•>- DOABD Olf TBAIIB. - F.Braop..-”'.-: ; 16 T.• r, ~ . .Thomis Kiiißßi. Jr i > OoMMiTt SHOP TUB Mourn IIMHJAHUtUBSBIu., 'V‘.,.l - ■' - - : .-Jtl«rin|:3iUcliiaenw. PORT. OP.I’HIt.'VUELPHIA, J»n. 31, 1869. 11 5UH8ET8..........4 69 i 4l BtJN BiaHWATKB..... ' -'' - ABKrVBD. ■, - -USM steamship Keystone Btate,Mnrshman, 50 hours - from Oharteiton/'with, cotton, rloe, fte toA Heron, Jr. Passengeirs-TMUsMarshmam Mr 9 P, Mitchell and lady/ J P Streeter ah Alsdy, Capt TAmts B Top, Henry dhbbs, w H' Oiithbtzt, Jr,Andrew., Marsh,- '3 j Bobniedet, J D Hrffit, BenJ Hlemvn' Alfred Taylor, Capt late;of sehrJohn Howard, nod 18 in the. steerage. . .Pyiday/ 27tV, below the Fourteen-foot Bank,*ptta?d jhlp Tonawahda, in tow of thaateam-tug Athericai. bound-down:' off'the Buoy ;6h the Miedle, passim Bhlp'Atnef leaii Colon, in tow of the eisam*tog Atlantic, bound up.,, -■ « * * Steamship Phihqaa Sprague, Matthews, 10 hours from Boston, with mdee and passengers to Henry Wineor. , ' Steamehip Kennebec, Hand, 24 hour# from. New York, With mdsp and passengers to JameS Auderdlce. . , * Steamship' Boston; Sallow, 24 hoursi irom New York, With mdse apd pjuueugOfS to James Allderdioe. ■ Ship American, Union; Otis, 47 days from Liverpool, with mdee? to Peter Wright A Sons. . - Birk RelndeSK Pincbney, 40. days from Bio Janeiro, with 5,000 bags coffee to Thos A Newhall ABon.. Left 1 brig Harvard; Philadelphia, waiting - Brig Ocyan Isle; Berstrup, 17,daya fromlnfgua, via Bermuda, with6sQo bmhelssaltto J F Peuioton. .On the 16th met. laf 31,‘lohg 67, had to throw overboard a portion of heoargo, ih'coueequehce of a leak. -, Ketch Commerce, aathaway, from Rio Janeiro,-Nov 29i'wtth2,280'bags coffeejto'John Mason A'Co. .Deo 14, lat 20 8, long 84 40,spoke whale shfp f dwCarey, (of Nantucket,) Gardner,' bound round Oape Horn; was two .months'from ‘homo-and 21 days from Cap? de Verdes;. h)ri'ho. alncb-feavfng home., Dec 18,.7 A M passed, an Amerl ‘.can clipper,ship with six topia 1 yaids,isain akywil and roundsternyeoullDOtmske out her name. .Jan 18, Jat 17 IQ ! N, ioug'&B 5B W.-spoke schr Luther ,Child, hence-faf. Nevis;'(before' reported with lose of Oapfc in chargebf Mr Boltenbousb, of brig 1 Forest City.' Passed, 00/atorday, a sonken schooner with .topmast above: water, about 45 inllea south of 'Cape Hehhpe'n'. '- 1 '; ' Bchr Bmma L Day, Hackney,-10. days from New York, with mdse to C&weli A Collins. • fcchr Anna Bmith; Bmith,'o days from New York, with mdse to Crowell & Collins * -- ‘ Citroen Boat/ Schellinger, - 5 hours from Bombay Book, haWog towed thereto barque American, for Car denss/. 'V . r -r' ■ Steam-tog, America,"VlrJen, 5 hoars from Bombay HJok.hsvlniinWir barks Reindeer.'from Wo Janeiro; Moriraohth,dieffee for Marseilles, returned, leaky i and ketfch,Commerce, from Rio. Janeiro!, ■ Steam-tug Atlantic; Mason, 10 hours frem Delaware Breakwater; ship American Union, from: Liverpool,. In tow., - Reports the British brig Joseph Hume, from Ma laga, and three sohrs in the hay, coming up. ■■ -i ’ *. C;"’ ,OIilABlD> Bteamahipßoftoo, Beliew, New York; Jas AUderdice. ' Maracaibo and a market, 9 Tate'. ;> Bohr Bliaabeth sni .Eleanor, Rogers, Perth Amboy, taptalh. ' . ' Behx AnhS Cshnoo; Nowell, Richmond, Noble, Ham* mett A CaldwelK " . Schr P A Saad-ra, Ireland, Wilmiogton, NO, D S AOoi . ' St’rJ 8 dhrlyer, Dennis, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr (Gorroipoadtnce of th« Philadelphia Bxohange.) / - ..... Del., Jan 28,8 AM. Allarg£9hiphas jast gone in, in tow of tag Atlantic. The Teeaels before repomd still remain at harbor, with 'tbe addition of two brigs and six uchoaneri, arrived last ersclog. ’Mr Q- H .Ocnnell,‘pllot, reports the barques Qrowler.for Oienfnegos; Merrlmae for do, and Occhl tuate,-forlfew Orleans, &a having gone to sea jeaterdaj. *ff ind, south, And rainy ~/Yohr*{&o, fBT IKUMJaATH TOTHS PKSBS.] > * 1-• _ Nbw/Xobk. Jtfn 29 Tbe U 0 brig PoJjjhin, from Boston, arrived at Buenos ■AyresDeo 6.- . The ship Champion, of Boston, from Calcutta for N ‘ York, went" ashore 28th teat.’daring the fog, on the nest bjak of the lower bay. She has three feel or water, In her.. Her crerr saved. „ - jail 20—Arrived, sfclpOha-npion, from Calcutta, leak ing at the rale of, eight inches per hour. Her,cargo is supposed to'have escaped damage, . ' Also arrive:!, ships ,Groat Western and Escort, from Liverpool; New Orleans; DeTonahire, from London;. Orphan, from, .Antwerp;, barque D S Goodell, Irora Cumberland Harbor. Bobtoh, Jan. 30. The shlpTemusse, from LWerpool, pat into Belfast, Ireland,.©*! the 1411} mst. with the loss of some of her BalUandsmalsfcart.'-'', ■' BtlQWi ships Miles Stahdlsh, Indian, and IreJ/n, all Iron Calcutta; ' ** ___ . ,Hamptohßoads> /an 29. Arrived, ahlpe the Wava and Marcia 0 pay, .from. Call v Niw Ohleakb, Jan.'39. Arrived} barque# Ninerehj from New York; Griffin, from Hanna. . MEMORANDA. Steamship Empire City, Griffin, from New Orleans, ▼la Havant 3d In t, arrived at Weir York 28th‘lost. Ship Tamerlane, Baratow, for i’hJlaaelj>bfa, entered outward at Liverpool Sth'fnst gblp Consignment, Livingston, for Philadelphia, oleared'at Liverpool Bth inst. . Sratern Blate, Kelton, Tor Bong Kong, cleared at New York 28ih Inst: ‘ * Ship ChamptainpFyman, from Boston for Buenos Aires, was jpoken Dec.3l', lat 7.30 B, long 88. Ship forest King, Redmond, was. at Caldera Deo 20, loading,supposed,torßngtod 5 Shin Pleiades, Winslow, from New Orleans, at Liver pool 6th inst. I . - Sbibfl'Kalamazoo,'Taylor, Emily. Jane, Lloyd. from Charleston, and 8 Howland, Adams, ,frem Mobile, ar rived at Liverpool sth inst. Ship Mosjocgnar C«ter, from Havre, was off Gibral tar 8d inst,bound B. *- ' Skip Scotia, Miakelly, for Baltimore, sailed from Hel voet acta lost.. • . " - Ship Macassar, Whipple, olearel at London 7th Inst, for Philadelphia, via shields. Ship' Commonwealth, Crosier, from Valparaiso, at Bostoo 28tb inst. Ship Cerro .Gordo, Witham from Liverpool, via Ber muda, for Baltimore, arrive! lq* Barapton lioads 27th iOßtaht./ i'^.'. ■ - - - •’ - - * . fchip Sebastian -Cabot, Walts, from Callao, arrived at Biltimora 291 h inst.’ ‘ *' ■- Bhlp Gfofgb' jLuot, cleared at Boston 38th, Inst. forCspbTown,'CGH- Ai -». .. Ship Indian 1 , A will; from Calcutta for Bolton, passed HighiaoiLight&P -ah»pMary;Ann, v ß*mttH>Bda,frbm Boston lor Calcnt- 3sdiya oat, was spoken 81st alt, lat 1150 8,100g38.~ fehlpMlles from GalcuuaOct lp, for Boston, wtis spokeni7th inst, Ist 2140 N, ibog6o *0 - Sktp Cbnfier, lJeyiißee,'from Bio de Janeiro, arrived at Now York 29th last.' ,6h«p Evelyn;trom Oalcuttafor Boston, passed High land light 4P M 291 b inst. - - Ship Chasca, Marstrand,-from Calcutta, at Boston 29th last. ‘ ' 'flhip.DotpblD, Kelly, cleared at Boston 29th lost, for £&st Indies.' • Ship Witird, Woodride, for San Francisco, cleared at Weir York 29th inst, : - , 1 Ship Argonaut, Norton,from Foocbow-foo, arrived at New York 29,h inst.- ’ Barque Oak. Ryd»r, cleared at Beaton 29th inst. for Philadelphia, Barque Palmetto, Garde, sailed from Guay .mas Deo 10 fer Panama, kith 1200,(90 inspecie. Barque Panami. GraTeo,fromNew York, arrived at Bio' de-Janeiro 29th ult. Barque M aria, Johnson/from Bio Grande Dec 9, ar rived at New York 28 th laat. . Barque J W Paige. Jones, for cleared at N YorkaHth-tost; /.v ■ ' u , ' • Barque,Cqiwack, Grajj cleared at New'York 28th inst forYalparai«o- , -'.*■* , " Barque Quickstep, Odell, from Sbanghse Oct 11, An jler Kov.lo, arrived at New York 29th inst. , - Barque Ashley, Thomas, from. Palermo, at Gibraltar Jau lj and cleared for Philadelphia. Baique Isaac R Davis, Hood, from Bos ton, arrived at Rio do Janeiro 21st ult. Barque Messenger Bird, Beler, from Btchmond, via Pernambuco, and iloacoke,. Thompson, from New Or* leans, arrived at Bio de Janeiro 21st nit. Barque Mondavi*, Burgess, for was.load log at Bio de'Janeiro Dee 28. Barque lady Franklin, (8r) Garrett, from Callao, at Baltimore 29th inst. .. Barque:’UtU," (Oldenburg)' Paascbe, hence, arrived at 8t Jago deCuba 14th lost Baique Wm 11 Newman. Gavett, from Baltimore, ar rived at Bio de Janeiro 23d ult; . , Barque Florida, Mnnday, hence, arrived at Aspinwall JClh lnstV ' n Barque B Wfight, Jr, Lelar, sailed from Havana 19th inst. fur New York. Barque Warren Hallett, HaJleU, at Bio de Janeiro 13th ult.,from.Wilminitou Barque Rainbow, Berlin, from Rlohinond, via Per mubuco'fwae going Into mode Janeiro 28d alt. Barque Leighton, fpslghta, from New Orleans, via i Peroambnco, at Bio de Janeiro 27th ult. > , Brig -Albertina, T {Dutcb) Ouendag, for Philadelphia, sailed from HelvoetSihinat. Brig .Tiberias. Hughes, sailed from Oienfaegos 18th inst.tor Philadelphia-.. . Brig John Welsh, Flfleld, hence at Trinidad de Cuba I2thlnit.' „.,<•, 1 1 Brig Black- Squall, BcraSj for Philadelphia, cleared nt New York 29th lost.- a* : > Schr Delaware,'(U S) Yorr; hence at Point Jubiter IStb lost, with llghihoose materia Bchr Blaise, Tpaoher, hence, arrived at Galveston* 18 th ln;t.• ' • Schr Ephraim A Anna, Ludlam, hence for Mobile, ires spoken 21st lost, off Key West Bchr J 'H'Planner, Paa'syjjfor New York, cleared at WilminfttoiuKO;29tb inst. • Bchr A«a BidTidgej’Jtbneen, for Cardenas, cleared at favanh .h 25th lost."': 1 . j-‘. . Bchr _W alepn, Maguire, at Bio de Janeiro nth nit. from Buenos Ayrss, and was loading 20th tor N Orleans'. ’ Bohr, Lewls Chester. Bomers, cleared at Charleston Stilbinsff fof Pblladetpbja, wltn473balesuplandcotton. < Bchr An prew MancU[nWn,:(3 masts) Henderson, from Buenoa AvFeqJDee 11, arrived at New York 20. h inst. Bchr Bidney PrJce, G6dfrey, for. Cardenas, cleared at Wilmington, NO, 28th inst, , ' Sehr- Fannie .Corrie, Bleb, from Richmond, at Bio de Janeiro 20th ult.. ... Schr-H B WesloD, Maloy, for New York, cleared at Boston 28th inst. Bchr* £ b B Wafejf, Hoffmid, and Burrows 0, Clark, from NewYoik, at WPmlagtOD,NO, 27th inst . - / Bchr Hknnah Crsmner, hence at Biohmonl 28th inst,.- A . ‘ ' *, * - • Behr Geojfc GrpeaVGWfn; tfrom Boston forPhiladel* pWa, waaat Holmes'Hole 28tbinat. . Steam-tug Baltic, Barnard, from. Charleston, via Key West, arrived at New (Means 22d Inst. Bobr Bhoda A touelah, tfoffmpui hence for Cardenas, sprung a leak on theiaih lost, after passing the Hole in the ff aIL and ihe leak increasing so that the pun pa eould hot keep her free; the captain steered for the lend, bat before reaching it sheauek oh the 14th. near Joul ioi>eK*jA«The captain'crew .and a part of the cargo arrived. at-Nassau. WP, on in the wrecking schr Josephine,. The oa*gq will .probably nearly ail be -paTol in a damsged condition.' ~ ' . Havana • '.. ‘‘IBBOBIVJSD PBB XiATS ABEITAtS” • • QOOO Garaotzada PrenaahdoS7 ;BUQ do' Londres, Ist :■%£& 2ds: 4,b00 £Ua St Zartueia: 0,000 do Millar Com* xndnes: 11.000'do Opens; IO.bOO do Oohehltaij 6.000 Amalia Znavos: 4.700 do Imittadore*; 11.000 CauUva Bondres ; 4 000 do Bond Olllndridas; 8 OCO Oantabra 1 tondfesj 7 bQO.dp.Opechas: 14 000,Calliope Londrea:, 22,000 £1 Bbro do; 7,500 do do doe j 2 500 do Miliar ,* 4.800 £1 JDorsdoXofadreli ; 4,500 do do AoV; 5,000 Espana Lrmdres; 6,100d0 do fine j 100 U Princlpes; Manilla Obe rooU;10 COOkstrellaOperas; T.SOOdotuflltaLondrea? li,ooo do Beaalladel Bey; 15,OOOdoJBntre Actos; 13,000, do Oequetta 1 7 500 Ygfeaia Buelta Londres;, 10,000 do Galauce7s,ooodo £htre Aotda; 9 000 do Regalia Oou gresso Ohanita t 3800 do do' Dooufti 5 800 do Zarsneia; 11,000doMiller Londres: .22.000 Bight Hoards Lon dres; 7.800 do Bntre Actos; .11,000 do Opera; 6,000 do ftlill Londres: >26,oooJOxalCerondlcfl: 30,000 Nebaji* Londoss: 15,600 YresYictorias, io\ 8,700 do Millnr. •In Vore and bond, and for salo by- A. ÜBBINO, 140 South FRONT Btreet.V i;V: , ia3l-tf JOi, OUB &,CO.'S 1, ADVERTIBING AND COMMISSION AGBNOY, 489 CHESTNUT flt.yzd.floov, PhUadelphla, and ->. - - Tribune Buildings, New York.^ • JOYjCOE.&CO are: the Agents fox the most ln fiQentlal snd largely circnlatJng Newspapers in the « Uutt*d.St*fcg and ths Gabadas :They are authorised tareceweadvdrtisementsandiubscripUons At Hie lowest raise ■ ‘ _--• *-/» Jat-fmfcw-rp^mv O.EORQE - WHITEXJST, No. 136 South wJf 'PRONT Btreet,Offers for sale, in Bo djonly— cß«jgustteßrtoidy,-1867, Pale and Barf. .' 'Jules Robin Oogcac; 1860 and 1857,' , pi.Unloa Pro>rfet(n , »!'Gogaao r 2Bs4.;c -_• , » , . OMtillloß, Co; 00gnw,1860,1867,1868., : £-.‘Ac Camus Bocbelle; 1667..' •- . <■: c?'PeUbvoisinßochelle, 1868,-to arrive, i - . A;Co. Coghao, 1865,1861,1848. ' .v'janiateAßotaiijearkin'Bond.^'S■?. /..^JHpiir^ft^EeQteh.Whitkejrf. •, <..* Port Wins.- , .. - , -SreifrMadelrkWine; . . V ■ - Heidslck Olmtopagne,:qqarts and plr te. 'A fhlTakwiftmipt qrOtareVWine, in cases and casks, *- : Jal6*Bm# 1 1 • TLEM tf LD; JiO WELL by' £ ISB'eMpfeVMD%OirALK£NBIt *lB9' * NINTH ■&- x l '- o'd^Girnienti' or W* 4 miVALB AT THE PWNCIPAI HOTEL?. : ' mp 'ib oWo'OLOoK »hm lioßhuitt. GIB ABB HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth* Jas Archer, St Lonis - -,0 H Bmith, Jr, Missouri Mr Bell A la, NY Sami Hoyt, Pa DJDrleßbaoh, Boh Haven 8 Stevenson, Danmore, Pa JK Taylor, Bndgton • BP Christy, NY H B Tibbetts, NY 0 C Doherty, Cln, 0 JFltsJamea.NY ' t NS Higgins, NY , IA D Agan, Troy, NY E B Bradley, Conn Jas Tucker, Jr. Boston F M Johnston, NY MUs B M Tucker, Boston Theo F Breeue, N Y A Ohlln, Boston Miss A Warner, Klmlra ]> a Crane, NY* ■ BW Martin, NY j 0 Walker, Colombia B P Mitchell A la, Va EM Shaffer, NY * * M Brown 4 la, H 7 D Jamison 1 , NY R W Dresser, Boston H W Moses, NY O W Stevens, Boston O W White, Ohio DWilson, Ohio C Darden, Ohio J Humes, Ohio Mr Jacobson, NY ML Einstein, Phila J Mothtosh, Balt W Watkinß, Balt B M Baker, Louisville W M Yeatmau, Oin, 0 John Maguire, Mobile ' D 8 Murray, N Y JiAtkins, Greensboro, Ala T L Hudgins, Ala John Hart Ala John H Borauton R T Kiikpatriok, Ntshv» N N Williams, N Y Geo BoTgtald, Nashville Mr Stone, Ala L Luedeker, N Y A P Vinson. 8 0 A Marsb, Hartford ,3 F Boners A In, Texas , Joa Y. uog, Mass Miss Lourey. Texas H Ball A la, N Y J B Deyo A la N Y B J Breckeorldge, Ky W Graham, Hilsboro W B Bernard, Mo GO Coy, NY P Norton, Elmira . yQ H Potta, N Y Dr Trenor, NY . Miss Trenor, NY HT Simple, lnd H M Ohapin, Cleveland J J TlUinghast, lowa S Weess. N Y f Erbe, N Y H O Caldwell, U 8 N B T Bestty. Oal L Matthews, Bt Louis T J Boyd Va W J o****%}' ** uis WF Henry, NY ' . R«J Jf W GJtln, 8 O E C Ba ley. Boston . B H Nulls, NY H Fairbanks, N Y M Carter, NY w h Rremer, Tenn -P F Stillman, N Y W G UeeTer/N Y JOBivei, tfaahngton E W Vaoderlioof, N Y Gauffer. Balt J H'Keodriok, Nashville ,A W Bee, Oal O B Ryder, Washington JGuncur,Jr. N Y Jas Henderson, N Y • • s®Magee,N Y J 0 Bradford, Plymouth B F Bhenk, Lancaster W H Waring, Brooklyn E J Baker. N Y B HolmeSj St Louis D Longnecker, Pa J| V Bryan, 3t Louis O G Landberry, Newark, O T Page, Boston T Archer, St Lonis O Ulrlson, Peoria, 111 W A Stokes, Pa H b Magraw, Lanoaster C Hager, Lancaster Jno k Long, Lancaster JB John, Mo B Hurxthal, NY .0 Gibsbn. St Louis Seth W Fowler, Boston John L Greene, N Y A J MoWherter, Nashville W B Grubb. NashviUe T B BUns A la O Graves, N Y A Josephs, NY 8 Patten A la, Me Ralph Trembly, NY G DashiU A la, Memphis T D Robbins, A! emphis Sami Moort, Balt RG Moore, Balt Ssr*DFogg,Rl Wm Burnet, NY John Honewelf Clement Marsh, N H James M Bnrt.N Y ;Wm H Low, Albany Mr Dow A la, Guayaquil Mrs Lukins, Guayaquil Mr J Lukins, Guayaquil O P Prloe.Balt J w Oochcan, N Y Bobt 0 Tiler. USA . h P Berob, NiuiliTme J R WUklnion, All " P Tenny, Waahtagtoa AMBRIOAN HOTWi—Oheetout »t., above Fifth I! B Menlok, Ky 110 Btormee. Phil» B 0 Sohaltz & la, St M»rye O Gould, H I D O’O McCarthy, N J Q Crooks, NY J 1) Kemp, N Y M Aron, NY Jaa 1> Turber, Masa ' 8 H Spier, Boeton -John Walden, Va . OB Smith, NY E B Nloholß A la, Waeh M> e H baton, N Y L Beokel, NY D Bownthal, Phila Joe 8 Hedgeß, Waohington G A ” 3 W Beynolde, NY A Walle, N Y J M Houghton, NY UNION HOTIL—Arch street, below Fourth. W C Garwood, NY D Martin, Brasohtown J A Preistey, Lane Otaas Mackey A la, Lino W A Benjamin, Trenton J B Spurrier, N Albany j O TTndelson, Indiana J S Dye, Ashland Jas Haines, Bedford N 8 Bruce. Memphis B Bruce, Cincinnati A Esohbaoh A la, Lane Jas H Bryson Phils G R.Sampson, Dixon, 111 P A Palmer, Dixon, 111 WH. U. HICKMAN. BLACK BEAR INN—Filth and Merchant streets. JO Henry, Pa L K Baldwin A la, Del T J Walkor, Del BALD EAGLE—^Third street, above OallowhUl. Daniel Siegel, Easton BLACK BEAR. HOTEL—Third flt., ab. OallowhUl. W K Grin, NY J Gerhard, Pa L Clemmons, Doylestown. H Tomlinson, Byberry J Sutter. Bucks co J Tomlinson, Byberry 0 Whitenaker, Beading NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. D C RUey, Phila J G Parker A la. Phila Prof H W Bank, Pa _ GW Ramsay A la. Pa D OFotney, Tremont J 8 Moore Stroudsburg W F Yeager, Allentown ' G W Geiger, Reading 8 G Fox, Treppe J R Simpson, Del MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second ,et., above Aroh. A Lukens, Phila J Ryan, Illinois D Oatman, New York J Tindall, Phila Z Stein, hew York E B Patterson, Pa G Carman, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second st., below Aroh. F A Adams, Trenton P D Miller, Trenton II Waterman, Chester co , AYoete Pa T Anderson, Brooklyn W J Colter, New York J Caul/, New York A Warren, New Jersey BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. J 8 Heston, Newtown E Paxson, Folebnry 8 Border, nocks oo F McCue, Freochtown J R Torbert, Pa O Miohener, Pa D McNair, Bucks 40 * G H Kiennan,* New Jersey A Watson, Pa T Durand, New York W A Wall, New York, Gas Taylor, New York FRANKLIN KOUSE-Checrtnut fit, above Third. W A'WaU, N J L P Flagg, Ohicago -JB Ayrea, NY‘ A Armstrong, Lexington A B Taleott A la, N Y 8 G Piper, Utica, N Y HLOweoAwf.NO Geo Dryden, N 0 H Halderman, NO 0 Brehme, Balt L 0 Frank, Balt H W Btimeon, Balt ; J T Wearer, Balt M 0 Ohapline, Wheeling W Fox, Pottsrilte W Harper, Wheeliog J 8 Morris, Pottavllle J 8 Rhodes, Wheeling M Langdon. NY - El Noble, N Y M Hardy, N Y .- MB BO HANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth st.. below Arch. OO KoWnson. Phila r B M Fields, Lebanon co WBauborn,£rie. _r. BMHamilLfcJa.N J..:-i^. Pniia - • NO ~ A Stanley, Conn - . , A Oonnely, St Louis 1 , yp Vogalaatd. Mo' John Jones, Arkansas ' a McClure, Onambersburg OUlilehrPhiia s D Baldwin, Cleveland W W Eastburn, Boston - B H King. St Paul R Williams, Virginia J We*t. Maryland Jr-hn Asher, Virginia ' John Money, Misa P Fitzgerald. Brooklyn W W Culberson, Ohio A R Reese, N J T Byrmer, N Y WHTeeham, NY John Mclnnea, Boston O W Moore, Pittsburg F Smith, FalrmOunt J J Thompson, Lancaster -T P Lynch, Trenton J B Spinney, Hass PC Hill, Maas J B Palmer; 8t Louis R B Bnow, St Louis Farrel, Herring, ic Co*, IRON SAFE WAREHOUSE Snnndera 1 Inatitnte, on W. Phil. Passenger Railway, Market and William streets. Tmxß Divjsiohs—Yooap Mss, YeoTH r BMAU. Bovs. HEALTH AND GROWTH From Exercise in the Open Air, on several Acres of Pri vate Grounds. ' FARE FREE OF CHARGE, On all the Passenger Railways, and In all the Omni* bases of tho city. PATRONB.—Messrs. Martin, Morton MoMicbael, Bon. N. B. Browne, Editors of the Press'and Ledger, Chief Justice Lewis, Rev. Messrs. Ewi.g, Wood, Emerson, Taylor, Gov. Bigler, acd many others of corresponding position, who will cheer fully bear testimony to the improvement of their, sons and wards. Profanity, Quarrelling, Teasing, Rudeness, and other vices are so entirely and cordiallyshnnnedby the pupils that it has been styled by a distinguished patron (< a saps school.’ ’ As the Ist of February is the time when many parents are selecting schools, pub lic attention,is invited to this Seminary. For farther, particulars eee 1 advertisement in the Ltdgtr of to*day. It How many, households have been desolated by that terrible disease, Consumption 1 And how gra dual and silent Its approaches ! A slight cold—a hack ing coagh—fpittirg of blood—and the pet of the family lies cold in death l, But lf she—lf my one—would take Hooiland’s Balsamic Cordial in the first or second, and sometimes even in the third stage of-the disease, imme diate relief would ensue and life be prolonged. - So also In lofluenza, Laryngitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, and particularly. In Group. The latter disease, the ter ror of parents, is completely innocuous in presence of the Bali&m'e Cordial, and may be cured by a few doses. Prepared only by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, No. 418 ARCH Street, acd for sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States and Canada. Price 76 cents perbottle. ltdfcltw Its Effects arc Really Mngical! Julcf HAUEL’B ATHENIENNE, or BAIR RBNOVATER, .prevents the half falling off. by giving a healthy toneto the roots; where baldness exists, it causes a new growth of soft, luxuriant hair, aud it speedily restores gray hair to its original life color and beauty. Bold br all Druggists, and by JULEB HAUEL A CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT Btreet, Philadelphia. d6t Great Reduction In Prices—Determined not to FOLLOW IN THE BEATEN TRACK.—lnstead of holding our goods for a profit and carrying them over their legitimate season, we have reduced in price every article in our house, entirely regardless of oost, in order to close all our FALL AND WINTER STOOK We have marked in plain figures the price on each garment, (according *0 oar usual custom.) We are determined to sell our goods always at the lowest possible price, believing it to be the only true system to cenduot business, and it is the only way that we can ant do retain our present heavy business. We bny and sell exclusively for cash. 0»U and see, and convince yourselves, At the great one price WHITE HALL, ja2B*2t . 0 IF. oorner FOURTH and MARKET. >' Singer Sewing Machines, for ail Manufac turing purposes, have a great reputation, honestly e«rned. All .the products of these Machines are In ACTIVE DEMAND at EXTRA PRICES. The best and Cheapest Article FOR THE HAIR. prepared from highly-perfumed ; This preparation possesses extraordinary properties for preserving and beautifying the hair, and also resto. ring Its natural luxuriant and glossy appearance. One application, however harsh the hair may be, renders it soft and glossy. AISO, MAGIC HAIR DYE, * PAPHIAN LOTION, CHEMICAL HAIR INVIGORATOR. Perfumers and Distillers, Nos. 197,497, and 617 BROADWAY, New York. Bold by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers.* Pint . ' bottles, 60 oenta j half-pints, 26 cents. , '. Inquire for Phalon & Son’s OQOOINB, . Beware of Counterfeits. ' & BROTHERS, 800 CHESTNUT , fttrwt, FfaUftdftyhlft) Wholesale Agents. ja36-tf Special Notices. HITS BIMOTBD TBBIR NO. 629 OHBBTRUT BTREET, (Jayne’s Hall.) I. M. SINGER & CO., 602 CHESTNUT Btreet, PHALON & SON’S “ OOOOINB,” COCOA-NUT OIL. PHALON & SON, Burnett’* Cecoalue. BURNETT’S 0000AINB. BURNETT’S OOOOAINX. A oompound of Cocoa-nut Oil, Ac., for dressing the Hair. For efiloaoy and agreeableness, it Is without an equal.' • It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigorous grotsM. it is not greasy or stiehy. It leaves no disagreeable odor.* It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated sealp skin. It affords Me richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. It costs fifty cents for a half pint fcoltli. Burnett’s Cocaine. BURNETT'S COCOAINE. BURNETT’S COCOAINE. TESTIMONIAL. Bobtoh, July 10, 1857. 10" tffBSRS. J. Burhhtt A 00. : I cannot refuse to state the salutary effect in my own aggravated ease of your excellent Hair Oil—(Cocoaine.) * For maoy monthkmy hair had been falling off, until I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon my head became gradually more and more Inflamed, so that I could not tonch it without pain.' This irritated con dition I attributed to the use of various advertised hair washes, which I have since been told contain oamphene spirit. By the advice of}my physician, to whom you had shown your process of purifying the Oil, I commenced its use the last week in Juue. The first application al layed the itching and irritation j In three or four days the redness and tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. I trust that others, similarly afflicted, will be in duced to try the same remedy. Yours, very truly, SUSAN R. POPE. Barnett’s Cocoalne. BURNETT'S COCOAINE. BURNETT’S COCOAINE, |0" A tingle application renders the hair (no matter how stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days. It is conceded by all who have used it to be Ms best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Prepared by JOBIFH BURNBTT Be, 00., Boston. 10" Tor sale' by dealers generally at Fifty Cents a Bottle. jalS-dtml Window Drapery, BROOATELLB. BATIN DAMASK, SATIN DE LAIN®, WORSTED DAMASK, ASPS, MOREENS, AND PLUSHES, Together with all the 'trimmings appertaining to the Curtain trade. Owing to the lateness of the season, we will olose out our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates. Curtains cut, mode, and put up, lower than prioes elsewhere Also, White Lace and Muslin Curtains of every descrip tion, bought at auction, and selling at half the usual price. Window Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape, Gothic, Fresco, Plain Linen, and Oil Oloth, at whole sale and retail. PATTEN’S CURTAIN STORE, 680 CHESTNUT Street. Grover Jc Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NSW STYLE—PRIOR $6O. 780 Chestnut Stekst, Philadelphia These Machines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, whioh will hot rip, even If every fourth stltoh be cut. They are unquestionably the best In the market for family use. oelG-tf Cy sbed roa a maooLAs. _ff» Worms 1 Worms I Worms!—McLane’s cele brated VERMIFUGE, ; the great American remedy for Worms. Bold by all respectable Druggists. jal7-mw&Mm &50. —Singer's Family Sewing Machines.— Price only FIFTY DOLLARS. For good work and good looks this Machine is unequalled. I. M. SINGER A CO., 002 CHESTNUT Street. One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and mode in the best manner, expressly for xbtail balbb. We mark oar lowest selling prices In flaw rioosss on esoh article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and oar ohb-pbiob btbtbm is striotly ad hered to. We bellere this to be the' only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. 1 JONBB & CO., 604 UARKIT Street. rv^ 3 * P«*t Office, Philadelphia) January 30, JLS 3869. Ab come persons are dropping Letters Into the an* finished “ Lamp Post Letter Boxes,” it is necessary to inform the publio that these Boxtis are not yet ready for nse. and letters ehoald not be dropped into them until notice is given by advertisement in the newspapers. It GIDEON Q. WESTOOTT, Postmaster. IV9B Life-size Photographs In Oil, If made at .Ls RKIMER'S GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green, are unquestionable likenesses, and superior pic tures. it* ryr=> Historical Society, January 31st, 1839. -Captain WILLIAM W. H. DAVIS will read a paper on the <* Puebla Indiana,” at a meeting of the Society to be held THIS EVENING, at 8 o’clock. PRANK M. ETTING, It ' Recording Secretary v"SSP» . Important Meeting.—ln view el the j JJJ compsr&tlve religious necessities of the South, : and capacities of ihe North, and in view of the pollti- : cal and Christian paternity «utd blended int«reeta which should; and.most, ever mod closely together these cordially invito the Church. anJthe” country, to attend a pobUo meeting, to be held in the INDEPENDENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, of which Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS is pastor, on TUES DAY EVENING-, Pebruary Ist, at 7# o’clock, when tje claims of the South upon the Christian sympathy and missionary co operation of the North will be pre sented, by the Rev. JOSEPH 0 BTILKB, D. D , and Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS, in exposition, and In behalf of the Southern Aid Society. Philadelphia. January 121st, SIGN Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Paul T. Jones, * Samuel Work, William Purves, Arthur A. Hurt, Thomas D. Mitchell, B B. Comegys, Joel Jones, j *29-31* H. H. EhiHingford, James Bayard, William Shippen, Alexander Fullerton, Joseph H. Dalles, James S. Earie, Willlm McKee, John C. Farr, Stephen Colwell. Law Lectures.— Hon. Joel Jones will Uof deliver the next of the couree, in the Lecture Room of CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, on MONDAY EVENING, at 8 o’clock. Free to the Students, and to all business Men. ja29-2t rrs» Rev. George W. Smtiey, of Kentucky, Iks will preach EVERY EVENING of the first week of the Great Religions Festival or Jubilee, to be held in NATIONAL HALL, Market, above Twelfth, to commence on MONDAY EVENING, 81st inst., at 7# o’clock. All are invited. , j&29-tf rvy» Notice.—The annual meeting of the LL3 Stockholders of the Ooeaa Steam Navigation Company will be held at No. 300 North DELAWARE Avenue, on TUEBDAY, the Ist of February next, at 12 o’clock, noon, at which time and place there'will bean eleotioa for Fire Directors for the ensuing year. Philadelphia, January 17, 1869. WM. DENNIS, JalB-12t* Secretary and Treasurer. ryw» J&yne’a Hall Prayer Meetings—Notice lAJJ - Owing to a previous engagement of the Hall, the BUBINEBS MEN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held until farther notice, in the BANSOM-BTREET OBURCH, (rear of the new hotel.) All are oordially invited to attend, and the meeting is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Ohnroh, d2O-tf (yesm Office Pennsylvania Railroad Company, ikjf PniLADBLPHU, January 15,1869.—N0T1CE TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Annual Aleetlng of the Stoctf* holders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the 7th dav of February, 1860, at 10 o’clook, A. M., at the BANSOM STREET HALL! The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 7th dsy of Ma r cb, 1859, at the office of the Company, No. 234 S. THIRD Street. jal7-tf EDMUND BMlTH.BeoreUry. f/3* The Coupons of the First Mortsoge LLS BONDS of the CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, due February Ist, 1860, will be paid on and after that date; one-third on presentation, one-third in April, and one-third fa June, with interest. The Coupons due In 1860, on tbe Chat tel Mortgage Bonds of the company, will be paid at ma turity. * By order of the Board of Managers. WILLIAM R. PISnEB, Treasurer O. W. and E. B. R. Oo Philadelphia, January 261 h, 1859. jn26>tfel fyy* Notice.—A Committee of the Managers LLS? of the Complimentary Ball to the Philadelphia Grays will sit at the ARMORY of the Philadelphia ,Grftys,every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATUR DAY EVENINGS, for the delivery and settlement of tickets, until the 26th. O. F. DESMOND, ja!3-26t ~ Becretary, Extension Tables; suitable for Ships, lk3 Steamboats, Hotels, and Dwellings, for sale Uh«ap, at MANUFACTORY. No. 269 South THIRD Street. ryffa Dinner Extension Tables, good and Iks Cheap, at MANUFACTORY, 259 South THIRD Street. ’ dlB-tfel lyssai Sunbury and Erie Railroad —Notice.— Usjs The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company will be heJAat the cffice, No. 824 WALNUT Street, onMONDAY, the 14th day of February next, at 10 o’clock A. M. At this meeting an elect on will be held for ten Ma nagers of> the Company to serve'for one year. The Polls to close at 2 o’clcck, P. M. W EDWARD BPOFFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jan. 24,1859. ja24-mAwtfel4 ryn?=» Office of tbe Union Canal Company LL3 PfliLADiLPnu, January 10, 1869. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at tbe Of fice of tha Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street, on TUEBDAY, February Ist next, at 11 o’cloek A.M.; after which an eieo ion will be held for officers and managers for the ensuing year Tbe Transfer Books will be closed after the2oth Inst, jall-tfel O. THOMPSON, Secretary. ivsa Dr. Weder’s Chestnut Springs Water lij? CUBE, at Ohestnnt Hill, Philadelphia county, jafl-ly rywa Wardrobes* of Elegant Styles, for sale Uj? Cheap, at MANUFACTORY, 269 Sonth THIRD Btreet The Seml-annunl Examination of Can dldates for admission as pupils of tbe NORMAL SCHOOL will be commenced on MONDAY, February 7th, at 9o’olook A. 61, To be admitted the candidate must be at least fifteen years of age, and pass a satisfactory examination in Orthography, Definition of Words, Raading, English Grammar, History of the United States, Geography, Arithmetic, and Penmanship. • Tho NORMAL SCHOOL is designed to qualify fe males to become teachers In the Public Schools; and, previous to bxahixatiof, every candidate must make an explicit declaration that her object in entering tbe sohool la to qualify herself to become a teacher, and that she intends to engage in teaching in the PUBLIC 80HOOLB OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. - Examination on MONDAY in Theoretical Arithme tic and Orthography, and Definition of Words. TUEBDAY—Grammar and Geography. ‘WEDNESDAY—PracticaI Arithmetic and History. ja27-tfe7 P. A. ORXGAR Principal. ry-==» Hnsiness Education.—Call at Bryant & iLs STRATTON’S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, B E. oorner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, and examine their Counting-House Course of Instruction. It comprißOS thirtt FRiovioiL MAHOSOBIPT BBTS, illustrating Bank ing, Manufacturing, Jobbing, and Commission business. A practical knowledge of accounts and good business Writing is guarantied to every Stndent. jal9-2t ry-==» Philadelphia Medical Society.—A stated lk_3 meeting will be held on MONDAY, January 31st, at lii o’clook P. M., at the Locust-street Lyceum. An electfox of officers. fJ. J. REESE, j&29~21* Recording Senetarj. THE PRESS.— -PHILAJDELPHIA, MONDAY. JAi, rys. Three Lectures on [Tjt will be given, at CONCERT HALL, Chestnut streetj abov» Eleventh, on TUEBDAY, p^i FRIDAY, 4th j TUHBDAY, Bth, »t 7X o’olMk, b/Prof. JOHNS, formerly British Oocsnl at Jerusalem, anil architect or the heautirul ohurch on Mount Zion, in that city j by Uapt. W. F. LYNCH, U. S. N.,Oummau- Berof the .Expedition to Jordan and the Dead Be»,isnd hy Rev. H.S. OSBORN, Professor or Natural Bolenoo, Roanoke Oolleze, and author of “ *£“ Present.” These gentlemen have kindly accepted the invitation to lector* for the Northern Home for Friend lesa Children, the Young Mon’. Christian Association of Camden, and the House of Industry or the same place, to which Institutions the entire proceeds are de voted. The Geographical end Statistical Society of New York have kindly offered their magnificent MAP OP THE ORIENT, forty feet in length. The opening and olosing overtures on the organ of theUarmonia B. M. Society are by lIBNRY G. TUUNDHR, Seq. A nmnber of persons, (male and female,) will appear In the vari oua coslnmes of Syria during the leotures, Grand Piano from the wareroom of Messrs. Ohlckerlng A Sons, 1807 Chestnut street. Tickets to the oourae, 60 cents: single tickets, 25 cents—to be Ijad at the principal stores. ja2o-Bt* nr=» Olfico Shamokin Valley and Pottevlile QjFrAILBOAD COMPANY, 809 WALNUT St- Philadelphia, Jatmary27,lBs9. - The Ooupous of the first Mortgage Bonds of the Phila delphia and Sunbury Railroad Compauy, fine the Ist of February, 1859, anti the outstanding Coupons, due Ist August, 1868, will bo paid on presentation, at the BANK OF COMMERCE, Philadelphia, on and after the Ist FEBRUARY. JAMES S. BIDDLE, ja2B-dtfelAths&tu 2ir Prealdent. tY=» Delaware Division Canal Company of UJj PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their office, 80S WAL NUT Street, on TUESDAY, the Ist day of February next, at which time an election will be held for a Pre sident and Directors for the ensuing year. The polls will doße at 2 o'clock P. M, J. W. WOOLSTON, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 26th, 1869. Ja37»4t* rirsa Secretary and Book-cases, In great va- Lks riety, at MANUFACTORY, 269 South THIRD Street. tyrs* =* Office of the Philadelphia and Savannah IJJJ tffilAH NAVIGATION COMPANY—PniLA dblphia, January 17,1859. The annual meetiog of the Stockholders of the Phila delphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company will be held at No. 24 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, on TUESDAY EVENING, the Ist of February next, at half-past seven o’olook, at whioh time and place there will be an eleotlon for Fire Managers for the ensuing year. WM. DENNIS, ja!B-12t v Secretary and Treasurer. ry==* Office of the Reliance M. Insurance LL§ COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, January 16, 1869.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, will be held at their office, No. 808 WALNUT Streot, on MONDAY, tho 7th day of Fe bruary next, at 12 o’cloek. M, and an eleotlon for Twenty Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held on the same day and at the tame place, between the hours of 12 o’clock M. and 2 o’clock P. M. Jal7-wmf-3w B. M. HIfIOBMAN, Secretary ry;--» Restoration of the Jews—Six Lectures jjkJj on the <( Restoration of the Jews” will be deli vered by tho Rev. 8 BONHOMME. at the HALL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, NINTH Street, above CHESTNUT, Philadelphia, commencing on TUESDAY EVENING, February Ist, at a quarter of eight oclook. First lecture, TUESDAY EVENING, February Ist. On the Propheoy. Second lecture, FRIDAY EVENING, February 4th. The Holy Land, with Signs of the Times Third lecture, TUESDAY EVENING, February Bth. The Restoration of the Twelve Tribes to Palestine. Fourth leotnre, FRIDAY EVENING. February 11th, The Union of Jodah and Israel into one Kingdom Fifth lecture. TUESDAY EVENING, February 16th.* The Sixtieth Chapter of Isaiah; or the Complement of the original Promise made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Sixth locture, FBI DAT EVENING, February 18th. Continuation of the Subjeot. Tickets for the course, for a lady and gentleman, $1: for a single lecture 25 cents The proceeds to be applied to charitable purposes. TJokgte for sale at the Presbyterian House, 1831 Cheß’DUt street; The Episcopal Depository, 1224 Chestnut street; The American Tract Society, 027 Chestnut street; At Burns sod Sieg, 800 Chestnut street; AtW.S Martien’s, 600 Chestnut street; At the Bible House, Beventh and Walnut;. At the Baptist bookstore Aroh street; At Smith’s bookstore, 40 North Blztk street; At the Methodist bookstore, 50 North Fourth street, and at the door of the hall. je2s*tusamtu4t rv-==» Office of the Fire Insurance Company UJ? OF TAB COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA— January 21,1869. Ate meeting of the Stockholders of .the said Com pany, held on MONDAY, the 17th lost., the following gentlemen were duly elected DI&EOTOBS for the en suing year, to wit; Charles J. Butter, Samuel Bonne!!. Henry Crllly, Frederick Klott, Joseph fioore, And at a meeting of the DAY, OHARLSS J. SDTT re-elected President. ja22-7t BKNJAi On Tuesday, January 26th, 1859, at Oooperstown. New York, by the Ref. Stephen U. Synnott, GEORGE WHITNEY, of Philadelphia,to Mies SARAH 0. FAIR MAN, of Cooperatown. * On Wednesday, January 20, by Ber. Thoe. U. Beve ridge, Mr. GEORGE BROWN, of Masayuok, to MI'S ELLEN HA HRIBON, or this city. * January 27th, by Rev. W. Oathcart, Mr. OLAYTON YOUNG to Mrs. ANN RAPP, both of this city. * On the 27th Inst. by Rev. N. Heston, 252 N. Thir teenth at., SAM’L K. MAGUIRE. EBq., to Miss 0. ANNIE BMirU, of Wilmington. Dei. * In Temperancevllle, on the 27th Inst., by the Rev. Everett H. Plummer, Mr. HENRY P. WEAVER, of Chester, to Mias JULIA P. BOLE, formerly of this city. * . On the 27th Inst , by Rev. W Blackwood, B. D , Mr. ANDREW 11. ENGLISH to Mlsa ELLEN' BORTYj both of thin city. #., On the 27th lost., by Rev. W. Blackwood, D. D., Mr. HENRY H. JONES to Miss ELIZA LEVER, both of thlaolty. _ Oo -the 28th Inst., in the 74th year of her age, Mrs? CATHERINE DOUGLASS, relict of the late Joseph if TMr*THrmr*~ **“* thonc or thlMfct<y Arb respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the r»* sldenoo of her 6on-la*law, Charles E Kennedy, 96T 8. Front street, on Tuesday next at 2o’e!ook P. M.. to proceed to Bwedes Church, without further notioe. * Suddenly, on the morning of tho 80th inst., EDWIN HBISLEB, only child of fiamueland Anna M. Dutcher, in the 6th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 007 Spring Garden street, on Tues day afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice. A* On Fridav morning, 28th inst, at three o’clock, after a protracted Illness, Mrs. MARY R. MIFFLIN, wife of Robert F. Christy. The Relatives and friends of the family aro respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 621 Booth Third street, this (Mon day afternoon, at three o’clook. To proceed to Bo- UAldson’s Cemetery. * On 28tb Inst., Sir. ANDREW PBBCIVAL STOCK DALE, in the 49tU year of his age. Tbe family and his male friends are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 414 Queen street, this (Monday,/ 1 January 81st, at one o’clock P. M , without further notice. * On the stb lest, of yellow fever, after an illness of five days, at Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, at tbe resi dence of Oapt. Marlllo, Mr. TOBIAS F.'ttILEY, son of Mrs. Salome and the late Tobias Riley, of this city. (Ohio and California papers please copy. * Suddenly, on tbe 2ttn lost,, JOHN GULIN, lathe 60th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funor&l, from his late resi dence, corner of Locust and Marg&relta streets, West Philadelphia, this , Monday,) 31st Inst., at 2 o’clock P. M., without farther notice. * Suddenly, on the evening of tho 27th Inst., JOHN TOMLINSON, aged 63 yoara. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, corner of Fifteenth and Bsrolay streets, below Ooates, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o’clock, without farther notice # On tbe 28th inst., JAMES H. GLENN, In the 28d year of his age. ' * WjThe relatives and frienda of the family are respect fully invited to attend the Tuneral, from bis late resi dence, No 1663 North Front street, below Chatham, this (Monday) afternoon, at 1 o’cloek, without farther notice. To proceed to'Franklln Cemetery. * On the 26th last.; PATRICK KEIRENS, aged 44 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend tho funeral, from hiß late resi dence, No. 142 South Eighth street, above Walnut, this (Monday) morning, at nine o’clock, without fur ther notice. * Health Interments in City of PAi the 20th of , > Q\ > a n. w a. o' DJBHAOSB. 2. g DISEASES. & = ?p * a Abscess Inflara’n Bronchi.. 1 2 Aneurism 1 “ Kidnoys 2 Apoplexy 1 “ Liver. ..1 1 Asphyxia 1 ' “ Lungs ... 3 16 Burns 12 “ S. 6c Bowels. 3 2 Dancer of Btomach. 1 Insanity 1 Casualties 1 Inanition.,. 1 Croup 17 Jaundico 1 1 Congestion Lun.s., 1 Laryngitis......... 1 *• Brain.. 2 1 Mnnia-a-P0tu..... 2 Oonsum’n of Lungs 32 Marasmus 4 Convulsions...... 1 8 Mea51e5........... I Diabetes 1 Mortification....,, 1 Dropsy, Brain 6 Old Age 6 “ Cheat 2 1 Pleurisy..,.. 2 Disease of Brain... 4 2 Palsy 2 ‘ f ‘ Heart.-,. 6 2 Scrofula, 9 Debility 6 7 Still-Born 16 Effusion on Brain.. 2 Teething 1 Fracture 1 Tetanus 1 Fever, Scarlet 1 Unknown... 1 “ Typhoid.... 6 Whooping Cough.. 1 Gout of Heart..... 1 Hernia 11 89 108 Infiam’tlon, Brain 6 OF THE ABOVE THERE WBIIB— 1 year.. ....64 From 40 to l5 From Ito 2 23 « 60 to 60 7 “ 2to 6 22 “ 60 to 70.... 10 “ 6to 10 7 “ 70 to 80.. V. 6 “ 10 to 15 0 “ 80 to 90 10 “ 16 to 20 2 “ 90 to 100 1 “ 20 to 30 19 “ 30 to 40 21 Total 197 From the Almshouse, 11; P ople of Color, 16; from the Country, 4. v Males Females... By order of the B< ARi OP THE LEGISLATURE, The following forty-one members of the Henate aud House, viz: Mersrs. BHA3SFFER, COFFEY. GREGG, MYER, SCOFIELD, RUTHERFORD, BALDWIN, PAPKfiU, YARDLKY, of the Senate; and Messrs. THORN, HAMERSLEY, GRATZ, WOOD, WALUORN, HARD ING, BTYJSR, NEALL, SHEPPARD. FIBBER'. AB BOTT, WILEY, MoDOWELL, IRISH, BRYSON, SMEAD, KINNEY, BARLOW, FEARON, MHHAF FEY, MILLER, ROUBB. WHITMAN, CAMPBELL, Mo QLUKE, PRICE, KLLMAKKR,GREEN,KKANAGY, ROBE, WILLIerON, and GLAI’Z.of the House are sojourning for the present session, at the JONES * HO USE,elected In 18&7, corner of MARKET SQUARE and MARKET Street, HARRISBURG, Pa.,, where ample accommodations may be obtained at all times for their respective friends, and others having business with them. ja3l-mwfcfr-2w NOTIOE. —The present Capital of THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY (1100,- 000) having been paid In cash, notice is hereby given that an JnoreairiTor the same, to the earn of Two Hun dred Thousand Dollars, has been authorised by the Stockholders, and that tbe subscription book will bo opened on the first day of March next, at the Office of the Company, where it will remain open until the in creased amount has been subscribed CHARLES W. OOXE, Secretary. Philadelphia, 29 January, 1869. jaßl.tmarl rp THE SECOND TEEM of tho Session in PENN INSTITUTE will oommenoe February Ist. Apply at the Rooms, S. E. corner THIRTEENTH and FILBERT. R. STEWART, Principal. Jafll-tf NOTIOE—THE KEYSTONE STATE having been detained by fog, will oontiuue to receive freight until THIS EVENING, aud sail to-morrow morning, at 10 o’olook. ' ALEX. HERON, Jn., t Jit SouQiwest 09f• FOURTH and CHESTNUT, Robert V. Massey. Michael MoGiU, John Horn. Frederick Schobef, and George Mecke. said Direotore, held THIS ER, Esq., was unanimously [IN F. HOEOKLEY, See. itlarViajjef. HUat&e. Report. Orriox, January 29, 1869. dladelphia from the 22 d to January, 1859. Health , • • .108 1 Roys ... 89 | Girls card of Health. THUR HUGHES, Health Ofilcm detail ©rn <Soo&*7 JH otrBNING DRBSS goods ' SPRING IMPORTATIONS. BESSON & SON, i 3MCOTJH.3STI3Sra-. STORE, Wo. 808 CHESTWWT STREET. Hare ja»t received— Black Lyons Bilk Grenadines. “ Paris Grenadine Bareges, “ Crape Mtrets, “ Crape Tammat&as, 11 Bareges, all widths, “ Ohaly de Lalnes, lt Tamiee Cloth, “ All-Wool Muslins, doable widths, « Ohnly, “ Bayadpre Bilks, t( Figured Bilks, “ Gros d’ Spsom Silks, “ Patent Boiled Bilks, “ Poalt de Sole, or Mourning Silks, Black and White Foulard SUks. f( “ English Chintzes, “ “ Lawn, -White and BLaok English Chintses,' ** n Lawns, ‘Gray and Black Lawns, “ “ English Chintzes, White and Lilac English Chintzes, 4< “ Lawns, Plain Black Lawns. Second Mourning Poll de Ohevres, u u Bareges, “ “ Checked Mohairs, “ “ Orurelli, “ (< Mousseline de Bege, , “ “ Bayadere Ohalli, ” “ Lavellai, “ “ Bayadere Mohairs, ' l( 11 Syria Poplins, t( “ Pina Cloth, Ac., Ac., Ac. N. 8.-NBW GOODS OPINING DAILY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ON ACCOUNT OF THE BREVITY OF THB SEASON. and in order to make room /or BPRING GOODS, we hare concluded to sell out our Winter Stook regardless of coat, for two weeks. Now, those wishing to purchase will find it to their advan tage to give us a call. Come one, come all, and obtain these bargains. PINE FRENCH CLOAKS, HEAVY BEAVER OLOAKB. PINE FRENCH RAGLANS, HEAVY BEAVER RAGLANS, BttOOHH LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, Of all qualities and grades. FINE FRENCH BLANKET SHAWLS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOE3. EMBROIDERIBB! EMBROIDERIES!! Collars, Sleeves, Infanta 4 Waists, Linen Cambric Handkerohiefs, Velvet Ribbons, Cloths, Oasslmeres. Table Linen, and Table Covers, and many other goods too numerous to mention. Give us a a call, and If you donjl buy, you will be treated with civility. Don't for£t. MofiLROY'S, ja2fl.wfm.tf No. 11 South NINTH Btreet. £JARPETINGS, AGENCY OF THE AUBURN THREE PLYS, 6UPERFINES, AND VENETIANS, UJLHurAOTUBID BT JOSIAH BARBER, With all grades of WOOL, WOOL AND COTTON, and ALL.OOTTON INGRAINS. ATWOOD, RALSTON, & CO., MANDPAOTDMBB’ AGENTS, 509 MARKET STBEBT. BARTHOLOMEW* STATUE PARADISE LOST, OE EVE REPENTANT. BTA THB IN MABALE, BY THE LATE AMERICAN SCULPTOR, EDWARD S. BARTHOLOMEW, WILL OPIS AT TSI PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE PINE ARTS, Cbisthqt Btbibt, below Elkvikth Stbbet, 0N t .MONDAY/MORNING, JANUARY 31st, AT 9 O’CLOCK. EXHIBITED FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE MO THER OF THE ARTIST. Blngle admission, 39 cents. Children under 12 years halfjtrice. Season Tickets, SO cents. ja29 2t |y|ANUFAOTURERS \ AND IMPORTERS. GEO. PEARCE & CO., 241 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, 62 AND 04 PANE PLAOEj HtW TOBK. J We have sow open a large and varied assortment of LAOE GOODS, imported for the ooming season, to which additions will be made by each steamer. The MILLINERY TRADE will And a desirable line or BLOND LAOE9, JOINED BLOND, QUILLINGS, Ac., Ac. A gnat variety of NETS for UANTILLA MANU FACTURERS. ja2B.f jnw-lm jgJNGLISH PLATED TVARE. WM. WILSON & SON, Have just received, per Steamship City of Washington, a large invoice of floe ENGLISH PLATED WARE. We have now on hand 162 PLATED CAKE BASKETS. 100 PLATED CASTORS. Also, Walters' VEGETABLE DISHES and Covers, Urns, Porks, Spoons, Ladles, etc , including patterns entlrel/ new to this market, at remarkably LOW PRICES. WM. WILSON & SON, ja29 6t S. W. Corner FIFTH and CHERRY Sts. jgJDWARD G. WHITMAN & CO. Manufacturers of pare Druggists’ and Family OO N FEOTIONS, Amongst which are Soluble Gum Drops, Moss Paste, Pectoral Paste, Medicated Lozenges, superior Cream of Strawberries, Dates, Oranges, Peera, Poachea, Pino Apploe, Ao., Ao., Ac BONBONS AND KIBSEB, Oaramelles, Chocolate Preparations, of all kinds; Domestio and Imported CRYBTALIZED FRUITS, AO For sale, Wholesale and Retail, at pBOOND and CHESTNUT Streets. WARRANTS WANTED IMMEDIATELY, DRBXEL & CO., JDiasolntions and ffiopartnereljtyo. lsting between the subscribers, under the firm of MICHAEL M. BITER, is this day dissolved, by limita tion. MIOHAEL M.RITER, WILLIAM G.OALDWELL. January 39, 1869. fVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MI- X V OHAEL M. BITER and WILLIAM G. CALD WELL have this day associated themselves together for the transaction of a general Wholesale and Retail Dry- Goods Business, under the name and firm of MIOHAEL M. RITER A CO., at the old aland. No. 29 North EIGHTH Street. MICHAEL M. BITER, WILLIAM G.OALDWBLLj Philadelphia, January 28,1869. j»3l-2t* COCO MATTINGS, FOR OFFICES, for sale cheap by . DAILY A BROTHER. COCO MATTINGS, FOR CHURCHES— A freeh lot Just received. BAILY A. BRO THEB. (“TOCO MATTINGS, FOR HALLS, for J sale low, by the piece, by BAILY A BROTHER. COCO MATTINGS, OF ALL WIDTHS, ,o good 4 u.ittr, by the Jr IOOO MATTINGS—-RAILROAD COM- Kj PANIEB supplied on «» tattanujg No. 620 CHESTNUT Street. AILY ft BROTHER, OARFBT WARE HOUSE, No. 020 CHESTNUT Street. Ml-tf , ES. WHELEN A CO., • BANKINO, STOCK. *od EXCHANGE OFFICE, No 800 WALNUT Street. STOCKS end LOANS, of ell deeeriptlone, boughtund Bold on Commleelon In the prlnclpel oltlea of tho United Stetee or Europe. Pertlenler attention given to the eafe Inreetmeot of Bone,. IM* I® r P ly 3i, im. JDrg (Sooirs (Commission ponses. SENAT BROTHERS & Co 5 Importers of r HITB MUBLINB, ' JSMBBOIMBIBB, and . LINKN OAMB. HANDKERCHIEFS, J».' 238 CHESTNUT STREET. to; ERH LEA. DOMES!. , COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, Nos. 128 . ’Bo CHESTNUT STBIET, COTTON, LINEN, !■ '•JOLLEN AND PRINTED OARPE'i Invites Southern and Western V'"®* large and desirable assortment of libs to examine a many new patterns not before offered>ETB, including VENITIAN, COTTON-WARP, DUTCH, WOOL ANt bdpebmnb| orbted > INORIIN, *O,, • ELLINOTON BBUB3ELLS, Carefully SELECTED In the looms, WARRANTED'' uniform quelity from end to end, and being mac chiefly in: this vicinity, can be sold on more favorable terms, and by the UNEQUALLED RAILWAY FACI LITIES ol our city, sent to all Western points at' less expense than from any other market. . ja24-2mif rhRILLS & SHEETINGS FOR EXPORT. BROWN.BLE ACHED, A BLUE DRILLS. HEAVY A LIGHT SHEETINGS, Suitable for Export, for sale* by FBOTHINGHAM A WELLS, M South FROUT ST., f 86 LETJTIA ST. ' , ocl6-ly Jnsnranre (Eompanus. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COM JLU PANY. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) DIBEOTOBB. F. Ratchford Btarr, Mordecal L. Dawson, William M’Kee, George H. Stuart, Nalbro Frazier, John H Brown, John M Atwood, B. H. Fahnestock, Benj. T Tredlck, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. Livingston Erringer. P- RATOHTORD STABB, Pieslisnt. CHARLES W. OOXE, Secretary. Temporary Office, 162 South FOURTH Btreet. jaBl-troarl rp IjIULTON* INSURANCE, ADJUSTING, JL 1 AND COLLECTING OFFICE, No. 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PfIILIDBLPHIA. The undersigned having been practically engaged for a number of years in different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several years in adjusting losses exclusively for the Insurance Companies—now offers his services to those sustaining Loss or Damage by Fire to f roperty insured, in making out their proofs of such oas or damage in fall compliance with the intricate and cunning conditions of Policies of Insurance, in suoh a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companies so inclined, or others. Be is assisted by the best legal counsel in Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Collec tion of Claims against Insurance Companies! It is known by many who have sustained loss by Fire to property insured, and it has also been the experience of the undersigned, that policies are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain time after a fire occurs, in consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the insurance, er for some other cause, which, although an important fact, is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until it is too late. In order to avoid suoh disastrous occurrences, tbe undersigned will also effect Insurance in any uompanles desired, and examine policies effected by others (in most eases) free of extra charge. Parties sustaining loss or damage by fire, as above, will find it to their interest to consult the undersigned as soon after the fire as possible. ‘ d22.2mU* JAMES FULTON. Uem ffnblicationo. A PPLETON** RAIiiWAY GUIDE. -£*- FEBRUARY NUMBER BEADY THIS DAY. Price 25 cents. OONTBKTS OF IDS FBBBUABT NUMBER. I.—Railways and their Progress.—Hallway Re trenchment ; Railways In Florida; Through- Route Maps; The Kail war Policy of Maine ; A Handsome New Vearls Present: Baltimore and Ohio Railway; Cincinnati and Indiana polis Railway; Little Miami Railway; South ern Mississippi Railway; Mississippi Central and Tennessee BailwayWilliam Sellers A Co , Philadelphia; Buffalo and Erie .and- Cleveland and Erie Railway; Cleveland and Pittsburg Railway; Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Railway*; Liability,of Express Companies; Railways m Alabama; A Rus sian Railroad: Hotels throaghont the United Btatea; The Wlnans Steamship; Profitable Railroad; Chicago,lowa, andNebraeufioad; Columbus and Xenia Railway; Ashtabula . and New Lisbon Rvilway. ll.—New Inventions.—lmportant to Railway Com panies; Oreide,aNew Brass; Bergeaofs Im proved Governor j Hair Wash for Dandruff; A Cheap Filter lll—Anecdotes and Incidents of Travel: A Vir finia Traveller and a Kentucky Landlord; nst as She Expected: Peep Holes inForelgn Hotel s; The Traveller's Story; Will you Settle now or wait till Moralog ? The Ele-' pbant no Jackass; An Extra Passenger. IV —United States Time Indicator, showing Differ ence of Time between the various Cities ef the United States, including San Francisco, California; Trinity Bay, Newfoundland ; Va lentis Bay, Ireland, and London, England— with Illustration. V.—A Large Steel-Plate Map of the Railways of the United States, showing by figures spread over its surface where the trains in each par ticular line may be found. Vl.—lndex of upward of 2.000 Principal Towns' In the United States in connection with Rail ways. Vll.—Through Routes, to and from' New York, Phi • • • - ladeipbta, Buffalo, Toledo, Chicago, fit. Louis, Ac., with maps and other information re lating to the readiest means of travelling to and trom all the principal cities, South, East, and West. (See Notice below.) VIII.—A List of Prominent Hotels in thePrinolp&l Cities of the Union. IX.—A Gazetteer of the United States, arranged un der the separate Maps of Railways. X.—Sixty-five Maps of the Principal Railways. Xl.—New Time Tables, corrected to date. Tho attention of the travelling public is particularly directed to the comprehensive system of Through Routes embodied in oar Railway Guide, by wh’oh pas sengers can ascertain the shortest and most direct roate to and from the principal oities in the Union without the labor necessarily attending an examina tion of the separate Maps and Time Tables of the Rail ways comprised in these Through Routes. OPINIONS OF TIIE PRESS. From The Detroit Freeman’s Journal. “ Its popularity among the travelling public is an in 'dication of its being one of the best mediums for ad vertising large and extensive manufacturing establish ments." From The Philadelphia Mirror. *‘ Appleton’s is the only Gnide sold on the Roads di verging from Philadelphia." From The Montreal Gazette. “We have so of tea called the attention of our readers to the merits of this useful work that it is un necessary for ns to speak of them now. It is a most complete traveller's guide, aad beiog published under the supervision of the railway companies, ami eorreoted monthly, may be regarded as perfectly reliable." From The Courier and Enquirer. “ No traveller should be without this book, which U published monthly and by authority, from official In formation " From The Cincinnati Commercial. “ Appleton's Railway Guide, is. without exception, the most complete work of the kind ever published. Mr. G. F- Thomas, tbeoriginal projector and eompller of the<tuide, was for manyyeara a resident oLourelty, and Is well known to many of our citizen* as peculiarly competent for a work of this kind." From The Notches Courier. “One of the most valuable cheap publications we have lately met with is Appleton’s Railway and Steam Navigation Guide." From the Louisville Journal. < Appleton’s Beltway Guide Is the best work ever published, every important feed being represented by a map.” from The Pittsfleld Pun. “ Appleton's Railway Gold® la decidedly (he best publication of the kind.” From The Bridgeport Bepnbliean. “ Appleton’s Golde is the cheapest and best publica tion of the kind in existence.” From Godey’s Lady’s Book. “ One of the most valuable and reliable Gnldes we have ever noticed. It contains Time Tables, Fareß, Distances, Maps of the Bailroade and Rivers in the United States and Canada.” From The Burlington Hawk-Bye. “ This Gaide is a yery popular and reliable publica tion, going into the hands of almost every man and woman of the migrating classes.” From The N. 6. Commercial, “ This is the most accuratewnl reliable Guide Book published—an invalaable companion for the traveller.” D. APPLETON & 00 , Publishers. Nos. 810 and 848 BROADWAY, N. Y. For sale by T. B. PETERSON Sc BROTHER,,and the Agents or THOM IB FITZGIBBON, on the Card of the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore, Camden and Amboy, and Pennsylvania Railroads. ja3l-2t A WORK FOR LAWYERS, STATES MEN. and THEOLOGIANS. THIRD EDITION NOW BEADY. This day is published COMMENTARIES ON TUB L/IWB OF THE AN CIENT HEBREWS. With an Introductory Essay on Civil Society and Government. ByE 0 Wines, D. D , Professor of Greek in Washington College. Third Edi tion. Bvo. Price $2 50. The first and second editions of this work have re ceived the approbation of competent judges, among whom may be named the Hon< Horaceßioney, the Hon. Judge McLean of the United Btatesßnpreme Court, the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen- the Hon. RobertO. Win throp, the Hon. Mitchell King, the Hon. George A. Simmons, Robert Walsh, Efq., and many distinguished divines. It has been favorably reviewed by most of the Quarterlies and Monthlies in this country, and by seve ral leading periodicals In Groat Britain. A few pinions are £ adjoined. From the Hon. Horace Blaney. I have read a second time, and with renewed plea sure, your Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews ; and I must add that the work has been as productive of instruction and satisfaction to my family as It has boon to myself. I knew of no book that is comparable in point of information and attraction on the subject at which it treats ; and there is no sub ject that, in its three relations—historical, political, and religious—ls of more importance and general in terest. Of the learnlug exhibited in the work I must leave others to speak j but the sources seem to have been faithfully explored, and, as far as I have been able to follow them, candidly represented. The politi cal parallel drawn botween the Government of the Hebrews and modern representative Governments, our own especially, Is new to me, and is exceedingly well drawn and well sustained; and if to Its very pure style I may odd the conservative temper it manifests in re gard to the republican features of our Constitution you\ will understand why the whole work hss made so deep an impression upon me. From the lion George A. Simmons. I have taken time to examine it very thoroughly, and confess myself equally surprised and delighted; and I never before had a book in my hands equal to yours in suggestive power, except that, of oourse, i which furnishes yoors with its subject matter. It has lust the effect on the reader that Dugald Stuart says every original composition has—to set him a thinking for himself } and wondering why he did not get his eyes opened betore I did not expeot each a work an yonrs at this time, but it Is just what was wanted for Lawyers as well as Divines. 1 wish yon all suocess. Published by WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, jaSl No. 606 OHEBTNUT Street. Fine old wines for family u&e. —The following grades of fine old Wines have long been in store: Duff, Gordon, & Co.’s Pale Sherry, brown do , gold do., cabinet do., imperial do., Amontil lado de., Port Wines, Brazil Port, Morton’s superior do old Requano do., Ai to Dtura do., old Oporto do., pure juice, vintage 1882; Madeira Wines, old East India Madeira, very peculiar do., (yellow seal,) Ander son’s sonthside do , constitution do. Also, the follow ing brands of Champagne : Creme de Bouiay, Mum’s imperial. Piper Heidsiek, Geißler Sc Co., Moette Sc Cbandon, and Cabinet, (in X bottles ) Imported ard for sale by E. P. MIDDLETON Sc URO., ja29 3t No. 6 North FRONT Street. Maracaibo and oaraooa HATS— Superior quality, just landed, and for sale by O. H. ROBERTS, Ne, 38 N. DELAWARE Avenue, and 97 N. WATER street. ja2B-12t* NOTICES. iXlcmte. SALESMAN WANTED, in a Wholesale K 7 Notion House. To one who has been brought up to the business and influence good six-months or cash trade a liberal salary will be given. Applicants will please give real names, and state former or present employers. All communications held 'strictly confi dential. Address Box 207 PhlladlaToat Office. . It* MTANTED—A PARTNER, with $5,000 TV to $lO,OOO, In the Wholesale Liquor Business, already established and doing a good trade. Want more Capital to extenVthe builness. Address D. D. D-at this Office. * / ■ It* Trade wanted— building MA TERIALS In exchange for, Boots And fihoM.at oaah prices. Apply 2d floor 62 WALNUT St. It* SILVER WANTED.—American Halves and Quarters, (old,) Mexican and Spanish Dollars, for which highest premium will he given by * BRADY A CRAVEN. S, Dealers in Holdhqd Silver Coin, jaSL&t* - 46 South THIRD Street, WANTED— By a Young Man who .has had several yean l experience in a Mercantile house, a SITUATION as ABBISTANT BOOK-KEEPER. Best of reference given. Address J. ft. M., at thhk Office. ja2o-2t» PARTNER WANTED, WITH $2,000 GASH. In the Manufacture and Sale of an Artlele made entirely ofdron, that will afford fully 160 per cent profit The demand le eltenalra and Bale certain. T. Hecured by letter. Patent. Address * of this papsr. - Js39>Bt» V\RM WANTED TO PURCHASE, from ad joh.tp 70 Aores. for farming purposes, near to or scrlpticjPhtladelphia county Address, with de- Streat, terms, MICHAEL, 1220 BDDMBN An experienced, practical ILLINOIS. T&, .for a smaU ALK BBEWIBT, In Cream Ale.Ht Nttiele required is a first-class “ Pale Adduced apply unless they are well EBY,” Bterllng Hlili with full particulars, “RBKW ■■ ■ ■" ja2B 6t. Jobbing- None other need apply. Addxperieneed SALESMAN, Office. % “THIRD St.,’’Press ■ An experienced open for an engagement. *B will be given. Address “INT£Gkol**S reference fice. this Of : i Ja2B*BtV WANTED —By an educated 'u-mF — SITUATION as TSACHEBIna iesD*. a demy. Address “IBAOHEB.” at the Prtu ot Ae *" Jaag-et* ~ -e. WANTED The loan of $l,OOO rr THBJW MONTHS, for which need Beal ErfaU ssenrity and liberal interest will be given. Address “ BENTON,” Office of this Paper. ja2B*3t% WANTED —A second-hand FIRE PBOOP, of Evans & Watson’s snake. Address' “BBOPBITY,” at this Office. Ja2B.3t». WANTED.— A YOUNG LAD, 16 years of age, who writes a fair hand, wishes a SITU ATION, as ERRAND BOY. Add/eu .“BUBKB,” Office of TAs Press. ■ • , ja27-6t» A YOUNG MAN, just from the country, who has had tiro years experience In a Store, de sires a SITUATION In a Wholesale or Retail establish ment. Rest of reference giren. Address ' “ WIL LIAVI,’’T’rcss Office. ■ ja27-4t* ’ VST'ANTED— By a Yonng Man, who is a v v competent Accountant and-first-rate Penman, a SITUATION as BOOK-KEEPER. Salary moderats. Apply at JAMES, KENT, BANTEB. k CO.’S. 241 N. THIRD Btreet. ' ja26-6t# , WANTED—A PURCHASER fora MII2. very dei irablo Residence, beving all the modern Improvement*, and will be sold very low. Apply to 8- KILLOUGH, , No. 806 WALNUT Street.-^ WANTED A SITUATION, by a SALESMAN, in a first-claw Dry-Goods House; one that understands hlB business; has a largo ac quaintance with city and sear Trade.' Address A B. 0,, Office of The Press. ja24-6t* . IV7"ANTED— By a Young Man, who is a v v Practical Bookkeeper and good Penman, a SITUATION as BOOK-KEEPER or CLERK, in a Banking or Mercantile House. Good reference given. Address 0. K., Duff’s College. PITTSBURG, Pa. Ja2o 12t» li WANTED FORTH* UNITED STATES D OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom hi will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical Pay from $l3 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child, will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No. 817 MABKET f Street. above Eighth, north tide. I; Hi*MOORE, apl7-tf Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons, Recruiting Officer. Sax Salt emit to £et. RECEIVER* SALE.—WiII be sold at Receiver’s Bale,at the Office of the “ERIE OBSERVER,” Jn the City of Erie, Pennsylvania on FRIDAY, the 11th day of February, 1869, at 2 o’clock P. M., the BRIE OBBKRYEB NEWSPAPER and JOB PRINTING BSTABMfIMMBNT. together with the Building and Lease oroßund, Subscription List, Good- Will, Ac Ac. ’ ' The Office is in complete order, and contains all the Type, Presses, and other Fixtures necessary for a first class Newspaper and Job Office, consisting, In part,'of one Attain Engine, one Newspaper Power Press, one Power Job Press, Card Press. Hand Press, Ae Ao. The Subscription List is a unbone, and can, no doubt, with a very little exertion, be largely increased. The Advertising and Jobbing Patronage is as good-as that of any other office in the city; TERMS OF SALE -One-fourth in hand, and the balanoe in Bix, Twelve and Eighteen Months, with in terest and approved security. , J. W. DOUGLASS, Receiver. Erie, January 26, 1869. ja2B-4t COAL-YARD PROPERTY FOR SALE.— One of tbe best locations in the city of Phila delphia. which has been established and doing an ex tensive business for the last twelve years. Terms will be made easy. Apply at BAMUIL NA • HANS’S Auc tion House, No. 224 8. THIRD Street, below Walnut street. jaS9-66 For sale.—estate of Elizabeth ISrSIIfC. anil OATHAKtNE OARMONY, SoeoUod. AH that valuable Lot and YtTe-Story Store and Dwel ling erected thereon, situated at the northwest corner THIRD and CHERKY Streets, containing on Third street eighteen feet, on Cherry street seventy-one feet six Inches, thence running northward, forming an L of ninety feet, hack of stores situated oh Third street. For farther particulars inquire of 8. SPANG, ' ISAAC KOONB, 148 North Third street. Ja3-m w f*Bm MTO LET.—The very pleaaanfc.three- Btory brick DWELLING-HOUSE, No, 127 South NINTu Street, below Walnut Street. It has nearly all the modem conveniences, and has lately been pat into complete order. Apply to L. W. GLENN, next door. je23-wfm.3t» Or at 720 OHKBTNPT St., up stairs. FOR SALE LOW—A TBAOT of LAND, suitable for a Farm, containing Forty-eir" Acres, situated three miles from Williamstown, Camden county, N.J. Apply to B. P. MIDDLETON * BEO., J»29-3t 6 North FBONT Street. MFOR SALE OR RENT—A LARGE MANBION and Forty Acres or less, admirable for Oountry Seat, Summer Hotel, or Boarding Sobool, near Gwynedd Station, North PennsylTanla Railroad, 18 miles from Philadelphia. Apply to P. K LEND, 6* Bouth BIXTH Street. ja39-6t MTO LET.—A modem-built Country HOUSE, with FOUR ACRES; tastefully laid out, with ornamental trees; large Vegetable Garden, fruit and berries; with good Oat-Buildings; fire miles from Market-street Bridge, one and a quarter from Mauayunk. Address B. J. V.,*’ Blood’s Despatch Office. ja2B-6t* For sale—a great bargain.— PABKEB’S celebrated and established BIL LIARD BOOMS AND RESTAURANT, ABCH Street, one door east of the Arch-street Theatre. This is a s splendid opportunity. Apply on the premises. ja37-3t , jeg TO LET.—An old-fashioned STORE Kain MARKET Street, near Second. Bent 81,000 a year. Apply to Mr. PETTIT, 983 MARKET St. jfl?0-6t» . STORE TO RENT. A HANDSOME STORE, No. 628 ARCH Street Neatly fitted up with Wall Oases, Marble Counters, and Marble floor, aoltable.for Jeweller and Silversmith, or any fanoy business. Rent, 8900. *■ AUOi A WELL-LIGHTED lOBRTH STOBT BOOH, Fifty by Thirty Feet, ON NORTH STREET Apply to JONES, WHITS, k HoCURDYi No. 528 ABOH Street PAFEB MILE TO KENT.—The Paper Mill known u HAMWELL MILL, oltuated on the Wisoahlckon Oreek.and ono mllo from Oheßtnnt Hill Railroad Station. ihU Mill la adapted to mako dno Book Papers. It has *!««« engines, one four machine, 62 inches wide, and aU the appurtenances for the suc cessful manutoctureof paper, giren imme diately. Apply to, or address, x - vrR GEORGS fc. Ho. 80 South SIXTH street. mFOB HENT—The DWELLING No. 610 LOCUST Street, (or W aching ton Buuara,) from the Ist of January, 1869. The house is three stories hljih, with basement, back building, Ice., how occupied by j. w. Forney. Apply at the office of Th* or at the house. nott-U TO RENT.—On the Ist January next, the very superior and extensive ROOMS, (2d,Bd. 4th and 6th floors, eaoh 24 feet by 140) of the NEW BTORB, 633 MARKET Street. The building Is one of the fine improvements on the upper 4lde, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, havicgtwo fronte, the north one on » ro»r Street with good cartage w»j 20 feet Into SIXTH gtroet. Apply on the premises. noi*tf hlfllcljcs, Jemelra, #c. Bailey & 00., JOBMSBLT BA.ILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NOBTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE, Row opening thelrjfall Stock ef IMPORTED JKWELIIY, PLATED WARES, AMD FANCY GOODS, To which the, Invito the attention of the pnbllo. SILVER-WARE, WATOHEB, DIAMONDS, AND FRARLB, AT WHOLBBALB AND SKTAIL. anlT If tf Snuiitg 4Tnnbs. SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND SO CIETY OP PHILADELPHIA. I Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street, (Oonnolldetlon BanX Building ) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENN- Tlennelte received In eumeof One Dollar and upwards, and r'epald" Geld, without notice with f IVB PER CENT. INTEREST from the day or deposit till with '’TTresponelble and reliable Saving. Inetitntlon has long been needed In the Northern part of the city end ; “ The Bpring Garden Saving Fund Society ” was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, In organising and loosUng it. have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the business Interests and wants of the very large and enterprising population by which it is surrounded. P SmOX OPEN DAILY, . * m From 9 to2 )i o’clock: also, on Mordat ana Thurs day from 6 until 8 o’clock In the evening. MANAGERS. t4v Frederick Klett, Btephen Bmlth, John P Levy, Don H. K Strong, Daniel Underkofler, Frederick 8 t-aake, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeOlero, John Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James 8. Pringle. Jac°b Dock, Joseph M Cowell, s on^ George Woelpper, G.o T. Thorn, Vai»p n Kll maker, Robert B. Davidson. Peter O. PBI NGLH, Preoident Pkakois Hast. Beers tor,. JeSMTH EVmwSi T%* iENNERCHOi; -.'‘TLi. ! T .0”) VO -ITJ. OAL fOOIBTY'3 Tn S&FTH « - UALGBANJ# FANOY Dfljutf BAI.L will take p*a a TUESDAY EVENING, Pebn”T- Btfa, 1869, at tae American ACADEMY OF T « IJ. Previous to the Ballwill.be, performed, in '„u oos*o e, the celebrated. “OATH AND BLBBSING- 0? THEPOIGNABDB.” Ohoruases from M< 1 erb**r’a grand opera* “3PHJ3 HUGUFIOTB,” Accompanied by a select orcb iStra of 40 parf&ißieil, under tbe leadership of . , ; OABL GJE&TN*R, E-q. V- , The ball orchestra, under t:.. direction of thfr;; ' Messrs.HASSLES* '. Floor Managers—Professors J. MARTIN AND M. HLASKO. Tiekets,'by subscription* admitting a gentleman and two ladies, $2 50, cau be obtained uom the following Managers: / - G. Dufour, B. von Essen, M. B; Muokle, 0. Leibrich, Dr. G:'Beidenstieker, J- Koohsiperger, L. Herbert, Ohsrlfls Dnmmlg, J. Pfaff. W. Oalliert, H. IIl*», 0. fchriiiMe. oQl.Fit2gar.ld, A. Ltfore, O.VeU«rli.o, A. H. BoMnfiStaj O. Wolff, H. VoltaiaT. H. WfUjimk, 0. Lindner, Schwemmer, O.Mettlach, Prof.. Martin, Prof. Blasko. 8. BChloss; JosVGrimm, A/Getty, 0. A. Thndium, Prof. B«se, F*" 0. Schmidt, F. Thse»,L~ Benkert, H.O. Camp,o Schick. Z.R. Jones, M. D..P. Balts, C. Herring, M.D.,G; Vollmer, G. Grossman,. Casper Benkert, M. Fearing, A. BeinsttnetJosephNetu Ulrich, Llndenmeyer, J. P. Steiner, MarltHesler, J®* o ® Kemper. Henry Box, Louis Gebhardt, Professor Carl GsertnerivProf PhVßohr, B.H. Hulsemaan, Job* A. Bauer, Jonh-Fenner, r A. B. Beichenbach* C ,M«hr, Joe. Drexel, FredJHeeb, Foster, JohuThornley, Emu Harwig, F. L. Jota* Vogel,' G/Bergner, F. LadnW, *•- fans, Paul Weber, David Rosenheim* . - Also, from the members and the Committee* Ph. Doflein/ ’ \j.A.Kolte*r . Geo Goebel, ' G*<KF.B*nkert, > A. Kemper, ' S. Behoening, F.Romberg, r , Performance to commence at 8 o r Mo«k precisely. Carriage* will set down heads south and tajm «P north. -* ’ - - " ' • 7yl , ta _ XKTEEAThRY ft OIiABKK’» ABOa-»rt. YY THIATHB.—William B.lredrcinka.Aotia* an* StattUuttKffi - - - - T THIS (Mondtj) IVJMIHO, JMOJtty 31,1869,,. OUBAHIBIOAUCOUSIH. r to concluda with _ AIAPDIWf . ■ 08. THB WONOISBFUL LAMP 1 , Aladdin. Mra. John Brew: ASaniaar,Mr.Dolman; Koarac, Mr Wood i Xahi ionglnck, Mr. Bredlaj; PrinceM Badroul Badonr, MiH Taylor.; ; Admiaaton,»oti. Bacon* Boat* in Drenapirel*,3t if ota: OroAeatrefltalla, 60 ote; BaatalnPrtrataßawfcW. eU; Oall«zy,l3eta; SallMy for Ooiored Parecna.il ataf Priyat* Bo* in Gallory (or Colored Pareoca, ad ctai, Wholo Print* Box, (3. . . Boon opan at ialf part B o’cioo*; nanwiil ii predMJy. - • - PT ETV WAUIUT-STBEET THEATBE, i CORNER NINTH AND WALNUT STBURI. Acting end Stage tfenagar Mr. N. T. Keacll. THIS (Monday) RVKNING, January 81, MW, ' HAMLRT. " ,3anilet, Barry SnlliTanj Olandiul, Mr. Young } Get- Ir S» Mca. Dnffleld; Ophelia, Mrs. 3 . A. Leonard, A CONJUGAL LESSON. __ HrimlMinn—Bftoond ®Ur Hid ]HuSif (BMlfi SLote A 5 * I SBSnrti «a»W» ta i T«Wata Box®*, according to ttidr Uatnuirrint. r SSJJ k^ p * ai 'l , »lf OBitalA tleee «* VAN AMBDBQH»?SJh fSlßgra or iku, «!«•», oo- TIPPOO b£*; . ' Jsq,u«rtriw, Gjmxuustto, and ?aatg BO ALB Of PKOST 4otiaU Children under tea pvt of ftga.«.««»^ a *4o «t lunll; 0irc1©,.... k Doom open* at quarter to 7 o’elook; ?«xfennmaoaa will oomtnenee at TjK. ' 1 , *- .*>> fnONCERT HALL THURSDAY NINQ-, February 3d, at 8 o’clock, will be performs for the first time in the Halted States. HYDN’B ORA.-\ TOBIOQF THB SKYKIf iWOBDS, interspersed wife - rarions eompoaltioos of Senor Raffelin, fey the host resident art its, among which are Miss 0; Richie gs, Hiss 0. McCaffrey} Measrd. Rohr, Thunder, Cross, &e., &o. ' - '' “ - - •' Ticket* 60 cents. To be had at the• Utudastores ant afrthe Hall on the evening of Concert Doors open at 7 o’clock. Oommesoe at 9. jaSLSt* SIGNOR BLITZ.—ASSEMBLY BITILI>- >3 and CHESTNUT Street*. . .COMB AND LAUGH. Come and sea the Tanny Blit*, the Amos<ng Blitz, the Bemartable. Blits, w Laughing Blitz, the Popular Blits, the Blits who make# ail happy « ■:. PBRFOBMANCB EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7* o’clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AV> T.BRNOONB at 3 o'clock. . . CONSISTING of WONDSBFUL M3TAMOBPHOSIS, aetonlßbiog scenes w Veatrilcqcism, the Learned Ca nary Birds, • and the' Extraordinary Exhibition of tha Rope Dancer. * Admission 2fi cents. Children lSsents. .. - IMoDONOUGH’s GAIETIES— -ITX * . • 224 KAO* BTBRET . A COMPLETE ETHIOPIAN BANE. BAM SHABPLBT, the great Banfelrt. BILLY THOMAS. the Wit aod HnmcrrUt. J. B. GILLIGAN, Comlo, Irish, and Sentimental Vp lliat , . c J. WILLIAMS, the tmrlralled BeUadist. OLB BULL MYBBS AND TKOUPB. Mam’Ue MABIB. the graceful DanseuM. TAB SIOBOJS FAMILY, Pottaiira and (tenter-, iooista. . MIBB BOS A MYEBB. HISS MATILDA BOBDTA, the Charming Vocalists. FULTON UYBBB, Negro Female Dancer. MAODHiL DABRELL BROTHERS. * Pantomime, Buluques. Far cm. Foil Orchestra, Billiard Saloon. - - Admittance, 16 end IQ cents. - FISHER. Staff* Uaii>s«r. Proprietor. , S-AJNFtffiU’S OPERA HOUSE, BLBVBNTB Street, between Uirkit and Ohestont* z OPEN FOB THJB SEASON. Br the Largest Troupe of MINSTBBLa IN THE WOBLB. BANFOBD'g OPBKAHQUM. ATOfBI BANTOBB CHILDREN, Admittance 36 Mats* rpHE PBUKSTIiTANIA ACAIMBKT OF JL TH3 POT ARTS, -.. No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, IS OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 0 A. K. till« P. M. - • Admission 26 cents. CMldrea 12 osnts. Bhares’of Stock, entitling tkeholders famlfr to a&» mission at all times, $BO. df-tf MUSICAL FUND, HALL.—THE. GEK- IvA MANIA ORCHESTRA wiU commence their Pnbllo REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next. How. 20th. Single Tickets'2s cents; a package of eight tickets for $l, which may he obtained at Andre’s, 110 4 Ohestnut street; Beck & Lawton’s, oorner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per* rorauDM eommenees at 8K o’clock P. If. aolT.tf Boarding. Boarding.— Two single gentle. MIN can he furnished with BOARD, in a Private Family, where the comfort* of a home will be secured. Address “L,” at this Office. . m Ja2T-4t» ■SUdinnal. HABTSHORNE’S cure-all—the GREAT PAIN ANHIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOB DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles H and 60 oents. THE GREATEST DISCO VERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! , * HARTSHORNS’B CURE-ALL should be kept in all families, in ease of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHOBKS’B OUBE-ALL cures Rheumatism. ■ HABTSHOBNS’S CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Oholle, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL eves Pains in the Limbs, Side, Back and Breast. HARTSHORNE’S OUBE-ALL cures Sprains, Braises, Scalds hod Borns. HABTBHOBNB’S CUBB-ALL coral Nearalflo, toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HABTSHORNS’S CURE-ALL eurea Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Fain. HARTSRORNB'B' CURE-ALL euro* Ear'Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTBHORNE’B CURE-ALL eurea Dyspepsia and Indigestion: also, Oanker and Boro Mouth and Bora Throat. HABTSHORNS’B CURE-ALL oure* aU Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S CURE ALL It a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, aud Improves Digestion. fly* As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs ana Body: also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It aets upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood anl Bones; and, by its warming eleotro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at ita happy effects. N. B. If yon have t Oengh, use HABTdEOBNFS Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it Is the best Cough Syrup in the World. Bottles, 26 and 54 oents, and If. Jf you are Billions, use HARTBHORNE’B ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. They act upon tho Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off ml Bile and Foal Secretions. Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by B. H. JENKINB, No. 25 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Ohestnut Streets. Simes’ Stores, Ohestnut and Market streets. Garrigues’, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s. Tenth and Lombard eta. aul2-dtfebl-If Kemooaia. jy/JoCALLUM & C 0. 3 CARPET HOUSE. Have removed from No. 80 BANX Street to No. 609 OHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE IHB BTATB-HOUBI. j»2T-lm REMOVAL.—THE FREIGHT lien PASBENBBR OPPIOE of th. OHAKLKSrON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS ku been REMOVED from No. SSS North Wharvee to tha S. W. corner of lOUBTH and OHESTNUT Street.. A. HERON, Jr., Agent. Rills hading signed at the Office on the Wharf. Sd above Vine street. Ja33-I3t Removal.— j. o. howe & 00. have REMOVED to No. 940 MARKET Street, sonth eWe. Jeas-12t JJBHOTAL. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS hat* mom From their old etond, 45 Sooth BSOOND itreet, to 725 CHESTNUT STREET. The Bet&il Department will be eloeed for e few weeks. » JJEMOVAL. • KELLY 4 DOHIBIIj tailoba, Hare remored to 81 and 83 SOUTH TOSH STBEIT, OHI DOOR ABOT* OHJSTUOT, Bast aid*. January 7 th, 1869. JaB»Sot J3EMOVAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1136 CHESTNUT STRUT, third DOOR BELOW rWILFTH. Booth Bide, When he is prepared to execute all order* is Us line, haring on hand a full supply of GOODS for Gentle - men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, . nM-Sm-ir No. IIM OHBBTNDT Btrwt. ■OEMOYAIj.—THE UNDERSIGNED has fl remored to No. 58 North lOOBTH ctrcct, (lot* HB.IRY COHSN’B.) wcond home »bo« Merchant’* Hotel. OEOROSA'ISIAIII, jcl-lm* WiolmS»ni»lat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers