4=4 lb- - tt 't A N ' OW, MAWV.EI44I3I§I; 1-1..M.1‘,.a.- "4 , 414, ' l'' g " -' '' ' ':'='''' ' ‘,./ r.,,,,,,,--,m6.,- x. -- --,%,,,, , -tr - --- - ,',, - A.,.:,t A , f'..-.----.'1,..,T.E.: ~. r(q ~', i. V . V ' ; V •$-. ' *GeV 241 L :-a - 1 'Z''' ' f, .• '4 1 1 - , , A.. 4 ,Ale, . „ 1„0:,„4 , 4. - z."-.:- *--,-- ' • iste„stictil4l - '- , r, s . ' ' ' l° , -, -- Irivz-Mkkirafi.- ic• ' ~.t ' i,4f ,14,•,,',7'-etw,- 4`1 , 4 . ` c'fi :A M '----1.,--.;7.,4 . ~5e.',44. t zt ; '', F::,,.7 - ': .0 4' ,1. ' 7. ' ~•-, '--- ~ ' . ‘. •:,' C'..:..4.80 ) - fe ' ' ' '-•.' • t,- ''c ,"•`---.' .. , 7' - ! . '''"- - .. -' - _ . '",',7--'""- 'f'l',Gait',l%;E3= - l '' • ' '-; :- .- • .1; : 4 - )) 4' Y"-f " ' ' ' :.','-' ' ' . ; .+ , • '': s u. . ,4, r ' o.4„ittrr:44r; a.l •,‘ 1", . - -' tiligia ,blinaiß/3 1 §T4If .'. i' J• ' - . - •:.. fi , ,Ti.;: l , . ....: , ,k..'. " ‘ Y: , ,... a- _„. - , aff --, : .l=pirloaawAnalaqate:, , , BO . 9 IT.: .1 13+ -1 T r0 , k;::;* 9,4 T NW-A EVeIfARIENT *Ricer; •••• ,Betweeerifttliad • • - 4 HENPT 'IIIANPAU2'I4II.IOII - . AND 11001,114.11LI;D*A14110111. - : • . 1-vp „ • . i"tivaik . CO; 1W4., P: ;tae= O' - - #4#4*', 1 ,*,4 1411 0.; - , 624,- a*k*r REXT 11H - 0l9; , , - -..- r - u:-., - r. ,, , - ;' , ... , • , ',;) . _ . .. BOKEIL;;;&:' , BROTHIMS. is '~~OLEBAZ~>'_ c. ~.,, ' 4 - BOOTS-4;A:I4.TD kSHOES;;.•:.; MEN - • -c,, 5H 011113 .q.:?,..,Z-? . . 5 -i4 r ' fl-,t.,- ,e1!, 1 1, • :, ,,i1 .: '" Bol:q#::0-R4-,,,,eiiio;,,,. -t - , :.,..? -- A i 4 t'' 0 - ~.:;,-;'- ' ,.11 1r '...--A-......4-.-:-, , - lir ~ ..,—..-i s 6.-,,,,_ -„,...„.. , 4-- , , g 1 1.....,,; -= .....m,,,,...: ; ~,• 3 , ...,.. .„. v ., , -j„„,....,......., --,,,„..iin dwaff , m!, , __..„,40-4,-,,,,,....--,, :-..-..-- ,-,yottipturi.-_,R,.____•- 1,,,,a1izzaTi.,,,,,: .- 4". !--,-.- •!, 47,44.,ainja.,„. ~. , „u sini i:, ! . -. , -:: . ,-.,, ,71A.; . ,... , , i r i , _..-- ; _i -,,, , , ~ ~,,,ie Arigivii, IRA •,! „ ....' , it - ' i t - ", -,,_..f"-V„.'Vr.:!.;„-!-.4,Ti. 4..:-. —• , - ;~':s!ilVft'';'~' T'A'MS# ,~:G'Gj~ ~;~ • g • ; Virli.4 4 1 11 k-trot f - • -7 • - • • , JOEL H....27A0ZAZET301NT.46 C/C#4 '; 24_7: MEE= 9F,41,-14", ,-':' ; ',,114;7 1114 MARIEXT:ST/10Ti-,- 15ae 4 4 14 "Aibutier P l 4 l -40Yigt i fi.ltoo7 , ,J40:400000040 1 0,c4: -. 00#,= 1 :i Wltà,.? wllhcut b. found inSi• elty. et ill. =Win SillifrfkOrrallp ooOmitA4nliimulDAND 111:4411/PrApTIPAIIIN T l 4 It s ,V#N ll . l t 4 r., HA r l i - R,l bbillgr! iat irs it s w 76-v, ..w 11.4* - 414641vi0, sii44 Isikeminstii;Mi 1411,4* is soll**ll 3 / 4 44;011mir,'Saiiihtir 1114W4. is, :INSl.ks44o.6olpMwilvitilkErtiftw%, , • Cr . , , ! 914 4,iv, , it--, J ,,,7-,N , ,, t l ;,, ~,F,7 . 03 , -e . -- ,:- ~i •,! - F 4, 1 '''e-.:7:::1-*“.r.S' l' k,.. 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'114401014-- Jl - 1 Acurrit stacir*Ti;Olitit --=. • lliiilkiliji*** l 4. 4 4 o Wijp oll • 4• prO l y . own .air - A..10_100 , *lliewmfmmucollmOotwilito: Ak 01011100$4400ACkAoctiar-les b PL.V „Vittr gie _itt4,I.6434 I 4.4O!**OPAIALS- oto4 - n; J r IL; • - '" e • • , _ „-„ .44 - z.vmo,4loigkettitlispawe , ...?,t-i6ii774 f'--A14142i4411410/0/04)04-3-r. :- - - I=MMI I 01;:r - ,1111CLIz , 4, OW' i r k r.`,3orit; i• - . e -, -A1745T1011 AND , 01111$ IFiP - • lOgritliont iinctilillartitTPßlr GOOD% No';'11 itAlilt-STAENTY' Wm !tt,... • "` • " - If • rka 1 2 •,‘ •, • i*;944.4.) - ; • 4-- A5 10 5 ,..1-4 , -Eu:TT,,, !sAN,r,r-v.P!,. 1 77 ii, 4'""lixtibkl)so:Ni',/011#13 1 gif t 4l iiOE444) 11,. Eltli A N.) 1 440044 31:), 9 . 9 9- • • • ;2141 ofillAq DitlE g Aiosiclatositrint. 121P713914*49?tifcr klinittnteini 6iIVONDE4 ' 1 .7110: Wagr. p:"Q:Eiovs,*; 14c CO., 1100Mi;ILA140_,4 QO. , 'IMPORTERS , ' AND JOBBERS C:YD • '17.1"..:474141R, T—fit .10;Tt 151C.14 Zit T 4 RUITADALPHIA • • - SPRING.: sTpaic : is iskiimpietii .lid zend7 for Ercsiept:parism moralisido, from all ports of. i, iris , reopoatfullylialloltod to rill end era- .`ANA j 'A: ol "i'i:ltEED! C-3 9 ; * WROLEbAlat t DEALVRI3 • %. 0 , • „L NORTH , /STREET* ~,t - • eotaiorMlibil .1) ) ,St4Cll4O 0r1559: r. SONS, sg.: 7l 4 l a"T Si l t * • ihlP4f#s MID WHOLZSALE JOBOBII OW - . 9,o s4 .ow,oPtiTnnins of striinul la lama, SI ' • 'I - . ' $ I' t • r't'l $:. . • , ' • ABBOTT;trOHNE% - elc CO ' , 1 , ~s,a 9 , XA.WKA i'', a TILV Z T . ,' .i - '4 • 4 44 r•Widla 4 4 sin. 1 3 11111W41,111 ATTRAOTIVi now ' t - 4 , :, -•-,.,r,, ;,': ' -,!:.,-:-.:. ;; ‘-"-%`:--'. S .' , ‘,--:, " . ~ . ~ *- ~:;. i -, . . ,- '..q , _ ! " .•. , Val t , ATTXNTIOW , 02- MEWL! , n. 1 1 Ai ?a. ,; , 4 ,-, < ' ,-,.,r .iz!t.r,:4lri,;, - , ':1,;,:41,,.!:. v . -,,,' !.....; :; MIN M0R4:31.0'03D13 . - _ ll f l . lllll / 60 % - - 0-4*--, ''..-,1 ‘ re,,•-, ,- ~ : 71,..r.,;:, ; :- . .-,-,•:, , , ,,• ,,ji,:.:Butrigarmilmit, .NO:•3O4I,tABITIM'OTBMIT.' ' ' ' IMIR 1 . - - 1 .-) WHOXOII,9II:4I"DNALESB AA' STIO PAy poc•ps, , 1240 31141c.ii, , i/I T., lour doors below:l%lrd, 11?ntk side, w. JACOBS, , 4I ----„IO,626,,AROW,STREgT/ fas Galahad"and for sale a fall sweetmeat of all the .neaSit 'Madams styles of itjAititT.AoES.. • 'too, a groat varlet/of :daaleabla OGOOND HAND RUO I 111, tut hies bean - but eery little tied, ah loh : 1 4 1 , b , 4 1 1 51 , 4 4 iir t 1 4,.?".4451,2,; MEE EORGEs, - .W.T:WATSON'S ' -"IYARRIEGE - - REPOSITORY, ' --1 ,19)f5 - ;:1217;!12i9, -. Old 4221 -'0'.11(111 ET Eli T - T - E'E ET . - CARRIA9E B , , WILIXAM ROGERS. I ,t , 4iiroOrfoßr; _ , 1409 illlllBiN67 'BTREET 1011 k00.1d . 4m ' ' ", ; • • ,Z ,P I/ 4 . , , liiik.l'§'lTlOnlNG : RrOimil :,, - .. :i :,:: .:::-..;'.'": . i .':- jatt . ' , f t io -:;-- ,4riL6I*.4RIkAiiNGS. - 114(;)*, CWOPF.' es kiraiatozc, t i me `f-, "-I . '_ No.'4,llo.ll',ll.4oßifff iITRICIAT E ..'•:,:-`;''''---''- ', iii'a , Einriii:itoiii ,ii iair lasirlimint la iheie Ifne; to , 11 ; 01111.'ir4vii...,44. .0414,t0, at ,tkaiT CUllictrilerill ,- - - ,,a4; p _bayi ,. a'alr , aaeai = a4;a"..l4l . - , ••,; • ' ... 1 :' ; „ .., ; 11i1:4 - itipl , ,:j -.:!,i.-_;:_1.1..-:1;ohou-iiitu--c!iithiii-g. • AT WHOLESALE. - 04 .;s1 213 S 8 av Et 0 MS, 1188 - 4 ' , STREIT, . I ionfirvAar covit*t or JOO2LT oTaiwr, Olio for ads, on the moat. it, TERN'S, inotrinosik ! PBINQ AND SUMMER pwrituffa, T O Tan 00triuggit' Arfik , :iiriallaN - , i*llliPi ATTRITION 07 ,111IYABO. i, ..... . . Y " /A k 1,. if 3CI r_l ~,,, .1 ,/, ~ , . 4> ..;,, 'l7, '7," i t r ,, , -,;.„-,, • ~ rr;, li .„ ..!,- ; y„,1; 1 ..._ ;,, . ,- ,;,f- v. F rTr rir r _ . , , , , ,- , .... ~., .., ''' •-.-- —•-• : - --• ' ---'' • \ \ ' I /r 7-- *# ~:,-.7.7..,; - ,..* ' 4of-.t r r - \ - - • ,_-- • . - i --.-- , s ',...‘ 'i t , trii _ . _ . _, „ B r ~., .• , , r '' ', . ;,,rirl. ~ . ' L - t,„ 0 ') V . , % 1 Vt 4 '; : l ' ,. 2 . ' ,:?1: , " ii ; ..., 4 , 11 , 11: . ..: .! . 1 77; . fr i t4tl • - . : _. . .. 41 I ' - .1. „..._ '.*,.....- • (ix - 2-------,-- 1. , L . . -,c..--..- , ....,....-.--- 7 4, * *7R lt4. . =._ . , ...,:- -.--. 4: , 4.21 i ,..-- , 4-...,- -,,,,,,. 4. 2 - -,- „,• 'f.. , . ...-- . ',g, - .?'t . . :14,,,A . -- ;: , !: . ...!:•.-i•Jr. .. --: - - , t ..:F.-- ----,,- ~ .;-. ,1 1 ,0g44, , ...ei! . ..•,'„ - . -, ... : 410;< ; , , .,,,„ - „,,.. , _ ~, ;,......,....., -,,,,,.., ~,, • ~... . •!'411• . : . •:?`,40.03 - ,;,:• , . - 41-- rj -.., '1 4 ' ......... 'igiTft` 'itf"Z --. .' i,. ,..„..., f1at...: . . - .. r ..... . -,...--', _,....,--,....- •,, .. ,!: .• : -... 4 •: . '.. . ::.. •-.,._ ::....,, 7 ..-.„ -'...,,,.-.. :?- •. 1.J., , ..,„ ~ ,••-:-.,,', „.:•:..1... -•1, .1-.1:,, , ~ 4.,,-.. 4..,.. . , .. •!...'7. 1-?:.•lq. - ....".,1,: • - :-`...:,..i: .. ;..:- 4. • ~... • •,.',., . ~..., .. , ~,- , --,,n., :.,,11 0 :61./,• , !.;,.,1,': ; ., • - ..50.1n. - Ff.; ~'-' P.llll :‘-- ..., . :4- ': • , .. ' 4 t 44 4 , ,1'- . .., . \\..,_ - .- 4 '...4. I: '-' -, ~ -: : ~,,,f). .w , • -:. ~1 , ..L . .......-- - - - , -= =.“, -- , - . .• , •4: - %: rpt...- - - .--- z. 7,..,- ..,., • - . ` - ,, 1 _,.....„,.. . _..____ : „..,_,L,' _- ' - , : ..s. • . --- ' - ' ' ----- - 4 - . - 41r - ', / ).....) , --k --- -.-• .--= -- .. . . . . _L. _ ... . ' •{• -, ,, , 'rei nf, , ,,e -,(' ~ ,,':.- • ;', ,N , t , - , .....:, , , _ f , ... , ',..!ii: ,, -. , .. r.. ..'- ; • . ~ -:::: - . , ... , .--.1.-- •:•._, ~ : ' ,N...t . . - ,". - "..„:" ..... .,.. re:f r : ~ .. . ' ~ . . , , , , .' -- • ' , „, , , , ' , • ~••-''•' - • ' ' - . MEE PIifLAWILPRiA: : t~;~~ CLOTHO " ,::.:',13/11$INISAIlify Mil Surnisbing efoobe tiAuct, monatie No;:,4j. 9 NIC 4.1 147:13r BEET, 1 ) ••• R It, . ' - - - my..l.lCoOit',..so_ DillifUlEdoTOSl ,`,-',,,'O),<TIIM,IOIII.IBMATJUYNABIT aim,* RIOIIOVID 80 typtErt. • ' ;erg. v 0030 Q;Cpii!!iticOitiit Aititptis I,l3oJuiV4*', oo , qpIN EOHi3i'MIiarB3.OBRMAIriOWN. IIdPORT77EI AND iltaras IN .CARPSTING; OIL OLOTlifi, hpiTri:Brit; - " r iTTGI3 , • OPRONITE. 1111 wrevx.acTigi. aim noir on land AtOCk, C of ,00r , own end toirhich no Invite the ideation of:Wei,toinindli,6upvto buyers. 141... in kt r iINGS., , SOLI Apjlpritli THRETTUYS, • * • - ' '• ' • rti+,Nzrzerus •. Ili csrer sun: nv J-0:S I .41.'H , With Mt gri4ek Of, WOOL. WOOL'AND COTTON, sad ALL-COTTON INGRAINS. ATWOOD, RALSTON, &DO., haNUFA9TI3II , II I, I3 , OMITS, aim susiurr 6T10117, BLA-11:30i1:4% SAIT,.TH; • • . „liptritAivripexas,or - CLOTHS, RD', !3TRERT, Offer tt*Lthe , trsde's large stook of OIL CLOTHS of ovary ffsioription, the largest assortment of -, WINDOW SHADE cand . • BIIFF HODLANDO, In thi?market, zerar i;xescms, .FAVORABLE' TEE'MS'.' GUNN GLIZSD. OIL CLOTH, s beautiful, artlala for Windownagea. - • • fal2-2m a.:HOWE & CO.. AGENTS OF Tfill NANORESTER PRINT. WORKS, rfeve now their NNW 801.0, P4O 24 WX.'•FW;4OT, • , • inn itas; of ail the loirdstainifestuied by the Ifeieheiter Company: ;141%/LI-NIS • - • • 00014.VC • ' - - PRINTS, and, 4N4 4 l , A TwlP;to; Cloiziprielag the meat deiiirsble stilee or ,theep gogdp ever offend ti? ttu triple J.,0.110WE.& Are oleo the SOle Agentf for the sole, fri Ede motet, of the following Itanafeeturers of • _ WOOLLEN; AND COTTON (190 DO:, ARIDEPRMI4I7, ' • • J. w,iii.taitAvA,'&o4 lINERIMAOIL WOOLLEN OONPANY) g• s 4 4 la gK f imis siawrr, MILLWOWC-WOOLLEWILT:idi,, - • , Aria otherpoptOar tsei. , ' NitOWN ANDBLEACILED COTTONS; =DAS' oßanmetij.e,a:4; inig.s. • • mA,TintrogLi wet: po. mot 9.8. To itOltr iehlgh the itttentlen of buyer* to *Molted. 45;tith TO;t r ' • 'lO3llO i receivingfu ll anapplielig, e • A - A e • 1 7.. e. •, ,` • - ~,eeeinfiesitt /BIDBEIG :IMOirttla Tlolut.) . •• • •• A.;•30114151111?) &ORO . • • WIVBRS & 130111111DT,( 010,10.), •r• ZAALISON/LBSOTHSILS. , , „a• , , • E. ToRMNLiIs -& And others, • , toblAlut ; •••• ,•kaB 00118T14131 1 Stmt. CARPETIN . GS,' , , , ,-,OIL or,Trea; AND.meTuras, WOLFE, WILSON, #3 CO., 00111118310 N SIERNIIAN2II, No. 132 ONNSTNIPP STABBT Asset! for • TAPEBIE2 VILVIty, • . TEBBE PLY, , • . - • . • INGBAIN, ' ' VENETIAN, HEMP,' DUT9II, COTTON, , LIST; and RAG CARPETS, WILICIIIr,O Alt resolving dolly from the Sfannfacturera, and me prspered to, offer the trade on Photo' term . /laving the Aginoy for inner, of the beet inA most de • sdrable goods, We can offer inducements not heretofore to - ;1.1 had -in Philadelphia. 'All goods sold at Diann fastarorls prices. Orders Amorally attended to. Err Also, Agents. for Black and. , White Wadding, a large supply of yehtch ore have constantly on hand. fobl.dm FARREI.Li ez MORRIS. cioeior! nntßoorAters, I 35GC .1 ,, 0 It T. 3EI It S OIOTRS, DOXBKINB, svcs 232 CHESTNUT STREET, Sam ilhp lavabo. 15.. • • JOHN T. PWGOTT, • 'II!4P 0 RT.1111. , AND JOBLIIR 09 RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, , WHITE GOODS, dr.o., &a.' DAB REMOVED TO No. 15 NORTH FOURTH STREET, lite a fall line of the above Goode. Also, receiving dilly, JOBS from Auction, to will,* Ouch and Short time Buyers are invited. piard•Zu SPRING TRADE. '11; MIRING &,00.,' iToi. 26 and . 28 NORTH YOURTA KAM, Rave pot opened their recent IMPORTATIONS ' E'NGL'ISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, • GLOVES, AND _SIitALLWARE S, And imam an Inspection of their complete and well : assorted eteteltp, SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE lebb-Soi • BURNETT; SEXTON & SWEARINGEN • Are now opening at their Store, No. 409 MARKILT STREET, Above Fourth, North Blde, A HANDBOhiN,ABBORTMENT OP NEW SPRING STYLES or FANCY DRY. - GOODS, OW, THEIR OWN IMPORTATION And selection, •shich they offer for sale to buyers from All poste of thellnited ptited, on the Mont liberal tines. febfl-9m , „ MoOAULEY,BROTHER, & BREWSTER, 23 NORTWEOURTII , STREET, Moro just opened on entire NEW 'SPRING STOCK UOI3IBRY, GLOVES, and F lo which they attontlonpf first-oltuss brims oth stoat' Is vartloulsrly Adapted to thb KOUTHEUX TPAIDE: SCHAFFER & ROBERTS. 4E9 MARKET ETREET, IMPORTERS AND, JOBBERS 110111/1111, (31-I,OVIIIB, • • !MALL WAMB, 001,68, imams, LOOKitiet.OLABBES GEBMAN Aten:PßENtla PitiOXCIOODA, TAXIAPJUP TILIMMINUO. - j i!fft:E.AITLPHIA,.3IM4CII, 1859. lOrtoo- Ac A. TCFNIPER.• , cp 6 , • ~ • 33 - 130TITH FOultaH' filfgPlt, Inaporter9 and iinioleetitic; Deitieij' ' LADIRk 0,*04. Call Mit ps tkuljt aftonifoa of the 4rad9 epleridtkaacerttteht of PREIKIEf, PO4PONOt r g4t unit 2ASINECI,O4k,RIIOOEgii. BALL, Ttlitdiatillt a alv„rfNpm, BUTTONS, ' • Wb axe -propared'to execute leite orders foe Slit tilt Irtufgee;?ruseeld, pords,Butto99, Ike ,et Or own actoiy, • • 31OGRE; HENSZEY & CO4, Noe.' 427 MAIIKEit, en 3 410 0051MB11OS Street*: Keep oonatandly on hand a large 'stook, _ CUTLERY, ouNs,„ko.,s4 Mkt iere:offered to BUYERS on Liberal Terms feb2B:l3in ; •• „- • CO , TRUITT BROTHER & l ;ItiPoßigEM AllipiilltiLMElALli WALRUS 4 HAI - ID - WARE; OUTLERY; ; ' ' GUNS, PISTOLS, ,!co., 529 MARKET STREET, 529 BZIANY SIXTH; Nowrit PHILADELPHIA. re2tais NEV STRAW GOODS. • A complete and choice aecortment or ; • BONNETS, HATS.,;`: .FLATS; ARTIFICIAL FLOVOERS, UOlfl ioi; • • Now openat the . , , NORTHEAST ocinkiii.or MARKET AND HISTIC,HTtE Which. will be eold at a smell hirtaleion Ord eott,4 GEO. H. ROGEItS, Agent ularl6 121* • • A . GQOP ASSO4TI44IIIT ••._ Qv' • f . . .STRAW POOPS, ARTT.II - 01.14., YLQWEItB. RUOIMS, AND STNA* TRIIIMINI3S, Of every valet), are npw open; and for sale, at 'swill 'Arum* Upon first coat, for cadi t itt i , 5.,,, , , ' ! r ' 4. WA113210. ' . . kfoa 1..9,3, 11.0, and 1.'07 •DTol3'Tli SP,P (ED STREET, marlo 2m Above Arch, Emit side. . , 1859 7 " — lB5 ► ATR.BIA, GOOI)3IIO'USE:,' T 404 1 3 00 14" 14. o , 528, MARKET - Invite tho attention of buyers to ttieir ititeielye etook of Whirs , 6trew and Bilk - helmets, Stihigarillaia'ait• Bice:ewe r Monte,' Beim', anct Ohiktrenlifitte AttlQ ciat Plowere, linohea t Trintmhige, dim „„ Being osolualvely elappii in thin hrattoh of buitnese, purchasers rill) find It to their intereat to bastnine gtir otoatilitifofe purehiming. . : • mow (formerly of efiloosk, Pritle r y,) mai engaged with the aboyi' hoeuni,eol4lflf ?nip kbi fylemle au apimination of qs "too or , Kota*: Thompson k Jenkins, TA 13140 P.B 41toP • tvlaricrov rz yrifi 1113m..0 4 -•: • ITOOPES & DAVIS, uktiuctottriurits Amp DHAPPitiI Noe. 19 and IliSonth Street, tniistiktia,S. PITILUALPIIII, Hai° on hand an entirely now and ioneplete Wok of the' rave goode, laid In for CANI, to which the attentlon of buyout lo inrlted. - OMB. aismowELL, late of the arm of Ohio. Hal lowell Co., long known to the trade, would be plueed to see his (*pas et the warerooroa of fdeseee. Hoopoe /4 Davie. , febeloa STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. Bering removed from our old etaud, 45 South Semnd street, to • 725 'CHESTNUT STREET, ' BSIWBEN SETJAITU AUD 5 . 108.21 E, We aro now rowed to a:Mit to war nnowroun pa trons I COMPLETE STOCK Qv STRAW nATB, BONNBTB, WHEW and CHILDREN'S HATE, BLOOMERS, OAPs, PANOY AND ORAN' BONNETS,. . BREVOII FLOW.BRB RIBBONS, Leaps, ' 111101188, /to, • • Embracing !nail an assortment unequalled in dty, and we respectfully invite the attention of ,morelants to our Spring Stock. (lash and short-time buyers Will audit Spatially tiir Interest to give as a nail.' LINCOLN, , WOOD, NIOIIOIJ. 'reb9.Bm - J HILLBORN JONES,'' , Linorter anfl 2.lAnufacturer 1 or ' I • SILK AND STRAW BONNET 3,. LEGIECiRN and. PANAMA EATS, . ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RIICIIIRS,to. To villoh the attention of City and Country Deere le aDlielted. NO. 432, MARKET ST. Below Ilf I PT R. ' febl-at Philadelphia STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. I. S. OUSTER, ttANIIPAOTUREIt AND wnots.sm,l DIIALIWN MILLINERY GOODS, J H. MIOHENER & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS pßovlsioNs. And OUREBB of CHOICE MEATS, ito. 11 N. WATER 11it.,and,961 and 966 N. PRONTIi PHILADELPHIA. 151199 S BEEP, PORE, LARD, and an aenortntetlf PROVISIONS generally, including RAMS, Tomo% and BEEP of our awn' curing, Ixdb. Oily and Westrt,• Constantly on band; quality guarantied. VOTERS are particularly incited to call and eta our deck. teC23.Bot lIM . JrERICII & EMIT No. 43 NORTH THIRD STREW! WM. D. GLENN, NO. 16 SOll l /11 FOURTH STREET, 1MP031.11111 AND 1 / 1 191.41qtp1l DI4LIII. FAN 4 o . l o t3fOoljtS. pIUtIfUMED.I4 - • MIMS, _ 001188,, • 11 DRUGIGIBTO , AMIGOS/I, 4 Now In gore, a very large and coraplete sanorlui for the I. SPRING TRADE, leohefing every ealeable artlele in the flue and ry novelties. The attintlari - of buyire is respeetfully solid. Pikes ea low se those of alit house in the trade, e r in this city or New York., _ , . - 00RRIBG SHEETlNGS—Justreeed AIL end for sale by • - ablitlAY; Oheetnet atz DANDY GOODS, f4aftmare. PHILADELPHIA, HARDWARE. Alißitter)) (boobs. f3T11.11,1V lI.AVS 607 NORTH SECOND STREET, • PIIILADELPIIIA. fe4l.9* Vrouieion ifijoiconle erorcro. Tr WHOLESALE GItOCEES,; RUILADET4III Siilttn eacebo. 1 "4 r :S ,k-s • TITESD4r, i 859. Russia. - No. 2..-Petck the Great. Themodern history. of ,Itussia begins from ''Paxca I. , The wars, treaties, conquests, and diplomatic arts- r in. one word, the ,exterior histery is known generally, and has given ma. terials to many hocks and dissertations;, but the iitterior history, .the development of the national- life, Is erAirely unknown to. the World. r About. the, aina, and direction of the, politics of the, Russian Czars; about the real sigrilfication of, the reforms cootinually: per 'l'ool4 by them, nobody has yet understood, enough to speak out, or nobody has dared to, dolt. • - , , .There is no Russian hiStory as yet. As the, PetPrsburg Court in ; relations : with the other Courts which govern Slavonic, PoPula- Halls, there is, therefore, no one spot.pn the whele' expanse of laud, constituting one- Seventh' part of. the whole world, and inha bited by the .Slavonic race, where the two last:centuries of the Russian history eao be, and'ireely commented upon. - Yet the: official • documents, from different parts, s and i eVen verbal traditions, whose.authentioity la beyond doubt, furnish us very interesting facts and observations. • ,- • There have been many prophecies' about th birth- of PETER - the Great, which were, pert laps ' of later fabrication.. Like the ter -1 ; rible Iva if, he was born amidst astonishing pho 'nemena. It wart prophesied that a Messias or an 4:no-Christ, would come. In reality there 'ierp very important ;religious movements taking - place about his cradle. The Catholic faith was hi contdderableoltrength in tho'coUrt 01 his father. itracifts,-the Caar, and his wife, -wen) converts tp Cies pOrsussion- The Bishop of the Greek Church, and teeny a desalt, who - was the most active in christening the child; give It a name entirely unknOwn until that -period in the -Russian history; thus indi cfiting the folindei'or reformer of the Church 'in; ;Russia.. The people believed that the Czfir acme , reform - or a new roll- But the death of ALEXIS, and the sub= laq , itent court' intrigues, destroyed the work f Jesuits.' Vet Pkrzzi was long hcaltaf . . Bug which of the tivcr religions- he had to maintain hi his dominions;'; not 'bedtime "he pre l ferred" one to the;otber, but that ho did not knOw which- would better Om hie views. f l ilfe his aileekol IVAN, grown up amid ta r-Suits and - carnage, often enacted on the'mom berb family by the Sirelitzeis or life- 1 giairds, and often in danger of bedoming their ;victim; ho was accustomed, from childhood; to -calculate with cold blood, to despise human natpre, and even to find pleasure in sangiliary decide. " blatory of the youth of Enron the Groat is' thmiliar. Trite to the custom of the princes et his country, his oarly youth was spent in company of differentfoole.andbutroons import ed from Gerniany, Livonia, Prince, Englamb etci, to amuse him. Prrsa, instead of helug weakened in that crowd of base alarm, formed froin:theut that famous first battalion which hecitune timo the principal of the Res ,army,' after the • German fashion. Ho .bean' himself the service in that battalion, 4 wi the ogles of drummer, and passed through gracteEi with such rigidity, Ord e;een iafter,sreitylctories )4e did not wish to ieavo, gnichly, „ Abolit that,same 4ttitiOniving maanatit - • • - 7 .1014040i..fi1d-Cdt4SWZ, 'laitittciscd , himself in naval evolutions.: Ale - . 4 6a.t0 to"one , of his favorites, Luromr, the' theftharge 'of 'General of his aimy ; to Onetlier the l inek of Adinlral'ot the fleet which 'oMsted only In his brain, and rosily loft, when dying, a powerful army, and a fleet, one of the 4 1mitIn Europe at that time: , His intercourse with the foreigners Who sur rounded him, awakening in him the curiosity and at the same time the thirst for conquests, originated in him the thought Which became in the future the principle of Russian politics. Itq made up. Ids mind to do the contrary of ,what had been ,done by all his predecessors. Instead of importing Europe into his do minions, ho determined, to draw from it as much strength as he could, so as to conquer and to subjugate it. With this idea he visited the whole of "Europe, particularly Germany, Rolland, England, every where, with the axe in his hand, learning the art of naval construe• tion, and investigating every thing that ho thought likely to be of some use to him, and sending to Russia, at intervals, whole cargoes of engineers, architects, physicians, &c., whom he had piaked up in his travels. . A violent insurrection of the Strellthes, or Life Guards, the last pure Russian movement, called him unexpectedly home. After the partial destriction of the Boyars, there was in Russia no national army of purely Slavonic origins that was composed of the nobility commanding the different detach meets of their dependants. • Instead of -it, there was instituted a stipendiary soldiery, bound and attached merely to the person of .the reigning monarch. Yet in that motley crowd of different populations the old Russian crffitoms, ideas, and prejudices were predomi nating.. 'The Strolltzes were attached to their national , religion—they shared in the general sympathies and hatred ; in one word, they were under the Influence of the national opinion. Different parties used that ever-ready force to conquer each other. That armed crowd, un der different influences, tumultuously sur rounded the palace, and asked, with great clamor, not for any change of the form of government or. political syStem—neither •for any treaties, or battles, or conquest—but ex acted the removal or destruction of a certain favorite minister, or the downfall of a certain general. In this instance, the matter tru— es 4,#as promulgated—to free from the op pression of Py.rart the Great the co-Regent Iyasr, a feeble and imbecile brother of .PETER, who divided the throne with hint and his sister SOPHIA. That movement was quenched, the .revolt was overcome by thit foreign battalion formed by PRTER, with the help of some Prus sian troops under the command of three foreigners—n Scotchman, a German, and a Frenohman—and the victory was complete. PETER Came to avail himself of the victory, and to gratify his wanton cruelty upon the conquered. • The Russian proverbial cruelty has nndeigene now a new character. PETER Was not a mad tyrant like IVAN the Terrible, but he was a cruel philosopher. Ills murders were systematically performed. Killing and torturing people, be made his observations about the human nature, therefore he beheaded his victims with his own hands. At first he beheaded only five persons, but becoming more alert afterwards, he was enabled to behead twenty-five men in the space of some hours. All his magnates and dignitaries, as well Itussians_aa foreigners, bad to be present, and to help him in those executions. Frenchmen and Germans took their part by compulsion, but Englishmen are said to have done so with all the cold blood of their race. But all wore loft behind in that bloody ,Work by a native Russian, a certain Barisal- Korr, who afterwards became a favorite'and a Prince of the apostolic Roman Empire. 'Be : displayed the greatest skill in breaking upon a wheel, or in impaling his victims. FETICH opening with his own hands the bowels of living' Boyars, Strelitzes, or peasants, thus practically learned his favorite science of 'anatomy, causing the physidians who wore present to'explain to him the circulation of the blood, the functions of the bowels, and the structure of the body. Thus ho despatch ed many thousands of human beings in the greatest tortures. lilt this, though generally known, did not prevent him from being well received in all the' . , Courts of EnrOpean Monarchs, and to ,bo created member of tho Academy of sciences in Paris. Destroying entirely the national armed force, and forming an army that would only be subservient to the will or the monarch, Pam. the Groat undertook a general reform „ . in .Itua,ala.,, ITO undertook to make .It Ger,, may or patch. !khe Ger Man language was partiettlarly, beloved by him, and was the court language until file times of Cianiiiiste !NV' hoover 'Tinted to be in favor, with the Czar must know the German language. a•mt. talked Ititsidan only, with hisibldiers, ercisiniethent with a peculiar language; a corn= ,poniul of German and Dutch wirds. Every thing that was national awoko his displeasure or his scorn. He ordered his people to shave their 'beards. He made: peculiar regula tions for the dress of the ladies, who were id ways separated from then; and were compel led to, show therm:elves .1n public, ,attend to the • court • entertainments, courtesy; Walk, keep their hands and so forth after' the `rules of a' particular Cer,enionial. :The so-called court balls ha'd:g r eticralty Vel7 senidalona conClimion, 'for !RT . Et. the Great fdn'd of drinking freely, and sofeetinies, strangled Jun favorites, forcibly ponying' , gteat quantities of brandy doWn their;.: throats. Yee turope' looked at the'reformi of Isc'rea as great Steps in civilization! • In order to come nearer tmEuiope be tried other ways. Re attempted to get a:sea port on the Baltic shores. Prom that, moment, that Slav(info force;• which since Roam (862) strove to expand towards the East, has taken its direction Westwird. From that time, Russian policy looks 'lit the Bastarn . wsrs as a kind Of drilling, scboOl, doeslot care shout the con questa'that way, and 'diiectilall its 'strength and skill to achkie'European Ceminests. ' . The necessity of getting a port on the Bat-' tie for Russia was the motive'of the celebrated' Sw4dish war. PETER wanted to take liarra, and built a capital on the Baltic. OIIARLES XLI, after landing with an army, began a series of victories which ho closed with the catastro phe of Poltava. 011A/LEB XII inherited from his ancestors a viirliao spirit, and a fine army drilled hire self. a wanted ,one thing, Ho ,no more breathed their religious mithuslasm, he only wielded a material power, auvi, discovered at laitlhat all the Swedish forceiiFas in that Pro. testant enthusiasm, which, atter having lasted for fifty years, was already extinguished before him. The Norman materialist met another Norman, Tartarised 'so , to, mq s and nearly as much of a materialist as himself, who wield ed on his side such enormous mass of means, that the Swedish meteor could not avoid be ing,crushed under its weight. The battle of Narva, is which eighteen or twenty thousand Swedes defeated eighty thou; Sand Mulcoyites, was an enormous victory,of tactics over numbers; but CHARLES Commit ted . a fault, which caused his downfall, in no pursuing his adyantagoa, but going to °Mbar-, Tana Tieland and' dethrone the Palish king. This gave sufficient time to Pormt to reCover . 'and repair his forces.. lle dill aot neglect,fo avail himself of the religious spirit'of the ma r , parathions nation. Re ordered the Metro politan to , promulgate a prayer to las,' written by- himself in a .style•which gives 'a'perfect idea of the religious idea of his time_ and nation ; then, our great comforter in all our troubles, great holy Martians, Thou most mighty of all holies who have boon; or wilt 'ever be, how have we . Offehied you 'that yon forsake ns in this way 7 Yet we implored your 'help against those terrible, foolhardy,' frightful, furious, and indomitable _enmities and destroyers. that. are called Swedes. And as 'it .is not: possible , that they thus fal upon us Without using witchcraft and con juring evil spirits, 1014 we had made all possible works Mad, fortresses to defend thy' gleti ; ye ',beseech yon,. , ,then, Ci :great "St. Nieolatts Oar'ErAttilre''*i* ecy , aglai the - se horriiilii - SWedilicium:tirlyiTher:: - far*Way fie& ent:Trentleis.v • ' '" After some 'years - of merciletra strife they met at Poltava.' MAtemsr.s , (Chief of the Cog- sacks, who CRMO to help the - Swedes,) being entirely routed, 011 ARIES XII, with •a , handfull of his men, found hi mself• surrounded by the ' enormous Russian forces. Yet the glory of the Swedish , arras was so terrible that PETHR wanted to treat, even ho was ready to give up all big conquests, exempt Narva and the spot where St. Petersburg was being built. The young king refused to treat on these condi- - lions and lost the battle. From the details of this memorable battle this is known, that the Poles contriblited much to the victory, Rir a Polish detachment of cavalry sent to PETER by the Polish King AUGUSTUS, having attack ed the Swedish rearguard and broken the dragoons of the' Swedish' guard, decided the chance of the battle in the most critical mo ment. From the battle of Poltava begbas the epoch of the Prussian prosperity. PETER received thO congratulations of all the crowned heath, and on this occasion WILLIAM 111, of Eng land, for the first time, called him Emperor of all RUSSIA& Fatal Mel in New Orleans--A Cotton Dealer Killed by a Musical Critic. , [Brom the New Orleans Crescent of March 12. j A fatal duel took place yesterday afternoon, in a field near Carrollton, or Itickervillo, between the railroad and the river. The parties were Mr. Emile Hiriart, musical, and operatic oritio of the Daily Delta newspaper, and Mr. E. Locquet, a cotton buyer of Cam:dela street. On Sunday last, Mr. Eirlart's article in the Delta wound up with some stinging controversial romarks, which drew forth a challenge front Mr. L. Placid° Canonge, the operatic, critic of the Louisiana Courier. At the same time, Mr. Hi riart received a challenge from Mr. Looquet ; wbetker from that gentleman's sympathy of fool ing with Mr. Canonge, or otherwise, we are not well enough informed to state A few days since, the challenged party and Mr. Canonge bad their meeting at the Metaire ridge. They ex changed throe shots with pistols, •without harm on either side, though Mr. ()lineage's clothes were perforated. Yesterday afternoon, as above stated, Mr. Ili riart had his meeting with Mr. Looquot. The weapons were double-barrel shot guns loaded with musket balls; the distance forty paces. At the first fire Mr. Locquet fell mortally wounded, and expired without breathing a word ; his adversores bell having passed entirely though his body. from his left side to his right. Mr. Lotquet's bullet struok the ground, anti glanoing • up, streak Mr. fliriart in the breast, stunning hint violently, and causing him to fall. The skin was not broken, but the blow raised a largo lump. , • • COLD-BLOODED MURDER AND A, DOUBLE BUMIDE.-4 terrible tragedy was enacted in the town of Eusley, Newaygo county, Michigan, on Friday night, in which • a young man named White was shot down in cold blood, and tho life of his father attempted, follewed,by the suicide of the perpetrators of the horrible deed. 'The Grand Rapids Enqufrer contains the details, from which we learn that the alleged murderers are Jacob Dopp and Enos Merritt ' The Engutrer says: Mr. White and family had but lately moved into the county from Elba, Genesee county, New York, and aro considered very fine, respectable people- The eon who was murdered is said to have been a very astir:sable young man, and hie tragical death is a torrible,aMiotioa to his doting parents Merritt was one of the individuate who were indicted with French, in , this county, some time since for horse.stealing. Dopp, ,we believe, has been arrested once or• twice for counterfeit ing, or passing counterfeit money, end' managed to mope from the • officers. Both were unmar ried mon. The former is thought to have been about thirty years of age, the latter about twen ty-four. There is moth of mystery as to the causes whloh led to this dark deed. The solution which appears most probable, however, is found in the fact that hierrat and Dopp seem to have supposed that White had money in the bone. It is thought that their intention was to murder the whole family and then rob the house, and that the 'young man was enticed into the woods with the expectation that his disappearance would be the occasion of fixing suspicion upon-him when the murder of the rest of the family was discovered. Ix CawAao, last week, Rev. Mr. Lett, ex tonsorial artist, awoke the jealousy of ono Oarey, 'also colored. Carey hid in his parlor; saw the Rider enter to pay a visit.to his wifo; saw, or thought he saw, too groat familiarity between the 'two, and rushed out upon the astonished Elder,' pistol in hand. Two shotawere fired without effect, when the police entered and arrested the party. EARLY BEOINNING.—The Spencer (Ohio 'county, Ind.) Journal learns that on Saturday week two,littlo boys Aged respectively two and four years, sons• of 'Mr. A. Goodwin, of Green county, got to quarreling as to which one should have possession of an axe. After a short' souffle the older one succeeded in getting the axe, and immediately struck bis little brother in the head, killing him almost instantly. THE Elmira (Pa.) ..advertiser says that about two weeks since, a man 'named Cole, resi- ding in.Lltolifield (Pa.) township, name' home and commenced quarreling with his wife, , after which ho shot her. When medical aid arrived she was delirious, and remained in that situation for BM• ral days, when she died; Polo is new coafined in jail at Towanda ,upon the charge of murder. • ,Tuaun,ta smr. a survivor of the Wyoming massacre living 'at Penmer, Madison county, N. Y., 'Mr. ])avid Stoddard, t halo and hearty old man of 91,yeare. So we are informed by a cop rcopon4qt, TWO CESTa, Plum MEXICO. r-‘.:;, petalls of the T,canessee's News. (HYOtalhe Now Orleans iqoayno e;i . ' VEne. Cnuj, blareh g, The mail from the city ofilleiloo; lir the Tennessee, of _the ,22d of lint 'menet', arrived iwentyrforer hours after it was due, it having hien detained by Bliramon in Puebla. It brought no the neweof tho following Sante - reigns .apjlointed , tom to,the Government of the!' destroying angel,". or hiltatoon , Metinal Dias , de tenill'i; Forelgn — lielatiens ; Toefll-Marin, - Interior 111! 'Lorraine ail :Trento° f- Wave Atones Ledo, ilomonto,; ,Gabriel .13egara tal: Finaneo; Gen. Jesus Clastilli„ War. , kißnitv Anne' himself abilld: 'not' timid ferened'a ,bettaLminiEttiy. , Besides, fdirtmon selected Beoo- - baa,'o4.,lattovoispii Robles, is ohiefe of the r4pedi- - flan to Vera Grua.' This famtini trio are tools of • since insylasti the - forces Of thtilLibtral _party hair° been ,Xletorions in almostevery.pact,of the Repatdio. .Colima, Agna Ordientes,'l,een„ Gala manba; lielaya,'Guanajuato have' beerVieeevered; 'and are adhering now,to the Constitution:of 1857: Other importantniaoes,ns Ban Lpis Guadalajara, ko ,will soon follow. • The forces in this State' hays achieved' dedided vieteries, over the troops of Calve ~and lifiramon. The road from Orizaba to this plebe is„infested by our ,00nntry people: Jaroohoe and 'Miran:ton Or meet behind every hash - and tree a musket ready to take, the, lifeany,one that -penes , lever have the Liberali hare received', snob cheering news ns of late, and their' courage 'IOUs inereased wonderfully. - • Another matter of great importance for this Government, has been its probable recognition at Wathifigton. ' The, mere • probability • °finch an event sheeted up the party here,'entt will do much" more towards gaining the day , than all help that might ho offered Otherwise. „ The Preneh and Eriglishiare*lll harming the Juarez Government; and A bombardment is atilt a. favolite tbeme for,tho commanders and crowds to talt of. ' However, they' are advlited . to payge theilanoldes of their bile; in , which I hope they pill aneeeed. • -. The nest steamer is bound Wag yan ,great news.' TEE RECENT ROUT - OF' UItAIFON INICA Cana, March 8,1859 . - --Enolosed I , send you'lhe official report of Gen. Ampudits of the re., cent action at Yamapa. But since that was 'kb* Hebei], further particulars have been received. Sorriething. like one .hundred-..among.: them. Ave officers-Allied of the enemy had been picked lip, and stn five hundred 'end forty muskets left` by dying 'enemy: .The • Wounded are large' in nueiber. The loss on the side of the 14iberal forces was small, owing to the adv,antageof position. . The Liberal ones& li advancing rapidlYirievery quarter, and the news of the probable recognition of the Gonstitutional Government by thet.of the United States. arrived by the Tennessee. of the Ath, inst., will produce such an effect that the Liberate will, no doubt, carry everything before therm - now. and their triumph is sere. °mum. navaYe.yze. accouxre, The recent notion between the reactiOnarY and' Conictitationallet treopa fook pima, themerning of the sth 'net t , what is known as, the Bkrranqa de; Jeannie_ The former Wore the pasty attacking; and; nocirding to the official report of Gen. Ampudii, 'numbered 1,500 strong. . The .dumber of!tbe - Oon. ,stitutiontdiststs not put down in ilgures t but, we are Oren to understand it was 's:Molt inferior. "The cannonade continued all !the -Morning," writes Geri. A.,-",ami'two.several tinteS.Aere)the, coltimus of the enemy beaten back with glory„te thelOonstitutionalliruis arid' Gen. la' LlaVe; leer; l og in oar hinds •two 'phicea of Artillery; a-large quardity.of ammnoition, and more thaw .thigyfat thin moment known toile killed. Thertit of the enemy was Complete. On our side' also we bad some loss, but it was' ottoh-smallerlbtut‘ that. of the'enemy." „Gen.-Ampudla, commends Gen. la Llabe partionlarly for big brayery...: ' Ihe• 'Progreso; of the 9th, ridding farther oculars per of, this esgagoment,;the enure reeoreedin our,oorrospondenee, expresses the, opinion that it will somewhat' dampen the bellicose ideateof Mira- - mon ; while the Government' at - Vera erns , con eiders it worthy of speoial otholakoongrathlatioae., And it takes this. coaster, ,to announce, _on. ate, authority of latest lettere from Mailed,' that after the, rent of young hilramon, the , Othistittalonalist troops bad occupied Aguas ,Oaltentes ; that they, had alscitaken the cities - of Leon and Irapitaio'; 'and that Guansjeato bad fallen into , their -hinds. A lelegraphie • despatch prom .../alapa •nnhoMmset later „that in the latter. engagement ,General T•icaga; of the reactionary army, fdet all his ar. The Government else announce , authoritatLvely, that, eneral Degollado wae r preparipg to talc, ad-, vantage - of these tritheptie by umareb hpon- the` city of.fdexleo. ft idoes`wot,:.however,: . gtvelhet, number At. troops at hisidisposal.,:,- „.1 :this roa, the Liberal Rae. Gn otherba,nd „ tettikeibe eardirhWuf- out ebanging, safer as is known, any of his; The base of his operations, at latest is.o6etattt delved at the Constitutional.banipVektehdedWom Coidova to Tehunoan, from which it Would,apnear that _he still contemplated the approaoh to Vera, Onto, via Alvarado; by the rietvioast. - This intel ligence was .telegraphed • to' Vera Orin' on the 1114 instant, and, perhaps, was to the sth from,lsl.lra-, moo's camp. His subsequent movements are not. knoiin, 'The same despatch:, however, assures the' Constitutional Government - that his arml num , bared 5 340 men,,and that he bad with- him one hundred soiling ladders, each of suffidlent size for six men.abreast,to Male the walla . of Vera Cruz'. . . At last accounts the:headquarters of the -Con stitutional army was at Iluatusco, where General Ampudia had assumed its eminent!. "Everything has been done that could be donei" 'says the Pro greso, of the eth, " to dispute the passage, of the' reactionaries, by whatever route they may at- , tempt the approach to Vera Cruz " Front this it would appear that, notwithsteading" the affair at Jamapa, the people of Vera Onts did not eon-, eider themselves yet out of danger, though we are told that some families' who had fled down the coast were thinking of returning home again. 8o much for the aotual state of things on this side, as far as we have been able to glean the facts from the Vera Orrtz . papers. The moat im portant news, however, is •Irom the other side. Bit that is no later than. the Extraordinary of the 20th ult.: from the Capital, no other having since arrived ; besides,- the statements are 'very .vague.. If it be true, however, that Degollado had succeeded in uniting the forces of Alvarez, _ Caa mane and Villaba, he may, in the absence of Mi ramon, moroh safely on the capitol. • On the whole, then, wedo net find in the-ftleS, before us the facts to justify the loud boiust",that all danger is past, though it is to be hoped may prove true. Except the affair at Jamapa, whose Importance is not so very apparent. affairs would semi to stand very much as they did, _ex cept, if we may believe the despatch from the Constitutional camp; a little more threatening. Destruction. by the Gale of -Last Friday —A Susquehanna 'Badge and- Rafts Wrecked—Exciting Scene in Allegheny. fyioni the Harrisburg Telegraph, March 70th.3 A terrine storm of Wind and rain minima(' last evening, continuing for about an hour. The wind blew a perfect hurricane, and the rain descended in torrents. The suddenness and severity of the storm caused pedestrians on the street, and the crowd of men about the election windows at the court-house, to scatter in all directions and seek shelter, High winds prevailed throughout the night, and it is feared that considerable damage to property was done in the country, and 'at-vari ous points along the river., , A gentleman who ar rived this morning from Clark's 'Ferry, having loft there at 3 o'clock, informs us that shout 7 o'clock last evening dye spans otthe bridge of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal Company, at that place, were blown down. , Three spans were left standing in the middle of the river, and three men, supposed to be watermen, were upon these at the time the others fell. Such was the violence of the storm that persons on either ' side' of the river feared to go to their rescue, and the men were left in this perilous position, oat off from all communication with the land, and with a gloomy prospect before them; When our informant left, at three o'clook' this morning, the three spans were still standing, and the men supposed to be in safety. A gentleman, crossing with a wagon at the time of the storm, made a very narrow, escape, the span . at the eastern shore falling in about two monies - after ho passed over it. The wrook of the bridge passed down the river this morning about six o'clock.' Our inforMant states that arrangements had been made to rescue the menifrom their mil lions situation on the standing spans this morning. A number of rafts were blown woes the river, and one or two over the dam ; hat no , lives were lost according to our last report. It is feared that the storm 'played sad havoc with the rafts at various points along the. river between this place and Sunbury, and also on the upper brandies. We give those particulars as furnished to us, anti presume them to be correct. We have heard' nothing additional from Clark's Ferry during the forenoon. Binoe writing the above, we learn that a number of rafts, which broke from their moorings at va• rims points along the river above this place, passed down last night and this morning, striking, the piers of the bridges hero, and breaking' them in pieces. , LATER —Before going to press this afternoon we received intelligence to the effect that three more spans 6f the bridge were swept off this fcirenoon. The men above alluded to are still on the standing spans, the epootators onEshore fearing to 'venture to their rescue, owing to the continued violence of the storm, and the fear that theepans occupied by them would fall at any moment. The expectation is that the entire remaining portions of the bridge will be swept away this afternoon 'finless the wind ceases, and but little hope is entertained for the safety of the unfortunate watetmen: • - • THE GALE IN ALLEQHENY• [Prom the Pittsburg Evening Chronicle, March 19th.1, Ono of the severest gales felt here for some Sine swept over the city yesterday In - Allegheny' it spent its greatest force, and did a large amount of damage. The dwellings attached to We Semi-, nary buildings, on Ridge street, and Ocenpled by Doctors Jacobs MitrElliot, bad their gables blown down and were partially unroofed. The, chim neys of the Seminary itself, and these of several adjoining beildings, Were elle blown down. and their roofs more , ..or , lees damaged.. The United' Presbyterian Seminary,. en the opposite side of the Common, and the residences of Messrs. Drain and Young, bad part of the slating oariied away,- and their chimneys demolished. The , Second Ward School Ileums met the full force of •the blast, and for a lime the greatest' npprehensiona ware felt for the safety of the building.= The glass was swept from the windows, but beyond this reeelved no serious damage., ,The children were fearfully agitated ; and the smoke, flames and soot laming from' the stoves, gave rise to a cry of fire in one of the departments which was echoed by a hundred voices, and ,a scene of wild excitement snomieded—sistors'calling for brothers, brothers for sisters, and all for - refuge from their supposed peril. The time wee indeed trying, and it reinire4 all the , - NOTICE TO CON,RESPONEENTS. Conlon:denier for" cc Tin - 14taiss , ?' Tea - guar bt9z in Wad the following =lea: • - • - - - 2.l;ery, oo*oantiatten Inlet ho - ineosnialkod name of the in order to correetneeo :the typography, bat one elite of the 'beet 'hada be written upon. Wa dull be greatly obliged to — gelitleitio` etiiite, and other States, , for eontributione giving ' adrrqut nepaorthidaYlii Partlie*in'enifiter.'l./- •the 'of or any Anforx!rntfon tha . itol l ,415, log . ,1)040II and courage of Aachen, to VIC in part the itamulf,,ond yrovoletit dlenalaCal24ll4,,ps: fetal rush ter the stairs. • A feet Of,:thoao, pitapat ' ASA 00021 did to "thiStrest;-alta home with awfully _ mater of gratnlablen - that altiserpleade of the Orme- ~ doe e not snore steng, - Several Omployod'A glea drom the St: - (11 air eftN) bilffge caged- being blown into' TheYnaied .thadeselves.hl lad" , betwtoso?tho ehietitig- 1r... lion laying fiat upon, the roof.,- A gentle yeddiag jn the-First ward, who was engaged a Willer - boat, at was lifted - off" riovariC in - the'rlieta hi water" • ark . *f - to hie waieto At . thisaido or - the that-the datriage - - • wart - Winn& and limited to the -demolition; 0f", , ,, a few.mbinui.M. szylitia displaantent ofa - ! feyr Ilundred,ehlogies tiara the older roofs pp town. T- 11 -g.CI.Tn Avittalansueis inn dtiaditiuf do•ipiptr or liteup—tclorrate ”--;" Tho Madge IffehrO) . . -,• , •• - Wad/rolls , ?-Ifrldmivri Chaos ! -- 00 trape' — `!, 1 41N 41 4 131 0 ..G.TroJKOlo i agd Aerobiktie• trltittg Anott? , • : - ' 29isr„: - .WALigo , r4knuarr T1131.11211. - -.V14 Coosateitto -1V•!-rA, Apt, OlunlotteM WV!, y , " Ai:tummy or Yiwit .latra--sttibOiozoow's•titst*e of • P4adlitolliet ; Repentitit.” - " " - lifigioNovasPo Ginirmo.—Beleetions from I , la*' Gem* from. Qpirnal, PAdexoSsaes, Iluoiag, sad vAstyrrnss.._cs.Gloor-firoos i Pr•grO: - ng:" :3dee~trfottiN, farad, „ Aspiltavi BIALNSMI - -Moor Bab ' . • - . .. S . /merry OP - WAilfh . .-- c! people of tits ' , Twerouilh r. weed lie `great :' eopoieet ,irceit ;- tiiic.' _ iaell t of Councils to ainiPlyiritt(tlfe recoil:Mei:A: i•-' : ' •` tion e the Chief rtigliteeir.-- pf"thii- Water "Wirki rind - erect a' suitable iniiirielti , -w'eirt of - -the f - Sch - ifylkill.=-: : iror dye roontbs ef therliotheit ;Put °Most zur,thaf• ... ; rave which ought to liars kent the water in the stand- , pipeffeseit Rowing batik twit tits',:pnuMing segierkwma -'' delecitiveoend caused the supply :to' gbie .ont:thret rir , : l ' , •": font time! a Seat;and,with the ave r oack of mann:area, - -.". :--, .tberithe water works promi se to be egually,dedelant ' ~ t his veer. •. Oil Meld - ay -the Twintilfmtrth 'wird: wai''' ; ' withent water from the publics, workd ;.on , Banday9 tier f . • pipe ga te, a mall imply during part of- the day, and . . •_- yea rdity " there imply again no - witer. -To 'rig ' - on ld and abandoned pumps, and carry water ; -. --1 in me' •instabeas, Joy typenter to: • ilunPly! - the ,I dem da for -Ua, ensiosoasyr,ablutlona of ,Batunloy, _ ~.. or t still rooter heids of wash day . Id nelight labor,- -- - • and. f the people aliboie to adore. theirfrights in multi. -', ` eget Ist the , city for dormarre, talsitt;Prore,ur acial et. .f. , - -pan to the public testy:try. The leopleiereat iirt6ei `..- ''' &A thin-41'0.1561e Merin* . l'or.lindegiritePfiVie'l''. ' thro glithe streets, enders cheevily ttlfedlje^ I eoleuenne: v . -. I. ,with. the. eitioeus of. other, wards, for ersterreet, wet: it is Put justice tof firniahMieto trith's mooted Vied re- •'''' .., liable supply. =The rproopteti Of tanetheratummer•llke r , - - - that!of 1858, in this respect, Ma them with alarm, and • ,-- , we ripdaratamt Gut a public meeting Will be held this ' : - weolt lathe Twenty.fotirth. ward' for more effLireirt on& oellued salon= to Serum e supp , ftlf" this great ne, ' - cees ry of life. i ... --- _ „ ~- :, -, • A. 13:FLibt.7-the editor k 9f rtanktdrd,papeyT y _. 1 sieejos of 1111fr•polgid comma hell Sea*, inthilddod to f„ . ., . the iartla,.olcouttwo feet hen** ,tlya ,IrlffollAt/thti ' ~, Pteltpril *V , * iffel : eftiYied hYlle.,Alllilio„ li,-,foofw: , .„ , or!, gain' st4o,,reardcford;latetettl 0484 oefati:: '''' ileums] Sushi& The Veinier pi" ,kite. tor rowel. . .:-...-` leelifpn-of the miser_ in wiitsit. Selrrttelteinehti i,...„ . .. A Lava been deposited - on his . pri m ?wed.it-ronat,,, , therhaire, hare 'been 'depoidted . thew Biliiiithimry_ • - theta. Al Prankford was not-theleseeiiotabrpltehee ,,, --" battle, &Rhein/ketch -in - yeaniedleeosiOllSTOr •Inkientitere ; 'and fadividnai opninet; tile.. Miter lista lie* * seOnto t :_ for toe presence atlas iniasengoril desta, , as well- - as -f- ' others et yesiotis ekes' 'kink hero beenionod,ialtsok • -_ , '. toil i ' - - . . . ~ - - ' rem ..F.stool?„4t. xpneeq,ctenge :of t,te: high Wee, has ?bided .00tilide'roblyi and yeaterdointetulnp, . ...z the isiotere Or the sie*ril , ro ,an 40 - 4110 1 4 - were en ',..f.1 calm io • ioi. ' - Dallier : tie kik hi the tide ''iiinab." ' - dal& W ,jo its_dolie ; t32 the ' '44i:it iiiirtilaWitret one -,'•• Sob ylis111) All tho' rneadnws•frord The tipper 'end mfl - _,k,, Elmend -tß.^.. l l. l4 4teberg..lrere eeeffieeee,:thff_wht , it - ,:zz reap his a ' distance of almost two. equates. - /WO yo!-- ... pert .er the North Penn s ylvania 'Railroad- Compobron" ‘, AI leirtheity , areaue, on *Wel It ciracconfeuiplifelf-lor, . 'if erect a depot at, one tiene., was aleo - ,overfloweet ~Thet,: :. - ea prododed thiisainerffode aloic,the 'Voile of ...." the ebuylkill; Ind-niiet of thCMllle it Mariam& ~, ~ we r . Compelled- to,,' ciao - . - operettone... :They ark, JO 2, wo ,O"Ow,,boweiter, .--. , . - . . - ~. ~.. . Briik..*l6BT2.:-,:zAt 'lli eailyliOl• jele,t,er,44 4 9'; ~:,: I mo lei a party , ocrodStiog 'Ot die min,Jelopging fp . ~,, the "venteeetli Wird: pezocishid _ to h lot it the corner: , - . 1 of oleo ,end.fetitiitoW Irtree`a,lit thereientaidiiiwiTd, ~ ' forte' purpose O t t indulging lifi'llttliiecort.: Two-of f the stripped and lent , at Win tnreptsiliattestyle; 4.-..i.i "heir. evert was "Infarrpptid,.,lgoweyer, hs',..?ereeeekt To and @Maar Aldridge. who Malilett the'vrobatitatig 4' - off ", UM- Twentieth:wird" station house Whereftbejr-- ffi sots the names of lohultsuriel and,QUhn.Walls; Bich - -,-- And °Carty , one of the, seconds, Jima , also takeminho ...,: ime y. hitt the oth'erit sopped. - AlderitiMilillinger -•- co ttedtbentlo Ouster,. ~ I f'•:.-;f . --, •I , - tritiontet. , - 4 0n Stmilayr:ewenbli, ..it'Atoreit '.t...:4 i - ~ . .• • ..,54102,0104 witim ring emeattethe lower Yest-It•-; , .. ;- Vwlek:S. :- AeweetWeefficreerlalekselnietheneshiSholoA;- rebi L ale is mloleatoonteetwitlie, wall feturke fi ewee; atL.: :... Bigath nag million streete6:The Jar °tumid • a mantel ` ~ f ri in tto bones - in Rive wan and robot upon it fell ever ~ pe tbe ' bead of on'Ad lady camel Afro . Gilligan, who ,- 4 was Bitting tri , fthe -room • The old: lady- waa gritty--- eossolf se she_ thought the house wee raping 4 o wtq, hoWsite eficaved"withent redone 1 - VJLlfy i . ,- , „ , irthawhotlionziri. - -Chi Sumlay mornin g _ -, • . , shortly niter midnight , Mr. ,George Wentz, the pro 'prietor of tidier ' litore it liti.B South - Ninth street': While passing nixing ninth - ' street, ahoy. Buttonwood. '-. .watknooked dawn 'bye PartY of four or ore • Mates, - ----' for the purpose, it is believed -of robbery. Mr. Wentz - r f was armed with it pistol, and while noon t he ground he , _ drew the weapon and fired. sheeting ' a' young man - - named George Hawyaliaa ~ jersey?) Maya, through - the -- '-• left shoulder. -The party decamped after Maya wee ..! 'shot. , . . - „.--- . • -- . DEATH.—On Sunday evening, at a late hour; a Gilman named French! Bolder, egad about 50 yeare, and who. from certain implementaround upon him, la euppoled to have been a travailing 'bleeksmith, w• a discovered upon the . Ridge turnpike, near the Robin Hoed tavern, in a dying condition: 7lte wastoevaytd to the Twenty-tint-wird station-house, where - he ex ired in the 'morning about tbree m &clock. _,The dee p -44 said that he resided In - Quince street, Germantown, but there is no such street in thatiocality, The mat tarts under investigVion by the Oormser,.... • _ - - G. W. FROWETTS bad a bearing before AI- r derman Ogle yesterday, charged with robbing the htrula of Wm. H. Herat, in George street, a week or two einem. The defendant was arrested .by Detective. Among the many things stolen from the boogie of Kr.: - - Herat was a ruler's' diamond, which wan traCed hank' r.;=. , to Trowette was committed for a further itearinC: - on ratarday afternoon nut._ , MARY ItAltHl9o2l a frail damsel of-the 0.5 , -r; 'lien order, voep,leefere Alderman Ogle Ogle yestardsy. , afternoon, on theobargeof , robblrig a gentleman of a_ acid wa•oh. The gentleman we - naming the many whci hers been caught 'in the spidery attractions' oU:these ' orrettnrealately. and while nader the hospitable roof of - Mary was fleeeed of his property. Mary wee committed., for, another hearing on Saturday afternoon. , DANGEnotii Fitionr.;Ltoseph Jackson vnii , arroated on Sunday morning in Ninth street, above -- Bate ' for drunken and db orderly conduct. tie - with him an umbrella, and when taken into custody, drew from its handle a email sword, with which he threatened to oat the heart out of the officer. Action wax taken before Alderman Snider, and held in $l,OOO bail to answer at court A MEETING is called - at National Guards' 4sceatreet, on Wedcesday evening, to . consider the subleet or building' and - loan `aeso'4ations. ' This Interest hart become one or the most important in the eitV, and all who-are favorable to the protection of the. capital invested lathe's associations should attend" Aux MORGAN, who is charged with fobbing a hotel at Woodbury, was arrested on Saturday after noon, in the Fifth ward, and was taken back to 'New Jersey with hhiorruconsebt, - , . DsviD Z: DAvis„Esq.," - isiso has bean en. waked since ISOP either as driver or Proprietor of the"- - .. stage between this city: and Zolmesburg, died at the rebidenee of /118 ion, In liraokford, a day or two ago. (JOHN AteGerrit's', aged 15 years, for pitch ing nannies on flueday afternoon, In Good Will court, Tenth ward, was arrested and dead the usual penalty of $l. THE COURTS TiggTxRDAY'S PROCREDINCI I Reported for ThoPrtes ] SnraaMw 001111.T—OhlefJustice Lowrie, Ind Indices Woodward t .Stromr. and Thompson =—Opiniore were delivered in the following omen yeaterdiy morn . infr : - Semple vs. The Providenee Saving. Aeseciation. Fr rm. to the District Court of Philadelphia.. Judgment affirmed. Bcott's appeal from the decree of 'tie °Mitt of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia , °plaice:by Jitdga Strong., The decree of the court below was ?speed, and the re port of the master, Mating the account of Freeman Scott to be correetwasordered to be corrected, by de ducting from the. balance found. 'due the deoleees the cam of 81,728,80, ltsring the balance 824,888 84, and that Freeman 800tt pay to the 'heirs of Kallach.F l ,ol6.BB, aid littered from May 1, 1868: - • Kailas Laity, plaintiff in error, VS . Lewin Arnett at_al. Error to Common Pleas of Warren county. Argnect : by • Minors Onitie end - Brown. • NisrL Paws—Juana) Reath—Morton To.' The Philadelphia Society for the Rstabllshment and Support of Common Schools. This ease le still on trial. UNITED STATES DISTRICT _CoutT—judge Oadwa'ader—Yeeterday morning john Mortimer and Thomas Reuben% were put onthelr trial, on tho claws of unlawfull7 and feloniously making a revolt on board the bark loses Boggs. John Diser, master, also with aseanlling the captain and mate. The sConsed were seamen on board the bark, and according to the testimony of the captain and mate noted in a mutinous manner while the weld was on her passtge from New Orleans to this port, in Textu ary last ; and that they made an smolt on the captain and mete , with a knife. The Jury in the case of Lewis Suter, charged with sassing counterfeit coin, came into court yes'erday, after having, been out duce Friday at noon, and stated their inability to agree. They bad made every effort totome to a determination, but had not made any pro gress from the time of their retirement. dodge Cadwalader said that he cool' not discharge them. Application wad made for more 'gullible accom modations. as the loomthey occupied In the baserneet wan quite damp and unwholesome. Another room was mrovided- The ease of- Suter was tried a few weeks before,land the jury, being' unable 101 agree , was die cha,ged: QUARTER• ,nel Nett and, John Quinn were charged with in mason 'end battery on Henry Beget Verdict minty.' Thames W. North, alias Big Olaucke, and Robert ;White, alisa White Need Bob, were tried on the okargeof robbery. , Verdiotoot guilty. Patrick Dorao,allas Chicago Pat. 'who testified against the defendants- brfore• the 'alder man, refused to testify before the Court.: - Joseph Jackson, keeper of a public home in Western Market street, was charged with retteiring stolen geode. The evidence showed that F Marion, who has plead guilty on a number of bine tri the charge of , burglary, boarded in the house of Mr. Jeckeon,and a numb of articles stolen by Marlon were foun d - in the possession of the second A 'mat which was Melon had been an much altered that the owner was seemly able to re- cognise it. , The &Mitres — viol that tr. Jachiod did' not know the article's were stolen, and that he tack them frem Marlon for, board. Witi2oBo6ll were called -to prove the , goat character of Mr. Jackson, which it was said _he had borne up to the period when the pond chap Wit trotorrod. On kfet, , - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers