, ..,,,,,- -,,, --, ,-,,,z•,;dittursol-rm . Aiwpoi ion_ o ft . 'VEI47-1 _ ~;14 _ fmiNv •• - --N 71 - ital• ..;- isitzusourylim . Si-F_• ,-;alaitike,*tiiitofril :- Iv - t :-., _pork trifia•K`milt "igiritwavw""l64"- - :, , ,:a.5....., , ~ ', ,. 1; , -' - ' , - 4: -• '- - '- ' - - ,_ , _ - ‘ - .. - - =,-.,--.--------, . , .- • . 2-111 -- 2.`" Q qtPf.''Xi..• 1 +,---.."--",‘'.fi,':A?..:-.- - - - - . ~..,,, •= 1 -3 ~ - ixilia4 ''.. ,- , - ,',L , --. L„t,-. i il•--:,,,:-.:, .-4.404fi5.4-e4,130 Tom .._.,...,,,0;',, _.A.i.A‘,..,`,.--4-4750-'. iiwrio;carmiwa..."4: 7 - . 7 :110 . 11 4, 4( ::,1:•-,-,"..:5 ' ., ' :!..-'—„,-- •"*;. , % - ag - 11 - .v tk .4 1,1, 0 , 14 4 4. ir „-. 1om ;.,!•,,,,Apiiffic..ii:Atg..4,,,1..7,1,.,.1 - , ..4;:ith;:,..,,mtia,Anwr=feetv,,,ml=,,,, ,-- :-.---; ,,, ,t , rtyg .. .. %.,,,,--4,144...,,i ,44,,,,&k: i' , -1-- -- -, ..111., i4iLatftil4f,V.“Vidri.33,. 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ITAiif #04.: 011. ir ,, - ,ba.g'-i,s4likil,t--,--,*-----7,1--,f -':;'-' •- - i'' =',-;' c . . iis't.'"" . - . = ;-41;":71:'.1ffik:lia,..6$.1":..rarilia. 5i**4,1(,. 4 q,. cf - :,.; 111:;4:411Ver"Ptilni.......i'''',1,2'. - . '- 'iitiii:i ' fails ifiaitF, '1:7=1:1,...mit Jaisti,W,••. - 4 '.7 2 .1 ----- kari:lrmataaltr:.:ii, 4 114 .1 e ' *1644 j ';' • tarrellrt-I-::', myraiitel; '-iltkite_Ute4' '''. .. A"7:WI, ''?l7. fef ...::;" ji4 '. ' ..` • t '-k.*';...-., 414:• • ' 144.4.411444 ~• . - , - cr -• , tr • ~-, 4441 • , • ' v - 00 ..,,Vi,v, ,;.i••.`:-:_.,..a,pii-6, ~•- I. -.-t - • --rtostetaiimatil '• ' ~,,,r:**: ,i a ' 'lk i otli- ' ..,'4,44; •-... „--, kiiiimus# fogi , -411X to, ~ ,lAIROT,7A 77 . , ~,- , •,,tf, ..egt•;._::: i-jo•Fttio Lia,,,,eitiiit fik?uy,to4.., _0 ,, 1, - - .. •...N74,- ,',...11.--:;„„, {1 •-_, 411 al most& 21' 1440 I, 4*t i -TA 5 !"'- I = , • ~4ftliltr' .'.-4, ` .. --r • ,- ? ',-,l ' ' 1 '- '-',' -'1 •!, ~- , 7 - _.1 1, ;V.,',,,kiyrii,,,,),..17, - ,k,:c . -4 . Z" ,, 471',.V .. - 4 -„,:,-, ~:-.... - „- , p,- , : ~,i - ::: , , s '••• - .1 ,_ . 4.-,.7.,!0..?. - 01,1'.-•.'1a14 - to:i t iri-j=i7o*,Caion;l6" •4t) ii•Airo'fju'L-64.110111 Nita '1!)iii•‘:4111141T 04.8 ''11 4 3 4 :t 3 t' -- -1-1'4:112741, ----li .', • : ..,2-4--,)4;f2_: rilallatr: ' giii - , 4- f-..' ,dn - . pil„2.,_-..,,, ,-; *:4;t4 4looll ts, ..., 0 -:4ll,llkt i r.. ir : f - .. g 1r37, - F.3 - . 4 , ,,. ' ' 4l -", ' V,:; , ,_4: , ;.t. ' ,r ' ' '' ' '''',,` IP'*: ''.- :tilli '.. l 4 4 l l'lllagnl fi '- u ' ii i:4:4..:l'' i fi - Z, ,3 - . i --,,,/---11-, - ~. ' - -k . tiorto;..,,e , .. . ~_,,,,,..,,, :. ~..,..•,,,,. -„,,,„,,,,, ~ ...;,,,..„,.......,,.... ,•.••„•••:•.,,,.. ..., ~...-.....,.....th;...... , ,33:, ,-...•,,....„-,,,_ =l:Art lailt.o W",tVf4r .: 14 ,.. • ••1„ ~'; 4.114.01*.5A-Mittiritol7:443ol4- Aisr..., „,,,, , ,,L , ,...-% . :• , ,,, ~,.; i ... ! Lt ~,,,:. . 4," ialWillidtcalla• fft.Kv.r.s:.l4 r !,i • A V./ : Ta - ,- , ,f," umnri n g fen ; . '‘ ' ''i - f•' ..; .161101 41 ' .414;'ffW*),,,a2„.01- ?!,,--ttiaktiteiti, -A-- --04-1•100 '',•tik".•mat7T- -tarsiti.btt,ite, talttl • *- - tawid to , , : ~ ,,w,... ..". , noworebuo , , '' = "4l:',6 bilMie . Ww . '• iii ' ar , , P,l"r h 4,1 ,--, - .,-,1 , ~. _,.,- 4,0„.„ •,. , :lw i s.tv - ''. ''',•,,-:; 4: 4,'' al;.:A.:1:11f!" "lArZ`--fP,I.,e)L-or: loitilicd sm ot t raciii fsie Ita irg -Vote ''''''4lo 4 ll4l4 .tli (drusiileiiiil44l)MlN- : ~, tai, . iii . 1.3 , 1 ,.. t„, 00,2114,Vk. ,itiktuset infilitio?!.lool*, :f:- ~ .4 - •*,_ froirow -• • iimailltilrOgfrorNol"ll24) ,i/431110 11 ,.x.T. i ., , g" bats aboußl so t, - : 4 0 , 7k1it_..- 1001 ,...., Ty. j'-Li. laeoa,lll,7:=,_Th.. ':''s.--:v.,:-'2."!..,7,4i,',... bkitilletillVitt ' mom tt id inth humbso4 :::• •,,,:•*, ,---:ti.i.,...iyuktargil,htigrrtem ! "theiiiiiiir c thot eink, '-'' :1"1"1-1111.4141fAr 7i0060711all • rl'ilerttall ' ' ' ".from 11_ I t of April. 4i, ;;A:m . rt.%Lw.r....._** - :01-14.. xt :rootto, 'At turo'--.7-: *flirt , , impa4t ol , o , 1 . 1 .= W* - ''''Z'it'W7Ai - : ' oittetau - _,Lit,rit , 7,, m7,44-Itaailival.. ' laall4l34aTtel 77 1 1 iiiilltr froni 4-t-i-, • • . 4 ,,,, i ;,.. . • oluoic...it - • •-• • T .' .1 '. .. - - 117014000Vorallw -,..4,41 '-alf,"t'l" ji -100400*40""k% 41Ii lila . -: _'.... L ' 4 . ; * NA 4,11,,. „A:4 11 041g tia i'fr=toirto'Bok-. : 4 1tit . ; 41 .4 : - 4 Irkitike ** AR V*" f" ak4i li ir. - ' ' -,..4/m. , ,- , v; -.... , . . . ••, ~, - '_ -,•,--.,: ",'„....., - - ,i'' , '''' „,„.„,..,------ 1 . ti :V Vl At'il s "B":")iiii i bases ar-17- ''• ' ', dit chscitemiro,t4l4l7_l,44.,stiii'ip'ik ,_. ; ...„ ,. . }ii4iiawa. , ~,,,,,, p., ~ , ~ : __, , _., i - . ...kill p• , lash. Ro binson• i tia . I. 44.60,140011,101 and,.. '111411"141 2 ' -,i - 'Ur r tit lan,' - --',- -', 1' •l i ku tig aat T o f ainv ol /fli l o,t . '4 B UMtn 2Mb ' „ . -:".. ; :iii , ..:011814.11 . paki. -', -;,......,-*. ~ii,T,4oolihd., ~- .4i.io ~..^slliTlifit‘PaTte.drigii7 f''''''C'''' "', ttekaiglartik alt, as , h . r was d* i iminit ~, it I'.'"' ' L. 3g-'614°141 . 1139 ' 1 7tiratirgAr)%, - 1 -, :r l J:7 '1 a t -•. : - :,-,--,, 4apig, !,1„ - Il i tilit• A • , , , • lhoilio4lp.it, .. oi ,•,r 4 .,.'tg:451-4941"oittitill ..W4PW-Af`'2l4l3 at ~. .. it. ;,, VII IV Ir r ai..4; Otailitaas'4slloo - -!,- -, ,' . ' ' -3 ' .:ll llrliifilitlerth lot .L '..i....fk.,),ia-Lit;asii '' 1 -' blip ' 011 = 17."I cerraa - it;l7, Write IrO7lF-' a l-4. ..1t0vri, , i!1,!.- ! , 1 , r,%,. & , - Ar t ' ' '-'. -' ' .710iHd t law Tads attli 4. -11 ir i „a...-. Nistion 111 , ~. , '. 4"" ' '- - ' — 14414.'"' , i .5.1... K '+ - - ,.1 •.' , ..1 it 'A a fittri , ftai.,, ~___ ' .1•.:11 '*'' ' "'-t ifkitt4i#O r tftie#lo4ls4obili - owir LOnfitA43„, :_z,,,!,,,.A:,0*. „.iikut,r,,,r,,,,,,, - , -,,, , t:;-„ , ,.•,---,,-i-. •,, - iment-sit#l l -:, ': - •-v - ,, ,, ,A•umiroKsira-* „,,,, , , , ~ ,---,-, :,„„,, k • , , ~.5.„,..,1, ~:c*4 , 1,- .. , i r . -i . ,-. , - .-:•,..-4::.z.-. , - —,,,,,,,,,..,. ~,,, , ~ , i ll • _ ..,,,,...„,_ , MINIKEI - - :i . ~,, 1 ;rt . ~.- • I:l44l=lri lia .." .'4's - ', l- , i 4 • ';' ' As t i ,'"'"` " Cipw Old i4' P r IR' ~ , „ Ilkair '11611,"` 47-, .T ; ')r; . -- q:.7 a jtOlk,.. , 1. .1. _ • , :..-1 1 _lii-441tr 1 WOMIIP , 1 /0/340*0ARY.,0; -- ' - 0 4 5`.1 .4 " 5, ' 41-,-...,.. t ' .. ''''' : Zr.; 0:411V1101#1. -, :tir.l., 4. ~,..-=-1,4.414 .1V 1 11.." 1 4 1 - 1 , 4 11' . • - Ali ' : ft.k , - , ,, , 91 . --- ,sto , tqrrillt t ar j e U t [4 ,,, "•:%*" , :, 1 -- A 24, 0t 0 0.4,12414-0001, 4 , Piljklirall% - w z- - -'-‘:•"'::PiiiiCitillitl ~.,. , 404161 , 1 0,/ri, Alliti 1 t 4276" , • , .11,.1,7177•5,=.4'7.-:77-7-7t.'7.-‘,...,a4t, .1. , t.;,4 1 • 6 , , i. ,- ,001,41.41folo„,_4:- . trw.=-..:- 4 , - ie 11,4,„,,,A6;046.• 1:' ' "..- - `1371:' It'i , , ( 01 4 31 0avriorrusto!wl: . -:,,rd. i„, ,,,,-,..., iqi . ...5 - ..; • , 4T - etif, P , -, ta.o- : ,. .ft 1 - 31' ;041 ' (WC 'l4,46atilcas" e !A liruMl lr 104 trt6 of T ,FET.,. • • No. - • y r , 1111 .`~`~` linbtll ' Mt 0} 1 8 ( : 0 1' ,M.9414#4,4*Atiz0Cr1r1e . 14 1 ..a3 t-M - 11.14 . - 771- a l id s o .., , ; ; ; ;k nt,Rl .121.1" - . 14 ' .b*Okotali; ca'. &e. . k 44 *MR= /al H orate. • - • -OPY• 41 1... , .,-.- r i #onserof MAGINN11::: • STRERT, 0 - • /111,10.21 11 MA, Deldifte,lll,t: '34I#OKESINTMO V i # B4B' P Q P DS ' A#4 l 'biti; l ;lo ,o o * l4 : C : 1 - ': i4'4-n'411:1;(11411441' Atin[P lit:l ;24lMAolll:lB. lll36-''. ;' - , ItOOLUW , MILLS. ! 2 1 awl ! - r" 'fiAttei;l*!;Akepliefairistfalkiliesens, igi)WXNAVI; P,AVNE„ Importer " I _''''`alKibtaittoli; OXITIII4IATIRI4O43. 1: 7 400 0 0 8 f:: : • , • -",•;•; •; • nEIOII LTD; ` • 117'• PATiltilT VIATIULti : , -44iielegia • : 1110,•20iLiX , MOB 111#11ADef Imo:, 'lll - 16814t4. ' iTiOripjsalswc4o,lvAlipp.p4sA REA. F .-...:A„Avigyoklirjr,Dx,ohunto.B.Jokell, - .llait!inlTet Phoil - pbabstir Eiraa...: a 1 ' 84.78 -Ateatatalset bt Phrtapharieleld •Rbtorlde of Wawa.. - r 2.54 •Oarbosista olt•ilis• • - 1).4, "PerdBide Or - Irois and 4.lumisa„ . " 4.08 r. - - - 4z :144 k J.Q." 1-T- .. ; l OO ite, le t itri lalsk •- t eentige Of. - „Phßsphaste Omepabeire stated, reootitrisaal a the 'entitle at once as a superior Phospliatie 848811. 0- ' - .li -FERTILIZER, "? • "„ Via; • • • - - ,SUPER O :I4IOSP:TIATE -: OF LIMB, ' ?mg , • , - -2." "111E NEW JERSEY - - WAWOPAOTIIRIEtiI 00.. _ #OY - iiiliiiiiisibsialkilSbigr[ialietleal and As! alytleal oherelst; • phi* ofaLiais. •• ' - ' 20 Sulphate of Lime. • 10 :OrdaniteldatterylalAhigdremostia " ' 45 'Asattioefae Salts ' ' ' 7 liseellatd• ntitellaiSitnatter.t • J " 5 liqubldllsitaioEoOr. and or 83da 10 tirde, and 101 as - „ri• „, • • ' rc, This maw* 'ls .00mposed of dead aniroile, blood, iiiiadilaret me bones:* -- • t:•:„ - - Elea ouse4toar etertsniers haviek - forusd, ay.:Manure 557401ill'itiamentEtto be t a-adapted 'bravery moll end at'Op-wellioomisend it with the tallest eo - isedtiooe. 280 to 400.1hilsti - .545e have treTtently laaremed the yield cts*, eersta.',l • t.- ;< PATBP 80,114unior aicto:os. ELU of_the'AtiovayEßTlblZEES, la blvi,stri barrels. Pleites2B too per end 2,240 - arroording to ...4. 055 05/A/ 3 004.Purdhased.. 20 r. - ItIOWA.E.DB mtLiatm,, • 71?7//10 . NT Mei - beIreiWALNUT, -7 -tiatl-Eitot 2131- , Philadelphia ' Fudowais yrABMERS 11-3'ARMERS !!! ‘,. OuglitteAtertmlutizlio.sosse: of Bonne Mao well karma to all farmers, Sod Alpe niertt. ao *morally. aeknowlidged, that lt le !Vrt linctirWilitligAad kt. POLVIRIZIIO 0011InlifildiVriOV Mesas, TIBBS in - CO., fast 'an* otiwyjeritiikers. • At tide ,anitesefill lmuirery.uret ,Unitiereolniz, tha _army_ objection . , egeln.t eettoill he/timbal , glow. result,. ) AretineellAiCotiieri:niner ifeiniti-lvehlett they wensihtratimid,Oatieatis plifi, alwayi reliable. It .01fr.iirottie Stulah the ion, rah lorwarklyi • i crops, lit'thei***,,iptia be T. aliflti G. ~ y4T-1-,p; .. 8../.*:4 ~:.11.111t.§ &cots, : - Elarks+PUOseitatit.or writ • i.jArtasi,l,Ottlisikr: is by . I=o4 ' .11O:nffinfurristitiOMid Sod mope Is inirkified/4.infreg- , = , ,lftti all .PllO.Lbliffraf. • .04 1 1*; rz ° 4l .6 81 .09,At )40/ whor brisk ilitifwaudg ethnic it is need In sinint the mime quantities and - iboy, , ,aaine put. i thif,OkemirealPtilverliett Bohm, allwlit,P o Pniur ptil. up In brww And tii; talc "fueleardant frikliandlimr... Every attentlini yield to arniyithiwe'irlabing inforentlqn. The ,; latest' tiatrinrir ivi ppun Mete Minot° behMud at, on! °Mee.— W 40094, free, or tiny, part of the city 'S..TLYet ,- . Se Tw.mtui ic cm. • Z.'...z , .., - ,- . 10psilltlionth_Wharrea, below-lWarkot . ' .t —*Phliailylphia Pa. 87-L-Tfie•eold the bnetie'eed delay . , on the . 4 i9hart intlribbt Altai ' - ‘640,114 . Olyikr;,46bzips. UPE PHOSPHATE OF-LIME, made of /W 0411.04 ibr4ANSlMoNtv(oooww RD; likilltiNtsWio dant&nand eikini*eri ikefir *am, 104 Iie;4I,IOkWA.TEI, wad •• . .arittinliWYeif &lag*: WR Tk ;r - i 44- : . VAUC 4 1:4 4 43 - . 06., .;• , ,_:* ll PC_. ‘ 7 l :ol#4 7ll 'hi, ...g l 4i;th,o/414. ,:- AXE;iIE 6 8-40 kXO.II'4.:NGO/011 , PA45r. : q.l-3i .t. ::z-3 , ,ii .....,.. . , - '7, '` ';, ;l' i P OAP/tit ' • -,, f0 ji. ii itx,p,tx IT i STREET. :10.111,1POItilli1XPIIEPANA letreod tie 6 th and 20th preenti month.;.- - 'i. - :ti'4,l , - ,=••• P .14 '1 , jitik)splo/..,01i8it. EXPllliititt4 lesv.l4 ell tie i ,egerer stealiers=earA Attat ; ,171,1 h and 214 of each „mouth; , ' • . 4(4l;tendiffiiiii) iiii BevaNA. with prompt re: torite::::Wilenetiert. to our Wends, P.:O. BombiZer fr..: . -- , , AX.Oitiatott" in llitijliticitea, OttOoMil, iiiithwtaa Tios i lfoOmrANA, tiiii•pie in intim to init. ,•,p , tl - , , r{-Ataiapalumis.,,cromatonorts. -, ', -i• I • - ,.16 - , -- 4)*NAltorltiNoznavboneo gives' eepeetel'it: - .70PRIii to 'potty*, one,ata sU 4pletts-let- gait:lsle and 40. 4 , 0 40 witig:AiimiiptAribois.-- , - Basiutsetarers and -merebasteteales4or-Oeliforole-or-Oregoo, can 4 _t, k IV* errleeleireheough oar honk, and *-Alitlr_ „ ,the , *MI pkietor'4a mini- of. Om scold - there, `..sel#,,r - *trammel f all,tiiniiilt of time on islet, sad :IMMO ill) 1400 . #l . l4tcriecOl of '9O mperty meal tt., ol —rite'..`;'' '-. . - ' • • ' • ' '- , D.',A.- BAllatli r r Jo., Agent. ~. " -- AEPAIIIi,EXPR4SS 00/4 Pa_ ,941.„11/ SOS - • D 11431:1,TAWISISRlf 31X ' PIEW AMIANONIONTS: it ATBS 8*D1A31)... _IZare.,AMAISS Simms co having„ eouipleted 5r .4101.11061111_ _ the Sotto* dad Retateburg, Peters, = 65 kirsehbluS; IN• Xiten,„ - siel :Vicente Bell. Aff,l Xs* nOri tgapared to ere QUICK D.TARAICH sinelaiitHDHOND HATES, .to 400de dmithtedifeeidasea in-1 1 11LEIVALti NORTH and 80IITH MAHOLII_,A.iGNOROI4.4LnifiA3in s and NAST and 74"1” The eitablbduant of 4 THROUGH INLAND BOTITI/ PEIXL4O2IIIIII,ta *murals, Teno,, mum *Otentbedta and Sonthiriatarn =vire aide =drillable reef= of transportation at very teaeonable teem and ayokil tho vtiks'erdeitasiiallgatton, nikitsafsarefeiliotahl• Itilsicritotte Cie mitigated itatnalk hotodaM V1iK)11(1811IOND , Those seleeting the=ate "lIPMMOIIIII/1 HIM lit,lll LOWRI ILITEI 011' ifiliteliCMillil4llo AIWA 1101111010 ldOttOra." igrDry Baits sod Shoes, Books, fr..conqienitakitaiseerientrally, mishearing sin feet to the 1034x0hcittll he - ihoessed , ant taken as Heavy " • 111j 1, NrImixtrand•Hutrr GOODS taken at a intsonable 140/4114141V6i1A.V1r rasliturt AATIS; : —ID The 16sipsieti 'Melted Use of Express to the tooth and Einithieslyby etesnots to OharlestoS and shmaristiPellibileontloned a heretofore. • • For farther **format= spplp at the °choir, No. 411111ELESEIRTE. Street. • k - mie7.Bis = A.D4103 EXPRESS 00. '_:': - '''' 3 .:;wittiiiii4 . 4 , :iiii. ------- NOTIOE---CHESTER TALMIIt RAILROAD —PAP WEIMMINrrti. &DOWNINGTOWN:AND DM' :',T,11111/IDiATE BPATIONV—Oit and; atteVlet Tann- XLVIIIIMM4 for bOWI9/1519TOWN, IdUiitart -, tlialumeapet' Berko' the Philadel phia lad clentpearieerner of BROAD 14011X111011WD'ioi:Dioralopiatin, leane at 7.40 4" 31 , 45 H 4 1** , 1(0 't"flOaatiP 3 l ' leeres st D AZ oLibi <maw- eliiiititide`atitertituaft '1859r - ' - ' 4ll / 4 1 f /ft3W4RI P' . 1859 ' , E4 1 110 -1 0•D; =Pumas AND JOBBliad, - itt r o.leoiti,kisAli templets hook ENOLISH r Ogprd, 41;ASEMARB, %`• ANV,qITERNSWARR, (At Milo old otm1), ' -.No.' 82N9RTH FOURTH STREET, blirahi;ntst Itotelo tki *Minion of MIYZEL r. ""Iftnillithaitid• iNATITTYtt:iIf a I .8° is ?forcomr, 5141211At ;niiinI,;rinell;a. nalo4l4* Irlc_iqWEST--70HEBTEM A OADEMY; i r viAVAOMMTIE.4Pii.OoIIi commence Its loth Moth* gAlseakit iAisto its' stassO Principal, on 4inifritt , OVNISY mint. hit - aquae ot fait notion 1111!1141gWatil IVOROtralti 40idned arum:god SO pigipsti - pojs and „foams flied. Toi'oBOsgt," pilot tlis lstatitogi , toltalltinitintin; latittellitiPz , TOO 4113.11 VA N .: RIDE I=llllACRlllRPot.tiget,italith 4tporisuait. •, number - of sown. • 75, ander the ehosgnot 7 b grosegoompostAttit.thformanurt spry,to - 4 11,Af f ., ! ItjiWYMB$ ' A. 1011110ATZ;ctind nos, who aro" .tilaistoirteiratltieepAbod &Within of fn. fitittiteshittolOi to tior allett.stitoultott: We dus lit'PVoo4dittitif, 4 .totintliatt . tht Tung, Poitr. wag:ovum sine, ItopottalAtit•to 4 that who too op , *Mt ttitailttnr,!ltts ftuttr; losoutas , , It'l3llllTl4 " 1 11100 R kaild'elLMlN Streets, rIMeDWATED O BIiIIaiDT , rimppeted iPotlt-itiVZXllo4lll s te i ttri oat 7; iooto!te 6t 6 Al l iWitti t tal l freitt e Its r a z it;l3 Arai deeilgeirtisity tar! earp:OfTeed frcr4lltiluif In iNnsit Arippepougvhoemc l os, a ininew le/nYainfaotared 4741-*4.07,W711Y I • 00. • )11114. ,z-:,......,sYquFsmcAtgompatiteo,":- _ ,Ain, iz.crobs. , THg4 VASEXinG4TON ,-I , r ". ,_ Ey,B,E, 49, I 4 ANDELL, - ,---- ' FIRE AND MARINE „ of ~,.. ;:, I FeaitTli•AND AROIT, , 7:41131:71:t.A.5TC1.10 COMP-a:MY, :,, c, r-. e' ;;1 ,- ' e cl r 5 ~'. , ~ Ate now opening Spring ' geniis of the newest s t yles. _ IrAfg4lll(Alt_ putuawas, ' ~1.0, -, ,, ~ ii No. 230 VALNuT STREEI i , 1 J. , f , DOIIIII.I4IEIRT DITtrIiODIS. f PHILADELPHIA. , '''''''' ' ''" jii . NOP 'NI!' OTTLR SIL1113:' Incorporated it 11667. under thaGeneral Inearatiths,Latr liri AND 1 1 ARlte B(PR1. of Penusylrania. ,••••• ..• .-• 1 1 . . i . . • , t A . IPRINci itIDA7Lt3, , N,Ew orTum. pothortiel,otpitoz . - i .... .t.A.'•:...'e 8600,000 ''' ' ELAdiSILift WHOLitiALR. Sabaiiiibed Capital' 0001,000. • '•,,, _ • Paid up Capital 1140/00 _' - tlitEes Goope OP NZW PABBIOR , e'i L 1 ,'J GirSiditinOTAliDA itbitoft3 i 1 7',` :1 i r a tl l l e ,L lE B IL TO P 7 - 11 1114‘ 0 8 : : f C iT lil i ° P l l. 43il li: D C Ci o l o ° D sB l3 . : . Bond and Mortgagee, tint lien $62,170 , Bank, Railroad, and other Stooks I endlettatitier,i -••• • .- '54 000 t ' Neirgoodivreeelvid . ally. .118.2..2 Cash In Bank _ ,-, lnsureaustur unastM L0136 - -01EDisHAGS BY PIRI ...... L,03(. e .' 114400 , ----- - 01i--BUIDDING11; 'ltiltitOtie.r•DlSN, HOUSEHOLD • PUBlifTl3llll, dn. Also, on CARGOES and nil tear to and !roma!! parte of the world, and Intend Nudism. Don and Transportation, on favoranle terms. 1 _ OFFICERS. • CHARLES G INLAY, President, s -IPM.,WRIOHT„ - Xicie President, -N - 0 O. smile, zieentary, 1 H. G. RAMBORGER, Aseletant Secretary. 5 '' .l4Siil ' ariini 1 ' 444E9 W !Moja imlay; 0 0 Batter, 5 William I ,t, Henry R. Strong, P r. Torrey, D D. Johan, • t , TOO. Toner, Alonzo Batter, Win. B. Grubb; J. H. Elapse, Charles G. /alley , matlll4l 7 ' =SE FIRE INSURANCE. =NA. INSURANCE COMPANY, of , llsctfoxl. Cask Mde, Jo. I, 1859....,51,562,920 OS 161411AYPAN ' FIRE 0024.PANY, of New York. Groh loseloylazi. I, 1869 SPRINGFIELD 2IAB AND.BURINI .~ ~'_ 1 ' Cub Ansetn, Jan. 1,1859 NOTE AMERICAN . RptE Cash Assets, 1A131.1, 1851? ' • • Inutie-p,R12, - matrwroz aom- }UNA oVNetiis-Ybri, Cask Amok. Jdn. 1. 1P49... :.. '211;884 Si ; taimoneslw FIRM TNEKTRANOM ! • COILPANY, cAtikddietat Jaz. 1,,18d9 ; 9380079 83 dnd •Itisies ediroted and poniptlrpald, at 1118 Agency, by ' 110SWItrIti wittoN, Agenti, No,2 I IO,WATaiIITBT#RE . T., NTERPRISE E - 3:N131711.L5T03:3 , This Compeni insofes Bnlldlage , Turnltere, and imerita*i!le.gtner4lTt spinal lorrkar Auriga by are. The pobolee of Vale Oantpeny etpresely Rrorlde thit I.Ol°A affjlo l 4 .ar,felfaterefseerritif;they . alien not be Arfllolllll IT Ann Aar of the ownetotthe property In sured., .n,t!re leemittis thesentende4 to the holden of fifnefety'Risfs'anfl4fenteibli, inawithetAndlng omit deal slow' of tbo Ova ta of i ser, Grouni Rents, Mortgagee, Mocha:dos , Liens, ‘inil other fieettritlee , Yetete, will elm be spatially insured if desired.. • e I DIRIGTOES. ' • P. Rate Mord Starr, Merdleoett. Daweon, William WEee, George 11. Stuart,: Nalbro Frasier, ,Joko.G.,Brown, -„ iota St: Atwood, R, k.liatiusitock, Boob , T:Tredlicif t , ; , Andrew , D. Gash •, Deity '4: Livhilietoii t. ECOSI£II94D: BLOB, President, OHAELEB"W..OOXt t seisretiTt. -' mutton/ail , ' cif 162..50UTR; STREETI.' GNNERAL• INSURANCE 'SGENO SAi3INE, No: 317; WALNUT er.;;PETIADELPIIIA. , ., Marhni,,lnlind, and Ififf Insurance °Malted in reeponetblb'bhmQ6afeiinPhilkde7PLtian New, ork. '.. , .4110i-.161•1011 ARCTIC IMESUMANCII COMPANY, of New York. Oash - SmiOtit; tfii. 1, 1860 , 18302,100 11$TROPOL/TANINSUMANCEI COMPANY •• of New York. • 01.4411idil s ikti. 41960. , ' 356,444 2IEROANtILII- I„PiCOMAN9III ,COMPANY, Wen Yok: • , . . • Cash Asada, Jan. 1,1850 111188i0iiii:IN8fi/BAN011 COI4PANY; or N..ir Pork. Cask Anita; lin: 1, 3659 230,060 INIKOWTOB ,-pO3IPANY, of Hartford` , ..- • - Ow& Assets, Jan. 1,1860. T - ="' =.QUABERT. o.lT.Y.:riNsuiteNOK 0011PANY, PUIL&DBLPUIdI Pa.- .11/BANKLUL I BUIL,DI2fOS: 40S.'WA4ltOT Phreet. OtiAltlrEtt'l4lllPAT'Uny. Paid up Capital and Beu la '1424461 42 Chartered Capital. • ' locr,ooo 00 Insures satinet loss or damsge,by Fire and the perils of the flesAnland-Ilivigation j and TrantopOrtetion, on the moat favorable terms. •.` • - Lreee , iprdinetiP aditiated andield. , Gloria Ar. sit*, t - ' Andrew n: Chambers, 2., A:O. Clattell,' ".• ' • - OSitleiG • rmlay„ ' 1 Pain ff. VOW ' U. R. Conehall, :' , lroster rarlanh' ' - Jaya, , • goti. a. 31. Fallar.', 0E08.014 :RAW. Pre4ent. ROHS, 'Arida Orealdent. - - -- 7 booovaiditA ISeoretarsipil triisaturer. ..'.... ll 4 l ;.lPTLiikt 0 07 ,4 1 7., 1 : -; m 421 GBEAT ITESTERN .117.1317NAN0E AND . - ' Taint comwe.tor, : • - AND TEN ABU uNibtriNsua&NoN ochrekNY OP eonsolidated their blislitose,:wlU-bereafter con. &Lathe saniendeer the name of the • .• ,GREAT,WESTEEN ' • INeMektION- AND 'TRUST' COMPANY, • Oftiov, ho, XO3 WADDRIP Street, (OokepaCyli , r. enitennaxte, • With a eombined Capital and available ASSETd OF OUR /10,000, ,Ingested, fqr themost put: in Pane Borne and Moat , omits, bearing six per, gent intereat, on imPfoleed Poo stete:Avottit double the eanoiint:-" ' ' • Ptaa,TYLAND /ND niniardfosilab Bleu 14 4 0111 oases moot primal's terms. , ' _ DIRECO'OBS. `i•Oltailie o:Lathrop, William Darling, —Ale:vender - Zoltd_O,Hunter, • - gaga, Ilium Liasiehurst, O. N. Shipman; . 7. 11,. L bleOtudy, • ": ,' Motors s - Thorne L . Gillespie, Olathe Marten, Daaael D. ' • “Zonsthen Z: O. O. LATHROP, President. ' Wit. DARLING ) The President. Jem4e. WRIOIIT, Seeretary andlireerorer, • • = -:WTHAILL/Aesistant Secretary. __ _,O. It. fiIIf.PALAN, Second Vice President, miris-ditW tf BhAttOrt OphOn, Now York. at*ittg Satbittti. 1-PERBT a BOUDOIR _SEWING KA, craps* iworetwa yhtillo"eei Ate te eat re• liable lei -pried Sewing hist - Moe 1a liee. It Will Mt from six to sistr.alltohes to an look, os sal kinds of trom coarsest bogging to the floret cambries. It IN, sitllorittet r eaptydr, i tliciAleffloet Its nrearardisl ozolitrnotion *icor made; animas be ran and kept Inordes `by iohtle of tireire - yeitii iriousntrr of thiseuteldne, Ind them:mutt oil, in woits, wat• `iiintioa iriiii!suriiissoti by otter. ItiSperal Maier third tlii*liirtaired jo . gijee p9sdLed'lrtll.fohee per mL site. Tie thread noodle taken directly from the eico,, wipootm Ten Viounl.a or istrinome. In frot t it iii e emaiins that Initiated by Cleary finally Who land, and the low,prlce of . - TRIRTY INILLASB, ' at whith they are sbld, brMan them DS thin the stook o almost ' , sou one. ' B. D: DAM, Agent, dnl-41610 W...4a:0r-Ons 'lrldtt.A.DOU suOirdioiCkrixos. Kft.Allll & CO. Pititto-70M15 5511,truviartragsg, N 05.1.8, 8, and, 'I Nerth - 1511 . 5&W Street, sod N 0.207 • BALTIMORE Rtreet, between Charles sad streets , tmitimore, Bate alwiro on hind I lute ducat - meat of ,their superior rianos. recommended by aertidcates from S. 2halberg:Btratglop *fat older telitlesited 'pit/oft ere tti equal; if 'notangerlor;ti) sikijr tnadein ale country. The durability of their Pianos will be warranted for Are you*, and a priellep - Of exchange granted within sia months, should they not eta entire satisfaction. hleanfaetnriloa la.gely,me wilt eell wholesale and re- WI, at the mod tesSonable Prides. WLLlflaldAffkßli CIO, Mews. LI:11 & WALKMS, ,tro. azi uazetbut Streof,Rlll44olplifa,l_ aro'Attr anthfulasi Apente, , and wal keep ootudantly on . 4 . 11 and sell e. t Winne pt ntannfietaterlapritet.l` ". -!' mhhdra 94,1c4EASITGI & SONS, IGOILIPLOTI7IIIIB 07 GBAND,,l3QtrdltB, Atm UPRIGHT PLANWORTES. WARIBOO}O 1307 ; QUESTNUrIiTitEXT, Vonatintly in 'store 'diem Jack of on; IntallTll/IM 11118QUALIED INdThInIRNTEF,- tine have been awarded, at the dilrecent Ashibitind tide country and Zoom 38 1 30/4/ AND 13102 - RittEkr-OLABS MIDALS. 312047 , , rump, rowres. ( . , ffir , Ilia **Oita, an elegant stook of BMW; BAN a, AV. AtiUNDO , & •OLAILS DALLIST DA, via & d o ., 'ma cialm a, 00: s plegoa, vaLinak my.,arsozatp i t i t riii A r pziwygg ia. sakto.l ' 115 South RlGHTlLdtreet, below Obestont i . ' IMPORTARD AND' DR'AtERB, IN ARTISTS , - ~, e • J. nab% Le.', Reeommendti, Artiste and the public In general their ludo Ortak of infertile fr ititt Doges; Winsor & New ton and Geo, Rowney & Co 'e on and Water Colon, Brasher! Englieh and German Canvas, Whatmea'a Drewhii,Paporei, Colored Crayons" attune!, Colored N 'ature frde'frisolige,`&el, &o/ , • Dineonnte given or %%where and s ßearinariee. Conn enredied it trade oldies la2A•me tl` 1 i t t IAS ‘t..•',.9 meostotio, such as Critters, Ballailtd* Oastiage. Mc (chicory: , Gadd' Barirlii.'olll4b ben ttrol.lYA. QC 17461U5T BEL ONT; -." " "'NANI .1159:76 IfF;KTIIR'6TREIfT, : Imes Letters of Oro(Ilf for ' TratellOnf, available fl fg)l4ffe of tkitvorl4,4hrongt} lb? lifltaro. Rcehoblfdi, Of 1%04; VoodOm. Iffoolffort, floploo, orof, NLl eons, I / 14ff "I,l4frdootot" . 7 • 7 - • • DY, FON, REI7RAI,GIA AND EItEADMMX—E. W. -TIIOXiiLL'S , PlEtb 3 ISAMU!! BAINSI Ji &sovereignreined,' for title • die -411.11h4 *ell- setiireleedielie- Tot eterf inatanai !plant/A kaabeenipplied 0 has produced, *certain end. eiStoOp cure. emit of Eittefuliearee, otandlng, after evhixoptittenai.ty ,sAr,vo like magic tiloranen - ineeinerof and relieved the' patient 'entirely .trilt the nee of 0114 bcCeontsi. Prepared end to pole itholevale and retail ttaila r Drue: Ohne, 0. W. corner 4374 er,i4 PAARlaletreete. Philp mla22.tt .10016 K-MAKING :N9ll.loff „LP waken the Make and tempera the clip mei - earl . "' : 4 >tle to Wee thoAtheja per boar, . rpherne thirty Cu engit' f i.rntented Ilebuteryiti, 18.58.`1lreibliiee ind Rights to sale,- Cowntlee, ,one.tottrth ,of the Patent, lOU be aold.,.irnelen bittikaonly Wetted one In use., Addiest 4. - ootanßLW qvnisintolv.9 I . lw, above ttreel, -• phl7-12t. .0 I sfagx gfil'is• — r - P-M I 4PELII OI 2A- - ?' OE§PA - Y9 -I A I ' 29 . 1864). 373,439 09 iaa,raa . ss 306,860 08 sllanos. IRAIPSON'S • t , Apaar NORTH , EIGIITH STREET; Are now oponlo;, and will 000Ilwne to reoelyo; NEW 4,'44 !ELVTiItIL:STILSII • LADIFS'-DRESS' TRIM/VINO, som , kaz EIPRTN4 8 4LEIL • R A. .P..s: LAMES? DR/18S TRIMMINGS and ZSPITYR STORIII, - ,.'matl626t . CORWRIVRIGHTEI AND °HURRY. .1 kl r . `V E ARE 'ROW '1 - ;3 s OPENING 01k 11ING addA • BPMNEIS; . , ILIA POR Tali • ' . To which ri invite the attention of • SOI4TELBBN Alllll'l4t2TEtle % •.1' 11XIIMBIANTA. 3.:•1 1 P. PROCTOR & fe2l lO2 0/1118TNBT fittest. SEST. \ StoolF,. A3l7_ ,savyi o s .•.• .maoaNucor-r, '' • ' - '2l.iiiirtst'AND SPRING Gaitratt,, Are positively selling „,131.4911 BTBLI.A. SHAWLS from $2 to $$ lees than some other stens. This fact hes been told hem' by Ladles themeeries baying at our store, haying 'seen the same goods alseitherti. ..otispritioe range tromlato429l. • Beery' tolbg adntrei or se, - theati - - :Tory riob-.Ertibrolderid and PlainDisprißhaltle. •'•ButierbYrenohlßa6eand Ohantilin Mantillas, Points, ‘•A prima lot of Blsok Silks. • Very tleh and besiktirnizTanoi. ililks.t A great tirietyor Net Dress taliodx. Beet 'limit T.,t 7i tistsp,,ot our eilirn Just racecards— • • • . • - idiom thlen Mk& veriohesp. Oloth - s,essaleiereso,' , Mullins, Flannele, &0., &a. at - -.TROMP LEY •6 - .oHltilt?B, Iran' , 111:111CoinerlIGIITH & EBBING THE QUESTION THAT ARISES IN the- Initid of thd_pnbllo is, Where can we spend ono money So they` boots adVintage ? !The answer that we would give-them Is, At bIoIrLIIOVE, where you can And , 6Ve . rrh.ine in aui line at the lowest - posable priced.' - SPRING GOODS IN 'ENDLESS i'd.RIFST. Soil de Chomp, Dellano, Balenolfit, Bak Yonlarde, of Various AWf¢ tad otipetior dmaitteo. beat:MAU assortment or ;leek Bilks at low prices. A large lot of Idnyeeilles and Albuddli Counterpanes from $1.1211 to $ 2.60, • An extensive assortment of Cloths; .Caselme'Ves, and very, sheep. ' ' Table • loon, Tonnling,•tatirtlng Linens, Ohintsoe, • A Urge lot of Collais and Infanta'; Wa ists below regui , . (tuna, Brecht, atio.Bbetlood Eheile very ehriap. Urge lot of the 'celebrated Princess Royal ffooped Matte, warranted the heat' artlolo of the klad•erer manufactured, at $1..55 and $1.137N: lIONLEOTIB, fe24-thetn4l _ No. 1i Booth NINTH Street. /.1 4 TENB rOR /AEN'S NEAL ' 'AA rtata'Ll6Bi, witerlei ityls Broini Lsaiih Coatings, X and' h(; whine shade' ; Brain). and Bleached Linen packs, various etylee; Brow* Linen Drills choice assortment of tha above Goode now 'on simple, and for sale by , 401131Pli•LMA., -4111 W and LBO OILEBBNUT Street. nLiolc2LTONS,...suzs._ - • isti&BPLF2,B BROTHERS have received, by re. ointeirtivale.' a'nontplets variety or the best m►ohhe• three nUTATODIS BLACK TAIY.ETS; zleb and Rinetly textute. as well ea Blatk. PO DR BOIEB t 'OROB• GRAINS eat ARISIIREB: " ea,so—awne-oftos DA •RININDS, to all ofthe and qualities, of approved makes, wit'alt are offered wt h peat ookdidenoe, as made prioe aatt the treat' of the ..- BAVADERIIBi3T DIIIDD AND WhallAND }DADA BILKS I DOIIIILI • !PLOT:WOAD' BLACK BILD. ROM. atiesrmestuanarnaas, mtv2El s ONEISTNDT -and =KUM fltedetft. - WIDE AB kGE g IiERLW.). S. .7.4 aad 8.4 colored--3 1 7 and Ipack-ifor Skaw!wand Matittee. FiIIiRPLEBB inoTituas , „ CIELWITMIT and Eltieate. Satin Rita c abs. 15. J. _T. rIGGOTT, 15. -1. UP 0 R TIM AND 70BBNS OD LAM, • • , ,RIDDONS, BMIIROTDERitI3, -WILTDGOODd J &o,,kb HAS REMOVED TO ' Noll - NORTH FOURTH, STREET, Sas a fall line of the abate Goode. Aleo, reeelytei 1088 from Motion, to ablth Cook end short tono.itaril an totted: . , - _ 81: 1 1itga TAADt. , bIIHRING & , • 31:4 p-rream tiotaiti ate, Han stistrorned their roma , . . fi- IWO TATIOSS ' RPi GiL IN it 4ND'OBBII2Aff '''---".' HOSIERY; - '.. . , GLOVES, - AND SAIALLWARES,',. , • Ant solicit - Jul Ilifoottoit of thei l f . ociinplato andlifll• Hsiibiti a rior ADAPTED afoo Til,C' SOUTHERN AND pOIEITIMBSTERN TRADE mmiriNs, PEDDLE, '&•I(AMETOIFT. lIIPORTICEO exb DZALSBO 111 HOBIZAY, goovss, and No. 30 NOBTR. STREET, inns DoonsBELOW, THE MERCHANTS , HOTEL, Offer for isle thi - moit - einnYlets itiist of gocdr In their line to be fAand,in tke UNITED Consisting of HOSIERY of every giviii; (MOTES for men, women, and children, comprising sn Rudiment of over SO kinds, 1 3_,PIDEIRILMETS apdXittAwsas, . • LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS, ; „p ; - .LINEN-OBRIO HANDEAROHLEYS and spot*. MONTS. , , ; LADIES NitAollo IiBLTB, with Oleapa of eat4.i, new tiaitilyna, with an endless satiati;of Natioatta iihiateth'ailarint thaafteittiostot,- RI113T•0114188,WEMORN 1411) BOUTIMINM. ' ' BUYEMB. • fekint TJRNETT~SE%TON & swzAitimapii Ari now opening at their Store, • 1)::4 09 'MARKE T ' Abode Toteitß; North'sme; - :• A . NIMIEN ASSORTMENT 010'. ' : •- NE LA* s Y.L „ . DRY GOODS,; - OF tElliel• OWN niroaiinor And salvation, which they - oiler for sale to boyars hom AR jails of the United Staten; on tan most liberal termi• -• • • t0b9.132n • MoCIAITLEY,BROTHER, Lt BREWST,44, 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Hare Just opened an entire - NEW SPRina STOCK 11081ERY, GLOVES, and .. . • ... t •.. • , : , , To wtdah they invite the Attention of IlreV __ olamibsyeril OF Etta 10 p"rtionlarly adapted to th• - • , ):14 SOUTHERN TRADE. , , SCHAFTER 8c ROBERICSi • 429 ALIIRRST ilii"baTEßS AND JOBBERN • noinnt, eLoyss, SMALL WARM comas, _ Y _VatronEs, LOORING•GLABSRN. 'AiD - rairroa PANOT AND . TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, plazi • _ - r dale att~ to ZeL • Q.EO"OND=tiAND, WINDOWS FOR SALE Whittirws,lor public buildltie Doorte,tish, Counters, Marble Mantels, Bulks, iitelpepOt; BsVstlTH,above,Thompeon street. Rash paid for stidttee. f ~.' apb22:42 u i* PATUAN W. ELLIS. • , -PERSONS DESIZING, ROOMS', for -.llfeatifairturirg or other porponee, with demo. power attached, Ina lame Buildiva about tube erected. in a central part of the city, Will call and eon withfett tk. P. CUMMINGS, 'Arohlted,' 140 konth PIITHOU Street. _ .j m 610. 7, Im SIDAPER MIL TO RENT.—The' Paper •'MlllknbMhae AN WELL MILL, eittated as Ole Wissahiekon Oreek;and one mile from Chestnut HIM Biliroad , Station: Thhi Mm is adapted to , make line Meek Papers: 'this three ehenes, one renearikeithei 62 wakes wide, end all, the app irtenwee fak the sue' oesshil manufactured paper: Poeseasioirgiean lamp. diately. - Apply to; or address, , LETISi • dl9 t!' Woupli 8 X U quest. toy SMZ, 7.—POTTAGE , 81TE6, fo Ontiorbill two equaresfroni 'flop Its. tio9, the, 1141149101evand tiermuttowo Basirooa v 'Apply' 'to T. eLRVIII.P 23 NOII4.V.XTI( - Street, or TICIOA Street, near Pilo* Road . ibb4-Vtaik tommisszon Mintati. LV,ILL'ENVINEC&:OO.; J• 110310118tsION NIFIROEIANTS , • MI ULM OP 4*BuloAlumga i ggpv!t* rii C r 4 , 0 -L B A leS . • • • • • • eolal ¬ion given to Collecting , and Remitting , dAlf•allte. • Virg) .TIEB LITHR4IIIt - AND:, PUBLISH , INS - WOULD: " In retirlutfrotnmy old School Doak punishing firth, and establishing a new burliness it No. 20 Park lbw, I desire tole anderlitood •by the public, • Ono tenon fq thiseharige friende elliMmers Wise pur ehaseOheir SWirtn pelt, faith k for, , their home Mailfrete here hen itakierieliect by the antagoaletle o,,steas of ritalry in the publication'and Introductiou 'of Spool Books. Agents were to be found in almiet everrolty, tolen k and village on this continent, forcing Info iota , fifty. the' works' of thedv-diffirent publishers, Ali.: of which were mreeepted as the model School Sooks t • I am heartily tired of all this - hie:hug ind runners°, and I tenni:diet trdo to relief/ add be aseoelated with it Auk longen:irt to too ranch of a patent oaecitolio bunts, nese for educational peblithsre Ilene It to devote injlelf to the pnblibetion, of Literature and Booker w,hlqh belong to thiffeelkeleeteie 6sc , agd f look fo?A trade mark eignidosnt of My birsinese. , The anchor and. dolphin Intertwined conetttette Picherlegte mark in Lon don. T indiriating stritiwitt'and life, arid-I trioorporaletheriblp„the Amer. merchantmen or clipper, &Wet 'Whose hieroglyphi cal emblemsmay be seen at No. 29 Park 'Row. I treat them for their teachings; for Wetness, and tomato men thick. Oar great American Publishers are lesulog Ed ,totationalltooke,-and all the emanations of the senior! of former times.. this is the highest ojder,of Trade add Oorrioseles. We are Boolaellers j then give es the higher order of commeretel hieroglyphics to ineorpirate sea Trade mark. I dealt, only in thoobip, and use It in my title page as a beacon for the reader ae reliable as the North Star. -When I pot the Ship on' the title' • 'page it meinciategrity to the reader, as the North Star means Integrity and'eafety to the mariner when it was bong lathe heavens., ,Thaboole Shall not teach y, children indlelity or lloentfounose, oryonr servants to eat pita throats while aleefl'og. As my destn in ,the, firing of qo gum! In the Park yes • terdij, ha front of "lict 29 Petk Sow; was not folly ois 'dent:rod, I will briefly titilina It rnyeolt, One gnu wad 'fired for each State in the Union lathe order they gave their adhesion to the Federal 00ostitutIon.: • . ' Oar Gen roe ifICLA*AIt6. " • PENNSYLVANIA-. it - Now JEILISE - 2% " OECtitall. .CONNEOTIOVi.• " " -.'2II.I9SICIEEMMTS '151,8117,1ND. ' .1 4 0611_1.1.40.t.114. " NEw ILOIPSHIRE. '" Vinororn Exto• R=INI 1:13111 IZMI3 TUE PRDBIDRNI OP TIER UNITED BTATRS, TUE GOVERNOR OP TRU RATE OF Nsw Yong MAYOR of zoo CM' OP Niny Tom. COOL. tin YRS WORLD VfIUREVRIL ENGLIRII LANGUAGE 18 eivrEk, AND ONE LODD I GIIN'YOR WORORESTER'S ROYAL „ QUARTO-DICTIONARY. . • "ALL's Wstr.."- N. A. ROLLO, No. 29 Park Row. - WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED,: Prom' Wall Street .to Cashmere, JOURNAL OF FIVE irEst , B IN ABU, AFRIJA AND • EUROPE, 00dI1'IIISINV time ntisisca 1851, fLtld 'B, to the DASPaDISA. IRON l5iN iB, PLAINS OF TROV,:fRE 83+ EN DRUM )RES PALsIVRA, JERU - PALM, 'PETRai SHESING4EATAI4I, frith the Bond of the recent liftitinlee (Homes, Agre, Cernliar., Lucknow, Dein), sta., eto ) CABlldf Nina, Peshawar, the lihybsr PILO to Afghanistan, Java, "Ines, and Mauritius. By JOHN 8. IBBLAND. With netrly one hundred ilinstratiorm from sketches nude on the 'pot, by the author. • Also, a POlitTLAltt TKNATIBE ON in refer• enco tsi their eolesitille value, a Onlde for the teacher of Natural Eis:euees—the lapidary, Jeweller, and amateur together twith a deseription of the Elemento of Miner• alogyomd all Ornamental and iv:attestor/II Materials; erttaridegant lilnetratione. fly Dr. L. FAUCDDWANGEII, 'Chemist ned kilnsralogist, Member of the Nei York Lionel of Natural Rigors, Amerienn Aesoolution of Colombo and Arts, of the blinerefogldat Sooletleit of Jews, Altenburg, eta ' WORDIABTRIVA DIOFIONARIRb. 8. I. ROLLO, A; CO, j,Fibllithintir:lnintilialii Venters iti School,. Chlairoal; !Theologissi, Otaliased cud- 11peaellatittocts 'Roots,' MCA sfabas, Foreign and Domestic,Btstionery, AL, ire. .::*rstrabb , - 29!PAPX.. ROW," New Fork. REMARICAOLE Ef7tilC't - • •-211 L MATIUMONZAL ,, BEOKIift Mg 'IN 71110 ISIN THOPOt/8 Aferreerevana startling reseed of Jesore recently brought' to tight ti y ft etarter of the New Yore: - prese t with n sketch of the recent movements of the oelebrited MRS. 017NN11 , 1011Ahf , with six graillo Illnetrattons Price See Important Ike' lrfite lathe Eneeitty; Post of the Sd of hiarch,aubstantlating the truth of the narratives. CaUflow —Some Unprincipled portion in Philadelphia laa'atteroptid to impose on the public with a epuriotof and very Imporfmt edition, in raperucvero. •- - - We hold the copyright on The only authorized adl•, lion,, and shill rigidly prosecnie any , infringement tbeceot Those who do not wish to encourage piracy will per chase-the genuine and Caly,ootoplete edition, which is, published only by THAYOUBIt & BPTOLIEttBON, 628 BROADWAY, Now York. TANGS riwrioNs, ruh2B.ot J IST PIIBL SHED. • NICARAGUA: PABT,‘ PRItahNT,% AND YUTUBB: A DBOORIPTION or Its Inhabitante, Custom N , M'S,. Minerals , Zortr HIP tory, tory, Modern Pilibustortein, Proposed In ter-Odeanla Canal, and. tient- . feet 1 satiny. BY PETER I'. STOUT, EN., Late .Untted States. Wicg.flonsul, As Vice4onsul Mr. Stout, had unusual facilities for becoming sequaintedwith the pro:Motions of the wen otrlihtt: aLtriolnigtilteaotelee.! d b e e s rm i ti osT l o s t a te B leaders of the Central American forces, and given history of the Filibusters, with a graphic but truthful and impartial pen. The b ook will serve to throwintroh light on the great Control American problem now oc cupying the attention of stateamen And °there in our country. • - 872 pegas,l2mo: Pr:0811.26. Per sale by Booksellers and Nene Agonte morally, or end by mall, poet paid, on roaelpt of the JOHN H. 10 MEN, rinblieher, - 117 51171.061 Street. Poiladelfibia, Pa • THE :OtTLPRIT FAY. .tix JOmteff A enarralog edition of this world•celebrated poem.. DueduClmo, elegantly printed upon tinted plate paper, Wand in innalln, and - Illustrated by Ea rl nger: 'Price 50 cents. - • 4, One of the moat exquisite and absolute creations of pure imagination that ham been produced since ghat ware. * * It 1a worth the outlay of a fever .to get (by seclusion and 'depletion) the delicacy of serve end " conception to detour end relish, with In telleetusl nimny, this, subtly-compounded feast of ima ginaluon."—N.P. ' . . _ sznolo. NOW NOVEL, vcrAy.s. w.lio - sr_" - oze 'A NEW IinVELtIY GEUIAT MERIT. (Reprinted from the New 'Work Home Jourual ) ..._ /2mo , muslin,,Prloo $l. Never three the days of Goldormities 'Vicar of Weltofield,s have read anything more beintlfrathan the ater.y,oslted:.. Two Ways to Wedlock. , Y Artily News; r. , The 'exinanOtekcay popularity of this remarkable novel. *latch oreatedoo mush interest se It rot through at:columns oj Morris dr, s Willis's t flame Journal, has called for Its pubiloationln complete book form, and a • fl • Cold by all Booksellers, find will he Sent by mall, pastage tree, to coy put o`, the United pates, on receiptAtflheprice by llybLs PARLIITOI.7, - ' Pabliahers and Booked , ers, No.lBo GRAND Street, corner BioadwaY, • nisl9-etuth ' Now York.' 1' A.'S Goops, nt AB E; • GULAE, Anti) VA UABL Ales BOOMS boit;sht, told, end exohanged by - • SABIN. Ye Antique Rook Store, felt • , • 27 South SIXTH Street. IYERTAOLES, • -- , of GOLD. SILVER. AND ELASTIC STEEL FISABIRS, with Pebble and fine Flint Manes. INSTRUMENTS • let Matbemstles and Surveying. Thermometers, School Apparetos, • MICIROBOOPES, made and for eale low • JAMES-W. QUERN k CO. 931 CIIRSTNUT Street, Philadelphia. yrieed and Illustrated Catalogue!' sent by lean free 'er charge, • , , ; mhd-3m 4-94118140 31FLLpuN ; .pi.x*Bmw ,MATERIALS, ialo.-atna 1 - 7OLLIOKOFFER's 'ANTI-REIEIIMATIO OORDWo to the ohly elftictnil remedy ever placed before the pnblio al a aerial* and reliable mire for br CHRONIC iiIIEI7I2ATIBEI Thle In srati r '°Ur t ti rr ds : hoh rf bee l a dwg teatmi ino;pain fonn and ireire dally iliredelpt of letters and certificates of as tonlidtlier and remarkable cores. All who have tried the CORDIAL speak lit tbq woo landsble terms of its able/icy. You dfrentione and entire satisfaction given 10 the RbenreatiO entferers Prepared by TEIBOVORS ALIAS, Chemist, N.B, oor. PIAII and SIXTH Streets, Philadelphia , ' tala•Sen ZAEGLER & SMITH, (WHOLESALE DUO ' qislA:reenter of AEOOND and MO N Streets, are now offering their , farg, pock of they own mon. featured GROUND PAINTS, of all oolorn, and-W/11TH 'LEAD at t floes aatoniablegly low.lgo WIND )1V: 'GLASS, or • superior quality, they aro home° die pt Sing of at cheap rates. lhalers In the above articled wonto do well to examine - tkene Tallow docriptlons of geode at We' tetabliehment, 'and'lhey will' and them cheaper and of batter quality than they tan purehNie g irtl?" ' . ' lOW' ft tOiti,Pil*rotions haw YORK: !Ulan oAlto,t,mk itnciDu ineso: ALA aims Miesissurl /001BIAtil Tssvassms li:P171101LY OHIO. INDIANA. Il.taNdla. Aftegotau. Ankmsaml TRzns. /owe,. Wiscossur CALIFORNIA iIINNIMOT.L. JO OKs • atIBT'PIIIILIOECED (I)ptiricitte DZALIIR IA AT NNW YORK PRICES, $23 MINOR STRAIT JLTT COURT FOR Tilt CITY AND 'COUNTY' Op PIIILADZILPHIA In the onttor of - Caoeitsto ^f Mrs. BrAff4L STILL; The kolitor, appoint., d hy the dm:at to settte; , and adjust the empuiit (Jr ' At#REll bPtt LII aftd tlAltiatB STIfy.E; neeittore of the loot will And teetainent of Ms: Iftris St lee, deceased; and to report ,tioribittihtt of ' the balance, remelnieg" 10 their hende, Will meet the parties fief,j - resfed fat file purposes of V ) , a wppoine sit on TOlialf t itiehth day of. April, 18 4 et 12 o'clock ~ at his •,efilee,'lro. (3O P. Street sPhfladeiptda:r.:. ADBN M..TROILAS, _rob 2$ nrutbet_—_ _ . 'auditor. , • 1 A. ,O.NaN CERT. 4:1?„.N - NY , , ARSEY. - 1.4 .3 bUe B eeins'ity, and Ottawa, + •+ r+ comp'ainante, and , ~.. ;„ .:-... , • The Trenton eitttued; Life and -, ;90 ' Bill; ai/..,' ~, .21re .I¢6l.l.node ainiikaq, —. -' - • . -.lOnaridence of-an order Mede'iy,the Ohsocellor 14 the, abovesstated ranee, dated the third day of Decebi bsr, G. D. 7.158, the eradifora,of, the above semad In: eurauce Oompany are herebY notified that they are' re. gaited to present to the subscriber, Fabling , et Treetop, New Jersey, and prove before hini ' under oath Or ifs &illation, or otherwise es be shall d irect,tiler several claims and dewarde against ffsfd Clouilisny, within elk months from the date of 6/01 older. or that they will be excluded from the benefits of stick &Video& as may be made and declared by sold Court - , . YekilgEt 3 9 7L8014; • Plaster in Chancery. te22•tti dm • N THE ORFTIA:NS' COURT FOR TILE CITY AND COUNIY OF PIiItiaDBLPEMA , Estate of the Hiner Children of OILaRLES THAIAB, The Auditor apploted to addirleittle, end Vilest the seconot of JOHN Vllo6l,tu, latithiall of ine Moor Ohildrin of Charles Thomas decessed. and distribute the balance in his hands,mill - meet the parties rate• roared. at his Qffiee,'No:'23s South BrXrivatreet the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, April 4th, 1869, at 4 &cloak P. EL zoih224nthe St* WM. E. LEHMAN, Auditor TN TUE ORPH/118; dOVILT FOR, THE CITY - ANDIXIIINTY OF PHILADELPHIA. &tate of 8 BICH; JONES, deceased. Tha nebscriber, appointed by the Cohrt to audit, set tle, and adjust the final 'account of SaltitrOli HALE, 'eating Administrator and Trusteed 4 o 0. t, ,a tinder the will of - Samuel ionea, deeeaded, and to report dis tribution of the .belamie In' Me halide, , trill - .meet all parkii.s interested thereto at his Office, No 204 South PIPTH Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, April 4th; at 4 o , olook P 31. mfi24.thstu 6t* JAMES H, minx: Aiztlitor. I . .N-THE ORPHANS' COURT. FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY:OB PHYLADELPRIA. Matter of the Veleta of MARTIN B. JONES, LYDIA JONNB, MAItY ANN JONRB, and SAMUEL; A. JONBEI, ..The underaiened, - appointed by the Coort. to audit, settle, and adjust the anal atonal of SAMUEL HAL% Gruardian of the Paid Marta k.; Lyelei Mary Ann ' and Bamael 11:.Jones, late Eitoot _Children of Simnel and' Sarah. Jones, forrro ly of the Distrint of Sofithwark, 'county of Philadelphia, deceased, and to report diatrl. - button of the balance in his hands, will meet all partles interested theieln iit his Oftice,,No. 2414 Petah FIFTH Sir. et, Phifadelphid, On. WEL/NMI:IAX, itch, .Ibse, at 4 O ' clock P. bl. • -• mb24.thetn et* JAMES H. HORN" Auditor. Notito V n CEI UYLKILL NAVIGATION CO VICE CY VIC SCHUYLKILL NATI a 00,NPANY, • Men= litb The charge for the nor of Care ;mad for Toll th olta Goat tarrlad oh ttie Bahl:vital Havlgtt be al foll:ate until fu taer notice To Philadelphia ausyoulr Ppring Conabohroken Plymon.h Data Bridgeport .",tiorrlatown Port Kennedy Valley Page .:cr lr Pawllng , e Dam Port Providence Pbconixvills Boyer' e Ford • Point 'sus Landing Port Union Birdrbcrough Reading Alan rues Mohrarals flambd•g Orwlgaborg Landing The charge IV It lle per tenet( 22i.0 lbs,, lees tire per dent allettanle ter,*asts, as =nal, and no charge Pre than twenty:llyd cents per ton will be made for any dls tauce By order of the Managers mlll2 121 I IBAWet, President. rifFIOE, OF-TIM PHILADELPH MUD/ NO zurLnoio 'ooliir&NY. romettri, March 32, 1269.-2 he WAN of Bret TolldooCoaltran•porte4 by tilts Uogrpanp ri folic wit, from 14th Marob, Until, hirther xtotlem To Richmond Philadelrbis tpolicrod Ridolown..4Bll.• Getmantora lf. R " Pala hiconyunk Boxing ~.• s a Cloonhohodken and Plymouth 11 ! fr Ram hola ead Patio and Joiba..... .“ N , rricidwn and Bridgport.. ' Port Rem:tads valley, Forgo . 4 rhceoliville • Royeris Lord 11 PoUctowri...i ?I - DonglateviLle . 4 Ropily p7.:17:c • - - Bct.nico Reading& Mohnorille... idocrsville . • •••• " Hambarg wOrtrlgtburg By circler of the Board of Meaner's, mhl4-lm = ,• 11101LEIZNNSIT, Secretary NOTIOR..-L4n pelatiance of . - a Resolution ` 3 adopted at the Annual fdeetiog of the Stock holders of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.OOSI - tebruary 7,1869, PROPOSALS will be renewed at the Oftice or the Company,' No. 234 Volith THIRD Street. until SATURDAY, the 80th day of APRIL, 18'9, for furntehing the ead Company with , Property on the Delaware-Pifer' front anywhere between the month of tato Schuylkill river suds point 2 Milan above Moment, teemed suitable for a Terminus and Depot for-the ead • Certified - copies of the, mervefof each property that may be offered will be. regaired to be deposited with the ptoposal, which will be returned when the selection haa been .made. Each proposal 'will be -considered binding either In Whole' e'r in part.. The right is re. &tried of orienting any part of the ground offered, and to spereerlate to the use of the Company aoy property or properties that may be specified In any of the propo• Miens submitted „ .. ... .. ... .. It is desirable that the l yrooorl'ione should be sub mitted at as early i date es practicable. Prop,oeils will be addieseeel to ". fe22-tuthei L A ]aBo p2O . spGAA,THOMBON, President. • ! ' .9440ing• POR:tHE tsOIITH—OHARLES TOfIi anckileviais BTRAM 7 ELUTE: • •. - • ETYMONS STATE, Captdltt 111, P. Marehmgi. STATZ'Or GEORGIA; Captain John J. Garvin.. — lBASEO,Vaptain NOR CRAELESTON, 8. O.' The 11, 8. Mall Steamship , KEYSTONE EITS.T.II, Captain Marthinan, through in 48 to Mt hours, will sail on Tuesday, April 6th, at 10 A M. !OK SAVANNAH. The U. 8. Mail Steamship STATt OP MIORGIA, Oapt John J Garvin, will elation Saturday, April 9th, at 10 cktoek, A. M. The splendid first-ohms side-rrheet Stein:whips IMF STOZIR BTATH and BTATRI OF GEORGIA now run ea above every ten days, than forming a five•day,oom. munioation 'with the denth and Southwest: ID" Coeds vieelved and bills of lading eigne error, „ AC both Charleston and Savannah these •rhigo oon. 'oda with steadiers for Florida, and with railroads, &0., for all'plaros in the Booth and Southwest. and withthe Steamship 'ISABEL, for Havana, on the 4th and 19th of -evert mouth. ' ' • ' , • FREIGHT ,11EPOOAD. heavy Freight et 'an averagd of 16 per cent. below NeW York steamship rates. • INSURANOB; • - Freight aid lasuranoe on *large proportion of Goods shipped South will be !bend Ur , be lower by these 'ships than by falling ' , m ei n* Cabin Passage to Charleston and Savannah Elf, 00 Steerage " "' 800 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Tickets to Havana 65 00 "%rough Tiokata to New Orleans 30 00 Do , . Mobile 85 00. Do liltaitgomerr ' 20 00 Do - - Albany, Gs 24 00 Do ' Dolambda, Ga. 23 00 Do Atlanta ea ' 23 00 Do ' Macon, Ga. Et 00, Do Ratatka r lla. Pianist*, 11.6 ' 2 ' - 2800 Ao Jacksonville, 81a, 21,00 Do ternanillnajßla • - eI OO No bills or ladling signed atter the shlojtat No frolgbt reoelvod °Oka dayof Vol. freight - or passage apply to_ A. BRION, Jr.; Poathweat comet 1 , 01711M11.1t0d :CHUM Agents to Ohatletton, $t T. G. BUDD. Bayianah, • A GRIVIER x CO. , . atg - FOIC - ItIORAIOND, VIA .NOR I . VOLE AND CITY POlNT.—anuria AB- ItAAUeALaIeT—TWIOE A Vi•NEK.-1.7n10n Steamship Company's Line of Steamships—To sail EVERY WEDNESDAY and SAIHRDAY; at 8 o'oloek A. hi., until farther notice. , VIBDPiIA Captain Kelly. PENNSYLVANIA, Captain D. Teal CITY OY BIODMOND, CapteltrZ. Mitchell. These floe steamships will sail as above. They are handsomely fitted up for peenengere, basing naloone on deck, are providel with lfrands'a Patent Metairie Life Beata, Life Peeservera, ho.. and no pains or expense. snared for the comfort or safety of passengere and the protection of goods. . This line offera the quirkest, cheapest, and Most com fortable route for paraerigere, hod is or advance of any other for despauch and economy for freight to the In terior of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. No transhipment by this line. Passage to Richmond or Petersburg 59, meals m o ws. D o . Norfolk SB. meals ins uded. • THOMAS WEBSTER, -la general Agent( teu i an • , :14.North: WILARTES.. AiSTEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, DRUMM, DU OLIN, AND LONDON DERRY, without - delay, for 180. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, PO for - the round trip, out and back. - - • • "nog TWIT TOIL. GLASGOW, Thoinsou, Satardsy, Match 19G4 at 12 coolant noon, BDINDURGH, Onzaming, Wednesday, April Mb, at lio'olools noon. GLASGOW, Thomson, Saturday, May lath, ells o'elo . ok noon, ,• ream otasttioW: EDINBUROU, Confining, Saturday, kfirch 10th. GLAOOO p. Thermion, Wenteeday, April 20th. POLNOUROH, Commies. Satur PASSAG B day. May 7th. MANNA OP ikon aLteaow. nog any roar. First Maas 16 11611066 Pint Clem $76 00 Steerage, found with Steerage, found with oebked provielone ' cooked' provietione. 80 00 Children under 12 years of age, half fare; Infants In .filetnage, free. Datum tickets available within Mx monthe, by any steamer of this line. Prat Oleo $14.0 Steerage 660 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or ;mango apply to wonzateti 00.028 WALNUT Street, Phflndel phis. ROBERT CRAIG' 17 Broadway New York. HALL & I,IIIIIIIE, Buchnnan , fi Wharf, Baltimers. mh7 DOE4x.-810 bbis, Moss Pork; of Now Jorsey, Ohio, and Philadolphiii, pot Inc. for Isola by 0.0. SADLEB do 00, ' • calla 01.108 Ntroeti 2.1 40orapire Nrulti iii* . ss - 411 - tatittiott. (li • . Tx3loitas EiONOS , - -JULIO and 14/ 401:P/11 riniara rz war, -- • ,thrm•rtr.xce.s7 a:0 s 9) • • •-- , al'OOlia: ILEUM taNAI'II,Ap..—TI3I3AWINIII4; Pamphlet catalogues now, ready, adottining 1,101 defiCriptlous 00 She propertf se : to be sum op Toes. day pelt, :lath icataot, with a Hat °lodes sth; 121 i, lath, sod 29th April, and &1 Kay, compnelora large amouut oP, valuable. pro:exty. - smittr4.l3.laME4lB - TOOKS AND XXII X TAT7p. , Broth Spring Mo. 29th Maxon. -„ - - ' seventh Spring Salo. Pth.tprtl. • - B ghth Spring Sale, igth April. Ninth Spring Sale, leth - Aptil. • , Er' Part of the handbill* for Ma of Lhe *bo To oa to now 1164 HANK AND OtEmiC8To0x0„:„ tr , This' Iverilog; , Huth 29th iit"73( tA9.l9illadelphs33l- xt"..gp, viilllo6 ottdd q t?rdil.pl.l.lll3?ln!NlTator oi~edge .h ate•dbimse of ins; 9a —par $lOO. ' - ,•• ." • ' 1 shire Columbia Bank SO -Sage Company eteekL-- per $lOO Podtiee Bale —Peer , No.'-L6, north go 1e y, Eft. Alt • drew's dlidfoh; Eighth street, obeys Ppratoe ..atteet i sestelalz periods. Colt WOO, 1 share Philadelphia, Athenaeum. ' S2Bl In noble of the Penh of Peonsyloanla. stfo check (:barked good? on: The Bank of rem:mi .. - BIXTICiPIafiG OALS—THIS ECTS;NG, 'WM Include— Orpbanaa ootirtSala , 4lstata ‘o - f,-Wm.,71: Bauer, Deild., TWO-STORY lifilett. DWELWING S Ohinlotte amt.' between Poplin , Lane sod„ Gutted . street; , WUsouth ward. desiguae , a Peremptorr Bele. —III.IIEDEEMABLE GROCeIit.RENT a $45 a year, - elear MIAS, well seedreil.- --E/r , Sale absolute. • Assignee , * .Pertialptorj BdlA. •••••••0101IND-PENT'Or $3B A YEAR, clear of WO, flea i edurtd. jam' Bale absolute. - Peremptory isle VALUABLE TAVERN PRO- P SETT, • with !tabling, dce,, southwest corner of CD. - , rard avenue and Lewis street, my feet ,front on Girard *Teens.' iD7-. fele absolute, - •- _ VALtrAttadt BUEINESB LOCATION —Your' story brink dwellings, northwest corner of /rout strait and Drinker's, alley. Lot 80 feet 8 inches front, by 105 feet,deep. Peremptory gaIe.—PIVII HANDSOME MODERN P GE:STORY BRICK DESIDENOES, Nos. 844, 816,' 848 BSO, and 351 North front street, warren Vine and Callowlsill streets. - j 'Rail particulars:la handbills. Sale abeolute. , VALUABLE BlISTNE:ill STANDS —Three three-sto ry bridle stores and dwellings, northeast corner of Twenty. twirl and. Coate streets. They will be ea"! separately, • - ' - ' VALUABLE BUSINEiII STAND —lrish feed store And stable, adjoinin g a the above. fronting aps Twenty fonrth street, south of Coates - Afield: - - V ALI 3 MILS FARIS,' 44 ACHES, on tbellausfen and Woodbury turnpike. •Wu miles. frout,tildneester, six miles from Camden, two miles from. Woodbury, and a !visites of a mile from Westville station s on ihe Clem den and Woodbury itallsoid, in Gloucester county, New Jersey. • - KANDSOMEI-KODEnti RESIDENCE, with Modern hopmvem,,nts, No ,109, Pine street; went of Tenth smet • Imniediato powesion. • LARGE AND VALUABLE' - LOT OP GROUND; northwest - ctinier of Tulip and Wayne stream, Nine-, Mery it Ward, tgf, feet front, - LARGE AND TALUARLE LOT OP -0110 END. soutbesat - aide of Tulip street; between Cambria-and William street!, Ninetildith ward, let feet front. , BANBODI STREST.—ThreeetOrp brick dwelling, No. tioutir ride custom street, between Fifteenth and Sixueenth steatite. GtNTEEL RESIDENCE,' WITH "OPPIOE. and modern coarenieness, northeast a. rnor of Eighth and Green streets, , immediate poropreloor. - RANDSOOII BlODwitti RESIDENON, with the mud • 'ern tonteniences, No. 3/2 North Tenth street, above Brew,' .beet • trmedlate peeseaslott' ' FRANKLIN STREET . —l:tandem:tie modern roil-' deuce, with nil duodena cant enienees west side of Franklin street, first horiut eolith o f )Master greet Immediate poisettrion., VINE BTREEP.lfandsome modern fesidenes, with. all- modern conveniences, - No:11119 Tine fittest, Pal - myra equate, between Tenth and Eleventh streets: - NOR tit TWELPTII STRIIIIF —Neat modern dwel- Hog. No. IN Worth Twelfth street; above Rabe street. TWO 1111,10.8 TORT BRICK - B'3o lit it AND, DWELLINGS, No. 944 and 246 Queen street, south of blarlborourit (lateltensingtou.) -- JAMES 8 EARLE & ROM' S GREAT SPRING SALE OP TALBABI,B, ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLOR DRAWL - NGB. Al.. • This (rtleadas) and Wedneaday - Mormagtk ' March 20th and 20th; at the rooms, No:4 M Otteetntit street, op stairs, in the building lately canopied by Mourn. Dailey # Co , will be sold by catalogue, with oat rdeettitt:- - „ A collection of be Most Valuable and highestelass r picture:ever offered at nibllo rale The areealectione from the Messrs. Earleie gal arias, of the productions or the moot' celebrated Bur peen Igloo's, of their own Importation, with %editions of the recent works of the most dietimpushed American artists. Ami a them may be found—" The Death of a Pron. deur," Stevens, (Paris) ; "A Quirt Family," Robbe ; Portrait of Washington," Itemersidt peals; Wyo mlng Valley," Weber; .c Marine," M. W. Turner; 1 . A rohd otk au! AuNtria o o Horeetrack," /Prase Vernet ; On the Wing," Batinen The Rome of the Meagre gore," Blench Smith ) It allele Permute," Meg ion; " Frigate tlotottitation. ll ; Storm off Blaine," Edward /loran ,• " Blind Mane ßuff " - De Grad=; ; "Italian Oitt optima:we , Waugh; '.. Poetry in the Woods." Lang; "A Souvenir of• Italy," tonntag "The iltother told Geo. 0. Lazabolln. - The collection, cOmprlolog more than SOS pictures, will be on el.hibition, with oatalogues, tour days pre vious to male. a J o * Sale st Noe. 1.51. wad 141 South Fourth Streit.- SUPRRIOII, prraviTUßN, 04011T18, HMS FRENCH PLATA MLIERO.O, 9AOBB>ELk Wins PICTS, - Thuriday Morning, At 9.0i010e2, et the, *nett= store, en exteitedve assortment of excellent sfetmd-harid furniture, elegant plum-fortes, fine mirrors, ourpelS, etc., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the Store fOr con- Miasma of gala. " % Also &large quantity of counter tables, Oslo; Ao. also, 12 sash sod 2 doors. Also by order-of administrator - et the late Joseph 'll4rjamln, solnantity at superior parlor and chamber hunitare Also, a pair large French plate mantel mirrors richly framed, p.er mirrors, tine samony ca , pet, ko. Sete at No 1714 Filbert Street. sureition run BITIIIII4 mItt3)0818. TAPESTRY CARPETS, FINE - PDATED WARN. On Friday-Morning, April /st.at 10 °kitsch, eutalogriA, at NO. 1714 Filbert greet, the superior thruiturs. French plate .inirsoreptsprOsrptits, thie - plittbd Alan. the , , - • - • , Maybe mtamitteCi at 8 o'dlOok an the morning of PalIP POR, -..A.U011.02.421tat, Ay, o I) MAUR= I.4 TILILIT;-betireen Arai and 811TH: side - - ' BALM OF 04.11Prrel. This Morning, March 2Dth, at 11 &clock, preClaely, we will sell, by catalogue, on six months , . email% a large end draftable assortment of lograin and Vantian carpets, flow the beat city manufacturers, consisting of recces heavy 4.4 superfine all.wool and woratet ingrain carpeting. pieces caper 4.4 medium carpeting. pieces 4.4 tx.t.a quality ad-wool filling ingrain carpeting. . pietas 4 4 royal damask Venttaan carpets, all-wool chain and flex. filling. pieces 0-4 and 6.8 royal damask Vanillin carpets, all-wool chair, and filling, .' plebes 4-4, 8-4, and 6.8 caper plain woollen Vanillin carpets. pieces 4.4 heavy cottage carpets. To which the attention of the trade is Invited.' POPITIVE BALE - OP 300 - OASESFTE A W GOODS. On Wednesday Morning;' Maros 30th, at 10 o'clock proofed", will be cold by catalogue, about 800 oases, comprising a desirable an aortment. 'of fresh straw gouda, Geminating of ladles , and misseel straw bonnele of the latest styles melee and boys' eras bate, being a Blest desirable fine for the present trade, to width the early attention of buy. ors is invited. POBITITZ MLR Or BOOTS; enum, BLIPPIEI3 . , &o. On 71nroday Morning, - March 81st j at 10 &slot& preshely, .111 tra sold by exalogne on 4 months , malt. about V>o eases men's -sad 'boys' 'booty.' &Item' , ohms,' lirogans, &a., bullion , and Wasps , totters, Oen, sboss,dace toots; bomc invoieep or freak goods of, city and , Batters. mann lactate. , SAL& Or WHIT'S GOODS, SISSONS, MANTILLAS, STELLA, SHAWLS, do. On friday Morning, April let, at 20 o'clock precisely, we wilt roll by Catalogue. en a credit a large' inrece of rich French mantillas. consisting of— WO rich lace trimmed Parts .ntantillas. 160 Hob point de sole mantillas. 100 drab asphyr clrth mantillas Also, a large line of Stella abawis, Paris point de 'sole helmet ribbons, dress goody, ko. Also, a splendid line , of white goods, consisting of moat deairahle godds for the tads. - K 7 0:oode open for examination, with calaiognee, earl, on , tlis morning of sale. MUSS I've T 11.61.14 ts, ALUOTIOREER 01 ♦ND COMMUSION 11111011 ANT, I. Y. .01244 81 UR moll/Inv stmt.. !MLR OF YPRFEITRO OOLLA.TRRALB. 2,1111) ulors, --, • , Rabaul'' , great siJe orlortaiteecollaterals will take place en Tuesday; A011'14:1, 1009, at 10 o'clock, at Nathane' auction stare, sinttbeaat corner of Elath and Rare street') -, Balearcons seec'4 4 story, entrance iron's Race street. Consisting, In part. of superior overcoats, lisglans„ clothe. d,ess and frock costs, pantsloona. Teets, hdlifa, neck km, boots, shoes. shirts, eiegiutt sdk - dresses and drove petteresi metioo, bombazine, mode de lain°, ae.' bogs, ohieta...sed calico &Vilma dresi.patterne• rich embroidered white and other Clanton et*P4 ekawly some of which coat 5 b each ; jiandsonie brocbe, Bey State:weellearlaylX4a4 other long audiqoare Shavisf-elligrvelMit ?Wet; aver 'other ul are, utattllhialand belie eerfd, rsileined e gee 'overt.: meat of Altd‘mgarmente; gaiters :I risk Per* . licit • spreads . X.4 4 *P11 444411140 1 $ Qarkty antreyore , .tranolt; ' sli-pntiii iiileep!tle ‘ louletee • oomplete, douoittand aluglisAbrrel, Viet .pleceatilo tole, splendid dons - Ink ease complete, luith_aolid slicer covers, dotes ewi .other' musical' Insti,nmeets, Barium. cigsrititeld and silver watches, gold chains, oar rings briliet phis.'stuis, Anger rings, 'jewelry ge nerally, and a thousand other artices. , , The goods 11111 be open for examination on Monday afternoon preceding the tale. Ittnbreltai anb.parasids. SEVAEPER FENAR. Wholesale Idawataaturers . • • OR , UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 836 MAUNDY STREINT, PRIGADELPItIfa, - • Are now making more than one btuidred and any different varieties of timbrelies, of every etre, from to CO inches. Their assortment of PAittlBoLB is alsoriery 'ergs, and for variety of 'design, styles, finish, and priees, , ex. coeds that of any previous 60.00:1. &Tern trto hare not hao 8. P'a make of goods Will find their time well event in lookingoter ibis well. made stock, which inoludes MANY bIOVZI,TIBEI, nos to bs met 'with elsewhere. tabl-em 81.3FU1L VT 610 , 01111 - !Rio. D. mini GIAOOME & EMORY, - (Tom, DEALBIIg. --- • LEllll3ll.tNy Bowman!, GOAL, Prepared exprem'y for Fam il y YALID,o. 114 BROAD Atirmt; bloti Therm; Orders !eft a t CRAB. EMORY fd CO.' e S; Banker*, No. 15 Sarah THIRD Atreet, or; aent -through D mmteh or post °Mee, willpmeird prompt attmotiou. Jal7-3ma SIAIES s . PURE COD•LTV-$R OLD, PERPNCTLY avnim AND FALATA.BLII, featured at Neistonualand for the Proprietors, from fresh and healthy 'wan, by steam, at a low tetopews tnie, thne preserving the sweetness and purity of the' 011, while the natural fishy flavor is parietal, covered, sod thi 011 rendered palatable and agreeable to the taste— • , The" Proprietors of this Oil spare no expanse in having their Oil properly prepared at Newfoundland, the Only plate where the eadna merrhus is retina in abundsnce. The true Oil Is frequently impaired , by admixtures with oil from other species of the ttadue family, and only that smiling from the " Baas can be ret ed upon as the genuine. Our Oil hat been analyzed, and pronounced to' be: pure end the perfection or floe quality—obaraoterist which enable it to maintain ire euperierAr over all, Other kinds. . Prepared and fox' Bale, Whalen% and Retail, by UASSABD it, 00. =law nritrqra end (44$15TNUTI p - traNzss,'BunfL , • t, A - 004 1 5 ,„4.2p ifewrAmuurr.:. eArakiiiiideptititalivonicursilicOptt 29, AT , • 10 - 10 , 01.008 P °ARO attelittinl plfzettatereis tegnsitsd to our Ws 0 1 60 pears 40010tdicoritled.sod domes tic dry goild4itbili (Tassdey) mszorog,Alosh 29tA, at 10 o'clock. by dateless*: ea 61.6MOsithsrmi414; compla ioir_sriOoiil'ossortsaurt7 - . Included lassie this morniggloill , b .l r O U l d . d s ses this,hmustltched. jlsBs-soscho6. hattelker -1,080 - 200 tilselpObanttlirial• muttllst. )32.t0 Dew ityiEsmi•raideeihe 7 - - 7 - 126 places fancy mixed, tosairseres, 60 pieces 0-4 fine blirck ' 40 pisses One qualiq bltck fariefas gain -1001ileces,tineq mid scitings, 'BLACK •• Ici-emli - thiti - moinfilig esti* rich r -new': btu* 'Chantilly lace 111.4. . , _ - 4.110 . * iIfIII . y.Y)IONTS. 560 ilcien Revs gislity line &let, fronts a ill linen " BdLA OY IMPORTIDANIibOatthIODRY GOOD!. Moraine. -_•, March 29th, n. etiO , elock by estalogn . e, on 6 months* credit= 400 packages ind loldot tartdiaid and: imported and domestle dry good!, 43001 prising .a - general assort ment jrr and aiitalOilivbs (tier cia the Morning of FTNI ,DOICEIMINALSASIIIIIRES 76 pitmen, floe onelity4reb mix,d doneelo essaimerell. 5 do French 61aet. &I ON lAsil . PARJIEItaI SA2 . I - 28 DQILLB, VEBTINed, - 0433CES, " - I a•Me One qwelliy termer,' bleels - satine 1 w 0,4-4 hoe blank alpeou. 1 wet London idank. sad - white cheeks. . 2 eieedeldeAnn2fatiey linen drilla. 1. - ne4tinol^n Maryellen, settiege. .LINUIQN Itiffals AND-DOOR MAT!. 10a !arse Ales velvet ntgo . . „ 160 - - do — -- do" dOor atinfEi - - - - ' --- , MIN - Irby • MATTING, • - • - 100 pieee4 4-4 and 6.4 super white ()atm matting ItEBLiTITCHEDI LINAN,O4II9/10 --HDRYB, ALL Soo dos ladies' "floe biiiititobeidtaimtrlo - - %II lire, • • • • , - 1,000 BTELL L AND PRINTED CAI #111:13.1E EII&WLS -1,000124 sador tifelba and priated .oAubtreire Job,orto. PAUIO 04 ALL WOOL" COATINGS .At D RikRI34:YOR OITY-111 ADE - 1.0 pieces rupev.now.etyln ruin alt-*.sot coating* and eassinieren. side ba‘ 4 1. • 'DIE.E 014;3401K BIuiItOIDTRINS. . !image anew 6t31.6 imbrol4,llA.- 118.1X - 001?Bilaifin 4OOFO. 'On Friday dforning, • April lit, at 10 Wein* by catalogue; on rit montbs , credit.. „_ . , - 900 packages ant of fanny and staple French dry H. If.—Earriplev and estabignes early - on morning cf sale. & FIELD, AUCTIONE ER , cm! rt.. 112 - 80IIIIC ELGRTA. STREET, below 0111811MKT,T,STAEICV.' - , LAUGH 'BAI4I - OP _OkBLUET rostrrows, &o. On` pedniAw Morning. , - - - At The auction rocms. - of the balance of the stack of a. cabinet Milt sr detaining Inrdoesx in addition to the twist lams gsvirtment of stiperlor bruaeheld furniture found-In oar sales. cemprising. in part, elegant walnut tetes, seals, rocking and Dation isbairs. centre and brqa gnat tables, ivhat.eo's Jenny Lind bedereade, dressing, bureaus, Sri/distends, feather -bade, mattresses, e :pets, 44. - . D Regular sale' s-of veryetmeriat borO•abold far nitare, p . /arnot. - ke,,liela at the auction store, every Monday, Wedneaday.- , and; -Trider. morning.. at ICS °Week, conierlaing ,elegant .Jestay , Livid - bedates4a, dragging bureaux , tette, tontine and parlor chairs, centre and btueitiet tablee, tce., dcq. •-- Ll:r :We will ,give -our attention to riles of real ro tate, steam,' merchindl•e, bonsebold finnittve, - eittrasted to our cba!ge. noon- the moat removable -terms. We will sell poll/who/A furniture, et dwellings, or at our Or:lleac may be 'required. • - MY" Osit advances made not n all kinds - of goods and. mercbandire. , - „ 12Y WILLIAM' R. STESE, • GENERAL AUCTION .1.14D,(101:flifIESION No. 41 North EIGHTH Wawa., beTow • .Z. , A.-XLIRAN.. 'Anotionoor. Fate et.tbe ,A notion Store 131JiZBIOILIWZBWOOlii .WALI/I.ll'. lifillOGA llUltlff'fl34lo:- PRENOB:, - PtATA MITMORS, oes stip. PAATurs AV'S, MOTTRVAIIie, EN agevimas, Oi,L pADlViposi , * -6 ;i 8 (4. On WedneEdai At, )040elook, ,bo. sold ;the anal varlet' at sllpelor parlor, ebamher, and dlnie:py oat fprnito , —, VallthiPs _Atm etlirsvings, -bedlo Anne:ROM owtete. .&0., Ace. „ smcOspitAND Also, i small lot of aseend-bind fnentture. • , CIONAEOTIONI'IIY.• Also, sit 'invoice of fine candies ; preserved fraltsi a/wool/du, Ac. -- - , tloWeditalelec4B a6zair r azoi Second-bend bones - hold Wamitaxe, platio.tortes, carpets; watedullJew 31v e ete.,_respeetflly solicited. otewhick, li leersi elk sl imness will be made franca/ed..- *- IrrAllutdoor sales attended to, prompptit. Obverse* 1$ moderate'io aajothar bean 10a this city. . ; C TT ; ;44SOTIONSBR,-.4'10. 481 eueo, (111reiTNEPP ' l3TRIlit7; • wirpositer- the Custard IZonse• betweeal/MIRTIL and 'FIFTH Streets; LAWN AM) ATTRAOTTYM BALI Olt.lolololDll - -41LES0WHITS WediesedarMarniaw, = Mil InStark-tt-b.tOstslorasi a:morellos, gamma:edam at 10 o'o*k, presfeektiamapriathg the followlag new and seasonable beads, to ..whlekparttimlar - attention Is ta llied. .11118ROMBRIN LiIiDND. • .I"tud liaded !real steamier 1 4 tar., •;. ewes. entirely now and rfilr styles ambits and Fleet embroidered toll/ire and Hots, trt well•assorted qatUtitel, suited te best lofty trade. . • - FLOntralitell- AND-BONDS. - Aloe, &lino of j wont awl aineit flouncineo r oiaxtbrl. AO Britt bfixid%.,te ' - • - , Smintortmitini saisfs:, - - rtobli trOttro idated LINEN -CAUDILLO - BANDICERCHISIS. - ?Mime tape.bordir 'and - hemettiebrds.liorni4atobrio Itandkw.chiele; _sesta! plen isd printed-tersdewd linen emitted do ; obildten's' lineel.errobsto dkateldelS. - , - , PARII•IIZitIN Ltea/rimmo , -= , Neer dentigne block flintioneri. ind. • lenti'on veils 4rotaiolilfaree, tairbes',Aer. - , _ PM:US ql:Nrenehllblial‘ silk Wets, long and • TKltiliffillit'S;lll),BOsingfritißliON6 - B•Lak - allri,w4 SSW ?omit de Wet bonnet 'ribbons:. and fraisoortmant of t Liming rtebow,tootre sntiques. friar or, braids. , taa.trittre valance cf• large sod welissaliadedateck'i to pereMptortly sold to Case an importation. - - ; - • • M ; . BLACK' BILK - s • ` ao, tall . lies of csimted -widths:Wok silk Iwo. FENCE FLOW/AL mitten* neer ormirotylna Frereitc artilielal flowers. , It - OtTE COMM, s , and .book ma4ioe. cam.bricii,..jetioosts, nsin. gooks : bicatipitolawn, dntted smi.figiirett galas. - - _ 7- JEWELRY: _ A. largo lot of elitionb Loney cameo, laiii:tdositc, 5 r ,.., psioted jewelry. • _ Alto, X sons lead pencil', .. . ,• -, . Andt011.0 . 1,071381- -, • , - . ftd Ito, eeco_ lack Frekik cloths, VELYt BIBBoNs MMMINIMMI ikgG posiiivz BALE Of STRAW 8001 P, ke Ott FridaYylorning, Apelllst, akin o'clock. will be eold - 11-itttaloeue, on e credit, a large lgt or best eprlzer etylealedlos , and mime' straw, Leghorn, braid, hair, and fancy lace bonnets • . dl.o, fancy silk and crape bonritts. hidtes , and chit. dren's bloomers and Melee, ,iron's and.bois' straw hats: do. Mr.' The attention c the trade is invited to this Sala. which will comprise some orthe best goods in the market, : - . AT PRITA.T.E Twelargelnavy French ;Aide teentelixdrrare . , ridgy framed ; else or plates 52:90 'train, and 66185 Inchon. WI . II be sold low to dale ae &acorn:4. OrtrISNEY - & SONS, • wr • „,1111.4 EBTATB AUOTIONEXIB ' • No: VAI WALNUT AMUR - *ED BPEING-NA. - • On Thnra4sy, - ' March East. 111149;012 the procaine - • , ELEGANT BUILDING SITES or every desirable else, on the Township Line 'Road,. Melton Avenue, sad Lime Rile Turnpike, near Germantown.. gr Lithographe can be heist the oftee, • OIIKTEI bPRLNG fiALE. April 7th it ot u til rada eck l ; t veP-tn g. e elphia 111• change, will he sold at ,the Peremptory pele,--Estate of -John Turner. Dactd. IRREPERIN ÜBLll'llatousEr=RENT' OP 1.66 00.100, issuing ort of a. lot of ground on the went side if Swarm° street, near Catbarineetreet; lot tiO feet front, by 00 feet deep. Peremptory Rale,- - -Fanse Estate. - TWO.SITORY FRAMS DWELLING AND _LOT OP GROUND, north - side of Queen street, No. 109, be. Anne. Front and termed: 'streets; Lit 20 feet front, by 46 feeideep. Peremptory Bale.—game Bstateil, - TWO.STORY Isliloß DWELLING A>' = - L9l} OP GROUND, No. 111,;oal the north aldtiaVitneetti . street ; 20 trot front, bYIOO Oat deepi c .:Natdeatlitlesteirtedeam. able grcund.reet of Xi,' Peremptoryllaliatete ' TWO-STORT , PBBII.IIII-DIVELLING AND LOT OP GROUND, No: - . in the lanai bide of-Queen itreet. .bettreeto Front ana Deernal streets ripple refeaSstes, GNEM4nritteWBl.Z.liest two-story atone anther and let of Ironed, dilute on thustnihtteet, Germantown ; .lot 80*.settiont, Ify 115 !eat' triiiiihas Clear of ..:. - IhteneterY atone trough. 'eitet) cp. - :raidence, containing pallor, thntvg,room. .hiteberi.aod.nenNillhin situate- onlXvispan %treat; teem Iftaisieszeitet ;lot 88 nattiest; bills) feet deep. ..11LitGANT 1101YDRI1 RESIDENON,I I 74B6 'LOGAN SQUAttlit'—Four story-, with threestory double bock baddinge, and furnished , with all the extra modern conveniancea, situate on the south side of Bete street, Host house west of Nineteenth street; la &dolled in superior manner, with heavy marble doorway, butts with marble Side. end tiled Tioor, heave imitate, he ; lot 10 feet front , by IN feet deep to a SO feet wide West. • VALUABLE BEOPRETY,i—Your story brick stare, No. 614 Rwatunin street below south atreekl le 11' feet front; by 200 feet deep to rennetreet, en which front le three,story brick dwAllug. VIBEE-STONV BRION ETOBB AND DWELLING, and three atcry Mick dwelling fn tae rear—almate No. 2014 Lombard atreet: Lot 16 feet front by 78 feet deer, to a back outlet. • V m/AB/AA? 'LOT OP 012013 ND, with Fix fronts, situate on the lest side of Twelfth street, at the dis tance of 67 -feet norihifroth.lrfferson street, 68 feet front on Twelfth street. by 396 feet deep to Thirteenth greet, crossing • two intermediate , thirt7-teet wide streets. ' OABD.-4. M. drums,' Fs Soroij analiousers, srpl hold regular asks of lesl Waste, &nuke, fro. Also, household furniture at derellinue,' F- S79dL • RitiVATX BARR. PrOsir On cai-Priyabi tale Register will abeep be foto& I very- Jorge 'amount or. real estate rt roir sedry desenpUou of city awl ootostry_ProPe • , • gum BISY Jo 80 • Real listateilrolters Ilfklul:Pl! Street, below 81reh CITEL • NATHAN% AtiOT/ONEBR, nd ,BIONXT LOA9I . 07310 N, No. 2114 Routh Vanes, below Walmit, opposite Pear it., culls ‘algtl9. dotne helot shellacking/. ,tit otbasiuter thole Y &doe*, A. V., MU II e'eloth in the evening. cna-40ei Ades, ~xOl sales at th e Andean Ikons, O kada ;pm the most saltafaatewp tamer. CAPITAL wOo,ood. Zatailiskaref M TiMe lass irty Peals. . Advancer made from one dollar to thousands on LW • sonde, Bilver.Plate, Wuhan, Jewelry, HardwattiMesi attandise, ClMAdial;Twnthoze, Bieldher, Cigna, altudeal Instnitutotiyelttes,.9threet, , thetlagus , *ad ewers of All ito,wm ascripti on ot. l,tioras , 021 1.416 of 4txei'agresd Au advaneer, troina:ints hundred Wham and Errands! bi'shlag. 9 per Wt. per month ; WO and over, the lowest monist tete. Tido Store Remit haring a depth of 216.fait, !palms* Wood thied-prladdratata to etore ell valushlON, and pill dots tratcharta far she 'premisesalso, a 'hem tima canoe created for baaelt of all persona hoolag goodl tdranood ppm. ' N. B.—On aeetwat of Piatiniat niatnitted thin Witco la prepared to make adranaeo on more Nitta a . scoaadactattad Um Maur say alher oi.- koaey la atomism] to tae poor, In 'mall oradasda, ietth t ohm*. eT •PRITAT3IIIII.Ir: Acid Patent tam mat "othat Wattata, hwelw, eat ' OOl4 wo woo at redatedaskaa. aittly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers