i-. W-if k -f.t'r- In tha Janutirj Lite >s- V? riay»U^-»3t'i(?4’ , *.>' l '!*?9tft‘ ll ftith^.pon ; o f,o l jr. ;'l. VvwWtpMaafcWwyHe »t,t#'Hnwi ,offn6 >ordia»r>! .--.lw? <|ewnea3t'& ji'-f* \reprbdttQe'a-pbTtion :r , •-: - of] thia artiblOj jiot ;doubting‘our jepdcrß.wlll' bo : % /cjMgtyy JJf«r 1. \-'curjj A .v,;, ' ’. y*v, ->. [~ ,,v> : ,•, ’ . If*wdlnU&^e^|fjbW6ieM|t^%ott^id;ib«. - ; ; v willof the king a ; ‘ ok the modem noyeHatij, rvlt- seeia3 r tq;be almost a \ ; : settled point thatheexcelaall his contemporaries, ; *, and has aucoceded-to' the throne /of’ the Wiiard of tho North" 1 . '-BafcitmaybOjras it Tba*'been;before, that the iit error, And'that most infal< ' libld judge, fashion"l t#elfshistaheh. y Though^we sa to the pdwera th at he, yet we oonffaadnrßelvea-ef.the/ininority,'; ■ 'who woold giveXho/orownstOYDiarael!,; and- dis plnoe tho'.monaroh)of Klng-Nnmbera. vWejhink Nature hasbeeri/nidrebountlfnl to hlm.' r She'has endowed hJm wj tlfonmtenser spirit; she hag gifted him wifh ft'largor'Bhareof .that . whloh-the,world has baptised * f geniua- n .Ttfrough- his'pagca, oan;be sooii-.a' controlling, harmonising, ' j . deduping .shia .varied-materials to . orderyand disposing them with effect-;- ffotahvery ' ■- AUpgVstho -thptfghrsT-nnd ■htntimehtd df. lothersV f m If ypulaTe'.deaUngiwithan; author of lOQiS'gonlos,:■ you'ore also conreraipg with groater'.talent and-art: arrears , voice of' la. too often : irdeoghiaadi -‘ i You oamiot acoedeto.him ! tho?hlehe’B6vinerlfc--pHgir, jialitW\vVAi>d. i it'. ; iB precisely Tn\;the;poipta'hpon; f iliimsßlf-r > hiB : “Behumeht ,ah& iih^'ei^—thnt;.ho;,is^%ost r B .plagiaris\and , t^iginrityAndthflSoaretneohrefcharmof.hiawri^ . ting*. "Ihtbem llestha spcUwbich holds thp.WOTld. . boand. r .Bat his tal|sman oame to him at second* hand.andiaatbestfttbingof partnership, aoompost -■ and & ; ihahqfflOtare, and we are swayed hot by tho forffi 1 iri' Whtbhdt'greetß the^drapory_ : the Jntrin -Bia;.yirtnei vitality was the work cf another. rDisraell.Vielda a tallsman all - .his c ;f rior flfoTe’nh'-fXt’OawVto him the free giffc'of-Naturo; aemhch bis tiwhat the;sonhofthe nightingale, as, distinct ihgal6frQm,thosp.of ! the lark,- \ Yon, .are- jeobjefTh; new«iSpptf, r and: standCehfrancod.'by a . song bsforo {,?its ! even,you' - hftTraeyer and no-other ' voice. • thefwarld au;!intcl leotaal Jregloti| /sB twhlch'vgreets thS ■ Childteh)of wbenVfromVout/the, - waves toae : ripon‘their,"dblighted -Senses the .flow* crx/indodqrousihorcs'onHlorida.'ltaflweepa of gorgeous savannasof orien* tal growth its. resplendent‘•shies-'of .quivering gales, dissolving the spirit iu and'wooihg it ho soft repose. So sur prised and dplighteu was' the world when Vivian QrSymodel# strangerdid not rpam tho sunny fields of the new foa'nd land with “%,moro eager . and < startled ourf osity than dtd; tbo =roadintc would--httrry through the passfomueowildi vlvid p&gea 6f Vlvi&ti Qrey. ; - . In point of novelty and we eoimeot It - but wiih + dM incident in oitr 'experience: It recalls' mindwhomfOr thefirat inthp samejand a 1 flock of liko a .clpud of - gold and green, with their bright plumage glancing . Fnfho; mn, dartejJj wlth. chatteting noiBe,’>hy : ttB > Wfr stood in ihute andj -wUhiohildOike - :;',n wonder^follpwodAthei brilliant*wirgod-spectaole till it vanished 'from ; cnr'Hight. ‘ It oame niwn : our • vision-^—»;revelation'. : -It sppkp - of another ’* / olimc j’ it: told' of -sun and J brighter } skies.' x Ahd not ‘only.in novelty, but In' simi _ • of oharapter, may tho genius of Disraeli :)»^cOmpaMd^-to : the brilliant spebta'olb'wo have ' recalleu, ~and :tp;lhc * gay whioh .wo wit - hesMd;iti spirit belongs to v the Bduth and tc go a more wtiohing song ' , thftr a;more vivid, lustre ; -1 thejrygaJssyatc burdened.with .no.rloher odor.;in - alii’ana over aU. tbere broods not a more dissolv : ingvpldpthtoiahess,'. aLuxuriante/ :-pindigality,' - . and r waste .mingling and confusion of.de*. 7 'I,-- lights;’.eccentric,'errant, wanton, a .bewildering -> mate;‘butlife isytHefe, life in itgdhtensity, the , very riot . • teeming.rejoiolnghoneathuthequloWenlhggUnoes of .its Traraing'.. sun. ’ ItXihi of life,-and r the,; life-jriyibg 4) power, c~ that* Disraeli outstrlps BaVwer. :ylt> is inoommunieo*' / piirohpsed^by-labor, .•? ma^in;yaiil'. r attempfc. to win; before Y :aM;'oonteht to despair, and'to admiie whereyer it>manlfe«lB:it* self, whetheryin-lthp 'voioe the < woadrpußfo#ns.ofihpooul^tdr/or v ;the r ardent ,ore atiofls Of the'pmht^r-~dt isjiLthts power and: qua lity, which .'may '-be mimlokedyahd Imitated, Imt cannot be reached; which oomeB? toia'.priVilsged few, the grace abd bountyofNaturo, aduti&Cttonf * ( * & dignity, flowing from royal prerogative, and - granted ather quoenly pleasure.o^ [Exported for ThePreta,] .-7. 7 - - /LrBIOUUOIIU--lQi boxeß' ) tbViCW: WaTtJla & Bt«pUßE'* Mfij 490d<>33c5B«8do ; ThMW«bster, Jr;63 do 8 Tilton ' " 4Co;il3duMeroer* Antelo; 81jJo Backnor, MeCam-' moiiA'CojiSl CBies do Mots *-Boehm;'62. boxes do JB ' ' Ba**k};26;MW.6hdel,’hon:W‘BttUher& SooliSMbbls It do rag a Jewup AMoore; .6bal«#,cotton JH Wood * Son;.,B< bapa.fmUD HOnlbsrtsonp 76 r doUrelner* & {3o;i,lSido,N.Helling*; .64 do Tuslin & 8b«well;~83do pemS OH Cummings; 6s 1- - bale* domestic* l Welling.Ooffla 4’Co; 05 do cotton J - 1 P aimer A'Go,7l.dumdß»F*rnbknvKirkfc*m'* Oo;.XOO ■'i bb** fvJJce übsb 7>bbls Martin So oeHttAOTHtfKiA, trade. •: PntfsttK* 1 -7 ';v:V'. -vv;-V.^r soodeb, } Qomxittu ilrJraa Hobt*V„. v -‘ -'\{ : ~. BVp Tfiiiroi«/'P,rioter*?-;.. : « .lf;*.. T«rrkxil[,dct 25 -- Bfatp'N'D)^littftiiTPo«iep» : >'.ShiprpHnc«doJolnTUl®iPoat«i:;'.»i*P«m»int>aoi»j *bcn TJ'uqnSf Irtni/N6bM:;:L ; < ■fi&rgae America';•Wortingir; .Vjr. v.V. «i f mozi ' /3traa« St Junes* 0rtwe.;... U. 'i.816,d0 Jinelro,',Oqt 20; A Bcfg Adelln*; sods* .V* r ;'*/.«7*«X6nd<m»)i#oir ~v B«br7oip.W»lWr^T?rdV;v;?;;y , .«..i*.B»rbid6ei;Mgn BilgMoonlfght,'Sai«Jhl. ; .^.v..J.«..,*l.§irtitaoei;^ocrf =mitt in' PORT 'cg:; ' V**.?*)*/'****'*?***".*^ 5--- v '' '•■ i- :Aitf-: %-'>. Bt®mihJp^7irginui,Kenj/fromßichmond,-ttoNor !' -~ trUhtiuSsejahd _peweo?ers£o ;, Thomas .} ' - ■_*eos!ecrjt,rOff, the* Budyon the Brown pa*sedT>rlg - : \ ttyriftrom fßoetim/and-brijj' W -Crawford at Brandt-, ' Alma wgbt. ft ‘* W+rh* spf?r\ {J“, i ; /{ ms S ? ? Bttu»Bblp'' i lE«miibeoj Hand/JW ‘four* ■,&otn If York, - .-’.'.JV, :,. 7 witb-mds9 end jnteeogors to’J*a’'Mldsjdl<» s . i,Ci -\ the Brecht Qemjfrbtri Malaga,'abate thfc Buoy'on the ■i- - Middle, An unknown Bombay Hook, barque • Gonjifrom <Jo,and unknown, herm iV- " -' •:Br’ :bfli'Of'MUaVKftTinkugh f 8 days from flfc'Johri/N - B» wlth»alijjKCtol?ren*itOoyV:V, •. • ,•; : *'£■?«*&' J>C,#4t^i l cei ? gmtthj‘3&daji from ; lumbefio.-to Oalrih; -'4-* . ~ - c 3; ■ mckwwn, 6 dayafws ' Protl -r , -.-de&oe|ef)U^a4ke^'CroweUvCollins.* -*• • (•- '‘:'- 5 ' S r .y. ■■ -*< Bchr'finyer ,Magnet, Perry. 6 day* from Boston, in ■ • WlW»fetfrN<tu?SVant:& Oo,*~ ■; rf^r ,<■>;* T ;' 6day* from-BoStcn.in ballast’ •/>;? ~: -,* -' '••=v, - £/BahrMl\<A.* Bogersr B6gera,4d»yr from Stfenf.'with-’ “•*: '■,' ■ mdarttyAjhexoft etr(3o> '-*■ /■*^y *;v fßcht-Wmr H»crgB,~J*6k*on,ldayfrom Smyrna, Bel, withgraJit.wj^D'BewUydt?oo,* j A - v j day from New- Oastle.'Del? :• with WBarratt &W v BcbrC-T'Brodkee, from Psirhateni : *'!,' *• , Bchr-flharlcs Carroll} Pratt; irom New Hares* »" Bobrina dartis, - fßqh^fiUloMjjyeftTapjfioraßriidtree.' , . „ ... 'Sclir.lJUißjpjidr,Norton. trdmNewYprk.fif ■■ iV . ■s,f;: /-Ttot(« l 'S»?Ktil&';Oor.^->,;:-i.'- : 'ViX. ! 'rft';.-:,5... i.-'i ■■ ... BarquePursuit, S&ritonl, Boisrio, Wcnknj»n & Co. : “ . B»iiiu^,L« ; »!4» l ,;B(.iLt*e, l!»T«iiq»h, Pelut ) Mirtta • ' MoWls, a 8 Btel»ira& Cat ': - iirß>iieridgoj/Wewbern, Cochran- & • v; *.s;,»,£ *-i* Nerina if if ’ , OAII &Ool; ; •' - ~Bel>r. JfS^Hirtii/.cEarlei, 4 NorfolAfNobla'H*mai«tt ; ’ <B«tfrS!irllU ! Aba;MbKeU, H*ad, Sfo6lla,-Pott(t; it*v^ >^&'o<sMKPhi-y-\ >v'v- ,vf ;, 'Ay v -W;'fl^i {^W^Jfigij r eVi T PbrTy r^^ffon : l N'fltßft«VAni4; Go ! -I|\V:. i ; r :€«kr*S AtutiovAiay* • y - ' JjAttdenriel ■•i ’foKr V? 1 A a ß(»imnondi'oaib‘!j3iJatoni ‘f” do'=r‘\.'\ fI•- ; B«hrACordery, Babcock. Boston, * a '- do''"'" *; - , ~ B«br Empire, AQBfSߣNdrirfob7 -.M; * ■,, dj 'r ' ' ,BchciH A?Bok«ra,Ro^ra< : Qaiflcy» f r- j ‘ -'." 'do - :>. - fBAt rK ir «- £ r f- f ,. WfcfN m*M*boe<.^' 4 -do•'-v •** Ik A v .;Bchr dfafrle*Carroll,*Pratt,p»OTWeoce; friar,BtOno •jif ii**>*& ?: -.r’-i/ ■ • ••' jfor.“ i W6 T Wracß}!Bt»k!.tbD t Co*. y .- V' -‘ .;i Bflkr AbaOortle,Curtis.NewTfarkYVait Duwn.Nor -1 - »ioo ds'oo.'/ f -r=< j -• . wSflir^BCc^l>dr,'‘flwd«f*^Ydrkf h AadanHed & <jo. • JroTO,-Dttk«fl, Nd»rolkfJcKa& Whiter •> - .. :Bchr Xlllott, .Wflaver, 7 Aie»todrffti*V-::^dows‘i,-S- \ ;. Btf HX QaTr, lie>, UftltJriiirejA OroTeff/rf : - I J>K GBAOB/OOi l 4,1868.: . . ■ ■ Tie .Wyoming baa n6t3yetleft tbJi >morfiing/there ■' 'ke!d / /ot’ PKil&deJj'hla or -fiautmore. f-. pocaethingtattotV<^Mgaomi#jfbdje.Y : , t (r -■ f ; rcdrtteik}Sieddd'oKtiie PWiaaeipbU . v:v' J LBWBS, t)ei..'Odti3 : - , T .AtaerlcftVwhM'RlnggoWiok*« FoiT TAmijmej ! Wolft; and SnrpMse, •-'• and alootr.M»ry?JC< I 'ComptoaAreAi aobth-' i\ - v -V. . \ AttiT«a*ihipi?»ffM}», {fOTntlTerpooljbMqueDawn, -? . , £f jmßiqdb^ brii Neipf..W’oiJ4*’ I ftrom<Miraoiibo; ;- 3. Arrired, kwdnd 1 XJomfc. Trtoqtiebar ?■ j&dodi , - Boatooi:,^mbttf/BUbey j 1 -- ■ ' -‘noMitolt. «rtiT*d tfgf'- ’©feh fctSsk !»»>!■ $%?.. Mnt' If' r & " BKqm Omia ’l,ilanJ, Bmllh for Gn»m, ole.rel at i B»qq« Ball®, Kyder, lienee for Uo.ton, was aeon 10th '-Batqnl Iraio B'DaTtj, phase, from K.ir Orleans/nr-, PMladelphia, sailed from - BUg\ 6^Wu\son,: for Porto . Cabell., cleared at Now York -ju- - - -7) - , Brtg.il/red Bxall, Headline, from Charleston, arrived at Havana 3d inat,..* . '/-*->; -, • * _.. •, Brig Abbr ISllen, Gilchrist, hence, arrived at Bath Uthinet. -,i . ■ r i ,’v;t , - „„„ ,Btii <JW Barter, Barter, cleared at Ploton 119th nit. for PhiladelphH. ' Bofcrs £ English, Barton, and "Percy Heilner, Gandy, hence/arrived at Riohmond 18th Inst. - . •■ vSehr-Mary Elizabeth,; Medary, for Philadelphia, a&Ued from Nantucket 10th lost. - ' Sehr .-Brazil,- Hawes,. hence, arrived .at Edgartown Uthidst. r- . „ . - Bohr-Kent Wright, Vanarsdale, cleared at Albany IQth'icst. for Philadelphia., >, ' Schr.SaHle.T Oh&rtre, Ghartre, from Charleston, at Providence 13th uirt,> : : . ’ • Schr Worcester, Bhodes, hence, arrived at Providence 12thlost.-c / .. , -r/ ’ Schr Mary Ann, Lang, for Philadelphia, cleared at Halifax Bth Inati ' - : - = / a .. - 7%hr Allen Bush, Bomerfl.hf bjc, arrived at Savannah .12th nv* - -■ i-'-* V*; ‘ ' ’ - score i alia Anna, Harding, and Louisa Gray > Wearer,- hence, arrived at Boston 12th> lost ; • ' • Schr O-iKentrOarllsiei hence, arrived at Baltimore : ' S Soh “iltgoilli; Nloioreom hence 12 th olt.for Port ScaiOv Trinidad,' wu spoken, no date, let 3819 N, long ? Scbr'i McAdira, Hafchorn, hence at Charlcaton 11th instantv. w i U > , * •: schr* Amelia, Boekhlll; and JosephaS Edward, De lany, hecce at Nerfolk 11th inat. . . , ~ ' B«hrt Martha' Baxter, from Boston for Philadelphia, at New York 18th lost . - . - flohr/L H Endicott, Leeds, heepe at Newport 12th Inst,'discharging.;l ,fohrs Worcealer, Bhodes, and Pirm, Endicott, hence* at Prpvlaence 12th Inst . ' , , ' Bchr U:& T Cuuner, Hnntley, henoe for Pawtaoket, at'Providen^l2lh ( nst. . : / *, Schr, It W Benedict'Sills, sailed from Providence .12th lost for Philadelphia. . 5 ; NOTICH TO'MARINERS, , The Lightship oa'&lartiQ’s Ittdastry, which h&fl dis. played only one .light-for,- some time past, will show both lights on ani after'JTaeslay, Ootobor 12,1858. Charleston Courier,l2th. _ . >' < 7 j 'IBT fILXQBUk. j ’ ’' (Oorrespondenoe of.the Philaaeiphia Exchange.) -- OIPSIBLAND, Oot 14, P M. : Tho ship Besoldte,'for'Savannah, and an. unknown herjn.brig.vrentoat to-day., Nothing observed going in,' Wind NW—weather fine. Ydttrs,&o, ' THO 3. B. HUGHES. - Havnna—Sid sept schr Aurelia, Godfrey, New Orleans; barques Andes, Harty, Boston; Iowa; Jones, Mobile: Bd, ahtp-Jobh & Albert, Mobile; St Jago; Den nison, Portland; brigs Wn H Stewart, Weeks, New Or leans: 8 P 'Browd;. Townsend.’. Wilmington; Marine, Poweu; , ‘ Pehiaco’a; 6ih, brigs John Batch, Melville, Sierra Moreoa an<t Newport, Bl: Beronaa, Howard,'Ma rie! ahd do,' 6th, barque Anna Tattle, New York; brig Brownsville, Smith, N Orleans; 7th, barque N W Bridge, Hurd, Portland; brig Baltimore, Nelson, N York. In port 8d Inotf Arle’, Taylor, diicbg; B B Hamilton, Berry, do; Nathaniel Thompson, Shannon,do; J Psgon, Hall, do; 8 W Holbrook.'Drmkvater, do; tiinwood,Cle ments/do: Ocrdella, Kollen, do; Corinthian, Preach, do: Luna, Oar bond, old for N Onoans; Ottawa. Looper, dischg;Jobn Curtis, 8 tan wood, do; Hebron; Shepherd, do, ar 3J from Boston; Utah, Yates, do from Machlas; Armorial, Oausland. do N'York 4th; Pilot Pish, Wil liams, do Portland oth; Albertina, Barton, for New York; Amanda. Dannie,'do; Emily,' Tilton, do; Arden nes, —, ldg v 8old; John Wmthrop, Webster, fioBtoo; ar 7th, barque Salemv KlndaU, 12 days from 8t Jago de Cuba: brigs Leghorn, Hatch, dlsobg: Manus, Perkins,' do; Robin: Ranklh, do; Dsmerara,’Roblokon, do; JT Hooper, Oioagbt, do; Cygnet, Bernard, do; Sea . Belle, Whaley, do, ar from Newphrt 6th; Fornax; Gardiner, ldg for N-York:'Ocean Spray, Townley, do; Nanoy Wil liams, seisSd; 0 Perkins, , do; Margaret A Stereos, Butier, ar' from New Orleans 7tb: schrs Cumberland, Symmes, dlschg: Geo Byron,'Eldrldge, do, ar from Bos ,ton 7th fit jsgo de Cubs—Ar 14th nit, brig Linda Stewart, White, N York. . Cardenas—Ar 24th ult. brig Albatross, Smith, Bos ton; schr Anne Elisabeth, , Havana: ship J W Blodgett, —, Wilmington; 26th, brig'Kate Heath, Kiohards, Portland; Elisa, Boss, Siprra Horens; 20th sohr.Y Barkelow, Legan,.Newport: 80th, brig Adel*, Byers, Havana; 2d Inst, barque R H Knight, Luscomb, MatansU'/' 7* * . Sid 24tb, brig Hsywardj Soubrates, Charleston; 30th, b'rlg'Barah, snow,Portland. .Oleflfue^js— Ar 23d ult, barque Laurma, Thompson, Livifirpool/' /: '■ ' ’ ‘ ..Sid 21 tb, Viiqne Ihdlad Belief Tenny, N York. 2Bth ult, sbhr J W.Mmer, Beriw, New York; 80th. brig Kensington," McDougal, Oberleiton. Bid 28tb; brig,W H Bruue. Knigbt/ Baltimore; .80th, barque R a Knight; Luscomb'e. Portland ' loth ult, brig Lucretia, Mullan, 8t Marys, Geo. ' Sid 18th,bftrque'0haudler, Gage \ 2fEW YORK, bctl4—Ar, ship Thornton, Collies, Li verpool; brig Caroline, Perte, Aspinwali; schr Brontes, Pemr. Pdrt au Platt; - ’ * 1 Old, ship Underwriter,-Roberts, Savannah: barque Annie Glloert. Cochrane, St John, NB, sobr (J L Ander son; Weeks, Yiederickeburg. ... . HOLMBS’ BOLE, Oct 12—Arj sobra Ontario, Jame- Alexandria forßostor; "White Squall, Sharp, aad LammOt Da'pont. Corson, Pailadeiphla foisdo; it G Por ter, Hudson, Philadelphia for Danversport; Golden Age, Paine, do for' Wei)fleet: Antelope, Paine, do for Pro vlncetown; E&rah 'Bernice, Olatk. Machlas for Alex andria? ;-v 7. ' - . Bailed, schr Go'ldSn Agci. ' . 13th—Ar, brig George Downes, —--, Calais for Balti moidj tehtt Rotnoho, Smith, PhuadelpbU for East port; M»rUL DavlSi Whelden,‘Boston for Cape Haytlrn. iRRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, .GIRARD HOUSER—Chestnut' street, below Ninth.' R O Baltimore-; i; .,' J Schumaker, Boston A Welch,. Washington B S Barnum, Chicago J W Andrew, Laporte u R Ellis A la, Boston Hill, NY..; ’ W O Gibbs, Newport W R BhArp, NJ : - WW Wright JWWarksdt.la, NO.. ; : O RDahlgreen,La FNDnßols, NY E W-Parsons Sc la, Hartford MrsHSO Avery/N Y - WN W Green, Bm'* Mr Lawrence, Fa • DForbes/Pa SLeman,Lancaster B Lemau, Lancaster , O Brooks. N Y a Holland, Ya ; ». •- V v RaDulemy v Va . J,A<Oarte'r, Va = ~s O'W Bradly, Conn J J Convoy. Albany -r .0 G Wright St la. N O J&1 Murrell *la Va .v ; Mrs Gl> Murrell, Ya Mrs J 5 H Alurrel, V* ' J K Morse. N O Mra JBMorse,.NO < J Cole* la, Pa - H D Gordon, .Baltimore A N Curtis, Shannon ' •H P Platt/Olevelahd.: B Atkinson * la, Louhiv’lo Mia O W Thomas; Ky T Whitfield,-Miss J H McKenzie, M ... • * Peier Dinner, N Y B;W Wiler, N Orleans ; -_WB Gatrines, NY >-■ R Rowland * lady/N O L H Hoffman, Pa MIssOJ Combs.Pn-7-': Perry Mapes; N Y SamlPhillips,N Yi'-: 1 ' ' WLawrie,Boston * Win Btowe * lady, H GLewls * la; Conn L£Notttog,Y*;r7<>: : G W Gibson * la/Klnder- A.G Brown & lady, Miss - hook' ■ Miss Biown/ Miss i'7V' '8 Goode* lady/ Va r Fred Burgess * la, Provid’e 8 Oole * la, Washington JPR Rogers, P»“ .m' 7,- Mr Yrisarri - * MrdeOsma . .. ; . P N Bangs,-N Y . JJ. Zalrickef, N J ' " 'Henry Norton, England N BGregory. N Yi; - J B Williams * lady, N Y Aif Ballad© & U/-Reading J 8 Or oil * lady, York, Pa Wm Gray, Boston J R Gross; Kentucky HKBsynold.Ohic- G KRaynold, Ohio W A Bhepbard,N Y ;Alfred Ingraham, Miss DS Tompkias/N Y WP Brand, Md * ' 7 T.B Banting/ NT , ; •• Cba* T ROdgers, N Y Mrs Rodgers, N,Y=' - Jm3 Woolfolk * la. Ky M G Atwood * l» rAlton.lU M B Wendell; Boston • : WBTriplett;-Richmond - jOhasO Engart/Cincinnati Mauuei Timener, Cuba ;0 Humes, Ohio ,r < JW. Adams. SO / M A'Msrshall, KaoxviUe J E fiurkhalter, 8O : ' * 'J&rnes Slade, Boston 1 -G L Hndson, Ga DS Mclver, Ga GW McOready,"Louisville - John Stewart. NY' PL Brocket! * la, Ya . , EL- Broqkott, Ya ~ J E Lemorne; St Louis -■ r '' B Reed, Bridaford T G Crane, Charleston^Mrs Schmidt, NY OHTomaon,N Y.> ‘ -N M Norfleet *la Richm’d . 0.8 Pioarnery, Richmond -M P Perry * la; If O WmGray,7Baii- VQ Marlin, BalUmore ,RDKent * ls, Bslt J&s Young * son, Jdiddle’n 8 <'7 - A; Hili; Pa - AMERIOAN HOUSE—Oheataut street, below Sixth. 'ABGUift/tll ; ; ? . OMOroswell,Mich .FHLednard.N Y . G A Oates * wife, Ga i 8 Boa-on, NX, .., J Hallsnsn,lf X | Sami 9 Schwartz,Balt, JohnPWood,NY ; AM Park. Ga< a ~ ' OH SUllings.NO • ;Le Roy McHums/Jf.o: ;'*• John W. Jackson, N O . Washington'- OP EstlackrWoodbury ' L Hakes, Pa • J Btewa<t, Lackawana .D co J Madison, Lackawana :HM Smith,-:Va7- . J M Humes, Jersey Shore Mrs Ur in ton. West Chester H Humes. Jersey Shore BGHarrington,NY ColßMStaunton, Phils J M KeUo. DanvUle. Pa- 80 0 Weatherly, tt D. Pa , J DMereer, Pa : 0 Ranstead, Bastou Miss A Juba, Boston - VO Goodwin. NY A RMekole * la, Brooklyn W H M»kule, Brooklyn h Dahsm, Brooklyn x : -LO Jordon, Ya Mrs,Montgomery * d; WksbD G Oln, 0 - ATD»niels, 0iD,.0 > . r • BAUhler,^Lebanon .JBauman, Lancaster IPSypcVA'i^^t.mi M*BOHAHTfc» .below Arch street. :W 0 Gibroo, Phil*' • H Hirdawey,Pittsburgh 8 BecnaeU, ColutnbDS .. D Bair, Lancaster . W ,l •• 'lCatnp.Erie MrDelgea&U.Bos'on VBllower,'Pittsburgh JPKraiser, Clearfield UfiShaw,Oleerfleld npn ABWrfihtjOlearfleld -JKturlcryMUford, 0 . J MBarchaeUtftwtfejPltta'WG Gibson, p RE ~ W<-LB*ven r Pittsburgh*: • WG Harrison,Olaysr; 0 hB Ward, Mt Vernon, O A J Miller, Wa*hcb,P* * W.O Mohfn. ElktooiO 1 3 MclQtire,Elkton,aid UreMclntite, Kiktonj M'd: A Mohr, Cincinnati; 0 ' A/McK«aQ,Meice r , Pa M ZahoUer, Meroer.Pa " :W Solomon, Cincinnati, 0 , John 0 Pearce. Pa EKPerrey, NJ BWOoodlet.Mooreßtn.WJ T* R.ttuhop & M 4. B L Study, Tyrone. Pa ‘W W Capin,-Boston'. N B Gregory, N Y B.Bwlng, Hart* town J B Graham t le&rfield, Pa 18 Ofiterhout, Wllkeabarfe T Irbaln, NY. lTbosP'9 toft °ht NrYt - ' Wm P Harper, Md Jas A Bacdolph, Va ■ W T Smith, Marietta. 0 J B Horsy, Marietta; 0 W F Curtis. Marietta, 0 M Fargtuson, Ohio . J Barren, Washington eo P PBttoean, Pa. *, ; D D WilUnma, Pa L * IOCTION nOTßL—Areh.Btreet,below yoarto . JJtabne, Weynesburg, 0 35 Numbero, Apple C’k, 0 .W 8 fibaw, Savannah ,0 -J H Trimble ft mother, Pa H J Stauffer, Greenford, Q James Lowtber Altoona JaBbV Wagner; Altoona w Louie PlaCk, Attooca - Louie Fry ft la. Newark, NJ J Loremos ft la, Newark A Gflprftfn®, R l Geo W Scow, Boston Andrewßßogertft'la/N.Y F W Thornhill, Ohio J ALBenmant Warsaw.,o :A J Oamlngs, O , BGDezdeU.Oft.UBB. ,ATBanieU,OftMBB 7m Brows,' AlleghenA Pa 4 Wm Cooke, Beranton, Pa WBf raemen £ JPort Wayne P Bonalnw ft. lady, Boston BGSlaelcey,-Lycoming co i MlTioHAi'JlOTSt—BMii utreet! .tor. Third. H D Bbe«fTer,BtrMtmrg ; ; Q Yf Bamiay, Lobanon K Darlington, pheeter co J Delot g, Lebanon J) & Ha.tahu, Raneuter „ T Swartz ft sod. Berks co o;ABntler, ,- ■ O W.risner,Norr! stolen P Beecher, PineGroro i B Smith, Horrietown iUra Houfi.m, Reading Ml«« Houaara, Reading MUi A Houaam, Raiding -< Min s Houeai, Sailing J M«Coller,TaylorBrUle, 01 MoHeeah, Bloomeburg ■Joe Whitaker, Mt Oiair- - t'y KIIMBr, Hagerstown ;G M Brnbakeifi Milierab’g H 0 Bponeier, Dauphin, Pa W SbannnojcHsllf**; P»- J Vallerchamp,p. i . O T Marsh,' Inskhannook . .MiMDardwell, Xuakhan’k B * Bllrleh, PottavlUe - ;.. ‘ i '■ ? . ’ BL ACKHKARiIOTRL—Third, shore Oatlowhtli. J Datrlok. Kurlztown - . ,-, 0 Boada, Bjberry i, Kline, Ea*lvUla, > A Aebay, hnmtteytown > Unit, Snmne,town > BMobr, Pa . ■■ ' Win J Lon'imati, I*. ~ N Haganbaoh, Ohio Band Walkfljlnd. • Bami Defier, N Brnninriok Goo W Walt, Danboro’ _H Manrer, Pa H QilMrt, goading V- BALD BAGIiB HOTBD—Third atraet, ab. Oallowfclli. BWiUower,'Baeton 1 ' lewis slelirorj Pa J JRlaharda.Bdaton ■ Wmßalladay, Mllleratoirn B Koableri lTaoktown Solomon Boyer, Pa Jobn Gomoi,liSb&oon ■ RdL.blall,Pa ' Peter Wool ring p« gr“ ' Pater Eaim, Pa i 0 Walton, Monroe, Pa .' 8 8 Gray, Boiton A.Tajfor.NJ -- BBTomlinionAia. Pa.. ~ T PraU.NJ . .. M H Tomlinoon & la, P» W B Cooler * la; P* t < Kinaw: Borleatown A Oannlngham, Albany . GHtliar *la, Pa. _ J Bangab Ala BnaUetob ■-i-.’dr B * Addia,Wtarilla , . A'Blakajirawtownjf ?s. ,< } p BtodWon. Naw Hops • 0 Tr * *' L'V c i! lvr Brigga/tHew Hope JPPri-.bVXnmtonjNJ; ; JOMaed.r; How Hope SamlHnghea.NJ .o'--';:;.:' , J W Oriaamao, Pa-t>» - *■ DauilMlfflin, Del P Mifflin? *Wvi-tvT r -» JlBbnmway,liridgwater:;'B,GtKf6n,.Al)«ntoTm HMcOlair, 1 BngUnd K.niJuOHnghaa;Balt »P MlU«r,*NT :i .:;'' .;!-BCory,'Mk ' ■ .... , ... .. •„* : ; ' ,w»«P < 6ti rtfn; > ijsSF;" OU su; FOREIGN PORTS. DOMESTIC PORTS CP TO OWN O'OLOOK THIB XOBRUO. ' BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant street®. Mrs Olark, Shirleysbg . . W B Lees, Shlrleysbnrg WPMcHite, do “ D Douglass, do L frchoflOld, Germantown A D Campbell, Ones «o S JSeedohif Delco- JDSharpley, do B Wilson, Newark ~ J Strine. Cumberland co G H Watson,Pa JH Maokey, Pa Jos Bogles, Lane co, Pa MrsYouag fc do,.Oheft «> W E Williams, York co, Pa H Chester co Jfl Lewis. Del co , Jacob C Gatchell, OUea co 0 M Tavlor. Del co, Pa ’ P N Hammond, Newark, D i'enj Hoopes, Chester co B T Underwoodv Chea co D Stubbs, do. TD Reardon * ly, do llobtHodgion, Pk - Geo D Hodgson, Pa MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second street, above Aroh, Jan A Williamson, Pa 8 Gudykanat, Pa J M Blackwell, Pa , 3 a Rrown. NY AG Grant * la, Del Da.U Sreff Pin. Grove E Pettit, Phlla A Butlon, XI, f Colburn, Phlla W E Allen, P* A Kaitner, Pa , J Adams * la, PhUa - - THE WEEKLY PRESS. THE WEEKLY PREBS, Yol. 8, No. 16, for SATUR DAY, Oct. 16th, is how ready. Among the vast amount ef interesting matter, original and selected, contained In the number for the prosent week, will be found the following; THE RESULT OP THE ELBOTION. Thb Great Principlb or PoroLAn Bovarbiqntv , TBIOUPHANTLY SD3T-INBD. EDITORIALS. Wbat next ’—Stop tub E.vqinb—Tub Expedition to Pabaouay—Faults or thb Ooban Cable—Judob, JuBIBB, -AND ALDBBNBN—THB TbvaTIBS WITS China— A Bank or Gold—Germany: Its Past and Present—Dbbtrootion or the New York Crystal Palace—Try it Again—Annals or a Literary Sooiety—Gunpowder on Board—Tub Americans and thbib Suitors— Tuesday—Thb Rssult—Qiokmin’s Dibtriot—Tns First Con gressional Distriot—A Curious Reminiscence. POETRY. Those Vbspbr Bklls—Tribute to Herman Thor bbokb. What was Wtomi ^ o* "■ CORRESPONDENCE. TnB Sufrbmb Court: Tjib Lboalitt of tiib Act Selling thbStatb Oanalb—A OLiNdH AT Nbw ToAK POLITIOS—LANCASTER AGRICULTURAL AND Mbouakioal Fair—lntbbbbtino from Indiana— LbTTRR FROM ERIE—LbTTBRS FROM “ OCCA SIONAL”—LbTTBR FROM LANCASTER—HOW TAB ’ Question ibSkttlboand Localized in Slinkr bqta—Thb Grays of Franklin—Lbttar from . Onuu MISCELLANEOUS. WBBSTBR MATOHBD BY A WOMAN—TfIB COMBT, AS. ' f *bh Tflßouan a Tblssoopb : Prof, Mitossli/b OBBBRYATIONB—PCLFITB AMD POLITICIANS —A. 00-' RIOUB “BPiaiTDAli” COMMUNICATION—INVBNTIONS AND DI3OOVBRIES—HOTKL MARKBTINO IN NBW Toss. BELIGIOCS INTELLIGENCE. Marommbdakisu Rusujno to, its Doom—Tbrillinq Instance ot Paith—Firemen’s Union Prayer Mbbtinq—BtruTATioa from tdb Irish General Assembly—lncbbAsb of Church Mbmubrshii'— A ooinoidbnob—Union Sohday Schools in Tbxas —INORBABB OF MINISTBBS. NEWS. Atlaktio Cash t Important Report—Thb Crystal Palaob Firb : Total Destruction op thr Build* INO AND ITS CONTENTS—A EoUISTILLI BOW— Thrbb Mbn Supfooatkd in a Wbll—A Pqeoo oious Fonoiu and Mail Robber—Singular Db- VBlOPMtfßT—flaws FROM CALIFORNIA, EUROPE, . Frazer River, Mexico, Havana, Nicaragua, Ac., &o THE CITY Review op the Philadelphia Markkas— MARRIAGES AND DBATDB -ID* MONfeT MARKET— Piuladblpiiia Cattle Mar'kbt—Stook Quota- tions, &o. THE WEEKLY PRESS is furnished to subscribers at 12 per year, in advance, for the single copy, and to clnbs of twenty, when sent to one address, $2O, in advance. Single copies for sale at the counter of Tab Press of fice, in wrappers, ready for mailing. Persons sending elubs of twenty or over will please bear in mind that the paper thus ordered cannot be di rected to each subscriber unless the club price of 41.20 per annum is paid, and' paid in advance. This is in accordance with our published rates, and some of our friends have overlooked it. Our heavy lista compel us to adhere to this rule. Special Notices. Gnllofflier la making Silver** Air-tight Oa* BUBNEBB as they should be, In the most workmanlike manner, and of the be t materials. I WARRANT THIS BTOVE TO GIVE BATIBFAO TION, OR THE MONET WILL BE HEPUNDED" There are maoj imitations in the market, which have a tendency to destroy the good qnalities of this Stove. Call at my store, and see one in nse before making yoor purchases. A. J. GALLAGHER, No 805 N. SECOND St., ab. VINE. Tne Tourist, Traveller, and the Cautions HOUBEWIFE, should at all times have HEINTZHL MAN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER near at hand. It* curative properties are extensively known in cases of Nausea, Debility, Vertigo, Weakness, Dyspepsia, Ac. t J. & G. OOOKE, Proprietors, ' EIGHTH and BAOJE Streets. And cold by Druggists generally oels-2t* W. Henry Fatten, Manufacturer of Window SHADES, and Importer of CURTAIN and UPHOL STER? MATERIALS, LACE and MUSLIN CUR TAINS. BROOATELLKS, SATIN DR LAINB and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, MOREENS, PLUSHES, GIMPB and TAB3BLB,GILT OOBNIOSB and CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS. Gilt Window Shades, with all the trimmings, as low as 75 cents each. last received from Auction a large invoice of Curtains, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prices: Muslin Onrtains, $1 00, worth $3 00 a pair. Lace “ 82 00, “ $4 00 “ “ Tambour lace “ $3 00, “ $4 00“ “ Quite heftvj“ “ $5 00, “ $lO 00“ “ Elegantrichßmbroidered,slO 00, “ $2O 00“ “ Damask Curtains from $lO.OO to $l6 OO per window, complete. Onrtalne made and pat up at the shortest notloe, by competent workmen. % HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT St., oel2>6mos ... Opposite Jayne’s New Hall Stager's' Sewing Machine*.—That Singer’s Bewing Machines make the b?st stitch ever Invented, has been widely known for years. Other machines may make a' simitar siltch upon a few light fabrics, bat Singer’s alone aro competent to do every kind of work upon every variety of fabric. , Singer’s new Family Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machines for manufacturing purposes. ‘ They are also more beautiful than any other. Hemming and Binding Gauges of the most improved style are applied whon desired to any'of Singer’s Ma chines. . I. M. SINGER CO., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. sold-1) *n 22 Professor Saunders’ Classical Institute, at the WEST. PHILADELPHIA INSTITUTE, corner of MARKET Street ahd WILLIAM, will be reopened on the first MONDAY of September. Pupils, to the num ber of fifty* will be received without sjpbhsh or ram OK THB fAfIfIBHOSR BAILWATS OT TBS OHCT. Thua, without expense, by a pleasant and safe con veyonce, pupil* can be carried Into the fresh air of the conn try in lew then half an hoar from the oentre of the city 1 . Several acres of open ground border on the beau tiful groves of this Seminary, which Is patronised by many of the distinguished gentlemen of the eity, among whom are the Editor* of The Pittas, the Ledger, and The North American and United States Gasette. Pu. plls are received by the day, or into the family of the Prinolpal. “ Poiladilphia, July 1,1866, « We, .the undersigned, here had sons or wards in Professor Saunders* Institute and family during the Session which has just ln respect to parental kindness, happy influences, attention to health, and progress In thorough education, our expectations hare been folly realised. To our friends, who are looking fora decidedly good eohool for their sons, we cordially recommend Professor Saunders* Institute. “ MATTHEW NEWKIRK, Ho. 1800 Aroh street. “ JNOV W. FORNEY, office of The Press. ‘‘ CHARLES B. THOMPSON, Thompson b Rood, Ho 418 Chestnut street., ' “ J. 8. BILYBR, 1400 Girard avenue. “ W. L. SPRINGS, 881 Market street. “ GEORGE H..MARTIN, 1626 Walnut street.** Other Patrons of this Institution: ELI 8. BURNETT, 400 Market street. JOHN O. MITCHELL. 208 Bouth Sixth street. T. B. COLOBAN, 142 South Eighth street. N. B. BROWNE, 118 South Pifth street. l SAMUEL MOORE, Logan Square. P. WATBON, Logan Square. WM. 6W AIN, office of Ledger. MORTON MoMIQHABL, office of North American. ELLIS LEWIS, Penn Square. (p~No SsuissmT mo»b Sblbgt. e4-tf >B6O, 880, 880, 880, 860, 860, 880, 880— SINGER’S SEWING M&OHINRS —PRICES RE DUOED.-—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for |6O, and. the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial slxple, and re liable Sewing Machine, which has aq established repu tation for doing, the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at bur office and examine Hie new machines, at. the'reduced priced, They can not fail to be satisfied. 1. M. SINGER b 00.,'* 001-lm > No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Jules Hanel’*' Aromatic Vinegar is a de lightful cosmetic, and effectual remedy *for Neuralgic pains, headaches, &o, *lt is also a powerful purifier of the .air, in close or conflned chambers. This article has obtained just celebrity for its many excellent pro perties. Bold by all Druggists, and at the Laboratory of JULES HAUEL b CO., Perfumers and Importers, 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 0011-flt Scurvy-Scurvy is not confined to Arctic travellers and neglected sailers ; it shows its disgusting features also among the ill-fed poor in our filthy lanes. Nothing has been found ao speedily efficacious in ar reetiog .-the decomposing tendency of the vital fluids in scorbutie disease as the PERUVIAN SYRUP, Por sale in' this city hy P. Brown, comer fifth and Oheatnut, and Hassard As Co., comer Twelfth-and : Chestnut. se2o-dAw tf Greyer, fe Baker's w oiLisaino FAMILY BE WING MACHINES, 780 CHESTNUT STREET. These Maohlnes are. now justly admitted to be the best in use fpr foniily sewing,'making a new, strong, , nfl elastic stitch, which will mot rip, even if every fourth stitch be out. Circulars sent on application by etier* " ~ - ‘ apO.y . Seamen’s Saving Fond—Office 903 Walnut street, one doortrest, of .Second street. Receives de posits In sums of. One Dollar and upwards, from all classes ofthe community } add allows interest at the rate of five per eentr per annum. ' *,» ; Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon. day and Saturday, until 9. in the evening. President, franklin fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris ' JaekSOß, ; JOB PRINTER, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. • Cheeks,; Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, BUI Heads, Clr eulars, Cards, -.and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prioee to suit the times. oolT-lj 'RESS.—PHtr.AOEI.PHIA. PRtDAA. OCTOBER IS. 1858; Thomas w, Bally, No, 622 Market Street, Importer and Dealer In Fine Watohes, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-cl&ss goods constantly on hand The subscriber,'paying cash for every article, is enabled to sell at a small advance. Those aboat purchasing would do well tocall, All goods warranted as repre* entsed. , se4*Bm One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made in the host manner, expressly for jlbtiil balus, We mark our lowest selling prises in plaih fiouaxs on each article. All goods made to order are warranted BStiafactoiy, and. our ojjb-Priok system i| strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES & 00., 604 MARKET Street. Saving Fund.—Five Per Cent* InSrest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any cum, largo or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal, Money is received and payments made dally, without notice. The Investments are made in Real Rotate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such first-class securi ties a* tb charter requires. Office hours, from 9o’olock in the morning until 5 o’clock In tho afternoon, nd os Monday aod Thursday evenings until 3 o’olont .fefl , illamagc*, . Id Bt. Luke’s Ohitroh, Philadelphia on Wednesday October 30, by tho Rev. Samuel Cox. rector of tbe church of the Ascons’on, JOHN WOLFOLK BUBKE, of Virginia, to MARTIIA JaFFEBSON, daughtor of Niohotas P. Trlst. ' * On the 13'h irstont, by Rev. Henry Darling, Col. J S. MeOURDY to MUs SUSAN N A &HERMER, both of Thompmotown, Jtfu’ata county, Pa. # , Oo the llth instant, by Kev George Chandler, Mr. JOSEPH HOOPER to Miss MARY LYONS. * Oq the 14th Instant, by the Rev. Thomas Bralnerd, D D., FKANOIB FEARON to MARGARET T., daugh ter of the late Charles MoKaraher, all of this eity. * On the 13th instant, at tbe Church of the Epiphany, by Rev. O. 8. Williams, D. D., EZRA BOWEN to ELI ZABETH 8., daughter of Tilton Wildes, of Arpey town, N J, * In Meoklenburg county, Va., the S(Kb nit., by tbe Rev. T. G. Jones, the Hon. 0. E. WILLIAMS, of Cali fornia, to Miss ROSALIE, daughter of Captain R Y Ovtrboy. * # On the tfth instant, by Rev. J. 0. Olay, Mr. JOHN H. ROACH to Miss SOPHIA H. WELSH, daughter of Samuel M. Welsh, all of this city. , # On the morning of the 14th instant, GEORGE L. PUSHY, aged 21 joara* son of Elwood T. and Clara G. Pusey. * His friends and those of the family are invited to attend his funerAl, from his lato residence, No 715 Arch street, on Sunday morning, 17th Inst.,'at 10 o’clock, without further notice. On tho 13th instant, LOUIS M. DOLLISON, aged 25 years. The relatives and friends of the family are requested to a’tond tbe funeral, from his late residence, Ninth street, below South, on Saturday, 10th insi , at 3 o’clock P. M.. without further invitation. To proceed to Ronaldeon’s Cemetery. ## At West Oheator, on Tuesday, 12th Inst., Mrs. EU NICE P,, wife of John Hickman. Her funeral will take place, from the family residence, in Gay street, West Chester, this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o’clock Services at the Episcopal Gharch. To proceed to Oakland Cemetery. # On the 12th instant, ALBERT G. fcTIMBLE, in the 22d year of bis age. * The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly iovited to attood his funeral, from the residence of his lather, Benjamin B. Stimble, No. 559 York avenue, this aftoranoh, at 2 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Laurel Hill. * On the 18th inetant, ROBERT ELLIS, in the 60th year of his age. The relatives and friends of tho family are respect fully invited toSattend tho funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 320 Porry street, below Spruce, this (Friday) afterhoon, 16th instant, at 3 o’clock, witbont further notice. # On the 12tb iDßtant. after a severe illness. GEORGE M., eon of Willett and Eliza Walton, aged 10 years The relatives and friends of the family are respcct rully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his pareots, on Richmond inoo, below F.-ankford road, nineteenth ward, thiß (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, witheut further notice. # At Pass Christian, Mias., of yellow fever, on the 8d instant, Captain ISAAO BOWEN, Commissary U. S. Army. 1 # At New Orleans, of yellow fever, on the sth instant, CATHARINE GARY BOWEN, wife of the late Captain Isaac Bowen. U. S. Army. # At New Orleans, Oct. 7th, of yellow fover, WILLIAM H. TURNER, a native of Philadelphia, aged 22 years. # Union Benevolent Association——The nn mini meeting of the “UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION” will be held at the oilice, N. W. corner SEVENTH and BANSOM Streets, on TOES DAY EVENING, 19th inst .at 7)4 o’clock. Contribu tors and members are urgently invited to be preset t ocls-4t JOHN U ATWOOD, Secretary. yr. jp» “Stand np for Jesus!”—A Christian Ballad, with biographical sketch, notes, nine pic orial iliustratiooß, inclu’ing portraits of Revs. D. A. and 8. H Tyog, views of Concert Hall. Jayne’s Hall, ito., and three pleceß of music, with additional poems. Freeh supply, in various bindings, 50 cents »ud 68 eta. STOCKTON’S BIBLE ROOMB, 0016-lt» 8. W. corner BROAD and CHESTNUT. Commercial Bank, of Pennsylvania. LL3 PHILADELPHIA, OOTdBKR 11. 1853 —The An anal Flection for Directors of this Bank will be hold at the BANKING-FOUBB, on HONDA Y,~«he 15th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o’clcck A. M. And 3 o’clock P M. oclB-wfrmotnol6 The Annual Sleeting of the Stockholders of the Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE, on TUKB - the 2d day of November next, at 12 o’clcck M. ocl3-wfr&mtoo2 S. 0 PALMER, Oashier. lysa Bank of Commerce, Philadelphia, Oct* ILS 2, 1859. Notico Is hereby given that an Elec tion for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS, to serve the on going year, will be held' at (ho Banking Itonse, on MONDAY, the I6fh day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. oc2-s to th-tnolfl The Animal Meeting of tho Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, at 2 P. Mat same place. oc2-stuth-t&o2 J. 0. DONNELL, Oashier. ry*=» The American Patent Company of Cin- UJ OINNATI. OniO } organized July, 1868, with a capital of $lOO COd, buys and sails Patents oh commis sion, solid‘-s Patents, executes Mechanical Drawings and Engravings, and transacts KU business pertaining ?o Patents, ef whatever nature The Company also pub lishes the BCIKNTIBIC ARTISAN, the best mechani cal paper in America, at 82 per annum. The Oouvpany can furnish all information in reference to either Amerlcan-or European Paten's. Address AMERICAN PATENT COMPANY, Cin cinnati, Ohio ■' oc2-s tu th-lm The Crusades and the Crusaders —The IL? Her. WM. BACON STEVENS, D.D., wllldellver a LECTURE on the Crusades ana the Crusaders, on THURSDAY EVENING, October 28, in tbs MUSICAL PUN 2) HALL, for the benefit of the Mission Sundty School, on Thirteenth street, neat federal. All who wish a great Intellectual feast will avail themselves of this opportunity to hear this eloquent divine treat of the exciting times and the thrilling scenes whin the followers of Peter the Hermit, Walter the i'ennlless, Hildebrande, and others, under the sanction of Pope Urban the Second, attempted to re cover the Holy (Sepulchre and the Holy Land, the scene of our Bavlour’s life end sufferings, from the power of tho Infidels or Mohammedans. Tickets of admission, 25 cents each, may be had at The Episcopal Depository, Chestnut street, above Twelfth. Mr. f. Brown’s, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. ' W. S. & A. Martien’a Book Btore, No. 608 Chestnut street. Bmith, Eoglish, & Co.'s Book Store, Sixth street, above Market. Jaa. B.Bm’th& Co.’s Book Store, 630 Chestnut it. The doors will be open at 7 o’clock, ami the Lecture commence at 8 o’clock. ceT-th s ta td rV-j-ia Philadelphia and Darby Railroad IUT COMPANY.—The Subscribers to the Capital Stuck of the Philadelphia end Darby Railroad Com pany are notified that toe following instalments will be due, and are hereby requested to be paid on the follow ing dates, viz: Seeond instalment of $6 per share, on Thursday, 28th Oetober Inst. Third instalment of $6 per share, on Saturday, 27th November next. fourth Instalment of 86 per share, on Monday, 27 th December next. . ' The Stockholders are alio notified that all or any of the instalments on the Stock subscribed for by them may bo paid in adv«nce, and that Interest will be al lowed from the date of payment of each instalment up to tbe Ist January next. By order of the Doard of Directors. THOMAS BPABKB, Treasurer, No 121 Walnut Street. Subscription Book now open for the balance of the Stock, at the Office of the Treasurer, from 9 A. M. to IP.M. PHILADBLPHU, Oct. 2,1858. ocl4-12t Proclamation— UoC Hssltb Orriou, Oot. 12,1868. . Wasßiis, Quarantine at the Ltsaretio Station will close, by ord*r of the Board of Health, on the 16th of this month, (Ootober,) but as Epidemics still prevail to some extent in a few of our Southern Ports, as well as In the West Indies, rcquirlog caution in the Admit ting of vessols up to the Port of Philadelphia, notwith standing the low tern? orature of the atmosphere, with the prosppotof it so continuing—NOTlCE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That ail vessels arriving from the Ports of Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, Galveston, or the West Indies, are required to be visited by the Port Physician previously to their being hauled to any wharf of the City or Windmill Island, and undergo snob an examination as 1b provided by the 13th section of the General Health Laws of 1818 for the security of the Oily and Port from the introduction of any pestilential or contagious disease Owners and consignees of vessels expected to arrive from any of the aforetald porta are requested to give information to Oaptalns of tbe same, through the Pilots or otherwise,'as maybe most effectual la giving the above notice to those interested. The above restriction on coastwise vessels will be re moved at the very earliest day that circumstances will Admit. Cotton, and all other nrtioles now in Quarantine, in the Public Stores, will be permitted up to the City on application for permits at the Health Office. Published by order of the Board of Health, , ARTHUR HUGHES, ' Health Officer. Office of the American Flro Insurance LLJj COMPANY.—Pfin.XDBt.nnA, Oct. 4th. 1868 The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Pour per cent, for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal roprerontatives on ami after the 14th Inst. THO 3. R.'MARIA, 006 7 91113&15# Secretary. (y-sai The Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, 113 October 2d, 1868.—'The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank wilt bo hold at the BANKING lIQUBE on MONDAY, the Bth day of November next, at 10 o’clock M Andtbo Annual Election for Direc tors will be held atthe BANKING HOUSE, on MON DAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 12 o’clock A. M. aud 2 o’clockp. M. ccl TO w fr tnols B. 0, OOMEGYB, Cashier. ry'saeFarmert’ and Mechanics* BanK, Phlla. 1L.3 DKLi’BiA, Oot. 2, 1868.—The Annual Eleotlon for Directors wlfl be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A.M.and S o’clock P. M., and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, n geooral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o’clock P. M>, agreeably to the chartor. - oo4dtNls W.RUSHTON, Jr.. Cashier. ry==» Southwark Bank, Philadelphia, October U 3 11,1868.—The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders or this D&uk will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on Tuesdsy, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. And the Annual Election for Directors will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on Monday, the 16 h day of November next, between tho hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M. T. P. STEEL, eol2*dtnol6 Cashier. ry«?a* University of Pennsylvania—Medical LL3 DEPARTMENT. The Introductory Lectures to the Course of 18f8-*59 will be delivered In the following order:! MONDAY, October 11th, at 12 M., Dr. Jackson. “ “ “ at IP. M., Dr. Leidy. TUESDAY) « 12th, at 12 St;, Dr. Carson. “ ' “ “ at IP. M., Dr. Smith. WEDNESDAY, “ 13th, Medical Clfnio, 12 M. ‘‘ “ “ Surgical Ollnlo, IP. M. THURSDAY « 14th, at 12 M 1 Dr I^ood. ' “ *■ “ at IP. M., Dr Rogera. JHIDAY, 16th, at BXI.II, Dr. Uodm. Tho puhllo la Invited to attend. , B. E. BOQEBB, M. D., oe7-Bt-lf Dean Medical Yaonlty. nlld Coatea-Straet Phi- IL3 IADEDPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—ABBOond, Instalment or FIVE DOLLARS per share on the eapital stooli or the Green and Ooatos Street Philadelphia Pasjenger Railway Oompany will be due and parable at the Office of the OomoanT. No 42* WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the sKy oif No . vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M andBP M ! , ooT-U HfRRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. ry3=» Union Preaching for the People, under Lk3 the auspices of the Union, in con nection with the Young Men’s Christian Association, by tbe various ministers of our city on every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 p M ' fa the 6ANSOM-BTRBET CHURCH, until further notice. Services conff-ed to ONEHOußireolsefy. ■ oc7-tf fYTjr* Department of Surveys—Office of Chief Us 3 engineer and SURVEYOR —Philadel- phia, S*PT. 29th, 1858. - NOTICE.—DUPLICATE PLANS o f . tho SECOND SEOTION of the Re-Survey and Regulation of German town, bounded northeastwardly by Germantowhavenue, southwardly by Wiuahlckon street, southeastward!/by Quoen street, northwestwardly by west Washington avenue, in the Twenty-rccocd ward. SEVENTH SECTION of the Survey of the lute Town ship of Blockley,bounded on tbe north by Oxford et, on the south by Wyalusing street, on tho east by Forty ninth street, and on the wcstby Fifty Sixth (66th; street or * hlior avenue, lathe Twenty-fourth ward. SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH SECTIONS of the late Borough of Frankford -comprising all east of Fr&nkford street, to Stiles street, and from Frankfonl Creek to Littlo Tacony Cteek ,* also, all northwest of Frankford street, from Oithodox street northeastward to Little Tacony Creek. ' Also, the whole of the late borough of Whitehall, in the Twenty-third ward. - FOURTH SECTION of tho Survey and Regulation of tho Twinty first ward, bounded on the northwest by Centre street, on the southeast br Shur’s lane, on the northoast by Ridge road, and on the southwest by the River Schuylkill—are now prepared and deposited for Inspection, at the Offices of the Surveyors and Regula tors of the EIGHTH, NINTH, TENTH, and ELE VENTH SURVEY DISTRICTS, and at tbe office of this Department, City Building, FID TU Street, below Wal nut: and the Board of Sorveyt-rs have appointed MON DAY, tho 18th day of, Ootober, 1858, at 10 o’clock A. M., (O consider any objectlsns that may be urged there to by Any citizen Interested therein. BTRIOKLAND KNEABS, . ocs-toc!8 Chief Engineer and Surveyor. Mayors Office, City of Philadelphia, OOIOUBEt, 1858. LOAN CITY OP PHILADELPHIA. 450,000 DOLLARS. BY ORDINANCE, APPROVED OCTOBER Ist, 1858. Letters Marked Proposals far 'City Loan. PROPOSALS, to be endowed »* Proposal* for City Loan,” will be received at the Mayors Office, in the City of Philadelphia, uutil (be 16th day of OoFroer, A. D. 1858. at 113 M., for Loaning to (be City of Philadel phia FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND i)OLLAHB, for which Uortlflfc&tes of Loan of One Hun dred Dollars and upwards >rlU be issued, bearing Into* rest at the r*te of six per centum per annum, free from taxation, and redeemable Id thirty years from date. PROPOSALS will bo received for any sum, but not In fractions of one hundred dollars. - The Proposals will be opened on tbe 15tb day of Oc tober, 1858, by the Mayor of the City, in the presence of tho ' ity Treasurer and tho Committee on Finance. Tbe blithest offers will be accepted, the Oity reserving the right to accept at decline the,whole, or any amount thereof. Payment will be required on the 20th day of October. In.orost to commonce from that date. ALEXANDER nENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia, Geology.—Two Courses of Lectures on GEOLOGY will be delivered to Ladies and Gentlemen, in the Scieatlfia and Classical Institute, CHESTNUT street, northwest corner of Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal of the Institute,‘commencing Oot. 19tb, and continuing the afternoon course at 4 o’clock on TUEBDAYB and THURSDAYS ond the evening com S 3 at 8 o’clock on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Both ooarses will be the same, each comprising 22 lec tures, a numb?r sufficient to bring forward all the great and wonderful TRUTHS of GEOLOGY, and likewise the* FACTS by wbiob these truths are demonstrated. Terms —The two introductory Loctures FREE. Each coarse $5 Entrance on Twelfth street. ccl-18t ry-~=» llomcopntliic Medical College of Fenn- Us 3 SYLVANIA —The Introductory Lectures will commence on MONDAY, the 11th Jnit., and be doll* vered in the following order: Dr. W. Williamson, on Mondty, at P. M, Dr. J. Bcakley, - Tuesday, “ “ Dr W.AReea, Wednesday, “ “ Dr. J. R. Coxe,jr.. Thursday, “ “ Dc. 0. J. Hompel, Friday, “ u Dr. Thos. Moore, . Batorday, <* “ Dr. A. H Flanders, ’ Saturday, at Bft P. M. The Profession and the Public are invited to at tend. The Lectures t f the Regular Course will commencs on Monday, the 28 h, ct 9 o’clock A AI. cc9-7t* W. WILLIAMSON, U; D., Dean. .YTy* Philadelphia College of Medicine, 214 tA-5 South FIFTH Street, below Walnut. Order of Introductory Lectures: Monday, October 11th, 8 P.M., Prof. TAGGART. Tuesday, “ 12th, 10 A.M., “ RANu. “ “ 12tU, 31 A. M , “ HARLOW. Thursday, “ 14th, 10 A M, “ MEIGS “ *« 14th, HAM, “ HALSEY. Friday, „ “ 15th, 10 AM., “ HARTSHORNS “ “ 15th, 11 A. M , “ GORBRECHT. Clinics on Wednesday and Saturday, at noon. B. HOWARD RAND,M. D., ocll*st# Dean of the Faculty. ryn==» Jefferson Medical CCllege--lutroductory Lks LECTURES. Prof. DONGLISON, MONDAY, October 31,at7 P.M. Prof. DICKSON, TUESDAY, “ 22,at 7 P.M. P/of. GROSS. “ “ 12,at8 P.M. Medical and Surgical Clinic, WEDNESDAY, October 13, 32 to 2 P 51. Prof, HAGUE, THURSDAY, October 14, at 7 P. M. Prof. PAN COAST, « 14, at 8 P.M. Prof. MITCHELL, FRIDAY, “ 16 at 7P M. Prof. MEIGS, « “ 36, at 8 P.M. Medloal and Surgical Clinic, SATURDAY, Ootobcr 16.12 to 2P. M. ocB*7t ROBLEY DUNGLISON, M. J) , Dean. lys* Business MenU Union Prayer Meeting IXS Daily from 12 to l o’clock, in the Hansom-street Church. Have I been there 7 If not, why? 007-tf fieaal Notices. INSTATE OP JOHN M. COOHRAN,I)e *CJ ctwejl.—letters of Administration upon the Es tate or JOHN U. COCHRAN, late of the City of Phi ladelphia, d<coated, having been grant-d to the under signed, all persons having claims or demands against the Esta e will make them known without delay; and thoae indebted tbexeto will make pwment to , JANE COCHRAN, N. E. corner of Twenty-first Sc Filbert Btreets. Or to her Attorney. HOWARD A. LBBLEY, ool&-fxOt* No 268 South Fourth Street. iSliUinerg ©polls. /JS, MBS. M. A. BUKKE, MILLINER, 602 CHESTNUT Street,'has opened her Fall Fashions, and has the most refined styles in the city, to which she respectfully calls attention. oel6-fmw Drills & sheetings for export. DROWN. BLEACHED, Sc BLUE DRILLS. HEAVY Sc LIGHT DRILLS, ' Suitable for Export, for sale by FhOTHINGHAM Sc WELLS, 24 ffou/A FRONT ST., f 35 LETITIA ST. 0C25-1 T Musical. —mr. edward thor* BROKE, who baa, for several years past, been at the he&d of the Musical Department of the Troy Fe male Seminary, begs leave to announce that at the en- Eeclal request of many of his late brother’s friends, he as consented to settle in Philadelphia, and devote himself to hia Professional pursuits as aoonaaaault .ahlo successor has been found to fill his place in Troy, which he presumes will be the case in about & week. ool6»frmw3t* CIET THE BEST!—NEW TESTAMENT W IN ONE VOLUME!—Not a new translation, hut beat-edition <JT the old. Authorized version'ln paragraph form, witt tho marginal readings. Printed in long primer typo, leaded Price, cloth, $1; half turkey, marble-edged, $1 60 j full, turkey, gilt. $2 50. STOCKTON’S BIBLE ROOMS, 8. W. comer BROAD and OHEbTNBT Streets. „ 0016-lt* • A WNINGS ! AWN INGS ! ' X3l JOSEPH H FOSTER, Awnirg maker. No. 448 North THIRD Street, above Willow. Italian and Trench Window Awninga for dwellings and office win dows ; Awnings for stores, Awoinga for steamboats and ships. All kinds of Awnings, Tents, Flags, or any thmg In canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H FOS TER, Awning Maker, No 443 North THIRD Street. Residf nee. No. 340 South FRONT Street. oclO-lm JOSEPH U. FOSTER. Philadelphia wahming and VBNTILATINO WARMOtTSfc. ARNOLD WHBON, BUOOUSBOBS T 6 B. A. CABRIBOX. W« have removed from oar old stand in Walnut street to the LA ROB STORK, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the public are respectfully Invited to examine our extensive stock ot Warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Booges,.Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Orates, Ac., «c. We are now manufacturing OHXLSON'fI CELEBRATED PAT ENT NSW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. \ Also, new and beautiful patterns ot Low Do „ Orates, and Parlor Coal Orates of all sites and pattern We. have, also commenced the manufacture o. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn, svlvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Etir and Exhi bition of the Eanklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Axtzqus Mabblfs, are not injured by Smoke. Coal Qas, Oil or Acids , and are sold Wholesale ana Retail, at much less price than Marble. Call and see them. ARNOLD A WILSON. BENJ.M. PELT WELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia. April. 186*—*p24 lv - TWO TRIPS A WEEK .TO BRIDGETON!—On and after WEDNES DAY, iMth in at., tho Steamer EXPRES3 will leave Arch Street every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at Eight o’olook (instead of 8)£, as heretofore), for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgeton every Monday and Thursday mowing ut 8 o’clock; stopping at Delaware ‘OHy and Now Osstlo. Stagea for Millvillo, Port Eli sabeth, Falrton.GedarvHlo. Newport, Dividing Creeks, and Maurlcetown, couuool with this boat. ocl4-lm* I Os”NOT A DYEI JEROME’S HAIR OOLQR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to its original color iti from ten to twelve days, and rcstoro the Hair where it has fallen off andbeoome thin. IT IS NOT A DYE! It may be usod as freely as water, and is the moat beau tiful Dressing for ’he Hair now in use. Thousands 1q different parts of the Union have testi fied to its wonderful virtues, and all who have used it join iu iheir prslso of It. gold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. BWAYNE A SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET, Sole Agents for Philadelphia . Trade supplied. . 0014-3 m Abram slack’s engraving, Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, and Beal Press Manufactory, No. 1 South BIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Pa. sullUloi MACKEREL —363 bbls Nos. 1,2, and 8 Maokerel, in whole, halves, quarters, and eighths, for sale by 0. 0. SADLER A CO., ■ ARCH St., second door above Vrnnt Clifford p. mac oalla, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 114 SOUTH SIXTH STREET , oe!B«3tif# , PHILADELPHIA, TOW LINES, and BOW and STERN LINES, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER, A 00., 0013 Noa. 28 N. Water fit., A 22 N. Wharves. TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN •MERCHANTS.—A of Manila Ropo, manufactured and for sale by . WEAVER, FITLEB, A CO , oalB Nos, 23N. Water Bt., A 22 N. Wharves. Balsam copayia.—a • email lot ot , M&r.cnibo £Ba]s.oi } of superior quality, now landing from barque Inna," and rorsale by 0011-et 0 GABLES TETB, 138 Walnnt fit. rf^IGARS.—I,6OO,OOO Havana Olgare, ill* \j vorite baondfl, received by late arrival, in store and bond, for flfiTe by A. MERINO, ocll-tf 140 South FRONT Street.; ITALIAN HEMP .—A .large stock of Ita. LIAN HEMP bn hand and for dole by WEAVER, FIVLER A 00 . 0012 No, 28 N. WATERJ3t, A 22 N. WHARVES. Retail JOriu ilSiaoiß. ■o lack, thibhs »eb A m» 4 T“o, . JBel6 ' lt N^SM^OTESTNOIPsriUSBT, A UTUMN AND WINTER GLOVES. o^n,To^f ES3BE ° lIIERB ««• SUPERIOR GLOVES. Bajoa’s Ladies’ and Men’s fine Bid. Bajott’fl double teamed Ladles’ ani Men’s. ■ Flash Lined Cloth aod Bfik Gloves. Driving and Riding Gloves and Gauntlets. Newest styles or English Fancy. Tops. Velvet, Flush, and Men’s Lined Calf Children’s Cloth and Cashmere Gloves. Mohair and Lace Mitts, and Fr ends’ Mitts. 0016 EIGHTH tc CHESTNUT STREETS. IjIALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. Mr . OPENING DAILY. PINE OLOTH RAGLANS. ELEGANT REAVER RAGLANS. RIOH VELVET CLOAKS. Elegantlv adorned with BEAL LACES, CROCHET. Ao.. Ao. OPERA CLOAKS. The largest and moat varied stock of these fashionable OVER GARMENTS, At the widest range of prices, and snitod for ’ / MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND PULL DRESS COSTUME, AT TBS PABIB MANTILLA & OLOAK EMPORIUM, J. vr. PBOOTOR & CO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. Blue frenoh merinos.— Heavy Fine Goods, and the right shade. Just opened, a large lot at 05 conti. COOPER A CONARD, 001 l B. E. corner NINTff and MARKET Sts. Bayadere Valencias, Of X and 5 4 widths, for Fall and Winter dresses, at 87 and 44 cents; COOLER A CONAKD, ocll 8. E Corner NINTH A MARKET Sts Black dress goods. Black All-Wool Mousselincs, 25 to BT# oents. Black French Merinos. Black Bombasines. Black Silks and Alpacas. Blaok 1-ace Tells, round corners. COOPER A GONABD, cell • 8. B. corner NINTH A MARKET. MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. Cloths, OaaaVmerea, and Satinets. Bilk Velvet and other Vestings. English and German Hosiery. Undershirts and Drawers. Linen, Oambrie, and Bi!k Pocket Handkerchiefs. COOPER,* CONaBD. ocll 8. B. corner NINTH A MARKET Sts. JOUYIN«S KID GLOVES. L. J. LEVY & CO. Uavo received, by the ABAGO,” FOUR HUNDRED DOZENS OF LADIES' & GENTLEMEN’S KID GLOVES, OF « JOUVIN’S MANUFACTURE. 800 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. oc9-7t J^ADIES 1 . DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, SHUTLAND WOOL, EMBROIDERED SUPPERS, FRINGES, *o., CLOSING OUT, TO RELINQUISH BUSINESS. The Subscriber will commence olosing out his magni ficent stock on MONDAT, OCTOBER 11, 1858, At prices that Will induce Purchasers to supply them selves with a full assortment of SEASONABLE TRIMMINGS. - The whole stock, comprising MANY NOVELTIES, together with a full line of STAPLE G.O ODB, Will be sold at exceedingly low prices, until dosed out. JAMES LINNARD, No. 720 CHESTNUT Street, ocO-lm 8 doors bel, EIGHTH, north side. Bargains from auction i—d r y GOODS CHEAP FOR THE MILLION J We will open on MONDAY, Silk Robes, at 510.50, cost to Import $25. 1,000 yards Black Silk, beautiful, at 44,56, 62, 75,87, $1 to 51.75. 1,656 yards French Morinoes at $l, cost to import $1.25 2,000 yards figured And plain Merinoes at 50, 66,65, and 76c. worth double 800 yards beautiful black all-wool Delainos, only 28 cents. , . A splendid assortment of Blankets 2,000 yards Cloths fresh from auction, for Ladies’ and Goiita’ and Beys’ wear, from 75c . $1 $1 25. $1 63, $1.75, $2. $2 25 $2 50, decidedly the greatest bargains in the city. Broche, Stella, Blanket, Cashmere Shawls, the great est bargains ever offered 10,000 yards Poll de Chorees, Delaines, Debeges, All-word Plaids, only 31 cents, usually sold at 60 cts. All-wool DeUines only 25 cents Delaines In great variety and every stj le; /Cloaks and Dusters in every style. MoSLROY rcßpcctfully invites the Ladies to call and examine his stock, embracing many styles not to bo found olsowhere. Our prices Bo lpw, we defy competi tion. MoELROY, oc4-mwf-tf ' No. 11 South NINTH Street. - Great bargains in dry goods.— 8. V. R. HUNTER Has REMOVED from No. 80 to No. 40 South SECOND Street, where ho is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To which he invlvs their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRICES. N. B —A large assortment of Broche, Stella, and French Blanket Shawla. Also, a variety of Silk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on hand, at the “ CLOAK EMPOBIUM,” ocs-lm . No. 40 Bouth SECOND Street. QREAT ATTRACTION I OVER $4,500 WORTH OF SHAWLS FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THOKNLEY A OHISM, N. B. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the best SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia.' They would respectfully call attention to e following very cheap lots, vis: 46 LONG BROOQE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. SO Do. do. do. at 10 “ 20 Do. do do. at 11 <( 24 Do. do. do. at 12 “ 10 Do. do. do. at 13 “ 20 *Do. do. do. t 14 “ 20 Do, do. do. at 16 ** 8 Do. do. do. at 18 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 20 « 8 Do. do. do, at 25 “ In the above Lots of Long Broche Shawls will be found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLB From ¥2 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket Shawls in new designs. PlaiinChibet Shawls, Square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Children’s Shawls, Misses’ Shawls, and Gentlemen’s Shawls, at' \ THOKNLEY & CHISM’S, _ “ONE PRICE CASH STORE.,* Northeast Comer EIGHTH A SPRING GARDEN N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T AO.’s. P. S.-rA Magnificent stock of Bilks now on hand. aelB-tf 3na«roncc QTompamea Market fibe insurance co. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 8200,000 78,200 CASH CAPITAL SURPLUS . TOTAL ASSETS 9278,300 DIREOTOBB. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, President. PhlletusH.Bolt of 238 Front street. Joßenh p Wickham, late Wickham’s tc Hutohlnson. Silas Davis ofA.B AS Davis Oliver 11. Shepard, of Shepard. Howe A Co. Henry howland, of Rowland A Banks. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. G. A-A. L. Rowe. Wm. P. Millor, of Wu*. P. Miller A Co. • Stephen W Games, of S W. AR. A. Gaiueß. Elisbn L. Walton, of Walton, Little, A Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood Sc. Co. Henry O Reeve, of H. G Reeve A Co. Daniel T. Willota, of Willeta A Co. Albert L. De Camp, of Baker A De Oaiup. John M. Bruce, Jr., of Brace, Odell, A Farnum. Stephen LiuiQgton, of 216 Front street. Enoch Kctcbam, of E«Ketcham A Co. Wm A Cam'j Ings, of Beards A Cummings. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamua. A Co. Brewster Vulontlno, of Valentine A Beigen. Geo. B Whitfield, of O. A J Whitfield A 00, Albert navemyer, (late Havemyer A Moller.) Tennis W Qulok, of Quick A l’Hommedlen. David M. Turnute, of £dey A Turnuro. Jore T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro A Co. Edward Bill, of 119 Brood street 1 Nathaniel W. Ch&ter, of Peter V. King A Co. Wm. U. Goodwin, of E Goodwin A Brothor. John Friable, (Freeland, Squires, A Co.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vico ProsJdent Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of every description against Loss or Damage by Fire, on tho most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretory. INSURANCE IN THE ABOVE COMPANY CAN BE EFFECTED THROUGH STiSWART & JOHNSON, No. 108 South FOURTH Street, 001-frmAw33t-lf Philadelphia. HJiasotahona anb (Kopaitiurslnps. The Partnership here toforo existing betweoa John H. Weaver and Abram rt. Rush, under tho firm of JOHN H. WEAVER A CO., has THIS DAY been dissolved, by mutuil con sent. JOHN II WEAVER. ABRAM S. RUSH. PmiiACELPOIA, Oct. 1, 1858. oc!4-3t# CO-PARTNERSHIP.— THE BUSINESS heretofore conducted by Hunt, Webster, A Co., will from this date bo carried on under the style ana firm of LADD, WEBSTER, A CO., who will continue the manufacture and sale of Sewing Machines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and In the principal cities of the Union. September 1,1858. 5027-lm darriaaca. QABRIAGES. WM. D, ROGERS. COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1000 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Or4or« tor CARRIAGES from nil porti or tho world exooatodwith promptness, .ad satisfaction guirantlod. »elB-Braif DRY SALTED HIDES. —A small invoice of Dry Bolted Moroooiho Hldoo, now londlng from Borono “ Inn.," ond for «010 by DBAS.. TETB, ■. “St ’ 188 Walnut Htroet, H/l ARAOAIBO COFFEE.—A few. bags IY.L of prime Maracaibo Coffee, per «Inn.," for -ale by - CHARLES TETB, oell-St 188 Walnut Street. ' iFor Sale onb la &ei. FOR SALE, A BARGAIN—The snpenor Shelving and Counter with Drawers/ in Store No. 2*6 North THIRD Street. Apply at No. 262, third door ~ ; - ' ~ , ", •> . . oc9»7t*, TO RENT, a STORE/on DELAWARE 'rfcfl Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Street 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, comerof THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one, of the best locations lor large Business in Phila delphia. Also,. STABLE and COAOH-HdUSB in OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH. In rear of Ash-, land House „ - Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street. 1 . ... . se29-3m# - Rooms on commerce street.— The Three Upper Booms pf4lo Commerce Street to Let. se27-lm mFOR SALE—A handsome residence, with all the-modern Improvements, large side yard, grapery, Ac., SIXTH, near SPRING - GARDEN Btreet Terms easy. P. K. LYND, 6)4 South SIXTH (second story.) ~ ' ' se!7-lm - PI . F , OR SALE OB EXCHANGE—A JinU. handsome new mansion. 19 rooms,' and 40 acres, KtemSM I ,'? 1 !"’ Norti Pennßjlranfa Railroad. vilnS’/ r H i i aban ' lant i health unsurpassed. Any M FOB SALE 1 A pretty Cottage; nine rooms, and ono or more aores, on Wjomlmt arenno ”, mU ™BacondJrtroatTurnpike. Al,! iv£!j , hand some cottage lota Tha neighborhood la iSithf BIXTHICMy;) mPr ° Tlng - B - K - OFFICE TO-LET—AN ELIGIBLE OF FIOB for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate possession given. Apply to JOHN 0.-KEPFBB,or - THOMAS T. BUTCHER, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mh3o-tnths-tf second story, front room. TO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty acres orless of beautiful Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north of the pavements, for sale a bargain, and terms easy Apply to P. K. LYND, 6# South SIXTH Street, (second story.) sel 7.1 m Heal (Estate. ASSIGNEE’S PEREMPTORY SALE. gfllH —THOMAS * SONS. Auctioneers. VALUABLE COAL LANDS, with Shafts, Engine, etc., Luxerne county, FennsylvanU, three miles north east of Wilkesb&rre. On TUESDAY, November 9th, 1868, at 7 o’clock in the evening, will be sold at public sale, withont re serve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE: No. I—All that valuable traet of land known as.the “ BeArle Tra©*,” formerly belonging to the North Penn sylvania. Or.&t Company; beginning at a point ou the north branch of tho Susquehanna river, Lucerne coun ty, Penna , adjoining land of Eli K. Price and others.- Oontalning 103 acres, 120 57-100ths perches, according to Surveyor’s plan. i f 0“ On this tract, No. 1, the Engine and Shaft are already erected, and driven through three Teles of good co 1. These improvements, would enable a party pur chasing to commence operations immediately, on a large i cale. Th* opening being on tho bank of the canal, the expense of loading boats will be consequently very email. With these facilities, at least 500 tons per day cm be lifted from tho mines and placed in boats ready for market. The northern ex'eoslon of the Nortn Branch Canal is now completed, which will open an en tirely new market for the mineral wealth of the. Wy oming Valley, and the extremely eligible situation of the*e lands will render them among the first to eojoy its advantages. It should be mentioned, algo, that tpe large Plttson vein is still to be reached, varying in thickness from 14 to 20 feet. The shatt iB 90 feet deep, and 16 by 9j£ feet wldoflo a 10 feet vein of cr*al. • Also, engine. 60 horse pjwer, engine house, hoisting apparatus, and all the necessary arrangements complete for mining, preparing, and shipping coal. Also, a Uvern-stsna, kcownas the “Hancock Hotel.” JUT* Tbs improvements alone cost about $lO,OOO, in addition to tho land. ' Close to the shaft, and convenient for loading beats, is a baaiu on the canal, rendering the site one of the most eligible ever offered at public sale Terms cash. Subject to a mor guge of $ll,OOO, due Ist Juno, 1857, interest paid up to that date. And, also, a second mortgage of $13,708 21, due 16th Octo ber. 1857, whh one year's interest, due at tbat date. {o*' It is eentemplat d to convert one side of the Nurtk Branch Canal into a Railroad, with light grades, to connect with New York Roads, giving the shortest ‘and best line to the North and West. A lithographic plat of the lands may be had* at the Auction Rooms, showing the houudaries, courses, distances, Ac. [o* Sale absolute, without reserve or limitation. No. i—All that valuable tract known os the “Han cock Tract.” Beginning at a point on the bank of the north branch of the Susquehanna river, adjoining ths above, and lands of EiiK Price, James Williams and others. Containing 144 acres and 1i.5 perches, accord ing to survey. This tract can be worked through the shaf’s on t* o Searlo tract Seqjjlat Terms cash. Subject to a first mortgage of $15,000, Interest paid to Ist July, IBr7>—And to a >eccnd mort gage of $15,616 45-00. due October 16th, 1857, with one year’s interest to that date. £o* Sale absolute, witaout reserve or limitation See uandbllla for fall descriptions. By order of the Assignee. M- THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 (formerly 07 and 69 S. FOURTH St.) 0c215 29Anov9 a FOR SALE—A Farm of 80 Acresj situate 20 miles north of Philadelphia, and 1# u-iUs from Railroad Station. Improvements consist of a twostjry Stone House, new, barn, and other out-bui fl ings. Laud ia a high state of caltivaUoa. A large portion of the mooey can remain on the property. Ap ply to, or address, THOMAS BOGEHB, - Montgomery Square, ochfolt Montgomery Co , Pa. FOR SALE—A Valuable FARM, con taining about sixty-thre* Acres, eight of whieh are good timber land: situate on Bethlehem Turnpike, one mile from Penllyn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Improvements consist of a r two-story. Stone Dwelling and Stone Barn There is near the Buildings & Spring of Ust'ng water ; situation high, ojmmandisg an extensive view of the surrounding country. If desired, forty-eight Aores. including the buildings and Woodland,.will be sold eepatatelv. Terms easy For particulars, apply to DANIEL FOULKE, near the property, or W. M. LEVICK. 0018-3t* 346 ,-iorth Sixth Street. ,«g FARMS FOR SALE.—A splendid «£■ PABM of 109, and one of 109 acres; a Mill Property of 11 seres; a Saw Mill ana Lumber Tara; a House and 2 acres for Sale, all near Nor "ristivrn; a farm of 60 and one of 66 acres, near Phoenixvlll*; one' Farm of 65 and two of 76 acres, 6 miles from Norristown; one Country-seat and 40 acres, in Plymouth; Tavern and Store Stands in Norristown and country. Catalogue of Farms and Full description given by addressing R R. OOBSON, oc4 2w Heal Estate Broker, NOBRIBTOWR, Pa. ®P RIV AT E RESIDENCES FOB SALE.—Some of the moat beautifully situated Properties in and around NORRISTOWN is now offered for Bale or Exchange: also a large Brick Building, adapt ed and used for a BOARDING SCHOOL for several years, and for which there la a good opening. For par* tlculars eddross R R CORSON, oc-l-Sw NORRISTOWN, Pv £D«ttl)ea, Jewelrg, &c. Bailey & co., . VOKXBBLT BAILEX & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new lira-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE, Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED-WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the public. , SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, At WHOLXBIX.B AND BKTAIX.. ftimiwald. Removal.— c. c. sadleb & 00. have removed from No. 9 North Water Street to No. 108 ARCH street, second door above Front. eel fgXO GASH BUYERS. JAMES S. EARLE A 60N., 816 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TUB 01BAND HOUSB, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom* ers to their imqienib and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLABSEB, - OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, Suitable for the* FALL TRADE. IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where they will get the most for thoir money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER & SMITH. Wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their Whlto Lead, Ground Paints, of all Colors, and Window Glass, allot the beat quality, at prices which will be pleasing to buyers. ocll f PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with written descriptions of character, indudingadvice in reference to business, health, self-improvement, &0., are made day and eve ning at FOWLER, WELLS, & CO.’S, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dls couut mode to clubs. sell-Sra 922 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Land warrants located.— Some of the choicest Lands in the State of lowa ate now open to private entry and location. We have reliable and skilful Surveyors and Land hunters in the Council Bluffs', Fort Dodge, and Sioux City Land Districts, aod locate.only from actual in spection of the Lands. Land Warrants can now be bought at from 65 to 80 cents per aore. No better in vestment of money can be made. W. E. BARBER A 00.. ocl2-Bt* No. 23 S. THIRD Street, Philada. DETERSIVE SOAP—Time, labor, and money saved. In usingit, clothes do not require auy boiling or rubbing on washboard One pound will go as far as throe 'pounds common Rosin Soap. War ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded It is decidedly the cheapest and best washing Soap ever offered to tho public. Manufactured only by VAN HAAGEN A MoKEONE. For sale byall re fipeotable Grocer, in,tho M 2_B m <- 22 South Wham., ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have ju«t received* comprehen.lv. »ud va rl«d Block of this truly beautiful and architectural ap uendlaS to Ohuraheß; Vestibule., Conservatories, aid other buildings, where it Is deemed necewary to embel lish or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color mar be had, either plain or ornamental, elabo “tefy or in relief.’ ZIEGLER A SMITH,. Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Gla«a Dealers, ue23-dtf Sonthweßt cor. Second and Green eta. CAMPBELL’? DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD St. and HARMONY COURT, Has been dosed for several days past. in.order to be regenerated-and disenthralled. It will be opened en MONDAY nert,2Qtli lust., with, improvement* and al terations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown his soul into the task of iron seal, and we.think that his efforts - will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it vrlUbe a model establishment, sell-tf . SL. FOWLER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOUSTON, Harris Couhtt, tixas. Twenty years resident in Texas. Russia to —Messrs. Davis A Biroey, Philadelphia. mhfi-vr-Iy Amidole-Zt!~s= tion ai ’ reference as to character. Ac , ALDIN, Bloc d-*s Despatch • Ladjrjrbo . derstanda the Straw and Fancy 51 ness desi'es to go to a pleasant acd cou»*._ town' io Pennsylvania. Address LaNOAoTE**. at this office '"' ’'' ' - • . ocl>-*t»gj TO DRUGGISTS,—The Advertiser wishes to purchase a fi-« -'less Drag i-tore. in a’ central locations-- Addiesa *• Veronica, 7 ! care of E. Parrish, 800 Arch Street • oclt»2t* iTCTANTED—In; a Wholesale Hopfcr/ and ** Fsnoj Goods House, a Arst-cltssSilesm a,th> can influence a l&rge amoont of Kedtucky-X-ade. *u* dress Box 676 Ph-ladfilphia P. 0 ©cK G » —WANTED—This Amount, for which & Mortgage on a first-class im proved City Property and a liberal- Interest will be given .Address “S. W.,” 1014 Piibert Street, Phila delphia.'' . ocl4-Bt* h ANTEDr-AiTEntry Clerk, in a Whole .* » sale Pry Goods House. Good references re quired. Address «L M.,” Office of The Press. • - • od4-3t* ‘I^fANTED.—A Young Lady, qualified '» f to Teach the - Plain Branches of an English Education, desires a Situation in a private Academy. Address “ E P G., this Office. oclMt* : MTANTED—An Opportunity to Invest » V £2,000 in a safe business, on the product of which a moderate living will he insured. Address “Trade,” Office of this Paper. . od4-3t* WANTED— By a Stout, Able Jfan, w " Employment, as Sorter in a Wholesale Store. Good references given.. Apply at No. 10S Monroe Btreet. °' **■ - ©c!4-2t* \\T ANTED—By a Gentleman of Befined Education, a Situation as. Correspondent or Pe cretary in a first-class Insuranoe or Office. Un >. T l fer ® nceBin Nb®given. Address “Edmunds,” at this Office, oc!4-6t* A YOUNG Good Penman and rf-*-. Accountant, weU posted in Double Entry Book keeping, desires to obtain a situation where his ser vices would lead to an advancement. Unexceptionable Cityrererencescanbeglven. Address “J D ” Office of The Press. . . ochUt*a AYbUNG LADY from the Country wishes a Situation as BOUBBKEEPER. Good references given. Address “Mary,” at this Office. oc!34t* VA^ANTED.—A young man, who has had * f four years’ experience. In* a Wholesale Drug House, wishes a situation as SALESMAN. .The best of testimonials will be given. Address BALEfoItN, office of The Press. • col2-6t* WANTED —By a middle-aged man, a sitna- TT tion as COLLECTOR or TRAVELLING .AGENTfor a first-class Mercantile House. Good refe rences as to character and qualifications will be given. Address RICH’D BLAIR, Blood’s Despatch. 0012-41* \j\f ANTED— I To Bent, for the .winter sea son,* with immediate possesion, a Varnished house'.of moderate else, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. 1 * - 004 raTANTED.FOK THE UNITED STATES ▼ v OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, -to whom will be given good pay,'board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 112 to 532 par month, do man haring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE *U7o 817 MARKET Btmt above Eighth, north aide. W. Tff. MAGBUMRi let Lieut, let Dragoom, Recruiting OSeer, BO A R J>l N GAn elderly Gentleman wishes -BOARDING. la a private family, where' the comforts of a home Till be secured. Address A,, at this office «16>4t* BOARDING. —Three elegant Chambers, sith Private Parlor, to let. with Board, at No. 831BSOAD btreet, telow Spruce. * Reference required.. oclo-2t* A GENTLEMAN and LADY, also Sin cm. gle Gentlemen, may obtain Board at 712 Chest nut Btn et, opposite Masonic Rail. , ‘ oell-12t* A MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, cm* BROAD AND LOCUST Street. TAB GREAT .RAVELS l FRIDAY EVENING. Oct 15, 1858, . The magnificent Fairy Pantomime, entitled BIANCO: OR THE MAGIC SWORD, Bianco, Don Albino’s Valet, GaDriel Ravel; Brocolo, a Gardener. Francois Havel; - AOALIBTA. Acaliata, Trca Matthias 5 Manola, Hons. P, BriUant, To eomm»ncs with dashing and graceful EVOLUTIONS ON THE TIGHT ROPE. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, 50 oen’s $ Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents. . Seats can be secured from 10 A.M. to 4 P. M, with-, oat extra charge. Children under 10 years half price. MBS. D. P. BOWERS’ 8 WALNUT-3T. LVJI THEATRE, corner of NINTH and WALNUT Street. FRIDAY EVENING. October 15,1M8, - SSBIOUS FAMILY. Capt. Murphy Maguire. Mr.- H. A. Perry; Mrs. Orms by Oelmaine, Miss 0. Richings; Mrs. Charles Torrens, Mrs. D. P. Bowers. THE BON OF THE NIGHT. Ben Leil,~Mr. F. B. Conway; Duke Dorato, Mr. H. A. Perry; Bratadura, Mr. MaDtaough. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet, 87# cents; Dress Circle, 1 60 cents; Private Boxes,’according to their locale, $8 and 85; Single beats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 eenl*. Doors open at quarter before 7 O’clock ; Curtain rises at 7 o’clock - - , r AftTHBATLEY & OLABKE’ B ARCH-ST * v v THEATRE,—Williams. Fredericks, Actingar4 Stage Manager.- <- . -- FRIDAY EVENING. October 15, 1858, By request, Sheridsa’a brilliant Comedy of TUB RIVALS; 08, A TRIP TO BATH. * Mr. John Gilbert as Sir Anthony Absolute; Mr. Wm. Wheatley as Captain Absolnte ; Mrs. John Gilbert as Mrs. Malaprop ; Mrs John Drew as Lydia Languish. CHARLES XII; OR, THE SIEGE GF STBALSUND ! Mr. Dwlmau aa King Charles XII, of Sweden. Admission, 25 ets. Secured Beats in Dress Circle, 87 J£ eta; Orchestra Btalls, SOots; Seats in Private Boxes, 78 ots; Gallery, 13 cts; uailery for Colored Persons, 28 ets Private Bon in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 ets: Whole Private Box, $B. ' Dooraopen at quarter before 7 o’eloek; eommenee at 7#, precisely. . CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE TWELFTH. |0“ SIXTH OP SANDERSON’S 00L033AL ILLUSTRATIONS ' 'OP THU RUSSIAN WAR. On MONDAY, October 11, and EVERY EVENING ' during the week. Also, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The whole accompanied by a ' CELEBRATED BRASS BAND. Admission 25 cents Children 12 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Performance at a quarter of 8 o’clock. See programme. oeil-fit Assembly buildings, tenth and OHSSTNUT Streets. Here again! Return of the old favorite. SIGNOR BLITZ. New and Comical Scenes in VENTRILOQUISM. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, And the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Open every Evening during the week, at half-past 7 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 8. Admission, 25 cents; Children, 13 cents. se24-Im* NATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET. 1V LAST WEEK BUT ONE OP J. Ifi&oo Wiluxkb’s celebrated , PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Ohaoe, and continues down In historical order to the Babylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at 7; to commence at a quarter before 8 o’clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Onildre under 10 years 15 cents. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY APTKENOONB for families and schools. Doom open at 2 j to commence at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTS HARTSHORNE’S cure-all—the GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATES AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Ohemlst. Bottles 12#, 26 and 50 cents. THBI GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! HARTSSORNB’B CURB-ALL should be kept In all families, in oaso of accidents or sadden sickness. HARTSHORNE’S CURB-ALL cares Rhenmatism.' HARTSHORNB’S CURB-ALL cures Cramps, Cholic, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cores Pains in the Limbs, Side, Bsek and* Breast. HARTSHORNS’S CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, 3calds and Hums. ENGRAVING HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in tbe Joints. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain. HARTSHORNB’S CURE-ALL cures Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion { also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNB’S OURE-ALL cures Ml Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. f£7* As the frequent changes of the w Bather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones; and, by Its warming eleotro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Ge t a bottle and try it, and yon will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. If you have a Ceugb, use HABTtJHORNE’S Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the best Oough Syrttp In the World. Bottles, 25 and 60 cents, and $l. If you are .Billions, use HARTSHORNE’S ANTI BILLIOUB PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowel 6, carrying off all Bile and Foal Secretlo llB * Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by B. JBNKJNS, No. 25 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Simea’ Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garrlgnes’. Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s, Tenth and Lombard sta. auW-thstudtf If ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL la tbs only preparation ever placed be fore the pnblio that has performed i* many * MIRACULOUS CURES INFLAMMATORY AND OHRONIO RHEUMATISM. The most prominentandinflaential citisens bear wit ness of its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country is enough to warrant ns in pro nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of the age. It is an internal remedy that the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORS DILKB, Chemist, Northeast comer or Pine an&Bixth streets, oc7-3m Philadelphia. Dr. W. S. McILHENNE r,DentiBt, SaggT would Inform his Wend, tint ho hw ro.umed prutico »t No. 1843 CHESTNUT Street, gecond dcor •bore the D. 8. Mint. aepl-8m -, eUNS, RIFLES) AND SPORTING IM PLEMENTS. ' . in Subscribers h»re to iton THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &0., Ever offered in this city. Desirous of reducing their Assortment as much as possible before the IstDeo. they will sell jUP "VERY LOW DRIciS - THfflß ENTIRB STOCK, SDNS FROM THE Moll CELEBRATED MIND FAGIUKEBB 0? ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND TRANCE. , PHILIP B. JUSTICE ft 00.,' No. 31 Norti FIFTH Street, •bore Merfcet. CHEESE. —106 boxes Herkimer county Ci»w BOW landing, md for Ml» ly .0. O. SADDER A 00., no ABOBBtrwt,U dew Hon heat, Boarding. a.mnscmen!3, iSUinnnal. JDentistrs*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers