XA,X E n I'll pji, CALI F O ItN IA Dctails.by Uiß First. Overland Mail. [Prom the Alta California ] TassßiY, Sopt. M, (IP. M—This edition of the .A'ta i California, is prepare! expressly for tho overland moil-, via Los Angeles, Fort Yuma, Tno sou, El Paso, Fort Smith, St. Lonis, and Momphis, (TeiD.) Itoontains all the news of this State, and ihe P ioißo ooost generally up to six o’olnok thirevening. The first, overland inaiistago leaves .this oltr to-morrow, morning, at one o’cloolr. nnd is oxpeoied to roaoh Momphis and St. Louis In from twontj-tbroo to twonty-five days. < * % tbe line go through ia safety, and inside of thj tAonlyflvo days, is the wish of California. **' j > • Later from Oregon. The steamship Oregon, CUpt. Patterson, arrived in port on the 11th, at 8 o'clock, with dates from Portland to tho Bth inst., five days later than pre vious advices. Another Indian Fight Gen. Clark informs us that Mnjor Garnett, with his command, has had another brush'with the Indians on the Okanagan. Six of thorn wore killed, alrof whom participated in the attack on Robinson’s party. The Indians in that part of the country have beoome alarmed at tho summary measures of Major Garnett, and it ia believed that most of them have retreated to the British possessions or the Blaokfeet oountry No confirmation of the reported disaster having been recoived, the general commanding thinks the;whole affair an Indian story.-- Portland Standard. Party.—N* mention is mnde in the papoisof any nows trora Robinson’s party, . The Battle with the Indians —Wo have the Statement that tho oircuumanoes connected with the killing of Lieutenant Allen .were lotncwhatns follows! There is a division among the tribes west of the Columbia river relative to fighting the troops, Sotue desiro to fight, and others wish to make'peace. Ouhi and Qualoblon decided to re main' hostile, while Corhaute and Choshosekan, with their families,. were for poacoi Tho latter separated from the hostile*, and, tnkingyrith them their families..were proceeding towards Simooe. ' Tboy met Major Garnett’s command, end the obtefs entered bis camp with a flag of tntee: they represented themselves and their people as friend* ly, But on Indian, who whs with Garnett’s com mand,, reportod that among these Indians were .four who were in tho fight against Robinson, and taat the obiefa had lied when they said all in their oamp wero friendly. This induced M yor Garnett to retain tho ohiofs as prisoners, anl to order Lieutenant Allen, with a detaohment to Burrouod tho Tndian oamp while tho Indians were asleep. Accordingly, about three o’olook on the morning of the 15th, he, with one or two of his men, went into the Indian camp, while the remainder were stationed in readiness to fire ot the first signal of distress./'Lieutenant. Alien attemoted to rouBo them from their sleep, when one of tbemjampod up and started to run awpy, and Allen fired at him. At the disoharga of his gun the whole oamp was aroused, dad Allen’s men oasido fired Indis criminately into tho camp, one shot taking effect In tho body of Allen, from which he afterwards died. The Indians are reported nob to have fired at all. They wore all taken prisoners, and the four who were in the fight with Robinson wero shot, and the remainder were set at liberty.— Portland Standard , lsf inst Rumors at the Dalles—lndian Troubles.— Mr. Lot Cannot!, of Columbia, Tuolumne county, who oame a passenger on the Paoifio from Port land, by way of Victoria, furnishes us with the following statement: He left tho Dalles on the 24th instant, and just before be started, a Government expressman ar rived. at Fort Simooe (pronounced Sim-oo’-ay) with news .that Major Robinson's party, on the way to Frazer river, bad been attaoked, on the Wenatshe river, by a large pnrty of Indians. Tho fight lasted four days, Robinson losing otto man and ten pack animals, and the fighting was still going on when an expressman was sent to Fort Simcoe with the news, and immediately, after his arrival there the Government express was sent thence to the Dalles. At the time the expressmau left, Robinson and the .Indians wero on opposition sides of the river, hut Robinson was preparing to cross over and attack them. Good diggings had been found on the We natshe. The white man who was killed was shot with a small stone. Six hundred soldiers had been ordered, and were soon to march from tho Dalles for Fort Sim coo; the Doe to proceed towards Okanagan, to open the rood used by the miners on their way to Frazer river. It was rumored at the aamo time—the rumor having come in previously—that the party of Goa. Palmer had all been maßsaored on the east of the Colombia, near tho Okanagan. General Palmer bad nineteen wagons in his train aifd several hundred paok animals. The rumored massaore was credited at the Dalles; and the Portland Standard says it is probably true. [From tbe Alta California, 14th.] The Continental Telegraph —Our Placerville correspondent announces the pleasing intelligence that the work of constructing the telegraph from that plaooto Salt Lako City has been commenced in earnest*., Tho day of its initlatibn isdestloed to .form an epoch for California. The summit of the Sierra Nevada and the shore of this Pacifio. will, in a few weeks, throb with the same pulso’; the n ime emotions will thrill through them at the s&me moment. . Fbazbr River News.— Tbe Sea Bird nnd Wil son G. Hunt arrived on Saturday, in Victoria, from Frazer river, but brought no news of special inte rest. The river continued high, and tho miners wero still waiting for tho wateis to fall. 'Nothing had been heard of Governor Douglas’s proceedings. The Feelino in Victoria —The depression still continues in Victoria. Merchandise is selling at very low priooj. Merchants can be seen in all the streets, in front of their stores, wearing very gloomy faces, and watching in vain for customers. There is nevertheless a considerable degreo of Con fidence that the mines will prove ultimately riob, though many doubt whether they will be able to sustain themselves until the day of prosperity. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Dloney Market* , PHiLimarau, October 13,1859. Stocks were not so buoy:nt to-day as they have been for some days post, and the ftnoUs drooped as tbnigh they felt the effect# of the weather. ReVlng railroad stock and bonds, Pennsylvania railroad stock, Lebigb Navigation stock, and long Island railroad sixes all fell off slightly, compared with late sales. Tbene<r approach of dividend day at most of the banks keeps their stocks firm and, ia some instances, on the sd« vance. Pspereells slowly atflro per cent, fof Arst-clsss names Single-name p»per, and that concerning which doubts #w entertained, cannot be disposed of except fa rare In stances, and at 10 to 18 per cent. At Boston, the Suffolk Baok has yielded to **manifest destiny,l> and withdrawn from the contest about the redemption of the country bank oo'es. It has issued a -circular virtually resigning its poet at “ sole redeeming rgent,” and undertakiogto receive country money as heretofore, on such terms as are or may be made with individual institutions. It has notified the bank of Mutual,Redemption, that until further notice It will ueni to the latter the hills of Bueh banks as it redeems, and that it will redeem for the Mutual Redemption the hills of- those institutions which keep accounts with the Suffolk. Henceforth, then, the two banks wiil goon to get as much business as possible, on the best terms they can obtain for transftotiog it. I'he present management of the New York and Brie Road were re-elected yesterday by the stockholders, iu aonnal meeting. The directors are Charles Moran, Samuel Marsh, Cornelius Smith, Daniel Drdw, frohu Arnot, Ambroses. Murray, D. A. Cushman,William B, Skidmore, Ralph Mead, Dudley 6. Gregory. Edwin J. Brown, Hermann GclpCko, Qeorge Brace, Robert H. fcerdell, Samuel H. P, Hall, Edward K. Albnrtis, Geo. T. Optfo. l Advibes from England report a probability that the discount rata at the Bank, of England would be redufced to 2V cent. The London Times or tbe 28th states that “that it mast not be inferred that that the an ticipated reduction in the bank tonne or discount Will constitute a merely short prelude to a he* r« Ign of epacufatlon. Two arid a half per dent. Is & familiar charge 'within modern ritperlecce and for long periods.’ ' In 1845 It prevailed Tor thirteen coosecu ti7e months, and the same was the case in 1842 and 1860. Still later—namely, from the com* ’flaeowmeat of 1852— 2% and even oent were adopted daring an interval of fourteen months. Indeed, for nearly Are dating from November, 18*8, a year alter the Railway crisis, 3 per ceht. was tbo high* est rate, Q# aud 2 per cent. Wlog current exactly half the time, Tbero in consequently no reason to as name in the present case that the step will necessarily be duration. Everything In that respect depend on the possibility 0 f some new injphlse being found,which shall enable a mania-to'bt* got •up with entirely, distinct features from any that have been known before., Although our perioetcal delusions have all inherently a perfect similarity, their external signs are invariably novel. After each former crisis the first effect or redundancy was to create a long-continued rise in the public funds and btho classes tf existing securities, and, although under snob circumstances a foreign loan or a sew and extensive enterprise could occasionally be floated, these was not the sl-ghtest dasger or their finding an iodisorimfoate reception. The public considered themsslyes wonder fully fbrewd. aid were never egsin to be led wildlr into Sfr;?"' 1 ;”" 1 «<»• *® »Wch they could ho told thu rnioiof onj rot mo r expcrleno* w ere whollr lo.pnllcj ble.” PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES.. Ootobor 13, '3553. BtrrOKMD BT MAITLBT, B3OWB, & CO., BASK'HOTB, ETOOK • jSSvmSfISES?' «»« FIRST BOARD. 60 Willß & Elm R ,b 5 10 5° b 6 10 60' do b& 30 8 Bk of N Amer.ceb 137 % 2 do oeh 137 v 1 Peona 8.... 46 V 49 **• do f.. ........ 46 5 do 45 27 Mioehill R 00 60 S"hl-NaY Prof.... 10* 60 do 16* 100 Sehuyl Nav 0 2Fa«u&Meoßk... 69* 60 Reading R fc6 26* 25 do 25* 1 do .......cash 26* 60 do .......,.b5 26* CO. do 25* 100 do .......cash 26* 100 do 26* 9 BOARDS. [lO Harrisburg B 67* ‘ 2 Commonwealth Bk 21* 400Pfnn&6i.....».» 01 - 100 do ~...00V 400 do .... Oi 000 do 01 •117.70 do ..Odertifa 89 3000 L Sch R,7a..2d?a 90 3000 Pitta6a AUcg Val iOK v COO Long lalapd ,6s;.’ 79 6000 Aiieg Oo 6( Staob 61 4 2000 Readßds ’BO *5w072, 6000 ' t do ...»,.*swa?2 1000 Catawiwa R 7a , ’ coop 0n.1)6 42 10000 Bchl Net 6s *B2 . C 6 3000 WUmlagtonß o*3oo 260 ' do ~....,.-.100 10 Beaver Meadow. 65* 4 do * . 65X 11 1* ebigU Net. , *., ] 10 do 61 1 . low b oTw™ .. I 60 SchlHflv I* r r.,bs 16VI 60 Harriibnrg i • ■ BBOONB , JOOOOityO*.. R 9pjy .1000'-" do--.,..,.8dta 00V 1000 0 & Am 6* >76«b5 86 SQCO Delw R R Mort 6* - > • v > 7 85 500 Lehigh Nav 6a ;; 95 1000 Pa R 2d M 6s. .b 5 W% ■: - 20 Union’BkY Teno, 08’ H do 98 ,-100 Reading R..V.h5 25# > 100 /do 25« ' 100 do ...;..v.b6 2*# 'loo' ‘;do &.. -b5 26# CLOSING PKH ‘Bit'Asked. ~ Phllae*.,,. ,99 J9j^ , .... -....d0 .. .8.,.,..5.0 (9Jf " „ do ‘ Hew;,loBJfll)s* , ...Bending 8.......a5*. 26K i ;■ ( yJ-i/M- sijJ , Id? HMtgOe'44,9l* aa A' :dal loaf , r'“: ...»)( 80,, ■v.; ~i._MorfU Can Coti';.4l, .>-42 + -y \do ..202 102# f/ 4 v£V:~Bs Bk.Ky. .3^*' I •“ do V;.;; .T.'i.iso;!' | ;V r ; J I,'f ] PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Oct. 18—Evening.— ‘The fain to-day has operated nnrivoraWy on business, aid the markets generally have been dull. In Bjesd stuffs there 1* no change, and only about 600 bbls Flour have been sold for shipment at $6 60, at which figure it Is freely offered. The sales to the retaliate and bakers are limited, within the range of $5 60®6 76 bbl for common to good superfine extras and fancy brands, ac cording to quality. Corn Meal and Bye Flourare quiet, and held at $4 25 for tbe former, and 14 37% bbl for the lat'.er. Wheats are In fair supply, but the demand continues limited, and the market dull at $1.20®1.28 for. common and prime reds, and $1 85©1.40 for while. Corn Is but little inquired for, and 3,000 bus yellow sold at 80c for damaged, and 80)4 ®B3 for prime lots, the latter afloat. Oats are dull, and 1.200 bushels Southern sold at 450 afloat Rye is not so much inquired for, and rather dull at 760 for now, and 80®83o for old Pennsylvania. Bark is Belling in lots, aa wanted, at $3l for Ist quality Quercitron. Ootton is dull and unsettled, with small -ales of nplan s at ]3&13£0 cash, the latter for mid dling fair. Groceries a-e unchanged, but the demand ia confined to the wants of the trade at 7at7%0 for Sugar, and 28a30c for Cuba Molasses, on time. Coffeo is scarce and held for higher prices. Provisions — Nothing doing and no alteration in the market Seeds —Olovorseed is wanted, and 200 bushels, mostly prime seed, sold at $6 & bushel; nethiog doing In <ther kinds. Whiskey is selling in a small way at 22®22)jc for drudge; 23023%e Tor hhds, and 23% ®24c for bbls, the latter for Western. Covfbb rules quiet, but price? aro nominally firm; sales iOO bags Rio (i choice lot) at and 700 b-gs ot. Doming», lor oxport, pn private terms OotroN.—Prices huvo declined lb under tho foieigu advices with mica of 2,000 bales ou & basis of 12%c lor tniodliug Uplands Lkathbk.—Hemlock Sole is Iu moderate request at 23#attic for middle weights Buenos Ayres, andtt3ffl23# for Orinoco. Molas>kb rormias dull, with no sales reported. Ou.B—Linseed is dull at. 72c. Crude ffnale and Sperm are quiet avid ut-ebaoged. Riok —Tbe market it» quiet at 3#o3#c, cash. Sugar —The markotnninlnallyutjchanged.audqulot; sales 200 lihdn Cuba at 5% ®7 # ; 52 hhds Porto Rico at 7 % ; and 1.020 boxes Havana on private terms, in cluding luO boxes Nos. 10 and 13 at Bu. [Reported for The Press.] CUMBERLAND HARBOR-Brig Express, Frith—lB4 hhds sugar 8 Sc W Welsh; 77 do 160 bales 1 box tobacco G W Bermdou A Bro. ST JAGO DB CUBA—Brig Ella Reed, Tuzo—l7Thhds sugar 6 tea do 20 bbls do 273 bales tobacco 20 000 se/ars G W Rernadou tc Brt; 163 hhds sugar SAW Welsh; 6 do Jos Stowe Shaw; 1 half bbl coffee Dr Gteen; 1000 Begovs Bem&do Hecbavarria. SAVANNAH—Bleatsbip State of Georgia, Garvin— -1760 sacks wheat Honnifleld A'Dayer; 160 bales eotton Greiner A Uarkuess; 43 do R Patterson A Co; 60 do T Wattson A Sons: 60 do D d Brown A On; 60 do J P Oro zier; 10doDAO Kelly;. 100 do D Soiomon A Co; 91 do order; 22 do Hiy A McDevitt; 39 do 8 Little; 141 bales domestics Hay to McDevitt; 6do Brown, Hill tc Co; 80 do Alex Whildtn; 166 bales cotton order: packages to ii 3*ayoe Sc. Son, J A Spiel, O Sc J Hess. Powers Sc Weightmsn, X B<zin, A F Smith, B B Cummings. G Hrcdie. M'S W p Brown. G P Edd'o, J B Uartwalt’s Express Co, O Johnson tc Co, O Hoffman, Dr J Hajle In steamship State of Georgia, from Savannah—M Wells. O Counery, Delia Mo 'ajin, E A Jeiks Job Ash ton. B Lay lor, Mrs L Thompson and child. Geo and O Hotkill, John McWinter, Qaroah Bw»2ey, John Bur ford, Q F and Henry Kills, J flench. PORT OP PHiLADEIPmA, Oct. 14. 1858 87N RISXo 6 28 I BUN 'SETS .....6 82 HIGH WATER 7 68 U 8 M Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, from Sa vannah, 60 hours, with mdse and passengers to Alex Heron, Jr. Ur brig Express, Frith, 26 days from Cumberland Harbor. Onb*, with augar and tobacco to Btc W Welsh. Brigßlla Reed, Tuko, from St Jago de Cuba 26th alt. with sugar, tobacco, Ac. to G W Jiernadou tc Bro. eld in company with brigs Elisa, for Charleston, and Har riet Aun, (Br) for Philadelphia. Lett barques Ocean Homo aod Linda Stewart, for New York soon, and schr Joba Griffith, from ot Johns NF,ju«tarr. Baiqne Sa lem Bailed same diy. seeking. Sept 28tb, 20 miles above Cumberland Harbor, spoke brig Black Sqa&U, fm Philadelphia; oth inst, lat 36 49, long 74 20. signalled barque Homiltou, hence for et Jago; 10th, lat 37 41, tong 73 20, spoke brig Annie Laurie, from St Jago for N Fork, 21 days out, Bohr Sarah Warren, Boatlo, 1 day from Camden, Del, with wheat to J L Bewley Sc Co. Schr Telegraph, Truitt, 1 day from Camden, Del,with corn to Jes Uarratt Sc Son fccbrSlartha Wrightington, Wrightington,3 days from Fall Rtver. in ballast to Cabeen Sc Oo Bcbr Bancocis. Kidd, 1 day from New Castle, with oats to Rlohardaon Sc Overman. Sloop J D Fiflb,Bell,l day from Lewes, Del, with mdcotoTheo Yf Parker, Bhlp Arlington. Ilorton, Aspinwall. Workman Sc 00. Brquo J VV Paige, Long, New York, Noble, flam* matt A Caldwell, Bohr G W Cummings, Whllden, New Bedford, N Stur tevautAOo. Schr K W Tull, Townsend) Mobile, N Starterant A Co. Schr Salisbury, Woodland, Washington, Hayes Sc Godshall Schr T M Ratbmel, Rathroel, Washington, do Str J S Shriver. Dennis, Baltimore, A. Groves. Jr. Str Sarah, Jones, New York, W M Baird A 00. (Cortttspondeoco of The Press.) HAVRE DS GRACE, Oot 13,1858. The Kingston loft here this morning with 9 boats, laden and consigned as follows: Garret Tinsman, lumber to D B M Dalby; Gov Pol lock, do John Craig; John Cline, do to Noxcross tc Sheets; Two Brothers, bituminous coal to Cummings A Oo; A H Sumcoy, do to Chao McObe; Tome, McCurdy A Co, lumber to B T Januey; V 5 Doebler, do t> M Trump A Son; Mary Frank and Ocean Wstc, coal to De laware City. (Correspondence of The Press.) READING. Oct. 12.1658 The following boats, from the Union Canal, passed into the Canal to-day. bound to Philadel phia. laden and consigned as follows: John W Woomer, floor aod rye to Humphries, Hoff .manAWrighi; Danl Urlch and Barsler, Ooover A Co, ’grain to Jos Ooover; Inaiah Bloom and Jordan A Bros, lumber to Mr Miller; Geo W Miller, Hour and grain to Budd A Comly; Penuington A Raymond, lumber to Jaa Haley; Major J Rohrer, do to Is&ao Kulp. F. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange 1} LEANS. Del.. Oct U Very few vessels bare passed in for the last three days.* The flteam-tug America is the only vessel at the Breakwater Potir ecbrs are off this piaca going out. Wind NK—weather very cloudy Youre, Ao. WH. M. HIORMAN. MEMORANDA. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, henoe at Btcbmood llth inst. Bte&msblp North Star, Jones, from New York, ar rived at Havre 25th alt. ~ Bteamahlp Virginia, Kelly, sailed from Blehmond llth inst for Philadelphia. Bteamahip Indian Empire, Jones, from,Galway, via Halifax, tor New York, pat into Newport 12th mat. for coal- , , Ship Robin Hoed, Matthew, cleared at New York yesterday for San Francisco. fhlp E P Stringer. Wood, for Bombay, via Ardroa san, sailed from Liverpool 25th nit. Ship Cambridge, Hewitt, for Oalontta, was in the river, Liverpool, 28th nit, outward bound. B<tip Oerro Gordo, Witham, for Baltimore, was in the river, Liverpool, 26th ult, outward bound. Ship Flying Boud, Baxter, from Bombay, at London 28th ult. Ship North American, Collier, from Callao, at Ply mouth 24th ult. Ship Gan Eden, Seed, from Mobile forCfonstadt, ar rived atEhinore 24th ult Ship Agamemnon, Gsodfrin, from Bristol, England, arrived at Oharleoton llth inst Ship Atinie Btse, Bise. for Philadelphia, was in the river, Liverpool, 2»th ntt, outward bound. Barque Drazilera, Baxter, from New Orleans for Bio do Janeiro, was spoken 6th inst, lat 30 80, Joog 75 65 Barque B K Kane, Hewitt, from Pernambuco, with Soar, sailed from Richmond 12th lost. Barque Washington, Wetica, frorii BromerhAvon for Philadelphia, Cras in the Epglish channel 26th ult. Barque Isaac B Davis Hand, from New Orleans, at quarantine, Boston, 12th inst, Birque Oak, Bydet, cleared at Boston 12th Inst, for Phltade’jpbU. > % Barque Joseph Hale, Merrill, satlel from Card.lT 25th nit. for New York Brig Canlma, Pinkham, hence, arrived at Boston [2«h lost. Brig Delaware, Baker, hence, arrived at Wilmington, NO, 10th inst. Brig Maria, Homan, hence, arrived At Wllmlfcgton, NO. llth inst. BrlgSabao, Brown} hence anlvsd at Boston 12th inst. Bdhr M J GintfC, SnUth, frdm Brandywine, arrivod at New Havoa 12th lost Sihr Oatthbgeoa, Baker, hence, arrived at New Bed ford 12th inst Schr Mary NoaeH, Nowell, from Sandwich forPhila de'phla, at New Bedford 12th inst. Bohr Fiy, Obeeiemm, from Newport for Philadel phia, at New Fork yesterday Bohr 8 B Strong, Mott, hence for Providence, at New York yesterday. - t Bohr Lewis Ohestbr, Somers, hence, arrived at Wil mington. NO, 12th inst ' FAhr W L Sprlsgß, Corson, hence at Wilmington, NO, llth inst, Fehr Hero, Terry, hence, arrived at Baltimore yes terday, , Sohr B Frink, Eou'ghty, hence, arrived at Norfolk llth inst. * ’ uchr 0 8 Feaslee, Foster, hence, arrived at Charles ton llth lost. Bcbr J J Spencer. Cole, was up at Wilmlogtou. NO. llth Jnat. for Fhilsdelpliia! ’ Bohr 8 B Strong, Mott, hence for Boston, at N Yotk yesterday,'' - Schts T Lake. Scull. Win P Ook, Houck; Jas M Vance, Unrg< { Mary Miller, Laws; W G Nelson, Eudlcott; Jo natbau May, Cobb; A Hammond, Clark, hence, and MAry Price, Blizzard, from Brandywine, Del, at Boston 12tb inst. Scbr Alida, Oarhury, cleared at New London llth lust for Pbi'adelphla. Bohr ‘•Transportation,” Austin, from Calais for Phi ladelphia, at Newport 9th inst, and sailed llth. Schrs Richard Borden, Arnold, and P Armstrong, Dill, sailed from Fall River Oth inet. for Philadelphia. Scb.s Jaa Martin, Harding, hence, and 8 L Crocker, Presbrey, do for Taunton, at Fall River 10th lost Scbr J Frambes, Frambes, sailed from Providence llth inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Marietta Hand, Terry, at Bristol 10th lost, from Delaware City. Sohr Globe, Jones, sailed frOra Bristol 10th inst. for Philadelphia Steamer Bristol, Alien, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. DOMBBTXO PORTS NEW YORK, Oot 13—Ar, ship Delhi, Lowell. Cardiff; Br brig Reindeer, Curtis, St Jsgo de Cuba; sebrs Alice, fßr) Cone, Denla, Spain; Clotilda. Wright, 8t Johns. P 8; Estelle, Darin, Turks Island; Sterling, Hill. New Orleans; B H Nickerson, Baxter, Bavannah. ..9^’« B * 8 . a, ?. Bkips 8 kips li°*noke. Skinner, Norfolk; Hunts rule, Post, Savannah; James Adger, Adams, Charles ton; ships Robt Kelly, Barstow, Savannah; Salsstte, (Br) Swinton, London; Zorich. Baxter, navte; brigs Mary McKee/'Crocker, Wilmington; Grenada, Pettin giil, Nuevit s; x Alatbea, Henry, Havens; eehrs Clifton, Norris, Antigua; Isabella, Howland, Beaufort; Bnena Viits. Collins, City Point, Vs; Howard, Lumen, New barn; Essex, Post, Mobile. Liverpool—Ar 26th ult, Victoria Reed, Preble, Ma tansan; 28th. Peter Marcy. Thompson, N Orleans. Bid 26th, Elizabeth Cashing. Pritchard, Calcutta; j H Jarvis, Collier, Casting Ocean Monarch, Page, New York; ’-7th, Young Hunter, White, Belfast; Faith, Ken ny, Oftstine; 28th. Loodieoa, Darby, Mobile; and all are reported as in the river 28th. la the river ontwftrd bound 29th alt, Africa, (s) Shannon; Cultivator, Russell. Arctio, Zeraga and J L Bogart, Conway, N York: Bea King, Barker, Boston; J Bradshaw, Bradshaw. 8t John, NB; Rappahannock, Cushing, and Ocean Pearl, Ohandler, New Orleans; W F Schmidt, Sears City Point. . London—Ent inwards 24th, Mary B Rich, Rish, Sa ges; John Knox, Ginn, City Point, Va; J P Keeler, Al len/N York; 27th, Grey Oak, Jeffrey, Monlraeio; Ella, Drummond. Cronstadt; 28th, J F Chapman. Chapman, Port Neuf; Flying Eagle, Oonant, Arohangel. - Old 261 h, Architect, PotnSra, Mauritius and Akyab, and sldfrom Deal 28'h; Loudon, Hurlbot, New York: 27th, Burton, Cardiff'and Naevitas; Vernon, Grott, Newcastle and Messina, „® e *l*“Ar 24th, Berkshire; Williams, from London for New Orleans; Abtolino, Hall, from do for Bombay; Tha- Btlnsen, from do for New York} Ilen*y Herd Fow ler. from do forDaaficeston, and all sailed; the Thalet t» TO Off Btoad«t,ira at 1 P Mj 28th, Portland, Loavitt, from do for Mobile, and aid. p««B€d lalo of Wight 6AM Mih, Sarah No-man, Co h b. from London for Calcutta ’ Q 1 rao«a;er— Ar 2tth, 0 0 Dttnoan, oti«, 8t John, NB. Bhiolda—ArJNkh, Bay B.ato, Orov.il, London. Plymouth-® 24th. Ellen Ollrer, Oovell, Barannah. 100 Beading R W 26% 10 do 26k' 6Mlnehiliß 6Q* !0 do .il co '1 ’ do QO 26 Penn* R.... .2dv# 46 10 Harrisburg 8.. &7£ 60 Girard Bk,. u 5 J 6 Lehigh Scrip...... aiv 1 19 Norristown 8.... 64u 1 100 Bohnyl Nav Pref *. 30 u I 8 City ‘Bk.’ 4?s LOBS—STEADY* ' r , . ; ’ Bid. .Asked, SohuflNaf 6§ >B2.flrf 66 V Bch Nav Imp 6a., .69 eo% do Stock.B% gv do Prof 18# le# Wmsp’t (c Elmß. 10 10% - do Tslstmtg 71 73 4.4-U X 12 Glr*rdßauk.,;.;..n* 11% Ub D«u k {far. : .61#,62 WPennaß 8# '9' : &.i 67 67,% aew.Omk*....;. % « OatAwltahß..,.,. 6% 6% Milgh Zinc,,*,., v j CEBT.---- r , ‘ fßea^ingeloisef..; 25% 026% NEW YORK MARKETS, Smpottatiam. PASSENGERS ARRIVED fUatin* Jnteiha«n« ARRIVED OEEAUKD. POBBIQN PORTS. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, DP TO OHB O'OLOCK THIS HOBIOIta. GIRARD HODBE—Oheßtnut »troet. 6elow Ninth. lIK Schmid, Y« O T Bohiiler. rt touij 7, Bauman, Butler, Pa AM Snyder, Wash, DO I M Hobbs, Clinton, NO G D ReUl, St Pawl L E Gousley. Troy, NY D Gibb ns Baltimore J O Wilson, Pittsburgh G :1!. aok s 6r ’ B Duncan, Lohiaville W Dorris Huntingdon J O Colton, Smitbport F£°2 l4in i, r. kn, a^ O P Mosely A la, Albany J McElroy A la, Albany B B Roberts A la, NO A B Hoed, Maine J F Cole, Boston G W Paten, Boston D E Fowes, Pa li EaMeman. Pa M Dolrtrtv A la, Boston Mr Winnans A Ift, Boston Miss Revillon, Boston L liayara. Ya MrMosuly Ala Bluhmond Miss Moacly, Richmond J Brauder, Richmond W C Bturgia, Newark J O Gregory, Va Miss Hart, Charleston Mr Hart. Charleston Mr Brad'ey, Charleston M ss Cohen, Charleston E O Peyton, Va MissL Porter, Lancaster L W Wells, Savannah C H Connerev. Savannah F W Tilton A la. N Orleans W K Lewis, New Orleans J Woods A la, New Htven O K Bunting A la, K T W O Gilbert, N O Miss Cassidy, NO PII L&ngdcn, N O PWG Lewis. Boston Col J AI Denison, Balt L N Love'l, NY 8 Hart, Sr, Charleston W T McClure, Louisville J G Mitchell, Easton Alfred Joel, NY a Bpadone, N Y U D Faulkner A la, N Y WO Auraan, Va L A Auman, Va Thos H Thurman, Va W L Ellis, Va F G Van Vllet, N Y LW Truman, NY A H Hans, N Y 8 8 Webb, Mobile J W Bogart A Indy, N Y J J Ri.binson, Webster,Mass Mr Swift A la, N Bedford Miss Perry. New Bedford E Graham. Petertburg II Chrtsfield, N Y B-iml B Field, NY E Wise. St Louis T O King. Columbia, Pa Ogd- n Haggerty. NY J Green, Alexandria, Va Miss Green, Alexandria, Va O N Congreve, N Y O O Harris, Davenport, Ia V Gross, N Y WH Treadway,Washington Theo 8 Co lins, Md Miss Mary A Collins, Md J P Nelson, N Orleans J Kla, Mobile Thos Charlton, Boston R Gteen, Ky W A Fretwell, L» Oapt TyUr, N Y H*nry Young, N Y Jonn Phillips, NY J H McKiozer, N Y E Harmon, NY Thos Clapham, N Y MrsJOlapbam NY G Mftelnman, Lancaster 00l Thompson, A S Morehead, P* Mrs A S Alorehead, Pa Mr rtiDch»Bler, Baltimore Wm Miller, Phiia Henry Oou a. Charleston Miss A E Cobla, Charleston Miss R M Oobla, Charlestn E W Wtst, Charleston Thad Street, Charleston Mr Chapman, Mass Mrs Barlow A child, Ma^a George Wagner NY G F Andorson, Norfolk, Ya John L Wilcox Va T G Wi 11, Newbern, N C J 8 Walters, St Louis O E Wliters, 8t Lonis. Benj B Jones, N Y Dr C A J-nnlngs, Va It Turner, Moss Isaac Swotser, Boston ThOB Brady, 111 O L Ademcourt, Troy, N Y MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth, below Arch street. M Taylor,-Pa W O Shoemnker, Phiia R Tj ler, Bucks co . J Duncan, FalUton J Reed, Pittsburgh B Page A la Pittsburgh MisrN W Campbell, Pa G >i Young, P» J D Jones, Pittsburgh L M Gjithrie, Blairsville J Raker, Pa R Jackson, Richmond A Ballard, Richmond Mrs J T Brickeid, Pa T Stewart, Columbia co IS Boas, Reading RF Brown, Reading J Oronly NY J Koontz. Va MUs F L Dodge. Pa F H Stauffer, Lancaster Geo W Neff, Illinois 8 Gregg, Rlp'ey. O Jacob G Ge z, LanciSter Mrs Eliza Barkley, Pa R F Ellis, Po^ J 8 Dellett Columbia, Pa Jacob L Swayze, N J Hon Asa Packer, M Chunk Mrs J G Getz, Lancaster Alex McCoy, Lane oo J B Gwln, Berks co Jacobs Bala, Easton A Forsythe A la, Pa John Morgan, Pa Hon Z Bonnet, Pa R F Mcllbany, Pa Dunlop P-xton, Pa Sam’lOberdorff Pa W Forsythe, Pa Wm Dunlap, Obn George K White, Pa Miss M White, Pittsburgh 9 hos Hire, Pittsburgh Moses Nichols, Mass J H Farnawoith, Mass NR Harding, Virginia Joh* 8 Ludwig; Pa M W Shrade, Pa J 8 Buchanan. Pa James Sutton, Pa H Endly. Mansfield, O George W Jackson, Pa Jno Rowe, Pa J L Decker, Ohambersb’g Jas McKim, Blair co W Wolf, Centre co UNION HOTEL—Aron street, below Fourth. L Slnshlmxr, NY G Cook, Upton, Pa M.sa N J White, Pa J K Eby, Bristol W L Lawrence Ala, Boston O Pelffer, A la, Pa G W Monk, P* S W Main, N J R H Houser, N J W Barnot, Easton Msre O Wbeoler, Reading John Zimmerman, Fa Q.H Hiller, Lock HaTen W L Young, Ohio R C Gall-her, Pa Jaa Bocchoin A la, Pa A Scott, jr. A la, N Y M Ashmore, Ohio D Barntt, Easton Danl Thomas, Easton E M Stevenson, Del Mias 8 Fisk, Easton Jas D Scott, Pa Jas GllWm, Pa A 2 Lane, Pa Jos B Seidel, Pa S 8 Schmuckor, Pa J Robinson, Ohio Chas Sohulhous, N J Jas W Briggs jr, Pa T Brush, NY O C Carrell. Ohio D D D Carrell, Ohio R B Williams, Ky J B Milhouse, A la, Ohio Wm R Uumbort, N Y A L Irwm, Green Castle Wm Kreps, Green Castle O W Robinson, Ohio AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Sixth. J R Freese, Trenton J M Guthrie, Blalrsvillo W S flasots. Pa JO Henkitt A ia, Boston J McCarty, Keotilog J U Hauk, Easton E Levan, Tamaqua G Biinton, W Chester 8B Johnson. NY W U Harris, N Y J ihoma*, Georgetown Miss S Juhcson, N Y J S Wortham A da, N O J Stevens, Ohio ,T M Houston, Del 51 Boyce A la. G'oenshurg J Calvert, Lock Haven E A Jelkos, Fla Robt 11 Sayer, Bethlehem Geo Bigelow, Lexington Oapt Montgomery Carlisle Miss Montgomery, Oarlielo A 8 BbberUon. Ky J B Norfleet, Va N Pegly, M Chunk H P Cochran. Boston W H Jordan. Va A E Jordan, Va F A Curtis, Del J Sebling, Pa John Webb, Pa David Stewart, Pa 8 Connloghatn, Pa OS Whialer A 2 chd, Eng J C Drew, England NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. F Wise, Brownsville 8 Daubach, Northampton W Romig, Lehigh co J F Boyer, Reading GW Ulrich. Ashland JJ Nissley, Uamuiilton W Lake, Ashland J P Witts, namn ilton U J Handler, Pottsvllle b H Lares, Hainmilton J H Wrede, o Carolina Godfrey Lammet, Halifax 8 Opponheimer, Halifax M 3 Barnum, Clinton co G W Geiger, Potfotitle J K Heistcr, Lancaster J Ferguson, Halifax, Pa Wm P Samuels, Mass John Q Chambers, Pa 8 E Harlacher, Btroadsb’g 8 M McHenry, Wheeling Alex Smith. Ohio Miss L A Smith, Pa John Jameson, Liverpool Geo Z Bentz, Philadelphia Geo J Boss A la, Lebanon Thos McNelsh, Bloomsburg, Pa MOUNT VERNON HOTEL--Socon4 Arch, G P il’en. Wmsport,Pa A Page, Wraaport, Pa E Jacoby, Easton. Pa D O Kelly, Dover A L Wright, Jr, Del ' Geo Short, NY Jno R Ford, Del Wm K Allen, NJ W Peterson, N J F Howard, Erie, Pa O B&rnltSj Erie, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Beoond street, above Market. B 0 Prettyman, Delaware lienrj Wolfe, Delaware M Adams, Delaware G II Adimt, Delaware D Soathmayd, Newark, N J C 8 McCabe, Delaware H M Conner, Pittsburgh K N Davis, Pittsburgh Jacob Iless, Lancaster Jas C Mltcnel, NY Geo A Jones, Delaware A B Tomlinson, N J Samuel Roberts, N V Jas li Badclift. Delaware BARLEY SHEAF HOTBl>—Second stroet, below Vlney A Yokes k da, Montg’y co J Engle, Philadelphia ' J T Mears, Phiia W Ferris, Luzerne co E b German, Newtown John Davis, Books co, Pa John Wood, Pa Jos Kenworiby, Pa A Dannenhower, Bucks co. Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Oa’lowhUl. B Bchroyer, Pughtown W Cooper, Cooperstown 0 FlnDey, Rockville W M Buokman. Pa Obas M Thomas. Pa 0 W Cooper, Allentown 0 51 Shane, Hamburg Miss Mlllot, Pa Solomon Ohl, Mlllf'rstown Jas Smith. Berks co Obas Helfrlch. Kutztown Baml Smith, Pa C Butz, Kutztown Jacob lioyer, Berks co Mahion A Sellers, Berksoo BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. OallowhUl. Beubon Wlllower. Easton Benj li Mahon, Pa Jno W Newhart, Kansas Jn» ErarUk, Harrisburg D N Rank, Lebanon bo P nee e, Jr, N J A Calvin, East -n Abram Freaoer, Ilarrlob’g Jno Morgan Salem, O 0 Bradley, N Pottsvllle Jno Ilarbater, Reading BLACK BEAR INN—Firth and Merohant streets. J Work, Oeell C 9, Md J H Dhhl, Georgetown S J Wilson, Lancaster G Laporte k 2 ladies, Md J B Wetmer, Lancaster T 8 Young. Chester oo Irvin Taylor, l'a John Erb. LancAster co Geo R ft*. T S Young, Jr, Chester oo 4 & Lewis, Delaware co Sami Mos'*, Phmalxvillo Hiram 0 Foulkes, Va John B Weaver, 111 M Evans, Chester co Jt McBpsrran, Lancaster co E H Brown, Lancaster co Jas Brown. Oeotl co, Aid W M Wilson. Newark. Del Mrs Webster, Chester oo Spuciai Notices W. Henry Patten, Manufacturer of Window BHADKB, end Importer of CURTAIN and tIPiIOL stKBT Materials, lack »nd. muslin ouit- TiINS. BROCATELLKB, StTIN DB LAINB and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, MOREENS. PLUSHES, OXMPB and TABSBLB, GILT COINICES and OUR TAIN ORNAMENT 3. Gilt Window Shades, with all the trimmings, as low as 76 cents each Just received fr:m Auction a large invoke of Curtains, which are off-red at the following unprecedented low prices: iffuslln Curtains, ft 00, worth $3 00 a pair. Lace « $2 00, << $4 00 << “ Tambour Lace “ $lOO, ” .$6 00” ” Quite heavy” ” $5 00, ” $lO 00” ” Elegant rich Embroidered, $lO 00, ” $2O 00 ” ” Damat-k Curtains fxom $lO 00 to $l6 00 per window, complete, Curtains ntario and put up at the shortest uotiee, by competent workmen. / W. ÜBatllY PATTEN, 030 OHKBTNUT St., ocl2-6moa Opposite Jayne's Now Hail Singer’s Bewlns Machlnbs —'Pbtlt Singer’s Sewing Machines mako tiie b st stitch ever inventmi, has been widely known for years. Other msohines may make a similar stitch upon a few light fabrics, but Sluger’s alone are competent to do every kind of work upon every variety of fabric. Singer's new Family Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machti.es for manufacturing purposes. They are also more beautiful than any other. Hemming and Binding Gauges of the most Improved style Are applied when desired to any of Singer’s Ma ohiues. I. AI. BINGBR CO , sol6-tjan22 No. 602 OHESTNUT Street. 850, 800 f S3O, S3O, S3O, 850, 800, 800.— SINGER'S SEWING MaOHINKS —PRICES RE DUCED —A now and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $6O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, si rple, and re liable Sewing Machino, which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invltod to call at our office and exrtuiine the new inachlnos, at the reduced prices. They can not fall to be satisfied. 1. Si. SINGER k CO., 001-lm No COS CHESTNUT Street. Jules Hand's Aromatic Vinegar Is a de lightful cosmetic, and effectual remedy for Neuralgic pains, headaches, dco. It is also a powerful purifier of tbo air, in dose or confined ohatnbers. This article has obtained Just celebrity for its many excellent pro perties. Sold by all Druggists, and at the Tjaboratory of JULES HAUEL k 00., Perfumers and Importers, 704 Ohestnut Sheet, Philadelphia. ocll-Gt Scurvy.—Scurvy Is not confined to Arctic travellers and neglected sailers ; it showß Its disgusting features also among the ill-fed poor In our filthy lanes. Nothing has been found so speedily efficacious In ar resting the decomposing tendency of the vital fluids in scorbutio disease as the PERUVIAN SYRUP. For sale in this city by F. Brown, comer Fifth and Ohestnut, and Hassard k Go., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. *e29-dfcw tf Thom&s W« Bully, No. Ban Market Street, Importer and Dealer In Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-class goods constantly on hand The subscriber, paying cash for every article, Is enabled to sell at a small advanoe. Those about purchasing would do well to call. All goods warranted as repre entsed. sel-8m One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made In the best manner, expressly for rbtaii. salsb. We mark our lowest selling prkes in plain riatraaa on eaoh article. Ail goods mode to order are warrauted satisfactory, and our ons-friob btstbm is strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONBB k 00., »a27'17 604 MARKET Street, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY OCTOBER 14, 1858. On the 13th lmt„ at'(ho Church of the *piph» D J'i ly Rot. n. S WillUma, D D , E'/.U*. BOWUH to ELIZABETH 8., daughter of Tilton Wilder, of Aroey town, N J. * On the 11th instant, by Her. A. Cobb, Mr. MAT THEW 01 BEN, of Baltimore, to Mina ELIZA O. OLASS, r,f Nor oik. Va. * On the 12th instant, br the Rev Daniel Kendig, WIILIAM L. DUNGLTBON to 80PHIE, youngest daughter of the late Aritnideß Monges, Esq. * On the 12th Instant, by tbe Rev. Ilemy J. Morton, D. D , F. STANDISU BRADFORD, M D, ol Provl deoce R. 1., and ANNE, daughter of John M. Bdflsoo, ofthiPcily. * At Baltimore, on the 80th ult., by the Rov O B. Howarl, BBUOE SMALL to FANNIE J , daughter of Wm. H. Fooler, ERq * At West Ohester, on Tuesday, 13th inst., Mrs. EU NICE P , wife of John Hickman. Her funeral will takeplaee, from the family residence, in Gay street, West Chunter, on Friday afternoon next, at 2 o’clock Services at the Episcopal Qhurch. To proceed to Oakland Cemetery. * * On the morning of the 13th instant, at his residence ou Locust streot, Doctor KLISIIA TOWNSEND. * On Tuesday morning, 12th Inßtsnt, JOHN HERON; In tho 03d year of his age. f ’ His male friends ate respectfully invited to attend hie fuoeral from his late residence. No 318 South Twenty first Btreot, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o’clock. To proceed to Cathedral Oemetory. * Oatho 12th instant, ALBERT G. tTIMBLE, in the 22<1 yotr ot his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invit-id to atteud his funeral, from the residence of his father, Beijitmin 13. Slimhle, No. 669 Y"rk avenue, on Friday aftem'ion, at 2 o’clock, without fuctheP notlco. To proceed to Laurel Hill. ** On Monday nv-raing, &t the resideQoo of her son,. Rev. tioger Owen, Chcßtnut Hill, Mrs. JANE OWEN, in her 824 year Funeral this (Thursday) at 10 o’clock, A. M. To proceed io South Laurel Hill. Friends of the family invited to atteud without farther notico * On the 11th instani, RhBKOOA J., wife of Richard W Bacon. The f,lends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from tho residence of her husband. No. 631 Mmhail street, this (Fifth day) morning, the 14th inst., at 10 o’clock. * At By berry, on the 12th instant, in poaee and resig ns.ion, after a lingering illnesß, borne with fortitude aDd patience, GRAOR, wilu of Henry Bowmsa. Funeral to meet at the residence of her husband, this (fifth day,) 14th inst., at 2 o’clock. * rv-r==a Philadelphia and Darby Railroad [L_f COMPANY —The Subscribers to the Capital bt ck of the Philadelphia nnd Darby RuilroAd Com pany are notill j d that tne following instalments wißbe due, and aro hereby requested to be paid on the follow iug dates, viz: * Second inHtulinent of $5 per share, on Thursday, 28tU October inst. Third instalment of $5 per share, on Saturday, 27ih November next. Fourih iufUlment of $6 per share, on Monday,. 27th December next. The Stockho ders are at*o notified that all or any of tho Instalments on tho Stock subscribed for by thorn may be paid in &dv nee, and that interest will be t|/ lowed f om tho date of payment of each instalment tip* to trie Ist January next By order of the Board of Directors. THOMAS SPARK 3, Treasurer, bo 121 Walnut Street Subscription Book now oponfortho balance of the Ftock, at the Office of the Treasurer, from 9A.M to 1 P. M. PniLaoKr.rHiA. Oct. 2,1858. ry-77=» To thn Fire Department of Pliilnrit-N \XS PIIIA Tho Directors of tho GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY have re solved to appropriate Oue Hundred Dollars to oacb Fire Company within the City, now having in service, or who may hereafter put In sertice, a STEAM FIRE ENGINE. Companies applying for this oppropiiation. through their Committees, Trustees, o H Agents, will bo ro* quircd to furnish a certificate, signed by their Pre* Bident authorising 1 hem to receive the money. They will also ho required to furnish the certificate of the Mayor, certifying that the Company applying is In service in this city, and has been approved by City Councils. ALFRED a. GiLLVL'T, Philadelphia, Oct 13,1868 rv'T?£» Office Girnrd Fire and IVlurine In- LLS SUHANUK COMPANY, 415 , Schuylkill Navigation Building. Tbo Directors of the Girard fire and Marine fn* surance Company have this day declared a dividend of bIX PJiB CENT. upon ibe Capital (Stock, payable to Stockholders, on and after the Second dny of Noremlwr next. ALFBiiD S. GILLETT, Treanurer. ocl4-thstu3tr Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1868. ryssa At a Stated Meeting oi the Board of Man- HJf AGBRB OP “ TOE IIOMB Ml 5 810 NARY 8001- Jsi If OP TUB CITY OF PHILADELPHIA,” held on tbe evening of (he Btb lost., fit the Booms of the Society, No 641 east NORTH street, tbe following preslatble ana resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz: Whereas, This Board has heard with do*p concern 06 the burning of the Btearoship Austria at sea, and of the immense less of life resulting therefrom, an well as tbe fact that, amongst (he nun ber thus los% there was one Indy very closely Allied to tho Soc’ety we repreaont, not only by her uncoasirg efforts to do good, but also by her timely and bountiful gifts to its treasury: Therefore Resolved, That this Board deeply sympathise wi<h the numerous relatives and frloa s of Blis. BMILIE VEZIN, whose valuable l.feaud utofnlnean have born cut shortby tbe molanclioly catastrophe alluded to itbove. Resolved, That her acts of devotion to Buffering bn raao.ty, as well as her nofo'e gltts. Under the unan* earning name of <( A Christian Lady,” to the friends of this society, will long he remembered by every member of this Biard Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to the relatives of tho deceased in this city, and that' they bo published in the daily papers GEORGE U STUART, President R. K. HoErLich, Secretary. ocl4-lt Mprlog Garden Loan Assdcißttort, The Monthly Meeting will be held on THURS DAY Erening, 14th init., at 7X o’clock, on SPRING GABDRN Street, first door below BROAD, North side. ocl3-2t# J. A. TREGO, Secretary, ry.—iM Prcclnmatid;!*— 1 [Jjj IIkALTK Oppitfi, Oct. 32,39*8. Wbprbas, Quarantine at the Limetto Station till! close, by ordt rof iho Ciard of Health, on the l&th of this month, (October.) b:.t as Epidemics stilt prevail to some extent in a few of our c onthern Ports as well as In the West Indian, requiring caution in tbe alialt ting of vessels up to thy port of Philadelphia, notwlth standing the low tomiorftturG of the attueepborp. with the *prosp f ct of It so continuing—NOTlCE JB HBR3' BY GIVEN, That all vorss’s arriving from the Ports of Obarlioiton, Havanush New Orleans, Galveston, or the West Indies, are required to be visited i*y the Port Physician previously to heir buing haul d<o any wharf of the Qlty or Windmill Inland, an«l undergo such an examination ,ns in provided by iho 13th seorlon of the General HrfiUh Lavfl of 101" fortes security of the o»ty and Port from the Introduction of any pestilential hr contagious disecso Owners and consignees of vessels expected to arrive from any of the aforesaid ports are requested to give information to Captains of tbe same, through tbe Pilots or otherwise, as maybe moat effectual in giving the above notlco to those interested. The above restriction on coastwise voxels will be re moved at iho very earliest day that circumstances will admit. Cotton, and all other articles now in Quarantine, In the Public Stores, will be permitted pp.to the City oh application for bpnoite.et tne Health Office. Published by order of the Board,of Health, ARTHUR HUGHE9. oc!3-3t Health Officer. y-=s*farmerB’ Mechanics’ ilunK, Philn- L 3 DELpniA, t. 2, 3858.—The Annual Election for Directors will • held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the day of November next, between the bouio of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M , and on TUESDAY, Iho 2*l day of November next, a gonoral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Evoking House at 4 o’clock P. M., agreeaMy to the charter. oc4 dtNl6 W.RUSUTON, Jr., Oanhier. ,y.£jh Sotiillwnrk tlank; Philadelphia. October L 3 11,18.58—The Annual Meeting of the Piock loTders of this Bask •will, us held at the BANKING HOUfIE, on Tuesday, the 2d day of Novotnber next, at 15>o’cIock M. And the Annual Election for Directors will be held at thu BANKING lIOUdE, on Monday, the 16 h day of November next, between the hou’B of 10 o’etook A. M. and 2 o’clodfc P. M. T. I*. STEEL, ecl2*dtno!6 Oaehier. ryr=M Girard Bank, Fhlladclphla, Oct* llth, L 5 1858 —AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DI iEOIOHS, to serve the ensu'ng year, will beheld at the BANKING HOUSE.cn MONDAY, the 15th day of NOVEMBER next, between the hours of ten and two o’clock. The Arnual Meeting of the Stockholders will be'held at the same place, 00 TUESDAY, tbo 21 day of No- Tcmbor upit at Vi o’clock M. W. L. SOUAFfUR, o»'12 rUdtnlß Cashier. Hcpartiuf nt of Surveys—office of Chief ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR—FiuIadxI PH4A, S>PT.2OTB,IB6B. HvJTIOE —IIuPIICATE PLANS o' the SECOND SECTION of the Re-Snrvcyand Regulation of Germ«n. town, bounded norlhenstwardly by Germantown avenue, southwardly by WUmhlckon streot, Queen street, northwestwardly by west Wmhlrgton avenue, in the ward. SEVENTH SEC I lON of the Survoyof tho late Tcwn «hip of 810.-kley, bouuded on Iho north by Oxford st, on tho soulh by Wyaluslng street, on tlm east by Forty ninth Riroet,and on the west by Fifty Six b (60th) street or-Usher uvonue, in tbo Twenty-fourth wkrd. BEOOND, THIRD, and FOUHTII SECTIONS of the late Borough of Franklord. comprising all east of Frankford street, to Stiies stroet, snd from Frankford Oreok to Little Tacony Greek; also, all northwest of Frankford street, from Orthodox street northeastward to Ltttlo Tacony Creek. Also, tho whnto of the lato b trough of Whitehall, In thu Twenty-third want. FOURTH SECTION of tho Survey and Regulation of the Twmty.flrat ward, bounded on the uorthvreat by Centre street, on the southeast by BhUr’a lr.no, cn t|io northeaei by Ridge road, and on the southwest by tne River Schuylkill— are now prepared and deposited for iuspoclion, at the Offices of the Surveyors and Regula tors «>t tho EIGHTH, NINTJI, TBNl'll.and ELE VENTH SURVEY DISTRICTS, «hd attbo«>ffico of this Department, City Dulldibg, FIITU Street,below Wal nut; aud tho Uoard of Surroyors have appointed MON DAY, the 18111 day of Octobor, 1868, at 10 o’clock A. M , to conflider any objectiens that may be urgod there to by any cltizon interested thendu. STRICKLAND KNISAEB, ocs-too!8 Chief Euglnoer and Surveyor. ry-y» Mayor’* Office, City of PhUndolplita, OOIOBBR 4, 1663. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA BY ORDINANCE, API’ROVED OCTOBER Ist, 1868, Letters M trked Proposals for Oxty Loan, PROPOSALS, to be endorsed ” Proposals for City Loan,” will bo received ftt the Maror's Office, In the Oity of Phlladolphia, until tho 16Hi day of Octobor, A. D. 1858. at 12 M., for Loaning to fne City of Phlladol pbia FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIIOUSVND DOLLAHS, for which Certificates of Loan of One Hun dred Dollars and upwards will bo issued, bearing inte rest at the rate of six per centum per nunum, free from taxation, and redeemable In thirty years from date PROPOSALS will be rt-celved for any sum, but not In fractions of one hundred dollars. The Proposals will be opened on the I6U» day of Oc tober, 1868, by tho Mayor of t,hedty, in tho presence of tho City Treasurer and the Oomlnlttoe on Finance. The highest offers will be accepted, tho O.ty reserving the right to accept or decline the whole, or any amount ih< reof. Payment will be required on the 20th day of October. Interest to otimmenc* from that date. Pf-* 'V*-> Geology.—Two Courses of Lectures on QEOLOGY will be delivered to Ladies and Gentlemen, in the Scientific and Classical Institute, OHESTNUT street, northwest corner of Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal of the Institute,'commencing Oct. 19th. and continuing the afternoon course at 4 o'clock on TUESDAYS ana THURSDAYS and the evening oouiseatß o’clock on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Both oourses will bo the same, each comprising 22 lec tures, a number sufficient to bring forward all the great and wondeifulTßUl'nS of GEOLOGY, and likewise the FACTS by which these truths are demonstrated. Tbkmb —Tho two introductory Lectures FREE. Each courcess. Eutrance ou Twelfth street. ocl-lßt Union Preaching for the People, under LkJ5 the ausplcos of tho Ministerial Union, in con nection with the Young Men’s Christian Association, by tbo various ministers of our cityon every TUESDAY at 4 *’• M„ in the BANBOM-STRKET OUUROH, until further notice. Services confined to ONE HO OR ireeisely. Rev. Mr. BE 183 this afternoon. w7-M JUarmgei. ’ EDentljs. Treasurer. ocl4-tbstu3w LOAN 430,000 DOLLARS. ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of Phlladolphia. I rre* - Homeopathic Medical College df Penn* LK-5 SYLVANIA—The Introductory Lerturng will I oommence on MONDAY, the Jlih and be deli vered In the following ordor: Dr. W. Williamson, on Mond »y, at 1% P. M, Dr J Beakley, Tuesday, “ “ Dr. W.ARred, Wednesday,** “ Dr. J. R Coxe,jr.. Thursday, ** “ Dr OJ. llempol, Friday, ** ** Dr. Thos. Moore, aatsirday, ** 11 Dr-A. H Flaudors, Saturday, atB)< P. M. The Profession and tho Public are invited to at tend The Lectures < f the Regular Course will oommence on Monday, the 18 h, 110 o’clork AM. oc9*?t# w. WILLIAMfeON, M. D., Dean. Philadelphia College ol Medicine* 214 Lks South FIFTH Street, below Walnut. Order of Introductory Lectures • Monday, October 11th, 8 P. M., Prof. TAGGART. Tuesday, u ] 2 tb, 10 A.M., “ RAND. ‘‘ , “ 12tJ,llA M, “ HARLOW. Thursday, a uth.lOA M, “ MEIGS ‘‘ “ 14th, HA. M, “ HALSEY. Friday, «< l5th,lOAM., “ HARTSUORNE “ “ 16th, 11 A. M, “ GORBRECIIT. Clinics on Wednesday and Saturday, at noon. B HOWARD RAND,M. D., OMI-fit* Dean of the Faoulty. Jefferson Medical College--Introductory Lks lectures Prof. DCNGLCSON, MONDAY, October 11, at 7 P.M. Prof DICKjON. TUESDAY, «• 32,at7P.M. I’iof. GROSS. « « 12, at 8 P.M. Medical and Purgicat Clinic, WEDNESDAY, October 18,12 to 2P M. Pror. BACIlft, THURSDAY, October 14, at 7 P. M. Prof PANCOABC. “ •* H, at 8P M. Prof. MITCHELL, tRIDAY, “ 15. at 7 PM. Prof. MBfG-t, u u 15, at 8 P.M. Medical and Surgical Clinic, SATURDAY, October 18, VI to 2 P.M. ocB-7t UOIILEY DUNOLISON, M. 1) , Dean. ry“-5 = » University of Pennsylvania.—Medical IKj department. The Introductory T ectures to the Course of 1858-’69 will be delivered in the tailoring ord« r MONDAY, October 11th, at 12 M., Dr Jackson. ‘ “ « &t IP. M., Dr. Leidy. TUESDAY, « 12th, at 12 M., Dr. Carson. “ » “ at 1 P M , t'r. Smith. WEDNESDAY, “ 13th, Medical Clinic. 12 M. “ “ “ Surgical Clinic IP.M. THURSDAY “ 14th, ftt 12 H ,Dr Wood. “ ‘ '• nt 1 P U, Dr Rogers. FRIDAY. u 16th, at 9% P. M ,Dr Hodge. Ihe public is invited to uttond B. E. ROGERS, M. D., oc7-Bt-if Dean Medical Faculty. ri*tzp» Notice.—Green and Contes-Street Phi- LL 3 LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second instalment of Fl'-'E DOLLARS per share in the capital stock ef the Green aid Coates u treet Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company Will be dun and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth daj of No vember next, between the hours of 30 A M,aud3P M. oc7-td HARRY CONNELLY , Treasurer. i-yrsf* Business Men’s Union Prayer Meeting Datly from 12 to 1 o’clock, in the Saasoai-sttect Church Uave I been there? If not, why? ©c7-tf Jicm publications, V’STfiBSTER'S ? ? QUARTO DICTIONARY. THE ENTIRE WORK UNABRIDGED. PUBLISHED BY J. B. LIPPINOOTT «c CO., 22 A 24 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Fivo times as many of Webster’s Dictionaries are now sold in this couotry as of all others c ombined. Nink- it is believed, of ah the Text-Books used in our public school- recoguiso Webs eras their aUndatd of OR THOGRAPHY, while not ose in a hundiibd recognise any other. In Etymiloot. Gborok Bancrovt says: “ It sn'passes anything that has been done for the English language by early laborers; aud Daniul WRB3TKR—“ I know nothing on the great head of htytnology to supply its place In Pronun ciation, one of our most distinguished Ameri can scholars, with a thorough opportunity for ob servation here aud in England, declares it more correct ly represents the best usage tbau any other ; and Pro* lessor Wm. RiS3rtLL,the dtstioguirbed Elocutionist, declares th-it ihe critical labors of Professor Goodrich in this department have left Utt’e room fortho scru pulons object'ous of some instruct irs to certain forms of orthoepy; ” while in Definition, tu* groat and ail important feature of a Diet ionary—more important than dlloihers o -mbinod- Webster’s unmeasurable superiori ty to every other American Lexicographer has ever been conceded. Ho who bays WEBS’ 1 ER will “GET THE REST ” Brief extracts, and a very braall proportion in num ber of those received, can only be given here as TESTIMONIALS. It is constantly cited and relied on In onr conrls of justice, in enr legislative bodies, and in public dis cussion, as entirely conclusive —Hon. Joun 0. t pen obr. Never feel that I am entirely armed and equipped, in this rfflp Q,, ,t, without Dr. Webster at oomijuud.— [Daniil Wbbst< r. Ueg to bdopi, »u it<« utmost strength and extont, tllo testimonial of Dajirfl Webstor —[Kupua Croats K NKOBS'ITT TO KTKRV EUUCaTHD MlN’D.*’< Bnonouut. High Chancellor of England. ’lhw most completo Dictionary of the Euglieli lan guage that has ever butfa published, and aqes wili. BLArsR before any other dietiocary of that language will •'e required.—[Dr. Thomas Dick, of Scotland. THE MOiT COMPLETE, ACCURATE AND RELI ABLE DICTION aUY OF THE LANGUAGE.-[ t hob Hi EF.HIO2I, LBWIS OaSB, TJIKODOBB FIIKLIIiOiUTSEJJ, BoubktO WINTHrOP, Aod others. It isa work of profound investigation, and does infi nite honor to the phllolog Oil learning and general literature of this country. —[Chancellor K*st« Far excel'all others in giving and defining scientific terms -—[President Uitohoock. Surpassed in fulnes* and accuracy by Done in our lan guage.—[President Wayland. May norr be recommended, without reserve or quali fication, as the best extant.—[Prefldoot Olih. TH* BEST AXO lIWT OBPrL'L DIOTIONaKY of tub ZXQLIbB bASUUAOB XVBIt PU»LlS.y«l>.-[LpD<loiiTiinOH. A nob.e monut* ent of erudition and indefatigable re search.—London Literary Gnzotte. \ While you are about it. okt tub B'3t; that Diction ary is Noab Webster's, Tits ohkaT work tmßßiuutu. —[PhrtinOloglcftl Journal. ItBOOMMBRD TO ALL BTUDHXTS, AND KSPXOIA M.Y ALL TUO3B WHO ABB MAINLY DSTB-NDTHT OS SBLF-CULTURt, OK SBLB-aDDCATION, TO SHIP A COPY OV TUtS WORK UY Ulkib aiDR as t hand-book. So far as I know, then fa a unanimity of opinion that Mr. Webster’s is the bast Dinaiscl Dictionary in the Luglluh language.— [Hon. IHjbacM MArtN. A LIUBARY IS AS INC/oMPLITB WITHOUT WfBSTBB’S QUASTO riOTIONART BH the SULtft BYSTKM W.tt d bo without the SUN.—[Scientific American. Every scholar knuws its value —[Wm U. Prkscott. Unriva led by any work of tho kind in the English language —[President Fisk ft is acknowledged both in this country and America to be the uioßt ebpiouH and moat excellent at present in circulation. of the London Imperial Die tion&TY. Dr Webster's grest work ifl the beat Dictionary in the English l ftlls y<ig?.-rh<>ndon Morning Uhrontcle When thiß work ia Aft Wm! known in Britain as it s In America, it wil’ supersede ovdy otuCf hook of the kind in the Bame departmeut cf letters —[(JartiOiwg** ( Kt, S* land) Independent Press Dr Webster has entered more deep'/ into etymologi cal researches, and with greater success, thin any of his prbdecehffOrß In the sitme vocutloo * * # Id deed,' on t ile ground, he &tar\ds pot only unrivalled, but atoii'i —[North Am rieftn ftnit-w. M J .y be regarded as boaring the same relation to the* English language *hich.Nawton’s Principia does to tho fUblimo science of Natural Philosophy —[fcLinu Bub- RITT. No American scholar who <!oss not fool proud of the labors of I>r. Webster —(President Hordts.f Indispensable for the library of 67 ry American or English stodent.—PioL Pare, Andover. Ills work fl'lH a place in our literature which is oo* lUpied by no otho *.—| Prof. Phelpn, Andover. If called upon to sac Iflce my library, volume br volume, tljo book which J should preserve longest, ex bapt the Bible, is the AftßßioA* Diotlohart ov tub English LasouaGb bjf J)f. Webster.—[prbf. llatbnj of the-Unlveraity of Michigan. Cj* Other and similar testimony might be adduced from among the most honored oatnes.wblch dittingmsh American Hcbolarship or adorn the bench, tho bar, tbo pulpit, and the medical, and (last not least) edi torial professions of the country. Some of these are Rev. Doctors Milnor, Knox, De Witt, Matthews. Ezra Styles Ely, Bacon, Tnylor, Skinner, Pro estorn Silli mau, Olmsted Moses Btuart, Leonard, Woods, Emerson, Stowe, Kiogsloy, &o , Sc o. _ G. Sc 0. MERRIAM, Springfield, And J. B.LIPPINCOTT, Philadelphia, Publishers Por sale by Booksellers generally Also, Wbbjter'B School Djotjonarib3, octl4-lt* Coeoor, SooK.s— Published by LINDSAY Sc BLAKISTON, •* 25 South SIXTH St.', above Chestnut. . I RUSPELL’i HISTORY OP THE UNt TED STATES. Illustrated. 11. RUSSELL’S IHSTORY OP ENGLAND. Illustra ted. RUSSELL’S HISTORY OF FRANCE, llluitfate-t- IV. RUSSELL’S HISTORY OP GREECE AND ROME. Illustrated. ■ WILLEMENT’S CATECHISM OP FAMILIAR Brings. v i. MRS. TUTIIILL’3 “MY LITTLE GEOaRAPIIY.” BERON’S MQBAIQUB FRANCAIS. A Now Modern Fronch Ro.tder. VIII. iKSOP’S FAHLTS3 IN FRENCH. With a Diction ary of Teroifl, &o IX •A genorrtl aniortment of SCHOOL BOOKS for oilo, wholesale and retail, at low pnceo. on!4 r'l LEASON’s NEW WEEKLY L 1 N E-0 F.ItA T T L E BIIIP. Tue obj-ct of tbl* p#nt»r le to pres out, every week, an ngreo u>l<* mki.ange of the omenta ami liter ature of the lime. ltd Ample columns Gill always contain a goodly store ol popular Original Ta!e-», batches of Adveuturo on Sea ami Land, and PoetiQ Oonis, by tbe BEST VAIEHICAN AUTHORS. Also, the cream of domestic and foreign news, so ronilt-nsed ns lo presort tho largest possible amount of the Intelligence of the day; tlio whole well spiced with . . WIT AND HUMOR. lii politics, nnd upon all sectarian questions, It will bo strictly neutral. Knelt edition will be BEAUTIFULLY illustrated with ivcuiute Engravings, by eminent Artist* of notable obj-cta, current events In alt parts of tho wold, and tho national custimH and social pccullari- Ucs or overv pooplo It will contain views of every important City, of edifices of note m the Eastern mid Western hemispheres, of nil tho principal ships and steamers of the Navy ant Merchant Sotvice; with Hgo, accnrato portraits of every great public elm-actor, male slid female. Sholch-'S of picturesque scenery, representations of ‘Life on the Wave.” and exact illustrations of admlrablo or curious specimens from tho animal kingdom, will also bo given. Onogieat feature of GLEASON’S LINE-OP-BAT >LK SflIP will consist of A broadside” of humorous engravings, oxecuted by the best Artists in that lino, and aimed good uaturedljr, auil in a spirit of genial fun, at the reigning folll-sof tho age, and each now public pro jects, fashions, and occurrences, as shall seem to be fit subjects for comic illustration. AN UNRIVALLED UOIU’S OF CONTRIBUTORS have been ongagod, und'overy department will be con ducted tinder the moat efficient aud perfect system that experience can suggont. This popular journal will be pilutod upon One satin-surface paper, from now and beautiful copper-faced type, manufactured ex pressly for us, and will present in its mechanical execuS tion tho must acceptable evidence of th« progress of American skill. The size o r this elegant specimon of art will be about 1,600 square inches—eight suporroyul quarto pigcß. TERMS, ?2 PER ANNUM. Tho first number of this nevr Illustrated Paper will be for sale on the Ist Day of Novßiiuan nxxt, at Ml the principal Poiii.dical and News Agencieß and res pectable Literary Depots in the United States and the Can Adas. GLEASON’S LINE-OF-BATTLE SHIP will be published regularly every Saturday, at uleason’s publicHlNu hall, Coiner ol Tromont and Bloomfield Streets, Boston, Massachusetts, By I\ GLBABON. A. WINCH, 320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ocU-dd«rAW3t General Agent. TWO TRIPS A WEEK TO eSSssSSiiiy BRIDGETON!—On and after WEDNES DAY, 2utn lust., tho Steamer EXPRESS will lpave Aich Street every Wednesday and laturday morning, at Eight o’clock (Instead of Bj£, as heretofore),- for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgeton every Monday and Thursday morning at 8 o’clock ; stopping at Delaware City aud Now Castle. Stages for Millville,J»ort Eli gabath, Fairtoh, Oedarvillo, Newport, DlviditSjLCreekß, aud Maurloatown, connect with this boat, /WwFJm* Hetail fUru @oo^6. XT* ALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. OPENING DAILY. PINE CLOTH RAGLANS. . ELEGANT BEAVER RAGLANS, RICH VELVET CLOAKS. Elegantly adorned with BEAL LACES, CROCHET. Ac.. &o. OPERA. CLOAKS The largest and moat vailed stock of these fashionable OVER GARMENTS, At the wideßt range oi prices, aud suited for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND PULL DRESS ■COoTUME, AT TUB PARIS MANTILLA A CLOAK EMPORIUM. J. W . PROCTOR & 00,, 70S CHESTNUT STREET, oc!4 AND DROGUETS. T BHAHPLEBS BROTHERS hare just opened Bright styles Silk aud Wool Valencias. Neat Checks and Plaids for Children. Bayaderes and Figured Dioguetd. Rich dark and heavy Walking Dresses. Medium styles English and Frenoh Stuffs. Irish and French PooHns, new styles. ocl3 EIGHTH A CHESTNUT STREETS. Blue french merino*.— Heavy Fine Goods, and shade. Just opened, a large lot at 95 cents. COOPER A CONARD, ocll 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. Bayadere yalencias, Of H and 5 4 widths, for Full and Winter dresses, at 37# and 44 cents. COOPER A CONARD, cell S.E Cornor NINTH A MARKET Sts Black dre'. s goods. Black All-Wool Mousqelines, 25 to 37 % oents. Black French Merinos. Black Houibuzmeß. ' Black Silks and Alpacas. Black lace Veils, round corners. COOPER A CONARD. ocll 8. E. corner NINTH A MARKET. MEN'S AND ‘ BOYS’ WEAR. IvJB cloths, Casshneres, and Satinets. Silk Velvet and other Vestings. English and German Hosiery. Undershirts and urawers Linen, Oambiic, and Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs. COOPER A CONaBD, 001 l S E corner NINTH A MARKET Sts. JOUV*IN’ e S KID GLOYES. L. J. LEVY & GO. Have received, by the u ABAGO,” FOUR HUNDRED DOZENS OF LADIES’ & GENTLEMEN’S KID GLOVES, OF JOUVIN’S MANUFACTURE. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. oco-7t DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, SUUTLAND WOOL, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, FRINGES, AO., CLOSING OUT, TO RELINQUISH BUSINESS. The Subscriber will commence dosing out his magni. ficent stock on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1858, At prices that will induce Purchasers to supply them selvos with a full assortment of SEASONABLE TRIMMINGS. The whole stock, comprising MANY NOVELTIES, together with a full Hue of STAPLE GOODS, Will be sold at exceedingly low prices, until closed out. JAMES LINNARD, No. 729 OHE3TNUT Street, oc9-lm 3 doors bel. EIGHTH, north side. Auction bargains of an© french Goods and BROCHE SHAWLS, From the two great sales of HKNNEQUIN A Co., and THEIRON, MAILLARD, A Co. CHARLES ADAMS Has now arranzed in his SHAWL AND MERINO ROOM A large assortment o’ super UROCIIE LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS that cannot be surpassed for beauty of design and Style of coloring, and al prices much below the übua\ rates. '• Splendid do with Wool Chain. Su]i<*r Silk Plush Shawls lhibet do Plush Borders. Round Center Stellas, $5 to $l2. Square do, all kinds. Black Thibet Lone and Square Shawls. High colored Fmelincs at , G-4 French Merlnoes, High and Pi&in colors, at 03, 76. 88, and $1 Super White do at $l. Black do drt at 70c. and 88c. C 0 Cashmores 75c. to $l. An immediate examination is requsted. cc2-eod-tf EIUQTU aud ARCH Streets. Great bargains in dry goods.— 8. V. R. HUNTER Uas REMOVED from No 30 to No. 40 South SECOND Street, where be is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and woil-pelected stock of DRESS UOOqjT, To which he invi - s th“ir attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRICES N. B —A large assortment of troche, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls. Also, o variety of Silk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on hand, nt 'he “ CLOAK EMPORIUM,” 005-lm No. 40 South SECOND Btreet. QKEAT ATTRACTION t OVER $1,600 WORTH OF SHAWLS FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THOKNLEY A CHISM, N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the best SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would rcapoctfully call attention to e following very cheap lots, viz: 46 L6NG BBOCHE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 “ 20 Do. do do. at 11 “ 24 Do. do. do. at 12 l( 10 Db. do. do. at 13 “ 20 Do. do. do. t 14 “ 20 Do. do. do. at 16 ( ‘ 8 Do. do. do. at 18 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 20 “ * pO. do. do. at 25 “ In the above Lul* of hong Broche Shawls will be found every desirable color or C? utro . WTQ BEAUTIFUL STELLA StiA7 LB Frtfra $2 to *l3, in every color. Freoch Blanket bhaWls in new deelgi s. Plaiu Thib-t Shawls, Square aud Lo'hg. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain aud Embroidered. Children’s shawls* Mfsseri’ Shawls, and Gentleman's Shawls, at THOKNLEY & “ONE PRICE CASH STORE.J Norlhmt Corner EIGHTH ft “THING GARDEN N. B.—City and country Storekeepers baying for cash may find bargains at T A O.’J P. S.—A Magnificent stock of Silks uotr zn hand. pelB-tf Heal ffislate, 8 SALE.—TMOMAS & SONS, Kt Auctioneers. SPLENDID BROWN BTONE MANSION, with Sta* bio, lloub6, rifid Large Garden, BROAD St., N. W.coriorof BROWN Street . , By virtue of a Wr.t of LEVARI fAOIAS. tome di rect’d, will be exposed to Public Sale or Vendue, oil TUESDAY October 26th, 1858, at 7 o’c ock in the even ing, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, All thxt certain lot or pi-ce of ground, with tho large brown stono messuage or teneme it thereon erected, situated at the northwest co-ner of Broad and Brown streets, in tho city of Philadelphia; containing in fioa* of br.Aadth, on the said Broad street, 60 feet, amt extending of that width, >u leagth or depth,* weatward, on Bro-d utre**4 ICO feet, to Carlisle gtreot. Bounded northward, by ground tbe estate of Hugh Roberts, dtc^ased; southward by n,dJ J?ro»n fl'reet, eastward by tli** said Broad street, and westward by the Carlisle street. (Being the same p’emiaes which Jthu F Brimon, by indenture, dated the 2d day of April. A D. 1852, recorded at Philadelphia, iu deoil book T. II , No. 14, page 123. granted and tobveyed onto tho said Howard TliUeo iu tee, reserving thereout unto lh* erM John F. Brinton, h’B 1 e«ra and aapieos forever 1 the yearly root of cum o’ 51,200 payable half-yearly, clo r of taxes, as thoiein fcxjfesced ) (N B —Tho house is built of vcnneottcut Brown Stone, with highly ornnmouted front, and finished throughout iu the mostc stly and elegant style movery respect, replete with *ll modern conv mir-ncrs and im provoinents A superior Stable aud Coach House on the r-arof the lyti the whole premises coating the pr«‘8 n ut owner SU6 ( CKS) ) S ized and tbktn in execution ha the property of Howard Tilden, and to b* sold by GEORGE MEGEE, aherifl f - $5OO of the purchase money to be paid in cash at tho time of sjilo. Philalelphia, nherilPa Office, Oct 12'h, 1858 M IHOM-.B & SONS. AucHoueers, ocl4 10 20 180 A lU—formerly 67 & 09 8 4th St. FOR SALS—A Farm of 80 Acres* situate 20 miles north of Pnilmtelpfua, and n.il-s from Railroad Stitlm Improvements consist of a two-f-t *ry Bfc »□« £lmi# , new burn, nod other oul-bui’d ings. Land in a high strt-i of cultivation. A large portion of the money can remain on tbo property. Ap ply to, nr address, THOMAS ROGERS, Montgomery Square, ocM-3t Montgomery Co , Pa. TCmil SALE—A Valuable) FARM, con- JF tainiog about aixty-thre. Acres, eight of which are good timb.-r land : situate on Bethlehem Turnpike, one mile from Peollyi! Station. North Pennsylvania Railroad. Improvements consist of a tfro*sto*y Stone Dwelling ami Stone Barn There is near the Building* a Spring of last ug water ; situation high, commanding an extensive view of tho surrounding corn try. If desired, lortv-eight Acres, including the buildings and Woodland, will be sold separately Terms easy For particular, apply to DANIEL FOULKE, near tho property, or W. SI LEA If.K, oclS Bt* o!5 North Sixth Street. FARMS FOR SALE.-A splendid Sc; FARM of 100, ami one of 109 acres; a Mill Property of 11 acres; a Saw Mill and Lumber Yard; a House and 2 acres for Sale, all near Nor riat« wn; a Farm of 60 and one of 66 acres, near Pkcenixvtlle J ono Farm of 65 and two of 76 acres, 0 miles from Norristown; one Country-seat and 40 acres, In Plymouth; Tavern and Store Stands in Norrißtown and country. Catalogue of Farms and Full description given by addressing -K R CORSON, oc4 2w Real Estate Broker, NORRISTOWN, Pa. ® PRIVATE RESIDENCES FOR BALK Some of the most b a autj fully situated Properties in aud around NORUIdTOWN Is now offered for Sale or Exchange; also a large Brick Building, adapt ed and used for a HOARDING SCHOOL for several years, and for w Inch there is a good opening. For par* ticulars f'ddross ’ R R COBSOV, oc4-2w NORRISTOWN, Pa TT IS NOT A DYE '. X JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to its original color in from ten to twelve days, and restore tho Hair where it has fallen off and becomo thin. ‘ IT 13 NOT A DYE! It may be usod aa freely as water, and is the most beau tiful Dressing for i he Ilair now in uro Thousands in different parts of the Union have testi fied to its wonderful virtues, and all who have used it join in their pr»ise of It. Q nw Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. SWAYNK & SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET, bole Agents for Philadelphia. . . Trade supplied . <>?!!:!£_ DISSOLUTION.— Tho Partnership here tofore existing between Abram » Rush, under the firm of d°UN 11 WEAVER A TO has TUId DAY been dissolved, by mutu 1 con ? JOHN U WEAVER, Hen6 ‘ ABRAM 8. RUSH PniLAPkiiPniA, Oot 1,1858. ocl4-3i* SOMETHING NEW.—DE HAVEN ,S Ge nuine Oriental TOOTH-POWDER and GITM ■WASH For sale only by J. H WARREN, No. 246 8. THIBD Streot, second Story. Price unly26 cents each. Bent anywhore. . Also, Agent for the sile of MET TLER’S Celebrated AROMATIC BITTERS ior Fever, Ague, &0., Ao, Price 26 cents per bottle. ooli-lt* JFor Sale anil to &et. FOR SALE, a BARGAIN— I The superior Shelving and Chunter with Drawers, in Store No. 2*6 North THIRD Street. Apply at No. 252, third door above. oc9-7t* m TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE Muk Avenue, below VINE Street, ’running through to Water Btreet, 148 feet deep Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD aod QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the te-st locations *or largo Baßinees in Phila delphia Also, STABLE and COAuH-HOUBE in CHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land Houflo. Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street se29-Bm* MTO LET—The HOUSE NO. 1626 CHESTNUT Street. In good order. Bent $6OO. Uas a large Yard and Modern Improvements. se2B-dtf OOMS ON COMMERCE - STREET— The Three Upper Booms of 416 Commerce Street to Let. se27-lm mFOR SALE—A handsome residence, with all the modem improvements, large side yard, gr*pery, Ac , SIXTH, near SPRING GARDEN Street Terms easy. P. K. LYNDi South SIXTH Street, (second story.) eelT-lm M FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A handsome new mansion, 10 rojms, and 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station, Norti Pennsylvania Railroad. Site splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any really desiring a handsome Country Seat in ex ® _?f 0 ,f or property, will find this an unusual op ? fc / °f accomplishing bis object. Apply to P. K. LYND, 8. SIXTH nt, (-Jd story ) P «el7-lm j-fcFFICE TO-LET—AN ELIGIBLE OF- F2CB lor an Icsarance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK Immediate possession given. Apply to * JOHN O. KEFFBR, or THOMAS T. BUTCHER, No. 112 South FOURTH Btreet, mhBo-tnths-tf second story, front room. £&?n FOR SALE | A pretty Cottage, nine Skill rooms, aod one or more acres, on Wyoming avenue, two miles out the Second-street Turnpike Also, several handsome cottage lots The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly improving. P. K. LYND, 6W 8. SIXTH St , (2d story.) sal7-lm mO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty acres or less of benutitul Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north of tho pavements, for sale a bargain, and terms easy Apply to P.K LYND, 6# South SIXTH Street, (second story) selV-lm tUllolesnle EDrp v&oobs. TRADE, 1868. STAPLE AND IANOX DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS OP EVERY VARIETY, MEBINO3, COBURGS, MUSLIN DE LAINBB, VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB, SATINETS, VESTINGS, FLANNELB, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, With a complete Line of EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goods adapted to a FIRST-CLASS TRADE, AH of which are offered for sale Cheap. W. Or. CHITTICK & CO., 438 MARKET and 433 MERCHANT ST. au!7-tu th sat 2mAw2m Bemorals. OEMOYAL.—C. C. SADLER & Co. have AV removed from No. 0 North Water Street to No 103 ARCH street, second door above Front. eel SHentiGlrQ. C. M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, 809 GRBEN Street, adjoining Gerwantown Rail road Depot. Toothache cured ImmeJlately, wi'hout p&iu, or extracting the Tooth No cure no pay, and all operations on the Teeth scientifically performed. ocl2-3t* Dr. W. S. MoILHENNEY,Dentist, ffirtTri would inform his friends that he has resumed practice at No. 1343 CHESTNUT Street, second dcor aboye the U 8. Mint. aepl-3ro ffiljina, ®laoQmare, #c. rjIURNBULL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLEBALB DEALERS CHINA AND QUEENS WARE, Nob. 23 and 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Between Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. GLASSWARE, open or by the paokage, au3l-2m rjlO SOUTHERN AND "WTSSTERN MERCHANTS. A large Stock of CHINA, GLASSWARE, AND FANCY ARTICLES, AT TBS LOWSBI MAXKIT PIIOSS, AT - MARXSEN & WITTE, Importers, MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT STREET, Jans-ly rgO CASH BUYERS. JAMES 8. EARLE & SON., 810 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITB TBS GIBASD HOOBB, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom ers to their immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGB, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, Suitable for the fall Trade. IT IS OF THE,HIGHEST IMPORTANCE fqr ovo-y ouo to know they will get the most for their money, especially anch times aa these ZIEGLER A SMiTtL Wholesale Druggists, corner ol SECOND and GREEN [treats, are dl»pf>Bing of ihelr White Lead, Grouud Piiuti. of all Colors, and Window Glshb, nil of the best quality, at priCeb vhich will be pleasing to buyers. 001 l tPUKENOLOGIOAL EXAMINA TIONS. with written descriptions of character, including advice In reference to business, health, eelf-iraprovement, Ac., are made day and eve ning at FOWLER, WfcLLS, A OO.’B, Families visited When requested, and a liberal dis count made to clubs. sell-flm F 22 Chestnut at., Philadelphia Land warrants located.— Some of tho choicest Lands in the State of lowa are now open to private entry ana location Wo have rellablo and skilful Surveyors and Land huutera in the Council Bluffs, Fort Dodge, and Sioux City Land D’fitrlcte, and locate only from actual in speoHon of the Lands Land Warrants can now be bought at Irom 65 to 80 cents per acre. No better in vestment of ihofcey can be made W. E. BARBER A CO., oc!2 6t* No. 23 S. THIRD Street, PhUtda. t OST OR DESTROYED—A OERTIFI XJ CATE or SCRIP* No 4 302, for 3 shares of tbe Stock of the Consolidation Bank. Application has been made to B&ld bank for a duplicate certificate of the same »sm-tu tb-8t WM. HPTCHTNSOS. DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money saved In using it, clothes do not require any boiling or rubblDg on washboard One pound will go as far as three'pouuls common Rosin Soap. War ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded ft ia decidedly the cheapest and best washing Soap ever offered to tbe public. Manufactured only by VANHAAGENA McKECNE. For sale by all re spectable Grocers iu the city, and wholesale only by * THAIN A MoKKoNE, oc2-3m 22 Seuth Wharves. QC OMNIBUSES AT AUCTION.—On OU* WEDNEBDAY morniDgnext, at 11 o’clock, at the Stables of the TENTH aud ELEVENTH street Railway Company, cor. Tenth and Montgomery streets, will bo sold without reserve, Thirty-five Omnibuses, including two of extra size Also, it lot of running gear, feed wagons, Ae. Most ol the Omnibueep are nearly new, of the most approved construction, made in the very beat manner, all of them in good running order. iir* Way be examined anytime previous to the sale. Terms at sale. ALFRED M. HERKNEfcS, e*ct9-4tif Auctioneer. CN EEICIE ,S PERUVIAN STOMACH IT BITTERS.—These Bitters are made by a com pound of Peruvian Bark and choice Roots infused in pure Port Wine, and act on the system aB a tonic, sti mulant, and alterative, and a sure preventive of Fever and Ague. Sold by all responsible Drngqiste throughout the United States and the Canadas. Prepared by col3-6t* OIUS. W. GEKKIE. Philada. ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildiDgs, where it is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color may be had, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or in relief. ZIEGLER A SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Gla i s Dealers, se2B-dtf Southwest cor. Second and Green sts* rpAW & BEERS’ MA _ V A LUBRICATING GREASh, the boat and cheapest compound I( ’T. yj of OMNIBUSES. CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAiS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY For Sole In tin cons, kegs, and barrels, by all th. lD ' h “ No ""sof TH W TER M*’ t 'iLIFFOKI) P. JIAO LALLA, ATIORN'EY at law. No 1)4 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, ocl3*3t»f# PHILADELPHIA. TOW LINES, and BOW and STERN LINES, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER. FITLER, A CO., oclS Noa. 23 N. Water Bt., A 22 N. Wharves. rpo WESTERN AND SOUTHERN A MERCHANTS —A large stock of Manila Rope, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER. & CO , Noa 23 N. Water St., A 23 N. Wharvea. Balsam cor a via—a small lot of Maracaibo Balsvr, of superior quality, now landing from barqu* “ lona.” and for sale ty ocll-5t CHARLES TETfi 13b Walnut Bt. ITALIAN HEMP—A large Block of Ifa- I.IAN HEMP on bond -^ r^ T t CO . oc!2 No. S3N WATnRtt &32 N WHARVES, IGAKS— I,SOO,OOO Havana Cigars, fa- VV Torite b«nd« received bj late arriva. In .tore '‘“coU-tf' f “ b/ Boatt Btreet. TO IT tgjjigMAMiwtf. wishts to central location mu Parrish, 600 Aren Sireev —ld aft 3 a.-.Adver(l§ef * w Fancy Goods House, a CD inQuence a large amount of Ken'ncv, 0 f g dress Box 675 Ph’ladelphia P O dhCItfI—WAN’JFD—This Amount, which r. on a fi’st-elaaa im provedl City Piopexty a-*'' <* nberal given Address *‘S. W.,”10J4 Filbert street, Phila- ocH.Zt* WANTED— An Enhy Clerk, in .1 - - sale Dry Goods House. Good r»f*«»uced re quired. Address <J L. M.,” Office of Tht ocl4*o - VSTANTED.—A Young Lady, quaMied Tv to Tetch the Plain Branches of an Fngbsh. Educatiou, desires a Situa'i »n in a private Academy. Address “ E F G., this Office. ocl4-»t» 1/fi^ANTED —An Opportunity to Invest T * $2,000 in a 6afe Business, on the product oC which ft moderate Jiving will be insured. Adilresd “ Trade, ’’ Office of this Paper. oc!4 3t* \MT ANTED—By a Stout, Able Man, Employment, as Porter in a Wholesale Store. Good references given. Apply at No. 103 Monroe Street. ocl4-2t* ANTED—By a Gentleman of Refined If Education, a Situation as Corre»poD<tent or.'e cretary fn & first-class Insurance nr Railroad Office. Un doubted ifeferencefl will ba given. Address “ hdrau^ds,’ 1 at this Ofilce. ccl4-6t* A YOUNG MAN, a Good Penman and Accountant, well posted in Double Ent'y Book keeping, desire) to obtain a situation where hie ser vices would lead to an advancement. Unexceptionable City references can be given. Address “J. D Office of 2ht Press ocl4-3t#j| OOOKS, Chambermaids, Girls for General Housework, half-grown Girls. Seamstresses. Ho tels and Restaurants supplied. Servants sent to all parts cf the »lty a->d Country, from O’Connor’s Intel ligence Office, No. 19 Arcade. Chestnut Street a*nve Sixth. oc!4-lt* \J\T ANTED—A Practical SOAP and CAN- T T DLB MAKER. Apply at SOAP HOCSB, South Fourth Street-, above Lombard ocl3-£t* A YOUNG LADY from the Country wishes a Situation as HOUBuKEKPER Good, referencss given. Address “Mary,” at this Office \fiT ANTED.—A young man, who has had v Y four years’ experience in a Wholesale Dreg House wishes a as SALESMAN. 7he best off testimonials will be given. Address SALESMAN, office of The Press. «el2-ot* \j%7 ANTED—By a middle-aged man, a aitua- M tion as COLLKOTOR or TRAVELLING AGENT for a first olaai Mercantile House. Grod refe rences as to character aud qualifications will be given. Address RICH’D BLAIR, Blood s Despatch. 0012-41^ WANTED —By a young man, 19 year* of age. a situation in a Wholesale Store as £N- ThY OLKitK, or Assistant Bookkeeper. View-* as to salary moderate Address HENRY, thtsofflee. ocl2-3t^ W’ANTED-A PARTNER, who can fur v v nish $1,500, to tike a full Interest in a Vla:>n facturlng Bu'iness that is both profitable and safe Foe particulars, address L. T this office. 0011-4t* WANTED —To Rent, for the winter sea son, with immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate hize. with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of thia paper. oc4 ANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES T ▼ CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, on married men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, an<l medical attendance. Pay from $l3 to $32 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply* for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north fide. W. TH. MAGRUDER, let Lient. Ift Dragoons, Recrniting OOcer. A GENTLEMAN and LADT, also Sin gle UentleineD, may obiaia Board at 712 Ch.at nut Str-et, opposite Masunlo Hall. ocll-12t* BOARD in a Private Family, with the com forts of a h*me, for Gentlemen and their wires, or single Gentlemen. Apply at No. 226 North TENTH. Street. ocs-tnfcha-6t American academy op music, BROAD and LOCUST Streets TUB GREAT RAVELS! THURSDAY EVENING, Oct 14. 1858, The magnificent fairy Pantomime, entitled BIANCO: OR. THE MAGIC SWORD, Bianco, Don Albino’s Valet, Gabriel Ravel ; Brocolo, a Gardener. Francois Ravel. KATY, THE VIVANDrERE. Ka'y, Yrci Mathias; Haos. M Mathieu; Robintzec, Francois Ravel; 61 idame Robintzec, M’me Axelj Baron de Grimberg, M Mlogin. EVOLUTIONS ON THE TIGHT ROPE. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, 50 can's; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents Beats can be secured from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. with out extra charge. Children under 10 yean half price. Mrs. d. p. bowers* walnut-st. THEATRE, corner of NINTH and WALNUT Street. THURSDAY EVENING, October 14,1858, THE OHAPLAIN OF THK REGIMENT. The Able Pascal, Mr. E. F Reach; Robert, Mr. Blcnings; Christian, Mr. F. Drew; Marie, daughter o£ Robert, Miss C Richings. THE SON 07 THE NIGHT. Ben Leil, Mr. F. B Conway; DukeDorato, Mr. H. A. Perry; Bravadura, Mr. McDonough. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet* 87 X cents; Dress Circle, 50 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale, $3 and $5; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents. ' Doors open at qnartsr before 7 o’clock; Cnrtaic rises at 7# o’oiook. IfITHEATLEY & CLARKE* ARCH-ST. vv THEATRE.—Williams. Fredericks, Acting and Stage Manager TBUKBDAY EVENING. October 24, 1668, First time of the celebrated commedv. entitled Mr Oakley, Mr. Wheatley; Major Oakley, Mr. John Gilbert; Mrs Oakley, Mrs. John Drew. OHABLBS XII; OR, THE SIEGE OF STRALBUND t Mr. D Iman a* King Charles XII. of Sweden. Admission, 25 cts. Bleared Seats in Drees Circle, 8T& etc; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cte; Seats in Private Boxes, 7» eta; Gallery, 13cts; GalleryforColored Persons 25ots; Private Box in Gallery for Oolored Persons, 88 cts; Whole Private Box, S 3. Loom open at quarter before 7 o’clock; commence at 7.Jf, precisely. riONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET KJ ABOVE TWELFTH. SIXTH WEEK! OF SANDERSON’S COLOSSAL ILLUSTRATIONS OP TBS RUSSIAN WAR. On MONDAY, October 11, and EVERY EVENING during the week Afco, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The whole accompanied by a CELEBRATED BRASS BAND. AdmlaaionjU) cents; Children 12 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Performance at a quarter of 8 o'clock. See programme. ocll-0t ENGRAVING Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Stroota. Here again l fietnrn of the old favorite, BIGNOB BLITZ. ' New and Comical Scenes in VENTRILOQUISM. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, end the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS Open every Evening daring the week, at half-past T o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 3. Admission, 25 cents; Children, 13 cents se24-Im* RATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET* i V LAST WEEK BUT ONE OF J. iHttOO Williams’s celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commeocw with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to the Babylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING Boors open at 7} to commence at a quarter before 8 o’clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Lhildre under 10 years 16 cen 4 s. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Door* open at 2: to commence at 3 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTS tOatctjes, Jetueirn, &t Bailey & co., fORMSBLT BAILEY & KITCHEN, Hare removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDS. BELOW THE GIRARD HOTJSB, Now opening their fail stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND To which they invite the attention of the pnbiio, SIDVHB-WABE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND OARRIAGES. * WM. D, ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AMD 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from nil ports of the world executed with promptneja, end satisfaction guarantied. sel3-3inif CNSTRIFLES, and sporting ih * tlements. xne Subscribers have in etore THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &c., Ever offored in this city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as much as possible before the Ist Deo . they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE aTO C K , comprising GUNS PROM THE MOST CELEBRATED MANU FACTURERS OF ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO , No. 21 North FIFTH Street, above Market. ENGLISH VERMILLION and ULTRA ly MARINE BLUE, especially imported for Painters and Printers. Put up in 1 B l p^y * 6 841 DOCK Street, np Rtairt. BOILER and FLUE IRON of all kinds, qualities and sizes, cat to patterns at short no* tlce. Promiscuous fcheets. Boiler Heads, and Rivets, on band and lor sale at lowest rates by EDW.S BUCKLEY, 004-lm* Gray’s Perry Bciler Iron Work*, Offioe No. 6 Farquhftr Building, KBQ Walnut at. Hf AOKEREL —863 bbls Nos. 1,2, and 8 ITJI Mackerel, is whole, h&lros, q'arters and eighths, for sale by 0. 0. SADLER & CO., ARCH Bt , second door front CHEESE.— 105 boxes Herkimer county,..; Cheese now landing, and for Bale by ‘ C. 0. SADLER & 00«t'4S£&? uR ARCH Pt«eet. 2d door »boTMglftatgfgfe DRY SALTED HIDES.—A smalj- Ipfbl6ai;- or Dry Bolted Msracjibo nidus, now lsodnx trow Bsiqne “ Inns,” snd for eslo by OHA«. TECa, . '. 0011-st 138 Wilnnt BtresL Boarding. amusements. THE JkALOUh WIFE. PANOY GOODS, PEARLS, AT WUOLXSAUB AtfD AKTAU.. darriagea,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers