• - ; • . 5/ l'..l_,logri, 4 + i_ ''' g ‘ , -:-s-.4, , 4 - 1 , -I , ' -prifiNES, liiiikTh.tir, ' ,t, tict e ,si . , - , .., . Aas,_ ' JjOcallt4l.loo2, sit ~,,...,Lattt,t4,, ‘., ' . -- ,10 - ;No: 420' nalllCPßoaritßET. i z • , ''' ,- --42 .. ' . it 01,0 ! ~ t , ,,, f 0 ,- i1 , , , ,2: : ,.: ,• 7 T- ~1, 4 1G4. . 9P IMPORTED DRY GOODS. V I 4 1., pram , +at j, , Air . to.s, rax., ~,.. 4 ~,, , ~On'Tnoada,y Blornilig, ; -----" '" , It a inglix , 1 - ,5' , 0 i .,., . , ''. , IEII4 all de , ' Sep ember flat',' it 10Voloidt, by tattlogue, on sla • dorifitioqa-AL — thairopiiif ~ 1,..d,..42,1„naktir , fnaontha'' credit- , ~ -, 0 _ ,„ , .., , , . lieu, 214 11 ! 404-44",1 ` l 9o4 l tptom e 2,2400 ipaokagee anklet's of fanny and staple imported ": tte41100349,bg042,54MA1N t i f.yol.s,,diri. --- ~ - ~ ~, ‘. Aip • : W ends saWg'4,,, ..-'i rr_.,... ~- - -..-- , , OatalogneK at& samples early on t h e mortdua -et ,- edf4,-1) wid-wiawfrO2l4l.llBl"it,Tdd w*.:, :na e. 1 - , - . , fisVontliN I 'l 4- 21 ,4 8 0,___IeRti; 1 0 11 ,, 4 -W.llultitk` ' tiliOlitiAß'Q ' S' freakiiiHT-IHDHOIis-LIoBT LAND righ ' tkilt„,i,,,,g",,,, r `t-PEMIL its,, , lPP„t„ll l ieltrer„y , 'Air *11:-OP Tau' mai:Or/mos Or HUBBUB Ofiid. N ..... . ' ' inkh's ' ffi " ' '"4"'lle't ' "'"q ' ' , Ar ' V PAYRN & 00: 'AND °TURAS. ' ' ` - .`, • 'rea,tti t# t " al t-t t 6; ....F. irrtg a u••;, 4 ~,, .:- '•,- . .64' Toe.asy , afornior . " • 21 0 ,,, • Jia it",; l 9th , Octooor,...'t "tt -•lettoiae.' , ' lsentembor ilat, at 10 o'clock-- '- - ' ~' 11 7- _, J'a f , ,S ,;A r , ' e..4u?i4bite of_the..ttb_Osa. tmlea_nOW, 203 , lots_auperiog quality, new. style , plaid, ombro, "'"t,'„,;Witkiii t iv ) ;, : i - `read ..". e: A MAP rtripe, abet4idd Mit .do Role bonnet.r e i s bbonp, . gii t apee:A c a t z:lki n 4 1 1 14 . , f`gw e g ik i . i` i i i lioptieinta,f22ll fdaortumut pc - ilasira, atY , . well ° .• ", 7." ., ,r , ..., _ worthy tha attention' bribe trade " ~ donakidnoo}2l ll ,l49fahlr, Miliiiiiit;-;::-.. , " ', ~, : , . rer y, Dv onEyril AND•2l,,afto LAMAS. ~, ;.-11Mrkip.o.OkrloWroady,*-,a.- -,- --- _, -. •, ' 2 inseldVargli &Wed en debli - eirr, etl , = =_... ate ~. all lifletatrit NNW! .05m. cp r , vro , ii,,,,,ii 6 4 1 „ta1,, , , ,„,,,t,, , , 00 , -.. , • • • ' 1144144,,t**kojkgYte..t,P"11-3610S4!AFi x,O ' '- • '-. . "iiii/ EAR OP' VIENNA ' Mae Weal* ,- ) 1 :;,....4 1.., ~ - ',..., .. - --.. '. ~, affEMATA difitk ATTRao _ , t g e ,, ogtbotitgagu .k g r„A rtf ois,ft4 l 44l iii ,f2ROCIEGLASID _ORENRITiftR STIAIVI,S, OF TITS r _„ , 03 ti, . witti ~i 0.1.04i.b, .....th. g. y .ppzz ayoeur . _021,222,1,TED ttjAuFAIITIA,EAttri 161PORTA to.,,.'eee/o.#looo4lo.4olkettalSWllw PPP 01 0 t1 ,1 2' 7' 21Ca1 , , ---R . 0 1 1WireAg A laV n r,' - • : 11'1. a tt u w ",,,,,R,1,V6 9 . P8. „ 9 - f ,?,1 1 - 41 'MgliTTNO,0 1 / 2 45 ', ienbiraiitiVA4l,At At oalaak, own'priling ,:, A j...14-I„witifs 7 te k tkoi,,,d , if o olivi t yro c : I,ol) , rl , a,talf s q.a!reaaara all aim* TaFlotioli .::: ' 12 . 9 ,, 11 1 1 17 . - F ht- 2 Y -t r nili gm - irs,,,,t, ' ::' ' -lA a t t 4,76 o l 4l iltirm. bfoChe long ahowle, ire magnificent '- ' trtgiltai,;l7=4llT,FttOlittli "ft;W= P,V t :"tt rt a rg" ' C ' --..-- ~ , - - ,;.ta ..Sjiaolpend s q,,fer ~,,..4 , 4 oA :Ptrata nn ..o l. , i . ,.„- '4 gtl 4 , .2 - ,. " lt ' ff u ENigit l iddlt t lrllTSV. D I VI d ARPS '':, n e t tr o ki,C P,ol, 4_ P... 4 .15 ,1 V1 ,7""---T-T:i.,107,. - t Consisting of the udorcat, and latest styles. ' = - -. ,' ' ---. 1 / 4 41,0% SAX Tramatas. 174,,t.awa; , i ar t z i ne . , atentioty or trieie In particularly eoll • Vi till iviengfraegikirit:e F t V ta t i ;go 1r..; cited freak' -h oi d i e da " o i riV Prig'h a Wendt(' lialortment it_....... ,i ..,. . ~,, , . 3 „ .120 , 0 „„ A , e , _,_ , __ R ameori , s importatio. and "rgiOr'lnae LOOVRODIRRIROICO4IS4 weeklya never, befora,ottirtd at it - betion. 71M nastortment of cm ~,,,,-,„,,,,,,,,,-,_ , ~, .1-,„).„00,, ~,•_ ~, ccdprg waits faired suitable to this Market. , 400 illaftlil3 fkaturaraztogag Ft,lvaixis• oci, ;,. . 2 , , BALI ': - OP . FRENOII 00003.‘ - '''.- - 4 0 - 1 VeT222 2 34124. Saverdlig,t , o.o . ! .1 . 1-2:1! • ... ', . , 'On Friday Morning, _ . sep i eraba i rm " , . 1„1 ,..... 2 , 400 ,-,..,m,th e _phu a g e iphi a , Sept 21th, at' ip &cloak, by catalogue, on 0 months , Nltahan - 2111-Vie , 0 622221 Oirwtirtia, it , inky ,noiloban,„-., ~f - dlidit-=' , ~.-. ~ ...J - ~ , . Ataa eimemso k iouittprtiogst‘isla. , ompaus,ataairraa . - 4 no paddcaged and lots of fancy and atapie French dry stock. :.., - , - .4- ?. - p„d.'. it a, 0.-.., - Li, krt.; /.. „',, , , ~. r.,,... °" ' ...ii c , , I. , t ... -' '' ' • „ tra, pamples,„,andrattdogu_ca early on the morning of Also,.;:fir p_thaigienolinti- _ . - , 1.50 DRemvsibilatiat weratanrampa opmparg- mit , '- • " -•' ' , 125:ah raladaylaanillititant 01(11110T via ,yettu. lator Odinpiltytpat 140.-Tullpaid.-4,,,, , - 3 , ~„ , -r, ~,, ~ ift Ahro,,hmlylidoiloan akadelnypflfusle, with Me - 001111a4aeggibli , ii„,Gersiatitortn,_aud tbirristoWlo Railroal lima 1,,y. ''', ~ 4 , - , ,, , ,c, , - -i , (..„,, , 4 'AUL cif tbrormlain itmav `oonoent4V l I . -$1,(011 - fiVer'earaiitaimilliatnefieldlltailroad Company. ~ Also, AS afxsle , d. merlon Mutual Insurance Comp*, Alset-wittloirereWriti, for accountbf whom it May eto'cortP-2 -, ...2' .2' , ~,,--.. ,- ,t , - 1.-:, 1 '-_- HO elliareif Little 13,,buyikill WI sigation and Railroad • Gonipatirtiock.l - .._,. ~- ,- - ;_-__ - r0 - . . ,023 - -BM 'MTH YaTir. SAVE-SEPTpIDDR2IOO. -- '4itirinitiodwa' ,t• -," , , , , • , ~ ,,t ;.- 1 . TWENTY - DRIORMING:IiLTGOEI vitto," Ads• i tt - , , Mis . X.Secii** , :letsstopterry:Bele-Estate of Serem - ton. Deceased. -: - - Tllltrk-.STOESBRION - DWELLING, and hi : older! front's dWelf.lllWN6e. 528' end 52K Nortli•Fifthstfeet, wlth frathePshoplu;thes,soar: , ,Also, „ two: tio.story' brick derellingai Neiss29.and,s3l: Chatham atreet,:with" two trfo.:*t4,S bid& divelliujoln'the 'rear: :TheArhole. to' be sold toudther.r . , , . el?, .7, _„, • - TIME:STORY BRION DWELLING, No. 452 Frank - lin Strelit,. abnies 'Noble Street. ••• . - TEICIM-STOEVERICGS. , DWELLING,Noi4O7 Grim' $l , t TURTIE-STORY-BIGGIT ,6T08.N AND•DWEL - LING, No. - 71.7 1 0edlowlitlf etre,* • • . TWO-,q(32.2-43146/40.WPIliaNes 'CIO., Gil, street:- ' • No. 925" Wash. lag tthrlitVietssllsoM-eutlestZeit, T birteenth •Waid.t. T11t,139-STORYiillttlo.ll TAYELLINGA'No-65R far e& street, Oftelittb-street.. • TIIRSIEsiTEREENSTORV, .1011011.-'•DynairiNes, , east side iscl'esolratreolcbetireen 'Amen amt. Onates,, and Secontrand."New liferket streets - • • • IfTVD•TtiItam•STORY BRION. DWFLGINGS,..form big a court, ?Aeolian alLer,lietweeel Fourth and Fifth streats; Twelfth Ward, - - .• - TURICE.STORY:BRION STORE AND DWELLING, No. 765• South" Fourth- street, Worker' German and , Oatherinestreets. " Salii of the whole estate pereittptori. Partici:L iars •=-• "T". FAOTORY, A4."-Xber,'"isilnable;'.Propertg :knowril , the .f'.tidrard • Flour Xilltyl.,,coal"yarCico ; - ; Ninth :street,. On , the; - eaerinanba wmisnel.liorrlatoirn Railroad, aborOTdplar strent, - dotW byy:10? ,frentei with. extensive brick superior -machinery, large ~,brick fan., S6•Pliug coat, Fool, raliroad . ,tracksoke " Execittor?s..Ponfroptory Sale+Rstate Qtago,.. STA.I BLit, - AND.LARClA,l,Or;Aeltiware.:Be,viiirth street, north ki feet front, - 148glest . deop,, - lll{} ,Wl4 ~ L t INGS.-rThree story brick dwelling, .FionCatient,belOW-Ninth With two frame - dwellingwin the rear. on Hope street. • ißkeentorediale. - -Estate or Mary Nanny, deceased. 17.Aourpurelthk}78rgor .Boiox Isorozoor, • No. 2105Oatrtiliiiittigrieril?olow Wdlnnt: street, Lot ''. 2.2 feettrcinific,t:••• 4 :62 . l:- '4AttrADLE 10.51DEN021:;.Neirtly - nandstittliefettstsFylifloir residenct,lilthleick nige and Alt Modern improsementey Nis: 524 North Sixth - • etre* hearEpring Garden street. - , HAN ME' DSO -11.0DRItN - RESIDENGE: - • bfilY owner' of Fittiorittilifollotatlatd;litteete:',!. ; ;7' • ; Trustee's late: 4, zr,t• PEN,WEGETARD.-Neat modern residence; No -1405 Faber t litreet,atiiireltroad; bkiesitol'enn Fqtrare; • Ef(111111 - 1/ALtreiALD.:....4)N VIVA • - :Executors' Sajo-Ltabitehf Abralam4llller; deo'd. • 1.110/.34041k1:`510D14RN' 'RNSIDRIeOIWWITIE y4tD,. N07.2891-SP,Rtiljr STREET.-, 4s-,On- Tuesday Afomingr • • • • - neo;2Bth,r,V3oeohilooki, on the' prembies, No. 138 i - Spruca'atrebt; minier_of 243yeamore street out of Broad stroetAsLot 22 , fenVonflProne street, 110 feet ;on Syca more streetP. , * . • - -- • NINT4.7ALIOIAL.I4.-; • 243 th SiiI.TEIIO3.I4.R; ~,,mgat3pAtit:SNE,,,l.ol""Or GROUND, Logan streot, - between britforiiikof sad" Green streete, and went .:"f HeTiath; etreet4i;.(•/.1 - t -i v - - ..B.xecacurhi.Stil*LßAtixte If epj,'• it.`,.lVaicler; NOBLE EXTINET:4-Ttireillstorg diselling,NOble streeLirest ot,Vriarth.atreet,', ,'s .'Orottaolkt.O7.llonralcopnozNolo, Vzilr, Snip or sixgarcrlt STREET, No. 254, nortb 7 of Spruce atiret, anpeitoratable and, coach,lionso,and-large gar, den - extending to Rimer street:* The -wh o le premises hi' perfect order. Ileac may, be, Mut , at, the auction roomer ge .portiondf,the purchase, nmeey m l 7, relnalu , en mortgage: • r . ,• .NEA.4O.IIIOtN'RELIDENO2I,, - *lth maible t _frotit; BiXtesoth- snot, Onstaldecisorth of Spruce, ' street, 26 feetfront: trr,l,nimadtate possexeion: _ ZLIGA,N ,WSTDERPErf:-„ elegiinehretin- s4 ne resitlenc,c;No„`l7o'relteinitieeq near Ritteuhordie Fetter& with' extfairOeffiri liiiitoretuftits - ,initlif Rest.' I.lt, 0 FEE TY: - 246eit 7 sVt3,Tiefilialire had liftilitit A - street: wltb_ltive tinek., ; dieftisiis! tho - rear; lottax by,170 - jet:t..4.l„Wrifionte. ' ' • ..••`.•.7": • . • Pereteetery - liale•!''" ' TEIERE4TOET,ISEION,ETORE"KisiD -riVEIiLIE ; • notthikelt`thinift,lfdelitli - Ind Wharton - latieelt, bite Frentliwarh - ,.. • - • : . 5 • ••• - YAttrAßtAz co itriElt. 'LOT; t 'feet en` Twentieth etreetr,l2o;feet",ini:Erkwin.etrett` be, feet on capitAl. istrset:Nrithinhitiegnaretttheleostes-steet' Passim , CLlllllOU'preoPEßTY.—Three,itory brisk ebureb, and large,fotof grannif j tfirrekeeti•betweetriElkth'stid Savant 7 and • OUR alltrint 4:f DIVRMINOS, Thrie". s tory .brtok itiveltWEOl.lBlB . ..lvried ) ,'"Cfroee t f ntifty.e.:•Ellhe almet,' With three brceicorellings In the-rear: --1: , • - _• . STORE ..d.NWEWELT.INO.;'-'lliree-atory brick More ItiiddiVlfirt4clithedat'lminerl'et , Twenty-seentul and Elea 'rstvocidiitiketii. , o 2 - . 7, • 55 •5, -, " - • la am IaRBIDENOBc, Ne. liath .streat - Bristol. tatittSfisies testa the stesniboat.landitig., - - Eseatitot t aiatilb- - -v . Retitto , `or NINE lIISILDINO .LATE!, First ward, Tic • • - ' LOA- Whitetail street, 'west of Austin (amt. LOT; southirest some; of Eleventhand Lents LOT...Eleventh street; -ielith'orlianta street:" *- 201Ilt LOTei,• Lents street,,,` west- et Eleventh street. ' 1 .01 , Twelfth sttieti:nbrth of; Lints' greet; and 0T, 7 toriffiesit, r Oran. of ',TweEttr ;and. petal . ' 6treets Ll7- .4lll iliAlaiiiii Fri;likii'dfiiiiS.'. l ' „ MOO 'l4o;:i.X.etttLir,Diat Zincttiti/WegO *weer ErdadAndErirrienAtte - elai'7l2oltiet, ,iciad'ste,editoth 4,00,:kg05 - tot - bn,.:Westmoolaud okei t !Ab tl e iraJFlktleo . , ilittilitm tkri . eity4.thren trea l3olji.Elig i E EUIVNITUttE, , • biIREOES„ - fronitedleteli atter fhb' sale tic tite*hcipaitirK„be eel& the ,ept,irehnesehidd friiniture- , . , - '„,H4loo,Tainfituopta . atrEit ., Ross wo0i) ' krAJM - LiAN4I - Pri , ammo Hai iEtati-ANT: ~, ,,V E.T'EdiIIPETB,- G AB- 0 11iNDELLEES, , ' Ott ge 4 5 1 490 140 n4 6 6 :; • =444 lit ',l'o,_ecloic i lu -- Igipqconplitriiii, second doer-abiefedrelreitiest; east - Side,: by Mitilimrith;lhe, .11iindteme rosewood-,piano-torte,. 7 oetaiiiiii; xnede o hy: Itilehentinik'iikne'Fieneh piste, .manteLand pier ndte.ert, '44{164 tapestry velvet -mtrpirti„hasiderime otiti obandell er.s..&o_, of-a fami.ty- declining henankeep ing.. -The fernltu re_ wee , made to order, tpd; kika bet little - Alecya superior. lit seatagsehirie, rel'ade"7, Wheeler , ?t, Wilsen.ln trier - Set order, and aottllnt. 5 " ' be examined ste elf. on the morning • - of sal daitt tolitb'Fbiti'ery 0 4 1PE1401t 4 SITItNlinnt,gt Pithblo-YORT,E i 410/ RiNf ilr ' lllll4t 9 . 2. ll3 t . • - tha sttettos,Aartii int faillilit - efeelltitafieeo,tiChitid - thrhititie; elegint ldwito.fortea; One mlnnrel.naVlZetefi from. private faintltee deslinftt.Vienttkeep reptofed; tolhe'ltere AUOT,Luktista - - 1 3 - 10 0311:01441183:10113.1SIEBO, HAVITkIIi,If.• water rgrarrArrabilA2ol3,BltWOF NORFEI'IND..II6ODPI:;- -2110OBAND /I VA inmpazo , !to TR, -,- ;Nalbsitbitheatligle;•ordorreltett ,collstentle'tete 'plseS, at - Masse Nathans , auction stare,-southeast cor ner orgixtle.nrid Rabe street); , , • ' On, 'remise Kerning,- ggptember 21st, at 9 Welock, in.the ealagroom, second story, - iligtkitot, item" Itimer ;street, -and 571111 amulet" or, largtist4assort,mont.or (Ina gold bunting. cue, don • Isle ; salmi and: double Ibettogetd-, , ,lttigltgh , patiot "'lever '*gtobga, - -„thf moot or 1115111)st, tiv9B.liargt ; gold canes of tbe.teirk qptoncl-.,gbd veirbegt s toikera flee; gold doubre agetgod'opeti few, eiloseteent. Jerez end Xep,rai atcuel plgte,itelir-barit gold eartiOt ,gold aitteg ketettio Louperiop.ifiver , liant-: tog metts,doubleagge,,Metdciuble , bottobTed,..) 4 ll4h4i; - tont lover 'webtlteg,'Wliveblled'zielkll4tit.; !Myer ear; °oilmen t lover - InClithibirwiteligitecmalitedred envoi 5 double atak:guldli - lboetlegireff-vratoblig,iKtyir , teatobea diamond, breaitglnsfmid:ltogie tlogigi'dtuf gold irest,-.oao, - 40 1 41; spectacles, doe; gobl racelets ) ; bregelptboh, an rigger `; lugs. one -.' awl pkitit;••seitt Aoki f idtdirlidfdegilltiblatat medallions, 'l,c•uvregy ilesh;444 1 0t,t4 fir tin, ;old 'finttritn : ::. -Yrnfich,horns revol l iofe' o . s Vitfioult:ipprarad makers, • 21, :dttOttiandeln ' irtilikuts: 1- ...0 0- ",tOTWWar,a'f't4o.lnon•- 'f-rP r ieii.eo) l 4(s', 4 ( 4 4 lo . l ol6 , iisa i btithetiainOther r arttoles,; 10,40-totialviatriyotinnbeo.itt ['inallcipt.pl4 .116d# grternfioti.-, - , SAVO' ' o oFBlTiD"eloot)3:t 4 • • • . On , needitair?illtlii- 1 "- , ;;Ir';- xelsenn.9llB**9 o. o: l 3lo4NagerNattutuiesits, Pion ifore.:leeeod - PetoV? entra~,ce from Rain sire.t, commatioenrelotrdotirerettrieilookiiLnosartic les, beddlmt,fte4,l4 - • Partonut4.rS4g 4. 4311/B kLAVAV.A#4O3 O .. - . and Aiv S il lt2. l W Al o3il(4l, l lCd : Wait TLErlialidulfris 41 1 4 1 o rmktioiPpfoOtgo Pear pt. only it " tight diidni buoy . Tango, ' Roars ot build dia,neloololOokt anti 10 ntionat in thi ovontoz. - Got4opt• aoloorota tieVittgot-itgi - ,# , J 1,11 1 - # l -17;Yrdrila 000 .„Favostisaad/or,taa hut xiislefrotriatta dollar to ttionsanditOu bta 2 14.5110411sozglato;lintobva n dowal,t1, Kraidwgieffivo,4 Artll4rir: S t 'l 4 ' ll 4)9 ,1 8,0t r op.M,taita/ -rnatiffdenbt;'*.tiota4;Refl,,fi"Cfortioali:tnts !loots at 2#4ol4s46tipt.letar kantjranuatty lay I•llgthl.4ot A19211 - oppgroett _ •,17 AlLimrl,llroon,p,pp,hutplgpt - and,stjraw* M . 04 11 1 - 0.4 0 -#441 0 0 1 11, pifftr 1 - 4 • 21111 e of a 4.004'4320 feat,..taala , se 1 5r ;1/ibliadithlat*.tliOtraolta:to,atoroArt Tainablea, sod „to fot-.1404r0t0/OeS; 0100, Lug 49". 1 1 192 . 00 t.?! Por lo f , !/ 1 _ 71 !!g . 4 , ,„-&,.4_,.....k..:Aaridcar on 'zivi '00.4 1 .ry , ft , 40.1 1 8 - s liiklptt Aaj aloof on .o r IY,P.4. , Pf - 1 • • _ ; :•.:-.‘ 3 ;! ; 7,5 . aikiata 'iths.ll ctaimfo.;' ' 4 ; ht....; 4- AT ..11211rApli ffi and * SR; 1 5f Ir— :OAT glarlty ee , - • tr7'4?:097 k 1, 4 r ,40 t t e 4 av t , f e Ar c co ti tt ird'iw yj tatto 13 ent :to lkcsk nuts Anaanpkyo4 at ooc tz k . tturtre tA g o *k toioiaatr : = q - '* iv tottlistatt L yEtT,rf*' WILLIAM 11. YEATOW ; 7 ' .i .7 41/ Boit/4,4404'1T 049 I- I " 4 117: ril, - . flrtKl _ , , union:. §)30170.r.; AUOTIONEFiIt,' (emcees -13011.4 WOLMIRT SCOTT,) 481 CHESTNUT St. OVPPA . Itirth_fttllno between' ronrth and NM • BALE 'OP 500 LOTS BMitIiOiDBIIIES, • - ILOMMIS. too • '. On Wednentax:,lltorniug, 221inetent - at 10'O'cloek; by cittlogue, on n credit, :600 1 -lota :innbroidorioe, - oonNieting fit part of new elle onfobric,9e.nonet; 'and boOk collets, note, eleoves, bander, fAotincinge, &o. ' • ' Alen,ew style bonnet and trirarning:Tibboni) trench artlnclal nowera, &Sr. - ' - CLOTALSA.Nib OABSIMEXES. „ Alao, black and'faity_ltrench cloijaa and casein:tern 0-. ars ANp BILAIVinE. A• - 7 Aleo. Incrlno'ahlrte and drawers, white and colored ' ” , OIL' PAINTINGS AND 'FANCY TABLE. •At the bominencetpe,nt of sale, four fine oil paint Inge, la ileh ant frames - . ' - - . - - ' Aleoti a fancy in'aid table:' , ' . rointip. FORD, AUCTIONEER, No. 530"MARICKT BTEBET, between rIPTH and SIXTH. month aide, _ ,LOOT AND SHOE BALD DY-DATALOQIID. , r • On Thursday Morning, .2nd lest; at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold 500 cases men's, women's, misses , . youth's, and cbildren'e boots, Oboes, gaiters, brograntl, &a., comprising a desi rable iumortmentfor city and country isles 4Er Samples, will bo arranged with catalogues early on the morning of sidi v wben Vie:attention 'of purcba- Sera is reguewed ;INGRAIN, "VERITIAM, LIST, AND RAG OAMUTS. On Thursday Morning, , r,2/11inst.; included'in catalogue-- 1 - .104 Ores eirtrit'hiliwy 'and soperrtlee, all , doxatad and woolirich high- Goleta ingrain nurslings. - 50 pieces 4-4 extra quality, new designs, plain dad damask Venitian of 8 4. 54,-718and 4-4 widths. 20 places 4-4.. wide eats heavy list and rag carp:dings. IIItIISSMLS OARP.ETINGS AN , / TUFTS') RUGS. Oa Thdpiday•Marning, ' 20 pieces rich neerxtiles firuTsiels carpets. 60 pieces nee patterns extra quails tutted rugs. smiEsittiuk; 7 BANK and 10 OTRaWIIItIt.RY; between MAR • Klal' and o;ll.Sl3yrraT and BEOOND and Tlllllll streets •.- - _ WOLURT. Avpriortsx, - A. "OTAARVtt CO., AuOnorrEnao, Aim I,7* . CoxlitasiorldsßOLutra, No. 27 Stioth-BIGUTIS STREET: conker of LODGE STREET. , LARGE SALE OF PURNITURE, CARPETS, &o. This Morning, At 10 . e'olock, by orderof a Pawnbroker, we will eel _ at No.-27 8 nth 'Eighth street. a large variety of for felted furniture, consisting of bureaus, bedsteads, bed • ding, chairs, tables, washstands, &0., also, a fine lot of white chinaware. - : . Also, on sioonnt of whom it miy concern -200 boxes front' Scotch herring.- SXSOUTOSS , SALE Or HOTISSIIOLD IIfftNITURE ' • . On Tuesday Morning, We will sell at No. 878 Oberry etreet. by order of the executors of G. Metz det'd, the entire household. fur niture, consisting of line marble.top tables, Betsey wal nut hodatemle, some very. fine old paintings, Brussels OfirpetS; &a., &a., all Lobe spa Mithont reberse. TAMES 'A: "I`lo3i , AVOTIONEER, - NO. 4.161*.A.M1T llTloin t ibore FOURTH. IP Pertdnii favoring be with tentlgnmente can rest Watered that ,their property will notbe sweriftcod. , Oanu*LsO9uetiorio moderato Than those olorged by any other, Motion' Mote in the mi. acinelfrinfientittempeotthlty solicited. Cr_Aatae nail twoodAtelr after ths , roodt Cr. told AUL :EBTATWSALE-148PTA5I8ER 224. This sale'srill , , Executor& Sate —Nstste 1. B. Tyson, Dec'd. VALUABLE LARGE DWXLLING AND LOT, B. W. coaroca.NOWITH AND 'IPRIdf& STRNETB.-=-That :minable thise-story brick' dwelling-bones and lot'of ground therelo,belonglng, situate at the S. W. corner of , Pourth and 'Prime stree.e. 8t feet front, 204 feet deep. This properly le desirable u a dwelling, for law of tee, or 'could be altered; at small eXpense, Into a store. - ' : '33"•Part ot tbe pnrehaea•money,my tannin • Same Betate. TWO.TORY . BRICK DWELLING PRUNE , Alpo, the sriudi twelatory brick building. belonging to „the same estate - , adjoining on the west, 23 feet front, 31 feet deep.l.Sobject $lB ground rent. (Subject also to an agreement that upon the alienation er Iteproyu ment :Of this property the , alloy at 'the side Is to be widened to 8 feet four'inehelf,'and. to be 12 feet high in .the clear, ) 3' fjy',:art'iiitit's Puraisse.monep2may remain. . • Positive Sale. DVILDINI'LOTS, LATE SOUTHWARK.—No. A.,building - lot; south side of Watkins street. 224 feet e46t, of., girth street, _Southwark, 12 feet:ll% by 111)i 'feet deep, to Piero& street, ' • : -- Ne lot, Moysmensing road, 98 feet bel-,w Morris street} T 6 feetfront, 125 feet 2ji inches deep, to Oithestreet:!' - - - • - • - "- Positive Pate. . HOUSE : ANDLOONY, OXFORD TOWN— SHIP Louse Lod. V 'P A of Et•otiod, No. 170, a plaii of Tawny: corner of Waeltiligtoristreet, Oxford and detieg 'street, GO feet by: - 180 feet. Three (route . Olean of fn. cumbrance. - ' ' ' riaitive Salo. NEAT THEEEETOR'i I BRICK DWELLING, HOW ARD BTABET, NEAR , ATARILET.—A neat tbrea-stoty .brick dwelllng•house and 16t of ground, west side of Llawsitstrier, 110 feet south of Market /Area, LS feat front, 60 feet deep : to a 8 feet alley. Will rent for 5125. SBO ground rent.. Era I e poattive. Terms cash. PO to 'be paid on each of the above when the nine in struck off IBieCtltOra' Sate, S. W, corner of Fourth and Prune SM. ,FASIIIONAI3LE ROSEWOOD FURNITURE, VELVET CARPETS, ELEGANT, CURTAINS, BEDDING, &o. ' . • • On Wednesday Morning, At 10 o'oloek; will be sold at the siouthwast corner of Fourth end - Prone streets, by order of the assentors, the soperibitoseriood' household fitiniture, velvet car. pete, French China, ibo.,-bolongiug to the estate of the late Pion: J. It Tyson, dett'd. Including superior velvet carpet for.tWo perlore, ele gant brocatelle and -lace curtains, cornices complete, cost s6oorin use bat a short ,titnei,rosewood sofa and parlor chain With' hair seats, rosewood "oteuere—cont 690; rbtaiwe , d sofa-tabledi3ierms. marble top ;,Venitian blindef,tni3yrofsd divan . ; roseirood table; Egyptian mar. „bletop;.corner ettspendod what-nobs, rosewood carved, fa , cy,, and arm chaira,, roNwond bat and umbrella 'stand, 4 carved rosewood hall -theirs, handsome rose wood dressing bureau, cost $00; rosewood Jenny Lind bedstead, cost $75; etraw.palliastrpu and superior hair mattresses rosewood wardrobe, bedsteads, washstands, sot of handsome chamber ware, cane.sest walnut chairs, .&o.; elegant rosewood est:nab:in dining table, with Case for leaves, cost s9o'; double set, of elegant white and "salmon olnner china, nearly new, perfectly sound, cost '6150; set painted, dessert service plated ware, lose wood secretary and bookoan, cost $9O; mahogany do. Also, kitchen furniture, storms, refrigerator, etc, ko. "IlJ"-The furniture was made by White, atd is of the beat character, may be, examined early on the day ;of lisle, with condom:tee. Elecutorfir:Fala—Eatate of .110n.-.1. IL-Tyson, deo'd. VALUABLE LAW AND MIICELIANEOUELIBRARY. - On Friday Afternoon. "'Sept. 24th, at ft o'clock, will be sold, at- the auction store. by order of the Exoeuters, the entire valuable law and miseellaneous. library of the late Mon. I. IL ,Tyson, deceased, including the Pennsylvania Ile ports, United`fitateeDigests; Wharton's State Triale, • Livingeton'a Othninal Code, Puffendorf, Leyden ed.. 2 yole; Thomas Coke, 3 vole ; Story on Promissory Notes; Chitty on Bills; English Common Law Reporta, vole; Bitean'a Abridgment of Bouviets Notes, JO vole; Smith's Law Debates in Convention, German and Eng ' lish; liazzard's Register; /o,volit ;Law Library, C 6 vole; °ranch's Reports*, 9 'Volk; a - complete' copy of Cicero's osiorks, and many others. -MISCELLANEOUB.—AIso, a number' of very value- Ude works, among'whioh are the Expedition to Japan, by Cosa: Patty Ui 5: Naval Astronomical Expedition under-Lieut. Gillis; Commercial Relations;. a number of copies of different vollsof the ,Paelfto Railroad Sur veY; The Congressional Globe; Patent Office Reports; • Sailing,Dircetions, Lleut:Maory; Itichardson'n Die tioearyi2 volel_st -handsome set of the ,. British Poeta, ;60 pole; efeelleon Papers, 8 co a; Grange's England, 4 If vole; eber'nfliarratire i • 2 Tole; Theron's Novels, 6 .vole; paper sod calf Fanny Remble4 journal; Robert. son's America; Paood'e Pennsylvania; Vabarits Lives of ' , Allston, ti vela; Niebuhr Lectures on Boman Hist°- ry;B vole; Moller°, 6 yole; Horace, vols. Imperial Gazetteer_ 2 • vols;lBuatanart's Memoirs of Painters; The -Rocky nonntains. by W. IrvingrFlander's Lives of 'Chief justices; Frost's United Staten; Allibone'e Die. tionary of Anthers; Lempeiere-Dictiortary; Spanish do; lot Of valuable aside Books; Plans, Drafts. &a., for artAmeriean and European tonrist; Boileau's Complete, 1 8 vole; Dixon's - Life; of Penn; ,Janney's do; Gibbons 'Rome, 4 vole; Macaulay's' England, 2 vole; also a num. < ler of novele,.patapblets,,Mo.• < Catalogues will be'rEady and thillmoka arranged for examination before the sale. • , TURNBULL' 8c GO ! , "IMPORTERS AND WROLEBALE DRALERS VIINA AND QUEENS WARE, Noe. 23 and 25,50UT11 FOURTH 'STREET, Between Market and Chestnut, • . PHILADELPHIA. 1:13' tirLABSWARE, open or by the pankatro., &n3l-2m FALL STOOK' - CHINA AND QUEENBWARR.- ,! ,33 IC 3D az El "Et, OIT , Nci. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., fiocrt DOORS'EELOW THE MEROHANTS , HOTEL, ' i • Hare now in store the largest assortment of - CHINA AND QUEENSWAHE In the city, of their twit importation, to which they Invite the attention of GLASS BUYERS. PP , A PPtilfOthianufactured Pittsburgh Glass. - tuze4m . TO SOUTIIEIui AND WESTERN :; • itiEribitANTS. „ODiNdj, 6 1. 413 8WANN,' AND - DANDY ARTIOLES, AT ras !•0141167 XVIZET PRIOSB, AT ifkiNg4.l . TAN.lrrlll, Importers, 1 • MASDNICS #crirolle cupATNIIT STREET. IitiLIA.N - HEMPAAarge stook of t tallan Hemp on hand and gor gale byy -I, r/0223 700 r hhd 23 r. Wharves. 4BE 813.-105 boxed -Herkimer county Ohbese now landing, and for sale by a. BARTAR de. 00, kt ditOU ldtroot, gd door elnye Zroeti t - ( n :: SEPTENIBEW - 14i " loa; .t.. - - PP - % 4 .- 1 k.•-• itjiita, C~lass wc ; &c. A large Stock or 7 1 ":! 133baisale . . D . . D OIitSTIO GOODS.' FOREIGN 'AN —. _ . ABBIBiRTO f3.llUTOllll , OOjli, • ' •• -. ; ,• ,- No. 172 iTheatint'll4eot, s.•• , •:- Offers for 'sato . ' • " • ••:.Al NEN STRIFES; °EXAM:MC.IIB; FLANNELS, DRILLS, JEANS, 'I BROWN, BLEACITED, AND COLOREp , MUSLINS, SLUSTATOE.BIIIRTINGS, . - . Snail wiltliti flora the ' BALM MANG CO., BATES MAN , G , CO., . '- NORTHVILLE DO - LOWELL DO. ..'''' FAINIIILL -DO. ' WEST BOYLSTON DO. - . AlllO, • Templeton Aline Doeskins andTancy Onssimeren, WnOdwntd ' do. - do. do. Saxony ninr do, • ' do. do. • Together - with alarge assortment of doalrableTorolgn Goods._ sepl-lm THOMAS & hieLELTIN, . • No. 297 OKESTNUT STREET, OOMIIBBION BIEROLLANTB FOR TILE BALE OF, AMERICAN COTTON AND WOOLLiN GOODS TO DEALERS IN' OIL CLOTHS. The Rribicriber having supoilor facilities for Nam teetering ' FLOOR, ?retro!, STAIR, and ' , , ' • CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Is now prepared to offer great inducements to Buyers from ell parts of the country, A large and choice Stock Constantlf on hand. Great care will be taken In'aelecting for Dealers who order by mail. . WARRHOUSR, No. .220 ABM Street t 3m* TIIOMARPOT ' UIt, Menufacturei. , IICILABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF -PEOTHS.; WAREHOUSE, ItB NORM. !THIRD. STREET PHILADELPHIA 011111 R to the trade • full stock of Floor. Oil Cloths; medium and extra quality enamelled Muslin Drills and Duok. Table Oil 'Cloths, new styles; green glazed 011 Cloth for window amides. A oompleto assortment of Window Shades, trimmings, ke. We invite the attention of dealers to our stook. aulB-2n2 RIDGWAY, lIEII§§NER, & GO., IMPORTERS OP CLOTHS, . VOSSITINS, and CASSEHSTLEB SOLE AMMO FOR TUE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED MANUFACTURERS FRED. EROKENBT(LittIe Ticket,) W. A. JOHANNY, Abhoe, GEVEBB & BOHMIDT, (B and M Oloths,) . ZAMBONA BROTH BUS, (Fancy Ocaptineres,) BROICH & LAMBERTS, (F cud B Cloths,) - E. TORNNIEB & CO.,' P. G. HEBBBIAN & BON, (Mason Cloth) HABELOFF & 00. No. 206 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. H. W. RIDGWAY, 6n13 , 2m CHAR. BROWNER. 1,200 PACKAGES Brown and Bleached :MEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, and DRILLINGS direct from L&CONIA, GREAT FALLS, HADLEY, PERKINS, MASSAIDIGSETTS, -DWIGHT, HAMLET, and OICSOT SIMS, In which will be found a large and desirable assortment, to with% we beg to call the attention of the trade. ROBESON, INDIGO BLUR RRINTEI, HAMPDEN TWEEDS, STRIPES, TIOKINGS, AND COTTONADES, In great variety. SATINETS, FLANNELS, &0., For sale by FROTEINGUIAM & WELLS, Agents, auB-2mII 85 LETITIA 5t.1833 34 S. FRONT St WELLING, COPFIN, & CO. 116 CHESTNUT STREET,' Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, tit' fol lowing description of goods : A. A W SPRAGUNIP PRINTS, in great variety, inoluding Chocolate, Turkey, Reds, Greene, Blues, Shirtings and Panay Styles'. BLEACHED MEETINGS SHIRTING!), A DRILLINhs. teeedate, , = Atasonville, Hope, Washington, Union Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston, {White Rock. Phenix, - Acton, Ac. BROWN •SHRETINGS SHIRTINGS, AND Neu— itutta s. Matoaca, Virginia Family, Groton, Nttrick, 'East's' Virginia, Nagle, Manchester, Alec's A Farm's, Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Curs' River, Riverside. CLOTHS. Botlomley's, Pomeroy's, and Glenham Co.'s Black and Pansy all-wool and ootton warp Clothe in great variety. DOESKINS AND OASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Sextons River, Bristol, Tony's, Stearn's, and others. SATINETS. Stearn% Ares & Aldrich, Taft A ()apron, Zaino*, Swift River, Cerium: l. re - Hockannm, Duhrino, Oonversvillo, Ac. SlVESlAlK—Lonsdalo's, Smith's, mid other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Panay Negro Stripes and Plaids. , Jewett City and Irene Stripes, Denims and 'Pickings. Rhode Island and, Philadelphia Linseys and Apron Checks. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Plannele, Ac. Jy22-2m RWIIARDSON!S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS: DIAPERS. ace 00 Niiinif Elia of RIOff#RDBOWS LINENS, and those desirous 0 , obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purotikke are sealed with the uame of the firm, RICHARDSON; SONS, & OWDEN, AO a guarantee of the sounduele and durability of the This caution In rendered essentially neeegeary as large Quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, /Raison after eeason, and sealed with the name of ItIOTIARDSOIS by Irleb houses, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not reeling. abandon a business Co profitable, while pos °Mears can be lmpooed on with floods of a worthless character. J. BCILLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, ter2S-Sto Agenta. 86 011II1tOH Street. New York Brokers WITHERS & PETERSON, BROKERS, No. 89 South THIRD Street, (East Ride.) Promissory Notes, Drafts, acceptancoe, ma turing In this or othor States, promptly collected, and parties advised immediately on receipt of funds. Drafts at sight or a few days to run, cashed at mode rate rates. Southern, Eastern, Western, and Penneylvania State Money bought at low figures. . Drafts drawn on all the principal cities in the Union. au2l-2m CHARLES E. BUCK, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AGENT, No. 314J4 WALNUT STREET. Real Eatate purechased and cold. 110tUlel rented. Rents and Ground Route collected. Money procured on mortgagee, ground rents, &o. =iIID . . . Frederick Fraley, See., I Wm. D. Lewin, Req. Morrie L. Hallowell, Esq. Thos. P liparbawk, Esq., James Dunlap, .Esq., Caleb Jones, Esq. auoo lm A UGUST BELMONT, IwatEß, 76 BRAVE R STREET, NEW YORK, Imes Lettere of Credit, &fallible to Trieellera, on all parts of the world. Je3o.6in CROXISE & CO., SPEOLE AND EXOIIANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, PRILADIILPHIA.. Refer to tho BANKS and Raosirso of Philadelphia je7-17 ONAEI. MANLEY. W. )I. BROWN. I. MUMMY, JR nANLEY, BROWN, & CO., BANK-NOTE, STOOK AND BXODANGE snoranth, - - - - , N. W. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Weds, PIIILADILMIL. Collections made, and Drafts drawn on all parts of the Vatted fltates and. the °wades, on the moat favorable terms. Collections made, And Drafts drawn on England and /reload. Lincurrent Bank , Notes bought. , Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loang bought and' gold on Comirdeslon at the Board et Brokers in Philadelphia and New York. jo3-6m • , UDWARD IL PARRY, RICKARD R. PARRY, Notary Public for Commissioner for MLunesota. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. . , DARRY & BROTHER, BROKERS A GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANCERS, FRONT STREET above HICKORY, • MANKATO, MINNESOTA, - Pay particular attention to loaning and inventing Money for non-reoldente and others, and collecting Drafts, Nolen, Ac. Any letters of HISQUIIIr or buainele Rill receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Roma, it. Withers, Philadelphia. • Sharp, Rahma,..,& 00., Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis A Co., Philadelphia. Parry Randolph. Philadelnhia. my2l4lm* puma Sancti. OHIOKERING & SONS, hay ing removed to their new wareroome, No. 1807 CHESTNUT Street, (near the United States Mint,) are prepared to offer to their friends end the public an extensive assortment ,of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured expresel for this city, finiehed in various styles of came, and prima which cannot fail to ,please. Plano-Fortes made to order, to snit any style of furniture, and all instru manta warranted to give entire satisfaction to the put , chaser. °rand and Square Plitlloo to rent, upon the most fa vorable terms. • blesere. 0. & SONO Lave received Thirty-faux MEDALS. The Brat Premiums over all competitors In The United States. All orders for TUNING and REPAIRING will be promptly attended to. , Jy7-0m PIANO FORTES. /net received, an elegant stook of .11AVEN, BA ON, do NIINNO CLAM, CALLER % DAVIS dc CO., and GAI,II - A - 00. El PIANOS. M 5 1.0030210 beat quality, at 41.14. GOVLIPLI, S. M. corner SIEVANTH and 011XSTNIIT rte. MANILLA- ROPE.—To .Western and Southern Merchants—A. large stock of Manilla Rope, manufactured and for Mao by WEAVER. FITLBR, & 00., - NO. 28 North Water street; and No. 22 North WIIARVEB. aROV.T.SIONS.-400 Bbls Mess Pork. - 1,000 pro My Brooked name. 1,000 ,I ~ tg ShoulsUrgi. _ 100 bble Lard. For imle by _ C. 0. SADLER k CO., eel. Arab at., second door Above Nitwit gtORAGE.-Storage can be obtained at a Werke in the Warehouse, No. 9 North Water street, or in the second and third stories of No. la Arch street, by applying to (I. 0. 9ADLYR k CO., gatcn 0W10,24 doOr 11 1 / 9 TO ONO, Ergal - " L - ITUE - DISTRIOT.ZOIIRT IFOR THE Ja- °VT AND COUNTY OF pI(IIADBLPEILL ELLIS P. IRWIN,o,r I BENBF HONEY. - rienditiorri Exponie, JuneTerin; 1858:--N0. no 3 All; that certain lot or piece of Ground situate on the northwest corner of Delaware : Eighth nail streets, in the now city of Philadelphia, beginning at the said northwest corner of Eighth and Christian streets, thence northward along the went side of Eighth street forty feet to a point, thence westward on a line rannieg parallel with Chrietierratreat forty-six feet three inchee to a point, Ilene° southward' on a line thtrty-two feet, more or less, to a point on the north side of Christian street flfty-two feet'west from the west iside of Eighth street, thence eastward along the north side of Chrletian street fifty-two, feet to the place of beginning, bounded northwardiby grOund now or Into of Richard 'Barrio, westward by other ground of the said runs P. Irwin, southward by the Bald Christian street,andeastward by the said Eighth street. Which Lot 6f Groner, Ellis P. Irwin and wife, .by Ground Rent Deed, dated the twenty-fifth day of February, A. D 1857, recorded at Philadelphia in deed-b, ok It. D. IT., No. 167, page It, &c., granted-nnd 'conveyed unto the said henry Hovey in fee, reserving thereout a yearly Ground Rent of one,hunthed and eighty dollars, payable half-yearly on the Brat days of the inertias of March and September, for over. N. D.—On tho above Lot of Ground there is erected a two-story Brick Building. The Auditor appointed to dtotribute ,the fund in Court arising from the Sheriffs sale of the above de scribed Real Estate will attend to the duties of hie ap pointment on Thursday, the lid day of September. 1858,. at 4 o'clock P. 31 ,at his aloe, No 142 South Eighth treet, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties in interest are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon the said fund. solo-let JOIIN B. COWMAN, Auditor, Corpetings ATWOOD, RALSTON, & CO., 533 MARKET BTREET, Ammo YOU nIiADALPOIA AND EASTERN OARPET -MANUFACTURBRS, Bole Agents in this city for the AUBURN OARBBTINUB, blauttractured by Josiah Barber CARPETS FOR FALL SALES BAILY A BROTIIER, No. 920 OTIESTNUT STREET, ' Are now prepared to exhibit to the trade a very ex tensive stock of PINE OARPETINGS, Imported direct from the best manufacturers, or par chased at the largo sales in New York, cotusieting of TIM NEWEST PATTERNS (many never before offered for sale) Of VELVET OARPETri, in single and double widths; TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, extra quality ; CHOICE HEAVY BRUSSELS, neat designs. Also, SUPER THREE-PLY INGRAIN and VENETIANS, • of every variety of style and quality. Confining ourselves exclusively to the 'DASH SYSTEII, we shall be enabled at all times to - give our customers the hest Goods, at the - LOWEST PRIORS - garDwarg TRUITT, BROTHER, & CO., MOAT/IBS AVID DRALXREI HARDWARE, OUTLBRY, GUNS, PISTOLS, &o, 529 MARKET STREET, Below Sixth, North side, atol7-2m PHILADELPHIA. LAI &RD IV ABlll.—Tbe subscribers, QOM MISSION MERIN:IA.I4TO for the sale of FORBID:1N AND DOMBSTIO lIARDWA.IIB, would respectfully call the attention of the trade to their stook, which they aro offering at lowest rates. Oar assortment coll ides In part of— Chains, or all klude—Trace, Log, falter, Breast, Ox, Oow, Fifth, Bast, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, phlp, Wine, sad Ooil Obelus. The celebrated ~L " Horse Nails; Slone and Sledge hammers. "Wright' " •nd other Aurae; Solid 'Pox and other Vices. NSM=ZIM;MM "111artIn'S" Import or it iles and Rasps ; Bed Screws. "Baselsior " Safety Fuse; Bleating Tubes. Own, Grow, and Brier Scythes Bay, Corn, and Straw tares. flay, Stannre, Tanners', and Spading Forks. Bake,' awl Boas • Shovels end SpadeS of all kinds Tack'', Brads, filioe, Clout, and Finis tog Naile, Cast and Wrought Butt Movie, Screws, Locks of al kinds; Cutlery, Rama and Pumps, Axes, Ilitehotn, Liam mots, Planes, and other Toole, &c. &a. W. e. Ly.wls„soN, No. 411 COMALEirt"^ 9treat. Eirnge anb ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WIIOLEOALB DEDOGISTB, kiiinuractetrens and Dottier PAINTS, VARNISHES, Ind WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner YOI7ItTE and BUIS Btreota, Philadelphia. Sole Agents for the sale of the celebrated Yloreffe Plate Glass. tah23-tr WRITE LEAD, ZING PAINTS, &a.— We offer to the pablio White Lead, Zinc paint& ars u.ll - a - tNucen.l Iver that re invite The attention of dealere and coneumers ZIEGLER. & 8. W. nor. 9000nd and Omen ate; to eur idea zahlB i3usinese Qtatirs A LEX. MOKINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREENBtII3RG, PA. - Will practice in 'Westmoreland, Armstrong and - In diana counties. sell- if 11013 N M: BALL , (Successor to Washing ton!" Yates,) GENRRAL FURNISHING UNDERYPARERIM NolB 12t* No. 1318 VINE Stmt. T. T. - Q. A. VAIBIL. A BRAMS & MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOOK LOOK HAVEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. bipedal attention glean to the cotton tion of claims. I=l Gov. Wm. r • Packer, Harrisburg, Pa. ,• L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Lock Davin; lion. A. White, Lock Bayou ; Simon Scott, Lock Haven ; Bullitt & Pairthorne, Philadel phia ; Mo lf arland, Evans, & Co., Philadelphia; Evans & Watson, -Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; lion. A. Y. Parsons, Philadelphia ; Williamson, Taylor, & Co. ' Philadelphia • Tenor & Davis, Phila delphia; lion. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Quigglo, Esq., Philadelphia. _ _ ji26-tf -14 O. THOMPSON AND G. M. CONAR- A-ML• ROB, CONVEYANCERS. GEO.b.i. 001011110 E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, aPb - Y No. 938 Anon street, below Tenth. CHARLES TETE, 0031.MISION MER WANT and Importer of HAVANA EIXCIAILB (Now) 13 Walnut street. snood story. ' LAUMAN & RABORG— Importers and Wholesale Sealant In WINES, BRANDIES, WIIISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI WOES, No.IOII MARKET Street, between Tenth and lleeenth streets • Printing. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, flu RemoTea to FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREET maxim JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, UNESTNIIT AND FIFTH BTREET JAORSON, TOR PRINTER, 01IESTNIIT AND PITTH STREET. JAORSON, JOB PRINTER, CIIESTNUT AND OMR STREET, JACIIIBON, JOB PR/N TER, CHESTNUT AND FIFTH STREET CHECKS PRINTED BY JACKSON. NOTES PRTNTED BY JACKSON. BILL•I[EADS PRINTED BY aemitsox CARDS PRINTED BY JACKSON. CARDS printed at $1.60 per 1.50. thousand, by JACKSON, FIFTH and (:§ESTNIIT. • sett 32t MO PRINTERS —TUFT POWER PRESS, -11. in complete order, for ea o, for $4OO, by JACKSON, Printer, sell at CHESTNUT and inn Street. tamp). DETERS'B PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE -14 SELF-GENERATING GAS LAISIP le the only Patent Burner that has a Noo-Gondacjor attached. The patine are cautioned against all Othei , Burnam as they will beat, and liable to explode. State and County Rights for sale. Apply or addresa gen • D. I'. PETERS, 422 BROADWAY, N. Y. SCIIRACK'" VARNISIIES, JAPANS, The attention of Dealers and oonsumers of Varnishes 10 'solicited to oar SUPERIOR COACH AND IiURNITURE VARNISH, DRYING JAPANS, IRON JAPANS, MASTIO AND SPIRIT VARNISHES. We claim to be The Oldest 'Varnish Manufacturing ICatabliehment IN TUIS COUNTRY, Our Varnishes having now been in constant nee OVER FORTY FRAMS, and are admitted by competent judges to be !SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS MADE It Tug UNITED BTATBS All we ask la a fair trial, and we are satisfied the merits of our Varniebea will be FULLY ZEITABLISTIOD. C. SCHRACK & Co., OLD STAND..Nos. 152 and 164 North FOURTH Street. es6.lM. WARMING AND VENTILATING WAIEKOOMS The subscriber would Invite the special attention of Arabi/ma Builders and the public to ble NEW CULVER PATENT 6ELINOLNANSIN4 AND VENTILATING WARM AIR FURNACE, Which ban been so sucoessfully introduced , durilig the lest winter and gave such general satisfaction. It le so arranged as to consume the Raises from the Coal. Making ft one of the most e9onoo#oll, safe, durable Heaters now in nee. Also, all BlZeli and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Path' Boller& Cu Ovens, Low Down and Elevated (lista, every variety of Registers end Ventilators, Fireplace Steven, Collins , Patent Chimney Cops, far the ewe of smoky chimneys, with atoll assortment of all goods In uiy hue et hueineee, , Prompt attention paid to Range and treater repair ag e and prim reduced to cult the times, (MULES wmanals; ' (Late Baker k al 3.02 1103 OM 400) WEST Otoot s rhiladat ''SWeitrante CTompitnico. HOWARD FIRE AND - MAR:IRE INSIT RANCE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia DIREGTORK ' •'I John IL Diehl; , • Wm. P. Leech,' . • J. Edgar Thomson, Roht, W, D. Truitt, M W. liaidwiti, Thos:'"G. Were, John 0 James, - • Wm. 11. Hamlin, A., J Buckner, U. It ShillingterS, &dm W For ton, " G.E. Rpangler, - - 'William Itaiguel, G. H. Hou-ton, • Ede in Booth, Wm. 11. Lova, John Garrison, - Charles F. Norton,' E. 8. Warne, Isaac Myer. President—JOHß R. DIEHL, ___ : Vice Prosidelrt—E. 8. WARNE Secretary—OlTANLES JN SUR ANCE COALP , A.NY Or TIDE STATE OF PENNBYLTANIA—FIRE AND IDA- ItINE 4 EXODANON IiIIILDSNOS. Chartered to 1791---Capital s2oo,ooo—Amlte, Janu ary 3, 1858, $347,446.50400, All invested in adduct and available Recuritits—contl nue to insure on Vessele and Cargoes, littiblings, Otocke of Merchandise, dm., on liberal terms. . _ . DIREOTOBA : • Geary D. Sberrerd, George H. Stuart, • Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles blaealeater, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas 11. Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, Vilillom IL White, Charles S. Lewis, George 0, Carson, • -fIiDRY D. MDR - REDD: President WMLIAI4 HARPER; SOC - retfill. jc9. frm.tf A 2LI: M RIGAN FMB INSURANCE CO. .INCORPORAT,B.D 1810--OHART.E.I2 PER PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, aboTa Third, Philadelphia Caving a large psid.up Capital Stoat and. Surplus Invested in sound and available securities, continue: , insure on Dwellings, Stoma, Purnlture, ' Merchand,t Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Parcel - Al Property, All Levies liberally and proravtly aditteted DiSty:c:TOs..B George Abbott, john P . Lneie_ John welsh, OnApar W. Morris. Etsmuol 0. Morton, jai:pa It. Oarnobo Patrick Brady, k. Duellh. Ohnrion V. Poultnety. UE(34O/4 A.112307/', gresident TOMAS It. MARIE. Soorettry .42:1-v tr EIRE RISKS OM,Y , TAREN"-- GIRARD PIM: AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Office No 416 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company's Duihliog.) OAPITAL, $200,000. DIRECTORS. Wm. M. Swain, Wm. O. Rudman, [of Public Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John Anepoch, Jr., Jer. Walker, U. N. Burroughs, Thus. Craven, J. D. Hughes, Fronde Peters Wm. B. Boyd, 11. lir °eggshell, • Goo. W. Woodward, • Jun: McClure, a n o, W. Claghoru Joseph Klapp, M. D. Iron. Tin JONES, President. - • A. B. GILLETT, Vice President JAB. 11. ALYORD, Bocretrzy. .13•264 Y HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN BIMANOE COMPANY—Moo No. 4.1.2 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. • nutzoroits: - John U. 'Diehl, J. Eldgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, H.R. Shillingord. 0. IL Spangler, O. G. Sower, Abraham Res, - , John W Seaton, N. P. Warne, ' John Harrison, George Howell, Nathan R. Potts, Win. P. Leooh, B. T. Rotel, H. H. Houston, Joe. R. Wither!, Abraham P. Byre, R. Booth, Okarloo P. Norton, John U. Lenore, JOHN WDIPIL, Prreident. N. S. WARRM, Vice Preeident. OnAo. A. DOT, Secretary. mylo CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 331 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTERED CAPITAL $500,000 FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND. ASSETS JULY Ist, MS. Bonds and Mortgagee, Stooks, ko. $340,626 00 Bills Receivable, (for policies imed,) 2,14 7 76 Unsettled Book Accounts, (for policies,).... 1613 , 83 Cash in Bank and in Office .*.,.............. 10,403 46 Cash in hands of Agents and Correspondents, 1,100 Si 355,143 35 No losses lamented unpaid, or reported. • DIRECTORS : William M. Godirin, S. B. Orawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Deaner, George W. Ball William B. Themal, D. Franklin Jackron, S. N. Winslow, J. C. Dropper, Monty D. Mears. MM. M. GODWIN, Preeident. J. C. 210PFXR, Secretary. mvlo,ltr CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. sttoo,ooo. Organized 1861. Privileged to Insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a leaf' period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Kiska; receive De posits , hold Trusts and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. O. TYLER, Vico Presideut. MARTIEN, Secretary. DIRLOTORS. Alfred Weeks, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Bouder, 0. It. Dicklng, J. L. Hutchinson, J. W. Blokes, jelB-ly , Hon. W. D. Holley, J. W. Forney, P. B. Mingle, Jame Wateon, Ludlam Matthewl, William Curtis, O. F. urner. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CON PANT.—The PRIM IdIiTUALLIPX INSIMAIIO2 COMPANY. Northeast Corner of T11.111,D and /1008. Street*. Capitol, ZEGitTiIES LIVRS for short terms, or for the ',thole term of life—pante annuities and -endowments—pin chum life interests in Real Estate and rooked all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act m Exeentors, Administrators, Assignees, Truatees, and Guardians. az= Daniel L, Miller, Earonol E. Stokes, i l itaria l gt f iTAT-id, - ---- - Nigril - ! - Itgieriana, William P. Ranker, Joseph 11. !trotter, William ff. Kern, James Euaton aatnrtel O. filmy, Theophiltis Pnuldingi CharleyEallowell, Ednmnd A. Bonder, Ream, 0. Townsend, Daniel L. llntshinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Limnos, William IL Cur, Ellie 13. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel .1. Christian, William RebertSon, Joseph M. Thom'', Warner M. Ruin John N. Brunner, • P.B. Michler, Easton. ' DANIEL 1.. MILLF.II, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Press!. 3011 W. Roans. Secretary. nlB-ly COMMONWEALTE SIR INBURANOI3 001dPANY Or yrs OTATId OF PDNNSYLVANIA.. ornoz, NORTUWEST CDIINDR TOURTII AND WALNUT BTIUUSTB, PHILADSLTRIA• w tinbroribrA Capital, 1500,000. Dian Tan. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. S. litenisi, 11. L. Delmer, J. K. Bogor, I. AI. Whitall J. K. Welker, MIT. 0. Knight., M. A. Wendell, H. Lewla, Jr., S. K. IfoxIle: - DAVID JAVNIA, M. D. President, THOMAS 8, STRW.ABT, Vine Preel. Warm. 8. Moon, Secretary. jag-, 'DELAWARE • MUTUAL bA.F.NITY IN vv 00MeANY. INCORPORATED HY THE LEGHILATUP.E of PENN- BYLvAriii, oritiox, B. n. Corner THIRD and WALNUT atreeto TIIILADXLMIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON YEBBNLB, CARGO, To all parte of the World, .PREBSEIT, INLA D INSURANCES, en Geode, by River Conala, Laken, and Land Carriage to alt p arts of the Union. FIREINSURANCES, On Merchandiee generally. On Stores, Duelling Limners, he. ABM'S OF MB COMPANY, • November. 2, 1357. hoods, Mortgagee, and Rea/ Notate. 1101,350 94 Philadelphia Olty and other Loans 137,011 25 Stock In Banta, Railroads, and Inc:mane° Companies Bills Receivable Cash on hand Balance In amnia of Agorae, Premiums on Marine reticles recently boned, on other debts due the Company 92,730 57 Babacrlption Notes 100,000 00 =CM William Martin, James 0. Hand Joseph B. Seal, Thooplsilne PaAlin& Edmund A. iiioud o r i , - - James Traquatr, John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Jr., ' John B. Penrose, J. F. Poniston, George G. Leiper, /ohms P. Eyre, Edward Darlinso4, oamnel E. Stoke*, Dr. E. M. Huston, Henry Blom, Wm. 0. Lquirrig, Janes B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hood, Spencer Mollisie, P.obert Burton, Jr., °buries Holly, Jun. IS. Bemplu, Pittabgh., H. Jouts ErOoks,l Dr. T. Nforgark, 4, Jakob P. Jones. J. T. Logan, , c ' WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O. BAND, Tire President. EDNEY LYLBMIN, Beoratary. ja9.y VIDE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME INSURANOI3 COMPANY. Capital • $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relative to In annum Companies, passed April Id, UK) CIPOROR W. DAY-, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD Secretary. Wilco 411 CHREIINUT Se., Philadelphia, DIRECTORS. Jacob R. Vaughan, Henry Lenin, Jr., 10. B. Birz y, John W. drerman, A. H. Rosenholm, M. Stern. • George W. Day - William W. Walers, Charles Richardson, Barclay Lippincott, Joe. R. Brognard, Chas. Stokes, WO. gExpros grompanteo. /FRE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 420 , 011BSTBUT STAMM, forward! PARCELS, PACKAGES, AIEROILANDIZE, BANK NOTES and gpona, either b 9 Ite own LINES, or in connection with other EXPEESS COMPANIES, to all the prinolpal TOWNS and OIT/Ith of the United States. • 11. BANDPORD, flarn•ral Sca.riotendollatYl D R. BARNES' OAMPIIORATED EXTRACT OP GINOER This Medicine has, by its own merit, gained a great reputation. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and is made from the formula of a distinguished physician, used kyhim in the cholera of 1832. It does not contain Opium in any form, and never constipates the bowels. It is squally efficacious in mild and aggravating attacks of cholera nimbus. It has cured cholera after tho " rice water discharge bad taken place. The cramps and pales of cholera morbus and dysentery are in ft few minutes dispelled the stomach, and the bowels restored to a healthy action. If this remedy were used in the premonitory symptoms, dysentery, that dreaded disease, would find fewer victims . Read the recommendations of the railroad conductors who have used it for several years, in the Circulars. For the cure of NAUSEA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, CRAMP, 0110LIO, FLATULENCY, and SICK MAD AME, it has no equal. DYSPEPSIA of over twenty yeare> standing has been cured by it. The weakest stomach, by twenty drops taken after each meal, may be restored to a healthy ac tion. Nervous tremor, the result of excessive drinking, Is at once cured. It has prevented attacks of delirium tremens. • Two or three doges Is enough to core sea-slekness. It In the most valuable of its kind in existence, and Is so pronounced by physicians who are using it In their practice. As a PREVENTIVE of FEVERS, du. ring their prevalence in Autumn, taken in doses of thirty drops, when the etomsoh and bowels are conati. patod or in an oppoeite ttate, it will so prepare the syetem as to overcome any liability to an attack even of Yellow Fever or Typhoid. . Perms who have suffered in health from Ague and Paver have been restored to health by this wonderful ranavkly. No one should bo without it. Prepared only ut 333 01J.E3SNUT Street. eat at stores thronabout-thaaluiti4 clutee. A very Moral dignmint nlito to r , -td tars an2R Ln Nos. 1, 2, and 8 now laudinga y . d.gitrZCO., Anti At. ) necnnd 490 i 109T0 Inad, DO L YT BCH NIPI.`,COLIEWE J YEAN SQUARX-rOrgeniseCour thoillap of.Ato Thdtie, trial Colleges of Paris paid ketixany, sult.eprehriideg a Preparatory - Deporccoeut ;and • foot L, SCHOOLS. - The School of The dehool eraIvtr,•BEIGINEERING.: , .” , . . . . . The School of mf:OIIANICAWV9INEERINGq The School of 011011STUY • . . . AItODITEOTUDE and DEMON are , included in the Oeit ses ariSzemple facilities 'exist forl _ ffetd and Labo ratory r • The Sixth Kennel Session will begin on SIONDAY, Beptoinber 20, 1854. A pplt '"' Dit. A. L. KENNEDY," 503.3.8 t Pram dent oir sett* The Preparatory Department, affording thorough pre-' Taxation for the College or bus'ineem, Is now open. , NE I RS. BRYAN'S SEMINARY, - • /VA • BATAVIA, N Y. - VIE BALL TRIM of this Institutio'n (whose loci ti m is one of .rare beauty and attraistion), commences on the lath of,eeptembor. It. continues striotly a Fa mily Boarding School for Girls, and is th• rough, seleot, and homelike• !WWI& appointments. The number of pupils in linuted to those who ran be seated at the ta ble of the Principal. * !Tr CIRCULARS will be sent showing Terms and Regulations Batavia, tlenanee co., N. filliptomber, 1858: seta rffitTITION IN THE PRACTICE AND- Ji. PRINCIPLVA Op PIANO-FORTE NIUSIC. Ry ISII,BILELPN BARTAIN; 7.28 9ANBOAI Bt. sol3-121,* QT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY,, C. -, LOCUST STREET, West of Sixteenth, is how open' for the reception of pupils The arrangement of the Olussee affords peculiar advantagee to these peed:ling theiraddoatilin there; and 6 large portichi of time he dr.: ly given;especielly to smaller boys, to :study during school hours, im that parents may be spared the neces-' City of teaching their coos at home Connected with' the Academy is aPreparatory De partment, under the charge of 6 highly competent lady, which is designed for boys between the ages of six and ten years. From this Department boys are advanced to the Principal's as soon as their progress warrants it. J. ANDREWS 11ARRIE, Principal. ea 11 dl2t ittEISS C. A. BURGIN will open a School fo'r a lintltod number of YOUNII LADISS, at Ml' WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. Sept. 13: Sot particu late, apply at the School-room, between 10 and 12 M. 800 120 VRITTENDEN' S 'PHILADELPHIA commtlnctrAL 'ootaxtlx, Aorthemot corner nt 01111BINU . 'S and SISVEZITEI Streets. to InHtitation designed to fit young men for AO TIVB DDBINBSB, BOARD OP TRIBSTBPS. B. B. Comogre, Francis Irook George U. Blakart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, , David S. Brown, Isaac. Thicker, A.Y. Parsons, D. It. nitIMRXI, Frederick Brown, Joshua Lippincott. - - - • EVENING SESSIONS after September 15th. Each Student has INDIVIDMLL INSTIRIOTIOR !at this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the best re commendation &young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. eeS-ti R. LOUIS S. D. REES will re-open his .111 Ilroxnlog School for Young Ladles, 1282 Sprtice Street, on WJ DNNEBDAti, Sept. lbth. an.lo-Im* 1 - 1 KENDAhL'S CLASSICAL AND L. ENGLISH 601100 L, 1230 LOCUST Street, will re-open MONDAY, September 6 , au26-Im* )3SRTON's BOARDING and DAY SOUOOL 1011...Y0 . UNG LATHES No. 1929 CHESTNUT Street, rbiladelphia.—The Winter Term will open on the second MONDAY in September. For circulare and partionlare apply ne above. eu24-1m CIL ASSICAU INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, "1.) below Locust.—Duties reamed MONDAY, August 80th. J. W. FAMES, A. IC, au23-3m Principal, rimiE GERMAI4 TO WN ACADEMY, will A. re-open September Bth, 1858 The Principal will receive a few good boys into bin family. au27-1m WITUINGTQN, Principal. , 131ROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE JJLL FOIL BOYB, at the WPM PHILADELPHIA IN- B'TLTUTE. TDB BARE TB PAID FOR. THE PUPILS On the Railways and Omnibuses ; from all parte of the city. ifY• Bee advertisement in anotber column. ee6•lm 11_12-EMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the Violin and rime. Mr. Allen may he applied to at the residence of his father, Professor Allen, No 216 South SEVENTEENTH Street. sepl-toel PRE SUMMER STREET INSTITUTE -IL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Miss D. D. lIIIRT, Princi pal will reopen on DIOND CY, September 13. For Circulars, ,he , please apply at the Institute, No. 1621 SIMINIER Street. . ' au3o-ImIS VIALLAb:SINdING, GUITAR, and the French Language. Vocal Classes, Ladies only $6 per quarter. - T. BISHOP, fieIIONNELL'S BOOK-KEEPING IN STITUTIC, Southenst corner EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, devoted exclusively to instruction in the busi ness of the Counting-house. Open day and evening. See Circulars. eeo•lm -EfiffCr EIDYBHOTHERS' NIGHT-SCHOOL, Non._ 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, neat Race. is NOW' OPEN TO 0 TO INSTRUOTIONIN BOOK-KEEPING}, WELTING, AND AIERCAVTILE ARITHIIETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, 'AS Ilet4L. se4.ly R. ASFITON's INSTITUTE FOR • YOUNG LADIES, No. 929 ASCII Street, four doors below Tenth, north side.—The Fall Term will commence on AIONDLY. the 6th of September. The objeot of this institution is to impart to young ladies a sound practioal education in the branches usually taught in the flrat.elass Seminaries. With this in view, the Institution is in the possession of all the . an a l improvedoduesliortaLennliances: among them is an extensive Philosophical Cabinet. The school-room, which is one of the best adapted for its purpose in the country, is now open for the visits of, those who feel interested in female educe— Don. an2B-tf rpnE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY, 31- located at WEST OLMSTED, Pa ,an Institution designed and arranged to prepare boys and Young lien for any class in our hest Colleges, or for business in its varied requirements. The corps of Instructors consists of seven Teachers of ability and experience. Tho ave. repo number of students is seventy five per session. The French and German Languages are taught by na tire resident teachers. The Winter Term commences nu the let of November next. Por Ont.logues, &c., apply to W 01. R. WEEDS, A. It., Principal, eel.th s to 2tu nt West Chester, Pa. TrEIE ACADEME OF THE PROTESTANT -14 EPISCOPAL 011URCII, No. 1314 LoxaT St. gs Thia,ClMs~cal and English Institute for Dors, under the immediate charge of the Rev- JAS. W. ROIIIaS, oilers superior advantages for moral training as well as physical and mentsl development. Tuition fee $6O and $75 por annum. No extra for French, German. Draw ing. and the use of the Gymnasium. sels-w&R 41 PAID up 475pi1a),;200,00 F. DUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES.- .I The dutlen of the SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIEs will be resumed on MONDAY, September Bth, GILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal, Noe. 608 and 611 MARBUALL Street, Philadelphia. _ ill/FISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE'S lif.R 'BOARDING AND DAY BCI.IOOL FOR YOUNG LAMS, No. 1703 WALNUT Street, west of SEVEN TEENTH, Philadolphis, will be re-opened on WED biliiiDAY, the Bth of September. ma-3m* MRS. oG UIRB'S BOARDING AND DAY IRGIOOL FOR 'YOUNG LADIES, 1030 SPRING GARDEN btreet, will be re•opened MONDAY, rep texnber 13:11. , auM-ew* %V G. E. AGNEW'S INSTITUTE roil V V • YOUNG LADIES, 1111 VINE Street, trill, on MONDAY, September nth, re-open its twenty-ninth senior'. For circulars containing terms Ste., please &WY to W. G. E. AGNEW, Principal, au23-Im* 1711 VINE Street, SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUT S., CHEeTNITT Street, northwest cor • ner of TWELFTH, reorns on MONDAY, September 6. This is a superior institution of Learning for boys and young mon. The faculty consilta of six Professors In addition to the English arid Classical branches, there 'is suparadded an extensive Scientific department with largo collections of Philosophical and CherniCal appa ratus and specimens of objects in Natural History. Terms, X 26 per quarter. For boys under twelve years of age, .1.20 per quarter. Entrance on TWELFTH Street. T. ENNIB, A H., an27-1m Principal. .... 12,60800 .... 220,291 95 88,892 65 QPRING GARDEN AOADEKEY FOR )0 YOUNG MEN AND -BOVE—Northeast corner of Elfitrekt and BUTTONWOOD Strews. Ball Session opens Sept. 6th DM. The principles of " Moral Etiasion" have been successfully adopted at this Insti tution since its establishment, and parents entrusting their cope into the hands of the Brituipal can rest as sured of their good treatment and reapid advancement. Pupils received at any time nod Catalogues fur nished gratuitously. Barents are tad to visit the school. F. DON VY LONG, ec2O.BW Principal. 702 j 70 87 CENTRAL INSTITUTE-ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCIIDOL.—KiII be re-opened MON DAY, September 6th. MTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, 11. G. AteGIJ/RE, A. Bt., aura-Owit Principal. DUFF & CO.'S MERCAN- I6 l e le r TILS COLLEGE, Southeast corner - EIGHTH And CHESTNUT Streets, (established i 4 MO, and incorporated by the Levisla tore of Pennsylvania.) In this well-known Institution the COUNTING HOUSE COUllf3ll or Practical, Single, and Double Entry BOOKKEEPING, including all the AUXILIARY 110068, OOMMERCIIAL OAL OULAVAMS, and BUSINESS WHITING, s taught ill the moat successful and satisfactory style. M. ROOEIE, P. EDWARDS, I Principals. Ma. 13 13. BURTON, Penman. 11..? ITTENITOIISE ACADEMY—The Eighth Ka , Session of this Institution for Boys will com mence WEDNESDAY, September 1, 1858. ROOMS Northeast corner of CHESTNUT and 'EIGHTEENTH Streets. Entrance on Eighteenth street. an2l-lm J' L O U EI O N Iti II B . I3 W A E R S R T O C W OTT - , Principals. COMMERCIAL AND CLASSICAL IN STITUTE, at 1302 FILBERT Street.—Tbis School will open MONDAY, 6th of September. All Engliah branches, Mathematics, the Classics, and Modern Lan guages, taught by a method which insures accurate and thorough knowledge. For testimmilate of success terms, and other particu lars. see the °grouter, which maybe had at 019 CHEST NUT, or 1802.FILDERT Street. Dr. 0. SMENBIIOIOII, late of Brooklyn, L. I. References.—Rev. J. A. 'Vaughan, Rev. William H. Turners Hei. W. J . Mann, Bev. J. R. A. Bomberger, Rev. Th. Stork, Prof. John S. Hart, Prof. H. Yethake, Benjambi Gerhard, Seq., Charles Vain, Esq., Cl. F. Hagedorn, Reg., Bey. H. W. Beecher, Brooklyn; Rev. G. W. Dethune,Brooklyn; Theodore Sedgwiak,Beg.,N. Y.; Prof. 0. 0. Felton, Cambridge. aul.9-Im* I-'OGEHILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON,' .U4NEW JERSEY.—This eohool le adapted to those . who desire their eons to have a careful preparation for College or for a business fife. Thorough fnetruotton is given in Dnglieh, Mathematics, Ano ant aluV Modern Languages, &a. The iuetruotors aim, not only to have their pupils thoroughly master fundamental principles, bat to form those habits of thought which will render future and higher attainments rapid and easy. - Decla mation. Composition, and. Debate are practised in the Edgetull Literary Boolety, which embraces all the pu pils of this 'School. For particulars, terms, sco., ad. dress • • REV JAMES I DMus, or REV. LONG'S SPRING GARDEN A C ADEMY, N. E. dottier EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Ste. COMfdIiBOIA_L DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping In alltta various Ittrmo; preparing Brad mita thoroughly for. situationa is any branch of busisseu; Plain and Orna mental Writing; Commercial Calculatins; Lan and Cor respondence. No institution in the United States given a more thorough and practiced course. In this depart /scent no teaching is done In classes, and Is open DAY and EVENING. - Time unlimited. MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(Separate from the above,) Young Men and boys are prepared for any grade of en Englieh and was. Meal Education, viz: Spoiling. Beading, Writing, Gram war, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, /Co , Anoient And Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies, Residens or b months comments September Ist, add - ifebruaryaist. Pupils received at any time be." fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Oath. loves furni4o4ati'• laait g 1 109/Rl.l4oPlla ~~tcat{;~z;~iak, 1202 PIM:Ma Millet.. ===MT 111111i1RITVIliii"-.STAIJr `-,, ^ :ti 7. , • • PROTECTED SOLUTION OP PROTOXIDBIGY 71101 i, Having Successfully passed the ordeal to which bew'itti;,, coveries in the blaterialledica are subjected,-matt nee` be received as an established medicine. Its. efficacy, in 'owing •,) DYSPEPSIA, iffections'of the 'Liver, prepay/ Neurnhria, Bronchitis arid ,Consumptive tendencies,' Disordered State- alibi': Jilol, Boils, Settrit, the Prostrating Patents of Lead or. M , eicnry, General Debilityi'and` all Diseases which,m, ' quire a Tonic and Alterative:Ne:Heine, 14 beyond quark blob. i .TlM,iroofs of its efficacy are so an--1 4, c .tyt , merouso, well' authenticated, and of auch'peisulfar character, that sufferers - 'cannot reasonably hesitate to, receive' A • the proffered aid. , • " Tne Peruvian Syrup does not profess / to bo a cure-all, but its range is paten.' ~ sire, becanie many diseases, apparently unlike, are Intimately related, and proceeding, freni OEM 'cause, may be cured by one remedy. The class of dioceses for which the Syrup provides a care is precisely that 'which has so ofterthaffied the highest order Of medical skill. , The facts are tangible, the witnesses accessible,' and the er.fety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. - • Those persons who may Wish for an opinion from dis.. Interested persons reinecting thebharacterof the Syrup, cannot fail to be Satisfied with the following, among ns• memos testimonials, in' the hinds of the d vote.- The signatures are i.hose,of gentlembn well known. in community, and of the higheat reapectabilits% -• The undersigned having experienced the beneticie ef; facts of the " Peruvian Syrup," do not hesitate too-' commend it to the attention of the nubile. - • . Prom our own experience, as well 'es from the testi , may of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al together unquestionable. we have no doubt of its effica cy in cases of Inelpient,Diseaslie of the Lunge and Neon ohial Passages, DyspepsiaL Liver Complaint, Dropsy," Neuralgia, &e. Indeed, its effects would be incredible, but from the high character of those who, have wit-. neared them, and have volunteered their testimony, sa we do oars, to its restorative power. Rwr.4OlEN - PIERPONT,- ,‘ THOMAS 'A. DEXTER, 8. II 'KENDALL, M.: D., • SAMUEL MAY, THOMAS C AMORY, • . PETER. 'HARVEY, ' • JAMES C. DUNN, TH.08.- - WIIITTEMOBE. - ' CERTIPIDATF. OP DR. - SATES. It is well known that the medicinal effects of Prato:. ide of Iron is loot by even a Very brief exposure to air, and that to' maintain a solution of PiOtoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, lies been deemed, impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at tained by combination in a way before unknown, and this solution may replace all the proto Oattamateh ci Dates, and tartrates of the Materia Medico. - A. A. IIAYEEIi,M. D., Assayer to the State of Massachusetts. 16 Boylston street, Boston. " • ' SOLD BY N. L. CLARK & CO.,,Propriotore, No. 6 WATER Street, Boston. ' 'N: BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ' HASSABD lk. 00. TWELFTH and ORESTNUT - Sitreeta,' jels-tn th satSm went , Agents for Philadelphia. THE LIVER • INVIGORATOR, PIittPIAHD AT DR. BANPORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, Is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, bat a Liver come.' dy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the etomseli' and bowels to cony off ticat‘inat• ter, thus accomplishing two purpo ass effectually, with- out any of the painful feelings experienced in the ope -rations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the eye: tern at the same liana that it purges it, and, when taken dolly in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with unnimal rapidity. The Live R is one of the human body; and when it well, the powers of the oped. The stomach Is el an the heeltby,sotton of performance of its Nac ho at fault the bowels are system antlers in nom- Liver—having cowed to eases of that organ, One made it his study, in a years, to find some tame act the many derange hie, To prove that this re person troubled with Li its forms, has but to try's ! certain. These Goma remoye all the system,. supplying is of bile, lartgorating the digest well, punfying the health to the :hole ma cause of the disease—et'. BILIOUS ATTAOEI3 are ter, prevented by the or.- /amooe.troa. One dose, atter eating, stomach and prevent the in finly one dose, taken N1G117111028. - Only on'e dose, taken at gently, and cures 00S- One dose, taken after OW One dose of two relleve Stow I:Una...one. One bottle taken for la the cause of the disease, Only one dose inimedi. while one dose, often re- OHOLIMA MOBBIIB, and e fjrOnly one bottle Is system the effects of me:. nese. V' One bottle taken sallowness or nruntural One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat com. in Its wont forme, plaints yield almost One or two doses cure in childreni there hi no remedy in the world, as It 1117.' A few bottles cure absorbents. We take pleiusww lure. eine as a preventive for Pavan, and all Harass of rates with certainty, and teetify to its wonderful Ali who use at are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. [l:7* Miz Water dn. Ow mouth with - the Invigorator, and swallow both together. • '. TILE LIVER INVIGORATOR ra A SOIENTI etc PLIRDIOAL DII3OO,SRY, and fe daily work ing cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magi°, even the first dote giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the re sult of a DISEASED LIVER• PE= ONE i3OLLAB PER BOTTLE Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 845 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 218 North Second Street. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also by SAMUEL SIIVIEB, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and F. BROWN S Fifth and Chestnut streete Phllada. aplB to th s-ly Ilest.rn will, in all easel', follow the use of Railway', R. It Remedies. There are none ao sick or dleeseed, weak feeble, or crippled with pain or infirtnities, ben that Itadway's Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, in Regulators, as the nature of the disease or sicknew may require, will quickly and rapidly cure. These remedies consist of Radware Ready Relief • Radnor's Renovating Resolvent; ltadway's Regulators Each of these remedies possesses special curative power, over certain diseases. Yet there are other disease. wherein their combined medicinal• properties are re quired r and when them need, if there is sufacieot and strength within the diseased or dying body to eon UM their action, the patient will live and be restored 'to health, Pain Acute Diseases Inflammatory Diseases , Nalarious Diseases Congestire Diseases.... Scrofulous Diseases.,., Chronic Diseases Syphilitic Diseases..... Cons fitUttOnai Diseases, Skin Diseases Nervous Diseases.. infectious Diseases, R. R. Relief. B. R. Relief. Relief and Regulators. Relief and Regulators. Relief and Regulators. Renovating Resolvent. .Renovating Resolvent. - Renovating Resolvent. Resolvent and Regulators. Renovating Resolvent. Resolvent, Relief, Raguis tors. Ready Relief ¢ Rigs/Oars CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES Many diseases that afflict htunimity are inherited se heir-looms from the diseased bodies of Mthly Scrofula, Consumption, Byphilis, and Pita, me moons the most common of constitutional diseases. Mow, we care not how many generations the seeds of these dia eases may have been established In the system, coo rupting the blood—Raeltray's Renovating Besolv,os will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every pm title of diseased deposits, and fill the reins with new pure, and healthy blood. CHILDREN'S DISEASED Badtatiy's Renovaitsig Resolvent should be hallos SS a blessing by every mother throughout the land whose infants are afflicted with flares, Humors, eta These breaking/3 out (thus early) are evidences of die ease transmitted from the parent stock. A few dose► co the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every ',esti/e of the disease and insure the child a sound and health? body. B. R. B.—Railway's Ready Relief for Headaches, wbs ther sick or nervous; Rheumatism ; Diaz. sheen, Dysentery; Cholera ?Sorbets, Crampt Influenza, Bloody Flux, Paralysis, Lumbago Gout, Neuralgia, Toothache, Small Poi Fevers, Swollen Joints, Kidney Complidnts Scarlet Fever, Pains around the Liver, Plea Gay, Measles, Heartburn, and Pains of al kinds. Radway's Ready Relief will, in a fee minutes, change the miseries you suffer ti joys of pleasure. R. A.R.—Rodney'', Renovating Resolvent, for the ems of chronic diseases--Bush as Scrofulowi am Syphilitic complaints', Consumptive mar other affections of the Lungs and Throat Induration and Enlargements of part: Eruptive and other diseases of the Skin Nodes, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and al other dmeasee arising-(ruin an impure stab of the blood. ll.R.B.—ltadwara Regulators will cure, effective) and speedily, Costiveness, - Indigestion Painter's Cholla, Lead Diseases, Inflaming tion of the Bowels ' Dyspepsia, Liver Gain plaint, Diseaaea of the Heart and Kidneys Female Complaints, Small Pox, Yevera Measles, etc., etc. Whenever the system it out of order, or the blood impure a doss a' Midway's Regulators will restore it to rags larity, and purify and cleanse the blood. NI female amnia be without them. R. IL R. Remedies are sold by Druggists sae Merchants everywhere. RADWAY CO., New York City. W. B. ZlllBlOl, T. W. DTOTT h Box, Agents, Philadelphia. T. A. OALLENDSR, upl&tultsadlyAeowlyr - THE GREAT ,STANDARD REMEDY OF JI THE NINETEENTII CENTURY. TUE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY ING THE BLOOD AND STREIiGTIIENINQ TUE WHOLE SYSTEM. Tho Imperial Dryer:dire, prepared by Dr. Lanes berry & Co., is now acknowledged as the principal Family Medicine for the cure of C4NOSROI7B uleetleos and BOnOFULOIM diseasesgenerally. The success which attends its use in these inveterate diseases has no equal. It is now used in these diseases with complete success, where all other means hare failed. Two or three bot- „ . . ties will satisfy any one of its groat curative propert Fttr Disease and WHITE SWELLING, ULGEnamoNE of the BoNES, 11011Til, THROAT, &o. Its beneficial and healing characteristics are soon observed in these com plaints, No matter of how long standing they may have been, they will yield to the proper use of the .110.11- DEPTIRATIVE in a short time. _ . TRITER and SCALD HEAD will as certainly yield to this medicine as it is used. Thseases of the Skin and all eruptive complaints generally cannot long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial DopuratiVe. Ito Tonic properties, as well as Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength, and value of thill Medicine is unequalled in the cure of all diseases origi nating in an impure condition of Hoe blood. It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the blood and re invigorates the system. Those using the Imperial Depurative and Wishing ad vice in their ease, will receive every attention by otter or otherwlSo. , Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNSBERRY & CO., No 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. F. Long & Co., Laneaste,, Pa. J. R. Reser and 8. 8. Steveritylleading, Pa. Holman & tHarrisburg, Pa. o,' W. Riding, Pottsville, Pa. T. C0.,. 6t C. W: McClintock; Easton, Pa. James Wren, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt & Co., Allentown, Pa. Simon Rau, Bethlehem, Pa. 14, .W. Leslie, Bristol, ifPfegf mak) .„,.:11111afro:',t1kis: ' LktiVADELP. - EVA.Drela ILAITAWAIL ,1" Net! Acca _ mm6datUoa Prosienger Train betive,nitsmstizig.: , And Philadelphia. • - leaves Reeding daft) , (Sundays excepted) at dIS A U j:arriving at - Plilladelphla at 910'A:rift, tint return itng it 4.40 - ,1%1L - - - „:. pass e ngers by this train have, over , 7 hours in Phils before- returning or leaving fOrliew Tint. _ ee44nr --- W MoILUXNNZY, secretary- iIaeHILADELPHIA..AND:REARINGRAIL 4 ROAD—FART FRNIGELT hlNß.—Breight trait* leave the Depot, BROAD Street, below VDUS, daily, foe - Buffalo; Suspension Bri4prOanada; Detrolty- Bbler4go,,. fratvrankie,palena, Dribuquei St Louie, and interuna iThis ifiorttet , route to Clans4a and the. ifik6; Ports, and goods frormded with greater dupla& to the acne points than 17, 171 .4 Oiler route; rsie, or ramie rwiloo us. - A • = • ' clam ad elate..&l ideas. 4th oink Enoeceiett Bridge_9o 70 60 - BMlo' - -"70 - , 60 40 .Dunkirke - '- 99 --- 78 - • , 46 Detroit 21 20 00 - 16 62 -Ohiesee 1 , 40 , - ) 116 ' , 00 ' 1,0 Srert ti p i oinfahrougai by rail 'll the.irSy vinit NdlrSaght.plaellt between rhiledelphia - end iareirli.. Mark geode via 'ffhiledrOplda aso4, Beadhor BaSiroell s arid lead to tt Depdi, frearal otter ! , below Inrieidally„ berovea "" " artier informal:for - oln reprd to this sonteorressa at the tbrengliErelght rielee of the Philadelphia,l 4l 6-.. give, ssol Great Western Liao, B. W. manta awl vaimnivr. , - . deBo-.y • TISififiIAYLVANIA. • - a&D.--TEIC ..11. GREAT OPSTPAIJ WAITE, connecting the At:. wrtio (lithe with ,WeStern, Nortii , weetern, and South, „ t orn Bistro, by." continuous. Railway dires. MN- Rood n.:10 nominate at Pittaburwltwith daily no* of steamers t o en, tam's on, the Wordern a ll , and ea - Cnevalatat. 810 1 3a 041 ,i r g ir l e , t 7 i i zakj.th Shaman Z e at t D 6 'n,or tmc l the Norttejweettein OUZAPEST and REL1...,431., Irooditlid cona be forwarded to and Wool " 8 " RLYAB PlUildilniar.lL ADD MTh. . BURGH. ..- YtsarOuss—Booti, now, Hats, Oapa, Book++, Dry Goode, - , Wen end trunk's), Drage, (in base o _ and halos) Panther*, Van, Ito - •• ,01, lititOtto 01408.—Domentic Shoeldedra Shirting cud Ticklngi - (in original Wes), Drugs (in casks), Umdwere, I,eather, Liquor, (in aiska, l Wall • • Paper, Wool, and Sheep 1-‘ 471,6 3 Zest - ward, aco.leo -. m eat per HOW Temp Cr.earlinrils, Hemp, Baron and Pork, Belted, (loots or in stoke), Palate, (dip - and in oil,) Oils, (neeptlerd and rosin) g dc.. pat 40d 1 - 22 Yount* OLlSS—Ocifee, risk,Bacon Beef, and Pork, (in awake or bran: eastward) . Lard andlard Nina, &ale Arh, Oerman Olnz Tax, Met, Wain, Steel, rderffectured To. ham, Eosin Oil, Oncenswere, b 17114 and bosee,) ike Ic e 40a. per LOO pen bbl. until farther notice. Onetn.-26e. ,7` .. er KO lbs., until further notice. c0rr0x.4.2 yes bale, not annealing SOO lbs. weight. until further notice. shipping goo cn soy point Zan Pleihatel-- Alia'. be particular to t k eg,, , ecireges . € via Pennselvanie Ra tl, ilroad." All Goods wm?. 'd to the Ad enla thl ) at Philedelphla Pittsb2.7al. Win " fOnlardei‘ without detention. 260411713.—01arke & Ea MkT. ; Paster do k. Co, hielnetil.f -Tenn.; LB. Ease & Bt. Loair, Me.; .G. ()Miley A Co., iranarille,lns " In • Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky. ; B. drom2 °her Lc Madison, Indiana ;-• PI. W. Brown . dr. Cc., and Hibbard, Cilleinuatii H. S. Pierce CO, Zane. '""•.. 1 Ohio' Leech & Oe., No. 64 Kilbyotrest, Banton; 1..";" Lc 00., No. 2 Astor House, New Ye k, No., I Williams New York ;Z. ikteeder, Philadelphia ; 1119 dXS* goons, Baltimore; D. A Brewer; Pittaborp,h. H. H. HOUOTOH, General .Preight Agana. H. J. LOMBASHT, den- General Pnrerintendent. Altoona, Pa principal regulators of the performs its tunetfons system are' fully direl4. most entirely dependent the Liver for the proper flows ; when the stomach at fault, and the whole gin= of one organ—The do Its duty. For the diar of the' proprietors h a s practice of more then 20 dy wherewith to iountet , Ments to which it is lie. • - , FORIIA.VANA, via VIIARLSB TON and Any West.—?`he soiondid steam-- ship ISTIRAL, Capt. WlMam. WU/Num NEW 'FORK fur HAVANA, on FRIDAY, Oct tonotlns: at Charleston and Roy West for malls and Vueoreielegh For panne apply to . prozvosp, TILESTON. te; OD , No. 29 Broadway,: OrIORE WAGNER, — • klo. 7 Wont street. - - NOTICE -TO - CONSIGNEES.—The ship NONPARKLL. (*Ulu 0.8. Green, froni Liverpool; is now ready La *Meehan' vat SHIPPER' St.' wharf. Consignees, will - plea e leave their permits with the officer on , W a rd All "goods not permitted within flee days from date will be sent to Public Stores. THOMAS RICHARDSON & 101 WAINTST medy le at last found, any TRH COMPLAINT, in any of bottle, and conflation le morbid or bad matterfrom their place a healthy flow atomacb, caneing food to blood, giving tone and °binary, removing the Tenting a radical cure. • Igl 1E BRITISH and NORTH AMERIOLN J. ROYAL MAIL -STILLIWIEJPS. oared, and, what is be:- caalonel coo of the Llama 'Older Cabin Pauage Sxf ond Oabth Paasage " is imffielent tanners the food from rising sad sour- Ohlef Cabin Peerage._ Seorrad Cabin Fresno. . .. , The ships from Barton call at Halifax. -, ' Man, Oapt. Jadklna. - OANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA', Capt. B. atone.- AIIABIOA, Oapt.Wi - ASIA - , Capt. B. G. Lott. -- NIAGARA, Oapt.Byrie. - AFRICA, Ospt. Shannon. SIIROPA„ Capt. J. Leitch. Theee vessels oarry a clear white light at nuist.hesd; green on starboardlow ; red en port bow. CANADA, Lana. leaves Boston, Wednesday, Septa: AF/11014., 3111hdon, ..g H:Tork,Weduesday, Sept. la. ASIA, Lott, - .st Boston:ednesday, Sept. 22. PERSIA, andkins e , N.Tede, Wednesday, Sept. re. Berths not secured until paid for.- .... . An experienced Surgeon on board; The owners of these Raps will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Spode Jewelry, Freeland Stone* or Metals, unless Ws of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. .for freight or paaeage apply to - Sea -y B CUNARD. 4 Bowling Green. H. York. berore retiring, prevents night, toluene the bowel' TI9SAIBI3. - each meal, will cure Dm. teaspoonfuls will always male obstruction removes and makes &perfect cure. ately relieves OnoLz 0, peated, is a sure care for preventive of CHOLXSA. needed to throwont of the Moine after a _long sick for J&UNDIC remoics al color from the akin. • time before eating gi►es makes food digest srell.- ed, cores Comm Das. while 5C1111612 mad Boma. to the first dose.- i: .F.4'. .gel'NELsyTc.' - ' 4 .6.1 . ,,,F . L — 1LE - G00DS itY.CEIYED AND BILLS LADINEt SIGNED EVERY BAY. attacks csased by Wcrnms surer safer, or speedier never fails. DfIOPSY, by exalting the Freight and Allowance at less than by steamship• liEIYSTOIIII ST ' , TB? 011r1011 0, P. litershulan, to sail Saturday, Sept, 18th, from second •barf show Vine street. For further particulars' please seoadvertisement of Steamship "KEYSTONE STATE," In this paper. , For freight or passage apply to - • . A. HERON, Tx., sale • 828 Mirth Whar;ea. commending this maiI %IMES and AGIIII, Cliru, a Ilicrous TYPE. ' It °pa. thousands are willing to virtues. , 'FOR RICHMOND, via Norfolk sad CITY POINT—PALL ARRANGE MENT—TWICE A WEEK—UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE OF- STEAMSHIPS TO BAIL EVERY WEDNESDAY AND tATILEDAY, et 8 A • H., UNTIL FIIRTHEIL NOTIOE.• VIRGINIA, Captain J. R. Kelley. P.ENNSYLVAa/A, Captain Teal. CITY OF mcasioD, Captain These tine steamships will Bait as above. Thej are handsomely fitted up for passengers, having saloons on deck ; are provided with Francis's Metallic Life Moats, Life Preservers, &o. and no pains or expense spared for the comfort and safety or passengers, and the protection of good.. This Line offers the quickest, cheapest, and Most comfortable route for pessengers, and is In advance or arty other for despatch and economy for freight TO THB INTERIOR 0 v V/HOINZA, NORTH CAROLINA, AND TENNERRE NO TILAN6BIPMENT BY THIS LINE. Passim, to.ltickoome , or .eterabrarg,fB; meals to- Passage to Norfolk . , $6; meals Included. •THODIA3 WBBSTk. Jr. General Agent, au2l-11n No. 14 NORTH wilmtvgs. FOR OIiAItLESTON ANL SA VANNAH -HUMPS LINN. GOODS ILNONITED AN - D.DILLS ON LADING BIONND . . - - RY.PAY -DAY, - The splendid first.elass aide-wheel Steamships ERYSTONE RTAT3II and STATIC OP GROWLS., , Dow form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 &cloc ma k A. M., &Remotely for oharleston and Sa• Toh. _ - The KEIT9TONE SPATZ. Captain Charles P. 11 arsh man, will sail for Charleston on - The sTATN OT GXORGIA, Capt. John J. Garvin. will oomnienee loading - on - Thursday, Sept 213 d, and sail for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday, Sept. 75th, at l - &cloak 6X. - • -- At both Charleston and Barannah,thess shlpsoonneat , with steal:Sera Tor 'Florida and Havana,- and with rail roads, for ►ll planes to the South and Southwest. • Heavy 'Freight at an average of 16 per Dent. below New York Mean:whip vitals. ' INIFORANOIL YEZIGHT and INBURA.IIOII on a large propotlion of goals. shipped South will be found to be lower by these !hips than vessels. passage.... Steerage do. BUSE/MOD Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills or lading signed after the &hip has mile& for freight or peerage, apply to A. HBRAN, Pr.. No. as ( late Si) North Wharves. Agents at Oharleaton,T. 8. A T. G. DODD. Agents in Savannah, C. A. GAMY= ea CO. /or Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, eiery Tneadai. For Florida, from Savannah, dement BT. mewls and BT. PORNO, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, hum Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and,/9th of ',Very month. jell. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER •• - POOL; BELFAST, LUBLIN, and LONDON DES: • Y, without delay, for 30 dollars. Return tickets; good for six months, to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. IntOx NAV 'MI. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 12 o'elock, Edinburgh, Cumming, July 24, Glasgow, Goodwin, August 7, 1f01101.4.110011% Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, Moldillan Wadnesday, August 11. Edinburgh, Gumming Saturday, Aug. 14. EASES D 1 PASSAGE. 11.10 K OLLSGOW. • lirst Class 16 gaining Steerage, found with cooked provisions g " 1101( MIR YOWL First Chas - 115 00 fiteerag.e, found with cooked 'wallah= . .. 80 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; Infants in Steerage, free. ' Return tickets leallable within six months, by any steamer of this line. Rot Olass . • ' sus so Steerage 100 00 'An experieneed Surgeon al taehed to each Steamer. - /for freight or passage apply to - WORKMAN A 00.,123 WALNUT Street, Pknadel pkta. ROBRET OBalo, if Broadway, New York. HALL Os LOBBY, Buchanan's Wharf, Werner*. sant - ,IAMBPORT, -IEIAY'S HOTEL, WILL LNG UNTY, Pa. The undersigned ham purchased YCOM the larg C e O and elegant building, corner of THIRD and PINE Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and bay enlarged and rented it in a superior style. Williamsport is one of the most delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania, and his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, aa well The traveller as to those citi zens of the metropolis who desire to pass an agreeable time during the heated term of the summer. Ills omnibus rune from hid Hotel to the Packet and Railroad Depots free of charge. jy2B.3m W. H. HAY, Proprietor. SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delightful Bummer Boort will be opened for the recaption of :Platters on the 16th of Jane, and kept open until the let of October. ,The neir and spacious Buildings last year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has been furnished in Superior style, and the accommoda tions will be Or a character not excelled in any part of the ijnited /Hates. The Hotel will be Under the management of Mr. A. 4. AILBN, whoseerience,courteous Manners, and a tt ent i on t o hie guests , give the amplestnesurazioe of comfort and kind treatment. In 'addition to the other mean of SOCONI, it le deemed proper to state that passengers an reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Ohambersburg. TheCompany,bwee made eilanalre arrangements to supply dealers slid malridtals with Bedford Water , ' by the barrel, carboy, and, in battles, at the following prices, at the Bprings"ris Nor a barrel (inulbery) 84 0O Do. osh) 00 N Do. ( (Mulberry) 800 CarboCarbo Do. (oaky 200 y,, y, 10 , gatIona 225 Bottleo,lg pint, per desert 1 BO The barrels are carefully. prepared, so that ,par. Amen may,d4ons bra rs oe lvfins the, Wu MO - and sweet. " " An communications should be addressed to VIA oglniVaD muunua, BPBINOB 00. TrinitN Dflifqi Math Cif ~py:nl~t~ PIOII NIA TOMS TO LITZ:STOOL. $lBO , fftMMEI 7/1101[ 306 . 1011 to Linntroom. 12=1111110 POR OriARLRBTOR /OR EILVANNAIf ~ i~zl~~~ ~r~1;i:~;1~7~i:~~2 RENE .enutinzr ROOM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers