dit Congress; Mr* Qeorge oh.* 4 Pair Play for Wo !meh^ii* t ; Conceit Hall, last <*hiwlpl*rg*,Vw*Vnot asntxmerons nsthetwhlehi greet* of thU lecture Mr. -Gartiejla the same Hall some few weeks »go,before the People’sLit eraiy Institute. The whole, however, was very.flattertog, andfrom.-tbalib-j eral, we might sfj? u[nhsuei proportion of •gentlemen in* attendance, it is qufte evident that thesternersex, inj this part o * onr Confederacy;- at'leasti'frt'not averse to encottrafing'the’adVocacybr;f*ir M plJy i '.forf^e^K a P^ er pbrtibhoV - I JCha lecturer's appearance on the platform was Big-: hailed with flattering applause. A* to the lectnro it self, which; Aeubtt etauirieny: of, o>V/re*dere have be-{ oome familial' wi th‘, hroagViU rdraer delivery and; an argnmen tatlre appeal in behalf of women. HU ar- j giimant,'mainly, 'tras bisstt Wbrotd democratic prinoi-i pier,which the .contended iShouldj b<fmade as. applicable' & bde's«x*sthe L other.' « ba. s , BorkTOK : brUliantand' crowded’ h«ufigte«tediliia last eveslog, it Handel ittd Btjdn Hall, .wherehe’iepeatity substantially, the; iecinre whlehhe gave on Friday eveninglast. To-Djght he ta to give 4he'ficsVof hU oohrte on Geology, ht Con cert Hiill;’ On thls^Occasion, we understand 1 , ‘ he com-' BJ&lhWop oC hie beautiful, paintings.No) ' donM thcVe who attend Will he delighted with the in ■trafettre entertainment. N ,u 1 •*- . tPAiB.-rThe fiir for,the benefit of the Western; Provident Boelety and Children’s Home* of the Twenty*; fourth warty wHlopenAt the) Commissioners* Ha’ty corner of thisgfttta^on^.ifee to, whichtheprocetds are to he devoted!* highly fcommeidablty and should invite' the co-opetaflon cT the llberalluridijmpathiilQg. '4 r Se2rsrßta, CBRrsrafAs PfiBSBNr/—A short >r)|tt yesterday to the fillver- plated. ware establishment' hf llessrsrJ.B.;JardehA'Bcolher,in ; th,ej«eoond story, 'of! Nol .Mt jCKestnnt street.. convinced ns have the true ldaa of whltcobstHutes «*'«Aething” in) catering fpr the : wants of the approaching-holidayr.; 'They havener in their elegibrstook a'variety‘of very, superb articles suitable for Christmas gif tty which have, the double merit of being at once as useful as they ate ornamental.- t 3 - -* ’ r . V.’ DssmABLV Stork S*a»d.—We would invite. {Special attentlea te> the advertisement .in another. Column Of a'* 4 New' Store to Let,” inthe vicinity of a»d Beyond. street#.' - It, is a fine business' edifice, rent moderate, and location!exceedingly de-; slrable. . ' . , _ ,-V ' - ; _ -i Tabl* Ootlbrx jwlth ivory>and Pearl handles, and pidted are void l&foll Dinner and Tea £eta, or in dozens, at Carrie*Pnrhifl&ingStore, 714 Ohestnnt' street.**: Ivort handle'OarVets ojf'OTery rite and pattern. ? Ivory handle.tiaa4.and . , g Ivory nad!Tea:Knives.->i, <- ivory handle Hat Picks aad Oheese Scoops. fine end Common table Cutlery of ell klndslssold at' Oarryl’* f arid thing's to re*, 714 Chestnut sheet j MBBfIAaBW-PreßidSnt Ba-; . obanan’s message wntalnsniucibthitii interesting upon , the subject of * tariff. p »H*,*aj>i« follows,'in speaking oMbe manmfaetarinf resbnroesof the country : * “I era persuaded that so nation in' iudu*try in ? thevartoas [departments of trade than' the United States, white the skill end, Ingenuity or onr fel low eitissni hare become J. am .confirmed. ’inthliw'ell'Sp-o undM, opinion bya' recent It sp. o ion of e iplendid silt' fron the Brown Stone Clothing Bail of Eockklll fc-WUeon, M05.,603 and 80S'Chestnut street, abovatUth^PhUadelphla ’* 'j/\ ;J .lV t ■ Those who tejoice at the'union of Uurope and' America should show their pleasure by their personal appearance. To do ib with' ’proper feeUxtg the#; inu»t. dress well Hence, tire propriety of employing a good tailor. There is so better man for, sueh. an enorgoney.-than-B. H. Ellridje. He Is orer ready to prodace the most xi - ■peetiMe and fashionable garments; made 1 in the'most skillful masher; of the Very best staff, and elegant in every particular. Then, be it remembered, that .the ojd ( franklin' Hali-Ofothiog Emporium, Ho. 821 Cheetnnt . street, is famous, no* dess for the cheapness than the • beentyoflte clothing. Misbage was delivered in with-its reading to both branches of Congress, the news of which event was ~iaj!g4iy«oBi the proaperpua J .eondHibn,of the nation,' spsaks favorably of ear Rclationi,” and winds : i|aehraeltaed-faead feli'wUh’fprthbcontiaued prosperity br’GfenvUle ptokes, the Pash • ionahle Clothier, No. 607 Chestnut street.Bo mote it b* j- - -i-"-- -w. « 5 * - l >r • » -• FINANCIAL AND COMMEKCIAL. t. The Money Market. 1 ’ V,-!- - . PBinsDiLrau, Deo B,lBfiB. In the bank statement - for this week, for the flrit time, we have Hie Union Bank included, making an 1 addition to sill the items of the report. irffiiiPliriEiffii : b bl: U?%*hznn*ll ifo&MfffhHP *o ; • ; "i 'iiiiiiiiiiii§ii¥iii J 8 * M r <■ -§s :i S- :g§il§sl2¥l§slii¥sl'| If I iSlgllll'gggl'sigiSil yl I Sa6BSßBßBeS993niil § % §¥§ if galls Bs §§l§ s § SSSSSSi^SSISrxSSSSi^f ilSlSllllSliSlglSfei Bs„gBgl>2e|gsSslgi3i ssßS2liiriiii¥iltii lSrgll|g||§Ssl¥llli BslBisg'§£eSs|ssgssSl! as si 8111 gg| II l¥l Ii I ’ Deducting tho report of the Union Bank, the »tste-< ( mept this weak would show,'when compared with that of last weekj a-decrease in loess and' dlaconnU of $7,119', *.decisMe of specie of $303,Z13, an increase, In * the amount Cue banks ef $17,630, a decrease in*the amount due other banks of $178)945) 'and in Increase in circulation of $84,893,'' ‘ ,-w k , »,,» - I The-aetaal aggregate* of the .statement this, week compare with those of Iforember 39) as follows : - -^! •• »0t:39 r - ' ' -Dsnd.- 05p1ta1...;......511,460,175 $11.680010.,1n.5129.885 * L0an5...20,152,000 28.105,609..1n. 42 809 Sseele 6 685,882 6.480.705..8e. 105 587 Due ftn other Bks 1.620.820 ' 1 766,330...1n. 128.504 '■i Due toother Bks.' 8 991.605.'. 8,790,80ar;De: 201,802 Deposits 18,689.288 '16,888 581..1n. 58,203 Circulation......' 2 632,683 . 2,721,111..1n. 88,446 ' - - -Thefollowing it the report of the transaction* at tho Olearlcg Houte'laat week, as furolaliedby George' S.' .Arnold,is*., tho manager .V, Jr-**..- j* , OLKARfNOS 241.3* *« SO ... 3,803,046 35. t DM«mber *9,071.383 21 •' «• , 3..?..*,W 2.688.829 47 - « 8 2913 440 86 4 8,200,704.84 - > $17,963,606.49 81,769,462 81 Receipts of the Catawiiea,.Williamsport, and Wrle Railroad Srpteinber, 1868 .123.8*7 42 Roe 0wnect10gr0^e......'......^6,86174 receiptsforSeptember, 18581......5¥3,495 68 _Beo*lptS for September, 1867 $29,116 69 ; ■lasi dne connecting r0ad5...........6,120 28 ♦ « - $22,996 83 Increase (a 1869.•••«••.. $499 82,' Receipts for October, 1868.;. \\ .530,777_92 'Leismio connecting xoede... 6,613,28 New receipts for Oetober, 1868 $26,264^64 Receipts for Ootober, 1867........523,826 08 Less due connecting r0ad5..,...... 6,012 62 j * »i" ■■ ■' $18,813 66 Increase in 1868..\,,.,.,.....,,.......... 08 Messrs. Wells, Pargj, & Co./No. 400 Ohesinutatrset, as will be seen by their adTert!sementlttto'^7 , *P 8 P er » offer to' purchase the interest eonpons of the State of C.Uforol.. . . pgTT.tHET.PHIA BIOOK BXOHANQI BALM. • ■, December 6, 1868. f > ? . upobtbo bt miblbt, Btotnr,&oo., sabe-boti, stock, ; ABO BKOBABO* BBOKBBB, KOBTHWIBT 008818 T&IBO, ABD CBXBTBCT STBBStB. ' - ’ " : \ FIRST BOARD. ... v „ j 1600 City 6e...R 04bP 90 1200XcadirgB..26* 200 do NewC&Plo2* 7 do 26)4} 600 do “ CAP 102* 60 a, do : .....85wn ¥6& 1000Elmir* 2d‘m 7s “ 60 ' do 7....*6wn 26V scrip os 63 10Mechanics’ 8k... 28 IOOOKFaBfis.V.S*** 60Peters’ Bk, Ten >. 600 do 10S 87 b6IGO 2000 Penn*B 2d,m 65..91* .60 , « r do -...,..,.b6106 1060 Bcht Nkr'6* , 82.'. lOO " do ....,.;.b&306 j 2000 dp 72 MBOhlNtrPrer.... 16# 600 'do..-;;.;,.«i.;-7/.' m s Tdo b6wn 17 ‘ 500 -do 72 26-Glrard Bk, 11* >4OO abt do >72 - 24,-->do ........*6 11* 4992 u ' dtf ,V.;j.2dyi ' * liorrii CM Pfef .’.loB* 1000UoionOnl6i/.b6-86'' :20Cim&A.m..inIetsH7 : MOO ifl’uhigSvsia.... 42*: 260Uh»oliKST.6S., 98 100 CitawJes* 6* 600 Bead! og Not 9 46P#nna 3 J 42* 60* 2 Camber]And V. 120 s CheaA Del Cnl .. 39 ‘ BITWBSBiBOABM; Vie'",' 1000 City 8., .lempt ' 11000 p.nn. B2dm fa 011, 1000Penn565........ 95* .5 C0r0,RK8k...... 28 ! 2»0O City 6< CAP 90-- 74 Girard Bk .in lots 11* . 600 d0..«..C&P 99 60 Long Island R.... li# 700 Tdtf ;i;ii€atPi9». '607? do ilk ' 160 do .... • OfcP 98* 1 Lehigh Val R.... 43* I*oo~fdo N»wlo2# j 6Mtt!^Bchß,.,i. > 26 aow v-dd ft 99 a n do : 26 | 2000 Slmira B lstm 7s 7>* 60 Union Bk, Tenn*.. - 99* f.lOOO.xUnion Canal-6* *’' • lQQßeadingßi.w,.,. 26* tH2 coop off 80* JWi >*do \i. 2s* ■ 1000 K Penns R6#;/. r-82* Bk, Ten \ 810 0 4t Ataßfl*’7ouB6M v.<* .-'WW-*-' *bfilo6 ■ 200 do < 86* lOTrsdt Bk 4l 1 16B«hl Nar Pref,.. t §.o4m *Attß.;.£ll7 : CLOeiHeKPAICftfI^BIE^BY;v; •? j ■eWtrmp ~«* 1 li PHILADELPHIA CktfhS MARKET, HohdAT,' Du 6 _th« niuAit til. week prei«nt» no now feature, wortbj of notice, The woelpUhvre materially fallen; off tint ae the demand haa been limited, prlcea do not rary materially from tboae quoted lait meek. The fol 'lowing at b>thyards amount to about 1,200 head, most .of which were disposed of at the following prices: Chotoe anility (VlOOAe $8 60 to 0 60 Prime''' 4 * ”' u 4 8 12 to 8 Of yil f “ “ 8 00 to 8 26 Ordinary “ ** ' 076t0 8 00 Common ** ** 6 25 to 6 60 Inferior'** " ' J r - 6 76,t0026 The offerings of Sheep amounted id 4,000 head. The’ paleswere effected atfrom $2 60 to sB.6o’head, 1 .equal to about ®B)j;c for dreieed. The market has keen dull, - , ! - The Cow market has been rather active, but prieeB | remain 1 without essential change. The at; Wardell’s amounted to 240 head, which were'soldat the following rate's!- ' w ! first quality Milch Cows; each sB&<®4o Beoond “ «« “ 80o85j Third tv ' ‘ ' <*" »« 38©80; Ordinary “ « 25®28 j) t j 'd’ '' u 16026 "The arrivals'at Phillips’s Union Prove Yard were 0,026 Hogs, which sold at from $8 to ?L25 100 lba.,» according to quality. , ‘ Maikets by Telegraph* • Cikoiksati, Deo.* 6..—Whiskey ha* declined; sales, at22022V0; the market dosed dull. The Hog mar ket is aotlve f sales of 10 OOOHogs to-dayatso 20©7 20, the l&’ter rate averaging for Hogs weighing 260 lbs.; Those averaging 200'Ids sell at $6.75®0 85. There-, ceipts during the'last 48 hours amount to 14,500., Mess Pork' held SIT.6O©IB, the latter price being for future delivery. ; _ ' Dangerous Present.— On Saturday, a grizzly bear was tafcen'to Washington in the oar of Adaxns’i Exprefi. designed as a present to the Smithsonian Institution, faring the night, Brain goawed.out of his cage, and when the door of the oar was opened next morning, he was ready to walk out, and would have done so-had it not been rudely slapped to in Mb face. ~ What was now to be done? Some said give him strychnine';, but finally a hole was out in the roof of the oar, and a noose slipped around the beast. , After, considerable delay and danger, he was again oaged.. One man received a slap from his paw, which,he will long remember. ■ The whole scene was a very lively one.. (Reported for the Press.] * SIERRA LEONE—Brig divert, Wiliar-19 893 galls palm oil 2164,dry 8 L Bide* 2199 lbs old copper 4400 do yellow metal 192 do ivory 30 bushels benne seed Wm Oummlags 9c Bon. >'■ > , PHILADELPHIA BOARD Of TRADE. Wm. B. Thomas, ) W. O. HHBMHLB, > OomtITTBK or 788 Hosth. JOBM B. ADDICCS, ) LBUfiR BAGS il til Xtrehmkw Exchange, Philadtlfkim. ' IBkip Wyoming, Burton. .-Liverpool,Dec7 BhlpBultaq, Berry «Bhanghae, soda Barque James Maxwell, Davls.... r ..L*guarya ( Aa, soon Brig MaryE Miiliheu, Nordeo ..Havana, soon moritw Jntelhj)«n« PORTOF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 7, 1618. SUNRI9BB.., 7 22 | BUN 83T8....—...4 88 ’kiIGHWATER.**** «••«•••«*•••*••*••*.••••«.....8 85 i Ship Grey Eagle,' Hughes, from Bio de Janeiro Nov 1, -with coffee to Rutter; Ne#haU\fcOo. Passenger, Wta P Nisbet, of New York., Spoke Nov 2,15 miles BE of R'o.brig Montlce’lojr /probably Oapt' Hopkins, from Baltimore, .via Permmbrieo) bound in; Nov .3, Cape Frio NB 26 mllesV parted wßh barque Clifton, Llwis, 1 which sailed from Bio fu company; for Baltimore; Nor 6. lat22jf 8. long 88 W. plated brfgNaumkeag, Rogers, 1 from Bio Oct 29 fdrNew Orleans; same day, lat 22, -long 37 49. signalised ship Tubal Cain, of 'Baltimore, from Cardiff 18th SeptTorValparaiso; Nov 7. lat 18 20 8, long 85 60' W, American double topsail bark; steering BWj Nor 12. lat 11 30 8, lon 33 20, epjke'brig' Revenue, 1 from' Boltpbbnd for Bio Grande; Deo 4; off Chlnooteagne,'passed ship Belle Creole steering 8. Bailed from Bio; Oet' 27, Barque T B John Son, Blake,' for New York:'ship OcSan Ranger; Knowles', for the E. 1 Zndies; 28th, barks Rebfccs.'Mfcheßer, for New Or leans; Antelope,' MoLebd.’for Baltimore ; Evbntide, r Partridge; for New To k; oOth, hark Soaoe, Karstob, for New Orleans. Left in port, ships Gallego, Wolfey •wtg; Tsar,' Fates, for New Orleans, readviHarxlaburg,' Wfswsll, for do, to Ball 4th; BAnshee, Wingate, from Baltimore, to sail 4th; Chaos, condemned and sold Cot 27;'bark Chanticleer, for U states, loading, to sail in a fewdsys; Oourila, waiting; Denois Kelly, Corson,' for Pensaoola, do; New Light, Reynolds, from Balti more,- loaded, to sail on the 2d; Sea Breeze, waiting;; Delegate, Chase’, disebg; Ov*r-nan, Sterling, from Pen-j sacola, art 27th Oot: Gambia, from o*pe de Yards; do; do; brigs Crimea, duohtr; Mount Yemen, Hall, from Baltimore, disebg, arr 26th; Mary A Forrest, Gilles>‘ pie, from New York, atr 3Ufe; Fannie Lincoln, Parson,' Waitings The Mary A Forrest, at sea.spoke Oot l.no. lat and long, the Wm Gifford, of New whaler, clean. Oct 17, on the Equator, ship Great Bepublio, Llmebulmert from New York for San f ranclsto. - Steamship Olty of New Yorkt Howes, 47 houtsfroa Boston, witn mdsb and ptsseigehi to Henty Winsor.' 4th intt, 4P M, eff Fire l*l*nd; pasted * ship showing a red signal with a white rqnaxe.and black letter In the' centre; steering 8W by P; 6th,B P M, passed ship Anna Slse, from Liverpool, below tbe Brqwn; a large shin be low Fourteen Feet Bank, bound up: brig Myra, a nerra' brig, and a large nu überof sqbrs off Bom* by Hook, upp ward bound; otb, 6 A M,cff Reedy Island, passed steam ship Phiness Sprague, for Boston; , off New Castle, bark Ohaa-W Poultney . bound out. UBMsteamship Keystone,State, Marshman, from Bavanuab,'ss hours,'with mdse and passengers to Alez: Heron, Jr. Friday, Bd, 12 M, 20 miles north of Frying Pan,-passed steamship Marion, from New York, bound to Charleston; 2 P IL passed eteaouh'p Alabama, from New York , for Bavnnab. Passed in tbe bay several I'ght batks bound up.' Below Reedy Islaod. parsed birk Gatoffrom Boston; above Betdy Island. b«tk Akella,' from New York for Wilmington, Del. and brig Calvert, from fllerra Leone. The K S was detained In the Dels-' were 80 hours, In eonsequenoe of thick, foggy neither. . ' fteamiblp aeiiewV22 hours rrom ifew Turk,' with mdse and passengers tosames Alt 4 erdloe Off tie Buoy on the Middle passed the bark Mary H Kendall, from Havana, at anchor.' Brig Calvert; Wilier, from Sierra Leone 6th Oct, with 1 palm oil, ivory, &o to Wm Oummlnss tc Son. Sobr Bhoda & Beulah, Hoffman, 6 days from Charier* ton.Trilh indse to D 8 Btetson'de Co. - Bchr Mary Peavey, RUlngwcod, 5 days from Eastport, with mdse to E A>ooder A Co. 'Bchr Hornet.Henler, 11 days from Portland, wi:h plaster to £ A Boeder & Cor / Sehr Access, Adamp. 4 day* from Alexandria, with •cdaltooiptiin. '* i Sehr 8 W Ponder, Doxman, 8 da • from N Pork, with' with barley to,order • , - ' ' ’ Schr Delaware,- Denby.l day from Smyrna, Del, with' wheat toJaa Barrett & Boh , * BchrY»odil a; Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with 1 eomtoJaaßarratt&Sori. - Pair / W 7 S«r7y« Sippfe.J day from Frederica, Del, with wheat to Jas Darratt & Son. 14 R g .B*l a gi S ", Schr L'tdlea’ Choice, Straughn, 1 day from Mow Cas tie,'Del. with grain to Jes Barrett & Bon. Bch» Mantua, Maxoa. 1 day from f tederlca, Dei, with grain to Jaa'B&Trait & Son. , Schr Brooke, 1 day from Mew Castle, Dal/ with oorn to Jae Barratt 8c Bon. Schr-Slate, Pacetnlre,B .days from Mew York, with barley to NeiU Bros 5 ‘ Sehr-War George, Jackson 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with Cora to'J L Bewley A Co. Steamer-Tboa Spakar, Green, 2 days from Hartford,' with mdse to'A' Hickman. * a o 2 fc * p e s * <3 « CIBABBD. Steamship Boston, Bellew, New York. 3 as Allderdlce. Steamabip Keystone State, Marahtotn. Charleston, A Heron, Jr, - • Barque IH Ohadbonrae, Masson, Boearlo, Workman &00. y ) ■ r . l. ' ' o 'X »<» ‘I Br|g Atherton, Portland, TJfertou Goal Co firii Omni. B*iw, ITeir *rt7jfl»kioton &dox, Bthr Owf ixr~ kr do - - - do „.»*r C»c iiigena, -:er. do ' io Bchr Doreaa Ireland, Baker, Richmond, do Bohr M B M&bocr, Ritehloa. New York, do BcbrM Ann& Caroline, Bowen, Jersey Oltj, do - Bchr Bopbia Ann. Smith, Piorldence, ' do ' BehrD Jones, Winamore.Nentnekat, do ■ gchr B/lTanna Alien, Be*;s, Boston, N StartsrsDt fc 00. . fichr 8»inlO Bond. Cook* Boston. Beam, Ogle k Co, Bchr Starlight, York, Portland, Pardee & Co. Btr H L &*w t lier, Baltimore, A QroTea, Jr, > ,< v (OamftioadeneeofVhePreas.) . ' - raxbs db qkaOß, Dec. 6,1858. j " The Wyoming loft thtS'mornJng with 9.boats, laden and, consigned a» follows: •' J.Q A MeOonkey, bark, floor, Ao to Q 8 Murphy: MeJ 'ftsltfoConkey; elate to New York: B B Oabeen and Jdq Griffin. railroai iron to Beeves, Abbott & Oo; Borne* wood and Wd B B>oao, lumber to John Creig; United States and Smith Sc Karts, odal to Delaware City. ' * (Oorreepondesoe of the Philadelphia Xxehange.) \ - ‘ ' Oars Isla/d, Bee 8 6PM. ' 1 'The steamship Phineas, Bprigue, for fieston, weot to sea this afternoon.. A lurk* two brigs, and a fleet of light fcbni ba*epi««d in daring the day. Wind NW— weather looks stormy. . Yoorf, &o, . , THOB. B. HUfIBIB, BALAKOJgTAtDi 1384,800 21 182.214 09 218 393.78 664.749.18 881,709.21 232,682.89 [BT TILBSntrE.fO THB MBSS.] ( 4 r ‘ Haw Tobk, Deo 6 ' ' Arrived, ships Thomas Jefferson, from Liverpool; Mi lan, from Leghorn:. harass llorice, from Pernambuco; brieHenry 0 Brocki, froraGonalref , The barque Parthian, from Blchmond for Rio do Ja neiro,w*s fallen io with on the 12th of November. 100 laUee from Bermuda, dismasted, No eomtnuQlostiou ooo’d be had with her. In consequence of * tempeatoons see. The eeptain reqaea:*d that astistanoe should be Bent to her from Dermal*, and two steamers had been aeotoatby BrltUb naval aathoritirß, bat they aab* | sequently returned, and reported that they were unable to hod the wr^ck. . -TheshipOtrroGordo,from Liverpool, bound to Bal i timore, pat into Bt Georges. Bermuda, an the 16th loßt, with lots of sails, spars, and leaking, fiba had thrown over a considerable portion of her oargo. i , Hsurfos Boms, Deo 6 . ATrired.Bwediihbrlg Sophie, 66 days from Bio, with coffee, for orders Norfolk, Deo. 6. Arrived, scbr George, fzem Portland, 22 dija, In • dtmtged condition. 1 Steamship Comtaditare, Thompson, hence at Havana 20th lilt. Steamship Bremen, Wetseis, from Bremen, arrived At New York yesterday. - Steamship Illinois, McGowan, for Atplnwall, sailed from New York yesterday. Ship Thoa H Perkins. Wayne, for Liverpool, sailed from St John, NB, Ist Inst, - Ship Pleetwqod, Dale, from Oalontta for Boston, waa spoken 4th mft.iat 80 80. iocg 7140. Ship Kalamtsoo, Taylor, oleaied at Charleston 3d ; ldst. tor Liverpool - , Bh’p David Stewart, Prentiss, for Cadis, cleared at 'Baltimore fithlnst. , Ship Finny 8 Perl/, York, for San Franolaco, sailed from New York 6th Inst.* Bark Chilton, PeaoeLl.benoe at Havana 29th nit/ Brig Zenith. Story: Bailed from Havana 2Jth nit for PhlladeJnhU. :' Brig x B .Watt Hon, from Porto Cabello. aitlved at Mew Twit yesterday. , e- Br*| Ofrotimbo, ROsebrook, heaoe, arrived at Charles* ton 4th'ltrttf - ' > ■ • Brig Globe, LeUr, .cleared at_Georgetown, SO, 56th ToHilof'BuenosAyres -v' ■ w Brig W H Brahe, .Knight, for Pernambuco, sailed 4tb lost/** ; *- Bohr Bmh Chambers, Willetts, cleared at Mew York 4th inst for Sierra Leone.. . . ' ‘ ' '“flohrS P Hawes, Mason,'hence, arrived at Richmond dthlhst. •" ' ' s Sehf'Jaae N Baker, Vannemtq for Baltimore^cleared at Charleston 3d Inst. . . gehrs Prima Donna, Buidock, and John H Jones, hence at‘Georpeto»D,Do,6thlnst. *• gchr Herd,' Terry, hence at Biltimore-joiterdsy. 1 gehV M''Relhbart, Peterson, for Philadelphia, was towed to sea from New Orleans 28th nit. W. Henry Patten, Mannfactnrer of Window SB &W, ‘and importer of CURTAIN and UPHOLJ BTR&Yv UATBftIALS, >LAOB and-MUSLIN OUR. TAINS: BROOATELLRS, SATIN DR LAINH and WORSTED DAMASK; RAPS, «OREENB. PLUSHES, GIMPS and TASSELS, GILT OOBNIOBB an4O'OR TAIN ORNAMENTS'/i»llt Wfnddw Stodesi with*.all tfc f friiumiogii, i#{ow.ie?7§ dsnts'each. Just received from Auction a. targe Invoice', of Curtains, wMoii arc offered at the following unprecedented low priced .: Mnslln 11 - Curtains, $lOO, worth |3 00 a pair. Lace' 1 , ‘ ,;; J ", -1200, $4 go a " TembourL&e » $3 00, «* $6 00 (< “ Quite heavy “ «* 86 00, “ Bio 00“ 11 Elegant rich Embroidered, $lO 00, “ $2O 00 “ << ’’ .. Ourtains from f 10 00 to $l6 00 per window, ‘complete. Car tains made and put up at the shortest notice, by competent 4r£rkmen, I\- W.HE.my fATIIN, «80 CHESTNUT St., \\ iVsNiiiimvatirjed Jmportauon*. ARRIVED. |nr nuioKm.j MEMORANDA. Great Sale Kobbery.at Horrl.town, Decem- BES Ist; 18S3—Som) time lut night the flouring mill of Mr. Joseph fferone.in Norrlßtoen.Pe.. wm entered,' andone of Terrel, Herring,* Co ’.beet potent Powder- Proof Look and Safe t WAS BLOWN OPEN WITH POWDER, i 'and $l,OOO In cash taken out and carried away. This aare.ia now iu front or Evans & Watson’s store, No 20 South Fourth street, where we most respectfully invite the publlo to oall, and examine how those New Yorkers make their safes. They screw their doors together with tho smallest kind of csst.iron sorews, and from the ep- r pearauoe of this safe, it could not have taken more than > one musket load of powder to blow the above safe open. Ootobsb 18th, 1868—Three t thieves entered the Flouring Mill of Messrs'. Dorrance& Doron, lu Bristol, Pa., and tiled all night to blow-open their Safe with powdeb, whic& had $260 in cash', but did hot succeed In gettlngit open. Their Salamander Safe was manufac tured by EVANS 9c WATSON. They have.a few more for sale, of the same kind, af their store, No. 20 South FOURTH Street, Philadel phia. rff'-> ' N. B,—Wo find in The Press, of December 4tb, the, following: “ All our safes are warranted to give perfeot satisfac tion, or the money will be returned. “Farrbl, Hbibikq, <Be Co ” We, EVANS & WATBON, would ask all parties having Parrel, Herring, A Co.’s P'atentOh&mploo Bafes to take advantage of the above offer, and return them and got their- money, aa they will find that in a few years the composition with which the Safes .are filled (a large portion being oil of vitriol) wIU eatout all tbe iron. A Bpeoimen of their Champion Bafes may be seen in front of our store, which Is eaten full of holes now* EVANS <fc WATSON, It No. 20 South FOURTH Btreet Hoof land’s German Bitters.—lt (Is over ten years since this celebrated remedy was introduced to the American publlo. During this time it ha* per formed hundreds and thousands cf the most astonish* isg cures, and its reputation and sale have now reached a point that far surpasses any remedy of the present or past ages; It has acquired this great repntation, not by a systtm of puffiog, but. by the aotual merit of the article {(self. If you are afflicted with any ofthe dis eases for which It Is recommended, such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, or Disorder of the Digestive Organs, It will not fail to sustain itsnputa tlon In your case. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in medicines, at 76 cents per bottle. Office, 418 Arch street! r • ltd-ltW Money Saved by Buying Books.—lf you wish a good Book, with a Handsome Gift, call .at EVANS’S GIFT BOOK STORE. You-will not only get your Books at the regular retail prlee, but will receive a gift inaddit’Oß, in no case loss than 60 cents, and often of great value.- Any books (without gifts can have them at publishers’ wholesale’prices. Evans has a larger stock of standard and miscellaneous Books thanoan be found in any other storein the city. Call and examine his Immense stock of Gift Books for the Holidays, At 439 Ohestnut street. d7-6t No Wore Gray Half or Bald Heads.—A few ap plications of the oelebrated Chemical Compound, known as Jules Haubl’s Eau Athbbibhsi, or Hun Bixova tor, will effectually prevent the hair falling off or turn ing gray; it will eauso a new growth of hair, and change gray hair and whiskers to their original life oolor.-It is perfectly harmless; Sold by all Druggists, and by Julss'Hauil 9c Co.; No. 704 Chestnut street. It The Ladles’ Fair for the Sale of useful and fancy articles, fdr the benefit of the Italian Church, in Marriott street, below E’ghtb, will continue open until Saturday evening neat, December 11th, in‘Jefferson Hall, corner Sixth and Christian streets. dO-3t# Cutaneous.Diseases.—Cutaneous diseases are more mortifying to the pride than any other human ills. Letthosewhovalueafairzkin purify their blood .by the,use of PERUVIAN BYRUP, whloh removes such affections by stimulating the absorbents to take up and expel' the morbid elements, by the natural out lets of the system. For sale in this olty ’by F. Brown,'comer Fifth and Chestnut, and Hassard & Co,, corner Twelfth and Chestnut. dt-l&Wtf Having Fund.—Five Per Cent< Interest*— national Safety trust company, walnut Street, 8. W. eorner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from .the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is reeeived and payments made dally, without notioe. The r Investments are made In Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Bents, and such first-class securi ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 9 o’olock in the morning until 6 o’clock in the afternoon, ndon Monday and Thursday evening* until 8 o’clock: fed Bairnett’s Cecoalne.— BURNETT’S OOOO&INfl. A single application renders the hair—no matter how stiff and dry—soft and glossy for several days. It is TBH BBS? AHD CUKAPIBT HAIR DutSinia IB THB World. HAZZARD CO., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Sole Agent. For sale by dealers generally, at 60 eta per bottle. , nolO-tf Grover fc Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE—PHIOH $6O. 780 CBssTEUf Street, Philadelphia, These Machines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, whloh will rot rip, even if every fourth stitoh be cut. They are unquestionably the best in the market for amllyuse. oel6-tf fry seed ton a oieodlau. -J~n Seametfs Saving Fond—Northwest Corner of Second and Walnut jtresis. Deposits reoelvcd •in small and large amounts, from all elasses of the community, mid allows interest at the rate of five percent, per annum. - Money,may he drawn by oheoks without loss of into, rest. > , , Offloe open daily, from 0 until 6 o’olook, and on Hoi - day and Saturday until 0 In the evening. President franklin Pell; Treasurer: and Secretary, Charles M» Morris Barnett’s Coconino, A oompoand of Oocoa*nut Oil, Ac., for dresslog the Hair, for efllcaoyand agreeableness, it is without an eqnal. It prevents the hair from faUing off. It promotes its healthy and vigorous grotothi It is not greasy or jfiefcy. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens lAe Aat> token hard and dry. It soothes the t'rrttafed scalp sfcfo. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. BURNETT’S QOOOAIKE. Boston, July 10,1867. ■ UjT Msbbrb. J. Bubhbtt A Co.—l cannot refuse to state the salutary effect in my own aggravated case of your excellent Hair Oil—(Cocoaine ) t , for many or nths my hair had been falling off,'until' I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon myj head became gradually more and more inflamed, so that I could not touch it without pslu.' Ihls irritated con 'd tion I attributed to the ose of various advertised hair - washes, which I have since been told contain cimphene spirit. _ ' By the advice of my physician, to whom you had shown your process cf purifying the Oil, I commenced its use the last week in J one. The first application al- Jayed the ltehlng at)d irritation,• In three or four days the redness and tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth or new hair. j Yours, very truly, SUSAN R. POPE. BURNETT’S OOCOAINE. jjj* A slogte application renders the hair (no matter how stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days It is conceded by all who have used It, to bs Me best and. cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Prepared by . JOSEPH BURNETT & 00., Boston. . AT* for sale by dealers generally at fifty Cents a Bottle. n27-3m One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made in the best manner, expressly for mtah. balbb. We mark oar lowest selling prices in rtAiK fjaosss on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our on-raica BYsrsM is strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fetr way of dealing, as thereby aU are treated alike. JONBB A CO., 004 MARKET Street. *5O, *OO, *OO, *OO, *OO, *OO, *OO, *6o. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES.—PRIOKB RE DUCED.—A new and elegant family Sewing Ma chine for 860, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. AU who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Sewing Machine, which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on Avery kind of material, are invited to call at our office and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not fail to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER A 00., no2-U32 No. 60S OHBSTNUT Street jglarriaaea. On the 2d Instant, by the Rev. Benjamin J Dou glass, In Towaoda, Pa,, Dr. EMIL FIbUHER, of this city, to Miss ROWJSNA, daughter of Barton Kingsbury, Btq., of ToWand*. * On the 14th nit., by Rev. J. H. Kennerd, Mr., JAB; W. LEWIS to Hist JANE THOMAS, both of this city: [Woodbury papers please copy.] * 1 On the 29tb of September. lSfrS.-by Rev. Valentins' Grey, Mr. WILLIAM R. HORTZ to Miss ANNA W< UELLEN, aU of Philadelphia. ! Uteotbe. On the morning of December 6th, at his late resi dence, No. 223 North Twelfth street, JOSEPH HAR RISON, Br.« aged 80 years and 11 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend bis fnnoral, on Thursday morn ing nest, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. * ; On the 4th (hst., MARY JAOK, relict of Oapt. Robeii Jack, in the 82d year of her age. The friends and relatives of the family aye invited to attend the funeral, from her late resldooce, No, 1832 North Thirteenth street: this (Tuesday) after, noon, the 7th instant, at I o'clock P. M., without farther notice. Interment at Odd Yellows' Cemetery * On Saturday, the 4th lost., SARAH, wife ofQulntin Campbell, In tne 74th year of her age. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral this (Tuesday) at It o’clock. * On the 6th inst., WM. IVATTB, in the 89th year of his age. The printofs and his friends are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his friend, Wm Phillips, No. 10U Washington street, S. G., this (Tuesday) after noon, at 8 o’clock. * 'jfmPi'asleeii la Jesus, on the 6th instant, Mrs SARAH EMILY, wife of Thomas J. Armitage, and daughter of John and EHsaßadstreake. The relatives ,an 4 friends of the family are Invited to attend the fnnersl,from ine residence of her hus band, No. 938 Jefferson avenue, above OaTpenter street, this (Tuesday) aftetnoohj atfco’oloek/ ’ * On the 6th Instant, Mr. JOHN MoKHAN. The relatives and friends or the! family are repectfully invited to attend the fnneral, from his lete residence; Oldham Court, St. John street, above > Brown, this (Tuesday) {morning, at-10 o’elook, without farther notice. .. • * ! On the 4th instant, ISRAEL HAZZABD, aged 7i * e fiis relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, No 17 Park&m street, below Front and above Catharine, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clocd, To fttHHOd -to the Wkartou street M, E. Church, ,• * ’ THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. . TUESDAY, I DECEMBER 7, 1858. rv-spa Fair for the Episcopal Seamen’* Mission LLs open daily at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, from 10 a. M to 10 P. M. d7-5t The Fair of the Western PreVldent ffe* ; lijf OIETY AND OHILDBER »8 HOME, of the 24th Ward, .will open at the COMMISSIONERS’ HALL, coi-, ner'of MARKBT'ahd PARK Streets, 1 on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at 8 o’olocfc i and continue during WED NESDAY. THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, from 10 o’clock A. M.toIOP.M., The West Philadelphia cots run to the d7-4tw Lectures on Geology.—Dr. Boynton will [L_g glreo tlxe Second of Ms lUcsttated Course of EIGHT LECTUREB on GEOLOGY VAT. CONCERT HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, DEO. 7th< This will be the first Lecture upon Geology proper 1 Euch of' the Lectures will he Illustrated by a serif* oflsrge and beautiful paintings. * Tickets for the Course, $l. Pupils of Schools, To et*/ single; Adm’selou, 26 ets. For sale at HatariJ Bookstore, at Stackhouse's Drug Store, corner of Eighth and Green streets, and at the door. Doors open at .To coramence at 7% o’clock. it * .' rvT=» Te Young Men.-Do you wl»b to qualify I[ yourselves lor Business?—Enter BBYaNT A STRATTON’B Mercantile'College. Their Oountirg*; house course embraaes Bookkeeping presented in Manuscript Sets taken from actual Business, Pentrao* ship, Arithmetic, Correspondence, &o. A thorough and praotha! knowledge guarantied to every student, without regard to time. _ ' ‘ ** _ The Rev. A. A< WllUta -will deliver a |[3 Lecture on “ Labor and Llteralure,” at GEN THALM B GHUKGH.VINE Street,below Thirteenth, on THURSDAY EVENING, Oth Inst:, at 1)4 o’clock. Tickets 26 cents, to be had at Tbornley & Chism’s, N. E, corner of Eighlh end Spring Garden streets; W. & J. Neill’s, No. 16 South Ninth street, and at the Doer on' the evening of the Lecture. <I7-3t* Home Missionary Society of the City of; [[3 PHILADELPHIA.—The twenty-third snniver sary will be held,in the Musical Band Hall, on TUES DAY EVENING next, 14‘h instant, at 7 o’clock, when addresses will be delivered by Rev .’John Leyburn, D.D., Rev. Klogatott Goddard, D.D., and Bev. Wm. J. B.i Taylor. There will be singing between the addresses. ' : THOB.T. MASON, It Chairman Committee on Publio Meetings. ryrps. Unitrd States Council, No. 7, O. U. A. M., December Ist, 1868. tiesotved, That the thanks of the Connell are dqe< and are hereby tendered to Mr JAME 3 SMITH, agent for Mount Moriah Cemetery, for the liberal donation of a lot for bnrlat purposes. Extract from the Minute*. It* Attest. WM. H. SNYDER, B. 8. Relmer’s Gallery, Second Street, above Green. Here art, triumphant, our attention cla’msj Here life seems speaking from a hundred frames: Men, women, children, throng the pictured walls, . K*ch form, each face, its living type recalls; Features, complexion, attitude, attire, Beauty’s soft smile and manhood’s glance of ft*e, Truly reflected at aracid rate,’ T > astonish life with its own duplicate. Think not these photographs bv sunlight made, Shades though th©yato,wiH l.ke a shadow fade; No! when toe Ups of flesh in dost shall He, - And death’s gray film o’ersproad the beaming eye, Then RBIMKR’S pictures, mookingatdecay, Will still be fresh and vivid as to-day. <36-61* rysa Commonwealth of Pennsylvania* UJ? Trbasubt Dbpartnbnt, ) Harrisuuso, Deo. 2d, 1868. $ At a mooting of the Comm sslonera of the Binklng Fund, held this day, it was Httolted, That tbe State Treasurer be authorised to issue proposals to buy, from the lowest bidder. One Hundred Thousand Dollars of State Five Per Cent. Loans Notice is therefore hereby giron thtt sealed propo sals for the sale of the whole or any part of $lOO,OOO of State F.ve Per Oent. Loans will bj received at the Treasury Department, at Harrisburg, till 2 o’c'oek P. M of the 10th December, A D, 1858, the eaineteiet for*h the amount offered and the price ashed, and to be endorsed, Proposals to sell State Loans ’* The bids will be opened and allotments made to'the lowest bidders on that day I'eeptp's Literary lusututi.—Her. M. IL2 J. KAHIIALL, Ph D.—Tbia eminent Hebrew IWhi'i Kill Vot'ire in Concert HaIt,THURSDAY EVE NING Batj&u—“The Hebrews: tbeir characteris tics and poutry ” Lecture commences quarter to e gbt. ’ Tickets 25 ctnts, for sale at the book stores. d4-st# rva Horace Greeley, of the New YorkTrl bunt, will deliver a Lecture before the Harrison Literary Institute, at Ooncert’Hall. on WKDNfiBpAY EVENING, Peo. 8, at 6 o’clock. Subject—’* Great Men ” Tickets 26 cents. To be had at the principal bookstores, and at the Hall on the ereniaz of the Lec ture. d4-4t# Safeguard Insurance Company ol New UJj *ORK and PenniyUtnla.— Philadilphu, De cember 2d, 1858 Notice is hereby given, that the annual election fop Director of this Company, for the ensuing 3 oar, u!U be held at their office, la Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 13th of December, instant By order, HENRY a. poor*, Secretary. ry-==i. $l,OOO Reward*—One Thousand Dollar* 1 13 reward will be » iven br the WASHINGTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, or Gloucester. New Jersey, for Information will load to the arrest and oonviotlon of the person or persons who by In* fernal Contrivances ” bare on several occasions at* tempted the life of the Bnperiotendentof the Mills. *o3O-tuth&»ot# JOHN RODMAN PAUL, Treas’r. r/?f=* Office of the Quaker City Insurance Cent* LLi? PANY. 408 WALNUT Street. Notios —'Tne thltd annual meeting of the Stock* holders of the “ Qaaker City Ininraooe Company’’will be held at the office of the Company, No. 408 Walnut street, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of January, 1869, between the hours oU2atd 2 o’clock, for the election of Dlroetors sod officers for t*e ensuing year. d4-stufcth*2m , HR. COOGBIIAbL, Secretary, rrsa Jayne’s Hall Prayer (netting.—Alt wilt IL3 be tied to learn tfaat until farther notlee tbe BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held again in Jayne’s Hal), dally, from 12 to 1 o’clock. This Is the moat central and convenient lo* oatlon, and THOUSANDS ean be accommodated. All are cordially invtddto attend, and the meeting Is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. n24-tf rY"==a» The Clinic of the Female Medical Cel- LL3 LEGE. No. 027 ARCH Street, Is open regnlar* lyoo WEDNESDAY and’BATURDAY, from If tol o’clock. Ladies wll always be found in attendance to examine and prescribe for patients. dl-lm' ryTss* Office Philadelphia .One Works, fter. \X$ 26th. 1868. Proposals will be received at this office until noon of the 80th December next, for the sale of Stook of the Germantown Gas Company, and, also, of the Richmond Gas Company, to the Trustees or the Philadelphia Gas Workß, as an Investment to the Sinking Fund of said works. nt6*t!Bo. W. FENNELL, Cashier. rysp Corn Exchnne IkS Nhtember 26,1868.- beld 16th inet., the folloi elected Director of the Bee A a. Oattell, J»mei Steel, Hugh Craig, William H. Gllpio, DellKobllt, Jr., Jtdraaml A. Bouder, An l at a meeting of tl uoaoimcua vote, A G. 0. President, R' K. NEFF, TORRBY. CwWer. ry*y» The t£a« ftlationor Hallroad Company* LLJjf . Theundersigns!Commissioners (being two of those named in the Act cf Incorporation of said Com* pany) do hereby appoint the Eighth day of December A D. 1868, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. of said day, at Ho. 407 LIBRARY Street, above Fourth Street, in said city, for the Subscribe** to the Stock of *aid Company to meetto organise the Company, and to ,oleot, aa provided by law, a President and Twelve Di rectors, to serve according to law. ROWLAND JONES, P. N. BUCK. PBtLADSLPHii, Not. 22,1868. no2B-d2w Home for invalids with Affections of IL3 TUE CHEST. - 8. W. corner PARKS and CHESTNUT Btreeta. ntt-lD West Philadelphia Dissolution op partnership— The co.partnership heretofore existing between GEORG* W. FAIUMANand tbo undersigned, &i PAIR MAN & McFARLAN, baa been this day dissolved, and 'bebusineai wilt be settled b j JOHN MoFARLAN, Arcade Hotel. d7.tu&th-2t# December 0,1888, Dissolution of copartnership. —The copartnership heretofore existing between BTKV-ENsOJi, BOWEN. &. NESMITH is this day die* solved by limitation. ' The business will be settled by either of the parties. SAMUEL STEVENSON. SMITH BOWEN. ALFRED NEBMITH. d7-3t# Phils , Dec-0,1858. COPARTNERSHIP.— SAMUEL STE \J YENBON and SMITH BOWEN, or the late Arm of Stevenson, Bowen, tc Nesmith, hare this day formed a copartnership, under the flrpi of STEVENSON fc BOWEN, for tho purpose of oontiruloj? tlie Wholesale Dry Goods bn/mees. and hare taken lire store, No. 53 North Third street, east side. RAMUEL BTEVSSON. SMITH BOWEN. , 1868. d7*3t# Phila , Di-i 7, Estate of ludwig pfleeger, deceaseo, of Ohilisquaqu* Township, Northum berland County, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. aa. At an Orphans’ Court, hold at Bunbury, In and for said county, at November Term A M , 1858, a rule Is granted upon Jacob Pflerg'r, Elizabeth intermarried frith David Bechler, residing In Black Hole Talley, Lycoming county. Pa ; Nancy intermarried with Wil liam Blye, living Jo Tarbut township, Northumberland county, Pa ; Catherine, Intermarried to Daniel Mulll ner, living at Port Trevorton, Snyder, county, Pa. Samuel Pueeger, living in CaliumvHle, Lycoming coun ty, Pa. William PfUoger, and Thomas Pfleeger, and Barbara Pfleeger, (widow) living In Ohlliaquaque town ship, Northumberland county, Pa. George pfleeger, livfi gat Horeeheada, Ohemuog county, N. Y. Daniel Pfleeger, living at parkville, Michigan, and Louisa, William, Thomas, aod Barbara Ann Pfleeger, minor obildreu of John Pfleeger, deceased, who have for their guardian S. B. Walter, heirs and legal representatives, and all persons interestsi in the estate of said desoe dant, wqul'lDg them to be and appear at an Orphans* Court, to be held at the court house in the borough of Bunbury, In said county, on the first Monday of January next, (1850,) then and there to acceptor refuse the real Estate of said Ludwig Pfleeger, deceased, at the valua tion thereof, or ehow cause why the same should not be sold according to law. By order of the Oeurt, 0 BOYD PUltm. Clerk. JAMSJ VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, > Saubury, Deo 4,1858 > QPENING DAY OP WINTER HATS. OAKFORD’S WILL OPHN ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER BTII, The most be&utifni end unique etyles or DHE SS HATS Brer before offered to Gentlemen. OAKFOED’S, d"-5l NO. C 94 OIIEBTSUT STREET. jffi NEWLAND & CQ., " LOOKING-GLASSAVD PICTURE-FRAME . MANUFACTURERS,. An Extensive Stock of OIL PAINTINGS, WATER.OOLOR DRAWINGS, SPD ENGRAVINGS, All nt very ISM, Price, CM ARCH It., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-3m OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY—Now In Btore and for sale by H. 8. MAGIUW, State Treasurer. ;e Bank, Philadelphia, —At the Annual Election, wing gentlemen were duly nk: 0. J. Hoffman, Samuel Bolton, ' Robert R. Neff, B B. Ora/ero/t. - Alexander WhiUdln, Jac b T. Alburger, ! Canby. he Board of Directors, by a ATTELL, Esq , was elected vice President, and J W. n027-10t QTo|!arl!urel)i]) Notires. £egal Notices. WHOLESALE AND RLTAIL', K. Ei MIDDLETON & BRO , 6 North EftQNT fltwL jjhtqit £3rn ®pqfta. gP EO II L ■ . ‘ ■ REDUCTION. ACCORDING TO OCR USUAL CUSTOM, AT THIS SEASON. WE WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH, TO BBLL OOR large and varied ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, ' SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, SMBBQIDBRIBS, 4a., It A GREAT REDUCTION FORMER PRICES CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In this Department a corresponding Reduction will be made, in order to keep our large number of hands the Manufacturing Rooms employed during the winter. CUSTOMERS IN WANT OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WILL FIND IT GREATLY TO THEIR ADVANTAGE EXAMINE THIS STOCK. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. £<LOTH CLOAKS. REDUCTION IN PRICES. FUBNEB & CO. Are new offering their entire stock of WINTER CLOAKS AT VERY LOW PRICES, AS FOLLOWS: FINE OLOTII CIRCULARS from $5 00 Do. do. RAGLANS “ 7.00 FRENCH BEAVER do. at 9.00 FINE BLS. do. do. from 10.00 A splendid variety or FANCY FRENCH CLOTHS, all equally low. They reipeotfully invite attention to the following Goods: FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, (a fall line.) ' IMITATION and REAL LAOSS, do. FRENCH LAOS VEILS rroin 87 cents. REAL THBEAD do. $3.60. POINTS DU GAZE HDFS, at $l2 60 worth $?6.00. Do. do. do., “ 26.00 “ 80.00 Do. do. COLLARS from $6.00. The newest stylet In Lace and Lace Muslin Sleeves. LA COUFAQNE FRANCAISE. 81« CHESTNUT STREET. dT-M . - Preparing for ohristmas PRE SENTS.—OHABI.ES ADAMS ' Hu made ext*nrlve preparations for the encouragement ofuwfal HOLIDAY GIFTS. Long Blanket Shawls In ever 7 variety. 60 do French Blanket Shawls. choice styles. Men’s Mauds, ten different styles. Men’s 811 k Pocket Bdkfr and Gravata. Men’s Neck Ties—very cheap. Broehe Long and Square Shawls—flue qaallties. Irenoh Merinos and Oathmeres. , Blankets. DRESS GOODB in great variety. 8,000 yards new Ohristmas de Laines at 10 cents. 3,000 do do do do cents 6,003 do do Merrimac and other Prints, A fine stock of Embroider! sets and otherwise. FUBNIBHING GOODS—Welsh and Unshrinkable rlannels, and Family Dry Goods generally—comprising an assortment scarcely equalled. THE PBIwES ARE aLL REDUCED, in order to dose them in season. d7-tu th e tf EIGHTH and AROH Streets. BEAVER RAGLANS. Ad attractive stock Lad'es’ Cloaks and Raglans. First-class work and materials. COOPER A CONARD, d 7 B. E. corner NINTH A MARKBT Sts. W7ALENCIA PLAIDS. r Two fresh lots of there Gay Plaids. B*yadere, OMhmeres. and Valencias. One lot Qgnred wool Be Laines at 25 cents. COOPER A CONARD. df B. B. corner NINTH A MARKET Sts. pHRISTHAS PRESENTS. Vy Merrimao Prints. 38# et Gar Delaines. 36 ct. and 18# ct Dress Goods of virions kinds, reduoedfrora2s. Good Blankets,' Warm Shawls, Pine Broohe Shawls, COOPER A CONARD, d 7 B. E. oorner NINTH A MARKET Sts. oCaok beaver cloths. AN Heavy Beavers. Fine Black Cloths. Large lots Olotha from Auction marked at a small ad vance Blacks $1 26 to S 3 60. Heavy Grays and Drabs f 1 *0 Si 76 COOPER A CONARD, <l7 8. S. corner hi NTH A MARKBT Sts. Lined gloves. Superior Winter Gloves in Kid, Bilk, Cloth, Plash, and Woollen Boys'Men’s and Women’s sixes. BHARPLEB9 A BROTHERS, d 7 CHESTNUT A EIGHTH. \Um?E FRENCH SATINS. Tv Several grades of 22 lnoh White Batins for Ladies’ shoemakers; just received. SHARPLRBB BROTHERS, d 7 CHESTNUT A EIGHTH. \7IfHITE SILK VELVET T T For Jewel Case Makers. BHARPLE9B BROTHERS, d 7 CHESTNUT A EIGHTH. Barnsly damasks. Liuen Table Damask of heavy material. Linens, Table Clothe, and Damask Napkins. Extra site Napkins, and Linen D’Oylles. . Wide Colored Fruit Cloths and D’Oyfles. BHARPLESB BROTHERS. d 7 OHBBTNUT A EIGHTH XOToitefl. FARGO, & CO., 400 OHE3TNUI STREET, Purchase the Interest COUPONS STATE OF CALIFORNIA &A non *2,000, SI,6C0 —To loan on W*JbeUUUe Mortgage. Apply to K. TAYLOR, d7-8t 826 North SIXTH Street, above Wood. JJANK OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTES AND CHECKS BOUGHT AT THE HIGHEST PRIOX, R. F. RALEY, Banker, d&tb s&tuOt* ■ No. 42 South THIRD Street. Sitoer tDare. MEADOWS & CO., •IfJL MAVW&OTDRMA OF STERLING SILVBR WARE, No. 310 CHESTNUT Street. An extensive assortment of Holiday Gifts constantly on hand. d7-lm Umbrellas. |JMBKELLAS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WILLIAM A. DROWN A 00., 246 MARKET STREET, NOW READY THEIR USUAL LARGE ASSORT. MENT OF HANDSOMELY FINISHED SILK UMBRELLAS To which they invite the attention of B U T J E R S CG. CRANED PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, • (Formerly VAN LOAN’S.) #> . 682 AROH Street. All the various styles and slSesof Pictures, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Photographs, and lvonrtypsii ore taken, and at moderate dT-Sm* • - - “ 1 J Netn JJttblitatume. An intensely interesting WORK. D. APPLETON & CO., 848 and 348 BROADWAY, PUBLISH THIS DAY, THE BJttTKS OP-NEW YORK: THEIH MLEBS; THE CLEARING BOUSE, AND THE PANIC Of 1867. WITH A ritfiffOXAl/OHART. BY J. 8 GIBBONS. With Thirty Illustrations, hy Ilerrick. 1 vol. l?mo 400 pages, cloth, $1 60. A book for every man of business; for the bank officer and clerk; for the bank stockholder and depositor: and especially for the merehant and his cash manager: also for the lawyer, who will here find the exact re sponsibilities that exist between the different officers or banks and the clerks, and between them and the deal* ers. All vrho have dealings with banks will save many timer the prioe of this volume, by the practical instruc tion which It gives relative to the details of the bus!* ness They will lesrn how to transact their banking affairs 'moat advantageously, and be enlightened as to the various reasons why their bills receivable are re jected by the Disoount Board. Everyman will seehere set forth his own experience in the various conditions of the money msrket, and learn precisely bow to.aotln order to maintain a good credit with his hank. The operations of the Clearing-House are described in detail, and illustrated by a Financial Chart, which exhibits, in an interesting maimer, the fluctuations of the bank loans. , The immediate and exact cause of the panio of 1667 la clearly demonstrated by the records of the Clearing* House, and a scale is presented by which the deviation of the volume of bank loans from an average stan'aid of safety oan be ascertained at a single glance. Letter from Georg* D. Lyman , Manager of the Clear ing House. Haw Pork, November 29th, 1668. Masses. D. Applevoß & Co.: Gentlemen: I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of the sheets of awotk about'to be published by your house, entitled “ The Banks of New York; their Deal ers ; The Clearing House, and The Panio of 1867,” by J H. Gibbcns. I have read them with much interest, and take pleasure In saying that Mr. Gibbons has sne ceeded admirably in giving a faithful and very inte resting description of the internal division of labor and of the methods of transacting business, both inside and outside of the counters o f the banka of this city. His description of the New York Clearing-House, its daily routine of business, its books and forms, is accu rate and full, and conveys a better idea of the Institu tion than any description that has yet been published. Respectfully yours. GEORGE D. LYMAN. ILLUSTRATIONS. The Specie Clerk of the Union Bank—The Board of Directors Discounting Notes—The Artistic Diversions of Mr. Marks—The President Examining Collateral Notes—Just Elected—Mr. A. won’t submit to such Treatment—The Oashler Caught by the Button-hole— Mr. Kfght Up—Mr. Sight Down—The Oashler in a State of Siege—Mr Sweatem’a Final Argument—A Bad Bank Statement—The Paying Teller and his Customers —A Tight Day'at the Discount Desk—Consolation- Better Fare than at the Discount Board—Outside—Two' per Cent, a Month—inside—The Oonseqnencea of Two per Cent, a Month—The Runner on a Fruitless Search —Matthias, Porter of the Bank of the State of New York—Father Cole—An Old -Fashioned Friday’s Settle ment—Plan of the Clearing-House Room—The Clear ing-House Manager in his Pulpit-Making the Daily Exoharge—A Ton of Gold—The Speole Olerk with Half a Million m His Pocket—Financial Chart—Wall Street in the Day of Spade Suspension—A “ Ron” on a Bank— The Financial chart Reduced—Diagram of Currency and Loans—-The Bank Circulation. A Copy will be sent by Mail, postage paid, on remit tance of $1.60. d7-2t £JABLYLE ,B FREDERICK TEE GREAT. HISTORY OF FRIEDRICH THE SECOND, CALLED FREDERICK THE GREAT. BY THOMAB CARLYLE. Author of “History of the French Revolution,” ‘ Cromwell’s Letters and Bpeeches,” “Bar t r Besirtus.” Ac. 4 vols. large 12mo. Muslin; $1.26 each. Vols. I and 11, with Portraits and Maps, now ready. EXTRACTS PROM CRITICAL NOTICES Perhaps since Macanlav’s History of Eoglsnd no book has been looked for with more eager expeotition than this.—[Southern Literary Messenger, With a patient industry only less remarkable than his creative power, he has produced a work which, in ad* dition to higher qualities, is as amusing as aWaverley Novel, and as accurate as a German monograph —[Satur day Beview (London.) No labor can be compared to the literary toll, of which the marks are conspicuous ou every pige 6f these volumes. Such handling of antique musty documents, such thrashing of busks for a few grains of corn, each eye-destroying, soul-depressing pertioaolty of researoh as their composition has evidently demanded of the author, almost place the miraculous diligence of Gtbbon himself at a discount. Seldom, indeed la the inspira tion of a man of eenius so happily combined with the dogged faithfutnespof a drudge.—[N. 7. Tribune. It has long been eagerly anticipated, and now that it has been published it is seised upon with as much avidity as though it' were a new novel by fiulwer or Dickens. . * * There is no abatement of' the old Carlylean strecgtb, or humor, or quaiotness, with whioh the reading world is already so familiar, which iso itoany have tried in Tain to imitate, and which still remains unique and Impossible to all but their 'inventor and master.— rN. 7. Times. The author has explored a field which has never been intelligently and thoroughly traversed by a competent historian, and the result la a historical resurrection of soenes and persons in the eighteenth century .which few readers were prepared to anticipate.—[N. r. Evening Post. Of the richness of Mr. Carlyle’s book in firmly-drawn and vivid pictures of men and {blogs—of Its fantaatie humor,and, rugged manly pathos, no idea can be gathered except from its own' pages. * * There is one cha racteristic of Mr. Carlyle’s which raises him above the level of ail contemporary historians - a solemn sense of the mystery aadwonderef human life and of the uni verse in which itia placed isnaverabsent from him. In his dealings with the “infinitely little’* thatmakesso large a part or history, he never loses sight of the < ( in* finitely great’ ’ that struggles ineffectually for expression through St. It is this sente that gives to his writings their turn of quaint pathos, their tone of stern or mourn* ful lrooy, their startling and grotesque contrasts..— (National Beview (London ) The master work of one of the most remarkable writers of the nineteenth century.—[Commercial Adrertlser. Bleb in knowledge, graphic and comprehensive in its sketches, abundantly interesting —[Springfield Repub lican. ", This work, so remarkable in conception, so original in plan, and so vigorous in its working up.—[Troy Daily Times. . A work of rare excellence in an historical polot of view, and as Interesting as the best novel of the day.— [Buffalo Courier. As a book, Carlyle never wrote any thing more reads* ble than this, and all that he writes is readable —[Bos ton Dally Traveller ‘ I do not ever recollect to have‘read'any work with more Interest and pleasure [OorrespondentOharleston Mercury. The product of yearn of the most profound research— a researoh Conducted with the earnestness of an enthu siast wbd is In loro with his theme, instead o' the plod ding dullness of the bookmaking Dryarilußts —[Brooklyn There is no overlooking the originality, research and power of this history.—[«. Y Daily News. The work is the ablest that has come from the pen of the renowned author —[Hartford Pres. Increases in interest and splendor ae it proceeds.—f N. Y. Examiner. Bath of the volume* basahandsome frontispiece, and the second is furnished with several valuable Maps, and closes with a copious and useful Index. PUBLI?BED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, .FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK.. HARPER A BROTHERS will send the above work, by mall, postage paid, (for any distanco in the United States under 3 t OoO mile.,) on receipt of the money. It BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAY Li SEASON. LINDSAY A RLAKIdTON have just published. QUAINT SAYINGS AND DOINGS CONCERNING LUTHER CoUectoi sad arranged lythe Bev Joba G. Morris, D. D , author of “ The Blind Girl of Wit tenberg,” Ac., <fco This volume, oontalnlrg many curious aneedotes and sayings ef and about Luther, gleaned by much labor and research from the numerous books and pamphlets published about the great Father of the Reformation, (amounting In all to nearly 1,800,) must prove pecu liarly interesting to all who sympathise in the results of his great work and. indeed, to all Protestant readers. I vol. 18mo. Price, 75 cents. SUNSHINE j ;or, Kate Vinton. By Miss Harriet B. MoKeever. » 'The design of thin volume is to illustrate by the pe culiar happy and joyous character of tbe heroine of the story who is constantly surrounded by a bright and cheerful atmosphere, the superiority of true religion as a means of happiness over the selfishness and glitter of worldly pleasure. In one volume, 16me. Price in cloth, plain, 76 cent*: in cloth, gilt, $l. * 1 A CHRISTMAS BOOR FOR CHILDREN. By the Rev TheophUos Stork, D. D Beautifully Illustrated by colored and other plates. Bound in cloth, gilt aides, Ac. Prloe, 60 cents. All the HOLIDAY BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED and JU VENILE, for sals at low piiees, by LISPSAT A BLAKIBTON, Publishers and Booksellers. d 7 26 South SIXTH Street,, above Chestnut. tjaliJMji Oooiia. QRISTIANI & CO., PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS, HAVE REMOVED TO TBE FIVE-STORY IRON BUILD I N G ,* NO. 45 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Next door below their former location, and are dally opening FINE FANCY GOODS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. d7-lm CHINA VASES AND NEW FANCY GOODS, 24 8 FOURTH Bt. W. TlLLER,lmporter Toys and fancy goods, 24 south FOURTH Bt. [dB-flt] W. TILLER, Importer, £JHOIOE GOODS for the HOLIDAYS. MARTIN & QUAYLE’S STATIONERY, TOY, A FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, No. 1036 WALNUT STREET, (BELOW ELEVENTH.) A oho’ce and elegant assortment of Goods suited to the coming HOLIDAYS, comprising artlolea of utility, taste, aad ornament, seleofed from the latest importa tions expressly for the City Retail Trade. M. A Q.’s Stook embraoea every variety of Dolls, Wax. Crying, and Sleeping, Ac., together with a large variety of PAPER DOLLS, WRITING DESKS, PORT FOLIOS, HBRBARIUMB, SCRAP BOOKB, PORT-MONNAIES, Ao. With a large assortment of Games, 'Fancy Boxes, Juvenile Books. Dell Furniture, Theatres, Stables. Warehouses, with a general assortment of Toy and Fanoy Articles. FANS! FANS! FANS! Latest style Fans, in Silk, Crape, and Linen. Also, Cricket Bats. Balls, and Wickets. nolO-tial ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, HlNGE makers, Dealers in Hardware, Ac.. Ac , aro in vited to examine JOHN McGERRAU’S Improved Shutter Fastener, Paten'ed November, 1868. This is a substitute for the Tnrnbuckle. Ou Exhibition in the EXCHANGE READING BOOM, THIRD and WAL NUT Btreots. dT-tu th «3t* IMPROVED BURNING FLUID.-We are now manufacturing, and are prepared to sell, a Burning Fluid rouoh less liable to explode than tbe common article, and we can confidently recommend it as being much safer. YARNALL A OGDBN, ool&-ijal6 472 N. THIRD Btreet, above Noble. Examine your testaments r HAVE THEY THE MARGINAL READINGS? If not, the version Is mutilated! Get a complete °°^ 3 Dr. Btookton’a is the best in the market.”— N. Y, Independent. “ A perfect copy of the beat translation of the Best Book North American. „ T. H. STOCKTON, d4-3t B.W. coraerßroad and Chestnnt streets. Manila, Italian, jute, sun, and Araerieen Hemp. The shore Hemps on halh, end for (ale by WKAVKR, YITLKH &. CO., 1 44 Ho. MH. Wttej H„ m 4 aH, Wiener, 4For oal* attJr to get. JgjXTENSITB PUBLIC SALE OMNIBUSES. "Wliilj BE SOLD PUBLIC SALE, ON MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1868. JAMES A. FREEMAN, 'AUCTIONEER, DHPOT OF THE SECOND AND THIRD-STREET PASSENGER RAILROAD, RICHMOND STREET, ABOVE THE READING RAILROAD, PHILADSL’A, 80 OMNIBUSES, Being the Stock of Messrs. Glennt,lee, Roney, Fetters, Vanscirer, and Deschamps. 4,0 SLEIGHS, WITH A NUMBER OV EXTRA WHEELS, AND A LARGE QUANTITY OF HARNESS, 0F THI ABOVB UXIO. The attention of Purchasers Is invited to the above sale, as it oomprises the Stoek of several of the largest lines in the City of Philadelphia. BY ORDER OF JAMES YERREE, President. jj| TO INSURANCE OFFICES. OFFICE ROOMS v TO LET. Three Beautiful COUNTING ROOMS, In Grigg’s Fire-Proof Building, on the Second floor, front, No. 226 WALNUT Street, suitable for insurance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. JOHNGRIQG, d7-12t-lf* 226 WALNUT Street. TO LET A NEW STORE, lire Stories; One Hundred sod Seventy Feet Deep, WITH Sky-lights, Hoists, Water Closet. Coal Vaults, Ac., IS YBI SSIOHBORHOOD OF CHESTNUT AND SECOND STREETS. XtENT $6OO. GEORGE H. STUART, d7-8t bTBAWBBRRY STREET. m WINTER RESIDENCE.—For sale or Hsi. rent, a large and convenient House, with all the modern improvements. No 98 Union street. Burlington, N. J. Apply to E. P. MIDDLETON tc BRO„ d7-8t fi NorthFHONT Street. MFOR RENT.—From Jahriary let, 1869, tiie first-class Granite-front Store, No. 124 North THIRD Street, above Arch, suitable for the Hardware, Dry Goods, or any other heavy business, being well lighted and commodious. Terms satisfactory to a re sponsible tenant. Apply at No. 124 second story. d7-6t* mTO LET—A desirable residence, No. 708 LOMBARD Street, containing eight rooms, kitchen on first floor, large yard, water, gas, Ac. ; in perfeot order, having been papered and p minted through out. Rent $l4O per annum. Apply oi9 VINE Street. d7-2fc* 4g} TO REN T.—The desirable business MaSTAND, No. 437 MARKET Street. Inquire on the premises. d7-8t TO LET TO AN ATTORNEY—An Office convenient to the Btate House. Address “ COKE,” atthis Office. „ d7<6t r|lo IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TO LET, The Five-story BROWN-STONE WAREHOUSE, No. 46 South BEOOND Street, NEAR CHESTNUT STREET, Suitable for the PACKAGE, OR OTHER BUSINESS. RENT LOW—For a Term of Yean. Possession given January Ist APPLY ON THE PREMISES. d2-lm MFOR RENT.—The second and third floors of the new marble building, Nrs. 19 and 21 South FOURTH Street, 26 feet front and 90 feet deep. Apply on the premises to d6-t j*l TEMPLE, BA.BKEB, A CO. mFOR RENT—The DWELLING No. 616 LOCUST Street, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January, 1869. The house is three stories high, with' basement, back building, Ao , now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of The Press, or at the house, n023-tf ggi TO LET—The large, well lighted, and Maeligible STORE, No. 88 '•oath SECOND Street., which will be vacated by the undersigned on the first of January. Rent very moderate. Apply to nol6-tf A. H. ROSENHEIM A BROOKS, as above. TO BENT.—On the Ist January next, the very superior and extensive ROOMS, (2d, Bd, Ith and fitWioors, each 34 fe«t by 146) of the NEW STORE, 683 MARKET Street. The building Is one of the fine improvements on the npper side, between PIPTH and SIXTH Streets, having Wo fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tf mTO BENT, a STOBE on DELAWABE Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, oorner of THIRD and QuARRY Btreet*, 40 feet front, one of the best locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and OOAOH-HOUBB in CHERRY Btreet, above BBVENT%Jn rear of Ash land House. Apply at 278 South FOURTH Btreet. seSO-Sm* JSoarbing. BOARDING.-r-Vacancioß for a Gentleman and Wife or two Single Gentlemen, at No. 41 Nertb Tenth Street. d34t* ©onfettioners OHBIBTMAS CANDIES OF SUPERIOR, QUALITY, SUCH AB CREAM OF STRAWBERRIES, CREAM OF ORANGES, CREAM OF RABPBERBIEB, CREAM OF WALNUTS, CREAM OF ROBES, CREAM OF PEARS, Ac., Ao. VANILLA, BURNED ALMONDS, JORDAN ALMONDS BLANCHED, CREAM, AND OORDIAL ALMONDS. JELLY CANDIES, of every description. FRENCH CORDIAL IMITATION FRUIT. FRENCH TOYS, CORNETS, Ac. THE MOST DELICIOUS FINN AND PLAIN MIXTURES. , Fancy Chocolate Preparations. Together with an invoice of superior Sweet CARACAS CHOCOLATE, just received, together with French and American Preserved Fruits, Of Selected Kinds. MANUFACTURED AND IMPORTED BY E- G. WHITMAN & CO., SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. d7-tuth4s-9t FOE THE HOLIDAYS. CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS. MARSEILLES SUGAR ALMONDS. JORDAN SUGAR ALMONDS. A VABIBTY OF CREAM BONBONS. SUPERIOR BURNT ALMONDS. FINE CHOCOLATE PREPARATIONS NEW VARIETY OF FINS CONFECTIONS. JAPANESE STRAWBERRIES. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BBLKOT3H) FRENCH BONBONS. A VARIETY OP FINE PARIS FOXES AMD CORNETB. FRENCUSUGARTOYS AND FRENCH NICK NAOKS. STEPHEN P WHITMAN. MANUFACTURER OF FINE CONFECTIONERY- No. 1210 MARKET STREET . d4-td29 WMt n t TWIIYTH Btreet. Knnouats. JJBMOVAL. SAMUEL. H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, . HAS REMOVED TO No. 1126 CHESTNUT STREET, THIRD DOOR BBLOW TWILVTH. South Side, Where he la prepared to execute all orders in hie line, bating on hand a foil supply of GOODS for Gentle men’* wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, a25.Sm-lf Ho 1188 CHESTNUT Street. ' « SNIDER’S OLD WINE STORE,” © NOW CABBY'S. Old No. 78, new 3SB WALNUT Street. Sntder’a Wines wero always pronounced by good iudvee to be unsurpassed, and were in reality auperlo>- to any in the market. Part of the old stock I have yet oq band, which consumers would do well to try, now that tbe market is overstocked with adulterated liquors for to sell during the Christmas Holidays. Wines and Liquors sold by me, if unsatisfactory, can bereturned. JOHN OASBY, Jr,, d4-lm Successor to J V. Snider. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER, AND BROWN STOUT. R Youngers’ Ale, St Ann’s Brewery, Edinburgh, In stone pints. Muir A Sons’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, la stone pta. Fine! A Williams* London Brown Stout In glare pta. do do Porter, in glare pta. F Bleed A Co.’s Dublin Stout, in atone pta. In store and for sale by WILLIAM H. YBATON, n3&-tr 216 Sooth FRONT Street. DR. M. CALKIN’S HAS RETURNED to th, City, »nd m«y bo *t hL offlee udreelieoce, No. 217 North NINTH Btreet. Bonn from 7 to 10 A. M., end 4 U 7 P. M. n!4-12t*. VSIHITE PISH. —60 barrels, and 2QO half TV barrel, Machlnaw WHITB FISH. A superior article, Me b r O. O. BADLRR & 00., dg ’ AROH St,, second door below Front. Russia and American tarred Cordage, assorted sizes, manufactured and for sale by , WEAVER, FITLBB. A CO., I) WH.Wiktw, Wm to. WMf ANTED.—-The Advertiser, -an , active v v and experienced business man, with *slo,ooo to sl2,ooo;desires tb'Conneot himself with a house already established is the Commission or Manufacturing busi ness. Address, with real name, J. B. L., at this office, which will be strictly confidential. d6-Bt* ■«MfANTED-A SITUATION in a Whole v v sale or Commission House, either as Book keeper or Salesman. Can influence some trade.- Refer ““ Ad4MM 1.8., at the oSoe of 3ht Prm. dfl-81# 'IM/'ANTED —A Qneensware Packer. Ad , * v. - dress at Press office, with name and reference, “ Package ’’ dO-2l# {SALESMAN WANTED—In a Wholesale. K 7 Bilk House on MARKET Street. One having a knowledge of the Kentucky trade would be preferred Address Box 861. P. 0. d6-3t* ANTED—A situation as light porter in . .. Store, by ayoung man who can £«£!?* flrat * cUM *«f®r«nces. Address' 1 Fulton,” this d4-3l* A N ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN, an ex and Correspondent, desires Has been eegaged In business for himself for the last few years. Acdress, with real name *«Box 2109.” Philadelphia Post Office. - “Slat* 000 GENTLEMAN wishes 'V/Lr* to form a Partnership in the Ex change and. Money, or Note Brokerage Business ; will famish from ten to twenty thousand dollars. . Those de sirous of forming a connection of this kind, and who thoroughly understand the business, and can give refer ence, address “Broker,” at Press office. dS-Bt* V^^ANTED —A situation in an Exohange or ▼ » _ Banking House. Hss a thorough knowledge of tne business, and can give the best of references as to character and qualifications. Address “ Samuel,” this office. d2-4t* WANTED—An experienced Salesman In . the Wholesale Variety Good, huelneea. Apply to “ tina," So. tot Mwi.t street. - d2-et* A WITH $12,000 .OR iriabu *"“•>>«»« connection, **“• amount of capital and a!Sf™« h * W , ta >a Commission House. O WiU * ANTE D—By the Ist of Janaary. a situation in a Wholesale Jobbing DRY GOODS HOUSE, as SALESMAN. Oan Influence a moderate amount of near trade. Address SELBY, office of The - dl-6t* IM7ANTED TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY tni PROPERTY—I 62 acres of good FsBJI LAND, in Gloucester County, N. J, 20 miles from the city! rxpjdiy-improving section. Address JERSEY, office of this paper. • dl-dt* \/\T ANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea v v sou, with Immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate else, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M-a office of this paper. ... - ■ . oc4 ANTED, FOB THE UNITED STATES T ▼ OAVALBY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be' given good par, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Far from 812 to 122 per month. Ho man having a wife or child will bo acoepted. Apply for MOUNTJD fiIBYZOI at Ho. 817 tfABKBT Stmt! above lighth. north side, 1. W. MOOBE, Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons, Beerniting Officer. Slmnsmente. mHE PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OP JL THE PINE ARTS, No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A.M. Admission 25 cents. Children 12 centa. Shares of Biock, entitling the holder’s family to ad mission at ell times, $BO. d7-tf \\TEEATLEY k CLARKE* AROH-ST. TT THEATRE.—WiIIiam 8. frederieks, Acting and Siege Manager. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, December 7. 1868. OUR AMERICAN C6UBIN. As* Trenehard, our American Cousin, Mr. J. B. Clerk: Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. BIMPBON & CO. Mr. Simpson,Mr. Gilbert} Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Drew., Admission, 25 ets. fissured Beets In Dress Circle, Wj* «ta; Orchestra Btalls, 50 fits: Seats in Privets Boxes, fl ots : Gellery,lBets} Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cte: Private Box in Gellery for Colored Persons. 88 ets; Whole PrlTete Box, $B. Doors open *t half pest 8 o’clock; eoamtntt at T, preoiseiy.. Mrs. d. p. bowers* walnut-st. ■ THEATRE, comer of NINTH end WALNUT Streets. THIS (Tnesdey) EVENING, Decanter 7,1868, INGOMAB. Perthenle, Miss J. M. Davenport: Ingomar, Mr. Conway; The Ttmarob, Mr Dubois. , A ROLAND POR AN OLIVER. Alfred Highflyer, Mr. Perry; Mery Darlington, Miss Riehings. ' Brioes of admission—Recond Tier end Temily Cirole. Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet 87# cents; Dress Olrele, 60 eents; Private Boxes, according to theii loeele, 83 end 86; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents.' Doors open at half pest 8 o’clock: Curtain rises at T o’olook. • RATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ST., 11 above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. December 7. 1868, THE CONRAD BROTHERS. EQUESTRIAN PEATS, ' GYMNASTIC PEATS, ' By all the Company. - • DON JUAN • and the WHITE STATUE. - YOUNG "DAN.” SCALE OP fBLOBS. Dress Olrele and Parquetta. 40 eents. Children under ten years of age... ....20 " Pamilj Circle..'. 20 te Doers open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Performances will - commence at 7, and terminate at 10#. precisely. E 7“ Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. , , ttANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, *3 ELEVENTH Street, edjolnlog the Peaneylrmi a S&tlroed Depot, QBBAT BILL for the patrons of . BANPOftb>B OPERA HOUSE. THIS EYE NINO, WUI be presented Seaford’strae version of ANDY’S DREAM ; 08, THE MACHO APPLE. The largest Company of' MINBTRBLS IN THE WORLD. EVERY RYENINO- New Songs, dees, Choruses. Refrains, Ac., with Dandog by the SANJORD CHILDREN, 26 eents; Children 12)4 cents. d4-tf A SSEMBLT BUILDINGS, TENTH AND A OHSSTNUT Street.. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and BPIJUT RAPPING. Go and see SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and wonderful Magi dan. Performance every Evening during the week, at half-past 7 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoon* at 8. Admission, 26 cent*; Children, 18 cent*. n026-»lm* Musical fund hall.—the ger- MANIA ORCHESTRA will commence their Pablia REHEARSALS on BATURDAY next, Nov. 20th. Single -Tickets 25 cents; a package of eight ticket* for $l, which may be obtained at Andre’*, lio4 Chestnut street; Beck A Lawton’*, corner of Beventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per formance commences at 3% o’clock P.M. nol7-tf (Carriages. QAB&IAGES. WMi. D, ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Order* for CARRIAGES from all parts of Hie world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. Mlft-Smlf ISAAC P. BBANIN, LIGHT COACH A CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRANKFOBD. PA. AU work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res peetfolly solicited. &010-sm* tDatdjes, Jemelrg, Arc. Jfcs CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF .SS FINE JBWELBY, &Qj Ai low prices. Just received Coral* Lava, Camew, and Gold Jewelry In seta. Also, Soarf Tins, Seal Ring*, fhirt Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Bracelets, Chain*, Ac. English, French, and American Watches, at G BUBSELL, 22 North Sixth street. WATCHES. xfgj Jit3s We have now ia Store udi m A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ENGLISH AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER 'WATCHES, Or oar own direct Importation, at very low prices. As we have each Wattfi thoroughly examined by a competent workman, *9 are enabled to guarantee oar customers a oobbbot time-piece. yARR «to THOMPSON, Importers of Watches, &c., 824 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FOURTH. n25-th»Atu-12t AILEY & CO., fOIKHLT BAILEY A KITCHEN, Hava remored to their new fire-proof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE* ffow opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they Inrlte the attention of the public. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, If waOLKBALB ASD 11T1A. aulMftf drilling: 1000 BOYS’ CLOTHING. E. A. HOYT A BROTHER Here Joet received, FROM NEW YORK, BOYS' AND OniIiDEEN'S OVERCOATS SUPERIOR STYLES AND FINISH, Whloh they offer to the Public »t; GREATLY REDUCED PBIOSB, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH & CHESTNUT STREETS, usa-mr fly HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER— Btabliog end hey good, with plenty of litter. Bnriurr Meedowelf desired.oupleesent d»ys. Terme of Mr. ». JikN&, No. 3J6 MARKER Street, or Dr. SCHOLIUM, W Boat* «ITH Swot, mmSi «<•*«, . «w 1002
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers