r:7 - ;;:-• - -F ,-,,---71-•!- ,- - ,- tog at trouble; `-•.Ef.o?.:'-lr.,_ -.•-, , -he nen , ot , In- kr' ; 'X' 00111- * -40 '0 . ' '- ' 4Piiio l 4 loo oriti n th 'NW , be-, , ; e,,, , : ; ,-",. 1 . - • ,- ,: , .;- t r ote r l ii w , - . gthelievalLex Wooldridge I.l;Fit. 4 4ke'f.P l i; M r- B ''''' ----- ifi-14.,*-,1 • 1i% - --- • '-. -' • 10101 , 11 i ,:. 7' ' " t ' . 'l- 4 0- --4 k- - . ': • titliiisiii ilitiordipev to the, oat. '•15,-: . , si. 4, ..,.,• Ilia': - r_444.2,-We ',proles' - - ter.th inn& it in ;s ;r5 -- Mirrirl- - 'altor 'ltalia , - statement to her :',"!••• :i." - •2; , - - ,t-Ifisibasel,:.--, ,,- e- - : , -..: ,-' :. -' `.- •-?-1 - -",- ---- 1 :.- - 4,o4l:',l##oklifftediPc:Pdtid Bicknell's *plate and "n;44.EilnCtisSiklitak*, 7 ,lSeittiONSlgiiiinttt - bef guilt,' in. `-• '' iftrif9 ; 4Wokkai.**jfelsil it ASA hame•th Fifteenth Atkitftit,"o - 1.0n4 6 4 1 - 40 ilibibinkc4k tr •' 1314141 !' Y.° ''-' • *404141414 3 / 4 1itilt, fil isnieto xeamitr - ". ~ :-7.- - --, ::,'.--.. r kilt:O:0 0 SW. fet,c,..44:Platedilfinnlanmined lb ti '. ''..... ' '. '' , ".'...l'L 44 1E . + '7 .. 4 4 . ' VII i ' t : 1 1 1 " inel * Otett14/ 14414 10 Ito being ''' f l i44 l. 41,440400841 Al4i.lpffipetArtwlaid, before IV! - •,•.'5it41'41•44 orkit , VOV - Z7i' --- .4itrii t . -, ,, , .i-;. ' 7 "t'. -4 -'' . - ..1540-isidlie would dans is a general to -. ,i,l4so. l l*Ortly)Atlft , for offetbd P. They itilikiitiotiskietgitottatir.dliales, affeot•'. -- ." -t- , 1 7!. - '74Wilhad,, v tidslipttinii9lnfrot;.o. oll o 4 :7 ttk eV ' '-'• 14%°41M111814iftlyablAtirlfialierwhir,The ad f u lly - " ' '' roptick es Wks' : biftly.la •••,,pno taw . ~ . • , ~ • , „ -,,..._ . • • . ' '-'s ..1 at point of., eii. , ' , :tich4J-. '•,,,,, • - ...1 - clAtilki ,s..nln f k, si. ta. . 010 1 4 • toms lb. P•P•r ir °66 . l i. i i,n .4. a !' l - ' lik t e :3 -ii , -4.*4.p.5 , ...;. -..14 ...-...;.,'•:.: 1 i 1 g ' F 'w ,t. A 4 ' l % ' Atiapuoy' re that'the' ihi " n -,intt , : 6 66611 r.12.:-fei- ii}.-: , • - ~ •• - - '.. • ~,,. . , - -i-i%-; . *. .., , wlalnsdnit - tom slay grounuer, : lt strak at 'l'', 4 '. -",l..iest - etiliaintottkeamenardinal ales of cori, i.- . .'" 4 -' 6 C-g v , 4-,44,-.4-:lii thi Met *ecitketwliiiltheisaY, aitd>theiell' ' - ' '-, C. - fottbanbleatltalltesunusiationbetwen" 0 ;,- 1 . 1 ••••' - " - • ' ' aii‘wife, pa ft ece - pcke; *Sri 'sanded ...,., - 'PA: •''''.4 :' 4 A% - be ' Withementaos against each'ether, •Tbls l''',. s li7 rele,iiiit4nbt.,,,ontektlOCto:sliseoktittittionii.fiut IC - zdf c 4d"-" - : -- WWWAII - t_ ...#Witniditnittnifedattlinent/F - and One." -.- . - 4 ':Ainn'*`ifflotittatomtognibstigitegiihshget•igdogiol. _,.',q - •::,- o being , gnin4ssalnasock , : - . , Thin.., 404 4 816, P•he -- ' '44144 , untlntito*.kkftiliet•Offorfkon,,to ground atioti., - ,. 2-- _ , ...r --,1, 1 4 - ,14401.11: . .'1.0.40A-V14.4 111 .5P0k Olt , thentatement '' . ',filf lic, o iswjeltemPetaltAsnanitpi , - ;,./f tee 'husband -' 1; e: '" - c,' k t. ' 'inento7,,lltt ;IV.t t .itis i rct, ll l: ll ltio l ti th p lir re w vt i d 1 ' .• " 4 ' 1 7 A yshiactlisi ottantithleattok•itiedf• 'bellin , a put. • ;',. z..iic . _,. .. gia ,. . „ lo p eaegee,- , - -Waft - Y *aid - be 'lnn 'b . ,' the - b.-- , z ~ -6 0 n o ani3;_ oloments of _ -the prlioneri but could *it "'ll Zglig.,b44,lo.iiiditY thii3Olutinoter of clay•cetiounil•, - ; - • --.', - ,', ; -.:,, i „,,n - Aitionlikide,,,W)thst.. ilteneeekityleadeney. - seas 1 3 - - • ' •'..- nible - Piodune Insanity. - Bonk reindalepuld..ke I; A - 1:6 iattig r 18 0 1 1. 14 ..C.P./ 486 4no anomnnlea• ?" r " ' - bond; - id' Wearer% iti 4044 tink - .bm Put In •Yi • • ' !4 ' . rs A 4PPiii%t° Prow.nfanaltr. , .-.•,-, fz - t.7 --1, .k -: - Me' i apo,46l6,4lrglll6l,aduilasibility o fthe - - . 14 • ,qesile ." -, T.tket - e arid for, the'm rase se. ,eras „, , eliigt;ther:Orthentete 0[3404 ill 'hick the'detend... '''., %'.'tipt,:efin.,,iXthii;ftnie r st the Itontielde..” ' - Itl helped „ '-', ~„4,tittplo r p.thiln,ittab. nitin. Ileinare tinder which:. -.1” ; i cr . f,kii . lif:iihrOSEAitn - either 'itotrilee: OF matt• 4 . ::”-' . ~ liklialtit..* 'Thilf t 14,14 azdat_liat.6llAmportaat, -. ',:,',„,„;„' 1 1 . ,.1.111 - fs -- -04 1 14 - 04& 5 40401kw - ould,aat i szt, the primomedi henotter-fos th e T or y to-decide, but ~ : - .,,,the t s gsg;nfey of ampeteney o :-, the •nyldelkemal . ;-;.,-.,.- •".'ieu,, sly :another ftlletinni. _•• ti Was not alleged by , - , s _" - I,hcether bide that th e k 01 40 1 1 31911 was 4 'PAO/Vt.:AY -•- 40 1 4.0 , o {s,•",,bottintell, the wife and the: hatband,- ...Le 1 ,0 1 1. 1 '11 . 11 . Oiltitinn.Witrio, g ale It-Wol44bn,ininfintfor ~,"'• - tni)uty topate upon ai to whethepit woks kneel-, • . i „not.. Awns not - diepated Aka 000sta:tin' 0, of the, - Pr . ' t .- •WHijireiskaka - in doWittb, ate prai.it disnuted, • 4 ,.E._.,.'" i ; tbayeatvia,i'llattifenes.clid not :leek to • =. , - - 1 , -- *Au . ' Alan'. r,.. le limanity, area pakteed by ' 4.. s ; 4• - :‘ , . i w e ssi l i w hii - ihicl }I, dralsod.thectip;of bit s: , I= ''''''' 4 ' vial fillis.l, - Stil-ineilshidsto,bitst by the hand of. t'V St ;Alt Igitit s Milait 01103 well to:spatter the widows , v.s:flit:low i ns i, iii - bent: The ean,selaferred to 4 Ker., '''''''''''' -- Oh; lid obsiOn hinny New York Goan ot -- - - ' 51 9.i.:041. 0 . .: ... t . , , -, ,'",';'.ll.ol,exhi_Liii , _,llsil-oste Otithe ?eople , egainst Bast ;',il,,,itos,„--kmitooktif thisCedinfhithertilia seen - .'33.fsgb thlia, fare -printed to Ithis Wats inkhonsi - ' t . '" - ,;-10114;n - iightleltavalliithr tad, if it hurled res. - ",! e alki:lioni"..its,thronai r it was - evidence. In the case. ""'''.' Alaiibitad'Wfig - Ot , lioand r ,to *titans, trial into • ''"'`, thelgetkriteisontinentcationntndehy his wife. The. ',.-I. ~'.huiibind, Who;nots , npen,the info/maw of ' his ":' 7`, - tgi(O,Lik net rapping, for the truth or falsity" of "'`:'!"" „tket,Shitsintent.. :They ; offered the confecrion.as ." ' .'hlnlielindiEektitadnes s into, this-,mind-of the' "' 1 ' 4 hilifisindrniill , daing.led ;him ; 'commit the net. - - :for iihniataiticidi:indiotati.- If a wife infoloned a bandltilit din'hinheiri:taientted or ineulosd: tom'l - 'ki the attest, end. i£ the hab.nnik.rusbedeut, ad' ,"'-' ' „ in sualfrapmiththe tiffsnoloir,fharfor killedkini,. P 'would it - be held' that the busbandmistehe de., -, psive4eit the xight . pf.pning innyidenatheaoni-' ~ ; Annioethin "Which. led him.; tol theAeommliden. ' 't, •• ( ''',,if - the :at?. ,Hi . the . case of •Jarboe,, , ,deold,id .in - " ',73blinart,,lkaa ;tot, the prisiner;eated, on the tau. - '''''''' " - nieht:.e.thliCeister,t,.litifirasnot that, hesrsay,, t 'Wenituili a au* is 'thiel., Bo Innte east ofFin -4 ,', o .4ll'enotlgerper,;,..ta'-', that case, ` the ` • prisonerNess ''• .permthillidibekliyhis biker that she had been _ ",,,, Lire adltekl' ~,pilld.that she 'informed her brother 4lf it. . litter - th at, !1 •' Menai would have died on „,„, - .„.rnatfolct. '','.T.n the, auk of Amelia Norman, the,', ...,‘" ~•' tiliViChthiple frow:held.; Int the prOwicution con- - - it - - `•"?' Inieckbete,ftiat the stititiont •Of the wife to, her ''hlitiliai If IS ininintisslble. because it same within, . ; the, rule„whick forbids a; wife ; to, be- a .witimas ', `'." '''-'-, Yin - , ok 'against: het husband.' But :the:defence - ' iiill , 4o:ftWlFPwl , ta:place.Mrs.: Bisklex on the stand - ' , . ! •' 7 .61°16'1166k613601:(1116 technical ease, a Withal.' 740.:00 11 0 15 • 1 4e 1 5,n0d,..t0 ,(Ireinieif.ialaideike,. - „ i'-''s attottolVehowing that it iihllitteial." matteslna. striking at the material ' interests-3f- both, -, the ,deolarstion of either. the habsiafaX.win Was Ad.: 'V' 4. nilliible" 'This AWlShOge..4lll,,,keid- as 0 1 . 'Pr!, .vilego in favOr'.g.thi relation, -• and the parties; -7 .'iiit addisette thi_PflyAlege.,,, ; It is the husiknd ' who Stall the mitittlip,f his wife, and the wife Who I g a ga tinctnowttatherhusbinci.l','it it the hus , ' ' l -'-' 7 •Viiid iaiotaala iiiiaaltiat,ia4*iisse,,azt permit - :• • - his idle to epee bey- mouth,„.on what principle of { ''j l titePielfe tcr-roc:ontew -lbw 'ilea ? , „Insides, this AtO6t*Fl66, ..W.6;4.- - tgay..6! ) the,..,ivi,g6tim. On' this • '.*nt rifte'Yriferted :to let - Greouthc section-. 108, Ott theasxe othei dans*. ilia ', *lli% *yea, .coineotiCadth.,bni, Principal foot 'that Mama:old' bilheittap:',"'AS to the time. , • : • - Anst. ; ,isiteraideut betireen'thkeoriteision and the - -', I I hethictictii, -- lt trindi`no - diffianate - sle . all, al th olgh, , r - • made the night beton. Tbis.etslettient, tin .60664 eel •-pipeeeded, -. loaded ;:: breath- that; o4ne," • . from; thitdeteitditht,'from, th ts'ftthi Inc itevteew, or, is , ..: - .. , liii - a , t,Tii , ,gaiiii..to the moment MOW Huf at WO ,•, -•- . • dointifttlidqaddik flailltir Itipt In; hit Wheat' ask ' - ,- ?•llttliti:' ,- ;',7ltta' grief 'tic:Went Aironsitihne, boat painted IcAnt liar litivielit,iirr before ft inry... 'IV walk* - mil'Othis - ftillffig, - ,und li', l „-.•,,•, ' ,'"'• Mary , 'fOf file: - antentAlkotet *Awl& • bit' _ sight:': ' • **elk hit "' i f 1-0 ••• ,41 9Ag ge,- - , ‘ , •-• ,- ovvir_ rgefeposted'W•th,-.hik ascii ~ It, weer belnuln. , 1 4 1 •, - -%I •', iir itt ...-th, ne, ',nip; - took t'...lT'ioeh'-' , that' Atli, - ` '''`ift - . o' ! - ;.ffro.v.001410111::, li; therefore,' • thei, fact' that ~ IV - stair thei'„lnter - vat -of ;,- 6ietve' ' iii= ititoolilleilie;;,lttl4 - , the. - emu/lido* of this - kostioldil,4,l,aind on :a mt • eluding it, then we ay that thi,anstat reaoliao: „ lion or it, ite Ininting the memory nr - Wit tiefetid:, 71 ,-- nnivithr,diiiiiiiittipteCtiler..diriting Hat eves. to , ' ' heqentelfthetini , iight; oonifttike the bridge *bleb' c'••-t - noto - sti oar:Ost eibilaiaid oonneotstlitehtnniphilii ; o'With• illtretatawat. as inienf the' meibigeS,supe P.' .: , :4 ilduelnkeankiP ' InbaseylsHislenitilln - to, drop t .fLtllWill. WU* , iisettfrie :_idiulteisejlitr„ tiiii.layns, ce• neind'Aeltind;')Whionlin ' , saint - go]' , lll' , !-"Our •it , tootilkiii • •einftlitie - vilttelesidnisi "go 1-'.,Nill our • - Honor, as a matter of Jaw, apt that we shall tette ,/ the hater ten o'clock OA that Buidayntoriiing'-..- - 1141ftihweldthil itiliesliesilt .10 ; that time, - bat chill' :•,,illialigeliehhill 4.."?” Whyshalt' we not - for, ta; th e „, 4 Inthr -, whlch vittoodlitifeili ,thith,';and' to the hat ' - 3' , 4,lehlet(stoildbefoielthec,iind id on until we 'travel '-, '.llillik through the vigils nfttie night, *Ott 'oniti, to , _ s , 4isateiriirriaaminit, idierialis'oisiitents of thst'doott• - ' mint were, poured into the:eats of that, afflicted "i distree bd ?.' , lf2-ttiresuihdut ft:lite:lle', ittik we r nre to trace back this homicide to 'the moving °ante, I ask ~ en what pith - el - pie -nati - ,yoir' Honor exclude ihitt , :steditsient,' , 'itietOthongb , ,ft • may have acme into being a' few, hence before the” • , ommenod,or tkciprinelpilz fiet V llcui it cone' - - , 4 , 'to thisl, that.;lntfifileconitabilitrof the defenderit ,l ' - t--4.ehill• - •:Arecibr rout xany.lother:Touliatien llisa - the - - ;•:-.west-oeti• hi. own hod at , this % t ier he , c o ll i. • ..i. sinks} - thir," spit' n "..ftineetionV.:la , itai_ r say - .. :4"lllo43l;Aej*VllV'Slit staa, - -iitto•a - ionviatioo; , • sqii , :dapitenf tlfdtalb; sad in ,violation Of 'SW fut. _ vvkileell,lxtbieldir to Wen'. Whin wheal the prim - 7 .". V.')1104111 Of 16.1410 ditt c ut ' off -or lengthened , so that' •:.:Ake - inruel'esepiropead heanisy he' inevitably • vlseofieeptishid 4.. That' li ther-griestion• before' this' :+.teeditd , - , W46 lighted: thallium' let,thh•hissit lif the' , acustaall? T-Ife:nideprOptei tti thew. t;•The *at* , 1 - .•14sle iiteodkayl Hiers—they Ate itirjaellekei's :•,..posithl3thily Orin - 41W Ma's broom-Rind'ilnli f..ryelaire-theapjatapaloAbetoickleblitit Into - --:•;•weempletheindlegrstionlf the 'wife itYpilid the - - wits to the tenon, of the' hulftwatills - ppluelelf 1 .-drats:banatulainren ainni ll et tOne s '' b r -- ,:tbe: 4- ' 4 7 111 1 and contenret 0 hitcdielbener, X tisk' WO should I - . •- , Ablit Wand 'lfni nhen'ind lase - 1W :kid kin e toe 1 • - the histiikti Of' lib Ursa aid •pikPitiateil an sot' - e t ldtoichidli bee: mast vetteiveihd-apprOvit of livery . • • intelligent and reflecting mind? This - anguished. - AMAX:min:collier , leas'- witertupted' , lV,,the . t rot. - - - moment . - - - of ,, :thea acts turned ' on - Wee ;who interfered, ~and Said : . 41 The aim •-.1. have ."-elattrol - hat rr'aiaka - - nit , tintrtigmbed," '`Al; ....,thbugh.bli wife told hins, the:dory : in , the night before, she told it to him then. fihe.told'it to,bits -.every moment fain - the'llnie• he Int heard' It down , toth O e bappenidrottthat fatal at: "•-' Her words , wersrlagituf ixhiriati.' , Her!etatentent:WaS Nil • forif,ttie.VW-lifei bodyStas *tinted, in liffpli; . : senissY =Tina sr. the feet& which We seek to•put - ... into the atfor which i tits:night to obtain aeon-; •wletiodagalisdhitn i befove this knit and'juiy, 'lt ' • deems Wm* *millers, that though the state. ' ' meat" may have been divided- by, an interval of , Ikeliiiine. fifteen Inure-from the o ccurrence' t' the • ' . ninth dfidd l t Jibs -, homicide; - nevertheless' the `al , ',dean biros the coati Cf the - abbilig and Wank . • - • ,oft th (s - htislaudr throggbout -the night, -ad of MS . -having at the very moonlit 'bt, the 'at,- declared lila ease which led bim , to; peipikate it, placing - •Itintatt-eir tide -rs' ststentent," •,al•'-'• titled ',this defence' . ,fe:tbeelenedltet thlievldenee. -., ~, ' - • • - . • um , -'lltialllitrialmlshttorteP - rose 'to - reply; whenthe ,-,; -;; .-dndgeissiggeelesi that it vitaineW withia,tentninmae ._ trafAiiiktir llVAClliiMitetti - ,. i , 1" ,:- , - 1 ';• ,. '7 - '••• ,,,, . """•,. - ,•_.: - I'4lll4•Mistritii 4 Alttiiheir ' sliiitpf . ziseriilito ' ssi,; atitallinWilidililae eriondoutly i -, that:' the - isp; • - tmenipmd i g,,,thsk Introdemithaft,of ' thle -teitiMeny; -, , Asse4al4stiithwtvound 'of insanity; and sat: os' did groitamtsit; praloostisie, ! `ind that' , he had One, flied hisdrelttexelinittlp , to Ilielictlit with-regard; • do hatasitpir,, sti •.1 r- - s" ,-,, ,,,, „t i .- m ', , m - --;,,- ,;:.". , • • , -f-thashiradps Xi-still adhere; to Chit •as ' thioai,y; matiormaltitid pwipassitsr - whieb , thisatatellefilii or-, oghseeittsfenee,; - and Ass /o - not propose la invite' -,' ; 'ditirefigigolinnyi dilemma's; althle tient, on the, queittonweitroltioationt alibi larr arlilith- mistrals; thatz.Al:seialat: tant- - ,;:tre , tolartthleitatenent - WVi • idailnelyins woolnalidatholinacOttianitotiused,- - , -awitlisfhistalms,-11tattnisaditIon ;et mind-In - Which : - • -;"•we1.,, 1 ", - Imi , ---tetur• al- the t• tfmet :of-.414' diwelaiti''ar, -- - . Mf, AL ..•'- g,', ,, 1%.:' +* ; •-•11:•',i•F ielt,,, .2' • r4l` -. .. , .! , t.'11.••=,-. •••I I • -,, - Th e Th - ., -Atiiineysa i 'li k ' m "tiiilt g — ost ic s bisene;fouf - anai'whnheylliiisiteaded,"ma i grctieriddithatithil A pitionellu:thininiato'a . - -Atitatiarllmentilldailsainfltthlinaisgst.; natkoliVel into estate of, aninity:VlV thy, fernier, ; the'dmniairtihe argument Int!thl. Par/ of, hi , - ifsgisiglgtateillei , 4ery different Insm what, at has alreadya been; ,- I pametood that, els fir front „that ' - - , ' borne ilifilligiti eti: err the pert SW the defenee',lt _,,, o,rkf i fikii , ,pfifyran-thirevleiiitOli atite - of las = iinitriff Wilma' et:intended:Aft it threw him into :;•,.: , : - it4orit , "•,toitiiititil ill? "oi Orin' Of ' fiel*.i, air thit - , -- ' - to ,eitiat: ts thilikplemliMiiiifirad, le ; have an. ~• ,` .. - . tlacrltist a cite dittlialltointt which I - could be, " - rtaltl4l,:willltnisidgh - ttl , paCints) the' gesegoss of . . _ „„„ •,,. • ms, defence. , • _.., - .=m ~., ;r, i.'lE-; --f- , ': ''''.'• mr:lvicifitiaiOti4l.44c Ohl was i ' P 6 r time •;fer 00..proesiotitkikitil 'disintil,.tltatc. poi nt . ',-•:- '.•:2'hieleishanviin'imigrird'' to Ilui - laitiniony,sest - - , i '4 , , , -.: - .. - ,:, vitalist reposed on his Honor's ruling In„thkaaeit - ':of-Date-here' 111 Honor, went , Into::_ilie general • Wit pi t y, Pit' Ail,o7,lsillo Alits - ,,hroider , ..' - r , i'. , voT th en ft - , itomm, 0 0 0 p.i* ';.-..--: „-,,.--....., , ... • • .-. ,e p fir , up; - Ai ,a6tototAminivitio, - ' ' rr -4 ' : ifilVo hl ; ' AV " f l, 4l :l l :tirgi -: "' '-;-='!'"'"'` ','s , ' ' l 4Kll€lll',. 3 ".Aeltd - ;ofjilirdrilitiOn ., -,,: ' • -; - ,•' ; ',"; 1 4',.. - • ' t -+ - 11 41‘0- Ociffe- c fijoY bt , ,a4.,9tOvß: 1 ' ::;" `,ll AO rit034004,14.4W. to the. •.', vot, , r ooo.,e„uk.: 0,01.04,f t i q 5r 16411°A . 61140.1411VT ~.. .-,, :-; , by ire brok, L'orin,clll6," '43 ' lie' lisi , , !- - ';'l-, -, :' - . 0 1 6 L1 11 , - -711 , 1r 7 .41111 - 411be',.. , :' , Atlt, hedminle'liti.: - .,-,-'-1 %-; :WO . I Nfic,,,,- I TIOLViOn :Wet . . 1 '',-,•:')-;:','....::',--- - , ii , f , - • t Zrz 'ormt fintirose , at, ' ''''' • liitArwbalik ';.;----'-,--':--,--: - .. =- I YIt - - -.21 ,1 1: 1 4. 411 t t (ATiiiii4us A ~•,-„:..„.,,,:,,,i .....,• ... ,..,,,,..., , & headache or not; it could only be known by Ms own alatint. The same writer on evi deem, in env; the secti* quoted, nye that Jotters and od renteationa'aildreseed top person Wham Sanity lifitistritted, lieingtoennect4. l 4 evLi "donee with sorrinjicediene Willa; are adansaible, foe tits put polOrlikiiiingjeasaiet he was, inane or not, Whikwam the pew Imo ? was the eondition_zof litz.-fileklesnind), and what did they pro p ose tii.:;"theitt:Tbe-eauee exciting that mind to alonditiotiwldeli mode him irresponsible - for his set. - The Ousel put several hypothetical woes, il loatrative of the necessity of admitting such evi der*, ankquoted Judge Orawiord's ruling in the "lot of Dey - and Adj00111143):`s , x ' Tha whole of the confession is in Mrs. Sickles' bandwrithatilt4a plainlyund distinctly vvritten and beer/ Mlle if any sildenee of the nervous zriSSs Acerg 4 „the'Renning of Isiah ea -pa r: • -- - _Zokrt to-day, sitting beside, ly conferring' dith, counsel - for the t dr i . •;:'<:: :51 7'1 ' ' . . f7 ' ...:,... 1 ' ‘..-. ''T . 0 _ - 1 .---1- r ~... , '', g 1 4 ~:' ' - , • - ,.- ; :l. ,- ;4' s Pe , ' l ' ~.. '' , ' ... , 1 .n: I ' .. * IV RNE~SDAY ,,• APKIL 18, 1469 Pec4.--179i!,]Days _Later from Europe; Cientrokliais; of:Daniel E. Skkles., c. Esiroperia Politics. " ~,Xty, the jnaWiteamer . City of Baltimore, we have Sag][ah ' paperito,the. tab Marett Mein 'Their echitentri are unimportant, except nion'the*ar sinestion'and the English Reform )114 debiste. • In thellOwle of Lords; on' the 28th ult., the foreign Minister (Lord" Idersorenmsi) stated thrit, — on the suggestion' of Russia, the Five ,Greist Poisii;rB; bielriding Anstria' had consent= `ea ; ; toipld a , pengrest fez', the settlement of all points,:of 'difficulty, connected with 'ltaly; tinCthat,"/austrirt Mid Piedmont have formally Madei.ialeelaratien that they will, not attack one another, and that they will abstain from "bintilitiee:" The Three's , says : «It is now :stated ,thst -the Congress will be held at Be , , den-Badep,' instead 'of Aix lm France; ,havlng:.objscted,* Ali *shish* within the rterrgory of Tritois, one of the Powers to be' s*SsOiiid' A443',o"gr*•'-'s is said that - gio l *-76 . 4. 1 t, *ails tOsisted'bi,M. ARMEN DB ma Rims will represent France, and that Eng=' 'land = represented by Lord Mammas minx, wielded, its, second commissioner; by Lord CONLEY. The debate, on the 'second ' reading of the 'Derhy" -llisfeell'ltetorn Blligwhich contrietmed en ifarclill'at; Was as Itvelyai ever on the 29tle,' when ftwasadicrreed , tO the 31st, and would .prebably,netmiose mntil tho eminent Pirst of April., ..Most,cf , the great speakers had been bend, bat:Many less practiced speaker,s de sire& tn express their opinions. If Lord:Jona Russata'A Antimainent were , carried against the GOveritirmitt,lt would - not necessarily pre. Vent a fattire - debate and division on the Se cendrAeading of the Bill. But it is pretty Alen, Unit illnisters would accept this as a de. 'Seat, and would probably appeal to the coun ,.`by,;*a,:‘Ani,,Generid-,,Bleetiota, the present Parliament having' been elected ;under Lord Paraintsrin's ansPices. fiititside siethandkof Parliament, there is a great, loci of, popular excitement. The people;so Often 'deceived; look upon the struggle as the battle MA° Ins and the Outs— theie who .hold Joint:a - and tliose who covet it. It eild 'that tlie Liberal - Members, .thirty : tAi thirty-five in number -(equivalent to sixty or !twenty In a division), who remember insolently LOrd.Joari Roseau. insulted ;the Oatholica, by. - -describing their religious as - cc the'rnnameries of superstition," - nevi to pity " bite - Mr, this time, by voting for Meninx's:Bill. 'lsAtean'while;:the "Afortiiiig Star (Mr. Bazaar's '640 hie alreadyrnade all the new appoint menta-Lcin -;fartiro. It says, alt is reported LoYd'44lttiesipt ! wiii,Make up a Ministry indoierid'ently s et ford Paratensrom and those *ho' acted with ' WM While _in'" ollick. Similar .rnrepro,give* the: leadershiP ,In the House of LA's to Lord BROUGHTON, who is to be Lord ikrt4il - siocessor as Secretary of State for •„'lndia: - The_Briard of. Trade is -conferred on . 11T, I BILNER 'GIBSON, the Poor-law Board on Mr t le t ine 044, the, Moine ,Secretaryship on •Mi4ontr : Anen ,Stirrn,-the Under Secretary ship of. the Rome- Bepartment 'on Viscount Mateur!o- -.Than,•lieeePitng,to the mime quid riatioa,...,Liord Iticpas isto. go to the Duchy of ,I.sa,ipaater,,the, Bail Of partirsma to Ireland; ,the,,Mirdeter of . Wlrto to he-Mr. Sivicar-lina-% , naii, and,the Oolonial Secretary the Duko of ,/fawcap_rnit _ The ..4tferisid, Post adder as 'inselfi"iit Ibis` - aids; that Loid Mzaro will ' be Lord - President, Lord Kinagnown Lord Phim eimlOr,,Mr:Knititain',Alteritey Oeneral, and Mr. Ootcusa, Soli c itor:.. General. It . pithily itoneludes by nitfingi ec Selling the skin - before I#3---hciii:tai killed has islwaye boon .considered sexiiinmereantile transaction.? , . Over "the "Wires. , Ordinary -readers or a daily journal, who find, in, It all the intelligence 9f the time, rgiiren - lit more 'or less length, according to its relativeliepottince, rarely take" the trouble of thinking"at" what eipendithre" of . time,. and lhoughtf acientitie„:and • mechanleal labor, that wonderful:Printed 'sheet is Put together. Thoy_ expect to dad, full furore:teflon in their newspaper, ai they read'it,"at' breakfast , every !"morning;_ and take - it 'only aa a matter of course Atli • they . are •riot disappointed . For their tWo - cents, each day, they require tho great 'ear.,ililness and accuracy of information, : and, ore very little inclined, under any dream atances,-th rest, tultistled with less than this. ' .usually go to press, every morning, at about 8 o'clock. Yesterday, we worn between two" to, three hormi • later, though , our town readers?wereserrni with their papers at the usual Suppcith that we had been com -pelled-to 'aerie ..them two or three - hours later thaiCutiasl,itliat an- outcry would they have madewhat 'in avalanche of •cemplaint would liav~'fal[en open ,' our Publiehing :Office. Hum diode, not' thousands of yubscribers, would . ' hive tingrily . ,ilemanded the cause, of the delay. .11ad`we said; that not Weld the weather was to! blame,' they• Would Lave declared that we 'Were langhing. at' them; that the state of the - "Weather had nothing to - do With, the time of a newspaper's being net up, printed, and pub= Theyiroitld have declared erroneously for it; has a decided influence, sometimes. Tun Presss,of yesterday contained a report of the filckles trial; at Washington, occupying eyersavicOlunis of small type; closely set, anctbringlog the court proileedings of Mon. day dciern to BF. lit., the hour of adjourn. meat. In each colamn are 280 lines, making 1400 lines in the whole live. Ildaltiply these by,O, the average ,number of words in each line, and we have )2,600 words in the day's 're'port; - ' How dicLive get these words from Washing ton I—Words spoken .there during five hours to court on Monday, frOm 10 hi! 8. Speeches taken !loin in short-hand, by skilful report- Mil, had to be written out in extertio, for pub- So,tiv, with evidence of witnesses, ,andeldemishes of counsel ; and rulings of the ; ,14`agf,: . was conveyed froth Wash. iagtori ! o, Philadelphia 'oier the telegraphic wire:a/and remarkably well have the proceed hOn reported and Conveyed. , It coats ;WS agood deal, of course, but the result justi fies the expense: Our readers desire full and ,i4irate infiirmation upon'thia particular sub ject, and we give It to them. * - On Monday evening, from a little before 9 to a `quarter 06011 roc, a terrine storm visited •thlipart, ofthe - country. The thunder rolled, the lighthings-thislied, and the raltifdesdended ;inthirenis.- It was midnight before this tor nado entirely passed away. " But, - while it last ed; there was - ifii utter impossibility oeworking :the.,thlegianh.', Do , our readers now wonder what kept its hick yesterday morning,, though they 'ialered'init:by - any delay?, Simply this, our ficoMPOsiters bad to wait, during the three 'hourfloi tempest, for the ((copy" wldeb, but pr . ': th ee interruption, would all have been in their iwW4Ei,-orratber. on their oases, before jaddrifght.': - ' , • • _ Thii,Wholeialifrepprting Lfrom Washington is, really one of the moat noticeable achieve in-mita:of the body knows how it IS done, and pet hoe; "Wenderfol is the doing EieePt. ; when • the weather intervenes, elec. : ttioltyis,a,nieaseriger as astonishing as rapid. lElnction at Beverly. .61evieskindenee' or Tb Presa.l Btwr,lipril 11, 1859. mitnlelpel election of the city of Beverly, iNew.Jettley,:toalt pitied today, the 11th inst., and 'reenittiff he the election of tbe entiro Democratic "iferter, kit* the opposition of, the Pooplo and iltideptiridantMeheio.. , „, • • The Bon. John W. Fenlmone was re , eleeted Msisyof °Ellie - 1514 by ,is Uri* majority. The De. , SnoortiorhiltitiMphitat BeverlyYoßrib. C.14"q174.4' The Civil War ill Mexico. Accustomed as wel i are,toan endless ?nieces sten of prottilialarnient'divil strifes, and re: imlations billtexice,; and to- an almost uninter rtipteil Warfare among ?bar military chieftains =4 their predatory hands, we are naturally disposed to 'regard her internal coiitests as Mare featious struggles for power. The present strife, however, seems to.be based on impott ant Principles. The party of which thalami is the military leader is said to be bitterly hos tile-to all Modern ideas of civil and religions liberty. It embraces the heads oft& (Aura,' who are.full of bigoted ideas =Worthy or the present age.. It entertains a loop ,hatred for the United Stites, and a corresponding regard for European menarables. Many of ita mem-. insid i'nd'eed, are accused of being anxious to porictirt Maxie . ° into ,a kingdoit, over which come scion .of European royalty shall, wield .. a ,sceptre. It, is „the special chain' plea •of the , priest-power, which,' by its enormous revenues, has always exercised coMmatiiiingpolitical and corenterolal, as well as religious influence; in Mexico. The whole drift Of the protracted, struggle,' which has al ready ocenrred, iddiaates that this party_ is ob noxious to ,the great body of the Mexican people. :It* been,teponed froredestruction, Mo. 'far, principally, by, its possession' of the capital; the efforts of the leading bishops to Supply it' 'with funds, its, control or a portion of the old army, and the military ge niutof its leader, MutAiion ; and 'the cottnte mance and aid it his received from foreign Go. comments, particularly Spain and France, and, to' same extent, England. , • , On' tho other ,hand, the Constitutional Or Liberal party, represented by the Juarez Go c'ernment, appears to possess the confi dence of the: main portion of. the Mex ican 'people, and to contain within it nearly all the,,elements of political regene. ration existing in the country. It is averse to European Influence; and much more friendly to the United States lhan its. aotagonist..• It professes deep devotion to, republican prin ciples; and ansearneat death.° to 'secure their permanent establishment. While it does not war aeon the creed of the established church, it resolutely;tibia - et diminlsbini ifs reienueS, and giving additional freedom and energy to the Industrial interests of the country. It enforce!? its authority over nearly the whole nation, add, as it also holds possession Of the ports!, obtains principal revenues. The great disadvantage it has labored under con sists in, the fact that it has boon _unable to obtain the ancient capital, the city of Mexico:Thelate intelligence, stating that ithattrei bad withdrawn from Vera Cruz, the ' seat of the Constitutional government, without daring to attack it—that in his absence , the Liberal forces had made an assault upon the capital, which, though. unsuccessful, had indicated a degree of • strength in their army which ren. dors Mllta.MON'll return to Mexico a difficult task; and that upon the arrival of the Ameri can Minister,' Mr. MoLonz, at Vera Cruz, he bad promptly recognised the Juarez Govern. ment4is a strong indication of the speedy triumph of the latter party. If no dissensions break out In their ranks and If they possess sufficient courage and skill to fully avail them selves of their present advantages, they should be enabled to once more' restore peace to Mexico, at no • distant day, and to re-establish order 'among'her distracted and unfortunate people. State:Agricultural Fair. We have already referred to the importance of holding the approaching annual fair of the State Agricultural Society in Philadelphia, and would again urge upon our hotel-keepers,, and business men generally, the polloy of proMpt action to so cure- this result. That the business interests of our oity. have, in former seasons, been largely be nefited by the multitdde of visitors Which these eihibitlona - nro..celoulated to attract no one will deny; and as their being held here necessarily in. velvet( eipendituree, which mist bo provided for in oftener., it is to be hoped that the character's . tie liberality of our merchants and others will be . 'indicated to the president of the moiety—Hon. ID: Taggert, who is now stopping at th'e St. Lawrotice Hotel , --without delay. Quito a number of gentle men,that we are aware of, have already responded nobly with their contributions, and we trust very soon to be able to,inform our readers that a suffi cient number of others have come forward and done IA well. Be prompt, gentlemen, as it is de sirable . that,l the matter should be determined early next week. ' ' B MIDNIGHT MAIL. Lotter from 64 Touchstone.l, WIT (301IBATX OF Tar: LAWYERS—:DEEPLY AFT iECT /Xii 50gilz IX COURT Tux .TnlBOXXx TAKEN OUT IR CONVULSIDNX. 100T0epondexoe s er The #rese.3 WApIIINEITON; April 320859. ' A great portion of the forenoon was occupied is discussing wl&ther , testimony relative to :the correspondencopf March 26,1856, should be ad= mitted. There was a little sharpshooting on the part of counsel, and ti bright little bit of contro versy took place between Brady and Carlisle, with that gentlemanly 'oonelderatton of professional dignity characteristic of both parties. The de sire tarestrain themielves in the witeombat made ,the- selection" of words of the chief impoitan * eo, aid afforded a fair ohanoe to observe one of Mr. Carlisle'S portlier talents, and one of Mr Brady's most serviceable weapons. The former, with very courteous sharpness, after striving in vain' to make the latter think or see as he did, applied the old maxim, " None so blind as-those who will not see" to Mr. Brady; replying with bland promptitude to which, Brady reminded the court and Mr. Carlisle of a distioh which runs thus • They hare optics sharp, I !rem Who see what's not to be seen." An inelpient roar of laughter was smothered by the deputy marshal into a kind of faint murmur of applause. ; At another part,mlion the interro gatories of the opposing counsel were felling thick and fast, Mr. Carlisle begged to inform them that he " was not on the' stand ;" to which Brady re plied, ho wan at a stand. Mr. Carlisle remarked that the abruptness of the interruptions was enough to bring any ono to a stand. This was evi dently meant for Stanton, as Carlisle took occasion to acknowledge the courtesy of Brady. The friendship' existing between Sickles and Key was testified to by J. J. MaEihone, Esq., of your pity, and -ex• Marshal HooVer. The latter was privy to the correspondence , alluded to, and had a conversation with Sickles concerning it. He (witness) was a great friend of Key, and, in addi tion to the correspondence, added his friendly re- Commendations, when asides said he was shocked at first, but he deemed the explanation sufficient, believed Key, to be a man of honor; and that their previous friendly relations should be re•estab Halted. Tho appearance of the Hon. Robert J. Walker created mach interest, and his vividly touching description of the appalling condition of Sickles, when he saw him after the affair of the 27th, re salted in' scenes of almost similar agony. Mr. Walker was deeply moved, and his appearance added a sadly impressive power to the recital cf his sad experience of the memorable day, as he described the unearthly screams, intermingled with the most , painful sobs he ever beard, and exclama tions on the dishonor of his daughter, which made him fear that Sickles was becoming insane; and precisely at a quarter past twelve Mr. Stanton begged the Court permission for Mr. Sickles to re tire; It was granted, and the rising cf Mr. Sickles in the dock, presented a most heart-rending scene. The dreadful facts, of the scene being so vividly rioalled, Isis feelings, when the first deso lation of house and family, the loss of wife, and the disgrace of hie innocent little daughter, fell ripen him—the deed done that proclaimed it to the world, and all daguorreotyped in the first terror, as it were, by the leek and speech of Governor Walker, Was too much for the prisoner. He passed through the awful ordeal again. He presented an appear-, awe that at ones hushed with tender feeling, and exalted with a manly sympathy, the whole audi. 'tory. He was broken into tears, and thesobi of uncontrollable anguish and Oontraotion of his frame, too evidently exhibited the symptoms of a convulsion of sorrow. The effect was marvellous. The witness, already deeply moved on seeing the effect on 'the prisoner, had to , tdrn away to hide his emotion. • Several of the auditory buried their heads in their hands, the eyes of several of the lawyers, especially - the friends of - Mr. Sickles, swam, and the effect on the jury was - not lees affectin g than on Mr. Walker. Many (I ,do not publish their names) openly wept, some ap ,pliod their handkerchiefs to their faces, and all were afflicted. , Mr. Sickles was helped, partly carried out, by Tease Bell, Esq. - , of New York, ac companied by Hon. Emanuel B. Hart, and follow ed by his father and others. He had barely got info'the ante=room, and the door closed upon him, when the convulsion evidently reached its height, and the excited anxiety of the court room woe kept alive by the sobs which reached it from the next: , It was a scene of deep' afflietion, such as pro * bald) , no man in the assemblage had ever wit nessed, and which will never be eradloeted from the minds of, those present. A. barely indicate it ; I could not describe it. `- The testimony of Bridget Duffy, next called up, Was of a ratan to keep up the sorrowful impor tance of the last ; She was chambermaid - of tho Shaklee, signed. with Miss Ridgely, tho confession of Mrs. Sickles, at the request of the latter, and was a witness of the growing torture of Mr. Slokies during the Saturday night and Sunday morning. As I close this communication the judge is perusing the confession, whioh has been offered by the defence and objected to by the pro. onoution, Vuctororta. THE P.RESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1859. hotter from New, York. ' cOlo: 4mum.....xt..lllMMlTT AND' CNN JACNSUN'S oOoliot— , soo4i.wro aumm—roonsunt oz . SULTS QP , A EIST4O—ARRIVAL or emir. 'toodo,L - OMMADOOS-1 1 R. GALttAnbef —trfolofrof, Aoirmar OP Immo-Im. namomes to ruor—ras OPERA. fOorrespondeneo of Tho Pmts..) - New Yonk, April 12. tdr. Andrew jaekson, Jr., is understood to halm detebnined to present that much-desiderated gold , box to Gen. Ward B Barnett, as the "bravest lean" who fought in the Mexioan war. The oontest for this - pretty heir-loom has been carried on with, great pertineeity ! " At onti tints it Seemed to be settled tbil,t 'Staler Byektltan would have the plea sure of shaking it into his pocket, but the repre sentative of Old Hickory has deolded otherwise, and when the gallant and good-looking, but san guinary Surveyor General of Kansas comes east ward to the regions of civilisation, he will take Tennessee and the gold box in his Way. The General, by the way, le a member of the Scott Ll:Canard, obminanded by 'ex-dontruiessry Gene ral J. H. Hobart Ward—a company composed ex olusiyely of men who participated In the battles In Mexico, and'who propose, on Has 18th instant, toaeleb,rttto the Length anniversary of the battle of Cerro Oordo. ' The pugilistic, exhibition at lloym'a Theatre last week, for the benefit of the widow of the late Boss " ilarrington' ' has been settled up, and the net proceeds found to be $1,754, wkieh is held sub jeot to her orders by,United States Marshal Isaiah Bynders. _The boys "went in" to some purpose: They have made the wife of the jolly old braider` cemfortable for life. Ainong the notabilities arrived here yesterday is the flon.Franois Himeks, Governor ofßarbadoes . Mr. Mucks has experienced, pretty much every variety of life. , A few years ago he edited a little Paper in Toronto, then be got into the Provincial Parliament, where his strong wilt, great adminis trative talent, and . untiring industry, speedily. raised him to- the premiership of the Canadian Government: The executive ability , displayed In that capacity, during the Governor. Generalship of Lord Elgin, attracted the attention of the home Government, and won for him the important posi tion he now fills. The public opinion of Canada has long sine° polo ted to Maths the next Governor General of that dependency of the British Crown. Gov. Meeks is stopping at the Clarendon Dr. Galliardet, who attempted to murder Mr. Cranston; of the New York- .Hotel, and wee con violed, hut'esoaped from the custody of an officer br fore sentence was pronounced, bait been Mulcted In $9,000 damages in a olvit eult—judgment going by default. The Doctor is now in Paris. The National Academy of Design was opened last evening - for the customary " private view," though the number present was Omits three thou rend °neve the morning journals says that the exhibitiongreatly excels any. preview dune, not only in the lipmber of works on the walls, but in thelegeneral excellence. There are fewer large canvases, and a much greater number of small genre pictures , than have been exhibited hitherto. Nearly all'our Old artists are well, represented on the walls;'while there are many paintings of great promise by the rising generation, who have their reputations to make Among the striking good portraits, which will hot allow, the spectators to pats them unnoticed, are two portraits by Elliott.— one, full of vigorous handling, of Eliaa Bowe, Jr., and another of Dr. Cheeseman. It is repotted among the artists, that Mr. Bel mont thinks of making his valuable gallery of pictures permanently free to the public. Notwithstanding the season of Lent is approach ing closely to Passion •Wieek, and the absence of most of the Roman Cattiollos and Episcopalians from places of public amusernent, the opening of a brief operatic season, last evening, at the Aca demy, was attended bya 11111 and brilliant house. New York Stock Exdhange, April 12. almost) BOARD. ' 2000 Virginia St We 08% 100 Harlem R Pre! 40% 2000 Mid R sit Idtg 78%1 100 do 40% 25 Penn Coal Co 81% 800 '. do 40 250 Pacific Mall Co 80 500 do 39% 250 do 'IA 84 410 do 89, 60 do e3O 86 100 do 63 89% 60 do WO 86 100 Reading R 410 6031 60 do 'NO 86 200 do 60% 760 N Y Central R 76% 200 do • 60% 100 do DSO 76% 60 bilehlgan Cent 610 53 100 do WO 76% 200 do elO pa 100 Erie R 0% 60 do DEO 63 200 Mullion Blt eBO 2351 250 do , 835( 100 do 8381 60 do 660 62% 76 do. 83% 100 Mich El R guar 130 40% 100 Idlob EIENIR WO 13% 103 do . 633 40% 14 Stoning on B 68% 200 do ' 5.0 4031 100 ()MO &Malt b6O 67% 600 Harlem II 12% 200 do 630 67% 403 do blO 13 310 do 67% . nova, 40 —The deniand for Plovr is more Ratite, and the market may be quoted a shade firmer. There is a fair inquiry for the Esstenn and local trade, and also 'something defog on specalation Sales 12.000 , bbls at $6 'Mob 50 for euperflee State; $5 8506 45 for extra State; $5.1005.60 for sdperfit.e Western • $6OO 60 for common to medium extra West ern, and ' $6.4006 00 for common to fair extra round ' hoop Ohio. The market doting etesdy. Included in the mime are 3,003 bbls taken on spe culation, and 1. 800 bbls extra roond hoop Ohio, for the West Indies, at prices within the range Cana dian Flour is - quiet, with small sales at 10 60167.40 Shorn Meal more active, with sales or 450 bat, at Sr 9003 95 for Jersey ; $4 35 for Brandywine; and 60 punoheous at $l9 76. Rye slime is quietaud unchanged. uouthern Flour In moderate request, with gales or 1,800 bbla at $6.95m0 00 for common, and $0.60013.20 -for 'fancy and extra. ' • SIM sa .-1 he demand is moderate, and the market is steady and unchanged; eaten since our Seat 200 htids, at 7e7ko for Now Origami, and ONO7O for Oubit., 4 ,10 , 100 bus Havana, at BNo. • ' Rica is quiet; and without Important disuse ; sales mince our last, 100 tea at 8J(n4)(o cash Moxstufas.—Tbe market ooniinums steady. pnd Ulu changes; mien since oar last . 150 b bls . New Orteins „ at 4o: _ , Pnovistotie —The Pork market continue*: dell, and holders of Mese in order to realise, have submit., tel to a further decline; sales 8.100 barrels at $l7 60m 17 82 fir new Mem ; 17 87 for old MO.llll, And $12600 12 82X for Prime Including 2,800 bble Kim atEsl7lo, cheek tO-day. The market closing firmer. Beef la in good demand and firm; sates 290 bide at 56.6007 for Country Prime; $7.2008.75 for Country Mesa; $9.60011.26 for revoked ChtoMm Mesa,`end $1260018 for extra.' Prime Mess Beef le Arm, but quiet, at $17021. Beef Mame steady and In moderate request; sales 100 bbls st $l6 60e17 60: Bacon quiet. Dressed Hogs dull at BmBNo. Out Mesta heavy, with a limited de. mend ;- sales 100 ylige It 13;i08,60 for abooldere, and 8 imilg for Rams. Lard it quiet; wales 206 bbla at Ilrellga. Better quiet at 83( 0120 for 0610, and 14022 e for elate. Cheese dull It Baside. - Corrox.—Merket firm, with a pretty good business doiag In transit /Ott, At /2)intwo for middling Or. leans; freight 7.16 d. Middling tiptends in store aro quoted at 12No. Nam - Nom Bumnraaa.—The new Hotel at the corner of Chestnut and Ninth sir oeta is so far ad ,vanoed, that the proprietors advertiso that the stores on the Ant or street floor are to he lot, and will be reedy for occupation In July. There are five stores on Chestnut street and sin on Ninth stroet, and application may be made until the 25th instant They are situated in a capital location. • AUCTION Norion.—/t. Scott, Jr., auctioneer, 431 Chestnut street, will sell this kerning, commencing at ten o'clock, 500 lots embroideries, ,to. - ; com prising rich embroidered and ribbon sets, *net and Swiss oilers, jaconet and Swisa edgings, flouncing, bands, infant's waists, &a. Also, bon net ribbons, Frontal flowers, white goods, French lane yells, linens, jewelry, &c. N MI; VALUABLE PAINTINGS to be SOid by Thomas do Bone, on Friday morning, at ten o'clock, are now arranged for examination at the audio rooms, with catalogues, THE COURTS YESTERDAT'II PUOOMJIDINOW !Reported for The Press.j UNITED STATES CIRCUIT CounT—Judges Grier and Cadwalader.--Goorge D. Parrish ve. Wm. D Lewis. Au action to recover certain sums of money which were paid under protest to the United States Government, ea duty on same silk and velvet geode be. longing to the plaintiff . The defendant woe the (late) collector of the port of Philadelphia. The plaintiff alleges that the amount of ditty paid on hie geode was an overcharge. On trial Stephens vs. Harrison. Before report ad. Verdict for the plaintiff. . Nlsr Purus—Justice Road.—Tho court was engaged in hearing rules and motlent QUARTER, &moms—Judge Thompson.— John Campbell and Alexander Wetherill were obareed with robbing some person unknown, and with taking the sum of nine cente. Verdict guilty ta to John Camp. bell, and not guilty as to Alexander Wetherill. John Brown was dharged with the larceny of a single set of harness, valued at f3O, the property of William Verdict not. tullty The defendant was tried upon two other bills, and verdlots of not guilty were rendered. • John Morgan was convicted of the larceny of an over coat valued at $22, the property of B. Wistar Morrie. George Blake was convicted of the larceny of a shirt, balmier! to John flimiegton, valued at $l. John hoyder was charged with the larceny of five bagatelle belle, valued at $7 SO, the property of Lewle Kelleher Verdict not guilty. Joseph ?dyers was convicted of the larceny of six pair of ladies' gaiter 'boots, valued at $ll, the property of George Groesbeck George Vincent was convicted of until a• d battery upon Mary Eihnens. Thome Gordon wee acquitted of assault and battery upon Ann Gordon, his wile. Annie Davenport woe charged with the larceny of a silver watch, veined at $lO, the property of emote Malone, The plaintiff wee robbed by the defendant, In Trout street, (late Pine alley.) Verdict guilty. George Johnson was charged with the larceny of a bag of fat, containing forty-four and a half periods, valued at coven omits per pound, the property of B. White. On trial. Garrett Duff was charged with attempting to commit a larceny in carrying away some chickens. Verdict guilty. George f °buffer was convicted of thwierceny of a ,bawl, the property of Magdalen Hurter. George Patton and William Trent were charged with the larceny of three $2O gold pieces, 'twenty 50 gold Pieces, $1,600 in banknotes on the Look Haven Bank, 11,000 in banknotes of the Lewisburg Bank, and other property of Jacob Kersteter, altogether amounting to $3 695 60. It appears that the plaintiff bad bean A farmer lb Clinton county, Pa., but bad 'netted to go to the Nearer Peak gold mines He started from home with $2,6 00 , hod Orme to this city, where he alleges ho woe robbed by the dofendante of $2,695. On trial. Thermal. CousT—Jadge Sharcwood.—John D. Rosenberger vs. Frederick Fleher.. An action on a check. Verdict for the defendant. Horace Bonne, M. D., ye. S. W. Usher. An action to recover the amount allegedtobe due for rent due 'and In arrears. Verdict for the plaintiff for V 86.81. R. Franklin Raley vs. (Norge 0. Barber. An notion on promissory note. Verdict for the plaintiff f0r,5267 87. Mishit .0. Warren and Parker H. Warren, trading, &o.• vs William 8. Noble and Alfred L Hough, who survived Cyrus 0. Doyle, trading ho. An action to recover rent for a paper mill in the Twenty-fourth ward, lamed by plaintiffs tri defendants. The defence set op be, that there was payment for part of the time, viz: up to November, 1867 The plaintiffs evicted the defend ants from the leased premises. DisintoT Com—Judge Stroud.—Henry 4. Whitney and Samuel A. Whitney, assignees of Jo seph Men, who was assignee of Henry Palmer, vs. James 0. Henry and Sarah ilenry, his wife. An action upon a bend and:mortgage. - Charles A. Snyder vs. Samuel Bechtold, Jr. An so tion on a prOmiseory note. Verdict for the plaintiff for $162 26. • Common PLEAS— Judge Allison.—William Mull -vs, the OILY of Philadelphia. An action to re cover money had and received by the defendant. Ver dict for the plaintiff for $ 4 60. • Wegner, Bartalett, & Oe. vs. Thomas Weldon. An action to recover money for goods sold and delivered. Verdict for the plaintiff for $l7 12. Moses Hopkins va The Oily of Philadelphia. An no tion to recover , for services rendered to the Board of Revision of Asseasments for said city. Verdict for the p'aintlif for 829 62. Thomas Mennen vs The City of Philadelphia. An action to recover Inc work and labor done. Vrrdint for the defendant Joseph R. Knapp re. William Amy. An fiction upon a promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff for MAO. James Ann m John Graham An lotion of replevin icor the recovery of 'a horse. Verdict for plaintiff f. 190, DIA.RICETS THE LiTEST:ArE WS BY " r i t .V . IXGRAPH. LATER FROt VERA CRUZ. atop,Mori of the Juarez, goveruntent CollllrMedi - - THE IMO oi , MEXICO SURROUNDED BY TUE LIBERALS. Supply of , Provisions and Water Cut Ott. thew.OnLeaife, April 11.—The , latest 'adviaes from Vera ,Cres mote the Bth inst. Tho ream:Mon of the Jewel's Government by the Amerind Minister, Mr. Maine, was made the mon. slim of a grani rejoining, accompanied by the firing of a national ealu(e nod military parade. The Liberil tome, reported as xmmbering 18,000. ate num:m.Bog the capital t - and have out off the sup ply of water tud proclaims. The garrison is 6,0)0 In number. Gen. 5.11raml;lo lieedeapatched 1.600 men to the capital fror — Orisaba, but the Liberal forces were in pursuit of Atiramon, ant a battle was expected. Senor Mati, the Mexican Minister to the UnitedBtates t , is now. in the city; Me has received official dispatches continuing the recognition of the Government by Ur. McLane, and will return in a few days to Washington, td mourns his official duties. Prop , Havana and Key. West a THE ISABEL".A.T CHARLESTON ' .9f Slaver Condemned EXTENSIVE FIRE IN WFSTERN OUDA-20,000 OONOS OF, eugAn DOBTROYED Arrival of MaretzelOS Opera Troupe. CITAILILSTOW, Aprll 12.—The steamship - Isabel, from Havana, As,e. Key Weet, on the 10th Inst., arrived at this pert thie eveping., • , Theslave-brig Tyrant hod been Condemned at Key West. The salvage amounts to forty per cent. net, sixty per cent. of which goes to the Government' revenue officers. alaretseh's Opera Troupe are among the Isabel's pas sengers. An extensive fire had ocenrred in ‘ the weatern portion of Cuba, destroying klarge quishtity of sugar and much other property. It Is stated that twenty thousand boxes of eager were destroyed. lisvANS. Manures, March 10 —Sugars are buoy ant, at tlin &Mewingquotations: °laved, 90i9X ; Mae• covado,7XesElX. Mote/see bee declined g. lachange le advancing. Sterling, llwrilM per cent. plenliurn vatorilitern, Meng •par aunt. discount ; Kew Winans, 1e51,14 'per cont. prnminti. • • Pennsylvania Legislature. . llamuslimari, April 12. SENATB. The follOwlng bills were reported favorably -A supplement to,the Chestnut Hill Water Company. An set illitaXaSoldanrande companies In Philadel ‘phie and Allegheny Counties: 7 Au Bet to Incorporate the /farmers , and Mechanics ildning,lMidranee ColliP6oV. A supp l ement to the Exchange Insurance Company A supplement to the West End Ineursnae Company. A iupplemmutto the it ennington ateamboat Company. • An let relative to the Phitadelphia and Redding Rail road An act to incorporate the National Steamship Com. ,• • • , r . Atterotto Incorporate the Blm Tree Insurance Company Au act to Incorporate the &motion Railroad, The following were reported adversely: An act to ineorrmate the Market Street Savings Sand of Philadelphia. An lett) provide for the pay of uniformed militia in the State. 'An act to incorporate the Mifflin CoUniy Bank. An act, for the better regulation of buildings In Philsetelphla - The following bills passed t An act relative to school directors. A supplement to the militia lair The supplement to the 114uor law 'peaked a extend reading. A motion to Suspend the roles 31 that the bill tou'd be read a third time was leet—yeas 12, nays 12-snot two4bArds.- • The bill providing for the pur chase ors lot adjoining the Executive mansion, was postpened indienitely-.yese 18 :nays 12. Adjourned. 111YENIXO session. The Senate met at 8 P. M. - The following bilte were passed : A supplementto the Spring Garden Savings Fund. An sot to incorporate the Bloyamensing Passenger Railroad.'- An alt teilliire to. the ' wee:lama and Moyamonslng Railroad. A supplement to the Sixpenny Saving Fund of Phila delphia. A supplement ;to the West End Insurance Company. Adjourned.' Julie that hare Timed the Senate can only be con aidered within three dart of the clogs of the mission. The following bills passed finally : An act to laoorporete the Delaware Avenue Mar ket Company. An act relating to the election or dlstriat attorney. A supplement tmthe Middle Coal • Field Tunnel and Railway Company. -' ' An sat relative to the eels of the Northwestern Ball- NMI I. . , . An KM nattily to unadjusted oialins against public works. A aupplemeat to the cot eatabllahing the mode of Be. leotiog and drating jurors la and for the city of Phila delphia. A n cot anthotitleg the 06arta of Common Mem to change the aerosol persons. aim Niko SEltSzok The Howse met at 8 P.M • . . All the bills is tiPs body having been passed, the House waited over an heir on business (pm the Senate. A (ow unimportant amendments were oenturredin, : And the iloaseadjourned. ' „ ' Wasbingtoa Affairs. Weentstar, ter, April 12 —Lord Lyooe to-day presented to the President hie credentials as Savoy lixtreordleary nod Minister PleelpeitentlarP of Her Britennia Bfejesty, Id. doing to he pee utteranoe to the most profound line offrie* ...fp of Ms Government for that ot the Ualtda StlitvOiSful 'Weaned the hope that the ties of fount 'would, ,drewa still closer. The . President warmly-riittcated.rhe itentlinente announced. The tLartiltiers ( move then remedy: cordial character. `The tripreasion pratfall that . ex• Judge Parrett, of Penneylvanta, will be appointed ffuperintendent of RAM% Printing - • - • • • ; Xx•Otingreeamen Graebeek, of' (into, 'aitording to, the•reprieeentatione of hie most Intimate friends, lies been offered, but declined, the appointment of °murals *loner of, Patents. Although the Government beano thing naore ? `,tban telepaphio *copulate coecerning the rerognitiod of the Jim.. Government by Minister Alc• Lap. It *EvAla full credit to the intelligence Hnough het. txpeurldrit to *remit' the aetettion that Senor Mail wit be oeived se Minister to the United Mates on Me retard IdWaettingten... At the time Mr. McLane went to Mexico Miramon wye represented to be in force before Vera Gros, and we iteno wee, doubtful. He went thither with the full naderstandieg that if Miramon woe, defeated at that point to; reeognlse the Liberal Government, Hence the determination of Me Lotion in the promisee. It le understood here, es the ressou.why Mr. Poreyth was not eeht bath to Mexico as Malted States Minister, that by the recognition of the ,Zuloage Government be renderedltimself unpopular with the Liberal party, end hence It was considered that his usefulness would be impaired. Hon. John Letchei; the Hammett* candidate for the Governorship of Virginia, is in tide city, en reati to 'resume - the canvass In the central and southern por• bone of the Blain Much more btu lout Is now being transacted In the Interior Department, oecupyhig the attention of the Beereta7 sometimes till midnight. Thereselpla of the Patent (Moe, during lad month, use said tube about 514,000 over the eXpenses. The tumor 071112 n, the postmaster at Detroit, about whi.b. them has been so much interest of late,has been Investigated. $o tar, It is thought he will resign. The Repiblisana intend Bring one hundred gone to. morrow afternoon, In honor ofJe fferson% birthday, and of the Reinblican victories Id the recent State and municipal Ilections, TheDilliard Matches in Detroit. DECISION IN KAVANAUGH AND FOLEY'S HATCH THE' ONNAT MATCH BETWEEN 1.1181,AN AND SEE REITER-1I UM EXCITEMENT. Daracitrinpril U.—The billiard mach, which took place last night, between Dudley Kavanaugh, of New York, and Michael Foley, of this on), (game 1,000 points sods6oo stake) remelted In the victory of KII1VA• naugh, byll points!. Kavanaugh made one run of 177 points. The great match between Michael Phelan, of New York, Ea, tieerelter, of this city, for $lO 000, takes place to-nttbt, commencing at seven o'clock; There is a large nuriber of billiard-players In attendance from all parte c the country. and much excitement prevails among then regarding the match. THE TSELAN-SEEREITER MATCR—PrIEL AN'S FRIENDS JUBILANT. _ . . . . Dariorf, April 12, 8 o'clock, P. M.—The billiard match le Jut tarnlng.,the first string Seers iter marks 110, Phel(n 69 Pa the fourth hundred, fieerelter mark ed 300. ardPhelan 2b9. Ditutoti., April 12. 10 &sleek. P. fd —.Thus far, Phelan grate 604, and Beereiter 400. Planlea's friend,' .re Darno!r, April 12, 11.46 P. 11.—At thin time the renown:4 count is made :1 ~.. Phe 064 _ ln Seerbter 673 Further from Pike's Peak. LEAVEiTOIIIII, April 11.—Late private advices from the gold linings afford ample evidence of the dhoti. very of rids placers In the mountains. Several state. meats, Dan different sources, gives nearly Identical Informadm, and corroborate the finding of deposits of shot goldand boulders, through a notion of country thirty nabs In extent There la n itch excitement at Denver City, and along Cherry cook. All the reports now received are more eavgulne hen ever, and entirely cons.stent. Several lettere from parties who went from this plao6 tell the same stay, and perfect reliance is placed in their state ments. Deuthof Judge E. V. Whiten, of Wis'.. Mitwxsee, April ]2—Hon. E. V. Whiten, Chief Juttioe d the iluprerne Court of Wiscoueln, died at hie reeidenetin Janesville, at half•paet twelve o'clock this afteram. 7he Democratic Convention. /IA BRUME° April 12 —A large number of delegates t, the Dmoctatio State Convention are In torn. The Conventon mete at ten A M. tomorrow, In the hall of the Huse of Representatives. Amorur those present ore ElonJohn Hickman, Col. John W. Forney, and 4. ,W. Veld ger, M. D. Itlintelital Elections in New Jersey. April 12.—T. 8. Mills (Demoorat,) wee re-oleold Mayor at the election held here to-day The Democrats have also chosen 0 of the 12 city offloera, The Cornell to tied. In tip elections at Princeton and Beverly, the Be ltrn:me are also successful. Death of Billy Bowlegs. NEI Oatocatto, April 11 —me death of Billy Bow.: lege, pa Seminole chief, Is reported as having occurred pn thilltb of March, 12411.8 COTTON bIABB.PT.—Now Point, Aprill2. Per ttramebip City t Baltimore. Haw, Monday, blared' 78.—Cotton ban advanced; atleaf the week 17;000 bales, at 102f0102f bOa for New 'Orient' Ws. The sates of to=day amount to 4,600 bales. The; whet is native, and there le a large epeoulative 11).11.0; 1021 to asked for has to arrive and deliverable In Joe and Jody. • • WAL EBTATIC, STOOKS, 840.—The following ialeicf Beal Baste, Stooks, he., were made by Masers. Thane .k Bone, last evening, at the Philadelphia : 110 ahem Went Philadelphia Mutual Da rini Fund and Trust Co., 26 cents each; 1 share Phhaelphla Library Co., $3l; 2 aharee Pennsylvania Amino , of Pine Arte, $lO • $430 Delaware Mutual Ins. Cc:11mill, 61 per cent share Philadelphia and Marl 'de Grace Steam ow Boat Co., $B3 ; 1 share Poißreeze Park Association, $136 ; 200 ohms At oolitic. Mining Co , of Michigan 37,4 canto each ; 80 sheer Meadville Gm and Water On , $4; $685 Delaware Moult Insusence :Co , 60 per rent ;' 8 three-stor brk dwellings, Nineteenth street $1,460 ; three-stor y brie dwBlllng. George atreet,l7oo ; two•otory brick atte and dwelling, northwest corner of Marshall and "Or street, $3 tito ; very valuable businese location, fi Tre.zat street, between Third and Fourth a eta, $17,600 ; handsome residence. Pranklord road, $1,400 ; neat three-story brick dwelling, Twenty-drat abet, $1,660; valuable Maylandville property. store, ]Snell age, the-house, stone quarry and about 10 acres Ptand, with about;6so feet trout on the Darby POSSOD. gatellway, $24,600; 2 tote, Broad street, north of Merin street, $1,700 each ; lot Pi ftaenth street, $420; I 4 Federal street, $476 ; and a lot on Fifteenth street, A MAN named Gallagher died soddenly yen tas), at residence, near Nineteenth and Cuthbert 0314. The coroner was sent for. THE CITY. !MUNIMENTS TEM EVENING sl* WALAVVEITIIISHT Trairfalt " The Little treasure WMIATLIST & OLLIKIVEI AROO-STAIIIP, TdRATIIII... 4 ' Our, American . Conel Viatortne" AEODOI4OIIOB 2 B OAISTIZEI.-84318000114 from Play., Gams from Operee, Pantomime., Damning, and Singing, -Tninotor's 'Palomino.— Gems from Operee, begro Xceentrioitiee, Jame., Dinging, and Dancing. COMMON dourrom.—An adjourned stated meeting of this brooch of oounelle was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. Thompson presented a petition for gab pipes on Germanotreet, from Third to Fifth. Referred to the Omnmittee on Gee. Mr Kersey called up the ordinance passed by fieleot Council, adthor'?, og the Arch.etreat Paamenger Rail way to extend their track.. Litd over. A resolution was adopted changing the Seventh Free @net Rouse of the P wet(' to Re. 230 South fifth street. , - The (Alliance authorizing an appropriation to pay the expenoes for femoving the market sheds west of Broad street was called up A motion was made to refer the 'object to the Com mittee on Markets , tehleh was negatived by a vote of 87 to it. Mr. Bullock movPd to amend, by appropriating p7,- 000 to meet the elpeneee of removing the sheds, end re•erooting them in other &owl, whiott woo loot by a tote of Ftl to lo ' Mr. Bullock said this bill should not piss, for parties would take down these sheds without a cent of expense to the citt in this way the *2,000 appropriated to the bill would be eared air, Hacker said if the rr)rk could be done for no: thing, then none of the appropriation would be expend- Mr Fish submitted a communication from the " West ern Market Company , ' offering to take down two MUMS of the market hones, west of Bread attest, and remove the same without cost to the city. Mr. Kerr moved to amend that the Committee of Markets be authorized to advertise for proposals for the removal of the two agnates of the markets, but with drew it to permit Mr. Fish to present an ordinance authorizing the Com ,ittee on Markets to contract with the Western Market Compeny to do the work. Mi Hacker moved to amend, and that the Commis sioner also advertise far p oilman for removing all the abode from Front to eighth streets, which gave rise to a lengthy debate, and wen finally voted down Handy said be should oppose the removal of the markets until the people demanded it. Mr. Kelly moved to amend, that the Commissioner of Markets shall receive pr• points to re erect the two equaree liken down In Beath Blerenth street, which *ae agreed to. The radiomen then pained Mr. II Miller submitted a preamble and resolotion, netting forth that the Warehouse Company had not ob tained poseession of all parte of the tobacco warehouse, and directing the Committee on City Property to loves- Elgin° the subject, and give the company poseessien of the premises. Agreed to Mr. Cooper called up the ordinance 'mewing Mr. B. W. Vogdesi salary In the High School to $L,200. Agreed to Mr. Gamble celled up the ordinaries authorising an apptopriation to pay the petite niaglatictes. Air Bo*ker moved to amend, that the magistrates be permited to retain the dun and penaltlee. Not agreed to, and the ordinance passed. Mr. Willey Called up the ordinance, making an ap propriation of VA 015 60 to pay Benjamin B. Thomas in full for work on the Huntingdon-street culvert. , • Mr. Melchor said Councils had done nothlog for worsts past but to pave bogus bills, and this was one of the rankest kind He- thought they should not degrade themselves in this way any longer. • Mr. Stillest aeolared these allegations to be untrue. Mr Luther advocated the passage of the ordinance. as the claim was an honest one It bed been carefully examined by a committee of Councils, and should be paid. The subject was postponed, and made the order of the day for Thursday next. The resolution passed by Select Council, authorising an expenditure of $1 000 for improving the grounds at the leirmottut Park for the nologioal Society, was concurred in. Mr Wtldey submitted a resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Ma•kets to receive recta for the stalls on Market street until the sltede are removed. Re ferred to the Committee on Markets. The renolutlon pansrd by Bolen' Council, granting the North Penns?'tante Railroad Company permission to temporarily change their track from the Germantown road to Girard avenae;.waa concurred in. Adjourned. THE BOARD OF CONTROLLERS of' the Pl*lie Echo°le held a Stated meeting yesterday afternoon, at their room, corner of Fifth and Adolph! streets, and transacted the following business -Com mun ica t fons.—One from First section, asking for In sdditional teacher One front Second 'motion, asking that a new Primary School be organised, end that power be granted to St up the tbred rooms In the Wharton School Rouge, One from Worirth section, asking power to make a con tract with Matthew M Rodgers to build a new echoed house on 'Happen streot, above Twelfth. One from Sixth section, asking permieelon to open a new division, and the etsployment of an additional teacher One from Eighth section, complaining that Primary School room number two is In a damp and unfit condi tioni and toerefore permliston is asked for the renting of a certain room on Sixteenth street. • . One from l'oorteenth section, complaining of the insecure condition of a privy attached to one of the schools. A'so, that 450 children are without the pro per accommodatione, and the Directors ask the pri vilege of fitting up t he, building formerly oectipied by the Monroe Grammar School for the accommodation of the ohildren alluded to. On motion of Mr. Booth, the request was graded: One from the Nineteenth nation, asking for the erection of a new sobeol-hotieti, as soon se coo 'sapient. One from the Twenty-third section, asking for an therein of the notary of a teacher of the Liberty School. One from the Good Intent Engine Company, setting forth the lease of the building occupied by said com pany and oertatn soliools is about to expire. Also one from,the Friendship linens Company, ask ing the privilege of opening two windows in their brilidlog, in order to have a free 'ventilation of air. Also, one flora the prino'pals of the Female Gram mar Schools, complaining of an invidious distinction made ageing. them, In favor of the School of Practice. This was a very long and,a very interesting document, and we regret our space preoludee no from inearting it here. After come debate as to the propriety of referring the communication to the Normal hohool Committee, It was referred to a special committee, consisting of Meaere. Houton, Pty, Aogney, Permed, and Leach. The Committee' on dem:tots reported bills to - the amount of $13,012.66. Ordered to be paid. The Committee on High &hoots made a report in re ference to the selection of a profaner of chemistry and natural phtoeophy, recommending R. Howard. Rand an the moat suitable for that position - The same committee made &report relative to a pre fearer of the Comae languages. The Committee on Property reported in favor of re moving certain sollools in the Nineteenth mutton to the new eobool•hoose as aeon as finished. 'Also, that the directors of that section shall employ two additional teaohers In Primary sehool No. O. Dr. B. Howard Rand was now elected professor of chemistry and natural philoitopby by a unanimous vote , Tbe- Board now proceeded to the eleotton of a pro reaeor or Germen, who le to enter on Me ditty on the let of July next 'The .followlng were the candidates end the Totes out Professor Oehlsehlager, Professor J. 0. J. &hada, Charles Schaeffer, Professor Pastas, Professor Bless°, Dr....Roepper, 0. Sehienstioker, Oeol.ge Harries, Romaine LOjellElo, Lenli Dembriski, fl. H. Oharlier, We,. ft artier Dr. &Mite, Dr. L. Teffell, , Professor Angelo. • The following le theprote mutt : • Romaine Lojeene 11 rotes • , Preforms Oehisohlager 3 t‘ O. Beldenstrlcker 3 '• Professor Angelo 4 " Mr. Luken° having received a majority of the rotes polled, sae elected, which WU effirmtd by a unanimous rote. Mr. Leech submitted a resolution, that there shall be but one session in the publie.aohools on and after the ft at of next month. Referred to a Biaxial committee. Adjourned. AT IS A SAD TIEN° that so many landmarks of our city's history are vanishing sway before Time's effacing finger. There is nothing so unrelenting as the spirit qt improvement. It respects no age, no country, no assoolition, no instinct of private pride or public glary, It tears down the church green with the ivy of a thousand yearn, and cells the snored duet of all that's dear to us for silver end gold. It trifler; with men's feelings when living and their bones when dead It is peculiarly American, too ; born and reared on the soil of freedom, and one of the worst fruits that it ever bora. There is something in enterprise particularly enchanting to the young and vigorous mind ; but when enterprise lays its linger on all t hat's near and dear to us in history and tradition, we learn to monk at it. We never see an old building fall without regarding it as if another cord that binds us to our fathers bad been snapped. These thoughts were suggested by perusing an account of the demolition of an old building at the corner of Fourth and Walnut written by a gentleman whose knowledge on each matters is a treasure peculi arly hie own : " In 1851 there was a ghost discovered which haunted the neighborhood of this building, and which created not only a sensation, but it attracted much custom to the counter of a shrewd tobacconist who occupied the building. The spook' turned out to be the reflection from a reek of business card. In the store, and time ended the ghostly excitement. " There In s good deal of historical interest attached to this locality. On the west side or Fourth street, below Walnut. a flue old building stood until within a few years ' which wan known as the Shippen Mansion here Benedict Arnold courted his wife when she was a reigning belle, and here their marriage was celebrated with great pomp, at a time when the groom enjoyed the utmost popularity and confidence, and when Washing ton himself would have been deemed Namely less likely than Arnold to prove a traitor. g , Farther down the street, in a house still standing at the northwest corner of Fourth and Prune streets, the Duke of Orleans resided, when a fugitive from home Be little dreamed then of his after (laser as Louie Phillipe, the citizen king,' of the terrible days of 1898, and of hie hat days in England, an exile from throne and home. , • ... . • - , Upon the oppealte corner of the mime streets (the eouthweet corner of Fourth and. Prune streeta) Dr. WNW raelded for many years, and in the old mansion which is atilt standing, the famous Wishr parties were inaugurated. Within those walla the most learned and acientitlo men of their time have often gathered ea the guests of Dr. Whiter. Still farther down Fourth street, and just above Spruce, eters& SC. Mary'e Church, and here was the scene of the great battle with clubs between the Biethopbs party and Mr. Hogan, the priest of the church So furiously did the battle for the pnineasion of the church rage upon one occasion that a company of ma rines were brought up from the Navy Yard to quell the riot The scandal attached to the affair had each an effect upon the mind of a devout Irish girl, that rho be. came illa4llo, and ever slime she hag wandered about the streets of the any, clad in renteetie garb, and using language as wild as her drew. Every Philadelphian knows • Cesar Norah;' but all do not know that the events we have Just referred to coat poor Norah bet wits Such is the fact." EARLY yesterday morning the doad body of an unknown man was found lying in a piece of woods on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. near Thirty seventh street. The body was entirely nude, and the clothing which bad been worn by the deceased was found lying near the remains. There were marks of retest copping on the breast. From circumetances, It Is supposed that the remains are those of an elderly man named John Cooper, who vamped from the Naval Asylum the day before, while laboring under an attack of Insanity. Coroner Fenner investigated the matter in the after noon. From the appearance of the dead man's ankle he had the inflammatory rheumatism, and even the cotton bandages from them were lying around. The jury ren • dered a verdict of death from exposure. TUE Dgmoons.rs of the Twenty-socond ward met on Monday evening., and completed their nomina tions for the emitting spring eleo ion. The following to the full ticket: Ward Officers.— Common Connell—John Felton, Sr., N. D'invitliers John O. Builitt ; Alderman—Daoch Rex; Aesessor 2 Samuel Comegys, - • Germantown Borough Officers —Alanagere of the poor—Matthias Miller, Charles R. Booking, William Cox, Albertun King ; Auditors—William Burnheater, , George R. Beeklu.s, Edward T. Jones, Joseph Hands, bury; School Director—P, w Minna Bookies; Consta ble—Joseph D. Muter; Town Clerk—Joseph Natley. ON THURSDAY next the Fifth and Sixth street Passenger railway will commence running, in cooneotion with the Girard College Passenger railway which occupies Arch street. The price of tickets, either north or south, will be eight rent.. The exchange tickets for Race and Vme-street railway are to be six ants each, and Atone for the Second and Third-street railway to the Navy Yard, Richmond, or Kensington, will be eight cents each, • dx mixxown white male child, aged about three weeks. woo found in tho Pahuylkill. near Rom berry filanolon; peoterday. Prom Ito appeaninoa, it bad been In the, water two or three weete, •VerdL^t, touud drowned: A icarTE male infant, aged about one day, was found In the river Schuylkill, yesterday morning, at Vine•street wharf. It bad been in the water a long time. Verdict, (Quad drowned. .I . llElreikinirn are putting the towhee to the new building for market purposes, cle ated in , Mat het 'street, near filiteenth, and knotei ea the 'itreileirri Market. It was opened for luipeoticaNe the publia •on Monday, end was lighted with gas last evening. Numbers of people have vielted it, and all admired its magnificent proportione and unlimited fe 011itieo for the acoommodation of market men. It will be formally opened in a few days, when a banquet will, be given by the enterprising proprietors inshonor of the event ON MONDAY evening, near sundown, while a party of men, who were considerably intoxicated, were driving up Broad street from League Island, a pistol which *as in the poeket, of ogre of their number was discharged acoldeatally, two balls taking emit to the foot of another of the Party: -The wounded - man' WAR taken to a drug store at Fifteenth and South streets, where his injuries were dressed, after whin he was conveyed to his residence, ou Federal street. west of rOUIL YOUIIidGENTLEMEIf, named John Adams, Homy Smith, II A. Pollock, and William Priv, were obmwatted . by Alderman "'Memory Co the charge of befog rlier-plratee. I l hey are alleged to have stolen a golintity of ,raga from the• paper mill of Mr J. Davis, near Wilmlogtoo, and landed ,thtm at Lowe island, about a week Mow ' A GENTLEMAN from Lehigh, who bad-never been in this oity before, end knew nothing of its ways or Its wickedness, arrived in our city a day or two ago, on hie way to Danis Peak. Daring his stay, be fell in with two sharpers who fideced him out or nearly thirty doliare by the confidence game. `• - TILE 'PH 1101DEZ evoax that prevailed , on Mon day night caused an overflow at :Fourth and Market streets. The cellars of three *nee, on the north_ welt corner, were froodid with water, aid coulderable-dirn age done. IN CAMDEN, Ebenezer Nicholls, Esq., is now engages in taking the census of children', between the ogee of eta, and eighteen, for the purpose of gra duating them into the public, seboots. - A COLORED nen, named James Loper, aged about eight years, residing in Daher. Street, near Se venth, had hie clothes burned yesterday by filling on a grate. lie was removed to tho hospital. - a RUNNING AWAY WITH ANOTIIEI7. 21.4N'9 WIFE AND GOODS —Firdinand Schape Wag proprietor of a drinking saloon at the -corner of Bayard street' and the Bowery. He had a wife named Barbetta, who is only about half his age, and enjoyed im plicitly his confidence. On Saturday last Schape returned to New York from a brief visit to Nei* Jersey, and found the saloon was shut up, and the fixtures and bartender gone. • A fartherlook, and he discovered that the apartments he and his wife had occupied had been vacated, carpets, miners, and everything had gone. including Barbetta. brief Inquiry developed the feat that the bona hold'furniture had been sold at auction, and that Barbetta had gone away with amen named Henry Young. . Schap. was anxious to recover big bar and honiehohl fixtures; $5OO in money, a gold watch and chain, jewelry and clothing of $5OO aggregate value. , CONFLICT • lIETWEEN PRISONERS AND DEPUTY MARSHALS—ONE oir THE FORMER WOUNDED AND ANOTHER Esoavas.—Last Friday morning; while some seven or eight prisoners from the police court, at Cincinnati, were being escorted to jail in custody of Deputy Marshals Reagan, Liwleis, and Hudson, one of thenumber—Addison Hughes, who had been mado drunk b y _ liquor passed to him in the Ninth.streot station- house—determined to resist legal authority, andinade.an attack upon the of f icials. _This caused a general confusion, and the prisone're attempted to esoape. but - only one of them—Sullivan, sentenced to the chain-gang for thirty days—succeeded. The others 'were looked up,- including Hughes, who had been knocked down, and his head so severely out that he was placed in the surgeon's care. LLITEIt'SARTEifIAN WELL, in Reading; Pa., had reached a depth of six * hundred and fifteen feet on Thursday oveniog last. Water has' been obtained,' and rises to within thirty-two feet of the surface of the ground The contractor is now continuing his operations only in daytime, the in creased depth of the well rendering the utmost caution nemasary in boring. The rook through which he is working is still very hard limestone, mixed with quarts and hornblende. , FIRE IN MARSIIPEE W00D.9.--A fire COM manned on Saturday noon last, in the Marshpee woods, Sandwich, Mass., and is still burning. It has burned over one thousand acres, and some vary heavy woods in Marebpoo and Falmouth have been 'destroyed. It is now heading tbward Fat. mouth, running several miles wide. A Miss WRY, in New Orleans; advertises to make t grand balloon ascension from Congo square, intending to cress Lake Pontchartrain, if the wind , serves Previous to starting, she will hold a publio debate with a Kentuoky lawyer - on' Wo man's Rights, thus combining the praotieal, and the theoretical. THE GRAND JURY of Wayne county; In diana, recently indicted James Rope, of Rich mond, for keeping a billiard table for gain: On the case coming to trial, the prosecution failed to prove that a billiard table was a gaming apple.- rains, and Ilr.llope was accordingly acquitted. A Box, containing several hundred defiant:. worth of old Spanish coin, and a dagger of fine workmanship and set in" diamonds, was dug up, a few days since, says the Elkhart (N. Y.) Revs ew, in that town. TUE HOUSE PAINTERS of Now York deniand an advance of wages to two dollars per day. They are now mottling 151.75. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Money ttlarliet. PHILAMILPII3,A, April /2, 1869 The money market tontinues easy and the eupply of merebantile paper ripen the street ao very limited, thlt; nobody belevis that the salmi advances upon busineas übligatlone are anything like the aggregate amount of Mans reported by the banks. These institutions annum assume to know how to manage thetr.owe bantam, not. rhetsaateg alias or two chat over their wisdom by their past history; yet people who may not be wlie wilt talk and think that they and their neighbors world feel better aatistled, and mote eertain - oranerrsooneywreim , and an active business In the fall, if the banks were to out down their large line of loans a little now, and not at once after a *bile, rilien'the Wants of active buetuess mon mom a lively demand for money. Stocks are not very biloyant. The market is uneasy, particularly as regards the seourltas of the greet /rat • carrying companies. The earnings of the Michigan Osntral Railroad for March were, in— • 1858 1859. ...$Bl 896 52 77,837 87 77,938 41. 08.716 tO ... 6,106 10 5,311 29 Passengers freight Miscellaneous.. Total 9191,930 03 151,861 00 I'HUMADALPSZA STOOK .11.108AriGN HALM, April 12,1869 ' 11.111.01711 D AT MAMMY, MRS, & 00, sASR•ROTI, swops, AM) IXORAII9I BROW% MORT/Min 0011X/1 2211 D 050181111711 PIRST BOARD 2000 Peens 6s 93% 2000 ()atavism It 715-603‘ 1000 do 93% 16 Morrie arti,... 66 60 1000 'do 91x 5 do pri'.....106X 8000 do c00p0n..95x 6 do 106% 4900 Oity Os In lots.. 99% 3 do 10011 1000 do new.... 103% 18 Peons It in 10t5..43X 4000 do 103% 250 •oh 'Lice In Its. o. 1X 200 do 101 X 20 Lehigh Nay 61% 700 do IO3X 2 do 5134 200 do RR 99% 30 do 61% 900 do ...... ....99 h 20 Lehigh Bop— b 5.28 1100 do 09% 20 Norrmtown IL .. 51% 1300 d 0.... 99% 8 Cam& A1X18...:720 1000 Pesos It 24 m fa 00% 1 dO 1 0 0 _ 1000 N Penns R 108...9434 2 Far & Meo 8k...60x 500 Elmira Chat 100..70% 10 Man & Nee 8k..27% 6(0 do 70X 10 Bear Mead It ...Mx 600 N Penns It 69....135X 150 Long Isld It 3dys 11% 2000 do 65% 50 do Ilya 11% 500 do coup 0n..08X 4 City Bk 4734 200 Bah Nav Os , 52 110.74 X 44 Usaleton C011....45 6000 do 15 74X 12 flooding It 25% 300 Lehigh Nay 60..e7 8 do 26% B~T9PYIN 600 POIIIIIi 56 93 600 do 93 8000 do 00up00.,9534 100 City tle R ..983{ 110 Sobuyl Fmr....125. Ox 105 Lit Babuylll.oswn 20 St 11.1inehIll It .50t 4 Penni a 42% 11200N1 1 130.611 D. 900 Lehigh Zino 2000 Catawlee& R T5...01 100 °ataxiasa R.. bS. dfi 100 do 65. fis 16 do b 5. 6) 4 Harrisburg R..... 67.4 41 Lehigh 80rip..65 28 10) Elmira E 0.1( 12 Palma E 43% 2 do. 48% 0.18-11101. 2000 N Penns 1 139—.133 1000 Oam & Am Bs '9l 81% 800 do '67 135 X, 10 N Poona R 9.3; 60 Evading R....136;20% bo do 56 25% 100 do ash 26% 100 do Wk.:X.% 01,081 NE/ Bid. Asked. 118 68 '74 104 105 Phil On 99% 99% ,‘ 10 99x, 99% " New ...103 108% Penns 5o 93 93)i Reeding R 2531 25% bda , 7o thoir 88 83% mt 60 '44 92 96 " do 'BB 7634 76% Peon. B, 43% 43% 11 24 m Bs in'off 903 i 90% Nor 08881 Con. 51 51% " pre( diiroff 1004107 80111 tom Be , 82 7.1)( 75 " Impels ... 8234 8319 Bid. Mild. Sehl Nay Stook. 9J( 9x " Pre( 1706 19g Wmep't Blm R 9g 9% " le /at mtg.. 71% 72,g 2d b9 K bix Long Istaxid..... 11. X 12 Lela Closl te, :tar. 5111 52 N Penni' 11 OX 9X Be PB "108 • 9lg 95 Ostavrissa 1L... 6).; 6.1( " let mt bds 51 52 Fmk & South R 81 ! Zddo3d Stn.:. 47 48 Ruse & Tine 84 . 11 43h 44 Philadelphia Markets. There la no change In the Breadstuffs market, and business is very dull, and for Flour there is entire ab seine of any export demand, and the trade are the only buyers from $1.25 to $6.50 for common to good super fine; $0.50 to $6 87 for extras, and $7 to $7.50 for fancy brands. Btaodard shipping Flour is held at our lowest figures. Rye Flour la unchanged, and 100 bbls mold at $4 25 4' bbl. Corn Meal Is eteinly and firm at $3 871( for Paucitylemma, and sing for Brandywine, with mall Wei, Wheat—The market is drill, and only about 1,500 bus have beef tatenTor milling at $1 51 to $1 58 for redo, and $1.60 to $1 70 for white of good and prime quality. Rye—gales are making at 87/088c vir brie. Corn is scarce; about 2,600 bus prime 3 allow sold at 880, afloat. A lot of damaged sold at 793 4' bush el. Oats are &111, and about 1,000 bushels Southern sold at 530 4ly bus. Barley Malt-1,000 bus sold at $l. Bark—Queroitron is quiet at $33. for Ist No.l ; some very coarse No 2 was made at $3O 4' ton, Cotton is steady and firm, with sales of about 150 bales at full rates. Grocerlea are quiet; a cargo of clayed Cuba 510- humeri sold at 250 IF gallon, 4 months, and 100 hula New Orleans Sugar at 7); o 4P . lb, on time; about 1 200 b.gs Rio Coffee sold, by auction, to-day, at from 11S to 12,3j0 IF lb, 60040 days and 4 months , credit. Prow. alone—The market is firm and rather more inquiry, but no changes to note. Seeds are quiet, and a small Mai l:lead only to note In Oloverseed at $5 2505 50 tir brut, &Nothing doing in other kinds. Whiskey is dull; bble qtl slowly at 25)026X , 3 for Pennsylvania Cad Ohio, 25„ti0260 for hhda, and 24021X0 for drudge. Markets by telegraph. Ilaimmons, April 12 —Flour is steady at mug for Ohio; $6 25 for Howard street, and $5 873;e6 for oily MINN. Wheat unohaoged. , Oorn dull at 760 for white, and 160860 for yellow. Provisions quiet. Pawn— Bides tlXo Pork sells at $18.25 for bless. Whiskey steady at 200 for Ohio, Turn of Life.—You are on the ere of the "turn of life," &period when, both in male and female, the body require!' bracing up, to enable it to round the point, not only with safety, but with freedom from die. ease atter. HOOFLAIIIPB G811(41&N BITTERS, the beet tonie in tho world, will strengthen your system, and give you rigor of frame, that will enable you to pass Barely through all oritioal penoda. These Bitters ate for sale at the principal office, 418 AROII Street, Philadelphia, Pa., at TO omelet per l, tile. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. ' 09/10S, 628 OBBBTNUT BT. mh26-11/1 ' . -V.tTY":"." . TT- - KlitS:.. ' Pnerzies_Ltrienattr,lnartvorn;,--Th n e popular course of literary teams which have been given be for Cloleitieso! under the auspices of this organisation have gained fora a valuable distinction. The - judg ment they have displayed in effeeting their programme ofleatures hae become so generally acknowledged that their saumineaments now ate a miniariatee of a 're spectable eatertatument and a large audience. The following-named 'seUtlemen-have been cleated OA,OtaCers of the reeple'eldtbrery Institute, for the en suing year President—Mr. Issas Vine Presi dents—Meeks. Marton McHiehael , Bobert Mortis, Henri 0. Oarei, end fitepheit, Secretary— James W White; Tommarer- 1 ), remote (fondle, M. D. ; Board of Mansgeni—Alfred -L. Kennedy, fit. D., Win H Allen, LL D., T. O. Arthur, Ed - ward tr. Clark, D. Francis Coolie, K D., Isar Elliott, J. Thothee Elliott, Theniattlfietther,Don.Wer. D Kelley, Hon. Henry V: Moore, Joseph H. Newhall, D. Prank Palmer, Irene Rogers, Thomas BpUy, Thomas. P. Btotesbnl7.llon. John P. 'Perms; hones W. White r 8. 8. White; Saeontlie' Committee—T; E. Arthur, (chairmen,)Thorcite-P. rlitatesbury, Edwin, W. Vark„ Henry D. Moore, .I,oesph.M: Newhall; Lectors Oorn mittee—James W.White,(oltairrean,) B' Prank Palmer, and D. Francis Matte, M.D. ' - Prom ,the aeeend article et the oonatitntlon, we learn , that the abject of the' inelthrle ,Is the,promotion of the mental, moral,- and rellefautt fehprorement of our *Miens, especially the younger partied - of them, by providing public hiatuses of the highest order; the establishment of a reading-room, and such Meer mean as may hereafter be deeMed "WHAT Dole IT mule 7!'—To numerous in entries received ormeerniug the extensive sewspaper comment, upon a certain latter-day 'emanation from the " Old Dominion," we would answer, once for all, that the excitement has been produced by one of the most imidetful, and we may add appreciable, Inventions of modern times, entitled the ,• Old Dominion Coffee Pot." Messrs. Arthur,' Burnham', & Gilroyicorner of Tenth and are streets, are the manufacturers .of them, and now sending them to all pee of the world. Their superiority is universally admit ad by all who try them. . . OUR MERCHANT TAILORING EstAßLlEtunms. The season is now opening_ for this class of our mar shoats to drive a brisk butioisa.' &ma stout principal establishments, we see, are supplied with better stocks of goods than has been usual for' Merchant tailors to keep. The popular , house, of Mr. 0. Thompson, tiortheast corner of Seventh and Walnut streets, de serves special notice in this connection. The reputa tion of Alai gentiondatCas miesierafe caterer to the wants of gentlemen of .testa, we have reason to know, it welt established, and we take pleasure in recarn meriting the nadirs of The Pens, who are desirous of obtaiting a "faultless fit," to give Mr. Thompson a cell. the card will be found in another column. MR. EOSTza, one of the most eloquent men of the age, lectures at" Musical Pend Hall this evening. " NOTUING TO Wsea."—This popular poem hag been illustrated for the .htereeeoope, and the admirers of the story can sed - biten IflotalifeFlintesi, of Madison Bemire, in - all the agonies - of Nothing to Wear, at a, moment when her silks and her sattna !lumber more* upon scores.' This is tigard subject for the stereoscopic artiste, and we would suggest• to them, to next picture. the beauties of Something to Weay." - The great prat!. tied illustration of this agreeable thenis would bi a view of the Brown Stone Oloth'ng Nell of N-othill & Wilson, Noe. 603 and 605 Obit - stout street, above 5 'lb, where gentlemen and youths will and everything that is elegant and desirable to wear. • - PaOO9.ASTINSTIONA one TatIMY OF Tlao —We ars induced, not unfrequentiy, to wonderst the temerity of those who habitually put off till to-morrow what they might do to-day; mpeetally when entobed to di-. lapidated garments, admonishing them - at each step to go to the tt Old Franklin Hall Clothing Emporium "of E. H. Eldridge, No. 921 Chestnut strecti and isaare a. new and becoming snit. Tan sneezes with which the Astoria Moth Ex terminator has met, is in ooneequence of its doing its duty faithfutly. It also utterly destioyshogs, ants, ant :cachet'. Central Dept, 920 Market street. LADIES' FAXCI , WORK STANDS.—Jaat received, a loge assortment of Work Stand's, Sewing Chairs, Chlldren'eltillow Chaise of all kinds, 0 ethos Ham pees, Fancy B.ekets, Ire., &a For sale at owe2l profits at the new House-furnishing Store, 8. W. corner Second and Doak streets. B: B. Faison, & Co. Tan individual who tried 4o clear his conscience With an egg is now endeavoring to ra;se his spirits with yeast We shouldn't wonder if lie next attempted to procure a pedant Ot at some - Other clothing eateblielt meat than that of Granville - Stoles, the fashionable 1 clothier, No. SOT Chestnut street. REFII/Og.RATOBS.—A large and complete fifiaOrt ! meat of the celebrated Excelsior Refrigerator', that ' attracted so much attention at the fait Fl ank/ha In stitute Exkteition, for sale by' the Manufacturer, at the Old Refrigerator • Stand,los South Second street, below Chestnut. Joints Yzassa. lit iteeelved,Mlrect Item Pans, 7,060 Dszeis White Preach ChisaDMitm Platte, talretsiani best quality, at the napreoedented reduced pries $1:25 per doien. - . Ale°, 600 Dozen Gold band ;trench Mina Dining Phetedat $2.25 per dozen. These ire the best bargains ever offered to the ' W. T. HMI & CHINA HALL, 011113THIIT Street, ' apll-make•3t Directly Opposite the Btate Bonk, "Deaf Made to Hear."—lnateumeats to ae. stet the hearing, in e'rery irately end of the moat ep. proved oonatrnotion, at Sewing Machines:—:3ll person s been induced to hay Sewing hiachinee which will not 'perform the Work that purchasers ezpeeted them to do, era informed that SINGES% meoirnt;i3 never tall to do any kind °two/h. - Noma le eiordliaPpollitikd in thee. Machines ja27-8m ilpidgerlor Sewing Machines.—The nap Fatal ly Sewing Machines, at $5O and $75, are attracting an!. renal attention: In all essential good qualities hey are molt the beet Machines ere, offered at a low price I. M. SING E h CO., 602 011.118TIffln Skeet Intel HausPs Eau dahenteunei - or Hair Re. atorer, is warranted to restore gray hair and whiskers to their pristine color and twenty ; it preetante baldness by imparting a healthy tone to the scalp; Where bald ness exists it speedily canoes a new growth of beautiful hair. It is not a dye, and Is perfectly harmless. Hold by all Draggles, ant by .TULPB HAMM & Co, apt]. 6t No. 704 Chestnut Btreet, Philadelphia. 4 11 1 One-price Clothing.—Jon 604 • Market St. having secured the serviette if, . SALVO, at Boston, celebrated u a cutter, can iseell• arra& goods to order, maul to style to any, in the , city, at dret t eleas clothing prices. Also, on hand a fell aseortment of Clothing ready.made, got up in' Onstom-work style, for retail sal., with the lowest selling riots narked in plain figures on each article, and never vsried. JONES lc CO., 604 MARKET Street. at, 9- taii2T Grover k Baker's Celebrated FdiaHy Villas MACHINES A NEW STYLI—PRICE WO. This Machine sews from two spools, ad purohiteed trom the More, requiring - no rewinding of thread; it Items, !ells, Gathers, and &itches in a superior style, finishing each seam by its own operation, without re course to the hand needle, as to required by other ma chines. It will do better and cheaper sewing than seamstress oaa, even if she works for ens cent an hour. fe2s.tf II7•I3END /On A OLROULAR...Ca A fresh consignment just received, and for Rile by Seamen's Saving Fund—fterthweat Corner of 81COOND and WALNUT Btreetn. Deposits received in small acid large amounta, from all, oluesel of the community, and allows Interest at the rate, of flee per cent, per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without toes of lute. rest. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 &stook, mid on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell Treasurer and Secretary, Charles 11. Monis. Saving Fund.—Flue Per Cent. Interest.— NATIONAL BA9ETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT direst, 8. W. corner TRlRD,*philadelptua. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real.Eritate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such Met-class securi ties as the charter requires. 01Vice hours from 9 o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday assoinsa until 8 &ells*. fed APRIL 12—Evening Otayettre Medicated Paper for the Water- Closet, discovered in 1852, haa acquired, in the brief period It ham been publicly announced, more aterling and profitable notoriety than anything heretofore of fered for the once and pleventidn of Pliße. It is not only a necessity as a pare end medlcaiedpsper,bnt it Is a luxury which no man rill allow himself or b in family to be wltboat. It is sold by all rerpeatable druggists, fancY-goods dealers, and at Abe headquarters of the discoverer, No. 41 ANN Street, New York. Por sale In Philadelphia by T. H. CALIANDIIII & CO., (Third and Walnut etreeted BLAIR & WYETII; (cor ner Eighth and Walnnt 3 ) HUSABD & 00 , (oheatrint and Twelfth,) end many others.' m l / 2 8. EA tf =ll A-New Article. Phalan A, Bon's %mine for the Heir Phalon & Bon's Oocoine for the Hair. Phalon .t. Bon's Ocoolne for the Hair. Beet and Cheapest Article Beet and Cheapest Article Nor sale by all Jobbers, Draggling, wd Bailey Goode In the eveiy pail of the United States. Wholesale and Retail Depot, Noe. 617,4197, and 197 BROADWAY, New Yore, T. B. PETERSON &' BROS., No, 808 DUESTNUT Street, Wholesale Agents• (4194 Operial ,No!tces. • . MADZIRkI, * South Tenth theta below Oheetant I. IC OINEIBR, & CO., 002 OEIRSIIIIIr Canada Straw, Hats. BALLARD, BRIMS, & CO No. 45 BROADWAY, New York. apll-5t ler Dressing, Beautifying, (Meaning, for Dressing, Beautifying, Cleaning, for Dressing, Beautifying, Cleaning, Curling, Presersing, and and Restoring the Heir Restoring the Hair Restoring the Hair foquire for Piolon & Son'e Coootoe. Inquire for Phalon &801:1'11 Conant aware of Counter/Mts. 3eware of Counterfeits Large Bottles, Fifty Cents. Brasil Bottles, Twentpttve Conte Smell Bottles, Twentp•Sve Cents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers