: ,i',,,*:7,,Eti... .e"), - ; 1 ,;:w - ' ,- i . 1 5-, ' - ;' - ' f,.:? - ' - k"-- - ? 5 ;il!i:' ! ',., - -', : .:11's4?!:,'''''' 0 ..'- -- ;--- - , ':- - 7- - 1 , `' .4 7Z,^0V1AQ, , 1 , -' ,,, 5 2 : 4 -z;*'. l 4;;::f' ,, •'-',!,AL7 , `2,-,,,,,k ''':) ,-. 4 ,4tcltii'iF- 4 f4aRvgAt0.p „, ;ve ,,,,,, p ,,,,,, ~?-‘1 ? -, - ;'; V 4.- 4.; -i i f eir' .•.i''''Te.",o4.4' ) ' ig424 : 3, ti - $- - g-ti;!.,'' , ...•, , : , v. -.2 ..-,,,` k" -- :!." - -: - . ;', • -4 ~' _~. tv it ~..„._ 4 60,1,91111 J-1111=111101t 11 ,-- '::''''-- i Ilait'AA-11114W-4 , 1 1 :-A , williasiMitarit i' , ' , Z• -, ~. ~, ~4mentiailtmorplainirist„ .l . ! ,W. , „; 1141.1154 4itiqi'l lj raWil t 4611 0. u' £: , Inf-.Pzifir Warkle4-1W owitlitro __ , : sesolooos II ' *Kevin Al.' W•lidielllnPirw Pao. 1144442'711641 , 21.V%Vi1iti11ia1i , , --; 2*4 littliCAki• atWitiorlWeir4.l`ol 4 .ll,6iitisika .. “ , , Mistio , l atm., *Welt , <WWI* Mr. Wvz KAM it_l44444ilifibmait- "-- '' ta , s`WotefaXeswltt WilihoisoiVlinil -: 4 ' WaWdo NW! WirriiMes X Wilsoo nimbi , •-; _ < -,” .1 . idoiltakOtlo‘Rl4WWillifibleirrithsa• W* It I • '-' IWPrOa 4 SAM. I4, I O 4 IIO r 4II VWoWicia i,“ 4 .• ‘- ' ~. • ii i ii , -; .. i''.'s. , ll24Mellgorir t , --All/ Mamba li - ..i ..;- Wilt 11' IMMorir4ProWa* Mine MI. ; ' ..,• '' ~1 , 41 1. 1 , t # l o oll4o m ' , •;,,.... a. 111 0 ,4 Al m tV Ir a En :'', t :,1-,71 . 11, 14 - - im — flar , , ''', plod ta. Mni , t...,_abulo' B igs Rs -, Komp. X , 5- • t -, Wright 1512•1' ', '" .- iksWiiWiies - WlittgrElloi `-, Welikkalow a W ,fivowayllaing, ?Xpriliellil66olll 5 Woadtor gni --. i l t=f , DilV"il-f,lng:ra =VI? ' -, WinkiWlWtie ".3461111 ' 11W,10,415kohnbilet , 16.6 . , eormli' Nue,: ,slllalsos *W. ajd H. 150.,X*:- • . Q 1 46146 6 11 "f-0144442411444 - 0/1•1 1 1 11 2lits, , = - 'aroodlriarse , -“,1111alkollif NS i , e901'411 , 74.4 - ==: 11 1 , A ,(-0,..?;:14111#14-4,44.,• ' ,t,..;,` ;;;'... :Alki'W -' 2101411 4 - , f_ '' t - 10;64 .2444 -,' I , D a ,! . , :- 4', :1 ) .840 „fa 'e 4 :11famas Doli - notoorlV,- 1/11641* JObll , s' ''''immliels mkt - 1 4 0 , • -Salt -.,* 'Met oiCk. Ijo -;-- NI lf' , ' a. k ,,,, Olsoli ilkilar;, - " , ,- Itralies &Volt I -lr - s„;-,1. 0 4 kisgekl.m.V„.rrypar- 7 1/ 1 1 Vlopt.L. ,_-•`• . Collo Yob* ' i=iiva a : A Wohtlegt , WOW!, Mir ''''. `loilki Di ISt - 5 , Ais mi, titp i 1 111kitlidi• Ala - assiort 1' ' ~; - 1 , - - i iiiill Ingid it- 1 -%...wwiso ' 'aotakink` it ' '-,,, : ' AO.* - -- i , ~Vialwis, ~. ; Joao maim Wm. ; . - ,, ,cg i tge,at-'-'t ' ' ii= ', Itarro.7 l,frs :,' 4 r.:AT:rrn t ,= 4 ":.` 7 ; 1 ,: r .,1- °4l " !ill :'- • I `: Aliz i liaArc lir luti , “: - -`, - .Topr= 40°,41 iir, J '40., wit Yi . ton 11,u151A14'.,- - trawtA ; A 4ol o ll k irla-ln- tort; , 1 !, d _ 4 ,9r 1 -!Je t. t MCC :- , =gar/ If '.** l9 - I' lin. Xti ft inal I 4! 1 34 r , kadatotiii go)C.- i t C ll4 lb ri Illittl "MO , 2 1 0 0 ,"-f e ra nwe .. s °l s gebis t iv:W.lr -0 ; • '.4" ~I.)mistalgllttrwilliMir itig 4 ilCMfit Dia , , , , A„,"444 - '--4.314APPAN ., .. r .54,004,5,r , ; ,,, A 4 1 7 4# 611 W4, 1-21116 -#7 4 " , %; 7 424P 1 W4 11 • , r - -' ' , ..itZVE43‘,. 4 *.tailik*Zit! , .li ..,.,, ~..4, umemankt.Almia;*.vovv4rAmo)lo .I.tt" 1 ~ . i I,g4=lir . Wili i i i lyW in Utliiri=-t i , z t:. l ,ll , lffietifililit*S4il . °lo4- 4 XoilitOrtt - -tk -,. ;- , tilikefAtit",34loWWolloo,lM*Kldit,.,.....mintilir: ilitiM lC rittlt7 7, '‘7l74ll .; '' . --.,- ' '117i17 - -- ' , ft-sii4i IliateP,9 - 04 Mine MI, Sobt * - 1/40-IWZWIL;: -. 0 4.- , -Kylai , Wor Ti o- <, , 1: WoWs* MIN , ', ' lite r ,4 1 ! . .V. Ai ;11 /4 1 , 01- ' I: sa Priltt. ! l ,4, '-', l i, Li Ploii . a < 11. 4 h "" 2? 'giro Itobt APlWartaifillslllo.os J m c, , ‘ , Wiletwoll Wee W , /bin fsral 11 Vas Sarno - , < Bottiviro Koala "5 71411 Oftir. -- ' ,iiikoalier Ohs X , • immiea•ma , I ,, ,,A,Amplempr.A..,,J,P.rotO 2 1 - 1- liatoos'S t . . , orArileXMlllMMll,is44lllllllllltera 0 ''' 5`.10•_ ft vett it , / vx.viNigp,i4 , , smilys - 04 Op 2 2 , mini LT 9-x „ IlliWil..l.' ” Litton Alex -7t0151010.6t , t. = 11 11 01.111 1. / 10 -izi Adißitt, TIP ,`..lhiklit WilIA, '3 , sisibien 04v- • Lorw-larl. Mitit.T. , FlOralmill 00 A , lokados 'Wm e ~-.5 ~ . orir t- ^" tAlir., ''' '`" ' CZeiliti , AVlilk k‘ ' - 111165 , 051' W $106 , 4,11441e, .1 Co 1,.. A Voist - John P --. It I.iii ' 10100 t A , ,IlitasolMes 2 . 4 47olvaltlabiV, 3.oriildit:o , ' misimokm .- .., 4-resmorohts ',v.* I.lmimmimiros,-: , 3 0 , 4•PNOP4Rffrgifc.4-. -,.-.=, g ut 5 14 4- O, tAP -' - Igloilita DE 111 tot A_ ~.." -- - 3 „... A - 111440,1 * , - --441 . 1 Pirimme' t ; rossiotile -'-'' Tti.YVAllHr4 .oo,l rerxmmagili r a .... Rieman Chou 1,7' Mow lormbodi 7 - ' • 44410 Al ..,.41: 14 0p1 ,1' . labwapAnwg-v. ~ ,.ri-,......1 , ,,,, -,i.,..-: i --100theiso) , „rczairo4pit.;:-. 4, Jl4l llama , /OW' "relsilelAml', l l - ' 1 : 144; Cam'' . - ,46loowelle' , '1 91 0 5 1 111 1 1 1.1 > 4 . 40 2 .11141 ) '!. -• „ '244 464 1 40 ' -1, ~ - raw* ati * , w ; . 40 ww .1 41 , Id-Jta A.' , ,,- , '; Anty UNA - -- Bow.* Thou , :;i ,"fo4lll•lllWPat,k ' , 1,0D0113 1 Abby I - okagalest Ammo et ' 5 5 Boum M alll ' . , giyi t youo. ' , ir rm kii„ 6 .8 4 / 4 14m.h4=2=i7 50WkAROV Ell; lita- 1 1100 14 3 6 , 2 1 - - - =Boo th , 11611maltrildimiriAlbikr P. -,...P.141.4 1117 , 1 ' - -. 1 3 ‘0 1 -'" U• 4 0 2. 4 .1 A wwo4l , oww, AN, • ' "•.; ° sa"6" 1.11;71ci&11111 1 .7- 1 ,.itrar A* l o • , „as. _auto. t•, , ,,, , ',010**11047 :.. , t /0042140, . <;i4yll i hrta, 114/ °Mit Chap i.5.-1-411101v4•Ity, 41'1 , *ibl i te,kr 64l = 4 l 4 frii ll 4, „_t - 49 - - „,.. ,„ 3 -0,011- -.111 • _ .42- WM 0. ....- p•- , i _, - - ' ' ,..,;?Otowi r re 44 ' ''--. 1, , ( a * Us: , ‘,.' ,::-,,lrt i t i or a j etil ' 4 : % 4,_!lhnnr ( thyda, ''.,f - VOIDik _.:,..5. MK* D e vi 4 ~,= s : L_,, l ilrdinitol.r &MON! Jr • ! 1 - , i MoOmiali Wig I ' ,' . 7 '=', 2441 1 1WAL-42Z441 1 : 241-‘, "-4 4 1M: elit i , • ,. srotes. /obi) ' Omar urn( , Nam gem .t `-- - %1 174 4" rwallia•=14.10: 1 Veg ail tAlia - =.7 Zfrinke Lk- - 0 - tiny 441i* _ , :111474211ty : ". - ,,stamiser A. II f. - _,,,pitio9iti !girl, ' „mellitus.' Bob; I .„, _litowotoiltert "` etitei His ,1, 'Yellow /noels 1 = - - ,-- Desiy 20 2 .-. ' 00214 1.. B " AteKAlght A 0 4 -. aniar`lebauld --'-. 0 ,11 0, lOW , lgoOssa.rotar - - 11, 1 ,41 W - 77 7 noWs XV, - '- MoGliaohy w,..1. ' • , wt. sebilkiatie :24414hedri• uo ' Iki.** NNW A Grarvilie Lot - Meet I r , ; MO* X W -_, , 1, 11.411r40V1 =.. ' 21,112411411 a.' i I .. 300 , 4114 t 141 4,44-1111 11 4-An had?" ateW4ll44:ll. . = L ` 0404 1 0 01 0 3 " , . a 1 1 4, 4 1,40 11 ,2 ' MiudtAllitrt 1 _. 0.2.1 J.', - war wkory wwititwom , 4 fritamitillinte7 - IlalstAitiiilier in - spoix.• -, - - iff, Ode ~,- HalArgirstviet imipeokus ~- `,.•,;'-' , ' , IV Wiiimm . iKr ilatatitvg , z , 11411194,4, 2 ' =1 4 134 ": ;;5re , •ai, ; 'll =ll4 l- 4 ) -• ' 414 :', -t;... l . enter -- ia - p -, .; Iftgam /6 a,. • :-Niziftef JIM/• - 1 -1' i ~'0069011400(Y,Yiji1971119.2 1 ! /I , - Margot% Imo t ~ttaiimonwpa_ Awl* POO, Moyeittd V `4- (' : ,'Clibrikrea4J, 't , kWilitoo6ll4 l 4r,V *OW Vorid72 x : .-, r ,--Arolur# littlloAl.ll - , - .- - 4'1151114110 W Wi - , fATOKOI7II - - if iir , g n ee 4,t '_lfrj _ $. ll i tor I •;, 411.404 .,. 1 iL e s- ' .. TAr3• l l _ , Mittialkm - • ~ - . ..,„, -', -; rmi w igliMe 'T . 0 it' w orgr . ;14 I " 1 Vrat an , i " '''' - ,,,1,i' 11 " .4 1 1 0 3 ' . '..',' RA I4 I A 14 : 4( !•: -' 1' ' Iti;"( 1 1 v a l tso ."°lnfi.7. t t a f 'S" l EFlLlV ?'4 l ,l trie l leas lV, i -..- ---"‘-',.. . APA t '''d t, &meow ity4io -I/ / ' `i - ,:lio g ig• -, - ,I:o=robi l i4 • 1 :-at it°11 .... m ... Alegid ; -. ,' - -. 0 9 61 1 1 , ' ArMirld , - tr- - 111 - -- it r 'VK - -,-•_. : ,4, # , i - 4 -,. - rive ,, . 1 4,111. 11 t,w1 1 ' ' - '•i .- " ' ,-' , "'-f' 1 .•= .V,, ~. _,,_ -. L . 41krilitii s f ,_ , = - Rirei,ii* ,-,.; , ,„:, - . . -, :.,- - ;:t.4., ;'" avimr'sir , 0 4 04 , 02= 7 :Ali•lillteltreillie44 , .-' I -i --: L. -- '" t'' , , , tr1124 4, _4 41 0 1 471 - i i kbeiti , et% , i'V ,- iIt•IMIIIIWP3fr- , : " -, 1 ': 41 . 6 " 1414 IP , " "IV 2 V 4 * - - -Miner WM , ' , t ' , ' WM -4 4 : 11 , 4 0t 1 fo: -14444 = -, 4.,,.,,,., "{ ia.M.I., OM. - 111 ligruggloi . 'M o lioo r i- 6 .01301004r51 11 - lithalkors, Osta fraiI,TAINA Ospt,;„, , ~k, , = -f. 1 , ;:t. I - ' *.-' 80124(044 --` " Ilialfolliow - , i.,47..1 iii•? , ,., lbw., Jiwiw!,,,iww,wiwt-tima , ~,,..- f . ',1,..,:t j. • ,-.4m1it.)4 11 Rr - mp*fili ,. :e. i - ;icifis x- - T 'pl MEE MU ! \~ ;aa ~ y: ~ d: /\ § ?.t , , kt -- r„, _ • . tYS-; ,! . ,'- . '5_„:z:. , ..:;.A, - .;,' . :;;,:'-:ix , . --- ^ OEM ~,„..: _ , ~,., ; , 1- , ',;.. , T, , , ....., . _. i'. 4 o . • _ ; . , 7".7,7ltiiMittrollaliii4irG - Tri" ;' 1 4"k = ' - ;' 2 , 1 1 . 3 R.ol.ltrAti -, ThOtneon Thee g •Ic. -" -- *tr01ui.,....2,.„...:-.Too)/7.Wxci...;... - .... 1/Virif 44r, ‘ 4 g . iA . ill - ; . 20.z.iii,. ---ftvi , inaii.- ., -Thr -- w - to . ohlkw , , , ~,, . mut". , --.T t it i l i alui3Ostit RI ' ile ,q . .k l t o n= , f !:. * artuilyiniiiiv2 ,- .4 ,_,.. of o p ri.„, ~47,..1-., di Al k •t• 4 4.1, •I -" , iipitegiiirikriall,- : , 2f f i tret t h oZt kfaltVgii. } s , -'% ' .0.4 4 , 4 1_,, ; f, 5 u a q w ,f,1,4 1 .- P ii kw,* 4,,,liti:?,ll6oicdNivriil2 - r4Vd It I 1 V "-: , i.' -: *(IIVIVA'tt . 10141itiqopt.i. 1i 1 i'041414.4c,,,1i0n,,.. *E,PI,A -.. , -Iseemannlnvid.. -- wi - wrein Or- , •,-. klrliz a r Dint o,•;;; , rwialLnkr Vw , • i i Mi n , loo' , Ige - wil t:', , I. ~, T fou*,t- p 6 -, T - • IV• -•.',-,t -:: ''o,4le.:'' " '• ' - Wolk Miami -.. 147 1 * ;' At i r0 X* -:', t italt 01 . 1- • - ,- 4 1t 'p Ili "Itz fi vA i z,lo#,: S, 1.4i.it1, ! . L„ - flifli:' ;414rpr i c,B -11 : Irk. -0 _.. , ...::-..... , mweg0bt,-„ , ,,- :WAIT rater -,_-- • . V oi f t i1 r ,..., depliticira fiptbrtosp k t i p, 1 trir Vil e° ,i it s ii .„7., ,'-= t t i p i ttd . ;4„K- I : 4 ,: ;": .:w We e i r .4 til ie liii t ti mic itt ' eltto*WritV tlrdeitiktdid,,: - ;!:11111101/04i.ii - .. • loolgast 4. - t "."Biddlnee Tab -- -- ) wiote..irtuot , t -. 1 itoliikw•li 4,..:.a11w As A I Wharton Simi . . *fimm'44;, - ,...1.144 , Luriv, - ,witio -, s -- 4 7 .“" °kW "tA '''' filill -' '-, Wk let 31 , 8 It M.-: Itylkt -..'''': ilig&' oii B`2Whil nrievimi l' 1 tt 881.4,' - - ,ik4BBolW „ Winner 1ie6),..; ° 94 1 4:4 ".-B LT7.l::;t l 4l% ""ti e g e6l :7;i li ffire filt 1,1" :* : 11 : MIVIA 4 r AA, - -, ,:-,BW.A.Tdrin 8 1 ' 1 , ;W,l;uBl4B:"N't - w, t : 7, ,I,o4l,l[Aktill,;',-;,. 1 5104.0Pg B. **4 ,,.,- -t ' 1 ,lerf et ti _, 10.111ame, hi! ~ lair klistkisit'L'S - 1818i'y' ' '.Wiiiiiiiiie'l 8 - 411.41041.: , . ii - k,r , Si beimaion v - Platurdia Jr I r nit' Alla r ailleNterlka - 44, - . , Mitalrll OE•JsrowOu .11:./1 4Wlilletno. it. it ~. tli '4.BooBW.Mitc - ; , .. t" ., "Wildii Air, :. Witt ai,d4c&illintider.ll..y. -: .. -,Wileen, nig ; • ' E. , :„. t, , , .„,.„, . atrombaum X B Wenn J,ll - . • „. 84430 - 3/%10-attros , l9- --., -Wive 18, - - WW_ll/Xlift 6 ' ° ltiottii r 4 - - ..Wleteiditt.l:: , ... , ,L boutlrgeki_Vii ,- ;5. 5 uStidame .# P W., ,w wore aobt r % • 141111 5 1 4 r, Pad* enured,. Wileore.eteEtror ~. 4iter`rd 1 - 11:kfilibll HOW" . .Ik , ' Ls &110,1,' . 1.. - r 5 , friThliil.4. ,%1.1!:03 P2i;&&... - ...Monett Id' , . .... teneiltheitti tilt oil 001 / r'.' ‘''',,',WoltitlM ....' Betterlotiert:4 Alttorth. It ...s .... ~,woooserorili; B . 1 0 410-;Xidt.r '7 , r 4 tbovidieliael . ':, , Woofitoid II M. .- -,)&denniler'ii '- .- ittsWP Wg.4 -V°l4j9ll l"i,'i3il: .I,l if 8t- ' rirZloti v;V:ki WX Math einiini•Mdtow4nttony - 1; Wrist au W RifiVrikwileiMr. , ll6l6l6 ZadiAs, ..I:' Morton &Od X , Bilds, the. , =" l.- -ri - litallaren. Wm; H- Wood/Martin • Bildt Chine:2.l 4. *Binds Mtd O' .- - .Wood WM ...... • ' 1/ 0 knee Woo Wmdi-•-= Bievent-Thoo i' - Wood 4W . IXO O O 4 OO I Al I; . Ti ." , ..13taVIrribak I lit '4 - ' way J r 40%4 ,z ) R4 4 144 A- 60 )1, - : 431 8880. 88 0t. : ~ , LlifJlW..ciOri . & illAlfB4.tt4 iC. ,- .', , Vx 1 4 ,t9i4a4V- , ,-.- Co, 4 1 .. , I NPVS I4 , O 4 , i',..WOOPP •Uled, aginken - 11,, : , I NN. Apii,,moo4...prf„, Q.." iv- „ ~ _ . atdth.. '41.1,11171 Ohm L , xilto Mich*" • - ,888p240.'.; .:Vassawst; Loin Ir d ?Wr, .idt.;'/loydr , _. ..-1; , ;.. , .. :itt:l4 A. Ina J 8 . ! &OW 4 1 1 1 C , i - .1-1 ,111 '82*..4 8 4. 8 08a ..,vaneli_David' '. .. i tt 1 1 == x id i , Taynton ensue -, 'Valentine l'i (0 ft i - P , ' -' ''t ll4 : 2 Wl V4• - tfrt'liff4tair , rit'Velegtitit ..- -,- IgOgilkeimi,.., oi's- d ,- :ii.ttietitrleire 0, 1 _,Tionetdi XX - ~. - 11.0.0tddlitt.tt t - 1 nellityerdidw Iti :' _ „Vest,' litc;' ~ 1/4 0 0 ,1 r8 8 ' 14 .:' , -,.. , •218Y 4 80)8 •.. • Vin,94 Xohn , insoB.B,BBlB4oWThstabar-0 .8, - • •,"YcfsPY.loivid ~ -., itqu'Aebt :" -,.y1 _ , :llicgoisJf ft - -Yana* Papt j..' 8488401801 - L L ' Thomas !On; ? ;Yaw Adatn.BL. tHitt 4 l. ll * -- 'I - - Weenitilitudidr - , - :YPOW - APett ' titeler•- r . 4 Ttibniiielttr- ': • Zino Wm I , `; SII II ZZik ; ; .411141 : 1 4Ce l l ' .1 1 1 "1" °!IP manV. = 4.488 m„ - thbmpaont .. -0 . -e- '1 4 , ' kilrlattV":*, 01111007,1 t IinTOOT.Tr PoOtPaster• ' Out t r 0 IVA Mesta, 6th P0WEADX.)6,61666A, 4prX1%26 X 869. - 404 t 11110611 L,1% .. afi suii,swra. " as' 'llll/18H-WATIw • 8 00 • • ~ .-..z•FiWoulatPiPutreylveals; Teal ; .Rictitoorid softcoPtiAldOstoodiflispdsi "g4-ispoolgotoi.to ThPmts Mob/nor. -Adpiidiatt-Hateltd,.Likwranto,ltook .Idreigibl 4th Vitpaith — sitio - terloho. Br Penrose. - 8u hem to the itootlrsidor ilia Ws* - .01041 0 !,,d. 1 0# tir, l lkt bid+ with Yee_ ii•efestaiti C'374uletVfai ± l o , AiiisLeo..s4WA AialloLkab - BridirtAO#VilOdio: Nikw[44mltatctoswi'k %dart Co.: AliiAtOstliks*ssilts alkyl:l:via >tt ago de Adebilii- - ,&4.ttlialrgorodolik:Bto: Left bardlindtet: diolsteog tot rekidra. Wli eiitoffs lM riitiakii opitdg thef t 1 .661 4 41 : fi1t r th Adilk ieistitZl aail liAtt t lidr bit tdtt i V a ' - ' 1!:431 . ti 160 . " t jAits, 'ObirlrdoeriCdspi 'twin .covrt!id*M9; Vintlittallt, Wetle& ; • If Nete,;Loiden;ielth __ -Ateht. - heoj „English, gliWero;tl dye trot New Toth, ti__,,,tletidee twoollW, •'- , .. • •-• • - , ••-•- ,-• • ttineAttlCltliiolpOit, aMO riom kw, WA, with leg theitte: -- • 4 ' -, ' -_, c• • ._-:.-: ' ', '•-• -s • - • -Bahr Globe; ~..1-, it aye frost - Bootin,witli mdeti to '--- Behr 1 , 1 „fitittoeso7ll,lletri, 6 -dye, from Bodkin; with 10e thiltlitigeoy k co. •-", ' • ' 4 " .4 ,A l6l4 . lo filiot, TL#ribit,l 60 iinin Boolonorltil rodeo A1.1041/[.1.4nru51.,t”,i,""-•,,.1, Aril •'4 ' - - ,-.. Wu Ifiduia,..lliit fouin; al*ri boo* irtbil -04: t0,04,11.00k.0k5i110 Co," . •--. '- -- ill;-Y,'W ilinfiikori;Eiirii; B.6 ifiZrii Vva ,66 a; ip.,,, 'iltia'irtskooring hairdo to SLBolhitek_o6 , ", ,, gOM -1 1histibirgittindWalltitii 1.0811014 - 88 - W 110• 8 8 1 .. 1 *alkali% milli,siinglotto sines**lepluteta4 r.. ti.l--,'. • Xgehr-,OetiritinfewitAlitutoOll.49lllitofiti.W,efirfoli, ' Virlittliltimber to Gultill-ft Niettiw_ , --- -, cl ~- -- -- -,:_nri, I:1, -, OativiAle„Lowlei.:Ailwais,4 Oar It= haillsboty, hid; nib higoismix..s“pai, ' 4ilbr 7 rrir 1g9%1;14544,1 c 1i,..0.-'..;441 4lb 1 - - 55 : , - 1- -, I*d -..- ; 701 1 0400,-tjlA;' ? ;, y , , iloop Mgnayro,,Xtlohie, i"e v rowthithail)sb 4 1 14 1 4 4 04 1 0 1 1Aktgri , -_,• ,:' - ' : ';!e!.;-_ - -•:-,- - t_cr.,47,.-A_ , .4 - :yr -. _. -- , .: ,- ! ~- tie.4o '-' f 4:4 ll ,TP,4llWis*4 .44 1 :4 - st!/ ., !i'* oll ;A• O. ~, , Is t ?„_,?t-N,ll - ,,7-91 t h•Ar",d 4/i i * M9 : l ! !W 8 - 174Vrlsill"*O4 ' iliilin ' New li k • :ins iiiiorBl . .. 11, Or , oe, -,ltsliFOOeiw: - .(iite r Attetiwp,..Bh-ThzunitA4., liTeelato - n. :vittift,'UnEtscßOANl3 447...-0 1 ,4 1 41 1 .4 Bi l W. 0 8 Pa 00 .....,.- . 4.-prißinos, piker Bont,.Tsvonnlnto. - , ... ; ,:j -• , r:olmitiort .B•l4,447llb4e4fifaltei, gr. Wiiiiii.''-2- gist-t. , iiskilb r iiiittina•rettatpirdirlit ~600. 0 ) P.VALIVI.. : I.# I;- flf:V4 ->j ;•i -' , P'' ? ) ~1 • ,••• i " t 0.... - 4 1441:1Z.LWIFS4-"P"), . ItfoweN 0 ; r' B -•,,---,-- ......re'e„_(- -, i-i 1 ~..“. ,• ', ~ `,,- - o,ottgategisti, BrontaOlasipOrt,m Allizoider4t. 00,' • '• Ileitttl al loatolkolumai Atatisuors4tWeb.ter, Jr. W-1111149 - 10ft-eilViiever,,Tiiirittitit,..trLenitig ..--- ";ii*Mlf.ll.l;TotttehOltilßol . leiFitatelteetitVitekietWa Alkeitho4l4,t,;ygi - v; - _VI--., _,;,..c ‘ - - .7,- •... -,,.. - -,,,-,.., `glek-"ll4"trUsi•iiito"'iiiiiiteliell Ocilo:', - , i - 3 111 041 1 - , Tiotewai soulopuiaosigh,o4 Hockober & Co. - vox* a 8-RoPCl9oreourkiitou: 4 . ,au/uutlia 890,1 - .•,,SobrYs'.../.llortoi,MAnnit, Boston, • 3 Ate , .: , , - ,:v Banc .814W-liontoAr,--Vonsliern GroonsOolir do - ''oo/isfoor.koth*lloltz Boximipi •,.. %-• do ."-: •-,- ' ,,,, :enkelPiiinsotti t....i- +•+; - -r.‘. -; do ....• ' •-ittr9i - VitiVlTlAlowitiliPSeltimorifiA litotes, .1' Y.- ; : !.V.4.7.ii ...ii:7 , ,, ,-, ,e-.;A, , . ,-.,.. • - --. . i.. „.. i_,Avi,,,,L deem! of AtrPriwej r. , - . •,:',z, • • 4 .' ,.5. ; • . 1 , .',1i' NEVIN DE WWI, April 28, 1158. "-AMak - Xitouusl4Witir-trar Aito - fuldritith le litts liflotrzlortitilisu ao ap,la iii - folltuitu- ,-; ,• 1,. 1„, ~. ;c 9 euriiirovelniiiloii, isVpdielko -, tolideoplirlio, tot ioilleSgairar-Palobercliatk 46 Wittiilegtobt r Geo, Lorinr; tottlittik altbriiVandliklisto &top lintii of, liiiiii Me? 'to'-illtittreeialc ittieetp;„ , two zik toile,' 1 4- 010 41 0; 140 1,1 Otlitm . I fintrlitirl'Olidwitio. 4 0 7 J. 4 .,,,,t0 0 0 41 011 0) P 3 4 1 1V10, host ;40 t 9 ' 1)0 4. 4 .3 0 ! Vast"Eatrio-...9ie wilt tietrart, T; Went- , a' ' tilimietikai44' l o 4 C.diu ,l l l o'k^' li e . FNE.4-PiNFor'-,=,r14 r , - '.-Y.- -' • - i .. -:'" 40)400;44/L4 iiBdolere frogir:thineepialip:ior :lllo436,l mg :tba - lionekiiii'liMpopi,CuislUrgo . 'iltnitili: •tit*taligi4i'litl*lthi_lklOF Oht - .130 - 41;*.O11,WOye pia' OW, Ayer - whey were:loaded with-pig iron P.M - hod thew - ,-)--'.--: - - ~-b: L i 4 - - ,-,"4-, : , - -- ..4 ~_ ~'- _,;•-:,,,--:::-:?,•, A, :i 4,,1":,--;",,-',i' sot * ii -': w--- i ' t - t;ly . '• - i ' o '' b - , l s [ t - t- o -: g; t.,`._ h, : th' ! ol ', e'_ t” -, 4 15W 44 ; - -i - ' I ,(3orroponaeue4 of th e kreer.) _ - k , iiE''i - rl ~ 1."-R IADDQ, A p ril g,laat, Taa44I4BIOOCAMA ' : • tat MiACin Ovid paroodluto -1 4 1 4_,14thailk 1 4,!0# 3 id ; 1 5 1 4000 , 0 1 :-.P...11900, 1 8#41' ,•,ilideti .Ih4, o 7rtatiq. tlir:' : ..; r : ~,,, ,,,`"%•?„,._,JH''' ' • - Porruer - tow, toibet to II•(Itoi.oy.; ,„,......-- sTiottifithsohotittewool toopim: Ensotoon; awAtoto,' Aldo: . ,irou-to 1k_400*&4443014-4-olekilitiktuki pi-keiloio to Tipton krftp; 4o itoiJoitEralOrOilorcrotot &, - Mar yidolo, :s4 , 9llVt.# o oki , lifffi 'T. 414 ...44405rt.5,"/ OW _!-- 1 4u '4 l ' l ' , 1_00019,, , , , ,. -:i, , ,,i,i-,-....-•" , - :.,;....., ~ .. ". i . , _ _ - ,'; _ - ',,4ol'..thit Th 4441014 hitteiotite,) 'I: 4, ,- • ..-:-I,llWALpiik:, s , .)' it s :4 ' Kitt i l triN,,- tr:filtrii,ktortir . :ru S 4 4 ,l= 4 , ;ft) .JoinsAuithri#(!kri.K.l)loaroiileilfillloiutio, '.l r;s to. =IMO' .- ) 1 4. 0 44t 1 ;1 413 41 Pilidai- Ellsobe-h, 1,-IT-- r 1 tiffittglhoOlre; Et -. 8 ... W.Rod,_ancr Osioita.''. - The, rer An OW Inkipliiinsit fastordsWaLitonos fog - attewigh rigcitichirotf the ',Weil - Red-a' bony; toiw ett'ille tin**, Anitctilialt , JO ile stow:oloarorttklstkf-Au4 gloom* econbwoolt T;' , ..." 5 .7. 71'; " .' ''''., '-' '''''' ' • : 3 *ll - 5: 1. - :-.!-- -, ',i'ri"--' 4 2rirs vsumunat---._ , ... . . f - ,w- 00Fruapatiausiiisirt 434 Btriltiolpkia Isokange .1 , ~,,, , 042 PS lar.OrN , April 2,4,6 x I. it. . -tThilnis, DoUgtPfrouil, , Poit.rul -, Priztoe;sueoirrerat Iktbt liehoormers passed up WI ovorabgi , The batik °win .imiii tor,tritstaira runiiiii luoket bark; krtiorli K Bosom "for Pottioa; Tlbettee -topyirdmiegtor4Bri, and , liviskr•lnetiritokarirOpnt to'. son Me urger. 100*, ,- wind , . WNW; 5• _s ' _-1 . - , , , , , , r, .-.. ~ ,-; ! '-i. -- Yoariyice:, -- 4` -.., -,,, 7 TKOS.',I3, Huianis: s ::,- - _- ,- -ee -- :TE; - ..:, , : - 14COXIIIDEANDA. , ' , ? arosuuar!pt.uorulogtoii," aria, !soma 'rkom Baden Al Ingt; - toi Thilioletigtle':- - - - PA likibio:,f l o4, l , 6 eKer,ris; chioroil at: New York ltd Jo4l,ll4ladrBphia, ' Poola, front' ,Lloargool, arrival 'at Ara. orkfiktiret; 4 ; fib D'aispta.ellt, Atoily, to, Imat for, Newl'ork POttladelphis,milLetfroas ftenoaabout Od bat.. -- , o4 l g;4B , B4l;ittattorksa, for,,Philadelphia, was at (ifoo „Atielp aregtot, Ditaltgatar, far PAtitiatalplas, pallid •ffroilt alarMB2Btlt ;ad. . gory, Patton, for Rano, cleaved at ilkerite• qilitopiabosyoltultinattell .':Ofteiteuta, - for 'l,lrerpool tOttaratiAtiOhealeatoo 2934140, „ , b o p d tem' Qaleatts for Boaloti - bei _leesleported at , fit lieleas to Metre's, had beeeritsot- PettoCiAlleatite OteittWee to be ro d Alta last. . tbtp.il.ptlas Walden, from Boarma for Valparaiii; , trioroifotta atamatim etkirtt., • j~Clp7Batattwootteidattia, from Lando°, arrived at ...616440aa,18;- -- .1110PtiatitharriXtioia, joareoui from al iglu, NB, id heelbouas Nob • • , • dlitit s, tort i t Har e i iii r4ll4 l 4ars , Goma, aril% thluellue.„llllelabetti,lect stare , was • „at ...litteario Pe dept. tor • atutrela Ayres, ro Marti beediag for .Philadelphia. .1 • *Mk "IPOPPit)Pivrti4 for /to 'do Janeiro, °hared it mittuXotlt - 118901441,, , • SlortBf, Produkr, far ,Prilladelphia;Oleirect at 7#4,7p Oalyartel,llli4at Marra Xesmi 19th alt, to sell leboatlStb for gausitelphla. B! i` . ll &biro& at Boston j," 12, , • . 'Bldg Lydia lniatibi, Mooney, elms& at BOttorifild last ler•Pbtladelpitia, to bed for West Clout of Africa. . 141 11 • &if; lbolltaatkilfrcmx .1 io a• aostro Bth tilt. for Pridtpliphiii -Brig ,Itturra Lod% (ile) for Philadelphia, Nailed &Oat ealamoßitt alt. Brig OWtabooo:lSorrig:for"Hampton Roads, cleared at Rio Qs /NNW lOth hit, ' 4 844,0 4.,lttitnoul Cobb, from Tangier, 'wired it • '- • - • r , tortielri*taamak--nowais 'Nanoto, finindati, Nbiken 22a last, ative Awe, AM*. from Viagra, NB, for Philadelphill, .*ittar4klikaamefitgi gal tam tiket/P JitokaYilea, fromNinanaket for Alit let.• 1004' Alifilleloiret-lie-02dir tiaati- • ear, Paatitag,RWirkaaarafoijigort; tail at Itotattoll6l62ttlinet. edtr 1 -1111,119Wr.tykt . rnee at fientneksit I :;tlrt Jut -1"" • , "' bin Jolt& Maris, Naton, front OS tor Philladei- Apagitiliirffinnitittnriant2ltnadat: - Dear.S l from Jaatooarabr, at New York 4r''ooFbibt-2.32'1.6- (4404 _,, "tabus 4ojoito7 Paster, ;fag Duro% Mavis, saiati Pll. .iebotis,HOHYAThiiiii,rodUPO'hyt, istiton H Deputy, "Widthinietry and W Pratt, 'oble% berme at Comm / 11 U1 - WV t - sod Jae Halibut", bndiewa, at roll istrofgOtb litit;trom nootonet, Ur Idodifotteblict • .. • sposimp - Dee OE no lat, &a. el,tpv Zane, Weir rt;,,,i crimsiff Oct 'lt Ad' thijlOst.,Doat 0 )04. George Willett, Chandler, -froptidiX - etleik(2to lo lWPatt leild 11; ahip - a , wake • WareMdltr &lap `ai ref' Calentaa.zall by th e -Aileaoit ("elosahtileNWlrealpeatan. • • la 6, lati(litiViret.94kletotter, fictag . Wompliffoi,,lenttn, , • ANDY imported far Zi Lift klifillTS, corner of SW , CtONI, staflAllVlllKAtsso*rfs tosadianoss than sof - .oths4tioatitadt,, ft:Ws/ of.abi-it*lty Sail tbs goat laffistai - sO*ssattlisrs.soerleased hots' its sum In oasis ..:10 1 ,09 11 44:14U400NUfpqr , — , 133mcw 414-• :,.,.. : c.; J..- Vitirs ,tt.;4 . 4Y:14t. •, V 1ER1C. W49 ' 9 744 . 4N P :-.." 5k 5' -, jAa..VIS lECLAN, D. 3.3 _ ;''; We take pleasure to informing Barmen!, Dialers, ano Ake the pul;ll6:gettiral.V.thet t ikeett - -batrappolotedlby ABLEIHDJAE ottiartil SOLE - 4GIINTS Nor alit' irate of iitts4Alitabhiliiiltiiiir; tir Philadelphia, we are - prepared to tarnish Me n ay quantity, from the single bate o_r,reek.,to Oitil'a `q go t et the eeale of Arleos 404 W ObittpatipOta.„l • " f THIEHttSBOIO .- $46 PE-It 2240' POUNDS;.. AFI.FII°,4 t o, fg e ni g o pnt PAtethiled: _ Inseribientantada t With,74RVlN INLANDawI P4 l ICEMAN GITA24OII; upon' ill - of coil ; n• every instances, resulted in fivor the feebler; and we VlAlR:OtiltitXtfhttniEi t : t4e •-•GENTIINE , GUANO; AT • R;11 A E 0 H! A B L PPIO.E.- • The ehlp REYNARD. sh ortly:arrive it.thie Port, dtreetirom the lolanda. We aro prepared to take' erdere for delivery from her cargo, or from those of-the' f' White 8wallow” and iillyilrEagle.” , _ . N "NgEt) - , XIS; DIOI I AWAR.,II, AVENIT and No. 418. WATER t3TBEET,, "''., -'- - , PHILADELPHIA. Bold Aibele' for - the'lltates' of "Neinibilviele, hew Jersey, and Delavrare:'' - t , -fellariaw ihn UPERIOR FROSPHATIO GUANO.— kaltoirOarta: 7 AND: •BOE, ME, •ON ‘BEABON, ABLE TERMS, BY , zangfa , ISO NortteDELAWARE - Atetute„ The inglylin Of 'Mho Vatuid•showe It to , contain 88.84. per cent of phosphoric acid, wad it is thus rucootaisreb• vd by high solentlo.o authority - , - , t „ This Gusna - 1114 a slightly s ai d fewstfon, Sue to the - solubilityhoraportfon 6f superphosphate la - water. Its wary kugtPar Geßtsge of Pho!PhogloM4.o_AnPPAl In toy eettmallort, MI a, Guam? of: e'ery. supers 'cna• ratiti',Weitise In"per'reent of Pboephoria acid 'are' equine/est to Sayer cant of bemepAtitphdth - • • • ,JSMISS,p, BOOTH. . - Por Boort, Gearte - ST, k °Ma°. c'", • - - -•-,, • • - ' , The-lutist - sone* which the soperiormarleties of Phos phstio.Mueuir.-twarketua,:toLfarscerri, trhereyey they Mire tteealgiellehse amply ehown that pretties as well se the - o,ri, cothcaeadthexri aD the beat' end ehespest ter-- Wilke thifeto tensed. Thifititiriotonly Immediate •,butdcrable , Ja their Waiter and6becent :not .only -the ; Bret crop to which they t are„spilted, but sursteeMog OWL Themilue of-bolis st s ensnare is now' uplympelly corosedsd, and 3:applicants , have clearly ..denacastrated 3.1" 111-f l ai ht;Ve l ln i r li p a gt, a rl ' O r ttri l l t ti g ut:l4ll,4' i erir s 'nosatertlt Zre 'thau s half n es 'Mato:sir goofrplitalphaiticgaMOY.7 - L :mbitltanwessloyitlm• , !, ~,,,;;.Pikiet.r,,tait,liitgitiJl:.;-.z• JOHNSIt-SOM,- iikeisessortii theiateJoi Tmporteie 4±l. rietieyi ' 131. , -13-11,51i1 12,14713 Tigraiiiiicio, LUTING% _ . 4ALLOONI3, "lICIIITE4, ;to. '' A T 01.WIBTAND, northeastaoiuerofPOUßTH AROB etraotii febis — 14• 4 V T P & MAGINNIS. , iro. 80 NCIRTECTILTO ATitiklc ' Imfooktait ot; and Deans i 4, • .•.:. - SHOE 111:41171R4O7yRE E S' GOODS, • And all Irina Took.' • ' - " ,A;lFiqatb , s p•AT TS _ IEB, BLkiflirialit• • • , LEATH.= ROQL.ING feriug., • - 111 WING MACMIRIE alp% • INGLIBi,IIIIO, and AMBIOLif BHONTIMADO 1416-1133:07111• " .• r: • W. PAYNE; - -Importer and polder ," • BOOT, 111003 i find Od:IT,MB MATERIALS, Iron Building, If, yr, porno? ARCH and 101:1BTR,Std 11191Nnit611;- ••• .;Puz.tion ' " Pitt/NT LEATHER ooNentites-WEB,Torom PUPP U; • P/ II BP) febl-tml 0402 THRI4.OII, LAVES, no. • untriciroro• PEFCLE aHANtr'AGNES. The underefitted hey. beeo ,eppoiottel nobs spots for the trnitod .u hte,tee sn4 °sea' !:11,,'foe_ the 'elle -of The OhaOlizTie:Wsh*e of ~ hileirel 'JACQUES GO.TRQ ec ptchilo„Dsla, -7,4114103,04,300. we pre°,4ol.ll4!T *We to‘the - publte tiodor tihybrandii, saprly r „ Zdi"PsßLl' . ,11,17p15. PIO; leo! a.tinlaite Bayor and fealty telteFinef hi guarantied to compare favorably idpi sbj Wine laftlialtntarloon • Is s Ms Cabinet Champagne, of beautiful Bib:" ",riiiitti,al;f4)' the *Loa. V* , wino lk,imatNiii.l4.3l,j one, 'of the finial Childnot Clintaiparica produced in Prune, , and lOtalle from *llloottiii*iiiit • t „,, ti4he' the langsWisiiie,e - , site' pOssisal' Om, and lane tiLe khown )100.1ii -grAccarigt .00,111/14 theta , 'determinOlon 144 erblikehali Nest ililithelipiotal Otcb ieiunitre ;lee,f 04.1 _eS peir 444 . 04 b' tiAeV,i,lll 0241 1 ,the Igimllesiaperottheee'ilti r eei tITTA;TEA ATTRIZie IIoOLOSKEY -; • ...No:le - BROAD HARDT, 'JOIN, The &bore Winn maybe had at the rouoydni,puleet : In Philadelphia: , • 7osis Gasmen & , I . o4'Welnnt ; THOMAS 11.-1 nada 0e,238 Dock et ; JURY WALIRI4,,Z3I Cheat.: nut et. ; Joe. P. Testae &.; 00., 2 06 8, Peont aufhtte-i MILLLA ALUM, 214 8: limit it. I PATTIMSON, 1 , 1:111eoond at.; LAireox 2 YDRICSS, 007 Mar-' kat et. ; Tunnel( ALLOF,-qoX7lo7.9ll4lltlitiCsliti etc; Wet-Peneme, jr'. Twelfth and Ohestnut Es.; Bet..! knnemeee,&lrearwene, 'fps Market at ; Eitmon COLTOIN,‘ eert'itepiel add Welnntir 'Ait'erot.u.'ile Went. T2O !IViitnnt: Ifte get; etrennpo;.&, 00:,116 &nth Third et: ~, A4legthe'l o/ 1 0 et^at nouns t, - • Gise&D.Ttottin, Peartetaar, Synge; & Co.'W.tenteo-: 'emelloves;A:7., %Atm ;;St. 'Lawmen • HOTIL, &Aileen!. it 011; %Remains) Horn., O. McKie. 311 ii itlaak• tell niwfit- dm . ~~Ca6inrf~~Uare:'~ D - "S'K FAT- 0 , T THE LARGEST .7111 . THE U.NION. thiltahle for Ranke,olllass", and dards, In Usk, Wa ant, and Mahogany, of handsome style ' sad pattern. ; A. L. ADAMS' IMPROVED DESK RACK, 14:2(341:T3E1T 131:7TWON 'B, (8170011130008 TO) 3. T. HAMMITT.' (o. 259 SOUTH' THIRD STREET apls-13m 'CABINET EURNITITRE AND BILLIARD ,'MOORS '4 I OAIVIPION. - 40: 6 26t'adtistt Mom) 's cllairrL . eontieetion with .their.. extensive Cabinet Buitaets, r now outaufaotetiar weapatior article of ' BILLIARD .T &BLEB, . . 04 have now on.hood a' fall supply; 'Bahasa with . ROM & OAhIPIOWS IMPJSOI73D.OIIBIIIONE ± which are - prihearased by all who have used therm to D 6 importer to all others. 1,: the qualkty mid finish of theme ,Tablee the * Menu- Adorers refer to their humorous patrons throughout the 13Mou, mho are familiar with pie oharseter of their ;merit -. felt-em Umbrellas attb parasols. LEEPER; 6e FENNER. Wh0141411 Mountriotiroie • , or UMBRELLAS 'AND 'PARASOLS, .7.,BBI , ,mAANAT t3TRRAT, lwriu i taripirA, Are now =Mei more than one hundred and Ilfty different varlet!** of . VoOrellse, of every:alin e from ffl to 4 0 linahee. Theixamortment or, RANASOLB..Ia very t large, end far varlety,of 'design, Myles, Anti, and prime, ex. ode tkatofAny,previone sermon'" who , Ore 'not' hue, 13';' , Or:It.)1 make of• goods will And thelltaneirell agent in looking over file well. made stook, which inoluden MANY NEWNliffilllo, ftol re to nur antra eirmehara. - - - - _fabl-nm WALLA' PAPERS. wilougionli WALL AND WINDOW PAPER No. 17 SOUTH RitlitTß STREET. utaii-2e3 Below siket , Baat Side' wiGHT- 8c BROWN. • , 19. NORTH FOURTH STREET,'. 1199.111141,1,461:110M/91TIO MO LLWitatia ixb TRIMMINGS, iießnitt *44193p, qruir4iiia WOOL, aa. Oar, long experinee !tithe hes! pees end intlmeq with, the bed teleekete of Nurope enablee ne to offer good, it . 0 1 1, f,'PrrIMVPP i r aff o r i t PktMuqou to_ lirY- liaa, of mo, Im , e - Inertillte*" • 80,000 DOZEN 1 1,4;it ive(4ve4 DISBOT from , the beat - GBIOUN..itp 1111NeLIIM MANIIVi 07111111R8. pLoysi 4 AIINTLITB, dce vx.Hoa Mkr.,r,0p,80.00.. ~ • ORTXI TAIRD, _B7I4:EAT r - - : lISS lA. AND AIRIOANt • TANKAD ' LL OoMgs iralortiCalsoo, rjuatiffsotneott an'd foi br W R.; PITLIIR ; fr. 004' No. Sta North WA IS RifNtYdl 11. wiIAiNVEA • [WI IltpligrolmimmituAig-Aolvp.4Y- APRIL 25 1-85 p ;_" ; • • • pappozgriNszkiiiy.ooo - 4, Noe.♦ri r uf6~►Rsr " a - v4 416 : (43 - - • • .11; ±;#.tfig.ts' iirgo etoek or. , HARPWARE.::. 'clundw7,_ol4No, *Mak are offered 10 807t8.R9 an-Libersd " C - kE0,:",*13E30-71 1 : 7 ‘ 1 1 No:" 18 Soli; 2111 .:' 1JET11 IMPOUNDS AND DRUIDS IN - • oUTTAY,:, GUNS; ALSO; 10:1L13, 6AI3iINGS ) All of whic4t.iiti . AtDod , to::Dijers on the moot Do*. lilt - 171MT 33, 1 .8:0T4g,R40004 . HARDWARE, - s- PiBTOLS, ,to., 629' ' MARKET" STREET, . 529 BILOW OMB, tiOFB BIDS, PHALDTILiEI A. fe22l•Bm Wadies 31twilip WATP,PN, IMPO;B,TER. WATOHES, JEWELRIt, &0., No. 825 MARKET STREET Mutantl7 on hand 001 asanxtr) Vaaharon Slid Oonstantin Wntohed. 'iItkAILEY . & col, , voltuszar-- , t" BAILEY & BITOBBN, Bah rimoy4 W IN* '.1,11-reiiivot, widtillutrela t 'D.. -mom 819 CHESTNUT STEM,`. - '; NOE= BON; SNOW TEE KURD 110t181, Now opening their Nali Stocitnl ; i terrojr* ,JrvF4q, FL*2,llllk 'waxes, AND etoODs, : ..‘ To wkinh they invite the attention of thiopiiblie!' inLvin-vteam, pimping, - AND . , . =ITM tf pHIL'EV E': KELLY: 004 • (succrosons vo- Emory_ S. Roos & c 0.,) No.. 18 BOUIE INIRD fir.BET; BANK IIOTEB, COMB/1041, , i4fD,_WARAANTS,t, AND SOLD Also: Stookiiiind - flondiq bAtonly - on commission:, ROIIO4 I attention given to ~.ro olleonona Abrooshint the oonntry onitoannrs ntny rel 7 on prompt ad 'COLLECTIONS, - . •, • -- THBOUGHOSIT 141 I:4llo*AiliS' veirati).4 - noir= BAKEI4 'WESCOTT & C 0.,: = BAlfg!t01 No. 17 SORTS T.81R15 STREET. nunlintlin ; 4 ;',. , CIOBIRLEROIAL - AN -T.II4.VICLLING OItIIDITII Mailable lb 4i quit of the grotld, opened wit% OA kiops4plopiat.-49ZWIlltli114AllODY of Louden. Apply to • GA,WiIIAVIALFAVIIII,_& 00., fil•tf If 6 WALNUT street CiAlitig* -- VOUDO t! A " l 7. MINE 111Dff.ofoit fps moot ro llabls lOw-pilaid Ifotalda to slaty; atitekoo WA, ow all kinds of ; cOoflifrOlti wind bogging loth. fined osuitnies. —lt witlariVeitioptioi, thi shiplootla r oroftriatioa ormnistlf., pot Fil,l/ ran I* by o of tielviyofini 114 o6o.l4tailt of thin zdaeldee, wad the oom.tre er rrik;womr, , ame:War. mad be s ued blest other. Its vied ruler • from three, hilidred to , IlftektresAred etttottes wat onto. The thread usediiitikio dlreetly from the apools,; wmtoor ),In foot it is s; maohtne,that hweatelthiarfiy,tsmtly lathe land, awe , the low pries of • 11 TAMMY DOLLABB, ihtailiiirajnO.Cresobal almost every` oho,. , • BAKIS, Agent, - 9'20,#.1.C11 EITBRIIT. q 30 , 6 / 3 i NEW 1;(01TEE-/tRoR WRING' STORE, WILLIA M ' ,„ ,ti): 'loq),cilfAt.M7T STREET. , (opsrtis pp! 4cyul”irr 91 , SINR ARTS), ; .1nT1433 id'ontitkeepors and cdtierd, - , to an.egosznisdion of hie estenrloe adSordmeid of U L "HOUSE-F IMNISHING • - pocos: - beratiol Sasorian ! jut ' BIRD OAORI3, ORILDRIDNIOVAIIRIAGEL 'I'ELOOIPRDICSi Ace., 40. - HE - OLDESTABLISHED AND : , T. urtao . 4 uirsii 4063.13-571iN1P112i61. ZSTABLIPPUENT. 404 NA. :11TIMPI-TLE 4 Y & CO.. • - 022 OREStiIIT STREETi Sole 40;nisiz!,ilii;cli),6iribil new, 'style Patent Ohil. 0118..P*9,21;#1*, - Menntootarers and Patentees tor Pbtladelynit or the Anatlo Itetrigerporn. , ap2FrAnteee tr R E' M 0 le e +L. - GUTEKUNS'i' It A 8 it:1: 1 .43 v D 0 . 0 1 8 • • • . NEW biodnlllair-Dreasingand Bathing Bstabliskirtent i N. H. Corner 291:111111 and BRdNON Streets. This is the only 0011PLETB 'IIEITADLIMISIDNT or the kind in this eity f `tin.d, in feet, /lea's any in this ootmtry, or Europe The secommodatlone IW the bath. log Department are Moat*area. In the , llatr-dremang Department none bat the beat artiete are employed. mar24.lm . REMOVAL. HANCOCK & CO.. MEWS PUBNISHINH STORE and HAVIIPAOTORY ON THE HELEEHATIID,II&BIT 131.1IRT13; Hd. 41 7.81 HHHOTED TO' No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET. Ijotelq -intbilvitauratiti • - FR4N01:0; 14QTEL,' ON THE NIIROPNAN PLAN, onor ow.N.tw-roax RiNGLE „ROOM§ 69 ,OTO.,PRD; DAY. OltO y ily Hall &sane; earner' Trinktort street, oppoelte Hall ) Wale, as gie,rmey- be ordered in the alaidoire Sej tootorf.:A Thera lea Barbera Shop and Beth ROOO3ll attached to the Eidtel.: • - , Bonnet% end Hrrekh L ien rrho any we okre - ' 'll.."PANNOH,Profirietor. r 604 ' • J ONES, ROUSE, • -114114111141 M, re., (Nreltsd 111 150 LIOANTLY 11t131118.T . M. NOW OnIN ,:a729-7 ' ' ;WITAB'O,OyIIRLY,' Provitstor; OLDr TOM- LONDON, OOADIAL - 'GIN, pronounced by the Idedinel 'dearest ot LoodOn Dab; best speoldo for Onoenroptlon, Orarel,Dispopels, oout, Mienroutiem, ,'Dbfkle t 'Yoriir,"&o. Yor,ealo by . all' bu !eliding Dwirgiete and Of oceira Obtbkdelpito., The OLD Tog, ,Suiportel oictiielielY.Jpi. P.', D. LONGUItAiIe; impptter oUPplatat - Witiell end Praia dime; 04!,40 'lll, fkrtifkl9l, filefefif, 4401 a. 7 - edaPETUE—Olive .911, ()tad -4.10,1o;lor issiputtit, ra"AROnlEa; ,gyp ' " 11,0. i7io lq tiorth 01tMestreit, PRARLS, AT WrIfOLiSALiiIIIIIO ills ea. PgIJ )ILPHLi If%oW9p, - otwitii;:tiiiiblitis;','" ,, ,i:', ,'i': , fitatonals. --- VT' THE ' DISTRIO I' - 00 . 0117 FOR -TRH NIL OXTY AND COUNTC4/isiPIind.ISIILPIXIA. , . ,'-'• ,'' t , The filerohants , and Mechanics , savings Association_ of rhiladelphisrVA . Thooses B ,Woodward,: Laced reales, - of December Term,lB6B. No 11311. 1 t. The undersigned, , AhesrAnditoirapotated by the said ' Court - to 100411 Argettiori , of, the fond ,in, Court itrisingtiOMntfeedharlfflirsale:mider'tie above Writ ,' of Ai All that certain two story brick melt/maga or, tens., reent..and.lot or, piece, of -ground attutstooo_tbefOan tilde of Marshall street, :fforteerty jeep etreet,hat the %Wee of forty seven feet `nine Melee and one. utter. i sr or an inch northward from the north side of Brown' *trait, in the late Districtottfpring Garden, now the elty or Philadelphia, containing la front or breadth on the said Marshall Street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth, elemterdi.tooreekyoraust lines, at right angles with the Mid Marshall street eightpone fest one loth and one half of an inch, bounded north. wankliferpund gfauted tolaadUlf teurputheardi by E.c , :hrld Ma or PAribin liafnes, decreased, east Ward bt und latent William Phillips, and westward by ;mid afghan street being -the-`-same premises which Charles hfoyer, Trustee, by indenture dated the twelfth tsy of July, A. D. 1866, and recorded at Philadelphia. n Deed Book , R.lOl W;; viol so, , pige3grrato,, granted nd conveyed unto the said Thomas D. Woodward, in fee, under and sail to the payment of a certain 1 rty ground xentJor marn ofiripetyidollellidn equal alf-yearlyilments, on the drat dayof thhinonttqf of actuary end July in every year, unto 'boob Bar. Isla eirsosod-agaigns,ss•will meet the-pastiss.intarsated, for the purposes of hiivippointmerit, on WSCINDADAT, the foorilmlate{ May, .1i6.11069. at 4:0'ylOolt F.."1/T4 , pt his Onion, No. 208 heath FOUSTEI Street, in Vitt city of Philadelphia, when and where all persons are required to make thelv.olaipas before-the Auditor, or beoebarred treated:sing In Wools stsfd fora. 4 ,- ; sp2blOt EDWARD A. LISI,BY, Auditor. NOTICE IS b MOST GIVEN that the s Opagoisalowits named Jr: ' , SU sot to Incorporate tle Heitentllle; Mantua,' and Palrmbont Primeenger Railroad Ootopihr.s l approved the PiXth day of. April,' 1859, who Ss follows : Albert 8. Ashmesd. Obsess fdoljallarEL K--Elannalrt,Olrarles 7 B Truitt, Wm. Po ,Gbatiii, An I' 8 Tod; Robert Gleam ird4g. *lnd bfortie„Eamuel L Smedley, ,Jacob %leg. lames Ranter, i Isaac Heston, Thos. A. Andrews, J R. yorgdep, John 0 heifer, D. B Paul, H. A Dreer , Nehemiah Evan', Uther,66elfridile vJobtl.A: erown,,a, 0 Lmed:me, 9., Bafdwell, B. ' EI.: Hiller; II E. Wallsok,l3. M 7ieV. ;Bak, D John Reele r T. Vogdee, Ste phen I.: Likko lehron , MO:01a, John P. Beatty, B. W. ()Art, Peter, Parker, and, (leorge ~ 1114, will open books for" t h e 'papaw) of making-and rtcelylng subscrlptlotle, to the Capital, Otook of the Said , ‘.Bastorerille. Mautuat and Veltmount Passenger ill:Areal Company" at GREEN'S DROVB•BARD 110T11140BrnbtorLA1f0Alvra *yew% and the second Meet, Twenty-fourth ward, on the second lay of MAR,,18%. •9, o?oXoqls A,-810 , a . nd will keep open Autidlioote s‘ dootdilig to ISW: . . „ALBERT ,H.,ABRILBAD, _ tr. X. RARBIBD,__ • * *D u - Petni„ , . BOBBRD- se,LPRII GE, B. W. 01BR, oowalttee sal tAI2 S. M. ZULLOIC,. i VSTATE OF SAMO - EL'W: EARL, de :x.4 ceased. LEITTERB - ,TRBTABDENTART - to the _Vitiate of the Heald RAM IRO W. EARL;' deviated, hatre bred-grouted ;to the aubseriba by The Register of Wills of the Oity .end County of Philadelphia All persons having claims •or demands against the lgitate of the said decedent, are requested to make the same known without delay 'to GBOUGE I) wiratuatiLL, xgeoutor, BO•VS Mirth PßOßPlitreit;•PhilerhOphitr, • • ' Or his Attorney, GEORGE NORTHROP, ap4dii et , • . 17 , Zi0..Ah2 2 W4140,3E1T Street. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIS , Is. r q Tins 01151610NWEALTH OP PINNEIYI.. To:ltirs.t Julia Orate.; lord, and Dieanor, hie wife ; George Swift, John Swift, Joseph Bain, (No. 1,) eon or Joseph Swift, the elder; Robert )7 Morrnon, and Martha, hie wife; Isaac Zell, and Elisalbeth hie wife; Mrs. Margaret Miring, widow ; Danield); Istiirs,'Osurie Good, 'llinferaln ittley, and Hester, his wife; noberreulitey, and Pridenee, his wife; George ,Bw.ll, end pentsl /Delft, Trustees, and all other that:sits ' .'doeitreett,t Or legal regesentatives of Henry Drinker , George Roberts, Samuel W. Fisher, and Joseph Swift, deceasel,,greeting Whereas, at a Courtur Ilomtriori PleoS held at Phila • delphis, for the city and county or Philadelphia afore said, on the -twiettposixtitAstor, March D 1859,, inc" the , 'wettest-II the -Trust ..Eatitte denominated the Vetter Linde," the Petition of James 0 Iflaber, the younger. Trustee an lieir .at common kW of James 0. Plebe?, the shier, tecefsed, tinder ecertain Declaration of Trust, dated the twenty.siath day of May, 3.105, was presented. praying that he, the said James 0. Pieper, the younger, atiMild "blr discharged from bin aloe as Trustee as aforesaid. You end eaoh,of,. you- are hereby cited, ae before . you were, to be ' luad" appear furore the Ridges bf Our eald aourt, to be holden at Philadelphia on the al et day of ?donut, at 10 o'olook of the forenooa, to mate answer to the said petition ` of the Mad lamella. Fisher, sod .to show.canee, If auysint have, why hey the Raid jeltneial, Rleher, iboo14 ; pot ke diatharged from his,ofilee as unite* aa eforamid, , and therein falf,not'at your' peril, Witness the Honorable Oswald Thompson Dr otor of Law, Preeldent of our said Court, at Philadelphia, the second dey of April, one thotuiand eight hundred age; etti f siineagibq 1;7 XDWARIi G. WELiB, W1l140: ; .1 ,;PpthAll9hlr., 0. P. frbutatiamil. AV An 3111 Kr ACAIAMY, •- • - • BDIDGEPOD, D. DAVID THOiIIt•SON, A. M., Principal. Beaton barna MAX 4;. •PrOdicr A Datal o B l l.r. Hafer lo,Bey.lannic./Y+4, D. D ; Tim Theodora',- Trelinkbuyeen, LL. D: N. If 4 , boa. Wm. Bigler, U. Bemoan- Peann.j . Dr. Joßa Damien, liar. riabarg, Penns, -' - apll.l2t '45-OK-aIr.EEPINm. u.,,,, 1,10 I E-PREEEING• _MADE EASY.—The .11-10 cum at TWININGI'd Wll,Bfal/DIT . EYDIAGII&K will obviate all difflaaltliabeaequlrlaig almowladie ei We useful Beleaaa. - 3 TWININWEIVIIIWAN TILE IN BTITIITE,I¢Bpooth Marl Street. spl442t* MILLEN, GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, li FISANISIQRD, Bp: -miles from Market street, Plilladelpht6. - • - • The fiukasser Semla will -conpmeneet MONDAY, -z • t 4 , M The coarse of toeiruotiou in this BithoOl is oompre heals*. end (thorough- Parente iiiit - :Odirdisos who Intend to pima their apparel or weal .at.,tble lnoti. Sutton, wlll well to make'immeniite spoliation' to t. . • THOmPSON, sten4lit. Prfooloal and floperinterdent, 11""MT " CHUTES Y, ,W332..3MXPTIMIPAC-1014 aompalpee7ltsleth Elession,,usber the charge of itir present frioelthil, on the pr Mit nett. - - The , costae - of instrooticot td NITINIANE and TIPROTIG I6 , deingoed sad arranged to prepcirii, liiips — iiiiNioloterieo ref tlyilesil- orlor the business , reitotremebto of notteelffe: Ttin'Ogitto AN sad 1113NOIllasgusgea ere taught IipTATIVB, BIDNNT TALOHNIIN of tact: talent, sod' experience. i'eIOM 76; seder the charges! ,7 TcachereopOtteSlN6 Nor Cate - Wpm and fuNlinforinagoo jai& - och7-,30i ,719141:y: yrNitttB. , 4 , il - NI US/0 LESSONS. —MISS LIZZLE oaaRoLL, No 022- Boutlt TENTH. ktreot, third door above Iron, continues to give leasone on the PIANO-1411t „•either - at her' residence or et the homes pll6l — rot. tetras tipply 'as'abore.• Utters to Oonnot Never, Plenbiforte hianursotnrer, No. 722 Arch street, Philadelphie.,l •••••, • I sp2.linie tait,TAN,T-A STAATTUN'a. NATIV.NAL hitiltdANTlTarieCiLt3GllB,loosted `at Phila. dolphia; a. id. qicirnor LIZVENTS and 4311ZSTNEIT; Now York, BOK; oiertlroa, and Chicago. /or in fon:ration:anti or iind for Catalogue. - • te9-tr .i./..DTDcoN J X 9ADEY, CHESTER foonNtr f pe t , ,-.. •_; , Prot. EDWARD:D.' POICPER, A M., Principal. The .2.1.24 seselon of thid well-known School will commence Met 24. ;UV It islocated in a retired and healthy- villige,iststit Celebrated 'for'the salubrity of Su climate, and the elevated character of Re epicene. A coach Meets the monsing oars from Philadelphia and Deltimore at Newark,'Dilaware;fo convey students to the Academy. TRReEt,Efid per of five months. The Muff* may be seen of the GIRARD HOURS ever. RATIIXDAY,frozn R to a until May Rd. 14°116%, birix LNG GARDEN ACADEMY, N. B. 13 imiei RYGEIT[L , and 4 BUTTON WOOD Ds. - . COMMERCIAL DEPARTS-MT.—Rook. keeping in all ttarrirelims• formal 'preparing -Students-thoroughly ifpc aitiumiont Rieny braordt of ,litt4eas Plain and Or nairiental,Witting • Commercial Calenlatione • lair and fmarepirldence. ko institution in - the United States glees a moil/ Lieretigh and piartirof cookie. - In this department no teaching is done in olaues, and Lia open lierand EVENING. Time MATIIB6IATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART. SlENTeliatatli front - the iftinitty—=Yortng Men anO Dope pie prepared for any trade of an,Engliatand Obit Meal ltdizcation,vis Writtng,,Grant mir,Veotraphy,..drithmetie, Philoimphy,„&c.; Ancient sail Modern•Langdigel, with • higher Collegiate Stodfeiti, ifeardeneof fled months ooriunence,September let, and Peßrusirji Eitl• Pupils received atany Mao be fore oilftlif theeedsted and @barged pootirdingl7: gds. logcreif friiiitp4i . tyWeam. oth24f - • v: morrmirvy.LoVci, prfn,ioa .... SNYDER -LEIDY-43E. LELOY, vt..70-Prinelpals.of •LNI.DY •BIWTIFER8 1 AOADENT, Nos:148 - and160 OIXTEI dd lt EWL,`, near Beim, • *tore knowledgerof • • „ " • WHITING; '3309E-REKEING, - and AltrrnMlTlO le pm% certain to every pupil that may enter, aCADltarr open dap and evetllnZ • etAITTEDIDIIINm LADF, H /A BokrußßOlni/00134848, sovtliesit corner of ,IDUSTMIT sad. IDIVERTD Shute; • ' • • ddiatitotioa •delitood to dt tOttIV ono for DUD 111381N188., • •••• , • • " -•• • .• ••••••• ICIABD - 0} TICUSTRIB., • 11:11.1:lotnegya, •' •• • - PrandiaDoeldoa, (Morro -ED btitasti - David Milne, • JOhthiparkkalrk,• • • •• • • • Boring. Brown, Trafao•Hatkari• • • • A: lf:Paraona, D. ifituaidt; = Diaderiak Brown, Soahua Lippincott. • iIIITENINEP SESSIONS after September 1619 ;Each fitndent bats • INDIVIDUAL /118r11707101t Itt this 'institution; and a Diploma from here is the but re anarienddtion smug man can bile, for obtaining a good situation:- • CIATALOMIB maybe had bn ipplicallon at the . „ seB-tf express Clompanits. WELLS, FARG - 0, & CO., NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS AND EXCHANGE COMPANY CAPITAL $400;000. 400 011EST,XUT STREET. LII3OIINIA BXPREB6EB Imo on the 6th end 20th of A.oh =nth.. •1 + . . . . ISLAND OP CUBA EXPRESSES leave - by all the rognbir stamen-4g 24,„1.:#4, 1 17th, and 27th or each month. cm.,ratippi . B,mado on If &VAN), with prompt re. Ldtda oqutgibto,..o44 l ol. l A; ?..9:. 110 10 , 4 1 5TW on_ , Hivann. ra.p,rin..ttilX.entimPAAnoisqo, 0860011, FANDWION iflektltitij and ItairiXe; Mr Atte in NOM to Brat: - CALIFORNIA COLLECTIONS ' irr:.Dar PAN Pll&NOISCO,lionso gives ospeohilat tention to collections on all points in California and Oregon, •crill prompt returns. Manufacturers and me T et t eats making eaten for Oallfornia or Oregon, can transmit their bklle of_ lading through onr, holm, and have thaliseillaina paid for on arrival of the:, go ods there, thus giving purchasers full benefit of time on sales, and yet the Planta/fig eonirol of their property until parfor. ' D. N. BARNEY, Jn., Agent: raFlB,Bpk , am m * d i v a les a ra 'MUMS EXPRESS COMPANY. AND BOUTIMESTERN “1.-,PRNBBI NEW AIRANGEMENTS. RATES REDMOND. : The ADAMS EXPRESS , OO , having ol"..2npleted ar rpngerneutn vrith the Norfolk and Petereborg, Petere burg and Lynahbarg, Zest' 'Penn ;and Virginia roads, ho., ho., Inn 'now prepared to ive QUICK DISEATOR, much' REWORD RAT ER, to good! destined for places In VIRGINIA, NORTE end 8013 TR CAROLINA,. ONOREIA; ALAEAMA, and EAST and WEST TENNESSEE. The eatabliiiiiiant of a THROMIN INLAND )1011TN from'PRMADELPHIA: to 14NMPLU8t Vann, email to . adatli ern and tionthwasteintinjara a safe and reliable lamina of aranspertation 'at 'very 'amiable' rateA, and *radii Nib rialtirof 'Mart navigation. • N hltpbrii priferring this inland Route are rigtiooted , to mirk reada O YLVILIORMOND Thane if rbiating the "i•Onbi Via ffEelialiaake liar, at a to ii•aa airs or rumen?. riailriaakisges VIA NORPOLIE.” - • (;Dodo' Olotbing, Soots and Shoes,' Hooka, Eco., tnerchandla genitally, meailtariole ala feet Let itia 100 'l.iettoda, will be dawned and taken a-Beaty Freight " ' • • • " - f 1,400 and Boket Noma 'taken at a reasonable advanee Ott intAYT sllllllGtir RAINS. Thdloogioottibliotiod Line of Ealenea to the outliandliouttnrost, ti - Eiteamera to Obarlatitoil and R rina * L, »dips ocibuzilie4 ab neretororc - , Vet forthia tutotr o iktton'apply et , the Odle., No. 820 ONNOTAIIT Pireqt - • ' - ' '• ADAMS stews co.'. ABTEIi PitESElvit.‘ , JU141.6C1E5811,13,3r61N5, 77„, Wilson., An, 'tioile Sandie - 76 genii.' BYIiVESTER'iI 'WORD. -By the anthoi • inf." Thetis's - of Redenfte.". - - •80 Sostarlielld,re sh Godes those; ..... " - 'rho Won) to ssis lioubeam 86 'it The Meals of "Blessl!,ge - " 80 ‘c .Warfare lied Work '- 60 - ) AWN noir editlooo of .• - THE BOOS ON 0101161 DE PHLYEIH. Ylegsatly booed la a variety of new styles. 'livery Wale Shalimar Book , at reduced otiose. 'hey be Mal of -'•- • - ' BURNS & BI.B6; - ap2B.2t B. W. ear. EIGHTH & OHESTNIIT Ste. UST _PUttLISHEO-' " •nr • - ORTS9Y & NtARKLINY;'" 'GOLDSMITH'S HALL; LIBRARY STREET, • AND CHARLES, DESILVAR, 714 CHESTNUT STREET,, , AN AMERICAN ERCWOUNOING DICTIONARY • or 'tug' , ' - LANCNIAOR. • ..ST 11,11XARDS11 H.,LAIDLAW, et, ITririelpel of the Monroe GisisituarScliool,Philedelphia. • ' PRICE ONE DOLLAR. This' all4nriable indhontested opell inga, irregular influstlaniLlprimary. And iseandarf ac cents., llPPlnpriete • PrepeittiOns, references ,to writings of Standard nierit• dsdnitibrut of , geogrisphloal names, 1144 . pfasinrociaixies .otpereciaartrindletiont Of.foreign phrases/ rites' for spelling; lista. °entreating the coa. Jeartstlee alttWabetetlen. orthographies, &o ~&e. i By the insertion or original and wellAtied plapoi the. worlie hide tosibseire the heel of a thoroogh and re. lest spellinkhook, and of ea add in teaching - the-art of English &doge Mien.' 'Vital titled - iSpaolanyfltted for ass 111'aclibolaaa4 Willits aid Hoses ba wade ierclis. able in s greeter number of"waye than iniiwork of Its Md.': 10303140450, bhges—elch nip embraces three coltithist;nntl &tale part of the bli_ralsitloo , of a void is printed in a, dlitloative type. - - (Er On the rtiosipb of 'One-Dollar tin Publishers mAil tits above, a work to any part of thUnite4 i Statue , ap23.lm ALVABLE STANDARD, - WORKS, I'ubllehedbj RiCE,DOLY . • ~ Publishers and Booksellers, . - 21 South SIXTH. Street, above Chestnut. WATEON , B,CAUP PI/MIS LOP THE R E VO L UTION. Illustrated. blew edition: - • ^ • • PROO TORII /GUILD:MALTED HISTORY ,OP THE CRUSADES. Containing over DSO AN IGLILIBTRAVAD GIPS OP MARTIN LUTHER. Milted, with an Introdneglon. by Rev. T. Bork. ' • TSB PARrompt.ot- BRUM umnrint: irr9 p . the Eleir . enth German edition. Elegtolly illustrated', • ' • MONTGOMERY'S TORTIOLVWORKIL The only oomplete edition . )Id4tell by bliusSif; with portrait, AMERICAN PxldAll: 00gts Caroline May. /Castrated. • Beautiful edition: " BRITISH pichimm-porro, BAT;roi; Bet h une. Together' with`ri bolo and *tried assortment of IL= LDS rEATED REGID4OHL •49 ',ltts9w.i.ozotre posuoenOlig - f , " AttE, AiNG,ULAR; AND- VALUABLE Xtrllostuts botiglt esohinted* 8/11/.ll),,Y4'ittlurentitare, „Inettratkce -Qt9mvanies: TE,RP'R:X This Oedipal:ly, imam idestitere; nOraila4lie tyleinsCless:er dinky° by lire. 4 Thitiolislicof thu Oompen pipet - 40y, - proadi *hit makes 'aisigued aro:LWOW security, they - shaii, ciOf ',maiden sotiii AO'r of- the owner of tit!, yroperty ji - thus bit:elided:4o the,holderi- BEXIII iformeass, notwithAtasidiog r itik iceott coils . Coin. ter o f • I:trout:id R SOS, :lidettaged, Ideohantes , Nana, sad other Eaeiriiies oi Real Rotate, will also' be 1041013 , - .Icumre4 li desired. - DIRIOTOBS. P.V.atehfori !Darr, - ' Marlon! L. Dawson, William I.o(se,L Efeorgo'H. Btoast, - • Nalbtwlrialai .Tolut. H. Brown .1 1 KILF #3 6 : 0 4 4 : . A., 7 .shAfial^.4l Andre* D. Caoh, • Dairy Wharton', = • -d. 14yingiton P: 12AVD111DRDISDADE,Drostdent cQXP) .". • - - TXXPOZAII , I,I , OPZION 152 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. fobrt•llm DELAWARE X I TU. L SAFETY IN - SURANOB COPIPANT.• • • INCORP PRATED BY 211 - B LEGISLATURE •- " OP'PENNOTLY A NIA, 1835. ' 07ZION 0. R. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT' • - Streets, Phlladelphia. - • - 17010 US ASCII _ °ARGO.all,parta rd the World. DIOUF= ' , • iRLAND UstritAnois_ _ On Dotal, byliver. Canals, Lase, and Land Oaniage, to parts or the Ireton. ' ' Plll'l' INItURANORO On Marabandlaa generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houma; &a. • 6,11321 . 8 07 PUN 00517.471 Y, 716ienabov 1, 1851. • Par. . ' ' Market Palms. $lO6 050, niLaelpbta Olt/ 6 4, eitit. 14,w:4105,144 00 1110.000, Pennsylvania State Limos ' 101,4.6 00 $.30.000, Treasury 431 40' coot. Plates: 80,112 60 ,350,060,Penuaylvaqa ...Railroad 2d Mort gasi 6 sp' cent. Ronde: , , • . 45,876 00 I'o,ooo, North PepneyDranlaßailrokliort.. gate 6VP sent: sonde . ... 11,000 00 516,000,800 shires stook Gerntazdown Gas Company, Interest and principal - ' guaranteed by ,the city of PhDs delphia • ' • 14 926 00 $6,000,100 same „Penapylrapia , Railroad Company.. 4,337 BO $6,000,100 'Ammo =North Pennsylvania Railroad Company $2,660, Sundry Mares 'Plillwlelphla Ice •• . Boat Company, Ham de Grace Steam Tow float Company, Br, earmati, Steam Raviption Corn. pinny. and Philadelphia Richanso , oohiparly 2,030 00 . , XB4O d00;' ' , '.. -_ 319499 00 Maas and Mort gages , sad:Raal Istata, O. ' dat'Balldlng • 71,5!3 BA Bills Baegbratui, for Inearnooes nude ' 201.888 84 Wpm - dad at Atom:au —Premiums on . Marbarpdititdi reaent4 latued—aidaths: ." .dePt4 dar tba,Coplowy 61433 1.• &nip mad 'kaki* sundry Maumee °amp ules Mahon 4044 In Beak 8,220 00 42,067 86 DMZ William Martini Jorefti M. heal, . • hBmund A. Bauder, John O. Darla; , ;she' li,'Penrose,' George Lelyai, hdward Dr. K: td. ; Wm. 04014, sMU. • • psaser Charles Kelley, ~ EL aisles Brooks, • Jacob P, Jonas, . MILE • THOn. HENRY : :masa 0: Nand, Theonbiltui Paulding, ' Umes Teimpuilr, Williain Bpi!, Jr., 7.Y: Pe/Liston, ' Zoshus P. Byre, ' isuanerE. Stokes, Henry Moan,' James B. Wriland, Thomas 0. Mond,. ' Robert Burt,-,' - ,John B. Semple, Pittsb , , D. T. Morgan, " T. Logan. MARTIN, President. HAND, Viee President. mh2d dew CIREAT• WESTERN ISM:MANDE AND TRIIFT'OOMPANYi . . ' AND 211111 FAIdSRI3 , DRIOA11:1 1 1 4 /a p ti A OR COWART OF "Whig iliilugtlated their tiusitetii, will hereafter mi. dee; the owns ander the came of the GREET _WESTERN • lIQBIIBAN'CIiit AND - TRUST 0014PANY, • °Mee, bd. 403 WAtNIIT Street, (carepaufe Banding,) -'r f i tTart l TlWl*•oonblrd6lp ardibie ASSETS Of OVER 11 0 50,000, Invested, for the meat pert, in haat Bonne and Moat. Gating, bearing MX per tent. Interns, on improved pro pene. worlb double the amount. RHIN, INLAND, AND MARINI: CARGO RDAS Taken on the moat favorable terms. IHREOTORIL (Marian O. Lathrop, William Darling, - "Alexander WhiHE% - E. Trans, ' John O. Ranier, James B. Smith, leaao Hazlehurat, O. N. Shipman, I,'R McOurdy, Prtheis Tyler, Thomas L. Gillespie, Charles Harlan, Darnell; Collier, lotethaa .7; Slocum. - • O. 0. LATUROP, President. - WM. DASLING; Vice President. JAMES WRIGHT ; Secretary Yreeaurer. o.'B. RUSSELL. Assistant Searetary. 0. N: SHIPMAN. Second Tice President, rand2rild.W tr ' Mumps Ormos Nes York OVPIIMS- • FOR THE 13013111--OHARLEB TON,6AVANNAH, d HAVANA STEAM -- -- . BV/STONE STATEN Captain 0., P. hiarshmtus. STAUB OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin. UMBEL, Captain Wm. Rollins. - sOR 0114BLISiT061, B 0. The Ti. B. Mail Steamship KNYSTONN STATSH Captain Marsinnen, through in 48 to 60 hours, wil sail 013 Tht111111)24 . 87 M. *pitds.vmiNAte, Ga, The 11. 8. Mall Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, Opt. John J Garvin, wilt sail - on pattulay, April 80, atIOAM " The splendid tirstulsse side-wheel Steno:Alps XXV STONE STATE and STATE Of EFEORGTA. now ran se above every ten dale, shim Stamin a 111/44/4Tora muniostion with the /loath west: - - • lir Goode' remdeid ant bills of biding signed every A t At both Oherleston sal' Savannah these daps eon /mot with steamers (or flortda; and with rallroada, for all plates in the South andlorithweist, , and with the Steamship ISABEL, for It:Mina, on the 4th and 18th of every month. fREINUT - REDUCED. Heavy freight et" en average of 16 per cent. belof New York stemnildp retee. NSOBLEO.IO, freight sod Insuran l ce on a large proportion of Goode shipped /loath will-be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing - • - • ' • - Cabin Palosage to Oharleeton and Savannah $1.6 00 Steerage r//, ' 800 Excursion Tickets, good for the preaeut year.... BO On Ticket/ to Ravens „. . 65 00 - • • • - Through Tiokets to New Orleane 80 76 , Do ' Mobile 88'00 Do • Montgomery 26 00 390 Albany, Ga 24 00 Do Oolimb% Ga • 23 00 . Do Atlanta; eta 29 00 Do ' Macon, Ga 21 1 00 Do Palatka, ia. 23 00 • Do Plcolata, P Pla 28 00 Do Jrackpenvilli,Pla 21 00 Do Pernandins, Pia 2/ 00 No bills of lading signed after the chip bas sailed. No freight received on the day of nailing. Por freight or passage apply to . A. //NEON, Jr., Honthwoit corner 10131011 and 011E8TNIIT. Agent, in Okarleattne, T. 11,;& T. G. DODD. - 6t . Savannah. 0. A GRIMM & 00. , Notirea. O,PEOTAL NOTtOt:—Dealers in Goodyear's e.. 11 Patentibt linlaanleed Rubber Buspenderi, Braids, Webs , and all other Pabrics and szticles made by combin ing abroim inbataxiceiWith threads Or 'Satiate of vuloan inee,inbbeliaminotieed thetnniess the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authorl ty, _they- =moth° legally dispoied of in the United State.' .hlntehanta and dealer,' are, turned to exewine epecimens now In store, and to give their order/ for the Xiade to the Undersigned, STOLUBIVE N IB OP TIELTITI4I3. AND DXCLUeiVs EIGHTS IN 11113 DAriStig,ter these goods, which embrace all the styled hereldforo- manntiotured or imported, and Ins . oy others, Inle.NBllB TO HANIIPACTUBB AND 8)11i, - -ancitho_Tarnie--may be obtained on applitation to Am at VI, ibi,O9I7IITLANDT Btrest, N Y. ROTUMA U. DAY. LIAVANA OIGARS—A inperior assort meat, compliant— /110ra Yruebose, Ortjou; Jolt received and for mile kr Sepancia t N ptono; - Pettis, dco., &o. by (MARIAM MB, 180 WALNUT and 26 URANITI4 Pita HERRING. 875 bble. Pickled . erring Alio, 82i boxes Smoked Herring: i'or eta Ie by - • - • ' "O. 0. BADIAIC & 00., AROU Otriketi togoond dons ribipre hen% „ , ifa.*tiA l 4:4A:7)...:; t7--,:,-;, THO 41432-41tHONE T ' 4 - ' 7 8105: 11 88 , ..4a43. sortnir Iforinerly Rah 87 and WV. --• • ZBTATI, GROUND REINTB, sroon, • Pamphlet eataloemeaiP2Sger how really; sontalnlng full descriptions of all the prope rty ' foie) bold On Tub& day evetthig, -28 th.lust7. 'With a list of salsa Ad, and 17th Iday 4nd of real eatatoit:prlyateaale. - ' 1 ' 112 .- OollBa 4 0 5111PrAtt. '..: ~ t , " •.' - --- -. .-: On Tosilday, larenizuh.-.. 1, i .•- , .._,..'.. April .2Sth.- ekt 74-olelocki sa , tha 7Phliadelplee al . atinge , Mill be soldepreirlous to,realatitete-r4 '.. ::7' . 1 share Arch -street Theatre, withiloten.4lT2 -`' - % ;.1 shsrePennspiraelikAradsmy of Blale'Arfi. • %U. ,'I. share In the Point Breeze Park Association. - •SeS Delaware Mutual ins. pa. sorlp.l. . --- i''.'"' ~' .". -- ,$5O-Pholeirt en Ootopitiy serip. - : • . .00 shares liostirirest. llf inlet Corappop. ... . -- -; '1 ,there Ph ilteielNticAthenssum. ... .. , . "I. share Mercantile Library.; '. • ~r• '. -- • .'. 'B2 shares esethnarkllink stock. „-. .... - , , ig 25 shines nellinoelltranen 00 1 1 3p0,4 7 p 14,50 -: • 240 shares Philadalp a- Cluarni,oompap ar pirO. pee absolute. . - l 6 We 'bar absolute. ,es Amerhum. Asadsiny'...ef Antis, with ticket " " • 1 3 2 . 6010, BONDS " y Syening, My 13d, it 7 o'caolk. av Vba , rhiladalphia previous tolhe'sale 4 of real estiti,'Wlll - ba mild for ie. count of vrboai ia`roareouodru.... - : , : o 10 pyr cent brat mortgage vsoupvis , beater; $lOO each. Oaliaway ?Mules and- blangraoturing Com pany of bf robkan, 41th , 60npotis- fake 14 Wept/mbar, 1861. I telvulat - --- " - • $lOl skates -Welt Branch. Mltimlnont Coal Company— Rae $lO., , 17:7 _ 6 Peittt* pitat--16th This orals" will !n a iad?, among ! other Tednatd• party', the folloitial, . - illsontors 7 Peremptory' Salt—lade of .7.411 Bidpse, AR deceased. CH B TRIBT,—Th reeir, bFiok 935 Aral 4treii, bitweeri Ninth - mid Tea% striap. Sande Zatitc—PLAT MODERN 2ESIDUSTOII;*:' 107 Arch ettmit' between Btoatt and Pifteetitk.- -" - Same (Ballad .:•••801:1111 aura Thrett• itory brick 818 Soaih YitthFtreet twee° 13prnoeir0 ' same Notate :.—LOOIII3T 'BTRIRT brick die/Singe; sontkweat comer of Loon* Street and. Reoberry alley, betimes Ninth and Tenth Streets. Berne Notate,—VALDABLE• RipetilißBB eTANDP..-- RIO four-sibrj brick aldree and,dwelliage, N. N. corner of Twelfth and Race streets. 4 „ Same Retate..Llll.lsYßN DWELLINGS.—Eight brick. and three ,fesune dwellinee, Juniper BUM, Shellbarke street, eni atuitoter street: north of Misery street, * feet front,l2o feekdeep ..- Three fritete.. , -. • -„- Same distate — TRDWNLE.IGdp r, , roavust Rive beck end, flu frame, dwellings, St..Jelin etreet,„ 'above George,-near the,aermantelwA road,- Sizteteatk . ;ward. Two trouts 43 , r.l l / 3 16. Estate.—TßN DRILLINGS,, ST. 3011‘.11`.... , -e- Ave brick and,,five ,freune dwellings, adjoining, the, Above, Two (route. ` 4- • ,Same„iiteste.—NOßTll .fratue disellinge; trout street. north of .Ifranatlinetirisitt,' Vote geoids:4ton.) „ Two knot*. „ Er'Saltl of the whole of thi itboiti,*4 „velment misery° ol , 'lmultatlOn. • Tullpartictdare f el liandbilla, whichim&be . it the emotion 4Teentetes Sale-4irtati of Xoseph Gest', deiNl seuesoono RISIDSNON, ORRSTRUT STRIONT; N 0.1259, west of TWelfshbtopest,22 feet front by 150. Diet in depth, to (Royer steiet.' Aber; cone Estate,-2312ELING, uvular - SPURT, between Twelfth and 'figment& etteote, cor. of Daan. saline Iistate.—DWRLDING,. No. 885 North Twelfth 'street, between Rees and 'Pine. • , Same Estate,—TWO *Rail STOARS,,Noes, 215 'atell2l Math' Bidet; aid' Wester etimete, (Iwo fronte,) ,bettreed - Walnittend dpruce: r:•.• •e' • • • s . 4 ' .• Plea, another Xstatel--ern -VALUABLE, STORRS,. the ehove, tiein g !foe, 212 sod 223 The four; -together - ham-dg's t , :7 , - 9333 stOtot and 1/" . .tet._ mtrirobtOr ••', 4 - • 'SPROUL-, aniartirra Pao-- LiaGi - LOTAND bIbiIi,RODDRD BENTS , Also; a lot of 28 cotes; with (route onlefeath, Eighth, • Sloth, sod Tenth itreensi'litt-eit Clormentosni Mid, - ' Susquehanna avente;.Duunoisd; Norris, and limekiln 'Meets, Rill . be divided andaoldja 15 lop, Bee ittitor graphic,' Nine. , , •-• , „ Also, old well evonied ground reet,178.76,E5T.80, $40:164 549.60,1100, and two of Eli/LSO' - • -sp• Ewe of she whole abeolnte,l7 Order of the She= riff,, See lithographic' olluts NFL haodbills. - - Ateo„-ETGRT ACONS,O/p.DAND,,,with,stone, log, bark; ,11melcilne, WOodiande Cern. , tag, on the Darby rout and rreir • ' -Abe, ZEsontoral Sale..-43ERHANTOWN PROPER, TY.-21 ion's, with over 900,feet ivontoo Indian Mown lane. 'Resta of Robert R. &soft, deeelwed. See plan. • • Maine , Court Petenintort Bele VALUABLX 5T01119 . , No 812 Market - street, between , Delaware Third alsd YorulasilltrSete;'inth. two dwellings oontigapne thereto, on Etankyn place. ,ltatate of ;one-, than Lukens, docoeured. 11:r Elena of it my ke seen "stilie - andlOir rooms." Er Sale l e-HANDSOME2OoOO ea rematnon mortgage. - Peremptory Bal COUNTRY...ELAM!, known SI 171.11a,E .owir eight aoree, with fin ,perlor ImprovetimmisLneer Bt , , - Drphane Court Sale—Emate of Rlohard,Bhidle, draft. TMENLIITORY , BRIM DWELLTSIG',,,B. N. corner of thinsaner Weekend Aepetallet,letweeti Ifwentj•lirst and Twentrietand atreeteL -- • Peptises'', Court Bala—Rata% of TosepliWiohman, dee'd. THIMIII-STORY BRUM OWILLINO,,N. ; Eleventh etreet u abows Buttonwood street. ' -Teraratitorr Bale , :-HANDSOME MODERN • SERI DENON,.No. trantlin, - street, west aide of Etaaklik Square, 21 feet front 108 feet deep - ...oxlasiolatratoe's 011ter Bervf,4looS'd, . HANDSOME MODERN itEspstics,,No.43.l3 street, west 'Or Bteeeo;fi etrisit, , LO - r 07' GROUND; Broadatreet,ionth Or Titticuireh 'tree.; (VIM wardl•-• . • ,•;,- c • ••• • - - TIittaR;STORY %OMR DWELLING. - tio.l'filDitt . teahouse Street, west of Seventeenth and south of "Peteiaptory Ilisfe'-41178_INIPEISTAND.Threa.artory— brialr. atorcanCdifelllag, Oolumtds isvento, wit_ of Thirteenth street. - . , • . Peremptory ,•Bale.—TWO PIiILEN•WFORY - BRICK DWHLL MU; North -Path' street; ninth - orDialixduA street: - • Peremptory Bale—TWO- THII.SE-STORY BRICK IMILLLNGIII,‘AND • STORNI, ••• Parries' 'street,-wait' of Fifteenth street. with dwelling is rear, , • ' Peremptory assql mm it BRICK DIP lILL .IIIO,FIo 1249 Herrin. street, north of Stiles street. , - Pereimptoryge.e.—THßEX•eTOltlt BUCK DWAlle ItiG r ldarvine onreet; norm of Trifferion street; , Peremptory BeIe...TIMBE-11T011,Y-881011. 11,WILL MO, No. ilia Mei street, weatof.Sleirentit Street. ' FAlthr,l3 naresOrittr - linprOvernenti]nit'New Hope area; porrnigh' ; of frorrittoWn, 216:' ' ' - • ' - • • ' ' " - REDIPTORY OWN ' TiLY Op. Aisle 86 Ysy mi ll.tzkelade, the elepet eotpArx . leldeeeee - etWilthen "BeweeirieC.T. 4 ED' Soo • , •Ws pinatpartientaik: • SALE OP VALUABLE BOOK 4 INCLUDING A BEE OPIONDQN EDITIONS Oa Taesday,, • April 20th 1 Al the anotion store , a collation of Talai bla rook., On intereetirar iratjecra; many o' them LOO - editions:, Alaa, plotoNal andillostrated works. Lrr For T5r 1 44. 1110 5ea.0.1 0 . 1 % .0 9 0 , • . • - • 1608,80 i 70 Sale at floc 7.80 and 141 South IteiitS Stria. SITPBRIOIC IntraNrroza L — Premo-roaT ZINN IRENCEL• PLAT! • • SIBROUS,- MAULS OLE- On liatedai At" 9 :O , olook, - at, the motion' atom, extenatre aeicettoseet of esoillent atoond-featel Wafture = idasodettee,:ane Edinroro, , , agape* etc,- Son deelialag- betusektesdec etederettek-the store rot ew• _ Toideaoe- sale. - Palo at N 0.166 North Pinson% Street: • - '- SUPERIOR. EURNIRIRE; , PIANO, - TAPESTRY OARPI62B, &o, • , , On 29th instant; at 10 tint oak, at N 0.165 North Fifteenth street, by" cateoguit, the entire • household furniture, rosewood piano, by nhoexuaker Ifine tapestry car pets, boot cue, • - . Also, the kitchen furniture and utensils. Er gaLY be - examined at 8 o'clock on tie Morni ng' 0001 T, re., A.U4MONEER, No. 481 , JI-Pe- - OHIIOITNIIT-STRIZT, oppealter, - the Mutton Clouse,' bet-neon .701111.TT1 and PUFTII Street,. LARGE 'POST rIVIIPSALS - Off 000 LOTS ASSORTSD' 000D8-0011. Pltl3ShuT 13A.LE3: 0n Wedoculay Morning: ,- hurl! 27tk, by catalogue, on a credit, ociancenclog at 10 o'clock pretgaely; 600 - lots of' deetrable goods suited to oresent and approaching sales. hamplecand catalogues early on the morning of, gale. - 200 CARTONS PRINCH FLOWERS: • COmprielog a till apaorturnt of nob spring styles Branch tirtificeal flowerer for best city ietsil axles. • li6i13110IDSIII&S. _ . BANDS: , A full line of needle-work band'', flouncing, edg Inge, do. t INFANTS' BOBER Blobbe embroidered intanto jeconet long and abort robes. INFANTB' WedBTB. ' Also, Infanta' jaconer valets, for bent olty retal o lee PARIS MITTS, KID GLOVES A line of long and cohort 'Pane black-fillet mitts. A'mo, ladlen' and tental blank, white. and colored kid gloves, real goat akin, .of enpe'rlor make, for beat retail sales. blallalL6EB AND LINEN 130130/48. 500 dozen assorted qualities /Jaen and Marseilles shirt trouts. WWI VEILS AND BARBER. Also, Preach lace veils, coiffures, barium, eto EPEOIAL PBBEMProRy BALE OPBOO CHOICE OIL PAINTINGS. On Thursday Morning, April 20th 'by catalogue, tantimencnag at lON,o , clook i will be sold, 800 oil paintings. comprising a great vs , riety of pleasing aubjecte,liaring been 'elected with muck. oars.- , Inoluted - in the collection will be found European and American landecapes, Interiors and exte. riors, marine viewu, bottle, pieces, figure pieces, fancy sketches, The paintings are trained in rich new•style frames; gilt wan pure gold lear. - - -, V"' Catalogues ready, and paintings arranged for examination during Friday and .Saturday precious to male. MANTEL-MIRRORS.' . - Also, three large - extra Prenek-plato mantel mirrors, nobly framed. Size of plate 92 babes by 90, aad 66 inches by 86, . . OANDELIIII.4,B, PI01:11128, 'Also, included In bale, doe bronze Brans, bronco candelabras, China and Bohemian LAnGg, PMIMIMPTOttY BALE'Oi STRAW GOODS. " ' `' On Priday Morning; • April 20th. by catalogue, on weren't, commencing at 10 °Wm*, 800 mum atrategooda, to which the partial:L -.ler attention of thp.tonic fa invited, 10tni At A• !1 AA 73, AUOTiurtzirda LPN AND OOMMISSION MIRCUADjT, , 0. L earner BIETU AMMON Streets' MONEY - vi LOAN. Mossy* to loan, in large or small amounts, on men. chandise generallyisod on all articles of value -An sums over one hundred ,dollars two per fent. per month, including Anorage, Ao . at Nathans , Principal Establishment. S N. corner of SIXTH and RAO. GREAT PUBLTO ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! ... MONEY! MONEY.!- I . Money liberally advanced in large or small amounts, front one dollar to thousands, on gold and ether plate, diamonde,'Wetches, jewelry, fowling - pierce , musical instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries', elms, hardware . cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, her nese, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed mi; at Nareents , Pr incipal Estabfirimesset, southeast earner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates. GREAT. BARGAINS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY cw, AT PRIVATE SALE, at NATHANEP PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, S. E Cotner of SIXTH and RACE Streets The following articles willbe sold for lescthan half the usual store prices Pine gold English patent full jeweled and plain, of the, moat approved and beet meke, in hunting canemeke, and 'double Patterned. Pine gold escapement lever and _Maine watches, in , boating ease and open face, some of them - extra full jeweled and beet make. Silver English patent lever watches, es capement lever and lepinon, In hunting case imd open face, some very siiperlor: Engliph, Swiss, Nrencli, and Quarter watches;- ado gold vest, •fobi neck, and children's ohains p lbw geld pencil cases and pane, bracelets, breastpins, thiger.ringe, ear-rings, studs me. Millions, and jewelry generally. Superior Have cigars at 516 per thousand,in boxes of WO each, will be /old by !Ogle box,er.oustititiet to.suit pnroblasers. • Nu merous fanny articles. an., Soo— he. AT pIIVA.T.I. SALE." A superior dm-proof chest, 4 feet high by 3 feet wide. Also - , - welch mad *jewelry of everydesoription PLUMBERS' MATERIALS.—A large and as varied aosortment constantly In Store, to which I call the attention of the Trade. Priest' as low as thoae,of,any house in New York. • ' -' mhBo-4mie ,__ EIS eilifioll Street.. . bblo. kos. 2 ) . iind 3 MINA madam', In Idiots. haL and gainer bble—Orl ginal.Packskof: Por • • 0:11 OADLIIIRA CO , ' apls ARCS Streit, woad door abgra Trout - 8474i1 1/44.- 40;411R ANi,ll A A A nbi i o rt swzo, t„ , 2604Oc00Tti 18V,- ai , o c il ofai b7LIA ai ""12,77 , • -Frakliairklld ismgay_fad, stalacitry saw. • ; , au,4m.iiihoup r', Gilboa amideig • Tunalnylaimeng,::: - • An Oniplee Of 12.4 liekr Idiot OnOnnoni ARAL • '1244 ,.. kr*. bnnterid:Otallnahorl.. •••;.. • :UM APVILIRIKOZitIii.-. dosingaStfil ' f! , Bilk • „ .'• - _ , , osinfoin of blink 'Wand lacy .1 IVIEDLIspORK-_ - ,imaxionmeos, „ 70)0".pair /goo 4iAdi•wo....t*.Angu rw . 24 .4tAttor4:proluileasT,14* 4044krpfi oid tyisia4 piras!is ! • 20 nimengtaghaMAimlrrallnie tflalgen April itt-,Ao.;crflig.ri..brAstaleguei;VA monlluireredit • , ',,p ; 00 ,qtr.!,se.e, stiple :Tomei 4 0 JELL ...,.F4BI i . WINTUANEXAG,.:ffo. --- staitAusr emir, betweptims-.seta saw 'p&p), OP 'PiTINOS; o* - _gLOTO.N . • ~.,_1;•10101`;-18.8.113:- Re: On Tuesday lifornlnir - ' - '" . ", "•"" April 28% - , - at 1103 i Welcalc - trenfiodY. rin mout;fix eaxPlitiatak uoirrnalunei sne, on eftstag months; " create,' iqualt'2:Orldeeae - of = please - Brueeele earpeeina.l- , Piecae auferfine Unsex, intrain earpeUnt pietcee,super ggaUq , alloweekand•'rotated Ingrain PIS Imam o r . veaLti.n evp.iin g .; 44 and-15.8 alkveolebei Mgr eanesting. Pleaultd.amal gear ell clothe. - < • Alb, satertaiste4_ of _mph valeet - ruksi door mete, • DWI : Di -. 800 °smog - worff,:endail. ',8it045111, MEWS AND BOY BI- BTRAIrRATS; &a. - - — Oa ,Tbuitday `April 28tht.14.10 &clock- off* lor sold by' owatogoe, oo 4 maintain , credit about 800 cease ineo's and boys , . boast •ahoef4.=BbYY,ene..briDo,s` t& -4 ••• ' 41 .; ' ladies , sad.- WNW" lOW -402t0t '11140,11- Nools bad boysi_stivir totOrititifileilorot f or Ac " of stray eempolibilta lirriAnd dimitrible mink witteh thOtto4Ols.pirtioubstty InHtiA; Y :ALFRED ~if:l t uquritrEss, .Pilib&- 'll-CDMPIaa Hop* AttOtAttnao2 BOIT:AAR, 2 Acitier'of titan Obeitolat - - ."1:1 - paqs or etteltirtooWAturtss•' At 10 o'clock. At tts BkstAtorpl , bot.tabl— 2. 2 A lam, AartettogrorAstr iiaf#4,3ll,l4idj mn Ai m, 1 1, ttittragoatiAtiatpraiO;AtitIrpoi'41:: , BAtilA3*' Bl' 11 r is i014 :, .nnun s etlo4oitcirko - - preitt6oyul4o4"!?4l4od4okinaex7"A ewta i s dayi „, , ftreloaltk - FALB OF 1 16101.114,0a8:auctEs; On antaidar.Koining, At 10 o'clock, at in. 8ane5,,71111,8 Home, carringle k and 111#ne!s: f;; IaNILIIELV iSVIPIELD, AUCTIONEERS J.. go. :112.1 iiotrea,',llol,l,TA;STMAT;bfaciii• OHisiTNIIT _ , „„,„ Lawn 8 ALL- 431/01.,-M3COND:Ii4ND PTIOITII4I- .71 0 . 11 4011 1 KAUT7314: 1 1414., ,Ap o ' -April ate Priin'sx.4llo. ‘tiClA7oilitOi @ r • 11 1'w *fbinet If&F• - ft*, l ** 4 l , 4ilyitlakbOsteitli. Ming biriltuk • wOititaikets:Artioaiigiqw4 AA* ta;litiors.-174. - Lurid! :U ir; tifenden . 416 . 4 # 1 1 8, 6 , ge , tl° ll . d Yqq.#4DlVairi.aud toottark, 01.21;_.te SZOONWITOD:R uxmi , rusli:j,, t Also Oka ,sutigAs furapitivtg Lia,mili;TeinGl9ll.- cougattog othisti atoer. 111.4 taDler ; ;alairy aupoilorroatiker - I)i!ara: „uirODANA PAVLOF: - • Ateselerreii* Tt.porOr: iteeeeliebf ottani; Rl,slos,flit., -held &Cilia anettl , scoff *MAW, WidueidaY, Prids - y4imisiew; -at 'lit Wolcott ,comjtitior, olopoit toidititito; 44414 :,t9 ttliao;.tet•a l l4- - ,441F Astrit - etaitie ma 4 ireeeetaiglieibAe,oeec. _ • We eetsciilelefee' et We# tato, dada,, scottehmillesiLikomohold: atiti, entrusted- to our, Wow, , mow the molt '•rioutonetae 00,1t)noi l ltaituraltiiutr tt.wolltotp, • of store ?iv?, altar Irr: Cott aft4ttoot tpoAfpjetomg.:ifli*:taid. . _ 017101LICT W.4LN,PT,UPTINEr;:' On Apr. Slitikir i7Loboloacknt Iwut“litOat,Jo. 1 Mari - For aopount bj whomitibuyeontwor- f i,_ - bonds of the thilbiway.bilnizig and Wallroad'Ott • 'St War" APUAai aiickft lk•„**,(IAK"1;314 - and Oinking totrany.. GROVIMAIONT" 91`,SeN Pk lot - gliatOX'. With thitioiatary brinkialY-6 liciustrthaniorte*tiaii .. Ne M er TarlloaOriai, . Rai OTANI:A-known arftho'Ajthildeirlinis: *Ad iiitge kit gram, gratind etreiel_ DIM is Tim lot.,74‘feet itioe t.py - 200 teat dialioo st-lobe` afraid, wfthi'.fioraf:otillt4ohn ptreqor Wont Xjda tok,srer 7,"411411#411*,:iti;,*a well-wiirthyttia attintriin of mapitilleta, - • ~ - -.P4MIDtOIT '-' 1718 aTORY 07fOligkifit0112 - fiyAllgy,;—Wk:st i try brink Iltors - Leid tot iirgroinidafir:doO Northlnpjtst, mtalflitt'-'P PAO!, t r e z _ i ttriWdailaille , ..f4W* 6 ? ettaet:• OBBililanCifit tIBILptN& B Fs-"ltrAit binding abet of ten' rieree iurrwill, . ,lll4,44D gk - rAik.9":loo.*.OP.;r4se , tad near Germantown _ • ACP: Lithographic plane can be had'`laid a 2 HAWDEOIifr COI' TACO' BEBIDENCL . . TOWN.riTtio „had it,hitlf Oily. double, atoni :wittgab and lot of grentid,lielik - ojnelitattog adjoining the ground* ,of 200 tOst hwityrrl6ol,loo.44,:;llo,lMuselitileadinit witkefl t is : t d. se n ienteneeit; "YeiA , iiMO ' iroinialstof - rfa- attop..A.! Two adjdliiiiietwolintile' birititorroitenifdrOalbo," southeasterly eldiaoLaillatestrest,Atoot Barta4itlailt.; Germantown. - ,' They cantata: tight rooms - reek, ~elOr good CAW, and is gooireadaa, ,fiat ;a 11100 front, by 160 feet Om.- - - - THROW-STORY 'BRIM 'lllolDgifol, Ousts on the east side of Eleventh Ono,- second door below Master street. i Islanishad with Mt- the modirra-:c on. vaniencse, anti lo god:looter. - Lot xe r ,Att Coot-bit% - feet deep - , aotleti. • „ 'Perstegtory Bee on the maw ilactors, osuwanraws, • - • - lenatider Afternoon • - Msy gtl;:at il'o'elorit, will be sold . , se pnbHa weetiow, greintlMlL by °Mei of the awl:stem the follow. log described lots of ground, beingliart of tin *stair 0 1114 zminivngesoAstiA propertyAilenjinist ~.„ ZLICANT itIIILDISta LOT: Southeasterly' corner - of Main street;- eili1111181:01M &MAU. tend ;Musson strait, on whisk -is , emitted two' atoms "dwellings, add 14 stone bsrel 1et166 -feat -Arent oat Main stream-by 2410 feet den,- on Johnson' atreeti and no' the thecae 827. Alse, POUR -1.01% adjoining for-boa t o the seat. ward,' fronting on 'Johnson strestil.6o feet - front; by from 142 to- raa feet an depth; the esstenuirest- lot fronting *Won liorton strroti-.. Sums and lithographic plans may be hid at cur - aloe, Mo. 620 Walnut street. _ „ _ linninterzs 60M1 1 ' 11100010302111' will hold: regular: lOW of Real IstattrOitiowito,'ita, Abte a hougehold Outtitiry . aat . . 11:i. UAL' /1111TATWAIT - PBSVAiIi 644. ' Claim Indents WO Biliginitt will alms he found a - eery. larrehoosatoatts p i”Osts -Wise* igna fuescrptic,aas say old eountwrolt i - • . Stoat. below Mirth WILLITAIk STSII*, '.ols.CrtasAi t 17 Atilynom At1D;0011111811iO3 -11INSONANTS. No: if Nora Bl@B $ - 6tieet. bolo* Ajwip,..,l;:, - Ws • CoriNfinmeop.or now pia soitnnOr* l ng_ bola Wafture, piaaMostos, oppoto, vatalowilirwoirp. &a.g responNolly kwainitod, on labia linozakwa af. yawns be made if requited. Ocit-cloor Wee attended t 4;.. premetky. Chargeo ea moderato at any others loans in tbineNr„ • AT PRITATIS SALT • Two !Aiwa Num Fran& plate mantel miners, Hai, framed; cue of plataa 62190 tacked, sad COM babes. lo aold low to aloes ao aiwbont. • , Qlollla .NATIIA118; : .Avatmicas, ankiVICON:IIY.I.OAI4 . - 0TP10.14, No; 224, Roane THIRD /Meet, below .Welnat, opposite Pear it, oalp eight deers below tie Bzokenge. _ - Howe of business front I ololosk, A. N., Ylil /0 o'nlook in the wrenteg. , Oat-door saw, and miss in the AssiioS NM% se *sad upon the most satisfactory Intince,. •. OAPITAL =MOO. • • - • Selnnieheaferide isai Tiirt7i Yeaas ., • Advances made from one dollat tO,thossanta Oa3DISA ehsadlsiendo, Met Plate, Witahat, Jewelry, Headway*, Min OlothinclUalilittas /4 1 ‘ 1 1# 1 110. 1 4. 7 0110011 11111SaMeStS, Gera, Mona, Clarizza4 _ sad ot sTrzy deeeriptb:": ' • •AU $94 ;lAA,aajresult at th AA 2 0 244 Allidiasesi, irons ' one lockdied dal= Wnentteazdal I will be charge d 11 pea cant, par month i 1100 add area, Ike lowest market rata, Is Store noinia baring a nook of 110 /ask MOWS fro ad taiett yooforanlin to Ooze all yalnikbloo, and pril raneeTatonatolonen tor the, premises ; Con, s Item hum/ Mee for tae hint of_allAnzono awing amnia ad lf ;1 14 .2Cr ono° . havnag an aml nita! ospltal, pooparea tomalril advinial on moo atlas Cooley and ,_pooononotaategjecr Ain any nth* In Mom 4 4 , 1ine"0004Pxtr, ha kiiiilfaxgOirk.'l l * - - itfr 7 LOUIO,.Mo. IVILLTAMS 'Pi BOYLB, Avon°lima AND oomarissios 118ROHANT8, _No. 10 North MAIN 'FITBBST, ffv. Lome, Mo., (formerly with Messrs. Myers, Oleghorp, 00., Philadelphia , ) offer their services to the merchants; memffacoarers sad ethers of Phfladelpkia, for the - isle of dry geode: oar pate boots, dime ( hard Ware, jewelry, Am , ha. Out ladvantes made on receipt of goods. :Bettlemetits 'Made thvie days after sale; - 'lll//1111811011S. ' Messrs. Dryers, Olighord, dr Oo Phil'. ' • atuart St. Brother," " Ten Wyok i rolftende & Yisrress, New York L B. Curtis k. Co, - "-• 4 , Wood, Christy:es Co.; Bt. 'Louis, Mo. — ,“ - Crow, MeCrees7. & Mr. D. B. Wood; l‘o. 28 North Third street, willed else with surtieweenereighlog frome,Dhiladelphis. m4-fmw-Iy.. _ - _,• (!lomdemen'a Suntip()big elbobs. WILOHESTEA & 00., GEWILIBIZNII NISOINe =ORB term , suompaß: A lAIL aIIIST ffiAAi77lt}. - • TORY It the Old Pinta, No. TOO ORESTNTIT 6TR3idy, oppo site the Washington House. - WINOHitiVER 4111 glee am heretofore, ..hle tonal linperololan. te - the Card% and Mannfacturing lopartmento. Orders for Ma eele rated style of Shirts and Cellars - filled at the eltorteet irides: Wholesale Made supplied on liberal terns- - - jy24-1.7 THIRTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH- Brnag PASBBMIEB, BAlLway compor. Under triseolntion tweed at s meeting of the Cern miesionere named in_the Aot Incorporating the Thar. teenth and Fif{eenth-Ornate estenter--Rathenyllom pony. held on the'.l4th of 'April, the onderalgned hereby give notice thit • they have axed the ain't' dey ofht At emit for'dmemsfht _of the stock of said Vont. pany. The Books will be - opened for the pu , Orre on. that ,day at eleven orebick at Ne. 2T2 Foatb, HOD, atceet, to aotroidanCe with therm - spiel:Leaf the Charhir, }INWARD GRATZ . " BAYARD ROB INDON, • JOHN lif RILRY, - P. NLIW ABER, Committee. Joarmatnettr, ' RiFIRY.I/AINES, - THOS B. OtttifdlUßGEß,) siblSt2o. nURNING FLUID, Alcohol, and Dam, .a_P- Wen*, lib bb t. and bait bble:-Tinnnfaiiton.d and, for isals by- ILOWLNIf, !lAN BIINNIN. s op . - No 18 SOUTR, INNARVALk. ITAIO Iteml . o4- ^ lykyriur, Thalia Beano. for Isle tor,: 414 i ii(4,-.47111411114:11101411*4111100-444.2114**190i'; MBE =EMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers