I'- .was* WS* aeoJat»tK>>- - Jmr* j.velliibe/ond ..jiforthtarn Senators .•»nsrveStTib : thescorßand£cohteinpt ....laelriiconetitoentß.U'lJjhave K names from, 4 'tike fcee. whoasaiatedat thtaßacrtflCQ of< abratre., ? r Uhd upright (statesman . without 'sifopeasiifiavlngtakontiliOjiesponslijiUtyitt I* ft Tbe atiempt? to hide the Jtnfltjr.* l secret will not avaif them Sven ■ '-KidgCaneda J isndf alwaysMmd and apeech ,les«ii :.Sfr.Baolianan J .who-demapdedthattho ■ale* ehmildfaUiuponthe^Dougiaa/does/not hesitate to M thafjiq signed the warrant, ■Row. let in? h*?® ti>e nameaef ;the, : Northern Senators pho outdated at the execution ( • r peieetye that a,46apatoh has heen sent fdrwehltorthe Otftotlthat Senator, Bigler yot«d i again* ttbewmovalOtfDouglas ftomthecpm -j f. J piUtee.andthatthePresldentdoesnot|ipprove -thedecree of the Cahoua *>. Mr Bjglerts vote is his own %adem—|hongh it is somewhat lnqqni)ttent f wijth his alleged devotion to the doctrine efttioagreuidnal Intervention th* slavery*l-tut* 1 -tut I have thehesi reatont for! tajrfig ifiai the fytnieid coni tilled the attack spoa the Setiator froiti II litimi V " J i ’ t tyW -a \ s- s fhe pjpgrojs (toward centralization at the seat- uf.thej'sderal Governfflehf is no longer a ? defabtfnljfrogre*s It will become Irresistible tv unless it is Sternly and speedily checked ?r,ivi;\'s-j <y --Oommehcingin awantonviolation ot personal' honor and! political faith on (he part of the President, it has advanced, in rapid stride^ - •• ' i#om one usurpation to another, -hi ine months v- removedifrom office be cause they stood' bravely by the ptesident(s_ ~ ; orlginkigronndoa. thejEanasa werenextpersecntedi-becanse.theywonldndt . -denonnce- Jndge Douglas rtfien because they. ; wonld '.not: acoepfetbe English bill:>thenbe* (cansotbeywonTdnotiopposetheprinciplesof organlzition-jttnd»,prlnciples.o£i:theparly!in Ilbnois All this timfi nobody attempted ' to • j-doctrine. pf.-Congressional - Intervnnlion tbr'the .preteotionaot.falaveryi - muoli lesi to make iiia tott npbn Democrits.. On-the- ventionwasthe.verysonlofonr.cvoediSKThß . , (popdarruleimStatesanafferritorieajwas-thW Accepted cofner-stoneofotirpoUtioaltetiipld. and vice presidents, representatives and constita ,- ■ ,enle.wereaa;«Olemnly,bouud:tp ; thi*,vi{aland ■ ■ .> - fnndamental principle - asTthoy wiire houDd tto the Constitution. |t self a new ritual late beforcedppon ns.r-iliy BuchanSb „has deter mine to takd the advanoe steppe promised Jefferson Datris to tikp Administration - adherents ' are - called* nponv-tov-.fqUow. r and : Ixiige i-Donglasviatto^rhe’-made'theflrst Vlctutriot opposing th|" theory ot Con gresstonidlnterveiftion for the protection of e■•'ivlMr —•'iiu-tiie ,® _ ldsecr- fe j fe 1 ?f «^lQbwvdfQtMt^B l^i^&: elUo'il^t^wl]ncli'fss''€d>'«^e^ P i ,,' WC4S^«Mw^^W BU' <S ' T } dg(^feS>^reil«t!sdi' l-i# V*is?wiixr/ ■ i’-’i - I ' r ffi, ' , - 1 m gljgjw^prfft^J^^lTO.&ttieXriildiriorfe. lr~ * hi h» - ShE I __ EL >!t w>too_t & x <wSm^TMrte4tlOTH|lairtiSi^'*t 3 SfrH»*ard*i;' : |f\ * te tM*ffi»|#»’mst4i iilftHOJ%enKwMld,dti6ti‘]fo^Ui/<hr;tlid^d.. Sfeffd^eiidiJ^llipMipsStnJPennnilyonUi l, wmm§.mksmmms& £* ( <m»^i*i^MtrWrWDg^:ift9 , ;p»rti*an dh R* J . I-; 7 ■&&gmßgjB&m fee ’.l^^lißßiißttMß^' p:^H|PMNw ft A W'~ ismt&zfr m r't The next itevaHfaw More than ordinary lnte|§M in anticipation, to thejpextliphwl from, Europe, honrly expected to arrive by |hOiWSil Bte ““ 0 ' Nemo, which was to .have .lelt.Efrcril? . tUe 2Tth nlt.. and is now .due at New _x.ort.-_ ■Two topics arc involved In.tbispac « telilgonce Fir t tWUWnW oi 0o " n ‘ T ”*~ MoxxALEHßnnTstiai at Paris 1W 1 having presumed to" stpvy implication only that suite ns freo Country and spooney the talked of retail oflord IfAWEB f , With~the infotrdition whlfch has reached ihte dounjry from Europe we can only at present upbn these two sub jects jit the .frOnch tribunal really ho a Court M Ji slice? ft is not pftSbnhle lhat ll; ng fltpKT^npubeet, -can ,6e „cpnylctod.., T,he mere.proaecntion,,showing,aa;twreasonablo intolerance >of . the truthp wlUbo a damaging affair* fdr NAronson IllyWhateVer,the,verdict. - he ' permitted •to - douhti in. the ab;, sencetof.; moie ? speelfld" information/than! to: 'affardedby ttfo fintl-MlnUiterlalLondon jour-: nala- ijthether Lord N’APißtt really is to, bo ra called, ii/JChe statement was first. mafia tn tpe Miming Fori, a paper in which Lqrd Palm* i-, STom >haa, not.aply.a,. party,.but. also, a "l aI p e proprietaryinterest.,: and.it was. repeated by tbet'Gioie; .another ofthe ..ex-.Brcmiers or gans It is do unttsuat in England for the • s ftßBfitibn's'bf the Ministry,‘-as to removals ahfi ! ippdlnlments first to bd mafio pt blio through doubt this NX-, report altogetier coming from the source it hoes L ' The New'Fork Ifrroid, which wake? more blunders abont foreign politics than al mostany'otherjonmal4nthe whole. Union, pMCsnHa" that' ftfcts 'diavo -come /to* its own. ■knowledge" (whynot-honestly say to if? own that LordNAViKp basboen. too, democratic in this country for the taste add,, Jeellngs ofthelßrltish Ministry. ..Lord P.gßßir, ; who baa travelled through), the. United Statda, i •is known to be impressed towards. .this.eouji try in the most fdvorsble and friendly manner. Ilord'S*A»My. hisaon.-is ;oiinallyiW6U-affe'p-' tfidiitOWardstus-sA are Disbash, Bulwbb,'; Lord MAiuiSßtJßv; and Lord' Joffif MAskfeES, Uso Cabinet Ministers Lord pAIMBBSToji,: andjbis party, who appointed: Lord Nawib, are notoriously unfriendly tpthe Americans,.- dfclß/pspaper wbiebdrst intimated the.intepf; ■ tion- to recall NAP»Brr-perbaps ..the wish was* father to the thought? j' . Meanwhile. we desire to place on record the [ declarationto theNewYork Herald of yes-' terday-that'“it is acurious evidence of the. revived ascendancy of French influence in ; Downing street, to find a Minister of Lord •Napikb’s abilities recalled for: re-echoing ,ip Jiis despatches .the sentiments expressed by l-one of tbejheads! ofthe Cabinet which he re- ’Suppose. in the teeth of all this, that Lord Nambb.ls not recalled I: ■ •■■■■ \ ’ & f -i ■ 5!. roßi Ol ** uw 1,858 ipn. on southern, remoW^,; mahipoC s ’fed that . atiitorial , alghi bo itopheoy irltaVan ire;pirty. (Boaglas iriicipje, act}on;of; h<i jfcne 1 ) Fabllo Entertainments , last Bight was prodnoed;' atWalnttt-atreet Thea- j trt;' » r trMlal»lion of Medea.-'friim theErenoh, byiMf. Oi , .Of!Wy®an.'of»Bt»ton- ; r»'<trMulßUon4|i which'the farulliarnndthe stilted aro curiously bat not h»ppily blon4«4—a tranUation far inferior to thatmade by Miia Matildn Heron.' Newspaper paragraphs lately. gaTO.usthe novbl Information that Kaohol.a* well as Bistort; had played Medea, (Vha faatiis. it was written In :1852, for Baehel, by authors ofAdrienne Leeonvreur.’fin-a transiationof which- Miss Darenpoyt.playß bo admirably ;) it was alternately iaooeptedoand't*ejeetedi i byißaohel;'iit-i.waj;,twioei declared, on; appeal' to oourtsof'iaw, that ebb i must performin' it. as ntnember- ofthe Then tie iFranflaUr andi- finally; she paid a ,large.jßtttn- to theaatbor.as damaged .for nob predating play which sho had ordered from-himf bnt udisflked. Krentoaliy.'' we. believe, the ' -- Medea ' was 'translated into; Italian for'Madame Blstori, whp haem ado. great reputation byhor acting of :the leading part p:.Theplttyia extrayagantalli through.- dheoha rocter of jlfeiea is so maoh Upon jtllts that we dp not wDnder- at its notbeingone of .Miss Daven ;port's mosb.'felioitons-representations. -' The play awakebs little sympathy.andmuoh of the acting ;waa Oniioo highva key.’io ta ipeak;’! The on) tbeold istoryof i JoJon-adosertiotfOf Medea, fiud.him. and. .with ninth, where: he 1 Is jhter of . the King. ■eum iby.a children;.endthuß lie luurdsr.i "Such .•ithe display, ofpaa aganeo. ;■ r i, tras dressed wlth ex; *: weUrolndeed; i.thK . erinollhe. - T4edea t i ohlldren (calleditboye- in.tha play.: but dressed as ,g|rli).:alBowcrevmodern.“fraokB.hoQpa.and'.aool lopedj»paot».'?R;,These dear little:onoBicomo;ltt •wantlng/if<fod.-,:.whioh;ahould.nDt bare; beta rthp at ’muoh'.gold'.-.wtth pearls and.diamonds, u uwould "have.,, kept .tbtm oomforlablefor>yeare,;.'These:ohlldren.:are flamed ..to , be: twins, .thoqgh, opejwetnearly ead.taller. then the.other, 'The tajlest ( not >tay.,.the eldeat. for uth ey -were. '-born la one hoar,'), was little'Dqllo Crookor. who. played, her put moat making, it quite a feature bad a relief .iMriUJopvay.looklßg.slmosttoo. handsome for .of jitbe malo aeb. took tho part of. Orp/uor, whloh her beantilnl Intonation and graceful action almo«t.»ltyateditintoln)portenoq..- Wo moat no-.- tiee,: with, commendation.-the olaealoal and be coming; ooitame- : of ;Mra H. A-ferry. ono. of the moat eorreot and pains-taking ottbe whole eompa-. ny, i. Mr. .Young.aa the Zing, performed verycro dltably ; ■ The. Jason ol thlsplaywas undertakon by Mr. Z. A,: Perryi who,, frequently performs well: bat .wae.- a».unrated .for, the. obaraoter, asltwaa for :blm.' As ntaal, hlsatereotypodshrug. itare. ole ration of eyebrow, and., aboa'e all. hie harsh, load voice—4s If every one around him were shook logly, deaf—prevented bit .playing well. . ; .. .V Medea - will be . repeated.-and many will ba onrloos to see it: bat .it has not the elomenta of popnl&rltyot permanenoy. aad we wore , grieved .to see Min Davenport, undoubtedly a ■ first-olass actress, in a oharaoter so nnaolted to her ability. After Aat-lt, Mib: Conway and Mias Davenport oboyed.the call of. the andlenoe and appeared be* fore the onrtafn. and. at the olose of the play, a eeoond call brought out Miss Davenport and little BellavCrocker'. 1 who were conducted’ by Mr. Perry. ■ Katiouai. Cmcun■ —Wo would remind the ju veniles that there will be an afternoon as well as an evening at the Girons to-day. The rhonae is crowded every evening.' - - iho performances here/”ln aid of tho fundfer ereOtingamonument-toOeoeral Bnfna Welch. ■ will take place on next Thursday evening. Col. Bent,-leiseo of the Ofrous. has liberally placed the .honsa. with his.performers andhoraea. at the eer vloe of the committee appointed to carry out this .propoaltloni"v.'-;.'--t:5..0:f..-r: tr,. -•- i !-iA()orM«ppndsnli f 9f : theßp«toi>,ZVatMcrtj)ijTTriU''g fromldyerpool ,’says - :.-b■ ' ~; i .: : X; gave a dinpei‘paity,;Vifil?liXobjoyecl»<j")tiuoh,asj<)nwfll 'Belftye .whenlr ieiryoa thatil. w/snfc to,the dinner (!&s>&' ri>ri.t|*at'Poilty Retertßeniß, andsat next to aiidoon yarsed with himall dinner • time:’ -Next-lrat one tohlmeat’t 1 tyilHe’ ’Boras,' Ihe eldest son- of tho’ Jioet— that is','older tbon hi?'brother, Col. Burns, Cj_pogb,tbo older; • £uitolnflrm r but teiUjhptiat hewlll.be au'd?hlS hand trembles very mooh. i a‘i)ie fit thO,tirt|pj Is maoh stonier,-' :iy r and bis. step firm. ‘‘ I can hardly )yip ij t6e ‘6lderi' although Colonel. tneldhatAimjel/naatheyotiDgar, lisTplKer, of his mother, of Scotland in India nearly thirty, years, never tlmo .havlng had a'day’s .ilokncsa. '“sings hU father|e son; ' He san; 4 , «lCgB j. . — Jg j'Rojjirt Bnrns wiote tihlainother, a thligfaniHyto^iijindyiwa^inyjjfoe.V Pa^BEHTS—A, piano jh Ji E. Gould, BflVenth-’aAd: Oheit-' Hla Jtook ,j, - lX' lifUPgf Pfp^“ B>: &e wmeataani ; pampiiletoatalogues li- : '.-is-5 j-.'r^’V*.''-f' JooKii.~Tfc? largfland valuable ooK irtv aorlda«i )in4 uplendiif? books jasf im-lsiidbiij'tiybe kofdonToesdoyadcl ■ -- -• ' 1 ..vV:'* - tfty)o#a?i:^to,»aa(lT«rtia«menHnnii. largs'oapkoHy., , jS™ **4. iwoptyibt® id severely figured &»t Hid Y MjpNlGfltfjMAlL letter from Washington. I 'r&neafofi&tm or ThqJ?reM.3.r;7<4j • ; ■ ' T ; lB5B. .. ! The Bon. isaao ss . morns, RgJglientaiiYe of the' Quihoy, -TlHhoifl," district,, a. bill, whibhho intends ofiering at the first fitting opr uppn the people of the,Tor;', ritories, after they shall have organizsdhs Territories, the right to eleot their governors, and tb^elect^qrappolnttheir-judgesraDd-otherlop^ officers, as the duly-chosen Leglalatnre may ap prove. Some doubts-'ore entertained as to v the praotib'abiiny offtheSnqVement ; but;n?w, *h«n; it ibfinouinbe&t uponfufitto adhere |tb popular prfpciplo thfemore u Is assailed? tbqn*< sands of hearts will respond to this well-timed* proposal.. - „ : ; uYqu will peroelve,that'Mr. Bpeaker prr ; ..ha3 re fused to follow the example' of the Senate In pto so rib In g Domocrats whohave contended against ExebuUvo diotationi '-libn. John =Hfo£man is ret i tabed as chairman of the Committee on Revolu "tfti&ry'FeniionsiiithoHonser*^,.mvt / -M 5 'attecks bf the' New York Timespn \ the /prMent of , ttib, and • Its 'Jhrald A defamatory of the exoite; muoh-remark; in this qaafter. ’ It is -intimated that the President wUt - order the Times,fas ho ordered ThtTres*, to,bo '' r ? , President has Teoonslderedhls soolal pfo t gramme, afidlyeStorday inylted' a. number ofßo - pablioana to take;dinner with ; hlm., I understand • that, : slike'jmbßtJ>f WB\-hoBpitaUUes, these,latter come >*? toO rlate,”} and, that .the . Republicans, having been compelled; tp ; a PP eas ®. their , hunger - during thV,long: session outsideXhp Presidential - manelon.have resolved to appease it;j|p -the same • way durihg the short sesslonj > Jt is now given out r thatinot aflinglemfember of theßepnblipaftpqrty will 'consent tOiput :hls legs .under the Bxepntiye jmabbgany, •-■■V *iy\ L That portion of :the President's message propa*' rfug to hold gonoraaud.Chihuahua aa indemnity for the'gbod behavior of : the Mexfaau {Jovornmenf, In Uhe ovont of tho dofeat of the will create great btcUomwit in California, .and prompt an immediate exodus ,ite Sonora. The 1 anasspore ;of hud hi?,, followers, under [ oiroQßUtonoep ;{ of -/unparalleled atwoityr>some I yeeurs ago, stiU-rankies in tbp<bearfco of the.peo* I ple of, orabb.fi S WW,% ?SPW | sentativo -man—in-faot, the leader- of the^W Mg ■party in .jOaUfpj?jia,<w His untimely'fate, .howevpr I ntuoh* - may deolare^that, ho<pro ,Vohed'l^(Jp|ir% r 'deePrfpoted determinaUonfor I vengoanoo.-rcThls 'foetyagt connected With ,tbe ; stories of ani'eard*of-treasures of gold; ?*}?«> and quicksilver in the valleys and bills : of Sonora, qaa>; not fail to call <an immense emigratidn to. this El, Dorado. ? Setting- this movement fimr t&tf se-General, Govern- Jtf oitUens us might go into'that pbrUpa Of Mexfo? > P°? | that, .the J?resident rhaa given his asflurawo. that I juoh protection shall he grsntpd, we may look fqtf I new? pf an invasion wMoh pat, to i tbs blush [air that wo have ever read of In the ,annals, of iWalkerandhismen; ;• ’ <: . WTfae ; Union” is still allent on ,the tariff ques* is .now- suggested' that Colonel Jobmon should.write the .Cobb articles; in favor ©f.free-- trade.in one oolnmn, andthatour sleek.and peordt | friend Appleton should write, the t“ proteotion!* or Bflchanfln'articlesidn anpther oolwnn. : This may ibe thehest-way'to settle the question. ■ $ •: * Ipremeditated attaofc Is to he-made upon ttjpi I Coast Survey, so .ably presided over by onr native born' citizen, A .Dallas Bache, E«q. . Tbia quiet, I ‘unpretending, laborious man of soienoe, who has [contributed the best years of his lifo.tothe public Lsorvice, = has ereoted a solentldo monument in his extraordinary achievements in protecting .the commerce of our country by means.of his coast and harbor'exploratiqns; is noW-to benesaUed by tbofte L who envy his renown. t £trust the delegation from 1 Lponhsylvania, in :both houses j will allow .him 1 rito he assailed. Without a vigorouijnovement. In this Lhehalf.< PloifsEßi | I ~ ■ I/etterilrora New-iXork- .**? ; i koykl A.flßAiro.scALE;:, - THJB /FUHD —PROPOSED - DOUGLAS RB r.' CBPTj^N— OF, PHILADELPHIA ALDBB - OP A ifDBDEBEIi*--BHAkBPE ARE AK | REVIVAL ’.'CVJ r .;* i i fConespondenee of Ths'Press.] u i L. (• *v,' l t Tosn i , The nßXtVdremstic' exqttement; will he tbe wmiteur performance for the beoeflt of thi Drametlo rarid. It ‘promises tojbe e Already drawing* I roomsof dttr ftnV' widety :begin -to eebo irltb the'rn* -mors or aud/uerehAiit princes, I srhO have sxptesßed their inMntlona or axhibitlngthe^ I skill on the occasion, r Tbe festiTalf l learn, is to.opn- ' ] wirt or an entirely adaptation” from,the French, i iD'three.abts t : ; Three Hteraiy gantiemeu of.sueceMfol [ experience have undertaken, the task of ' preparing the dr*ma fpr -.All the characten In : the | piece are Id 'playid by •wEose abiUty bas { frennently saloobs of faib(o»; hat who ]' will now, appear’ ‘‘forthie night only - Then'there fe | to he an opera -by a'celebrated -amateur, also illnatra* ted by.-memberso/.ihe Aays's I tfr j j jrßach.a pnforipanoe be, of n«c«*iity> aa aj^hapr -1 all the tjnlou. KWho i>ntjhat> deftl of bßDeflt | a'mqßt dbie^t' I from tbii'itnlque Jefformence?^';^''^'' ] ■ progreM, At : BqEfaloj to' givp j ?ndge ? l>otiglas‘ a reeepM6a f 'eominfla«nrata With -the I magnitude'of >the victory of theDemooraey of XllidoiS at the: recent election. -,’A : committee of fifty , of„the I most prominent members of : the Pemomtlc. party, ap. J pointed at a meeting held some r th re ewe e in ce, the reception, met pn Taeig U\y evening ia^t'pars tun t to'aeali from'the'chairman, • 1 Henry wVSogertl SBq, who'stated'that he had re evlTed h the effeet tbeV he should : prob tetnrn from New Orirans at aWut, the dose oi tht preteniweekr Theehairmanand seerO' tary were Judge Douglas to' par* t'dpateine'FeitiTal. ? j; -i > 5 .-;; ; - It la a; noteworthy iiooideut, la reference to thfs de. tnonetratieii, that the cbalnnan, Kenry TV., Rogers* E«q; hMij throughout life, r been the'jto't mate penqnai And’political frlend bf Oovernor'Dlelinson.pne of bis promfuent stand-bys In theß late, sad donbed'ed by lead- Ing men to bethe eontroUJbg spirit of the Hardshell Section in 'Westeru NeW’ York/ He is a gentleman of parts.' pluck* and pefSereranoe; and not apt to put his foot in political matters tbo mere fan of the thing. X uaderstand It ii the intension of. the Buffalo Demo crats to make .the'; projowd , demonstration one of .the most Imposing that have been withessed in that eliy. • Tour Philadelphia aldermen .were ietively feted and fed yeeterday by our Bp'ird of'Ten Governors of the Almshouse.' They visited - the cbarltable loetitntlons r on Baodall’s and Blaokweli’s Islanls, were speechified at. and speechified inretaru, (Dr Smith, of phia. acting as spokesman)} after which, dinner* .In the evening they attended Wood’s Minstrels. i .'Poster,, who murdered Goff In/West, Broadway,t oh Tuesday, was anrestod list evening,, Immediately, alter the murder, four policemen-disgaisediheraMlves and kept wateh oyer'the house' near "the'corner of Green, wtoh andUssbrosses where the mother of For rest. a washerwoman, lives. r The 1 ofiloers kept a strlot watch until about six o’clock, last evening, when Officer' Bolllns, who wss In an alley-wSy, near the' door of * the house whore Mrs. Forrest lives, saw the' sister of For. rest come to the ; door aqd. scan the, street In different dlreotlorS) ss If to any one was waWhicg; ss no officer appeared in sight, the g'ri returned to the house, and Immediately she .returned and left the house, and her brother (thh murderer) followed hyr. - ( ..The two' along Greenwich street, when' Officer Rollins; at ’the' corner of T/afght street; stepped, up and arrrated Forrest, who said to the officer go with yonf V\\ give up.” The prisoner was taken io the Fffth-yrard station house, and lockcd np,. He ssys that Goff csthe up tojhtm, Intoxicated, at the corner Of .Worth street And Writ Broadway, and struck him, and he stubbed .Mm ;With ; a dirk in ielf.defence j that he Immediately prqqeedad to a plsee .in the Twenty-sOond ward, the preciseJibcillty heor'efused to tell, And stayed there home ifesterday, arid that thfi dirk was taktn fromTiim while - he wfr asitep up townV;' , 'ne>tateathat -he intended to go to the sta tionhome and ? deliver' hi mself up, and came out for fthat purpose when.the officer . arrested, him.. Be Is a simple.looklngyonth, bnt.twenty years of'age, and it Is stated that, he > h>s been a patient in the lnnatio isy lum on BlaokweU’a Island. The reviya) of Bbakspeare’s ‘‘ Merchant of Venice,” Ust at Wallsck’s, was quite ad event in the theatrical world. It was a complete suocees; far sur passing .anyrepreseritatioriOf that'plsy that haSOve r besn given in the v eountry. s ' : Most of the soenery wa fl new the costumes new and Appto priate-the text adhered;to with/more than ordinary, fidelity, knd the‘actors all perfect, in tlie text. Mr, Wallaoki as &hylotk\ wse In admirable voice, and' gave a personation which, from first to, last,' wia wlthout a blemish. The houso’waa thronged. ‘ * NSW YORK SrOOK BXGHANGB—December 10', - 'SBOOSD BOARD.' ‘ oV«rpotrer«dMt<p jtufi-jlby:' the >rs'..offerings ,tt> t&e loops—wbioh 50000 Missouri 8t 6s BOK 60 .Cumberland pref 21 - 50 fi o ,do • alO 89# 2Co.Erle R 18 3000 L ine&V Ist m 72# 800 ‘ do b6O 18 2000 M Oeo 8 V'-ot' 05 ' 100 r 'do 17# . >7OOO And SdMtg', . 76 - 160 Had'Riv R b6Q,B4# 40 People’s Bk 104 > 100 Harlem R pref *3O 20 # ' 60 FMlfle MSS “ * do ' b6O 29# ■ ' 06 . "do ‘ bSO 91 200 Heading R ■ . a3O 61# \ aw- -do . i> b6O 00- 100- *,do . , . elO 6 2, , 60 do' s6O 90# 600 do ; ' '62# r 760HYOenIt; 84# 100 do • M 0 62# : 100 -do 800, do - . b3O 62# 100 ■ do , f - e30.84# -60 Michigan Canß - 62% ‘ ICO ' do* : elO 841 f ZOO • do' ’ MO 62%' 100 do bflO 84# 659 M 8 * N I Quor 60 - » 100- do r eBO 84 , 100 , do.. bl 60. • 360 do sl6'B4#’6ollllnQisCeuß r -76# 'Bl6' do ' t 3 84# ICO Galena tc Ohio R 73# ■ -do . MB4#JlQoOh!eag©AßlR T M#.- .--..-V MARKETS, 1,,. .* V’ : U , .ASMS.—The is without, change: coles of. ’Pots at $6.60 and Pearls at $5.75. 1“ u*» ltbfte,Ae.~ The demand' U fair, for Western conai eßperfioe aod extra Plate command, moremouey. Joncy-brands are In request at full rates;, ThearHvkisor4 ittli fair.** al, • • ' <’ 1 ! . -•<,The.eolaa a>e. 9,000, fabls at $4 25 «4 46 for superfine State { $4 8&®5.05 Tor extra dojSl,6p©*,BD for s 4dOoolQ of loWgrace; $6.850 6 60 for • shipping Uganda of; round hoop a*tia. Ohio; s6.6o®j for trade brands do} $6 60a6;76 Tor ex-' Oenesed, and'ss BQOB.CO for Ft. Urate brands/' ; |" u> ' OanodUn Plout di In/betteriietnstidrand the l°w the XrrlT.lß are lijrbt; s&l.b oM.OQObfele at 8176n5 4u for *lx»d to .<xyt brand!, ftOi.tftf 07.40 for, faoor and extra bran fll, Rjra.Jlopr and Corn.Meel are ao!et,,th«)»tti!ra«»ry. - ;: ' Gh*is —The foqetrjr for Wheat is fair, mainly for Ml»ie*. to iwlto ,pricM,a» jMtataed | the ssfee of S.4OQ; bna.alsllBol 20 for rfd Sontheib, |l4Vfor pooOMlchiSo'ioi $4.22 for obmmbn <rhl!« do; BlOsforohif,eilll*stDre»olfib;!B »tow,and BVSS for C ' C bjo'Ts sUsb/|.the dVibsnd;!. f.lfj.iOea -of'lf^OO tra%(*f&Ytf.trB<#>: oiM'Sfa iWttsr.Tahd In falrvV pj?ss?j; • Corn is'firth* but qui'et j the demand la mafntyapeeu •lattrei'ielw of 25,OCOybus western mixed.’7Bcfof goodJeweyyeliow, (new ) 80©8To for MhaU lots of oil Southern yellow, and 869 for do do Hand ormelodeon THE PIiESS.-~-yiXjLAJPEXPHIA. SATlliii)AV, j>ECEMBEit li, 1858. ' ''' '*s# /The dl®?^Vs** nBt J I)onglas* ,T WASHJSOTOSjDetiernter lOj 1853^- The telegraphic despatch *ont to some of the New York papcra, BtatloK that Sjnator Biqlkj. voted ugilort i 'the* removal of JuWgeDouglaa from tlie posltlon-of Ohalrman of the OinSihltWaVn Territories, is inoorretp_ ThV»»thoi «eht "ortW «eVen flho voted egeitßt'pre-' 'ecriblcfc hltri—ere Bbows;-o( fToohbb, of ; . Georgia}' Johhsox, ,o£ Tecnwsee ; Qubbh, of Mlrsourl $ Olwomah,-of North oeroltcai Wslos, of &QdBTOART, of. r ?[?|*s* R ; - ' a • -co.N.aB Kjln 9, ; ™ Second: ScBBlon. ; ;.. V. B. %'?¥• ■>? -W , ... ; .^issssws^.sp^fm^g^f. ihtlneai rfu 'tranaVoVtdr'erien which the. Senate, at. half, neat ,12o'clock, adjourned over tift’Monaay.*''■'iIJi A 'i._ -, * [No addiU^ial.gonato«Lw^re ? to-dar.J } Mr. Boyce, of,South Oftrollna, ashed leave to intro duce.p resolution to admit Li«nt. to the fl<jor of the Honae as delate froro Arltona. -* t li ? Mr Joses, of Tennessee, objected; saying that AH rona was a-part of the Territory of Now Mexloo, ana he oonld see no use,of admitting two_ delegates frdm Uoute then resumed the consideration of the SrKSSffiW l -' h impeachment. He said that the; charges made igalriat Judge WHtroua were that the Judge had entered Into a corrupt conspiracy for the unlawful institution. his courts of suits, in which he was personallyJnteteted, for (he purpose/ of hating them removedbeyond the verdictof.alocal lntoa cog srlracy to deprive individuals ©Mhetr lauds nfTorsed Diners.* had presided at the *OlB6B In whi h he was peifeotrally iotirdstedjthbttgh'.’knbuMg that he wiw thereby so* doing r “3. contended tfiit «U there ehorgga were «urt»lned;bjr the '-Jlr/Bctdr, of TeonoHae, orgue'd that the,ehorgoi pf the memotialleto had been abandoned .by a portion of thegommittee, who were In favor of the linpeoohment pf Wr? MMYreld that no clime, of P r «“b could luduce him to cut a Cain on the ehanoierpf Judge Watrohc. by rending him to the Senate for.trlal, nnleiß be was caticdcd that.the iccnlt would ertabllih W |d!” Davie, of Marylcid. IrMialredwWther there wee a of Cild.onoo lo chow.that. JudgeWatrona woe engaged inneerie,ofland«pecnlatlon>inT«ae,tbecaoei con nected with whtgttWS’tp M decided W hie court, j ~ Mr. Bbadt replied that there yfonot a uyliable.of tretlmdny to chow that Judge WArosa'eySr engaged to bur-Imore than, ope tract of land ataoy.,time., Sh® principal of thlt.is not paid, which UA .proof tbet the Judge w » p6ot man , He was led intoits purchase- aaw matler of faror’ to'' persona in Alabama* who;had4be He argued from the evidence ,thet.thereiw4s nothing to -sbo# / "cprr^j}t j or. malfeasance, in office. Adjourned, r «* [• Caucus ,of Republican,Senators. . \ W-ismsoTo3f, fiejpnblleab member* of tfee tfecate assembled in canons this morning, to fill with tha{r*mBmb6rs tjia’blanka left 5n the llet! cf ata&d-* tag committaea, aaagraad oponby tfce Dagiocratio Ss naton, adS ha»4«4 them for that pnrpoatf. Cpnfmcts Awarded' bf thp Xttteripr pe partment." Wlbbihotos, Dec. 10 —The Iptfriop Department has. awarded the following contracts: * To Messrs , Whitney, Qalloppe, Bliss, A Co;; of Bos tpn; for supplying ready-made clothing t- ; -<-To'ThCot« Poultney,of Baltimore, for supplying hardware.-^-r »* ; To H. G-. Leman, of lancs|ter, Pennfylvrnia. for implying gmi to the northern and western portion of the country. 1 , 1 ' , * ' 4U the. above inppUea are for the,use of Indians. •• The eoatract for blankets and dry goods lias not yet been decided. •„ * The Treacurer’s statement sbpws a balance in the Treasury, on'Mondftjyof .$4,904,000] the receipts of tho week amounted to $651,000; the drafts paid, to $1 508,000] the drafts ieiuel, to $2860.000. The redact tion from the previous week vu $1,760,000. 4 , \-j9 he resignation of Thomas,/. Brereton.-in the .ordnance department, has .been ;aooepted by the President, to tab® effect on the SSPJ& of December. |,, The Seat of Government* < Wib&lsgtox, Dso.,lo—'h-reeeatly prepared official the en* Ire .amount .of the public and private appropriations (exeUsir© of Salaries, fdr publlo officers) for the.DUtelot of .Columbia',Dr'omthp time' the v> goverhmeht looated iu Washington till the 80th of Jane last; at nearly twenty-fire millions of dol lars ; the aasessedTalue of the government reserves, ex clusive of reservations, fotmid.by the. intersections of streets and' avenues,' at' upward of thirteen and a ha ( millions] the cost of publlo buildings, lncluding-farn tore, statuary, and paintings .wt nearly fifteen millions, {the Capitol costing over si* mlUlons) . The private troperty of the District is assesaed at thirty five mil lions ef dollars/' »• :: /United States Spprqn^e,C(>Prt* Wabbisotoh, Dec/10, 1868;—No. the ‘December Term NO. 167.) Edmund -Rico;- plaintiff, vs Minnesota and the Northwestern Bailrotd Company. The motion of .the* d‘fend*ttts\fc>.reinstate* this cause, was set down for axgament, on Friday, th« 17th Inst : . No Dean Richmond nsThe city of Milwaukee et al coocluded for appellant, ;■ k' "No. 1f15.,. The; tfnleh Insurance Qomptny es.Jqbn B’alr Hoge. Cause submitted-on record* and printed aigumantihr beth/nartiesrimaer thf fifty-sixth rule of'the Court. *./ •; • ; ‘ V-3'■>*. 'I, No. 17. The, claimants and.awpers of the steamer Louisiana «a Isaac ?Jrher Stel. commenced for ' r ' c '' Y -j- The Watrons Impeachtnent Case. WasHtnorow, December-10;—Pour or '’fire.. mom speeches .are to he' made fa the House ©r Represent: •: tives <m the Wdtcous imps uhmfpt ease._ ' V v : . , Thwo Fifetilen ,/ !; ‘ li>W flfc—Yhev Y&rlehfr BeUrOad demfc ws* psrtifcUy.dysKoyect by flwoarly tpls m6yuing,;Tbi' upperetorlei vere:OoSapfed f<)> ▼anoakmabdifiietttTlfcg nurpofl*b;’ The loapatbe, balldiDg Is. about. $ IO.OCO, lmt the loM.of ike’ occupants l* Verynesvy. ’ , .' Three’ lnjured bythe. falling of a wall, and probably will not survive ' The buUdlrg was owoid by the Hew Haven Bailroad Company ’• r‘ . Vv \r-,v Tba flr*b*ok6 oht abbnVfonro’oloCk, In Murdston'tf white lead factory the' *4*ohd floor. Immediatt) f over the premises ofthV Harlem RtUrrid It bhmei with 'mat rapidity-/ and nothing was Hayed. Among Kbe principal losers are Thoriaa> Holman, printer; 0 W©odrick,'ma?hlnfst,'andJ?. r l Wett«rl»li,' machinist; Hodges AHeflry, glass'.'eutter* j-W ; W ,, bs.er,BraiMls carpet manufacturer; Patten. Borj,4rGo.}y CroWell* port office fixtures ,* Harlem Bailroad freight, 'smoonw log ,to's6,ooo; B.' A; Parkej machinist - Borne thirty •teuauti lb all.were'burnt Ont, and akout half the build-, tog de stray tf; th ♦ o’, her halt wee ‘damaged by ’ fire last y«ar.• -f : , -• • , OoV/msh Ir supposed to' be beneath ,the rulnrf „Three other* Injured by the' falling of the trail were carried to the hospital. The whole loaa ie probably $60,000. - 1 • ' Non-Arrival of Steamers.' i gfIARDY. Hooi,Deo 10,—midnight—Helther the stssm* snlpOityrf Washington nor Persia hu yet made its ap pearance belo wy though considerably overdue, The for. mer is ' In her seventeenth day/and the latter In her fourteenth day out. The weather is olear, with B. 8. W. wind, - /’.Ji'-vl Vi j-:,t Marine jTntelUgenco. Hauptox Hoads, Dee. 10—The Bremen ship Roland, from Calcutta, has arrived, and Ie awaltfogorder*.- t S Railroad A,ccldenti' ! Augusta, oa., Deo. 10 —W./Scitt Williams, of the house of Johnston it Hamilton, of .Hew York, was run over by a train of can at Waynesboro, on Wednesday night. He was seriously injured, and hta leg had to be amputated. He.dled on Thursday night from the effects of nla injuries,, ' ' 1 i Accident at South Bostonv BobtOx, Dec. 10 —A bank of earth caved Iu yesterday at Bonth Boston, by which -Michael Oonley was killed, and.two.othera named Murphy and .Ossey, were. Severely injured. ' Cold Weather in Vermont. • Island Point,.Vt, Dee. 10 —At snuriae this toorh* Ing the tbennoDieter«atood at 12 degrees below zero. ' v'■ Marketshy Telegraph.' Oiroikhati, Dm.’lO Vpiour firm,' Whiskey steady at 22jgo. Hogs dull and declining, and holdeisar* willing seller*;-2*Boo,hogs sold to-day at $6,7607 for heavy and $6,60 for light weights. Mess Pork pells at $lB for de livery in March, and $17.60 on the spat. Lard la dull at 11c. The weather continues favorable for ehughterirg. Oharlbbtom, ,Dsof 10*—Cotton*-Bales .to-day ,1 400 bales, the market eloslog firm. The sales of,the.week hare been 14,000 bales; receipts,'l4,soo. ..Middling fair Is quoted at ll#oUL'c. The «f ok in port 69 000 bales Theraoripta at ail Southern ports arq 621,000 bales ahead of the -corresponding -period' last-year."" Cotton freight* to Liverpool and Havredrdoping • .< X ' Haw Obisaxs, Dee. 10.—Cotton bas advenced‘W: sales atll#®il#c for middlings' Bales of the week 60,000 bales; receipts,6o.6oo; receipts same week last year 60 000} exports of tbd week 61,600: total exports of.the; season 469,090}, receipts ahead of last year at this port 204,000; receipts ahead of lest year at % all Southern ports,' 694,600,‘.5t0ck ia port 814,600{ stockfn f>ort same time last year 269,000;. .Sugar is dull and Vo ower i i sates >t,6«ol>Jfc. sells’at 27>40. Plour is firm at $6.26. Oats are buoyant at 73c,. Lard. In kegs, is quoted et ISQ Coffee SeHa at llo; sales of the week j 6 bags; yecslptii do. 39,260b5g5; etosk In port 23 000, y bags, agalopt 119 609'last rear. Prelghte on Cotton to Liverpool, are Sier- Jlng exchange Is quoted at 808 J/ per cenijßremiinu; i bills of lading draft are quoted at 6# o>7 ko. nSxohange on Hew York 2jf ;at eUnt, ner'eeat. d scount* :: - Obarlbstox, Die; 10.—Cotlop—boles or 2.400 bales to day. at priesa ranging at the market closed firm : •* , n - HxvAifA,Deo 10 —Cotton firm { sales CBO bales.' llontts, Dec lO —Cotton unchanged, vith-ealea to da? of 8»f00 bales .The -sales of the week amount to 22 6Qoboles, and the receipts to 29,000. bales asaiost 17,760 bales last year for the corresponding-week of last year. Receipts thus • far, ahead of last year, at tfaie port-116,600.’ The stock in port .is estimated at 117,660 bales. OixoiMNATi, December 10.—Floor firm.. The Hog market li very dull, and the prices are lower and tree ■jrular; sales of 1 806 Hogs to-day at $6.6000.56T0r light, and $6 6OOT for heavy weights At the dose beyood $8.76 was pot obtainable fei; Hogs averaging 246 and26oJbs.., The-reoeipts to*diy.amounted to 6 600. Mess Pork sells at $17.61), and $lB for, choice brands de livery in March. Lard dull at 110. Whiskey un changed. THE COURTS, fßeported for The Press.} 1?. S:*D|BT|iibx Ia the case of J. M. Brloker, charged'With, .passing 'counterfeit cola In the similitude of golddollars, before reported, returned a verdict of-guilty, and re- him to the mfircy of tho opurt- • j h‘. In Admiralty —The Sfoam Tpw : Oo<npj»Dy f j; the sbip Areole, > A libel for salvago for hauling the vesiel Off, A d&Dgerpus shoal In'the pelrwire riTer, known as The Übei set, forth that the employed with 1 their tow boat to tow.the shipirOtn outside the jOspes to the. Delaware - That BUhaflqaeatl/ in proceeding up the r|Ver skV the ( • Old John Bhont, n and waS/in’imminent peril -pt going to pieces.’ That at the repeated request of .the maiter of the iAld ship.' the* plaintiff came to her assistance, and after much difficulty- snooeeded in getting,her ofT,'for -which they claim the shm;6f sB,2o()as ; salTage.' ; Tho defendants'deny-the oltim fir salvage,, .but- ooneede therb is a claim for tdanage; •' Decisionresamd- .R; P. •Kane for the ticellSnts 5 O .' M Heal forthe defendaute. . rNiet PaiDS'-sTudge' court will meet' for jury trtal on Mfuday next, when .the list of. the second week will hi taken up/' - ■ J. i Qdabtbil; ; Ssssio^fir-rJudge, prison being lJiefce were./hone' of^any , fnterwtyiiterdiy. ;.\ ' r , 4uo-)S m iSWls* , ’ Cs< * A ppoihtuzst .—Henry Tetter has been ap pointed constable.of the Nineteenth ward, to fill the vacancy caused by the sudden demise of J‘ O. Skinner, who died in the alderman’s office on Wednesday lost, from disease of the heart, t'r- -«5 ---y;**; ’ . *'l r i -i-- Aipitjiif *•■*»TauT**.-; <fOhr,*^eiic»Q^o,6a^h.L^ ‘glmpsbn tc Co.”; v^-, . vHAtioßAV'PißOV^'—Circus; Company',”— Hymhastle,' and Acrobatic fe&taThe ’ Ceopera ?»■ . ; ‘ - > _ i,-* - ': Mbs D P. Bowxbb* ■WAtsrnv-aTaEar Thxav**.— “Medea'’— u The Lost Ship.” , ;ABBBKBLr BniDDixos'—Signor Blits. . ' BASeos.if’B 6fSsA -'Hodm.—Ethiopian: Entsrt&hl-' -ijf'pHUEEX.CASR.-iSeTaraiohQcltfl.havobijeii’, presented and 'paid 'at the counter of the Kensington have bewf drSfft»;,by. £ Mr Andrew Lnkehs, flour dealer In the Fourteenth ward The first oMhese’ ch'seks whifpresented HdVethber 22, 1857, for; $807; en the 80th of the.giine jubnth one for $370 was iressnted aCd pVdat the same baok }.and on the 2d of he pre'eent'raoa’h one for C 240 was and paid, making.-a total of s9l7,and they had the effect'of daolng a bsTahoe. against, the aocnuntef Ur. Lukens jet he bank. M-i taotlfied, aQd\he immedi ately proceeded to the bank wWre'the forgery was die* covered. Hoihiog was'said aboaftbe dincovery, in tbe hope that tho r guilty patties^ 'deteotod. On last Saturday another ohegk, upon whicVthe name of Mr^LukCQS‘was forged; vratr presorted at the counler of the hank by an Intelligeut boy named Stephen Cole* man. who was questioned abont how he got possession of lt. : i'He 'replied- frankly that arman had met him in the street and asked him to.drtw ,the,amount of the - ;oh*eckf whUe ho short - distance away An officer Of the bank Accompanied tba bey IcW the street, * but the regpe of,course fled upon Hieing,the boy tcoom>. panted by a-strange;. .The.forgeries,werd JweUexe cuted, andthqcbeckswere alleyldently fllied by the same hand, r r V’.' j ", '* ; « .; A statement of the case was then v faede, to Recorder -Sues, and Ofßoats Ellis r ,apd Oarlln were put upon the traok. In ponsMuence of the discoveries they made, OoorgeF. l'eternAu, '<}f .this p{ty,’an<LWitUam Myers, of WllmlngtokL Del, were arrested ’ oh 'suspicion of ■ beUg'o'ihoernid .in the' rorgeriei, abd on Thursdar last they had a'bearing before the‘Recorder. Yourg Coleman deotaree that Myers is the man who gave him the ch*flk In tbe street; ‘The accused were committed for a further hoping at fire o’clocftbU alternooo. ; Tbe three checks that ,were phld were presented by boys, who had, no up in tbeat’oot for the purpose, without their suflpeotlog that they had been used in/the accomplishment of a dishosest par*: lose. It Is very important to the o-Uie ( of justice that hese should make, themaelyes kqotrh at the Be corder’a office, and state what they know.conoerolog the matter. . . , , . Jaoob Shust wit pitot Tqm Hasp, Again.-*- .TUA-notbrlßneindlyldjiai; whqb»a Qgureq fi* l e*l80: lively In the police sonata,of this country fpr the ia4t tWeDtyje,art,waq,eg» f n before Recorder Euan, Thnrß d»y afternoon t• on- iUt.charge of making and nanalug counterfeit hqtoa of the denomination of ten aolUtf, on tbs Delaware Oounty Bank. Lewi* Berry, the pro* locator, state! that be wae A relation of gbußtar’s, and ■ thatha bad rented to Mm two rooms In Ms faoaso, In Twenty, roqrfhjtwet; below Brown, at wbfob place he • aa* filmstar'*? work eagvayisg .the cUte for the above bill, and, al?o, that, be “bad apebtne bills ljijig about Abe roomr' Lieut -BQckley,' who bad the blMi on whiob KroH. a confederate of Bhnßter.waa convicted, and who I*.now" serving oathla'tertn’bf Imprisonment, brought - the cas# before the notice f of the Recorder-- Berry baa .beenaome time luprlion, on Ihe-cha* go of being bu bo eooplioe of Shuster's In making nod paulogooau'erfelt gold and rtWdr eplo, gud upon which eharge they were both Acquitted DiitjJerlifhjmey 'Mann appeared for the Oommoßwe*lth, and Geioratf Boratfo Hqhbell for defendant, fifcvater was held in $2,000 ball,to anaver the charge at the present term or the Criminal Court. Robbery at Manaybn k.--On Thursday lasi a htrd-lockfegWc'entered’ttfe hnuee of Mrs. Brady, family, add eqneyi&Mfiitofrwlth Ms ragged gait, Into me tb*t was raqchtoo atagu-fgr'h{}jiV'> He presentee) $ TeryJadlorous appearaHoo, bat wOßMpToqahiy.htt?* effected Ma escape if hebad not 'attecapted to trade a pair of boots; whleh he had also stolen*. 0S tried to rade them for some whiskey at a tava n in.the neigh borhood, when hewas created, and taken to Moyanien sing, at r M?H J?e,expressed, himself highly gratified., *,, *. - . ~T ''^Larceny.Yesterday morning' ft man named Thomas M Bogan, had a hearing before A.Utr man PenilbgtOn. chafed with heTfckidz'h'tn&atf to as?*r rat pain of gloretf which were exhibited 1h front’of M’GlathoryV store, in Fifth street, BMonen. • ; We suppose Thomas was led to the psrpe gation of thp act by iheseiaonable weather we have been enjoying for the last few days, add he probably felt the need of the aforesaid*gloves; bat he was not akllfal .enough to make good h'.s escape after securing, the prise, aqd was i accordingly provided with o imfort&ble' quarter!, where he will not feel the need of them, < Attempted Robbery.:— On Thursday eveu ingyl J qetipTe °f nien attempted to rob tbs'pawnbroker itwCof,Messes Nathans'at the eornerof Sixth and Race ■trrps. Theatpre was'open for baalnei* at the time, and the rascals tied thg tyo doon; one on Sixth and the other on Road streets, together, so aa to ppevmt.those idildefrum making their exit It w«s thep tfaelriatep* tlon to break the glass in the balk window, and help themselves to the jewelry which was contained therein. Their design was frustrated, however, by a parsing citi zen, who.gave the alarm aa the rogues were about Cxe onting It: 4 The latter made tfteir escape. ■' ■ Almost a Serious Aocideht.—Yestefday' mornlog a barrel,' filled with filings and sweepings ‘from a jewelers shop In an upper balldlog at'tfc’e southwest Corner of Third street and Harmony court, .was about being lowered down the stairway when the rope'gave-way. The barrel rolled’down to the street from the thirty story, makUg-a ffreck of some qf the sttlra in Its progress, and eaualag a person who wag ' on the stairway ahead of it very fast time in coming down* in eider to avoid being crashed. Porta nltely, no person wia injured. ' > Skatiiu?.—The eoldweather of the, last few di,» buhad the effect of freexlng up ell the pond. In the rielatty of GermantoWn, end patting them in fine O' dec for eketlng, and the lir or a of thte exhiloretlng ■port hey, been making good nae of ihelr time.. Kel. ly’e'dem, on the Oheatndt Hill£a!ltoad, aehort <li«- t.ncs above -veil dovergd jeitorday ; «Uh men' nnd hopa .vho nemedto eoierthamaelfeti ; TGpy mart hr gliding awirtlj orer the Icb : .'CatrHEEKNEas. —Tha vice of excoaeivo Ine^ \ htlatloauema to ho Inoreaalng to an alarming extent' 1 Daring the laettnentr-rour hour, the policemen hark 1 made eb.at one hundred arreata, at feaat aerentp-fira , or .hioh . are., for, and dlaoidorlp coodß'-t -’ It la to be hoped that Mine plan will aoon be adopted I which win hare the effect of deoreadng the number of drohken mnd'dleotderlr eases wkleh dally form a premia nent fea'ure In the golloe rejKirt. . t Alarm of fire was created about I twd d'alodh yesterday afternoon Jiy the bnrntog of a lot "of rnhhlih. near the lahorarory of Dowara kVelght r man at the Jails of the fiehnylktU. Bereral fire compat iilee iweoeeded to the epot. iuppoMog the laboratory to 1. help, dardfai hat were agreeably disappointed at finding . ‘M ware W+ ;i ? Oaiuoe«.—Tbi? amount of damage and loss . of orofifeyeataed fy/tSa fire aV Richardttm’a mllll s#nr,ruXfghth streat, on Thursday evaniog, has been estimated at abont' $203, which is folly covered by in snranoo In ths Gommonwealth fire Insurance Com p«»y. ■-> e i The Conquests op the Pbn/V-A leoturo on thlssobjSot will bo delivered by Mr. William DUan', 1 of this city, .before the,member* of the Philadelphia LlbratvOompaDy, abnqt the middle of next week- r Tbe subject and the speaker should prove alike attractive.: ' Dowk-—A womau named Marga ret Gillespie w a knocked down br a horse; as abe was croiUDg ihe street. yesterdnjAfteraeon. and had her elbow fractured. - She,was taken to St. JoaepMs Ho«pl FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Moncy Maiket. ■ ' '' FbilisApsia Dm. 10, 1858. The manager* of the Williamsport and Blmira Rail road Company held * meeting. yesterday, at,’which it to pay lacaih the coupons falling doo on., thaiflrst.day of January next. We understand that there are pet a few parties ho'dlog oonpons of the year 165$ who haye not yet brought them to the official for the'purpose hf funding them, in aeeordanee with the agreement under which the proof ode of the road daring thlsyev shonld go toreUerlng the company of Sts ora* birrtselag floating debt. It is manifestly the interest of the holders of the oatstanding oonpons to comply at ooce with this arrangement, that the accounts may be .closed up. The arrangement has been a very happy one for all parties. The bondholders hare reeeJred tbe benefit of it la the Increased Value of their bonds, the company has been released; fiom; the piymeot of exorbitant In ter?aton the floating debt, and the efficient and untiring president of the road haa beai) left at liberty to derote tbo whole of his energies to the interests of the road,' the result* of which are apparent in the -increased In', ocme and the comfortable financial poaltionof the com piny, compared with Its condition In past years. • The Interest of the State of.TWnols due on the Qrst Monday of January. will he paid oh that day at the banking fir-use of MeestaJ Ketohnm, Hows & Co , No 40 Kxohsnge*placo, New York. The transfer boo Vs will close on the llth’lnßt. The Chicago DttnoeraJ aays: ■ , -•_» - “ Eastern taporfl ought to notify the creditors of the Btateof Illinois that, upon tbe first day nf-jatusry nekt/nine, hundred thousand dollars will be divided upon sacbjbond* as tnty be presented at the comp iroller's office in our state. As, on such occialo.ni, but *ew bondage ginetally presented. therein no dt>>iht but there be more thinupokie enough to jay the ▼aloe of every bond p-"&eutrd Should th'c ioon»y not all be taken, our p opie will take prompt measures to g*t rid of the two-mill tax, which has slwajsheen an unpopular ohe. If this word our State might fail to meet Its Interest, and our bonds would fall again. It is to be hojied that every bondholder of Illinois will send on and get his pay.” The movement of the banka In the four principal ci ties of the IJilon, IcKwhlch weekly reports are made, as shown by their last statements, is as follows Doans. .^Deposits.. Spaolo. Olroulatlon. N. York, , . - . Beo 4 89.541,200 27.407,728 7,837,517 Boston, > ' '» ,7 ' Dee. 6 57.678.912 , 22,881,348 9 664,716 7,149,786 PhHadel. * ' 7 • ■ phla, do. 26.195,609 16,663,661. 6,439.795 2.721,111. N. Orleans, - Now 27 ,18,082 671 22 866,473 14,426.314 . 7;233,244 Total..'ss2J 976,416 161.901,671 67,888.661 24,941.038 LMt weok 220,471,797 147,601 335 67,240,439 24,176 202 The following is the om rial ptadement of the depoplte and coinage at the United StSWB Branch Mint at New Qrjeaua dariog the tuontlt of November, 1868; ■* Dspoetts ’'"' California gold $10,068 74 Oo*d from other sources. 6,063 67 Tot»l gold deposits $16,132 41. Silver extracted from Cal, gold.. $67 42 ; Silver from other sources 230.988 89 Total deposits .7.... $231,056 01 Total deposits. $247,188 42 4.260 double-eagles. 444,C00 hatf dq law.., 280 000 dimes 600,000 half dimes.... Silver bars.... Total coinage and bira $406,34!) 81 The following is the amount of Goal trauiportod on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during the week ending f hntflday-, December 0,1863 Prom Port C1rt0n....... ** PottarlJJe « Schuylkill Haven. n Auburn •« Portollnton...«.» Total for week Previously tbtf year.. " Total. ' To samo time last yfiar. ' The tollowiag is the amount ot Coal transpoVwd on tbe EchuylhiU Navigation, for the week ending Thors* dar.Decerober 0 1863 1 Tool. Qwt. 11 656 10 8,166 10 21,637 00 2,949 00' From Port Carbon.;«*4« t< PotUvlHe... ft' Schuylkill Hutoa. <(' PortOUnton.. Total for ttaweek,. : 88,208 09 Previously this year.***** ,1,263,001 11 T0ta1.,................ ; To same time last year.*....l*2o7»lilP6_ Ooal'sbtyrienls tyefr th«' r Huntingdon and tfro«d Top Moußtjkrn iiUrdid. fof tbttVeeV:finding' December T: i\ i ft evlonsly this year. ... j, (1 U jj \ Total this year 97 240jf ' *« To same date last year. 74,760 “ lnereaw fl tow. PHILADELPHIA BTOOK BXOUAHGE BALES C December 10,1858, t*£O*YKD BTHARLET, BIOTTS, & 00., SANX-XWni, 8»00Kl •>BD *XOnAKOK BBOEBBB, XOEtHWBSV OOBVBk TSIBD ■ OHB9IBOIfITB*aiB. • ; ; - a PIBST-I :42410 PenoaSs lcer^S# 600 01ty6sUftP3cer 99# .200 do k 9S"M% 300 do new CAP 103 200 do .103 £O3 do . 103# 1000 El R Ist m 75.b5 72# -10C0 do ;,.b5 72# rIOOO do b 5 72# 2000 d 024 mt7i.. 52 1000 do Chattel 10a 68# 69^ 1000 do ..69 3000 2d£3dfltßTß,.-. 93 1600JlJBB-105.,,b6 87 do M 87 sotr ?J 4 do ' V.V.V,... 87 4000 Cant & Anxos ’BB . 3Jy a 86 i 400 Wllmß6B.sswn 103# 8 Hafrisbarg B;,. 68# 6 N VennB#, . r** -bBXWSSN BOABBS. o9# IIMO-K'mlra Chut 10s 69'; 1000 NPeonaßlOS.. 87 . j 15 pskayl Bar../ I .* 9; ' *; O£OQ{(D BOAKB; , v 600 Oily 6sRO&P,. 99# 1000 SohN«Tlm6a,b6 74; 600 - do 1 I>&P.. 00# SQOOiUhlz h Tnl B6j 87# 1000 • do nevrO&P 108# 2COO-Tenn6s oenpons 82# 2500 N Pennaß 0a... 68 IQ Oity Blr». \Mj» 46 1 2000 do b 6 68 60 Plan Bank Ten ; 1000 21fc8d Btß Ts. j 98 . r bfiwa 106 4000 Sehyl Kir 6a >B2 73 2 Harrisburg 8... 68# 4000 do SdyslS 8 do 68# 10t»?^'db^i-iv. i ’..‘.b6'73.: 60 Beadß.s6wnftint 26# ICOQ Penna B2djn 6s 02# 10 Oam ft ftro.-.r.. I’T; ' 6000 -Hasletdri bonds; 8l ■- * /r MinehMß.;Wya 62* 4000 do-. T ,91 *.,8 V* do, 62 QLOSINH PRICES-FIRM. i Bid. AsUd: ' ' Ü BHMM Phiues ' 99#100 Bofi Navlmp 6s. .74 74# do B 09#100 , BohNav Btbok.jr-8# 9; do' >r New..103-IoB# do 'Pref}..:.’.l7# 17# Penna 6s ...96# 98 Wrasp’t&Blmß.lO# 10# Beadingl dff : Wljrtmt«,72# 78# do Bdfl’7o..BV 86* do %S 62 62# .. do -M4tfi* , 44.94# 96# liongJsland If* 11# do db 'M.74# 76- Qlriardßank 31# 12 = Pennaß,.42# 42# LehOoalfcNat...6o# 60# do latm 05...108#105# N Penna 8...'/.. 8# , 9 do 2dm 6a....92 93 ; do ~6s 62J# C 8 Morris Gao 00n..47# 49# )New 0re<k...... # ' # do Prof, 108 108# OatawlflBa ~8....'6# 6# SchuylNatM*B2.72# 78#|Lehlgb Z1pe...,.!• 1# Weekly Review of the. Philadelphia Markets. [Reported for The Press.] < ■ ■- * > PfIILA&BLPnU, Dec 10,1868. The Produce market* show, very little alteration tinea the'date - of gur- last work!/ review, ao<l burines* has been very Inactive. Barkis not Inquired for, and dull. Breadstuff* have beaii veryqaietl Floor, and "Wheat have updergone no change. Corn Is lower Coal ic Arm, and the demand, bath for home ns* and.to flop* ply the Eastern markets, is good.. Oosee tafirm, Sugar and Molasses are dull, and thy latter rather lower. GqV top Is in good demand, Pish lib firm, Ifaclterel are raider' higher.' Bides are bet* fer/lmt'tbeiols ne stock to operate ln. '; Hojps ! hatter "demand.' ‘-The 'riron 'rnarket continues firm. Leather, -ha* an'upward - tendency; Lumber attracts mere attention"; Naval Stores we quiet; and Spirits of •Turpentine,' has .further declined- .Oils—Linseed is better; but' Fish Oils' are' unclosed. : Fml|toax pre looking ln eonseoueuqe of- the excite ment in the Hog'market tnroughonVthe West.’ In the Bry-Goods trade there is no, important /change to notice, but business is more than usual at this season, and the prospect for an early opening of the spring trade very good. ' Brown Cotton* ? are steady and’ firm, although not rpry aotlve, with jlghtstooks o f all .-the - leading styles both’ here. and. at the Best; Bharhcd goods are also very firm; and .prices are fully ten per oent. higher'than at the dose/of $he /spring sales, *ns holder! npt an|ioqs.'to *©}! qt.tbeso rates Of Pilots there are t no new styles openasyet; the' dei maud for all kinds Is moderate, but better than usual so late in the season; prices of. the light goods are'weli sustained, and the dark good* keep well sold up, most of the desirable lots of print styles haying been dosed and quiet, but iliere is no disposition to forcpyales, the impression being pretty general that prices will be, better ts soon as the trade opens.. AU staple Woollens, are, flrmand advancing, but business Is inactive, the stocks of low* priced: goods .being dps«d only/ Balti* dull'. Clover seed—There is a fair business . doing l: tut>t a deoline on iast week’s. quotations. Tallow, .Teas, ant. Tobacco" are quiet. Wool is in moderate request and prices are stiffer. < r ; ■ j? * ;HBBASg^ITFfS are 'without any rery material ebapgfl deft our last .weekly reylew, bqt the for Fleur Is of' a meagre character, and mostly confiued to tho wants «f theretaiiers 1 and'bakers. The sales, -however,* include some.OtfS.QpO bbls at ss*l9# ©5 96 & bblfof'superfine $5.6005.76 for extra, and $5 BTX©T f>r extra-familyand fancy lota, according' to quality. Shippers are not in-the market at these flgnrea. The rreelpts.aqd stacks are and Wk«t dull. By« Floor hte hot been much Inquired for, ana 800 bbls ooly sold *t&.& bbl. "CornMyalls dull, abd'salo* of 800 bbls Penhsylvanla terfotlc6*ts3 26 bbl,at which rate it is freely offered.: Buckwheat Meal is sailing at $2.60©2.76the 1001b*. .M =... .. * .. 1 ThbfoUowipg are the'inspCetioqs of Flonr and Meal for the week ending .Thursday, December 9,1858- - Balf Barrels of Superfine....::,;,.,' 60 Burets of Superfine, .12,488 t ;Dp. • Kps -ll Do. ByiT.iiw.. i.; . 163 •Do. ' OornMeal...., * *444 > Ds.., . Oondemned■ vsf Total *... i. .18,884 ■■ WHEAT;—The receipts continue light; but the de mand bah’fallen off; saUJi comprise about 90,000 inlets ranging Jrom 180 to isQpperbu for common tdoholce rid; and-180 to 146 e for wh!tB»ThMndlqif'some'mixed at 120 to 1260. Bye-la in good demand for dlatllllng/and; is taken on arrival at 76a tet Delaware,- and 80s for Pennsylvania: Old Odra has' been scarce and In fair demand- at 80o85o: the supply is betterr'and prioes have declined-materiaUr/with’ sales 01-25,000 bus to' note- afioat, C 600856 for white,and »«720 for iniiedJota/Oatsarolu good ref quest/16,000 ihiu-Delaware; Jersey; and; Pennsylvania apl4at A;OQflTbtmprime wewTork Barley Sold at 87c; and Malt attl per btt/vfiome a miU feed sold 8* 10W ft»e 700 Ibsfor'shortsV sm.-* ? -- PBoVlBloNB.—ThoMnarket for tbe; Hm product tends'upward'. < Hess Pork' is- selling >b $l7-T6©lBi cash and Short tune''Prime is worth Sl6 50; and City Me*a Beef at;8l6o16 60. A sale-of beef Hams-was made-at 816 bbl. Dressed Hogs command 6oß#c lb, cash, as in condition. : Bacon—The demand has been limited, both riot the. eDy trad* and the Booth', and the atockllght > Sales of Hams.ln lots, at 10©)2e for plain and fancy cured: Sides at 9jgo,.now 10c; and Sbonldera-at at Bc. BaUqS Meats—Ko sales to eatabllsh prieea. (Lard—The o** maud fs limited, but prices; are cbetter, with «al*s.;of tierces and bbls at llall#o.. and kegs 12c. ..Country. Lard sells- at JOm'Ouo. Butter-Is lower, and-solid packed dull atlOOlta; 801 l sells as wanted*tl6elBc, Obeste: is steady at 7080 fi>, and Bggt at 21©220 do*«n. - *<- 3^’-;:-. METALS.—The Iron market is firm, but rather,less active/ Of Plg.Metal the sales are 800 ton* No.l at $2B ton, 6 moOths/alot of Forge: rold atsl9, oash; and Scotch Pig at $26, 6 jnonths; Gharooal Bloom| brought on time; I No .'change In Iron, aedth’e sale* moderate. Lead Is dull: a sale or Virginia was made at $6,76, on time without interest,, equal to cash; Galena is held at $6 87# .the 100 lbs. Copper Is not Inquired for Yellow Sheathing Metal Is selling at 31o,0mon;ni, •- ?■ ;BABK —QaeTdtron comes In more freely, and hold* . era are more anxious to sell, bat the domaqd has fallen off, and No. lls nominal at $303? ton Tanners Bark Is steady at previous quotations. BEESWAX —There is very little inquiry, and good Yellow sells slowly at BiaB3o Jb, _ ....... 1 CANDLES—City made adamantine are netteri with sales in lots at 20a210, on time Bperm and talloitf candles are,quoted at 40©420 for the former, and lltfo 12«cV ft for the latter. COAL.—The demand Is good for domestic me to go East, bnt the soarolty of vessels restricts shipments to that quarter ; the receipts are fair and prioes firm at $8.50a53.60 for white, and $3.60053 60 3? ton for red ash coal, by theqargo. No sales of bituminous coal are reported. COFFEE.—The market ty firm, and some 6,000 bags Bio have been sold at llifollX o mostly at 11X°< on time; SMl.bags l2q. aOObags triage at o#o, and 1.000 bags fit. Domingo, at a price kept reoret. , -COTTON has been in fair demand bnt at rather lower prices, with sales of 1.200 bales to note, chiefly Uplands, at 12A(e for Middling, up to for Middling fair, cash, closing firm at the latter figures. - -> _ The following is the latest crop movements: v 1868. 1867. , 1860 1856. Reo’ts at P0rt5....1,222,000 614 000 947.000 984,000 NX. to G. Britain 816 OQO 223.000 172,000 327,000 Ex. to Prance: .162,000 66,000 89,000 114,fC0, EX. to Other F.P 66 000 88,0C0 48,000 76 000 Total exports 648 000 817,000 304.000 617.000 Stookouhand 604 000 328.000 610,000 432.000 Of which during the past week, indaded in the above: Bee'ts at Ports 188,000 164 ,COO 103 000 124.000 Ex.toG Britain.... 64,0C0 92,000 24 000 46,000 EX. to Pranoe 27.000 8.000 18 000 18.0:0 Ex. other P P 36,000 6,000 J 3.000 13 000 Total exports 08,000 85,000 46 000 76,0*0 1 DBUGB AND DYES are dull j among the sales are some rf-fined Borax at 19©!9#0; Sofia Ash at 2X02#0, and JLogwood on terms kept private, FKATQgRS.—Good Western are Beilin* at 60c FIBE4 —The market is firm, aod the leadline; of prices upward; the Bales howerechaTe been oo&Qoed tostore lots,at4lo®lo 60 for No. 1 Mackerel, $l4 60015 for No. 2 and $lO®lO,6Q for No. 8. Codfish have advanced ©4V«, aad an Inroico was disposed of from the wharf at former rato Pickled Herring are'selling at $3.260fi 60 SP bbl, as to quality. • • FRUIT.-Bdnoh, Raisins ae scarce 'and .wanted at $2.3202 aLd half and quarter ,box»a>t pro portionsto rates. Havana OraDges eall.at $6 bbl. Domestic Fruit is dull} Green Apples range lrom sler>4 bbl Dried Apples sell at 7®7)4c, andßeaches atlOo 12c for unpared and 35017 for pared.' - Cranberries com* maod sloal6 bbl, ae In quality. FREIGHTS Sre dull \ to Liverpool the only engage, ments are Olorerseed at 22s 6d, Cotton V 4, and Beards dP'tieros, To London we quote at 20a ton. To Sen Francisco tbo asking rates , sre 830850 foet.; West India freights are unchanged > To Boston the rates are 22c bbl for Flour, Cc bus for Grain, Oo foot for measurement goods, and $202.26 qp'. lon for Ffglroc. Coal veasels are rcaroe and In demand; to New .York. $11201.16, has been paidj to Boston, $2 £So? 60j to Bridgeport, $1 60: to Providence,sl.76; to New Haven, $1 so; Neit Bedfoid, $1.20; and B'ohmond, Va', $1 60 Sfftoxr.,.' ~ ' ■ GINSENG.—Both Crude and Clarified are fl m at full prices : the former Sells at 60066 c GUaNO.—There has been nothing doing, but prices, are the same. HEMP. is very qniefc; a sale of undressed. Wes’ern was made at $l2O Aff ton, on tituo. <• . HIDES —Thera U little or nn stock left in first hands, and prioea tend upward - HOPS sell more freely at 120.18 a qp lb, as in quality, the latter for floe Western, i -LUMBRR.—There is more doing in white and yellow Pine Boards. A cargo of Georgia Flooring sold at $l9. and one of yellow-sap do at $l6. Laths are' selling at $1.600160 VM. MOLASdRS is Unsettled, and lower; sales of-Cuba Mu'ooYadobavo been made at $26027c, Boston Pyrnp at 880402 t and New deans at '40a360 oh time, the latter to arrive, . . .... 985'C00 00 ..... 222 000 00 .... 28 000 00 .... 26,000 0 SJMOOOOO 46,610 81 , NATAL STORES.—SaIes of Common Bosln are re* ported at $1.4601 60, No. 2 at $2 26. aod a low grade No. lat $2 6004 t? bbl. A sale of Tsrwts made at $2 50/ Pitch is bald at $20212)4 IP bbl. Spirits of Turpentine is lower, with sales in lots at 60c, cash and short time, but at the close prices are stiffer, • - ■ OlLS.—sperm atd Whale ore held with more firmness, but the demihd'‘ i itf ’confined to store lots. Linseed is bitter and selling at 600. Lard Oil is steady at 900 for Winter. • PLASTER Is dull, a cargo of soft' sold at $2 76, and hard at $2 60 qp ton. .< . v RICB The demand is limited, bat prices are steady, with sales of 250 ca>kß at 3T®Btfo V-ft, short .time, for ordinary and good quality.-. BALT —About 6 060 Sacks Liverpool Ground and Fine have been told bn terms kept private ’ PEELS.—Olovereeed has been selling more freely at the late'declinepales . comprise B,COO bus at $606 76 l'or inferior .to, good ahd primequality.' Timothy is wortV.IS/anddomeattb Flaxseed $1 6001,66 bus. .BPlRlTo.—.Brandy and Gin aredull at pretiout quoted rates, but in Domestic Spirits there is » better feeling, A sale of Peach Bfaudy was made at s9> i N. E.Rumia selling, In lots, at 33«r87c; Whiskey is in good request; sales . are making > at, 26)4 ®2Be for Ohio. 24)4 for Eas too, for bhds,' and 23)4 ot4o I° r urudge , ' SUGAR.—Tbe markethae be»n ver? quid*, but prices are firm; 160 hbds Cuba sold at 6#070, 260 nh’ds Porto Rloo at 6)407)40, and 2CO hhds new crop Orleans 70fl)4o, ontime. ‘ u " ''•' a ‘ ■ TEAS are rither firmer, hut tbe demand is limited to the wants of the trade at ftriLprioeS;' ' ' . - TOBACCO, la moving 'off in a email Way at previous qhdtatt' hk : obtefly'vrithtii the'range of 6014 c for Leaf, and 16026 c IP, ft for Manhfcfctut ed - * , TALLOWIa-dull; with further sales of clty-rendared "ifeMsUjpV'e - <VI ■ WOOL —The market is quiet but firm, and prices are stiller, but the sales' limited to about 320.0QJ Jbe from 40 to 66c for common to fiaefleece, and 270280, net, for unw«M4i . Tons. C«ft. . '10,499 07- .. 2 416 00 : 19.641 06 1 838 02 . 6 721 18 41,018 18 14 608 04 .1,801,860 00, • | : . °?? , Tnroß^BaHPAßEa.—Never, In r he of its .meteorological gymnastics, did the r weather take a happier, the benefit of our store- I keepers in geheral/|md:<' Venders of holiday goods In J particular, than in'the glorious clear sky it presented | 4n tie west on Wednesday evening, and the keen, solid, i crisp wintry state of the atmosphere,that has since fal- j lewed. Prom morning till night on Thursday and J?ri-*| day, our leading shopping thoroughfares were thronged, and the well-filled stores upon them presented an inter* I eiting succeiislpn of bujjrecenea /'Part.of the time yes-' J street, was, as certain .points,, almost I impassible, and' until a late hou/last evening, the I stores which oqntinncd op^n/were drlving a rushing business:. Chestnut street throughout.never presented.'! >a morCjattractive:holiday display tfme,' and the same Is true of Second, Arci, Bpring.Gar-f I den streets, and other business localities. A rare her- I vest for those who are shrewd enough to make h*Hday preparations’ knbwn to th"® pubiic, through the ] OQlumns of Th* paias, maybcjsafely anticipated b«* r tween this and the 26th. ' - " |- Grahd Holiday’ dpXKBfB —W« Jtave hereto-. fore had occasion to ‘nolice" fiv6rably the gents’ for-: I nUhlng house or Mr. J. Burr Moore, Nos v landB North Sixth street, and would now call attention'to a/chnst- 4 mas « QpeningV to take place* there'onTuesday morn* ing next, wlU doubtless largely attended, es~J peolally by lords and «* will ooniUt'qf ouc;of tb« most extensive and superb displays J of gentlemen’s .wrappers., .eve*, offered to] the publlo.* ' Their’ smoking'bspd art creitldg a senul iioD. ' .'--r* -*i ' : I 12 N Pen0a8....,v; > 83f 7 MlnehiUß..V;;. 62 10 Scbuyl Nar...... 9 iIOO Beading B 26 100 do .26 ISO do 20 100 do 26 100 do 28 60 do 26 100 do riiwn&lnt 26 190 do s6wn&lnt 26 100 —do? ....;sswn 28 ' - 60 dq ......cash 26 100 do.- cash 28,' '6O . do' 26- ' 100 . do. ......cash-.26] 100 ' do ...v.'.caeh 20 . 16 do : 26K 100 'do b6wnAlnt 26tf 100 do hi 26)tf 100 fio ~.h6 26^ Seasonable.~of course, nothing oan he regard ed as seasonable now th*t has no referenced the ap-‘ proaohlng holidays. Tfco elegant stook offtneoohfectto4- erjrin the establishment of Messrs. E. G.White? an & Co,-, according to this role, la the moat seasonable thing ire know or. ' Their., luscious ’sugar almonds, choice*mlx tures, cream bonbons', ‘fine chocolate preparations, and every oiber coneeiyabie.eonfeoiion, are th? purest material!, and temptingly to please thp palate.* • -a " -4 To lii^KS.—At thla season of the year, the quegtiga i# o/tea aifced, M f Wh«eshall ife purchase our jaiaj” y As.wq w not Judges of jt\e article, and there is so’muoh deception practlcedinthe Jui shall we find a reliable farrier _;0 w_axuwsr,llr,"go".tQ Oakford’s, No’ fi24- stieet/belotr Bgrenth itrest, who hare the largest and Veit' stock in the city 5 , and are able to esl\ oheapsr than any other establish Rent, being thVFjui they sell. You, therefore, will be boyo to got the yfQjXh of your money. 1 l *‘ 1 "■ ,v ' T 'Lonn NAriEn and Me: Lyons'.—Lord Napier,- it la understood, has written a letter to the Hon. Mr. Lyons, thO‘gentleman who h to'itooMirk/n the lordship admoi* his successor of the snags he may run foul of in the Yederal City. 'He also f iyeiMiim much wholesome fdriee In other matt*w. as -YeHowpiusi it,, Milord aaauraa Mir .-Lyons, that to be much •thought of in the United States it is essential that h* should procure his garments at the Brown Stos* Cloth- Ing Hall, of Eockhlll dt v W ilson. Nos. 60S andWQhwti nut street, aW Six h,Philadelphia?. 'V*i folks;differ ! We tobacco. The Hindoo takes to iime. The children of this county delight in candy, those of Afri ca In rock i yMnohjasn, ‘lgoe*his;length” on fried frogs, an Baijulmaux Indian thinks tallow the eld max of luxuries, aad Ve perrersely pewlrt In believing the only plaoe,where elegantclothing may. bo obtained Is' at the’.'t Old ffranklin • Halt 1 Clothing Smporliun” of .a.’H:lldridge,"Nd : 3n ; OhV^|t;tdWtv;V?T‘i£§ l ; 1 Consxdbb *h* QrqWt? orOpiin’aN-in themind pr man how crudely the opinion Is flnt formed in his thoughts T how 'hV'ls affected bydtscasaion* with Ms friends; by controversy slncere oppohentsjby spme remote analogy' inpraentlife',' or pastliistcry; how sti ange 5 to Say, when hismthd hsw*appar*ntly .beendlsehgsgedrfrom tho'shbject,<hoffnds all of a sud« dftn,gr6St growth prebangs of-opinion -has beenffoing pn in him,, so that it sterns as if he he had been sleeping-rand hei the consciousness that whatererybody else says musi be the he&t.slo&ing msdeis actusllyby thal prince of tailor*,'GßANtjLii fi^bksBjNd?il^«pheiteni V S[OBSBi?SBEKB> EoBffJjJHCTq .&o**W : opei\edwith auentlranoW and. extensive.Msprtment of housekeeping good*; K*ch f ipe of 4 1 Britaanla,Block Tin, iftndPUhisJifil.Wue 5 ;,„*>£/ * \ Plate WaT^fsf*oii«^ffiti,‘*o;. | Fine Ivory Carferf and-Steels j- gansj andOleavers; "i | Ladles’ .'Work BUpds of finn styl'e and ffufsh; * J At tho 8. W. eprnerof; Second andßnck streets.' l l -? U* ?-v-Jl.’B;'Pamoj('& Co. i Tdb HokcKpATßitrSwEEraß sweepsfioors, oi| olothß,and)aU'klQds of op injuring, the earpet.<-'Bold'by B. Oar*yl;Tl4 Chest nut at^eeL-,?rie» - . BE3T"TBEBUB^PI.AraB:/ Porksj'fipoona'jlAdlesv ; , Tpgj Ueegcft, and FrultKnlTes,' ;:Cistors/Oake andPrult '.Tea Bets, Urns, and- BoupToreenji, arc manofactuied b fi&.Wi Qakejij 714 Chestnut liADibs* Fobs, ! JD" A'‘single applloatiou' reudera the hair (no matter how stiff and ,dry) soffc.nnd glossy for several days. It is conceded by all who haye used iL to be the blit and cheapest HairpreatingAn the World y , \ Prepared by ~ ■ JOSEPH BURNETT A 00., Boston. , Uy For sale by dealexs generally at fifty Cents a ‘A* , -‘i* *V*5 j We here jnst rcceiTedi ty iale airlyiOßV * farther ad dition to oor of Fo>», Sable*, Mtak B*M* and'other v ri(& Fur*. ;«tofthW6 will «ih at fVejy, low f rtceif- lisdlen wiUplMaeeall at 5-y p * / J 5 ’.‘V’ i SKPH aEIUM I to lll<i lAHE BOTMKairarttigti 1,. iut.-, Mtb<:Btoiail«j.M. i in;Blitii6ui«i morly'ol M*rJt»rb’,‘ Mt4|!.i to ASOT* B.”lIABTIH, <)/ Camdan} ■ tMag&adhngetifp ape j aeopy] l;?U i j On the26thNovemberJistj » fierce short illnete.ni hie residence, near CArdeoes, lel&nd-of Cuba, JOHN Uaq , only.-rbrother or-H».'Oi O.’ Yen'fWylik, of thi» elty;\v,> xj v* i-"> . *#’: 9th. .1868, . lira. MARY t.\ * j 1 **•» The friend* ofthe fAmUy wo respectfhlljr invited to •Vend heitftthSriU.wlthbut’flirtherjnotfeef from her Uto reiidfthceV'Ho.v647-r?mibuV street, on blonder morning,* ihe J 18U» instant,'♦Elo Vetoes. !?¥anertlsto proceed to'l/aorelHilK E\ "£>. Vfffraa jy. h *# 5 On Thnr»d»y mornl9g/<}inOH4HL - W.'JLfiS, In the 70thysar.of hl&.age. ' v i v Funeral, this (Saturday)afternoon,"at % o’clock Pi M., from the rteldsnee of his Dir*V.Jluuui Ash\ Herman street' Germantown, without farthernotice. 4 On the Bth iu«tant;MAGGIE W.YEAGEB, in the 10th -year, of feer age* at .the realdepee-of. her,-father, Henry Gratobo* Bucks county, Pa. 7/ ..The relatives and’ iriea(U'of . in* ▼ited to -Attend the funeral,- c withou trfnrtheP-botlce, from the reatdenoe'ef 0/ Horae,- No £ 28 North filerenth •treet;ihis (Satutday) morning,atlOo’bloek. v ' Tupro'* eead to Monument - *' ' On the 6th instant, \ Mrs; 'BRIDGXT - MoGINLBY, aged7o jews T ****-» . - The relatives and friends of the family are fully invited to, attend the funeral, frota her late residence, Brasler’s avenue/between iwehtyithirtLand Twenty-fourth streets/on Sunday afterhoohj at' 1 o’clock. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery; A f - On the ereningof.the Bth short 111* neas, Mr*. MABOaBHT .SHOCH, in the 84th year of her age. - .• * <•» -•/ c-i _ The relatives aridfriends Of J the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the retldence of her son, Geerge.Pt Shook, Ho.-, 940, Northßerenth Btreet.on Uatidayaftiruooh/at2 o’clock. : Suddenly, on-the'7th'ioetarit;--'<JONRAI> COLB> BOWE& in the 68thyearof hisage. • The relatives'and friends of:tho family are respect* folly,invited to attend .the funeral,- from his -lste residence, Market streot, west of Moore, 'West Phila* delphia, on Sunday aftfernoonV at lo’doek. To pro ceed to Asbury^Miß.Ohttmh. l . n- * g i -OnTnundaymorning^th«9thinstant, Mr. MQSBa McIIHANBY, after a-liogerihg illness, in the 33d year of his age. - . His' iricnds and those of the family, arc Invited -to/attond the funeral., from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. John H. Nelas, N0,.1117 Fltswater street,*on Sunday, 12th, at lo’clock P. M ' * On the Bth instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH MAOHEN, ... Her friends and those of the family are respectfully Invited to attehd tbe fuaeral, from the. residence of Thomaa Soholey, Adam atreot, Frankford. above the railroad, on fiuuday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. To pro* ceed to Oxford Church.- r - • * Oh the 9th instant, Mrs. MATILDA McCOY,‘In the 3Ut year of her age - - The rolatives and friends are respectfully, invited to attend the funeral, from the residence’of-her husband, William McCoy, No, 424 Queen street, belbw Fifth street, Southwark, on Sunday AfttiniidhtatZto'eUttk.* Oo Thursday mornlog, MABSH ALL HAMAN.tsged 19 years and 6 months <■ <c Ui.-, ;• •' The relative* and frionds of family are partlou* -larly; invited-'to attend the-funeral, from the resi dence of bis father,James Haman, No. 3 Marble street, this (Saturday) afternoon;at'2 o'clock,’ --v # ; " OatTUAnv.—On Thursday,December 9th,WILLIAM 80FFE, in this oity, -;. 1 . ’ . - The decease* was an old, resident of Philadelphia, having lived nearly all hia life la the-house in which he died. He was a dignified gentleman,’ an upright citizen, And lu all his relations to God and man nobly | performed his duty. He was a bright Illustration of the lines of the poet: - f!! -* v ‘ ’* ' • “ A wit’a a leather..and a chlet'a a rod, . An honest man's the noblest work of God." Mr.-Soffe aeiured the affsct-pnate regardand sincere esteem of a Urge circle of friends'bf that class who are best calculated-to judge of-personal worthy Unas* turning in his manners, without pretension in his’de portment; he was neither more nor less than the man lie seemed t> he. > The remembrance of him will loeg be a pleasant memory to those who had. the happiness of his aeqdalntAtce:- Their regret at hia loss is tempered by a knowledge of the fact, tbat.deathtohim must be gain, and t» at in a higher spbete there will be a better field for the exercise or those manly virtuaa.wlth which he adorned earth. * ;' - t v.- ‘Wf'D. flumett’s Cocoulne. A oompound of Oocovnut Oil, dbo., for dressing the Hain For efficacy and agreeableuMs, It Is without an equal. ' It prevents tha kair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigorous growth 1 It is not greasy or sticiy. It leaves'no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. > It soothes the irritated scalp skin, ,It affords.the richesi lustre, It remains longest in effect. BURNETT’S COCOAINE. - ,s ! BOSTON, July 19, 1867. Masaas. J. Bobmsvt & 06.—1 cannot refase to' state the salutary effect in my own aggravated case of yoar excellent Hair Oil—(Cocoaine -) For many months my hair had been falling off, until I was fearful of losing i t entirely. The skin' upon my head became gradually more and more Inflamed, so that I could not touch it without ‘ paid. This irritated oon-' d tlon X attributed to the use of various advertised hair, washes, which I have since been told oontaln c&mphene Spirit.-' ' • ’ 1 . ; By the advice of my physician, to whom'yoU had shown your process of purifying the Oil, I commenced Its use the last week in Juno.'Thifirst'applic&iion al* layid the itehtng and irrijAtloq; in three or fohr days the redness and tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a UHdt growth of new hair. m - -, s Yours, very .truly, ' ' * BUSAN B, POPE. BURNETT’S OOCOAIt*H* J s < •* * s t*. b exu^ , £';-i »t a mdactlonof from'fifteen to trentjper ’ o«nt. on ths ron»w .in?«»™t9S.prli»«;: t 6 fof' Elegtnt Stylos, «tf‘ i!;•:Rost;;H;_£ sins*;N«jr,gjsni,' r . dll-d «jal _ fortheirKeftltVai aa • V i' S,FABINA ORAdKEBS fcomb&M . J ~ lentqiuJltiefaifd *: tr& y'deltghtfaT '--1 - With hot and eold.dlshe* a£ leuichfthey are part lea.’ '’ :itri 7 al cr > arwell u *l&iQfferZ£3-pihfr r driSk t ■ jaagggsaaaMfe' ftoSKg&gBttM& hli name hMforyears beea-afataUler KbttseholdwordJ - • and~th«o are-bat'few'innttrtdwiicoGtlßeiit>hVhaT» not exparienoed the .benefit* ©ifJUsCm#! mS&ini iclentiflcattainments. HiscelebrateddS&viyjS' tie core efttrer Complaint, DjßjapiU, KjrYcuai ability,: &o:,ds of gives the utmost satisfaction In all caaw;itis prepared la Ihto , coo»ti//Ifr Dr. no, \ dor the name'of Hoofidnd's.OtTrmii.jßitUrt i za& can Uh*4‘a^elt6^eS;4iB-.i^l^ie'- :^ 4> - ~r<t- . garage* egewlng , '- • It*. * - . \ 122 CHESTNUT Street. Pripepsfa.--There la .4ltea#« ; which experiencehaa'w amply prOTed tobi-remedfa- : hjr the PERUVIAN BTRUP most ioTetcrate formatf thU‘di*©al« hSe He4ifedn>-;>: pletel/ cured £y tbir*»»dioS§», aaampla'. testimony of • I eome of onr first‘dtUjSM proTei.'V ' - = '- _ '•' Por sale,la tlua city,by p. Brownfoarner fifth and . I Chestnut,” and H award *Oo., comarTwelfth and I Chestnut. e:|ir fCJ-. <HO-dAW*f The Greatest Wander of the Ago»—rThh JBan ATUxfsna, ha Bits rigorates, restores. apdheanUfies the hair, aod chssges .- gray hair and vrhUtftia'tothelf ’ Ji '■ is not a Dye, and wiil.uQt ioU the ehm or linen, told I by atTDragglati, and at of JOL*9 fiiOtL :. [ 4c. 00., No. 704 tiheetnat street. Philadelphia.'- ,a ‘ St \ .1 . --c. r> -y /v. j-c 'W}- im - 1 - .V ,- dilrerUGai Ceneuatng Stoteal—Unless thtae - BtoYos.are made in a ptoper manher they are no better than the v.:' ; ► I.etnploynpnebot rtho be^wortanenfandcjiß’.the choicest -*£<3 - .I;warrant:«Tery OaaXonfumer I/mU, tp.be rtn.LT KQoan .to those I bad.oxi'-’exblbltiott in the Pranhlin : lartltatef add admiration of Tisiters-generallj doinmittee. conceded that «f SILVBR>S GAS CONSUMING STOVEB were th« bMt In the ExhlMtloh... ' I call attention to the le^erT; 5 ' , “ I.hare examined Gaa Oonanmets ’ ma* . nnfactnred hgMKA'j?. n GaiitiAGßß&,~Ukd proaotmce - them folly eqhal to ahy Iliata£ eretSean*The Biuala jniy the wojkmapiUp unst^rpaaied. The' whdls sUHre' fa\l*y embraoertny lnrehtloir;; I to* \ eommead with pleasare to' ajy Weoda ; Mr.Gallaghei’s makeofStove*.^^JrS.-SiLTaaL” : nos>flmw 1 . . No.pOfi N.^SECONDj s • r S»Ta*®?«,*®wlag <- . > -1' ; Btrert .: .■/ .. 1 care u th« slightest difflmitr v, ofTimthlog£o* ftim&tjjo* day, ' I^di^ol4' k J ircolwaJ»to4 r wUn*t :: ?K'liao#»’sj ©orne* «roiWtttaiiaj^l6»f#-WWS«w^V-:' »U. - -|~ '~*T ~ ' 'y . , ‘~ jl '? - . Qme-Frice Style*, end - ja*df. isJkktJba# , We murk on loweat Mliiag on eeek article. Me . ; ■atUfactory, end our oss-raxo* aTsTwil* itxietly *4?- hwredto. - We V UffT * thii t dealing, u tkerebrall ere treated alike. r ->> 7 * '' ' • ioifefrfr iSo. t : £--‘?:& KABXETStmt. <:[ Parrel, Herring, Patent Champion SAFES vt tfiSahlySafeimsde..ln,the Citywhlchharfty Bobbed Biuglow, ot tholr "conteutt de" : rtro’ftd - J- x * V'-' XX .'' ! Theirabsciibeni TU*f Proof Safetfinthlieltjr forneMly£Lre y?*r» pasty | daringthat I Safes,atleast, as an?other, make?; doabl«tlxenumber’ j tban twlceajimnyh&re f^-V. I Ve itoir to" isf of&tr musfutenit b,ui> 'elty, toglv«ihkirsMO toteverf Bath, ©four own mike, ■willobi baa Wen opened.by Bni they will _! jy»’ ; . We propose an additJ6nii.ssoo for eTerysafaof out* make which, baa bad Ita.qontsntsbarned not inacojden-.., “t*l fires and will give f6PQto&Dy otiier iaSthmtktfs* tnibla city whowill make o e-iherammer \ ~ V T C th|!&s£difi§ry', , Coon ting-x©6m fiafeito i dreuiji»tax«»a,a^jseTi^bare! [ doSfaofb« : where mert’tWn mended ooi^q^M^A^^^a^Vir^imdrplri^^wir^^aa thlevem. Wo will guarani m aad-rognes,' l& tb^£oney, : any [.tnrtrban.J.Tro-r‘ '>. .-, c; ~ The SafeadTertitedbj positional haring been blownop, at SomßtoVn/wsa not one of onr' make^ 5 nor^watXlt 1 brant* i f iHetrftig , a Paten t .Champ! onßaf ,‘\Wil [ der’a Patent^’made many years sgo/and .sod,by Ur.: [Parrel Srhen acidic-agent for a NewYorkhoosht Yeti' Iwe do not hesitate to eay,'tfiat Inhere i» FlrerPxoo f ! Safe made in this' market/ soldordinarily ai'sueh) , I wh'ch, with .the toolsleft behind .them by the'wgue* I opportositt,' WeSrill not [ agree toiopoi} tndesa less tbanons hoar’s time. - - k -. . PARREL, HERRING, &00 , Habere Champion Safes /Burglar I Iron and hardened steel, [ityitu j, 'r&~4dy-x^vs-T> | Savage’s aewing^ehiaes..’- DOUBLE it* I a? J .’V' i *,|e?rTT’’iv ■VV*? -.i-:v'/ I .-“Wlndew Drapery, I W..: i -BEo(<i T ßtu(.^^<--SuJ.S. \ : f r LAIKR.yk •k'k %- i --r. > s ’-t, WORSTED DAMABKj.i -K :k- *y. t J{ > s.& , }\ f ; .j; JtßPfl. STOBKB'f B,' < - -. f T<^^c :Cartelii^tr&e;,,'V ;£**% - Z ; v~i- t;; ■Owing to tKtf the @e*Sori, ireirlU clobe «mx onrieeyyCurtilnifiigrntly jCartilas eut,<: m‘wJe,-,juid. put wpyjowerj.ihiii- prices a lio,' WHte Lecetiid Mndlo Oo&i&sjof iteijr deserlp* tjoa, bobght %t Attc^bn t till U£tul pTlo). ' l Wlßdowfih>d'efl fr Gothic, Fresco, PUla Liiietv*a4 Oil Oiotl!,#* .wholes • ifleendwYfcUr' s ‘ - ' PATXOtt’3 CCRTUKEtOHB r - dS-tepM - 680 OHIBTNOT Street. . -v-. i. * ■,>--■ i ?<•: -j * Money Saved bf JBuying Boobs.—ff yon wish a good Book, with .a Handsome Gift,call at EYANS’S GIFT BOOS BTOBB. You will not octy get yonr Books at the regnUrretill price, bnt will receive a gift tnaddlt'ou, in-no case lesithantO eents, and often of great vainer ' Any person wishing books wiihout gifts can hare them>t - ■ EransliMalargerstoclrofßtjuidardimdinireelUneons Books thanean the city. Call and examine hts immense Gift Books for the Holldsys,-At.4B9,Chestn)it:strptt , : ...J d7-6t Savage’s Sewins Machine*. DOUBLE THREAD—THIRTY DOLLARS. r\'t- ?7. -. 723UftB§TNUI Street. Having Fnnd.—Five For Cent; interest.— NATIONAL' ; SAFBTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. oorser of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In any sum; large or small; and interest paid from the day-of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received ahd : payment* ."made -daily.' without notice. The,investments are .made, in Real Estate, Mortgages; GroUnd Bents; and sUah' first-olxss secnri> ties uth charter requires. Office hours, from 9 o’clock in the merging nntil in 43x0 afternoon, nd on Monday and Thnreday_ereninirs until 9 o'clock, fee Bnrnett’s Coceafae.— ; -7 ** BURNETT'S COCOAINE, A single application renders the hair-7110 mstter.how stiff and dry—soft* and glossy for so vend days.' 'lt is TB* BIST and CbNAPXSX DKKSSIKO IN THI Wobld. HAZZABD 00., Twelfth*andOb’estnutStc. Bole Agent. For sale, by denlers generfilJy, at 60 cts pf r bottle. ' nolO-tf Savage’s Sewing Machines. ' DOUBLE THREAD—THIRTY DOLLARS-. li* 722 OHEBTNUT Street. Grover 8c Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. - ' A HEW BTYLE—PRICE. s6o.^ r r 780 Ohisthuv Sthutj' Panopteniur ~ .These Machines sew from tvro a seam of taequalled strength, elasticity, which will not rip,’even if every fourth stitch :be out. They are in tiie:'muket for amflyuse. ' ' V oc!6*tf • ;liyBMn‘ro» Afli»opLAa.-Lrri‘ 7. gsomen’a Saving, Fnnd—-iferthwest earner of 'Becqnd^;ahd' -Wsinut ™ streets; * Deposits received .In' mnbll Sad,lar^e„amounta, ftqsi' aU.eUsaes’of the ©ommunltyy- allows f interest at >; .rate., of flT ® per eeat. per annum/ • v'' . may, be drawn by oheoks without loss bf lnte. /rest,-. , 7.; 574 7. office open dall?, from O until $ o'cliwk, find dp Mob* day and Saturday until 9 in the evening; :JPresl4en’, Franklln Fell; Treesnm and Be^tey^Oharlea^, .Menia‘-;- : ''i.’-.-i. --V'» Savage'* Hewing Machlnpa,-^,' f '*•Z DOUBLE THREAD—’thirty-dollars. it# ■" 782 CBBBTNUT.Street, Edo, tsQpjtforiso.- UNGER'S ; SEEING , MACHINEScTrPBTORBsvRIC* BUOBD-—A7 elegtnt jFMnllyiSewingrMa* the'gTOaAls^kle'of^rices^^wtly reduced.' 4 Aft who 'want a re- Uti)le Sewing- Machine, whlri»kae^aw^Bt^krt : repu* tation’tfor; hf >z^terl%liare|nTi^d{^qiOall tha new nuMnsl, .t ths reduced pri«sfl. c»o -aoi Adi tolx nWM. . IM. SIHSEE * 00., 1 i»3uu r BQ,»«ioaMnratBfe«».
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers