"JUSTrigIiV%4A I OII -17 :. - - Af .. 414 '1.1 461 ' lite ,: kri • 4an. it- N ta ll " 44 :yt ftt - 4 1 :f,p)ta544 . 000. Bai sooa l Ram Bite Potlb~tar+~ soon iarri Won Brut Btaidsidaqo77- ~- --- at f!'""k • Brig lrtol - Pl' "" 10 I" . . • •,•• „ , • : 4TlOAlirsk Ingo • - :411 4 4__Mira c a t il ik :46;sialiim$ T ‘ • Cot it ch tt' 44414. 1 4 1 1 - 00' . re t t ,r.tilt=i s 9 . .. 0 1 17:0 F e s 1 0 ,X,Z,vlWßiagairialow , Terir - -10100. ' 1 , 1140414421 1 1114011vio.a*..4:14 0 4 1 ;Arikirlettidr44.44ollllP. siar. 11%) , 11Caa the 6th 'and 900 b of saili)nonth. • "rl4 tail= lea. •••• : she 'Want Maas fall oa aulasy, ato . VIP oaltoii-,lll~.lt.flastiffarlariosoo, tLf I • ^,4 volEr 01 , ,11111.40.14441111Aifi11ivi 918.9 um, 7 1 EWA, '". - .ii , me - k xpoeiagta eo tisa hr eesN ), :--p, tlw X94• t , :. . I tetrleiseseie psosesamto•WOOS Anderaso. q , IPu7a l. away tir - Mt. - : - bibs Isil l = " 4=MA 1 .„ iiell..k .-- 0 W Ponitaey, Moralunan, 11,dayjApp,Row„, - Orisons, with some, he to B d Station 8, - , co. t , Brig Zenith, Deering, from Cardemd,ll.l4;irt i liar e a /1.11/,Walalk, aall a " ' -.. , Migat ,,, abl i nrann ea ° for NiVilafit Ma a sehromme - ''''ireilliestinlitaellietidt,X7llsterlielig in"; Mirk' . lillten, brig Yes4ritetethithrththgarthmajitido , 14' . and en sr lin me Wa,..SISIrr ..rorMe*lLssrle owl - - , A" both Phi n ims:allitraMdli „ o illektfhik. , r fw , g-: vaginal lo 2 41.siirowl!., itkii , VlPpinyMy ~,:, .., . - - Brig Lodi, Ward, 14 aye grosa,, wieners, with sugar " l a rirr s i t t V i lier Mro l Ml : ii l rt grir 3 o C ardense, ' I .'llot *Low, ko tO,B, AUM 4I- 1 14,,if;•Sia k tir York, Sthr Margaret Ana, a _with l ades to le ekeelemr I .he. , - 1 , • - ‘r:;,t ,:, Lel ' ,•• isht Melia BiLibury,lftikon,,t . days from 4 York, - , ;Itikyratoe,th lb Gather- -• ' ' ' - ,• ^., ---,- v ` ' ' '-- Belt °1116 • 01 1r cgt l "4 4 -0 , 4C-Mt i r r APAI: I I I R , • *doe Werbeldi Mir - , • Meth a5tfr0y4 . 4 , 1 41 41 .4 "'Or 'Ffi k, 47• l q l : SIIINAor" , ti,i2difittliteMowidrkerilh` , az T,t ...-2 , ),..17-0. IINJ,J'.'y (.1j - j • BcU. it ,i t y, stris;l,4tAt t rT 81iatau.!7.19'23,44!'et -0:owell IV lifith. --' - t : ' if 'B os t on w hy* • lehr f Vo n. .il l igrb_. 4 -"..,P 1 , •ft - . , -,1, -, - . - 'Vit _At 1 641_4666 -* ii . ' ' , ri.li asj , fiess nelrboxyrr, WI% mass i'srsu & vialfusf.' ''' •i-": •' t '. •.,,, i ashr Gri t ! i tt e N u tollgri'dajirrasi ./taTtatatte; , - . w 1 &1 1 111Proriegf ----. flow wi th metrs • o i ll teethe & Co: - ', - ' -- ..-•. seAr 4=‘::=, 2l " .f r 4ii, : i mx i ,:,5...„ .: v Ia Ift, liriy/Brikilefrinn Moine, MI, with ilpt 4 ,1 , : . day from Milford, • De; _ bia il Was,. ' ' " Bs t atagi i • s' t a tiar . *4.. 1 - 4 - 4 : l ;9 l 44 ° W gi ßt d •qt; 39 1 , 3 * , - Ite AluiPtbil t ii= - *;*,'o#`i; • Pelf ifta w • , 14 • iik.'ilr i tnikie ~.., li , ~-,1 , —' ' _l's tipme. 43 map a City • . . B. On : - ' - ,•:- rftajd..l RA I III 2 OV.Mr 2 I 9- .1 1 4 1 „. 1 !#?fr . • PPM '"TarVei;"Cit o4l;Nays„cama, Big "OF, . in Twi tr oo ri p .• •, ••,•:•:• ,•-•• •;• = • 1,-•, - • eah Amu t, 1 , 17 . ,kp,, , . - ••••, hg. . .-- ..with . ' ice. & ...r. "- • ' ,„',. : , , 14 j itoramtb;lfrourWilmligtow „„, ,:,, , • , *stir atterto t gr ,tram w S e r m oy ir id o rm ai et. J.,,,,,,, , P l ijka s .,-„4,,,,r,-,,,,-,,,,,,,, ''- -, '-, .., '.- „, .Ifa„arDt".. l4 :•A .5 . .;-11' I..i' - linker" abets. *Purr - ..: - --' 14 4 , 4*-4.***v x .. i vn i r , M 4 t,t , .k!';• o 4 • ' ' "tig.tiOrkiVii-iiiv-iiia*-07.01 •i ada• __.,,.x _ a t 4 ..ff,,,,,,,, k - ..,,,, 1 .,, , ,' . soi,,, a ma, ILFFife. ,- sr, , ,m ,13.7 g- ,, i •l4 1“39. tio; ikirith:Ar S ioik *Wilton & Cox -11413 ' -bil- p A 24,,,,,,k,gaisor s or -Yerk, Skarn, 0 2 1 e . Ardoirithfreitikiti.M4loiMAlthi Colt, Co. ,',„ , ' selele*tinvireweigriitSk; Toli i i baii ' dZ ' ~ ifekt,/,,L12 re', 4 Ratak ,•N- ark, Co. • ' SOS Ai EltheE,llom‘Bane • Yrirfle,.Biatik :rried Meru •• Bets.; WllMthWeiltiiiittairatilth," ' Ad , 1 - l l ` Sitlil l h orerA * . ti t a k7IVMAATA : 37I: ' V., -ig ' th• erNjinamliteetheith2l4;"."'" ''''', :,. ~ 4 ,;• , V 0 '... , .- ''',-' Iliisatart leas, 98. wysAlre , "'kitoehottr - kid dreathlathithreni lied'lMt • lreitt ,:- en:.L. , , a-raii,letausa.,kikrektim 'la• th ei•visiither a ' P t . .._ . 14 EssilikAits3i: Ih . l r ai l liZ,ni.,!l:7.`,-=;:4; C.,, , ,. 9 ~,..„. xiv. ~. xg,, , Fa-A 0 1,....1..- _." -....71, ~.•,:,,,,,, , ,,..„„, - -.. fT4''..p...,,,.."01,161011111•;,4 , -4 s•- ~_, , ' "" li t' Di ft is -W .,l s l s ••ftu./!',.!i strived fi t. 14.sw York o Mth IW.'"'Se!'-' •' ~ 1." - L , •;I: .; - • - . ~: Ekt_ dtilvf,tfeter,rlt Bo o ,l6 " lll / 414 41 61 d, 14110 d' Imm i, lif _kit - 41a; i:odaiii,iiiiikiiir tuiiraniii, I , Johns 7 AokinstrAttlakattalth Sim for Phlisdre, • ' Ship, maid 11"Secklist Wipag width altdrad fa Lin ilevrtlireuiend,reilt. Mel* jeort. * . • ' 44 „the whore of he P US wail Orittfoltt WO: the k Se •-, b the' , , I .K-a li'llurtPdgoi by 00 ' n is i, sad r, • yams • A ktar tia a t*S l' biriii i° 4 100* =mar -- - s l e i 44 -.II ?: 4, '''':.• ‘..": 1 :- Ship rieten.lktogikATlS*Ssid-iSS,,4-14.t4.' . • for Sionritini '• '' ,-,:r - 4 /: - ,1-• ' -• . •thr J' ". ' adit-OarthtstagrAthik so orrived op et " i t il ~,,,,,•„, v ,„,„, re ~...e.g, - ,,, , ,, -,1-r ~ Of - ' iikett'wilmegAndli ita gi.lnc- , ~c iwithinefteelkimiolc rteCilcvk a t i l k ;,the chdouttvap gt. .... , .t- •., ;,-; ( .3414,3 . , ' sktimiamillikariws, ,, -o•6l;ooraffromv; al so r Les fneekedireo. ,, l• - - 4 . •: - - : 7anikilMisettntalf wit,peleaeriFeritt'vapikeat ...r=i _ i - zit& It,lrAiii illibwr-iiiii,lakitttlilitlif f for the caws ' imel, egoefeeleko, gate". wsei it Volperarieep; Ifs .1411 ea law ilregriairfirMetraMlolllo4irr toad e B Ilk Nikita id' ifthath,Ttit yi jrAte - , oat f '' ! it .221422„ MAr . ...P 4 2nt, ':•'' ~ ~.• itithr 1.0 , 6, , i ~ Mr the , I2p dtilltd,t2 BM . '4„ ; nert• "4 '' '.4 e "".. -;.' , c ,' '7,- ° t SialitNliaM*MOMlCS . °ln 14 04 11 M0 , ;Me -. split,* ~. , , ~ " e , ...., . 61 1,....: ': '.. - . -Bafie , '"hiim . ii7i l o4„WitirMsc, oforkiii sided IPM 'Wks , Pitnlit. 0 . 1, C* , 1 ...: t 4: I „_. , . • Itark pialisf(B4llo Pads, mos, Strived at Genoa. • : Bork• itharen, (lirerri) far riiiiidelphm, woe loadiag • •nitrate of so da • t,,_ ~, ~, • f Bark Wiaito 4rlsulibiftw•ilireifiii it 40leedegos r , r lerh Mt.. -- • hark itatre.os.rtown.komif snitikkliClq.? afpi ittle t. i ttarteViTtl i d i rfeig F er M I . 7! Vt i t Ith Bark Wasidagoon Orththm,,thalthrathum Hamm for ' - .Philadelphis, at CordesthlitteitiV`• Bark' Amid 4 Wilms, retereinvotl um", Ism alt, r9l-000Legoi, • , t 'Jo 4t " 161 1 ifingson d ri n Afri e r '. ILI% f ront barons . .... Brig lismalght, a r millatim Pernools for Boston, 1 1 ,11 1 :7 tr i rill t ,ll= l 4 9 , P iettlitt e att : t it th tit. 1 - ' - - •Mlitteorthry, (its . M44%thrith, snirod s ot St/Oho, -, sir, previous to Omen. khr N;lit,,tittne sleeted at Wilmington, - -"' ntla g iir reserise r".w ,,th Bieber, 'for Vow York, elearta it Wlbsta °:`00; sunk tat, • Se yoterjir,Nbuidni, Irmo Slowircrir, eirristk a k fit K _ meritdrig r narotisturoi Penton., ashy. IC 8 Jaw!, nrvgArmirit, salad Pala Kay Weft 17th t. • , . • .„„ Sebr Worth front' It reLlpilt jor,Met SA CO Ala fir we stial l ad i =sfirsill s ' ib ••VI S ISIZ ° rsesisia daring a gala oft Hatton; - • ' l 'lrl4.o l 44o l 4 l 6o4s o "WlTl.T*.likt ttlanfaiK - : ...-. 6161414410 0 64 is Priatia'At 1 lifitab e . o Ina wt . ..- s tiliM.N-,v341.V.4-.. c t th , &-rto efrra - 1 ,. 2 the rtelir Addiordrim 0. 4 1- 5 1' " ma ilwthton, BC • •• • .._ • .• - • .,p,,0,0r, -.,, ~ tr ,s,, Thi ado , :illett, Copt illwakort, *hick +Stared from ' ' llgi gre g9l4 Vforr ll etro jk4Bl" 'ir. ” It . ':;l 4 lef' ATI:SouI tteih, " .iii, tZlribireol lg ir, woe ' swept' olf-ltierEithith'ith4gthrithailththaight;rlret the - Mulilvora laglaarict to moth the shore. Orelondlog, - tiddir_rrefreedi, _, k 7,1 , _,, ttewri and then thkedelModt: lawilr *wet Jape I threarter, to node& thererreell 7 tind Lia" lo: l l2 ' i be ng on th i 'll = " alfr i e.. ott ilatr - J. t rivtr i,2 l.si ' • t, * ;V M i 3 . 114 . 1. , or '4 ibre z -.. so 19 1 60 - , lb by unkins . drawl-MOO tpaaatatssittetcoviitriwas *itig)tax • : - the whiete r withy of them bs4--Attst Win froosiet l e ri(ec h. „ 3- 0 - I,l ol lfirsatt4 Army. tiorwste - etioneen over in • ,tha ,en reached - Borg Norm brio In "December: rzlhe hurt ens on A 1,41 •vow', of 160 tone restage*, brit of Immarboottir in Mr,thripethistya Beta tterkkr t . a ettiNfrtsk .1 , r - -, ~.., r , Al XB 0 IIT Ot, SI '3 itti.!' -, 1 ' p .....N.,vAßitgre.TELLlsatilt, , .: . -- „.... r ,„ ~.,,a . A . 4 ,-,..„.., i - ..• 7,15-r-a. srx.,-.»...,/. Tke eatinelikt collection of " - , , APLysigNims*lnimeinitla4inX)rcei 4 ' - !wider tee trivets !bra ". et the late - - L •iji l Li' .zl'.7. l''';'' /Vir t 4PIPP: y.,W:DIIP'tI , nilfieriathaTe r igialoitilliiiiiiiti'ci prialtkittAtlSLlMMlNFAOLliblir .- Itt',lnew, , t :49 Y ' MO I,l6.:danAoslllcAND4d , -f -„ i'T•4• - •; , ~ .. p ni ,'""l/1 1000 9r, Y., v; 5•. , - i-oity4;••Plei iit7ritto ' iliP !Ma 41476 - Abgelsksiwiloomoi ! ei;ipmeg,l '..; I•AdopArtivo 1a . : T.:p..4.5! ...„.„,...-,.... -,, itacillAtiAlur. - , ' letisforr L .; . turring.,-,,. -7 ~-:'., 4,11.. , - _,,,0401f 0 ontiabirptom,,, k , f., , t!e . 1 .1 - ''•, ' Arz s t - likim444ll 2 :o3oAkttlittar ril .4,i0 rli,LiYi 1e. , , , , , , '-.._ Theltia*pffOtehthittiggielotlkWhivterkekkpri °294lM At.,wi, ,f.` 37? tc - 31 1 ~, ... e.A...4 1 . 41 :1144.011 .f.iffitiAtiAV i e , 9 Bi V koIDWAY, HAW , sf-tz - .„Bigtabormseanicakw „- .tullifor-41 ,,, 0 0 1-,!.. . AtilteDkr; Mareb 1, et .aji: ofigoik y i ,-mAg• ;;Y72 . • - 4tel eottlikkAllotly; ass prAwAtitaiest l ile sue : , • ' ..... , •;; , ;.,J., ,, ' i. -,-.l33 , ,,kiitietoktektimase "sts:.mtkunlot a..x owook; - -;•--;-, •,..-1 : •-•:',i--- -- ,.:411. , ..1.4•A•141.•„t1,1 , 24.4.413.:.immp,:, - ,,, : i4:1. , ,-`,,vnbo i llwrigy is ,Atc,-fidti condi tionif and taki_te - U -1 : • - •*-1' ,•' illatitiltil,l l okiketkteraeosod_eettblikinky ' t kr,LB4l34l l =ioeAlti z et 4ad iki l f4 f - A O O Ilr o kl2•eitshi, •-, -„. , 4 .' . It ‘=l,lo7toX-40k4kkilekOkakikiiiiiii(e' eate; elk IktTeZtkalt, ordtts -40 pre. kekkikre*.tkiktte: Johnkteitknitlysteektedibr aikyrE4 1'.C .. .. , ' ' I. ''' -;.-, : : k '-' ::; ;,o ,.A4 4i yxl r . vit 0-AieW . 44i - n - :4 -?4:ipi4t:,;iii,v:::.,.:4 , imitmvit-t.4- --, t.l - . , -.-..,.. -...1 l7}lll'll' ...... - .. :0 - • , `I.!'";:-.;..,!=''..11191tAiAtiTitt, ; ..:7 4 u • "J' - ' 40.0 2t eart., 47?-:15 - ' , = - •-i-fi-',7:•'''' 1 Li.M.* 1 .' • !if ' l ,- 6., •!...'411,: , ---, ...1, -.:.NA-E. , 405410 . 1:0116 . !ii':.:-.4-5-'-'&',•;-':,:5'.1',W.:1,-Agyagli•MZ4-t4'-'.1..f -r..,-,-^ f„.,-•, ,,- ...<ki. - -;<.--v... , r ,, ..:., , • - 214 Stllll4lll. ,fr. .:•-•6 Bales br2t*lbitt. WziZ! 4~4ciairi- =2=lll ---- w: I,;l7 l7B it ikLia l i vA i ra i i tc=Mit'c ts _ ici,,, , IDA ISI9.IIIIINM'ORARDEL 0th,1869, Go of ' 4 9 4 Ltrik ir fi -,, rai V FAVOLI I.4"I ' ' e fir isbirkasnot.ostais or . . . ~ i tomoS*4o/Metazersii , ~,, '''. , -fl i'"'"4/91111sdealenviaianevivazile.,,-. ,4a. :. , . r ~ iiior thrOtdireizt tbia ear, titelirouß or uli vi thel9lllll9ltielp te ‘ ater onteat Om Imre.. tr Ofi-entleeingjihnee. a' ..-1 ( .491-2144401741=ttle'tiresent enter:, Ds ' vor' ill6'll lBl4 l4 .A l ti Cill,llMl l = ,441. , II : tell : 4 , 11 be, di , P , _:l),l3midirriliolurritutioNa •-, - 9 ir wow allyokwo won , Wootton ond' supervision of the 44"h u 11.-' , • emitiornspi olt Onamary , - sr. (*raid tkaameM - 4, -= . .=' -, , 7 , .i.,,Dz o lbo Intentkin of Min Jitanageri tint this Dna. shall , Minsfeittreollorn any and all the Objection: able striief ingiSt,itatest each entertaltunenta, and wo la - orexpeansrarill beaparid to make thin worthy kritb petromare of one eitteens,To add to the novelty -of th entail:Lice, the Ladies will be privileged to appear. kottVaP,„,i9a,l9a , cfsalliSircbuttlear - vvearing of each 64 7 5 ' ids Oudot tiaft'S Lodies'atteoding the bill •i 4 1 1 4. ;00001 . lliMaidouldit , iie the num ot , the gong endkciinleelireivlleitialli the Cominittee Tor dip trib 14i'arlidips Poor. Thie will be an attractive •feat6 4 4l . - 4 . ia pirXiia leir: 3l oegeve the Ludt"ge 'tali kapott: c followirig • gen tlem oisinititeite F-` 1 - - • t , -.O j a t io- 4 0‘4 81 1 , -- , ' .4 ~ T 1,.., RCM. 1110/11i4 1- VensW. iilr. Wetherill Lee, =--, a W-4 0 0dialilAls ' ' ' .." - . .:( 4 Wm ' Damao. M. D. G* ,, ITinan4: Coffee, , , - ;;. W. H. Taggart, Iff. ' D., ineffitll: Megrati,` '" --- Aiadiew Staley;- 'George T: ?hien, ' S• P ViOlillirl" t" hU:i rlte i rr“ ', , *WWII Biter, ' 9 41 4f1ia4.3 `Morten, 4, ' 11.A"atersidlth, IPeraml ltiiiiillidic. - ; ` . ;!. '...Dio• W= Itobe!oui I: 4 4M4ll,ailtmitai ' :: riamtiel Simes„ . . . OenitieN.4latir ' ; ' Ceo. W. Pfeiburt Pi. , IttOiskasiellt Jr., ' ' WM, 11. gorw; , • • 1C1,A001,.. '`.- ' .. - Nan,auf,l • Brenion, :. AfririA l .',ll4: 4l i ` - Illueglra!"' ' , 1 Mr itiltlik , • ,- - :::llitittoilidu ri di.',, vrizt. I , Lilly itlY, : '''• 'Robert 'Poland, , 1 i .repla'W:airriold, Henry A, Stiles, I P.,',/..i OodWini ' '.' '', - ', Samuel Waillems, 1 is' il 4 4 4 1. 14 18 1 41 M D Lewis Cooper, i in, gickagats Hackie, ". Wan: Badger, .1 TAO. .P.,Pa s liifri :' , li. M. 8, "Jackson, 4 T,-.P. , Winon,. '; ` Deo. D. Lelia, , 4 SiniAilp i elinfat=' t ~' ,B. R autohimon, / a oorgii,g 4, , • B. co, Lowry, /-- Mma.H.Neittios; .' • -., 0ka,. „9, Taggart,”' , 1 W19,43, Karua,, . '. ,D, S. 110.nebrenner, • Obarles Oaliford, - - - ' -'.. "Geo': Et:Roberti, ' '', : Btephen'H. Winslow, -,•- V; P. Wilgamntb, 1 atia,.Y. Tobiu„ _ John Savage, .41 a David i ß,Dirney, , . ~, .Cleo. W. Hatay, , ' ! VW.Billifiy; -' ' ''' ' 'Saab H. Austin, ' aI F JOll. II rikiwolliAt . " : , - , Prancle Keiser • Michael - Brrickeon, John Brodhead', • ..,, 1a ,,,,: r -bell, - Rdwin"A:' Lewis,_." I 4. stei ifbitioy, - Siiril-7. Obrietisn, ri- fprafpoe . redir; .' f Jacob tonaenaleger, I Alm T : anat., 1 -- Oliver Puller, I Dead' A: Rnbiearn,_ Ohio. &Tappan, '. 4, Hendy"filiarsiroe4,, • , lima L. Witmer, i Mime Ili Martin, ' David 11 'Williams, - i Joseph T. - Than:our, - '-'" OW T Lewitt, ' i Datid.Welaster ~, Ilium Wilhelm, # thadon:win 'isamiiiii, - ..; Wee. A': Bolin , . - / 1 9: 1 91Palater,, - . Manlius G. lvens, J'agePA iLllemlaif, • wid.,D. Lewis 'Jr , , Nerigoodipenrome, ' • Chas. W. Oarrigan, _ I latiliatsight,,,,"..., ..,-, 3abas elates, , : Deo:W.: - Wood, . - = Henry P •Atherton', i Horace L. Peterson, i' AirchibaldfieSLP, Jos-P-Longbead,_ _ 'Vito. B. Sohnelder, reekqe ll 4 Bl 2 , ,:. ;Wm. Q. Attwood,. I erla Akio aeon, ''. Bdwin P. Obese, , Rdward,,P,lteratiow - H.A. OhnSwick, ; P4 a llied. Visentirny; 'Wm Di' SlOKipin,' lirli'Mllibilria,, ` ', Jim it. Odllino, 1 Jo ho hi: .:',- : ' Ilenryli. Barrie, i 11: lli tilsofing, - t ' ' ' Robs. 1.-liemililli, 1 (Igoe Gideon, „ ~ . • s • Iliclid., II Hunt, 'lima. W.` nrai ..• rion, , ' re-L . , Oh. Peace, , 1 ..LOtd9:D. - Baugh, . - Francis Lewis, . James 0. Rutter, Alex tt Claw, ' i 'llefirf)l. - Uongsball, Oen T. De Conte, 25.. 1 Percival hone .-. . Chap EL ye laon, ".-' ILI , ',',:` irllincla P,A. 446 . , - •, ~ ' „ . , ketivair- oa Dasammium.:-PROPYSSOR. .11L ASKO, will hal kindly volunteered his services on the °con. Tke"Orebeatra' 1 Depsittnatit will be large and efficient ' hieireet pitilattlar. ~. - ' ~r. • -...._._ . .__ r`' i ~t . y~ J J~ , i~. .. i nt -..., .., .._.......... . T ellerfetnif Mimic will be ander the direction of the is I , 4lliielleri-ch -1 - -.12 - 4-,4 , - .., i--.i -- ' :, "--., „ . -T if - sPihin‘nsde , Nana tinder the management or fieWryßielc,liwidir. , .4:4 - -4 " -- -: ' - - - ' - bb-VJOIrw-Brutotilicirliein :appointed 'Mutter of the ..- Tieketioitiyintlisailictiorq Ilhotdmifting a gentlemen exult twd Ifidlettil on -be tied' iii.on'aimlioatiost to the yrehettrimer the lrefid, SAMUEL OUSIMB, Erg, north west ' corner", or,TWIVIVIS Ind intICEITNLIT 'Streets; le-i of the ticninettplii , lackiw4 recilife_sobicripriicc atierThill id tlfe 'Asti:obis - Moo ; ArrtillklßLT BUILD IN d',..en,siolii:bbinday. Aitedneeday dild'ittlds7 eve alp , betliaeli, y ilia ov.gloar" Pieil'otuilii tbe' Belli • ' ,' PolltOTIY:*), TlOtitivitatiO' on die evening of the . liell.;" ,_-: .j: - , , ,-- - f! - '__ ' -I "1fe17.19 h2,2420;tel 2344c' MERIOAM AOADEM.Y. OR. MUSIC. , , . . . Af ~ - - ,,, , , -,4 1):-16..i0A11PENTER11 ' ,• '• - - ?„. 1/01111TAIEBITH ANNUAV PLORiar 0.0140118: 'wll tato plow on Tl7llBDAT,•April•l2th• • VAC' ire ohly Two Dbliersl'and to. tre • had , of. John Thcrroley, Moo 811 Obistent ' striet s _of the Private Committee, .histD,:"A - .Val•Oititer,Waetilhitotilfrill. - " - ; If The vabseilbineate ‘informed that their tlakets . ate ready.fer d'elivety; of vihich more than one half of the ArieitiWl tilkefii ate tareatty-engaged. Those wiehlog to attend *ln please call early forth* pincher's of tickets, ,wUcti.eiztitiiiiitirinie gentleman and two ladles or one :16,4114,Thici,,Yestlial:4111' ont:rivil soy affair ever Zitin tbke eitY:',The examination of the Dilates and , . rifofthor intialtartlrtrk.Apy fpm et ght tohalf- I pm ilain'Anit7, - 041Will be seated until tie children. hriie fielifort th eir fader dances • At the sound of the "gonlgthe lidietennd gentlemen will then Psi Mikan wn: 1 11 IhnoWAUfink WO elaPttlwrZ —, 4 1 ", 1 s r;.,. .1, , , „e prop .. we'irill'he intikt4 B oo " I' f k Ojoy.'„T.llem tellekthnin nf, th A, evening, i ” ~. , --.- • , ' 46100R4tippw Of ,thwidentn, jfinwetw; -- is:, will' iwr: p ill tquner, 4:143*1tn5., 'il,:ithect .ana full' &cheat e 1 wil be zoder:the.serryision„or rprowiar J 4 p,lntine: IiIOPIMOUGIfP Ii GAI*TiES—. .i.vdd - .....- - --,'-' " +,- -- , 224 Ritall STRUT i "I'SFRIOAT 'PIdIifIQIOIANON TlllB WEE tint light of .the enfageineat or Dlfo4oW'r Of& Otill gitoppa.!,;. ~` 4. . .. it ,i• ` " 2 ' ' , Vihiseii'eorgi .p. t r tr s ,;,i n pil ' itroi P ti l l insefebrAtid" Trick riotee BffieOr t nboati,llmts Were yowerful t and atom it\nae . , fat, ~, ~ff tiajliablell to dilate fa , her ' rayon the A ° o ll- - 9 . 641° .:4 1 k9F.1 e 1 i 'aii thole fans, In widely meta ti , si s til i aL i e..9*.4.;l ll .!.7 l V l 6 P-P 6 ". 4 c f 114 ' 3 % A tWii€l3l4-14iiiikifilf fiCiIOBATS: ' ''' .1 tuaiblint likeakink Rooke4ith ffitkiiii T e tin ' g''l' .-- - ', oilirsWArtitiiiiitialtpee — ii_ llarn - fittariiiey; ftilly orb taatiodawn ,Itoes, llttr. Wllllamet Boit& Were, Id. TA loiwai . .bilaa Yar ds'; Mae Matilda. h0. , ,,",--felO4f TIONASXLVAPC I 4 A O 4:DP/Irr 9F -` ASS WI ABTEI s. •,; . . ~ , .t ~,,,' No. 10'16,cluistsiri , fiTimvr, ' lop 3PAN.,14.1LT (Sandaya. exeopted)'frosa ft A. W. ~,,notaatiaton ddi esnte.„ efialtilien,l2 orooti. " , elleigee of Steek,"eatitlinOr bolderia fatally to ad qtdinntai a), all Wats, pd, ~ , , , 47-U, s rlltUtilfAla ir LEND , : liaLla.-3111S (*.Elio , lidding 01011UTIZA give Pnblio REIXIIAIid. A I ' twifitrrlLTUßDlalf;,`-Blogie :R ) ckets 25 dente 1 ei'' I(rd , dt tidkottroillPoidoiiciat be obtliine'l at ^ - it, 110 Oat stonteireenilleek fa' atawton , a, OCilliln Wentrandanielinnt, and at•dlia door of the Hall. lit per firma . otetwitetreettette at 111‘ otalook P. M. 01e.41 RAND4AIRd , :22d ::OF, :FEBRUARY. • •PAILADELPAm WASHING ON MONIMINT OIATIOAMII' hiqd R Tatei ettmatiookit OW the ISt ot•Tobrtutet z-Ttt' eohtintle two , treeko—st the NA. , TION AI, HA L" MARICIII",Streeti below -TILTS. 'mITHI , OItRATATIOI &ORIONS ! ?moat& to build onument to WASHINGTON lit ttgAitity." felB•2tr T rE t t 2 e.trym. LAB . -Oats d o llttg : a t eterts.l.o ird visolrof tbh distiegulibed Prime Donna 414(}1100.111;&-TATAINTINI.E.AllAVALLI 1. wevoltley,wilibevaeteseirety relented ibwwwareett this week, vie : Osystlea from Tro-= yrkti:WW.teir enrig.**ftaisiniliar,,daint,a Is Yrifuoti . , from atigcboa orekelyteglioeitt. (as sang' Jenny„Lind), ibelltyrias lila by ,Llnley,teiquoy, by Alm Lovarney,, tbsi L eelebratiod Itrics4lsin , b y idellbran inog,byVi. ii,dp",RiitivE'vartatioas - ,the egletretadltleel,7ol!s (asuog by,Parodl). . Ilesjitgwler, 17,0wypany,- eeEnffirleleg Virile's, ?dyer's, June. Trisei tlisuol4ool4* 'Henry, Plar,leil Idgiy;E4 . Iy!rrale;.ll4, wilLileck appear, fiery 419:nisirt 'Ommtisoe, it lisl(liest seseTt, Ad. old+lan 4 , Beek.st Stage blanker and Oiiiidpi4o.' te2B,6t uttau ;art egormf• 1 59.0,JAAN8fari.,3.11859: _II MU...17 m sti-xtra,L.DlAla i._ -, , ~ DOR TIM i WHOLESALS TBADT, To whisk we laritettenttott of -2 , • .., . , • 7, ,i.IIOIITHERNIANEFIIKEBTWAN ". ! ' ,-. '- lanOileNTS. • ._ 1 . J. W, PROOTOIt , V, 00., ten • - • , - Zr Ntg'..ollolTttUf Street. NEW SPRING GOODS t EIGBTII _ :ARDEN thAre daily receiving New Goode, ) --- I Alai wtifohlto maintain their far•famed reolitatlon for ' t SEIXISIGtYPE.F:CILE&P, , y ore determinee-toeell for. • `ZalrAilai Altoltura! • t.%8. /away Buts , Best Bleak Silks, Good Plain 8111rS, Handsome Ba . yedere Silks, • , .Mareallne end Florence Silks. 'Biqa elloillitteleacissickenne Rootorti f4O; An itoinetuse variety of - New sal Nary Rich Patterns IPBIIIIOII AND ENGLISH CHINTZES. Fleet' Fronting and Family laterdtlB . , of our own and impottattod: ' • - Cloths, Casslmeres, lifnelins, Flannels, Re., Ro. Oat It ,yd, N. E. Corner lIIIGHTH it SPRING. GARVIN, fel ! , SET.T...I/OR,I3ASII,,AND Bur orB_rxoß. 111/,0.014 LEN , DRITOGETS OR - .Avor - ,OLOTtII3:-4uni tie rtm l en ni t ut +lO. 19 '4 4 Drfiggire. °: , , Y , i , almteitta bage , Bordimol ineidltlyn• do• d r 19• i cjc i tA large lot of new ewee ~ tila,47 opened at low vices - 1 strix it mania ; : ?WIN Wo. 220 WIIRSTNUT ikowELr." oAirs.rs ',75,.0EN TS.— Juet opened, a 'largo ' rot of Lowell lag min Oaenete, new patterns, loin gold al &EVEN TE.FIVB OHNTB - A.' YARD. BAIT,E & BROTHER, T412-tt. - N 0.920 OIIEBTNUT tHreet. . , ;tin/108111"o "ZN;111.101. - "TAPES; 1..." MISS.—We are now reoeiyingour Spring Stock of irloh Carpetlnge, eell at the lowest ea pr e . ri-..1111ELY:& BROTUEIIi , NO. NG cRESTNO,T Street. • ot= filittAmb' tar ket. FOR SATZ-LAFOInt,,STORY BRICK DWELLING, No,II.I.IVAROII Street, three-story baek,b4 l ;4t room, and kitchen on the 140 t, , oom4, rat' She "Witt manner; with all tlid rerele4 -- ,isetprciemente; in 'eopplute order.. Poe or* ey 04*, t4. 0 .4th of April. 1121!%0 , r. s dsLDW LL ' "nrathorsor Street.' • FARM 0 820 AOREIS , PUR $80.00: itimunni Lands sold, Intend, 'and,_l6cated front 2210 Atiao 'it/Wafts" Onlee,44:2:aornes tad 011318TNUS , Etiants. ' 11111 APER - MILL TO. , 4 , ELENT. 4 —The , Paper lull known as LIASIVISILL MILL; eitivite4 on the "Wieinhielton OneeksedidL one milt (Soak Oliostiiht 1111 l Railroad Ststion, Thlslllilr In adapted to 'make fine Min* noillieiWonnlone saieblne Inokskirldeittid all•the , anpititeitencne -for' the sno , essistal seineastureof iniper.''Poteseelen even !tenni ' dlatelr . :4oll; 6.faddibei: "' ~Rp• 0808 08 ' IT: tEvia, tr ", •t , •;• '§i) Bolith BMW Sti • It. - tlOl - EMNt‘,--On thelet Janne* , next, -the' • •nrery refiettat ind extensive Roolds;01, Sd, 4th IthAltiois r 4 faith 2$ fentSy 146) ef the SIEWSTOIIII; i*BK.RE fitre4o, , in k 0 e bilidin one 'of the Sae Intrenteitiasin the'nppar Mei hetween'lTlStllt toad TR Bbifitenutylottoci: *ante, the no`rth 'ono 'on A roe r fittAtilithlocid'aittitgii *19 , 26 'feet•into min 3 Y et. Apply, on the Premises,. nol-t/ old-huntariad `,STOtt lti:MAßW,Aireet, viiarlenonC- ant tl cob . .„.,44 , 417.14./VraR 4 TT/T, 828 , MARNICrEltr s eS - - - 131/SEEM • k S'WA.TS(44 - ; "-- 40-. I, , IMPORTER OA ••• • •, - ii r ATUELES, iEWEI,4I,Y, &a., NQ. 325 biliftEßT STREET: • '..tc.imiatanti, on band a full aistortinent of Vaaheron • . and Constantin Watches. • fel-em & Co., .102/91k6L1r, neve ' removed to their norr Ilre•proor, WlrMe Marble L , , • - More,: . „• - - - 819 .OHETNUT STRENT , poxes BIDE, BELOW TIIR dIitiIIDLRODPA, ; Now opealagUelr rall,l3took, , /EXERTED JEWELRY, PLATED WAIIRJA, AND YANOT"GOODA, -• • To which they freitelhe attention of the publio. DILVDR-WARD, • WATORTD, DIAMONDS, AND DRAMA . - Ar lIIIOLIBIpI ANA MAIL till-lf tf RATT & REATI, . ' imron,TEptt : mip wg9cEs#LF ]?xlha f .sAto IN ALL bAbuiPtioxs, AND FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, pollen the attention of Dealers from every section to a Stock uneurpasseel in extent . , styli), Or eheaynesil. febll-1m - - - tri6olizate:erlotOng. CLOTHII 4 4ar ' '.• t AT Wi-TOLESALE: al. , xtax, s az .0 Xvi. 888 MAIIHNT STSTIBT, • •808THEAST CORNER 01 VOTOITH STRUT, _ Offer for sale; on the moot - • LIBE-R-AL , TEMMS, Anew and eittonelyo Stook of SPRING -AND SUMMER OLUTILING, ADAPTRD TO TKO - SOUTHERN SAND WESTERN TRADE, ; VINT INVITAI THE ATTRNTION O r /117111tti f0h.1.40t • "'• • - A, T. LANE. - • WHOLESALE OLOTHING ' WARERO 0 MS, No. 419 MARKET STREET, febl-8m • PIIILA.DELYELTA. fjato anb gc,t01,3. C H. GAJILkEN, Ketf7ACTI7B3RB AND WHOLDBALD DIALNIIS HATS..CAPS; FURS. BULK AND STRAW BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS, AIITIVIOTAL SLOWSRS, P.SATMOBS, R130H116, ace. , No. 600 and 602 MARKET ; STREET, Southwest corner of SISTR. EXTENSIVE STOCK, BEST TERMS; LOWEST PEICES.: febl•the 1859. SPRING• -STYLES. 4859. „..„ . AGARD. - & CO., 'B2B MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of Buyers to en MITERS 111 W and eomplete stock of HATS, OAPS, STRAW GOODS, &0., Willett they offer for Cash or on the mai credit. ' feb2•Sm* ' - Ntw Jerk larn erroba §onaes SPAINEP TRADE: NOTICE ajaPORTANT EVERY DRY•GOODS MERCHANT IN THE UNION DE FOREST,. ARMSTRONG, & CO. 'Are now receiving their" eprlng bn ortatlonn, and are ealablting at tbair • . . SALES-ROOMS, • SO AND ei eitaMBERS STEMBT,II. The moot extensive, elegant, volied, and eompletb stook of - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS EVER BEFORE OFFERED Fed sale by them, and prose:Mug attractions and ad qtages to the trade generallY, and frog all puts, inch aa are , td. be mtiawith frprerylew places. ) Their iatenatve stein On Otissa y bers street; which theyo - eoupy :trutire, .egable Ahern to appropriate to' each clue of geode a operate 'department, and to have, in fact, en ninny distinct ,taste in theltwarerooani each of which will be complete. Without spec*ing the articles em braced, they would name the dokartments; via DRESS GOODS, SILKS, WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, • CLOTHS AND OASSIMERES, • FLANNELS, , SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, HOSIERY. Alp .Grayßs,, YANKEE NOTION'S,.' DRESS TRIMMINGS, " ' ' • • , PARASOLS,, ' , 1110ME'BrIOS . AND PRINTS To - Mali Dottiest'', and Pilot Department they call `particular attention, embracing all the, leading makes and styles which will be eold at the very lowest rates. They have the entire production of the WARREN PRINTS, A print which hu done more good to the retailers through the Country, thehtet loason,.thim perhepai any other low-pea* print. Their Merrimac, Cashew, prsgue, Geamtei;Dthmizell, anCEADIFICI I,37ARAIs7TII PAINTS, are of the very beet ealectlons. - - 'O,LINTON,GLASQOW, LANCASTER, AND SCOTCH G1NG11.6318, In: oyery,wigtr, , 1 . • , ,‘ • 111101 r • DOMESTICS embrace the following brands WAUSIITtAS, HILL DIANIIIACITII4ING CO DATES' MILLS, NEW' YORK MILLS, MERRIMAC, LONSDALII,- ARIYWRICIty, , POCASSRT, NAIIM.REAd, PATTERSON', PIIPPERILLy wait& itOog, MEBRON/ ' - CARdlily MEtilitonA tAwitr i NOM, - , AtLAN All the well•known maws of, YICRS,SYRIPES, and DENIMS, each dro York, Ilamtltoo , Yinberton,,k.o.' -1011oftitigAtado. on Liberal tams, they.lnvlto'notlei 'to their Munio+atrebt Ana lininbdr, a 8 s4 o Yet ':;fe_244rn febiPintta• • FOR - THE 50 . 1111:41HARLES TON,BAVANNAII, tuyi MATANA BTEAM 811IPB. EII'EMONE STATR Captain 0. P. Marehnian. OTAT.II CH GllOßClA;Captainlohn J. Garvin. IHABNL, Captain Win. Rollins. YOB 006.111.E4T0N, 8. 0. • • The II 8. Mall Steamship ICHYSTORS STATE, aptaia, hiallaltoll4 thzttligh In dtt to 50 holm, 9.1' cialridity, alarohji!th.al.lo The E.' If: Nail Stestenhif STATE OW GEORGIA, O tats Jahr,l:GetTle, will salt _tin ire eneeder, Meech 9th, at 10 A. hi. • - • The splendid first-nit:is side-wheel Steam:ap KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA. now run se above every ten days, thus forming a live-day Dom muniestiou - with the South and Southwest. ID" Übods reoe4yed &n 4 pus of lading signed every At both Charleston and Savannah these ships con nect with stoma* for Florida, and with reliroads, ito„ for Gil Plasee in the Sotah andSenthwest,and with the Steamship ISABEL, for Mayans, .the 4th and 19th of ovary Month.: I 1 • • . nunGwv REDuitED. - &we': Freight at en average of 16 per oont. below New York, orteiniship rates. ' • INSURANCE: Freight andTcourenoe on a lane proportion of Goods shipped ileutkwill be found ; to, bo rower bitheee ships than by *Ohl le nehl.' _,._' - ,Cabin Passage to Charleston and Savannah ' 818 00 Steerage " { C 8 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the preseat year.... 80 00 Tickets to Havana,.. .. ',- 85 00 Through Ticket] to New Orloaos 20 60 Do . , Mobile 35 00 De • , Montgomery 26 00 , -Do Albany, Ga 24 00 , • Do - , . .: Columbus, Ga • • 28 00 . Atlanta, Oa ' 23 00 • , Do Macon, Ga 21 00 Do Palatka, F1a..... 23 00 ; Do Ficolata, Fla 28 00 , ,Do _ _ . Jacksonville Fla 21.00 •Do - - Fernandina,. Fla. -- - • 21 00 No bills of lading signed after tbe'ehip hatt Sailed.' •:. No freight received on the day of nailing. For frolfhtnr passage apply. t..,:,. . ._ : i f , . 1 . , , * .L A. 131111.014. Jr! :- : Southwest corner 201111T11 and CHASTE*. Agents in Charleston, T. 8, .t T. 41. BUDD. i .. Sayan/M.11;0.A. GIUMEE',94 GO. HAN GE OR - gr D4PAATtran OF NIOW WIFE ' - ' ' • . • ' On and after TUESDAY, let March, the Morning Mail Line will leave Walnut street wharf at 8 A. M., and the Evening Mail at 6 P. If., via Camden, Trenton, and Jersey City. • - The 10 A. 81, Line Will: leave tVeinnt Street wharf, bylsteamboat to Tscony, thence by oars to Jersey City. • ;The New• York. tig. A. M. and 6,V, P.. •M, Lines,fron3 ,NeDaington 'Depot will be' dlioontintiell after Monday, the 2§th • ffe:ls;et TZIIIIII, Agint .111/IAOKEREL:•; , 46B 1',2, and 8 UT* altelcerel, whole, hey, and quarter bbla., original proliragen,lornale by •- -'O. d. BSDI HB & ()0.. , • fe24 IAIIOII Otroet 24 Malt above inad. Try; IVMAR+CI 1, 1f,i59, ',l":"':':',.'.!flifartlttblitotioner -- * - voßciEsTriir.% bicyjorsAaws, .14;1.i. (Pt 04 0: • PrtILAIS.ELPIiIA' It will be mean, by the folleiing certificate, that WORMESTNIVS SERIES Olt, III'OTiONA4T.FB hare been Introduced by the Board of s Controllers, to be need In all the riablie Soho,olo of the eta of Philadelphia: °rime - Or viaCOmirtoct.ana,cie POSLIO SCHOOLS, MITPISTMOT Or PENNSYLVANIA. PKINADBLVIIII;PALIIIIry 9, 1859: At a mOoting of tho Oontrollore of Publlo Soboola, - Vint Metrict of petosylimuls t held at the dontrollors', Chamber, on Tuesday, February 8,1859, thd following resolutiOn was adopted: 4.ll.solved, That WOROESTEWS SERIES OF MO _ TICII4WIES, bBrtotroduced, to be need in the Pablio Schools of this District / 1 0 1 4ERTtearetary.'? . _ WORCESTER'S SERIES OF-DICTIONARIES, COrtgretpla 1.--THE SCHOOL DICTIONARY,' ELEMENTARY DICTIONARY, 111 -THE COMPREHENSIVE DIOTIONARY, IV.—THE ACADEMIC DICTIONARY, CRITICAL DICTIONARY, Xs constantly actiaooini In'ioptiar fsioi.' The bodke have been introduced, by authority, into the Public Schools of Boston New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington, D d., Bt. Louis, Chicago, nod most of the principal places of the Ehiled /haft. , They represent • the Orthography and Pronunciation used. by the most eminent echolars, both in Eegiand and America. Th e definitions are concleely expressed, and seldom leave anything to be desired. , For ell school - purposes they are the boot Dietionarles extant. They need only to be examined to be universally adopted, . READ THE FOLLOWING TESTPIONIALS lion. Edward Everett saga;—f` T have made constant nee of lir. Worcester , e Dictionaries since their first publication. lila orthegraiiii and Proteinelatton repro apt; as far as I am aware, the most approved usage of bur language. "Ilia dafinitiona seldom leave .anything4o William It. Prescott, LL.D., gays I have long • since learned to apreolate your calash* Inhere, which_ have done so mach to establish the acourisiT of pro nunciation, while affording the reader, by the citation of authorities, the 1124,16.11 X of detentaintrig for himeelf." Washington Irving, LL D , says:—" as far as I have bad ,time examine the Prom:Miming, Explanatory, and ilynonymoue Dictionary, it gives me great eatlefen tlen, and appears to me to be well cabiuleted to fulfil the purpose for which it professes to be intended—to supply the wants of Commen'Sabohle; ehetiti bee aura cleat manual for schools of a higher ordr." , -Him. Josiah Quincy , LL D , late President of Harvard College, esys The public have long, since passed judgment on your qualifications, and lite:lepse of many years bee confirmed its earliest decisions," Rev. Edward Hitchcock, D.D., late President of Am herst College, !aye:-" Having been in the habit of using the Univerital' and Critical Dictionary, almost exclusively, for several years, I doll welcome the new one; with its improvements and additions," Hon. John Mclean, IL. D.; Boyd:-" Ever since the publication of your large Dictionary, I have bad it near ace in my library,* inietif the emalleredNiouts I have al:irsys had on my table, at every plane where my public Antlei inn • ' •-" %Rev. Eliphalet Nott, D D , President of., Union Col lege, says With the large work(tlte Universal and Critical) I have long been familiar, and can cheerfully bear testimony to its great merits. It is et encels menu moot to the honor of its author, and to the country thus Signalised by his labors." Prof. 0. 0. Felton, LL D', of Harvard College, says : influence of your Works is rapidly extending, in Spite of opposition, and I eta very sure that your great Dictionary will become the standard everywhere." Rev, William Ofearns, D.D,, President of Amherst College, says:—" I have ,already looked into it (the Anademie Diatlonary) suffielently to see that it is a great improvement on your 'ormer work, which, fib 'msg . of any work of the kind, is the greatest mime." • Rev. Charles Cr. Pinney, President of Oberlin College, seyi It ie, - and ,timely, a highly important book. It is needed in nearly every fatally, and will be much veined by the reader." Rev. James Walker, D.D., President of Harvard Col lege, saye It (the Academie) is, beyond question, the most convenient Dictionary for the 'Andy table, and for common use, which ! bare yet seen et•l , Tbeo. Preibighuyeen, LL D., President of Rut , gere College, rays I shall prise It m • meet vela. able help in all Ile departments," • - Rey. Denial . Kl4wood; LL D Prialdent of Delaware College, says :—":t regard the work en one of great merit, admirably adapted-to the user, for which It is designed." herilm*e p. 1 1 1)4d, President of Transylvania Unt..- versity,says :—" t! or the purposes of convenient can sullation, tar readers of every *ism, and re eresspeeially. by the strident who dronld gain a critical, a practical; and en eitensilA acquaintance with the English and .American langimge, unaefifed, there hi no Illationary equal to this.",— • - - Rev. Itenjatrdo gale, D.D , President of llebart.Pree College, says : 7 " I have need your Dictionary for many years, with greit satisfaction, and your smaller one have been in th e habit of recommending for the use of pupils," , , • - Rev. C. Collies, D D. President of Dickinson College. nye I take pleasure in saying that it iths Ace deol)o) ;IMMO to nip to,fulfil the conditions of Ice:ninon reference ihetitertry mere perfectly than anyone new before the publie." • Rev. William A. Smith, D President of itsin dolPh Mean College, says :.—"I am happy to,atate,thmt your additions to the plan usually,pureued rn works of the kind are decided i improvements, =coils , the practicalrattle irk diOtinuary." 8. E ...raptor, LL.D.,. Principal of Phillips Academy, Andover, says The Dictionary seems to roo to com bine unusual, excellencies, and aka manual for general use; and for high schools and °onager:, It has no cope- ROY, Meth llopichts, D.D., President of College, eiyd The work seems to me to be very complete, and se well adapted for the purpose intended as anything can well be. Ihave your , large constant use." liev Leonard Woods, 1) 1., President of Dowdola College, says I *snare you.that I have found no occasion to alter the favorable opinion I long ago formed of your Dictionaries, la comparison -with any other! which I have had an Opportunity to examine " Prof. Arthur It. Perry,*A.- EL, _William's College, nays do, not hesitate to pronounce it eminently adapted to high echoote lied soademiee. , i Prof. Samuel IL. Smith, A, IL, Waterville College, says 1—..0 It le, in nay judgment, the most convenient and ralttable Dictionary for the nee of those for whom it hi 'tape:deny sledigned with which I am aclrethsted.s? Rev. Alarm Patter, D. D., Bishop at Penn:so=ls, Your larger Dictionary hoe been my principal resource ever mince It wee published.” -- Rev. It. E. Pattlson, 1) D . President of Waterville College, esys:—..." It is manifestly superior to any other work of the same general dolga Prof. S. G. Brown, A. 11.1 , Dartmouth College o lays: —"lt teems to me by far the moat comprehensivel and valuable manual that I am acquainted with." Prof. 11. 11. Barney, A: 11 , COmmissioner of Pattie Schools in Ohio, says I regard Worcester's Ele mentary and Comprehensive Dietionariee an the best echool dictionaries extant.) , Prof. Aaron Williams, A. IL, Dairen:icy of Oitio, % me It le undoubtedly the beat standard which are have, as to orthography and pronnialatlon, ,, lieu . llorace Mann, LL D., Preeldent of Antioch 110- lege, says :—"ln all my writing, sp:aking, and teaching, I have, endesvOred to conform to the rules for ortho graphy and pronunciation as contained in; Worcester's Dletionary." Prof. Pranels Lieber, I 4 D., South Carolina College, eels I consider it the boat of all American diction aries of the Enghah raugnage." Rev. John Wheeler, D.D Preeldent of 'University of Vermont, says:—" I have used Worcester a Unirerlal and Critical I) ctlonsly In preferenee to any other, for constant reference." Ron. Charlee Sumner, United States Senator, rape : " The Universal Dictionary/ have used constantly, and almost dully, aim:lens pnblication 2 I have no hesitation Sn Calling it the beet practice! dictionary of the Eaglieb language." Wells, Superintendent of Schools, Chicago, 111., says:—""As a standard of orthography and pronunciation, the corapite.Von of Mr. Storeeeter in far In 'advance or ell other works of Its clael.', Prof. James T. Champlin, Waterville College, Ffiye: , —"Asa medium dictionary for common, every-day use, I know of nothing equal to it." Hon:George Bancrot, LL D says On questions of orthography, i shall make It my standard, allowing mySelf rare deviations, or perhaps no detlatione what. Sm." , , nonce Webster, LL D., Yrincipil Free Academy, New York, Bays " Worceiter , a' Dictionary of the English Language lute keen in nee in this institution from its climmencernent, and Is considered a standard Mork. The iicesent edition, containing the eynooymtl of the language, fg mush aupeitor to any former ono, and possesses a high degree of excellence.,, Prof. D.A. Johnson, University of City of New York, gays The fulness nod compsos of the vocabulary, the minute and careful attention bestowed upon the aubjeet of orthoepy, the propriety of the orthography, .the'elearness and exattnesn of the definitions, together with .the nice critical, notes on unauthorized word', provincial usage, &c., which are found throughout the volume, are excellencies which distinguish this above soy, other diettonerywithln my knowledge.t , JOhd Elicit, LL. D., Principal of the high School, Philadelphia, says The work of Dr. Worcester Is, in my 000100, one. of uncommon excellence: As a pronouncing Dictionary, its value is very great. The principle!' of orthoepy adopted by the author ate sound and couse . riative; and hie method of notation at once complete and simple. The exhibition of authorities, in the cue of disprited or doubtful pronuncsation, is a source of great satisfaction to the iequirer;giring the means of ao Intelligent opinion with very little labor. But, independently of .its merit& as a pronouncing Die tionary, Dr. Worcester's work hes a high value as a vonsprehenelve and learned vocabulary of the language, replete with information; and Marked throughout with the logical features of the author's mind. ), • We might till a volume with Similar extract!), but the foregoing will mulles to show. lhat Worcester's Dic tionaries ere regarded by the literary Mill o f the coun try as the 'standard works of the English language: WORCESTER'S QUARTO DIOTIONAR Ie rapidly,approaching completion, and wo hopo to pub lish It In May next. We are preparing an edition for subscribers at the low price of $7.00 per copy. It will be printed on extra lino paper, with large margin, raper epeolmen copy, which may be coon at the book Moro of J. B. SMITH Ar , CO., No. ea gIIESTNIIT STREET, ~,,, PII ILA DML NOTIDE.--PLUMBING AND GAS-PIT TING, la - done in a norkmanlike manner, it very moderate . chtirgeo, by W6I. WATTON, N. W. vroer TWELFTH anIBREING HAMDEN: N. D.—Country work promptly attoudti3 to, fe264ME , 4,12 MMIEMI ' "' Nett thlblitationc p PRESS. DI&RY or TEIII t&MERIOAN.R4T4O,IAUTIOX, Brain Whig and Loyal Neirapapors, and original documents BY—P.R.AZiIt 81004 X .Bold only by subscription, JOHN MoFAHLAN, AROADE HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA, Sole agent for Pennsylvania, Nett Jersey, and Diatrie of Columbia. 4. W—PAIRMAN, 20 North TENTH Street, Agent for Philadelphia 10104 tn-St S LOAN's MODEL ARCLEITECT.—E. H. BUTLER, dc CO, harp. in preen, and will pnblieh on the 15th of April, "(a new edition, enlarged, with new drawings)—, TElld ntauvp - Axtourrpyr : A cerles of Original Deegan for (battagea, Villas, Suburban Reaidencee, &c., accompanied by explanations, specifications, eatimaieethe nee in'elaborate details, Prepared expressly for e of proJec tore and artisans throughout the United States. By Samuel Blame, Arohltect. , In two volumes. Mille,. Price $l6. fe2B 2t NEW BOOKS—NOW READY. . NEW FOR' OL TALE. ERIO ; On, LITTLE BY LITTLE A TALE OF ROSLYN BOIL ()L. By FREDE RUM W. Rums'', (Follow of Trioity Oollem Cambridge.) 1 vol., 12mo, Muslin. Price $l. From the Londou Literiiry Guzetto nlt is pleasant to-pre taco our notice of this work by a genuine conviction that it is one of the moat charming and touching of books that It hat ever been nur lot to read. No book, since the advent of Tom Dronn's tchool Days at Rugby,' has given such an admirable picture of Inner school life:, 131100$0 MRS. lIMI3TBD'B NOVEL SO,U T W 0 L. ' A BOOTE NOVEL By Mm. LILIAN DRTERSUE IJUSTED. One volume, 12mo, Buelin. Price SI Bouthwold Is a action of much more than ordinary merit. It has, mower enough to make the fortune of helf•adoren fashioned° novels. The diction is etroug and nervous ; the society of which it treats is aoato- Engel with infinite skill; each secret spring of its action is revealed, and its skeleton is stripped, one by one, of its false coverings ; whidi form the brilliant and becinating °Verde put forth to the world. se a ecciety novel, it Is, with hardly an exception, one of the swat consumznately.inausged and alluring books which we have ever road .t,l *',*F Theme hooks are sold by all Booksellers, and sent by mail postage free, to any part of the ignited Btates, on receipt of the price, by BUDD k CARLETON, Publishers and Booktiellers, No. 1.80 GRAND Street, near Broadway, felo-thatn IS New Rork. 11 EW BOOKS! NEW BOORS! A BTO4RAREIiarAV MEMOIR OY AUGI2IB TINE By Rev John Bailie, author of "Life o Adelaide L Newton?' . • MENDIP ANNALS; Or: A:Narrative of the Charita ble Labor+ of Hannah and Martha More. Edited by Arthur Roberte, M A. EDDY ELLERSLIE ; Or, Old Prionda with New Pam. By A. L. 0. IS, authoreee of " The Adopted So ,n Young Pilgriro, , * &e. WILSDN , S NEW HISTORY OP THE CONQUEST OP MEXIOO. TIM MOTHER'S MISSION ; Or, Sketches of Every- Day Lire. By the author of Object or Life." lerco. PALIIBY; The Huguenot Potter. lemo. Per sale at low prices by WILLIAM B. & ALFRED MARTIP,N, fe24 BOO CHESTNUT Street. Philada. TARE, SINGULAR, AND VALUABL BOONS bought, Rohl, end exoharrged by • J. SABIN . , Yo Antique Book Store, fel7 , . . 27 South SIXTH Street. BEAUTIFUL NICARAGUA I PARA DNB OP THE INNEN!! MST PIIBf.IBCIED A WOVK OF EXTRAORDINARY INTERBIBT. NIOLEte Gl3 : PABT,YarBass,AND 101915; sde scription of its Inhabitants, Customs, Mines, Mlnerald Narly History, Modern Pilibusterlsm, Proposed Inter Oceanic Canal, and Manifest Deetlny. By Perm P ETOUT, 3Serr; late Vice.Uonsnl. 812 pp., 12mo, cloth. Pr:ce For gale by Booksellers' aud'News Agents generally or smut by mall, postage paid, oo receipt of the price. Address JOHN E. PO nen, Publisher, 017 HANSOM Street, Philadelphia, Pa, QTANDARD, ELEGANT, AND YAW ABLE WORKS. JUST ISSUED: • WILSON'S NEW HISTORY OP THE CONQUEST OP MEXICO. Cloth, $2 50 ; theep,t3 •, Half Calf, $3 50. OSBORN'S PALECTINE, PAST AND PRESENT? , Oloth, $3.60; Sheep, $4; Half Calf,- $4.50 ; Turkey a11t,45; Super Turkey gat or Antique, $5 60. BARCLAY'S CITY OP THE GREAT RING' , Prices same as Palestine, Put and Present." The above works are uniform, and aro Indispensable works for reference and for the library Post-paid on the receipt of the retail price. MALLEN & SON, No. 25 heath SIXTH Street, htladelploa. folo-12t Oiluer-tUare. THE OLDEST istrAvErt WARTiI 711.AlqtY.VA.CT011•1" IN 13311 UNITED STATES. ESTABLISHED 1812: 4 ' southern and Western merchants are Invited to examine our large assortment of . - SILVER TEA SETS, FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, kc., , All of our own manufacture, and warranted of the highest standend of silver. Persons baring orders for premiums for AGRIOULTURAL FAIRS Treated on the most liberal terms, and satisfaction guaranteed. WEOL.EBALE Ad WELL As RETAIL. Orders promptly attended to. WM. WILSON & SON, S. W. COM FIFTH AND CHERRY STS. fe2l•lm 3nornaitre Ql.oinpattio. RICHARD S. SMITH, Agt N. E. COIL THIRD AND WALNUT BTREET REIURN OF THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFII INSURANCE COMP 4 .I\T-T. IN CONFORMITY WITH THE LAW OF PENNSYLVANIA ,POSITION OP TEE COMPANY AUTIIORIZED CAPITAL 910,000,000 Of srht6h la paid up £188,422 Remerved fund 214,610 Lira fund 531,160 Fire reamed fund 153,710 .C 1,085,017 at $5 la $5,410,02 00 The nobility of the entire body of shareholders no limited. All Diroctois must be propristore in the Om lIHTHNUA OF THE COMPANY FOR ONH YEAR AT LAST STATE• =VT $2,250,000 GO Ii,ESiJIJRCES IN UNITED STATES ASTMS Cash on hand with Directors, In New York. 1576a41 28 Cash In hands of agouti and in comae of transmission 65,088 4S Oity,Btooks, all of State of Now York 182 1 000 00 Yirgtnia State bonds, 8000 00 Amount of stock held as collateral security fol. loans Amount or LVIIES on bonds and =lime, constituting brat liens on real estate, on which there Is lose than one year's Into. • rest due LIABILITIES. Ant= t of claim for loss contested INCOME IN UNITED STATES. Amount of cell premium received $607,032 00 Amount of interest money received from in- vestments of the Company. Amount of premiums earned EXPENDITURES. Amount of losses paid in United Melee during the year $149,010 67 Amountpald for reinsuranoe 8,627 93 return premiums 29,916 64 Amount dividend paid during the year thirty per mint. Amount of expenses, including fees and . commisaions to agents and officers of the Company 90,892 26 Amount of taunt paid by the Company.... 8,188 18 BUTE OP NEW YORIf, City and County of New York, go. Before me, Daniel Saline—a Commissioner, resilient in the city of New York, duly commieeloned and quail. ite4 bine Executive authority, and under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, to take the acknowledgment of deeds, ko , to ha need or recorded therein—personally appeared ALFRED PELT,, to me personally krona to be the Resident Secretary of the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company, of the city of Now York, and the said Alfred Pe.l, being duly morn, de poiseth and earth that the foregoing etatemsnis are true end correct, to the beet of his knowledge and belief. ALFRED P FILL, Resident Secretary. Sworn and subecribed to before mer thin twerity•feurth dat' of January. A, D. 11359. DANIEL BRIX AB. :deal .1 fabl9•a tuktl,6l, 1140RK.- 825 bbls. Mess Pork, of Now jersey, Ohio, and Philado. 0. elphia packing i, t for eele by B.a.CLUB. , fat LULL Street, :4'd door above Front. 311611tattee'_:QCoiniictitiv1; FIRE _ INSURANCE. • /ETNA INSURANOF;'COMPANY, of ' - - Hartford. Cash Assets, 1,1/159...'.:5i,5Q7.1020-0$ MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE , COMPANY, of New York. Ooh Aseete, Jan, i, 1969%;. : : SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE 'INSURANCE COMPANY, ' Cash As:sets:lad. 1,1i359 NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. 11 MU Amato, Jan 1, 1869 IRVING' FIRE - INSURANCE CCM. PANY, of New York. Cssh Aessta..lm. 1, 1F69 MERCHANTS' FIRE INSURANCE I COMPANY, of Hartford Cielr Assets, Jim 1,1869 239,070 83 Policies issued, and losses•equttably adjusted and promptly paid, at his Agency, by • BOSWELL & WILSON, Agents, No. 216 WALNUT STREET. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE ,cO3I7ANY OF NEW yoßit. ASSETS OVER 85,300,000, The whole of which le the property of the Insured. This Company is now prepared to Irene Policies en LIVES OP CHILDREN, payable at the age of eighteen, tWentyone, or twenty titre years. either with or with out the RETURN, OP THE TOTAL PREMITTH PAID, in case the party sneered does not attain the apecifltd age. Per rates and other o particulars, apply to F. RATCHFORD STARR, Agent, No. 152 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, 1024-lm 'PHILADELPHIA. ENTERPRISE ziv stI:E A- cis coraP.e.►.iv-Y This .Company insures Balla:1ga, Earnitnre, and merchandise generally, againet loss or damage by fire. The policies of, this Companyexpremaly provide that when assigned as collateral scantily, they shell not be .sessoriin UT irrr for of,ttie Oirner'of.the property eared. Entire saonrity is thus extended to the holders of Oitousi , RUTS arid ifoirososs, notwithstanding re oent'docisions of the Courts of 1 eve. Ground Rents, Mortgages, Mechanics , Liens, and other Becanities on Real Rotate, will also be specially, Insured if desired. ' DIRICTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Daemon, William MlNee,,.„ George I.l..Staart, Nalbro Frazier, John H. Drown, John M. Atwood, . 1i A. Fahnettock, Benj. T. Trertiok,, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Whartoni ' J. l i ivingeion bringer. F. NATOUVORD STARE, Presideni CHARLES W. 00X8, Secretary. TEMPORARY OPFLOE: 152 SOUTH FOURTH STREET febl7.3m NORTHERN ASSURA N CE COMPANY No. 1 MOORGATE STREET,.LONDON FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE, Notablighed In 1839—Inootporoted by Spools' Aot 1=!!! Paid Op Capital and Sur plus £133122 4 1 52,191111 02 Annual Bayonne 166,740 10 6 933,784 32 This Company income against lose Or damage by the almost every desoription of Property. The rates of pre mium are moderate, and tbe conditions of Insurance are framed with the greatest liberality 'the Policies of this CoMpaey are not only guaranteed by a large Capital, but also by the unlimited pet eonal responsibility of nearly one thottaaod nharnholdere. , Losses promptly adjusted and paid without re ference to London. 4:U All the advantages of a Mutual Association are united with the security of a Proprietary Company. Tan Bares or PREUIUM are based upon the safest and most approved date, and-may be made payable to nit the COUV(..I:6BIICtI of the Assured. Proepeatneee, Tableg of Yates, Applleationg,&a.,may be obtained at the °Mee Es4mlnetir n for Li fe Insurance sillily, at 12 o'clock DI WILLIAM GETTY, Agent, No, 37 South Third Streit. DEFERENCES IN PHILADELPHIA. Messrs. Stuart & brother, No 13 Bank street. "Mrsre. Clashorn, & Co , 232 Mat kat street. tt Wm. McKee ,S Co , 22 Booth Front street " N. B. Thompson &C 0,46 N. Wator street. " Joe. 11 Mitehell, Esq., Pres. Mech. Bank. , t James Doulatp 'EN', President Union Bank. Hon Win. A. Porter, 623 Walnut street, late JtVge Supreme Court. febs4 to th tmy6 QAFECTIARD LNSUBANOE COMPANY, KY 8; 11. Corner of Farm and WALNUT Urea, OApltal paid In (seonxely invested) durtann_ _ This Company having been thorongly reorganise , now ready to make Insurance upon all kinds of pro• party, merchandise, fee •, against LOFTS or DAMARE BY YULE ONLY, upon favorable Jenne. Jacob N. Reeler, Initialslcbarne, Robert P. Ring, )3 D. Rogliatt„ - Gob/gent. Levis, Joseph R. Stldfold John Prontice j Edward Mier, P. R. Birokheadi Henry R. Foote. JACOB EMMY R. Poore, Secret PIIMADRIPILIA, Deo 231 NOTICE.—THE PRESENT CAPITAL .1 of THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY ($100,000) haviug been paid in cash, notice Is hereby given that an increase of the same, to the sum of TWO Hundred Thousand Dollars, has been authorised by the Stockholders, and that the subscription book will be opened on the drat day of March next, at the Office of the Company, where it will remain open until the in creased amount has boon subscribed. 011ARIAB W. 0016.13, Beoretary PhUadelphih, January, 1869. 11. 4 1NTER PR ISE INSURANCE COM I'ANY. (FIRE INSURANCE EXQUISITELY.) magmas. P. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Damon, William M'Kee, George H. Stuart, Nalbro Praetor, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B. 11. Fabneetock 3 Benj. T Tredick, Andrew D. Oneh, Henry Wharton,J. Livingston_ It minger. P.IIitTOTIVORD . STABS, Treeident. CHARLES W. CIOXE, Secretary. Temporary Ofilce,l62 South !SMITH Street. Jol3l-tmarl rp IifULTON'u INSURANCE, ADJUSTING, A. AND COLLECTING OPPION, No. 808.. CHESTNUT 1'11114131114111t1. The underelgoed haying been practically engaged for a number of years in different capaeltles of the Insu rance business—for several years in adjusting losses exclusively for the Insurance Oompacies—now offers hie services to those eustaining Loss or Damage by Fire to property 'Mwed, in making out their proofs of each toss or damage in full compliance with-the intricate and cunning conditions of POlidies Of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companies so inelined; or_others. Lie will glee particular attention to the Collection Of Malmo against Insurance Companies. Puttee sustaining -loss or damage by fire, as above, will find it to their interest to consult the undereigned be soon after , the Bre a r s paitaible fa 224 mil*. - • t G REAT WESTERN INK/RA.IIM AND TRUST COMPANY. OP.P.WE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, 403 WALNUT STREET. • CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 9276 968 03. Insures against Lou or Damage.by WIRE, MARINE, CARGO, and INLAND INSURANCE. • DIRECTORS: Charles O. Lathrop, • William Darling, Alexander Whilldin, Traoy, John O. Hunter, • James B. Smith, Timm Etaalehurst, John R. Todges, J. R. McCurdy, Thomas Potter, Thu. L.lllllesple, Marisa Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan J. Slocum. O. 0. L THROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vies President. JAMES WRIGHT, Snowy and Treasurer d3O-d&Wti 1114 S UItAINOE OOMFA.NY OF THE .R. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA. RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Chartered In_l794—Capital $200,000-4zsets, Jantq oxy I, 1868, $347,446.50.100, All invested in sound and available sectuitiee—conti - nne to 'Deere on Vessels awl Cargoes, Building's, Stocks of Merehandiae, len., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS: Henry D. Sherrerd, • George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macatester, Tobias Wagner, Wfllam 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wolfson, •Rohn B.Badd, Henry G. Yreeman, Wllliom R White, Oharlee 8: - Leseis, George 0. Carson. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM Maras. Secretary. Je9-wfrm.tf qina anb Onentowarr. 75 000 00 601 200 00 $15,000 00 1859 QUEENSWARE. 1859 , BOYD cC STROTJD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stock of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CDINA, GLASSWARE, AND QUEENSWARE, (At thoir old stand) No. 82 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Pour doore below Merchants , Hotel,) To which thoy Invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., • __ 47,205,00 ..... 425,273 00 IMPORTERS AND WIIOtESALE DEALERS CHINA & QUEENS WARE Nos. 23 and 25 S. FOURTH STREET in7LtitbASSWARII. been or br the packogn. tni3 lm amp-- TH.k SOUTH AND WEST-18n.. _ . . 'The PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY now offers Through- Tickets to Wilmington, N. C.' Charleston, B. An gnsta, Atlanta, and Dalton, Gs.; Rnoxvllle.Nash ville,Chattanooga, Grand Junction, and Memphis, Tenn.; Huntsville. Ala.; and New Orleans. Also, to the less distant Southern calms, and to all prominent Western points, as heretofore. The steamship ISABEL realms Beret-Monthly Trips between CHARLESTON and HAVANA, and offers a very desirable rou e , to passengers for the latter port, avoiding Cape Hatteras For tickets, or further information, apply at N. W. corner auvria and OHESTNIIT Ste., or at Depot, BROAD and PRIME dta. Philadelphia. 0, FELTON fe2- ; Preside fob. let, 1 , 349. dero 373,239 09 445,754 95 365,880 08 241,864 81 ♦T UOME AND ABROAD Pullataent £1,239,760. 136,298030 C HIRE DEPARTATEiiT LIFE DEPARTMET DLRBOTOIIB Hon. B. B. Cushing Charles le. Watrotts, Ellhu. J. Baldwin, J A. H. Hasbrouck, Aaron - Olos.i, John M. Beach, Matthew Kelley, Alex. 0. Lawrence Alfred Clapp, Wm._ Pt. Porbes. =ELM, President JAMES FIICTON Between Market and Chestnut, P#ILADELPIII& .7-'l3it,let- bi:attliciit:-----'ll:`-='''- . Ng - THOMAS' & SOMA, - • '" - , , r•— • ' - LTA • rz0i.139 and 141 130(0111 1011.11711 fiTEIRT - (PormerlTNos. AT Ind 493 . , . ' LARGE OALII 01 1. 101A:f. ESTATE AND frOoKg—• , - vuorzvßsiNs:+:- —_'• - - - . Pamphlet catalogileX ;few ,reidr," 4thstallOOE full descriptions of all the Tropelt 'mete.' he sold "on Twit day next. let March, with', llet'of ialel•dth,-11tb) and 2'4 March, olnipriaing every hirgoammintaf Itoi. petty; to be sold peremptorily. -- • - .. TRADE SALE TO 1100103ELLE1h3 ' fry. The Fifty.second Philadelphia Trade Sale of hooke, stationery, ,to., wlll,oommenpe on Monday, Met March. Catalogue!, now containing invoices' fr m the principal publkehers thtonitlient the 'United Eltate4.l SPII/Nft BALES—STOOIIB ASiilllls.l; R TATE 0 : second Spring Bale, this evening. ;211hirlbIllirrady.]" Third Spring Sate, Bth March.' Fourth Spring Sale. 15th March.' Fifth Spring Sale, 22d March. - IE7 Part or the handbill' far oath of the above 011611 now ready. STOOKS, are. Thin Evening, March Ist. at 7 o'clock, at the' Rhiladelphia Ex change, will be aold= For moonlit of whom it may concern -65 thares Consolidate Insurance Company—par $6O, full paid. • • 30 shares City Bank stook—par $5O. 81,0007 per cent, loan Went Philadelphia 'Passenger Railroad Company. 5635 scrip of the Delaware Mutual Safety Ina. Co. 1 share in the Point Breeze Park Association. 1 " Philada . Library Co. " " " Mercantile Library Co, 11 hands (7 per at.) Donaldson Improyenient and Railroad Co., par Wir O. ' • ' Executor's Sale. 50 shared Bohemian Mining Co - mpany. 85 shares lino. and Vine-street Passenger Railway Company. REAL _ESTATE BALE-THIS EVENING • ABSI4NIIEB , PEREMPTODY SALE—THE SPLEN DID BANESN4.IIOUSE, CHESTNUT WeItEET, be: been Fourth and Fifth greet, erected for the Dank of Penney'vents, ail' be positively sold, without reserve or limitation. fr 7 Fall demariptlong In handbills at the auction MOMS. t 1:0 , It may be Been fromll to 2 o'clock every day previous to WO. IRREDEEMABLE GIioIIND-RENT $7,666-545§ 16 a year, well Seemed on thirteen brick dwellings, with insurance for $5,000 which will be included in the sale. NEAT 'MODERN" YOUR-STORY BRIER DWELL ING—No. 145 North Twentieth street, between °harry and Race streets, at the corner of Totand street. Raeoutoes Bale—Estate of tea. David Miller, De- TAVERN AND DWELLINN—Wortb - Broad street, first house north of Rue street, west side. - ELEGANT WALNUT • STREET _RESIDENCE. - . . Mao, the anterior residence, No. 1221 Walnut street, between Thirteenth and - Broad, 26 feet front, 23s feet in depth, to George attest,- with stable and easoh hoome. • To Capita : Bata, Builder& 3.e —Trniteela Ws. LARGE AmD VALUABLE LOT, 198 YT. FRONT Off PPRUCE BTREET.-- - 7411 that large mid valuable lot of ground, anente on the southwest corner of Ppruce and Twonly.flrat Artiste, 198 feet on Aptrucentroet, IAI foot on Twentj-drat street; and 19f1 feet on Granville street, three fronts. ID" Clear of elf incutOblnuce. Orphan& Court Sale—Estate of James 81. Bre h on, .De ceased. - • . _ . • • . VALUABLE STABLE AN D 00AOILHOUBB, West• moreland street, between Spruce and Locust, and Broad and ,Pffteentit streets, adjointhq the Academy of Music. Same_ Hstate.—LAßGE AND VALUABLB CLAY LOT, eonthwest side of Olarkht lane, Moyamentina, contalulog over eight Acres. fame Estate.-LLARGE Loy, OVER. AORRB, northwest side of Gray's Ferry road, near The U. 8. Ar• sena!, with a large front on the River Schrulkill. Fame Estate.—FOUß BROOK DWELLINGS, north tide of Union street, between Third and Fourth, and Spruce and Pine atresta. . - Sam Estate.—THßEE-STOOP BRICK DWELLING, weet aide of North Seventh street, above Wood street. Same Relate -,--GROUND-RENT; 9430, A YEAR, outor a lot or ground southwest corner of Twenty-, &at and George otreete. Same Estate.—GßOUND-RENT., US 75.100 . A YEAR, inning out.of a lot, of ground-eouth aide of George street, went of Twenty-drat etreet, Same Eitate —LARGE AND -VAIIIABLII LOT, 48 ACRES, Gray's lane, Rabbit lane; and Plubsdelphia and Brandywine turnpike (later Bloekley township), Twen ty-fourth ward, West Philadelphia, • Orphans' Court Salc—Estate of John S. , gmith, STONR - DW RUING, PASCHALL ;VILLAGE, T WEN. TY-POI:MTH WARD _Two-story atone dwelling and frame stable, North street, Paschall Village, Twenty fourth ward, near the Blue - ' • TWO VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, north aide of Locust street. weet of Fifteenth street, opposite ." vary Church." MODERN DWELLING, WITH SIDE YARD, No. 904, Franklin, street, north of Poplar street. ' SERGEANT STREET —Neat dwelling, No. 914 Bar gain:it street, between Ninth and Tenth. and Race and Vine etr'ete• IR - - Immediate poseession. Orphans' Court Sale--Rotate of Reyes Newcomb, Dead. GROUND , ERNT UP 167.60 'A TEAR, etear of taxes, twined on a lot of ground north side of , Goatee street, 'east of Nineteenth street. ' • - ' "PareMptory Sale '- ' " • - Rotate of Peter Wright,DAneforelt VALUABLE MARRST ANVt.OSI3IERCE STREET STOREe.—The srelLbullt fire-story brick store, No. 505 Market street, and substantial tive-story brick ware; house in the rear, fronting on Commerce street and the lot of ground on which they are erected, 20 feet front on both streets, and 200 feet in depth. HY" 520,000 may remain on mortgage. la. Bale almolnte. — Peremptory Bale. Same Nitate.—TALIIABLB STORE, No. 609 MAR KET STREET.—The well-built, six-story brick store, with ornamental iron front; No. 609 Eferket street, 20 feet front, 100 feet deep; ieitti all modern conveniences. frr Subject to a yearly ground-rent of $6OO. Bala absolute. TWO-AND-A-RALF STORY FRAME STORE, No. 1100 North Seeded street, south of Edward street: - TWO FRAME DWELLINGS on alb feet wide alley, between Front and Second Bluets, and Germantown Road and Edward Street: - - THREE.BTORY BRION DWELLING. No. J 323 Lew is street, north of Thou:open' street, between Tenth and Eleventh street ' , . . VALUABLE MEADOW LANDS, 8S acres, - With two dwellings, Thompson'a Point, on the Delaware river, Gloucester county, New Jersey, about 24 miles from, Philadelphia. - SERGEANT STREET—Neat Dwelling; No. 914 Ser.; geabt street, between 9th and 10th, and Race and Vine streets. Immediate possession. VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY .OF A GENTLE 'MAN GOING TO SQBOSE.. • • Thle Evening, March Ist, oommenclog atex o'clock at the auction store, will bo sold the valuable 'private library of a gentleman going to Europe. Included are a number of desirable works on interesting subjects. }Cr" For particulars see catalogues and the tsolra, which will be arranged for - examination on Monday morning. Sale at Noe. 189 and 141 South Fourth Street. - 13OPERIOR FURNITVRE, PIANO-FORTES, FINE FRENCH PLATE -MIRROR, BRUSSELS OAR PNTS, rho. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the auction etcre, an extenelve asteirtment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano -fortes„ fine mirrore, carpets, etc., from laminae declining housekeeping, removed to the More for con venience of sale. , HANDSOME BURP:IVAN, ROSEWOOD PIANO, ' FINE CARPETS, BOOKOASES, &o. On Thursday Morning, - Also, the entire elegant drawing-room. dining-room, and -chamber furniture ' china, 0.0 rosewood piano made by Schoemaker A CO , of a gentleman detaining housekeeping. 117 The entire furniture was made to order, and has been in use but a short time. AT PfIi.VATE SALE. A handsome resideace, with stable, coach-bones, and large lot, Main street, Darlington, New Jersey. 11 , 1" WILLUM H. STERI6,• GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORM, No. 45 North MONTE Street below Arab Sale at No 46 North RIGITTIEI Street, • . SUPERIOR 110II8TU0LD TURNITIIRE.P,IER AND OVAL MIRRORS, CARPETS. SILVER-PLATED WARE, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. On Wednesday, Morning, At 10 o'clock, by catalogue, will be sold a large• and superior aeaortmont• of rosewhod. walnut, and ma hogany household furniture, mirrors, carpets, silver. plated ware, do OIL PAINTINGS , Also', about 50 paintings, in gilt frames, en gravings, etc. TABLES! WITH MANBLE DEW, AND PATENT, CUSHIONS, BALLS, CUES, An. On Saturday atcrutni, At the auction- stors. at 11 o'clock, will be sold 6 billiard able'', with marble bade, patent cushions, &0., balls and cues. , J. A. ELIBOZ 4 I. Auctioneer. fp*" Consignments of new end second-hand honse• hold furniture, piano-forted, esrpets, watches, jewelry, respectfully solicited. on whieh liberal cash ad ramose will be'made if required. 11:7 'Out-door salee attended to prewiptir. „Charges as moderate ms any other booze In this city. - ' • Legal • Notirtes IN THE ORPHINHi , COURT FOR THE _IL CITY AHD COUNTY___OF _ Estate of MAW. EW SMITH, deo'd The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Jour; GALLAOIIBR and J. MoOONNELL, Executors of the lees will and tot.- moot of the deceased, and to make illeteibution of the 1)3.1.wca in the hands of the accountants, will, for the purposes of 131 e appoint neat, meet the patties in terested on MONDAY, March 7tb, A. D. 115 U it 4 o'clock P. M., at his Office. No. 23 South TILTED Street, In the city of Philaielphia. fe24-thatu bt WILLIAM 0. BATEMAN, Auditor. OH&NOERY oF,IsTENIF Josbus Hawns'ey and others, Comp!ainants, and The Trenton Mutual Lite and On Bill, is Fire Insurance Vompaoy, J I Darts. In pursuance of au order made by the Chancellor in the above-stated cause, dated the third day of Decem ber, A. D. 1858 the creditors or the above-nomad In. entrance Company are hereby notified that they are te• Bared to present to the subscriber, residing at Trenton, New Jersey, and prove before him, under oath or af firmation, or otherwise, u he shall direst, their Neural claims and demands against said Company, within six months from the date of said order, or that they will be excluded from the benefits of such dividends an nay be made and declared by said Court. JAMES WILSON, ' Master in Chancery. fe22•tn 6w 1N THE ORFHANS' COURT FOR THE JIL CITY AND COUNTY 01? PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES OAI,IPBELL, deceased. Notice is hereby given that MARGARET - BWEDNY, late Campbell, widowaf said deeedent,lras died in said court en Inventory and appralsoMent or the personal and real estate elected to be retpined by her, under the provisions of the' act or 14th April, 1851. and unless exceptions thereto are presented on or before March 4th, 1859, the same will be approved and confirmed. , JOHN MAHAN, 41,* Attornity for Widow. eractrus. GOOD GROCERIES AT PAIR PRIOICS I ! ! OHAS. H. MATTSON, 13013.111WE18T COSNER TENTII AND ASCII STS Has on hand. and le generally receiving, THE BEST OF GROCERIES, which he will sell at the most REA SONABLE PRIOFS FOR CASH. Having a LARGE and 0110I0E ASSORTMENT of BLACK. and GREEN TEAS, he is conddent of being able to snit, both in quality and price, all persons in want of the article. in quantities of from one pound to the half cheat. Hie general assortment embraces everything in the way of FINE GROCERIES, and he would reapeetfolly ineits all In want of, good articles to give him a call. It will he worth the trial. noso-: /Miss:solutions anti tErapartactsbips. JOTIOE.-J. D. HOOVER (late U. S. Marshal for the District of Columbia) has asso ciated him.elf with WALTER D. DAVIDGE, Coun sellor at Law. Business before the U. S. Supreme and Circuit Courts, the Court of Claims, and the Executive Departments promptly attended to. Address DAVIDGE & GOJVER, LOUISIANA Avenue, Wash.ngton Olty. J.14-tf - B NC HBOOTAIAKER.—AUGUST JR. • RIMIER, No. 166 North FOURTH 'Street, re spectfully informs the public, and bOUVIERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS particularly, that be con.L tinnee to manufacture Feebionable Boots and Shoe. to order; assuring those who patronize him, that he will guarantee that bin work will give satisfaction, both ac regards superior finish and excelleßie of rasterial, Prices reasonable. - - fell Wu Mafia -- aixict .„_ J. 14 GIIMMEI — & - !$01.78,: • UP 101h-tiiiBfiT. AtfOtlONlMali, ' Piro . 11.20 WALNUT smart - • ; MUT' SPEING Oo Tharaborkreningr • • Manta al, et 7% ohgook - the PM Ms — 111 • aluinge, wilt be ~ , . - Estate Of Dr: 31 , nhn Dee'd, TUE VALTIADGE RFAIDENOB AND, LOT -OP GROIIND f southwest corner, or Walnut and -Eleventh *uncle, lot 23 feet 'on Walnut;.hy 145 feat deep on Eleventh street to Canning street, with ad-execlitatt stable on the.rear./ Ml* la a very valtiable • property, being in a central location, and having (rent* on - two desirable street*, In well-tMilt;and furnished With all the modern conveniences.. - - - „ . . . . . ~ . .. - .Estate of J. K. Kane, Deo'd.- - THREE-STORY MOH DiVIILLING. eoith aide of - • rermpr Street, 62 feet east of seventh sheet, between ~. "slarket Red AraVetreets, lot 15 'feet front'ly 44 deep. .-, Ettbjeet to a ground-rent of £1 266. emne Retate.—TEME-STORYTIRIOE DWELLING, south side of Farmer Street. adjoining the above on the east. Lit 16 feet; front by - 40 feet deep. - Tft'AOT 0? 384 ACRIIS or BIJPERIOII , TIMBER, -AND FARM LAND, with the imProwemente, elitists is Middle dmithdeld townehtui-Mouroe county, Pa . abaut 8 'adterrnorth of Stroudsburg, and ooe - mile from the Daktaate and .Lackawanna Itedlioad.. The timber 30 priicipally oak and chestnut; there is dtheS on the tract rplendid red stone gnarly; is convenient to mills, tanneries, stores, &h., and In every way desirable, FOUR-FiVRYi. BRICK AssIDENOE; •ffith all the . modern conveolesees, northwest corner 'of Eleventh and Chaff stftets, beta 'Vine !street: 06.11. D.—J. M. fituitmey tc Afono, auctioneers, - will hold regular sales of Beal Estati, Steaks, ?se. Alf% household furniture at drellings: REAL ESTATE AS PRIVATB itr On our Private Psi, Register rill eltvtlo 69 found a very large amount of real estate, ovary deacnption of city and country property. J. El eIM.IMBY .tr. SONS, - Beal Estate Broken, ' 'fa° WA:1 3 111T Street! below Sixth 1.14/11La V, a LW, No. 429 MARKNT STREET PALE TKIS. (11TBEDAT).MOUNIN4, MARCH 1, • la. O'CLOCK. - A OARD —The attention of - purchaser's is requested to our sale of 400 piehagss and lota of favor and staple dry goods, this (Tuesday) morning, March Ist, at 10 o'clook„by catalogue, on aig months , credit, comprising a general a.sortment. 14 01'nE.—Includea in ould thb 4 UIAS 163 " found— 600 Paris Melia 2AOO London printed caabnie4e shawls, 500 pieces tine pia d roil de Cbssre. 1 000 placed dew style Beyedere dunals. 1,000 pieces 0 8 ',midi/tit =Met lawns. 500 pieces Persian lainea and otallies. IRO pieces satin stripe crossovers. 200 0.4 blink Alpacas. -Also, linen gambols bandA4elifers. mantillas, 0. ;TAILORING: °CODS. 6 4 Frenclib'ack - ninths, drilla. London - welt. ego, Marseilles 1%413.7 ebitlngs, black nab carats, merges. , Aim. 200 pieced Clanton matting: - 503 Bruisilela rugs and door mets, BILE OF IhrPOBTIM AND DOMESTIC DBY This - Morning, March ist, it 10 o'clock , by catalogue, *nubs-month' credit', 400 packages' and lots, of fancy and ataplelm ported and domestic dry goods, comprising a. genets! assortmeot. - Barnples and eabiloines „early on morning of gale. g. • lA T LOT, - . • Mr,4 l / 4 1 .5) ' 6 casia toner prints: ALPACA LIIBTREB AND! 0R1C...X WIILT/N4B. 11 canes 6 4.6ne black alpacaluayea... ' • 8 cases 4 4 checirquiltioss„ , - - PRINTED DE LAINEB, cam fanny printed de banes, 44 AND - 64 Ams- MATTING'. Thia Morning. . . - - 100 please 4-4 Caper quality matting'. - .60 do 64 do (to- do. ' - LONDON' VELVET RMS. " -- bales Loudon velvet mgt.'. - babe tapestry,doornsata. BLANC SATIN' V.EBTINGS:AND SILK SERGIO. An invoice of super, black satin vesting* and Bilk gorges. _ BLADE. Ililo3 DE ninNE ORAVATS. 24 X4o,rieh,eupeibleek tune de Rhine CP/VOL BLACK CLOTHS. —Plates 2 .4 elver Freneh black: denim. 1.5 OASES LONDON 9.B'PRINTBD LAWNS, Oco. , Thin . 15 eases London 9-8 panted Lemke; new styles 2 cages fancy robes a lea, , - PARIS STELLA Btl WLB. . - This Morning, 60 lota 12-4 and 14-4 - impair quality Paris Stella shawls, avers and round toners. - - PRINTED CASEDIERE,BIIAWLB: 2,000124 and 14.4 London, noir stile I;rints4 Cash mere !bawls, - - • - • 12.4 Sae Stella dumb 12-4 do do ", do . . . LINEN DRILLINGS AND LONDON IrELTINVEL• 4 cases side bandslieen - 2 eases London ireltings..- - ' - - 2 eases London black' and white chicks. POLL DE CREMES, .D1:70ILli, AND AIRAOAII. - 6'oases fine 'pastel poll de OnOvree. - • E do do :110 ducats. 4 do 6 4 London black NEI'? NTYLETEINTEEKBAYADERE' AND STRIPE . WOOL BAREGEB.. - - 4 wies-mew styla heiyaisre stripe and fancy Mont busses, all choice colors and patterns. . . S EUBBARD & CO., AUCTIONEERS No. 922 miamErr STREET, BISTWA`tiII CARD —We . invite the special attention of the trade ana purchases generally to the poeitive- sale,of faun/ and staple goods, notione, En to be made this (nee day) morning at o'clock precisely. • SALE OF FANCY - AND STAPLE 000D8. Tido Morning, 4 ' • Commencing at 10 oteladc,. wilt be sold; w ithout starve, a general at , of fancy and staple goods, mutable for nresentesles;omprirlaing men's and boys" , lambarsool shine' and drairese, do cotton 'do, tibiae silk vests , ladies ' and miserns , silk; merino; and cotton hone, gents , ailk, - merino, and cotton half bore. ladles' and genre , colored - elk; merino, lisle thieidoiald c otton gloves, buck mitte alsdiranntlete, Paris kl,d , glcieen, /ca. FILLET MITTS _ • Also, an excellent assortinent of Snit matte, long and dent, of recent' DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACES d=o. r - Also, silk dress battens, silk bludingg, braids, triages, bed laces, An. AD*, art assortment of sill, thread, bliincle, -- and cot— ton laces, and edgings, fr.g., ,EMBRO/IN/R/ES AMR MILLINSRLEMDS. Also, an loroiceo , f preach and Scotch arobroiderlec and millinery goods, ,consisting of ; llosn•eambric.' and jaconet sets, flonneinge, inserticgs, Swine itnd itCOllO% sonlling, bock mulls," Ac. Also ' wtite and colored bonnet satins and Mika, opringcolors tetras - ribbons, permanen t flounces, .ko. .. . . ~ _ Also, = pieces Yreneh and .lnglish - doesicins and mt.= sinieres, siattinets, tweeds, cashmerettes, illazinllien coatings and vestings, 4-4 linen duck, dze, - I,I24ALL' yrARBB. , , • . Also, a valuable mantra:tent of small wares, eamlirs• log linen and cotton' tapes. bebblnete, stay bindings, dile and cotton shoe Lacbre.,ltyron and etandhog cella e, French lawn and Bilk cravats, razor !strops, combs, but tone, ace . together with' a_ general variety - of notions suitable for city and country trade. ' IE7 Catalogues ready early on morning of sale. ritRILIP FORD, AIJOTIONERti; No. 830 MARK= 11Talrar; bqtlreen. ad SIXTH; sOntb • - HAIR OW CARPETS ON SIX motrvis , •craDtr. TRis . Morning, Starch Ist,, at .1.0. Oslo& .preciaely, we will sell, by catalogue, ma six months , credit, about 250 pieces of extis, auperaws, and medium qualities ingrain, Veul. that, and cottage carpets, of the best city mantra°. tares, to which the' littentsen of purchasers is hatted. BALE OF BOOTS AND BHOE4 ON FOUR:MONTHS , ' CUM. On Thursday Morning, Marsh 3d, at 10 &cloak, so tt be sold by es'elague, on 4 months , credit. abont 7:0 'cases boots. shoes, and brogans, oonsistirg of the usual assortment or city and Eastern manufacture, to which the attention of the trade, and buyers generally, le particular], invited. 1/00 SCOTT, Jr., AUOTIONEER, No. 431 ORESTNIIT STREET, opposite the (Intent Rouse. between FOURTH. and FIRTH Streets_ FIRST SPRING B iLE OF EMBROIDERIES, FRENCH FLOWERS MILLINERY GOODS, &a. On Wednesday Morning, March 2C commencing at 10 o'clock. will be sold, by catalogue, 100 lots French embroideries, com prising a full assortment. viz: FRENCH IIMBROIDERIZEI. French embroidered double nambrio collars and nate. Do do muslin do do. Do do jaeonet - do' ' do. ' Do do. Palm . ' do do. White and black real Moulton, and Maltese thread lace,collara,&c. • , - VEILS LUIZ POINTS, AND MANTLES. Superior l'imodi black lace anipnre and Alencon Veils of newest atiOestdeeigner, Black lace points and mantles of new and - rich styles. Also, springetylee french artificial flowers 44 white mane tulle. ' - ' • ,FILIUST MITTB , ANBeLOVLB. Fienth 'Wiwi silkflliet "41 Farb rcveke teEot4 gloves. Alio, French steel spring boon. ' WRITE COODS. A line aniline tape attacks Cambric and jaconet muslin. Swim end book ronstioa, bo. - LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Alao, genie , pain and colored border linen cambr4 hamikerchlefs. and Nines' plain and bemiatltclisirds TRIMMINGS, LACES, Nelvet moire antique trimming ribbons, spring styiaa bonnet ribbons, blaca &nimbi lace, real thread lamp- Joined blondes. Also, new ei-ing abler' fancy crape and straw bennetg , PASUSOII3-1317W .1331BRELLAS. 1414:#0344 Also, superior oily-made parasols and sun umbrella*, of best spring styles for city trade. , • JEWELRY. - - Fine fancy cameo, painted, .and • lava jewelry, eine, vest and fob chains, ern FIRST LARGE PEREMPTORY SPRING SALE 01' 400 PIECES OF CARPETS. On Friday Morning. March 4th, will be sold at the eales-reom. No. 431 Chestnut street, by catalogue, commencing at 10 o'olook 'on a liberal credit,' a large and varied assortment of Solite heavy three ply, ) - Venitiaa, ingrain, - Carpets. Ram and list To which the attention of city and country buyers fa invited. Ey. Samples and catalogues ready early on the rooming of sale. EALB OF VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS FROII TRH GALLt RV OP M.EniRS. H. R. DIESELDOEFF & CO., BROADWAY, NE N YORK. On ktornirg. iset , by catalogue, commencing at o'clock / will be sold a choice collection of oil paintingv, front the gallery of the above well known firm. - . Particular attention is invited to this rile, which wilt be found to contain many oricinal pictures of great Value, together with copies by celebrated artiste of works of acknowledged merit Also, included, floe colored lithographs, pastel drawings, rich china vases, brorza etatnettee, ID — The whole will be arranged for examination with catalogues some days previous to the sale. MOSES •If THALi b, A.INTIONEIIi ILL AND OOKIESSION ICIMAHANT, 8. N. Some 811THindRAOIEtreetc. , • GREAT rimaci ACCOMMODATION. MONEY ! - MONEY ! ! MONEY ! ! - . . . Morley liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches. jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical Instruments, farnitore, dry goods, clothing, groaerles, cigare, hardware, cutlery, books', Noreen, vehicles, her nese,, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathow , 'Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. PROAIISSORY .NOTES, with collateral, disoounted at - the lowest market rates, GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. THWISLRY, &0., AT PRIVATE 'SALE, at NATHAN £l' - PRINCIPAL - ESTABLISHMENT, S. E Corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. Thefollowing articles will be sold for lees than half the timid store prices Fine gold Eegliah patent. full jeweled and plain, of the moat approved and best make, in. hooting cases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement lever and lepine watchee, in hunting case end open face, some of them extra fall jeweled and beet make. Silver Englleh patent lever watabee, es capement lever and 'opines, in bunting one and open face, some very superior: English, Swim, French, and Quartier watches; Hoe gold vests, fob, neck, and children', chains; floe gold _pencil eases and pens, bracelets, breaatpine, Hager rings, ear•rings, studs, um dallione, and jewelry generally. Superior Havana clgaci• at $l6 per thousand, in boxes of 20 each, will be eold by single box or Anantitits to entt purchasers. lin merona fancy articled, &Ai TON'S - ENCAUSTIC TILES for • • - Ornamental Chimney Tope for cottages. Garden Vases and Pountairs. Vitrified Pipe for drams 8..4 water eondnetore Imported and for sale by tel6•tt romp,. eoinete TAILOBINQ 600➢6. 111.SNCII FLOWERS BONWETS e. A. riummort, 1010 011EITNIIT Stale%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers