MifS-;' Tfe|3S|fSl^Pf|SS, »4cfiaii £ ntoti;>rlil'cmpnMi,bBs(4«»-I!l(l_lBts;jnp«nor -»eoafc SSSSiBSaESWS Chin, •ildgTiWprt.Wt'Sß'JlSediJßg^ifi.ycqßipfliini »n Hwntton offtaies , T»oMfefaMji£ysU *»lb, : 28UuHi9t mtnr,. *t Itjiajtx :' ,J*na*rjf J r *t, th«. Ex;., cb.ng.- ' ■ c -<■ > . ID* “*Wv'.'ihyfea&A -i\Ai<nntWHrf ■ ?: /.i> - r < •■■ ■•• j ftWi iftwsMrt, groOmi'A..?" I "^'; <: TaeM.rlt.nlßr/ 1 ' “’J I a ° r ■■>•'>< »«>p» f7* •Coition to whWfW>BTja3ft'w«to'BM<lrf»r»*««».. to molx Ml*, on* thouMnO caUlognosln mmpMot; lotm, ■ ue tmiouj&ytrepdiffi..,, » 4 \j id* m l.OOO ooplM m print* w..My,)i free of ehkriz4i. ~^~- .- .:- M ■ *.:.;) ~ ~ wS^iw^wlnSadSi**•>»>• ittatyUo* =oJ Oltr.nO ;#rlnt*4 .H*l» m»y;l>* k*4 »» tk. MiotionWwi. --J-J ...•»>•« *.n 1 -<■; 1 B*AL-iai'ATK~BAL3I, jMtury .4th, ... . WUl'iiBW«iaaSTTiE’V■'.-‘n > ;, ' TWO fftona JhO fr»inadwel lings, Sr**>*-'I»M(:.WMt pf .tho. r D«bj; plmik-roid,, T wantr-foittthW.rd, ...; ’ , ...... OrDhsns’ O Vartfi tie—KsV.teof'C.the. Morrow. aeo’d. YHRBK THSfieigtOEtV SETOK OWEM.TNOB; o*.n: street, b3tr .ett’,ThiitMnth’ end Brtild end' Lombard nod Booth/ittisti/ ' --'. • 'V-~ . ~'l«ns»M’* Wrtiilitl»rß»lo: . TBd.OT.OV LASUK if1T,85109 jtdfM. fcppdied to b* woodland,-ntn#!* la UotiUOM ooantx,-Ai*»mm,.,,.- B»m* BataW^ftVß.TOWlltOTSjSout^OoTlnglcm, KentonGoatfjtSy. in it r ’ <n ■?.•* .*-/ game EsUts—TBAOT OFLiND, 100 teres, situate in r Benton county. lowa^-v-*-•*-'■- ■ - • •“;> . game Rattte&TßAOTOfc LAND, SO 'teres,-situate Ini Daboflue"L*a3DUrtrictVTowS.a.: } - Same Bitate~-TRAGTj OP-LAND, 280 teres I ,' situate in LewU’Co&hty, .1.-m \*w:'sp .. ? - * game .of 080 acres,': pari woodland, with iog andtrame barn.,-- . ftj* FuU^w^r^alirg^of'^acl l ln.hand-' b UHITBI* SfteCitS HOtßt. : ATiiAMTIO OITTJ N: J. —The T?r/ Valuable propertr kDown as the -‘United' States rf : s j The Chouse is 66, feet fcootbr 40'fl«V wing4obr 2to; feetj is four stories ,W|lb', trtthttO large’ ‘ sleeping aparlnfenta,' Bituate on « SM»i otgrbundi 860 feet front on the rail-' road bj 600 feat of ground ’ laid out as a park; feet- deep to the ocean.. OonUlnin* .W Bxecutor’s PewmfitotT Rale—Estate of ?aebb‘Eorn -1 . brick store and dweluog?H6*. , ltt3 South Second street, south ef OhrUfilllSTO* ■- J am* Bstild—vSuAßHtbßijHNESS BTAND- Thrac-itor/ brick store and dwelling (with granite front two stories) above, being No. 916 South Second nwQOH 1 'IA B%mi Bs|>te--BllBiN£iß3 SXAND—Two-stoiy Crame i store atjdjdjtbying,Adjoining the abore, h o * Q g No; oi7 t Booth ‘ ' -•• •*- game Bstato-SfiVBN FEAMB DWELLlNGS—Chris tian slr«6t£,b«twefanBccond< and Third streetsli 4 v i * •;«. Same FBAMB [DWELLINGS *: Chios street! betweeuYrant and Second streets,'(Southwark ) A FIBfiT. 1 MORTGAGE’ for two three-sttthr'bfick.dwelluigs, Drown street, (Ninetee&th ward.) iThe. title papers may he seen at the Auction ttooros. r ?~" " TDREB-STOBY BBICK BTOy? ANDDWELLING, No. 1219 Little Wsshingtdn'street.betweenTwrifth.and Thirteenth and Prime and Federal,streets, jrlth a frame BUbleinthereaT* 1 '" ?■ s " 1 ’ ■ GROUND EENT $66 A YE yearly ground rtmVofcf66a year^olear^of'taieitj I GRODND BENT $lB A YEAR—A well-secured yearly ground not of $lB a rear, clear' Of' tdxea U‘- r \> VALUABLE PROPERTY—Stores, dwellings, AO, Nos. 1746 and 1748, titrkoV streefsoutheast corner of Eighteeoth'street; oppoiita.the JUediatßailroad-Depot; and Nos 6,7. and 9 South Eighteenth street,,below.Mar* ketetreet. To be sold together* “C.*- BUBINBBS STANDMhrei.atory bHok tavern and dwelling, joutheastpopmer' of -Becond <> and- Shippen streets. -ciUMio t W:-cr/.- v -• BAKERY- AND ‘ DWELLING - Three-story brick bakery and;dweM»g’,vßhlppen -street,. Adjoining ithe above., sg SALE OF .“YiLiIABLELXONDON AND. AMERICAN, BOOKS, STANDARD -AUXHOB9; y *FOB. THErLI-v BRARY, ILLyBTBATBD EDITIONB! OF THE, POETS, Ac. * * J w i-‘'i'“" Deo. 23, coiqmeacing at “the: auolion' •tore, will be ield a t iaree.aud valuable collection Of 10? teresting variouc‘subjects, incladiDg '.flne li brary edltions'of standard; authors of'iooportenbe/ W’ lurtratededitlobs ofpoPts.Qk’e.j Ac. - ■ ' ’ Also^at 9.oiclpak, si boxes (100. each) open.cigars, large 36 eUreos^JoylwSvß^iKrfcopss/AcyAO-, ■ Q7* ThVbooViwln bdjarranged foe fk&zninatlonbn Thursday rhormhgi with cataTogttesr ’ ‘ ' Sale »t ycfc-ife and* lel Fourth street ■ BOPIRIOB FURNITURE, PIANO-FOBTE, FINI FRENCH OAR , EBTB* AO. : - --: ,Thio:llorßittg,-,c' l ; i r'v--.‘T/; At 9 at the auction store, an exteuift assortment of:egoeUent seeondrhftndttirnltnre, elegant. pUno-forteF. fine eto.), ;fxbm private families decllidng to the atore v ftrtrconVeolanoeof sale. .-J* EAlso, 2 Herring’s superior Iron-fire-proof ehssts. Also, a superior 7 octave plane ferte, full iron frame, Also, Asuperier sewingjnachinei,ooßts9o. Also, two milliner’* ehow.:caees/* v-l-.c* c\ •- yff -z\.a Also, A fine double-barrel gun, by A Bobinßonu Vt' ‘ Oloring Sale, No. 1014 Gheituntstreetl; .> KLAUDBR DEGINTBBR A CO.’S STOCK OF BLB ■ GANTOABINET-BURNITURB.- Dec. 28d, at lßo’olock^aV-No.: lOU.Ohestnut street** by catalogue, .of the stock of elegant cabinet, furniture of Messrs*: ollnfug baainessiHjoraprislng ikjgewtal anortment of. dining room, and chamber furniture, all manufactured in the best manner expresely/orprlvato aaies,;%nd warranted;*', •; r CT* three days -previous: to. ala ' „ - -,/j >^flr*<{)coof-0ofe0;; , i; gM .SJM&UIAHBEBiSArEa. '; * (MBv4Ui*SiM»ortei«ntDf-.‘. t ' -‘'V-/'- » i Tor B*nk> »ud Stonn. BANKXOOKB, ■■'us - ’i'jSaMltotßTßOiflnim, ; ; ; - ,iboOkwm7Sbdtt*bs. *«., v, On u gcoi teriwi»» ottw.wWUluiMßt In tk« ■eZi.i-UiiltoßStalM.'bj.- ~V < - JU ■ ialr.i i.,v«BVANS:*iWATSONj.i' No. at South FOURTH Street,' ' Runs RIVK D 8 A OAM.. uUB-tf :«binetfiOate, jjIHB .DESK BEFOT IN > ~v : .;:’:: t he,uni;on:'{ ■” T ffO.atfKT * HUTTON, , / ~ to J. VrHsxmnlttj}' - ''•',' ;i ]Kiisuj!fioTUßErisor';.'/ A. L.tADAlld’ jMROYmijBSK RAOK. ;.“4. Ki?vr ’-n Fhllwielphle.. OjfiOBrBANK,VodMHOOL ! furniture. . BXIRHgipNtABLSs/BOOKOiSKS, WARDROBES, An.- it-Sm WAREHOUSING COMPANY ~ Of PHTI"a dh lph I a . . ukeWohs.? PATMofe BRApTT'! : .';f,,'BLIBIoWgRi,,-; adbx«ndSr henry, geo. i>. harriso*. A J. PX,BABQNTON.V*.WIW.IAM.NJHMON, WM. H. JtTRWARTc :; ■> B.R. CRAWFORD. ’ ■ PATRICK BBil>y, : Pr>!ld»al. r.„'i ‘Bi B. ORAWFORD. Vite FreeMmt. WrtHAK,NHiAON'j i Sefc«fitT'.«' - i ’ 1 s . OLIFFORp’B. PHUI.IfB, W»rehon«B Keeper. 1 THE WARSfto^fjKO. J UOMPAm: OF FHILAD’A -1M JrASPIBBD TO f ' RJtOBrVE GOODS ON STOBASB, ’ Wh»th»r In jß«nd or DatyFree, »t Current Enter, Rod -. *lll iManMM.ipUfcrwuinntt tharoror., ‘i Ajpllcntiondniijbninudgntthßlr ! Lttelf tpitfifaa Quntytr} House, or at their prtmlsei/betterbnoirn is thV V.i iclßAd'Od;: '' ' ■j-'j-i-.-'e' -BOOK STRSBr. T) NEWSPAPER PEOPBIETORS.— —' o ARBAJOHlSflOlfainioanee to the Ptess through* oat the 'piilt*&;'flt«tee:?lhat they* l ere completing ar rsngemente on a most liberal scale, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC N»J¥S<BBPORTB, which has hover before been equaßetMiiuthifl/ Theyplsdge theafelres totarulfhrthe.Mrllesfcaod iaostrellaole re-- Sorte of aU-theiStirriogr and important events’ of the: ay, at a price which ctnuot falf to be advantageous to J&ePrese UNHQpJtriZv V:«tV: *•■ • • AUletters and oommuniratlons to be’addretfrfed to >S«,SOABJ4s JOHNSON, ■• *,W.0A88. ! ‘ ,T ; _ ' * 1 JOHNSON." • • - iohn T. ijdiiliy ilerclunta' BnKtf,,,' - ,oh. S<«tMM BrtSS* JSu, m. timore. x> - •nwrlmwe-JndrUHiSiiit,, w •»« V™ 4 -fl• SuiUij • - Jwjer Htniing A Son, P«mnrlTMl» Inonlior: John . Bulletin; J. W. OnTion A 00., Srenlng Jonrnil: Jis‘ ».-nSt££. ' Bntljr Nawa; William Rice, PennjTiTinUn ■ < Tj, *i ar , JtowttjA BinokenjgirtwJWjjnteiiiMHtliil »oii«»; . . Sunday Wtaroaij-; Jno. S.Jackaon, Sunday Trdfiactiti; Sggk w<|£oGiftUf :rexAarzirA. ' witii written (iaacrlpttonaof chat actor, T'YV- SsHWSMidmlsn(onnostolinnn««,lte*lth r «H-«i» - owm,i»6nit«>;;>>nii«j»innu ■*’?? ■63o^dMf s f a 'atii"s &t ; > M»*bj . _•_ IVPT’J aV;Z K J 1 W?f»'j aiSCOTT, Jf-i^IIOtIOKESiB,*! I XBfi&TimiI'BTRBBT, - oppoalto .CastoM |S»W between BODItTn en* jfpiH Street*. ;, , v _„ , <Thiia AtoimSigi* u " t>{ - 4 v ' aV lox b’cWki'wiilfce a arge!stock M-Valuabli furtj labels, fOt^Udies’ 1 wear, f fflSn' half oapesj vietorines'fand boas,' WTthTtauflk;«nd ? chffirtb matoh:We invite the’ atten-' tidu'oFfpUrdhattra ’to thiS- i&lei which will contaitf raoms fun Offered this season, sable, mlok, |toh, Siberikh'Squftrehiftna Blivet martin. : '• s t Ain®, ohildfehtaVhite brinine sots, misses’ ermine and. .squirrel-sete/t 8 5, i S^fa FUBB?FOB GENTB^WEARr-' ; 1 - * ’ Also, gents’ beaver .and other collars, caps, gloves, wdgauntlets,A&.Q 1 f-'i Vi V<-'\i i - v ; fl .ROBBS, ,* * v,,- * • slelgn' f , '-':; ,' VMso, ia'Jine;of new Paris styles ' velvpt*nd elpto basques, all made - and trfmmetUja-thejbeat mannenfTor bestoity-trade. The goods may be 'examined with catalogues ■; .earlyonihe^aorningoTsale. LAST SALE OF EAXfiBOIDERIEB FOB TfiB^ABON, 4\ * Qn, FridayJdornlog, t/ . • 'December -logu«,'on a credit, a large and desirable lot of needle work goods, to close an importation^^ •-’MStoWy embroidered jacooet, cambrio and book collars, ’*' -Jrfdohet And bopkjeta, oolLrs and sleeves .to match w. •French embroidered ifnen'cainorfo •handkerchiefs/Ac. "A l - RIBBONB AND TBIMMINGB. - Velvet galloon^*silk.dre&-.fringes, COrdsaud-:tas sels,"bonnet ribbons, Ao, 'Z-: ,’ r I - l,a ’.■■■ f BMJB'-VHILBi I ' =' 1..- AUo, a line of ronn4-cornere4 French l,co Tell*. ‘ f VIOWEBB AND FEAT HEM. 1’ 'Also, French artificial flowers, black and fanoyoolored feathers* #\ i HONITON GOODS. ~.Also, a line of superb real Honiton lace collars and sets.' t . 'J ;* \ vv ;• 'i 'v ‘ln ' .GERMANTOWN GOODS. Also, ou'Friday mofhine, a full assortment or new style' wool, knit goods, vi* : _ s ..J. ...SHAWLS, TALMAS. - ' - Ladles’ sephyr knit shawls, large knit Talmas, ladies’ and children’s coats, Ac. c ' - * • I ** ' \ HOODS. NUBIAS, BIGGOLBTB. - 'Woo| knit hoods.for, isdlea’ and children’s wear, '.sepbyr nubias, riggolets,* Ac. A ~ - ; SOARFB GAUNTLETS. v> Also, gents’ and children’s sepbyr scarfs, wool gaunt lets and legglns. _. T ; v’'' * 'HOSIERY,, -j / , f . ■. i and gents’wool hose and half-hose, children’s scarlet spot and plaid hose, Ac. t QT’lSamples.and catalogues, early, on.the morning of^sale. Great sale, at auction, of large and , • VALUABLE COLLEOTION OF EUROPEAN OIL . PAINTINGS*’ • ’ c ' -* T fc 1 On Monday Morning, rDCoehihdr 27th, at 10# o’clock, at the sales-room, Ho, 4Sl'Ohcstout street. ,v.ThtS;flno collection ombracoa nearly two hundred ■peoimons, by .Among’thebubjeotorof which there"is a'greatVariety,' will.be found beautiful landscapes, marine views, inte riors, exteriors, compoaitlonSrof 'animals, figure'pieces, Ac, all of whloh are finished in the finest style of art. There ire also several fine copies of originals after the ’’‘old masters, copied with great fidelity. •’ • -All the pictures .have been framed in rich gold gilt frames* made ia the .-best manner, after the newest de signs,' and all belr g in perfect ; order, ill fit ornaments •with which to adorn the parlor, gallery, or drawing room; } - 1 • • 07*‘The pictures will he open for examination, with catalogues, ail day, and in the eve'n'ng-’uotil 9 o’clock, on Thursday and Friday preceding the sale, and the ladies and 'gentlemen: of'Philadelphia 1 and Mcihltr hto- invited to examine them prior to the sale. Bale 'positive 07* -Parties from a distance can have their pictures paeked;on the spot, so>as to be sent with perfect safety. Commercial salesroom, , 1 322 MARKET-STREET, . ■ SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. ' '.’ ! . {■■ 9. G-- WOLBERT* • Auovrovaam •. * 1 CARD—We invi l e the attentlon'of retailers and*cduo positiveaal© of a general assort tm6«t of etaplo anA fancy goods to be made from the shelves,'th&.mormiigir at 10 o’clock'. , , : '-SALE FROM THE SHELVES. . , j This Morning, • Will 1 be sold frorndhe shelves, a general variety ol staple and fancy goods. . SALE OF- READY MADE OLOTHING, Ao. . „On Friday-Morning,- Will be sold, without reserve, a general assortment of ready-made olothing, tailoring goods, Ao. OOBNESS, BKINLEY, A 00., f V' l - ( No. 429 MARKET STREET. DHltlP w FORD, AUCTIONEER, No. Mr- 630 MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and BIXTH, south side. LARGE SALE OF ROOTS. BBOBS, BROGANS, GUM • ' 6HOBB,- Ao. , i This Momtog, r Dec. 23d, will be sold by catalogue, at 10 o’clock pre cisely, 600. oaaes boots,, shoes, orogans, gaiters, gum shoes, Ao; ’ •- : Gtaimh NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, MONEY . LOAN 07FI0B, No. 224 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear ft., only fight doors below the Exchange:: < . f VHouni of business from 7 o’clock, A. 11., until M o’clock in the evening. r,. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction HofiM, at tended upon themost satisfactory Jems.- 'I , ” , CAPITAL $200,000. i Xst*blisk4dfer ths lastxTkirty Years. x , Advances made from one dollar to thousand! on Bte aehdsi Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry; Hardware’, Mere tkftndue, Olothin&YUfotture; Bedding, Oigars.Musioal Hutruioenta, Gnns,;Hotvtc, Oarrieges, and Goads of evety.deseripttoa/ • ‘■ ,n , v • Au goods can remain any'length of tins agreed pon. •. ~i . , v . _ „ \* AH advancee, from one hundred dollars and oIU be charged 2 per cent, per month t $6OO ana over, ike lowest market rate. * J ,u TUsjßtore House having a depth of 120 feet, has large be ana thief-prooLvauits to store all valuables, and tril yate watchmen for the premises] also, a heavy inm| .ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. v.M. R.—On aooount of having an unlimited capital, this ofitoo is prepared to make' advances on monr satis fiactoryt and ? accommodating,toms.than pray other Is this city. - Money advanced to|he poor, in amaU «IU4 »t*n,oli»rt«, tBxvATM BtVI. * Gold; Patent Lever and other Watches, fiOwalry, and -fllothinf will be sold at redneed prices.- aol-lv or william h. stebb, general O ATJQTIOHAXD.QOMMmOSBTQRSi iXo. 4* North EIQHTET Street. below Arch. \ - :, J. A. SLIBON. Auctioneer, • •' Consign manta or new and Second-hand house hold 'watches, jewelry, . &0., respectfully solicited, on which liberal cash ad vances will be made if reguiredi - < r ' -> 117* !Oat>door Mies attended to promptly. Charges as moderate u any other house In ibis city. ,X-M. GUMMEY & SONS, tf ~ 1 BEAL jBfITATB AUOTIOIfMM, 1 •».V i : />. Ho. 620'WALNDT BTBMT. iCAßD.—M. y Gnmmey & Sons, auctioneers, will hold regular sales of Beal Estate, Stocks, Ac. Also, houthpld furniture at dwellings. ; K ! o_ 4UDAI/ ESTATBiAT, PRIVATE SALE. . IDT On our Private Bale Register will always be found a very large, amount of reel. estate,,including, •very description of city and country property. ' J. M.iGUMMBYjA SONS, Beal Estate Brokers, : .... 620 WALNUT Street, belowßirth. MOSES NATHAH23,ATOTIONEEB ilfi-AND OOMMIBBION MERCHANT, 8. B. oornti SIXTH and RACE Streets. ■NATHANS’ SALE OP FORFEITED COLLATERALS. SSB9 ! " v This'M6rhinfc, ■ 8-Deeember 23d, atlQ o’clock, at'Moses Nathans 1 auc .tlan store corner or Sixth and Race streets, consietbig of fine gold Bunting, case, doable esse,-and' doable bottom English patent lerer watches of the most approved and, beat .makers, fine gold escapement lever and leplne watches, 'in'hunting oases and .'opan face: silver English -patent lever, watches, fall jewelled ana plain ji In banting esses and open face; silver escapement lever- and leplne watches, silver quartier watches, English, Swiss, and French watches, fine gold neck laces, vest and fob chains, children’s neck chains, gold medallions, gold and silver pencil cases, with and with out pdas. : : DIAMOND BREASTPINS AND FINGER RINGS, Fino gold breastpins, finger rings, oar rings, scarf pint, bracelets, gold bands—in abort, jewelry gene orally, revolvers,: donble-barrel fowling pieces, 2 supe rior dewing machines, galvanic battery, work boxes, fancy articles; «o)j &o. ,- , GREAT. PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. ; MONEY I MONEY! ! MONEY! ! ! ' Money liberally. Advanced in -large or small amounts, from one dollsj to’thousands,'on gold and silver plate,- diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruments, furniture, dry. goods, clothing, groceries, eigen, hardware, cutlery, books; horses, vehicles, har ness, and all articles of .value’, for any length of time agreed on, at NathatitVTriAtipal J!stabUshriunt, southeast corner of Sixth’ and Race streets: ' ’ PBOMIBSOBY'NOTEB, with collateral, discounted at -thelowestmarkbt rktes. NATH ANB>_. PBINOIPAL EBTABUBQMENT cobnbeof bixth anij ir&di btkbets, Wiere moßßjr will bB llberollj advoaced os gold ud furor, ploto,; dbunOndo,. watohoo,' jowelrj, fowling pieces. dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, cigars, hardware, ectlerjv fancy articles, mirrors, paintings, eigririDgs, musical instruments, furniture, bedding, horses,yehlolss, harness, stocks, and alt other articles ;of Talus. . « ; \ OUT-door SALBi. . .Personal attention given to all-out-door sales, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and chargea unusually low. ©roeerica. OBOOEBIBS.—O. DONOGHUE, 15 S. VjT" WATER Btreat, .offer* for salfeg to reduce his stock during this, month, at reduced prloes for Oesh, ■Philadelphia end New York Bteem Refined Soger and Syrup or Tirioue grades. Prime Coffee. Cuba and New Crop New Orleans Molasses. Sifted 'Pepper I and' Ada* manttne Candles. dB-lm* GROOEEEES, AT FAIR PRIOEB!!! OHAS. H. MATTSON, r Joqthnent oornor TBNTH anil AROH Streets nw'on hand, and isgenerally receiving THE BEST OF GROCERIES. which ho.wlll cell at the moat REASON ‘£S!3LE BIOl!W FOR*CASH: a LARGE and OROIOB AB3ORTMBNT{of BLACK and GItBRN TEAS, - “ confident of being able to colt, both in qualitracd pnea/ all persona In wont of the article, in quantities of frdffl ope pound to the half cheat. Ilia 'general assort *ToWtMng In the way or JINH OBO rjould nupeotfutly InTlte all In Trent of godd articles to giro him a call. It.wlllhe worth the trial. t - nBO-imo B HI OK-MAKING (MACHINE, WHICH makes the&rickjt and Umporjhe clar. raakaarrom •one to three thousand per hour, ‘upward* or thirty in uses ' Patented February 3d, 3858. Machines and righto .for Bale,; Counties; or one-fohrth of the Pateht'/wlu be' so:d. Known to be the only practical one in use. Ad dress 0. DARNELL, Germantown road, abovo Fifth street, Philadelphia. • - - dIC-tmrlO pLASMA OB ARTIFICIAL LARD*—' TO PHYSICIAN^—Tho abort offej* a, vehicle: for the eihibftlor of remedies to dfe eaeed surfaces,-whioh-oomWnes'tbe following advent*. »!2?L,*4 uavaiying oonsi*teno»< easily washed Sf’ W water, difselves all substances that are sola ble fn water, hence rftellltatipg ifisteadoL obstructing', rfoas Mpt. get>(wtd/ -Thedas! render* it inf invaluable acquisition to u d for sale wholesale and ,'i‘ BIMIB’B Laboratory an&Pherrdacy, ■ '[ \ /Twelfthand Gheitontst/e ft ' 1 'i SLATE I! I—Hoofing -iwlrtSjSi hint tSlS&te?. ,0W "f,’,’"* p *^t®sSissf n p , ! »* »»5 ** QtJ) 10 pnnoheons UfONONGAHBLA WHISKEY.—6O Bbls f *r*K*™: iTtITBLEACHED TriNTBR SPEHM OIL^ ,834; gallon* In- OasYs and barrels iri' store, '*nd‘ for sale by - v- W» •P. AL’LBNi lt South DELAWARE *CAi‘l iyl 'THE ,F R E^TrP^P^PmA;„ , RBPBSDAy,. pE,qE?pER gh., isss.,, i^6i6FGoBsSss?fto r i®Sitt^sr' hTkTIN ■fc'QUAYliE'B : ' : • - , BTATIONBBY, ; j . 1 Tor, * FANOT 600Da HHFORIUM, No. 1035 WALNUT STREET, // ; (BELOW ELSVEHTH.) V> »’• •A cho’ee, and ejegaut assortment of.Goodssaited to the coming HOGIdAyS; comprising articles of utility', taste, 'and ornament, selected from the latest importa .Uons expressly for the Otty Retail Trade. :J M. A Q.’s Stock embraces every variety of Dolls, ti Wax, prying, ahd'Bleeplng, Ao., together with a large variety of TAFEB DOLLS; -WRITING DESKB,' • ! *• ' ‘ m • ' FORT, FOLIOS, ngRBARIOMa, . ' borAp b6om, fort-uonnaibb, ao.' With a large assortment of G&mos, Fancy Boxes, Juvenile Books, Doll Furniture, .Theatres, Stables, Warehouses; -with -a 'gmieral' assortment •of Toy l and FanoyfArtloles. ■k ; FANS! -FANS! FANS! Latest style Fans, in Bilk, Orape. and Linen. Also’, Cricket Bats. Balls, and Wioketa. nd9-tial QRISTIANI & 00.. : FESFUMBRS- AND IMPORTBRB, Being now arranged in. thoir new location, ; N0..45 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, are offering ‘a, superior assortment of . ' DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES AND ( FANCY GOODS. Consisting in part of French and Bogiish FANOY.gOAPS. Foreign EXTRAOTRahd FOMAD 76. TOILET BOTTLES. ln Gltss and China. BORTEMONNAIES. PURSES 'and POCKET-BOOKS. DRESSING CASBB ahd ODOR\BOXBB. Hair, Tooth. Nail, and, Shaving BRUSHES. Aq., Ao. ' To whloh they call the attention of Druggists and the public, as their prices defy competition . dl3;dtja7 Confectioners. QHKXSTMAS CANDIES OB' BUPBRIOB QUA-iilTTr, ; BUCK AU CREAM OF STRAWBERRIES, ' CREAM OF ORANGES, CREAM 'OF RASPBERRIES, ” CREAM OF WALNUTS, CREAM OF ROSES, CREAM,OF,FEARS, AC., Ao. VANILLA, BURNED ALMONDS.JORDAN ALMONDS . . BLANCHED, CREAM,. ASO, , . • ; CORDIAL. ALMONDS. JELLY CANDIES, of every description. FRENCH CORDIAL IMITATION .FRUIT. ' FRENCH TOYS, CORNETS, Ac. THS fif OST DELICIOUS FINE AND PLAIN MIXTURES.' Fancy OliooQlate, Preparations. Together with an invoice of superior sweet CARACAS ' '' CHOCOLATE,' just received, 3 together with French and American Preserved Fruits, Of Selected Kinds. MANUFACTURED ANDTUPORTED 1 BY E< G. W H ITJI A N & 0 0., BECOHD Alft) OHBSTNUI STS. d7-tuthAs-9t _ *, ' X?IOR THE HOLIDAYS. JD CHOIOE MIXED ’SUGAR PLUMS. MARSEILLES SUGAR ALMONDS. JORDAN SUGAR ALMONDS. A VARIETY OF CREAM BONBONS. SUPERIOR BURNT ALMONDS. FINE CHOCOLATE PREPARATIONS NEW VARIETY OF FINE CONFECTIONS. JAPANESE STRAWBERRIES. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SELECTED FRENCH BONBONS... A VARIETY OF FINE PARIS BOXES ' 'AMD - CORNETS. FRENCH SUGAR TOYS AND FRENCH NIOK NAOSB. STEPHEN F. ‘WHITMAN. MANUFACTURER OF FINE OONFBOTIONXRY’ N*. 1210 MARKET STREET , d4-td29 , Woe t of TWELFTH Street. KBIS KBINGLE HEADQUARTERS.— We havaJußt received our French Confectionery, and are manuMßuriog a superior artiole of Harsh Mel low Gum Drops, Bon Bone, Cream -Date*, &o. Call and eubply yourselves with .Abe beat Confectionery in this city, at ; JRIFRIER & EVANS’. nolOrSm No. 718 MARKET St.,.bet. 7th and Bth. JpCBS FOB LADIES. A LARGS ASSORTMENT IB OFFERED OF ELEQAHT AND FASHIONABLE FURS, CONSISTING OF REAL BAULK, MARTIN, MINE, KITOH, AND OEINCHILLA, AT VHRY LOW PItIOKB, DAVID H. SOLIS, [NO. C 22 AEOH BTBBKX, ABOVS BIXTH. Umbrellas. IJUBBELLAS GHKISTHAS PRESENTS. WILIIAM A. DROWN A 00., m MARKKI BTRBRT, NOW BHADV TBBIR USUAL LARGE ABBOBT- WENT OF HANDSOMELY FINISHED SILK UMBRELLAS. * To which they invite the Attention of B U YE R B. <9«nlUmen's Jttmialjina (Jooi>». Q H NT LBHB'lf’S ir- u scttnsunsrQ ooons. The largest assortment in the oity, and oomprislng ; the nearest styles of— FANCY 80ARFB, MUFFLERS, NEOK-TIES, * SHAWLS, GLOVES, . DRESSING GOWNS, • handkerchiefs, SMOKING OAFS, &o. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. . Also, every description of Bhirto, Collars, Under shirts, Drawers, Half-Hose, Suspenders, *o., will be found at SPENCER’S, NO. 889 CHESTNUT STREET, , ADJOINING THU GIBABD HOUSE. W THING A CRAVAT STORE, : Where gentlemen wilt And AH SHDLWSB VABISTT OS ORAVATB, NKOK-TIEB, SCARFS, *O., To Select 'from. Constantly receiving front ' AGENTS IN PARIS AND NSW YORK, The most fashionable styles, as soon as introduced, Also, a large assortment ox . MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIOEB. ESHLBM A N’ S , i • L CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh, . At the eutranoe or Jayne’s Hall. Wholesale and Retail* n23-lm VinNCHESTER h CO., GENTLEMENS fV FURNISHING STORE PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC- TORY, At the Qld Stand, No. 706 OHEBTNUT BTRBET, oppo site the Washington House. A. WINCHESTER will give, as heretofore, his per sonal supervision to the Outting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notioe. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. ' jy24-ly J7T» SOOTT, (lato of the firm of /Win • OitBBTM* A SOOfT,) .GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING - STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 OHESTNt)T Street; {nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia. ' J. W. 8. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and is pre pared to‘fill orders for SHIRTS at short notioe. A perfect 'fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with TINE BHIBTB and COLLARS. jyW-tf ®nrpetinflo. Bail? & brother’s GARPRT WAREnOUBB, JVo. DSO CHESTNUT STREET. WB SHALL OPEN TO-DAY ANOTHER INVOIOB OF ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, “ CROSSLEY'B” CELEBRATED MAKE, ONB DOoOAR A YARD Carpet buyers will find our stock full and of fresh styles, andPRXQEB VERY LOW., noB-tf * SwKera. PA. TREGO, HEAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONVEYANCER, RIDCIE AVENUE, fiot door below Thirteenth atrvet, attends to thepnrebase ud Bale of Beal Estate, Negotiating Be<rar»les, Bentlng •Houses, and Collection of Home and Ground Rente, and - Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. 6019-3ra* R, a. oobsow, • BEAL ESTATE BROKEB. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage, Oollectlona promptly made. NOBBISIO.WN, PA August belmont, XA. BANKER. 70 BEAVER OTBEKT, ; MEW YOBS, . luttee Letter* of Credit, BTBiUblo to l'reTellir*.on all parta of the world, je<&6m riRQNISE k 00., : bpsois ato axonAMB imoK jm, Ho, 40 South THIS® BtNet, .-. • i r '‘ ' F&ti/itoa&AstiV " Refer to thd Biwxa of Phllfcdelpbla, CSOOTGH ALE.—2O casks Ale, *in Glaib and Stone, in store, fibd for Bale t>y A.' MERINO, 140 Foiith JRONT Street ' aw. /7J.ERMAN UmAKS. —BOO,OOO, various ateMsi.‘ ailfo ” 6!e ‘ 7WM ' H YJU O T' VOJTlO&is.heroby. -given that -the under .'4*.- (signed has made application ior the 'renewal of,. Oertlfloate No. 137. for Five Shares of the C&plthrStook* of-the 1 Philadelphia Rxchsngo Company, also for re newal of Certificate No. 648, for Five Shares ofthe Oap'tal Stock of the Schuylkill Navigation Company, both standing in the name of RICHARD PAXBON on the books of the Aforesaid Companies; the original Cer tificates having been lost or mislaid. ' * ' ' '' RICHARD PAXBON, Administrator. dlS.m&thßt* IN THE COURT OF COMMON, PLEAS FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. REYNOLDS w> REYNOLDS —Sul) Divorce. March Term, 1858, No 26. , /And now December 18th, 1868, on motion of J. SERGEANT PBIOK, Esq., Attorney for Libellant, the Court grant a rule on the Respondent to show ciuse /why a decree of Divorce should not bo en tered in above case. Returnable on SATURDAY, January-let,' 1859, at 10 o’olock A. M. ‘ Siu—You will please take notice of abovo rule. To-Mr. EDWARD J. REYNOLDS, Respondent. J. SERGEANT FRIGE. for Libellant. dai-tu&th2w Notices SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Goodyear’s Vulcanised Rubber Bospendera, Braids, Webs, and all other Fabrics and articles made by colnbin log fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ised rubber are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are Invited to examine specimens now In store, and to give their orders for the Bpring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN ER OF THE TITLES,, AND EXCLU6IVB RIGHTS IN TflE PATENT for these'goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. ALSO, LTOBNBES TO MANUFACTURE AND BELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me At No. 23 COURTLANDT Btreet, N Y. ■ n24-ly " ' HORAOE H. DAY. iroroal« atib to £et. QOTIAeE LOTS WOODBUI wr, KT. J-. / SHERIFF’S SAT.E - 9N CHRISTMAS DAT, At 1 o’clock, at the-HOTEL, of 12tf AORES, at WOODBURY, Eligibly situated for 'Building Purposes, d!8-6t* r£lo IMPORTERS AND OOMMIBSION MEMHAtJTB. TO LET. The Pl7fl*Btory BROWN-BTONJB WAREHOUSE, No. 46 Sooth BEGONE Street, NEAR CHESTNUT STREET, Suitable for the PACKAGE, OROTHERBUSINESS. BENT LOW—Pot a Term of Years. Possession given January lqt APPLY ON £HB PREMISES. ' d2-lra FOR SALE—A handsome, nowthreo fljfl. story BRIOK DWELLING, with thres-s'ory badk buildings, is finished throughout In flrst-olsss style, and has all the modern improvements. Located on TWEN TIETH Btreet, above Race. And will be sold a bar gain. Apply to BURTON A LANING, No. 602 AROH Street. oIS-tf FOR RENT.—The second and third BKa floors of the new marble building, Nos. 19 and 21 South FOURTH Street, 26 feet front and' 90 feet deep. Apply on the premises to A6-t jal TEMPLE, BARKER, A CO. ,gg WILL BE LET—If applied for soon— ' The spacious, woll lighted, and every way com raodlods Store, No. 221 MARKET Street, running through to Ohurch alley.' This is one of the best ar ranged and'handsomest’Stores on the street; Is,Ore slorivs high, with ornamental iron front, and is !o one of the best business locations. The present occupants design moving to a larger store. Apply on the premi ses. dB-tf M .FOR RENT—The SWELLING No. 616 LOCUST Street, (or Washington Bquare,) from the lit of January, 1869 The house is three stories high, with basement, back building, Aa , now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of Tht Press, or at the house. n 02- tf ®TO LET-r-The large, well lighted, and eligible STORE, No. S 3 »outh SECOND' Street, which will be vacated by the undersigned on the first of January. Rent very moderate. ‘ Apply to nol6-tf A. H. ROSENHEIM A BROOKS, as above. ( TO RENT.—On the Ist January next, the very superior and extenaivo ROOMS, (2d, 3d, 4th and BiMßoor*. each 24 feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 633 MARKET Btreet. The building is one of the fine Improvements on the upper side, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Btreet with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Street, Apply on the premises. riol-tf ®TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE Avenue, below VINE, Street, running through to Waterfitreet, 146 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, corner of TuIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of. the best locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and OOAOH-HOUBR in CHERRY Btreet, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land Bonne. Apply at 2T3 South FOURTH Street. : _ae29-3m* Seniiitfi iUacljittea Y|THEELER A WILSON’® SEWING MACHINES, 1 RSDUOKD PRIOBB. NEW SITU S6O. All tie former patterns ,26 lens on o»oh Michlne. A NSW ISNSION. NO WINDING Off UFFBR THREAD. A HRMMRR WHICH TURNS ANT WIDTH OF SOI OR F*Mr. ornoxs 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street, Trento N. J. No. EAST GAY Street, West Cheater, Pa. ooT-tDSe. jjTNGRAVINGS. JAMES 8. EARLE A SON, Have joat opened a new and extensivo assortment of ENGHAYmGS. Colored and plain, Line, Mezzotints. Lithograph—Also, every elegant end choice selection FOR GRECIAN PAINTING. All the works of LANDSEER, HERRING, TURNER, AUG. SCHEFFER, DBLA ROOHE, HORAOS VAR NER. ; COSTUMES, FANOY DRESSES, LANDSCAPES. OHROMO LITHOGRAPHS. Fao-simlles of Original Drawings. PHOTOGRAPHS from Original Piotnree, and effeota of Sun and Oloudu 1 LOOKING-GLASS WAREROOMB AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, 42 816 CHESTNUT Street. Jg NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AND FICTCRB-FBAMN MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An Extensive Stock of OIL PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS, AND ENGRAVINGS, All at very Low Prioee, fH ARCH ST., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-8m JUANILA AND JUTE ROPE. OOHDB, TWINBB, KTU." Manufactured au>l for eale at the loir.it N«w York price,, by WEAVER, PITJLER & CO., . No. 23 N. WATER Street, and 22 N. WHARVES. no!7-2m TOIRST PREMIUM AWARDED • BT THJI FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEUDEB, IBSS, TO TUB WEST PHILADELPHIA STARCH-MANUFACTURING COMPANY *o* THSJtt baRIVAIrLID PEARL STARCH AND CORN FARINA. THOMPSON, CLARKE, & YOUNG, 160 and 132 South FRONT Street, n27-t Agents for the Company. clamps. HANDBORUBS. No. 1. 62#e* per doe, Ne. 6. $1 12 per do«, 2. 760. “ 0. 1 26 i 8. 87c, “ 7. 1 CO «• I. lOOfl. « 8. 1 76 «< CLAMPS. 6 Row, $1.26 per ozen. 7 R0w,*51.76 per dozen. 6 Row, $2.26 por dozen. HENRY G. ECKSTEIN, role liNorth Third street PhlUdelnMe MB Bpy O B D SPRINGS.—THIS well-knownand delightful Bummer Resort will be opened for .the reoeption of Visiters on the 16th of June, end kept open until the let of October. She new end spacious. Buildings erected last year are now ftUly completed, and the whole establishment hn been famished in superior style, and the aooommoda tiona will be of a character not 'excelled 1* any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Ur. A. G. ALLIN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention'fo his guests, give the - amplest assurance of Comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of access,-It is deemed proper to state that pdssshgerr can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Ohambersburg.'' The Company hare’ made extensive arrangement* to supply ! deafers-and individuals with “ Bedford Water*, by the barrel, parboy* and ; in bottles, at the following pnoes, at the Springs, vis; For a barrel (mulberj) ♦ • *•»•••<*.»**<» w gd GO 80. (0ak)....................... 800 /mull M Do. \znxd\}*ny),.a qq # 3>o. (oak) 2 00 Owbo/, 10 ga110n5.,..............i.,,,, 2 29 Bottles,lX pintj pardown... 160 . Tie <b«rrf)|a> are car nfally prepared, eo that pur chaser* mAyd*peud upon recalling tit* Water fre#> and sweet. - - „ AU oommnnldatioiu should ba addressed to - .. < THIBIBFORD UINIBAIiSPBINtiBOO.. KjMl-tr > Bedford Ooaoty, ft, •CJA.MJJJEL JJEPBJJHjT, hap transferred his °® ce from Carlisle, Penna., to No. 7JI SAN-. K)M Street, (between Chestnut atfo. Walnut*) Pbila ddlphia. lie will attended any buriineap entrusted to bin care., m the Courta of 'Philadelphia or In the in* terior ofthe Btate. ‘ *’ ' ‘ ' > • | Philadelphia, November 24, 1868 SAAG T. BEDFORD, BRIOKLAYEE No. 211 PEAR StrOßt, luck of 21, WALND T St. near the Exchange; residence 3U NOBLE Street. Rangers and Heaters built and repaired* and all kinds of Brlok Work done. * Orders by Despatch Post promptly attended to, Best >f reference, , ' nol6-2m* THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES. MKItOHANDXZa’ BANK NOTES and SPECIE, wither by its own LINES, or in connection with othor BXPBEBB COMPANIES, to all the principal EOWNB and OIXIEB ot Uii Unltod Statee., . E. S. SANDPORB. *s«n*r*l SnokrinitnataU A LEX. MoKINNET, ATTORNEY A® LAW, . GRBBNBBURG, PA, Will practice In Wostmoreland. Armstrong and In liana counties. sell-tf f. T. AB*A¥S. \ BEAMS h MATES, tA ATTORNEYS AT I/AW, „ M 1 , • / ' LOCK.IIAVBN, FA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en* trusted to them. Special attention given to the colleo* tloa of claims. mKrißEKosa. Got. Wm.F. Pucker, Harrisburg, Pa,; L. A. Mackey, President look Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Look Haven: Hon. A, White, Look Haven; Simon Scott, Lock Haven: Bnllitt & Pairtherne, Philadel phia: McFarland, Evans, A (Jo., Philadelphia; Keans fc , Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip 11. Price, Philadel phia; Hon. A. Y. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, tavlor, A Co., Philadelphia; loner A Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonto, Pa.; J. W. Quigglo, Esq., Philadelphia. ’ jy ae-tf <MHAKLEB TETE, COMMISSION . HEK- V O?AIJT knd Importer, of HAVANA BIGABB, [New) 188 Wainnt street; second story. aul-ly Lauman & baboro— : Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES, BBANDma, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QTJORB, No. .1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. JslO-tf Real (Estate, ORPHANS’ COURT SALE OF REAL ES- Vr TATE—WiII be sold on THURSDAY, the 23d inst;, at oneo’clock, a Farm, containing about 60 acres, the estate of John Thomas, deceased, in Providence Township, Delaware'coonty, Pa., ose mile from fifedia, the County Town, thirteen miles from Philadelphia. The land is in a high state of cultivation, twelve pores of woodland, an orchard of about three acres of various kinds of choice fruit trees; there are five springs of 'ex* cellent water on the place, a stone mansion, forty feet front, four rooms on a iloor, barn, spring-house, and other outbuildings. It is considered ouo of the most beautiful and desirable situations in the county. Sale peremptory, and terms easy. Persons desiring farther partloalars of this Farm can oall on ' JOSEPH WATERMAN, N0.,1620 CHESTNUT street. (Educational. LONG'S SPRING GAKDEN ACADEMY, N B. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT,—Book-keeping In all its.various forma; preparing Students thoroughly for eltuationa in any branch of business: Plain and Or nameotal Writing: Commercial Calculations ; Law and Correspondence. No institution in the United States gives a more thorough and practical course/ In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAT and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate from the above.)—Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, vis: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &<>.. Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessionß of five mouths commence September Ist, and February Ist.. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and oharged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mh2s-tf; P.DONLBAVY LONG, Principal (CRITTENDEN'® PHILADELPHIA J COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, northeast corner of OHEBTNUT and SEVENTH Streets, An Institution designed to fit young men for ACS TIVE BUSINESS. BOARD dr TRUSTBEB. B. B.Qomegra, - Vr&nciß Hoakin*, George H. Btaart, Darid MJlno, John Sparbawk, * David S. Brown, laaao Hacker, A. 7. Panoni, D, B. Eiiunan, I Frederick Brown, Joflhaa Llppinoott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. Each Student has ihdiyidoal ikstrdotioh Jat this and a Diploma from here is the beat re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. seB-tf Mons* a. f. rusat, TEACHER or FENCING, BARRETT’S GYMNASIUM, oc2W2m* MARKET Street, above Eighth. BRTANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OP NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphU College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For information, call or send for circular. jelfl-tf EVENING BBBBIONS HAVE COMMENCED. SBNYDEB LEIDY— JAS. M. LEIDY, • Principals of LHIDY BROTHERS' ACADEMY, 1 Nos. 148 and 180 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, anil ARITHMETIC la made aertaln to every pupil that may enter. ACADEMY open day ana evening, -0 tones. SOMETHING* HEW.—GAS BUR £5g NINO COOK STOVE.—I would respectfully call IIWPI-fo* attention of the publio to one of the greatest , Improvementse T »» Ht^Tim and Ranges—the barsing of the gas arising r?pi» th« ooal, by which means is eared 60 per cent, in'fuel and alio more Intense heat thrown to,the bottom of the oven. We efTeot the bnrnlng of the gases by means of a .hollow centre-piece, perforated oh the under side', which admits the air in a h*ated state to mingle with the Eases, thus aiding Its combustion, and cansing a name > pass around the oren equal to a wood Are. This im- Sroveraent also preserves the centre’ pioco from linking own on the fire, thereby sating the expense of repairs. One of the Stores OAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION at 1116 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES BPEAB, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase & North,) 1116 MAR AST Street. iept29-3mo Housekeepers, look to tour INTEREST.—Great Redaction In tho price of COAL. Cheapest and best. The -subscriber haring made contracts for hie supply ol Coal, is enabled to offer very superior Family Coal at the following re duced prices: Broken Egg and Btove 00 per ton Ooeking .......3 76 “ Large Nut 360 »« “ Small Nut.,, .....3 26 “ “ Warranted to sire satisfaction ami full weight in all cases at Ulck’s Old Central Yard, B. E. cor. MAK3IIALL and WILLOW Streets. d9*3m pRESSWELL A WILLIAMS, No. 206 WALNUT Street, are prepared to Bupply ship pers and .consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines. oo4tf VTKBRING, FOX, & CO., wholosale and A 1 retail dealers In LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL OOAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill f&rd-RAOI and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Coal from the moat approved mines, under cover, and pre fared expressly for famdlr use, f*4-y SDrngs ant* (Eljemicals. £»OBERT SHOEMAKER fc 00., WHOLES ALB DRUGGISTS, Manufacturers and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES, and WINDOW GLASS, Northeast comer FOURTH and BAOX Streets, Philadelphia. Sole Agents for the sal# of the celebrated Tloreffe Plate Glau iohSB-tf DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money saved. In using it, clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on washboard One pound will go as far as three pounds common Rosin Soap. War ranted to giro perfect satisfaction or raouey refunded It is deoidfdlr the cheapest and best washing Boap ever offered to the publio. Manufactured only by VAN IfAAGiSN 3c mcKEON E. For sale by all re speotable Grocers in the city, and wholesale only by THAIN 3c MoKEONB, 22 South Wharves fIIAW & BEEES 7 A LUBRICATING grease, the boßt and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES. CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sale in tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS In the city aodtha MANUFACTURERS, Nr> TRHOTTTW WATF,R doilettc StrticLcs, IT IS A DY E, AND A PERMANENT ONE.—H. P. & W. 0. TAYLOR’S FHILETHKIKA. A complete lIAIR DYB and Dressing together, em bracing, in high perfection, all that la requisite for Coloring Softening, and Beautifying the Hair. To be had at the principal Dreg and Variety Stores, and or the Manufacturers, 641 North NINTH Btreet, Philadel phia. dlO-lm IT 18 NOT A DYE] JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to its original la from ten to twelro days, and restore the Hair wftero It has fallen oil and become thin. IT IS NOT A DYE I It ma/ be used a a freely an water, And la the meat beau tiful Dreafllug for the Hair now in use. • Thousands in different parts of the Union have testi fied to its wonderful Tirlues, and all who haTe nsed it join in their praise of it. Bold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. BWAYNE A SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET, SoU AgentsJor Philadelphia Trade supplied QTnrriagea ISAAC P. BRANIN, LIGHT tiOACil * CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRANKFOBD, FA. Alt work warranted to giro satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solicited poHMSm* IpiflUo £otUt. PIANO FORTES. rTTTT» Just received, an elegant stock of RAVEN, BAOON, & CO., NUNNS & CLARK, HALLBT.DA VIS * CO., and GALS & 00. ? PIANOS. MELODK ONB of best quality, at J. B. OOULD’B, 8. E. corner BJ3VBNTH and OUSSXNUT ala, mhlO-y <gggg*a GHICKERING & SONS, Mann n Bf H faoturert of GRAND. PARLOR-GRAND. SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This la the largest and oldest manufactory In the United States, having been ESTABLISHED IN 1623, • Since which time we have * MADE AND HOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS. And have received aa testimonials or their SUPERI ORITY over all others, 11 Gold, 18 Silver , and 4 Bronze Medals. |nf" Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BRANCH HOUSE In PHILADELPHIA Is at 1307 CHESTNUT Street. ocs-Sxs ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have juat received n eoraprohenaWo and va ried stock of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Cmihikes. Vestibuled, 'Conservatories, and other buildings, wfcore it Is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant apposrance. Any oolor • rosy oo bod, either plain or ornamental, elabo* •ately or In relief; • '/IHGLER & SMITH, ' Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Gla»s Dealers. { saOH.dtf mr Unnonit ami Oraan «t* PORK.— -409’toarrola Now Mess Porkfot Ml*by 0. 0. SADLER* 00;, , dO (ARCH St., second door below frost. BROWN’S. J&MA.I 0 A ,„GJ NQE E Jill a is a remeiy suited to the extremes of heat end cold, and at &U times beneficial, when gentlrf tonic and stfnfalating inflames are required Its stimulating property being independent of alcohollo power, its 'effect', as a frequent remedy need ner.er be dreaded. While it strengthens and refreshes the debilitated in the summer season, it is not less potent during the in* clemency of winter* by farming with its healthy,tonic principle, and ooabling tbe system to resist the In* finances of inolpient diseases which luik in a changing climate, Jto family Jbdnld Jbe'.wlthout! it,’ and by travellers on long journeys or by sea, it will be found nraluable. . d4*stath*lSt TVj OTHER 1 What is the best and most J-YJL agreeable Cough Mediciae ? . BROWN’S PULMONIOA! What Is the most certain for Croup T . BROWN’S PULMONIOA! . ♦ t What is n’ost speedy for Whooping Cough ? . BROWN’S PULMONIOA l What Is the host for Asthma? BROWN’S PULMONIOA! What cures Bronchitis quickest ? BROWN 8 PULMONIOA! will ease my cough, soothe my nerves, . and relieve, if it does not entirely cure, Phthisis ? The heat Ihing is BROWN’S PULMONIOA! No one takes it but what they find speedy relief. It is a syrup, agreeable in taeto, harmless even for a babe, never fails to satisfy, and costs but 26 cents a' bottle. Sold by all Confectioners, Druggists and. Grocers. Whole:ale 220 Bouth THIRD Street. d!B*lm 0. A, MA7XI, Anew and valuable"" ijiscor- JSRY. DR. HAM-’B AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT IT STIMUL,AT_ES,_EXnn,k"ItATK3,"INVia6R'A.TEB BUT /WILL NOT INTOXIOATE ’OB BTUPIKY ■ This delicious Beverage is superior to all invigorating Cordials. Schnapps, Nervines, &c. in use for the care of Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-burn, Drowa'ness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, &c , as it will Invigorate and strengthen, bat will not in toxicate or stupify. Persons who have become habitu ated to the excessive use of Tobacco, opium, and Spirit uous Liquors, will flud speedy and permanent relief from a desire to use these destroying by taking a bottlo or, two of this DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE! Weak and sickly Females will find i)r. IIAM’S IN VIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and sure cure, itbolog a Regenerator as well as a birengthener of the Human Bystem. Each complaint that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL is calculated to core is named upon the wrappers Accompanying'each bottle, and full directions fdr use are also minutely given. PHI OS OSS POL LAX PUR BOTTLE.. Prepared by 1 ' DARIUS HAM, 1 Principal office, No. 48 WATER St., N. York, Tor gale by T. W. DYOIT & SUNS, n25-3m 218 K. BEOOND Street, Philadelphia. ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL is the only.preparation ever placed be fore the public that has performed s« many 1 MIRACULOUS CURBS . . , ,or '■> . INFLAMMATORY. A*ID CHRONIC * .' l RHEUMATISM. The most prominent and influential citizens hear wit ness of its efficacy, The' abundant evidence from all parts of the c6q£try!s enough to warrant us In pro nouncing tharit/W the greatest, wonder of-the'age. It is an internal remedy that s.riiesatthe root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared bv , (THEODORE BILKS, Chemist, Noruiewcorner of Pine and Sixth streets, . oc7-8m Philadelphia. (( A little, bat often, fills the Puree.” Franklin saving fund— No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. Depositors’ money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, &c. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with de positors’money, but have it at all times ready to return with 5 por cent, interest to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and suoh deposits can be withdrawn omly by their consent. Charter perpetual. - Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to reoeive mo ney f om trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clock, and os Wednesday evening, uutil 8 o’clock. Jacob B Shannon, Cyrus Osdwallader, John Sblnller, ' George Russell, Malachi W, Ploan, Edward T. Hjatt, Lewis Kruuibhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhonse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. n.Satherthwaiie, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. I/ppincott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President, Cyrus Oadwallad>b. Treasurer d!8-y __ “ A Dollar saved is twice earned ” FJIHE STATE SAVINGS FUND, NEXT DOOR'TO THE PdST OFFICE. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT Money received Daily, and every MONDAY EVENING, IN SUMS LARGE AND SMALL, A It'D PAID BACK DAILY , FROM 0 O’CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O’CLOCK P. M. DXYOBITOIS OAB DBAW THHIft VOXKT HT OBIOKS, 10 J. HENRY HAYES. Toller. The spring garden saving FUND. (OKIKTKCn BY TUB LxOISLAYUU or PIHXSTLTAMIA.) PERPETUAL CHARTER. JTIYB PHR QJSNT. Intercut allowed to Depositor!, And All Moneys Pal'd back on Demand. OffflOß, 831 NORTH THIRD 3TREIT, (COKBOMDATIOH BAUX BUILOIK3.) This Institution ia now open for the transaction 01 business, and is the only Chartered Saying Pond I coated in the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (dally) from & to 2 V o’olook. and also on MONDAYB and THURSDAYS, from 6 anti] 9 o’clook in the lrening. Frederick Klett, John Kessler, Jr., Btephen Smith, James b. Pringle, John P Levy. Jacob Dock. Hon. Henry K. Btrong, Joseph M. Cowell, Daniel Underkofler. J. Wesley Bray, Hon. Wm. Mlllward, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Staako, P. 0. Bllmaker, Francis Hart, . John P. Verree, Joseph P. LeOlero. George Kneaht. - President, JAMBS 8. PRINGLE. Becratarj, GEORGS T. THORN. apa-iftt CRAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN -0 T2BE3T—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM. PANY .—WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST OORNEB OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. Ixoo*foaat>i> bt tbb Brin o* P«bmsylvi*ia. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with* dravrai. The offoe is open every day from 9o’doek In the morning till 5 o’clock In the evening, and on Monday end Thursday evenings till 8 o’clock. BON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT BSLFBIDGS, Vloe President. Ww. J. Kbxd, Beoretary. ' DIftMFTOBSS Hon, Henry 1, Benner, P. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Oerter, Joseph B. Dan , Bolert Selfridge, Fza&oia Lev, - fltml. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. L&ndreth Muons, Henry Dlffeaderfler. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provision:! of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MOST GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first dais securi ties as will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot faU to give permanency and sta bility to thla Institution. aul-ly CAVING FUND. —UNITED STATES k 9 TRUBT COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OHBBT NU? Streets. Large and small sums received, and paid hack on de mind, wHhoutnotloe. with FIVE PER CENT INTER E3T from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, and oa MONDAY EVENINGS from T until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on Kngltnd, Inland, and Seottaadj tram £1 upward*. Preoldont—STEPHEN B. QBAWFORD Tretmer—PLlNY FISK. TeIUr—JAMBB E. HDNTBR PERRY’S BEANE BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND BAOB. PREMIUM AWARDED By the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE for Manufacturing Superior Account Bootes FIRMS intending to open neir Books on the first of the Year, can select from a good stock on band, or have thorn made in any desired style in a superior manner. BOOK-BINDING of every description executed in thn finest and most substantial manner, at loir prices, MAGAZINES bound fromCOcts. to $2 50 per volume. SIGSIO bound in a netr and handsome siyle, from $1 to $3. OLD FAMILY BIBLES rebound, to look and wear equal to nev ■PERRY’S BOOK-BINDERY,' - FOURTH aod RACE. Oldest established Bindery ia Philadelphia., . n23-2m Matljinera anb Jron. gIKUVI* XBBRIOK* /. TIUGJMVt MSSIIOVj WILLIAM X. MMllffl, CSOUTHWAHK FOUNDRY, )0 lIS-TH AND WASHINGTON STBSBTB. PHILAO»LrQIA, MEKRICK & SONS , ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, Hirer, ana Marino aerrioo. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanka, Iron Boats, As., Oast* lugs of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roora for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, fee. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Impro7®d construction. Erery description of Plantation machinery, inch as Sugar. Saw, ana Grist Mills,'Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. Bole Agents for N. lUllleox’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J, p. Boss* Patent ValTe Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent— B. U. BAHTOL ■ TNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHICAGO , ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating Janda in the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual faollHiee for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASH. Having Surveyors constantly in the field to make personal examinations, he can always make the most judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now bo In lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. ICT Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the Western States. IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know whero they will get the most for their money, especially anch times as these. A SMITH.. Wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Ptreots, are disposing of their White Lead, Ground Paints, of all Colors, and Window Glass, all of the bost quality, at prices which w»n bo pleasing to buyers. ocll JJW.PKOYEU JJUKfIING EMJID.—\Te S. aro no«r manufacturing, au3 r.re prepared to solt. a Darning Fluid much less liable to i xplodo thso tho common article, ar.d we can confidently rccomm-nd it 4a being much cater. VARNALL k. OGDEN, ' pellt-MAlfi 472 N TTITHD Ptrenl Abova NnM* ; 13UTTER .—5O tuba Gosbou Butter just ro ’ JCB-i eefredi and for sale by ; . . 0. C. SADLER, & OG., h& , i ".‘x t ABOS second door below front, Smrittflo JFnnfca. DIRECTORS. No. U4l DOCS STRBBT, OH nxrosiT, IK 80MB, ir DBBIIBD. GKO. H. HART, President. OHAfI. G. IHLAY, Treasurer. se9B-tJanl MANAGERS. iSookbiniring. B. SALISBURY, 49 CLARKE Street, Chicago. .omsanitg/ fnonrant* T\ELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY .IN- U ' ■ iSUBANOB COMPANV.r ' . , INCORPORATED BY TUB LEBISLATVRE OF PENNSYLVANIA.- OFFICE 8. K. CORhEK THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, PbU&delphiA MARINE INSURANCE .. ON VESSELS, 1 - FREIGHT, $ ' C °- aU P "‘“ 0t tt “ WaM ' _ . v iMLA'HD INSURANCES On Goodß, by Biver. Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage, to all parte of the Union. JU> INSURANCES «■ . On Merchandise generally., . On Stores, Dwelling Houses, to. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, , , November 1,1868. Bondf, Mortgages, and Real Estate 71.333 35 Philadelphia Olty, and other Loans 297*066 60 Stock in Railroads anl Insorance Companies 25*362 M) Bills Receivable.. ..... 20t’,660 30 OaGhonband.. .... 42,067 85 Balance in hands of Agent Marine policies recently ’ debts due the Company ts—Premium# on issued—-and other ITORB. , James 0. Hand, ' Theopbilus Paulding, James l’raqualr, , William Byre, Jr., J F.PenUton, ' Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James B. M’P&rland, Thomas 0. Hand, .Robert Burton, , John B. Semple, Plttsb’g ,D. T. Morgan, '* J. T. Logan, “ il MARTIN, President, i. HAND, Vioe President, retary. d!6»tf William Martin, Joseph H Beal, Edmund A. Bonder, JohnQ. Davie,' John B. Penrose, George G .Lelper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M.» Huston, Wra 0 Ludwig, Hugh Oraig. )encer M’llv&ine, harlea Kelley. H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones. ' WILLIA THOB. 0 HENRY LYLBUBN, Seer The quarer city* insurance COMPANY, OFFICE 408 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL and SURPLUS (277.- 605.86.—Insures against LOBB or DAMAGE BY FIRE *»£ ]£• fERILS OP THE SEA, INLAND NA7IGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. lE?* TEN per cent, in cash returned'on the earned premiums of Open Inland Policies. OFFICERS. President—GEOßGE H. HART. Vice President—B. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasarer—H R.COGGBHALL. Assistant Secretary—S. H. BUTLER.' DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart,' B.W. Bailey ® Andrew R. Ohambers, A. G. Cattell, J, y,. Pomeroy, . Joseph Edwards, Oharles G. Imlay, John G. Dale. . H. R. Coggahall, . Posted 8. Perkins, Sami. Jones, M. D.» Hon. H, M. Pallor. . se2l-y Attest, H. R. COGGSHALL.Seo’j. A MERICAN FIRE 1 INS ORANGE CO., x*. INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER'PER PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Haring a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested In sound and available Securities, continaeto Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In Port ana their Cargoes, and other Persons! Property.' ;AU Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. . DIBIOTOSB. George Abbott, • . John T. Lewis, John Welsh,. 1 Caspar W. Morris, Samuel 0. MortoxL James B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edmund G.-Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. " GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Secretary. . ja2B-yif CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital $300,000. Organised 1851. Privileged to Insure Honses, annually or perpetually j Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks: receive De posits j hold Trusts and grant jumultl&s ’ ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W.'Mautibk, Secretary. 011107018. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D, Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. winder, J P. B. Mingle, 0. R. Bicking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, - William Curtis, jelB-ly G. F. Turner. Life insurance and trust com pany.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INBURANOB COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, (612,726.08. INSURES LIVES Tor short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life Interests in Real Estate, and makes all oontraots depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrator*, Assignees, Trustee*, and Guardian*. nhnii. Daniel L.MUler, Samuel 1. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard 8. Newbold, James B. McFarland. William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter. William H. Kern, James Boston, Samuel 0. Haoy, Theophilas Paulding, Charles Halloweu, Rdmond'A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutohimoa, Rodolphu* Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Ellis 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, John G. Brenner, P. B. Hlehler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL']. STOKES, Vice Pres’t. Jon W. Homo*. Secretary. - niB-ly INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 RXOHANGB BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1704 Capital (200,000—Assets, Janu ary 1,1858, (547,448.50-100, . * All invested in sonnd and available securities—conti nue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, &0., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS: Henry D. Bherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Oh&rles Maealester, Tobias Wagner, Williams. Smith, Thomasß. Watteoa, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, WUibunß White. Charles g. Lewis, George 0. Carson. George 0. uariK/u. HUNEY D. SHEBIUSBD, President. WiUjUM Habph, Secretary. je9*wfnn,tl QOJCMQNWEALYH ihbdbancn COMPANY, ov m statu or Pennsylvania, offior, NORTHWBBT CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUt STREETS, Bnbftritffd Capital, |WO,OOO. raid op Capital, |3QO^M. DIBJOTOU. - Dr. D. Jayne, Thoa. 8. Stewart, H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, i. M. Whitall. J. K. Welker, Edw. 0. Knight, M. B. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., S. K. Hoxaie. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Prea’t. SUftnsi. 8. Moos, Secretary. ja2o-y Fire and inland risks.—fame INSURANOH COUP ANT Capital 1100,000. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relatiro talß ■arano* Companies, passed April 2d, I 860.) GEORGS W. DAY, President. THOMAS S. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Office 411 CHESTNUT Bt., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. * Jacob K. Vaughan, Henry Lewis. Jr., D. B. Bir*?y, John W. Erannan, A. H. Rosenheim, M. Stern. Goorge W. Sat, William W. Waltori, Oharlea Elohardson, Barclay Lippi noott, Jos. R. Brognard, Chaa. Stoke*, fe2-t-y Eastern insurance company.— OFFICE No. 6 EXCHANGE. . Aothorimd Stock Capital, $200,000. Obabtss Psrpbtoal. Fire Kirks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risks ou Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Transportation Risks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats, taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George A. Wright, Thomas Shaw* George Cookman, Charles Stop, Jacob Reed, WO. fctotesbury. ANDREW GQOBRAN, President. William I. Browbi, Vice-President n3-tf Andrew Cochran, William I. Brown, Richard Q. Stoteafaurjr, Peter D. Myers, Robert B. Walker, Jacob Lukem, Howard fire AW) marine INSU RANCE OOAirAtiY, No. 413 WALNUT BtrMt. Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Thoa. L. Luders, Wm. F. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M.W. Baldwin, John U. Diehl, John 0. James, Wm. K. Hamlin, A.JFBucknor, 11. H. fihillingfotd, John W. Sexton. 0. E. Spangler, William lUiguel, H.H. Houeton, Edwin Booth, . Win. H. Lore, John Garrison, Charles F. Norton, E. S. Wame, Isaac Myer. President—THOMAS L. LUDERS. Vice President-E. S. WARN!. Secretary—CHAßLES A. DUY. selft-tf ®arSxn«r*. PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND A.; ventilating warehouse. ARNOLD * WILSON, ;; y- - eoooißßoas re a. a. haumsox, : We have mooted from oar old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No, 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the Bt. Lawrence Hotel, where onr "old ‘friends and tfle public are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of Warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled <Stone Mantels, Parlor Ooal Grates, Ac., <Sto. We are now manufacturing OQILSON’S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NSW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Hosier erei invented, and salted to all olasses of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns ot Low Do Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all cites and pattern 8 We have also commenced the manufacture 0. ENAMEL ED 53*0 A’23 MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at ike late Fhtr and Exhi bition of fAs fhinkJin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and bcautiiul Ahtiqdk Maaatss, are lo« injured by Nmoks, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale ana Retail, at «n«cA less pries than Marble, Call and set than. ARNOLD * WILSON. BINJ.H. 7BLTWJSLL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April. apttl lv HARDWARE —The subscribers, COM MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, woftld respectfully sail the attention of the trade to their stock, whioh they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in part of— Chains, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Cow, Fifth, Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, Mine, and Ooil OhaSns. ’ ’ ’ Vl The celebrated “ L ” none Nails; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright* ” and other Anvils; Solid Dcx and other Vices. Short and long handle Fry Pans; round and oral Bako Pane. “Marlm’s” saperior Files and Rasps; Bed Screws. ‘‘Excelsior ’* Safety Fuse; Blasting Tubes. Corn. Grass, and Brier Scythes; Hay, Corn, and Straw ■Aulvea. Hay, Manure, Tanners’, and Spading fork*. Hakes and Hoes; Shovels and Bpades. of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Kails. Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges, geretrs, Locks of a)] {duds; Cutlery, Ramstrad Pumps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham mere, Planes, and other Toola.'Ao., &e. W. <J. LBWIB * SON, No 411 COMMERCE Btreat. Qliggto «ni> goimcco. RD. SCOFIELD, IMPORTER OF HA • YANA GIG ARB—La Normandes, La Fire Flys, La Blilcas. Figaros, Marla Autqnieta, Pressed: Flor c l © Rio Seco Regalias, Flor de La Paz, Jose Mo. Viohats,, Caroplim< , ntoß, sod many other brands of superior qua lity, at reduced prloes, No 807 OUestuat street, under Qfrard House. d9-lms o FUGUET & SONS, >3# Importers of HAVANA OIGARB, " e 23 216 South FRONT Street. OABANAS AND PARTAQAS M. , BSGARB.—-A choice luToioe of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Bra,” d&ily expected from Hmoa, and, for sale low, by OHABLFB TSTI, (Ntw) ISB Walnut stmt, below Second,. Ml - seconds Wry, Bmlroab tinea. DENNSYLVAOTA—HaSSoSS^THK . CaHTHATiTiBOOTE. eohneetlag the At v lantia Oltieswith Western-North-western, andKonthl Western states, by a eontinnous Hallway direct. This Road also connects .at Pittsburgh. With daily line of steamers to all porta the' Western Rivers, j and: at OlorelMd and Sandasky with Steamers toall porta on ... the North.western Lakc*: makinriha most DlRkOTi «** fi&YXSSL* 0 £ron l *h* OBEATj WEST, ~ - RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA . AND PITT BURGH. k >. i• • * *•* jrx*« Glam—Boots, ttoes.Ha*, and Gap*, Books, Dry .Goods, (in boxes ; 'bales and tranks),Drugs, (in hoses , and balea).feither*, ?irj,-fco... 909. per 100 lb. • POOID_. Glass**—Domestic - Sheeting, i Shifting and. flaking, (in original - bales)) Drags (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wal) - . Paper, Wool, mid Sheep. Pelts, Eastward, Ac. *.......760. MtlOQ lb," : Tiikd . Hemp.Bacon and Pork, Salted,- (loose or. In sacks), Paints, (dry/afld ta oil,) Oils L (exoeptlardand rosla).«*«>* S6c» per 100 lb Vov l ra Glass—OoA#, Hah, Same, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or boxsv , Lard and Lard Oil, Haii*, Gsrnian Olay, Tar, Pitch, I ?» Manufaofufed To- SE”; .?SS“- %«mn. . - • Bogar, (hid.,, bbU., and bone*,) wxm further notice. J 2 ££”*■• *rtU furthersnottoe. uSHi " no ‘ olMl>dll ‘* «? IM. weigh*, I £*£?*?? ftom *»/ point last or Phllidel- ° r 61.268 11 $698,804 70 Ao ff ra sr oI *- rk i* oo.,oMo»goj PM*.?* i r‘JSSS* R - *■ s™ * 00.. at. Loon, Ho. ; f. &• Q’Bilinr * Co., ItkwtUlo, Indiana; If£ Bingham, toulftflW Keitacky,; b! o~M«fdrnn£ Mrftaon, Indiana; H. w. Brown A 00., and AtharTfi S ’ PiMC * *-&>• ZanMTillo, Ohio, Laech & Co., No. 64 Kilbyitraat, Boston: Loaoh * Co., No. 2 Aster Homo, NewYeik,ND.l WtlUamat.. E£3*£i. K’Sgte®** *' H. B* HOUSTON, Genera] Freight Agent. . . _ M. j'LOMBAEBT, w* General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. Jg* FOE CHARLESTON, S,.C.—Heron’a SBS LINE—ONLY BESHLAR LINB-OOODB BB CEIYED AND .BILLS , LADIN.9 -SIGNED EYSHY DAY—Freight and insnraneo at loss than, sailing tm sel rates, by the ateamahlo KEYSTONB STATE, -Cap*. O. V. Marehman,' to Bail on TUESDAY, Deo. 28tb, at 4 o’olook V M., from second wharf abore Vine et. For further particulars -please, see advertii ament of , Steamship KBYBTONE STATE, In this paper.- ’ . I lor freight or passage apply ter - I ■ - -A. HERON; 7a., aW . 828 North wharrec, FOB OHABLESXON AND SA- Saia& VANNAH —HERON 'B LINK. HOODS BIOBIVID AND BILLS OF LADING SIQNID SVBBY DAY.. • The Bplendid Mde*wheel Steamships . KEYSTONE, STATS ■ and STATE OP GSOBOIA, Now. form a weekly line for the Bouth and Southwest,' one of these , ships sailing erery. SATURDAY at 1* o’elook A. M., alternately, for Oharleston’ and gn rannah UotU the steamship State of Georgia has received her new boilers, the Steamship'Keystone State, in order to accommodate passengers and the trade, will make Weekly Trips, alternately to Oharleston and Savannah. The ateamahip KEYSTONE STATE. Oiptalo O.P Marshmau, will sail on TUESDAY, December 28 at 3 o’clock, P. M. - lOR SAVANNAH. HTThe steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Capita J J. Garfin, will saU on SATURDAY, January Ifiih. at 10 o’clock, A. M - At both Charleston and BaTannah, these shipsconneot frith steamers for Jloridaand Havana, and irith r*U roads, dco,* for all places tnthe South andfiouthirast. rtight lit u nutgicfU p?r eMt.bahm New York steamship rates, JNSUBAKOI. , FREIGHT and INSUBANOH on a large proportion of goods skipped South will tie round to be lover by these skips than by sailing vessels. Oabin 09 Steerage do 8 0S 'lzenraion Tickets, good for the present rear. 89 Off Bo bills of lading signed after the ship has tailed. For freight or passage, apply to A.&n&q&Jr.. Ho. 823 (late 813 North Whan «l» ■ Agents at Charleston, T. 8. &X. G: BUDD. • ” Agents In Savannah, 0. A. GRBIB1& & 00. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer OABOLIHA, 1 |r«7 Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, steamers BT. HABTS and BT. JOHNS. OTenr Tuesday and Saturday.' - For Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell j&a, STEAM TO GLASGOW*, LIVEE- JgSSPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON DERRY, without delay, for $3O. Betnrn tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, $6O for the round trip, out and back. raon SEW TOBE. Edinburgh, Gumming, Saturday,. Deo2s.l2o’clock H. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, Jan 22,12 o’clock M won Glasgow.* Glasgow, Thomson, Wednesday, December 22d. Edinburgh, Camming, t'atnrday, January 22d, RATES OF PASSAGE. , raoac GLASGOW. First Ola ......18 guineas. Steerage, found with cook»d provisions.... 8 » l First Class. .$75 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions. £0 00 Children under 14 years of ege, half fare j Infants in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. , First Olass.'. $l4O Steerage ..$6O As experienced. Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Phtladel phia ROBERT OBAIG, 17 Broadway, New Fork. . HALL A LONEF, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltimore. n 027 szgSmi THE BRITISH AND NORT SammL ambbican royal mail steam vbox raw toak ito Ltruroos.. r U^ y< TnMn Pfrmgn' t'm T.j x'j ih ill SNoad OaUs ' nox bobtoi to umrooi. 0Ul(0«Ufl tttttfft .yn BecoadOaWn Paaaage..... #8 . The ships from Boston call at Halifax.. PERSIA, Oapt, Judkin*. I CANADA, pant. Lang. ARABIA, Oapt J. Stone. AHXRIOA, ASIA, Oapt. E. G. Lott; 1 NIAGARA. Capt.Byrie. AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon, j ItTROPA, Oapt. J. Leltofe. These vessel* carry idear white light at zoMt-head} green on starboard bow; reden port bow. CANADA, Lang,* leaves Bos too, Wednesday, Deo. 1* AFRICA, Shannon, “N. York, Wedneeday, Dee. B.' BURO PA, Leltch. “ Boeton, Wednesday,'Dee. 15. PERSIA, Judkins, «N. York, Wednesday, Deo. 22. ARABIA. Stone, “Boston, Wednesday, Deo. 29. ASIA, Lott, “ N York, Wednesday, Jan 6. CANADA, Lang, “ Boston,‘Wednesday, Jen 12. AFRICA, Shannon, “ N York, -Wednesday, Jan 19. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stone* or Metals, unless bills of lading are dgned therefor and the value thereof therein expressed, lorfreight or passage apply to nol-y E OTJNARD. 4 Bowling Green. /CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sire to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to too public of an artlole which the analysation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, & Oamac, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to J>e the moat pure and consequently leas t injurious spirits ever offered too American public. CERTIFICATE OF DR. JAS. R CHILTON. I have analysed a simple of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr v CHARLES WHARTON, J*. of Philadelphia, ~ and. having carefully tested it, I am pleased to Btato.tha^it'is.,entirely free from poisonous or,deleterious substances. It is an unusually pure and fine Savored quaUfooLWhlskey. ‘ • \.>T- JAMES B. CHILTON, M. D., lBB3. Analvtieal Chemist. Philadelphia, Bept. 9,1888. DkaxSix: We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove-Whiskey which you sent üb, and find that it cdhtalna nene of toe poisonous substance known foe Fssfo OU, which la toe characteristic and injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys in general nse. ’ Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, Analytical Chemist*. To Cbaelss Whaitoji, \yALNDT Bt., Philadelphia. /•' 0c22-dtja2l SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER, AND K? BROWN STOUT. . - „ R Youngers’ Ale, 8t Ann’s Brewery, Edinburgh, in atone pints. Muir & Sons’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, in stone pts. Finzi A Williams’ Loudon Brown Stout in glass pts. do 'lido’ * ' Porter, in glass pts. F. Bleed &. Co.’s Dublin Stout, in stone pts. In store and for-aaie by «SNIDER’S OLD WINE STORE,” KJ NOW CABBY’S. Old No. 76, new 328 WALNUT Btrret. Snider’s Wines were always pronounced by good judges to be unsurpassed, and were in reality mperior to any in the market. Part of the old s*ock I have jet on hand, which consumers would do well to try, now that the market is overstocked with adulterated liquors for to sell during the Christinas Holidays. Wines and Liquors sold by me, it unsatißfaotory, can be returned. JoHN GASRY, Ja., <M-Zm Successor to J V. fcnidar. BRANDIES—" Pinet Castilloo,” Harett, and other Cognaos of various vintajrea, in half pipes and quarter j PelleToiain Rochelle Bmdie*, pile and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and ans-sighth casks. Imported and for sale by ESNRY £OIILEN A 00., east «n itt/J 25» Vovrtb itrMl O.IN. —30 Pipes (Dntch Company’s) in VR bond, and for sale by WM.H. YEATON, 216 8. FRONT Rt. HEIDSIOK & CO.’S CHAMPAGNE.—A constant supply of the original genuine brand, in bond and in store, for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON. sole agent for Pennsylvania, No. 216 South FRONT Street. nn* ALLSOPP’S PALE ALE—In Hhds —A a onslant supply on band in Stores, forstle by WILUAM H. YEATON, 216 South FRONT Street nofi hotels and Kestanrants. Arcade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHIA. OOXOPOTED OS THS BUBOPXAH FLAX. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tinue to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, and tho priced remain unchanged, vis: kook pxa Day 500. Dixsbb 6Qo. Breakfast ahd TEA, EACH, 37^0. The house’has been thoroughly renovated, and every - thing done to make guests comfortable. The chamber are heated in winter by moans of Steam Pipes, for which so extra charge is made. There is no bar kept In toe house to be a souroe of annoyance to guosta. The accommodations are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received. 83* This house is never closed day or night. J. D. BROWN, oc«-8m B. DB YOUNG , TONES HOUSE, ,1 HABBISBUBa, Pi., JUOANTI.T PTraNIB^Mf* 1 ,n M * T "’ HOW OPEN TO VISITOR. m?29-r WKLTIB COVIBLT. Prorri.tor DE LANEY’S SALOON AND KESTAU KANT. N. B. corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Street., Philadelphia. no2-3mo WM. A PE LANBT, Proprietor. JFKOSSEE’S , RESTAUBANT, No. • 80S MARKET Street, fonr door, .tore EIGHTH South side, Philadelphia. Oyster. Stewed, iloastsd Fried, Pickled, Ao., Ac., for Home Oonsnmptlon an Transportation. N, B.—Dinner frem twelve to* tore - o’clock, oott-tf whipping, JOB OHABLXiTtOB yMIGHTS S9DUOJBD. nSH HBW TOBK. tOin*a and Ciasata WItLIAM H. TEATON, 216 South FRONT Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers