"i •-- ,. 1 ., .V. , *.-. ~.. , 01l fifte 0111,1[14,..M: l , fi. p,„,,.., , 71.,-rlt-,(1. /c,_/411-414teirkaitrvIeD) .. I c, o W,! ( '-` , ,: , • ,tainr ,44e tir'bilixt , Streak oei- ,, ,,,ei.,A.,.,,,,„,. 4 . - "' ' l 4 ;L: ', ,'3 , 401, .„ ~ L• ,- , ..,. , .„1..,.,,.;111304 lrfiN44l,VP 42 oo l t. 1,4 " 1 * "i ' •-• ..,t-z , ~., - '-' - IntAthi, 4707 at 13pt Dom..Ais )II X -,.. 6 ' INVlkiliDif• Ilan , /furl's; ; , ktr valut,i9,,,*:LA WPIII3' II /Y lO , !oi - " r Iti MO. ik.Www, , ''' ' ~ , i i iikiitlistadileig 'aid of thi OitT,at TIMIIB DT , -, 19 7tirpiap/44 11 3 1 ;11/ adVandL - l ''' ' : ":, . - fill"ktilindririll,be seta 49 faaboad ,rp ' OO lirAnnij)3,l4l4;74oi6) 011 ""*",!::::„, 6 , 00 „:-,31. ets, " 0 , •C''' ,.. "„. o . 0 .0 00 -,' YliTe -01) 1 460 8* ... 1 4 t 'I ft' t q :`l . /..p:..14,00 "X' 4ll o 00Preir) ft to Orlladireo `...% IR 'a° i Twenty Copies, ft ' ,',, - I.,, li d dref ie a '4 , 3 10 ,, ' - TitentreoPleal or eYer) - • ,""r +...,,, , c. , .. 'VD u subinthera ."11r."" 1 " 4:over Irs 'win Aud i = 4 " a W V, o, se tttlie e of *he Mut. ' , '''' ; °lt"' dopy ta g. aft rlglititid to ,Mt MAP* fog , Arr to ro , , , , ~, „ . TIIIV•,-allitt' :VW . iirah, Plikill*., , —1 , v 846 "101:11°411117 intime for the Gallforata !mi . 4 , , Stea W't p lqtalt t . z, '. , - t - ..:~°~`~.: , :~usi~tss =Maras: __~~,:~j ~j ; l _ SA - D, :4133/01CLATBR; I , IlerPNAN;Nitieqbahk • or. kg- WALNUT SE.j • Near thl.Exclange; residenoo in - NOBLN Street. - Haagen had built thittapitrad'iaimi 'Mktaft "or thick Work • • - • Orderel:TAiipato.l , ost ~rep~pti~attendei ; to. Beet ' rafarenee., - _ 111 W'4 0. . - AtS!.E.ItiqtESECO.,OO)OIOBi ' • -sRo.OR Tsvx`22lloT - 'mnr{rils RAROJLa PAC4RAGIB,IIiNaCIIANDIZII AbtS2l9T .ra on gexprikAithetakrztbrovu ' a r -ti •prpopal - 'wlttkitlxerliXPßlN , ; ',TOWNIAatiAMPAII4 lki-P4PlMl64:liii;;; • - - a , ; ` - ! ..9- ", - /Ottkittialr , --, :r2.ataxissouctrutt; • • win pregitilis- ' 41F,OEir,f1 , WOK . sitA`vila idfifoteholauil boologio ea tnu l tdd to troiir'iSPOOlf att'44l°n gi i eafo - Uis 00/100.• , tioabf - - Goy; m;_ r, arr 14, , ey,. -Piegitdeiditrip . k - ntren Bank moral Jr .'4 01 04") PLIAV A 1 4Vid r 3 n O X l ,;A;' g MIAOW _.- *Rapt TAW. , Hale* f.'lsallitt,lc:-Zatrtheiiii,, -- klatimiel- , ,phiji_fhiortfiiiiiiruV,Riatiir k !C Chi ,: fatiqins tit.' , WAtelo . iii - ThrlkgalOtsi - r411t94 AC Vilocia , hlfidill: --, r,ll6#.4.tifkisdigq,Phlbidaziaifiruuziasop" - iv • - F:1 ,4 Twenty"yßix xWtdeaC',ig?Teases - r .i.« r: °lkon- attssp oteggar E"'" l rlYrti - Pt*** 4 o4‘ l w!./ .104-I, '!. tablr. fIEIARLESTTE'IT . - .OOXXISSIQX itEß %.,,Offiarviidelicitoitieofla4HAAutons, ' l l - amt: :-10ibliiiteBisteritir BRANDIES' ilyralfilEY 'GINS Aind, , Y4tAor quonamohOlV tplitolr!m NAL Illorautb ortretwbs.o - • kap*. Z - , • • c` IA this llnfio ' s7, 1 , whieh we " • Es, 'Wainkitid bS in 4 1 - ata in , . riiP /grallintilni or THR'2II6O„: 11±11.D_Atresi, beaDVAtestavit, n 0174 m - ,oßizosk, .•,ela:•!,4lr;:ottart -motif - ' - gri!i",ioiliiiiiil''!" - ' ~..a " „ .., ', :. '"- 1 r & BRO T BER,, - , - i. . , . 8+,19, ~.CiißtAT WARBrIPTIR}fitZ, •,;',r .' '- I , , Nar fr2g '° #. 37.1,57 # 9,, ''-'• ' 406 •.17ii " Alsollta. 4 P / Y9 7 , WA 'oB4l 'fr °P.l q i ' TO ~ , -„of .' '..; ‘i :-. ' - '''':',.,:., r• ' ; . - iL, ' --, ' , l';'''T g; 7 - : - ;.,B -,..,„ ~,-.- -. .•• .. - - ''-- ' ' igr;Bils" OETAin•WATIP, - • -11040 . z .:,„ 1,,, = , • ' • . • • --- r hoak ' - ''- ' i will Ind our a, _ ... ~ , ~,„ ~,,..1, 40..144,1:n37w v.," I,ow, . , - ,;pod Apo, and PitlOaz yjsls. _::t,:;F}~ Ft:.. ~ .: RlJlQisa!~~i✓~;, a'a,ii. 'r; ao Otri,m4.lpatAsi4s4?-4 . • - 011.2fArl.:BAJO1.0 1,- c ;i4 to piittiiii; initiktmr*: - i Y , t o .t . 42,4 - 4 Lie ; wasian iliahi4ll%r; ill* at NOILMIGS_ ANDtoyllll=l A L , = • ' CoMfOltinattlittP(4l:**l:4l,:.tit,:t • . • ** l oool, i;*-01441**/ 011AILA21111,?;, ii - 0117,1 1P4v.45 1 1 ! trtreettAta §P S; noi i.. 2m • tr -740 r: sTitto. ;•- •4 ' -4119strvikVOYAM`' New NO • 1 LLITIL - ,'WOICK:ATATIONEItIro' JuviDATIO-SErgektWAlikitokllmitifietiirori, Btatioieraid Priater; II ,el.OO liv iftiVikeet lip*: par6a3t4ll' tirstittOkintalilia) " :;rioiriAip /MOW - or rookii‘tionlerk/kolOrot,erni-PlocrlPS 4o4 rOrt for nialtsaubilo elloi4t;MiliA_OhAnt.A fitc, .bosittailipy Orlpilliiivor; II - .Vaperipi.OottC .-Ja virl4w*Sityinge ' ' 414feeniiir.;,.` ,--,. 'v. 9r 4 ONZAirge% /1 1 4. 1 PrOgriir iiiirfifilef,llo=l / lati'vitt asul2Liti*re.pittalivezelll4Aalltkcrnestnima ', A rtd genOCSllloililiA* of t *glitetAexei* 4i4liitk, ',• , ?-'T -,1. .-:.'„ .. ~,:, , ,-..,: - -.. Coniiivaing litiii=iiiiiitiibiiiiiiiii.fitlOrlisktbs . i tostitat,dtke ContOttee:say r jt TlO- di "l a "' biWi lxiogs ter banking arid morgontikuoellirtko Oto4firilbe: ithibitten". - The ielostioofit‘ostrriejAciesip, 11, , ITorknuttak(oiseitoolloit;'. 'theatiliuw 4 Lur poir ! wi#.2o.atitt4:Atiwoxictia?.liy , e::' , ! , ..:lidsw f c . _ ) , . , ''': 'gtoiltpe -• [91.11 to---•'----, Trir-041-iriA TIOLFt„ '-- "‘- :,,-, ' "' ~4, - . ' ,.• ) :, ;r, ? q -4,,, ". ' . l4o ,AA:tfir':toioa ti)ullsl- 11 i -'4 l %t:,-*!, ; • . r '; , w ~ ,„ 4 ' • „ , , ~ :•i'-.rx,.L 7 tCh' . I I 4 e K V i i M ,, 0 , .,'. - - • ,'-','-7 • ,-•”; , The resboii:Whyiie.itiii4OriltOtiffi3O - we; 'preaeillit :,ireatoroatto betaTai ealertppritepertV.T,itite *Mt itair; r=':-:-in whoa Itriy, r suppliee,.thejastwill ltaltis;'•eed , .: till* ,!,.',,,. i - raideeelt eraw , en : bald bbids;riakiivad - aIL 4andrut,ltehi; --- , , tag, aria - heat frota: the v aisiiiioiaihplittel tenet . llp the; norreir, Yana, tbai ooriaa, ATI gamma I;hiesiliellieppd pot . ' -, be zeta upon to - curb art 41airanor dart oarth Oa Bahl, - it will Nop and lei*lt rim:minute : Cert..; ,Maker irfer; ~ it/041,W bea11ha,',*"(4.'14,41.1,0.11,4 nut AT liied , 'bi - ' Ili , ' yonef ftw6'oe. tbrot throokir wooblt aill nfifei" fair or' - boookoakrayi "then readertataa the tollewitig; iir4Vjedvi '• .2 for ofirielye* ; w 4 ,. ,, ~ i ,, ~ ,, , r .i., a , A , : r.,,(v. - , ) -,,,,;,:,, , ,,,- .. , - .• - - ' ,--.-:•, , ,5f-i: -- - - .F'" , -'- , New,Yourrleekt 8 -isatt: - . , iaissiti ,o" a' , wrizici c tY k t oorr-; - i . Y. ~ te, , _ ,, =i,i , .- z..-1..L „- . • - oentioinizet-UtvlbitlieitiliegoatitiAl ibonf riefekloi , WOOd'il utile Itei,taistlirre, iiiiiftnrhairbghggette,greSq, • " • :' I rag( up fey taladlo; 14}14ohla AO! : prlgealrae'whialf _•,-;... 4. lummox= .7.*14671‘. gllllO/44.117 pel7/012S, tifurtigalraf :''' - --• a ll ma nner or Petenp nictiotaritibod,riabort time ago I " ..' - a Oita" bort nalk , rolir artioLa. V teal I'4 if. rivialf ~- . : , .s :".- 9 The e lesalr hat lifor,iiliiif _liiitigivdcPlit flit I iii ';~ '' . -• fart Out t out 44,1ofdlinitattsio.torA; 0'4.11.'4° for - - ' lb. ilßootiargementoCatlierglikkinscrto* firray'ai I; vim,' bat *lto haring ref prejugee,withatO awy,rease la for netting ttaolat ale ?airlifts vettreloutilesteref --- ' ' sirs a ttiak aiirda t liiiihirthiff,:praiori'literibitliisk. proor „ heiag tinder eittoweiratietel„l4lllEyeti tied let. ~, ' • ter; *MI. yell iti.vOikle ,- ,t0:0/ L ISItifklid , 00 dirot= -- them fir tai for itirther or - , , op„iguilliAnd,'Auf , 9l ., tige • If - .t. Wirir &Witt Eatalitraioiab eVeryliy ,-' , —.f , ",'t • --- ...: - mi,hitir it Winr•itii hatunWagWviit, nialligitiiteld _ ~, in spitiatincaz4Ver,V , LwaY. heittraient#l , and;-vilacer, , 1 '• .. and *anti,inort Aoiliqay . byqt.kg., i... im . kyrror - 4;11_016,1., .;. 7 . _ fativ-,K,,,. , ~',• ~... -- 3.;f , „;.c ,; • ,- " , '4•':I. I PUtnY'HIVALAnIL i'' , .14_f-:. -.' .2- Bordet..talatitlatand OlfrOlf Atetb IVltroo 4iii;tip . ,•,- , • , , „ • -•., .? -, , , ,„ ,- 4. , ..",,;;; - Llvraaa tora'Art,:c tob , 44, , ,ThatiO. `= ' - itiok - Nfiiiiiiia;i3lßlAfitrp.,/iattvßeL%filthe had .„---,- • - done:o4oi. gpaolli,b)ll;Piff t Pi. - :,`,'--, 5 4f 5 t1T" - ..!At751. 1 !?:Wf has be is ap . igitLY -, ,, , ,v.vip. itigii .1 , ,...,,15te tr 0pt, _ I Kapp 1 a! sit I ,r,„ buriF when " I m tte a l • f tcy,, t . i ni . • • - faitk - ,..1- nava bean a+ oft row Hort geoborat no , 0 -- = ‘, *edili 'aid ~, I PRL"tliat /*art illii.heid , itthatrport '' • - '.9coselog!.. pf ter:: heti* emelt tit other -.-- . - {9 na tirilstg I frank , IV %It meet:1 4 4 1 10: 1 W11 11 3 1 7 eil.r , "I. ~ , ettaiii;itirioteeallrwhe-rmt:outfil;k „ N firt4 tar 4 ' . ' your remedy? jYtin. 'waif 03,141dittgli?4 4 iidAkfbk OW : :. . pin; % , .,-;lyoara, ko., ~, -_ - ,- .11-7,-, I SWP 01,11Moza,;:t. •• - ii,tilLikrit.ii Sept •-ej;1e,07 . 1 , „` , mass iveim4beak t Elittl yisieukirst6so4l4: it .E.' .. -Iwo - dog - Hier biaAlitlo'reraolo,o - 6,l4tAbrati*Abie '5, ' f _book part of niiheliaNitoOloifr3ti,totatilik4Weeijif ''-'.• " - "I'llot; / 11 -T.DI illinft3lakkinkt4, l frtifP.Pl o l(oo" 44 l7 l r_.; a , , : "Iteatoratfro,and:AorzlhaltotAtbilioatlro ablral .., ea , with fts tifonaPdbg'ctikO'br4SErs'4l*.rritta#gi r . A Ii ` .7. !add ielktaibt Its belinfit: , ;;llilifie;ftiod,.liliietee** 4 . c -:,•• tiogell i t i tt i aaii:hpitAtirliatrip%mby wilraro3o4 to t own El it' - '' Ttrim.742m -,r;&:•--4cfC1-1!1:gr.I1 k, • - , 71-L,' .:,.,: - ..A, ,A k.' *Te•slialt f ailetii. f,..44 ,, V. 1: - .; - - ‘, ~ ,-' - ~- - • `.- •'.; - ,•;-, NO; 4644 , 1iieetetea ~ 1., ~: ‘: The , ife.itiative ii - pit. Wiirt•i*tiaoictiiiiielisidi;' 1:• , ',"= ,, ,:3',.: i Iris (Largo, .ineataini prklob44o .41.eillivalltowo 44 a i,..',.. -i . : ..,, Ipintp tad ?grant (9r...ewe doifisr pa!,,hottle - rigowEi'm r,!: - -,' , .:iSliOldiriblesisttionty par aorta , tit*. fte:lllopotuo.AAlttl..,, r . §- . ;,t. - t thimiditiffosint`;:fcktifs , abilkiiitset pita ON& ieige. 44K V , ;liolihrilAitiOt - 40 - 1 1 0# 4044 ift Wltteo4f Aitf . , - L iti ,,,,,,,,,,,,,0y.... ~,...„;.q...0.t.;,,,A.., ~,,,,, , , , ,,,,,, . ....e , ;-... , =;4:--' - g'ol.4aitaitili;&47o:oolo l 4oo.l4 ,11 . 0ag'irail '.', 7 ';:i,' . .. , ;gork;rlalibleginittgazrfiVnfiß 6 niffq*bliiik% It. (k - ' . ind'amemlitoi.tigioiiit4o4s - 14.-x , ;_, ,, 24 , z,- - t 4 ;Ir.q -..-W ,- ,:s44 , A,iggoitairg49` Om - 40u ttisiil (1441 - 1100), :2;. - :.-v-' ,'tlf4ll:,.'f*'-'i"'kf;;:*LW4Pffrektto::CkSY.,lT,.o.tl-' • •' ''' ~ ,'* i' •,.. :1, -. ' et N ., ' \‘. \ 1.!;ii, 1 -/ ''''''''' ': - " - 1414 ; 41 . '** *- hG''',. • \\\ i i i'-' '* " 11 . 1 ' ' .': ',. p); 1:2 • 1,, /.. , ,i 4•, - . i . • - , , . • , , , - ' -* •*; i *- 0. "5* . _,' ,' „ ~ , 3 ' "' ' " '',' !, - ' - 1, •,1 - ~,,,, t....,4 1. . (--,..,' :-..';'", -, ' : - :„..i..,.... , -,:.. >-,:., q./,,t,' , ; ,,,... 1 o— , ,„...:.,..i , '... -.. -.ltte t e ~.,,,,. , , 411-. . -. : -.4 - &.: 2:--:-74, ---.,- : -.2...--- ; .. -,:-...... 5 Z 7 40.; * ,,,,..7 d r ~,,, ~...r.." . -*, 4 - ~,, ..--. ~,; 4: , , - . -e'.. , ,--r -- ;'="- - ' "... • .. t , lap f,- , -''''''' • -.-.;!- - - '-' .(r-' ...; .' ‘---, •I :2 - -` 2S - 11, , ,.... , ~. . % - 11,: .. .: - ...:',:r : 1` - ', -. Atitliar. — :f • ;" - -41111___• , , - . .i' .-.- • • ... 4 , - -.- :'-',./: ' I C -!-V i" ~ ' rig , ,- - - Iblpi „, - - - ,- - -- li , ' ..„,,., -. iP^ ...,:t.....,41.- 1 .Y. , . Z....c.; - " , t;' . , .il. ,24„). , .. - 4.,' .4...„.1,-.7- ; .e2 i ?: .- .-t v... .-. .... . 1 - .1 6 11 F`.:i4e4. /E ', „ . - ' )• 1 1 .- 2'..--.* '' (‘" ''' - --•-s- ''''***.“ ' L ' l'-'- ~ ' . ....**.-- ' - • ''' *-* ~*- -f -'*' 7.377 *- .1 1- '''' '''.'". ''''' ..„, :-' - --..:-- - -t.' • ''g 'T. - . .i ..--. 1 .- 111 ~ - 7 : . ., - : , 1 ,- -;:..,,.-- .. :.,.. ,', - , , !-- 7 - ,' ' '-. ‘; '' ' ' . - -- - : 2- L'-i?='' , ,e,-*:,...• . . ; .. ..'; t .- ;1 , 1 1,..f.... , .. " - ry -- -.' -.'-`t - .- -, z.t- . ....: --- ~ , - ,7 - ,P°l .• -. ' --• ,' • efAii . 4 , 4,- - .1,-.- 4 ' c" - - - " ,- " '''' '"''''''',''' ' , 4'4 - :4 ;--- '.4 4. : 1 : 14 1 . .......,!t•-",: , --Y.' 'lt.:----,..-:.--- -.---- , 1. . ~ . :040 :. ~. • - 4 , 4. 0 ,..-- - :'>"? , l' , .'• •^ ..-- .i. .. - 7 1 - ;7*•. -,, - .40.1' k), -----; s”- - - - 6 -- - 1 ~, .....,,____...., .. _ ...., c... ......„‘ —.....„, i •_ _ _ , • _ Vii. e,-,. -!--. ,- ~ , c - ,„,„ v d ” Sete_ ' If 'f'• )..`+ •i • • * ,':• , 1 , ',U1 4:1 ti. l' • ' • • I e rl' I til ,- z , ),, 1-. { .a._-- .. .., -, o 2 l, I ~ , J4iv,... ~ ,4 ,4. - , ... - I. L 11i1,14. ) '. i! •, , I - . . • ,' - ..'• . ',' , ~ .;.i. t. "e - 1;a .f,:444 .z - - , i ., . 71 , 1 .. , 1 , 1 ; Jfb ~ 1 , •-• 11:!11=11 MEM VOL: , 2=:-NO. 97. f 3bock JDv aab 014_0140TIIS; , -- , ..,-.e;Balyrait4liiiiiving swains Wattles for - Mann Z40 . 06;', 4TAIR; and, , . 01,45THH, Iriat!ir , mpared to Oar groat holttoemeate•to Murat Ito*allslrtligtha pottht* lakei ba Wanting -; , - Pea. order by'mad: tenuous' ' Maziolioturor, .11BILLS SHEETLNG4 roR .EXPOR't 17 4 14 LitY(Vost[FITA ° 'it, by ' 2 4 84"; SA FRONT ST., ¢ al LBTITIA ST. - CARPRTINGS. _ JUOR RIODITDD "- •' • - /BON ifillll/DIOTILRED2 Ou Coseigsment, s isms lot et, ENGILIIN AND , TV be aeht It AUCTION PRICES for Cash or , Ong Ae 17P?'*#•,' - C. '" - WOLSD WILSON 'as' CO ••2-420-trmibktt':*- No. 112 011231`NUT Street. nusli, LINEN% t r .D.A.M.A.IBSre3e., DIAJPEIIII3..&o. 'ootiffUltßSß pr.RIUMAItDdON ) BIINXNEI, and those dellintdov.l - Waltdoiltterj:illNVlNlll` GOODS, should 'peeitaitilie arttolw theyWpitiss acs keilid *WI the" leltitataiintL & OWDE, • "Aifettrl . tekiit`itne - of ;Vie' Nonnflinifer and durarllti N of #1 , -' • ". , • - .-",i- bildre4Orile • rindellitilesont 4 hel_tifieefienti YLige - ipieoptiee of inferior andnefeotire Linens are preyered, season ;after, soli/on' and fielded ,with the name .of Ulaa*EDEON_rhi - ildsh lionsee,:who, regardiese of the lnJurj thni indicted alike on the dinerioart consumer sad the mainitiotunins of. .the,genulne Goode, will not resitlf eibendon,,s .bnelness eo ,profitable, pier; ishSeeri'lasti . 4,lruposed on with Goods oft worthless . - B. I,OOIIE, Agents, 86 OTEUROH Street; New York ':;,`.~~Uaictjes;~::7kiv,elrg;= ~c - ,„liv..:oALWW l 3 o4, l :;ali. - - 9° 7 - ': K, - , . 1-3,4122 MIST , t 1. 1 ' ' -,/ 'Der 011114011, new 11,. 7 ,- ..aire,“os4Te-, w-A,i,-, vest 94,4q.' -,- ', ' ' 3 ' 4l.ll ffipc 4 -iniephi v . -_... _ -, , -- , soiiii -in n bits'. - I:4 „ .4,.tetwoi, i ' pum„,.-1,,,,,,,i.. : . -,:.. „ • - T: 2 11 4 - ,. w 4 5 , ' 2 i. Kowa Bete:.., '' ai d . or Charles '7 . o2 wiz e r4lA4rnitgo",-InN"Dontl,s' T aiS a b ! .K l T E r E , th s - j t a e -, - ' , poi* T - . WDEN - X , BRO' .; 11EAN9V40217A11211 AND IMPOITIIIIN or: • vet ILTER•PLATED WARE, t.' • , ACNCOlteetattt Street, :41)01'8,i Thirdi (rp, Marra ,t 21111stlelphle, - , • Consieelliori iiaiid.erstfoi sale to the Testae, -TEA IiBTIVOOKIVIIINION,SERVIOR SETS, URNS PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, DAS. • ;LETS, ooTo_40 Al 2ENIVBS, SPOONS, ROBES, •• geR-1, „ , • , 141,114C,Jr/10 . 0.. • „ , .0.i 71 11051 NOi 241;DOoteST8A1T Mai DOOR i 0 VIM POST 017101 attirT. lfouePHeel:.d Diu r, acd .► rrf iIONDAY ZVI/ALM; or Daman, • • • LA* % I li- • N pSMA LL, • - ' Y • !SAI;t, : 911001S, A. AC.,TOII 'O'Ol.OOK P. rd. .t; Luntios-Dnetniin s 'IIIiNRY NA .; • , ; I M : : , , Tr RE ..,, oraniq,z6.p.a4Dga , ,l . ,! , g4Txma,, (111 i iiiiiitiikat r iiiiiijAiiiiiiisiiir oi Piortilifi. raina. , • -,-,. J ,fr4,,, t 2 rl'',PIERPsTilAT4. OIIAIPPRE. I#l,:l i iireSta,: " ;ittiosit "galbaid'td list 'aidicita, ' . ;`i--.t. - iiiil'ilf itelai!pi Paid bank on Demand. , -, -' , 1 , "•.FPPIOV.9321.!;i11,111111 -, 2111111).STB,PIPIV , : -, 'ug , s'.'lolpradittiato,*l3iiiia Busibura.) . ' .. -.. '..•• iniiii*ltelinfie 'itarktiaketor_ tit/ ~ tra - niaatiOn at blob/4610A Litho ):4147 CI 'iisii•tm, - kd Bei** Vaud boated Ad the northern Ott (1,1% . ' i1iaa1t . ). 2' ,- - . - - . ' - ---,.• w. . fli. - illick-hislifiro - 14r1104,1 , 141 , "; '--', ', • , lIIONDA ' and` TAE1,131;11p9f8 v 1 . 0111.01taldl, I 0 , 616* '. 'tiiii liifiiy - .. - _,._‘- - ~K .- _-...!,,,•, - - • r• . -:,. ~.z , 3 -4 , --uY:' ,, ,-;..4.-1, --, ; , ..tr,;- :._•,.namae,Malt.'. ' ''' •'• ~ ' ' 1 -, ,iitreiarAidfitlrt's.:',.."-`y7 ,: _lfilinl(iiiter;U;' ; ,„;10,01iii estui;,-;-,-,'.. - f!:f. ~. rialid .8; POWs, ~.-iialelt-P, Urn '..-''''--- r„ . - -,. ', - ,l'iikb . ) - Nalt,•,„ •,- -• ~L.. ..., '''llolittitl - L'etk r illiit, v /01±00E: 010*01"; ', • 1 :: iDadel-lan ailiorl . ,er" , : - .'?l',,,welagißlitY, . - - .1.. - seitPwrituturtirel,,,n, - Rohl esimoiptur,i,'' , . ,i_sitiodedur artsi t iree,',- -- ,: - ;' _''P'.-4:l::;itilmakq,'„, , ,.,_ . .4 -- .-; nitwit uthrtp - -=-'- :', -:=_-,:,,, , c.lohier. Vorrbe r ,,,,- :, ~,- J00041. , p;10;11.4iiil ' ',- : ,_ etforga Kaeobt • , ..„ ~, , Fiii - :: 1 -. , ' 4 t'i• , '' , '' ,-- ~,,- 'lPreiliffat- I latiaB iy.,Tapiinal. , , 0 1/44atirljfilitoplArv::,,lhon.kr;„ - .• :-,_-- ;a021 7 1#1.,. . V/01110- ISI72II)=FIVE :TER - VENT:IW 40 1 TBILTST-L-tkrIONAT.44III2TY:', TIIIAST. 001 , 1 , ".1 liNr.k-WALIitiVOTIIIIMBOUTE44.IIBT Cloitritll - 9. II ;„,'MMIP. ,Mai,14.4141.4PMJ5.44,.;,,-,,,,, ~:.-_-_- .. ~.. '4 '.s o o ll / 0 - 11 0. 11 9, 111 10 111 :011e: Or , . 141111OrnTANIA.- - • • •, 04•71*.egreelired, hi any,'ananklaa' iaar smilt, sod to.i mow_ „p#l4 - 1:0110 OW ur dtparß to th#, dor ofwith• -Trlnrefli.oiittN46ith,.....: -F. -- ,• k.1444 4 . 60, -li f otiftiATlM 'fill,/ *II 90 ' 004 E 1 a as r00m",t91,2.,6 - ,,t,i 7 =.llk.the ,71: 4 1p u iri, ; ead_ 'eOltooisly itt7ll(ll4 algalt i' d3Strniiit; Litinideai '' , , - -,., c„.410,n313%.: alirdflaDclif ; Inas President . - YChliai nlitaiii.thaintAl7.: IL ~:.-ni." -., ' - -',/ . , ''-', ',- _, .-,-,.-', .Oniamtromis.,-.-•,., I •• . . i 110 1 1 i 164 ilal. 404 0 r 1 ..., •Yr•V• aililoll . Br Ili 0411 i ' . lily - 4, 3 1 X.' CO era"7..f - ; - . , --. „;:„lodeplt IL- Batt y , - • 1 1 )§ 7 t74 2 .7 1 41d3f -,,,; •,--;:- ' e n ia l alz i i ft7: — • ' ,-, Igapti , X.,olttook . -.,,i 'l-4.7oseph norm* , --- ,". ~, 0. - taidreth Mane ' , - • 2, Uenry I),lffeitderht,' • ''''''lo4l4/4fi77044/44:Pkrnivatkinade .daily;,. , -,, ~ : WAlvut76itpleptiewtroidcJit 000formIty .wlti , theT 41_1416811rUZI?:t°12` i :752774Tate a i54,,1 414* ai oill'elwafe Snits! perfect leotrity to the depoeli , i lOrs' metl arblet!p4O4,rolt,teotroyeamoomoey and eta , VilArAd th ialusAAittosi.;a , ia ,, .' , :. ,-. ,-, , ,,:i i ~, , - ...anlAY ' ",li. ' - '''' '",, i ' '• 1 •1N .. z .. , TAB :KY _MIST OOMPABIG domir WM= lad MST. iAUX Streete, ,-- - „ 1-- --- 's, -.:- ~,,, .-....- q., . ,- ;lsarge and iiiii 1 iiiiiiiii•iiii i an ifamt6iimiti: - , inaad, without lotion, viltb arm 'PM atilt - INT/A ' ;':111ff ban thidayofddioilt to'lha day of witiiidriwal. Once board; frcha .9 &MA' Pritooic-orerydayd and up IitONDAY BYNNINGS kohl 7 iimtil ire Wont:- '- •- 1 ABUTS for tale ori linkland,-I.Maxidised'Oebtlowt, yoio Li nyarudic ~,- '' ,l ~"., '' • , z_____" , ___ 4 '' '' ' :President -4.73111711N IL CIRAWRQPIe ... '.` . tteosuretc-PLINY-11871.,__- , , •-' '1•;,M01141..;-.7.4124381tarlYeiTis, ~~~(liait~o ~:, ~"stii~ia~: PLUTO 'IOIiTES. ' Inetieniiiiiik an ilegatit Wok of 11:AVIIIN, & , 00; _HMS' & OLLIXIr UAL DA. & vatielkial& BeLEILUDX, -OEI3 'of bol4.okaltty;: at_ - 1.11, - -30131,W8, ••• oorsormlvNNTg aid' CRUST littT do. ';• WAITI ' XOE La i ENTi'• WARRANTED - NRWAMIK .PlatiOS; •aeleti•atedlifi tone, lotiPki - iliablill4tiCtioti 'appearance:, I Clataies, rhallt mid LOUth XIV, ~Searl inlaid, aid Pearl, keys .formile,' from 1190 npiitartia. 4 Also;-PIANOS to Vent; ,AJAMES Illtfit t AXi - ,219 !Sunni' FIFTH, Street, above I Spplac 'obi &gait for' Cambia St Canfield; and de 0; )4 4 4.40:'4t A . :,r`' ,4 .:: ,. ; 0 , , ,,,, r- - , - - 1 's'atela -im* • . liptolll(lKEßlZlCkrsarrs,-;-Ktiliu • ifitittiiityClif, f l'AßLOit-0101), 11/ . 1. iii$113P41011tRIAINO ; 4011TB0, , Thilf 11;11°114%01V and • 9 1a, piaturadoir4rl,.. th i yi444 Statee, , blvieiVeen' X8TALIIL1811.11? _lli 1828, , here • .B.lflrl.orirc TWENTY - 'IIIOIJOAND' TWO „ PIANOS, And rieerfed - ea lettlifonialn ;of 'Thelr OBlTY , 'Oyee'sll otUtrS; - 11 Gold; 18 - Silver, and 4 Bronze Medato. - flar_Plasoe to Rent; Tailed, And Repaired. - .;:-..BRALS01111.01:1811, In-.l•lttraa)lll,,Plll.A. Is at 1801. '°4/183141,1T:PF811. 008.8 m 0 0 1 tbiltbing AftiOtßliiDlNO.—'l'he littdorslgned reg .' `fpletfallylniltet t bi littnit vii r loar l ti s i of books 1 I° 4 l :l l°4° Vi tli ti r oTr m o ck 44 been ' ; 1 1 1C 4bIllit; }I Q , a i S g 7lOll- 1 7490(i9 the 41-141 1 ""r' gi, a 14 7.7.' 1 4;1 '''''°'"*" cmi'dt'sek's—tnith cou n t r y . co woirot o l olower. i tli . ,4l °Bta ' 4l4ril tr e T N T I t' h tito AVO dotatiotat to 1 ;), - vciepete Ain ,l, ~,e —, - , 1 leisieletii. o ) - ...;J:._%: -- '.- ,' ' 4 1 t . frob i thi , piii n , :' ' .l / 1 1 "To stIle' ' 67 ' 111 r ilit ' 41" n 1 , table io :•ttio iff,lialt. ' ml4 O- 0;0011 ;Or the, oho sr e, 0 ~ at reeeo.l44lo,lol4ollktire,s* . tritlts . for Ake ~ 41leetl. it _tie Ig ti tlediselse. , „ , ~ .. ,• 2 `.', " ,' '. J., `, ' l i eu. n , , efetyle:ertifwertmarieldp 114111,e%., ' _AkiiiiiiiF . thei‘vho will call upon ~ ..__;i„,_. , •.!'„, , , ~t3,7,41!.?P7r I rf.,-19 : -/D .? I l l aghthri a 11 4 11 1, ', •t .l ,!i.ii„Oiriti , fireillottkati*ot Ana gb§deitat, . - . • - 4 -- - "Ii; ' g ' ' ; ---- - • 4.ltlO'xittgar,t 3wilyiltrditi.Eitb.— t , : Ito- bora raot - ioaiiii& - AtiPienc.iitlonte4tio p er ii ' lit 'ilfek migittOgtairk A .nßigbir Wade or gush get. Accir OttilafrPPSsA a Po u l tr° ' l i p l itl7%;:r , , Ca l l 1411 ar t: t r :llril ' 4l4ll-IV44 33alVitl a gli 1 14 il l ar i. ' 1. ~ 7 1.1". 414. 1 % I ' f(0! --; 0 • 6 /. 0.&11 ' iner 0., bst, Itft old Sib,: 1W,41', Ll' At • A" 11 , , ii , , . e . •,,. El ifriirstiAl;erour 3twr I oz!R it T. _ JINX litleStrlttlGAß , PLIMII, , , , i' • •• 1,1 r -!,''-' Arnijs j4I.ICRA'4OIOI I 9VI; ' ' • ii. , 4 ~-;igirl e l - ;;:?Itif,4 1 , 111 1XAD-`0 1 /Innat • ..4'''s+' -" '''''' k iskale sitd fetal! by .10itai ttfk e tft i l t5Ve7°. , .. :rep -;•• 1 iii i -4' z i,e., I F , , yf 11 I•T 'M A if 1 - '.'4.A . ,i_fo.•,Lito -iiilliir#2.. STBRI2V , > f lis • ; , J - - " . .'",: }, c, , ,,i:. • '* 4 1., - 'Pf: l 7/ 41 RT E CO : ‘, i i' ' 1 4 , h A i ite.r. 13 , 5 .,, 8 a 1f1 4 41 , , ottlijn , e 1 11 ,_ redo , ' ''-' ' - '' ' ` II for ,-- 64' 4 asmOt aiiNtitilttfiaalt`i foi ohttdzipa. A I 'Tiz -- ' 71018538.1titk - diSOz 4 7 ,-,, 461 TP"11.041 - ell• -... 1 : P, ,, ,, - ,4::. 011 - 121681131 : 4iMria Knibrii4if inyiec • . ' -.;‘iltpporter Brdatercvloll.6 l 4bacittilaid 8.10 I 0.1 11 ,f , ' , i fte i, . ki m eN ut bOrcrtq folkinteollpipm.4olol a r r a m o ttcylote t mi.,)+lo - .t.h.....A. gc,,,Lt aa ite , i sk,,,m4l •ir,Fezjete.,*(4r4tep,r4reist,TlMPOk t 4 , i 0.7 , s itßiAlit ltl liktiflligiclgoins , oa w o w, ,„, 4 ~ by' , -.,, 43ALED i, , Ntilelitild; Plliirinsamathrt,' ,- - Ass4.prietkcatatjzotax of eleplianteg, itomniales4 . • ,-- /4 — ninor%wmf.,lo7ll and .11A0ii SW ' , Rhllit.' -'-''' — w. " ' " I Iva IT t tdOOR radiiiribß3l4l4oolls",9lt.. 'lOl A Be , :lex i fo mote. ' ' ' xi' .-2.1, : . ~; 4041#4.., fietol ilDrn Qisoota. 'TMILL OPEN, iIIiVER.AL CABER NEW GOODS, Now hauling from BTBAIIER VANDERBILT, TWO FLOUNCED DO BEIL BkYADHRE BILKS, RUINING' arm, MOM ANTIQUES, VELVET POPLINS, PLAIN BLACK POPLINS, with (I varlet] of NEW GOODS .LATEST PARIS STYLES AND NOTRIITIBS THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 3201-12" - 151.8 ant 820 CHESTNUT Street CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. • WM, P. CAMPBELL, No. 1124 OffNflTillji STNEET, IMPORTER 'AND, MANIIP.AOTIIIIER tILOAXS AND MANTILLAS, • nu now in 'took an elegant amortreent or latest 'Skeet and every variety of Habeas. noIT•Et '.GBEAT SALE OF' BROOKE SHAWLS ,AND CLOAKS ! ! • Unprecedentoi Brgaina! • We've had a perfect rush! " We're selling an immensity of CloCrls! ' Our trade's increasing! Our Mode of doing bnelnela seems t o meet with gene ral approval !! Namely— To Rave But One Price.” T s sell Cheep for Cash." Never,to mi srepresent Goods In ardor TO NPFECT SALES.” To d eal fairly and justly, and wait upon all elasto mers with attention and poli teness" • Thus to gain their co:Adana., and keep it by con- Bitting to do right . .T.HOSNLEY & 1 We hav4 now on hand - - • Excellent Long Brother Maude for $3. - Still better quality for $10,511, $l2, $l5, $l4, 515, $l3, $2O, $l2 and $26. - - • - •- - • , . _Square liroehoShaws from $S up to sq. , Long and Square Blanket Shawls in every variety. Children's, Misses, and Gentlemen's Shawls', !co. Cool' 8114 Cloth Cloaks for $3. - Eversother quality and Style for $3 up to $lB, JOB LOT OF CLOAKS BROM LAST SEASON AT RALE PRICE!, • . Bost Bleak Silks for bib. to $1.60 per yard. . Rich Fancy Silks really bountiful. - Every variety of DRESS GOODS. OLOTIIB! CASSIEERIttiI!,„SA'PTINETTS, !!! Heavy Black Beaver Clothe , tinelfroncli do. , An. Blankets, Flannels, Linens, and-Dimling. fact no better stock of - general Dry Goods can be found• than at • . - • - THOENLEY & 0,H1511V14.• northeast Camper EIGHTH A BPBING (WOW • nola•tf • • - - • „ , . ' BARGAINS FROM AUCTION R Y GOODS oasis rOn TnifbiliLlON We'arill open on MONDAY; Bilk Robes, at • $10.60, "cost'to import , 126." 1,000 yard* Black Bilk, beantifol, at 40,60, 02, lA, 87, sa to $1.76. •- obistrar - i-snatLattonoes e_111.90L.10.,1/0 _ - • • 12,0Wyards..11gnred 00; 00, 00, Mad 70e.; Worth doUble , " " •• ' 800 'yards 111400 l De/aines, only $8 e iteortmilit of ' 'lOOO.. yards Cloths; fresh" trend - attotioa, for Ladles' and Gents , and Boye ' wear, from nos., 11. 11.15, 1110, L 1 .7 5 1 02, 02.25, 82:60, 2loop2eflly tif,criatest'bargalna the city.' " „Creehe• 'llbushet, r Oashmere Feat• eat ludas aver °Cored. • - ' ' . ' ' 10, yards Poll 'de Cheyrei, " 411-wool Plaids; iinlylol canto, usually sold 'at 60 ate. .11.4061 'Deleltleinenly 25 tents. "Deleltips As,grp*, variety and eireryetyle:, Cloak!' liodihr.attirolit"eiory '-", ,•• 51011LROltriospeatfollp invitee the Ladl e s to call and examineeeallrealhg many style. EiOt rOII444IIIIWhITIt. 'PO ,C431111(1 - low , we defy coiopett tlon.- ' • .$ ' _` • MonitoY, peCa?w64' , ..2 , -- pro: 6.1,1304N11 , 1,11 . 5 Stmt. %WINTER CASSIMERES* CLOTHS. `Y v Lon4on Btyles Oudmeres. , • . Ladies' Bavaria; Obil101atlas: , _ Bearers, Osstors; and ' Meek Olathe and ' -Velvets,' Satins, sad Chudimare"Veking. ' Boys' Ouslineres and Jacket Olotbs. 131I.A.UPVIS88 BROTHEDS, noI2 , • EIGHTIC & 0111118TNDT Meets: BLANKET LONG- - SHAWLS. .L. Zest: opined. - several e hundreds of -Logi Blanket of .new designs and fall sass; at $4 $0 and its. ; J_- ERA L MSS • BROMISM. ' • „ • , EIGHTH to calenui , Streets. WRENCH MERINOS. - - . A.. fait assortment 4it , Preisoli Itertnos;ln'all the oaf Wei, from 66' omits 'to SI Including knits' lots ungsnany cheap: - SFISRPLESS 111101`112a9, ' ' AUL & OLLSSTNIS - Streetd. , „ Fum - __STOCK (WOW AT LOW P BILES, , MAW LH, „ OLOAHH, Wittig= & UV 1911 , H AW LS; THE FROM T LAST AUCTION, Ps."- IVSOLISKLai AND DETALis. Broths Vong She:wls Brodie egitaraShawle.. Waal. n Dm:Rid Mantles. lextriatne . • • - • , EYRE i!tr, LANDELL. • .4"01JRTII , AND -AROIISTUNSTIL QILKS rAPICAUOTION - THIS MOAN -IJ. Lei Ct. • - 5 lot Pinfd Bilk , 15 cent& - , 1 Rich licyc a dere, 2 ,{C spiendid Style. $t 25. French Bind Mu', EL Brown " $l. , EYBE: 84: LANDELL, 'zie4m' ioturrit AND AR OVI BTABITO. PHILADELPHIA CENTRAL SHAWL 11 . AND kIY.BINO lIIPORII3BI. . ' DROOLIB, SPRLLA, iILANE.BY, AND MVPS. BUAWLS, A general assortment, unequalled i maret. WRIONOII RBVIRBIDLItMA NTLE S, with round turners. New and desirable FANNON AIRRINOSS AND OASUMEBBS, from OS rents to SI per yard. • - , • ,WRITN AND BLACK CASHMERES. - - auras LYONS BLACK SILK VELYNT. BLAOK nuotion LADY (MOTU. ' LXDIF.S , beet quality MIDEAST KID (mime. SIENTA , DOD CALIe SyISOLIOD KID GIMES. -100 dedegitlNClll CAI(BEIO COLLARS fiODPIIO, at SI perget. - . - r 7 - - - BAYADERS- SATIN-TR/NEM =pros ALL-wool, DB LAINES, DEEES_MATERIALS, in variety. wstma , knnAGIARDTAL YLANNBLS. OEM& BED BLANKETS, and ' ritatmertiNG -GOODS kant.rany, 'LOWEST BATONS, for GASH. lEW ELES'ADAMS, EtglithAnd Arch eteadr., 4 1DA T ZATIGAINS IN DRY poops.— ‘-- lITIN'f 1•7• N -Has RRMOTID from fisn SO td No:40 &loth ONCOND Street,-where he Is now prepared to furnish tilvissliss wltl afoilt Spa gellssiiinctod laic* Of •" linsea CIO 01) ti, " , T o j r hl6:4:biiiiyVe4 -*Ray attention, being determined to All at,OrnoedingikLOW•killogg. • if; 11-z=klicrgo ossorttorrit of " firsChs, Otitis, laid "Win& Blanket Shawls: 'Also' a sanity of 811k,and - 016N1 Circulars Cons, tantl y hand, at the- - ) , • • • ' EMPORIDICIi No, 40 800th 11•BOOND - ANTI WINTER 040.494 E., — oi..tNINECIPAIPT... • $. P.11 1 1.3*0711 • SA014103:. • , , - DBAYER, ntirst4l,oAllB. • ' • ad tB orned , '• • BEA Leas,' cnoo - nwr, - &44 40:, , • - • ornA. PLOAKS• - The l a rgiis • ' • and moat ` stied stock Of these fas ItionsHble OTER"GfIitMIENTI3 I . ' • , At; widestther ra_nge of pricei, and Rutted for ' _ _ PROMENADE, 4,11 D PULL IgtERIB COSTliktn t " " *Vats • PAWS MANTILLA & OLOAK EMPOIiIIJM, P,ICOOTOR &,00,, .108 WEIEnIitIT BTREET. 041111M.=-I;ooobaleaNavy and American Osktnn - 7 In store 'and for male by WBAYER; FITLEI1 7 ic go 7 211 q. WATBN BE , and 22 N. Wharves. WitISKEY - .4d0 bble., 204 do. ((Miller ,-, , Atiokerdon'orpld Monongahela Wb ) akey, iitoie s t ud tgrfidq, by ~ A. = [[ N o , 140 don% PROT kW, . / .0011.tt • IN A FM DAYS, EIMIIM BILKS ALL COLORS IibiBROIDERIEB, EVENING DREHER, ho V BBASONABLX ioxs. . MERINOXB, LAINBS, PLANNHts, - • AILANM7{TB ko . VONDIV AND , ARCH PHILADELPHIA. 'MOND _ To[pEtt,,,..4 •.'l...'S' New iptblicatiotto, REV. MR. WADS WORTH'S TRANKSOIVING SERMON. Will be Published in PAMPHLET FORM, PRIES 10 OHNTB, 'TIIE3DAT; the 231 instant. ALB°, IN TRAM' YORM, PON MAILING, PRICE 5 OENT3 11114.1)LNY, Publisher.. 48 North FOURTH Streit 1856., -THE PHYSICIAN'S VISIT 1859 ' -THE LI3T DIARY Alin BOOK OF EN °AMOUNTS FOR . ISSO—NOW MAW. . . . . . . Price for-26 Patients, cloth, flexible 50 cents. Do 25 do teaks, with powiet...7s cents. Do 50 do cloth, flexible 75 - cents. Do 60 do tricksy with itheket::.sl ' Ooplea for 100 Patientt ) - bound In 1 or 2 volumes; at various prices. . . INTERIMAVIID OOPIES - . For country Physicians, or others furnishing Medi eines to their Patients, or for epeeist tnemoranda.of cases, ko., &c., of various ekes and styles of binding Irreepiell in lied, free of postage, upon' the receipt of the retail prior. - . DESOIII. Ti,. OATALOOIIIB of the above, and of MCdl cal Books, •nrniehod free upon application. LINDSAY d BLAKISTOPI. Pnbllebere, n2O 26 Booth SITTEL &rect. - . INLAY & 'BICKNELL'S BANK NOTbI'RRPORTER The oldest and ablest on the Continent The rheap-1 est" and most reliable in the' World. ' Per annual Vat weekly ; $1.25 semi-monthly, - 15 cents monthly. Single, copies 6 cents. and always ready Subscriptions may be; sent Office NO. 113 South THIBM Street, ,Buliettp Buildings. n018.5m ATE ENGLISH- PUBLICATIONS. . ..o-A IMPORTED AND FOR SALE NY ,o. S. PRIOR & 00. No. 38 South BIRTH Street, above Chestnut. TUN AQUARIAN NATURALIST A- Manual for the &slide.. By J. Rimer Jonea. With eight colored plates. Small tiro., cloth. TEE MICROSOOPE. By D. L. Otatk.• Beni 12rdgpiofthe ncstlnetlniva and bacon . objects etbiti< 2no'cot l WISRAELI'S 'OURI;SITIES OF LITERATURE. New anirreabsed edition. Edited by the-Don. B. Witt man. hi. P. 3 vole., 12eto:, cloth. THE MINISTRY OP LIEN. By Maria Louisa Ohatleaworth. - Illustrated. Pinto., cloth. MILTON'S L'ALLSORO. Illustrated by the Etch; fug Club 12m0., cloth. THE CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOK OP ENG LISH. HISTORY. Illustrated. 12m0., cloth. FAVORITE POEMS of the last two Centuries: Beautifully Illustrated With wood - engravings by the most eminent English artists. Square S►o. cloth gilt: SUTTON'S DICTILNARY OF PHOMORAPHY: Illustrated with wood cuts. 12m0.. cloth. HISTORY' OP FREDERICK THE GREAT. By Thomas Oarlyle. -With maps and fine portrait on steel. 2 vols.. royal Bvo., cloth. FM:MILANI SACRED POEMS. With memoir by the Rev. P H- Lyte • New edition;enlarged. lamo cloth. PEPY'S DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. With Life and Notes by Lord Braybrooke. Math edition, Complete in 8 vols., 12tne., cloth. THE LADIES OF BEYER HOLLOW. - By the author of Mary Powell, 2 v01e,12 no g cloth. Foreign Books imported to order by every eteamer. Monthly catalogues or Now and Old English Books, furnished g Ws on application, nolB PIIUE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL 11 UNION ' PUBLISHES YORE THAN ONR THOUSAND • CHOICE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH, Being the Largest Collection in the Country. Snit ARV NOR FOHLIBUIRO A NEW BOOR EVERY SATURDAY DIORNING. ' Elegantly illustrated Catalogues may be had without Osage, by addressing THE AMERICAN SUNDAY43OIIOOL UNION, , ' 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. A large assortment of Bibles, together with the de, 'rational books used in the valeta 'Evangelical Churches, always kept, on hand, 00114 4olib an ayobs. CIIO.IOE GOODS for Oto HOLIDAYS.; MARTIN & QUAYLE'S • • - STATIONERY, TOY, k NANO'S GOODS EMPORIUM, 1631 WALNUT STREET, (BELOW ELEYENTE.) A obo'ce and elegant assortment of Goods salted to the coming HOLIDAYS, comprising articles of utility, testa, and ornament, selected from the latest imports'. Nona expressly for the Oity Retail Trade. • , M. & Stook embraces every variety of Dolls, Wax, Crying, and Sleeping, ito., together with a !argot variety of PAPER DOLLS, WRITING DESKS, PORT YOLIOS,ISSRDARIUMS, SOItAP ROOKS, PORT-MONNAIES, With ',a large assortment of Games; i ,...44,40 'are al etit l ' ak is ;p3.neral assOtViseal of Toy nint'; Panay Artiolea: - „ . - • PANS • PANS! PANS! rLiteat style Fans, in Bilk, Crape, and Linen. Aiso,,Orlpket Itatsr t Balls, and Wickets. n 0104141 Vtipittt: ,WHEELS' &` WiLSOS' 0 SEWING MAOHINBES, BEDTIOED PRIEBE. NEW, iiITYLN $6O. ittio former pattorni len'on each Machine. NSW %%mom . NO WINDING OF UPPBR THREAD. A Imbrium 'AMEN TIMMS ANY WIDTH OP NEM ou ram,. Otlloll' - 628 OREBTNUT Yhtlodolpita. No. T WEST STATE• Strout, Trento . N. J. No. T 21#111' VAT Steoit; if,si Mostar, Po. 0074 D-20. f_TARRIS 4 BOUDOIR SEWING MA qUINE Is offend to the poblie u the moot rella hle low•prieed Hewing afachinoin one. It will sew from six to sixty dashes to as Inch, on all kinds of goods; front wanted bagging to - the anest umbries. It is, withontiegoeption, the simplest in its - nmehanical oon• Acclaim/ ever made, and can be run and kept in order by a child of tfelve years of age.' The DriIIBILITT of this maehicui; and ;lice quaxisir or ITS VOIM, are war. =toll° beAnimrpaeaed by &walker. Itiorued ranges • from throe hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min -"Xtb. The Woad need is taken directly from the /pools, Willson Sue TROWILS or lIIMISDING. In fact, It is a machine that is wanted by etreiy fancily in the land: aid the low Print of ' -*- NORT"Z DOLLARS, they. mold, brings them within the remit o almost ever, one D. DAIIRR, Agent, Madero wky 0011/0101 20 South HICIELTIi Street. tailoring. SARMIENTO, MaGRATH, & 00., 710 CHESTNUT STREET, Cati the attention of The ROM to the &sage la tlaar Bastrates, from the . CREDIT TO A DASH TRADB On 'the same principle as the eelebrated house of Brooks & Brothers of New York, to fernivh the Pablis with the flout articles of clothing at as low primrose they can bo murmured for at thi roady•mede pfithisie . home while our oestomers will have the adieete,ge BRTTEIR. MUMMA!, Alit) BUPFlittOtt Alipme, both veto style and worituMaship.,*uaiiiNcentinuo no heretofore to keep the finest assortment of goods In Philadelphia, and employ the• beet artiste In our pro fusion, end with the advantages , we 'hall offer to the Pablio, of not making the paying customer pay for those who do not Pay, sad having always stood at Um head of our Profession, we deem it only necessary to In form the public of the above chinie of prices, to com mend e. full altar° of publics patronage not Ina VI 0. THOhIPSON, TAILOR; N. M. tor. iirrailTE er. WALNUT ITBERTIII, ,(Opposite Washington Bovaans,) Else always in Moth a general altortinent of foe pantaloons. This partionlar Gonne:Ala Minh) ll' speciality, both as to style and AL All hate a.tperienoll any diflianity in being pleased elebnitlioire,_ 140 insited to call. N Pantaloonety, of the !Mod laipottkp thins, in great variety , . • , • nol in eattlenten'a /untieliing Coots: R C. WALBORN & OWL OBNTLEPIXWB FURNISHING STORM, (New) Noe. b and f Earth 11/XTU Street. Norioti Mind an intensive assortment of Gentlemen's Wrappers, made of Flannel, Cashmere, de Lain* and Cfilatses. • •. Altair thie of Ehlter . .olothlng Is very superior. Also Qloyes t Easyenders, Cravats, &tarts; Ties, Ho slery;lso., • , •.„ Last•-•=but not least—the oelebrated Enamel Collar, Tenfor Twenty-fire cents ! no2-Imo WINOIEEESTER & 00., GENTLEMEN'S „itgausunie KORA AND PAT.11111(2 , EIROVLDAR' Mirth , ' MANI:MAU-. • ' TORY,;: • • , • • At the Old Stand, No. 706 071EISTNIIT STREET, oppo. site the Waehington louse. WINOMISTEM will ere m heretbfore; , his per.' lona empenision to the Outtin and Manufaaturing departments. Orders for his cele brated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the ehOrteat notice. Wholesale trade Napped on liberal terms. - , •:- j 12447 t e ; 'SOOT; .tif the ,firm Of *Gt ." • onmeial enor4,llGßNTtliblllN l l3 FURNISH ING STURM and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 O.III4BTNUT Street, (neerlyoppoilto the Girard Sense ) ) Philadelphia. J. W. oPwaild . reepectfalli eedi the attentlO'n of his termeritrons and friends to his new Store, and le pre p orders fog 18NIRT8 et 'short notice, A erfect., guarantied. 00UNTRY TRADR ouppllsd with PM4I2 811IRT9 and COLLAIIB. /119-tf SLATE I SLATE I I SLATE II I—ROl:ding Slate, of all PIM, and at very lov rates, kept am. "tautly on hand, and for sale by NERINO, FOX, & 00., GEIRMANTOWN ROAD and WIRD Areal. N. D. Elate Roofs pat on In the beat Manner, and re atrina attends tto. All worF warranted. y .„), , ,: - .••-1!:- g • ~....,•., 4.„,,,,4:•4 , -1-i it di b , '', i yi, AcckoiY;p4m3*,*: - 460. , 11.1!s Y.lfftr,cof. .('gilts . 4ffeoo lll 3 .- d. " .:i11 564 " i'. ITheretorno sadh thing ih'iMiglitiiktiiit . ;,.lf dettrsepin tint'ettigr i 'Ent: , - 41*,l'ell t lit0',Af- MINI/a lateenfilmdk tiob; -t'OPAlk.Pilr''l.fhtl9l 811h,1,414,60910i el 9 . 9 0: 4 Y°4 t'C'.nelVißfflArPi c",:4 111 ~s'ei n g, f fo-#loand PiIrPPW 3 ./..4 1 45ib,.AT0 jo,foiffs„fe t their rmulers.at one endo,the same tin* E ,iLtt.fitcti - Foreigninewspaperataake - iery . little Luse-,off the Eleetridt Telegriptri , The • leadierLondon and Otintinentat thitlijehrnalii 'remdkiv,telegrattaf fl'Om -- princlind 13444 lifit its :Miff, attho pittpeff UMFBeiiarite;'4o9Cof ' each .*Alittittiki - pat* INT Cast ' pregCala pi like 'Adana. Two et three lines per aiimis all thig4Londen,paper Iseeivxmlbyftelegraph from - XAtja,44l4, wit& ttersdi that/ a Ptitift piped, reccavOkfratn, iLondOni , ,;• Indeed, , wh'eh ldoin-i menitiptionritreepheroare-'forbiddeti to" tie 4 sent itahltgriineer i wlldiiil Terri efiraystiitilWiWi itti t ioo ki ij o to `MOSS ""."1111rfrit • lii s i4tt, a c id 'f f itlffalMg, 101 - the fathiO Way-Wit every espatcit tromf , ont..l isido trfbaOftus,'Land putting a,vatoupen.thel trariamtagon,.orrecoiptof, such - messages; it lef ohyleria,that newspapers cannot -.receive any! very. aonfidential;hews,in.tbis WAY. , 11. teach telogrOillec station,! a - -; goVernmeitt - Oficial. looks f, giver'codelyu miaileage' 4 hhhdoil in.: ''' ' The sondok Wit 6" ail,* 'Or lifi.,trtininrif4lo", gOes awe :vdtlithii,'..ol4l:2thilffilll;:l4,9l4.4Ort tiinci;ike i rpOyip,,wo 4,eaah'itn,,defitinationi ]lift; - if . file Official does not like the warding of. the message, .if. he finds fort fancies, that there 114 ,rtiore in It than meets .the. eyef-bis simply says,"‘This meshage , bannot ;pais ax.i.Li and4befe rosts, on hieptivatellie; arleedily, to be submtteedlo the Minister 'Or :. , the'Tnte rior, who - meter may not . alioW :it to be sent: on vexed* :Igie, same Way, with xnessagos receiveC The Official ,ctirefally,;iyads,them,. ono hy,on'e,:Withti.snaPicions mind and...very vigilant eye.,, et This,',' says he,..ff bath official", Of treasoh,P, or w This _bath an; ancient - and , ' fish-like smell of conspiracy. '• These must not' .be sent to thi3 personsfor Wilinti 'they are'lfil, tended." .;.?rtiii Minister 'Of the' literiet ,OX'., amines them, and sometimes allows theM to .be sent :to - their -. .tiestinfticin ; -- r eighteen, or; boureaktor arrival., Snspicionjanciew treason' in ovary line. «Rums is riz,o-may, allude to the .qutbrealt.,of; a , conspiracy,: add ~ Sugai have thil,.." may. intimate the intended' prostration of. a-dynatq. 'For' these, 'add :other reasons, telegrams' are :, very' stafeeln: European ;_European of the'Whifle; coat being borne by eabhionrial,add - net,ita with us, distributed 'among many., • ; ~ 'Some,yearif Since; when -the, papers of this countryu reit tho,necessity, of furnishing intel— ifgetien to their readers at the earliest moment,d and when tbtrfologiall liffc;dred`iffen so re liable a medium,' hrt;lissikeititiciekWis foiMbil, having for Its object the supplying of this ne- CossitY. - Sport every' principab paper 'in the United States became a -member of The "As- sociated Press. - The gootl , :consequences of this Union are apparent in the lengthy sindl wary of intelligence plablished ' daily under the telegraphic head of the' neirmsp`sr press qf this country, when etnaiat'efiwith the brit;(. exclusive telegratagiri,tho,times,and Newt of London." Ofirl"tolngraphie, :Assoolailow. has agents In eieryt mpertant cityin i this country, and intelligent .Enropefus correspondents! , its news yachts ere :stationed ;at 'ofory' - polift where At may be possible 'WI letercejit'W, steamer,; and, dultingthesessionof OCC B ftf, the reports of Its procdaAftiso, - ,nr.tifT?'"aliorm.F4 7 , .7,,,,rixibrors-417sli,Istailtation arp...g(40449! 'anly °nee that - aie read; Matatkof,the-politi,- eat World. yirinally,lt 011114,0- ;: annnal ix - Ponditure, all told, ~efikkArlionerthundred thousand dollars,-; the fiMient and moidTeliable' news from every quartotof the globitk : '-' ' ' This cost, which - would edish )- ithy;.iingle enterprise that 13honifisliiideititice to furnbda. such intelligence exchislicily, is, by the divi sion of expense, comparatively- small, while every enterprising can bo as lavish-of this kind Of news as of any other... The bills of the entire Association are properltandited by memboriof 'the Press, drily elected for that purpose, and the whole suit collectedis expended for the legitimate purpOse;the ro : . porters and other employees, receiving., rea, sonable, but by ho means extravagant, salaries fOrtheli labor. - PHILADELPIIIL Many of or rokiers,woknow--,for.welWrito this , c by request," as managers4ity tibetitio bilia—will thank us for tel li ng etbsi" this cs Associated Press" is, and" what 'We its antecedents, as far bablrad thlity yearp 4 sigiZ Wo are happy in being 'able to gratify them, and thereby show them Some of the interior mechanism of American 4oignalism, which, in respect of tnterprise, heads all the Jour nalism of all the test of tiro world. It it equal in most other respects, and infinitely superior in this. The first reports of Marine and other news wire made by the late Roma Larto,sditeri and proprietor of the old Gazelle, of New , torts, Who, being fond of boating in the har bor, would often hail passing vessels, and if any thing startling was obtained, would .make use of it in his next issue, thus creating a Ben elation among his contemporaries. An oppo sition soon sprung up between the Gazette and Dolly' advertiser, and boats wore built cape daily for the purpose of obtaining news from incoming packet ships. In 18131, the Courier and Paquii,er was in competition with the harslet of commerce ' ;and largo schooners %Veto OtuplOyeat to cruise ftom fifty to a hun dred miles out at sea, where vessels from Stiropo might be intercepted, and foreign ntsWspapers obtained: •tach of these Now Torts'. journals bad two vessels thus omr. ald the °lndia° attending ;these, isisterproes may be imagined from the fact that in two years the Courier and Enquirer expended over $40,000 in .maintaining. this. single branch of news-reporting.- About 1834, the various Now - York newspapers, in 'consequence of the groat expense attending this rivalry, reduced. the': number" (4,V:easels employed, and returned te'tiib ferinoilirisetice of having small boats. The IStl'iyi! York Herald, however, soon catered the and for a long time, through the enterprise of the proprietor in liberally rewarding the pilots delhering late papers at -the office, that journal - was enabled to surpass all Competition. A change was coming on, ' desthied to throw hew spirit inte Americatt JtYthe -arrival of the 'Sirius arid area 'Willem, AMU Illierpool, in 1838, a - change was rendered 4A" essary , the mode of acquiring .news. , M,OrnsY. lisson, of the Sun, would frequently 'Alters steamboat and intercept the expected steamship, for , the purpose of obtaining the latest intelligenett for his joitrnal.• This was, however, so often Unsuccessful, and frequently anticipated by the prior arrival of the stain ! . ship itself, that it was firialdy abandoned. In 1847 "the Jeanie/ of Coinmerce,,Cqurier and Enquirer, Express, Sun, and Herald formed an Association, and • purchased a steamboat for $OO,OOO s but, after a trial of six months. the scheme was abandoned. The Association was, however, continued, and the' establish ment of telegraph lines, now extended to all sections of the country, has gradually led to, *the present system. The lino to Sandy Rook led to the perfection of a, plan for obtaining news from-steamers impossible under the use of the semaphore telegraph previously used. The Associated-Press has an agent at Li verpool, who, upon. the departure of each steamer, whether , for Now York, Halifax, St., Johns, Quebec, Or:Portland, places,; In the hands of 'the isurser a tin cylindrical can, Con taining the latest news, prepared for transmia • - siert by telegraph.. ,These cans are thrown overboard on the appearance: of the •news boats statiened off those ports, and the whole 'country is generally supplied with the news some days before the steamers reach their des tination. At Sandy Hook much time, has been saved by the employment of carrier pigeons. When a steamer is expected the news boat is sent off, frequently towinea pilot boat. This ,111 ;, • itt 41, 1. r fl'r •cal 1.:15;t , V7tA1-' hint contaihst kbasketin` which are Mee or' ,prevpidgebnr. :The , ' moment. , the c sfetithei tiptoe - anima, the boat , iiini:ftlongside; the AI& kian.lbeing - thrown overbdard: , ifi I:ohfaihn4 and=the slips of paPer.therein are fastened' te; th(Opigeond;and'ethWimidediately midi& for Sandlifookl ,,, Tlience the news Id transmitted tb 4NewrYtorlOuld'iniftmicesifragnently/oderie of the news being publishechlw the Ipapere the Aseociated:Prefis: , M'Nely Orleans before qtote*9lo;r44l,ln 4n,159W,Y0r1.' The , old , telegraph to Ittittlybp . k . batb' 1:41i1 stniilO alit() t ibicak,iana' pnt for the rtitbliehment newiliwt!ity the' 4mcrigert , Telegraph r Oentpaey, this : system ,ROuld have bad to,ba kiltul l 9 ll 4 '7l I ‘ , l „.Tne.fiteernersnonM,l to, Anebne t)irow 4 ovet.' fit* tin cang , P,eiet nW! gm , 'liver de I'fPIIPPo 4 43 ra theT9 141 1 -telegMbiStation, anti .mplickas 91sht 419.1:114.44 Acquo2"3l $ l l l lP4,i l l l WAY•t , i. /;n0 ,8 4.41404 ,, atni the:i t rilOho4P3 ste,4tners.:ET9 fiff , l7.4ktitiOntimul_ o 9 1 .1) 0 1 , 4e9_,)?/4 1 t.a.ifit9PRITaiffOligisMiti Pk?ie.d a i diff,e,rentlterpi v Af p. i ti,eightvtecketS a nA, FOTAkt 40F,aff.fo.°3 111 . itho-news,dea', .PfttcnoPo ePPIPBS.inch r irPgr Pr. Primit oYersi 4 1 9,44.ft - WaitiOgilkkriihs ll lß l 4 o rt , iti Abc,,AßPP 6 PufermA**iir4ol ll 7l4fflttittieb n 7?"0 3, ,an4 49.51V1IFINWPOPTB. beinZ nt4itillifewardeg ,for Sbeir nerNipps Is• tbb4 wap, news; tw?,9t.,toeuvicto,inAlvAnce qf ,tbe I their„49o,ittgo,n 114 .be,p krhe, tOr.i94,Liblit the at*Shitli ,Liverpool • }iae „ran : f,D,thq pert if,ltiladelphis p. l,the,-,LiverpooLpgent 144 er 4 44 1 Pia,":#l9:lon for iiti.Plo4lo:4o Pie* rrit_h2,, ll 9AA=Pqr ; 1 )109_,f0r! 3 , Mr Vole. m 4,ldfln4"4od;Pc!**!:CL..eqs,wciro imp.; 3f97:t, - 1 .1'!, ', s9-IAR 9 P . lg, ,, v,t9'lVaPiliyliPPi therd7as ,oensideralde j enterprise psnifested.. by' f).9o°n-. 4 !*,,cl 3 ql:mis,i.f Pftrth culAr , ,61 - t otaintng ,tiwa.fmn the pipwtt. Dniing:tbe . #o,l4ea4,vvaT, one of 3119,1'.141i31- (41111)41071) frt, jourruil,in Jtaitinior© and tin'?ftwrp4sl:,s)w 009 anti, eptab, shed' a pony r ntpress between Mnntg enern a l nd/eo o,'Aia ams,,t h•t t ma p and, at times proi : eigtic Nvero i gained on the sil. Apcountsgf l nearly,,alLine,great,, Ebatil4, 'Ii(calgo" : we pnitAahed thici I,titOana,:`' ee;nd ! the, ats ef,..the., !Bi l ft*ie!lidch ,landelf, :40 bo ,po,oc-otr oot, Aitiitt:!'abirt ',9 , 0p*,.4 ? . 4,, the -14011.0-1 W halithiniserted ft,porflon of, the„edition of 'the: Aiipp:r :404 to;, and,thip,exeht4vo , neva earnedfern, a good,ropntation fer,entorprise, ,T,LtsC:' i wore, the Nitcyon ;i days for the news inikof:this, city, hut..they,,enti%,lled enormous 0na4e12:f1:°, 111 ,4 1 a 1.1 7,4°14 1 0 181 4.4,titg Pre; 061414. 1 0.AaPPPY, 0 ;?,4 1 14, ,, ,,'/ 40001 . 0 9t1it0 pa presses, betiv,oictnaltipore and.this city, wore , then common, occtirreages,, hendrode of flbilure woittllie,expendeA in, the ptlbr( to; an ticipate the 'arrival ortite mail. ; . •litlqs •in:Yirginin. •• ,`~' I Thithfollowing , aro the;" eards" , , , referred to in,tholetter. of "Occasional". in , this- mom- , Ing'n, paper: , The following card appeared hi' the Richmond , Whig :, .• • , •.,..; ,--...! • ~.,- -, • ... I A Cana —ln consequence of absence from Dart;' vino, I did not see the E:aquirer,of the 11th until, Tuesday 'the'lathiristant. I aim hirprised to,find. that ;papa •tteetising ; the • It Loalrit' , and 'Leteher ineri',', of 1854, of„tracrg, in the -Staunton Conven tion,' kilned, rosnarivrer4,,aad; bragged. and , set; loreardAvatehes' te'decoutPliali." the defeat of the present Governor. It is oirtaintttriiCthatipiev' forced Jdc.. Lieflke - 1 4 4 1 1m7A-Wits9, and, hi - eqhaill trite thdt r,dl4 everyth ng r iurray power, , conslitentwith" personal Minor, to defeat thohomi ' nation of Goverper,Wise.Ahrif whilettiiii is' tree,' f had not expeoted any,arsiamt,i'm th e B e oi ter ,„ ,Mr: 0. Swilling* Who cannot he poslibly, ignorant i _of -tae fausiltat'l have expreamdropinions df`liim dorngotOry to.hieoluwariteres a gentleman;:t The -expression of these opinion has nit been eiendes-d iadi - btibicv thri Melt intlmate"ftlenitltor Ilir:'oj' t y: ', kitaiiiiilifirsteplSeidutattlikirtiviadirfW ' -Ainkt/k / l i nitiebtruend,_Mtrbr*Yl.4 o ,Mleret.any-disi maulwioh Might be,macte nponme., -, * ' 1,N07 domatid'• has 'beau" made, timer had' re= turned ,to ,my elgt-- borne,' under 'the' belief ;That liir,,Wire had no intention of ,resentitig - the insults rhiid offered him: Tho nubtlooin there-' fore , appreelatel mylstonishment at • 'sliming hi the .gagniqr a revival of _a forgotten jest, for the nemanlypurpone of insinuating a false and stands. roue charge nihilist mYeelf:' The " setting fOrtiani of watches" was• Understood at' the time to haie been a jocular, allusion on my part; no other niem- , her of the ConventiCh alluded. to, it at all.; nor did the Know Nothing optaiiition, ' though I par-, tioipated actively in' the, canvass both asspeaker And writer., , ~, • • Mk to 'close ' he matter; I now deliberately pro "neance..the'• charge. an' itriqUitlified lle; and that ldr. q..a, Wile, in alluding-to. it, haa shown - net only disregard to truth, but a disregard.of , all gentlethanly delieaoy. 'LI am fully awarouf the, responeibilityhttaithing to thin denunelation,;and• hope to, be able to meet it as becomes a =moth° feels that eirsumetanees have necessitated the de-, lianas of holloyism; Mid' the exposure of, a Aelibe, total: corrupt purpose to bully' the Deracerae3i'of the titato, . , . :. •• • ,f•, -0. ,IIVVINO, RichittoitdMovemeFll.' ' I lirom the illaluriortd.t mildrer".j ;A. OARD.—lticnuonti, Va., Nov. 18th', 1858. ' A signed Charles Irving, in Cm Itiehmond 41 , /,'fg of this- morning , demands of me to any to t Opublice.that sines 'the occurrence of the Idtb! affair of honor, this wretched person, Charles Uri vipg, has been imilty of eondnot, 111 respeet.to,thet late afildr, and the parties involved in i it i ,w,hieh places him without the pale of, honor, aid condom him utterly 'unworthy of the Privileges of a "gen- . neaten. The masons. are publicly knoWn which forbid my entering into • any explanations, at this time,,of this sentence upon him., And there is no• necessity in this community for expesing"his total want of all claim to' the privileges - of the rtodeof hobor. - An abandoned, brutish 'sot -; n most mem& daeloue slanderer of him oven whose reputation he was bound to Praket I a bankmipt t rin morals as in_ meane;'a meddling, milidhielmaking bully A n d wan tort panderer tri the quarrels of otters ; a min de graded by his immoral habits below the reputation of a desperate bravado—wholly reckless 'of truth, honor, justice, or humanity, and without the stake or snbstance`of responsibilitY in any sense what ever, having, fainy bWn knowledge, lately, sines, the above affair, - trampled:mpon every' obligation hold sacred by mutt' honks—end being, as I have reason to believe, an infamous and worthiers,tool in .the hands of a conspiraoy against my life, it shall not, with my consent, be elposed to hie bra taliti:, and I will not voluntarily Incur the risk of staining..my 'hands witheldn• blood.. ' Ills life is worse than worthices An • cannot allowinine to bo of no value by e s ' against nothing- _ , „ ta qt rdeplore,tliC r nidelriff y, ever ,reserting to pri vide war, andivill hlwayeiniek to avoid it; but, in this ease, I feel buried itilutYlo every gentle than, as - well as to myself and myfriends, to avoid this pitiable,recikiess, abandoned , dishonorable man, as I Would a moral pestilent°. In this I fear not the judgmenthf the pitblio wherever Charles Irving Is known,;- but, at all events, I have 'the •approval of my own judgment, andect upon it de eisiVely. I shall rely norm the means only of law ful self defence. „ .. o.,Jatiamos Wren New Movements in Japan. Wo give elsewhere, from various sources,-inte resting details of the movements of tbe 'United States and 'British- authorities in opening and: Isidoning diplomatic, and commercial intemourso with the Emperor of Japan. Aside from any 11111 mediate advantage to be s canted by extending tho trade-relations of the various commercial States with the heretofore olosed empire of Japan, the , events recorded , sonnet .fail to be exceedingly interodidg. The 0140051111 expedition of the late .I:lomOthibie 'PerrY, in breaking down the baraleis i'vhielfltave ever 'obstrtteted the inter; course! =of all , civilised States with the Japan ese, was an Levent in the history of the 'human reality. which oon never be forgotten, It refleeted. .at,the - time great, cradle upon the enterprise of the;Ainertitw metiplis ; but there wore few only who anticipated that at so early a day the nation , Witieh bad steadily resisted all propositions to -hold relations, with the rest of mankind, ,wottld. yield to the pease of demands 4,were .and. open their porttrand their pettteet'te tnialAand courtesies of the eivillzedivorld. Wit as of 'mush consequendeAbfi piritilloe , advantages which.this or that natiewhas mored.by treaty with the ,Tapon pevernment, Thework.whioh portant,lint'partnnoui3t tatill'Otherals sitaplithe oponing and widening of 'general intercenrso. is obvious that when this shell-be• completed the EmPeror conform to. lm taloa .of civilised • life, and,place all commercial States, as nearlyae possible, upon an equal feeling, Meanwhile it ,will he'tho part of Wieder : a tp'maintain' in Japan competent agehte to tako charge of our interests, and see that the great diplomatiMStates of Europe , do not acquire cdvantages over-us. , It islinpossiblenotto fool, in view of the recent morethebte In Chins, and Japap, that, we aro OlOwd lag upon iimportaht'commeratal - events in the ci trons° Emit which 'require dll the vigilance and ea gaeity of the Government to turn to our_advantage. We harp justlyitowpr right, at least, to,an equal footing.with,the moit.favored.natiens; and may welltrtnethe pritetioll work or gdoui:lni the 'fruits 'emir Eistern polhiy . to the active coinmeinialem lerprise of our people,t4Vashington. Union: I B. NEW WAY TO RAISE THE noi.. of method of raising the wind is said to have re-,1 /Mali boon - adapted by a police captain of Now York. The following is the rumor: A. oertuin esp. • tain in a down-town ward is in the habit of 'pur chasing cast-off artieles at a 'nominal price, .and raffling them off among themen tinder his charge, and in case ,any of _thorn refuse to try their luck in".the'game - he is refused all immunities and privileges day'he power of the captain to grant. The other the,oaptain is said to have purchas ed an old silk shawl which he claims to have . bad in his posseesioa for the last twenty-five' years, 'and 'prized it highly hs. an idiot° or rare texture and, bitraordinary value, it 'having bion handed down through several generationS, , and , ; raffled it off to-his men for scarfs, and thus obtain., od an omit:pit price, • 2 1. , „ ...111 !Ott It 11, t.i .7.1 :11, , f. t tt ..,t .„,. ..itrl Pqrii? -riSt ,t et - Aie; ra jlito ft ! "!!. ''' l.- ' Sp,ktiCit erf ,Siiiint6i' bougArt ' ' 4 ~,,,,r,,T ~,,, „, , , , t.:43,4,t,i;:;;.: 0x.•,- , 4 tar .li l v- ,1 . 1 ~ We copy =cop ,00 voictigo -44. w 5 . p m erring ilpe t iOiPat 4 Seititer 4 VOnglris,'Whidif'wielieilVeled ' `On the night 'of the 1711 i; tifthieitiigtielif stritiiitgO` „. wiiii'partielPtitediinthifgreat nitietineiri l haiit K Haferationt ttituilph i•') ; tt.-.91., NI, It i fizig, ,, ,l , P ,'. ',My FitlEttAll Ann PErnotvAlintsnirs :,-;..tisetern 74 11 ; 1 07,,heaq 8 / t , g 1 5 4 4 1 .,P71.4 4 , 1 1 -- 13 ity Dit/°"t• 44 ' monetration. - Lae 'Democracy' tif : Minna" haienl iiehliivedinebleiiiikitory oVer , thii combitiedlhrees , •ef Abolitionism, andittallitte., (Sheers 1,7 1 Yonibede a right to liii,prond of‘thia glorteaa.tritualh - ;Ale `the tritirdnh of the'Crlnstlinitint over fent on :` ibis the triumph - Of thellotions prinitipleS Of the Tinion .overfanatioisin and speionaliem,[applansoj4,lt, is the triumph of the „princfple O r ,f,eilfgoyerninent 'aver , CongretelonaT 'iriterfertilied 'and 'Exiiiinlitte diellittlen..); [lmmense applause.]::; •;.,uo o. ~a::1- . .- Itgi f lnPle ar...f....p.4084 , f , panvese 1 4:0 1 ' Sire b turd his' aleenyto several thousand - pt' ' my feltdwJettitbne tr , lnovilipiteir herein You , Vs re, .YeAtie, cangratidatione,enna ;many I miere thou- 1 mni, yontegg OVer,OUL gre at sucoess. While _ it 'blight lind - Menai that yoUnhorild illicit:olst the • nueoesliordiettri Tcoisstitutioltud tiliitietrearirlitehl 17 1 114481 1 -PidPlll 3l9 A 7 tA t tql 4 r 4 9 l .. t lielitUl t it i r. du to ;shyly our v Wry wi,_h modera len - ,, 4 1 th , lifortfaillelif tit gebtion v itit Mita etperfli; " ell, - .otementsi " grytfpassionsewidelalire• itani ara irtitit ..,;°, ( tot,lo PileAfilteFtwro4V l i d Itlix ter ai n `rnagnap Mons rejoice ovcr i al tranquil& , 'lio n ' - qoheelleirniti tarteitolin - eur t .PsliiiirlaPliqpnitit;;littikeilthe9gh ,, tweVhaYei? till-1 - ours nj . :a tit - r v :a e t vl ti c p t p o li ' lit% rgitlr% -i fltaill i ng 1 l • ',. ;il;:- - ila. , ;totiptihniteeluteAtietinaltepein- ,1 n , .•-;*;:. 4 •• .. - ~. • . ..opt,, , ti,i t eri ~ I enermlerthe i 1 , ;,,k . i'':! . i --. ',,; --irti * at epirciftv • , ; tr......,' ' ....... - „:l.rild , tihilirintr q lertght, I info , ; hartlik ‘- ;;.; - •`:il,istioiniviti ouKttiarmplrphatlit Wont. ~daty,Ml4 kinikgenerons„.,and • magicanintous to, tifirdribitiCtiliord we - here differed.with la Oil._ xtleh. • (Cliental 'lthett toirefritiniber that'while we 2.lP.Alivadolit intitipolitioidt ;gulls Ilrid separated rrom,eurdi,elipsf,,hy aptaganyttiePrinelas• yet. &them 'Orli emninell'ltepribliti we al l'lndere the glorlislof 'Our peat IMO) MO We *ill triad that Pyr.po4prity, willishagg'mpeapiew destiny ,tri Mse blehings of die 119vernmearin,allAtime. to,qqms„ [Anal/total ilile'llidoW, Ity the (Tont Li Litt OK )1 sit nonferred uraritielltrei;-gretitest• legrmyythat , llli 'Vino ,Providenee, has orfer, „conferred, upon.? a 'Neil -Annie; Meat, heart.]: Let '"that Condi tution , he ~ rid minlitera4 Ida ' ear' ''fatbere Abide : it ;; • let,that,tiond lof luden tvittioh Midis ^,thete Stair together continuo forever', escde State ye,, tain bilis Sovereigd rigida, disidling orits`iiirif internal taffairvand regalating PUS . .4aWn 'dtrin — heile institutions ~ta salt; :itseif• 6iPtiaaplalkliet Alit, 1 great 'principle of popular sovereignty, witioh„ nnl aeries butawpiibliosnifilltittitial4m, derrineede ill.Plad.faith imtho States:andfibirritorietiltalikeili I EC n eptS.l ~Let , /llingiele/Pliait . Iler , a Wit Rai il ImOdel her inetitilitnis accordingle tier Own es, 1 . and mind ' her MinbliiiiinistPerbliftlejte+etin hi! !State ta Al QM setae thiagi[tihearnatintitherriwillt , then t , e,tf onea rd and fraternal . fpeling i!gong4 4P 11 dlifirentStales , irthe'Valois , [ltedwieer. littl ~,,., ;,.,.° %It,on tn., 1,11. ,-, , 11g AlaN eo3lB,*CaidCZtt" I"that'fatairb - ' via preaches h t' h s num, i idet ‘ lnte, free - and; slave Stites] aiiiititheieiitleit; einndeiidnii: ,That felseArelietuffit thsitmayt. that 064 - States . , , mttat all hecome - ,,free, or, all,*ntue shive;- , -tbst. ithey'iniiit, beconie all one thin' , ell th gPt ,w,o ther—, r, should' be iforgOtteli , _foreier ' fatidenie ] ,- Mid - the roet,,principle of ~populae.noverelgatleof ilitate rights and Ptate soyerelipity l , ,limuld r ,PrCYail, deoliiing 'the right - iif the peoPle Of 'eech - State. Lind, each-Territory to managertlielf oriel affairs' in . their owe,wayirsubjeet pnly,to ,the Celfsli, tu tion; (Three cheers.) - When that, prinolosehall he're&rnbitidind'pirodleinindliY'alfthil'Artioricain pepple,-,Nerth and South, therivillthen tie peacty, and harmony, and fraternityAmong,all the States, hr this Confederacy, [geed, and applause], ;, but so, peg Les that quenstroull *Titled' heresy shall pie' vali, that, the, Ned* imlattinconirne. against that South to 'abolih slavery evarysi piomdllutt the., South must combine agninat'the orth Co aidebliqh t everywhere—that theie tarist be sebtfeahl 'Odra betwepn,the, north. and thl,floitth,for,thapliscen-, • Jimmy, to 'long there Wilt be iliseerd, strife., and, hatredlbetvieen Ttin different eentiontiof the Union. f" That's it 't . and. applause] -That greet 'time was .dirW l 3' , and -idietinetly submitted to thepeen pie of Illi nois at the recent eleotion; and, thank - God,- the' prinelplee of the at:Meat - Mien and-lhe Union have , trunisphed, [lmmense 9spplanite.) , Illinoli stands row as site has everetood, faithful ; et' thei , stkinirtitn ilea' anti the ' Union r Mini:lilt:to* ande ea she ha/Lever:stood, immovable; tipoti'De= ,Meeratap principles, maintaining, th'ettemooratio; Egiinitalien. [Six oheers,] li very,otherfree State, " Able Tinted lit some time his wheeiciedat'ef Ifni, - , ',opt ~gallant /Miele: . [Tromendhna'applauseil Prom. he, day that,,lllincia entisredthis Comrade, : irtieStriii to this' hour, she. has out her vote for ;Ilemocratie candidates - I;Si the PirititleheY'inid 'WOW Itrosideney • at . every,. succeeding election. . [Rez' Mewed applause.] ~,, .A.nd„yet,yort_have been told, that thiionlY State that has never failed to stand hy.the,Detecaratle nrganisation, -, and - for the De , Mooratie eaudidates, for ..I'reaidenti,-,is ,alost.to'. be , read dotor that pertyly those States which hare ail giihelAbblitinn3 Whe'dthlidarValend el' fetid.' thnsmosthieltdrealpitedieverittleAce* - Eigifordt States, rolled uyer_ New'fork.complattrart• -whelmed PenneYlVania", Indiana,' ~ and-, and reached: in- its "coos - -was' - was' there met by.the gallant, united Domoorney OM nimbi, who - turned back thelids, and lrept.peAsg, of thi' Constitution 'and" the , 'Utiktiffloating over their beloved State..2 - 40htiers.] 41 ,4 - ... a ,1 1,,,,-940 ;Tim ,vietory,you ate now milebritingdgantitußer. td beforgotten, for it is the .trip of * - [l/ • ' constitutional= men ever , fantitioisoiNlie, ,i / ':. and ,dismnion, Wiest ,applause,], - - - 46iltert,, .171 • V sectional parties united; against the Fe 7: " - 1. stitution and' Union; this national ition,`;„ ' ,1 , Whiga ;or , Demodratey 'orb, Wlietiver °the • - theymight becaUed, United to maintain that 'atc,.. stitntion,ta preserve; the Union, and drive bask 'dark; fatal cloud of 'Motional AMMO - a11y.% I"Elciiin4, deetrine,g . and: applause. r 'lllinois niini-ratitnes the proud position of having fought the goodidght ; , Illinois is now greeted all over the Union—North and South, lint end Nest—as the onlyhrorthern State that, was not Overwhelmed ~iti, the.regent.; elections. - [Chisersl ' To what Oattliti do the' De: mooraoy of Illinois owe this triumph? , , It isloe to' fidelity to principle. [Applause.] ,In Illinois the trueptinelpie of - popular sovereignty has,-been ituitained ; in Illinois.thri Oitioinuati; - platform has been strictly adhered _ to ; -in: Illinois_ the Memo., cratio „organization has. been Maintained„,llEA- Cheers;‘ and lOng•oohtinued enthrisisirm:r In lir lino's there have been no new tests interpolated into,thap,ens! • retie platferre [applautei ;..intlii4' n015.T1, ,, (tor ,- -. Aiave never, heerknerteouted,be;,, :Ogee. 'fi ",;-!,,, 1,.•:„,;. .es of opinion', provided " they' rti *,,t t:' 4,' •:; 1 '; f;,. ' of , the Democtittle ),partys - and' 1414- . .. ;_ak; • , -- - es of its organisation. [cheers] ;,;,iri lie , • • ';',!'n"liberal, tolerant, - Just„ and generous japlieY - ,:hria prevailed, and in Illinois'% a - &items triumph has rewarded that policy, , [Applause:l - '-. hrow,,mYfriends, the result in this Stato;oon trasted",with the 'disasters in' others, furnishes a' Warm- . Lit the...bitterness that ha been Chita,' lot theangrypessions thatibave been aroused, be hurled 'Willi the contest 'out of rhlio, they, arose. [trod, and cheers.] Lit Us meet ouffellow7olti alms whe differed with us In politica the 'saute eau if' there had been no angry feeling engendered. • It is our duty now tO eonsolidato the party, to - begin to , ellinibine'our forces for the future in order that we ttlay present a full, united, invincible front to... Ab olitionism and all its allied armies„ [Cheers.]:, If; wise 'and 'patriotic; (Mueslis now prevail, the greet battle of popular sovereignty has been fodgbt tin'd ' the:victory won forever. , [Cheers ] .If we expeot to maintain our liberties as our fathers transmitted, them 'to rui,; we Inuit he vigilant and - watchful; preserving, our organisation, and' over ready.ta present a united arid : irreehltible front to, the' com mon entity Whereverhe =liken his appearance.. [Cheers - 4 —-.-•; ;, , ~ ~,,, ~ , . 7 „,, . 'My friends, I will now renew to you my'grateful and profound acknowledgments for the megnifleept demonstration' which ' you baie made to-eight. When I arrived hone on,the 10th of Jaly last, and wad welcomed by suah „countless -multitudes, I. never expected again to pop such a crowd. ("This is not half what we -WI acr,” “Wait till '1810," .&o.] ale hattleta over now, and tho 'victory won, and age in I see a crowd before me over} Ltygetthtta that which grotitek‘mii ,in my return. home,. I confess that that Was so large that liiiltrern;tnatia ' to - see another. 1 i11,W,0 are ay.for Douglaiu . ; and!, cheers.) I have not,vonture ,to suppose-that this, celebration is intended as a ',Walnut - ,compliment to 1110. '1 " It is," "it is,t't and applaulie. I I' feel more pride and satisfaction in the belief that it is; your heartfelt offerings of ,devotion to those great , constitutional • principles with which my life is in• separably connected.. - I again return Tott' my grateful thanks. . , . .„ When the ' distinguished "srpisaier 'concluded,, 'shout 'upon silent rose from the entire gathering; until the roar of applause was tremendous; mute was given by the bands employed ; ,and what with this firing of cannon andlitho discharge of Roman candles and rooketsithere was made - up a scene that will .never-belorgotten by any person who witnessed itonti: that will always be remembeinil with iiiialing of enthuslistio Satisfaction: - - , , . I ( I Au Fanharraasing - ,Peuonenteya . ,„,,:. A pl'unglady of our 'city; holonerig tiS the mot select (drubs, possessing a lovely face andliefmear attractive figure, whielt.were only rivallekhkAlth faite and elegance of bur attire, called at a darts, dry-goods store `on Woodward - avenitir-seinfi'At Since, accompanied. a•Httlei algae r eyed, pretty, artA • 11 . 04 9ar. 9 34 4 41 1: of : age. - The 'clerkf 't t et ammo, 'all , grate air with the others fobitthi.t , *Mtiiidting t(PGIC Mai ()harming . iady, o3 , to one happened., tote fetal l yolifitirs; j.l' ; blitok moustache, the. moWfaultleile "ruffiesi'sollax a /is Byron., and „coat appreyed out and: make. A profusion - efewelry ornamented fingers; and was displaye d in various elikiblipool..' Hens on•his attire: - t "-• • Every move he made was a t pattern of ,greasfal netts, andpolitenetts came fiom hint els coarse. Ho spared . . no pains in his attentionsld the fascinating customer, and , sought by, every' possible manceuvro to make a gookimpression of himself. - After shoming the ,lady "through the establishment, and ,satisfying all -her 'wants, the bill was made up and the money paid, wbioh was, handed to ' the cash boy. While that otholatwas absent for the change 'the young'snan'isonesttsr 1 thake himself particularly agreeable:Willi/us . AV: tractive customer, and, stepping from behtud,tha counter; ho stooped with most °legit& gratin and kissed the child. • Bat imagine his Consternation 'to hear the little ono, with artless simplicity,• cry out, "I don't like you you. hasp drinking, brandy." This was toe much for tihr politit'alhrit; who vanished cjulekly.--;Detreit 'Frit Press.' A It urr,iiiir Lcioolio:rivii7-7E.iiitiiii`elki.) ..-A eallibion occurred on Front street, Oinoinnati, , on • Wednesday., last, qbetwaanOw s e,Jooonioligett,, Owing., to, tlio fright,of fhormulte t viiimiharge of 0110 i a frigWai seeps 131:111 M liithtiliOSlTAth9nt tr aprecedent. tro:tialptyti t lik _ ti v 4s•,.glEtio_ , 1 ). Ono of the lop9tuotilutiAtert, t,ao/ilaton, atiliwg. down Batt Proultiitreekentitre, the Little atuL depot qt full speed t figi iliroug if like 'leaning, and tinisily.lAnded in ,0,041-yard,at thenest (ld% 'of the depot. It was of greit relief , to the rail-:: 'road wan when they asoortalited tdatit„np,one Willf injured, and,' the passengers slid others in the', de-, 'pet teongratulated themselves on thelr narrow., ttaiire A o Y4freeirful. 4 . o,o l l. .- -,, ;- ~ , . -,. ,‘,+ • T e E r ucwirp f Dial i T,S. nkiror adnd the following-x. 060 1j =ET Jfl - v 1 Pray communication nowt btritccompanle4 by tat littkozdt,the tanitabiatum the typography. but age; 1144,14 the sheet eheald be rft . a ril*" to vverti•-qi--,%-lr--r - , „w• plum heitieew.ohltied inttlionnn In Pensayla Vai'la and Malin aniteeforniatilbnitons giving the f caul sent "TM offsh: jornetdiilocalltiee, the teiroiiiner , of their Allie Increase) be iliwiliblonroi/ulhatiilll tin lideiertg to the genera l se _ t_ 4 ' ',• GENERAL' -NEWF., - ' Alt* iiiiiiiiiii ni'EMlit:LOn'Sititirday tight weekVgoidanlieblini wati'acquitted of tho murder ofafatnes.ltemin4S; atd Springfield. Ky.-.7--a ease, 4ppAndnig.4apon.., eisonmstanttal, evidence. The frost atronsty tends tO show that Keeling had ' ra3ileill - aria shot Ninilds - freak- 'is:fallen tiee top. The verdict of the jury was not receiver with any . :fault at thertlrdif it wartsithrned.tt. thelimblio'. On - :4940,35 O c t 4111 i.Wk*ttown , was aroused by. the ringing l s o9fipliKuule;.boll; ,People . rushed - - fvota their homes ' to. Mk irk - 101y, of the nowt tenk; to lifdtbiliffole jury,lin eingYi suspended front'sossotinitteeteliedhattoss ;Abe street. r' Each juryntanassot bittsrsvirrpendgi o l i t l orn.a• slip ra il/11" a tkral l it i :*o l lll%ra',* bittnirg lar 'hat* - elf 'll'pels Weak_ ealanddetahte crowd was =substage& i stnistubilteusOibbt'Uteh . ' Vitae - acted to 4opek3ltsatviEmith lighteihhigksito. The tilhibi- A74 5 4 4 n4.109W4-94 1 W1, 1 1 , 0 4 4:011t bight! P i lit aa :lP t ) 0/ T•u-' _____-"---"; "11 r qzszi 0111 ;,,VITTIOT = 37, Al,:ry ll l4uiq, 11 'R,OWD,i!=-41;0t etllllooll ait',Xollori . MOrgh!" • dritnittin• rowdy ': . 'Ofiterifsf til.kge'beetits eon - on W ado sthet,-Itismthe market ketaii, , isildl keit is woman in attmidanoevOlisLaboth Aerkeinanni the v f l il it goi-Drendetor,rtomlre'ldinc,,whioh line di AftifSw4%islpittlia-potatlOik,be,stoted Ito lie O tf , WhiseiliThathrldittlifrif lie intat.4ey, tint he. toll her , tsilo 1 , 6 ,1 1g4 ,'--liiislothelf 'datignit A Ol4 / 4 -hi fieSootandsisiddredbmshohldstotdepirt t oes he Nai..liAmili-; siba'stpaggled---te At t...11,,,,..,5_! walk imfofhenihe_piphskap ! , $ - tieseittif bX tne lalde beffore 'hit% and ;bade' OOP' ltraiftbitlatlailirTift alit nifir woct,„ _ , iniebitbriabrea of skin; AP, "0, 111 4E4 ;MP lifigs - tetirt, asaVidleassid , the ' . .‘Y ar cl i fr i i w irr ja l 7-flustfrEoQ2. .4. lo .lktito hi' mit _ ,lia t 4 bought. st. as,a, notonotus tawdry, Mat" ' k id tolkeliabititeeof thii Police Rentilvd-eisteittiate - Ndisdysi! tvA: - :.?" , - -: , A Doriumnillarre.)":l".eoimlfityitibiitli ball was reeently Viva by.thezemidayeethi.iihotel in that _c, to irltbUt. oectein.yonng,:ext wail .in - - ittet: wh om Use:. v,Young.,girbt,ef the _house bideekid c foillais licialistets f that at this ball a besn heoanie' orsiteoret lef lierriled 'dikeld'isitli her Lnpingithis'eudressreningt. , thitAke ballbreakini up. atot,ratho .r , late hoar; she, mialnditid _to deep ..:,, ‘ , FOorinkopmpantonst in.the -.hotel, phe. Itaffiii been la the habit Or r ietttrisiviltome,to he; Mother ever &quirk after her lidiors wore andedk that the &he compile& wi th i they itiiiratroii,-'&s'eliiiit , wlitt-two,ottleigirla.sillisight, land:distils the i P m r e ou ng btashqe up ,uatlngn,gzaitne o f I r w f a o s un ssdesota b n e a4z h.totrtil,ithe mother had skegesUd tali iostpusebi hipr ion did. the , piiresiobrealiblhiglihn -fir 1 ipiEenijitiy mentorhioh ,heo yak unable ith ' - deithen*estrine 4°,-- 13 1PPPa*OO# 11 0 9, 4 1 ,? I , P, r; -i'v, r. r.. 4: ~ ; .;,,..).p , :PR Q;NP/47. 4antriAro. , -IT.hisAargtelins-4: [ aif frigatelmodrooted)nanypersono A 41,900 1 her 'Masotillit ' yet :greordel, pmperdelitoMeeAdos : dibeitit orf New - York hiTanoe desk, receiving esti copper:tont , great - Bailiffs - doh SiitexpressedL of alone for the frigate wad-het Anioridan'aroldftl y ut, : iimkting dock whiele, NM , es ; le t .mmli._-s lici# elltoi, n, Tkpf i liewater7 Vhlsyeisidi 1 6 Vis, 4 was sortrip‘ bletraito r - II iiii - I'hoisi and werdpeightminatesnsihilediiele; hoolaiir f lititt , - , imkb l 9 vf.Jnifiagi},oo,o;t9nst.Thaputnisi employed A lire ' lir In number. 4 .Wineheshim,dianketer, ..and . having '5 fag ",strate: There, were abont ,- ,LOOO sheets oVooplier 'teed 411 this frigate, of 30 113 f : uncle, costing, with the r oxpenstief ideoldne the!- VP, nottless than $30,000.0 t 1 -,' - , e , , ,,,, ,ii :', ,-s .. 4, DawaltgcliNned.!•,-Riahebnarg,i.wYcs.t .- mat- duly slaty centimetres (23i finahatt),alittlt? hae,ittst '4 } 4 :g ie oEi n frie t i b tol% 'w d liit r a'7l4 4k4 t, JAI I: 1 K - t the Duchess d'Otlestak s Amer 'orit.fliC ' 'l 4 hilt:Plie• ' , A ft er. 41:0N kat" : retionteloWtiio e 354 ewes te..kgkleyeA toeoneey..deepOehescabreadosedz4. pi• titet liar Am ,litfeeed,;ape baby,- *Ai* , gateltia helot ieineeeTe4,le_tifLea.v,,and.e titkrft. tieing mvidli` td 'Catty' hini: 'Frit 'atl lah'ffie'butr-' 4 . threparthe - heelived An , theeltOsOdd - Totitia`nst ' 4nxixtispg khetrAme Aerrqrtoiretit ont..Ale had- - -10,1 dreat, reper,eenee tilletremexe, - Ntd rekielpFltiettAl qf hill IA hoa rd tha Taos ofrie 1 . ,1a1t _ linitUl OVA'., fe,mll3 o he 'liiits',l7el7 Obit Aild ehtiitut. That , ' ' 'Orleans family 'alloited'hint , a 3 rientdcei - WOOD - fr7lrunk. l ,,, ~i . 5 ,i1,, , ,P1 115,e , ~.v.7..`p, , ,51. 1 , =l , , 1 iloanumSuitims.t.-A , Tonnigmairnataittl3: '4 ' Hall, of Cypress Mlesrewrievidereillbt - his ---: ul 4°f_t ha .l'V t rAliallg li'wbidad L Th - 1 7 sllio - a i meted fei;laitrii4 ; teakonfeffiliayoung on l it . potte i r niereede -, ih . behilf, , lnd.irds.tetradk aeon thisiblikelevii= ° 7 - ,1 . r I,theee.by thd father,- *Melt nhir ebiveeeing,` We , 1. "le A. - di, 6 1 44. t ifrnStrlPtkanktAtherigtall : ,v 71 h d see lies ,m,o, er Andhimaelf s '--. etbintbolilW Tre o6 4 - ed:o4o* ( s - e ll 1 use' , iyiblisid , b hit idwieit, and"ase -'"„ , ..- - watch, gittnehimsdif halt an - lioni forienentande! ,, Onthe „expiration-AC the, half ltonkeite•bleW hin •4 tbi# 11 .9.1A.,.1iy,. nulling, the Jr/gm „with:44lov "Thii youn - 00ra antimaly"fsite to deordl i mony,n4 by biesvirVii , inglrlinadri.-'' -',"-' ' - ' ",7-z: j.. .. tkrittiiiibrVirhe:4llo24 is itiiiti - etimillit' '- .titeeSprob4giati gflfieriltiforinad lattisti'.. Oltheeht' 1 3_,Filfeli7 „ Uoilow;zabitin Tairlteline If.' , Y.-; ia , an , • - *vri 4 PPC.VD.Ctlistinetr ofiesaptaily.Tobrif3_nolt-' • • -bent, who epartiid Infs. life ..ilifiriL,lo,i 1785,Aged ~, 102"YearlYandlefftehiriciliim,•when lie died, 240 -,.. children ~ ands grandchildren: - - Also; Mary, the - mite of John!. Beekhatit, , . who dietTAnitist; 1755, ' aged 72 ypara..M .Tha church itself , was erected' in :.- 'i• .1090;incijs, oi,l9,Aftka Ades!, °lwo*, InAhd .-. : Viat 4 .7otilf ItoirriXi.—AL-corri3Spoisient . _of, -•- •_. ,- • • „ . _ . „-_ ,Itynetiberg .(Va.) -- :' Esiwaltesn,, writing' from tatlinnhirilif theirial of:the ROV. :Tole - Downey; for ?itittlaerLeayer- ,, c-The ,nrisoner-imas permitted -to i l ri -,_ tit ~,,,,f4k, stiKthe,Catholierchnrott ; a few days ~ AZ IF . Ma he swas..forperrhe nnnteter), ao- , , Ito IWO - hy_hlk la - gait:tire *end the jailor, for. . thf purpose ' oftettideerhak 'of - obit containing igl Org , htindred . dallari - whichhe hail secreted' II derneath tkefitotte steps 'leading' into &craw. ti4 4 9:" - , - - ''' ROBKNO, Viz Meto.—A, young-ms,n,namot _ John' Ifinillton i , Was yesterday, taken in otistodx;,-; at'Aiir York; fe„,sinswer a _.ohargo of ,being inipli- - „ oa -d Witt ...Ifehry'Reed; a former Ole& ,in the ` New lark Postnilice. in-recent robberies of letters. The a nriimmmtatoufeised. having 1 reeeived'variona - 'eloionsheakfteirom Reed,!,artd having ...-: - diSpoitteef ' own advantage, • Several „,- nuiregoilitted,drafte were found' in toe posmatio.n. . i -114 *ls censigned , th the eared thelTnited States!' rhal feriemerainitiow-= . -- , =RUNG on (mai* has been emoceliftilly Ad ' "Femdtp)leiteti, by _,.a, gentiethan- M-Neif Xork - :oityr--- Ikris lir Mesas heia anable4,-.0. prbahletters, and ,; 'figures; of varionedetagpsoxi glees oftnniti,oolors, . with'n'faollitY alMost equal to ordinary printing - op hommon paper. - -- Lisboa can be printed by this direotly on bottles of -any _ simi and - form. ', Thlwe have the appearance of 'having been placed -, thereby fib hand, and nre indelible. JAtuning on glass, by the new process, can be doite at - less _ than - one-third'orthe present cost. ' , - --- SUMMAR' DE.IiTH.- 2 -A 'lad" named 'O'Keefe &e n d at Marblehead; Mass.; on 'Friday, in'the - 7th year of his age, under singular :eireumataneoa: is sidd that, being left as a monitor of thesiadiObl dking the temporary, absence, of-the teacher, he reperted - anather boy,- aged 13; for some de linqueney,' which' ea enraged the latter that he subaequently beat and kicked the little monitor in suoh a manner as to, gauss his death after a lapse of about a week. • TAKAamosL.—The,Gblcago,,(lllbibie).pa-,; -pare state that_ D. Hanohett,.lesseal 04 a, "theatre , in that city; has entered Snit against the sprightly_ little • actress`, - Maggie Mitchell; for non-falfilitient :of engagement.. It'seeml tfiat Maggie en gaged lo play,at letr,F3Ve lbeatro daring a cot but bavintan eye tolter,c9en interest, 'saw, and accepted what ebb. ooru3iderett a better thixig, MA so the manager claims' damages by her bread' orpromiati: - BRUIN Acaut.—A. few nights since, a bear °eine into the abed of Mr. Moses Bradbury, a short distance from., Oxford, Maas., tipped over a barrel of appall, and ~i ! 41). a 4 many, as he wanted, when he 'atarteii up stars on a tour of observation. In journeying - . down, 'lie aroused' the'fainily, bat wassexie before they had time' to obese him. Re has yieltod them . ' • . Tzuktkest bread- forthe poor • which was an nouneed for distribution in Union square New York, bet Tharsda,y between ton and elevenu'olook was not forthcoming. 'The whole affair was a hoax, Thieh deriolv'ed bandreideOf poor people into wait ing from ten till:thretiV'elooriirtlie - efteirneon'in 'Vein for the promised rellef. 9-4 'D'switt satooFtudirrt.4l rtittitirlfe of Thomas Roper, of_ Hertford, Mau:, was so - rfrightened by ,the light of ahem, which was on ire in proximity to her house, and which _shone . her window, that she dropped' dead to the door. She was nearly forty yeste of BO: It - is prebable that a' disease of thelearkhad something to do With her 'death. nu;',naasop fr9 nl bin India nesittork, tn4l, rf:oominy his pulpit.. ,The groticif - r 47;,, , _ertmisle having been se ,etirelig foe • trliearf, - 'call is now made foi.furf: thsM4Stiet the building. A laigeshOrd. • • soliciting donations, is 9.1'0414.1 1 e • AFRAw GA Sine rlyMnuth arrived at ibiliatilthatirday last from Vera Cruz. having A-h4fAriffi: Forsyth; the United States Minister Shit has been ordered to this oity, and the; Sloop- ol.war,-StpLonis trill be despatched to lupply her plea° in the Gulf squadron. Commis. sioner,Cgdeu will be erdered to.the.St. - • A.` sia,st,parned Stackpole, a gas-fitter_ by ,trade, was fatalipstahbodin ,an alfraylfiuraday in'New Yerk,,growing out ,of, a - dispute sui to the diairibrition'of prizes oontended , for by a tar- - get-companv The pernetratot. is not knairis with' fiestainty., though severali-arrests have been made on misnieton. TaaNew.Tyrk Y„rirr4a after: mentioning the-fact thatikeye= were an .unusual _number of women attendi n g elite* 'rock courts on Mon day, very gallantly adder'" Oonsegnently the ef forts of the officers to keep silence la the court rooms were entirely, unavailing)! - ' TWQMUAnnite.tOok-place is Detroit, Mich., :on-:Wednesday,aightr last:. A stevedore named Daniel Ftyn , wss Shot:l4 , by the captain of a TeEllei— tlie` result - Of an altercation; and man named Peter' BlianbiWai shot by his brother-in-law,.7ohn -,, BOtlrrourdeterMwerii arrested. •• OverrEne.The- Norfolk (Va.) 'argus ridi ittlea the going the Mends of the . press, 'that the resent highlidsm have greatly injured the oysitorlinthe bays an _rivers, _•4 rays the very eyerei fa the feat—high tides" invariably 111111TOv° the 'qualitY of those . . Sositirrirr , or , •Cintie. 4 :-Ath public sale near 41. , .4,-ya,,,.lott,week, corn told r 'foe fi vi dollars ;..0-0 - Itarrel, nine months credit, N a,; • enormorully high, • almost an mane ;t. ter: trirfolk, - en ' dues form ilbtakneka of a d01..' `lll - esdayvvas the coldest day of the soasqn at toii.there being a heivymortboast rain- -0 161 k 2 i ault:thlt thermometer down-to 411 - ilegreei;. - IMMO • 'from Jersey City, IQst $1,600 in a Piro bank in blew York on Thureday.. , ,, , i 5,;;4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers