, the people were much iielted, Milker emit readied-4MM the shot tat fired I want to the assistance of McCrory, and paid no farther atten tion to Conn‘nsham, • ~ ,'',l: -• '._•--",,„- ',' ~, . - Several other .witneasie wre ca lled itt.tl testiffid to the same state et fan's;; Aftei r ..ss short debberatien a •verdict, wart ~rendered Abut ,thel de ce ased ' carnet. hie death ley' A' piefol-ebOV mot lofitatidAby !Ismael H. Cunningham, 9n theurte4oon dr-the ?ft Wino% i 41,,105m0N op Noiptrr...-Miticless people ~ of this, sett, ertul,.by.‘Hie:snyf thliplorekieNny r nume. Zulad_ald Ateihgesit porthin 'prim aiding, er wain "ssaniintito gig& lie. ideadiri.lite7:cedehia(4 AM.: xi* chete r .pliyeritilgenelatit 'reeeitiotrAile bilenetriat, boa dgorgee. - , 11.,•predhaeleary.i . urptIzemeraMheld on Maw day . atternou •In the Atiaiestabotlittetermeith, Ant corns* or:Mx% put Adelphl striate, trizake.sue osier/ aftlillrenAistlim tarrying out tite s vlan. J - 'I le Leartimpwwiimelled Utile elt isn't.•Wili lam Detight,Mo44 Omen siteratanii.'z' , i,.!. , r 1:- , .- -*. .` ' 1, IFS* x i iiti a o o o VWot lakt4itr,i c r be the re log ,10 itillitik . sii,leseiffiffes , "IN Morpho hyldni , alren liyire'ettPlettedelpW , Zete pd . ,' Mem ..kaCinformed , •Mm'llhiff Mr: Efforphydgentd be in this emelt* semolina this week orthcnext ,If any,., thing:aunt tti belinte,itleitotilff bitdosieetAMe. .00 samentsd thee uppoluhruss' of y. rort#sd,Usit od, atteiktat A motion to appotaies:o4mmitten wee Maria _ "'Abe quillitifna-Arese:sa_tollii number ::,f4 - ,.y!eisonitio' Serve on the imminifterk- -., - - ."-- ' ' t ' Tho - pintruseu illouskt k tint'ten inlgiit'Are stinted now, and power be ere* to the emundtille - to Aereele 'noir nnteW to MOM. km:mbar of _Closisse abi in the city, wiihwonidllkesto be, in'tkis moveterint,'Werril not "represented at the meeting •''' " r ' ' : COL FitageraTd thought thatistoritilittei of twenty{ voila 'apt .he too many. ; ' Time Atka tirearfngi and we' should pursue tletSrustter'..srlth - ,the • utmost diligence. Thil enomittee rould. pibitividiktueit 'lateen:taller cora- mitten, and thee' factilltate their- Libia r w.-'lle 'moor& I. iegly naval the appointqaut of a committei - ot twenty gentlemen by the *hair to"act , so aleonowittee of ar rangemente„ - ~ ' , t'' '...:, ; A gentleman atiked r ithit would 'MAU dives; of this Ur „Welts replied'that their - duties would be stifled. When Mr Morphy arrives in Nem:Fork, hiCtedil bade. tsined them Some time, a weak or two at- least. The next Mace be malted would Molt probably li Phila. dealt's, The duties of this committee will be_to make arrangement(' for a utiblie 'dinner: to •eollect the-ne cessary fonds for difrayag-the expenses ptiarrange mush games between Mr adolawy and oar own chess' players se could be isonveniently . played; Mid to provide ter an exhibition of Mr hiorphy's wonderful power of playing blindfold. As to procuring the net sway !nude. he thought nothing could , be eaelec. The interest felt in afr.kdorphy's weer in Harem zeta not confined to player, of the game alone,. Me had heard gentlemen who did not gpow a pawn from a knight, whe bad not the first Ides of the game, etyma the greatest Interest butdr. Murphy's emcees. nal ie knew nothing would please Thom "gentamen.more than - an opportunity or eubseribing to thre movement.-/ ' The motion to appoint a committee of twentrpre. 'Tailed, ..:, z' ' - - , , _,. ._ Col. Fitzgerald thought that' as should be afford' d at once to all who Mabel to sulnieribs to put down their names. He suggested the drawing np of a anbscription paper: - A paper wan drawn up, and a greater portion of the gentlemen preeeet subscribed their name. The Madman sanconneed the committee on arrange; meets as follows: 11 P. Montgomery, chairman; Bunt. Smyth. Lewis litin, Prof. George Allen James Abbott, William O ft omen Iv. a. Clement,(. . D. Dougherty, E. It Poole. Thomas Fitagerald, Francis Wells. Dr Simnel Lewis ,William Dwight. James S. Natt, Dr. Tledmsu, Piece H Clothier, Saml. Gillespie, William P. McLean, James Geddes, and the president of the Morphy Chess Circle ' " A motinimmronde 'Mot the meeting be convened at the call of the oondmittee'ofarrangement', for the purpose of receiving their report., -, , The meeting then adjourned. , HosprrAL-AlisE?:,=-A. man named James Holley ' aged 21 years i _received a fracture of his right I leg yesterday morning by falling from a horse. The amide* happened about dye miles west of Market street bridge. r James Pules, aged 19 year., bed Me lower jaw ee -1 verely fractured yesterday afternoon during a fight be tween the firemen it Sixteenth, neer Oallowhill street. Peden alleges that he received the wound' from ,the handrof a man nemed.ffitchael hVGnigan. whe," , he gays. is an adherent of the Good Will Hose Company He, himself, is rot ainember Of any fire company, and. 'wording to Iffitetery, est; standing near the teens of the fight when higlialgene armed with a pair of " false linnekleli,” name up and inflicted the above itjttry, both these 'mese were admitted 'to the Pennsylvania Hospital - `,. , -, -,,; , Exouneion.-The Southwark Hose , _...... Nil will make an excarsien lo Futon, Pa ., on' Aft in s tant They They have chosen George 0. Dialhanle, Reg , as chief msrehal, and It F. Koehler and WIWI= ()- Rosh assistant marshals, George W. (law and Wocarer Ifnotine aide. ,The compativwill muster, from forty to forty five' men,' and -be 'aceompanied bye full band, Each mamba! will wear the „fall equipments of the company. They will Isla their new carriage. and 500 feet of mar ten-Inch foreleg hose, which has been pro. Tided to nee with the steam fire engine which le now' building 'in New Yotk Prom the well-known home wiry otitis citizens of Heaton and the preparations they are now m.king, the members may anticipate si. glorious reception , , _ SIIDDRN DEATH.—;OII Saturday evening, - . about 8' reolock; Bohan Warm, elder clerk In the (Mee of the *metre:. of-Taxea, leu Ashen suddenly ill In the parlor or tinAirier - 6n Hotel, Chestnut street, opposite the State House, where he boarded, and died in a few minutes. The coroner held an inquest. cod a were diet was returned that he died from apoplexy The deceased wu a single man. about -AO years of aye, and bad been clerk In the iteeeiver , a office under Cotemtn, Armbruster; and thi present irmambentiand WWI highly esteemed as an ofNcer and gentleman. r ANIHVERSARIRB. 7 A; number of anniversa ries wilt be held in the city daring the present week. The Bret one, the Pennsylvania Pearnen , a Friend elety, will be held at Coniert Hall, on Tneedsy eve. Wag; the Pennsylvania Bible Society will hold theirs on Wednesday evealog, at the church of - the Rev. Al. best Barnes, and that of the Philadelphia Tract &Wets. will take place on Thursday eyemeg, at the Musical. Nand Hall. "- • - • FIRE LAST EVENING.—The alarm of fire abbot eight oilcloth last evening, was coated bye flee breaking oat in the carpenter shop of Marble Sappiest in West Street, below. Brown, in the 15 th ward The Bremen promptly proceeded to the spot and sticieeded' in extinguishing the, (Immo before remit damage was done to thifp,Opoirty.' Northern RomeANNIVERSARY meeting of the Northern Rome for Friei dines Children was held list evening in the Church of the Atimentent, N. N. corner of Seven. teeth andliummer altreste, -,.a.repart wee read by the BicretarMialing Mitt the'instittition was In a Sourish. log condition- Speeches were made by the Rev John_ Clesitibeis,and °there The-exercises, in which the eli•ldienjoiimed, were toteireeting. Number of children admitted to the Northern Arm, during the year. ending May 1, 1869: Boys, 118; girls,. 1, 1 Total, 192 Member of children ditcharged : Boys, 79; girls, 85. - Total, - 1 4. '_Nuinber in the, - - PROS FRACITUR. ED —On latnrtisy, two 111, boring men Wire admitted into the Pennsylvania Moe- 1 pital with their lege fraotered, bitettel'Oarr, aged 28 yearn, employed • at the wharf of the New York Bea ateamers, Pine street, bad a hogshead roiled upon Dim ; end James CoLlos, employed at the wbarf wi o th a 4 1 r th011 11m m : 11 den and Amboy Railroad Company, met injury. ACOIDENT.--Abollt ball-past cis O'clockye . /17 , terday evering,' as Mr. Wa4onsof,tlia Barley Died Motel, and a friend were srtyfair doirb Cafthwhill street to the vicinity or York avenue, the axle of the v,bicle 'napped a ff, prealpitatirg the ow:manta into the street, They were slightly, though MA Materially, injured. , :,:,::',Tittlr'etilYterti;---- ' 11 SOCIIIIIBIIiefiI ,-''', • lifiparted fet.fieellf*J- e::=l, , --t-,- 7, -. .,..;% : ..y , . _. t :Gomm; ErAitiVh4gtp , --,,---AlbmoP.A.l ll ,-.OPITI - inoriklolf t ion 'ina' ouii.4a 19 'Alii:Pc4o" , tigi Wind" gd - 4.1' 'dy axial d in Maypole W_efohnjenne eit,111.,-„, ... - o ffet ai, , OM and ` Conrad B Abdieni,;;Vieglep leer. _ - lejanittlon wag negated, egentittelle be eableatietint lIUM of Stan before tlab lejaMstlonwhill hone: , - . rflerfED fSTA.U ll 4•Aliffrfilflfrel/V- - 1.., ~ .lid ge Cadwallader —"the coed weir, ~ .e . ."„ 1-1 .-t.4,:-. 1 . „ , without tranatellsetWEW , ' '-: ' 5 " ; - - ,.,";•..,',; .e, ...W.-. -' QUARTILE° . SESKOILILL . i t i4 - , , _. „..,...-1,, t7: In the Gum of Alderminll? - -kgz. - • . ,•,, fl-71 , „ ."..--, - lendiand John - Meltride,inied - oesthee•alte)'-e, - .1 7,,.,,„ . epirew to :obtalearent.4eeettlEarstetber al, ~ money,- the Jett har <0 ' gelled - their r •,„ beim tt Into gaud this morning.. Tyr ' that alderman 'Allen Ismer an UMW warm.; amid Of Banetettei: .-Irerw" taken to the el o d r e t tmln wee;7 - , ova by a„depuly waited', where alsteen a eir , doligh eyeettalten fry lukfereptetallnd- n ~ Be tween tWeeri the" aldermati .41-the miattatdea, lke old W . kit all IllemenVe,feroftP,6oo. - „ v. it''''llt' fi ehotion for a TB . * &Met Inked an c etdatoentl -•--- 41 wni s ,,,, .• new trial In tbe ease of Gretna - Patted' and, Trott, eonetablea of Ss eldeetToftetle 4 0 011d 4 lia i e t ef the • l t a r te t e h a e y o of ei t e. h o e , money eroai of th J i a lt eUllgrem bid .o tt.r..-, i do ldl ie r s . rr e a t.d hi r ge more then their duty' a . ii ofitternielaired them to do. Held under advisement. . , • . In the case o'.7oeinteand. Ohlalettei:Rvalet;: Wed en the charge - of malicious mlaoklet, the .josy rendered a verdict of ;.t.. • - George W. Altaardei sod Jobd Deseret:lx wen" %pita. pat at on trial., obarged witty , asertaly Jtad battery, and Intentiohill. a ntembdrOl' tlie. , .gooldlf Engine Company; namedcdtoteabary, on the slioritec of the 13th ultimo - , whAle ,- PromantislN 4,43 /0--,-The 9ecur -441' CO t0 4 F1 ,1444 'and-Wihd ititete:.theitiond. Will being attseke4-by.a. latad , orAranoUvoitans.. - whn flied upoa the isteMailiC'3feEl4witteettat in the 1 4 and eyei,stal:ayothet.,membes of _the (load-19M, Mr. Senn ran, wailthot In the eye- Shi r t:44,P* fate. ,The. t•athnony against The seemed was moat positive. !w -hit:MU% tad data of ,affaive among a _oration of our firemen/ Thiajneyesedeted hotte Patties, after en lb senee of balten houm'and Jaye Thompemaat 01109 am. tetrad theta to theta - yeah' imprisonment at hard later in the IteetevaTenitenttary. - Clark ; Who"was convicted of robbery, walitan• tinted to one yeatin the ;aunty prieon - - Patrick O'Brien was b-ought np. before the coati upoitaierta nflhebesS eatopusr,tot Itesder It sppears that O'Brien enlisted in the United States navy. and rowvrieheCto baleoof eenrice,:_atfter , ,?alathis, the wait to geed to } _ idethelefiedant:- - The 'wieder SA Cloak :ems AM:dinned malt neat FINANCIAL:,-AND COMMERCIAL. . ----..- - L'iltil affertey.lllllhrket. ' . " -- r: -,! ,:,:, 4iribki ii!i i rts. - diri!je'llaig• ' Belding *Alicia shares mocoreriill this morn i ng the dth'lnenf the g'st tarn diysi upon ithq..thateria . i :heavy , andgedling daring% %Haat Woke amid:demand ig high pripie;and ill! loirmyrkeki infix oad , bbodiaie looking kli fill*tni.;titineiiiiiithTfaisnriotTinnsigl. Tin* Inters - niontbh dittlisr*thentrce trAsiflionihy, and has angoidtedruf:eathier of their. ThOnas . _ H Thoholson, It% - . , ' _ The Tankiantnecle Democrat smerweeetrepair ingof the relent break in thi North Ithuith Coma. and g r r fshiiitigl4iil* - v t ief et i gketisethst the I, l: l #9 l an,ti o, fa Our Asti diasit the fire or gdeireilisi -- ' ' ' -: ..tofiii.,.tWeroisi Into itsood state or repair. , ,_- • - -.-- . .:. --- . th<Pistrie a tininiti: tioni-ililfildelphln, to foreign ydrta,this treek,yrse..pey„ll.ll2 fe'r.: .„ : • .. ---- the Pittsburg naidte 'ollet'lreintWi`iikii a lend slide on the Plttelnotg,-fort - Weyne, and Obiago Hail. road, between Rochester 'and - How . lirighton, biui aim, plenty buried ; titti bulk - Yoeynios thetanie.; : lt - whe thought ibis- i iby.oiiivii ridgiVelepae 'before itii.ciald 14 014ared egelre'azthe leureehterieleto - eierost It for this tithe, so that ith,de r ley ii caused further than that.. Mr. Patterson 4thaaint - naid&A . ll74'?,t;.! The drinerel Journal Sip; or the Coat Tisde: _ The quantity mit *railroad this week is 80,1E4 14 -by canal 83347014-nor - the _ week 133,16,011 .101211., against 67,211-tons "for , ieirr' espoodieg week - Let year. The canal, it will be obeerVed, leads. th e. 000 over k 000 toric.-The trinket improved a little within 'She - last week, but , pdeve vale nalavealYthw. Mho-ke& ear- r ,ap tide rootlet 4 . . I .4llPA:ry. ',- -- ~ c., -l.'t• ..4 - . , 4- , C-- - ; ,, ZZ , 186t0--;-" , 4,-;,C.:-L/559,.-:,--. - - Week_ R.Mthj Ballirolotr-448‘,180, Babuyan! 0ana1......31.855 Lehigh Valley B 9,06- -.130.- Canal 6 tkrafh --le-artr. Do. North::„V“, 2,432 = 27,2231, 34 895 No report. 86.112 wrerertott,•...'.. . 59611 42 903' q 1 0364 31,991 Brost Top.' 619 11.965 INC . 84 , 3t8 • • 8 , 18 81 - 8812 126 0981111„ 666 t.” / 0 .1M 3 WWI Ineresetto 1858, . . ;AI; 21:0.93 - ,2:50,011 2Mkthe tieliniiikOtt.:tii:iiiotnic for th. oyor.' - ‘i" Yn "A.:T43 4 0 4 01. :-.7**** o4 Sqfkilian/S14;;:, iillrold fr 4 1 ,51 1 0111 ' 4 4 1 (40j 11 0*" hi• - 0011 - 40if ApVelapr eels l 'ale not planty,' iviiitttßatt-waivralia' 10110 - „ piety 2- Toittkeriepoitii 4 .^",• ••,• ' 4.149 gotai ' 18,498 life,rontiooeue . a lloliel,a a stew teti-dollsr, bill on Um hronk i inieni)*Oolo4llicitlaitartroto tbe plate of theilibitailtiKalairk 'minititta. - 111 the riShOistrr ootwer‘ira represeataties 0f.W.115 at *whin a foitit4 , Bll l ,Pim . 1 8 /erS.l:3l l „lt r Pf Ittubi nel7 in operation. The Spot X in rial hetet:cut the two views; 60 . 8 In. ea* uppiwrorner tridelpon, with the' flora l° printed over an x aid thi word pa. The - nalwe motets are worraffererit, folloirlh is thb iiminterit of the co' linits4llltale . s,ll!nt to this er:ty for the mod 1859: ' ,00INA014 ErLCIFTUD GOL D. ofMS. GDDilib°DacrElatiarateira.''' :1.YP:';.P45.101;5 BILTESt boliara. ' '- - 57.600 Hall roars Dimon 374,600' f , aorritig. 214 32.019 212. W 376,500 - 128 504,, 2900,000 , 29,00 E Cleats • - Gold Coinage Saver" - " .ooppor, « , Total. 3 308.539 ' ' 8200 029. PruLtniumxi...4Toca ExqzirAres SAL F.B, ATTU so,lasa pipoarmtisiritikLii: a - nowt; & CO:;2ILAC . 2tOTG sToCt, AND BIOILLTIGI BROIIIIIB, NCRTHWEWE CORNER THIRD ARD 00157507 STRIETS 1000 011 i .1001( 500 d 0 " '.1001( 2000 Lehigh Vol R 6.. 024 1000 Oam Am 68 , 75 85 5000 dd ';' 033 1.514 3000 Cetivlafia7A.bs .857( 1000 do - b 5 55%., ICOO do .. . 66,76' 3COT Caw 06at la.b6 7711 2000 dd b 5 7714 ltoo - . do, 06 vrg S COO B e a d' s 6210 W .- 24X 3000 do . b 5 84% 2000 do ' b 5 14% 4(00 do IL .b 1 76 1000 - do - - - 76 - 2000 Ilforris 9a..b.5 89% 1000 N Pormig es, - 65% 13 Peons k 10t5.:.b5 '4l 6 do 41% 24 do '4tx 12 , do 41% 25 8 100 1 6 66mal " ..1 107 Floaq Canal 4 1 Yeblish:Val H.... 41 10 N Martin Gas .. 301 4 11 do 303( 12 lt:arm a; Medi Bk . 61 - 13 - do 61. -12- --do 61 - S 1116thiti R 60 50 5 7 80 a d i ' ing B. 251( 50 do car+ 25% 100 do ' ' 56 26 3fi 100 do 4444....... 25X 50 ' do 2 01( 4S do • 25X -50- , do naali 213 50 do -- 55 25X 100 Ledgjalalad 1L... 12 100 ' `do ,-,;.-. .. . 12 60 fileb. 1 9 6v - Tirtf...... 19 0 Lehigh Nay 5214 1 Harrisburg R. •• 57 n 12 Ltbigli &rip.-- 29 _AITWREN BUILDS 2900 Pbankbsi Ifteert ,94N110 awn 65 600 N ?end& 31:11:11 93 ( 11D dd "•- 55 • BzcoNDl 0i11D'• iittt :94`51' 2000 do —coat 413( /15000 Pepin' 53 • oup.. 953{ ' 20.0 - 01tY Is P R.. - .7.70051 ISOO 810i0 , 76.6.6tw0 84%1 3000 CbesYsl 1176 16 41 29r0d0 b 5 47 6000 — do, ... "47 - SON- N' Poona R 65. , 68 ; 160 2a& 146.16 - 74:. 01% 20 P 6161141E4 41% ,lote . 56tii 41% 6 'Liihigh 12 Tarm - .16 Mee Bt.' 61 :-0L0616467' PR Atka • 11 8 6s '74 •0314t043f Phlb , es ' 700%100% " 11 ' 100%100% Now 10011 Pangs 54 :44% 94% Reading B 25% 25%1 bdond food 844 i 64%' • " a/1 6a , 44 93 95 '8675%'76% P 40 04 R ' 41.3e41% 36 33-Am Ins Co 1531 (0 R61'438711 2518 , O,C-tairleas It ex 59 - - do- 61( 50 - -..d05...8 - ........ 63( erlohkikackip...... 2 5 : 1 ( 12 do:; ' 25 20 `'dd -- ' '9 --911oTr'it8mid B. ... 5255 At If Inebill Betio . 85 1-13( 39 Wortorn Bs- k.... 10 15 - 111115dAL Bank ....It.: 5 do ' 122 (1 -" 1 . -., - Bid. Asked. Sabi Nay Btoek. 9 9X " Praf 18% 19X WassiqUaltlm It 93( 6r, , L ” 7, 111,4atig.. 72 72X ; 4 2d t 3 Monglaland 32 ]2) )Leh °ea./4W.. 52 53 IN Paw:talk - OX 9x c., se 663 i 66 cs,i.o6 - s 93 938 ClidavieFf R • 6w ex ig Ist itt eds. 55X 58 Fiantikßottilk It 134 • 2 , 1 mSe in off 90 91 Moe °anal Ooti. 54X.55 ,4 pre? diroff 107,4108 Bohl liar 6a 164 76 tt .I,rup 6s ... 84 85. . 20 - 601.16tt 60 itikaiOrine BC R 43K Philadelphia Markets. , '• •APatt 80—Brening. there 'I6A Much diniand for Blear to-day, bat holders are iirni at the advance; salsa of about 600 bbls stipatibit6tre - reio'rted at 16.25, 600 bbla W. B. Thomas , =Ba at 56.37 X, 300 bblh extra at 51.50, 1,000 bbla good Western do, mixed brands, at 'B6 03X, 200 bids fancy Rentti,ilcY'do atBB f 5, and 180 bble family at ST bbl. The -ritaifere and bikini aie buyiiiwto a fair extent at the aboie rates. - according to brand and quality. Rye - Flour IN held at $4 12X, and Corn Heal at $3 87,i tr, bbl, and bat little or nothing doing. :Wheat—There is very iirriel i offering Or selling, and prima lota are active and wanted at, 1600 for red, and I,7oo`l6r.:Wilte Rye ill In steady demand at 88000, 'COMilit rather better, some 6,600 hue yellow bating bean sold at Oats are [M- I:lmaged:llnd a .saloof- A ' ,oloinstlefiware is reported at' 55e; In - store:. O f kilt - Feed a sale of 8,000 bus has -been made.on ternes c kept ,private. Bark—There iv soma little inquiry for titieluitriin;iiid a small sale lot No. 1 „was `Made et1,13 - tier -tow. Co ton—There bait been rather 1 1 1:111TICdoink; = mill260 bslee bare been sold st irte,gularliesi tha market °Outlines unsettled and dull', -- 'lltOeidfaiLmiierals fitillltge demand, but sales of, somallbq bhdp,Claballugar bare been made, within a day or two, it 63 M6Xo, on Ulna, which catablishea decline PrOviliont—Tha 11211014,13, quiet, and prices about the same as last quoted.„„7 4 lBblakey Is firen,with sales of 600 bbls Peneeplyanta at 25%0, now held high er ; dredge at 2lXo, aid Ilula 25.3 ee26o per gallon. People of easy fortunes discourage a bud ding genius._; l`belitter,pot in the least atten tive to , their arrogant's; "totters without com plaint, for seeing that whlan s finftlas arrived at his toll growth, their walk, compited to his, will be but mere crawling. -,-,,.:,:;,?,;;•--,- ,-:,*-,v.. Week... ,14511855 , -. 80,1&5 ilt 570 1211,440'. , 85,470 • , 144,691 145,1380 11.475 . ..181,703 - 14,754 -418 60 760 =108:736% , - .574 574 83,039 - A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers