..,m 'l,. 1 ,)t5,444.4310 ~,•--‘, -, - -.' -*17;4-• -'.--! I,' ' '"- '-. -. 1-414401- '-. ' . '-' iti ' l' -- -, -:, ''' 15- ,-:!*t141.-Vtk;4, t"-,;,)-,,,t4,404/;* " gtoy-'" :1?,•!'` ':' 'll"tifiitilL.:44l4o4„.... -,,.„44010. 0414„1414,4ttiwittio ktgAi o . i . e... i l "F-i..61--;.4"17-77-"'ie*Au"—Ttl -,....,,.____-- Niko , i ,•.:.,,..„-,5-,Ny.iki-ti ''''" _,, f`i'• , 1 . • :.. .:_,...4-4" -v-, ~„.„1„11'ili., '..• •._- 0 W. 1 3- :'-- ---i'ariniea' ' -,'' r9,-,7-.=-' 111114,_ —v4%101414 iothat,,...fiiiphpyt ~,--,i4.4.1fp74,,,r010.v.,.;. ..oc4.lrro •I'•''' IT*l - liiiiiticiiiiko, -'1,4444:0L'JfiW*1,4114. qiiii-,iibolet,!* -la c--00,•''. 'Apitii ':-ai'*'.'F':',fitioiti4ol??.-tittliiilo,o4l4oitift'lle4"-** ;,r,.....Ne, c . - --' = iiiiiiiig...llV.:7".l) .--,r7tioti .t.„- 4,..c01k_.,,„g _aim .3..:41,,nAttaf,4,„, -::-.4=Aitioipwriipzia': $7,,zifi'4‘,.477.4:,- -,;,i.4.:13§04, tiu *MO i•-• ..!pt-i',-,-.,--L*71A111..: •,.,-:-_,t. r'.•'-' auk -, - iciliglail -- • . 70M fg: ,and".414k.e.k:#41,-,„),:,1.,4„,..;,-------i, -: .-..--1.----''..*:iert4vi-F,4-fib,,---,.1.0a4,1nik , a t e tt.‘4--.iisiii*Lr!. $01:-ti-'1-2-41i4t1' b.l.'°' -4,=.114*.bttC.-W01"!.0.**,r4-tib'uilllrr . t>ek,Aft6L, ',•-i•titiiit..-''-''oit,- '(' .**o, .4:!"-.:nitiiiii440"- -.01,11..,.1 out* ~.,',iifice__. __.- •= ‘,..4.fp_..,,t,,,,: - - -stiiilVoll--iih*l'siri "."'.4.• '' " *""-' '".""''' l lo o o4,3l'Aitlibil 1".1,1i,„A- ""..4..-1, V.-., ~. - o•' , 7 ,*5l-_-iarliot! ' - ' ► 1011,,,....,77 = which ii."-1- - ' '‘ e - ', -- . "%j-:q.'Atift:Pil.W, --.' 447,-1)!--- --iiOll4lM, --euAity;, - '-' ~___,...il!',l o:V titt'fe**ii-itt- litiggrtiV 67114 k t .1 iibik itt ~., , ~ " _I ••, ..;.40 kr. ttair;:*--";3.6114-0?:-.9Iri -"(I49, . -.- ‘,..',4',..W-ililtioii*iti-6,Cii*:*4#9."„,igbt OPT, ' ' - ..: •:::-: 'zi•,if.:Prlitta,..„ t,.."'5,..n,---fiii Pl),.f:iiikiteice2.,-,14-040,,r-- 03vir;wi Tifir*ANlllnsail,'- ,";dii4 P.174i4 4'4'4%0! ‘ t,-,6;;:tillit4-0,4454,..„.64..f-Th0t64.0 4 1 5 2,...,.....-'- -4-itril* '1 --- .woktvq,--:;iitt*,..,„,,,, -", iiip:ini!apt! '--' wit = " istiligA,%*, 1:-,:iist **oo,biliiiiiiiii,a-,,,,,,.5, -'1,7*,,g..i. j.!so,Lil,.tib*lii,k-itot.;:lA-.5,;.-.;,,,:. .-Atiiii-*4r -- tit iiiN,,,,- Pugh wlyot,,,i :-t,,.;;O''-ii'-4*thikt-fli'f::-IW,--°',Okr, It 4 -it - • ,-.-4.01-- „--4,„&•-,.!1441 : -3,-.l,ce Ilk Si -c---4, ~, - ' -I'."',,.;f4iV--.,,...' 1131,411,17"hi5"'` )ibe "r 'l4itiiiji l ' l v ,,, i ,,,,`•'.'"''ki-iwEDII9,X-' ilkuieY,-°-Taor .- 4 1 , ~:.- , -, awoke:,-... .- , ~11.14r,.4,:---- s- iiidlibl6- '- -',,.,--44401rLiividolsou, ._ , ur t of ri.,,,r,,,,,,,,.-:77kiiit.'.‘r°,..iiiiiit,- ..- - - 5. +3r 0",,,,,441.13''9,-,---t---- 1'1°.)1,4,7-7f .iiii :_ • , .-,, , :,--_•_itoilittiL!lk,dotiiirvinll,,l ulitifli,,,,EiTtAtir, -,"'....-41.4V-- - "lasi,_9l,7qt,leitsPl*lll7.* );i1 • •.:- ,c4.,-re..1.4 Casio: NiiinlOMP. - tliki-,- )10yr.7.77 *aillitlr.3-.. , . , • 1, • ~.„-, 1,....„7;- ,- -' lit li „IA . 4-'11..-ttr,,OC. '='' dirvitile, -• ,;:*!-gp—i-, -, e 5 ,, k,„,„- - -,, • Ar:„. „ , v ,..., / .: ~.., . , :*,llpp. . ~41: 4 4 1$11:: ..-,s -1-- 1tc,.... ~7-. ~., , s • ' 4' t -.---,-k..4e4U4,4r-•liyottor2tAt thR.-T,M9,1- ~ ':„:."- • -." . ~•-v.iilik,-.',-.-:, ari'UNit,....,,,, ''''suisX4o4.ol.•.--00,- 1.0/f -------*44,7.4.,.• 4'64.1? i7-;.3xix•'a4j4lo-I*)o4kg.kll-,-, • '*l.P its' ' ''''' '11i.174 14,..DF.-i- rewleiripil.-,1,ii,• ''.- " --_. z.4i4•:44.t -- ...•••••••t,,,,temititu.-41 ''' ~i.• - twit* . - :',.:' : --• ''''''-.--12:1i14.441,-. ; m e. :. ~•,. 1-'O,-,'--.g.00k.-1010c.a,.. inieliiiik •-i.,,a,•‘-••••. Wig ,--.-- ',., g thil Wei -,-;,_....4 l-- .)-‘ De. ~;1,,i1.4%... , 0-1.401 th, ififlllll,..,:rt ii%tg,t .. --i: ,-- .iii?..7.-1.-''4oii*tt.-,o4:lfeik,-,l',4:ta, ,ito#: ,- ...-. :,,,-,,,.Y,1•=0,4).0,,,L,_.._:,,-•reitt,4ol,ll4-,,!ii,i,i ."..j)!, 40t . 7 74(ii,,,,,1404. 417 t"iit-gf,!:.,, ;..,..,1 i•.- ',•. , r ,' --f,*-.;;;;14-- .0 ,***triii ~,----.:-.lNoliy-‘•-:-.,,11PA1L,,,avjr.,••• ,i449.iiiii, to :..-..4!-;4:,''4';',-.Zwi .4-144iiii,i0'7,1ki: i:41,444M-iid0:07;:i.64-',' ,- --i - - . -".'iiiii*,:-.- • ~' 11. ~. i:. . w., - ;- --. ' 1)-- 1 - " .1> \/ . ; _ - *ltaigni • , v • , - r - .- . - -^T"1:;111-441 ° R l 7t,-,Arie to ~, > con , -11,17444:50,,,,r1 7.:1',411711, - - ailtitieli 144 so 10'. 10kalrO,f1tIti.:4 1 444 1-1-64( iiitaieft 4V , rit44 *ito•P fiefillik::.-iiird"" `'‘' ttriiit''lifialt Aiii*JAiff tie s e . 4,.o* =`;',l;7ly'Atikr,P'', iitoktiklrlzi ra in- t o pq, „,-vkliit2go24'ftflrriokk-*liprl;a'id, opx '' 44 ;l4:o,9 ll l o 4tiliswv,-;-1: , ,4 0t - 011,1 447 11 affitts it '* 61 1111.ThiAliji - ri g / Tel' 53-111#*) t,,, , , 4 ii-61001.1tr '''''-4 _s4.addelili On l. '- .4.1.14-I,7;keNs ;.- 3' ''''' F' iidifittatirgAr4.4_ a,4,00-55,tholdc i s Ir- . 7.t i t*l ';'".ilt . -155104 orilot in 'IPL.)IO,7w P I P eell , -40 -,atiAs .144 1' '''bg*Iildit:f6t !! ii '' '.- 094.0 r," Altit,llo4,l4.443clilV3l"l64r,4ibof,riiiktO., ~,t, *Ail ppittV,'„ Nknotmlii.iiiidi Y!`'-hit 'itiriqd, ;13- ii4.4 1 11 , ' - - ..`"t , ,1 . ..14 -,,auidt Tem,y4l'aie,,, on; 4 ' ' 1-t- ' 'l i Ttigr-kln l itit *Mk i,triitigti r ia, w hic h Ptlft.,la 4 oUtMint .- ° I- i tiOiOril" tt't; n: literdsla L-- ftlteliatro i :. 1 t, '-- " I I '1 -44-42poiset . A- sifioispie -, orttitat, ,F Intl* faitea i- 04TARit o:olo.o4ung twiraga: • -;*1 w allif 4 ; = !ego* _ .4,4—.7 ao‘Eng. ~. 1 ,•I'il°'*'.olllol. Fop ~.Atigr,etsFt." o h.. And the,, ti 1,0 - irju.... . i -'.0111412,1110% aky zulWiP__42 ..1,-' -1,14011 W t*altsl34-1:,, pirgateAtin ..eltt 14'4 01.1"rftq1;iir... th4.742l",itirad lihicAl 't'%l'.f,;,;4lft 7,lLPreilt:;4;s, ilqpiTAE• °417.0161, It h i :, 4 , ri21 1 7,:itti._ ,, ,,14: i15,,x4„A„,... alllk 4' .1°'1,*31.4'.b40P1*1411 InCllik , 1 r- 7 I .41.,,!f 07 ‘"' - • i;4--;.- : „'',, , ,- ,.... - :: -I P.. i i ii kbhc i irmaym •--- ' -..-` ' Tortivid, , ,, it. 4 .:,ily „.t N 134 MalpfllA., . liatti*lllf 4,.t,. . itigid.4. ''', thimAMV-4111)* ,_,,,,,, • , 44114 -, - e • ilitig Ink -, 4"7,4 1 . 0 .... Ir. !,'_ 4 ,., -frof 1 atis*flilt. riiiiii,itiallig. ~4:04 kitrir ' „ ~, t....„-,m, 4 :07 ww- ,„,,EgiAtialmo,.':, .- Ve ul lifillrA.A,,,', 'l44:ikx.,- , - , , ,„Ingido ,1.....,..t ar.o,-4.4,..d.: --1,itri4,_ttt,......-11,4...4446006,4,--Noopllsinf-tp7hic , - 4 " -05trowitur 71ritilw .044 , was. mo - 4 , 1 ,, O Mt -"%iti;i0:411)`" lita' 0014:YessiL1" id is ;4fAITVI ' Yt• iiati 7. 4 aiiiii wu „.,,.• ~ iiiiiiirioXiloatkill,:,- ,ifillatier 14 4 , ~ ~,,e, [ • , -orsteltelle ,- ` ,l, - Aziell (;;liltt, q tr l *An - ,-, i - ii , w i t h Pi, i 1,, :dr ixil. ,30 1 - 010).,)t ig ie- ljlllis 1 144 f ' l'.. 4,1,1 4 ' 4,,,,4, 4° Irrl '-f,ikiiloillittf '1 t .f 1311., ~.,1 ,-, ~,,,,,, • t ~, rii ~.., ~ , A .'tiii44l..rta li 07-',;106, =v1774:61am .4:4 , 'Apamkt ,i -ribeyr ,T,•,,-, quiesiotTb• di v e "--,4*.X,„i,..,- , 4;soisiftli, zi, isikall., - eta ''‘l frti,'0.r„,,,vair,,,,,y,k.,...,....„,„4 wi. cif, ~,, ...,44,.,„4-n,...,(mta, , ,T,0f..-_„0,,„#,,,010,74-,,,.,...nimpt. , ' l '+'=4 4 R 4) 4.*7.-Okiiirrtaiii. 610‘"Cir.lailide ~o bl'.:----,-,,' 1,011,a,..!,....., m441011.., 1) „ a i. __.aigtei,,,,ililiot,,Aueinisi""plA „11140"1 , ':-;,..,:, _ -119/1.*" 1010(117,094011011 ' illiiital .11figgPi.11 ~ it yiedorlikiti„,Tavort www.w -OA la, ' ;-**"• 4i *II Mbottibel ,z,vl,- i ',.... 41,5*,..,104„,- ' K.fielions it or ri o Jiri 1 ' -ifizVat4ool.44, , thcoseand W0.,...i4.1.,4.0.1,V .... at -4.1“:1111154,- '4..., * *Oa 7 . •N',,, tiiii"friamilejl ,10,E45...,P r`-• , 4-4.1.,,,ww*,,tai 04. , fri'-,:i-44,40adza* " tie.grrt.d.,` ikkotora 1 '',' -, Aol l 4kit"WiTifitol , r77l,t,, /.-','', ,„,4 _,....._... . ~,,,, tOluneeifactVniviliti , ^- ''' 4. mi., ;di- nr 4.•4lnritlONP ,7 , I 1 5:...0, -de, ,AW: le'? ;'. -Arailiftlill,t*,l:Aiiil9ll,o7lo,o4,-:--4,6At tf.,4 *01: 1 0:'1, 1 1C 1 . - - ~.40,11,Et MEM lI=EMIIMI The. - Tilistrivat of the Slave Trade. itkOo4O*Okoor.-4opei,'of South Carolina, advocated in hip , inessage a t_ lee; ,ittel.preposokltaS , ' 4984 - rat - 44tif. 01114*foot...ea. W " 100, • 9'l7' 414,01 M da4 heiniirtisenad;UP Tint South, to layer of, liCtOfttliittTheleading 6rg°4441- ieroOf school' now inlyidyfi4o, it, and present their argu doigelitet the - eat of Congress which pro- Mt much , a4 - 4014.1Prkektges#, - .and - • determination as re pleading: :r r NO, Cause.. Wiik,„, I,4o4lloo;States. in Wet, brra-. revival of "Itlifel,J4ade:44t : kietitbein:tionventiOn* leading of dieter Othdrihile- hr (tenet:eked! hy; tbe iltoo - Ofithe, kliotiiikio = ‘*; adyof, thiliOtletWlitiiierUr; with a mere ii,eendone.. There arc many Mlaren:hairing Wei se. '10.91,49,440,4141.03.te5r1itte10dppi,,Und Fieri. 4i,,:-;..14(-4,10?-*__ , outgo was landed isi Allo4l4,by . ittio4 . 4tit' l .-Wittdeitr,4aiplOstik 4440 1, Itiekihslifainioeneeii,44 ( OC.,the agitittion Of ',lite • stage-trade .4110414Ve*th—,*:,inereaalpg until ;4SfOiJieiiigoo made tO their Mn , 4o* lirsilTheLtmat.tiadrstet oteg!l,l+:94-in the, JAstikofthe,brilf, Eche, when I Southern Grand indlotMeitt*itiflat men known Anharer - fittrtieliateC in - the i revolting rituktrihniniii'l'reyagiiN,`*iitofi -j :Piored fatal the , - . 'UnlitiPpy; Africans $4 . iiiitie"inifiiiiittlgi i%Sc TeOinpaittoiM, were, restored their _ Daiwa ethnics- the r atexikfri; , legera,. - , Then ~, mime • the -.,direct Im portatipn. the :Wanderer of •a '• Cargo. of ,skives intei.georgliready' in a , fitting finals to laieset' the, revolting" drama of • re. *itithlistibill74ll4:nieet Vella that ever;4llligtacodthe world - a traffic based 1) - 9t li4it4 t but tri fitimatt` . y r a 'fiarftk:ttio" b tidtse,ek, ti;lidence ; #l , Africate ob ;tain;the oitairiittpotteislonl:.of the slaves, and :Oaths ocean, during their transportation to this, , eatiotrithelobenio'appeirif to have virtu ally received -thirappiObittee . .t e: faith= . . itesS - whiff se*treitevesibteateir, to whom the jjoleriroren 'o f the ` country hose ; been On= following -P* l 4 l -74 11 , Xfo)'-'loi,flH(l4oO*ijOk we refer garitari;!,'Artn: or • sour or 'inn wax anymeM.,wir,aAritie,tme. , _ .41Mt Mewlag r ia relation to the capture, of part RAJA Wariderer's, cargo, „is from alettat to the I 'llllll4oiittelGladAicol - etti . :: , -- • 1 itferalt 11118 5 9 1 •niti heti been thetheatroof considerable 'brelteMtiiit -antibeetle for some - dip; past:yes , ' pCodkettittl, captnya:of thisty•elx Ina parts th e tninpeuf be Wanderers On Thursday, the 3 4 tuatri - - , JebuXii,S9/4,i 7,0 1 deputy mat sinidOt AlitOlitikte`q,udiOrgts, and a ot sen of this tTelfeliteeinity4thelegbootrinfortied'that Clair) nesabirint "African:4' itnditi - The charge of a white -Alabame, - were passing through ;. Atte,nountiss - 7 _ of , Coffee_ and Irwin, eMantoifed .a. posia, ,composed, of -Rule - of the siost‘reipliteble - Oldgene of the county, partied and overtook AheAtegirour in Worth ementy, th la three odlosior took peitelldo"tiptthere; oak nissietaktheni.to Jacksonville - LAC putthom fa jail, and to,,th* Federal MBank at ,yanneti action' In the, premises. ; -,The white Menlo abir?ti of the uogroes denied at Silt that Ahijr„-,Vers;rafriesste,: - -aird'stieriiptint - some •%re ,shbenotkr but aftergarda odorant& that day. were ,a!,parr-,ot:-..4fts„i ,a4r,sii , i the -Wanderer. The_ molt of these itegroesease very likely, swim* from tweittymne - , years - 04,1 there, is, only, one isomnifirsiongibeia, , Theyattim perfoodyhappy; - . ,snd-;areit)iii , vontialted and ,- froo. time care. , Alt if .04432 g their native undo - They' remade 7 Jan mayst alight; daring-the day they are tinoatt4 d sto,fooosokotas.oifioLz pome of; them are multi, 'ltst an. gala - te " Ara: 'they lefratiVailvistowit :kriiii& - otiratltiih: several of- Au* iirejt, Amor biteitherklurstileas tend roteS74..Wer4o4`` aud - e- Tublike are forpriterierde,Witl(thera,:; all love, mosey' and 'aillipiesitti love eihishejy -- They seem to have a littowiedgsi of the ratio of ooint but of our 4 5 , 4ein5miy, ,. .-.7lgavocratr-, an order , for some. -at Oster* etintlelt OM % all' of :fie rapt in; grist.dernatid. with ;them:., A news., paper was torn Into email places kid heretical' , put i l eanvisithinking it will _antiwar the same Mir dataria and sports are mery maiming - sad mistral. Most of the older ones are Aulta ,- ,ingiolowpiatlig4nivex sad other' hhige oat PC,}ron lioepcstid, s.erdbut trzee, ~,They are Afery-finit.pf 'pie - 11114 and tiale:Of _the bare Of titaiiiaeiltsveitittottiyiltdaani.thftlikit - thh We* 4Mtbdi eausiiirblehmaticallinu , tinge rond. •:.___don'A„titliki ON - YAW:AO Pave -§-e,ttittlate•Allfsitiirlina hut *sic belieflna tin; vvrem Beitig, r ibit;liare, failed: ,lhey,arty , from three Slifeesrat.litithete erittitiektileti being three 411ffeeisitalarkileFtatappoiraceig thenr;indieating, Cif ths/11#idliferitematierab or perhaps,_ kel.slogo in miniaseavAceneett-.l',,Mistisf , Ther aeon -learned . sollWltialfiebesetordeAue'iotoi' , ol erea*rang tOlislibitiii:Stlirtilciaurtliesfarityd.i.eo , *Wing ,61:11004.,#;Ao4; - ,trhOsilvisksa' repeat - .!,,...; -. , * - 414kratistelasiSiriiintali - IrbiloWiimin logs% ~AtiME.llolllittur.-o'thh"o4l' deputy D ried EitateiPialuidnat •,,noVistir Amen,listinemi , y The inifshitlitatite*ro°Say,rAftlettait-lte t Had psul thrOsstr-Dliiik country, wertnformed - that therfterssethirkyabeineinirge df_ene iir_two men ie 4411Se:it tti,tlMAilbsitatilLne , Thiatunnumed , IDelistOttett*,;eatse ottott bad tar!' :sued and thilleiroti. 112111'00 1 Oita ty, rrititedifthichaiOuggittAlitited - BMW. minshat hoo r ,:ible.4l, l sreousto i .;. - and` brough t 'them to Joadepc: rtliem- - In and sent, WAR:gest:to Mut marshal at Savannah rsnorting mroo:oorha ectkftia the matter, The no gross reisiainid3 bairn - mil the answer W from thi mareket earittC , sehi s 4 Stead ha had telegraphed ood....serietalo - to at- Washington, aa(44O4lneeinid ; tio.onstor resPeoginggie e `Afr, imOilliitt•kitiene .. o , ilo.swtho country 4.thist the Citinitritinint bienti_Ofeke bei ng in the ?Strittii'nnirlitsi ginttnAint,nO orders; and that kevadetia Wks nrearre Wee loose and let-thant, Ptesurf mo , .*Aser.;• way- ~ , Whets - this - later , come, and Os Asir:rem had bees needs 4 the authority . , of thef:.:Cipitikt Otatar,:artel, rt. good faith, the `--ragrafiOeicrri , islittaidat, lite - , person la charge of thinnlfitytnir for" the 'provisione they, consumed sad redicelatteatlott to :thaw that w a r e - 8 1 0 h. ,Cokar•Asra ef those assisting la the arrest retook the_riegithis alfdismiinded 'torment for their oat• ley and.trouble;threatening' to runty the Africans :•to GareeriOr-Brown if it was not paid. A compro• miss Made '-tethe - satisfaction of the partiee, ;'anrl:'fihc, laet-of tlfe: , Wanderer's cargo" were altered to depart in peace. The uegroes disliked 'reryinuct to leave,'-as giey had been treated very amity bi the idtfeetis. - :. - : thehoner of theaoinEri r 'trust that .8000itattsfactory.elphoation of the facts here act fo r tli.twy yet flied& . It, appears to be cleerlyishewatitet a Portion of the Wanderer% ate* were taken'- into custody. by IC deputy United' State marshal 'ln • Georgia; . 614 the tbetlistrict 'Wes apprised of their aireat; but'that the coured the authorities at tOitioso 'uogrboi was 40* the marshal to 'order, them I?),So.thi - ,,etisted - y : of the- staio-: iii4.4hOti.Onablei them. to .complete Oratical • ; ,eoterpitte - ,,ily - 'disposing .- of Aitri'xistthua,.opt Sortsigniag them to. per tatfaat slatieitt fiervilfty'of the' Adralnis.. trollop to . thetutOgltty and arrogant' demends 'of the slave POWer has thus apparently reached liticlintaxY, 104 content with °admires to I•Orce upon ;the soil of Sensae against the.'will of hercitizenst, not Content with ad vobatlog *eery 'designed to force slavery, ii,positlie Wi t -Auto all the of yet uneettledi aga in st the wishes of those who are to thein net- militant with squander ing-the m ousy Of Abe' Federal Trease4with, reekliSO extravagance; to. purchase in the shaves to obeythebehe:ste IP - kith** f.. not With 'tie ).; bribe bill for the acquisition tinba, , the,Aidlitiniertration has crowned its pyramid:o infamy ~by.shatnelesaly neglecting its Offielildutlei Tot the purpose of 'coanfileg ot#4treilval of a odioUt that -hue =fire yarri ago scarcely a single' hnizian being SloUtieerleit;:lietild•lievir *red AtidOrietlYrink,A, 'it the; same category t 'tof, human, crimes-Which bite pci; parallelhi its ,fiendish Iniquity but pir'a ey.ln tiO most horrid forma, and-which hat beenjitatidenominated et the '- aura' 'Of all . . • , 'the', statements have - taken fiem irst*tithri'''Xii*Pii** l true; eta• is now riOlffiCtinebitfileito the revival of the slave trifle' :'.T he whole 40,aiuk has been playeii out, :,,01*,1,41441i'.4240,:c0t0p10te1y set at Ale- Plagette , ,',Wicificargo , ,Of slaves land upon our ..akereitif4ci;Msitor .: if If. guilt-of the murder • octsvitliWor banal; beings rests upon the .:souls Of -her '-atew;••it•O Southern' jury will ignore e, 01114 'Ordeputi marshal, id'tie teittrt;tof a Southern °fake, liatireinotighe' i nld-faihicitted integrity; notaith: alantli*ktt!"-*tiihe - ri aduestion:,antt, prejet -,419440 suppose thet 4 a faithful execution Of Fexisting_jaWs,:is.-,juittand , proper, we have at Washington' -President in , thwart hitt legal siad humane efforts; either' bills Mend', or hyx_biedireet ordpri,land ;than to *Mimi and Confirm_ the inhiman;liligikandbletukatalned OaireAretle piyiitep claim to hold - uniiirtanati vlOthne of th olfem avarice., - • . oat in ; to•day's paper; it trill 'l4:o4# .. tkat thSattrsn 4,e, National ,Telegraph' lissiiii4S:biiiii,sentoviti, to .the office of" , the Anted , oitk - 704 1 00 , 09n2p5ny, 100:13outh Third ptreetL Strportsrakitkairoutatita4 - yesterday, on , the isrithslritypr► :despatish' frotn , Washington, that I ,partsrst-pass, pad fliedsoddenly: - We are happy With 111 the Yymor. ^.4 BY 1 MIDNIGHT MAIL. • Lef.ttr WOW t.,,Tocasionfi l . " March 28, s, There like doubt:Mat the old Whig • Paff9; de fei4d'inTlftld,undeOliniri-Olay, and greatly de. 'snonallinkiii IEO4 by ilia Atnerioan movement; in niir Sitairdng its , loehn; and preparing for another .nainpaign: -things; 110 I have repeatedly' iota in my lettati;lo o lt to thilOvesult. Not again lengthily to notice; the4aovements of John hi._ Betts in Virginia, it is will for politicians in the Oppositionlo pay ail - I;4IMA to the late demonntra• lion In New . ' Wilt; 'headed tiy' Goiernor *nat. which contemplates a national orgenisktia'n OP That ,_9P.P.0119 1 1 9Plfnor,littutis an -Olay , - .lff biz' and it national men, fait. representative, not so Musk of the anti-Sewardelemeht, tus of the einMentofhoetility to !psotioisalinni id the - Optioning, orgenta►tion 'He,la - a wise and ifiudent states-' 'Man, end hte , speech foreshadows an earnest spirit, against any mere Northern organisation. He &Ors that n o, partyean long retain possession of `thelkdoral- Governnient which does not possess toluenoe in every aeotion of the Union' and henoe at the-efoae of hie epeeoh in New York, on the 24bstq he •nsos a sentenoe fall Of signifloanoe, aoratng as it does from to Moderate a man. I copy "If a union of the friends of gotid government and - , salutary reforme is made impoe• Ole by, exclusive views and extreme require•, Menta-At As cilually eats to &oleic, that the Whigs of the,Union , will befound•true to their country, faitbful tq thrill , cherished ,principles, slid' ready to okey the -vole., of duty whitherstrever it may Tke Bepublioan leaders will not like there demonstrations of the old oonserrative,senttment, bat. le my duty. to , mark' their reourranob as keen ihutigiatef the times. ' By the way, the late artiole of the North Arne rtea4, tit your,eity, in fever ot John Bell, is ores- Wig a _goo d deal of sensation here,' aid well de , , . ileryeeto be classed among the politioal symptoms of,thindiry.',, „ ',, • - , .- , ~ -,--•• . . ' _There /as been a good ; deal of liguring within the tall week ,by the :Washington -Union, Mr. Wendell, in whose name:that paper km been pub- Salted, makes no secret of the allegation that be Is rather tired, of the expensive connection. " It Umbra geed deal more than it, comes to," having iuntriTallthe money , to raise and pretty much all itiedenestreyes liesn,,and he is ale° called upon to pay Out heavily to all ; the ; lesser:ant ,be Cling aroisnd the fading fortunes of "the Admiulatration, and hence. ,he has slightly, revolted at the load put upon - him: „ As I write, it is nattered that George .Washington Bowman , (Superintendent of Public Printing) has purchased., the Union, and Intends to publish ,the national organ under his own auripieea, 2' We' alikneir Oen. Bowmen,_ and he has misalea very' honest - SuperhitendenCof Printing. He has;:; too,: rare 'qualities, for—the organehip, hiving tace; probably, the bitterest enemy that Mr. Buchanan over ; bad , in middle Pennsylva- Wit i hut be is' not the meatioiopetent min in the world'te - take charge of a great central newspaper. If Wendell, with` his fipeneiel skill and ability, 'oould.not engineer the. Union through the storms end qnicknanda of, the last two. years, how can Bowman effect : 4oi dolt_ with. his !mown record 'againet, plunder in ,the departments?„ Of course, sh'ould Hei:Borvinan take charge et the paper, be . will image his superintendency, and give way to another, if not n bettiv, Man:. . . : ". ' - f I beg to - repeat; safe:alto most positive informs= - 1 tlidifnotwithstandlng the late (Metal denial, that cae t yleiaygliip haa been weir 11l within the last few, &aye; Enid' is still . , quite weak,' 'The President bag tried to pay porno attention ,to the Depaitment of State, but so badly, hag ;that arm of. the Severn merit been attended to; that even Bennett, of the Nei-York Herald, ,(,the organ Of, the Administra tien4 is conipelled ,_ to sly, out that, the foreign ' folioy'pl the Administration:la a dead and dia. admit firiture. „ _ ' I six( somewhat , amused at the Washington Staten'math:eye:it. movement against Efeeative estirpation'ts rebellion : , This if a good_ word—this of rebellion; 411.1.Why,_does net TheStatcsiremere bar that 'it bee done:A . B mnoh as, any.,other; journal to' mite the contempt, aid derision of the coun try against the'ffederal Administration? Indeed,' 'so fatal his the policy of this' Ad:glutei:ado:l, been to the-Demcaratio party evetywheie, that even Virgleinis not safe. ~.kimest ovary Conventional diatilet Welled with dies:endow, some of the best friends' of The '§"citios being among. the - rebels; thiatilantbitisitie seinide,,,noiniriations discarded; end the etre:lost measires :snorted. to. The'Statis; however, Irbil:id sted_deat to all these things, but dm not hesitate to unsheathe Its "saint the Vistula of Penneyliania ;There : is a 'good deal of, difference, Mark yon, between "rebellion in dui aiiith and rebellion in'tho' Heidi i; ' „ •. " Little 'ls 'said about the Slekleti trill. The late -day died fortilintriaibisexcited much, surprise, 'effeehdly when we'consider . that Mr. Sickles him self hesaiot - saikert tor delay', He quietly remains IR V ° 'iiii."T.tgrai rarely OimPlaltdoff, end perfectly, eilni and pldr*oll4:4l," There la no doubt.that i oiling to thelindenceitlth whioh,be hatideperted 1 hinaaelf,i 'verj at:Cog' feellig has besetawakoned ' In hisissibaleinthlenonintunity, Etrin therWitsh ington Star has; withinthe last file , daya,:oeased ' to small hins,' - and Voirdiettlettbt•- that when the ease Is presented to , the' ,iiiiiiriona of ' the 'OULU:min ims laden that paPer his 'attempted: , to excite nititincthlioriii ha forma ta i m 4t..___,__.2......._._ Poosstotten. Lotter ifirenv44-Tolithitenvivr- .TMIC , "4BBIMOTiMf- - 11A11 - 1 - AND•Ma. „a10K1.113.,7•Ma1Y YORA:FREt LOOXINO POII OTFICX Oertemplykenee of The Prem.] • WesinNaTorcAtaroh 27, 1859 The telegrapilicaimcitincement in the New York Daily TitlLLs, that a meeting of the bar was in contemplation for the purpose of delegating one of their • number to aid In' the profieoation of .Mr; Sickles, is a preposterous fabrication. Each a gross violation of gentlethanly feeling as well Sc profes elonsl dignity ie not to be fathered on our bar.- Ontror trio legal gentlemen May have allowed What they the ditties of frienclehip to over= come their judgment; but the'bar,'ln iiiirOfessional sense, utterly rebukes t'se idea 6r Intention of tak ing one Bide or anothbr: The peoullar.position oo cupied by both Mr. Kay - and Mr. Siokles to the le gal and 'social world here readers Impartiality a matter of the most implicit necessity. With re gard to the former, I impede!, find this feeling of silent charity paramount among thisie with whom he was professionally' and socially connected. While there is no attempt made to jartify the cause iti.whieli he'reoeived hibleath; the same he norablifeeling • prelim& any disire to attack his memory or expoee•!t unduly to attack. The para. isra,ph in the Times was a Very wanton Mel on the character - of the Washington bar, and this oorreetion is made in jestice to the very able Arid clever gentlemen who compose it. ' New York is - ,making a slight fuss tore letiking for place.. •Mr.fieeige Taylor wants' the Commis donorship of Patents, and Mr Israel Satoh ie - similarlrifilieted to theta - id Moe.. Mr. Taylor's, Mende press him:- Mr.' Hatch's 'Mends are elo quent Mills claims; Both being from New York, both can't get in ; Mid the iritagOnisin is, not that they are lwith looking for the one place—then it would be natural enough—but because they are bilking for two plume, one of which, acoordhig to the rules of-distribution inada and provided . ; can only be given to New York. Whioh will get in lhat'sthe:point.-Well, it I a wagering man, Iwonld bet on Taylor; not that be has any more talmif-than Hatch, but he hai conatdurable sada oily; and is,lnoreover, slight!, uriserupnlOtts. was formerly accused' of 'Xnew l Nothhogism, and only carried his election for the Brooklyn, district' to Congress by the 'Most 'attentions, exertions of some enthuslastio Irishmen,' whom: he, at the eleventh hour, got 'to take up his cause, by assu ring them that ho either had not been a Know. Nothing, or if he had entered a lodge, it was only for the fun of the thing. There were great num bers up to such fun in those days. Mi. Taylor distinguished himself very early in the Thiity-Afth Congress by the introduction of 'the bill by Ishii* the mode of paying members of Congress was changed to the present scandalous system. He carried his point, both the House and Senate, with 'tied indecent - halite, voting themselves their 'pay before' they had partied it ; while, 'at. the Mine thiy Were passing a tressurpnote bill authorising the President to borrow - twenty millions: To Mr. ,Taylor's bill , much, hasty and Incomplete legislation to due, and will be due, unless the old system of eompensa tion is reinstated. Now, these members who go to Congress as a matter eripeouiation, go to draw money, confuse the publt6 business, and adjourn .because they are not paid per diem; but receive a stated sum for being a Itepreamkatlye. ' . Mr. Satoh was sound on the great test ques tien— Lecomptonism. Ido not fled that he made any great display orally; but his vote was, ever in the , shadow of the White thus!, as, indeed, was also Mr. Taylor's. They were both regent soldiers of the infamy which, had it marred Ina European country, would have justly shocked the whole of America, - and :given us another reason why we should blase our system - in conttadistinetion to despotism and its power of ;washing the free will, of a people. • • It will be somewhat Moult for the President to decide between the respective merits of the gen. demon, but I dare be sworn,lf eithef gets in, it will be the active Repreeentative from the Oily of Churches.. , • The town is very empty, bat has been gloriously full of -aansiiine—delightful - substitute for Goa gross-,for several days past. - :I must go out end I enjoy it. , - 4 ' - TOUOUSTOSII. LAMM SALE, STOOKS APE REAL ESTATE, TIES .EVENING, by, , order of Orphans'• Oaten; ' Bacon tors, Assignees; and others, Bee Thoints dc Sons' PAvertleements,' auetton•' head, Including five handsome modern "iestdOnoes, Worth stout street, to bo gold peremptorily. • Valnablei business loom tloni Ittont atreetithirty.ll.l by one hundred and ave,feet ; several other valuable business IMMO, - and hendsonie and plain dwollinge, ground yenta, stooke, Am. See pamphlet - entalognsia and advet 7 tbsonents,-,anotion head. ; 7 ' %, TIM BALE or' M. EARLE'S ELRCIANT PAIN MIS will 'oominenoe this rapt - oink "Mien o'slook Nes Sotto'. 44yertlemegt, attotion it9ill rin PRESS—PIIILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1859. THE LATEST 'NEWS TEAUORAPI4 POUR B;, LITER FROM , TNE STEAMERS NIAGARA AND' - ALTO AT OLDIFAX, LORD cillv.i.EviOttypory :TO .VIENNA. Returning with Satisfactory Propositions. moron') *TdomdIERITI:To TRE, Privid4ll Italian Eatiea ADVA i',l7N. COTTON. ' CONgDli óo. , . . ' SW& 27.--The Cunard eteamehtp Ningar► and the propeller Alps„ arrived about noon to dew, Soudan) with iiiiterpool advlee'e to Exhardsr, the 12th net • -• 0 - • The !' 'gam Fepqrtebtleing been detained off Militia. forty lime by dein' five, Bh'e peeved the !steamer Attica, bound to Liverpool, on the 18th. off 'railcar. The deities Idiubtorgit, from New ,Yotk, arrived at I Rogow on the • 12th hart. The dement Indian and Lebavon had silo inived M Llvorpool The Niagara experienced strowg westerly gales daring be Met eight dive ot . hetliteeige; itte p►eeed on tft tat , off Tneo►r, ike ►bip But* A' Sate, bona out • • Lord OChley bad left Thous on his return to Nag • laud, and it nee reported that he was the bearer of • satisfactory proposition from Austria; bat r ettrithstand leg this, the latest Parts correspondence is less pantile. and French_ Mudd had declined one per 'cent. onlbs. Paris Bourtio, , • • Sardinia still maintabseGLAND .te a threaning attitude. EN The:Gonne of Commons has rejeoted the Government bill, for the partial abolition of the church Gams, by, a large melority. Lord /oktildwliell.has given notice of en amendment . to the Itstonn bill, to_tha effect that no.wili Meant' r the elective -rrenehliss will motley the, idtmei or the' country which does not provide a - greater' extension of settratre to shies and boroughs than is provided for In the bill' presented by'hlr..Disraell. -Mr. Wilde also gave notice onto amendment proal. dinkier voting by ballet The Neapolitan exiles explain their conduct on bond the ship David tinned.= They Fay that they simply threatened the captain with law proceedings, If be, took them to Amnia' ageing their consent: They are being liberalltprovided ter by the public.. Tbelourion Times reoemmends a public subscription in their be- half. •, Fire of young men, lately arrested in Ireland for.- connection with the Phase!: Club, ate being tend roe treason at Teals.. The,. Ire eberged with eenepliinn to intbreet the Constitution of the ootintsr, and% est*. liah to Ireland - s - Denworstio Itepahlio, with ranittlea- , tlons !pittance and Ameries. • - -", - The London Times again refers to Cie defaulting Stated in the United States, giving a resume of their present pftellons to prevent the pobl:o being deluded by the oonstantilourishes of their Governotel • The Church rate bill was -defeated in the House of Commons by s Tote of 264 t 0111.., ' ' On the 10th inet., In the Mode of Lade, the subject Of the future government of 13 ngapore was debated. Miniaters announced told they should be gribi.d by the answer to the despatch their hid recently addressed to the Governor General of India. In re, pole to the noticed of am endmentarto the Be, form bill, Mr. Disraeli stated that the Government wu preparing certain llxodificAtions to the bill proposed by him Lord Burycelled attention to the Newfoundland fish, e, lee, and moved for the pawn showing the constrile% tion placed by the trench authorltiee upon the treatiee now regulating theM an 4 the present state of negotta• Sir Fn• B flugden acid that be could act enter Into the enbjeet beeause it is:l7ollmi come littlis dae'gor, although he hoped it was .enseeptible of amiable ad justment; • The Trench Government had intimated the ' intention of enforcing, their fell rights under the • treaties, - and bar Majesty , . Government had given a counter-notice that they intended to enforce their lull rights' , At the ante - time, they propelled the appoint, meat of commindenere to enquire into the rights of. 'the two countries. That proposal had been waisted, .and he had no fear that any oollision would corer dor tog the inquiry among the Baltirig reagele,ns steps bad been taken onboth aides to prevent it. He hoped that I Lord Buoy , consent to weft for the report of the ammisaioners. ". Lord Bury then withdrew his motion. On the Ilth, the Stilled of plrsay at Hong Hoeg, end the conduct of the oitheals, was mooted in both Holism • and Minister 'ramified inarcettgatlons. Lord - Malmesbury stated'that the Congress of Paris would probably meet on the following week en the Ones tion of the Prinelpelities. The estimates were debated, and the Indian loin bill pasted through committee in the Common: The Neapolitan exiles had„ presented an Wan to ;the Mayor of Cork' in which they state that while on • board the Neapolitan frigate they. protested ,in vain against being taken to America, and appealed to be landed in Bean. On being tranaferred to the David Stewart, they drew up a declaration invoking the pro. Section of the United Mates laws, praying the eaplain to deer for the nearest English port, and tbreatenicsi, if he persisted in going Vehlew York they would wane hint before the law courts for th e violation of their li berty, but that in the meantime they would ;reaped the /AWS of the MAP Onpresenting this to the captain, be at drat se'd he beyi pledged Me word to take them to America and could ma'am Against ble - intereat. On the following day, however, the captain moon /Mead hie determination, Sod Announced his intention of steerlog for Cork. The exiles claimed that they re-, optioned the law of the ship and those of aurally to the oommander. They explained that their chattered, health, and a desire to he as near their native land ad poseible, were their Tempe fornot going to Kai a floe , . feet, and civilited country as Amoeba and they eon, aura by asking a generous hospitality from Great Britain. • The London Vines; initionitandisig A Public sub, Ileription in behalf of the Wilke, says that In the whole" history of continental turmoil Mae 1815, there la not, an instance to be found of man who bale edit red such &laved" wrongs with beile ho entirely elan In the event of the Government being defestsd'ins the Reform bill, -a , paid:ion' of, Parliameet ,was item reported that 'Lard 01"de er - onid not fromlectia at present. la.tbe for treinth,,at Trades " the sitters* general, in -opening - the asap, charged them with axe apirmayneitis other t inseatto subvert the Ocestittstkin of the sae , and esteblieb•lnlvelmod'at Tea Bath.' e rrW' ° • " :„ • men•weir , • • • riji t g= 'Pb. trial lea Pregreieleg quiet ly, MlVl° DOS kllo.l2wltan thirNiestas.sailpi. - ' Tbeliondost Ala a Am—en--ont.rfavenelliettinau s ii image to Congress caking power to employ the army and navy for the protection of American right/ on the Isthmus and in , Menlo, thinks! the President Ise geed gran& for. his expostulation', and endorsee his mgrs. menteibut points them igeinstleenueratto , - The same journal, in it city arttele, questions the expediency of the, promised gratuity to the Osieray line of eleamers, and hints phut the Government's desire for Irish votes may have bed something to lb with it It argue! that the Government is deputing from The principle which - reenires no entreats to le made except such as have been invited by •putith tender, and that, in enbiddleing this line, they act nn. fairly. - iiredeviek Braces -ha started. fur China to a =moths office of ambassador.: Loft Elgin was en peated to remain till hit urinal. - The 10n40 on the oth wets Waken on the 10h firmer, and X m l( higher, Laden the 11th again weak bat firsts at the close. PRANCE. • - 11. Beaker, the Minister of Commerce, %idle nil With the functions of Minister of Algeria, H. Lautat having declined the appointment tendered him to tint caMee. The Paris Bourne onthe oth inst. was buoyant, nadir the rumors of complete maze having attended Ted Cowleyfe pacific minden. 'Threes rase to pixty.ninpr., ten a; - On the following day, however, a reaction took p'ae, and threes fell three-garters, On the Pith the market opened flat and loweriut slightly , improved at the close, threes being trailed at 68f Ito. The Paris correspondent of the Landettlferaid itte that the hopeanf pace were doily tattling away neer the influence Of war articles which the eenii-o i 1 journals of Paris were inartioted to publish. ';, The -military ,preparatlonk whites have been en grassitig IA , Pran ce wore atilt dontinuei with nosh t eed • visor, , 'The recent pail% article in the Afeeits ter, indite east, ciontinaadlo attract attenhon She Paris Correspondent of the London Ties deseribee the note in the Maitsur. OD the Armaniet. as a wilful misstatement. It was, he saym, anbmied to the Emperor at about midnight on , Friday. IBA la jest! was informed that it win merely a reproductioin subetance of hie speech from the throne, and bang read a few lines at the beginning, and the last ems graph, allowed it to per .'The note, however, amble. OM keit was, was inconslatent with the hopes of go anal war. and the-position of Prince Napoleon, in to Cabinet become untenable. The prospects of the or party, eo far as Trance is concerned, do not look ley bright, thetas to the tome of public' opinion and is spirit manifested abroad. AUSTRIA: • Lord Cowley. England's Commissioner of Pesos, ft Vienna on the 10tb lartent for London. ?he succount hie nation to conciliate the Poweri at variance, as considered doubtful. A telegram to tne London Timer says Lord Cowitte the bearer of a counter proposition. which it was hod would prove acceptable. and toad to arrange the ed. cultlea at present misting. - The Paris 00,11iiiNtif.1104i says the effective fore ',Austria in Italy bad been increased from 500030 180,000 men. The movement of Austrian troops to e frontlet", for the purpose of being Mincenfrated. condemn; these reports. , " Numerous artillery bad has Wen despatched to Placenta within a few days. Cane of a Urge else bad arrived at Pavia and Venice ar- Stott of which were provided with carriages for the r. pones of a siege. It le asserted That the ffiets 0013tItil M this article of the,Conatitutionnet were received: ay.t from the SardinfamGovernmeut j et the 1 nlterL - The Vienna entresponlent of 'Li Nord reports e somas of Lord Cowlers mission. The oorrespondee states that a basis of the arrangement, which is nor. stood as likely fo be favorably received by all the P ere, had been decided upon. ' The Almaden despatch to the ambassador at to. don, for ctommunioation to the British (labinet;t reams a desire to unite with the latter in °ode/hymn to save, if possible, the horrors of a general nouns}, Von, and says that It - hopes to make Its paid° inn hone perfectly clear, and roulette that it Piedra ate prevailed, upon to abandon her policy of itrOvocaln. that hopes for tranquility In Italy may he entertatst. The despatch concludes with declaring that Anda will only draw the sword- hadpfenoe of her intomtns ble rights, and the maintenance of treaties whichse Considers the only solid guarantee for good or evil, PRUSSIA. The Mlalater of Foreign .Faire, In his speech ,e -slues that be does not for &moment doubt of bog able In concert with Fogiand, to procure a due retiot to existing treaties lie also said that Raglooted Pravda are In this favorable position that they met% to Owe themselves with impartiality between tlnn tegonletlo Powers - . SARDINIA. _ s,- The 'Turin correspondent of tbe Loudon neriatitys that thnnote in the Earls /Ifonireur has fallen Ps a thunderbolt on the Court end 'Ministry. The rerall of the pacdfla declaration, of Prance will be to bastesibe conflietwith Atatflsitlrela siogle-handed. • 4 The exportation of forage and oats by the Lo udy frontier is prohibited TBLATNT— Th 7 T : rmt c°rre;4l6lt the London Har adteoortsthiga norehVl;+lyJlkd thin ever The Ring and Motet?: want woo ,1 any I price. The Grand Duke Coolies:Able had a distiogniald re* . <option at Malta. CHINA. &deices to January 19th say that the Drltiii war Tennis Pursonn sod firn'aer, left behind by tkelgin expedition In the Yang Tasking river, had gri, out, owing to en unexpected rise in the river. lo n i t n i, v e .. n it. 0 8 11 6 2 a h 8 13 . 2 -7 : l — T p T h T :el , ll on L main ta the g ilnt Champlain he stns! er of ttaht: w ve. . 11 . 1 ,: b i e : Further operations against the Braves et Can4mere expected, Admiral Seymour and the matinee I the flag ship having gone there. ~ TUB LATEST. • op ened on th‘lth of 1 [By Telegraph trout Dilution to Liverpool.) • on the 15th. ' LoNDON, B&TNIIDAY —Commis fell "Antrim yesirday, perlB , 3 „, . 4. owed by the depression in Paris. Attetrien .11xchatige rose 2mo per tent., owlnglo‘ the I rill be opened on the let of April. ,renewed distrust in Continental affair& 1' ' ' . The Nord - distinotly ;satiate that the Empefr Na- t Nel 70i k Pank Statement. poleon consented to the insertion of the Pielfidirticla - New 41° ReStrch 28.—The•bank statement • for the in the Afoniteur to show hie moderation. butihat if week endog ch i t„th iy, ,b owd : the present diflloultietare not diplomatically titled— An Wrens 04 0 ,,,,, if Austria dims pot yield in her Italian claims, Se will .' , ' ea u, not shriek from the consequences. st ' -Trontatlon The Nrarcil Noros oily artiole, written on the ironing A dames of po,it, of the 11th instant, nays the fell in commis, darns the{e-o ' ' -----___. day was equal to hi per tent., tanned by the deimeston . , I in Paris. The share market wee correspondingly de. ' nrat , irets by Telegraph.' ; preened. an the Miscount market, the Osman/hie in. Myrna, math 28 —Sales of floward•street Flour ' oreaslng. salts UM supply of-money, owing pedly to s at TA,9O ~...•lb t ea trooping. Own firm; white advanced lane accumulation of Government depoelt in Ili lank, to // o ie'enorf 10 830850, prminiens dolt. %This be's diminished the lowest rats for choke bine to 2X a key unobed. 9 X per cent . 1 blontWarch 28.—tales of Cotton, to day, 2,640 •-' The Times , city article Baia the continued Salience bates at Dor Middlings: soden for the week 18 500 on the „ m at, 0 1 Lord cowlera whialoh aupported the boles; rein 11,146 balms i reeei Os s heed of last year, inarkht until the downward movement In Dash was tele- 185,020 b.e.-^, ....... " r k in P.'' '. ld i..t:so ad.-, 0..ti00 graphed, when a alight decline took plane.' There wee Frei/kb. s dverpool, ic, ; &mho j },xch+pge,lo33(49 an inereased demand in the discount market, andatthe 1688,• bank, to day 'Toe * 4 0410 Shafttakill writCe to theTrautrac, urgiug b11tA214421681' 26 —SaleS of; Cottons, t - day, 9,100 ~, an advance of X. ' : atti, ANelleAtiliVTOMAtelfgaleit---'-',' some naticied expression in honor Oethe heroic, exiling TIIL7 CITY. ~,, ~BO44D:4 7 ,TILIDS.,—Thiti body bold a. stated ., , ted._. landed at Queenstown, e... - .* :-,,:e,e- , The Loridon.Daffselireteeelearla imneepoitdeet earl e - e, meeting' lati'leititing at their iihamber, in Chestnut - - , , _ .-_. e.,..-- ~. - e , ---ree • th 4 Priem, Nalieleonie :retirement from the Ministry '.:" I , 'street', a b ove tittb. • ' "''-' ' -'.-''' ," i khQ .. jifoicy : .iharkvts - = ---- -: of - A torte will net be .fellowed kr any metedal change AMESIMINTS THIS IVINItea , - _,, , . - Mr. Addicts offend the following : - -_ - - e.' , e* : .... ee e, -- , :e •-•„. e le, -, - . _. _ e - . in the ultimate sins of the external olio of Prance. , Waseyaer Co OLARIKN'e Anme-fersunteTmaela* . ' - The Globe, on the contrary, remake:that-Nil** ar. et Douglas I, _ ll Bleek•llymi lectiour".,-. 1 The Ladyend 1 yie ß w ee e liv o ild it ; h th ra d u th eh e _Philadelphia Board of Trade have ' ' th '" et - ra " : 04, - ,,,i :; iii :;;;; l l l :int lto, ran im, ,:tir mi c i ti t 28 , , 11. 7 .411 , - - - _ interest the puidencee before The Week rips - ' - ne erith:a firm stock market , though ' arum of things within the . past few - days justifies-tire the Devil." e . '. i'Legielattlre of Houle bill. leo. 674 and, trust that its antiolpatien that there:wilt be a. Complete , change in i New Waieni-Beriser Tenet ise.:-tt The ',prawn Die- • PaeraßtOalay net •longer be delayed, believing that Its ~„ , the foreign Feller_ Of the limpecor of Prawns .. ., e -, , ' nOnds" , -." Year Life's in Deeger .i.'''. • . .•-; - - i provieloes will eleco6plieh. the deeired end in proteCtleg - " 111 " 44 etfi ' lii7* *4./ai:lthil ihßt - b o o ,o rat .a ' iiflekteit - - .6olMillerOiell Int 11l - --ee" • _1 - Niencow. Onsous.-. Oindorelle - reLentea cirque this oominunity against the operatioes of inesponelble -, eater, but the bidden 040,0 , ,Up fii.met4N to - 5 . ',lid be. . • I ,0.0 shame win coals kin at the ,eiteon4 c , geuc . e. . ... , oompurt-m-pbutestotse, Oymnsatie and - Acrobatic immure 'ciimpentes, Which corporation with in , _the ',. tWeien thence% eve secoOdboktdis t o t - iiers made at 26 1 ' Livenrata:: March 1i Cotton _ twithet,-The Baled -feats,» ~, , Pest few years have done ea mei& toinjure the inlander ie e.iiig and i - , -- ~e. e... 11 .-...r during the week hive been 61,200 - bales, Inelnilieg , le 003 on speoulatien, and 7.000 by exportere. All one. ~ A ()ADMIT or Firs ARTS -Striholomewei Stanen of and 'standing of this city, both at home and in - other • '' - puts of the Union, ' heard fer_2s,..Xe„,,R*Sidliejclitien „26,3( bid ; 21X _ sliced- Persil se I ost • Or Eve itenentent ' 1 . lities have 'slightly advanced, occaslooedi by the advisee ',. ', ' ' ' ...,_ i ReeolveS, Th e y the emcees of this association be die 1 again424l( hide_24lreekeds'orileseehlondeY, Pinenyl. rooted to transmit re copy of ttie foregoing 'to both yenta Railroad itoek e alin'se : red:'leillt ' a di itiouosomin-a,Gatavlse.-tieleations from a.f.t i from America. Fair qualities have Inapeove Idly ) and branches of the Legialeture. , " . 3. , - , . vedettes ,Vd. The estimated sales taday (F are Gems from Operas, Pantetrames, Dancing, and Staging . - 'd-._ ; t et 10,004 bales" including 2 000 to epecnistore and ex- Tummies Naaisviss -t , Gems front Operaa, Repo abet hill wag read by the secretary , and wee made the eidiye itiftaod 43 t, ' - I to. _aye just M 3 . Ad OA asked. portera :The following are the authorized quotation : Eccentrioities, Farces, Binging, and Dancing." 'ollkisci of debate. , e . .. e , ~,,,, e . Bast stocks are griduallyi itilvenielni:, Phitedel " - Mee- - .., - ~ .e. eee - Fir Otelnorets adibisted Ciiiiirolutiiihs, and strati - I. Bulk sold at_2loX . e filinede old steinei trsx , now* (Winne Learned their adoption. To those Lastleatioreirldeh i3OX.; Comieeiefet, Olt - Fetii-ToWsuitda NOM; Mobile * 7% 7 3.16 . e . e e , eiendon a propeelittela the operation could_ dons harm,, . - ' *Uplands I% A' 1 / 4 , . TtiE MrirliOnlST, ' Eblililol l, AL - VONFERENCEI wells it 'would, have the effect of driving from existence tacky Bank, 204. Schtijilkill'ltaiigetien - iref The, - stook in Pod Is estimated at 818 000 bidet, in- continued HS sessionayostorday morning; lathe Green- all bogus nompadee. Stands steedyret 10 to 103; ; , Noith - heir irlvsals eluding 622 000 baled of ,Amertcan. , ,L' street Ohutoh,' at eight n'elmer. Bishop Elcottipresided. Mr. Therese objected to the bill, because it would are load; M. ; - e• e '....e - e: --.---- ' eme.euthotitien ray the quotations were not fully rilhdate a certain clan of insurance °empire:dee who will , .. „ .._,.. . maintained et the okra of to-day's market: .... . • Devot'onel , exereiees were conducted by Rev. J. M. tyke riche when good : companies deollae' tbemt sad - = *..“ TRH LATF.FIT, . . ' Massey,' rod 'the minutes Of the pretious day were where s eomeiimes,,the money, Is paid Wheniesses are Lie:carom, Meech le -The Cotton market is steady adopted. , , , _ , • , ~.- ' and holders are arm; salmi of 10,000 bales this morning. John P. Mug was elected 0/ fl.'t a vacancy in the err Addieks regretted the. brier. eParse of time !WATS OF TP t AD.II -The' *Oise. fr-ni - Venzhe , ter Board of Tureens or the. Ceotenziary Filed. and C. remaining for the examination of the bill, but as continue to shave a factorable tendency. The markets Illeskell a Tsommy in the Boa dof Trustees of the Edit- the Logi4atareWould - probielr aidloara inn short time, are firm. end more is ° , for the Coratioent. .. cation Fund. , . he hoped that the bill would at °niche approved - Ile HA.VP.I4 COTTON MARKET, March 10-New Or- The querten. Who are the sopernOntrrariaa f' Wel sited the`asse of aßompany occupying as eltpallefTe ea leans trey ordiedire is gilded at 104 f, and bets at 90f. resumed, The Ilehop explained that aeupennimererr i tsbliebnatnt; who•adeeitieed themselves as operating- AU fluent les of Cotton Itave aliehtly improved. The according to the Discipline of the church, most live with $lO O . 030 . • authorised- cardiaii who had not two market closes .quiet. with gales of 11000 hetes during within the bounds of his'elourerenee, lied be enbject to per cent . of that sum pad in In view of eneh a -state the week r , any. veil that may be made nine hie Services. The case of e thine e henrged,thatthe bill should ho immediately - LIVERPOOL BitiCANNTUFFS armour, March 11. iff different with a sepersr nuclei naleister, who may passed by the Legtelatare , The president eipleffiee, -liie , ere Itlithardeon, !lemma, AOo report Bread/do& live without the bounds of his Conference. • . in reply, to Mr. Thomas ' rem rk that the bill would very dull. bat uncharged ; thourb the market exhibits affect the smaller c,ompaniee, that the only way In a declining tem'eney Flour is quoted at linesl2.l ad which it could interfere with them was to enupel there Air Centel of 700 Oct' Wheat-Bad be 6dmila 2d ; white to have their capital paid up. Thin is what the public ile.7,lcloe 04, Cora-eitted and. yellow 6aceod 31; has k right to eXiteer An it. is new, -bogus conspaeles white 7e 3do7d 41 - . have etriettely !glared Philadelphia After Nome fur- THE It tTli4l'.,' ' - they debate the queetion was taken on. the resolutions, ' level:POOL, Mardi 72 -The wickets continue doll. which were imeeed - unsntmatialy. - -` -" - ' - - - *LIVERPOOL PROVISION MADICET, March It - e The meeting thmeadjourned. _ 1 *-- .*. • _.,. .: - The market closes firm. Beef firm; poor qualit'es have _ A °BARGE of larceny - has been - fastened on declined 24 04. Pork dull. Dense quiet. Lard drill. _ ,- LIIMIPOOI., Mardi 12 =Market quiet but steady tie - men IfutaiblSOni when bold attempt at arson wars, LIT aRPOOL PRODUCE !JAMBE IS, March 11 -Su. lately exposed by Fire Marshal Mashburn, and mite. ger heavy. Coif% firm. Rice firm at Sic Od. Rosin - lishedlii these cram:mi. It teems that he has ahiecer steady. at 44 Rdtb4s lOd for common, • Spirits Tamen 'tine firm at 420. who engaged es a domestic to travelling partial. When., LONDON A 1131.0611 -Wheat In very doll ate decline leaving the - city . she is In the ,habit of leaving her ,el 1 , 1024 for foreign end English. White Amerlean at clothing, jewetry, do:, under the wave *of itutehmeen. ' 38sm42e • Red 31e0408- ‘ ' , A young man who le paying attentions to the niece is Began to dull. aud Oct g lower; Wee quiet; Coffee now absent with the Paraguay expedition. and... when buoyant . starting, left a number of articles of wearing apparel - .LONDON MONEY MAPIKET.-Menth lie-Console , and jewelry in her charge. Th a property , se wet( as are quilted at 10) ( The bullion In the Beek of keg- ' ten dollars belonging to the niece, wee removed from land hat increfuted during the week £ll6 000. the trunk by tiutchineon and pawned, with the ex- The money market Is slightly more caringint, with a cehtion of the money, Which be appropriated to hie Own I g 304 demand , nee. The trunk coca then filled with combustible mate- I Messrs. Bering Bros quoted bar silver be )Xd ; del- 1 rids to aid in the' defamation of _the-store, and was , lime Os xd.; eagles 78e kgd, found about half consumed: The iortdx". ere, recovered ' AillEitiClAN STOOKS -Alcove. Baring' Brothers by Mg. Bleceburn, and have been returned to Mre quote a limited beelines at preeinue retell. Illirmie 1 fititchinson'a niece. Central abares, 84013 discount ; • ditto bond.; Se. -7n& parade or the ,Good Will Engine Cotn , Bell A Co. report an average basinese, without any change. exeopthre the improvement le Illinela Central, pony _took phut! Yeeterdsi.alternoon, The oceardini , which is also noticed by the Batioge. - was the housing of their new Blum enginis, which was Mr Sateerthwatte reports an improved demand. tried a week or two ago with each wonderful and auto= . HAVRE - MAIDINTS, March 8.-Flour bad a de. Melling enceees. The parade wee very lenge, from dining tendency. and prices are nominal. Pot Aileen three to four hundred men, dreg eft in (dim's chitties, drat at 41f foreold, and 41f for new. Pearl Ashes arm at forming the proceasion The'renneylvania (prod 45046 e. Coffee firm Oils dull but rather unettered. Band led the gamesmen and pilled wavy, beautiful It olden bet firm. Sogar e quiet and nominal Lard dull and nominal. Whalebone-Sales unlmpoitaet, pieces of music. The engine is one of massive eon- - THE LATEST. situation, very heavy and einreble and of a laminae • - style of formation. The undesirable and saugadery _ March LONDON, l4 -The money market is steady, smoke stack. that disOgnreff many or these evened, is OomMIS are quoted at 01); the same As yesterday diapeneed with here The company e me nd to try her [The above was detainee in cooneuence of th e Inter- powers again In a night or two: She wings lute Her rution of the telegrephie lines; the lines below Qin- vice on the Bret day or April. Many alterations have ben and throughout Now Brut:awl* having been pros- taken place 10 the building of the company tl Comm. tested by a terrific storm - which prevailed on Sawmill modals the new.aoiner. .. afternoon.] I'AIRMOUNT PARK.—The plans, for the bn provementi of - Fairmount Park; for which the pr zee hare been awarded by the committee of Councils, are now on exhibit - km at Independence Hall. These mug. cifieent plate are upon ,a large 00/110, showing the pro posed walks andelelyee. summer honors and fondants, with the reservations for the Zoete:led and Horticul tural Pocietiee,,gificg a perfect idea of the contem plated improvement of this Wye lie To opie'e Cleamiee ground. The interest which the greet body otthe pee . pie have Wien in the formation of this' nee park will' attrs ct thoneends to the 11011 to see the 'lreful work of _our trobiteats and landscape gardeners. - . ..„ - ALB., FEMINOTON yesterday committed Thomas Mokilay aid Jolla Walsh, in the anal of $1,91:0, bail each to answer a charge of aggravated assault end battery. Monty broke open the door of the ‘honse or Mary Welsh, in Spaeford street, and when remoesteated, _ _ with by the occupant, he fired at her with a pistol. I cuerent treaata7. The ball paned within two lodes of her bead. After ~..._ • . . the arrest of Motley, John Walsh broke into the some - • bowie and threatened Mary with vengeance if airs ap- '' pearel agateet him. For these offences easiest the dignity of the Commonwealth, MoNley and Walsh were •• cOmmitted as aforesaid. ' THE FOLLOWING gentlemen have been no minated by the People's party Convention of . the 23d 91 ward : , • . , 0 Select coneell,_:-Willieve W . Smedley. , - • - Beard of Health.-Dr. E. D. Buokmau. Common Canned ,- let - district, D R. 'Thompson; 2d dietriot. Jona th an* Brooke • Sd district,,George S. Alder; 4th dietrtet;Joeeph Miffs * . " WILLIAM MoCenn was committed by Alder man Seidler. yesterday: foe a' hmach of the peace, In stoking Officer Moore 'with et pair or steel knuckles William had been arrested by the dieter for drunker. nose, and wee on the route to the . station house when he cemmitted the assault. THE DIRECTORS of the Girard College fin mouses that theyare prepared to .bind out, in the State of Pennsylvaole, twenty orphans, in accordance with the will of 8 eehett Chard. to .. mutable ocenbatione, each as agriculture. asvlgatloarkrts, mechanical trades, and inanuladureset , • - As Owaxa is wanted - for a light wagon, a Wealth/at, a riding whip, ,and for; robe,' noir at the Twentieth-ward e.ation hoes. They were picked up at Columbia avenue and Seventh etreet a night or two since. ' Arrival of the Overland Mail. LATER PROM TIOTORIA-AMERICANE NOT ALLOWED I'o PRIMER ATT. IV A A lIINOTON'S lIIRTHDAY-L MICE ..OP TIIE U. It STRAIIIIR TOUCET-IfASEACRE lIY IN. DIANE-PITRSUIT, OP A BAND INTO BIEXIOAN TER. RETORT. , Si. Loom. March 28 —The overland mail arrived last night, with Ban Franchise dates to the 4th Inst. The dates from BrWeb Columbia are to the 28th alt. Gm Douglas refaced to permit the Americana et Vieto. tie to veleta Ate ;Washington's birth-day, end mob in dignation wee manffeated. The new 11 Ei steamship Tenney was launched from the navy-yard op Mare Island ere the 8d inst. The passengers by. the mall confirm the -accounts of the recent /tittles between the U B troupe and the Os• mulches, rear Tort Arbuckle. - . Upwards of twenty Os winches him bon killed. imseral families to D triton comity, Texas, hire been massacred by the Clamanches, and their stock car ried Mr. - Ipth the Oemenehee end the Apaches ere committing deptedatione upon the mall company all along the mote - ; Lieutenant Read. of Bmt Buchanan, had pursued and captured a band of Missing. Patutioes lo the Mexican town of Banta Cruz, at which the Mexican authorlifes werChigbly indignant, and exiled the people to arms te„ resist the invaainn. The acconnte fnre the Arizona elver retries are of a very faterable eherseter. = ' From Salt Lalto. INDIAN DEPREDATIONS—RECOVERY OP STOLEN CHILDREN. BC Lome; March 28 —Bolt Leke dates to the 15th nit. have been received. ' The Indiana in the vicinity of Banta (Nara bad killed several white penal.. Governor Chimmlog 'made a requisition on (tenant Johnston for troops to chastise them. Seventeen or the children who were captured by the Indians at the massacre of 180 emigrants - on the Mann. tan Meadows, eighteen months ego, have been re. covered. Pennsylvania liegislaittre. ManninoSo, Mush IT; 1889. , 88NATIO. The Senate met at 8 IP, M. Nothing bot"privaiibille were eoneidered. - The following were Drama t A Fapplement to the act incorporating the Norristown Vreenumburg ' A eopplement to the Chestnut Hill and Cheltenham itsuro.4 An sot to insorpersto the Byherry and Andalusia Turnpike Company. - TIMM. The goose met at 8 P. M. A slay few petitions were presented, although It wee petition der. 04 motion of Mr. Hansitstur, the bill rolative to 'suction laws WI considered, and amended en WS to apply to /Allegheny county, and the bill passed finally; An sat to. server on certain associations of the eiti.l Sena of, Was uommosiweettlithe bowers ant IDIOM& areaVSzem"siftz:Va=', • • r- • TRlTl,orbai olgned the oupplamant to the ghtillde phis and Trenton Railroad Company. - I An sottt Incorporate the Richmond old Reinytkill 1 Passenger- Ran, , f r _ curio went to the Citlionav Passenger Rahway Plompany. , . . , The Flamm met at 7, P. M., and p-oceeded to the con siderclowoot the act to establish a general banking Two seetione of the bill were oonsidered aid a Waned, pending which tho Rouse adjourned. xtcnt of the African Slave Trade. W•ettnitrroN, throb 28:— Prom Information received here, it at pears that the business of Importing Atrium far more extensive than bee beretoftne beep sap- pored, and Ott the arrangements for that purpose ere very MN:dot:WY deirleeC /melt boat!' ore employed to relieve 'levers of their cargoes. and bring them intb the Southern Sttt it. Oat Government has been informed of some of the moiremeuts, end has taken eMelent measures in the yeamliee. Public Buildinga at Philadelphia. WASHINGTON, Marcie 28.—The Attoroey General, Secretary of the Treasury, and Peatmaster General, were to-day engaged In tenting out instructions to the agent of Philadelphia with regard to the Custom House, Poet Oflloe, and Court Gonne building In that city. Unless there shall be s disappointment la making s sale of the lots whloll the law entborizse, the work of construction will rapidly progress Unfounded Report of the Death of Gen Weanlktirott, March 23.—About ono o'clock thin le ternoolt, the amoral:3AV was +startled bz is - report that Gen. CUR had Merl euddenly. It wag coon aeeertained to be untrue, as he (Wilk the sojornartt of hla nwst health, and cow engaged in the transaction of bulkiness at the 'State Department. The Right or Visiting Supposed Slavers. WASHINGTON, March 28 —Tbo project submitted by the French to the Brittsb Governmeet merely proems a friendly visitation where there is rood cause for sus picion that the semi is a slaver. To this our Govern menthes no objection, so far as vessels stillog under the American flag are concerned, but will hold the vie• thing parties responeible for any misconduct or violation of maritime rights. - The Reported Cuba Expedition. . WABBINCixon, blotch 28 —lt in not believed bore ibet coy nopnexering expedition le now ready to Mart for Cube, an recently reported. The meet re table advice. are altogether contrary to the probability of rurh movement. The story In eln ilex to tbe prrgramme of General Berman, promulgated months ago. Tire New Minister. from Peru. ,• WASHINGTON, March 28.—Dau Zegarra, the new Meister from Peru to We Government, wee today fOrmaDy prapeoled to the Prealent by Aeoretsry Cam ''be anal friendly Ammon were iuterebangel. • Sale of the Government Organ. 'Waenisoroti, March 28 ..-C4encral'Elowman, Superb:l. tendert% of Public.,Prtating, has purchased the Union newspaper eatabl'ahtnent, and wilt take wane/awn in OCIAt two weeks. Perhaps its nante will be changed. Vatted States Steamer Metaeomet. WASHINGTON, Menet 28 —•The Navy Derarttnent lesrom that the steamer bletecomet, of the rateguey expectltlon, arrived at Maranham, Bte2ll, on the 31st of Jareary. , The Boston Post Office. eenteorott, March 28 —lt le said that the &igen Net' office will be restored to State street when the Gereenntent shell hire lined the - betide, which the retteseetatieee of the remonstrant+) ate now awaiting he e to execute. • • • 43.970 N, March 28 —The Nerd:lents , Bulk, Eta cilk . Bask, aril the Merchants' Exchange Corporatlon have anbieribed no 00e to the bond of indemnity, eacuring the3overement front loss, if the poet Ellice la removed to vita street. From Baltimore. .B.I.TINORN, March 28 —The camphene factory of Nap Bolton & Co , on 81111 street near Pratt. wag byre) at noon today, The load amounted to $3,003, on ^latch the there la no itautance.. A largo portion or to stook WAS saved. Tb /tamer Pataptoo, from Oharlealon, which at , rltaito. day, pickle* Ire, on 13aturday,•the boot of the ehillgarnernoon ' containing the captain and tour of the ear. When the raters° came up with the retool, whin Ic ashore on Darrittrak. the captain cod crew retaad to the 'refuel, which wee fall of watt r. The mkt the crew were engaged in unbending her Ttiateamer Adelaide, recently purehesed at Boston to Mate the steamer North Carolina, of the Norro'k linei %fah watt.lninted a few months since, arrived here 'day, thirty seven hours from New Yor k She had It 'ugh paesaro. Tho Niagara for Boston. Hitter, March 28 —The stearaihip Niagara railed at 7 o'altt last evening, and will be due in' Poston to. morrow main. Her mails will probably roach Phila. delptkla onuciEdu evening. J. it_Alrlaywite wade t ff , etive. Father Wiltshire aged the claims of one of the members to a Oontinu. soca, a.d adied a few chip terisSit remarke, referring to his extreme age and enfecb'ed condition, and asking ehasitable cotertbutions from his bretbrrn of the Con ference to sees his declining days The eighth question Who are the atiperanntlatet or wom.^ut preacher? was , next considered. Borne dist Cuisine arose se to the claims to eentinuacce on this' list of a minister who is able and acemdemed to preach once a fortntabt. The ease of the Rev. J. D X.ong came uPd Me 'liked' for the eontinitanee of his superannuated relation; his health being still precarious. He had noontime. been able to speak twice a week, and sometimes; not at all for a month or more. la itoprome to a quest'on from. one of the members whether he r eceived any pay for his lectures on Abobtionisto, be affirmed that hie oolv profile from the Aott Sisesry o use were those derived from the sale of his ho k. Pictures of Slavery," The question was, put, and Mr. Long was continued on the Superannwttedlie by an almost unanimous vote. The -following Maine . compose the list of time preuhirs whri remain toperannuded : Gee. Wiltshire, hi Bonin, J D, Long. P. Hallowell, J. R. McFarland, lillphalet Reed. and John g - The lid of effective elders wee taken up. Oa motion, the withdrawal of the gentlemen under conaideration wan dirpeneed with, oiled objections should be twee to them The Rev. P. Coombe; Fr - siding elder. mode a state. meet concerning the no r th Philadelphia district, which be reports in a floc risking condition. At Attie borough, Reeks county, there har,been a most amazing revival Richmond circuit bee been signally visited by' Ord , 4 blearing, and throughout the district there Is peace and prosperity A berg m Moat etatemeet was made by the Rev. Dr. Townssna (Port Illehmer di in response to on intima tion of the Rev, P Coombe lb' tbe had united the me.' died with the ministerial profession He arid that he did not pane the sign of en hf D., until be found, be yond a doul.t that the people of his charge were unable to subpart him and his family The practice of medi cine had always hen made secondery to his pastoral duties. which be had on no occasion neal , cted. The med'eal profession wee not d'abonorable. The example of One who healed the ethic and cut cut devils was ailed. Dr. Townsend defiled the genius of Methodism to be tivelf.susteining." and went on to a profuse state. meet of his r wn pecuniary — resources end expenSitures, and from their extreme - dieproportioniamd his own great worth be argued that he was perfectly_ jcstified in pile. , thing Medicine. ' ` ' - A long debate ensued. tench of which was very exci— ting. Many of she members opposed the union of any seena• duty with the'cielling of the Memel While otherS thought that a man 'n and a minister's ditty was to the family- If he did not look out for that Ise was worse _. . than an infidel. Finally the debate ended, and the character of Mr. Thompson pureed. John A. Warrom (Bnotieton) was placed on the gaper. numerary hat by 'neon of ill.bealth, and inability to perform effeetive work The supernumerary , relation was also ansigned to W. W. McMichael, (Ifolnielburg,) on the mine grouode. The Rr'v ve. Conner mode a shatement of the" condi-- lion of the South Philadelphia district, of which he le the presiding elder. It was in a prosperous condition, and the wrk of God was being every day made want. feet. He narrated some of hie experiences during the four yearn of hie aerate° in ibis diatrlat. Be aro thrown out of a Maim on one rceasioe, and feerfull cut about the tread, and warty last his life at another time item a runaway, The response, of Mr. Cooper, es the names of the preachers In his dlote'et were called, afforded great alinement from their variety and aptness. Bit en cemiums were very ft -treeing to three concerned. The reeignation et C L:Steinmen, of Ifummeletewn, Pa , from the en ° nierry of the Mr - E. Church, wee offered end accepted:, The Rev J. Cunningham. preeding elder Of Read. log district. gave, seme account of Mae work there The district is about thirty mile, in extent There -has bran an [melee of eight appointment( in four years, and they now number I.hirty.six There are three distinct intereste—the manufacturing, a gricultu. ral and mit:deg The work in the agricultural depart ment' hoe tot yielded such Rood fruits ao that In the other divialeorl Mr.' Cunninolunn bur not lost a mingle appointment in four years through elan se, nor hash', had p single personal difficulty—a feet which he con elderid extremely creditable. -- A location wll.l granted to J. N..JLIng (Montgomery Equine) at his own rrcprest. • The Rev Wit lam Vole, presiding elder, elated that his dietrict (Wilmilitton) is in a peaceful mai proeper• one condition There have been several elteninve revi vals, The Bev. J. It Merrill defended Mongol, from un founded acensations which bad been brought against him on the owe of hie connection with slavery. That connection. hat been one solely of boaseolenoe. Ho - wished the reporters to report just what he bald. A request - bed been made by the 0 inference that be should manumit his elates, *Molt be tomordingly did. A negro man curie onto his possemion, and the only delay in hie emancipation arose from the feet that he was addicted ta intemperate habits. Re was now, how ever, ImpeYtO state that the shave was a freeman, and exhibited the deed to that effect. The undee'ded claim of tke Bev. VD. tone gave re to along and exciting debate , Involving the slavery question In it, length and breadth, and Mr. Long's re lations tea the anti.elevery sentiment of the Country. It was Orally allowed. - 'Several appolotmente were made for preaching. A Mrarpi _gathering will be Laid ,in the. c_tearrotre • ' , —Adfimiffir tit Mined etion - .^ ----1 "" _T gramiaZiTAILID GtTA ItXLdSB olr TilE thbr body. inid their 'stated meeting yesterday after• norm at their room in Seventh street, It W. Remelt in the.chalr. The census of the Rouse is ae follow : Total number of Inmates en Pahorday last, Same time linit year ddcotttwl inriog the plot two weeks. 288; 61riite t deaths, 20; dleohatged, 899; eloped. 3; fnrotehed with lodeing 38; tarnished with meals; 92. Total number In watts; Whits MOD White woman - I ' 1 280 Colored Moo, . Colored evoraen.... I=ll The usual number of spplioations for relief were re ceived and arpropriasely dleposedef. A ntiothw of itOmintinloations Were received from Visitors of the Poor recommending certain pieties to the consideration of the 'Board as worthy otiicta of charity. Mr. *llea Armstrong, a member from the Third ward, tendered his resignation as a member of the Board the resignation to take effect rum this dale. A motion was made to aco.pt the resignation; when Mr I.mith moved that it be laid over until the flour Laud committee make their report. Mr Armstrong Meted that the report of the com mittee would Lave no 'Mot upon him whatever. He hat been a member of the Board for nearly two yews, sod he now tenders his resignation on account of hie business affairs, which he feels will not allow him to. devote the necessary time to the duties of a member if this Board without neglecting his own private Mildness Mr. Brown and other members were analond to - have the matter lald'over ; bat lir. Armstrong asserting hie dete,mination to resign the position, Mr Smith finally withdrew his amendment, and the resignation was ac cepted Applications were received for the position of assist ant resident rhysloian of the Almelionee from the fol lowing persons: Dr. .7 0. Bragg, Dr. J O. Doty, Dr. Theo L Taylor. Dr B. Richardson, Dr. A J. Steel, Dr. •1411118. B. Lindsay. A. S Oomene. end others. A communication was remelted from aft. Franklin. g de-keeper at the Almshouse, whit& states that people make application with puddle - for admission on such days as are excluded by the rules.. The Board decided that the rule in scot cases be strictly enforced hereafter. Ihe hotuwagent reported having received MB 25 during the put two weeks, the proceeds of the sele of certain articles. Dr. Rankin was emoted out-door physiclen for the Pirrenth ward, In pleas of Dr. Franklin. 11.11 e to the amount of ;16,69616 were teaeiasl, and ordered to b a paid The meeting then adjourned Tug Secretary of the Methodist Episcopa Oooference Tract Society furnishes the followlog sum• wary of the labors of the year, The former statemen • was locomp'ete . • liumber of tolporianra sent oat Aggregate time of labor Veandes ♦ln,ted 'Dimities proved with Number or ebildreo brought into Sabbath 'oboe) enppited with books families to the 111,11. ber of Number of volumes, all told, Sole and donated 32 112 Treat pages distributed 6 3 256.36 t Number of religions meetiogs held 670 Number of families without pastoral care.. 7,294 Putted without the Bible 190 Number without coy religious book 600 Number of tract distributors 310 Number of oanverelooe throne' the labors' of colporteure, and publications by them otronlated Anorr eleven o'clock bet evening a fire broke out In Spring Garden street, below 17th The property burned was a eteble and one or two adjoining out...holdings. A residence near at hand, ocoupiad by a gentleman sod his wife, wage also slightly burned While the flames were progressing the couple were s'eeping unconscious°, the imminent danger, and but for the warning of a paeser-by, a serious if not a fatal accident might have taken piece, involving the loss of humsn lite. The stable wtut burned to the ground, and a florae. which °coupled it at the t me, was burned to death. A valuable dog, highly prized by Its owner, was also burned. A great r umber of fire 00M160100 were out and Piro Marshal Slaehbarn was busy at the scene, en deavoring to trace the matter to its cause, when cur reporter left. $1 000 will Om all loans ;we are Dot certain whether tortured or not. A Mem named Amenlie H. Henslow, was aunt to Bethlehem yestmdey and committed to jail. lie had been arree ed by Lieutenant Magee, of the mounted pollee, at Mount Airy, Twenty.seaand ward, on suspicion of having stolen a hero and wagon, which he was driving at the time A few minutes after he 'bad been taken Into rustody a venting patty came up. The horse and vehicle were stolen kern Bethlehem, and were the property call& rr Weenlard, who keeps a livery stable at that place. Tho accused aeknow edged the theft, and mid ha wished to obtain money to enable him to visit hie father, who le residing in Wisconsin A vonso msx, named Michael Perris, was committed by Alderman Shoemaker, yesterday, for a further hearing, to answer the charge of robbery Me had bean employe] as a porter in the store of Mr. John Pinder, on Chestnut street, and was arrested _by the Seventeenth ward police upon the cheese of having robbed Meagre. Lee, Bkhardenn, A. Took. of several please of cloths, caesimeren, ko. lie had also stolen • number of shawls and pieces of talk from Mr Plc der, and at other stores where he bed been employed. Some of the property was found upon his person. THE SECOND DOIDEII of the sloop-of-war No. 1 bee beim triton on board, from the navy yard, safely. The two boilers, together. weigh seventy tons. The engines of this ?met are to he .fee great power (1 000 horse) an those of the frigate Lancaster The power of the sloop in made the greater in proportion to aloe, because it la not destnnno to Ono each evept in men of emergency It it believed that a Speed of Of. teen miles an hour will be ettelt•ed with the great power of her apginen The sloop will he got ready for sea with WI poasible dovetail. Os SUNDAY AFTERNOON a party 01 , men went to the lager.heer eatoon of John Weisman, at - Amok gO, sod' demanded beer Upon being refused they set to' work cod tenoned the wit done of the home, Upon the prepttetry: making bin appearance he WAR fired at by one of the part., and the bait very nar. rowly escaped striking hint. Three of the you, g men were arrreted and committed to answer. - They gave the foltowlog names: ,Fames Law, John er , aten, 'end W diem McDougall. The grit names is (barged with having fired the shot. the, family:ot Mr. James-Kite; go. 012 Wallace street Isere engaged In one part of the honoslijobber entered another' part. and stole Nome' sphlS.FitlVerwace. and a watch. TIIE-? . .DELEOATE ELECTIONS the Demo- Orathflitrirjook Own lent eeenleg. TheConventlon insole to:dny In Spring *Sarin Hall, • TOE 2 Fragmsar of Pottsville will pirade to morrow. Some of our otfy ompanles ere sating ar rangernente to participate.' TO-DAY the Ecktt agion parades. It is the twelfth annlyegnagcnt the sarrenderof- Vera" Oros. - SIX NEW CARS were pliteed npoil . tlielkoond and... Third-street husesegrr Railway - yesterday .T SLOQP•OP-VA Latieseter will make her triat trip la a weak. or tar p"- to stszoit - read . THELLioui m. e p.SOCI2ND.T.NOS Itteported the The Pree l .l - • SurazmN Coma—Chief .Jristice Lowrie, and dentinal W'ondwird, Therapist'. Atrong, and Bead. —ln re. -' Road in reservertewaship Certiorari to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county Opinion by, (late) . Justice Church.' Proeeedingd reverted. Opinion adopted by ChterJuatice Lowrie. Ohspman et at ye. The Buck "aftruntairt Coal Cote pine. "Appeal - from UM decree of the Dintript Court of Philadelphia, county. Opinion Ani by, line Thompson It And ' 111 to reit, March 03, 1889; this cerise hsvirg been-argued by conceal on, appeal from the Jodie at Niel Prins, so far, as - It :iterates to the defendants Charles 11 Morris, and Franklin Fell, be reversed and set aside, and It is now hereby ordered. adjudged. and decreed. that the said Charles M. Morris and the raid Franklin Fell,' pay 'until Charles d A. Chap. man. the Intl value of 100 .sharee or the stock of the Buck Mountain Coal Company, together with such 'Diadem% es may have been declared tbtreon. alone the 14th day of Jane; A. D.,1847. together with lobe/sten the said dividend* ; and farther. that they pay a like -Plll3l for one I nadred shares of the said etcek to Edward Charm au, end dividends; and interest from the date above Mentioned or to them er either of - their attnr. neya in fact, authmlead to erecaive the acme ; and the nose is hereby referred to Bon. Joel Toro's, as, master, to ascertain and =report the amount to be paid to the said Edward Chapman, under this decr se. and that said defendants pay the costs of this ease; and so far tie the bill of complaint rebate to the claming of Rebecca D Carey, and to the defendants, the Buck hl funfair' Coal Company, Wm P. dente, Clement B. Retie-, not Jan -Waller, the decree dismiss tag the same is affirmed. Division Of Forks ,Townshipe.. Per reliant Procerd age Affirmed at the coat of .the plaintiff In error and re. cord renal t d-. Shiner's appeal. Per outlaw. Spots' quashed at the poet of the sppelisut Cause remanded to the Or phsea' Court for la rtheeperceedings. " - - - Wright ve. Walters Error to thy Court of Common Pleas of Warrev (lonely. Opinion by Joe:ice strong. Judgment affirmed. Ed! vs. It U. Error to the Court of Common Plena of 'Clogs county. Opin ion by Justus Strong.- Tad:mutt reversed end fe venir neias dl noon awarded Stiles vs. Daughert Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Luanne county. Opinion by dnetice Strong. Jmigment sintwed Mdlerdevs. Moore. Error to the Court of Common Pleat of Bromothsona county. Op'elon by Justice Strong Judgment interned Itetteros N Johnston en James A. Beckham. tarot to the District Court of Philadelphia county. Opinion by Justice Thompson. -Judgment r farmed - Kiossbuey et al. vs Kimball et al Error to the Court of Common Pleat of Warren county. Opinion by Justin Strong. Judgment Wormed and a vtnire facies de novo awarded. Chandler vs. Barrett, Adminiatrator of Glover. Error to the Court of Common Platte et finiquebanns. county. Judgment affirmed. Hood re. Kral Error to the Dined Coutt of dile gbeny County. Jeulguent reversed sod a venire Incise de nova awarded. Per curism. The court adopt this opinion and direct that the judgment be reversed and a new trial gestated 83is Sc l m 19,035 6 645 Oran AND Manumit—Judges Allison and Ludlow —John Alexander was charged with homicide to killing John clean with a ptol, at Second awl Ox- ford streets. Metric! Attorney Lamented opened the care to the jury upon the pail. of the Cornmeiweilth, and said that tbejnry were called upon to determine how the deft nd ant was concerned in the death of a human being. Th t on the sixth day of February last there wad living a man named John Sloan The decedent woe employed at Cooper's mill, in Second great, above the railroad. That early in the morning of h Id day he was alive and la Nil health ; t} - e next mar• lug be w ee a iirwee.,ii rm e in the flatten home. That the deceased boarded with a person near by where be worktd and on Sunday night be gusted out from his boarding Dove to meet ttnmo fnende. That at 10 oclock the deceased and hla friends went by Second and OXiprd greets, and stepped Into a" tavern, kept by Alexander. The deceased and the defendant bad some words 'mother, when the de cocted turned to go oat and was ea far as the step, when the defendant at ot him. The deceased, John Sloan, was only tventy.four lears old. Coroner Fenner was-flat called, and testified tobold. ing an inquest on the billy of John Slow A wound was found in the forehead, which appeared to be a 'ill., shot wound. A doable-barreled pistol was identified by the coroner which Wag anti to belong to th• prisoner; aieo o. pair of iron knuoltlea which were found on the person of the deceased. Dr. P. P. Drown made the post-moitem eaanalration of the deoessed on Monday morning, near daylight, 17 , h of February. The only wound found we• on :the lett e'de of the forehead, near the edge of the hair. A ban woe exhibtted which hed been taken out of the brain. It had not peened through the brain, but wee embedded in The death wag caused by it. - On the orosa-examination, Dr. Brawn Bald that the wound could not hire been made by a person standirg behind the deemed ---- • • Pot ce Officer Vcare testified that on the right of the oceurrenes he beard the repert of a pistol, sod hurried to Oxford street, and as he was on the opposite side from the house of defendant, he eaw a door slam to ; he heard a. mace cry Sohn Alexander has shot dohn Sloan; .M • want across to the steps of Alexander's house; be NM Sloan lying alongside of the step; Awed end plated him up; Sloan was then dead Tim ofrorr then went to get assistance to arrest Alex an er. his doer being locked at the time. Uporiktbe return of the officer with others the door was rapped upon, and the window was raised. and Officer Willroyer sold ,4 Sohn, we want yen The entry door on Oxford s reel was opened by dlexarder himself. Ife said corae in, rvd be was arrested and taken , to thostation honer. After hearing other testimony, the court, at half-past one, took • recess to three..' • Atter the recess the case wee resumed, Thames May ter teat aid that he was with tlloan at Alexander's tavern, and high worth; took place between the latter end decee'ed Alexanderpat &mead out, a sonele ensued. and Alexander dred, at deceased, immediately canning death.. J mope Keay, for the d foam), citieri4i hie cam, in a neeech of much learning and power. We defer oe was, tit the prisoner wait tonne from the Mot of a wont d raceived some fifteen pare ego, a wound that affected his Dr kill to an extent prifluothie of -Insanity. But if t 'e offence was criminal atoll only mandaughter. The cans to still on 'trial. District Attorneys blann Lougttead for the Commonwealth; Keeley, 0 0 0 . 03 . 3 EA Collie for the defence, • India Rubber Car Springs. To.ntlrOtt, N J , throb 28.—1 n the ease of Goodyear nod the New Englard Oar Spew; Company against Dunb,r d: /odic! the U. B. Moult. Court, this nam ing.i tm retea the injunction holding' VIM the patent of Joelin Awned a prima facts tight, aid that the o met wonld not deOlde between .1111) exiles' now the Anal hte E=ZIBI clooeloogx4gl4,C4#gtNl ti g, 1 4:1V - 141 , 0 . 41,P , rrvo-F • •• " NT; . . V.i . ,;,,:-• ••• - ' -- 4, 1 : ~ 7 - .' ' 421-.., 44 - ' . Ift` ww... c,.... ~, ,..1 ~. I gutattisflEtssz is ..g,--clolati 5 51gUtiagoott. &PO s r 11 ' -.. ,:.. . 1, ~..„...b.w6........ 4 U4ANA=W.Angsggl 1 ' O, 40114000aV 40.1 eg p~pp p lm 'no O I Y p • „ ,o oto -I.co Co -I .74 r i .. , 11*.o Or.en ro or 111 14 0k 4 q 44 1W11 ; „ W=MtaW2i;tl',lVlS2,l,,V r,m A "g stt br4,S2V,:vB;ll - ;tr4:43=Sig g l r • • , .... 4. ~.,, do tdg, . ..., ...wwtwatt....of....atg 1 . pooccoo wu , 5....5.-....w. ~ c .1. , ...t. C... - .tat14111 . - .11 .17, a=. , -.. ..-. _ _ .. g ry W_...IO , O.W.WMCIOS O. O 000,0.0W.4=.0.00 , 0 6 B-00,4w0am0.m.4r.,.-4go 0 r I. ZZal2--ItgoteralZtli wa1pa0,..5,e0.0.-_(0...0... • co <I § 11?.?1,t2?.7.53.55F4.5t111tz53... s o• _g:t...t.r.sarg.vvvts.'ssttig.3.ll The bank statement shows an increate- of a limited amount in e2l the lteine.., Theepriegater cotniarenith those_of lea treali ao &unite • - March 21. "March 96. Caplal stock ' 111,689.605 811 589,803—1nc. E 36) Loose 56 856,891 26957 439..1,,.110.588 Specie -'6 136.629' 6 296,206..10.169 764 Due fm other Mts. 1 808,170 2,089 454. Jo. 290 189 Due to other 13110.;.„r 8,929 o'9 2 4,109485.„1n.180,486 Deposits - 16.899,846 17,076 060.,1za 176 214 Circulation - -2993,651 'a 0141,256..1n 105,704 _ _ . . Geoige.ll. Arnold,: BET,- the Mei:eget of the Phila delphia Clearly% Iltinii," -- .7lrilhilielithe kpilowlyg MU =tot 6 9 018 . 1064 '4 11 . 73 t1i. 1 / 1 4 titithlendlinr. Noxell 26. - '•-' "-• - ,1659. Clesringe. Belanaem March Slat - 8 824 064 - 48 - 248,909 50 2 . 4 - • - i 3,017,6117 47-' 184,701 17 " 23d 030,763 48 * 129.029 65 24th9,436.847 0 7 176120 68 ,25th .2,940 912 90 163 662 69 26651 3 863 651 19 211,916 44 Tote' , $19 , 071,750 52 81,142 609 92 According to the cOetore house tables; the import en trim at the port or New York, for tight months e ( the cavrenttreaton year, to the 28th of Pebniery, amount• tor to - '- . - - $127,129 (00 Add four weeks in Itereb.;: t . - -,. 19 557107 Total since July 1 - Against lame time last year.... . .. .. . " ' - Incresee this amnion . " $18 , 608 CO9 According to the Pimatibial. the tutporte at Neer York ofdomeetto produce.sudatireelliitemit ii(da, I oclndiog foreign re-exported from ;WV ti Yth Yd.: $B5 8 1 5.000 Add four woks in March ' • - - _6,088,068 Total sine. Jolt 1. Against galas this last yeas - Decrees) this eeheort 690 208 . The same tables male the ekpoef of sieskr from New Yorklrma July 219: - ..... . 118 836 00 Add four weeks 3a March - 1811.= Totafelnee4ule Ageimit IRMO time lest year.. Deoctose this . 4 . 0,1X0,180 PHll!plal.t.H.L% 37001 szonizOnt mu t " , airoasenwirritutirroisowpcikoe,aaxii:sing,llSili, ANA IXOI I OOI - liatarni ,110117ZW1811 001 . 1 . 1111 Willa AIIO4:III3WEIVITAZZA.:..' ' . - 8001 Penns to ...00tto 051( 1000 Reading idi *lO 15 50 0 do ......coup 957 E 2000 - do br. 15 6080 do . . . 931( 3,100 _- do 56 86 600 do 1431(1 100 -03 X 1000 Minty& 211117 i.. - 10D0 do 1040 Penns 8 21A 81. 848 1010 do .... . . 91X 6000 do ' 1, 5 94 11' 1000' b 6 OIX 10(0 °Stash R 49% ZOO do - bp .49. g ton Mintuaky 9904) d 0..... 1000 Gm kr. Ain - 85)( 8000 do - ' • 85 2000 ChasY . , >sniff" 501 ' do .":"- 1000 0 Am fir 0 53,15 53X Irsaimp 1000 OAT Os New 703 1000_ • 'R.99 1000 Unfelt Cal 84..16 36 500 old • ' . - 1333 2000 (It. Am Be'7s 3/ye 89% 600 N PeD13441(11..., 97 12 Penne44%i _. 9 Nor 01 C15,i4105 - 60 NPenee _Oji 50 , do - coit 5 do - 70 Cam fr., Am 19 - - 117 10 Milan bb 99 • 11 61 ITC 04 - 105' Path Oil. 98% 99 " 981% 99 -" New ...103 103% Peons be 93X 93% Ree , lleg 11 20% 95% bde 'TO.. 34% 116' mt On - '44 93 96 " do %A 70 Pelle& 11 • - 44% 4 4% " Ist mt (W.101%101% "21 tut 6i .01 91% 450 r - Can. -- - 117 off mvT - 105 101( Etta Now fte 'B9 72% 73 Philadelphia Markets. , ner.ostrartOstaroh ra—srenims Tbe Breadstuffe market is Very dull.te- day. end Floor Is without any quotable obsiniel. sales, however, are 0011 to a'arnal lway. totsuppts ofthe retailers end bakers, at - S0 87,Ke0.51) for =pet n60,18:50015 75 for extras, 8767 50 for fanity brandst , .2l,e - recalpts are lista but. there ar" Qnt.few Shipper" of 'peculators ard about 1000 bbls better brands Only sold at there rates. Wye Floor Je ape ;01184*nd held at $4 3734 bbl Corn Ideal is wanted at $3 87K for Peonsyl reale, but there is no stork here. Wheat Is but Utile loquired for; .prices mg's - at 15801.500 ter red, 170® 1800 for white, the latter for mime. Rye la lees in quired for, and sales are retorted at '988970. Corn Is mote plenty and not anaative hi-day, and shoat 1,200 bus yellow, not prime, sold at 87088 c admit. Cats are ttneheogful.-ited prime Penns arc gelling at 550, Barg—gaeroltrop is wanted at 1U ton for first No. 1. Cotton is tinter, bat there to riot moob doing, owing to the dlfference In the views of buyers and sellers Oro cerieeThe market le quiet, and mcderate businers to note in Sager and Coffee at steady rate... Provisions-- There Is no chimp in the market, and Tory little doing. • Reeds—Cloveresed is but little Irquired far, bat. abon 300 bue, meetly rorq,uality, sold s4s'i prime' lots are bold at $5 20r4.75 bus. Timothy is worth-$2 25es 2 3734. and d0t:4410 rugged $1.75 .ItY tor; Whiskey is dull ; bbl■ selling , at 286500, the letter for prime Ohio, and prison 2734 es for Ith3s, and 20K0 for drudge. Philadelphia Cattle Market. s btsace 2, 1859 The offatiogs of Beef Cattle cootinned light; about 1.200 head were yarded this week at the Bull's Hord and Martin's, and mostly all sold at rather bette prices, ranging from $3 to VI the 100 lbe for common to prime wrathy. The Wowing e the particulars of the sake repotted to•dayi 62 Isaac dbrabanni - Cumberland co., $9 601010 80 McQuaid; Mooney, & Co , - Lancaster co. and Ohio, 510010 7.1 10 Baetable. by Seadiee, Va , 9000 25. 35 Oath Kahn, Ohio, 59 . 50011. 18 It. Strickland, I anteater car 29011. 12 11.2 hep, Barkaco, slooll. 20 Foltimer Co., Backs co , $4OB 00 72 J Hamaker, tautest- r co. /10010 50. 13 Si Is. Mifflin 20.25610. Jatrob (+ Heller, Lancaster co . $9.250 1 0 25, 18 T. Maatereon. Lanosatar co., 59 250.0 75. 30 & S•yroortr. Vs., $9OlO. 36 J Berry, Bedford co , $9OlO. I t 11. Landis, Lancaster so.. $9.50010 51. 26 Samuel Eleibel, 311.. $9 600 0 75 • 35 Merritt Canon. Cheater so.. $10010.50. 25 J Raise by Buller. Ohio. s'o 50011. 30 Hook . , try Smt , h, Ohio, $lOOlO 50.. 25 Hackman & 00., Laeruater County, 59010 00. 0 0. Ilethrtway, Huntford county, Conn., wary fine, brought $4lO 80 J. afiOleeti, Cheater county, $9OlO 50. 82 ,Seldeturldge Brother , Lancaster county, $10.50 011, 30 Seymour & Hutton, by Hathaway, Vs , $9OlO. 24 Illmble &. IC;rlr, Cheater county, $ lOOlO fO. 9 boott & Kimble, Cheater ronoty, $10010,50. 12 -Cochran & McCall, Va . $BOB 75 . 45 Foott & Kimble, Ohio, $9.50010 50 52 J MeFillea. Lanoseter county, $9,28010.75. 55 Seymour & Itattoo. Va„ by Hathaway, 59.50 01075. 56 J. raidebte;bv Cochran, Va . 50 25010 60. 37 B. Miller, by Cochran & McCall $10010.75. 32 It Neely, Cheater county, 59 60010.50. Of Sheep, the arrivals at Mettle , ' were about 8 o'o, all of which nal at from egret 41# tb groae, as to eeneit'on Or Cows and Calves the receipts were 200, Belling at UOO6O for prime, and $20820 for oldinarr grutltts, Of Hogs. the arrivals and atlas at Phillips' were abent 1,000, prices ranging from $8.70,59 28 .yir 100 lba net. 'New York irock ssOesr) 20 Cbstham Ilsok of - &truffle Mall Co _704 100 •do • _ • -70 lu Del & And Bd 1004( 10) N Y Con6R,. eBO 78..0 2.0 do 79 700 do „ e3O 10% "ILO Els Rallrosd; ' 70j, , fin Dodson Rives P, agx 800 ag 300 Mlls d k & Allss R 60 Harlem II Poet 4o 60 do • - 113 90 50 Reading 8 $3 60X 100- do • • alo 50 • 100 Rich &N 1 1% 13% .10, au ,d 0 133 b .100 d 4 18X SW MAI 8 Guam go 43 4CO do 46 2.'0- do - ea 43 200 do 640 43 100 -. do - . 43K 100 do e3O 44%- 50 do alO 4 , 9( lbil EMU Qemt 11 b 11( 30 Pumas B 'll7x 100 111 Osat It - MO es" 200 flal I Ohl It , .68% 100 do 00 68,1*" dO . -.do , - . 68,V 160 do elO 0$ 100 Ohs & Tal' 8016,1 lto Ohl to BL - ---,-- 661 AO do 684 phi, look, Kan. !•reed RaU. I, g ... t • i d 2 1 2 6g Pi S tO CI FS' . I I 11. CO . F41 4 7.288;187 1211,182 558 ..'4-640.871 068 ;.;:- 4600,276 ... 521.126 225 84,125,405 10 Phll4 lit.. .9699 119% 41144431 k -" ' 1.9% -12 -do 014_32x 30 Nook 1191. - Ft 8.443 E .10 morel Pt Pb 6 103 N Peons og - 9 Babl Nmr Prat 19 3 - 131194140•101,.calt 42 " IWO Peon _to B1.:Isto ,3634 1 do 3SX 10Couotraial Bk.. 51 r .1 11 1 , 013 6 01t“.:;4...05 -4, , .do - *44}f 25, -16kint 2.5 - lop goitzri. 1 .7 OA Xenia Ocular..." 491( ~ i to 411% 79 Bela pray Pr 0.... 39 - 80, do • --- 100 do 2eo _do 100- +do- +OO -do 100 'doi 100 _do fol 09 100 100 _do _ 25, 1 1 25X .osah 25X .cash 255( .cosh 25X .sash 25 .cash 253( .cash 2.5.. X .cash" 25X .sash 253( .oaah 25 y Bid- Asked. 94b1 PsiU . 4Bl r,if 79 nt00k....,.. 9 9X Wet 19% . 19 Wrop'9&:11n&1 91(. 9X 1. ; ); 1° - to rs Long LUTA 1 01( 11X Gizorl Mk Con.. 60X bog Lokeool & Nat, 9 fog Lollatob Sorin.... 28 29 IN, Peons It 9X OX ..... , 85 New aisle/ ClatiirtainC 6 63 Lnlainb Um... 1 i X change, Marcit 28. BOARD,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers