J&chaago. 2’*s "a'"i UTr M tbe .ol.tfw above’‘Bales now r :*»h'r. -uy?>ywlj.. 1% &tjL ■ '->*-.<;■■ a * •>■■' a': r - : \ *•. : ' : / ,: BSAL KBTATB, BTOOKB, &o.' ! '- •> *' •'-’**&*</' & *^%^s3w&Ji B/ <>iS ©^Jr o ! l V '-' , ‘-**2ss t/ x 1 roblubNgft ttieeatnxday pitmou* iSbta&tid'califfldfirabimwnHiwforiQi .ff-?. k #'-;3jMwSi|Bll idoßwriptio&jrdf to,bo soldbo ■ fi»»r--i»»J. e^’^«-*W™3ff!rfiMll»iSWB/i«?ter*4 4 oaiOttf private Sale Be • ;%'j 'jtifts’sSrM*fet!»6d pjyrPAWfo&U, >V •;;'- ■;.' •“■'tO 4 - gfsSdCßftrt^ r «,fcl;. . ..TltD,.Buis,..including «rf«ry 3 Oltj:Md ntf-s (^ift;w“i?^r. t FPj»rSr--Pw>J®* ■»*•*“*■ , .iVfl V f.y . ; '>* V J J v -"c =? 1; -tfVp'-ift *3u v, UK TWERFta’IALIr «Ali»,‘'ooT9BTO ttffc* ’ iAnjtf* -i'i ,*< corner-of flßTeatatuthnnd Summer BtH.. / -wrt}>s,sr'^ r i. I ;'f>r-{c?< S^vBB3ID9.'4OBrANDSEUBHI??UKB.'/ • '** . ‘ ■ ,ts /.^ j f ii,it- -On?Moiiday. Morning, ‘v_? ' s ' r / <»:• ofcthaaoutKeist coraw of *. ' -&67*n»eoolhafed Summer seat honaanoia : ■ t ''-o; »>«3» Tbe.hiridsoma-reildanca Will behold’at 10 •I ' f >m ■ / /©’OImV. pr«mousto'tha-'*a!a of' fttrniturß/ fpur-, r-': .■ M , M;!wt'ifonfc. An£ about 65 feet deep, sn«. vi.syf:.*•-••!. •» v* fdipharemgnta Apd oooyenfeiicea. s .'' _ Tnmtae’a Peremptory Bale. , Nine-'* •' • -V ," r" -? \f i , .‘~s ‘’r.'.:.rn !- -t'V ; s*nje;,Eatate., . i ... ...' V I.ARGH ANOVAIitJABLB LOT, Thirteenth street, ... <'" ,-" hofow Federal Street,'lol feet front, 260 feet deep. • j%l V\ .vExecalor’iSelo—Esteteof Cornelius ;Tle«s f Deceased • ft** ?~ V* '/VALUABLE RIBIDJ3NOE,'No.-161t Chestnut street, . ~r | ,iftU.Qf;Sixteenthafreet,.lot,2Bfeetfront,lB6leetd eep -VV Biroet','. * ' ' - - * ; ' ■•>.r Orphans’..Court BftU~-p!?*tate ’of.,Bloh&rd-MeOrann,' ** r> i Deceased, . • '| , ... . TIN THBBB-BTOR> UttiOit DWELLINGS, Noej A—ft’-i''B4o* 24v14,.8408,8408 -2419,2412;2414,2416,.2418,and ! i, street, -?■ , . , f r* / ' 'A'drnintstratbr.s Sale—EaUte. of. Wm Ashton, Dee’d. 1 -Tflao^sroairßß^os.otfelling,No sascrown.; street,V-‘, - %i r 1 v -,r . , „ , ' Trustee VPasfponrd Sale. --- I VALUABLE'COAIiuL & N D 3, SW.acre* 80 perches, — —~~ ~>-tUtt*t*lnFall-township;Luxbroe ‘By Cd, the Trustee for ot:the North ~ l( ,vOar6b«dftle Goal Company. f f ? :• ' »' ./‘^^ViLUABMSWtOPBRTY,VALLEY FORGE, Moot ''“’gome:?eountr,‘^Superior,modern;manalonjbarn, Ice-- ~ _, . house, andother ontbriUdihgs, and orerfiO acres -. : iy ASCII. STELBBT.—Valuable residence, No 1 1316 Arch !< ' street, Hetweo»» Thirteenth and Broad streets £ - • ‘ « ,V,. -/' • r SOUTH BITTENfIOCrdB EQOAKBl—Elegant mod 1. , iV" }/«rh and stone replete /with erory mod ' '■ 9T&, ddfrrebienee,* sooth side or Bitteohouae Square, ... ... Boperloratible and o?ach-houae, 60feetOo Bittenhouae •- V ‘ vffy» Immediate, poMßtaion. $lB,OOO - may .'V -n-T ii«^*‘ f »MiaSlrivJr 't' m M’j »£ S | ' '~— ’* ‘ V"-;'' - PerctapioJcr Bale, i . ; Vy-i .- OHJItiTSN: Hrua:—Vaioabl. «n 4 be.ntlfal ilta for '* tf*. *eounwT- v residende,,l2o MreaJ.OheHen Hills,7 \r \ from mlhutea walk from a station on Nojth"Penß*ylT^n]Aßsifo^; ,'vitUAB'LB Cot.TWESTMitar ward, ri foot Didpbfh street, 72 feet cn Herman street. 225 feet ';\’, ;deep.’' Also, a neat frame dwelling. ! Jo* 3100 to be v ;'paid at the tinjo of Bale. *' • c : -1- - BKOAD'STBKIi'f Broad atreet r ioath of Oxford'street.'47 bjr 239 feat—two front* BIX THUKK-atOBY BB T OK DWELLINGS, 8. W. corner of'Broad and streets. The/ will , -'- • 'be pcJ4jbparaiely.V,' ■ ' ' '• 3 ' DHRDS-BIORriEIOK BTORB AND DWELLING, -] \' r ‘' - ; R!:V«>Tenm*. bftlaw ()x r ord Btr.et ! "" TY?O-MOtRYBRICK OOTTaOB, No. M3l Nortn -<• •• -Twelfth street.abore Oxford street. r TWp.STORy BRIpK DWELLING, No. 1030 Merrlne 1 ll ' : ’. ' MODURN 't'HBSB-aTOIVY'tDBIOK DWEIr - J HSGS, N 6«. 122a,1221,‘122»,.1228, and 1230. Ohrla.- _/ tlan street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets' ' >-s%_ r ~KGUKpBtOBYrBIIIOK. RESIDENCE, Nor 1832 Pine' ! street; webt 6f E'chteenih street.' » > ' \ ' THRBB.WORYimiOK DWELLING, No. 2W4 Pine •' street,westofWUlowstreet. ‘‘ • —■ . VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, North Broad street, '' sonth of Master street, 24 feet front, 160 feet deep. BUfiINHtS LOCATIONTiiree-itory brlak store and dwelling No. 1013 Locust street,* abore Tenth street. Executor's Peremptory Sale—Estate of Jeremiah Wal- '..toiujleeeased. * jj . <5 if' ■,THREE-STORY v BRIOK STOBH AND DWELLTNG-,; No t TlvOn\ibwhlU street, between Seventh and Eighth i -]s 'PINB STREET.—Modernthree-story bnek dwelling, No. Iflld.Hne street. (Also, & ope and a balf-etory i 'etono-fapioty adjlonlng, 42 feet front. .The whole to be \ sold, together/ \ 5. r - u \a .,» joßltite. Bale. Three-story dwelling. . > j fr/vtne bfflce,- and frame stable; Frankford Road, abote ‘"Vienna street,,. /* ' ' " , . f FOURTBBNTH FALL ON THE PREMISES. Orphans’ Court Bale on the Fremlseo-rSstate of John ; ' V.. ’• i>f Wesley Bray,Dec’d ' / MODSBfI BBSIDBNGBAND FPBNITUBH. ..... ’.l OnTaefida/tMomlng, ; .r, .-Oetobor 20tb, at 10 o’clock, bo nold on the pre ,. j- jnrisei. modern residence, sonthwost corner of 5 -;Bere»te*athand Cherry street. .. . .. . .... HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ; / V7lmmedUely after the sale of the &oaie, will be sold -the household fureltaW.. ■ ~ fJ3“ in'handbills and catalogues. --r :-iO RALEOJ GERM4.NPLOWSB ROOTS. -vis’.- ilirs~tor. This Morning, , ■v c - At lOpTelnek,? Scvsos; of inperloc flower roots/ con- ; l il»tlngof'by»cintbi.‘toHpi, fco; . r w.> TALUABLB PKIVATK LIBRARY,. . a ;? \! *K <r\-= On Wednesday-Brenlng. ’ at the auction store. will be sold a val v7,'.vlt4 t liable private library, whichinelndes a number of rare. v v •'« c. and curious wOrkSj on a variety of subjects, t- . s standard Ulatorio and poetic author*, the beat bdi *■■■' f<i I'i. tlona, &0.,d:c.,;-r> r . • ( * • Por particulars aee catalogues. { - ’ ' '■ ’ 'BaiaatHo*. 180 una ill Kootn fourth street . _ SOTKrUOR; UDRNITCRK.PIANO-FOETH, SIN E ;; ItKh *■■ M AJ!» MIJIBOBS,,- gttDBBBA CAB ' : ' ' l ' ' •' ,v oii Thifsdijr'Mornlng,. • ■ . At f o’altwk, »t,the .action .tore, «n <xteulre "* *"* UMortojetrC o£ excellent second-hand farnituje, elegant • - ~7 ; tiiankfofrteitf flue mirrors, from-private % :ummei‘decllnlnk housekeeping, removed to the store ' ' ’ _t tor Goafebience or sale ELEQANI AMD, VALUaI)I/K BOOKS JtJBT RE w.\(v : ' ' . OEtrXD;»IBEOTJROM.I.ONDOH, \ Z>Vl J'l.ViOn Friday Evening, < ' l ‘ o<rtob«rJsth at the auction store, will be sold » eon* ' 1 ■ .'i ? goi»*-nt .of ftleaant and'Talnable books,, on various <.v - , r ' ; subjects. Also.; elegant Must .Med and pictorial works. ■-< ■- r, c London 1 • - - ip* Catalogues will’ho ready three days previous, u—n.t, ; ~S*je SdcAb Blevcnth «f Mary Smith, dep'ii. HEAT HOOSBnOtD'FtJRNITURB. . ,«• i-', v-‘f OtfEijdsyMoruio*; - ' - ; ' ' • I : J l6th Inflt.l fit 10 o’clo.IC" wlllhe eotd at No, 608 Btrath pest/below Lombard street, the neat , hV .hold farD Jiare,7 .* :■> l• i 0 V'-r* * ' J '~‘ ’ i examined at 8 ‘ on the morning : y BUILDKRB. &o._T,AROK AND *' ; VALU-.BLEI.OTAT PRIVATE BALE, LOCUST St. ~ ? - „ Wort) .tide; between. Broad sod'Fifteenth itcwa, 118 . feet fronton Irocoat atreet; bjri73feot In depth to alO -i '- "*V?*j?ilivATl! BALD-nANDSOMB BROWN-STONE ~J, gT^IDENgi! 1 „Np. Street, known u « Union BY WILLIAM H.. STEBB, 'GENERAL 'iuawoN AM) oo>isirssro.N bvo£le. no. m ,< j North belojr Arcb. ?. v> v-c-i .-tJ. A.-Elirsdft'j Auctioneer. { ...i.'t NO^CR / —pere*J'ter;sreiriu hold oor regular isles —... ... ot-haußehoJiiifarxiittiro, &c., oa.Wedoeeday- and 8a „ 4 i*JV Tf#w#*P ErenJug miscellaneous ’ ..gobdirj.wiU bvheld tego’&rly oyer?- Monday, YPednefi - , 5 f dM-'TbUMddy/sbd&atniday'evenings, coqaraenoiDgat' , "V- o'clock.'-'' 1 i ' »•? , y.'.‘tn7 , “ ; Coiiifjiimantabf neiraud second-hand boose- hoTdfofflitare/tiaoolforteij C&rpbte, watobes, Jewelry, " ' r' r »6Hcit6d,'6n" wlilch liberal cash ad . "' y ;' < Y|[iSCei‘ required.' : / ‘ t .( ~ at moderatßjui aby other hon?e ia this city. ' . SUPERIOR HOCsBHOLI>' / ?URNTTtHB, CARPETS, , , r „ „ PLATED WARE, Ao. . . ■*' -T , f ! -i i ' AViOo’clooXj’at the auctiba.Btbre, 'flu be sold b’ . —-.-r,- v.VV*,*, •>? etf alogUM, itUrgs and paperlof, assortment of houae hoJflTarnUure; l &o' -*' ’ - 1 ~ ‘ fcyVJBVIB GBAHITB -'WABB,-QI<ASB ‘fWABB, &«.1 Als'>, lit the flhit of sale, an inyoloo of about 100 lots of fnd glaia wars. ] TVS M4T BA JN O. AUOTIONEEH ' - ' OOHaiBHION IUJBOIUNT, B. >. corner ■ ffUtfH and BIOS Btreets' - 3 *- v } j r. i~i t GR®AT i PtIBiiIO. ( AOpOMSiODA.tIOH. „ , , l ' MOUSY! ! 1 Money liberally advaneed In lug* or small amounts, •* " > * .* >«'/ from' ono dollar to thousands, onrold ahd gilfer plato. > vatohei,'Jewel#, fowling-pieces, musical '• loBtrnteentb } TcTn>ltareydry goodp.- clothing, groceries, ' •iffarai ? baidrraro,<nitlery, booltSj iiorBeß. ▼ehldstf, bar * OMS) and all‘articles'of value/for’any length of time agreedon/ at.Natl»n»w> Principal -■ Establishimnl, ' > igatbmVcornerofßlxth end B&certreets, . . r ProriilsWTT notes/ 1 collateral/ discounted ;'.iabthe towesfraamtntes. f * v NATHANS’ -PBINCIPAL XBTABMBHMENT, 8. X. V. - -a; ;* ? l --'''.xootam M 81XTU ASD BAQB-BTRSETB. .. v. Where money wHI be liberally advanced on gold and f diver plate,diemcmdi; watches; Jewelry/fowjJng pieces. ' dry goods! clothing, 'groceries,' liquors/ cigar*,* h&rd r - ’.'■•ware.-cutlery*-fancy'artloles,‘mirrors• paintings, cn ■ - •gr&TingSj mtudeaL Aiutramsnte, furniture, bedding. • horses, tehtalee, harness, stocks, and all other articles ” 'of yalae, : * r! '.-t ?>::*. w *.«-.-■> ■ > \ # ... m VOUT-DOOB BAXJWr : Attention gfren to all out-ddor sales, either .at pttato dwellings,'stores; or elsewhere, and charges • ' tuuMtaliyioViJ *■'Ji’ l ---rA i . ,£AMU.ISJL,: WAI'HAWS,: ;AUOTJ.ONEEE, £3 ul MONBr tOAH Ho. 324 Bonth " ;Straotj hato* Wtlout, opiK*fM| i > «»r tt,, only ■ ,w< .-slght.doozs total? ttl6 BSUtfULOgA.M i , I *' .Hoara of traaiaaM *roaj.T o’olfK*, Id,, nattl 10 ■ > 'o’olooksnthp OTaniOK, : i 1 . ' /' towSrta”' "So'etMtalsJriw 1151 to Att 'i* 0a Bm ”‘ %U • ■/, Xiitbli’itil/er.lkt.laUiTMrtt 'rftTi, , ■, .4 UmM made from ona dollar to thdauhd* on Sit' . - tnpada, eU»f;Ptetsi JffUkMi Jewelry, Hardware, Mar , .<<i'vd okandlail, Olothln<(Jfamltare,Bedding,Olgara,Muetol ■>,#< j l.’lnjtmmontd/.CHuiaj'HOttaarjOarrlajM,) and goods of arairdaiarlptfon.----. -—■ { AH'goala .can lamaf*.. W; langU|,'<n -**»• agreed a'd ft; fealdAd ddflats Md apwardat ■V 3 '-T ! «■flow .fesdrinr ftiMp&of ISOfMtflsatflttfgV . Brt ini tlifsiiprooT riijflS to Jjtore alfraluableo, «od prj|, H•ni - Sf'-1 jjjfife®.!? for- tie-prenllaesj hoary InScJ - . i lapWaffMtod for tMMiBSt <>f all rtrsopaharing goods ::i •; iW»Ting; W' onjlmltel capital, tula oSna la prepared to make /adTancmlon more, aatla •’< «V ott« «•' ’ - 00/d’ t y S“/‘0 ■ i-t:Ari-'-i xes* A# peotfally invite the; attention of Qorera of books ; -mw*, , fertßblr arieqnuiettfndJlt & fot'bibdJn* books la aa a '~y~J AT\ i -V9*p9ti6r>T6ttii)Bf> i: }*Etitie : irofk'li93 been, tnbmitted for * ' ■: *> eeri**# of to tbe examtn&tldo of »©fo*'bCiSe,moat Liiity' fa feUbfcated cOnndiiseurs'lh'tlie Coajrtrr.fi t hsa received the mOJrtflatfeftnk'enjSOHtlt/fDS'eadTronfor the under v\j they are fdetermined to V^tnitottrnVf 1 t> v y. from the plain the : BtiholirjB table to tho ■*'<•'-‘-' V**?.?? tj*ticgarfcttm*of riritles for ; iba collectlorf of . cheer t -.V* ° V °\ r* . °’.'K,J , ;Sot»«*ii#*rfniV aid Ot4tnot itnek , ktior/and ; :. - l do.&ot require ufliiirW i _ 12 Muare.vqpf.plAlil ,• tip. 14-4 I ;.do' t.^wriu‘-. s j;vd9', • - do. :*•, , 30&S ANPDOOIt MATfI. ‘fiOfl. London new sly IV lug*, f, : , pOO ’do ' -doormat*.,.; j BPEOIAL SALE OP SHAWLS Otf THE IMPORTA -,x * A TION OP H HBNOTSQUIN & CO*, , r . - Qn Morning, ” " ’’ ,J latu; at 1(M o’clock; by Catalogue, on alx -. ••-< >■ >; This sale will comprise a oboice assortment of , , 7 BROOHB.’DOBFBRa.PABIS STELLA SHAWLS. In new patterns,.Aud'flhe centres. - , ; ( Bl<}h troche,: bonders,;, round .cornets, Parle Stella shawls Vniontelet, comprising many new and elegant now landing from steamer Arago. r • p*ri» plated, rowed borders. Stella shawls. -PaVis printed plush shawls, chenoUlfl fringes. " - frP * * e lret and plush Paris Bielja shawls. .< ~ Very fine and rioh ribbon bordered blaok and oolored fnjurtle BhawJsa’corn, - •• ( * . Ver T cll ?icb qhaVties only, long and Square black me rino shawls, wool fringes. ; - qualities, double.twilled, silk fringe Thibet shawlsj in hl ck'and eolors J. ;> 1 ; ' 'New. brdehe. ecosaAis. and* very-oholce line of squared and long |all-m>ol broche shawls, in colored centres only/ especially assorted for ■ Philadelphia .buyera," • J• ■“"A very large proportion of Iho broche Stella shawls will be in blacks and other desirable* colors, recMved by. last arrival’shd riow laudlDg, and as no more are expOwted,,the entire balance of the season’s importa tion will be offered, comprising mere,and desirable ; chpjco assortments than have been offered at any sale this season. j IP*-The attention of bnyors is respecfatly sol-ctert. irjo&MEROIAL . SALESROOM, VJ- t BANK and 10 STRAWBERRY. between BfAR KBT and CHESTNUT andSBCONDand THIRD streets. F. Q. WOLBBBT. AuoTionu • SPEOIAt, PEREMPTORY BALK uP RBADY-.MADB • OLOTHIKO AND HOSIERY .GOODS* i . • -On Monday Morning,, , .Commencing at 10 o'clock, we wilt sell'without re* serve.-for oath, a ruioablo stock of fall and winter clothing, consisting of, tl* : * *• • Overcoats, - - .’Prvek Oo&ia, Hade in a superior manner, of ' Dress Goats, r • first-rate materials, for men’s and i-Pantaand' bye* wear. j Tests, _J __ ------ / Alsot 250 dot, men’s heavy. ribbed, And plain lambs* wool .and meriua.ahlrta and drawers. - Also,' w men’s merino and cotton boss men’s cotton and wool half hose. . - The whole will be ready for examination, with catalogues, • early on the morning of ialo, when city aad country purchaser* will flud it their Interest to attend Bale positive*' B scott, jr., auctioneer, (sncces • sor toTyOLBKBT & SCOTT,) 481 OHBBTNUm., opposite the Onstoxn House, between Fourth and Fifth Strftats '" J ’ ■* - ; .. PEREMPTORY SALE OF EASTERN WOODEN WARE. . - On Monday Morning. Oct, Hth. at 11 o’clock, at the sales-room, No. 481 Chestnut street— < ' ' 190 dosen three-hooped pails. ■: 100 boxes clothes pihf 4j y 60 dozen knlfo trays. '' 60. dosen,towel rows. • r MOHAIRS. Also, wood-seat rocking dbairs, children’s ohalrs. s • i * l - 'CURUCTOMBS. 600 patent india-rubber combs. LARGE BALB OP EUBBQIDKBIBB, RIBBONS, Ao. • - OniWednesdajnftfomlng, October 16th. commencing at)JO o’efeok, a large as sortment of embroideries', eco/idjottprislng book, jaco net, and cambrlo sets, book and camorio collars, gaunt let sleeves, bands, edgings, Ac. $ v Also, real English thread laces, "wash illusions, &o. . Also, black laoe French veils. RIBBONS. - New fall style bonnet ribbon?, trimming ribbons, silk -fringes *&c: “ MERINO. HOSIERY, SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS. Men’s'gray 1 and white merino hose and half hose, ladies 1 merino and cotton 'hose ' Also, a line of igenVs fancy silk ties. Also, Berlin, taffeta, buck, and kid gloves, SA. DYSART A CO*, Atjotxoheexb ard • OoionssioV MiaoniKTa, No. 27 Booth EIGHTH STREET, ooraer of LODGE STREET. LARGE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FUR* NITURB. This Morning. AtlO o’clock, at No. 27 South Fighth street, we will sell A Urge and splendid assortment of household and office furniture, consisting of walnut dressing bureaus, Jenny Lind bedsteads, sofas, paintings: Also, a'yery fine offlce-table’and caseof drawers. Also, 84 yards of flue Brussels carpet, only in use four months, and all to be sold without reserve. Philip ford, auctioneer, no. - 630'MARKET-STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, south side., J m; gummey & sons, • “ REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, No. 620 WALNUT STREET BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT IN - DELAWARE COUNTY, KNOWN AS ASTON RIDGE, On Wednesday. Oct 13th, atlfo’clock, will be sola at public sale on the S remises, that beautiful Country seat, known as Aston idge, situate in Delaware county, Pennsylvania, about 16 miles ftem the''city, 6 miles from Chester, 4 miles from Marcus Hook, and miles from Rockdale, (the station next beyond Modia on the West Chester direct railroad;)‘Containing 28 acres, 7 of which are wood land. Theimprovements consist of a splendid mansion, 66 feet front .by 60. deep, In the Italian style, with -arcade,terrace, and -verandah; is finely shaded, and commands a view twenty miles in extent, Including the Dataware river, 6 miles distant, and a large portion of New; Jersey, beyond it. There ie also a good stone barn, with stabling—the barn-yard is well screened and with Locust trees. > ‘ 'Thblawn fronting the hsuse contains three acres, end is beautifully laid oat with gravel walks, arbors, shrub bery, evergreens, dco. t .This location is celebrated for its healthiness, and convenient to schools and churches of almost every lenoraination. Access several times a day by steamboat or railroad to Chester and Marcus Hook, or by railroad to Rockdale.' Terms will be made accommodating, and possession given immediately, or in the spring. The premises may be viewed at any time. Conveyances may be had-at Rockdale station every day, on arrival of the, IQ o’clock, train from Eighteenth and' Market streets, returning at 2 P. M. Lithographs may be seen, and farther information ob tained at the office. FIRST FALL SALE OF HKAL ESTATE, WORT GAGE3: BTOOKB, &c., will bo bald at the Philadel phia Exchange, On Thanday Evening, ' ; October 24tb 1858, at 7 o’clook aod will include— - ■ Peremptory B I&—Estate or John Tomer Dec'd. .QUEEN BTRGET—Two dwellings (one brick and tbo other frame), with large lot Af ground thereunto belo- ging, situate Nos. 11l aad 115 on the north side of Queen street, between Front and Seoend streets, lot 53 •feet front by 100 deep . TWO-BTORY FRAME DWELLING and lot of ground, SO feet by 45, cltaato No. 209 Queen street, and adjoin •*DK.tbe_ftboira . •YEARLY GROUND RENT or $65 ,60, payable on the ,30th d *y of September, on property situate on the west Aide of Swftbuon street, near Catharine. Lot 30 feet front by 00 deep. HANDSOME FOUR-BTORY REBIDENOB, (brown, atone first story;) with three-story beck buildings No. 1608 Locust street, opposite 8t Mark’s-Ohurcb. This properly is exceedingly well built, and in perfect order'. T'o lot Is 180 feet deep to Latimer street, (a 80-feet wide street.) $7,6 0 may remain on the property. Pos ; aea»ion given immediately. - - HANDSOME OHEBTNUT-BTREBT RESIDENCE, No 1809 north Hide, wwt of Eighteenth Ponr story, with three-story back buildings, and all the extra mo dern conveniences; built in a superior manner, and in complete order. Lot 20 feet front by 108 deep, to a good) ballot ' Possession given immediately. $B,OOO may remain on ground rent NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, Fifteenth street, above Girard-avenue. we*t. side. Three atery, with three-atery double back buildinrs. No 1220. Lot 10 feet front by 103 deep, to a back outlet. ■ NEAT THREE-STORY RESIDENCE, Fifteenth street, above Girard avenue, east side. Lot 16 ieet front by 76 feet deep toab&ck outlet. Possession given Immedia'ely. -j CHESTNUT- STREET, STORE.—Handsome four-sto ry brick store and dwelling, with three-story double, back building. No. 1809 Chestnut street, acove Thir* -teeoth, north side, lot 20 fees front, by 100 feet deep to Kelly street. 1 • • ’ NEAT THREE-STORY RESIDENCE, with two-sto ry back buildings, north side of Anne street, west of BMge avemu». lot 16 feet by 66. NEAT THREE-STORY DWELLING, with two-story .baokibnUdiDgSfpouth side of Cumberland street, west of Bepvira street, lot 16 feet front by 90 deep. , -VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS—Poplar street—seven adjoining building lots on Poplar streeAcoratnenciog 60 feet westward from Fifteenth street The eaetermoet fire.are each 20 feet front by 167 feet inches deep to 'Cambridge street. The Westernmost two are 18 feet 11 Inodes firont by, 167.fee| 6jtf loches deep to Cambridge street. - 1 All having two good fronts.. MODERN. THREE-STORY RESIDENCES, Thir teenth otreet/horth of Wallace.'west side. Has three story double back bulldlngy, and furnlehod with all the modern donveniences.gM and gas fixtures. NEAT MODERN.RESIDENCE, two and a half story, with two-story double back-buildings, No. 716 Coates .street, above Seventh, south aide, is well built and in : complete order.' , THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, with .the lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on south side of Miles Alley, above Tenth (between Walnut and La oost streets) , THREE GROUND RENTS, of $62 each, on Barton street, west of Fifteenth street. HANDSOME FOUR-STORY RESIDENCE, with large side yard, Lombard street, 20 feet west of Twenty third street. Jot 36 feet front by 70 deep. VALUABLE LOT, northeast corner of Bprnce and Twenty-second etreetaj If feeton Spruce by 62 deep on Twonty-seoond street. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. /• tDTQn -our frjvate Sale. Register wilt .always be 'fohnl a very ‘large amount of real estate, including every description of city and country property. , . ~ J. M. guaimby a sons, CoaTejaucera and Beal Estate Brokers, ' 1 620 WALNUT Street. & 'WILLIAMS, No. 200 WALNUT Btreet, are prepared to supply shlp >rpers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines:, , • ' - ooltf PBS TON for the best'WHITE a t COAL, warranted free from slate or CflOKS’ GOAL is the best and cheapest in .XXthe city, re-screened in yard and dfy under cover. HICKS BSllgnone but the vpryhest Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and warrants full weight. CJtCItS Briperintendsthe ; delivery of all XX Coal peraonaUy, and therefore guarantees it to be --- - - , ; TTKJKS’YardandOfflca is attbo sontheast Xi iornerof MAKBHiM, and TVILtOW, wlershs .invites all.to call and examine for themselves the above isots;. ’ au2s-8m i) J*w*ljy^an4 TO CQAL receiving Coal direct from tho Mines, wishing Storage and the Delivery of their Coal, will please address 8. SEL LERS'A SON, CALLOWIULL Street, first Yard below Broad. *, - • ' i ■ ' ‘ N B.—Best qualities of LBfHGfi and SCHUYLKILL COAL always oh hand at lowest cash prices. sel3-lm# T7KERING, FOX, & 00., wholesale and A retail dealers In LEHIGH and ISCHUYLKILL SS££; ' Lehigh, < yard— I THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill vard-RAOE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia; Keep constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mines, under cover, and pre •pated expressly tor famllv use fes-y Hr. W.S.MoILHENNEY,Dentist, sullSi Would inform his friends that he has resumed pructice/at No r; IB4B ; ,OHESTNUT Street, second door > , ' sepl-Bm nnfisoflragßN;AOT western mer- X CHANTS —A JfirgO i stock of .Maptla Rope raanu faottxrod#md, for. sale by WEAVER; FITLE&, A 00., No- 23 it., and Nn. 22 If. WHARVES. oc6 ; A fIRAM SLMK^I^ENGRAVING, ;fX.\_flfnkifig, and.Kmboesed Printing, Envelope, and lS5&J^?kf w^,KO, *■ HOSIERY GOODS. • JUenUstta* THE gtioiniss Cards. ±\ ! I aTTORNBY at law. GREBNSaCRG, PA.f Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In-, diana counties. s s sell-tf- T. T. ABBAHS. A i ijifraa .-■A beams & mater, ■ a ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ~ ' ■ LOOK,HAVEN, Pi., attend promptly to all professional business en« trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. ‘ tBFBftIHOBS. f _ Got. W*a.F.Packer, Harrisburg, Pa. ;L. A. Mackey, President Look Haven Bank; Genorali). K. Jaokman, -Lock Haven; Hoc. A. White, Lock Haven; Simon Bcott, Lock'Haven; Bullitt fie Fairthorne, Phlladol- Shlaj McFarland, Evans, A Co., Philadelphia: Evans • ' Watson,' Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price. Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia; Tener A Davis, Phils delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W Qulggle, Esfr., Philadelphia. - . jy26-tf /CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT • and., Importer of HAVANA 85GAB8, .(New,) 189. Walnut street, eeeond etory. ■■ anl-ly LAUMAN & RABORG— Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QUORB, N 0.1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh atraat* . <’ falO-tf v fcefittl Notices. IN THE ORPHANS 5 COURT FOR THE -OITY AND (10UNTY OP PHILADELPHIA Estate of ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, deceased. The .Auditor appointed by the Oourt to audit, settle and adjust the account of Margaret Campbell, adminis tratrix of Alexander Campbell, deceased, and to make distribution of the btf anoe in the t ands of toe account ant. will meet the. parties interested, for the purposes of his' appointment, on TUESDAY afternoon, tho 12th day of Oetob-r, 1868, at 4 o’clock, at his office, 116 South FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMES H. OABTLE, se2fl tu th&a fit* ‘ Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. ' D.t.te rf AMKLIA HiRIA CO.NS, demand. ' The Aodltor appointed by the Conrt to audit, settle and adjust the aocount of Isaao Elliott, and Henry 0.. Blair, Executors of Amelia Maria Cooe. d-cessed, and >to make distribution of the balance in the hands 'of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of bis appointment, on MONDAY after noon the Xlth day of October, 1868, at 4 o’clock, at his Office, 115 South FIFTH street, in the oltv of Phila delphia. JAMES H. CAS l LB, ■' ee2B tu tb&s 6t# Auditor. INSTATE OP DAVID MILLER, lato of MJJ the CITY OF LANOASTEIt, Deceased. ■ Letters Test&mout&ry on the Estate of said Deceased having ’•nen granted to ‘he undersigned by the R EGIB - OF LANOA&TSR COUNTY, they hereby eve Notice to all persons having-claims or demands against said Estate, to present them’, duly authenticated, to either of the undersigned without delay: aod all per sons Inowlng themselves inde’ted to said deceased are requested to make paymoht without delay. WILLIAM CARPENTER, Residing at No. 27 East Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa, SAMUEL L. WITMER, Residing at N-E cor. 18th <k Spring Gcr Jen, Or at No. 1123 Market Street, Philadelphia. 5025-60t* rf THE ORPHANS* COURT OF PHI LADELPHIA COUNTY. . Estate of fcUfIANNAH PUGBLBY, deceased. • • The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the account of CHARLES GIBBONS, Ex cutor of SU SANNAH PUGSLbY, deceased, and to report distribu tion of the balance in hie bands, will attend to the du ties or his appointment at hie office, No 633 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, October 26th, at 1 o'clock P. M. oc 7 thstu6t M. B. THAYER. Auditor. Stowes. QUEEN’S PORTABLE FORGE fSIfl Doubtless many of our city readout. In passing SSSjLthe gangs of workmen employed in laying down of the passenger railroad tracks in our streets, had their attention attracted to a portable forgo, with bellows and everything complete, and in efficient service. These forges, bnilt upon the plan secured by O. V. Queen’s patent are for sale at the commodious, long-established, and deservedly popular Stovo, Range, aod Furnace establishment of WARNIOK, CHAD WICK, & BROTHER, corner of SECOND and RACE Streets, who have the sole right for the saleof Queen’s Portable Forgo in Pennsylvania. There are, we believe, five sites of this forge, rang ing in price from twenty-two to forty-four dollars—a sum so small, when oontrastod with its merits, as to se cure its general Introduction; for any one who will for a moment consider the Advantages of this forge, which may removed from place to place, so aa always to be on the spot where workers in iron or other metals are to perform service, whether ie original construction or repairs, will at once concede its great efficiency, and ar range for its. possession and nse. The adaptebilltv of this fo'ge to repairs to railroads and mining machinery especially commends it to railroad companies and opera tors in the mining districts. We, therefore, take plea sure in celUng.to it the attintion cf road masters, su perintendents of mines, aod others.—[Prom the United States Railroad and Mining Register oc7*lro \J* STOVEBI STOVES! f32M SILVER’S ORIGINAL GAS-BURNING M STOVE, i ' z - With &U the Latest Improvements. Also, the largest assortment of COOKING, PARLOR, ft OFFIOE STOVES Is the Olty, at MANIGLE’S, No. 909 MARKET STREET. Oall before purchasing. * 5022-6 w SOMETHING NEW.— GAB BUR ■(gag NING 00 OK £>TOVE,—I would respcctfa ly call dflßjl the attention of the publlo to one of the greatest improvements ever introduced in Cooking Btoves and Binges—the burning of the gu arising from the ooal, by which moans Is save£ 60 per cent. In fuel and also more intense heat thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of tho gases by means of a hollow oentre-pieee, perforated on the under side, which admits the' air in a h *ated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding its combustion, and causing a flame to pass arotmdthe oven equal to a wood’fire. This Ira* Srovemeot also preserves the centre piece from 'inking own on the fire, thereby saving the t>xpeose of repairs One of tho Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION t 1116 MARKET Street Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase & North,) 1116 MARdKT Street. ; sept29-3mo qatbaare. TJARDWARE. 11 MOOEB, HBNBZBY, A CO., 437 MARKET, mod 4lff COMMERCE Bt., Are now openinga splendid assortment of goods aaita tile for the near trade, mod irvlte purchase* s to call and examine their stock of Hardware, Cutler/, Quo#, Ac., before purchasing. - aeBol3t rjpRUITT, BROTHER, & 00., IBFOXTBBB AND DIALIBB H A RD WARS, OUTLERY, 539 MARKET STREET, Below Sixth, North Bide, au27-2m PHILADELPHIA. HARDWARE. — The subscribed, COM MISSION,MERCHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would respectfully oall tho attention of ,the trade to their stock, whion the/ are offering at lowest.rates. ' Our assortment oou ttats to part of— • Oh&ins, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Cow, Fifth, Back, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, Mine, and Coil Chains. 1 ** The celebrated “ L’’Horae Noils; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright’ ” and other Anvils; Solid Box and other Floes. i Short and long handle Fry Pans; round and oval Sake Pane. Martin’s” superior Files and Rasps; Bed Sorews. “•Rxcelaior V Safety Fuse: Blasting Tabes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Soytues; Hay, Corn, and Straw .nirea. ' ' • Hay, Manure, Tanners’, and Spading Forks. Bakes and Hooa; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails. - Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Looks of all kinds; Cutlery, Rams and Pomps, Axes, Hatohets, Ham* filers, Planes, and other Tools, Ac., &o. W; G. LEWIS A BON, mhl-y , No. 411 COMMERCE Street. hotels attir Restaurants. Arcade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHIA. COHDUOTBD ON TIIB RDBOPBAN PLAN. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tinue to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain unchanged, viz: Koou Pas Bat 600. Dinnsh fiOo. Duhakvast and / ! T*A, BACH, 87#0. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every* thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in wiuter by means of Steam Plpea, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. The accommodation# are denigned wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received. 10* This house is never closed day or night. J. D. JIROWN, ocO'Sm E. DB YOUNG, TONES HOUSE, O HABBIBBURG, Pa., (Erected In 1847.1 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VIBITOBB. my39-y WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor ffiobarro. SFUGUET & SONS, e Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, se2B 316 South FRONT Street. Havana cigars.— io6,oocr La Fior de la Havana Ist, 2d, and Bds, just arrived por brig “May Queen,” from Havana, io store and for •ole by WILLIAM H. YEATON, se24-tf No. 316 South FRONT Street. Figaro, cabanas and fabtagab BEG ABB.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” daily expected from Rayaua, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, and ~4K Second Story “OLD DOMINION** OOFFBB POT, , and THE “OLD DOMINION” TEA POT, Are manufactured, under the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, Not*. 117 and 119 South TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. fO* Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all means, lay in asupply of theso COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming into uso, and deatinedlna ' short tlmo to supersede all othors. nj~ a. B. A Q. are also u&nuf&oturers, under the patent, of » ARTHUR’S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JAES, Which, it is conoeded on all hands, are the best in the market. aul7-tath&stnolB Also, Trade Agents for TORRBY’S ADJUSTABLE DOOE SPRING. CLATEI SLATE I! SLATE II I—Booting Slate, of all sites, and at very low rates, kept con stantly on hand, and for sale by. FIBBING, FOX, ft jOO., _ GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. W. B. Sltte Boohi put on in the best manner, and r#> airing attended to, All work warranted. fed y PRESS.-~FIITLADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER k ?IssB. IVIGHT SCHOOL. FOE GIRLS will Open 11 on MONDAY EVENING, Oct. U. a, John Quincy Adams Bohool Ui'-uno, GARDEN,■ below Buttonwood. By ovdor of Board, D. H. BTYBR, obB-3t* , ; , ; President. Young ladifs 1 institute of BATBORO, (Montgomery co., Pa.) *An Educa tional Home for a limited number. . .. GEORGE HAND, A. M., Principal. * Winter Session of 2t weeks begins Nov. let. oc6-6t# PARADISE F. SEMINARY, LANCAS TER CO » PA.—-Three-fonrths of a mile from Lemoh Place Station, P. R. R-reopt-nsfor its EIGHTH SESSION onlst November.next. For tonus, which are very moderate, apply to tho Rector, Rev. Dr TfTM.T KBLLY, Paradise; Lancaster co , Pa. Rev: Lancaater city, and Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia. 1 oc4-m w s-tNI A LLEJff GROVE BOARDING and-DAY xm SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, Frankford Penn pylvanla. Six miles from Market street, Philadelnhia Tho WINTER SESSION of thi» School’will commence November Ist Parents and Guardians woo Intend to place their daughters or.wards at ’bis Institution will do well to m&ko imwodtaco application to Mrs fc L THOMPSON, Principal and superintendent, oefl-ws Bt* The west Chester academt. located «t W6BT OHEBTBR, Vi , an InatlhlUon designed and arranged to nreparo So,a and Young Men for any c!a*e In our beet College*, Or for biinlnesh In Us varied rddulremfehtß. The corpß of Instructors consists of seven Teachers of ability and experience. The are* rage nnmber of students is seventy Are per session. The French and German Languages are taught by tire, resident teachers. The Winter Term commences onthelstofNovembernoxt. KorOatilotmes. An n.nnlv to , WM. F. WYBRS, A. M., seP-th fttuQn t at West Choster, Pa. Luzerne Presbyterian instT TUTE, WY- MING, PENNSYLVANIA-E. A. LAWBBN'E, A M Principal.—Easy of accpee by Rail road; aod most eligibly locat'd, funjahra very special alvantages fbr aognlriug a thorough, judicious Chris tian education. The best Eogllsh, Olna-ical, and Musi cal instruction. Obtain a Olraular of the Principal, at Wyoming, or call and see him at Gant A Volbmsr’s Bookstore, on the Bth or oth Oe'ober between the hours of 9 and 11 or 8 an - 6 o’clock, where, also. Circulars may.be obtained after the Btb. Keferenoes--tU)V • O Van Ransalaer, D D.; Rev F. D Ladd; Joseph B. Mitchell, E«q.; 33. C Kol/rbt, Esq. oc6tttths-3t* Eclectic medical college of PENNSYLVANIA.—The Winter Session of Lec tures in this Institution will commence on the 13th of October, and contiDtie 16 weeks' Located Northeast corner of SJXTH ond OALLOWHILL Streets, Phila delphia. Ma’rical&ting Fee $5. Course of Lectures (Six Professors) $lB, Graduating Fee, $25. OLINIOB. The morning of every Wednesday and Saturday will be sot apart for COLLEGE CLINICS, at which will bo illustrated the Eclectic Treatment in Practice and Surgery,’and we Invite all who wish to avail thomselveß of the NEW SCHOOL PraotJoe, to call and receive TREATMENT, Free of Charge The Cllnlo will be opon at the College every Wednesdsy.nnd Saturday, from ten to twelve A. M , after the oth of October, 1868. WILLIAM PAINE M D , Dean pro tem., also Editor and Publisher of the Eclectic Medical Journal, Monthly, 48 pp., $2 per rear, SIXTH aud OALLOWHILL Sts , Phila. , oo4lw PENN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Btreets, opened on MO.'-DAY, the 6th of September. Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro gress, yet sends the scholar into the world with a keen sensitiveness, whloh totally disqualifies him for aotive life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either loses all luterest, or becomes superficial In his.acquire ments. For these and other reasons the'number is limited For farther information apply personally, from nine o’clock A. M. to one o’olook p. M., or by note, to se!B-tf B STEWART Principal. f ENGLISH SINGING—BaIIad and Opera* i tic.—Mr. FRAZER gives Instruction in the above styles, on tho most approved system. eelS-lm 409 Booth EIGHTEENTH Street, CLASSICAL EDUCATION.—ROBERT v H. LABBERTON, Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hereafter have charge of the Classical department In the SCIENTIFIC and OLASBICAL IN STITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, northwest corner of Twelfth. No pains have been spared to render this School eminently worthy of patronage for boys of all ages, and m all departments—Engl sh, Classical, and Scientific. Entrance on TWXLFT B Bt, selT-lm J. ENNIS, Principal. J. Rt ED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG • LADIES, No. 1623 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at tho Institute. Rbfrrssobb.—Dr. Converse, (editor of the Christian Observer, ) Rev. Dr. O. Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W. B. Stevens, Col. J. W. Forney, O. U. Leland. Eaq., Pro ess ors vethake, Allen, Fraser, of the University, and tho r gentlemen selC-im JJ. HEED bus resumed his course of in* •'atruction in Mculo and on the Piano-forte. No. 1623 WALNUT Street. selO-lm TVrKS.~BRYAN , 8 SEMINARY, ITA BATAVIA, N Y. THE FALL TERM of this Institution (whose loca tion is one of rare beauty and attraction), commences on the X6th of September. It continues strictly a Fa mily Boarding School for Girls, and is thorough, seleot, and homelike In all Its appointments. The number of pupils is limited to those who can be seaoed at the ta ble of the Principal. {J7* OIBOULABB will be sent showing Terms and Regulations. Batavia, Genesee co,, N. Y., September, 1868. se!3 CRITTENDEN*® J COMMERCIAL COLI CHESTNUT aod SBYBNT An Institution. designed TIVB BTJBINRBB. BOARD OF TBUSTJEM. B. B. Gomegja, Franois Hoekinf, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, David 6. Brown, lease Hooker, A.Y.’Fareozu, D. B. fiismaa, Frederick Brown, Joshua lilppinoott. ? EVENING BESSIONS otter September 16thj- Each Student has individual isbtbootiob 'at this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the best re commendation ajoung man. can have, for obtaining a good situation. , OATaLOGCES mar be had on application at the College. ' seB-tf Classical institute, dean street, below Looust.—Duties renamed MONDAY, August 80th. J. W.YAIJSfiS, A/M., an23-2m Principal. O’DQNNELL’S BOOK-KEEPING IN STITUTS, Southeast comer EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. devoted exclusively to instruction in the busi ness of the Oounting house. Open day and evening. See Circulars. se9-lm LEIDY BROTHERS’ NIGHT-SCHOOL, Nob. 149 and 160 SIXTH Street, near Race, ia XOW OPBN 70 O TB ISbTBOOTIOS 15 BOOK-KEEPING, WHITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS USUAL. • sel-ly BRTANT & STRATTON’S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast comer SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For information, call or send for clroular. jel6-tf EVENING SEBSIONS HAVE COMMENCED, PISTOLS, Ao,. ~ DUFF & CO.’S MfiROAN- COLLEGE, Southeast corner cgrn,yWT EIGHTH and CHEBTNUT Btrcete, (established in 1340, and incorporated by the Legisla ture tf Pennsylvania.) In thlt well-known Institution the > COUNTING HOUSE COURSE of Practical, Single, and Double Entry BOOKKEEPING, Including all the Aoxiliakt Books, Ooiom&oxal Oxl oul/atj oxß, and BUSINESS WBITINO, U taught la the most successful and satisfactory style. M. KOCHB, ) p. EDWAfibs, < Principals. Mb. B B. EUSTON, Penman. 171DGEHILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON, XU NEW JERBEY.—This Sohool is adapted to those who desire their sons to have & careful preparation for College or for a business life. Thorough instruction is given in English, Mathematics, Anolent and Modern Languages, Ac. The instructors aim, not only to have their pnpils thoroughly master fundamental principles, hat to form those habits of thought which will render future and higher attainments rapid .and easy, Deela mation, Composition, and Debate are practised In the Kdgehill Literary Society, which embraces all the, pu nils of this School. For particulars, terms, Ae.* ad* dress REV. JAMES I. HELM,,or aull-Sm REV. JAMBS P. HUGHES, Principals. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ASKOLD * WILBON, BOOOSBQOBB TO 8. A. BABKISO*. We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 OHEBTNUT sUeet, a few doors below, the St. Lawrence Hotel, where onr old friends and the pubiio are respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stock of Warm Air Furnaces. Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, Ao., Ac. We are now manufacturing OHILSON’S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever Invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns ot Low DO , Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sixes and pattern We have also oommenced the manufacture o. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Exit and Ezhu bitian of the Franklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Axr iQVU Masaass, are not iujured by Smobft, Coal Gas, Oil or Ac&L, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much less pries than Marble. Call and sts.them. ARNOLD A WILSON. BBNJ. M. FBLTWfiLL, Superintendent. Philadelphia. April. 3RM~ap34 It TTNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had mtfch practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts In the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OB CASH. Saving Surveyors constantly in the field to make J personal examinations, he can always make the most udioious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of oUmate, near the line of railroads, may now be in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. 10* Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the Western States. MTARMING AND VENTILATING TV WABEROOMB The subscriber would invite the special attention of Architect Builders and tho public to his NEW OULVER PATENT SELF-OLBANBING AND, VENTILATING WARM AIR FURNAOB, Which has been so successfully introduced daring the last winter and gave such general satisfaction. It is so arranged as to oonsnme the gases from the Goal, making it one of the most economical,' safe, durable Heaters now in use, Also, all sices and patterns of Oooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Gas Ovens, Dow Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Collins’l’fttont Chimney Qapa, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of alt goods in my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater .repair ing, and prices reduced to suit the times. OHABLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker A Williams,) an2-8m 3183 (old 406) MARKET Btrect. PhUad»._ ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried stook of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Ohurches, Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where It is doemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color may be bad, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or In relief ZIEGLER A SMITH, Wholesale Drag, Paint, and Gla s Dealers, seM-dtf ‘ Southwest cor. Second and Greon eta. TO CONFECTIONERS AND RAKERS.— 600 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pure; 1000 ‘ ii Oarb. Ammonia j , 200 (t Garr&way Seed. * Tor sale low. an wanted, b* WlfcSON * MERRITT, Wholesale Druggists, 208 Market street ALE ROPE. —A large stock of -Halo Houdi manufactured and for sale by ‘ ' WEAVOB, FITLBB, & 00., No, 2d North Water street, and itftd No, 22 North WJumfc (Eiutcatioital. HIJiADELfHIA BGJ3, Aortbeut corner o! IStreets, to fit young men for AC* 8. SALISBURY, 40 CLARKE Street, ObfoAgo. JDidsolntiono attb (fojiarttietaliijia. N~ newlin has A!*!PPI«ISS " Uh hita CHARLES ZELL »nd WILSON iBUOTT, as co-jartuorn in his buslnessfrom.. this date, under the style of ROBERT NEWLIN Sc 00, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. Ist, 1652. cco-4t* PEMBERTON S. ■ HUTOHINSON has THIS DAY amoslaM with him BAMUEL R;- SHIPLEY and SPENDER H. HAZARD, in the Drv Good. OommiHalon Business. 00T08881.1858. WE, the. under \J signed, have THIS DAY formed a Co-Partner ship. for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the Firm of SHIP LEY, HAZARD. Sc HUtOUINBON, at No. 112 CHEST NUT Street. SAMUEL K. SHIPLEY. -SPENCER H HAZARD, ' ' PEMBERTON S. UUT.OHIN&ON. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1,1858. oc^-12t JJIOREIGN AND, DOMESTIC-GOODS.: - SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HtJTCIfINSON, No. 112 Cluiamut street, iOffer for sale DRILLS, JEANS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, MARINER STRIPES OSNABDRGHB, FLANNELS, BROWN, BLEAOHED, AND OOLORED. MUSLINS; In all widths from the BALTIC MAN’G CO., BATES MAN’G 00., NORTHVILLE DO. LOWELL DO. FAIRHILL DO. WEST BOYLSTON DO. Albo ‘ Templeton Mills Doeskins ana Fancy Gasslmorei, Woodward do. do, do. Saxony Mill do. do. de. Together withalargb assortment of desirable Foreign Goods. ocLlm CO-PARTNERSHIP.— THE BUSINESS heretofore condacted by Hunt. Webster, & 00 . will from this date be carried on under the style and firm of LADD, WEBSTER, Sc 00 , who will continue the manufacture and sale of Sewing Machines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, an l in tho principal cities of the Uuiofc. September 1. 1858. 5027-lra Beming Ulcuijinca. & WILSON™ SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE $6O. A AU the former patterns $25 less on each Machine. + • A NEW\TSNSION. NO WINDING OP UPPER THREAD. A HUMMER WHICH TURNS , ANY WIDTH OP HEM OR PELL. OFPIOHg 628 OHEBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street, Trenton N. J. No. 7 EAST GAY Street, West Chester, Pa. ocT*tD26. HARRIS'* BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE is offerod to tho publlo aa the most relia Me low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from alx to sixty stitches to an Inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrics. It la, without exception, the simplest In its mechanical con struction ever mado, and can be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of age. The dubabilitt of this machine, and the quality of its worn, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges Grom three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used is taken dlreotly from the spools, without ibm tuoublu of xhwikdihq. In fact, it is a machine that is wanted by every family In the land, and the low P*ioe of POBTY DOLLARS, at which they sold, brings them within the reach of almost every one 8. D. BAKER, Agent, jelB-d6m wky eowtfm 20 South EIGHTH Street. Mte f gUFFAJLO ROBES, BY THE BALE OR ROBE, GEO. Y. WOHRATHS 4U AND «7 ARCH STREET. oabJcrg anb harness eCrimminga. QOFF & PETERSON, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS BADLSRY, CARRIAGE, and HARNESS TRIMMINGS, No. 818 MARKET STREET, oato (mb (Capa. & 00., NO. 323 MARKET STREET, HAVfI MOW ra 8T0&1 AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK Hats and caps. TO WHICH THEY INVITE THB ATTENTION OF BUYERS FROM ALL PARTS Ot THE anlB-2m* Q H. GARDEN & 00., KiaurAOTOftißß or, and vqolbbaax bbabikb m, HATS, CAPS, PDRB, STRAW GOOBB, FANOY SILK AMD STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS, RUOHEB, FEATHERS, Ac., fto., No. 600 MARKET STREET, 8. W. Oornor of Sixth street, Philadelphia. MERCHANTS Are respectfully invited to examine our Stock. aul4-2m nj.iuc and £iauo». CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sire to lessen the consumption of impure Bpirita, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has fnduoed the offering to the public of an article which the analyzation of Protestor Obllton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Meura. Booth, Garrett, ft Oamac, of Philadelphia, proves beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least injurious spirit* ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OP DR JAS. E CHILTON. I have analyzed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON. Js of Philadelphia, and baring carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances It is an unusnally pure and fine flavored quality of Whisker. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 3,1858. Analytical Chemist. PaiLA&SLPniA, Sept. 9,1868. DninSia: We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whisker which yon sent ns, and find that it contains none of the poisonous nnbstanoe known !&8 Fmslo Oil, which la the characterlßtto and injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys in genoral use. Very rospeotfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, 4 OAHAO, Analytical Chemists. ToChArlbb Whabtqx, Jr., No. S 3 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia se24-dtooBt TM E N E A U & FILS' ROOHELLE • BRANDIES.—The undersigned, having been appointed Sole Agents in the State of Pennsylvania for tne sale of the above celebrated Brandy, are prepared to offer it to the trade at the lowest market rates, from U. 8. Bonded Warehouses. ARNOLD & WORL, au2<Mf 120 Walnut street. SHERRY AND PORT WINE 80 qrt s . 10 Eighths Harmony Sherry; 20 qrs. Wallis Port Wine, in bond and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, 216 Booth FRONT Street BRANDIES.—" Pinet GafitUlon,” Morett, and other Gognaca of various vintages, In hall pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoisln Roohello Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLBN ft CO., 0622 221 and 228 South Fourth street. BROWN STOUT.—4O casks "Final A Williams, ' imported direct from London, In ctore and for sale *y WH. H. YEATON, sea 216 SOUTH FRONT etreet. jjJiana Jams. e&s&m OHIOKERING & SONS, Maira nTTV facturers of GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This is the largost and oldest manufactory in the United States having been 4 ESTABLISHED IN 1823, Stnoe which time we have MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO nUNDUBD TIANOS. Andbavo received as testimonials or thoir SUPERI ORITY over all otaors, 11 Gold, 18 Stiver, and 4 Bronze Medal s. OIH Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BRANCH HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA is at 1807 QHKBTNUT Street. oc6-3m PIANO FORTES. Just reoelved, an elegant stock of BAVBN, BA CON. ft CO., NUNNS ft CLARK. HALLXT.DAYIS * 00., and GALE ft 00. 8 PIANOS. MELODEONB of best quality, at J. B. GOULD'S, S. JS. corner BBVENTH and CHESTNUT vtl. mhlfi-y Safes. gALAMANDBR SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS ft WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores, BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORB, SHUTTERS. &«., On as good terms as any other establishment In the Uni tod States, by EVANS ft WATSON, No. 20 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE UB A CALL. au!B-tf FJIO AEOHITEOTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tens of this beautiful,Stone, both of tne BLUE, GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of which, for softness and delicacy of color, is uurivaited For the obaracter of this stone please examine the following buildings: Joe. Harrison's, Eighteenth street and Rlttenhouse Square. Harrison’s Building, Locust street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith’s West street and Rittenhouse square. Mrs. Peterson’s No. 1219 Walnut street, A. K. Womrath’s, 416 Arch Btreet. fcaumel Simeß’, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. Fasaltt, Seventeenth and streets, and others. ARNOLD ft WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 10 10 CHESTNUT STREET., Mlo*Bm B, M* FELT WELL, Sup’t. 1858 FALL GOODS. 1858 Tab Subscriber beg leave to inform their friends, and country merchants generally, that their stock of HOSIERY;' /VJ..U, GIOVEB SHIRTS, DRAWERS, WOOLLENS, *nd N BMALL WARES, Is now complete, comprising their usual assortment, and which they trill sell at the lowest market rated. They would especially call attention to their stoftk of BUOKBKIN GLOVES AND MITTENS. Comprising the HANOVER, GERMANTOWN, JOHNSTOWN, AND .V .\ v "OTHER'DESIRABLE MAKKB) -Which they have purchased directly from the Manu- for cash, and are now prepared to sell at reduced rates. SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER, & CO., . IMPORTERS, AISDJOBBERB, “* 36 N. FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, • seS-Sm" “ 1 -*•* - Neaf the Merchants’ Hotel. QUINTIN CAMPBELL, Jr., & CO., HOSIERY, PA NO? GOODS, No. Ml MARKET STREET, Northeast Corner of FOURTH. H. A. SffAOKBLPoaD, Qtjixiih Oawbill, Ja. au!2-2m, pALL STOCK OF CLOTHING. CHARLES BARENESS & SON, No. 838 MARKET STREET, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOURTH, Have now In store a large and splendid assortment of PALL and WINTER CLOTHING, manufactured ex pressly for the Southern and Western Trade, which they offer for sale on the best terms for Cash, or on the usual Credit. BUYERS are invited to call and examine or them selves. aul2-2m 1858 SILK GOODS. 1858 HOSS,i<Ss WITHERS, CIS COMMERCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Have now in store their oomplete IMPORTATION OF BILK AND FANCY GOODS, To which the attention of the TRADE la invited. au!4-2m gMITH, MURPHY, & CO., 287 MARKET ST. AND 228 OHUBOH ALLEY, Are now opening A FREBH STOCK STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT TIME BUYERS. Philadelphia, August, 1868. au24-2m RUE, & CO., WHITB GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDBRIRfI, LAQJfI GOODS, Ac. No. 829 MARKET STREET, ■nll-In PHILADELPHIA, JjIALL STOCK BILK AND FANCY GOODS. HER BING & OTT, N. W. Corner of FOURTH ul MARSBT STREETS, Hate notr in .ton a splendid ainortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANCY GOODS OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, To which they Invite the attention of FIRST-CLASS BUYERS. anlB-2m J T. WAY & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Nos. 221 MARKET Street and 10 CHURCH Alley. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Of DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the FALL TRADE. The completeness of their Stock, both for VARIETY AND PRICES, Will be found to offer advantagee to buyers, unsur passed by any other in this country. * aull-3m pi ALL STOCK. fIIHIAS, JOKES, A 00., No. 416 MARKET STREET, THROUGH TO No. 204 CHURCH ALLEY, . Have now is store a OOMPLETB STOCK SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of Buyers from »U parte of the Union. au!6-2m gITEB, VAN GULIN, & GLASS, IMPORTERS AHD WHOLEBALB BBALBAS IN HGBIEBT, & KNOWLES, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE HEALERS HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, (HATS BIMOYBD tO) Nos. 480 MARKET AND 426 MERCHANT BTB. And have just opened a NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OP GOODS, expressly adapted to To which the attention of their onitomeri and FIRST' CLASS BUYERS Is invited. aul7-dtnQTl & ROBERTS, No. m MARKET STREET, IMFOBTBBB AHD JOBBBBB OB HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUBHEB, TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS, LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN AND FRENCH FANCY GOODS. au24-2m @enUem«n’B iFnrtiialjing <Soo&o. ■WINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN’S ft FURNISHINGSTORE PATENT BHOULDBR SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, At the Old Ftand, No. 700 CHESTNUT BTRBBT, oppo- Bite the Washington House A. WINCHESTER will give, aa heretofore, hia per sonal supervision to the Catting and Manuisoturing departments. Orders for his oelebrated style of Shirts ana Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. jy24*ly JW. SCOTT, (lato of the firm of Wih • OBBBTBR a 800 TV.) GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 OQBSTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House.) Philadelphia. 1 * J. W. B. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to hia new Store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notioe. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. jjie-tf gLEEPER & FENNER, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, INVITE THE ATTENTION OP BUYERS, pHOSPHATIG GUANO. 3,000 BARRELS ANB BAGS from sombrero iblanb, I* Store and for sate by y JOB. B. HANSON & GO., /CAMPBELL’ 8 DINING SALOON, V/ Cornet of THIRD Bt. and HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several days past, in order to be regenerated and disenthralled. It will bo opened en MONDAY next, 20th Inst, with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown his soul into the task of iron zeal, and we thick that his efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will be a model establishment, sell-tf ■7INGLISH VERMILLION and ULTRA Cj MARINE BIiUR, .specially imported for painters and Printers. Pat np In 1 ft peonages, and for sale by . ~ .DAY 4 BROTHER, a»IT-lm* Ml DO(XI Strset/up stairs', sDra, Offoiia;Jobbm. >. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS GLOTEB, and PALL IMPORTATIONS 531 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS GLOYEB, lANOY GOODS, &o Wo, 428 MARKET STREET, ABOVB VOUBTH, PHILADELPHIA. FALL TRADB, Umbrellas tmb parasols. MANUFACTURERS OF No. 338 MARKET STREET, " To Their LARGE ANB TARIEB STOCK. fertiliser#. North WATER Street, Md No. 1M North DSL A WARE Aronoo, ttJljolesale HJrg @00219. fjio DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS. The Subscriber having superior fadlitlos' for Mona factoring ' FLOOR, TABLE, STAIR, and CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHB, la now prepared to offer great inducements to Buyers from all parts of the country. A large and choice Stock Constantly on hand. Great care will be taken in selecting Dea who order by mail. WAREHOUSE, No. 229 AROH Street, Phila. an 23 Bm* THOMAS POTTER, Manufacturer. jgLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURE BB OF OIL CLOTHS, WAREHOUSE, 148 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Off bb to the trade a full stock of Floor Oil Cloths, medium and extra quality enamelled Muslin Drills and Dack. Table Oil Cloths, new styles; green glazed Oil Cloth for window shades. A complete assortment of Window Shades, trimmings, Ao. We Invite tho attention of dealers to our stock. su!B-2m JJIDGWAY, HEUSSNEK, & 00., IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, and CASSIMEREB. SOLS AaiMlß fOS ID* lOLLOWIHO CELEBRATED MANUFACTURERS FRED. BR3KENS, (Little Tioket,) W. A. JOHANNY, Abhoe, GRVERS A SCHMIDT, (S and M Cloths,) ZAMBONA BROTHERS, (Fancy Oasalxneres,) BROICH A LAMBERTS, (F and B Cloths,) H. TOHNNIES & CO., F. G. HBRBMAN A BON, (Mason Cloth) HASELOFF A 00. No. 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. H. W. RIDGWAY, aalB-2m CHAB. HEUBSNBR. JJIOHARDSON’S IRISH LINENS, 33AMASKS, DIAPERS, Aeo. CONSUMERS of RIQHARDSON’B LINENS, and those desirous ot obtaining the GRNUIKB GOODS, should see that the artioles they purohase are sealed with the Ail) name of the Arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season after. season, and sealed with the name or BIOHARDBON. by Irish houses, whe, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be Imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKS & J. B. LOCKE, mj2B-6m Aftenta, 86 OHUROH Street, New York. gaoinss iTnnba. rjIHE STATE SAVINGS FUND, No. 341 DOCS STRBBT, HIST Does TO THE POST OFfflOß INTEREST FIVE PER CENT Money received Daily, and every MONDAY EVENING, OH DBPOBITj IN SUBS LARGE AND SHALL, PAID BACK DAILY , PROM 9 O’CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O’CLOCK P. M narosiroas oam maw rnson uosmt st obmokb, ab n BIBS, X» DBBIXIS, GBO. H. HART, President. OHAB. G. IMLAY, Treasurer. J. HBHRY HAYES. Teller. ie23-Uanl The sphing gasden sating FUND. ' (OHimnuD M TM tMTßiittrm* o»Pm»n.r«u.) PBRPBTUAJL OHABTBK. . fIVa PB& CENT. Interest ellowedto Depositor*, •and aU Mo ney»\Paid back on Demand. OPPIOB, 831 NORTH THIRD BTRKBT, ' (Oohsoudltios Base BoiLbiss.) This Institution is now open for the transaction of bnaineiH, and is the only Chartered Baring Bond located In the northern part or the city. The Office will be open (dally) from 1 0 to 2J{ o’clock, and alao on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 until 0 o’clock in the Brenlng. MANA&SBB. Trederiok Klett, James B. Pringle, Btephen Smith, Jacob Dock, John P Levy. Joseph H Cowell, Hon. Henry K. Strong, George Woelepper, Daniel Unaerkofier. J. Wesley Bray, Hon. Wm. Millwaxo, Bobert B. Davidson, Iroderiok Staake, P. 0. XUmaker, Jrancis Hart, John P. Vorree, Joseph P. LeQlero, George Snesht, John Kessler, Jr., John Horn. President. JAHSB 8. PRINOLB, Secretary, GXORGB T. THORN. apSMftf HAVING -FUND.—UHITED STATES 13 TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OHSST NUT Streets. Large'and small soma received, and paid back on de cund, without notice, with KVE PER CENT INTER IST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 0 until 5 o’clock every day. and oc MONDAY EVENINGS from T until 9 o’clock. . DBAFTS for mJ« os loglssd, Ireland, sad Sootltsd ; (fonj £1 upward!. * Preaidant—STKPHKH B. OBAWYOBD TroMarer—PLlNY FISK. Tall**—JAlflß B. HimTBV fi<AVING .FUND—FIVE PER OENT. IN IO TBBBST—-RATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.—WALNUT BTR4BT, SOUTH-WEST OORNEB OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. Ixoo&roJUTMS bt rsa Brm of TmtanrimiA. Hooey in received in any lam, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with irawal. The ofioe la open every day from 9 o’clock In the morning till 0 o’clocs in the erentng, and on Monday and Thursday evening* till 6 o'clock. BON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT BELPRIDGI, Yloe Pretidao*. Wx. J. Bud, Secretary. oiuoroMt Hon. Henry It. Bean*;, V. Gairoß Brews t«, Edward L. Garter, Joseph B. Ban , Robert BeUridge, Trends Low. - ' Qami. K. Alhton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Mnnna, Henry DUfenderfler. Money la received and payments made daily. The Investments are made In ooaformity vrlth the provisions ef the Charter, in REAR ESTATE MORT CAGES. GROUND RENTS, and such first class securi ties as will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors. and whloh cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to this InetitutToo ~ anl-ly Brokers. RR . CORSON, • REAL ESTATE BROKER. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Collections promptly nade. NOBRIBTOWIT, PA IMTITHERS & PETERSON, If BROKERS, No. 89 South THIRD Street, (East Side.) Promissory Notes, Drafts, Acceptances. &e.. ma turing in this or other States, promptly colleoted, and parties advised immediately on receipt of funds. Drafts at sight or a few days to run, cashed at mode* rate rates. Boa them, Eastern, Western, and Pennsylvania State Honey bought at low figures. Drafts drawn on all theprlnolpal cities In the Union. au2l-2m A CGUST BELMONT, rV BANKER, Ttt BEAVER STREET, SBW TORS, Imam Letteri of Credit, atailatole to Traveller!, on all parte of the world. Je>o»Bm CRONISE & CO., SPHOIB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, FHILADIIiPBIA. Refer to the Basks and Bsoksbs of Philadelphia, JeMy OHAS. ViVLir. W. H. BBOWJJ. *. MA3UT, » Manley, brown, & 00., STOCK,. AND BXCHANGB ’bkokriUb, N. V. comer of THIED and OHBSINUC Btmeta, PHILADELPHIA, Collections made, and Drafts drawn on all? arts of the United States and the Canadas, oa the most favorable terms. Collections made, and Drafts drawn on Ingland and Iroland. Uncumnt Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans nought and sold on Commission at the Board ef Brokers In Philadelphia and New York. jeS-flrn RICHARD R. PARRY, Oommisflioner for Pennsylvania and Kbit Jersey. PARRY A BROTHER, BROKEB3 A GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANCERS, FRONT STREET, abov* HICKORY, MANKATO, MINNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and investing Honey for non-residents and others, and collecting Drafta, Notes. Ac. Any letters of nsvnar or business srill receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, A Go., Philadelphia. Bale, Boas, A Withers,Philadelphia.' Sharp, Haines, A Go., Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis A Go., Philadelphia. Parry A Randolph. Philadelnhfa. my3l-Bm* IDWABD B. PARBY, Notary PoWio for Minnesota. (Express Companus. rriHE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, X 820 OnSBTNtJT STREET, forwnriH PARCELS. PAOKAOBB, MERCHANDISE, BANE NOTES Mil SPECIE, either by its own LINBS, or in connection with other EXPRESS 00MPANIE8, to ell the prinoipaJ TOWNS end CITIES of the United Stetee. a. a. sandtobd. Camus. PETEBS’ 8 PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SHLS-GBNERATING GAB LAMP i» th» onl; Patent Burner that Baa a Non-Conductor attached. The pnbllo are cautioned egainet all other Burners, as they will heat, and liable to explode. State and County Rights for sale. Apply or address sola P- P- PETERS, 4M BROADWAY. N. Y. mAVf & BEERS' -ft- LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sale In tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS la the city andtne MANUFACTURERS, <<24Sm No. lg gOUTfI WATER Street TjIRENCH PLATE GLASS HAVLNU L 1 been appointed by the “ CompagiM* de FlortfTt** the BOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS In this city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mers, from our stock on hand, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Dwelling Fronts j Sough Plate, for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of large sise, for Mirrors. The Glass will be sold at ute lowest prices, and warranted superior, in <««ry rtsptety to **7 other imported. BOUT. SHOEMAKER A 00., Plate end Window Glass Warehouse, •N. S. cor. of FOURTH and RACE Streets. 'PbU»«l*li»ma CALAD OlLi—2s cases finest Tnacftn Lynch .Oll, In store and for sale by williXm H. YEATON,' •8 ' aw South PROMT otr* RaiiTpa& JLinee. OENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. —THE JL GREAT OENTBAL BOTJTS,' owmwttag to. At Untie Crtiea witll Wffltrn. Horth-WOTten, andffloutt western States, by * continuous Railway dueet. Tula Bold also connects at Pittsburgh with daily Hue o steamers to all ports on the western Ri*<**j and a Cleveland and Sandusky with. Steamers to aH P?rtsc> a the North-wertem Lakes: making the most MBBOT, CHEAPEST andRELIABLE ROUTE by wMoh|r*gft« can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITT BURGH. Putt Class—Boots, Short, Hats, and Caps, Boohs, Dry Goods,'"(hi boxes / bales and trunks). Drugs, (id boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs, A0...,...•*•«* par Ssooas Class —Domestic Sheeting. Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. ~~ Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelfs, Eastward, &0.&0 ..We, per 10 Txixd Class—Anvils, Hemp, Bfioon and Pork. Salted, (loose or In sacks), Palate, (dry and in oil.) Oils, (except lard and rosin).Mu. patlW Fonts FiS, Bacon, Beef, and Pori, (is ottki of tb&ri eastward), LardandLaedOU, N*i tit Bod* Ash, German Clay, Taz, Piicfj Boa in, Steel, Manufactured w bteso, Rosin OU, Qaeeoswflrd, Sugar, (bhds,, bbis., and boxes,* fto.i ....400. psrlWi^ Flocjb—7sc. per bbl., until further notice. Gxais—Sso. per 100 lbs., until further notloe. ,Io9 * i “ ,g 600 fi?W*5P Boo&i ftom toy point But of Philod.i vi?/ “ tin Vtr.nsylmr.ia Boiiroad." Ml Good, consigned to tin Agents or this sfS?' JWladdrlUn or rlttnbargi, .mVe fonrsrded without detention. Fasianv Aaxxrßj—Clarke A Co., Chicago; Packer A S oo y. V* S* B * * Go.* St. Louis, Mo.; P. G. oJUil3y0 J Uil3y A Qo., Evansville, Indiana: Wm. Bingham, -Louisville, Kentucky.: B. 0. Mdldrum, Madison, Indiana; H. W. Brown k Co., and Ather & Hibbard, Cincinnati; H 8. Pierce A Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech A 00.-fto. 64 Kilby street, Boston: Leech A Co., No. 2 Ascor House, New York, No. 2 William st. New York; S. J. Saeeder, Philadelphia; Magraw At Eoom, Baltimore; U. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. 3. LOUBAERT, deO- General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. iDatclies, AftoelrD, JB. CALDWELL & CO.,' • 452 CHESTNUT Street. 'Have received, per steamers, new styles Jewelry, Chatelaine, Test Chains. Splendid Fans, Hair Pins. Fruit Stands, Sugar Baskets. Jet Goods and Flower Vases. Coral, Lava and Mosaic Bets. Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale o Charles frodsham’s LONDON TIME-KEEPERS delO OILYER WABE.— £5 WILLIAM WILSON k SON, MANUFACTURER* OF SILVER WARS, (ESTABLISHED 1812,) B. w. ooßSaa r ivth ahd ohbbrt btbbstb. ~ A large assortment of SILVER WARE, of every de scription, constantly on hand, pr made to cider to any pattern desired. , Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham imported ware. * seSO-dAwly JS. JARDEN & 880. • MABUrAOTOBBBS ABD IWOXTBBB OF SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 804 Chestnut Street, above Third, (np stairs,! Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE BETS. URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS. BAS KETS, OAStORS, KNIVES, bPQONS, FORKS, LADLES, Ac.. AC. Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal. se&ly FOR CHARLESTON, SC—HERON'S SjBS LINE—ONLY Eh GULAR LINE-GOODS KE OBIVfiD AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DaY.—Freight and Insurance at less than »ailia < veaj vessel rates, by the eteamehip KEYSTONE STATE, Cap’ain Marshman, to sail on Saturday. Oct. 9, at 10 o’clock, A M., from second wharf above Vine at. For further particulars pleaae v see advertisement oC Steamship KBYalONtf STATE, lnthiapsoer. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON,?*., . oed 1 828 North Wharves' .*£££* FOR CHARLESTON AKD SA SSlSfii VANN AH —HERON’S LINE. GOODS RECEIVED ANUBILLB Of LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. - The splendid first-class aide-wheel Steamship* KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA, Now form aweekly.lineforthe South and Southwest, one of these ship* sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o’clock A. H.» alternately for Charleston and Ba* vannu. FOR CHARLESTON. The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cantata 0, P, Marshman, will commence loading on THURSDAY, October T, and sail on SATURDAY, October 9, at .10 o’clock, A. M. FOB SAVANNAH. Tie STATS OP GEORGIA, Capt. John J. Gunn. will commence loading on ‘Xhnreday, Oct 14th, and Bail on Saturday, October 16, at 10 o’clock A. M., At both Charleston and Savannah, these ehlpeeoocect irith steamers for Plorida and Havana, and with rail roads, Ac., for all places in the Sooth km Southwest. IBEIGSTS B£DUp£27, freight it an aYeraga of Ift par cent, bate* Hair York staaoukip t* tea. IHStfaAHOB. WEIGHT and INSURING]] on a luge proportion of goods shipped Booth will be found to be lower by these ships this by sailing ressels. Oabim passage,.. ,$2O 00 Steerage do 9 09 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills of iading signed after the dip has nailed, for freight or passage, apply to A. HBRON, Jx., No. 838 (late 81) North Wham*. Agent* at B. AJP, G. BUD 3). Agasta in Savannah. fa. A. OBKEHH& A 00. Tor Ilorida, £««i Ofcnrlwton, ateamar OABOXJNA, *T«ry Tuesday. Tor JlorJdA, from fVr—nnTij ftruTTlfini HT •MtßTa and ST. JOUItB, ererj Tneeday and Saturday. Tor Havana. from charleston, steamer IBAB3L, on the 4th and 18th of every jell THE BRITISH AND NORTH SMRp AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- viol! xaw torn* »o utzbfool. Chief Cabin Pa55age................ $l5O 8ewnd0aWnPa55age............................. T 5 - nox BOSTOX «0 LIYMrOOL. Chief Cabin Passage........ SUO Beoond Cabin Passage 00 The skips from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Oapt, Judkins. } CANADA. Capt. Lea*. ARABIA, Cant. J. Stone. I AMERICA, Cat>l tv«r\ n%a ASIA, Oapt. is. Q. Lott. NIAGARA, Oapt. iv> j.tf AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. [BUBOPA, Oapt. J. Leitcb, These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head j green on starboard km; reden port bow. ASIA, Lott, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 22. PERSIA, Judkins. <k N.York, Wednesday, Sept. OT. NIAGARA, Millar, “ Boston, Wednesday, Oet. 6. < ARABIA, Stone, 11 N.York,Wednesday, Oot. 13. OANADA, Lang, “ Boston, Wednesday, Oet. 20. AFRICA, 3hannon, **' N.York. Wednesday. Oet. 27. ASIA. Lett, . “ Boston, Wednesday, Kov. 3, PJSRBTA, Judkins, « N.York, Wednesday, Nor. 10. EUBOPA, LeJtfib, * c Boston, Wednesday, Nor. 17. Berths not seenred nn\U paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. Tke owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold,BUv w,Bullion, Specie. Jewelry, Preeiona Stone* or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and tke value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to 8e29-y E. OuNABD, 4 Bowling Green, K. York. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER 2&S£gjbPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DERBY, without delay, for £0 dollars. * Return tickets, good for six months, to either of tke above places, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. txox nw roaz. New York, McMillan, Saturday, Joly Id, at 12o’clock, &f< Edinburgh, Camming, “ Oct. 30, 11 Glasgow, Goodwin, “ August f, ,f reox Glasgow. Glasgow. Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan .Wednesday. August 11. Edinburgh, Camming........... Saturday, Aug. 14. BATES OP PASSAGE. noX GLASGOW. first Glass .........lb guineas Steerage, found with cooked provisions...... 8 u raox nw tom. first Clan... ..its oq Steerage, found with cooked pr0vi5i0n5.......... 30 00 Children under 24 years of age, half fare; Infants to Steerage, free. Return ticket* available within six months, by any steamer of this line. first Class ~.$l4O 00 Bteecsge $6O 00 An experienced Surgedn at tacked to each Steamer, for freight or passage apply to WORKMAN &. WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, IT Broadway .New York. HALL A LON3Y, Buchanan 1 * Wharf, Baltimore, ayll drags and Cljrmxrals. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Manufacturers and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES, tod WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, Philadelphia. Sole Agents for the sale of the oelebrated floreffe Plate Qlsst. mh2B-tf Blank books and stationery. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound In various styles, In the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, french and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say— (( This display of blank boots for banking and mercantile use Is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, tha workmanship most excellent, and their finish ana ap pearance neat and appropriate.* * Ko2o.tr Summer Resorts. HAY’S HOTEL, WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, Pi. The undersigned has purchased the large and elegant building, corner of THIRD and PINB Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has enlarged and refitted it in a snperlorstyle. Williamsport is one of the most delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania, and his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as well to the traveller as to those citl sens or the metropolis who desire to pass an agreeable time during the heated term of the summer. His omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Paoket and Railroad Depots free of charge . jy2Wm W, H. HAY, Proprietor. gg BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS SL well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visiters on the 16th of June, and kept open until the Ist of October. The new and spacious Buildings erected last year are now folly completed, and the whole establishment baa been furnished in superior style, end the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled In any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under tbs management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests, give the amplest assuraaoe of oomfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of aooess, It Is deemed proper to state that passengers can teach Bedford by a daylight ride from Ohambenburg. > The Company have made extensive arrangement* to supply dealers and individuals with “ Bedford Water* by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles,* at tke followia «* prioes, at the Springs, tU : for a barrel (mulbery) $4 00 Do. (oak) $6O X Po. (mu1berry)............ SCO' K He. (oak)... 2CO Carboy, 10 gallons. 2 2$ Bottles,l)4 pint, per dosen.. 110 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that pGN chasers may depend upon receiving' the Water freak add sweet. All oommusfcatioDi should be addressed to THE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGB 00., mylP-tf Bedford Oauty, Ft j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers