MAI,V- - :' ' ' lefiktfr pz.t . 34frit l ., $7.-Xfw 7,-..2 ,-;.7..-Tc*,:iwiti-e-4?:-.-i,--4-ii.h..4. 1-'4";rti'.lqoiii:-.T-04'34,-',ljii,tiiiii,l,x,l.:o:r,.;!-!.=-7-,--.',.c.i* 0 : 4 - r . $.,,0 , •. 4 ,. ~. 7,71:4iiiit,244„Liai4#4„r.....10717,h,,:., E.--:,--71i)fallIft :WWfit-fO-, ---- ' -- '''''''l , - ,--: - 7:14.04.k7.., ,944,,,k71.1a0,ttr0.,t14>': 6!4.40gQ1:4 11 44420 0trit:"0 4 1i 0 - 0 -,1-1-E1ir0,4%tr4,1. A 41 W--n4iii-iiiii,A m r'''' -?•--fT,,,,',,VII*7.-1- ,VV-i, ,‘-tosoitikw: '--,?......n..Vrik.#rr,. - e.:,,71,AN--4,41 i 1-,-, :. , .. , , ,- - - zz-:-.1_',.: - - -,-.- - 1 21,.$ ~,-9,z..--,rf t44o;47l.?a tli.gifillilliWA , *AIcIIF *a/ 4iitillid,..rtTiiiiiii-!liititt ''•'..4o/i„ z , Nrt4l "1,0 N4:-1----hivirisiCi*Pw, _ ,a_.igiao4l.9o ‘ .7 l; l '4.'4o'fix-1 ~l i or ~.R.T. - ~,iioitsiletr44*-170,i,i ,::::„....,,,,tti,il(4, -411,1(44-tiyitwitom- Afiiw ',:v"i'iner . '" 4-4iiiitai ~.., ,= . 4 . 4 -1--sitisAalf ; -;---- ''',,' . -r-,.. -",-,. .-'--4itiik'cft .,,-r-.;./.'"4.1.',...•?.._},. Ze-'7?:-=-;-7 IV -0.44-Mat:l4o,ll*-0.4-, ~ ,g,e' i.:l/2/iiitm#lo( _ * 5"......m...--11!0,"-‘1.116-4 * 44 - ''' - 2: w .-• -6- ' re";;;.- . ., -_,7=i,,,,,%;-_,f*-!:: . -' - ' .4,- ‘; i q - , : .- ;f': - ~.,......7•,,..,747t,,,,,..:7.-4,;7,rtv;-.7-41,,-td--:44;:taikie-2!!)}, -_-. ,:,:,i,,i4ti.4001t-It--•iiiiin4tritiOl4-,', ini,**4,-,i,W.l';',: 1.**4016-...,-70., If'4-,. •:?--.'?:-=M*--iiiitl4 / 1 0. : , ; ,,1,,,,, n ,,,, 44.'11iiiitt#ii,/ a dt , f - ,1 1 " . , ,_*_ ,. t*,:ic._A. 4 , :1 .1721, 7 7;4 1,7 7-7 - vll -‘ 00,41 ...6ii,i #4;!..29111:3: ,::,,,,::_,•,,,z-.:,•;L•A "lik,w,sll#r -,,--.,i,-.**-,'W-fi,;,-%-ayie -m kicia 'Lialiletkibrelq--,-vZ Wil*Er"A4, I!IO o tW IOt ftgt 4 7TFITWIV4-4 :0-',-1.-24 i&,ii,11.),,,,,P 40. , ik, ::- k 0 70N, -610W.,..'q ,,,,.. zuszlow . .______: , -,- 1, i t. ' , riord,ft c t Nt 4t_ timayfr;_i,- - 4 i 4hihn1y:,7,,,„<„, ,;;;? 5,:ir.:,,,,,,,, -'-• magiiii.or.-47•;=4,-,iiiiii*,,,..4f-4:=--i ~ .....,„.. ~ ---- -: , g,,, , N Imilmi;r,, , ,k- • ---- - , '' • - A - ''''''''''''' ''' - - -4iiiii, swiatitr;:. 4,4,, ,- .Ik-...ia-iwpasioriklittrk 4:4,11At5--1.407.,1310: ~-: -NintikirovAltit; ;343:A :.. ,4 , 10:‘ ,1 -3t-X„,-...;.,.? :,,, ;,,g”;77,;41 -3.:.r,, e.:4:11..P::,.-LLit 1.!;r:::4 ..*,-.-..TiOt #4,111*!....A.i. ,:-•-*., - ',..M___ - ,, iti i iiii.lolarilbrit.,_- powa•t! -'- --.iii--:41,6:1" -Wtiifle*ol4*.- "r--44,,iuk• , - - l'Ailor-x- ► - 1,04.0104 - b, at t-,,,....w -,--;PI/Pika-,-"- - N-Tme , , vet, - utocia- --- .: - • - fti_ s . , ..111pi,_,-,44,,i*iiitii*.',Xtt,...,....-AiiiviAil A t -14 ,wtw.;,',.,!;4000,;•- - ioi4l, . te„iiiTritTail,ieqrt'N_l:' ~.- rrViiiiiii*4.,tittiiipititisi:id.4i,,,ont„ 4 = 41 , , , -40,Ligo •Ili k ti ag, f iii*Clo " fiat* ,ii,ii,,.. isa -- , lip 1'i,:i,1*444-14,,,1ggrt -.:.4(lititt o thea t i n i eoslte; inbOlik , : - . 6 4 7 ta . 74.4,,i •'4(4o,k,#.4.l,iiimelii,ot: !Valki,kittileyclifiliTlAt-' * 0 1,1„- . 7:, it tflr-4411cOgraillik -10400 iftot.,!. 7 . ': -:., ; ;10a,T,1,;a4iiiiiii** '.---,:-:-.1440,7 ' :-..--' to* itilit - Isrilt. -c: t rioaltiolo97 -.4 1 t , , --i. • -. 4 ii,i louttin'.2o,7, - ,•-,,iiii'Aso 1!:-,..,, -I,__Theleoet", ,'---msii,gi,ii4 llii, VM , s,, -i i i iiiii#,•ittioinpolltAT. ribig, ' , fro m ` -iciiik**l•3*Pirt ~,-,----1-4,1 4 3 ! ..-. . 1 ., ' . - 'Pm!-Agieleliiiill "i.1.1..1-k"l",vv-;ilii4MPiri,i!it, AIS " "..110:1,4ii*.--77- ltdi -:..,:,.iittflgittit 4:0 iiiil..lll*, ;:'•'-alr-,:11,1104*11**';'11---,f,- 476/******: ~...,:!,;;.;-,_ 11-;ciit #A.--:faisifiraiujiiiogi*qofm4,,g iri.7l"iir i-k;.. totietwiiiiciliiPlOat:P,;., ;11,'41.14....,1ffr * T .' , -‘-' - - --• iAllAtAtClit=ll-4,; '''' - Auk - ,'* ;,- - " ' *it- -idaiiiiiitse -:4, - i,iiromilitv,-,,,_0..„iwif1-'; %.4.41-4.-r. 7 • , ':' &: Ai11igi4141f„.,..,,vM ',...1. 7 ...-; ~ ..., , ,0. OW i ~i 41.,..liffiktaTo jl-1:-.' r'-‘4.AT-7. r'' PI” .. Air c.. Vj,7 f t' '.. --- i ' . ' •? : ' '-:: 43 i*.trWitili p ;',06/*OIi: L,,,liii..lllslikelii,liiiio;;,;=,, V 4,74-41: r7.7.--.':"-i""" '''',- • - "i it lit rO f 1 !Pa t 7 ,,,, 9, - - - Y , ~ ;:;',.!..i-'9f .;•:..,- AiibW`'.l4ll2by - .,Y.r.i7,.L. 4-- ' '.:' ' ;',-i.'t %-'5: :1' i l 'le Aiiiii:lo4: I‘''-(Z;100i1if i t. i umi......., 7 - 1"4"41i$41411014 - - . ,..- . r inielp... ~.,!.1.7._„'•,-‘q.- -r4,-,./ f,.- :i .',%:• l'' , !,''..:tillgiiklitt,XLlNkit,,3;i4t:lii44 '4'.!l').: \':,,,k, ;-'‘l,i ii,',l*_i_*l)lllPlMT.l... ',#:,i, '*-A4uk,, titli,c-iiiiiptikAiiii*maiog, :',.***,,*r ,-4,--iif:,:# l 4tk'l44o--ii-411, .-_,----,.----iiiitmie.ii.C,...i --,,,,-***4'weLlMi.„,,A4,-eidi ---',- --'.lilie:'-'4060,..,,k .' - .-7- - -m,wliiit,_*"7—....l* -:ofsck.PA.-•F!ktit;tl77-ci;-., -i.-s , Aerllo6* -., b, ,--iiitivarlytAtfll_, ::::12,41414,•`,0144, _4liiliiiitiiiifteitrt, -2-: ' ':',-,77,10C livogi.R4l7444oofitti*rl; ~ ,:, , — ;4, ",- --4-' , ,-, •,-,--., -;:. - -,- , •,.,,-- s i y , - ' ---- ' }--In , - -:—....- wireas ss7fi ~.,„,' , - ,I,_- , ~. % --- pria. g. tvo,se surwrfr; , .. _•- , ,'. ',' '- -.m-1.i.8i6, el.llr-A1) " 4 IcaBlt4.i'4-1t,4 170tr;.t#cf4r4,4,•2,71-.,„ beZiy,oolideillao'-.itu -4,i ; - w, 4 .- eiOrenhi . inxicp ' M_ .., ". , ;hllt#-4-*-*rl'tii'wite n,lt, ' 7-47, e3triiAgZ:;t4rt0 ', , ;:jiiitO• .T: , i4 \i":•1411 11 6 ,04 - # 146- ' 114 121111444114WAR.WW:pprg ~....i p m- tiAvi -s , , irjto:Jiw,s w#o l3l ` , - - • , soincia: „.•-x., -..- -,4,liimixtdFpigt,. 1 4 111 ,_Ti1dW.. 4 ,-4_ .. yi , jw . it,A7-411,,-97, --ile4.--00. '' -Akill*N-- 4, 1 - irget‘''' ii-`4s l --,'Y''''Y , villithlkrf ,- - - t iu * Nom -- 444,671 ii pfwviplierwiltridulapkfik ' kiiibight - • r - - d .-- ,10,041 ilt' ,- iiel - A*- t've,, : ,- ;Firili el .,,ltt iva 0,1 4 4 -- -.--1,1-diirpOlipt3.4%rff.l77itil7f4vc.-m---. • , ..4 i iia l ,' , __,,,,,,,a.-;?v-,,t,:4;ii,,o,it, AuTisit -„--- • - a igi 1 - - -,` -- tei itaiv - Trylto. or_ t o m lim _ ~ .er I I ” 'T‘ - '=,,atiillidoitlioirt°PliXttl' :' Clti." of - , -. -iii,,a,,,,d,r;,64,,,,5ia<P,1iA!'-'lt.; •:': . - ' Irisiel;-** 41e.,-.747-144 lalifilk(94.oll4l' 0111144 ; ipolks , ...- • • ?ido w , , ,•- ,- ~h irmiloyricit . taziligt , \ ~.... 'Tim —, • ,„,< thiiigtilitrOsihrlits,,` atsillei=-..-.--„.., -- ' gothst4ii-linTic -gibbidi, >fivukt*il - '- -- - ' Inuhim;lsl4iiiii.**,:2-404-, , t liiZil e i t : - - f; tad 4 14.11 ." . ..0 11 7-'_ r ~Witk s i ' named `Mary i i Ittiii-tOl-'6lPst ktrjl,.., fr , p , -: - ;.. - -' ;:-- ~' . . ;-,: i;;,,i i ii. , ;i. 'j'''::4.7 '....l.6 i** r. iic ' T' ritor*" isbitibei high 'A ii.--.., I- - • i it iopo. 4lo ._*:, ,_, A ..,;"; 111 1 1 0: te l pi ov i mi i d i v , o r i ' - ; thae..ito_,..Allinf"74,Z,Avm7 iiiVit'lifela'' 1NT07567,„_ ~., r ., ,, ,,,,' -',_,,, Al ', -- a- Ntidebl,l4:o* -'' -*llo*fr6-IrlaT;ijalfi4iitef 4414* .._:•,':•fht-4W-Af, --,-*Biti,tzitrArtiOtei -,, ,i74-1,-....-44,,"* Wits l ih ''. 4178 ; ,\:-.-.4141111.rt-tv:**,..r.iiriail,;Wit-0111141-a,, otv•.7_,. . c r edit - . Ib -p„„. - 4i, lave ,-i•oh i( 1 0 4 :::**/ 4 114 ,% ,_: f°4ll443ll4ittip. 4440+wrITAntk,71131titiioue , or • Auty,./4- ~.. iNt ', lik----1-_, v oi d ;4i/dusted' life (ill bit 4067:414, t-17. it. "- Itifsitilir do , ....tiftwdekt ,, hot,--.„ _.= •• e ' -. .yth , with,-.,'" 4 ,„ yak. lifiegati;,44o'oo44o,-I°F, , _UP, NI IrCT 7.-7?- , 14-1840.14 1 Xl l 7 fl i c :i _ : ginieo,*gt= 19. 01 ,4 1,. - ..yoriliii4fikt ..,',_ ' ,09 1 4 1 4 : *kr 'o.llTrt - ifoir:ziok/.1t1; ' 46"* /"Par ' f r''' ..4 " lk ra l. a.lvia 1852. '4841)4:-11-411114411 1 1 4 744i 1k0e#4 1 t! '':l•'*47:.-12.. ri-rnbillartwjlirei4i' '.!',l;iiii.4l 10 , 11 , i, li tt "*" • .. ,, t, Bar i, ° P:= ,- -- n k; ilia - itovni 4 .... s-, 4 ? ; kigell Li t • led 14tthoviiiks*4Z, ,;•• tba, thne ,-- ' ~••• • ::,,,r,„,iiitiiiltiftta? ,' 14 eattal4r*o4lo-7-1574;,' -via-Aiom*- -- _ sad ii 5 1 0,1 4010 31%/ I 'll'.' -rtirblkOlilav .•._ • o ti , - ' pu lls i ltract,puidif , tir mi --',, 4-.: * :Ire,k. ';', --4 -,- '.• -isiti v'' -A •tvi ' I,,Mgfiebill*lll _-,..•-',., ~- - - floupolVArarir#o47 ' ,` 04 0 0 - - -,,-,•::: .•*pr.• -.:3,44-44,Rokr, co_ •- - - ' , 43.74 t4- 4, 7 im ;ah,i4'4,:iit:4o.frt Rite"' :: '''• Insillifir„;_,o .iiiiiiiii;iiii4T TiN4410.1. .' . Zi l f :,- ,14 , 9 T fi 4.' , - it at lb l Pit* 4 4l 6 # l i --c'- ft:-.4"-,1,1-441104:Ciiiiiiiiiik*WRiAmip. ~ ; - ,_ , ,,,,u ,b,i_4.wi:*ix t t f, c-,Af tt. :i, •,,...,-;.'1.;:iii,.1.44540-77',44.tiiiiimg,wolikaiii, : . ltizEi . ki t ' 1 0# 61 10.4 - - ,--, ... 3 ,, t e , tia,-: - 01 *4,, .0,,.„ u - _41.4.- Lt.- -,.. _--;";;:o1",/,Iiit3.777A laid, .-t .;,:--- - iii44#6o2 r ildi, ~. d :, ,- • f.:14---"Liii.:410#71'764,-*-Itii*Al4-0"r?'1141 -LC"-*ltil.,l"llMloiiiipiti-i1eTi.:41Vy..4.1 ..,,,_ ne ' stlitok, 5 1 _,„ L „,,, , - 14' , S' , ~, ,, ,;, - ;•,; 4 4 atifitt , ,4ak , 2,, '.. :-..aip41,006,),t 71 0 ..?. - , :.,..a 4ura , ::--,-.--,_ -r.,„--,-------Ik-,, -vm0.41/#B,-,..7.4-'',li_peini.ri ..,,,,.:.,,--,.. ~ , ,-,,,.-:„,, -4,- islit- ' , 1,. - 114 1.,6 - • "0 1 4' I R: ~ ,,, , , 4 1 , , A,4 , - t r itrid f a i ,04-iig ,1,0 - ,--c ..,r!-- -.,,- ..,,,,,r, : . - .44..roitipkoo** ,64,,,,,„--,.-„, - 4... 4; ....: -.- ,li g -Ti e ,A it , 2 10'10400i .011,4. ,f .6 , ~ 44.w4:4 - -, 41,4-e ejltailiFfriotil"kifiT* ''.43: - - " : ;' - 'itaelibicr , ' 15, 71' - ' - '4' OR 4 1i __. IMEEMI ,_,,,„.-,',.•: 1 ...,,, ~ r -, ,-- trr , , ,A fafrt ...., 'HON , "&tV1441,1 - 1-44 1 , ‘ , .,`... --.---,- ...--. 4. , .. . .-,...,-.'; Present fitute:ot Europe. „,,, ,' , l Oat : : flies” of foreige journals, by, the mall Adteanier ;`.liliagaki, *biota 104 Llvirpopien the I.ith instant hive mime too—tinad; -110 _they 'contents,' eatirel the 00#14, 13. t." have ex*: peeped from tLe covninenOnnento tlit thtel'4 'ening didlcaltica;44% there ?itii"!no,:lihrrA - i‘ *se to apprehend:AO:, 'it'tiltiitik* w# r *iio IlitclJ , to , arisef.,; , :-Tite.EinieiOr' If aroison Las •ig veil a seird,idlleial_denial, in' the lifottiteir, 14,1,leg'bad. MT, intention of attacking Aus-1 ai,titiongY , . her-Italian pOssessionsfand adds ] `OlO i l!tlllo.t.ililiihtin:.49 :so, unless with '4teit3ro_ otatiOni'.ett‘ thit'pact of England,' - wo"tfltiltintelttiettrattitifieedilithe : Urif l Goiiii,nri,4otsalnharcti.pariniwitiVt6`..+ten- *ln tioninlCwitt!the',Einierai of. Austria, 0 hatft4e*tedi+itikannounced, with a-favor abli`ifePli-i,'Pr, 6 1/•iisii"-Avi,kolft:ti - udwilling itY l liiiii) mkii:r ; liii,fali;!e' message brotight 1 tiaci r YiAliiiti. o ,opli, ',ltroilgiy declares" that Atiefrianitisistslipbe the ~ fultlintent Of Ain yal . 40.,Vallticil0,15-WhTeti)lo4itethirie'portions of ,Itiil,P,O;hei,AnletherS.words, - Anstria - wants itii,liolo-tri,gistn,i!iiiiotlllPla*:,the:.:glitin,' it, liikid.taiiBC4Kinei[Olcitircand .1..Wi1l ,uoi'med-t leiith,,y,on,. L ;;..J T, : ),-‘ , , . - •,-,; , ..'.::.;:r.. - - , .. , ~ '` ‘ ' 1 : 4-,TheTltallatr i tnise . .W - Itc''a, tititshell.:: The I Aliog%6o.atiiinia,..Wiatilii,..te..inCever the as, '',Unndeacr SihicliOdal , father obtained In 1849, ar4 ilteralliiheltOtray;+itul. ; being alie. de ,l iltelii44l2 l alitinel Ida Aerainions, Wepts to sdlspdsseiis '"of they. Whole; or'. iart _Of ' , b6riltallanklAicceiJ:7,lle - centitit_ do: title :of . 1 .44 4 .01 1 4:ntijhir. , thelez tent, of his funds nor Mick* . 0.34 Rohn* t...*4 - ' tproti - . iotii,:*l6..:' At 4sio!„ l ' gii.,..l4:ielied:: „On aid from 414&!,..spbitiiityLV..oldi +'in:4rms ^ and in -, ' fl itotelt - -91init;Ptetratili.,he isPireitti bettOMe 3440:71,44iii-ati.ifir:fatlierdiff,,. Viet: 4s, to bo:'*iitelri+What't4i. - -Zinliliter'Pf Autitrici Ili, 'fat kern:Limy; = if+ aork i ef acklieWledged . head, ~,ei - # 161 ,* o.,'..illttlar.POWOS leach, cove-. ro4o.lol4aPialiden(sitliMita - awalimits,'yet 1 owing 4 - toi-oti tooltyiopoiikliAnOunt 'r,OleV. - ;',l. Iqc t1:01001iie-P*41; ; Or, Italy would be f sili#oo4llidindit,:iiiiontedii any such att iiroaisey,'+to-;the Klnkof 'Slirdinia. - , Bat t h'elt• litilditefifAildl Prebal d i ;h it very : difl'erently IliditelleosiThnie portions of Italy which are inieti by thii , Baliieror elAntitriti and the King Oftlie:Tife:Biellies:, (*Sides) grievously fritin . the , mituaties,capricions,aud *mi.+ mthle'tniti.seierothent,':',Greater.tyritiny does `Plot 4,i - iti. on tii . O - tiociOf the earth ' than that +1!'lli0 - 4ititnlit _the•iteapolltans to the dust. The ;lmitind'braVegt; theutold learned arid thdmoit 'ineMPlliri 3 OrthelkreaPalititati are Suffering from '' 'h" '1 in 4' ' - 14 1 ' ' 'hi h - :!: a-so it _. an _Leap c ons tyrarmy, 5y...c.. casts ';Bards the: restraints" Of law-and jtatice, which 't 1 4 1 1; e*eit - lksiiiiitathe terture,:and which deals. ilth I liiierfyliti Auld property, hi a manner +isltieh,/titelfrio). - eltiioincilt s thia .country, never W i i l oofilt,itie,;;otterly , outrageous , and itilp, Oret-h(lt:Mti'l Austrian lialy; mash the ;'-4,,,:eLietfi,'#:ellit;'lo4,llS,==lnit 'there; at -I_,e.aly- soma ,appareit+-respect : is -paid to f the -eihnlitatioe ot'law: 2- •Yet; Whenever 'thicWhite 4al.t9‘* ,o .c*AllPtlioleg!dler. appears, in Italy, - ;eitreeti Itoth:lend'ol4.dee,ri,;'ara to be . beard. l'eja:',Oni_ y_.iiiii stronivirm'of force which 're-; retrainee: thb' Itelinu - renbjecta ,of instria, kola' ilk* i*tiltoOlf4,*6..donbt, there are• Mi l Ifil cltalinwhoonfgetr rid of- thelisted # 44) Y l #l*i, l4- 2 4 4.st_ria i l - iioo , l* -6 uld'eg°li ,viewer a warlike appeal f rom the King of Sar-. diiiia,land. strike for liberty. ;• ;• - ',-, • • • .71trlkajliiarlY'regei.on treatiee--forgetful AA , thejr ire;-only - 'waste-paper;) if . either ': - OiSriiiithouid' , . : Uhopen 'ta treat them as ,such. 'i,Jatitiffiqpgt a ia'Sklthe natioiiiii4 of Germany 1Q itiould her:Amninion irt Italy he 'tarageneithijitindied.+•:.But ' , the "greatest of 4 1 4,i0 -4 :'..rii4ii*,, o llgt*, ,iii,g4, l k . 4idt*,`bV'callge rtiMi,;(44ll-4!**lublitite,riding Power In 'tliiiiitiol ) , :ifia,i•esilViwas.-Aorzin4Ssiliiipl the ittPteiiiir telliiind;lleVeties'!i.'„Us - ,lier - itiihgniin 104 1 i4eve. t her: I;4*, and : :restored the Ger- 'M'An:lr.; -supremacy, to - . Austria.;- In the -- e Vent, l eJ2 l :!'' _*# 'WA/S'VA - - lOit;Piobithie that :Elliti.PW, 4 . inild ,he,- perfectly neutral; and: that r A'!SlaP4Aon4 4 _follOwhei'Oemplii:' ' There 'fa 1: 4 4.*10# 04Telter r WhoSOT Interference would I:l''''ll:4o7ancl'ililtG4' , Rimslair which, we ;. - iiii4+4 y wo nt 'l# i'enttid in, arred,'erray i 50N 14, 41 6446 !** 4111 : 0 : 4ii *o.!:4o l [eUtarre4 Vell'illk:0 - 4, F. + I be nis;+tettiottirii/w for ex , * l 4* Alei'llt4titifit°,l:6ool: ' which Ite: n l f PNA 'this - uicaa.. - • .=.* . .. r ' ;-t : t r Att+ 2l. 'W44 I- .44 e — Preee ntex - ' pectition war -4;42'6 v dilillia. ; ;Vl4ilerii'), iiot - . - iret -ripe -1 ; 41 3 110 1 4 . 'hir , ----;s -.!,;,..-- ;• 1-- 4 .Tbery#4.,:o ‘::.A.fie:' , Paellic, Seaboard: The ditinenie,'circribition of Fenanv's C. 4. ' - ttli - "-- i r P -"`-' inih vtivortssa'on -, 21:1XL matt, a S t ates, of. C4lforalailiak regon, and hi the Territory. o'lri4lilipite4:ers ;..weiV, as In% 'the; Sandwich=, 'Mande, -: dfie* , ,,cia' - akiV;iiehia - 4diitiv iciaii,if , iiidgmelig4 ;Oat ;-` hands.,;. ; 4 . 000: - ,,4iir_ semi-iioithir , , malts fate*theidisoffleregion; containing re- *titkliOSzOatit Siditetilikri'i*ver:kt . ,to„.ol, : .: Ana r e.rieOiat.Wites Janina - Is give nuivninaLaa: - so.4ctienc....;beittainissu;as.e.they de, the ;latest lc s t . A of "the da y , ."-;*ithlileDh? cerrespondenec (.. eti.fiilar,:sic..Pie, l .Valan, ortil!„speteliing tiltiioc , ,of , :iiiou and meatttret4 - they are :tainted ,by tiemigide"and - liiiiio;:it.,.lltoliiisFuls Irl.b§gi3Ogniitli s .'t.fie4',flicinee'l in tiaize , far•off -eghil*; - .'ff an welcome; .visitens. :Our fellow-' ;,§it,roli in the " taiddlef and Western Stites of IldArtifoig)iakiaji: filandi and' relativee in Afilitori4;;;.,, , t(regon, , .:.Wishington; 'and the Oiri4wieltl;46l44 , could- forward no more' ac -014 - , - ,reitiinder .. Of ; themselves' then tiiir, • dasvortiiiA'Or;taa. Waenr,v. Pa-es. .... :::',,The lasCrnail brought us• , a =number `; of let. tele; front 'Which we 'ilia th e following sign id feint', exireeta,t . ~ - , . - -- • -- . -,, : , r-:-. ' I c:::: ' 2 , 7 #:1,AD:4'04 ,:itarob,3, 1859. ' !aOr,: - .4,w, , *4.4y4:piifr‘ Sii::"XnetoseA,,yos. ..will.)..find:'4,drifk drawn by wells,-Fargo; lt Co., ' feeel heedild 4 and' , two = dollars for the an pddist-stiC taraile for , yoir :valuable; liriAty Pivoss:.= . It is doing, mash for the oansi of, popUlar sovereignly iii ilidik and ruti;saw Sod speed you 4 , 21 4 0 tr P 1 410 1 .90,98',.. - ' -.I , i:_Baolosed,pleadellnd draft - **4l#lll6:A B 4,_kclol, - , f 41%. tiaity.ffie 4011101044.fPnviiid112,10-611(41-Prais to the . • 4- ! .3 ., - • . • - t:Sart;ls!, Or egon,'Feb. 14, 1859. ,- .',- 4 1: - .!„15 , -.1FRamoy, enoload you- abe_money, "fer;thol*taas of-thlrteen Ynore aubtortbore to • the iVie.tiFf Press/I .• •' ' , , Sari nanotece, Maul 5,1859. i I ona" W. Bolasey, Esq.;: .Enotreed And exchange f9rereverttpetx dollar& which amount plane to my I 014414 Ou seoeunt of California Press. :31-1x: 7, I , tbitlaDD ' fikfiF . , - ,Iteeiiiii - . 11 the Nlpeteenth -,.. i > s'„ I', I WAN = .2( *MORIN/ of the ' Democratic °Means of the tinereentlf - erard` , wen-liald i het 'eventniat the ;AM* of Nathan Dav i e, York avenue and Prank fird „i ' dia,” to tOot delegates ta the State Conven t:Oen; to .. hi' 1400. at Barrieburg on the 13th Of I..xpet , _t:' On potion, Atlas* Warthman Wee called to Itlicebaleiluid gamer 16.41aryan crag sleeted Sta. .1644;,.. `' The roimigto Tiroliittiais'_iyereotered 141$009ited t, _, : . .—.' a , , kilatolvetWlftme in the aminteor , m Haiti as mem bers:of ttieldeasetratlO War. ere edged it ea our boa n ,itradaty tudnatiet,analata tee higb(handed oondnet V*. altiee.tioldOnf, trilNlineiriblatat Itarrisinirg on the latttifeh Mak fo ther Wee arierinifitiantleri ,iyhisktif mg itliMpeO, ittateptpd to reject our greed* 4 "" " Thettelehery Of itur faithless nubile air. nate st , Wcolifttest,..ectO,feblitte COP Pabtatle Chit ( *ht".(i"Yi V 1 thalatri Rector , , , ~tromnieml,,teett.lia enormities 14 left to us but ail nsptfin th Wreaks of mir eifitleat Overeat Nov an qilifut i likle tadotheitellohneitreelateete against those ,IMPLO r i r Astray as Into an endorsement of melani n OW andl Untellionbtelple ; end In order to 4 silie ' btu On. and Minim MI basponelbitity for the I l'ollt Pi* forobrapproto the cell for s Democratic Pete Aosfeitifee; tetbarltekt at Harrisburg, ou Wei. AtttrilhiPikAittAtt( ,, , • i h_ afflarnved, Test our meted 1. " the principles of j A Per t e i l d farty eret. and 14e organisation seaond,i , • iikometseete Ude MN Ilingisten6t pdemismitly itr. lAtetoa:rlY taco the other has 14111 "ita t t 4 galathaYe a. weer ' • - illfeerinii,tlisd,Anlep biliimpitral in 11156 by an qid MI ilittortal ptiatiplo—naniely, wise r V i gt: ticoplect the Terrltorlei to form and Z a llevtifea lPthel e*r "l tt till t i t al e att ng ro t e e p ir arlrei3o . 7 cl te, tha. speUetittett Ulla ptiettoloc u rre loolzonudi re** to fellow the lead of men nho do not-claim our enlftaeut , alerfk ea tap aekda or. the ~nsoet Seditious via' ietloh= of thit'hinin et thirlitinocratfti party and of Akin onninroain isonnefttele to the' Di mocratio filth. n i reellaatfililirintataii. Ind ornot precaripttoo, ay erode l'Aitufillatrilfea, of Stephen ugas Ibit.xiiiatottratia party, of Illinis —repeated as it War bin apse emery other )WMl'ol'44l44* -which hat li=to•- 411sapprere slte „trolottcry p! the Peden) Ao stlettor hiligitilin timPhimorable consistency df those 649 profs:red tbir pith of duty to that of to eftwipF4emandirit. *INK igAguis Rs nglt *doom iind eldnitlent dondrinintteui ' I-Oh-Weide 1%64 7 hogronth se tie' Denionatio party shot VI hill rarpeeeible for the eat faith of those it iSsind 5i1166 seitiareen it he held`rinipontible for In enniptions and via which the reliend *dram* Intl= us reecemet to to corer up . its arlyinaddeser. Swot eriethipte. ~ , Deetelreit, Thatoto angora the hendotetratton hi' ArDlilltilt VatilDir Dofentor ,of remnsylranta, „ro .tpoir = , Wei cow tis k Ins 'been tbe staunch,sup. . porter °fele littered* Olio Stater end the atiiiidtoppo• Anita eorreptlintistation'ibut because' ha was *moag 4401,01 to reeognits the ineatimille talus of the W4EelPhkhrlaPrila r arY•reetatr lie he is noir . r k *ftearifwiesi In Inintaining t i sed,that: the., attimpt fibs dent:Ami i te of Federal power to defame the rate sad ettbiletherceter often. Packer, upon kredingin niftiundial•es 'D 10 itleatelesei only PrOred , trf . Preildinitlitii hit Cabinet Will'resort to an y inaaafr(td`,deatre/ the iddepondence or the tWafetth their **metier', that thity Min *a.- „sod to 'destroy the sovereignty:of the pope of the ; s =eitl.,That ire *mme ihe mho* PUIAea t.' - 7 ittiMlWlrikiio 014 tfOtrisiOntlOn '11 , 4 heartily Indorse ti', _ . ehintiot snide by iheitt I I,d or. do Oleo approve 'llaeratelatuatferie mimic , by' Mar , War d Convention, itud ilebeitlead the Csepel of the Whet to the beige ' ti •tdArde.ottkerara -,.. ' /1411egilfai iiiiiiilgeiltelt kb MO Skate oOnVentigi, 'altratio,b 2 4 l l l et the lisidfids werii duthdri,Po tc' 10 4 ,fiAit$44rdiWiRtiele ' BY MIDNIGIIT MAIL. Letter from Oorrespondeace of The rrefedj • 1 - *Sim/aim, - Marsh SO; DM : The neSta of the : fiest, CraWords. steadier from South Mid Central. 4merlea)s full of wart and rm , more otwar. Itoreuld seem to lie,art anniptilpre raurring`faot that as the springliMe en our latitude makes all our fields rejoice with tillage,' and the social condition of our people wears taCaSpect aa bright and cheerful as the face of Nature - herself at:- this' , season of the' year, the" neighboring Stites and Confederaoies rf Mexico, and Perri, and ' . (thili t ,andllitindoe, end yoneattala.have, renewed horrors ot r internecine strife, andlitnguish' tinder' th'e deep gleaned' bad govern , :runt; ~ , When *arils to be an , end to this Kit in goitdness to dlsslose t fi however; it'begine to felkliemand upon our ?aegis., slope that our, interests and rights shmild,not / he, as they harp been, eubjeoted to *Wittfone which have been the Canso' of great., detriment to, tho spread ;of Otte Min:mem' upon - this continent. - Ileoanse those, - PoWers" :are weak, it' would judged and preduotira of no good results to' pursue Fi'..bullying pithy, or to boldiouthribeato the au .,of,,their rulers. Our , ,,road lies in_ another .dtrpOton., cougras aught, at its pot Benton, to hate. rit Ind: and fair polloy,¢nd. , it ought then tohave been - pribilshfd, tlintnn material de parture,'from It.4rotild b4:loltrale4 without ade 'quat'e atiusit'.':Ae it isiiow;yOur relations and dint& -maeyi In tliat quarter are rudderless.- Oaths part of England, her objects are pushed with a steady hind; ..the ~ men who care for them are gentleman 'Of ability antlenergy,,,and do not start out upon lie! field, like, ruoat of ours_ have, done, with no. .thing to r,eontiuendthent but an aptitude for poll. deal 'obiiienery iq the, 140 M, politics of their TO sloue rOsidenoes. ' • ' • • Take buttho calm of Paraguay. Whether it jwas right or wrong ,to 'send an expedition there it is -immaterial .to inquire l' Bodice it that one has boan ; fitted out. ' Now, if a nation determine on boetilitied, they should be, prompt and potential. 'Hod is i , A year hoe transpired almost, and the ntiaerab le old bulbs giant out are oequottingnear 'Buenos Ayres; with a fair prospect that a good blow will send' theni all to'Davy's looker, in the 'very eight of the hulls Of Paraguay. - It - id ad mittedthat the" expedition will effeot little: 'AI ,ready ite wealrneds is sneered -at by the petty Power against which it is directed: Ahead of a settlement of .the difficulty are founded alone upon the good Offices of the neighboring States. Mr. Buchanin's ware in Utah and Paraguay ; must figure intietory with the aohieve ment of the PienOhman who pompously Marched up the hillto as'pompouily maroh down again. ' '4 A good omen ' Your State' nights Convention is to assemble upon the anniversary of Jefferson's birth•day.,;.lt la fitting that It should ho so, for the sage of Iffontleello was the father of Btate rights as opposed to the Federalism of Hamilton. The "old story of the present of the white ele- pliant Is again about to be ilitistrated 'in the Futr ell* of this Washington Union; by '• General George Washingten Bowman," Superintendent of PublioPrinting, former Adjutant General of Penn sylvania, late editor of the Bedford , Curette, and pAissant,t4vocate of Dallas against Buchanan for President in 1818. You know the story nine that the twiner oftbp elephant could neither :trans fer, his si.ipenalve preset% nor 'retain' it h'mseif, 'rrlthrint* beiniCenten" eto of 'lonia 4nd keine. Sow,: the — Washington Ti q dn' has 'been to - MV e. Wendell- a- 'sort e' aleph*, 'in& • I dO,not wonder tat he is , in ebitasies over his riddance. The fate of a mere organ of soh an Administration an the present -mar .always,be fo'Tewritton : .,NO,apek paper cen,no sustained with 'ant:: being burden on "the Treasury. ' With all the advantoge of the thousands of postmasters of the United States, and the valuable , advertising of the departmonts (with a number of theme& of ;dollar') every year, and other jobs, no paper com mitted to the policy of on Administratiow like this oan stand. Gen. Bowman is by no means a 'Legge, or n Bryant, or a Barnes in the edttorla . He embroidered the Bedford Gazette ypur State) ,with . itallpe, capitals and . _ admiration marks,, but to pale before the dirr, ettasion of , State questions, and national polit ties °till sorts, mob ,as the people look for in the national organ,. the (}suers; .will sheathe -his 'Sword _Judge Blaok Is an excellent editor, as we all knew, but not an industrious one; and, as ha about taking a tour for. the benefit-of-bis health, Gan: Bowman must look elsewhere. for, a steady 'and Indilstrious pen. , The President used to Write for the newspapers himself, somewhat labori ously 401 heavy, it, is true, but diver, stately and' solid.,. 1144.- however * ,bas other fish to-fry un:diking; yards of. ;lustier to the T'aabliagton Uuiou, , i -Mr. T --Appleton, of _the State • . Dapartmantioounts ilium& out of, die ring, and it le believed ttiii.ool,l3tmean - 11. Johnson (one of the 'ortatiag jiditorial.atait) rivill retire from the - vvntiv ,- . -0 .--maaluantaeneral Bewtd&B -44, 4a-usa , .ersaion: The buliamse mwnegealvoi - or the paper 01, , destine' demand General Bowman's 'pedal ittentiou, ard„ a part ; of his :duty will be to oan• vase the . postmasters, so' GS to -secure thetr sup port, of-ilds enterprise.. Those- Vacs-men, itow- ever, have been, pretty well ashen ;tad and tired, and as the fpture has very little hope le it for petit, they will not be'Nery apt to- respond to a new appeal - for largesse. ,r , ArrangrnentiAre making to mad forwartio - by - the nriatßalifornia may,- an immense amount of 'doonments and truineyto operate upon tbo coming 'eleotionsin thstfitste, Irwin and Broderick are on their way home by the eame Lhao, and will reach "therriabout the'middle of April, when it will he beats off" on both ,sides, Probably no canvass within Abglast are years,,exeopt that of Illinois, has Mmasloned more sensethin than this. There are several adjourned iinestions •of veracity and atfeene Web may lead to fatal caller ions. ' • • : A leading Democrat Prom• Conneotiont repro iserite that the disolonsres. against Touoey in the recent investigating, committees are. doing grant harm In that State, and thatuothint will save dip candidates for Oongresa but an 'earnest -repudia tionof the Matinletration.. • • - • . - lam lead to inferru you that an arrangement is being: made .Plumographic reports of the Sickles trial will be forwarded. to year paper,- f intend ta . pay,personal attention to the proceed,. .toga myself, and; will keep you , advised of:every thing that transpires._ It, Is, but justice to the United States . Distrist AtteSeitY, Mr.-,aid, to say that he expreascelhe, meet earnest .desire to fre fair play all aiondd; and,that almost all the etorica "'repro/milting thaf be Is blitqedlagithist Mr., fiielk= leii..are unfounded : , , , The pent° of.(lailarnia, from the mountain, to the tee', aro terribly excited on account of the defeat of the bill for the ponetmotion of the peolfte railroad. fdaetingeare : held denouncing the action of Ontitseri, rinii , tilo. Press is loododlirith denunciation's of those who refused to support that great a:warfare. It ie folly the dtagrose the feet that the owls of the defeat of the hill desired by Dalt ferule is tci be fotind in the ammo of meet nob seen , ma Senator and Representative Soott, of Cali fornia, in not ;Testing the proscriptive course of the Administratiottan the Kaneko 4"uestion. Had Gwin and Scott united with Broderick, Boughts, and the reel in holding .the Administration In aback pp that •questiotior, In •defeating • its designs at an early day, time enough would have been left to enable Conrail to,paso the proper kind of a bill; but these ; mon were ao liosirons of securing the. patronage of the , Administration for themselves, that they assisted the Administration In Ito cult 'aided war, and yielded to, the South, perfectly sure that they could get few voteofrom the South for their Paoitiollsitroad bill. Thus "was time wasted and obstaalmtareated, which, when Congress same to act on the; bill, rendered It Impossible to do anything, that „would, would satisfy 49440r/31a, Pr,. Gwin and Mr. 'teat will now go book .and' try ',to conceal the part tbey,played in this transaction ; but they gonna •conceal that they obtained no friends by !hear slavish support of the Administrition's policy for. , the Pacific Railroad while.they did. all they could UP build up one., ,mlesof thatoaaaeure, and to endanger its charms :4:l.ltittecra 1?) , ettslating to : consumo the valuable 'UM! of congress. ; .I ,hope our friends In Califor nia will make. these foots tell from the stump and In thaprosa. „ , OCCASIONAL. elddlDEN ' Aitiv AUDOY cord paay has recently made ajudielons Change in thi, _morning aooomtnodatlon line from Bardentown to Philadelphia, by timing its arrival at this oily at 8+ A. X,' which brines' linguist! man who' live along the ionte to their" stores and offices here at sieeasonable ' As an evidence that the ohange `was desired; the number 'of passengere is constant 1y inert:rasing; hetwithstanding the foot that bode in opposition frem - ticome'of the intermediate planes,' 'ate raniinghtixontsion tickets at about half tho fare. The dinttpani , *Cold' do well fo iompleto the ecoMamodeitfon - they have alreadygiven by selling eicargion tickets' front :Ruction and Patavia, Delithoo,' and' Prograst; it'balt the; rites' now 'Charged, anal/ton passengere who' prefer the care (at they generally do) - Would flat' be' driven I°ll4 steamboats by the present difttronee in prioe,The, °Moen of the company have always evinced a desire to please - and aeoomModate, and vie ask them to givelhissoggeationa consideration. THE ASSOCIATED Pness.—Mt. Fallon, of the AMOodated- Press in this city, has shorn us that we did fogstiee. to the foreign correspondents of this confederation (if it. be. that,) •in attributing to' them this alarming headings sometimes prefixed to 'the summaries of news telegraphed from Halifax, iii.entielpation of the mails from • Europe by the .flarrard and other maihsteamera. The headings are mitten down, by the local agents - , and those ,which hir. : ,Pulton Supplies to the Philadelphia newspapers certainly,are'very different from, and .more soonrate then thoso which we noticed in the 'Hew York journals. , £ Oar sixoellenti, relloopcitizen,, J 041105 W. ' fiairlas; died yoalerday morning at, eight o'clock, At.`the itaidence of his brOtkeir-In•law, l William E Eckman, Esq. Ile- , ways :it 'man of rare eoolal .andintelleotttel qualitleaarid groat integrity, and tieretiLy inaniengerioga wits trni," heroic nondolle wiih bia:berpayeid" family upon thltY friepatabit loan. - ' THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1859. Public Ectortniuments , MOUNT VERNON Conoenro.—The.second of these musical and dramatiti entertainments °mho off , last night, at the'Aciademi - Oflkinsio, and the attend• . ance, though stilffir below what the high (hared ter of the , perfornianattfWarranted, - was a great deal better' the on Itionday'evenlig. , The Ger mania orebesiri , PloYed Very well, as it generally does and it was gratifying, during the overture to William Till, to seethe conductor—Mr. Santa, we believeLgo back to the good old, legitimate, but latterly-ont•of-use, practice of leading with his violin. That is, of leading by his own skilful playing.yhieh all.could•hear,instend. of by gee. , turn; whioh all' do notLaiways see. He did this only'duting part of - that performance, but - even to have done it at all merits praise. The vocal per formances went off very well. Miss Richings'a line and certain execution ; Miss S. May's splen did voice, whioh feat once powerful and soft, ard Mr. Frazer's beautiful tenor, (whioh prednetd dramatio effects in the Scene from Fra Diavolo,) were " applauded to the "echo, whiell - dath applaud again," and encores were frequent. Mr. Rohr sang, as •he did on Monday, in :a muffled voice. WA waited for Miss Richinge's recitation of parts of tongeellow'S noble: poem; "The Building of the Ship; and Wore well reoomPansod. - As our readera know; tbo Aoademy Of Musio, from its vast ness,' is' tot well adapted for the' sp%aking voice. Neither' has ]~Sian Itiohings got a strong voice, yet, Without straining, she Wes heard le the retooled parte of the house. Her articulation is so clear and distinct, that she wee audible without effort. Tbough her Oa dencos wire too mournful; While 4 7 ', 'scribing 'the construction 'of tbo" voiselr'-whloh merely , was a joyous thing; and should have been' so expressed—the whole recitation was very good indeed. The desoriPtlon 'of the - marriage•rites *as - given:with delicate L tenderness, and that of the ship's launoh with, emphatio.spirit and force. Very beautiful, too, was the peroration, alluding . to the Ship of State. : There too much delay, the 'audience thouht,,letvietin, the' dill:4 - MA parts of list night's entertainment: The third part did not commenee until nearly ten &i deals.. We learn that, at the request ormany ladiei aho cannot attend in the evening, or also of residents in the suburbs, and at short distances from the otty, an additional performance, not included in the original programme, will take place this after- noon at two o'clook, when, for this 000aeion only, the price of admission will be reduced to twenty five centsle . all parts of the house, Irieipeotive of location. The public should remoreber that mere annulment Is not the sole object Of there performances—but to aid the patriotic fund for purchasing,: for the nation; the Rome and Grave of Washington. , ' , Tazkrwa.-.—hieeere. Wheatley.k Olarice, lessees and managers of this well•oon duoted and prosperous establiahment, have been out of town, "starring," for some weeks. At Rich mond; they Were highly snooetwful, and .at the Holiday-street Theatre, Baltimore, were so popu lar that they have been re-engaged for three nights more. A Baltimore ,paper,, of Monday, says': The immense audiences attracted by these brit• Haut comedians, with the moat serious and attrac tive oppOsition the drama has had this,eoason,tata , compliment Baltimore rarely pays for so wavy con eeentiVe nights to the hist of talent. This evening the charming comedy, entitled Oats,' with a 'veLy great cast—Mr. Wheatley as qtovere and Mr: Clarke ac After which, 'The Hypocrite,' in whiob Idr. Clarke, as Marrworm,' wltl deliver his extra ordinary feature on the vices Of.the age. This will be followed by, and the per formances conclude with, the gm-favorite play of the Toodlea.' On to-morrow _evening another great bill Will be put forth, and on , Wodnettlai this, immense :engagement . close. They — go immediately to their Own'thentre, in Philadelphia, 'hero they open on Saturday next " Watutiv arunny Tnektua.—We have to re-' pert the continued popularity end euccesa of the New Orleans English Opera Company here. As the engagement approaches a close, (it will oer tartly terminate on Saturday evening,) the &dra t° witness their performances seems to augment They go to California on thelOqi of April, (ming engaged; on very lucrative terms, at Mr. Me Galre'e Theatre, In San Fend/bac). Thie nyening they will represent Gm opera of the Bohemian Girl. OA*. GABItTNER'I3, Trttnß CONJER,T.—ThiO eee 'ling, Mr. Gaertner giros his third conpert the foyer of the Academy of Musio. As before, the performances will be Wetly instrumental. Mies Josephine 0 1 0onneil, from St.*Augustine's oboir,; will sing a solo from Meyerheer, and pin Ina duet of IDenizettl's, with &tr.,A. - It. Taylor, the ham. Beethoven's quartet (B nijor)- for two violins viola, apd vioipnoelio , trM bo the opening pieoe.r• Letter from i_Correriondeoce" of The Preta.,l , • , HARRISBURG. March $O, • }B6o+ In order that the 'peep; et - Ph IltAtilphil, and other portion, ot - tide , Ctiormonwealtb, play hive a - co - 4 durdentialicog oterliratrice' upon a bill sti beordelal and peoluctisrels that rolatlag to terurance companies, - which Irßß' befiresi the House of Itenresentetivee jesterdey, , I append the rote on the motion to postpone indefinitely, ori in other words, the muttes to permit reckleeenses, nix yegard of right, end detention on the put of this clam of em pertinent); npon this motion to Watt the bill i-: Tule —Mesarit. A /do 11, Barnsley, Datloir;'lloyer.Of Clearfield, Boyer of abbnylkill, Burley, Carapbell, Orr tee, Dianotat, Dodds, Drab/raw, Yeeron, Plemir g. Oaf: , ley. Ours, ,Goapp, Hoed, Graham, Grit o a Ilamersly, 11I,QOtteustire,Jackson.Reneegy.Eelcbum,Monty, ifira. Lawrence of Washington, Al/Pln. Mahaffey, Mo- On dy,• Olks. Pulp, Peetterton, Proudfoot. Bons°, Bruin. of Berks. Ukrateback, Slyer, Thompson, Wagenseller, Wigton. Williams of Depolta, Worairlpi Lawrence(Speaker)_4B.. Nara—Messrs. Acker, D tyard, Bertolot, Chase, church, Dokman. Elloosker, Evans, Fisher. Yoder, Prato . , Gibe. Ifeirding, Irish; /nightie , : hintlinre, McDowell. Miller, tlepp, Police, Robrrn ebefe-• Shen. perd, BMWs, etephere, Stpart, Thorne. Walborn, I. Walker, Warden, Wilcox, Wiley, Whilst:lz, and non-84. Metsra.' Quigley end Smith, Philadelphia, did not vote. Mr. Parkey presented ,9 a supplement to en Set to in. corporate the Girard College Passenger Railway Coin ploy," whieb confers 'upon raid company the right to continue their road with a ebigle batik ou Ninth street, as far south as Idionst, and thence along Locrist to Tenth, with the right to rum thatpart of the rood pow construeled on Tenth, sheet, betwedn Locust and Arch, to pilling to the Oitiasaer Parpinger Railway Company one half of the expenses of eoltetreetion of fot 7Art ' The second provide, Id the first titration of the sel to which this is a supplement, 16 hereby repealed. . apppleuient to rui mot to incorperate the Fairmount Market (Feeipaiir ray raid in place by Mr. 'Wright. It grants the power to borow toy not- ex ceeding $50,000, for which-bonds are to be Maned of not leas than $l,OOO tech, beading 7 per cent. interest r:th riirtiSeate attached, to be' Reared by mortgage. They 'May proceed to orgardie did cempacy, and take In fee uloWle or 'Apon lereDild rent, pooh reel and perContl estate at may be' necessary, -and .obtaire .robecriptioca after four hundred abates Shall have been rubperibrd, by not less than one hundred psnione ; and at least Ore per °Return paid to •, they shalt edvertlee and out a braid of eaten directors lir Bell bursted 't a 'nipple meet to an act relative to bonds Issued by, Allegheny C uoty for stook, Mimed companies," Which mates It laequi for any egemptore, administratore. guardlarts, and trustees Wilding those bonds, la) ex change the same for stook in the several railroad ooai. pantos in the manner mentioned in the sot to which this Is a supplement, and to dispose of the stock so taken in eirelasose xrithent, re/Tangibility en their part far any Joel which neat be" occasioned by any depreeledOm in the table of said stock. The Beoate, in committee of the whole, bat mega. tired molt of the ' xtra eppropriatione to the eitatitthie inetantione, and bio manifested a dirpointion to ant loose from the patronage of local benevolent enter prises.. - - The pppoititiou to abolish • the OM :O. of ,lismage. avant', In domination' with the appropriation. Mt that. office. elicited a very warm and lengthy debate, the of-' feot of which wee to Ittle op the entire /lineation the utility of a repeal of the tonnage-tax to all ita bear tugs' la the Ilonse4yeas 4i neyalf) ammendinz the rule to proceed to the final p iswge of the general banking law, indicates a doubtful skuggle. /Stews. THE LATEST. ]NEWS BY 7C 4 BLF,GBAPI-1. • From Washington.' • ' WAeirlspow. March 80.—k .report peerage here, founded on plicate advisee, that President Athenian, of Mexico, has negotiated p eeoret treaty with P-anee and Sardinie., which Franca Is to furniab lands to ' carryon his war with Juaros, and Miramgricedep to ,theta the Isthmus of Telinantepea and other pertionli et Mexico; but our Government, for reasons entirely astialhotory to Itself, does not attach any , importance whatever to the rumor, and regards it as too ridionlone • pq bo Wiped, especially In the present warlike erudi tion of Swope The Postmaster General has edireseed a letter. rola. tire to the Boston post r gee. to Colonel Bohayler ell the port of the ventorattenta, iu whieh be says that the , question to be determined is, what shall ht the &mutat cud loan of the, indemnity attending the removal of the poet °Mee back to the balolintr formerly eempled The indemnity must assume such a shape as will secure beyond all doubt tie payment of the rent 0,412,000 fob 11,0 pummenateeat r Moe, as itaball fall doe, sod to Ma end - a depoelp in The reitt-treasney 01 that pum, to the main of the government, roast be made it be true that the State.ptraet ir nation cannot be secured. except eta larger enne than heretofore raid, 'the difference between the rent formerly paid end that whloh may 1201 r be exacted should be added. he Peat ;neater Ormeral says that ho is in expectation of a corn munlcatiOn on 'the subjnot and what other ex:eases may enter into the consideration • As soon ea the facts are ascertained, due notice will be communicated to those interlude ' RUC DBLAvini TIE friplinflfiSiON OF TUE Bourn- SIAlp, Irearntridroff, March ,90.—Vie Pat Oftle Nue meet ban despatched two agents to the Sent littb in. atthatthhe to prOmptlrrePorkeli causes Of the repeated faller; of malls to connect with the Incomplete rail roads in Mississippi, the objeht being to remedy the 'evil and aurorae compliance With‘ the centres! for the o nartiyanee ,pf the mails between New Or one sod Weahington within echedisle ut Urns. :Adrlcon from Fort Snap, give very dieentiraging an counts of the gold gatti , ring In that ylcioity. Bernard -EU: Schornover,, of Permsylvanlal has been appointed agent - er the Indians, at the U, per Ilitempt agency. Senator Tulsa; of Blonde. who bets been very ill since the adjournment of Congreni„is now concretes aent. • According to a 'letter received from tieweneni Brooke,nommending the trotbet abase schooner V. nt more Obeyer, who le now mimed In surveylhg a route between Ban Franoleen end Once and info. - n, the guano bland taken tmeretslott of by him oonOlue at the lowest onlonlatlon 25,000 tens of guano. The melte of the survey thus tar. nntwithstandlog the smallness of the outfit, are regarded of high value to .our cow. mamba name. . Allegheny ,cioupty convention VITTBBOBO, 30.—The Itepubllosn County - roger!, by &large rektor*, the too:). luttone of the lett Anti. Tax Convention. -' Destructive Fire at New Orleans. luw °mail ctdarob 80.—Two large stores at ha corner of Tchoupttoulpg and clravier streets, occupied by. Charles Rally & Co., whOleialb grown and Meagre. Patten, Smith, And Putnam,' tObsdao' factors, were 4estroyed fire last night The lolls estl!pated at $160 , 000; '- • Miiii,3saciluselts Legislattike. Bosiow, riliicti . 80 —Tie liberty bill w detected lu Pala Ilsaae to•day, by yeas 108, sayllo9., .‘ LATER FROM CENTRAL & SOUTH. AMERICA Arrival of Vita Ateavier Northern' Light., AfIGTHERATITSTIOUESSFUL ATTEMPT AT r EEYOL!ITION AT VAT,PARAISO. The Hero - luO - 0W In 01114 IMPORTANT FROM GREYTOWN. The U. St Sloop-of-War Decatur mistaken for a Filibuster Vessel, The iteamerS SoizSd Pienoh,' , and theirOffioers• and Orr/min Prison.. Nnw Yoga, Mitch '430.--The stsatnablp :Northern Light, which arrived here this evening firaishee later *Woes from Aspinwall, dating to fhe 224 twit. The Northeruyght has on bond 61 . 0 passengers and , ' $127,0 0 0 in treamire,' , - The dates from Valparaiso are to Sterols let. Another abortive attemot at a revolution was noVe at yalpsrairiorm Pabrdary 28th. The battle lasted' for If. or honteovenitiog adversely to.the patriots The American correlate weal rlddiid with shots, be fog in the vicinity of the Belo • f batt`e. The revolutionary utovemeat throughout Chili had warned a dangerously powerful and popular position. 'By the arrival of an Butlers mall steamer, tumor • ,lent WWI from Greytown is furnished , The United States sleop.of-war'Dicatur.having en choral in a cove war San Jam del Bar, wee mistake, for a filibuster venial, and President Martinez, with Beo troops, immediately took poss*selon of the transit rodeo to p-erect the landing of Wise ppoesd fillboetere. Oa being apprised, of the true character if the'Desatur, he retreated. hot destroying all the bridge& In the meanwhile the 'French r fee-re, with a small force, ere Reed- the lake. to the river Sao ynao,.and seized the White steamers. and fo oibly impritiontd the .sincere and crews. They had not been released when the steamer left ' ' • ta Castillo and Ban Cartes are to be given up to if Belly and his Men for their beadquititere • - ' - Three of the treaties negotiated by Wm Gore Ouse ley; the British minister, have been ratified. , The workshops tied bonne on Pulite Arenas belong, log to the Ackettiory Transit Company have been swept off by Ihn mem, doco•ding to the Panama Slar,it Wag the Nicaraguan Government odium wholook I:assegai - on if the Ameri can lake boats, which had been abandoned to Belly. , , The same paper reports that all thweoutbera pert a t. Chili la In the hands o• the Government; Taloa bei delivered up without fighting. The general opinion wan that in a month' the entintry would be as quiet as ' ever. Peunsylvania Legiilature. 'HARRISBURG, March 30 SEVATE. A large timhbei of bills weirs reported from the stand- InF committees. • • A eurplement to the ant Incorporating the City (Chestnut and Walnut streets) rassen g er Railway ryas reported, with amendments The consideration of the approprlatiou bill was re• named. - • . The !melon making appropriations to the following inetitutione was etriekon from the bill ' - The Northern home for TAWlege Children in Philn, dalable, Th. Poi Widow's Asylum for and . .indigiOi 'Vanities' in Philndel phis The Orphans+ Borne et Z,llenape ' -The appropriation b'll'Wee under eimaideration all morning, and was dill pending when the senate ad journed till afternoon, • • -- - The EttlAte met at 8 P The Otneideration of the appropriation bill wee re- Fumed. The bill palmed trot readirir so reverted by the com mittee. without coy material met dmect. ?ft. BOLL rffered a new leetirn approp'foting two thonoand &limo for the transportation of people of to Liberia The tectiou was pending when the Renato adjourned. Tho Renate met at 7 P. 11, The aet authorizing the rpnointment r f a measurer of paving stones in;Philadniphia r m ward. The supplement to the ,Rbiladelphie and Reading Rail 'oad. Company. allowing them to Make a road from ilarris'org to-Napkin wax cenedered, and was still ' pending when the Senate annoy/Md. . - A imobar of private bills were considered's.' passed 'Melly, among them the following : *, - • • - /inapt to eetablish the Penn Indnet sal School. An not t. inearpnrate the phlladelphia and New Nape AsikW Company. -The ant eatab'fahinw a general banking Pm wan eaten up in and dimmed at length.' A motion' to poefpnue indetinttely wai, toet—ay.a 40, noes 60. Adjourned. " ' AVI'MEXOON SRASION. • - The Roue met at 3'P - and proceeded "to the eon• sideration of . p 01.400 . ' • Ott motion cf Mr. GRAIL. the act to abolish the Bnetd of Health of Philadelphia was puttponel Itdellnitel3l. Tee aat to era3t ,a new jercial dieted out of ;Oa ()onetime( Tetlereoe, 01eartield, , 111k; 'and Peron, led to a long .pd spirited Mancunian, but was defeated—yeas 98, oeye fa. AdjOurned. - ' , ammo seostoo. , ,Thellouse met as 7 P. M. - The act to prevent fronds it elections nen oonsidered and postponed fort e l prefent. The rat securtneto , the people of Pblledelphla free transit weer certain htgloways Was considered And woo 5t.1.1 pendirg. Adjourned. Death of Captain Wylie, of the Steamer City of Manchester. NNW Yosr., alarob 'received by the *or als state that Captain Wylie, of the iitsaniship City of Matchesler, died on board that vessel, when rear Li verpool, on her opttratd trip. Capt. Wylie woe well known In Philsdelphitt.' prtvol of the Steamers Northern Light and Illinois. New YORK, March is , eamshipir Northern Light and Talents; of the tvo Celifornia lineal bare itr rtred. Their ulvices have been anticipated by the ar. 41110 f the steel:or limnsle, whlett arrived yeetvrdey with the mile nod porsengare transferred 'row the Il linoisateana in &loquence of the aredant to her ' 4eault pt Aisaitiotore. game:none, Match sei)ltatatrdivu. the latpoligh~.r, .who' win 'hot on Monday ,afght of lasi week, to the western part of the city, tiled to day. Throne A. Rewrd, who ad the &hot, gave himself' up, and wan committed for ' trial. "ONE MEEK. - LiTER FROAI EUROPE wasßivmr, qk w'wp 'iiiivfiAnoo AND rig • SP 4 7 sfur V 0114.• THE NEWS MORE WARLIKE Lord Cawley'e Niggle n a Failure Reception of the American Minister in Spain TILE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPIT. TUB fillipOlaTiN RNILES noth'fr ofrldel• from Zonis ..ropolepti An American in the Lava of Yestivins. ITALIANS LEAVING LQUSAEDY CHANGE of MINI/Zany in P/P4TUO4.T., OONSUS TIN SETTLED-06090X , CO TTON ONE.EI6RTII Lowign The aorew steamship Kangaroo, daptalo Jeflory, which sailed from Liverpool on the 16th of Meroh, arrived at New York yesterday. The royal mail steamship Persia, Captain Jud kias, which sailed from Liverpool pt abokt half. past ten on the morning of the 19th of Alaroh, also arrived at New York yesterday. The corny steamship City of Blanchester arrived out at Liverpool at ono o'plecii on the afternoon of the 171.1 o; and the Fulton reached Southampton on the morning of the 18:13. • The Cunard steamship Africa, from New York, arrived out' at Liverpool at seven o'clock on the crooning of the 14th, and the swew steamer Saxe, Ma. from New York, reached Southampton op the same morning. The clipper ship Dreadnought arrived at Pver twal onethe 12th March, her passage from New pork being called thirteen d•rya and eight hours moan time. !!or advlces were only anticipated one day by the steamer Lebanon. (MEAT BRITAIN. in the Rouse of Commons, on the 15th, the bill for the abolition of church rates was debated, and passed to a second reading by a vote of 242 againet tq4 Thn Reform bill wsa to come up for the second reading on the 21st instant. The Neapolitan exiles continued to evoke a good deal of sympathy, and liberal vubacriptions were being made to the fund formed their benefit The bulk of the exiles wore abut to leave Cork foy. Thistol One of their number, who went to Briaterin ndvanoe of his companions, met with a perfeet, ovation. The horses veto taken from hie carriage,' end ho was drawn through the streets by the populace, amid groat cheering. A subs:fluent doubt war raised as to whether the individual so honored was really one of the exiles.. - A powerful committee, including such men as horde Palmerston, Shaftesbury, John RllBEteii, Lyndhurst, and nthera, bed been - formed for the purpose of raising funds in aid of the Neapolitan exiles , The Pt (lonia club irials at Tralee were termini'. led ou the 15th by the disagreement of the jury. They were Joke np for twenty two hours, when they were dlesharged, being tin able to agree upon e v'prilot The oounael for ;he prisoner who wee first T•lacied pp trial took two days in the delivery of his' address, whioh ocenple4, in all, twelve bourn ; The London Times has as editorial on the nor_ motion brough t to light in the Naval Dopertment of tho United States by the Congressional investi- gating committee • and, pointing a moral from the exposure in opposition to the Introduction of do. psooratio institutions, it proclaims that govern mental 'pleotionoering politica are infinitely inure scandalous in the Jcr4 ai deinooraoy and tho bal lot than in Ragland. The Atlantic , Telegraph Company woo sill con sidering the Government offer of 'a 'conditionol guarantee towards the laying of a new cable. One of the conditions of this guarantee Is the surrender by the ocmpany of the fifty•years monopoly for landing cables in Newfoundland. - - .dnother company Is Said to ho preparing to carry out the prrjaet without Ooveronaent aid The Ref6rm measure continued to he . ' actively canvassed to England. gni Qiey, one of the leaders In the Wttig party: , bad written a letter stronglyobjecuing to Lord John Rus3oll'e con tom plated amendment Some, repOrte went no fat as to say that ministers contemplated a withdrawal of the bill, but it was balloted that they would not do more than consent to some important modl ; &lotions. A.nother Sunday demonstration had taken place in Hyde Parkin opposition to the • • The 'London Ilerald (Ministeria)) says that It has high authority.for stating that in ease Lord John Russell should succeed in upsetting the min , istry and be called upon to form another, he will give Cabinet appbintinentite Meisrs. Bright; Gib son,. tlyston ' Roebuck. gad Herrman; all those gentlemen having tiferOd'th'ele services. Fa ANOII The - ominous silonee respecting Lord Cowley's mission to Vienna has tended to thereon the . up prebeneiono of war. ' :s • Arurnor was current that the Lyons .1 12 11 way bad reotlived orders to' keep in readiness for tiara porting seventy Dye thousand wen with despatch. It is ales reported that the squadron which left Toulon would proceed to Algiers, for the purpose of embarking tr troops. - • - The projected conferenoe for tiamining the re• oent election and proceedings in she Prinuipalities; it is said, has been adjourned indefinitely , ,“ • • There is great talk of.en army of Obsurv4tion Don the Alpo. Leave of absenoo to Moors and soldiers Is r ro tatted . The Illoniteur contains a deoree appointing elx- teen generals and thirteen colonels. It alto en ' mono's a squadron as fuming left Toulon for the preemee_of naval mane area The Whole of the bcrdinian navvies empl4ed,. nn the Toulen'andfliarseilles,rallways have stid;; (lenity left for Piedmont ' The:,•Vmperor has pardoned or mitigates the seetenoes - of seven hundred -soldiers previously triad by courts-martial. I Ile earls eorrespondent of the London News says that it is certain that Prince Napoleon will shortly be created Viceroy of Algiers. , - 1- , The'etiliefor wee to reviewthe Imperial uard 'ron , ,,Sunday, the 20th inst , being the anniversary lot Napoleon le Grand on his return from Elba. 4 _There -Itkr,onse_expeetation, that-he will address them. The Moniteur'sifroop :artiple had had a very unfavorable effeoE on the enntinent. Lord Clowley, while in Paris, on his return, bed an interview with the lEmperor t .but.nothing de.B4 mite had 'transpired respeoting ,the results of his initelon, It is reported thatirseeret treaty exlsta between the King of Sardinia, and Nappleon, „The latter is said to guttianty ° 'defensive and offensive aid, egainst Austria, and seeitrlty for Sardinia In any Lornbardy t ecqulsitions,;or t oondltiew of Savoy and Nice being coded toyranee _ AUSTRIA. - ,- The Emperor of Anotria le continuing hie. arma ments most energetically, and an outhreek in Cen tral Italy is almost daily sattolpfited: The reanuring rumors,, prevalent on the 18th, caused an advance of one per cent. on the Austrian Bourse. It is said that the Austrians have lay mines - for the purnotto of blowing up the bridge over the Tioini at %Gioia The Austrian ,Governor , at , ;plilap.assured hle sol gueststed 'at a dinner party that peso,* would be eon ida BA4DINIA The King of Sardinia has eatted out his reserved troops and made war levies. „It le also reported that he had applied to Pianoe for the aid of 75, 7 , 000 men. " ' • ' The attitude of :the,,Austrian and Sardinian troops extremely menacing. PRUSSIA. Siege is being laid to Sohamyys •oapital in the Canaanite. A stubborn defonoe is expeotad. Russia has prohibited the' export of horses by the'Europeanfrontier It is stated that in accordance with the wishful of the Pope, the French troops will prolong their stay it "Rome. - An American gentleman who, had received die. iatrous news from home, in a lit of desperation thrOw himself into a current of lave,at Vesuvius. Ilis:body was almost instantly consumed. SPAIN. - , , -The -Spanish journals o ffi cially announce - 41AI full'satisfaotion has been received from Mexico. A Madrid telegram, of the 13th of March. says: "Mr. Preston, the minister of the United States, vres'received yesto t day by the Queen', inn private In the name of President Buchanan he s o ured her Majesty of the President's desire to maintain friendly relations with Spain, and ex pressed. his own personal conviction that the ge neral wish of the people of the United States was , t" preserve the bonds of fifendship at present ex isting betw9on. the, States and Spain, and to do everything en their pbwer to 'avoid any mlsnoder itieding between the two countries. - The Queen replied in terms flattering' to 'both the Belted States and ifs minister." _ • - The Iberia recommends thatirhen Mr. Preston shell make the expected proposition for the put , chose of Ceiba, the ,Government shag, reply by sending him hid passports. SARDINIA There is no change in the condition of affeire in Sardinia. ~ PORTUGAL Th'e Mintetry„ haa,resigned:. A. new Oab!net fa linnet/noel, beaded by POI Pandas,. , „ INDIA. AND CHINA 'The mills from,Caloutta to „February 9th, end Bong Kong, January 29th, reached Marseilles on the 14th, and would arrive in London on the day the Kangaroo • • There is no political news of interest. 1 ., At Foo.ohow-fow i ll good business:had been done in tea at rather low rates. - At. Canton, political affairs were 'becoming mere' quiet, but, trade was dull. ' , A' A • A A notification had been ,published „threatening-, "the braveslif. Canton: and clearly expressing Want of confidence with the government of Pekin. A Daniell veseel bad been driven aTiy•from the. 'timid of japan - ' ne tieaty'haribe been concluded' with penmarki 100,0110 men, died - or - cholera in , Jeddo' dosing one-m-(111th. -, THIS OREM arms lfailar IN Piilri. . Mr. Mongredien,-the president of Ibis _ Londn chess club, esti() went to Patis to play a match with; Morphy, has been terribly beaten. The winner of the first seven games was to be-winner of the match. The result is as follows :: ' . ' ,‘ -.--- - Mr.'Morphy won ..,. 7 games. -- Mr. Mongredion won • 0 • ]Prawn • • 1., e l. i':i THE LATEST NEWS. • - - -- [By Telegraph Isont landau to LlvarpooLl - ' Lormon, Saturday moreing.—Stocks, yonterday, opened dull, but in the afternoon a remarkable, change took plasm:: Seyeralfarge purchases were mode by influential buyers, causing a midden ad vance three•efahtha, - Remora wore oliontated that France and Austria had consented to suspend ordireinish their alma mental Vo doubt Wei entertiiried - that'sorrie important Intelligence had boon received. - After business houra the improve:met, became still t more,deolded, irith tildftiAtALdvanee , aide h. --7- Ameeelhirlifere ein circulation was one to UM' eifo.ot that Lord Cowleyia,mission had.attained some important:result in'the'interiatlif Peace.. • itumora prevailed of the &organisation of the British Cabinet. Lord Manners, being stung by the response of the House to his appeal on the Church rates pies 'ion, tendered his resignation, bat was induced , by , Lordjjerby to withdraw it. • A meeting of forty of tho .oenservative , Mem. hers of Parliament bad sent n'depittation to Lord Dorbr, requesting the- withdrawal of the 'Minis. lariat eform bill. 'His reported' ieotriti preted by the Pail,/ Nowa to meter tltat the =- menthe admitted his inabilitylegripple'iith the reform; he virtually surrendered his , position. Fletandlal and Clomtite.iciar LONDON DIONIti" itlAnttET —o6'4lol6th tht feuds were depressed, and cud:teals at one time toookett There wag, however, a slight luipitoyeinent k and' they clog dat Pdai 0.96 X. ' - - On the With the tone was 'again &lenient, but the quotuations were alight, and pricea were verygligktly ender thane of the day preceding, . • - On the 18th the market opened week, - but robeequent, ly improved, and the °Moist cloning quotations of con sols were Of %Mid% for money, and 95,31e9d1 for ge. count. After business bourn therewee' a further ad vance to gereP6g. The demand for money continued to Increfum, and tie (general rate wog equal to the bank minimum-2MP sent.. • The Weekly statement of the Dank Of England shows a decrease of .£28,290 in specie Sliver was in very- active demand for_thelltud, and Daring Urethan, toots barn at sa. 20. ; dollars Its %d. The next mail forpulta and Chine was expected to take out over £610,000 aterling'in ellver Anaaipag BfiCesl3lll6.—Mesers. D. Be'l, flon;& Co. report an followg : The market for AMEITiCI7OI securities coutiones without animation, - and the trarsactionn during the peat week have been few and unimportant": 1"r. B. 6% bond', of 1801_ ~ 98 0100 U S. s's, bon's, of 1874 • ti3XO 94m Alabama li , e, bonds 18 o'Bo Kentucky fi's, bonda.lBoB 72 92 es 94 Maryland s'e St. betide ' 95 et 97 Massaohusetts 5 , s Rt. bonds 103 OBO4 Misalaslopi Union Bank Ws 14 en 18 Ohio 8 Der tent-stook, 1880 96 0 88 Pennsylvania 5 1 8. Mock 82 0 83 DO bonds. 1877 83 et 87 Tennessee Vs, bonds, divers 83 et 85 Virginia Ws, bonds, 1801. ' ,84 et 86 , Do We. Ot: bones:lBB9 err 087 Boatoo firs, bonds. divert 90 0 92 Do 43('e, bands • 93 095 Montreal 64, 1856 85 BO o sq /inns& Central, 7'81875 60 aD - 84, Do 6`a, 1875 ' - 78: 080 Do - . 7's freeland, 1800 82 12' 84 Do shares discount 36. et 114.., Michigan. Central, B's, 1660 - • - 13.4 0 86. Do' Aorta 45 0 48 New York Central 0 1 s, not court 1883,.... 85 , oi 87- Do 74, convt, 1864- - .930 95 Do shares ' - 73 0 75: New York and ErleTa, 86 nits,. 1883 66 0 67 Do . corm, 1801. SO et 35 Do . do, M j al li) si cking fund en ewes 96 18 o 12 CD 13 Panama Vs, let mortgage 1869 100 0102 D' do 1805 05 0 97 Pennsylvania Central 6e, let tinge 18814.. 91 0 03 The limes of Friday Hayti: "in Amerman securities a reduclon oocurred in fir, bonds and shares of the New York and Erre 0. and quotes sales : New York Central sinking fund New Yolk and Erie Vs coot t, 1862 Do. , ahem •MARKETS " LITIMPOOL, March 19 —oOiton.The Broken' circa -Ist The 11001 favorable coconuts from Oa'cutta and Bombay, together with the unsettled elate et' the Cont.nent butt **used holders to offer their &Metre more freely, aed invent base obtained a sauces. ohm of about gd. per pound In moat finalities of Amer= Icon. especially In Boweds The aales;of. the week amount to 42,100 bitlee,lncludlo; 7.600 to speou'atore, aid 5,000 to exp rtes. Yesterday (arida?) the mar ket was quiet. the Weft rsaahles alma 7 003 bales, to-• eluding 1,000 on speculation and for export. The au thorized quotations are asfollnwt rah,. New gaeans SA Mobile Unlaude • " 516 This stock on band is cal mateifit 260,340 beret, in. eluding 819,320 American. Other chanters rapert that the week opened buoyantly, std In favor of sellers, but the war feeling caused a decline of 1-lfirsd At Blanchester the market Is quieter, and where pro ducers are in a position to accept orders, tbpy are will lo g to take slightly lower prices. BausualvErs —Messrs. Richardson. Spence, & Co, report: Tusidayls mat ket dull. but yesterday (Friday) there was a better atteoderme than of live, and the tone of the trade •as firmer Flour wan slow, end unalt*rei In value. Quotations range fr re lOamlta Bd. Wheat In improved request, with sales to a mrdnati ex'eot at fall prices. Beat qealties of American from rcaitly, brought extreme rates. Western red GI 010., and wfilte 9,1; - &Wham 10555105 - 0.1 radian Corn in very Hu Red demand. ,ond yellow offered tit raster entre, say Gs ildote, Id : white white nominally un changed-4s adept's 41—ai1 qiieloo , linovatioite.—Beef firm for good, but inferior - 0mill: NI and slow; rates of Van Front's nt 80s. Perk no. gireed, and offered at lower rates ; 'business conficed to Irish. Bacon—No demand - for Amortise . , Irish and home cure bring relailve`y cheaper. Lard—No sale, rspoited ; quotations quite nominal. Tallow rather firmer. P Y. 0 selling at 53s ; • ' • . pnopoce —Ashes quiet at 20s for pots,"and 8d® 825 fur pearls. Sugar dull, and -prices Aldwils lower. Cerro in good request, at eairame ni t" in good deinand at former prices alp - all saleiof Caro'insi at lis. Bark quiet; Philadelphti, SI for coarse, and 10s for fine ground. Oinverseed dull = Timothy Reed in good re quest kt 340:355. Ood oil qulet_and pucbangel ; sales of colored and pale Seed at .034887 105. Lietteed oil in fair demand at ..f.805e30 100. Rosin flat at 45 0104. 104 for common, abd-w,th" come ailed to arriee at 45 ; medium is quoted at Sega, aid doe at its 3/. Spirits of turpentine gold fAriyin the week at 42a55425 01 : but prices have since declined on private sales, and the quotation is new nominal Tas riulet . but weedy LINDON , BIARIIRFS.—Iifessie' flaring Bros: & CO. report : 'llreadatuffs dull at last week's prices Iron steely at 1:11 55 for rails, and. Lu 21 Gdes.Le to for bons. Purr depressed end ildrels Vise per. Oofrie firmly OE O O. Tea firm ; Common Congest la Spirits of 1 urpen.: t•ue easier; sales of Amorlosn to racks at 43 33 Gd ; Renal nominal at 10mlls. Rico neglected jdr seed Oil declined to 208•, Sperm. 3.1.00e102; `PaliSesl, 487. Saltpetre doll and lower. Taft! steady ; .bnyers of P. Ir. C. at Ods 8d in the spot. Sales of 'Polar Whalelimiq at £lOO AYH le MA la TO —(For the week endlng March 15, ,Ipelualta.)—Ootton opened firm and active, bat alined entetly'llt 10If for New Orleans fres 1)-db:we, land 00f for bas. The sate of the week add up Et 600 bales, and the week on hand was 164 000 The .deices from the maltreat tring towns were penarally of a edulfactory diameter. Wheat and Flour continued dull and nomi nal In the travre market, be. there hal beau a alight advance In thantrroundonp districts . Ashes gigot bat firmer. °rife° ln good demand at stilr prices. no. pleated.' Rice Oat. finger Ault. but..eteady. Tat ow ' bad teed etagnaot, 'arid prloes nominal. Some open• lathe probases of whtlebons WOW Vim. RAILROAD, EXPLOSION IN THE TWENTY . FOURTH WOMP—PITO INJOIIIf TO PROPOS. lire —Peßterday rearnteig-igir4ive o'clock an ex. plosion -took place rp Oa! Twehiltourth ward. The l,rgamotive - gtolowthh;;;SeOf thelargeat add most pow.' ipgirt4om the Needinglum:hid, with every berg -, owif.tinin 144050. hatAicheddith . toll- house on the pear the,brhigilit the Fella. Here ehe halt 'ed. and while standing etthelepplarom come cause or otherehe 041°401 Theilocomotive wee brikin away from the rest of the train bf , the force of the exploefon, end it was dashed on to the bridge, a dtetaoce of sixty or [events" feet. The engine wen literally blown to pieces, the boiler being chattered er' even the months gears wroolted., It wee a coal-bainer - engine 61 , 4000-power:- - - -- Two men were hattantly,killeithrthe agoldentk lb"! engineer, Josiah Bileatuter, wee innit'fito isnaloe.rtt the time, and tt le supposed that , : he wee biewujeto the, "'HfgrOttinitiribe`haryit thiestfotinifitelilfliodyr Sedan - Foley, the first brakesman, wee blown aketonee of fifty yards from the - spot :where-the elPhistinilldok piece Hitt body-wee found upon- the-towpath,- within four feet `Of the river. beadmramest arcing puce) *coke, and hit bitting Were dasheitoUt:' • - lidiesimer, the, magloyer,wet *monied roan. the.othet vletina,`lrateunnairried.l The toll.houee at the west end of the bridge was shat tered by the explosion, and the' building was set on fire. The toll.gathereE And his fend ywer,o asleep in their beds at theatitne. • The toll gatherer the thrown from his bed by shock and dashed age-teat the wall. A por Von of thejrte Worker:the wasfiloiailnto a wind w of the toll:house, and - felli'n`g upon the foot of a boy lying in bed. it barbed hies: 4hdatutitter of the Vail. gatherer' iieclio th at - she Could - not be' aroused for , some :time, :Normal' thin feirtilY received soy very eerioni injury.- The Liftmen tilde •taalarrow escape. He had. la - left hie poet, and hat gone into the toll-house to pro. - cure a drink:when th ef uttslisp tookspletteT.CA l 4 l .Wl>i- Rion wee aecolopinied'hy trenfendotia "hook and ie. I port. But'dings in the Thirteenth, 'Fourteenth, and Twentieth "verde ofthe nitylwerc shaken by,theagjdo;. and the report was heard distinctly fora greet distance. The safety valve of the engine wee blown entirely &arose the Schuylkill ,Fitstd it was found after dayl'ght in th•• yard of a honee at the Belle Martin Gleaeen was the Bret. witness examined. , Ile trees fireman on Hit train He Said the `train istinti tit the station at 4.20 Wolcott; we stooped above and cut off twenty-five care ; we thee pulled down, tour care to put thenton, the city. teak; ratoPpid )0 to IS talirtitedi I then went over the brioge, pumped up, came back end:put the blower on to relic *team; I got off the engine at that time, and -white I was off'the occident occurred ;It occurred while I we sin the sere •; it happen ed about fifteen minutes lifter" lect the engine f went over and saw the engine blown ' - to *nes ; we looked for the river and found the deceased lylng,near the canal; the engineer we timid got find; the'deceased wean brakemen nn the Main ; the engineer Is rattalng; the Perkiotoee " has a double'tank ; she is Rota caw engine; I donut know her age; we took no water in her e • the last place we'look' in' wa i ter was at Spring. Mille; the engineer procured water from the pump by, running across the bridge two or three Hates ;;it was after this tike explosion took Vern think the engine hat been erPthe road six or seven years; we have four inepoottn s of, engines on erh.end of the road; the en gine was "tending hill' waiting for another ermine to push up the summit; we drew up here to get the city', skff the tee th , after whieit'we intended to take our awn train to Richmond. . _ •--• • - . Jobl2 WoOtten; molter of,machisesitop at . Wailin o 4 sworn—il haft) the rebelling of - the eoglues ; on each day, as the engines come Into Riehmond, we have a manio inspect them ; if any are found faulty, be attends to the repaillog ; it Is done - every time the enema come to Richmond ; the Perklomen has never shown any leakage more than any other engine ; she wee entirely rebuilt about sixteenponthe tun, at the Reeding shop; no ordinary preasiarent steam would pieduee'the'effects We Fee here; I think the engine exploded for want of r titer in the boiler; there le no doubt of it; there wee water enough fn the lank ; -Ahem ntaidelltave been et least 3 000'gelloss *ater in tlie tank iiMis the boiler exploded. the other evidence elicited wu of an unimportant Character. The Jury rendered a .aerdiet.-ihet t , the deceased cane to his death from inJedieureeebred:by4bifeW pit/aloe of the boiler of a locomotive Perklomen on one Heading Belittled ; Pell expleelorClatiog,deasedly a watt of water to the holler Our reportsrpam &what to the seine Of ;OA sold& nt. In the afternoon The house in which Mr. Jt hn bac. Donald and his family were reelding at the time pre .anted a strange epsotacle;The' front "port , of the building was blown' away, h e roof had fallen in, the railing and PticCe ln;the ftent - and trotted. the dwelling were ehattered into a thousand pieces, while-nu the hill-aide, and, among plesea , of,lthe building were.eltngtttg. The 'remnantir of 'Abe To anmetive had been collected into' hbape, and .were lying; elongsldk Of the treat _The engine flues, end themaralie wheels of iron-stierell inches in tbao , sners had been snapped as madly as pipe. stems, while, of the otherportiopVnething tematned but - arelattiebrintinate'' masa of ruing. As to the fate of Bilaslmer, many re mora were has trded, Some inclined ,to:the belief that lid Ilia weaned from the lettbdiotiv 'Whin it wilt too late tb prevent the dialleter, in order to escape the responsibility that might be incurred for any rupposed negligence. Thegenerai belief:BB4 hewefir.tbatihie bsdv wt. in the river, end accordingly efforts were made to recover it Portions of Misamer's clothing were found on the,elde.of the „hill .anddlla alp cur , the top or the cottage ; bdt dothidewai diteovereel drbie h vlr. , The'oononseionmaa sourest that op diff,rent the rifer, ire MenaYunk, and Frankferd, the report was beard dietinctly, the panes of hunclrede of'dwellinge were br, ken, and a place of the boiler „or, eirgine;weighing nearly fout‘bundiedratid eighty pentide,' way found over eight hundred feet trom the Root of the diealter, while one of the pumps, weighing nearly sev enty rennin, wee blown torcee the fichuylkill, into the yaid of • Id! Arnold reelding below thefittldge. The tonne of the tender of trio engine had been Riled et *Aping 111 lie, and elle undon'ttedly had a supply of water Ample enough to run fifteen or twenty miles further., ." rt < 1 i - The bridge 'ritatained%ndinJuryl that has yet been as. aertsined. It le said that when-the acoldent occurred . . . the, train arm waiting for another engine to take the care around the curve. Much excitement existed ethe neighborhood during the ~day. ant numbers of parsons visited the, scene. Theirs.* of the read was not inbred. and the business of the company wee continued talthcrit, interruption. a A Munvous Mid a growing evil to many ofbur respectable citisens Ja_Ma..prapllca that hasao , Tong prevailed 'of toirdtes in a piiaosteat a citnitlaithie' Character lounging ironed tentonalof the }war, and more - espeolally is the eaoiinir and spting, theta wretches ,alneter-srolhd•Wi' it 44 other 'Oates. and by their prese , co and praetice render bot-woo_turouttetragr phut, of ;Pleasure and none. - -Aron unworthy. ot.:tacialasacti---• Z.41.w0:444--i.44.1a: atit taaocaut children • We, ere glad4oakt: thlatldent. 401 Or has taken the matter hind; ae Jar al th e Wa.birgton Square)* consenleciam , b2,o4sued #l,- "roniptory ordocrtor the arrant bt, tit tualtWeople se theta who polintehnt plintintre itonedi *Ma evil, Words awl deeds, Would, it not be wail lot the:officers hating the ether Squires in charge to follow/ theixoeh‘ - lent example of en excellent officer? COR@NER'S CAB - ea.—The body of 'Samuel ,Talbott; who wee droiened about six weeks ego fa the Delawareinear the Hone Sher, 'tine fetid' yeaterdaj mottling near the" spot :where be was drowned.. The coroiier - , hod an invest on the body, and- 'rendered verdict of "accidental drowning." The Verdi t in .the case of Idc..llealeit, elf* dhirar the Pennsylvania . Ikuipltil'oi - Tue:dsy, orsning. was,- ~r• that. - *is death wad osurrd by InjurieS resolved from 'beteg "aeoldentally knocked down by a train or core near Patkeeburg, - 01telaller sounty,', , cm; ?steadily - Mein; log, March2fith - ," .irreinn i • stemma ;of Alm Dodson, abottioa' es; L eoltie !the' pipers state that Dr-8: P. - Drown - eras intimsdirwitt, brim Toyota, the sub). at of the inquest by thile* . rottar ; The-Dc Drown referredto reirDr: Brown Si thi Seve teenth ward, sod' not Dr. 8. nfoe'n , ,,tireoaroner,'s •phyithilatt Tho•lattor - geneeman eeiracsaw therm fortunate young woman until. called 1.1, hold p post mortem examinaKoog The ,statement is Cabatilatel tr misrepresent Dr. S. P. Brown. • TUE rUILANTHapPIC - ODOE O. . 6 .Of 0. P , will leave this city on the 20111 of April for New York, In'orler to assist in the celebration cf the for tieth aneiversary of the introdietlon Mf• the' cistern of Odd Pelowship into this etuntry.,'4hey wilt h 09121. panted by the Norrittownlitass Paid, and are - making arrangements to render their sr ids and appearance a credit to dhemselies, their order and curette:. A Spionlii Fxlsac cdeurred_ about eight o'clock is+t evening s . at the , reildenee of Joseph , Irsrriso. , pp, the plink teat. POI? ,Siennantowii:—Tainti-fOtirib ward. -It wee caused' by the bomb:god a-bed thatliejl been Bred ' accidentally - by children . playing with, matches.: Trip BAciiitt.o s'BA nog ,CLUB of. thlß city are making arransemente to row to Newitcrk,bityln si week' or two by way of the Perth Amboi , Tit be the outgo of the traohattaii Oldb, and,-will stay for a few days FOTINDLOCO.—About nine o'clock last evcri, fog an Corona was found In a basket Web bed been on the door.atep of the residence of Mr. Charles W - 401, it No. 145 Aorth Nleveatls street,•belint Keit/ ' THE COURTI S YB/ITIERDLY' : OI PILOOIII6kIRCCS reported fnr,TheTreo.l . . Niel Parris.ltietice too O'Beiroe ve Joseph It, Inger.] di and Fd ward Xl. lice, trustees 10' f gutty Decree by Juetlen Bead '1 hie °web having been oat down by the plaint:if under the 52d rule for argument under-the Asigiatiort In the the answer, that the bill is defective for want of pa-tie., came on to be heard this 211th day of Hatch , ISO and was argued by counsel and therefore, 'open n•osidera ' tion thereof, It was ordared an (oilmen, vie . That hen, tl,pr.rrd Drayton, adminletreter de bonii n•n nun les:an - wit° ntinrro, of Thomas. •Orniley Oillelrne,Jand that Tat Ow iackeoo, attninletratar de 6oa is non tom testament . ° annex°, of Arm'ne Shama oo,Heney Mentel tale, ho made parties defindaut e 316;, and that pislnt.lf have leave to amend his bill en WI tovnake the .- arid William Heyw rd Drayton and Tatlow Jaakscrn, ad. ultra Orators as aforesaid, def siderite in said The Pored Ifreprovernent Conapery ee 'Rdirardi. In /gully. Proof of service of not'oe of decree. and notice of tender Orleans mentioned in the decree, le this wee, *ell produced in open Court : 'And theretipah the court attend and direct that a writerattachment do lento coolant the defendants fo^ contempt hi neglecting _and' refu•ing to obey the - order inn &Wee of' the oenrt In his cense. Sergeant vs. Ewing. In Equity Aldo causer:erne on to be heard at this- teim open exneptions to the answer of the defendant and wax argued ;b, counsel, !. - ang, upon consideration it was ordere adjudged,"and do med that' the defendant do. and. ehall 41111aX answer - triples of all cheeks for the some rip . witt e'debit aide of t! , e,bank amount annexed to hta , sitid and of the marginal ortrics 61 trichkkieglia. to the check book front %hick they *tit tYtenj orliilieti of do osertng the came, do ant shall-exhibit tbitevoe to the counsel foe the plaintlfi hint permit htot'tojtkeieoples' thereof • • .` • • • - ..• OVER AND TERDINER— . Judges - Ltidloi• mtigni.—The t tat cr Alexander wOurzaitimed yeater• day morolhg The eloolog eprfiehre-ot connect were made ald the ewe rubmht..d to tho jary - ,,trt up to the h .nr of aepurnment no yerdiathed been rendered." The Vansefin-Cidifornia. A number of the leading, Douglas .DenvieVais now in the oily, held ti kind of consultation meet• log last night, we understand Aftterritiniad to organize in cierY 'county in the State. The nuns.. easy steps for acoomplishing : that objset were taken,.; and the prospects are that the Douglas anti•pioaiapton Democrats will be 'thoroughly organized in the various counties previous to the time for holding pilmary steepens in the spring. In the last contest, the anti•Lecompion Democrats had no organizalion in some fourteen Counties, and it seems they do not-intend to ; labor under that disadvantage' hereafter. They - are active and oonfident. , --45'acramento Unio7t. SPECIAL ELECTION roll ASSEMBLYMEN IN SAPIIAMENTO —Tao reault,BS far SS areertained, stands as follow,' - _ - - Duncombe(Douglas Dem.,) 1,053'; Daoon (Ad ministration Dem.,) 1,125; Lord (itep.,) 289 , sit - owing a plurality of 233 in favor of.Dancombe which cannot be overcome in tho remaining pre. oinots. • TnE ONUSATIE AGAINST TEE CHIN . ESE IN CAL. lEGENIA.--,The minors of, Shasta county, or, more prop%rly speaking, a body, of minors in, that die-. triot, have taken the initiative ' in attempting to drive out the Chinese from their midst., far they may yet succeed in thii high-handed and:un just proceeding, remains yet to be seen, although they have, ao tat, been;unsueceasfril. in".theiref forts.. Th a movement ought to be checked in its very incipiency This unjust, onset, and impolitio conduct should be attppreaseti,' practei and, thii 'Chine* Who for yeara havolormed so large a class in the aggregate of our population, tilitinfd:redeive the same protootion , rout - the Constitution and the laws that .is gtiaran'tied to every oitiaen. The ab stract question - bf permitting the immigration of Chinese to, onahores; and. their, reaidttneo among . us, has been so fully- and - Treaty &mussed hereto fore, tit at; no,present .effut t‘ of .buist irtnitti amtie to „throw any new light upon it. or cbarge the 'actiti wants of tilos° whO , have already'. totaled allied topinlon upon the subjsot.-:-Ana Calr fornian. _ _,.. . --- FINANCIAL 'lll/1) I VOItIIIIIIICCIAL. oi :- , f s.:: -k :,4,..,.i.:=. 1 '.l TY_VI - 91-'1:41 . 1 0 IL-:- 1 ' 1 T k e 3Niptier Minkokrst =' 4:z , ..,. ~ ; P,H14.41411.21p4 /11[04114 811.,18591t0 The neirs'brOught tii ill!'•li:ausetee se. telegrqbed tide moral-g was 40 tinfloici#lithat. De„..buoyancy ox. hibited for two or three aayslait filth. - attrk,niarka,, 7 r was loat, cud Iliebittat fine wh , r ., o,' y,/,, - , th i,"1",,,J,L,, T, „ 1 „. Intelßgenee bythe'Sirsitaiiit 'opoji,Saattmwsibroad,did .. ,- -1 not teatore thh•toms stilts market, -note Mop.'" " the planing price of yesterday, 254;t2,2 . 4 %, 1,,,t.-fin tsc r .tar in the courts of thedierkt 24%4 YTeSitativihla Cen tral' Relived - ...reonhlelLail,..4 4 ,;..sNortis -Petrilsylviolt 0 lialiroad 4, Williamsport and Mthirillalirad - 4 i' iird' ''''l City' Sixes also deolLostivoselUng 119111ftir The mar. lot was ltertyy t though the Chines in,pliensreerain..., ti ' 1 '4, - 'tee that ni warlike sown having. tune ,40 . ong 'pee _ _ , ~ neat effects qtr. generelly antielpated, sod, penp„l,4‘ ire .;;" •dispsettetcr hold "ore for; further developments, ruttier ;,. T. than kilitilekine loleeetepabynallien YIDS taring. , -; ,-.-" ' '' -"The fear of war in linrOpf, , isad"tVolibitietithint kihifs 4 " turbineat of. t ate and c0 mmare94: 11 4% 14 ,4 1 '''.. 8 11,, fain 9 . serfons circa uaintOoliopilatiolialienditienutd-licam , , that o„aettlenteat , o 1 the pemanet immartallotr`abOlir r matters abroad whether the result wei% 'Peeled 4t . ifILY, -"- could hardly exert ittkerVike../. , stitiittlitleiltdinence u9 91, traf , " 0 1 1811 8,111 steeker_r : ,0,1 'f ' .i.- . * ,'., -,' A. B. Warlord, the energetic" Ohlet Et:linear • aid .. General SuperintaidentivelfOrnehitinemtrarniir"' road Conspny.hieopoolpted,99. VL.lecterpoterlsor,,l of the Mil bitiwerem 9qtltilorti:i.f:fia,, 7,ar....gosair" 'was forriirfiensWripi'eFtdenf of , the ‘Liknalagny: - , a nallteitid, end fa tritely apnlien Or :' / .-` - - ' ,-, • It Is sold that &oversee Pretariiii dee' hied to grant letters patent to the old doracieffer constructing a Till foalon Oheatent and Wennt attests. n.. 11 1, 1 6. veb,...4/11r e ad t ei t raed f lo, .qiy ;•illrae', a month' ' , eadinabvitierfildnirr, ii59, - 4166,i38, against ex P ii ""AkhP-aincult"of $l 9 5 78... The greasioaraise:t. for three months anding,ffeboutry 28,1869, latat,393 II; The Increase of the net revenue Is $l4 091 114. _., Ex-Oolleetev Winlitillg Lettels, nin.!&air -I du 'doe 414- ' • -• General Riley in the presidency of the ' Spruce and Pine., ~ streets railroad' - -' - " '-' ' ' ' '... . '',,-- The Wllllatoapiirt aid Iliztii iallroitC0C1111 1 8.9:9 - . gives notice that the &Mimi' ici d the eee4e . kuior} g li g a - tlmds, doe the let proximo;:willlre" paid on and, One? , f , l- that'date—orie lifth`tio - ritiMeniatlois ''und itievehaelnise , , in Angina and - Seiteenber: ' Ilia cO4usiedue- ' 41.00. ' 9i" ';', 1 the eiretel mortgage bonds of the trompiniwitlhhiriilk„., at maturity. ~,, , enzbensanisi itYtitix ttiog4ttaltlar.lis March 30. 1859., ' - ' ''''. V1DT012133 DT staiirnr,sioiVirakiiiruka-rotri Bram, A 16D sip BlOBAltair Ino SlawaTetinize 'manurial. oolimata . ,T?tq.o ideutelitiT ,..! -; "7." '' • • --•- ' I lin, WARW. ••• A. 06 '+' = . • ...4.!. ;',,, LOCO City13e. , .....,0,p.... , 91( 1030 Stitt& Sdnthlt 91 700 do' - 98% 1003 Umnir. Ain 6. 'B3 1187 - i 4030 do E'' R 93 2090 11162,1 $Ca•mi 65.• 33 -1900 ..' 4 1 , `....". '.1."1. 3 913 y, ID 06 Bertleb It tle 9da a - 6 C6OO ', do It 9 1 +21 29114 Tenn neap 58 1 59 gnu`' ° - 'OOO I do -New Oen; 99 , 20(0 Clatite nls2.3ggi4p3, COO! do „Neer Gas 99 1 Girard Bk 9074' 000 Broad Top Bde 8 do Old 4 4 fi. I Aptil ooupeff.-. 59 'lO Yaehs & Idech Irk 59)6, 1000 Penns 192 d m thrgelf 1 Natsmum a R:... 6. , 1000 ,'' 40...4 944 2 Norristown R... 5' t4' ' 1 000 [ do 914 97 Beeves Mead loa 67% `lOO3 Lelath Pp, n Os. 891( 60 Beading It ....'„,„, 24 ! i r„ 20(0: do ,' 899 '--2 Perms It' • 41,1; 500 i Penes R 65.... t14,1i 250 Big hit Caner C0, ,), , i , 1000 WHO:al:10MR 6(91:' '2oolfew (fronds.:: ` : , 4 R 1119591111 '909,2D9. _ _ . , , r 100 4, GI snads....;,- Itroci-mitiflriulethi.t..99x goo i do - I ' MOON/ /Chill s . ' 1 • ' ' 'l9lO Reading 11 Ca 1 70 85.4 10.1dirrira,;11.14 ",' 9 ; 4 .7 I(00 Lehth Val ii es. 90 I 20 N Penna R 9 00= 0 Sannanletmee 1014, ,17 Lellighimip.i.l...s99; 1 1.19c0 Obese Del (Sal Gs SO I , 1 ' "do 2.,1i,,,, I ''' , 8 Netrlehurgll,... AU , 19. 111 11naltilllidelp.::::1 - 41‘ , - 2.5 Pena 3 '4,4% 90 Readlog 7i9 1 .... ~2 , 4 241 i 2 +, do - - ' 44% 160'.4 do•, .. 1.. '.,-.;.;... 24% 6 do 44% 1011 ' • do „19 do - 44.4 10) ,do- ..,,55.244 i 12 West Stale 10... 514 .', -," I CO- 4 ciumaßG P lllo l l Br?p l bi.',,ti 1 4 4 BIC islit , '-' ,l ' Irtd. dit94: 11 8 stl '74 .101.1415,n. 1 1449 1 500.51NV1.9-19 '-,..''‘• ilr Thdls, Or ` ^ "-- - 08,irlfin 1, Poet 18% 10 • it .1 i -" .1 904 90x 39')469.$ kaiak - 9 .5% i , New ...103 1034 , 1 Teltt,MD2,... :12 ~ T 2,.% ~ Plecalti 513 e. 1,4- 93,50c - 4 , 20. • ' - -' ' =lei, lleadldfC R 9477 9$ ..11.tong. lelead.... 1.14C11,1‘ . 1 .bds l 7o Int dB5 95%1LehOtbal & Na,. 81J 60 ,1 i Out 61 '14A2 ' .96,-115 Pena Rk . ....f 9,7 jai . 1 I ilo', l Bl/711,1i 754_1 Us ew.:...: ,s. la g ., Peonal B 44,y 44xl ‘ , 101.,. .,.. 91 100 ~ 24m 6,.t0 off 94 ..' 944' l "-r'Ati -ale Dior Canal Coo. 48% 49x .1, , ' lat'lot 1ida,40,09g ~.. , '' tratdl9olTlollllo9 4 nide& Teiattiß 61 DT '' ' 'B,shl Nay Os 'B2 7216 73 2.1 &94 in R.... 40% 43 I L . 1 Imp Oa ... 79 BO nich'dc Tine St R 40,1, 116 Philadelphia • . - • ,c The market for Breadstuffa Is no - changed. and dell to-; dagan'd 1,31064,401 - Ibis mold - at $6 2i forlinrisillna._: $6 373¢ for extra, and $6 75e7 for ex . ,4* isle r tg • to the trade have also been Ihnltel at the above figures, and tufty brands at, $7,:p0n7603.116 hlskintafftlfaiela quality) The foreign news e:ansidaoarelltt'a dlsenselon on 'chabge to-day, bet_ had xe`„effjoyithanitriatli, 'the cicla. 100 bbleleyerilintr 2e4ithe — Corzt Iles:l—The stook Is er Ripeh Wanted* sa.stiesp fiCbg Idohried for; abbut 800 boa red solt at,„.16681680. and 9CO hot t white al, 165 8 , 1761 lota _eye Is In steady •= 3000 bus yellow sold at Il6irfot*ldleiftl, 2 lllbleiteome In ears brought the same-price ; and. 360- boo; In stole i • as eent4"-optik ore ;115`Bshked 4 Add bupiele prime Delaware, Bold at 64 ants, afloat. ", ,Pconsylrtnla are worth 65a busßell Barley Malt— About ;600bnaheli have been sold at sl,on time- Bark --74411n150hN1a, No., 1 Qvrolpoik#9ld, pi!ttitlttrl and :par t at $36 te r .toa: - :' , UOtina ao'd a rit 7 :ooo bales sold at fully former priees,loolndieg middling and mldcalrarr.taalplande at 133ifialSjiel*Str. slab— The market,issy 4. , a fa*, ' In Sewn! and Coffde at . notket yersiVessotetimptiodesehrket i the asa*: aqe4.4 —.pace Is reerlittle - demaiiaßte ,, Clcieiseisl;ixit t alieatAo bushels Baia ilea bias '445 tee6lo 'for = ltoeo.. and $6 form scarce. 1 . 0 88688 7.4 6 .0 0 1 1 *o.lair-prieszukylasaiirttilae Bathes at Ses..phleles, bbds 27e, and draditee26Xec: 'New t riesf oo t a Ol - y -- l Ort , ---' ..,-; ,11000 - Idireonittl'a - - 569/1 - 16littlein It I , ,naf . , ;9 - , [ - - MOO N - Carona% Ws 99X 050 Sfieldrin Cent e 3 0 150 -. , 10000-111 Oen Ede 0.9 6 100 do 420 50, 20 - 6. t of Com:nem lOW ,0519:i - 11 - do :... :::_x10.60.. 150 Paella Moll Oo ' 17X SO - do s 3 50,, , -f_lo ''.doT• :-.1, '• :, -91% -50 11.-` ;do- , ,'' ,-,:', 60 - ,,ii" , 5 „Del & Hui Bd 101 150 d, .', 960;60' - , .1•C50 51 - X Cant It 17,1( 100,5114 I &,.. - S 'O9 r 12) - 100. - ,410 b6O 7.1% 201 - 7 i'.do - ..• ; ~... 12( 460 '- :do ~, 93 .17,3 i ,50 ~,.... do, , _,_, baels% , ~ lz• ,- , 1..- - - "i3o 799(.1 - 05'', - do - .. • . 129 c- _ ,l [ 910 - . tdo :,:' ..- -f -,-, 11 g loolstos s citiV" "40 . - 810 Erie Rialtos& t.,-, 10' 200 do _ - ,--635t..'` '390 Eln9s,ll4Rieer - J 32% 50 ; _, (h. --- ,-166 • 39h ~ 160: :doi--t - ' /, , 3 2)fr, WO li do: ( :"5uk , 3034 - '. 100 Beading ES - e 3 49N 69 do eto 59,% _' 150 Onlein & Ohi It : 66% 1(0 ._ -: -: do .. - 1-,931:30,5t - , 56y z:. do , - 6 m 60 do e 3 49 60 do „6091 15C0 ILI Oka It -_•030 61 ~ i THE SIAERETS. A sues—The demand fer;Rote Is etiady 'at - td, end'' P..,14 ciniet at 55.879b'. - ,_ _ Cores! cortionea quiet bat firm et former rater sales 010,0 bolo Hien:nib° 51 1110 Ptimpltto 1440f!11!n , t „ i orivat 120. -...ooyro*—The ma'ket in quiet under the stelmeee news,. the Wee, yesterday, rearlylli,foD ,hidee, 'which 3OW were In triiiiitn‘ l, -Wermoter • user TOOK CLASEOFICATION. Oplauis, :DLO,* 'Yea:. 103 C:: 10h,' - • ,soignqg 123(- 19 y, 123( 12t,' *ladling 131( 13.1( 1133,1 Scoirs.l & 0 —The market ,fori.Weatern'Othal Stour ,Oiltitoct,,beary and rather lower, tut at the close there ermi,a better tone in the market for gocd trends Rork g Wheat:Viands are Fessy and inactive, Choice arid fa mily esti:alike held wi h Meal lirioneaslisufnie in , fair deMand. . GRA - ~The truitho and .hearyonere rata. culsrly spring; Ito inquiry -is - ear deed to our local millere—tbe idea are 6,0(0 bus. at_4l - .600r prime red Southern l it tO for mime -white do;' and 31 43 for 'mixed Wisconsin and Or iedgo preps , on private .orrr 'Huge, le,qhfet and _Tient" at afigoifti 'man - 47 good at 400 Kan la eeady at 90092 e. bate are in bet tor demend acd liare..itoprored. -,Flitlenot_Sinh,!4lllffi -63e, and Weeteni and Canadian at 61a e2Me: Rye sales at 1330r9.e. Corn te not CO grucwith more r fferiog I qat.a :or - yr ego, bp. at 854 round Northern yelloW, 89090 c for JeiAay'ard Potitliero do. f.980:10 for good to very eboion rootbern arbite, sod Adc for We.tero intact— doting doll. - -White Beans are' duirat St 1501 25 per bee. ' MOLASSES le steady and in fair reqnliat sales of 1(0 bbd* New i Ortess■ at 400 and 100 do Cuba Muscovado atido PIIOVISIVNEL—Tbe Poik market la yr?) , dull ;,mead la bold at,111 14 , with boyars - sat '111 . 1.00 o. i nrlilient ?inlet ,512 75e13 and roor de at sloe 0 25, with miles of all lends of about BO Wt. Ana'nla rafu.e;', Beef la Uearr and le 401.1; lbw arrlvela aro fair; 4,.Pa or Ito eble at $6 50e7 fore urAry rime ; OK Se 9 30 for do men ; 19 60a11 - .25 for 'snaked roam and $l2 50e1.3:f0r eat 4 do. Prime mesa la notated 517e421 ; good is soared. Hof baron are arm and In good_ de mand r males of AO able and-90 teauet, Tblcago at 51710. Bacon is 'teed , and In fair demand ; •alsa. of 125 ha s . go - tng raidd'es eight) at ONO, and 700 hbdi robeb tides at Bafe. - Out n eats are rather lower ; sales o' 750 bide, hide, end Ice at 4,,v09.)in for hams, and fts 07c far, ahmildere.• .- • • 1, Lard 1. heavy :• Um arrivals are fair; sales of 300 h b:a and toe at 11X011,1(c. Rum —Th.. market to firm, with a utedersta hardness .doing; sales of 200.101143 g 04%6 tut to Tali ) ) , FEIGARI.—Ta. auction sale - this morning, was spirited env end an advance ef ; illearsa .oetabl krhe I ; 590 ht de were sold at prices - ranging frail' OX to nc, nerto 051 ty. At private Ardollttle: hie been 'done ; /latest& 11.10, , ,Itbdis Cabs at 7c, and 160, do New Orleans .WaleteT in Sim, with a fair defraud tales of 400 Mils at 27ga, - • - NEW YORK CATTLE SfARNIT, 7Pedneeday, &lamb 00,—Th• receipts bare been 2,154 Beeves .23'70ms) Peale - 4210 Cheep and Lambe, and ittint 6.000 Swine: •ainwieg a. decrease 0t.177 Beeves, sad-rte inorestee, of 61 Cows, 56 Bliemi and • Laml:W end) 3,500 ,, Stripa, , Bergen, New Jersey £39- Beeves sold to betoken) fOr this ni-rket., The number yea•dt.d. leach* ben teen 1963 bead Beeves The trinket fur Beif Catt'e has experi,e. , c ,ani'advance.isf oVei 'inn:teat , kjr-ile,' With e lively delriiid. mainly Awed by ttin reduced tteek We qu to Bret clue cattle at 133002 u; - good fair quality 100 11', and corner). 9Se. ATertlf of vli salve over 10)(a ‘Bv lb Sr me eat** atoetras high P.O 12g013n. The qua' to wae generally much p• orer than Mat week Some 1,0(0 heed were sold yesterday (Toenail) et Aller•Art a,, , _ , The (f-w trade eintiOnei ieglicted Buyers non Je cldedly few and whoa o=o4 111,1,01131.1. , The glnk.le• IT ainly compered of poor, mualeable quality We qui' o at 25055. There are many young. poor Calve In .nark ;in fact the Bitteicreicdeir are wintedbet a ear- Vain cl, en of unprincipled butchers, mainly low German Jews, who, are capable of killing anythltivand aty thlr g to get money. We know t f an inatance thin wet k where a cow with of Iran hire d and Th.-unborn calf wee taken out eta dressed for fool to Washlngt , r) market a - day'or io since r he au'h , rltlt a toad, li - seizure of soma) onus Veil; 1 - 0 It any wonder that the conuo,nuite are prejolicsd against veal'! We quote the market doll at 807,,,t‘0., -ghee, enti - teroba mein good 'demand and 1242146 V• 11, ; divined at 414 to $9 60 iiv head. Tlie rage of kli the tales this week is over 56 ! 6 OF bead. 111 a rlsets.. by, TA. I ,- • BALT:NoRaj 4lcio r —hour ;doll, but oaebaCireil., Wheat heavy ve ht faimer rates, PIOI46IOLS Whiekey dull at 250. „ Mos.t.e. 31..ree Uottod—Alea to dty 1 NO taloa at 12,v t ; the salsa of thr.o days ituount,te 5, 5 , Into, and the racelpt4 toS-tail Wes: - Bteil:4 exchange la quoted at BX a 9 par ocutlycitolatuz • . t‘sw - ORL.AXSp:td&reh 30 --zoayi,,,,—tvOc. biLlea 'era cold beforis tae receipt of this,Vteieiiti:ie advice*, aE i 2 for trioldonge The. Pork $l7 WM key 254 '012.109 NISI, blank 40. Flour dull. Whiskey 24u. - Provßlorteduill, - 1130ea , Pork nominal. Bulk Meats dull.. Lard 4tal, - , .; A Oro4er A: Baker's pilebrated;FairtitylWeiribi. MAOHINI A NEW STYLE—PRIOR $5O, Maehine sews `from tiro -spoOlsi'ei . frow.the' store, requiring no rewinding el thread; it „ Nem', Sells, Bstbire, ind'Etitetiel iniperiotitW , '-' iiriieldrig oath seem by its own operstion, coarse to be band. needle,..ssi icreftsty4lby 9 1 211r:ot= obinesi Eft will do better a nd cheater sewing than • liestnetreas 'can, ereiiiiribiterbilii I'M ,- nal iiVt` te2s tt 4 LErtiEND YOB A C/BrULAR.4II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers