• , i,„;4 1 347 • , ' „. .r--- 4 ' t h e ~ - ,- 6 A wil *igii*6A4 . , - ,--t, , --iv4tc*:irtiors. ext4coin 46 *"4ll o *.tiAlai t” '-'‘ itiOi`portalifoiltt dabillidk,':xtic'bltyrisTrupi'igia,, " ' -"ttle - si -- AWritiSlifitilit Algit n ‘‘ l l4/ 0 444 :. 4 e thy , ''" "' is d . titiv - tritoilie4t; ... , v with` ' 1 -. ..:*/,;4 41 4P11.W* _, ,lairisw- ''—' - , l4storitit iltlMA)ltthi: ti '''': . 1:..1 . ! 11 , 11 4 Ith Ol 4 k i tAVAl lin tY'''.`'.. 4. 3 s ''= l • .* ';'!:' l4 : 1 ', ''' eilliirnitgoilto kIiCIPILO*O:WALIJI, . .: hot nit= iiatttiiiii'‘v it - Mimi - Aft the I,,lfir,o'srti , . . roasted, andirho ribtr`keepica-Palttora?ln - Ss* t-Z-, - : 1 York, bar ridantlijectelved triaClWlris444:l3 , lt P '- - Vror th, St.. , Hellas' mitds4 - 40,i ,Wittrissrejtef veil , t ''s tftrty:atf yacht: , in.lispolsori's ainty:''llla dondiy '''l itiraa.ln`-lin# ;invite lie: -learned 3 0 s ta n d krai; , . - t. - Oh . 4 l :tclik imiectloultillill.° l ° l M - AeOnfisir iirtAt. Vi - 4 ~.__,._,, t „.., - ; , :pi i , ,..-• ~. ,-,v,,,,, ..,,,...„ „:::. * '',:'. L'ion'Atitti - . 1 : 10 :1 ** 4 7-Ave 'leant old, A ,t w litialAteleia it tirleibt ottfoatli l t Orin Rtit.tbs i'Opereatori'edited,b4hl3 gOA , l e i says as pallor*, :_..) ,TAit 0re5.414;c 4 4 - I.thav tiolaSi ‘ rt,a,kir4rafplqusttli, !' , stOraliaentt An mart , 'hktlibrlpn, -7 ..",,,,, -...,-,,,' ')"...- 1`" - A.- Oar iitrin'r iiiifildil; /0114: 4 1 1 ;-iiirli:, ::.wee, at-Mssavllls.-1-tt: - , 'tilted 11Liettir ' frolicA 1 vast ollotilliC*Sek, addressad to , Mrs.: *ell 'by ' , 1 bar httlitited la CalKaistith,"o4 , epettess It' drotft 71 tor fifty 111041 , 1'11rtitt?atftir•bidotledivii , the mapattifrotiObsrt tF..toiliht':ii - sIAC Or: 0 ° 44 ; * hire-i tkidak. IkalktAigkrA44 .: lollr,e# part. nn• -; - - - ,' 3 ,44pacti5r*:4',Vri?...f , !..:,1:).,2 At' litTitrriatirt•C.f;o l6ll o4 l , o2 ' 4 rew , ...14aii_tkoiiiiiri thersli*OrP l l 4 ol4°4 ll o o ( gt " 6 4e.iirifutd A t iliimesnitO , Pat_gthati 47;42rtitiy, : 1 11 Wilimukiiktiijoiii:A4irtliktWAboilkW.Qiii`44l)i '''''-- - , -ArliiiStriakhA l 44l4 l 4l4 o #MaltOtode , -, .9 . ,'',i e'lli esttirtilAl9o,7MOstfil,4o l )",3#. l . l `" , -1 1 41 =_•,, - :Bum or tr+4l4lo, , Vrf. Sanas -XV14914*-- ,;. - inilleoionfaiithetfitu rskraTtlniWY2 otki't‘ ilk: .., , ; ima g o ; and ' airaii„-lbs 7 . sattt' tt -141 i 01. ' bloOttf: Aliaikts„ , _T;Ubtrpkopititrof-lier:-Ds. lirdlit-Iftyar: '',?-• Bratittitialii,joitstWarkisitfor Asitss.datt -*Mil , tort!! ;.-,vrintisfriis,l3loP. : l:Av-f-1g1W...f - `4L ' , ';i,=i?.E.iiiyite ItiiiiisitiiCtilikinditti'tituoitlieW 1 ,4 , -' t - A teinktlis.twitrilikiiiiiiik lir debt , hiAilOinifi*- i.,:.• ;.-, k . .101..-1-7;; - f-'-j-..i . -r:tyi•,,,Nq:..t;::•,,it'...-iv.%'3.,,,;;...-',1:,-1',,,. ~. -,--- -• ::. •-!,...••-'7 '!',:f, ipM-1?-41.911-:-c ',.. t - - ~.;•-4- 4 ,;, -• ~-,,:. ,„. r a k ~ e o C.:-. "- --,-;:---,,4iIroxi',Ii00.:1:-., .. , • -; -- „4 - ,. ,; • ,:..-_-_-,v, -,'-''' ---- k -iii; - ,atitiOnie4)—,,, -iiirrob4l-: :,,?-iiinkitilii4serj../. 1 .* , 5 ..,,rantia1frir,7.,.,1 :- ~---:-.A.gm.i1ittt_,...,..----i.a.u.A., ~,,,..,--,. -- ofri..-7:sii, , • - ..!: , thrig - jabat.• !..,2. -,7, 74,"me,.4:•,g,-;V,,-..-'7.•-, ~- -:- • I(olll4.4l!,:trt:zi4b=i-tAt''s.st;;V,7,4Fi!..,c•F,-L ---1, ' -I, l l lt•:7l4=i,'''' ,4 - ' - i, 7,e, , 1; ---_ ::4-:- " .4, ,i.ftwit„.,.-40!01 1 :; 176 . kiijel' . -‘ --- -•:-'; ±.,__lr% -it.44iit:itre nc- 7-:ruGi.y.eino t • ', • •,slrlT„___4o - ,,bawsm.4"rtk,skilrad /I . ° r o l 3 inati# 4f,r5"; • 1, - , ''-, latili-ft"•,.•,-.14,‘,79'-•-vaultp-- -•f:-;:--,,,-:",--;.%„:;: - - -- i! ,v - - -- 2-. ' •s• ''..-,iii*,1,104,-Mo,-Tlo : - •44.:“,•- - , :, - ;, - ;;,7-7...,;.< . :i ,1,. '''-••• • '•41'14.44:41'130W-11:4r iii,i'Aiii9l:,,,tiM. -_,-; ;.'_;-- •-,„ e - - i i i:.- intro 3110elrimktz-,..-,,,- - V. , x --'..-'-i iiiink I t iii ... l4l l., , ,, m i Gi dE ''' Wt , lt 'l4; - 4011E005 t ~0 ~, x _ ii 7- ,-.9.,..,t •-aiiiTtuaitoohi,e.rv,;l44-,-Vt:4'la,'-'-,r-liibiii. -•;:-..r•viatAm:•fts.1,-,,,.,.•;,•••• z-k.,,,.7.-,'ii5t,477,1 ..,,,,,•i • - - -'.., a*: gittawaii: tri,;,•7„.47,1t_,--•1.*2.1•'••••",..,,,,ti,4-ai.f ---•-,y•,/,—.11,,-....,..,__A„,,,ii-,..• :' i•'' ' aii f,-'4-7:?-•••z. •z„ , -) -1.- %-;; ' 3 Bi rk - Atotir,ot:Vsr.:•--.5 , a1i 46. ; , 4 - i• ..f.-';'Avi'd 40 141111,„0*--oikresi,f)a.,117q,,,-q !L r• IV -,- ; -- : , •••••a10ir , W,,,,,,,,,,,.' -”sittutr'•4l7:•, i 4-.,ii#-ii.lor,-,411,47, - ? --11.144,11-crira .7 „ , „olfgriatti• th in ?I, A d kr .: ,• , -,••- 4,-, -,-.•*,,,, i ,;. -•:JF - Iniiii'atitt,ThAriP.- taid4pta,a,#.1,41,,..-.-.;_17:: •-214.1 i alit.'" - _ ,11 _ 1 " 1!, r, :,%,---,i.:-.•-,••••••/•/":-.44,ini ... -- ; - 1 - led , ,, t,cu rord ii i• theg git : 43 .!51 ik .„ -, ••"'- - ="0, , ,i,, i, _, 7 , ".,.. ~,..:,.1.1,,,,,,,;,.:, ;,-;.0::•p6j, - dour pit. kr ' - : TOr ibitad OP lds '; - `' - 4 ' , " ' iiilllll - OtE/".1„-......,,,,,,,4,7,-Y:.=-'.. Selki firlso ..!r-VI!O A' ..---;,-,-.-,,, :I , ' . -,- -.-- 4 , py it , pyiladetßOOkiiiiiiikiiol44 l lo . 4ll.7.7-?fn' ' '''' 1 "' l' ' • ,- B°ar yt 7i dii7-•'-'- ' '''''--- iii;Thel4l34d!P' Zvei-Valt „7." k °5,41,!-rticni,,li'lf;iBtl Fo4,!rf4M,;`,-,-;-,:-!"-;„'.-; 4,-:ltroita inkY,Af4izt ar•le*lc4-,;..?r,'-'5. 44 . 1.461 ;r.?- , •7. - ' 1011,Irefklitit-istottarlv;'--...in- -: ~ ,,,4,; :;.,;;-_, - -, -,'• -•-, ' ' iii+ 4 .010444. - - • - • AIMiIft:ATIHI alUnlkAlll - '••luir r io - iiii o c iiiiiirisoliaTiAsitiiii:z ~, -3 - -, - -- ' -, _ettiquitt 4*(411610 Ifiaiir = - • -' 4 'A °b. Z .Tami l l s ! l v i b`T ritt...Vo t T; ,l o ß u i l oho l y r ic " KYiirsaar....o,4. - ty .-: it " ~,, it ws ir 14 today 0,..„.. ,„ 1 1 W $ TP8 111 ". 0 •, .i-j,•p A tla ges iliod'''' ...: .... ' - 41 - 3AVAII'VVi orarmliimoila z='• -011 Wise 14 la, NI . ' 4.0 N Joie' at is; ins ' - e. li Alleek,Niat Yrantwoo R H NIATRAN'AiI, . ~.. ' .1 ~ fr U b t AV., Illebraoad, ya , Jobs P Ocelirlin, Del-' \ gm AfirS 1. , . R - R1121114 AAlt yritsBBo4 i 4 .9 le„ 0,4.0km/oil 4 .2 P Grad,y;ftmorrills,„ ~, , E ,214 uororket.lo434,-, Jo a, avow& IA; at T,, :. t• ..., a itualligvhbboy 44 , -,,-, I) mr.fxrpt, / 4 :1 - ~, r‘str"tr,-.4-t,41 rA € XILW- 4 - 4 . : „i 5 1 . - :.-14.3,,, , ..7 -i 618141 ; 110 ) fr , • 6 1 1 11,” 0 11 .1 - ~ 4r , j 'er, vo" ..14.) .----,,, .7 -8., 4...,...,p,- 1 - ) -Lf Jels - ,lsigT4 dr , •;,...; •••,,, ti .; A Iktorlillll. a - • .wall*"111_, 0,110;,1 - , „ 1 - irm, 0 NoO,Ic,EIROINAArs.o A gentitifyrko;'p., , - - W wwitrus."B , 4, l ; -", ...„.", Wit Oiloh , aussictikb ~,,.., 71. iltifttet.llB B B l BH-' ` 3 '‘..2 1 *NM; NY , _..•• '•=z ; - V m aa - bath3; 1r : - 1•,..4 1, ="NR,Z8N884842, N,l„ , kz ,i , lc ,144th0zi,,,, 18 ~, ';J `. -4 . "2121111180,1210 0 , ~,,. -,, `, tz- , 4 :„ It L . ll. ,_, : t. fr i_o_-. L. wp, E .,, m 5. 7 ,,,.. i , j -t ,- , ..!-.:... ..., .0 -: !...,..--,- , ,-th-, 5 , 1,;+.7 , 4 lakeLy BVPliii %"": A 61 i OtTi CV •-•- t‘.'4 ' 4 -" ; •TK1LX...ak.*.11 4 . 1.4 ' , i , 4, ^,- 'f a alit , ,,Koss , - - sy cr., 4 - 3,, IR Oittoplogli,,Ra -_ -, " '.anrs limp/n..l* V„:.,, , ,- 8 XißriNfitHlii o k lB lB B ` -1 { Max ilhapheolikbakr, `-.•• ••"li 01ipp1u..818441,14,v. ~ i • vat RR log, • assours ' w - satrosti AIWAIOn , T 40 SA Jaalussii,ll.4lbigium •%. 1.0-I , 4o.lolsralbitik- • ' -' W 4 Tottileisit T 4 . •,. , 1•••'•• 48 X 11801114 E Itci . , :'x,; ` ~' Of P Eultittrilalichmsiol =it, HNI/Hottis,u, - ..,,-,.., ~ )-- ' o .1•1gt,,..14 -6 zt i.,- ; , ,,, , it ap...5.. t? ~ -..,00..i mr. '-:T if )10114nG Texan i WTI )I%oollilo . ,41, - 4 - - 4 ~_.' -, oit Rukt44B4, 8 4 : ~. ',2" P SattliiirB, oojoit*RX 261iii•12210018. l'ii- - v' . • asa ;Porst.ir,`Vol_ , -;‘ , " , ',ilvii* if oraißiolfsqn• - -r. • 14 Is itopms'isti,ill4oo . -,-, lllllle (Sortiritotoon •,• t. 111 1 a . Itikvids' ailidgo " - vDr Witlinhortatsa;l4l•Vsk 'NW 0 R 220880.4 24 - P1 HO ifts,•10108t?,•„ .', , TA` Wlatikt•Yett,' . '` 4. " ' . 4 s 1 B, , WIWIFO - ' ' - -„„ ,i) •ii 0 .4417 act ". -- " -IV L Hiamif ,8 0 -2",„„ , 0 ' atf *a., ticiai 41fe:, , ,;.!' 381 , 8bOir, li H or:. , ~ ` •;'';; a a aduksoa r Gita4ts,lll - v . ' , Dlfortiu7Nsubstore - ' IP 1 !tne;`' 1 4 1181 8% , :': - '. f. a 14040110*A; = --- •-•'• •-•,-.....- -,-,".,--, - =.- ~, • , liliseltailr lldrfpr losina 1a.:1404 Anil . 4 P 22418 ;;PIRASH'- 7 o' ' 2 ' rebama, 00055 tort ' .. , yi T Irak- - P 11441 0 = -'( 4 - 0 ais , .., taults.ter' , - -.. 1 , , -0 _SrAtriii,:, .-,!„-=`; - L VII& ri,1 ) ,' ,1 .7.1- .-. • : - - n t ignto xi, - ; ... 1 w IcARIVAT'4 I 44)9 , -r -' IN .1 Niihau; 81illi '' ' T lorialb,*o4l" it• ~ . ' ; T 11411 41r1• 1 4 " 'II,V libitftminiiT lll 9 ,2 ll ' , 11 T Haminliti lNii , ,A'r.,{ ~, It *SWAT, Co..- 'd. 4,31 yob, taa5z,„,,,...„,„- - , ,,,,w meow* 3.4 a, Belt ? . T - 7 alosty, Lgariusawirop Ntigh.e4Amniroisk P. aii Raines, .8.4 t .", -, .i.";.,74 - __,.,5.• Ratitili Hof lebD NN. az ausmi-rala., _ " w-lusTrord,N,,o , - , ' I+ P Loroilli; 00 ", 7: '' '. .-R 2We ICU - .„,, ~,,, • , 1,,P augiaol, - ›,' . ,:,'-''' TaWaVaoiSktriCg-- "` :- ' ' ' 3 ' Wilkfli ;- I,' , t:' , .,i •-- - Gr g ‘ltePC l7 "''' - 'J D 0rz.„18,, ~ "-7 " , • 7 , 4 .0 2'",1e , ir 281„1[0111i,kig '„,....r„ „,„,-, W a ofittuu•Jkliumf , . „.- • W l s momikus,ll6 ',., ==... a 00, 4 4h6figietinvii >: 'Nui IR vads,,X, , •-", • a sita,u-oft --, 1 - , - .lits - stolansta v is t yik I I/ 11 Buono, Tom- ~, • "•'Ww ass*, So - - IJU atimuago>. ,„., 2-,T - ccletkamr,,N y , .', illvoliasfacßotitAtiii' - Nip a wialaOitts)os4 , , , nanl - Platili,;rtuvillit rs'4loPordtitra_ ',' *,, ,wpi l l i i-la --= ,-,... ,w u anirptsb;,.,ain? -,,, '., -, .. AID 00 IAPiii,it Itt' - 4•, -2 :- Air 4 14 1 11 80 8 , HO i P 0 Ostitou,'N 0 ' - Th ai Trae'C'W t '-'-•!--, 4 *( 01141 .. 10 in '74lBtio4*,ts;llB o! E I X wa r m .. , ( , ; , ,,k, at , -,,t Th at - I a 1 airOxia,a C., - , i5„,! , W,...1 • 04k411 11 1 1 / 1 1 , , . ' 1 - RintOilauintw. Waif , Is,=l - 0.• saw Sty , •,- ~,,.= smltioolVf,', „I t ? -.4 rbilt 441, 4yri - , tubt..w.A., - '''.,r 4l / 4 - A." l rTfitiMnii IT IS ~;• ,r aoiguatrettftqal, , ,. ,- -;„ ;:s 4 : ~::;;;- ---5 r,., „ ~:7_ -.,, -...; ~.- - 2,......,T;_4-...-- f ,-, ;;;•-:, v‘ r - -,' . -.., -,.., ‘-- 'lt jillilliew.-oqlooo44oiltitinvolltkut.' -- 'Vim woollsiv t,1,1 1 ),,f1rY,E" 0 1 wAtittLOia* , , i l. - :ilitl a rtrnall' j ir s tr k utde -,,,,, 4 '; IA Alin ." kJ - , ; - 748:111-117';,,,OffiP47-7A0b,isi.Banint3iiiiii , 1 ' Omidali4olB#,Hr,,";,,,•,,RAPPY•ooBolW4BolBll Jaw, Ir -, ,,H"Y _,'". ,Plors'ilrl it li ".X.l r,,, . - o . ; )---', W 4-1618 1 ,1 kOlia%„v- 4- ,,Vir$ 104 1N, -,,, „, ~ • ;FA 0 e1n584,4001".:',..';_- ?;-, „mosts,o XimieB" - NT ' : • , oli Bram* MW": L :, - = - '4,, , , , /,' - iolaallawa i ltsagiihwi' ==" wio.witok ' = ~, : ',.o r W 4 P l manifir, l o4 l,- , , '',-; ,„, wring• %eat ".:,,Tfielleid.'w is •- - ---, '4 ~.. ''''' ' ' ''' " ''''' ' -`"; ''''' ' - ' AiIIigIAASPT,L . ,O4I/iiiiit hill 0,;40YA 14014 1 • • it' tram xi ~ - ~ ' , ,ilia ankh* s v I -,40.,,2.,7,-rp;iiikoeli i' 3 P r liNputmeNH". v g ' l7 '. si . -6 • 1 04/" . ito T‘• - 2 t ' 4",g.,5**11,144 ci r s , r4" - ;,74 ..t- I - - - .h. so a, vi .?.- .-: .. ‘,--. p,0..4111.....qtf: 1 ba1.4,2_421.,pr;&12k, , i ' i ria,i c t4 ,1,!„-; .- i -il„ -,, ~ -, Uog a.' 7=K0 47`, ;17,71.07 , e -,' „fil . Toopek - ,lterbyrir -- - - 4 Wj eri ty4Wia - ,-11 4 SO i t.reg iii itWit.Fe r , .., , , It i . R i ,i At7l l l,llri- tAili% , ''''.4 . I . i llirt 'l a tZ l . o4 o44rMS.,' i trsi ~„„voilsivittz.„iiiiLzip - Ar':,,, , *l, z..4* IftwAxitticro, irlji :11 I .:, , r ... •- • ' •• "LP T 1 11 1.91, ..„ ,"1 , Z;,4 1 7 7 91 111 ` ' witlCitt 1 , 4." 4 01 401,101• 4 9.kfiIk", , qplakliti it, N P,,,- - - ,/, " - • INN -Lsoidai Tsiiht t ttf,"-' 4 , Itittlitiner Slial;eltair -4/4 id , V 4; laeausta4wittentave„ , . -, =was aitotatnualakiemsakkalitatalkinl° Af a ItTiTTIIVIIIIItIAO,,, i s'IIajI O I III OI - 10,1111 , 1114," • - 41. ALmetri,rr:‘,.. 0 vtiset•Pß RR •,,,, ',",.,,- - .i..1,, , . - P . 4 . fiNtg. ,. , -, -el;_ilztmte, i' ~ .,':,,n-., itqf -- c gl igi* isf.tz,ka,V,S it awitage. , „-:.;;L:.,,,, , ,, - '' a i leWl"afWitl'''', 4 ,,'"' ,444 4 4 o flOdtAAlir- - . - - ”: I µ s, ,1 . 0 -'71 1 1) ;UWE' , 54 ,."44 , ,,,; , rti' _IR et, 2214, 1 ~ ,- „, I ~, ".=, - ' -' -14••• •,- ` 1 : - . - '. -- `.? ' . : 4 . .1-•• , `cu r .A.".",-" . t)r.l • -.. " . .•' 2.5. 'TP.S.1081408'110411: 1 188111 itarßbriiitAirt. ~• -. r " :,Aliflragurgaiiderilliq 0 Ir.,#iir if swemi . zoom - -- 'A:r„..x,T,A04..45 - 141); --- -,:,-;-•_,Nalrodoluir, ff 7 T4 l ,...r# 6 4olM) , :etifoZ • riftt;ig, 1 - , ---.-,-,k ---44;6404.. , ,,i , -.., 4 0 ,,, 5 i 0 w "Sefitir i i..k? , = ~ Itirlirte4o4o4;WßlFONßO GOAIWIRROnf-Ir , , IdiciloloPOlntlfolipv , ,,,,Tritisit; Nattlalok• 4 , , . %1111114101rirG,`;`; .0 It Briat -- slllolKitc - , , 1 1 sitituf = - '4,ra"..V . _ - " , M1 1 -44 11 1-.‘,.41: - iriarook'fti, -.. • - - ~„,-, -- , i , -- ,,..1 -, rf. .4,,v,,, ,- , - ,„.„ , 4 t, _ •,„? t 4, :-• „ ,";4 ," iiiiidow" 01 , ''' , -*Le-. , v.,,ii.luirem.ittri , ,Kl-..4-A IP .11*±4i t , - laz,?''' f-; 7 - a C • grnfro.44l , a . - 1 1 4, 0 1 711it . 0 - ‘ 4. g ,:: 1r itiii%4 . .. o aktiqt y.n .) ,1 N ?, i - ..: , ' ' cif, Ilktillti : PßlCAS44' .., rok•• •• 4•••- .t . • ~•'•- • ,..1 --: . :',,i,„(4- ' ''''Z' , ".. - .-':`,.6... --....-5u.1.=,`...,, ,- , -4•14,,,1, , ,,,, ..c. ... 2 :' - ,,0, ' : 4-. x - '.., ', •j r . " 4 '' ' .l ''' /,- •:' ..." filgiri Zi ... 'l 4'' ,4 ' 4 4,* -- , gifte 4 •44l'4 ~ o _ tii 4. A, , •••. lw ..V.3.4.. 4r 0 17- , 4. t . r - llitiri r i l q 4 sow hr4 b i iftvile' 4 * . j uivi -.11•01101 g...t:1,1 0 .. 1 fi ! f e t . •* W a A,C I I II t kvis*r ,l.,,*meiraim.„l. .lilit PI i -,.- .. i, 5...•-, ow. , , 1 1 84 - p,,,' 1 . - ',,wz r bBlB,4lBr , , ,7,, , ~ -- 1 - , . .- ' hwit _, , ' V ,4 - -',i.. 4, cr „ ..0.4 ..-I , A - It' •u - -• 7 i „ ' , st )‘;i. -7'll,llE :-PitSS.-PHILADELPHIA, • -THURSDAY-I- - MARCH- - 3 9 - 0..* 4041eittioe,s r * —NT OleAlree '4'k: les Pia, gaii ,roOldn, al 4 111401VO:ney4 au_ Zee•W,peo,Peg, W gur S Buoloass!aarl Del , "fitewiCsalgrali R Vika_ 11405V11811":11°111t41*4 IttreOß ' Ptl i. TU. -11k`colielorbe, vr` _ leOirr:2ollke - 4410**; Vegele, 4111010 ea lei-Vorrseeisitetkilee w V Veer/ arrni:a Pa , flJr'A earr: ar Pt ekleaso coke ea - 7elii/c, plate. —„ b Yeev, zo,V4 ,Vichat'tett+ ottlis Wit S drawn -KA.Thlt ILCIIICET•11414 TEIB ' Mil - firilleateett , :,i. DePtirighti4i4t•Peliasylvanht ECOIVROVIZAnanat Otitnakeimeitao "-Ike .an - 41T.i aetategenneiteatfor oonfeifinithede4too'Of Doctor OfilliOillpe:Nitil,bs tiold 'on,a/f.TURI))4;!O , kh I pd., at tGiiirtill,ittO4k,ltllND'o4l,ll.:ort, leimit;inove. 1140 1 V4Thtfott 4 re*tirlbg itildtiiitiii wttl be - delhter. r i.o ~.107,ki.;:', E gialntSX:-.:'..The, : v katlic(lfir'reilisotfolly:l t t livm to flttmitit.'7 , l APICANoIgi`G,',OS.IITAt- 14.;:M., '; -:, ' 1 ) 5014 .,itit;'''.: , ... , :4:4 . -c -, .. „ :'2 , ,t , ..;., 4 :•'-;:j7'; - -,;,5 . 41 - Big l4 trar• -- pAVa.,*tatedfalieditugg fortthe,.**Tnerneu. ;5111:11111314-TAINIMAIM:, 7AKSOCIAT,IOI.4•I Aeld 104"itilt**4-46413110004 adopte44lt, rulubill •.**EAtini 'r•rvoragel4l.7*par _day—from, 't(*ralit Zr* :Oilte*ql . f r as69.- . 8. "C 0 3 **ident-INF/1 4 '. • * "C4iiitiet#7 . 4 l fik? - *,lEAip'; - • Ye Aussvini:commenerinvicorificr kvw, slotmgole, Iv. VNtigTY ' - _ _ aArerli -30.4V-__i The ettiottO addremt -3?.; kioripsot og the Tlleory sad Pfietielt or attilatuc_ , - . • toittied, s - • 'o! Shnktearols - • HatotSt,,ntotottatit by Bowling. swills* tattoos, oolobratOd. Trap ;gesiati,ana Leobit'Os. - -" - thestabtat islitiosoOkettityliformia that be the tailromastorsitir boort/us ttits ontloont 24111015 t - ba bkilok-exprtiolf delayed s' la il - Opastoto to tha Want Arabs oteitsitilf - try'reAtOokti,lii: mmtpoonlbei ai....kaa to give.lo mr.04*11,14 br thtf:Obiirt,jllo9oll Or this 26okricrlfitwit 00i0E8T --, „-Ttekloti,',lso eeots,.foo sate bot - eli; drug, - aikiitaisar itorssi, sad ap,....thir toot, oii tits - - aveitlitit of AP:10 1 1)411;o 0t,6 Si I,cammette;eat'TX &cloak:. ,feit.4tOt holgesi LfltintitCalle; ''.- tourer aiStirdibteently ets.:l:•Prot= JOLIiB PiviabsttaYttlatiVibsaesit tbriPalsoittneoisva Arebytteet ',WiltrolisOnt,i3barolt lileviatitton;' Jerusalem: will dilirbr itiyi Pitetnria=atibil above Ilalti ovi !WAY, = , ,,V ioio, Wel - 4-,'ltinVetsteillitilit - ItraWsnitligypt:t4=/, =='.= vi:= WC - pmUlric 'Fleabites/140A ' , ltiixaV,rfin, IF,sq " ' " 74 " *it Me*" arthi olives • mid PRYStodbi ttKiii" tikaitixiite - tteuttei -, • Bolite*ii , fteneta.9s Setae eilob, iskiPP#ltainaiiibltt.ertinteiivati=bervartaioedabblastm's fitittotery Stain; tin: Cbastoubsty ;!Presbyterian Pub. listlenritottel:l32l-obiatinttist Po'soopal Boolretore, ,WlSSONestenktetreetaitt4yleris-Dens• Store, oppoilte .I.lk4kgitn; *id , :st,the.4l6or ,= Mkt prpliedisiTs#tii aMiseepery snmonsp,===..:2,= ====_ ai ontayv tja Aset'at CllZSOrtiT , Rtreet. below . 40.204:: , Wf1117,Draosyle4Itia;',Itais 4tii..thet:i:st: 7 fiauy ittibadifiao is Ustswit 4tif great rotaptikei• wilt nonto,befois itOBBSVPATTIMON; - Trlr.,,Lerd , qi: Pewee at, iGferipai— ,m3: • 4The amid Leettue Greet;ilerligente- SiVtAefilfixtetzi. CliviiiiettokiP.if al we elee:X:3ii Sett.' AVREPAND.' B rfAvti:. int,THURSDAY AMEN: to'?B.' Efabjeot.:l , 33loWsel .11404._arel Tlekate: 25 .6ent,1 1 1.7 mbk2clt 'trim Ansanizaeport Ake News. ifinfltAlb 200t110.1%ukir ,oa syrplisation Adias":"l( theDiantOri,,,pr stn 0py.1143.17 Itroet, , .-:'t;,l , :#l,ll(AND - 1111 : $1604014 - 4t.„- Aptainic Met} eit WI 'gibers* MLitt. -1143-:; i ii0S.141",103D01140:19 . :41r:11.11b• - ofilaers )44:tailithvif ottliiiltrUCtodir, 4nd 'Oro ,Okilif in rtatrelP.sie, iiirtiveirlf.-7reqatittd, to , *set' at the 1 1 4 11 . -0 B Tarsamori 04 Al fat, at Ocltiolr. sie. , lllW,,7llo,,atthad.3,li• , forerel• or their Lite 'Brother, 1011114112TNOBBC TiajtWrler Of-the W. • 5 '•",••••,4„. THOMAS," 3e11431111'y. • I•lteletution - p *seed, • 92 , thealtrintteetnce;nCthe 8er.1.10.412,148D, • •,ed 1101.02 HAV,L i tta,barponnented to tee a enneee ,190 • itatt44091;09:-.lh9;`, 4 oll2V.T.fahla of the .n .einnaltT 011 1 410941,?..!• , at , tbe„abore;timel HMI; the - 30fetliatintionuaenelapi.Menetn,44h, 0.0010 he tali-, Aliklie# on the fallaving •• • , - • • Liotuan, • 811,11110111. I. o►taraoeror~ Ind ,ttie - ,Mtelfaenee of • ,• • the Nary, Obnieb • • March d. : ,- - 10.eptiteneothdthe - fteeetlesofthellftft • i.e.- ••- ' • March 6. •,;11r.14.trotrsiikit,""ifel the rteolefiy of the " " ...:2130 , A 10. •_29.--.11-lienainc•itn,4,tba growth - 9f Prelatic Power - ' - • March 19. :,: - ..44te tun Giaiirend the strip Pollee March 18, T.1;;;:....faain1014 -- ..Alid e llia..3fonkts : or; the' •-;-- •••'"Adtddle"Agf,39 • ' 'hatch •ft• - lrif*. • Ifkoanatan,ainf:thi-20ffnm' 21 ."- ,, ----. , ..,'Papal,lteetnaehmesde • ` " Blareh 22. /Staab ',sad:thin :Sehofnalle ?KW. ••'• , • " ,••• ..... . ....................... 24: :•.1" , 4 , -Itielnini and •the . . - 1.9124 - eh zer. LOYOLA. and the 9.tenits. • • Mardi 29. • - '- ,• -• , !f-X44,Pnecrati and the araneetdett - Witt 81.• t,XIV-ziptatote, sod the Galilean ; Ohm •oh "af the:Eighteenth Century ` • liklattelne-the- - entire 9encee have been put - at ttte 10'10100 "- • - • $2 00 telkooln.-It • ' . - 120 -101 • 414Vrielatte •••• • ••• :9 5 ••.. We Ode 4 the PrheeirdWintiOse, and Often of the .41.2;thri, einartee - to 0 400141 i, otitroe of Ant* . Tai[ Receiver. ,rhilaidel• .1.1;3 1 'i• Abbr. rab:2B, ..185E-Tbie- Understood haratif , t e, ,otler , . that, Aber folichrimpiditoed persona' biro_ ! aidppaltriirtaa Oolleatorirot ontataadios tames for lidispriatill,'",aidt mouth . that no memo maybe paid .00 Proloint,of,:the tat laipc for. lay year; ateeptolidt. 1 41 4 1 1 -- al t v r atiVat f .°Vrtitr.!*:',.' Wird ,- -WILLIdIi 1100115_ . -.., -'..' .. Pe ',Ltd -WartWlYR:; MAO 8; titiNiii,-,••• ;.--, • ' .-.. • ANlftii - fi li tittii.i.L :!..,.• - ;..,........,,:L ,_,- ; ,- stii ' Vi rj ard:4oFtg TJatorri,i,:. '-' . . ~--,; . . --. '.. ,2=.llelrintlill'ar4-4011r2PUBBOWN- - .. , - 7 .. -, :. .. - ; - _ -- i.dilalith Ward.-W:4.I;iONdiIAtIGH:.- -- ' . --.- ;Mirth Watd:-OTIA.RI.IBB lITAIdIO3OIIB/11,:. -' .. - ~ . ~-_,'=o4l.lr,Waid - .4II4VILZEITINGI6II. - -...— • _, ;',:_:111 - entiilliiiird-LISdA.O Ma#11.1:031... , - .".,. • - ,tar Mb Ilisrd.tl.ltA d. , -: ;.....--•: iii... .." '. ''• • %% - ldiiireenth,.Ward-'lllolKail O.M: - I , odidraiiiiirWeripaidißNOß. Lidardi. .. liftenth Ward-JACOB-B.I)ErtAVIN. . • --- ...• -. ditSreidla Wiii*-43/1111:11L•ERVIN•:- , - _. ,:-'l s6 •Piiti*Ablr.ard.-43FiNRT - ElftWEWlTliii. ' s AtidpiiirailbrWard:-.3081011 SMITS , . _ , ._ - ...;.,2llacriaiodhlrard-4..ll.4lCTlMirid will', . ----..- --Tirr.,tmati.w.*2-:oommkr.m.opifiant. -.: -, -. '.Yrioninty: trig Wartl4.7Aooll quntroptim. .• - ;, - .Twest4. - 6Dtio wird=wnotiunarma m - tici. ' 4i;euti4l2:llWYST/311 - ,041.8r01!, awl cA,LV/$ _ ,, rwanty-fofirth Witd-i.REIFIa LASS. - --,,--' kal-St_ AL- r. 11.0144111Pillif, ..Itsaatvet of Tatra. IyOTS H , Vac PaikleMedl cal eat Cie . "an• r Conteieneameat wilt Mahal& at theiffusina :Pap& Hall, on.SlittliEDAYE Mitch the 84 ap noon. (Valediotery-by:kvareaterol,..ltilDßlON o c az M.D. Mails - by. the Germania ,TB4, Aubli9 ant invited. etafou phidiudeal suit riateritt: • ,• - 13 ItA Kraft, at.tha faculty. Rgrtgety ittheltotliteeekt:,—.4ll heteens having appi leattenit for dills hi the luerzu - ,zer TtKET geotillotteotrtoieleetleg the eatteeottllttlitB- -DAY, etaith 34tip - 0 "fog to eh* ntunetetucepplteeti one "heti' hying nuttlepito Melte irk Itheletetred toe termer apptletutslittet 'tbot:dite; iserrtituilits`Opetic at the - 4#1047 , 2148 A 010 1; _ Stale!, adjohtlar the; Mettcet , sant Unpile Instant* :Levitates 1 I—Rev. R. • : 31tesztEr: Itstitos of therWOMIORRA,ITIve - 0 nOtti, will' Lecture 'on , TERTRSOLY BYZNINR, Ifsfott hi, In , ISIPP4IOB rtatpo)ottmletobtg at tg ARtbjeht:..J,ll9lelleites,'for-Ropt.liste the Pre. .attreettiel the Intt - onnstlen.W , , - ..tlltls.,latpettestreabjiln; littiether with the It eputiV. ftionanjbyedbj Litie urei *soca et o'er most eloquent ,pnlpltonitets, will ileitttlese - t attract as 'oil large:tooth. 'eats; tlolmidelen - • htl6.ll6t*- Girard, Usitr=hillinflytleti.r,-.:1 31,4659,=4,8 P ec O al ' u qht i ?'tiiiitoethol z isr Pa2k maro,,lgAtil-!.tr.aivottalu atthhBASIII6O noun, ,eaeotleirer,4e.teatieg eapite Pef 0140•01blii.041144 et hiOonsillgite the &ark talharpliatig' Behh,r' apiriorid eh" gOttufeyof.Jann., IFY,litif6 , ./Vittle:Ace4l,leiproPord 4 s,eo Allege the Afrultke or thellberes of,gtook sol&hank from the pre• iont; pie rogue of ,twelee dollara,und,Ofty sotto per Aare to Oftrdollato per share, by A:smelling ' the pre. .fteCoartideltes - steek:sed_iesulng new ones, upon the ratid of cos tofonf, co that, kirtafter„the pareslue stoCkshall be Nifty Oasts per ahare. ll ,And, also, forithe-perpoleor eeterminingthe 'amount of the Bond reontredfor the r Cloobleriav provided for in Ord ouPplereent to Aetsegalatlag Books: , approved Vie th oar Of litiy; A., 33 • 1865, • , fe •Idtaibit ' ,14,84;111.A.IWZgl'Carlder. Wleettee - Oliiee -the_.‘putehari-, Fort ,WAYDRiANI/KODIOAGOE.AILEDAD.OO. - relapse ! TebTuety 25, 18119. The Aenuel Abeam of ' theAteekheldets .1a , the' 1 1 pIttatotex:',11teitt:O7eyeel.::(044 lEtteego'l24,lltoiA. 404 1.;-.4411. tie UM. at the floe* erthO 110AED OP TRADE, In the,,eity offPittiburr, nu TIJXBDeIt. the 891 k d ter - Mirth oext;arE Otaeek P ;Rd . et which Itikettat the .11)10stprip.itoi , the y ear 1858 will be t curie the en. 11 10 111 reorwill opwEigiza, .:DAMinifelOtti'VTOXitLiOi it Wo'ntopk:A. AI. - • TWO Traeger Hooke - wilt he:ieloted. from:the 2.14 t0 011M1hteek;hoth'teetuelve , *tot , tlee'.lielfleisht Steel; leohel'Ohte,eetl;Yetteeyleeeie, - fohlOvet Whoa - . /Dr 4othAftygioned',oloesee - BineekA 00 100444, . 01414 1 1 hoe Aet tosaetaeverted Into - the stook of 'ae: now calf goup ylll-taktoteattee4 - Wriga. at sad' 11.0301114 it iresentaitiielr isOitithisteO of etoeh to {ttYdila Tiaket . ltgentbit the' line , of the Oett ,wt bit'sol.C44,lketitelon,Tiokete truck - Ova Ms' 'Osia Vale the rotted 411,6jtoottlibioliteretillith to A rolt2C'bOth theAtustre; Nfot let of theliteeideut, , -; - : i ; , -'ile.474tiehto -, -: - ;417017,3 . :rtta,1111 - ADtqllt Beeittert. - Whietice—ihistliiret itlaiket Company: Izmir ff,44lklhiEhrlthe:htete':.ol% etioyiyanie..=Tbh - ounahalasirisheemd 10 , the Charter, ter ereetieg the fteleteilleritet , at , WIDTH end MI FIVIIANT streets, lifil'6ol.theillOONA FOB sunscattPTioNe, ea MON ' 'NAV: thelB hit' febrhery hist, - evelOh'eleeh , ,er, St , et ,thiatedfre. OrtbisseVehfuei'ef OHISTNUT &Id FIVTU .iita.itaiiip .laisitib , -wiatre All - la lotralifioti* iii•arafervinal illaWAltiOwglitgi , ialisad daily, ham Mi t,L11,2 olaggsk. '" • i: - "'' tr •::- 1 ":"f - '1;:.:141/41.9, r,triatriiirosAls:' I , -" l' , 1 ;aitatißD , ,Nroft,-; f.,.,%,•;• 46Miltii...W;;WYEW: •• • . i•aniAtil,til LOLAINDi . . WILLIAM lINNEU'i 4 ' --. 3iIhOWIL 0X,T.0 1 .?i , ,-.., , , , ,..:,-. BASUNI”-DALY-18,, , - -..-- ' JIONTON, KaMIDITAIL,, (I; WOBVIIINGTON; f. 9,01114211 $Oll/IFitZi--,'. WILLIAM MAMA. WIIIHOLAW•BiIAILD,,, -, lAMIIA GALOWAITII, • *WAAIIIIILJPAIIMAWM;), Itil9MAI Ti. WALTIR,. '.IIOMLIV,MARTI4,_--'IIII.4ATTEKTRYVAITE, kiItIirISAA.EGENiiD,;B: , MaTLER;. - 8 - : le r 40BAjf gas:- 1; ,IPIIIIPINA15,10AlbeT; . 7 1 . 110Ititrr itragstrotrAsiiffitNinuAtor atom; .-, ERWASD - AIr&RIMANI , ,,,IGMORQE,PtII_2BT..•„2 - 'lll WAliDlatitOTT7 -- liintißfirs, Minna, '.., : 101111ND4TtilfATILEI, ANCIY3 PMEDIA7, - ; 1:i. 5 1tVALY,714.:;;;',-; - _`. GeOlian 1.1, MM.: :- `;eltaaaCiliiLawit TebriUolo:lB6o -4 - ",- ; "1a1i.12 , 1 4 ;-,„-,:cloprootiotf.t ~ ..I. 2 4:nting3o-iir fiaYl 4, • 1:1T . - Plaltio4Donbeekitr• -inratOistr - on L 19/114 Elttest; to 'or ip. O VUE Pii,9 B LVNII,r ati•iiiixt Pr . iti:so24 of .42411rit';."." . .. for she , bill . • tbeir frivide will Owe: ....MOWIII4 - Mig.. so. 220 SI).208. oor.T.WSDIPTI2 isootio tlliioiokoili; 0344 CsolianT .1 1 'extWturaisiltebrsary'15, 18119. - • olloalomvpoltaottrsno—Tha - annual Wes. tor. ftred.ari.stintitis 'hold pa4teN,DAY, the 7th i it ssl i 8 0" atllis Ogse of. tho.Norokooy, No. Mlgittai THIRD' 4001;"-: .1 10(ipreilts.9p0004*Si,Y1 - 4ifSlSqc 4. A[, natii Itisiksyd'pesliitiesirilisYsitiltiwiiii s i x ti days next Ns is orespa wll4"44itismie holder ox' holdfirt , tnebtr '!Odltni'D SMITH,. . sterVillr. • / 19444 I tin* finite - toil- ciosik*Lityrtie toi. ;wog aconosott ATI' 9fflrltrilboyilitliti dotted , , -1; , -:. •'',, ~:-, - ~ 1'.,: , ; -, Pletilditit,44llllE, PRIM ''•': ..I id ;I/fain:A:, ''','-. will geeo, ' 1 o,llltehell, , , , - :Fordlnond J. Dover, moos 11,, itoore, -`.:,-;",. ..lohpfi. Moldulitß, . baititiadiar; -'::_., ~.:. '...; - ..f. ._ hue *lliott. , -- - - i*larjr, - olid . Voiotia" - os2Pii B. TowssEND.- Iti6olonaoirtklioyo woe* altsolutlon requiring both tlgnie sattilittene to :present thilitits at the en- , ilbternirelseloritir the Cometery,.. -- cflokida,maj to .;t0 . 60i,,i - ortlifpumpoolf:liiirAltoll gittOOti:or : - .1% thaltlYiAge!i' , Y ,, j?:-':' .., 7, _, ,1‘ . .... ''l.'.:.!.A•len, '01:11112; Mutant Plittcctolplit She county, -11 Rtv - serrobtf• „ . ... LAgE 4 :P7PXN.TP , :" , f- : -„ 1 - wx lIATX NOW OPEN. ':- - -'•-• 45uit, iyiv,ll zykro4:Tiv x 0:N, ,s. OOMPLII I 2I ,, 'APJOATRENI , , . 07 ' ' ''' !i, REAL :THREAD ”' „ . '-'-' , l-‘ AC E P.". 0 I N'T a; NEWEST AND HANDSOIREST DIMMER , ~,,•,,, - -.„ „ •-•- , ", ;" •, _ IDIPO6TID 141i8 SEAN*. • THOMAS T4'. PAVANS' & CO., '' ,' ' ' 818 AND 820 011ERTN1TE STBEET. r somisi _- . , - • - - 7UZ SS .SILKS. ;cot opened, a large stook of ' ii gaoled with ease from tile latest arrivals, embraotri . 9114914A3iDl3EAUT/5131 OTYLEI3 • r Willett will be sold at our mallow prim. ottiiwgs BTODDART BAOTHER; 450, 460, and 464 NORTH OBOOND STREIT, , 0 1 1 42 . 1 4 t, ABOVE WILLOW:' SPRINCY.GOODS FOR FRIE N DS: - 'NOat Dirlpeii and Winched 81114. • • Ittodoi and'ilest Fistula Sas, Neat alid - new styles of Dareges. ,• Pabriterisi thin Dress ciondii. • • , • „ Duals, Warm!. , '.Neat Organ dies , Lawns , Vernal's, &a. • • , • - • SHADPLEBB BROTIIKBA, • OHISTNOT snditlGHTll Streets piGtrRED SEURTINGS; ' Nest Figured, Striped; . antNew reailigtue of wide Ohniing'Peinto - • - ' • - Francis :Perealihriud bright Ohlifies for children. Neat/figured Irish Linens. - . ' @NAUMANN BROMINE!, . lIIENTNUT 'and BIEFHTII Wrote. SPRING,,OIIiNTZESSeventy-nine new ntylaaßrltlah and Herrlmack•Prints, 123 cla. • Tins 4.4 English and /ranch ()hint:ea. • 8-4 and 4-4 neat and fancy Shirtlegs, 12,4cand 18% eta. COOPINI & UON A RV. mhl - ' S. N. corner NINTH and MARKET. 'f INEN GOODS.-10.4 Damask Table ~-4131Othe, good at 81.50. ' Breakfast Cloths, 87 to St 26. Red borderedlluck Towels." ' • Fine Iforkaback and Diaper Toweling. Tirkinge, Bbeatinge,Bhlrtings. - Vine and Medium Fronting won't._ Heavy Linens, by the place. COOPffilt & OMAR% rota T 8. 8. corner-IVINVII and MARKIT., filtLA.Cla 'MIXED 'POPLINS: - Aud Erd: bliscol; just opened, s Lrge lot qt 18 ije. , - -Boot Poll dl Chanel from auction, of 260% • ' Om) lot newAtobe Wool Detainee, • 3 - One lot now Patin Plibt Babe Donegan • . COOPER , & COWARD mhl O. R. comer NINTH & SUBMIT 33 11. • 1011 - PRINTED GRENADINES • AND 1100111,14 SKIRT noes, • In the ololoest &taigas. , „ •. „ „ OIIRWEWEITODDiRT & BROTingt, , 4.60;p_ . 2, And 414 . 'Nati& B.llCo s U re et s, rgt otw . - : CI A LEGANT STYLE JazA BTZLIA AND CASHMERE_ 19111. o new, a lthaV d a g Nial r DART & DRYL.IVe rt). 460, 462; and 464 No!tbl3DCOtiis;e n e, Willow mhl.l3t - • above ow It'gniAl4 ritlN 2'3,1) BARB GB 420 11 , 1 1 1 67rairS i g j a maa-st „ above AVELLING-DRESB MATERIALS - IN GRN&T.VADINTY. ' , CIIRWEN ISTO-DI`ANT & BROTHER, -; 450, 41.1, and. 4d4 Notth SZOORD_Stroot, ' • 'above Willow pro Ooabo 0:014600Attliois:. COTON - Mb.TTIN'GS. - - • ' 20D PISMO WHITS. BO DO • ADD 01130521 D, /int teadrid and for sale bi - WOLVD, -WIDSON, Do, In 011281ENUT Street, Carriante: Ggo,4GE, WATSON'S OARRiAIit EEPokTO AY, Nos. 1217,.12}0,tui1l 1221 martam - CARRIAGES ( OP SHII 11ANICIPAOT0/04 OP WILLIAM. D. ROGERS. REPOSITORt, 1009 0111iETNET STREET 1011 re6lo.4in LADIES' EM2ORIUM OF, FASBION, at 28 North MONTH Etreot. E. flOcinia Opals es assortment - of SPRING PABILIONS:in PAPER PA.PTNIINE, this day. full mita of -PLAIN and-TRUMED Peerrinala selected kir Morehints. - Buenas Ind Ronal *aids nit Ind lilted; "Pinking attended tout the shortest notice. schB..9tit f I iTOT/OX'r-Any' - hating /teed L 1 Ratite to blare In tba Linde clr in Agent will be aeiteln to hoed his btisioase etriatly, atteaued to if „ptind blithe bands of- If. P: Agfa, °Moe; No : ] O3ll R loath Pitt R. Cot. Lennon Poyeter, 11r. Thaw McCoy, U .Tabee, " Rdwent Rally, htut , John Leacratet, Thilaseßaniett, '‘" Rao. A,elly,- Capt. Euol.3latfeaoary. mbB tbm ' LILEGANT FEENOII FLOWERS for tho -LA BAIR N at Hoop '8 ) 28 North Street. ruhB43to - - YOr.r.W4NT_ A' VERY F.,INE,TIV.E' Poirtritt,# thotbtraph Jii Oil' will gems bit't it onidti 0t M1111121)4 , 8 BECIOND Omit. aboVii oratio. - • • - jtit IRON" FOUNDRY CASTINGS, of all di- Mentions, such u Girders, 11111rOld 0611titra, Dis ohlueri.riarate Bars, &0., on the best terms. O. OAR RR 4L, GERRANTOWN Roid, sb. Fifth st. - mhB-30i ink&MA:GEDILLVANA SEGAREL-A row: small lota of Henan legars. ellabtly datofigeel, for side very low by . , CHARLXB TZTII, m. 1313 at • . . ) 88 WALNUT. 11.1AVANA SEGAIIS.—A frosh, arriltal of A..1.'11 few brands of &wide Tobacco just rewind AIM limbs, and for male by mum:Rd TETN, rata bt - 783 WALNUT. Sal VIERS & SNODGRASS, 34 SOUTH SECOND and 23 STRAWBERRY STUEBi'3, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS pikanB;lsoEgar,LNS; VZSTINGS, TAILORS TRIM*INGB. -4tp4ali goals adapted ti 3 MEIVAND D'OYLP WEAR The attention of all purchasers is called to the above, with the regnert that they will cell and examine our 'Stock, ismoil which will be found a large and carefully selected line of fresh importations of the latest styles of Spring ClaSsimeres - and Tasting', which will meet, fully the wants of the trade. „ Puln.anit.puta, March 2,1.8,69.. mart-tt''. ``OLD DOMINION." Old Dommlon • Old Dominion Old Dominion .old Dominfonii Old Dominions Nor Boarding riOUSOI Old Dominions Old-Dominions Old Dominions • Voir the ; 10 , er - forty different varietles and styles, of the Oolebrated " OLD Doutinortn Coffee and Teo Pete are now roadrufsetured. Being based, or Dr. Hall, of the Journal 'of -licalth, says, .ton science and common sande they are rapidly cording into use, and are des tined' idea te' supersede all °them They eon be ob tained from or ordered through any •etorekeeper, or deals- 1n honeekeeplig articles:. 117' Merehante huh not received oar Trade Olpoularighins prlees, terms, &e., will le immediately supplied en application, by letter, to • ARTDDR, BURNHAM, & OITAROT, • 111 and US South VIRTU Street, Philadelphia, Pole Diennfacturer, ander the Patent. yry- Also ; manufacturers, under the Patent, of AR aintart vrzn BYDR-LIVAL. LNG FRUIT CiAlia Sitalf JAMB. - jalB-thetriem 14.1100 Ist, 1859: DERODER & RIDOWAR, Wholesale Dealers is leine7 end- Staple Dry Oocas _DREAD. von °Ana. 04rultentlY reccistog GHEAT Walla/UNE from the lam) Auction Sales, sod specially inWe CASH BUY RSA to W31 , 241.106' STORE, No. 237 &ROE street. ixib2.Bt4S fiLD TON LORDON CORDIAL.- 15. & 'suppljr• of this sripesior &Mole hes been .seilassi by. the Lyttende May. Per sale by P. D. LONOOII 61112, 211 8. FRONT biros% sole- Imposter. - The Old Tom aln May be had at all the Prineloal Dsugglsts.azol FashlonsbleGroders. mb2.121,4 :JUST REORIVXD . 'and: In, Unetpin-House Sterceocto eaeke A. etiviette Rochelle BRANDY, hignartaraka. eighths, which We offer to the trash at the Ter: lowest market price: - JOS. B. TOBIAS & 00. • feSS-Ut WS, 509 sat as Ontls n i ow A. SHEILD9N 45c C 9., (LAIR & -- 00 !) POLISII THIS DAY THE LosiNG AND, TAXING OF, kANSOOV; Or, LOOTININS ON Tall HOLY WAR t DI the Rev. A. B,,PerreS, it.' Be MIN lee work that has long been needed. Bunyoubi other greet Allegory,has been the baste of a number of popular and useful volumes of leotures, buttbis lathe first sueeissfol attempt to _unfold the wonderful teach. logs of the Holy War.' • It le finely Mustiest* with 7IQBT BPIMITRD IINGILIVINGB, - and will be found a book of rare interest. - CONTEINTS, - - Laotara,Pirat—ldanaoul taken by the Enna), or Man In lila Primal loncoanna and Pal! Leatara Beeond;-A Plan Devised for the Recovery or, Monne, or the Greet Baden:Titan.' ' Leiture Third—Musota Besieged, or •I9arnwt and Effective !mulling; • Leettue Soirth—Raosout Mutated, or the Lord working With ns. , , Lip:gore Ylth—Mansoil rlubdued, or Grace Trlam ; Lootore fith—lloorwanizatiln of tho Town Gomm moot, or'tho Penn/ of Itlghteonnaosa. Lemurs Seventh—lndications of Revolt In pianos*', or Devises of the Adversary. Leottail Eighth—Now Si:themes of Treaoherk In Man son!, or Tempting Sloe. Lecture Ninth—Sutranee of Immanuel Into Hanson', or °Mgt our Joy, sad Strength. - Lecture Tenth—The Town seen In . lts First Beauty, or the Soul trade Perfect In Holiness. Laotians Rieventh—The Spiritual War Reviewed, or Satan Vanquished. These titles, while presenting a *else Now of what le embOdied in the Allegory, will serve also to suggest the greet doetrioal and practical . truths that are here discussed. - - The above work will bb cant by mail, postage paid On Willie of $l, • , matB•lt• THE GREAT- NATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. AN ACCURATE PHONOGRAPHIC REPORT TIM SUNDAY•SCHOOL TIMES Of thin weeT=ls issued in double sheet, and contains a oompleto phonographic report cf thaproceedinge of this important Convention, together with the resolution and the eddrese sent forth by the name, 'I he speeches embrace &great variety of argument and .111nstration, upon almost every point of practical importance con. netted witithe subject. Take it altogether, One report of the Cionvention, Asher° fundelted, will be found one of the'beet Suuday.Sohool documents weer leaned. , itt porinteudents generally, who desire to strengthen their own heads In the work, Weild do well to take measures to present a copy, not only to each of their teachers, but to each or tbo heads offamilies in their congrega tions. To furnish ao fall and complete a report hM coot no small amount of labor and money,;, yet the whole le tarnished at the ler price of 6 Conte per copy, or V 3 per hundred.- Poi' sale by THE AMERICAN StJNDAt SCHOOL UNION, -No. 1122 CTIETNIIT TIELENT: Also, by , , • • • JUST PUBLISH. A PRACTICAL, TREATISE ON STRUT OR RORSE-POWER RAILWAYS; • VIZIR - LOCATION, CONSTRUCTION, AND MANAO BURNT, WITH • - ctENERAL ' , LAI'S AND RULES ran, 'MIR ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION; Together with Examination as to their Compere - tire Advantage* over the OMNIBUS SYSTEH, Add Inquirtee el to their Vane for • • " ' INVESTMENT; Ine r lidfolt *ogee or - 111IINI012AL ORDINANCES RELATING. THERETO, atuamost. DT BNORATOIOII. ' BP ALEXANDER NAE•TON, 0.'I:, • • ' • Not,smxtrats.. -_ - The 'bole riork will be for, sale oti Monday nest, the, lth loident i by - O. J. PRIDE do CO., ' Booksellers and Importers - , • 55 8. SIXTH Shoot, Plitimis. • JUST PUBUSILEDI • ♦ 311 ;fat OssOinprtox 07 Its lamb!tants, Cogan* Minos; Ml:cora% flatly We. toil, Modern Fillbniterlstir,' Proposed In. ter-Odeauldßetail, and Mani. feet entity. By MLR le, STOLfT, , • Late Malted States Vice•Comul; Ac Vice•Oonsta Mr. Stout had unuenat facilities for becoming acquainted with tho'prodnetione of the coun try, the oharaoter of its p opt., and the political affairs of this and adjoining Btatea. lie ace rolitt of the leadara of the Central Amerlati forces, and gives a history of the vital a gtapblo but tintiall and impartial pen. - Iris book will servo to throw mutt light on the greet Central American problem now ne eopylogthe attention of statesmen and others In our codoto. - 872 pagee, I2mo. Pries 81.25. , For sale by Booksellers and News agents generally, or sent by mail, poet-peld, on receipt or the pride. JOAN 11. 1 0 C'PER, Publisher, rata ti 617 SAN6BI 0 street, Pcilsdelphis, Pa. WittOtiAL REMOts.I, ' • MESSTAS. BAWD A, 5141.1,61014 delti,UPOS , „ ~119 'nth 80 0 0.1. TRAMS Whit they this week rennin their Patio/ buslind to the large brown, free4torld Store, Bp. .380 00.0. ND street, corner of Broadway. known as ' BROOK'S WILDING? Where more oonirenient and roacions accommoda• Bona; on the first Iloor, farililate their her ot,tt on kw a fullaiipply, not only of own Publications; but a complete stock of everything in the department of literature. Special arrangements with the principal Alperin!' Publirlaing nouns. and buying in large quantities, enable them to Coil always at Publishers , Piton. **Booksellere throoghent Ste - country will find that ell orders will be promptly and economically at tended to. , *** Barna tin trosttpple are offered. to pnbilo and grlynte LthaAninn, to whom liberal discounts will SP made. KMIEMIIMI SWINT PUBLICATIONS: MILES STANDISH, Illuatrated $5 00 APTERNOON OP UNMARRIED LIEN -- BASER BELL. By T. D. Aldrich BUORLANIPS 0 onwarno HENEW NOLS SOUTRIVOLD. T By 'Lil N le Devere E nzUntated.....sl 00 ERIC: Or, LITTLE BY LITTLE 6 1 00 ATHELII LAVA-LIBEL By Moe Sweat 1 00 VERNON GROVE. By Mra. O. 11, Glover 100 • 41 , 41 ,4 f Thin birobe steroid by all Boole eeliete, sad will be sent by moll, poetnae free, to any_part cf the United States, on receipt of the price, by eiGOG OARLETON, Publishers and Booksellers, ' N 0.130 GRAND Street, corner Broadway, ml3-thatn tf • , New York. A . CARD TO THE BOOK TRADA. T. B. PETERSON BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS and BOORBIII LEM; would most respootfolly call the attention of Tan TRADE, and IdERCHIANTS Reae- Tslly, viettlag the Olty, to their LOUIE and YAWED ASSORTMENT of SALEABLE BOOKS. which is now offered at very low and reduced prlcei. T. B. P. & BROS. have jut iissued a new and 00117 PLETE CATALOGUE of all the BOOKS they PUP, 8188, which, together 'with the large Meek of works published by the various Book Ileums of . PHILADELPIIIa, BOSTON, , ..... sad NEW YORE, form one of the most OOMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE AeIiOBTMENTS ever offered for The inspection of the trade, among which will be found the poi Ma, works of Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, , Mrs. flouthworth, 0 'reline See Houtz, Markle Lever, Erederiks Brenier, Ann S. Stephens, " Mies Pardoe Mre.i Grey, Mite Picketing, Geo. Lipperd, T. 8 Arthur, B. L. }Rawer, P.. W M. Reynolds, Ilenry fionkton, Begone one, and many otherr, the beat anthem of the day. Deafens will Sad it greatly to their advantage to .PllBOl/ABll DUMP from us, to the xxraa itilulOtIMRST offered will greatly occupen•ate them for the trouble of ,oallingatad exemlotug our otooli. Od.iraLoooEß PIINNIBELND GRATIIITOINMY. All orders should be sent dirott to T. B. PITERFON . BROTHERS, Publishers and booksellers, mh2.DL No 803 011ESTNUT Street, Philadelphia Coffee Pots, Tea Pete Cages Um SAFETY! For Hotels For Restaurants For SteaMboato ELEGANCE!! ARE INSIIRRD BY WHARINGF • DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW MATINEE SKIRT, Wllll 788 PATENT DETAWIABLN HOOP F!4.I3TENUNG, ADJUSTABLE 'BUSTLE. SAFETY I ! since it tfectaalty obviates the danger arising from entangling the feet, or foreign substanoes, in the hoops.' OfinifOltT ! ! because the muslin skirt can be in stantaneously removed from the Opting by FATENV ItO;TA.ORABLIit I'ABTffiNINGS, washed with other garments, and at no greater expense, and replaced on the hoops in a minate 1 BLEU/flit:Ml I because the Scientific , ut of Lles mar. lin shirt, and the the material of which it Is compoeed, give a graceful fall to the robe worn over it, and will, in hot weather, enable the wearer to dispense witit any intermediate skirt. ?'he MATINEE MIST bas eleven hoops, weighs bet {Oil OUDOCO, 10 OTASIPID VIVI 0313 VIUDE Ulla Of MOM fICJOLOB /t SiLERWOOD, and is the, best Skirt ever introduced to tho, public, and quite indis pensable to eirery fitly who desires to combine in her airarel SeFETY, - 11011FOit.T, and ELEGA,Ifni For sale at ail the prinelpid stores in the United States end V&otdp. larkal-Ins NO, 11:141,0tqtiotte. NIT I'ort4, 1 Vol. 12mo. Price $l. PROCEEDINGS W. B ZIEBER, 1,06, sOUlll TUIRD STREET .123 COMFORT. i3hoe linbilxge• JOHNS . ,A . • SON. - , esuc4imor mink) ; Importers and Diugari. Ix SHOD 1371:1PB8 sa4-1111.30111W, LA6%41.4614 OALLOONO, AT THE OLD BTAED;•. jighead tamer of FOMITH ate' AEON Strom rebl.Bat LAING & 1111AGINIstIS, • No. 80 14•TORTH•TRIRD STAEET, - • ' Imp:leis of, and Doesthinj • • SHOE MANUFAOTOEERS' GOODS, And all Mae of Shot! Taub. . • .• • UPSIALDIS PATENT , ROOT • mamma. MACHINA& • • LEATHARRoimaNW MILLS ' SAWING MACHINE SILKS, THREADS, And „ .NEEDLES. ANOTMET,IEIB.II,ind AMARIOAN SHOE THREADS felb•tmull - - EDWIN W. PA NE, Importor.ticd'llenlor IN BOOT, SHOE, and OLITEEVATERIALE, Iron Building, N. W. owner AEON and FOURTH OW LABTINGS, GALLOONS, ' BITENTINGB, , wawa PATENT LEATEEE. oonaRBES WEB TOILET BLIPPED. lIBBSBA febl-Bml SHOE THREADS, - OE3, ate. Stuirg EtlrD SPRING TRADE. ' H. DIIHRING & 00.; • Nos. ;a and 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Rove just opened thMr recent •'• • IMPORTATIONS - ` ; ENGLISH ANIY,,GERMAN HOSIFLAY,_ GLOVES; AND SMALLIV,IdatES; • And solicit an inspection of thetr,ookipleinAnA well aauorted Moot, .1113PNCIALLT ADAPTED TO sournEas AND 80IITHWESTERN TRADE febb-In BUR NETT, SEXTON & S7EARLNGEN Are now opening at their Store, No. 409 MARKET STREET, Above Ponrth, Neith Bide, . • ' A RANDBOBII AgliOlgthiliNT OY 'p2z.r.zyG STYLES , • FANCY DRY Oa THEIR. ONDOXPORTATIOA AM meleotion, which they offer Weals to Dome from all plate of the United fitetoeicni the most Mend tenon, f.bO.Bm - MOOAULEYAROTIfER,, &BREWSTER, 28 NORTH NEVER STREET, Have just opened oath; _NEW SPRI;%;G. STOCK ' HOSIERY, GLOVES, And EMMY,. GOODS, To whit* theyinvitethe attcation of Ont•etaesbuyer'. . Our 'toot a particularly adapted to the BOUTHEIptrtRADE. 2132 r • SOHAFFER 81 ROBERTS, 420 IL4BRET:sniurr, IMPORTERS Alb) JOBBERS or" nOBIERY, Gums, . amt., wAnzs,:COMBO, BRUElligo, LOOKINOALAOBSO, GERMAN AND nENca IANUY QOODO, AO- • • TAILOW 141-2 m ilAreqs gripnings. J. —& A. K_EIMPAR, 88 SOUTH POtilall. STREET, Impeirterd esd Wholeeks peelers . • LADIEp' cathhe partlefilar‘stteit of the tread to their .41.1,11 Alirl4 asoortment of #04.011 PQMPOSNETTB, lf1111:11114 — l‘ aria: TrallihrtriON Rint - PSNDANT BUTTON, p. We are prepared tdexerrtite large orders for Silk and Marsettlee Magee, Teasels, Cords, Buttous;ati , it our who Paotoky, N feb2.2m M. W M. J. HOREITMARN & 004 -US OHNSTNIIT Street, MANUIPACITURNBB AND /ASSWITSRS L ADDIS , DRESS TRIMMINGS, Are now proptred to offer to Mb TAA Dllls LABOR and .Itso UT assortment of LA DtEB' DUBS TRIMMINGS, suitable for the BPRIwG OSUMI, to which they Ito vao tftei attention of DMUS. MANUS AOTORY, FIRM AND (URRY STRIIIITB. f,l9•etuth at* LEE R. BEARE, 280 CEIgSTNDT STREET, now offering their Spring Importations of WRITE GOODS, EMPSOIDERIES, , LACE GOODS, Atn., AT TiftT LCISY TM , feb2G•lo! WM. J. HORSTMANN & 00., . 723 91LESTNIIT Street, ' MANUI'AOTI3BIDS AND IMPORTEDS LADIES' DEES§ TRIMMINGS, Aro now prepared to offer to the Freda a largo and, &Nimble agoortment of LADlliff' DRUM and MAN TILL& TRIMMINUS, BELT,RIBLIONO, so., 4to. And would call par titular attention to SILK IRMO= and TRIBININGiNj Of theinown Manufacture., , Also, SHATIAIiD WOOL, whiekthey ere now reedy to supply in Large Qtourtlties and at, the Lowest Market Pries. AtAiiIIVAVTORr, feb22,14,01 , FIFTH and OEUIRRY Meets Oarbware. mooßris HENSZEY & CO., SIM 421 MIMES, and US 001111BIt011 Streets. PHILADELPHIA, Keep constantly en lien& a large stock , OP 11 ARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, U., Which are offered to BUYERS on Moral Term. feb23.3na TRUITT BROTHER 80 CO IMPORTERS AND WITOLD/ULM DRALERS 119 HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OURS, PISTOLS, to., 629 MARKET STREET, 529 BMW 9IXTII, NORM SIDE, renam Montil. VONNERCIAL AND TRAVELLING 000DITS available in 5U parte of the world, opened with th e hone of MOMS. GEOIIOB PAARODY to 00., of London. Apply to GAW, IdAGALEBTEB, fk. 00., to2.tt Bit W &WWl' fittest WALL PAPERS. HOWELL Sr. BOURKE, wagusAtal WALL AND WINDOW PAPER IVASEHOUBB, No. 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, mar7.-4sa Below Market, East Side NOTIO.E.=-In pursuance of a Resolution IN adopted at the Annual Meeting of the - Stook. holders of the PIONNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY, February T, 1860, PROPOSALS will be roomed at the Office of the Company, No. 231 South THIRD Street, until SATURDAY, the 130111 day of APRIL, 1819, for frunielliog the said Company with Property "on the Delaware-river front anywhere between the month of the Schuylkill rlrer and a point 9 miles above Richmond, dimmed imitable for a Terminal end Dept for the ert , 4 Co rpony." Certified copies of the survey of each property that may be offered will be reonirta to be deposited with the propoeal, which will be rotorrpd when the selection hos been made. . Rich proposal will be considered MAWR eilher in whole or to part. The right is re served-of 'rejecting any port at the ground offered, and to appropriate to the use of the Company any property or properties that may be specillsa in any of the prop°. altionseubmittod is dseirable ibst the propotE lona aboula be sub mitted at as early.a Sato ea practicable. Proposals wilt be aidroybes to LIDIA.OI THol,lBoN,ldea. 11424 - uthe Uptlo 1859. - SPRING, •• MILLINERY GOODS. ' •LOWS DANNENBAUM. No.: 57 , NORTH'. SECOND snuarr, BSTWBEN and AIIOII,IIASY BIDE., Invitees the attention of City aatliarifitialiYars large and well *elected stock ot , .., • 'RIBBONS AND PILK9, - " i - MAYES AND L&OES, WLO WEBB, Embraohrg a large and compboto gook of kW - AND 0110I021 , MILLINBRY poops, Which , b• sold at exoaadlogly low prices A° CASH AND ENODIMAD2 DOYENS. marl•thAlt LAMS, 801 9 &o, .nETILOPOLITAN RIBBON - HOUSE. . - RIBBONS,' - AND MILLINERY AdOODS. Of every deaoriptical. ORIPSB,, pONNEP SILKS MIRROR PLOWIRS and SPRIGS; BROOM, dm, &a -J. C. W; E. TA33ER. ' - - • No, 25 &nth 820014 D Wait, PHILADELPHIA. mhl.2in 1859 - ili"'NE*Y.- '1859 STRAW GOODS. - ' New end complete maortmeot at, , SILKS, RIBBONS ; FLOWBHS, CRAPES, ItypEDia, LACES, And every Other ire:Ufa that 11. M. • , ALSO, STRAW :BONNETS' = AND , STP.4:Vr TRIMMINOI3,' Njuhreelng In all an easortment unequalled in tide oily, and to whieltwedurthe the attention of bayou. Those prolamin for °sell, or, a shat min, will do well to give sea a oil before aileollin eliewhera. . N.' BERNHEIN & 00., No. Al SOUTH:S2OOND S . FREED:TBgOO.; 246 MARKET STREET, LAMS, EMBROIDERIES, WRITE GOODS, &0., Have now la store a oomplete assortment of all the Mau an 4 desirable styles, vblei Ns will sell at thi lowest prices, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. • S. , CUSTER, S.ILNDiACTUILIS AND, .WIIOLIN9ILLI) DIALREL IN 6 . 1"13.4 LW HAM'S ADM MILLINDItitGOODS. 407 NORTH SECOND STREEt -- -- • PaLtADELPSIA. , 1421.20110 BONNET ROOMS. We en agents for the inaiuteeturere - for the male of the' above goods, and have now In store a complete saaortoent, whiab we wlll sell to the trade at the MANUTAOTURRIVB LOWEST P/ilO-28. ,We solicit a call, and examination of oni stock Oilk anb MD Oval Jabbers. SPRING TRADE NOTICE - ' 1859. RAIGUEL, MOORE, &CO. Are now reosiviog their Spring Importations and exhibiting at their Sideeroome, 220 & 222 N. THIRD ST.; Tho meet extenalva, elegant, and complete stook of FOREIGN AND3fIiBTIO DRY (}GODS ever before alibied by them, and- prefietitinlit attraction td the trade generally. - Their extenelaii iitotie haring' been remodelled Ma do then to appropriate to each ciao of Goode a papa raie kii..Aelkene,"eist DWESTIOS; OINGHA2.IB, PRINTS, AND LAWNS, BILKS : , ' QLOTUS AND CASSTMERES, - SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, HOSIERY, NOTIPNB, & TRIMMINGS, , CARPETS, Oit, CLOTHS,, uhumtc,ta k Peniens, 'Posit of whtelt the attention of • CASH AND PROMPT SIX-310N1M13 BUYERS febitllm" is sonatina: , 325 MARKET STREET. 325 A. W. LITTLE & CO., • IMPORTER§ MID J 08131630 OP . SILKS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, ALRBONS; TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, EMBROIDERIES, ho., .to. • • 'fo2l-3m pRINTs i. PRINTS! Thefiubsarlbar, having intact up a large room PI7.IIkTTS M2C.CX.."CrSITt.NZ-g", ON TUESDAY, MARCH ;,at, Worthy the, special attention ot' btery buyer vteithl THE NEWEST AND BEST STYLES IN NEARLY ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES AMERIOA'N PRINTS, • PItINTS um PALE BY THE PIECE OH PACIYAOE JOSI-IUA L. DAILY, Na. 218 ISARKET STREET, Eliosoluturna anb erovartrwoliipi. NOTICE. ' ; . ~ . , , . PaiLloitrimi, March 1,1959. Mr. ANDREW BOSS is this day associated with us in general oopartneretup. PHILIP P. KELLY .k. CIO., Banksro, tohl.tf - No. 10 South THIRD Street. PROPOSALS FOE EXTENDING THE YRAO6I. OF MR SECOND AND HURD-ST. PAi3BENGIIII, RAILWAY along Richmond street, from the Reading Railroad to Allegheny avenue, will be re ceived at the Office of the Company, 226 WALNUT Street, undid TRTIRSDAY,3IIIarcIz, noon. Plana and Specification, can be aeon at the Office of the Company. RENDS' SRARWOOD, - fe2s fmw Mare Secretary. ' N~IONEY f MONEY I MONEYMONEY I LIBERALLY LOAN3D, In sums to suit appll• cants, on deposits of Watoltes, Diamonds, /swag, Plate. Huns, Mershandise, Ace , on moderate terms, by JONEB Brokers , oo.N W.. corner THIRD and OrIeSILL litrmata.' brdow Lombard. Notablisbod 1824. Office henna from 7A.M.t07 P. M. nah2-im if 100 BBLS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE In store ord for Ole by 9.0. VAN AMGINGIe, Za., f.lO-tt 104 North WHARVitit, C _ EAP TILIIN KS, CARPET BAGS, and ALIUM, Whblents =A Reis% at - A. L. & A. P. DlrSTOrri: No. 111 North SECOND Street, (east 4484 rehlAnthe St* above Arab Ovoid. RAISINS. -800 boxes new orop, _prime order, Layers, Demob, °lndere, in store and tor pte he A. IitIIRINO ..‘.l AL T, SAL T— 3,000 sacks Liverpool 1 , 3 Ground; 1.000 'saki MatshalPe Pine = 20 000 bags Mitiy & marred siren ; in solo, in lots to snit, by fan nt. ALEX. KERB., 783 800th WHARVES. C.88E.-489 BoxeB - Herkimer-county Cheese In store and for isle by 0.0. BADI.XIt & 00., , r«'2l SROII Street. 24 door abOvli Yront. mANILA. :ROPE, assortod sixes, Nutria Ind for sale at lowest Nsw. :York prleeis t bjiVßAVED,_ i 11142, .2. co., No. '22 North 1211AMS2 222 SO North WAINA 2214 =ME Mil!burg crob,qt- IMPORTEDEI AND 7OTIDEDS OP S. PREEDLEY .15 CIO., 246 iti&RENT Street DRESS GOODS, MUTE GOODS, Ora oob labium WELL OPBN AN ASSORTMENr OP PRINTS, , this market ALSO, ENGLISH PRINTS, THE ,LARGIST ANORThIENT THE UNITED STATES PIITILDELMIA ==== tatt !pork, SPRING xo,T;9p, pRORTAilde' EVERY, DRY-WOD,II maßcquarr: - IN NMI DE: FORESZ - ,', , --':'-:,, :, '-:'.,-,,.--",, 4.11.A1Ti1,45N15;:;-01‘AC/C). Are deli im . ..leeiving theft opviag Diva tieSleiliiii#oo . o exhible.na at their. , , . fiLLES•ROOMS, 80 AND 81 onARBErs STBSET. Sit Y.; The magi eitesisiiie;Jolegant, Tasted, and - Apiatplatt stook of FOREI(IN:,- , ,'f , : - T.: , . AND DOMESTIO'GVOTA - " — ' - , - EVEB, BETRI9i . OrlpA r lD, Po* sale ' by them e and, presentini attis eiiest vantages, to the trade 'generally, and firodi'Ml rush as are to be met with In eery tier plasma - Vier extensive stores on Chambers street, whisk they neaupy entire, inable,them % to: appropriate to each elmeal, geode a 'separate deratosenctlad to km*, in teatovrr many diet stooks in their wriarikans, each of which complete. , Without spertilyingthe MIAs. Oaf hawed, they would name the department*, Ms.: • DRESS GOODS, =-• &LP; WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, -- CLOTHS AND OAISSWERE. Ss FLANNELS - .SRAWLS AND MANTILLAS, - - HOSIERY AND GLOVES, • - YANKEE NOTIONS,`'' '- - DRESS TRIMMINGS; _ PARASOLS, , - . DOMESTICS AND-PRINTS. To their 'Domestic and Print Der4itinaat they Sall particular attention, imbrichig all the_ eadiag *aka and aide*, which will belaa at the veep LwireoA They hive the entire production of tie , WARREN , PEINTI7B;' , .S A print width' hos dohs' more good to• turret hers through the oonntry,:thetaat daemon, than peritaidiag other low-pear print. Their kfairleriae, eddietVoi, Sprague, Garner, Donnell, and DA0211.9 AWABANThi PRINTS, are of ibeVerypeaheeleotleine. ' OLINTON,GLASGOW,LANOASTRR,AIQDSOOTOB GINGHAM, in every variety. - Their -' .DOMESTICS !Imbrium the followhs g BILL IWANlT4OtiLflttifq CO BATES', MILLS, NEW IDltlf MILLS, MERRIMAC, LONSDALE, ARXWRIGHT, POOASSET, N.A.IIMKEAG, PATTERSON., 'PEPPARYLL, WRITE ROOK,' HEBRON, ' CABOTT, METAMORA, LAWRENCE, Aniuvrzo. An the well-known. makes of TICKS, STRIPES, and DENIMS, Ouch as York, Hamlltoa , Deroberter., Re. - Molting trade on liberal terms, they Invite,aothie to their,Rouee—etreert sad amber y aberhi fefflOre Sutr,tisbiOg !ii.cobii...: -;_:..T GENTLEIAN'S FII:RNI8IIING60D8 AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. • -•- - T.A - mapcanr. 415 No. 9t101:1T11 FOURTH 6TU T, Hare now In store s - tulf nuottesent In their Ifni, to which ;they hyena the attention Qt , 9lett, oeeteliwOre, and boyars et /Mal 04104..; (0241.!api, pat* CIATTELL; No. 32 NORTH 'THIRD P.B.II,ADEtPHTA. IMPOALIRS Or, - ' - WitICIWCWX - CS.A.Z.V . EUEMENE4 AND Mannfaaturese ofd CITY OALP and HIP MINS, • . , 1101Q.000 and L. 1.1011911, ' • • - febal-lat • Oak andlpl dOLZ .44111111.1111. ,fan 4 F.Pri PEDDLE', &- HAIWCW, INPOITIII3O ♦ND DNALDNIS IN HOI3IRRY, GLOVRI, NA No. 30 NORTH VOIIRTH STUNT, SIVB DOORS BELOW. TBB.EUeROIf /MVP BOTWL, _Offetler sale the moat eonsplstei istook_04000011:' , Ia tie': Bin 'tate - rand UNITBD EWES, Consisting at HOSIERY 'of *fey arnalis - GLOVE% for men, women, and oillaren, oomierfatni an assortment of over 100 klnde, - • UNDERSHIRTS ind DEAWBBB,," - LINEN BOSOM BLUETS and BOLLARS, LINEN CAMBRIO BANDHEROBIEPBa BRUIT IRONS& LAMB ItLASZIO BHLTB, with dope of outinely new designs, with an, endings 'of it , o thiet;' which they invite the itteition of " ' , • IIIRBVOLA/38 IiOtiTRIBN BUYERS. ' feVitsi Umbrellas anb Parasols. SLEEPER & FENNEit. \ 19,hplesale Bisuesotunde UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS', - 380 MARK IT 8T11.11.111T, - • -PBII,dDaLPIIrd, - Are now making more, than one hundred and fittr different varieties of Umbrellas, of every siseffrom 7.2 to 40 inahea. Their assortment of PARASOLS Is gib 'fay large, and for variety of design, styles, finish, sod plicate, ox. seeds that ct any previous season. - Buyers who have lot hat 8. 1. , e Make of rude will And their - tu:oven spoilt to looking over tida made stoat, which Includes MANY 11 . 0VLIECI100i wet, to burner tostA Elsewhere. - • Maato attb Obota. CONOVER & BROS' BOOT, BHOE, BONNE,T, AIM PALM-LEAF' BAT WAREHOUSE, No.' 524 MARKET STREET, Between fifth and Sixth, merlam PHTLADEiPHIA. 03bolgonle erottro. lUNGERICH & SMITH; minomonE r • ,fr, G R E R S; No.- 48 NORTH THIRD STREET, taikri.4m rnit'amputra. CREWING TOBACCO, AN N., IMPORTANT IMPROWIIMENI' FINE OUT 01-X.EVITML•TOI , Tc:93.A.acto, Use been adopted by items. N. 000DWI11 14 2RII, or New Your. Our. TOBACCO, of the HIST QUALITY, Is *sleeted, neatly wrapped in TIN TOIL, and Patent Pressed. The great advantages of this over other trends' *Mi dst in the aloe of the packages, rendering it more cow venient to carry in the pocket, and by being MUSD SOLID it keeps MOIST and PROW, and improves in quality as it is need; while in other brands, as soon as the package is opened, the quality rapidly ; DUPREE°. RATESr-the tobacco growing dry and Uttering the whet, to the great annoyance of the consumer. Vim Dressing which the Pine Out Tobacco undergoes in the process of manufacture tress it from all grit or Impuri ties ao objectionable in the Mosel Ping Tabileem; Ohm. are will do well to give the, Patent Premed • trial, end judge for themselves. Per role by Wholesale Merchants, who motive itdi. real from the gaonfaetnrers, . B. GooDwrs & 207 anti 209 WAISTS Street, New Tort feblT•D&Wlc if , • WHITE ,GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LINEN MMUS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, PIQUE BASQUEINGS, LAPPET SKIRTINGS, • lOLLED JACONETS, CHAMBREY GINGIIAMS, he., • . Imported for the present seem, and offered on reek= mumble terms to the Wholesale Trade, by „, • SENAT BROTHERS Ba CO., 238, 011ESTMOT STRKIIT. Jae tit:isra If - ' CLOTH STORE. xt-zasrmt.-2- x". =wax:, NEW STTLRS FANCY CASSIE:IEO:S And VESTING% WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ; Not 4 znd 6 NORTH nom STMT. te)l4•mthSt E== oiseteimbis A_llunclAWkw_. ebilaroo , *Hawk for, Pre lt lie so,ollteo, *Lk, SOF si _ IVY, 'WANTED 311KIIIii114111101fi Tv44ICIC, be ibis to read siososoipt xorfh: Olko.l4loreen 1,110 boon S te , ! J 1,1 ,INTAMI TP 7L4V.II/ TR A L TI PLL-e l 11:1M, - 1 VTLllmristr.or Aillottsat, Arm.. m•v Tosi .1111MTANTID-By,* To* - r TIOIS, Wholesale haritifienrCaielewigit raEtrn ;O4eel.tOthinl,l,ll,4 ,6PrOlt.oll4llllll°-'-'' nrISACHER: - Gentleiault;. isanittotiA, jAlsokti*:,varione lingua, ia: * w•u siliguat maisoiaiwEther_lbaplereaktilif — Airkkas# we *OW &boot. ' 11144gretal teenitqcsal -4144-shoo teury. wbo may;sl44llo ioniser or, 4+4•lll4eloseedlreadow the boot &Moose Other Mbar L i r Box 164111.40_44g1ibi1f. 0.,,1 - :00 1 11.- 1 40 1 4 Be *VW =: lin;d 40900_, otrAX.O"TEP:at TrAgnlii-; ' , mint, th• Ake ,;-- aaomksama the 'Am 'smeetht Owe 4 011 00 0 1110 , Ittest, ea the buboes le eetaltilebeiti seCeitelled -- beetloeslity in the ',Magee ieMnallyieVeleie week. BlooreDeepideb, sew iud seetisme. re lesteeee. required sod 'peen: ofineeilitWiless Iteleti7 eeetleestlidl rfsmse-, - rtANIIID TOR Tar MUD Buse 1N1VA11124N•44341144, oin 110 'Amps' seri Leant delighlgoisi metal stuaftio". ftsii,sl2 le' On Par ma*: ma barb' a'wlf• weal, 144191011 at 3114.1101. SWUM . obarielNklith, scati nide. - it: =OM - ay 77 .tt.•Ltunt:Ltltytiai,a •*- SELECT PRIVATE • BOARDING, lit I, North !MOM Stmt.' ltritotoxite arrhsovii.' re o AtiDELM4Atldileoperta_le And* XL/ aosormoodatiifewipeniwh. rehrinicaim. Deshible , kotii ma Ic. A MA9:1011F/ORNT • fp o,t/ At-,T FARM OF ea _ *MOE, iOri IdEAlt BORDESTOWL NEWiTflßi3tr. . . - . The *pry/moats **ld .40-16,0apiedota Sandon, 60 fief introdidadLiFf.ollool,l4oolo4. - - , ?, sad basing few handsome yortteni at dent ild'aitts.:,;W 'the hates tat a hall 10 fist Wloiiiiitabre:lB,-'"t''. a bread etafreiwa, with hiatynuilinampit ralHag, sine. iior warble mantel., *aka dlaiarrooni s battaroaer; &e Ode large ; doable Greteahease, - 101 latel - lottelty 80 wide; filled With a ideatierlityal elides pieta* sad and cold .Met raeietia of - itrairee la fall Vserniel.:-:_ittia *7,21 fat by .16' ; jut Ni' oats Olia'amoimiiso lax foidaridinitiiriad - elirereiretted*`?ol 4 ,llolllWoBol atable,"bnilt drittennttignid , bag scan, and all the modern iintwitehterite. , keeirr , Poultryttoeio,witit" slidtagsailsod ltaatdre; lead attached. New aid for cattle, Ydr-pia, ece.r. More, tool-honse, ice-horse ;(011a4 cad under one roof. Ityring:l44B;;;Wllli , — 1101: 18 :f418‘... - stream; ,There to also &neat catalpa the sqlos s ;•100 -2 talabai lira ratans. Tie hi - TxuatWt4ekhdt,a ) . beaetiful lawn; :oat atlth -great, lade; ambenl; - ;',- -- gravel Wenn; nitenkitedety of idaadlktnn* - kinninel* - •'t - j - , and ihitkiWit'add Lin and stataarr- The seenery."wiBl4e i I:auditing - ye Mit end - ninny; beautiful roddon*A. - coating aboal lonriem: OVA! the foot of the Leta ia a 48*, tvrettia.tlifMild; The place abased.: fruit Ueda fileinvirmmewevoit hated with iriaf wink's*** :dwetfplfMsdssl:: _. parthrB;•,Pfarf -not ntientiec lreu;lltddestre43 llB .lll-:Yanat airi4 41 0.,a 4 a' TO treed Theis Id en espalier, 000 feet ill kigtkialiitti ;;-, with choice 'peat and. airy triei.- 'There 11111 warty 100 pipa:tlews; budder time tiada siir; Italia end Catawba; many of - Wirth are Intel/ beaeliar. The vegetable gallon ocettalaivabont tiro - sans, sad not ernellad in the -United' Dbtie. --.;t-pradanse all hinds of yogetablea, befddia large - qoantialeatif.thalitit: ratans of ittnnberrind; b*Olibrafeni -- annuli; ii 410940.., 7 1 4 .' fftla' 4llo diat . 70 Korea ef, arable and meadow fen* iad in 'wilt otSplan;aNslaiabieft Ivry healthy, stow* lfaCtlett:tot - :# 1 1; aboodanes of the beet:iratee oa , LATThruJmli Address AOX 2128 c ' Insr34ll fIOR SALE4THEItIMIT TOAISE3 I IOI , a:ort; . ~ia be applied ,o(dayg li tak o.vor 705410 ' 1,41 '.'1 beak. ecnieedfd.ta - ,be- , very beidllteet_ par* ur, ordgaiTi'FOVl ,1111Xiiiiiiii10111111;Pldlada;- NANCY NOttOifili, FOR SALE-471e 'Property a :the . corset Of Motet sod Piton la tits betroosii either in Ataildirag Lois or the 'whole. - Apply to No ! /TIT I AN alite, 1141170;Litit nwt. . --110- T° BEND Zither peezneeeotlieie: for StoelOillt : - ..TWO NEW FIVE-STORY STORES,' . Inelogizor the Bseement. Tie EST and 239 S OUTH SICCOND-iSTIIIIEn -To an ripe erto . , FISST-OLASSRUFGEFNOS, With *abiliand Qat!- - Ptivila 'Om% raaaij aal pm" ' Protean the Anditicri, - Appir to . Off AAVES WEIJAMB, - - OFFICE No. 4 WILLING.% ALLIT, -- 1 mad Bt* , Fawn. Fatilroid Daildisigt FllO RENT—=To a Lawyer or Ctiiiveyaneer. oae-balf of a well.farniabed Mee WALInIr Street, below llftb, Brat floor.. Beat 14. Julibrawfr /.2.,5t Prpas oaks. • ; -11 - FOR _SALK.—The Thr tor 7. Brick DWBLI.ING. with three-46u Isiser , Mo. 521 South TRIMS stmt. Parlor, dining knew. kitchen, and antainer kitchen, on ground Saar, _* hoe art cold water, and novo. Datlrr ;Mebane; lahle. water closet e back attire to 84 story, Wed iinnomplata" order ; lot 18 by 90 1,112,111t5 Verii,Sreihrt- •,Ortelart -..- purchase money may moor, au la ortipaga.r Poi , given Ist May. A &aid, _tenant Is nusoy to Asks lbw house. Apply at No. 188 PE AlLStrwit. troth,& tt VITEICATLIST & OLAILSE* ABOH4lt. • • VIIIIIATIVII.--Wplitra B. Prolisin. /Left as* Stip Knorrar: WM (Mundt)) TUREEN F; Minh a, usa, • , MACBETH. Mtebstli; 14. J. W Wailaot Maidat, Mr. Dolma Basin*, Mr. giltarnit ; Vint Wits*, Yr. Soirt CAW* ; 1 , 1417 friactetla, Jaya' J: F. Welter. - - _ DV 111*10.13 LOVA, • . Sire:lfeasle,atre: Joki Dre_er. - admission. II sta. Ileeared Smalls Drees May STA oW; Oreauletra eteneoo_ eta ; Meats la Private ets; Gallery, IS ete_ • ealleakalaletelPemeek il li%; Private) Hos to Ostler, pe! Ciabareal leery el Mri Whole Private - - Doeri • - _ op, at Weimer; emeateass at heir mat Pi preebildr. • - : • - ,_ • NE W WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, IV COSNER NiNt la AND WALNUT IMMO& - Acting and Drage Manager Mr. t Of Kash. Business Mensger ' Dwell D Morgity, • THIS (Thursday) BYDNING. MereADJSMS, • - JAMB DOWN, • • - . ' Or the Sena of - Luetnow. ' - Jessie Brown. Mks /lines Soberteon Melia Saab; Dion Bonrolesult ; Head eirMoGrogor, Mr. H. A. Per ry; Geordie McGregor, Kr. M,Y.Xesch: . ' • - "rims of sdananon—assoad Tki - ead M=MMISI sad Thad Tier,lll Gents; l'srquek,:wdm In it: Girels, DO rwists; Print. 80 and pi; Mee deiva li t ill ikakaabdi idol "dada Bossy lb mtg. Doors open at bar did e Vika i 001111: Apid. NATIONAL MOUS, ' WALNUT ST., . 1I &bare BIODTIL DAN 111 BIM' The Original Humorist. will eve a 11/ITINIIII Dila , The (Tkareday) .11VENING, Nardi 8,1860, ' In whtoh be will Introduce, so a &Unroof ,the "GMAT 8110W. , 1 - ' -- - .31188 SALLIE STNIK.NDIE, '. .. 11.18311 R OILLIILDB-1111.1183, and:.'.-. . D/INI/AIDNDI TDB bLOWW. BIOS AND ALL TEM ITAIt3.W/13. OM; Duda of Adeoleaion-;Drela ODIN 00 cent& ITaLlelsen wider sins rows of age . XI !ga landly allele ' .38 il . <Maui In PATS,* BOZNI., n oasts. Leap Private Bonn U. Ruud' Meat* Boman 60. M oDONOUGIIII - GLIETIES— . • .. .r.llßA.pirrailM ''''''!" Great burlesque of •,-' - •'- ..• OUR APRIChtli ootraztr, '-:• ''-'• - ' - Or Onban AriWz-ntlon, ' ' '• ' : ry _- New Scenes, new Bongs, pewits:mei Local lilts, ant Greed Allegory, reprosesiting the A n of Cuba aws America. _- - . . , ; - lineellaneous Ovneeri precedes the Iturieique, on each evening. - , • - lint appearance 'of Milan SIOION - Dil, the invent performer tram New York.- . . 'f. WI/00X lc 00' 1 - - • J'- • - . , MODEL SICTRTS. ADJUB•TABLE AUSTLk, aIXIOIIILIIIMICD, sr TIM LAMS TO Rli THE BEET SKIRT YET PRODII9ED; Than the Oidinary aktirte. Vets MAN in fa Ws by moot Cltiiii 'endue% Zobbing Renee. - -• sarsit STEAMBOAT RIOHA BD STOCKTON TOR BETE gun. votintat , BOISTOL, AN O BoRDNNTOWIC - -ea sa d attar Monday, the ISM inst the MUM STOOK. 'TON, NIA Thompson. will lam ThUadelphla,Wattua. street Wind at 234 otalook P. IL, lot MAIN& and Intermediate -places. Battu - stag mitt tom* Itottltio :taws at Itit.:Bltotal - St 1.10.1_ st , ISA, and Beverly at 780 A. M. tot . Pbttattelp Atre—ybilaialphia to Bordontows tli - 1316 . 7 -eittoo sad Bristol 12) ffe , nratekt at LOW woe. te2tLat _ .WM H. GATTMILII, Agent. HAIR' ,TEWELRY. _ The neefeet sod Least asuertmest of Thdr Jorlrh - - 1011 MITT & BTIMBNRAVOIT, -- 112241 1 821 OBBETHcrt, near Tara 0. '-. ',- ''.9 . 7,t::7,1 -I,. ` v ir* ..', ' 4-#.';',.,5 .5-_ Iklctibini: - Sot- eale-anti - 10 -tAL. xi* or. ism; ~~_~ : qii '7l PAT BrEnsioN, WITHOUT SEWING, AND AT NQ DIGHDE 000 T ISIZOBA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers