~..k~ _ ' • , S ~'r 1 41:9 ,T ":4 1 . 4, - ... P.i.-- ,- . 1.-,,. i -.:::sW4te,4:94".Alptix,-44,iii). - ,4, B.4ifore6A.-- ~ ,,v,v21me444- 10407:4144 , .. , , P8r910-i6POrilid. In il i- r ..4.;, , ,'••: lo PPn , Ariare 84`00113PW.- 1 ..t"..,, , e ,5 of inaciye....,ffne (- -1‘„,"6 3 40, :riftiVilil=‘';•iire ;fre:ed-un. A , ,z,i ,--,-- •iNc.4, - 0 41141iitiffiaGliptiifondefettionT. discharged.` ; ••zt 4 l . • - ff' •.m4-„,:zi, o. iniiffill - )a},--(jepii.Jr. , Naphayir.i An ao4- - , -',.TriSRiV - - q dintiaokter eg•the7plaintifre alley, 1 4!..4 inff f allisir_over'iti Omni thin piainnifie eon ' -- --'- --- -riln,;l l l,,,,.ifit oo4tilliPci.*llniloillilailratiorrfrlitteverp ^"`-'•- .8".i 1 ol MA idOrAl lo4,l s..w,ad,biljtoProvernent,to - thei ;-,.. 7 ,',/,elaintirff&Pldtis rki.liinuoklyr,thir platn•iff . for.s3o., .' - i t ir.-'-ffiilliffiPi:ffir ifilliAll i .Xle,foffer for dyfe=eart.: . --, ~. „ --- /1!::• - • eferge 1. / ,'lllghtppltaniel;lfolic Ats. - notidn of re: ••,..-"_;' - ;• s plirilnalittllo.Biirkiiio. horse," , wsgen, =Charnels, -to' re , ~,,:, . , Gofer fa' bkitnikekttlicsolitto pie dsfendaut4; Verdict - - -.:. •Ibr the glitifitlitl9s gefr.liatottanlottlik.S l , 6l !itiffr and - ' liablominsa,lirowster for.thedeferiffintz? - ,i-„ • , /-- .;--• ' ~'- Tchnrelfeivinifirda`bejohil,,Glitord: end William U. - - -'" litliferd. , ',`"An.artion On riliiiiid, -- „ilifirdlot for ths,plaintiff ' for 040 Stiikurileet_to:points • rikerverLfor, the boort in •• ' lernri.'”Oroosiliiititt,,,frif• plibitlifoiunt,Bennett,for the' , " ...- , delbodinit,' ~ -•,; , ~•--' 2 - .1••••,,-- -,..-F, 2-;;;;;;,.... , , , ....„/„ '-- - nr-Ynnitel railyiii4, , ,bidrfillei rlPe, iAW gotten 'en 6 bixiii incionitt,,,fgrerkiki 4 - goodlogoid - Aot delivered., •'Verdist/ for the plalatit for 8,131,7dZ. 'AOC -Campbell` for - the' - plaintiff i4o3,OfiffY.*llB,llliall for . the: defendant., , I: 011ike'llsYCO.,--;" The:lStkint. Still •,- and- Schuylkill Haven' ltatirditrCpsiliiitilr• = 4-. :An - satfon to recover for. , ' work sintlslidedtinio limb renferialefirniabed-' °atrial. ; ' -' • "SherP.leashitAi'**l! , ,g r i ", 114 .41! . .• 9 erPard, for the de i.%Yeitxtltttrkie4i4,.,, •-' i'",vo. - •'.i --, ' -••-. .• • s ' : tlet.,o4lliigt). Stein:id...4obn Me , ~,, ~,,;,;:iikbWeltd:lll,6lteai and Jahtilff „Trizitrailing, ko.rfis: ..: ' ‘.ykk AU= rildiffnal. - liistitation'Oompaiii:',;An acti on , - t. -Q.>enwnelloy. - et4thettrancia glren-'n the 'ship , I 0011144 ..,,,..-,,,,..itelC,M , Befetit ‘ repntt , d - ,..-tNerdiet for , the ,, pliintiff for .., ; 1 •• ~, , - , 41,882.-Aifolittrytiqor, . plaintiffi Sferhard for defenk, f;:•/:::ii , -,thint, - ".,.. - : , ,i -,1, , X , ..Z.r.: --,.. ..1. , .. , ~:, -,, , - .., , • , , r'r Michael 7 - Itodulitf, John.. Whelleet; and • James A 1.,: .,: „ •,;',,VsnotiktredingV;.ke) ys.'..The,gtate Iliratindi, Mari= In , . • ---,-f• --; littrinict Cotopeopc :An' actiOn# a policy of ' Insurance; ,-.• ; -. , The plaintiffnallege that they viere the own ers of the ,-,,,,,•-' , ,;-stautmahip i‘,Oreolle,iifunt, that they obtained's' matins 'r:. • '''-•?•;' policy on lier/in the offibe - of theAsfendantriflhat dui , - : --,,,- big a Toyagialte.wat, inbred *hen, near Aunapolis, by , 0., -.`":' ~ ettnning into a rile; Ot_koelts.g,The: Obit, - Was then' put • -::',„ ":- ';into;the handler-ad agent; for sedum !-to St. - 703 a , s, i . ; r '' ' ',:l4,oW BrUlAllial Ilia,.lllla on heilfay' to sand place wall 21siot.:;Oit,trialk -, :i.PaulJor &Wide; Joel Zones for de. ...f ,, -'?-00aueonl.r,i,"Ekt - --4tidge AlliElOn.=—Cronsoe ' z` itsi'lliiiiiinil'llefo • ra reported: / Ynryout --'.. •;- -: ' '''',l3frAi;;lltitteltSPl:o2(li‘ '••••r 1 14,V ~, W hiiniiion" . ..l " ', ihe: . .iiiiln",thii. eliae:Ottiiiillim Stewart's= James McGill,, elimilick,wilkoonspiraey. to' oiled's= defraud , -, `, T . If attiaoklecit:or Any waions, returned a ' verdict, of - grilltyttsprithe, second orient/ ot tlte bill'nkindletment ,- 1. ,": 7239 Sentence dererrl:',;' , , o4 . ,- ' - , -=',t ,l ,-.„--':. , •,ILT-;.‘_ , :‘l'4l; -- 2ohn WOOdwatdit Oki tioik,'-litut4hersinifirith the • 10-teuy of Ofteeu hundrarlldgillans. the • properryof Ed; ". • ` _,ward lifontemery.fltWistriffsged that on thefigthBay of ft.i/..,;Jitiusir4lBsJ - z" Montgomery had: left, her= With - a large. tr „amosuitof moneywbish hnhert t i c; It aws:V;iii to estisly - ,--;"•• .., :11. 1 tbs ° 1. 1 4:le i ty f eliogireVI I I I Iii b a triertrit. nzt,t -- ,_ p art :or the - city, where he treated hie friend,, Tor:train and while he was partly 'n=o4'o4l4 =mayflies taken • ,-,-,- fromlibra - !Illusroloh - fallingruinif Woodward: he wee ~.-: , 7 . z- flirty/rio t ; tot , ttioutr 44,', It:will . be; recollected that L. - 1.-thle Oeseitsweedpineh eieltsmenf In; he upper -tart of ' 44 .1 16 , 0 Vit; hem thrafact that lashort - tionkafter Illontgni ,,tinery_arekskedSlieme,'-it-was:nupposed",he. had been . drriegellollo.died next day atthe.horise of his Moult .' ?-t ter V but the coroner's jury riftert's fill inveitigation, ' , returned n•weidiat that dyrithirea:• Sensed by heavy in-- “--: 'Unbutton' .: - Zury out - ;•••'• 4 •'•'-' • ', •;• - , -,--',.; , Appel% stewsit wee ebarged with this Iciest& of some .1•• .: ~ , ,.•1, laden earth As; end'other lightiiitienee; the, property I. , ior,RodialLawlor; , - - , The _goods - Were- found upon him. '.11.,. - 4;:yerdnit gallty-- , lthintetieed to.litinesthe., .... . - .;/. h:,- ,--:,,, "•The come Of^Henev•l.lrBw, nbiLriO4,WithProniwiliff per .-. - Client to thteillegallitt•the late election, was Sallee, up for trinli,but postOned • nritit vent Dieiday ~ 3- :' _ Charles „you'll:04'00%1A vittif Orion ,in binning. , -,.- f the barn of Ali= Orietoresi:rif,!, on the Bth of Await , - = .- last - ; -- -ffire/defendant - inslded ., mear,:the - hatn, in • tbe ..,, •,, , parenik third ward , and after . aw' ilte,, , he siddonlyills, / norkolowS • , -nd"wil!ttrallter,aboi4.. l ele:eaterwatdai % Verdict ietigant.r.'‘ . ?., '''' .1 _' '''''''' -' ./.' -, ~.; ~ ~ .i. W iltiniii t 00111ifin ' onargenfritti.seiracii,and bnkcery: _:: / .,----.MlAnniltalillier:FiTerillot not gailty.r - , -.-.] '' ', • .4 . , , ..., , ,ii i t at fill e l u e;r f ie i liatirr , !:rceiiiy, on Ifro,,,bllls of, •-,•••• . i '!„ - ii Thalffstkerkticii4 nubfeittd the - bills without -- L.,.. 'wilder:o, „'• and the'iniy returned i, ierdiett of not guilty ” -f :. , ! -- -linieiinanlireise charged 'with' ceiling -to a ' •• person addicted to isteinperate,lisbAtojafter he was no . .-':111101 riot te da soil ila , proletrator. Jury out. . A 2, ,.. ~: i.vnitiiziit,VHTezdAßitwpii:.irg4, . .:‘. 4 4.--afysicipta,,.. market, audio • *006",,'•01r aiiij,:itiout '‘36o bhls of btinlx*idllP9lfe 4 "ofilit , l s *, 01 Est ' 'Jsit 01.indsi"zeitire .. .viiii • She; Aride • p rO fr,"ithall:lot:l '1;116,6 26,i'for soper, 7 . .$6613.76 tor atilt` family ; and fumy brands, _aegording:to ; ; qualiti ••- 4?lont eiles r at 84.1 2 ',Coro Meal iii not . S 3 75 VOL , Wheat' Ye sn demand , nd 4 GOO 3 , 4100 bii ghat hare' been sold, ;,for mill i ng at•124e1200 fen Yed and 1866131514 , 1 , 4 04tri fR fliittile'veiillt. sparse. I, thirtirline offering, And, good old sena Lad new 65 , to ' , loe* basher; :'hit,o9w:beishedillreateni , Tidied iota 7tro. Oats- 7 " sate_ • tie teloii? - 11)aitlift , Iii 330 bale! hays been ` syld~ ' ln "mall ; iOti; • - , :.l l # ( l,Cc!fsPit.Ro. l T ,l 4 l l l ll4 , lo.th;Fst er-m9reAotng in, are hold 41tocf, ,,,r 5ined . platfinnoh - iorte4 ati5 , ,75ep',6 ef; h ein" danainiliask pitoe. r.ziNktiikty : Is firmer, asd bbl. rathssataiee; TO; 213 i isiSalar hhds, ' l4 ? - ki s oj 6-r fietiOS±:e • FLo Flout... to, IfittC*oogTe, !halite's doing ''.:Weneipts •-,-,--,, alg attl4soo Y .libid it SS 2503.85 for i• 4fOaj,d;lsaset DO' forLatpelina, Etato'•:ss.os.; forPik - dolE4 ls44.6l%satrino Wees atiot-r'Swtjtlso"FArtzt .nAbiga;lra n 0 t0:4 61 4,6 : tidal( of 900 . f.btlif 1605:40 ror.:o,thirion to =sill brinds, 900750kfor"111rZ Upon and favorite.: L:,l, eroze""' Pork is ormer; withnise of 300 bbl.. at 17, 60 for ideak;"iOdsl4:lso for Priate",„ Li without, ,tosterlar ohapirtr , to' , 4o - ne`irr; pelage r galas 'Ai. 'sinsll; i s ac o n and Oat tdeate nabstscwolet;%-pasdin quiet. with salsa of 200 bbliclss`,l9% . lllo:"4Bisttp f,.; :loStd Ohnese Ara' 4 •:2 ~,:',WiE113%.111/eAtitialfft sales 206 bbl.. 22.ge52,2k0.,_ 003 D , —" imiri Ai, ?.. , ~., sgoo 2112 st fic.,oo-V 25000 T r'" I IM' ' 102 ;.. ''''' '• ' br la W-47-104)(1 , ,'4'..iottlltY 43,1 /Ili a-% - ..t _ ,'i l 0 q? . 11 -1 : di - 7-' ', --W M , ' , .7:: .-;‘,..,..zii-ifii#44,o4lltaix Pk- lay--; ::' , ' ..- 10010;if;,,.re;,t ra r ik8it* ~,, 2S° .. I n.., ';:itO l ''''''''''',: t4sll-ji ',..•;;;;.1 4.1-0 10 5 iF , k.„.1',,:::: 103‘ ,- r0gp,A,,,,1•474,,----..141.11 ~,-,-sio"**4l4.l,t-l', iap_sov, ../.)'-- , - 10elvi-k to i i ii!, - ON :''''-...21 , witt1, f . . - ,--- I.r'.'3( .'',-,,0-7.41.01),,,,i;,}.,7;,:,-,"- - ' _ 4. , th rei .;::443.*A(.42T%.")/7"./111Ca4',110•:-/-2, /age* ;-; : ', - -§tON4I,IIIIB - 4 58 :::11101/ W/613411, " _ 8,.85 - ' Bair. Ideieliburio:l3lans dtiLV-RD• ": . o ithoWelt do eitunis;. - . - ! -, , ' Bohr Smith TntVii h . ° ow,ewbod4— , -7 , Y5 Ol O, 0 0own , tpo ' - "frith Asti intla _thttcrEAllowagi ir.1 1 414:. Ik -kr , lisritr - Gectige - iiscluion; 1 day huh 31"116 - with ttiiesf and 'out to J tißowley & Co - ffox4' with wheattb mimulatt keen.' ----- - 7 'l - 1 - G 7 :l7fitilioni New. pupa, Del i - 2, , EptirAlgwas t t, MO 1 tt , t , en.. ... .... , ~ `'',. ' • ' F ' rill t ite a rtt l t l lletfl ta , Grah a m,'' 6'4 from ,Neir York, '''''', '-raftliltai4iYiiitt to Zan Lnoilez &-Vot James :,,' ~; - ' ''', Fehr Diamond J. ," Tooke, 5 data !tam, _River, ! Ya .- ' '"l"tki.luinb"3"lsCiumP .k T,' iron? Indian Rire„ v s t ibi, 'major -yom,'slarrhi, days_ , -,- - ;-_-.- _ '''. wife' limber 57,7 Nir 44031 & , ,°°•f, . y ' 4 . i .. i 4 , 4 , 4 .... 4 : 4. .", nishi:Otirbri Isles): from New . 0 f ..,-_, ~ .„; , BabrJ•WAosah - Yohnsare from Partamanul i NIA : _ . :: 'E li-'-i tili444°H* 14 1 3 o t : I tO LlA. ri g `ti tl if i o l liet l L le fi tt o i ? :0 ?.,' _, 7- Foti lig r Ir Aw dst O r sitA °llls. ttin t i,ileadin Cain , !Ile_ n . oe _Orowell'a. - - l'-9° ! . 1 111 31i " "a '. 1 1 : -' elr '- - ,,katiow, New IPAdon 1 Baum , Ogle 4 Co. ~ naar t .',7 w-_*nosairi"Johinton,'F_Orfnlft, plziFtlpluTn & _ .. .: ,_ , ! ,,pat 11ter 4: 1 4•:; * :i':..4 420 ,,, , , , , ,, 4; j. " ,cr ''''''W . ,: 0bu '" - ! , , ,5 tii*i! , , , , , L , A,a,, e7iid. '''l.r-t' l u9i iiiiiii(l4,eroVali:*ollhiiiiiiis - - r. : ,:, „ i do ~ '" . - s2l , 43 , ,Diekindo,lf)nnitOnALYSl4 ,' ' :,.,,, do "- " ;:Bohr 11 :.X - Irl i SOOLOIY; 14 . 0 „," , 19.*?!, • .-, - .1-:. do ir44 Bohr kitriitionetV, riew. , . OF, r:' , - . r i , ",, ~. do , '"',. ' Sear Mid Nonnody‘OkriliFA Amazon!" a, , , ‘ . , A Grovoi f Jr, . - Etr ll WiffigiqtYlP!rflA I P duv r'°-- - - ,''.;. :- -, , -ito, .14;exi* .. nidoirwe or. The Prom.), ,- .. ' -' ' ''''tl it. ,. . l)* l4. 64- T, tul.:'''' from 01, , 04,7; Inland -to . Pii= 4",,...'1 0 1 0 .. T. A .t.„- , , 0 1i 00 - 4,,,A ggl id a. follozsCt t i•-_, A-' : " . ' -'' t-_- _ J Y:YitWoilkiim - i; pig' Ina *Eckert & itro;l.4aft tim. 1 : - :- - bir ;to , l 'aboinilit -nov i lioition plosItoy; , Si , Of Ricker, bit railroad villa _A so ott i r mt , - 4 , ait i1 t0 1 d v d m, Jr i. "# 1 ,01,04114. ,000 , 040.m.0tp..7. Stalifto,Atkert & Co. .. _ ..„: ..- " i i-.- ,i 4 ' ,:t' g r 'f: ' '' ' ' -r! 'liiiriaizaiiits:l, -, • ~± :'- "-- -,"; , -- eat_..._,.,,,- , i,,, of , the plinonoipito.lsZolionP4, , , - - t -: " i- ,Ai" ,7510 , 51 ,.= 4)3 7;'04'n Islotii!,•P..rt 4 1 ; 6 : 6 B" L' , M. '''-':' - q - I,,ifttiiiiiiiiiiiiikirant' ant foAday,; „ ,atuifiermil sant ''''. ' ' '' ' 46lllt f iL -311611 f, l- # Poid,e liTli t, l.l. illl(iiiii. -- : '_ . ' ?-0-? •'''' -' R,r , ' 4 , -; !':' , P,ii.3loltAPto4. - - • , • - ififiii..11a.,,i..,,, ,•. .-- - . tiim i; - '? f ilreiutualti - PhimoaliBpnigtie i Idotthowe,lonaa a -- - ;! .. :"B li tia -iUti .l lol la tii pe " igt,r i lit,',lMSil:,,ii:AAinnni,-iiiitai ~,,!!., '- '- , Sh: illaamob"to ' , Moak- w iiiicie:gaiith;frotn,..New,.:ltclk, _,.,-. -- a -1iii....0', 4 -iiiii Orleans 6ti:lfist -, ' -"..,- , ' • 'iiiittraillbOlPArlfif4,..l4ooCoittottrd to"hrkoti'll"re! ~.irrliod,it 0W5.1"'A,177.73- nserrcfrom - York ifinittisli irintirittionis,_oopiro,____ A . New ; ~, , I. n ris titsl ltt om bh u f i l ig g ; lco on ont ii fro w m eit T4 o ll-44 0m r N r w 'Ar rork;at ' Bre . :. . ink( Iftikidt4A , , : : fif.,..-• ';. l. 4, , o' z i..l".'ait , po'in?- 30th nit, ar. ' - ' ,7 '"''sfatufta 21/ 7 . , - , "; -i--111:1 L' Oat'oo a n 10 SOP M '2.--trivetrat' fit TFArtezi - anfti . li rd or ty, i sri mil%4 Niirwisis. , A lin" 411."1-11' 'P "11- 4,iielredif Ohio , * oblit Fitton," --; 21-!, orrialli.'ltdiumoli: from ,- - • - ip ' bound outward,' .. ''' , 'llth, AC 11 A trt4pasood a r o ta Vi , viAdtk'rit , 949 P 51,-pstised otAam A - c - i e h lilt p - 2 416 e 4 7LW;aw,Voris for Liverpool, : ''. ''' 1 " TO:kolitidelalltiiiktiiiops7 vol" at 1 . 00 . :- -,-; - .': - !-'"'t PI "ul t. '' , 4‘,C.'''' , pitanie7 far , Philyleillii, salted :' - ' -' 4 " tri gi fil th tiepfnit4 , , , T, - , ..11..Y,, , , ,r., ,- i . , -. , ca 111) Herald ,til 'o■WirtifremiAsUMi, a Fr!”.4l, l ti ver . ; 'i' ii kwalg)i. ,- , , ,:A ,,,, - ---- - ,,,,,,- : - t i p . , . pool 6' - ' ' '.- , Moroi' SOorter ; rte 8t John , , , 2,f1r1 -- - - ,-r- ,- r. filPatitA , i ta l iiii:.' • - t-"kg ,, ,i" , lw ' '-'' " '• ' " distil Live flaiiisty 'freiniA - Poitiniore,ir. -'- ' ' , '•-i likipffamo rolloirelii ,_, , ,„;,. ?,,-„,,,..-. AA:, ,i ~ ~, :- ' l'*.°4 l3 0 it t - Il e j 'A : posse, 4 ; 26tl toliii"inn‘,:, , from :4 . ,' Can 50 , „,. .,, Arrived iil , -:l4"4l)l44l6"l"" Villi ' liiiii ' r';iiiitiiiibtet , Bill,froin fohliiit tior4dOu. 6 „ l / 4 ,.....- ~... , 27th . tuo;f:.:If-4: ",. • , 1 s iig ab lA ri, , At ani gro te,' Elaix ‘! rir — 'jlirel74it: . - fr . - ,pi!!ao,;.:' arrayed „,r.._. at -.:::' 4 .12, ni0-i w 1 9w u ., :fii - ii;i', ito o -i i ik, _ai - 4.., ; .,„:. , - 1 -• ; -..--.-. , Pi•- , il _ Manger.- -. - ' -,-,-, ....:-",',-,,,..,:-..,:-."-.:. -, 1 .-f. - -.--, - ; MU ril t,:- . ---: ''-';' - r'' '' ''' . im! .i: 4liiii*Vittir siii - oor ski 1 - -- , . - :.-5. %-thip, - 1.0500r.,: -. ),5, . _,, ~ ~ , , F 2„ , , ~ , , ;.t."1111.5.4-' '4 tiiditititiot 6lo . 4 o 4o , l . tor !', 1 4 . .•''''"-",1;,' . li - Katirit - bl a toy got 16;`, ,, :".nc `- "=-':':',.”, - ?.1..."1-&,:- " ei t tl 'i agi ' d fi liti -T b - ti a tr4tire {Beaten, iidlod fromf Tibli _ :,,,-,,-. 4 0 A159/ 0100. "1-71 , ,--....-.-- :-, • f - . r . ,, ''';'' ",_:',l '44 ; :' , ziiti apt 1241-;,,,, .: - iiiiitelitiCi 4 iiiodi4 iiti., . - .....viputoopidue, farP P_ J ,„,„ ~. ~. 1. '-:''''7z7l' lilted .7 :' -3 ' .,- *' •ti -, Ltii46,sl,ViiiiialA ';:;,..-!,e_ ". Aoinatstenerolotagi, t ri aum ootonii06!? „. 1 - -I, ,,, tits• _ . -, -• - - A , ''- • ---11 ''' - ciii i itoll i il l" '''" 4 . V "itii : iiii7 , f cleaved Aii 4x itid '...arptatik A - 0 or , - - dittt6 4 .v „ f,„.,, .-.. ~- y ' ''' .iikri; . attaow '' ' '' - '7l,a - ora - 'lloi' maimed 'air eid , roq-1 o r '-- , 7 - , ..1 - 7,17- --- , - -.. -- ;.r...!,., ,, -. , ,=. A :', 7PI 4440attliii.dC.TP,1110iPitk ~5',4-t, ..` • , A !igeb,,,osialttkliot:. =-- - - '"?. at h,,i'lLl„Ji,,' .li-io:obili,!#:s,l4oli, „Aerti.;:frt:;?*l,--, , b ,- 1 .:, i l p il " kiw ViftW64, 4-1 4 , 01449oilhibm. 1 0Wir*, , in „ 'Az, - '''' ,-, i- , `AZ 4 ' 4 ‘ 1 "1.3. 1 f ' - • .t. VP/7th IlltPL,, , , P:-.701.1e' . ipligUti t . - 1•3 - .. , , t .. •.- - .k.',:i', -.eiPb44- 1461ariti at iirbil hifiz 1.1-..A. , ---r-X ~ • fr . ii ' ' ,' ''• id1ti 414,1 44„, 3 , : ..‘,. ."---i • ._,. •:- ,-. A.... , A . A. , Aiii :it te r - PiA" .l. --„ tom kt ;~~4 ~~~' _ 921-I‘overabo7 51.." . „ . 103. 51161110 630 ozg 150 /nob 8 q we'd 63 1260, '';_do,r , -.-630 62% b 7 63 ' -360 Pasiams 120 :10 galono Ohl It 74X 74,5 i 150-A - do'blo 74%- 200' 'do - 743/ x. 60 ; do , 630 741( r5O- do 14,4 320 0167.66-To1;11 '630 32%' 210 0100 651( 66„ dsk -30.0.:=5.,...',d0."'":%:ri,14.0 4019 4 /I"tkiliktiM , ' ,ll a vr: - /-:• , ' • , • - 1 ,0. 1 70,0 , Br/ E 341BiicAleilis.,--fos.philadelpitia, cleared at Port land 9fleinit.; Bohr -' -8 Witinin,Maguire,ror 'de. Janeiro, was aPokeo t'Sep 8, Jet 18 At leing 18 t.. , - Behr:J . -El ,alletiptatioriek,,for Phil. adelphia, cleared at NO 10th tort: floitisoti; and Ghee , . Selirs.W"P Clorbitt Rosa; Sarah, ter,lllrecer4 beeriest New,Bodford 10th toot. ' M; gears o,Pattersou, Dole; - Goo - Edward;Miyr,idary Armadaibbs, and Theresa 0,, Giudyl-heoceivtrtivedent Boston' llth Inst. • `,l3ohr,*pluihil", Dole, -- hitnce. at' Oharieston frOM,diegendria; it Boston - - Bohr Star,Orowoll, from providence for Philadelphia, at New,Yorh 10th bet: Sabra • Henry:l , 4oOn, Eldridge, and 'Martha:- Moore, Eenediot, elected at New York 103 th bet. for Philada, Puha Eva Belle; Iliton,•,Montereuilfalkenburg; Robt ll ‘Oorson;,ooriont R' Shannon; Marts; G Bartlett, Gobi:6111 Glifillail, Sioith; ,R p °bare; Shute. Silver Magifet, Perry"l Willlaniwn, Winsmore;' kOorde, Babcock; A B Gannon, Nowell, and T Lake, Beall, 'henneitEoaton 10th Behr George Groin, Grien,'eleared at 'Boston 10th inst for Philadelplua. . • Fiche' BV L -11. Wales, Hoffinan, Wee stint Wilmington, NO; Bth hut for Philadelphia. Botit SalmonWAShbUrilisTbrlidlei, from Taunton for Philadelphia,'salled from Dighton Bth loot %loins Amill Bronn4BiOWlq bOuce and B L Oreoker,- Preabiey, 06 for Taunton, at Dighton oth bet. Georgie, Siviet,Lerme ; arrived at Newburyport Bohi , D "PloYd':Rabiett;salled frOm New Bedford 9th inst. for Philcdelphia.. • " '. - Rohr Ingibh;Bliveit ; 'hOnce,, arrived at New London oth inst. ' " Bohr Empire;Pr7ae hence it Newport oth inst. Bobielophialtnit,Bmithi Joe H Risley, Boyce; Sarah L; Bmithf➢'hglit, Huntley, B Johnson, Johnson; Cia, sotto; flomerer Oleiro; Burroughs, and Oolorado,Nay. hence at Providence oth bat. flohrs Willow - Harp, Jones, add Knight, Beare, Sailed from Providence oth-inst....for Pallaaelphia. Bohr ..1" II Burnett. or Gape Hay, Worthi - sailed from ,-New-pOrt, Itl,lsth Wilmington, and has not 'ainee'been heard or. - KAMM miscismuir • _ Shin ( Oen:tinting," 'of Doeton, waterlogged, wee fallen iriwith 26th nit, no let, by Bohr Crown. of St Johns, N • which tookoff Waive of the crew, five remaining by the ship, - The 'Crown was spoken - let Inst, let 42 24, ,long 67 46, by barque' Ajax, at it Johp, NB, but no far ther partionlarehave transpired. It to feared that the ship niay- prove trr . be 'the Suffolk, or'Boston, lheld, Whleh sidled front' Oliatt,om, No; 21st ult. for Penarth -Roads, With deals. The 8 had - seventeen men on board when ahe left port. - On the 26th ult. there was • hear: gale from NH - -!`," r letter front liebillielye that the ably Cornelia Law. renee had only discharged 24 ant of 612 bales of hemp, at the time she was burnt.. ' Queenstown, Oat 26—The Wild. Ttanger,whloh arrived here to der from Valparaiso, had a sticOession of light northerlr and easterly winds off Cape Horn. and sprang bowsprit, fore end wizen mast, sad rudder head , Shields; Oct 26—The .110111 r. Darts; bound to N York, which' pot back to title port,Oes -20,1esky, has sold her cargo, and in discharging to gollidoldook., ' -,- Caps Town,-Eiept 11—The 841. - McCann, from Penang to New York, which pnt,into Algoa Bay on the 23d July) witirdaimigekhei been condemned and mid there. Oronstadt, Oct 16- 7 The George_ Green, Fairbank, hence for blew - York, -- lies been towed book by two steam era, and will have toAlseharge. - -• U= 8- itesinere . ficirfolk, Harriet Lane, from New York; and Water Wltek, from Norfolk, were at Ba,rbedgeo 20th olt; for perwikmbueo. , DOMBSTIO PORTS NEW .TORE, Nov 11—Sr, b ri g Be ll e Pools, Joy, fm Newburg for Galveeton; sail+ .;',Etilus, °sayers, Turks Island; & ,Ealmoos, Price, Wilmington, NO; Ban nyPonth, Weekil,Washlngtopi.NO; bladed Platt, Smith, Newborn, NO; nr,eess; Hulse, Sydney, 011." steamship 'Alabama, Schenck, Savannkh; ehlp Yorktowh, Slicers, London; :barque Young, 'Atkinson, Clathcoat Oseati liird:Periletoh, Bermuda; Aroset 'tia', (Br)" TO*, Arroysf, Cuba, Sawyer .' Attikapas; L Otis, Gilchrist 'Tasksonvllle; :Geer:a Darla,' Phillips, Obarlisipx,• Pc6i Brothels, Chase , Plymouth ; J T likons;litirthi;•Wilatihgtets; T Andersoui BodlntirPre., ,dcrleksburg; Alin and Saran: lrabdsrblit, Charleston - r",-1101ddlis! 110LEiNos8,-P til-Ar, barque 8 W Por ter, Wloklutid,'Post sn Prince for Boston. Experienced Urorelkeather, and splk sails. - Also 'aroscibra Elizabeth - English, English, Alogin dris for Boston;- Richard 'Paul. Prink. Dorcas Deland, Bakeiihnil Jo - A. Danenkowcr, Itfiller t from Boston for Philadelphia; . • • • • sailed, ear Wlstliftitikil.,l'. Otli.-Ar, eohr Johi McAdam, (8 mists, of -St George) Ogler, Chirlestois fol.sßostOn; cobra Anna Elisabeth, Belcher. firdougui for Boston; Maine Law. Sweetland, Jacksonville for Boston; ; Ireland, tdiPer. and High lander; dayo, , Aligsndria for do; Oben .Parker, Webb,' Delatrare; Oitifor . dof - Beienue, Corson; Oboe A Orel. ,nerilWeater; Jhuissilliewltt, Boas; James Barrett, Da. vii;clifaria Boma, 1:101)' Mantel, 8 Ifershon,.lreland, Bznith:Douglass; ,Sarah Coh en, Callon; Mary Bazars 'Baulks. and Mary Ann lc Caro. ilneißoliiin - ,-Philadelphia for Boston; !rigor, Brans, Nor/lk - forliaiiev, J, Lancaster. Stites; Philadelphia for 'Melee.; 0 W McElwee , do for L y nn;;, Isabella 'Thottipson-2Corson? and Riohird" Thompson. Lloyd, do for:Salem; 'Shepherd A' Mount, Hotchkiss, Boston for , ' • . • . -Sailed; brie Wm 0 Olarki` sans Shenandoah, baba, Lizzie Mad. Maud Vans Dorcas Ireland. L A DanenhinverAllghbulder,-Annte t hone; Shepherd Mount' .. - - , 19th 7 .Ar, , lairs 3304111 h, Wilmington, NO, for Boston; Python, - Osgood, Baltimore for Newburyport; Arot‘t, (Br) Smith, Windier, NB, for Alexandria. - salted, attar Maria Moamr. - In pert at - 10 A Morbid NW; the abovi arrivals of to day, and barque B W Porter; sabre J - Grieraon, Bllas both'Zngllsh, John McAdam,' Ansa Elisabeth, Maine .Larror .P.lreland,' Charles- Parker, Revenue, Chariot A Greinir,'Jamea 13 Hewitt, James Barrett,' Daniel B Mer, stipu;Dsvid Smith, Ella, Sarah Cullen. Mary II Banks, Mary Ann & Caroline, John Beatty, Mountain Avenue, Tiger, Caroline: Pt Mimes, John Lancaster, Isabella Thompson', jtiohard Thompson, and Nsw.Planet. ° Mt IVM.3 . (yr B. 0111 O'CLOCK TRIO it , OIRARE_HO.77B2-91restuut strop, below Ninth. 4. - iiVelshj-WaihingtOn . V. Jltainiond, Middletown weifit, Cincinnati 'Mr Wail & la, Bellefonte Miss Oampbol,'Belleronte /I 0 Hillneff, DeOefonte • J T Hoover; Bellefonte R B Thompson, Minnesota H-D. Smith, Cincinnati ' tercet, Illinois HO Allerunui..-Harrlsburg PrexlerA la, Beading Misa Hunter, Reading_A 0 Griffin. NY - W - B,Williamsi; der •I Wilyan dc la, Iy H Baker, Taps_ - 10 Balderston , Baltimore A-Wood. Elivitanalt '• Miss 0 Segriel. Savannah '0 Hardy; Maisie _ ',T Bleak, Brooklyn Pit Ayer, NH,- • " Phonies, Ps • T - Orme k la,Baltimore A B Warlord, Harrisburg K Handy, Missouri , 0 T Murphy, _ , chiPa • - Mira7etenp, Pal Dr Ohlid Jo is. II A RADII. Boston Mrs Titrii - ,Md ' Miss Titus, bid OW:Wright, Del •-• BM Clifford & la, N Y Mr Pendleton & la,BtLouls H Mashes, It V MrePshbastook, NY • Pairman & wr, "Albany IL Lester do la, Richmond Al Munro. Jr & la, Wash 8 A 'Danforth, Del b Outlay, Del' Henry Jarrett, Balt '• Thou Dror, N W Marshette,'N Y W A BorPard,,N Y W Lees & la. ' CarloScholay, N Y A C Panel, N Y I D Btnrierant, N SG TrippO, l -Provideneei -- ' W H Harebell, Pa Debt Underhill, Ps - D Davies, N Y • -7A Erben, LaneaVer 0 Beckwith, N J ' W, - MHeirderrns, Carlisle - Baker & Ms. R I , G Gaoler Hiwber, Pa Mice A Sander, , Ps Miss L A Newhall; thus' P Newhall. Lynn Mrs PIM% N Y• " N 11 Lothbillo, if - • Carlo *dross. N Y I/ 8 Nudes, wr • Ohas Leman, NY Jose T made r N 1 1: - ` A Drey and lady. Balt W 0 Anderson&lady; NY 'W H Merritt ' , N Y T Pins, N Y , - Chas Danforth, Paterson JP Butterworth, N Y • Wm Elliott, 80. Thus Moore & lad,y,N Y Wlthoads, Balt Atiebenroth, N Y • W L Mallony, Ole 0 E Turner, Waterbury ' T R Willa, Boston - H H Osgood, Clooneetteut II Drub 'icor, Ps •-• 8 B ileymour.-Ne* York 7 M Matthews, New York G W Reed, New York, H P.Turner,,Jersey city N J Orok, Vermont' - • - W Atkinson. slew York Kr Geflith, New,York - J Magee, Baltimore 0 Fibrin, Nylon J-Anderson, New York EW - Kande/. Nejklrork B Ansraidown. 'Boston T Baumgardner,- wneaster J Robertson, New York lF BiYan,lts • - A Thompson, Boston I G,Wheaion, Tenn 'Atherton, Boston I B Richersoo, VA . BJ , Cowley: New York debar;, Phil& W Rams, England . Sumner: ya - MERCHANTIH. ROTEL—rim* Et., below Arch. 0 Leib, T.ll - - Gibson, PRR - J 0 Hager, Lanes - Mei -Dr (Elden & la,Harrisburg DiJ P Perryman & la, /do • J Jellison, Allegheny City Girrizi. Lancaster co Mrs MoDonald, Pottsville P Dough. rty,•Harrisbnrg Mr &est% N Y Jacob if Oats, Lancaster Gen P Irwin, Ps B J Damian, Pa D bar, Lancaster W ghenk.,,Laweaster Joel Putnam; Mats 'James Butler, Hineinnsti A. Klitiball, Haverhill. Has A Wtieeler, Haverhill, Hu it. P West, Haverhill, Me 13 W Hopkinson,. . do A P Chapman. Va John Itillerflra • • - Jos L Wild, Wheeling, Vs 4' Daniels, Man . John T NILOII to wife, N AHolden, Belton . • A B Obapin, Boston T W a bite, blase P, 61 Clark, Mame J. P Plint,,Mass - • .=D Currier, Mass A Ynokett, , Tenn: Miss J Oturtuaings, Pa ,ANBBIOAN HOURS—Oheirtnnt 'treat, abore PIRh. M P CortmttiWashiagton ' V filllyer, NY. W Brinton fc , lady; Peons 8111 Iln.ts.Cholleeton II 11/Ocean: Beaton - - 0 D Aipple, Tremont 3 , 0 Tomb, Jersey Shore ' B P fiberfill NCI -W B iliiling, Balt ' O Minton & lady, Penns 0 P littroatti" Pdd ' W B Iteloo, NY Joe Mathews. England 0 IfOrrlogron , Philo "A W Mirth; Phils — Chas Titaa, N Y L O England Sr wife, N Y 0 Benton, Cheater no Leiritli Leder, N Y,' ' J d:Bitter,M4 , • Ne7mond Or:ens; Spartesebarg . . • "„ padNIXTAN:NOOSPIOhestnut street, above Third B Osidireiti N,Y • id. B Miller, Platte 00ok Paikeburg, ra L Beach, Jr, & la, Mau " 'TN Williams, Conn . o.pt J Smith 0 L Itlchards , Buxton, Brooklyn /Mllayes,-lia Mord L Stix, Cincinnati, 0 UNION HOTELJ—Aroh street, below Fourth B Batley, Phlis— - J E Portsr, Camden G 13 Miller, B+ston „ Mattheeo, N J Jooes,Enstmi ' Wolf, Money, Pa D N'Breeher, Pottetereh Omsk, Moat .11 Bunke, Ilettleburg : M y Bennett, N J WOsrefin,Ta mains, Ohio . ' NATIONAL - HOTEL—Bane Street, above Third. R Bitten, - (bundle, Bethlehem .Lindle, Pt Trevorton. R Wllllams, Frenotttown olt Landis Pt Trevortoa T Orr, Armstrong co M. Ocbe, Quakertown P Gould, Pa 0 Beecher, 0 & &.+B It , - W,B Baum; Troxeleille Dr R J 'Linderman,' Pa - J Outer; Clinton oo Jbobos Oomly, ' s w Jones, Pottsville 11 8 Levan, Lehigh Valley II lister, Vaehington Mrs Miles, Fotston . P Gonad, Doylestown 0 0 ru der Bethlehem .E it Sherman, Bethlehem Peter Bowman. Pottsville Ohae Hawley, Winfield David Boyer, Wyoming Valley - BLACK-DEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant= streete. H H Srelssford,%Ciellen,liddiaml Holm; Phoenixville •B• Wil o 9,&•la, York on, Pa Wm II Obayney, Pa J Chandler & la, Pa H Good, New Garden, Pa, Bers,Kfreble;Oxford, Pa ••'. Mre Gaston, Delaware lithie Hasten, Delaware '' , 1•43n0 U Clark, Pottsvil le Hammon d, - Delaware J D Henderaon Yr, wi, Pa Mrs Ingram k, FOIL Pa -W. Stiteler, Chester co D Wiley, Peaeh'Bottom, Pa • BALD tkGLE—Thira street. dime Callowbill. PWhitaker, N Y Wm Adams, N Y • ,G Tray's; N Y • 0 P Valker, Norristown guirolstapir,,Centiorille - G Dlealinth, Pottsville JD Iletertr,'N J" ' P Reese, Jr, N A Celvin, Eastrii ' B L Austin, Deposit, N Y I Banks, Deposit, it Y„J T purger, Quakertown I Moll, Mont g co, Pb" C Helsey,btontg co, Pa T 0 Cherie, Hele , e Niter BARLEY MEAD HOTEL—Second street, below Vine PeniS Preston, Pa'- J II Spencer, P Amboy' Da Yolleg, Pa - - N Needham, Docks so P Storer. Pa. • • - • -- J T Jennings, Pa , • - 7 W Baby, Deposit, N Y , las Newbold, Attleboro OfisePrlee, Tioyleßtown ,• MrOrottsdale, Pa • Dillonberk Prete, Hatboro - Paletipa,. T Linton, Newtown; .7 Leatherman, Ponborough 'Jae 0 Hook, Newtown Mom Parton; Newtown -- . , . r • !".- ' • -;.MADISON HOUSll—Seeend et,; below Ara. Maple's; Del , D y Melva, Plttebrirgh Hai Halle, Port Deposit. ;J H Alollealne, N Y MieSampson,lq , . • Andrew T Bailey, Pa Hobe ND. T Harper, Seeford,Del Mrs Ommelly f Plateaaro Oanopbepi - Lenoaster 1 4, .. 6 . 1 rg'AlAelar„Balt , „ - , MOT.INT VBRNON HOTBLe66IId, et. ; above Aroh. D D 03anitw)In; N,Y ' B G Owen, 21 Y B,Biranm, m A'BBtitueon, N tt, W Reynolds, Jr. Del - John Rodgers, Albany 3.-Moore/s-laf Clearfield HI/labor, Clearfield 'lt Lang, Oteartleld'; ; )5.44-31 Lang, Clearfield 311s131Arthey,Bleprfiold Geo - Arther, Clearfield Battle; Oleattletd. , Jai filqineon,fild , . . „ Bl. ' 'lo 'qlo4 rio6biL 7 .7 . 114.0. at„. ab. Oallowblll. ',lea/W/Ip* 4.07,WW, Daabor , o. , tiO Ii rVEIZIII.4II,,I; - k • PRESS:.-Pl-11:111. rllll*, NOVEABEit 12, 1858, - ;,-Overial Mama. ' :New Trlimning& And Zephyr •Storo ap4 Foe- TORY,.-4. CY. MAXWELL & tionthecult ble :ienth tad Oheitmt. " ',• " 0c.21-Lm _ One•Prlee Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made In the bontt - manner, 'expretody for aniirb Saris. WeMark - onr loWeat aeU ng prices in Pima - /IGOSE/3 on each article. All goods made to order are warranted Eatiaractory, and our ono-Palos ayarem is at - dotty ad hered to. We believe this, to he the only fair way of &Wok, SS thereby, all are treated alike. • • - JONES fe CO., ' 604 MARKET Street. Street, Thome W,, Bally, No. , SUU Market Inspiirter and Dealer In Pine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. Plustalses goods constantly on hand. Th . eubsoriber, paying midi for every article, le enabled to , ll at a .emall advance. Those about purchasing Would - do well to call. All geods warranted as reprer enteed. ` Sating Fend.—Ftv• Per Cents Int S NATIONAL SAIRTIf TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, - 8:W. corner of TECIRD, Philadelphia.' Money received is anylarn, large or small, and tutored paid Front tim day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The, investments' are made in Real Rotate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and ,gnoh diet-class eeaart ties am th charter require'', (igloo hours, from 9 o'clock to the maiming until 6 o'olook in the afternoon, nd on Wader aid Thursday evenings until 8 Wale*. tab Si. Vitus's Dance.—This distressing and mortifying nervous affection is left generally either to 'take Its natural course, sr is treated on general princi ples with very - little success, The rerions synlptoms 'are not the disease itself , and proceed from functional or Organio derangement in thi nervous centres: No medicine has been found equal to the PERUVIAN SYRUP, in checking, the inioluntary nervous tram blings known as St. Vitus's Dance. For sale in this city by ➢.Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and Hansard k On„ earner Twelfth and Chestnut. ' 0c26-dfowtf BurnsWs Cocoalne.-. BURNETT'S 0000AINE A stogie application renders the hair—no matter how WIT and dry—soft and gloesjfor uvula days. It Is ?HD 8682 . Asp CDRAPRST , HAIR DUBBING IN TUB WORLD. HABBABD & CO., Twelfth and Chestnut M. 8010 Agenti. Vol. sale by dealers generally, at 60 ets per bottle. - nold.tf A Beautiful Head of Hair --The Wonder OF THE MIN.—JULES HatIEL93 EAU ATHE MENNE HATA astiovxrqu possesses the wonder ful property of obonging gray Hair to its original life like color. Its effects on the Hair are magical, remo ving impurities and obstructions from the cuticle, pre venting the Hair from falling, and imparting a flowery fragrance. - For sale hr all Druggists, and at tae Laboratory of JULF.S HANEL & 00 , Ferfamers and Importers, No. 701 Chestnut etroet, Fhilada. noB-0t To All , who Want Blaney. Jone■ & 00., Brekera, - Northwest corner of THIRD and GABILEILL BTRBETB, below LOMBARD, adyanoe Oash, liberally, in large. and small amounts, upon dePoeits of Watches, Dlamondo, Jewelry, Gone, Clothing,' &c., on moderate testa. Office hours from 6A.M. to7P..M. 0022.1 m Jackson, ,Check Printer. TAellltiON, CIRCULAR PRINTER. TAOKSON, BILL-HEAD PRINTER. :JACKSON, CARD PRINTER. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER. cc:3ol2i CHESTNUT A. MTH Streete Saving_ Fund—Northwest Corner of Second and Walnut streets. Received deposits in same of One Dollar and upwards, from all dames of the community, and allows interest at the rate of Ave per cent, per annum. " °Moo open daily, from 9 until 5 &cloak, and on Mon. iv and Saturday, until in the 'waning. President, Pranklin Nell; Tmossoaror and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. , . Grover di Baker's Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE—PRICE $5O. ' 180 0111111THOT STRUT, PHIDADSLPHIA• These .3fseldnes sew from - two spools, and form a seatr of, unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will sot rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut They are unquestionably the beet in the market for family use. oel64lltratuen you ♦ 911101M111..c9 S~tlarria~Eg. On the 11th instant, by Rev. Joseph.A. EMU, pastor of Bt. John's Lutberen Olaurch, GEORGE P. WAY to °ARIAKE A., daughter of John H. Dohnert, Esq., all of this city.- --- to •On the 10th insta nt = by Iter. Henry 11. Montgomery, AUSTIN J. MONTGOMISRY to SARAH OORDELTA, daughter of Charles 13. AMU, Km., of this pity * On the 2d Instant. by Rev. John Abernathy, at the reeldence of George W. Hillman, ER— Tonneaus Iron Works, Lyon county. Kentucky, THOMAS PERRINII, IN., of Phlladolpbio. to Ulu ANNIE U. DAWSON, formerly of Oamdon, N.J.: • • On the 9th instant; by Key. 7. .9 Garrison, of Cam- den, N. J ,BAWL M. BURR to Min sm.LIN R.. only daughter of 11. M. Riche:aeon;.ltaq , all of Moorestown, M. J. On the 4th instant. In. Fraokford, by Rev. Into Gray. Mr. WM, 00 TERRILL, of Philadelphia, to Miss RUTH ANNA DOOM of the former place. * - Oil the /WI Wilma, in tiThitpain Township. by Rey. Jobe Dealer, Mr.- WILLIAM BUMMERS to Miss RZNRIR TTA YOST, bock of Conshohocken, Pa. * MAL , . , On the 11th of November, it the residence of het enn..in.:lair,' Mr. G.' M. Morison, .11142. &LOATH HAR VEY, widow of the late Samuel D. Harvey, In the 72d year of age , - tine notice willbeglven et the fenetal, , *l* On the With October, l&MI, at Vgerville, toniniana, LOUISA o*Moir of the late Dr. J. M. Price. and denghter of',loxitph iloward, of Eastern note, Mary land. , s On Tueaday evening at Mount Minh Min DEI3O - daughter of the late Charles and Elisabeth Bch.ffer. The relatives and friends of the family arerespect (ally invited to attend the funeral, without farther no tice, from,No, 1218 Arch street, tomorrow (Saturday) morning, lath instant, at 11 o'clock A. M. T 3 proceed to Laurel Bill, - ** Oro e 9th instant, EDWARD 0. *RUG. ' male friends and the relatives of the family are particularly invited to attend the fdoeral to-morrow (Saturday) morning. at 10 o'clock, from his late rest deuce, No. 1281 Arch street, ** On_ the 9th instant,'ANNlN GREEN, in the 80th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect• fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, No 989 Arch street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock without further notice. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. • tr On the 10th instant, Mrs, MLIZ A. MATILDA, wife of Major ROSBOIIOOOII. The friendsrand relat'ves of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. 1180 Lombard street, below Twelfth, this (friday) afternoon, the 12th Instant, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Monument Ce metery. tt On the 10th Instant, in the 8311 year of her age, MAR GARET CALIIOIIII. Her friends, and those of the family of William Eyre; are particularly invited to attoni the funeral, from the residence of the litter, title (Priday) afternoon, At 2 o'clock.. Interment at Prothda , .13nrial ground, Bair . On the 10th instant, MARY GOWION, In the 28th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, No. 1007 South Eighth Street, below Carpenter, this (Nriday) afternoon, at Ido o.k, with out further notice. To proceed to the Cathedral Co. metery. Sb On the 10th instant, TIMMLI3 CONNOR, eon of Thomas and Margaret Conner, aged one year and eight menthe. The relatives and friends of the family/are respeet ful,y invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, northeast corner of Water and South streets, Schuylkill, this (F riday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Oathedral Ce metery.. ' On the 10th instant, Alr. JAMES H. MANING, in the 37th year of his age His male friends and relatives of the family. also St. John's Loige, No. 115, A. Y 18. , and the Order in general; the Artillery corps of Philadelphia Gram and Humane Engine Company. Nn. 13, are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No 847 North Third street, below Oallowhill. on Bun day morning next, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. ** On the 10th instant, Mr. SAMUEL 11170HitN4N, In the 73d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are rimmed fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his eons. Duke street, above Oumberland, this (fri day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice.• sten S , mons to the YOung..•-•The 113 Second of the Coarse, under the auspices of the Young lion's Christian Association of the North Pres byterian Church, will be preached in that Church, , North SIETE Street, above GREEN, next SABBATH EVENING, the 14th instant, - by the neV. lAMES R. CUI'R BER r, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Arch et. Services commencing at 7% o'clock. n0124.* ET:Farmers' and Mechanics' Bann, naLrats, Oct. 2, 1858.—The Anneal Election eaters will be hold at the BANKING NOOSE, on 'MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. 51. and 8 o'clock P, 5f., and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a general mooting of the Stockholders will be hold M the Banking House at 4 o'clock P.M., agreeably to the charter. Dee dtNl5 . RUSH TON. Jr., Cashier. TOffice of the Dauphin and Susquehanna COAL COMPANY—Naw lone. October' ,1858. ie Annuli Meeting of the Steclgholders of this Com pany will be held at tfg WEDNESDAY ouse, ,, in PhDs.- delphia, on tho third , the 17th day of November next, at noon, when end where an election will be hold for eleven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed from the Bth to the 17th of November next, both inolaelve. By order of tho Board of Directors, PRANK B. BOND, 00 21-48100.7 Secretary. Consolidation Hank—Philadelphia, No vember 2, 111158.—The Board of Directors have THIS Day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. payable on and after the Oth inst. no3-wfin tit JOE. N. PEIRSOL, Cashier. VGirard Bank, Philadelphia, Oct.-111h, 1868.—AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DI .ORB, to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the BANKING HOME, on MONDAY, the 18th day of NOVEMBER next, between the hours of ten and two (Mock. - The Annual Meeting of the Btookholdere will be held 14 the same place, on TI:II6SDAY, the 241 day of No• vember next, at 12 o'clock M. W. L. SOLEAFFER, ooll•eodta6 Oaehler. ITTBank of Penn Townshlp.—November 1,11 , 6 e —The Dlreotore have this day declared a dividind of three/or cent. on the capital stook for the last six months. Payable on demand i clear of State Tax. JAMES BIIBBBLL, rtS•nrotet Cashier. • [Er. Bank of Commerco.—Philadelphla, Na vembar 2,1858 —The Board of Directors have this , day declared-a dividend of five per cent payable on demand clear of State Tax. J. 0. DONNELL, na-wfml2t , • Cashier, Commercial Bank at Pennsylvania, PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 11, 1855 —Tho Annital Election for Direotors of this Bankvillbe held at the BANKING-HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 15th doy of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and a o'clock P, M, ocila•wfrmotnolf. OTTreasurer's Department Penneylrani% • RAILROAD DOMDANY—Pnicebammta. Oot. 150.858. aIOTIOB.—The Board of Dlreotors have this day de• (ared a semi-anneal dividend of three per cent on the Capital. Stock of the Oompany, (clear of State tax ) payable on and after Novemberlbth, proximo. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends ran be had,on application at this office. ocls-1m THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Er Badness Men's 'Union 'Prayer' Meeting Daily from Twelve to One o'olook, In the 13ansofmntreet .Church. Have I been there? If not, why? BPoolol Weyer for Sabbath Moab' on' Saturday. Prayer for our 'human on Thursday. Time Oefildol are deeply Inteadblf, 0014 f ogre Railroad Ceinpaidee and Hum,* dutyrt all Railroad lompardes tO adapt at once, promptly and generally, precautionary improve ments of, tried and undoubted value, osteittated starsi' life and mitigate danger, needs no argument to convince a thinking man. But, unforturiatoli far the people and. the etockholders, there are quite WO many of those in authority who do not ItufficientlY 'realise their responsibility in this matter. Th eir tneuglits are occupied about too many other things '; their duties ea Superintendents are clearly not their Role thought end study. Large fortune , are accumulated Ina few . , years 'fro= email salaries. and the verdant massea of the com munity look up to our rallwareofficials as if Rm-were the 'Great Mogul. But lot us ask howmany df them perform thel , duties with a single eye to the Inter , all of the Stockholders', and the safety of their employees and the precious lives that are dal y committed to their keeping Soppone, for Instance, as wan euggee'ed a few years eines that a seat be provided in &Until each locomotive;aud' one of he directors reeffitrol to ride in front of each passenger train, bow long would ft be before the aforesaid officers would make the inquiry of their mochas/ins: Are oar trains arranged to stop as noon an they possibly can be? We also hare a profound . conviction that they would have 'an earnest desire, oleo, to hold the reins themselves 'when in that peel- Mon. This may be a strong ease, but it is directly to the point. It is ABSOLUTE FOLLY and the reamer ore. "Mir to run a railroad train a moment without giving the foremost man upon it, of hie own volitfrrr. the pow er erred it instantly, if required. The time, we trust. is not far off when men high in authority, in receipt of princely eateries. can condescend to give these minor (to them—primary to the traveller ant atockhelder—) subjects a little of their attention. It lean =fortu nate fact for the interests of railroad corporations, that comparatively few smart, able men work for salaries. The men of thought, and men of action; are Melr own employers; they have the forethought and judgment to adopt and get the benefit of improvements before they are driven into them by publics sentiment modeirisla tion. We wish It were fully understood by redhead of ficers that the nooses of all great enterpriser is de pendent upon attention to little things. An officer may =shot improvements calculated to produce en nomy or improve work, or anything of that character; but to neglect any precaution for the safety of human life, or the control of the fearful momentum Inherent in every moviog testa, Is a fearful respond ty for any Matt to aaeume, and we undertake to say that no man possessing tiro qualification's for a Railroad Su perintendent will neglect to give 'Monti m to Boos de vices for one moment. It is, or rather ought to be. the meet important thought of a Superintendenttsbnainese, to anticipate and provide the antidote for everyditoger to which his train is liable. A man of sufficient abili ty and 00USOIOUCO , for the position would bardlY teat until satisfied that he had performed hid whole duty in this matter. It is perfectly idle for a President or Superintendent to say. or endeavor to quiet, hie con. science by saying, that no'hlog will happen to us, we are all right and safe ; to be turn , acei.enteihave oe curred, but we never shall have another train out of time—we never shall have another axle break,'orwheel either; our rails are all right. Tt o cattlealong our road aro better educated now; nobody ever place obstructions on our' truck, or pry open tiro rata. All the villains anti rogues ere in State Prison (What • blessed thing it would be if this latter clause were fact! We wonder where some railway managers would be then.) Ace! .ents will ocoar, that escape the roost rigid sum tiny. WS °elm break when least expected. axles`di tto, rails ditto, chairs oleo. Murderous villains will place obstru Hens on the track, and numerous esimse eon. spire to make a rrompt stoppage of the train 4' fro; quent necessity. It will not do, Messrs. Railway offi cers, for you to say in reply to this, you are bored to death by new improvements of all "eorts. - snd do not know what or how to decide; you ought to know; and if you do not, you should confide in the better judg ment of those who do. It is a poor way to shirk your r•sponsib lity by saying these aro the opinions of come over•sananine inventor, and entitled to no eoneidete. Con. They are stubborn fact., which we are prepared at all times to eubetantlate. We make no statements we are not prepared to prove ; and we think we have gived a sufficient amount of thought and study to the subject or railroad accidents to know vrhe will pro duce the largest amount of s ;fete in railway transit. Our familiarity with railroad mechanism 'dates bat as, tar as 1882. and we are egotistic enough to think that we cannot be charged with being a novice. Perhaps the greatest amount of difference in our case, so against that of most inventors, is this: We never came be. fore the public, until we had a NEMO, enOVAD, AND Pine MIND INVNNTION; We consequently have never had 'to unsay anything. We wish railroad officers to und•rstand es early as possible that we are not to be r leased with those who present them improvements of untried and doubtful value, nor do we sell patent rights and ask companies to incur the expenses end trouble of experiments, We know just exactly what we propose to do, and we in teed to do it, and we also intend t h at every ral'road company in the Union shall adopt thie Improvement or some other equally as gond for the purpose It Is to be honed that the time Is need* at hand when railroad trains shell be better controlled than hereto fore. There has been altogether too much trusting to luck In these mat ore, and it will not do We urge ell companies to adopt our improvement at once, while we are selling cheap ; you will come to it, gentlemen, and you will evince your wisdom and forethought by actung promoily and baying it while you can teh-no and as an evidence of our good faith and honesty of purpree, we wid say that we will tarnish the machines for the entire passenger equipment of any road, and will allow four months trial before settlemelt, and each company shall be its own judge as to whether the im provement Is desirable This precaution, we under take to say, will prom , to the security of life and pro perty in r , ilway trains to an extent hitherto u• known, or, to use the laconic language of the late Nicholas Dean, Its universal adoption would mark a new era in the safety of life and property conveyed by rallroada. We refer, in conclusion, to any of the officers. ensi nears, or insster-nreatanics of the following reds: n udron River, Cleveland said Toledo, Terre Baste and Richmond Michigan Central, Old Colony and Fall River, Panama, tco . , 8. RAILROAD OAR-BRAKE 00., No. 81 PINE St., N Y. W. G. Celestas, Seely. n 012.1 t-18t ocrLretnre. —John Ashton, Jr. loot 'toe the Third of the Course before the Philadelphia Lyceum, at their Ball, Southeast corner of 'NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. on SATURDAY EVE. NING. the lath inst., at 7% o , cleek. Subject: The Jocun4. ,, Tho public) of both Bono moulted Ad'mts. sloe Zree. n 011.3 * ogs, Young Men of Amerlca.•.Their Advan• T A4}lB AND MITI' , 8 —A ;LECTURE on the above subJect id 1 be delivered by the Rev. Dr. 111311 RAY. (Kirwan., in the Idusicsl Food Ball, TORADAY, Nov leth, at 8 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. To be had at the principal Ilook-storot." The proceeds of this Lecture ere to be devoted to the support of the Weldon behools in the molt desti tute locality of our city. • - nolo.saa Br'Union Bank.—An , Election for inree. tore of the Union Bank, to serve for the erten. Ing year, fill be held at the BaNkING 11011611, at the N. B. dome of ARON and THIRD Acosta, on HOND', the 16th blatant.' between the hours of 10 and 12 A. H JAMBS MON, Cashier. 'nits., Nov. 2.1068. „ 130,40 t tr•-• Ilentlivrarkllanki rattnnevntil; °butler 11, 1868.—The Annual Meeting of the "Mock. nfiers of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOWE, on Tnewley, the Rd day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. And tho Annual Election for Modem will•be held it the BANKING NOWA, on Monday, the, 11th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. P. P MM. • ' , 0c1241tn016 • Oaahler, urHome for Invalids with A/Sections of. THE OHEBT, W. earner PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets. 0e.21.1m , West Philadelphia lirCorn Exchange Bank...ehtittdelphltt OMNI* 18,1858.—An eleetion for thirteen Di rectory, to serve the °analog peer. will be held et the Danking-honse On MONDAY, November 18th, between ten A. M. and three P. M. a:164M16. J. W. TORREY, Cashier. r.rrTho Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, Ootober 1858.—The Apnea! Mooting of the tockholderkof this Bank will beheld at the BANKING HO USE on MONDAY, the Bth day of November next, at 10 o'clock DI And the Annual Election for Dire& tore will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on SION DAY, the 115th day of November next, between the hours of 12 o'clock A. 01. and 2 o'clock P. M. cod m w fr tnols 11, M. COMEGYN, Cashier. Legal Notices) Tx THE ORPHANS' COURT POR THE °ITV' AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Natal° of JOAN MANN, De ceased Tho Auditor appointed to audit, nettle. and adjust the account or MARGERY MANN and JOHN FLOYD, Administrators to the listate of JOUN MANN, De ceased, and to report diewlbution of, the balance in their haode. will meet the parties intetedod at his Or floe, No. SOT North SIXTH Street, in the Oity of Phi livelohla, on W.EDNEBD&Y, November 21 , h.'808, at 4 o'clock P. M. Ct. NYMAN, nol2•frniwst Auditor. laiagaßatans anb Cavartnerahipo. NOTIOE.—The Partnership heretofore ex / 1 feting between Peter Oliphant, John Woodside, and 060 , 1E0 Me tlpin, under the firm of OLIPHANT, WOODSIDE, W. 01J., has THIS DAY been dlcolved, by mutant eoneent. The eff Ora of the late firm will be settled by PETER OLIPHANT and GEORGE 110 &LPIN, at No. 407 AROH Street, Philadelphia. GEORGE McALPIN, P °MPH +NT, JOHN WOODSIDE. Philadelphia, Nov 10,1858. The bneinese ttill be continued by P OLIPHANT and GEORGY 2 BIoALTeIN, at the old place, No. 407 A 7l Oll ktreet. oni2 Votices. CARD.—TO THE PUBLIC.—The Judges of Sewing Machines and Committee on Exhibition at the Franklin Institute having been unable to aeslan the premium of superiority to any of the machines of— fered for their inspection, the dersigned would take this method to enab'e the public to judge for them• selves of the comparative merits of their machloo and any other that may be willing to come in competition with them. We will award boo thousand dollars to the depositor of any Bowleg Machine now in the Franklin Institute which will, within ■ week, execute the game range of work with equal quickness end and nicety of finish as that exhibited by us to the Committee. - - We will eubmit the decision to either the Ladies' or the Gentlemen's Committee alreadrappointed by the Institute to examine the subject, or to the Committee on Exhibition themselves, at the option ()ratio party accepting our challenge. LADD, WEBSTER, & CO , lanol2.ot* 820 CIIE4TZOIIT St. MOTILE.—I hereby notify the Business .1.1 Community that Mr. d. D. LONOURAMP, 217 South FRONT Street, not being able to secure any longer my services for the sale of his .4 Tom Gin." laaS judiciously thought ER to withdraw his unsolicited Agency. 11. OLIASISCIN, General Merchandise and Drug Broker, 1t1k204 South FRONT Sc , Philads. IVOTlCE.—Applications will be received /I until NOVEMBER 16th,1868, at 12 o'clock 81 , for the Nituation of PRINCIPAL - of the CENTRAL Elan SCHOOL of the City of Philadelphia. Addrese the undersigned, at the Office of the Controllers of Public Scheele, 8. E. corner BIITII and ADELPIII Streets, Athenaeum Building. WASIDN J. JACKSON, Chairman, noB.Bt Committee on high School. NOTICE—PHILADELPHIA and BEAD ING RAILROAD —The "DOWN FREIGHT" Depot of .he Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, has been removed from N 0.225 to Noe. 242 and 242 BROAD, above Race drools All the ThROUOU FREIGHT Ittainese of the Company, both OUTWARD and INWARD will be transacted at title Depot. • JNO. T. BEATY, nod lm General Agent, WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSEN GER RAILWAY BUM Nor Bale, at Par. -- Eight Inetalmtnta paid. Apply to DAVIS or SIRNRY, • IP2lo4t* 25 South THIRD Street. ilentorala. REMOVA.L.. PRY dr °ARSON have removed their WHOLES eLIZI (MOTH STOttit to 802 MARKET Street, lower nide. Being thankful to their Customers for pest favors they hope a continuance of the same at their new Store n01.2.6t* Zailoring E. O. THOMPSON, TAILOR, N. E. Cor. SEVENTH & WALNUT STREETS, (Opposite Washington Egunrs,) Rae always! in Stock a general assortment of fabrics for Pantaloons This particular Garment Is made a speciality; both as to style and fit. All those Who base experlencoi any stiffleulty In being pleased elsewhere are ineited to call. N B Pantalooncry, of thp IMO imports tiOnfly Br great variety. ' nol2-/az ArtlV3 N E W P I T N . To be Pabliehe4 dating iiOVBMBER, 1). APPLETON , iNc CO., Nos. ,848 •nd AN, BROADWAY TRE ABRIDGEMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CON GRESS. By Thomas 11, Benton. Vol 9 To: be com pleted in vols Bvo (sold by subscription only ) TEE NEW AMEBIC 43 , 1 nyacoptgou Edited by George Higley and Charles A. Dana Vol. 4. To be oempletm Inls vole. (Beady on the 30th of Novem ber.l 801 l by snbserlpt , on only TEE MINISTRY OF LIFE. By Marla LOOM Obarleworth, author of "Ministering Children." 1 vol 12mn. TUE GUARDIAN ANGEL; A Poem In Three Hooke. / 1 7 . 16,11 83 Pcott. D D , late Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church. Newark. HISTORY OF TEE ATH OP RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. By Samuel Greene Arnold. Vol 1-1638-1700 META ‘IRAY ; Or, Whal Makes Home Happy. By Starlet. Mclntosh. 1 vol 12mo. THE 11.NRS 0 NEW YORK—Their Dealers, The Olearine•llnere, and the Nolo of 1857. By J S. GIV. bon 11 Thiele Illustrallone be Herrick. TUE EMANOIPATION- OP FAITH.. By the late Henry 'Edward Echedel, M. D. Edited by George Mo del. 2 vole. - Bvo. ILLUSTRATED WORKS THE STRATFORD GALLERY ,• Or, The Shakspeare Sistvrhood. 46 Ideal Portraits. Described by Mrs I. W. Palmer. I vol.. Imperial Bvo PEN AND PENCIL. Hy Airs Heimann°. Illustra ted wilh 110 Engravings, coneistin: of Portraits, Weise, and Pooticti SubJacts. 1 vol . small 4to FAVORITE ENGLISH POETS OF THE LAST TW 0 0 VNTURIES. (Unabridged.) Illustrated with two hundred Ensmvings on Wood, from Drawings by the most eminent Artists. 1 vol., small 4to. ODES AND SONNETS. Selected from the most emi nent authors Illustrated wi h c'lnred Engravings, (in the style of " Sabbath Bells ") 1 vol square Bvo. THE PRINCE OF PEtiON ; Or, Lay. of Retitle hem Selected from the British . Poets. With 33 Illus trations by Dirket Foster and others. Elegant vol., square 12mo. WORDWORTII I B PASTPRAL POEMS. Illustrated with nume , ons Engravings by Birket Foster and other English ertiote 1 vol • TR D SURPRISING TRAVELS AND ADVENTURES OF BARO'q NIIINUHAIIBF,N. A new edtgon, Mug trated with numerous tharacterletlo baps by Oro. quill . 1_ vol. MILTON'S VALLEOIO. A Prom. Elegantly il lustrated by Oretwick, Redgraye, and Ohms. 1 •01., egnare 12m0.. 111711Niv8 POR'AIB AND BONGS. An entirely new edition. illustrated by the m'oet eminent artists One very elegant vol . 4to. PORTNY AND PIOTURNB PROM THOMAS 110011 D. One vol.. 4to. Mutated by the moat eml ,nent. artiste. •LIPS OF SIR lOIIN PALSTAPY. llMended by George Or ulkehank, with a biography' of the renowned Knight, from authentic sources. By Robs. B. Brough. 0130 V. 1.. large 13vo. PEROT'S RHUMB OP ANCIENT ENGLISH P ETRY. Pine new edition, with new notes, by 411. Mien T e handsomest edition ever published Three vole , aro.. lame bold type. REVNARD THE PDX A Poem in 12 canton. Translated from the German, by E. W. Holloway. 11. lustrated with 97 engravings. CHRISTMAS WITH THE POETS. With elegant illnetratione. One vol., fancy boards. JOVERILM WORKS GREEN'S NORBERT ANNUAL. With DHOW contrlbellone from the pine of Mrs. S. C. Hall, Mrs. Abdy, Mary llowitt, and other popular writers for the 'young. 12mo. TUE DoTtl , AND OIRLS , AMEND)* N ANNUAL. Edited by T Martin. With ordered illustratlone. .. • . • • . ALPHABET OF BIRDS. Illustrated by Harrison Weir I vol.. 12mo. THE NIGHT-OAPS. By the author of •' Aunt Fanny's Story Book." THE BOYS' BOOK OF INDUSTRIAL INFORMA TION. By alien, Noyce. Illustrated with 865 dna woo 4 nogravinna. drawn from , the objects OUR FAVORITE FAIRY TALES. AND FAMOUS 818 "onus : T''LD FOR THE HIINDRFTH TIME. By Henry W Drachm Illustrated with 300 pictures, engraved from original designs of eminent artists. 1 thick vol., limo. oun OLD FAVORITES SONGS 7OR THE NUR SERY Every page prettily illustrated. 12mo. - T LYS ABOUT ANIMALS. By John Tillotson ll lustrst•d with upwards of 100 neat steel engravings. One vol rnio. BERTRAM NOEL. By IL J. May author of "Louis' School Days." It D APPLETON & CO. MISS BREMER'S LAST WORE To be published, Nov. 17th, THE FOUR -SISTERS. A TALE of 8001 AL & DOMESTIC LIFE in SWEDEN. BY FREDRIEA BREMER, Author of ""The Neighbors," " Nina," "The /1- Farolly," &c., &c. TRANSLATED BY MARY ROWITT. Complete in one large volume, neatly bound in cloth, for One Do'lar and Twenty. Ave Cents ; or two volumes parer cover, for One Dollar. - Mies Bremer possesses, beyond any other living writer of her class. the power or reallelog to the imagine• lion every individual she introduces The moral beauty and womanly purity which steadily illuminate her narrative must receive implicit admiration from all persons. Wo would advise all to buy and read this book. copies of either edition of the above Ark will be sent to any person. to any part of the United States, free of postage, en their remitting the price of tie tion they may wish, to the publishers to a letter. Ad dress all orders to T. B. PETRRSON & BROTIIIIIIB. nol2-8t No. 800 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. tied estate ips-4 REAL ESTATE.—POSITIVE SALE, Ma by order of the assignee!' of the Mercantile Mn :we: Imo:own° Company. Venable pros arty, No 222 WALNUT Street, oppo site the alerobanw Sachsen*. Oa WRDNEEDAY EVENING, Deo. let, 1868, At tv wok) k will be told without reserve, at Pah. lie Sale at the Phladelohla Exchange: AU-that valuable rour.etory brick messnage and lot of gound,eituato at the south side of 'Walnut strset, N 0,222, opposite the Merchants , Exchange , 17,4 feet front (including' he easternmost 2 feet of an elle 8 feet wide arts 89 feet deep,) and 80 feet deep to ground now or late of Thomas Parker ; together with the free nee and privilege of the said alley ae a passage way and wa ter course, and for laying water pipes in common with the property adjoining on the west, with the right of building oyer and under the whole of the said alley, leaving at least 8 feet headway in the clear. Under -and eubject to two certain' mortgages. viz : One to Frederick Pairthorne, Erg , dated December 12th, 1867, for $5,650.12, recorded i, mortgage book No 78, pegs 820.. e., and the other to Philadelphia Saving Fund Society dated September 7th, 1864, for $lO,OOO. re corded I n mortgage book No. —, page —. N D —This is a valuable property with marble front, imitable for an Insurance Co , 11 , oker , s cffice, or any business required to be la the vicinity of the Exchange. irp Sale abrolnte, by order of As igneea $lOO to be paid when the same Is struck off. JAMES A FRSEIIIAN, Auctioneer. Store No. 422 WALNUT St.. above Fourth. Phi October, 1868. 01111.01 S PUBNlTURll.—lmmedliitely after the gale or the property, will be gold in one lot, the entire ot• floe furniture. Q? May be emunined at any time. Keye at the store nol2-3t stationerg - MOSS, BROTHER, & CO., No. 16 800TH FOURTH STREIT, BLANK AQOOUNT•BOOK MANUFACTURERS, BOOKSELLERS, A. STATIONERS ACCOUNT BOOKS, Of every description, on band, or Ruled and Bound to Pattern, anitabla for bIEROII&NTS, DIANIIPAOTURERS, BANKERS, BROKERS, INEIIRANCE AND RAILROAD COMPANIES Warranted In quality, and at lowest prices FOR lON AND DOESESTIO BTATIONEBX, COMMERCIAL BLANHB, .to., &o JOE PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHY, In all their Varieties PUNCTUALITY & SATISFACTION GUARANTIED MOSS, BROTHER, & 00., noll-2m Now No. 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET •gatibwo dozbo. CHOICE GOODS for the HOLIDAYS MARTIN & QUAYLE'S STATIONERY, TOY, & FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, No. 10.?5 WALNUT STREET. A choice and elegant assortment of anode milted to the coming HOU - DAYS, comprieing artistes of utility, taste, and ornament, selected from the latest Importa tions expressly for the o , ty Retail Trade, 111. & Q 'e Stook embraces every variety of Dolls, Wax Crying, and Sleeping, &o , together with a large variety of PAPER DOLLS, WRITING DESKS, FORT FOLIOS, II tRBARIUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, POET-MONNAIE!, Au., With a largo assortment of Gaines, Fancy Dove, Juvenile Books, Doll Furniture, Theatres, Stables, Warehousea, with a general assortment of Toy anti Fancy Articles FANS! FANS! PANS Latest style Fans, Silk, °rape, 094 Linen. Moo, Cricket Bats. Balls, and Wiokete. no/O-tjal CD Ocrtionern. WHITMAN" SUPERIOR CONFEOTIONERY NINE MIXED SUGAR PLUMB, FINE MIXED BONBONS, PINE MIXED CANDIES, Manufactured, and for sale Wholesale and Retail, by EITHPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. /210 MARKET STREET, nob 'West of TWELFTH Street. tnnibcr TO LUMBER DEALERS. 120,000 feet seasoned White Pine Plank and Boards. 34,000 feet seasoned Poplar Settee and Ohair Plank, 29,000 4 . 5.8 and 4.4 Boards. 18 000 gg X and 4-4 Scantling. 48.000 Ash and Oak Plank and Boards. For Cale at L. D. DAVIS Er. 00'8 Wholesale and Oommtenton Lumber Yard, BROAD street, between 11A015 and VINE Streets. noll•lm* Vii as ,fixtttrea CORNELIUS & BAKER, Manufacturers of LAMP GA S F I X TURES . AANDEn. LIERS, STORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. 1(111211FLOTORINS, 821 ORRERY Street, and FIFTH and COLUMBIA 0e26-Italf Avenue. cm.A PPLES.—.A. small consignment of Con neationt AusGebs. Par sale by 0. 0. SADLER& 00., 103 A . ROII Street QALMON.— 48 Tierees and 84 Boxes Halt yaw.. seawall. Tor *le by 0.0 . Retail elm totrabe. WINTER OASSIVERES & CLOTHS. v v New London Stories Casslmerea. Ladles , superior Cloak Clothe Beavers, °altars, and Ohlechlllaa. • Black Clothe and Fine Doeskins. Velvets, Satins, and Clantniore Vesting. - Boys , OaSeitneree an` Jacket Crone—, BRARPLIPS BBOTHEES, nol2 EIGHTH /r. CHESTNUT WWII. BLANKET LONG SHAWLS. Just opened, emend hundreds or Long Blanket Shills, of new designs one fall size, at $4 60 and SS. SUARPLESS nol2 EIGHT H to 01113TNIIT Streets. jiIItENOR MERINOS. A' A Dill assortment of French Merinos, in all the qualities, froth 85 cents to St 25, including some lots unusually cheap. BEI RPLBBB DROT HERS, nol2 EIGHTH & CHESTNUT Streets, MINE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS AT LOW ra/OES. BILES,IKERINOES, I SHAWLS, DE LAINE9, OLOAKS, I FLANNELS, BAULANS, I BLANKETS, &a. EYRE it LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH SHAWLS, FROM THE LAST AUCTION, WHOLES/kV& AND RETAIL. Broohe Long Shawls Droche Square Shawls. Wnoll.n Round Mantles. N , Extra Flue Pleid Shawls. EYRE & LANDELL, YOURTH AND AROII STRBETEI. ILKS FROM AUCTION THIS MORN -11,7 ING. 1 lot Plaid Mika, 75 cents.. 1 « Rich 2 rzglyeri,E.26 French Bl ueallks, " )1. Brown $l. EYRE ec LANDELL, n08.2m FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS - A Atm assortment etst•class goods. Prices from $5 to $2O. COOPER. & CIONARD, nob ' BE. corner NINTH. & MARKET Ste. M OURNING WOOL PLAIDS.— , An Auction lot best quality, at 60 cents. COOPER dc CONARD, nob 8. E. corner NINTH & MARKET Bts FINEST QUALITY BLANIENTS.- • Extra large sizes. Also, medium and low priced do. COOPER t OnNARD, nos 0. E. cooler NINTH & MARKET Rte. fILOTHS AND CASSIMER ES of every I LJ dem:Arlon, for Ladies', Gents', and Boys , wear. COOPER & CONARD; nes 8. R. corner NINTH & MaRB.P.T Ste. WIDE VALENOIAS.-5.4 Bayadere goods from Auction, 44 onto. COOPER & CONARD, nob 8. B. corner NINTH BIARKST Bte. PHILADELPHIA CENTRAL SHAWL AND MERINO EMPORIUM. BROOIOI, szELLA, gLANKET, AND MEN'S SHAWLS, , A general assortment, unequalled In this market. - FRENCH REV aRSIBLE MANTLES, with round corners. New and desirable TRENCH MERINONS AND CASHMERES, from 08 cents to $1: per yard W dITB AND BLACK CASHMERES. SUPeR LYONS BLAOK AIM VELVET. BLACK FRENCH LADY MOTE. DADIEB , beat quality ORDERED KID GLOVES. GENT. , DOUBLE STITOIDID KID GLOVES. 100 Sets FRENOH CAMBRIC! COLLARS & OIIHNO i at m per Set. BAYADERE SATIN TRAVERS. LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL DE LAINEEI, &o. DRESS MATERIALS, In variety. WELSH & BALLARDVAL FLANNELS. CRIB & BED BLANKETS, and FURNISHING GOODS generally, At the LOWEST P 51054, for OAI3II. CHARLES ADAMS, 0080 Eighth and Arch streets. G REAT BARGAINS TN DRY GOODS.- 8. V. R. HI.73ITER Has REMOVED from No. 30 to No. 40 Stuth SECOND Street, where be le now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and well.eeleoted stock of DRESS GOODS, To which he Invi .8 their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRIDES N. B —A large ageortment or Broohe, Stet's, and Preach Blanket Shawls. Also, a variety of Bilk and Cloth Ghanian Constantly on hand. et the " CLOAK EITPOBIT.JbI,I , 007-flm No. 40 South SECOND Street.• BARGAINS FROM AUCTION !-D R GOODS °HEAP PON THE MILLION! We-will open on MONDAY, Bilk Robes, at $16.50, coat to import $25. 1,000 yards Slack 511 k, beautiful, at 44,56, 62, 76, 81, $1 to $1.15. 1,066 yards Drench Mertnoes at $l, cost to Import 21.26 2,000 yards timid and plain Madmen at 60, 60, 65, and 760. worth double 800 yards beautiful black all-wool Delanes . , only 28 cents A splendid assortment of Blankets. 2,000 yards Cloths fresh from auction, for Ladles , and Oei,ts , and Boys' wear, from 750 . $l. $l 25.41.50, $1.75, $2. $2 25 $2.50, decidedly the greatest bargains in the city. Brodie, Stella, Blanket, Cashmere Shawls, the great est bargains everoffered 10,000 yards Poll de Chewed, Bettina, Debegee. all-wool Plabla, only 31 cents, usually sold at 60 etc Defines only 25 cents Dolalues In great variety and every style. Cloaks and Dover, in every style. MoBLROY rospictfully invites the Ladles to call and examine his ortoek'embraoing many Myles not to be found elsewhere. O ur prices so low, we defy competi tion. MoBLBOY GREAT ATTRACTION No. 11 South NINTH Eltroet. oo4.mwl.tt OVER $4,500 WORTH OP SHAWLS PROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNLBY d 4 0.11.1611, N. Z. eor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the beat SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to • following very cheap lote,•sla : 40 LONG BROOKE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 " 20 Do. do do. at 11 " 24 Do. do. do. at 12 14 1 Do. do. do. at 18 " 2 Do. do. do. t 14 14 2 Do. do. do. at 16 ,4 Do. do, do. at 18 " Do. do. do. at 20 a , Do. do. ' do. at 25 14 In the above Lots of Long Brodie Shawls will be found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From 23 to 212, in every color. trench Blanket Shawls in new designs. Plain f hlbet Shawls, Square and Long. Beal Canton Orlin Shawls, Plain and Embroidered: Ohlldren'a Shawls, Mimes' Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls, at THORIFLEY & OHLBM'S, tc ONE PRIOR CASH STOR 1 1., ) Northeast Owner & SPRING GARDEN N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may end bargains at T & P. 6.—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on hand. selB4l FALL AND W INTER OLOARS.- OPENING DAILY. PINE CLOTH RAGLANS. ELEGANT DEAVER RAGLANS, RICH VELVET °LOANS. Elegantly adorned with REAL LAOSS, CROCHET, ko., OPERA OLOAKS. The largest and most varied stook of these fashionable OVER GARAI nNTS, At the widest rouge of prime, and suited for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND PULL DRESS COSTUME, AT TUC PLUM MANTILLA & CLOAK EMPORIUM, J. W. PR OCTOR & 00., 'MS OHE:STNIIT STREET. lure, a-z. BUFF.&LO ROBES, BY THJ BALI OR GOBI, OHO. F. WOMHATH'S 415 AND 414 ARCH STRIENT Alillinerp esgobs. et MRS. BURKE, 902 CHESTNUT Street, Will open 'WINTER HATS. on nolo.4t* THUBSDAY, November 11th. It/IRS. U. S. BISHOP, of No. 916 CHEST aII NUT Btreet, will open. on THURcELY, ber n, WINTER MILLINERY. Also, eeveral ()saes of French Bonnets. nolo.3t* THE "01.41) DOMINION" 007751 rex, and THE "OLD DOMINION" TEA POT, Are manufactured, under the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM', & GILROY, Nos. 117 and 119 South TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Err Merchants vielting Philadelphia, should, by all means, lay In a supply of these COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming Into use, and destined in a short time to supersede all others. Err A. B. & G. are also manufacturers, under the patent, of ARTRUBM CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS, Which, it Is conceded on all hands, are the beet In the market. aul7-tuthfcetnolB Also, Trade Agents for TORREY'S ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING. TO ARCHITEOTS AND BUILDERS. AOADIA FREESTONE. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tone of this beautiful Stew, both of the BLUE', QUAY, AND BUT? TINTS, the former of which, for soften; and delicacy of color, lennrivalled Tor the character of thie atone please examine the following buildings: Toe. Harrison's, Eighteenth street and Eittenhonse Stare. arrbion's Building, Locust street, between Eleven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith's West street and Rittenhouse square. Mrs, Eetrroon's No. 1219 Walnut street. A. K. Woutrathis, 413 Arch street. Ramuel Mules', Twelfth and Chestnut streets. I'. R.J. Paeeitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD A. WILSON. Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMER AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 101.0 CHESTNUT STREET. eilo4ini B. M. FELTWELL, &got. 4ror Ogie anD to. f!t. 64 FOE SALE—The Good Will and Fix, Ma. tar s of the Globe Hotel, f flub etrdet, below Chestnut, opposite Independence Square. 'wire on the Premises. nol2 2t* A FRONT PARLOR or Office_tp Rent, A with Bonding, No. 1218 WALNU2 Btrept, delphts.. , noll4t* FOR SALE.—Erie City Coupon', Bonds ,N_lll be taken in payment fora valuable Lot of grounCon Sixteenth street. Apply to - _ OLIATILBS BROWN, ___ nos-12t* N. W. owner BROAD and LOCIIVP Bte. ►JII- RENT.—On the Ist January nest, the Very eimerior and extensive ROOlllB, (2d 8d 4th and 6th floors, each 24feet by 146) of the 14k3ir t.TORE, 588 MARKET Street. The building le one or the flee improvements on the upper aide, between PIPTII and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good =togs way 20 feet Into: SIXTH Street, Apply on the premises.-',nol-tf gel TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE KA' Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water 'Street, 148 feet dOep. 2 .A.100, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 foot front, one of the best locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and COAUH-HOBSE In CHERRY Stre et, shore SEVENTH., in rear ,of Ash land House Apply at 278 South FOURTH Street. personal. NOTICE.—MR. GEORGE W. SITES is no longer authorised to tamed basins's, to re. calve or to collect Money for as JAMES EL EARLE & SON. 816 CHESTNUT Street. Oct. 86, 1868. 001045 :thatches, brotirg; at: 13.9.1LEY & CO., ' 701,111111 LT BAILEY & =TOREN, Hare remored to their new sire•proof, White Witable Store, 819 01138TNHT STREET, NORTH SIDS, BELOW THE GIRARD HOFBN. Now opening their fall dook of , IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WAREO 3 , AND FANO! GOODS, I To whloh they invite the attention of the piddle, BILYERMARII, WATOHEO, DIAMONDS, AND PHASES, ATIIIIOLIIEILLIII AID ■I4AIL. , 2lntuiviitz Companies: MARKET FIRE INSURANOE 00. LLL OP THE CITY OP NEW YORK. - . CABII CAPITAL $200,000 OURPLI7S 79,400 TOTAL ASSETS DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELLi President. Philettis H. Holt of 236Pront street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wiekharee & Untold:don Silas Davis of A. B & S Davie. - H. Shepard. of Shepard, Howe & Henry Rowland, of Rowland & Banks. Alfred L. Bowe, of T. G. &A. L. Rowe. , Win. P. Miller of Wm. P. Miller & Co. Stephen W Gaines, of S. W. & R. A; Gaines, Elinha L. Walton, of Walton, Little, & Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood & Co. Henry G Reeve, of H. G .Reeve & Co. - Daniel T. Willets, of Willetd& Co. Albert L. De Camp. of Baker & Di Camp. John M. Brace, Jr., of Bruce, Odell,* Perna. Stephen Linington, of 216 Pront greet. Enoch Ketcham, of B. Ketcham & Co. , Win A Como Inge, of Beards & Onmrainge. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamua, & Co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentne & Bergen. Ceo. B Whitfield, of G. & J Whitfield & Co, Albert Ha.vemyer, (late Havemyer & Moller.) Tennis W Quick, of Quick & lfllootaiedien. David M. Tornure, of Bdcy & Tamura. Jove T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro & Co. Edward Bill. of 119 Broad street Nathaniel W Chater ' of Peter V. King & CD. Wm. H. Goodwin, orE Goodwin k Brother. John 'triable, (Freeland, Squirts, re Co.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President Manses on Buildings and Personal Property of every deeeriptimi against Loss or Damage by Hire, on the moat favorable terms. HENRY P. PREEM&N, Beciretary. INBBRANOE IN -TUB ABOVE COMPANY OAN BE EMOTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON, No. 108 South FOURTH Stieet, ooldrm&lent•lt PSlfidelptals. EASTERN TNSITRANCE COMPANY.- OBFICEI No. 6 EXCHANGE. AUTHORIZID STOOK CAPITAL, $.00,1100. CHARTER Y1KP1111161... Mire Risks on Mardian 4 lse and Buildings. Marine Rieke on Vessels Cargoes and freights. • Inland Transportaion Risks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS Andrew Cochran, George A. Wright, William I Brown, Thomas lit'sw, - Rickard G. Stoteebury, George Coolemem, Peter D. Myers, ' Marko Btoy, Robert B Walkeri Jacob Reed, Jacob Lukens, W 0 etoteebUry. ANDREW COCHRAN, President WiLLIAX I. BROWS, Viee-President. nt-ti Carriapro ISAAC) P. BRANIN, IL LIGHT COACH & CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRAISRFORD. PA. - All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solloited: • nolo.llm* CARRIAGES. • WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 011E8TNIIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ordem for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptnees, and satisfaction guarantied eelSanif illelannat HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL—THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND 'REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WSW{ BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles Um, 26 and 50 ants. • THE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL should be kept in all families, in cue of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTcHORNEiIiI CURE-ALL °urea Cramps, Cholla, Paine in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE'S CUBE-ALL axes Pains in the Limbs, 810. Back and Breast. HAuTBHORNEM CUBE-ALLcuresl3prains,Brulses Scalds and ultras. HARTSHORNE'S CURT...ALL owes Neuralgia', Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Dian ohms and all Pain. HARTSHORNE'S OIIIMALL auras Ear Mho and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; also, Canker and Sore Month and Bore Throat. HARTSHORNE'S OURE.ALL cures all SpinsiAffec• times and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. UT As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body, also, Stitt Neck—every person should got s bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews Blood and Bones; end, by its warming Matra-magnetic power, ex• pale all pain from the system. Os.. a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effets. N. B. If you have a Cough, use HARTIMORNIPS Pectoral Syrup of Wild' Cherry, it is the but Cough Syrup in the World. Bottle., 25 and de cents, and El. 7( you are Billions. um HARTSHORNE'S ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels carrying o ff all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boxes, 2e,cents. Sold by R. H. JENKINS, No: 26 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Straits. Bixnes , Stores, Chestnut and Market 'streets. Garrigues; Tenth and Coates dregs. Wagner's. Tenth and Lombard eta. artl2.th a tat, if FRANICL IN INSTITUTE EXHIBITION, SIXTEENTH and FILBERT Streets. PH IL &MUMMA, Monday. Nov. Bth, 1868. THE COMMIT TEE ON EXHIBITION announce to the Public that, owing to the inclement weather of the put week, and at the earnest and almost unanimous request of the Depositors, they have dote mined to continue the Exhibition for the present week. The EXHIBI rim will close on SATURDAY EVE NING, the 18th inst., and Depositors roe requested to call for their articles. on deposit on MONDAY nest, the 16th bat .at 10 o , olook A al DEPOSITORS H +VINO THEIR GOODS INSURED under the open policies of the Oommittee are inf, rmed that the Insurance holds good until MONDAY next, the 16th lost , at 12 &el Nth 61 TIOHETS OF ADMISMON TO THE EXHIBITION will be sold an heretofore including the Faro, in the Tenth and Eleventh street, market street, and RIM and Vine greet Paseenge: Railroad ears; also by the Germantown and Norristown Railroad Company. PROPOSALS FOR THE PCIROHASE OP ALL THE LUMBER used in the large shed as it now stands; as well in the tables and platforms, will be received during the current week, to be removed from the premises be fore the let of December next. By order of the Committee on Exhibition, not-et if JOHN B. AD DIOBA, Chairman LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES B. EARLE 41, 80N., Manufacturers of LOOKING GLAIPICS for MAR. TEES, PIERS, & SIDE WALLS, of every sloe, style, and shape. Pier Tables, Cornices, Brackets, Consols, of new and elegantdeaigns; and PICTURE FRAMER, with Frames for Portraits, Miniatures, and Photographs in every variety of style and price. Importers of ENGRAVINGS, every new Publication being received the moment of Issue, and OIL P AIN TINGo from the Studios of the best and moat celebrated American and European Artnits. A LARGE GALLERY OP Pairs YIN OS, Open at all times, rase Wholesale and Retail Deal ers in Mahogany and Walnut framed Looking Wales, to which they invite the attention of country customers. JAMES 8. EAR_LB & SON, Ste OHESTNIIT STREET, MONTI THE GIRARD 10081. A BRAN SLACK'S ENGRAVING, DIE ra. Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, and Beal Press Manufactory, No. 1 South SIXTH Btreet, PhibmemuM Po en.E.llnk WHITE-FISH.—A very Superior Article of , clifaokinaw ,) in Half Bble , just reoalvedin 0. 0. 8 08 L a r n R 0 il k dr 9 , o 4 . Store, and for sale by no-2 WHISKEY. -80 bble. o 201 do. (Miller RickerstorN) Old Monongahela Whiskey, store end for sale, by A. MERINO, 0011-t1 140 Routh FRONT treet. A LLSOPP'S PALE ALE—In Elds - -A constsnt supply on bend In Onstont.house Stores, for sale by WILLIAM IL YRATON, 216 SontIIFRONT Street. nob MOpNw.oo Rpa rgL ey A in W e 14 ! and for eels by L H. THATOK, 210 South akLONT 81. no 5 5* HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER Good nay, Water, and Stabling. Margo hale °nee, Dr, E sonoLFIRLD. 322 Sonlh rirra. Street. and S. T. CHILD, SECOND Street, above BROWN uOlO -St* MONS. A. F. ROSAT, TEACHES OF 'FENCING BARNETT'S GYMNASIUM, 0026012m* MAW= Meat, &bon Eighth WANTSD—By a Young Lad, 17 years - of see, who is , ntellfigent - end writes a fir hard a Situstion in a Wholesale Store, or any other eat.bPsbment - where his services msy he useful ous e ver,. beet of , references. Address .•Henry. , ! at Mn nor/At* WANTED—By let Aviary next. a Situa tion as kilesnian lin Dry 4 nnin Jobbing Hume. Am had eleven year• , experience Be Statesman ins Now York Jobbir g Donee. mut ma !alma a(& 'mobs of trade. Addrees Box WM New York P' 0. nol.2Btir WANTED—: -Board for a .Gentleman-and Wife, two forn , shed O+oimnoiortio Itlems, • Par , or a•d Chamber is • firlvite family. from me to th ee miles from Formai . .t•eet Reference ass ersotory. Addrens " O. O. H.." tbl4 Maze nol2 2t* WAN TED—A Situation ns Assistant Br akkteper in a Wholesale gape Bala, n t go ranch an in - erect an employaiertV Adima r Phi. 11 P," ( &e of The Press. n 01.2.40, A STEADY YOUNG MAN, 'peaking German fluently, wishes to maga as Light Por ter in • Wholesale lestabliahment Ose furotsh the best of reference from present Employers. Plime ad dress .• 0. B at this Office. nol2. 2t* WANTP..D—A Partaer,-to take the place of a retinue member of onenf the oldest and most successful firms in this City. _ $2O 900 in Clash will be re - quired. Ail communications mhst be coLildentbd. Morose 6 t T. 8.," at this Office. noll.et* se2P4m* -,—,:y, a Young Lad, a Si in ' tion in Retail Grocery, where he would be employed until he arrives at 21 years of age.: Address Richard ee Office or,this Paper - WANTED,—A. Situation as Bookkeeper and Corresponding Clerk, by the Advertjw., who his hid deverei years', esp.rience in Myren, tile business Beet of references given. '4l:Mrs's/ t.B Othce of The Press. - :unruly* VVANTED—In a Provision Store,*StOnt, Able Man. es Porter Mast undersized Coop. erlog. Address'" Water Street,'" at Ole Office aell-St* WANTED—In a Commission House, a thorough and experienced" Correepondent. in German, Fre' eh, and Spaniel'. who would be w 1 .11-g to make himself otherwise useful. noltilt* mis WANTED—To dispose of an Into. 119. rest in the Stools and Good Will or an old eatab• imbed Wholesale Jobbirig House in the Boot sod Shoe Trade. Any one bariog a moderate • Capital will And this ago d opportunity to engage in the business. Ad dress " Commercial," at Chit 015 , w with name and ad dress. wb;ch will be striatly oaufidential. nod 81* WANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea, eon, with inimidiatii poweseloa. a Furnished hones or moderate eke, with modem irogratimaata, wen of Tenth, stmt. Addled' A. *Moo of thu WANTED, FOR THE MOM STATEN OAVALIIY—AbIe-bodied,_ unmarried mum, to whom will be given good-pay medical attendanoe. Pay from $l2 toEg am ig r month. No man having a wife or child will be Apply for MOUNTED BERVION at No en ILA Street, abase Eighth, north aide. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSICS GRAND AND EXTRAORDINARY :PERFORMANCE SEVENTH SUBSORIFTION NIGHT. • • TIIIB (Friday) EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, " 9 .1. JOINT APPOAR&NCE OP $218,200 MADAME COLSON AND MADAMS DE WILMOBST. LA BONNAMINTLA. AMINA Madame DI WILHORBT ELVINO - • - ;Ulmer BRIONOLI. CONTE RIMOLPRO Signor AMODIO. In addition to which will be'given LA. PIGLIA DBL REGOLMINTO;- • (The Daughter of the Regiment.) " - Commencing with the &mind Act, with the Cadebrated Singing Lesson, • ' - - • - MADAMS COLSON : ..- 3 appeatini-in her great, character of tt.MARIB." in which the created an unexampled fiirore at the former rep 'esetatlen. - _ - Signori LA B OMUTA , ST TORE BARTLIand Signora IidPIJOOI, in their respective roles. • ADMISSION, One Boller. Reserved Beate. Pilti Cleats extra, which can be secured 'during the day All seats which have not been secured during : the day will be sold on the evening of the performance et owe noLLas, with the exception of a limited number of oacitos so -vs, which will be retained for the accommodation of stran gers at 51 50. Ticket Officces at - the doademr., Beek & Lawton's, and Lee & Cbestaat street Tickets for thicony; and it sod L sections of the Par quet. can be bad at the Offices to Chestnut et •vet i she ra•quet Circle and cent.a of Parquet at tic aeedemy. Rainey Circle, 00 crate Atophitheatie, 25 cent • N. B.—All seats nut markedTAMEN can be occupied by those who are sd,cdtted. , TH2 82,00 ND OPERA - MATINS!, will - take plus on TIIESDAY,Novemt!er 1.13tb, at 2X o'eoek-P et, wben as extraordmaryneitormence; wttl be elven. Tickets for the MATINS!, to all Parte of the House, 60 mote. . M. STRAKO4OfI also takes pleasure in announcing that for iltotow great chef dtceuvr • ' - MARTRA Which will be prodnoed for the tint lime in Ameriea. fn Italian, the moat exteneve prepare lone hare berm made, and will anon be completed, so that the repreeenta, Lion /gilds masterly work may be eXposted in the course of the next week, with new dreasse,cleaorardoes mid a grand mice in seem , AMERICAN ACADEMY Ur MUSIC.— ' - ITALIAN OPERA. _ - TO-MORROW (Saturday) EVENING, November IS, only nighrof NORMA. Second aopeeremeri of the wrest Dram/Ala Vocalist, MLLE TERESA. PARODI, in her greet character' of NORMA "Madame STRAKOS H as Adellpes •Blenor 800 LA, the eminent Tenor, will make his Bret appears/ice in Philadelphia as Pullout,. - Seats for Norma can now be secured A MERICA.N ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- MALIAN OPERA. MONDAY November 15th. for the MIDST +IUD IN AA! RIOA to be produced In Italian, Plowtowie chef dkenvre, MARTHA.: Madame 00L•0c! Ina new ober eater. CIARD:—Mr. OTRAKOI3OII takes - peat pleemere in announcing that for Floe tow 7 s great chef -Woman, MANTUA, which will be prodnord for the fleet time in America, in Italian, the most extensive preparations •have been completed • The Seat repienentation of this masterly work, with new dressee,deeorattors. end a grand Wei en cones will take place on MONDAY. No vember 15 Madame nOL: ON in th great role of Hen. Tiede. Signor BRIGNO LI 4s Lionel GRAND pONOERT AT TH =MAL FUND - MISS RATE DEAN, The Amerlean Prima Donna, on YRII4Y NYENINii, November 12,1652, Assisted Of W.'ll 00010.. The favorite New York Team', MR. GEORGE T.-RYAN% . Pianist cod Composer, ind LITTE ELLA, The Infant Reader, aced 24‘ years, whose perform ances In New Yak h ave created the mod intend ex. oltement. • Par portionless wee programme. - Tickets 60 edits, To be bad at the principal Must° Blooms, and lathe door on the evening of the Concert Doors open at 7. Concert to commendat 8 o'clock. jIATHER KEMP'S ORtGIN AL OLD POLES* OONORTIT TROUPB. on their way to the West, and ar BPIOULL will give positively' ONLY FIEYNN coNoraTs, - 00NORRT HALL, ( 42003301110 • MONDAY, NOVICIIBER ath, 1858 Thls Clans consists of THIRTY-87iYEN PBSITORSI. DM, ail clad in Ancient Oostame. some of erldeb are over two hundred years old. OR aND P&THXS 3088 and BON Devil? wilt perform with Ti Aims: TiD• DLIIB. This Clan has never failed to fill the largest Hallo in the Country, and hundreds usually are unable to gala admittance. Doors open at quarter bears seven &cloak. Com mencing t quarter before Tickets 25 cents; Reserved Seats, with Checks, SO. N B.—Secure your f3eate early in the day. nob-Tt 11/111,S. D. P. BOWERS* WALNUT-13Z LTA TEMATHS, "corner of HINTEI and WALNUT • The last ■ppearanro of the ZAVISTOWBEI BALLET T 0013119 FRIDAY EVEN LNG, November 12, NINI, PABEGON. Adam Truman, Mr Biehinge ; Count Yolimatre, H. A. Perry; Gertrude. Miu J. Biehinge. To conclude with the Pan om me Ballet, entitled the WARRIORS OP THE HAREM. Pews of admission—Second Tier and 'family Otroht and Third Tier, 6P center Parquet, 87ti oentei Drell Cirole, 60 oentic Private Boxes, according to tin& locale,s3 and 663 Single Beats In Oreheatra and Priests Boxes, 76 cents. DOOM open at halt pact 6 o'clock ; Curtain rhos at o'clock 1471TATLEY & OLARKE's &ROH-ST. E HEATIlB.—William 8. Prsdaieks,Aating rcd Stage Manager. FRIDAY EVENING. November 12, 1828, PiIIVIVITTII. • Bernard, Mr John Gilbert; Oonnt Mantles de Geol.; ear, Mr. Wheatley; Nanette, Ma John Drew; The Duehem or Beaulieu, hire Manual. To cowhide with the New Comedy. entitled the WIDOW'S IIII.ill&ND Admission, 25 ets. Secured Beats to Dress Chub, 87)$ ate; Orchestra Stalls, 60 ots; Seam in Private Bozos, Ti ate; Gallery, 72 ; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 ate; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 85 . eta; Whole Private Box, $B. Doors open at quarter before T oieloek oanunenes $1 77‘, precisely NATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ST., .L above EIGHTH—LEWIS B LENT, Manager. First representation of MONTIOEIL. - FRIDAY EVENING, November 12,1868, AU the Company wit appear, inobialog the STARS. DR. JAMES L. THAYER, Convaraationallit, COM,. Slam, and /ester SAM. LONG, the Pouthern Clown. DAN. GARDINER, ITIE=MI !SIBS SALMI fiTIOKNEIt t The Venue of the Clinic The gerformanoe will conelude with JiLO oft AND ZEP Ont. WALE OF YRIOXA. Dress Circle and Parquette 40 Gents. Children under ten years of age SD ,e Family Circle 20 " Dore open at 7 o'dosk. Perform...a will nom. manse at 7%, terminate at 101(, precisely. fIiROBIEUF' B VARIETIES (Café Theatre,) .I Northwest corner of BIRTH end OUNoTNI32 Streets. MUSICAL and TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE. eon eluding EVERY EVENING with a EAROS or BUR. LErQUE, ender the management of MILT. A,BECK ET The following artists are regularly engaged: Itt , ss VALLEE, premiere aanasnle ; Miss EMMA MARoY, Miss JENNY WREN, Miss VIRGINIA MYERE.Mesars AIBROKET Senior.J T.WAMBOLD GEO W. WREN, J R. REYNOLDS W. MEYER P. ROBSON, and T. An3ZOKET, Junior, Pianist Concert commences at 73i gniosk Admission 10 cents. - n013..1ir0 W,ANF4 MD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVRNTH• Street, adjoining the Pennyivania Railroad Depot. _ Itor the patrons or SAX/FORD% OPERA HOUSE. THIS EVENING Wlll be presented 84;foni , ;trsts version a 'UNCLE TOM'S OLBIN. The largest Company of MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD . . EVERY EVENING , New Boagh Rises, Ingtasee, Refrains, &0., w ei lA.An a r 45113y1 - • Admission ZS oente; Children 12x gelato. Er On Thanksgiving Day TSP.= PerSummate, via; 2%, and 7x, o'clock in the evening col-lm. HERRING'S GREAT PIOTIIRE has ar rived. of the VILLAGE BLACKSALITE, and will be on Exhibition for a few days only, at the Store of A. G. ROBINSON'S fitters Gallery. - oe9o-13 910 CHESTNUT St., ab. NINTH. A SbENULT BUILDINGS, TENTH AND A OELEStNIIT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelidee. Clomp at Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED 41A NARY BUDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go. and eel SIGNOR BLITZ. - , . The great Pentrilrquist and - wonderful hiagthien. ; Performance every Evenlng daring the; whalt,..eg half-past t o'clock and on Wedneedly and Satardity AZ ternocum at a. AWARD - 14 26 nate; Phlldrea l 26 coakl. 6926-1212, Olants - Z. N. waltz, Lt Lieut. lit Dzsgoosit, Rnerotti.,. cimuseinettio. (BEAT BILL
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