~~~t w • ;, _ „Arl p. 1.#4.1.411,mr..rwy., ilalurt••;9 2 4 o, t 41 Ai • IWiftelißailetLinkti t ti'aletaill?htsi Mohater.??- 4, 4.liiailphige#'•=•- " Bob Rattles.”' ," 7', • WSLatla;e1111111. Stratagem-s” Devilleh good-Zoke.!w'" , . : u; " , - MoDairooart t ellitiMii.4ilimilMad,*te r sP/irt fr9ukleat'ult Dial**;allti.htodhwd• ' Tuoisittittil",l"4,4l , m6.4lfeirse'fierO.Operee, Dear* Lwow hlO4lO -iA l o9l'f sad Switßeirie ' 01 l'houlai £so._ , iii use.- R 160413110118 110',--The Demu o raeyor earoltr assent- Mod iontmottnewillegialteverriagi tit 'Jayne% Hall, for the purpose , of ratifeg Alks-lioniiiiitiiita e' at' the late Beinortatte Co trention , :inAlite ;City for hittrilelPal uftleere. The Atter, atuteorrie„iery ilee,,rtery'postion or"tbe,heit below dilid'at en pally hour.. ;• - . • The Matting wee iir,gatifeird hy calling the lion. Josiah' Roodall to thir and appointing a large number of vire:poielderritand seeretarites. , ' . • • The aeneches vials all wall. masked, though that of -0: AutriergeWise.-Esq.:, or Nieginia, was' the that de. Reared and the . beimsreeeived or: any msdo: Mr WINO is a "yontoravaa,,btit wyery earamoilmpaatioued era elcuneut, orator. The , audienee „thinned "wiry durlog the closing speeehgs and whets the meeting' adjorndeil, at haillnult tee &Wet, there wank scarcely two hun dred moult" the he 11..." r." 1" - • Ittr.Beedell, ea tatting iloetheir, mot ceded to review 'he political aspect of 'the these,announcing that • ociedially,eapportad that Admintaitlaq of Mr. Bache nen,- ,lie eataltere , :t"thet , the American people were divided_ Into tiamtentoOlite,..the Ralstooratio, licspabliean, and- iketsilicals,ist)Enoo.Nott4nlt Parties, and that the Lame befote_tiropublie rue-, , •' '• let-The WiltoofPronso-thagreat political shibbo leth hatWein the Deonoentle and Republican parties. Incidental to, Mid Somewhat °animated with, the Wil 'mot rote°, are the ireetions of- . .t 'Rd. :Tigre Peet are ft *is Law=tat'which may be added, itd The aunexation Cuba , , _ Me Mallqiiieted this Mow of the suhject afoonsiderable length - In ,regend to the Kama* question, he salt 'I an - ripened • the AdminteMattoir in the' attitude which theyeseamed SA the ;Kieses queition. I did so because..l time thought, and etill tbina,,that *majority who is illnot rose; coewirt tlienweives'into factions die organisers, and are cot entitled even to the rights of a minorttV.; , }lnt 'queetiort ties' been settled, , t and Might nolooger to agitate or divide publto _sentiment. I tulle eimenrin the Sentiment" orthe Pies President, Mr Brectiorldre;:lipen the Metter; tureuxeldeOrdially the aid's:rarefy anti.Lionmptan'Taliminiat 'who btu haptlated - l'inithilit &Miele great hody or his friends, and if anylball curable" ti remain *Bruited from his • pirtY it Isla to Ws aot;.notnurs st . -- " - ke. , -Titeetit Li Bradford Made 'arias:oh, and went on to epee's M national polities and, popular sovereignty'.' The puellolands &grope', to the Union and the world. .By eseindieg the Southerner from the public tends, or excluding- preperty-hie 'mealier property-from thaw lump, be eamot tell them, or ace them, sod you. than Inditeetlygtvett monopoly of theta to the nattier', , espy powerroti though sectiopal men of the North. The -OlDtriet prestige; the thesontl Compromise bill, and tue - Rearm:be-Koalas measere, , were glaneed' at, at come' -llnniiiiiio - the 'and ihakonnagement of our city' attire, hie. Dredfdrd thought thit the preitent 'party, after-going' into'-onlekun , pleagris of reform, and re =sluing lo ofthin - c h ip So break Shots .pledges ; after promlnieg eseenody_ tad performing extrevagance. had disgraced their-I.4mM, , and modem& Matamoros ict famous, Be' theo , eeneruded by reading a preamble 'and ieriedof ISsierolutions, as follow. ; --• Resolved, That the : lienmentin °Wiens of the oily: of Philade'pltia,-to-mson-nteeting sine:bled. proclaim anew, as a e irataal prine,ple of sheir _political faith, that the Union of there States must • mid thou pe pre served; Med toluenes thistineatltMble bleaelog, and to, gn aliefersi 414171inition of the Confederacy ße eon-. • "Mottoes' rtglits,the unity and seeress of the Demo erotic, partyernotadand must be moored andmidatained. Resolved, That to insure the triumph di the friends. or the Conetitutien" and Tthe tinilm,illehty to the or ganization end ita Memnon* is the drat duty t f every. 'faithful and ,trenißemotrat; and MI an earnest of our, unswerving devotion to our time-honored party and its warmly and - cordially - reshond to and motets* the late State and City Conventions, and their nontineei,asid2pledge Gumtree to push on the column that is eirelyimmitioing to their triumphant Resolved, That Vier twelve; months' experience or a municipal goVeritudint sleeted by: a patty falsely Styling themseives.theireoptete porty,-the Democratic party of tole city point with - Preto:ll exaltation ,o the ..honest, saccessfal, and triomphint• adminideation of the government of the dry ander Democratic vole as contrasted with its present weak, inefficient, and oar rupt. government,- only diet 'metaled. as bets' the worst that has ever deleted einem we have been a' consolidated' ei . - Resolved, That the Pollee 'government of the city, which within twelve months has suffered sixteen mut-, dere to be perpetrated in our midst, with but due soli. tux arrest and conviction; that pormite -bnlglaries to be suecassfully consummated nightly without stay, and that has left vent streets, made Silo and 'quiet under Democratic governMent, to be again the scenes of riot, • bloodshed,': nod-disorder; is either so leeMment and helplese ta to be utterly incompetent for the perforce - , acme Of the dutletrandertaten, or its executor" are in . guilty complicity with the diens/termer our city's peace -It 'With s idayor who rails o' protect us "in the ail prima Of Mir lives and property; with a Re: difeet-teleo falls iti - -Make'reittrus of the monies he re , wives se - dirented hythe ley; with a Controller whO tails to estopel,thiefteteiver to the faldlment of he with*: Bitititor inwitripetent that a co: mortemelaranich-offhtimoderritnent is a:impelled to ep:, -ply, for other mintiest to dead the -eityterintinest, we Larrealltaleedieleithria in the 'election of them candi " dates Cif „the People , " party, which is sot only hollow.: i hearted and wombletie,,but utterly , destructive , of the best laureate °Tow city-, • • • -4% , _ Resolved, That the false tkir or referee, undertehlch . a mistimed People'. pert] obtained poesemion of ,the gity ellvernment, has:teen• fu'iy and thororghly „freed ily the bold aod _enormous kende perpet,ated by Shone 111115111 they elected in the Almibcruse sad other depart Pena of ihefloventment-by the reekime Mare • 'wed- and inattention to, the public highways, whilst equandering hundreds of:the:moods of dollars under 'pectione,of taking woof them, &tidily :the increase Of nue - perinarienteelmot the city to an amount emaeding oriountlllosi of doliats, to the elect eine of ten months , legietattve aetionthat: has taken place",in referenee to the Almshouse end= Board of lilealtirehould awaken , eivery UK-poyer in the-city to the great dmipartruits of reunion, the other -broacher of the Govannuent frorn'Alite.. head. of-a party which' has attempted to never up and pal late the frauds there ,!oosinifittetaribidthe lant , lliat the "Legielature of the litate:bee,for the astiond time, been walled upon to take from the people the Oectitin Or. public ofliftwei bttalwe or, thelfatlds pretetosChy:etslblgppmett Alwf•hlehtWorktionTalii'itZlhalialdoittlielf,'..he over-. whoilmisof tweet:at cheanperioes hisimus_Mul honesty et •- a gmerininntadmielatalief by Democratic heed", That Ow/ma. who; aa. • Reow-Nothiog . party, under th eir,liest edesialetration of the city go-, • Verotnent;droVithe leglalatare of the -State, by their enormities mil fraud" or the Board of Inspectors of the county prison. to take- rum the people toe election or those Inspectors and give:it to the Court"; and who ell et People , " petty, in their-sweet:id adialthatration of the city governmentOilitti pratitised such atrocities and' frauds the Alandiones and Board of liesith. as to rOMinil lifitalatilte boade'tip of their own politleof 'fitindt.; to taketriom -the people:the election of these ' boards, - ionger motioned in potrier,.by their' ' misdeeis and -ticirrailillift, -- ta, he' front. the Peohle the ' election of all the Madero to tenderm thegovernment of the ;MM., add- brimediegiade and odium upon free eel s' page 'and the SWUM, ream:diem - • Resolved, That la no stogie testa:nob Mtn ,the party ~;Resolved, in powerlitnxiMed a ategle reform or done aught - cif 'lessee - -thet-,hurdees of the people; that their at :Milt to delude the „tarpayare of the city by a reitto %Mu tin dents in the rate of teadion, whilst they . barrow "ond = mtllron of dollars to cover up their deli, Ii too transparent to deceive the, most simple ondfwatandlogy and the wanton prOffigaoy and extrave {Ranee in all' ths'expendinues ot the city that has ohs : meharised their 'entire government• has coneintively ostablished the limineerity aod falsity Of all their pro;, , mime and pledgee. T • inuestvert,' That thealma legislation of the Pantile" • party Clennelle, ligament With theeMeyor, by _which - an anneal marina rental of tbirty thotionid dollars has bum Unita swab and the destruction of ,the • market Imitete'resialred epos without soy preirialon to supply 'their Pleeet , ,diattoyieg therbuelness'of theme' who oc- - : - ensiled the Marin, sell Mating the people - who, resorted hither without a ;Olio market 'from which to supply their daily Wante,hwan•erintiltiOn of stamen:cm dune. - rind theaCeltarorif the people, and should call forth remeheialoit and • rebuts of every fair dealing ' deiolved, TheCthe -efforts of- the • readers of the 'Peoples- party: in Council; to present' the police form of the city from being seed to ald 'and statain the en • • formmeet of the Oenatitation and lake or the Butted - statiershouldhalideern open them the condemuntion diets friend-el-the tioiren ind, of the imaineas pros offiriledelphia; and should be satisfactory- and •;temocineire'pkonf to -every man who 'desires mu- eltyla , prosperity , cat *Meese. that their only bops pt Peeps: • tuillog It It 111 jlie eleetionor,DamOmetie Cetrirell". , Resolved, - 'flirt- the Democratic candidate for City, Veesseree, De,- James - IdeOlionkk, oatfHod' to sod • - whould Mein the , thrritial support of erer,y voter who r'lloeifee 'hoireet , rind• energ tic administration of the nice ; his sterling ' , mirth. high-reputation, and-active briefness hatiffe; gprigg fill limurance of how he wou'd dischergeita rintlec'endhie trinrephantelectlon would secure to that iroportiat Made a worthy etttessor of the puniest Dernoeitathittirturibenti whode clean and 'trot• leeb redtard mulls out as an oasis la - the black desert of ooritiptkinUitit which it le elm tinseled. Resulted, That Room B. Berle, She bemorratio tan-. 'Mete for City (101113011 , 0100er,wowd, if elected, be "the ' right maii_ln the nicht place,, , , , where, by his settee, aeompti Mid liatirleg Industry, and his stern and Arias'T, t•T , tategeltyelhei - Treanicit.eir eve to mammoths erne" from f , the tiorroptiehe Eta inispleioM that surround it when in HekoHtdt''lliat die milt 'ape's **Very Democrat sod every friend of Alm boomer' presperityll etre clty elippisrg orthe DenmetattO earilidatee ; and with sae head undone resoive to dale:Mini ;that they will " Stever limes thole takers sitalirthe ens - of DIV dist, Time:: day in unclean upon them Victory. - he, of te4 moolutionstrupeeted with *Molt ‘ appletute. -When -the natnerdf - Drliiisllibtock was arentioned three bratty cheers mire given. The rem; iatiene adopted; aarioiiaoeoly. - • , Mr. Wittiest B.Wittealien met" earn:milt: lie would glee theta a few wade wideli,:whither they would be Wien mknWleik, Malty or %me yip, they 'mild. at least beattreere.t, - Thetcmoaltimr, an It Is Milled: . is a very', !adeatea4aollailiip,- •It 111111 - 004 doe thing. them so. -other, sad teltditterielther They hems now ataleo (end It-thi fitat tiMfittesyn:iltimitted a theft) the news ks Be' WOMOultil - "peel; of the fogitlye-slare law-he would POW speak Or blitakitigitifol - from labor south of Maamcand mixott'aline, tut rather or the white fugl ,mem Irma labor lit Alio great and shalom Democratic ,lorty.,;ge3rentinttb-roi- and - revered the Democratic' -parry ca the tretescrer At the Conetttutiom.end the pro= reap, 9 e on•itbertir•ang the eights at all. lie wee for pee* end union, harmony, sed triumph. - , 14.40.4e.wee very severe 'rod tercestro: on our pre eenta,,aribt-Matiagterent.,- . The, Guardians of the Poor - ,week trifamotia lir their dotage, is their corruption et. -been guilty Oranany_and marinading Donde. brit he was gladto hey their day Was over. applause.; ,noZgoo ioiter to drink, no torema fit to .put la;llutOM money:Wad b Ten tqaendevied away on every-' ', thilighod iterptilnit tint the good of the people. • The iiirakif elluded,to the present Mate of the De- • Moenitio - orgenlmitlii: e 'have all Our little_ diff e r. eke. ,I"braleid,"ltit us stippretrithinur• home Men do not , ` like Butleillso, 'Mouse' did not"giva thins in' l'itelmeiker did hot get an'dillee born Mr Bo 'olitansn, brat hdadrittred th eco art (kw aid man. There ware sums little • things in ',Molt they - differed-some' %Oiling Witte/re huthirwonid'not let bein interfere, !-Titelfrelt , iielstioai: political' sod personal:' 13,,nlema wd ' auppoet Mr. Bueluirom and, hid adlatedsteatfon, We mere hatige to.the Devaticiailvp , atly add ralsitoDemocratici • • djuileig all of those before , him to forget their dlf-: rareness and their spites, he asked that they woad all unite ionapportof the ,ticket, and elect- at by an over: owari 7igoiotairk u ipield O s YeiMings.Wisit, the ion of Mavornoe•Whaler, lfirginii, the noble son of a treble ,acre, one who, though hehad. differed . from-the Demo . mastic Pitt, Inaba" adage; yehlre had differed honestly, -- , , :ocitrisideonettleistilnletin his course,. • ~ .i.l-- , llr;Witre Vat ['Mated with Mine ,lieerty 'sheers, and liiaimeaced by quollorf_the eahreatlrom the speeds of Mithick-thebillartriona' statesman al ' ,ludettat ; his biting able to iddrees nil Men, Inuit parte „of ,Mar",esintitry. ea ,AdiMr-elikenli. TM' chain of rile allegbearlee didflOthind PinneybaniaMelltngiole `mom closely toitelber,thow ,tas , thouland Common me- gr.rr.aostirr, ~ . .They.lutd struggled together, • soffered,f ottite,zellif toteeir triumphed tdiethera;. - - ; Tirewebild'istiqd , ,Yttlibliallta mothers he etilfa}lkw„ s Iceteronother. -Ile bed lived here nainrysent ego, when a child, add he wir-prond of, Uri State thiat loitered trim Mug.' , thnsfirlieas man maid Melt emir pert of Our country and call each man Me fellow-it:stilton i‘ • when_ltite,ltatildiaotobe s - airtramaed on, amenot of his • ;.,eliert on-'mry .qtreetlens„-, That time; he sire& tionr:to" lentionaUeni dosom- and - is r hilamittl Weell'andito tlre`Alerdsimatio; petit Ile estamtiogiltireeitof the - ,oelons - . • --.4si'Virgiritkikeonteit irrosii, a felt years bet:Wean' --:Jgokapirit of risioWsNotblogienr, , whieheritaget wry.; thilietisentief t otic !toiletry- who Were roludgaere by' tiro. - feptldrar,Tattienty-thrtie Masan* ;ins -bruidear tgow..l. ,geftrea,rtogetimMin-tturrlt:s 'of IS sweet - organtestimiK "and petite to mmompilith_their , each. WM, 'ifedieWoltatutioryirginiebflOalLthd'allieki.etit tins td, ;., air cent ,hot6ry, Settle Memory MN .teathloster; reWerf lett Matter, • , iwtoteri„liiesitiraphies- 4 1t0 , :wend- htted , Irish/dant ''' )1 100141;41131. a4(4444100011/ 01 M0 , 0 144 /coor , lII=I g=;= ebread Thini Made ,liiii-ile n taioniCtliiii Illesiii:4l4o fathers, a ••tottatani the iienrir. Seetehmen; wall his ntother wit 'mad, thrtity. habitat ..tilia'Engitablitan; eeeking ,the4eilitatierri of _that" ;'ptitielpies 'of the, Magna -Market, whlok liWil,:heieu r alianddned at his. home i the Afronefiniref,-ithhhierfonghtlis , last and frilltieee bit: tie-fbehliid:Petisineliarriesdes—all, men, no *atter - Whienete they„:eame:=.tbiat, ;On:kier ehotitil,"thi, mightg gfid-sr home, find in her arms eolo*Lberty and hand , neee, , (Locgindloird'applafteal ' - • , , • I , The - speaker - remembered Whin 14 first heaved the news of that,glorious tritirop'a; .He wee ettendins to 'his Giblet dater' in- Neethemlleihniny, and when the :residents of that, foreign shore Ithe hospitable men te'Whom' he Canadian 'Many klednesabit lima that the lopthaomedoettins of KnOWNoahlogism had foiled 'its' grave,,and ~ Americanlibertjand American righta had .'needre . ;eiitablished, their joy knew no bounds, Aontherlime same—another oriole, A cloud, ads*, lowering,_threatening cloud, came over our bearene..' It wee not sa•thunderjelond, armed frith heaven's ar tillery ; it was not a rain cloud, laden with health-re. liteib4 And life,glying water to bless the 'lend - and quendh Ile baked and - tnirnifig 'Soil ; it Wee a baneful, I horrid, Impenetrable cloud; that bid the light of the national awl from the natinual hearts of our country, The -Southern. Stated , then wean powerless,to, drive the danger back. They were in a minority. If they , hail not recelvedthe generetts' aid front the *forth, so freely and so folly given, they Would have been driven telefeirful alternative-the alternative of ofill war. The battle was loot then,- in nearly all the North, and it wag only when the gallant cone or- Penneylvanlailed by the gallant Demooracy of this Plate, carried the for lorn hope in October; 1838, that the bottle wad really won, and the Sleuth really eared i [Meow."' Mr. Wise continued by alluding ineloquent and thrilling terms, to the-position of 'Virginia and -Pennsylvania in the tinning struggle for nationality, Pennsylvania is the Baritone nt the Union, but Virginia is the builder atone, eiding, , enpportirg - sustaining her. The speaker then went on to speak of the Lecompton and anti-Lecompton differences in his State. Me was opposed to the Lecompton measure when Lecompton was the issue. When the Roglish bill was going through the Senate he wee waited on by Mr. Ritchie, the worthy demieridant .of a worthy man—a man who had for fifty yoare made the Bkihmond.Enguirer the o'ation note of Southern Democracy—sed was asked to accept an mil. , torial partnership in that newspaper. I objected, said the speaker: - I told him that he knew what my views on , the Lecompton -question were; that, while he fa.. 'Torrid .the measure, I was opposed to. it, and that I had published my opposition to the world.. The answer -was • worthy 'of the man, 4, 1 published, my views yesterday in the .F,stqulrer," - isald Mr: Bitchier, , a You ameeptthia partnership. and to-morrow you eau print your - views, and hand in hand we con labor in our eating And maintain our own peculiar Mews' without making And blithe ranks of our party." The speaker consented, and the next day, over hianwn mag net:ire, and to the editorial @alumni, of the paper, he printed his Mews.- Taey edited that paper together—. one a Lecempton man and the other an antl.Lecompton man: - Ranh - held., his own views, but while holding them they 'toed by the Democracy of their State, and went Into the fight as one man. They went to the Petersburg Oonvention together, aid in that body net one word was said of Lecompton or anti. Lecompton. It was, with them, an obsolete lees. , Mr. 'Wise concluded by asklog the Demoorate of Philadelphia to go into this contest with a will, to achieve a great victors, and while rejoicing over the re sult, to prepare for tidinge from Virginia, ennotuteing a rDemooratio triumph in that State: Mr. Wise concluded amid long And loud demonstrations of applause. , Mr. A. Louden Snowden then made a short Speech. Mr. bnowden - comMenced byalluding to the party of , the city, and then went on to speak of Lecompton and anti. Lecompton. • Under the show of laboring for po pular sovereignty, of crying for the rights of the peo- ; pie, the anti-Leoompton Democrats are working to de feat the Democratic party. Mr. Snowden then closed. Mr. Palethorp made the closing address, in which he ' adjured the party to be faithful to rte prim:Antes sod its 1 Interests. and by union defeat the efforts of thigippo eltion, to sew discord in their ranks. , v." The meeting then adjourned. WE have mentioned the death of Mr. David IhMken, an eminent citizen Of Philadelphia, who has been recently residing at Pt. Louis. Mis will has been made, pithlia, and as there Is much curiosity as to how he would dispose hie greet means, We may state that .he - bequeaths to the Rey. Mr. Brooke, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, three volumes of the lila tory of the Presbyterian Church lu Ireland, and peo for -the Church .Fatensidn Committee. Re also be queaths $1 000 to the present minister, elders, and dee cons of the Presbyterian , church of Aghadoway, Ire land, for the repairing and painting of mild church. The remainder of the large property of the testator is left to his minaret, here and in Ireland—to the latter en act rimed by the Legislature of Missouri some years egn,fallowing his heirs to lobe-it by taking up their re eidetice in that State within three year' after maktim the wilt public. Col. Robert Campbell and Asa Wilgus, together with Bngh and Jae. Ranken, are mode execu tors of his will, AMELIA Rims was held in $l,OOO bail, yes terday morning, to answer the charge of robbing. a store in Second street, opposite Ohnet Ohnich. She had gone into the atore in company with a male thief, and while the latter was selecting a rest pattern, she stowed away. in a receptsole made purposely In her Mottling eatins,•&o., worth $l6O. Amelia belle from New York. Bar companion made good his escape. HOSPITAL CABES.—Capio and Thompson ) the men who were shot on Sunday morning in the neighborhood of TwePth and Shipp.n streets, and tskeh to the Pennsylvania Hospital, were alive at a late hour Jut evening, but theit*ollads are of so dangerous a character that no hopes are entertained of their re covery. James Gasp., alias " Limply " Gorgon, has been committed to answer the charge of having fired theahot that wounded Thompson. Acoicitaxs.—About five-o'clock yesterday • • • afternoon; a littfe girl named Mmes. Mayer, aged tbree years, was seriously, injured by being run over by ar dray . at Youth and Green streets. She wan taken to the residence or - her parents, on Lynd street, above -"• - A boy, named ablelde, fell from a pile of lumber yea- Miley afternoon, at the lumber-yard of blegerg. Wil• lame Sc Elia, in Girard avenue, and wag slightly in ured. Re was convoyed to the residence of hie parents ' Tux non of Joseph Missimer;about which there has been mueh aearbh end seem:Ostlers, was found yesterday Morning to the river, at the Girard. avenue bridge. Miselmer was the engineer, on the locomotive Perkiomen, which exploded at the Reading railroad br dge, about four o'clock ea Ihe morning of the 30th of March, at the Fella of the Febnylkill. A rarrrat max, aged about eight years, re ia the yloillity of Fitzwater and Seventh atreets, was attacked by a large dog on Sunday the:11111g, One of her legs was lacerated ins chocking manner, and both chowders Were Mee injured The sufferer is in•a ,very dergerebe coo:Whip. The dog was killed by Cap. tain'titn FraseK the 'weglktip Dbg Deteotivelr THE' CO lI,RT K. rzsTEßrier'xitooNxiiNes Reported for Therreel.l , . UNITED STATES VIROUIT G'cltilvr—iTudgett Grier And Oadwaieder.—Sherman Sutton wee charged wile making and palming counterfeit half-dollars. 7 he one. came Op to %Ws court-, upon a certificate from the Q. B,Distritt Court, and is to decide a question of law, ac to whether the defendant can be convicted of making counterfeit 'money, when the evidence, shows that the counterfeit money was found in hie ptheention, and yet does not show that he either made or mused the money-, • Lincaater va. Great Weetern Insurance Company. This ewe was continued over until next morning. . 'Parish vs. Brown. These cease ire BireilAr to those that were tried last week. The suit wee to recover the amount paid defendant when collector of the port, for duty on dry goods, the plaintiff olalmed the amount as being an overcharge of five per cent in mating a else. eideattho or goods; ut this nave the °retake° being shots two thonsand dollars, It *lll be taken lb the Su preme oourt, for a deolslon by the highegt tribunal. Llama vb.' flame. A kedlitit for the plaintiff for 158 - 85: - ' Wilton we. The Manufacturers' Insurance Company,: Continued over until this morning. ,Stapta/ta (Jou/r—Justices Woodward, Thompson, . Strong And stead — Chew ' s Appeal The appellant gimes& diminution of the record la the fol. lowing particalars, to wit: The dc cket °atrial! in 1844 and 1852 contained lathe assignee's and trusternia docket of the mart below, B. and 0,, aad also the Auditor's reporte of Geary Orammond and Thomas 8. Bell. The appellant's coutael then moved for a certiorari to bring up the remainder of the record, and [or the appoint ment of an auditor to report apron the fade set forth in the petition of B. Chair, trustee, to the court below. . The city of Philadelphia vs. William V. McGrath, City Treasurer, and Lewis, et al , re. same. The mo tions to dissolve the injunctions granted in these mom were argued this morning. Edwin lt. Biles we. the Commonwealth. Certiorari to the Court or Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia noun ty. • The defendant was charged In thin court below with forge'' , la malaria. MARNA in the books of the house of the late firm ot ilcskins, iletakell, k Cu. Under ergo ;neat - - , QI7AHTEs SESSlOltg—Judge Thompson.-- David Thou to was charged with Aaiun and battery uplu'..ladoVhlyerle. Verdict guilty, and sentenced to pay the orate and undergo an imprixonineut of ten dam, XIIIMIN DOlll/15 . wee charged With the larceny of a gold'abitto, a locket, and a gold pawl., vatted at four teen dollars, the proper t y of tlamuel L Mintzer. Ver dict not guilty. Richard Caveraton woe acquitted of oditlotainlog oatcake. in keepiog a ilicorderly hook. Michael Toner wee convicted of Kaman and battery upon William Gilbert. • - William brown and Charles Nelson plead guilty to the larceny of a ocat and a pair of boots, valued at thirteen dollars and fifty mite, the properly of George Laying. , hentenced to SIX months , imprisonment in the Moody prison. - Jacob Hellish was charged with the iarceey of a band organ. 111 appears from the ',Memo that the defen dant hired an matt from Teresa Villa. When be hired It -he Odd he wished It for the'evenlog, from 7 until 10 o'clock. Mre Villa told hint be could hire it for the evening for twelve con* - The defendant then paid the money and Welt the organ. lie did not return the or gan at the specified time, and when called upon he said he was worth no prope rty, and they could not get scy thing out of him, - The defendant had teen in the habit of hiring the organ from Aire. Villa bat had always re turned it before this time. The organ wee 'afterwards re covered; by Mrs. Villa, who went to the city of Blatt more and there found it. Verdict guilty, and sentenced to six months Imprisonment In the calmly prison. Henry Quartier was convicted of the larceny of 14 garde of - eilkriclued caselmere, Vaned at $29, trio pro party of Bartram At Bro. pIeTRIOT . COURT—Judge Sharawood.—Pahl J. Hallowell and Chance Breading, trading, ; vs. G • orge Watson. An Milan to recover ake amount of a dna bill. No defence. Verdict for Mb plaintiff for $114: . Albert 0. Preston vs-John G. Cox An action to re cover the amount due for wines, liquore, &c., n'leged to h .re been sold to the defendant. Verdict for the plain tiff for $51,4 02. Jonathan Brown, IldwinA. Jeffrey and Lewin Brown, trading, ho., ye. beery Oroskey. An action fo recover certain pumpswhich it is alleged were in tho poems ton or Mr Bradneldi, to be sold on commirsion Mr. Brad field kept a store at the sortheast corner of Fifth and (Menu; streets, and sold agriculture! implements. Mr. Breda&la's store was meld oat At pub.le auction, and among other thinge them tpcd were sold. The de ratchet traight the pumps at public auction. On trial. Donator CouuT—Judge Stroud. John ',fickler; adithffetrator of the severe of Michael Murphy, deceased, ye. Mary Oleery. An action to recover the amouot alleged to ha due for the boarding and lodging of the defendant. No defence. Verdict for the plain tiff for $241.92.. " George Darlington VI Mtn Qr 0. Comm direction on a promissory note. No defence. Verdict fur the plaintiff for $l4O. - Thomas B. Cannon and John U. Cannon, executors of George,B. Slice, decoked, vs, /Mose Boggs. An ac tion on a btrok'acoount v.'o recover for certain good!! al leged to have beau sold and delivered, viz tornitere. On trial. • °NIXON. —,Tudge Allison.—Adolph Borderoaux re. James 01,1breithe. An *Won for goods sold and delivered. Warm, payinent Verdict [or the . . . . . . J. W & 111. &clic vs. Erat! & Newcomer. An Po tlon to recover thaValne of geode alleged to hate been depoeltedrerith the defendant'', who axe innkeepers. On trial. - , , - - LIT/MD(lOk PSODIIO.II MARKET —Sugar quiet, and alo. tog firm, Coffee firm. Rice fine. Tea closing quiet, but steady,. Posta steady at 4a 6104 s Bd for istnmon: - J itirlte ,or,Turpentine steady at 4Dottle M. OR. nonentity tinahaeged. - LONDON MARKArti.—ldesers. Baring k Brothers report _BreatistuffeAull Iron—Welatt rails firm and 'lightly Indyarmed, being quoted at LB Bso6lo. Welsh bar £B6e. Eager don. Unfree buoyant, Woo dull Optrite of Turpentine steady at 43e. Tea firm at le ld -b I%d .. Tallow firm at 53saBile 4d 011 a unchanged. LONDON 11.0N.ItY.BURIIIST —The money =argot is deeidedly mme stringent. Commis are quoted at ,95,1 t foi' money and mount. OLD TOM 'LONDON CORDIAL GIN, Proirminced by the Medical College of London the bast operatic for Consumption . , Gravel, Dyspepsia, Gaut, Mienmatisnic Chill., Fever, &o. For sale by all the leading Druggists and Grocers of Philadelphia. 'The OLD•TOM le" imported exeinsivery by B. D. lONOCHAMP, importer of French Wince and Bran '44•Ji Out, &o:, 417 iitreet, Phila. 0 1 04. erpa•DurS ==EZZ " The Iciluenee of Menements" was the sub.leet of the next address, and was delivered by Mr. James W. T. Scott, of the "Philadelphia" Society. The first influence of monuments was said to be their imposing appearance and exquisite workmanship. In the course of the addreee, reference was made to the death of Nel son, the conquest of Jerusalem, the wars of Napoleon, and the monuments of Greek and Borneo prowess, and from which the speaker sentimentalized with earnest ness and force upon the glorious right of ems men, whatever his position In life, to do his duty. The next address of the evening was by another member of the ."Prescott"—lilr. Wm. I. Weeks, on "The Invincibility of Genine." Dorados demonstra ting the invincibility of this divine gift to men, the speaker dwelt with evident delight upon the demo Crary of this wondrous quality being more indigenous to the lower and middle clamp than to the rich and heredi :dry noble. The excited earnestness of the speaker wee a marked feature of his performance, in which i however, his dettlinge with history partook measttrably of the eccentricity of the quality he was trying to illus trate, as, for example, his emphatic allusion to the heroic actions of 'Luther in the twelfth century ; though a mistake of a few centuries under such circum stances may be forgiven, as the speaker did not refer to hie notes et an. Mr. Benjamin Mediskin, of the (I Irving Literary,. delivered the next address, taking for his subject the Substantial, thmigh not ver7 definite theme, of" Pozen. dation." Political liberty, as Illustrated in our own Republic', was regarded as the foundation of human government, and this in turn bad its only origin of pt.r manence and stability in the Christian religion, Pa triotiem constituted the warp and woof or this portion of hie theme. The religion of Christ, however, wad the great "foundation• sought to . be held up as the only sure-bards of all worthy ichlevementa. in many respects, It was an eloquent plea, but It might have been mush improved in effect by a little more ani mation in ite delivery. "The 'Voices or the Stare" , Was the eubject of the next Wren, which was delivered by 114. Medal D. haw, of the 1, Preeeottd , Thle web a pdette theme, and ite treatment was fall of beauty and correct thought. for the Illustration of such a subject, as might be expected, the Bicred Volume was largely drawn from. Trom Ilreatlon'e dawn—from the time when "The morning stars nag together, and all the eons of God shouted for joy," up to when the Magi of the East, etar-led, star taught, had been directed to the manger in the stable at Ilethlehentoilth Its divine - treasure..the Voices And this telainings of the stare were glanced at by the speaker. The closing address of the evening was delivered by Mr. John N. Cookman, of the " Philadelphia " so clay; kis subjeot being st The Pilgrim Fathers." It may readily be imagined that - this subject would elicit the attention and appreciation of a popular audience. The objects of the Pilgrim Fathers In coming to these shores grand and soul stirring as they are presected tone in history, Wore In this address embellished with the Charm of a fervid elviluericie, in - Welt the speaker seethe to be peculiarly gifted, We lier° not space for a longer notate of this effort but - doubtless reheat the 'sentiments of all who heard it in pronouncing it a Pesutitipl peroration to a very creditable evening , fi en tertainment. The hearty applause with which the speaker's were greeted at Intervale bore ample testi mony of the pleasure tho audience had in listening to their addresses. Now STYLE HATS POI% HESTLEMES.—We in; vita epeeist attention to the advertisement of Megan,. Thompeon-and Jenkins—No. 624 Market street—in an other ooltimu. These gentlemen have evidently deter mined to take time by the forelock, and are now pre sbuting to the trade the beet styles of slimmer hats for gentlemeh that tho Imbortation of the present 'reason affords. Their j,reeent large stock of these goods em braces some very choice ityles, end Which are haVe lid doubt will speedily be picked up by the trade, and should therefore be looked after In time. A word to tho litatiLYMANl' TatiTlntoNT.—Our readers will peruse with deep interest the following testimony, which is adduced to prove the bctrinsio euperiority, end the immense utility of Zdwirt Olark's highly improred Patent Flour Mill, which bee daily been in aucoeeeful operation during the last ten months : at No. 219 Nate street, Philadelphia: ALTOONA, ]flair county, Pa , March 25, 1859. Mu. Enwrn CLARK—SIR: During the lest seven months I have had one of your Improved Patent Floor Mills in operation in this place, arm I take pleasure in sending you B. statement of its merits. With a pair of Prenth bdrt Mill-atoned, only thirty b Inches in diameter, and requiring bat a 6 or 7 horse power to-propel the entire grinding and bolting ma chinery, I can manufacture two barrels of excellent flour per hour; producing a yield of one barrel of su perior Your from four bushels and fifteen pounds of wheat, The improved manner in which the burrs are arranged in the frame, causes them to grind a for greater amount of groin, before they need sharpening, then can be done with burrs arranged on the old plan The great simpliaity of the machinery of th le improved and valuable Flour Mill madam it far less liable to getout of order than the cumbrous and useless ma chinery of even modern construction; besides, thereby saving a large amount of power. The profits of the Mill of Xderin Clark's Patent, which I have In operation, were sufficient, during four months, to pay for the Flour Mill, and the Patent Bight for Blair aounty,Pennsylvanla. To those who contemplate improving their Flour Mills or who purpose commencing the milling business, I would respectfully state, that Edwin Clarks Patent Plonrlog 11111possesees many lm• portant advantages over all others, and is therefore highly worthy of their attention. A large number of Edwin Clark's Patent Flour Mille Ire in eucceasful operation in various 'motions of the United States The Patentee is prepared to sell State and County Rights of hie Patent Floor Mill, on ouch terms, and at each Prioee , rie will enable business men to invest their capital, eo no, by proper application, to realize fortunes in a pleasant burliness, and in a abort apace of time. Information concerning the purchase of the Patent Rights for States and Counties, and the Mille, for every portion of the United Statue', Great Britain France, Germany, Russia, end other agricul tural countries, will be given to all ;arsons addressing their letters to the Patentee, Edwin Clark, No. 235 Race etreet, (below Third,) Philadelphia. Correepon dente are respectfully requested to write their eigna turee, and the name of their Post Cake, genets., and State, no plainly as possible. Millers, blerchante, Farmers, Capitallets, Speculators, and the public in general, are respectfully invited to call and examine the construction and operation of Ms justly' celebrated Flour Mill. The Patentee can be consulted at the National Hotel, (formerly White Strand Race aired above Third, and at No, 235 Race etreet, below Third, Philadelphia. —The exclusive ergagement, by the proprietors of the Now York Mercury, of tho talented American tourist and author, Bayard Taylor, Seq., is among the moat brilliant of the many journalistic enterprises of this journalistic age, The announcement of this arrange ment has been greeted with a furore of mingled sur prise and admiration, on the part of the public, and not only bas the literary world been aroueed to a decided pitek r pf exe.tement, but all other circles have likewise been brought to the qui vine of expectation and in terest. The variety and piquancy of Mr. Taylor's adventures —the romantic and interceding scenes—the thrilling in cidents—among which his path hoe lain, and the fresh, eprightly, Madly conscientious etyle of ble writings, will render them peculiarly appropriate to the columns of a paper that alma to be, and is, at once brilliant And chaste in tone. The general title, °bonen for these COntribllttOns, id ts STRAY CHAYTM olp LIAR AND TRA VEL "—a simple but expressive head, under which, not only the characters and customs of other lands will be portrayed, but the voyager's own personal adventures, vicissitudes, and fortunes, sad and merry, tragic and comic, also. The Oral of these I' , Chapters," which has just ap peared In the BLrcury for April aetb, la entitled "Ton Freer JouneoT I Evan BLUM," and Is all that could be poeeibiy desired, for fascinating interest, in struction, and amusement.' The author considere thie rat journey to have been, perhaps, the most interest ing of any, and he his certainly made a glorious hit in describing it. The recent engagement of our great American artist, Felix 0. 0. Darley, wee a master -globe of enterprlee on the part of the Mercury, and Indicated what tbelr Ostend conp•d'etat corroborated—that the proprietors Intend to employ the Ter, boot talent ) is order to make TY S. . , ANNlOXltedwir OiLIBRAvioN OW VMS faxilitant Comm ; —The popularity; of literary sonletien was forcibly exempllB4 . In the ininsciree thrOig which OtOwded Musical Fund nail, lest evening, to Witness the first anniversary eXeralse of the Literary Congress. Although the hour of commencing was not until eight o'clock, the hall *as eortipletely fined at finalist seven, 'and hundreds were usable to gain admiss'on at ail. ;The interval betdreen then and the eolimenBement Uf 'the literary part of the entertainment was agreeithly .filled up With the performance of several elquisite pima of music by . the Garments Orchestra. ;, At 8 o'clock, the president of the Congress, Conrad, came forward and delivered the ha: - tiatory addrere, in whieh be explained briefly but fond. .bly the true objects of literary eccietlee in general, and of the 1 , Literary Congress? in particular. In referring to the suc4eSs of the course of leetures delliered dux= log the pact winter, under,thelr auspioes—all of which were fully noticed in, this Journal at the time—the :speaker acknowledged their indebtednees to the public for their generous ehpport, and especially to the nem-, .paper press for their voidable noticed. , ; , I The next feature In order wee the reading of the .prize essays: one; in prom', by Mr. hdward 7. Galvin— ., member of the Prescott £%ooiety—on "The Great- Mind and the need Heart;" and the other a poem, it Thaostopste," by Mr.- J. G. Allen, M. D., member of the ~ Irving." Theta essays were pro flounced upon by three professors or the Philadelphia High Scheel, as the most meritorious of those pre sented for competition. The first, by Mr. Galvin, was, , . iu the wale ' a creditable composition, and embodied much correc t thought; though when the, essayist wandered from plain facts to metaphysical specu lations, his production Was more open to criticism. aostimption, for example, that mind and noel were the 1111138 thing, then that they ,were twin spirits, and that they both were the offspring of the brain, all in the name eentenoe, Roo ellehtly complicated, to say the leant, As to the soul being the offspring of the brain, tasteful of the latter being the outgrowth of the Soul— that Certainly hail the merit of novelty; If It has no thing more substantial to recommend It. The poem of '• Thenstopelati may have been very good, bat was delivered in so low a tone of voice that from the part of the house we occupied it was wholly unintelligible. - The next address of the evening was by Mr. fa. Um ey Davis, of the " Irving Literary Society," on "The Utility of the Beautiful." The scope and plan of this effort was a credit to the heart of its young author, and not In any sense would it have been a disgrace to even an older head. The Christian philosopher Will be inalined to question his drat propoeltion, that man, by natu•e, hae the elements within him which prompt the adoration of his Creator, an the chief end of hie The crowning utility of the beautiful, it was said, was, that it testified to the glory or Clod, and if the illustration he used were not all strictly applicable to hie theme, the poetry of some of hie conceptions, and the excellent idyls in which the address wee delivered, rendered the production, on the whole, one of the best we have ever heard in this pleasant clue of en tertaiumenta. Joint ALLISON. W. 0. Wein, Head Miner at Mr. J. et Mill BAYARD TAYLOR IN THE NEW YORE MERCURY THE PIIESS.-411114A4011 , 614 IngDAY4 APRIL 19a 1859 the very beefy' SPerc:l4 . Vey:ged to be the moey;tattliated artikt - tioie liting, - *hose works= are engraied,nlion wood. England/es lieritilbert - and. Leech j.lf~atiae hue bet Gavarpt and Ohaul, - bpt oar awn Darleyeambirieel the beat qualittsa df all-4hel plata% resquk'appreelation of Oilbertlie hamar - of the numterly effeets and rendition of character that sig nalise Gavarnl—the leis of fan and satire that have made the Parte ettarivdri 'What it is—all tinder the con trol of Barley ; and when two each instruments as his pencil, and Bayard Taylor's pen, are brought togethere, to enrich - the dollen:We of, a famitypaper, we may Indeed wonder at the progress of weekly literature, and the enterprise of publishers, The Proprietors of the Mercury deberte great credit for having made this acquisition to their already bril liant corps of contributors, and although the expense bee unquestionably been enormous, there is not a par r title of doubt that the reading public will moat gladly second their adorn!' to give additional lustre and solidity to home reading; ••- • • • • • • ,As Might nattirally be expected, the demand lot the 'Mercury of April ,fletb, containing the first'of Bayard Taylor's joarneya, is entirely unparalleled _in. news paper history, find the rash for it, at all the bookstores and news depots throughout the Country, plainly attests the immense popularity of the talented traveller. A farther proof In tho same • direction, If farther proof were deelred, may be found in the feet, that the sub.. acriptione! received by hieeere. Oanldwell, Sonthworth, and Whitney, the proprietors of the llfercury, einem the announcement of Bayard Taylor's engagement, mmunt, as we aro credibly informed, to over FMB Mandred Dollars a Day, In addition to the enormous astee of booksellere and newel agents! Bat this, perhape, is hardly to be wondered at either, when we consider that the New York Mercury is ac knowledged to be the largest, cheapest, and beet lite rary journal in Amelia, being a large quarto Sheet, filled with purely original matter, from first to Mat, for which only two dollars per annum la charged, with as liberiti a reduction to clubs as Is made by other papers of hall Ridge, and lees than half Its merlt CURIOUS DisoovEn . r.—lt is ascertained that if water be permitted to run out through a hole in the bottom of a vessel that contains it, a vortex will be made In a direction contrary to the 'course of the sun. This is• attributed to the rotation of the earth on its own axis. And the discoverer piediots -recoils yet Jo - , accrue from it quite as important as any that have yet flowed from the establishing of the ; 4 Old iranklin Hall, Clothing tEmporium of B. H. Eldridge, No. U 1; Chestnut street. Mr. Mark T. Willis, the ever.agelde, cheap salesmen, invites big friends to call and examine' their superb stook of Spring Clothing. A, CHIEF JUSTICE ,n 1 WRITE GLOVES.—Chief . Justice Robinson opened Court at Toronto, last Monday week, and said t&the Grand Jury, that it gave him great, pleasure to announee that the sheriff had presented him with a pair Of white gloree, signifying, according, to an old Euglroh °diatom, that there were no prhionerti to be brought before the Aostieo. His Lordship fOrther said, that the reception of the gloved was a very agreia ble incident, but that he would rather have a foil eta of the elegant garments made at the Brown Stone 010th. 2 frig Hall of llecthlll & Wilson, Noe. 603 and 605 Cheat nut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Sensible man,' that Chief Justice. "Or ALT. TRH cAuszli that conspire to blind Non's erring Judgment, and rulslead the mind— What the weak head, with strongest bias relen— ts pride, the nerer-failing Tice of fools 1 'Tie ever thus with self-willed, foolish folks, Who purehase not the clothes of Graturillo Stokes, No. 607 Chestnut street. FEW PATTERNS of Britannia Ware, in sets Or! single pieces. New patterns of Plated Osstore, Cake Baskets, ho.; together with a general assortment of Housekeeping articles, at the new lionee•furniahing Store, S. W. cor Second and Dock streets. E. S. PARBoN $ CO. _ Iliarine Intelligence. . 11.7' BEE POUBTU PAGE [Br TIILEURAPB.) (Correspondence of the Press.) New Yong, Aprlll3. Arrived, ship /sarto Webb, from Liverpool. BOISTuN, April 18. Arrived, ships Abbott Lawrence, from Calcutta; At• time, from /More; Below, ebipe Prate Cordon and Shirley, fm Calcutta. SAVANNAH, April 18. Arrived, ship Florida. from Liverpool; barks Forest Bell and Laconia, from Boston. New OALHABB, Aprll 18. Arrived ' Alps Prank Pierce and Bnotlh Train, front New York. ktZbIORANDA Steamship City of BieLmooct, Mitchell, bonen. at Richmond 16th inst. . . Steamship Plolsdelpbis, liarrieon, for Hams anti,N Orlssue, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Andes, Putnam, from hoiden, arrived at Odom bo Feb hi Ship Samuel 11.12 Winehell, for New York ; nailed from Foo•chow•foo Jan 2. Ship Uncle Joe, Sewall, at New Orleana Sib inst. from Cardiff. had been blown ashore on Barrel Rey on the 27th nit, and wax obliged to throw overboard tom° len bard of iron to get off. Ship Sarah Newman, Gibsbn, from Calcutta, at Gravesend let ipoi, ft Ship W J Norris, Jaeksou, tethained at Whaippow Yen 19, repairing. skip Oriental, Whipple, from Singapore, arrive 4 at Batavia Jan 28. Ehlp St Louie, Jacobs . , for New York, galled from BM. pore Febls. Bark Coebttukte, Crosby WAS towed to eta from Kew Aeons 6th Met. . . Bart Wildfire, tot New York neat day, was at Vera' OM Bth Init. Bark bablin. Motley, from Bilenox Ayfee, iMiCat Oienfttegos 4th hut loading far Phaadelphia. ' Bark L Baran, Retortion, for klatltitta, was at alp gapers Feb2l. Bark Moneks, Hamilton, for Tahiti and Tionbliala,t cleared at Boston 16th lent. - Brig Black Squall, Borne, for Philadelphi a, Wassl St Jago on the 20th loot , loading. - - • • ' Brig &biota; *Monte% from Eset2Othult.l42o4 . at New Yore geatettlay. - Brig Preato,Oremer, for Philadelphia, was at Harold. 27th nit., treacly los sea. Bch E 0 Notght,. Burrows!, from Wilmington.* at New York yerterday. Sth Mary .1 flost,-Ilszolltno, horn tiotbenberg 17, Blekkeford 26th, For New York, had decks ewer, 20th, loot water cocks in &tremendous sea, and put into Lerurck 28th ult. - \ Soh J H William!. Ilerring, for Philadelphia, cle ared at at New York yeeterdoy. • Bebe Mary U Isbell. Dole, for Lavaca, and A Town send, for Boston, cleared at Pimento's previous to oth instant. .. . Soh West Donnie Studley, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Deleans 13th lobt , *tat 32; tlilee tottakilBs tilde eager ; SlO bbla molasses, and 25d bd.la hides. Fon Woo? °OAST of Ansioe—The bark Louisa Elias, Oapt Perique, will call from thin port for Pernaude Po about the !ad loot. All letters end papers intendel far the African squadron or others upon the coast will be for Warded, It left at the Foreign Letter Office, India delphia Exchange, on oi• before the abort date. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS yr TO ON$ o'cxong zn►B NOBNIZIO, GIRARD HOUBD—Ohestant Street, below Ninth. G W Scofield, Ps JJ Patterson Juniata co Jae Alßellere. blitlEntown S H Carrier, Harrisburg Jae D:ones, Va J Mabee A la, Pottsville Mk Alexander, N Y p P Dickinson, Harrisburg HD Hyde,. N Y .1 II White & la,,Butlairl Rev A D White, N 1 S N Derr in ger , Figaliii to Mr Palmer & la N Y J Duffy, Marietta, Pa - A Hinman, Findley, 0 Geo 0 Potts, Pottsville Bt Rev Bp of Pueblo, Alex Rev D Rafael Mexico :- Rev D Cardona, Mexico Mr It Rafael, Mexico • Mr Samarileys, Mexico Mr A rranion, Mexico Mr Agtielar A. non. Halloo tleo T Braes, V Y D II Dongah A la. Va J 0 Oorell, Vs ' Mies M Dongah, Va Aire Geo N Price, Vs W Eskridge, Va Itiebscd Busts(al,bl Y . • Adam Bodeen, N Y 1) JE Stoat, Restoing JP W Deintrorer, Reading Dr Hassan & Is, II dA' li It Ourtle, Malan A L Roach% IndtanspOl 0 II W French, asstport, Me 0 El Harris, N Y 0 II Colton, N Y L 3 Albertson, Norristown II Il Albertson, Plymouth I) A Finney & lo,llarristig 7 L Anion, N k • 13 it Hawley, 14 X W it BroWer, N Y A M Severs, N Y J• t onidwell A 10, N Y 0 A Ileckstier, N Y Joe Gillet, NY J AI II Heynolda, Boston Joe Charism!, St Louis A 1' Mann, N Y B. P Robinson, N Y Chan 11 Trail, Dld Geo W Delaplane, Md S It Kendrick, Indiana W II Thomas. Pa (1 W Oarlett, Va Sand Illrna, Baltimore Mr Rime!, La I) S Pralt & la, Lynn J Woolridgo A is, Lynn Mrs Names, Lynn 8 L French, Lynn T A Jellison, Providence 0 A Seward. N If W II Bun, N Y 1) Cooper fit Paul J It Irvine, St Paul Ohm N Borey, St Johns BRdwards, Jr, Boston II A White, Va A C AlcOraw, Detroit 3 8 Olark, Memphie Aliso Obadwlrk, Memphis Orm Breese & Is, N Y Mrs Proof, N Y H U Soper, Batavia, N Y Mr Dilterson, N Y Mr Judson, N Y J N Giffstd , N Y A Waller, 1.1 Y Bobt Lengths, N 1E .1 W Newell, N I Deal P Gibbons, Balt Geo T Donner, Balt 0 T Martlmet, Newark, N J E Day, Newark, NJ Aaron Leggett, N Y 3 8 Spann, Indianspolle AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut et., above Firth. Geo W Dewey, N Y Wm hi Weever, Shamokin Jos Bird, Shamokin B Dittenbinder, Shamokin J II Zimmerman, Banbury J Bradley, Nlt B B Davie, N Y David Luther, N Y Prederlak L Roberts, N 0 Geo T Weise, Sunbury B PRl:mart, Va J B MoOreary, id Munk Wm R Washburn, N lr B T Foster, Manch Chunk T II Tuttle, Phila Jno Tindall, Easton W El Polhemus, N J . Joo W Poole., N 0 W 0 Poole, Baltimore Mice Julia Bill, N Y -0 D Mehalley, Marietta, Pa .1 It Watson, Perth Amboy Geo Mill, ki Y . M It Abbott, 1.1% W J Maxwell. Phil's It II Paesmore,N Y Jae 3 Ross N Y Jae Di Phillips & la, N Y Mies B L Roes, N Y Jno T Young, R. I I T B Coleman, It Geo 13 Williams, Boston Jno Penner, Boston T M Bowman, Baltimore Alex Driver, N Y EAGLE IMPEL—Third street, above Ilacit. J . B Woods Ohio Win P Maine! Martin, Kennett eq L Max ton, Doe Bud Martin, Lancaster co L ill Sanford,lll T Ilutchineon, Pa Al Yin Buren, Grubb, NJ Miss al A Smith, N Y Buis Sanderson, St Charles Wm It Lilly, Philadelphia P C Brinton, Del co II Roam arks, Wilmington W 8 Chandler, Phil,. II U Walker, Columbus, 0 Ono 0 Bowman, N Y J Lawrence, Bristol AI Eckert, N Y T Serval, Delaware co A Baker, Delaware CO B Illahop Tamaqua 8 T Marshal, West Chester J It Johnson, Ohio 1 8 'Malan, Phil. tl Sanderson & da, Vs A 6 Crawford, Delaware Jll Benton, Washington J L Noble, lowa L B Walker, Lebanon J Klemm, Williamsport A Puller, Catasanqua II Haunts, Ohio U B Preach, Ohio J Marshall, Chester co W 8 Walitams, N Y ' , Thompson, N garden FRANKLIN HOTEL—Chestunt, above Third. M Cowin, N 7 Jae Todd, N Y Allen Dow, N 7 J L Carr. Ye Jae Campbell, Washington L Steinman, Washington J J Carberry, Danville as L Selfridge, N Y Geo Sanderson, N Y 0 Brehm, Balt W airman. Balt Par Berger, N Y Mr Russell, N Y Col nos El Webb, N Y Peter Alloneon, N Y It Dower, Washington MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—PeCond street, above Arch. M Deldder, PhD* R Danmany, Lebanon El Durhaw. Lebanon Thos liaottock, Harrieburg J Lewis, Newcastle, Del Wm Dawdeary, California M Crosier, Reading W Granger, Reading Alias E Granger, Reading J Murray, Milton, PA 0 Ruiner Ante, N Y Riad McVey. Pottsville Thor McVey, Pot'aville Geo Mackin, Lehigh oo Peter Mackin, Lehigh oo Jno Mackin, Jr, Lehigh co Theo Wier. Reading Peter L Jotter, Reading T Packer, Montgomery co H Goodman, Lehigh cc F. Manta nin, Lancaster P W Flew, Reading Semi 0 Patina, Reading Geo Turpin,'N Y Molise' Bonner, N Y Geo W Jeffries, Jr, Vt Denj Jeffries, Vt G W Übil & la, Reading Mrs 0 Herding, Reading Robt J ',Rucks, Pottstown J G atraley, Pa I F Vendee, Fremont, N Y J V Thompson, N Y Jamee Lsuirtest, N Y Peter Lanigan, NY John Niell, bianry, pa Wm Stocker, Pa 0 0 Whitaker, Durham BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second et., below Vine. 0 Kennedy, Bucks co B. Huston, Stroudsburg P B Presto°, Brockport, Pa IL 0 Yeager, Buckingham 0 Parry & la, Pa . Jos Esethurn & la, Pa W L Sanborn, 'Pa 0 Chamberlain, Phan ; d DeckOr; Pike co Q Booker, Pike co Iloir ./- ANIPP HOTEL—Ponigh Street, below Arch. • ortid Wt , Oheeter co .It V firo - wn:PVCd I °E 111. M°l,llo°D; Eurris,Plainneld, Pa „„ Wherry, Cnmb'd co Hoe J 'Pinney, We.dnim on SPI ' yr" " Blair o 6 ' Hon W Miller, Dan'n oo i"us McDowell, oo EM. Hutchinson, Alleg on Wieder oo N Earle. Elniniore hirti Ed 0 Her,'lltintingdon Miss M C Her, Huntiogdon ;MIA Belle Ilermillo, Pa G W.oKzeteon, gunt'dou W Hyainger, York, - E. B Erben, Isometry Obal M Eau, Lancaster Alex MoOloy. Lonfaster ao , 4 Attack, Lancaster co,Pa Bam l Bowen , Lancaster co I 000 W Gloss & la, Po' W bleaker & In, Pa I /Heath, Oboe Liattenstbin, Pa Dent Walton, - Salem, 0 J E Giryin, Lancaater co W M totter, Look Myren olt Poster. Phil Winli Nagle & la, Milton Miss Deltenbaeher, Pa • Plasm, Winchester, 0 PE Itoberts, Indiana ttL gizmo, N Y 0 E. nougat, Milton PI A Yonne. Williameport A. Morse, WHIM/bare Wilkesbarre Q M Oamobell, Pa Ceo Brown, Y John Stanthinp, N Y Lysander llenyon s li I 7 O Oein. Lancaster /I Iriin, Md D D T Punsworth, Ye gIiRCHANTII HOHLIN, Third at. above Callowhill. Itl i ffdr, Heading EEI Blank , Allentown Bif lank, Allentown C L Derr, Allentown J G roe Id Itf, , Bphrata AH. Irelohner & la, Pa Mb! M A Kennnoret, Vs a W Hansel, New'rezan W Blake, Allentown 11 Gemming, Montg'ry no I Miller, Womeladorf L Bidding, Addend B B kolier, Pa 3 Fame, Lebanon -- • Mist B But, Pa, XI Lamed Lebanon - k Sameinger,,Ra .1' Wiest. Pch co, Pa , W Crowe, LebatiOn co, Pa MP Wolff & la. Hamburg WII . Hike, Pa . L Iff It Hoch, Bt. Clare CIA 9 Mentzer, Lano co engle, Lancaster co H. 0 Hoffman. Lane eo it iromerman, Moe on H V Leeds, Lane no J B Beaver, Hrativille 818 Perla, Snyder co, Pa Rawl li Miller, Lane co iv& nibahman, jaw, co Ohne Marta, Banbury ' Smith, eelinegrovd W,Withiegton, Boyderton ,Pohn Pltehtborn, Adameton I fi. Brown, Lock Haven Da T Clement, Punhury,. A Blight, MontgOmertville .7;ll,Klepinger, W Haven , AEt Light. Lebanon LT Behleppy, Lucerne co Pawl Benner, Lucerne no Minna Banter. Lucerne en P Plata. Wind Clap, Pa P Beiberliog, Bahl an, Pa Miss Belberling, Behi en JP Weaver & wife, 33errrev A Coleman, Orangeville NATIONAL HOTEL—Rug et., 'bore Third . L floOleorY. ti Castle W Jones; New Castle Jao Walker, Pt Deposit gaml Anyder, Safe Harbor A P Smith, Snyder co John Bruner, Jr, Lebanon L?emplin, Beading, Pa A Barnet, Lehigh co P-W gkrlves, Lewisburg 0 P Bennett, kiontollralille Imnnally, Lancaster W Freeman, Allentown Warford, Prenchtown B P-Relehard, EspytoWn lohn Iteighard. Pa W W Weimnn, Allentown W 0 Wilson, Wilkeebarre NO Remedy', Vt lobri Steiner, Miaereville A Heebner, Port Carbon Hooker Ala, Pa Dard Weitzel k la, Rtadlag los Ramie, Pottsville Isaac Beiroostein, Pa ,jonav Shelter. Berke no Mn, Phcenixville 'Mrs Tepee, Plitentsville J }toyer, Pa $ Whitaker, Mt Olare II d Handler, Pottsville Jacob Wagoneeller, Pa J H App. gellosgrofe Z Bossier, Selinsgrove Jacob lismberger; Fa L nutmegs, L Haven Jim B Bisbee, Danville ig 0 Hirer, Williamsport .1 H Tverman, Pa 1 B Newcomer, Pa 0 Limbach A la, N Y '3 Ferguson, Halifax Pa ' Godfrey gammet 0 B Belfanidor, Pa B H FloolY, Berwick, Pa :Miss Bears, Pa , IT Lockwood, Pa B Benedict. Pa W W Lela's, N $ XII Roofer, Pa Mrs Dunn A oh, Montrose Mrs Perry, Wilkesbarre 0 geyboth. Pa Paull Shearer, Pa, A G Hollester, Pa L Vaughn, Pa Jno Young, Pa STATES UNION lIOTICL—Market et., above Sixth. 11 Beaty, Ohio 0 M Oberlin. Ohio X Conrad. Ohio L 7 Glides, Pa 8 8 Roberta, Chicago J Y Mug, N Y 8 Pant, Clearfield John Shwas, Lane no If 0 Gingrich, Manholm C Gingrich. Uniooville OS Moore, Salisbury J 8 Smith, Phils John Branding, Indians co 7 7 Malvin, Columbia likened, Boston A Miller, Leon co II S Shearer,. centre co C Seibut, Columbia Miss May Peltier, Oolutals J Oornman, Canticle B. Harr, Columbia Moe $ Mahn. Land do 7 8 Mahn. Leo* co L B•olroe, Chester do J Strong, Millie no Semi Myers, MoVeytown Jas II Bosis, Pottsville ' Ise Men, Mifflin no 0 Derr, 13elfonte : Strayer, :twists no Miss Sally Peshtly, JuuPta Airs Eineade. lutists co H Ilonibar, Pittsburg Inn McVey, Harrisburg Wm ToYsy. Iftirriebarg A R Bleck, Columbia Jae Rees. Patterson, Pa B Gray, Cheater no, Pa E bur, Lancaster co 0 Munson, Pa M MoOleese, Atlantio City 0 Rode, Indians no S Slider. Indians co Jim lirrinheisel, Perry no GA Gibson, Perry co a ElottoltS,Towningtown UNION HOTEL—A rah street. Ogre Third. Arthor ?Volt Ohio Geo 11 loither, Balt VA Hoke. Boston IL Peters. Peoria, 11l P W Thornhill, Ohio H Ratko'. Hamilton. 0 A Allen & den. Massillon Mies CI kellny.lifaselllon J 0 Shaw, Lancaster co ()apt Geo W House!, Pa Mica bharnierre, Del co, Pa J M Sharplern & self, Del en 8 L Detwiler, Cognmbla Dr Hawley A dna, Poinizvl 11 Robinson, Ohio B J Johnson, Ohio Ellwood Orteon Hunter, 0 Jos Brown fa do, Salem NJ Mrs Allen. Salem, N T Harrleon Carver, NI II String. Louisville. 0 D Criswell, Shippensberg J Galbreath, fthippensburg Wm Primer Tamaqua It A Houses, btittord, N J J W Hutchinson, Pa W W Brobsughlin. 0 Mien Annie A Brown. N J Jorepb:ft Winter, N J A Stoter & In, Brlstol, Pa Jonas Diehl. Neat Freedom I. Kauffman. Meobanietbg John B Wier, lifechanielbg E C Money, Pa Jagrefd, Altoon, Pa 0 H Wolf. ,York 00, Pa Ohms Shoener, Tamaqua Beni Haywood, Pottoville John Leaman & la, Easton W Dale, Pa E Simpson. Pa II Stonehenge, Pa Jan Null, Greencastle, Pa Geo Staler, Quincy ; Pa BLACK BNAR INN, Fifth and Merchant streets. L Beal Chester co M Kayla.. Reading. Jos Mintzer, Pottstown It Hartranft, Pottstown I 8 Kirk, Cheater co P Rhoads, Chester to 8 Moses Pbreolxyllie Jar Conant., Del /lPaxeon A etster, Pa, N H Wale, PA 3 Kennedy, Lancaster co F Mallherry, York co H Stoner, Daunhln co J lit Houston, M D Pa I Caldwell, Mel John A Reynolds, Pa A Miller, Kansas R I !Smith, NJ Ylr Runyan. Port Penn, Del A Corey, Pa It McKee, Mercer co T Steel; N Y Tbosasysr, N Y G- N Meredith, York, Pa L P Hoopoe, Cheater co Joe Ledr, Chester co 8 Moore, Cheater 06 BALI) RASA'S HOTBL—Thltd et., above rlallowlitil 7 8 Barrer, Akron, 0 Mrs Dreher, Stroudsbrirg Mrs V Dreher, Btt6ridebterg 7 Acker& Pottstown Ben) B Peter., Pa Levi B Lute, Pa I peter Gesybtil, Pa W Beaver, Anoville, Pa Gso Rebook. Berke so D T Bordner, Lebanon WS I) Bordner. Lebanon oo John Reid, Lebanon e 0 Mrs A Jones. atroudeburg W G Miller. Pennebtirg J 0 Morgan, Banbury H L Suitable., Marietta A. Trumbower. Pa J Bleak - oar, Moorestown Olt Inning, 7,loorestown °hes Miller. Moorestown Iris Olewell,Buelsklll • M M Tehr, Buebkul 'Andrew Frits, Pa T A flora , Mahoning 1,8 Ribiciler,leston , . l'• lONEIP.ROTEL—Ohestnut street, above BLath. W A Ward, Pittsburg T Smith, Belt les It Purnell, Md Dr 8 Sharp, LT 8 N 4., rtudie, N T hi It Ilork, Washington John J Sprouli, N It Lewis Ritter. Belt Itobt Fowler, Dalt Patel Bio6d, N Y 3 mills, NY W P Panning, N t 0 13 Sigmund, Dolt 'GALA PLAIDS. NEW STYLES THIS DAY, MANUFACTURED DICILUBIi'DLY FOR JOSHUA L.BAILY, No. 213 MARKET STREET, filihADNLPdte NEW STYLE RATS NOR GENTLEMEN'S BOMBER WEAR. TIIE BONNER HAT, THE 00b1MEROIAL HAT, mnm Vismsmnfe HAT, TIIE PLANTER'S HAT, FOR BALM Or TI-lOMPSoN JENKINS, &p7B-6t No. 028 MARKET STRBET. JOSH UA L. SALLY, NESR TR./IDE DRY GOODS HOUSE, 213 apl9 nuLAusbviiie. WILL OPEN THIS DAY, A SPLENDID LINE OP L A W N S, ALL NEW STYLES. JOSHUA L. BAILY, ap ID No. 213 MARKET STREET, PHILA. EXTENSIVE SALE OF VALUABLE PURNITHED, OIL PAINTINGS, &0.. the ef fects of JAMES LONDON, "MANSION HOUSE," ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, who le fetich:l from business. The attention of dealers, connotessure, and othere, is particularly milled to some rare Old Paintings. Also, to some Old cod Modern Furniture, Curtains, Ac., not mushy met with. The general effects of the Hotel are unusually large, all of which will be gold at auction, THIS (TUIIS DAY, APRIL 19th, at PX o'clock, by catalogue. by lt* I.IBItRELL & FIELD TWOSE WHO HAVE BEEN DISAP .B. POINTED in getting Portraits painted, should remember that Life Rise Photographs in Oil are al• waym Likeneesee if made at REIMER'S GALLERY, SECIOND Street, above Green. It* OPARTNE S Tho undersigned iIUVF , MID day formed a CopfAtutsrahlp to trans act the Wholesale Dry-Ooode Buelness iu ite various branches, under the firm of SOLOMON & AVM, and, for the' present, will occupy the Store 220 ARUM Street. WILLIAM A. SOLOMON, HENRY It. AYRES. April 10, 1850. aplo-et* NOTIOE.—Wo aro closing up our busi i' neos, and will eell the residue of our stock, consisting of a general assortment of NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, adapted to both Spring and Fall sales, at price. tar below coat, for NET OABH. City Jobbers will do well to call on us, an we will offer them goods much below Agents' or Importers , rites. We will also rent our Store or dispose of our Lease, which boo about five years to run. POSSUM= Oxen between June let and July Ist. PIXTURZEI 11011 MN. H. J. SMITH & BROTHER, apl9.l2t* No. 28 South FOURTH Street. VOTIOE.—The Subscriber takes pleasure .1.1 to informing bit patrons that the " WATER DE PARTMENT bee granted him a Permit to nee the PLUGS on OILESTNUT Street, from NINTH to BANE Streets, for the purpose of washing and cleansing said street. The work wee commenced on the lath inst., and will be continued nightly, and thereby prevent the possibility of duet or mud. I would also caution the community against any other persons professing to epriukie and clean the district above mentioned, as they are no acting without any authority whatever. J. P. WORTHINGTON. aplB.Bt* SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. vE. BARBER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WISE MESTER, PA ItnrEnntimts lion. Wm. A. Potter; Coo. James Cooper. B. B. Comegye, Fag , Philadelphia Bank. Messrs. Boyd &, Bates. aplB.lm* E3RUSHES! BRUSHES! BRUSHES! Ail 2,000 dozen Tied Whitewash. 1,500 ‘t Netted 2,600 " Handeorube. 1,000 g , Clamps. 6,000 Dusting. 0,000 Shoebrashes. Nor sale lower than at any other bowie in the city, by HENRY 0. 1110118T.511N; PP/ 9 bg North Tit/RD Street,, below Aro4, Nan pabliratiattt. 'MARION AND - HIS MEN! TEE ANXIOUSLY LOOSED YOB AND DEEPLY • EXOITIEN TALE OF THE REVOLUTION, NOW READY SWAMP FOX; OR, THE Izt 2IS .13 3a I. Ft IX' S., MI Iv' .DY . A TALI OE' TEM TIRES AND FEATS OF MARION, BY GEORGE ALBANY, EEG, AUTHOR OF "TITS ORANas•Clial. Or VENICE," "Tug BWAMP ETARD," "BOAS TAM BANGER," &0., WILL BB CODIHINCED IN THE MGM I • OP SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1850, .Now reedy at eft News Depots and Bookstores No character In history offers a better rattled foithe romancer than that of hienfolt, or, as he was familiarly a THE SWAMP-FOX," from the immense ingefinity of his stratagems and de vices for mialeadlog and deceiving the enemy, his tho- rough knowledge of the woods forests, fields, and Swamps of his native region, where he and his gallant band were jJerfeatly at home, while their enemies be came lost and bewildered in the labyrinthine mazes of undergrowth and morass. The !dory above announced in a true reflex of those mines and timer!, ane its talented author has most vividly flortrayed therein the many exciting incidents and accidents ofd teneMotis and indefatigable Ample for Liberty, pursued under the meet adverse circum stances. Every chapter in replete with exciting , and roJ mantle Interest, libtorloally aconrate, bat with a emu*. Hog web of poetry woven through it, which makes it at once a brilliant cloy and a vent:loos record. The strongly-written descriptions of events—the ambnecado the ;sudden sortie—the night-attack—the wild charge and repulse—are ell wonderful as examples of word painting, and equally true to the actual facts. In addition to these scenes of heroism and lofty daring, the SWAMP BOX is not Without the gentle charm of a love dory, for the working and the effects of the tender passion are depleted in Its pages as bray and artistically as the sterner emotions, rendering the tale a perfect picture of life and character In the days of the Revolution, whioh cannot fail to appeal to the admiration and gratify the taste of every reader who has a epark of true patriotlem in kid soul. The peculiar power and interest with which the gifted author, GEORGE ALBANY, Req., describes the thrill ing period, is a guarantee of the excellence of this truly magnificent Historical Romance. The vivid delinea tion of character, the depth of thought, the fascination of style, the picturesque beauty of description, and, In a word, the power or language he commands, all com bine to render him one of the most brilliant writers of the age, while his great appreciation of and sympathy with the pioneers in the mum of universal liberty give him a grasp of Revolutionary subjects poeseened by very, few others. This has enabled him, in the SWAMP FOX, to exhibit the life and adventures of MARION AND KIS MEN as they really were and todo fit homage to that de 'theist@ valor, that unyielding patrlotlant which, in a few noble Writs, defying danger; and abdte the gannet,' of privation, could keep alive the tutored fires of liberty in the thick swamps and dem and gloomy foreete— asking nothing, yielding nothing, and only leaving the Held the better to reenter it for the combat! We take to ourselves come credit for having gemmed for our columns the chefs LP aurora' of this master's pen ; but we intend to give the NEW YORK MERCURY a still higher prestige than ever. We believe it is al- ready the PUT AND LARGEST BTORY PAYER in the world, and we contemplate making it better and better, with evesz, successive number, In spits of all elbow.) and oppoiltion. • apl9•2t BAYARD TAYLOR ENGAGED .11XCLIIIIItnt YOB IRE NEW YORK MERCURY; At a very hoary expeage 4/ 4 hive enceeeded jti seen ring the CELEBRATED POET, AUTHOR, AND TOURIST, whose charming lettere from foreign laude hare long kept the timid delighted and interested, BAYARD TAYLOR, ESQ., who will hereafter make the klancenT the only Ticipi ent of Ma inestimable SKETCHES OF TRAVEL, one of *Web will appear EVERY WEEK. iVe hate the happiness to announce, therefore, that in the NW YORK MERCURY FOR APRIL 30, 1e39, WILL HI 00111131108 D STRAY CHAPTERS LIFE AND TRAVEL, BY BAYARD TAYLDA, The initiatory article being entitled " THE FIRST JOURNEY I EVER MADE," thick is aonaidetedby the inthor—a+ It unqueetionsbly frill be by the publie—to be hie most Interesting adven {tire Bleat the original otthset of the GREAT AMERICAN TRAVEWJER, end cannot fell to be of interest to all. These delightful artiolee will be IJEMITIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with original designs, in the highest style of the art, portraying the ;tones and characters described in the moat graphic manner. this new feature is a most valuable and instructive one; salted to both young and old, and will render TILE NEW YORK MERCURY worthy of a leading place as the moat refined and elegant of all FAMILY PAPERS Since the that announcement of our engagement of Mr. T4SNLOR, we have received a flood of inquiries from all parts of the Union, relative to the enterprise, show ing that publio expectation is on tip•too to learn t➢e particulars regarding the character of hie contributions. As it is impossible for us to answer theta in detail, we OM only re'er our friends and correepondente to the NEW YORK MEMORY FOR APRIL 30, where the first of these sparkling and popular sketches will be found. AS no other American hoe ever travelled so exten sively as liavalin Tarrant, and no other traveller can see things with the eyes of America, we need not fur. ther eulogise the value of these emanations of his mind and observation to the reading public. It is sufficient to ear that they wilt greatly enhance the high character that the Mummer has ever maintained, and that has heretofore rested upon many cantles, some of the moot important of which may be summed up as forown Tar•. 31.1CURY employs more literary talent than any other paper. THE MUM:UM' pays more and higher prices for that talent than any other paper. THE hte =lac Is constantly announcing new, start ling, and brilliant additions to Its already unrivalled fund of attractions. Tan MI:11.019 Y le illustrated by F. 0. 0. Darley, Deg., the greatest artist of this century, and his beautiful pictures are thus brought within the reach of the entire publio. Tns Maim= to the oldest and most firmly establiehed literary journal in America. Tun MERCURY, daring the twenty-one yearn of its prooperous ealetence, bad publiehed a larger number of popular original talon, romance'', and ehetolies, than all its imitators combined. Tue AIEIIOOItY resettle omen to be appreciated, and we are folly determined to make Its name " familiar as a household wotd" with every family in the land. T tie Mena rtar fe for sale by all news-dealers and book sellers in every part of the country, and eubscriptions - are received for it at every poet office. - It will be Been from the foregoing announcement that the bliutoOßY for April 80, 1859, will be an excellent number for subscribers to date their embectiptions from. TERM, cash in advance, Two doliare per annum. Three copies for Five dollars; PITO copies, Eight dot terel Night copies, Twelve dollar'', with a gratis copy extra for the getter-up of the Club. Address OAULDWELL, SOUTH - WORTH, & WHITNEY, Proprietors New York Mercury, 22 SPRIICIE St., NOW York Olty apl9-2bIAW /11HE MEDICATED BRANDY imported solely for moult k BM/TO, corner of 8.11- CONE and GREEN 13treets, is nerd more than any other sthaulant, because of its purity and the good effects so many have experienced from its nee in cocoa of Dyspepsia, Dl►rrbcea, aud Dability mhll3.tf CITRIC AOID.—Gum Hemlock, Liquid dJ Btyrax, Vxrdlis Deane, for Bale by NVETHERILL & BROTHER, e.p7B Noe. 47 sod 40 North SECOND Street. QALTPETRE—OIive Oil, Verdigris, Gum Arabia, for Sale by WATHBRILL & BROTHER, apiS Nos. 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. Opp OOKFISEI SHEETINGS--4 net received IL And for ale by aHIPLPJ.taiIi44ARD, & HIITORINSON, Z 2 Ohestant street. Neva publicatioits. PRIZE ESSAYS ON THE SABBATH, .L THE PEARL OP DAYS; or, the .Advantages of the Sabbath to the Working ()leases. By a Laboror'e ,Daughter. Price 10 eents. IIeI&YEN'S ANTIDOTE TO THE °ME OP LA BOR; or, tbe„Temporel Advantages of the Sabbath, with a prefatory notlee, Dy Rev. S. H. Tyng, D. D. Prioe 30 cents. ALSO, INFANT SALVATION in its ilatatiOn to Infant De pravity. Infant Regeneration, and Infant Beetled:l. Dy the Rev . J. 11 A. Bomberger , D. D. Price 00 cents. REV. JOHN CYOMMING'S VANILL' PRAYERS, A new Edition., 2 vole. • REV. JOHN OUldbliNfil WORKS. Hew Editions. WINSLOW'S GLORY OP THE REDEDESIL fourth Edition. REV. MR. ILiTtBA.IIOO , I3 , TAIMM GLORY. OP • WOMAN. A new Edition. -• • . DR - 11•IIIITZ'B MANUAL Olf. MOILED HISTORY Fourth Xdition. DR. ARNOLD'S OHRISPIAN ME. 2 Tido. New Edition. - . . . „ Recently and Tor tale by • • LINDSAY & BLARISTON, Pnblishare and Bookeellere, apl9 25 South SIXTH Stieet. above Obeetnut pUBLISHED" THIS DAY SATURRAIri APRIL 18, MOTHERS AND INIPANTI3, NURBES AND NURSING.. . . - A translation Of Dr. Al Donne's celebrated work on nursing and the treatment of young children. Illus trated by plates of the microscopical appearance of the various hinds of milk. Thane plates are allot copies from the same author's Atlas of Edleroscopi. This work is one of great merit, and was received with great favor by all Trench' phyairelans, by whom it wan recommended to all mothers as the beat guide they can follow in the general treatment of their children. 1 volumeo.2mo., BCO pp. Price $1 PLAN OP TILE ORNATION; OR S OTHER WORLDS AND WHO INHABITS THEM HT REt d. L. LIMQVILYBOURGI A new, original, and deeply intereetiug work. Com mencing with the Infamy of Creation, the author trettte of the Mission of Christ an related to the Sub jAot ; conisidern the existence of Evil ; the Indication afforded in the Stvionr's Humanity of the beneficial de-' alga of Evil; Duration Of the Probations* _System The Reeurreotion ;. The Duration of the World; The Wisdom of God in the Concealment of these Events; Termination of Evil ; Deatiny of Man, etc., etc. 1 TOL,l2mo. 400 pp. Price SI. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, h 00., ap10.21-2t 18 WINTER Street, Boston. IIIST RECEIVE D, A LARGE AND 'PREM . ABSORTMENT OP NELSON'S OIL COLORED VIEWS. Price in paper, 25 cents; cloth, 40 cents. *AIVIEKIOAN SCENERY. . Niagara Falls and Vicinity. "newel of Lakes George and Champlain, Our Bummer Retreats. V,ewe of the City of New York and Vicinity. Views of the City of Washington EUROPEAN SOMBRE. London and Its Bights. Environs of London. • Overland Ratite to India, China, and Japan. ' English Lakes, The Troesacks or-Loch Lomcmd. Environs of Edinburgh. The Lakes of Killarney. The Land of Scott. Old Abbeys and Castles of England.. Views in the City of Edinburgh. Views of the Isle of Wight. With a full assortment of Scriptural Also, a fine copy of THE PENNY OPOLOPEDIA, half calf. Price $OO. For sale by . QAUT k VOLIIMAR, SUCCESSORS TO 11. COWTERTIIWAIT & Co , No. 60 OUNSTNUT Street, above Sixth apl9-4t - North aide, Philadelphia VAST OF THE MOHICANS .ILA Is the Third Volume or the New Edition of COOPER'S NOVELS, 11l istrated by EARLEY. S. AIoBENBY, 406 WALNUT Street, Is the mole Agent. Call and examine, or send' your address to him, sod he will call on yon. spl93tle ,for fink anb to Let. TO RENT. THE VERY DESIRABLE STORES UNDZII THEI • NEW HOTEL BUILDING AT TUB OORNRR Or NINTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Applications will be received at the °Moe of the Ho tel Company, at the 'southwest corner of NINTH and 0,01804 streets (second door), until the 25T13 APRIL, .1859, Tor the renting of five Stores on CHESTNUT street, and Aix Stores on NINTH street, in the said Building, said Stores to be ready for occupation in July next. J. SERGEAXT PItIOE, apl2-tuthfcs St BEORHTARY. FOR SALE-THE LOT OF NEL GROUND, THREE STORES, AND BANKING HOUSE OF THE PHILADELPHIA BANS, South west corner of FOURTH. and CHESTNUT Streete-01 feet 6 Inches on Chestnut etreet, and 80 feet on Fourth street, including a ilve.feet alley, of which the West ern Bank bee the privilege The Stores and Banking House are, of white marble. The Stores alone (ex:Melva of the Banking House and Corner Basement) rent for 84,400. in` A large amount of the purchase money may re main on mortgage. " Apply to THE COMMITTEE, apl9-tutbe.6t at the Philadelphia Bank. FO It SALE—A new three-story Mi. DWELLING 1101:1821; with double threnstory back buildings. heater, hot and cold bath, dco, motain VPabiON Street, fourth house abase Fif teenth Street P A. TREGO, Beal blade Agent, apmat* ItlDCilt Avenue, above Green street. F oxi. SALE—THE CHARTER OF AN issulatioA - otrrAilY, (Tax pabt And - Letters Plana isaned,) not 'yet ofganisee Addrsts 1, IN PIIII&NOR,,, Pox 655 P. 0. apll3•6ot if AUPUBLIC SALE.—The very desirable and commodious FAMILY 111A.N1310N end °BOUNDS of the late 'THOMAS 4 JOLLINB, of Shia city, will be sold on FOURTTI-DAY, (Wednesday,) 21th Inst. . . The whole property to 1C1) feet front on BROAD Street, wog feet on YORK Street, and 281 feet on BARCLAY Street, cobtaining about 1 ji acres. The DWELLING-lIGINE is 80 feet front by 70 feet In depth, and bee past been thoroughly repaired and well painted. The Garden cottaine a great variety of choice TRUIT TRUSS, in bearing. (Cr Fele to commence on, the promisee at 4 o'clock P. M. when the conditions will be made known by WILLIAM M. COLLINS, Executor. Burlington, 4th month, oth, 1850. aplB.otei rk — ESIRAE — LEPROPERTT FOR SALE. —All that !alga corner property adjoining the depotof the Philadelphia. Wilmington. and Baltimore Railroad Company, in WILMINGTON. Delaware, being the moat desirable situation for a first-ohms hotel in that city, le now uttered for wale at a low price, and on Sag tetme. For farther information, apply to WILLIAM MHO, ? Enoutom aple..6t* (.4tlo. W. BUSH, 5 of HOUSE 1805 LOMBARD STREET, MEL (store and dwelling,) with back building and all the modern improvements, to be gold at the Etahange on TUESDAY VIENING, 19th inatant, by THOMAS Zr. SONS. May be eidinined previous to sale. 000 may remain on mortgage. apUt Bt* an FOR S ALE OR TO REST-.=The valuable Mill Property and Water Privilexe,lfell kuown as <• Robson Mill," situate on the Ridge road, In the Twenty-drat Ward, Philadelphia. Tae Mill House is about 00 feet square, four atones high, with a large attic!, and is well calculated for manufacturing purpose., either of woollen or cotton goods. There are two good waterwheels, and the water power in one of the most valuable in the city of Philadelphia. The mill contains all the machinery for the manufacturing of floor, with six run of atones PoEsossfoo green on the Ist or July next. For fur ther Information apply to JONATHAN R. MOORE, on the premises apl2-tuthaStir 0 ICS &LE A Valuable LOT OF GROUND, on the South aide of PINE Street, between Front and Second Streets. containing in front or breadth 170 feet. sixty feet of which lute a depth of 102 feet, and the other sixty a depth of 12t feet, well at - Ivied for one large Building, or for six handsome Private Dwell loge. For terms, which will he made easy, apply to CALEB WOOD, No. 621 South BENNO Street. ap7-th eA to BLIP ea TO LET.—A furnished House, with 10 ftla rooms, gas• bath, hot and cold water, a large yard, good stable, and coach-house. Situate on the germantown Railroad, one square from Tioga station. Apply at 43L OILESTNUT Street. apiS-at al COUP TRY RESIDENOE TO LET.- a A neat and roomy Cottage at (MELTON HILLS, near North Pennsylvania Railroad, 8 miles from the city. Apply at 421110.11 NET Street. apl2-tf og COTTAGES FOR SALE.—Five net; DA and commodious Cottages at EDGEWATER. The situation is high and healthy, with Ohnrohee and &lett &twain in the neighborhood. Steamboats and Railroad furnish many opportunities of going to, or returning from the city daily Prices range from $2,800 to 14,600 each. Terms of payment accommodating. Apply to A. MA111)141130E, Edgewater Landing. N. B.—Edgewater is on the easterly bank of the Delaware river, about midway between Beverley and Darlington, N. J. apll.lm* OaTO LET.—A large Stable, 42 feet front, by 98 feet deep, on a Court running out of PATINE Street, between Fonrta and Fifth streets; the premises might be converted into a machine shop or two stables. Apply at 40/LIBRARY Street apti-]m* NA VALUABLE MARKET-STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Situate between Dela ware Seventh and 'Eighth streets, known as the MUTE lIALL HOTEL. Lot forty feet six inches front on Market street, and extending 352 feet, more or lees, to Filbert street. For farther Information, call on the owner of the property, 0. H. HEIBBI3, at the Union Hotel. AMR Street. spla-awW oil FARMS, FARMS.—Some of the beat MI Farms In Chester, Montgomery, and Ducks coun ties for sale. COTTAGES and other desirable modern !Agfa RESIDENCES for axle or rent in and around Nor riatown. Hotels, Country Stores, either for sale or rent. For fall particulars, app ty to R. R. CORSON, enbSo.lm Norrlatown, IR% SALE ATLANTIC CITY PROPER TY.—One hundred and airy Building Lots, amts. Me for Hotels and Cottages, la the best and most de. nimble localities in Atlantic City. Also, for Bale, the UNITED STATES HOTEL M Atlantic City, being thelargest and Sl:teat located, moat enbetantial, and best arranged Hotel at that plat*, by THOMAS H. DUDLEY, rah29-Im* SECONti Street, Camden, N. J. - DIAPER MILL TO RENT.—The Paper A. Mill known as HANWELL MILL, situated on the Wissahickon Creek, and one mile from Chestnut Hlll Railroad Station. This Mill is adapted to make fine Book Papers. It has three engines, one four machine,' 02 inches wide, and all the appurtenences for the eue. centred manutaoture of paw. Possession given imme diately. Apply to, or address, • GEORGE H. LEVIS, d29-tf No.Bo South SIXTH Street. JOSEPH RODGERS & SONS' CUT LERY —We have just received, direct from the makers, a handsome stook of Joseph Rodgere , POCE.ET KNIVES. For sale low. PHILIP WILSON t 00, ael9 St* 492 CHESTNUT Street. FISHING TAOKIAL—We have in gore, and constantly receiving, a full supply of FISH ING T AONLN, of sll varieties, to which we would call the attention of those fond of the delightful recrea tion of flehtng. PHILIP NVILS JN & 00., apl9-3t* 432 CIIBSTNUT Street. TO OKICKETERS. A fun 'dock of BATS, BALLS, GLOVES, BELTS, WICKETS, ko , constantly on hand, to which we call the "Man. ton of all who engage In the noble WILSON & 00.ame of Cricket. , 61p10-3l* 433 CHESTNUT are* ==2=V=IIMM!n Oxianti: ATANTED—By BOY, 16 yeAro otage srruettori in a Wholesale store.—ls swot at ernes - , and writes a . fair , heed . . - .Suidreie Wane of The Press.' - 'a P ia Van' I/1r ANTEIP,By -an ' experitnred , _BOOK- v HZEPAIR, s SITUATION id W,bihish taidistimeat. Good refernieds Maims InOmalta st this Ogee: - - •:‘ AYOUNG LADY,- of good eduaitlim, wham • nITUATION M GOTSBNSBB in a Prllatt ninny, is 'or oat of the city. •Aattrare ...BLizmarrn.l7 at this Onto. a819.4%* rit 0 LAWYERS, 00NVNIANOBES, REAL ZISTATE AGNEIEN, , tio.—A. palm 'ma woofs a 131fastiorios Gopylot. - Good ransom &arab. Copying. three cella per f 01.% (000 wards.) - 4 iddsfai B..ITAIRPIELD, thin Mot, inmadistely.— - BREWER , WARTED.--:-Briwer wanted la the largeit Brewei7 West , or Plalladelphha—iney time between now and Brewer the Ant Of July -4 thorough, praotical Brewer of-Pale and-fltook Ake. Apply, by letter, -to I .'BRllTrilh," ears of ft Phila delphia laily Press, ,, ' giving fell tkarlieulare. ; Nose but a first-Wass - , Brewer, with the beet or refarensee, need apply. Married man preferred. " intatainge A SITUATION , WANTED—By a LAD, 1 - IL' aged 18, (Gradiate Orittendenla Commercial College,) as' Assistant Boot keeper or linla7 Clerk, Lw a Wholesale Dey.gooda Jobbing or 00=0Stan Howse. Would make - himself useful to his *wives. - Good city references given as to Mosey, &o. - Address! "I, T. 8.." Press Me.' rabid %mum:tents. U itgATLZY & .oLABSarei Aulait.sr. , THEATRE..—WREara S. fralsekladietisi .s Stage Manager. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April 19, IM9, SETE SLOPE. , In which Mr. Clarke will murrain four akaraetele ; Emily Leeson, Miss Emma Taylor.' ' Till MAID OP MUNSTER. _ Charles Paragon, Mr. Wheatley. JOSEPH'S COAT. - Joseph Dumbleton, Mr. Clarke. • 808 NETTLES. Bob Nettles, Mre. Drew; Waddliove, Mr. Clarke. Admission, lib Ms. 50011114 alga in Dew Orme, STII eh; Orohestra Otani, fade; &MI Mt Pthrata Beies, Ti eta; Gallery,llleM; Oallaryrar Colored Persow.,lls sts Private Dow in Gallery for Gokrol firreems, le ors; Whole Private Dow, U. Doors open at 7 Wakest; email* at !ma Bail Ts Dn.:LIMO. • EW WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. 11 OORREE NINTH AND WALNUT BTRICIIII. Acting and Stage-Manager Mr. I. P. Essmk. Business !damages Posaph D. Miarpag. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April 19, ISIS, , THE' WIDOW'S STRATAGEM. BllTert de Toubiere. Mr: Perry; Hector de Bennerille, Mr Rasoomb ; Madame de Blossao, Mrs.Fansu ; hew ne He, Miss Fanny Pits Haim. • - . A DISTILLS!' GOOD JOAN: ' In which Miss Nanny Pita /arson Will mien fins characters., krises of admissicsrAkotind Tier aid !stony This and Third Tlsr, 115 cents; Paws% TM_ osolif-Drooo Circle, so cents; Private BOZOS 'SUWON' to their locale; $3 and $6; Single Seats is mil Prints Boxes, 16 cents. Door* open it quarter to 7 cook•ok OWnor OA al 01/41look. TWELFTH ANNUAL MILITARY AND OITIZENIP DRESS BALL.--Oomplimentart to the Philadelphia (Beck's) Band No. 1. will be fives at the NATIONAL WARDS , HAIL, on TUESDAY 11 1 / 1 1- NINO, April 19th,1859. • -• Thst eta $I • each, admitting a Gentleman and Ledhal, can be held at Beck & Bares', 828 Market street, or of James R. Beck, 746 Yacrida street, above itleveatb, be low Rite water. aplB 21* WM. 01 VINYARD, Director. THE CAMPBELLS ABE COMING MAMMOTH TROOPS OF THE WORLD:, 001C01111 HALL FOUR NIGHTS ONLY NtBDNISDAY, THIIRSDAY,YETDAY & SATURDAY, April 20, 21, 22, and 23. - Originality, Versatility, and Comicality Com Hind! RUMBRY & NSWOOBIBII ORIGINAL O.AMPBBILL MINSTR.ELLII. 8114811 BAND. AND D 0 lIEL B TROUPE Among the old favorites will ba forted new 6014 with new featu tee and novelties, who will have the honor of making their first appearance in tit-11'414v: In order not to be deficient In any one of the department of the_ 80P/RlOll. ENTERTAINIONTA given by this unrivalled Oorpe, the Define here spared neither pains nor expense in eeltoLog for the coming season the beat talent that can be bad. not only from Ethiopian Minstrelsy, bat have gone so far sie to cull from the OPERA, at the AOADEMY OP MOHO, and the RONZANI BALLET TROUPE OF NIBLO'iI, New York, each member being selected for hit Lodi- Indust talent and superior excellent*. The BRASS BAND, Cowl/tins of ten talented Huai clans, will play nightly in front or the Hall, previous to opening of the doors. ' Admission 30 cents. Doom open at T ; porfortionoo to commence at 7,% o'clock. aplB.Bt P. A. OLARK, Agent and Dullness Director. Vex .&EIBURGH & CO.'S ZOOLOGICAL & EQUESTRIAN ESTABLISHMENT Will exhibit in this city, for THREE 'DAYS, ender the new Pavilion , erected on the lot, on' OPRr CB ST., BET. TENTH AND ELEVENTH STE, O 1 THURSDAY NlOHT...4pril 21st, FRIDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS and raGars. Tickets 25 mask. No hal( price VAN 81111131168'SMONAGERIE OP WILD ANIMAtE will be exhibited by Prof. Largworthy. TIPP° EEO, The Mammoth Elephant; will kW introduced, together with a superior EQUESTRIAN TROUPE, Mending the 51 &BEGAN /AIRILY. Mast. JAB. MADIGAN. Dr. JAB. 1,, THAYER, Who will introduce his DOMIO MULES AND MALTED /ACE. HAMM; ELLSLEB. ' MISS ELLA MADIGAN. Mr Nat Anatin,Measra. Oarpenter,Ringoade, Norton, Armstrong, and a powerful auxiliary host. VAN AMBURGII & 00. will make a Street Parish, on Thurxley, and will exhibit in Pawkier:Lon MONDAY, April 28th. WS et oM i t:7 2 o h a t GH* GAIETIES—Ram St. - • Zngsgement of • - - JENNY LIND-AND — RASH HAYES ' - Setter known as Miss FANNY YORRIDIT: sod Miss ELIZA SHULMAN. • She two greatest Vocalists In Philadelphia, appearing nightly . in Ballads, Daetts, and Opemtic Gems GMAT BAND OF OBBENADBRS, AAIUN IN NUMBER. First appearance of the HIITOILINSON 'FAMILY. 7. H. ROBINeON, Great Condo Vocalist. GEORGE MILKS,- Pattiotio and Bentlmendol Singes. Mies KATE LUDLOW, nonsense. LOW GAYLORD, JOHN WILLIAMS, And J. CONRAD. BILLY THOtdAll, Minna thrskw. „ spll Mons. =SIDON, 9iolnlet. IHILTSIOA.L FUND HALL. BIADAMB Vtgati.ooLiNTl, Prima Donna Amluta of the Italian Opere Bowe of Pads, London, et. Petersburg, Vienna, Iliflan,..NlPlllay and all the great continental cities, as well as Mee at America, has the honor to annonnoo that Ike win giro ONE GRAND OONOPLST, THE BIIISIOAL FUND HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 191 a, Tbie being her first and only concert in PhDs. dolphin ninon her return from Europe. MADAME DISOACIOIANTI will be misted by Mr. H. DENNSTT, the great Arne. rice. Besse or the Greed Open, Florence, Mr. G. R. SW% the eminent Pianist, ISIONOII 11180A.COUNTI, The distii3gaithed Violoncellist, and other artiste of celebrity. The programme will embrace the gems of Italian. German, and NegUah song, as given by • MADAMS BIBOAOOLANTI with unprecedented anceeet In all i the great capitals of Xurope and America. For full partlodate see eubseanekt adeeridsementa and programmes. NOTION. The price of admies'on to an parte or the ball, trttb. out reservation of sea's, is fixed at FIIITY OENTa. Tickets can be obtained at the Neutio Btoree of Beck & Lawton, Lee & Walker, Chestnut street, at the prin cipal hotels, and at the ball we the evening of the concert /111H0.141E17V8 VARIETIES!—(Cafe Thea -11 trod northwest corner of 111TH and miler NUT &Tante'. MISOELLANNOUB SNTEBTATIrbSISIT NYBNING - VEINING THE WEEK, Comprising Joinlic and Sentimental Banll4ll, Genes Or Operas, litiliopian Delineation', and ooncladlog with A MASON NIGHTLY. Commencing at Admission 10 and 15. intilh-lm ►III PENNSYLVANIA ADADEXY OP TWA PHIS ARTS, No. 1026 OMISTNUT STRUT, IS °WIN DAILY tawadva excepted) from ! A. Re tills P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children 12 cents. Shares of Stock, entitling the holder's family to iS. [Manion atoll times, 630. dicer ITSIOAL FUND HALL.—THE GEE lti MANIA ORCHESTRA give Palle REARS. ALS every SATURDAY. Single Tickets 26 cents a package of tickets for 51, which may be obtained at Andre% 110 Oheatnet street ; Beck to Lawton's, cornets of Seventh and Chestont, and at the door Of tits Mall. The performance commeneee at SU o'clock P. M. alt it 4:llVtiriatts. I MPROVED SPECTACLES, correctly ftt ted to the Eyeehllcrocoopee, Opera Olaceee, Ste reoecopee, Art Halal Human Ryes, &0., at MORRIS F. FRANKLIN, Optician, apls.6t 112 South FOURTH Ht., below Chestnut - PHILADELPHIA 0_415 AND READING RAILROAD - meeta. Office T.,17 Borah FOURTH Street. PHILADSILPHIA. April 18th, 1859. PASSENGER TRAINS FOR HARRISBURG. On and atter MONDAY, 18th inat , TWO PASSEN GER TRAINS will be run DAILY (Sundays excepted) to Harrisburg, via Reading and intermediate points. MORNING LINN. Leaves the Depot at Broad and Tine streets at 7.89 A. IC Arriving In Harrisburg at 12 80 Noon. AFTERNOON LINN Leaves the Depot at Broad and Vine streets at 3.80 P. H. Arriving in Harrisburg at 8 SO P. M. Pare to Harrisburg, let ohms 88 28 cc Ic Id class 2 70 By order of the Board. apl9•lm W. H MoILMINNY, Seoretary. ToilFait - PHILADELPHIA, AND BRAM% BAIL ROAD, moisavy!cf 11Nti, for POTTBVILLE , MAD: XNG and HABSIBBURU. Leaves the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VISA Streets, 417.30 A. Id., DAILY, (Sundays aseeptrd,) for POTTSVILLE. HARRISBURG, and all intermediate points, connecting at Harrisburg with trains running to Pittsburg, Oltamberaburg, Carlisle, Solihull, do. APTERNOON LINES Leave at 3 80 P. 31., DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and IidERISBITEG. -At 4.45 P. 31., DAILY, (Stradays exospted,) for BEADING, and intermediate points. apiS W. H. MoLLELENNY, Secretary. #TO HlTir OHEAP WATCHES, go to Northwest oornerPot BXOOND and NNW Struts, 42. [llO- 6 m*l I. PRIM fIAVANA CIGARS—A superior- assort- AA. meat, comprising— Figaro,. Espanola, - , Prnebese, Noptuno, Ore Son Petrie, dm., &e. Jost received and for sale low by . . CHARLES TSUI, 0019-113 130 WALNUT and 25 GRit.l9lT2 bin BURNING FLUID, Alcohol, and Cam phone, in bbls. and Ulf Ws., manufactured and for sale by KowLEY, &1311BURNIR, & CO., aplo No. 16 SOUTH WH&S.V.W. TAR AND PITCH.— 60 bbl. Tar. 350 keys do. 900 We. Pita. to store and for sale b ROWLBY, ABLIBURNZR, & PO . 1149 No. 30 eqvlrg HARVSdr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers