'rJYHtSigj!-';: v. , Tie Complaintpf-BragSla,..;^ . Th« ttfctt #fl?» tow ofMbr.th** nXWSrt .< ,i ‘ .:., Beii;tfm?»-i.<l'Atit»mn!« •Saaowy-day,,' - : T, V-’J 1 5ftjy lie* throughiStflHs pf slaughter./ y Whia.'wlll ye T'T4>l“- r -v . Qray!mjstfs&ea down pn. rwfc JW*4 jpAng-7: . 1,, . .'pftrtt^ftLM!p’«p.po*»n , S'Cace»T«Bire?plDff—’ ’ ; _ ■ Thedeei Are in thp^owilMfleplßg^^^. p -. ‘ - ” Acd wni^e^/i^rklß g, '--i : --' f >‘: . Te .' But oh! my slglMbofafr f y? ?l- -. Thesunretorpi endAdds«#weufrln^V 0, ty" J • - -. :■ , Whsn'wiH'tSy Warns returnlS m«)’’;.:* ■ ■ O light or Lobhl.n’B’lacmnifnt’tASEkter ? ' - .'• . “ I#, +I v'*2 exl , f'bOa.T-rra - •■' ■ ■ . .X : . pypQ^^jis^ . Books.—Before .tfeanvenOon of printing*' and the mflnafactnroSf.i4p;evl);oAiflv§re'so , scarce; *P:sl«ireX price. ea .extifrvagSnt as to,, be beyond'-TOe’.-meang topanyobut wealthy and opulSht? s jThMpWato individnalB canid ■ s tors of a. slnglo work," uud-the most.eatpnslye libraries of well—endowedi-’lristltutlons were limited tonfaw hundred vWmesV .Nbtf'they have become so chdaptbat.few arO;d pstltute ; of these treasuries-,of.,knowledge,":aiid;oar; public associations Formerly,; the art - of reading Was.',bghfiopd .to afew.mpnkß. .Now] fhis'SourceioMns trac tion can boenjoyed-by dll-classes, and almost every individual. .tsav.uriiTm.Ji’rii’,' Some.chritfus'fadtaaro preserredlnhistoiy, relative tb;jhe^|(t , OUyiiahd , \ydne 'Ofi books ;-doring the|4P#oM^'#Pj§W-A? - teenth century,*avlng; occasion Jo oonsult.a, large BMe/befiStSh'd flftuld obtain ».loan froni: toamohai^^ietlipsaessed.^.wascom ,welled to aiecute a bOnd.drawn hp with,due formality, fofeihojiafb l 'rettfra' of the-manu-- sbript*:^CTl,l>ciJnflit^f‘tt,bbpk‘Wa , -religlonß. house iwas thought a , present of such high' value, and'aftSaot 1 of; such .merit,-: aaloob literate’lflnhlhsjana'etftitle.the'donortoithe. aXc^s?,# A convent threatened, annually, to proptmnco of an 'oldsv Qreek- - author* :/Iff.; the ,)P (tefitttff centaryffheCoUhtessof f Apjon is recorded to; have given two. hundred sheep/five“quarters; of. wheat, as much rye-and .Other grain, and a great quantity oT'fffrS/in Loxchahgefar a copy of home '‘HomilleSi 41 'Evep' klngs could not; salely be trusted with artlples brsuch'tatrava." gant valffef/fßsuia. IX,. oEFfap.ce, 1n,.1j71,; borrowedlthe.worfe'of. an-Arabian.jibysiclan,', and was ;obiJgOd, not only to 'deposit -his* jewels as pledges; fbntv'to -’dh'd a hphlctiijin' to join snroty ..with. him ’in a boUdj Cohdltioned for’ tholr foN feiture.w’it ’ ' a " t ' ata.hd.Vnppn ;com ’ mon ground. Tho .G.reat Leveller wlu Knock at your ; ,,dpoy, r 'Xirj3i|i[ioniire,''aa woll.as at mine f andfwfrgnhstppttdp'eH tphltt,'whether we,bld J hlm-s«al«6lme^tl» 3 ftnE,l};parts.*or.npt.’ Bawl along,'then, ip your chariot, horheedithr., poorpedestriair.whO'driigsl-hli'hlisterpd.foet ' over the hard slde-w.imri ~pfp ft fovaf the lm. ploring voicerbf’the Tagged mendioanti -fWo are all travßlliu’g'the samp-way; and shali ulti- »the; '.same } inn—the 'graye. "Therethe wicked cease from .tfo.ubling,;and. the weary, arept;fest.”,;T.The ; p , oaryl ,ls . there not 'c6nsglatiohlihitlie’as«iran.ce7. ;' ;u -:.) -‘.V V ' Oonrage.then, stbrmd.eatonjournoyers oyer, the' desSrf' of'llfe'! -"sioll'',on'Vet awhile-amid, ♦rials and tears.-, ';,Ihe,;gpah’lS ;ht hand—ypur h otin I-: _Dop"s' the' map; of thid worid, •Kfhe-'hasvlaid ,np store for many, years, onflxap ,%;;hls .bwn'.'Bpti] afflict-or oppress yon-ftFoigiyoi.hlnil’-'-'He'iß' your fellow-traveller" to the land of-souls—he. will ;opn'ltand'Jiip'orihn’eqfiality with yburself. ■ His treasures' cannotferibC the'Spoiler.; His. gold may soon become cankeredy ahd.hls flue. goldbajim._ . liet-not the! rioh b'6 undhlyelatedj hori the. poor unddly 'deJpr.esSed j -for in the great, cbm- - inunity of. tfie Beid.tfiers is hoUitog.krioiVn' ol inequalltyjOiet'Ctoe ■prpftd'.Bhlinmblieidrat; the, thought, andttte-humblejifted rip.,.-. ~u,'.;' Opue, neighbor, 'thy-hand ! -We will trudge along Life’s'.‘miefen if you please, andenconiage-each other'so to live—, will it not be thflrbetter.way?—that when our. snmmpnstmmeB,todeliart;heiice; < '. ! -“ We thß at night '-. -.,.'1' durg*on—but snstalnal and Soothed: 1 By arftuifikiCeiibK trnflt. app rcach onr graTe, - 1 hUcananwho wraps the diapary pf his conoh '' ‘ Abolit hloi'bnd'llrp down td pleEidsdt dreams. ” . Thb Bnsu -Bw,- 7 fS)flphen Be,very,,,waai. little, fellow,'tyhPj’ jn'hlsjchildhood, had becD stuntfri, saxgy;hy,7}b'k|fcbkrtly ! b'y rimj/fod .'.^asf ( pyp.app^awl > to' he always gazing ohvacancy;-. ;-Ho -wbuld, asat^MßsgttSB^aßa an ataOßt»:uncontrollahlo: ,flt laughter.. With'aljJ hd'w&fbxtremely poor,shiftless, friendleis.'ahd'gonefaTly beiy simple!' ;Whil this sbeing: could; find inhisown thQughis to afford.such keon amusement, was a mafkjr /o/' no little, wonder, (to thpsb.wbdjadgedbfhlm on!yfrpnl,hts-«ppoaraaoe.,and.generaldeport: mcntr.J'i.Bntkbine whO'had jeganied-hlm more narrowly fonndin him.hsingularprlginai;' '>' • One day as he was,' with hls'woak-a'ad hob, bllnggait,;shuffliogal6ng : thtough the dust ol ahlght?ay,ahelghb'or ? hSppebed'to l -'moet?him, 7 and thought he would .crack ,a joko over the head'dfdhe'stipposedSliQploton • ’ rJ-Tdi-' } ; j ■ “ Ifews,” said Stephenyf'.wiiat is'it?”’ ‘ wi . “ Why. tho devil’s dead ! " Isn’t that hews «It '''Andjhdw'tnubhr pity you i’ltwpjied Stephen-rrS'whatapobr, fathc erless j”---.’.-. CabiiJ s ,s|.f46B >FikBt .Mubdee. —JVo are' iniomedrfiSacrffllHl'stpyyi'thsi'painalery'Ab’el, booauseof theprs%ence.ishown;tb;'tho'.eacrlT' floe eb'the' : latter7i.bat : .-weihave'.no:.intlmatibn, givem.ns of the, reason for. that .preference; There is,however, ah ,o.rtentaL ! Trsciitio'n’still extant, which acconnts for itda- thls vrise-p-If says thStCaift’* andAbbl,,haring eich-of. them: a t f SW^l»tftr,ym,sopp,ps o they rlageable, Adam proposed to .tbouvtkai Cain • should marry-'the l twln ''slst*r ,of ‘Abeij and stancesobllged them to.marryrthelr.slstersilt was mbper that'/theyshotild marry those that wera|Mtoingly-thyJe|st.relatedfq.tffini!; , '-lTb' ftlli fairCTithan ’the.-other.;: .Adam,„displeas6dat his “dlaobediehoe ;■ refertod- the - dispute to .the bring. eaonan. oSeripgT)eAore.,hlm 1 i ,>nd,;t<ild themJhayheofferingwhich had- the' pretei>. ence woula DB:a ffeclsrgtlon'ih7fsvpr dl-hlnf who''presented fit.- rOnithe-offeringsheibg brought, and Abel fdodepted,’Cain, stimulated Boon as .they came they had been eacrificinffi fell opon his brother and - the EomanSrhad.-Dut.-one hsad.dhatjhe might; . strike lPoffiat a,blowri.'Had iwoitoe' power of theißpiflM^per'orj'we'wbhld exert- it • In a waymbrebh£(eff6l4l‘to':hiariklnd-4pr,. rather womankind.'? We wonld torbid,"under,a heavy penaHyJafiyfeiilaieappearing'dutof-doorsin t h good-paly ofjrnbberß.'...-Such;.is.the; inflaeh(!e. . of fasmatfy tbat 1 for thesake of bavingor ab-' pearing foet, a lady-will own feet thsn.ipaper.ssiXp.-wonderi.thaf. con-i snmpHpn is the lot—the antlmely SO many^ol^'rdMi,tiheiit&flil;' : -ana »aisebaf: American' fain- Xb, wpndor’ towith,- 1 Bt ®i^^fiSPgW*¥y?’X,d%atoVagsl , iisb whioh the a,By*(ori» .dla@etricslly,pppb r : ; site) ( purely, lf the latter.would oxamine the billffOf-'6lpjftallty,'and Bee-how many of*their tmj6&Karethe-WctlmsLoKtaShlon„they!woixld. be startled, li not admonished, by the fact. v * Hipi'DrE'BS or'l?irE.—-It has 'been weirre markod,that no map-can judge of the hap plness of ;anothcr. As. the moon plays upon thpawavßs; jand; iseems to- onr.eyes to faT a Peculiar beam one long track amidto'e;%tofs,i]e4vlbg the rest iuicoaipkfa. t hß while sHfclaVjto - nlgg«:(l.ln,her.'J»slrei,-,for though thp rayslhat .meet ,not onr oyes arg to'lisaS though they yito. tipf edUal'ahdiPnfsyor-- lng,lbvelineM,mlrrorsJ) erself on'eVerywave-!-' evensoifperhapk. happinessialls With the mma to(P4trJiMt^..eyes’a.b 1 0BeKns on those billows from whioh the . '3SMMJ-T, HAVE Tns Paizs waa. pnco to be a meetlng of'the^flbwarayand.rthe 'M&HtSESSISiSat -ggjpi^>W- o-faf bf^het; ; ‘A® was observed by the iubgoT fbb Immediately pronounced her the most «? wtllhl, because toe most modest. . .. follbwing lines from Coleridge t ’contain! as beautifyl un alEusion to the steam boat as Iwe remember td *havo ' mot with;'- fttlthlulhesOlktheTlgure is flnoly:preservod— ,!jip ijhoili.sWOf, W li'otb'.b'opie>n by the< Imprisoned elements; seem to dash by'the eye Ofthe!poet,>and'blddeflance to every outward •pWtaole ;Vv';' v ' a , '* •' ' 1 .::!-.W*«n/liw>s - yoang4-. ! 11, .: When rwas young 1- Ah! wofttl w l *.*™ ■ . . v. .ilf! fot thiMjhange twixt now,a»o then, : .,Thia honMof-olky-notmado-WlthhonoS) ix* TWabody.tasbioosjnegrioyouS-wropg,. r i®L,o’«i>Ul »ndiWonu4'«Sn»4)pg »"!»i. i .tß?.,nHow.UghUy then itSMti«l «10Dgi ~ ~ £lke tikOße trltQ bo*ts aokiulWn of jore, rtfirrfwid«» TbatEikno »Uf»i .. .'.'.':Wh«nypntbwdfUTod.iaJt.tdgethor. l ’ j , , f; ; iHSpßirfloss' ; ,nt,‘ 'Eivisa Tubes.—Words ;Siidiflgures'araJoftoh I _'cU't''lP.'.'treeBj.an(l.the geaera\ 'opinion l has beep ithat tbe growto' pf tho wobd sooti;ohUterated?th'em. yltiappeaM,; .hjjjvpy erj l% pjiripnfj paper'.,reberitly.,Vfranslatpa JTfojp. WP' Swedlshi-'that!.thls-is?nottbO'case on tlie opitrary.'ttie .inscription. Is.falthftl'r. re ,‘ tallied jin- the tree as,long,as it endureSj and. that,til| noti'.serfehsly’jnjured, the flumbeft.of, 'cdnoentrlo rings -of ' wood' found above- the ' inscription will, aothairy denote-the time when it was! cut.' Professor. Lauroil, of the Um ’ tdraity! o'f Lund, 1 made’ two'inscriptions -in two. beech trbes'lnTl74B,f?ThCS?*H 44 T?E® n ed'in 1766, r.omalnlng, with ■eight ylngstpf.wobd.f.oveti'lti. lp 1764. and had sixteen rings over It. A FoßoißTFdntMiaiiirEE; —A clergyman of 'thb ; ’ th 6 - Kev. 1 Mr. Parker, of : PitnMiwthsa JSee'n'. for In the habit of praying for -toe British. Government | but, at tho’ period. ot 'the 1 eventful Bevolntion, he, togethpr , ymoßt. , ptiior clergymen of that .days was,opposed ' to. tho oppressive measures ‘of'Engiand. ;HoWever,'hy a strange absence of .mlfld, he. dne Sabbath, long after Amerioa fiadbaeUdeelated independent, fell back upon his fesijal 'prayer: <'< fye'heseech thee to bless lhe : family-” .Then pahsihg, -with ( «MdehV.’ embarrassment, and vaxatfon, ho added:, <( Pshaw! pshaw I it- m OgjjtflJehtal f . "Duijß-jMogioKsiAln Italy, ; a' lever at abali, ’places!fwb,flkiger4 jon'hls;mouth, which sign!-, fibs ,tcj a - ladjj Ayiiu rare . very handseme, and .['wish to spetm to you.” If she touches her cheek! anilets it geptly Brop, ,that ,Blgqiftes, : '‘l I oonseht il’ but If Sbe .turns her'head it is a denial--' At a ball, In - Paris, to ’ take a lady out to dance'with her, is only indif ference .-toplaoeyonrselfhear her; 1b interest ; but' to follow her with your eyes In,the dance, -Is’ldss. "I . .'UtL’Aooinb.—Those orders were taoonlo'and to ' thb ppinty wUch/Frederlok II wrote to Gene -ral Sdmoh, eommander.' of Cleves: «If the Austrians come- into 1 my territories, tell them fhey have mistaken': toeir'.jvayi If. they begin tpargne, make .them! prissnersi -if ; they make any resistance, cut them in pieces;” ) WT V i -~--f 7 ■'i'tc'j 'Salsfl bg atttiiott.' ■ ' Vf THOMASk SONS,';'; . . fid Km! 18e inim.B(WlH.»otjatH,BrßßHT . -n-- 1 ...;.; 3 (Torm«lTNos,BT,aßd.Sß.> ; - 3 ;; ‘ t BIAL ESTATE, BTOOKB, *O, .rfubjio Bftles »t tbe PimadelpMft Bsobaag* wiry 0 - »Ai . Mcbprotwtylinediep4wHcly,-ln ire\ pabliih on, BBWwVKnww. jo enoh lUlOy One thotukad 6kUAogtM t bx pwnpliftt form, riringfall deMriptiom of eUtte property to be aold on die^lowinjgTtteWiy>,= -PRIVATI SALE REGISTER y EJT BsUte entered on cmi Prlrete B*le Be iiter* In'onr Pnblio 6ele l|ooo oopiea printed woekly,) ,r; '“ *'■ * ll " • I BALI.. We bereA large imottnt of Beal SeUte M VH* rite ißele,. inoladlng ♦ erery, rdeaoriptlon' .of Olty.nnd tounCrj 'propertj/' Printed Liffta may be 2ut4 at the mctl6n'etoro. •*'•• ■* •:■ ' •- : ’ !’’ eV‘ »‘- r ' ■' ’OABD.’i . 1 •* . a.. LIBEABY TEH- LATE HWiBY PPNNINO. -TON| £BQ.<i>Wi'ife:ndW preparing -catalogueiof .the Library 6 fittie laU Henry Pennington, Esq.* deeeaaedf' la which wfli 'be found many eurlotu and Talnable books, bn v yat!oas"tubjsats,~‘a immber of them. illus ‘rated .by printed and manuscript insertions.* 'Also.>a\ ; Orgef collection of into Asti tig acli rare autographs, .aogrfvings, &’o-:DAtb be made known In future advertisements; , - . • SALV OF BUPEBIOB 7UBNKTCBB; BUSGANT PIA .Oiq-FORTB, ROSEWOOD MELODEON, OABPETB, &oK - s ‘/ 'ii-'OTP '.‘o ■ r ‘ n r' " r >, - OABD.—Our Bale to-morrow morning, at tho auction •itore, will oomprlM,'b*flld« .500 Jots; superior '.eeconil hand furniture, elegant rosewood 7 octave pianoforte, madi by Ohiokering ;-felegant xeiewood melodeon^.man tel hrfrrorsr wardrobes, velvet, Brussels, and ingrain btrpetSf-Gbin&and-gtaflsware, bed* -and .bedding,- Jto., forming mi attractive assortment, worthy, the attention of and others desirous of purchasing. 87"? Catalogues now. ready aha the articles arranged •for rumination., , t l « v ,BTOOKB. «fcc- ', ; iOn.Tuesday-Erenlogo Februarylst, at 7 o’olook, at the Philadelphia Ex ebange, wlll'be sold—. :•- \ For aooonnt of whom it may conoern—- 8 old-shares (60 hew) San Francisoo Land Amo olatibn^'* «. .» * . L 1 Rl£ AL.JBBTATK BALK—KBBBUAttt' lit. ~ BUBINKBB a STANDS.—THBBB', 8I0&Y BRICK r ATOBIfANDDWBLLING, s. E., comer of Second ind Bhippen streets. ADJOINING ON BHIPPBN STREET.—Frame Bakety, with tiro ovens, and lot ad joining on Sbippen Htriset.- • LOT AND T.WO OLD FRAMEB adjoining on Shlppen LAND' PENN A. VALUABLE TRACT Of LAND, •US laorfet}‘Monroe Wyoming Go., Poona. ■ Chereijfa large amount of Timber on the tract: - - - AJQBOOND-BBNT of $32 ayear,Mcnred by a three* .itoi7 brick dwelling, and the rent punctually paid. , '>:■\ REAL ESTATE BAU3-V.EBRUARY 16th, wllllnolude— ... . VLlt""* POSTPONED SALE. - . -UNITED STATEEHCYeJL ATLANTIC OfrT.N.I, —The' veryj'vildablb, property known as the ‘'.United -3Utj>. AtUatio' flltj, N, J : Ih. JionM fi SO /eefcfroiit by KLfeet deep,with.a wing io by 240 feet rls Tom'stones, Wgh, .with 140 Urge, sleeping apartments, dit&fe itoje square of ground, 850 feet fronton the rail road by 500'feef depp. with a equate of ground laid out is a park, 850 feet front by 600 feet .deep to the ocean. * .TonWning 12acres, . .. Peremptory Balerby erderof heirs—Estate late of Jo , i «eph Murray, dee’d. - ’VALUABLE BUSINESS stand; northeast corner of RlgMbmod Cherry st*.'-Bale-absolute.- - . HANDSOME MODERN RESlDENCE,'witheide yard; No.f 631'north Fifth at., below Coates si.. u -, i •VJtBAT MOBBRN DWELLING, With *1! modern oon renleocis,-;No;:1226 /north* Fifteenth st., south ef Mikeat , . BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. *931) 088/935-and: 687. Ontario'et., between 18th and Oroal stslj bniow Girard avenue. -THREE-STORY BBIOK STORE iND DWELLING, toulheMt'oorner of Parrish and-Franklin'ats.{ (late SpringQarden.).'j V- ', . - i WELLSEODRED GROUND BBNT OF 876 A YEAR, taxer,on lot of gronndf Girard avenue, west of . Thirteenth st„ on which Is erected a four-story brick ‘itore and dwelling. ; LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, 12* acres and 28 .'penDheij' Vlth two-story brick-and- two-story frame dweriog, barn, truck garden, Ac., Passyunk road, west ;of Broad st.»Plr*t Ward. * LARGS'AND VALUABLE FARM, 427 acres, Kent 00, ' Delaware, on the main road, leading from Smyrna to ,Millington* * •' ' • raws and: valuable books— recently be. .■| -- OEIYED DIRECT VBOM LONDON. . ■ j This Evening, ..... January 26thj at:the auction store, we will sell a con signment of rare, ‘valdable/and interesting!.books on various subjects, recently received, by ship Achilles, ‘directfrom London. Included, also, are a number of pictorial and illustrated works. , i ID" Catalogues will be ready, and the books arranged : {onezamination two days previous. 1 J t rr.f, « . - , . - . ... VI .4 /< .. ", *' !"■, 1 • j Bale at Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANOFORTE, FINE ’-FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS OAR- Peis, Ae. , - , I - {l , s., On Thursday Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store; an 'extensive Msort'mehtof excellent second-hand fnrnltare, elegant. S lino-fortes, flue mirrors, carpets; etc., from families' eelinlng housekeeping, removed to the store for con >renien4e-df,sale.* :£, i\« *■ ■• • , • •■ , Also, an elegant piano forte, 7 octaves, in handsome rosewood case—■Ohlckerltig'maker." ' Also, a snperlor roMWood melodeon. | Bale at Notl2W North Thirteenth street. { ? , • NJBAT.HQUSKHOtD JtfMUTUBE. . . . f , On Prlder'Morning/, - . f r £Bth I nit., at 10 o’clock? at 1329 North Tblrtee nth attest, above (Mrard VCnne, the entire household fur niture, fine feather bed, mattresses. &c., 6f * gentleman declining hoaJekeojriog. i : Aleor the kitchen furnltere. " k M*j he examined bn the morning of Bale, at Bpdock; ' 1 * \t SEs.'W’llitiXAlitH. sfoSBB, GENEKAX. AtJOTION.ANBEOMMISSION STOttS, No. 11 Nortfc EIGHTHStrMt, 1 ■ i .'.‘‘‘;J.:A. ADIBQN. Auctioneer, StPABIORHOUgEnOLD„ KteNITDBE, FBXNOH h 1 * l,r ** *° 4 ““ P s' r ° r iwrtmentrof to«ewooa, ! !s?!?ravg-■o^rto^i ro&irood uti-i-leiet, ioiititxti' r6oking ooalra. nknaaomA Jenny Jjliiii bgdßtexds, dres. sing wifnnt utamlon tetJlQk, dining otialrs, htXwke,' Broca tel aAd T.nneesee mar bjs-toj’ A?/*, tablea," tnirf on, ijarpeta,' painting!, »ogr»- Tlngt,.«il»orrplated rrare, Ao." - . . .. B H?.K®P.SI.£? iE * < CH- PLATE. pibr.slabs: AND at tab opopr OF °r .toot po«t and 11 irgeeolored print (Franklin at f - BacoND-aANaFppNiTDitß.’ I Also, from A Ami It. lot or lecond-hand furniture, waihitandk. &0., , ( ; i Sit °?S?!*TO*Wsjand eeioftif-liaiil home. fxaoes willbeinide If .requited. ; ' 1 lEP‘ Out-door sales'xtteuded to promptly, Gbinrel m moderate in any other house io this .city. ... * bAjktftfc, nathans, 1 AtrOndwEEK. 3--Jrt-KOUK' MAN OfflON; No. 224 Bond o^l, W^«55SS£^ T,W “ rOtiWoor sja©i,and *al«rat tia Auotton Qcua. aV ■•• did ipoa tin most aatlßfaotoiT tarms, iaxm.ii •- a Xt tMblisktdfor tht last Tkirtf Jt*rs> SS~f» dotting,lutntture; Bedding, Olgara, Muioal *— or In and thief-pKwf<Tanl* w store MLyalnable*, andpSl rate patahmen/or the ptemiaesi alao, a hearr inn! JSaaMd °* all Renton* k aTlng’gbods ttr*B.-4BPk3&{iiitf of limited tti* Ofica If prepared to faak* Advances on more Satin IfwtorrjiAd accommodating tarzni than my other in , ,iirA?i;T #;» a F.? ? ■:»i omtacy^oSarga 0 * 3 *° fOOT| In ira * ll pltt] m 4 '« TRITATfI BALD. -,55!? p *sf“* lrtT « r «*4 other Watokai, Jewelry, tad (Hoiking will ha Bold at reduced price*, du*ly Wednesday. January 26. i 859. •Ay/..t ! ! ofrffes 'iir&ntttoW HUBBAED&PQ.j.ADMIONSfiR9. I k BETWEEN B*aOND AND..THIBD,ATR*BTB, _ ,OABD--We invite thfe’attentiomof purchaser* to th* 'peremptory rale of a general assortment, of staple aod< anoy.goodi, tobe made thlrmorningj. atlOjjo’clock. .' ‘SALE OP FANCY ANDBTAPLB GOODS. , , i ' ..ThisMorning,.,..,';, . AfclOJtf o'clock, will bo soid a general assortment of fAnoy and staple goods, consisting of long and square ■bawls, isllk velyei ribbon*,(OpftWn u brand,) taffeta ribbons, iValeneia laces, cambric edgings and insertings, embroidered oollars and sleeves, gloves, hosiery, lambs* wool=, and merino shirts and drawers, &o. -\,f TAILORING GOpPS • . Also", ends 6-4 blaofcSFrench;cloths and doeskins, Hide-stripe clotbs, &c. Also, —.case* peel Scotch gingham umbrellas, whale* bona frame*. s . -- '} SMALL WAKES.' SI AIfO, a gftiiQral assortment, or buttons, combs, silk, cord and taMfels. tapes, trimmings, thread, &o. «! SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 •‘f t CHESTNUT STREET,‘ opposite the Oostom Hobie, between FOURTH atod FIFTH Street*. •trn LARGE SALB,,OP f OIL-PAINTINGS. , ' v: ' • _ Od Thursday Morning," 1 >: -Jan." 27th, commencing atlOtfo’alotik, will be sold at salesroom, 43UOhesnut'Bfreet),'fe large- and valuable obligation of ,pll paintings,t Itcpmp,riq«*/260 work* of merit, mostly original, includingleLodwhpes, marine and ooaat scenes. interiors,'exterior*,' figure pieties, oOmpo* eltion of 1 animals, - still life, eto.j-all of which are fi-' Disked In themost artistlo manner.- In the collection will be found several fine 'copies of 6elebjrasd pictures by the: old maattrSi.exocutad with the greatest care, the.owner* having selected the a da* rh>g <a accent visit, to Europe—the peintinge having been framed in rich gold-gilt XrameSf made to suit eaoh picture ’ after recent designs, and are gilded with extra rare gold lean;:They will be arranged for examine* ion v on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning, until time'of bale. ’ * LARGE BALE OF FURS AND FANOY BUFFALO • - i 5. '. vBOBBSr &c; ( , ;•••!,* ~ On Friday Morning,' , ■ 36th Inetynt,, ,commencing'at lo£ o’clock, will be 'sold a large stock of fancy, fhrs for ladies’ and misses’ wear, qotnptiiicg the usual, assortment of sets, capes, viotorines,aiid buffs Of Hudsbn Bay sable, mink, French sable, stonti and silver’ martin; ermide, &o. • Also,t white ermine sets for children. Gents’ fur caps, collars, gloves, &o. - { ROBES, &0. , Also,( fancy wolf and fox carriage robes, fancy sleigh buffalo robes, &o. Philip, ford, auctioneer, no. ' 080 MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SlXTH,south side. , V J H. GUMMET & SONS; • 1 ’ Real s&tate auctioneers! !11 , ‘;J' , ; .620 walnut street. • CARD.—J. M.Gummsy A Sons, auctioneers, will hold regular sales.of.Real Estate, Stocks, Ac. Also, household furniture at dwellings. .... j BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. pjTiOn .our. Private Bale Register .will-always be found >a very large amount of real.estate, including: every description of dty and ootintry property. J. M. GTJMMBY A SONS, * 1 Rpal Estate Brokers, 'i .■ 620 WAiNßjfgtreet, below Sixth. ■jIURNESS; ERINLEY, fit CO;, f 9?><i . . N0,'420 MARKET STREET, A/iOSES NATHAN a, AUCTIONEER I?JL SAND-OOMMIBSION MEBOHANT, B\ *, eornti SIXTH and RACE Street*. i GREAT. PUBLIC . ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! i > MONEY! ! MONEY! ! ! Money liberally advanced In large or email amounts, from one dollar to,thousands, on gold and silver plate, watches, Jewelry, fowling-pieoes, musical Instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, hardware, 'cutlery, book*, horses, vehicles, h»r nestf, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at • IVo<Aon*’' ? Prine*jJOf Establishment, southeast confer of Sixth and Race streets. 1 - * • ' PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates. GREAT-BARGAINS IN WATOHEB, JEWELRY, AO., AT PRIVATE BALE, atNATHANB’ PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT,- 8. E. Corner of SIXTH andBAOB Street*.—The following articles will be s6)d for less than half the usual store prices: Fine gold English patent full jeweled and plain, of the moet approved and best make; in hunting cases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement leycr and -lepinq watehoe/in hunting cose and open face, some of them extra fait jeweled am best make. Silver English patent lever watches, es capement lever and leplnes, in hunting c»m. and open face, Some very superior: English, Swiss, French, and Qadrtler watches: fine gold vest, fob, neok, and children’s chains 1 ; fide'gold 'pencil- ’cases and: pens, bracelets, breastpins, finger-rings, ear-rings, studs, me* dallitine. generally. „ Superior Havana cigars at fl 6 per thousand, In boxes of 200 each,' will bo sold by single box or quantities to salt purchasers. Nu* merotte faney articles. ∨ Ac.*, Ac.'' itlebuindl. A* NEW AND, VALUABLE DISCOV ERY. DR . HAM’S AROMATIC, INVIGORATING SPIRIT. , IT STIMULATES, EXHILARATES, tNVIGOBATEB, BUT WILL NOT INTOXIOATR OR BTUPIFY. This delicious Beverage is superior to all lnvigoratini Cordials. Schnapps, Nervines, Ac. in usp for the oureo ’ 'Dyspepsia. Nervousness, Heart-barb, Drowsiness, Kid ney Oomplalnt, DellriumlTremens, Intemperance, Ac., a* It, will invigorate and strengthen, but will uot in toxicate or etuplfy. Persone whd have become habitu ated ;to the excessive uae of Tobacco. Opium, and Bpirit- Liquors.- will find speedy ana permanent relief from a desire to use these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two or this -- . , DELICIOUS MEDICAL B EVERAOE ! Weak and'eickly Females wiU find Dr. MAM’S IN VIGOR ATING SPIRIT a quick and sure cure, it being a Regenerator as well as a Btrengthener of the Human By*tem. Each oomplalnt that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL la tialculated to cure is named upon the wrappers aeopmpanying each bottle, and fall dlreotions for nse are also minutely given. FBiOn-OX* SOX.LAB m BOWLS. Prepared by DARIUS HAM, , v , Principal efiioc, N0.'48 WATER Bt.vN. York. For sale by - 'T. W. DYOTT A BUNB,. rm-pm 218 N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. ZOLLIOKOFFER* 8 anti-rhbumatio .CORDIAL it the only effectual remedy ever placed before the public at a oertate and railage core for IN FLAMMATORY or OHRONIO RHEUMATISM .ThU preparation baa cored thousands who hare been af- Aided with Rheumatism In ite moatp&infol form, and we are dally in reoalpt of latter* and’certificates of at* .tonlshing and remarkable cnres. v All who bavetiled the CORD I Alt apeak in the moat laudable terms of ite efficacy. Pall directlorifc and entire satlafiotion gtren to the Rbeumatio sufferers Prepared by THEODORS RILKB, Chemist,;N. B. oor. PINK and SIXTH Streets, Philadelphia. jal4-B_m- ffitfileUe 2Crtitles. mHE ONLY ARTICLE UNRIVALLED X; IN MARKET, with Immense HOME ' AKD sdropdaN djsmand, The reason why, is that by Nature’s own prooess it restores the natural color permanently; after the hail ; besomee gray ; supplies the natural'fluids, and. thus makes it krow on bald heads, remorse all dandruff, itoh* Ing,’ and heat from the scalp, quiets and tones up the nerres, and thus cares all nervous headache, and may .be relied upon to core all diseases ofthe scalp and hair} it will stop and keep it from railing off: maisi it to/t t glossy, healthy, ,and beautiful, and If „u**a hr the young two times a week, it will never,fall ( or becomegray; then readers, read the following, audJudge for yourselves s , -- ? N*w You, Jan. 8,1658. MESSRS. 0. J. WOOD & CO., . , . ' Gentlemen: Haring heard a good deal about Professor 'Wood’s Hair Restorative, and my hair being gray, I made np my mtnd-to Uy aside the prejudices which I. In common with a great many persons, had against all manner of patent medicines, and, a short time agq 2 commenced using your article, to test it for myself. The result has been, so very -satisfactory i that I am rery glad I did so, and injustice to you, as well as fpi the: encouragement of others who may be as gray as I, was, but who hario&mr .prejudice without my reasons for setting It aside, are unwilling to giro yodr Bestora tire a.trial till they hare further proof, and the beat proof being ocular demonstration X write yon this let terj which you may show to anysuch, and also direct them to me for farther proof, who am in and out ofthe if Y. Wiie' Railing Establishment erery dsy. Uy hair ia now,its natural color, and much improred In appearance erery way, being glossier and thicker, and much-more healthy looking. I am, Youra Respect nUy,,()_ ....... HENRY JENKINS, ’ Corner Columbia and-Oarroll streets, Brooklyn. > f LiTißOdros.A’*., Peb. 14; 1868. Psor. Wood— Diar Sir: Tour Hair Restoratlre,has done much good in this part of- the country. My hall has been slightly diminishing for several years, caused, I suppose,'' from a slight born when I was quite an In fant.-' ; I haTe been using your Hair Restoratlre,for sis wepks/and’ I find 1 that I hare a fine head of hair now growing after haring used all other remedies known, to no effeot. - I think it the most valuable remedy now , extant, and advise all who are afflicted that way to use your remedy. You can publish this .ifyou think pro per. 1 Yours, &e., b. w. Middleton. PHn.XDii.PHiA; Sept. 9, 2867. , Papr. Wood—Dear. Sir: Your Hair. Restorative li proving itself benefiolal to me. The front, and also the bapk part or my headj almost lost its covering—was, In fact, bald. I have used but 2 half pint bottles pf your. Restorative, and now the top of my bead Is well studded with a crop of young-hair, and the frontls also 1 receiving' its benefit; I have tried other prepara tions without any benefit whatever. I think, from mj own personal recommendation. I can induce many others to try It. Yours, respectfully, - D, R. THOMAB, M, D., 5 • ‘ . No. 464 vine street. Toe Restorative is put up in bottles of three sines, vis; Large; medium; and small {the smallholds X $ Eint; and retails for one'dollar per bottle; the medium - olds at least twenty per cent more In proportion than the Small; retsHir for two dollars per bottle; the large holdsa quftrt. 40 pdr cent. more In proportion, and re tails for *3 a bottfe. > 0. J. WOOD t OO.'.lProprletors, 812 Broadway, Ney York/(in the great N. Y7-Wire Railing Establishment,) and 114 Market street, St. Lonis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Panoy Goods Dea lers. - - no!6*mwfBm & eowinwky«Bm HANDSORUB3. No. 1* 02#Oi per do*. . He. 6. $ll2 per doa, 2. 750. “ 0. 1 26 ‘ 8. 870. (l 7. 1 60 «• 4. 1000. " 8. 1 76 OLAMPB. 9 Row, $1.26 per oxen* T Row, $1.76 per doxon. 8 Row, $2.86 per dosen, UENBY 0. ECKSTEIN, ••»» « North Hian Btraat - FhilSAalohl* ARLES MULLIKIN DJRALBR IK PIiUMBEBS’ MATERIALS, AT NEW YORK PRIOEB, 628 MINOR STREET. jalO-lm* BRIOK-MAKING MACHINE, WHICH InAkes thd BrlokS and temper the Olay, makes from One.to three tUousand'per hour. : Upwards of thirty in use;,' .Patented February Bd, 1658. Machines and rights for-sale. Counties,’or one-fonrth ofthe Patent, will be sold. Known to be the only practical one In use. Ad dress' 0, PARNELL, Germantown road, above Filth street/ Philadelphia, ; ’ , 416-tmrlO J‘F*. ROLLER,. • FRENCH BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 27 South NINTH Street, third door above Ohest* i nnt; Philadelphia, Begs to Inform.his friends and'the.public generally that he has opened /buelneeß on his own .account, as above, .where he will always be'happy to redeire a con tinuatipp of their favors. As* the senior partner of the late find of Roillhb 6b Bosiot, probably no other guarantee is neorssaiy to an 1 appreciative public of his entire ability to fill all orders in his line with the ut most satisfaction. Remember the number: 27 South NINTH Street, third door aboyeChestnut. ja!B-2m* dl&'f’Ef SLATE!! SLATE IM—Koofltig 1 >3. Slate* of, all sUas: and.at aery low rate*, kept cop*' ctaptJy.Qn hand, and for sale by . •f<miHO;iax, a go.; <■ GERMANTOWN HOAD e£d THlRDstreet. I If. B. Slata Roofs put on in the beat manner, and r#> •lrlM6tl**Addto. All «ork vamatod. fel.p itjjol Jfljrtices, TN THE COtmT OF .COMMON PLEAS JL FOR. THB' CITY- AMD COUNTY OF PHIL A.. BELPHtA-r-IN EQUITY, <U V, • ' BADE TB. HOYBll.<- Maroh Term, 1858, No. 19. ' The Master to whom it .was referred to j settle and adjust aq aocoout between.the parties to above suit wiU hj?et all persona Interested, at his Office, 483 X WAX. NUT'Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 81st day of January, 1860, at 6 o'clock P.M. . 3 Ja«6-6t* ■ WILLIAM H..08A888, ■ IVOTICE.— Estate of PATRICK M'OABE, .1 deceased.. — Whereas, LETTERS TESTAMEN TARY on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to saldSßetate will please make payment, and tbosehuving oUfms thereon iresent -the fame to our Attorney, WILLIAM H. OR ABBE, 483# WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. , , v r MARY A. M’GABJS;) w’* . ®al9-w6t# JOHN M’GABE, 'JBxecotors. Estate op jambs musgrave’. De ceased. ' - - c Whereas, Letters of Administration do bonie'non to tho Estate of JAMBS MUBGRAVB, late of the'oity at ■ Philadelphia, Broker,, deceased,, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons Indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having olaims on eaid Estate, to present them to ’ ' ' W.J. BARCLAY. d23-irot# Athenaeum Building Fthe court -op common pleas IN AND FOB TUB CITY. AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the assignment of White, Btevens. & Company. Ear petition of Isaao fl. Waterman, As signee. ’ The matter to whom was referred the petition of ISAAO B. WATERMAN, Assignoe of the estate of WHITE, <fc 0.0., praying for authority and ; lower to sell at private sale the Hie estate of Henry White, in certain premises, upon Walnut street will meet the parties interested at hlB office, No. 9fi& Booth FOURTH Street/la the city or Philadelphia, upon WEDNESDAY, January.loth, 1869, at 4.o’clock P-M. V WILLIAM SERGEANT ’ ja7-fm&w-10t • - - Master/ IN the district court for the CITY ANn COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY vs. CHARLES' HUTCHINSON. ,D. 0., December Term,.lB6B, No; 816, Second Plur. Yen Exp. OVERSEERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS vs. CHARLES I - HUTCHINSON, r, - D. 0 , December Term. 1868,811. Als. Yen. Ex. The Auditor appointed to report distribution of the mo neys raised -by the sheriff 1 * sale under the above-stated, writs, Qf all that certain lot or piece or ground, with.' the three-story brick messuage erected on the front, •nd the two-story factory on the rear - thereof, situate on the ; north side of Race street,.betweeif Second and Third streets, In the eity of Philadelphia, containing in front or brsadvh'on said Raoe street twenty-seven feftt, add extending In depth one hundred and fourteen feet to,a twenty-feet-wide alley leading Into and from said Second street; bounded oh the feast by ft raosstfage and tot late. of Alexander AlUlr, northward by‘said'' alley, west by ground whereof the said- premises were' formerly part; and southward by Raoe street aforesaid being the same'premises which Margery Price an< others,' by indenture, dated the 2d day of Apnl, A. D. 1846, recorded In Deed'Book ft L L,.No. 89. page 110, Ace., granted and conveyed unto thefeatd Obarleß Hutoh inson and heirs, under and subject to the payment of a oOrtaln yearly gronnd'rent of $144, and under and subjeot to the right of ViotorE Harman and his heirs to the use of a certain alley leading into Race street as aforesaid, will attend to the duties of hlfl appointment on-TUESDAY, the Ist day of February,-A. D. 1869, at 4 o’clock P M.. at his Offloe, No. 260 North FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all persons are required to make their claims, 'or he de barred from coming in upon said fund. 1 ja2o-lQt* GEORGS W. THORN, Auditor. IN' the district court for the OITY AND COUNTY 0* PHILADELPHIA. BHICK vs; MENZEL.* Fl. Fa. Deo. T. 1869. No. 668. RAPP vs. MBNZBL. Fi.Fa. Deo. T. 1868. No. 669. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund arising from the sale under tho abovo-mentiooed writs of Fter Facias, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the Sletday of January instant, at Ao’olock P.M.I at his office. No. 625 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia, at which time and place all parties interested are required to make theljr claim* before said Auditor, or be debarred from oomihg in'upon feald fund. < - JOEL JONES, Auditor. *, Philadelphia, January 18th, 1869. ... ja!9-10t IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CJTY_ANI>_ COUNTY Oy PHILAJJBLPHI*. . W-J.P.WHITK* JAMBS LTJOAB. •'< D. C. D. 68. N 0.464. ; Vend. Exponas., ; Exceptions to special retain. The undersigned has been.appointed by the District Court, auditor, to .report distribution of the proceeds of the sale of the' defendant, among the parties entitled thereto, with the faote and reasons upon whioh such distribution shall be made, to wit: 1. All that certain lot of, ground situate on the west side of St. John street, at the distance of about slxty eight feet six inches southward.from the intersection of the west line of the said Bt. John street, with the south* west line of the Germantown road, in the Kensington district of the Northern Liberties In the county of Philadelphia, containing in fronton said 8t John street BeveOty-twO feet, and'extendlng in' depth westward of that width, parallel with George street one. hundred and forty-fire feet more or less to Canal street; bounded southward by lot **o„ No. 81,V in a certain* plan of lots, la«d out by Beth Craig, and recorded in Deedßpok, A MNo. 16, page 841, westward by said Canal street, northward by lot No. 2, In a certain M Breve de par.’! Ac., No. 402,’Jane Term, 1851, and eastward by said Bt. John street! upon which Is erected a four-story brick building seventy-two feet front on St. John street, and about thirty-four feet deep t also a one-story brick dye-house, and two-story brick drying-house connected, and about slaty'feet front on said,Canal street. ,2. Also, all that oertaln lot or ground situate on the southwestern side of the Germantown road, at the dis tance of J two hundred and fifty-nine feet five-inches.’ southeastward frotf ■' the intenecttan.'of the said road and Third street, in the Kensington dUtriot of the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia, containing In front on said road, seventeen feet seven inohesj and in depth, of that width between lines at right angles with said road, -forty-eight '/eet six inches on the northwestern line, and fifty-one feet nine and one half inches on the southeastern line, upon which is erected ft tiro»story brick dwelling bouse, N 0.1218. 8 ‘Also, all that certain lot of ground situate on the southwestern side of theGermantownrosd. at the dis tance of two hundred and Beventy-sevenfect.Bouiheasb ward from the 1 intersection of said road and. .Third street, in the Kensington district of the Northern Li berties of Philadelphia,'containing on; front'on said road'seventeen feet seven inches, and in depth of . that width between lines at right assies with-tha * aid-rood,. flfty-onefeet nine; and one l half inches ou the north west line, and fifty-five feet one inch on the southeast, line thereof, upon which is erected ft two-story.brlok dwelling, No. 1316. -.- , 4. 'Also, all that certain lot oT ground situate on the easterly side’ of the Germantown road, atthe distance of six hundred'and ninety-three feet southward .from ■ tip south side of Master street, in the said Kensington district of the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia, con taining i n front on said road t* enty feet, and extending in depth of that width, between lines at right angles with said road, one hundred and seren feet s x inches, upon which iw ereoted a three-story brick dwelling, With two-story double back-building end bath-house. No. 1231. -6, Also all that oertaln lot of ground, sjtuate .on Ihe easterly side of Germantown-rosd, at the distance of seven hundred and fifty-three feat southward from the south side of Master-street, snd at the distance of. one hundred and sixty feet southward from tea south side of a fifty feet wide street, called Phoenix street,, con taining in front on said road sixteen feet, and in depth, eastward of the same width at right angles with said road, one hundred and fifteen feet,' upon which'lA erected a two story frame house. . f ~ 6. Also, all that lot or ground situate on the west side of Oadwalader street, at the distance of one hun dred and sixty feet southward from the sooth side of •Phoenix street, in the Kensington dUUict of the Nor thern Liberties, Philadelphia, containing in front on aalaCadwalader street, thirty-three feet, and extend in j; in depth wostward, between parallel lines at righ angles with said OadvaUder street, one hundred feet, upon wbioh is erected a two-story 1 brick stable and oar risge house. ' - 7; Also, all that lotof groond situate on the east side ‘of the Germantown road, at - the distance of one han dled and seventy-six feet southward from the south side of Pbcenix street. In the Kensington district of the:Nortbsrn Liberties, of Philadelphia, containing in front on said road seventeen 'eet ten and one-half inches, * (including, on the south aide, thereof, the whole of an galley two feet ten and one-half Inches wide, In tjie; .clear, .by thirty-six feetdeep laid out for the use of said lot,’and a lot adjoining on the south.) and extending of that breadth in depth eastward, between parallel lines at right angles with said road, one hundred and fifteen feet. ' ’ j 8. Also, all thatjcertsin Jot of ground situate on the east side of Germantown road, in the' Kensington ,dia* triot of the Northern Mbet.tie*, of Philadelphia, at the distance of sjxty-four, feet southward from the Sbpjhf side of Pheen|x street, containing in front on Said road sixteen feet, and extending eastward of that width, be* parallel lines at right angles with said r6ad,“ sixty-live feet, upon which U erected a byisk dwelling house;-subject.to « ground rent of $3O per annum, payable Ist of jlannary audjuly.. Notice Is hereby given, .that the Auditor will hold a meeting for the. purposes ofhls appointment, at his Office. No. 262 gonth THIRD Street on TUOBBDAT, the 27th January, iB6O, at 4 o'clock?. U. All persons arereqalrei to make their claims barore the Auditor at the time and place aforesaid, or, be debarred from coming in upon the said proceeds of sale. OHABLES GIBBONS, Auditor, Phila., January 14, JBsp. JJljoiog)rflpl)o, &(, C. G. CRANE* 8 PHOTOGRAPH BOOMS, • (Formerly VAN LOAN’S.) 683 AROH Sbeet. All the various styles and sices of Pictures, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Photographs, and Ivorrtypes are taken, and at moderate prices." d7-Bm* GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE A SON, i . 816 OHESTITUT STREEft?^ Opposite tho Girard House, IMPORTERS if AND MANUFACTURERS or LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PIOTURE FRAMES OIL PAINTINGS, AND ENGRAVINGS. EARLE’S GALLERIES constantly open JalB FREE. Jjl NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AND PIOTURB-FRAM* ‘ . ' t MANUFACTURERS,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An Extensive Stock of OIL PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, All at very Low Prioes, 604 AROH ST., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-8m TRUSSES!—Genuine French, o TRUSSES ( Genuine French, for Children. TRUSSES! . do .do. ' Ladles. TRUBBEB! 'Approved American Styles; - - Supporter Braces;- English Abdominal Beltsj Syrin ges, a new and improved self-injecting article, specially adapted to Ladies’,use. Also, bath-room, or hydrant Enemas; Frenoh Pessaries; Breast Pumfes; Infante 1 Narking Fl‘aka; Nipple Shells and Shields. For sale by ' CALEB D NEHDLESy’Phannaceutlst, and Practical adjuster of Mechanical Remedies, 6. W- wrner TWELFTH and RAOE SU., Phlla. Ladies* rooms—entrants* on Twelfth street, next door V»iSnr* < *oll.Bqi George whitelet, no. iss South FRONT Street, offers for sale, in Bond only— A. Selgnatte Brandy, 1867, Pale and Dark. • Jules Robin Cognac, 1866 and 1847. Unlon'Proprietors* Cognac, 1864. Pinet. Oastllllon, & Co Cognac, 1860,1867,1868. A. Camus Rochelle, 1867. Pellevoisin Rochelle, 1858, to arrive. Martell A Oo.'OoKnac,lB6s, 1861,1848. Jamaica Rum, 3 fetrs in Bond. Stefrarfs Scotch Whiskey. Burgundy Port Wine. Slolly.Madeira Wine. HCidsick Champagne, quarts and pints. ■ A fall assortment of Olaret Wine, in eases and casks, to arrive. ' jal6-Bm* PORK. —409 barrels New Hess Pork for Mla.by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., JAftOE Pt.i tmnd doerbaliw Root, Bnain*o« Carta. HEPBURN has transferred his Lair Ofßee from Owl isle, Peona., to No. 711 BAN BOU Street, (between Chestnut aud Walnut,) Phila delphia. He will attend to any business entrusted to h!s care, in the Courts of Philadelphia or in the in terior of the Btate< Philadelphia, November 24, 1858. n24*Bm SL. FOWLER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. HO US TO N, ’ Habbis Countx, Taxis. Twenty years resident in Texas. Prompt attention paid to Land JBusinesi, OhFIOK OPPOSITE THE OLD OAPITOL. Ebvbxs to—Messrs, Davis A Birney, Philadelphia, mhB*w-ly TOHE ADAMS EXPRESS GO., OFFICE, Ml 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PAOKAGKB, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTBB and BPEOIB, either by its own LINES, er in conneotion with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal fOWNS and CITIES of the United States. X. 8. BANDTOBD, 4aaml RnMrintennmtt A LEX. MoKINNEY, £ML ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENBBURG, PA. Will praotiee in Westmoreland, Armstrong and ln« liana ooontiei. sell-tf ¥. T. ADEAMB. i BRAMS h MATER, £%. ATTORNEY B AT LAW, - LOOK HAVEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the oolleo* Won of claims. KIFHIIIIOIB Gov. Wm.l. Packer, Harrisburg, Pa.: L. A. Mackey, President Look Haven Bank; General i>. K. Jackman, Cock Haven; Hon. A. Whltd, Lock Haven: Simon Soott, Lock Haven: Bullitt A Falrtherne, Phlladel- Shlaj McFarland, Evans, A Co., Philadelphia: Evans i Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hou. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia; Tenor A Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. QpjgglS, Esq,, Philadelphia. Jy 36-t/ pHARLES TETE, COMMISSION HER- V-/ CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SIGARB, (New) 188 Walnut street, second story. aul-ly Stupping. FOR THE SOUTH—CHARLES TON, 8 C., SAVANNAH, Ga., and HA VANA STEAMSHIPS. FOR CHARLESTON, 8 0. The U S. Mail Sieamshlp KEYSTONE STATE. Captain Charles P. Marshman, through in 48 to 6i hours.' JOR SAVANNAH. The U. 8. Mall Steamship BTATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, through 68 to 60 hours - 40“, Sailing days changed from every Saturday.to tmiryHVi! DAYS. Goods receded and bills lading signed every day. The splendid ffrat-olass side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a live-day com munication with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and South wist. FOR HAVANA. These ships oonneet with the U. 8. Mail Steamship ISABEL, Oaptain Bollins, leaving Charleston and Sa vannah on the 4th and 18 in of every month. FOB CHARLESTON, 8.0. The KEYSTONE STATE will sail on Saturday, January 26th; February, Tuesday, Bth; Saturday, 18th; inMarchjjrQesday, >OK BAVANkAH/ Ga. The BTATB OF GEORGIA will'sail in February, Thursday, 8d; Monday. 14th, and Thursday, 34th, at 10 o’cloek A. M. At both Charleston and Savannah these ships eon* aeet with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, &c. for all places In the South and Southwest. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an avenge of 16 per oent. below Hew Fork steamship rates. INSURANCE ' Freight andloiurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped Booth wlti be found to be lower by these ships than bf sailing vessels Cabin Passage to Charleston and Bavannah $2O 00 BtetHge “ “ <* g 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Through Tickets to Havana 66 00 No bills lading signed after the ship bas sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. • For freight or passage apply to •> ALEX. HERON. Jr J Southwest oorner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. Agentrin Charleston, T. S. A T! G BUDD. “ ’ ; Bavannah, O. A GRIMER&, CO. - For Florida,-from Charleston, Steamer CAROLINA every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, Steamers BT. MARY’S and ST. JOHN’S every Tuesday and Batarday. ja22 <£& STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER SBg POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON DERRY, without delay, for $3O. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, $6O for the round trip, oat and back. rtfOU HEW TOIK. . Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, Jan 22,12 o’clock M Edinburgh, Camming, Saturday, Feb 19.12 o’clock M. Glasgow, Thomson, Batarday, Maroh 19,12 o’clock, M. - i r&ou olaboow. Edinburgh, Camming, Saturday, January 22d. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, February 19. Edinburgh, Camming. Saturday, March 19. RATES OF PASSAGE. . ■ raOM GLASGOW. First Class i( guineas. Steerage, found wltli cooked provisions.... 8 •< fKOM BKW TOHK. First C1a55y........ $75 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions 80 09 Children under H years of ago, half fare; Infants in Swerage, free. ‘ Return tickets available within six* months, by any steamer of thle line. First Class $l4O Steerage..., $OO ‘ An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to 5 WORKMAN A CO., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. * * -'ROBERT CRAIG,'I7 Broadway, New York. HALL A LONRY, Buchanan’s wharf, Baltimore. <Jafl * THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- ■VH,* ?*o¥ mrw toxx to mvxrfooi.. ‘ ' Chief Cabin Pausge ,$l3O Second Cabin Pasmge 76 1 f FROM BOSTON TO LIVRBrOOL. » Chief Cabin Passage.,,,. $llO Beoond Cabin Passage 60 The ships from Boston calt atllalifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins, CANADA, flapt. Lane, ARABIA, Cept. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar. ASIA, Oapt. E. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, son, EUROPA, Capt J.Leltoh. . These vessels carry a dear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. NIAGARA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Jan. 26. BURO<*A, beitoh, “ N York, Wednesday, Feb. 2 ARABIA,-Stone, “Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 9. ASIA. Lott, ‘ << N York, Wednesday, Feb. 16. AMERICA, Millar, “ Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 23. ‘ Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon oa board. The owners of theeo ships will not be accountable for 'Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preoleus Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to •\ja22-tf E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. (Educational. ST. MARK’ 8 EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOCUST, west of Sixteenth. The next Session begins on TUEBDAY, February Ist, 'lB5O. , ’ ’ Information respecting the Behool may be obtained on application to Bev, J. ANDREWB 'HARRIS, Jaiitf Principal. TTtpGEHILL SCHOOL—Princeton N. J.- Jt-4 TheSixty-drstSemmi-annual termor this well* known Bohool *or Boys will open JANUARY 26. Ap plications for plaoea should be made early. ' <L24*frm&w-16t,, | ONG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, JB-iN.B. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Bts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT .—Book* keeping in allita,various, forma) preparing Students thoroughly for situation's In any branch of business: Plain and Or namental Writing: Commercial Calculations: Law and Correspondence. No institution in the United States 'gives a more thorough and practical course. In this .department no teaching is done in classes, and la open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited • MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Beparate from the above.)—Yoong Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an EDglUh and Olas-' slcal Education, vis: SpeJUng.Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetio, Philosophy, &0., Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions or five months commenoe September Ist, and February Ist. Pupils received at anytime be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis; mh2s-tf F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal PHILADELPHIA V/ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, northeast oomor of OHEBTNUT-and SEVENTH Streets. An Institution designed to fit yoong men for AOS TIVI BDSINJBS. ‘ BOABD or TBUBTMS. B. B. Oomogva, Tranola Hoskinff. Georg© H‘. fitaart, David Milne. John Sparhawk, Davids. Brown, laaao Hacker, A.V.Panons, D. B. Himoan, Frederick Brown, Joahna Lippinoott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 15th. Each Student has isditidual ix&TauoTto* !at this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the best re commendation ayoung man can have, for obtaining a good situation: , CATALOGUES may be had on application at tho College. , «eB-tf BRTANT A STRATTON’S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. PM l&delphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets,, Tor information; call o; send for circular. jel6-tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE GOMMBNOBD. S SNYDER LEIDY—JAB. M. EEIDY, • Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY, Nos/148 and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of' WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC Is made certain to every pupil that may enter. ACADEMY open day and evening. Notices. {3PEOIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers m Goodyear^ k 5 Patentfor Vulcanized Robber Suspenders, Braids, Weba.and all other fabrics and articles madaby combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ised robber are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by tar authorf ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States Merchants and dealers are invited to examine specimens now in store, and to giro their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN ER OP THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE BIGHTS IN THE , PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. ALSO, LTOBNBES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtalnod on application to mp at No. 28 COUBTLANDT Street, N. Y. n24-ly HORACE H. pAY. ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. > Wo have just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this trnly beautiful and arohiteotoral ap pendage to Ghurohes, Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where it is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to, give a ohaata and elegant appearance. Any Color may be had, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or In relief. ZIEGLER & SMITH,- Wholesale Drag, Paiut, and Gla*s Dealers, •e2S-dtf •“•'•in.HttMf Rsannd anit ftr**n eta 17115 H.—686 Barrels Nos. 1,2, and 3 Macke -B? rel. 80 do and tleroes Salmon, 40 doSeatbad, 240 do. Mackinaw White Fish. 487 do Balifaxand tiAstportHerrins. 600 Boxes Healed Herrings Also. 680 Quintals Ground Bank Codfish. for _ O O. BADLER& 00., ABGH 81., sanond dnor thnv* Vron PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPECIAL NOTIOB TO PHYSICIANS.—The aboTS offers a vehlole' for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta ges : A good and unvarying consistence, easily walhed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble (n water, henoe facilitating Instead of obstructing thoir absorption, and deej not git'rancid. Tlio lust property alone renders it do Invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at SIMSS’o laboratory and Pharmacy. fwtmn and UketeM street. Mnantantt ®j>mgani<o. FIRE' INSURANCE COMPANY, OAFITALiSTOOK, 8500,000. (ALL PAID IN.) BUBPLUS, JUNE 1, 1868, 8210,605 41, FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. WILLLIAM D. SHERRERD, Agent, jal-m w f- tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1794—Capital $200,000-rAssets, Janu ary 1,1858, $347,446.60.100, ’ . All invested in sound and available securities— oonti nue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Btook* of Merchandise, &0., on liberal terms, DIREOTOBB Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Maoalester, Tobias Wagner, Williams. Smith, Thomasß. Wattson. John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, William R White, Charles S. Lewis, George O. Carson. „ HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. William Hastes. Soorotary. je9-wfrm.tf Great western* insurance and TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE IN COMPANY’S BUILDING, 403 WALNUT STREET, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. (276 253 03. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE, MARINI, CARGO, and INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS { Oharlea 0. Lathrop, William Darling. Alexander Whilldin, E Tracy. John 0. Hunter, James B. Smith, Isaac Haslehurst, John R Vodgei, J. R. MoCardy, Thomas Potter, Thos. L. Gillespie, Qharl-a Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan J. Sloouto. C. 0. LATHROP,President. WM.DABLTNG, Vice President. JAMES WRIGHT, Beo’y and Treasurer d34-d&wtf Fire and inland risks.-fame INSURANCE COMPANY Capital; ....*lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relative to In* durance Companies, passed April 2d, 1868.) Offlce 411 CHESTNUT 8t„-Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Henry Lewis, Jr., D. B. Bin* iy, John W. Ejerman, A. H. Rosenheim, John B Elliflon, W. W. Knight. JOB W. DAT, President, •etarj. jal2-y Sflmael Wright.. ' William W. Walters, Obarleii Richardson, Jacob W. Stoat, Barclay Lippincott, George A West, . . GEOR W I. BLANCHARD, Been COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS, Dr. David Jayne, Themaa S Stewart. John M. Whitall, John M. Butler, Edward 0 Knight, Thomas W. Evans, John K. Walker, Henry Lewis, Jr., Isaac Jeanea, John Alien. OFFICERS. ■ DAVID JAYNE, President. JOHN M. WHITALL. Vice President. S. 8. MOON, Secretarr. OFFICE N. W. corner WALNUT and VOUBTH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ja7-tf Delaware mutual safety in surance COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE B. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, > To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, S INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by Birer, Canals, Lakes, and LandOarrlage, ' toal parts ofthe Union. FIIIB INSURANCE/ On Merchandise generally. 1 “ On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1868. Bonds, Mortgages, and Heal Estate..7l,BB3 86 Philadelphia Oitjr, and other Loans.... 207,066 60 Stock In Railroads and Insurance Companies 26,862 60 Bills Receivable 201,068 36 Cash on band 42,007 86 Balance in hands of Agents—Premiums on Marine policies recently issued—sad other debts due the Company.. 61,388 14 :tobs. James 0. Hand; Theophjlus Paulding, James Traqnalr, William Ejre, Jr., J. P. Penleton, Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, ' James B. M’rarland, Thomas 0. Hand, Robert Barton, John B. Semple, Pitteb’g D! T. Morgan, “ J.T. Logan, • “ M MARTIN, President. . HAND, Vice President, rftt&ry.- dl6-tf William Martln } Joseph H Seal) Edmund A. Bonder, John 0. Davis, John R. Penrose, George G. Lelper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R.'M. Huston, Wm 0 Ludwig,*' Hugh Craig,' Spencer M’llraine, Charles Kellejr, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob p; Jones, WILLIA THOg. O. HENRY LYLBURN, Seor SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, *3 40D. WALNOT Street, Philadelphia. Capital paid in (securely Invested).. ..1200,000 Borplus ; 31,450 This Company baring been thorougly reorgan’aea, is new ready to make Insurance upon all kinds of pro* perty, merchandise, tc o , against LO3B or DAMAGE BY EIRE ONLY, upon favorable terms. DIBBOTOBB. Jacob N. Keeler, Bon. 8 B. Cashing Frauds Blackburns, Charles Y. Watrous, Robert P. King, Elibu J. Baldwin, E B. English, J. A. H. Hasbrouck, George H Levis, Aaron Close, Joseph B. Btldfold JobnM. Beach, John Prentice, Matthew Hailey, Edward Wlier, Alex. 0. Lawrence P E. Birekhead, Alfred Olapp, HenrV R, Foote, Wen. S. Forbes. JACOB N. KEELER, President, Hsnrt R Foot*, Secretary. PHiz.mii.Pßia, Deo. 281, 1858 AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., A INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETVAL. . Ho. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third; Philadelphia Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, -Vessels In Port ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally ana promptly adjusted. DIMOTOSB. John T. Lewi#) Caspar W. Morris, James B. Campbell, , . Idznond 0. Dntilh, Charles W. Pooltney. GB0B&3 ABBOTT, Pren Meat. THOMAS B. MABIB. Seeretary. ja23-jif George Abbott, John Welsh, Samuel, 0. Morton, fatriek Brady, CITT INSURANCE • COMPANY, No. 310 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capita]..,..,,,, ..f300,000. Organised 1861. Privileged to Insure Houses, annaally or perpetai llv ; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive D*» posit*: hold Trust* andgrantannultlee- ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Tice President. J. W. Mahtiir, Beoretary. niaaoToae. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, • J, W. Porney, J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, O. B. Eicking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthew*, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, jelB-ly G. 9 Turner. Life insurance and trust com pany.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Northeast Comer of THIRD and BOOK Btreeta, Capital, $613,726.08, . INSURES LIVES for short term*, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chase* Ufo interests in Real Estate, and makes all eontraots depending on tho contingencies of Life. They act a* Bxecntors, Administrator*, Assignee* Trustees, and Guardian*. ctemhm. Daniel L. Millar, Samuel X. Stoke*, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Riehard B. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Haoker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kero, James Easton, Samuel 0. Huey. Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmond A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, SUis 8. Arober, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertas, Joseph H. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, John G. Brenner, P.B.Mlehler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL S. STOKES, Vied Pres’t. Join W. Houron. Secretary. nlB-ly ASTERN INSURANCE COMPANY.— jOJ OFFICE No. 0 EXCHANGE. Adthobiesd Stook OapitM/, $600,000. OBAXTWI PUBPBWAL. Fire Risks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marino Risks on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Intend Transportation Risks on Goods pet Railroad*, Canals, and Steamboats, taken on favorable term*, DIRECTORS. Andrew Cochran, Robert P. Taylor, William I. BroVn, Thomas Shaw, . Riehard G. Stotesbory, George Cookman, Peter D. Myers, Charles Btoy, Robert B. walker, ■' Jacob Reed, Jacob Lukens, W. O. Stotesbury. ANDREW COCHBAN, President. WiLLtAU I. Bmows, Viee-Preeldent. n3-tf Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia DIKEOTORB. Tboa. L. Luders, Wm. I. Loooh, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Wm. K. Hamlin, John 0. Jamea, H. 11. Shllllngford, A. J. Buoknor, 0. B. Spangler, John W. Boston. H.H. Iloaaton, William R&lguol, Wm. H. Lore, Edwin Booth, OharleaP. Norton, John Garrison, Isaao Mjer. K. 8. Warn®, President—THOMAS L. LTJDBBS. Ytoo Preeldent-E. S. WARHB. SeeretMT—CHARLES A. BUT. eelS.tf UooUbiniiing. PERRY’S BLANK BOOK AND STATIONARY BSTABLISHMSNT. S. W. OORNSB-VOURTa AND RAOH. PREMIUM AWARDED By the YRANKLIN INBTITUTR Tor Manuhcturing Superior Acconnt Books FIRMS Intending to open neir Books on the first of the Year, can Bolect from agood stock on hand, or have them made in any desired style, in asuperiqr manner. BOOK-BINDING of every description executed in the finest and most substastial manner, at loir prices. MAGAZINES hound from 50 cts. to $2.60 per volume. MUSIC bound in a new and handsome aiyle, from $1 to $3. OLD FAMILY BIBLE 3 rebound, to look and wear equal to new. PERRY’S BOOK-BINDERY, FOURTH and RACE. Oldest established Bindery in Philadelphia. n2B-2m SHOEMAKER fc 00., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Manufacturers and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES, md WINDOW GLASS, Northeast oornor FOURTH and ttAOB Streets, Philadelphia. Bole Agents for tbs sale of the celebrated Floreffe Plate Glass. mh23*lf JllbS Goshen Batter just, re ceived, and for sale by 0. C. SADLER. A 00., 49 A BOH Ot M second door below Front : NEW YORK LTNES. T iHF AND AMJBOy AND P!IILAD«r,P'A RAILSOAD 00 ’S UMS. ™ SI PHIL tDELPMA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, » » n «*Y* A* IOLLOWS, YU: PROM KENSINGTON DEPOT, Fare from Kf>n»g’n it aiy a « e. , « Depot to Now York. At 8# A. M , Morning Mail. Ken- Sington and Jersey City At 6% P. il.,jereniug Mall. Ken sington and Joraev City .. AtlltfP M., Night Mail, Ken«inte ton and Jersey City 7.... o or Srenirg Mail Line runs d»ily** The 11V Night Matlj'Safurd&jg excepted * * R ° r the 11 IS* ‘liStlth-Btieut City Paaacnger Dapof. Wl “ «“«X P““»S«n to «4 ItSu PROM WALNUT-STREET WHARP : Philadelphia. At 0 A. M. via Camden and Ambov, 0. A A. Ac****’ , coioitiod&tloQ f( $2 25 At 0 A. M , via Camden and Jersey *6lty! '(New Jersey) Accommodation 2 25 At 10 A M. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express. ..............f 8 OO At 2P. M. via Camden and Amboy, 0. & A". Ex prew ... s 00 At 3 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion—lst Class ..... 225 At 3 P. M. via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion—2d Class 160 At &% P M, Tia Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion—lst Class 2 25 At sj< P.M. via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion—2d Class i 75 Ip” Express Lines atop at Principal Stations only. *or Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, Ac.'.lit OA. M. Por water Gap, Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wllkesbarre, Montrose, Great Pend. Ac , at 0 A. M , via Delaware. Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. Jor Freehold,' at 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. Por Mount Bolly. at 0 A'. M , 3, and 5# P M. _ _ WAT LINES from*iSE&SSSS- “ 8 P -***“**■"■ BarlinKt,n’Bor of onij allowed each paaeeoger. I'aHriorigerH are prohibited from taking aoythingas bag -s™,l'. U , v' r w ?J ri »g appa-el. All b./g.ga o.arOlty ror extra. The compitytlmit their Jl f"? 1 ' 1 !' *f r Jj«gjg» to ooe dollar per pound, and win not be reliable for any amount beyond *lOO. ex cept by special centraet. ’ Janua.y 11,1860. WM. H. OATZMEB, Agent. ISlgasaaSaasgi NORTH PENNSYi.- RAILROAD.-WIN TKR ARRANDBHKNT. FOB BKTHLRHEM, DO7LEBTOWN. So , snd'lr railroad connections for EwtoA OatawltM, Allentown, Williamsport, Munch Chunk, - Almira. lUsleUn, Niagara Palls. On and after WKDNEBDAY. December 22.1868, Pa*- eeoger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Btreeta. Philadelphia, ae fellows: * For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Maaefa Chunk, Haaleton.Ao, /Express) at ..9 80JC'M. Passengers for Kaston b/this line can spend two hoars in Bethlehem, and an hoar and a half In Kaston, and return the flame evening. For Bethlehem; Allentown, Mauob Ohuok, Williams port, Klmira, and the West, (Exprere) at.. 2.16 P. M. ForDojlestown, (Accommodation) MS A. M.and 4 P. M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at — 6P.M. TRAINS’POk'PHiLAi)Bi'PHiA. Lear© Bethlehem (Express)' at 7A. M. and 6 P M. 880 P M ° 7loBt ° Wn ( Accommo< *fttioD) at 7 A. M. and Port Washington (Accommodation) at 7.10 A. „ ON BUNDAYB. Philadelphia, for Port Washington, at 0.30 A. U. Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 4 P. M. Doylestown, for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. Port Washington, for Philadelphia, at 3.40 P. M. AII Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Streets Passen ger milroad. Fare to Bethlehem, $1 60; to Manch Chunk, S 3 60 to Easton, $1 60 ; to Doylestown, 80 cents. *22 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. PHILADELPHIA. AND ELMIRA BAIL A BOAD LINE.—QUICKEST BOUT! to Elmira WUheshaire, Buffalo, Chicago, Bock Island, Niagara Milwaukee, Burlington, Montreal, St. Pauli, Detroit, Dualieth, and Bt. Louis. PMsenger 1 trains wiU leave the Philadelphia and Bead tag Bailroad Depot, corner BBOAD and YINB Streets, daily, (Sundays excepted,) aa follow* r „ . • 7.30 A. M.-DAY KXPBBBB, - For Elmira, Niagwa Fail*, Buffalo, Detrpit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Bock Island, Galena, St. Pauli, Burlington, and Bt. Louis. . .. * 1 8.80 P. H. NIGHT EXP BBSS, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo.- Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,Bock Island, Galana, St. Pauli, Burlington and Bc. Louis.. The 7.30 A. M. train runs through to HABRI3BUBG, stopping at all 'Stations on the Lebanon Talley Branch of the Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad. $698,604 70 . AMD At Rupert, for Wilkesharre, Pittstos, Scranton, and all •latlnae onihe LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMBBUBG BAILROAD. Baggage, checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge*... ' CDT Tickets oan be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Bailroad Use’s Ticket Office, Northwest comer of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot, eomerof BBOAD and TINE. THROUGH EXPBBBS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Tine, dally. (Sundays excepted,) for all points West and North, at t P. M. Freights must he delivered before BP, M. to insure their going the same day. - For further information apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Tint. Or to CRAB. S» TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. oor. Sixth ana Chestnut Streets, ool.tf Philadelphia. @91 W rS* n £ R PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTI ' ' MOBB BAILROAD. On and after Sstunlfly, December 4,1853, PASSENGER TRAINS BEATS PHILADELPHIA U^ at BA. M., IP. M., (Expnn,) and Por Wilmington, at 8 A. M., 1,8.80, and UP H. For New Oaetle, at 8 A. M., and 1 and 3.30 P. M Por Middletown, at BA. M„ and IP, M. For Dorer, at 8 A. M., and I P. M. For Soalord at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M. TRAINS POR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M., (Eipreee,) 12 noon, awl 6.40 P. M. • • nr:/. . Leave Wilmington at 7.80 and 11.40 A. M., 2.25 an 8.66 P.M. * Leave New Castle at 6.45 and 11.12 A.U., and 8.06 P. M. * Leave Middletown at 10.20 A. M., and 6AQ P.M. Leave Dorer at 9.20 A. M., and 4.36 P. M. LeaTe Seaford at 7.40 A. M., and 1.46 P. M. r TRAINB FOB BALTIMORE. Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 1.66 p. M., and 12.1 t SUNDAYS only at U P. M. from Philadelphia to Sal. timer e. De do 6.40 P.M. from Baltimore to Phila delphia. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will ran as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryvilla and intermediate places at, 6 00 P.M. Leave Wilmington for de do do 666 P. M Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 0 00 P. M no 2 8. M. FELTON, President Philadelphia, germaktowh AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1058, FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Philadelphia 6, 7#, 8 40 min., 014, 10)4.11)4 A.M., 1,2, 3, 4J6, 0,7, 8, 9,10,11)4 P. Leave Germantown 6,7, 714, 8, 9.10 min.. 10W, 11)4 A. M., 1.10 min., 2,8,4, 6, <?, 7, 8,9,10* P. Ml ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, 6* P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 6* P. M. * - * CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7)4, 8.40 min., 11# A. H., 2, 4,6,9 P.M. * n * 1 Leave Ohestnnt Hill 7.10 min., 7.86 min., 8.50 min., 11.10 A. M., 12.60,3.40, 5.40f7.40 min. P. M. , ON SUNDAYS, « Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2,6 V P. M. Leare Oheatßfht Hill 8 A. M.. 12.50, 6.20 min. P. M FOR OONBHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6#, 9,11 A. M., 105 min., 8.10 min., 4jf, 5.60 mm , 11# P. M, Leave Norristown 6,7, 9,11 A. M., 1, B#, 6.40 min. P. M. ON SUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia 0 A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 5 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia o#, 7.36 min., 9, 11 A. M., 1.05 min .2.05, 3.10 min , 4#, 6.60,7.46 min ,11# P.M. Leave Manayunk 6#, 7#, B#, o#, 11# A.M.,l#, 8,4, 6.10 min , 8.45 P. M? SUNDAYS SAME AS NORRISTOWN. CHESTER VALLEY RAIIROAD FOB DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6# a. M. and 3.10 min. P. M. H. K. BMITH, General Superintendent. DEPOT, NINTH and GHBEN Sts. reSgDffIMTT NOTICE CHESTER BSSmSTALLIT RAILROAD —PAS SENGER TRAINS FOR DOWNING TOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS —On and After let Janu ary. 1859, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN, will start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company, comer of BROAD and VINE Streets MORNING TRAIN for Downlngtown, leaves at 7.50 A. M AFTEBNOON TRAIN for DowningtoWn, leaves at 3.30 P M. DAILY (Sundays cxoepted.) By order of the Board of Managers of the Philadel phia and Reading Hatlxoid Company 030 W. H. MoILHENNEY, Secretary. onb Iron. BAMUBL T. MRBRIOE. J. VAOOHAN MBHBICX, WILLIAV H MBRBICK. • SOtJTHTVAKK FOUNDRY.’ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufaotare High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marl&e service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ao.. Cast ings of all kinds, either iron hr brass. Iron frame Roofs for Gas Works. Workshops, Rail road Stations. Ae. Retorts ana Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction; Every description of plantation Machinery, snoh as Sugar, Baw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. RUlieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer: and Aapinwall A Woolsey’sPatentCentrlfugalSagar Drain ing Machines. RU 5. y |™jgj salamander safes. IBIH A luge assortment of ' EVANS & WATSON’S PHILiDItPHI A M A NTJ FA 0 TUUID SALAMANDER SAFES. . „ , VAULT DOOBS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOCKS, Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, BDUTTERB, Ac., On as good terms as any other establishment in the United States, by EVANS & WATSON, No. 36 South FOURTH Btreat, PLBABK GIVE U 8 A OALL. OKIE0 KIE & CAPP, 223 DOOK Street, above ... w s lnut > STOOK BROKERS, ant dealers in Mer cantue Paper and securities generally. Attend the Brokers’ Board dally, and fill all orders for the nor ohaae or sale of STOCKS, BONDS, *c. ja7-ly R R. CORSON, *:*»• BEAL ESTATE BROKER. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Collections promptly made. Se2frBm NORRISTOWN, PA r*ROffISE & 00., KJ SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROKBHJS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, - nmaDaLpHii. to the Bins and Biobibs of Philadeipkli, Htrilrotiir Cities. sB 00 Sirt JJcuof Bnfea. Sroktro. HaiJroair £ines. T HE pe NNSYLVANIA central ■ fUILROAD. .1859. 1859. 1118 CAPACITY Of THIS HO.O M XQDAL TO BETWEEN PaiLADnPBIA Ajni pTTMBnRB NsrOrleuuVSl Si intermeajate points in Ohio. Indians, Illinois w*n. ’ ■ls^M^Wsh?* Mlnn6Bot *> Missouri* Ken d-44™ '“"jMung fMllitleß for the Ln 7 otheT‘oX rS UD " lr >'“» Kl for “»* “ 4 l,lneB tan **«>“«& to Pittsburg without change 0 f Cars or Conductors. 5 HilS«i n n. 0a ? att4 <*»i to each Train j Woodruff** PnRR? g n?X? fl nS? ?Mt Tra!ns ' Th « BX - DAILY : Mall and Past Linos, Sundays uA 5 J T^ r&in leaTes Philadelphia at 780 A. M. *aei bine i. 4< a oo p u EapressTrsin leaves »« HOOF U Hirri«w' S, . TBAINB I *AVE AS FOLLOWS: Columbia* A ' c<,mmo< l«Uon, Tia Columbia, 1.00 P. M. WestOheitor .. r 4 -80 p ;‘i?, - kat at>A o f- , from Eighteenth and Mar- PassenveS bW ®*» 7.40 A. M., and 3 P.M. falo“N°.g« yuiiamaport, Elmirs, But- SSS* f Kis , iSfaB. I K'i» Obi "K“J°L. I ‘ fn< * 8te “«> ou tho Aliuladppt or RJi ?“* f’SV* “ low a« any otter Routs. Pebn3rlrftn:i fl u°if' 0f j tlle (, nt«ru cocuectionl ol the raR£OT r r«S , o r^iiU o OW“ge. makes tile the uIBiUT LINE BETWESN THE BAST AMD TH3 T . „ ■ GREAT NORTHWEST. Pitl«Wi" eolm s, or f " ck " I’/ tte Railroad Bridge at to«ethB?’»ltb°‘.i g aU . tal J*S» e- ferriage of Frefght, refill, MnD ? of tilne , »ru adrautagea ?rareUllK C bnm a S “F? 8 " “ f rt,:„ r ERHGHTS WBBTWABD. -JJJJf “*®,freights of all deeoiiptloos oao be for m 4 ti.?l Piß V lolpllU 'i ,B,r York > Boeton, or Balti* ‘"rpointsutt. Baiircalsof Ohio. Kemuckr, .S e a f/ nD,,7l \ anla . BaUroa 4 tlfl o connects at Pittsburg Sort L ®°<>d» can be forwarded t« any nrtfnK^i M*“WnguD,‘ Kentucky, Tennessee. iu,aolB ‘ MiMissippi, WisccMin. Missouri! aa^SJf^ ka^»Md *ed Rivers; and at Cleveland! tte Norttweetern^a*es W B ?' mW ‘ ‘° *“ 5? d g entrusting the transports- Olr FREIGHT to any point in the fTroLSa^® ooB7^* 01 * BiUtofcd mo avail times as p sua bSi * eha *» e4 other R*«ro«l Cora- Byroad ” ParUCUl * r *° . m *! k packages “ via Penns, erchants In the West ordering goods from the Erst, wm do well to direct them to be shipped by this Route. - For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following agents of the , D A. STKWART, Pittsburg; * Doyle & Co, Steubenville, O.: H, 8. Fierce A Co.; ZanesvUle, O.; J. 3. Johnatou, Ripley,O :R. McNeely Hayaville, Ky,; Ormsby A Cropper, Portsmouth, 0.: Paddock & Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana: H. W. Brown A 00., Cincinnati, O. ;«Atbern k Hlbbert, Cin cinnati, O : B. 0. Meldrom, Msdieoa, Ind : William Bingham, Louisville, Ky.; P. Q O’Riley a Co , Evans ville, Ind ; N. W. Graham A Co., Cairo, 1U.;8.F. Bass, St. Lems, Mo.; John H. Harris,Nashville, Tenn : Harris A Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.: Clarke A Co., Ohl- W-H. H. Koonta Alton, 111.; Murphy A Waile, Dubuque, 111 ♦ or to Frefgbt AgSnto of Ball roads at different points in the West.' 8 ‘ i Parties attending .to their own ehipments from the 'wlH dnd it to their interest to call on ths Agents of the Company at the following pieces before shipping; or letters addressed to either of them ou the subject of freights, will meet with prompt attention* E J. BNEEDBB, Philadelphia. MAGBAW A KOONB, 80 North street; Baltimore. LEECH A CO., 3 Astor House, orl 8. William st:, N. Tt, LEECH A CO-. 8s KUbystreet, Boston. H. H. BOOBTON, Oea’l Freight Agent, Phlla, L. L. HODPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phils. THO 3. A. SCOTT, QenU BnpH, Altoona, Pa. Jd3-ly • SflmnasiTttnits. AVIKG FSB OENT. IK NJ TBBEST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST OOH PANY.—WALNUT STREET. SOUTH-WEST OOBSEB 09 THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. . Isooarokifio ft ru bvass or imsthtiMik. Hcmey is received in any sum, lane er small, and In# tere&t paid from the day of deposit to the day of wlth drawfcl. ■ r ■ oSce b open every day fromOo’olook ln the morning till 6 o’eloex in the evening,- and on Monday and Thursday evenings till S oMiook^ < HON. HENRY L. BENNEB, Preoldeat, BOBSBT. BSLPSI2>ei, Viee FraKnV W». f, Bnsi>, Secretary. i ■ oxnnovoMt Hoa.Henry L. Leaner, I F. Carroll Brewatev, Edward L. Carter, 1 Joseph B. Bra , Bobert EeNridgej I . Frauds Lev* - Sami. K. Ashton, I Joseph Yeikes, 0.-Lmidreth Munns,' | Henry XHfftaderffer, Money is received and payments made daily. ~ The investments are made in eonformUy with Ul psorbions of- the Charter, in BEAL ESTATE MOST HAOEB, GROUND BENTS, and such first class securi ties ad wiil always insure perfect security to the deposi tors* and which eanhot fau to giro permanency and eta billW to this Institution. anl-ly fiuUle aud U*stanrantB. TONES HOUSE, *1 HABBIBBUBS, BA., ' ■LiaAMTLt TtTBMIBBID. HOW OPBN TO YIBITOBB. mj2»-y WILLS OOTBBLT. Proprlrtoi DE LANET'S saloon and eestau- BAHT, ».' E. comer THIBTEBNTII ul OHBSTMUT Streets. FbaidelpU*. pog.gmo WM. A DB LAMJT, Brofrletor. J PROSSER'S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Street, four doors above StGBTH, South side, Philadelphia. Oysters Stowed, Rotated, Fried, Pickled, Ac., Ac., for Home Consumption and Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three o’eloAK. * 1 'oc32-tf' Cigars anb (Eobaira. r'UGABS.— 2,OOO,OOO HAVANA CIGARS, favorite brands, by late arrivals from' Henna, in Begilia, Operas, Conchas, Londres, Ac.. Ao.. in store and bond, and for sale or A. MERINO, 140 South FRONT Street. - jad-tf SFUGUET A. SONS, e Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, »e2B * . 216 Bouth FRONT Street. EUGAKO, CABANAS AHD PARTAGAS Jl BEGARS.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TSTE, (New) 188 Welnnt street, fwlow Second. Ml Second Steve CEGARS.—SOO,OOO Havana Segars, choice brands, by late arrivals, lo bond and store, fox sale by A, MERINO, 140 Sooth FRONT Street. d2O {Dines and £iqt(cfts. riHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.-A de sire to lessen the'consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effect* upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the publlo of an article which the analysation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, & Camac, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the most pnreand consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American public. -CERTIFICATE OF DR. JAB. B CHILTON. I hare analysed a sample of Chestnut-Grovo Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON. Ja.. of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am .pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. It Is an unusually pure sad fine Savored quality of Whiskey. JAMES fi. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 8,1868. Analytical Chemist, > Philadilphu, Sept. 9,1868. DuaSia: We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you .sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known las Fuslc Oil. which is the characteristic and injurious Ingredient of the Whiskeys in general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, Analytical Chemists. ToCxiiLis WHAMOH, Jr., No. 110 WALNUT Bt., Philadelphia. ocaa-dtapM KERANHIES.—“ c< Find! Castillos,” Marett, JLE and' Other Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, piue and dirk, Is half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth cub. Imported and ror sals by HENRY BOHLRN A CO., Odl tn and 90S flAwf* Fourth street. 9arfn»a«. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATIN G'. WAREHOUSE, ARNOLD A WILSON, suocasaoaa to b. a. hjlsxis o». Wo have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the Bt. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the puelle are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, Ao., Ac. We are now manufacturing OHILSON’S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to ail olasses of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Do Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sisea and patient* We have also commenced the manufaotare Oa ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Ston*. These Mantels were Awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM, ai the late frnr and Exhi bition of the franklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Ajttiqub Maxblhs. are not injured by Smoke. Coal Gas, OH or Acids, and are sold Wholesale ana Retail, at wikc* less price than Marble, Call atuf see them. . ARNOLD A WILSON. DENJ. M. TELTWJSLL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April. IRAB-apM It tTABDTVABE.—The rahecrihois, GOM “-A MISSION MERCHANTS for tlo wlo of TORSION AND DOMSBTIO HARDI7AE33. VdQli' respsctfnllj call the attention of the trade to their stOQk, which they are offering at lowest rates. Oar assortment oon lista In part of— Chains, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Oow, Fifui, Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, Ship, Vino, and Coil Chains. The celebrated <>*L” Horse Hails; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright* ” and other Anrils; Solid Box and other flees. Bbort and long handle Fry Pans; round and oral Sake Pans. ** Martin’s ” snpeiior Tiles and Baspa; Bed Screws. “Excelsior” Safety Fuse: Blasting Tubes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Scythes; Hay, Corn, and Straw Hay, Manure, Tanners*, and Spading Porks. Bakesand Hoes; Shorels and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Gloat, and Finishing Nails. Oast anil Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Locks of all slnds; Cutlery, Rams and Pomps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham* tiers, Planes, and other Tools,;&o., Ac. W. G. LEWIS &. BON, No. 411 COMMERCE Street. Stationers. DLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, O DATID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. MO WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to for nisi, either from the shema or make to order, Books of erery description, suitable for Banks, Pnbjje Offioes, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, ana bound In various styles* In the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of erery description. Bn graving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. _ .A general assortment of Ingush, French and Ameri can Stationery. . Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the franklin in'tUate, the Oommlttee say—« This display Qf blank boots for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material Is good, tha workmanship most excellent, and their finish ana an. pearaaee neat and appropriate.” noSO-ir Valencia baisins.—l67 iraiis va. 18N0IA RAISINS, landing .nd for ula bj A, HSRINO, 110 Souti »BQNX Stmt. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers