_ —a 81164 .. Pl. -." - eigi k *tea*, .kt Y .,. ..J ,--:. .: imiiisib 014 4-4,Z,43`464"4."111441Y 2 1 1 :4 ' ' 3-ffia " . . '*,, , ,,21 1 1 - iit:it-b..b.....„. ilial ''' : ' t r r4 ilia"t It a ii OZI IX4t*-ig - .1. 1 1, 1 , : ** 404 t0 , A ir -04 t; nt.ouirting: '- i - , , 6r7tudititrow!“4:l..4.* ..-4 - , , '— - , - - '',5, , ,• 1, -- ?: ,- ..itii_,... ,- f . ..:Art.., 1, ---:*;t:?4:7: - itstr---,i-,--ii,ZWiitte'lberipl, iirluff " 1- z r '' "!..i,..... 4). 4 1 wiiii - A idAtouli. 4, +4.l4A,tia •-_,Niposnor tilifibiloliiiput2 • ,„•,:to-;_oilip-T.P4l.l:_raijohtirgitt lir i n ik 4 -- 17, 3 , ? _ .19. •-k irg:l4- cti0,, , 11: , , , 4---0;../.7 itilizilitio , • . 1 . ~,,„ii_ii.v.34o,„,.tb,4lll,„VVip ' 'ln , A r # . 1.."' ,- . ' - • • , 11 „. me i. t '. "-;''.444:444144 / 6 "1" '-hitrittie , ikiVii 4f •, t, , ra ';'-','-4'.•-:,-4,*.litaw-Si.„..„' ~. ..„%ri i i, - .404 , yi , ' rh - fir ti'dktittil - 9 - i ,;p:Oxibitio,P!'"l"l"r"4.-ito/1-1010liA!''ati bOi i iiit ~ ,,,,b6-;,: _44 - iti ,it0,,,,,4 oitli l ll, 4ll l *. I t .441{ • oil% t Air; ' " 7-,„.En1itic,,, 10 % i a , . jiy,; i4:-•,,,Aiiii - .ofilipikN i 'z_ , T. IL,fiii , ;;_r:4l o ii , .., t, „,t, : - - 4 -1 tOti 1 ,1 4 0,..,,'-',";. if -- ttiorim4B64;lll,7l7ol' kit - , ,•:%lAinkoiltitr4# 6lll4 s___..olw-iVE --.- - — za - taitlitillmet-.1, d . ; - % to. , timio, ~ dide s fitte 4 r-o-,--,?- t i k rimitrtim, r»t ► - • ,--: ..rmiplafr -00010-liftftowoi id ,--- -aitoos ft , . 4 _, iitith '-' , ''''f'.• 442--ts itt6ii-iiiiiv-Aht * 3 / 4 ." - ti n ; - • - _,:traity44. !V ' , lf., ArtrialtisApppv!'lltr--laidl iiitrairaw „ --': - " ° 'icitit' ' l4:l4 : binit • caw , :pleasif? !1.1 otilmdry 1111 ' 15 ~i , i ' e#110.1101" - iatlisic:ilieftel4a , -.,-, • i i.-,,,, . r: -' i l- i ofr it i r r i # 6. l. l --- *a ildboo* -11 - f,z - l At; Ifftkiti btii14 4w 7 1 , ..3,f , :=!: ,,,, 7,5R:t 1 , 4 -,--.' - _ , Vie , saiitot,4-m-% e .,- -i-,Afto, , ..i.iiiiiion iiii ;,;ii:,?-.4014-wriblififfigit,o.oo4Art. --,. -- ;104.afeti**PliolfikitilWiliVt".475;''' ri'' imr • • -,baAViL tli MiefikiiidrviOL"'""' istlol , 14' ' 4 •WigttPr,,,T, ,;,.,,im. -***ltivilib4o.l*-r,...ta - Z,*tik lit -1,:-:.-e-iVsl= Thirdippasitt ..".: ~,,,,,,-.Atirirgilit 1,641e10410401K1*Vr;-4 Okiilitb°: ,--LlAtilitititigiltaiielisTu li P i rlfi t ny l i t b 41, 00,4 . ii , - --- - ormatith4loll,,..--uiiii-aii-011,147.:-Is'* • -. '4 0 ? -1-10 /ellitik - , , ""..- - -,A;fikokoe ?.,,;•- ArtilkAfav ...t. -(4.lkt /lii.listotot telittifinfoit jorleitliiVikilikarlempilt i wog,C,3 4 ,Ff-t7 ,ln thilDisb h iet AlOwitellys)Pliiit ihe to,46gralirt ,s4l l-14 1 0 101 Pim BY :the- i 7 =C4f /UMW laid ihrgiihreuiP thiristiettiniliortiwt•w ur 140 motowlew litir - AmadotforiMentoss viitrir?6, , I ;!7 afiteB4oM4tipkitig Win ill' t 4l 4 ll :7 3 :rT z "`: W , ; '''' -,' Vil4l6l4ll.lkilik4,olliiiiiiWiirAVQ4o-,47)6414 ' -, 4iiirPieWittAt=4*l;iliii**6l° 4 '4ft,lris4i#,Alolllo,f:tkiforiiir ori, ii*rwilralnt 't ArAllaiiit Oft pir,txut.tii**eirdi*Uwpow‘wvory L ' 40 OS " . Xi ' — ere' ollkiwrir speotatest _ - ,koddjillAillingio , Jb -31woRelves wtalber Y ' .e., ~ t/ i 4 killelfasibittPlifiofkii4d:Witiio;vint;to_ -" liosilientleiallotil4iivialoVi. .4 1 E11 0 . 1 t 0 : 31 4 1 *" reas 06dItidalgelli ooniersittim,",dgolay_ortwided: . ,rogod9,1!.4r10)011410.c".14.44Pr>0111::A104°111 ;;;Iroo l- 7- , ":"tf ~ - ,-.4 i,/ , '+.1...;- ~, ---,, -. , -:,'izCi , ' 1 •1 ; 1 6 rk k g " 11 04 ,,, C,M004 ed,w.wie ' , . ii4o4lollw4titY cli;uro i' i.- """•0,13;W, a * I k..L . • 6,11/#eyeigar IC: 10t: .tit4tt Ai; , -`. iit,_,__,..,,501i141: Y,i401,11,' - jai ~.,t 4 harr ill - itetY ' r' . :s4t!itAllii:Aro4_4o447:f tiliniggit TOT; AtIV V 744 :1411- 1 - .. : , ,.4 . ti 1 ,,,c t - - :1...57:.,),,:i •; - ~a -,,te.41 ii:Aiid Vikel:l44 r3 ,l7j°fi trioitatiiiti . M.,3ll* . -lA, 2-4 , .• iiiiribit,Aidliiiittie 0.1 1 51 k" , .66 lig* 4-7‘141411,0.0*.40' 11611-1 A.' .'" 1i t.. , 4_ we._.141,-ali 0pne)•%94.. •.,_;,•5-•-,1 • . 0, .....- L r—elbiliti:•.4o24d zi • " "-- irred * " l lL4- 'n'or' • -'• r owl,' i A ls,, ,Tin t r ~ - tr , orokoir-Vm• -,-- ci , . ,-...„ -,. "ar 7 1( -- 4,' i'vki wi l le• ,, _ , • -, tjaitgra tisi ' iiitrewest rc:4o-44? 1. -t* Otitili* • ( ~ t .___• - - "---- - .''.ll -- vse" , • .__•,' pi .the livelier '' ' r° 4 -^,'--,, 4 , z e.,' , dilistio i :to si re i tt • u tr t :: o.:;::::bilimili:if.b.;:litirxe.:ltturmn:ean!otic)i :I , -,-"Jodie" Orawfortir, . tp.- www ** ll,-Air f tt, tut ttt#'; • elignrinot t _issd ~.); 0., .-,. V:f 7 ,:. •°, i t• •kt k *O4O -.l4iblifi/45-djou'D2l.oltH 4 ~sO.O. t . 4... kui,,_a10w._,,,,„,,, 1 / 4 ?" ' = e -irk ' -41)1 tarp - Your record is, cantle. % - 10 1.6 a 010t it Medlin not guilty tißoli o , #ll -04 1 - gp lively vh.--t fity- . . 4 k - r 44 A l ilf) , ‘'At iwe -.....- ItiT4ll, -eilaigii - Thso. ....._ , iiiiiiiratil-4l)Cfrits'Yerfe"..-'7'l .-,..;', :,;.- ..- n , irritiket - wientsaak,7 the'crowd•tetike the linKikateitlettlit; derrisigei sod lo draw tit' 'theta; „Ailisi,BantlienrrenenV - -wite i &tacit& in: gins, ialit-Aiiiiiiteil:3, 'Pict ::.' 1 , ~ i - 4 1. r ' ' ' ,:',..-,-, • 1 - - Fl , lVinillylis oteriagif;dirrie 444, followed by . laiistoilsers, keilly . en immense 'crowd.' ~. ; t Hil" , Slekle Nees tidiest imthe hones of-Mr.' liirm altalsoneirdoor table farmer-iesideette. '..0. -- ,IroHallite/131441; Meagher , Seiwirt,; and s avage wets in .:!inmidtatid, farad Hvientlitt werifleletsti;llsury;anitHessia:" •Staiton, - ; Ohiltliatried-Mairtideican anoth-er were; Melittilthipt,likifiiitif prilfireligaV and 'Merril: 'lllllltoinketAingavti. -, ...(41-‘ - ' , i., 1,-1! - ,, .i ';':. , , ' P ' , Thud wariiiimat -dimen - rother cartisket -follow-. dik": - liisc thirinwrakiedei Arm aloes' at 'railroad, etaitr - theougto,tbei etreete, - : it . greeiiit With skid lisitte- z Tbeesesidsictlieopla were 'gathered-, nireat of Ildvldallialieskssidenos, and continued-. -le coke end 44 Ihronithout.the remainder 'if I the, imenleiti - Looi.i ' -• - 1 - r- , ..t.',,,i',, - -- - ' -,'-, ' ‘.,..-,; i-- cro -,4l,4llndliiiilHr;--fileirliaiiiitliemite In Wis h .; Aiiiitionfre . a.n.,Wiils- ,P;;• , J •.:t'':J,' 41 ! '• , -.1 ii o w*Wll(itiprz- •16 , 4tiCZXV/11.--.1.141 CAVCC OP 4vl;ak -- 4 - zrAili-431144 1 10201( , o! Tau avar," - - , ~-,, =)Ttiiiiiiiil'ikiiir4l'ilia decidedly ieeting, linitilidleiddif among '01: 'oliusees,- at Ikereistle of, thiPiiiiiklaii:itiali , ;- , , '' -- ' - .R 5 - V_Th.ifficrYmMild liaiirelidered'a , ierdiot ;onto.: 011iols-elliettiOisse-wis imioniiteillri ,1 1 14 1 4.141 M foieth'is fentrtisia Deis of thiliermberdestrid viikt thiiellir.ifeliberattiiii - - :7 0 2' -' ''' r.' - ' - '" , '"'i - ',;-5; q''''./ '- 'llliered#, - iikiiieto the failina'inadeitliitim atrial, adjourned 1111 - akiliiinxifeit,lte -"WA Nine ' tbe gratiniterVelifjorlsis had - beinilitolisiiidl ' .. , !-Itli eafitilltt'whici the jury; retired gine of the'ni -withdrew. into a 6otiier,; end - on ids knees invoked,' Vibe gfildeisife , tii. He 'Media Ai,':ontersid: Into . 'el+stilkitioli)iied ittiiiii.reilied. t o the iimer, end , 'finally iiiiielsvitliVe mind Nit Mada - nit, In farm • of an isiiiiittil",:" [:: -' ;`-- 7 - -.,,, „.: -.,, , ..,v ,-- - 1,.-f" ,- *inii‘.;atentilsi"Ooinfilai - Spinstiiiii.' ' : . - - '-' , 'ldr.-liiikliSleoresiet Wiii.ii/#lllefimplitaint liit b)., i tiiiiiiiiiitif^ .i"' - ^ - I ' , . -•-'1"•1• • • -'• -•-. •, • i tikA ' , siiiierd :igiiiiiiiiiktiefaiis' Hie} Ntiti<Mal; Heitel,l'i 'iellteitriwettiMlMCl3taili, Magridet, - '02.11-„Oktltiiii 'lo'l4 r . it t ilitanits:" Itai lmt, •istine,4'riAnclited . the , '0 ' :iir'oreiti their in-' i t • *MUNI NI iiiitada 4 lN - i'-'• ir.=.:"lt - Wai only , lieeiiiiad liieaktkat lirailiMari *liked fol re- Ilitie Insect andisturbedlie wee sire this appeal :ierealit beitiipeistedii -;'''',-...- '..',. , • -elildr. firsbamind hir.'llite a gber were londly called' not present.- -- ; , -- -, ;- - , -', , ,:f•Tlineroird preeeedialte serenad eßev. Dr. Haley and the Into& ! i.-:' - -..", ~, ,-..., i', . , .., tell , siritir--say issisixonf Or keiiin :rewire siiivii-f. I.4fiiis or: ten '. Of „Air jisfors in' tie : Sickles trial -*lief/. ti):lll".:Bti li fi's parlor; In the • (iliatlobel: 11 After lll** eiter; and there; In-the freedesk of en ,ibiiirtlitigteanterMitiol, eipiessed Abair real itekii sients,sl; i,r,±. f , , ;I , ~ 's ~- ~t.- ,, ,r - •+: . ";11;Voi*Iistii;40;',Itoileiritioil, , saja i- - ''' : - i,,41144tent 'en; iiscia, telt th e VICO. el New York, lkatiWoltisireif 'ett.Witsiltition jun not, behind those ef emit ether pats Oita conitrriii:Nieir sle- Mitioiffii Nis faiiiiYAatatifi:=..,4 -, i --- , : • . .... , " ` , ...4iiit ist : ;tbis'lttrot,liiier spoken '- of 111 - through Hie-rlifie ineliiWdtliiiiiklf.dlsSentfron .thireet,t- ,7--411-p:.44p r1 , ..-- f - S l r Mt A,4lN#a4idAbal-,ft4oliolnois-itafter-an" iikot imiii' Li P- OW , * f N B t;keiteised h is gratlei;. -be itifutbernin tlitiltablt"Of soltiologlitheelf and hlrfelliteritdOtietthir long evehlics'of Their att ;altistoofr,lind , Playet ienerarlifro. He, too; bad• 'beam vtoratded because of dertill :"Kaotiatfoltdoill anteoadettte; • "Bat," lays lifr Beady; 7,1! If we bed 'known that he played , the- wit , -=+siight ' Imm-tad* -our :slay; 'Arno: tiddler wow errtelreoern tolled a yon— _yletkes.or minder:" • , •P •• • • ••• • - ,:iThei.4fbremen; tier: ;Anneld, bald Mint lifirorat Ten"r".hattbeeilbet hi* heath might riot list him througlrinit't tbel , trlal r end that he -honed MS latest posterity•yroidd bosom his memory, from his having,orved, on 4. • --'_, • 'ilse.fectethe iontiriseriteotilii jrizy,lndividually , :eyrestead this,oniestralied-nonitereation, were `AI 4 1.; A4411145r And". homely illuetration.of the uloan , ,,oorttainiii•Ein, theirs ; formal verdict ; of .0 1 NeVitailtYM. , - .fal may ' , BURNT Olt i'irs COONSIIL: ;7 The imOtIODI of thOcoutsel, ~when the jury • re ..talrWO-thirlf"Terdiet, neve menifeeted in various Brady,Mr in spite of ail Ishi experlince cc O . criminal lawyer, became pale, dervone, anti Mr. Stanton, unable forepresi the • emotions 'of bill - itig•hoor4 is described „as laving almost ri 744.4•PAYM,Whink.he,danoed -before -the ark Of , • ,gave way, ..4 11 ,4 3 4Ndn rugt.billlneeiiitic.his heeds be' wept like •- , • •c, , aar! . alsiMlicriAr;;•4 l .atollife, and pr forwardiand greeted their liberated clientl' and Mi. Me' in the exuberance of this Tritir learholapr Fpoopleon SW heels And .asked if it ;, '71 1 1 11 ,9 4 -11 1 .0 1 .0/!,14, ; • • *Alms /waspassive, and ,undemouelgative, IfitWashne, of; Ali lirlit'to welcome his (Mkt( back jAllps, wept, ;snit Could not understand hicouplqd with him oil hielennutt •,,,, •: , • : ~,, The Plitriet Attpirmy t Mr. Ould, raid he thought,' ikwould, he his, issoilate,' Mr. Carlisle, , ivolded the doens.,, • • our, uetr ' ZThipneehtlapitalt*Tiontt gifted_ yonnic, lady has Onioirt, tot Muoilial Nuod - Ilail i this overact. The . lootrtionisrit_loili be found in the, atonal piece. - We 'shill lei lieppx to:fid, a large stadiums 'greeting othbepe:iformeri On this (mouton, oriel `i►e id,rtionlarlt desire it, beoause of the elm itiCsnodeity of her aniounoement. Mks itiohings:lso4kiVonik4OrSon, within our knoW lOdge,:gtiring oobreert, thismeasen, who has not alistowooedlt Citiatin don'oPri. • ' ,pA W'rit Of ; Omer bee been grantod'ln'the et; r.iiit.friqtUllg;wie,waa to have been banged , to. The execution to therefore poet. eel in9Feeses 'strong oontldenie thinemain,' her ,paramour; will ,ttioli of Aim 4arittog. The -made returnable at the -next C.Kaprome' e.ourt, in_the Third id will there be argued. • , Any Gibier, - ef Tyler's flab!.. Side on' sSenclny, by throning of tilooemotlve,it the, ,44,1.,5c0tt; auOtiOneor, 431 tioining:on a Oredl4. t'renoh floworo, embroidered Atotinicol; edging4,4o: Also, ; obtrt•fronto, Bilot :iOn °goes nor ready. {7F 'AND_ Oltr PROPISATT. ietj #llfiBir, comprivi auiti o piiii4,4ni 4 14rge amount b. l ' 01 04r 0 P 401: 4; dot ast.ol , oofs tat Sat444j * , - , " oillioittok 9ii.Pdii€ttNge7 , :p. Scott, Jr., Ofietnntetreetikaillotilwringed fi l lec i tini 4reit.Petili lll ,4,Paliji4l ll & hod* 4,40 14 . 11 . 716, 1 *fiCzte. 11 40r; 1 4#1 0 6i.5, 10, to on ThitraOey , Mottling neali itsiOf o'clock. • sinWtttnactifer entre Itirta French plate • ke 6 lamievtlilrteenth' aping eadaiTueeday 'AiaTA'COniPfliiirg;., , ,%Jfig!,i_:*EiteAt of city try Pkvitrix. • 3W - 014 - oflreal astute, ordei. of the lhateemthemicr";„Y. - zc''...*lrqiii!rtant Act,' Pi)AtlOnip‘ Belt 'l,l and Rilentatlves of the gotinnewlealth of jawdel 'Onkel :Assembly meCand it la ' 141,4 YAtif ofto 6 ll put44 - outiv, • tiam.i!bett),Pet jortag, May by law etpleattelltleor 41efehdan,t,anau,pay, the fitit ) r.'ke) ,, f'sot-Jr , lligfrgat th at Lotigin.S4Y *Pert on au o defendant ding(ifigidotoc . ,olo4 o o shell deelit tech'lMM7v9#llrooli-inirty_shoi` , 'o l4 :44ifghif M04'04,74 leo. eisliffiundted and flftYllfne, r ik'''" Wet. F. PACKsit. _461114 ;27.1859 Mr. Ituchananls . Portialir Sovereignty. The evidences. that. the General Adminis tration has readied Upon &Other sigiteisteri' neon public sentiment are mllltiPlYinti r itith feerfel rapidity.. ; 11'nshenhedniaduninstructed by • the terrible, ratlike aditinietered,,ty - the ,people,:npost„ibedespotio interferisnce with the lThilet.licer in - Manses, aMI RA ouppretudens of i 'inieathkitttbfi intlithe frauds in` thatunhappy ' TerrltOrii. ,A.fr... labotratias, his Cabinet, and Pia dependan ts in < 9lboe,,baso repoiveA 'upon o tti f o t p7P G ld o lo : :i om er p n ti n u t g iti the i ziai i . e lt tr n r a i le i h o l n ue o ry i ;wilt tit alithe.bierrittifis Oi ithioltrnkim ;Not only are the people of -the Territories to be deprided2iif afiy!ebritior Whets:fever over the subject of - slavery, - but every branch of the , iiiildfirairvie4 the judielaiy, Coiagies4 lumen tive, and, of Opurseithe army and the navy, is sikspeTenirit . ittin the, o*4,3,tek,iitetif ,Of a *ode by whisk" slavery la to lie held in the Teiritoidea' -, W "dellaiceti':of, the' publid will., There is' . no: - concealing of this ,per rpcian,if,this Adniinistration., ; f ps , new organ, The Catielfiiii*taltes 'Care to make it so idain:thitt• !!, he vilei , rens ,may , TOO.", The IDeini;eratieParty of the North Istcrbe com polled_teskeept. the . platform of;is slave code . in the:Territories, and to carry this crashing burden, Ihroughlaluthe eemiuteleetions, nu ! lass-lot ) a 'llnrorime' Mei instantaneous move tient:it ishail,e4it (4. ' . :Md l inittetihakmany 1 people,iMaY:proteaf ligalbit; slavery ins Ter- ritOry :if. the 11;thiled, States, - if..eiglo thou- sittiCAtiierican;•.citiCenli - l'ileclare; against it, ..I onettunfted:nlivebeiders may - hold :their Pro. party frilitfer AoltanOo' o"public` sentiment, ' anCina yibeldiparing 'all the'iears the, coin-, tutu* via* lenthin in aterritdrialeondititin:` Thi,;COnifitnt,ine;:,Of Snider lasiOn order to *he thts , tio'ii AO.frine, seeept'able; attempts to: : preve that .thez Pitcsideht has been' coyish& orally in„fai'or ''i f,a slave, cede; and ietriidie,oa fel e'atiaot frOnitbia leurniti, - pnblished in Sop- Umber of 1867 , , in. which we, approved et the lettii.if the Preektent ...of - rtiet6l,ke - d states te.PrefiisSer , Statxan and. other .Neiv 'England 01ergituenidtt!-Arigust of that year;. ail evl - too.iveth'. , ready to aeceptthe nevi tioctrinerif-Oongrosslonsi inter iielitlettl;',lV:ili-htiti a Plain and distinCt answer :ttairirithlth this, ~:ty! s ai;iilindiii the Tresident for hiareply, tit these elergyinery, not' to - Scalise ,t#rettidcd'itsis the isaartioti,e(„a:do'gnia at- PAO, rei:AtfMi. to;thatiaditiotis'and:pletigei of Vidliettiocratityparty, and' deirittetbii, tei the tniori-Itaelt ? but because ne chastised :in. tip- -.rnhlisherss nooks. and Anthers, , , erePriate.larguage those who had overateppe4i Mall the seetetain She world. are - linli'tned their hely' Pilling by IntatiniAlling', in paity 1 int Orderibitilniso Whoioskese '66111'44:kt: ' , pOliti e tts;c - ‘44.'.44), ' v ery inOitiniti, • these words 1 their friends - know that they hold,lbem. ' Illorii vrereyfriti9l., the -President .and his Cabinet we iiaye a secret s e beutOharlesiDeireirnew ;'lt_#l;Jl:"S"ozil,tl,l4t4l4' theingehies ;to 'th e: doe,' 1 'ainiy; whiel every one will know 'ln tt; feW „thine ,of poPulai. sovereignty., in the :.Ter- - days: Why should not we tell it to i our ritory 'of Kansas, , and "-, Governor.' Vaasa ',friends—just that they may see we were !nutted , Was instructed, in public and in private letters,” it .? A week' ago, it would, have tree 1 te:eirds, everything -before before the consideration - unfair io'have made 'the' revelation.' '.Teen: It that to the , people Of Sanflas • should:be en- matters not. now, then, that Dicke:Wise* fruSted the entire maikagement and regulation story, irbieh'Will be inibilibed abnultancionsly °fall' their-di:needle affairs, slavery included; I in London and New 'York, in 'MI fitt'',Teer mid. lit. `litiorising ' took ,occasion, in these Round, will appear, at the same thee in liar: , memokabie ; words, to, declare ,f , that by this pir's , Weekly, which then with the addition doctrine' he - and his. Administration would of Mr. ,Curtis' capital et, Trtlmps,", will ; have, Stand or fait') 'Mew wintonlyand tow shame- very unusual attractions. 'Brdwer's last novel, leisdy this pledge was 'broken history had re- n What 0.111-• tie do With it," ratr-tpreitgli corded.' , 'Even his Silliman letter, from which' Itat,'ppr's,-Piekly, it ,W4ll ,he 4enientbereif, by the doSitifittion iinotet; does not broach 'the iiPecial, arrangement with. the autbor4t,-A'' , ! ~. ideaef 0 ongressionalanterventio n for the pro- For the -privilege of repUblishing, it. Vanity tection , of slavery in the Territories against , Fair" in their popular , Magazinevihnier it the., radio will lie' refers, it is 'true, to an " 'Brothers paid $2,00 to Mr. Thackerny, thus alleged &elision of the Supreme Court, that,t proilding an exclusive novelty tOrtin throngii a slaveholtreinuty,tukp his slaves into a Torri.'l twenty to twenty-four anhcbssitia':iginthera Or tnry; but he ,does notdire .to. place .himself 1 their periodical. ' - *e do not .prectiely kip* upon 'the ground' ' noWstesruisedrby his . organ the :amount, which they will liavitto-pl to end - by ,, hildielf;,Shat!slavety, ,may - be ,. and, Mr . Dickens for his story, to' run eirdrigh `six must - be, held in- the Territory, in 'utter de- or eight montheoef their Weekty4;bitiov4 can 'Mamie of the voice of the ballot-boxinnd itkper. state With certainty Afiti SS i cobij(ki4iiiiioti sjatont and violept disregard of the will of the thin - What they, give' Tilo44y Ar'..l The, ,naiiiniti,. aw,. his inauginal .address; written" i yirfiltilana.:7''-To E 4 anie;...tbli,stiiii*in Vie` arieivokeiii*::.itibi alleged ;Aietsion of 'thi - eXclusi;e:-right.--that of :viicial*4lli: tEkre siipremeCtkart;nOw lagged -foivaid is a lir:S..' ,pnblidatiini - or ''tbe; tio; 1914ilkpiiic4;W p' I textifor- the, irnstraus asaumption;'ha• says t venture: tfs, predlet - thatlhelf, tki,ti,k6ittilikt Of .'4What: a ip , ippy F.OnßcipPyti r tbi,94.,*.its 4 'for I the' crf4,73 1, 41 6 1 1 ' lif-Y4 - 04 11 ,i ' l 4 , *iiigPi - : 'tionatttapidy'tbhglilinPlit rile, that , theWill , t)ishndflu librpir!'it.fikvieliftbfiplaV r iiiit* :,. • „'..-. '.', .' , l: ', , :$ 1 y, „',' 4". , i ~' -1 . a. , 'ls ex , AnciaticanlibililOrSAAlliiV4, 1,4ei.-"tbitgeias-ibeithir itiTe;soati 3 Olitiery tlickiisin4ititiONOWlooo6a..„ ten '• = • - pito* Jir Atatknoi - bk the, horns, lei , ego, -and - *tuvftifif loklei be P er i l or tha• t. , 47,00ta1w I *to lel oho of fti4,4lm at 44- Tut b 7 'door. 1: hornet, atekted tot ritt - pxlithl4 40, hivere • he athEhoatito elveyetrne &Aired who id thet.tbi r here boa before be 'IB t °' ) 00Inglitta• rme,tO 'Meet 'Vorriored: ,- 4 sego& oom: iortwe. ea Mot „ Bo utt,tl9, the td lb° tolhe xe jumpt.,ort o this court , lind:4lo st Mr, Mottle. 're' throligh. to humillit tont war' as of ftki ORy immediate lu °Mired.' sansidaritsblai ant; he*as i in irntOnn. a set,. .free-. .. -. „- . :territories, aa advoetited I staid-ettSY,•-plesteant-spoken letters,zwbuiti ap. -"-' if ' 1 in `tife.-to ow ng, extraordinary passage frout.',Pearedin one.of the New York and hia 14ttniiiRtnidaY lint i'. „. ~ , , narrated to the world how the 'anther 44 and , :ri , Eiti [ the!Pieeideat] holds that slavery *mica in thought, tOpea'and feared, in his rural rillU on 41.,,Tereitories under the ioBnstilotten of the I the Hudson,some five years ago where' ie-be I , lieved that he was mortally ill. .A pkiaiiint, United ; States,and that the ' people of the 'Terri- • ' • - Jolla must 'decide for themselves whether or not they win have elavery'rolken'they; aims to form ; gessippy. beok, it is, though folly poesoesing a State' Coluatution, PrdParatory' to admacsion ! the N. P. WAaertity orimrrying the reader *do astinion. Wehave,flagoised the words which ' , ron at a 2.40 pace; without actually taking hire contain the Mute between the President and hitt revilers, 'lt is because Mr..Buohanati• denies' to more than a furlong or two from the efart itt - - the. Territorial Legislature the power to abolish I nost. N. P. W. writes agreeably, one] when g 81 0011. mod pledges himself to aostein the derision . - . W. of the Soprani. Court In the Prod Scott eaee,that he has nothing new to comtbunicitte, and the he is Wow °barged by Colonel Paine,' and MA MO' . vein of egotism which !runs Ahrotngt this elates With being-false to the doctrines of popular , sovereignty, and, therefore, unworthy of the con. I vo lume makes it amusing. , , knowing tint Mri thiamin of the „Democratic party. We state, the Willis is now in apparently the"dlefst'italth: ease plainly and distinctly, that we may do no in- Lwe 'cann t sy m p a thise 'with his' . a iliii ' Jessica to any one in the proof and comments we o are ateitittasubmit to our :Were."' • • . 1 People who aro 4 . 'hypped" are so fendof re- Mark thetact, that Mr. BrtemisriN denies to toting the history of their Menses; aid the the Territorial 'Legislature effects of the nestrums they take to, cure e the power to 't abo- lish alaverY,"' but he does not say that they them. , may not protect , it— on the contrary, he I In Europe, as well as in this country, Y.P. pledges himself to sustain what he calla -the Willis is a popular author. Therefore, iivias decision of the Supreme Court of the' United 'in due- convict' of -trade that hie - new book States,' Which, if it means anything, must should'be repitilished in•Lcindou r .' - Mr. Seib; mean that liewill use= ail 'the powers at his i ner charge!' ti dollar, for it, we bellevo-,wetire command to enforce slavery in the Territories not quite certain, for though it is advertsed in contempt of fniblio' sentiiimint. 'This Isiah' ' by, eeveral Phihtdelphicia booksellera, , we *are. plitlfOrin I . We leave it to the intelligence of no observed that any ono of them •hail. 64. eurrreaders to 'say how far 'the •President iii ' descended to mention the' price: ''Reim.. eimaistent sellt(htmeelf in the ground he now S Sampson; ' Lowy& Son , of London', wheqsre assumes ,iii fliver of forcing slavery upon ,the I agente,for,nearly, all the ArnerlaXi lalhllali)rs, public domain. A more 'profligate alfindon. have advertised this neie Willisdan velem; in meat of honor and of, conselence, and a more the London papers, at len ehilfings sterling, Wilful violation of plighted faith, never yet die- which is rather more than two, dollars and, a graced ,history or' blackened reputation; and half. -- There is no reason why it' should Pot 'rho ;rMeniation that we could have endorsed l . hav e been soldin London at onesdellari Me such a doctrine in 185.4 while battling for the , retail price here. The duty im. new Axe rights of 'the people in the ,Territciries, is rican boots imported into Ei s iglina • is worthy the organ of an Administration which ' three cents per pound. et The Cm. insists'upon rushing the Democratic party and valescont" weighs twenty ounces, whch the, country tpon n'theory which is certain to t Weiald • make the import duty .on Mch end. in the 'overthrow of that party, it not In . shigle'volume about fOur cents: 1411040- the overthrow of the Union itself. ' ' I 'khan; allow the Trdde twenty-five pereett. 'The - truth is, the' Administration, has re- ' profit, while American publishers would Oro solved to make the Wilniot Proviso the touch- i Low & Son, of London,' abOut thirty per-Celt. stone of future Democratic fidelity ; in other . The five per cant. difference would fully , ray worth', it has resolved that Congress shall in. : for the freight and duty, leaving Mew's. tervene for slavery; that the people of the ' Sampson, Low, & Son. precliely the Saito Territory s if they speak at all on the question, profit as if they sold an English book.' In Must 'do the same thing.' Row the -Wilmot ; American, in 'England, who desired to . tiny Proviso differs in this only in 'the fact that . this new book, and knew that its real pricers Congress shall prohibit slavery M all the pub. ta dollar, must be• thunderstruck, In Moss.• lic domain hereafter to be erected into Terri: Low's bookstore, in Loadonott being eller d tories, and 'the 'President and his associates ' two dollari anda half for it I Thii it is whl b. accept the principle, while blindly denying 1 makes the sale of American books' compare that it cannot be applied both ways, and while 1 tively small in England. This encoumgis constantly, asserting that these who agree with i piracy,to the injury of the American andier, Tux Passe are in Magna and in sympathy ' by checking the sale of the American-print with the Black Republicans. Like Mr. I books', in which lie has an interest. Op t 'Sawanti, they discard and laugh at the idea of t not our authors and pitblishers look to It / .._ the popular will in the Territories, and, like him,,they fall back upon the arbitrary decider' `orw bOdy : vitiate almost alien to the penti. merits of the . people immediately concerned. there is on portion , of the President's pre sent position, and only ono, that may be called consistent with his past conduct—he acts in haniony with his desertion of poloratt hone, in regard to the.people of Kansas, wheb he rejects the 'explicit pledges of his letter Of accetleance; and throws himself bodily into the fume of the men irho • contend • that slavery Must be protected in all the Territories of the Union, In. Otter defiance of the voice of the people. -Read-what he said In that letter: . By the way of contrast, We draw attenthin "The recent legislation of, Congress respecting to another book. The garners, of New York, slavery, derived, as it has - been. from the oriental and pure fountain of.legitimate politioal power— 1 the Will of the majority—promisee, ,ere long 'to ( have just published a new domestic no , iel tiy Charles Re , . . ~ White . ., Reads author 'of 4 Lies " allay the dangerona eieltement This legislation 'C Never too'Late w t o o rks M o e f u is founded on, principles as ancient as free govern- t (l fic " ti fiction. . ° T t h il e ei. n e e7l; mint' itself, and, in atioordanoe with them, has - - popular , simlly,deelared that ehe 'people' of a' Territory, book is called " Love ' me little, ,Love me like those ola Stole, Matt decide for Chintsetoes long," and Is one of the best, beCiuse meet their Matt. . , , , ~ , I°44h6r 81:3 " 1 8111 or, rh O li. " r • exist Wighs ?' I natural, stories we have read for years. We ..i. The ILmsas•Nebraska c ot does no more than 1 place it alongside of, cc Adam Bede4' and tnir, 'give thelbroe of law to this 'elementerY,prinoire ofnelf-government, - :deelaring it tip be , „tbe:true ri- I ' excellent friend " Doctor Thorne." -l'hiii P book has not yet been published in ReglOid-:- teat 'and, nreaniAg of thy; net bet.' to. legislate . , slavery, into any Territory orßtate, nor to esetude at least, a fortnight ago. The Harpers Intr.. it therefroM r - but Imo the, People thereof per- ' chased early proof-sheets of it from the anihor. feetly`frento form,and regalate their, domestic' in stitutions in their own way, =Moot Only to the It will be published by Ti iibner & Co., London, ,Constitntion of the'United States. This prinolplo in two volumes, price ono guinea. The 'Oar will cutely not be oontrovorted by any individual . pars retail the same book, handsomalY minted of any party professing devotion to popular go vernment." , , ' . in one volume, of 485 pages, for fiftyesenbiseri -The Mari wtic: is elected upon such an avow- , ad, or soventy.ilve in cloth boards. Why do al . of principles as that contained in this ox- they put it thus low I -To prevent competition, ...eit'',44 411 lnto,no lower Iraqi than when and `to secure a great sale. Perhape, in the: ,IlkdilliberittelitraMPletkit under - his feet. Wo course et a year, as Charles Reade is tiortn know that we shall be told that the late obiter I ler, 1,500 copies of his book may be sold in dictum of the Eupora° Court of the United England, among 80,000,000 inhabitants. Eome PAM PRESS.-P gii 1 MA I WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1850. , , IMatelpv,etthipSj tbo. pin*. rule in the Terri , - Muoti,resPect for' the , de t oo T o of,.'-gitOppb:ol,() Clourt,atkether- t 9 iso.:`are . pr rf@ctlj~ wt Ling iisiiiiSthittMiiit - Which vismini knitsittO Aißfeits'iOnig_44 l3 toit id e'deeltitint to tho effect that the folder-may-takeiliwo his Slaves ink( al Territs4 after all, we hold to the langilage,l of Joan Donohoe that cc it matters nett what I way the Supreme 'Court 'may herealler;decide• as tallie cbstr4c, - 4ipstida -Asper slc u irryma er v irlsk so?,gofiito a Territory -Under thi ablution; the itiapii have the faidfill keens' id introduce or :exclude it, as they please, fdr, the reason that- slavery cannot exist a day dr ax hour anyiehiri`-thillissitiisiiipoYlest by &cal p 0... lice regu/ntions— !rhos() . police _ regidationa, can only be established bq local legislation ; and it the people ore opposed to slavery,' they will elect, reprinientatives 3 tbat will; by unfriendly legislation;effectually pre vent tboAntroductieri of it into their - midst. If, onthe contrary, they are for it, their ieglii 7 Litton Will favor Its c'stsinaion.'Menciino ter what the decision of the Supreme ieen4l - lie the abitract,question, of the people.to make a alai% Territory_ or ts , free Territory is perfect ,and complete "urid . hr, the Nebraska bill." our pesltiim, Sind this, too; Is the' position of the National Democracy. ,ken. Bonen , H.. TOOMBS, of Georgia, a -Southern , man,,and.- therefore - entitled „to the high`,coll,4;' sideratlon of the court jester of The Cetuelli lotion, in 1554,, while., the kansas-Nfbraska bill was under dlactission, thimiraniely dllered his sentiments iiiiegaid to the politicatkiiitt;; lona cif•thePolitidal jadgea'nf the Ausittinie Court • • .... "The only difficulty on this point has 'erica. from some decisions of the Supreme Court. af.theo United • States.' It is twee they have *44 vaguely about the doctrine of the getteroPeott' resgstly of the Federal -Government: 1 ytdcA, but little i mportance to the political vie v,Of that tribunal. It'is a safe depository o ;tier? venal rights ; but I believe there has been r asp political Kiteet by this:GovAaptani _which it has not vindicated and fortnel 10001 "I`do net belong to this . Sohooll ' I itsq ! the Constitution in a different light. I stand pow timegrbit titneiplei ALA lie at dui foundatiou-o$ the American Itevolution—that sovereignty is ivith. the people of therseveral States, itua. " f un no vornmeiat whatever. When you desire to lecilt r at the powers which are conferred, go to your State Oman:Mono yell Bed a portion of them there go to, your National, Constitution ; a portion are given thee: :Bat what is netfound in one of the other, the Constitution of the United Statesitelts you is reseyviid to the States respectively, orfo people." Mr. TOOMBS will be, , found to have gong far beyond Saga IManias in this contemiitrtims reference, to a , declaration which, ht: now pp., pUed iiibar,to the riglits,of.the pe ople fifths' , "Territories; We commend - The Coffatitrilitiii tuusilmidadiate ileituriciation Too'ards. Somo - plan should be frambdTOF retSpiiT American books in London, at fair 0004 'A slight addition to the price would not be grudged—such as the plan by French bit sellers, where what costa a franc, or twe cents, in Paris, is charged one shilling Bil ling, or twenty-four cents in London. Or, ss our friends, John Pennington & Son, whs b.. port largely, do with their customers, chiwe, twenty.five cents Id the franc; duty a nd freight hither being covered by theisligi4 act- ' dition. But two dollars and a half for an American dollar book: Indeed, this. is *es& Low. , . . , , '5OO oLthese will glie th:s6, for the bOok, for 'ffieir drawing-room'cirlibrary tables. The re tiratinisig 1,000 copieli will-be • purchased by the circulating libraries, WhO Will lend out the vo ?nate, to' macro,* twenty4l ve Cents per-read Adititalf_whit the be'ok itself cartbe botight for in 'this country. ;Perhaps' 25,000 ceßitiff: will be sold here. With these facts before them, need any one ,wonder that the Americans, thanks to cheap i , beeka, in all, departments of literature, are the 'greatest readers in the werld,and -possess I.an unusually large amount of sucligeneral in formation as-books can give 1 We have alluded' here to the novel called .Rciank Bede, by George Eliot, author of Seen es 1 of Clerical Life.` Many of our readers We knew ' took our advice and bought the book, I - . , and went rig ht through it, , Closing it with the conviction that, out of simple r and humble, Lind aearity_Materials, - the author had built up 1 a story of great . power, 'truth, ,and interest. [ Well; amid all the 'bustle , and whirl of politi cal strife, the'Lendon Times has , found time ind _space to give a three•colanin review of. jiffs book, bestowing the heartiest praise on the autber'n wonderful skill in character draw -1 lia'g. ,Mrs; Poyser, that shrewd and humorous 1 piece of female ' garrulity, is represented by' the 'Times as ic likely'lo outvle all the characters of recent fiction, with the single eaceptien' of Mr.'Saettel Weller." All this i ' time, nobody. mania ,to knOW who the author r is. , , George Eliot is , ',set, down aft a hem de `plume; and 'it was even suspected" that, the author Was a 'aPiitikan, - so ,delicate were the 'touching, scenes it the first • Work..,..ts it a inilior a praeticed author? If - a ,new writer, then of whatfullvromiao I .In the Illusii•ated .Y,toti n dkkews, the Lautiger at the Chiba (iiiid to, be - Mr. Thackeray's Garrick• Club friend, :tates)sityitilinit`the acetic of i.i blerleal;Life" Was laid at Aylesbury; that he - has informa. Lion, from two griarters, naming - the author as a clergyman named Higgins, now said to be rt resident at Laptop ; and that his 'own theory is that the "scenes in Clerical Life" ,and 'c Adam Beile" were both written by a woman.- ' ' . The Lounger also names a Mr. Lawrence as ;the' author of the excellent novel 1 4 Guy _Livingstone." „ It was attributed, in New York, for some lime, to Mr. O. A. 13rIsted. • per - The acquittal 'of• llir; StottNS will, We suppose, ,takto',unhOdy, Set-L*llle who , has 'watched the proceedings of hid extraordinary, trial. We itire rejoiced that 'ilisiatrugglit is at an end, and we sincefelY hope that the excite, inent it has PrOduced will be irotilahle to 'all 'concerned, not only to the living actors of the scene, tint td the imrneuse loses Of people 'who have witnessed tite , tr , ittl , from its commence ment to its close. „ , , BY MIDNIOBT MAIL. • Letter fraxii:'“tiii6itiloiiiil. o9 [Correspondence of The Pirlizi-] ; - WltinitazoN, Apill 20, 1859 - The preparations of the , Administration for taking pessetilon of the, Charleston Convention haie begun in due form , anci are, being extended all over the Union. The first step will be 'to pre-' vent any delegates from Illinois, friendly to Judge angles, froin.helng admitted into that body,' and is is to be effected by double-setting the one undred and thirty or forty thousand Democrats thatiiitate in the appointment of another set of :legates, representing about five thousand men, ithosill demand adulleshin , on the ground that hey are the legal delegates, imuntitteh as they tand upon the Administration, or extreme &nth •rn platform. ',ln :the. meanntile, the Southern' • xtremista (as, you will perceive by reading the . rtioles in late riniabers of the llidile Repsteri New Orleans Delta, Charleston. Mercury, ko.) re resolved to overslaugh's:lmq delegate from the orth who comes • there friendly to Douglati,, or -bia to leave themselves, unless a slave code Is ormoll, agreed Upon iv the Convention. in, the eauvrhile, however, guite,a tpeirement has taken place in,Nasidersey. Agontleman, now in Wash.' Dillon; well acquainted with the polities_ of New alley; informs nielbit the; divisions of the Demo - toile party,in that State-will come' together 'and make common cause in support of the prinoinles of our platform laid down at lierrisburg 00'6013th e,:April. They will elect delegates to the Charles. on Convention and' instruct theM tabula upon A it ieeognition of the - doctrlnsi' of 'popular Hover -10,1 In the Verrltintiol audio the, stank c:f the fillet Of Axe thin'ventidu to' `teutignlait" 'skits chic. 'Arlisb; br In, Ate. ~went, o the, assertion; of tl3aC; of prOperiyit. then they. 4elegstoe r 1 Infatuated - tie retire NortCw i ficand en attempt will be Made in New England -.to second_it.'. The question- still, of course,'exise,,whelifer, aliould the Demooriley of the North be consolidated upon your platfbrm, the Sontheriimen will have' anything to do with the Obarleiton 'Convention ? It .is quite Certain that nothing can save the teountryhut adherence to the. principles asserted in the platform of the States- Rights Democracy of Pennsylvania. The fruits of Mr. Baohanants, slave-code policy are beg:mingle appear in Kentucky. It appears that Mr. MoGolltn, the Democratic candidate for Governor of that State, has taken the giound that ' good faith requires absolute non-interference 1c;/ Congress with slavery in the Territories, and this deolaration is denommed by the Administration organ tit, Louisville, (the Courier,) as a "Black Republican heresy,!' an "Abolition heresy," Ace. the Mistier taking this comae, no doubt, under instruotions from the Administration at Washing ton. I notice that in the Democratise paper Hailed at the home of Mr. Breohinridge, in Ken tacky, the folloising ground is taken, which clearly indicates that the Vice President is in issue with the President himself on this important and vital question. . "These extracts show what was the under standing of the Democratic, party over the whole country in 1854 and 1858. It was that whatever power Congress possessed over the subject of slavery In the Territories was transferred by the Kansas• Nebraska bill to the people of the 2 orrt. tortes - themselves, thereby establishing absolute nonintervention by Congress; and, in ' the next place, declaring that. if any person felt aggrieved at the notion of a Territorial Legis lature on the stitjeot of slavery, he could, when a' ease arose, have the Supreme Court of the United States decide on the constitutionality of this Ter ritorial laws. Good faith requires that that un derstanding should be maintained, whether Mr. Secretary Cobb, Vice President Breokinridge, Mr. Douglas, or any other. shall be the nominee of the Democratic party in 1860. Unless it is, the Dame, oratio party ceases to exist as a national party." We have a rumor on the town, to-day; which I cannot trace to any reliable source, that there is to be a change in the post offload your city, and that Mr. Vincent L. Bradford is to be the suc cessor of Mr. Westoott. OCCASIONAL. IMPORTANT NEWS PROM UTAH. Difficulties between Gov. Cumming and Geneint Johnston. AIOVEM.ENT OF TROOPS TO PROVO LICATENWORTII, April Pe ..-;-AdvioPs from Utah, /8- oelved by the overland mail, represent OW'S in the Territory ea wearing a threatening aspect, and seem clearly to segue the Impossibility of the Federal condi administering justice. Judge Oradlebaugh dieolarged the Grand Jury, they refusing to fled airy Mlle, and using every other means to flo[oBl2 the parties aoouaed of murder. The court for the perishes of Potter and Forbes was also compelled to diseharge the prim:mere in custody Judge Oradlebaogb. in discharging the grand and tra verse juries, charged the hformoos with obstructing the officer& 'of the Gantt, sumreseing testimooy, and re boiling to make provaloa for the confinement and main termites of prfroners. Owing to the excited Mate of the popular feeling, about one thousand of the troops were moved from Camp Ployd, and encamped near Provo. • Governor Cumming bad issued a proolematlon taking grcuod with the Mormon sentiment It Is not stated w tether he demandrdthe wlthdrawel of the troops from Provo, but the station laid him open to the charge of complioity with the Mormon Theocracy. There is muoh bad feeling between the troop, and the Illo•mone, though the former stationed at Provo - behaved with remarkable forbearance. A Collision is, however. imminent. ST. Louis, April 26.—The 'Utah cerretpondent of the Republican, writing . al oat the a ff airs of the Territory, says that things are Ma worsts couditfoo than over he. fore 1013C0 the advent of the ,army. The feeling hoe reached a fulminating point, and we are on "the eve of so nal hostllit ee There is a difference between Gen - Jultneton and Governor Cumming, and soother divisia and rupture between the exeontive and the judiciary. Br. Louis, April 25.—The Balt Lake Val ay Tars, re calved by the mail, tootama ts series of lettere - giving' the proceedi:gs of Judge Oradlebaughts court at Provo explains, to tome extent, the difficulties and d'sturbanoee In the Territory , . The misunderstanding between Governor Gumming and Gen Johnston seems to have grown out of the latter refusing to withdraw the troops from Provo tent there under a requisition of the court to protect the witneesee labium:men to give @Odense, Judge Cradlebaugh bad passed severe strictures on Governor titunreines .prOdlamation (whit% has not been v i eseived here.) oharaoteris'og tea informal, and evidently designed to exasperate the people against the Qom*, to obvtruct tile course ofjustice, and °smite In. enbordinati on in the army. Re alto says that Instead of the presence of the troops tending to terrify the in. habitants mid intimidate the witnesses, the jurors, and partials testifying in behalf of the progeoution, have been compelled to reek the protection of the troop against the threats and intimidations of the very in habitants cold to be so terrified. Judge °radlebatith, sitting merely ea - a come Ming magistrate, would go to Oamp Floyd the fallowing week to *attune hie investigationa Testimony his been elicited Implicating several hi,hops, and the o vil mitheritlea of the TerrPory, In mutdera at various times, all of whom bare 'fled to escape arrest. Four of the grand jurors diachatgad by Judge Cradle hatigh have able lied ' Cedar Oily and several other towns in the vicinity of the,e Meadows Mountain maaseare are almost daimon. lated. The Valley Tau alto shawl float a [ores of about one thousand Indlane have been muttered in that neigh borhood, heeded by a white man, who expresses a de. termination to Prevent the erred or any one in that neighborhood. Judge Otadlebaogh einphatloslly denial that the greed Jury protested agatuet their diesbarge, as dated by the Deeerel Nave, • - Re-nOmtnated to Congress. , • MOB , Ln , April 26 .--Jsmois A. Sndlworth bee Dm nominated for re...leotion to Oongran. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. 'Five 'Days Later from Etirope; . - • THE 0110AB8IAN OFF CAPE THREATENING NEWS (JON runms. THE CONGILE3B NEGOTIATIONS AUSTRIA REFUSES TO TARE PART. WARLIKE STATE OF AFFAIRS THE ,BOURSE DEPRESSED CONSOLS Ab u tr. Jones: N. If., April 08.—The.steantshIp Girona elan, from Galway, has passed Cape Base, betind to New York, and by the despatches from the Liverpool agent of the Asseebited Press we are placed in posses, aloe of Liverpool dates; by telegraph, to the 18th lost 1 Bse days later than previous &deices. The latest dates by Mall front Liverpool ate to the eventag of the lath inst. • ' _The steamers Weser and Anon had arrived out. The latest complexion of Continental affalrs,is ever - like The Paris lettere regard ne*oe as• hopeless. The movemente of the French troupe assume the, most threeenlog prolortions, and the preparations la every branch continnewithout abatement. The Paris .paisis nevertheless aeperte that France has not armed.. ' • Austria's Dropmittons for the Congress ere 'iot ac ceptable to - Prance bar, not losing prepared to take-the field immediately. ter poleon'seelre delay. The Paris Bourse bee beau decreased, but closed nether firm at 67f Sic. '— The ministerial statement to the two Bowes of the British 'Parliament. In relation to the affairs of lenrope, which bad been promised on the 15th, was postponed till the Parliament bad, ttesnimously voted thanks to the Melt aid 'Military alma mad the arm? in India for baying achieved the euppression of the Indian re bellion,. -• The CongreSS, negOgailora ore promising very Austria Uolitifely refusals to take pert without a pre- Tinos and simultaneous disarming. ' - - • - Lord Canning is to reveimkat; Earldom. • Parliament was to be dissolved shout the Sint. lodge Ittallburtou h:sbeen knighted B:Beed. late United Stites Commissioner to Chloe. has attired at.london The Spanish Cortes_ has !roweled • ex•MiEdger COlastell. • ' - The American ship PAlndeer bee been lost on the coast of Manilla She was bound to Ban Praneloco. The crew were caved. • , - tiOmmerOak livsat.ord. April 14 .:i7ottnr;ri —"l‘he 'maga of the week have been 42 COO bales The lower quainter have declined Ai, aod middllogo 1-1 d d. the market clortos. Wet. The Wei to apeoulatore for the week were Oddhalet, and to impede:n°.o7o. The entherieed tationd two ir. New °Mime • '6 k • '.• 75 18 Mobile 73.16 . .... 436 , 7 The eta,* Of r io . tion Imported 10,401,0 N bales, inolu• ding .641 000 ba'es &merle! m - STATE OP TRADE ,— The Mancheste r advises con. thine favorable; the rearketfor goods closing quiet, but • Acrd 14 ...New earliatita Ives ordinaire are (meted at 108 f ; Ms, 102 f Sales to speculators during the week 16 + 003 bales. The stock In port la 10000 • haled. LITHIPPOOL, April 16:z—B•eadeteffe—TIOur itetvly, and holders demand an advance Wheat chilled with an adveoehm tendency. Corn quiet; sales or yellow at 58 ALIAS , ' dig rental ; white, Is Naas 6d Paaylaimas.—Beet Arm 41 the late:auleance. pork firm. with sales at full prices. Lard doll at 65s Bacon quiet. ' - PaormOs.—Sugtr drill at Bd. deeline. • Coffee dull. Blue buoyant at 63. advance for Bengal. Bolin heavy at 44.11 d.. sod melee . of common base taken niece it 45. 84 4 . Bplrite Turpeotine steady at ele codle 6d. Lorroos bleaker, April 3A.—Daring's Circular quotes Wheat than at Id. 614,-adyanaa for Neelish Auger etaidy. - Spirits Turpentine firm. Rice firm at 4d ad vance. LONDON MONEY MARKET, April 16.—American `securities are slow of sale, but ',tic's are unaltered. Console closed this afterroun - at SANWA% for money And seconot. • The-bullion frObe lienk of "England .hes degreased ' ( , 00 - The mosey market clamed Unchecked. IVIIIIPOOL,' April 16—"-Evening.The Co.ton-pastr hot elmfral very aio; with . a dectiaalog "tendency ; the eettinatednales are 6.000 kale& nearly all to the t ie de. hour is steady • , Wheat :Brut at full prices. Corn Ann-with oasis lOqUirV. PrOTIIIIOSe steady. LONDON, April 16.—The produce market closed - Sem. butArtebanued •, • LONDON MOSSY WARNE'S, Saturday, April 16, P. M.—Console 053; for money and soconnti closing steady. THE LATEST ••, fattftrooLi MondaY; ID-A 'items? Niagara frbm New York is sig7elleil.• •, • - There tone later eSumeroial , The politidal statfof:afftlrs'igUMMlOlged/ Theineortlatlonsof the Peace PP/Ma areProgress elfrftly• • ' •• • • • • Several political prisoners in Prusela have been libe rated, but no forniel amnesty has been declared. The French squadron'-has sailed ler the Medtterre. peso. ,The. Paris 'Bourse 'doted 0111:1 on Saturday, at 671 . 60a. There were manure of 4 new Prow:Jan loan for mill ittry eventeelhiee. • -B*. 4ottut, `Mull 16—Tile 41reantliur indied here and left at 6 o'clock She has RIO passengerd TERRIBLE : STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION Lou or the, Steamboat .St. FIFTY4WD IMMO AND mismq LIST OF ORE - KILLED 'AND WOUNDED -Mltiro , i, April 24.-s:thrs otiomboat St. , Niabo Captsin facSfollio, from' Bt. Toole for New Orissa!, eitploded Der bonen gt'o , eloalc. last Meat, when • T sod • t• • ..citptsfu jeopalitP., --litrE-Ounio.ituselailthiNG 4;2" Idlei Met Pars. plirtirtopteer. • - • - , Lady with snintant, unlinoWn. Mcn , Vatillinar, of MoCleogoteo,loolltog, lowa. Lodi unknown. , , John Jenkins, seeded eriginedr. Ter. fbet 00111:1861% J . olto Hoed, cabin btir. • 'lamed Wool, Bret cook; of Billlehoroagti they, POBTIC Alto the barber, thirteen dock blinds fireman pastry cook, two berth makers. • Joseph, the pantry man. Mita Jackson, the obambermtid, Of ht.:LaWs. Fire stare women. M. Alexander, an unknown gentleman, belonging to Baton Rouge: Edward Stephens. the pilot, or Bt. Lout!. • John Letrabsch, fireman. The [crowing are badly scalded : Bud. V. °lime drat dart, St. Loads. J 8. Ace, Port Warrington, bliss. R J. Stuart, Otranto°, Va. Tbds: Carter, Tamimas, Sobbylklll ce , Pa. Ella Reonedy, Brunswick. Mo. 8040 Pt John, chambermaid, N. O. Wm. R Nage, baler, white man, St Louis. Predk. Miller, fleorge Edney, and Andy Slick, fireman. D. Deeps,linolk. 0 W Reynolds, 117tiox city. • ' The Mewing ire fielded slightly George B. Gillett, second clerk; James Wolfe and John Mcßlpice , barkeepers Amaegihe gated are 'John R. Better, Doeittline Georgia •, Therese T. Maxwell, Decatur ro . Georgia ; James !degas, Roehenter, Pa., and Wm. B Lynch, Sa line eo , bro. The sated were brought •bere by the steamboat Briseeehanna; with sixteen shocking ly Wounded suffer ers. They have been placed under the care of the authorities and benevolent societies. • • • • .. . - The following Is a Het of the . eared: Edward R. Ferris. George W. Christopher, Boyle Traverse. Murdoch. G. W. Jennlnas, Jacob Wean er, W. Miller, Mary A. Brno. MaryJ. Donation, P. 0. Brown, of Ban o ; Slam Fore, Franklin - Lend, . George Michael, Christ., Dionsiner, second cook; Gue. Releley. meat. room tender; Daniel Resler, second steward; James Chilean, ;mond pantryntan Andrew Whams, third cook; P. J. Costly, TPIIVI Weeder, George H. Gelid, LeWls Onpr, Fimpeon Mahoney, Joseph Beetle, Andrew Mental, Jecob Dewor, 4oseph Beep. Frederick Miller and OW Grouelc, Aroma; Joekob. carpenter; Mr Diane, end mate ; James Reed, pilot ; doe. Handl ton, porter; Wesley abler and Frederic* Miller. deck handi; John Pennibaker, second torte; 7. Hairhoo 3, tibia boy; Jacob WAsotard, second steorernan....' Washington Affairs. • WestinMinn, April 26 —Commie Bodin is ex peeled to SITING here next week, and will bring rich hint the treaties recently entered into with Paraguay. germ. Gate, the Mexican minister. arrived here this trwrning, and is' topping at' the National Hotel. ' WASHINGTON, April. 26.—The Hon. George B. Haw• kine, of Florida, tem been detained here ever aloe. the adjournment of Congress by a severe sit ok of pm• monis, from which he is now slowly recovering. Resistant Surgeon Genry, or the army, has resigned. Odd-Fellows' Celebration at New York. New Yons. April 21 —She Odd•Hellowa' celebration to day peed off very eatlefacto •y. The weather b.incr favorable. the rooeselon was brilliant aad hopoling. an o•at'on by Brother Boylston, of South Barolloa, In Madison Spare, was Maenad to by a large anent binge. The Southern Pacific Railroad. New Oats ass, April 20 —Dr. Powlke., the President of the Paolda railroad, has returned to thhi city. having fully eittled the terms of the compromise with the new company The Jadgmente against the companyare to be paid—the stockholders paying the loan. or sur rendering half the Amount of their stook to be pro tested, otherwise it will is cut off. Arrival of the Overland Mail Br Lome, April 25 —The overland mail. with Ban Fru:name advices to the 4th instant, hat urived, the trip having been made in twenty one days and eight hours—shorter than any ca the preceding malls. The dates are not to late as received by the steamer. Descovory ' or a Missing Mail-bag. New Yin:, Aprll 28 —The illYllllll broeght by the Qutker City, was found yesterJay among the rubbish at one of the public) stone. The mail was not Wand. The lion. BD r. Letcher. .Ifintrotar, April f,'Ci —The Iron. Mr. Letober be re tuned home, being too 111 to continue the eicTice. The. Wellington Slave Case. COLUMBUS, April Se —ln the supreme Court today the ease of. the WeWeston rescuers was sown ed on a writ of habeas corpus. Judge Spanidlog appeared on behalf of tbote charged with the rescue, sad Judge Belden for the United States Marshal. The cue will not be deolded before Wednesday. Philadelphia Markets. Aran. 26—Evening. There is no quotable change in the Flour market to day, and not much demand for shipment; sales include about 800 Mae superfine at feed 12,4, according to brand, and 600 bbls Diamond Mille extra at $0 76 ifs , bbl ; some holders refuse our lowest . flgures. bat the trade are about the only buyers!, at from $0 12% unto 86 6007.26 4ir bbl, aco:,rding to quality, the latter for fancy iota. Corn Meal 'and Bye Flour are quiet, the former is hold at $8.87%, the latter at 84.12% efr bbl, but little ceiling Wheat meets with a fair deniand for milling at tally former rem; about 1,800 bus red so:fi at 158 to 380 e, and 1,600 but white, In small lots, at 160m1703, the latter for prime Bye le study' and In gco I demand at 880, Corn continues scarce, and about 2,000 bus sold at 893 for prime Delaware and Pa., afloat. which is au advance. Oats are unchanged; sales of 600 bushels Pennsylvania at 61m58e, the latter for prime Bark—No. 1 Quereltreri is held at pi ejr tqa, but the demand has fallen off, and We hear of no sales to•day. Cotton—The market is unsettled and extreme ly dell ; sales comprise a few small iota at previOus rates. °recede's—There is very little doing in finger or Coffee, and tt;lers are the same as last quoted. Moe lasses inalt n stiolea: Provlefona are held firmly, with' rather ante doing In Salted Meats, and -Lard at felt : prices. Batter continnee doll feeds-. There is very little doing. 'Olos °raged, is held at $6 25 ; Timothy 'at 63 12,1 ce2 26, and Flaxseed $1 75 .16 . Idabel, • and. but HMIs selling Whlekey la rather firmer,. drudge bring ing 24m24,10 hhds 26e25,10, and Pennsylvania bbie 20‘0260. Nothlngidoing in Ohio. C 4'04 CITY.. . - , -.. AbIifBIIMMUTIO THIS .11V.111Ulf9" •' I ' I ..., ~ :MasioAt. kl:IISID HALL - "=-Nocal aid Inetronzenfal Clerk. . Out. ' , . .=•,. ' . „.,,,._: ''''ON I. . OtrAßDof ;MALL —Mlghbeenth Aitiairll% karty to the Co mnbuthig Members of the Pbt,imillphyk (peek's) BaudLNO,:l.' PONVISTIMAPId AOLOPZPV OP giii-Ftipff-A9l9:•=-.l4A bibltlon of Paintings and gitattuay.,.:.! , - -.." . 7 -- : , t r -", 916 CHEST/NOT STEP ET.- 4. memiir,tapid, eild VOOOS, by Oorreglo.,) wEcaunt & 0 1 41.8131'8410x-sininv, I , Senor Velante”—uMkklioddhig Nsw*ilitirm3iaritcluakiss,“ T6ti Dadietui of BilafPC'Ag Boats at MN Sinn." - • MaJ : GenlE from Opera, psntamimM , Doming, a4d 131:41#1 . VA.aziviigedemi • from Operas , o •12i topentrlottlee, andD*neingt TsS Foßtneta'ArrovEßsaai ot t he intro dnation of 011:greilowship Into this country wad gale, Prated yesterday 4, o grand parade, and the dedication of. the new hilitiibiteriii ToWnahlo - Ledge, at Tweiiiy: Brat streetend '3ljdgeavenoe. - The coron:iles of the maileation averehtela, interostbig _and imp sing :char N. ObitisY,' ' otthe'r_iliddieeikomlttee; delivered= the building 'oveiPfte — the Greed-Lodge , ofifebes; after which it wan dedhated• by Grand Mast., E. 'Wildman, - sedated by G 51.8. loteilfittchambentt, G. - W ; H 3 Wbiii G. 0 • J , RUFF, - 11. Onsplaim Choiwrod. and Altmann/a . ' Pirileon,.. Heralds. WP. Backlit and W.,_llosterorMoars of, the 'Grand Eneampmiht.. were _present. Imeiedoetely after the dedicatloW P: 1 11 , ,LIO„'N101101,110R delirered the oration. In Ibe Hall ••,„ ' - • The line of the paradajggsr-fornied•dm,Nortla Broad street. when they. Famed -oyer the following you`e.t. Countermarch,' down.- ad'- to :Opting Garden, demo -Oozing. Garden . to. Twelfth,' down ., !Arch, down Arab to, Eleventh. do wnollawrentle:.to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Fourth; iipflfonrth - to 4 Green.,ne areento Tirelfthup 'Twelfth l6lllriird, Girard omfatter t0 '8,14 . 0e 'ayenneciiptdge; arenas to the hall.' timid Brewer offiefitiel Mohler Mandela: end Seery 11.-Bo4le and Joseph grab* - Ai aide - lerdidlirdaWna. D. 'Slaw.' Merles Wilhelm:lames Kelly:Seine Lowry, Clerk Doyle, and A. Risint. -- • The rfollowing wianibi.ordeilnWbfola Wei- metaled Henry's Comet Band. Penn Township Lodge, No 319 • Roxborongh Cornet Band: Falli of SohiPlkill Lodge, No. 467. • , • Equal Bights Lodge, No. 464. - Belief Band. - • • ' American Star Lodge. No. 403. Fraokford Braga Band • ' Frankford Lodge:No.'399. ' Wildey Lodge. ' Banker's Martial Band. • West End Lo , ge,"No. 362. Martial Mud°. • Improvement Lodge, No. 844 Martial Music. Shooter:axon Lodge, No. 343. Purity LOCO, N 0.335. -, grate Bend; - laman , a - 'Ledge, Noi 312: arelein , is Braga Bard. . &polio Lgdge,llo tin Philadelphia Brass Band. elalon Ledge, No 232 Mystic Lodge, No .70. Lafayette Lndge. , Willardie Braes Band Welcome Lodge. No 229. Martial Made. - Prmpeet Lodger, No 187 Dekalh Lodge, No. 174. . Band of martial music. Fidelity Lodge. No. 330. 1110102. 11 Braes Band: Franconia Lodge. No. 380 Bram band. - Walhalla Lodge, Po 171. Richmond Lodge, No 240. Pennevlvaula Cornet Band. PiKettlx Lodge, No 212. - Band di mule; Guttenberg Lodge. No. 109. Industry Lodge. Na 130 =atom Wee' Band Boxborongh Lodge, too 60. Mane" unit Lodge. No 31. Liberty Braes Band Ohoeen Friends , Lodge, No. 100. -, • . Lafayette - Bead. Pchiller Lodge. No 96. „, Tinton Lodge. No 221 Star of America Lodge. No 62. Columbia Lodge, No. 86. Friendship Lodge, No. 93. Northern Liberty Lodge. No. 17. Harmony Lodge. No 16. Martha Mule. Jefferson Lodge, No. 12. HerroawLodge, No. 7, Wayne Ladge..l9o.-3.- -- • -•-• ' Pennsylvania Lodge, No. 1. . _ . During the procession a shower of rain fell. It was rather heavy, but it fortmustely did not last:long. Tile Order, as a generalthlna, made a very ereditable'dis. play, and in ;o'l4 of numbers and •respeknabllity, did leflaite credit to their eity and themselves. FlBE.—Abouf five o'clock, yesterday:morn. leg, a tire was discovered in the extensive smolre.boose avdp.:irk-packing establishment Tao Brant, in Front street, near Bace. The alarm wee promptly, given, and the dames mitalued before therhad gained tench neadway. The; originsted+nearlliege furnace used for generating, steam, and are,..supnosed to have been canned by come hot coals Tiro opts. gon the floor. Cooed arable d image , wee' done to , eounrhame. which were easpenied from, ihe, ceiling._ The lope to folly en:ered bY 'Murano° It ' the Franklin Insurance Oom, pent. NARROW Ewers.--tin Monday evening, a little girl about fonr yearn nld, daughter of: ,lobn D. Watson. No 1622 Pine attest, in attempting to Ides the street, in trent of her father's house. woo knocked down 14 ale itrohei att,ekiikto;itslioir'iiilto - 20, on the Gray , / Ferry line, a^d - narrowly *leaped being ruts over. The driver sheoltedlWiwitia time, and the eat 'd sea rescued by a na'sbtw who eagerly ran to her se. elatance. eh* was lcieted_by the donee,: end bruised badly on one arm - and leg, bet, not serioneoy, injared. Her eacape was most fortunate: - - ; To Nam Tonic.---. Our city. will ' re preeented at the celebration in Brooklyn:to-mono* ganefithavykailoza haiheeri "extended tta the ma:deli:al aulbotitlaent our oily, eitrtinecitibegiY at two Wale& yeeterday, • - grest nunibee 'irk Councilmen and -*Oasts • • Thalia cm 'resent- Ifleholae. wJ. P:Tn4 6 1, 4 410' . 111r.. 4 1440414.- • • , thedittlid Mark. •- . • • • - tiPtritio.: - Y.-tlrNiteraarinoiningrbOtwsielt eight shd 'ninet -o , abeiti two' . colored feitablit.''ntitaiiii, Hester Johnson. aila Jibe ,flogrol; - gotInto . it dittli and. roMintOl Wash!, during. whirl lbti!former drew a large dirk hails:MA 'stabbed lie latt4r the neck. finking two very serious*Moils: The in- Jared woman was taken to the Hospital, and the assail:- ant looked up for a bearing, Struntur.—The Coroner was yesterday not!., Aoki.) bold an bluest on the body of a ter min teamed Mien Hill, wbo bad committed - suicide by Pacing land onnut. 13he resided in Udell*? street, - above George. I eventeentb Ward, was a ',Mean or about thirif Years of age, and leaven a hilebend and tbint et children She took the dose about settee! &Ott in the morning,' sad died about six to the afternoon. - ' _ Fray.—The alarm et fire yesterday, about two o'clock, was_ eansed by the , burning of a stable at Twelfth and Bedford streets. baloneine to the estate of James Book. The upper part of the building was da tugged to the amount of seventy-are dollare. No In surance. DEATH D OW EXPOSURE.—A man - named Patrick Cagey, about twenty-sin years of age, died sud denly at Nelaon , a,liotel on Monday 'night. Coroner Farmer held an honest on the case yesterday. The jury returned a timid of death from intemperance and exposure: EPATENK DBMS .was badly eut about the head ard hands, end' had his 'high" broker', Yesterday morning about three &shot by jumping from a window in the fourth etory el a hence at Thirteenth and 0106- rine .tree's. He eraa,taken to the hermits!. FOOT Oausuen.—John Kelley, a laborer in Baldwin's fonandry, bed his fo3t crushed yesterday, br letting a cart wheel fail on, H._ H$ *taken, to'tbe Hospital.' Air lissuows MAN was seriously, injured Yesterday. by falling off The bulk-bend of the Knicker bocker tavern, at Thirteenth and Babe streets. z MED.—Warren Ferguson, a boy who had been run over at Brantford, a day or two ago, died from his Injuries yesterday. Mt bad a variety of weathers yesterday —hi the morning, sultry, the afternoon rainy, and the evening cold, 'goody, end threatening, WAGES Siirtioe ,and Pine Street Peeeenger Railway 06mpanj , Lwe isqessed (hi wages of all their employees., THE COURTS YOS2MIRDAT'I3 . riIOOIIIIDINGB (Reported for The Prem.] 'UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Judge Oadwalader.—The case of Daniel B. Vonderemith was resumed yesterday morning, at - 10 o'clock. The evi dence for the defence was as to the good character of the defendant, op to the time of the &sensation in this case. Mr R P. Kane summed up the evidence upon the part of the proneoutio until 12 O'clock, yesterday morning, when the e'urt took a abort recess - Upon the reareemblleg of the court, thd question as , to the statute of limitatoos in cues of this kind was` raised , - /edge Oadwalader, said, that under the eatnti of limitation to forgery thus the law was so expressed that the first roar bills of indictment crafted the de fendant were ruled out. That he was of opinion that Congress did rot mean the law to be uit woe, but - that suttees the preseautton a mid chow him why he should not he would rule out tee drat four bills of indictment found against the defendant. - Mr. Reynolds, of Lancaster, commenced summing no for the defence. Ile thought the indictments inva lid. They were defective in their - purpose. Re went inio the law of the cue at great length, citing abne dant authorities to show that an indictment drawn up as the one on which the defendant wee being tried me, In effect, invalid. There sem nothing in either the law or the facts to warrant a verdict of guilty Mr. Phillips followed Mr. Reynolds There was a good deal to be said about - the law, and more abort the facts The cocoluidowi of the learned gentleman who bed opened for the proseetttiom were harsh, and would, if carried out, convict many an Innocent man. The defendant was there tinder may disadvantages. and Ile position was one of pelletal emburesement Be wee here on six indictinents. oherging hire with committing the grime of forgery. Be had never seen snob Ind lat. manta, and he tautened the Matelot Attorney himself never had seen them In the course of his practice. They were very careless inset tent, and illegal. Mr. Phillips continn.l disarming the validity of the !edict went up to the hour of adj turbulent DISTRICT Couwr—Judge Hare.--Mhotaas fo rd to the use of William R. Blair ye. &neigh Neely, who was sued with William J late trading, &a. Befme Reported' Verdict for MG 45, John B. Powell vs. the penneylvania Railroad Com pany. An cotton to recover damages agalnet the de- fendant fee the lose of a home. The plaintiff *Magee that he placed a bit-se to one of the care attached to a train belonging to the defendant ; that while the Vain was in rdotiogi the straw in the car, and which was under the horse,. toot Am; and thereby canoed him to be badly burned. The defence allege that the plaintiff canned the straw to be plated in the oar et his own tick, and thererore they are not responsible, i erdiet for the plaintiff for Stoo. Mat him Huller ve. Adolph P7otpauer. An action . upon a took account, to recover the amenut aliened to be due for goode cold and delivered Verdict, for the plaintiff for $971.01. • - 'Henry Salton v. Alexander 3. Bohinson: An action to recover for looking-glees frames alleged to have bean famished to the defendant o f tried, Lewis Hinny we The City of Philadelphia, An action . ou a ground rent. No verdict. - - _ Henry' Crean, et al.ors. The New, Grenade Hieing 'Company. An action t o fiord for aervides rendered In the mines., ()atrial. DISTRICT COURT r Judge Sharswood. '— .Tomon 0. Grubb John Hamblin, and Baninel cheater, trading, &0., va. Samuel Einstein and M. 8. (Mlle trading , An notion peons promiesoer natl. ' Verdict for the defendants, by direction of the court. No defence. E istbeth Moore vs lease Raton, Redman Cooper Cod (Mules Armittrong, tradine, ito A feigned isene, tinder the sheriff interpleeder get, to try the ownership of a livery Stable in Cherry street, above Bevarkih. Co trial, Com:brow' PtEns—Judge Allison.—Pay & Vandnaon 'an Helier& Bright An action to renown for anode sold and deltrared. Verdict for the ,platutiff for $4B 75. tAlexender •Thompoott To. Eimuel Datknast et ht. An antion to reanTer goods detainee for rent In arrest. Vridint for thladolendantin foe $lBlO, the amount of rant itiarther',..and vamp of the itoodo found tektite.. &Dalin re. McDonald and Vinton. An aotton to is• corer Ottmork and labor don*. On trial. ,071.1141.4,..= •-,----,1-,.,...-,----..-1- ', .. ~..,..-...:.,,..:-,,...---,,, ,4-1. -811-.2,-..,r,1.- --,-,,,: i.faiiiiitor veto. • t eilint,':i:l......it}..: -vextuolriVOlk, . att.:4or , ',yet diOPthinstr.,,,---.5,1--,=„!: P, 14a" Pi- iliiistrOther. a chino .0 ' ma. 2:- =:1/4:-,, '' iinSlClen.battnlY ow on or roortarovr ~.: :i",.bil kiettlinurr".ol4.chfrits biwie-14410!', '' balls , N'ilfF -r....."- tioviaiWitti,!•t "'..'.''. -_i.,.' , . - . . • ~...0 .n. bia.at-7.....y, • ...... . ihtim -3 5-,-, 1 ,„ - -, - FINg~C?AIL`z~ AND~_.~IViF.IAL r? On I.- _dn9—lninknti ili,)° ,- ***4 RP, Miss latiriAd ebtreo reepwiriiirliel24. „teiLillpoui sold to 'the 206;l:Zemisylianta steady 4,44 ; - Worthl'perti*lviela ileilro4sharesktfrociTeAvanned " !_tPne:› l the nisi/4001 tritieypisl dull, The'619.441 - s' , YekinteeNit, Abe hipki New' Tor* fc'efifie 9!1, pit i oat n the eggripiti.93* follOirlies*spie horn the prat ionairecklf - ;tittiiitetAirt,4l4l:l6 of • Increase of epee!. . 1.911 Dear eeee.. L. . 4,84 T 110 in011•14,0110114/1 . 14111pla* _. aos,ql7 - - This change, which iris not eiippeted,iiiii - berm re.-- calved with all the more satiirfactletilry `end the - freely frAntoi 4st Wall *trees ne fa bounces eirearts here, - that the figires tire. tiara Week A - pril — for mire tripoiner, the point of utinost expansion in hankie Wile: _ We learn that the alterations and intr;olemente in the ilifiiiiiPeeke ;Pebble` Canal; Which 'Pere made due- log the last fall mid winter, hare *time - sad the fad. - litifor,triu4iation'ibat 'beets' nine Mike the trip; trim Combeyland..tp: ileiaridriai end the retuns irons Alexandria to fflyaberland, inside of four dais for seep txlPi-oisAlAt4t7i!„-thr or thw time taken is loading and discharging. The round trip lugs heyeteforeiregnir.ed about Aftiensilsys. sod: praeh . oilly, two tripe (mob mootti were all that - scald be mil =late d upon: ,A prendnent - neinit of this saving of time is a redaction of expenses In transporting 00 0 1 fzgm .the ,mines to the acebeard..4f the, beats could - cetry - 1,80 , 9 Are old they esn now 'cairry 2.soolonein year - ; ,and if 11 15 was a rate roe reiriltfi*thit'eitZls,4l,l36 - ._ onto spit - vatted on the earcilitqui Oft' this and valuable. - , - -The receipts - for theithfid Week In April, op the Pitts burg, Fort Wayne endObiesip 'Reed, were. 533,217. The Botton'Traosilfr states that - the 'Auditor. Wil liam J. Hubbard. Req., to whom the accounts of the Receivers of the Bay State - Hills were referred by the Court, bee reported that the commlealons of the Re ceivers shon/d redness:L.:from $29 4.13 , 0 U,259. Vie' following lea statement of the amount of cosi transported over the 'Lehigh -Valley Railroad, for the week ending Anril23. - 1859 - Wins. 872329!:: ._Tona l 010. . 4 Tona,. CITY. Tons. Out, llaaletort. fa' )-26.10418 - 28,164 14 Stott Sugar Loaf _2,061 OS _ 26.661 01 . 28,730 03 Council Binge 1,211/19 24,282 13 26.653 OS Mt. Platoon; 877 06 0,1(7 07 6 544 13 Spring , Mountain.... 2.601 14' 89,728 01 42.229 16 Coleraine ' - 'l 2 O l O 07 - 16 401 01 17,411 08 Seaver Meadow BM 14 10.601 02 - 10 946 16 N. Yiirk & Lehigh... 10 6 01 , - 11540 03 - 18,588 01 North Spring 311 n... 917 01 - 15.883 09 16,7.00 10 South (8 19 08 German Pa. Co "172 (9 .2701 11 2,877 00 OtherShipperar - 14600 , 428 20 874 , 0) ___ , _ Total. 11,810 of 185,838 06 191,708 12 Oorreepondint week - -' "- last year 9,680 19 137,198 18 146,879 17 Increase - • -A134 03 49,644 - 0$ f tin 14 In addition;tn the coal tonneige, thdlddttigh Valley Itallroid dcalmny brought-down for the wrelt ending the 284 Snit ; 1 ato tone of and for tliarreek 'ions, 1,345 tone. • • • • PEUSLADErAPEU 7 111X,0R9.15011 ,April 26,1849. aiirorasi sums; snows; & nnouinnuoia, wogs, 1110.31011.1.1101115L1N1TW . ON 0011111 16E112 asn onmfainnr atiourraf -- - • '"*"1 1000 P & tatauiSS.:.: 9041,1!, 300 Pasha 5a 'lnaN 226 do ' 91% 1000 do= .. ;: SIN 10'0. do ... 04,4 1050‘ 4 '-tb 94N I 1400 City et e h 100% . 1000 Oityla tauh 100 N, 0 0 0 2 dok-0d5i, 7 4,,;-.046^ 500 do 01N 6(0 L bland B 52.56 82 500,141afgarl9aa, 1000 Xltitiri Ist 723 i 600 Lehigh Nod 65.. 93,11 10)005m tt Ara 61 '1561854 10%). do 85N 10 Bea Mai tl . i.01311'35% I 100 Photon , Bk Ton 112 wasp 2000 G o ssosoo% i ' ce% I 010 INorristonn R... 63% -10 do 03% , 100 Beading I - .. - .6510e0 03% 'OO do 25% 100 do -• 0531353% 31103EUM1 P2lO Bid. 4.31nd-- 'II 5 lostto4% eta. 4 1 0 00 0 % esuns.- - Raiding - sag 33% - i int,ll3 - do. 41.3 - 16 - 703% JI 53ina. I '4131'41,y Kor Odzal COO; - 63X - 34' I g , N*0410.010107 .14,41 soki 80, '80.40% apap t, 5: 135 I -siaxiaro 19000,U 411;?w,-.. oar 01) 4000, 0111040,1 K. 10 4 f 20001110Kuit'9t 0. f - 07% 1900 Wont:Sri XOO 981( SW_ Satoh 0 4 u 1s - 04) Continental Brat ...104% .10 -100%1- liireltiots ) l3snlr 1111( 103 Buds° B B sea 2l) 2io Paciaii Rid Nit 50 do • 630 813; 250 N Y Oentril B ;'123( 100 do sBO 7234 160 • do - so 711 x 101 -‘ 6 - "1560 72 25 - do SO '' do • r'63o 723 i 10 Xrla Railroad 9 60_ do . 8,6 f Rona `..;-The market for State and Weeterl Flour is _morn active but unebaoredorith moderate resolute and males of 10,C00 bbla at-$3 7604 80. for unsound ;_s9 35 85 45 for superfine Westshi; $6 . 1086 50' for ants do; $9 9085 40 for superfine Western ; $15.8008 76 (or ex tra; $5.1680.25 for shipping brands of extra round boon Ohio: Southern Floor is Unchanged, pith sales of 1.000 bbis at $6BO 40 16r common to mixed. and $13.8588 25 for extra ditto. Otitadisa Flour to nominal at S 5 808740. - - . - - GBMIN —Wheat is firmer, with Wes of 20 000 tart ele at $1 46 for Wastern red, arse $1 77 for white KentatB.7.• Corn Is flamer. with Wen or 15,000 bushel. Western mined at 820880 • „yellow,,Soisthern- at, 84084 e. and r bite 'at 8808'a. Bye is - firmer ; vttli at; of 4,000 ,bnebels at 86140.- •Barlay le - hel.vx„ Oats are heavy at 450520 for Southern Pentosylvsnlii. and Jersey; and 62058 e for State. Csuida. and Western. , _ P .qmrsress.—.Pork is firmer, with rester 2 000 new Maas at $l7 ; old do at $16.75; Prime at $l2 $7, • Beef is unchanged, with tales of 200 Ws oonotty,Prime at *SO 2607, - Country Mesent 27:6008 757 repeated West ern at SO 60011 10; extra do at $12.50013 Out Meets and Berme are Steady. ' Lard , 1s dull, with email sales at 113 on xo. Butter and Cheese Wet. . Orleans—Brandies ore in moderate , demand. with sales of 25 - Inflect Gogose.lilnlett, Robin, IS,Otard," at $105; SO halves Rochelle at $1 8001 46; 10 halves 110 , desur at s'ol 10 ; 10 quiteer Champagne at is 600 83 75. Gin is in fair leanest and firm, with sales of 60 pipes % pipes at 650900. Wert Ints Bums are lase tit e, a, d without sales to note. Warmer is dull at 2530, - - - Markets by Te l egraph. Monne. April 501 - -Votton=esies or 803 bales to-oa7, aS 32te193h= let - ~ ,The ailealor three. days hire beet 1 400 bales; reitOpts - 5,900" bales. cotton t eights io Liverpool,e Mostue, Aprll2s — Cotton- 600 biles mold at $l2 rot mfddlinga The market oloecct unsetUei, in conse quence of the steamer's ad ekes. A NEW -DAYS BMOC in, Otnoinniti, Ohio, a little girl, nine years old, daughter of Caleb Pot ter was thrown into spasms, and cella very near dying, from the effects of orange peel, which she had eaten during the proviorie two or three days, stopping digestion and the regular operations of nature, and, poisoning her system An -emetic A. intim mar for a stake of $lO, between two men, named Clarkin and Kelly, was in pro gress at Thompeonvillo, on Sunday, the 17th inst., when a constable broke up the fight. and arrested the principtilsi who were each fined $2O and costs. AN 1198 ARE raison= bad his reason com pletely restored, through, fright; at the burning of a a jallin.Ohio, last week, in which be was con- 8Ev..1.. H. HALyOOII, or Boston., has ac cepted a call to stir- - pastorate of the Second Bap tist charoh In Rockland, Me. Indratictits. °nibs 21st beet, at the Cho = ch of the Advent, by ..the Roe. Charles _Bunnell Domed. Rector of Calrery Church. 1110.11A8 K. , PINLETTER to MARTHA MoILROY, all of this city. (In the 11th loot.. by Rev. Alfred. Cootmaa, Mr. CHARLES NATHAN, of Wilm oaten. Uel.. to SA• RAU. eldrat daughter of Henry Meal, of Phil. * On the 7th December.' 1858 br Bev Wm. Odeobel mer. Mr' /OEN OLIVER SHULTZ to Mire MAGGIE 51. BUCKLEY, Pkiljaiotoitto. - At Chub**, Dona-i W. belt Bee; -DANnor, MARCH: orWobliiill, 7 4teert ,and Mrs. ANNA LB CONTE!, dsughterorDivittageVii.XVv illeatbs Ort the 25th lost., litT/liIIINE A. - TAYLOR, wife of George E. Taylor, .• • -The relatives and-friends are reapectfally invited to attend 'Abe Ihneril;' from her late residence. -- Mo. 1735 Tine Street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further ' , 0nt0.%• -• On the 24th instant, SAMUEL REESE, In the 73d year of sue., ' The relatives! 'and 'friends of the family, also the surviving roidiera of the war of 1812, and members of 'OcbuYikill Hose Comnstay, are rempectfally invited to attend the funeral, from his late re:Menne, Menship street. below Ltauet and below Twelfth, this (Wednes day) afternoon, at 6 o'clock, without farther notice. Funeral to p steel to Ennakbpon's Cemetery. On the 24th inst., mean& ORAIGE, in the 831 year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are reepeettul ly invited to attend the funeral, from the Avetqlew e of her eon Thomas Drugs, No 829 berth Fourth street, this (Wednesday) afternooa, at two (Palo*. Funeral to proceed to Laurel Hill. Oa the 24•11 instant, lIMLIff - PHINIOR, sou of the 'late Dr. Philip Byag the 47th year of his age. Hie relatives and friends. rind thenterchers of Mont gomery Lodge. No, Y. M., are-respectfully in vited to attend' hie funeral. - from his late residence, No. 820 South street this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 &Mock, without,further notice. • Ore the 25th inst.' DENNIS biIIEPHY; is the 67th year cif his - age. • ' - . . The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to blend the funeral, from his late real doom, No. 2220 Lo mat street, on Thrizedav morning. at o'olock. ;Patera( service. at St. Patztek's Church. To proceed to Cathidral Cemetery. ' - • Oa the 25th fast BtBaNNALI MRIN, relict of the Late Andre* Mein', to the Blskyeaeor her age If+ ar "relatires and•erlititdi da - this family are resintet- fully invited to eteent the funeral, at the residence of - liar. son J. P. Milo, No. 718 *Wit 7.l%hth areal, on 1111h•day meanie& at 10 0 . 610 Ch, wabout timber no= too. 4 PB3TIOpBLT.=-TO?LL 23 li Poops R. eX ex 40 tug B 014 10 OitinikAialtlijit 121 11. kolas 111::'..•.;;ChP 413 i 4] wig 11: - ..esak 12% 100 - 66 b 6 121 f 100. 66 12x tI rtszo. F0X:211.3 , s , tt% -6 Lehigh Val B as 2 Norristown 8.... 23% ,111 Sillinligtost :Galt 88 1 1 Minehili genp d p 54 101tosatiga....11WA- 1 / 1 11 7 Poona 11 91 - do .. . ' 413( 12 - C&P 41% 10Atott 11131 1111nobIll 11, SOX OTEADT.'f'Zi . I'''',l'7.- Bid. Asked. Debi Nrcr Dtaek. - - 9 - .. 9R ~ yid 18% 19 lilfrorttalluta' DX .9X t 74 'Audi.. 72 15 ,' ilig.:' “ .... 5211 48 ' 1k1at1ini.....,32X 12 1 4 Zea Aiiiir: 92 63* 14 .Yea's ".- --,.- 9 % - Ogr 98 X - eV - - I —4o 'larml bdir 85 : - .553‘ - IllniaD a 954tX X 62' ', • 25 - 49 15104 X.. 4 7 % 'Sass& V . 44041. 42 44 - allyf • 48 " , , • ae e 25 • 118% 203 ;43 88% 400 lliodrig Rib -'5BO 51 10) - 141cb - §1 _so 11118158&181 15'"180. 12 36, Paiou4kß-15.,-. -, 122 X 100 - "" do - 10 128 1 190 do - 123 601i111ibb Oen R tl3O 05 5 Gal & Ohio - um 11, 85. 200 Obla & RI BM 660 51)( 100 do 600 5114 100.. do t -- 103' do 550 68% . 1100 do 58% 1 100 ')3O 51134 50 do 63 68x ,;_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers