k&9Qi*fx- *:vrtWST.tSAW»tiBTOOKBtAHpnU»»MA®Ij am ,rt *HBnle,«h;ranu»rr,;*t>»»>:iBioli*ns(e' h< ■;« . !■- . - - ot UterhundMlliof the abore fcal*. non igatd aailaraUlj, li"' : ? flw drtTfoiu -4' l ej'ofie'thdt!B4ildndiitoguii;th paiapWetfOrm, i,.'psunrlM!B4UHtß»lßliißi-’; b;. j i im-BMI *«f*te JantftSd .»& r o«i Prit»t» :B»le fte ' ■ ri*t«Pvhbq!»dfortie*d-OCMaionAUy. in our Ptiblio Sul' (or wblok 1,000 coplw «* fdlttad.WMU/i)' nUOUon •tore., i:.r,- ' - ' BhtStttfflß PemoptoH 'gile—Brtutu of ' »wo», Kcr n-' ■r.f.euu -i 7.' - -* - '« I .' t4i7oo'4?«nhaylv4iHi BUta"6 p«r e«nt-loan.-' - A ltrinbtM- Pennaylruila*-Banb,'tniTked 4 th. ISSSi^^ 4 ' * l '—-- ' . > r AIM,-forOthar^ncOOUlltoH-n: .. r,-j3 n. ’ - -••’ / f» ,2();noWJ*bareti(l»l<i Bb&rfr) San FrancUoo Land iAi <4 aeration. s *. tpytiAL .v,\,V.;n.r: c: * >-• i •-.lAlio, without reserre, 4 aharei Philadelphia<and " -,.~Hawa*d»-Gr*oeBteaiaJCaw.Boat Company.. I - No;jflls ml<Jdl*>Hle, Ototral Pjreabytarion >^ ; Oh,uro)5I.so 1 .sogItheiBicgrnar 1 thei8icgrnar i oj Eighth and Cherry aire^ta • OhuMh i -mineral andAleobnnlM’ Bank of Oamden, ' ■ 4Sshhkr«> U!)I otMt and Mine BUI NatfgaUon and -Jl^^S^UP^BaUw^Oonr. J MTAMJAtKjTlaiuatr .” ! _N ! . .w rwb^VAttfAßXiß^OTB, with stone and frame dwel ‘ 'Griyfs lfod. wist ’Of the. Daibjr. tiliai.road, j * TwahtyifSurth wMd;--" l ' f ' .;; j Orptona’ 0 ->urt .Sals—Estate ofJafflesMorrow,‘deo’^. ; t ,TinU& BBIOK OyrSLL|NQB» Owpn ' atr«d&, bat^ieii ; '.ThUt«enth 'and Broad' and JCtqmbidrd - andfioath atttrtttrl-''- ’‘- ' ;> , i • Aaaljraee’a Peremptory Sale. - ' * « . v ' TRAOTrOrrEAUD* be ‘ woodland IhMontrose co tin t▼, Arh ass as BamoßrtatO-yrvi TOWN- IK>TojfSonth OoTlngt^ • KMto*ttfotyvKy.*' *- * At; - j •’ f 1 ' * / -BaniaEiUt#—TBAOTOFLAND.IQO aorea. aitnateln BtnftOhcounty,lowtf;‘- ,! - 4 j - - SamirlJstatei-TBAOT Oy.LAND, 80 aorea, iltuate in - r ' A *. - f : - TRAOTJOP JLAND, K 0 aoraa, altua[te iA LO’irlfl county. Mlaaouri. •' . ; ' '—-fianw-E^tato^fAßM' nf flBoL;aora<;, part .woodland,' •/ ; wl^ r t«/s>«to2TbHek dwelllbg/lorahdmnia barn, i ! CT- y ntl 'paiticalara ; of - Oaeh of tho aboTe fnhand* 'bUISi 1 ; iiio *.iU u . 'j H 3 ' UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC OIJ?T. N. Jf -1 rrMPhv prbttttylcDOwa ullhi 'i.\mi£d - j6B ■ feet frootbj 4tlfeetdeep, with* wing .40 b f 210 feet jlf ... Eoaratotiefl high, with 140 large sleeping apartments,' ; Situate on a square of ground, 860 feet fronton the rail*. ,roadbjr~6Qo feet square of.ground laid oht '. 1-aii perk; SBOfeet front by 600 feet deep to the ocean: VrCtohUkinlo* 1 ' j ’ v . c Executor’* P*r*mptOT7;fjal*--E*t*s6:of- Jacob, Korn* J / T y-\' { 7*toTe"£sddvellftij, No/918 South'Becbiid' street. south Vdf-OhHitUa Street; *• ‘ A C P -fiamV« r IsUte-Y ALU ABLE ~.£U9INKBB JBTANdU store hnd dwelling (with granite front two.jtoriei^ad joining the' abotey being No. 015 South /Same'Estate—BUSlNESS STAND— I Two-storj frame * store and dwelling, adjoining the above, being No. 017 : , T': 7* - - : Same Estate—SEVEN. FRAME DWELLlNGS—Chris tian street, between'Second nod Third streets. > Same Estate—TWO FRAME DWELLINGS. Chiba . .7 streetTbetweeh Front and Second aireeta, (Sputhwark ) }*'?? A r FIRST 7 for ~sX,Boo.'secured' by. two - threeiatorr VrleE dwellings; Brown'Streety '(Nineteenth Ec3 wii>d.).fThe?tille}tapeni jnay be at theAuctlon w ‘Bqo4ns._ ”y_' • ~THBSB--BTOBY‘BBiaK BTORE AND. DWELLING, r ' l Nq.11219 Lit Ge Washington street, bfetweenTw<>lfth and ■Thfrtoeqth.andP.rime.aad Federal streets, with & fauna SUbWto thoJW.' i3 -j t>j- ;.lJ > f .V- 1 { * ,t«BOlStt> BENT $6 A TEAR—A well-Moured yesrlj • J! iW«aWia-A ground rent of JiB b year.-elear Of taxes. 1 . _ -VALUABLE .PROPERTY Stores, dwellings, , -- N0«.a746«n4-.1.74% Market/ southeast, cornerpf •- 1 Elghteinthatwet. ofrositertln Media Railroad,Depot; and Noe 6,.7,and.9, Bouth Eighteenth. a treat,-below Mar ketstreet.' Tobesold together? } »BOBINESB-£TANDB-r.fhree-*tor7 brick tavern and dwelling, southeast xornet ofßccond. and Shippen cr.itreWs ? ; ■ ; BAKERY AND .DWELLING —Three-story ' brick bakery 'and - ' dwelling,-Ehippen' street, adjoining .the above. ' • *'T. - I V-. >' V' * ~.RKALJ2STATE,BALE—JANUARY 11th d i j ;./.r : , . i /UAllKET'Jt^EllT^—First-rate. r Da»inwtaJLocatiqn. '—Building* lot*,* north of Market street, between ..strqefcK.to he sold -peretop -torily. rTbebaOdlng formerly on it wm burned* - ’BRIOK'StORE AND DWELLING* .-northwest comer of Ileventh and Christian streets;. ' Peremptory, BRICK DWEL* South Seventh street, with.tbroe-story - PrpLana’ OourJ gajp—Estate of Joseph Purvis, DcoM." » <THRM r BTORY BBIOK DWELLING, Ne.« 7 North ; :i^ts;/Bd''VeU side of .Duke street, northeast of 801b* ‘ - md trfak i oin&CQpr .jbbjok be. SlDENCi,mat|iwp»t Mnur Of.Syfnn .ml Twentieth utreet«. r(Tr .- f '''j’ ) ’* r^'; J ) r ,' a ’., *, t ~ • VALUABLE PKOPERTIES, GERMANTOWN, Main stnet,. Washington Una, Shoomaler’fl Lane, and r:® Main street with coach* * j?. hgusq,garden, *o.ylotAlOftetpnMaihfltreeti 224 feet .-.lolnches deey-thrcs fronts:- - ;* ' % , :;BJIApPNAO^- u STBEET.—BIx .'timi-gfocr‘.brick dwellings flbarpaaqk<street}tsear,.-Uain>street.. They will be sold separately. T [ ..vvMAINvSTRRBT*—Neat. stpne • residence,‘with coach" ' Ju>u§£ Mam street;-;nearly opposite the splendid iiesl j‘-denceof George,.Wy Oarpenter, Kiqj. ; , t , 1 2ffiosll£kß*’B LANE.—Fire large Aodnyaluabie* or J?trou streets ;WiU jb**>}d’ separately/ Theyare opposite handsome improvements. LAND.-Valuable-end beautiful i:“Muntry Mat, acres vjrith-baDdsomQ-Jmprovemerjtfl, one fruit orchards, Washington Lane, near the ( Town* * mtltrtm Hill - of-sai*-the whole-of-the above estate—- owne* ;«elli oh account of removing Sr/rom Germantown;- s,«a. r„. *> , *. 4 { *.\- parttcnJars in handbills. - { OF.: A - weU»secured groupd-rspt * jear^ ~ BALE OF PpPTOAK' AND MISOeL • - ANDBBAYEB books, vu./,. -v - : . v, < Hec.ia, ct,the.ea'ctTon.st->re,;an'-assortment of mis* ■ , flenaue.ourTforkfl,;bible« afld prayer' books, jayenile - ;works, Ac - r:;'-'; 1 -; 7 -. ' ■ *AV B'e’clockj valuable microscope from 20 to 600 , diameters. -, : f .„ >. ' BALB.Oif YaUJABLK BOOKS—A.POBTiON FBOM December 20tby at a'colleetfonW valQ*blejaUcel!aaeous wprks,.a portion frotnVJibrary. •t |o* , >«i*pijrti6nl*r<'io4 fotelogucs?' * - ■ -’• Bile it Ncn: 189 and i4l fttntk JoirthgireM. . BIJPEBIOB JTOBNITDBK, PrASP*?OBTK, BXN.H ,:»BEHCn ?£ATB-MIBROBS, BBUSSBLB OAB •■' ;RStS,' *• • ‘ ”',rv-' - ; ‘' c '• Or Thttwda3f^^ornhJ^, i ; , - ; : ‘ ; j - ■' o , clook,' >t;th«'ariotlon ‘ : Btor«j an extensive ' assortment Of excellent seoond-baadfarnitnfe, elegant SUno-fortos, fine mirror*, carpetl, etc;,'fom families eeliningbousekeeplag, removed to c the store for coh vanißnce of_s&le. BY *HV 9I‘JBBB>-t<JBNBEAI4 COMMISSION fiTORB, No. jtf •■--?J c _A> ILISOK. l Atwtto D ew ; - SUPERIOR* HOtTgREOLD' fURNITURB, PRKNCH PLATED MIBttOBS*’ BItOBSEtB/ANDIN(*RAtN ‘ S^?£SI%#?SSP^ B f W° BITTER > ./:,PLATROwWARB,*Ao.‘'' 07% 7*- ; 7' , I rt - Ott l \v«dji®sdiy Morning,' ,v ~ l By c*talogue,at theiactfonatore, at 10 o’clock, will u be add a large assortment pfsoperlop,rosewood bouse -9 btildforniture; mirrors.* carpets;'Ac,' •/' ' ; PIANO PORTE] MUSIOAt BOXiAc. . .Also:'at'lljo’cloek; wie' goperlor - mahogany. case J piano forte, made by H4llett',Davis, : '& Oo'., Boston, 7 > . relate, In ftoe order. .... £7V ‘7 ‘ ' , pstsst, v.vs j new aad-woopd-hand house • t bted farafture rpbi&^fdrt^]; oArte t« ,'watci es, Jewelry, ‘ ! Ac,, respectftilJy’iblidtedA on /Whicii liberal cadi ad* . . ranges, willbe made.’if required; .77,...' 7 t '' ‘ Oatdoor.ikle* attena&Tta promptly. ■ Charges S M moderate as any other, ln this city.,., ' J, 1 M..GITMJ£Ey EBONS', CJ f..< V • • BEAL ESTATE ATJOTIONEEBB; v.*"' ; ; - - , qnms 1 ’J nomine* Bittaj 'oooUoneen, : will C,l Sljiwkufliiuvn A* PRIVATE bale?' ’ ' | . KT On our Pri?»te'Mießegift«r-*UI bb j.? found?am<mnt;of indadiog —era? description of oJty end conimy propflrty• ; , -i A -W*-> BealßiUWPrOker*. j ' 'h /i».s jaiMtoEff; KATfrAgfl, atotiqneer, v> jSWnt' n6n,T:i6ls orriois. Vo.' m sontn ij<w*D o,jk»lM Pmx it., oal, *ai WjS P --. ~i£! M> Dlf aSlws» ** w*t*'watehmw \ tmw effected tor tti ban>flt of »I 1 p»terfciV«ftfift feSS • advanced uixm: r JilXi? £&&f ?) • *i^’ ■- . *xw ■*•; ft# 1 , iUiWsSiHte 1 3 , v«rt i5 ,■:;{ i . •• •’ .~dS *.«?<*, br.tihl&u; j .I;?-* .Mi SSB!S£I « ?do < iimS. ~ ’-. ‘ .-WM e-ivSßpflgMl.jAsJroTe'MLmwlMn BliJeiis.i,,-,. • ;• “S ' l*' ««3»nj ' ~' M>9 J •*#««»«-.<* Jijdnuit nFSffiCBfppQHD.-i AUOTibKBEKV -No. ■J«_JBQ ,MABK*T BTBMT, betwe.n ntIB ul iWßElteawMi m>! _ ‘C AWE SALE “OP > BSABT-lilAtui - CLOTHING, mi «i i v.oloths. oassiubbes; &o. taum ’ TStll lnßtßtlt, Bt lOV^plock'/by 1 CRt»loguo, will bo sold Will be r sb!aj bv catalogue, - about 800 {oases boots, «Aoe|; (|nrn , iho.«. &o:vl«wiJbli ‘.the BttonUon of pnr- BY THOMAS BIKGH/AUGTr'ONEtSE; TITI BBOTHBRBMBAML„ ■-■ . OBSMABBUei AND ALABA6Tftt I VAbEP, ÜBNB, GBOUPS, FIODEEB, CARD RKOKIVERB, JEWEL HOLDBBS, BRONZES, o PARIAN WARE, BOHE MIAN GLASS, OHOiOB FANCY GOODS, Ao., will .be continued w-. -.,5 7 r"f “ Oa TVedneoday Ef.nlng, U7“ is now, arranged for examine* B,.;J3GOT^ No. 481 e CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Custom Souse, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets.' —-LARGE SALE OF FURS.* -jMvmoi'S* Tliia Morning, - *•*•'*. Bv catalogue, a large Bale of vatuable furs, in sets, foriadieji’ t wfat* consisting of.real Hudson Bay sable ;cloiks,.mtnk and stone martin sets, capes, muffs, aad cuffs .to match,'Hudson Bay-sable-mufls, fitch and Si* berlaa.Mti.,&c.. , r , * ■ . s Als6, ermine kern for and mlssea > wear. 1 r. .f; -ROBBS. • - Also, 60 large sized buffalo robes. -. tLT Simples and catalogues early on the morning qr kale. _ PEREMPTORY'CLOSING SALE OF GERMANTOWN r w •_ goods •, . , , * ' * . ■* bn.Wedueaday Morning, , , ..-December 29tb,'oommenoing* ht-IO o’clock, by oata* logue r a large';6tock of Germantown knit goods, com* Ji rising the entire .balance of stock of a flrat-olass menu* actnrer. , The: iaie will comprise ‘- -Jr ,JCHOOD3,NUBIAS, BIGGOLETB. - p Zephyr knit -op.erq hoods, children’s school hoods, aephyrrlggolettes. nubias, . , . . - ' - SHAWLS, BASQUES Aim, ladies’, and .children’s wool knit shawls, Jackets, talmas, and basque's" BOARFS LEGGINGS, GAUNTLETS. Gents’ and children’s extra size sephyr soarfs, boas, and comforts. - , - Also, gauntlets and leggiDge. Also, ladtea’arid gentaVmerinbj oottpn, and wool hose and half-hose','cbHdreh’e eoarlef spot andjplaid hose, &o. Cj^'The whole will be -krringed for examination, with:catalogues, early os-the morning of sale. ■ . SALESROOM* ' V-*< . 222 { MARKET STREET," BETWEEN SECOND ANDjTHIRD STREETS. F.~Q. WOLBERT, AuorioKa— enJRNESS; BRINLEY, & 00., f No. 429 MARKET STREET. * MOSES NATHANH, AITOTIONEEB .LiA aND OOMMISSION MERCHANT, 0. X. oozner HXTH and RAGE Streets. , f ? 4 ... great public Accommodation. '‘ o M6NXY! f *'; y MONHY! ! . MONEY! !! * Money liberally advanced In large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, oh gold and silver plate, yratohes,, jewelry, • fowling-pieces, musical instruments,*furniture, .dry goode.-, olothing, groceries, olgarSj hardwaro, cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, her* nessjandallaftlole's of value, for any*length of time agreed on, at Nathans I’'.Principal 1 ’'.Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth-and Kece streets. , . PROMIOBORY NOTES,'with, oollateral, discounted at the lowest market Viteß. ’ . NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL-ESTABLISHMENT, 8. B. CORNER OF SIXTH AND RACE STREETS, : Where mcmeywill be liberally advanced on'gold and silver plate, diamonds, . watches, jewelry, fowling* Eleces, dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, oigats, ardware, cutlery, fancy articles, mirrors, paintings, engravings,- musical instruments,-furniture, bedding, horses, vehloles,-harness, stocks, and all other artloles of value. ' " *■ ■' .a?. i OUT-DOOR SALES. Personal attention given to all out-door sales, either 'at private dwellings, stores; or elsewhere, and oharges unusually low ’' * •" - fiegol Notireo. IN THIS COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA ----- - ; : I , REYNQLD3 ,ti. REYNOLDS —Sab Divorce. March Term',' 1858,N028. And nor December iBtb, 1858, on motion of J. SERGEANT PRICE, Eeq., Attorney for Libellant, the Cenrt grant a rulo on tbe Respondent to show cause why a decree or Divorce should not be en tered in above case.' : Returnable on SATURDAY) January let, 1859, at 10 o’clock A. M, Sir—You will please take notice of above rule! To—Mr. EDWARD J. REYNOLDS, Respondent. J. SERGEANT WOE, Attorney for jQßllant.; d2I-tn&th2w- JJoliico. ©PECIAL notice:—Dealers in Goodyear’s Patent for Vulcanized' Rubber Buspenders, Braids, Webs. and all other Fabric? and articles made by combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ized rubber are notified that unless the same are properly .stamped or.labeUed.with myname, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in, the United States Merchants and dealers Are invited to examine specimens now'in' store: and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the Undersigned, EXOLUBIVE OWN ER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all thft styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others.- ALSO, LTOENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtsined on application to me at No. 23 COUBTLANDT Street, N. Y. *-,n24-ly .....I .V,. * r , HORACE H. DAY. iTorSole nub to £ct. rj£o IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MIIROHANTB. TO LET, The FlT«*«tory BBOWN.STOHK WABMOUBI, ' No. 46 Booth BKOOND Street, NKAB CHESTNUT STREET, Suitable for the PACKAGE, OR OTHER BUSINESS. RENT BOW—For e Term of Tean. Foueuloa giren Jen aery let _ APPLY ON dJ-lm .FOR.SALE—A-handsomd, new throo .BaUtorj BRIOJS DWELLING, with thr«e-s'oiyl»Ui .buildings, {• finished throughout in first-olaas style, and has all the modern improTements. located' on TTYEN TIBTfI Street, above Rue, And will be sold a bar- Klin. -. Apply to BURTON ft LANING, No. 602 ARCH Btraet. .. - oIS-U f/ai FOR RENT.—The second and third 'Seafloors of the new marble building, Nos.-lO and 21 Booth FOURTH Street, 2d feet front and 20 feet deep. Apply on the premises to -,«4MJaI : \ * : TEMPLE,. BARKER, A CO. FOR ? RENT—Tho : DWELLING No. 619 LOOUBT Street! (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of Januarj7lB69. The house is three stories high, with basement, baoh building, &0., nowoccupled by J. W. Porney. Apply at the office of The Press, or at ihe house, t • •• n023-tf mTO LET—The large, well lighted, and eligible STORE, No.' S 3 'outh SECOND Street, whloh will be vacated by the undersigned on the first of January, Bent very moderate. Apply to _ c , nol6-tf A. H. ROHHNHEIH & BROOKS, is above. fTIO RENT.~On the Ist January next;- the - superior-and ezteniiire R00M3,(2d, Bd, 4th and 6tirHoors, each 21 feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 683 MARKET Street. ’. The building Is one of the One improvements on the upper side, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Btreet. Applyon the promises. -•- nol*tf M TO BENT, a STOBE on DELAWARE Avenue/ below. VINE’ Stmt, running through to Water Street. 148 feet deep* 'Also; the'Double STORK, oorner of THIRD andQUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one: of the best legations • for large Basinees in Phila delphia. Afro, STABLE and OOAOH-HCTCBH in OHSRRY Street, above SEVENTH, In rear of Ash land House.v Apply at 278 South F9UBTH Street.: .. ./" V’< se29-Bm* :. (Kigarfl attO ©obacco. R 'ft SCOFIELD, IMPORTER OF HA • YANA- OldAßB—La Normaudes, La Eire Flys, La Rttfcafl.f Igaros,‘Marla Antonleta, Pressed; Flor de Rio Seco Regalias, Plor de LaPss, Jose Ha. Vioh&ta, Oamplimentos, and many other .brands of superior qua lity, at reduced-prices, No, 887 Chestnut street, under Girard House. -■ * dd-lm jH FUGUET& SONS, ►3.'. Importer, of HAVANA CIGARS, ■toSB , , .... ~. 216 BonthFRONT Btre«t, fpIGAHO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS R; BEGARB.—A' choice'invoice of these'celebrated brands on board brig “ New Era,” dally oxßeotedfrom Havana, and tor ealeiow, by CHARLES TETE, „,, , (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, ' Ml Second Rtorv eanrattonal. *f r OKG»S SPBINGGABDEN ACADEMY, •X-4N: S.'corner EIGHTH "and BUTTONWOOD Ste. ; commercial department.—Bookkeeping in all, its various fonns; preparing Students thoroughly fdr.rituations in'any branch of business; Plaid ana Or natyental,Writing j Commercial Calculations: Law and Correspondence. ..No institution in .the United States gives a.more thorough and. practical course. In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open .DAY and EVENING.' Time unlimited . MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART- from the Above.)— Young Men and Boys are'prepared for any grade of an English and Olas *i ealidti cation, vis i.Spelllng, Beading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, he.. Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions ©f five months commence September Ist, and February Ist: Pupils received at anytime be fore or, after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis' mh26-tf . ‘ 'P.DQNLEAVY LONG, Principal 'N^BITTMNDiLN , f; PHILADELPHIA v/ OOMItiSRoiAL . COtLZGK, aortheut corner of OHKBTNUT cnd 01VKNTH Bfreete.. . ' An-Institution designed to fit yodng men for AO5 mBBUSINBBB. - - . - , j:.l. . Of TRUBTKKB. B; B.Oomegvs,- frenois Hoskins, Gsbrge H. Sthart, David Milne, John Bparhawk, - , 2 --i -Davidß. Brown, Isaac Hacker, , ■ ‘ . A. V. Parsons, D. B. Hinman, , £ - t . frederlok Brown, Joshua Llppineott. ; -EVENING OESSIONS after September 16th. dbteh fitudpnt has mnmnijan iFsmooTiog Jat this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the best re Commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a K9®i*ltn»«on. - . » t . OATADOGUXB .may be had on application at, the iM -J ; . ' ■ , . . seB-tf -|»»rANT,* STRATTON’S OHAIN OF “ATIONAt MKROANTrLB COM-EGRS. PM Ss?ffis!!i^S U!l 8 8 i B ou«iairt oorner SEVENTH and Street.. For luform.tlon, esll or eeud for lviftnHC, gggaiONß HAVB oommrnoeik S ' SNYDER. LEIDT—JAS; M. LEIDY, •--Prindinu tfHannr bbothem’ academy.’ ;Sfe°atoowT4. of IXTH ■ TRBET ’ De " Rao8 ’ WRITING,’ BOOK-KKKPING# and ARITHMETIC Is madooertain to every pupil that may enter. r i>AOADBMY open day and evening, • ntfXi jSferOS-itAKYNG SfACHINE, WHICH xIjD ;makes.theßricks andteinper the clay, mtkes from -gua to three thousand per Upwards of thirty in use. Patented February Bd, 1868. Machines and rights 'for said.' Counties, or one-fonnh of tho' Patent, will be so d.- Known to b» the.only practical one In use. Ad drMß q: oarnRLL. Gsrmantown vogd, above Fifth THE TKESIUy. DECEMBER 28, 1858. .SRflitiessQEatft# -CAMUEU-HEPBURN has transferred bis >3 Law .Office from Carlisle, hernia.; to No. 711 BAN SOM Street, (between Ohestnutand Walnut,) Phila delphia. ‘He will attend to any. business .entrusted to bis care, in the Courts of Philadelphia or in the in terioroftbeStato.-; t Philadelphia, November 24, 1868.' n24-Sm rSAAO T. BEDFORD, BRICKLAYER » No. au PEAR Btreet.bMk of 2l» WALNU T St. neerthe Eidhengej reeldenee BJI NOBLE Street. Bangers and Heaters built and repaired, and all kinds of Brick Work done . ’ * ‘ ' ... Older? by .Despatch Post promptly attended to. -Best of reference. , ,'nol6-2m* AOAMS BXPRES3 00., OFFICE, -I- 820 OHSaTNUT BTRIE'F, forwards P ARGILS, PACKAGES, I ,MI!BOHANDIZS,, BANK NOTES and SPEClE,'eltherby its own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNB and CITIES of the United States; , E. O..SANDFORD. - Raneral Bnnarintanneatt _ A LEX. MoKINNBti XJL ATTORNEY AT LAW, - grbensburg, pa. Will practice' in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In diana cottnUei. sell-tf F. V.-ABIUITS. 1 0. A. MAYIB. A BRAMS A MAYER, ; jljL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, Pa., . Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of olaims. t ’ ,BiPxxßita»B. Got,. Wm. F. Packer, Harrisburg, Pa.! L. A. Mackey, President Lock-Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Look-Haven p-Hon.: A.’Whiter Lock Haven: Simon Scott, LockAHaven:! Bullitt, (c JTalrtherne, Philadel phia: McFarland, Evans, A Co., Philadelphia: Evans t Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price. Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, 1 Taylor, & .Co., Philadelphia; Tener ,Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Qufggle, Esq., Philadelphia. jy 26-tf /CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER KJ CHANT And Importer of HAVANA BEGABO, (New) 188 walnut street, seoond story. aul-ly ( AUMAN A RABORG— A-J Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI 9UORB, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets iel9-tf . (Cabinet Ware. fJIHE LARGEST DESK DEPOT IN THE UNION. HOGUET 4 HUTTOS, (Successors to J. T. Hammltt,) ‘MANUFACTURERS OF A. L. ADAMS’ IMPROVED DESK RAOK. No. 269 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. OFFICE, BANK, and SCHOOL FURNITURE. EXTENSION TABLES, BOOKCASES, «. . . WARDROBES,' 40.- .. . dB*3m oen)ittfl iHarijiiua. HARRIS’" BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE Jb offered to the public as the most re liable low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from six to sixty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrics. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical construction ever made, andean be run and keptinorder by a child of twelve years of age. The durability of this machine, and the quality or its wobk, are war ranted to be nnßurp&Bsed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per mi nute. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, WITHOUT THB TBODBLB OP BEWINDIBO. In fact, It is a machine that is wanted by every family in the land, and the low prico of THIRTY DOLLARS, at which they are sold, brings them within the react of almost every one . 8. D. BAKER, Agent, d2O dfim W-eow-6m 28 South EIGHTH Street. GROCERIES. —C. DO'NOGHUE, 16 S. WATER Street, offers for sale, to reduce his stock during this month, at reduced prices for Gash, Philadelphia and New York Steam Refined Sugar and Syrup of various grades, Prime Coffee, Cuba and New Crop New Orleans Molasses, Sifted Pepper, and Ada mantine Candles. d9-lm* QOOD GROCERIES, AT FAIR PRICES!!! OHAS. H. BTATTSON, Southwest corner TENTH And ARCH Streets. Hu on hand, and is generally receiving THE BEST OF GROCERIES, which he will sell at the moat REASON ABLE PBIOE3 FOR CASH. Haring a LARGE and CHOICE ASSORTMENT^BLACK and GBEBN TEAS, he is oonfldent of being able to salt, both in quality and price, all persons in want of-the article, in quantities of from one pound to the half chest. His general assort ment embraces everything in the way of FINE GRO CERIES, and he would respectfully invite all in want of good articles to give him a call. Xt.will be worth the trial ' , nSO-lmn rjIHE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORS. PATRIOT BRADY. I PLINY FIBK, ‘ ALEXANDER HENRY, GEO. L HARRISO' I , A J. PLSABONTON, “ ITVIIiIiXAM NBTIifiOWi WM. H. STEWART, |3. B. CRAWFORD. 'PATRICK BRADY, Present. 8. B. CRAWFORD, Vice President. WILLIAM NBILSON, Secretary. CLIFFORD 0. PHILLIPS, Warehouse Keeper. THE WAREHOUSING - COMPANY OF PHIIjZD’A ABB FBBPARED TO RECEIVE GOODS* ON'STORAGE, Whether In Bend or Doty Free, at Current Bales, and will isene receipts or warrants therefor. Application may be made at their OFFICE, IN LAUREL STREET, Lately occupied'by the United States Custom House, or at their premises, bettor known as the TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, DOCK STREET, jg NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An Extensive Stock of OIL PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, AUat very Low Prices, > 004 AROH ST., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-8m ’ - JJ| ANIL A AND JUTE ROPE. OORDS, TWINES, 38T0.« Manufactured and for sale at the lowest New York prices, by WEAVER, FITJLER & CO., No. S 3 N. WATER Street, and 22 N. WHARVES. nol7-2m JjIIKST PREMIUM AWARDED B 7 TBS FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER, 1838, TO THB WEST PHILADELPHIA STAKCH-MANUFAOTURING COMPANY FOE THBIR UHHITALLBD PEARL STARCH AND CORN FARINA. THOMPSON, CLARKE, A YOUNG, 130 and 133 South FRONT Btre.t, n 37 • tf A rents for tho Oompany. AMD IMPORTANT DISCOVER Y PRENTISS’S WASHING AND SCOURING soxjUTXorr. PATENTED JUNE 22, 1868, 1* • v- This important discovery has just been patented by the United States, and It is now confidently recommended to Manufacturers, Housekeepers, and others. It Is a labor-saving preparation, and costa leas than half of any other artiole known ftr cleansing purposes. While It oleansei, whitens, and purifies Ootton, Linen, and Woollen goods of every description, it will not injure the most delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have been given by some of the leading manufacturers of the country, as well as by many reliable housekeepers and citizens. Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale by SAJIUEL GRANT, Jb.,& GO., 189 SOUTH WATER STREET, FjIILADILPHrI, jy22*thtu 1 CAUTION. VJ PRENTISS’S WABHING AND SCOURING SOLU TION.—The undersigned would caution the pnblio against tho purchase of Liquid 'Washing Solutions, pur* porting to be Similar to] or equally effiolent with, his. The undersigned is protected by a patent In the menu* factor oof the only article which can be safely and effi ,clentiy used, Spurious imitations have been-got up, Vtiichwltl prove inefficient lh.cleansing, and deleter!* ous to the fabrio, , Grocers and, retailers'should be careful not to purchase tho Washing and Scouring So* lutlon except of us, as they will otherwise render them selves liable as infringers. Purchasers should be’oare* ful to pufcKiae ONLY PRHNTIBB’B SOLUTION, ' as they will thus arold all risk of destroying the fabrics washed. Oonclusive’proofs edn be furnished that this article will not injure the fabric. ' flflptSO-SmG-th&tn ILIISfi.—6B6 Barrels Noa. X, 2, and a Macke- X 1 rel. 80 dp and tiorces Salmon. ,40 do flea Shad. , f 248 do Mackinaw White Pish.' 487 do Halilak and RAstpbrt Herring. 600 Boxes Scaled Herring. Also, ; 630 Quintals Ground Bank Codfish, sale by ' O O.SADLBB&OO., > ' 4>BGH donrfthpTP ?«■ 1 BouitißS iFtmte. » A little, But often,'fllirftho Pur«q.» XiIRANKLIN SAVING FUND— P No. 386 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. Depositors’ money scoured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, &o. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with de positors’money, but have it atalltimesready to return with 6 por cent, interestto the owner, as.they have always done. ThisGomp&nv never suspended. Females,married,or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right* and such deposits can be withdrawn only by-their consent ’ Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to reoeive mo ney f ora trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 8 o’clock, and on Wednesday evening, until 8 o’olock. DIBEOTORB. Jacob B Shannon, Cyras Gadwall&der, John Shindler, George Russell, Malaehi W. Sloan,, . Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedler, Jos. H.Satherthwaite, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. Lippincott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President, Otbuh Oadwa.li.idir,* Treasurer _JU IB-jr ’ . i “ A Dollar saved.is twlco earned.” r|!HE STATE SAVINGS FUND, NO. 341 DOCK STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. Money received Dailt, and every MONDAY EVENING, ‘ os DiroaiT, IN BUMS LARGE AND SMALL, PAID BACK DAILY, FROM 9 O’CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O’CLOCK P. M, OKFOBITOBB OAK DRAW THKIX MOSSY ST OXIOXB, AS IS BANK, ir DESIBBD. GEO. H. HART, President, OHAB. G. lULAT, Treasurer, J. HENRY HAYEB. Teller. THE SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. - . . (OXAIYIIBD BY'fXX LIQISLAYUIB OV PfflS YLTAXIA.) . . PERPETUAL OHARTER, FIVE PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositor*, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand. omox, 881 NOBTH THIRD STRKIT, (Oomsolidatiom Bjjtk Buildiko.) This Institution if now open for. the .transaction of business; and ifcthe only 0 bartered Baying fond located In the northern part or the city. The Office will be open (dally) from 0 to 3)1 o’clock) and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 unti i 8 o’olook in the Xrenlng. ' HANAGIBB. John Kessler, Jr., James B. Pringle, Jacob Doek, Joseph M. Cowell, J. weeloy Bray. Robert B. Davidson, . P-. 0. SUxnafcer, John P. Yerree, George Kneoht. JAHIB B. PRINGLi; ;ORN. - ap2l-im Prederiok Klett, Stephen Smith, JohnP. Levy. Hon. Henry K. Strong, Daniel Underkofier. Hon. Win, Millwara, Frederick Btaake, Pianola Hart, Joseph P.LeOlew, Presided Secretary, GBOBGB T. 1 CRAVING FTTND—FIVE PER CENT. IN -13 TBBKST—NATIONAL BAPBTY TRUST COM PANY .-WALNUT BTRBBT, SOUTH-WEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. _ IXOQBPOBATBD BT THI BVAXBOV PnTXBTLTIBIA. Money la received in any no, large or small, and In terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. 1 Theofiee la open every'day from D o’clock in tike morning till 6 o’clock In the erenlng, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till S o’clock. HON.. HENRY L. BBNNBB, President, , BOBBBT BBLJRIDGB, Tice President. Wtf* J. Bsbd, Secretary, ‘ ,' ; ; nußdcoMi Hon. Henry L! Benner, P. Oarroll Brewster, Bdward L: Garter, Joseph B. Barr , Robert Selfridge, . . Francis Lev, Sami. K. Ashton, Joseph Yorker, ■ O. Landretb Mnnns, Henry Diffenderflcj. Honey ia reoeived and payments made daily! The investments Are made in eonformity with the provisions of the Charter, in BEAL XSTATB MOST GAGES! GROUND BENTS, and such first class securi ties u will always insore perfect security to the deposi tors, and whioh cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. anl-ly < CRAVING FONP.jr-UNITEO STATES >3 TRUST COMPANY, «&ner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. . , : Large and Small rams received, and paid baok on da* man*, without notloe. with MV* MR OKNT INTBB ■BT from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 0 until 6 o'clock every day. and on HONDA? KVBNINGS from T until 0 o’olock. DRATTB for sale on Ingland, Ireland, and BooUand, from £1 upwards. President—BTlPllJH B. ORAWJOBD Treasurer—FLlNT TIBS. Taller—JAMSß B. HUNTBU iioolibinbing. PEBRY’S BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND BAOE. PREMIUM AWARDED Ilj the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE for Manufacturing • Buperior Account Books FIRMS intending to open neir Books on the first of the Year, can select from a good stock on hand, or hare them made tn any desired style, in a superior manner. BOOK-BINDING of every description executed in the finest and most substantial manner, at lew prices. MAGAZINES bound from 60 cts. to $2 60 per volume. HUSIO bound in a new and handsome aiyle, from $1 OLD FAMILY BIBLES rebound, to look And wear equal to new. PEBBY’S BOOK.BINDEBY, , POUBTn aod BA.OJ. Oldestestablished Blndeiy in Philadelphia, n23*2m Stones. A SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUB JZS NING.COOK bTOVE.—I would respectfully call M the Attention of the public to one of the greatest ws 7 improvements ever introduced In CookicgStovea and Binges—the burning of the gis arising from the ooal, by which means is saved 60 per cent. In fuel and also more intense heat thrown to the bottom of the oven.• We effect the burning or the gases by means or a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, whioh admits the air in a heated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding its combustion, and oausing a flame to pass around the oven equal to a wood fire. This Im- Srovementalso preserves the centre piece from linking own on the fire, thereby saving theexpense of repairs. One of the Stoves CAN BB SEEN IN OPERATION *t 1116 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMBS BPEAlt;lnventor and Patentee, (late North, Ohase & North,) 1116 HABIBT Street sept29-Bmo Housekeepers, look to your INTBBHST.—Great Beduotion in the prloe of OOAL. Cheapest and best. The: subscriber having made contracts for his supply oi Goal, is enabled to offer very superior Family Ooal at the following re duced prices: Broken Egg and Stove $4 00 per ton Costing 876 “ “ Large Nut 860 “ “ Bin all Nut 325 “ “ Warranted to give satisfaction and full weight in all cases at Hick’a Old Central Yard, 8.2. oor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets. dQ-3m CRESSWELL & WILLIAMS, No. 206 WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship* pars and consumers with superior Broad Top Ooal from Lancaster Mines. . oo4tf T4MERING, FOX, Sc 00., wholesale and X 1 retail dealers in LEHIGH and SOHUYLKILL OOAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. BchuylkUl yard—RAGE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Goal from the most approved mines, under eorer, and pre fared expressly for famllv use. feft-y QEorria2«o. BSAAO P. BRANIN, X LIGHT COACH A CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRANKFORD. PA. All work warranted to giro satisfaction. Orders res* pectfully solicited. , uolQ-flm* Duma fonts. ■eggjfefl PIANO FORTES. nTfn Just received, an elegant etook of RAVEN, DAOON, A 00., NUNNS A CLARK, HALLET, DA -718 A 00., and GALE A 00. 8 PIANOS. HELODX ONB of best quality, at 3. E. GOULD’S, B. E. corner SEVENTH and OHXSTNUT its, tnhlo*y CHIOKERING k SONS, Manu rrrrfl facturers of GRAND,’PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANOFORTES. This is the largest and oldest‘Manufactory in the United States, having been ESTABLISHED IN 1838, Since which time we have , MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS. And have received as testimonials or their SUPERI ORITY over all others, 11 Gold, 18 Silvsr t and 4 Bronze Medals. 117* Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BRANOU HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA la at 1807 CHESTNUT Street. oo6*Bm Brokers. PA. TREGO, BEAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONVEYANOKR, RIDGE AVENUE, first door below Thirteenth slrret, attends to the purohase and sale of Ileal Estato, Negotiating Securities, Renting Houses, and Collection of Ilouso aud Ground Rents, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. - oclo-3m* RR. CORSON, • REAL ESTATE BROKER. Honey Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Collections promptly made. NORRISTOWN, FA A UGUST BELMONT, £%. BANKER, 79 BEAVER STREET, m YORK, Issues Letters of Credit, available to on el] parts of the world, je3o-6m & 00., \J SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, WI/ATILPHIA. Refer to the Bahkr and Baouaa of Philadelphia, TTNITED STATES GOVERNMENT tJ LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHICAGO, ILL . The subscriber, having had muoh practical experi ence In selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts in the Western States, has nntumal facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OB CASH. Having Surveyors constantly in the field to make fierflonal examinations, he can always make the most adleloua locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of elimate, near the lloe of railroads, may now be la lOWA AND WISOOMSIN. Satisfactory reforeaces given when required. 10* Money invested in Krms&s and Nebraska, and any of the Western States. . .. B. SALISBURY, JyKMJm 40 CLARKE Street. Chicago. CEGABS. —600,000 Havana Segara, choice IjrMiilu. by late arrivals, io bona and (tore, for (tale by A. MERINO. 140 South jRONT Street i]MI CSLATKI SLATEI! SLATE lll—Roofing Blate, of fill elies, and at my rates, kept oob* lt4Btir on fctnd, add for rale by rasuw, vox, & 00., GIHMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD itwl. n. B. Slate Boon pp.tco In tiebe»ta4riO*r,/*nJ w *MU* rai i JMeblrinal. The lives Unvi&okatok, 1 PRBPARBD BT DR. BANFOBO, , COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM QUMSy Is one of the beat Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the publio, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, mildor, and more effectual than any other mediolno known. Xtisnotonly e;Cathartic, but a Liner remo dv, acting first on the Livtr to ejeot its morbid matter, then on. the stomach and bowels to carry off- that mat] ter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, with* out any of the painful feelings experienced in the ope rations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the sys tem at the same time that it purges it, and, when taken dally in moderate doses, will strengthen ami build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liviß is one or the human body j andwhenit well,'the powers Of the oped. The stomach is ai on the healthy aotion of lerformance or its funo s at fault the bowels are system suffers in conse- Lfver—having ceased to eases of that organ, one made it his study, in a years; to find some reme act the many derange* hie. 'To prove that this re* wmn tronbled with Li te forms, has hut to try a certain. These Gums remove all the system, supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well.purifying the health to the whole ma* cause of the disease—ef- Biuous attaobb are ter, prevented by the oo* INVIOOBATOR. One dose, after eating, itomaoh and prevent the °Bnly one dose, taken Nightmarh. Only one dose, taken at gently, and cures Cos- One dose, taken after FXPBrA. n~/“ One dose of two relieve Sick Epijuons. One bottle taken for fe the cease of the disease, Only one dose immedl ‘while one dose, often re* OnoLBBA Mobbob, and a fly Only one bottle is system the effects oi me ness.. Jjr One bottle taken owness or unnatural One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, oftenrepeat* bh<ba in ita worst forms, complaints yield almost One or two doses cure In children; there is no remedy in the world, as it JE7“A few bottles core absorbents. We take pleasure fnre- commending this medl, cine as a preventive for Fbtbr and Aoua, Chill fsTBB, and eUJteTBRBof a Bilious Ttps.- Itope rates.wUh certainty, and thoasands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All whousttt aregtvtng their unanimous ustimony in its favor. 07“ Mix Wattr in tht mouth with tht Xnvigorator , and swallow both togethsr. se2B-t7&nl THE LIVER INVIQORATOB Is a. Soibhvivio Mbdioai Disootbbt, and la dally work ing euros, almost too great to believe. It eores as if by mteio,'6t>«» the first dose giving benefit , and seldom Are than one bottle Is required to oure any kind of LIVER complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache , all of which are the re sult of a DIBEABED LIVER PRICE.ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD. Proprietor, 846 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 218 North Second Btreet. * Retailed by all Druggists. Bold also by SAMUEL SIMEB, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and F. BROWN, Fifth and Chestnut street* Philada. aplB tu th s-ly OERUVIAN STRUT, JL OB PROTECTED SOLUTION OP PROTOXIDX OP 180 l Haring successfully passed the ordeal to whloh new dll corerlos in the Materia Medina are subjected, must nor be reoelred aa an established medicine. Its efficacy is oaring DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy. Neuralgia. Bronchitii and Oonsamptivo tendencies, Disordered State of the Blood, Bolls, Scurvy, the Prostrating Kffeota of Lead a Mercury. General Debility, and all Diseases which re quire a xonio and Alterative Medicine, is beyond qnef tion. The proofs of its efficacy are so n* J\s> morons, so well authenticated, and ci peoullar character, that sufferer* f iKSJOci&ty 1 cannot reasonably hesitate to reoeivr I to{selB« I the proffered aid. * 3 The Peruvian Syrup does not prof#9 V*«2l to be a cure-all, but its range la sites w^jggslve, because many diseases, apparenllj unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from on' cause, may be cured by one remedy. • Tho class of diseases for which the Syrnp provides* cure is precisely that which has so often baffled th« highest order of medical skill.* The faots are tangible the witnesses accessible, and the safety and efficacy a* the Byrnp incontrovertible. Those persons who may wish'for an opinion from dir Interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among as morons testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. Thi signatures are those of gentlemen well known iu tin 00 mm unity, and of the highest respectability. The undersigned haring experienced the beneftolal ti> feots of the , u Peruvian Byrup,” do not hesitate to re oommend it tothe attention of the public From our own experience, as well as from the test! raony of others, whose Intelligence and integrity are- al together unquestionable, we hare no doubt of its efica oy in cases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Bros chial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Neuralgia, Ac, Indeed, its effects would be incredible botfrom the high character of those who hate wit nessed them, and have volunteered.their testimony, ar we do ours, io Its restorative power. Rev. JOHN PIERPONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER, B. H. KENDALL, M.D., BAMTJEL MAY, 4UIOMAJI c. iiioav. PETER HARVEY, JAMES 0. DUNN, Rir. THOS. WHITTEMORSk CERTIFICATE OF DB. HAYES. It is well known that the medicinal effects of Proto* Ide of Iron Is lost by even a very brief exposure to all, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian' Syrup, this desirable point Is aV talnod by combination In a way before unknown, an! this solution mar replace all the proto carbonates, sty trates, and tartrates of the Materia Mediae. A. A.HAYEB, M.D., Assayer to the State of Massachusetts, 10 Boylston street, Boston. N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietor*, No. b WATER Street, Boston. ' F. BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Stresti, HABBARD A CO., TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Strtefa Jelfc-tu th sat-dm w6m Agents for Philadelphia. NO MOKE PAIN, NO MORE SICKNESS, NO MORE RHEUMATISM, Or Stiffness of the Joint*, Lumbago , Head ache*, Toothaches , or Suffering from other Bodily Infirmities. THE RAPID AND COMPLETE EFFICACY OF RADWAY’S RE A D Y RELIEF, IN INSTANTLY STOPPINQ TUB HOST BZORUOIATINQ FAINS AND AOHB9, BURNS, SCALDS, OUTS, WOUNDS, BRUISES, BTC., BTO., renders it important that every family keep a supply of It in the house. Armed with this remedy, a household is always pro tected against sadden attacks of sicknoss. Thousands of lives of persons have been saved by it* timely use, who were suddenly seized in the night time with Oramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Cholera, Yellow Fever, and other violent diseases Let a dose of this Remedy bo taken internally, as the oase may require, when suddenly seized with Pain or Sickness, and it will instantly re lieve the patient from pain, and arrest the disease! ItADWAY’S READY RELIEF RHEUMATISM In four hours. NEURALGIA *. .In ono hour. CRAMP In ten minutes. DIARRDGJA In fifteen mlnntos. TOOTHACHE..# In one^ainute. SPASMS In fire minutes. SICK HEADACHE Iu ten minutes. CHILLS AND FEVER In fifteen minutes. OQILBLAINB.. .In fifteen minutes. INFLUENZA In six hours. BORE THROAT In ten minutes. BURNS In twenty minutes. FBOBT BITES AGUE CHEEK - PARALYSIS LAMENESS AND IN ALL OAOBB OP BRUIBKB, WOUNDS, Tbe moment it i* applied to the Injured parts, all PAIN AND UNEASINESS CEASE. Look out for counterfoils and imitation*. Purchase only RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. Price 26 cents, 80 cents, and Ono Dollar per bottle. Agentfl in this city: DR. SWAYNE A SONS, W B. ZKIBER, dll*tu e <fc eow in W T< R. CALLENDER. Anew and VALUABLE DISCOV ERY. DR. HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING BPIRIT, IT JSHMULiTis^BXnjtBnjLTM,JN”vffIOBATSS, BUT WILL NO - ! INTOXiOATK Oa STUI'IFY Thlsdelicious Boverage Is superior to all invigorating Cordials, Schnapps, Nervines, Ao. in nse for the euro of Dyspepsia. Nervousness, Heart-burn, Brows ness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, Ac , as it will invigorato and strengthen, but will not in toxicate or stuplfy. Persons who have become habitu ated to the excessive use of Tobacco. Opinio, and Sp'rlt uous Liquors, will find speedy ana permanent relief from a desire to uso these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE ! Weak and sickly Females will And Dr. HAM’S IN VIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and sure cure,itbelDg a Regenerator as well as a Streugthener of the Human System. Bach complaint that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL is calculated to cure is nemod upon the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use are aUo minutely given. PRIOR ONE DOLLAR PRB BOTTLH. Prepared by DARIUS lIAM, Principal office, No. 48 WATER St., N York. For sale by T. W. DYOTT A SUNB, n2B-8m 218 N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. ZOULICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore thopublio that has performed se many miraoulous curbs INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The most promluentutjd influential citizens Lear wit nosßof its efficacy. Tho abundant ovidonce from ail parts of the country Is enough to-warrant us in pro nouncing tbat it is tho greatest wonder of tho nge. It is an internal remody that s-rikesatthe root of the disease, and thus eradicates It entirely from the system, Prepared by THEODORE PILES, Chemist, NoTtkaaalcowfr of Ftnp apd Sixth streets, pUladelphja, prlncipairegulators of the performs Its functions system are fully devel most entirely dependent the Liver for the proper tiona 5 when the stomaoh at fault, and the whole queued of one organ—the £0 its dnty. For the dis of the proprietors has practloe of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter moots to whioh it is lia- medy is at last found, any ▼br Complaint, in any of bottle, and conviotion is morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and ohinery, removing the feoting a radical cure, cured, and, what is bet caaional use of the Livsa la sufficient to relieve the food from rising and sour- before retiring, provents night, loosens the bowels TITBSEBS. each meal, will eure Dtb- teaspoonfols will always male Obstruction removes and makes a perfect oure. ately relieves On olio, peated, Is a sure cure for preventive of Cholera . needed to throwout of the dicine after a long sick* for Jaundice removes all color from the skin. time before eating gives makes food digest well, ed, outsb Ohbonio Diar while Sommer and Bowel to tho flrst dose. attacks caused by Worms surer, safer, or speedier never failt. Daopav, by exciting the BOLD BY HAS CORED STRAINS, and SPRAINS, 3nanrtmt< {gomscmita. Delaware mutual safety IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BT 7 HE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Btreets, Philadelphia MARINE INBURANOB ON VESSELS, ) OABGO, > To all pails of the World. FREIGHT, ) ' INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Union. . FIRE INSURANCES On Blerobandise generally. On Btores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1868. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real E5tate..,,,,,,$ 71,863 36 Philadelphia Oitr, and other L0an5,..297,066 60 Stock In Railroads and Insurance Companies 26,86*2 60 Bills Receivable 201,666 36 Cash on hand 42,067 86 Balance In hands of Agents—Premiums on Marine policies recently issued—and other debtflduetheCompany.,,,, .•«••• 61-288 14 STORS. James 0. Hand, Theophilns Paulding) James Vraqualr, William Eyre, Jr., J F.Penleton, Joshua L*. Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James B. M’Farland, Thomas 0. Hand, Robert Burton, John B. Semple, Pitteb’g D T. Morgan, u J.T. Logan, <{ d MARTIN, President, i. HAND, Vice President. retary. d!6-tf William Martin, Joseph H Seal, Edmund A. flouder, John 0. Davis, John R. Penrose, George G Lelper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Hußton, Wm O Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Bpencer M’llvaine, Charles Kelley, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, WILLIA TUOo. O. HENRY LYLBUKN, Seer jpIREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND XW TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE IN COMPANY’S BUILDING, 403 WALNUT STREET STATEMENT OF BUBIWBS3 EOR TEAS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1858. .$223 800 00 61,468 03 $2T6,258 08 Received for Premium* 01,595 46 “ “ Interest, Rente, &o 7,825 49 $OO,BOO M Paid Losses. Expense Oommfs- • elonfl, re-Insurancei Return ed Premiums, &0.... 570.883 00 AESETS. Real Estate, Bonds and Mort gage . Btojka Bills Receivable, Unsettled Premiums and other debts due C0mpany.......... 17,823 03 Cash on hand, and in the hands of Agents... ...$141,241 00 ... 47,016 00 .. 69,886 73 At a meeting of the Stockholders, convened on the 16th Inst., the following persons were elected DIRKO TORS for the ensuing year, vis: • CHARLES 0 LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. ALEX. WHILLDIN, merchant, 18 N. Front street. WM DARLING, 1338 Pine street. ISAAC HAZLEHURBT, Solicitor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter, & Co. E. TRACT, firm of X. Tracy A Co., Goldsmith's Hail. JOHN R. MoOURDT, firm of Jones, White, A Mo- Onrdy. THOS. L. GILLESPIE, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. JAS. B. SMITH, firm or J. B. Smith A Co. JOHN R. YOGDES, cor. Seventh and Sansomsta. DANIEL L. COLLIER, firm of 0. H. Grant A Co, THOMAS POTTER, 229 Arch street. CHARLES HARLAN, cor. Walnut and Sixth streets. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, 361 8. Fourth street. - At a subsequent meeting of the Board CHARLES 0. LATHROP was unanimously re-elected President, and Hon. WM. DARLING Vice President. JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary. This Company has DISCONTINUED MARINE BULL BISKS. FIRE, INLAND, and MARINE CARGO RISKS eon. tlhue to be taken on the lowest terms. n27-dAWtf SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, C? 409 WALNUT Street, Philaiolphia. Capital paid in (securely invested) $2OO OCO Surplus , BLp9 This Company having been thorongly reorg&n'aeA ta now ready to make Insurance upon all kinds of pro perty, merchandise, Ao , against LQ9B or DAMAGE BY FIRE ONLY, upon favorable terms. DIRECTOR*. Hon. 8. B Caching Charles 7. Watrona, Eliha J. Baldwin, J. A. H Hasbroucfc, Aaron Close, , JobnM. Beach, Matthew Kelley, Alex. 0. Lawrence Alfred Clapp, i Wm. K.Porbes. !. KEJ3LMH, President, xy. 1S&8. d23-tf Jacob N. Keeler, Frauds Blackburns, Robert P. King, E 13 English, (leorgo 11 Levis, Joseph E. flUdfold Jobn Prentice, Edward Wiler, P M. Birckhe&d, Henry K. Foote, JACOB I . llsnrt R Foots, Secretai I’HILADKLPHU, Deo 231. INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered In 1794—CapiUl s2oo.ooo—Assets, Janu ary 1,1858,5347,440.60-100. All Invested in sound ana available securities—contl nue to Insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, &0., on liberal terms. BIBEOTOHS: Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Btuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman,. William B White. Charles S. Lewis, &eorge 0. Canon, HENRY D. BHEHRERP, President. WiLLTAuHAKyss, Secretary. jeO-wfrm.tf THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OFPICE 40S WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL and SURPLUS $277,- 660.86.—Insures against LOBS or DAMAGE BY PIRE and the PERILS OF THE SEA, INLAND NAVIGA: TION and TRANSPORTATION. ID“ TEN per cent, in cash returned on the earned premiums of Open Inland Policies. nun Titling President—GEOßGS H. lIABT, Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H R, COQQSHALL. Asaistant Secretary—S. n. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart, X, W*. Bailey E P. Roes, Andrew R. Chambers, A. G. Oattell, J. L. Pomeroy* Joseph Edwards, Charles G. Xmlay, John G. Dale, H. R. Coggshall, Foster 8. Perkins, Sami. Jones, M. D., Hon. H.M. Fuller. se2l-y Attest, H. R. COGQBHALL, See’y. AMERICAN fire insurance go., INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, contlnueto Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses llberplly and promptly adjusted, manoTOßs. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John welsh, Caspar W. Morris, Samuel 0. Morton, James B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edmund G. Dutllh. Charles W. Poultney. • GEORGE ABBOTT. President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Secretary. ja23-y If INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 V/ South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ' Capital 9900,000. Organised 1861. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for % less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks: receive De posits; hold Trusts and grant annuities- ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. Maitiix, Secretary. oißioroas. Alfred Weeke, Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, C. Blcklng, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinses, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, je!B-ly G. F. Turner. T IFB INSURANCE AND TRUST COM IL4 PANY.—The P£NN MUTUAL LIFE INBURANOE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streots. Capital, 8912,726.08. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowment*—pur chases life interests In Real Estate, and makes all oontrnote depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators. Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel B. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Riohard S. Newbold, James B. MoFaxlaad, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophllus Paulding. Charles Uallowell, . Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutohinroa. Rodolphus Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Cart, Ellis S. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Rebertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, John G. Brenner, r.B. Miohier, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. „ SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Pres’t. JQME W. Horkob. Secretary. nis-ly COMMONWEALTH _ FIRE INSURANCE 09 CXB STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, rsiLADCLrau. Blbeeribod Capital, *500,000. Paid up Capital,s3oo,ooo, Dinnoroxa. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. 8. Stewart) H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. M. Whitall, J. K. Walker, Edw. 0. Knight, M. R. Wendell, K. Lewis, Jr., S. R. Hoxsie. DAVID JAYNE, M.D., President. THOMAS 0. STEWART, Vice Pres't. BAHOXL 0. Uoox, Secretary. jaSO-y fcjllßJS AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME A INSURANCE COMPANY Capital floo,ooo. (Organised nndar the Aot of Assembly relatlTe to In sarfcnce Companies, passed April 2d, I 860.) UEORGBW. DAY, Preside. THOMAS S. MAKTIN, Vtce-Preaidout. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. OSod 411 OIIBSTNOT St.. Philadelphia* DIEBOTORS. t Jacob K. Vaughan, ‘ Henry Lewis, Jr., D. B. Blrroy, John W. Ererman, A. 11. Ronenheiin, M. Stern. George W. Day, William W. Waller#i Charles RichArdsoa, Barclay Lippinoott, Jos. 11 Brognard. Ohaa. Stokes, fe24-y Eastern insurance oompant.— OFFICE No. 6 EXCHANGE. Aotrorizbo Stook Oapitai,, (500,000. chaste* PfiKPCrOAL. Plrd Risks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Rinks on Vessels Cargoes and Frolghts. Inland Transportation Risks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats, takon on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George A. Wright, Thomas Sbaw, George Cookman, Charles Stoy, Jacob Reed, W. 0. Stotesbury, ANDREW OOOnRAN, President. William I. Bbown, Vico-ProMdunt n3-tf Andrew Cochran. 'William I Brown, Richard G. gtotesbary, Peter D. Myers, Robert B. walker, Jacob Lukena, Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Ladens, Wm.F. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson. Robt. W. D. Truitt. M. W. Baldwin, John 11. Diehl, John O. James, Wm. K. llaralln, A. J. JJucknor, 11. 11. Shilllugford, John W. Sexton. 0. K. Spangler, William Kalguel, 11.11. liooftou, Kdwlu Booth, Wm. 11. Tjato, John Garrison, . Charles P. Norton, K. Warne. Issue Mycr. FresMent—TUoMl3 h. LFDAJU. Vice President—lS S WARNS. Beeretsry—OHAßTiF.B A. PITY | uphoved BU BEING FLUID.—We JL are now manufacturing, and are prepared to sell, a Burning Fluid much less liable to explode than the common article, and we Can confidently recommend It as being muoh safer. YARNALL A OGDEN. , **lot|UO 473 N. THIRD Street, above NabU, limp _____ __ 4 NEW YORK LINES. TUB CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND t'HILADELP’A AND TBENTON KAILEOAD CO "8 LISES, PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEIY YORK AND WAY PLACES WILL LBaVB A 9 follows, viz : PROM KENSINGTON DEPOT. Fare from Kensg’n aa „ Depot to New York. At 8% A. M , Morning Mail,' Ken* i sington and Jersey City.,... At 6# P. M., Evening Mall. Ken sington and Jersey City Atll#P M., Night Mail, Kensing ton ard Jersey City ......... 2 26 ETenir E Mail Line runs daily. The 11# Night Mail, Saturdays excepted The Cara of the Firth anaSlxth-atreet City passenger Railway Company will convey Pasiengerr to and from Kenßingt'-o Dbpot. FROM WALNTJT-SIBBET WHARF: At 6 A. M. via Camden and Amboy, C. AA. Ac commodation gS At 6 A. M , via Camden and Jersey City, (New • Jersey) Accommodation.,, 2 25 At 10 A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning' Express 3 00 At 2 P. 31. via Camden and Amboy, 0. & A. Ex press 3 00 At 3 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion—lst Class... 225 At 3 P. M via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion—2d 01*88.,..,. 160 At 6 P M, via CamdOQ and Amboy, Accommoda* • tion—lat Class 225 At 5# P.M via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion—2d Class 175 \\jf~ Express Lines stop at Principal Stations only. Por Belrldere, Easton, PiemioKton, Ao., at 6 A.M. and2*PM. * 5 * legs,Bo4 70 For Witer Gap, Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilkesbarre. Montrose, Great Bend, &o , at 0 A. M , vlaLelawate. Lackawanna, and Western Bellro&d. For Freehold, at OA. M. and 2 P. M. For Monnt tloliy. at 6 A.M .-and 2#, 3, and b% P M NORTH PENNSTL- t VANIA RAILROAD WIN TER ARHANQKMKNT. FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, &o M and by railroad connections for Easton Catawissa, Allentown, . Williamßport, Mauch Chunk, Elmira. Hazleton, Niagara Fall*. On and after WEDNESDAY, DeeembeH-23,1853,'Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Street*, Philadelphia, &b fellow*; . , ’ For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Uauch Chunk, Hazleton. &o , (Express) at...;, /.930A M. Passengers for Easton by this line can spend two hoar* in Bethlehem, and an hoar and a half in Easton, and return the same evening. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Williams port, Elmira, and the West, (Express) at.. 2.15 P. M. PorDojlestown, (Accommodation) „ at o *AV£* V 846 A. M. and 4P. M. at 111 " I “hiDgton, (Accommodation,) • 6,589*28 1275.268 08 TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem (Express) at 7 A. M. and 6 PM. 8 W P °6?° yleBloWn (Accommodation) at 7 A. 11. and Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 7.10 A. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia, for Port Washington, at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia, for Doyles town, at 4 P. M. Doylsntowa, for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. Port Washington, for Philadelphia, at 2.40 P. M. A J I SfieD S6r Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and* Sixth Streets Passes* ger Railroad. Pare to Bethlehem, $1 50; to Mauch Chunk, $2 00: ®*® toil i W* 50 ;to Doyleatown, 80 cents, *2* ELLIS OLARK, Agonfc pfIH,AI>JSLI>HIA, GERMAN TO VYJS ■fr AN®N ORRIBTOW N*BAILROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ON AND APTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15.1855. FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Phl'adelphia 6. 7%. 8 40 min., 9X, 10M.11M A. M., 1,2, 3, 4,6, 8,7, 8,9,10,11* P. Id.’ Leave Germantown 6,7, 7*, 8. 9.10 min.. 10*. 11* A. M., 1.10 min., 2. 3,4, 5, 0/7, 8, 9,10* P. m! ON BUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, p. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. X.lO min., 5.V P. M. * 1 " CHKBTKUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7%, 8.40 min., 11* A. M., 2, 4, O, 9 P. Hi Leave Chestnut Hill 7,10 min., 7.85 min., 8 50 min., 11.10 A. M., 12.60,3 40,A.40./7.40 mis. P. JI. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 6.20 min. A..M., 2, 6* P. M. * . Leave Ohestont Hill BA. M.-TK60.5.20 min. P. M. FOR OONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leavo Philadelphia 6*, 9, H A. M., 1 05 min., 8.10 min , 4.V, 6.50 mm , 11* P. M, .J.eave Norristown 6,7, 9,11 A. M.,1, 3*, 6.40 min. P. M. ON SUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia 0 A. tf. and 3 P. M, Leave Norristown 7 A M. and 6 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK Leave Philadelphia B*, 7 35 min., 9, 11 A. »1„ 1.05 min .2 05,3.10 min , 4*, 6.60,7.46 min ,11* P.M. „„ SUNDAYS SAME AS NORRIBTOWN. OHLSTJSR VALLEY RAILROAD POR DOWNINO- TOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6* A. M. and 3.10 min. P. AI. Leave Downingtown 7VA. M and 1 P. M H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent. no!3 DEPOT, NINTH and GREEN Sta. TJHILADEI.FHIA AND ELMIBA KAH- A ROAD LINK.—QUICKEST ROUTE to Elmira, WOheeharre, BnlTalo, Chicago, Rock leland, Niagara Palis, Milwaukee, Burlington, Montreal, Si. Paula, Detroit, Dunlieth,and Bt.Lonis. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and TINS Btreeta, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: 7.30 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, OMcago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, St. Pauls, Burlington, and St. Louis. 8.80 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Ilmira, Niagara Falla, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Book Island, Galena, Bt. Pauls, Burlington, and St. Louis. ’ 1 The 7.80 A. M. train runs through to HABRI3BUBG, stopping at all 'Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch of the Philadelphia andDoading Railroad. axn At Rupert, for Wilkosbarre, Piltston, Scranton, and all stations on the LAOKAWANNA AND BLOOH3BURG RAILROAD. Bsggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, aud Suspension Bridge. C?" Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line’s Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CnESTNOT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot , coraerof BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, dally, (Sundays excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 P. M. Freights must be delivered before 8 P. JI. to insure their going the same day. For farther information apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to OHAS. 8, TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. oor. Sixth ana Chestnut Streets, ocl-tf Philadelphia. Mmm w WILMINGTON, PHILADELPHIA. On and after Saturday, December 4,1858, PABBBNGKR TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Par Baltimore, at BA. M.. IP. M., (Express,) and np.M. * ,v * Por Wilmington, at 8 A.M., 1,3.30. and UP H. For New Castle, at 8 A. 51., and 1 and 8.30 P. M Por Middletown, at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M. Por Dover, at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M. Por Seaford at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M. TRAINS POR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M., (Express.) I*2 noon, ana 6.40 P. M. ’ 1 * *• * Leave Wilmington at 7.20 and 11.40 A. M., 3.25 an 8.65 P.M. * LeAveNew Oastleat 6.45 and 1112 A.M., and 8.06 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.20 A. M., and 6.30 P. M. Leave Dover at 0.20 A. M.. and 4.35 P. M. Leave Bedford at 7.46 A. M., and 1.45 P. M. TRAINS POR BALTIMORE. Wilmington at 0.10 A. M., 1.65 P. M., and 12.1* SUNDAYS only at 11 F. M. from Philadelphia to Bal timore. Do do 6.40 P.M. from Baltimore to Phila delphia. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will ran as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryvllle and intermediate plaoesat 6 00 P.M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 866 P. fcl Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 6 00 P„ M no? 8, M.PELTON, President. [\TOV. 29,1858.—CHANGE OF HOUR — 1" , PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTHBURGH, WHEELING, INDIANAPOLIS, STEUBENVILLE, OLBVKLAfiL. CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, BURLINGTON, ST. LOUIS, ST. PAULS, NEW ORLEANS, And all Intermediate Points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, MIOHI. GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, KANSAS, AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to points,west of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and Crestline have choice of rentes, and are requested to make a selection before applying for tick, eta. THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADEI* PHIA DAILY, POR Til E WEST: (Mail Train and Past Line, Sundays Excepted.) 0 TRAINS LSATB PHILADEL- I nKTOSNINO JIBAOH rfIILA PHIA. I DKLPHIA. Mall trainat... .7.50 A. M. I Mall train at. .11.00 night. Past Due 4 00 P-. M. I Past line 8 39 A. M. Express mail. .11.00 night. I Express mail.. 6 00 P. 61. Tho mail train stops at all the stations between Phils delphla and Pittsburgh. WAT TRAINS LBATB. WAT TPAJffS AXXITO. Harrisburg ac- Hafrisburg ac commodation.l.oo P, M. coimnodal:on.7,l6 P.M Lancaster and Lancaster ami 430 P.M. Columbia... .12 20 P. 61, (Sundays Excepted ) Passengers for SUNUURY, WILLIAMSPORT. EL MIRA, BUFFALO, AND NIAGARA PALLS, leftTO Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 31., aud 4P. M. The ears lenre tne Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast eorneroi ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, entrance on Eleventh street, where through tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage 6e received at any time airing the day. No charge for handling baggage. Por further information, apply at the Station, be tween the hours of 6 30 A. and 31 P. M «•’ THOJfAS MOORE, , mylO Agent Penn’a K. do. COMPANY, MOTHER! TTlmt is tho best and most agreeable Couch Medicine? BROWN’S PULMONIOA ’ What Is tho most certain for Croup ? BROWN’S PULMONIOA! What is most speedy for vt hooping Cough ? BROWN'S PULMONIOA! What is the best for Asthma? BROWN’9 PULMONIOA! What cares Uronohiti* quickest? . BROWN S PULMONIOA ! Whatwill ease my cough, soothe my nerves, and relieve, if it docs not entirelv rare. Phth'sis 9 The best thing is BROWN’S PULMONIOA! No one take* it but what they And speedy relief. It is a syrup, agretablo in taste, harmless oven for a babe, never falls to satisfy, and costs but 26 cents a bottle. Sold by alt Confectioners. Ornggiets and Growers. Wholesale 220 Bonth THIRD Street. dlB-lm 1 Li s « ? T fv A ? D A permanent J.ONK.—II. P. fc W. O. TAYLOB’S PHILETHEIRA. A complete lIAIB DYB and Dressing together, em. hredog, In high perfection, mi thet la wqulal& for Ooluriug, boiiiiulug, au<j itoAuiiljlug t(.« Uair. X’o be lißdHt tb« p.iucipat Drug ard Vanety Stores. and cf the Manufftctarers, 641 NoithNlNTH Street, l’hiladel- PM*. aiO-lm O.ANGS OP RIGGING Manufactured VB end for «»Ie tip WBATBB, FITEKB A 00...N0. .«tank' Water atreet, end at North WturrM: 434. Uailtoab £ims. s3 00 AND BALTI- lioiiE ILailjßoaV. iJUDicinai. doilette SArtitUs. Uailtooii £inea. JENNSTLVANIA KAILEOAD_THS ifi. o ™** OfNTRAI, KOpi%- conuMttog ti, A “ WeetMjr. Morlh-irsrtrtjf. iSdigoiitkJ w»»««n State,, by > contlnnon, BaHw»r dlreet.lSg connect. »t Pitta bur .h Trith itaUT-ilni iX steamers to all porta on'the Western BiT«n-'»ix .* SrNlSh WlUl »n bortt oa OA S ?2i£cf fta< * &om the GReZt WEST bSSH? ?■?»•muSffl Hß tire fUBT OXABB—SoOiBy ShOM, Hate, iutd ’* ■Sfi»sasa l ?g&ftsgs mS I M, -= r “ 100 ib - JUrting md EoMm, (In brigSlj bnlmoTbram (In c«Sa), lUrdnai*, 5“' “M, liquor, (In nib,) Well Paper, Wool,-ana -Sheep Pelts, ' * - *a«war4,&Oi*o^ ## ,.„.,;.- 4 -* ...160 neriooia fiuao .OiAsa—Anrila,' j Mcap,Baoon aa 4_? Ol *l (loose or - In • (dry and in ©11,) *- 100 lb Srt»“!?i P . OT ?J < to *“*• <* >WW» • SM&SS£ I St.,»S3BSS. eSSSSS ?MX(Hr AQJidTi).■—OUfks fe fln OhfewnK. Pukar a ft. 0 ?-* BfafiS* T r n n ; v-*«K«S Mo.i P. G.O’Biisy & 00., irmuTUle, IndUn*: Wm! Blnghim, LonlmUe, Kentucky.:, a! o. Mo(dnan, Matoon, Indiana ; i. W. Bronn & <w and Ather. i n. 8. Pierce & do. ZancarlUe, & 00., »o. 64 Kllb7.tr.et, Bcton: Lceob k»„'4?v a^»*? r House, Now York, No. 1 WiUiain at.. New York, a. j. gneeder, Philadelphia; Uacrav it Koone, Baltimore; D. a H.. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. • m _ H. J. LOMBAERT, <! * 9 " General Superintendent. Altoona, pa. FOR CHARLESTON, S^C.—Heron’s SALINE-ONLY BEGtTLAR LINE-GOODS RE OBIVED ANB BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY*—Freight and insurance at leu than Balling vee sel rates, by the steamship KEYSTONE a /* Marshman, to sail on TUESDAY, Dee. 28tb, at4o slock P. M., from second vrh&rf above .Vine st. For fnrthar particulara please see advertisement of Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, in this paper, for freight or passage apply to A. HERON, /».. p2P 828 North Wharves. FdE CHARLESTON AND SA -33aa5& vannah —heron’s line. GOQDB RECEIVED AND BILLS Of LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. The splendid first-class sidturheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE Of GEORGIA, New form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of, these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o’clock A. If., alternately for - Charleston and Ba rannik. . • Until the steamship State of Georgia has received her new boilers, the Steamship Keystone State, in order to accommodate passengers and the trade, will make Weekly Trips, alternately to Charleston and Savannah. FOR CHARLES'! ON. The steamship KEYSTONE BTATE. Captain O. P Marshman, will sail on 'TUESDAY, December 28, at 3 o’clock, P. M. • FOR SAVANNAH steamship STATE OF QiORGIA, Captain J J. .Garvin, will Bail on SATURDAY, January 16th, at 10 o’olock, A. M At both Charleston and Savannah, these chips conned irith steamers for Florida and Havana, and with rail roads, foe., for all places in the South and Southwest. • - FREIGHTS REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of li per cent, below New York steamship rates. ■ INSURANCE. FREIGHT and INSURANCE oa a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships by sailing vessels. Cabin pa55age,........... ....$2O CO Steerage do 8 00 asoortion Tickets, good for the present year. 30 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship hfc* sailed. For freight or passage, apply to A. HERUN, Jr.. Ko. 323 (late SI) North Whan ft. Agents at Charleston. T. 8. & T. G. EUDD. Agents In Savannah, C. A. GREINER & 09. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA ■ every Tuesday. • for Florida, from Savannah, steamers BT. MARYB and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, the 4th and 19th of every month. jell . STEAM TO GLASGOW*, LIVER sis POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON DERRY, without delay, for $3O. Retorn ticket*, good for six months, to either or the above places, by any steamer of the line, $OO for the round trip, out and back. FAOH BKW YORK. Edinburgh; Gumming, Saturday, Dec.2s,l2o’elock M. Glasgow, Thomson, . Saturday, J&a 22,120’c10ck M X . VSOX QbASOOW. Glasgow, Thomson, Wednesday, December t»2d. Edinburgh, Camming, Saturday, January J2d. RATES OF PASSAGE, raoat Glasgow. First cia s Steerage, found with cooked provisions. raen hew tobk. First Class ~.......$76 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions SO 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare: Infants in Steerage,free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. Firs tOI ass $l4O Steerage . .$6O An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN &. CO., 123 WALNUT Street, Phlladel phia ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL A LON BY, Buchanan’s Wharf. Baltimore. n 027 t HE BRITISH AND NORT S3SI& AMBRIOAH fiOTAL MAIL BTBAM. raotf saw vox* to i.itxx*oox.. Chief Cabin Passage. Second Cabin Passage. MOB XOBTOX TO LITJUPOOL OhlerCabin Passage. f fti so The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt, Judkins, | CANADA, Capt. Lug ARABIA, Capt- J. Stone. I AMBRIOA, GaptWiekmaa ASIA, c»lt. a. G. Lott. I NIAGARA 1 , O.pt, Erri.. AJBICA, Capt. Shannon. j STJROPA, Capt. J. Leiteh. These Teasels carry a dear white light at mast-head; green one larboard bow; red en port oow. CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Deo. 1. AFRICA, Shannon, “N, York, Wednesday. Deo. 8. EURO PA, Leiteh, “ Boston, Wednesday, Dee. 16. PERSIA. Judkins, «N. York, Wednesday, Dee. 22. ARABIA, Btonej “Beaton, Wednesday, Dee, 29. ASIA. Lott, “ N York,' Wednesday, Jan 6. CANADA, Lang, 11 Boston, Wednesday, Jan 13. AFRICA, Shannon, “ N York, Wednesday, Jan 19. Berths sot secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owner* of these Shins will net be accountable for Hold, Silver, Bullion, Bpeme, Jewelry, Preeioae Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and file value thereof tkerein expressed. For freight or passage apply to nol-y S OUNARD. A Bowling Green. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ABHOLD k, WILSOW, BUOOXS so as re s. a. uamxisoi. We have removed from our old stand in Walnut Afreet to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrenee Hotel, wber*.our old friends and the nubile are reipectfnliy invite! to examine our extensive stock of warm Air Fnq&fis, Cooking Ranges', Bath Boilers, Registers, Eua-OHed Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, Ac., Ac. We are now manufacturing CHILBON7J CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and salted to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Do Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all aissa and pattern*. We have also commenced the manufacture at ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Pous sylcanm Slant. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM attkt lau Fair and Exhi bition of tht Franklin Institntt of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Axtiqdb Maxblis, are not injured by Smokt, Coal Gas , Oil or Acids y and are sold Wholesale ana Retail, at much Uss pritt than Marblt. Call mnd stt tktm. ARNOLD A WILSON. BXNJ.M. FXLTWELL, Superintendent Philadelphia, April. IfiSß ly HARDWARE. —The subscribers, COM MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale or FORBIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would sespectfolly call the attention of the trade to their stock, which they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in part of— Chains, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Oow, Fifth, Back, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, ship, Mine, and 001 l Onains. The celebrated (( L ,} HorfleNalU; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright l ” and other Anvils; Bolld Box and other Tices. Short and long handle Fry Fans; round and oral Sake Pans. “Marhn’s 1 ’ Superior Tilesandßasps; Bed Bersws. “Sxoelsior ” Safety Base: Blasting Tabes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Boythes; Hay, Cora, and Straw ■*ulT«*. flay, Manure, Taaaen 1 . and Spading Forks. Bakes and Hors; Bhorelß and Spades, of all kind*. Taoka. Brads, Shoe, Clout, And Finishing Nails. Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Locks of all kindsj Cutlery, R&msaad Pumps, Axes, llatohets, Ham mers, Plines, and other TqoU,»&c., Ac. W. G. LKWIB * BOH, Ho 411 GOMMKROR Street. tbi:u'6 anS jLicaare GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sire to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the public of an article which the analyration of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of Not York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, «fc Gama©, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least Injurious spirits ©Hr offered the American publio. ’ CERTIFICATE OP DR JAS. R CHILTON. I haTB analyzed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whisker, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON. 3a. of Philadelphia, and having* carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. It is on unusually pure and fine tiarored quality of Whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, M.D., New York, Bept. 3,1863. Analytical Chemist. PniLADstraiA, Sept. 0,1858. DsakSib: We hare carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that It contains none of the poisonous substance known las Pn-iic Oil, which is the characteristic and injurious icgce-lient of the Whiskeys in general nee. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, & OAMAC. _ ~ Analytical Chemists, To Osablbs Whabtok, Jr., No 113 WALNUT Bt., Philadelphia. 0c22-dtja2l fiCOTCH ALF, LONDON FORTES, AND K 5 brown stout. R Youngers’ Ale, Bt Ann’s Brewery, Edinburgh, in stone pinto. Mnir & Bonn’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, In stone pta. Final &. Williams* London Brown Stont, in glass pto. do do Porter* In glass pta. F. Blood & Co.’s Dublin Stout, in stone ptg. In store and for sale by WILLIAM H YEATON, 218 Booth FRONT Street. « CJNIDER’S OLD WINE STORE.” NOW CABBY’S. Old No. 76, now 328 WALNUT Btrt-et. Snider’s Wines were always prononnced by good judges to be unsurpassed, and were in reality superior to any in the msrket. Partofthe ofdo'ock I have yet on hand, which consumers would do well to try. now that the market ia overstocked with adulterated liquors for to during the Christmas Holidays. Wines and Liquors sold by mo, if unratisfactory. can be returned. ' J.tHN OASKY, Jr., dd-lm Successor to J V. Snider. 'f?B ANDIES. —“ Pine* .Csstillon,” Marett, SL9 end other Cognacs of various rintaees, ia half pipes and quarter casks; PeUeTolsin Booheli* Brandies, pale and dark, ia half pipes, half casks,‘and env-tisfcih casks.' Imported and fnr sub by- i _ ; J HENRY £OHLN&ifea&, ’ uss im wdteJitoiUfiwtt itfert, .15 guineas, . 8 •«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers