41 3A 3 '' il,.Ml,44lo.***S4l M;lt 11 P ' 4 f 4V(11 felt " 0 .13 S s Via' V."7IA. rs itiltiri; t OA , • " ift**ICTIO4I4"94?" .*.7 , i3V . ': '46 gbitt4WiDoKIMIC.9OI4:I; 1 ' leih° 4 4 , tigif - ZOP:ailmt*AWAvoesTlNOPt '.-- lIMICAni-:7.VijoßT:clll4lr.;vakuute 4 -_,,,,,0,.,,,,,,;„.:„.,,,..,„,„ s, It, 1r..-4•l a lt Stiiik libliabitly co, 140tAgi11,,., , , ,1 1 ,111 bontnite44,0011PUretth•:';' , -•.--. .: ,.. : t - - ,I LOW.II6CIiiIiUM Lille& ', . - 1 , ;1111FEING'llirOgrA119Ntra ft+ Jr , '`f l ' lif.El i tlVENl2l.lllrP e tr;r - • k 1 1 :1F.VoneeicirOINOIC *dMARKT ti 7, - • - • - - • - - Z 3 l• ••• r obi* GILLMORE de CO: , ; ia194300104:103 tKSS • )r....#9,zsvAßtursi ! BOSlBlinigAriritifit=l**.B:llA:trili; • 111)EGOI BES; ZAtrAPFSWIAre-A.-14.-41°, ly - 'ss' t'_•!, , •), fal4l l ,F „, "tiir°llll V ' ljk,h ifli n i l l r# l 4 l34 •V';',' al = "44l.! PA l 7 ll •iti wBAR;' ,teigN. - r2u-- 1.1 r its-EF4 11 '%.,. • ire - watehfitiiiiiivi .m. iii r t*, 6 o4ts -4 ,...... * , ler eitoAtiteki ---, &c:CO" g • - - - •'4:krb,4o/rOOl3 • w rqb-ilititift.4llo4ol_UaT9,=,--.4 K;-$ll5 , MaMlin jEtjUgE , Bi Ca. arl44triE,Wir-, a.4EX;. ,•• • : - • E1P4 01 . 1 ,44P8. o - STAZETA , ... 4,- 4 4 tuf As* iiskiketsiirossirlvvc - rP44lf4 - ;.9r00 9 7 - 4 1- .: : , BROWN , & -0;14 T '- # 1 0 1' 4 1 ;$ ;4437;090,03 PRlC.E4TFElittlf3;',iirC , , 7 . , ./A0i1;" 'AIKOROIDERISO • , td • , s. thigslr"lstalft; =' • Pfo Y 6 awiiiirr;shwit; wow alga, - }a st i ( t;i 4,: hl* - r fry , op E: 01_ 0:1 1 1- 4 . 1 jeit; t • `L., , orre fiNAZ Ntotartook:;:tialNT; iim> gs p I IIBBT. , • • St7.leAtili K S ' ' - •ucth aids, 'bon Third Strett, ,PAPATTLVIIIi7 w3M13.7i3140,a -621 :0020011tql 13th 1; ; ; ; ;f5 4Pagll4Crit: 0 3114:1 0 93 ,1 3s VjiiiiiiiriWA4l-*I7 r m. 64Aafklx*0 k*:6`-'14140, - - 1 0 : X # l O/fitli S 0 ITBSE WilOtaltkra s' jr - r • ••'- o • wiffDoilr PAPAW -'- 1 ,10i; - ti130211 . 410M0 1 1` *am.* so. , • , ~, -, x' ~~ -_ -*lOO 4 014, i ; ;1 :- - ' :! i lt i NON!, -OP iq'l7 l - W,llitillt+ l4 ** l isn ' s ,lii i - -;,,i44 0 4, -04,4,5 i 03.9aysait is lathlW Also, - 11 1 451AES 1110 1: 1 00 1 2 ) 5S -, ' - -- ":*/#10i,fiohri:S#0,1foefSrOsi i 4 , iossidss, V:e i-i - 17-r j~F ~a~Ci si , ‘ "arid 'hitt; r.24,-1-4. 1 / 4 ;Thr,•l 4 ‘441-ashi lbtkpitYlzholes,;" Ahistel, jailhohihr , - Akiilei 4 .l g *. ° 4*;;-; `O P S / 14 P 9 ~hioirotifeir hid iiishohas ;171los_flitritoolielooklua hod worthies Thmstr. ithmeltirvitt#OV. aisabeic, , eF;E-=tie=6itrtliikhg'h'e'eei .. Aec thorove,totiriAiVitiaalrillsillo; 144 5 Aa.. 1004 4*„ .1 1 4, .. 141 00!!,r 4 1#** . k41,47.41:,rn i t Fa iiitllit s lio l diZZ'Atiot , ibio 3 44-i • ;#4%* , , ' ;2144 11 en0 *rm. 1 7. 4 ritb; 1 ,, 4 :1 1 1 1 4. or kelp you preito =4. • 144tAio tat ailipior titriocioktok; , ' 1 , 1 , 41,11.1.86.-Akhint, '404,14, mutter!,' gilfikbAhrnoßfAmithoo:: 1.04-Aaro 4,- daughter Rhtthilltd.thipiperi Lid r- - PthriliAollo4loo:4olWiSdtiiddiy ilipneofitihmitheliirthi4 ' (4 ltiiiiiiiit/ 1 09 0 ,10:01$ 12 1 44 0 101 ° . ;s'ilir-L 6 lilßAlltoilttoAkooililut`obambers , O* Vl,l4#c-tkolkatd_ • .4 1 41 4 4;"4 0,-- Witobio, full jt NOW • --' • Itrapiai .• • ""* . "WhiihriehtehtogitkeWniorisinirits to 'time i 1 04 8 ,1 0,1 tkktl • Vile! mixiiisia -moo ,4 I,4 3** , *o ll 44i.: l o o .ir,sttyliws s ;42 '' - • - Al t .aoPi4 -, -, -- 1 r--,Ality , • :1101, - umwdostifestAomFt I re.; )2.4ovo r rt , • . ~b - , Ti,..:;,• - .:- • ,.- • -•; zi-5.. - ,,,.; ; .„1 - # 4„ 014.4 toisiiimi: w_ •,• ,• . ; ;-.1*41#4.14.04,tCw. xii.po ,- -;idib*weessosalksb.ppyl, ~„ 10, 1114a40 fftmjlutgeed, .it Id trap _.. . - .— , .• liiifirettliitaina aiipinf their ,xerfarifs, In inter, vTr-Ilforri'latinlieiirstiti they do.- _.'' • - - -• '' ; ,-, oritibiao,iiii;ziaiiitottlilt - tatemei th.iie4to, ' • ~..'- .010 :mit th.,tawoitlovvmsalthototy ;,•• -.- ' ; , -zAalterOlt,,4 141-Pigioti-xlittli ever innitingi ,' 6''':'`f'?).Pl".4tTTlAT-101,1160gihtt'=":,,!'. , .', ~, ' f ' .. 'i i tii.ii4;46ili'l&liiNiilib 7 oll6l4o:j thiiliallifatill 40 11411016 i entiiiiiiiitfori'fisitrallyinid:e;i4the, lislllibiiiiiiiiiiilrriNi lit ilia liiiitaliCtifolskilfig, -At tie, loiistt , firitr - aliiisiVi *" 1 / 4 00;I'iiiiiiirplj, Moth liffOlissirplinfirket; iti:ea,: - :, • '' . l 4 ' - '• • • • . .10 - 19 . 8E8 ON Ant. 01093111141,46 FOREIGN - ftrid l nomkp . 71..c0 DRY GOODS, = - BAIitgTREEt, : = below Market. • • lA-NIEELTIctENT, SANTEE, & - - IMPORTERS- Aiii; iiii3Bl3BB T gj i" ERMAN, '''ll4lo AMERWAR' :Or OD S • ; ' 2843 , 4D t 24140RTR' THIRD 'STREET, • Ari-j 4.: • OK: 1,7,0 6ND S Periviation, - alto. pLA4t!AIRC9W„-•:.-,1, WM: tit b. B.',Eavia ItIMAE4 t B,A.ITtEti:' B C,PP••, Sissau,lthatsiic • "=: - 1:11t,l',It."0 1 ; . 0 . , D • „1t0.47-N`0;111.1tT. iAD,BTREETy - rintAinuars.- , is 4 Of A:1/ 1 4:PA.4 : 1-,t --' - ' 0kED; 'it 'CO.. D R Y *o.. 1110-i NORTH TH*D - STREET, 1 -,.: (IlonftweiVectraiiilh(pliziCatierry:istc,) ' S - 14111 Rm PHILADELPHIA," RENE 1859 40k15 . 11..:tiiLISON & Soars .„ , , • 01` O r-a'Q ' T:l4 ' {•01431 # 1114,th, iNkyFii3im icte; oi BUYERS is invited. ifit„S".',AND,ANCIr GOODS. .45 T T ;JO HNES, & CO.. i An ffet: . ' r o , saw . . a laigi 4411 , t itailll7l afflrff ? 1 1.51 . ,11,4 " ' int : AffiISTIOS 'op: BUYERS. fei•Zsa - - • , JAS. IL CAMPBEL„L & CO., • „ imioiters, ind Wholeorde Dpsiers prIAMBERS et (3A TT.,E7,L1., No. 82 imam. THIRD BTRIET, PRrIADIZPIrIe. INPORTRRO •FEtNeiSTIOIT. Cl,PaX.V live, 'AND Stintwhims of - HITT CAL? sod RIP BRINs, HußOopci 'mune, - - fetißl - IA , • oak IRA Hot ROGR,L,NATIINEL. FORGE 7irkr. WATSON'S ,REPOSITORY, No8;121 7 1: 1 *0; 411111241 ;]f . . tP „IP, Auirikeso - as d ,Cooks., ••Cini‘ ',4poobs.-Th bbers It 1r I:3' 00X) 13 LI11111111;' , oAssrunals, - BLANKSTO, &o. No. 804 MARKET STREET: -; = ITH.I.A.N,46NESOSe 00.. y4Atnaa. :101MION AND 130hildr3TICI • , .„ 249, 3!.?4.1t1i.E T #3 TR : I 6 T Four doors below Bon% side, fvfatlier anDhoefinDut CO V ,U I R C/F JULY-I` BEET ~ieESßinr s• ~" .'. cr,xetc,M¢xniAnxgaa-pr !WILLIAM, D. ,RoGE,RS. ',RtroOrronT, ; : cgATTN;rX ~§TBPET. 1011 tiritk:BßLO;;Bl7 ,S 1 /141T:1IIIPENTItsTE,In 11Wo*If &auk for sal! by L • ck.p.vest AIMING*, Ts., - • - 'Wirth 2 ROSIN in store and fo wede try AN V IL, tpiktt rrordt WB4-11Vidi i• , , • " ...„ - , , . „ ~ .., „.. • . . . . 1 ~ .11, 1 - i'.-' '-,',-".:',.. -,, -_. •i'' ' .-- '.-.' :\ •,. \I I I 4ri, rr .-. .:,.....:.- *. *.4t4 • .:• ~ .. , . 4 • , „ • • ' ' , i • , ;tk i, If`' . . 4a6 , .' -' '.•_4,.. t , ;- -i,,,, -- i ~„,.., i-..,, • :• - 4,,. . ?, ,tt - - - • 1 • ' • .e'2 , , ... .. , ,,_5-:-.,.. ,• ~, ~,...,. a t . -...• s ''‘, V. 000 11 ', i 1 2 k , .!;.:7:;:r, : , , = ' ' . : l-', =-, -' 7 4.- —;: .i . 1 1 .. 11,.._ -,------ !:' ' .-",;! . ''. . . . r , iiS r ,A_ ..., OP 0 lii ' . '" .• • •• A • P #4 . • '''-' k i - - - • ... Wti.,;,,k, , , rA.401% •',/...'• v . :. .;:1-•:: -7-: . :• ' ~--s. ..„ • .. '.-• :1 , ' -:::f• ' ::::`,„ ~-.:Cl•_,:-'•-:'--77::.;.,'''''. 1,,1':411,„,••,`•T54t4,,,:r-44,),V'•;;;•.j.:'•;.:',.'•;:':•;ti?.:•"41' i tt' 4 l •60,1,1W ' f 1 -41R4':• : " : 7„ -- ,' : • ....•;••• •:,• .•-,:• '' ' ' '",_. lC. , ,•„ 1 .•,„ •'.I !• i . ~. , , • 1 4 Al tN , ,: • - 1,..:-t'3 , 4-*--• ,- -“ "•, ,• A-- • .ji.i,, , W,c4•0.1 : t.. .:=..7..ti, ::-',;:• if - -- , , , , , ,g . ft- ~:,,,,, . t.!.t:, ;.-.: , .7 - ..ir , z , ,y . .4-4 , -7-1 . r.„.0 .• - --,-. , ~ „ .. ~ - , 4 i -, --4 :'-' • $21?,-. - .•fg• -, FII--.. '- . ': - :---- - •;hii4tti , :v: , ; . . - '44 ,ti.lk.t:----- - , -----------.- ... • • ' -:.: .- • ---- ' ----, , ' , -- - ---... , --1-.„. --1-,;-, -- P--- - -... 4 . - .. , -;'. - ,. , -....%; lic,-,.-J, —..--.-4- ~ : --- , --.5: , ....,%,:z...!,;.....7.,"%,,e-, •:-.. -- „ ~, , , - . ,- • " - , --,..., ..--., ......_—....1: .... 4, -, -'-. • ' - 1 ' - :,..•,—,..... -...-- "'•''' , ' • •-...., •. '' i' '-‘• ••••...,:. , .i.„;; -, • , _- , %:,...-;_____.....-: • , . . -' . .............,..z . ...4'1 v . , .. , . . . . .. , • _ 1111111111111MikinDliwicir -, U 1 DAY . :''.4IAJR`C.R 19. 4' 4- 850. • - , .... ~ I,Booto artb 53b0e0. CONOVER &, , n , NET,, ' PA:GM-LEAP' HAT, t . • S E STELEET; . . ...Between idth'ind marl4m „ PIIILADELPIIIA EYeT3JRY BSc HARRIS, m***qTtiap*OD,*4gasßALE DiALsis wig - vs -AND SHOES, COR,' THIRD AHD ARCH .13TRRETS, ,P#rL3DSLPHI& `7v HELAN . 84 co:, . - - '#IIOIII24,LE DEIq,BBE3 , • • • - IN I • • BOOTS, tmozs, - „ STRAW GOODS. . 1 8. , ,M ili 4141 T. 110T<P4i, BROTHERS, WHOL'ESAX,E . BOOTS AND SHOES, 482 MAREET STREET, VP 131".AIR8 BOOTS AND SHOES. . The Subseribere have completed their SPRINGF S T.O —SOOTS AND SHOES, Which they are prepared td offer at the lowest pßeer, on their meet terms. 'VAN litTSES, MITE, & CO., 403 MA.REEP STREET, febls2m " Above fourth, iap stairs. B . P. WILLIAIVIS I* Co.. ,WHOLESALE BOOT AN D SHOE R E 110 S _No. 18, SOUTH FOURTH STREET. reba-am 108. 1-X. Tl-101\5.13.13011' 84 CO, - , .• „ • WHOLESALE B0.0•T) AND - - SHOE - - WAREHOUSE, - 314 MARKET, STRSET. 117 A Wire and-gerif.ro ansoetment of Bbtern and oinetaily 911kand: : febl:Bln, 'SPRING - STELES, 1859. 114,,astt. 63 1 49.17.DZ1NELU13,-, , WROLI SALI DIALERS AND MANITBAcTURIRS , ,• 1 . [ nibu 'r_ i Bo y i3r : e - na - r::)Bfits:E;(3l:rzto-liiAtTrif.thit;r:'B;"74o4.7:l;74n-11,"17,,..4!"::711:1,0:0;rgoti.:71;87"._.gi:n7S:17,1;r:t;: RASiIsI:OT4 . co it BOOT•ANB BM* WANANOTRIA MAItACTORT, ZIARKET STREET, :Philadelphia -We bare now on kind an extentstre stock of Aoots . and Bkoes, of all descriptions, of our own and Bastettt fdanntscturs, to which 'we invite the attention - ISOuthern and Weste:rtt !priori.* R WIT 011100TMAKEL—AUGUBT FNo; 166 North FOURTH Street re- Ow:Valle' Wormy the eublia, and 1101:1THBIld and WBSTEBN biBROEIANTS Firtioularly, that he coo. tinUee to tOOtiutfietora Faahlonable Boots tied Shoes ter order; • aiming those patronise him,' that kb will gnareobse that his troth will give Netittatittott. both as regards superior Boleti ilkiellense of material. PEteRS reawaken). • • P. ROLLER, ' fr • FRENCH BOOT, AND SHOE MAKER, N 0.27 South NINTH Street. third door Shore Ohttlit• ' nut, Philadelphia, Begs to Inform hie friends And the pttbltt nisheraily that be hen opened .hattneti ..on Lie own agoonnt, as above, whereto etill always be happy to receive a con- Unbitten of their favors.. As the senior partner 'ot the late arm et Rotten' &. BOZIO7, probably no other gnarentes is mooniest, to en appreciative public of his entire ability to All all orders lo his line with the tkr• moss astiernotion. Remember the mind:* : 27 South NINTH Street. third door atmenChnitont. • . - 'Wholesale CLOr4mcilsret! AT WHOT.F,SALE. • .7-i•A.iticis.sga ay BOW, 838 MAILEST STREET ; ' 00oTERAST MINER 01,70Up.TU STUMM, Offer for rate, on the !nod 'LIBERAL TERMS, A new and aTtenSIVo Stook of SPRING . AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ADATTU'D To Tag SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, TO 101E1011 , THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OS BUYERS. feb Lint A, T. LANE, WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAitEROOIVIS, No. 419 MARKET STREET, tobl-9m PRILAIIIMPUTA: :nn Opals. WM. D. GLENN, NO. 28 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, =Wit AID WHOIMMLII pillar* ut FANCY GOODS. PIRSI3IIIBY, . DRUGGISTS' ARTICLES, &o. Nov:, la dere, a very large emd com Plate assortment for the SPRING - TRADE, Including every !Mesh% article in the line, and many hovetties The attention et buyers in reffipeottmlly , solicited. Prices de lon as them of any hone° In the trade, either in thin city or New York. Surniobing 0000. GENTLEMEN!S ,FIDMISGING GOODS can TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. x_arracoPir. es PEA. CE ' No. 9 Isoyrn give now in store s fnit senortment In their line, to Which they invite the attention of their onetataare ittid bdyere of such wee. fe24.dtapl kottotz Lc J AINENTZKY,; 116 Sotith - DIDIDTH Blreet,botow Dhottoyit, 16:WONT/MB AND TERN 1,8, DEALDR6 IN ARTISTS , MA B.4.tthamend to' Artiste and ,the pablio in general their large goo, a j a wing paint - Boxes, Wineor a New ton and 000. uowney fc. 06 'll 011 and Water Colors, llmtabes, Ting - lash sod Berman Canvas, w,hatman`e Drawing papery, Colored Crayons, Studies, Colored Pictures ter training,' ko., , , Disoounts given Co Teachers and Seminaries: een. Dealers 'supplied a trgde PZIOC4. ,(i26'44' .: - !,:_-,.1 ,f - !-,' !.,-';, !:' HITIiPHREYS , E3X)V,PIVIa 1101SLGEOPATIII6 REMED SOS CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, !.. t ! THESE INVALUABLE PREPAEATI re ,chnlvely -prepared by PROF. V. HUMP known for his contribntions to, floramope lG time, and as former PROFESSOR' OR' T TEAOTIOII in the Hornizopathie MO' in "Phitadefihiu, and who has male th Remedies a epeeist stalk for eight SPEOIVIOS have now been before the years, and are in use by thousands, in every Of countryorith the most uniform and sat( Y sults. Pages of testitionialikan be exhibit the general satisfaction given, rout the many itt , 'find, serious, and often Imuratanding, dies h have been cured by their use. No class o ed has thus far ever been known which bare • I public snob uniform satisfaction, or liars , 11 . finch brilliant and wonderful °tiros. - They are alike removed from the pelsOnon 6' out, and repulsive doses of quackery or h. practice, the inconvenience of water-cure, o trieste sad perpleateg btsuntrities of the mom c pathfc book. and medicines." Consisting o „ specifies for the various diereses th lated, put up in the form of aimpla sugar pa al prepared of Ingredients neither dangerous no t tug, they,form at meek the ready resource of t or nurse; and are the comfort Of the complain V fnnlid, - ,• They minims these' positive advantairmit MILBFB-110 inJary can Arise from' their i ki are etarLs —you slave know what to take an take it; -they are CONVEVILINT—yoII. tan give Lb it Begar nu at a moment's warning, without b or delay; they2are arotoisx.r. - ..-tn'thburanita" dinettes le areated at ones:and the Mite curse nummit,.that the pound could pot siftertrirdslil Bereft 41 :, ;.----.. ......-'.-- .... W • Roman Catholics in the United States. To . thany of our readers tbe condition of to it 4,.: , s t` the Church of Rome in the United States , d o, may bp an object ,of interest—to others, .of His curiosity. — griLincing ,over the Metropolttatt !Ir. Catholic 4tmanack, of which the twenty-sixth i 'ie• annual volume was lately published by Joan re- ... thi s AlultPlin & Co., of Baltimore, we were sin wie prised at flnding'a great "deal of information 114 carefully Compressed into a limited space-- m .l ° inforthatioh too, which may )36 accepted as tliel ' ,d 4, authentic,' for the „4/manaFic is published 4 :I , irl,tl) the direct sanction of the Catholip I • :er- hierarchy in the United States. I P: • Commencing with these details we perceive , no;:' bow this hierarchy is itself constituted. There 1 T,° are seven provlnc'es—Baltimore, Cincinnati, w 64 New Orleans, New York/Oregon, Sin ' Pran st. ~,t elm, and St. Lonis. ' IMO . Provinces are 0 1 inihdi'vided 'in 'dioceses end 'Vicariates Apos4 i rc , toile. Cli'the latter there are' only two. (East I.Florida and the Indian Territory East of the tees Rocky Tdountiins,) now occupied.; by'Bishops. , ° ,4 , if t partibus. Over each ,Province an Arch :l, bishop presides; who Is also head of a dioceie -117 1 —for 'example; Archbishop lefiliSlOlt presides, LIST 'OP SPECIFIC RENBBIB ;, t over the dicmisci of Baltimore. There are' - Ido.l. Fever-Pills-40r Paver, Oongoatititt; flammation a all - - '= ' No. 2 Worm Pills—Vor Worm Fever, Watt ,Wettlug the Bed. •,-, , • ".." . 7, 7 'Or leans`; nFielnNesir.Ydrkl three in Oregon i i ... Ko. 3 Baby's Fti/s—For Collo,lorying, and Wakefnlness of infants and nervousness of 'P e g'; two in San,Pranciseo, and nine in St. Lottiet. No. 4. Dtarrhcca Pills—For Dierrbma, Chol •-; .1%0 whole number •of Catholic ArchbishOim tetetnen, and Summer Complaint. i and Bishops in the United States is fifty.' • NO. 8. Dysentery Pills... Tor Collo; Briptogn d-; tory, end Bloody Flat: ' r, Them are three diocesett in Pennsylvtola I No. O. Cholera Pals—For Cholera; Cholera ild and vomiting. . • • ' s 't .Erie, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg. Dr. YOUNG No. 7. Cough. Pills—For Coughs,Colde, No ,18 Bishop of 'Erie, ,a 'see established in 1.853, Influenza, and Sore Throat. ' . • . J.. :i - . No. 8 Toothache Pills—For Toothache, pa ii co , mprising Meted, •Venango,,Clarion, Jeffor and Neuralgia. hCril, Uleartiold, Elk, ,ItlalCean, and Potter No, 9. Headathe , Pills—For Headache, 'V „t • , • Heat, and Fulness of the Head. • ..• . , 4 ,! ..puntles, and , all that part of Pennsylvania - , No. 10. Dyspepsia -.l"tils.i•Vor Weak and De A! Stomachs, Conatipatiou. end LlYer Complaints, .' ' • ' - north nualvest, of them., • Dr.l , l•Buidaent in No. 11. For Ramie Irregularities—Yoaoty, p 1 1 , Bishop, and • Dr. WhOD Coadjutor 'Bishop, of „ or BupProssed Periods „ _ , it al -the sea of Philadelphia established !ding, -• No. 12. Female Pills—For Lencerrleree, , Or • a . Hennes, and Dearing Down. -1 ..",.'- comprising all that- port o f Pennsylvania I :No 13. Croup Pills—For Croup, House 1 3,0 , 9,g . tii? ( l i : his •,,,,, 9 •Dreathing, t t the 'tvestern'ilmit of TiOgo.`, Con- ' • N0.r.14. Salt Rheum Pins— , For Erysiptll9l; t . ,' tro, Minn', Juniata, Pratiklin, and Pdttelt Ko 9, Pimples on tho Face " - ;,,. 15 . l if iemd fi c p i p s. ...p or Tho m, L at ij oii i •,• counties, an also the. State of Delaware. Dr, ' -' oi . ' - 4 Soreness In the Chest; Back, Loins, or Limbs., %.! °lemma is Bishop of.Pittsburg, ism, °stab ' A..—Yer Fever and Ague, chin Fever, Dumb . . fished in 1843, comprising Allegheny, ttlreene Old Mismanaged Ague, ,-• P.—Yor Piles , Blind e: Bleeding, internal of ' , •Wathington, Payette, Beaver, 'Butler;- Latir tame!. - o.—. For Sore, Weak, of Inflamed Eye railing, Weak, Or illurki a tight. o.—For Catarrh; of long standing or recent • erlth obetructiocr or profuse d , elharge, - W. o.—For Whooping Cough, abating In via. end ahortaning ittir.ontse: In all 'Andra 91132asse, such as gei.ra, liSapi Cons, Dlayrhcess,' Dysentery, Croup, lilLumaVenr, , ands eruptive diseases Scarlet V ever,kleaeles, Erysipelas; the advantage of giving the proper roue promptly is obvious". Madill all 'such caeca the epee! act like a charm. The entire disease le orlon stria et once, and in all cameo the violence or the stint e moderated, the disease' shortened and rendered `1 dangerous. Even ehonidphysician afterwards, to be called, be will take the case at decided edven from the previous treatment. In all Oneonta Dossers, each ea Dytiptipilar iVe Stomach, Oonstipagan, Liver thildpiaint, Feni 1 Debility and Irregularithos, old Headache, Pore or We I Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and Other old iiruptle the' ease Vas specifics whose proper medication ne afford a cure in almost every instance, Often the en of a stogie chionte dlfficuly, such as D.yeeepsla,lill or Catarrh, Resdache, or Female Weakness, has ma 'than palates the Case ten times Ivies. ' REMEMBER, . _ that tiMneands of the moat gifted and Minds In this colantrPand Eitrope bath long since give in their adherence to Ifounkopathy, and empldy at ex rineltrely In all eases of disease fur themselves au families , RENS il BBB—That Mese Specidmiere satire's , ' hailit.:. lees In all instanced. and in all eases, - Babies use them' children use them, the aged, infirm, or invalid use then' / without danger end with bandit ... , . REIIBIRBEITI—That not only lit lobortanding•blC complaints, but irrreeent end violent dial:glees of they , Most daimons ehnreeter, Ilem ., Wopethy has proved t i t superiority to toy othet system id repeated trials. ~ r wysißansyt_vhst n omni)patby le ,siletainet ankt-I frnm Its theories and doctrines: hut from its daily and. hearty suecess In coring the stoic - sod arresting dhsteee. • ,Rlibill WBBR—Tbet it id the little 1111' that leed•te glad one/, and it is little silmeala that, - 11,egleyti,dij: lead to grave 4r:deer/out diesnleee• ~. , , .r.....:- ,/ - BlebillMßEß—That yon .- nave it, „ist - JeuV;,ydiVeity,l PPmetlY:aud VInanFAIY to Ilittio,o 154 - 1394,041:0140.J the beginning: eh so preVeitt g1ay5)3144. , z4.‘:,:c.`- -I .' - 103KRUnsa ho ffeimplitooPAlS.,Orgmof_ thio n-enitio 01 eiOtSti eltloili, fP ,o, elr' ~-. _- I, ,r_2telr,rl k -- iletstapipoo_okao ~,.. . ... .......i., A• •-• thkknoLcarr -` - . • reltio,to pm), -e, A of ciro ro tentlop or Come, and •blolpte rellOr. CASES , AND CURES. DYSPEPSIA. . A young lady of twenty cix had been troubled with indigeeiion for Several menthe, eo an to render great care neCeneary in the seleCtiOn of her food, .After eat ing the Atoms& beosme acid, food rising in her month With *ethic, and an utintaisatit; hewiy,,loadAilte reoda lion tn,lnebatouih'eli, Como beers frequent bowels conatipae I, nod a depressed mental Condition. She CM:maimed taking the Dyspepsia pills, one morning and night, sad in lege than a week every'. symptom of her disease had Vanished, and she felt like a new being. • ' A gentlemen somewhat, silviricad Yedvs. dt'ouri robust caruall.ution. lately omen a good deal affected yrph ihaVgbstOdi. weak stomach, coated tongue; bad With in the mouth, and attended with a peculiar vet t.go and whirling in the head, so much so as to render hie riding In if canine, er even mow:Megan el:weeper, quite dangerous. Atter trying several !hinge Mel:recta• ally, he fell upon the Dyspepsia Pine, which afforded prompt relief. A pill every night and ipoteingtiorked like a therm, rolieVieq Alt his bertied dint other lin pletlant nylAntems, „ , ClOl3Ol AND BRONCITITIS. Bid eolde neglected or frequ'ently repeated often lay the foundation of Consumption, Dranchit's and prema; tore decline. Though there are many remediee adver tilted es prompt and speedy envie, yet none No safely and yet epeediiy end nurelyettect a mice es thin Ofted a single pill, taken 'at MOP; hay entirety relieved the system nY h bbieVia and threatening cold by the morning. Meilen AND CoLDe.—A getithimen, a public lecturer, took a severe cold the latter part of lent month. while travelling and lecturing in .northern Pennsylvania, though addressing public audiencen every evening. yet in two days, by the aid of the Specific, he was entirely recovered, and enabled to pursue hie telling without inconvenience. No public epeaker should be without them. BAD Corn.—A married lady of 40 had taken a violent Cold.oirbielt settled no her lunge, musing senore dough, pain in the side, and considerable fever and boareeneen. Such colds were lineally very tenting and troublesome, but by taking the Specific Cough Pills fear times per day, in three days elm wee entirely well. A young man of 22 Mut a 'longhand hearse mos for fir. teen menthe. During cola weather hie voice wari lost so an only to epeak in whispers, pain induced on coughing, cough dry, or raining only a Arida in the morning, quite feeble and emaciated. lied taken several medi • Mum with but little Cr no benefit. Ile commenced with the Dough Palle—ono pill three timer a day—and anon found himself improrol.g, bas cough milder end toitar, hoarseness passed off, etrooteth and epped;te iniproved and in a few weeks was entirely well, having taken no other medicines. A. clergyman of the Baptist Church, well known In Illinois, writing to or. sue " I have been for'sorre time seriously ell:Solid with bleeding piles, and have regarded my taco re severe one lat one time. Indeed, hopelers; but I have need your medicine (Pile Spa. °Maul and am oared. I have no doubt you are laying the world under groat and lasting obligations." gentlemen of fifty years, well and favorably known at Deihl Delaware county, Now York, bad been a martyr to the pil, s for twenty years. Sometimes ' from excessive hemorrhaee, pain, and suffering, he was re duced to the verge uf the grave. Por years he had dragged out a miserable existence, a conertned disqualified for any business, and life almost a burden. It in needless to add that he had ,tri , ot all sorts of re medies, from all sachet doctors, to little purpose lie eoneulted.me two yearn ago, and I recommended our Pile Specific, with occaliot.ully n Dyspeneh Pilt. Front thie he began to improve, Boa since hen naver lend a serious turn of Piles. Prom the first mouth, up to a year peat, he had occasionally avmptome of big cdd complaint ; but 4 few doses of the Pile Pills would din peree it all, and for more than a year mud he has been entirely well of the piles. - fl more hianent cure is aaarcely to be found in the annals of medicine. CATARRH, This oleos of disuse, as is well known, hi of very frequent and almost universal prevalence, and the chronic forms are tsprelally obstinate. Ordinary re-, medlos are of very little se vice in ending a cure t nor is the boarded Joh alstion coy better. . . ' This aimple remedy, on tat rig a gagar 1 ill morning And night, promptly cures the - ellgh ter swig, and ita persevering U e taus not railed to relieve the worst forms of chronto catarrh, ovou when ea far advanced as to have lost. in a great degree, the WWI of emelt. OATAKRII.—A clergyman, aged 92 had long suffered With catarrh, which had not only been a source of an. nOyauffe, but began to excite uneasinees in regard toita affects upon his general health. There was a frequent and sometimes profuse discharge from his head, frequent sneezing, and an almost entire loss of smell. lie p:c• rimed a box of one Speoltle Catarrh Pills, and arm ell. tirely cured, even Vs a return of his sense of smell, fn the course of a few weeks. Prlea of single boxes, 60 cents PR lOM - - Mull set, 20 large vials in morocco case and book..so 0 0 run eat, 20 large Tilde plain case and book 4 00 Oases of 16 numbered bowel, and book 200 Oases of any 6 numbored button and book • 100 Single numo.red boxes, with dirootione 22 Single lettered button, with Mt octlone ' 00 Large plantation, or phyalcianta case, 1 and 2 on. Oils. - 10 00 _ _ Look over the Het, make up a ease of whet kind you end enclose tho amount inn current note 4n. Memo by mall to our eddrees at No 562 Broadway, New York , and the medicines aft be duly returned by' Tail or (mimeos, free of charge, No family should be without these invaluable cura tives. They are the only reMedleit perfectly adapted for dementia end private use. With them the parent is armed and prepared against the first approach of din ettes, and can meet it at the threshold and keep it at bay. A trifle of medicine, rightly directed in the dolt bourn of disease, perfectly mires that which, by delay, ,an only be relieved by long and tedious hours of stiffer ihg, if at all.' 'With thefts at hand, ion Are not obliged to await the coming of that often distant, as well as expensive luxury, a dearer; nor to be drugged or poi- Coned, or bPstered, or bled, but may yourself adminis ter the simple Bearde', and restore the ruddy eartentof life again to health and joy. There cannot only no in jury axles to any case Prom their use, but the general influence upon the constitation,heyond all +Melon, le most beneficial. AGENTEI WANTED. We desire an active, emolont agent for the salt 'of Ourremediea in °Tay town r community t the bai ted Slates, Address , F, & o sold by T B. PIITERSON et,BOB. , 011ESTNUT No. 562 Broadway, Now York. !Meet, philadelphid. re.l2-Sat • filettinnal MIUrnMirMMII ?.- i '''; 1 ! , i z ' '" .1 ,' ,i• t',7. 1 , '- '. ig t ress gnifitflAlt, MARCH 19; 1869. 1. . . . Mini hiehope or coedjet.o . 6 ' irklie Province off Hreliirnore $ eight ` in ',Cineinnaii; six in Now; ?' tepee, - Armstrong, Indiana, ..Testmoreland, Catnbria; Blair; Somerset, Buifiligdoti, and Bedford colludes, In thO Atitocif Pennsylvania. , The Catholic population of tha,dlocese of Erie 14 'Set doWn at 19,000, with 4000 baptisms in 1848'; There is no note of the Catholic popu t - lation of , the diocetat of Philadelphia, (which `most be Very great,) but there"- were 13,464 i - thaptisuis In 4857; and the dathoile - papilla ition of the see of IP ittsbilig is -about 60,000. 'lii the dleeese df Philadelphia there are 280 ;Priests and 163 Churches and. chapeli. I,' .IWP/74, there were nineteen priests_ in the Xnitatl • States,, thew! British Colonies. • In r,.1.70e there was one Bishop and twenty priests I; iit the United States. In 1800, there were L * Me bishops and about fifty priests. In 1808, hen - Italtimore'lias Wade an ArChblahoprld 3 there' were oily 2 bishops, 48 priests, and 110, hiirches. There now ; are. 43 dioceses, 40 lahOpi, 2,108 priests, ad 2,831 churches. ilThe Culholic attnanack does not give any in drmation as to the Catholic population of the 4 itlited States.. the Census Return of 18110, 1 :,,Its liSt of Church Accommodation in the ii zdted-Statek sets down the•Catholid nhitiltei '„ii htily ih1,828, Which' certainly is mach'less . I :Un the - realitY:' 'lt th very difficult to arrive 1 0 1 1;at an approximation tothe truth in this Y 1.4,41-, ,The number of emigrants , (largely .1 Witeland,):Whd anntialty swell the4atho. '..,›ku1at10n . , ..01 the Malted Statesi:iis very '‘''.,,, .. 1it0....,.,,;8,tit it4s liaapossiblo* Say ,:' , ;' ,. .r' - ktt, At , jp,* — iitn*tikiit,ll4 ,--..- 'um' Plvs'lltcc halt purclialed a latgo and aonvonient. Item. and church', lately • occupied by the Nuns of theTisitation, and'presented it to the bishops of the United States for the education Of ecclesiastihal stadenta from AMetlea. - defray the ciponses of iltrlug op, ihlii.ilistitti tloti,-and supplying with .the men and means of success, contrihutione are now solicited from the 'Catholics of the United States." To the Institittion, for the Propagetloai of the Faith, (iodated in itome,) the dioceses of the United States contributed 164,042 francs in the year .1857: Of this New:York:gave 17,462 francs, Boston 7,400 f., Louisville and Now Orleans 4,600 f. each, Charleston Baltimore B,gBttr.;l 3 ltObtitg 8,b50f., Phila , delphia 3,636 f., and other dioceses smaller amounts. But, against 164,042 f. thns con tributed by the United States, is an amount of 541,123 francs allocated as Alma among the different liisitiona of the• Ittiitdd States. Cir this amount 18,000 -francs were confided to Dr. O'Cosaon, Bishop of Pittsburg. ho niumber of Catholic Colleges and Acade mies in the United States is considerable. There are minferous tree schools, for Catholic' children, in every diocese. Indeed, education stoma to Ile pgitiettlatiy eared for 14the Homan Catholic elergy. In connection with these memoranda about Catholicity in the United States, lot us Men sfogniar fact. It may be remembered hat injune,lB4B, on the (loath of -Cfaxtloat ICVI,,a very amiable, quiet, moderate Cardi nal, EMl.Erri by name, was elected to succeed him ns Popo. If he had any politics, their tendency was liberal. As Apostolic Nittreio to 'Naples, during the cholera of 1830, this amiable and pious gentleman expended time, Money, personal labor, and health among the poorer classes, who wore hourly perishing of the fatal disease. Afterwards, during six tl3en years' administration as Cardinal-Arch bishop of Amola, in the Romagna, the gentle firmness of his rule restored (Met and peace to a disturbed and distressed linpulation. Once seated in the Papal'Chair, lse opposed himself to the intolerance of Aus trian rule in Italy; and, for a time, was a meat Popular ruler—fa,rhi3 who holds the Papacy is a: Temporal Sovereign as well as a Catholic Prelate. The Revolution of 1848 took- place tit France, and spread over Germany and Italy. The Pope-signed a new political con stitution for Rome—which be subsequently disavowed after his flight to Gaeta in the Kingdom of Naples. That document, hand slnnely engrossed on vellum, with emblazon- Manta encircling it, like the page of an illumi nated missal, is now in thii3 country. It is In. Possession of General Walowr of New Jersey, and hangs up in the library at his ' beautiful ((welling of Forest Home, near the city of 4udeon, in New Jersey. New Pubiications. The tenth volume of the late Colonel Benton's Abridgement of the Debates in Congress, from 1789 to 1859, has been published by Appletons; of New York. It ineludee thointeresi log and important de batis from-February 3.828 to March 1830, the'prinel- Pal speakers being Thomas 11. Denton, Smut:4 BM: obanant 0. C. Cambroling, Robert Y. Bayne, RdL ward Livingston, John Tyler, Galion C Yorplanok, Levi Woodbury. and Daniel Webster. 1 Appletons have also published the fifth voluine of the New Ain erhian Cyclopedia, edited by Messrs. Ripley and Dana, with a large and coMpotent corps of 'oontributers, whose names fill six pages. lhii volume includes articles from Chartreuse to llougar, and, as usual, is rich in biography (living Vta Well as dead), geography,natural sciences, his tory; nod 'pure literature. • - 7 • We have received from Petereon k Brothers Let tere of a Traveller, second series, written by Wil liam Olen Bryant, ih 1857- I 'B - , and now colleoted and republished by the Appletons. These letter's wore meet attractive in the Nov York Evening Post, in wllleh they, first, appeared, end contain the most satisfactory coconut of Spain written for Many years. geed business Directory is a very rare thing in this country Hitherto we have seen only three --l-Didot'e French Mnltaire.; .Relly's English Post Wilco Directories, and. Thorn's 'doh -Directory. We have now to commend, and warmly.yecommend as containing muds and Woll.afrarig,ed informa tion, the New York State Directory, compiled. by Adams, Sampson, A Co . (who. have much expo. nonce in this Vary laborious sort of book-work,) and plit?llehed by John F. Trow, of Noir York. It is a,Direotory, not only for the city, but also for the whole State of•Neyv York, with a clearness of di rection and a fullness : of detail never yot equalled in .any. similar, publication, in this country. We have Mated I,t; in really inetanoes, and have not foenifeee'erroi. • prom thoperi'of Peter F. Stout, late Vine-Coo= sal; we have' itllioaragnal 'Presentand Future." published bY'John E. Potter, 61 this`eitY. It Is 2: history' and :discriPtion of the country,- written •after ofilcial residence and 'personal re search therein, and oontalus a very full, and •ar parently, exact, account of :Walker's adventures end misadventures as a filibuster. Mr. Stout be: 'Biros that -winifeet destiny "-will one day in-' Corporate Nicaragua with the United States. Ala book is fall of intsreat, and evidently Written with great knowledge of Its subject. • Mr. Charles Desilver has added two now volumes to his excellent series of interlinear translations of the Classics, One volume contains Oloero's rout translations against, Catlline, with, the seven re`. making orations, expressly translated for this edir Lien by Mr. Thomas Clark,-the competent Amer 4 oaii editor. This is, therefore, the most complete collection, with' trarielatiens, of ClOere's finest eloquence: ' AnOther volume, translited'hy,idamilt ton, and also carefully revised, with 'additions, by Mr Clark, is Sallust—the Oatiline Conspiracy and theJugurthao. Wa3.. - ' • A Hand-Book to. Kansas Territory and the Rooky Mountain; Gold Region, published by' J. H. Colton, of Hew York, and written by James Itedpath and Richard J. Hinton, of Rams, will be found usc4ol to intending emigrants. ' It is en riehed with large and accurate maps., The religions piiblie who "admire the piety and; •rioh imagination of 'quaint JOhla Banyan will road: with pleasure. avolume of Lectures' on the Holy War,•called 'I The Losing and Taking of Man-, soul, } ' - written by the Rev. Alfred O. Patton,' and author of several other works of. standard merit.: It is published by Sheldon do Co., of New Yotk, is, richly illustrated and, beautifully printed. This( work is worthy of a place on your bookshelf next: to the PilgriM's Progress. 'Prom Gant % Voikmor, in this city, we have also received the AnnUal of Salentine Discovory ; a Yearßook of Pants in Mance and Art for 1859, It is oaredully.edited byllavid A. Wells, ri• Popu lar solentiflo writer, and- has for its frontispiece line portrait of 'Professor 0,. M. Mitchell,. the cele brated Astronomer and Leaturer.. The intro: dilatory notes by the Editor are very good indeed, aid the entire blink Is a valuable and-unpretend ing aid to popular science. ' .The April numbir"of flodey's Laity's Book has comb to hand, and a very good lumber it is. The frontispiece, on steel, is palled "Returned," and tells its onm storyz—the return of a young sea. man to his home. There,also are fashion-plates, wood-ontsj crochet and embroidery patterns, new music, besides an • agreeable ritelang - o of original literary attiCles in prose and verse. fly the way, so experienced a writer as, Mrs. tgarah.J. -Hale Ought not have made morning rhyme with damn. ing. Bite. Haven; Miss Virginia F. Townsend, and Miss M. W. Janfrin have contributed pleasant articles to this month's Godcy. , The third Monber of Vetersou's eheap Waverley ;appears to-day.• "Rob ROY" . for twenty. live ;oonts; a novel &bibbed' revery Saturday at this mica ; the whole to be completed in twenty-six ;weeks, which pttts each novel at leas than twenty cents!- • RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. . -A i'daromit. StraiMian. , ...The personage of the ' Green.street Ilfethodist'Ppiseopal OMNI( rai the scene of an 'agreeable surprise to the pneior of that congregation, Rev: Alfred Cooktnan; On Thursday evening that will long he reunnm. bared with pleanire;by, those who participated. Ceokman's pastoral relations with his present (Marge will cipire, almording to a rule or that de an the link proximo; and it is but awarding due, credit to Say' that, Ibis faithful' servicee during`the two-years Ministry among the ;people from' whoin lie is now about - to separate, Wm been blessed in a retuarkable degree. Hie Signal fidelity An a minister, and vigilauee'ae a pasior, are attested by results.; Fos Inall7mOnths past ? indeed, tinting nearly, the entire two Saar. of Wei Isanimetlori With it, tbeGreemstreet Cburph lite teen iiteritiiyettended to knt' 4 sritoWciii,',oosts the'most 'Substantial, Misled hie Gospel FotelOr - 7,, 4t00.6ial haMOitl;'souit thw debt upon their commodious'has edeel been. Materially diminished. ••' - In Oltinref the dlisolVtion that is io soon to take;' place between Mr. dookttlan and his Charge, about &hundred members of the latter asiembled at the' parsonage, adjoining the church,' on .Thuistlay evening of this week—Mr, Ccokman and faintly boinn absent ilk the time, at the hens* of alriend. OC returning, their eurprige tntlY be ittogined in finding co largo .a company awaiting them, and which wag doubtless — Still more, and' none the less pleasantlY, 4ithrinood by the donation to Mr. doohrtuin of a pdxso doataining fear hundred dollars, in gold. The gift was pregented In a neat and appropriate address by Mr. Phillips, in bohalf of the congregation ; and we are quito - cure the tonobing and. beautiful acknowledgment it elicited froth the surprisedpastor was au-abundant return for tide generous eithibition 99beir esteem, . Mr. Coahuila seemed Oita , orerduree. with this unlooked•for eipression of kindness on the part of his people, and in reply to them said, that, sin. core as was his gratitude to them, ho received it tether, and appreciated it shore, as the gift of God. Afthr the prtisantatiott end speech-making, the interest of the ocumsbni was mattnially in. creased by a very agreeable entertainment; pro. Pared by the ladies of the church, the merits of which were pleasantly disoussedin a social way until dear eleven o'clock, when the' company separated.. STIIA Pnoortussma—By a recent vote of the ifusteds df the Plymottek Church, Brooklyn— * Intl Vard Beeeeher—the editico is le be opened to the public for concerts and Belentlilo leatureS ; * proceeds to bo devoted to the fund of the raw chureh. The* performance of "Uncle Tom," and other floral dramas, in this ohurott, will probably be the next ,step towards reciprcesting recent theatrical courtesies COI4fiItRENCE TIIACT E I OCIF.TY GATIIERINCE—TIIO frietag of the Philadelphia Confdrenoe Tract So , cloty, of the M. fa. Churoh, will be held at Jayne's liall, to-morrow afternoon, at throe o s olook. Diohop Soot! will proeldo, and several ministers and lay men will deliver short addroeses. In addition to this, a number who ,wore brought to the Saviour by a tract will rotate their Christian oxporienoe The meeting will be open to all who wish to at• tend, and the (aerobics will doubtless be of an in- terosting alternator. • Sr. PATRICK'S DAY IN NEW YORK.-110ligkUS services were held In all the Catholic churches in the city, A solemn Dontifloal High M 483 was celebrated in St. Patrick's Cathedral, at 10i o'clock, by the Bay. Archbishop, and the panegy ric of the Saint, was preached by the Rev. Father do Luyoros, S. J., after which a collection was taken, to be appropriated for the benefit of the Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Witched to the cathedral. /tidal:LSE Or RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE ABROAD The Bishop of louden recently stated in a publio address, that a large city firm called on him de-• siring him to license a chaplain to teach the Gospel to their olin'workTeople ; that in another place the business of each day was opened with prayer, and a chaplain appointed for the spiritwa, welfare of the hundreds of persons employed in ono establishment; that only that very day, • the I directors of an omnibus company, which employed hundreds of men and horses, had reinlved that, far the future,"to man having ohjeotiou to ,work ou Sunday should be compelled to do so ; while at the headquarters of the establishment, prepara tions should be made for Divine service every Sunday. THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH —no thoologioal frioultyOf the University of Dorpat has announced the publioation of a theologinal quar terly, called T/e Dorpater Zeiisehrift pir Theo.. logiB ?Ind Kirche, whioh will appear under the auspices of ,the Uoivorsity. The prospectus , says that the theological faculty have been • often re quested by Lutheran pastors in all parts of Russia, and by theologians of other countries,"to start a new porkulical, and have complied with them re quests, the more readily as a now organ of the German Lutheran Church in Russia seemed to bo a great want.. REV. Dn. blatcorat, author of " The Bible Die- Bonen'," publiebed by Geuld f Lincoln, of Bos ton, has lately refused a tempting peouniary offer by a Southern publishing company, to allow them to publish his dictionary, with its anti-slavery aentiments struck out., Pasy,sit bIur.TING AT TUE BAPTIST INBTITUTEI• —Arrangemente have been made by which a prayer meeting will be hold at thO Baptist mastl tote Beams, Na. 2 PlB Chestnut 'street, one' tidal. each Thursday evening, between arid 810'0100k; which all ere invited to attend. . Cosviers CONVENTB.—The - Trenton :(N. De,mocrat says that between thirty and forty of the inmates of the State prison have ,professed conversion during the past Yeai. had their WIT conduct warrants the belief of their sincerity. . • REV'. THOMAS C. STRONG WRS, on Sabbath Wien in, the Bth inst., installed pastor of the Deformed Dutch °heroin on the corner of West Tenth and. Dloocker streets, NOW ork. Nonntsrowri, PA.—,Tho Central Presbyterian Church atNorristown, D. G. Mallory, pas tor, received an accession of ton at the regular communion lust t3abbatb. _ MEM TWO CNTS., GENERAL' Tire YotigieAL' of Lieutenant Van' danip'took place at Linioaster,',Peyonjast Wednesday 'after-, mien. The, military, eitymouncile, aed dents of the disceased,havinglalrenyosition sit Fultorillall.`the firelight dovni from' the armory, end ;Varied: in ehniberrie.,lbo . bearers passed through theranke,the Pertugneee IlYinn wag played with beautiful effect. yko, !mob ae them:An was placed in Ithe'Vearse; the *set sion moved forward. the Reneiblest band and iambi leading, followed by the 3 - aokeam Rides, Fenclbles, Staff Officers, Brigadier (ie& Shaeffer, B r igad e , laapeotor Asnweg, Diokey.lffejor" „Shirk; and CaptrDantel coneeils,"and 'fellow-students of the delleased„ after ;OM ,fol.- lowed the hearse, atiriounded by the In this manner the•prooession proceeded to Centre square, where it was joined by therrelatives.the clergy, and the Mende of the deoeased.. The order 'of the procession wee Web cbaeged-fite biome closing in After the eteMotticeri,land the relatives, followed by thoirlende, taking position after the `etadente. fa this manner, the made playing ,apt proprlate'Venee, the procession readied 'Olean:let tory. , Upon approaching the grave, in , the , aorith= eastern portion of thegreends, the military . filed off, and the relatives andnitimens, linseed through to the grave. The coffin wasthen 'Plated in' the grave, when,a discourse_ appropelate to the: coo stun was delivered by Rev. The reverend gentleman having conoluded, thtt Rev. Mr. Appleton read .the fineral service; when; the clergy end. relatives retired:, The. Fencritdesi their filed up on thenorthweet side of this grave, and fired three atilt:tee. The relater/4; frienda, city councils, and students' hotting retired tome-,, ther, the military returned , reveres of the for-i , mar order. ' " „ . - . t There boald not haie been' lib than 3,000 per-I sone . attendant .on the funeral, sivoluntarst tri bute of respect to the deceased.whieh mtiethave been very gratifying and consoling' to the role, Over and friends, who, will feel ever; grateful to those prominent in this expression of reef/cot to their" departed_ comrade.„ • , The following are theresolutiens adopted at the meeting of the schoolmates and friends of the late Limit. 'Van Camp, convened ,at Michael's ,Hotel,'. Lancaster, on Tuesday evening laet. .B slit 'Resolved; That, with Mirel oeniminity in width he was so well known and generally beloved; we mourn tbeuntimely,death of Cornelius Van. Camp, late lieutenant in 'the Ptioinel A. , 'at the opening of &career' Whloh' already gave rich promise of &future brilliant with glory to himself and cheering to the pride of hle fellow citizens. Resolved, That, as formerly fellow-students and assoolates of the deceasid, - fn the warm inti macy oflenthful attsohniente r the daily witnesses of his eminent intellectual power, unshrinking courage, hearty- generosity, and warmth of soh), we most heartily. sympathise w:th his- relatives- in their bereavement of him who seemed,deatined, in. public service and by the Amie, to be the,pride and joy of hie parents and lovin g ' • , . Resolved,. That, in respect to the meufery CC the deceased, we ,attend his funeral, in a body. near• ing thebadge of mourning upon the left-arm, and that a copy of , these resolutions he - transmitted 'to the family of the deceased, and to the press for I publibation.' 'Fop eoIYE MASQuxamiE.—One evening last week a couple of young gentlemen, natives and residents of this side of the river, made all the arrangements and procured ,the necessary outfit for attending the tel fnts.io.6 given in Newport, ; Ohio,' but Instead of arranging their toilet and proceeding thence - en costume, they packed - their' tt characters in a cerpet-bag, which they unl , fortunately dropped into the river - in stepping from the float to the ferry; boat.'' The dresses, con sisting of two full suits .of armor, sank -- ti bottom, and, chagrined, they returned ;to the pee taniore and paid each fifty dollars: It is. not,pre sumed that Alley' will. attend; or attempt' to at tend, any more masquerades this season:—Cinan not Enquirer. . - " how, nearly " pure, has sign ia' - scovere Texas: about 20 Miles west of McKinney, near the, line of Denton and. Collin. It'epparently"exists in great abundance, and large quantities, maybe pinked from the ground without the trouble of ex eavating. 'Apiece weighing thirty or foity pounds , tem been exhibited,in McKinney, and subjeated to a few experiments. ,It admjta-of aline , polish, is soft' and- malleaitje, fs readily welded with other iron, and it'is! supposed'ivill yield ' ahout,9o per sent. of pure metal. , " • • Woian ,zx Max's CLarago.:—Nary E. •Austin. has been discovered, In the person of a youth wholias worked fora farmer 14 Stafford. 'Mass., - for two or three months pest. She chopped ,wood We, boy, drove teem as boy, but upon other' ,oacisions, in her pronerehareeter, as a young wo man " kept 'company" with a men nainedAustin, who, it seems, brought her trete , ConnentiOut. 'where oho was deceive& if : y, him„endobandoned by her parents, °minuted , to dissidiso, her. pax to fallow his fortunes. - GOrvilitt BeeiioOteaft.'—Thein is a rumor afloat that :•grild has 'been i,dieetivered 4poe ' the farth of Geo. W.. Brown, near, this County,' which:has been - sent M tpe,inint,,arPhiia• HolPhiat'fo lei assayed: Of'impreanensideitible . ,imellemeet prevetletntbat vietnity4 ono .it 'this. upon , tye et bats heed °Pied agi IK b I Py,toa,fif„)4s ; e ta , , 4 0 14ilitAiltSktiOISA*Pri:kiae0* - t ait .44 &Mg gitil ki fri fit. , ntri,.rato s , Rob. "bins,,.of Liberty, township; Sumitte4annti eOrtety: has Didnd-dead;_stisPendod by the/leek bya small bond or rope; the end ef 'iihtett' Was • tied together fver o laddemound, jest - ,abovi hie-head, acing the, ladder, 'Which "was , on, upright ,one, attened on' the frame of the barn his feet *ere about one and a half or two feet from the door. • • Salon Orrin, a tobacco . plantei of Ceiba, believes that a crucifix which he.possessee ban be.. stowed upop hint the power of restoring the blind' fl, eight, to haat' the hams, and cure the halt, and; 'OM is still more singular, his friends and neigh bors share in the delusion, declaring that he cared a man who lied been lame fer many years, by laying his hands upon him. ' LARGE Etio.Lafr, 3ohnli. Curran, of. this borough, laid on our table, last Wednesday Morn ing, a goose egg : of the following dimensione;via.: thirteen inches in girth the long way, and nine inches the other; and weighing nine ounces.— ..task County Star. A teav serious accident .Occurred at Patch ogue. L. ~ a few days sleet, in consequence-of the bursting of a mill-dam, by which the village was inundated • and • very 'great damage done. Several mills and houses Were carried away by the flood, and a large amount of, property destroyed. Suiriur,art..-=Mrs. Brady, whose - death at Norwich, Conn , was ohronicledthaother day, and a time appointed for the funeral, has given suek Thereof life that the funeral has •beem delayed. There is a tittle color in the cheeks, and a alight perspiration on the forehead. AT TUE UNITED STATES AltllOEY ' in Spring field, MessaohusettS, thirty-six wor kmen have been discharged, and the wages of the-150 re maining at work are reduced five, ten, and in a few instances twenty per cent.--=the consequence Of the failure of the appropriation bill. flosru,a litccrtno.—A duel 11 , 88 fought last I evening, at the Oaks, between.aleeers. P. Oswego and E. Midst, gentlemen connected with two city papers. Three rounds-were flied with duelling pistole, at ten paces, but, fortunately, neither re mired any wound. The Dubuque (Iowa) Herald says that a gentleman. from the Interior of that State. passed, a f ew dye age, sixty SYDRODS for Pike's Peak, stuck fast in the mud. The accompanying-emi grants had quietly encamped to wait , for drier weather. HOHRIDLE.—A fiend named Butler Was sent to prison for two Years from St Lards, lately, for stubbing ono Sullivan in a quarrel. While Sul livan lay in the 'hospital, Butler- offered one of the nurses one thousand'dollari to poison him. Tee Weldon (N. C.) Patriot says that 2,000 negroes passed through that place during the Month of leaned'; and not less than 50,000. it is informed, went into the cotton regions during the, last year. Posimeargs. Beacom . , tit Middlotown, Con necticut, found, in a newspaper without a wrapper, a nugget, of California gold. The sender attempted to cheat the post offiCe, - with but poor success: ' Asa attesmerlys aro' making nutting the fa culty and students of Amherst College, to present eerviao' of silver plate, in value some $250, to the Venerable Dr. Hitchcock, Gminuous.—Mr. Michael Phelan has pre sented one of his " Improved Billiard Tables" to tho lunatic asylum at Utica. It is_ a judicious and generous gift. rum MINE has been discovered near Ohohalem Valley, about thirteen miles from Port land,,Oregon, width .promises to yield a rich sap idy of superior iron. - A NEw PARK is to be made in New Haven, Connecticut, to be called _".Brewster Pairk," in honor of Mr. James Brewster. keitizen noted for his nablie spirit and philanthropy. NOT GUILTY.—Tho - triel of Mahlon Pott; for the murder of David Drninhedler, at Reading, Pennsylvania, t has resulted in 0." verdict of , " no. guilty.!' The murder took place et a frolic ' A PORTION 0 the rails to relay the track of the Franklin railroad in flogerstown, have arrived at Chamboroburg, Pennsylvania. RF.UNION or TUN BosCuoa FAIIIIX.—Tho family of the Re, Dr. Lyman Bember, residing ie ferent parts of the country, came together during the early part of this week. at the Rogge of Rev. henry Ward Beecher, in Brooklyn, for a 'family Amnion and visit to-their-father,- who hue now tiaohed the eighty-fourayear of,hts age AU the children wore present eXcept James; who 18 now in China, engaged as chaplain to-the seamen at Hongkong. Their navies, in the order Of their ages, are as follows :,, Miss Catharine Beecher, of Hartford ; Rov. William Henry Beadier, of,North Brookfield, Meiss,-,Rev. Dr. - Edward Beeeber,,Of Galesburg, 111 ; , MarY - F. Parkhill, of Dart ford, Ct,l.Mis 'Harriet Beecher Stetre, of Andoyer, Mass ; Rev Beery Ward Beecher, of Brobitlyrt;' , Rev. Charles Beecher. of Georgetown, Mass : Mrs. Diabella Hooker. of Umriforci o et, ' • Rev . Thomas. K. Beecher , of Rlmlrtt, - Y The - sibseitit son, Der James C. Bamboo, is , the' ytiungeitYof lbh ohildren. The health of Dr. Sootier is still - good; a#d lie bears with cheerful spi.litS the weight of his more thin - fourscore years. „ - , • , • SAMPLE LETTER TO :A MEMBER OY CONORESS. --IThe following lettor,whiell'is .published vet bathe, will give ourreaders an Idea of what kind of labor membera of Oetigroas are,sometimos called on by their constituents to - Perform : " Will you please to -inquire in the patent °Moo fo'v,me for a patent rat trap that goes by - weight like a Clock that will oatoh from 8 to 12 rata at min running down d thin has to bo wound up be fore it *ill catoh any more. i " I wish to know if there is suoh a p Mont that.° when it watt patented & when tho time expires alto the name of the patentee 4t. hta past-AOl5 ( dam& a thus ol.litr rare" - _ .sn„~ - ~ _w«c4~r-sue+., :'~ _:.~ ~_ , - ~.,-.. __: _.._-.... s, itorica.TOtcOlutivingverg2iL - - 4 . . -A: ~ .14ori v ipoa 1 , , enttfor-,Tax P4Ol - leit Mind the' . • . - Every commnoleetion mot ba secompanfid by the Denis ortbeiritei: In Order to' inicir . e .' ;:aoritatsises in the typography, but one Mee of the sheet should be written upon. • • I • „ . . .. . , . .. We shall be greetlrohllged to gentlemen 0 PenelfYi. Taal, 614 other Staitee, t for eoritTihnliooe &Meg the eurreoinewit of tie daj In their 'pertietate localitlei,. the resort:telt Of the etiteiaontitzg 'bocultrii ail irCe;nais• of popolatien, or any Iziforiziaidci dtillt : 4111 be interest. inn to . ttie general reeNir: '' '.' ' - - '' ' ' ; THE CITY: Tflle XY1111136. Assansoass A Oa.DIDT9r ,Itftleto DO. lt erialaorgla „_ - larat.itisa•Airiiani Meiiilliszeij?)— ;"'Llus Virgintiktunriny 0t led 4 - . llavosso Giamcai,-a.Din - ,R.lce'a `Great Shows?- , i tent's' Girona Compan y '.K igtOstriens Glmaasitha and Acrobatic feats." Wrizarcsr A- GrasarEAdONAIT2IIII4 TiflArla.-- " The Stranger ' , 7 , -*:!Opy, Elaastering,": - AtoDenpuon , a Giiszia:--43rilietione from PIM, Gems from Operas; Pantaminiii; Darierng, old Shsgtag. TstoMairr's Vaazartze,—. , Gems fror.:loperia;2lekri Zecantroitietn , Facces,Slnghag, and Da in t io ym BMlLonsoa —Signor - PAEssF,TAnwr.—:rbe, testimonial - prepared foe preametation to William ,J fhilppe, Erg:, emporia. aerident 'of the Piro. Maio and Pollee Telegraph aye. lem:l4id erbioi we notiredat the Hine batheee entre:nue, 'wee' prevented to (hat Iferitiiirpiarypiteiasy:, .The Nil. lowing noireependinseinssed between Pbl/llas and the atmmttree or opiratere bawink the matter is hind : „-L ' - •PUILADILVIIIA .4itareti 1630,69.:. 1 VICAR SIR .please accept thfa tote. of regard from the operitoro of the Pollee and Piro Alarm Telegraph - .1.a you, our oupridutendent. .' _WILLIAM 1 1 / I .l"MitY. W1L1.1411 diarseavre, dunaaw,4, moroATE4, - • —•- • - 'Committre. To Wan. T. Phillipe; Dn. „ , Orrlea Or Porsnl/TrainClT, or:POLIOI ' IX/ Pine P/LPIRAIW; -$ PairanairarA: Varela 1T 186 fit Ourrtamai : I ealtionledle the r,mrintof ..voltr note of yesterday. with a very beautiful saa elahoratelrame, oontaillug- the ohntograpti ldreneeree of' Myself', my amietente, and t the over ,tom. of 'thee' Pelle. and Tire Alarm Te`eraph: ~I haven° remain to doubt that the opera*, to ' preeenthn rrie this beautiful * "-totem.” 'were actuated by any but the kidded feelings of regard. aud,,,thereforo, aeoepait,tre the „spirit which prk fi npoeg iL tender: Had ratty of eerionjo enopoeethat,all bad hot freely and united, the Tahiti of the testi mould be greatly depr ••• t.l" Annie of you, gentlemen. have been nonneeted With the depirtment eTim blued thi onfliorsitron; otheri hare been mere re ently arpointedt.- Ants.. endeavored Lb dhaeharge their duty, promptly and JalthfullY. and it he but reldom that I have had 0001111011, tocomp4ln of to- , attention . - It will be my care in tbelnleurn, as It has lratulineing the past, to encourage abeibelusg,of -friendship which has ever existed between my assistent and therms cf operatun, but" et the saMellesik trreirfogpire the atrict • el4ds l o,lli ll3 l and inhordinstion lathe delertineit;mo fir as my enntrolextsods. - Trailing; geatlenien: ibet._our enterprise rasp centi me to be"marked by thereorirteep whlefi has heretofore distinguished your wrzaduet.and-thanking you for year valusble token o of friendship. I am, 70 - 17 truly, your friend. , W.- .7 Psitadia. To Meters, Maloney, Csrpooter, nod .McGratb, Com.: :pantie' . , SPEA.Kum of thework of iiiiproiemept on In Ma vioinlti §t,:lltiptranis,9lnsreb,on Tentk Street, near 'Bfaskat;a" sasneafaNa'aranleot aontanspe., , sir*, irho - appears' to linowaa miielk Mattel:ad' 'the olden time as that amiable Shone, modest friend of i envy; the • °Meet likhabitent;gliei the foliowing , hate sestina retniniseenees :5 - • 55 '5 - - Workmen are now engaged to tearing down the nest of old frame shantiet in Tenth street, between Chestnut tend Market, opposite et., Stephen's Church. Theme ; letrueteree, which were mtverable little affairs, rod two arlea in height, were eroded mt spurted when Tenth= street' was far herood ,tbe _ built-up, portions--of-the ; city'; when cheap shanties were erected In - the eitburbe, ;where ground was einniat'worthleri, end where' toiler' joersons foals lire whit!. hut-little ex - ense; and - where: Ithey woold lucre room to raise ,docks, geese, and, !Vv. The growth of Philadelphia, -has heap so - ne... yid tbat , the present generation .lane- sight of what tem:tato localities were within whet ..is s. very,,ehertt 'period in the Watery of the cll7. At the commencement", .ot-th , present century the only respectable derailing 1 whieb. Stood . -west ‘of- Eighth sheaf - - ea ,was the, Butler mansion, to ,the nor,timetat _cormer•of _ iMighth and Chestnut: 'Upon the opposite 'MUM' Chest out street: the wreck of the Wm* commented fir so- ' !beat Mortis, but which wsenever finished, utast:on the Plot between liceenth sad Eighth attests, sod thmewent leeferal gips' among` tieb buildings' mist ot that 'POO: At that time the houses onTenth etriet!whieh late about being tern down, Were well ont,of,town. - The ,old shanties been longlistin fefe'inirtin the Weigh 'Vothood.. Their' site sidt - Ine'o oo elledtbY s lipselota ;market house, ,and the ; Oheoge will completely meta morphos the appeantece of the locstltpc„ , •, varsyi fol- , lowing, At, the request of Pe ri Tyng Temparaoma Refuge,” was preseeted to the Cownella on Wednesday:. • • • - PHIL& i; ateM4. March To the honorable th,"„T r efeet ca';,,,c4l - • • of tho city - of-Philadelphia 9,walka Km:, Under s recent yeeolation of the.!•Tyrg VompoMoce Itefore,” the podersigned eformittee wore popeinted - to Petition • YOur honorable body to Order .the- coostraction. &Oldie hydrants , In-the principal - th , wooohfaree of the city. We beljevatbe absence of ouch a, Troy - Mon, dunce the ahminor menthe, le the - nicision of mock intempe rance, and nrunktrenesa, bL eanoint • many, to zeobrt :taverna for ,the Brat tip*, 'by etlmolntlnenroderatio: ietti lialdfirot einem; Owl lir being ,* merlons Obstacle in the weY of thfoii , who - aratereeleavoring ~.to • 'chock 0, morbid dealt* for _ W,e,tlieiefinaismeeitly hope that the raetter min yob! fan:for - able ettetitloo=beiet - eoheirtOe4,, tram, practicellotrearrethin,thstitrriatlynooderotithemonalsw= * 4 ,19 1 1 1t1 3 .- P h 7P *c er Al T APEAlgl'ait t gaWV 1 . • - 0/o, l ,ol74l4lCestetetttelt- - -.T**74.r4-1491,-;in:4l.4fittc_lls 4f p.d.,71,...14.,u0wt.aut5..k," orimftelik4ll Ntlfer tea set, contleUng of wren,. , wags liatr m'elented to lift; litth: as •itikro priate*Seeeta, Fertinent - tb Matra - I for the eider. lb D. • 4erlating attachment to 'lts true orirkeipiee, as alio his - 11 ollto attention and refittent -lketrlcas shown defeettilititborettgh" Loctre• - - ' Areleitia Oalli will hear the burglars ibia itterni)oe,: - . Articles Stain . , ficiiit "firinits-tive pivaf have bean `traces =to them. , The-fellows wire is the baoit of eisitine Isekinkeepard ss4Jos Birtimitie when ever they,rommittrif these depredations.- r . THE COURTS . . XESTEunAIr'S I'BOOBBDIXOI. I Reported for The frees I, , . . Summit ,Cotrar,Chiet Justice Lowrie, and - - Justices Woodward, Thompson. mid _StroVg —The mo tion for a preliminary injunction io the rase of the Dar lino.. Canal Coal and Relit. ad• Company, - vi Henri- Olet. Wore reported, was yesterday morning refuted,- Yield va. Toe Unismanwealtk: The dissenting opin lomat' Chief Justice' Lowrie:in thin case, was delivered and died- Error to-the Court of ;Common .Pleas of Schuylkill comity. The opinion pl. the, Court was de livered by , Jnetice Bead: on'Thursdiy. - - Fylrta Parmentier wt. E. G. Wheat;• Warren Wells, • and Grifliu Beckwith. Error to the Court of. Common Pleas of Tinge county An action brought upon a bond made in 1853 for 8 1 ,045,97 with a power or attorney attached.. The mousy was to b• paid-at the following dates : December 17 18"4, $1,060 was to be paid ; De amber 10,1856. 81.100 more was to be gold ; and the remainder, $1,095 97, on the 19th of 'December, 18157. When the time arrived far the payment of the money, the bond we' sued out, 1 Stephen Pierce and G V Bedington vs., Blithe S. Sweet Zrror to ths•Onnrt of Common Plead of Brad ford county,. .This action wee Iconalit to adesrver damagee upon a writ of treepme. The plaintiff alleged that the defendant took awat.6oo 000 feet of White pmt boards, scantling- plank, and Joist, and 800,000 fester 'hemlock boards &a , belonging to him, and converted them to his own nee. • - Orin P. Notary& Sarah _L.'Fitch. Error fettle Court of Common Pfau of Bradford county. An action to re ()Deer certain money due upon an agreement. Sarah Ogden Ye. We'. H. H. Brown, Byrne Brown, Barton Brown' and others. Error to Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county An action of ejectment to recover poseeintion of 550 acres of land in Franklin township, Bradford county. - . Nisi Paws—Justice Read.—Tho case of Morton vs. the Philedelyibis Society for the tete-bible, rant and support of Charity Schools. Maine - re. Blight.' °canton by Justice Bead. And now to wit, March 11. I 859; the court modifies itsneder thin case or, March It. 1859. as followsoix : The court orders that ' the - books and papers mentioned in the defendant* affidavit relatir g to mud connected with the business of said hotel and drove yard, and the pod swims of which la ' not denied by the plaintiff in hie affidavit be deposited In the office "of the plaintiff's cinturiel for inspection and examinaVon, by defendants, thelecounsal, and agent., at least three days before tho trial of this cease : and that notice of 'such deposit be given to the counsel for defendants at • least' hree days before snob deposit; and that the former order steal as tp all the boots with referents ae to production on the . ' - George W. Willlstne, Daniel nand, and Daniel Hand Oux,copartners, trading as Genre W. kore.. ye. the Provincial Insurance COmpany, of Toronto, Carrels. Verdict for the plaint Ee for 82 108 10. -• UNITED STATES DISTRICT Couan—Judge nadwulader.—The jury is outin the ease of Lassie Ha ter. charged with missing counterfeit money . . Quarrkr.a. Sasstorra-Tudge-Ludlow.,-Com plaint having beet 'made to Judge Ludt)* that James B. freemen, an alderman! of the Sixth ward, bad dir rhargsd a primer named. Jahn Milton Stewart, after final cow mPment on a charge of forgery, without first tablet; bail for hie appearance at court, Judge Ludlow brit it to be bin duty to send for Alderman Ifteemat, is - ord. r that he might °nettle the m itter, if etuscepttble ,of explanation, before It. court took action in it as a - 'committing magiettate• It appears that J. MiltoQ Stewart is chs•ged with nnmeroms tOrgeried, upon one of which charges be was finally committed to pr am by Alderman Freeman, in default' of bail.' • Sitiasegaeutir, however, the alderman gays a discharge to the t anned - of Stewart and tile priaoneranta, liberated from prison upon It, without the legal prerequisite; of bell having been entered for hie appearance' Tee Grand Jery; now sitting, found a, b 1,11," against sugars. who ap pears to hove escaped boyond the court's jurisdiction. as lice cannot to found by the ;Came. The" tine bill wee found, it seems, upon the statement of the officer who made the arrest, he having -rat tiontmuni-. ,noted it to the Pletriot Attorney., :Alderman Freeemen- entered.' into an explanation of his conduet, nod said that be had acted coneelentionsly So the matter, and did it for the best interests and pro- , teetion of the communily. The. act might be illegal,' but be could not conceive that there wae . en y immo. nifty i n it. it wed peShip# an error Of 'judgment . Judge Ludlow remarked that, as a unmoral thingg• the , c - net ecou'd not act a. commit , log msgistrate.althin h it had tie power under the Conatitu'ion ;'hut In it case like the present, where en aldermen,of tare:city was charged with an act so Illegal, the court would intirpo.e for the proteetion of society and - to subserve the ends of justice.. Society meet be protected mutest those I who pre* upon it; but unleas. persona cba-ged with 1, where probable sense has been Omen before e magistrate. can,beheld to answer the violated law.. of fehders wilt, 5P9a be taught the,: justice is a mere , , ninclearj , Ile 'Ore judge) would not decide the cane now before him beefily. lartwonld - calmly consider its • every, feature, end give his deeigion in a day dr two. If Aldermen Fieernari had any testirriony to offer the emyrt. would , _ Aldermen. freeman replied, that be did not denim a further continuance - of• the ease, but the Court would • And. "on'refereneti to the calendar, that more persona charged with high 4 erimee had been tido:7'lo4'oga , tried -In this court. within the last six months, on commit ments .from hin ores,, than from any Aker: orrice. Twentytievaii liatee,of burglary 'No been detested by , . himself and his others,. end the offenders`were new re. delvieg,,puutsbment therefor, -M e Amin h..„, wrong in his judgment inStewart's cum, but hievrhole bondnotproved that hi had thelroteetkothA Moiety at Atter a few remarks by Mr.,Alepp, in referesece to the good intentions of r ladertnan Freeman, la...the-nage of Stewart, Judge Ludlow said that Aires the duty of the a`darman. if. the suds t licaticenottld bt promoted by the discharge of the prisoner, to being the enhject to - the attention of the - mitt - before' etch discloser/gnus given. - The court note? refuted to consider each eases, and ,act uroiktlieni fortlreintergetot society, in eon-. throaty with the law; and according to the power vented in court by the law of the State. The judge said that . be would giro his derision in a thOrt time.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers