•.; - f-it.Z.7.c.',.‘7":•;, ,2, ••*-7 3: ••• • Pk, '' - e , .... • e h V iali.. " 4 ' .1F.474),0 ....,-., .. lit& 1,1041411 t, r*::•?:• , .....,-;', 1 .,:•. - - :Or ~_..u..% 1ik 0r , .. ,5n. -.,, • --,• ri it 1 :1;•: ::... 4t! '5 ..•;-41,.. ,411,fikw a v a7 , 4Wr__A-- , •• 1; lirar.f.,: 1,:?,..,:e.,..?*T.,,yr#,.,, \--•-;-A-, , I;, , ,,, ditottpr ! !iviPPTi i"..1::::•-ft.Zi':416•1,::--"-,•*1v1110:-... "..4 4 iiit lastwo „. ~‘....: i.4l4.: , i p t lm do . Lk.4i. •-'4.'.. sest 4p ?0.37&-Oriii - , r, •.;' ':,, ..51, 't -:` , ','‘ - '2 . ,:, :.. / ' -. TifitAi. '.. • bdi , ' • ,, , 4 , . ? ' t:'. 4. ~-, A ".- ... F =. 4. , 14... k ~;,01*1- 4 - -.. t, , •-- 164 fen igi.f& - •.. , ttrP .• 4,N,,:40r7fr •”•kliiilitidWs flf t ,,, ' 1 I ler r 7 4 e*, s liiiY.Z`rti :itiiip % r _, - .....q••-- - -• -• • , 0"0118611?*'- , •;„,..,4•;,,,....'"?..,,14, ...0,- ,, '" 'r' ' NW, 1i11ar..."r,1 ti b. .1.12 1- 1.,,, .2 , / .,.. ..t.r . y.:; ,. -mirrr."-,... ... - 4 .......0..,4,444141,6,:i,14,61421t0rj0ak5, ......r. 4 7, • , s ~ ....ze.2.e......r.tiecf.erm, ,p 1 ,7,,. , i l o P u rti ca .* • ~ ~.., ._ t , • ri , .. 4 ! . . ,- ,- • ,widitii.: li t idtlimietialieliiiel- ':.:, 3;fi.-q. s , , :-eofigiti ~, ,,,, rf,';. ~- .',, ,, .- ,,,,,, '''..A,R-',' It . . - 3-....-'l' .e. ', ,: ,thiikkiiii* ' ' . 4 .. 7 1,,:ej ii.e.::-V:l4`f" Vi1414-4°' tki''f - % ,:;• ' •,; - L" i rW .--•• V , - Irt4ky ie ,1414! .§"t.,- 4, -s,jnie 4 ••••iblit''' • • .-riateg, ilagetlftt, ••47:-. '' moopliti snit thiP Illith 1 m -.1.A.,1:‘,,,ri eVik7..•,, . %r , ' th. stiaq fa 18 ttiadily Soirtasi g• r-„,. VA;OS f, ‘• - of '—' joiiik .' for, rla YlititUte hts t b . l! , !R . •r s . - ' 1' ii''th‘'.4,,,.'' Aiikiithitielite tilik-s" Day t ' l° . / . li tM 1 Ril•Ti,,ti. C- ,?elkio o46 '•""' ~,i1o,;,- -,:ilki_Odede.f... •;• 1 ' '•"- . -- 1 , :- "Pta"..k.... ,ihrk!.qiestkialli.r*lrlol..'• -I ''' -'", ••• lef ( PiillidgipkiikkW• 3l o' 4.'", 7 41 etkeitiv to ° maddiflualisawr ~.,-.oloiatum. illmr,_"_-.Ani--4,lt*iisitorges. i,,-,.,...,...,-..-:.,..,,,,t0.,..bi4u.,.,...r.r-__ .1,46,601,,,,i pkitPc..- fa- • . , to tailiktiebtle lb .. - -,- ~_, : x...;--,-,-.1 .. Jettite •,- , , „_....4', --•:-. ._„,,, r • . , -,_ -4 - ~ ,T , • L i e b e eeemoseedhbr.v.v ...,, •P rirbiZessiiiiiibia-en T- Nitioailie' ~, ~ - .uir,- -ue,„s•----- -..;--etbileroirit,<- , : . - DOwstritto4taiT%- nest WD, •Ballic '' ,. '. -•- . ': M '° ,!W ' ' '-' :' ' 4 ,.. ~ Q - ...4 tile/ WrerrM64•9l4oll4“ ‘[... iV. 6 ..i . : - . . ,16•9p,p i ii ,. .. ,, . ''' ',......, lipitifek ' 3,0 .....t. • t.,,,. jo. -), phi,hodeik..••, •-. ••,...-taik. ifi•z-: -...-,. .-,, , ' , ...w T''' ' , ~, /plot lipbr _Roy .3:,---)•-..:-,.• „1,00..„0ry,,,,tir tPliffil: , 1 , 4350101 , 1 i i i1l , ye , ti ;•e•-• , •1. - • -.* **a • ' -Oily,. sail . ?•,.,..!--.~:-.,;, .. - ;*--.:"P'-'...e''....',,T,-,l44o4.o4ilingmiar"/1141°14404.14,!i,Alnlati - ~scnotiptilioritursi 1,1z,"'16"1.141 , '''' 4 --. -: - t - ' I* . piiilorikess,4famtrOloild , ' ~- ,- islifittt ti i , ..:: :•:-E , . lb° - . w ; w it s ' r tbAttlik,, c i,' - .: ..,t.c" 4 :F i'VZ.3:'-: ~ ,°101"""a ~....r-bAukt, v oiiVlON- -- Ov., ' -,-•: P. /. .. - .c ; ;-_,-.., , f or like tins 4 l'll# 1,-•-.' itiAtiikipollitY, ~,ef's 11FIK.IPPs441 441 r 14 ,.......,,,,, aillietaibik .:‘,.;• "..,•••• 3;- 14.,40sesteit-'-' 4'1 2. 1 1 3 lii ?,..ff , . -4 ..5.4,.,:_...1.1:.*-` 3, ArN:f%!?, ~;;.. . -,..-,, .',;-•:-.-,...-• • RiC 5 ..1 ;, • :.!1 • Y 4, o : 19. • ' 4,P••• 1 2e • • I:1- • t:2•'•:•?:•• - ••• - - • • 5:;•• 9: . f ~,~ , t~~; 'F.F~i~ \~~;, 3.%. ~i~~r .1' '4: 4* * , l; 8 ' &, , e ,-..:-.!,-• :,,,, -< ', • .., , _,..- 4 ) .., : ; fig: ~-, r;_t - , i'L , .- ,F•t --. .. ..'.,- 4 . - -„fij:,'",‘"f• ~ ' fli ,.. t ' !i ', t 'l .i •,..P"i.- 4, N ' , , Ili ...naosatftom . - ' , VWT.trMt - T,‘". ..----- ,4,l l— •*a.,'NegaLtemilif.:ONTAt ,105,&t,:i11:,'''' 4'5jAii4014;i,,,,Pi,i:Pti.,11t.11.4004, ~::, , ,,,,1 , ...,-, r .fic-4,24#1ti1-„!thet, 64 ; ,- ,,. . - 5 ,.. ... -_-- x L7 .(7, '. 141* fr ... , ....v 5 -14 9 -;t% n C''' - : : :;•,:'',''i - -., 2 "`...‘,L . , - ", , ,Te . ::-4 e r•, c-, ''— -1, - ;$ c;e4mpoottlste, 1 ;4 . '::-5--. ,''' , :::::',.'l, -- , *-" ,t - ,-,,. • , ils,,''frlyeltta,t_Pf.4q,..7o yir,--4Wfißike,WP z,--.= ' .-...-, `_.:_ -- ... - .:,;L_,,,...,-,t... • ~--' 4.74491, -- - ,r, - , ritv .6..3 e fin , thitt iagic 'ottii,f -, Alronta- .- _r,vl-7.. c-r". - .t. oft - ' '' 'liiti t i****l 4l o, B7l ll 4l :. e i:#ll4 al, 4 , ;;:? :-; : ::'n - '" ' ''')'4 k 2 o,g4iii4o - 40„qtotsro :Pip: , - :'._ , ,,t;,.., ..,,,Ig - ..-,..b, - ;•-• i• 00 0 0 4 iThawitdee ~ ;110.14L14_,4*Ara,— ' - ' :- tiieS tifitOt'' l o4s4.,Pai, o.4fnt.!li9 9 o"baTl ) = i - le"""` I,l ''''' 1 . 4400.11011:1440,44,Piktit1t leiribia o r F 4, ~," t.. , - , '' - 0 4,4•Ar1-ta.:;irt- P'944101. t,l4 o ,l f4l ,ll Aiff iil l'..W . - i -iii-`" n-Oilitiept:!tiliiidi*Oi#o4':iii• tAjiii- , tiaivtioo --- 0414,041**4 1 , '' llll #olt 4 4- 14 -41 j 1**Titin*4: 4 '' '' ,7-4-•i-a ' .. '" ie: tilivi , * l 444,?!kerf l o; 'AV" * - tOt. ti44oPliit itr?, l t IR ; ; ; "1,;Mi-.7C:;.14v , . tni 4 4 740/?;,i,'& 4 ' tht:;,:p•ilr•itr YOAFP.I;,-li*.P 4.115Aici.10 4 4 "VYle t l zap., _ . 1 - wesvi k6..;.1.1v 'I I H E W S I C -c% am it" r • ,•/ • '4IOP-2 , 04= 111 swing : ‘ "a . °Mit' lamed the a -101IsensArlarlottases: that at IF mimeos • . 7 ifi Alf., the til it Boston. the !Orr soarett to the "Irequols;" at Nor ltl th Dorstak at`tirneaeols, the 4, Seminole:" &lead 'Cialltorithi the •, 8 tyarAlr " 'Atria tweet It appears that Bothhity on the board en Mmloter Road, - he frigate hi one sots r, and several its In leite ro rentete'etel ease In tha Mist. In I diAlt she eras halaire for Marait fo Arable. haat -1110 recztbzueute,Fape aphelia Hope i to,nohing at r. t ex e Talus , f tike Ila fisted •TerlarlAss.V. oonSims the former reports of the defeat of hlWesneee , the mamma rf the Cinstito tionalislo.lo.llo,llatatior, ii will si their admice on .21 It Is y ...et will w,th drat; his deal bastion ot.iti• llogote Mork !here are at baud twisty applimoto fns the vacant Cott - Lamelemehip - afiEatiate all tr i eD affairs, whlek ertki act he 0414.4 on for w week 1-, acme ThWkatmierieel of tie Ilelklitieteanier burecoa, erttX - - wen, exel tea aid Michel feel, At het 1 1 41447 • - AAA from Oharlukin,li 0 Kept tbs., Court,: —any hdnatikie a thiamin. tom Weeltdrigton , Ih4 tba 'fa lliallPl4ll/litettudly ,wartbat limns !Madera bet brought" dospetolt to that zeittekhalhat freettital. - • Eft :Wa Portlier Mill, mete. beg,of~Col47ll4 ll . rnont ekerleatma. "eleereyhed. back that r atte e hoe , nothlaix about the report. The (I "ri c r nuult. 4 4 deltis•Vd. • • ' .. inpttp Qtze.tlou. *len( vitt-oil ) 4(01.4;74-llrdl lielt :Wider.tood that the lubj act Gem"th. oornesanderbt*ilin Allitatown eon- Ibl'efteeelemate letiberzeanst streets in • 949 14tSITIWA' bee nt•thlllilhilirAldStial source -tern*SlirSth /0 ,1 05,4 trili Shl tt•A• oleSa_ o f lilt Oaseley , of mitten*, nolo, tnuwo.a beiChiti , with &timid. Alessi,,erliel•-to,thre • heat that Vieeregae inarrendem<l isita.ta limepalto. ict a hnlakilflll vitt, Ms. that time pending, and Cpealriestri treaty bed not been a otml on. - ,•• (ref German:ant aid satorlf ugly *watt further re• libdsletstelligesiee baton II esti art dentsl *far as Greet arluie Is emacoroat. it At chat' ay Oat tact tHiOltsetee ha. transom eded or violated hts inetntell ests. A laurel re aluset wtlll s WA. Ot , !inland ii dbetrOve hin, meta, it the shalt not 4o ep voluntarily , Tt l. thought; bknrienor, teat elte will marry oat, la gm d pi the suiderellatielog between the ant'Orlamente of mat 'Betels set the Vatted Ilia*, relative to the, litiPtilsarmt of irritting. nalestl int growing • out of the itUrereet larterpkatitioan ,Cileitan-Beitter tteltlY. It Ls lie prtbablor, should Nicaragua ratify all the ~.114/thda traittss, dad shleetanni, tilt Mtnlster 'Lunar ea,vritherawe 04414 General ler , e, the riles:arm Minister lit tifideted hie pateports. if thick le poeitiMa of the quoit:len, a iloordmg to the MPS amatia - le Srlorratton ; bet mach dapaade on the cihsinebett ef futere ofentai adetem from. Elleerstrua. Le said • be t- r eoentrate4 et th e .... sir Wats, for the protection of the persons led *pi* onlowortean eitt mem within *elf ;rob. s n L i t 1 = 1 . „ rfi t irt uZZ:I.IY-`l3tlh:. Id 4ttafitOlneet wine ha 'meetly tretepliee, nisi the Ejot "Witt , to the ntanoet, extent, alt the 4ochenrekaperkhltn by the Coeeta:Mon semi the 4. • n 4. , • - ' -'' - • reill4 Milk ireoldslattmid. - ..1 .. . , ~ ,-, , ~.1•:_- „ ) ..,5, In'. • • , ,l IlisamuLT, lleati l „it.., .i, Tikiitall N•eadNil e 0 tttOW*.mtWi ,e lllo6.B ,q l "mP ardall ' leaseportee , faeoratai. , Me: followleit, bills. Were teal f a elate : Mr. Peewee , :ette ttineerporst• the Dr• liiiiir• &yeti oe - Work et Oompeby of .1111441111h1t ; •Mr. IlirD A IL, a as pgawmaat loy.lb SU' el De Rallfol4 gocop toy Adtelleelelphle '. 4 1 liotteiesIderelloo of tbe . gtworel ap• 014HARSV.1011irall leak .tiaar. Mr' .1111iO4 . 4Zerita ti e , e ". .!=dl;l=7l=l "l, lliilrl e mi • r0g07.7. 'Nat 51690.1hlieftatt'iatiaeitiait'; tit'dasteset thOthat• •T***•filliitattli alit tilt. ralety.preaolt eieleher of die' Maki 'Or IPII, NM . , Site Ino ti t to i •!; set i to . 1111,11' - '14 1N.. ,Il i k i :: ' • tattildettett :7.:...__,..,„ . .4 . -41,., Ale' regiberi of ' the iriesiiiiiregi'telsou l . . 14011, " Wm, NI sitielo . .ettfiea bit ilitoehe SO ilauxt, Moths* U . " 1 "U• W 11! 0,P 11 401 1 91*::/ 5 " It, " 11 1 J 'F i l a"11 Armawocatitltioetos: ,- ... , ~,-,_ '.'.: ; - ,_ . She Pronto wmt At • P.'S... ••• -., '..; .: ,- L . ' .„ ..." Ilia Oriel 1 Itrfabd Or ail' . 'goo . hilt Wiel',WP 1.... 2 - • ' • ',. - • i'LL'llez:) , :l. 4- ..' -, ;• I, , q.•. 1 „ ..• T. • , - • Mt. RANDALL mood NO' WIRNINcRyI .011;11011,11!.i611 11,4.0..A..ickig. IWO 'Net - 111110114 ie.' ~'• - : 0 •-.1 LI • ~ Y lf - raiz ta' intail, ft.4 1 41 4, 111(3Plt . 0 0 111 11 lilt 3 14. 'lode, Or the Dretrtet 'Wild 1144 % 1401114 4 Cll4lllll/111 Plowel./01:1•: - Not lagewed.oo4":aal .11* , ... 1 ; ' ... • .• 1 4 4 0.#4? *At it. a Olireptin SLOWS . iref Molds of !hp, •WlSwir• 61-111411eataite'Pasitlestater wakeodidilti• ; . figra,lllcitilworividtelteiliolothteSit ,olls . llMlLM;,vil.xmci.",ostood.:s o -0• 881,6 4 111 7. 3 • 9 ... L h . a . .•trpprogiftgOs',ollll,ll,lo.taniblaoyf piwe.Catitt,' ,14Itigehetehweaetwra•e Ida of Ma pretteathl!m, 44415iV 0 , 411i 0 oii vo ci, ' NOVI vi itii ! , ,t - 14,, , 01. • ' - "41;ag l aifia IA '. -'if i I f .: 11,... .. a . , •,54., . i ovrov vO4 o Vat* - '. " ,estilvFoolioo OstiArro• .. --. s , opos,ivsiSing"Tli•o the pa y rvtiv4 • 1 1 11 / 1 . 11 L. , , , ..., ftW.../R•LOI•es: ,, .. *,- ii,., , , . :: • 1 • 1 0 : p fe: ii i i : ii k* r f irli. l " 6""'''-'' • i:',Tept r i , MAW 11 411 .1 1 n ' tllol , 4rittte . w 4111 -.404111141014411440wWieke,10144hee .411 m. that. 01 Yr. 1141k1161, te'isilevoi the' art:R.44olNa ouss on, Ail 114, ;110•4hawlIwitei Ihtt /global's' Oh llitssoir? Mier 'IV lawy" r l 4, "Alk t .O b t'i n f ir . l t l i 4 , ll .Fr i , ta rrrtr • ..T .-- . . ' ..'- "'"'" ' '' ‘ii '' ' • ' iiiii Aitriihi ay , , ii. imipi‘iiiimpf $ll . SAis the, • , L .'"llliltitillttlffeleotwMlNol - ; 11.,• yelo. - i , .... 1 .' ii , , - •-<...,, 1..) span r bintti°ol44lkeiiht•w at ir Tilos htflut.W . ostalviSk sot Pm L iisetioa fadatiefe L i,tedhe psy st.semsocisOk; . o tormg -10•3 1 4.tri raikt MAr;a• - .1.4 .. , 1 .•,,,1 NM leathlfrivO,`‘toptiCsepopylailig 111,Saillio rise *alai •IrvOsivii . 1%/01'; , ,17/4'14111" - Wee ittlll potter. • . , V . ll . ll4lwelf -- - 1 . , ' . i i 't 6 r;. - ;:.:.''.1,. - :'. - t ''X.iite' i.e to 'ioetwiterati__ .11S1Pb144.101iicaeari ito4l. OPCOrIPO9I.IWIIO-. ,-, lligic•OkoltAike 141 . tootitlael pa to aodwa oa eartaln. twos of - t.. , ohls••• of Ni* . 9lnfmatrialtla two iiiii - Oa lieil ti ii . of e4r -010.4 Itctllea pet_ jg1Aar....._444 . 14,p10 . 4ifdre,11:1• 1 . 4 .. -.85 2, 0 0 w.1 14 : itsoomostkos, end the • e 141411111kt1f:V....t4i..11 Weed - 1114 . 11 XR:l6l47l47FMaigligift4l .iiiii.siil7 'Agrisiti*V.4°'*t& II; ;, 111m #- Il f . ,. 14110•=1 etTg* o l(o7,4: 4 :o7:nlei. 4o 4 47 iiiigogrefoi O 0 44 o e 7. 4o3 iro o llMir•feo:4 a r. ori r :o . u l t.l4lpO 4. 14iklfaaeife iiTttalO;ibietaf - lho opelluattttete. of sot feloppeACßßalial. Ih• baiNd Of. ONO* *PIN lit tRa Pa+! .-- 110 M is r hilt IP paweetleit tilmldit ~.-4:.L. ,-, •_,_-,, 0 ,- J 0.4 ~2,;p7, r , ~ A ii ._. ~• _ - - •io. , P It\ • • ''',•'', •;._ ••!!. '',. ,' 4 ','aiwie'io.olisitaitOs.q 4. - '!'!".!!" CkttltileljellfolkitrAllif.Viti. -41 .flf iff•:•:171 HI - 1 il 3 6 ,4 4 ,,= 1 ,4=6,Ar 1 i 5 auj.. , 44C, 7 ,*nßik• S!siviipsologieoviStae.?trifvV.;;Xls;• nod mer it% . toAlkeeMphtp : lllll.oll4o4ltiwe. .*, 1 0 111 . 12 61 6,06 • 10 1 1 isolisisd at Isse th ir !Ifillti,P I J' 1 " 1 0" 1 44 . 4"•= 1 11:( 4 7:4 1 1 1- i t,, V: ` i 9 ;: i : . .._ .... .. - - ' T it ''i ' ".! , , - .54 ,4 411149 1 v11itizt , f .i t. • • ti•ltaft /Remo 'mat a . ,•••00.' pmilialaß lb. etiestderstion • er.iiii_imp9l.alsit iilliiiNetto sizemit repotty to the • _Oahe or MO froaFlayri . .ito,F ettppyon...ftll pet* 41jaatttd'., . - • • • K.l'• •'' ..,;,''.. !' ' '•: 1 ;- . ...: fm t."‘ i:1 4.1,i , l i ii ! , 7 T- fk, k44ll o .Aoil la i l ig 7 t : PP! Maw ~ ;:-; ::: ;• ; , ; • • 4:::4000 , 1-: • "; ; : •-• i.' xi sr 17714.67 t. Apo` 2 . :41577‘;v7it00 'l7 u oo opiiiiitv 707•77 • osoot gy.7.•077 lb. Cleytais.Bala er treaty; lailp• IA bitA sie'rteitaiailii, rm. ab Lop d We pelley 'Oeweeeffetlf;• that the Areeritia' roe it:ruction will b• ; -I v Et 6 t 42 ;Air/ . i l itly a L . r 17.• 1.4 i flat tb o ° ' d l :Vt° i te ' ," dewed to' Slimy ~d Headers* ' rerieetorely, ; :that thee - elan...a et. ir,WLltlisi' Qore °littler e:fe htreetiona hee'beith'retwieuatetted 10 this GO vs ?a moat *4 01,0%0 Lave Ilitilttl'Abit ft Di* (tall fettle to th 8 :loyalty, of the,)iithitel94l•ll4ll4l4o.o if . b $ l llll.O l, ' ‘b.e. .1.044er liWievfrsvitorsi: , to 'ooy:Putrobw, /es MU,' Na llaallti be Opitsipseomilold woo Sac C. , t J ,:'. r 1 . ii;, ~ , • .„ s , ': ...1.; , .3•41, , ( a . - • ...t • rospects L tirikttplespe t i pit l o fts. t!,71 - 4 ,- - ; r- ,,, J•fitio ifikettui6ro , v •'; ": - .1 7tiotiiiiiiolo mity4iihisioltsiiimiivittiii* roUV. ot mai setoritrofinisiog,tist Aplllositfts glut ?maga ay. . . . ,. .. ~ ..,..,, , ,44i4e..e. - 1. ;;;;•: %: L i .1! it ... i - - , . • :•'- . - . - A ll c i _ l APTfti4fmcPol44* inBaItiMPTIL -;'"., 1 401 ARA 1: ' 7,,D..a5u, Allovieted or lb. wilida‘; ;_aufoinotia - 144 1- 7.!uar • vrtiferil'iibiloi ot• f,Staflrt,litivitliilvMditimie.'l.lWil =rata& ion s:, ie?o,:isisatelP.,s'ol' alskas,,,Str! , ilOn D.74lr' lo t afotillittbo. oty$11: 1 s''' • • - ~' •, , P . l6o o irtile4it,.„ .g.,. ;;1:... , . • :'. ' "! ". 1 . "i4doittnilrf 2 :. fliAtittg 4t. ii ~ •;;;Nor at spiei,litogyeeft iti lw asretelltitif dot lei, OA estes.kilisOozolog;" 45ii . 22 , 9!.. loom ov. wows l i ! lo wlft e si 7; • •-•- • • •- • - 7 - ~53, - 4,:i 1 - , , ;;;•7-74:7. 7 7-si•:•-• -•.; ~ , .;.,,,,, .!,,•,..,.., 7 • 4•;o:..r v i!is o r # l ! )• ' 74 qp -, . •T i I I ti ll Uajl i =t s i t4 t 4 A;6l P . 4 2T i t c C e ra m Yv V 4? , .01*, E lti imorri x oto or the . l•m, ,Ptaut: iitech; of .1 , lON ' bpi es lipoid. Th., bcdy la No.pe ,tak a a to A, 110010601, '.' r' '• ' '-' -'', ' •••:-. • ' ' ;41.,::::.& .. V'' • • - .• . f 2: :. ' ~.; . .:,.. ' • .46 Folk' laßli iriint I Ili) , etio ... - Ni 0 . !‘ " I'4 ~ .. 7b...; !_iplaiiiat i lie' A I itiliqiii* kW, itillY&P*l4 *Pilot thaellipiiii i , l e it Vom kli,Loorgo WompOsios, CliiiiitildliqSVOSsit.blvoyok4,,diyi' ,' . - • ' .1 -• o .e4ittir&lo?AiWl'iiVitO'' - iVirtrit ii • A:- • likuoloyiSoiso 'iiii4it , o4liotiliiiiiit , t'dooliei 9r . jeci . P1711V81021r4111 la l t i t 4 " / Pl i . Pr t4firlAL . . _, vs . , sky,ESo . .7,(90 1:1770.. .4 '. SMlClPA , ± 4 . al lift w,-.4 , t ' - f i - ';', ; 1 '* -1: : : /! 1 ; ;-0 4 .4 iitiiii!ti41 / 448 . 07:' , , , ' '• : m... lnroiii.l4 • - •• •:•••4:4 Zroko , -7othiy 'or 8;066 ti i l ol KO.' , ' :i . •_•'•',..••7 • ...• -` . l -, , -,;.• , ._L., P rices •, , i 1 ...kleke mr. ',pit! 1.•-lei Awal'uthieola Olt ) • toortott. orals iets•ati,, oars us ' mars •or the soak • Icio , p 411; oiro PON, todaelpelly for Llatopool, Th• N. L iter. liimit the Okra flow were 9,970 bilis ; exports; Iliedetihelete ; Wok fileottm 000 belea. , Y•% - 3: , ' • • •''',44,711,,Ap0t J ~Iloar. AA dull sod noralimlly . E 'kW 1111 WA Iliii!Of OW bola to: dap fat May delivery at 1 • 4,tible IrrtlliadrAnad , a Ude vat* oxi•tha: soot; . T *O.; litlkt.i•r,ooptlat•is aa 11 At- /41111 , ..tr0VL. iirlielitig, ' heitilaie de 0r.. , MVOs Pale!. OMNI it • 1/4010 , .„,...;r..;' , ,-.., :Y;irl•fr'ci : • , -,',.;:',1, ; . t. .f ejitiii! , :t . t64,l VAR N ms tellia Nal ... 14 . Va(6,3ollNt . it:iftbii It '.7 .. .!, 4 4.7a 4i,i.4447...: :' -.. .., 4 ; t i' l i ...it (,„ s „ ! . i____._... etRARWERIVASPr, PrO4l"tlttriaPiir 11*XT r -. AZ i rl' , „•M l •sl i f i Vr i ttls ..1 , 7 , trl A t „.40141g1e kiligii ' Ts; : " Oki ii. - s . '' 1 - Ai, ' .../0 ."' 1,4` - ` to . 8.. p imp is listiseir - f s “ . - fixtv.o4• o,- foxti ' l l O t . PrPri!ft - 7 *lll4l,ll4iiiiiitii iiiideriviiitiOii 100. ‘ \••• 1 •'.4!. / • !!!9 ‘ . :AVOW k 3 '6;4, 11 . 1 tiblit:l4lll- jaaßiland .14NOMIli, ;$16 0 ,06 0 etroprovementartS be sold - it )11404inkilsfsli , Chundos ~ , :Sw. Thursday •Selt,..,st .# l . 3 V il lk iii #44 lll i l 6l . 41: t. - 2 • .:.vii .10 A . iiiili%Voiiit - Aitiiiiffiriif)ll 4 o : l fi Xiii 'Pisteii4iiiiira..3 . .. , iatikariora, 07110174 : iiiii417047iiiwiiiiii isogiNin While, vii*lisiiitof ..4vdoilats:iiiiiiiti,slikiiissl4 400 oidkfloio;sit► • oli..; ouitraufoloitiliftsJiM .4Oriiisstiova oet,tigos, .10, EiscAslipsa gaisfila • - : • , . :.. . - . , . i ' #lliliiiiiii'ttairiiiii -" ff mit vi'iiiii'Ditiliiilitlie-7 . 4_16444 i noloric.r. soot •774y‘rtiot• for •periiiie.labi 1/144.114010atiitsipir:toutbsioripeloawrits; 101iIMPW,Iiiiiiillaiatlooil% ion: WO: 04.i,c4,-.**/;11704:fie: 7 • ~,.: 7677 .. .., ti.." 7, •:; OlettitiiiiiAkiiiiiili s ii.'ZL-Tlifir' Is ttilllivrof : itio • MOW* NviistS diltr?froil popl4stity Is Ftwooti. 5.iiig...,4 11 15007-Potillubsd ot's amines arid S bolt gligf?;4lllVjlil.wiesdoved, 'JD - ti toot i, form,,., for. #I. 2 .•ViST.ONIMWOMA' s 40 1 9 1 s 1 44rq1!titopol* ' ll l ~ I To l #. t . I PSVX 6 E / P l tik: ‘;'l•3 - A, -,,./fI I. op. • • r ltsiiol +4,0 mitkiii"...i.Riviii)aftiinf Oft* 16 4, 1 44044044 401 4 Alikheduot4butcof :unimisioiopromfif.lifoom,thimak. #4ok4o.liiibirtio' ‘4•l r • • of the gelitopi• fik,-briatetliWittalitaistOn • • hiairc palos Cstot:•:— 'sale . *qiipat lor eq rrierriimorptiab kriigrer,attiiat Uks rotip•ot for; s. thifi county the *l4 1r big, _The ,901$1 of Molanthylp_i lilfrid ttti.ia / of Uto blows. LI" goat* on I. in healthy coo illtion.--.0100004,0 04. opiatioittir -,~_ , • •-• ; -CO 1 7- . nem Wittily:* wee; Alai-snit" 'Mg/A .1 oft.: #4492•4 Ornsos.` 9 ,.. liter D3r Brelshater mentiosipsin;# • . . •1. i,! ; 11•7101 AL 0011CHNI,J!OindmIlla blonVa WIMP Oompany" 7 +.. ,, Gyixqk esti 4, and Ai:eclat!'" orksonan , g eitrmac—Beientiong from Playa, Gacca trop Oparia;Piatiinliim;DMAlng, - mid Singing. THOSIOIII VAIIIRTIIII3,- 4, from Operas, Deeto .liocents lentos, Irscoes, flinging, and Dancing.. • 414sidarfBiniftinialtriar • . . :Cott tensmoz. , --Thlt body inet:itthi tonal hour ititetdsy'snoinlpg,,•• et' the Grett;elrfetlibhtuh . ,,,The Cotsfereoce rms . opened with deVotiOnallllteeefini e elddititiiiyAbe Rey. J. 11. Ayr „ . tiliktarilat.t. I%IY • Oi inetleiti;4lsWaJefillita66sth and ooloolatio,n Clonnulthperepottaillint tote "tiered to sent to thosOirfs-. . ktereats analeamallor publication • trl•i q . l The folloWlug patients vete admitted on trial:: Withingerms Dortatoi.:-,..T. II • OrjalEkphstlos. Motoertnoti 'Tatham .B. Putelti Ohaelee ,thephort; DAtilat '—Jainee T, irtusßetielaW, John E. ,/tlUott. Thmase.B Shines', Sylvanne Towniend, Thee • Rajleiß f loh#,W. Bearisonjetatimltted.) ; - •., . • 1 1(illitxtriltgeit01 —43 l hiss - 11: Beef, leoebTFllehter, liskeeJ,oabus B. Stewart, Whet . • r ' , INOtr RILL tileyatol.—John M. Turner, Jameelt.' nolLaughlin. - :,troari -401tet,b M. Mulford. 1 4; supernumerary relation was &sieved Richard AI. .I:ll!sm6elimuli, Ms tripseet. ' ; • A location was offeret Baronet Dobson at his own neuest . ;i:, : • ' •„ i leotialcn took pplace upon the propriety of ieleu tug a young man of bnlllant talents and great useful. Wet Irons, hie ministerial duties. 'Watford, hininn Op yortuntty to' go to college. The. Rev. W. Cooper ex. pnared ; yes o l j.0t.... to collegemeds preachers. If Hod , ,wanted. o udeted men for 'tlie.iroth„:tel Would emelt them ready4naile, Father Wiltshire aroused and . .ediflid.the.Oonterenee with hie views ,en• the subject, whictrehlticided, in the main, with'the.se of ldr.thoper. On motion, the request was granted.. - Communications were received from the Oregon Con ference, on the subject of lay delegation, auditors) the • Clathartatl Oonterence, on the subject or slavery.; The ilatter ,loterents the 'following .resdlatloos, adopted at the section held in Lebanon, Ohio, flaps. 8, 1868 1. Resolved. That the Anal and General Confe• - Animal winces' berequestert t 4 centime In so altirlog" the general rule of slavery that it shall read Al follows: The: boy. leg or seiner of men. women, or children, or holding them, with the Intention t 6 use them as eleven 2 • Resolved, That we 'recommend the ensperrelon of the fourth restrictive tale Per the•Puritose specified In • the above resolution: . ' ' ' ' • ' BResolved, That oar Bishops be, and ate' hereby, tresseetnilty.requeeted to present the foregoing resoln- Slone to all the Annual Conferences of the filethtellat )biseopal Church for their concurrence. • .* Roth these eotornonloations,were hid on the bible, sod their conaidiratioh 'phstpened to the next Con ference , The resolution for a eommittee to coneldri a petition •to the General Conform, to divide In twain the Phila delphia Conference, Wail adopted, and the chair will ap point the committee The report of the Committee on the Wesleyan Female Oollege, at,Wllnclogtoo,.ves adopted, with lb. ittotP• .flab of *hoes partici, • of It which relate to the Few:o sylvenia Female College, at Harrisburg, which were withdrawo. • , . reiolution erei parsed providing fora Public meet roe, to take piece miring( the next Conference, to Con sider the enbject of the cause of cdneellon. The estimators of the place of meeting of the bon- Terence next year was, on motion, taken into considers. Inwitetione were extended from the Trinity, ,Tateepeole. ,U ion. and Wharton.e!reet church , * in Peron •Churohc.Fourth' streit, below Arch, was ,seleeted by • ananporptie note. • Information was received from the secretary of;tbe Mount Moriah Cememy Association. rbpt if ant mem. liar of theCinfirenee,. or soy of bit loved ones, ebb* Le aeue4 to the a, bourne from whence no ***** her res tates." a /sash% butlal would be situded, free of charge, in the itopmeldunsb' grounds. ,The order of burial will be by,cleseva. _ A lot milt be secured to each member and his fam ily , no that the snterments need not be promiscuous.. . The Ran Dr. sochiset thong' t that some more direct sot noberedircient or this bonnet sot Or liberality, which si , pentalmi Si, warsely to every heart , should be made. .An'tztiset from elates' received from the Secretary, George floneell, Rag ;Was read, sugaring all the mem bits of Ake Coofemoins that the . lot of ground wh'oh they bee •sekbeerletged stiob handeome term, is *brim, euntelallassg s tbsr,privllege of burial fat all as hie own preriatatirs, amtU D4l'm ; death, without any °spew" whatever.. • , . • The telriPriTeeptt Weft that atiOulUnittss be ap. nolstid to primps sgtable expression of the feelings .of the Oonteranolithypnatlny, getter with the sae es of ton beard of manager' of is mcigui Verne-, tory. la the ChiislialtAdloetth- I • -Tie folleWingstatieliceWirtel~Ort: ' i . _ White ifireakere.er 411.101 TOCI1111• ' Wh ' Sr° ite Probitionere;,.... tpiptt• IMP. I Beelesse_ .. I. . . lore.l 4111.111br. Deoilsi‘,.. o • rz ,r 1)11.• • tlitil:PrqiC4l/10.•50Z:.::.:...;4.4'.;.; $B4 volorpd Piotattoisame • 618 It! Dgeressiy , Diathu VI • '4, • . , • ,'. ' PAPIPMw Adults... Aks.... . Childrea t . ‘ ,...tkkoziA..«...tibtV,..„ , * ticrelied ''... IA AbuTibia t 17 i raerease.. Probable Vila• • 00000 •••••••• 4 Increase..,Ml ' Paroortsges recreate— . Pribeh 14 3 lacrewle ie 14.6eleei gmeavoteer omrrettlearegelle. roe Coster/Pepe Claimants '212 lie Moir Ulleinnere . to 8459 /or 'fleet &deer 1,176 81 /or Bible Society' 2 224 68 Foe ausesygehoot „11,010 88 ! • MIDST 80110014113 • gehado 6,0 ;morose 60 011teire ant Tegehere ' • . it 4112 • lacrosse re: s • 303 • . 10 168• leereate 1.841 Volumes In I, brery...e ' 144 .6132 Lineation Collection 1113 /6 Tbleftvor) 4r. the Trot Osumi was read end aeopted. jt wiaska Ia earnest commendation of the Rev A itamalp, who wee regketed agent and welters pf the Viet 600fet s y.j IfW ise-itiV,-.lo4o(.onwhingbatri. s iser. COOtibe "We efinin.w to is vbigia, !nautili •tilredysii ZaW,lll Win! i • ~ .."ithe sesta:if for tbeena'iti i JIM to order. The game nolnletreleleteleards Were ilea illeted. with the exception of tea ley. Q wbo yam replansid by the Rev. J. Atwell. • i. following eientlemee were appointed to oonetits i ts lb. Odemetmeel Cionnuitte• far the amulet year; eileascider Clatterelege, James Blank, Dentel DI Samuel U. Harringtdo, 9. H. Irwin, Benjamin Hap The collodion., were ordered to he taken #t tit) ginal time' with the exceptten of the general Conferees. eotioettee. which was ordered for January.' stommittee, to whore were referred the resole- Weal of Rev Weems, Nortek and Bi.ton sod the paper of R 4 Regain twee/ling the manumission of slaves, submitted the following report o • • , eV:mem, The Dietelplem require* that vt,en an twollUer etrakelter "bsoonlee , an ;nyder . of a elev. - r sisiese, hese, mesas be stall forfeit Me egoistatal eh siejlerls_our Churolo. n lees he went., If ft be prim. *MC a legal skieselpelloo of such slaves, ;motorists. 1617 to the laws of the Slat* le /him}} ho lives wbereeet , illy Some: Rates, •or t at tenet' u ode FUN lbe legel,neepumission of • woman does pot affeet' lifer'cffsprlity Duo after the deed of numuwateeZon Is ett 'llleltled. and before It takes effect; Antlerhereas, coot:view» of ratetswittY blethro• tievellies preseeir mar elb.tlnos a altrebO'der talent Old of big life. rootwittetendlog be execute a deed of prospective menuedulon in behalf of each of hlssleveti And whereas, it is the ;augment of tide Cooferseee *et tbe Diselpile• Intend. that travelling prey-here Ceuta so emancipate Abele olives. when It Is practica ble, as to team' to be slaveholders : therefore, Jtesolved,tlet, That, in the judgteset, of this Con- Mine* the offaprlog rhOuld go free with their mother. • egteectived, 28, That It Is also the Indgment of this Ogisferegoe that the daces of mtoureteeten should not fix a later peeled for females then the age of oteeett one;noe'et Isteepetiod for males than the ago of West". The time was extended In order to allow the Mame. goo of 'this report 'Tho'o loolo ° of ttllul'Infm 101 " was thole:10814 debated. Well !ti technics! and scoblannua bootlegs. by eke Bev. Dr.. Cooper, the Bey. .T. ;hi .Bifollarter; and others. Ti. former geolleman Objected to the resolutions, Mileage, In his opledoe, tbey vette bring.Um Conferees:le Into oor (Dot with the yobbo Iwo( our stare/10101pr territory, and that they wool/ there fore do harm to the interests of (modem, by, eltelling ppbile sontimeat against the body. • Dr; Cooper also bold that adieu em the report alsonld be deferred until the General Confyrenee, Which ropele ID May. 1880, an Anneal Conference not being compe tent to make a role of renewit;atdattbiset, ice members to jedi-Jal responeibitity ender It. Mr. , eft McCarter, le a most stfrrieg and etive spamh, Aile d the. est Ispoollal3oo Of Dna% 11l 11130•1 !Phu dioll the falterer of ill the 'levee fn the poises:doe of Metho diatprenehki, and of not consigning them to twenty. Ytaltd kid* or boidis•. Dm tietrallon of which !tisherilyinathitaitAtkomrpr civil release '• • „ 11 , -Iteeatif t. ems • listszos - to telitit any Cootersoes hid obliged a Slataisoldiog scooliier to ntaolnult Vs staves et °Mee Ii was of so We lOt)Ik of a Dew or lodiridost construe. tiers of the law. • Tim ortabashed wage of the Chateh sti sett be OfeplaSe4 010•4•111 r, 71 4 1b ^ ?bed me t ing is told Mr: Coombe, 'het we make for the ars • ote well *Nebel/buret. The Con'ittente *holed be eemed- I eel/ metal got :otters auy item' Meat might beteg Deem tout cone rot with the civil government. The Oustratenee here adjourned, with the benediction, uotill P. hi. avemliCi SesStoe. The Optiference held fte lost session fast evening, at the Geeterastriit Thy bulldlog wee crowded to its tityrott capacity long before the boar annottocetl for opening the evenlogto smirches ; lodes.] a number of ; people who etteueed the too nlog session. which ad/ jourbed abbot Id 4:111., remained In the church so se to retain tbelr seats for the arentog seo lion Teo body of the cburoh was reserved 'epeeist/7' for tbe clergy, }Std: hot taw ladies were . !berate,* ad. turved to that part of the building. The gellery, bow. aver, wee. deettely packed, in whioh tee ladies sat, evincing the deepest Iptereat in the proceeding, The lobbies litatrwaye: partite, gad even the street ' •In the vicinity of the eboroh, were thtogged with en anxious multitude. many of whom, after snaking sun dry otoucceoeful attempts to gain Admittance, retired disappointed to tbole /melee. he devotional elorcle e of the evening were ceo. ducted by the Der O. D Bowan. . The following NOW 'Aloha vim) sub tted one &di , pied: •fitteolemi t That the earnest, gekoowledgemetio are merited sod are hereby teodeed to the Tenth and Die. veotte,,,lilftb and Sixth, and Wooed end Tbird.etreete Yisieinger flaltway Companies for their liberality and litiodosse loolferlog the member/ artists Gonforpece the privilege of fete traval Orel' *llk 1011911101111/401 1 311 de. slow tee prestnt seetton. , atetilted, That the *helm of o ttita' Cotofeeenee are dile and are hereby tendered respectively to the tied families who have so boepltabsy entertained us during www,tyrier arjourn, end la periling from them, that fifilleveate:s !chest bluster mown their future., s•ziesoleid, Tbat .the Musics of this Col:Armies ere Denby tendered to the trustees of this, the Greee•street M. N. Church, for the tug of these premises during Our prompt regaled ' • Beteelved, That this Copferance leader their tbsoke to the Ptiiiidelpies, Wilmiegton, Baltimore, led other railroad mom gas, for paaalog the clergy our their reads to.this Cohferereel.. .•., A collection Wet then taken lipt.Op_the of tbe tothe ü b s e blt i t re d b iao . The n of cell tared Wee that in relation to the otta provition of a offferent arrangement for the equal the tributlatt of the appmprletions between lbe two col irgee—the Wesleyan Female mod the D oklemon. A. „we/Menai* disenarion it en emend, and the matter .finelly-reettlyod Melt fel° tbe following resolution, I oppreo by Dr 11 Dedicate • Resolved, That the agent of the Wesleyan Temele College Imo slloweij tbe opportunity of tskiog op edu cational ooliltetikess throughout the °perorate., so fee es he eon r all the weep to ,bet appropriated to the Institution of whioe 'he Is' the agent, profiled that Dickinson College receive the usual emoont . The retolutloo wis adopted, - • The question them recurred upon the ameedtoebt of Bev Pennell Coombe to Otte of the resolutions reported bribe counivittee to whom wee referred the resolutibits el Lev. Moyers Dough and Peyton, and the paper of the ger, Wesley Kenney, relative to the eutencipatlon _of Merge owned by tateeillog Methodist nth:listen. The following resolutions eters pttk,offered upon the exigent of meetimieelmoir 3' 4.1- , • lisseired, That, in tee judgment of thliConference, the offlpring should go free with their mdtbei where the laws of the gtete wherein she lives do not forbid it. iteseleed, list it is the jadgmeat of this Coefetence THE. PII.ESS.M44pIKI4,k ". ~' gettial - - , - ^ ' . 11 , - 1 e e 'e.. . 1 liito ..<l7 4 thafithe AIM • ' flalleiffit 011011 d'Pot * s ...: -- t'e' • "' SYß. " 33 .;P#A4 F. 41- PG . T/ 4 •" 46 I TUE MABEZII7I3 Ow:res.-The market bat lapse , ' into a quiet state, porker, &081, 'O&M 0 age Of tviintpone, ae., ,60,1 4 ,01,,, y a m, th e e eit i a:.... 1 ... ..,, t he` pr e ~.4,7 „ ,e0 , 5 , . ...,er - : 14 ...A ..i, , the.," o . ,f4Weetwedve,i -- • `..'1 , ,.,......;,_ , ,„, .„,;, ,s s ...., 7 -ere .... , t we ..' .444 in ler , buoyant, though not quotably lower. Selee etellikA n tekr-di,t77,,i1.e1t beat thane ortiene fa 3 /of ;750 , bales thin morning, and 8 ell) yeatenny4ffe fc,l% .' , d ,,,r, ,,, ,„„,t o ride l iiety a. „ ii . t, „ l- ,:y m b o a,, -T r.,4 1 41 . ,,,, A5 T,0„.0,04 - ifilitiatorlii - f un' d•,& !. h e beak': Push , - - , , :' 7 ,:r• l " .11-' . .t . 'td ,- -r.'."' oottailini tl nol 4' ; ; ga, l e! 'a.*'' ;•, ' t 7, ll l 4l N a - Tte' ' ' '''.- '''''' -• 3 It-- r / ' tlll.l. - nig; ikt t -ll th' ' , 4l Ortit, Sii nolt . ine. - 1, 0 7 4 101. fie' ;e v e idol . i l l 1 - .1. , .•c - - t,,' "1r TORE °L 6061 " 067 ' 1976 . ~' (.1 , , .i" A 'tussle CitiaiddiittallentlinfeleoaMliick Sun ti,nofdifis-: frl= l , l , ll for t - thO rentinaniebiag or the destruetlyeei ,- , , Cplente.,./10 , Wei. Moblie•esiN.o.lcTex. 10% 10% f , ,_, 10% it! Irtqt a 10 1 1040 3 .0 11 1 43 0" , - O f l be in°,l "T l O,.:' , ' t• Hi t b ^ F/ 41 3 5 0 l ais Coninstration i tinithe ~Orlinary ' 10M ,s, i n elteskyeextosain itei,ottlt thesteeohltiOnfl igkdranth Mei Ninertesmth,werde hey, been lee ale_ lit'ddliter;.:. ... .... 12% 12ec , • 12k" um . , , : 3, 7 ,, 'Ar. , ,,. ..'..,:,.,... ~.4' i.- ' . - -' - ••i ',,i , ;r4O 0,100 1 17 destitute; of the ardiorey spparallifor the' Middling Fair...13.1f . . 18 .1( 18 X e' 18 .2 t, ilitit' : ' I ' 1 '1 44 1 111 g ; a l it:: A to nt thl ll l gpo g Importance ° r i f t i m l e o n r e n o x f t t o b n " d id w rit o r d i l a l : NIVal. Sr lass -Spirits Turpentine is quite VS% I but the 'Roth le light and price' are unchanged . Small: aim fi rfemierirriithi,lteter; beingedebesod at ir, flea for the better preservation of their lives and pto- malee from store at 54e, cash. Crude le scare. and firm. both melee and females should be free at 21 yearn, if,er, I D avy, have petitioned Conceals for en appropriation, C ommon Rosin continued native. Sales of 6,000 bble at li tt l e l re l d l ndr i tOto.3l - on " ;;se einet,ded eci laic reed that I ._ ,„, nod bore aloe several petitions In clroulatlou, for, the ....sl,6ool.B2kgte 810 the, afloat and dellvered r and 200 do sle tok theseporhwee adapted ,, .. s , _ The Ref Mr. fiumplireya. an elderly man, rteceler_t- pnraese o f - obtaining privite subscription to - aid irt - - ottsoeyd - at Si 70 af t 810 lbs, In yard. 'The niedinirinvd oti amount of taluilvatellothMe which remierieldiiiiir: 11 1 rObolfl ite binttfinited • Our engine - Oki deolgusded due grade* On to better request Sales of 800 ibis lon dtted for the life of lin atitittolemannian,:that pip it 41. ut-Plee Keystone at 4 -.., i . l i.L. , .. r t . .. 1.. it , , 0 ...ii No iat $2 b7tice2 50 Ife 280 The ; 460 do white and pate j „, ,t ,i,„„„gt, a se p i ,,,, exaelaT y eebetime.to„the (lesser , . -", The,petillon, which he , " ben widelyelrothiefel • ISM :. at 067/(054 6 ,4f, 2 • 50 der. „Tar la doll, .lint PriefiliaW 1 , ence, He expreseee Ma Meet at being' compelled -1 M: ,i'frie a-fact. p robably net reallied by all. that in the , - etistained. ' - matte „this yeenset, on 440onnt of the Bloom 011, 4' eatiresZlghtilenth ward there la not a single efficient 1 nnin4.-The market is very 11. m-sales of Tote at, • 'Wife; an bie,lldMeelf, Obeli an able hod Preseh the gospel , fire ingled,"and bit two ho l e • carriages, one of them is and-Peril' af ping. • •- • , - la well sod Soteilelently as he , over did- .It vast ago I t not Unser/Ice, and in the Niottsenth there in not a Ore (lessen -Tbe - inquiry le limited for BM, hat'plicee that heti@ ipl4o4;d4n • a, aupernumeraryrelellen , to be engine blithe - entire Werd.And but tooliOre Or mpabits; ' not eithatardlug are well mainteined-ealesi of 3,803 i Coilforinee. - - 4.. •'-• ' ''''- ." '". - - ''' ` i." ' ~,. , and th eylcreatednn its' extreme 'muttons and weeteret bean 8 te - DemingoaortexPort, at 990 1. n-, - . it wan 'deo agreed.ttett bredarade? of that's!. mr. • Ihnits.leeving a vast r.M3nUira if ;territory, part of it Pisu -The market in quite languid and somewhat Quinn he parse ,i It was u pon the withdrawal.ot , geniedy populated and well built up, to the mercy of . heavy for all descriptions; salmi of 100 • bblellahnon et the charge by the Env. Mr. Cunningham. with th e ill'. 'the devouring element. There is net a more unlelent• ' go, ~ (j t, LA, -, 01 . , .p. • aurance thatcnoless the Rev. gentlemen comply with leg foe to life and proaerty then fire, and with no mean,' Pequit,&o.--Theilemand . for *lour le Mil restrleted, the report.of the .committee on the eubjeot of trienst's u, Outeiheanyebet pentaothief have wouglitist Ile ra- but holders' genernlkr negate' Sibi--bat to attetnpt to iffiestoti,heirdtidd renews It'at lbenextmeeting , of the, Teem, f Here lea dietriet. Oompr sing a population of eel freely some abatereentwoeld litre tit boanadit. The , Conferenee, , one thousand taxables. having within its lims five stock se wide un by the trade in 449,000 bbls, orwhich aotemitteen,were , then appointed 10. 3.4 1 4011 d depots. titre, saw Mille, nine lumber 'yards, , , abbat.loo 000bblrani uttemitat. 1 - ' -",, i ' The' followleg serve far VIM itlintliDlC year:- . _. .. _ „,,,,, '- eight elese - end &hernial werke , seven cotton; mill,„ , The seine 'ye 0- =edible at 15 9605 75 for superfine 1 cenfi r enee D tension -4. Cuenleehem,d , '"....PA tea Iron foutdrles, three glue factories „ four ',Elite ySiti Ude , tar`for 'nerd . dri t 's o Pse6 75 for low 1 4. IF.elfelikey,'W 11 ,Belsbene4_ , 3, elnigley,A. Wal- stem works, anienteen carpet fac`oriee two' large r, grade , ' of ;Weetefli fixtts li•SO AMMO for shipping 'Coil': Viiinhavy; .7.1 , 10 h.• It it • Mime*. - .` _ wheelwright „eafabliabmenre. two .seth mule two dye brands of hound boort sato' O hi o; $ 6 7507.75 for, trade ,c a ,,,,,0u e e l s_Beeginson Foilere- r W, Bishop suit works twenty time - burgher, eight publiorehool.housee, breeds do; $7lOOll for extra'Clinmeiti and $7 .1 One for '14,.. R. Elliot „ - ' eighteen carpenter . shop'. to.etber with bay house .,,) St., holds brands -.r-„ " Wesleyan" Pismire pollisfe-:Orlisn' ifeturey, T. Me- barns, stables, sod other property of a comboat bia na. nahadie , -614 tif to • ilea ' t' .o ;i: small eel's of choice extea 1 .0„.t n , . e .,,, I. 1 .., ,_. : , ' _•, as • tore;,and yet no efficientlire et gins within two miles , b•ends at $1.40. Southern Blom is heavy, more nurtlii. Pfekhaviiie Sthlthilth- 1 - A hlssiv,T..W. Bi Wend. - of lie centre, . To re at ee, thie fl op growlog in mogul- I Warty the low gtaden;the male. are 800 bbl' at $3.100 Wyoming: famine v-4. o ge tie, ,y, 13 Th in:i re., , aide with cur grOgtb. end ineiessing in terror es the .1 0 70-for superflee iisltimare. &c.l indtss 75011 25 for ' Borden'eton ffetnOtary-.7. Allen, G . lir ~,,,,blia, di,t,i c a b eam " mare 'thickly Populatedjt in proposed ' the hefts'? graded. 'ltyoPlori m i a:: Clo o nf l ie i l ed i ' ' Tenn' Female Col/eke-J. Te bolded, B. F 'price_ - t o y oga ..., a eine, lire engine eempeey, fe be be . ; I-1 8 " nd ' d lt o li l e l.- . 1,41 bat firm. , . , , • . , ", r- P. unbidden ffernietary-1.. Cunningham, N r, , 0., en the , t Baitone SteamTiree Engine Companyet 'of - Rearrir,-- - The dernitiethr ' h '1 I Gilroy at t O s n o t e s b a i r x e 017.74,watt:07re. at 89061' ; of ,•' -- . ".. the fourth O r e distriet f the yof Philadelphia, bumf inerket is heavy and nominal la the, ebeenoe of o f : Connate's ,on • , Public Eduentionil Ilfsatiugz-rt• posed n the propertr.nwners and eit i alnd and to be 10., Bye in 841690c.•`Ilatley is beery-small selea oi. Affnieters:=-A`. Coltman., .1. 'A. Peony, W. U. &fir- tested at the :poet effective point for metal operation. good State at 80e. bane, A IF Milby. • - . ' . 1- -. Laymenzellf. slles. Allen. H. D. Mester Alexander '..., i POLICE STATDITIOS i .--The Whole number of .! Corn !slower and Commutes, J.;Whiteman, W. Rhodes • ' .. arrests to the oily during the peat month Wei '2,462, is nominal-email sell of Southern std Jets e ell t y y ow a The :Mentes oi MI Inilelleff wire 1 hen " Id ' Hz. '" Thee ware 'divided among the deferent distriot 9Orrand Westernmixe at 890. adopted. . follOws r Pint dietrlot 266 ' Secend, 410 ;Third , 844 - loon --ffieitelt. pig lie lemotive, and prioth unsettled; Coe of the Most. pleiumut features. of the Whole , , pine of, lib tone at1126p20. d, mon. Conference ,wao the armonmement by a momber,of Youth; IBS 1 fifth, 260; Shah, 99 ; *Seventh, 67 1 ^ Moir aerie le 'Steady sold fn fair reqiieeti Oaten of the body , that , the . brethren desired to make 11.• Eighth, 80; Nletb, 79 ; Tenth, 184 ;.Eleventb, ffil i 150 bets new at 400, 176 do Cuba elayed and 100 d 67 present, to the. 'lleyerend Mr. Humphreye even his Twelfth,'l2B; Thirteenth, 13; Fourteenth, ell ; Fit. ,„„ enrado at 803. o all ereshollog We• active • potato's be has ourupled , BS` A • Sate n 90 • teenth. 05 , . e Or? : ,-Reserve , 001 Tdi Yu i Olea -The market fee all description,' is dull , bat clergymen for the - last thirty yearn.. The anninnee ,- total, 2,462; _ . ,• -. ' Prices are without important thanes'. Linseed je 1 !Stet* ,inent that Seth was the tiettire weir quleltly.respendiA , good nutted to the trade at 64eino in caste, and Mi n e .to hy.,the clergy alt over the Louse, the maieriteef • ' , re-tw-ety . COURTS , is bble. . _ , . , , 'theinUontributleg $5 each. and many of th em $lO, mid • _ ~..A.:.ffiree ",Pnetyirinure - e. The Perk moteket, i s loweirand is nom!- . ''' in a short time between SlOO - and $ 609 - wo n collected, , nil et, the close. • Thearrivele *relight.- The stook, as which will doubtless be lecreased by private eakestip ,rat g TXDDAY• 0 PRO 014111 D In a a - made up, reaches 82;772 bble fgeinet 4,8 3 4-t Alb 1 164 tons - year ._+ At the close there le a fair demised. "-- '', ' Afterthe einaieg of an appropriate hymn and the ;Reported for The Prase .) •_ aales of 870 rade at 1117.11/m17.75 foe new Mete, aloe. offering of an eloquent prayer, the Hat of 'appoint Mesta „ for the next two years was real. as follows: T ' rt--Tud tt Ludlowarid Cann AND . ERMINE g a leg a$ 'bent. $l7 illi for Mons ; $12.032e1p.75 for prime Inoludee in the sales are 100 bbla el 11 l . • - Allison. Then jy' fn tin one &Tam Alexander, °herded A P- Tli *ad 11,1 V at Sri so:'. eu, se eri o Ption , A.PpOINTMENTS. , , •wth homicide in killing John Sloan, name into 0; t , et , B „ f le in fah ; dem , d ''''' ' North Philhulaphia Distrist.-q. (Coombs, p; E. yesterdsy morning and returned a verdict 9T silty et- • , e I . - 1 ,. 1 .1 fl and le heart , for mammon , but D. Georges-I. P. Boon •, Trinity-41,D oftrrOlr I Greet' lithrder !lithe ascend devils, with a recommendation ra, .. no. or ao ce qua' flee; Wee of coo bbls -at $11 , 6087 for eountry nrime - $8 87k 9 / ' ' ea 50 for d Mese, $9 215 g. Ftreet-D. W B.rtine ; li , ,fth street-W 0 , Robinson; tie mercy of* the court. Alexander appeered .to tin ... 11 25 f . i St Jshot-W. Cooper, J. Humphrey Sep s Keeniseten tool t affected by . tke verdict. He _is about fifty - flue . or repeated Mere and $l2 50 0 g for extra 'do Prime Mesa is firml held y ; plea of SOO tee good Ohio -4. Otioninetoni Hancock Street-3, B. eied'dcgo, yenta old, endless a family Sentence will 'probatly be at em. Reef „. Saneteary; -E. J. Ear; Front Street-Me H. Linty; parsed epee hien'to•def. ' $l4 60 Hems are firm; Vales of small lots at otl7 50. Paean Co dull but firm Twelfth 8 mat --. R. H. Patterson , S. liitigine,elny. Edema Lewredree plead guilty yesterday morning on Cut Meats faird are 113 demand and are heavy; mien of aoddin-3'. H , Turner, It. • ife.,Grovnbanh, mop; the 'barge of ;stealing a chronometer from • venial lying r 110 hbde add throes at OX to7o for Should° • a, and 8% co Calieery-To he ouppited ; Taberoule-G. Quigley ; - at Biehreond , „ a .,_ fn. Fame. Clehookalek-T.A., Fernley t flotry=o. Caremil Sum- The A ern terearrbf thi Quarter litesiono will commence ..x ° Lard I 1 •th d d ; 't ales e ewer ' 0 Mae to moderate ; of ZOO trortleld-P. T.' (Mx ; Port Rithmend-2.Townsend; on Monday next, ledge Theism on presiding. ~,, bble end tea at litellee clothe at rig for p late ; fu nning Fuls , - 5 1. - A. Day ; bieltendree-To be eithollel ; eluded in the sale are 200 tea prime for early delivery et fioer and Total eels To be supplied : Milestowo-7. 11% Butter and, Ohm! pre steady mid in . fee de - 1 V 7 Arthur 1 Woman a Chapel and Pairtiow-y. Car. FINANCIAL - AND COMMERCIAL. mend. , t liale ; Doyleatoem-W. 3 :. Steptmesimt, Vearkford Pooth-The market is firm, with a fair Inquiry' sale', -A. Atoned; Itridesburg,ll. B.' Thonmenn ; Bustle- ' of• 1.00 %Aida New Ornami at fieloBe; 640 do Cuba at ton-G. , I'. ',Harlon st, Sonnerton-loit _Welsh ; Dot ineabirge:.To-bei 'Mantled ; Bristol-G. W. Motorielse 0% o 7 Me, and 107 hhde Sagas by amnion, at Bto. Wnieuzy-The demand for thia article isettght end lin; • Atsieberonele-W. B 'Weed; one to he emoraled ; the market le lower- lobe of 40 ',bleat 270. ~ Newtown-I. B. - Avert; Leutberville and Labeekv- H 1 0 Pallier; New Hopp-W , Marne ; Alleotothe.- F, - n, Egan I Bethlehem-T. P. Miller, one to be eau; oiled; . Hasten-M. D . Keefe: a ffinatle ellaston-T. 0 Childs ; Jilebutor d -S.. G.. Hare, 13. T.• Stephens; Sic udaburg-1. 0' Themes ,• Cherry Valley-B. Owen, ,y Lsteynnlde; Paradise-I. A Ifilleen. , e r i hibleienary , Soolety of Ale M.' n Ohnreh-4 P.. or- Mo. for. Peer; A. Month p. 4irent Tract &moiety. South' PhiladtipAia • Distriet.-11. Frodonn, "Pi 11, Unlon-a.. Cookinan. A. foamier. sup l, Neaseetb-4. W Jettison; Ebe -3. B lideltdinneh e. petite- Joe lif •olen ; Ili Paul% -J H Meredith; Wharton atreet-y. Month; Atertheres' Bethel-17 Gray; ,Welt- ; erwelburet -Ins. Omits' B,Mad.etreet-W Moloombee Central Chnrch-3. 4 Liefieburn, ,7 Neel sup.: pit: man Cheri-Toe. S Line; Yong Mente Control Hon 310.00 r.-To he supplied ; Seoedd.etreet.-B• .1., sten. 'nay;, Eleventh-etre. t--N Fralm ; Scott Chffilfl4-1. b._ ffri,r...r; Thirte.eightb.etreet ___ .r: moutv. AMITY; AttUrr=o. rt.: Thompson i , Elseelnerne-ett. T. Corson; Monroeville-A -,ot:t er ' • ,`Radium- W. M. Daleimnle ; Kinmweeleg- I. P Du ' Hamill 1 ] Leramter...Firat Choreh-W. les Elliott;Winni.inn, Second ellnuole-L 'DI Fferbea; Safi Farber and en- 1 or-.. 8. B. Weer.. A. Tisher• Oolambia-4. Y Ably 1 'lts ;A 11 0 0 3 6 24 0 1 1 Ofici , ;tunt goy -A. Howafd ; . 1 'B ainbridge Af.- -I. Whrlin ( eritelkiege-Wm. Blame, P. W Mettle : . Dauplate-0. G. Ilakeetran, ; kiddie. town-R.W. Karla e Pfummeletown-G G. Mere; lifer., ifax-W. B. Grego G P. Crotch flYloonlico-T.'l3:` Gregg ; Herman .Iff!. Johnson. Profensor in Dichinion College: , i • .• ,- • , ~ , lisedina-Distrast-LT ,I. Thompson. P lit . Ehentier, yeeedt,,, g _y ft, Anderson ; lit totem. Reading-4.N. ililby : Welts , Comity idleatem.e.Mo 4 be nUn•Mil i lit. Sion i -Maneyeekeeft -'L ' Gray ; Ebenezer, lefausinni or °or :..4 1 7. 1 ,6filtigh-mg.• A ' Olevelend 1 Valid of , , 'Belanylklll , -0.13. tirt ; Tialretfetriset Geredieddish- Z. H. Aide, I St. Stephens, Germantown-4 tig, 1 Thrums; ll:Nest:not Hid-0 M. Griti.h ; Oneelio. I kostrer...7 Liodemuth 1 Marion Square-W. K. Pries ; I An Heti' e•reet. Woodets,74 l 4. W ifeimilody; Qsat • - 4 - eat, Rorrielolfutetit Thomplien I ifinloMetr Spahr, ' -G. D. Mlle. • eterktoman-J. I, Taft, sup.: T nth,' ter; Phonizillia-A. ;ohne ' • Salem-L. 93 Peelle': Vent fh M eater-J. . lifoOartor; Gerona and Downier. Zown-W. H. flonell; Pottatorr.-D L. Pattereen..s Brandratis, 3. A. Wateoir.eso. ; Birdsbero --I crsidit .t l, In be ( haw; Sprieelold- Joke Phials, J. R. Edit 3' Wayneolinter-1.,1% _Meredith ; Leheneel-* Ille et Cornwall-W. 0. idestt Peleville-H H Gthoy t Port Cartons sod Silver Creek-T. 3, Jones 3 B lisiNfe ; fiat, 0 1 ,41,.-8 6 li. Ofeinthil i ewOsatio-sa, 14. Kitstlthi ; foorsvere-0. P. Mo.; Tgonsinot end Tionaideenee. obe supplied; BehriylkliPliitiren-,:li ft WeettlitietlLl Cser,orou end eirsriteftrirWillealth tc - V 4 = l *W*W 4• • V.93 l loK'licaudi giliff. l otetlik•JST4 , al 3flina arrsedike*X., l P Kam.' , ..'..'...4:-. , Ileffenfirgems EteseferAtte'r Vide, 3?, , s, ~. Witmiegton-W.•,georses;‘ tit. Peolois. Witniestihm-e. li4:11: Sztaliani; Union, Wilmipeloy a .-',W,..11,00 I Seat Chuyet, Wilminiihm-W.tall,Sldiegeyi 74r rit witoe-40mt ) canto ) linl/13t - Salem . , A T soot t. ; Zion-Vo Avil' 'apatite tiSocipitul...T. Smokier,: If w battle-4; W. Pea•mtia 3 Mai2warfi. oity- Pea gana ; St. e1 e0 we,e...4, ler,:tc,l4,•:lll.llBesler Jelljewimirs-0 - .4.. Handle; Zikton-J , A , Cotee rBethel=ei. V. 0. brand; N e m, least_er, y,(„cepeer3 Alliserhatowp-O. W, 'Area.; "YAW De'OnikerH.l , Gerr r zion-4• - n. • nArrei , Ono fAbe cliffo 3 4 1 1,,s (l ift" a• •T , P -.Deforim"- ~,;,„ i t ,,,,. etpplied ; litution-R. ,11Z-filthighliti i Vt. Nebo:-I;' ll,' lieges ririttesbrirp,' w. Pihk...1.11 litter ell 'll, - Sutton, sap 1 Ceebranyillee-7. CNIMITIATIM N. B ' Darell i Ileateevillt.....W. J. Pagan; Beendfsriee elirenit.e-I , fll "efelge,imaiphattein-T, ihnith f Oheeter -lohn ninth; Chester Oirenit-0. J. Cron 1 • Villthe dread-li.5)E lindiesidferee 34 , 10,0/p lied .3 litel'a paatordidd ; Orogiereßle-4oe. Dere. II (+ King. sup.; Mt Lebooo-rlsaac B: Merrill,. T . Tally, sup. U. Fattener), Prof Wiltioington Tamale Cores°. i • - Wasters Dittrect-D. 13 Morph,. P. Z Moires- , , , , • .oher Hilli Smyrna Oireuite-TeT. finighl74. T Pen Eileen;illpilletown-Ooq. Haysmier ; Odesek-4. 1% Willie; Dotrar-C;Cobli g 0/1114/111/7T a rts T. I/ an ekinuer, D. Leoden, n.; ,Brederlea, .1. learreetie Chapel-John Allen; Willow -Georg e olio Edward'. W. O'Neil ,• itill'ord--T. Veltm sms , an. G. I'. 'noi r ; Porno and Williemeyillee-W B, Walton, W. W. FA. man; Eintoisw4 ,l l.: Houston. 8, Tositisend ; Greene. borot-lt H. 'Kant. L. D Iloollutoei ; Wye-W It. Warren. T. E. Bell; Talbot--T. 1',17 00 90f, 7%,,5i WIl• Jinn, S. Gritototup'; Militant-T. D. Cattle-T. 11.ry an; ' Centreville-M.' Miller, 11.' 'l'. Girdier ; Kest eland-J . B. Smith ; Salentine- 5 9'. D. Eaglet:4, P. X. George, G. pprton. sop ; Kent Clroult-yes. Aside, Z. P. Cooper; , faillllbgtimlelitoffiart ,IF• Shope% Vi f . Hammond. Snow Hill District -11. Oolclazer. P. XI Sealant/. John P Chaplin, Woe. Formosa Lroderalebtirt-Thl W. MeOlary ; Do-theater-Jan. D• M:jr tt, T. Mir • pabiek; Cambridge - T. 8401,1101 r Tho ; Cambridge tiffeditantete-t, -, ,leuleoneT, Tomer, sup. t Ariese- To be appielled ; Cjitivittes-Tee. Derain, nee to be sal plied.; eallebriry-ii dimi Walleate, Z. et. Dili,T. Hple bard, sop ; Chun* Oreele-abrahani Weal: 8. Paw. stent,• . , tine to be supplied I . 6Prructere ,' Auto -fehn notele t Wm:Trleliett ; - Antrimumex-ir 'A. Mosey, W.., pi., Quinn; Atlantic-Win. Moen, Charles F Sheppard;' Aeonmee.-4. - M.• Wigging , . G. CCIIIIMIDIOI. B-. Tallow, imp.; Newtowe-Thomas Newman, onelote supplied; Snow Hill-V. Smith, W. T. _Tolbert ; „Borlin-J. 1 5 1 , IlateerelyAQ' ilir, idebeemond; franktonf-B Town. eeed, - ,3. McLaughlin; Woreeater, N. W NOOTFICO, one to be supplied; leswietowa-17, Sanderson. 3. N, Mn. ford; Georgetown-3, T. Gower, 'one tube liunpliede Laurel-Tetra Dyson. 3 A Tamer; Newton Beaten, treneferred to Newark Conference be sendees Mooed about halcpost eleven o'clor ' with the boned iption. when the mot multitude departe4, and 'he coPferenea oak/wood siren die: , , The chard' in If hloh the 0011M01311 have been held I an egoeedioely s handrome edidee, and we denbt whethek a more suitable and appropriate plate could have bee ',elected for the purpose- It was pal deed and frescos by nor tellew-eitteen, blr, Bonet Werner. erehitector pelotee in foeseo and oil cplerp, who resides at No 18 South Fourth 'street. The beanie of deafen, and, th mellow tints employed in produeingthe exqpialt fignenterbicir•edorre the walla-and eating. do Henn 'credit tette matehleas flail, and attracted the only ereollen of the, crowds who Unnagedithe building do ring the tut ten deye. 1 TRIAL OP A STEAW EN(llyr...-,Shipp. A ccrl near,-Deripg the • trial of 'tie atearisdre engine of thh Good Will Fire Company, which loolc. plops .yonterdall morning in Race street. above Dined, the hose borall near the pipe, and the Water gathed forth with great ' violorne. ' Tim crowd made a rush to eat onto( tbp way, end a little boy named Chore. MoVey, aged three ypadief fall late the gutter'and was rerlously Injured. s I . ,s, „ Tps Yips Ilavreiy pf co Tlie'Mt}nut Veyuo* Wien' Aosociationt , •of Pepneelvanie -bee rend red since her appeal of - the 221 February. $BO5 76, sent di.; rent to her; this' looludes, Sti 75 from the 'adieu or Ox(ord. , Delaware cooty , She has also. reeeljd thelmeh Mrs We II Hart slide enansger. Perth vard. $200; Edward S. Handy. Seventh ward. $B6B 75 3 Min O S analogise Eighth, ward. $ 75. Thee* are all the, reports which have bon' received ' The .. Jai) , - menu gent' will remember that It if deelroble to have their* reports 'on the first of 0 doh ninth. Pmdeue -ROBMIne. -7-Yesterday morning Annie Daienport,"one of the realdeete of Pine alley; was committed by Alderman Femington to answer the charge of robbing a ellipse of bin watch on Thursday night. AS he was pasting through that dieeetabld locality he AM attacked by two women, one of wbont held- him while the other grabbed his wateteguard, and made off with the timekeeper. Ankle Davenport wag soon after 'arrested on the charge or being con; corned in the robbery. Her accomplice has not bail REtioer4.-By reference, lo our adeerlisini eolumneit will be men that the aided the - Company Living phew'e pf the "Odd- yellowei Cemetery's.bed been sernerved,to the Cemetery, whieit la located on•Ie. lington lane, near the Ridge avernut. ' kersonh dedli rens 'of ffiloshaeleg lets in the beautital cemetery can obtain all the reqnrette information by calling at the dere of the company. , FIREFL-A. dry house, attached ter a factory at Aramingo, TwentY-third wird. wet slightly daut zged by fire. about 7 oteleek yesterday mornivg An alarm of fire war orpated in the tower part of the city; spout •halt pest 8 o'clock YeekildnY 1610tAing, by the burning of a, foul ohlropey in, Prone street, near, Christi in. . _ _t• , , . • , ;Tam t following is the amount_of grain mea sured during the quarter ending Matoh Stet:. Corn. blathele 206,16 P Maley, baobab'•....- fll 250 Whoet, " 26 784 Semis, ~ ...., Im3 Otte. " .0,641 Beare, 't ..... 4•f - Bye,. Bye • ' ~ ', ' 12,180 Peas, - ~iii •.. ... . 4 . 1 i, , . ., ' TIIE UnAPP CiTigENs' dress ball of the Old' Horton, Club, trill come afe upon Monday, April the; nib, the birthday of Henry Clay. 'lt will no doubt be' a very xairisome alYale end worthy ofthe MO In whose name it will be given. ~ Trinearte mom A D.aartrans.---11Y. Williom ', , , . Wh, Denny. master carpenter. ilst driving up from the , Point Breeze Peek, on Thursday afternoon, wax thrown ' from his earriege, and bully butt. fie wee taken to his residence In etwenteenth street/ below Market: i Thelma . ' llaturater, - aged :82, and , - at shoc. l maker by trade, tried toeut his throat with a shoe-1 hello yesterifey. iße poly inflicted a Seeh wound oni big person. He 'Resent/oring from mania.a.pein at th e ' time, ' .., ' ' 'a r, "tb a' ' ' l , , OFFICERS 5011811 ff s tyli Dry yea ray a - rested two °alma, women on the elm•ge o simplifting. TOR 110106 `et tie Women - are ,fiteeatilne limper, ails. McDonald. and Mary Brown. Tipp tee,' held in 1,4 , 1344 bail by, Aldermen 0 5 .0 . , }insult Sgorapiaged„ fourteen years, vas, run over by a 6r Oi the ft icioxiond i'neneoger Rallioad on Frank ford• road, nem:Otter street. yWaterday. , One , foot WO Itettibed, and ,the other sligntly ; lotattod, i He = reed d hi the vloletty, ' , , ~, , , ' • A idethiAleriled Tredaricit PerixAna, aged 28, • hadltis lan haul lamented •by a Vital, Which he was playing with, at the corner of Broad end Wood atreet, l yesterday morning. ikPIMYI , SATURDAY, APRIL 2, • • The Money Markets pHILIDILVIIIA, April 1, 109. , The abort people baring generally supplied them (elves with Reading, Railroad sloth yesterday, ite Price ti. day Wu weaker, selling down to 25g. but closing rather grill at 261. The maeket grnarallyWas dull. Lehigh Zino Cold itt 1* The footles ,were very quiet. t allriehill Railroad st-nls sold at 68* ; N ristown Raldroad, 51* ; Ilarrieburg Railroad, 67* 'Peensylvania*Palltoid, 44 ; Lehigh Valley Railroad: 44; Oarrideu and Amboy katiroad,ll7l( i Little Echeyllf kill Railroad, 21. The" .stock or the West stll!adolplps, Pareengee rasa C4ropsey advaniiiid to 62. - • - ; . The teensy . inerket,is without change. The folloiglng is a etatement o f the hilliness of the Philadelphia qu oin Rouse, for the Inantp, orsl::Tit: -march'. ' 1557. - 1555 1559. In Wampum, March 1at..5255.2,41. 1,45Y127 4 4 6 , 4 81 ‘ Vririthourred from' f..relga• . • • 220,199 1411,280 162,482 far v ertilitid •;trona other distric4 • • ' ' 80,581 45,410 1113 Toe :481thdlyd for horniemption I'IRB 652 452 14 159 sits •• trapspoi4ation . 6 606 " 26,9p1 ' , 16 6 1 ' exportation.,. • 8.201 %on 1, 101 In Warehouse Starch 01...1,603 045 .1,454 700. 471918 Illritered for consumption.. 664.825 767 069 849,111 merobandise' entered - 288,681 823,101;,161,000 D 02168 011,16111 D ins - 1867 1868. 1868, MIRA {678401 • '963801 216,81 lot,Ton PX•.II &ism • 91088 111,009 289,861 412 2a6 • . t. ~• qi,pis • 1,olke1) •. or 916. 017,001 foMovlog etetoment of the tenleets of the pelted State's AssijOglimi New *9:k - to: the month orkfareb: 4 ' 44.• pewit , or oohs • - 4302,(r0 0(1 pep:Nits and purohasas of 811 v. - 4,!•90,w0 Topa Total dspoelts payable 1p 4re ••• • '":26564.°°° 00 000 Co ' 4 2 colas 2 0,W0.a,i Gold hers • stamped • • 413,796 62 Trianon:aloe Unitedeltntas Mtn% Shyssfel ptilp;• for Settings. • 82,173 : 62 ! The Plitabprg, Wort Woos, and Ohleaso Railroad Company 009 ro.olected the present onto rs ; Pr , St : arrat,',l. Zetar Thomson; nice president, J. If.' Edger 1, sett agioses:ictint, if 4414 •DaPoy. ~••• •:• • • , 'the • Moisthly irfstenient of the Untied Shiite T ram, toslicup from toreros to 51.roti 25, shows the tint ciadtiot ipsjset (* . droll to by fa,41,10 4Sr, of wheels $6 686,4161 sl . "fri w'Yerk Ent..Trsuery,lt33 619 In 'Nei York Assay Mks, $691,164 in Unit4d Ittitse Mint 51( 'olllldiipilit4 $810:'24141221,eir Orleans Brinell $500:00 In liars 'l l ;sinhis;o . grinch %ASA; $21971'S la Trill/Any it WashlMlton,•l63 639 at kraal. Or:sans, 'tr.e. Tbe transfers ordsrid are 3750,030 from acolattot tr.?, incor, New York; $107,06/ to!ltashlegton, coo q3o to "lit Loots, 866,000 to 4 f , Wranolioo, and $3O , boo to yothik. tbe awcttot of cool traampottca 40 tl;* l!hll4olph14 sod, .114ir11gt RottroaCdortog tke 'oak ee¢lyg TlrtAkita:lre r b 4 1 WO. . ' " • • *otia. frac Port Oarboir ' • '' • ' : 6,816 ow, '' ' debuytkill Hisao - • .8,462 07. a I Auburn ' ' r: '1,837 14' iciPort 011nterls 6,617.12 t sr,r.so 1148,159 OW • --. . 409,790 ls l To same floe last yew. %;Vlti ITI the following Is the ei6ount of coal trentported on the Schuylkill Narigation, for the week 'nail Thurs day, March 81,1869 : : TOW /et it'oek tlifs raw TotaL ?.. TOOI. 01q. 10. gol£o. 9225 00‘ 141cpt Total for t,be week 17,206 10 , trittlitiay p;10 7 ' • 4. 6,553 fie ; ) 13, 1 k4 /0' Yr= POrt Oitrpotr,„ t , ~ ' 4 e Pottosllle •' • 41 tlatitylkill liatql • Port Clinton To same time last year 19J64 IB PI3.II,ADILTI4A, STOOK 171.0Hilieliti I,lBBf 8.11P0113D 31 If LILLY, $lOlBll, & 00,118111.1i0 , 811,810011, AXD liBllllloll naernao, nonidwzrit ;Hinman 'EI add 08311111107 lITIMI9B. ' ' • ' /MT BOARD. , 1030 Read AOs '48,..65.01 101 Girard ilk 0 4.'..,.12,4 1000 do 05 91 8 811888111 It to lots.6Bg 1000 0& A 8 / 1 , 98-83.84 25 tallith Zino )4 1000 do cash 8&. 16 W Pada fl, 62 , 2000 do evil 84% 4 Nor it —OAP oath 611( 707 eat' N•• 04 80., .TOK . 25 Read N.... ........ 25,g 200 0 Pentad lt 21 nit 0. 01 16 'do '" ' 2615 10 6 1 i do gl 6' antrige_fa it Is tots.llDg Elm 1gi..46.78g 6 Deno* id 44 6 •IL Is!d a 13; 131 g 6 d) 44 , , OA Am U..duh ll7g 10 z , do „4.1,.... 1 ...44 I 42 Olrud Ilaak 60 661 Lit 1 6h Is'" US 26 1 18 ,do fQ 60 . do ..........45.31 : .100 do . 0 1 d. 12g ' - '' I • BpARDB. , ;04 BOARD.' • • „g Pann4 4t I do 22 Norrittowli R 1 , 3 dosl d do • " 61 4Q -d) 61 800 Leblet 2 - no In Its. I t 6 Rood R ~ Obi 4 0 ... 2 d0yt,251 0 Clarriftbarg R.: D 5 67 Bast Meal a el 10 do 67 60 111noblit ft 58 0151-SJRSS • . 1 3/17WHIN 1.009 N PentivE 1/i Merit) 1)06 P o7' unts 100 do • b 5 91 SO3 dp 03 190 City days 11814 23j0 do 11 86.98)4 ipa7 Blmiralst mt 1090 40 . 72 3000 Clateosieni a 7i...4914 70 0 0 • 40: t0...1.4.44k T Commeraistll94.6 1 An. • ' 611 i 6 Comoltb Book .224 2 L.ll Val R 55.43 CILO3II4G P P 4. 4filoct.. tr . El 6. • "04 106 Philolr. ... 9 9 8X 98 8 X ,f • 84 9 11411C..103 102 X Paws 56 08 93X &Mick - 51 26%26,56 tds'7olo , llB2 'B2X mt Os 48 92 96 dc! . • '66 76 t 76 .• panels B 434 44 Qdml3 'Daly 90k 9'4 !dor Cited 'Coe 48R V] pet divot/ /96 105 X Bahl 2108. 72,4 73 MAlNspils 79 80 8i5.,449id. Sett! Nay Stoat. 0 • OX wm9,t4llliti 9 19 h 19 93( .$ Ts lit mtg.. 713 74X , n 2,3 L2h I LOng 151 and..... 70X .11,V IvOcal ts::itv. 51,4'13s I v Penni 1t..... 9 93‘ 1 " e5..i....... f4v94x ulqi 00 92 ' Et. °stains's .... .. „ l it mt Na 4 91 4911 I.Vgast 4 20utb ft 0 1 §l . - 12 I 4 &i Rt R. .. 4QX Baas & Vine it R 48X 49 . DR: THORAX' LEOTUeS.ON INDIA _ —,-On Thursday, eyaningly. Thomas de li vered his third toque pr 4-, - .. • • , April . • dia,3ti (Vier) , large 'andieuee. He give a d ee r and, aoanw - ;xchtinge, se,, highly Intereating itooormt of the inatitotion of caste r ; .- ' ' ' the most remarkable feature in tike icalat system rf the ',0 6( 1 - B n tr i g i t m e l l i 'll Ter - ' 3 5,3 1 t ,liindocnt., The leolorer staled_ that the Atm Mikan: 604 Readtng P. -e ,' c 61. , oestnre of the modern Illindooe, mud herb come MIMI 10 do a 60g1 the lOW, f roristiteitiotth Or tanitherest. probably be.. - , 1204( =',' do MO 60x5°14: tween sixteen hundred and, two thousand yearn beferel 03 6(4 to 'lO 60 the Ohojetlan ma Theli earliest books show that they; 100 do ell 603,1 were ortgloally White; or light complexioned, At the 0 1 ,0 bliett , ,Van.lt en 50,31 present day the tree Hlndoos are remarkable for their 200 Itilehlo & N Ind tu ! 75 "° 564 g reviler and handsome fett`ores.. In bastity of form 20 do . - 12% they are equal to any race in the world not excepting i 66 lii 3&st I goer ses; the, ,Ciir , iseelane. 10 '. ' d 0 ' , J ,' 3 -2 ,Y The Notre next gave a ennimery of the' hlatory of 1 250 ' do 64 % sadlalrom the ftiveslon of Alexander the (treat to the. 250 i d ) 00 80,t( 100 ' do 000 20%1 fall of the - Mogul" etriptre, introduolil Many - thrilling i i n lillaole lien R ca4g and romantic incidents. He' says there is Da pnline• 00 ' - 060 07 . kl i' (*left in India to. check Ike ,despotin power of , be' 16 . 0 Nal & Ohio R 67 874 de M morterch The memory and hiroto tinaliVes of Alex.: X 20), -,. go': 1 I,c 4 Ldio, ander (called by them &cruder) are dill celebrated Inl 150 do b6CI 0002 India and Perale....hare ' iun 3 S° ol l, B 9 s 'foly logs latni- 400 :, do . 6 23 i • liar than that rf IfashirigtOn aMong- on. Toe lecture 41 ' ' Oley,do so puetea with elerigetti PagitagOg. gad just reflections 4 11 26 6 ,o Tot !I. ~ " 1:1 2 0 6 2 1 4 : displaying a profound and' accurate knowledge of the; 100 do 08025) eubjeot. ~ A , i ' ~ . i !s t . 100 dO •. • 10 0 3) ":Ity ' Bl.tatlT Ittaricumus )33,1t02 Dsatte•nsu, l ! 100 Ohio do Rook I 65% ,' • 18X0. do ms , nor megnify them by !saltness and despoodenoy, but f 0 do do 651 f ~, boldly meet theni and 'mit them to' Wight. There are, Nevi York, Stook ' • glair 6090 I 7 851 '74 . 1010( 600 N 841.0114 m ill 100 31000 Mkoootl 06 '.., .86k 3000 04104 6 p 8,...,60 . 1000 N Y Ono 6* - 08 1000 Er 4.3htOlCOltil 66 • 3000 aria R bile 'l6 411. sp)o Tißtiom let nit 93 ,9000 Mies Obn Ii n.l-94 • 6090 d.i • 04 100 Web 824 nit 01 ' ' 1860 et lab 8 8 food b 72 • ' 3000 111 Oen td, ex-in 8,4 6000 do • • '1173‘ 60(0 take ErkW let 7 1 1000 olug 318 pe 05 • • 8 Book of /Welker 112 '43 4 0 •• 1, Illy . 7 Bk or Comiaeree 101 10 Perlin Bank 90'; IQ pupal:a Bank . 79 1 . •46 Pal ,kllnt'llo • 97 • 100 Peon Ooal Cube° FOV Ur do ~ , ..., • 8 1 10 R 200 do . $0 00 do,_ , 'SO 80 $6O New VotkOen.lB 7 8 14 401 do, 1010 76 V 30 0 1 ••'• 6 0 - '!:1 4.6 16 % Bro do . 110 - 76% SO do ero .76 v 210 do t ' '660 TOV 110 do t 010 7644 lhoo do .. - 88 761 i 4.0 do . • . b 5.77• • 1,5 Rite Railroad - 10 ' 100 liodsotillit It in 83 141 - do . *. 1100"83 . 3 t f . do; • 310 38 , i 0 do e6O 83 : ~. do',,': < i , 83A( 2 do . 'B3 1 Harlan Balhead. 11 34 1 " • . • .8113030 2000 u till 3 14 - 3001 100 Tone 6.110 9141 6 Miasma 6. 380 snit do " : • 101 e ' do b 3 67 qo lit Cod Ma: ' fax 1 3 do 87, 1 1 111 Peel'd Lie .61 ' , 3 ;0 N J Oen lot not 90M 5 /7 !ado 8 2d mt bd 62,4 i • 1 0 , eo -,",--.. • tii • 9000 Red B3d mt ' 7134 . . i Oalk Thal b /80 06 • • d 0..,: 140 Qt 1 do 97 0 Pao Rail 00 - 'l9 V , i 'Ohio tc Rock I Mt 2 1: bOO 6r ... . „ ' CO _ . al) . . .40 56 X 'cobble.stones In every road, and pebbles in every path. I Allow no obstacles to prevent you Wink . - Nati your ;250 - '•do - "• • ... , 680__ ,‘ /.6 ,, ,. u 1t 1100 •, . do. , "''' "" ' e a rn i ng s ion:lathing Over yondlikpepeen, which, depoet - I2ro " ' 'do bBO 56X 1 . 80 d c , booMu , ed In large or small amount; In the Prankitn Paying .. .... 250 laiii '. aft 5 do i; ;JO ial i f ..5'n u d,,130 Boutlk Pourth street, telow pheatott, Phtia - .. . Pi date:dui will bear Wive fir cent. Interred, which, added;, 1003,8,,,m k do wasn, :1 3 ; -%1 til_the? prlusipalend.tbe compounding thereon, will toe 200 Panama R 137 8 4 : real se a competeney to eervein,caetkof:elettnemi or ,a 100:14 .do stn 11 . 7% she against a rainy day; l'fits'Old and 'reliable BOARD. „ , Company alwaye paid on demand; and neve; suspended ' 407 N Y den lt ' 713% flee advertisement hiendther doinnie. ' . lce i do el 70 340',4 ves is I larva: 'man' ii a'itt.trlf the erende thatlaive %so "idct- : ,b3O 713% ; thronged the popular confectionery establiehmeut, Icf ifin do " ale teX ' Messrs 11. 4 Whitman & Co., Boorml,street, below , d ,„, 00 ',..' „de . in?i 7 ,, t , 13 S Chestnut, during the present week , may' be taken as a! 4.. "' ~ "'w g ”. ;iii I, N ', oriterion of the state of trade fftr the week ending to 100 " .'' do 1100 - 'do ' Ong day, the spirits of our merchants ought to he buoyant,-; 8 Rade at Ale R : 1 3 las we believe) thiy,i,re. The epecial canoe of title extra! 160 .doi. ; - 100 Welt Von' ' 510 5 3 0 3 ,t .' ra nk , We ;realm' e, line in the fact of their having added' , 200 Mick h it NI 1300 12% . CBTitral,ckcAele new.ortid'es to their stook, Or • ;Mae we', 3t (), do, , . . . 12,4 mey mention their euperOne pure maple taffy, ton ted I fOO Mkt H Guar . _ kg% , vanilla almonds; vanilla creint catininels, eta:imitate caro• : 501' ' i 'do ' - bet 3 , 1( 200 Gals& Chilli b 60.06,1,1 , male, moti v e variety _of, ethst good thingeoshioh they' 250 do co h ,trirnish' era better quality than any (the? contectlon. ere In thin country. . • . Ok6IBRIDRIi OaTTLN MARICAT —March BQ.4= Whole raimer of Cattle at. inot*et .650—abont 600 nif*Pfl aid 250' fitorse,conalitting -of Working Mob Cows and one, two, and three years rid. i Pries of Market Rest --11xtra 68e8 50; first quality , $7 5037 78; second quality $806.150; third quality si:so; or,lllonr7 $3.50. Priori; of Beef Cat ,-Working orm ,yer retir. PO6 $9O '110i0178; 04 . 1• P and ilalreolroml6lo, 40, 50 cB6; Yearlings, non,. Two ` ears Old $2243357; Three ,Yeara Old $29489. Plieeo,ond, Lambe,-8.140 at rearket ; prioe's in lota $3 AO 803 &Leash; ,ex*ra s4.t 0, pap; or from 4% to ego Weight..lfidea 7g 9110 V,133:. Igagis ik, P,elts, $1,62¢31, 87 nelt,flkinql4til6e ifrle. Veal Oslyeei from $4, Eintflend —The market for Boef was not so troleir ; prloee for the. , hrat:onality.wittiout cleanse; lover grades 25660 ewt lower. One lot of 12 Western steers sold for about $D 4ye cert. sod one near from ;Zi• - •. - U4 for.,stont VISO "Vs cwt.' More than four times the number of 'sheep than - there were last weeks but mostly on drift ; olleerlots did: Mot self ;no 1/12h u lan week by 256K6 ip bud. - • • 'Vice Regent 'for California. (From the Monza Vertionittoord.l : • It ie with ninoh pienenro we. owning.; the - rip. intment, 'air Vice' Regint for 'California; Of Mr. Magdalen Gorden BlandinV€4l •liidY whose foioe of eharaoter r engaging manners, and Joie! Attie'. thin reviler per, eminently qualified for the Oleo.' itep-danghter of Ri Govenior Bennett, of Sehth Carolina; and 'Wife 'of Captain William Blanding,•:. grandson"- 'of ,the' venerable Chancellor de fiansenre; - • af. thatcStatew., Captain BlaudJog commanded? with great - gallantryo the pharleston Palmetto liegiment.-Ahronghont.the idezioan onaipaign,,aud, by the :appointment ;of President !Jorge, lately difiltngehtied ability the office of Valli:it/lintel 4ietrict 4ttoiney Av. California, - of Which Altatejm hoe: beohmet a citicen. '- Most heartily (Jo we gorlskitalatif‘ the Itegent tiptin seleetion, to Judi/lops' for, the, intgreate 'Mt theNssopiationne trie'Pamilro chores ; Tagoin but believe that this lady ll - 111,hold the make hey to the !!,biolden fliniitith'whostortals pup *A gifts ,for and =adorning of thb " fetc:it of ihilreSt."! , , IKPOSTATIOI .1380.Ia 4 la3TON—Yitassasblp 8e stopf Rate: Mats)", mito.ri.' Rol tent loted - PAlniif& 80, 831;214 tattoo orddr,; I do cotton ward* rld Btooktdn W 3 do yarn mi l , pavitti-,a do A Wbltabt Altittadolaods; 425 bogs rice dour Thy' Iticitarda?o & Ooh 85, empty bbla P P BABE: 44 do alisasyy'Oolbna Ike do; !,8 do std & WeSte; 18 do LnulaTaltookir 2 Ban 3114*Lipinentt dr 00; I' do 011800, Albright &PP; 1 noa'W - iit Wine. brennei & Clo; 1 box Ootnelltta & Bakont , itnt. 8,14.111 3 bosh' B Bram:nal; 25 Ptla one bolt bbt mato 2 Vital:4a 8 Lathbttry; and !Andean to others. V44/S I TOR I I. B AMA I N T EP 7* 'gialbehip Niyetinke OWL:from bia - srleston--w Email) R Pa' l 33,erli °Opt Lop,loya yi , , 12,104, uratt, sw3 thirtrt? I t u ;." 14 4 .11 f ltfiln I, el‘Cf I • jr.r)lllli iou ar4 PAAN. , 1 •• - • ; , AMR EVE , 13, 8 mall stesonshits - piyalsois Sttite;3iaiebrr ) s.ti . ,, - t:,onro' fromieherleOtritt, with oiattoti tele#,,lka to AI Herod, .Tr. 'rattled a bark 'off tke Naiad. bound la; ;11 o brig. rppposad.to, be ;bp Marl, N. 14111.11500, beowllat helow tho I„.a4go' khiP 11)4116[612k GOldah 114, from New York:Jo/Owl aki • • ••• [air kesati (oerrespondkhoo p ttk6 erir] pots ) •, GA.. April 1. Arrived. shiP•Willlwai 11111t.firmilWirrie Point; beak Retread Taloa,lptitiaiOr et - Apetassdalo Ao4, from RchporttMp Iffs;fitom Breton: 318.14QBANipth. 4tellint.btp Relotstlviata.:-Nact,'i tpr, sllOd • frotilliehntood Biel ult." : - .gtokBl/10 -Kaaalaltoaillakasylotal s 'aftlalal at Eta t " lop at noop yoaterday Stgam,alto Dela}arei•Skposatia a;iMre4 Ol4otir Tort ypsteni4y. • Steamship Borussia; Trautinish, Cleared at Now York. Btoetgeb p eeor (Clegg' enf elearia at New York yrotirday."; , , Steamship Arago, Lines, olearad-at'lleir York ioater. , day for Tfaare. Chip Motions°, McDindjor Liverpool cleared at Nev Orleans-lith -..•• • •". •• •!I '••• Shin Star ' 01”..tbe',werit, ileXliwood,.7rorn Liverpool Pei. 29, arrived as Flew WO fes'erda.f. "." . - .13b1p • Onrialsevlitanlett; hong 'Hank. Boni was belnif Newlfork yesterday. - ghlp Sward Ft•h: Croctorilirom iihringbne, was beloi New-York p• - miterdayi , c:.'.= • • . Chip Canvass tieck,Olark, from Shanghse for Meii parsed #njierJain 7.9 . ; - ,•• - Blab Enlreele. Crockett, eallell from Montevideo Jan 28 for Ts qf fresco:l, - • • Ship peps, before, reported ashore at Alseoirsa, had probably got off and prooopdr4 to , Yoric, as there was no mention of her in advises from Glbraltar to thili Flaik. , Mlisah stli . ,Morgreve:, "fo:r, itorsarlo ailed fr 611 r. vrdr- -rfous -^ W.._ from 61IntovIdeo provloqsio 3 . 11i140 - 4ark Bawouvillo, clardoorioleqre , Cat • Bottan7ll4llo.s for Uong sorg: , Bar# 0 B Trqltl,Amill, from Now IYork, w 5.5 dto alivilogst,hloat#llso34mr&P.Mriied 234. Brig &Oda ..vlisrAbeth,,Boor, for Eliilrdolptia, VO3 loadlotatltottordsm 75th trot. "OM., BorO7V7lllosbeth, 4altr, from Boston for Philo. delphls wait at Newport 81ot ult, !-.! ! • ,"-' • - kfarlath N., , Osutter t from Newborn N(l,-arrl,o4 It New York penterilloY Nretherl Cobb, for Boyauesby 'eloped at Boetin Blot ult. Bohr Empire Rate. from Chetlore for Phlladelphiei at Tereatil[derive filet alt. Rohr PandaHa, hence for Rookport, at Mamas' Hole 80th Rohr •Dfary Ahn & CaroliMa, Bean; I 4 or Philadelphia, nailed from Newboryport SO.h nit, , Behr It It KeniP, Holland, for 'Philadelphia, nailed from Richmond 81. t alt. Baby Woodruff Blme Brooke, reu?sleed at Wilmluipl, to NO; Slat nit. repairing. , Propeller Novelty, Bell, elteredut New York ruler., day for Philtelalpbta. - ; - , •=" MMEI - ~, .E. o E qot ... i -,-We invite the attention ,e; j ' iliose wtshief,„t4iWttre a supply of the eelibrafir 1. 1- kootd.ile.ttbil to the;'adyeetlsement of hissersi Theo... *Ahem? ifli.,whi A''l.ll be &nod in soother sieltino, Ohleartielej . e. ; utautee In - quality, and le pkepared 1 .iiltk ears, siipt'resizjiefarotte pee. Messrs. Newry - lir i '43 ,,i'.. Noi: l ,q flo'atkll4Vrth street. are sole agegts for,. ; 14:tessrs asoreifAotts & Co., the ehippers asdirehs_l4 , Or Locuatdate-okt, -:....;Er.,.-,A e's Tea FLOUR FRAUDS IN ,nx AbitectoustaTbro committee appointed to investlgate.the frauds! in the_ Almoctusextatiuspoo r , Thundkr._,,Therttyraiialr k "Minority jepOrt:Thrnialdtltlddliltrrit4e:"' mltteedp s ,t,talairpOia t iluic*bolyietclatilut therwere" , BOooim mato olfeqxtbtipliewittmemlnan t! CO'fri.o otifition Wails oomOos;tike:*l4; P u t*. ,- In iP, e s . 9 1' ~- ,° !, . .0 " 1 9 .)"11_!1 ' 104 - $00"4 116 ;•for • biothlentionnen and outha, t o the HrevalltaneOlOttiirig- Hall of Bookhili & :FON% NpaLtalVaamt)6os,t9b'eitin4: street, abore , Sixtb." It is almost nesdleekti,aaithit` tll eirtS 4 999 ii irt 4.0 1 #14 ith!lt.a4o l ll l 4) , ll'vOice• • - A„11 1 ,10M9p0*-1591m." trtlate melvitlt 'Wnt Ilrfapect,'weeild' `poor Min ' 511:, comfort myself the refieetion that it is net Myself that boat ig:ti . ta, but etArddatetth,y, l costabd hat. tettioh, to en; tbetrutii,ltaie co faitiololirclaims to adMila!", tion. 90, if my bat acd coat cbobliiiViliVnat.' it, let them, but it le nuthinyrtcrintino Our philosophy iernott to weay,t , ,, x a. 14 „ alasbby coat and bat,'? but to rpm the elegitit'COatuirigegotten up at the palatial store of Gran. 'villeirPtokee; No. COT °bath:tat street. I - - 118, A*Vr.T4140• 11 14Part , ,WAIK•lkitt4itOtitiotit that li cne. Belly sod , quit, centrisby a nuMber of ca'entifiC 3 `ientiemita ' hare'lafelf' laded at Sen, Juan. Atooty the.detalls Otthe - expedition:4J areptiotiou four Logrufresses i from wideltwoinfer that are moil provided eritivehenges oflttiem ad - netreipindlog suite of elegant want from the t'Old :Waddle! Hall 010iBlog Emporißm,BlKAßLottsptiii:lo9 , of . I . k • s e,G4 Onn OP rm of the work table Is 13 .00k , s' titabe'ipnoetintion for all 'hitt& tf sewing. The `cOmmroption of •It daily iDerDiseo, OD goeonot„qf lte„suparltulty over other klindootOpOol cotton, - • 1 GEttrf.runte a legant Spring Style of -flair eutting;: forptirttirg a neat and dlgnifl• - d eppearaice to the Heed.. 2tthreede, ,West Avenue, - Oheatant street. . . R ISFRIOBRAT OE kand,Water ; .ooolera of all klnde for isle; irtialesito theirialitaeturar, a kit ruder, ' No.. I£6 Doelredreat,beloir.FletedAetreet, And store No. 105 Bede! Eifi3sul street, below Obeetent„ ' ' Jesse Tartlets. OtrlOAtudd3r, ' Hydrant, earl_ be made se gleam ad,drykted i )q,tbe ,Ree cd',svaris' Celebrated Water for t t ale at tbei els:30;105 !math Sedond 'treat. Jona =trainia. , _ i - c) ‘ -50etial-Noticeo. The, Berate ofyraissin, Di.ecent paid a Merited 'compliment to Given of germany, Obristoph Efobthind; by Ordering the ereotion of: 9 C999,9939'4 to 4:4 tmin.97.41, the AV fit It any man dasenred welt ;- o f his consittymenecertainly* that man was Dr.,ffoclaudiJor, , while by hiateaehings he revolutionised, Jha wtoale system of medicine,ihis wall.diseatel preparations earried s lellet litorerery home in land at hiehAalii.lie wee mournel7 u a benefactor of the natlon."—Lodopi r4ros4 October, , „Aims calstpated-ustlichass,,Dis Alumni SAltAarsland Balainic Cordial, are prepared testily "nottntry only by Dr. 0. rd. JAOICEON, 418 • ARCH Strut, --Philadelpltise ant arelforAde by drutglAtitukitotpkOisltit through. ant the Voit'd States, Canadee, West Indite, add r hoith t , America. Pries It Ceints,per bottle.-, • ait, liiiitedtat'e - clirki:=l:l_ , < L: ; ;11 '- .7 . Km. Illgolow, of eobuylor's,ylo l otilllitidi'ooll4tY. jisw,:ltor,:k, !. , 7f4ef : -':Though advanced to pearl, I rieier, bird 'a *oils 0 6 48 1 1 - IA 1 4 1 Y, /iflriguk Pt bold woo 00 iilichdisepeittl tits* j could naltber tiatie:sor smell for gre wellis. Notbl/jr I Oottld tikeibuto4l . ll,To me ; but My ociiitilrielostiod,uitti taloa iq_ , . I t-li"tfiall,d'a Itallatolo Cordial; I 40iii:titi l itiOhr aejpogiek sod I uowtlod royssif won. , _. t atteo4ed eturabzlastisb * th for the arse time la Wet weeks.l ll - - --- : --- - ' 'Prepared on)r i by,D.o). - X iAlg . ceog, N0.'416 - #ll a, Street, Phifidelphla, and feint", by droggistiist • keepers througbout-:the ;UAW Stites end Claitidet: Price 76 cents per bottle. - A • , . , --• - ,,,it 1 'Eligalit "Spileg 'lliettraingi — " v ' ()MINED it DAILT., ' 1 , 14 ,Ladlas,Cl,rt-mmlpipt, pike. orlZoOra4lll,lnPllootYl ''' • '—'--. - - tiavznizrao' tuzsrArt: - - • ' ' i mbil.-12t“, ,_ , - „ ...: ~ -, ,-• ,- - 3 1 Sawing ltliChlinis: - .:111 - 10 . atisown who ,figve been Indieed to buy Sewing fgeobliamt WO2 perform rhe,7o4E,hat pnraliiiiWeeipeeted thanito an, 're inlay* tSzt SINGER'S StADHIOES nwar taiTtu 4. 0 Vittia4 Wa et, ti opo feerter.dieopeetaiethettkotei & ' 4/4741P, 4k9 OtneTtitrt ateeeti Settpen4 bating 'lll;4l'—fnilitiver'est CereAr ht. 4001% eieI:WATIVITT,Steene:-Zetkedtereeitipd in Atnell Varietal> , aseolantaOrees 411 1 eludes of the eamzeuatYrlsna Pori fil4l4 4 0.etsAfeAlkie for par eent. per annum. Money may-be &writ 'heal witticitio‘efor Wet tent .„I,:a FaijjAkt. Care ofraldallyOraiert ifiekklldeie day and Eiattirday until 4 lOW errantete'rProildeitt Franklin Tell; Trauma wad ,Farraliale.44l.l4l - - - Wheeler &Mils.* Bgxl7aj t><lehlllettr OVIIOB, 823 9p239FNLIT BP. ~, usb2B.l.ml • s"-; ' A - rarely'. Yelp iiiirhi4 .l lllsoimoil pc...sassing:no doleterions.grOpertdos--Jlitlailall/114F .4,39 1 .4 the nurneroeo preparations or the day Obit nonlallt sp .ilts4tlcais emu', :and let_strect lastantasenna. in bre dalag s soft, glossy elsolfi lirtertsjer.abestrat colored ball, sow rdlog to i4oy. ' Bold by alt Driiiglila;ing by ;BUIS 001ilio;704101niatisitatrerel, 1 , •y - • 0 441 4 t , 1 j ..T.- - A.NaBCF4II3IIIF--il 1•!; , ',70 ' I 414 1 91e;:f Pidlon & an . ol,Slooolne for the - ?baba it B owe 06,3elise roe tLplls rhalon & Bon's-renoolna Yor`thalEsdr:` Beat and gbetAvic- 1 Ilest - - YOr Drosabig,' Bean Cleaning, Tor Drasabiti Aeltitlfying, ; For 1 . :log, Ileantlf,ylag; Weaning, Onellisg, - Pricier/log, , . • , , Angering the , • • . . • 4 01 0rit;$ t Ft; f .; ' .RtketoriSSAtatedr. .-' -la ; R.Aernia &molted. ••.;•. luelniralor photon , * Demise orAloanterfelts. • s (~i,Delerne otconnterdellisil r;,l3 - Inge Bottiety POO • Smik,jkittifo;T,w94.l4ve Cents, Oman Bottles, Tersitty.flve Cents. Por eats. Ot laurcitmot;_lltagglstivliel Panay Goo 4 Dealers In the afill pet of the United Bid/ I Wholesale and Detail Depot,. • • • • Ede:ll7: 407: and 197 'BROADWAY; New York', • T. B. PETERSON *,BROS • , !10..806 CHESTNUT Street, Wholesale Ageintif; • ' " fe19•41 >Gaging's , Medicated raper for they Wetter"' 1863,ha1t 11511,nliedviictlialkrier )roriod 'I hie beent eitudoimeedi More' eiirUal and ?minable notoriety thin sag:thing heretofore of:, feret tor` the'ciiri end itigettiote cif Pilaf. - 1 it is not only a necessity as !Into end mediestedpoper, belt it IS levity whiott no whir vidfill.6 himself or his famiig to be with.ont. At is mald i hg.a l it Aru gg iats i fitacrinoder Mut at' the beadinitrteris of the d'Woriff, Nn.. t 1 WI Street, New York., Foi Digo' Allekleliihip, ; 14_, T. 11. 0 ag,ttNmee: CO.; (Third end 'Walnut shoe%) BLAIR Sr:IVIISTII, (eor: ner Eighth and Wilnitt,) liAB3l4tD, ea) iohesteint and Twelfth , ) and mint' others." mhild maYf ' Grower *..Galitrys.prlebrvatedly Gemini 11AOHINZS A NIGV BTYLE-1441.08 goo, - Thla Mir anivnitroin ,twn,ippOle; erk`purehised frost the 'tare, .requiring.no -rewinding otthritti,ii Ileum, Dells, Gathers, and 8493110 - 1 v a Slepbrlcre Age; Biishino - each' neonn.lt its 'own oliVraii*Witiio t nt oott3.o,Ae hii.' - a41019, as' ie will ibi.boiter.,.6i cheaper. .3011 , 114 , -11041 seamatreas Zan, even if she waft* for entrant otviinew.l. Jo`4,nt, 'l7l3lgNitArOil,./, 01R.CGLA,4„.„43 _ OMe-rrio :0 411.ht 1 1 1 1.4 1 Om, Vfik arid: man in ttn 1160 mmami, fisirespli for nkiin. 'elartas. We mark onr imp* %sift %deo lo acatrl ,100111, on each artifin. All eons made to order are warranted ; sailstkotory, and our-omit-Paws many is strictly ad leered to. Wy believe this to be the only fair Inky oil loalleit, as, tlit4iby all ora trbated A - tv JONBB & CO., Itli t iii i iii t i:ii,t ..7.,,,e.:1 y , dh Thursday arauluchilareh3lat;b r Wadsworth, HTNBY J01121•ON to:'PANNP" PM:MICR, adopted daughtrr orqdrs4rill#Onfottratt.; all of , ,- tf t Mardi 30th. by tbelle - r. - Gudon Mty, JOHN HISNOXIMONAA-,111,as nwroggry COULTRR. Also, br the same, Mara Sal, Mt. JAMBS' MI/GOWAN to Was. ANNI,Id PATTON. . 'Au°. lit+r-litst; 70mterattniir to Was MARTHA alotAnit.% ' Ideattle: "On the inoritiiii Or the SOt4i iflasich, nt , S JAMBS W" '• • • . The tetatty9.6 and.frienda of the fargOr are Invited to, d - t 'attend, fuoarel; hien his' late alanea. , tio Lombard street this (patu•da.7) morolog at 11 tOnlank.f 1 44 the toorntvgbr the 30 , h afireh to the %gu t y ow l or Maser. °total. dOHa I RIP BROE&H he Ehltunasteral Sariatr and his male friends friends are'. Invited to - strand-his funeral, troth the'tisrdafftitt‘;othia, Non, Henry Riabrough 463 York 1111101110, this (Bator, den) ufteronon, at 8o clash - . * On the morning or March OIL at...the realdance of ' his too. Ilrfah Mathews. Jr No rob Nottlt ,Patvi nth street, Phiholelohis, ThIAII MATHEWS', lefiiet.th e i aitanced age or 93 years. i Dnyleatnirn 'Detneerst and Buche County IntelliganotOitil tPattSts`onhirsh.r Os the moral it or :the Ptiattltintewumw, irifelor Pater Henry. MtS4 *eer il ' , 1-3 Oo,tbe Plat nit , , l,( 4 l £ 4 E l pgA - p10ar„,..44 ,tittt tiPth; year Or hia ego. His friends are losiCedito Okay% the,ruestal., ; from Ms bate roatdente, usar, , lotetnianiefinelts nOuntri . 4 4 1 1 PiratAsp, zero 131,,Instrl' - a 2 o'iloolv . e.. 7.1 cerriliges yin tio artiernooo;at-Newtonn. the - arrival the 846 . cOMMislow,Wlth the 3K otoloolcc. lifcrßom W 1 4 ,, Till-ktkakk *Ant via: Bil'eleali 2 PletiMon.l a the midminif of the Slat alt , of erysipelas, Miss; Dottorny ELLIS_ : _ • 11 a r 'Matinee and frieude are .reaneatfully invited 40 f attend the funeral, en Moodaystierhohnidpril Ittf3 o'clock. from the residence or her bother, Mr. Thda.: Ellie Penn street, below-Sellers, fraultford, without farther notice. * On he,3!st tat.„WII.LI A3l p m , ,TONIB3 f als i ns,ot David , and irdemice Joins. seed-32 years - - •r - -C7 1 The relativ a and friends of the family are reenact.; fully,thalted tp ittteed the theerel,,ccete, the,rettclierAge: Ot - hnt pareata. No. 334 Oblast's.* *Veit Shove riard, on ?undo: aft mann. , st--4 .eclock: ,, TO'-lirdeded to' trnion cemetery, Meth et eet * Oa th e Slat rat 34ra. ALUM FWEERIOTT, aged 361 Tears he relatives and (cicada of time family are reeprob. , to Iv invited to attend ,the temeral, Rouetheresidenee ( other brOther.in!late,' ' Thbinis Ro gers; No )65i North Second wreet. below Itace r on gundataftersitihn,f at 1 o'clock, without further ROCCO. To proceed 5) Praramlin Cemetery, tf EN=M!I 1-4Wdli4A4lo..f t ai f yik "R Uso " Alim "" ll4-- NA VVll lo ) , Vgyilitt.sr 09mestnr, waLatvr. - Wiest-0E lif."410111 ' , Mat lokikdielos. Mow Lpp*filiklze.Wr Oi ' laVilikriktersit Paid from tio,..da/..ot;44oe — nte the day, _of wirlidreeed. M e wrmetemkeirtleoestereade deity, *Mont .r:‘ , AFf. o # 4 .l . „ !stair ,ideiigeeerjerree4 , ewatateed-Jracer - eter.eiesi eeeturi ,:etteretlito ellettentird*.alHaestorkeeirt7ek*6!aleek "sod Do Kixd s , and T h ay s tti e Ml ii6xiiifiractrak; fag • its r prelc Cur. felnbteterlatell " fry Nollirell , all so. bred Balef I*i fee, Patnem , e I thigirßaitiiigosl B K l 4 lll 4 . 4d)fAishe Ripe, Tdo. reerty,:ded PliiitifebliCksVii *l44kneiklrole,pia. 't!74,.l4orpholatery goo4o,l46l44l*lsakii atoll. Ho. tele and tuella truittiVlone - fated tgr#lofiriet.natioa. - - • „ ~ ,' N lV;AdirßytgOrig, ::.<4 31 0 1 0 41 61FPE gtHet. Silljek'SWii,bilf.mait#4,4o,ii rapt. f 1 fiswlag s444, 4 4,iirlegrtetieir mt. versed ettentlop, Al...virlel good taunter !hip are nirkeirtlieltie4 keetiletee4irer.ortentetAkirr price 's 8/351.elitOrr00., - ry-44 - I,4initiiii - 44/011,•;-- the- :T.ellt Idee,sl-13hitsthitcaseeedago the Rev T. I.' fliaPHlFlnlcat•itilsTinon Vallee litex..-A/ IrB&TEt 119113N1NG, - 83.iesteeCel "et pee - seven Ateek, the antsr PUSBYTPItkAti -- -001311011. (S , ,L 1 Bat. toneroect, I Woe - giitthr: titaht-,reterre, d ter. Toerg 414:thet:94111 . 1fit- , 11,7_ STOCKTON. Paehr.:--Prethink, (TVV.) PAB. BATE fdORNING-,lox °Woolf, in ketzottifikeLL, IdArtatoitloxo 7700,411otaief , ceptdittf.stifdlilinaIsa, mortality.” Cosiol4ion of terfra Suas , friC: Old.' • . SundaY.B4loo4o 4.14.:/_lraptirm sud LOrd'sPirps.er after &mama - it* arChurch of, Atemetneett,N,X, Unser of Beeeotteeitthlud'euttrailiattlets; illormott wilt be preached as TO-1101tfrAW (Sun _dat)...lll7.Bll INCt y by the -Retteroba ItertitiNGßroN ,40DD sJ preeeatflog vision of Vol Hos pital(of this _t The flutj.ct dieetseed will be-the cc Berietotinee of the oet3.Wfp.2:4 tf," q't its [cr Church , lot. Covenalar.— ir la Agettlee CONCIIII7 HALL, Ohecteua: above Teelftb, arm , H3PDA4 at lag A. H. and. 131 . by the Rev.:J.OlE4 'llATT,lrgeetotiT, ' - OrChtt.ch of the Advent, York-avenue end nanUm ,l3 ,q , streitte,;-- Air viime Mt fiNIN G. it 1.03 t oFeloW,' 11,8BPLN, And 8 Wiloet th the It VICNIVO, by Rey. 14,120D11N Z 'AV* it. Mallow's. Lutheran CJtnrah tre w 113 If.tatb, betirewirlt.'otilrod Yin,. iratehtne_by _the -Pastor, Bar, "E,WAIIFT EIS. - TO. MORROW 119SNIM at/0k; ! .11V2.11INGt-th,_olaleek. Subject in ttiVarseninet"entlaLt_thalytWar d r.! ea prmek Tooplior. 1,3 ROW, at 10 . 3 j t ft, ftwatti ,it,IIItAITII and By'r. TON WOOD rtreetr. *Sofia Bz- ,4 _Luther - and The - It* lacy. Thor Brable,di D. D., wilt preach in ..th3. MaRIPANIIIO 8414143f,* II caw r r Focir.43 iirriffeiwee rt4l,stAiii,P6PlPr.-TO•MOATOW (gabbath),a7rßßll9o,N. JA4aprterrAo, re 9 4:ltock r At* re be S.corsit.rteibrte,;gavAlhulejt;.si eetititiriettrct..;4 4 cAkroXistifiraistopert TO MOBTOW "iIIindaT):IVENING; tlitat': f6C,lBwitt, Santee; at 8 o'clock. ratman "bithe raetort ha'm's. _ , • a ITT ,, .thm,V7l/41_,in , *14Lralltiree ,44.1151 4 -:,Ro•'• teWltTX.4.littarris - Vt6e Above eubjvN TO htottßOW BVENING. et 7yo ceefeek, IA the 0 hireh of the ME MAII. Lncuet etyiet. - firbid ei k- eo Ater the Boston Bantle' of.r.isk, a TtimpaMOCata, Gill Dietitteiideißidateftsiolt.atllill9ol4 STBIZT 8d 1 47,, on BUNDAY, at 10N 11.. X. ant 7ji E..-111(.1t4V mtaioy. • •_ _ IlloisT.SChaot listen *sat [l IbitTWlFTlelAk - CTenorr:of the ASIVRTOAAT: `136111T01 - DM ON 'rill be held (b. V ) 'CONCTIMT 9,ALL. bertnut street, ere aboye TIfthttioTTIEBONVV MING, April bth, comtocoo ng at TM o'clock- I In' vile &hum.. of the 1401(113Po tiot i the e red AR 1T0P..: - JgaseldOLEAN,the Tfon - lcht ID ATITELIt DER. of 'Nur Jersey, ore p. tts Vloe" Presidents; wilt creepy the Ot litr. 19#4141111111 Sadrelli -Ppeaatme win atm ba.laaymalda.y;thallay. Maam, p_RA:ar and MITITARMaX - 111:tfaiko1,7 the - ti:ARDALItaail 14mA ; ofalftl-Tartmflba Vir „ erooki;ot-Balitiao.‘e,trmalyt a ion may b. °Karma 'atiktattaml;yta v tlmAiataar . i 0111110, 1122 01111147iTIITTliFeet,-,', belle , - - The AlfttieL aveied,to MOR ROW (Semay) averersq; - airliAl -ACthiePrethetp. lien °hefted. AliDiratiiiet, *the list; ORAL. WADSSTP,Regi 3/. D By orarr‘eaCatiot , 43osi , tante°. - = = „ kOATBRCtsabi,- apa at - "•MtX , , 4 r , - , ?= tactitary., 9T irtresneles/lead ' , oilier Vete* Prager 3 "linlirrplidei leder the anspiees of_the:." - _,.....,,. ... „Y01:.149 MN'S OiffitSTILAWASSOCII4IO4. • - ' ' - "OW SABBATH - AbiTFANOCINS, - - _ trialtedißtitilatoilioMiiriPitio*PrOwn tit., - -froti 4tob V. lii.' • - - ,-- . - -' - - ~,- -- 4 ,&4 4 , 4 E, - ' United StatOssoos, !lotto's - rod, ijkot*MJ, Of to arZaiiii;:kriiii it,ltUritli , to 6% P.M.-.., -,;-, -';', ' .------, ,-;;•....- : .' erfewragerilfo* tiiiil3 *fie; 401 P. M. dienrovinuals Hosi o llighth it below ete . en,.tFota Siii Vigilant loAtoo,:ltieo, below-S et e isoulzoit, 11N to e.,...,,,;?...x. ON a AsBATa, at Ig_r. M. - :: = ' *Diligeoriiipoloor ofyieWedel Filbert etc- .- Deliaeralehi'll;e_ j e liieditist, alias Nineteenth et. - '3 lglinit /I retti iittiibrwitbrielli_ ,' - Alnital ph 4141 1 1. 4e lletianteiAlerab;',- - - -: Made ea 1 tioselteentkibiltrtlttostotit.. Netted kionit~itoiob4totta.,sto k TLIWtot,_ . Elehtg,laili Floss ~ofte.t.ar,,t MO ethlbeiTiltritanliMW: falilt.Y. '--..,- : ..., -:--1... ,-2... ---- ; ON WED 14U/4g *Sid., ",-, •:' NQUII43O EtOffe r lif - 'l6 l o,_W_Thttd. I -- -'''',L.,” - - Indeptindence ' "Teirorrielifluicft.' 444 , 149 141 vi 1 t* - -.4} l, ..ii i r: - .4,.. 7 - •- OW i:it - , t n-P: -,- ta °cativo* FOVli_e TA1t4: 4 4 1 9 , tudle`eliwrr- - ' Oreenear Babied ateaue. Itingecandiag. Derby ro le . - -li lithertrilliseffeziNarket eihkeifnaira ,q..--- - NantiArylsouwairsareczy,radmi.*_ ~rd 4,, - ranntrant NryopiNkE4p anne; lore literAl it: - - Fairedinotltole;Pleasantlifieer, &bore Itleirently, , Good WilillidirdWeed *CI beleeroTroiitT7tblid. ' Diligetkt Etboodgoaltosvobtoriniiwotj.., -,..,-- .---,,, -- - ,' , lWooti - ritatrlik4tilibwhfihittibtelittoA if, - - - InasPeu4ftneePOlMO itmitop*olow‘goootioird at. , plisyla.o7 - ipt,l,V_g: 711.-i ~ , . Weather Fbeet,iTikilitfeteit orooios'Lormbstd et. Warren Mae, Earkee ,,, sk i lmiVet"illjkiL4t'-''. -:' iliZra i lVr i liatriryikr e Mt Bulletin -Building, - by ,;111'. - - .Prileiiii Prayer eleeiligLgehgneke ireenteest tat eielaelt, ii . k.Diligtet littltartipeAl . liert atteeti.. - - tNogirottiitoO - 41. - ittl &Alai raitttichvitee , Itsigloo 1011, *MI and Sltteoiitti besets. , ' „ _._ . . ,_- 4. , ,inil t iXii:lh i- - - ~- _ - - .* Di li gent Eagine - ,5 -111. . - - • liWicad Students: at tOO9 Obeenut, 8 A „51. ,- - - Lodlis ,otdouLtattleodstreziottoti. t o ,u-tfi th l ..4. 4. - ...4.4", , , , _ , 1 , - • _• ••••• , -i. z , --_ -• . - BY cre4Oß iinMuni Man's Obrieflan ditecela,tion. , _ , rrD. 7..boxappsiq Limpppep -or lidta D. TUOMAt.winVve hie toed% and last Zee-- tßte oe Indio at SIIISIOAL BILID Ifont-ISIIRI - 4 V - R ARI.eX-‘4PI II I .44.1-4-4OTeic4;.;,4tocni gatjact Mottajatillodis." Dt. Tome wairtr'rodis detingtbe gboje of that great t and fic..tblefitireedlati :i:lttiotp; of Abe epompf tpllcit °Obi' tolNktitc*tkiblijilltatt- , w - 4 ' Price of a flog le Ticket CO e oti • of a Ticketttaml tins a gentle:cal Atelatro"tilitill.: Tickets to be bid at th• dcor, f p - apt-St . Taceny Lodge, _lle. 2313 I , 0. of 0. F., ERIOEBI4EIIO' 4.=.0a11/ti - Hi FORNEY will Lae, tare on SATURDAY FivBNIN9., in tba Prosbytelaa 00 41 , 1 1 sAidesbanatmritheecintat idekkadi. Sob jest—"Amerfasa Statesman : H .- - apt.gt* . .-etz.. e it :: • E , 44Gra A 's - Eilat Leciturmmen Hall tax Vass op 847111111,Y 31YE,NIFG, at 8 a‘soelt-Pbliimt.= , ‘Dantel-Bbfattidi,;‘Folg4.,,H—a ntsr LaMar.. • _ atil.2oo yy 14C• i L. 3 T10N,.-;et. the meeting of ties . .. WAND was, I:MTES, Sr Tee uneniznaply Petopted end o dered to be eablbliett It•aL/Irea, That, .ihe Sobs lot Ith c m , Ten v on be teaieted to aORN 110 , 0PZ4. the oresent Guardian 01 A* P.(gm P n f th iaMirePat Vi tfourthaid,33*Pliehltbral meaner In vitt& At mss volormikute 4u ea: at his este r and chivihtlionverentiti,-Ca ph o ok , ot the _People's Party or Itte ofuteistrilt - 74.74trep f ds pesitiee4esktploi,aik oilltie;tik kierblek noyiriala • vim tally rencoilnliim.. ' 4"44 .: "!1 ' 1418 1.1 ti; 5 tothmeiticit the tiniortßaiiii us required hy the Seened Settle," hor - th4 , Aq' . iir the the Assembly a this Dorn — mo nwisith;approirod the lath day of October,A. D 1857. Amount" of Loans_ And Difituils-„ n " : .,,..„..p1e58 Dt. Beide ' r imr nMs D. : An othorlDantok.. 23103 39 6 _ •De. , Hetes ,inoiqudati9u:i, ' Do. - , PEMADILPt. ADXIII,IBfEILI,„;._ T _ - - VIT OPI , 110Fatmak, se—l,llir M -440, Cashier of the Thriohtsfit.light - ittorlif-deposeV hi/ collect. that the shore statement la to the Wo knowledge t `l.; J 1.1181.E1f, Cashier. Sworn before me this let day, of *mil. A. D:1588. - • - Cf:DII&ZER, Alderman. e- Lot Aral!). l ark dmgfotkarg of MO Wade. ror Go , tloroen. and Vitildrbo, for sato at the UNION O N.N:VOI,EN I' STORM. N W. clamor of Porenth knots. 8.11100 cif at Dort. mate ro, n for now s. ' ap2stuthet* rpm Nutlet,— vb. Vera 'tend' Dui L. 3 THIRD-STRUM BAILWAY'OOIII,PAVY Immo th.i.Teambittaftt.Blllo6PD and", - NORIIIK affeWasel _THIRD and ARNANWTOS-Eltreetor f wary threlmilmatia durin g th rr4nt.n.ini gg Mtm OVA , stl.keirii** tAs im Aftenic.' - giu;,6t f y-ko. Vocitiehtersil of *wit 113- rilagNtlati RAt6WAR COMPANY atk, hire DZ 0pt , G1.4 to =BO .t 'b. OfiLle of the COroppcy, No. 4122 11.10 Cit Street:on MONDAY. Ito itt 4 o'clock, P.M. , .: fat tha of Allan into coo. alderat on tho Supplotoeut,„ to thar clhoirtex, irsfae4 March 21 78590 tad aJoo t relettoo toithe dlapoiltlam of the stock 14ot the ynttri.e tit•thk N+4,tio operatic:A. ,iv - M.l74,lAM , MiteLlatAltb, troaldent. apl•dtm2 , rrhjettc . e,pa war, ,, satensmerf-Ast i 4OJF at As , 'gentle. passed thfeith 2944445 W h. - Ideating of the EiTONCEIOLDSRB of -,..tWitOOPC COAL COM PAN V .111 b. held at the O,(P le of file Chlp,..any-No: 221 Bann% Ff PUY Street. Pbnitleiplila; - 9AI RDA Arra SPlh, 1859, at n o'clock A." M Oft thl"Ille - endia or Two) Zit -7C4l°T° " ,tUttAttj-f friah Odd lzkollaaraVCCiaistety:r. Moue* to tot t- HOLD ,colott,of .00.to.parmthaa be IllAldOVAlt,..t.it pat eamatery, ISLIKOTON La N.ll;nedr ihaltidlta.itya Iti;iillare penults iv. Inter matda Vat taidianhal..aai•V'ttietty-lat rmation - given to that* Va. , l , toiky lOsivto Dnrchaile_ ,Goti IMMO fgmr . In we porhalar atiCvell establttlied et - dietary Under. 'taken and otb - aim cadtaiis thag,hailndiaVanaaatid jt vteiti to th6 s tliaii. , l7ol-thlt .-ultikad , piaidotnada; tiaid with leas Inconvenience and loss at 'lms than heritto• Lta_ _ RBI ; D. IdEttSING apl.B al t fire Philadelphia College of alegiclza-, Fifth STSNET OSP:WALNTIT L - 60.• TURES, 1859.,--ThaPnmccer or Nupp'ementaly Ounces of Learn - en begin - on MoplDAr,'Aim,ll.4ok A• stid 0 'atone until the, end, cf June , j4teoltielltni,grbE livcrid on the tenoning breaches Llite,sal'Adeatopt*. Dinctees"of - lbd•Vie - and Mir," 11 - feeascoM Yotintn, Therapeutics, 19:10mierta4 Itinteikty, and pectoral ohennetry. - OTAXICIAL 'lNE3TittFbi'iOtelitAnif Pennsylvania Bop t 1, at.-Alue , PlaqadelPiehiadelPl4l4(llloelby ) by Professors Eta LSEY sod Allidtad.l4o.4bnil,cors i cd pita, and MMUS: and - itlbeVoneliet-41-U4 lee for the Course, 13.5. 6 11' HOWARD RANti.likTß .446fealerltHiRgiattti.i. MINDY lle RTSRQDD • . . p t , Professor of Prase Dee of bisdieise. • LDWIS D. lIATLOW, M D. DreateoF,4 Obstetrics sud Maw - 4i of.Witoin Sordebluirtn. WM. a, HALSEY. Id. D.. Drakess°tßigKg"iii 11 WISV,.'TASIDADT;' Professor or ifir a WADIES AITICiIt bitiO3 ; M.D., P il Seftsc9,ofArisi etas of Medicine - - - ' fftWhi. E. GOBRIOII'E r M. l Assefessor of Anstomi, WOUDRADLDit, Adjunct. Professor of Aoo toner. For (settler infoonesilos snub , ' tor *l4liViB D. HARLOW. M. D. _ _ a - ]•B , -.M ,DOll4l ot tbe Faculty, rra r pr. Dr. Wrder's Chesurrt Sprigs* Winner LIZ QUU et Chestnut MU, Pbiladelplas elm % t r . s)M Bureiiotendent.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers