.`4" .1 T., ' • .. _1 4 . r: e ' , • rat' ,--** lo 4f A f , pie-itiakpidar, , Atr: - BatiiiWpilii.; - ' L r, , ~.'.::- '.. t, vat dethiltbiso:4l4` Wibe!l4 l P AliAk"- . [-- -."- ,-. • -.--. -- sC -Atr Olt- tyaluglow;- . , :•,..,,,.1' 0,...401b._ Mak ..Z4verfrbedi? i , : _,zr.,firsi,joieflifilrilr!,,v4lih -z 1!)!;,r..11.1h ,e, - , ::._:::,, I ,l ll ine rj =l•-. "% 4 it.4, 1 ,71; i ii , 4 , :, -'. :;',:tit t e- 1 4114 -I #Fil,fr, ;9 14 1 6 . 1 ittfeat- ' 11, 114..Y.2.; simi,, i f - ' - `:" 4 reeiMittorir War 40; No le :J..tliere li C '.:rye te, 440itwo, lo oses, litorrd flat "emit `,:it. . 'lc tiebt bisibCiekg whiS : ,' :l,' ' , riot iio„liiV, Oil AO • •It• ii - , , '•-• ~ , : lni 00 6 4100 liatinifik:SP„ - :-. , 11.,i541 'llR44o;defitr. .406T-liniet - rel - ;._aollUMatßi lit aisNiadviditialliatii kE., -T- 'c r , •*a raki,% "lolltelitilitilitit:thielokir if the ::•,-,,, -,- '.:Ch&'ll¢iiiiiVoirrilioittliiielleoo2olikzbesiiibodiz ;, t -erisitilreitiiiiikitalthlt4iiisirlie-Xere.iiint.tel '' ' litemit'iPTatilier eba , - - eioome=mouir . oicodjit '- -.-- ,- -irmatitirromoraittnk.Pniaakigis - 4 , ---.- ;, - ) ' '''. '.`Chiteitie, , ,agrawyche - ittialietA-PriAtieiedii. iiiiefle 2.2, i-iliktie trio drretierottireroPieii4-1441 clioira' r .-- • -'-, Asie4lll , :veAdilitztf4 feetoOliehileivOitiagtit iiiiitatei` - :" the rt~ifThotirift4;lo r20 , *1. 4 3.-rOgoika„ p, - . - : , ,: ..'' - 2 TitttarAttlii IfIZWZMIto . , 'P at. Sirrintretith street hi' %I 11 - _:- . ' .' -!±--4=l,VO4:fie -wiLT.'otcrilfreette,tiqu'arels "-...,.:411) we had*lia eilly?plighil& teat 9 - iiie4lite, VP * - -" '' r ' r - - *AloirimwtoPeolliodorir - ; `4 '''' .iviiiklittioiliAoi•l „• ', ” -',, . ti '_ _,— r - aipiorpioliiitokiwaitettuAli ~:;,4Komasic: - AC,* Wi,•1010/WcPriaAlls • "0 osess4lsllloo#l4ol.o4.liiielgiltrtiettiselekiediß _•"` ..'liworrAtioillilovaisi caltiimikiesso 4 N- -,-,; , - -, -.l4o , AwawiwAtkiiiiinfpoiwitidii*moilmitt;.l ' -, 1 ,11 . 11 04 4 .1 11 44 klatkilo-01:0140146fliar -~~r 3 t~-r~ - q : i;: ~ s ~~ Y ~~ =,:n „stir . 2 Wt. t- -. :e.'.i.t.- ait V-'.."'"""".""- '' -.A.-3*-.41- 1==riiiiikSt • teel..il * l ' .4 444 16"74,1014114"!4/5.11716“:"7 ri'li t ik -,...: :' t 7T , 1,,1P01ie - 1 0 4 4 °1.. '''4.."• •- 4 °. tl t i ai a 'it '''' . ' 4 ' • ' ' xttri.,0,4,44.4e.0. ~ v . . --:.,..w, ica , .- - ~,,,,...,...,...... _. .k . .. .4 .' • , bltll%•o4.iiiletillgkl I, .. , ,, x.4 4; 14126111.,..,,A0iii. iiitliallre vitiri'72k"—airOdif-./t '-a-Tiliiiallifilditel7o4/fligli4 4- '''' ':...- . A .•••Zitt - ettlAMITII04.411111"1111A .i.: W•.''.7411111 - eisteeW i'' , , • 'l'lol4'4'PA.g.;*4.4;:t. Ki4;t44Pfkb P 14141 : 441 9, 1 000 0 0.11071,1/tr ..Y 1• • :• 4• • • 1 .4 < :**4161140 , ' 11 14,401a •• ~, ~ • . , k:;•:;'^ - ' • • ••ft 60 at ... I IKPIIMK „. ~ , !Mt • , ••''' pine sr isfer •••. - lbw off.rittliu Witt410141.4114,,,A,4,46 to otji~, , *MO 41 7 41 1 gi T mumi kke U110N11 41,..1149,004 iiii ailOset Swag 12146 . 04134 d, il li tvti r ea.. „ , * 64 1 #llot, at* a • ir liiiiip, a , tbil •ICI , •,., -,, ..7l:l.iriateitleal . -41Y,..cur'j&r, ..qiN:::.-A- **emir= , ..1147, mit AYt e n; k••:Ormiti if , ' ' OW Algt . . .‘, %:,..7.•4:41*: r -Ci rbtiiiiiklik tallieftlet eel*Mi,ettiliNU'"ZblF ~i ;•''.i'- '.. ~: ,-. -2 19.. w r ittli s *.: koe-'4ipegiAetied, Osiad . _.. 4• T,„'' orr„ier . 6a, ` 9•, 3 .t' : . .;':!,•.* • ..•,,• :•"..iprankain i. 5i1i041"."14 4lr 111.. v. ." 4 tita .• ..:',. ....:,,,.,• ifiu p i e tinnsUldibuit ovrytolusa_s_btplpS ...., ';'::.,•''- r. Um stlisdiduiluedat /bent ir i t i r t t t 'Vim. hed „ == 1 ' -, wail' "teu rZairt=thinittotoetteit or iii.‘ , o 4 .",•; .... dit'Atua tMgettlfetutt' wi y We' ihillailitte) -";:-, '' the dendoptowit of *Sr alittltetasi , ll . timmitilii ' - triad they , partivalttly watts tan* otitotion to tip : 4 '' ' - or. 111 testsiteay ollfeted' on th• lietk? I( it irjr( 4 4ol46:illblibL#ollticil to Ihe Cal: hides onikt: etililmu-kwel- watro ttise_l47l , l6 l Aoki 'lilt bit - Si lb” 7'' " - 40/trisi bOifi lia rtite&t, g, yiustea kb , t . Y r ill. 46: F,' t't. ,:e.,•ue ;;;{4N;pr.'„ 4„ .:` • _.'n?.....P.:11540„6";/..e-A.' t. 44 Z - cq. ~,••• , --, - • tto make '' y' ''044. = :.3',<,.qi . . ' Mr. 'BiaillAWANßulifivinsPa.r• end pr,p4a4dr, '; .' llP** l _, 4o ".1 1 2- 4sh e dili f": l44ber 6 led .ovs leiona -,,...3,,.. Anil 77,- ;,,,,viiiiimifyiewir Igo emderotttedt# witted 'ilk i lam 2 a- i-•e, ' e mob 'Ai .x.„. .tainaacigulbiTi,ol66....-14.elr.rr" itatioe',l 7. - thiviltits ate/Mimi siumiiiitimw oci•in ~f o, t; 7- g or akbibisltliefthie stiftifr. -4 .dify."&e, ~,,f, hliTi14100411441140004Vill" 1 14 10. 1" r IM ' P Mi rr igg 4 4 414 / 3 19 11 4 1414 1 0 a hAh 11041 dingo*, AOC - .roped prawn; ,•ag t ' s t-litif ill dulkiii to b• ?egoista. ...,::: 1 4110. 1 1*- ~ . .r..., T a i w it ' 1:. f diesiderstke of ...;:ProOrAl i r " atity,a, ~.__,.._, *at* ' ' . • I& : li l ii ,P ', 06 4i*"7 041 4, ‘ ' - •... gok%attiff ' tleill Mutt ' k,r, it'd with: ' dui • . _auifobittlekt mv ... , ...".. i I, - 1 . 1 _:. 1 - 1111 10110.., iif., favy... 0 ,, zr. ..... ait4, kg , •, 7 ,...te...::',:: it 416. ' IF. , .. ' . ...k..,.......TA. , .. ...iz . .i...i• . ' PZ;r:Z:7,.i. ''..'•• - •; . : 4 ;':; - :;:i' . : '.-,..'-.•:'''.."'''''''-' , ..,.,...:-. .:•:1' ,. : ..- ':: . : - ::':.:,::: - ,': , • - :' . '.'.ir. - ;-' , ?...:;:i . :,:•] 440.0! V' -'f.•''- - ',- -::::'-''':- -;"-- '•:l_.- ~„,.&-ty-taz,W;a;!•:',l_3;:--.Y--. '- f, - ,' - -. = ' ,:' ,*".`,l ---Z-t*-4011?)0;:•.,;',$••=:,..;):---/,--.....:----1 -,--_- -'1 =`, - -,=, , --1.-,'„ '''l44-4tr==-W,'--W.-At-iw==-•:1' ~,•;.•:-„ -,.:- ,:--,- - - . 1 ,,, ,• ‘-,' • •-., ~ -, "h../ • ---v-- -- 1 , - - ,:.:•.6: -,-. -7: - • ;.- • '''- • ' •-5.;,,,,P...i.;.',:,':,;1:-..';-'fr'n:-- --- ----fc-,----i•-•:-.14."4t=1.`it':'-f5ff= 144 - 4•:* - 4,i,0 1 ipAslitt4o" - ilik4. ituittriaistatei At }Brea el' , i'°u•:# o ,...g l l4:. T i t hcvlotoi ***A- m *o_l - ~,,_• 4 0 1 .- - te reliii„ trikkattie - Virme Prollermi• 'llk a , . -s ; Asostien' ,- of_ther older/et Ire Ilt. thrm . 1 total•-. 0 4 et140 56 4 1 14f-,:: ! Xl it f . i dll4 r:, It ' ll:Mel i rilit: ?-* ,t 0 iia. thbetendit , totkintherz - ga6:••.'.1 1 /W • teepee. =. OA illkWilittat..',"4ll.-.ut the 'pulplioation of this sonfasica -. rifling, lesisitoetate, on the part of the lilted Btriter,itlat we- to notosponsible for its ,essblloation, 'Wee, sense: Arm, or. shape. We '-sed nothing,* do with directly or Indirectly. . Ttlifer'kSi'ke yOunide that Yon had. 't 0 -alr. Td:,-eirpipir 4Wlfir Wei in our possession, 4.iespi. Oil Ise hgle• ,mement - I felt it due to ikenati*Pgilr,,,,kee.'ilits' statement shell'''. be iguatirs. -- • •,-.,.. -, . i ..- ; "..-, ... ' _ - . , , A t a t; 71 91* li logo tilt hi : , . , z.l. 1 144 , !.t , , ,e f ital rt tit,' o ._ _ • f , -.IIISZ - Braari'Me'dff tot - Oro - pose that the court Pe l 4110,10040timureadoreaolifbtaitib. The tma, ma, - Itenrwith their proof. ,-'' • 4/442 , tivatioa., i1e , bi5,14140g decided that the if White - W. leadudindble, the prosecution intake* Made this spffe - Sitand not after we had t banded jcinetWitheisee.-‘ iaid - r.ifent-theln to the r .._ ‘ ,winds "Of ineven. - The effect of this offer is ‘ , roberritatAdeadifermt, jellkas norm ao the ob %l , - 4 do* • llikkleglgtheeluditiloiell the testimony: ' 14 .. r. Quid. lewas eliitilnl, iiot - io intended '1 Mr.itlittilesinf; l _Whither intended in , that spirit, 1, irliet W kuoie. , Irgit.alitplebiationlied 'tope on , olldAlhh'lllilloller deoided -the Alt hieet . of ' AfatterytedMiesible;zehtthinivald "we wog the ~elfortibpen Mt wide aa yeti' want, enter 'lath all ,YOur wittleases,7l - thenindeedrieWilatd , have been ;proper. - But we ',lnapt pass on it row without aft Is_feranee.,' .••, -. I '". s' - , 1.117, ,Ot t i l i.. ,. . i ttrUnited - flitatie supposed that Ws ' es'the/4pp ata, end the oply 'approate iis i sa*lerl4 tendev- The time was • se eeted erpoilifiniantehtes any'other ,time; even .that ' lediestisilf ibyl thelisntlematW w nt& have been Spaelfeetly inappropriate. , - • --_, , • . . divAlriliara,lSYgthlnk-tho cam ought te pro , Mt , Brady.)The prosecution. may go on and ex athing wiineeier.!!There Is one' point on which i lidelr‘ww-hil• tigres-tbsiV this is a pretty long tideland that the: sooner -it Is :brought to an end •-$ The;Diet•letAttorney. ,:,:, -Very well. If the gan glia/ay.:4a not "want to adjourn we can go_on with our tedlisony“ -. • 4 5 , r. - , ifice.ludipml; understand, then, that the proseon tl4wpixetedwiti,the rebutting evidence, rosary -10g.4M0 right one the , pattlf• the defence to em, .., Jima the offer that has been - Made. • , ~., Iffei=ißirlisle 1 It is not intended es ft continuing t i er,;,lsakonli•whieh most be agird to ?t• rejooted , o to-niiirrow.rnerning.r " ' ' ",. PM 'IWO!' Iffertainly. ' '' •• •" f.' , -;' , '• 7-rmar , nsmorTma -tccornotry. - - • - ~;'.M.Sti'lles! Ilit Pendleton , was sworn-llsansin'ed lot Mt' Onid.-tAnt , a :brother-In-law, of the de litilitallqinthe second Mends, after Mr. Key was killedttmedkan examination of the premises said lit beloot to 3he wogro•46sn' gray,'ln 'company 1014•114, -, Jentief irentto the front door and found it Meld' , thence prossaded to the rear, and went In the 'yard ;_ittempted •to get Into the bongo byt the Irsok , ..doot; It , was looked or fastened ; I ' retried ,that ,it -would be better to send for a 341 with; hasteadif-GreYgolng himself, he sent lecesiehody.else•r tbe lockemith tante aria,jr I Ws taka,notf tried a-doer I Opposed to be at the and , of t he balding from the front to the bask of e.thi 'house • think; beside/ Wet, there' ii another door, lead ing directly intiiithe kitchen, to the pass i '54 'etf,Slielkwarli Milked 'bent the ' two lower rooms rock' iwo) or-113W nituo9o rldr 'Jonah went dlacely,With must stairs ,;.•by lite time we'came doh' Shifrent door seas open ; my- recollection is ..• Alnit-It.Neat mide•-• - spin - l' called Gray and gave , Mit.whalflolter Wm as - trouble in going for the leeks:nide; I_ never ' geVe" direotlon or made any suggestionc to , the; •lookomith at to removing the looki-at that this, or to 'anybody else"'l did not let-;airy.one, taking- off the look ;-, I am not priparsoloo , say, the, rAtte look was taken off 'ft4W3"ttlill:-Iniat , door.i'lteu "I was there,' as a .wifiese Laetestiaid; If it was, it was without my knowledge rSoree• articles' belonging to the de lve* ed'irere transmitted to me ;- articles sail^ to -belting to kiln; .1 received them WA.- afternoon , or sight of the day Mr. Key Wee killed, fine John Ai Budge; lheY,-- were - wild; to have -been' taken frwin .hia -person or ;cloth* , at the time or sabre , quint'to this homicide; they consisted of an' opera glees ? twobtassksys, a Set of smell keys, a pocket •book,--in whisk:, ware; fourtwai dolled • and some molts, and la , air of-kid glover; I gave the Omit kilo* Mr. Maury, who I learned was appointed ' ' adtalubttridorttto ,the =estate of 'kir Key; , on the :Pride, or fleterday,following , the death of Mi. , Itco„•It received' an• envelope eontalning'one or more papers with a card from Dr. atone, saying he **requested Air Dr. Miller• to, deliver them, .but that he was prevented from doing so sooner by this!profeslicrrial engagements ; I hive no recolleo: go, of-thetribeinglore than one ,papei ; it has Itmen r atitedMist tbets were some c ards and 6,cpard mO,ll Alltvg•sur recollection whether they were • **Os-,-nri itot; the* trai - ti paper whiehteln its liitolollsrlotilti tit is *der , tay'oeiltrot ; before I -111Washltigton I Owed: it In the ' , ponnitA , or ,0 ries:Mowilid,•oklialdniore, to • that.. nothing ek it he lefttothie•ooktiegeney - rot icy atsenoe. - rellV ghoghwl.,2 o Wardhei - it in -- - thc•eottrt-rooto. . y4.l4queat, 4 . delirbrid the% pm , to , . the =witness,,) ~W,litr,pn examlnitskik-eald 1 ' _ • • , - al i ve-r:this . ..envelOpee r adelemee•te non' 14T , Ate dietogAroutlte. , Miller, • in , 'pencil, mil loft'! l it Br.§kobakf,of delivery, la the genie envelope ; tbli la •W the'asse paper in it,•,and the MI& bard • i frpml/r.;_litone; 'this envelope contains Ml tome oefde ami Serape - of_ paper ;if any - were left by Tr. hiii-' ' IlaryTypreesetetheal sire they, butt' don'tknovr ; IreplatpDhavg no personal reoolleotion at to , the cords; - ,i "den'VAitew ; whether= they - were pert „.. lisely,Anikeeeveletiser not; ',Minot say positively. „,Xratrady. - May .% audeyou lb/rm a-teeter of your feelingelft.Wiettmeeketwidelt naturally 'Welted , ,iits , ..his, ithetkeillf l--,1 -v •;,'.,. c. hi! ~...• w • •- 5 ~,. 5 -b• - l i n. Wit** A t4aetevary -Midi r ained et Mr. **tit death '; . I de,not th ink any one Voile to;Seer •.'a tOlitting•Grayli atietaiv kW- ••Jones-. Of the - taildl7 Jost *PIA EA le 40 e 1 00 01n i COO tiotuat or soon;'up seib d ingliel * ehitst ~ ' .!Mos trieferuld hgetilA sidlelies rliiitd r newilagoimi:biiiii pajfinglsif thirrell, CMOS' l lit .IfffriVrgietekilisia,=;- , ,i , ,.ip ' ,',, , , .-,-:,. '",i.,:a i' , llltaidyitalia.rignoissinittiiiiiiiiielitif Ti4poi; • '! - ris/14- 0 ;1 04 4" 11 P/Wero to,* tIPS bottom . merge/ Metter/ W ith Agnate** it? t , ' ' iulittku r riSifielideehtee-.1 ritirtuid to Waslitng-' ' thli 2 OA tilitkOllkAltitkra* . 11 . 41040TOr; 11l IlldW, . flrml - sertallykdelivered allthe'pliseri Ire lst , e nures leffermii-le•Mr.'iltiWard ;believe n 0. .- _ ghtleiblll-.112:s Pl 7 ? ",,-.s ',' 1:;:s ~. ~ 1 ', ,, ,g,BiA4lyl.l-, , wiitit- tO c rAboir•ltionete the liri-” i ,llPPOW:cl'herehre-Atre.paport ihdthr cards in lbw' t i l l1 " 1.1 k 4111-411,, T i t /*leek' 1 -1 /'`E'' 0 ', ' ' s4,l4llit:oktiiiinitbses.li: thi i , - prisoner ;Mir . Break asked:W*lM (lifr,:illiekles) - ddires ie to say 1 1 .0 kreOli/de, 3 o9iitelitinethei=nemes of ladies' lleseen•of, -known qvaptiOtability,' he has vital: I : . sm. ssirixiWbil'ilMil,qiel they' in no way _ire con- Sallo. •Illtls the-smog *„ On the eentrary; he objects tilt k.: - ./.Thaeneelepeterddresseeto Mr., Pendtoton ,4meterill. -."Shir is "liken by Dr, Miller ; we ili t ulok•tnc l ll4 - eir `titat.) As to this slip of paper,” II orplyeek the pi/dirge to take ; name and ,wildretesao - that we way-Inquire-whether it Ilea seltlehtert. bode - with the - cane. Mote by the re- SleeteTThisbeive le•lady'a name.] But ire want tgl li'atstbia'iettar which bin cipher. ' • ; Ay: ('artist e. Petit into the bandit of some per pliktilib •lisy get tbatey lod make a copy ,ofit..--.. f.r.." V - 3. , '', ~ f , - * 74•,Mr,,Zired,,- When did yOu fist learn the loek been;removed? ~,,,,I-Witliets.= !heard Win court; the other day a ,eye wee mode *court by one of the counsel lot gur i defeneowith regard to- the oppression' of ,evidence. t - .1 - desire' to my, before Vleave the it0t1,,113: - the'lzaost , positive., and' eirolutisiential nietuter f theta :0W no intimation bv direettaie; clot PPM 4 atiiitiorv , AO to t 'the totooveD Of 'the logic,wor did - b ear it, hail been relieved until I ,hier4 hits mints ; mor "'desire to say, farther, that „unrintluuttlen or charge of any suppression or at tesupt'of tePpreastatt - of Importantor unimporjent • evifence had-been made by:my 'partielpation or knoirledge;bywhoesioever*Sde, is, 'may be per ,cuittpd to says:infamously :hive. :Plight ap. .plauseti,ll -• ,-„,,,, ~..-., .; .7 -' ,” i - • t 314. Odd, Tor/spoke of tlito keys. `Do you, knim ' What look they belonged to ? --. • .• • ..., Mr. Brady. Are they the same kepi we have Priqueltd-.7.' _••• •-• . , • • .... . - 4/itums.trktive 'not mon them; show them to .is t e jL - eh• ...•. . could identify m ' ' ' • , i , • mt. Oirlials. - -Ws admiethey ere' he same.' • ri . - 4 4';' , DroliPakr t-Yote know whether there had been paid.any rent; error, the mood far that house? '.'tsess.r.rde not: ' , ',-' --.' - ~,/litaindy../Do you know whether anybody un- siertook- kooky Ile °barges of that, house?• - . 2-14les , Only what I heard frim John Gray. I nor noknOwledge - oncoept what is in the newepa. i persithat Mr. Key was in any way connected with . Vole Marks L. locum sworn-Examined by the Proseetition ~---Visited the' house on 15th streot In ,company Willt7Mr. - Pendleton on Monday week 0 1 1 it the murder; lir. ,Bray had tried all the d 0974 t aegoested to Gra, that he had better' break Oi 'the' Idoor, • but. , Mr..Pendloton thought it would be more dignified to got in by the Aid of a , , locksmith; made ,an examination of the - boom ; ' found no property of Mr. Key there; Mr. Pendia 4on gave no directions. Witness paid no'attention 44,1110 taking.off of the look, and further detailed the fueidents connected.with their visit, ogreaing Nitre Mr . Penession'aitate th ent. ,- . 1 -M v. Brady. You ar• a member-of the bar? . A gWitileSlL lam,eir!. ~•, r. '• • - • • , I.M/, Brady, Yon have been assisting the prose - ;eigen,ever risme the trial bommenoed. - • - ..„--Mitnese •I agegolog to answer your -question. 'l ll l,/ want to understand, though ii 41t. Brady (interrupting.); I don't mean to corn- Maio of what you , have done. , , A- ask you whether los bale not assisted the promotion in this case?, I don't bey as pommel, i:.- . : : - • ' • Witness.' I have headed Arm' or three author!• liis4 to Mn. Berlisle t Who said he was aware of the easel;,/ hive not,the lead abilityto bunt up evil dence,... - •,, , ...t. - --, , ~,, • . ~-.•-.. .„ , ~, , ,--,-- , - .. :',.itit,c'Bradyi •I• intend to treat you with all pro! I#ll6. Yespeet.,• An Aci , . - furniikking brother-Onrlisle _te Oilltuthierlifeir, that in , ,unneoessery. " Yon have, plt: obey, taker/ en Interest in this ease? - The..Witness {with emphasis.). The Very deepest interest. Malt I tell you why ? ..,,Mr. Brady • Not at : all..: • ' % kti..B*llSli 4 Yell• were,the intimate' friend of Ai. Key ? 4 11 2 vitt ~h?estAelMllestly.)- Prom early youth-to ..ee-Viel.jel his ciesdh..-•-•• - - -, - I' f Ale.' PratlY4 never !Mid to s man's standing k, the memeatit his friend, as long as he deserves XPOsid ceded le a witness i .ex•Senater Brod bee. A-1- ,-.-.,....1, . ~,T f " f•-,-,‘ ~ - • '', . = Nif J1441'111104 be. supp osed Mr; Brodhead was ` lll h I 'X tO 1? 1 . st a MAW, n aa 4; ennegiVen a. • , . - Mg. Odd. As Mr. Brodhead had been eabpsena• MI apt lolled" to:appear, / oak for •the lento of an sittiifunwa, -S- a:; - ,- 7 : - . r i' 4 , 4 ettiehMMltc was accordingly issued against b lf d and several others., ' ';• v.Mredy; Me want' to look at that letter in •tlll',Ottlii. WS have no objaition. ::::rflo•,kwY,retired under the 'Merge of an ogle*, AA the prleenet _Oa remanded. The court ad. .1121 1 .0", ..1-...9 , r_.f" --;,, ! , " ~ . , ii--,--i i .• Markets by Teleirttph. gicliifii i w iiirit - IC - cotitei! 'unchanged, 1,200 buss lad; Sabi of no last dilyi 4,050 baleo;,reselyte *Ws__ Vat!, ;•'--- ,-' ...,.' . 11 kisl,oltrasis; wpm; 5:0:;-leetton-The news by the ItOMICATa ~bla kid err effect ' cm the market; salsa et ,Xelgthatell. Wiley. atstmaliangedi Prime, ffrelghte on ',Oka ttetiverpOrd X 04,141: Carling ltaebange it *n od ~,4#41,4. , pr0p1um... groom on New York, 4.lsigihk,_nerrnikparesnt. alissonat. lliksonistol, , Aril dO.--ffieur um awl in ilk de li/aid at 4,8b5ei.114 the receipts are 1 414- -Whiskey leil at 1114440ehnind et Mig4,go. , There lea better , st oii iit of : ~, t u g ,t a, fi ree al, ;to, and holders are i • f ll l i4 0 •::' , ,' ' , ',..,',..''24 4 .: - Igelffeikilie f the litig - sileg - .linneti Adger. - kris:Simmer, April to -The "Names Jame' Alger /woke her shirt when off Georgetown on Monday after, noon. , A stammer WA gene to her ansistinee. _Attar 4 2 .0 11 ,' AfiroM jitrAAP: ,444COri 111 , 41 ilkiC7 ll 4 l 4.r i gign ia n o t I - 4 1014 , 1 s *ki l n s ;44 4 4444' ge t )4,1 EOM 11 4 - - _ JO - 1.0, THE WEEKLY PRESS. . , _ TIM W 1911111 4, PRIM, Vol. 4, Ifo. 17, for BATOR: bilt,z Mail` 28, is , now rails.- kiiieng the inet niumant or luterestbig matter original and selected, contained., in the number for the present weal, will be found the ,lIPITQW.A.LEI. 77 DIGROGIRATIO,STATII ONITRAIo ACSHIT., TEN—Tile tIIIITH'S EIGHTS Asieerieeir•elint DEM; OORATIO STASH CONVIIRTION-.4. - new ffsme • TOR - • eta Oirteitt; •Cfstain-L-ting WAR. QURS. TION—OUR' BIItATIONS WITH MIOARAGOA. ARO. NSW • IaIiRRADA.-A TRIP ToNWPFRRRN ,TSFREITyirR4I4, • Stniainnairy er'e. fIeaftEfIPONANNON,-Lirrian piton," Clontetneer.." NISSYS,-7follnyan Ninre—lne Lesser Nene ;PR, FR:M. *4llm:iron, &n.--flematter: OF *AV S: THU' OITY - -i-WIIIOLLif OF TO 141 1 MAIIICIPSB—MARRIAORO AND DEATIIB Tun Monier •. ' 4tenace—Rvueneprine. °emir , Iffanzar. IBlSONEXAlliON4krUnfleneig ewe—Tea, WASHING!. OH TRARROT: '.TRIAL OP ' 11111,14110 US IN rimuterimaz . oil •-• Rep' -DINOMIN.i. I!eoer.refurlllo—D-nioe , OTC TRH Youtio, : • :SINN'S: .iI3BOOIiTION, PRNSS in furnished to inieterliere at 02 per yearifn "deities, for the single copy; and to dabs of twenty, when sent to one address; $2O, In ediatien. Single !toffee for sale. at the coaster of Tun Peasenot.: floe, In wrappers, veiny for mailing. • , The eteamer Arabia, with Liverpool dates to the 9th,nrrived at Halifax - yesterday. The. news is important.,lt le said that ,the English Ministry bad decide to dissolve Parliament, in view of their-recant defeat' on the "reform question. No data bad; hOweveri•been' fixed for oarrYlng their .reeolve,into afoot, up to the sailing of the Arabia. Thlipountry was, flooded with addressee of mem-- :bers to their.-ocustltuente. , , ,The-' seven million sterling India loam bill had been, finally passed. The'„continentsj advioca are very warlike and threatening. The tatest advises from Vienna say that - erists is it hind.; Great bodies of Auttrion troops'are on - the Moen for Thai. There is - also great aotivitylitim French milltarypreparations. The Paris Bourse was mush depressed; the rotate had Aect teed- neatly one per oent.-in the last two ,days. The ship Grey Oak, from London for I , T6W York, had been abandoned at sea. Her drew were pleketi sip, and taken to Liverpool by the City of Wlahington. '' ln the Liverpool cotton market the price of - inferior desoriptions had_ deelined 1-188. The elites of the week were - 29,000 lialen,`the'mata kat olesleg.firm en Friday. The Liverlidol bread - - ateffs market was generally very dull. Provisions fine. ' Consols, on Saturday, the 9th, 'wore quoted We have thither news •from Venezuela. Gen: PaisheidTixot4eft Valenela...-,Gen.,,Jose H. Za mora was, On the 17th; actively engaged against the, regale in the provineb Of Barcelona.' The' province' of ' Matarin tile in arms, intoning the sone of Senile. The Dore rebels,. under 'date' of February 28,_issued oirmilais to. the, Governors of all the States, Inviting , _ their co-operation. The names of; the persons forming' the_ provisional tebettlereriment are given ,int,thi r e document as jti Geti.an Eatain; Antonin Leooade Gunman, Dr. Jose 'Afarinel'ilareisi, Napoleon Sebastian Ar., , tosga, and Jose Gabriel boboa". - Oohoa was killed -in the fight vith Gen: Corder°, and Arteoga wan tikes prisoner. The Goterement 'appears to be making satisfactory headway against the rebels. We have Havana papers ,to the 16th_ inst., but 'see ao mention, of the reported filibuster expedi tiOn. There aro no items of - looal interest in the . By the overland 'snail from' California, with dates to the 28th ult., we ice Ilia 'the Wet° ilielde the Stale has passed the Senate. AMIJI,had passed tBsalouse calling a Convention to ooneider a plan for; he construction of a Peat& railroad. At San yrahatioo business waidisit,- • . • " The Wridonois for the defence in the trial of Mr. Sickle., closed yesterday; and the prosecution in ,tioStced;= Vebntting testimony: We Continueour xerhatimifellere _of 'the proefealage.':'4lllo6 the = trial ,otiltiniennied; cu image of fiftean'. Oath:wend words Awe - leant • sent by telegraph 'daily ,from , Washington to, this city. flabli an amount of tote r/4Mo tranomGalon nevar,tetiaboard of in Earlipe, and, istiopreaWhinied in thiscoUntry. , • The -, of - the New Yerk boarding... lase poisoning ono writ resumed jmsteiduii wheti eeVeral=witneetesWore Oitemtned;and the oaseeub= pitted to'the , jury, who rendered a Vertiktiet by areeiati, iiut . by whom adainietered they : rote Unable, tt; determine., The, servant glll,..bistgaret entu,theadirolterfiesLit.Will be remeto T , bored thit Mule Beithola tite=',llldY.,Wirif • Awsitrilksig4ietottyCijiiM'l ' sf - Mr, - P4M.billobitmen, t a ftferney VintieMar4 their'? liireeby kivrig kHtd-4ie*tgt4ootolol4g apjsiottoos* C i i . o , - 124 t toner to indos; , ilinTetio,iliol,tiii been-very thandsoriely received there. ,. He bad held r's lion; !ASIR* with 'Mr: Ward, his , ruedatior 'offiie. lieed!itirtved: in. Parieby the ;overland mail Aotitalro*Ohine.. = - • . John Caple, whd Was shot, on Sunday,. in a fire. men's fight, died yesterday, at the Hoipital, =Osple WAS cOnviitted, - severil years linos, Of the murder of 011644 h -of goohan, and' was sentenced to be heagid,,but WWI pazdoß ed Goviurner, 'offer ' the iiiiiiritton of Virginia, whloh will hold nleetion' onf the .20th , May,- there will - be no' more Stet ileottono;hold until Augusty-,erhen the Stake of, 2.lahntne, Kentioliy;.blie etiuri;Ni;4oeraline,nad'Toist oleo.. Vite,Washinekn:piiers - announei the death of Mi.:Frederick Dankwortb, a Philadelphian, at tached the United States coast survey. Ambiiithe Mnorloano recently in Song we find the mines of the following Philadelphians : Jolla Walleoe - Arid family, Dr. F. W. Sargent, Mrs. Singer, - Dr. and Mrs. flernard Henr, W.,11.-Aus tin,,red. Brown and family, 0. • Constable Dean; of Trenton, has been despatched 'to:Wheeling, G9v - eirier 'NeWell:of New Jimmy, to bring, baok Rev. J. Harden, charged :with pols Owing his wife. Mrs. Wright, formerly Miss Louisa Reeder, en actress - 9f some renown, died recently in New Or. -lians,'iroM the effects of the explosion of a clam. pima* limp. Unfortunatelpethis and fifty similar warnings will mot frighten people from using - the :vile compound: • , , Siesday Wit' the anniversary of the memorable' Lexington and 'Oonoord battle , - when thi work done by_ the minute min ',' inaugurated the War of the Revolution. .The South Carolinians are preparing to' erect a monitinent AVEataw, to commemorate the battle of September, Bth, 1731. Some of the Jostling mon In the State are interested in this patriotic enter- Prise." They are complaining already at Now Orleans that the weather is uncomfortably hot. Note from Mt. Wise, of Virgin ia. Aram 19, 1859. To Col. .1 - . IV: Forney, Editor of The Press : Dims Etit : The report of the proceedings of the Democratic meeting held last , night at Jayne's Ball, as contained in The Press of this mottling, contains the following paragraph : introdueed 0. Jennings Wise, the eon of Governor Wise, of Virginia, the noble eon of a noble sire, one who, though be had differed frOin the Demoratio party in some things, yet he ' had differed honestly, and was oonootontions in .his course." Mid report involves some misunderstanding of the Vary kind remarka with whioh the president of. the meeting= introduced me to the audience. Mr. Randall did not say that my father had did:arid 'lron/ the _Democratic party," nor did I ao understand his moaning. Ile did say that Gov. Wise had -differed from -us," 80. By this I ninierstded Sir. Randall's remark to intend that Governer Wise had differed, not from the Demooraey, but only from the Lecompton wing ,of` the DUrimertniy, and on the LecOmpton question ; ' aid inch; I am still confident, was Mr. Itandell'a meaning. :I am Wed weltesmired that the meeting was not' a.Lecompton meeting, bit s one opOn alike to Le isimpton and 'anti•Leconapton men, who met to. 'gether as meinhere of the Demooratia party, en-, titind , to equal consideration ' , irrespective of dif ferences as to the Lecompton question. Certainty, ,I, was under the impression ' at the time, that I , was introduotal ik mooting of the united Democracy 'of Philadelphia. I big that yon ,wIII do ne the kindness to give thip note an insertion-in your paper of. to-morrow. - Yours, Tory reapeotfully, ; . - 0. Jnitnznas Wan. ATSANTIO MONTHLY FOR •MA.T.--WO , are again indebted to Mr. T. If: Pugh, bookseller, Arcade buildings,' for' an early: copy of the Atiali tic Monthly. The three best articles' are oOthe "To lc continued" sohnol: There are addititeuti chapters of the Professor at the Breaktist Tatde, rrhioh - really seeins - an inaprovoniant upon the,An toorat; difficult as each gilding or ; Mined gold roust be t—a further portion of the Panio story about Bulls andlitiers::—and Mrs. li. B. Stowes new not , el, The Minister's Wooing: This lastore notice, is deficient inponeentratiOn, running into wordineis, too diffuse, lit fact. There tea mond and moot scorching notioe of .Tridge,Wileozes Vemlliatory of ihe Conquest of Maxleo, A Bondi', of Old Letters elionld have been published, ive 'suggest, In, the Hl Iptual Magazine, th'e proper and popular receptacle of -snob ,ourions- and interesting Oen , The poem s of The List Bird - and mile: iiriptionlor a Camphor-Wood Alms-Chest are tery good. ' 80,43 d whole, the May number of the Allan ly,Monthly is by Ito - means as good as many of its piedeoeiscirs , , . TRH' inntlatiTlntuatti 'joet•'oowpteted for ;:the Bieect's Ohutoh; Seventeenth and Smog atteete,_by Meterd. Jaidlne k Son', Netvltaiti!, le to lie exhibited this 'UVentn; ,at 71 o'oloOk. the . Invited, THE PRESS.--PHILAD,ArtiRSDAY , APRIL 21, 1850. Ttie Newn. Very WO From Englan s`l b y lifax ( per, the steam- ship 4fabia),.Nse7llo6;::iiiisii`,t9Viei.p'thlOir.,. being ti . w is lator han •t at _. last received. The gist of the intelffgeiMe might b put Into a nut-shell. j It appears that thefinntinenied• intelligenee is warlike and threatening. Austria - and FranCe are reported as being actively engaged in war like preparations—the same report haying . .beep made every week during the last 'four , Months. ' " : '".The Derby Ministry' btiVe - riat resigthid: Queen, true to .the promisewhich she gave* Lord Naar', when he Mokotlicei last itebrif!. .ary, hint sanctioind :rills 'determination to solve Parliament, and thae,step will be taken, as early es the • exigencies of the public ser vice will permit::: There is a' (Breit and recent Precedent for this. Early in 1857, when the House of Commons passed a• vote of censure on LordPitatonoreat, for •pltting England into a waravith,Ohina,his crafty Lordship did not resign.' Be finished the session; quietly' making play among the more accessible can stituencies,•whild he was thus delaying, and then; ;dissolving Parliament at the .moinent 'mast favorable to himself, • the retmli'of the' General Election gave him a niajerity in:the Commons:. We expect a favorable' result, as affects the Derby Ministry, from the dissolu- Om •of Parliament which' will soon take • From the• commencement , of the 'recent party struggle on the Reform Bill—nay, from the time when Lord - Donny' accepted•office:'—' we'knew that -he -must .have become. Prime Minister with the Queen's. fullest' autherlza. tion .to dissolve Parliament,. if hei Were de- Mated. by a' factions opposition.. When the Palmerston Ministry fell to :pieces last •year,' because it was believed 'to have truckled-to Louis NaroLoott, the- Queen did7:net send for Lord louct , Rossow.; to Jetta a new Cabinet. No. • She had a -- full 'conviction of that small' get:Canton's' in- competency as a Statesnian. She preferred sending for Lord DERBY, head, of the Conser vative body, who, so far from desiring to come Prime Minister, frankly and finialy told her, that in the Commons his Strength was numerically equal to one-third of the whole body—a natural result, seeing that this very portion of the Legislature had been elected, only eightor nine months before, especially wider Lord .P.LIKEIISTON'S . auspices and patronage. Lord ,Dzanv, - with a rental of some, $400,000 a year, must bo utterly indifferent to the sum of $25,000 which he annually receives' as salary—most probably, spending double that: amount, -as Prime Minister. He strongly urged the' Queen to think twice before she appointed him Premier, with a great majority against him in the Commons. , The Queen slept upon the matter, remained steady in her determina• tion that Lord DEEM' should form an Admi nistration, and, as a matter of course, 7/143t then have given Lord REM full power to ap peal to the coantry, by a General Election, if factiOusly out-voted by a coalition in the Com mons. The result of this' measure yet Iles in the dim obseurity'of the Future. • , Mortopoliiing Spirit of the New, York Central Railroad. The' unfair management of the New York Central Road, to which pointed reference was made in the' extracts from the Ohio State Jour- eat and the Washington Stater, which we laid before our readers in a late number of Tni Pins, is so strikingly characteristic of the bearing of that road and its New'York back ers, toward• the county at large, and cape clay toward the letereste and rights of delphia, that we cannot refrain from adverting to the subject again. ' 'Were it merely the Over bearing adore reckless corporation, If would be a matter of comparatively little importance; bat every intelligent merchant here kneris that the wrongs 'Complained of in • those extra - Me are but 'a true apecimen• of New - York.fair. nem (t) in all her conduct hitherto tinier& the business_ interests of our own city. We; know that we are but uttering the sentiments of every high-minded merchant in, Philadel.' WA in 'Saying that' they are eittirelollll4. 'that -New York -should' niate!'„Gioir . xiiiiii:ef alt her natural' radventagee) - ,.4iPlket , :east- - • Thisk we thhitOkSebtalk I- 1 001a: - 4 2* nierCht6te'pi 'pairdnising,*rsitte4te, do t the Nevr-YOrk portal-16w ettlifeir'i3teekti:‘'Ari ckMMaeree,-fei' in eveiythingielse,-:hcine* errivirniurit URA nudely 16E4;4 deltidnating ptilnt aid itorli its' own reform. That point is being rapidly at tained' by-our-Manhattan neighbors in their; overreaching enderivora" to divert Rein its tnrat channels the 'trade - of • the South and West. -; The "overbearing • game, which has been too long played by New Yorkers through 'the;breaknodis- schedule system of their Cen tral road, is •at last likely to remelt upon them, very-roneliaa did the foolish act of the dog in the'fable, that lost his leg of mutton in 'cross. tug-the creek,' by snatching for its shadow ! 'Nothing is better understood 'here than that - merchants, throughout the - South -end Southwest, have 'a decided preference for trading , with, Philadelphia over New York. There is a straightforward candor and dente cretin frankness in our- mode of dealing 'for -which Southern-men have an instinctive at. Unity. Ft IS a fact, which every- one, of any personal knowledge of the relatlio manner Of . merchants here and there, is perfectly aware of, that the 'same depreciating' spirit' which -prompts a Gothamite te nickname the Qua ker City a as provincial town," at the same time- makes every other place in . the Union,- outside of New York, appear, through his egotistical glasses, equally eon temptible.• Such a course may succeed while .circumatances combine' to compel it, but-no lobger. There is nothing more certain than that in the' calendar of future events Philadel phia will hold her more boastful- rival at a serious disadvantage. No one can be so blind' as not to see that ere long the United States mast • become •an exporting nation, when Philadelphia, from - her geographical posi tion, must inevitably become the greatest distributing port -in the world. The great railroad lines which will converge here must forever continue to be the most natu ral channels for the produce of the South, the West, and the Northwest, to reaoh tide. water. With the Sunbury and-Brie, the Bal timore and' Ohio, and -the Pennsylvania'. Cen tral - roads, draining 'every section' of our 'country, the reins aro put into the bands-of Philadelphia, so effectually to control the transportation of produce 'from the interior,• that nothing short of the Most stolid indiffer ence to her interests can ever wrest it from her grasp. All great public improvements have their uses; their abuses, however, min uet be too promptly exposed. What the _le gitimate uses of the Now- York Central road are, it Is to he hoped, for their own credit, that those who have the management of it will yet learn. • , , The New Edition of the Culprit Fay. To the Editor of the New York 'Times. A card from Mr. Joseph Drake De Kay. having been. recently inserted in your paper,announoing the suppression of our edition of the Culprit Fay, we beg that you will do ns the justice to insert our reply, which' announces the oo.operatlon of the family of the late Dr Drake. and ourselves "Yours, Ao , BUDD k OARLETOR. LETTER:FROM i RODMAN DRAKR DR KAY. - - . 11,116831.8. RUDD k oA.ll.l,ETON—Gostlanten em :Bdastlad that your edition of the Culprit Fay was published in-good faith, and In entire ig norance of the foot that a copyright exlitod: • !The volume having already heti co extensive a circulation that the wishes of the late author regarding its publication cannot' possibly be oar• rigid out your proposal to pay the faintly a copy right, and continue to publish it, has been ao• °opted. , , Upon these terms . therefore, you herewith have their (tenant to continue the sale, which was at 'Stet suppressed, Yours very truly, (Signed) Joe. It. 1)2 Do KAY. No 47 South it., New York. April 4, 1810. • ' GALE AT Devritoir:—Detrolt • wag visited by a severe gala on Thursday. The %Advertiser de.' nominates it a. perfect hurricane and relates one satins accident occasioned. by, it .' The cupola of the German United Presbyterian Minh was blown down; causing the death of Mr. Tadore Beghein.. Mr Beghein was on the sidewalk, and, about one hundred and fifty feet from the church, when. a severe gust of wind (tarried .the roof clear off the building, and Jot before it rescued him it parted in the middle, one portion hitting him on the right side, breaking his ribs, 'arid, it is thought, his spine, and covering him 'entirely when he *ae thrown to the. sidewalk. —Ho died that evening at 7 o'clock. The steeple ,of the ehuroh of Dr Duf field swayed book and forth, and many expected that it would fall, but it stood the test. -One steamer in the river lost her hurricane deck, and another broke her moorings and was blown a dis tarioe down the river. Altogether they had a rare time of it. Wrinithr TELL OUTDONE."—We forgot to mention in our paragraph under this luiad, yester." day morning ,' that the gentleman upon whose bead the apple was placed to be shot at was entirely prOtee telt hy _two•inch plank, ' the apple being visible l Thin will take a'.." weight frets the bosoms of many who thought, .from our paragraph, that the I , shooting " might possibly be danger ous.—liartford courant. :11,ottu front f.)nnitaiontil."_ • e4pondenea,e(Tllo • Waellitifiro#,Ainil 20, ,:,..Tiitv*esident'oentizines.tebe:generCuste,Peen— aipienla; „Ms. has jait app o inted to'thahighliim portant °Masi:date of Antwerp, Mr. Ji l in W. Qulg-- 'ea; of your State; a gentleman who, whatever his own claims may be to this post, certainly possesses few. -- npowthe Democratic ,party. Antwerp isi I_ think,:tiorth some p,600 a year, andisfaltogethir, an enilablh position. 'ltis stated here that he Is the p - aritiefet'a belebrated judge in your State, and that he.geosAo Europe for the purpose of starting 'an enterprise fort the sale of Wild landi in'a por tion,of your State; something after the, Ole IBtdl , prvjaat of OdorotO memory. , • c.•Mr, Senator Bigler was tut doubt one of the en gineers of this last appointment, and should be. dulyeharged with It., The vsoancy,oreated by the resigiationof General Boiman in the post dl' Ba= pevietendeet ef ,Putrilo Printing is not yet although a person from your f3t, at o is -applying, .who posse sses the. necessary ' qualifications—, 'nernely, long and Persistent hostility to Melanin, and slavish shwe,. of his old, friends., -As this is a ppet t iif some importanoe, however, the President Will Wait to hear from such of his anoient allies as Jatees Gordon _Bennett and Governor Sam Medary, Who will do' doubtlave some - favorite to reoom- Since the adjournment of Oongresi, and the de, pariuse of 'members for their. homes, few public iivfelits of Importanee have trans f led. The Admin istration felt greatly,relleyed after the close of Ihe. aesb i lopi The preoess of investigating" its enormities and denonnolng.ita vices and follies had beetles so common, that It enjoys a great:sante of retie in its biniporary iniMsnity hem - iho search-, ineigThinee of the repre'sentatlies Of the people. gin evidently dis Posed to 'make the, most of • this fOliday, and to endesorcir to *press,* country rio, a feeling of gratitude for its vionderfardlplo aebtivements in Paraguay, and its pielfloat Lion of Utah, before the cost of the expeditionatO thote entintries can be investigated The Milan shiest exclusively devoted, during the, spring and summer OflBtB, tolhe work of disorganikindthe Doptooratio party, attacking Judge Douglas, and leading or driving anti..tecrompton men out of the Deerieeratio organisation; while Coma; • toiptt," appears disposed to devote the same period 00859 to, the praiseOf Mr. Beohanan, the eulogy of, his Administrations and to efforts to induce the pemoorsay of the nation to rally around it, Bat, detWlthetaneing the ssal of the redoubtable Bow mfin; r 'do not -believe' the organ will be able; to Make a more eneamstal campaign this year than lion, notwithstanding its change of tootles. _ - • •• • 0010APONAL. Letter from c‘ Touchstone." Morrespondonee of The Press I • WASHINGTON, April 20, 1859.. The interest ef the - trial, if one may judge by ce4versing with the people, does not seem abated, but I am very glsel to say that the patience of the visitors to the court room ..does not hold out. Whether this is to be attributed to the not very edifying testimony of witnesses, the wearisomeness of cross-examinations, the foul atmosphere of the roons, the natural tiring-Out of both legs, eyes, apd ears, all of whmh have been daily on the qui vies feitwo and shelf weeks, or to all'together, I can not say, although I record the feat with infinite satisfaction, as ell must, who have been in attend ante, and beheld -the jolly sensation—that's the only phrase—with which the worst portions of the testimony was received by the crowd outside of the `bar. However necessary .ctuoh trials may be,' , it is certain their effect is pernicious," especially as it Is impossible to confine, mach less to wholly curb, the ebullitions of a; gratiged sentinel anxiety. The Immense oltoulation of the journals of " oivilisation," which devote all their enterprise—and all their faisy, be it said, likewise—to illustrate the scenes, sayings, and doings of the unfortunate "scat >ZOnt," as 'Mrs. 'Noway Brown termed the Maas- Irephe ; the avidity with' which the "second edi tion " of the Evening Star, with the whole of the proceedings, is, sought; the great length at w oh even respectable journals have found it m edlars to report the Said proceedings, and the dleappointmenc- openly expressed, when such re sicotable papers did not contain the canfesalin of Mrs. Sickles, (the publication of which Mr. Sickles sorrowfully deprecates,) and the more vile and sWggestive portions of testimony;—these are sod - "Menem of an unhealthyenrioaity—to call it by mtionger term—which every serious-thinking falter and mother must desire to see abated.- • • The length of the proceedings, the harrowing saves In court - which have touohlagly sustained the dramatic, terrors by which the whole ease is surroianded,, and the torture to which the prisoner dukivisll as the pnblie have been put; has created htery decided feeling in favor of Mr. Sloklee;and ;general expressiorofregret that the (.4410. Jury )tatithht eissellir trial at The polite itellinerisetgeatipa froM jis ay, azni r must ormtote it 3e mt:a er ~ -. to2ding pare 0r..1.04 performance. The•imarityVf Sty kis perfect oodt of Mail against Carlisle's 'readineSit et retort, while the irravitief "Grahani and the stentorian Stanton seem to' bewilder the 'lege as well as the District Attorney. Mr.Ma- Older . yesterday attempted an 'onslaught on the prosecution, but he was rather unfortunate In the termer of the Judge, who disarmed the earnest y rgitilan by somewhat peremptorily insinuating List they same there to talk about law and 'not sisal the lawyers, or words to that iffoot.' lie small whitehead and pale features of Judge Ovivford were in- striking, though peaceful con. 44 to the florid, earnest features and excitable husattlehe !of Alr. Magruder, as the former put a de l ver on; or tether oat the rope short by which theiatter was about to sound the tocsin of war. . 'Plobably the Judge thought Mr. Grad's attack 'Ort - fie defence the other day enough in thatline. MiOuld yesterday made what is considered an, epoogy to the defence, and the Rev: Mr. Haley, to 'Atom he had aisplied a term peculiarly Plat:table to a clergyman, even though It were epplid' in connection with so distinguished a par- tir:asthe counsel for defence. To Mr. Haley the apobry is duo. '- Waiting until hiename was en nead with the position given him by.the Wet '4itorney, the reverend kontloman despatched midve to Mr. Ould;ohersoterialeg his allusions to one who could not reply as the reverse of gen. Gemaly, and demanding en apology as publicly se th insult was given. Mr. Ould's " regrets " yesteday morning ryas the result. In doing this 'Mr. B,has but sustained his character for Mud jid gentlentanliness among his associates here. Nothing is so commendable as the true wore*" to make acknowledgments for an error Whieholiouthataneee, more then a man's head and here, May have Molted. The 'mains of Mrs. Jacqueline Pendleton were fellow* to their resting' place, yesterday, by a large Stumm of persons, among whom were the Presidht and Attorney General Black: -The' re- Mint Bath of Mr. Pendleton made that gentle riaan'aereer the eubjset of mush newspaper re markand also brought his wife's name unkindly promlent She was the daughter of Robert diillethe eminent architect, and a lady of great coitus and sympathy for the intellectual and the artise. In addition to the name of Mr. Severna, of Philielphia, for the office made vacant by Gen. Bawan's descent into the Union, the claims o kr. Jhn Dowling, of Indiana; have been forcibly drawl to the President's attention Mr. Dow ling vis for many years a loading member of the • Oise Legislature, and Democratic editor at ierrelaute, and for Some time has been an effi. elent lerk in the Indian office. His brother is a promiant and wealthy Democrat in Indiana, who, I hearraight have come to Congress, but prefers :to sta3in 'the Legislature and keep the State In Far. John is a practical printer, but I suppose that isufaoient to disqualify him for tho office of Buperhandent of Publics Printing. It is fotioed here that the Stater, whit* has soewhat violent in its sarcasm when elle sloe to te Herold being ,the official organ" was #.ade, i,t evening copied an article from that pumal ti the now treaty with Nicaragua, and rays It "may s considered offlotal." This is rs pleasant (node of gooring the Constitution. It seems koirever,l suffer much from intornallinjuries. If it le ablet survive the attacks made upon It by he write who fill its oolumns, it must be, or its readers Ufa have an iron constitution. A rumor afloat is tit It was started forroligions purposes, and is keeng the Lent by keeping its'columns free front d matter of a round or solid nature , . We shall ft if it changes after Easter. TOUCHSTONE. Public Amusements. Manaus iscacoraurt.--Tbis fine singer gives a second antilnal Concert at Musical Yana Hail, this evening She will be assisted by Mr. Den ilea, the Bea; Mr. Evans, on the piano-forte; Pgnor Mocol on the olationet and, Signor Bis eaceianti on is violoncello: Tug CANiVAL MLNEITRSLB.—This truly line 'troupe of melding, vocalists, and dancers are 0014 performiig'nt Concert hall, and continue pore only this ening, to-morrow, and`tiatniday. They, are very lttraotive .performers, and their versatility is theheme of general eulogy. Van Attenuate MastAGRETE ;--A new pavilion hos been ereetedn • Spruce street, bettieen Tenth iand Eleventh ants, for the performances of Van Ambtirgh's men4rie of wild animals, of the great elephant TIPP° 0. and of an extensive Agues- Ulan troupe. Tly will perform on this evening, land on the afterams and evenings of to-morrow, r and Saturday. in Ambnrgh moves to Frank 'fort on Monday. SALE OF FIFFWATOREB AND JEMBLUY,-T. .131roh k Bons witsell this morning, at half past ;ten o'clock, at N 91.4 Chestnut street, the stook bf a city ferteler'solining business, comprising superior watches lthe best manufacturers, and lalarge assortmeo'it first eines jewelry. • LATEST LIVEAI 01, MARK WES.. , Livearooc, Sa turday afternoon, / 010ek.—Ootton quiet, and tending "downward, buyers" deandlnk &it'll further reduetfoo. Ode to•der (eetltosto.,7.C.oo bales, of sfhlep about 1,000 Lave been taken on fultulatlon and for ozport. Bread stuffa IHE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. , ;THE ;ARABIA, AT ITALIFAX, ONE WEER LaTut, FROX EUROPE: THE MINISTERIAL .CRISIS. PARLIAMENT TO BE DISSOLVED. NEW ELEOTIONS TO BE HELD TAE, .WAR EXCITEMENT. 31.ovemout of Troops .tiy.Frande and Austria. THE DECREABE OF BULLION IN THE SANK OF ENGLAND COTTeN CONSOLS 04ia95 IfAtirex, April 20.—The British mail steamship Ara bia arrived this morning, with Liverpool ant London Mars to hattuday itt tenant!: the 9th, inst. • 'The Arable reporta on the nth. at 4 o'clock, P. panel the American ship Monarch of the seas ondbe 10th, off Cork I exchanged sisntis with the ship Rhea Olivia ; earn° nay passed the steamtr Asia, hem New York tor Livitipool; on the 14th pissed steamiest/la sers for Liverponi; seine day exchanged Mgnahswith the steamer Jura. „ The e eatnehlp Jars wail to leave Liverpool on the 9:11 for ItOstoo,.and the, atsamer Prince Albert WAS to leave Galw ir for St Johns the rains day. The rtsamer Oit• of Kanehater left Cork et the Bth for New York with 360 peeaengers.• •• - . The steamer Arabia arrival oat at 9 o'clock P. W., on the Blind. The steamer Glaegow; from New' York. seethed Ohm lgoW en the 21 lust ,Theldearnahlp North Briton 'arrtied ont on the 7th init. The steamer City of , Wo.hlagton, from New York. restated Liverpool on the 7th bat , male a splendid run of eleven days The crew of the chip- Grey Oak, from London for New York, were plotted up at ate, haylog abandoned their vessel, in a Waking eon. dltion • - The steamier Egna was off Llverrool on the 9th Inst. Lord Derby bad annoinced In the English Dante of Lords that the Cabinet would dissolve ParliaMint and Appeal to the Country. Ile commentedo,a lord John RussolPs' courier, and characterised Lo 'd. Palmers , oa , s r o emendation that ministers should accept Loud John Russeills amendment as a t treat I atilt Re rejoiced at top gone] ons stinger; thattbei government, had in. csived,'and earpreased thenouriet on that for t he want of oohesiod" the °pi:midget would be speedily disaglved. He also said Chet the Cabinet bad deeded fo'disSolve Parliament ,as coon as the public A:Meiners psint•tted. They thought that the country ought to be consulted: at the present oriels, and because the in masts of pease would suffer from a change in the Administra.lon. Dihrajli made,a corrsapuiding annotuatement in the Houto - of oouitoons • - - • - - ' • It ie reported that Medd& Jell Weld on the disarms meat cf Piedmont before the opening of the Peaoe Con grems , The sedition trials in Veiled resulted In the disa greement of ,he Jury. l he telegraphic: advicea from Bombay are to the 4th of March. Tantia Tope bed disappeared. and his lot re wore dispersed. The financial emberresoment of the India Government was mina mere, and there wan a panto In the money market. Certain remarks made on Friday by Lo d Palmeraton in parliament are rimatrued into an adadesion of the hopeleilanese of peace. The llinglieh Ambassador at Tarin has eittdden'y loft On his return to Londor • 'GREAT LUVAIN. ' Parliament wee p a reeding with its roust beeinese, and no date had to-n, fixed for the diseo'lition, al though it wee alined...l to take 'dace before Easter., Toe eubj.ct of the p-ore ed subsidy to the Galway line was debated in the Horne, god Its expediency called in queritton at well as the injussice done, to the Liver pool, New York, and Philadelphia company in making the contract. The Irish members defended the project. A copy of all the correspondence on the subject was or dered to be produced The Australian mail,leth Melbourne dates of Perk. 15th, was telegraphed.,lnqn•ta were extremely dill, ot dearer, awl the production of gold increasing In the House of Co Timone. On the (Ph. Lord Penner.' Eton defended himself from the kaput:tidos coat on him by ministers, and criticised Lord Derby's course. Sir J. Pakington replied, and reiterated the assertion that Lord Palmereton made the direct threat that if the Grown exerolsed its right to dierolve Parliament the House might refuse the enppliee. - Other ',perishes were also made on the subject. On the 7th, in the noose of Lords, the Indian eleven millions loan billw6ll passed to a second reading. In the course of hie renives on it, Lo d Derby said that next week a vote of thanks would be woposed to the Governor General and Comomoderin-Ohief. and the other Mil Asia in India, and that a torn of theologiving for the reetovailoo of peace would ba presented. In the House of Commons, Air. Disraeli, in reply to Sir G. 0 Lewis. after deprecating being nailed upon to make partial financial Statements, said that it was hie intention to pay off two million,' of pounds of the Ex chequer bills falling due lit - Men and that he - did not contemplate there would be any necessity of borrowing for that purpose. On the Bth, in the Mate of Lords, Earl Malmeebury paid that he hoped to be able to present a statement to thellowie info a. the az:Oros/dine, which would Show that the government had done all it could to preserve the peace of Europe:-, , - In the House oreolDlliOns Lord Palmerston bad given notice of a question. respecting oar foreign relations and the of Europe," bat at the argot request of Mr. Disraeli ,he postponed it -Mr. Diersoll .an nounced that in a day or two , he -would make a Mate ment on the subjset. Mr. Besearsh. asked the. Secretary of the Trenairry whether Sir Samuel Canard, having offered, through a deputation, which waited on the Admiralty and Trea sury Departmental° convey the malls weekly between an Irish port lied America, for the gum of 4603 the voyage out and home: it was the intention of theft yarn meet to persevere in eoreplating the contract tin 5e,000 for service fortnightly between Galway 'sod America - He demanded, ad the part of the public, that this offer shotildbe duly coaeldered. Sir. 8. No thro e said thit the 'offer of Mr. Canard, Waste call at Cork on the wry from Liverpool to - Awe, rica, and oa tie return, for MOO. •` -- ' -The Galway offer insole 4 a third .A.Merican ,in addition to two nowfiendertaken weekly; but 'ile.,the tha Gable/ oitlY ,, feleterightl ;there Ireerele-zhar 01 - ete Melnik On .4 "1 - 4 11r i rtiO*41; 'proposed to ark the American Government to nerier;i , take a postal service in alternate weeks, not inernsirisi4 - in the Galway earricejsiod, if America declined, it web, prorated to nakesa aldallar offset° Cunard. It ease theref.re, the intention of the Government to oemplet a contract with the Galway line. The &Merit viroliterther Mummer& by many , membeili pro and, oot a. The merits of Cork and Galway were canvaased; and the demised was almost general, that the' Government Abbot& of Meltera'. combated - witt Wit the coneent;ol the Noose. Mr. Disraeli add It would be a new prdesdent to have coatreete in the Srst instalie submitted to the House Contracts were eoastaotly granted without previous tender. He recalled the feats of the Galway urdertaking; The company offered re friellittee for the transport of trope for the Go Tenement. He therefore thought it right to adopt on rte own reel wasibilityn policy it felt to he advantageous and lu acro , danee with duty. The amount wouli, aa a metier of course, appear in the estimates beforo any money oin be paid. No date bad toed fixed free' ihedisiolution of-Parlia ment. The candidates were flooding the country with addreeees to their constituents Lord Palmerston, in hie address asserts that the simple question at bone is the'merits o' the Government Reform bitt. He depre oates the cotton .of minneera in disvolvine. meat at this critical Joel:aura in European affairs Requisitions to Lord Stanley and Me. Thomas Daring tp 00430 Yo ward for the city of leaden, is the Conser vative interests, were befog numerously signed.' - A private niceties of Lord Derby's friends had been held at the Premier's house. He addressed them at considerable length. , The ballot society were aglf attnir their principles, and had issued, so addr as to the elector*. The Tilers commenter urea the remarkable omire,on in the addresses of Lord Palmerston, Lord John Rus sell: and Mr Dlaraell;upon the =West alone/WA the whole contest began, that of the (Mare Reform bill, and soya the great popular orylas honore e a taunt and note boost. . At Quart Victoria's levee, Senator Olingman, of North Carolina; was presented by Me. Dallas. Ai '.PART April 2 —The trial o' the members of the Pbcesdis oelety resulted, like the arst.'ln a disagree ment and discharge or the Jury The prisoners were 'held over till next witless, oa renewing their ball. - - -At tie meeting of the Great Western (of Caned ) Railroad Company: hell In Loitioc. the directors , re. port, declaring a dividend of three per cont. per annum, wee adopted. The stock market was gotta and steady on the Bth and W. but en the Bth wee weaker and lower The Daily New,' city article, dated 'Friday evecing. Belo " A g+rieral hsavmess prevailed to -day espeocel.y Ms' afternoon A fresh fell on the Paris Bourse, and the niesatisfitof ory character of might:al *deices from the Continent, and the antioipallo of the Indian and floestan loans, as welt enethe unfavorable bank returns, combined, (vested an unfercrable feeling." The fonds presented a farther decline of ,Vesli par mut The discount market was active at the utintaum rate of 214 par cent. - The Aturtrlan exchanges have again risen, owlog to the prevailing distrust. Ihe Timas , cite, article of last evening says : " The funds opened at co nparatively steadyligoloss, but closed heavily and lower under dull actoonts from Paris The following lint of new baronets has been pub liebed Miller, John Neste. memberajof Parlia ment; John 11. Uevole Smyth and Philip P. Duneombe VIII VntiY LA 1187 LIVRIIPOO.. Saturday. 1 )5 P. M.—The steamer Bina bas just arrived hom New York. Coca/ ols. in londoo, at 1 &dock, were at 95 94)j for mole! end account .earl ktalmesoury , s remarks are construed into an admission that there is no loom for paste. BRANCH. The movement of troops and war material In Branca c mtinnes on a large scale. Twenty•flve , housand troops are on the way to reinforce Lyooe. A feeling that war Is inevitable prevails at the Yrench Foreign Office, and la shared by some of the hlaheat function rime Ordealb have been rent to Toulon for nixtpeight . veasela ; also, eight vesaels have been ordered from Brest to Toulon All the wettable the Athletic belonging to Marseilles 'are hastening home. 'The Parte Bourse is deoliniog Count Cavonr said that he could at any time apply the match teas Materials of conflagration at hie command, and force Branca to join him. AI:MR.IC An analysis Is pnblished of Count Boulfs reply to the Boutin proposal for the Congress. Ile declares the whole difficulty Is to be found in the policy of Pled. molt, and regards the Co•greas so the weeny of_ putting an end to the danger with which she threatens Eipope. He adds, should other questions be mooted, they ought to be stated beforehand, and that the slash of arms should not aciompauy negotiatione. Piedmont disarm ; Aunt Is will do likewise. until the prelimitteries ate settled'Austria may relax,' but will nut suspend operations ; her troops will con tinue to march towards Italy. LATEST Tho ViCllllla corresiondett of the Times telegraphs cc follows Vienna Friday Evening —Ths long-rst. pealed crisis it at hood. A oorps of fifty thousand men goes from this city to Italy tomorrow, and on the fol lowing day another corps of sixty thousand mon Is to be assembled here A reserve corps of 'seventy thou sand mon will be placed In Bohemia and Moravia The reserve of the army in Ttaly and of the corps about to leave this city have been called in. PARDINIA The London Morn•ng Post publishes a long and important memorandum presented by the Sardinian Gove - nment to that or Great Britain, on the condition of Italy. Friday—Mr Tames Hodeon, the British Ambassador, eft hero to day for Loodoq. ITALY " The correvondent of the Times, et Rome, says that the general opinion there is that the ()engross will elm ply delay war, but cannot prevent it,beasuse it will not effectually settle the Italian qu• Mien. It is confidently stated that neither the Papal Govern ment nor the King of lisplen will send representatives to the Cockcrow, The Independents Belga says that the %lug or Na. plea Is rapidly sinking. The Papal Government is preparing an oftlelal note relative to the prorosed Congress, to be addressed to the great Powers PORTUGAL. The Government has authorized the free tvimleaton of Indian corn. A. lit Petersburg telegram of the 9th says an impe rial ukase for a loan of .£12,000,000, at three per cent , was published that day. • • . The Bombay mall of March 12th readied England on the 6th. The news le anticipated by telegraph. This tle Topes and other leading rebels were biding under Pelee names. Freights to England bad slightly advanced. AUSTRALIA. Anetrallan papers and correspondence from Mel bourne to February II wore received, but add little of Importance to previous te:egrams, New gold fields of fair promise bad been discovered near Melbourne.. Dates from Africa, Cape Coast, to February 11th; Bien% Leone to February 20th, and other parte of the west coast, are received. Trade in the palm oil rivers was very dull. RERVAYiii: 0401 CALIFORNIA. , , Passage of a ,BM to Divide California I, , ACIPIO 11/11LROAR,'PONVENTION Fl ,LOoni. Apell 20'-The Overland - matt, with Ban Francisco dates to the 28th nit , has arrived. The Mate Legislature had gone on visit to Oakland The bill to divide the State of Oalifornis has passed the Senate. The Home bas alto pawed a bill calliog a coa•entio o( delegates ton Caliro - nia. Oregoa. Washlegion, and Arizoaa. to cot:udder - a plan for the eoustanotio ors N ano Railroad. '.'' • • , Ensloom _Wad 4[lll Msi Yrlllolllto and She ululate auctuniged. - , , Atrival-of llie 01 axol ii a . .. , DEATH CIF 1111SAILD, an. Ni* YoSE. April' 20' —The 'etesiner Sizoni.. frli% 4amburg on the sth bet., arrived here at 7 o'clock this evening. She brings the London afternoon papers of the 4th lost, - They'contain no Parliamentary proceedings. . , The Trench anchastedor at Hanover watt recently obliged to quit 46e Theatre Royal, In coneequenoe of an antl,Tfrenee demonstration. _ . , -- - . . . Mui&d the (wander of Concerts, died to France, at the egeof pouf. , . Prize • Fight in -England. BATZlifk AND I.ADDOCIC7-E!+YERS VICTORIOUS IleLie ,Z. April 2A —Adifeeti by the etaamer Amble: tante Oat the - greet , prize fight between Severer Rol. Plana Came o,@ 'Oa the sth !nit, ' Over onetiatiennd pima!, were pteiont: '- • A Beetle of mode 1/61:4) Welt, oc c upying tinning and a balf minntee, - Eitlyers wax the victor, thus retalnleg the <, °kneelon. ship of From WasMogroo. Wserrirtoron, April 20, —ln- relation tn . Ninaregtiati affaire many speculations are InO.ttteed- and some of the statements concerning them are dOubtlee4 t111i.4411- tignally erroneous The true state of ,the questton is aseertained to he that the ,treaty recently retuned is, with one eitortelon, entirely esceptahle to,this Govern. meat, whioh has hersteore.assented to Its provisions. The exception is to tae amendmenterhiek ip enteiteMen p-ovides that the United States *1;01 erupts* to use doe vigilance aid all lawful - menus to prevent the organ's Coo of bottle parties In this, country 'or the invasion of Nicaragua. . A This Is net considered Important, but if ultimately rrjected by the President: who has it under colanders'. Von' no doubt is entertained that.the treaty will be modifled by Nicaragua. In accordance with - the wishes of the Qovernmeet By this treaty' Nicaragua engages to ass the necessary force to' keep the Trunk 'route Coen; bat if at coy. time she , should fail to de-en, the United Static hare the right to 'lead tiding to protect parsons and property. ,The,information from - Nlorragua leaves, no donut that the British are acting in good faith and are making arrangements for. surrendering the Bay falai ds and' the Mo•quitd Protectorate.' Such, Is the present state of, Oahe se . ascertained from an. . , tho Mia oottroes. , ' , , The. Appropriation for Sorrapsi Weentsorow, Sprit 20,—Geu, Burnett, the eurveYor General o , RIIIMMI and Nebraska. has been informed by - the C0011:00soaer of the .Land office, Chet, in teems-- quencs of the smallness - of-the approplat on, It will be necessary that the rest of _tae arirveye In this, district shall Jt o t exceed $26,0t0, a which 810 000 is appiropri-:' ated to surveys In Nebraska, and slo,foo for surveys Kansas. The Hanrai survey fund has beein appo.tioned for the surrey or thenewt Vo k Indian lands As even an the surveys are completed, ball a grotto c will- be al lotted to rich of the Indiana who may have removed there under the provisions of the treaties or 1888 end 1842. after which the balance wilt be 'thrown into the public domain, nod opened to ore emption. It Is one o the molt valuable sections of 'Kansas Territory: .- • The East Palaiyivaniafitardioad'.' ALLindoww, April 20 traoh of thole/a Penh sylveeis Betinted was neighed making the drain or railroad complete" betwe ealliw-Tork and tianabart.. The oars will 00Mi:01,1406 renting to-morrow. „ THE CITE 11311:1811111INT8 msie .1114.11NING MUSICAL PURI) HALL —" Grand Concert." 00NC16 . 11.2' HILL - 4 ‘ The berepbelllle VAN Amerman & Co.'s Zooloileal end Ygetestrisn Establishments" Spruce street, between Tenth -std Eleventh streets. - - - - WEI/UTLEY ' CLARICIVB ARDEV3SIIII4 TEILA4III.- Itiehellen"— , ‘ A Thninping."- Mow WALNUT-Amiss. Tosaysi.—"Peg Woffiegton" Adelgith a"--f. The Love Ohm." - - llioDesettarte Ostammt.—Eeleetions from Plays Gems from Operas, Pantemiihes, Dancing, and Pinging TROAISTIVESG;eOII . I , from begs Eccentricities; Parses, singing,' and Dancing, , • Joint Owls, who has been 'lying in the reen.3l.eolo Hospital. for the last few doys,aufferlog from severe injuries he had received on'Snliday Worn: lug eta are, died yesterday morning, bstween nine and ten o'clock, from the afros: of said wounds. The skull, of °spieled been fractured in a •earfurniuminer., When' he died be woe in his twenty.sixth or brenty.seventh year. Ile was the son of Capt. Joseph Ospie• an Eng ilatimau by birth, and et one period of his life an MB car, In • the British navy, Coming to this city, Oaptaist espies married a Mee Maria Ervin. , of the diet, let of Southwark. after residing liere,aome, time, the Oap. tan embarked in the - merchant terrice,ln the pursuit of Which he was dually lost off the Cape of flood Hope John was left to the care of his nxotber, , who is re presented as having been an excellent woman—one who endeavored to raise berekoldren roperly. Es received a very good Englieltedoctition.bulassoolating himself with wady are companies, and:emanating very vicious habits, his career soon became one of sin - About mx or seven years ago, In company, with a companion named, 'Emma, he maul convicted of having wantonly taken the Ohrietoplier Boohon Ontl..they,„vere, both_ sem. 'imed to be executed. Executive clemency saved Oarde and hie Mead, and they returned once more to society. When Ospie ,was pardoned, be tnede su effott to reform, but the effect °Monier aseiccist'onS .wmitsso strong, and once more he embarked in a career of dissipation. -As we bore stated, on Sunday morning, during an at on the Shiflier•Hoes ()employ,. Ospie. whOws Ahik, rguusr.,, numbed a shot, which , .777- "t ................ aildlottir * 4 * death ide eet4 Y 7loadel — o;.. to'ilatidtt! = Ooroner:lfenner was summOurd to hold an Inquest - yesterday. , He attended, but no post-naurtece exami nation bad been Midi!, And ati Witnessed Irani present to testify to the fasts, the_ examination was postponed until this morning - bleanthde,Whenspleo,the Mtn wbewin being the a uthor - Cap es death," and Who escaped In the mysterious manner we cieseribed yesterday, la still at large Beery .ffort In being made to recapture him ; and. for the credit of justice. End our afire fame, we hope success • will accompany the alertions of our deem. 7nn OFFICERe of the law experience more trouble in ousting the - tanners from their accustomed stands on Market ',treat .thau they counted on. On Monday; oreiMen.was: , tined for the Wreath= Of the ordinances. Yeaterdsy a neither of these men were before Aldermen Ogle to answer the charges pre'erred against them by the Bigh; Constable , It was argued,, on the part - of the farmers; that It was' illegal to expel' them from their ermultomed stands before they had pro vide,' acre - omodatieca for themselves elsewhere; And further, it was bald, that with, stands were near ball& lore. the owners o which had given them pormiseicoo toatand there, they were on private property. The de cision of the alderman wee postponed in antiolpation of the notion of °months, both bottle' of which - Meet to day. According to the provisions of the ordinance, the recusants are liable to a doe of City dollars and costa for every day they disobey the law. ®sour Two O'CLOCK, .yestenday, morning, the family °Qtrs. 3. Sennedy. living in Second street above Carpenter, were aroused by hearing a burglar in the house. Mr. K. it - mead oat of bed, and found Mis in truder ;Outdating the room. meted him, and after a strdggle the rioted broke away and made his mope Upon making an examtnaVon ft ,wve dircovered that the bonne had been entered by footing open a -back door. The gee wee lighted tov.the thief, who proceeded to rewash the lower apartments in sea-eh of valuables The vaults ware even lrolien to 'ascertain whether or rot they were silver. After getting th 'crgis' below stairs, he went into the that:ohne above, sad he bad taken the monev.A eta of the pOokete 'of Mr: O. before he W 43 disturbed. The intruder wee Otte a young man. A DANGEROUS WEAPON.—ThOMRS Addrial and a man named Cunningham are elgaged in the oyster balances. Yesterday morning, a diepute arose between them as to the fonds invested in their business, and Cunningham wished to draw on the trimmers' for the sum of thirteen cents Adams peremp'orily re fused' to grant the request until their entire stock should be disosed of. Cunningham got enure, and while passing a afire In the ro•ig h borbood of Shipper, and Fifth streets, seized an iro garden rake, and in • 'flirted sundry wound.. on thee head of Adams. , The wounded man was taken to the Perneyigants Hospital, and after having hie wounds dressed started In pussult of the offender. Ix is said that the arrangementalor holding the State Agricniturat Pair at Poweltoti arii rapidly ep• p oaahleg co toplet'on. We trust that one eitlasusjo'n in this wo•k with a degree of zeal commensurate with the advantages of the fair to our city's commercial and agricultural interests. Pone rivalry exists between Philadelphia and other State towns as to bolding it; but by the united Cod prompt notion of our haerobints and citizens we may be able to seams the advantage to oar own BETWEEN 8 and 9 o'clock on Tuesday even ing the dwelling of Mr Charles Ellis, No. 229 Eonth Eighth street, was entered through a rear wiodoti while the family were in tho parlor, and robbed ors gold watch and chain. silver-ware, and o her articles. The thief clambered over a shed (roman adjointeg yard, and got Into a ro,m in the seceni Rimy. from which the plunder was obtained The ' , Alban took a pillow ease from a bed in the room to carry off his booty. Tom oonyoßAzons of the Germantown Market Company are about arranging the preliminaries for carrying out • the phiale of their charter. The eat of inoorwatinn provides fcr a capital of $30,000 and not to exceed $5O 000, divided into ',hares of $5O each, We learn that the company have in view a Capital let of ground for the perpoee of a market houae, _located at the needed point, that can be obtained at a rea•onab'e price, $5OO of which would be taken out in stack. , HOSPITAL °AM.—Timothy Legacy aged 27 years, was severely wounded yesterday attercooo by a bank of earth caving it upon him while he was en. gaged In tearingdo rim a building in Marble alley, neer Tenth and Obeatnta streets Henry Teeth, egad 6', had hie had badly bruised yesterday morning. by being kinked by a horse Re resides in Woodbury, NJ , and (1811:1" to this c.ty with a lot of marketing. Po'h of the above were admft'ed to the Pennsylvania Bo 4pital: A Herrera of youngmen have formed them selves into a new unitary company, to be called the Putnam Continental Guards. Their drem will be that of the soldiers of the Revolutionary war, and it Mateo Intended to have connected with the corps a band of Martial mush), the members of which are to be clothed in a like unit..rm. The company will parade, it is ex pected, about tbe first of Jane.' A MBETING ig to be held on Saturday even t atMalaga, N. J, to consider the prilaot of eon struct.ng a rallicitd from Camden to to Cum berland county, N. J. It Is held that the construction of Ouch a road would prove eminently advantageous to the interests of Weat Jereey, opening, as it would. a rich, fertile. and hitherto undeveloped mention of corm. try. • GoitoNEa FENNER, yeBE erday morning, Ii old an Inquest on , ba body of a white woman nam e d Arm Grier, thirty fire years of age, who had died f em in• temperance and, exposure. A. re, diet o that'effeit was rendered. It was Ftsted, that she bad, two °Whiten living, but their whereabouts was not asiettained,` WILLIAid LEESON, while staggering along the docks last evening In a state of triton:cation, feU Into the Delaware, et Arch-street wharf. Be eras res cued by Officers Baton and Alkiten t of the Reserve Corm conveyed to the Central Illation, end kindly oared for. Alarms Moos, of - pareden, yesterday morning committed n colored bar named James Ml halm to tamer the charge of wounding °cartes Wan nen' with a knife. Brahman wan stabbed in the back very leverely. A COLORED NAN, named Emanuel Oath bed, uas committed by Ahierotan treeman t on the them or baying a boxer white e,;sp to his possessing, for which be wee unable to 'mount. The property awaits an owner at the Pltth-ward station house. LAlntrati, Esq., ex-GOntroller of the city of Pitteintu t was elected Grand Muter of the Odd Follows of Siete of Pennsylvania kit evening. 110 is Low in this city. ~ fINANVIAttANIMiIkiMBIWIA 3 - - .' - ' " „ .....,• • -,,,- ~..-..,. --1: ,-. , • . - ...„......-7,--..„ , ~,.,...—t, ...-,..., _-. _ , . • 'he 120 847.,figirket. ..,„ f . 1.-- A. ---- , > - , ... ~ •-: . 1 .. - .1: - .. ,. ", - 4 . ,f , r. 41".".`..,.. ' • " liiIIIDILOrik . ,6OII6, 1666, `The nook market s - gaVe;44ilits, and -tai` bears have Dude genii dif'of it, iiinsiEcinit ' dOwn ill. - the the apeorilatlietiosi.dind borada`Mi`ifiel*niflflkf _ one detrio ei 4 iptinnill 'llid;ruirritit. t6,..4 1 4 2 .3...kee9 L . ', now_ Ms it tui r ks been forsome`dayilikkiEfi..Teliri, 2her,r: -. --- titsfesPect of the sewsfrom Etroptihy - the - dralrliqairrr given by tetegraph,-Aces nes,..tnipt 20 ,sirreigthen the ' Piee i rk.aPY. • We leer thaithe Maprema. Cant eithis titan - Iner"=, •i P laleeil lie recent i t e'l 4l ° 2 that theof the Bank of , Pennsylvaniaara te. ircelyi :the anus of that ios'itntion in .payment of debts due- to it, and bairn thrown the doors still move widely" opentoritieleardif 7 - of the ruff rent by tie failure. ~ r. '7., ~._"":::. . .,'...4 ' f l'hesiesigeetts minnow Instructed that :they ehili i‘ %*.,, only receive the notes of the bear-for its elabisie,leerr afro that the checks of Jetsetters and thenertithiaffet‘ot der oast are deo to be receivedinthe.6enas *neer ; ei„., a valid tender for indebtedianife rkti pink. Hitherto' tile market value of certificates of del con his beadier , ..." latively much lower' thaw Hre notes, of. the hank ; ths hope baring Plea o largrife'el7 l , 4l ,o-teesrebet iele,notae, would hairs to be received in payment of debts dee the 1- bank, while it wee thought -that...the deponitere-would-7 have to Walt and take their chance far. dividend, This new ruling of the Supi. Casert - tmlega both - Supine. Masses of debts upon "level in, thingesperst;asediatink . „. the nia.ket'veleis of dep. eitorisl_clairns Co .siderabfp f '' , ;...,i;:s 111.PeiskLug of itermayliania Beak if/ sirs, .we snip. eel; , that Menne. Barnum, and others, are nowengesedie. eitablishiog before the'Anditor inlaid Mss4 tisk' aiiiitirs ... 4` .. aliment of paper held by the &salaam of the bask; "' and by the trustiessfor the eitibarike,"nairjesned by the makers to the president•of the bank before its ,- strisppage to mob!! him it TAostoto 44 24,45, limy, mkr; stet the payinent of `these sofas nettle potted that uo" mime was given "foir iheni: Thai alio all gdillifit !to - *knees refuse to surrender" say fiollaterat sensitise deposited . with the preaident of the heehaw' .otharg • debts due hien these patties to the Bank of 4snarirl, ,-. vdnia. Ons of tkem, , we understand . , demands from the' "A Stator.; thodeorfaux yteclude teliected frMesieili eel': laterals by the maidens . shall bit taken iron: the ..... general fondand paid overt° IsLan. f- rr r. .t ,71'."-,..W."....We hare 'no Ilisposit os to prejeidies, the cleans rii-:'.!... these parties to get 'off f om the! pOpoootof,Aellinotei_ If they can , but if they shonlibe made ' oprry them !bay will hereto thankiheir own priseidne gmagomiiii, Milne, :r ed into the serape on seek s *allow profess* idthat, by lending their, totsw, , they would ens4ble the president to sustain the bank. Ills • 11, , nd -thing to believe that men established for }margin basidesa toshl be ao entity galled. F . , .. r-- - - . ...i. ". rs "? `.- -- 2.r - 7- --;..7 . .- • ". * .Y.'„) --` radanimpati max ilaz , Ati9l gaup, - oorommaiar aammor;soo ,soo:liiiisi-moins,otxm, sin /108631601 610111114-101118117116 !au,' "la., !so ogoolfoo ilrikti6fs; '..i% ,-,,' 4. • ., I. Ril l'rr." ."'• i 4- .." f..,, 49-JIeIitOLBOAIID, . " - .., ` : '''' I - li4o City as itilote..lco . 6661,..1idarid Rii lots 1401 'do „„fulots..loo ''. .50 Pima B .... , ..42 If 16000 donw;inltraft.lol% . 2 do ....... 250 do ' 103% 2261ineiCel in 10t5... 4% 1 200 N .1' ecuoif N 68..6% -4 1iLehigh1k.42.6.1..14 4. 2000 . don ' . - i . b5436%. 10 ,- - 4 " di , s - , s - .' ' -2a% , .! 3000 Bimini Chat.,100.3214 100 Atierd 4,441.... - 11% - 1500 'de Anise b 6.131% fir.. ...do ' - . r . :13% r , 300011 n Oil Ott in. 1td.40 ' . 19 llin'eldll rri,..'"';'.6o% r lwo de , scrip on 40 - , -7 let - Noistn R ... to-I ts 45% 6000 -- do ; s alb ao loci SOL Nay Piel=•it6liqf 14:10 Canniest& len.7s 67 . 27 --, do in lots - 9e 119C0 110,2 in 7s Its .05% 4 Ilmleton,Coat .. .44%, 1000 Penns B 1 in 6,001 ""13 CessoltdOft.Attalf .2636;_ ...6COO Bead It 60866527% 10 II Panne It_ ... ...bk.. Fax , , r‘2ooo - ..." _do, bb - 17% ...1. (Unwires* 14 -- 44 ~ I ll.oo' 'do ' 11% '6 24 lelid.ritit ' 411 -..' ' 1000 L &Marl it 7s ~.92 1001teadIng B,;:•.alwa, 2104.3% - 1000 , PNI W&DA co,7s ftik 300 , do ...,.„... - .4655e25% _lO 0 do-- " ^ '04% 100 ' - 'l2 - ',- - ' . - , - „briert.ls% , I r;26olr3ch NaV.60.232.16% 100 31mireilk - - - - Ojg.re 1000 Peon it 2 nig 6r...91 /6 eirird Villa ' : 2g,-, - - 100 L Isl'd 8..ea5h.12%'... Illitnebillßerlp..2..:o4 t 200 .., do- irate b 6 11% 100 Little .. 941rity11t;:..21-Z Z 1111111711.102 13441641. „. 1 ,,.. 7 .. , 21i0 Morris' ontrl 69..60%12 24 drittet,ll:. , .., - .:4f% 5100 letith Barr 66.-02 . '2 PensnslL —T- . -- - 4 .'' 42% 1003 do ....,,... - IMCIOND BOska. ' C -' - 100 eity_otistendpt.loo' 2 Vorristewe B 61% 2000 Un Oat 05..34y.. 89% 2 do 1 .2%.„ 3000 , do .... siren 39% ' 5 2.1'&2214t 6 - '3lB - - 6060 Ohms dc Del cut 68.60 41 %Whitt BcriPet...t74% 5000 ,Co. •SOr 10 Lenigirkler - 221('K 4°oo do 80 6 ,AG ......". .....k . 61%. too N kerma B 65... 3661( • ii --- de.....4.47...'"*:„.66 62% ,, 1000 Cam & Am 66 1 88 863( Zdeinsed3ll3o62 . leltslar:r. I 1000 Del Bmg bd,......14 . : , -thr.r.......e.....%.404- r rr -2000 Cataw ' e Img 75.:60% 25 Bedniyi Bair pref....19*," 100 Sag Canal de ....39 25 Bueq Oust. . a•••, . 1::.• • 0 0 , loco ziaora 3 r0g1e.1.73 • • 16 ~1-4 0 3.' ''' ' ier 4 i. - i l idi - i 41 , ,10C1i Catarina 2 mg.. 36% 1 ftlActs A tpltiii2iria 23 - 900 abt. . r , " : ...„35% '4 NeehankraUttrele.: - ...23% 600 Beeding,B,4lrl6 IT ~, vdo *. "' - " - SSW- - 21 tiorristown R.... 52% - 5 Haslet.= Ceni....14 1 1( - - IT a 6..14 - • iolgtos'' ileil lisi Baio • olf:' oft 2'raffir: Phila Se. 100,100% tr Poe lON •29.11t ,‘ It 100 1f.0% Wild. IlitAiiilbi.R 2% 97f ' ; 1 . • Nev.:J.los 203% ~ ur 7elrt satsgx 12 -714 - 0 Penal far 94%-96, - • ,+",2d. • tiogAs - Beading "11. 26% 15%fleng Irelandl2%.. ;., bdelLtrinaff eir .- gam ILeltOcal et Aiw.o2- AIM: x.. 1 " intik; 1 44'91 t-96. tt' poolii 8...;..7 Dxf_sx , _ ! , s do 1 86 71 77% if `M . 2O /4 -00 % .". Penne B 42.% 42 1 - ~ ..".10d. - ;". --- .'..:14Friii.... te, 2d mlis in el 90%.91• Catewien:l.A.f." -5 / 4 1414 .for Canal Con. 13 64 , ` -, "t-leritelt W 6 ' , e6% S "" prat alio% 107. •liff,fi I i rrifirk& - South 4 6.1. 63 - Sabi Pus 6a NM , 16)4.71' 121.2:21 at R.,- itig 48% a. lunithf 4.'34 _.,._1115 -, r Clue &Waging 43 = 44 ItAilit)pbfa, . Arzil._o4ive.4ll4l4., There la ao thing.' vin Briaaditaixtorday s itattraleatitv. bate Aeons little more delay in Illeakt2aooo:h*littii - ' Maid na lle extra riadattinifeatilii - oldt , fsah skkept . , - private, isud-300bbis eitsai iflaten4, b td,f titifteiKtot;l 4 lo 6, :A*UMegf.7 6 4 4l ***'*4 . i.:44 1.214 16 at , hat" breeds; atiiirditae - in:qtality.:_ :I(aWria doing in Bye riser or Oniit - Masi fans limier Id Mid at pas% 11.:za; wm*zsujiirsr,s3 to SMa to•day,iiith eilia of I,itb bne ied itltaitllBo tatr to ;Wiese; audi,lgal ,r btis - While at - 1600106a; ;skirl* at the _latter: price . tor litaral , MatitiOiti'lli iftharo o nye; is taketioa arrival et 860.'- Cora binither more lo•- tea to day, sad atont 4,00 been told at 870, tfloat ; 600 bat ;Oor - white brouilit 730. , os's aireabied, iad'aboat 1,600 bin Ptimayl- - Tattle told it Rd Hs !relay and Bailey Malt are etesay at *rigout quoted rates: :Bwril.--A sadill_takfht-tio-1 Quereiboa wee made at VII 40 '- ton. cot, cia- r Th. - market is very quiet, are only about 100 bales have hems - dial:Coed of at previous quotat'ous. Greatest are rather'_ more active ;71itillb,.CoOk roldibfairel - oi,, to - day, 303 hbds Pocto Rico_ Sager at 6,16 07,k0, - 303 bb a stet 8 toe do at IN to 7,t0, the tora.r arerasieg a 6.86 - the 100 lbs „aud 40 Midi Sagas Molasses it 26 Gine 4' ga l' lea,+all 80.-days midi a Ma - htitierithf - thole inactive, and prites the same as last quoted Reeds aso very quiet, - Mad tleepriee of Oloeetteed le ~ - b oredeavr at 66416.60. 410 boa Follitactoleg ,ta.othitr Whiskey la in steady demised; .bbitroo l llill#l6,No bh , L l 4 62 0% 0 1 awl _FPIO9OI Ir. ?few York Stock Exthasse t April 20. - . EINCOND 10ARD. 10 Elk of Repnblio 3613 300 1450 h 1313 w 3S - - tON I" Golan 741; _to do - - 843( 7 - .400 do -74 UP ' do 84% 200, do 000 " do 1502112 We Coo 250 do 500 do SO do __ , 1::o do *3 71% II I OIBA (leaß, '220 51 20 Zrle It 9 200-_ . „do 010 511( BO Hodson Ittr,B. - 901 1 225 _, - -do, .: .-- 03, 619(-, 10)11airitau R; ' - 12%' :100 utdoilicia' cc 1 - 6741 , 100: do : pret , , 40x at:a do . - . .00,0 VI .. 500: do ' Pre,' 015 401( 200 - do== - - ' 51% • CIO 13-aeosild Ohio a - sag 11000, - _do , ...- . 9 2 0971i'; 100 Badding $ , 20% I _. 100 ~ do _ _ .b3O 5'M 100 do . - d3O. 10 I ;200 :do ' 00_68V 50 Piustialt - ' cOO 1101 j 1 100 'do - ' 'OD 51 .• - . . Cones .—Tbe mart et is ettll twit remetrmiti me e4ttled wader the Aeon:see 'neje' We qeote=tiiiml: Belly: rriw roan inisainownom - - rplandn. Blorida. - Mobile. -, ls.o.ftTex. Ordinary 1034 10% lO4 log . Riddling 12% .11% 12.4 12% Middling Fa1r....1:4( 1314 14 ' 14 - FLOOR, &o.—The demand for. Western (Yang Flour io lose &olive, and with liberal arrivats, the !ow' add me- Wadi graded are easier. Elpring.Wheat- Mande and 'ow grades of extra Ohio and Indiana are particularly hoary. Thn demand is condoled to the lioeme-trade— sales of 7 SOO barrrola at $llOO6 50 for septrflea State; 44 0001 01 to choice do i' . 5000 . 81 for aittra , do V - 66 90 05.26 for low grades .o! , extra - Weatert; $0.3900 40 for - thinning b ands of sound b.-op Ohio ; 14.4407.70 m trivia bronde do; $6 8009 for It. Louie brands, arid 50 8508 25 for extra 0 wafter , . e . . O. nalian Flour la dull sad rather lower, the sales . . . are email et 18 bOesT 430 ;. Fouthern •y, o the low grades are easier, but the Medians and ebo , es brands are very firm and in geod , deaisitdisales of 1,1.0 bble at S 6 65Torauperfloe Benin Seri., andio6oo, 810 for the better brands. , Bye Blear and Cern Wets steady. " GairS.—The Wheat market to veridull ; chew gnu. Mira only are firm. Spring tanimeieable and le toads mai ; .tbe sales are a small lot of, choice Western at $1 40 and oee of *WO Rehtuogy at $1;80, 4. : - Berle, Is stellar, but oloses quiet —tales of Small lots of State at 740780 for fair to Wet: este are' more plenty, and are dull and nominal a% the close—a Sale of 1:200 bus prime astern...ft' r at made last ueeningst.6o4. Bye le quiet 'et 8,2488.. • Co -n le rather lower, the demand ,confined ,to new Bontharn—aalai or 47 o'4 bar at 84405 d 'araihtta 'With am; 86e88o far Jersey yellow; 8130870 for loathe= do; and 83..40640 nominally . ler Western mixed PROTI/31038 — . The pock market to better ; the demand is NI, in part for the French Gorernmeot Pelee of 3,100 tilde at' $l7 25017 80 for new mere $l 6 for lbw. -• men ; SZO for clear. and $12.01%02,76 for VaimE--.-11i. - a uttei in the tales are 100 bbla mum, forkbetliquly, • at sle 75 • , Beef Is firm ; the demand is fate:and the =testa rim- Cram. -Sales of 570 blds at s6e7 for actintrymittmer s7 75en8 75 for do Mess f = and55.2501L25 for repacked blea4, and $l2 606 1 3.50 far arra - Prime Stem is &Aid for at 117021—a - asle 'of 190 tree /aft hea been made at $3l. Foreign Commercial Intelligence. itrArt POOL. April 8 —Cotton Market—The vales tor the meth have been SO.OOO bales, including 2,600 bales to speon'ators, and 4 000 for exports`ion All qatbittei hare slightly deoluitd I 1-16 lor loner and Inferior grai(El; good meal gnalitien are •seareely any 10wey..,, The sales lo.day °friday) are entirnsted at 7 COO Wes, inaluding 1.000 to exporters: - The markeretaalitildr - bat Hein, at the following authorised qsotations : 'Pale Middling. 81( , -7% New Orleans Upland 't mock of Co-foniff poo to 370,000 11Ape, of yhtelt 310 On are American. - • ' • - - • Some authorities say the decline wee only partial, bet ramrod from MA to N. - . . , ST ATE OR TRADE - The idviees from. Mutehester are favorable, the market for goods elosi,g Lava mot.; Saturday afternoon, April 9.—ThaDottor. market closes (inlet. with a declining tendency. The" salsa bare been 9,000 bales. Llrgetrood.. - B.—Dreadaturi.--The market has hien dull, and the sales unimportant. Wheat atm dull but nominaliy unchanged; Radom red 6t Dials 41;. Western white 83 7delOo; &lateens I w 'its 10.1olos 91. Corn dull but steady; yellca 63 84 eta lla ; white le Idols di,. • - • , •-- , LIVE SPOOL PROVISION . MARXIST —.Minim Big , land. Athya, dr. Co., Richardson, Brience,-k, Cu:i and James l'aleaermy quote - Beer ;, sales of the week 1,2+0 tlmame at 700860, and 100.1.114 .811 foe, fedi& bless York firm - and to better demand 'lll .- 10074 e. B+eon gme• ; Cumberland cut 46(6d. Lard is quiet at 68s; Irish had advauted 2ss2 Tallow, unchanged. LONDON MONEY NA: RR RT-103Don, rridel ere aleg —Console alumni at 9thic96g for money and ac count Bar Silver, be . 2)0 ; nominally, as ; Eagles, Ida 4i, , • t 4 money in good demand at 2ge63 41 , sent. The bullion-1n tbi - Batik or boa deoreased £680,000 since last week's tetarn. - - • LONDON, SettertlAy, - - omega are At OSIS for - money atoll - AMESIOAN STOOKS.—lfessre. Baring Brothen quote a limited humored at gravieriu rates. tailed mates Vives fitg : Virginia Saes, 1888. 80g . ; Penn. - sylvssis givea 82g ; Pennaylvinsisifientr,al Sines, fleet mortgage. 92g ; New Yolk Ceatralybares, 94; ILLois Central Sevens, 1860 (freelind), 1111nom Central shares. 40X discount. • - Meeen. • - report aliniitiebtisinses it' Unchanged price e. 27 . 3 i 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers