-.17 . ,P-- . en ,14iii,atill . •:,ilrot, 44Qi,,,hm, 4i*, • 40 , Prr l V it Ktf r PW ' er•-•'-#R E -4- 4 10(01 0 41 : 11 . -0 1 V 4a1g13 44,.#N - 1# ..,Ic-pilkk i iitirlOi4a4l; :- '1441,41( ~,„.i .to -'- , lit ,, isigactlfrisk 'SOW VIA' elo ol g il ' .•"at,h - thotilillpfl - Ilt• - ?, 4 13-1‘p - P.O.V.t,,!,;•,ft.::=• 1 ;fe :-liel.l)4lMre'Veksftt from 110 .etirci v :3 1 C: 40 Vi 3111014 ttiik;into' ~.loattlirigOit; , litith. -,, ..,,,,gt._,-,-i .' o, 44llgiOnk ~- . 7 ? #4 6 65, ' ,640 0 bel l? 1 , 1112 t 4 lti r ; f1 7 7—= , Ag , ;:5#44341mVZ4,c1kfg , ....r ~I•4l6;ilrokyiardt-A: `," - W i'll ,,- , • 4 '4 ;7 , ..,t ear luvtreesiarsda.,*ififiii . ifiiii parait ,- &,yottioaditurdik , y.ti,,Ml,VA-11c' 5 !,.0. , - , t , k! ,, n , :c. rk•',42l•l44iiisiaer . pii:,4,y, A. , .= v- f. rtfifis e ,oo4:iiiw ai t, ! ,1 ,-doXiCiri*i( s ., --- d -,, • -, - .. ~f azi. r.Z - -g.•' - '4Va .- - -,,,,,,. • -7., - - 1:1'.. , 1 ' ..,.; _..,, , • piumiltaT, •:::- -.': --- '-',,:•:,;•;--1;-•'' ' -614 19 4 ...„ ';•:, A l l*AtOt; ,i .ati .: . ,• , ! . - • , ...,=i 4 1., , ?4.4441:iii i ii i i 1 4 1 1 ''';:iPhiledfr in thLY• l ":%7-3 . 7‘Pk'T - Tr-i'l , r' :t ' - ='&hi- itiolte„ffK6ltt_i, i - 5 1 :.,i ta# l l.:lT2 2 dialledk.C-I,t-Ef ir t4-4-1 , :•!1- , -. -- - ,,, f4•!k 5 4,iiawilai l iffi la ir m iarair kor yil=l,-rWO7 - ^ sebi , 4l4o,ol,knekaiirtie - ''':ol.' leiii,irii -sEatitioiii4o4o stumettbf , t 7 .l, o,l l- L A Avgiqr - ',r - dzie rs 1 , "1 00 ,11.‘k 1- IF ,IhifArk4,44l4: ' 140Eigletial AI 1 41 Y - ....., - , • -- '. l AL I 7. l Nivire - t - ttret 7.777% , r ' ; • 41 /' , ---•,(' 1 - k-- liiikkpoi . 3a , _ , • 1 •-e , - ,- ,0 ' . ;• .tn‘2. - ••• 11 1 41w104414, --- 0 ' . , -- ,, t•',- '',,',,' 1 401(„1,4".,gyffriii.m 6 - 44rg:-.: 1 4 - 16 •,' -4 1 / 1 1 - ' alititlit 4.looffiik4A.aduai, z 4 44 4 074,144#141, - 3 - , ,,, p , --a ,01010111674 -017 4 1KAL BD 'lfs ` , •f• • , , , 4. 4 0 ; ,„ - alli Gii .11.._, , Xjorir - , „to -.lloqfp ._ . •;.,,--paisiviiza %kr , -, PAP , , 7 I. ktikmiantilisiir:tiOxittli oi ad&ik, vea=reptowi,lirt rn jjvinc* 4 , `Av-Ifigellaifiniff trip_ 4b g UAW -- p me 4 ,1 4 10. 14, 0 ArM1110:101411114 1 b•T , afaal -- 't 4!!..„ _rAftl,3 4. ' 3 4 ;10111 Wriasi V. ,,,-- ,FL l 4;stir,esual. , eiv f, '"-• 1- k a ; Ifoillle*NC*49lr,litiltheilkii , ; 1 4 .: v -, e 0 tipimPONOWSUOVatititeilt"lis 1 1 1411ftmlitith e ri:er - -Willimi;vio •••.4':>.,4 4- "Y. VIZ k:414,-diretift laiiVitlriStVaiZ: '',, 4. .1b41. 1 1 , - - ti . ,<•Ve - #0 'AOlialitiß*Ptift*: l- ,` - 4 *or icaolsik4-, I .,,:ilft4safteirilveibiliok , ~,Agt:wAwAliiir,,klirilaitaa, _1W,116aa ,, ,7 x'oYrr,4 - 7- 11 4 4 0• 8 . 1 4„, tim - Wef= 4 ,l( -44kor - 15 - 4 1 . IN J 1" . W ' , ' ~,; ;.,:',,,;... ::' f 1 r 'l n r' ? ' ' '.' '-'.!, • - 41., `'l 17 , ti• f., .' l' 9 ei•4 , 0 41. ''• .. . . . ,4...,.:"2. Y!. ,•.. S:t :•4 . --.. ~, - , • ;rn ' ;'' ' ''''. '-• -' ' -: • ',..• '' '! ''':' ' -- - ' ' - _ - n , ~-,4 . ,,,,,,,#; • i•,,Kfm...,,,,,,,,*.4.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,;1.,,,,v,•*••• 1, , ,,, i! , ' , " 4" , ' , i • %•,:••• ".4. .•.• , ..{. 4 .! .-.77.,41111rEW,-......--........... ..r.,--- .„ ~,,,,, ,-,,„„ , v-,, -, .• „-- -.,„ r-..„,: , ' ..1 ,:',.-,,.. , „ ~ . , ' , '._ _ , , rims. .. PMLAD' ELPlft r it;" SATIIRDAY — VEBRUAI Y'''ll9- , 11,59;- ~ ..,,,,-;r7, ,,N - 4 :..*;, - 1, 4 -,.:11, - .- . 1, : ----..- - *-,..-- - - ,,,,- -- -- -, B "-, - 5v, r , „--.- ,6.A , _-._ -•-- - • • --,- • • _f , 4 ''' - . - - . - ' ' , ' 9 I - . .. _...... . ............. ~ .. . . . . . 'i- ';''''' 'T l'4l l l4l 4 - 05: 4:'; : . : 1 :1 . lArt K 14.1.144 VrFritiga r a a i. ;bi la - ;7 l itin iwitlf ta gOolm..i.tiokikei.--ut 11,40, , ~ . .trunprlalirj , 11,1rE1aii,14 , 41100% f - IyAV tir.; ininio. - 144001.,:piibtcwr-.. ~,,;f4 / -`,.,_ ,' i i,f,`i t .:, i,llll,lpiriakit*,,,ll-119143:4".:- w .. hue , ...:, atiVrAlWig , OtAleltsitlSnO,vt§,llllai liln , lllf . • illabtAla 1 .0! TtlifilAlPO'k - ‘.. - -'" -'''(,,," c r ::.":, ; .1 " - '5 .. .5 ; t i. , 4,,,-04,-.,,,,,,..;.,, talgiwii , f. ,- W.V.t.:::•%'-: at g- ~,,,,,..o . o.,,i,Builtimorea'agel ~ '' - 1114/4*„ .f . .-.' Ther 1 , 0 .„47, 111 ki!!!r. , " - , 0 - 1 1„t„mnlio,L6•;; ? , ,:f2,p 1 ., Itin , , N e li o ' .!4 . t.3rb i mg& ' cinq woad* sio 1,VAit 11 4 3 °72 4 ,, • , 4 .....,,i4toirsiT:serilini,-atlns lit feeble& , Ns % ) 1101 Mt" titt..4,/171!0 4 Knit A atil, iiedoeVA Wo,ooFuotz".l o *.. , Ez , VA , i , ,i s iiiyik.=',4: ; I', - 1 11 44.010 ' tAft2,!. l .lN4 o . ll l l llttak i ... , • nub i i, s i, v 41, soft W&AgT 11l 0 ,0,c 0 0 n °lin. 21.- - d.• ,i.,,` *MIMI. 1 ! Ithaliplidte 3 W44. l7 ‘",'l t r u ,s , 4. 90 . 7 - or .4,010444.11 41 . 1 itt ,6,v a • VOio. 4 14tt iind rk - qtrtll.t ; at 11 o , eleek,;,, *loy'llptlpfhl It 4l OOV/Ipigiati, *.,, , Pfnialfol* 40- .4 1 Alf i rr i .., eel 1101 tlui.r4 6 , 4-40,1 ,6 1)e;. ~,..;.e,-„,,,: .„ 1 „....,.......- , -,, • , ; , .. a iiigili , - ;4l.lfreoP4l*--, ' l l : L li ha r i4M - 1 17 .11... .;7WiMi s igiartroilitil:etaliqende• le — 7 ,-- - e t h ivi i - o .7: 3 4actibbiterreet,itreloir4l= A* 1041.10611,1421 '_....,-',4T,PA l rr i e d iuto at gji 11l Oenseterr.:i - innei114. 0 47.17.:" -2 , - 4-,...: , ,. ,;* acke't,l.& , 4 4, ' Ar, " S- r ---0- irintaltigilqf:;lll. ttlli , ,'"' Or 1 14 1 6 th ,11 , *IP% ..!:, -,,...,_ ~.. ; . , ~ lap Wallis hliAirs....it.l4 , oo o 'ol,_ t o t it ed to !4:01:141:,,,11TeLtd0 ji"IIII7.7I;I4KIJALITZTI:7;, "..1fr,:1;;I:bP-1. :1:::; raw .f1atie1ni4fa•!,..,t,,,,,..,. •gtowomansitinle, atfrou '...d gerelluir-OritrOMAMel, liiia ViA1k , : 44 0 4 : 01, ptbl ,l W.Y1t 4r4 .1 ,yo, a,•-..„.,,- _•,,, 1 ~. ..; • v!.1 , 26.14,, ~ ..1,- At' ," ."- .'''''," ''-, w i ped: AgiiilatiiiliVisa. trieme , ot:thoOnltritr wimild,. i tti.ni , attilt4thaffilaril*, ft9El_r oir _ sitho , onca eitrilikalellf 41 1 C.V , Plitr, ,21 4 .4 . ,:i t hihit _anti* * , - trißuildaf Aftet°9"•`' ' .° • Orelintlne:l4Terfnqaled tu Plante cemetery.* alueildpialla latft:t. 0 0801 4WIL ho i'itai, Wintit4^Tett lltue. o6 P l Okir 0.t.f.Y11.4 In 1 .„ ~• . ~ ianrt4lllllo4l s .l..ie,zu*4 -4-r , r , t-i.,k. ~1., . ...,, -,,, ~ ...'! ,, i-t l iit Il i Skt igiveli t tAmi ll"tn_ t it tbs l:,r7tri l ialfru:e eustr4 itt u 4 lito:th Stara it ' lpet; - -dit7,Bandsi lino• o9ll .!**estith , ilstiot;o:, , ?-;,;1:,°,1,7:' ',,idekb Laqiiill,.l,-2;'..:4-I,i'iltilllifizi-;`,401 tf./ Ilt4atti '., 1 •1 4 r!!44 4 ~, % - -,' , 1 •7 '' • ;41S.,_4411VIrttlth:It144W;;711;itatSlitiiniiild tO - sksvian tuez ir tuelirr, funsobef.r.ti risia.ol4l2,-oh , e/tar t !.. - v ionpoilitida,t_ nititailigi f , 2 9ttn , id l l , I Y I Y;f ll 4 P, Tt' ' ' 410444 Taftlat /IWe° ' '''''' - ;! -:Til:rool)/Intent 4 . 0451ta•-‘l6lb '.'.lnetent,!LOßlS,A--.. ~, 1 V- glautrterAntnedienind Sams .1 .- Zane, aged ye a r. t"1-,,n` • telatlrei and Mende or Ai fitußY IltaSerlyealfil! l 7 'lnsl 0' stiNetnnol the funeral; Vaal the **Menne Of ',lfelagaidrattleataVrtlikthony Atwacodt No„ t ..!, 612 South ' ;sniper street, We (Saturday),,: . afterreoa, a a 0 ,. . Weir. ~- T o Droeeed,:to Laurel MlL _x _t ,- ' --:- -..., .!..__, f-0//[ ttalllnillatal4r Mi. N , /1,/:/,X).4‘1,,r 10th 77 , 11 0 1 0 1 P.Q4j,4:t 14:- - , 't. ,- .. , ,-- - _ , ikkyy`lcc-I;4r Tint: D 'SBIIOII-,wlll;rpreach on tititingOeirt on AVHIII93IIN, 1XGAZ14.0164,1? 134iireatit; tka -11 . rste . iglastoriovr,64lo.lolALltor.- 30471.144 ma NEB 'ow ,MX".!#. 11:414,Brood' irltaykAri - ii Lite otreeth TU.llo4l(Bl,Yetaegi lot -Vo'eloeCt'At Bhe wurreirteirm.. wig on The i:81118188108'34,;(riAlV44,,:-, - hunk- 40,4he,,,Covesatat..-Raw- , Sasser VPRATTiIa?-,&rx , tieealn COIGURTJULLIi; elfthr liviltri3U2RAXiiCrioN aisismast ctiviroz,V, fasifiker, lqa*Oitb lota * met atfte*Nbetwoolis.4). (Mom: "AALtI will preteli,a evaluy. 30th' in ilt3et*X4r , LA-i• IB Vic TokiSeModhua, "Latitiaritat 1M.21801E4T: • ailitelfen'AUOVA: T.' '4; eriegatiortare rll2-110kObei Woloopti7 114014.1:Womia 4, 1 :44mtsibri tranit4:Vrfr wUt is the AMsRL tllcrMsikibttrmik"PijlALL'iiottlitft,AistN4!:Z,-f_ '; Titetled4ClKiii 'Mk Mill • k—Thimeat WAIICEaIb ~corifitoliWOOrtilitinasAgar4b4,44:blast atea ?4*lllllll4lA.4lliiitiqVia.4o4' 4 lPAlllON .ORIIIMI I -Mblidjblyrolra*CTQ-S94ItOW DVS* IttEilat - haU4agt 7. 'Annul -minfis!•,.,rlpeOtolly ,torattasa;*l.t- Dr.-WileYt 413.1 , o_t, dninlipitanDatirldtpiqui44o Ithini,: will *NAClLliktnitl2l-MAIVOraL, lionxtbv; bur Air* alrietsi*AP , MOEßOW,l "bbatb)-140RRINfl, at log kocusekOtatigiAisifeta`coi irllt • tiikenTui In "nifrotilingAllndeard4olollllaolon!rof -thlm city - 11* , „ tiefterwleitautent—T., H. „4112 ,11 411riPastirarvidli.TABDAT,Rmiins-: nart:i 14,4602, NA! i tkigohoi*,llo•l4street ? ;:lo: Trialesildiag all -,.istro. ,111mi,i:1$,,"::=114iitil - freiti:E . W.piliyp i ..) r 416 _ rIV, 1997, t re k .-De..Pitil;4l.T49,lseiiotie,"will *sae! ' Lila. (TIVEIGII_EMMIk, IVOIFIVSOII, cli. ftf.z elttkiiok•POe.# idlimt B o ,4 - O T4DATi thtal Wag* ihmt mimon of , the phisttohti, hatutversary..of 'hsth - i iiek it;l6j iNtlack A. ILL A *him* %II . rforttUi.lith 'Y1111111130014; lifilk•',o4lothilo th itakilifelfoiL lid Ids thi'X,VlrAtNS,4 f7 [ 1. 0 11.;, , Itot.4osE.Paatill.SONtirill'hrtatth:- ,, *a -, 1. it* %it , ---1 0rxiiiiii - 3::;irsiniiktviiii:Airr,..i . iimiii yiit?o,ll•o2lrotielit-Atiitoii`;Obriatlkt:Asiosistlon, v 1 ..,....jte,,,, 1 . .. - 4 , '''. l /,..e.W1 8 , T8Dt.1 0 .4 , . 14 1 **Oh a' setiamal: i"i241•"". rrm • r:on • hABBAT • )1 It tr,- t utt , At- or. list-seieri;.otolooki .1 tIiVkLUTOWINFORM :13)111,114ple dor , si _ 3,slFT•ittkeitut /MHO - 40imptar,p4L ze t .;, .-,- ,:,..,,,, j ., 1Y.:; . , r.... -, :l lil ' • AtaitrTsktßiltanit!nrt:/2Mittlfaiyhthittn:ts, he . . _ . -44:Taiiftit M ltilm eari;*4ll prOislifir 4 4,111163rAM/ IkI PrOIiPVItiVrOdWAROW do 10NinigftMOQN; Ilf.delOoliVattor",yhdoli t eta ta aid 7. - tse . . Aims mitalcialw Motet V i5,t7.011 *v ;ARAI r nitsitinowthe poor ood oiltoti'7 l -PAT tOrt64 , .;;A. , TROMALT , '•WAWNit , ' V^Pknikiroorilkioollthkortk.obtfoliMlONO; 5y7"104. - eitiiiiaii*liiiii4no:Olsiiii'ciiiip : 1 7 3ritlgadluirlalawninoe I'S- baba,. or , sbe_ ' Wolerw•—lkgdl47,4 l ,o o 4 loll2o wlsabbatiyfr i . .1 ** 1 0 161 /04 , tliftAill0 1 • 1 0414Wf , Lit illiSfo.kt!;# l lxMi s wAltikee..,E„;-.. , , , , , - , , f. ,, t , Fk -, 1- 4 _kiWi1..x , "4.1 , A09. 14 A8 T:Ataff o Hrt. . - :730K :,..:., vamman•• Committee on Publfe ileeting4:-. r. 4,s ' brivoir 'ar tg at l Vela ii "o " l"fil i i glctif 'l4° riedAVAZllinitagla"_ )'' -" ' llk ' 'A.. "k' i-26 , tokiteett) Der :Ye ki,24,"10-eloilc: 2 , le e . , i.. . Ilia ttVO:WirrnitiltiV , wait Math iad I.ollit ispr4 tThotrilerA;;Oldinteli It 4, IllOo r nfi s b ! t b i : Ahros,penetriiiodatltAi E llnot fr,t_ ,T,.. 1 :.i n , tl,,itip 1 slogififre,', -, 4 , , ~ ...YA'fft:kitlr =7 , A . . ,314iiiiirmi; ,, :JD iour de 2 : iiirioaplNNKOßElW;(Babbstb) t 10Lotalsoktit - thittRAING 'ITT RUN - ..onvioCAlaqvigek i ..bc - ; Pada ) 'o,ol4iitlaki'irilltilues, Wahl thti:q-Somet 3043114. ?? . /31: 4 -banYingiiisdiritairrAigLteni4o l o.l 4 lllo,3 l V Poor.iiid*silleo4;;? ; #„47llolllAg•TvillAßODlVWA e&Plbll6l4fethisi 4.94.1A.P99.049141411L4- PITTS, of Tomo: 'l)9•oll4lM.,!"l4(ll.lo.94s6l,llPAilirnoialti.ki3oniiii ztktbe: ~c l .ntsanponino6- I ,W. p ni.m.topAr.-,wneistniG, • i , isordionskywWoodri , ,,#MAlNALllllT4V 3 Tinkriai- 113 0 1 tt S'Auniti4Wrineirit..fte7Oluilt 'AiiitiV,Nialail'ut • 4114 itar,ietc9 ll 7l.4niMdAVOo 3 tOttiviA , Vialuadoit irlll,liii won .4 . - 94 0;i 19 Wilibittg :soma; will Brio* kgtrattlials ConmsW oiat otoisiiO3,4.l.oont4i7 Binrenill...AikObistasat • from - ,to 9r; Mailbox'', plead 5i11'1411.0144.4,91490.Y09,261006,64;.b.', apt", etrillirOdioilmiga4lLetttigOokogligg ogg, ..AR.4olOfilgViaPP9 ll44l to 1: , . 0 protoodjogo:of 'oar so~rgivorritlisrrirtoogv,'orolboi.ggriogr,pg COVX*Retigkitit*Or=4 o 44o , 4 l2 #itAtniSeg :AfrAl,4 ,ll ito 4a 4 daf... . .. 4 , 1 1 .oi;LiktfonlAt ;14* ,, ,c 4 ; llig olirdi T , . grortkletittoo, to.A ;ir l'atog'irho imdirpoool to rib* j r . 0 16"- /1141*(414111414CAIMOOrot if/ !Or ill:ffitrii*utisit:sto - lar -1o;000rioNg,Ot ,Am m"P , o g 014•SAI $ jr.CIIMET UMW —fa r 'I II A I 4- 400116 gi...!4 1 :4A11PN . D4A ; e In I It ! .401;Va i O 4 Alli4 vat O . ' s ;A!=• l 3*" W0L,VT42.T. ,, ,,,-0 . -*#: - 4 . , . _ ... I,' .4pritki.kik—cjilinuttitifil.:4l,l.?_,,Agr; i 4e r•Vgykiji , ,,ikt ilieo - I, ' D' i !Mrint'll7lloo 21 il:r.l ° lblir;Vbilta - ratelatriitiOSAB o 4loB . WlßN• MG: - Piaalnall Won ailao is irtatiestail; as taatasia 0 - idaottaaatillt be btoust4 baton the lasetint: ~, . DI oa"-m-,-.,Prtalient. ct' BIItNiELL ' fi: 8: gtf3J-1 . *4:4-f. !.83 , 98 . : alt;gsl"ilrf I fin , reed. ft l',:t ' , , Onr,Q ,t !:: 'o'o o ea h , -t _ , 46.7. 4 5t.10,. y - - , 0 Oitti),' IPWIWOIc-,1-siPeor4'T'io ? 'o4,446o o " ,Vt?„;,*•kigisto:B9 1e.WA Y11 1 4 • 1814 4 1 ., 44 fv., 34 *M,V,•,t":!-- rt 726. 1 0 0 .. 4. ireta - ltopi Iiiht•••••• • - xr.is - ..78 no 00 *.,.. ~-1 ':, Nlltfaiiii7 - .4 :f"? -4 .1 ti eft dtl . a, - .14.44,:,icitii,' ::::;:.&.•::210:A/6•23. Itz C i.`43:ll.viii4 , eVi4iiivillll6ls9.7 4 , q, q'' • 4 ? Al Ti'ol ratph.DlL /I:,:iii - 4:Jimii iwater, I"' ' 0 fai Viigal l' l ltuit , di n si tP* *7 ' 4* W - . 1 1 AL.--, , t;P l l i t, l j''.. 9/ s l' 1,°,,, tf i141 4 / Pfl4:iiii 4 ' l * - lii.fdaitii.i4 liWitikitlArh "rOtrI TY ' 4 ''': - .4,a•;- - '' , 4.--ft 40 1 Ya1% :1 1404440 1 V1C , c9ri - , , .f ... 743t414,,,114_A,-Icl4l"6,4l''l"'P 4 iik N iiiiiti fie ligi it t4 r t tli a tt.agtOl iii ife,tii iy . ii me - mootartsplaitof thei -.- ii&illittiTl 4 ASE4oo4/0/Ls'. 1 1 0# 1 A* Ii M 16 t ( !?r:#' tI , I t a 11 6 011111 ..)iii4ti'ilaili*fib l ' igii, - fid'444o - 4 itTiO* 7 ;:tii 4 **l:oo: egfaiilsitiAii,44"oo., , vi, - 0 1.4"--imig 114 grOi f,!.ii A . , 1. - Al4 - Oit3-. 2 .• 3,; • 2 ~: ..1 •,, .•- -• • • •- -- 7..-, ~ '"L''' V litt al ti-Ok*t B ellff' l4oolo.64- 4, 4 f*sl:Pg' ,lo ; "V iitt;iiitariti * l ' dki:litiA- - ''' ' filkilikaiii* f(sqri* 4110 illilitiliiii 14 ~. Ol*l[l B l i irk,trtir..., fefinp OA .C,: . ,, ..;iMituld a .:. Dwir 4 "w Zrzk,tttt',', , y, 9,1 t ,, Manart,lffi ,lll.., o - 3 •,- , • • • ~, Vidlrri ligiOr MIK at, ~ •• ~.'A. -3 ) • 114.101 - lain alial.rflaa4. l o,l l )49,le-atAstintfi N ';:ilVotairt. bitil ,ZW 1 tr i .44404111,4',1% , .Lm ailk .ta k awitir Altilla tfrogoliiiiitirgi,,,,e,..ati, --11 . - .t:.4, - • 4 . 7 7 . 7. 1 - I(I4vOX4L 041112_441/611110141;; -*"•, % .•-,i. inatiiiialiejMtlirptramie:stiii it;..,,, 11101_WAltja:•% - r - Y".,.. = ATI , at Th - -.l O .s.AlA•v----;: ,, . ;145-t - i 3 , ' , OI 4 .IMUMw ~,....4 ~, 't--460,10,11RICanialiWrUPOrriasaunaZ.i • ~ - ' !, 1 .., tg=r 4 l l ,o4"7o•lkrtit- - d 7%. ...• t. • . ilk ...a :,..•• -.,....%. , t - v-i• ;I,lfistilytt , milli alinftm.. i. -i, .r,, ~ galv6Pailtatahl4faaiik 04,!guifi kbarf.-IVoad it..v.l2:r prajitiodaat IXisfrbtailio it 0,4440:0610 - ,11fleith - 493 Apodi..)fpfltig r atertittri-!11!d; . ' Of ~,,.. -.1.... 1 i 1itx.. , ..,, ,, ..11 - no (*taws! ) =woe. sc. to Tiii, sorgobelo V i'rit.q . P.W Antluipargtr.m,-,4,; , - - fr: .._i.;:irpAan ifilirtoti - iktsisboYe P , lntivllli: 2) - 'c!, Oreastrof f aroor , ' C l ligliYeutti 5t,.... • ~ , 1 ,: ., ' alfa 90iNi•410.p)00 - 11111!nth ati - r!•? - b it ~ 04, 0 0, AptilOteaVirP.lll:44:l*,s,, .'"?. , i: i± 40, +#l 040 1 1 4 aCk1::41 , 7'Pf.' , N. , ,i) ,- , , ,,.:. it.P'' '.CkM,,, 4.14V.W.fi1ra...i. , .;:,4441.,,a , - ZSZ:V ,4,, Itrg 4104.15titidesitiOt 1.000.011004,14-1,;:,W. ~..: q /i1 d .a 0013 # 104040 -s idr .. 6 ?4 t !!!*!°l7 Pl, elitit ll, 4 4.tV 01 itriainin - taws;Va inilf ;.'.- ~'~ i ---7z esilgg,grgegeOratl'ilre for 46002 1 a' Mg 4t4-s4.rirr gigirVgjawat6 - : , . 1, ,„1 1 , 0 kMlthleratCatrost, .441, Itiettikantif;:yitina.-L; misvirney Asiodation will bo aitik,gliD , llAl34:olClTassDAy: 1,10V ; 414 , M VP) O6I F - 47444t thif I = 4 ' 'A:m.( 6 .1104 4 4 , 4 44 6'0 ' 0 .6/Wea' 94uNitStipwttuki.t. 411 1 , yeuilicuur troo - ..t0 p e lipiltiittlifitawill Veneto/IT Owl louy livisitoft4 40 Aqui 'of riThoW_Wasallat ,111(011Vmpat ?Angola". -, th'' IVT TBOECOOL,DISTRIOT JP i NtiZrAt'il ° r''ThteAitnal" AU - -li topo/10 iMireatguilkAiliiiftelkitgarailLglitiois litailY 42110Naltna ir.WighidePtig''Ptifilibior :, 6 ? P4l4A ;Jimumintle,ifigililuiton Wirt. ,04#o ,:tijule46 04., .ljaifithiClitiotoopoit ,pt - 04 Midilif.tibsiixua. 7301.1 bio'r holdlor %I:101W 0[441.4 iiiientiEfer,titiolel,' ,44 vomMeolittorijiVASOlNGTONS'M e n th " ebtt " z.sorr,22a, tg..,loopfn toF ttr0..m.64141; t,.. NATXOgAri: `ill llJABK.Nrjilyee4 •141*, , ,, orlitrteenth; , i • south DOLitioll in',Obai:utianir,Artifoleiilittt,ri. l edrml by' any;otuthe t Pollie 13ohool,Tilsohers or Mn'Mimi; ' m -, and. 4 Us' name: of , Vie ,donori' dopOlted in; the apatithetiVM ,4 l 7 .: , •F_'-.. ',?...-4,- , f. '45. 4-i - q'',.,‘,.. — ; ,---:-: ' • ''• — l/6listsn tiolietskWanti. , ,:;#3lsiee idmisiploii,ii,iiiiiti: 4rialdrioi;# ointsv. t* to.oestinnktiffv9o4;-3 - -. .., z,4l.l:lr;ottler ot the Committee oil Fait. , , :-!";I•lir,Ist.„ e',' - apapr v ensii 'Ohairiaimi -• xetl ,- 15intIonal 15landay.noheel The ~ .oortrenttonqmill assemble - . 141,7kyows Titilhastont street,' - i.below IleVenthintz:VMSDAlrs ,rretAi philtersZ/4: at 0,1i,0101001t 11.4aad gill eon-. Akita during; the datauCtiyenlng e - 011frzorapax: , - „Delo - I/dims Alvin itr ' distilloi, otrairlvlng dry .wilt please report tbanurelrecto the,(lommittekore-Lot; tertelemeat. who wlllbe totinditAlitillell;001 . 11111 , IlitNy After , 10 A, Throe ,wheirrive:beforelbet report themiaeltra Mr"Jilt:lrr,3ol. !ION; liairman, No. 409 Market street: - '• ' se , -Tt esPeeted that eifirrßabbath. Bahool - lii, Phil Wel:: `AW' - and 'lls Viol ally,- will., appoint. peiegateor 'reora.l.Tliltalteuldbe attended. to on Ititidainext. I.lfriends of the ease In the eity, who - nre desirous Of Aenteititinintdidestddogltill PlessOlrefieSzte t he Wee -initteC otlentertaloreent'* early: , ,posslble; haw:Otauxthertatt apponiptodatika,i :',The' meeting - 471,00 ponrentein wil be Open tn.; al: t}Tolllot PeneeTtrettla,itallrleeid Clethpahy r—Piniitextrare;4ebeitari 16,11889. ' OTIOIt TO ; BT4:lol4oloo,4B:—The , 'snlassi MfntaMtelitag )rtAl beheld on" litetiDAT; the Tth ofilteteli3ittok'st'lhe Moe of tho 'ClbmOi , r/ ? •po - : !Month THllM,tstreet,:; " willlwppri.:Cfrrylo o , ,ioeic A. „ No Aare or eihrieleetuiTerred within silty — deli oixt 'prkseding the elegtion iltll entitle tbei boldly /at bolder. t l berice T,D1413FD:13 rearetill• , . . :' , lftr"Meretiiiiiss::lnsiitande Csniptin7;l4o is AllmcllANl`ji,A3F.O . flAtfol Palhaeaan , ,i'ihrtarr26th;lB(liC: -.--: ‘,„ ~ • J -2 -;.'‘, =''' ',--‘ ' _L' • ht,tutaitinual- taietlit , "of the Reath olden , ' of - Giii ,ObtopeitY; belt On the 24th inet.itherellowing r pereom were electikEDlßßOTtlltil for the enuring year :, -',- - 1 `', Ohai.le ; Th r ompooll;;. • ! : OUCH; Shoeraikeil ,_ aWllliamlf; Pettit , ' • - Jahr; 111.-PouteFoy, - ' '.:Oheilie B.'-,Wriyht,,,, ,:, ,;-.l3aritel Stone. ~,;:. ~ „ ...- ; ''...Wrd .1%,'. Galbraith; 1 , ~ ' Method Smedley, ', ' Seel. I;:Woolatoa; _.' ' - Samba Regain), , ' - ",. B:If. Witnier, , '--- - I .Tohn Y. - getterar, -1434 at ii.' Enbiteqient , meeting of; the Tfolifst.fir ' ll 'P', tees, the !allowing. officers were MIRY e;eleCted ; - - -.Preildenb,oo.6lll;llll,ll.,T . SomegoN,4.:pip.ali of lfm:,..Rottit.;roolirood: - ---'-," " ' •' ' , ' )INrfoblroolifoot- 7 1,114i . ELTS H. Ofkkaillilit; orOi „:" `7,,;yels 84, 4 ,-.- - ,--1 - , ',..D.:.T;IIeC(A.NN' Secretary. ' le t t JiiiiO4 Hilt i i iiiilir fliii . 4lll3[ll - ifee' ' 1 OWillUto • provionsi oomigemeit of thollall,lho EM. MNIXSIONTRATSS MISTING will be held. tall Mother notice, In Nob SANSOM-BTBMET - MIGUSOMAreicoI Mie now .botot,) , -..? ~,,, t , k,'lT'All *re bordiAlly, loons& to - attood, sad the, meeting Is - opeti. for:" to talrotiparkehoak7o Lumbers of any Ihsigaltiod Obureb:, , , „ , ,,p . ;,:- ~ : , ~ dlii}tf ,tiyer4ilime- Nista y Societe , far the laity nittaDilLPlllA i for , the -relief, employment, ana elevitiori - of the Parrot one , any, IU treeinui is ritafemptyi c ad , the hooletyls in. a.. btouldinuss stop .its - japerations at once, anienithalianerolant of oar aitj tone forward to its assistance without 'delay. Tag Agents are now, caning npon our citizens for eon- Aciteitions: :Alaimo:of themefill,haren' book,witit' 'the ilealetes seal ;upon it, so& Containing ,ieritten an lhority; -Oyer the moron sionamtnietof .thabfilottric to inahCenoli oellehtiois hi? the gesootetion; ;.5:-IIite.TWTINTTIIIDID , AiINUALI , RBPORT of the Boatst of /Joggers bas jastbseis Limed; mad Orgies of it bail - peon pen toli' large {toolbar, who :101 be called: ',Urge tor CC- 'the Msnagersieter toJt for;lo,fottoettow Jcreeserd to the crotkings of iliainstitntion„ .F This is an iinsalsettoa tulty,deservlikg the eupport of 'the Wahl, ancrthOhlanagare urge their tal k* ditizens to conltlbahe 1146{0r-of theft mean' to c" OTORGEI , II.- STUART - President. , Tresigaiii. THO 9, T, ter n ; MAlloll,,Tieee4ll4 lierket Mamma; Beeistecr,::-„:14.i.:,,fe:14-tothke-8t regtee4olfionST the Rel 1121 3 ‘ OOMPANX'OF-41.1 868. 1 , 1 an Eleetioni hem on 'named gentlemen. yBllOl thin Company to nerve for t , Mem Tingley. ',William B. Thompsion, ' yvederlet Siena, _Cornelia' Stevenson, 4 ",.John R. Worrell, R. L. Carson, Robert Toleod, , , Proderlerionnig, „ 'Charles 8. Wood, . .ImM' 8. Woodward. - Asa at a meeting of the gey,..l OUR ; TRIGLV A.m./Mont. : :folO•theen.et - se Issurasee iItPY4 I .PRAI.JriibIAW, the Ith lest. ,the follenting aly ,eleeted ;DIRECTORS er licentiate; year,:viCi" " earnest Rischan2;• Robert Steen, ' Milieux Reeser, - Beejeinle W. Tinsley, Miribell 8111; Charles Latina; -. • - Jacob' • Smith Dowea~ - ' Jobb Blesell,'Dlttsberg. , Card of Directors, held - this Wield:needy,. I...sleeted NINORMAN, • - Secretary. - .Yertheiry Akar Strlltitia.-special meeting the StOoltholders OT ants lienluMlllbe , hild'on • 'T Itblr,lhe, Id of, M nezt,at o'clock IL, httise BASICOGI - 110118X, fore proose•OT„. seseptingromiedeeting e,eiretain set_ °rhombi,: entitled ', Att, dekto Consolidate the Mot*, or the Girard Bank?) appitia4.lliii 95th daj• of 0ry,1859. My this het' it la,ll~rroppoe•d,s JOihaoge the enter ottdm Bbsumfor t Stock or - sald Sinkfrom the pre••- aentipar -value of twelve' dollars' sod VW, _cents - prt share to arty &Mei% per sham; b y ohneelline the Pre. pant keriddeates or stook, end boning' new oneeotpon the rhtio of one to four, so thet,herafter, the par nine or Ng stoolt shall be l'irt7 pollen. per 'share. - - -;1'• And, also, tor tbe•purpose of determining the intonut Of the Bond requited for the Claeldiv, as provided for le "A Supplement to an Aet repdaillidludts,!'indoTed the sth any of May, A'Ara.B6o. • • • -' , 4,,,8:01LATEMR,,01111,4041r. Vol.' Woodleild cemetery .Conapnzp,—The S o t_ lowing lisnaggie ind`Oleborebgee - been - gloated r the yegilegel' ,,, i , ,-2 • ~.. '-`, ~- - , , Presldent-Alfit IG - TBlOll. 1 : ••, I :4 0 t, n 0 , pgehlnc; . l•;;; -,'?; , ,S 4 /111111X11WPK0111i, '• -' '' 4 7ohn o:blttotkell,,!. 4, ' - ""-llegllnsid'i: Drew, •-_, WUllanillTifeergr,,t •••=„'. -Johol. Mollektnni - - --, i ~ , , ,tolusldOggr,_ • ; - 4 , - - -irgageltillott; . J3garetgrp'end - Tresiarer 06 BER It, -, TOWPBEND. ' Theiginggerghwavlonss4 Pt ra o °l nti ti n lei PP r i?; kWh ,lgtrlfolders'and 'slitters to present tickets at we Itli 'than& for adosiaidoo,to-tho Cospetory. , TlokOto nollbe' hid it the,olllot of thelleinpin7,sBls ABM Strist,lor , of soy of the Idoluogeri,. , , , ~, ;,!, , ,:,, L - 3 , .., -;:, _.:foli-Im rfeiiii4ny t7ELUROId, 7g tel • - • '4,1 , here will tie w Pieper hteitiOPhi,the,Lietnes Boom, Wi will itilliclipper pint orjthii Otrareli,rfioin this ihis2 - ,Let WIWI* min • tew minutes spend them delightful iineteiser." - !Stilt , Wedetts 11heotisat Sprtsgs: .Wassir tprOUWaticite q ini n ibl k Pkiladiapbss ektuty, eritniniti}j - ,0... rP IMPORTiItB Josiins cia q 4,. 14013.3, HMBSOIDEBIEQ, WHITE GOODS, &a., llire now In store a oonaplete Assortment of all the MEM Autrli. J. HORST,HANN' &'00.,_ 11 • , -- 123 GGESTNUT fftreet, , IdANIIVROTUERS - ANDAGSPORVIRS or ispnal:DßEss TRIMMINGS, At. now prepered to'offer to the WADI, II Ulan and seserinsent of ZADISIP RUSS TRIMMINGS, teelleble fif the SPRING SttAeo , 24 to which: they in ,litithe attention of MA NUIROTORY,AVIre N. AND 0/I.IIItItY STRRITS. ttOif , ili*: : driii6ijidt " e. . - T - URN81714 4 - ALLEN; & CO., AND- DiALERB ~! 1014.114.&' . 80 'QT,TEV4NSWA:R.E.' '23 ilia' • r ßetdeiu ffiiulnt ant Olestnat, : , , , 4' ,, ,11:1±r,Efpit.24011*.111 ; open or by the paaksio. lm _ ! f• 114:013:14*-1%0"iiiatiPttertit;rOT Testaniehiati, ,tci ttio 'zitotio;or-VILLIAtd 1002TNIIII; lottOot ottyht-Phtlidelphfoidootosodi hero - book- stoota4 36: the onboortbitiv all otoboo: Indebted , : to too oit4 *stoics» rottoostg, to 'make; itotoodistot portoontoind thotio Itoming otaltio nitwit the *Moto nt sold dooodatt (4,llkootoul matrix thapatailettioatAidart• - - oßes.LßßOTilgits sad., - - WELI4AIK 8001TiRisetitargie Street. of/ 14 ;-:-= - We are 'ageliti for tkirasiottotorele" - tor the 'este • • •—• - 0- ;:-•- o•-• of the abOre go*, 104 hive - noir store a complete eigdytinent, which we Witt sell to the trade at'tire • •• • •- • • • -: 41;i1t) aW1134 FhliONB othloltiaali; and azath(natioii of our atOot B,7IIIII4DLNY &'OO, Oa' Blaisl6 . XT ptreet -,IWX,PX+4;OR YMB•krO,Totli. — , „ , • o ;,l'bis 4;oo*c : tont isittois'i4COooktiol tulytiii„boin'per, foOtod, by ths.rise a . * composition ottainsiOrypisme of insrioo,4OitAtalitiot4;schlalt . the .. emrsn#ll,4lii(nOw . ..,pfrpro4' for SOMlenoin 'and` rotill py'thislitintiss - Obi ,nisournOtsiers, et t!Otratczei--i ,- . l_ - 4 • /705,0913IrtpriTit*rk.' wiirinto,to SotisfiSitldo,loth Ask t# .C . 41,1104 sit Or :line. ;moo OtitalsoC. - - • oi , APP-r thet!ti no" alai thing 'at i•ei• mint be a In • lite•igs• P•o, tegy•pli ;011 If - mad• :4111Thi4W13 OALLtiIIY, !Iffspqmittivic!isteni grimy. -crENtlliklLEN, , wonld , do .webby calling' on pILTttI , dc'KINBIL ; 189 Ninth NINTEti above orry,,and 'Lave' their 'old :Garoleitimede 'to 100[- 14* to 'newbyelesostog or Dying sad xterairing, of" , G ood ateekiaillittliit 11400AltDa HOLISM, EIGHTU, sad' - , :fIART/Befi Mut the ~ifAMMOTH 'HNIFBIt.-the ',term& ftt' thejlnited 13fater, There heie bora ovarl2 GOO Ottani id goliihor hi the last four .shfie and adretttea bl , all zor , far - creel azothltet of the `Watt the.t !Neat: asW; %. She eau Cho seen, allve..turtil -mmutiv Aext:when'eleemill be elangliteted,`And re *Oa thefil'ethe 2,4 th fork:. afterward' expend' ter MidaJACOB R 10,1310 BIT- abetter of TANIII - miikittAngot.litriAtit: to ootoorote, teedere,or good" Stook: and geothariett buteliert "belga and baygpiefe,"Theisikatq". pt trotiiiimie OW. itialaritatjfeg trial; thte r ,elty Sit iatke il tielegefrit, 11 40 80,48 ••• • P l o l gt.: Adtatiatialf Eveo . l)od I ind tee_ . ;„: 031d0011, . - Ger.; :5 .18. astport failtergthig for isle by 13:0;111.01.l18 141 , 00.0 • ,fildd:AV' ,- ,•••s'tzi:4l/111,01(: , dtr0id,24 door odxdr• F I AR p .4-90Bbjg.A'e..1. 10011,1a4 Ito . 0: ' fl 4 4111011' 211141 24 4 , 10.4b0vr dron2C Atatutw:voir;,austg&•:_gEmPriiiiT litre3t3 YARNS; fa 463"15e2234:231t i YU tc.' OA., No. 23 120210! WAT3I% ;VW en d o lc ~ r ~. ~ Ineura,nce otompaidpc'file, , , FIDEI AND- MARINE Irrisuitinton . ,opritt.A.*:r; • „ , BklttgOiNt4:•,,XASS:.- ' 4 :44I, T ,CAPITAL, ALL•PII6 !31nYLIPV. , .. .. . . 495014 .-88 ‘ .... ......... . . . $440,754' 86 _•"_Aik following statement is made In Conformity with requirements of,thi licira - ' • OraindilaiD.Disis:;sartuary 1, 1869.' Capital Btock"pild4„ln Onalfis 51,50,09 , 0 4wi110b, „with the 'fiurplux, inlovcited ItiaL.Estate held by-ti 0 ci 0014'' • " 581,883 Aintititit °teat& on livid., ....... ; . 2,840 17 AnunatofCub diOelied Irani' :8,151'67' Amount of; dash in halide ot agentn. and in • ' k... 16,024 80 Alnonnt ,. pt!tosiat:,:aeiellia4 'BOO "and - Ipldorigigsa,Aijitank' there ii, Akan: - ono year's interest Ana' -186,2000 D `'• litack.t. , • ; ; ' 108 abarel inn Bank, '2 • '-'- 510. 000 .110 00 * Pil" 1,46 Western Bank, BprlugSeld' • 800, _ 1-084 67 14Bpringdeld Bank,. "do ..... • • 1,400- • 1,442 00' 60„Pinchon do ' , d 0...:......;:" 5,260 00• Ailliampahlre',, Manufacturers , Bk, - Wars • - ' 5;00 0 -•- 6,500 00 ,07 Midler/01e 0,700' *7,370 00 . 25,1101g0k5. Bank, Northampton... 2,600 2,000 00 - `lo'llnniOn'yerili, Mennen 1;000 ' 2, 1,000 00 , 6011ot Bank. Boston 0000 ' 6876_00' 60 Bank ot„ coiemeree,,Boabei, - . , 00,00 , 00' 100 61Crehints$ Bank, do ' 10;00 10.000 00 - . same " ,0:,',,,d0'000 3,80000 , 92 Roinid ; `do • • 9,200 i 9,4110'0$ 22,-Boriton" ' do'- • - do ` - 2,200 :2,42$ 00 100 Webste r de. do • .10,000 f',10,100 00 148 Bun City Dank, New Haven... 34,800 • 10,250 100 Continental Bank, New York.'" 10,000 'lO,BOO 00 100 Metropolitan Bank, dot ' ,11,1(000 100 Imparters' and TrademOknik, • ' New York` 16 000 10,675, 00 60 tint of Commerce, Newyork.. 5,000 _ / -5,225, 00 100AmoriolinEzehingeB . ,ni, d 0... 10 , 000- 10,660, 55 100hicopee Bank 1,000 1,125 00" 220 -Western (Mass )Italirond 22,000"' 28,820 9 0 - )00 Boston and Worcester do 10,040 9 875 00 60 Old Colima - Pall itireedo. 5,000 • 5,003 00 ' 55 W0r545t41i sisNsahni do" ,2,875 00 '320 00naeatgai Altai ' dcv 12,000 00 55 Remo and Watertown do. 5;600 - 8,804 00 niat!oad dtridendi on thi above • - : - Dondr 1,210 00 2 Seven per sent. Illinois Oeetral` " ' lladroad -' • ' 1,000 , 895 00 1 Seven" per cent. Rome Mid Wa. - • -tertowu Railroad / . 1,000, • , 950 00 6 Berea per cent. Buffalo, N.Y., ' 'and Erie Railroad 6,000 .4,765 00, 8 Biz per cent. Connecticut River " Railroad 4,000 0,000 00 per cent. Western (Maas ) Railroad., 7,000 7,192 DO Amount Loaned on Collateral ileterity .... • 6,800 00 Amount of Interest scorned, but not due., 8,449 18 Miscellaneous Investments • ri16,079 57 LIABILITIES. Amount 011.06114111 due and unpaid None Amount of Losses adjusted and rust due„ unadjusted, In sulk, or contested $22,110 42 'INCOME. Amount of Oseb Premiums Medved during the r sr.• • • 9.297A7 69 Amount or r interistremilvid from Wiest- : -estate 11,870 40 Amoint of Income from other soureee...'..‘ 10,800 OS ' - - s2ss 603 01 PAYMENTS.' AMOrint of Losses mild dining the Jass ' s. $811,877 91 Aniount of Dividends declared and pal ' • 63 IWO 00 Amount of Return Premium mild , 4,907 81 Amount of Expenses paid, including • Com. mlisinna 'andimei paid to Amino ...... 20,042,28 Amount of Taiee paid by the Company.... 2,198.78 'Amount of 'all ,other 11ipenditures of the " Compsny y • ' • 7,016 05 Ftete` of hismutohusetto / jOonnty or Hampden. 5 ..4` hereby until,: thee, on the, 22d. ,day of fiann.ry,' D, labe, panic Man i. aprarit barer* me, !emend Freeman ' Preeldent, and - Wm, (Maur, Jr., Beertentry, em! iiereral'y made oath that thitieregrohng Metementi• by Vim subscribed, la tone.:.. ' Witness tat bindhiro4o tell4a,pts' day Ind yearlitiore *Mien: '':" , ' (BIgO#d) AtratrsTus L, 8011.11,: • inesh.) ' " Nafiri • 'I3OSWELL & WILSON, Akents; ' ' 016' WAINfiIi,f3TRPAT, 8: W. corner of Dixsk, rim es 7. BOBWVLI,, 701)N WILSON, 7r. M 9 2A-2t .~zaxA~.s. 5M1T1~3. ... ~t.. cop, 7 ',Tuitt AND WALNUT STREET,; 11,111IIRN OP TAR IdIFERFOOL. AND LONDON "FIRE AND 'LtFE' INSURANO COMPANY. IN 00 NIORMITY WITil TUN LAW OP PENI,IBIII;YANIA . , - POSITION OF TILE COMPANY. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - 810,000;000 Of whi.b Is paid np.... - .4166,421 Ras•rvad (awl"' akin(' ' • 141. fund 661,260 , • I , l7o6reserfed.faid 163,710 11,088,011 at $5 li $5,440502 00 The liability of tpeentiFii , bedy of , elaireholdma on. limited. Alt liiraotoreeletitlelproprietoraitietconi. ttuy.eNtrln OP THE ,qoyvaitot:7o2. ON2' 7212131 AT.LAST 2TATE- • NINNT: $1,260,000 00 RESOUROES IN, UNITED STATES. • Cash on hand with ph:lactate, in New 'Fork. 870,741 48 Caah in hake of agents and in 'oenrairOf ' ' '05,080 48 Oltj Stooks, all of State of New 'York 10,000 00 „trill/11gs Etate bonds' ' 8,600 00 Atnount of *took held an oolliteral seeutitj for lathe 76,000 00 Amount 'of ants on bOnda and mortgage, - , oonititnting lint - liens on Tea; ootnte, on which theta Is leas than one plat , / luta- rat dna - - ' 501 sop ,00 LIABILITIES Amount of think 7or low contested po,ooo 00 • • 'Robin IN UNITED BTATES. • Amount of cash premium received 007,032 00 Amount of Interest money reached from yestmentsof the Company 47,205 00 `4lfnount of premiums aimed 425,278 00 • , • EXkiiDlTitit,US Antenna of iOllllllll laid in llatte4 Ota!oe ' • daring the yea` •‘' `- • ' • $l6B 080 67 inibunt paid for_retnenranee 8,67198' 4, a return prat:nom ' 93,618.14 Ad+unt dividend paid dating the year „•„ , - - thirtyy - per cent, ' - • 4 ;, - Amount of expenses', looboting ..fees and • . oemnguions to spate and ofileere of the ~pliavany " '" -" ' • 90,802'88 :403...unt of tale' paid by the Oottipany.... ' 8,188 18 • • .. TIO OF NEW YORE,, , ' -Otts, and 04;44 of New, York, se. - • Before roe, Daniel liteixen—a Oomutbudoner, resident to the city of New York, duly eommiseioned and quail. filad:by the Executive authority, mid linger the laws of thelltate of yniikeylvante, to take the acknowlefigracitt of ttects) 1 0 0 to bellied ()raft:pried thereln—personally apyeered, Amen PELL, iersonally,known,o, be th r e'lleablent`Ebieretargorthe ,P;:1.1011 ,Biro lisp TAN tesittiapee Citeepatin pity of New lorlt, , and the lug Alfred Pell, being duly sworn, de 'pomith sad loath that the foregoing statements are true and eonefitOd thh belt of his knOwledge mid belief. "" AWNED PALL, , •, „ Reildent Secretary. Hymn:, and subscribed to ,bintre me, thictwenty-fourtii 'dby of January, A. 8.1860. • ' DANIEL SELICAS. „ . 00610 - , ' , 'theathet :t7IRE 1,411„ ox .._, muTu LAD AL.las p u n a ir s.N A ( . .14 ozo..pr On laildlitgo, Limited or Perpetual, alezeheodhe; Furl niter* , A0...14 Towle or Countiy; • ' • .r • ' or ••••', No. 808 WALNUT fliteetz • 4 ! 011 .0 7 a• 91-•• 7 -- - - • Ana% 8270,478.48 arrested ea follows, vie • , ploa,,,aartsegml on Imprared.Otty Property, • .uorth double the amount 00 PeutAylfazda 'Railroad 00.16 6 per Dent. 97,000 Mortglige Loa% 850,000 97,000 00 llegheny County 6 per et, Peen% Lam . 10,000 00._ 30 of Pldisdhl."'oo••••'. do 0,000 0 0 .Peoosyleenia Railroad Uo.'s Stook 4,000 00 fitOok Of the Reltatua Mutual lusurauee Co. 10.150 00 BtOok of the Oonuty_The Ruiirseee Co ' - - '1;050 00 Stott of Delman ld. B. Lutetium' Co •' 180 00' llnlon puturance po."suoyipBBo 00 'ln ea Th Cr" Bileire bt I -•- 'lN:r6k Account/4 seamed Interim!, &C 7 014 04 Oath on hsautodlu ' ' 16,06¢ 94), - - " *- ; Stie,4lB 413, -°V 7711171 1! BY, Prealdout: • :01410 Tingley, . B i spb , m , winiA l l 11, Thompoon i Hobert 844, • _ PreaerldleßrOwni " ' 'W I III4EI hitAser, Ctortolitie Stetangon;':' BeoF.Wi /61.4431;V0ire11, • •-I[l,ll, -. • •, 1;04110p. ' ' 4,104hr0p,, ,, , Charles = 2424#3erick Lennie,' lamb T. Hnntlmg, ' ''Ohildes 11. , Woodi - Rowell; • Woo4,llfArd , ' • - Jot& • Stooksll. Pittsburg.- : 417.0 t • 14.gitionlitAtiileereUrf. .oEigtitkE. —478 'la Mime for aide 0 . 0. SADLICR & 00., dl{ Alma arrest, 24 door above Proab: Jttclurptc,tantoolol::(yt T IVOTIOE.--TtiE' PliggitikrOAP/TAL :of Tarn ANT/MP/ÜBE 1.1221171tAN0E COMPANY (53.99,000) haring been pita is oaalmsottos tcharelti Wen ,that an Inatome of the same, to the sum of Two Baidtlid Thocusantlibllari;las tilieW"liithorised bithe ‘l3tootholderar sod Volt tke , aatootlptlon. book will : be P ih opr o lld oin O p ll ui , th y l tit h il e t r d e tr t o wi f l yar re tz l e:st op , f it n : u tli t et k O t m he as in ti . r . orease4l amount bat beta aubsetibed ' 01148L218 W. 9 9 2 CE, ittortta l 7. Philadelphia, 20 January, 1809. E ITTER r R. I BINSURANO! (YIU IN@URANOS .9801,PHIVSLY.) Starri •• • • Mordecai ri. " ;;,William mmee, - - Gouge otnart, - Mame Willett, ~ . , John .11. acCivA, • • Tohi M. Atwood, , 8. H. Yaltusidook . Ban). T Tredlok, ' Midrew D. 00.4. Heard Vilisytou ''''''' • • 7.l,l•olAgirtmi•ilrenter." • ~ 7:, R ATOMPORD STARairsto4lll, • OBABLZBooxlliaioccoury, • - Ter4pory 0ff109,162 tionth .1/01DIRTR„St,re4 VIIILITOW4INSURAN,OB,AWIII3T/N4, AND COLLECTING- 0/11011, - • ' 0/I.IIBTNUT The linderalgned havhig been preetically engaged for tattobeiof. yore In diNerent capsolties of the Into , triefra 'billatieSe—for several year' to iciltualng loom oweinelvely for the Insurance Companies—now often hie Ortices totholie' sustaining Los or DM* by Pint to 4 13 stiredt' L ln•mtititiog ant .their pooh' °Lomb hiniiirds.niage litrollotimilinicamitti the innieatearld coming Condition of .Polieleti of litimitaite, iii kat a enctin as to obviate plea or extrass•-fOr rednittimi or litigation.byhompatiles so folioed, or other,. • , : • ••= ?Be la, toasted by the beet legal„onneel in Philadel gire particular att ention ttithi non of Wiliam against Insurance Complia,' - • • ' It is loathe bpi:rally wito hate sthrt nt aned lout' by lire - to'property icunise4, and it hasn't° been the expertenoe of iheundereignial,that_p la olieles are frequently deolared 'partial or. Ontirely r vo - at 4 - costisin, lir . * after • are Mori, OnsOltence. Of Oreleunetti or Mismanage.' minttdefeetingthelnsaanee', or Tor none other anise, MUM; althit*h animportent tact, is soareely eves dia. • ono* or *Ought. or, anal it is to late. In order, to &yield; sash - disunion - oceniverem, the underidgeotd will" alsoaffeet XVJELtatlee'in any" Coopsides'deafred. and emiretine policies effected. by others tin wit antes) ;Parties ens it :lois or demage by, are, as ahtne, will and It to their Interest to - consult he undersigne d ea snort after t4eArtio pitiable: • ', ' ' , • • dlit:Prolfo•:- •1 • - • • - '•••S Es PULTON. .:':•`'.'-. 7,7;:, - -,licaif. 11 . 1 iii :'1:16..600, i, ':': N EW SPRING GOODS I TIIORNLEY & OULM .? • ' - BIGHTII AND , BPRING Are daily receiving New Goods, BOIIGHT ONIAP ROE CIABH, And Width, to maintain their far-famed reputation for • OBLLING•VBBY OGEAP, They are detwatzokt to sON, for ' • smA D L,PROBIT4 , ; ; • 4 DiciPauoVtillks; But Black Bilks, , • •' ' Good Plait' Handsome Bayadere Bilks, ' '• Marceline and Plover°. Bilks: Battu thallies, Glossy Valenalas, Ohenne Bostorts,&o. An Muse variety of , New and Vitiy Rich Patterns . - Flamm AND BNCILudr CHINTZBC: _ Beet hooting and` Ilia, _LINENS, of our own area Importation. Cloths, thiseleeerer Muffins, ItaAsiota,"&o:, TiLORITLIIY - CHleltv •- Corner DRUM A BPILINGOARTier s fen ;"SELL TOE CABC,,AND ; BUT, ONE PRIOR n IFW" SPRING -GOODS. L. J. 14. EVY 80 PO. Rare now high:ll.6'Mß nuartmente of the following ' NEW. SPRING 'GOOFS:, , :RICH !RUNE KLEE, ' FLOUNOEC SILK ROBES, RICH t HANEGE HOSES, LAWNS, OEHANDIES, and CHINTZES; ORE/ANDE and LAWN ROBES, with Flounces, FOULARD SILK HERMES, , _ PITIY • IsAidit VANTIVIT 'ALL 'llll3 . NEW. TEXTURES, , Made in Europe for the'Sprineand Summer. • L. J, L. to Co.nre exhibiting samples of the various goo la not yet received la store, but ebortly to arrive In the ittunuenr now due. „ fahlrfat SOD and 811. CHESTNUT Street. $445,754 85 $176,671 92 New IN, PRESS. • OP Tap , „, , _ "A:PIERIOAI 4 I iIEYOLITTIOR; mita 'Whit , and 'Loyal - iiewmpspors, and original dominants'. ' 1.1 , 1" •.- ' • :11iY SPII_AWW3Ic/ORE. ' Sold only.lig saisoription. ". , • JORN IideVARLAN, , .Aimittirporst4uicapsitnizA t . ,tli , lit - egintiWi'elin?lrioti, New d'ertieMadinelrfat of Oolamla. • . G. W. BALK AN, - ' - , , • 20' North- TENTH Strait, ,G 10.6 tia;l3t "'` ' ' .." Agent foillilidelptia. • LEGENDS - AND LYRIC'S ; Or, The Poemi ,ot lone Proekre, bite:der of Barry Mornwall., Now, ready, the Sewed IS4itlaa of thus beautiful Pour a. , , illtelifir ()ARROW t'Or','Artlet Life In LA PLATA. AND TDB ATONINTINR. martrutio. By Pep. Reitman amount et the Paraguay Papeek. Nowlus'rsted. , OEM% OP BOOTIAND. 'Volume lib and last. ,B,Y . Agues Strieltlatid. RUB LAIRD OP NOBLAW. By the author of Mar garet Maitland • *, - LIPA or DOTIOL JRIUtOLD. , By his sou.— THI,LAND AND TER BOOK Or, Twenty•Ove years as a Altsatonsii Lu' the Holy Land. • , WHAT WILL RR DO WITH ITT Bulwer. °9 I3 NTe 71THWOLD. The new Novel • by Lints Deiereria tented. DOCKLAND'S CURIOSITIES OF NATURAL ma- BRIO ;, Or, Little by Little. A newßook to the style of Rugby School Days., 'We begtneall the attention of book•buyera to our LARGE and VARIER') STOOK of ROOKS in INERT DEPARTMENT of LITERATURR. We have always no band a large ,asootenent of PINE hIBRARrADI. TIONS, either in plain or fine binding, which tie sell at the LOWEST. Salt):l3. We are weatantly receiv ing the, NEW BOOKS , fut as boned, and which, with the large 'stook always -on hand, offers the ORRATRST INDUCEMENT To BOOK-211771111/4 to .purehece•at our eatab'latiment. Yorsons desirous oriookiug ever our stock will pi ed** every attention,And those who wish to plea an hour or so pleasantly 'mongol books end pictures are breltcd to call. " ' HAZARD ' -relo.4t 724 OURSTRIIT Street. :ATE' PUBLIOATIONS.„,_, .PAYOOI:IT,OOMFLE'RE WO RE.' 3, vols., Oro WINES , COMMENTARIES ON THE LAWS OP THE • ANCIENT HEBREWS. ••Thlril Edition Pro. „matinii4ia FOR . tIIONOtIy,..I AYleok fer Id.. 10mo". `BO canto; • IDOLITTE STANLEY I or, The -Reenty of Died. . Wends. • ERB MEIGWITS OF.EIDELIIIIII%, By, Helen Hu-. lett: 10mo. 15 Gents. LIEN AND LABORS OR REF. DANIEL RARER, D. D. Biro. 11.25. - Pebllahed _ L ye WILLIAM /3 ' :-& AL — FRED MARTIEN,-" fel9 No. 608 ORMITNIIT Street„Phlleds, A L NEW 'WORK BY' HUGH . MILLER. GOULD &LINCOLN ' ' • WM soon publish. trowearly sheets— ... - LBOTURNd ON tiEQLOOT, BY The tete EU ;lIVILL.IIII. Time Leotutee wens delivered by their: lamented author, before-wow Phllooopkioel Boolealev, have never 'before' been published.' An Appendl; le added from other monwtoripVe on Geologies' sue/eats. of me Grier elite arLd nlge. felB.2t grANDASIYILEDIOAL 'WORKS. - " ..1.1ND4 Nave reeently'olliebed,,' - • • • " MORRIS ON IiOATILIT PRIMP, A new revised and enlarged edition. - - TANNIN'S NRW MANUAL OP Tall PMAOT.ION OF 11111DIOINN.' -, 2 • • ... • • NIDWIFORY. Second Edition, Anew Tratudation, ulna enlarged. PAGRT , B SURGICAL PATHOLOGY HEIGBII PRA oTroar, TREATION o 8 the Dieinitee of Children. Third , • HILiDLAND ON rut . AcTION OF MEDIOINSIL Third Ndit [ da. ' • , - . : 1....• ~,, THR PHYSIOIANIS VISITING LIST for 1869. Va• doge aloes, &o. TODIIII-LROTTIRRS oa.Parelvide, ,Dlipsaes.,qt the &e: OARNOOHAtiIS OPERATIFR BURGLARY enil Bur.' gloal Pathology. Parts 1 and 2. . • PRIPARING .A MANUAL ON `SUROPP k InAGNOS/L Dy Ad. anal Oryson, =FL D., plot Of tie Somoza ar gluts Wapiti', Lecturer on :the , Inatltiites cod Praotiee at Surgery In the Philadelphia Alusoolationtor Atedital lotrootion, - &o. In one volume. LINDSAY & BLANYEITON, - Thabllehon; '- 4/7 No. lib South StY t TII. Street, above Obeetimat ItI.4ABON • "-MARUPAIMTIOIIiiI.Of • " • = - OIL 'CLOT.FTS; 146 tiogiT. ••, Od e r t. tradi liige stork of OIL OLOTHS of evprydesorlption, The lowest assortment of: , - WINDOW SUAI I, red', • In aUPP )10ILABLO3, Ids LOW 1 2, 14.10*8, rAVORA i Bti 74131', „ , OLAZOD CLOTII, , betatifal adlole for Witadow,Stisdas- • • 0112.2 m CiONSHOHOCXEN AND PENNSYLVAL NIA.IftON womts AND ROATANW'ht/L141; J. WOOD & nsontints, ProprlstOrr; No. 228 North PINOOND, - naiad 24TORAVDN 'Street; Phllde/Pbfa. have oonstidtly pi head a fill lusheitt'iie • PLATT) AND IWIDAT IRON, Oukto pattern, or of ,proralmuone elms. melt au their. Patent Wined Imitation llnsa.la Sheet Iron i heat an, attested aO4 double. l',finad Charcoal ffloftrO !Sod Roofing Shoat Ironh from No. 1.4.10_28, wire once; shuh first and serknd•qqalitY Butler, flue, :tank,. D e ad Auger, 'ruoulff,-for, Pao, Shutter; Door, 00 PYGNI, Bristo l and gaiotootor, as 'as air other desertottosa of !Toms sthich`rhey respentfully sollelt the trade to °all and Oh *thine at the old etand, N 0.228 North EINOONDStrosti above Race, 14 ,MalielPh 1 4 ree•iril 11HEAP:T1WNKS, - ;0ABPBT B.IAGO, and vV VALlNlo3; = Whotehoto AAA A. ,P DITTON, No 111 North 0103(410 Brook (nit Mot) tol6 tatter ;f stab Arab. 12RANDINS.—firinet, chintillon,•&lo - 67? , Jur - Ana - Other °crws, or narthex rtotogas. *,, Rochelle' NOuollts, pato dark, to Iu ported and [or Bala by - : • • • , • Rateßlt ' 0011uNN a, 00, • , :,,,"irkt oikd 210 tionth,VOllATll,Otinot, , .20)- BBLS. N 0.2 ftoSiN'in Ado by (I. 0. VAN AMRINGN, Jo., 040.11' 10 Nor* WHARVISh D A OpOtOriluni*m4Pyusto. , CARPETINP - S;• • SOLI iGliNcy*lß . . - • • tAiOiROLiTAP;,•• ' AND yENNk4rps,; , : ILINIIIPAOVOiIIID -BY I JOSIAH BARBrit,,-- • all gram of WOOL, - WOOL AND OOTIVF, and •-•z- • "•• ALL-COTTON INGRAINS. • _ ATWOOD, RALSTON, lila), • ' MANUFAOTII)II!II3 , 4GTINTEI,. Ji3l:Bio &09 SIARILIT BT4llll' JOS-E - PH L•EA; • DO,llOBllO COMMISSION ,WARK4O)3OII, , • .„ ' ' Nos. UM and UM CHESTNUT STREET, • OOTTON,, LININ G WOOLLEN • •ANY - P#INZIP . . ',..C3AII,PETINGS; - Invites lioutin;rn and : Western buyer' to elaniirie a land end desirable assortment of 06RP.1171, including many new patterns not beton Offered; via : WOOL AND WORSTED, OOTTON-WARP, . SUPERFINE, - • _INORAIN; &Li 1 ' ELLINOTEIN 'BRUSSELLS, . . , D fferetnily 811LEOTII the loom!, :WARRIIIIIL'ED,of uniform quality from end . tto sod 'bens mad* ehlefiy In this vicinity, can beiold on more favorable term, and by the lINEQUALLED'ItAILWAY NAOL. LITIEB of our, city, lent to ail Western points late axiom!e tban from any other meant. 114244 m-it CARP.h..TINQS, . . OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS, WO.LF .E, . red bo.. • • • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " No. 132 CHESTNUT STREET ' , - • • Agent' for '• • • TAPESTRY, VELVET; • THREE PLY, ' WOL:inweia INGRAIN,. • - ' .Inl,lNll7l:itNi HEMP, MITCH, • . - 00 PION, s • CAEPEITg. ' Man ,we'are receiving' daily from the Manufacturers, and are prepared to offer the some on liberal terms. Having th e Agency for seine of the beat and moist &f -iltrable goods, we can offer initialise:do not heretofore to be had in Philadelphia. All' geode sold at Mann- . factures's price's. Orderiairefully attended to. ' Also,'Agents for ;Black and White Wedding, a large supply of Which we have constantly on band. • ..febl-403 - ar e 1-I P VirE & ° C).2 40311NT8 07 '' MANCHESTER PRINT WORSE, Hare now in ttty• Dil!mr More, 240 1U6A.113X701" STRIEIVer, A full line of all the goods mannfaaturod by the filanotinater Company: DD LAINYB, ORALLIER, • • „ PRINTS, and ANCOLA TWILLS, Comprising the mod, desirable etyleL of thee' goods ever offered to the trade. J. C.l-10WE 'll%. 00, Are ohm the Sole Agents for the sale, in . thte market, of the following Nonufaoturers of • WOOLLEN AND COTTON GOODS 'BRADFORD, TAFT, k CO:, • . . J. T. REAGRAVE & 00., MERRIMACK WOOLLEN COMPANY, SAYLEE & EON, - ELM STREIT MILL, MILLBURY WOOLLEN . MILL, And other popular =km. BROWN AND BLEAOBBD COTTONS: '_ INDIAN ORORADD 7.8, 44, and 0-8. - • WATERIOND tii7a: 00. 7-8, 4-4, and 0.8. • To all of which the attention of boyerols solicited. Jo2s.ta th s Sra TEST,FOXIES* LLOYD, 219 0/IRS,TIitUT IiT,RENT, Offer for sale, ON TUN MOST FAVORABLE TREES, • COTTONSDHS, ' SHIRTING STRIPES 71°KIEWB ,.t..J ..:. .. , .....OSN&IIGNTRIPMS, MOON% HBNIMS TWEEDS. ' •'Reartrl, 3 ;' '' .•' ossethaturs , ac , o,' -.' fillitirs Is NW assortvente .°. 4 .. 0 AR4M I LL ed Mut - WIS. - . . , 00l1ML8810N MISOBANTS, Xl4Ol - FORTE 1:t S OtOTHI3,' DOMOKINS, 232 OtIESTRUT STREET, RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & 00.; - • Importers of WOOLLENS, , - Are recsirhug bill supplies of . gtIPERIO,R CLOTHS, , DOESKINS, TRICOTS, • • PANOY OAPOIMIRRS, aro. Brom the following celebrated manufacturers— FREDERIO IRONS (Little Ticket.) W. A. 3011 ANNE ABHOR. - - ORVER9 & 130/1111IDT (8. and IS, Clothe.) TAMBORA BROTHERS; - B. TOWN/MS.& 00. i sad others: febl•Scs - SO6 ORBSTNIIT Street DRILLS &EITEETINGS FOR EXPORT. BROWN __BVIZAJUID; It BLUE DRIL,Lx. HEAVY: & LIGHT BHEITINGB, - lidtable` for Export, for solo by YBOTHINGHAH & WALLS, 11,4 Sava PItORT sr., t LErtru - —001.0.1 r _ - , SPRING TRADE,. 1859.•'_ . _ SHIPLEY; HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON) .112, CHESTNUT _STREET, Ar: now opening a large and varßat stook of - -LAWN% OHALLIES. pawn, and other DRESS 000 DB, .To Which the attantionOi the trade is invited Also, DOMESTIC 'GOODS, Comprising Fairldll,,Oanaburp, Woodward Doeskins, Brown Sheeting' and fhlrttniS, Mariners' Stripes, Bine DniU. Vest tcO., &o. ROOKFI3R-BIIRETIN . 43-4ust received end for Ws by ' HAZARD, & ' m Ohestaut street. uISOROFF's - celebrated. (Botha and Doe sklamoogether with other heatable mikes of German Woollens, lost received and for sale by . SEUPIAIe, HAZAR.DOV, 11 1 7T0 1 11N0Obli febt4an 33.2'Obelltnul strut. wHirr.v, GOODS, EMBROIDERIES,' WHEN HDEPS , M MAMIES glom's, ~. PAVE BARORRIGS, - LAPPET BEERTINOS,-. • ROLLED JAOONET B - 'ONAMBII;BY GING/SAAB, Ao. liiiportad for The pressofusion and °Wend on yea 'onside terns to th e Wolesala Tride, by - SENAT BROTHERS & 00,9 . 238 0.13123TN1/T-BTRZEr • taw 8 it' •• • • - FITHIAN, TONES, 'BMW removed from No. AItF to 240 IdADENT Street; south side, where they are opening a full sesortnient of - MERIN with a full line of DOMESTIC GOODS; and' would salt especial attention to a large stock of all the Inos:t popular makes of Prints, comprising Merrimac's, Cochin°, Alien's, and Sprague's ; among whieh Earths Washington style, the pattern being ideating. ,it the one worn by that lady while her husband was President. ' fcabliAta BLIND, SHADE, WINDOW OUBTAIN, UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS The ,underaigned keep constantly on head a tarp assortment of. the 'above Trimmings, smelt se BLIND acd MIAMI „COED, and TABaBLe. Vain and Taney "BLIND AINDINGS, TAaIiST, ' , ROOKS, CURTAIN I.OOPB_, DRATBRY, TAABELd, and QOBD, In:JANITORS OIMPA; TORTS, &a.; &a. all of which are our nwn maraufaotere and importation. Dealers will end tato their' advantage to give us a call and examine our Moak. Ordain ,by mail promptly oriented. EL IiORSItiN v .k. SONS YlRTRtind 001111111 BTltllllkl, febll-6t* . Adjoining the Manufactory: • S IMEI3' 6 • • . PURR I,OD•LIVRR OIL PAIBMBOTLY SWINT AND PALATABLII, manu factured at Newfoundland for the Proprietors, from ,fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at I low tempera. turn, thus, preserving the sweetness and purity of the Oil while the natural fishy flavor is perfectly covered, C i d the 011 rendered palatable and agreeable to the The Proprietors Of. this Oil spare no expense In hiving their 011 properly prepared at Newfoundland, thionly plarinWhers the Cladus merrbua is found in abundance. The true Oil is frequently impaired• by admixtures with ell Yrom other species alb.bled,is family, and only that coming from the , `-Detnits worm be rel.ed upon as the genuine. Dar 011 has been analysed, and pronouttoini to_ be pare and 'the perfeotion of fine qmallti—aka . aaterletles which enable It to mnintain pcsuperierttyuver all other kinds.' - Prepared and for sale, Wholetale - a diteteu; bd itSBARD Er. 00., felf-tf TWRLFTH and 04118TliIIT, Piffled's. ILI B. K NO It BOOTMAKER.—AUGUST BICKEII, No. MX North POUNTA , Street, an. spe3tiniirinfornis the- public,- and Sol:maxim and 'Wksrmity hUIROHASTEI particularly, that he con. Vatter to trian&aciurs laahlonable Boots and Shoe. to order armoring thee& who' *vomits hith, - thiet be will guarautee that his work will give matirtmotion, both ma minim annular en,* and excellence of material. Pries* reasonable. - felB Sm IM 41, di, 4, and S per cent. U. tit Iltl3 AWAY NOTE& for sale at s discount, for Custom olum pUrposas, by OftONB & t011.41 H No. 40 TE IF M Stmt. F ,??;: 1, - - Or '' 0 .A o' 40-41340. Ditx .o,9ps-P;!EAfflp3F, BPEINOs:O_F'.-1859. iToSHICIA: ihvbi t i o nipmed fife N .13 TV B_T,O K.E, • No: 218 -.III.A.EICET ♦ Large and Orifnal fltoek,f AMERII;I4*.AND-FOREpM STAPLE PID.AANCY, D R SELE 0 TED.. POE - THE SPEING. TEAM, To which hOlitit4ili OUSTOMMRB AND 8UY5187 . 3 GUIRBALix I hive mutt styles ot iloods;inede tquiti own otilez, sod revolved direct from the autuutietaireiv, without eouunielon to teinte; wbioh will be moll . ' BiILOW MARKET'PRIOREI MANY CONFINED ETYLES CASH BUYERS PROMPT BROR'T CREDIT RIMERS, • ?item ' • , , Wllf Bastthe Btoek well Worthy their ezaininition' NEW.- • GOO' DS - EVERY DAY. JOSHUA L. DAILY, N0. , 218 MARKET STREET, febfkl4 '.-- COMM ainAL \AND; TRAVELLING ORBDITII available in all parts of the'-world opened with the home of Megan. GEORG! PSABODY & 00, of London. - Apply to . - GAW, MACALESTBIi, & 00.,, fel.tf 816 WAraut Street' :10 lik 509000 eiplleante,upin Dleltionde,Watekee, L, Guns. Merehandlge, Clothing. &a., on mode rate tame, by JONES it 00 ., Nelms, A. W. comer THIRD and GASILILL Ettreete,bolow Lombard ` 3!s - tablialted for the but 115 rum.: °Geo ,hours trim Q A, tll4. N. y •. EEOOND4I.4IIII GOLD &od BILTIM WiTOlOlB, by 'eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale cheep—+t one-halt the original met. 111201 m it tUati!jeo,: JAMES WATSON, IMPORTER, OP - • WATCHES, JEWELRY,. 3g0, - ,, No. 325 MARKET STREET. - - ' Co!katattuy an load a toil assortment of iratlviima and Oonstantla *slam - • fol-em AILEY & 'OO., B- t POEXIIRLY _ BAILEY & KITCHEN, Hive removed to tier new itroproot, Witte • Marble Mors, 819 CHESTNur STREET, NORTU KM /MOW TUB GIUABD HOUEIf =;=Z=l MOUND JEWALRY, ,PLATED WANES, AND LINOT GOODS, TO which they Invite the intention of pie rate: stmgroffsam, ATOIIIIB, DIA1101111)8, PLUMS, • AV WIWIAIIIALII LID lIITAIL, sullAt tt pßivrrx. 'BEATH% plifoßTißß AND inIOLISAUF DISALIiRB WATOBB3 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ' PLATED WARES AND FANCY 13109D4, AND marortoruziao or • J E W-E . . Sollolt the attention of De;lere from every eeitka to !kli r mlignitpaseed In extent, style, or hheaposia.. oabblerg ,' , aware. WIVI. P. WILSTAOH & CO. IMPORTBRB, MANURAOTURERS, Phltutelpbta aduytaamErr HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, ANI HARNESS MOUNTINGS, No. 88 NORTH THIRD STREET, Between Market and Arab, THE LARGEST STOOL IN-THE CITY. Rio of TEI GOLRRN lITTRRIIT. Usb2-leis 1 1 OST - - CERTIFICATE .OF DEPOSIT LA of DANN OP NORTH AMERICA, No;830, dited Denimber 14. 1868, in favor of RIIIIBEIIB HER TURD, for 82,600, is lost or mielaki.,lll persons are cautioned against ready)* Hie, same, payment having been stopped. fe2.‘&ll3ta WILCOX do 430' 3 • . 'MODEL SKIRTS, ADJUSTABLEAEIUSTLE, WITHOUT SEWING, ACKNOWLIDGID ST TEX LADIES TO SI THE 888 T SKIRT YET PR. ODD CED, AND AT 110 HIGHBR COBT Than the Ordine,ry Skirts. , • These Shine ere for sale by most of the prominent Jobbing Holum - ' • • ' • febiNlm BRITISH GOODS. MORTON, GRINNELL,,E; 00., V; 55, and 57 Park Place, New York, INVITE Aft/I/ITM TO TRIM LARNE AND ATTRAO FEINTED. °RALLIES, - 9 DE LAIN'ES, ENGLISH. FEINTS, ". . JA:CONETS, - -GINGRAMS, ROBES, &c., Additions to villa will be made by Steamers and. Packets, to arrive. INTON's ENOAITSTIO TILES for LTJI. floors. Ornamental ObbormiTops for iottivii Virden Tom sad Youotairm. trified Pipe for drama ip..d water conductor*. • Imported and for sale by 8. A. HARIIIBON, rais-tt uno otnuentrr attest. "OLD DOMINION:" Old Dominion oia Dominion Old Thiniinion Old tionainions Of&Dominions . or Boarding Housio Old Dominions Nor ootouraari Old Dominions , 01'd Dordi Tor the Million. Over forty different verietles and 'Wu.' of the OLD Domillotim Coffee and Tea Pete are no* manufactured. Being , based, es Dr, Hell,. of the Josinutl of Health cape, . 1 on setae. end common ionee, ,, they ire rapidly coming tote use; and are deg. timid Won to impoesede all ethos They can be ob. tai from or ordered through any, storekeeper, or deafer he holetekeepleg - ' , irriderettents who have net reeleivid our Trade Weenier, glylug picas, terms, &v., sill belmenedietely supplied on application. by letter,.to „ /atrium, rividiflot; U 7 wed 119 Beath TIN= Street, Philadelphia( Bole hienufsetnreriander, thaPatent. , ! , 0. also, manufacturers, under the Patent, of AR TURA'S ORLIEBR ATER AIR-TIGHT SHLP-BIIAL- Itte VitIIIT CARO AIM JAM. 018414tdia WELL CHOICE GOODS,. • PEMADAPHIA; Alcmtp. AND Dija,maa IN PHILADELPHIA. toot. ' , PATENT EXTENSION, nrk nom or Offs. Pots Coffee Una Ifoic Rotolo,. Wants,' prigAbilit at/asp,. ats jusdAprodtgble buslasat, And -I , llllAkeAst *Air put I.dftass slow , Pros; ATANTIII,N , -5* Iromigillan 'osiooo, Inatiiinedorhtill a goal AC4OIIM--.0, "s; 114'. - Papa life and profitable boat -;:- naul, with a ylavr of tgloomlig_a Oa &bar'. awn: "Miligag 3'; 41 : ,'Pret$ Oflgo. - • r.ARTtD •-'=„, : Second-I*A 1 OPTION' - • • lima from 6to 8 fee — Mafia& Box 4078, Post °Mae.' • L'llll4l. or "We. TM/ANTE D.-4 LADT,fallyvAimpetentto:, ;,„ V Tele& Fiona, yeast A m& Leetruguatel.,Kai • sisCOmsonintal brenebee, Jo -.wanted' es' - goiodeat. , -* = Pririsipst III:ea - Boarding and 'Bay liegablibeYnesfe Ladies, SO be opened Ist Stf:Aprit ant, Plasuot,randloslthy NSW lingliO4 tome= Ono of oily, aegnaletsaat .w.lusesa planers a few boardlng Is desired. Iddsepe , ‘BOll.,iliVlOX . ;" str-01419M°6--- -r - fe18.2011! = • rllO MERCHANT/3i Jl4/51.M.AOKURE,,_ • a MERCHANTS AND OTENNA,..A*46OStow.; iDat•elus Book-kes*: and - AteboutlVlANin sirriesir DifAU 'radix* -Ais4 - tad- Amnia, and Air** 4•141. -- .tost otisteDisto ahYP +0 8 04 1 4 1 1, troAmpticrimbler .reforrf . olA-16113. Aa ,' arAu 0, P.MD • , PIAN% ;-DRAWING,.•Stot-- - 'Lady.; Afar** Miaaharipraillalastilike abianitidagrou a raw Pupils I in . jamillaa Amen; . A casptablOs• [arenas Ohne Sin II A4l, . Puss 01110 e.: :141401, VITANTE—AIi- - -'enertstra,,saltAeffiatent:_,„ OALlSMAN,,,sequainted trade,'ln a Jobbing sad Incellaloi Dry 000th :$Uw doing a Cosh and ahotbaudit ahnallrtrailuowl' e gro - capital of $3,000, if - ar'astfaihd - , be NSW , • j " '' slater with the house. Adam"' THOII/110lnithla•'-''',' w -;-By a "Mimi 'AOTED agd, a airminom In 'a Wliolsoile Store; le qutok at Acura; and write a fait kiwi Aaron Vitt LIAM, Oftles thit Psper:7,' - • . AN:E.XPERIEIiernD:'2BOOICaIIEPER::--• desires. m saitstreaidat la' a Whatnot. Best of testimonials oillbe atran - AddieesitßWeitp„ - ----- °Ake 'of The • •-• WANTEDFOR,TIit,-MUTZDSTAiIiS' OLVALRY—dtbledwodiad, anwartied efieso-4Corblide--- will be OM good wiz beard, olotaing„ang maidieal "- - attetadastee,Pay from $l2 -to $22 per moatk.. anal having a wilts orahild, will be seseptee. Apply far_ , 1101111141D.0884101 at No. BIT Off. 2 1 41dith, north Me, ja. , Ipll-11 3st Lbmt. yt Breaososeategkowiif.:-.,--e, for Zale: ait3`fc L FOR BALE 'OR 'TO -LET=Fitgerty_ MIL tro South YOURTH Street; kidtaSti- iither 'for Buslopas ar,Baddenee.. Apply on tioprtmists.,-, it* FOR SALE "as' pplesdfd Riau:maws the • a.m. Wastusies. &us VIER ettiole. lot $8 by, 70; , filill ase ;yard; grapes!, and Amor modern improyeo+ent..:l4ot applies su s. sixtrx stmt. sseao44tom) • fandt TOR - SALE' OBAZENVL:A: LA:TiGE 19. DdANBI~ S - and rcrtimli - ..; - * le.a adminbwror" • Country Brit, Bummer Hotel, or ..Boart,Ale Satiool; near Gwynedd Btatlon North, Pannurtranbt Bat rte ; 18 'miles tram Ykllatalpida.„ Apply to": 5 Ban tit PlXTll,l3droot.. volt: SALM=A LARGB FARM, - *UM:C, ---' A' 12 albs of the eitj, *pith tiooopf w6aldbe 444= abused, In "oil, for. rb_ 400 - Suidoomf. and` AddresoI!STARBITZTA:BIOWA 'Whig kW of 21012618 and aroogatoldr:',-1. 'FOR-:SAI•E;411B 'l3Tock'AND"7lZ '' • SWAB of a Stele to WOODBURY, ICT., dotes.; s'avell betimes. The only roman ter.-ii,de:. eltainig health.. Tor patilealer adaireee t • plasma= Ai LADY, deLlifonfl ' Or'irenifiEfilAiffeth:B7 !!:!... mai of -acjiirtassivi , Bo.l2Doll,llollBll, full, ;offers for Ws. Legal, (baring two, *oars ron.l.fotlho foOltadf. raw_ tam= wl tolau r to any, aus Affpcoell ; fa IMINP?1 1, The ,hOftiisls mai pot:;',l fauldmible streets m -the oftif, and "ba1f.f1u111,1000:443,--, modstlops - for about, furnishotfiroiiihout, a4d fzepomptitiortfor;praosetie,..4l, Indnoements in -this :Has 4trob , ,inst., theri.partimars a.Sdieos, vtlir;Thea.ricalpe H. IC 8., at this Ofileo. „ i tq St BOILERS FOR SALR.;74Thrt4.I44I wer :Bollezi,. 86 ; inahasi -diaieitaClal tett with Ora leant and aoutwailone - oontplater - ibia, tate, they eilLader Boller;, 86 inekea dlamatar; 2 l6 Awe with batten; under than; both sista to routp!! Gator Apply to - ' • Wlldigin, /ITU& t; ,r felB-01 ' N0.„28 itt, Wahr.; VAASTIS:,,2,t, O LET=-The - Smoak Vdr,diand, Fodrtti T Mary ROOKS in the,larze.Granitai litnia; ..- OHNIThII7 Strad; adjolntag the bralle,l,B itituireon the • prealeog.' • ", 4 , • , 7 .• felt -eta- "„ . , 1(01111Tamax Boonykocis TO LET—STORE awl DWELLENO;;.., lor-KNlTONY4Ml,:yroooti4rioirth'iratil: - -: 0 4. • lkw stood. — •' N.AVooemnsuc_, rem at* • - - m North *OE= E MPTY- CASES; - oft from 150 -gallo, W - s by -. LAY' & - aacoruis,'- ropyr. su, watinrs4„-- toholeg* ewhing• Vi...,OTHINGI.- • - AT WIIOI.LESAI.*:' ataA. IC - IValliVar:A3 0 .988 NABEIT 92 T, : . • „ ; • 'OW tot eats; ou tie iiint • L'LBEE`ALTERMS A new and extensive itosk ot_ - - SPRING ,ArrixsuiamEit.oLoirtisw, -, " z . . ADArap _ = , 001 - ITHER,Et AND . .t• TAIT INFITI TEN.ATTINRI6I4-ittYl/8;,,--- CLOTHma. The Subscriber's noir OHM - - Nog. 426 sad 4,28 IdASINT STRUM,- (or atm ' - ' • lore and complete 'took of ' SPRING end Eltrififfat. CLOTHING, Of ill podia, made up In verp numbs mime; to salt _BOIITBILWN and 8017111141113TN11N MASIIrk: Whloh they trill mall to their oldeustonkortiaioOtionpt m ing Iterishaats tenerally, on tiedel t,erma, , 7.IuEON-BEItG-It . 00.- robt-lzo , . . • LIPPINCOTT, HIINTE.R, & SOOTt Maintbabuort tad Jobbat, or_ COMMON, MEDIUM, - - - - • ' AND FINE CLOTHING. - We Write special ittentiron to Our aomplota lino of _ MAOHINH moutainlasb Goons; itntbraatr g . Oloth; Alpiwta, Dant, Ind Clonral= anti Coa'a i alea„Panta and Vesta, ;- - xo.424mAßKET,Erraiire, = , A. T. LANE, - - WHOLESALE CLOTHING' WAREBOOMS, No. 419 MARKET STII,IUIT, - [Man PRILADiLPMMA. 'Vats anb (traps. RENtOERSOT,.. BOUVWZD,:,IIi . . MA...I4IIPACTUE.MIS AND WHOLISALI:DDAtaIID HATS, OAPS, AND STRAW'. GOODS, SILK AND STRAW DONNITS; ANTI/10UL ILOWBEN, BII011:118, Ae. 816 MARKET STREET, PKILADIFHIAL. Wax C B. GARDENA 004 1 . /AtIIACTIThIIIB AND wuoiagaia 114 TS,,CI4 1 :P; SILK AND STRAW -BON S NETS ; AND STRAW GOOD • ASTISIOUL ILOW.IIII3OfIALTMIBIS, R 1701116, &a., &a. - No. 600:1 602 t MARKET STREET, EXTENSIVE STOCK BEST . TERMS LOWEST PRIC4O; • - - 1859. SPRIRG STYLES. 1859 . AGARD & CO., 328 NARKET STREET, Invite the attention of Buyers to an ENTIRE 2flW oncloomplete stook of HATS, OAPS, STRAW GOODS, Act., Which they offer for Muth or en the mil credit. eartiarc CARRIAGES OP TOR NANO/AC=lO OR WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY; CHESTNUT STREET 1011,. 1009 feble 4m SHADR4OR HILL, idb MI 43:2NTIF. ST BARI Sil IMPOgPR OP N BDLE3 PEARL BRAIDS, - IILASTIO GOODS soft under Goodyear's Patent. and Eige .14tout for Je.ou Hill ■ inileinsted Gold Inlaid :tiimod)es • • 162741 a tal raw T.- .fitDEORD, BRIOKLA YEA, No.llll PRAM Street. Ng* of 918 Watont W I nor /Whoop. ~~a;~asw+u~s , CORDS. he
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers