SS®©=«iJ-|«“4?U : - •ir-iy i n i»i>?i f i'.M;tHf>sW I »Ellen‘ •= :iEatMipoHraßp x ■ '‘Afi>iSi‘Aw<.Ua 2-n=«ntt OjtVo, = .Po'™!»?'» ~ ' 'AtlrU‘snnM»&YL: : yHa uj ! n(m d fiU r TPotHt’MrS ■• !4MW» ttoSs&iSßtm ur> ** 'H«liMn!E.Uei.i;rjE»rtoiv»watA rn n . Hot* '' ■ «- ‘fif*?'Redmond EM - , SSS&asrt&m '•llntohlnsonM E,. Redman Mirths lOlwlSSu!*' OmO» Bjtn, Mt». it&r! '’’ ltor C? t> Qatar Mrs Jsa . Kusaoll Mary U, . «; Alt town,Mil y .j, ftompl»«ya,A ... HuMnßjn Maggie . S- Bor* pAr«B i ItnrTfty OatVe TttthpWzA . ; Vmh'EilM" - • tlyffrnxn Susan -, Rogers Mm And • ; .--.B**iWißiB s--. gs?'“a?4fr; ,', g{t-i Bojd;B6bosoa-. HadßPi'UEmma.,-- Rodgers £l(6n [or ; WBondtftMHty .X* -fonwk&rah W';' 2if*H Vm .L <t i jr.:BariJ:Cftihfd-i ,--JobhScn Mary X . filloce Rato Y * ■ .A!-' -io^oi 0 " ?“*«■. K .•- Brown Blii’h- James MraM\,. ghaw Mro . ■ Bouts Mf »|B f ». .JpnesAnns M flebl’d Mrs K • , ' Bi,n S Odessa tt,l JfSRhe ‘Mrs * - g{”J“* i«nntiWM*T.y,a*£’ Jonss Emily - • BnawStt'an i JBosj&n HSnn4fc , Jindon ,S*eilv Khultr9 E C ( , ' wSBMflr ts&vssrA : : ’‘'<sn riAetc'WrA’Ja Kem.y'MrsJ W- ' Sindlilr KM< , ' 1 . :vh»mSo.B‘ Bm-b'sWihsley S O' - ..BmUh MU» Mwy C.n‘li»hUr I-yclfu Jfy lor Janet SmltbjHannShj. .. 1 tlbiamimMfa Dl>Haul:Birdsß ',.,flnUta.MwH(l ' c rfflw SteP H -■' HlllertK.'s'h ;'« .":;ch\S? P M.r":- '.EeennnMargf. Snyder Msrr A . Carr Mia Benil ‘XIuH Anne Skliiman Ma-g't Cot n'fld ohatl'er lynch" Rlliaheth• Simon Mrs M : Carpenter. Misi.R Irvine. Mf6, „ Smith Mu B B Ohapntan Stteiftt'pieolArd Oachte Smith Mrs A . CaCUjfeii'Katy: r Lariißon M O • BlmonMaryj * OJrsW Btassf Bftavi’i'nah'A rIA g»tl;R*becca. Oha-e St-wthaH-.lAijd Bmma. , ~ ..B;ngla Mary B ; Carman SaGthMA/Slrle/ Miaa A Sl»jb«oa S P CL-O-.a CTmtm.V .. loder ilairlet, .Singleton Saaan Clarke MraliD -. :hjQ3h ; Eilrn ,• ; fkidmoteM II ’ ClleSMfraLCop ~>l>ittle.Mr.;,:- ~. Smith Margaret .- darh Bliaih'lt ,h Uhvct.Kmilylt . HimtljMre BA Orotr Emma Maria -.,, Sinclair Cora , - Ocvrier Sna'nar : ;hoo^Sarah ' ■ Stint Olalr SOilb ■ Collloa Mary 11,/' Hi.coltt Ljdla H Stauntcn 8., OcnnUiea tiarr Carrrineßliaa Stedman Mary.A - Cnnnlek'Jt'a »> '.tucaaßliaahath ...Sterensdn g J ; ■ - CookSl-AaD.k , lettyMtaJ d ... Baeencr Julia > • . Colin Maria Y - J-Blferd Siyrlo . Sut-pn Mariana Ootmgb'eh L" >, ' t*bollotuin fif . S.ewart,Eliza ( r Cordlirg’ey LJr /McDav.Mra S . .Steinmrtza M • a CoxUlillie A; ■ : JicKlliencyJane Bterritt Annio •• •1-Crtua MtaMaty.. SlcQeoirnMary Steaart Mra Wp), i i'ClKtjMraSuian.-.SleKandiickß; . Storr.MlM j. ; '■> fr .. S?:'»fi'p.>ta i, i - llcar«w Jana gWiiAmanda ..SlKe/itlri’h ; “ McOaffarty t’ - Starena ail'hl Dlokton Sira aa . MoKoag XgnM , SWtekol Kn» ; . .Bioker litiv a . SlaPhilllmy M Swapa Kmcllna ' Iltenli-a Joafa ' SfcGeo Mfia- •; gopher Suranna - .. ..Darina.Mad 0.0 .McDivett Margt , .£jrall G i ■, . Deseari Kliaatiatli JlpOrmnerJip'fira ThompionN ; ; D'ntoli Mra'Jand' McOranaghan R , .Totolnna A;M 1 DirißjltMja, a .JicVaugii Sira P Tnmer Mra M r Dread >nnaT 'C 'MoCrneOathJ ' .Tiggle ReVeoci ~: s Dut.,l MI«» Ida Y Stclrear srary . Thompson Mra E . - Dnolayy-liiaaia 2Me Sari anl Mra ;M . b ■ : -. Donnelly siary. .. AM TorrliMraCß - Drryer Jornoa .'McCaeder Oath hire S V ,I.Dyer, Mary M i r, McaaJey Mra A Taller Mra M ftl . Dnofee'BliaaSoth MeOlelland Mra ••Trlnt Hi(a i ■ ttrahnii'Ann'ft' A , Elizabeth • A . McQarrj.UE e lio tt D«<abl? MtM'JSr..v.Me'a:uofa©oh Ret MraM. lDd' 1 -iiflSoiiaVd Sfrai»rTartman Mre K M , Xrhart tail "McKvly.Margt Tunnell Jana A - ‘'y'llnitt'JlW"-iPelUmsy ll i r ■-’■'Tallant Oaih A ; ErkeiJirs AMc7artjMrsil Tarrj F. R ‘ ' ! ■ Sditohea KIT ■’ • MoMinanny'Mr* -Taaf. L'iilo • Jilliott Dannah . „ ,M.»rr . ' / /, 11 ; • Pi lie Jirt Irene f Mo'JilVary.Mrs A Walton Mary A Ryans Sarah sjdalaoghlln Sira ‘Wallace Mra ' •'Fries Della AI :! ' H ~- A i ■ • • i .Wataon Mrs D T " yionihirngl.'lll'ti' Jlicr'rcll jrary A ‘C‘ ‘ * :f"'S&ur*ii t'A , Morris Mary ; '. Warrenßliaa s ' s ' , Fithel?Mra - Jlelloa Anne -. Wharton Agnea . rnlths Sire S A Ma-tln Mrß A Walahe Mery . ~ ■ ■PrantilioPanny ■ M.Jovern B - WateraMar/ ; - . RaniknarMraA Meld-nn Mra E Well M<aMary Stler Mm- // , Slerchant J 1 O Waloot Sfra E i Tillje R ’ • Melguello Mrs U :WarrenMrsP H , ily Miei nhh: .'Mltehe.i Mra M R.Whetloer Slra A = V'PemlkolSmlly ' SlercerMary . .Wallace MF , m .'-Ritagehildeafthlo'.ilantryMrsMA Ware J A -fc : Pry'oek Mr» i -;. Mil!e « Mrs a , Watklna sllea - 'Wm'Xdajnide- = Miller 1111 ~ .WllliatniMsiy, rallmanlT'M. .'i'Mjers Mran . i.WUJiameon sirs- ■ ri-'-Ch»hff*riMrs.H M.MorsaiMary E -•' • ' (rretn ynphia Sinndoor Mary Wilmor Mrs EB. ■ - .Otaton-Mtes M - Morris Annie . .Wilson,Mrs E: . ■ lOreeihan Ril j.ltonUMujx, a Wlllamr»* p: ■, , e ; Gardiner Alrs-A‘.MorreHp Mrs SB, Wright Ellen i 1 -•• .OernerMirsO JtuhierMV«Jl iWanlMra Mary . .. OeretJ Bridget. iMooro' Mary Zlehor SlHtilda ~ ‘ Oreer il»ry . Morin Bermlme- Jva 'gban Olar* lj * .OribbSua-Kltz’h •: ilpaia Roulsik. ; Todge# Jlrs Q W , - a OUben* MraBi«' UlqoreEllea -Ti{nEolt Mr* M f Oarroit J Nixoa Anoio: , f Mr? 0 ■.OritaesOatVo.-e-JSoyifl'MrftS J". Zabg UraM. Oil'rrtßeb’a Newton,Mra 0,8, Yaafiorn Mary Ooina ?u«an «• Nfcbolaa Mra C - TFblt Hanpab K OajerilM.M.i ~KorrbfßA . OilUrt'Mre O 8 NeJman Urt B MviQQfgloj.Mra J<B . .Galtsghfr, Mir/ Jfe?«rtn .ttritB ' Qhlgley Aha * '' Gambia Lily" NoiflfeetM’A V 'TodgM Mra.G W ;j ? 'rGBNTbEMBN^MST. 15 ‘U* "• ' • AbbotOiptP-*- * jChegoeHThoa sPott , Allen Wm L- '- Ch*in'pi6n G'HV Potter Capt Beth Almond MO, A J Chandler H 0 , Plrih Cba* : Alter I* ,? Chaptnan''W.G'‘«rForieen Israel Altt» M G 8 • ' ChandlerS W 2 . Prltbe Jos AchlanU J«s Ohea erman W PrafikllnEO- Arflc.axGeo; Ohapmau J>r Pan Mr; AUi'hn'rfWi .Chass Wm.. i •>: PraatGeo > ■' SMftfl Obaw & .Wilcox. FrftDkUaßdO - • An'costiiift Jas"^‘; Chadwick J.ihn For Philip L . e'ADdrews Jas Chapaan 31 Dj ' Pritacb Otto M . Arthur Bov J.W- 0 W-‘ ] .Foner* Sl Futi ' r-^lsemanFredD -non . x r -- v '.AvefV'P’P ! • Clark. Dr J P.-- ■ Prutcb»lat EJ 2 J ' -''olwLY«!«ntlns Gatdeo Alonzo WJ Clarke John : Garrln John -"'l?'.'*Armstrong Jn.J, Cl#Rl■tollJ , L H Johtt i * : Clnthier Conrad 1 Gardner J, Ayresßivlil B 2 Copoland rfjlva -'Gall Andw. Aodraws'Jolm’-' Cfur Rubt •. Oerrsrd E J ■ Barber Wiq 8 ' '•Cdrdw?U.Robt Gendran W . II “ • C'jlbton AK lireisecb>rger 31 ' ■' \BtfKUTr.hV -OourtnMjr Robt-- Ueariy John ; B»yue Obas V•' ' Cowen John F s Greatt A 0 ■■ -BifardlitG B* ' Oowen Gen JV - GHriu Bichard < “■' •BardEU -Cotfia?Thoa 3 •/ Gilbert A3l 1 • ‘BurnettPxaflc - Coe verse BW ' ‘ Glddpn 8 W ; . JJaksr G. Sr , . .Colo Phl/aJdor Gilmore Alfred . =■ ■ •*-Jtiiifl^B’Y 4 ' ; ‘ ')-• ■ Ootteb Jnfl'F.-- -tt.bJibni'JaJ! W. BarbotLleat A^. Cohn'raSA-’ Gibson ltO J 1 Baraid II P <->. Col#John -' ’rGlmrdloßOo Bacon '- ? ‘ooblt Noah :• • : Godfrey John P ‘- ' f Oapt G W Cour Capt J* r ' Gordon Jaa 2 > ■-< Bather ; CorasO W. '’ ' - Gordon Sr Blartln • Bbkdr J F" • Oonseleya Elha.” Gddfer-Matthaw * - Barry Philip : 'Co d«ry Cant P - Gordon John K • J - • BaflsyY&rneU .‘-Cbyle'Wm- ■ Goodall Hl<2 “ ' Ba’SjJhjw TV Crchran Joba. l, Gorm&oEdwd . Rev J 1> GoransrJos } '■ '/vleo Cochran &Co 8 U Goddard A Rfo . - -'Colburn H D - Gr-'en Oapt ff II ' “ y > ! ; ur-. Comrain Mr r ’ Grorel Dip ; .* . . Bender * CoB';- ;Co»gari('Win ‘.' -5 < Green A Son *W -BennaU Darid' CriatireJl kCo J ; Grap.GordoQ; - PrtecU r' V'- - - • GxafUn John 0 ' B/n&ds. Bev W. Cn-ryThos •- Groff Joseph, •H 2 - Orabbs John Grain Bobt . JBaU.Cartf BW/ CrOM.W H , _ Grayson LtJG ‘ , •• v BcftMmU H** ' Oromslbu Gao'* ' Baiyer llls > ; "OgaryJW . GrsonoChaa. ' -jthaWord Jas- Griff Caspar - -dßeaUyTbdT’ ' C/lipln Capt ■ Graham WB BorfdarA'kl 2- ' rCrafg C*pvF. Graham. McFad* - i-Bhlvlddrsi-Del'A Orotfsln B* ' < den &Co ( : - :Flctng Baliroftd Orafrs B-13 j Grant John . ■flH' -• Freight Ag’t df Crawford Wm • Gnthrls Jos X .*; *B*lnizel B- . x f CurnanJW,; i-. Graryi* W - <•-Deckhy O 8 OrabbsLtHN ’ Grou»ng-Lewia- Tv.BViUtgei'Gao'W V’Oraigtf G 8 2.--. I;Gfoblj A Bates ,- .-. /.BQrr.vUuo F.,1. - Ccfiioa John .Grediirdpdg F B»diVy Bolifc W Day Calvin 8 . . ..GriflUh AJ 3 , - ■- BUnchard-WJ D .corse 8 ' Gulh Israel J. • • - i' ; ,:Bli«X6orniM:V.Davla. J B<7, :- u .Grant ACoG P «.tß?eek Jae.ADinJele.H.rbf Cnotnet Dr • "‘ BUkel/AOoJ 'Dalse I'ASons. J . NW-. _ „ Blairanrnl-H ~... Dayla Ww„ . ' '.llall Dr JM i \ m -*t jßLckwvod, WB-1* Darmgh. Joo „ Binimer W.oaley 1 "<SUftT) irenAfittoDy ' HaUJ'W 1 ! 01 ' ' . . v Boydsn R . Be Morat A J'B 'Efaffi FhlDlp 3, ■ 'jTjfytfa'JGV,',.,De vhuiqontO Hambleton '.Prof r‘B?W‘Wm,H -- -'BsßatferbtV ;: - G-S : 4 <. : -• “ J ' BotBwlnCßaaß Bs Oder k Elf. Harris By 0. . I B>yl«JW- florJ H - -HrtkTß r • M Haynes 8 > •' ; i.Bainlw Martin a. i BeaXynd Geo v; ■ Harris W, - ‘ ' c ; '.f:Bawer;Dr,- JflJ 8 - Ljenois Stephen 2 Hariid Slephbn .. • - J«oyd'T- R'lakwly. Dean Jfera W ..'Harrison, WjH ' -—Bjrdenab.j G llaoßon E Bunn •• l J JßOte«dkri E J . 1 Vt'Dcllna J l#: - i . vllatch D Honxeli - _ A 'j - < Bo?ch.P J. - '' r ßfcltesoa M W , Huyilsfid BE ' ,BbVpr B'F - ‘ ' Dowolntf Hugh' ' HaTrt BvrOiJ f .. W t • Doollttloj J HarVis'DO'll .. ,* - 'Bf iwt*?aml Doha: Louis *•“, llapke DrG M, Wnl 0 —’Dodson E' • ' Ilatier John; • - ls ßr6wtf*Jos T* ; -u ;, flor»eyGeo • >■’ - Habhshoi HpgU '■ Browd‘J*S.P' 1 ' 9 iJoboe.Bennett ’Haaulr.gFrancis J ■ Jirowii Tb^o'J J 'Dowli-g Luka J . Harrison John ; , .Dbmctdch J,G . Hanks GM2 - v - jMrOTra f*atJl .-'DowUa John ' ‘ '-Ba-rison Miih'T . - - Tirotro ‘ H-uahae H HawkesG i ’’ ’ & T* p az^er-’ i 'Bob6lmftnn'A'Co-dl*tbe«ob W:C u John $ Jt J)] : ‘' ’’ :; Hdrrivon Chis H • ••.:« , f tt d e ft'jssob T Jos" 'HarrisB .... .iv L ijridi/^SHIV' l ' Y Patrick,HYklos Lesmdor , - '‘'’',M:'ldgee»ll.E2 'JlßCltmh Pred .-HetohJN . . - I . -Hingbtyßss -% ■ ■.Hfetrton Dini PurißiM' KII ' n*M til Jo.;II ■ ..• r ,'.@>g'.Cliii»'N • ,J - DdlHe.lißenJ' - 'Halting# tl 1 . . ''SroSitt nger D - Dui-nG Har.oy Roy J la.ysnt J»«. - , Hato.Thos ; llr,,'{lri‘ld Chirt' Ilu'cy Jnhn II liar.) Cr-at H , lirßi-lmry il-mry l):in.;an Wm H- lltrt WS ' Erlggi .O«nt;,., ,'/ '.3Dffl;el<l Si , Hsrt * Co J D.'RtlfnTsrth lliutnM ,v BroffhlTl.n&den J - : r ß l ‘ttdt'u/jrßAu4i 'i-r.Presby_-j>z Henry Thomas ■‘-•BrhnOrbttOttft JsG-i.-, 'OJect Hal -Brs», tfß' 0- Etrlff l!d»ln if;,-., Hendricks Jas Braffy -Audrow' --' JfiUsOmVntsawj Hecks Tbos Brjsti J'DSHeyAß.lwbasJETS.i.Hetehholii Jere • BrecX & Bon " Uj-Kckard Master I* HehklH Mr Wmifo’J;J ; ';',y:.“:Bohmuoatl.A. j;' Hena«rfon H 3 VRißlied'DrWm'Mi EawnCiiMJ.V.'i Henf J Blaok , -T...- iJifMy-J-..'Kilim.ilf Waterllenirnk Htiv ■ 1 - . .ifitkor iienj li: - Ourn Jcnrr,:,! Henry A:Co Wl’ . , ', , <¥“Btt't4M(‘iWlß»yStJ!agl«.Bswlog Mt-Hemyß O' - - re/ußlarton'E 0 . chine Prop of Hen-ptOo ' •• ■ .. Bums Uy 1,.. -E»oy Martin .. . Hill John . - ; ' . fDnitsJ.sJl. . Eyerett Tlryk.B,2nill Thos B , flliikaerfTeii-r:' I Brauß Q BIJ. ,1 ’.Hlggins Juiu D ■ ...Bu'r: oilCftii ttl . Bvar.B Ilr r! ,1 Hit lord .Tolin ' VjEknorlckA'KV'Hink'mWO i 3- ?B4rtf:fho«. :' ‘': ! Evaru impt AD' IllneSW H ' - . '. , .%rii?Johil.‘W/'.,>'i‘rsh«Jtdt)t'. ' JllpneJl Oeo ,r. ,-Ji».rß?’ r t l M-: / e-;;Empi;re OII'Oo Hollingsworth as J , or 3-«.<Sh*?‘ ft -'Elflolt ! iJ - • ;Bay«!)jlJl.i'j'.Xi; , ;.Ea»»afD/ W' fl * .Haages John-0 - .Burt' l'.lV. - ' .Fihrat Peter W Holmes John W : . -f’-' \ , ft P- Pftitaif'fc.Co WH' rriWlngshoad J B ■;T--, r“‘ f\- ’ . TWlmarpilharl - Vyj f tw It- CToftoS cSf.?tr It. Vl " •V'J W ...HttgbM J'obn'Tf- - W’T-^V- Htt’.ohlnsoh Cant CflTnstbpa|Pavvl , ‘ Flot A. ' ' saWf5 a Wf ! > , r : A HF'iicn '- ' Pau’ingagn D L .. V * u i EUnsgan G H-/ MD RM2 •7. 'V:^dsrick* Jobs HnuamsU Wend’ lQ«ei J>r Veii r .'O'NeU.John H “myth Johu. 'i°Sn B O h,r ' "' fi-dimUrOl.M , ItnncMlamuelM jlmM Jbhh'B •'O’Neill 3hn Spencer 00 2; ’Jones 'AlloDia- Osborn’Thos U Spicer John . fon ■ ■ Oem-tIM A -i Spoiling Jas. JohitednS B > O’Neill Jf« ; d'SprdakJ-- /onbeAMorgsn’ Olivet J 0 . stopTbos Kiryitt f 's,* • ; O'Neil JO' - nStsnhldgit J 0 Koim Joseph ■ Osborn John tltohr T-rwis jtory.Pij , ■ Oldner Wm ... ,Stoddsnd John T Ktlly /onn- 7, ■' ' O’TlrienThos - ■ Stevenson Edwd Reciting Dsnl•- 'O’Coh'neU Danl - Stone Stephen 3 hCWer WE O.’Kane Jse Stamm Wm S Kelly Thos -O’Neil Thos StihlerJL Kelly.Oerhey o’ Parsons tc i’oters Etanton KIV -Khonell And Jr- 'iPegnln Zee, , Bteiner.-John Kirg iV Ii ■ . ,Patterson Edw , Stills Edgar P KrauseuOyrus - Parsons Jae . ; • Stevens Jll ■ KnorlatGP, ■" , Partner Henry 0 Stewart Oliss E Koltock H , Perokatd A J Stafford Henry H Knowltown SB 1 ’ PattoniThos , sterling Jas A KillioaWm j _ iPabst Wm Sternberg ASlglit- KohnrA. , Parker Edw 0" onstaler KolckerDr - , Pelletier WmW Stevens Jos ■ Blrk’Jas • '''Philips Jadoh ■ Stout Lewis . iKleln Barney ’ ’Pho an D-;. Stuark.Eov JP King By P Phillips Dr John Stires Jas ; ,Te|ffoG.M' Pearce J Sturgis 2 Stanhope fc.Bap 'K oa'O ’ ’ - -Peyton Jesse E -' ler ' { - Kfogßobt.' ;i.Phillips, Gilbert Sulisbaoh HL2 i Lawrence Jas,’'.‘ v-ACo.. guartwo,,. \V II bawl oa JM Phillips DD ' StrettonJsa - bamriluah-Oapt T Penn’a Beaiaaneti SUnders John ■ban Mr Jnstos Prlond Sooiety Burners ,J P Lake D Jackson —Phillips Barney • Swift ACo Lawrence Ed 3 Pease L H l’arploy Dr S S baporta Eugene Pennington H'.M Taylor Henry baugton Henry r Phila Compagnle Taggort Oapt 0 - Level Phillip ' Pearson ft. Smith Tarr I, 8 bamthlinOW Phillips J-A tt *- ToltJß' bandisAbraham PinnhyiSullivan TaulaneJßo btngdonP H PillinerOM Taylor W A Lang A Bco;.-1, llPiliineaß . ; Tidwell WW I.elbortWmW Plteernßß Tillen I dward LewesPred.-'.-'l-PiainiWln’-!-' I v- ThotnpsonJas ■ b-edaS-ml Plnnket Thompson Ospt . bowsn Geo A PowdrS'llaniel D S 4 becoote Dll Porer.Bobt A 0 Thompson 0 A beaWm' Pnwedfl'-O " Thayer W J ,Lewis J) - , , Rollick WmR Titu. Harry Leap John A " Potter Phi oet it' Thrash D E helper Chss Porter 0L - ■ Thornton Wm bevfs EH Pouley Lewis L Thomas J acob beelgaae v ,i., - Powell j ,■ , Toicker Wm ; toffoid Geo Porter OB Thomas Johoson blsparsnco P P Ppps Georgs, TitnsJohu blrlogston 0 E Pools Wm Tlmberlln John uttelOeWa , PottaEdwd ~ii TollyJM bipp’noottSW Porter Ohas Tynan John ti ong Impels-> ■ Prsndy Tbos. , „Tn-uor.Jobn bull HDD Primrose Wm TurnerObns boog John Pray Michael Turoilet Edw utsJ Prill Jas M Toliason D Low&CeJni . Prime Samuel • TurylDrN bsurie Jss Price Thos It looker A Oo W bowrle Hon W,H Prince Ospt SN Taylor JH butts ChasGj ' Putnam SY Warner Jos - ord John IE Pyla'Harry Walker Moses bauvblln Jr It Rani Theo D S’*" 1 '!; D K bene John Rsmboßer J Ward Thos , LCinoBS. / .'Ralston Boht 8 WcrrenJW Kobe. 93.10 OP,Randall Drß " WallaceJß Pacific', 100, '."Reynolds Oapt A Wallace David anttOuherg,lo6,‘i W ' , Walsh TJ ■ ncmanta, 812, " Reynolds Rev J Walker James Heiulah Lodge nsillayJtsA. Waters J A No 12,1 0B B. Rsmmey Henry Walker Bndd ; •to Adori Chss i Bead Thos B. Walker G W HeCorsoh Chat,. Redmond John 2 Wallas John ' stood lough-Wm Reed'Jacob ' Welker Beth McOtirdyAlex Rein 8 , .'Walker 8 deAdsttis Wm H 'Rsmhort Ang Walton TM .JlcClur* Waltera Phllipe Lawr’o Walls M H lleClsfferty J ' ' 'Relnsomer P H , 'Wads Geo .tllOcfory 0 G Reilly John Warner A Hsr ;licQlftnd Thos .Bench Thos P / per ' .iritOottnell A Reeves & Olnrk Wagsenseller J I'lctMster HB , RelnoMr Waro Geo 0 HaDoweil John , Bigg 0 .Welsh P 3 deßrUe John - - Biffert Andw Wall P tlcAuley Enos Ritchie E L Woightmsn J G doOattly Dennis Biter M Welser David 'dcOnllongh J , Richardson 0 winner Geo tloOiodis Mr Rlohlp J Woat Nath UoMurtrldßT Rldhsrdson OE H Weeka.T H vtcLoariDg Rice Sylvester Weeks &Co A Vlclo'osb Ansll Bittenhouse 0 B Welb flarlen ‘ dtKenery John ' Richards John L Westbrook D -*fe *uDe Sanmol Richardson W m White W W MiKellerTbos i Richardson W 0 WbUomauTH tfelUnna .James, 'Rob?rts Wm M 2 Whittaker W 2 \le\WsanO ‘ Bo|&Wra WhteThos \K Shan a Pat’k J Roret Buffer* , .White Henry , Bob won Jas. .Wheeler C D duQuloAlex,. lU»ya 8 Dndlej 2 'White Thos MadilWratl- Robins RevJW ,'WMtuey Joseph Maddox BJ • KoliißS'mO W WhilerOhM Magee Joha- . Roby s Wm . ■ Wheel«rOD2 ilaguire Samuel 'Rogers Oapt W Whaley Joh tUliuGeoW Rogers Boot JJ Wb.tmsn Mr dacrath James Root A. 61 / , .Whlte.Jaa A J*ce.WU Robinson OrrJck White JO • llavlmd Tayloy Roddon A, Co J,,WIUonGW2 Od ' » ' ' H ? ! William!Oß Atacauley James' Rooney'Fat’k ' WlniitngPß Maguire JL Robison Hill WfnnanoS Maxwell John ' Rogers Pfttk ■ Williams WH ' Martin Btlv Aug Rowe Manley Wilson S P MangiaftwO J2RuffluDrJnoK Wilson WB Ma>»b Oapt Joa RyanEOL Wilkinson RH MsrHoy J W ‘ SidlorN JJ Wilson NH 2 MitshßW - ' Sohambdrg M Winner Wm H wuy FrankliriD SallnJ. Wlbon fcf P-' John - 'Bcott Atdvr ‘ Williams 0 R Mcelfan Thos ' Bcott’A WiUlamßCbaa ifcekcrDr BaunderfionGW Wilson-R P Meyers Joseph fiariolPN • Williams OB Meyers Wm ‘ Boott R Rbb r a W (llama J M Metzger Jos ' Sandiford R T Wimbley J M Merrett.Dean&Cofcott A- WjUop Geo MrtohUlAJ Scott &Oo R Wm „ -Milner Edw • Bobasale 0 P WitlsrJTO Ml ehell Wm K. _Baundera RT „ Wightmsn John Jlil'er Anguata ■• Sarracoo Peter - -Wilson NM Miller A English Saxton Wm Wilson BP \Hhp J)pv.d,L -SauleA. Elkins , WilliamsWD jttilfer-JS'. V, H ' , WmiattaWF AljjdJeV.jj Ro’ra' Schereorln'M Wfoebunier J S MtlarTboa . Rcfcryer Alfred 1 Wiggins JW MlUfifS A . . SeUguapJlenry . Wood J B Mo.gan Thos Beibold GL WoodDH orrisonJasM 1 SecfcleflM ' VVcJph T B Morrison Wm J BearrellJ M Woodruff G J Morton Thos *-• fierkels M Wright PR Motion (f- Grle-Sorrel Beej Wright Geo wold . Shaw Ohas Wyckoff Pet 10 MorreonWM Sh^wMT 1 Vanderalide GW MtitepWM • , •Shorb JA • * Qalnters /as 3lorrl* Henry -,. -Shlppea l tc Rugan Faloufine GTJ Moulaon John. - Sheppard Isaac AY*ndorors N B Moiin Wm P Bhft’pless.Wm • Virion Oapt 8 MvoreßJ. Berj VatlLS Mcon A /I. ghrederß H QuicksallH Muy-trJopG . Bbaff-ner Dr J F QlerkMr Mogridge WmH Shyook, Johnson Vance W £ Moore Jacob A Co, Quin John Mo .re Bealy fc Co Bbebb S Zink Isaac Moore John - Shark, Bear, Car* %elor Garret Moses John - • .. psuter AOo . Yeager Jacob Morton Wm 0 - . Shyook, Johnson Young 8 B Wo-ten* Agostias. . A_ Co,. ~ Young Mr Mirrrty Daniel... Sftrfock Aug B, Young Geo Moore Geo W.- . ShavGhaptW . < Eugawert oxd Mor.lrc Jas , Ebatawaejjf. YpungJJ Muiruy Krtw> ' BbteiAbruham - 'Mia ff Mirrjhey Kubt i Wtor Nathaulel - Vernon Jos It . , GIDEON G ‘WKSTOOTT,F. M. CfDfil. Notices, ■‘rtf THE OOUBT OF COMMON RHEAS' X . FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OF I'HILiBKL- PltlA. Estate of HEMPIIILL, sur second and flnat account of Saunders'LAvfD, Trustdo. ■ , The Auditor appointed .to. audit, Betti-, 'and adjust sal I account, and. report dtetrjbutjop of the balance, vsi’l' moHthe parties interested at his Office, in the rear ofUo 703 SANSOM BtCcot, on SATURDAY, Qt r tiibsr 36th, at 1 o’clock P. M. •'.Sec>ndmeeting, yt KDNK6D4Y. October 20. at 11 PH, ©cU-mwf r st* I. COORB LpN(}STRBTH, Auditor. IVOTICE.—ALL PERSONS INDEBTED Li to the estate of DAVID B Mo of 'ths'Thlrd wild, ’city of 'Philadelphia,,deceased, are requested to in ke iamsdiate payment, and those bating rfaitns will present the **m*, prcpetly aathenti ■citfid. fof settlement, to P. H.SOHRAOER, No. 402 SOUTH street above Fourth, attorney for ELIZABETH ’•» OWNBEND, «o27»law6w* ’ Administ'&trix. IN TOE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS OP MONTGOMERY COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA, OF AUGUST TERM, 1853, No.-162. John Mayborry and George Nyce Michael Gerhart and Catherine,his Action on the case, wife * • j To all persons' interested in the estate of JOHN NYCE, late of-Upper Balford township, in said connty, deceased, whether as heirs next of kin devisees, lega tees execators,orothcrwise, greeting: -”lfher«afl.'opon-* precipe issued bytbe Register of Wills of saM county to said court, relative to an inatru mebt of writing now on file in said court, alleged by tbe said John Mayberry and George Nyce to be the last will and testament of said deceased, but denied so to be by the s H Michael Gerhart and Catherine, his wife, it was, on tbe oth day of October, A;D. 1868, ordered bysald cmrt that an action upon tim case be entered into lu said court, as of August t'erm,lBsB, No. 162, by the said John Mayberry and George Nyce as plaintiffs, and that the b tic Michael Gerhart and Catherine, bis wife, ihould aprear as defendants therein, and that the case should he put at issue, and duly proceeded in, no that a trial by O'jurr on the meflta should be, bad, to'determine whe ther tbe said Instrument is tbe last will and testarnnnt of said deceased or not, and that the'saxe should be put at the head of the trial list for the second week of No vember terra, 1838, which term will commence oh the BUi <*ny of' November, A. D. 1858; ,and it was further order* d. that notice Bbonld be given to all persons io , terested, whether as hairs next cf kin, devisees, lega tees, executors, or otherwise,'of said aotion, and to come into .tala court and become part as to the same if they see fit; such notice to be served personal yon flu'h of them as rs&lde'in the county of Montgomery, at leas - fifteen days p’inr to the Jlondsy of tfceserond week of next November tarm'of aald court, and to all others'by advertisement once a week during three weeks tn one daily newspaper published In the city of Philadelphia: • Therefore, you'ar® hereby notified of mdd Jetton, and that'you may come into said court and become parties to the same if you shall see fit, Ac. . ’ , P, SULLIVAN, Prothonotary. Prothokotahy’s OfFiOR, NoRRiaTbWN Pa.. October 0,1868- , 0011-m 3t# JOHN MURRAY vs. MARY ANN MUR* ..BAY—Common Pleas, Jane Term, 1858, No. 8. Madam : Yon wl 1 please notice a' rule in the above case, to show why a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, should not be decreed, returnable Saturday, the 231 day of Octuber. A D 1868, at 10 o’clock A M. THOS J. DIEHL, Atl’y for Libellant. To Mrs. MARY ANN MURRAY, the Respondent, ocll-mw4t IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE ' COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' "Irf'the matter of-the Estate of J. DOMINICK BR NKLL. dfCeaffld. sur proceediogslo partition. ?It appearing to the Con t, torn the return m«de by the fihetlff andJuiyof Inquest, that tbe premises in these proceeding* described could not be parted or di vld->d without' prejudice to, or spoiling the whole, and that they had valued and appraised tho same, as therein set forth, on motion of DANIEL DOUGHER TY, E*q-'Attorney, Ac., the Court ordered »Dd de .creed tlUUho'Paid IrquUUisn bo confirmed, and granted a rule upon the Heirs «Hd Parties interested. tn be and appear st abOrpbAns’ Court, to be held on Friday the 17,ih'dayof December,lBs3. then'knd there to accept orYetuic totate fhe Real Estate Of the said decedent at jheapp-aised vaKutfod pat on ith* tbo said Inquest, and in default thoro-f, to ahow Of use why an order and decree tor the sale of said Real Estate should not be mtdd., SJOHN SHERRY;,OIerkO. C. LMters of Admi of JACOB B OLE .I-?iY de . c * H » Rd i have been granted to tho un dersigned all pferaotigindebted to. said estate will pla-we ahd those having claims or de* mands will “eke known the same, without delay, to AARAH CLEJMENT, ’ duinistratrlx. -OcU-mOt* , , , 1606 Walnut Street. BOILER ;atid\FLUE IRONTf all kinds, qualities .and- eisea, cut'to patterns at short no tie * Promiscuous Boiler Heads, and Rivets on hand and for safe’at lowest rates by- .. * : EDW.B BUCKLEY,- —OO4-lm* ———Gray’aFerry Boiler Iron Worse. j-.. i : y No. 6 Farquhar Building, 2So.Walnut st, WHITE bf the Vieille .'MofMPgnq.i ground pare; ' It’ produces" a clear, 'Wnlte, ffte gloss, and attains a flrmnoas add bvenness or surface Guarantied genuine. For eale-by -,. . ZIEGLER A SMITH, awtfMtr SonthwMt cor. Second and 6ms its, 0 CjO ' */ Sales bjn Sturtion. THOMAS & SONS, ' l?J* r Noa.l?9 and'l4l'BOUTfl POURTR flT&BBT, i" ' .(Pornierlr Nos.’RT and fill,) ■ t STOCKS, READ ESTATE, &C.—TUESDAY NEXT Pamphlet oataloguea now ready,'cbntamine full de acriptrons of all the, property to be Bold ou Tuesday instant, with a list of sales 20ih Oetob r, Jjjg 2d °j >d 91h hoyember, and of Beal Estate at prlrate. OAJVD.i-nANK OF I.BNNBYLVANIA. PKOPF.RTY; ICr* Descriptions of the aboyo, Including the splch did Uanking House, Chestnut streot, and a number of dwellings, bniidmg.lote.'&o--, to'ha'sold 20th October, byoraer-®fthe handbills. •• ‘ ’ RE&Ii R§TAfß7*BTdokB, &e. .•*.« v* Pttbbo- Bales at, thd -PbiiadclpUta otctj Paeßday RTenlug. . C 7" HondbiUapf e&ah property Issued sepkratoly, In additions which wft publish ■on the Saturday preTious to each solo, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, tiring full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. J PALL SALES—HTUOKS ANJD REAL ESTATE. Thirteenth Fall Sale, 19th October, at the Exchange. Fourteenth Fall B&lo, 26th October, at the Exohange ' iO* Part of the handbill* of the abore sales now ready. i ' ' '' PRIVATE SALB REGISTER. fry Real Estate, entered on oar Prlrate Bale Re sister, and adyertlaed occasionally in our Publio Sale Abstracts, (of whioh ,1,000 ooples are printed weekly,) 'ree of charge, . j REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. 10* We have a large amount of Real Estate at Frl rate Bale, Including every description of Oity and oountry property. .Printed Lists may bo had at the auction store. ' BTOOKB, PEWS, &o. On Tuesday Eyenlng, 19th Inst., at 7'Volock, at the Philadelphia Ex* charge— - 15 shares Mount Moriah Ooraetery Company. 6 ' ‘ American Actderay of Muslo. I'. Peremptory Bale. *. Pe» No, 64, in Tenth Presbyterian Ohurcb, corner or Twelfth and Wa nut streets, (Rev. Dr. Boardman.) 1 share Point Brefse Park As<oe ation. 2 >r Philadelphia-and H&rre de Grace Steam' Tow Boat Company. ' 25 shares Greenwich Improvement Railroad Com pany. . r Peremptory Sale. Double Pew, No. 141. sonth-aisle, Bt. James* Ohuroh, Seventh street, below ATch. ’ 4 shares Walnut-street Land Company. Parslf6-> full paid. • MOUNT CARBON COAL AND IRON COMPANY OP - -VIRGINIA. Also, 1240 shares Mount O rbou Coal and Iron Om pauy—pay $5.. Pull particular* on application to the auctioneer. Lot No. 74 1 s"ctlou lfi, Mouot Moriah Cemetery. tt'G shares Philadelphia Mercantile Loan and Building A“flocUt o- —SSO per share paid Peremptory Sale—Pews Nor. 63, 80, and9l,inthe Sixth Presbyterian Church, Spruce street, below Sixth treet (Rev Dr' Jones). THIRTEENTH PALLBALH—OCTOBER 10th, Will Include—' .. Trustee’s Peremptory Bale. VALUABLE LOT, OallowhlU street, west of Nine teenth street. Same Estate. LARGE AND’ VALUABLE^LOT, Thirteenth street, below Federal Street, 101 feet front, 250 feet deep. - • Executor’s Sale—Estate of Ooraelics’Tlers,'Deceased. VALUABLE RESIDENCE, N0..1011 Chestnut street, west of Sixteenth street, lot 28 feet front, 186 feet deep to Parker street Trustee’s Postponed Sale, VALUABLE COAL LAND 3; 658 acres, 80 perches, situate in Fell' township, Luzerno county, Penna By order of the Trustee for the bondholders ot the North Carbondale Coal Company. i ARCH STREET.—Valuable residence, No 1816 Arch street,'betwee** Thirteenth and Broad streets. SOUTH RITPBNUOUdE SQUARE.—Elocant mod ern brick and stone residence, replete with every mod em convenient, Booth side, of Rittenhouse Square, .superior stable and c?aoh-house, 60 feet on Rittenhouse Square. {o* Immediate possession. flB,ooo may remain. • • - Peremptory Bale. OH BLTEN HlLLS—Valuable and beautiful site for a country residence, 20 acres, Ohelten Hills, 7 miles from Philadelphia,6 minutes walk from a station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. ,M VALUABLE PROPERTY, VALLEY FORGE, Mont goroety county,—Superior modern mansion,barn, ice bou*e, and other outbniMlnys and over 50 acres THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING.No. 744 Coates streot TWO t STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1010 Ward street, south of Carpenter. abo?o 18th street. MOIEUN RESIDENCE, No. 1403, Filbert streot, opposite Pean Square ■ Estate of Autbouy G. Quervelle, deceased. HANDdOMB MODERN RESIDENCE, with double back buildings, No. 682 Pine,street. Immediate posses sion NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 1914 Pine street. - TCREED STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 2225 Clay ton street, above Coates street VALUABLE COT, TWENTY-FIRST WARD, 72 feet on Dauphin street, 72 feet on Herman streot. 225 feet deep Also, a neat frame dwelling 03* $lOO to he paid at the time of sale. BROAD STREET —Valuable lot Broad etreet, south of Oxford street, 47 by 239 fbet—two front* SIX THBEK'SCORY BR T CK DWELLINGS, 8. W. corner of Broad and Cadwaliader streets. They will be «old separately/ • TBRRB-BTORY BRIOK STORE AND DWELLING, Rtdge avenue,'below Oxford street. BRIOK COTTAGE, No. 1631 North Twelfth street, above Oxford street. TWO-STORY BRIOK DWELLING, No. 1630 Mervlno .street. * • v' - ' FIVE MODERN THRSE-BTORY BRIOK DWEL LINGS. Nos. 1222, 1224, 122*, 1228. and 1230 Chris t Jan street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2504 Pino street, west of WBlow street - Va£/OABLB ppiLDING tOT, North Broad street, sooth of Master'street, $1 feet pout, 16@ feet deep. BUSINK'S LOOATION.— brick store and duelling, No. 1013 Locust street, above Tenth etrpot. executor’s Peremptory Bale—Estate of Jeremiah Wal> ton. De*eased, THREE-STORY BRICK STORK AND DWELLING, No 71T CaUowhill street, between Seventh and Eighth street* PINE STREET.—Modern three-story brick dwelling, No. 2916 Tine street. AlRO,a-ope aod a half-story atone factory adjioning, 42 feet front. The grpole to be sold together. Positive Sale. PBANKFOBP BOAD.—Three-story brick dwelling, frame office, and frame stable, prankford Road, aboTe Vienna street. - SaloVo 1013 Pine street. HOUSEHOLD FUHNITUHK; BO3KWOOD PIAHO JOBTK, to. This Mo<niog, At 10 o’clock, at No 1013 Pine street, the entire household and kitchen furniture, rosewood piano forte, Ae. #' 10* May beexnminodat 8 o’clock on the morning of flvte. , Bata, at No. 916 Oheetunt street. PAPER HANGERS’ STOCK— STORE FIX TURES, Ao. - On Tuesday Afternoon, Oct. 19tb, at 2 o’clock, at tbe store, No 915 Ghest ppt etreet, will be sold, by catalogue, a variety of pa per bangiugß, figures. Ao. (0* May be examined on the morning of sale VALUABLE MISOfcLLANKUUH BOOKB, ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED WORKS, QUARTO BIBLES, Ac., in beuutiful bindings, slightly by water. On Tuesday Evening, October 16th, at'the faction store, No 119 and 141 South Fourth street. Also, a number of Interesting works from a Library, school books, Ao * * £0" Full funiculars In catalogues. BA r /E OF A 00LLE0TION OF“MISCELLANEOUS PORTION FROM'A LIBRARY. * • On Wedneedav Evening, October 20th 'at the auction store, a collection of mUeolUneon? vqrfcs from a library. 10* For partlooi&rs cep cjtalo^nes. gate at Nos. 139 anU 141 gointh Fourth ctrjat SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, VINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS OAR PETS, AO, " On Thnrsday Morning, At 8 o’clock,-at the auction store,an extensive assortment of egepljent second-hand furniture, elegant Dlono-fortes, fine mirrbvs, ote., from private families deolining retwiod t? tbe store for convenience of sale Sale at No. No 435 Hpruoe street. 8 COOK OP BUPBRIOR FURNITURE. On Friday Morning. October 22d, at IQ o’clock, at Nu. 435 Spruce street, below Fifth, the stock of superior cabinet tyrnitpro of Reuter A Kaufman, d mprislug a general assortment of parlor, dining-room, and chamber furniture, manufac tured In ibd best manner, expressly for wars room sales, aud warranted 10" Bale peremptory. ' fale atNo. 917 George streefc STOCK OF CABINET *ND COTTAGE FURNITURE. On Wednesday Morning, 27th instant, at 10'o’clock, at No 017 George street, second and third stories, the entire stock of Mr A. Boyd<n, decl'ning buiiness, comprising a geperst assortment, including a number of oak cane, and fancy painted chamber sets, drawing-room and parlor furni ture. ina.afacturod iutho bort manner 10* Catalogues will bo ready four days previous to sale. IP* Bate peremptory. •TO OAFITALTSTS, BUILDERS, Ac—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE BALE, LOCUST St. South side, between Broad and Fifteenth gtrpets, 118 feet front on Locußt street, by 178Tcet iu depth to a 10 feetftliey. AT PRIVATE SALE-HANDSOME BROWN-STONE BEzIDKNOE, No. 1620 PINE Street, known as “ Union Row,”. By wilimm b. sterk, general AUOTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 46 North EIGHTH Street, below Atclj. w • J. A ELIfiON, Auctioneer. NOTlCE.—Hereafter we will hold our regular sales of houeehold furniture, Ac., on Wednesday and Sa turday mornfoge, commencing at 10 o'clock. Evening sales of watches, Jewelry, farcy sod miscellaneous goods, will be held rogu’arly eyery Monday, Wednes day, Thursday, and hattirday evenings, commencing at 7# o’clock. fp* Consignments of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, jewelry, Ac., reipectfuliy solicited, on which liberal c&Bh ad vances will bo maio if required. ~v/ ” Outdoor sales attebded to promptly. Charges as moderate as any other house in this city. H/gosES Nathan a, auctioneer UA AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. E. comer SIXTH and RAGE Street# > ■ » GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION, MONEY i ’ > MONEY! ! MONEY! ! ! Money liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fovning-pieces, musical .Instruments, romiture, dry gopdg. clothing, grooories, elgars, hardware, cutlery, books, Wwt, rohieies, bar ness, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathans* Principal loutheast corner of Sixth and Race streets. 10* Promlw-orv notes, with collateral, discounted at tho lowest marketrates. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, 8. E. CORNER OF SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. Whero money will be liberally advanced on gold and silver plate,dlawwudd, w*teb®s, jewelry, fowling pieces, drygoods, clothing, groceries, liquors, clgsre, hard ware, cutlery, fanoy articles, mirrors, paintings, en gravings, mosieal instmmente, furniture, bedding, horsoa, vekioles, harness, stocks, and all other articled of value. OUT-DOOB SALES, Personal attention given to all ont-door aales, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and eUarges unusually low. Business CarDs. Alex, mokinney, AT LAW, GRBENSBURG, PA, Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In diana counties. 6 ell-tf t. r. ABRAtte. g, a. ifiraa. A BEAMS & MAYER, XXL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, Pa., Will attend prom_ptly to all professional business eu. trusted to them. Special attention given to the oollec tlon of claims. BBpnnsiroaa Gov, Win. F. Packer, Harrisburg, Pa.: L. A. Mackey, President Look Haven Bank: GeneralD.K. Jackman, Look Haveni Hon. A. White, Look Haven; Bimon SCott. Look uavenj Bullitt A Fajrthorce, Philadel- ShU: McFarland, Evani, A Co., Philadelphia; Evans ; Watson, Philadelphia} Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon, A, V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, J A Co., Philadelphia; Tener A Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Quigglejßsq;, Philadelphia. Jygg*tf r'IHARUES TETE, COMMISSION HER* V OH ANT and Importer of HAVANA BXGABB, {New) 188 walnut street, second story. anl-ly i AUMAN «t KABORG— ;I4 - Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QUORS, No. 1017 MARKET Streei, between Tenth and Rlerentb stmta, je!6-U THE MONDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1858, & 00^. ■* ’ N0.i489 MARKET BTREBT.* SALE OF BEY GOODS. On Tuenday Morning, - - ; 1 - Oflt 19th, at 10 o’clock,' bv catalogue, on o.months!, credit. • . . * > ,<. - . y - *,; 600 packages and lots ot fancy and staple dry goods.' lE7“ Samples and catalogues early oix the morning of sale. WOMEN’S FINE MERINU VESTS. 1 On Tuesday Mornlr g, 100 dozen women’s fine merino Teats. NEW STYLE ; BONNET BlllbONß. 100 lolb Nob. 10 and 20 newstylo plaid, stripe, ombre, and broctio figured poult de'sole boar.ct ribbons SUPERIOR QUALITY BLACK . RIBBONS,/ALL SILK, AND FAST EDGES. • Nos 1 ftad'2o tmpcrlor quality black silk-velvet rib bons! s ' - ' *' ‘ . MODE COLORED PARTS KID RE TAIL TRADE.' 1 ; r "160 dozen superior quality Paris mode colored W 4 glores. PARIS MOUBLIN DE LAINEB AND AMBLINES. "On Tuesday Morning, 82pieces sap-rtor quality ’all-wool blaokmouslin de, laities. ‘ • / > , 20 pieces superior quality silk stripe black moustlh da, lalnes. ' 1 60 pieces superiorßayadero silk stripe amelines. PARIS PRINTED MERINOESI, &c. . 80 plecwfi-i Paris superior quality printed raerlnooa. 20 do .6 4 do do do, double reserve*, prieted merinoes. > , 80 pieces 0 4 Purls superior quality Bajad printed merinoes. 10 pioces 6-1 Paris, superior Bayadere satin stripe, plain colored cashmeres. 60 pioces 6-4 Paris, Bayadere silk stripe, plain oolored ■*m«‘ines RICH PARIS BAYADERE POPLIN AND VALENCIA ROBES. , ; A* Invoice of rleh Bayadere poplin and Valencia robes. FRENCH PLAID GINGHAMS AND POIL DE CHBVRBB. 9 casos superior French.plaid ginghams. 6 do do do poil do cbdrres. LYONS BLACK SILK' MANTILLA VELVETS 10 pieces 82 and 88 inch Lyons black silk mantilla velvets. BPEOIAL AND-ATTRACTIVE SALE OF VIENNA ' BROODJi SQUARE AN D LONG SHAWLS, CHE* - NHILLK SHAWLS, SCARFS. AND POINTS, OF THE WELL-KNOWN IMPORTATION OF MRB3RS. LADEWIG AND HAYDTER, BY FURNESS, BRIN LEY &OO - _ •> - ■ . ; On Wednesday Morning, . . Oct. 20th at 11 o’clock, by catalogue, on- 6 months’ credit— , .. Comprising a full assortmentof Viennabtoebe square' shawls in great variety of stylos and colorings A full line Vienna hi oohe long shawls. RICH CHftNEILLR SHAWLS AND SCARFS. ' A very elegant assortment of oheneille shawls, in g-eat variety of sttles, among which will be found some elegaut all fonr faced. A beautiful assortment of chtnellle scarfs nod points JC?- The attention of purchasers Is respectfully so licited to this sale, a 9 it is the intention of the owner to sell every lot. ’ / aAUSSKOOM, KJ 7 BANK and 10 STRAWBERRY, between MAR KET ftud CHESTNUT and BEOOND and.THIRD streets. , P, G. WOI.BRRT, AtIOTIONBB*. On Tuesday Morning, . r Commencing at 10o’clock, will be sold by catalogue. al<rge and general assortment of stsple and fancy fall nd winter goods, consisting of, viz: ' HOSIERY GOODS. Men’s heavy ribbed and plain Umbs-wool and merioo shirts and drawers, ladies’ .merino vests, men’s gray mixed shirts and drawers, Berlin lined gloves, wool hote and half hose, women’s and mlssoa’ gray mixed wool hoeo, wool scarfs, women’s white, brown, and mixed cotton hose; men’s mixed and brown cotton half hose, cotton and wool gloves, cotton shirts and drawers, wool jackets. EMBROIDERIES, Ac. . French and'Scotch embroideries, such as jaconet and oambrio tiouuoiDgfl «Dd bands, jacon*t and eamb to collars, jaconet and cambric set*, Infants’ embroidered robes, Swhs and book col'are, ina-rtings and edgings, whits and black laces, black and colored lace ve-IS, brown and black barege, black, bombasine, figured al. pacas. figured velvets, brown silk tissue, French chintzes. BONNET AND VELVET RIBBONS, to. Rich fall colors poult do aoio bonnet ribbons, black and colored ri-k velvet ribbons, black and oolored silk fringo, silk trimmings, silk dress buttooß, silk gtlloon, satin bonnst and cap ribbons, moire antique trimmings, button fringe, silk bonnet wire. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac. . Ladies’’and gents’ liuen handkerchiefs, plain and printed borders, patent thread linen shirt fronts, dam ask linen napkins and doylies, rubber coat buttons, white spool cotton, sewing silk, gum suspenders print ed cottoi handkerchiefs, gents’ silk orav&ts, fancy and biapk ellk neck ties, colored bonnet silks, French arti ficials. BQNHETB, Also, 25 oases ladles’ fall stylo straw bonnets. SHAWLS. Also. 200 cases square thug shawls, oholco colors Stella ahawa, wool cloaks clotfj and silk mantillas, Ao. Also, l,0&0 pieces gilt aud silvered jewelry, suoh as vest chains, shirt studs, aleeyebuttqon, breastpins, jet drops, Qnger ami ear rings, Ac 10“ Tbo wbolo may bo examined with catalogues early on the morning of sale, when tho trade, and pur chasers generally, will And it their interest to attend. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (racceß • sorto WOLBBRT & SCOTT,) 431 OHESTNUTSt., opposite the Costow House, between fourth end Fifth Streets BALE OF RIBBONS. FLOWERS, EMBROIDERIES, lIO’IBRY, Ao. ‘ On Wednesday Morning, 20th tost., commencing at 10 o’clock. |O~ Samples and catalogues eftrly on the morning of sale Inoluded will he fou j<J, vir— RIBBONS. Fall style bonnet r bbone, trimming ribbons, moire antique, silk fringes, &p . ’ . FLOWERS. Fine French artificial flowers, feathers, Ao. EMBROIDERIES. Jaconet and cambric collars and pets, sleeves, edg* logs, infants’ robes, Ao. . HOSIERY, TIES. Ae. Also, )adies’ merino and cotton hose, gents’ hose and haU hose, raerinq shirt? aqd drapers, fancy tlep, gloves, Ac. OHILIF FORD, AUGI'IONKKK. No. X 530 SIABKST STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, wnth Sid.. IABQE BALE OF RBApT IfA.DK OIOTRING. On Tuesday Morninj, Oct. 10th, at 10 o’clock will bo a»ld by catalogue, about 500 lots superior ready made o’othlng, cooßlsting of men’s and boys overcoats of all graces and styles Also, men’s snd boys’ casaimere and sattinet pants. . Also, frock and business coats of all grades. The above stock of oiothlbg is all made of the best material, and trimmed and finished in the most fashion able styles. Q7*Catalogues ready, and goods open on Monday, the before sale. PIRBMPTORY BALE, BY CATALOGUE, OF. BOOTS, SHOPS, GAITERS, BROGANS, Ao. On Thursday Mornlug, 21st instant, at 10 o’olock pre isely, we will sell 600 ca*os men’s,' womon’s, misSna’, youths’, and children’s prime quality of city and'Eastern manufacture boots, Shoes, ties, brogan*. gaiters, gum sandals, and oier shoes, comprising a ebofee aed desirable assortment for f&ll trade, and tb pity and country salet. {0? wfjt bp ajranee/J for (‘x’aqtlnatjop w : th (Catalogues early on tile iporaing of palp, whpn the ppe o’ql attention of the trade and purchasers lg requeiped. SA. DYSART & GO., Aeotioheerb a«p • Oouiiiasios MuROHARTa, No. 27 South EIGHTH STREET, corner of LODGE BTREET. JM. GUMMEY & SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, No. 620 WALNUT STREET SECOND FALL BALE. On th>* Prftcni es flp TbureJay. October 28, 1858, At 12 o'olock M'! will no gold at public sale, on tbe premises, THE HANDSOM« FARMLAND C‘&£7N?JVS7 SKAT of William Brown, B»q.. situated In Delaware county,on the main road from Mediate Concord, be tween the lands of Carper and John Bharpl«"s, £rqrg., about two rquarea from the station on the new Balti more Bailro&d, witbin one mile of the station o'i tho Veat D w enter and Media Railroad, aud about 19 miles from Philadelphia, pontalnjps* in all aV>ut ItSacrc , 100 of which is iu'ahlgn state of cultivation, tfierp. mninder choice woodland, with a handsome Fish Pond in the woods, with about 8 feet of water in it. Tho place Js convenient to Churches of all denominations, edjJ tjjsie is a Public School on tbe opposite side or the roa^. Ths'imprpvementßcoDslßt of an maosipp, of dressed blue-stone, B‘atoriea high rooms, parlor, dio ng-room, library, aud kitchen on first f]oor, 'J store rooms, with w*ter in first and second atorjeh j.he whojo house i a effectually farmed by a good beater , and Lae piazzas on thrpe fifties o' the main building. 170 feet tnlongth,and feot ytde; a.Qoe carriage rpad around the houpe The hoi 88 bus been newly pajjprpd aud painted throughout; there is a hapdsome kitchen, garden, snd orchard, adjoinfag the boa o,containing a choice collection or fruit tress ana g> ape vines Thera la also a large barn and carriage-house, 105 feet front, and throo stories high, built in the best manner, and of the best material, with accommodations for 60 head of cat> tie, and water in both stables snd cow yard. This Is said to be the best barn - in Detawaro county: also, a good ice-house, and handsome chicken and pigqon ouse. There Is ft good sprirg houst, suitable for a dairy of 30 cows, and a never-falling soring of water running through the Farm, and springs la every field. Terms—lo,OOo may rema'n os *g2,oopcash on the execu lon of tee deed, and the the balance on the lat dwy of April next. O'}* Perrons ca’i» s ave every information given them by calling at the ofuce, • prtober2Bth, atthe Philadelphia Exchange— THE |ip\UTIPUL OuUNTRY SEAT, known as <• Aston Ridge,” containing 2g acres, sitnate in Dela ware couoty, <5 miles from the city, will be sold agree ably to postponement, on Thursday evening, October 28'h. 1858 MODERN THREE-STORY BRTOK REBIDKNCp, No. Soatli Nineteenth ntreet’. above Chestnut strse^ CARD—J Bt Gtimuiey At ifdlis, anotioneers, wijl hold rsgulftf sales of Real Estate, Stocks, Ao. Also, household furniture at dwellings. REAL ESTATE Al‘ PIUVaTB BALE. 10" On our Private Bale Register w|il fttw®7B bo foupJ a very large amonnt of real estate, including pvery dosonption of city\amjconntry^ropcrty.^ C2O WALNUT Street, below Sfxth. OAMUEL NATHANS, AUOTIONEER, >3 and I?OJf#Y LOAN OFPIOB. No. 324 Soute THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pepr st,, c«ly sight doors below the Eschacge, Hours of boiUiees from V o’clock, A. If., qptil 10 o’clock in the eveqiqg. Out-door sales, and site* at the Auction House, at* tended upon the most satisfactory terms, CAPITAL J 200,000. BsiMblishtdfor fA« fast Thirty Tsars. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia* oouds, Silver Plate, Watohes, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer eh&ndite, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Oigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Ho:ces, Carriages, and Goods of every description. . All goods can ramaln any length of time agreed apon. All advances, from one hqpdxcd dollars and upwerdsl will be charged 3 per cant, par month; ££oo ana over, the lowest market rato. This Btoro House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thidf-proof vaults testers all valuables, and pr!3 rate watchmonfor the premises; also,a heavy insufl r&noe effootod for the bon&flt of all psrious having goods advanced upon. N. B.—Oo account of having au unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis > ractory and accommodating terms than any other In khisofty. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, vilkj oat any charge. 7 AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will ba sold at vsdneed criaos. anl-ly Blank books and stationery. DAVID M. nOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationftr aud Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order. Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices, Merchants, and others, of the beat quality of English or American Paper, and bouftd In various styles, in the moat substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Sograving and Lithographing executed with neatness anddespateh. A general assortment of English, Trench and Amen* can Stationery. - _ . Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—« This display of blank booxs for banking and mercantile use is the best In the. Exhibition. - .The selection of ,the material Is good, the workmanship moot excellent, and their finish and ap* pearanee neat and appropriate.” ' eo9o*tf M ANILA CIGARS,—I Case First Quality £7JL Manila Oigars, just arrived In Store and for sale br WILLIAM H.YEATON, •eSQ 210 South FRONT Street. Sales bg Startfon. JEWELRY. THIRD PALL BALE. On Thursday Evening, Slattoncrfl, Jnsnronre. CfomjianiES. I JTSUB,ANOE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—PIRE AND MA IRINK:INBtJRANOE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. l2o o' °w l - A “6t ”' ,mu : ' AU Inverted In rtrand and ay all able aeenriUea—oontt hoe to insnre on Veuele and C4rgoe«. Buildings, Stoeka oF Merchandise, Ao., on Überal terms. - DIBZOTORB: HenrrD. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, SiratonTohy, .Samuel Grant, Jr., Oharlea.Maoalestor, Tobias Wagner, ■Williams. Smith, Thomasß. Watteon, John D. Bndd, Henry G. Preeman, ' WUllam BWhite. • Charles S. Lewie, George 0. Carson. - 1 1 HENRY’D. SHERRERD, President: ■ WlliiAx Hiapaa, Beoretarj. THE . QUAKER: CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 408 . WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA and BURPLUB $27T.- 666 86.—Insures against LOSS or DAMAGE BY FIRE and the PERILB OF THE SEA, INLAND NAYIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. . £o* TEN percent, in cash returned on the earned premiums of Open Inland Policies. OFFICERS. • Pixaident—GEOßG is H. HART. Vice President— B. P. BOSS. ■ . Secretary and Treasurer—H R, COGGBHALL. Assistant Secretary—B. H. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart, .. E. w'. Bailor, E P.Rofls, Andrew R. Chambers, A. G« Oattell, ■ J, L, Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, : Oh tries G. Xmlay, John G. Dale, H. R. Coggshall, Foster 8. Perkins, Jones, M. D., • Hon.H.M. Fuller. • Se2l-y. Attest, H. R COGGBHALL, Secty. Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. . John'S. Diehl, . Wm. P. Leech, J., Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, -M W. Baldwin, Thos. L. Luders, John O. Jamos, Wm. K. Hamlin, A J.Bucknor, . » H. H. Shilllngford. John W Sexton, 0.8. Spangler, William Raiguel, H.Q. ifouston, Edwin Booth, Wm H. L°ve, John Garrison, Charles F. Norton, I E.S. Warne, ' Isaac Myer. President—JOH.> H. DIEHL, Vice President—E. 8. WARNE. Secretary—CHAßLES A. DUY. . sel6-tf A! merioan fire insurance GO.' xjL INCORPORATED 181 0—CHARTER PER VETO Ah. . . . ; No. 310 WALNUT Street,, above Third, Philadelphie Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus ,Invested in sound and available Securities, eontUmet? Insure on Dwellings, Stores; Furniture, Merchandise, ' Voseolb in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. Dimaotoas. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris, Samuel 0. Morton, James B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edmund G. Dutllh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAfI R. MARTS. Oecreterv ia2fi-yif RISKS ONLY TAKEN”— JL 1 GIRARD PIRK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Office No 416 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company’s Building.) CAPITAL, $200,000. DIBBOTOBO. Wm. M. Swain, Wm, 0. Budm&n, /[of Public Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John Auspach, Jr., Jer. Walker, • H. N. Burroughs, Thos. Craven, J. B. Hughes, Fronds Peters, Wm. S. Boyd, H. R. Ooggsball, Geo. W. Woodward, Jnp. Mcpfurp, Jno. W. Claghorn, Joseph Klapp, M. D. Hon. JOEL JONES, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President, Jas. B. Alyobd, Beoretarr> jy26-ly CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 38VW4LNUT Btreet, Philadelphia. CHARTERED CAPITAL., .8000,000 FIRS, MARINS AND INLAND, ASSETS JULY Ist, 1868. Bonds and Mortgages, Stocks, 4.a,.,. |&49,825 00 Bills Receivable, (for policies issued,) 2,1*7 78 Uoscttl id Book Accounts, (for policies,).... 1 613 88 Cash in Bank and in Office 10,483 46 Cash in hands of Agents and Correspondents, 1,808 81 , 866,148 85 No losses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. DIRECTORS: William M. Godwin, 8. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Redner, George W. Hall, William B. Thomas, B. Franklin Jackson, B.N. WinslQv, J. 0. Hopppr, Henry D. Mflars. WM. M. GODWIN, Prpsldent. J. C. ?loppbr, Secretary. mvIO-dtf INSURANCE COMP4NY. No. 110 \J South FOURTH Street. . C«4RYER PERPETUAL. Cgpttoi...,. -.,,.,,8300,000. Organised 1861. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually: Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rinks: receive De posits ; hold Trusts aud grantannuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. Maktieh, Secretary. DIBBOTOIS. « Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. Tyler, J.W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, C. Bicking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, , Ludlam Matthews, J.W. Stokes, William Curtis, jelfly G. F. J r mVT * T IF2 INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- Li PANT—ThePENNMUTUALLIFEINBtJRANOI COMPANY. Northeast Corner, of TUIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, $612,726.08. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and chases life interests in Beal Batata', and makes all contracts depending on tbs oontin'gflp'cies of Life.' They act as Executors, Administrator*, Assignee*, Trustees, and Guardian*. niDau. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel B. Stoke*, Benjamin Coates, Wiiliam Martin, Biqbard 8. Netflfpld, James B. MoYarland. WitliftW ?. mW Jdjgphll. Trotyl; * William H. Rem, Jarso Eqe&n, Samuel 0. Huey, Thpophilus Paulding. Charles HallowilU, Sdmund A- Souder, Heorv 0- Townsend, Daniel t. Hutohinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Horn or, William H. Carr, EUls S. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Reberteon, Joseph M. Thomas. Warner M. Ratio, John G. Brenner, P.B. Miohler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. BAMUEL B. STOKRS, Vice Pres’t. Jobs W. HoftKoa, Secretary. n!8-ly MUTUAL SAFETY IN'- Suf 6URANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE of PBNN . SYLYANIAj 1885. OFFIOB, 8. S. Corner THfRD *** WALNUT Street*, OH Y | To ell pprta or the Worlds _ ' -ih-AND INSURANCES, €n Goods, by River. Canals, Lake*, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIIIE INSUItANCES , On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 2,1857. Bonds. Mortgages, and Real Batata $101,860 0* PhiladelphiftClty and other Loans 187,011 26 fitopk io R&P&0) Wread*) «d iMajacoa C0mpan1fii,.,..12,608 Qd BUIb Receivable 220,291 95 Cash on hand...,.., $8,892 00 Balance in hands of Ageota, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issued, on other debts due the Company 92.780 67 Subscription N0te5..,,,. 100,000 00 DMOT9MJ William Martin. James 0. Hand, joaoph H. Seal, TfMSpbilnmulJln*, Edmtmd A. Sqaaer* Janies Traau&lr, John 0. Davie, William Sf/re, Jr., John H. PanroM, J. f. Penlaton, Georgo G.telper, Joahna P. Bvre, IMvanl DariWifton,,usl y.^tojcea. Dr. It. ii. fiuSlon, Him/? Slpan, ' Wm. 0. Ludpig, James B. MoJarland, Hugh Craig, ntregMO.Jlaildj ’ Speneer Motlmin, Bphojt Burlap, Jr., Oharlea Uoli/, Jpa. 6. Semple, Plltrtfli., H. Jones firooVs,' Dr. T. Morgan, “ * Jacob P.Johm, J. T. Logan, cc WILLIAM MARTIN, President. TUOMAfI 0. HAND. Vico President. HJBNBY LYLBtJRN. Secretary. jsfl.y f OAtHONWEALTH INBUBANCI COMPART, 9TATA 4P VL VANIA. OFPIOE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT BTBIZTfi, PHILU)XLPHU. HUorifeed OtplUl, 1400,000, Wd up Oepitnl, $300,000, DIUKO7OI9. ksi star saw. O. Knight, M. B. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., ' 8. K. Houle. DAVID JAVNB.M. DA Precept. T9OMAB 8. STEWART, vice Pr«i>t. BAUtjiz, 8. Hook. Secretary. j*29>y IiUKE AND INLAND RISKS.—-FAME I. INSURANCE COMPANY. Oapital.... $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Aet of Assembly relative to la nuance Companies, passed April 2d. I 860.) (JEOBGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN, yico-Prealoont. " WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARDt Secretary. Office 411 OfiESTNUT St.. Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Jacob K. Vaughan, Henry Lewie. Jr., D.^Birnij, John W. Avonpfts, A. H. Bosenholm. H Stern. George W. Day, William W\ Walter*, ObQples Barclay Libpinoolt, Jos. B. BrAgnanl, Okas Stokes, reB4-y fariiroare. rjIRUITT, BROTHER, & 00., IMPOiTEIB AND DSALBBS HARDWARE, OUTLBBY, 629 MARKET STREET, Below Sixth, North side, PHILADELPHIA. |4 ARl> W ARE The sutwcribura, OOH- O. MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would reapectfnUy sail the attention of the trade to their stock, whioh they aru offering at lowest rates, Oar assortment con flicts In part of— • OhalDß, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Raltor, Bre&st, Qx, ,Qow, Fifth, Raph,, Tongue, Look, Ship, Mine, end Opll Ohsine. ' The eoletostod “l" Harm Null filoae utdSlid*. Hammer#, “ Wright' ” and other Anvils j Solid Box and other Flees, Short and long handle Fry Pan*: round and oral Dike Pina. “Martini” superior Files and Hasps; Bed Screw*. Excelsior ” Safety Fuse: Blasting Tabes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Scythes} Hay, Goto, and Straw snivel. Hay, Manure, Tanners’, and Spading Forks. Bakes and Hoea; Bhorela and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Gloat, and Plplahing Kails.' Oast and Wrought BhU Ulngaa, Locks of al’ hinds; Cutlery, Baueand Pumps,4xes,Hatchets,Han toeri, Flanes, and other Tools, &0., &o. W. <J. LBWIB ft SON. Wo-*ll OOMMBROB Street. , GEEKIE'B -PERUVIAN STOMACH BITTERS.—These Bitter* Are made by a oom pobnd of Peruvian Dark'ind oholce Roots infused in pure Port Wine, and tot on the system as a touio, sti mulant) and alterative) and a sure preventive of Fever and Ague. 1 Sold .by all responsible Druggists throughout the United States and the Canadas. Prepared by w OOIB-6t* CHA9, W. CiSBKISj PbUadt, PBtfN INSTITUTE-rSoutheast corner of THIRTEBNTB and FILBERT Btreeta, oi>ened on MONDAY, the 6th of September. Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro gresa, yet sends,tho scholar into the world with a keen Bcnnitivoneps, which totally disqualifies him for active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to each individual, and the . learner either osea all interest, or becomes superficial in his aoquire ments. For these and other reasons the number is limited For further informatiou apply personally, from nine o oloci A. M. to one o'clock r. M.. or by note, to - BslB - tf B-STBWABT. Principal. SINGING—BaIIad and Opera- A. A tio.—Mr. FBA2ER gives Instruction in'the abovo styles, on the most approved system. ' ' ' . galB ' lta 409 South EIGHTEENTH Street. . EDUCATION ROBERT V-/ H. LABBBRTON, Ph. D. ot’ the Unirereity ot Groningen, wIU here.fter have chsrge ot the Olasaioel department In the BOIUNTIPIO tua TK- KftOTB/OHMnrar Street “orthwirt Mme? of Twelfth. Nq pains hare been spared to render this Bshool eminently worthy of patronage ior boys of all egea, and in all* departments—Engl eh, Olaaaical. and Boientißo. Entrance on TWhLFTa at, * * fiel7-lni J. ENNI9, Principal KSTbRYAN's seminary; BATAYIA. N Y. THE BALL TBBM of thla Institution (whoMloo*. UoDls one of rare beautj and attraction), commences on theiethof September, It continues atricilr a .Fa mily Boarding School for Girls, and is thorough, select, and homelike in ah its appointments. The number of Eupiu is limited to those who cau be seaoed at the ta« le of the Principal. ID" OIROULAUB will be Bent showing Terms and Regulations.'' : • Batavia* Genesee co., N. Y. t September, 1868. selS CEXTTJBJN DEN ,B F OOMMHKfIIAIi ooll: OHIBTNUTaad BBVSBT£ An Institution designed TIYB BUSINESS. BOABD 0? B. B. Gomegya, George 11, Stuart, John Sparhawk, Iftaao Hacker, D. B. Hinmani EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th.- Each Student has isdividual iHßtanoTiOir 'at this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the best re commendation a young man can hare, for obtaining a good sitaation. CATALOGUES mav be had on application at the College. * seB*tf rUASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street; below Looust.—Duties resumed MONDAY', Avgust 80th. J. W.FAIREB, A.M., au2B-2m Principal. Leidy BBOTHEBS' night-school, Noa. 148 end ISO SIXTH Street, near Race, is ROW OPEN TO O TV IHBTROOTIOS IH BOOK-KEEPING, WHITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS USUAL. . set-ly Bryant & Strattons chain op NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGEB, Phi ladelphia College, Southeast comer SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets., For information, call or send for olrcular. jett-tf EVENING BEBSIONB HAVE OOMMENOKD. SfcQSk _-■ DUFF CO.'S MERCAN TILE COLLEGE, Southeast corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Btreet*, («stq&/tsAed tn 1840, and incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania.) In this well-fcnoirn Institution the COUNTING HOUSE COUBBS of Practical, Single, and Double Entry ’ BOOKKEEPING, • inoludiog all the AuKiLiaar Books, OoraasouL Oil ootATioKs, and - BUSINESS WRITING, / Ib tanght In the most imccessfol and satisfactory style. M. BOOHH, ) PF , nft , Ml - P. EDWARDS, J Principals. MS- B B. XUdTQN, Pasingn. f*KESSTTELL & WILLIAMS, No. 206 V-/ WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top uo&l from Lancaster Mines. oc4tf <aO Qf; PER TO N for the best WHITE ASH COAL, free fmw slate or dust. UlOgS’* COAL is the best and cheapest in JUjL the city, re-screened in yard and dry under coyer. HICKS sells none bat the very best Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and warrants full weight. «IOKS superintends the delivery Qf n|l Goal personally, and therefore it to fcp ae represented. UICKS’ Yard and Office la at tho southeast J.A comer of MARSHALL and WILLOW, where ho Invites all to call and examine for themselves the shove laote. v au2JWm EMCEEING, FOX, h CO«, wholesale and JT retail dealers in LBHIGQ and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GBR&IAN TOWN BOAB. , Schuylkill yard-BAOS and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the most approved mines, under cover, and pre pared expressly for family use W-y gOTTALO BOBKS, BT THI BAItB OR ROBB, OK Q. r. VQKEATH S 415 ASH 417 ABOH BTREEI'. ■ggesfea CHIOKERINQ * SONS, Jfairo. ffTTn factflrereof GRAND, D ARLOR-GRAND, SOU ARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-VORTEO This (s the largest and oldest manufactory in the United States, having been ESTABLISHED, IN 1828, Since which time we have MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDKED PIANOS. And have received as testimonials of their SUPERI ORITY .over all others, 31 Grid, 18 Silver, and 4 Bronze Medals lU* Pianos to Rent, Toned, and Repaired. BRANCH HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA Is at 1307 CHESTNUT Street. ocs-8m ‘ PIANOFORTES.' IT Jurt r«eeWad, r.n elog&nt atook of BAVSN. BA croa. & ooottos *'u£iaK,HALT,sT. nlvia A 00., md GALB A 00. B PIANOS. MkLODJiONB of best quality, at ■ B. GOURD’S. S. S. corner SEVENTH and OHBBTNUT its, mhlQ*y Htnga anil QEliemirala. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., WHOLESALE DBUGGIBTB, Manufacturers and Dealer PAlt{T§j <sd WNOOW ipir VOtJHTH ud BAOS Sicjhita, FliUiaslplil*. Bole Agents for the sale of the oelebrated Yloreffe Plate Qlasr. mh2B-tf JHat&iiurfl and lean. tunrxx. V. JuamiOK. jr. t4Oo*a* xxuios viLLUH s. arasaioz. aouTRVAarFoUNDRy; > 9am AND WASHINGTON STUMTB, 703,716 87 rsiL.DiLraii, JfESRIOK Sf HONS, foi lindfAlrdr, «d kUrios «otviM. Sfllloo, Gjuometan, T.nii, Iron But., Ac., Out ings of .11 kind., either Iron or Breu. Ijod from. roof, for <Hs Work*, Workshop., H*ibo«d BUtloni, Ao. lUtort. ecd Qu M.ohlnstj of the l»to»t uid molt Improved construction. . Every description of Plantation machinery, snob as Sugar. Baw. ana Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, filters. Pumping Engines, Ao. Sole Agents for N. RHUeux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Boss’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. SuperiDtaudCT^9-H- RARYOL. uuS-y & 00., NO. JJ3 MARKET BTREET, W* H °V W AW ENTIRE NEW STOCK HATS AND OAFS. TO WHICH THE? INVITE THE ATTENTION 0» BUYBRB PBOM ALL PARTS OP THE aul9*2m* PETERS’ 8 PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SS-P-GKNEBATING GAS LAhfP 1. the Qolj Patent Burner that has a Non-Conductor attached. Tl\e public are oaqtioned against all other Burners, as they will heat* and liable to explode. State and County Rights for sale. Apply or address selQ D. P. PETERS, 422 BBOADWAY, N. Y hotels ant Rsalatwanta Arcade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHIA. COXDUOTBD ON TUB KoUOfCAX P^Alf. A new lease for a torm of years having been obtained for this POPULAR EBTABI4SGMENT. it will con tinue to he cpnducted 118 heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain unchanged,'vis: Rooy Pan Dat boo. Dinnbh 6<ro. Brbakfast ahd Tba, baoh, 37x0. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every* thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter bymeans of Steam Pipes, forwhich no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept In the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. . The accomraodatioosaredesigned wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received. flj- This house is never closed day or night. J D. BROWN, oc6-3m E. PE YOUNG, PISTOLS, *o. JONES HOUSE, , HARRISBURG, PA., ELEGANTLY PURNIS^BB?'* 4 U 18^7 ‘ , NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. aJit-r WELLS OOVEBLY, Froprl.tor rjIO. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the blub; GRAY, AND BUPP TINTS, , the former of which, for softnoss and delioacy of color, is unrivalled , , Per the character of ibis stone please examine the following buildings: Job. Harrison’s, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. Harrison’s Building, Looust Btreet, between Seven* teenth and Eighteenth. . «... , . Samuel Smith’s West street and Bittenhouse square. ' Mrs. Pot.rson’s No 1210 Wamut street, A. K. Womrath’a,4ls Arch street. Bamqel Simes’, Twelfth and Ohestnut streets. T. K. J. Passitt, Seventeenth and LocuHt streets, and ethers. ARNOLD. A ,WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. selO-Sm S. M, fBLTWELL, Sop’t, (Kirnrational. iXGX, tortheut corner of B Streets, to fit young man for AC TRTJBTMS. Vrftnoia Hoddni, Da-ri<l Milne, Davids. Brown, * A. V. Parson*, Frederick Brown, •rostra* Tilppinoott. JFiira, &t. {liana Isntta. ftfats and daps. £amps. flailr<t(i& £in«o. PHILADELPHIA AND EEHIBA-BAIL- A HOAD LINB.—QUICKEST BOUMT to Blmira, WUkesbana, Buffalo, Chicago. Keck Island, Niagara Falla Uilwankea, Burlington, Montreal, St. Paula, Detroit, Dunlleth.andSt.iodle. Passenger tralna will leave the Pliilodalphla aid Beading Depot, corner' BROAD andVINE Btreote, daiiy, (Bnndavo excepted,) ad follows: - „ _ , t.BO A. M. DAY EXPRESS, Detroit, Chicago, •SdwTlJrai?** Lland, GalenajSt.Paula, Burlington Atfßapert, for Wiikeabarre. Pitta ton. wintnn »wa .n RAItBOAD IIB AND Btool<BßUßa Bridle** 8 clieo,t6<i to Buffalo, and Suspension „,C7- Tickets procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira BAilroad Line’ll Ticket Office, Northwest eomet of SIXTH and OHBBTNUT Streets. andat thfpu!i aenger Depot, oomerof BROAD and TINS. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves tie Depot, Broad street, below Tine,' daUr. Simdajs excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 Freights must be delivered beford^B P . SI. to insure their going the same day. *-*.<• Par farther information apply at . ’ . n Broad, below Tine* Or to OHAB. p, TAPPJSN, General Agent: * • N. W. cor.Sixth andOhestnntStfeets, ° ol ‘ tf * Phil* del. hta. T?«w? n vi?i ht t Habbisbcbq, and to all polntson the Lebanon VaUey branch of this road. . Freight delivered at the Company’s depot, sonthe*st P sr ‘£ill B b Al r O , HSiBBY streets, bfrorel““lock be , / orw * rd ed on tho same day, and will morniDg*. , 2^4sfi^ k “ ,ho seSI-lm ,N °‘ f * B General .Agent, Broad and Cherry streets jRHK^s&SE^Bfc Bsym *t 8 A. M„ IP.JSp^JSS^ Por Middletown, at BA. M „ and 4 80 P M Por Dover, at BA. M., and 4.80 P M Jor Seaford at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P M , trains por Philadelphia. 8 «I”h“ ltlm ° r 8 “™' Sxpn "> 10.16 1.U,, ud Leave Wltafagtonate «and 10.80 A., hi., and X.4S ando.ooP.ji. ' Leave, New Castle at 8 and 9.W A. M., and at 8.18 LBave Middletown at 8.68 A. M., and 8.48, . Leave Dover at 8 A. M., and 4.86 PM Leave Seaford at 0.26 A. M., and 2 P M* TRAINS POR BALTIMORE. ‘ Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 2 P.M., and 2.18 SUNDAYS only at II p. M. from Philadelphia to Bal timore, . Do do 6.40 p. M. from Baltimore to Phil**, ae Mlwa ?“ ,n ’ nier ‘““bed, will ran pSwM^ h!lKl,Ipl11 * f ° r PerrjTlUo “ 4 Intermediate Leave Wilmington for do do do T 46 8* Leave Havre de Grace for Baltimore .do 680 A*. M* Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 610 P M LeaveWilmlngtonfor,PhUadelphla> do 640 P M W 8. M. PBLTON, ,l IVEW YORK LINES.—THE flAMng.w . JL^iS.^5 0T BAILBOAD ANB PHTBABmPHIA AND TBBNTON RAILBOAD OOHPANY’B LINES, nou PHILADJtPBIA TO_NJW YOBK, AND WAY " PLAOM. Lear* u follows, TU: Jam At 6 A.M., ri* Oundon sod Amboy,' Accommoda tion,,,,,, 2 26 At 6 A. M., ria Camden and Jeway City, N. J. i»- , e0mm0dati0n............ , 335 At 8 A. M., Tla Oamden tod. Jerwy City. Mornini 8 00 At 10 A. M., by Steamboat gabptfail»on,Tla Taco* a* Ji? n 5r ,e s e^ 0 t J» JSxpresa 8 00 At at?. M.j via Camden tad Amboy, O. and A.Ax ~ o fwt m* M> Oamdeaand Jersey City/Sming *^ d AinVsiy,. Aeorimmod£ won, Ifft t a QQ A, t?„£ “y5r. 1 . 9 "” 4 A “ s *’ „ enSd® P ' M -““ r ®M^. £-, M y I * a * ta St on D»Joti til doreaj jOlty ■ Mri, Saturdays sxoeptad ,J 2 29 2**s?^!Ji lneß n principal stations only. &0., at 6 A.; It ***« ?. M. from Waloot street wharf. ' „ Fo L^ 4t !? a ?u Btrondsburg. Bcrantoa, Wilkeebarxe. A - M - Mm ‘ t > for freehold, at 6 A. If. and 2 ?. M. for Mount Holly at 6 g y n Jot Bristol, at 3# and 4P. M., %^ r lD^st s S 000, * ,B * TWIy *^ rU,, * ,oB ' UrSS"pl«^ 2#P udla ®^ a “^ e4 t Jotn Neilpon, fir Sacony, at 10 and 11# “• ™ j, “d ror Bjjliagton and Bristol at 4P. M. . ’S3*E : *?„• M > l“V Walnnt sirs, (wharf . ILTPlrty pounds or baggaga .hi. allowed eaoh paa- S! r :.^"“ Ilg S”*XV re “ Mtml tT ° m taking (or (king as baggag, but tbsir wsaring appar«~An tag &M; &iSSSu »>d, ™- H -r» A h?o. lB5B ERQM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH. ' And thence by Railroad to : WHEELING, ST. LOUIS. OuHVBLANDj CINCINNATI; ' OHIOAGO. * LOUISVILLE, ‘ BURLINGTON, indianap6lib, ST. Pauls"’ And all intermediate points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, MKJHI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINIIksOTA. MISaOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. 1 Passengers to points, west of Plttsbnwli, Wk»»Un* OlerelanS and Oreatlme, have ctiQlja <J wnUa.and a“* requaatrt to make a wlootioji k8S«« apjs% for tick- THREE TEWPUOH TWAINS LJAVB PHtLADIL- Poraing «!<>,• oomierttoni at to all polnti On Ofd aftet MONDAY, May 10th, 1868, Thra. through, and Tvo acaommodatton balm, will leara the depot, B. H. aomar of ELEVENTH and MARKEI streets, as follows: TKAUtB FOX PITTSBUIQH WAISS' FXOK FITT&BUXQB u AKDTHS WBBT XSaiTB. Mail tralnat....? 80 A.M. Mail train at. .11.00 night Fast line 100 noon, Fastline.i,’,.. 4.60 A. M Express mai1..11.00 night. Expr«« maU.. IJOnoon. _ A»AT«. V4T Sg4!I(8 AIMtTB. Harrisburg Hariisbuw: ao- a.ftp P. M. opnuuodatton.746 P. M “ 6.ffi)P.M ; « .#.50 a. M The mqil train stops »t all the stations between Phila delphia and Pittsburgh. mail runs daily, the other trains Sunday The ears leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and HABILE! streets, entrance on Eleventh street, where throng) tickets to all points West can b? Qhi&ined. Baggage will be received at the any time do ring the day. for ladling baggage. For nether information, apply at the Depot of 'hi Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast oorner o! Eleventh and Market streets, between the hours of 7 A U. and 11P. M. THOMAS MOORE; BUT W Agent Eenn’a Railroad 00, FALL ARRANGEMENT. Fsr BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOWN, Ac., and by oloie railroad connections for Euton, Oatawissa, New York city, Allentown, Williamsport, Water Gap, Mauoh Chunk, ■ Elmira, WUkesbarre, Hazietoo, Niagara Falls, Scranton. On and after WEDNESDAY, August 25th, 1868. Pas aenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows J For Bethlehem, Easton, WUkesbarre, Water Gap, ficiaatoQ, Ac., (Express.) at 8.16 A. M- For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, Williams port, Elmira, and the Wdst, (Express,) at 2.16 P M. (Accommodation,) at 8.46 A. M. and For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 9.46 A. U. and OPM TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 9 A. M. and 6 P.M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 7.10 A. If- and 9.80 P. M. Iloylestown Trains run daily. Other Trains daily, Sundays excepted. ‘ AU Passenger trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street Passen ger Railroad. Fareto Bethlehem.••••••.. 60 ** ' Mauoh Chunk. 2 go* ct Easton 1 SO (i Doyleatown 80 FOR SOHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN—Bj 8.16 AM. train to Easton, thence by N. J. 0 BE. aoo D. L. A W. RR. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Moun tains at IP. M. Fare 63.10. au26 tf ELLIS CLARK, Agent PHILADELPHIA, GEEMANTOWJS JT AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD—SUMMBB ARRANGEMENT—On and after MONDAY. May 10th. 1868. ’ TOR GXRMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at OX. 7,8, 9-06 min., 10,11 k A. M., 1,2, 8, 4. 6,0, 7,8, 9, 10, iudll* P. M. Leave Germantown at 6,7, 7X, 8,9,9 X, 10X, 11X A. M, 1-10 min., 2, BX, 4X, 6X> OX, xmn., and 10XP.M. / fc“The ?X o’clock A. M. Train from Ctamantowr willstop only at Leave Philadelphia at O.SQ min. !i. 11., 9.8 X, and P.M. * 'V Leave Germantown 8X A. M., 1.1 sain., 4X, and P. M. CHESTNUT HILt RAILROAD. . ex ‘ 8 > 0M min a- “• 2,8, 4 0,8, 10 P. 11. Leave Ohestnut Hill at 6 40 and 7.86,9.10, and 10.10 A. H , 12.60, 8.10,4.10, 6.10, 7.40, and 9.20 min ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.M A. M., 3, tX, and 9 P. H. Lean OheetnufHlli at 8.10 min A. M-, 13.50 4.10 9.40 P.M 108 OONBHOaOOKSN AMD MOBRIBTOWK. Leave Philadelphia at OVi 0, 11 A. M., 1.05 min 8.10 min.. ix. BX, BA . Leave Noniitovn at 8, T, 0,11 A. 11., 1,8)4, and r m. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and BP, H, Leave Norriitown at T A. M.,and 6 P. M. VOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia at Olf, 9,11 A. M. 1.05 min. 2.06 min.. 8.10 min., 6£, 6#, 8, 11* P. M. Leave Manarnnk at 6*, ‘X, Btf, 9*, Uw A. M. I**3}4, o*, 7, and 9 P. M. U7* BandftyiJ same as Norristown. OHBSTBB VALLIY BAELBOAJ) JOB DOWNING Leave Philadelphia at 6Jf A. M., and 8.10 min. P. M. Leave Downinßtown at 7J{ A. M., and IP. U. H. X. SMITH. General Superintendent/ Depot. Ninth and Gre«n street*. Philadelphia ®ob««r. SFUGUFT & SONS, . Importers of HAVANA OIOARS, «e2B : 21'8 Sooth FRONT Street. Havana cigars—iob,coo l» Fi6r de U Havana Ist. 2d, and “Sds, just arrived per brig *< May Queen.» from Havana, id store and for WILLIAM H. YEATON, 8624-tr Nn. 216 South FRONT Street. fiUGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS A HEOARS,—A choioe inrotoe of theee oeJelf«t*4 brands on board brig “New Nr*” daily expected from Hivhaa, and for file low, bj 1 OHARLBB TBIB, (New) 188 Walnatitreet) b*low Second, ul Bttondltory. RailroablDines. RAXLEOAD^-THB I»ntioWttM^Svrosi I ‘ BOO®®)' codoeeting tli» At western' Western. .North-wwiern-andlStouth Rd&i alMfiomJ & * Railway dlmt, ‘ This steamersto Pittsburgh with daily.'line cf »M?aSas#S’. BUBffHV liBTWfIEN rBILADILPHIA ffIAST OliEß—Boeti, Sk».,, a, t , ■- i ;-.:' l ’ae2?fSsss^s&ftfca , -‘' .• *" m IHUrtingand! Ticking',' {in original * ' . bales), Drags (in oasas), Hardware,. .Leather, Liquor,'(in casks.) Wall ".Paper* Wool, and /Sheep Pelts, 8Mtwert1j'&0.A0.,.;.*,...,.., BOo.pttlO t«in© • Claes—Antil*,, Heap, Baton Pork. Baited,' (loose or in , sacks), Pafnfc, (dry W ia efi,) . 'wl sL (a*o*Ptl*rd*nd * 0 *PtI*rd*nd rosin);,,,,, |Co HrIQJ Fosrarn Cnias-Coffee. fi*h, Bwon! V . ' end Pork,'(ln casks'or box** • !S\ w ff^i£M6 n^rd oi . ; BoOiAah,a*rm*nol*7, Tar.Pitdi! P6Ua, Hknaftotared To* taw §P/ QaMaawiw. . , >M».> andboxej,! f£X£srSZ‘***-¥'?“•■' ““U farther uotlM. Dot «««>“■* «00 Ibe. wight, ISMSMI - iMlOKtAoiimi.—olukS&Oo„OUM«i- Pmw.x 4 Oo.j Nemphia, Turn.; -B. F. Sam A So 1 Mo.) i.e.Olßiley t >do-i KranKTilla Indianai tStS* £•‘,7,™ V^ uWil s} J ent ” c,t y-! O- HcldriS Bmto * OOj Kid Ather A °??'?* ti i r H - s - ri "«> « &., ZaoeeriUe, 2?Oo’ K 0 \r°' 64 J C11^ r “ trMt ’ BMton ) L«eo» ».£ S. 00 ??' New Yark ' No - 1 w '- llp <™ It. St«* York; S. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; -Hun fc Kooia, Baltimore; D. A Aewart. Pfttabnwif^ 1 * ' _ H. H.' HOUSTUH,' General freight A mint. . _ _ - * Hi J. LOMBAXBT, defl» General Bapertntendent, Altoona; {Dines, anb Ciqnors. GROVJB WHISKEY.—A do- ImwJiJl *i consumption of impure spirits, iIr»«SIK^ DJU^ 00 .* effectB n P°« tie constitution. S4?*® 4 \ te offering to the public of an article which-the analysation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, end Messrs. Bo^th* SS2s * ba Tnnnt^ l^cl^lftl proTes Wond all question,’ to • I ”“ lv ? li 1 from Mr. OHARISS WHAETON, J* J} Philadelphia, and Baring 'carefully tested it I am £drt?Jrtl , * t ' , ?? it ta en^ tree from polaanoua ordeleterious substances It is an unnsnallr tmM One fiarored quality of Whiskey 7 pare “* * „_ v * JAMBS It. CHILTON, M. 8., New York, Sept. 8,1858. Analytical Chemist. « a . Philidelphii, Sept. 9,1858. „, D *f ß Sn s .We hare carefully tasted the aunple of Ch.estnat.<JroTe Whiskey whhhyou sent us, and. find thht it contains none oftht poisonous substance known : ,r g ?eS^t o ‘VMf.^^r^V“ ll^Dl,<lM Very respectfully, booth, GABRETT, * oauao, _ . ’ Analytical Chemists. Il»| C nn‘i" , W ,’f A ' l7o *> *f-i *lO. SB South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. seMdtoeai TP E = A ,J & riI.S» ROCHELLE aMOlntod «Sr/^T?. h, .a ,u S'7 lg,1 “ 1 > been Sn Agent, in tie State pf Pennajlyuiia for tue.aale of the ahoae celebrated Brandy, ara prepared tt n ff n 1 jHS 9 t ? dB •* 4119 loweat mariot rate., fcS U.B BondedWarehonsea. ARNOLD A WORL * an2«-tf . 120 Walnut atieet OR ANDIES.-—^« Pinet OastiHoa,” Marett. ” and other Cognac* of Tariona Tinttgea, in hair pioes and quarter ca*i»: Paillavofiin BooheUe Jfeandlea. ife“&£&£? teff "** " 4 m^ith HKNBY BOHLB# * 00' 821 and 838 South Pearih afreet. tOattljea, Jeroelrg, &i JJS. CALDWELL & 00., • 482 CHESTNUT Street. Hare reeeired, pay steamers, new alarJas Jewels, Chatelaine Teat OhalaaT ' Splendid Sana, Hair Pina. • Eralt Stands, Sajar Basfceta. • Jet Goods and Slower Yaias. Coral, Lara and Houle Seta. - QILYER WARE.— WILLIAM WILSON A -SON manufacturerYofsil err’ ware (ESTABLISHED ISIS,) AK£ ' o o >n1 ’ otmido to <"*>' t»Stifc tmportera Of Bheffleld and Birmingham ‘imported **”• , oeSO-dtwly I S. JARDEN & BEO. •" 9 MunjyxoTDMaa ass otrofcnas ov „ SILVER-PLATES WAKE, No. 804 Chestnut Street, Above Third, (op rteiw,) ; . .. Philadelphia. ’ 1 P “ Oonetaatlr cm h&nd and for ula to the Trade. TEA SETS, COMMUNION BERVIOE SETS, URNB. Pl JSS?^ a ’JS ß i E ' r3 i onl>s . waiters’. BAB-’ SETS, OASTOBB. KNIVES, SPOONS, f OBK& LALLES.&c., Ac. * . Gliding and plating on *u kinaa of met*l. oeB.lj stnppiiia &«*& THE BRITISH AND WORTH -ggSSSfi, AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTBAM aBW tosk to UTnVeot. - , OUiIOiUd " ■' r«> Beeoad Cabin PaMage.,,,,,,.,..., T 6 ■ . ' ' nW.BOHMI tJ UtBKTOOI. . OUefOula Pautg« nm Second Cabin Passage...... ; $q - • , T i® tom Boston call at Halifax. Judkins. ICANADA, Cant. Laa*. 5 W’ i * s*°°®* AMKBlOA,G*pt.Wiclmftn ASIA. % Q-Lott. HIACABAi Oapt. Byrie. AJBIOA, Cart. Shannon. IBITROPA. Oapt, J.T*lV*b. Thaw vessels carry a dear white light at irut-be&d; green on starboard bow; red eu. port tow. GANADAj I*ng, leaves Boeton, Wednesday, Oct. 30. AfBIOA, Shannon, “ N.York, Wednesday. Oct 27, ?ER.2?Leitcb, » Boston, Wednesday, Wot. S. PBfLSfA. Judkins, *t lO. AMERICA, Wickman, Boston, Wedneiday. No? 1?. ABIA, L°tt, « N. York, Wednesday, bept. 2d. Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. ' „ T .^ e .?, of ttMe Ships will set be accountable fbr Wld, Surer, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Predoua Stoiks or Metals, unless bills of tiding are sumed therefor and *i» value thereof therein expnssed. for .freight or passage apply to .31 OUNA&D, 4 Bawling Green, N. Yo; k. 1858. 1859. MEMPHIS ANDNEW ORLEANS UNITEDSTAT E 3 MAIL PACKET LINS.—The splendid Boris of tola old and popular LINE will leave Memphis and New Orleans, as heretofore, on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS, i YBIDAYB. MONDAYPAOKETS. NEBBABKA Oapt. A. S. IBYIN. BEN PRANK LIN Oapt. I. D. CLARK. WEDNESDAY PACKETS. JOHN BIMONDS Capt. JAB. F. SMITH INOOMAB OaptBURDETT PARIS. F-bIDAY PACKETS Capt. WU. WHAT. T. H. NEWAU*. SELVAS P H. E. W. BILL. IP 3 * These Boats connect at Memphis with the Rail roads from that point, also irtfh regular Packets for St. Louis L uisviile, Cincinnati, and Naibvtne, on their respective'days Leave Memphis immediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad 'Oars Passenger* can arrange their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea sure may require.' For information, inquire of J. J. RAWLINGS, At Webb dr Rawlings’, 316 Main St, Memphis . 8. H, Saocfc, Adv. Agent. 0012-2 m CHARLESTON, SO.—HERON’S 3B& LINE-ONLY REGULAR LINE-GOODS RE CEIVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERT DAY.—Freight and insurance at leas than sailing ves sel rates, by .the steamship KEYSTONE STATE, faptain c. P. Marahman, to sail on Saturday, dot 23, at 10 o’clock, A. M.. from second wharf above Vine st. For further particulars please see advertisement ot Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Ja., oc4 328 North Wharves. FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH -HERON’S LINE. GOODS RECEIVED AND 3ILL3 OF LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. The splendid first-class slde’Wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA, Now form a weekly Bae for the South and Southwest, me of these shins sailing every SATURDAY at 10 j’clook A. V., alternately for Charleston and &*- nonah. TOR CHARLESTON. The steamship KEYSTONE STATS, Captain O.P. Uarshmao, will eommence loading on THURSDAY, October 21, and sail on SATURDAY, October SRI, at IQ o’clock, A. if. 1 TOR SAVANNAH, Tho STATE 0* UKOHGIA. Capt. John $ Oar»Ia», trill comtnenoa loading on Thursday. Qot s&tfe az4 •ail on Saturday, Oetober SO, at 10 o’clock a. M. At both Charleston and Savannah* theoeampdconiiOßt fith steamers for florid* and Havana, and with rail* road*, Ac., for ttaSoath andSoothwcrt. _ , TOBI9OTB HBDUOJSD. Hevry Freight %t s» Average of 16 per cent. boJow sTew York ratea. INSURANCE. FREIGHT end INSURANCE on* large proportion of goods shipped Sooth -will be found to he lower by these ships than bj selling vessels. Cabin passage. ••••••••••*•••••••••'$29 00 Bteenge do 9 00 Exouriion Tickets, good for the present yea;. 30 03 No bale of lading signed after the ship has sailed, for freight or passage, apply to ■ • . „ _ , - ■A. ERROR. 3;., No. 829 (lattftt) North Whams. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. * T. G. BDDD. Agents in SaTannahVO- A. GREINER & 00. for Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, •very Tuesday. * from Savannah, steamers ST. HALTS and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesdey-and Saturday.- Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell tg&gr&k, STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVES jMnaffihPOOL, DUBLIN, and LONDON* DEiIRiT, without delay, for 80 dollars. “ Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars fo* the;round trip, out and back. „ „ ‘ nos nvTOUi New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at IS o'clock, Hi Edinburgh. Camming, << Oct. SO, 11 Glasgow, Goodwin, « August*, «* Glasgow, Goodwin .••..Saturday, July 19. New Torn, McMillan.;. Wednesday. Angoat H. Edinburgh, Camming...... Baturday, Aug. 14. RATES Of PASSAGE. no* QLABQOWt Wtnt Class... guineas Steerage, found witn cooked provision*,, »**,'B “ non ww TOUT. Vint Class ,$76 09 Steerage, found with cooked pr0vi5i0n5.,,,.,.... so go Children under 14 yean or age, half tare; Infants in Steerage, free. Return uoketa avaUable Within gig months, by any steamer of this line. first Class ,£l4O 00 Steerage An experienced Buxgean attached to each Steamer, for freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00., 120 WALNUT Street, PUladel* phis. ROBERT ORAkft, IT Broadway, New York. HALL & LONIT, Daehinan’s Wharf, Baltimcse. myll OLATfi 1 SLATE! 1 SLATE ill—Rooßng 13 Slate, of all slaea. and at very low rates, kept oon* itantly on hand, and for sale by . . „ . 4 f (EKING, VOX, A 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD (trait. N. B. Blate Bool* put on in the beat manner, and .itln, WnllmMM. ’ (fi, ‘-i -xf-.'xJ^&GOiZ-z.
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