s f kw, rk .....- -,, (74•:i ,,, ,',-,, , ,,: - ;•••,,,,,-- ~,,A.„ili.- ,- . . ,'- . 1,; - •"•;, -- -:_;, • - ; . _" .' i••:,..-' • . 4 - Ir -- 4 ,- , ,, . , _- , 5 , 7 , 5 :.-‘;.: - "'•',q:i. , • , • 4-,.,,_•-.. f l til• - '' - :tifi: - - -,-- :'F. , . - -.: - •= , -if ,--, :.&,!- - ,'.- -,, .-4 , -, .... a - ,--f - VA':"E-•-. - g:,• - ',/ ,, :' , ':'- , ,zi,=.!•-:_-.1 - 4,:;:...: - . , .,-; - ,fi, ..:4-- - , = 4- , 4, ,k , it5- 1-- 4 , 10 - 1'7 , - .l :9Att . ', AVkiSi 40;.. -;-l i l- 74 1 00(4 . 0i i ii i i*S 11 #9 1 .4 3 FfR t iffik•Or ;'..,4 3:4; j0 1 01 1 444.44.14 . 01***V i t 1 e-ii. 1 0.01 , 411 ! 111 . 91. , * :, e . !. ,M - '';:÷ l, :- . ** : - rP lo .9, l4 :Mr: 4l g#l l . l :S l eltl i j . . i 4* t.4 1 4.': ; 14 0* ,- - ..., *. 1 .#04 114 1 14 0 1 4P TO. lf i 449 ti4i. - •L- is -, _3g , 5: : ::*M.tv; 1 iii ( 1f.1i#4 4 3 9, 1&. 06 " I ' o4 ' troat,.itoloit,i,*-04 1 04m14 , !' 4 !fr :: , 44 c 4;_npital,inostropy i -ppitrr•- 8104 Mr_ P.l mina :.;• - •:•-.c: - % t.#*4-4!*40*,40,4**5p1!"-*XfOlit,d!‘.,;)*ln -, :. ~,,, .-,14-o*-4-,,,fik.iiiiti'9:upigt.o.l‘,ocOtt;ll?»...tWriAt°s ti_lo4,woltiVA'4 A*0096 410.4 fir' o -' ---• 'l',=-•,:.:fi04-144VAAK44:3144.'f't1-rolstre ;k ,- 4.wisoiroitigii,-10Atie!fiCilfrIl4"7-,-,, tiaiiiii t, .k, - ; , ,rir...iiFo k sriost,kfrivid«!e. : .. ,__:, '':--"=ii'i,-*iitlietiiiiiiiikii(#44****bmihouem•mui , .- .- P. tiiiirtiVaii)44 : o4 show' tt , ,t , ' 1 011 4 6 4 9 061 .t i l ir ' itiiikbilie46ilithi4Cilldit 4, `b ithd !iii**l 4- . •- : IntiNritfiWiiiiij4 - 41fiatiViltV:#1 1 00 . APAst , , Ai ':P4titOli fielkOid l ":*'7lo,tas,lir **less 1','? ,24 - he R.ol' - --_. , 11 * 0 .44 0 4 ijailiptiONOlOttitiiiill,fiidoi, ayt4ei • &ad iiisriOidiisiiiiig' i s Of' , loolAiiiiiiigen; niii, - bisijimiii:yi s tiirll4.tiirieit.,*44'7loA - iiiZ`liokii - . alsaiiiiiioiiiiiirreatiiikboWillgooW l M•ori. ,I--;'--::r,69*,!0ii1-rithiloilltiAßlDlFtf :11111,100411% iit„,y,-.Ne11,-- *.u:o-Ari4,014 to ''.....',#.4w).)iii*1ft,101 . ,* ‘ kfitialiAlictliv*ls'Aish. 1 `!"ilk.e440:10 ".0 4 4'3. - . 4 4:oo.oiiiltlittiotleitsit' - -.?!olool lo i l 44:6o,Ai4AigtOr single St or Oiltithq;••Or .** 01 4 441: **: 1 0 111 F--** - kttik#4-," • " *404#••.-I,o944iftif':lllVii)F#944l"i'aia'• . - TO 04114 oikijwightbalio,thl mystery wilAew. our-.; talt?2ar4 shape., .'.- ..• -., '.- ' F.t itpot9t • gOotttiig of t , , 4asqliAkos-bo4upa,viopltiik_o4:lAiier tp.t her -'.",tpriqlol4lAa,;lg44imill...,4 'wow!ita!rii wooiik!litai.o4l4-6:k. t:iioltlple!ittl4 Vario , r . l l 3. ,the- latiea*rtioatelktis(.4lo4'o . 4i*ls t ],ssitill ..I , 4iiiiisik,' , titisi 0'4 1 #3 44 040 6 ! . .. C.0:4*;*11! l ie. freed - -'" ' 10 itrP4Okliti.: PritigtiFilitAleiliksiti,lttr• • Thor• 41'f:. 100 1 1,irititlibiiiitm f oitWripiiIiiit*Af t i:44 it_ ,- ;:tili4tiii,kiikiita, -, :":iligiOrelOatirteilia. ----- _ b _+*_.t ) r.*N.Z ' kifOk -: , 4 iu ; siAii mik : ' it t i fiVl.Kasihdhiii* l ol. o o W.i . aid.rieli ' or'skkliil siOrpspoilii44ll6.l***liimA4*4lloo*74.. • wa , iiii4iiilketiMiliiiii,7ACtitioiseii#OWliiii*: - • ' and ***WOW irli ' E4isidr4l44ii'A.44l2"ltt 'l4 2 Wlli - liiklii+W tlikeibi • 'Oe '- goo" , t.p., 11 4 , ~ li i ,i. L -,4ps , .., • ttbule • - - ' ." 4 144; *OE4* 0.p1ing4,1041)6 4 iii `sto,i,, 10,111,0,r 1 4 1 9 4.01 * ( 044 . Alli!iiiiifpsi*,* - 0. )1 : 4 4 •iii ,- btolitOt;lo4 -1 1141)0,:it,R,o'vtit r 40 0 # to, 'trove '•-•-• ' - ' `4ollsiii,elifiklitliktiiii: ." 1)14„,k0•04,. itapoiti..44i: and ' --.- 11 "* ...- - 4"00,,.., iii.liiiiiiiif, iiate* 4:sold yf tkit - yirl • : ._,,.--• . at, vorglirierif, MA iaig - iiiiillora4it*iolndoyi s * iiii?, '-'-': •- 7 ''' - 'tdPOikitliPiollatinOttki',7 o • " '-':' , - 7' •'-'• " - ' ... -''''''.'-'-',". , 7 *C-' ol ' .A ,•7' ,4f,e4 .0004444haeit aid *tom* i ' 1 1 '; • :'"•'' ri i keil#Attl(44V,4 o loi , P4 l,l 4 ll;o "o""lx" - - ' ' ''- viiii•Egiii - tasioiNgtiii - 1 4 ;' 1 0*. - Ak7 : .;,kr: ektiiiiiii,' • ;_.. ' iii 'liar; iit4piplAtis.le4.fetiforowiegtiii Mr. 2. - voariaturec-thr *siliqicin* to9k'At ,hts ova !faitittit!tdlilt, Aii.. idii_ - !t,vial, - Jtolb• • beet iititt'Ejn - • • Estojett; iiiiii - ipatti*li Imp Ididiita thii • Ilitita:ltitaik • . out or.P.lttiageloo4iiiiiiit'lliVoiiiiitik:4o - ipiloa = -_- , !at •• ' :': - 7'• •• -.-e. - ..: , 1i(.--* ',-(i iiii-.Ar'--****:.*.. i 4 - ii,.lyl 1 4 14 , rat 'ill i t*a/4410kii 0 A i Y 4tiO i -- " 44 li*ia3l4eter•‘kttt ''.d I‘ol. ,o,* ftipf.r-At-s:'l7.lk ~.:,, 31.'Pittaadnotiiiilkt *irk pt st.tftktia to. • ` the odthikibiewhid4rof#444 4 ;l4bl° i t " eit g" I P' , • 0f1VC 444 ' 1 ,010 1 *,, _kiiitottaltr and ai: , i'ailloa‘ al Is IS' -- ,I lare„ - ,,T)li hole* !Us, bite iistirtitte-,llotaxits, and he • ,i• . hue skAttirpi.ooAttibtilittOtortd - open thettitnilpitlufh.; -' ' - mai V i '9t oictiiiif- *Oft '4elisi;' l ikAimi an Alipi*i' • ' •1 kr•tigl-Aagl44 designs ,:- they WO - iOCIT, — :4OLjaia;iElOU•Oi , tho totes of all ' '•-• - "Sorsbillitat4,ooo,*4«i kri "41 .0"PY::0" : •- '-- -. •- :=' - 11,144iii,'-tiiiiCtiiiiitaliiir . ..eft kiiii'yji . riit!:tifid; 'ilia em.. 1 -lialAW;witett*.' - e ja. l oliklifitt 411 4 '4 0."' - - - liipiiiiii . ,o4iiisl4ikijM : iiith frosted iiid*•l7stwooii- ' ': • : ;': i64 - 4 0"'' , 4iii i i*AlWiy! . +* -4,, joif:Oiiiity -6 0 . _tifilt****ltiki - loc:Oadii•;,4l.4l:4s•iibisiitlettj iildttle ' - ' - ai 7 4 •li i l9.loiil'itti 4 4 l 4i4b. - ,0 64 4. i •iM i' .rA* h* " 00 1 1 ":• 4 ;*, 4 1.410.*1CV*0 ,14 **5t12 1 ").:i: . •satekti - hid , -,,,, -'.il ; --- • : - 664401,40i 4 4#0.505iiiiiy0t thirirain, •:sisotiolig.kz*eift i 04 ivskitsigi itit'OYC, 44ol 6- 4 4,', -•- sik*Wike r gi . , - ‘6 4I A i1" ,14-36 eitig ' ith** - ft , ,':i 4 .itti*-. • gallery_ of soil** titt:thittros. :,..lkiiis Aro *Mad a Wes for *art!ltim. for• itairai,,, for ootitypt„ for patt,ors; - fat Ilbistiii; for biaditgeoc. iceikiusb4rii-pi. short , lot. 'alines t misty deilielpipiii., - 01*11*4104 jiliritfili., _• - • atl'plai it - 1:044 Wittl4,6topoit4449 Alai Gothic - • - .l,4liiit - gitt;ititilk iksuirOtiliat at lislt•into4 abbOli aid' •-. 'dias,kr,etrAs4r!,) 14 44 46 : YOklik`e#Fi Ai 1 4 im!tii"; : • •,, , ' sitilaktit l iliwtaiid* .1 *44, ti:•4itataz,, - lptiOr.'or.• .----.. stay tOßilltaji.itall;thif4o4isirigfht.caPPot . , . with mow, it,k,tv/iiiii Ais.'oottegiti itie r :isitilimagoly - fi:' ~v01,944.i1i..‘444;iim0ves 4. 1 01 , 1- 1 14 4!" - ttlf" ' " 6 "4o , 4titit.*l - .Ailiti - OtiO r it :9.ii'li4 - 4 ,'0 4",' *4 Oith'ittiOidOigi - kt 0 04" 1111 g""A410 1 .4"9." ' • '. iiitlittirlit liiitdtili' tiait*Rt.??liiiiith.l4; 4 0 ,44, , - :_iii ' ai l iki4 . 4 !iiiSktiOlkrt*teiii‘sjif:t4l4huVi* , lbs - 4614410 - 14 ittWoitto,94-1-iiiiiiitiitii••-•11-tit*Ott - ' tipi*iikoitokifiropiiitalitti.lk,yiittiii'i , iiiieriii , .. . - ,-• , - . ln okiti g irou-iki6itilias Of ori:*.ltoritiiii(riliiiiii, ; ,aoAjw.sma r cioicroirt. , : V. 441***t.fij;:boat,ttifuk • i.iiosiWitiAr*iiia#l;)iid.;o46•"d lit*, p0i4.11: 1 `• .:4,4“,‘ghetto4iiiiktit*.#4iii*tt #4'.: iirii.g-ii-de.teei ,: , *4-strifilii_ ' " iiitifilOif WifiAitt.ti) iiiioll,llk . '--. - ; - :": - •..1 1 =4 : 4,1- ~ .'• ' ft , ' • •7.. - '...- '• : - AitkiMik-vtal. .4 - $ 1 4 1 "1 4 "' '. - (ii I ' '' ' -1 ' -. ' - *Oat ail i 44 /4 1 ** 11) , -;:--,--: : --4 ** l-. 014) , ,..4,4 4 itt ., . ~,-,,,, ..i.,,,,,...: - ~ ~1,,*,..:,‘, --.---:.144.4%„.,,0t t ip t ,,,,t4.0 ~,,,- 7 -, - -..,„ ~.•*41 1. ..", .. .-' ,-..,t . Y**.4 1 4, ti,tt, :,--.- - -,';f.,....2 ,_ • .„: ._,,*:*,,, g ,.. ‘:L, 1 00._,,_•!, .--.,. - . ...7„ . ~.._;,t, iit l adorrir_ ?. , 47 vme - iii Y';'-:...4 4, ,• - ti - - - ', ~ , „; • . . , Ugh i: : O.4 I O" I ?W I FW 4'-1 0 4 W a *$qr ,14,,, '0 1 Af:;:,.;;lril i fiji i PriSOß"tt.***** - .44•Aiii3l3t - iitifti, •'-_-;••'' ---:. - 04 Mt0 iCi r.V 11444 *.,• 04, *4/,00 - 0;f 7 1 • t. 4 — , 4 1 ,h• - .• •, • h 4 tailf* iiif***: "ti. 146 '' ' 4: 4 ta t s'al'Uni drinlii •.,-• _ WY.. ItitTAVTilko,',ll46,lisalkiitoteitutai in'ttet, • - liat'a" of -.l 44. o4 f;•"4"l:o4iiiia'*.a. 4 6 .' 0 1 iii r. - - ,- jai Crib 'O,-.14i1i :61441,101,KiWs4•;ftaitiki-.P4iiii,7l(i - - 1 "7 47 .*_.... 04 ii4ft - i ' .44 , 150.44,04 . i.::iiiitaup animal:, it. eine „Irkset!nci.' 116.-P4t•ii'; - **Uc.,,ittribeig to Abe: - ': 16 44 ,1 4• 1 1 - ki lezoo"o4F.)l9o34ll6'lfte'skl""l. tipifOr iiiii - 'silifoal -- iiiiiiit - i - is 7 -iiiii , iliViOsikiaiiiiiitil Ii • . - P ) P 1111 0 011 4 ,1114-1 • 8 0iliu# 44:4 90 4 0%," 1 : ',7 10 .44)?. - 41447-42144'etptei rev. '.olv Fc4 . - . 4 :=4: , ,t , t . ,... : „. , 417 1 5-P i t e li *NW 4 -M•tiqtt- .tE44 l 4lo l iiiitirtie#l - - lini,io( :-:,, : - ,eit*p:; i' , lko - .•;:aM , ,%0; i -- f i !, 7147 0 114441 410 1 :' • , • 4‘ilioiltsipi.qi..p. , .: 4- , 4, !64. 1 11t - jt - •: bie - islikittlit . !, 411141 - -Bilieitiife jts - i'1iZ,1•%,%., 4= •Tjui„!tiliiit,lit, .1. -- riot& mum Work 410,i ‘,..l;:ff;-srl# , - ghsatunt - i& 11 . 6 ,4*.biti'Atiqiiii; : ;;-•-•• -•••••''', , ,,.:'-,7li':tliiatilit'itP - : 1 -•-- Pliii : "PTC. ll o o4l , ' ': i iriV.L'4i4 , oo:iiiii,le Lao liii - itif , ,a*ers i - , . - - , -•-i• ~ ,- , :•-•- • ,-7:•..ty;., x iktsihmit i iie : ' - 11 ",. -114 ) 4- 9.4.0 6: 4 , 4 . 7a `:. ' ~ ,Z :tl_lAittl4llii jditt,',"! - , - ?fp ! NW: kireshopswpform4, , ... - ;p4f,..414-rpi,st, fr kit*'. 1 4 e • 111 0 - 4 1 044 41 00 ,0 ilrilikiP'..:' - ' , V7TE' .k- -- t_ • .#_*,kAt s ii,AX4o*.t ' - :, - fiiiiiiiii r iiiiisr-**Mitiaiiioii:;:47iii 4 Yes' - - 66•01rimitoiedivirtiptitirporpoithispiiiirin: - - "="# . !40 , ,5 - Rt.... 44-t-Thirk:rill b e . firei ~644Ajitailii*1041-Riki its ilti,' int , • th... 7 loti*U is, i.WifiltlP'oilaileVjd,t toast :pea': ,tasio m iiygitti - riaiii-Oi-"oiroig,4o., ,4!. - *kr!' log - ,--- ; ::14.1`;004,ureiikiWiiiiiiif ,iiiitiiiiitig- 1 1044kbettii. tigoiliiiiiiiii - Vigt:**Fie.).fiiiiii.;#ll AtiOt. of . - - -'''-',lLo l3 .o•iiTfiligoir , soittiAwocor.iii,i,wsii o4it*iiiiiiOuiOb*lfi, -: '7---f611444', .1 ,44' ,T e.* •* - t• - ! 0 : 4 ... : 2it ' 1 ,- ;;•v v b o e - 1:44iiffi..:%14,44 , 7ii. - odiwiii, , .. tbinie,' " " iiiitailifiiii"laiif*ifie: i rAo.ilkii 11 4-9*•.*.big ,_o r tisOrift.,4o - fioxiltit.4l4l . loo.4lA+;. =:' , 004 r ..pe - ;,..aktithrilit,oo , o*.ii - p. , / , , , _=-i.iiirmwiliiiiff , - ic.....s**OlcatV:oo',lll4;' , -4:-.. , ,Z'.- .. *1 AiNti.- 4 * 0 04.0 04 ./00 1 t 4 .071 0 !*EV0 - e'likes:ii! ;,:,,'ow* '4lloo4 l l,4lltips' - 4•1 - tli4c*Aolitio4 Lti-1,0„..... 4 ,- ~.. -- 4 , _ .14— - ~- --- '---i - - : , - ; iiiirm-xmo . _, -.1 9 . , pt.-Omod,s,lo eo,:li -- •,• -'.':'f'-.• - •*..i . tt.iO4)igS4": l 4:o 6 iii -,, q. --' ': :•_ -,,, P 1- _:" . .iIF44 4I AVi - f". 01 11"Wi - -"Leiti - '74"414' '- 'ihyliotii‘ti bei, th ifielotigokiil4*. lEEl46l6o,iii; ..,,--' Y''''t.ioiiliettfrol44***l44;l 46:44: ~,,..,,,.4,,,,f;;;,,, '-'-'- 7'XllfVlW_tt*#*Fi* 6 , l ',ttf:4ii4Y'*itig , --,... - --•- --- ifkiiiboitio.:**oo4o,tiktl,k .-',:f". -- 1•;`, "Pt ' . , ,-atooscflott#:10110- ', ' "_':-:::•Y e ir ***. i i ii ii i ° A Of i f ie : 4l, 4** ", 2 ' ' ' ' . 4l l2rOirff*V...L iw- tq l.: 6 0.tti1 t ..-03Nthr#:#4 01 f: -- ds.si 001 0 - i - i O O F:Y to*iiV z i o i o th ,. l i f t l o as t t i # ioiii4C at Lik . . 'at 'oak", -- - . f - ' !re* t • -_" 1 "r- ' •*ooloo4lft4biii"?'4lt#4lil#fiiciiii -;,; ', xtO , erktitaittot , g--,4,Tr.-_,, - - • TS* loultss P9,4414110.vt*, got .., lute hi - pier/4er Ul*lfaniti: Form.. pew 1 0 ),„ "• , 114 eakeite; giving his „forelou of* re- -p• • arttdfille*y..7 with Settro , BcOys; , .....liktP3'ooo , l4lAlifef:lllllMitOd t - - :"with • -goru:uciougti,ety.eig - o,e_ Iseilei,-*ho; in !r:15), rorseftwekropeftelorim wrier /Aimee of , their 2 1014thatittlgoted"4**44e11.'ilt ati?idOi injekid 'Aid 'ostr il lect-„pktlegeritieff we ' net' • '.,• - :rinly - ,refiteed ; betSilre.. erirtjrn repeated; atad t ,,it •::, ,effrafrif.'"filiritie,r; Pei- • Weßnit 1 41 04V.4, AtA1ia4k# 1 ,44144 1, ,, • `rhae; - nritakiteri*Oekeßj;:',ol4hi:relr seit-Aiesver, *alittf,*ilr*:**dfivls,` , ./4.:Arfi' , undeveneleirrt: • • .tittilV` l l l lo44 4 ,9o. l c- r:did,r,ital, .40 odiemottib icpeppyiv4the'tdaro4l,4oL'atelign:ll4 a rwa teirkktiQ , **", Ourge ' ''•i"41140,110#110/fi Top liidt*'l9o o t; i Yl, 11.4 t '444 1 ;, 1 4 - 11p,07 ,viwercipe ffigileocto. - Itifik42l/01ttf - 410xitYjktkiilkt I oo,thit the, term •.,yf~u a o ert . they applied " t me,' traotr.fiew , tlll46 myrbareiter,ufedtiningglotinneretreit`befure' to , •,::= -- -gdelisifeßife.,,,i64 - Asir rzoire..—The Irkeebeniiiinetioreeverilliirt tiVAllibtediffeYo.; '4el*Ol'Adr!P.lsT 4 44 l4 t 414 0 i Ahr:pedolliearpiloikts,,f.ed, Oti t d r i! tidbit In etbere•lCble ierfferet- our - dmapierifirelyl •-ilitklibijoyp' AltelaWfrettles, net • Ithr - #o44' 10141kIRIV?p': Vuociry oil ,44 :6 74Oftiitiel4,431,44ia ' learn tP#ll l :thlKeimitgigiltypilD4l.);: : :/irouitiktiAltitit • eirlefiti irirt etsObrei one of bet equetn weer gnit. • WO, m sting hieree on theh9l,,neer, --.thefgew#Oroif'Oepdiehirg*Cireifkiiii thligtint* !aft lustre • aiditit'artle.4ml ; of - ,-ther wit 'of .~ : ~:~artite~ntelligence. ;A:17,11111111,10WITLI . _ n i" Wink "3584 A ril 13 ._ 49 1 .Ds dinnt tio ,Banibnoro hu eir*dt), ktirOnk74llgp , No the , • , soaroti v April thxig tem BClielenn, with a put oft ss:Optgo - pf Usti oltOp Ipanit. Johnson. . • • NiwYortc, liktirlt 18: ' , 4:61,4141itis 8t41410f iteilhinetete, Don •QUIXOtte * - 01t1 9631U:414 091,1"eit - ste* from gnu,. irronOsco, and yiliintisktOdn.ll*!aidOn - Thainea , AATAAN A ii, April 18, 04/4 poton, , I WIMCIRAND64 ReMinlieo;liatid, hence at New'Yorh iheanishiliiiiinki, lliorrnieseitioin New York ar liinnil at Havanna Ith moat. BidgiViora MeDonald, r (laidwell, from Liverpool via Phiiinas was below Baltirobre yesterdal '' - 8 14 Reeks Rover, Brlard, for iiidney, N 0 W, clear ad Rew`Pork yesterday. , _ "-Ship R L pine, Teal, yore Liverpool at New York -4014 1 P ioldonds, Nmerson, from London at Melbourne lap , q , Bark 'Ainigtiti. Rolling; eleiied at New York jester. eli for Montevideo. ' 4 risriniollittin, Mak QUimil, Mid"brig P Wariviok from Rio de .1' metro were below Baltimore yesterday . ,Brlg Therese, (Brem),for Philadelphia In &few d*Ye `Vasa Mayaguez R Itlat, init. - Brig Oman isle, - /onsittup, toe Philadelphia was at Majagues P R let inst. &bre 'Amanda, Calib, hlosee for •Gaidlner, Mara, ,Dtiiibar, and L W Dyer,•llptOn, do, for, Portland, or• rive d at Glousehter 1212 t inst.' earl 0 Berta; from ,iglimisigton; Del., wag at, Bt. Orldx 20th lett for New'Tork eriel; Oprape; , for.. Matinees 'Billed from .fterandldinet‘ Behr ft P Rio& Leeds hence et Richmond 12th Inst. &tot B•Weteem; Willounhtty, for Philnctelphis cleared at New Orleime Bth '' dehr Malabar. Welab, from Oalsie - for Pkllsdelphla put Into Newport Rath Jolt litth =Jib pplik end *seer domino; ti Mild repair sad proceed, - - - Mire Nolfeisie, ~Driepo; from New Bedford, BMith,froni EiunPore; IWA: Gould, Phil brook ifrom Pronlifort,,all for Philutelphtenelled from NewPortl* lost " - • ' Bobs Parahliright, it Bearer TAU, hat been Moved iOO yaks north on thel2th last, and sunk in 8 fathoms water, nothing more **tad be saved; 00 tons 'of cost of the 270 on bond , ,had bents serest; subject to , 50 par pent MaT a t e • ' LERIVALHAT THE TEMPE, HOTELS, PP TO OIL O'CLOCK 11111 ammo. • _ •• - GIRARD 00131111-40hestint Street, below Ninth. 'lt A SIAM' Ohaddier • alihri Eckert, Reeding Mart Itallerh Reading Mist H H ,Itokert, Reading 'llsierttlEtitit, Reading,. Thal, Mario & Ism, LY 8 ODOM:St - • E S Bogen, Pa '0 W Cooke,' &wf, - Balt"' A. Smith, Bait • ••••- • X S'Pratt & la, Lynn' ' "rfrodleirig &la, 4 l;yin Name, Lynn stli Coffin, Lynn L Feenoh, Lynn • • I Millis; Bogdan' • ES • A Allen, N d 'carton i Wadi, D O'S Broadbent, Balt 11) • A'Neel & li, Mesa • Mre McOldre, sites alcOintat, Carlisle , Hies Lanier. N Y , • NO Ladder, N Y • ' T Bishop & la, - N Y L Stevens, Attends - 'Jan Bradley. Buffalo Jai White: Y 0 W 'Gould & la, N Y " ,DLongeoeckor, Bela, N Y P Tarborough;N 0 R J Shaw, NO IS 'Parboil & wi, Boston Col' York, N Bay Theo C Strong, N Y Wm Petrie, N Y - ;IS Edson, N , •—= TOW 11kxe , N Y B Bradford & la, Win A Chapin & la, Boston John 'l:Green, NY - 'J W , Rand:tali, To, X Bartlett, NT • • • RW Lyle; N Y Goodridgs, Boston D Taylor, Buffalo , a. W Biehop,4loffild ' ' - ‘O-tro's Parker.' Boston - DA BrnytOnilall•ltiver T B kiemminger, 80 • 4.ll"Xastesan, Salt . It Mica's, Ta ' • 0 la BilelOrt2 , Ti D Danbury, Memptill 0 o. young, Ls - John R Storer, Ts lit Hunter A la, Ragland B R Roberts & la, Conn ;allsa Roberur..Conn R A Payne & la; Ta / N Y , • 78 Seale, Rd S 0 Dayton, N Y • John Talbott, ltd VA Lavabo "A' playnard, Boston 'CLEOyse,,N Y , •1- John o ,, Wilte, N - Anthony Bows, Balt --4,1 t Greener, Richmond T - I Tmbott, Richmond" , BN. Bradley, WY • ' • • 'SB Spring & daa,Portland A J Ward, Ark' ; 1.11 Brant, Nashville T Broken, - - Geo L B. 1 W R Akin, NY H P 'Farrington, NY Thom ConnellN.Y - ~• J Plaistow, Va • - Geo Odorous, Balt , - )114 Z H Heves, N Y. W Cooper, N Y JONES , HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Stith. KB Bonder, Boston • H 0 Hirt, N Y 7 LlConfor ) ,Wbseltog,. Va Caleb Nowbold, N klo Whacheitir,-Waitilton .7 Baynes, Washington' LO larrin, - Wasitingtan • D Morton, Ta it B 11014 Wishington• • Toni), N .7' GM K Belot,-Batt • ' 4 L Roberts & la, N Y Clam - ' tiliealsealontr - • 4-EL 'Stehle; •= John T Guthrie; Ve Boloninaril "'" ;oho' Better, N Y • _Baltimore - , Chas T Carney, Boston ' 0 as Tattlitlir7l" • )3ilt3Bowiitiehbi'di Va dies' Alt IlsißOW;ltishiliht- 4 '••• • • - • ' , 111111t0)1ANTS , HOTEO-Pohitli street , below Arch. 'J R Phinuey, Jr; Tonatila 11i Crawford, Pa • Xeltr A Idollieon, N Philo, 0 J 3 Petrel, *tactile, Jae/ YOrrel,lin ' • _ Jos 3' Petrel, titans, 0 Jemeivi).Maxwell,,Vol„.2 Z M P King, Washington Hsree,'Xieron, , 'RS Gars; Lazoolter 1.1,11.4er, Lancester-:' WRonee;,Ohomberibt Aterheobough, Otromt.'ig XX Walker, Boeton ,LiT Moore ; tauppen, Pa eI,W billohael, Xenia, 0 - Henry /11,1xdotH, Md ' Choi W Dike, Boum Vivistlan.Lelb, Pa ' T Ponytli, Northumid HAndoyacus,, - Obie ' ' • ": 0 L Hidden ; Pa Worierildger*, la, Ohio ,Taa 0 wiasop> Milton, Pa rl' ,llllHlrsiVeljteUter W. Teri 'Eyck & la, Onele Carile 11Pilmar; Council 11, Is N T Green; esov, R ORver,Willleoliallillifer , flifaluo Mesne; Pa , Xo7lll34iiktat:i fir - ,101111,AD:tio4W1, • 011qtalildiagib;Aviliz?Mplli:Ohlue Sarah , °hooter act Tbinl Willietiborre "XX N Y iliaismir; Pa ' ; 'John ki%yamre Tenn ii e . ~ JRXXillai•Ole*Sele."'; -" 4 4 # 4 0.1 . :PilizaroYtI,S; ' • ' W Meg, 7•4 •DA.010..a4; - - -478XI0A21410Tii&LOIlestelat•4i4-4bnio • Fifth: •', • Salami* Porliewille• W 3 Hotchkiss", Coon • , ,Jlll Haut, Radon ' ' _Dayton, 0 • Botesock,•Evaissm'ltat I.'"Pititirmitter, ()menet,' g 7 3 Paulknorl 5 o_ t Lona Bollard, Monroe, VIZ Oa, eemsenter,Xll Jobe Bing. N Y - MillarideiNeirsal;XJ - :Ale* hiendeoball, N Y ' Gee Hartietillcirr- F M OtOokshoike, Easton lit X 80rxlel{ake,$atod T:B Benton, NY, , „ ' llLtinetisil, Indiana . - • .744.111400;11 - * D Kyie, Tana II Oleg, Boston - ,;•A Oostelyon &' la;N Henry, Baltithime 'D CrOimer, Del • • tXplaity & Is, N J: • '- • - N J Cooper,& Ilanbeay,' 0 laueortt MY Sfoe'li3Onak. . ' Thee Idgerion, N Y B l imlW-Boodelr, ICY " ' Illerrios,N Y , Orwilas,TroT, RI , , "Ohne Oorlies,•Plov, B I OftlWattapVet • 1/ A' Darin, Ye , - Kr Nowlan, ":T Meade. Va " J X XXiittlEhereville (Haiti; N Y ' • Vicadell DoddiNevrierkloi' Merrolield; Baltimore I:pflardindi,,)l.lv - John limytie s Radon G W-Ilsher,Na ' - - , • UNION HOTEL—Areh street, above Third. -DL Boeisilitacogig - :8 0 Bags, CV. Atigtimine ; B Balm Pa ,1111aldWall, W Sullivan, Mil: 0 Iluelkignokyoutgr , awl" re ler, But'er J. "IldAloy, Witter = • ' A McCormick"' Altoona -efts+ et I Rapp*, Bedford' htteouley, Doytestown ' "litrocter, Rienuoild, Ind -Miss AL ilkuber; Lewisburg J N Neel, Richmond, Ind W B Skater, Columbus; 0 Jiui Diddell,' N'Y W McConnell, layneabg Q Watint - XrsDnlitiNJ;--3' Uniforli, Salem, N ANT Oberdorff, - Ymk, pa'•• A I' Thorosilm York, Pa 4-11sysa.. -- Siartort. • • Johreo Budd, N Y Mrs D X Bateman, NJ W P 'Phoropeort & la; Pa 2 1/:WYtorrthill:-Illinion, 0 WII PiolflXl4lli Ohio ' 0-Kedion; Westfield; lod'llovid Garin Baotou Ifenryllsyden, Pa • • liD Reefer, Illeisbatileabneg "I -B Coot, Payettiville; Pa 'W 8 Hollitiberger & 10, Pa p,:gehoz, • B glaboumßurid. Bold, 0 W.Brown,Oltio - • Tidd, Ohio - /IGlllartis, • "••J Robinson,' Ohio Willoblason;Ohio 2'l 8 Illitaioniet,l,hio '" Allrolayßeisidont, 0 'Jeanie Olork, Boston . • f•XRAIIKLIN NOIIBXL-chastnut street, *boy* Third. Jltneknor,' •• Aug Aug el Willa, N I 711,114elimmiLsocaider ; •"' 111 Harriolm,'N lobs *Moore, NJ -• -.Tas P Bowman. Ohio 11.8 Rohm, Ilt4oport, 11l P A Sietoolf, Maine • 4.1.1 en Dabeity,•Po Wm ler Sones. Newark, BE Vanderhoef, X Y It Podmoo, I - ' 0.4 t hemp: Mw- E Boyd, Wheeling, Va 1 07',Jeoubleer, Newark, N liotterileid, Bld • - Robt I Bleak. X F - 0 P Idwrerde,N J 41.1tynoi.-Washiagton. D O 'Belot, Dustin, Mich 841,1/11 N B Berry, Belt, lad dim Trench., NY . • . • _rNITIONAL HOTEL—Rome et:: aboie Third. . ildWilter, P4l, Thos" Lloyd, Money Motley & aoti, Pa' D Prank, Brookline - , Naillideltori,Pa • ' 0 Prani. Brookville - 0 /ins Avery; Bradford J J Ruston,' Lehrman . 'Besj_ll6eiter„-lettanon to, Berl Blur., Pa 'Gee Wiedelr, Pi ' Gs, Draitelbl Ringg'old • tAserford,Conleiellipl,Po'Xisjoli Ohlidoeter, Pa ' Freemen Wise, Pa - J 8 Ring, New Castle, Pa P Dilleoger, , Alentown, J Rekert, Potteville ~B 8 8 Barnum, Clinton co, , - John U Bowman, Pa Mypra, , „ 8 D Rinsed, Ostawiess - Jinob Dyer, Ootaglies Jacob Holuer,"Ootowlesa. leicoblitroue, Ostawitaa •,' Haney, Pa • Al Munro, Oil atm - oo -W Sliver, Wilke , barre lee,lfolitoadrit tad, Pa "„Miss Reinhold, Pa 4TATNIORIOXIXOt XL—Market at „above 444:Chestnut Hill ” I Kennedy, Peach Bottom - WWth all i%, • • ••• •• • A Hallam lit Vernon. 0 11.13airei. tlistaiin, J Belabor, Pit Vernon, 0 0.111,4, Holten, Kg J P Smith, Philo • 'WritB Young, Phila • - ',D Barnes 'Pa '• 'ELlloaleh, - Dr W m Be)oulter, Pa rVieltaatwoOd, N I ' R.Maillureol, Oleleitielld • 1)1 Ram, Olemil•ltt Wmill Jackson, gottsburg IXPEtegdandiong - --.'e; - • - X Gibserr; Armstrong oo ' Jilicayealkka --P.O Darns's", Kittanning ito Oboe, Jr, 'Ohio - ' Edward fitonley, N' ' V - Peorson,,N Y I'o allialy,'Xilibierg; Pa ", H P Boone, Philo' LIrlsottoole• Riming. .11 I) Pondoesmitis. Pa - slll'llifillela;York do 3,17 north, Chester co B:liieriter, Pa - • I &Bones; Centre, Po II Wm X Phillips, Alelindia M Xeistusn, Marlette, PC • igiriOts, PA P B Weaver, Pa Plitteroon., PA- •, - - Chandler, Pa • - - AH plJeyd; 00113,04 a, I Morrison, Leicester Kj" 'John MoVey.P 'RR r „RH Dewhiy. Ohurchtown W Burns, York co '`UiliGoodyeir, Ohatolitown Xmotinger,„ Caellele Hiiiitch, street, *bout Roe'. Jallimith, West' Chester , S 0 ()rimy, Cloopersvale' Jalood, Cloopersvale'. Wm B W tattoo'', Phila - 2T 0 Traville, West Chester, VW Kleinbatut. Belvidere_ 'dotal Woad, /lel' vale', 'L Royer do da, Bahl Raven Miap ItuUtor.l34lllllrell ",,Vhoe 13 Lawler, Bahl Haven 1 1141111.011ANTM.B01)811, ,Third it: oiove OaUoabtll ilbomoliln 'll R Willisims,DorlitonWlMl LaubrAgs & rani, Hellion LOompbell,Northumhid co 'lWella 'lssamieter eloltholder, !-Dermal Meyer, Pa • ' -Wm G : Montgomery 11l 11 Zimmerman . - Lebanon P A Oistk, Shamokin PA 91041190t0n •.• ,0 Allentown • WWI Yining, Allent o wn - I llmstaad, Pottstown - CiOuldreit; Sell dogcart, Mice Hall, Selinsgrove Mice Ritter, Selinsgrove . Ades Igeni Elelinogrove "X.Bleillieter L Lonottoter, co IT - leieholos, Nazareth • r . - • .A T Blast , Turlintvillo,Pa MiLaicluebtaville. Pi . John o..elotz, Centre co .V 0•9 1 : 1 , 0 ,h, XYlivelown , ST,TX4NOMIIOTB4-4leennd street, above Ara. 0/160,;890111- 00 u , A 1.4. igaktne Port Deposit Giiitai; Hsi:4o6ls 13 7 Long. Basks oo ` MMaor.:WtholAttt'A , ,Milist,litst h Moor Witetail kits, 7initilsittott ~ Miss A llows, iennlngton , A l 4. l o•Sei gitila , , ~. 0 N fassfrii aselmlor ,t,o4TolopiAL , s . , -, Geo oOrtolt, Belt - ' • , ff Ifinfort .Belt -, „ .--..fQ a Moor, Books 02 1 LIOILI I 4SiOng' .-.,',-` • ' r..ifas Hoft,Tremont 'garret; W05.117P1e 1 ~,, l i Molts, 4Fonestolna ilielii4wwestsww 3 N Johnston, Germsnt , n lejlOslt. „_.,,,"...'" ~--„-,...,,, -,. . L B tones, Del IMl.li Del . , rillli R at ts, Lehigh Jettletin, lolitlglo - . Wm nensioger. MO. , 0 Y Diandirrottiorle , 11l ,1 Bradford, Monmout h /known. 04"qstowio . , /•Lewis & le,, Luton i - iOE'D.I4D, INN-41itli sad Meraltant streets I it stlifti; Len`eost..r !Po . Aaron Xing, Chester no 50i1i10,Pkr..,,,, . Jitie *seiner, potistown iiirtdr, Amstar co -A Morgan. N Y Crum , 1011011011... Llf MoOallough. Nook Bps min', 0 4sfeer'sn,'. „.. ,' Levi Wadley Lino eo 81 4 10 0 1 /46 altestnr, so, „ X T 1141 ION. oboes, oo • iMwittiff,„ohispis ott.: , ' Atielflitsrat Bail' ' lenolais, Innate* onl ' i.l.)) Be.r.,.oentrevllle 1 1, tilt, irftsiittnottter ,„; /st-l+ 1 4 6 0 ,2 i alockkeT r stut, fiteitita ~ z luflisMin {natant , „:1, ... at OS' Miff • - Witi Everhart W Mesta s l /01.71074,41.M1MbM q ,MMibilithe ,s,si 41 - s g ll sl , l i,i;P:f. BLACK MAIL HOTDlc—Thirl. st. above Calllowhill. A Buckman, SeastervnePaß Tomlinson: Byberry , A Tomilown; BO:terry ' -- Wm Moll, Allentown Ned Itltiattrer, Beektelevllle Oboe Mutrta,Peritervilla.. 0 Buckman, PeastetYlße Jos BOWMIU, Lebanon • D Davie,•Philadalphla B Gangewer, 'floury (trivet, Eterford A Mendelson, Pottsville . Thoe Billet, bumneytown• NOTBL—fiseond it, below 'Vine. 70 Walden, dew Hope = W H Brink, Milford'- , ' iP,Morgan; Tannereville , W Batterthwatti Jr, Pa • M Nirley; Pa - Mrs Dodson, Meuoh Chunk D McNair, Bucks on W Davidson, Pa • ' J A Shearer. Duccannon , „ W Williams; Buckingham Heaton,"Newtown, Pa 31 H. Itverett k la, N J•• ' .1 Watson, Pa - . , - W UMW*, Pa . • I Poulson, Delaware L Runyan, Dellararo T Pinson, Barks to • • B Stover & la /blots to - N N Hunt' ktitforit, N •• W ducks no B Cole,Mayne co, Pa 8 lrly, , Doylestown J W Cowell, Doylestown - W M Kirk, Hooke to • W 0 Watford, Books co • Biground, Solana 011iey, , NewtOwn - • • • = ' • • • BALD , RAGRorROTBL—Thted et., , above OallowhIR.: P,Landis, Annville, Pa - Shaitrer;Montgomery JEforriogar ,Blontgordeiyo Mee Carver,- Buoke 00, Pa W stern, Oherryville R Rtnatz,;alatington, Pa It Bomberger, Lebanon co B Bomberger, Lebanon oo 0 Drooltiv,Lebanon on W 'Penh, Reeding '8 R e gan & eon, Laodaater Biome, Lancaster co 0 P Weak, Norristown, Pa ,J.Denson, Cedar/111e, 11l Benson, Lancaster Wack, fierthamton co L triton Pdpohit, Pi' A lase f libintit,' Pa W Breslin`, 'Lebanon, Pa ' , :opetiai'Watueg. Ileofinnd , s German Is over ten yeare- since this celebrated' remedy, was Intioduced.to 'the American public. During this time it has perform ed hundred'', sad the:Masada of the most aetoelohing cures, and. Its reputation and sale here how reached a point that far surpasess any remedy of the present or past ages.' It has acquired this great reputation, not by a system of puffing, but by the actual merit of the article itself. If you are afflicted' with any of the dis eases for which it is recommended, ouch as Djapepaia, Liver Clemplaint, Nervous Debility, or Disorder of the Digestive Organs, it will not fail to sustain' its reputa tion in your case, For site by the Proprietir, Dr 0. M. 34.01{50N & 00.. 418 IJlollBtreet, Phila. It bent Made to illeantt—fnetruments to as sto the hearing, In every variety sad of the most ap prOrxl construction, - it P.- MAAR - Opll-Bt* 116 South Tenth Went below Chestnut. Sowing - person's who hive beg* induced to buy Sewing Machines which will not perform the work that purchasers stepeotsid them to do, are informed that SINGER'S MACHINES never fall to do any kind of work., NO one is eier dinspiointed in Untie Machined. ' , X. M. SINGER & 00,, • jailNim 602 AILISTNUT Street. One -pries Clothing-464ex, 604 Market having Bemired the service of, nit SALVO, of Boston, eolekrated as • cotter, can now' 'Turnish goods to order, equal In style to any In the city, at first-alass clothing prices. Also, on hand a full assortment of Clothing ready•made, got up in insiom.work style, for retail sales,.with the lowest selling prices marked In plain figures on each article, and never varied. JONES & CO., apti•tau27 604 MARKET Street. Grover Jk Baker's Celebrated Family Heaving MACHINES. A NEW erm—tquoilsoo. ' This Machine sews from two spools, as purchased from the-tore,.s requiring no rewinding et thread; it Home; tells, Hither', and Stitches ha s. superior Style, finishing each semis by its own Operation, without re. nom to the hand-needle, as is required by other ma. Wan. It will do better and cheaper sewing • than a seamstress can, even if she works for one cant an hour. te2s4f fryI3END YOR A CIRCULAR...Ca Canida Stiaw Hats. A. fresh coaabeomeot jut reeetved,on4 for We b$ BALLAAD; 81I17TE, A Co. - No. 4 BROADWAY, New York. splf.6t Nei*On's .6111.1 ring Fain4—Northwest Corner 'or SECOND, and WALNUT Streets. Deposita resolved in small and large' amonntsi from all theses of the community, and allows interest it the rate of five par cent. pet annum. ' Money may be drawn by checks without loss of into. rest. Oillee'lMen daily, from 9 mat. <Palm*, and ou Mon day, and Saturday until 9 in the aiming. President, Franklin Yell; Treasnrer and Secretary, Oharlee Morris. ,Per Cent. Intereat.— NATIONAL &MINTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Snook 8: corner THIRD, Phindelphia.; Money resolved in any muni Large or sinall, and interest paid from lire day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money Le, Tenoned. and payments made daily; without niftino. The :inrestments are raids in Neal „Estate, Mortgeies, Ground - Bann, and 'loth made semi. ties as thSoharter requires. °Moe hone from Y o'clock in the Morning tintil b'o , olook to the afternoon, and on itioniuy'sria..Thnxeday,Oesniars until 8 &MINA.' fell A New Article. A ,New Arthile P7•eton .& 43(ieehte ter the Heti. • Phi on to. Son'e 0000100, for the Hair. Phalon & Codeine for the Katz. . =Beet and Ohespeat Artiele -rte Bent and clieepeat Artiele - /or Diesehne, Beantifjicg, oleatilnc, /or Dreasing,"Beentifylrr,.oleaninn t - Yor'Drresing, Beautifying, Gleaning, CorUng, Preserving, - Aliatoring the Mar. - Reatoripg the Hair. - . .Ileetoring the Hat'. inquire for Phalan to ilon'a eacelne. Inquire for Phaloaldr. Sonia Ootolne. „swats of Counterfeits. ' Beware of Counterfeits Urge Bottles, Fifty Cents. /31stel1 Cottle', Twenty•llve Cents, Smell Bottlee, Twentptive Cents. /or role ,by allJObberr, Dr nest!, andlsney Goodo In the every partof the United States, Wholesale and Beton Depot, • Noe. 517, 497, and 197 BROADWAY, New York, • T; B. PETERSON "fr; 808.,1 No. SOS CHESTNUT Street, Wholesale Agents. • • fel6-tf Wheeler ht. Wilson, Sewing Machines. - 05710 H, 828 CHESTNUT BT. nih26-1m • Stagers Sewing _ Mlaohines.—The new, Yawl. ly Sewing Machhies, at $6O sad $75, are attrsoting•nnl• venal attention. la all eatential good qualities they are =jell the beat Maohinea ever offered at a low price I. M. BINCtEIt & 602 CUEBTRUT Street Jules Honeys Run Atherdeune, or Hair Re, starer, le warranted to restore gray hair and whiskers to their pristine color and Dainty ; It preeents baldness by imparting a healthy tone to the scalp; where bald neee exists it speedily causes anew growth of beautlhil hair. It is nor a dye, and is perfectly harmless: Bold , by all Druggists, end by , - - JULEP lIAIIBL & 00, apll•6t No. 704 Oheattutt street, Philadelphia Marino. On the 10th instant, by Rev. Wm. T. Bunker, Mr, AQUILA - H °RAW, of this city, to Miss CLAW.. O. RAMBO, of Lipper Darby, Delaware county. , On the evening of the 7th blatant, by Bev ./. D Oar. tie, Mr. BAMIIEL CAMPBELL to Mies LIZZIE Boas, ail of this city On thelOth instant. by Rev. Benj. T. Bewail, HIGH. !AND B. WiIITLAtK, ot Ceollton. Md., to REBECCA. ANN PIECE, of Burlington county. N J, ineatbs. On the 12th inst., MARY, oldest daughter of the late Benjamin and Jane Oddland, in the 12th year of her age. The relatives and fig: of the family are Invited to attend the tuner Friday afternoon, at three o'clock, from there, eof her aunt, Mre. Et. Ep * ley, 808 d . Tenth Wein, without further notice. * ;On the 13th lost., of postmen a, after a short illness, BLAU.. Sto PADDNN, in the 04th year of her age. 'On the 11th instant, 111.1 Z &EIE HI, wife of Henry Btilee, to the felth year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are( respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her Ilti4band's residence No. 441 North Fifth street, above Willow street, this (Tharedey) morning , et o'clook, to proceed to Laurel Bill Cemetery. without farther notice. * On the 11th inftant, tell *sleep la Jeans. Alfe. MARY, wife of WILLIAM R. LIP.PIRCOrT, in the 826 yen' of her age. Het: relatives and the friends of the family are affec tionately invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her husband. No 997 North Ponrth street, above- Poplar, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o'clocki without further notice. oic the l l th Instant, IiIr:JOHN WILBON, aged 80 The relatireg and friends of the family are Teepeat• folly Invited to attend the funeral from hie late res.: dance, Igo. Mt Locust etreet, this (Thniedey) after noon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. --- tF .On ' Tuesday mo ning.l2th inetent, after &palatial and distressing LAVINIA 0., daughter of ;the late 'Moron Dale. The relatives and friends of the family are seeped fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her mother, .No. 820 Marshall street, on Friday afternoon, 16th instant, at 2 &dock, without farther notice. To proceed' to evergreen Cemetery, near Camden, N.J. ** ---- _ - ffe Philanthropic Lodge, ..111o: id, I. 0. , of 0, 78.—EICOUnt3ION TO NEW TORR.—nem hers intending to participate to the Pelebration in NOW Tort, on the 26th Instant, are remleeted to be present 'at the meeting of the Lodge, on TillifiDAY EVENING next, had hand their names to the 'Secretary. Members 'of sister Lodges art cordially Lathed to accompany ihio •Lodge on the stove ono pion. 'By order of the Committee. _, D. B GRIBBINGER Chaim)* . _ .N. B. Hat.ce, Secretary. . . apl4.thos,o • - -- ]Henry Ward Beecher at the OF'MllBlo.—ThlePrinceofLecturerswillLeeturere will do . : Aver (for the aret time in Philadalphial hie great Lecture, TSB Butumis OP SODIBTT,” at the above -place, - on TiiIIIIBDAY BV.ENING; 'April' 28, commencing at 8 obolook Tioksts for Stage and Or. ehestre, 76 cents; Secured Beate in Parquet and Circle 'sad Beicony, 60 cents; Pawkily Olrole and Astobithese tre, 21 cents. 'The tickets' ars now reedy,' and can be had at the following places: North side of the house, at Beck & Lawton?* Mole Store, corner Seventh and 'Chestnut streets ; centre of the - house, at the Book store of Parry & Mohlillan, corner Fourth and Chest streets ;, month Mee of the house, at fleasardls Drug More, corner Twelfth and Cheetnnt streets. Per 'eons desiring ohms mate met apply early._ The Pro eceninto Boxes can be had for p rivate ,compaulei, on ly appllottion at Parry & irrPest—Office, Philadelphia, April 11, 1818 -Under the recent changes of Schedule on the principal railroads , the groat mails will alma gad arrive at this Offlos at the following hours: MAILS OLOBE. .EASTERN—Nara ork; Boston, and through to British' - . Provinces, to A. At. and 9 P. M. NOW York - and Now lotto.) , Why, 8 A. M. and iS P. M. WEBTERN—Through to tit Louis and Ohloit; 10.80 Way gall to Altoona and through to Pltra; . ' burg, 6 A. If 90111ellElllt—Throngh to Now Orlosito,lo 80 A. 9P M. Way Mail, and through to Baltimore and Waabio4ton, D, ,MAILS ARRIVE.' " ' MAliTEßN—Through Mail*, 11.20 A.U.,10.15 P. 'M.' . Way Mille, 11504 al., 10.16 P.M. WPSTBIIIB =Through blai l e,"7'49"A; b 1 i'lo 46 A - Way Malta frouf Pittsburg, 6P.M ' Way - Mafia from HArrlebOrt.h6 ,1 90 P.M. 80T1IMBIC-1 hroogh Brealtr,lo 45' A 111, - ;9 48 1 , , mane from "yisohlrigt,On, , 4 200 P 11~. outlati. - VID/10#411..VrAITOOTri rtrottlitititBt.' IVE 4 PRESS:4-PM1 O ADIELPHM` THURSDAY. t 14. BrAt a bleating of, the Nontinissioners named In the Antinoorporitinz 'the tt PIMA DMILPHI6- OCEAN ,I3TBAMB EI IP COMPANY," held, 9th day of APril', a majority ef ,aaid Cordrassionent being present, It was resolved, that in accordance wltht the provision of said, sat therefor Made, pubile notice be given by advertieement In the Gazette, Pennsylva. Wan, Press, inquirer; l'esning Yeartutl, end Bui/stin, for the period of ten MO; and that, on the 26f ,s day of the month aforesaid; at 12 M. of cold day, lit eke - shall be opened and; 'kept open at the higROCIANTO,IIX (MAROC for the purpose of receiving zubsotiptiont to the Capital t3took of the raid Company., apll 10t usa Notice..--The , Stockholders of the Green and COATEB.STREET PHILADELPHIA PAS SENGER RAILWAY COMPANY are hereby ;notified to meet at ,the Dace of .said Oompany, No, go.w.A.L. NET Street. Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 18th 014 of April A. D., IRS, at 1 0 o'clock A. M.. for the "purl pose of taking into consideration the Act - of Assembly of Pennsylvania, ,apprpied Minh' 22.14860,4ntit1eil " An act to authorize the Germantown Passenger Rail way Company and the Green and Crates-streets detentes Passenger Railway iionipani jointly to ray a 'Angle track on Ponrth and , Eighth areas. Philedel• plila,” and. to accept or reject the same; &edit thank! sot ahould be lassoed, td take order's's - to the diarist , Mon of the Stook, and the putting of the. said new Roadin operation. J'A3t)3B 000iPEtt, Prim;ldent. Attest—Wet BEAD,,SetOrat+TY. , apB-1.18 VPeoplell ittftle Convention —The Citl. zone of Philadtipbia, and-of the several conn iot this Commonwealth, attached to the PEOPLE'S PARTY, and all voting-who are cippOsed to the nojnet, unwise, and extravagant measures of the National Ad ministration, ,are requested to eend DELEGA THB, equal In number to their several recresentatiops lune Gene.' rat Assembly, to a CONVENTION to be held lit HAR-' HISBURG, on Wedneeday, lone Bth, 1869, at 10 A. 11., to nominate Candidates for AUDITOR GENERAL' and' SURVEYOR GIMBAL, to be voted for at the general election in next October HENRY M. irmaza, Mdman , WILLIAM B. MANN, Secretary. apB-tf A Largo Lot of Roady-mtdit Clothing' of, all kinds, for Gentlemen, Ladies, and Children, for gale at the UNION BENEVOLENT STORE, Ti% corner of Seventh and Bonaom atreeta. off at coat, to mate 'own for new al:motive. arßaluthatil - - „ orDividend Notice.—Offlee of the Ardent. CAN nu ItiIiIIBANON COMPANY, PWLIDELTEIIA. April 4,7869. The Direotore bare TIIIB DAY declared a dividend of SIX FEB OBNT. for the lest elw inonths. which will be paid to the Btootholders, or their legal repre sentatives, on or after the 14th inst., Meer of State tax. aps-10ot THOS. 8.. MARIS. Secretary. orThe Stockholders of. the Germantown PAEISSNOAII. RAILWAY COMPANY are here.' by notified to' met At the Othee of the company. No: 228 DOOR Street, on MONDAY, May to. 1852 at 4 o'clock, R. ,6f., for the purpoSe of 'taking into eon. &Aeration, the .Supplement to their Charter, passed March 22,1869, and also in relation to cthe - dieMisition of , the btook and the putting of the Rood in dper►tion: WILLIAM AIILLWAIID, President: ccrNotice —.4n imrinatioe a an. Act of A. eembly, fumed March 29 h 1959, a Meeting of the STOOIII39LDERB of the DOOK COAL MOAN 2 .will be held at the Office of the Company:No. 221 Honth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, SATURDAY, April 16th, 1899, atll o'clock A, M., for the Election of Five DI-' radon • - J. O'BRIEN, ' 'pi-12a , • Secretary, inrDr. Wader's Chestnut- Springs, Water OVUM, at Chestnut Hill, .Phnedelphia county, PC. detail Mrn SILK AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. L. J. LEVY de CO. Have now open a choice assortment of NEW SPRING ,GOODS Chiefly of their awn Importation, which they offer at the lowest prince at which goode of similar deeorlption are Cold 10 thin city. EVERY VARIETY OP PARIS DRESS 000D3, SILKS, MOHEBELINES, ORGANDIES, LAWS, CHINTZES, SHAWLS, LACES, HOSIERY, tINENS, BEEETINOE, 'WHITE GOODS, • End' WEAR FLANNELS, &0., ?to Win be found in complete and fall assortment. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. - apl44f BOOK-KEEPING MADE EASY.—The use of T WISINCPd DOUBLE NNTILY DIAGRAM . will obviate all difficulties in acquiring a knowledge of this useful &lance, T IN. BTITUTE, 108 South EIGHTH Street. apl4.l2t* Duit.oplas.L AND SOIENTIFIO AO COUNTANTS —The method of teaching eonree of rosette° pursued at - BRYANT & STRAT TON'S Mercantile Oollege,,11:E, corner BEVENTII and 'CHESTNUT Streets, being thoroughly - greenest ,and analytical, cannot fail to make intelligent end 'accurate B)ok•keepern. Theis. Counting/toms couree comprises ,Upwards of thirty eats, illtietrating Mercantite,•Bank; kg, and Sfanufeetering, Business,: with Penntanahip, Calculations, kn. Eitndonti have Individual Idettuation, and are not limited to any' time . , for cOMPletitin of the comae, Pall and o**mb:to ~POtpUl and epeehneto of Penmanship., 'IIIIIERE IS A SOFTNESS of the shadows .12 and a ?Leh warmth 1n the isolorlag peenllat to ',the Ute-eise Photographs In 011 i a'►de at IigOIMERII UAL• gEtIOND Hired. ateiva Weep. - BLINDS AND, :SHAD-S. • D. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, 03 THE MOST EXTENERVE lIANCTFACTURER OP --- • , VENITIAN Bra - Npg . AND DEALER IN WINDOW' SHADES „ • OP EVERY .VARI,ETY. PtIII&USERS are Invited to the BEST easortar.ent In the otty at the LOWEST prlees. STOBE SHADES made and lettered. 117 RSPAIBINQ promptly attended to. , Iner2l-3111 LOOKING GLASSES. Vow In store the moat extenave and elegant aatort meat of ' " - LOOKING GLASSEIS,„ Per every epee and every poeltlon, and et the most moderate prices , LOOKING CIL itlnd In the most elaborate and the most 'ample frames LOOKING, GLASSES Framed hi the boot torte, and In the moot nutotantial manner. LOOKIPM GLAssies Pi:imbibed by ne, are manntbotnred by ourselves In one own eatablishment. - LOOKING GLASSES In MAHOGANY and WALNUT frames Co; Gauntry JAMB 13. EARLE lc SON, 816 CRESTNIIT.STREET, syl•tf PIIILADELPIIIA. WALL PAPER. ' We invite attention to our superior aanortment of WALL PAPER, At the right prices. Paper Hangers neat to any part of the State. en LONGSTRETH & BRO., 12 NORTH THIRD STREET., Five doom above MARKER` Street, near the terminus of all the Passenger Railroads, ap9 atuth alt* 75 88L5. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, in extra Iron. bound glued barrela, in store and tor' axle by ROWLEY, dBRBURNER, to on epln - 10 8011011 WII4EVEI3. 30088L5., 260 half bbla., 250 quarter bble, 700 kegs Wagon and Railroad Grease; for male by ROWLEY, ArGIBURNRR, k CO. said 10 Boum WRARYJiS. VSHWERIN'S ANNIHILATING POW loo• DEll.—The only remedy in thewhole world. Sure to exterminate Reaches, Bed•bugs, Moequltriee, Flies, BAnte. 41eas, Garden Intuits; Re. Also, PIM for the aestmation of Rats and Mice. M. 8011WERIN, for merly partner to E. Lyon, of the Mignete Powder and Pills. The wonderful effects of Schwerin , * Annihilating Powder were acknowledged in the most flattering man ner by the President of Girard °allege, Directors of the Rouse of Refuge, Pennsylvania Ilogpital, and other prominent public iostitatlons of- Philadelphia ; ale°, United States Jail, Washington, D 0 The original certificates can be neon at his office, 364 BAUR street. To satisfy the public, and for the greater animal:, once of the inhabitants of Philadelphia, M soave . BIN is ready to purify their dwellingu of Roaches, Bed bugs, Ants, tcc , and if satisfacition is not given ,pay wilt net be desired. Depot , 314 RAGE street. Price 2f, cents per bottle. ape -n to thLimif NOTICE OF REMOVAL.--H. R. HEN DFIRiON & CO., Booksellers, &o , Will torpors on the FIRST Of MAY, from the cornet of Fifth Arch Streets, to the NICtV STORE, No. Dila AROH Street, near Sixth. Er 7. Previous to removal the stork on hand will be sold at reduced rates. • apll.6tev .SHADE AND FRUIT TREES, Shrubbery, Grape Vines, Boeee, and other Flower ing plants, for sale low, in large and small quantities, an the grounds are ,to be °Ware 1.. 'Mei South Sixth street ear' pus the Nursery, at Dickinson sheet. aplB Ittie - Wht. HALL. I",tc,ON F i vIINDRY CASTINGS, of all di. inenalons. much as tlirdeta, Railroad Qualm. Ma chinery, Orate Bare, Ito. on the beet terms. 0. OAR GIMMANTOWS, ab. Fifth at mbrt-Rro TO BUY'OHEAP WATCHES, go to lorthweet oorneritof BEOOND and NSW &rests, (ep4-11m*) J. YAM. CASTOR .OIL.-26 oases East India, for oile by WN7 HARM 8; DROTIISR, 'spill Nos. 47 end 49 North NEOOND Street. TVAR AND PITOH.-100 Wile. Tar; 250 kegs do; 808 bble Pitch, is store sad for aide by ROWLEY, ABEIBORNkR, & Ou., • apl2 No.lB South Where're. QPIRITS TURPENTINE,-100 bble. SptB IN7 Turpentine, lauding from Bohr Richard Vara, and for mile by RI/MAY, AbIiBURNER, & 00 , ' apl2 No 10 ftoutit Wharran. ARACAIBO COF.PEE-A Bmall invoice L.V.IL of soiiv.rtor quallty t now landing. from bark Irmo, *and for tale by 011ARLiJa TE.IIO, ' • a:pl3 lflp 130 WALNUT *Mt 26 GRANITE at. A Qua, ADERS—e ) Ws, dry salt Shoulders 4741igi ecetyed. stator sale by , . 0 1 .„:3? -*noi r e„.°4;int'a;'4,4.e.t,'P.,t., § AND BRUIILDERS.-2 10apleies I...a.Vity.romoked Shooldors. I Also, 1,100 41000 RXtro Bilgar•oured Rua,. for sale by C. 0, SADLER. & CO., • 60, "ARM Street, ?d door above grout. UARD.-176 - 3bla,' N. 1 Leaf Lard, for 14 sale by O. O:BA,DLR,R‘/G 00.,, sp9 ARCH Street, esoond_doer above Front. CHEESE. -420 boxes Residuum county oneepe, to gore sad for 'late by 0. 0401,111 do 00., , AROlf Btreat; Raeottd door shove Pront, hp 9 OULDERS. —BO - Mids.' . dry nit SUont. , 1 1 0, dens, Junk received and for mile by, 4 BaDlata & 00., aI"PH 04.9tr11 4 . 4 .91 1 4,409r "Iwo Nront. eburational New Publications. • TICKNOR ea FIELDS ' • •WILL PUBLISH ,Dwitire THE MOUNT MOM TREOPAILITS PARSONS , Memoir or Clhief truth* Parabne, with Notices of tome of kip Contomporaries, by hie Bon, Theophilue Oar- Ilona ; , one-handrome /amo: volume ; with a +introit at ter istuart, , Priot P.O. "' ' ' ‘•• ' ' - , ' R. 11 DANA - ' To•OvpAl, tam BAC% -A Vacation Voyage, by It. I/. Dan% author of Two Years Before the 'Meat ;,, onelindsome leuro. volume. Price 75 cents. J. G. PERCIVAL The complete ' radios!. Works of lama Q 'Percival, now tor,Ahe Bret time collected ; with a Biographical Relit" Portrait ; 2 Ole., Bjua andA6l4, tint forin with Ler/418116w and l'ennyncin, , Prlme 11.75. MRS. JAMESON Studio, Stories, and Memoirs, by Mrs, _Jameson, in one Yol.,Me and gold, tinrorm with 4, olteraoteris. ties of Women, ,, "Loves of the Poets, ,, too., with • floe steel engraving of Correntb , e Magdalen, Prioe 76 cents. .., . . 1 x• , . , PWEN MEREDITH. Complete Poetical Worts of Owen Meredith (Robert Ballifer Lytton), One vol. s lilnci and Gold. Price 76 ate. ' ap7.4.thttrat . . . . WOE COMING EVENT. • I_ I TRH/ WIRT «BRNBATION I) IN LIT/MARY OIRI - • ,r,,„spEoiAr; ANNOMICIEMBNT . . , Id geinainee of a determination to make their dont , ial.'Ore great tireniating medium of the: oncrqEsr f.l2t.td OF eargElOaai LITERATIjItE, breeettring for lta column Original tiontrlbutore from the' • FIRST 'WRITERS OP THE PRESENT OENTITY, th!r?•6't°,"riltrycifik • • - - reepeOfully announce that the word-renowned Travel -IRR knit Poet, the famous . BAYARD TAYLOR, • , Us engaged to Mate that paper, (aptrt from his alto- Mid assordation with The T. ibuna,) hie sou: ORGAN , for communicating with the public in future, and to Con tribute to its pages a series of - QP.A.Pnio, THRILLING AND STRININGLY NOVEL TRAVEL-SKE MILES, euperior to the beet he has ever written. His oontributions will comprise ROMANTIC REMINIBOENOES OP THE PAST. Sparkling pictures of the FAMOUS MEN AND COUNTRIES OP TEE OLD WORLD, And epistolary descriptions of his FUTURE .TRAVELS. The first tumor of this Interesting series will appear , in the MERCURY OP APRIL 80, 1E159, (Which will be ready for delivery next week:) 'lt It hardly"necessary for no to state that Mr Tay lor's contributions to the MENOURY will be entirely DISTINCT AND DIPPER TNT from any work that he has ever,before pubashed. Such an engagement could only be consummated at an expense that would have seemed fabulous - before weekly journallem took its place at the head of Amert cngLtrergqiurep yet the provietare of the NEW YORE MERCURY feel natured that the reading public will appreciate their meter-ending efforts to establish A LITERARY JOURNAL POE TH3I TAMMY, of surpassing excellence and oharaoter. Their last achievement will enable the readers of THE MEN GORY to partake of a mental feast that can seldom be enjoyed outside the library of the learned millionaire; ,and revel in the 111WIT0111N4 11011tANOi OB TRANAL end YOREIGN ADVENTURE; and the privilege acclaims a prieeleaa value when the caterer le at once a POBT,I3OIIOLAR,HIBTORIAN and STORT-TIILLIR. The engagement of Mr. Taylor's 'services, as well as those of the INIMITABLE ARTIST, DAR LEY, are only forerunners of equelly hitherto unequalled en listments of the PIRBT TALENT IN THE *WILD, under the bannerol' the NEW YORK IiIEROORY, ait sank° secured at ANY OOBT We are already in treaty with writers whose - names are !'household words 12 wherever the English language to spoken, and our put swims army, betoken whether we regard Ob. Mantes Or sucturnb to opposition ' The result of our eflorte is a Journal of Literature, that is A COMPLETE OYOLOPADIA of ROMANCE, . , HISTORY, TAATEL, " BIOGRAPHY, MAY, ANEODOTE,, • LIGHT FICTION, POETRY, &o. Particularly do we strive to make the NEW YORK MERCURY a journal that any father may conseien tiously desire to place In the hands of his children, as A WELCOME MEDIUM Q2' EDUCATION 'as well as a source of innovris entertainment'. We 'shall eodesvor to „make THE MERCURY a Mild , in which Tonna Ausatoe may reap A HARVEST Olf ENNOBLING THOUGHT, ' from the works of the gretkwriters, who represeot the ARIBTOORAOY lATELL3OY, and with pens nabbed with ~alsotrie thoughhtaekton the %Mods of the people. , Inoisoclusion, we - would request The reading, world to be Mitts alert, for' BAYASto TAYLOR.% OM &pp:im am:a In the NEW -YORK MERCURY, on SATURDAY, April 80. ilattioribe now, and commence with Bayard Taylor's .first journey. Terdls, gra, year ; for six months. Rpm:amens sent free.- Address , CAULDWELL, SOUTIIWORTU & WHITNEY: t Proprietors of the NEW YORK MERCURY, st.P 214W1t,'„, No. 22 Elprnaestreet, New York. QUWER BANES ca Puistago 'R on,ANo Doeixis . & biistomeozolp. 80ROOD: AND 'BLANK DOOM AND BTArIONDItT, No. 87 North THIRD Shoot balm Arch, ,Phtladolphio. 'PubHeber' of the' following popular School Books, whioh are aelmerwledeed by all intelligent teaehere who have given them a careful examination to be unri valled In the , r attaplatlon to the purpowe intended: SANDRRS' HAW BBRIES OF READERS, Omni'Mang of Sanders , New Primer, • Pleat Reder, "- " Third Reader, Fifth Reader, Speaker, • " " Speller, Second Reader, Fourth Reader, High School Reader, Yarn Ledlea' Reuter. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY AND •lIHNTAL ARITHMISTIO/f, By Prof. N. Brooke, of Lancaster Normal School. FELTON'S SPLENDID SERIES OF OUTLINE MAPS, " They are especially adapted to those beginning, as well as to theme more advanced in the study of Geogra phy, as they receive from them a clearer and more cor rect conception of the character and relative sire and position of every physical and political feature, than can be obtained from any other Maps extant' , All the publications of IVISON It PLUNGE; . AND A. S. BARNES tr. BURR, NSW YORK, May Do found on band at N. Y. NibMahon , Prtau. ape-um if Oilk anb larn 4.00b6 Jobbers. SPRING TRADE NOTICE 1859. RAIGUEL, MOORE, & CO. Are now reaelvlng their Spring Importatlona and inhibiting at their Salesrooms, 220 & 222 N. THIRD ST., The most extensive, elegant, and complete gook of FOREIGN AND DOMLSTIO DRY GOODS ever before offered by them, and presenting animal ttractlons to the trade generally. Their extensive stores haying been remodelled ena bles them to appropriate to each class of Goode a sepa rate department, viz: DOMESTICS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, AND LAWNS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES,, SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, , HOSIERY, NOTIONS, 86 TRIMMINGS, • ' CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS, To ill of whleh the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SIX•MONTHS BUYERS feb2B.2to - in solicited. 325 MARKET STREET. 325 A. W. LITTLE & CO., IMPOSTERS AND TOBBEUS OP SILRS,,FANOY DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS,, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, EMBROIDERIES, &a., &o. fe2l.3m 1111pleonle Ororers lIJNGERIpH & SMITH, WIIOLEBALB G R O .0 E It S No. 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, marl.2m PiIIiADELPHIA tiMETROPOLITAN TEA STORE: , TEAS 1 TEAS 1. TEAS A choice selection of (IRENE AND BLAOR TEAS, OF 'REONNT'IMPORTATION. - ALSO, COFFEE, - ROASTED AND GROUND DAILY, STBAM B IINGINE "YOUNG AMERICA." OHARLES SMITH,, Nos. 913 and 915 MAURNT STREET AMS I HAMS I HAMS 1 rtinto and sugar-Musa Hams - 93NT8 PER FAWN. „ . Also, new sugar-oured Bhonldera . AT 8 ORNTB PER POUND. CHARLES SHLTH, s. • 1nh.14.8m , Noa. 913 and 910 MASICRT EMMET. A 58141.-1,000 liatsaor, 4410 by, • , • • . WATHBRILL & BROTHER, 4p14. •• • Poo, 47 eat Norio PIKIOND Street, igrp ocibo lobbrro. JOSHUA, E. BAILY * . _ NEAR TRADE DRY GOODS MUSE, 218 ,PHILADJOGIA. , DRESS GOODS IN ALL VARIETIES.. PARIS BROORE AND PRINTED BOADBRED STELLA SHAWLS. A PULL LINE OP , • „ AMERICAN AND ENGLISH PRINTS, • And the largest assortment of PRINTS ' ' In'th+3 United States. BLACK SILKS AND MOURNING aoolig IRISH TABLE AND SHIRTING LINENS. IVI3i:11•T .e 520, S3CtrZEP . 177.104.A.7EL . Mat Y 7. HOODS yitint JrnE, AtTOTIONS 11110118 TO SUIT CASR Sr- SHORrr TIME BUYERS. iplBltf 111.ertliant Ctailoro. E 0. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER OF SEVENTH AND WALNUT STREETS, OPPOSITE WASIIINSTON SQUARE i Invitee attention to ill; stock of FABRICS, suitable for the present and ensuing season, adapted to the wants of all dame of choice custom, Which will be made to order with personal care and all necessary ob• sentence, of fashion. N. B.—Partioniar attention given to fit of-PANTA LOONS. ". apl2.tntlidoe 26 Ognrsions. EXCURSION! PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY WILL IBBUZ EXCURSION TICKETS, 000 D FOl THE 'l2th, 13th, and 14th Inst., PHIL.RDELPHDI TO IMRRISBEIRG, AND RETURN, AT $8.25 31AOR TWO PASSENGER TRAINS WILL LZATZ Till DEPOT, BROAD AND VINE STREETS, TUESDAY, tho 12th instant, FOR HARRISBURG, AT 7N A. M. AND 8N P. M., ARRIVING THERE AT 32)i U. AND B}6' P. U B ORDER. Or, TILE BOARD, W- H. lvtaillirralsTlsT"lr, illotteg. AN $ll,OOO CJG O E, i l n O two or m O o N ro a u M n 2 R A T . P ply, In writing, to B. J. B. THOMAS, 218 South SIXTH Street. apl44t* PHILIP F. KELLY & 00., (sucomesons TO Row. J. floss & c 0.,) No 16 SOUTH TRIAD §TRERT, PHILADILPHIA BANK NOTES, 001AbiEROIAL PAPER; LAND WARRANTS, BOUGHT AND BOLD* Stooks and Sonde, but only on owaralaslon Spa°let attention given to oolleatione throughout the country, and automate may rely on prompt ad vices and rause. ep2-tt COLLECTIONS, TENOININOUT ME UNION AND CANADA, PROMPTLY MAIMS HT BAT R, WESCOTT &Oa., " • BANKERB, No. 17 SOUTH THIRD STREET. mitel9-Ira CipaudEROIAL AND TRAVELLING OREDITB available in all pans of the world, opened with the house of Mews. 0.100/10A P.ILABODT & 00., of London. Apply to G&W, hiILOALEBTRII,& 00., fe-tf 816 WALNUT Strost. Opticians MICMOSCOPES, Spy Glasses, Math°. matical instruments t Opera Manes, Stereoscopes, Surveying Compasses, Galvanic Batteries, Barometers, Magio Lecterns, &0., ko. &e. MCALLISTER & BROTRUIt, • 728 011ESTNUT Street Our priced arid descriptive catalogue, ON pages, 200 illustrationsi) farnialled gratis, and sent by mall free of charge. apl2.4t WIGHT & BROWN, 19 NORTH . FOURTH STREET, YOREDIN AND DOMESTIO SMALL WARDS ~ C _ s ~~ \/ ZEPHYR WORSTED, BRE ELAND WOOL, ere. Oar long experience in the tantrum and intimacy with the beet markete of Europe enables ne to offer goods at such prices as will afford eatiefsetiou to every Glass of balers. rnarTl.lm* HOSIER - y. 80,000 DOZEN d'ast received. DIREST from the beat GERMAN AND ENGLISH AtANUEACTUENES. , ALSO, LADISSI LISLE THiD GLOVES GAUNTLETS, AO THOS. MELLOR & CO., 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, rear23.2m PHILADELPHIA. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, WHOLEBALD WALL AND WINDOW PAPER. WABIIHOIIEIE, No. 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Below arket, Zest Bids STERLING SILVER-WARE, AT DIANUPAOTURERB 2 TEA-SETS, PITCHERS, , GOBLETS, CUPS, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, .to., On hand and made to order at the Manufactory of MEADOWS & CO., mar 10-1 m 810 01118TNUT STRNIIT. CLOTH STORE. 133i1ITIRrY" D. mama., NAW DIMAS FANCY OASSINERES and VESTINGS, WHOLESALE AND BE:fAIL Nos, 4 and 6 NORTE SZOONDSTREET falast-m th tf rro FAMILIES , LEAVING TILE CITY. —Furniture of all desoriptlona will be thankfully received as donation in aid of the CHARITY HOSPI TAL. Addrose Mrs. N A. HOSKINS, 3281 Filbert street, or Mina ANN COUNTY. 419 North Eleventh. Street, or at the HOSPITAL, BUTTON woon t .below Broad. aol2-tute2tit 110 EA 'LEY'S PATENT ENADN FIX JLP TURN.—Dealera wlll pima notice that I have appointed W. U. NBY PATTIN, No 080 &treat, Bole Agent for Philadelphia, through who& the trade will Vs impplled at factory prtoos. - • flow York, Mazola 80,1149.—ap1-/raf • DARTNER WANTED, In the :Maack future of Lubricating and Illuminating Oil. None but a practical Chemist need apply. All the necessary fixtures are prepared; Location desirable Apply to G. W. HELMBOLD aplB-11t* No. 117 South WATIS Street, Phila. LAWYERS, 'CONVEWPERS, REAL ESTATE - AGENTS, , voting man wants a Situation as Copyist. Good references given. Copying, three cents per folio, (100srords.) AddresslE. B. FAIRFIELD, this Once, immediately. aplB.6t cAN T'E praitical 'New Jei®zir armer,,about 60 years of age, wants a Situation on 'a email farm near the oity, or Watchman for a Bank, Braker, or Manufacturing establiehment. Satiefactory refermiceS Apply personally WHOM/SAWS Cfroeery store. No. 540 North THIRD Street, or ad dregs a note, ifatimg where en interview maybe had. Bpi& It TO DRUGGISTS.-1 Druggist of twenty . years , experience; and large acquaintanee; deeiree an engagement. Address DIC , PAiRIE.NOII, Blood's Dis patch. 11/111LER WANTS ANITUATION , ;- . :Nits .11.11. had 17 years' prootlee In some of the bestWM of Pelingylvania, Deiaware,,hferyland, and Virginia Best of references: :Address .MILLBRi Germantown road, Naw Market Area; Philadelphia. BREWER-WANTED.—Brewer wanted-in the lirgeet Brewery beet of Pbiladelpbla..L.anyl time, • between, now, and about the, arst et del ) .- 4 thorough, a practi c al Brower, of Pale and Steel Ales, Apply, , letter; to ,4 „.l3futwzn.,'-y 4are:o, 4 f Phila.. delphia. tally Press,P., giving fall pirlicalars...Notve but a dret,plaes- Brewer, with AlOalblet ,of referenlwa, need apply. Married man Preferred. .mh24-lm* , A' SITUATION WANTED—By a' lAD, aged 18, (Graduate of Crittenden's Commercial College,) u Assistant Bookkeeper or Butry Clerk, In a Wholesale Dry.goodi jobbing or 0032111118111051 Muse.- Would make himself useful to his employes. Good elty references given u to honesty, 40. Addresil "J. T. 8.." Press Moe. mblB , . Jot gale' attb to tet: • at% TO • RENT—A country seat inll/01- ROWGATII L AMC North' Phtladelphle. • two mamas wont of the Prankford Pesienger itailroed, eon- Wain inx Acres of Lend, • largo Brlok Maniloo, frame Tenant House. Stabling,. end Oorrhite Howw. The bast Bprlog WOW. Aj3ply to '"` W. MAW spl4-3t*, Tunes Bt., above Untty,•Vrenkford. - in WANTED TO RENT..—A -Home be tween Tine end Ptne streets, and between Broad and Twentieth attests. Kent not to ex.:sedum. dram RUINING, Illood>i Deepstah. :4114:2,01 GERRANTOWN HOME WANTED. —Wanted to Bent, a Geese near the Depot. Ad - apl4-Btis Urea S. P. G , this °Moe, . _ SIIMMER BOARDING. .AMOHG;_ THE 67017,NTAINEI, within eighthoure of Philadelphia by railroad, Wanted by a -•famdy of Six Peraent. • Ad. drape, with particulate, BOX 767 Poet Office, PhileAel phis. , . rilD RENT WITH BOARD, Three eelegant _a_ communicating Booms on second floor. pLo , back Parlor, at 1816 WALN . UTfitrest,' Beferenoen enhang, a .12.6ti0 W WALNUT-STREET 'THEATRE. 1. COBWEB NINA'S AND WALNUT STIINITO. -- Acting and stage MsnagSr:.e.* 2 .Mr. B. P. Reach.. Dtuilness Manager ' Joseph It' Murphy. THIS (Thereto . ) April 14 /8611, ^roz • Will be performed the Flay entitled - - THE HUNCHBACK - Jolla, Mrs. Yarren; Helen, Mies Penny EltnParren ; Mader Walter, Mr. J. H. Jack ; Sir Thomas Clifford; Mr. E. P. Reach To conoinde with the new Extrairegansa entitled ' DEVILISH GOOD JOKE, - In which KW Fits Fallen Lemmas four Oluiraeters. Prima of simieelon—Second Thlrand Samlly (dram, and Third Tler,-21 ants; Neve ltraoo, 87% ant; Dron Wren, 60 cents; Priests Boxes, , • dne; to tel 10ca1e,123 andsls; SlagleO Beats in rate and Pilule' Boxes, 75 cents. ' • • Doors open pt quarter to tel o'clock Carteret ibis at 7% o/alook. 11114LTLET & OLARICEm AROH4T. V TFLIATELL—WWIIunMr,•44 . OII • - ••• , !Pthitand etsgeyfinifter. ' • - - • . THIB ( rharaday) EVANMEN 1 mil 14,1840, OUR, A.IIII,IIACAO (101181t4. Ana Trenobard, our Amerloan Cousin, Mr. 7. B. Clarke ; Lord Dundrency, Mr. Wm; Wheatley; Moreno* Trenchard, Arm John Dreg. - To conclude with the fine Drama of - , THE WILLOW 00P811.— Luke Fielding., Mr: - Dolman ; Major VadgrArd, Mr. Wallis; Bone Fielding, Mrs. John Drew.= . • AdMadOXI. fO eds. larhared lieaM fn Drew Walk Iffjf els ; Orchestra etaus L lSO f' Feats In Prints, Bons; T 1 ate; Gallery,ls ate; GallenTfor Oolored Persons,ls els; Private Bon hallailery for Oolored Persons, MI eta; Whole Print* Boa, $B. Doors open at„l o'dlook ; ecennionee at half lad f precisely. . MoDONOUGH'• GAIETIKS , 7 Race below Thiel. Engagement of JENNY =ND -AND .HATM HAYES, - Better 'lmolai as Mlio FANNY FORREST: sod Mita ILIZA THRELItiIi. The two greatest 'Vocalists In Philadelphia - , opp#Ong nlgbErin Ballade, Duette, and OpeAtio Chimp (*BLEAT BAND OF . EREENLDNite,IIIIYEA IN, , BEOBETMIY ' . Fleet appeAraraw of the -•.•- ... - .. - All TOIIII4BON. - I A M I L Y . n d . J. 11. ROBIIirON, Great Comte Vooaltat. GEORGE MILES, Patriotic and Sordlutental Binger Mies KATE LUDLOW. Dicoarout. LOW GAYLORD; - ' • . JOBM lIILLLIMO, .' '' . •-, • Awl J. CiONRAD, . `• . , - BILLY' T . TB MAY, Stump Orator.' ' , Apll Mom. THRIDOIL YtoOniat.. FrIELOMETIT's VARIETIES 1-(Cafe troa northwest, eornsi se, MOTH and -0/ 13 Se - NUT Streets- , MISOILLANNOOS lINTSRTAIIefeIIa NVDRY BYSAINGE DURING TUE Comprising Combs and Sontlamitial Dallads, Oems Operas, It thiopisos Dalineationi, and canoluding - with • . A YAWN NIGHTLY. „- Oommenoing at Admission band 11. enkll2-bn, * 1 s - nui "INN Ali t TS" ` No: 1021 137111111 T, ' IS OPIDt DAILY iSandii!ps moped) from 0 A. 111," till 6 P. M.. _ Admission 213 mints. Ohlitlrenl2 Gents. Shares of Bsock,entltUng the WSW's family to ad mission at all timsa,lBo; dy.,sp EXOHLNGE, USIDAL D , DALLe-D—T • ILL emery 031011313TRA give POI& BBILBABB. ALI 3 every IIikTURDAT. Bingle • Ticket's IS • eente ; a package of tickets far 11, Thoth may be obtained Andre's, 110 Chestnut atreet; Beek & Lawton's eases of Beventh and Chestnut, and - at the dootof t he Ball. The pee &mimes aommerwaa at Sld &aloe& P. M. all.tl allow:dune= atilt Cipartneral4s. 00PARTNERSHIP.— The ' undersigned V have this day associated themeelves -together, undorthe some one style or HANDY, MORRIS; It 00., for the purpue or selling trrought-iron Tube', Nit. tinge. &0., numitaotared at the Oaniberlind Nall and 'lron Works and for transarldng a general Iron Qom. mission business. HENRY HANDY, - •. „ ((Late of Ileltlmore,), CHARM] W. MORRIS. - Moe, E. N. cot. WALNUT and SNORT Streets; lineal% 1869. - ralo9-lm "OLD DOMINION." Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominions Old Dorninions Old Dominions Old Dominions Old Dominions Over forty different varieties and stylei, of the celebrated OLD DOMINION" Coffee and. Tee. Pole are now manufactured. Being based, is Dr. Hall, of the Journal of Health, says, "on science and common sense," they are ,rapidly coming Into nse, and axe des tined soon to supersede all others. They can be ob tained from or ordered through any storekeeper, or dealer- in housekeeping articles. . . ./'Merchants who have not reesived our Trade Circular, giving prices, terms, Inc., .will be immediately supplied on application, by letter, to ARTHUR, BURNHLM, & GILROY, , 117 aid 119 south TENTH Street, Philadelphia, Bole Manufacturer, under the Patent. 117' &ISO, 11111onfaotarere, undar the Patent, of AR THUR,B CELEBRATED AIR...TIGHT SELF-SEAL ING PRLIIT CANE AND JARS. lalB-thattitlm SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, TET - TSB, WALD. HEAD, And all Eruptions of the Skin are radically and perma nently curet by THE IMPERIAL DEPTIRATIVB '- fIOROFULA. AND WHITE SWELLING, though obstinate and stubborn diseases and resisting all OIDIDIART HIMIDIIII3, do not fail to yield under the unequalled curative and healing properties of the IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. One or two bottlee will 00219111011 the most skeptical. TETTER has proved the greatest Mumbling block to the ordinary remedies of tee day. Local applir.stions alone do no good, and often do swan RAWL The dis ease must be eliminated thorongh.y from the system In order to effect a complete cure, and it is this radical action of the well-known IMPERIAL - DIPHRATIVE In expelling all vitiated matter from the blood that has Induced eo many to pronouns it the smear Breaux.° for Torras, &o. THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE- • WILL OUR E TETTIR, and all diseases oilginating in I6IFORITIBE OP THII BLOOD. Tax One Roma. - prepared and old by tdaoNIOIIOL & BRO., Late Lonnabary . Oo.; No. 60 North FIFTH Street, Mhl2.stath if Philadsaphla: SALAMANDER Beriss. • A largo amoorthiont of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA , MANURAOTORID gALAMANDER WES, VATILT DOORS, gor Raab and !Eons. . SANE Loma, .. . , , zqua to any now in nu. . IRON DOORS, SEDT2ABS, &0.,' On u good terms as Wlabllannent In the Ent ' •bi . . ~ .. - ~$ . & WATSON, ' , No., 20 ganati FOURTH Stree . l . , PLIASE OM lug: A,4l7Artiria , ~3, .„ anDui , L'IILTON'S INSUROTGE :APJUST LNG AND ooutoruie' 0141011, DTu. 608 00E8TM:ft! Street, .••• PHIL&DELP • Proofs of Loss and other requisaes issade out for pm- ties ansteloing loss sr delimit, by flee to propert] ~ir• Bored. in fall compliance with the `intricate conditions of Policies of Insurance, In Isiah a =liner ss to ob white plea or 010010 for rednotiOn or - litigation, and to the entire eatheaotiou of all parties, - Particular attention given to the4ollection of claim/ 'agattuit Insurance Companies. - - Parties will find it to their in hula to eourtlt the on; deralgued as soon after the fire as passible. . , No charge for aonsaltstion. JAMES 117LTON, - Insurance Ad:Putter. ZOLLIOKOFFER"s A NTI.RHEIIMATIO CORDIAL is the only elfeetaal remedy ever plsoed before the public at a certai • and reliable enre for IN ',LAMM/AOKI' or CHRONIC IinEtIMATII33I Thie preparation has eared thousands Who have been' 'ifs 'Mated with Rhollialktiltal in its moat painful forehand we we daily in receipt of lettere and certltiosteser se tonishitur and remarkable cures. -All who have tried the CORDIAL speak in the meet lendable' terthaof effieehoy. Fall directions and entire astistsetion given Rbtli to the ITheurastle suireeilte rge i r. by' THEODORII DiLltd, Cheutit, oar. RI 44 04 7 / 4 4 Streets, $4,41w biants. lloarding. 2kuutetlenta. Cotes Pots. Tee Pete. Coffee Urna Dor Hotels Jar Boarding Mum for Steamboats /or the Million. ~a~traa~r:: ~ittn:. ~: THROUGH tto*Env' 21-#IIMIII - BOUTR TO TOM VIA PHILADELPHIA , wiutrricifflori, APD TIMOBN ~"—er'. Through tiskets can norr be proctored' st OMO4II Of thil Company to the folio irbeg ponds:" ' ' - Washington. D. 0; - NoolvIlle; Tana: Biohniondi Nastertile,-Tenir e - Peteriburg, , ".ohattsanogs, Tenn. , r Norfolk, ; ". " 'Orand'Xunerlon, enn." Weldon, N, 0. " Memphle;Tenn. - - Wilmingtan N. 9: r' Als Oharlestotl, B. 0: Balton ) #a,; • Murata Ga. - - 13aTaRnail, Oolumbus.'cid; ; a - Atlanta,- (}a. Mobile, Ale. New Orleans. La. • I-- . Th gg a s g te e a @ m h sokpe d I o A aßlLEtL h ; sab i e e Of in A ts r . IaSTON for HAVANA,' on ;the' 4th and 18th - of mien mouth, and , odors' a very drd,rablC _• 10 . POMPOH7 WM_ fa r- I II " letter port, malaria Cape Hatteraw., ' •• - For ttakato, or larayraatian, NB w 5 2 29 . 880ADWAT,24.4.1.Z.,*tt ; 't of COMITLANOT Wrest:- - - N. W.-eor. sursril PHILADELPHIA`]-lraT Ettreatt,' of4lll4lAoAzot I lfflY,ll TON,;Presidalit." 1 ! )1114 -i - Alairra# 5 9- - ; ratiseibu, !dogs stAiL4IOAD,' = 4 -- on itilatter MONDAY, • *pall*. PASSIINOIR TRAINS LBAy.I6 pALLAPELPHAA, For Baltimore at 8.15, - 6. Mi, 12 nOOO, ,),end 11 P. M. Nor Chester at 8 16A. M.,12 noon, U '• For Wilmleirton at 6.15 A. M.,12, 480, and It P. IC • Yoe New Outlast 8.16 A.-M., and 480 - U. .-- For Middletain at 8.16 A AL, „mod 4.80 P. For, Dover at 815 4 M., and 80 P.,61. . for BestOrd 8.161..11., and 480 p. - 11. •• L• • TRAINS FOR PRILADELPHIAL, - - eave Baltimore at B.BOA. M., (Nirpriati,)9.ll94. M., - - Leave wumingka 6:65 A. and • - Leave New Cods at 8.45 A. bt., Mid i - Leave Middletown at 760 A. sada Si P. Leave Dover it dSOA. M. anti 6.25 P. 11. •• • Leers Seaford at 5.15 A, M. sad 246 P. tit, •- - • Leave Oheater ,st 7.44, 9 1; 0 A. M., 1.80, aid - Maio Bsltlainta sank D•lawiiii(Ballaisai 9 41: ' r- Leave (Mester at 8.45 A. 12.211 and 31 soe.,:m., Leave Wllmlngtaa at 929 /6.11.;12 : 56 Y. Id.kaad 1311ND4Y3 Only at li P. U to Baltimare• Only at 605 P, from Baltimore to .Plalladelphia. PIIBIGHT TRAIN, with PASSZNORR OAR attached, wilirtin as follows ; . 18134Y0 Philadelphia for Perryville and inilaiMidiate places, at 5.46 P. U. - • places Le at e Wilmington for and, intencedia te 25 P. Lora JUTS de Grace for, Baltimore and latinte places at 6.40 A.'111: - . Leave Baltimore for Ravi. dOlaraturandflatemodiate.' places at 5 li2P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate plum; at 5.40 P. M. sp9 13.,M."1611.20N,President,- TEE ,MT,NSYLITIOTIA I;) E T 10.2; , THE CAPACITY Or THIS ROAD 113 EQUAL TO ; - ANY IN TRH COUNTRY: , t." THRHE THROUGH PASBING3ISTRAINB DITWNRN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, • Conneeting Meseta Philadelphia with Through Tread= from Boston, New York and'alljecinta east, and at tke Union Depot atPittebnrg with Through Tishri Mr Mt. innati, St. Louth. Cleveland, 'Clineagoi - Burlington St.: Paulus, Louisville New Orleans, and all intermediate points in-Ohio 'lndiana, Illinois, Ken tucky, Idieleigan, Wiseanato, lilinneeotaaileeenari, Nan. Mill i and Nebras ka—thee furnishing funniest for-the transportation of Panniers unaurpomed forjapeft, l tia.dr tomfort by any other rents. ... Express and Put Liner rim Urea - Without change of Care or Oinoluetort. • Smoking CAM are attached to &mai-Train; Weedraint , - Sleeping llanfto Uxpresa sod -Put Trains.' r The 'Piltlted RUNS DAILY: Mail and Peat Lines,Suoderge excepted. , Mall Toil et -leaves Philadelphia at 1.15 Past Line , e'4 l 11.50 A. H. la - press 'ado lame ee'- - - WAY. TRAINS LIU,' AS IfOLLOWS t- Parkasbarg Aecommodation at 11 A. r "-- Harrisburg - Ansommodation, via Colombia, 2.80 P. Passengers for Weal Chester will take the Hail; - Parkesburg. and -Lascaster .Trains, at the peonsylva-- nia Railroad Passenger Station. - . - Passengers for Banbury, Williamsport, - fain, - Niagara Palls, and•intermedistev-geolabri baring Philadelphia at 1.15 A. M. and 2.801 P. K; go directly Tickets Westward may be :obtained• at the Oa* of - the Company, in Philadelphia; Neenark,-.11m5 i Oar Baltimore; and dat.auyorth6.im psek .anyof Uteited'' ant' Railroad Offices in ther Went; Odom beard any of the regular: Line of Steamers on , thee Misalesippiner Ohio • 117 .- Imo always ealowatiny other:7l;ra; • , The completion of the Western connections of the - Pennsylvania Railroad to (Throw, makes this the ri- DIRSOVLIEN BETWEEN .THE EAST AIiD4HR The oonneottag of- tracks -by the Iteltreeei Bridge . P/itabarg, -avoiding drayag• - ar Zerafsge of Treitlet, together With the •saviag of 'Aim, - ars ..sitreateen readily approeisted h7thippora. at „Winded, , autd. the Trevellhas - - • TRISIORTB WESTWARD. : - ,.r_,<: By this Route Preighteof all desoriptioni aan bs del. warded from Philadelphia, New York., Booths, or Balt& more, to any point matins Railroads of Ohio, Reatifekyv -- Italians,- Minds-, Wisminain,loira,.en Mbeinuet;' Railroad direst. The Pennsylvania Balboa! also er'essieOtrllatPfttai3Ori with 13teamere, by erldeh Goode tem' be forwasdadto.any port on Gm Ohio, Muskingum, Itsotneky, Tennennie, umberLuid, WimemdiAllsofesidi Kansas. Arkansas, and Red Marc; and at IThatitatd.W littatilkr, and MOW tlit,hlltafatital to all pork on the North western Lakes. Merehants and didoporismstrualing the tmasporfa. OM at Mats /insight to thla.Mompang, 4 an aldirmktdr eonfidence on its rosette.- traimit. • ' 3, , , TUB Rwrgivot Ninenr to, GAilicgite la the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad me at all timei favorable are • charged.-by. other • Bailroad , Oten, pintas. Intr eadße. particular -to mark pickier* !, tinfinnes: Radiants in the West ordering goods tomtit* lent; will do well to direot them to be shipped by thiallonin. Par 'might Coatroom or Billy Direations, apply to, or address either of ,the.fol owing agents of ,the D. A. STEWART; Pitbdynn; Doyle & Co., Steubenville; O.; H.S. Pieria &Ike. ; Zanesville, 0.; i. J. Johnston, Ripley 0.; B.MeNsely, writ's, Ky.; O r msby & , Dropper. Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock -& Jab e, Indiana; H. W.. Brown & Co., Oinelnnati, 0. ; Athern & Hibbart,, tau einnati, 0. ; B. 0. Meld/um, Madison,. lad. ; „Will em Bingham, Louisville, Ky.; P.O Oltiley-& 00. Evans ville, Ind ; N. W. granant & Co.. Cairo, -111. Base, Bt. Lou,. ,' Mn .; John H . Harriehlialltille, Tens.; Harris & Hunt, Memphis, Team. , Clarke A. 011. - W. H. K. Koontz- natan t -Ill.; Murphy At Walls, Dab:kilns, Ill.; • or. to Freight Agents of Rail roads at differeit points in the:West.- Parties attending •to their own 1111401Sati WWI t h e Bast, will find It to their interest to eall'anthe Amato or the Oorapaoy at the following plsesobsforsshiproff; or letters addressed to either of them on the subjmt of feighte,-will meet with prompt attention: - N. J. SNEBDES, Philadelphia. ' - SGRAW A BOONS, 80 North street, Baltimors. - , MOH & 00., 2Astor House,orl S. Willismst., lc 00.. 64 Baby street, Boston. r • • H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l l'reight Agent, Phila.. • L. L 1101:1PT.fiezel Ticket Agent, TEO& A. SCOTT, Etenn Bap% Altoona, Pa. - ja3-ly , , • 1011 H I L ADE L P LA, GERIUNTOWN AND NORBUITOWN 11111GROAD.-W/Xllls ARRANSIBILBETS. - • - ON AND ALTER MONDAY, NOVIMEIN 18,1888. . • - 'YOE GERMANTOWN, '' .! • • LIMPS Phlvadelphla 6,1%, 810 min., 9X, 10%, MX A.M., 1,2, 3,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9, 10, ug P. M. - Leave Germantown 6,7, 7%, 8,010 min.. 10%, 11% A.M., 1.10 min., 2,8, 4,5, 6, 7 8, , 9,10% P. it: - - 04. BIINDAYB Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 8, ME P. M. Leave Germantown 8.70 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 6% P. M. CRESTBUT MLR RAILROAD Leave Philadelphia 8,7 X, 8.40 rein., 11K A. M., 4,8, 9 P. H. Leave Cheetant Hill 7.10 min., , 7.25 min. 8.14 11.10 A. 11., 12.50, 3 40, 5.40. 7.40 min. P. - ON SUNDAYS - Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, 4%1. M. Leave Melton% Hill BA. M:.1260 6 . 90 min. P. M. 808 CONSHOHOCKEN AND NOBRISTOWN.7 Leave Philadelphia 6J(, 9, 11 A.![.,106 mis., 3.10 min., 4,1 i, 6.50 min , 113( P. hi, Leave Noniatovm 6 7 )1 `I) 9 11 A. hi 1 8% 5.410 min. P. M. ON BIINDAYB. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and II P.M Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. POE 2dANAILINX: Leave Philadelphia 6N, 786 min., 9 11 A. 55.,1.05 min.. 2.05, 810 min , 4N, 5.50, 7.45 min., Mt P. AL LIMO lienayank 6NP., 7N, BN, 0%, 11N A. 51., 1%, 3,4, 6.10 min , 8.45 M. SUNDAYS SAME AS NORRIS TOWN. ORRSTRR VALLEY RAILROAD NOR DOWITTNit. TOWN. Leave Philadelphia BY A. M. and 8.10 rain. P. M H. H. SMITH, General Superintendent DOB DEPOT;HINTH and GRIMM Ste Me ONO Vrja i r ".43l l E D"p E AT: SBNGER PAMIR; POICDOWNINGIOWN TRILISEDISTE 6TAPrOIiB '•-••01‘ and atter lit Janu ary. 1859, the Pawner Trains for DOWNINGTOWN, will start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company. comer of BROAD and QIND atreeta MORNING TRAIN for Dowainigtown, team at CIO A/TARNOW TRAIN fat Dowategtown, luxes at 80 P M. DAILY (Sundays exempted.) By order of the Board of Mena ern of the PkUAW .hia and Beading Railroad Com y. W H. Ado HWY. Meratarv. PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA. RAIL ROAD LINN.—QUIDNIEST ROUTS to Nintire Wilkeabarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rook lalaad, Niagara lfalla, Milwaukee, Darlington, Montreal, Rt. Paulo Detroit, Dunlleth, and R. Louis. Pam/tenger tram" will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner • BROAD and WINN Street", dully, (Sundays exeepted,) as fo ll ow' TM A. M. DAY DURESS, for Ilmirs, Niagara Yale, Buffalo, Detroit, Ohleago, Milwaukee, Reek Gaunt, St, Pauli, Buritagton, and Ht. Louie. 8.80 P. M. NIGR ISPIUIBB, Par Nladra., Nisgsra Palls. Buffalo, Detroit , Obleago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, ealsniii 88. Pau% Burlington, sad Bt. Loath. The 7.80 A. M. train rims through to HAIL/119MM, stopping it all !Stations on the Lebanon 'Valley Branch of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. At Batpeaj, for Wilkeibarte Pittoton Barsaton and off Odious cla 'Mt LAORAWAINA AR I D BLOO/hIRM RAILROAD. - Baggage eieeked to Madre, Buffalo, and - Briegension Bridge ' ' fflekete be Elmira Ba il ie: Lind e rat e IT 'lnadelPl orthweat eo la p * Alit er of BIRTH and OIAnTITUT Btreete:and at tie Pea •engerDeppoot oornerof BROAD and VENN. - • - TMOUGH .111XPRBSS YBEGHT TRUK - Leaves the Depot, Broad Ann, below i Vine -daily, (Bandaya enrapt6 , 4,),for all Wan sad Bah, at 6 P. • Preghte.l wont)* delivered before 8 P. M. to mere their going the noon day. _ Per further information apply at •' ' Freight Depot, Braid, below Pins, ' Or to OEM. 8. UNPIN, Getters/ Agent N. W. oor. Sixth and °Walloon ;Streets, ocd-tt Philadelphia. `GEORGE WpITELEY, N 0.1185 South nom Street; offers for als,'in gold Belgnettetrandy, - 185T, Pale and Dark. ' Ades Rabbi Oogose 1856 and Dn. MAW Proprietors , lArneo,lBsl. CastAlion, is Co • Sopa, ISSN 18117, 1588. A: Same Itochelle f lifir. - • : Pellevoisin Bonkelle,lBss, to arrive. Marten & 00; 0c0gni0,1856,1851, 18411. Janata Suns, irteirs Boat. Bea irat's Soot& Whiskey;' ihnundY POTt-WiPt, - , 81011 y MlL4llgillfine; - plats. ••; latteelPiesee, quarts aid ' A. fall assortment of Claret Wine, to eau and oasts, • • iels-atoo !arisals;‘,. TyarrEs;,.. - iviiinfikk ar e4r 'Ai and to; aids& o. 28 tit WAMS. fa a affiILnISATIOI di
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers